• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 27 - Past Sins

Chapter 27 - Past Sins

“Really? You’ve never heard of Icefang?” Keepsake paused in collecting the plates from the table.

“I’m afraid not. She seems…” Twilight tried to find an appropriate word as she glanced over at the table with Icefang. “Boisterous?”

Keepsake leaned in and whispered. “You’re all best to keep away from that one, if you want to live that is. The stories we’ve heard about her would chill your blood. I do wish I could stay and tell you, but I’m still on duty for another few hours until midnight.”

“Aww, c’mon. After starting a story like that, you can’t leave us hangin’.” Whined Rainbow.

“I suppose it could come under the heading of information gathering.” Twilight pondered out loud tapping her chin.

Rarity sniffed. “Well I, for one, have no interest in what an uncouth ruffian gets up to.”

“She does seem rather scary.” Added Fluttershy.

Keepsake nodded. “You have no idea… Look, I have to get going. What say I send Dusty Beam over when I see him. He knows all the juicy gossip about her.”

Sunbeam didn’t look up from her hooves. “Can’t wait.”

- - - - - - - -

Everypony’s jaw hung open. Their ears pinned flat back in disbelief at what Dusty Beam had just said. Everypony apart from Sunbeam that is, who just held her face in her hooves, her elbows resting on the table.

Twilight leaned in over the table. “You’re kidding, you’re kidding right!”

Dusty Beam waved a hoof “Shhh, not so loud. But yes, a thief, a murder, a bandit, a stone cold killer. She boasts about killing Marshal Boulder and her Deputy, Petal. She boasts about doing a lot worse.” Dusty swallowed. “I was there, she just walked up to the Marshal when she was eating and… She used a wood axe… and kept on using it even after… She tells us what she did to Petal was even worse.”

Seven sets of eyes turned to look at Icefang. Sunbeam just kept hers looking into her hooves. ‘Low profile… Low profile. Crowded bar, You… are in… a crowded… bar. No retiring ponies in a crowded bar!’

Pinkie spoke first, her mane lacking its normal bounce. “But she looks so normal. Just a normal pony having a normal drink. How can a pony do that sort of thing and look so, so… normal?”

Applejack nodded, a slight paling of her face her only visible reaction. “I suppose that sorta thing doesn’t show on the outside Pinkie. On the farm I’ve had to…” Applejack didn’t finish the sentence.

Rainbow put her wing around a cringing Fluttershy and pulled her tight. “It’s okay Flutters, if she tries anything, she gotta come through me first. Remember, I’m a Wonderbolt.”

Sunbeam nodded as she kept looking into her hooves. ‘A cadet Wonderbolt Rainbow. And I can hear the tremor in your voice.’

Fluttershy looked on the point of tears to Rainbow and even seated next to her, Rainbow could only make out some of what Fluttershy was saying. “Some animals that come to me are too badly injured… I’m a bad pony when I have to… But to boast about it… Monster!” Fluttershy shook her head and curled up smaller. “She’s just a monster.”

Pinkie hadn’t stopped looking at Icefang, Applejack reached over and turned her head back to the table. “Pinkie, some ‘animals’ don’t like being stared at.”

Pinkie just nodded glumly. “But she looks so normal, a pony that does that has no right to look normal. They should look different.”

Sunbeam lifted her head from her hooves and glanced round at her back.

Rarity tossed her head, her voice tight and clipped. “I don’t know why they let such a pony in here, or why they sit around doing nothing about it. I find their lack of action simply shocking, why she should be dragged out of here and incarcerated immediately.”

A round of nods met that statement. Even Fluttershy, half hidden under Rainbow’s wing, nodded. Even Sunbeam nodded. ‘I thought my… -the- bounty might add some incentive to do something. I wonder how much it is? Should I ask?’

Dusty glanced left and right before leaning forward. “No pony does anything because everypony is scared of her. I mean outright terrified. The only reason we’re all in here, drinking with her, is that she’d take offence if she had to drink alone. She said so.” Dusty shivered. “A few months ago she was just another two bit criminal, but when they thought they’d captured her in over in Creek-lake it all changed.”

Sunbeam’s eye twitched. ‘Two-bit criminal? Thank you very much! And they did capture me... I still don’t like you Miss Scarlet by the way. Anyway, what changed?’

“... After that, some waitress drugged her food…”

‘Goodness! They got a detail right. Glad I’m sat down.’’

“And then thirty guards set off with Icefang in a cage.”

‘Thirty! Try thirteen. I should know, I was sat on my flank in that damned cage counting them enough times. My flank was sore for ages afterwards, I swear that guy was -aiming- for every pothole.’

“The party sent to escort them the final part of the way found what was left. Icefang had shattered the lock to her cage and had slaughtered everypony.”

‘Two… I killed two. With a third that may have lived, if she’d got to medical attention quick enough, mind you… Wait what did he say?’

“Oh yes, as I said, she didn’t just kill them, she torn them apart. Bits of them were scattered everywhere.”

‘The Diamond dogs did that! Not me. I had -nothing- to do with that!’

“When they tried to collect… everything. They couldn’t find any of the unicorn’s horns or any of the pegasus wings. Even some of the earth ponies hooves were missing! The rumor is that she took them...”

‘What the buck would I want those things for? Aside from the gross value, unnecessary weight.’

“...For offerings to her demon lovers.”

“What!?” Sunbeam’s exclamation got not only everypony on her table, but several ponies from nearby tables, to turn and look at her. Tapping her chest and coughing, Sunbeam waved a hoof at Dusty Beam. “Excuse me, please continue.”

Dusty Beam collected his thoughts for a moment. “Oh yes, that’s why everypony is terrified of her. She sold her soul for demonic powers. With that power she can, and will, do terrible things to you. That is why everypony is terrified of her, that is why nopony does anything. They're… we’re, all afraid of what she could do to us.’

A derisive snort was heard from the other side of the table just before Dusty continued. “They say her white back is where the demons ripped her soul from her, killing off the colour...”

‘Oh please…’ Sunbeam glanced at Icefang. ‘Look! You can even see the roots.’

“It’s said she can suck the soul from you just by pointing her horn at you. Just a touch of it can freeze a leg off.”

‘The horn thing is… okay the soul thing is a bunch of horseapples.’

Dusty Beam was rather enjoying himself despite the subject matter. All of the group were looking suitably horrified at his story, apart from the mare in the cloak. She was just seated there, looking decidedly unimpressed, her glare getting more intense. He carried on, trying to ignore her.

“After she escaped the good ponies of Creek-Lake found the guard house trashed and the waitress that drugged her food, missing…as well as her little foal.”

‘Probably something to do with the money I gave them. Set off for sunnier climes I’d bet. At least, once she’d finished wetting herself. I regret nothing, a bit of mental scarring is character building.’ Sunbeam tried very hard to suppress a smile at that thought.

“They say…”

‘I -really- have to go and find whoever ‘they’ are... and be unpleasant.’

“...That she took them both and used them in her demonic rituals, parts of them in her demonic rituals… poor things.”

‘Extremely unpleasant!’

“So that’s why her bounty is so high, they put it up to fifty thousand. There's never been a higher one, plus the bounty is only for her corpse!” Dusty nodded in satisfaction at the cloaked mares reaction. ‘Ah, now she looks scared.’

With nervous glances around, pulling her cloak tightly around her, Sunbeam leaned forward. “With a bounty that high, how come this place isn’t crawling with bounty hunters?”

“Simple, she tore through thirty guards. No bounty hunter is crazy enough to try.”

“I think you underestimate them.” Sunbeam glanced round again. ‘Met plenty of crazy ponies… even by my standards. Mental note: Must dye back! Don’t care if it’s the wrong shade. Heck, I’m willing to use paint if that’s all we got.’

“We are at the furthest, most remote outpost. Why, Equestria itself is only a stone’s throw away.” Dusty’s tone turned dark. “Not to mention she’d described in great detail what would happen to ponies around here if she was informed on.” His voice returned to normal. “Anyway, you haven’t heard the best bit. What Icefang and her demon lovers, plural, get up to. They…”

- - - - - - - -

Everypony at the table leaned back. Expressions, both verbal and facial, indicated general disgust.

Sunbeam’s jaw hung open, her ears flat out sideways. ‘Uh… Ewwww! I’d never do that! It sounds painful. I think somepony involved in these rumors is definitely -not- vanilla… And again with the Ewwww! Oh he’s stopped for the minute.’

Leaning forward as Dusty gulped down his drink Sunbeam, in a voice loaded with sarcasm, casually inquired. “So… how many orphanages has she burnt down?”

Choking on his drink for a second, Dusty stared at Sunbeam. “S-She’s burnt down orphanages?”

“No! I mean... I haven’t heard of her…” Sunbeam face-hoofed. ‘Oh horseapples.’

- - - - - - - -

Twilight watched Dusty Beam head back off to his table, taking a wide route around the table with Icefang. “Well, that was… interesting.”

A snort from Sunbeam indicated her opinion. “If you can believe any of it.”

Nodding, Twilight looked at Sunbeam. “I tend to agree, however, one thing is certain though...”

Sunbeam lifted her drink.

Twilight studied Sunbeam. “We now have two green unicorn mares, both with white backs, that come from the same geographic area...” Sunbeam slowly started lowing her drink, a feeling of dread quickly spreading through her. “Given the reputation of Icefang… I find it unlikely that you hadn’t heard of her.” Twilight pulled herself up, eyes and ears now focused on Sunbeam. “Sunbeam, there is a time where keeping a secret is a good thing...”

‘Forever’ echoed in Twilight’s mind.

“And a time where it involves a known murderer. Surprisingly, this situation is not the first scenario.” Twilight’s princess training came through in her tone. “We need to talk Sunbeam. About you... about you and Icefang.”

Sunbeam’s drink didn’t land on the table the right way up.

- - - - - - -

Sunbeam twisted her head over her shoulder to watch the door close behind her with a final sounding click. With seven other ponies in the small bedroom, it felt uncomfortably cramped to her. With everypony looking at her, plus the feeling of somepony sitting on her chest, the cramped feeling was quickly becoming outright claustrophobia. The trembles in her right foreleg were getting annoying as well.

The silence carried on for a couple of seconds before Twilight spoke. “So, let us review what we know of the situation. Please correct us if we are jumping to any wrong conclusions Sunbeam.”

Sunbeam looked steadily at the room’s only window, situated between the two single beds. Only Fluttershy was seated between her and it. ‘Take too long to open the door behind me and run out. Run forward, they won’t be expecting that, dive through window. One floor fall so remember to roll on impact...’

“Point one, Icefang comes from this area and so do you. Point two, you and Icefang have identical descriptions.”

The tremors in Sunbeam’s foreleg increased. ‘Get up after rolling, go to the left… run…I get three paces before Twilight grabs me with magic...’

“Point three, you turn up on Ponyville’s doorstep unannounced, with just the contents of your saddlebags. Would you say it would be inaccurate to say you were running away?”

Sunbeam shook her head as she tried in vain to control her now rapid breathing. ‘Twilight hauls me before The Day Princess… I beg The Day Princess to -only- kill me...’

“Point four, you must have been aware of the bounty on Icefang, therefore you were trying to get away from it.”

There was the slightest of nods. ‘The Day Princess ignores my pleas… And... And... And my throat is all dry.’’

“Well Sunbeam, it does seem to be very clear what has happened here,” Twilight stated, the others nodded in agreement.

Sunbeam closed her eyes.

“Sunbeam… how long have ponies been mistaking you for Icefang?”

Sunbeam’s eyes shot wide open, her mouth opening and closing, but no sound coming out.

‘Wha…? No! They think that mare downstairs is… Everypony is calling her Icefang, She’s calling herself Icefang. She -is- Icefang as far as everypony else is concerned…’ Sunbeam’s head and ears fell forward. ‘I have no right to be this lucky!’

Twilight walked over and placed a hoof on Sunbeam’s shoulder, she could feel the trembles running through her. “I wish you had told us earlier. But I suppose being constantly mistaken for that monster would make anypony a touch paranoid. I can see why you tried to run away and are so reluctant to say anything about your past.”

Applejack walked over and placed her hoof on Sunbeam’s other shoulder. “We can only imagine what it must have been like sugar. Rarity said about the look of shock on your face when you first saw her.”

Sunbeam cringed. ‘Oh, this is not going to end well! Karma, what have you got planned for me? Mercy! I beg of you.’

Twilight placed her hoof back on the floor. “I wish we could do something about Icefang, but we are not here officially. We are not authorised representatives of the law. If we did anything we would merely be vigilantes, or worse, a foreign power meddling in somepony else’s internal affairs. Right, Rainbow!”

Rainbow folded her forelegs and huffed.

Twilight deflated “It does leave a nasty taste in the mouth that we can’t do anything, but if we did, the hold ups sorting everything out would be horrendous. Our mission time-frame would be jeopardised and ponies could die before we got back with the antidote. What we can do is let the proper authorities know where Icefang is when we get back. As small a comfort as that is.”

Twilight’s head dropped. “This is one of those times, isn’t it Princess?” She said so quietly only Sunbeam heard.

Looking up, Sunbeam put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. ‘Welcome to grey Twilight. Black and white went bye-bye a long time ago. It gets less painful… unfortunately.’

After a second Twilight looked back up. “Rarity! We are going to need some of your expertise. Sunbeam’s back could draw unwanted attention so, I’m sorry Sunbeam, but we’re going to have to dye your back. I hope you… Ugk!”

Twilight was cut off as a pair of forelegs wrapped themselves around her. Hugging her tight.

- - - - - - - -

Rarity walked back into the room with a grumbling Sunbeam still wearing her cloak,

Rarity smiled at the others before looking at Sunbeam. “Are you all ready? Now I can let you see it Sunbeam. My masterpiece everypony…” Her horn lit up and the cloak was lifted off Sunbeam. A series of ‘Oooh’s’ filled the room, including Sunbeams.

Sunbeam’s back was now a matching green to the rest of her.

An amused Twilight watched Sunbeam dance around like a foal at a party. Looking over one shoulder at her back, she’d spin round a few times, then look over her other shoulder and spin the other way. “I take it you approve.” Twilight dryly commented. ‘She should smile like that more often, it’s infectious.’

Sunbeam spun three complete circles, her tail streaming behind her, before sitting down. Even seated, she kept looking round at her back. Both her ears seemed unable to decide where they wanted to be as well, as they flicked around continually. Tearing her eyes off her back, she looked up at Twilight, grinning madly. “Oh yes! Best present ever! Even the colour matches, how the hay did you do that Rares? I could never get the colours to match.”

“Well your fur seems to react differently to dye than what I am used to, but to an artist like myself…” Rarity drew herself up into a pose, a pose normally reserved to statues of Commander Hurricane ordering troops into battle, much to the amusement of the others in the room. “...Saw it only as a challenge, even if we had to be extremely resourceful.”

Sunbeam coughed. “Food dye from the kitchen.“

Ignoring her, Rarity continued. “Once I got how your fur reacted to the dye I could compensate.”

Sunbeam resisted the urge to hug Rarity, it would mess up her mane. “If I may borrow a phrase, ‘totally awesome’ Rares.” Sunbeam stuck her tongue out at a surprised looking Rainbow. “I gotta go and show off my back, by totally not standing out in a crowded bar. Oh, this is gonna be great. Anyone coming? C’mon Rares, I’m buying.”

Rarity shook her head. “I must admit that I am looking forward to a soft bed... and I intend on using it as soon as possible. Unlike some here, I had to sleep on the ground.”

Looking down and shuffling her forehooves, Sunbeam mumbled something before looking up hopefully at the rest. Only Applejack seemed to be contemplating it. “I’ll tell you what Sunny, I got a few bits to sort out then I’ll pop down.”

“Great! I’ll cya down there.” Sunbeam lept up and trotted to the door.

Rarity smiled after her. “Have a great time dear, not standing out.” After the door had shut, Rarity turned to Twilight, her tone concerned. “Twilight dear, I feel I should mention something. Now I’m not one to gossip…”

A few splutters around the room were graciously ignored.

“Only once have I ever needed to compensate when colouring fur before, that was when the fur itself was the result of magic.”

Twilight’s interest was piqued.

- - - - - - - -

The unicorn seated at the table tapped the device she held underneath it. The pegasus leaned over. “Still not working?”

“It should be working, I’ve tested it, again, but I still can’t get a good reading on Icefang. The background magic has been slowly increasing over the night. Right now it's reached the point where its started swamping out any individual results.” She shook the device again. “No idea what’s causing it, certainly not a pony. They’d be dead from magical saturation a long time ago if it was so. No, I think somepony must have brought a damaged magical device in.”

- - - - - - - -

Listed Scrolls carefully watched the single guard still awake, as he walked around the camp. The forest clearing where they had stopped was only just big enough for all of them, the nocturnal sounds of the forest would have kept him awake if he had been trying to sleep. Five years in a cell, he had got used to silence.

The guard was on the other side of camp. Bracing himself against the bars opposite to the door on the cage, he placed his rear hooves against the hinge and pushed as hard as he could.

The guard looked over at the cage and snorted at the sleeping form inside. ‘He doesn’t deserve to sleep well, after what he did. Driving out a clan member...’ He shook his head at the enormity of the crime. ‘Still, from what I’ve heard, keeping him alive for Icefang should be worth it. Some of the things the Captain said she promised to do to him... And she’s had five years to plan even more things. Retire a dishonored pony and return ‘The Lost One’ to the fold. Nice.’ With a smile he walked away from the cage.

Listed Scrolls listened to the guard walk away. Carefully he reached out and tried the hinge. A little more play than yesterday. A slight smile graced his muzzle before looking at the sleeping forms around the dead campfire.

The smile became a sneer. ‘Look at you! You think that just because you wear amulets that you are so unstoppable. Well lads, you ain't! While you’ve got near infinite reserve with those amulets, you can't focus much more magic than usual, not without burning yourselves out. You ain’t alicorns no matter what you think!’

He tried to stretch out in the cage. ‘Now give a pony with a higher magical efficiency an amulet, like a pony with an affinity, and they can do so much more with that little bit more focus. So much more…’ He sighed. ‘So much time wasted in destroying Icefang’s precious morality, I was so near as well... Oh the weapon she could’ve been!’ The smile returned as he gazed at some inner vision. ‘Why she could have been in Canterlot right now. In the Central Park, by the little pool on the west side. At the plumb centre of city...' The smile became bigger. '..And frozen every living thing in Canterlot to death in minutes.’

- - - - - - - -

Seated by the wall, slurping her levitated cocktail drink through a straw, Sunbeam was actually enjoying herself. Most notably about the lack of ponies looking at her. Casually looking around the crowded bar, a silly little grin played on her face. ‘Oh this is so great. This cocktail ain’t bad either… Must get the recipe for this, didn’t realize that they did Jackie D cocktail’s.’ She giggled before taking another slurp. ‘This is sooo not me and I’m loving it.’ Sunbeam started humming a happy little tune at herself.

Icefang shouted out, demanding more drinks for her table.

Sunbeam’s grin fell. ‘And you my dear, are bucking insane to pose as me. A massive reward coupled with a confirmed death sentence, it’ll only be a matter of time.’ Sunbeam shook her head. ‘However, who am I to stop you… especially if you are so willing to take the fall for me. The short fall, with the sudden stop. Have I mentioned that you are bucking insane!’

Sunbeam slurped her drink again. ‘So I can win by doing nothing. So just by doing nothing and letting her live, I get to win. When she does finally swing, everypony will believe Icefang is dead. I won’t have to look over her shoulder anymore… okay, not look over my shoulder so much.’ A grating laugh filled the bar. ‘Just let her live and... and... And I have an itch, right between my shoulder blades.’ Sunbeam glowered at Icefang as she rolled her shoulders.

“I see you don’t like her either, do you dear?”

Sunbeam jumped. ‘Damn, I’m getting sloppy.’ Turning her head she looked at the speaker. The elderly unicorn mare that had been sweeping the floor stood next to her, her broom resting against the wall. Looking back at Icefang, Sunbeam rolled her shoulders again. “I must admit that she gives me an itch, right between the shoulder blades.”

The unicorn smiled faintly at her before looking at Icefang. The smile fell. “She’s a monster!” She spat out before hanging her head. “You heard she killed the marshal’s deputy?”

Not looking round at her, Sunbeam nodded.

“That was my daughter, Dancing Petal.” Her voice cracked. “It wasn’t here, but she did… terrible things to her.” Pulling out a photo she fell quiet as she stared at it. Sunbeam glanced over the top of the photo.

A young unicorn mare, in guard armour, had her forehoof around the neck of the elderly unicorn. Both were smiling at the camera. Sunbeam frowned at the picture ‘I feel I know you… Where do I know you from?’

“That was taken just after she’d got the position of deputy.” The elderly unicorn didn't take her eyes off the picture.

Sunbeam nodded. ‘Being a deputy in an outpost town is a dangerous position. She must have known that. A guard unicorn, damn that’s gonna bug me, where do I know her from… a unicorn guard...’ Her eyes widened. ‘Oh buck no! Please, no! You can’t be...’

The mare was on the verge of tears.“She killed her and flaunts it, she sits in here and I do nothing. I feel so worthless! The killer of my daughter sits over there and I can’t do anything about it. I want to but… It would do nothing. Achieve nothing. Just my own death and with others still depending on me... I’m such an unworthy mother, I put my own life ahead of...”

Sunbeam put her hoof on her shoulder. A feeling of wrongness at the action tugged at the back of her mind as an uncomfortable realization took root. ‘That guard looks like one of the guards from Creek-Lake. Oh please karma, don’t do this to me!’

She looked at Sunbeam, the wan smile returned. “I’m sorry dear, you must think me a silly old mare.”

Sunbeam slowly shook her head.

The elderly unicorn smiled at her. “It’s okay dear. I understand that talking to a mother of murdered mare might not make everypony comfortable. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you… It’s just with her sitting over there I’m…’ A strangled sob came out. “She was trying to help her!”

She closed her eyes tight. “Dancing Petal was in Creek-Lake, visiting kin, when they captured Icefang. She volunteered to go with the prisoner escort.” She looked back down at the photo. “You know she sent a letter just before they set off, she was worried that the other guards were mistreating Icefang, she only went along to keep an eye on them.”

Anger entered her voice. “You should have let them just kill her!” The anger faded as pleading note entered her voice. “What did you do to anger her so Dancing? What did you do?” The pleading became a sob “Why did you agree to go?”

Without looking up, she pressed the photo against her chest. “Y-you know they wouldn’t let me see her when they sent her back. Said it best if I remembered her how she was. I-I heard them though, m-my little Dancing Petal was… she’d done terrible things to her. Awful things… They couldn’t even find her horn… or one of her rear-legs… We had to bury her incomplete.” Her tone became normal, as if commenting on the weather, and was all the worse for it. “That monster tortured and killed my little Dancing Petal and I hope she rots in the deepest part of Tartarus for it.”

She swallowed. “I-I’m sorry… I'm just… I started babbling again didn’t I? Please don't tell Mr Glass, he'd said he'd fire me if I did it again. I’m sorry for taking up your time dear, I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than listen to an old mare rant on. I have to...” Dancing Petal’s mother turned and fled out the inn.

- - - - - - - -

Looking over the crowd, Applejack spotted Sunbeam sitting down by the wall. The mare seated next to her suddenly turned and ran out the door. Walking over towards her, Sunbeam looked unnaturally still, her hoof still outstretched in the air.

“You okay there partner?” Applejack tilted her head at the lack of response. “Partner, you…”

Sunbeam’s turned to face Applejack. The outstretched hoof fell limply as she blinked several times, but her gaze never managed to focus on Applejack. “I - I’ve never... I’ve never done that before. I've never had to do that before.”

Sitting down, Applejack placed a hoof on Sunbeam’s shoulder. “What’s that Sugar?”

“Talk to a parent of… Talk to a mummy of… Of somepony I…” Sunbeam cleared her throat, her voice becoming very flat. “Icefang killed her daughter.”

‘I didn’t actually… Buck it, let’s not add being a hypocrite to my list of sins. I as good as killed her. Worse, I let the Diamond Dogs get her.’

Applejack looked over at Icefangs table, anger clear on her face. “I’m sure that Icefang will get what’s coming to her. And then I’m sure all those she’s wronged will be a’waiting for her on the other side, then they’ll… Hey, c’mon sugar, just relax, you’ve gotten all tense.”

“I’m just going outside. Need some... fresh air.”

Applejack watched Sunbeam walk stiffly out of the inn. ‘Poor thing, guess she’s more sensitive than she makes out.’

- - - - - - -

Finding herself in the woods, Sunbeam looked back towards the town, the lights still visible though the trees.

Flinging a foreleg around a tree, she grasped it tight as her world started to see-saw around her.

“Focus! You can get through this you stupid mare. You didn’t mean to…”

Her treacherous memory jolted into action, an old remembrance surfaced from the darkness.

She looked up at the stallion that stood over her. Her foreleg extended, the dagger she held embedded in his chest. A trickle of blood made it was down the dagger and started staining her hoof.

“Mr-Mr Sable… a-a-are you okay? Please be okay! I-I’m so sorry Mr Sable, I-I didn’t mean to…”

Sunbeam was still dry-retching long after her stomach was empty.

Author's Note:

A massive thank you to GreyNoise for help in editing... before I posted it

Spot anything we missed let me know and I will try to correct it.

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