• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 42 - Acts of Necessity

Chapter 42 - Acts of Necessity

Standing on the balcony of her personal quarters, Celestia nudged her sun up over the horizon as Luna, to her left, lowered her moon.

Watching them from inside, Short Notice made a note on his now ever-present clipboard about the upcoming day. Looking up, he saw that the Princesses had finished their respective tasks and were now quietly chatting together.

Princess Luna laughed at some quip and then spread her wings, launching herself into the air. He rapidly looked away when Princess Luna slapped her flank before pointing at Celestia’s with a mock-disgusted expression. It was Celestia’s turn to laugh.

A few more words were passed before Luna gave a nod to her sister and turned to fly off towards her tower. Celestia watched her for a few seconds, then turned to walk back in.

He bowed as she entered the room. “Your Highness.”

With a smile, she walked over to him. “Ah Short Notice. How are you getting on? All settled in I hope now that you’re my official personal assistant.”

Shaking his head, he smiled broadly. “Still a little shocked to be honest. I’d thought I’d be going back to my old position once High Detail had recovered. I didn’t expect him to announce his retirement quite like that.”

Celestia lowered her head, her own smile dropping. “Poor health I'm afraid. He’s been ill for a quite a while with a pre-existing condition and the whole gala fiasco appears to have only aggravated it. Even after being given the antidote, it was clear that something was seriously wrong." She gave him a small smile. "He personally recommended you after informing me of his intention to retire.”

Short Notice stood up a little taller. “Well, I shall try and live up to his standards your highness.”

Her smile grew. “I’m sure you will. You did a wonderful job in a highly stressful period Mr Notice. I had no reservations in promoting you.” To his surprise, she nuzzled him. “Now I have a little errand to run outside the castle this morning, so morning court will not be taken today.”

Short Notice nodded, making another note on the clipboard. “I will inform the relevant parties. Now do you wish for any additional guards to be assigned, in light of recent events?”

“I will be travelling alone today. This is a private matter I wish to attend to.”

He looked up sharply. “Your Highness, I must protest. You are still not up to full strength, and considering what’s been going on, is that wise?”

Celestia bopped him on the nose. “Shh. It’s just a quick visit. And even in my current condition…” She winked at him. “I’m hardly what you’d consider helpless. No, this is a matter I wish to deal with discreetly. Without...” Short Notice missed her glance towards Luna’s tower. “Anypony else knowing.”


Celestia turned back to him and smiled serenely.

He’d been around her long enough to know that smile. Giving up, he simply pulled a piece of paper from his clipboard and levitated it over to the Princess.

“Here’s the address you asked for. May I inquire as to why you want the address of a unicorn waitress in Ponyville?”

There was another one of those smiles. “You may ask Mr Notice.”

There a flash as Celestia teleported away, with the piece of paper.

Short Notice stood alone in her chambers. “Ah…”


Sergeant Buttress, a bulky earth pony, smiled at her two constables as they seated themselves down in Ponyville’s only guardhouse. With Celestia's sun only just over the horizon, they both held coffee mugs in their hooves.

“Okay, listen up. I called both of you in this morning as we’re going over to see a Miss Sunbeam right after this. Last night she threatened Doctor Stable as he treated her injuries. She threatened to, and I quote...” She looked down at her notes. “Tear his spine out through his bucking eye-socket if he as much as tried to scan her back.” She looked up. “Unquote. So, we’re off to see her this morning and explain that’s not how we do things around these parts. Now, the good doctor does want to press charges, so we will be taking her into custody. As she’s a unicorn there is a chance we’ll need to restrain her magically as well as physically.”

She looked around.

“Game plan: we knock on Miss Sunbeam’s door and ask nicely for her to accompany us to the guard house. If she resists: standard unicorn pacification procedure everypony.” She pointed to Constable Walker, a dark-grey pegasus. “Walker, you’re on rapid strike duty, keep her harassed, don’t give her a chance to charge up her horn. I’m on take down duty. Be ready to place an inhibitor ring on her horn if you get the chance.”

Buttress pointed to the light green unicorn mare. “Floating Leaf, you’re on magic suppression duty.” She smiled at the mare’s nervous smile. “Ready for your first arrest lass?” Buttress smiled at the hesitant nod. “Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Right, any questions before we set off?”


There was a golden flash in the middle of Golden Oaks library and Princess Celestia stood there, looking around.

Satisfied it was empty, she looked down at the address again before her head fell. “I’m sorry Lulu. Please forgive me, but there are simply too many coincidences to let it go. I have to make sure. I can’t… I won't take any chances about losing you again.”

Her horn glowed with power and there was another flash.

Instead of an alicorn, a white pegasus, with a pink mane, stood in the library.

“I promise, I won’t ever fail you again little sister!”

A disguised Princess Celestia strode out of the library and towards the address on the piece of paper.


Sunbeam jolted awake as her head dropped onto her chest. Stretching her eyes wide and yawning, she looked up at the dirty-grey morning sky... from the edge of the Everfree Forest.

‘Okay, there’s enough light to get going now... and once I’m moving I’ll be okay.’

Hauling herself to her hooves she swayed, almost falling over, before regaining her balance.

“Damn it, wake up you stupid mare. Just a little longer now.”

Adjusting her saddlebags so they sat comfortably, she set off towards the tree line.

‘Ah good to be moving again. I was climbing the walls waiting at home, not to mention having a spirited attempt to poison myself with coffee. Annnnd the smell of bleach was…’

Stopping, Sunbeam rolled her shoulders before moving off again.

“Game plan: get some Slumber from Zecora and sleeeeeep. For a week. Humm I wonder if I can convince Zecora to let me borrow her bed for a week.”

She was several minutes into the Everfree when she felt the first spots of rain on her back.

Looking up, her ears fell at the sight of the dark clouds rolling in. The topmost branches of the trees were already swaying with the wind.

“Oh… That’s just wonderful.”


The rain was falling in earnest by the time Sergeant Buttress and her team approached Sunbeam’s house.

Knocking on the door, she tried to ignore the rain running down the inside of her armour as the door opened.

“Hello. We’re here on official guard business and… Who are you?”

Instead of the green unicorn she’d been expecting, a white pegasus with a pink mane held the door open. "Good morning to you Sergeant, and to both your constables."

Sergeant Buttress started again, toning down the authority in her voice. “Good Morning. We’re looking for a Miss Sunbeam, on official guard business. I was led to believe that this was her house.”

The mare looked at her and smiled. “That is correct Sergeant.” She stepped aside to let them in. “Please come in, I’m sure Miss Sunbeam wouldn’t want to leave Equestria’s finest out in the rain.”

All three of them filed into the hallway, their nose's wrinkling almost instantly at the smell of bleach. Trying to ignore it, Sergeant Buttress studied the mare as a deep instinct tried to get her attention. “May I ask who you are and just what you are doing in Miss Sunbeam’s house?”

“Please Sergeant, can we go into the living room. I’m sure it will be more comfortable, plus it will have the room for me to explain properly.” The pegasus sighed as they walked in there. “I was hoping to do this quietly, without anypony else knowing. But as you're here...” She looked around. “Ah yes, I think I have enough room now.”

Sergeant Buttress frowned. “So miss… I’m sorry I didn’t get your name. Miss…?”

There was a golden flash.

Her mouth dropped open as both Walker and Floating Leaf made startled sounds.

A hoof reached out and gently closed Sergeant Buttress’s mouth.

“Shhh Sergeant… I was never here. Now, I shall need you three to swear confidence in a matter of utmost delicacy.”


In one fluid motion, Sunbeam pirouetted around on her right forehoof.

The mud splashed up her legs as she landed in a low stance, her horn pointing into the trees.

A thin white beam of magic shot off into the forest.

Panting, Sunbeam scanned the tree line, looking for suspicious movement as in the distance, muffled by the wind and rain, the sound of shattering wood could be heard... closely followed by the sound of a tree collapsing.

She stood there until the echoes had died and all she could hear was the wind and rain in the forest.

Sitting down she rubbed her face with a hoof, spreading mud over it.

“Buck! I’m getting jumpy in my old age.”

Looking up into the rain she suddenly giggled. “Careful Miss Sunbeam, shooting off blindly like that. You might have hit somepony you didn’t mean to…” There was another giggle. “Me, do something I didn’t mean to… never!” She giggled again. “Kill somepony I didn’t mean to! I’d never...”

The giggles died and her head dropped.

She sat there in the rain, head low and fur getting steadily soaked as the wind blew her mane around.

Abruptly Sunbeam slammed a hoof down, splashing more mud on her. “Get a grip! Get a bucking grip you stupid mare. This is just a little walk in the forest. I’m off to see a friend and pick up some.... medication. Then I’m going to go to sleep. For a week. On her floor if I can't have the bed. There is nothing to worry about. I’m...”

A branch creaked loudly in the breeze, causing her head to snap round, her horn glowing.

Grinding her teeth, Sunbeam let the magic stored in her horn dissipate. “Great! I am jumping at bucking shadows now! I’m bucking losing it here.”

She glared at the shadows. "You're..."

She frowned as she looked into the shadows.

Her head tilted to one side.

There was a shape in the shadows.


Sunbeam recoiled back, bringing a hoof up protectively in front of her.

“No! You’re not here! You can’t be…”

Closing her eyes, she shook her head. “He’s not there. He’s not there! Get a grip. This is all just in my head.”

Opening her eyes, she jabbed at the tree line. “Go away! You are not here! You’re a just a figment of my...”

Her eyes widening, she suddenly scrambled madly backwards.

“No don’t come any closer!”

She took another stumbling step back, her tail dragging between her rear legs.

“Stay away from me! S-s-stay away from...”

Taking another step back, she powered up her horn and pointed it into the shadows.

“I’m warning you!”


Her eyes wide and her ears pinned back, Sunbeam galloped down the track. Her legs didn't seem to be working properly though, causing her to careen drunkenly from side to side as she ran.

Behind her; the sounds of numerous trees crashing down could be heard.


Zecora looked up from the caldron and gave the door to her cabin a puzzled look.

“Who is that knocking at my door, with morning just broken?”

Opening the door, she found Sunbeam smiling at her, trying to look nonchalant despite being soaking wet and coated in mud.

‘Good morning Zecora, how are you? You’re looking good today. Done something new with your mane? It looks good on you.”

Zecora raised an eyebrow.

Sunbeam bit her lip and turned her head to scan the tree line again. “Ummm… Can I come in? I’m...”

She looked back at her.


A forced smile appeared on her face.

“Cold. Yes, that’s it, I’m cold.” Sunbeam lifted a hoof up. “Look, see. So cold I’m shaking.”


Sitting in the cabin, Sunbeam held a mug of hot… something… in her hooves.

‘Don’t ask, just focus on that it tastes good, it’s warming... And you’re inside. She glanced at the door and sniggered. ‘Hah! I’m more scared of shadows than of Zebrican tribal masks… and that’s so bucked up.’ She slumped. ‘I’m so bucked up.’ Lifting a hoof, she rubbed her eyes. ‘Tired… I just want to sleep… Keep your bucking eyes open!’

Zecora put the mix that Sunbeam had brought with her to one side as she prepared her cauldron. She studied Sunbeam as she waited for it to boil.

Zecora took note of her half ear; the notch in her horn; the burn marks where her cutie marks should have been.

“Many battles you have seen since I saw you last.”

Sunbeam nodded as she kept glaring into her mug. Lifting a hoof, she ran it down the length of her horn, its tip catching on the notch in her horn. “Yeah. Hanging around with the bearers is hazardous to your health let me tell you.” She looked away. “But at least the scars on the outside don’t bother me anymore.”


Zecora sprinkled the mix into the cauldron as it boiled and the liquid inside quickly turned black.

Smiling, Sunbeam pointed at it. “See, like I said, gone off. Now with that out of the way, can I have a new batch now? Pretty please.”

Her smile faltered as Zecora shook her head.

"The mix is sound, the color's fine, it should have worked just by design. Have you taken a strong potion or neared great magic in motion?

Sunbeam blinked twice, before slowly lifting a hoof to rub the back of her neck. “Yeahhhh. I sorta had a potion forced down my throat which…" She grimaced. "Which kinda disagreed with my free will." Sunbeam paused as she rolled her shoulders. "I did... express my displeasure about that afterwards let me tell you. Anyway, after that, there was a large magical burst from me in the...” Sunbeam rapidly looked away as her hoof started drawing patterns on the floor. “When you say ‘great magic’ how great are we talking about here? Are we talking 'city-sized? Because if so, it was nowhere near that size. Moving on, there was...”

Zecora held up a hoof. “Let me narrow this search by themes: This mix sways memory and dreams. Has anything happened which you can see affected those?”

Sunbeam’s ears fell. There was a lengthy pause before she spoke. “There was a magic burst from Pinkie when she had to defend herself from...” She looked down at the floor. “... From a crazy mare. But she managed to zap her with magic before I... before she could do any damage.”

There was silence in the hut as Zecora watched her.

Sunbeam lifted her head, plastering on a smile. “Can you believe that? Pinkie doing magic!” She rubbed her forelegs together and looked down again. “Anyway, I happened to be too close and happened to get caught in the blast zone. Memories were involved.” Sunbeam kept her head down, not looking at Zecora. “So… how about that then. Pinkie using magic. Weird eh?”

Zecora shook her head while keeping her eyes on Sunbeam “No Miss Sunbeam, it is not.” She turned back to the caldron. “I will speak plainly, without rhyming, to you so you may understand the situation clearly.”

Still not looking up, Sunbeam winced. “Oh horseapples. It's that bad?”

“Miss Sunbeam, please pay attention. Leaving aside the whole ‘Pinkie being Pinkie’ issue, all the bearers carry a magical charge within them. A remnant left over from their original use of the elements I am lead to believe. Considering, as you so eloquently put it, ‘got zapped with magic', from an earth pony, I feel it is safe to assume that Pinkie’s more traditional use of magic came from that source.”

Sunbeam lifted her head. “Yeah, okay. That makes sense.”

Tapping the rim of the cauldron, Zecora stared off into the distance. “If that is the case, this could be a serious matter. Elemental magic is most potent.” She turned back to face her with a serious expression. ”It could even be argued that you have in fact been... ‘zapped’ by the Elements of Harmony.”

A second passed, then Sunbeam’s pupils shrank to pinpricks as ears fell limply out to the sides.

Zecora smiled. “Breathe Miss Sunbeam, breathe. While it is potent magic, it lacked any focal point, like a horn, to put any driving purpose behind it. What you got 'zapped' by was a burst of random, directionless magic from a leftover, residual charge. In truth, a pale shadow of the Elements real power. So while we should be on the lookout for possible side effects...” Her smile grew. “You won’t be turning into a, I believe the term is: ‘a garden ornament’ anytime soon.”

Sunbeam blinked at Zecora... then slammed a hoof onto her chest and let out a long exhale. Panting, she jabbed her other hoof at her. “Damn it Zecora, you trying to give me a bucking heart attack?!” Getting her breathing back under control, Sunbeam glared at her. “Well, who would have guessed it? Zebra shamans do have a sense of bucking humor.”

Zecora just kept her small smile. "Calm yourself, you are in no immediate danger Miss Sunbeam." She turned back to the cauldron and tapped the rim. "Hummm. Elemental magic, that could explain a lot. It is possible that the magical burst has left a tiny charge from itself within you, which is randomly disrupting any other magical effects.” She nodded to herself. “Yes, I believe that is the case. An Elemental charge has been left within you and is interfering with any other, lesser, magic it comes into contact with. However, you need not worry for the cure is simple. Time. You just need to give the charge time to drain, and then you’ll be fine.”

Putting on a hopeful smile, Sunbeam tried her best to keep her voice calm. “I was kinda hoping you could fix it. Like today.”

Her shoulders slumped when Zecora shook her head.

“Even in the smallest doses, Elemental magic poses a problem that's quite persistent, and to change it's quite resistant. The power of an Alicorn is needed to remove this thorn by force. Best let it run its course.”

Sunbeam’s face twitched. “And back to the rhyming. So how long before the charge runs out then?”

Zecora shrugged. “I do not know. Hours or days, weeks even could the magic blaze. But if, as I suspect, you ask in reference to Night Owls' Slumber, you should take note the doses you have taken are now one in number.” She turned to look at her. “I cannot take the risk of you taking any more of this brew. While it may not now be working, in your system it's still lurking. Taking another dose so soon risks poising you; not a boon. At earliest, a month before you take any, no less, no more.”

Sunbeam nodded. She then stood up and walked over to the wall before calmly sitting down facing it.

“Miss Sunbeam…”

The bottles on several shelves rattled with the punch to the wall.

Zecora lifted an eyebrow. “Tut, tut. Feel better now you've punched my hut?”

Sunbeam buried her face into her hooves. “It was all so simple: get home and it’ll all be okay. That was it. Once I get home, I can take some more Slumber and I'd be able to sleep properly. I could sleep, sleep without needing to change the bucking bedsheets...”

The bottles rattled again.

Sunbeam sank her face back into her hooves. “I’m a grown mare! It shouldn’t happen. It shouldn't…” She dragged her hoof down her face with a deep growl. “I’m Icefang, the evilest, most cold-hearted bitch on the battlefield." Lifting her head, she looked at Zecora. "Do you know the enemy has changed tactics upon my arrival? More than once! I inspire fear Zecora. Ponies are terrified of me! I'm...” Sunbeam quickly looked away. Zecora tilted her head at the stuttering intake of breath. "It’s... It's so humiliating Zecora. I-I'm n-not a little filly anymore. T-this shouldn't be happening again. Not again! I'm a grown mare now! I shouldn’t be wetting…”

This punch managed to bounce several bottles off the shelves, causing them to shatter on the floor.

There was silence.

Zecora stood up and walked over to her, putting a hoof on her shoulder.

Sunbeam just kept staring at the wall, her voice now carefully calm. "Do you know what I hate most about this Zecora? It's the fact that it's messing with my head. On the way here, I saw... somepony that couldn't possibly have been there. But I could see him plain as day." Lifting a hoof, she dragged a hoof down over her face. "But this was different from Mr Sit-with-My-Back-To-You. Oh no, he was looking right at me. He was coming right at me, reaching out for me. I could see his expression!” Sunbeam's head dropped. "I couldn't help myself. I panicked Zecroa. I panicked and tried to blast him. I blasted him with everything I had. Over and over again... b-but he just kept coming. He just kept coming with that bucking hoof reaching out for me. He just kept coming...”

Sunbeam wrapped her forehooves over the back of her head and let out a sob. "I’m starting to lose my bucking mind!”

Zecora gripped her shoulder and spoke soothingly. “Miss Sunbeam, you are sleep deprived, these are tricks that your mind's contrived. You need to rest, and maybe friends to spend time with until this ends. Their presence alone will help soothe the troubles that your mind...”

Sunbeam’s head shot up, her eyes wide. “Horseapples! What if they’d been there! What if Pinkie, or Fluttershy, had been there when I started blasting? I never thought about that. If any of them had gotten in the way I could have… I might have…” Her lips pulled back. “I would have… I bucking well would have! I was panicking, I… I wouldn't have cared...”

Sunbeam closed her eyes and gritted teeth. “Those bucking pieces of overpowered costume jewellery!” She stamped a hoof. “It’s all their bucking fault I’m going nuts!” Spinning round, she jabbed Zecora’s chest with a hoof. “I swear if I hurt my friends because of them I’ll… I’ll...” The rest of the sentence descended into a guttural growl.

Zecora took an alarmed step back. “Miss Sunbeam, what are you doing? Please power down your horn. You're going to- You are inside my hut! Miss Sun...”

She stepped sharply to one side to avoid the beam of magic.


Sunbeam paced back and forth in the hut, issuing specific, and highly detailed, threats to the Elements.

Zecora watched and shook her head at the threats to inanimate objects. “Best let this storm blow out its form. There is no point in even trying talk sense to a stormy sky. I hope that she will tire and snore, and get the sleep she needs before....”

She glanced at the gaping hole in the wall of her hut. “Before she causes any more damage. At least I'm thankful for her aim not being towards me.”

She glanced up at her masks. “For her sake, too, to a degree.”

Zecora turned back to look at her as Sunbeam’s pacing slowed and the string of threats tailed off. She sighed with relief as Sunbeam finally stopped and took some deep breaths.

“Miss Sunbeam…”

Her smile fell as Sunbeam started hitting the side of her head with a hoof.

“There has to be a way around this. Think, focus you stupid mare. A way around this… I need a cure so I won’t hurt my friends. Think!” Sunbeam put her hooves on her temples and started rubbing them. “Why's it so hard to think? Think! If... if the Elements can overpower Night Owl’s Slumber…” Her head lifted up. “I just need something more powerful than the Elements.” She spun round. “Zecora! Do you have anything more powerful than the Elements lying around here?”

Zecora blinked slowly and then shook her head. “No. No, I do not. And though there are mixes that might contain more power than Slumber, I know what you would need so to obtain them would be... difficult. And I have doubts they'd even dent the magic of an Element.” She reached a hoof out. “Please Miss Sunbeam, you need rest. You need your sleep. You're not your best.” She glanced at the hole in the wall. “And I do not need to ventilate my hut anymore on this date.”

Sunbeam snorted before spinning away and starting to pace again. “Okay. Right. If I can’t overpower it with quality…” She stopped. “How about quantity?” She looked over her shoulder at her. “I could take several doses of Night Owl’s Slumber at once?”

Zecora shook her head emphatically. “No! All you will do that way is to poison yourself, and quickly, too. Which I already said to you. A single monthly dose of brew is plenty, even near undue.”

Sunbeam shook her head. “Horseapples. I need to find something. Ugh, so hard to think. I can’t think. I... Wait!” Stopping, she spun around to face Zecora. “You didn’t say that it wouldn’t work!”

“Miss Sunbeam? What are you....”

Sunbeam gave her a big, hopeful, grin. “Multiple doses. You didn’t say that it wouldn’t work. If I take multiple doses of Night Owl’s Slumber I’ll be able to sleep and then I won’t hurt my friends! No more ghosts. And you can cure me of any side-effects.”

Zecora pulled her head back in alarm. “Miss Sunbeam, that's not how it works! You're not thinking, you know the quirks... Where are you going? Wait! Stop!” Zecora stood up. “You mustn't take anymore Slumber!”

Sunbeam’s horn lit up, the grin on her face growing. “If I make my own Slumber, I can sleep. And then I won’t hurt anypony else! I can sleep!”

“Stop, Miss Sunbeam! Wrong thoughts encumber your mind, if you do this you'll...Uh!” Zecora toppled forward, only just regaining her balance in time. Looking down, she found a white glow around all her hooves, pinning them to the floor.

Zecora looked up with a sigh. “You're acting foalish, Miss Sunbeam. If you continue in this scheme there's nothing that you can achieve but causing all your friends to grieve. So please release me from this state so I can help find an alternate.”

Sunbeam shook her head, still with the grin. “I’m going to make everything better. I can sleep and then everything will be better.”

Zecora's ears fell. “It's quite clear you've delirium coming from sleep deprivation. Attempting to reason with you is now a waste of time I can see.” She glanced up at her masks as Sunbeam walked towards the door. “I can't let you do this, and ought to change the spells, but I do not have time to find something more befitting.” Her head fell. “So be it.”

Sunbeam stepped up to the door and reached out. “I just need to find some…”

Zecora took a breath in. “You’re a good little filly!”

Sunbeam stopped dead, her hoof still outstretched.

“You’re a good little filly, aren’t you... Singing Flower. You’re his good little filly. No matter how far or fast you run... you'll always be his good little filly." Zecora closed her eyes. "Why don't you say it out loud Singing Flower. Say it so you can hear yourself say it. Say: you'll always be his good little..."

The beam of magic hit Zecora square in the chest.


Sergeant Buttress walked out of the house and pointed to constable Walker.

“Walker, you’re on first watch. If you seen anypony enter or leave, come find me and I will send a note to… ‘to the higher ups’. As you all heard, we’re strictly hooves-off now. So no interference and we don’t tell anypony what’s going on." She looked up at a cloud. "Right. Off you go son.”

Constable Walker nodded and flew up to the cloud which was conveniently close to Sunbeam’s house.

Laying down on it, he got comfortable.


Zecora opened her eyes to a green light filling her hut.

Lifting a hoof, Sunbeam’s magic now gone from around it, Zecora checked where the beam had hit. Apart from her fur being ruffled, and some green dust, there was no damage.

With a sigh of relief, she nodded to her green-glowing masks.

“Thank you my friends.”

She calmly looked over towards Sunbeam.

Sunbeam stood by the door with her teeth bared. Her breathing might have been shallow and erratic, but her glowing horn was pointing unwaveringly at Zecora.

Sunbeam's head slowly tilted to one side, a puzzled look creeping onto her face.

Zecora turned her head away. “And as for you, I'm sorry for what they will do. I didn’t have time to change the incantations to rearrange…”

The glow around the masks flared green.

Sunbeam’s horn flared green.

Zecora winced at the scream. She felt the impact of a pony hitting the floor through her hooves.

With a deep breath, she looked back.

Sunbeam was curled up on the floor, clutching her horn with both her forehooves, as she let out pitiful whimpers.

Walking over, Zecora seated herself down next to her. “I am so sorry, Miss Sunbeam, but I needed to stop your scheme. The incantations won't react lest I’m personally attacked. I had to provoke you enough. I had to...”

Sunbeam’s hoof lashed out, swiping Zecora’s forelegs away from under her.

As Zecora went down, she automatically turned the fall into a sideways roll, taking most of the impact out of it when she hit the floor. Continuing the roll, she went onto her back, her other side and then onto her belly in one smooth motion.

Now with some distance from Sunbeam, she jumped up into a low combat stance.

She quickly looked up at her masks. “Be at peace my friends. I shall bring this to an end.”

As Sunbeam, unsteadily, pulled herself to her hooves Zecora reached out for her staff.

"You are quite fortunate that I took care to closely specify 'attack' on the incantations on my mask rack."

Swaying, Sunbeam just pointed her dagger at Zecora and snarled.


Laying on the cloud. Constable Walker watched Sunbeam’s house intently.

Under him, a face appeared in the cloud for a moment, grinned, then faded back into the cloud.

A few spots of chocolate rain fell.


Slamming the wall, Sunbeam bounced off it before landing heavily on the floor with a grunt.

Her dagger lay out of reach on the other side of the cabin and her sides ached badly from some of Zecora's harder strikes.

Zecora leant casually on her staff as she watched her. “Please stay down, Miss Sunbeam. You’re only hurting yourself now, I deem.”

Sunbeam glared at her. Struggling, she got to her hooves again.

Zecora stepped up to her. “Your fortitude is fueled only by anger, justified maybe, but it clouds your judgement at this juncture. Please, I beg of you, lie down and let me tend to you. My strikes have been precise and true. No major damage has been done to you.”

Pulling her right hoof back, Sunbeam took a wild swing at her...

Which Zecora blocked easily with her staff.

Stepping forward, she used her staff to pin Sunbeam, and her right hoof, to the wall. “From what you said with truth serum, and from when you killed those timberwolves, I came to have a small theorem. A simple phrase that might provoke you... but then I didn't expect that when I had cause to it speak it, it would have such a long lasting effect. In fact, from what you said, it quite honestly shouldn't be…”

She looked her in the eye. “...It shouldn't be this effective. What other meaning does the phrase hold for you Miss Sunbeam? Why does it enrage you so?”

Sunbeam pulled her left hoof back with a snarl.

Taking one hoof off the staff, Zecora used it to quickly pin Sunbeam’s hoof to the wall.

“Please Miss Sunbeam… I apologize for saying it. I...” She looked Sunbeam in the eye and shook her head. “There is nothing I can say is there? And I sure cannot stay here and keep you pinned like this all day.” She sighed. “So for this, I apologize in advance.”

Sunbeam bared her teeth and struggled against the staff.

Zecora headbutted her.

Author's Note:


At this point I need to publish this chapter to be able to move on.

I won't add anything about the delay over what I've already put in the blog. I'll just express my apologies once again for it.

Greynoise must take ALL the credit for Zecora's rhyming in this chapter and I stand in awe of his efforts.

The usual thing - see any errors let me know and I'll try to correct them.

I'm off for a stiff drink now.

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