• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

Chapter 49 - Deterrent (Part 2)

Chapter 49 - Deterrent (Part 2)

In the confined space of the meeting room, the echoes of the Royal Canterlot voice died only slowly.

All the shouting had now stopped and everypony was holding their ringing ears.

Even Philomena was trying to smooth out her ruffled feathers, having just landed back on her favourite perch. Diligent Practice himself was wincing from both the assault on his ear and from the Philomena’s talons digging now into his back.

And like everypony else, he was looking at the same pony.

Twilight rolled her shoulders. “Thank you. Now will you all please be quiet. I have some important questions to ask of Sunbeam.”

A tiny, prideful smile flickered on Celestia’s face.

Lifting a hoof, Twilight pointed it at Sunbeam and narrowed her eyes. “Clarify! Just how did you intend to kill everypony in Canterlot in the time period specified?" She jabbed the hoof at Sunbeam. "Because there is no way in Tartarus you could even hope to do that at all, let alone do it in fifteen minutes!”

Sunbeam, still rubbing her ears, looked away. “The spell I cast in the dormitory-”

Twilight’s hoof slamming down on the table cut her off.

“No, no, no! The spell that you cast in the dormitory, while devastating I admit, would not be enough for the kind of event you are describing. That spell was cast in a confined environment and even then was limited in its scope! There is no way you could even-” Twilight choked on the next word “-hope, to achieve the horrific thing you're saying! You wouldn’t! You just-”

Reaching out, Rarity stroked Twilight's mane as her other hoof still held her ear. “Calm Twilight. Calm. Breathe.”

With a quick glance at her friends, Twilight frowned, sighed, then nodded as she slumped. “Thank you. I think I got a little carried away there and-” With a deep breath, she turned back to Sunbeam, her voice much calmer. “Okay, while I agree that the spell in question could cause a lot of damage, it simply wouldn’t be able to affect an entire city." She took one more deep breath and smiled. "So I’m very glad to say that whoever told you you could that, misinformed you. You simply wouldn’t be able to-” her face twitched “-to do the thing you said.”

There was silence in the room as everypony turned to look at Sunbeam. In the silence, Luna put her wing over her sister's back. As she rested it there she could feel Celestia's muscles relaxing slightly under it.

Sunbeam looked around the table and found everypony looking back at her. With a sigh, she raised her hooves up to her amulet and lifted it up over her head.

Everypony found themselves watching the amulet as she let it dangle in front of her eyes. Sunbeam tilted her head as she brought it up close to them. “There’s something wrong here. I’ve known there’s something wrong with my amulet, with Mr. Sable here, for a long time. But-” she turned the amulet this-way-and-that, “-buuuut I just can’t see what it is. It’s right in front of my face, I know it, but my mind keeps sliding away when I feel I’m getting close.”

She looked over at Twilight. “Why can’t I see what’s wrong Twi? I got this off the first pony I ever- " Her jaw closed with a click of teeth. With a shake of her head, she tried again. "I've had it for years. So why can’t I see what’s wrong with Mr. Sable here?”

Twilight opened her mouth only for a sharp nudge from Rarity, along with a quick shake of her head, to make her close it again.

Shrugging, Sunbeam looked up at Celestia for a second before looking down. With her eyes still on the floor, she lifted her hoof with the amulet up as high as it would go.

“You all see this? Well if the damn thing worked, it would let me channel magic just like your alicorn amulet. Imagine that, me with the power close to that of an alicorn.”

A second passed where nopony moved.

Several horns suddenly lit up and more than one hoof reached for a concealed weapon as Sunbeam's two guards dipped their spears to point at her back.

Neither of the princesses facing Sunbeam moved, but Luna did feel her sister’s muscles tense back up under her wing.

Ignoring all this, Sunbeam slumped. “But it doesn’t work. It's never bucking worked!” With a snarl, she threw the amulet down onto the table, where it skittered across it, coming to a rest close to Luna. Sunbeam’s head dropped back down, her voice becoming a whisper. “If it had worked, I’d of been a member of the clan. If it had worked, I’d of been family. I’d-”

Sunbeam closed her eyes. “If it had worked. I’d been able to do things differently. I’d of done a lot things differently.” There was a pause before she looked up, her lips pulled back to display her teeth. “If it had worked, I’d of made sure that that bastard wouldn’t have been able to hide the fact that I passed the bucking rite. I’d of made him scream. Oh how he would have screamed and screamed. He’d of screamed until I got bored of it and cut his vocal cords. And then I’d have..."

Looking up, Sunbeam saw the expression on Celestia's face. On everypony’s face.

The anger withered in her voice and she cringed back away from the Princess, looking back down at the floor again. "B-b-but anyway, it didn’t work and he did hide me. He hid the fact I passed the test. He wanted me to fail the test. I was supposed to fail the test so I’d become little more than his property.”

Sunbeam’s voice became terribly calm. “He did all the work, put all the effort in, why should he share any of the credit? Why should I get any of the credit for all his hard work? I was just an instrument, a tool. A means to an end. I didn’t deserve-”

There was a pause, then a half-smile spread over her face. “Too bad for him that nopony can hide from the bureaucracy. Somepony came looking for me.” She shrugged. “Okay, it was just a junior clerical staff member, somepony that was just filling a gap in the records on his lunch break. Somepony just trying to be a suck-up to his superiors.” Sunbeam closed her eyes. “But I can still remember the look on his face the moment he worked out that I had passed the rite. That the mess laying in from of him was a member of the clan. That a clan member had done… had done... “ Her jaw trembled for a second before she opened her eyes. “Had done that to another clan member. I remember because he turned and punched Scrolls right in the face before dragging me out, all the time screaming what he’d done.”

Her grin grew. “And then not even all his links to higher ups could save him. Not when the whole clan was baying for his blood anyway. It was all they could do just to keep him alive, or so I was told. I wasn’t in much condition to-”

Her smile fell. “I saw the way the look in their eyes changed as I lay there in the hospital bed. At first, the pity, then-” Sunbeam ground her teeth. “then the avarice in their eyes. As they became aware of what Scrolls had been teaching me to do, the want in their eyes became more and more apparent. The way they said I was a member of the clan now, but the way they all looked at me, it had changed." Her eyes narrowed. “I realized I was just going to be trading one leash for another. One master for another. I remember realizing that I’d never truly be a clan member or family. I remember the feeling, when I realized that. I remember that feeling-”

Sunbeam looked up at Celestia. “That was something I didn’t want to remember. I didn’t want to remember that feeling again. That feeling of-” Lifting a hoof, Sunbeam rubbed eyes. “I - I didn't want to remember this you bitch. It aches deep in my chest now. It hurts, not badly, but it feels deep. So deep.”

Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Sunbeam’s neck as Fluttershy hugged her with her wing.

Looking away, Luna’s attention came to rest on Sunbeam’s amulet in front of her. Her horn lit up and the amulet was floated over towards her as she tried to sound positive.

“Perhaps you are luckier than you know that you never got this amulet working. Such devices have a history of causing mental instability in the user. The longer they are used the greater the paranoia that creeps in. Paranoia and narcissism. The pony in question starts to think the world is against them, and that they can take it on by themselves. The one time they were truly used en-masse-” she looked at her sister for a second. “-the ponies in question ended up turning on each other. Each wanting all the glory taking down a princess for him or herself, all the while trying to prevent each other from doing the same.”

Sunbeam lifted her head and looked at Luna with raised eyebrows.

Celestia leaned forward, her serene smile back on once again. "Indeed. It was quite pitiful to watch. Every pony quickly became more concerned with each other than us.” One of Sunbeam's ears flicked towards her but her attention remained on Luna. “And what’s more they were-”

Luna’s sudden intake of breath made Celestia stop and turn to look at her sister with a raised eyebrow. Luna was staring at Sunbeam’s amulet. Her eyes narrowed as she pulled the amulet right up close to them.

Luna’s voice was calm and measured when she next spoke. “I think you are luckier than you will ever know that you were never able to get this working Miss Sunbeam. I can see the spell matrix that’s on it. I can see that the spell utilizes... necromancy to fuel it!”

Everypony around the table, apart from Celestia and Sunbeam, leaned away from Luna a little.

She turned the amulet to-and-fo in front of her eyes. “Oh yes, I can make out the spell matrix on it quite clearly now. And its oh-so-simple instructions.”

Taking her eyes off the amulet, she looked towards Sunbeam. “Grab as much of a soul as possible, and store it in the designated object, to be used as fuel.” Luna’s lips pulled back. “Fuel Miss Sunbeam. A soul being used as nothing more than fuel. Contemptible! So be very, very grateful you never got this... this thing working. My sister’s wrath would have paled to what I would have done to you if you had used this.”

Sunbeam sat very still as Luna lifted the amulet to inspect it again. Her voice was polite and cordial, and so very cold.

“The nightmares I would have given to you. To the pony that had used such a thing. They would wake up in their bed and go through the day, only for one of their deepest nightmares to suddenly jump out at them. They would wake up back in their own bed, thinking that they had truly woken up this time.” She glanced at Sunbeam. “Only to find they hadn’t as another nightmare jumped out at them. This would happen to them again, and again, annnd again!"

She leaned forward. "It would keep happening until the pony in question ceased to be able to tell the waking world from the dream one. They would never be able to tell if they were ever actually awake, ever again.” Luna smiled without humor. “So be very, very glad you never got this... thing working Miss Sunbeam. Given the circumstances, I shall be charitable and assume that you did not know just what you had here.” She looked back at the amulet. “So be very glad you never used this, I tend to deal with necromancy quite harshly, however, I shall be keeping this abomination so I can destroy it myself later. Any objections to that?”

Sunbeam, sitting frozen to the spot, eyes wide, just stared at Luna before jerkily shaking her head. “N-n-n-no”

Pinkie and Fluttershy kept hold of her but didn’t say anything.

In the silence, Twilight shifted. “Umm, if you’ll excuse me Princess, but I’d really like to ask Sunbeam a few more questions about the spell itself. If that's okay.”

Without looking away from the amulet, Luna waved a hoof at Twilight.

Twilight turned back to Sunbeam. “Okay, getting back to what we were talking about, let's say you were wearing an item that emulated the alicorn amulet and-”

She frowned and then tapped the table. “Sunbeam?” Sunbeam kept looking at Luna, her ears folded flat. “Sunbeam can I have your attention please.” She didn’t move. “Sunbeam!” Her hoof slammed down on the table. “Sunbeam!”

Sunbeam’s head snapped around, away from Luna and towards Twilight.

Twilight nodded. “Thank you. Okay, let's go back to the spell Sunbeam.”

Rarity tapped her on the shoulder as she looked at Sunbeam’s wide eyes and tiny pupils. “Twilight, perhaps now isn’t-”

Twilight shook her head. “We need to get this sorted out. Best to do it now.” She didn’t notice all her friends frowning at her as she carried on. “So Sunbeam, even if you did have the power of the alicorn amulet to hoof, you still wouldn’t be able to do what you were saying.”

Twilight looked up at the ceiling as she rubbed her chin. “Well, not in fifteen minutes anyway. While you could affect an area the size of a city with such a thing, the magic you’d need to do in fifteen minutes is enormous. Were talking affecting an area of the size of a city. Something which is a heck of lot more difficult than putting a mere glass dome over a village.” She looked back at Sunbeam. "So while you could now bring temperatures down to lethal levels over an entire city, it would take days of constant magic use to do. You’d be found and stopped looooong before you could achieve widespread lethality. No, the numbers just don’t add up. You’d need way more magic than the alicorn amulet could provide to do what you’re saying. You’d need more magic or... or a way to amplify what you have-”

Twilight trailed off as Sunbeam looked up at her but said nothing.

Twilight looked back at her, then blinked. “Ampily, ooooor… Or if you had a way to be more efficient with the magic you had."

Her eyes widened. “L-like if you had an affinity to a school of magic. An affinity would let the pony in question make better use of magic while casting that particular school of magic. It would allow them to achieve more with less. Or alternatively, achieve a much greater output with a the same level of input, compared to a normal unicorn. The affinity would scale the output up.”

Her hoof fell to the table.

“Even if using something like the alicorn amulet, your affinity would still scale it up by the same factor. The output would be… enormous. Enough to-”

Twilight suddenly clapped her hooves together and relaxed with a smile as she shook her head. "No! Even with all that it still wouldn't work!” Lifting a hoof, she pointed it Sunbeam a hopeful look in her eye. “Magical saturation! The amount of magic you’re using would saturate you in seconds. You wouldn’t be able to handle all the magic. You’d die before-” She looked away. “And the spell would collapse. So you can’t do it because of magical saturation. That much magic, that quickly, you can’t do it.”

Sunbeam slowly shook her head, when she spoke her voice sounded tired. "The amulet is an external focal point, remember Sparkles."

Twilight closed her eyes as her smile, along with her ears, fell. “O-oh yes. Of course it is. I - I forgot that. Because you’re using the amulet, it provides an external focal point. The amulet becomes a magical sink to prevent a dangerous magical build up within you. You’d be quite safe.” She looked up. “O-of course there are a whole host of other minor issues that would prevent you from-”

Sunbeam didn’t look up. “Twilight, The spell bucking works. Accept it. Scrolls was a sick bastard, but he knew his job. He spent decades designing the spell. And then a few more years specifically tailoring it to me and my magic. He wasn't going to let his weapon go and destroy itself the first it was used."

Twilight leant forward. "H-how? There are so many issues. So many-"

Still looking down, Sunbeam shrugged. "Don't ask me, I've got no idea how it works. He only trained me to cast the bucking thing, he had no interest in teaching me to understand it. Heck, I’ve looked at it a few times, but there’s so much going on, I soon gave up even trying to understand.”

Twilight sat back. “S-so that’s it then. You could. You could do what you’re saying. Canterlot, wiped out.”

There was silence.

Luna felt Celestia start to tremble. Turning to look at her, she found her sister had closed her eyes. Luna went to lean forward, only to see Celestia's lips pull back into a snarl as her eyes snapped open to glare at Sunbeam.

“Just what would happen to my city if you cast that spell? What would happen to all of my little ponies there? How many would die because of you?”

Sunbeam cringed as she kept looking down. “I don’t know the exact details-”

Before she could stop herself, Applejack shook her head. A motion that did not go unnoticed by Celestia.

Her slammed down on the table, making it crack almost two thirds along its width. “Yes you do! Tell me Miss Sunbeam! Tell me what would happen to the thousands of ponies there. Tell me what would happen to all the stallions, mares and foals there. Tell me just how many would you have killed? Just how many you-”

Luna leaned over to her sister's ear and whispered into it. “Celly! Calm yourself. She is not the pony you should be angry at. She came to us remember.”

Celestia blinked and looked around the table to find all the ponies present shying away from her a little.

With a breath as she closed her eyes. “My apologies to all, and especially you Miss Sunbeam. My sister is quite correct, you are not the one I should be angry at. Just the thought of failing to protect so many of my ponies make me..." Lifting a hoof she rubbed her eyes. "Failing so many of my ponies... again. The mere thought makes me..." Lowering her hoof, Celestia looked at Sunbeam. "I forgot that you are merely an instrument. Created and pointed at my city by another. You are not the one I should be angry at.”

Without looking up, Sunbeam's eyes opened, then narrowed.

Celestia leaned forward. “But please, tell me. I need to know. Oh I know what the spell you cast in the dormitory did, but I want to hear the details from you yourself. What would have happened to Canterlot?”

Clenching her teeth, Sunbeam looked up at her. "Okay. I'll let me describe, in detail for you, what this... this instrument would have done to your damn precious city.”

Pinkie hugged Sunbeam a little tighter. “Sunbeam, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

Sunbeam glanced at Pinkie. “She wants to know. So I’m damn well gonna tell her.” Closing her eyes she took a breath. “The casting point is in Canterlot Central Park. On the northernmost side of the main lake to be precise. From there, you should be able to see the three highest towers of Canterlot castle all side-by-side annnd you should also be able to see Canterlot’s main clock tower to your right. So using those points to triangulate yourself, you find yourself at the geographical center of Canterlot.”

Pinkie buried her head in her mane, muffling her voice. "Sunny, I really don’t think you should-”

Sunbeam smiled. “Well, close to the geographical centre anyway. The actual geographical center of Canterlot is in the lake itself. But that might look a bit suspicious. A pony sitting in the middle of the lake casting a spell. Besides what’s a few meters if you’re gonna wipe out an entire city, eh? And might as well stay dry doing it.”

Pinkie shook her head, her face still buried in Sunbeam’s mane. “Sunny, stop! Please-”

Sunbeam’s face became blank as her voice became a dull monotone. “And now we come to the main event. T-minus zero and spell ignition. Almost immediately the air temperature around the caster drops to minus forty degrees celsius and, after a second or two, the spell starts to expand outwards in all directions. To begin with, it will advance at the speed of a slowly trotting pony,” -she held up a hoof- “but, don’t let the initial slow pace fool you, it will get quicker. Not to mention that the spell front is nothing but a wave of cold, so there's nothing to see. And because of that, nopony will try to run, fly or teleport themselves away from it. Not until it’s too late anyway.”

Pinkie just shook her head, not saying anything.

“T-plus one hundred and twenty seconds from ignition and the wavefront reaches the closest boundary of the park. It’s now advancing at the pace of a galloping pony and the temperature at the wavefront is now at minus ninety degrees. The temperature at the epicenter is now minutes one hundred and fifty degrees and dropping.”

Sunbeam took a breath in the silent room. Pinkie was unmoving, her head buried in her mane. She could feel her breaths on her neck.

“T-plus three hundred and twenty seconds, or thereabouts, and the wavefront should have just reached Canterlot castle itself. Temperature at wavefront is now approximately minus one hundred and forty degrees. Ponies won’t even have time to feel cold. Temperature at the epicenter is somewhere between minus one-eighty and one-ninety degrees.”

Sunbeam looked down at the table, her hoof drawing invisible patterns on it as Pinkie held her.

“Time is now t-plus nine hundred seconds from ignition, and the wavefront passed the farthest extent of Canterlot a little while ago. While it has slowed back down to a brisk walking pace now, the temperature at wave-front is still quite lethal at around minus one hundred and sixty degrees. Temperature at the epicenter is stable around minus two-hundred degrees give or take five.”

With a frown, Sunbeam lifted her head to look over at Twilight. "Question Sparkles. Scrolls tried and tried but he could never get the temperature to go below minus two seventy-three degrees. It drove him nuts trying. I remember watching him fail and feeling-" Sunbeam tilted her head. "Anyway, any idea why that is Twi? The temperature thing I mean, not his madness. Why couldn’t he get it to go below that? Kinda curious myself.”

Twilight sat there, her mouth hanging open. Her jaw moved a little but no sound came out.

Not getting any response, Sunbeam shrugged and looked away.

“Annnnyway, let’s give it five more minutes, just to make sure, and then the projected, living, population of Canterlot would be-" her forehooves rapped the table in a mock drumroll “-one to three! One to three ponies left alive in all of Canterlot. Just me and or the princesses left.” Her smile faltered for a second. “Maybe just me and the Princesses left. Now I can tolerate a bit of cold, but those temperatures..." She shook her head. "Pretty sure I’d be a popsicle just like everypony else by then.”

Shrugging Pinkie off, Sunbeam stood up “Annnd having just, theoretically, killed all of Canterlot I’m going to the bar to drink myself silly. Right now, I’m past caring. I just want a drink.” Her ears folded back as she flashed her teeth. “I dare anypony to try and stop me. I bucking dare-”

Her head fell. “I - I never wanted to remember this. I knew normal was never going to be on the table, but I’d hoped that perhaps...”

Not a single pony moved to stop her as Sunbeam turned and walked over to the doors to the room. Even Philomena watched her with a tilted head as she quietly opened the left door, slipped through, and closed it behind her with a click.

Nearly half a minute passed before Philomena flew over to the doors and started pecking on them as she hovered.

Fluttershy stood up. “I-I’ll go with her. Make sure she stays okay.”

Luna shook her head to clear it before looking over at her. “Be gentle Miss Fluttershy. I fear the seal on her memory may be failing faster than anticipated.” She lifted Sunbeam’s amulet up to look at it and sighed “I also fear I may have let my emotions get the better of me back then. I put unnecessary strain on the seal.”

Fluttershy paused, then nodded.

Diligent Practice hesitantly stepped forward to follow Fluttershy as Mace Swing remained motionless by the wall.

Celestia lifted a hoof and motioned him to stay. “Let’s let Miss Fluttershy deal with Miss Sunbeam. The castle is on lockdown and I’m assured that it is now the safest, most secure place in all of Equestria.” Extending a wing, she looked over to Philomena. The phoenix glanced around before flying over and landing on her wing. Celestia reached up and scratched behind Philomena’s head. “Besides, there is an anti-teleport field around the castle, one that could stop even the most powerful of unicorns teleporting in or out. Not to mention that Miss Sunbeam has a ring around her horn. A ring that not only suppresses her magic but also tracks her movements. Plus an element bearer will be soon escorting her. So I think we can let her go for a drink… in a bar full of guard ponies.”

Celestia sighed before looking around the table. “However, what we have just learned here is not to leave this room, do I make myself clear?” She rubbed her eyes. “The mass panic, not to mention the diplomatic repercussions, that would ensue if this got out. That an unstable pony could, with the right equipment, destroy cities. This is something I wish to have ample time to work out how best to present, long before I have to do so. If I have to.”

There was a round of hesitant nods.

Lifting a hoof, Celestia rubbed her eyes. “Now while still important, Miss Sunbeam’s situation is contained and thus, is no longer urgent. We have time to deal with that later.” She glanced over at the bearers. “Something gentle I swear. But right now, Ponyville’s fate is what is both urgent and important, so that is the matter we shall turn to."

Celestia took a deep breath. "As for their demand that we return Miss Sunbeam to them, in light of the recent information, I think we can all agree that that is not going to happen. So, liberating Ponyville by force is the only viable course of action I see left open to us.” A strained smile appeared. “Unless anypony can think of any other way. Please do speak up if you have any ideas. Any ideas will be contemplated.”

Silence again took the room.

Celestia's ears fell. “Then force it is.” She turned to Shining Armour. “Shining, you now have some idea of the nature of the ponies you’ll be facing. So you’ll be able to adjust your planning accordingly.”

Shining Armour nodded as Philomena walked along Celestia’s wing and onto her back.

Luna looked over at her thestral major. “Major, I want you to liaise with Shining Armour. Give any, and every, assistance you can.”

Celestia nodded at her sister before looking back at Shining Armour. “Shining, use any and all assets you deem of use. There is a time factor here, so use the best plan you can devise in the time available. I accept that there is no such thing as a perfect plan.” She lifted her head up high and looked around the room once more before speaking in a clear, firm, voice. “For the record. I assume full responsibility for all casualties that are incurred in this operation, both military and civilian. There will be no blame attached to anypony that participates in this. The fault here is mine and mine alone. Is that understood.”

Shining, along with others, nodded silently.

Celestia closed her eyes and let her head fall as Philomena massaged her back. As she did so Rainbow lifted a hoof as she looked over at Shining. “Um, captain, how many casualties do you think...?” She left the rest of the sentence unsaid.

Shining turned his head towards Rainbow. “I have already made some provisional plans for what I deemed the worst case scenarios. Powerful magic users that were willing to… and us having to assault them. In all of my plans, loss of life occurred.” He looked away. “Most of those coming from the hostages.” Shining trailed off and hung his head. “No matter what I planned, loss of life from the hostages occurred. So my plans shifted to minimising the assault forces’ casualties. We may get lucky. My best plan maximises the opportunities for such a thing to happen, but… But it’s best not to depend on that. So realistically, I expect heavy loss of life, mainly coming from the hostages.”

Rainbow’s ears fell, along with the ears of all the other bearers.

Luna leant forward. “Okay then, Captain Shining, please tell us your plans. Let us see if we can improve on them at all.”

Sitting on Celestia's back, Philomena started trying to massage her back but her talons found Celestia’s muscles locked tight under them.


Quick Blade looked down at the message in the privacy of the storage cupboard he was currently hiding in.

TO: Hidden Strike

FROM: Acorn

Acknowledge last message. Unfortunate you were unable to prevent Officer Commanding from his course of action.

At this point, we must assume that Icefang has been broken by the Day Princess and has given away both our existence and our location.

These orders supercede all others:

You are to retire your commanding officer and assume full control of the mission.

You are authorized to retire ANY ponies that may hinder the mission in ANY manner you see fit. Note: based on your report, your team is now considered compromised in their loyalty and as such, are now also considered expendable.

Retrieval of Icefang's amulet is now your primary mission objective. You are free to complete this objective as you see fit.

Just so you are aware of the importance of the situation, it is hoped that once we have Icefang’s amulet that we will be able to start mass producing them once again. If we can do this while the Princesses' power is still weakened, we should be able to devise a viable defense strategy before she comes for us.

Therefore, it is imperative that Icefang’s amulet is returned back to the Barn as soon as possible.

Note: Icefang herself is now considered a liability. Due to time spent with Day Princess, her actions can no longer be considered her own. So, regretfully, it has been decided that bringing her back to the Barn is now too dangerous to attempt. As it is unwise to leave such an asset in the Day Princesses’ hooves, you are to retire said asset if the opportunity arises.

For the record - All your standing orders are now rescinded for the duration of this mission.

For the record - You are authorized to act in any way you see fit in the recovery of Icefang’s Amulet and its transport back to the Barn.

Good luck, you have all our hopes and wishes.

Acknowledge receipt of orders by standard method and destroy this message after reading.

Quick Blade lowered the message. “As I said Sharp Fang, I will continue to follow the orders of my superiors to the best of my ability.”


Fluttershy closed the doors to the meeting room behind and looked up the empty corridor. She turned to one of the two guards that were standing to the side of the doors.

“Umm, excuse me, did you see a pony go past? I think she was going to the guard's bar.”

The one she was looking at glanced at her. “Yep, closed the door then galloped off like her tail was on fire. The guard's bar itself is left at the first junction, the one with the hallway with all the windows. It’ll be signposted after that.”

Fluttershy smiled at him. “Thank you, Mister guard.”

He nodded and returned to looking straight ahead.

Fluttershy trotted up the corridor until she reached the T-junction with the hallway. Walking out into it, she looked left and right.

The left way was clear but she found herself having to take another step forward to see past the right door that was ajar and blocking her view of that part of the hallway.

Seeing the right way was empty as well Fluttershy turned left and headed off the other way.

Her hoofsteps became quieter.

Sunbeam, balanced on her hind legs, carefully peered out from behind the right door she’d been hiding behind.

Without a word she watched Fluttershy walk away, reach the corner and disappear from sight towards the guards bar.

Dropping to all fours, she silently stepped out from behind the door and smiled.

“Not bad for an impromptu hiding spot eh Greywing? I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting that to work. I was expecting both my guards, maybe even more to come after me. To be found in seconds. Just Flutters coming after me is way better than I could have hoped for.” Pausing, she looked around the hallway, at the large windows with potted plants placed between them.

“Actually, I’ll be surprised if any of this works. It is all kinda spur of the moment.”

Her ears fell as she looked at the way Fluttershy had gone.

“I just wanted to go to the bar and get mindlessly drunk. Is that really too much to ask Greywing? I just wanted to get drunk outta my mind to not be able to remember.” Sunbeam forced a tiny smile. “I mean, it wouldn’t take long would it. To get drunk outta my mind I mean. Not much of my mind left to get drunk out of.”

Lowering her head, she snorted. “But nooo! You want me to go save Ponyville don’t you? I’m Ponyville’s best hope you said. The Princess ain’t gonna hoof you over, so the only realistic option left is a full on assault you said. Annnnd we both know that if she does that, the snakes will carry out any and all threats made. So I’m Ponyville’s best hope you said."

There was a snigger.

"Oh, oh you poor bastard Ponyville. Sorry to break it to you, but me saving ponies is not something I have the best track record with.” She lifted her head up with grin. “Hey Greywing, why don’t you tell Ponyville just how good I am at saving ponies eh. Why don’t you tell them about the time I tried to save you. About how well that went!”

Her grin faded and her ears pinned themselves back.

“D-did I ever say I’m sorry about that Greywing? For killing you I mean. I swear I didn’t mean to-”

Wincing, she closed her eyes tight. “Focus! You’ve got a town to save you stupid bitch.”

Opening her eyes Sunbeam took a breath. “Let’s see, what do I still need to do? Well, first things first.” Lifting a hoof, she tapped the ring around her horn. “I’ll need to get rid of this thing. After that...” Walking over to the window, she looked out at the sheer drop outside and frowned. She then looked up at the blue shimmer of the shield spell surrounding Canterlot Castle. Sunbeam's frown deepened. “After that, I gotta find a way outta Canterlot Castle and then find a way down to Ponyville. All in time to save it.”

Sunbeam turned and set off, in the opposite direction that Fluttershy had gone.

“And after doing all that, I’ll figure out how Pinkie does-what-she-does. Simple.” There was another snigger. “Oh, but wouldn’t that drive Sparkles mad Greywing? If I did work out how Pinkie does what she does. But honestly, I’ve got absolutely no idea. At all. It’s kinda scary.”

Stopping, Sunbeam lifted up a hoof. “However, where I do have an idea is just how I’m gonna save Ponyville. It’s a great plan. A plan that’s totally foolproof. A plan that even I can’t screw up.” She smiled. “And the beauty of it is that it’s so very, very simple Greywing… I just walk in.”

She pulled her the sides or her mouth up, making her smile wider. “The beauty of the plan is that they’d let me. The Snakes would just let me walk in with open hooves. They’d never expect me to actually start fighting them once I was in. I mean, it would be insane for a single pony to try fighting them.”

Her ears drooped as her head sagged. “It would be totally and utterly insane for a single pony to try and fight a full team of amulet wearing Snakes. That pony would be killed in seconds. Torn to bits even. At best, she’d take down one, maybe two, before the rest reacted. They’d react as they’ve been trained to at any threat. So that pony would be dead in seconds, if they were lucky. That pony wouldn’t have a chance.”

Sunbeam looked around the empty corridor. Spotting a potted fern next to a window, she walked over to it.

“And that’s what I’m counting on Greywing. That they instinctively react to a threat without too much thought.”

Placing a forehoof against the wall, she braced herself as she looked down into the pot.

“A simple plan, all I have to do is get myself killed.”

She stared down into the pot.

“Because if they were the ones to kill me, they’d have no reason to hurt the hostages would they? If they killed me, they’d have no reason to stay or take it out on the hostages would they? To save Ponyville, all I have to do is die. All I have to do is-”

Sunbeam heaved.

For the next few seconds, the only sound in the corridor was that of her emptying her stomach into a pot.

Panting, Sunbeam wiped her mouth on the back of her forehoof before trying to force a smile.

“Like I said, i-it’s a good plan Greywing. It’s simple and e-everypony wins with it.”

Sunbeam swallowed and immediately grimaced at the aftertaste in her mouth.

“Everypony wins. The Princess doesn't have to worry about me casting that spell anymore, Ponyville and its inhabitants are saved, annnnd Sparkles and co can move on and be friends with other ponies.”

She lifted a hoof up.

“Annnnd I don’t have to worry about living the rest of my life stuffed in a cage.” Her hoof fell limply. “Because really, that’s what was going to happen wasn’t it Greywing? Don’t lie, that’s what I’d have to look forward to if I lived. I‘d be stuffed into a cage, only ever let out wearing a leash. With this plan, I don’t have to worry about that. Or having to deal with memories.” She forced a smile again. “I won’t have to deal with the memories! See Greywing, it’s a perfect plan. Everypony gets their happily-ever-after with it.”

Their was a tiny snort from her. “Well, apart from the Snakes, but they don’t count do they, and-”

There was a pause as Sunbeam as tilted her head. Her full ear flicked twice before she frowned.

“Okay, I admit, my plan has a few holes in it Greywing. Okay, okay, quite a few if you’re gonna be pedantic, but it’s the best you’re gonna get. Besides, gimme a break here, you were expecting a sane plan? From me? Hah! I was never the picture-post-foal for mental sanity. Greywing. Heck, look at me now, I'm sitting here talking to a figment of my imagination. Tell me that’s a good sign. Tell me-”

A moment of silence passed as Sunbeam stared off into the distance.

“But I wasn’t always like this Greywing. I used to be sane. I used to be-”

A tiny, genuine, smile formed.

“Singing Flower was such a sweet and innocent little filly Greywing. Honestly, you’d of liked her if you’d met her. Everypony liked her. She was soooo sweet and innocent. She also liked to sing. Have I mentioned that Greywing? She liked to sing. She’d sing just to see ponies smile. S-she only wanted to see ponies smile. I remember that so clearly now, she only wanted to see smiles.”

Sunbeam closed her eyes.

“She even sang as she helped Mummy and Daddy wash the dishes Greywing. I remember that now. I remember the smell of the kitchen, all freshly scrubbed and decorated with lavender. Mummy liked lavender so Daddy would decorate the kitchen with it. I remember the smell so clearly. I remember her singing in the kitchen now. She’d sing so much that I remember Mummy and Daddy saying I’d get my cutie mark in-”

Sunbeam’s eyes snapped open.

I’d get my cutie mark, m-my cutie mark!

Lifting her left forehoof, she pressed it between her eyes.

“M-mmuy, Daddy, y-y-you said I’d get my cutie mark in singing. Y-you said. Y-you said! You-”

Sunbeam’s jaw shut with a click of her teeth.

Her shoulders bounced once, accompanied by a quiet, solitary sob.

Then silence as she sat there, unmoving..

A minute passed before Sunbeam suddenly ripped her hoof away from her face, a snarl forming. Looking at her hoof for a second, she pulled it back and-

The sound of the slap echoed briefly around the hallway.

Sitting there, her left cheek stinging badly and the taste of blood in her mouth, Sunbeam panted heavily through clenched teeth.

Her eyes narrowed. “You deserved that you stupid bucking bitch! You’ve been sitting here, moping, quite long enough. In fact I’m surprised you haven't been caught already. Move your flank bitch! The sooner you set off, the sooner this can all be over. The sooner all these memories will be gone. The sooner you set off, the sooner you’ll stop remembering what he took from you. What he ripped from-”

Standing up with a growl, she turned and set off.

Sunbeam walked in silence down the hallway. As she approached the end of the corridor, her expression relaxed and a wistful smile appeared.

“Strawberry ice cream! I’d really like some strawberry ice cream right now Greywing. It’s my favorite you know. I remember that it’s always been my favorite.” She grinned. “He wasn’t able to take that from me Greywing! I remember that it’s always been my favorite. I remember that it’s always been my-”

Sunbeam frowned. “I’ve told you that before Greywing haven’t I? Yes, I’m sure that I’ve told you that before. That strawberry ice cream was my favorite.”

Her frown deepened as she turned the corner. “But I can’t remember just when I told you though.” She shook her head. “Damn, that’s gonna bug me now. It’s gonna bug me for the rest of the day now.”

Her voice faded and the hallway with large arched windows was silent once again.

Author's Note:

Just for the record, this chapter and the last one I had originally planned to be all just one chapter... and I feel it might have worked a little better as just one chapter instead of two. Buuuut I also feel that if I had done that, you'd still be waiting for anything to be published at all, so I stand by my decision.

Anyway, things are all starting to spiral towards the end now. I have it all planned out in my head how things are gonna go.

Of course, we all know what happens to plans.

My usual thanks to Greynoise for editing and Starlight Nova for pre-reading - and for pointing out a little detail that even an AU tag would be strained to cover. A detail which I facepalmed and then laughed about before removing it.

See any problems I missed, let me know and I will try and correct them.

Comments ( 56 )

eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW UPDATE!!!!! :pinkiehappy:


Indeed, About twenty minutes after you asked about it's ETA :rainbowlaugh:

Yay for absurd timing! :raritywink::twilightsmile:

Tightly wound springs have a tendency to unwind abruptly.

Everypony around the table, apart from Celestia and Sunbeam, leaned away from Luna as little.

There are other little mistakes like this, check her explaining how the spell worked ther was a couple mistakes there too.


Thank you, I'll get on it.


Yep. I totally agree on all points. Needed to get that outta the way through so I could move onto the next chapters. All of which should be a little more action orientated.

Eggs will be broken!

o my feelings for icefang and luna do you really think your any better at finding and dealing with the order like celestia? and wow all or none over a very important necklace this feel like all your egg in the basket the order has going on for a one-shot end to there order if it fails all that on her? I wonder if their continuity plans and ways to protect there order

Wait a minute...that cover art...hang on...wait, hang on! Isn't that...surely that isn't a sketch from the old movie 'Ringing Bell', right?

This story... This buckin' story! It's one of a select few that give me chills while reading. I just wanna' step in and help, laying waste to the baddies and saving the... goodies? :rainbowlaugh:

It makes me want to kick some butt!

Sunbeam really does need a friend (or three) to help in Pomyville. I hope she gets them.

Oh shit you updated! Awesome!

What. The. Fuck. Luna.

You just traumatized your patient against you as well as your sister. For what purpose? To threaten untold horrors for an offense she was unaware of and was never even actually committed. That is so fucking counterproductive to Sunbeam's mental well-being and recovery it boggles the mind. You just removed the only remaining real authority figure (Twilight, while also a Princess, can't/won't do shit against Celestia) she may have trusted and confided in. For a petty threat to a traumatized and mentally unstable but innately good person.

She lifted Sunbeam’s amulet up to look at it and sighed “I also fear I may have let my emotions get the better of me back then. I put unnecessary strain on the seal.”

No. Fucking. Shit.
What happens now is now partially your fault as well as your sister's. You were supposed to be the one who protected and shielded her from Celestia's madness, to heal her, not damage her further with your own misdirected zealotry.

I’d of

uuugh. "write how you hear it" is the absolute worst.

Anyway, good chapter. Now everything is set up nicely. Whe have a wonderful fan here, someone even switched it on, and the shit is airborne as well. Can't wait!

Yeah. First she spends hours trying to repair Sunbeams mind, and then she tears it all down again herself. Brilliant.


I’d of been able to do things differently. I’d of done a lot things differently.”
He’d of screamed until I got bored of it and cut his vocal cords.

I'd have. He'd have.


You’d be found and stopped looooong before you could

“Ampily, ooooor…

loooong before

What's with your obsession of having characters dragging out words? I could understand if it was a quirk limited to one pony, but several have done this.

Glad to see it updated. I enjoyed this story as it takes an odd pony as the main character

Poor Sunbeam...

Plenty of people irl do it? I personally know like..... a dozen or so people that do it an a semi-regular basis.

There’s something wrong here. I’ve know there’s something wrong with my amulet


but the way they all looked at me when they it had changed.

When they it had changed? Not sure here.

And it’s oh-so-simple instructions.


The mere thought make me...


 So I’m damn well gonna tell her.”Closing

Needs a space after the quotation mark.

“but, don’t let the initial slow pace fall you, it will get quicker.


somewhere between minus one-eighty one-ninety degrees.

*one-eighty and one-ninety

These orders supersede all others:


I'm not sure if I hate this story or not and I can't think of a more polite way to say that. See I like the overall story, but then things really really get me, the entire arc with the cultists in particular and specifically the whole ‘pushing a hoof through a pinprick hole in paper’ bit. It was really well established that they were monsters with a specialized room and procedure for "pushing hooves through pinprick holes"(saying that to avoid direct spoilers) and that is never factored in even once past escaping their bonds.

It feels like the elements went to some guy's house and he had five chipped and worn headsman's axes and he wasn't there because he was getting his favorite one serviced because he had worn down the grips on the handle or something and not putting together that he's a full time employed headsman. I completely get that you want to give these ponies emotional impact for what they've done, but it really seems like along the way you've lost the emotional impact of what others have done entirely.

On the other hand the bit with that guard in the cultist arc was great and that really came through. I loved the bit with the "coffee stains". Sunbeam as a character is overall really well done and I love her interactions in Ponyville. It's just that the whole Cultist arc keeps coming back and I feel like I need to mention this.


Thank you for your comments. 'Outside' perspectives like this help me improve for the future. (Or at the very least give me pause for thought and reflect on what I've done, which is good as well,)




Thank you all, corrections made.


I think we can put it down to a quirk of the author.

From one or two ponies, not a problem.

Lots of times, from lots of different ponies... uhmmmmm, Yeah I think I'm gonna have to watch that.

PS, Can I just say that I love your account picture. The expression on Applejacks face says it all.

8503222 Sorry, but corrections haven't been done.

Ignoring all this, Sunbeam slumped. “But it doesn’t work. It's never bucking worked!” With a snarl, she threw the amulet down onto the table, where it skittered across it, coming to a rest close to Luna. Sunbeam’s head dropped back down, her voice becoming a whisper. “If it had worked, I’d of been a member of the clan. If it had worked, I’d of been family. I’d-”

Sunbeam closed her eyes. “If it had worked. I’d been able to do things differently. I’d of done a lot things differently.” There was a pause before she looked up, her lips pulled back to display her teeth. “If it had worked, I’d of made sure that that bastard wouldn’t have been able to hide the fact that I passed the bucking rite. I’d of made him scream. Oh how he would have screamed and screamed. He’d of screamed until I got bored of it and cut his vocal cords. And then I’d have..."

Ironically, the only case that is correct is last word in the quote :facehoof:

Really good chapter, you really captured Sunbeam's scared and unsettled mindset.
You can feel her weariness and doubt, and the fact she isn't completely on her right mind is readily apparent.

Very good work, can't wait for the climax.


That's fine. It's just annoying to read.


Reasonable enough.
Hmm, your name sounds familiar though now that i actually look....... Ah, you for translate/edit 'My Little Pony - Journey'. Thanks for that btw, it's a pretty good story.

Good job,

You broke her

what 8503349 said. It was actually painful to read that over and over.

I know I'm more than a month late, but...


When the plan made by someone not of sound mind involving her own suicide sound like the best option, you know something is fucked up.
After everything everyone, including some of her so called "friends" did to her, it's no surprise that she would actually consider such a plan as somewhat of a relief.
If I was actually trying to do the right thing and people treated me that ingratefuly, I would have went for the "fuck them all" route long before her. (Also, Luna threatening someone with a sentence worse than death over unknowingly using necromancy when she herself nearly killed all life on the planet in a fit of jealousy is just rich.)
Yes, she has the potential to do a lot of harm but, to use a metaphor, it's not because a dog has teeths and can bite that you need to muzzle it at all time. This is what they are doing with those rings, especially Twilight, and to run with the metaphor, that's a surefire way to end up with an aggressive dog.
Speaking of Twilight, by the way she is acting she is a disgrace to her own title. Since the cultists, she never once acted as a friend to Sunny and was callous to the others several times. She never once did something for Sunny without an ulterior motive, and never tried to confort her or stand up with her against everything she was subjected to. Rainbow and Pinkie were true friends, Twilight is just using her for her own agenda at this point. (Rarity and Applejack are kind of a different variable, the former being mostly passive and the later being seemingly more keen on the truth than anything else. Flutters is flutters, even if her metaphor about predators rubbed me the wrong way.) Yes, you have a duty Twilight, and yes, you have to make a lot of "correct" choices, but you are the bucking Princess of Friendship, how bucking hard can it be to hug someone out of genuine compassion when they need it ?!
Celestia... Did what she felt she had to do. Not in any way morally clean and maybe way too hasty, but at least she is having genuine remorses. Not that it change her crime in any way, but she at least understand her crime for what it is.)
Anyway, sorry for ranting, I tend to do that with stories I like..

This is really well-written. The little bit about "strangely unable to get the temperature below -273 degrees... Would you know why?" was awesome, among many. I don't normally read this sort of dark, foreboding story (well, on here I seem to be, but not in my wider circle of things I read), but I like the way you have set this up so far. The characters are very believable and the magical overcharge does a very good job explaining certain characters' awesomeness (though it's sad that, due to said overcharge now being removed, that there will likely be no more stunt flights that can mug physics for its lunch money).

I just hope that all the characters involved survive (with their magic intact and without physical disabilities) and get counseling at the end of this, though. They'll probably need it. *shrug*

Personally, I feel that it's much better if, no matter how stressful and disturbing a story is to them, the MCs will recover safely at the end. (Especially for this setting. Please don't kill off characters who live in a sugar bowl...)
Sure, that does not happen IRL, but stories aren't set there, and I feel that anyone who is put through that deserves to be okay at the end of it as thanks for their service.

Is this dead? I was enjoying it, AND you left us a cliffhanger. Grr.


No, not dead. Next chapter has been drafted and I'm now in process of cleaning it up.

Unfortunately, I find myself having to do a lot more 'adulting' these days. I've had a darn good run, but it's finally caught up with me and now its making up for lost time.

So the end result is that me having 'the motivation' to write AND 'the time to do so' in the same window of opportunity has become a little a lot rarer.


God, i remember this fic from years ago. I just finished re reading it and had a great time... really hope this isnt where it gets left off.

With a frown, Sunbeam lifted her head to look over at Twilight. "Question Sparkles. Scrolls tried and tried but he could never get the temperature to go below minus two seventy-three degrees. It drove him nuts trying. I remember watching him fail and feeling-" Sunbeam tilted her head. "Anyway, any idea why that is Twi? The temperature thing I mean, not his madness. Why couldn’t he get it to go below that? Kinda curious myself.”

Pretty sure no one has pointed this out, but yes, there is a very good reason why the spell couldn't get colder. It's literally impossible. -273.15° C is absolute zero.

Think about that for a moment. That bastard created a spell powerful enough to create an area completely devoid of heat. I can only imagine how scared Twilight is hearing this.

I actually had. I thought it was a wonderful and hilariously awesome hidden fact of SCIENCE! that was thrown in there. It's interesting to consider just how much they could have contributed to physics (or what passes for it in a world of varying squishiness of normal physical laws) if she hadn't been raised by assassins.

And yeah, I assume that Twi is very much freaking out right now.

*poooke* *poooke*
Stop poking that, little Archivist, it's dead. Come along, we'll get you a nice ice cream.

Mostly messing with you. I'd love for this to update, though. I hope that you can get some free time.

I think you could compare it to telling twilight you have a book which could answer any question she could ever have, just before burning said book in front of her.

Damn, just... damn...

This has me riveted to see what happens next! Tracking and faving!

Dude, it's been over two years. This story is dead.


Any chance of this story continuing?

Are there any plans to continue this story?

RIP story

update please:fluttercry::fluttershysad::applecry:

<<< ----continues to continues to wait patiently.



Me too!

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