• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,305 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 32 - Tipping Point

Chapter 32 - Tipping Point

Rainbow wrinkled her nose at Twilight. “Oh yuck Twi! That’s really gross! Do I really havta do that?”

Twilight found herself examining the floor intently. “Unless somepony else can come up with a better idea…” She let the sentence hang in the air. Nopony said anything. “Look, I know it's an unpleasant thing I’m asking you to do Rainbow, but that’s the entire point. I can’t see a better way to get a pony behind you while making every other pony that has come in want to leave.” She sighed. “That is when somepony finally comes to check on us that is.”

Rainbow strained against her straps one more time before slumping back down onto her bench. Her wings falling limp. “If you think that’s the best way Twi, I’ll do it. I just hate all this waiting around.”

Applejack shook her head, chuckling. “We all know you do sugar. But when they do come back...”

Rainbow folded her wings neatly back to her sides, sporting a smug grin. “I get us free, Twi goes all alicorny… then we go kick some serious flank. Rescuing Greywing and Sunbeam at the same time.”

Rolling her eyes, Twilight rested her head on her bench. “Not quite how I phrased it. But it has the benefit of being succinct I suppose.”

Rainbow looked over at Twilight. “At least we don’t have to look at that bucking crystal while we wait.”

Rarity shifted uneasily on her bench. “Horrid thing! I don’t think I can ever look at gems the same way ever again.” Rarity studied the trapdoor. “While I am not complaining, I am somewhat puzzled as to why it isn’t on right now.”

Twilight glared at the trapdoor where the crystal was housed. “Magical storage crystals require some down-time to convert the energy they've absorbed into a crystalline form.” Twilight’s expression turned to curiosity. “You know, I haven’t even heard of a magical storage crystal that size before, they're normally no bigger than a hoof.” Twilight’s left ear twitched. “The one planned by The School of Gifted Unicorns for high engery research was going to be biggest ever built... and that was going to be only half the size of that one. At least it was, Princess Celestia stepped in and vetoed it personally." Twilight pursed her lips. "So… I wonder how much energy this one could actually store?”

As Twilight’s eyes glazed over in deep thought, both Rainbow and Applejack rolled their eyes at the sight of Twilight mentally disappearing off into academia. A minute passed before Twilight suddenly jolted, her eyes locking onto the trapdoor.

“Oh! Of course... Storage capacity is not a linear increase relative to size, it’s a geometric progression. That means its capacity is orders of magnitude larger...” Twilight’s jaw started to tremble.

Rainbow sighed. “In Equestrian please Twi.”

“That crystal needs to be destroyed!” Twilight didn’t look up at either Rainbow’s or Applejack’s shocked expressions. “It’s too big! It’s too dangerous!” Twilight finally looked up at them. ”That crystal, if fully charged, could release enough raw magic in one go to… to…” Twilight stammered to a halt, searching for an example. “It could… It could…" She shuddered at the example that came to mind. "It could store enough magic to, temporarily, override the Princesses control of the Sun or the Moon!”

For a long period, the only sound in the chamber was Twilight’s laboured breathing. Fluttershy spoke up. “O-oh my. How long before it can do that?”

Twilight shook her head, trying to calm herself with mental exercises. “Oh, it’s going to take years to charge it to that level.” Twilight felt herself relax. “Sorry girls, I kinda panicked there. We’ve got plenty of time to... Unless of course...” She shifted uneasily on her bench, her panic starting to rise again as her worries coalesced into one realization. Twilight’s voice was lifeless. “Unless of course they were able to procure six sources of magic that were, effectively, inexhaustible. Six sources that gave out massive quantities of radiant energy. Six sources that were, say, connected to the Elements. Then... Then they could possibly charge that thing in mere months.”

Rainbow’s face met the bench with a thud. Even being slightly muffled, Rainbow managed to put enough sarcasm into her voice for even Twilight to catch it first time round. “Well, thanks for that Twi, no pressure then.”

The protracted silence that followed was broken by Rarity. “Umm, girls, I’m sorry to ask, but would you mind talking some more? It's just that this silence is so terribly oppressive, couple that with the fact I can’t actually see anypony... Your talking lets me know that you are all still here with me…” Her voice lowered. “That I’m not all alone.”

A jolt ran through Twilight. ‘Of course, Pinkie and myself can see Rainbow and Applejack, and they can see us. Fluttershy and Rarity can only see… empty alcoves.’

“Hang in there Rare’s. How are you doing Flutters?” Rainbow called out.

“I’m fine Rainbow. But please, keep talking. As Rarity said, it is nice to know that you are all still there.”

Rarity’s voice was strained. “Thank you all, I feel like a foal for asking this … But after everything… I just need the reassurance.... I… I don’t think I can handle the silence for much longer.”

“Umm…” Twilight’s head, so usually full of things, had gone blank. “Uh, anypony got anything they want to talk about? I can’t think of anything myself right now.”

Applejack looked over at Twilight, trying to keep her voice as neutral as possible. “Hey Twi, if we’re gonna talk, I figure it’s a good a time as any to say this… Sunbeam, I ain’t too comfortable with what we’re doing.”


“We all played along with you at the inn Twi. Heck, as soon as that unicorn back at the inn opened her mouth, I could tell she wasn't who she claimed to be.” Applejack’s voice dropped. “She wasn’t lying about some of the things she’d done in that town though.” Applejack’s voice returned to normal. “But, sure as I love Granny’s cookin’, she wasn’t Icefang.”

“Oh yes.” Rarity chipped in, her voice sounding quite happy all of a sudden. “I mean please, you could see her roots.”

Applejack continued. “So we had two white-backed unicorn’s, one with a dyed back, the other with a naturally white back. One lying about being ‘Icefang’, the other not sayin’ anything, just trying hard not be noticed. Not too hard to figure out which was which.”

Rarity politely sniggered. “Watching poor Sunbeam pull all those faces as that Dusty fellow related all those horrible things. So unbelievable most of them. I must admit to some illicit humor at some of Sunbeam’s expressions, especially at the more outlandish of stories.”

Fluttershy spoke quietly. “It was those stories when her face went blank, though…”

This time, the silence that followed was an uncomfortable one as everypony reflected on those stories. ‘The Hope’s Hill Massacre’ standing particularly.

Applejack shook her head. “Well shoot, that as may be. I still don’t like all this pretending we don’t know. Sunbeam’s done alright by us, went and put herself in harm’s way to rescue Applebloom and the others. Ma’ family owes her a debt… And The Apple Family always repays their debts.”

Applejack rested her head on the bench. “My concern is Twi, that by not telling her, it might end up with her distrusting us. And I can see that coming back to bite us on the flank. Probably right at a point where we need her to trust us.” The straps prevented Applejack from jabbing a hoof at Twilight for emphasis. “Not to mention I can see her trying to be a better pony Twi. Now think about it, how would you react if you found out that 'The Elements of Harmony' themselves had been lying to you?” Applejack looked down. Her voice becoming soft. “I can see her giving up trying at that point Twi... And that thought just doesn’t sit right with me.”

A murmur of agreement went round the chamber.

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded in agreement. “I didn’t like doing it either girls, but I had to do something. If I hadn’t done the whole ‘mistaken identity’ ruse, she would have suspected something was up. She’s not stupid, and she know’s we’re not.” Twilight fidgeted. “As she’s the only pony here that knows what wheat-thorn actually looks like. I couldn’t take the risk of her running off, thinking we were going to turn her in.”

Twilight looked up at the ceiling. “None of you saw how she reacted when she first met me. I swear the only reason she didn’t run screaming out of the library was because she ended up hyperventilating on the floor.” Twilight took a deep breath, steeling herself. “Girls! We have a lot of ponies depending on us to get the antidote. I… We can’t risk all those lives for the feelings of one pony. When we get back, we can sort this all out. I will apologise to her and shoulder any blame, but...”

Twilight voice became pleading. “But... Girls, please. This is one of those times… One of the times the Princess told us about. One of the times where we have to… For the good of Equestria… We have to be… to be…”

Everypony could hear Twilight choke on the word.

“Specific... as to how and who we apply our elemental traits to. There are too many ponies lives on the line to take unnecessary risks.”

Applejack spoke gently. “I understand where you’re coming from Twi, and what’s at stake... Never said that I didn’t. I just wanted was to voice my concerns. I'm not gonna say anything to her, not until after we get back anyway.”

“Yeah, what AJ said,” Rainbow added.

“I’m inclined to agree with Applejack’s sentiments, Twilight.” Rarity stated with firmness.

“M-me to.”

“Okie Dokie Twi. But we will have to make it up to Sunbeam somehow.”

Twilight relaxed. “Thank you girls. I know this isn’t pleasant, but…”

“It’s okay darling. We understand.”

Silence again.

“Does anypony else have anything else they want to say? Just to keep us talking.” Twilight inquired.

Rainbow started smirking. “I spy with my little eye... something beginning with ‘s’.”

“Oh come off it sugar.”

“I do believe I prefer the silence darling.”

“Epp, err, please no Rainbow.”

“Rainbow, I will use my status as a princess to banish you.”

“Is it ‘stones’ Dashie?”

- - - - - - - - -

Brother Constellation rolled his eyes before answering Brother Steady-Eye’s question. “Because you were the first pony I came to! Now get up and go check on the assets. I will come back and take your report on it after you’ve finished.”

The pegasus, still laying on his bed, adopted an innocent look. “But Brother, I thought that it was common practice that: ‘There needs to be at least two brethren on any check or sweep’.”

“Brother, I am well aware…”

“Brother Adeptus issued that instruction himself didn’t he? So if anything happened to one, the other would be able to raise the alarm.”


“Of course, I could officially report that you told me to ignore that…”

Brother Constellation curled his nose up as he stamped a hoof. “Fine! Come on. Let us both go check on the assets.”

He watched the pegasus get out of bed and put on an orange robe. ‘Bucking feather brain! Hope your wings rot off.”

- - - - - - - -

Brother Steady-Eye opened the door to the chamber to the sounds of bickering.

“Is it ‘a shadow’…”

“No it’s not Pinkie! We’re not playing anymore…”

Brother Constellation groaned, but to his relief, they all went silent as both Brothers walked in. What he found unnerving was the way they were all looking at them.

Brother Steady-Eye walked around with a bucket of water, offering a ladle of it to each of the assets. He grinned at Brother Constellation as the last one took the water.

“See, no probl…”

“I need a bucket, for… solids. Well, mostly solids. Maybe. My stomach hasn’t been feeling too… good. Been messy recently, really messy… And it’s been getting worse… If fact, you might want to put some newspaper down, or something, I think it’s a bad one coming. I think it’s gonna go everywhere.”

Both brothers turned to look at the cyan asset, who had her face scrunched up in disgust.

Brother Constellation shook his head. “And here is where I draw the line. You are on your own now Brother.”

“You can’t just…”

“Oh I can and I am. Make sure you clean up afterwards, Brother Speaker would not want to come into here to… anything leftover. I shall be waiting down the corridor, way down the corridor in fact.” With that, Brother Constellation turned and hastily left, not looking back.

Brother Steady-Eye shook his head before heading outside and grabbing an empty bucket from the pile next to the door. Trotting back in, he automatically closed the door behind him.

“Come on then, let’s do this.” He smiled at the bound pegasus. “Just relax, I’ll help clean up afterwards. We are not all barbarians here.”

He walked towards Rainbow’s alcove. She smiled back at him.

- - - - - - - -

Brother Adeptus stroked the mane of the shivering bastion. “Shhh my child. It was only a dream. Just the last echoes of your old mind.” The bastion whimpered again, tears running down her face.

He sighed. “But I doubt you are going to sleep for the rest of the night now are you? Plus you’re probably going to keep the rest of us awake in the process.” He smiled down at her. “So for tonight, go, stand outside my door. Guard. Let nopony past unless they are of high rank… ahh, I need to explain the rankings to you don’t I.” Brother Adeptus rubbed his eyes. “Make that: If they wear blue or red robes, do as they say. Tomorrow I will explain more thoroughly. After I have gotten some sleep. Sleep is important, lack of sleep makes us all inefficient.”

- - - - - - - - -

Brother Steady-Eye squeezed himself between the asset’s stone bench and the wall of the alcove, a bucket held tightly in his mouth. ‘Humm, going to have to think of another way to carry this bucket once...’

Rainbow’s wing shot out, filling his vision with feathers. Pausing for a second at its highest point, the wing then descended in a powerful downstroke, the bony leading edge smashing straight onto the top of Brother Steady-Eye’s nose.

Twilight cringed at the sound of the impact. ‘That's was his nose breaking... I asked her to do this… Oh Rainbow, please forgive me!’

Collapsing to the floor and howling in pain, Brother Steady-Eye grasped his face as the bucket rolled away, blood already pouring from his nose.

Twisting her wing round, Rainbow nestled his head in the joint of the wing and took a deep breath. ‘So glad Scoots isn’t here to see me do this.’

The side of Brother Steady-Eye’s head was slammed hard against the edge of Rainbow’s stone bench. The sound of the blow filled the chamber.

“Undo the straps,” Rainbow commanded.

Brother Steady-Eye just groaned.

Twilight tried to ignore the sound of another blow.

“Undo the straps.”

A second passed, then another impact.

Twilight could feel her bile rising. ‘This isn’t Rainbow, This isn’t something I’ve told her to do...’

“Undo the straps.”

A pause, then a particularly hard impact sound followed.

Applejack called out. “Careful partner. You’re only trying to keep him disorientated, not make him unconscious.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m trying to be careful. 'Don't hit too hard' and all that. It’s just right now..." Another blow followed. "I really don’t feel like being careful.”

Rainbow turned her head to look at Brother Steady-Eye.

“Undo the straps.”

There was silence, the lack of impact sounds got Twilight to look up hopefully. ‘Perhaps....’

Rainbow slammed the brother’s head against the bench again.

“Undo the straps.”

More seconds passed…

Twilight folded her ears back.

Another impact.

“Just undo the bucking straps you moron! Do you -want- her to give you brain damage?” Twilight lay there blinking. ‘Did I just scream that out?’

Rainbow gave Twilight a puzzled look before shrugging and tensing her wing. She could feel the stallion twitch in anticipation of the coming strike.

“Undo the…”

One of her hind legs came free. Rainbow smiled.

“Attaboy. Now all the other straps you can reach, I won't hurt you anymore if you do.”

‘Okay, I’m sooo not telling Scoots about this and... Huh. Got blood on my wing and... And Twilight’s looking kinda ill. In fact, so does Pinkie... Hope they're okay.'

- - - - - - - -

Rainbow arched her back, stretching her wings out so they trembled. “Awww yeah, that feels good.”

“That’s wonderful partner. Now, would you mind freeing the rest of us?”

Rainbow turned and glared at Brother Steady-Eye. “Stay.” He cringed, pressing himself as far back into the alcove as possible, unable to look her in the eye. The right side of his face was heavily bruised and bleeding now, his right eye had already swollen shut and blood was still dripping from his broken nose.

‘He ain’t going anywhere’ Rainbow shook her head. ‘I feel…’ Rainbow stamped her hoof. ‘A Wonderbolt shouldn’t get satisfaction from hurting others… No, no they shouldn’t! No matter how much they deserve it.’

Looking away, she walked round into Applejack’s alcove.

“Well, ain’t you a sight for sore eyes partner.”

Rainbow tried to think of a smart reply as she went to work on Applejack’s straps. Disappointingly, nothing came to mind so she just worked in silence, giving Applejack a nod as she finished.

With Applejack free, Rainbow went over to Rarity’s alcove as Applejack went over to Twilight’s.

Stepping into Rarity’s alcove, the sight of her stopped Rainbow dead. Rarity looked back at her with a small smile. “Please darling, it’s not polite to keep a lady waiting.”

“Uh… right. Yeah right.” Rainbow walked up to her. ‘Oh Celestia, I’ve never seen Rarity in such a mess before.’

Her once white coat was matted; covered in dirt and vomit stains; makeup streaks lined her face and her once pristine mane hung lifeless and dull. Yet, once free, Rarity walked out of her alcove with her head held high and with a bearing that would have rivaled Commander Hurricane in one of her victorious return parades.

Rarity noticed the looks. “Darlings, I can assure you that while I may not look… good. I am ready to assist in our escape, in any capacity. So please ignore my current, somewhat lacklustre, appearance. I...”

Walking up next to Rarity, Rainbow hesitated for a second, then hugged her.

Several seconds passed, then Rarity starting hugging her back, breaking down as she did so. “Why? Why? Why?”

With Twilight now free, Applejack went over to Fluttershy as Twilight went to free Pinkie. Walking past Rainbow as she comforted Rarity, Applejack gave Rainbow a slight nod.

Nopony noticed the chamber door open.

Brother Constellation’s jaw dropped. He stood there, unable to comprehend the assets being free. He’d only come back to berate Brother Steady-Eye for taking too long.

“W-what the Bucks going on here? Why are you free? Where's Brother...”

Rainbow’s ears swiveled towards the voice a fraction of a second before her head followed suit. Her wings shot open, knocking Rarity aside with a yelp, and a moment later the enraged pegasus was flying at the stunned Brother, her lips pulled back in a snarl.

Rearing up on hind legs as instinct took over, Brother Constellation tried to charge up his horn... Just as Rainbow slammed her whole weight, at considerable speed, into his chest. Colliding with the Brother at a slightly upward angle, Rainbow’s momentum threw them both upwards and outwards through the door.

Rainbow cringed at an all-too-familiar sounding cracking sound. ‘Buck what have I broken this...’

They ricocheted off the ceiling first, then off a wall, before slamming into the floor and tumbling down the corridor in a tangle of limbs. Even with Rainbow being an expert at crash landings, she was unable to prevent their combined weight landing heavily on her right wing as they bounced down the corridor. The stab of pain in her wing socket was enough to tell Rainbow that she was going to regret that later.

Rolling to a stop, they both lay on the floor, both still locked together. Rainbow, now a lot more battered and bruised, still managed to pull her senses together long before Brother Constellation had even started to move.

Getting both her hooves squarely on his chest, Rainbow shoved him as hard as possible, throwing him backwards against a wall. Bouncing off it, he collapsed into a pile on the floor.

Scrambling to her hooves, all four legs wide and her head low, Rainbow spread her wings for intimidation.

Rainbow tried to spread her wings for intimidation. The electric shock of pain from the wing joint caused her to stagger, her cry of pain coming out as a harsh exhale.

Rainbow stood there, unable to move as she pulled her thoughts back together. ‘G-Great! Think I’ve pulled an extensor muscle!’ She glared at Brother Constellation's still form. “Oh, you are so going down you little bucker.”

“Rainbow…” Twilight stood in the doorway staring at her, looking ill.

Rainbow took a slightly swaying step towards the Brother. “C'mon, get up you...”

“Rainbow! I don’t think he’s getting up.” Twilight’s voice help an oddly dull note.

Rainbow risked a glance away from her opponent towards Twilight.

“Rainbow. H-his horn caught on the top of the doorframe on the way out.”

Rainbow turned back and look hard at Brother Constellation. Now she was looking, she could see that his head was resting at an unnatural angle to the rest of his body.

She turned and blinked at Twilight “Oh. I… I didn’t mean… to…to...”

Collapsing onto the floor, Rainbow curled up, shivering as she stared at the body.

- - - - - - - - -

Rarity sat hugging Rainbow on one side, Fluttershy sitting on the other side, carefully minding Rainbow’s damaged wing. A brief examination confirmed that she had indeed strained the muscle badly and, until it could be properly treated, preventing any further damage was the main concern. A strap pulled off one of the benches, now held Rainbow’s damaged wing to her side.

What worried Fluttershy was Rainbow’s reaction to being told she was grounded. She’d just shrugged.

Together, they all silently watched as Applejack dragged Brother Constellation back into the chamber by the collar of his robe. Brother Steady-Eye tried to make himself even smaller as the sight.

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow tight as she noticed her expression “Rainbow? Please be okay.”

“I… I…” Rainbow stared at the body.

Stepping between Rainbow and the body Fluttershy took her head between her hooves and forced Rainbow to look at her.

“Look at me Rainbow. Look only at me!”

Blinking, Rainbow finally focused on Fluttershy.

“You’re a loyal pony Rainbow. You’re a good pony.” Fluttershy pulled Rainbow’s head into her shoulder and stroked her mane. “Shhh. You’re a good pony.” She could feel the shivers. “You’re still a good pony.”

After depositing the body in an alcove, Applejack walked over to Rarity. Getting her attention, Applejack tapped her own forehead before nodding towards Twilight.

Rarity blinked before comprehending Applejack’s action. “Ahh, my inhibitor ring. Suppose I should get this over and done with. Will you be okay Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Letting go of Rainbow, Rarity walked over to Twilight. Pinkie quickly took her place hugging Rainbow.

Twilight tore her eyes off Rainbow before nodding solemnly at her. “Are you ready for this? After this amount of time…”

“Thank you darling, I am quite aware of how much this is likely to hurt.” Laying down on the floor, Rarity looked up at Twilight. “I am ready.”

Twilight reached down and lifted the ring off Rarity’s horn.

Rarity’s eye grew large, before throwing her forehooves up to her horn and letting loose a single agonized whimper through clenched teeth. Pinkie kept looking between Rarity and Rainbow, unsure of whether to stay with Rainbow or go over to Rarity.

Rarity lay on the floor, panting heavily, her eyes watering. “Well, that was unpleasant. Like an ice cream headache… only so much worse.”

Her horn lit up, causing her to wince slightly. “Oh, but being able to do that again is so wonderful.”

Pinkie relaxed, still holding onto Rainbow.

Rarity looked up at Twilight. “Your turn.”

Twilight swallowed. “I’m sorry all, but there is a chance I might scream, a bit. More than a bit in fact...”

Rainbow spoke hesitatingly up. “I-its okay Twi. W-we understand. More magic, m-more hurts.”

Fluttershy held Rainbow a little bit tighter, a tiny smile on her face.

Pinkie let go of Rainbow and walked over to Twilight as she lay down. Twilight smiled as Pinkie laid down next to her and put her hoof over Twilight’s shoulders. Giving Rarity a curt nod, Twilight closed her eyes.

After a minute, she opened her eyes and looked up at Rarity. “I said you can…”

Twilight stared at the ring in Rarity’s hoof. The detached part of her mind continued working, examining the situation, producing conclusions. The rest of her mind started shutting down. ‘No pain… If’s there’s no pain it means that my magic hasn’t returned to my horn. If my magic hasn’t returned to my horn, that means that it’s not returning... at all...’

Twilight’s eyes went wide.

“No magic! I can’t feel my magic returning… I can’t feel my magic! Where's my magic?!” Pinkie kept a tight hold on Twilight as she started to thrash about.

Grabbing Twilight’s face with both hooves, Rarity tried to keep eye contact with her as her head twisted in her grip. “Twilight! Calm down! My magic has returned, there is no reason to suspect that yours will not.”

Twilight didn’t seem to hear her. “I - I can’t feel my magic, nothing! I can't do magic! Where’s my magic?” Applejack joined Pinkie in trying to hold Twilight still. I can’t feel anything! Where’s my magic? Where’s my magic? Where’s my bucking magic! Where’s...”

The sound of the slap echoed around the chamber. Twilight lay there, mouth open, staring up at Rarity, her cheek stinging madly.

Rarity looked her in the eye. “Twilight! Darling. Please… Do get a grip.”

Rarity kept looking into Twilight’s eye’s until she was sure that she had calmed down somewhat. Rarity lowered her head. “I’m sorry about that Twilight. I know how important your magic is to you... But I can’t let you panic dear! Panic is contagious. I had to...”

Rarity sat down heavily, her hoof coming up to her mouth as her ears pinned themselves back on her head. “Oh dear… I just struck a princess… I just…”

“Did what was necessary. Right Twilight?” Applejack cut in.

Twilight managed to nod, her mouth hanging open. Carefully she brought a hoof up to her cheek, it stung quite a lot in fact.

Part of Twilight’s mind noted that Rarity looked flustered.

“I’m sorry Twilight… I had to, please understand.”

Twilight finally managed to start pulling some thoughts together. “T-that’s okay Rarity, you… you had to. I was starting to… I was panicking… It’s just I couldn’t feel any....”

Twilight shook her head before looking up Rarity. “I still can’t feel my magic Rarity! I should be able to feel something. I try and I get nothing… nothing!”

Applejack held Twilight tight as Pinkie started to stroke her mane comfortingly.

Twilight placed her chin on the floor, staring into space. “Nothing Rarity! I’ve got no magic.”

Rarity lay down so she was face to face to Twilight, trying to keep her voice as soothing as possible. “I’m sure it’s just a delay or something Twilight, you are an Alicorn, in a unicorn disguise, that has had her reserve drained. A unique situation to be certain. So I am sure…”

Twilight’s hoof smacked the floor. “You can’t be sure!” Closing her eye’s, Twilight visibly forced herself to relax. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry....” Opening her eye she gave Rarity a forced smile. “I’m kinda on edge right now.” Twilight rubbed her face. “Think… think… I need to check what’s wrong… But I haven’t got any magic to do it with. So…”

Twilight looked up, focusing intently on Rarity. Rarity blinked at the sudden attention. “Huh… Twilight dear, what are you thinking?”

“Link horns with me Rarity! I need you to check on my reserve, I can’t do it with no magic.”

Rarity’s head pulled back in shock “Twilight! What you’re asking… I am neither medically qualified nor…” She looked away. “Romantically inclined towards you.”

Twilight placed her hoof on one of Rarity’s. “Please, Rarity. I need to know what’s wrong. If it’s… per...per...” Twilight took a breath. “If it’s permanent.”

“Twilight dear. I am sure it is nothing of the sort. It is just a simple delay. Certainly, nothing that requires that level of… intimacy. ”

“Please Rarity. I just need you look, that’s all. No medical procedures, no romantic interest, I can assure you.”

Rarity looked into Twilight’s pleading eyes. The chamber was silent.

Rainbow whispered to Fluttershy. “Do you know what’s this linking thing is Flutters?”

Fluttershy smile grew at Rainbow’s question. It meant she was starting to think about other things now. Keeping her voice low she looked at Rainbow. “Linking horns is an incredibly intimate act between unicorns. It allows them to essentially be in each others magic. Sometimes used by doctors to check for magical problems, it is, however, more usually done between, ahem, lovers.”

Rainbow nodded. A puzzled expression formed. “And you know this how?”

Fluttershy started blushing. “It was in one of the romance novels that Rarity gave me.” Fluttershy starting squirming, trying to hide behind her mane. “The one about a doctor that specialized in linking horns.” Fluttershy’s blush grew, as her voice got quieter and quieter. “He fell in love with one of his patients and they ended up...”

Rainbow leaned in, but Fluttershy’s voice became inaudible. Rainbow arched an eyebrow at her. ‘K, last thing I think I heard was… Hoof-cuffs? Nah, that can’t be right. What would hoof-cuffs have to do with...’

Rarity’s sigh distracted Rainbow from her train of thought.

“Of course, I will help you Twilight. It’s just… the romantic connotations…”

“But there's nothing romantic about it. Just a simple check.”

Rarity looked away, ‘Only you could separate it like that Twilight.’ Rarity took a breath before looking back with forced a smile. “Of course. Let us do this then.”

“Thank you Rarity.”

Twilight stretched her head out, pointing her horn at Rarity. Rarity herself hesitantly reached forward, to the point where the tips of their horns almost touched. Rarity stopped.


“Excuse me dear.” A blue glow formed around Rarity’s horn, then she leaned forward so the tips touched. The blue glow around Rarity’s horn flowed down the length of Twilight’s horn to its base.

Both unicorns closed their eyes and remained motionless.

Minutes passed before one Rainbow’s ear started to twitch. “So how long…”

Rarity pulled her head back, breaking contact and opening her eyes. Twilight following suit seconds later. She looked at Rarity with a hopeful expression.

“Could you see the problem?”

Rarity nodded, not looking at Twilight. “It’s quite simple. Twilight, you’re a power-hog!”

Twilight’s head pulled back. “What?”

Rarity smile became slightly more genuine.

“I’m sorry, what I mean to say is that your spells are power-hogs Twilight. Powerful in effect… but requiring more magic than usual to work. The good news however, is that have still got magic, you are recharging. Slowly, but you are recharging.”

Twilight slumped down onto the floor as her tension fled.

Rarity stroked Twilight’s hoof. “Part of the problem, ironically, is that your reserve is too big Twilight. Any magic you have regained is spread so thinly about your reserve that your spells, which remember need more magic than usual, simply can’t draw on enough magic to work.”

Twilight raised a questioning hoof.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I am using my... previous encounters… as a basis for comparison on power consumption. And no, I will not be giving you the size of the sample group!”

Twilight lowered her hoof.

Applejack and Pinkie were struggling to keep straight faces. Even Fluttershy let out a tiny titter.

Rainbow smiled, briefly, then lowered her head. “So what’s the plan now then girls? With both Twilight and myself out of action, we're not getting outta here by asking nicely.”

Applejack tapped a hoof on the floor. “The next part is the same as it’s always been partner. Now we’re free, we go rescue Greywing and Sunbeam. The rest we can sort out later.”

Applejack got up into a sitting position and slowly turned her head to look at Brother Steady-Eye. “I think we’re gonna need some information before that.” Applejack stood up and took a step towards him. “We’re gonna have a long talk partner. And I’d advise against lying as I ain't in the best of moods right now.” Pausing, Applejack stretched, her muscles clearly showing through her coat.

Brother Steady-Eye pulled back even further into the alcove, terrified at the display.

Author's Note:

Well, that took a little longer than planned to post. Mainly down to a combination of real life and re-wites.

As usual, thank you to GreyNoise for the editing. Not to mention the whole 'Go away and do it again for the last half.' (Not his exact words)

Yes I know that I had earlier stated that Twi and co didn't know Sunbeam was Icefang. I apologize for being misleading, (particuarly Lotharis of Crows... see you were right,) just at the time, that -was- way I was planning it on going... Turns out this story is starting to gain a life of its own, and apparentlhy it decided otherwise.

If anyone sees any problems, let me know and I shall attempt to reslove it.

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