• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 20 - Accidental

Chapter 20 - Accidental

Sunbeam had woken up a few minutes ago. As she lay on the bed, staring up at nothing, feeling smugness that she'd worked out, via the masks on the wall, that she was in Zecora’s hut was slowly giving way to a feeling of dread.

‘What did I do? I did something… clearing, timberwolves, killing. Zecora!’

Curling up into a tight ball of full, her ears fell flat back against her skull as her tail wrapped around her.

‘No, no, no, no, no. I didn’t, I didn’t… Wait! Singing!’

Relief, filled her as some memories returned.

‘I sang, I learned on Zecora and I sang as we walked back here. She’s okay. I didn’t...’

Relief turned to embarrassment.

‘Huh oh, I sang. I must have really been out of it, I even remember telling her...’


Tending her herb garden next to her hut, Zecora took a half step back as the door to her hut was thrown open and Sunbeam galloped out, or at least as best she could gallop with a hoof over her mouth.

“Either Miss Jackie is demanding payment for last night’s entertainment, or she’s remembering her wayward words.”

Zecora shook her head at the retching noises.


Zecora had been patiently waiting for Sunbeam to emerge, a glass of water ready for her. A slightly pasty looking, but grateful, Sunbeam downed it in one. Zecora noted that she was avoiding looking her in the eye.

“About last night, I feel we need to clear the air.”

Keeping her eyes down, Sunbeam just gave a slow nod. She could feel the world she’d spent so long trying to get to slipping away from her. The feeling of nausea returned.

“A civilised approach I feel is best." Zecora raised a hoof to point a table set up outside her hut. "I have prepared tea outside.”

With a nod and a slightly unsteady gait, Sunbeam set off towards the table. ‘Well, at least I didn’t wake up dead. Thanks a plus... Cheers, thanks for that brain.’

Sitting down a little heavier than planned, Sunbeam sat watching as Zecora went to the other side of the table to sit opposite her.

“Milk or sugar in your cup?” Zecora inquired.

“Just milk, thank you.” Her voice sounding a lot calmer than what she felt.

Lifting the jug of milk and poured some into Sunbeam’s cup. Wordlessly looking up Sunbeam, Sunbeam nodded that it was enough.

Zecora placed a tea strainer over Sunbeam’s cup and poured out the tea. The smell was reminiscent of the tea’s Sunbeam had had before, but none had had the heady, appetizing smell of this one. Repeating the actions with her own cup Zecora poured hers.

Sunbeam’s cup was pushed over in front of her. Lifting her cup up with her hooves, she took a sip. The taste had something she couldn't put a hoof on but it was delicious.

Zecora carefully looked at Sunbeam, as Sunbeam kept taking small sips of the delicious tea, trying not to gulp it down. She could feel herself relaxing.

‘Good tea. Must get some.’

Zecora’s face became blank. “You told me enough of your tale for me to give me worry.” Zecora closed her eyes for a second, before opening and fixing them on Sunbeam. ”I have reached my decision.”

‘Here it comes.’ She closed her eyes tight, holding the cup, awaiting the inevitable.

“You saved the young ones with little thought for you well being. For that alone, I am willing to turn a blind eye to crimes committed outside Equestria. And these are where I hope they will stay.”

Sunbeam managed a slow nod. Trying hard not to drop the cup.

“I see a pony wanting a chance. and a chance you shall have.” Her tone darkened. "A... chance."

Sunbeam smiled, then shook her head as if to try and clear it. Her mouth felt dry.

Sunbeam finished her cup, how Zecora had managed not to drink any of her wonderful tea baffled her.

“Okay, look…” Sunbeam blinked as a warm sensation grew inside of her “Very nice tea, by the way, odd aftertaste that I’m getting… right... now...”

Sunbeam went to place the cup back down but found it falling from her grip inches from the top of the table.

Zecora sat watching Sunbeam intently as Sunbeam started smiling vacantly, her ears falling flat sideways. Studying her face, Zecora gave a small nod as Sunbeam’s pupils started to dilate.

“It would be remiss of me to take your word at face value when there is so much is at stake... Especially when a truth potion is so easy to apply. Fear not, it is harmless, but, it does prevent you from remembering."

Zecora leaned in and mentally prepared the questions. The potion needs straight-forwards questions to work properly.

“What name or names have you been known as?”

Sunbeam swayed a bit as she sat there, a distant smile on her face.

“Sunbeam, Icefang…” Her voice became strained. “...Singing Flower.”

Zecora nodded as she poured her cup of tea away.

“Tell me, which do you prefer to be called?”


Zecora settled back. Reaching into a basket of picked flowers next to the table, she pulled out a small, unmarked, black bottle that had been placed under the flowers. Placing the bottle on the table between them she looked at it with a frown, before looking up at Sunbeam.

“I hope I don't have to use this. Now, Sunbeam, why don’t you tell me all about yourself.”


The castle kitchens were in their usual state of uproar, noisy, filled with rushed ponies and steam.

Azure Dawn looked around. ‘How does anything get done in here? It is pure chaos, Discord would be proud.’ Any further thoughts were lost by an angry shout.

“Who are you and what are you doing in my kitchen?” A burly Orange earth pony demanded with a voice that echoed around the walls.

Azure Dawn flinched at the volume and thrust the levitated papers towards who she supposed was Apple Gourmet, Canterlot Castle’s head chef.

“I’m Azure Dawn, I’ve been transferred to the kitchens.”

Apple Gourmet barely looked at the papers before looking Azure up and down.

“Huh, a unicorn being transferred to the kitchens. What’d they catch you doing?”

Waving a hoof he cut Azure off before she could reply.

“Well, I don’t care, I don’t care for unicorns, and I don’t care for ponies that have no cooking experience being transferred to my kitchen. Especially a mere week before the gala as well.”

Rubbing his chin, while staring at the mare, he turned to look over the central table.

“Fast Food, you got any use for a unicorn that knows nothing?”

“Can she stir a spoon?”

Apple Gourmet looked back at Azure.

“Well, can you stir a spoon?”

Fuming, Azure nodded, not trusting her voice.

‘You will be in the first group to be thrown to the manticores, I swear it.’

With a dismissive wave, Apple Gourmet turned away from her.

“Well, go follow him then.”

She trotted up to Fast Food, looking at Apple Gourmet with bloody murder in her eyes.

Looking her up and down with an unimpressed look, Fast Food handed her a spoon.

“You, stir that. Keep stirring that. I’ve got better things to do, so you’ll be over there by yourself.”

Looking over where Fast Food and pointed, Azure could see a huge mixing bowl.

“What’s in it?”

“Feel honoured we think you’re good enough to even stir it. It will be the Princesses main cake for the gala. It going to be given to the Princesses, the Element bearers and all the higher members of the court. So make sure you stir it good.”

He gave her a predatory grin.

“That’s only half of it, there more to go in yet. It will need to feed a lot of ponies.” With a toss of his head, he walked away, gloating. “Get stirring… and enjoy.”

He grinned in satisfaction at her jaw hanging open, but not for the reason he thought.

Watching Fast Food trot off, Azure gently patted the concealed pocket, making sure that the small blue bottle was still there.

Well, that was easy. So, what am I going to do for the rest of the week?’


Rolling over, Sunbeam could feel a presence by the side of her bed.

With an effort, she managed to crack an eyelid open.

“Zecora?” She croaked.

Zecora smiled at lifted up a glass of water to her.

‘Oh, my mouth is so dry. What was I, I mean how much did I drink last night? Why am I in Zecora’s hut? What did I do or say…?’

Zecora could see Sunbeam’s memory kick in as her eyes went wide and her body went stiff.

“Hush now little one. You were obviously still tired, you fell asleep on me.”

Sunbeam relaxed, marginally. After several attempts, she managed to sit up and with shaky hooves, take the water.

‘Ugh, been a while since I’ve felt this bad, the last thing I remember is… horseapples! I was singing! I need to...’ Looking up Sunbeam could see Zecora’s face harden. ‘Oh yeah, I screwed up as well...’ Fighting the urge to curl up into a ball she sat there, staring at Zecora.

“Sunbeam, I have considered what I know.”

‘Here it comes.’

“I will give you a chance, that is all anyone can ask. I will be watching you though, this you can know to be true.”

Sunbeam slumped back down into Zecora’s bed.

“Thank you.” Was the quiet response. “Ponyville has kinda grown on me, I like it here.”

Zecora couldn’t suppress the grin as Sunbeam lay there, blinking in shock at the admission to herself.

“Perhaps as you intend to stay, opening up some to ponies should be the order of the day." Zecora tapped a hoof against her chin. "Also, as you leaned on me as we walked to my hut, you did serenade the forest with a voice most gracious… and a song so crude, That might I suggest you consider a career in music Sunbeam. Singing other songs.”


Trotting down the track from Zecora's hut, Sunbeam’s gait had a bounce in it. To Sunbeam’s surprise, she found herself in a good mood, even despite Zecora finding a tiny bit out about her past.

'Huh, deciding whether or not to stay must have been weighing on my mind more than I realised.' She found herself quietly singing, not paying any attention to the forest around her.

Which was how she came upon three timberwolves, two sitting one laid down, not two meters in front of her on the track.

Both parties sat and stared at each other for a good couple of seconds before anyone reacted. The timberwolves reacted first, with yelps, they scattered into the forest, leaving a stunned Sunbeam standing there.

After a few moments, Sunbeam continued on the track, the song and the bounce in her step now noticeably absent.


Walking back into Ponyville, Sunbeam had made good time, but doubt had entered her mind as she approached Ponyville.

‘I want to stay, but if they find out...’

Her lip curled back.

“I want to, I want..’

‘Buck it! I’m gonna do what I want to do for a change! Not what is needed, not what others want or expect. Matter closed.’

A smile spread on her face as the tension fled from her shoulders.

“Now that’s settled, I’m staying, I’m gonna have to be, yuk, more friendly and approachable.” She stated in a jovial tone. “What’s more…”

Coming to a stop, she stared at the crowd of ponies all gathered around a cart in the marketplace.

“Make way!” She heard called out. As a unicorn and an earth pony rushed up to the crowd.

Making sure she didn’t get in the way, she trotted up to the nearest pony on the outside of the crowd and tapped him.

“What’s going on?”


Celestia looked over the crowded day court, making a careful count in her head who she would save if a disaster were to happen here and now.

“Princess?” Short Notice inquired noticing the Princess’s expression.

“Twelve,” Celestia stated out loud before a brief look of embarrassment flitted across her face.

Short Notice, nodded. He’d served the Princess long enough to guess what she had been doing. Knowing that he was one of those twelve he found oddly comforting. Looking away from at the retreating noble, he held up the schedule.

“Next to see you is…”

A puff of green smoke and a scroll appeared next to Celestia.

Celestia gave the scroll a puzzled look.

“Short Notice, I thought all the Elements, minus Rainbow, arrived in Canterlot last night?”

They had arrived last night, several days early, to do some shopping in Canterlot and help with the preparations for the Gala. While Celestia had wanted to meet them, and this ‘Sunbeam’, in Ponyville, the thought of unleashing them upon the Gala planners was a too good an opportunity to miss. “I am soooo, looking forward to seeing the Gala planners faces when I introduce their new co-planners.” Had been stated to Luna, with Celestia sporting an ear-to-ear evil smile that few knew she was capable of.

Short Notice picked up his notebook and checked inside. “Yes Princess, they all should be out shopping in Canterlot as we speak.”

Celestia levitated up the scroll and unfurled it.

‘Princess Celestia, It’s me, Spike. There has been an accident...’

Short Notice could see Celestia’s mask become strained.

“Day Court is suspended until further notice!” He called out. Ignoring many groans and grumbles from the assembled nobles.

“Shining Armour!” Celestia called out.


Celestia rolled the scroll back up and levitated it over to him.

“Your fastest flyer is to deliver this to Captain Spitfire at the Wonderbolt Academy, she is to get it to Rainbow Dash as soon as possible. Liaise with Short Notice, find the rest of the elements and gather them here. I will see them as soon as they are here.”

“Ma’am.” Shining Armour saluted before turning to a guard and calling out orders.

Standing up Celestia called out in a voice just shy of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Day court is suspended for the rest of the day!”


Spitfire looked at Doctor Pulse as they both sat in her office. Picking the written orders, she continued reading them.

“So doc, due to your diligence,” Spitfire mentally substituted ‘diligence’ with ‘obsession’, “with Rainbow Dash, you are too, and I quote, ‘to observe and note her progress, with minimal interference, with the specialized equipment supplied’, yadda, yadda, yadda.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Spitfire studied the doctor. He looked, in her words ‘out of it’ at the moment. Simply staring at the wall behind her. ‘Shock, it looks like he’s in shock’

“So, doc, you finally got approval to poke and prod Rainbow until…”

“No! I mean no, Ma’am. I have strict guidelines I must adhere to. If I fail in any of these you are to contact Princess Celestia directly.”

Doctor Pulse handed over a sealed envelope address to Spitfire, it bore the royal seal.

“These are my boundaries and how much I am allowed to… Well, they specify what I am allowed to do, they also contain some orders for you, in reference to my extra duties.”

Spitfire leaned back.

“Princess Celestia is as keen as anypony to see what Rainbow Dash is capable of, and why. As I am already the Wonderbolts Medical Officer she felt it best for me to continue, while doing some limited testing. However, she feels it possible I could get, overenthusiastic, and I need some boundaries. The letter contains those and your orders to supervise me in case I exceed them, involuntary or otherwise.“

‘I also know the other lines I’m not allowed to cross, ones that most definitely are not listed in there. Ones ‘Other Ponies’ will be watching me for.’

Spitfire grinned. “Well, she did help save Equestria several times, not to mention bringing the Princess’s sister back to her, so I guess she might feel a little, protective of her.”

‘Oh...You have no idea.’

“Well, doc…” Spitfire was interrupted as Solar Guard pegasus marched into her office and saluted.

“Ma’am. Please excuse me barging in, but I have orders from the Princess to give this to you immediately.” He presented the scroll.

Standing up, Spitfire walked around her desk and took the scroll. Her eye’s widened as she read it. Bolting up to the door she yelled out.

“Soarin, get your sorry flank moving, find Rainbow Dash! Get her to my office asap! Move!”


Nurse Redheart jumped as the doors to reception at the hospital were almost wrenched off their hinges as a wild looking Rainbow Dash threw herself through them.

“Where is she!”

Rainbow launched herself across the reception floor towards the nurse, only to stop midway, encased in a white glow.

“Rainbow, you need to stop, you can’t do anything at the moment.” Sunbeam snarled through gritted teeth. Levitation was not her strong point, Rainbow Dash was a powerful flyer and holding her was pushing Sunbeam to her limits. Slightly more than her limits, if the way Rainbow was still slowly moving towards the nurse was anything to go by.

Nurse Redheart gave Sunbeam a slight nod of appreciation. “Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo is in the operating theatre as we speak, do you intend to barge in there mid-operation?”

Rainbow sagged like a rag doll, with only her wings supporting her, her shoulders, head, and hips all collapsed towards the ground. Her slow creep towards the nurse came to a stop. The white glow faded from around her.

Staggering as she let Rainbow go, Sunbeam grabbed a nearby table to steady herself.

“She is in the best place for her at present. The doctors in the surgery are the best we have.” She didn’t add they were the only ones the hospital had, but they were good.

“I-I’m sorry. I kinda lost it there.” Rainbow mumbled, not looking up. “What happened?”

Nurse Redheart looked down at her notes. “A wagon at the market had its load improperly secured. Several barrels fell off when the crusaders crashed into it. Scootaloo got hit by one. Your friend,” The nurse gestured towards a now sitting Sunbeam, “Stayed here for you in case you needed her.” Nurse Redheart paused and glared at Rainbow. “Or in case I needed her.”

Looking up, Rainbow turned to Sunbeam. “Thank you. I kinda made a fool of myself.”

Sunbeam waved a hoof. “Nah, I prevented you from making a fool of yourself.”

‘That’s what I should say, right?’

Rainbow gave a wan smile before turning back to the Nurse. “How is she?”

“Internal bleeding, multiple lacerations, the doctors are seeing what else needs to be done.” Rainbow winced at each word.

“Is there anything…”

“I’m afraid all you can do is wait for them to come out of surgery.”

Any life that was left in Rainbow fled and she landed, heavily, her head bowed.

Sunbeam, having recovered enough, stood up to walk around to Rainbow when another pegasus walked in. A white one with a pink mane and tail.

“Rainbow Dash, are you okay?” She inquired with a regal sounding voice.

Rainbow head snapped round. “P- Sunny? W-what are you doing here?”

“I heard what had happened, so I came here to see how you were. And possibly fix any damage you may have caused.”

Using a wing, Rainbow pointed to Sunbeam. “Thank you… Sunny. Sunbeam thought ahead and prevented me from doing anything... rash.”

Turning to face Sunbeam, Sunny looked at the mare then nodded. “You have my thanks.”

Sunbeam could feel herself being evaluated. “No problem, it’s what friends do, right?”

“Indeed they do. Miss Sunbeam.”

Sunbeam nodded in relief, she felt like she’d just passed a test.

“Any friend of Rainbow Dash, or any of the Elements, is a friend of mine. We should get to know each other.” Sunny said, walking over to Rainbow and putting a wing over her back. “But right now, being there for Scootaloo and Rainbow I believe is the priority.”

Looking up, Rainbow scanned the reception room. “Where are the others?”

“They are on their way back, they took the first train they could. They will be here in a few hours. For now, we need to wait for the doctors to get back to us.”

“Anything you could do for her…”

“Rainbow, you know if I could, I would. ”

An accepting nod followed from Rainbow.

Sunbeam watched them. ‘Seem they're good friends, looks like the second part of the plan won’t be needed. Darn, I think I was actually hoping to do it.’

All three settled back down in the reception room and waited.


Rainbow jumped up as a doctor in surgical scrubs came out into reception.

Looking around he fixed his gaze Rainbow “Miss Dash?” He took a deep breath as Rainbow nodded. “I’m pleased to say we expect Miss Scootaloo to make a full recovery.”

Flying at the doctor, nearly bowling him over with the impact, Rainbow hugged him tight.

“Thankyou thankyou thankyou.”

Prising Rainbow off him, he continued. “She will need to stay in for observation for at least a week, and in hospital for bit longer after for tests.”

Sunny trotted up. “Thank you doctor, may I have a word?”


“Oh, this won’t take long.” Sunny gave him a big smile.

Sunbeam walked over to Rainbow.

‘Damnit, I’m going to do it.’

“Rainbow, can I see you in private for a minute?” Sunbeam pointed to the door to the mares room.

Rainbow looked puzzled but nodded. They both walked over the door.

Once in, Sunbeam closed the door and turned to Rainbow.

‘Oh please let me be right!’

Walking up to Rainbow, Sunbeam threw her hooves around the pegasus neck and gave her her best hug.

“She’s going to be okay Rainbow, she’s going to be okay.”

In the silence that followed, Sunbeam’s eyes found themselves darting around the room. The sudden stillness from Rainbow was unsettling. She wasn’t returning the hug.

‘Oh no, I got it wrong, I got it wrong. Think of something...ugk’

The cyan mare threw her hooves around Sunbeam nearly crushing her. The silence continued, but Sunbeam could feel Rainbows shoulders bouncing up and down and then the harsh, uneven, intakes of breath started.

Sunbeam relaxed. ‘I got it right! I got it right! I got it right.’


Looking in through the crack between the door and the doorframe for a second, Sunny wore a big smile on her face, before backing away and letting the door close.

‘She looks so stiff. Her body language screams guard, but she seems so young. Feel I’m missing something, wish I was in my full form then I’d know. Too many questions if I did though, besides, I rather like this personna. So for now, with reservations, have my blessings Miss Sunbeam.’

Sunny sat down to wait for the rest of the Elements to arrive.

‘Must remember to tell Short Notice that I won’t be needing that day off after all, guess I’ll be catching up with all the duties from today. Oh. Joy.’

Nurse Redheart looked up with concern at the sigh that came from the white pegasus. Her head had slumped and her wings fallen so far as to actually drag on the ground.

Author's Note:

Edit: Zecora's rhyming has been removed. Stop-gap measure until I get round to re-doing chapter properly.

Mixed success with Zecora's rhyming. Also first paragraph I re-wrote multiple times.

Anyone see any problems, errors or me being just silly, speak up. Either in comments or a PM if its that big / many.

Now for a JD myself, which I have started called Jackie D my mistake i.r.l. May the lords or alcohol forgive me.

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