• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 41 - A Good Nights Sleep

Chapter 41 - A Good Night's Sleep

Seated outside the hospital, Sunbeam gazed morosely at the entrance with Rainbow sitting silently next to her.

‘Oh I hate hospitals. There’s -always- that one bucking idiot that wants to try and examine my back.’ She looked down and shook her head. 'Which I then have to -politely- persuade not to... ” She glanced back up. "Okay, maybe not-so-politely. But, at least it'll be the only thing I’d have to worry about if I go in and get myself checked out now. I really don't...’

Sunbeam let out a wide yawn.

‘Oh horseapples I need to get some sleep.’ She blinked. ‘Where was I? Ah yes. At least if I get myself checked now I won’t have to worry about Night Owl’s Slumber showing up on any test they run. Having an illegal compound in it and all that, it -might- cause raised eyebrows if detected. And I might as well make use of the fact that it's outta my system right now, I mean, it's not like I'm gonna let it happen aga...’

She let out another long yawn.

“Awww, dammit. Wake up you stupid mare.”

Rainbow smiled. “Sounds like somepony is up past their bedtime.”

Without looking round, Sunbeam made a half-hearted obscene gesture at her. “I was doing fine until Twilight and the others left. Now with everypony safe, I’ve finally been able to relax...” She yawned again. “...All my ‘less than ideal sleeping patterns' are finally catching up with me.”

The pegasus shook her head. “I’m amazed you're even still awake. Did you sleep at all over the last week?”

Sunbeam rolled her shoulders.“Hey! I got some sleep, just... not a lot. Bits and pieces. Just enough to keep me going.” She gave Rainbow a wan smile. “I can get all the sleep I want... after a licensed medical practitioner has made sure no major body-part is about to fall off.” She sighed. “Mind you, I can see lots of poking and prodding in my immediate future. Not to mention tests... Oh buck, the tests...”

Rainbow’s expression soured. “Oh yeah, I know all about tests...” Her voice turned high-pitched and nasally. “So what happened this time Miss Dash?”

Flaring her good wing she ground her teeth. “When I was just a weather-pony they’d kick me out as soon as I could walk, which was totally fine by me. But now I’m a Bearer it’s all: ‘we’ve got to make sure you’re perfectly okay Miss Dash’. Her head fell. “And they then go run every looong, boooring and incredibly duuuull test they can find on me. I mean, even the egghead’s lectures on: ‘the financial costs incurred in performing a low-level Sonic Rainboom over Ponyville’ weren’t as boring.”

Rainbow was silent for a moment before her head snapped back up as she pointed a hoof at Sunbeam. “But what makes it worse is that they always insist on keeping me in overnight ‘for observation’, every... single... bucking... time!” She glared at the door. “Now that wouldn’t be so bad if they let me sleep... but they keep waking me up every half-hour to ask if I’m okay. I mean, what’s the point in that!” Her head fell. “I swear they do it just to annoy me! Well not this time!” She stamped a hoof. “I’m saying no to it all this time!”

Sunbeam just shrugged at the outburst and looked back the entrance. “I think you’re missing the obvious here, Dashie... You’re friends to, not one, but all the Princesses.” She rolled her eyes. “So of course they’re gonna run every test they've got on you! Everypony is engaged in the time-honoured tradition of ‘covering their flanks on this one’.” Sunbeam grinned as she nudged her with her shoulder. “Besides, nopony wants to be the pony that has to write to the Day Princess with a letter that opens with: ‘Dear Princess, you know you... had... six Element Bearers... Well, funny story...”

Despite herself, Rainbow lowered her head and sniggered.

Sunbeam looked over her shoulder. “We do have a plan B you know. B as in bar. We just go to ‘The Swift’ and keep drinking until all our problems go away.”

Rainbow sighed. “Nah, let’s get this over with.” Standing up she walked, very slowly, towards the entrance. “I want to get flying again as soon as possible.”

Sunbeam watched her for a second before standing up herself and following her. “I prefer plan B. B as in bar. B as in booze.”

She yawned again.

“B as in bed.”


Sunbeam lay on a metal table in the white tiled examination room while struggling to keep her eyes open. The only other furniture in the room was a couple of pale-yellow cushions and a basket of used foal's toys in the corner.

As she lay there Doctor Stable studied the burn mark on her right flank. She didn’t even bother to look up when he gently placed a hoof on it.

She was about to drop off when...

Sunbeam’s eyes snapped open as the hoof was pressed deep into her flank.

Turning to look at the doctor as her tail twitched uncontrollably, she raised an eyebrow. “You know, it’s considered polite to buy a mare flowers before feeling-up her flank.”

He didn’t look up as he released the pressure, carefully watching the elasticity of the skin. “Please Miss Sunbeam, I don’t think you understand just how serious this is. I’m picking up the residue of two distinct types of magic here, both of which have had permanent effects. One is illusion based, the other, which did the damage, is fire based. Now it appears that the fire damage was directed more towards magic than flesh, so at least the tissue damage is minimal. The magical damage however...” He swallowed.

Solemnly he walked around the table and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry to be the one to break this to you Miss Sunbeam...” He felt her tense up under his hoof as he took a breath in. “Your cutie marks have been permanently erased. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can offer you counselling to help get over… Miss Sunbeam?”

He took his hoof away. “Miss Sunbeam! This is no laughing matter!”


Sunbeam lay on the table, still sniggering to herself as Doctor Stable stood there, looking at her with a mix of concern and bafflement.

“Are you sure you’re okay there Miss Sunbeam? Your reaction to the news is… unconventional, to say the least.”

She waved a hoof at him. “I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting…” Settling down, she tried to look serious. “Moving on, what about the other injuries I wanted you to look at Doc?”

Pulling his head back in surprise, it was a second before he collected himself enough to read the notes floating in font of him. “Right, the other injuries you mentioned.” He gave her a pointed look from around the clipboard. “You know, it would have been so much easier if you’d just consented to a full body scan.”

She smiled pleasantly at him. “Yes. I know. Now about the other injuries I mentioned...”

Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the notes.

“From a purely physical standpoint: your flanks; ear and leg are all clear of infection and are all healing up quite well. The notch in your horn is, thankfully, superficial.” He glanced up. “I can suggest several products to fill the gap by-the-way.” He looked back down clipboard and was silent for a few moments. “Right now, the best thing I can prescribe is rest. Rest as much as possible over the coming weeks and let everything heal up naturally. I would like to see you back in here again in three days though, so I can check on your progress.”

He lowered his notes. “One thing I cannot recommend strongly enough though that you do is go for counseling. The mental trauma you’ve experienced…”

She held up a hoof, cutting him off. “Let’s stick to areas where there is still some hope left for me, eh doc. So how’s my magic?”

Giving her an exasperated look, he flipped a page over on his notes and sighed again as he read them. “You do like making our life difficult don’t you? It states here that you even objected to a horn link from our magic specialist.”

Sunbeam pulled her head back in faux shock and put a hoof on her chest. “What? And let a pony see what’s going in my head, unfiltered?! Heck doc, even I’m not that cruel.” She turned her head away and added quietly. “Besides, damned if my first ever horn-link is going to be nothing more than a cold clinical examination by a complete stranger. I do have an ounce of romance left in me.”

His eyebrows rose before he glanced back down at his notes. “Ahem… Right… While your reserve does show signs of recent stress, it has recovered enough for you to be able to cast magic with it. Just try to keep your casting to low level spells for the time being. No high-expenditure spells.”

She looked back at him with an odd lopsided smile. “Check, small stuff only. No vast, city-destroying spells. Duly noted.” Her hoof came up and tapped the inhibitor ring. “So, this can come off then?”

“Oh yes, that can come off anytime you like. As you said, it looks like Princess Sparkle was just erring on the side of caution about you keeping it on.”

Her ears fell to the sides as her gaze lost focus. “Yeah, erring on the side of caution. That’s all Sparkles was doing. Being concerned... about me.”

Taking a breath, she pointed to the ring again, her smile returning. “If you would be so kind then doc. I’m quite anxious to get this thing off my horn... they could only find the type of ring that won’t let you remove it yourself, so I'm gonna need some help here.”

Doctor Stable winced. “Ahh. One of those types of rings. This is going to hurt then I’m afraid.”

She nodded before lowering her head so her horn was level with the ground. “I’m quite aware of how much it’s gonna hurt thankyouverymuch.” She took a breath in. “Okay, let’s do this.”

Using his hoof, he slid the ring along, and off, her horn. He caught it in a magical field before it hit the floor. “Brace yourself.”

She grimaced. “I hate this... “

Sunbeam spasmed several times in pain before slumping down on the table, panting hard.


She took several deep breaths before slamming hoof down on the table with a clang. “Oh I bucking hate pain!”

Doctor Stable nodded distractedly, putting the ring into his coat pocket as he looked down at the clipboard. ‘Let’s see. Humm, pretty much scanned every bit of her, -apart- from the top of her barrel.’ He studied her back. ‘Okay, that fur does look odd. Well as she’s a friend of the elements, better make sure everything is okay, otherwise, I’d never hear the end of it if anything were to...’

His thoughts derailed at the sight. Still laying on the table, he’d just noticed that his patient was making two rag dolls from the toy basket dance a waltz together. If the contented smile on her face was any indication, she was quite enjoying doing it.

He shook his head. ‘Some ponies never grow up.’ He lit up his horn. “Okay Miss Sunbeam, I’m just going to scan your back now…”


Sunbeam’s head fell at the sound of hooves galloping off down the corridor.

“Sorry doc, didn’t mean to pin you to the wall and threaten you quite like that. You caught me by surprise and I... reacted. I swear I do feel bad about...”

Sunbeam was silent for a moment before her head jerked up. "I feel bad?" Sitting back on her haunches, she lifted her hooves up to her eyes.

She watched them as they shook.

“You bastard.”

Turning on the spot, she showed her trembling hooves to the doorway.

“Look! Look at what you've done! I didn’t hurt you. Not a single hair... And this is how you repay me? By making me feel bad!?" She thrust her shaking hooves at the doorway. "Look you bastard! You've turned me into a bucking wreck here! I... I can't even hold a dagger!" Sunbeam looked down at hooves, her voice dropping to a whisper. "What good am I if I can't even hold a dagger? I'm nothing but a worthless, bloodstained, wreck of a pony if I can't even..."

She blinked.

Sunbeam stared at the hooves she was holding out at the empty doorway.

Slowly lowering them to the floor, she forced a smile. “Okay, that was an incredibly pathetic display. Get a grip you stupid mare! Show some dignity for bucks sake.”

She stood up and rolled her shoulders.

“It was time to leave anyway.”


Sunbeam walked down the hospital corridor, her tail twitching in agitation.

“I’ve already been this way dammit! Where the Tartarus is reception?”

Stopping at a junction, she looked both ways before shrugging and turning down one at random.

“This place is a maze. Agh! All I want to do is find out how Rainbow’s getting on before I get kicked out. Note to self, never-ever get sick or injured again." Her ears fell flat. "'As I seriously doubt I'm gonna be welcome back here ever again. Not even after I tided up after myself. I picked up the doc’s notes and put the two dolls back in the basket… but they won’t ever want to see back here again.”

Stopping she shook her head. “Damn it doc, why did you have to go and try to examine my back for? Everything was going so well. I was in such good mood.”

She closed her eyes and slumped.

“Ahhh, of course. Me happy… We can’t be having that now can we? It’s against the rules for me to be happy. I’m not supposed to be happy! I’m not allowed to be happy...”

She slammed a hoof down on the floor.


With Rainbow being kept in overnight, for observation, Sunbeam trotted home alone, along the dark and empty streets.

From an alleyway's shadows, a set of cold, calculating, eyes watched her walk past. When they noticed her white back though, the calculating look quickly vanished and they retreated in fear.

She walked on, oblivious. ‘Oh I hope I actually make it all the way home... and not just end up asleep in the middle of the street. That would be embarrassing.’

The rain started. Stopping, she looked up and closed her eyes as she let it fall on her face.

‘My Night Owls Slumber is in the bedside table drawer.’ Opening her eyes a smile spread over her face. ‘I can sleep tonight. Not just little scraps. But all night! ’ She started walking again.

'Sleep all night.'

The walk became a trot.

‘Sleep without dreams! The whole night!’

The trot became a canter.


The trot became a full gallop through the streets, the rain pelting her in the face as she grinned manically.

Her horn lit up as she got close to home. The magical lock on the door was undone and the door itself was flung open as she raced through it.


Sunbeam collided with several walls in her mad dash to her bedroom. The drawer to the bedside cabinet was pulled on so savagely, that she pulled the drawer completely free of the runners and spilled its contents over the floor.

Sifting through the mess, she triumphantly held up a bag of Night Owl’s Slumber in her hooves.


Sunbeam ripped the bag open with her teeth and tilted her head back as she poured the contents into her mouth.

Most of the mixture went over her face and ended up sticking to her wet fur.

‘No Salme! This tastes like I’ve already thrown up. Sleep, wonderful dreamless sleep. Damn this tastes like puke. A soft bed. I can sleep! Sleep without dreams. I can really sleep tonight! Maybe clean my teeth first to get rid of the taste… Maybe...’

Sunbeam climbed onto the bed. “Lay down first. I can finally sleep. Sleep, wonderful sl...”

She fell forward.

Even her head bouncing off the pillow twice didn’t wake her.


Luna looked away from the Night Court petitioner as a Lunar Guard hurried in.

Walking up next to the petitioner, he gave her a quick bow of the head. “Your highness, there is a situation. May I approach?”

Luna nodded.

Walking up to her, he kept his voice low as he whispered several short sentences into her ear.

All the ponies present watched as Luna’s ears twitched several times at whatever she was being told.

The guard took a step back and Luna stood up. “My apologies but Night Court is now adjourned for the rest of night. Matters of state have arisen that require my official attention. Please see the court steward who will issue tokens for priority treatment on your next visit. All reasonable expense claims, in writing, will be considered. Good night.”

She turned to the Lunar Guard. “Has my sister been informed?”

“I have sent somepony to do so.”

“Good. Where are they?”


Celestia, without any of her regalia, silently opened the door to Twilight’s old castle bedroom and peered in.

Twilight lay facedown on the bed, her face buried in the pillows as her friends comforted her. Luna stood by the side of the bed, a look of concern on her face.

‘Five. Only five bearers.’ Stepping past the Lunar Guards outside the door, she closed the door behind her.

“My little ponies...”

Everypony, apart from Twilight and Luna, turned towards her and bowed.

Walking up to the bed, she put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Twilight?”

Twilight just let out a sob.

Seeing the inhibitor ring around Twilight’s horn, Celestia looked up at her sister with a puzzled look.

Luna glanced at the other bearers. “Twilight marched into the dungeon and put the ring on her horn herself. She then started demanding that she be incarcerated for, and I quote, ‘gross incompetence’.” She looked down at Twilight. “A guard suggested that her old room would be more convenient for you to see her in.” She leaned in close to Celestia and whispered into her ear. “I have made note of his name for swift thinking.” She pulled back. “I have also sent for Doctor Everhealth.”

Rarity shifted position so that Celestia could see Twilight’s wingless sides.

Applejack quickly stepped forward at seeing Celestia’s expression change. “A spell she cast on herself your highness. No physical damage, she just hasn’t had enough magic to change herself back.”

Luna nodded towards Applejack as Celestia relaxed. “Twilight came in through the loading bay, so I didn't know they were back myself until I was told. Now I’ve spoken to the night operations manager who saw them in...”

Rarity tossed her head back. “Insufferable beast. That stallion had all the tact of a rampaging ursa major.”

Luna turned to look at her. “Now, now, Miss Rarity. At that time of night, and in that environment, everypony prefers clear, unambiguous commands.” She shook her head. “I will admit that he did blur the line between ‘clear commands’ and just being ‘callously blunt’...” She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “He didn’t even seem to realize he was doing...” Luna looked back at her sister and then shook her head. “For later consideration.” Putting her hoof down, she spoke in a clear, precise, voice directed at her sister. “But whatever else he said, I am sure that the extra supplies of wheat-thorn you all brought back will be of use to us.”

Celestia nodded in understanding before looking back at Applejack. She tried to keep the quaver from her voice as she asked the question. “And where is Miss Dash? I can’t help but note her absence. I do hope she is okay.”

Applejack gave Celestia a wan smile. “In Ponyville with Sunbeam your highness. She’s getting her wing all fixed up at the hospital so she can get flyin’ again as soon as possible. Typical Dash.”

Celestia felt the tension leave her shoulders. ‘At least Miss Dash is okay. But I suspect I know what is wrong with them. The look in their eyes. A look I know all too well. It is too soon for them… It is always too soon, for anypony.’

She took a breath in. “And that just leaves sergeant Greywing.”

Nopony spoke or met her eye.

Celestia gave them a sad smile “Ahh, I think I see. Before we address that issue, has anypony informed Shining Armor that his little sister is back?”

Luna's eyes widened before opening the door with magic and calling out. “One of you, go get Captain Armour. Let him know that Twilight Sparkle has returned.”

One of the two guards saluted and trotted away.

Applejack closed her eyes as Luna shut the door. “There are complications your highness, regarding Greywing.” Her voice cracked. “About two hundred of them…”

Twilight let out a choked sound from the bed and Celestia pulled back to allow her friends to comfort her again.


Sunbeam raced over the dunes, her hooves sinking into the yellow sand.

Stopping on top of a dune, she looked over her shoulder as she panted heavily. She could see the metal pony chasing her crest the dune behind her as it was silhouetted against the bright blue sky.

Looking desperately around, she saw her house sitting on the dune in front of her.

With new-found energy, she galloped down the slope, into the oh-so-cold valley between the dunes, and up the other side.

Diving in through the door, she slammed it shut and locked it with a shaking hoof. She looked around for something to barricade the door with.

Her head pulled back in surprise. This wasn’t her house!

She was in a dimly lit windowless office with a desk off to the left. The only light came from a single light hanging in the middle of the room. It had a ‘yellowed-with-age’ lampshade around it.

A metallic taste formed in her mouth.

On the wood panelled wall facing her, there was a panel that was a different shade to the rest. The nails were of a different size as well.

She took a step back.

The only picture on the wall was of a desert: yellow dunes with a bright blue sky overhead. The bright colours contrasting vastly to the rest of the gloomy office, only serving to make the picture really stand out.

She backed into the door.

There, in the middle of the floor, was the floorboard that always creaked when anypony trod on it…

She felt her heart thumping in her chest.

The air was stale, just like it always was, and the room smelled of...

Her ears fell flat.

She could smell a cheap stallion’s shampoo.

Spinning around, she frantically tried to open the door...

The floorboard creaked behind her.


Celestia nodded as the bearers finished recounting what had happened. Twilight herself had remained silent on the bed for the entire story. Only the odd cringe gave away the fact she was listening.

Celestia glanced at each of the bearer’s apprehensive expressions before lowering her head.

“I see.”

She could feel every ear in the room twisting towards her in the silence that followed.

Taking a deep breath, Celestia looked up. “Gathered Bearers of Harmony, I wish to commend your efforts for the ‘greater good of Equestria’. Regardless of the outcome, the effort put in is indeed worthy of note.”

There was a general sigh of relief. Twilight’s head half rose from the pillow.


The sigh became a collective intake of breath and Twilight's head fell back down.

“...There is a certain aspect of this whole enterprise that I am disappointed by. And I think you all know to what I am referring to.”

There was a tiny sob from the pillows.

Celestia steeled herself. “Let me make it clear, it is not the fact you had to ask Miss Icefang... Miss Sunbeam to help facilitate your escape I find concerning. I agree that she was clearly the most suitable pony for that task.”

Twilight lifted her head from the pillow and turned to look at Celestia with red-rimmed eyes. The puzzled look on her face was reflected on each of the bearers as well.

Lifting a hoof, she pointed at Twilight before sweeping it round over the others bearers. “What I am disappointed by though, is the cavalier way you sent Miss Sunbeam off to complete that task. You all knew she had a history of violence; you all knew you were asking her to go back against the very ponies that had mentally enslaved her. You must have at least suspected that she would actively seek retribution for that.” Celestia rubbed her eyes. "And yet you threw away the only chance you had to possibly curb her actions. By giving her orders so vague and open to interpretation, all you did was to practically encourage her to... to do what she did in the dormitory.”

Everypony looked down at the floor, their ears falling flat out to the sides.

Celestia sighed as she looked up. “Now, from what you've told me about her, I suspect that simply ordering her 'not to' wouldn't have worked... But at least you all would have had the comfort of knowing what happened was against your wishes.” She looked gravely at Twilight. “Instead, what we have now is a situation where a pony that slaughtered an entire room of sleeping ponies can claim, quite correctly, to have done so under the orders of a Princess of Equestria.” She put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. "I shudder to think of the repercussions if it were to ever get out. A princess cannot afford to make that type of mistake Twilight.”

Twilight whimpered.

Celestia leaned in and lightly nuzzled her. “Shhh… I know I’m sounding harsh, but that is only because I so desperately don't want to see you carry the burden of that type of mistake Twilight. Such a thing weighs-heavy on a conscience, and once acquired it is so very-difficult to ease." Her hoof gently stroked Twilight's mane. "This is cold comfort I know, but trust me, everything could have been so much worse. The situation is contained and, by your own description, innocents were not involved. I want you to hold onto that thought Twilight, no innocents were involved, so please don't punish yourself... ”

Twilight looked at her sharply. "No innocents…? G-Greyw-wing…”

Luna shook her head. “Was a guard. All guards have sworn to protect any Princess, with their lives if necessary. One guard lost for the safe return of a Princess, and the Bearers, is quite an acceptable, if unfortunate, loss.”

Celestia’s wing came up and covered Twilight's back as she shivered. “All guards swear an oath to put a Princess's life, or a Bearer’s, above their own.”

Twilight put her face back down into the pillows.

Celestia was silent in contemplation as she held her. “Twilight, the blame is not yours entirely. I feel I must accept just as much blame here as anypony else.” Celestia looked up at the ceiling. “Perhaps even more so. In all our lessons I never truly prepared you for such a thing. In truth … I never wanted to prepare you for such a thing.” She sighed as she looked back down at Twilight. “And by willfully neglecting your education in such a way... I find myself the very orchestrator of this situation. I cannot, and will not, blame you for this. So I must accept all blame for this. I had just hoped...”

Celestia sagged.

“I had just hoped it would be a long time before I would need to prepare you for this kind of thing Twilight. I had just hoped I could shield you all from this kind of 'cold calculated thinking', for just a little while longer.” Her voice thickened. “I’d just hoped I could keep you all innocent for just a little while longer. I’d just hoped…”

Her ears fell flat as she let her head drop. Her voice was soft and bitter. “Over a thousand years old… and I still provide the world a chance to laugh at my naivety.”

There was silence in the room.

Celestia stood up, her voice commanding again. “Twilight Sparkle, gathered bearers of harmony... I feel I have lectured everypony enough for one night. Let us move onto a much more pressing matter.”

Spreading her wings, she put them around Twilight and her friends. Smiling, she pulled them all into a tight hug.

“Welcome home! All of you! Welcome home.”

Celestia rested her head back on top of Twilight’s and closed her eyes.

“Welcome home.”


Shining Armour was woken by a pounding on his quarters’ door.

“I’m awake!” Rolling over he levitated the clock over to check the time.

“I hope there is a damn good reason for waking me at this time in the morning!”

A voice came from behind the door. “Sir, I’ve been told to inform you that Princess Twilight is back and is currently in her old bedroom. Sir... I believe something bad may have happened…”

The Lunar guard was shoved out of the way as the door was flung open and Shining galloped out.


Twilight lifted her head. “So I-I’m not going to be thrown into the dungeons, banished to the moon, turned into a statue?”

Celestia pulled her wings tighter around them and gave Twilight a smile. “Never! I have voiced my concerns and have no intention of mentioning them again tonight. When we do speak of it again, it will be in a classroom environment. As a lesson to be calmly and dispassionately dissected.”

Twilight looked down. “Dispassionately? I ordered them killed Princess! I ordered ponies killed!” She started to shake. “That’s not what I’m supposed to do! I could have done more! I should have done more! I should have been able to save them! I should have done something else, anything else! No pony needed to...”

Celestia put her head over Twilights. “Shh, calm Twilight, calm. You had neither the time nor the resources to save them. Even attempting to would have carried an unacceptable risk of recapture. The way you did it may need work, but you did do the right thing.”

Applejack snorted in frustration. “Excuse me your highness, I think we did the correct thing. I sure as heck don’t feel like we did the right thing…”

Standing up, Celestia looked around. “Look at me, all of you! You did everything that could be expected of you under the circumstances.” Celestia pointed a hoof at Twilight. “Let us not forget the crystal they had. How much magic did you say it could store? Enough to seize control of the sun, even if only briefly?” She shook her head. “With Luna and myself still recovering and in weakened states, I shudder to think of the damage and chaos that would have caused if that had come to pass. You prevented a great disaster from having the chance to happen. Please, I ask you all to focus on that. A vast number of ponies will go about their lives, never knowing they’ve been saved.”

She turned to look at Luna. “That crystal represents a clear and present danger. Not only to Equestria but to the entire world. It needs to be secured at the earliest possible opportunity.”

Luna nodded and walked over to the door. Opening it, she spoke quietly to the guard.

“Go get the major. Tell her we wish to see her.”

He nodded and set off down the corridor.

Twilight closed her eyes. “I still feel I should have done something different.” Her head lifted up sharply. “ Our guard! If we had our escort this wouldn’t have happened! Or I could have done something different. If only I’d waited for my escort! I should have waited...”

Luna shook her head as she walked back to the bed. “Waiting carries its own risks Twilight Sparkle. Waiting to find out all the information is like waiting for the perfect conditions, both may never happen. Sometimes, you just have to act with the information you have... and hope you can adjust your plans accordingly if things change. Doing nothing invites disaster...” Luna’s head lifted up, an ear turning towards the open door.

There was the sound of galloping hooves, getting closer.

Celestia turned her head towards the door and smiled. “Now that sounds like a ‘big-brother-coming-to-the-rescue’ kind of gallop. You may all wish to give Shining Armour some room to hug his little-sister.”

They all moved away, leaving a nervous looking Twilight in the middle of her bed as Shining galloped in through the door and launched himself at her, wrapping his forelegs around Twilight in a big hug.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around him as he hugged her tight. “Shiny! I'm sorry. I’m so sorry…”

“Shhh….” He started gently stroking her mane. “You’re safe now Twily. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I’m sorry Shiny, I’m so sorry. I had to…”

Shining held her tighter. “Shh... You don’t have to say anything.”

She buried her face into his shoulder. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… Hold me Shiny!” She let out a sob. “I just want everything to go away! I want it all to go away! But it won’t, will it? What I did is going to stay with me. It’s never going to go away…”

Her friends surged forward, hugging her around her brother.

Celestia watched the huddle. Catching Luna’s eye, she made a head gesture towards the door and they both left.


Outside the room, Celestia looked at her sister. “Best to give them a few minutes of privacy.”

Luna nodded.

There were a few moments of silence before Luna looked down the corridor. "Did you get the impression that Pinkie left something out, right after she found Miss Sunbeam?"

"Yes, her retelling did seem to suddenly jump forward at that point. But if she feels it's not important..."

There was an audible sob from the other side of the door.

Both turned to look at the door... and then away.

They stood silently, standing guard outside the door.

Luna flicked an ear but didn't look round. “It was nice to see our ponies acting together to solve a problem, without us having to get actively involved.”

Celestia smiled distantly, also not looking around. “Yes, it is most gratifying to know that my little ponies can look after themselves if need be. That they can solve major problems without calling upon us, or the bearers, to resolve it for them. Their timing however...” She pulled a face as she looked at the door. “As I believe the modern vernacular puts it: sucks.”

Luna covered her mouth as she let out a snort. As she did so, Celestia turned her head to watch a squad of Lunar Guard march towards them. Leading the squad was the major she recognized as being the one Luna had assigned to work with Shining Armour in exposing any infiltrators.

Worryingly, a number of ponies had suddenly resigned when this had got out. Even more worryingly for her, they hadn't been able to keep track of all of them.

The major stopped in front of her and saluted. "Princesses."

She nodded in response.

Luna turned to look at the squad and nodded as well. Her head tilted to one side as she studied the major for a moment before eyes lit up. “Ah yes, seeing you reminds me." She looked at her sister. "Celly, Lieutenant Broom. What are you intentions for him?”

Celestia’s ear dropped. “I’m going to be letting him go. I was planning on telling you tomorrow.”

"That is a poor jest sister.”

Celestia shook her head. “His father is well connected and has called in, and asked for, a great many favours to get him released without charge.” She ruffled her feathers. “Make no mistake, it rankles me to let him go, but politically, it makes perfect sense. If I keep Lieutenant Broom incarcerated, it would only generate sympathy for him in certain quarters. And in turn, sympathy for his father and his causes.” Celestia pulled a face. “It would also lead to his father actively creating as many problems as he possibly could for me in court, for no other reason but to bedevil me. A thought I do not relish.”

She looked up at the ceiling. “But by playing ignorant, and letting Mister Broom go, I let Colonel Sword Handle use up all his political capital in Canterlot. With no favours left to hold over other ponies, his influence in court will greatly lessened. In fact, they will be the ones holding the favours over him. He will become nothing more than a paper-manticore and everypony will know it.” Celestia drew herself up. “So letting Mister Broom go is for the best… I keep telling myself." She looked away. "I'd also like a shower when I think about it too much.”

Luna rubbed her chin. “His father, Colonel Sword Handle… Yes, I do remember him. One of the major opponents to me forming the Lunar Guard. He also led a small, but extremely vocal, group against...” She turned her head away. “Against me retaking the throne.”

Both Princesses failed to notice the major's eyes narrow.

Celestia looked away. “I'm afraid I could do nothing about that. I have gone out of my way to create a court where opinions can be expressed freely and without fear of reprisals. Even opinions I personally detest. That way nothing is left hidden to fester.” She looked away, her voice quiet. “I never want that to happen again.”

Taking a breath Celestia turned back to Luna. “While I can normally talk ponies around to my way of thinking, I must admit my personal feelings got in the way that time. I simply asked for their resignations if they thought they couldn’t serve you. Most of them accepted.”

With a groan she rubbed her eyes. “A mistake. That group has been quite-the-annoyance ever since. Needling your reputation at every possibility, I had to restrain myself multiple times. In the end I had to call them in to attend a closed court session after I heard some unsettling rumors. There I made it quite clear they could voice their opinions as much as they liked but...” Luna caught the glimmer of fire in her sister’s eyes. “...But if they raised a hoof against you… Let’s just say I impressed upon them just how unhappy I would be."

They stood in silence for a while before Luna flicked her tail. “Perhaps best that if we are going to release Lieutenant Broom, that we do so quickly. Before anypony gives in to temptation.”

She turned to the major. “I have a task for you.”

The major gave the princess a fang-filled smile.


Lieutenant Broom was woken up by his cell slamming open.

The Lunar Guard major he’d seen with Shining Armour walked in, closely followed by three Lunar Guard Unicorns. They formed a line facing him.

The major saluted. “Lieutenant Broom Handle, your sentence has been decided by the Princesses. Sentence to be carried out immediately.”

She turned to look at the unicorns. “Squad, ready!”

Their horns lit up.

Broom pushed himself back in the cot so his back was against the wall. “What? Wait! You can’t just…”

“Take aim.”

They all lowered their heads.

He pulled the blanket up to his chest. “No! No! No! You can’t just…”


Broom screamed in pain...

After a second, he opened his eyes.

Sitting next to him, the major casually dropped the inhibitor ring that had been around his horn on his head. It bounced off his forehead and made a tinny sound as it hit the stone floor. It took him a second to realize his magic had returned.

Taking out some papers, she dropped them next to him on the bed.

“These are your discharge papers. You are free to go, Mister Broom Handle. You are out of the military.” She leaned in close. “And I would advise you leaving Canterlot as soon as possible. Shockingly, some ponies might hold a grudge against you for endangering a princess.” She shook her head. “Strange, odd, peculiar ponies, I know. A certain captain of the guard springs to mind.” Her smile showed fangs as she nudged him. “Personally, I’d have just stuck a knife in between your ribs and have done with it… but hey, I’m a nice pony.” The major tapped his chest. “If I had been feeling nasty, I would have just let Shining Armour in here and locked the door after him. It’s a big-brother, you-hurt-my-little-sister thing and... Oh!”

Lifting a hoof, she waved after him as he galloped out of the cell. “Byyeeeeee. Don’t forget to write.”


Luna and Celestia watched as Broom galloped out of the cell and down the corridor away from them. A pair of Lunar guard pegasi outside the cell had to take to the air to follow him.

Luna silently watched the scene, her face carefully neutral. Without looking away, she tilted her head towards her sister. “At least we found Doctor Everhealth now. He is examining Twilight Sparkle as we speak.”

Celestia looked sheepishly away as the sounds of galloping hoofs faded. “I forgot to tell the guards that he was staying in a hotel while his house is repaired. ”

Luna smirked. “Yes, his house did experience an ‘act of Celestia’ didn’t it.”

Celestia gave the statement some careful thought, before sticking her tongue out at her sister.

Luna turned back to the cell as the major and squad of unicorns walked out.


Looking around, the major left the unicorns' side and walked over to Luna before throwing her a salute. “Ma’am?”

“Major, you have a crystal to, discreetly, retrieve from a neighbouring country, post-haste. The details are on your desk.”

“I shall issue fake mustaches to everypony then.” The major rubbed her face. “I think a nice handlebar one for me.”

Luna nodded. “Oh major, one more thing.”

“Yes ma’am?”

The princesses expression turned hard. “I distinctly remember telling you to give Mister Broom his discharge papers and then escort him from the castle. Nothing else. You really felt the need for 'three battle-unicorns' and 'two scout-pegasi' to accomplish that task?”

The major snapped sharply to attention. Her face blank as she stared forward, saying nothing.

The Princess took a step closer. “I do hope you didn’t do anything that might constitute, overstepping your orders Major.”

The Major said nothing.

Luna shook her head.“No, of course not. Not you Major. You're fully aware I’d have to do something drastic if caught you doing anything like that.” She looked up. “Oh, on a completely different note: I’ve been considering implementing a... much more rigorous training schedule.” She smiled at the major. "I'm looking for a single volunteer to try it out, I suspect I might have made it way too harsh." Luna tapped her chin. "Yes, it is entirely possible that the volunteer will collapse, several times, from exhaustion before I'm done with her.” She raised a questioning eyebrow at the major. "Care to suggest any names?"

The major just stood at attention, continuing to stare fixedly forward. “Ma’am. I wish to volunteer to try out the new training schedule.”

"Oh really, that's quite unexpected." Luna let the silence drag out for a few seconds before leaning forward and whispering into her ear. “Don’t... do it... again…” Pulling back, she waved a hoof. “On your way then major, you have a crystal to retrieve.”

The major gave her a crisp salute. “Ma’am! Yes ma’am!”

Luna watched the major march smartly off. “Good mare there, she just needs a little reminder now-and-again.” She turned back to Celestia. “I made sure her instructions also include retrieval of Sergeant Greywing’s remains.” She was silent for a second. “And speaking of which, what are your plans for Miss Sunbeam? If I may, her talents sound… uniquely ill-suited for civilian life in Equestria.”

Celestia gave her sister a small smile and a wave of her hoof. “Now now, Lulu. I know you are crying out for unicorns in the Lunar Guard but Twilight has promised her asylum and I intend to honour it.”

She paused and frowned. “I will admit there are a few aspects to her nature that trouble me deeply. More than a few references to…” Celestia shook her head. “But there are none of them left. Not one for over nine hundred years.” She turned her head away, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “I made sure of that!”

There was a pause before she lifted her head and gave Luna wide smile. “But, as Miss Sunbeam did defend the Bearers, I am willing to put my misgivings to one side for the moment. I’m also willing to categorize the whole Sergeant Greywing incident as being an ‘unavoidable accident’ on her part. Given the circumstances.”

Luna raised an eyebrow.

Celestia waved a hoof. “Oh make no mistake Lulu, this is all down to the fact I do not want a pony of such abilities running loose and out of control.” She held up a hoof. “I am hopeful that a full assessment will suggest a suitable way we could utilize her unique talents, peacefully. Or, more realistically, just in ‘keeping the peace’. The alternatives after that are: joining the Lunar Guard or…” She sighed. “Or rapidly become less ideal.”

Luna nodded. “I agree. A pony that can 'devastate an area the size of a small stadium' I would I much prefer to have close and under our supervision than not. The thought of not knowing where that pony is... gives me chills. No pun intended." She smiled. "If I may suggest, Twilight does need a new guard.”

Celestia shook her head. “Twilight needs a new guard as soon as possible and it would take years to train Miss Sunbeam properly for that. I also suspect Miss Sunbeam’s talents lay along a different, more specialized, path.”

“So what are you plans for her then?”

She was silent for a moment. “As she’s lived in Ponyville for so long without incident, I feel that we don’t need to react blindly in a panic to this situation. Act quickly certainly, but not in a panic.” Celestia smiled. “The inhibitor ring around her horn, like Twilight says, gives me peace-of-mind as well. It also grants us the luxury of enough time for an initial assessment be completed on her. I will base any decision off its recommendations." She tapped her chin. "I’d say two to three days before I get it, perhaps another before I make a decision. So say three to four days before I visit Ponyville and explain the situation to her. An acceptable delay I feel. It also gives Miss Sunbeam some time to relax.”

Celestia’s ears dropped. “Her options are, unfortunately, quite limited now. Power like hers can be just as much a cage as none at all. I just sincerely hope she doesn’t do anything rash in the meantime.”


Sunbeam sat at her kitchen table, a mug of coffee in her hooves as she listened to pitter-patter of rain on the window.

She looked out the window into the darkness of the night.

“I really need to go see Zecora and get a new batch of Slumber. That last batch had obviously gone off.”

She gazed out the window thoughtfully... and then shook her head violently.

“No! I’ll go after sunrise! I am not going into the Everfree at night. I am not that mad! Not yet anyway. Besides, it’s raining…” She puffed her mane. “My mane will get wet and lose all it’s shape.”

Sunbeam let out a half-laugh.

She looked down into her mug as she listened to the rain.

“Okay, I can officially write off the dream suppression. No biggie, I just wont sleep until I get some more.” Bringing a hoof up, she rubbed her eyes. “But I do need to get some Slumber before the memory suppression fails. That… that would be bad.” She winced before giving a small, strained smile. “But at least the dream-intrusion is still working. No signs of that even starting to fail yet. No idea how though, it should have started failing just like the others...” She shook her head. “No! Don’t even begin to question it. Don’t jinx it now stupid mare.”

Lifting the mug up, she finished her coffee. “So, after sunrise. I’ll head over to Zecora’s and get a new batch of Slumber. So, all I need to do is hold on for a few more hours and then everything will be okay.” She forced a smile. “Simple. I like simple, heh, if for nothing else for its bucking rarity value.”

She played with the mug.

“Oh, must remember to speak to Zecora about how long these batches last. I don’t want any more nasty surprises like that happening again. I certainly don’t want anymore memories slipping through or...”

She turned to look at the kitchen sink where her bedsheets were currently soaking in bleach.

Closing her eyes, Sunbeam put the coffee mug down, the smile dropping. “Or that happening again…”

There was a pause before she sank her face into her hooves. “I’m gonna need to clean the mattress as well. It soaked right through.”

There was no sound apart from the tick of the clock and the patter of rain on the window.

There was a brief, sharp sound of a coffee mug shattering against the wall.

“Stupid pathetic mare!”

Author's Note:

I see this chapter as the bridge between the end of the previous arc the set-up for the next, last, arc. My apologies for the delay in getting it posted.

Long story short (ish): Work has been in its busy period. My motivation, creativity and alcohol-budget have all been hit hard.

Now it's getting a little quieter, hopefully I can be a little more frequent in posting chapters. No promises though. I know better than to make those kinds of promises.

See any mistakes let me know and I'll do my best to correct them.

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