• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,319 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 25 - Reasons

Chapter 25 - Reasons

Greywing stood watching Sunbeam intently as she looked down at something behind the bush. The overturned wagon lay a few meters away, propped up against one of the trees around them.

“Anything down there?” Called down Twilight from the road above them, a trail of debris and broken saplings marking the route of the wagon as it had crashed down the side of the ridge.

Keeping her eyes on whatever was behind the bush, Sunbeam called back up.

“Whatever happened, happened a while ago.” Lifting her gaze, she looked Greywing in the eye. “There's nothing to be done here.” Sunbeam walked around the bush and started back up the steep incline towards the road.

Greywing took a step towards the bush, only to find Sunbeam's hoof on his chest. With a shake of her head, she leaned in and whispered into his ear.

“We’re not in Equestria anymore. You don’t need to see… They had fun.”

Lowering her hoof, Sunbeam continued back up the incline. Greywing eye’s widened as he stared at the bush.

‘Who are you Sunbeam? Why are you helping me? Everything would be so much easier if you weren't helping me.’

He took a step towards the bush.

‘And thank you.’

Turning, he followed Sunbeam back up to the others.

- - - - - - - -

Closely examining the two guards who stood outside Princess Celestia’s personal chambers, Shining Armour was pleased to note that while both were presentable for such a duty, it was not at the expense of combat effectiveness. His push for placing fighting readiness above the traditional parade ground spit 'n' polish for important posts was starting to gain ground, especially in light of the current events. Giving the guards the smallest of nods, he turned his attention to the white double doors and knocked politely as both guards relaxed imperceptibly as his attention left them.

“Come in captain.”

The guard on the right opened his door as the other adopted a ‘ready’ position with his spear, angling it so it pointed down the corridor.

Marching in before bowing, Shining tried not to show his surprise at seeing Princess Luna, sipping a cup of coffee, sitting opposite Princess Celestia in the main room.

“Your highness's.”

‘It’s early afternoon, what’s Princess Luna doing up?’ Spotting the tired look of the Princess, he amended his thoughts. 'Or is that 'still up'?'

The guard closed the door behind him with a soft click as the other guard returned to his original stance.

Celestia watched the door shut before turning her attention to Shining. “Captain, we have a problem.”


‘They both look tired, oh this can’t be good.’

Celestia inclined her head towards her sister. “It would be best if Luna explained.”

Shooting Celestia a glace, Luna turned to face Shining.

“Captain, what I am about to divulge I do so only as the pony wanted it. And even so, I am still uncomfortable in doing so.”

Shining nodded.

“Last night in the dreamscape I comforted a very troubled mind.” Luna closed her eyes. “The mind was extremely distressed, a recent event repeating over and over, causing much anguish to it. Upon my intervention, and it’s subsequent becoming aware of me, the mind was most insistent on it’s attempt to pass on information. However, in its still distressed state, the information I received from it was fragmented at best.”

Opening her eyes, Luna’s looked into his eyes, and in Shining opinion, into his soul.

“The mind woke before it was able to pass on all the information, but I was able to interpret enough for the implications to vastly trouble me.” Luna took a breath. “Captain, the Bearers never met up with the Lunar Guard unit meant to be escorting them.”

Shining’s rear gave way and he sat down.


“I have since found out that the Luna Guard never received the orders to rendezvous with the Bearers. Further Captain, the Bearers decided to continue their mission, towards a new destination. The details of which was, unfortunately, part of the missing information.”

“Y-your Highnesses, we must…” Shining glanced out the window at the early evening light.

‘If this happened this morning...’

His next thoughts came out loud.

“Why wasn’t I…” Slapping a hoof over his mouth, he bowed his head. “My apologies…”

Raising an eyebrow, Celestia addressed the captain in a haughty voice. “Captain Armour, my sister and I can actually run my country without needing to keep you informed. For hours at a time even.”

“Again my aplo…”

Celestia waved off the apologies with a grin.

“You are too easy Shining. Twilight is your sister, I would think less of you if you weren’t concerned.”

Luna gave a sharp nod. “Indeed. Anyway, as soon as I came out of the dreamscape I sent some Lunar Guard off to the rendezvous point to check on my suspicions, they got back a little while ago. While it would appear that Princess Twilight did leave an encoded letter, with what we presume, all their new plans... this letter had been mostly destroyed by local wildlife. It would seem that the bearers had gathered food before leaving, and this in turn drew in that local wildlife in after they had left. What was left of the letter gave us no new information and all the activity by the wildlife prevented the scouts from being able to find the Bearers trail.”

Luna leaned forward.

“But you can rest easy Captain, I will be attempting to contact the mind again tonight.” Luna sat back, a tired look on her face “Given the type of distress it is under, I anticipate that I will be a frequent visitor in the coming nights.” Luna trailed off for a second. “I also have reason to believe that the mind’s judgment has become clouded, not enough to be directly dangerous, but perhaps enough to unwittingly place lives in danger.” Turning to look at Celestia, Luna pointed her hoof at her sister. “My priority tonight will be finding the destination details and restoring the minds judgement, at least to an acceptable level. The Lunar Guard should then be able to meet up with Bearers at that destination, if they don’t spot them enroute earlier.”

Feeling some of his tension drain, Shining let a breath out before looking at Luna with a puzzled expression. “Do you know who...”

Luna stamped a hoof. “Do not ask me who the mind belongs to Captain!” She narrowed her eyes at him. “If they tell you their dreams, that is their own free will. I will not tell a ponies dreams to anypony else. I already feel I am violating that rule as is. I am sure you would not appreciate the content of your dreams being made public.” Luna glanced around the room, settling on Celestia for an instant.

‘Did Luna just wink at… oh buck…’

“Captain Armour.”

Shining jumped at Princess Celestia’s sudden addressing of him.

“Your sister has been on such adventures before, as have the rest of the Bearers. They have Sergeant Greywing as an escort, a Miss Sunbeam as a guide and the Lunar Guard should be with them tomorrow. I ask you to focus on the task I have for you here and now.”

Realising he had sat down in the presence of the Princesses without invitation, Shining scrambled back to an attention stance. Neither Princess had, gracefully, chosen to comment on the fact.

“Captain Armour, your task is to find out what happened to the orders meant for the Lunar Guard. How they went missing, if they were intercepted and how we can prevent it happening again. I task you with finding out what went wrong.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “I am personally interested in this and you have my full authority to act.” Celestia winked at him. “Try not to scare too many of my little ponies senseless in the process though.”

- - - - - - - -

Unfurling the map, Twilight examined it as it floated vertically in front of her. Sunbeam, looking over her shoulder much to Twilights annoyance, pointed at the map.

“Yep, I’d say tomorrow, about midday, we should get there.”

Resisting an un-princessly urge to swat to Sunbeam with her wing, Twilight nodded before rolling the map back up and inserting it back into her saddlebags.

“How are the supplies doing Applejack?”

“I’d say we got just about enough for breakfast, then that’ll be it sugar.”

Twilight nodded.

‘We should get to the mining outpost and purchase supplies before things become a problem then.’

Stretching out one wing a time, Twilight took a bit longer with the right wing, trying to get rid of a knot in her muscles she’d been feeling all day. Doing so, she looked around the woodland clearing that was to be their campsite for the night. She idly noted that all the colours seemed duller, but all the details sharper.

‘Must be an optical illusion, but Equestria does feel so close and such a long way away at the same time. An interesting paradox...’

The thought reminding her, she turned her head to look at Sunbeam as Sunbeam got out her bed roll.

‘You need to do this Twi, you need to speak to her. Oh I so don’t want to do what I think I’m going to have to do.’

“Sunbeam!” Twilight hadn’t meant for the word to come out so harshly.

Her bedroll laid out and her sleeping bag floating in midair, Sunbeam glanced at them before looking at Twilight.

“Look sorry Twi, but I’m the one carrying them, so I’m gonna use them and…”

Waving a hoof, Twilight shook her head.

“Nothing to do with that. Can I have a word, in private, please?”

Turning, Twilight made a ‘follow me’ gesture and headed off into the woodland without looking to see if Sunbeam was following.

With a puzzled expression, Sunbeam set down her sleeping bag, shrugged, and trotted after her.

Watching them both go off into the woods, Greywing sat chewing his lip. Trying to make a decision. ‘Rainbow! Rainbow is in the Wonderbolts, that’s a military unit so she’s had military training, she’ll be best to ask.’

With a flap of his wings, he took off towards Rainbow, landing nearby. “Rainbow, can I talk to you for a minute.”

Currently wrestling with a cloud she’d brought down to ground level to sleep on, Rainbow stopped and looked up at him.

“What’s up?”

“Can I talk to you… over there.” Greywing pointed into the woods, in the opposite direction that Twilight and Sunbeam had gone.

Looking back down at the cloud, giving it one final stamp with a hoof, she flew over and hovered next to Greywing’s side, giving him a playful nudge.

“Can’t resist all this awesome eh?”

With a shake of his head, Greywing walked off into the woods. With Rainbow flying behind him, pulling faces behind his back.

Watching them head off, Rarity leaned towards Applejack with a sly grin.

“It would seem that everypony is having not-so-secret liaisons.”

Applejack harrumphed.

“Don’t think that Twi or Sunny’s barn door swings that way. And if Greywing actually tries anything with Rainbow… OOO wee, that black eye of his will be the least of his worries.”

Reaching up, she went to pull down the brim of her hat, only to find it missing.

She scowled. “That guard mare better be keeping good care of ma hat.”

Rarity nodded. “I do believe that you made the consequences quite clear if she didn’t. If fact I’d be surprised if that poor mare can get any sleep at all until she returns it.”

- - - - - - - -

Sunbeam sat in silence, following Twilight with her head as she paced backward and forward in front of her. Finally stopping, Twilight turned to face Sunbeam, pointing an accusing hoof at her.

“You! You are not a citizen of Equestria are you!”

Twilight waved off any answer before Sunbeam could open her mouth.

“Rhetorical question. Lots of little things just don’t add up about you, which, to my shame, I never saw before. Certain behavior patterns. Lack of, or just plain wrong, knowledge of things foals should know. And lets not to mention your fear of the Princesses.” Twilight resumed her pacing. “If taken separately, all easily ignored... mostly. But put everything together with recent revelations... it is now abundantly clear to me that you are not an Equestrian citizen.”

Stopping, Twilight glared at Sunbeam. “I like to be kept informed of ponies that emigrate to Equestria, especially those moving to Ponyville." Twilight paused. "I like to talk to them and gain first hoof knowledge of other cultures, in case I ever need it on diplomatic duties, I hasten to add.” Taking a breath, she turned to face Sunbeam. “Taking it as a given that you are not from Equestria and I have received no such notifications of emigration about you. You’ve never been through emigration… have you?”

Sunbeam shook her head. “I thought…”

Twilight cut in. “You thought that you could just turn up, get a job and stay in Equestria?”

Sunbeam just nodded mutely.

“Immigration visas, evaluations, letters of recommendation, the dangerous-pony test… all these are needed for a pony to stay in Equestria. While we have some of the laxest laws anywhere in the world regarding that…”

‘Apart from the ‘dangerous ponies act’ that is...Ugh, not the time or place Twilight!’

The soft ground meant that Twilight’s hoof-stamp didn’t generate the noise she felt the situation required.

“We still have them! You can’t just come in and… argh! Proper procedure needs to be… should have been observed.” Twilight rubbed her eyes. “There is a small, and unfortunately vocal, set of nobles in Canterlot that would have a field day with this. They want nothing more than close our borders...'Equestria for Equestrians, come in stealing our jobs, letting potential murderers in, etcetera’.” She sing-songed. “They would hold you up as an example for all to see.”

Sunbeam flinched at the thought. “Well, I had hoped to stay.”

‘I like it here, I have friends here and…uh what?’

Watching Sunbeam, Twilight noted her head pull back and her eyes start to blink rapidly. ‘Good, she must realise just how bad this is.’

Clearing her throat, Twilight got Sunbeam’s attention again.

“Look, when we get back from this mission, ponies up in Canterlot will be picking it apart as things obviously went wrong. They will be looking into every little detail of it, which includes you, and they will quickly find out that you are not in Equestria legally. After that, everything is going to get really messy, really quickly. For all of us... But especially you.” Lowering her head, Twilight’s ears fell back. “I really don’t want to do this, and I mean really that, but given the situation, I don’t see any other choice…”

- - - - - - - -

Sitting down, Greywing waited for Rainbow to finish her lazy backflip before speaking.

“Rainbow, can I ask you a question?”

“As long as it's not the one about where foals come from.” A mischievous smile forming on Rainbows face as she winked at him. “Cause I might tell you…”

“No! Ahem… this is a serious question Rainbow.”

With a roll of her eyes, Rainbow landed and neatly folded her wings away, giving Greywing a bored look.

“What do you think of Sunbeam? From a military perspective I mean.” He added quickly, seeing Rainbow’s eyes narrow at the question.

Relaxing, Rainbow rubbed her chin. “Well, I do know she took on six timberwolves.” A sly smile formed on Rainbow’s face. “Five successfully. Lets see, she knows combat magic which is not widely taught, according to Twi that is. I do know her sneaking-up-ponies skills are awesome, she snuck on Pinky Pie and me, Pinky for bucks.. ahem, for goodness sake.” Rainbow shook her head. “Overall…” Rainbow looked up towards the tree canopy in thought. “Based on the training I’ve had… I would say she’s had extensive training, in some areas and very little in others. Good in fieldcraft, bad at working in a team for a common goal.” Smirking, Rainbow pointed her hoof at Greywing’s eye. “Or taking orders.”

Bringing a hoof up, Greywing gently rubbed around his bruised eye. “Do you think she’s dangerous though?”

Rainbows tone turned flat. “Dangerous? Why?”

“I don’t like unknowns close to Princess Twilight.”

Greywing shifted uneasily. ‘And what I’ve learned just increases the amount I realise I don’t know about her.’

Shrugging, Rainbow fixed a glare onto him. “Hey, you were the one that drafted her remember, it’s a little late to be worried about that now.”

Watching Greywing struggle for words, Rainbow gave the subject some hard-learned reflection. 'Ugh, I don't like where this is going, I like Sunbeam! But, we are on a mission and I mustn't let personal feelings get in the way, Spitfire says so. I guess I better leave before... just before somepony gets another black eye.'

Rainbow interrupted Greywing just as he was about to speak. “Look fun as this is, I gotta go get back to my bed before it floats off, and I want a comfy bed tonight.” Rainbow turned and started flying back to the campsite. Pausing she looked over her shoulder. “If she is dangerous, then its the right kind the dangerous. Which we need a little more of in Equestria in my opinion.”

Sitting there, Greywing watched Rainbow go, dodging in between the trees, as she flew back to the campsite.

‘Well, I’m the one who has to explain to Shining Armour why his sister got hurt if this goes wrong. Also, I doubt the Princesses will be happy if I let anything happen to one of their number. Got to be so careful… Why isn't anything clear!’

Greywing sat there shaking his head from side to side, trying to clear it.

‘Damnit Sunbeam, who are you? I can’t just go up to Twilight and say ‘Sunbeam mistook the blood of the pony I killed for coffee stains but said in such a way I’m now suspicious of her. Please ignore that fact that your personal assistant is now a killer’... Yeah that’ll go down well.’

Greywing closed his eyes, the squelching sound of his knife as it went into the ponies throat played out in the confines of his head.

‘Maybe, maybe she hasn’t done anything bad. Maybe she worked somewhere where blood was around… Wait! No, she was too calm about it, somepony turning up with blood over them... Argh, I can’t focus.’

Greywing brought a hoof up and hit his temple several times.

‘Think, dammit, think. If I voice my suspicions, I’ll have to tell Twilight why then she’ll send me away. But I’ve got to tell somepony, I have to report it.’

His eyes opened as a flicker of hope came to life.

‘That’s it, that’s it. I’ll report it all in my debrief. Ponies with higher authority than me can decide what to do with the information. Twilight need never know.’

The flicker became a fire.

‘I just need to keep an eye on Sunbeam, besides, she hasn’t done anything wrong and she’s had ample opportunity to so. She’s even been trying to help me, heck, she didn’t even want to come on this mission. Rainbow said so...’ A grin formed. ‘Yes, yes yes. It’s so clear now. All I need to do is keep an eye on Sunbeam and gather information for the higher ups to make a decision. They will probably even order me not to tell Twilight anything.’

Greywing could feel the tension evaporate from between his shoulderblades as a way out of his dilemma formed.

“It’s all going to be okay.”

The grin faltered at the memory of a squelching sound.

- - - - - - - -

Sunbeam stared at Twilight. “Seriously, you can just do... that?”

Keeping her head bowed, Twilight nodded.

Looking for the words, Sunbeam just shook her head. “Twilight, I…”

Lunging at Twilight, Twilight managed a startled squeak before Sunbeam’s forehooves wrapped around her. A minute passed before Sunbeam let Twilight go, looking a little embarrassed.

“Ahem. Thank you Twilight! Yes, I accept. So, I’m an Equestrian citizen as of now? No testing required?” A slight, but nevertheless genuine, smile formed. “Having been through all those...’ Sunbeam’s eye barely twitched at the word, “therapy... sessions you insisted I attend, I know what a stickler for procedure you are and how hard breaking the rules is for you.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably.

“Bending the rules! I’m just bending the rules… a lot.” Looking round, Twilight wore a worried expression, as if expecting an outraged Princess to jump out of the woodland at the mere suggestion. ‘I’m not breaking rules, I’m not breaking the rules.’

“So that all there is to it then?”

Twilight shook her head vigorously. “Not by a long shot. My decree is worthless to you without the paperwork to back it up. That is where the problem is going to be, forcing it through the bureaucracy.”

Twilight’s head fell. “I don’t mind paperwork that serves a purpose but… Ugh, the needless paperwork and forms they are going to throw at me, the fighting, the in-fighting, the ‘but-we’ve-always-done-it-this-way’ arguments, the passive-aggressive memos.” Twilight paused, looking up and glaring as some unseen opponent. “They are going to fight me every step of the way on this, just because I want it.” Twilight's head fell again, almost touching the ground this time. “You have no idea how much trouble they can cause... no open conflict, just deliberate misinterpretations, lost or delayed reports, sneaky behind-the-scenes sabotage. All the while they act all proper and innocent…” Twilight sounded close to tears at this point.

Walking over to Twilight, Sunbeam placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Ballards will be sung of your bravery in mead halls up and down the land, for taking on such a foul beast.”

Twilight gave a snort. “Change ‘mead halls’ to ‘meetings and seminars’ and you may be right.”

Lifting her head, she gave Sunbeam a tired look. “This is all because I suggested several changes to the Princess that made for a more efficient system within the bureaucracy itself. The Princess was overjoyed and got them to implement it... forced them to implement it. In doing so the number of ponies needed in each department was cut almost in half.” Her voice faded. “In one fell swoop I set the precedent that destroyed both the job-for-life culture and virtually all personal fiefdoms within the bureaucracy itself. Most just up and left, even when offered alternative employment..." Her voice became almost inaudible. "They all hate me so much, when all I was trying to do was improve the system and share the workload evenly.” Twilight’s voice held more than a hint of bitterness at this point. “Anything I do now they automatically try to block, no matter how worthy it may be... You know, I’d prefer to fight Sombra and all his dark illusions again rather than face that bunch of back-stabbing, soulless, mother-buckers ever again.”

Twilight’s hoof shot to her mouth, her face turning bright red, as she realisation of what she’d said sank in.

Giving a knowing nod, while trying not to snort at Twilights now crimson face, Sunbeam’s voice was filled with empathy. “I know the feeling, somewhat. Worked with useless allies before, got to work with them and you can’t just make them… go away.”

Twilight ran a hoof over her head. “Maybe… If I can keep this quiet, go through channels, I have a chance that they won’t catch on until it’s too late.”

“So, we’re all keeping this a secret then?”

“It's not keeping a secret, it's just… it's just… Look this is going to be delicate work and certain ponies are not known for their discretion or tact. Certain rainbow maned ponies, for instance, might be tempted to fly in and start making demands and or threats, ruining delicately laid plans.”

“Why Twi, are you insinuating that Rainbow Dash lacks… tact?” Twilight marveled at Sunbeam’s straight face as she said this.

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. “Pah, I’m insinuating nothing, I’m outright saying it: ‘Rainbow Dash, wonderful pony that she is, has less tact than a manticore with a thorn in its paw’. Whats more, I am in a position to be able to do a comparative analysis on the subject. I can prove that point.”

Sunbeam lowered her head and sniggered as Twilight turned to leave.

“Twi! Wait!” Sunbeam pawed the ground nervously. “You said that they will be picking this whole bucked up mission apart afterwards. Ummm, might be a good idea to steer as many questions about me, away from me, if that makes sense. Just a thought.”

“That is a good idea, I was planning something along those lines anyway.”

Walking up to Twilight, Sunbeam gave her an awkward hug.

“Yes I know... I'm a bad hugger. But seriously Twi, thank you. I do appreciate what you are trying to do for me. ” Sunbeam let go. “Go on, I’ll catch up in a sec.”

Watching Twilight head off Sunbeam’s horn glowed and a sound suppression field surrounded her.

Sitting back, balancing on her hindquarters, she threw her forelegs out wide, her head pointing upwards.

“Finally! A break!”

Holding the position for a minute, she fell back forward onto her forehooves.

“I think.”

Letting the field dissipate, she trotted after Twilight.

- - - - - - - -

Greywing sat the edge of the campsite, looking into the woodlands as the last of the light slowly faded.

“You okay?”

Greywing swung his head round to find Sunbeam sat there, a concerned look on her face.

“You’ve been sat at the edge of the camp for a while, staring off into space. I may be not the picture-post-foal for social interaction, but I can see that you’re… ugh, nevermind. Look, talk to me, I’m not completely emotionally crippled.”

‘Not completely.’ Her inner voice added.

‘I’m fine, thank you.”

“That’s horseapples! No you are not! Even I can see that, and when I can see things like that, things have gotten very bad indeed.” Sunbeam’s voice dropped. “I think you’re sliding into a place you really don’t want to go. Trust me on this.” Sunbeam prodded him. “Stay here, I’ll be right back with something that might help.”

Greywing watched as Sunbeam trotted over to her saddlebags. ‘See, she’s still trying to help you, she’s can’t be all bad.’

Sunbeam searched through her saddlebags. ‘Can’t believe I’m sharing my emergency supplies with him but I don’t wanna die because he froze up in combat having a what-have-I-done-moment. Ah, got it’.

Walking back over to him, she levitated up the hip flask and shook it with a sloshing sound.

“Mental armour.”

“I think… I think that it would actually be a good idea.”

Grabbing the flask he took a good slug of it.

Fixing a stare on him, Sunbeam levitated up a small bag of green powder with white flecks in it.

“This will help you sleep, and sleep well. Oh don’t look at me like that! Its not what you think. It’s called Night Owl’s Slumber, a herbal sleeping powder that Zecora makes for me. Totally non-addictive and half dose will last about a week. All it does in enhance your natural sleep, so you wake up feeling refreshed and alert every morning. You wont have to worry about lack of sleep affecting your judgement... and I think a few good nights sleep will help you put everything into perspective. Chill out. Give you time to process…” Sunbeam waved a hoof vaguely. “Things. And even if doesn’t, a good nights sleep in itself certainly won't hurt.”

Leaning in, Sunbeam whispered into Greywing’s ear. “It doesn’t artificially keep you asleep either, the same triggers that would normally wake you up, still wake you up, in case you need to… you know… wake up in hurry.”

Sunbeam tapped a hoof on his chest. “All of which means you’ll be in a lot better position to be able to defend Twi if need be. That’s what you really want isn’t it? Oh and as a side benefit, it stops... mostly stops... nightmares. What’d ya say?”

- - - - - - - -

Looking around the dreamscape, Luna stamped a hoof as the night drew to a close.

“Where are you Greywing?”

Author's Note:

First off, 'Chapter 3 - Mountains' now revised (final revision as of 20th Jan)

Who knew that writing a new chapter AND re-doing an old one would take so long. I must admit that mainly the new chapter took the time. Had problems with character interactions. I was going to have Rainbow suggesting to Greywing that Sunbeam was a spy... and that would explain all her behavior. My cliche meter exploded at the prospect, which I interpreted to be bad sign, so I quickly ditched that idea.

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