• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 22 - Gala Day Blues

Chapter 22 - Gala Day Blues

Frowning, Bar Service watched Sunbeam limp off, slowly merging with the shadows. Finishing locking up the bar for the night, he checked the handle before looking round, Sunbeam was gone now. Something was bothering her he knew, but the stubborn mare was refusing to tell him anything, insisting she would ‘get over it’.

‘Well I hope a good nights sleep does you well missy. It’s ‘The Gala Night Special’ at the Swift tomorrow, and I need you there, it’s going to busy, what with the Elements there and all.’

Rainbow had insisted that she needed to stay in Ponyville to help Scootaloo, and therefore wouldn’t be going to the Gala. The rest of the bearers had decided to stay with their friend as well, quoting ‘it wouldn’t feel right to go without her’. Pinky had been instrumental in persuading Rainbow and the rest to go to ‘The Swift’ instead as a ‘Super-rific Mini Gala’ party. Plus she had arranged some extra entertainment for the night.

‘Oops accidentally-on-purpose forgot to tell Sunbeam about the entertainment.’ A sly smile grew. ‘Should be fun to see what she can do.’

- - - - - - - - - -

Skidding to a stop on the top of the sand dune Sunbeam threw a look over her shoulder as she paused to catch her breath. Scanning the expanse behind her. All she could see were endless sand dunes, topped with a clear deep-blue sky.

“Can’t see it, but… It’s close! Keep moving you stupid mare!”

Frantically looking around she relaxed when she saw her house, perfectly perched on top of the next dune. The dark brown wood standing out clearly against the yellow sand and blue sky.

“Safe! I’ll be safe there!”

Giving one final look behind her, she took off down the dune and towards her house, kicking up puffs of sand with each step as she raced towards her house.

Slamming the door shut behind her, she drew the bolt with a shaking hoof before leaning on the door and slowly sliding downwards until she was laying on the sandy floor. The entire bottom floor of her house was just the four exterior walls, the staircase, and an uneven sandy surface.

As Sunbeam lay there, a growl came from just outside the door. Low and promising pain, at the same time a siren call in sweetness and pleasure.

Go away! Leave me alone!” Sunbeam screamed, pounding a hoof on the door.

Something heavy slammed against the door in reply.

A few seconds passed, then another slam against the door, this time causing it to creak ominously. Scrambling to get to her hooves, she galloped upstairs and towards her bedroom.

Slamming the bedroom door shut, she backed away from it as a splintering sound came from downstairs. She knew meant that the front door had given way.

‘Safe, I’m supposed to be safe in here, I’m supposed to be safe...’

Bolting towards the wardrobe, she dove into it, trying to close the door quietly after her. Sitting down she clutched a yellow earth pony rag doll tightly to her chest with a hoof. Trembling she sat there staring at the inside of the wardrobe door. Another splintering sound and ‘it’ was in her bedroom.

Her breathing sounded deafening to her ears. Trying to keep quiet, she held her breath. If she was quiet, if she hid, maybe ‘it’ would leave her alone… Sunbeam closed her eyes.

'Mummy, Daddy, I need you...'

She found herself looking down from the corner of her bedroom with a strange feeling of weightlessness.

Confusion gave way to horror as she could see ‘it’. A metal unicorn, bronze in colour and all overlapping segmented plates. It stood looking at the wardrobe she was hiding in. Crouching down, the metal plates slid smoothly over each other, as it prepared to pounce. Sunbeam heard a whimper come from the cupboard. It leapt, smashing through the flimsy door and burying itself into the wardrobe... a yellow rag doll pony bounced out.

Sunbeam’s eyes snapped open and she stared at the ceiling of her bedroom. Slowly she rolled onto her side and curled up into a tight ball, her eyes never closing as she began to shake violently.

- - - - - - - -

Standing on her balcony, Celestia looked up at the night sky before turning her gaze to Luna beside her. Luna was staring intently at her moon, concentration etched on her face, as the moon set below the horizon. The moment it disappeared Luna gave a sharp nod in satisfaction, before turning to look at her sister. Smiling at her, Celestia looked back up to the sky, enjoying that moment in between, when the sky held neither the sun or the moon. Turning her head, she looked out over Canterlot to where her sun would rise.

Luna walked over next to Celestia as the sun rose over the horizon. Leaning in, Luna pressed her head against Celestia’s shoulders. Celestia looked around and rested her head against Luna’s.

“You’re still going to make me go to the Gala tonight aren't you Celey?”

“With the rest of the Element Bearers staying in Ponyville now… I believe the current term is ‘you bet your sweet cutie mark you are’.”

“Gah!” Lifting her head away from Celestia’s embrace Luna considered a dignified and measured response that befitted a mare of her position. The word “meany” was addressed to Celestia before a tongue was stuck out at her.

Lowering her head, Luna rested her head on Celestia’s neck.

“You do know I will be having your extra slice of cake don’t you?” Luna murmured.

“First off, everypony of importance… Well, everypony who thinks they're important, plus some ponies who actually are important, will getting a slice first, then…”

“Then all’s fair in love and cake?”

With a smile Celestia nodded, looking up at the sunrise, enjoying the moment.

“Of course, best behavior, we are Princesses and must act as so in such official circumstances. However boring.”

“Sounds like I’d have more fun back on the moon… Oh don’t look at me like that. I’m allowed to say it.”

Celestia looked back to her sunrise, forcing herself to relax.

‘Don’t you dare leave me again little sister.’

- - - - - - - -

Looking out the window, Sunbeam watched the sunrise. Her fifth coffee in her hooves as she sat at the kitchen table. As the Day Princess hadn’t ripped the wall off her house to get to her, she was fairly certain that the potion had still protected her from detection by the Night Princess.

‘Time to go visit Zecora. Need to get more Night Owl’s Slumber.’ The kitchen bin currently held what had been her supply. Sunbeam had waited for morning before setting off, even she wasn’t prepared to go into the Everfree at night.

Walking out into the hallway she levitated her cloak off the rack and her saddlebags…

Both dropped to the floor as Sunbeam spun round, her hackles standing on end as chills went down her spine. Somepony was behind her. Legs spread wide in a battle stance, head low and horn glowing, her eyes searched for the threat.

‘There! Top of the stairs, a yellow pony sat with its back to me.’

“You! What the buck do you think you are…”

‘You never knew his name.’

- - - - - - - -

Sitting, doing her morning meditating, Zecora listened to the patter of rain on her hut's roof. The knock on the door was unexpected.

With a frown, she got up. Glancing at the masks on the wall, making sure they were ready, she walked to the door and opened it.

Being rendered speechless was not a common occurrence for her, but the sight of a bedraggled Sunbeam sitting there, unmindful of the droplets falling off her muzzle did it.

“Can I come in Zecora? I’m drenched out here.”

- - - - - - - -

Sat by the fire, levitating a tea, Sunbeam trying to dry herself off. While Zecora fussed around her. Her shivers appeared to be reluctant to stop though.

“Why did you come here, so early and so woefully underprepared for such surly weather?”

‘Right, as you practiced on the way here.’

“He was going to kill Fluttershy! So I retired him.”

Sunbeam’s eye’s widened. ‘That’s not what I practiced!’

- - - - - - - -

Fast Food looked over the assembled kitchen staff.

“As you may have heard, Apple Gourmet hasn’t improved since his accident, a get well soon card is available for signing. I will be in charge for the Gala tonight and the foreseeable future.”

The collective groan was like a knife to his heart, without Apple Gourmet backing him up, the others intimidated him, and a part of his mind whispered to him that they knew it.

“You all know what you are supposed to be doing, so carry on.” He squeaked out. The sound of laughter as they walked off enraged him.

Spinning round he seized on the nearest target to vent on.

“You!” He pointed a hoof at Azure Dawn. “What do you think you are doing?”

Azure Dawn looked Fast Food up and down.

“Guarding the Cake. Making sure no pony takes any more samples.”

“Well I don’t...ugk!”

Azure Stalked towards Fast Food, her horn glowing. A similar glow appearing around Fast Food’s throat. In the busy kitchen, nopony could hear the hissed conversation.

“Listen up, you hornless ground-pounder. I am guarding the cake.” A vicious smile spread on her face. “You wanna complain, my schedule frees up tomorrow.”

Fast Food was on the point of wetting himself, Azure had been so meek since arriving, what was in front of him was a snarling manticore. A magical snarling manticore that had him by the throat.

Releasing him, Azure turned back to her position by the cake. ‘I couldn’t stop Apple Gourmet from taking a sample, but I could stop him coming back in. But damned if I’m going through all that again. Besides, it was kindness, the injuries from the accident will kill him before he really starts suffering.’

Coughing, Fast Food and held onto his throat and wheezed out. “I’ll see you fired tomorrow.”

Turning her head to face him, Azure smiled.


- - - - - - - -

Sunbeam sat watching Zecora intently, unconsciously edging towards the door. “So you’re not mad or anything?”

“I am upset, but I live in the Everfree. I am well aware that sometimes a dangerous animal needs to be ...retired as you put it. While not to be desired, it is sometimes required. I am actually glad you valued a friend’s life over an obligation to me, but I would be remiss if I didn’t think something else was amiss. Why are you here?”

Placing a hoof on Sunbeam’s shoulder she looked into her eyes.

“Your Night Owl’s mixture is flawed, I had a nightmare last night.”

Only the sound of the rain could be heard for a minute before Sunbeam looked away from the Zebra’s eyes.

“I saw him, this morning, sat at the top of my stairs. Sat in the pose he was in when I retired him.” Sunbeams ears folded flat back against her skull. “II was terrified! I couldn't think of anything else by running away. What’s wrong with me Zecora?”

“Your mind is unsettled, confused. You feel guilt over your actions.” Zecora took a breath. “Sunbeam, your conscience had caught up with you.”

- - - - - - - -

Zecora sat in silence as Sunbeam raged. Her floor was going to have some new dents in it.

“Why him? What right does he have to make me feel this may!”

“To do this to me!”

“To make me feel like this!”

“I did the right thing, dammit!”

Her voice returned to normal.

“He is unworthy.”

With interest, Zecora saw Sunbeam’s forehoof come up to her amulet as her voice became quiet.

“There are others much more worthy to haunt me.”

Her ears folded flat against her head as her head fell.

“Why him of all ponies?”

Getting up, Zecora walked over to Sunbeam and wordlessly placed a hoof on her shoulder before Sunbeam continued.

“I get it that he was young, he was lost, but I had to stop him, He was going to kill, so I had to retire him. I had to retire him. Arrgh, why did you tell me that kid? I was going to be going home with you.”

Zecora raised an eyebrow. “Really? He persuaded you to back with him? You want to go back to them?”

“I want to go home Zecora!” Another new dent was made in Zecora’s floor.

Sunbeam rubbed a hoof in between her eyes. Her voice became subdued.

“I just want to go home Zecora. To where I don’t have to hide, to where I can go to sleep without Miss Jackie D tucking me in. Where I don't have to wonder if I’m going to be woken to the sounds of a mob breaking down the door.”

‘Or the Day Princess making me her toy...’

Sunbeam looked at Zecora.

“But if I went home he’ll make me a monster and I don’t want to be a monster Zecora, I promised. I want to go home but I’m too scared to go.” Sunbeams eyebrows raised in a pained expression of acceptance, her voice quiet. “I'm scared... of him.” The sound of rain pounding on the roof went unheeded by either pony until Sunbeam spoke again.

“You know what, the whole legend…” A bitter laugh sounded. “Legend!” With a shake of her head, Sunbeam continued. “The whole legend of Icefang is based on a scared little filly who can’t decide on homesickness or fear.” Her forelegs slid forward until she was laying down, laying her head down between her forelegs, she looked up at Zecora. “Ain't that the most pathetic you’ve ever heard.”

Zecora gently placed a hoof on Sunbeams mane and stroked it as the rain continued.

“I’m pathet…”

“Shhhh. Little one”

- - - - - - - -

Luna watched as the cake for the gala was brought into the main hall. Three earth ponies carried it out, with a unicorn supervising them. Normally Luna would be in bed now, but she enjoyed watching the background work that went on in such events, so she’d stayed up a bit longer to observe. These ponies normally went unappreciated and she felt that an effort should be made to remedy that.

The cake was sat down on a table and the unicorn gestured the three earth ponies should go. To Luna’s surprise, they galloped away, almost like they were frightened of the unicorn. She sat down next to the cake, her glare obvious, even from how far away Luna was.

Humm, heard that Apple Gourmet is a bit of a tyrant in his kitchen, his underlings seem to be picking up bad habits off him.’

- - - - - - - -

Sunbeam watched as Zecora placed a small brown bottle down in front of her.

“This will help over the short term, but will not heal your mind. For that, I find, only time and support combined will be kind.” Holding up a hoof, she cut off the reply Sunbeam was about to make.

“The contents should only be taken when the symptoms awaken.”

“Instructions, side effects? Warnings?”

“Take when needed, but be aware, the more you use, the more the effect will lessen . As for side effects, it works by relaxing both mind and body, so steer clear of foods spicy. Also for a while after taking, the pony in question becomes almost childlike in expression. Worry not, the side effect lasts but a moment in comparison.”

Zecora walked over to Sunbeam and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“The Night Owl Slumber mixture you complain of, your dream was powerful enough to break through, but against prying eyes, it will still be tried and true. For the dreams to cease, an increase in dose is what you wish.”

‘Great, gotta go fish it out the bin now.’

“And here is a salve for your shoulder, for I see you are limping… again. I must inquire what is with you and that shoulder?”

“Totally not my fault.”

Pausing, Zecora looked Sunbeam in the eye.

“Little one, to heal your mind fully, not talking about what ails you would be folly. So I am willing to listen, if you are so willing.”

Sunbeam gave a single slow nod.

‘If it will help, besides, it already feels like you know everything about me. How do they do that?’

- - - - - - -

Watching Sunbeam trot down the track, avoiding the puddles left by the rain, Zecora gave a wan smile.

‘She has managed to pull herself back together, she’s back to herself, for better or worse. But she will need help... soon.’

Retreating back into her hut, Zecora stared at the masks.

‘Those with blood on their hooves should indeed try to help each other.’

- - - - - - -

Walking along the muddy track, even trying to avoid all the puddles, Sunbeam found her legs streaked in mud.

Lifting a foreleg up, she examined it.

‘Wonderful. At least there are no timberwolves around. And waaay to jinx it Miss I-Shouldn’t-have-said-that. What's more...’

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of yellow in between the trees. Carefully keeping her gaze straight ahead, she placed the hoof back down. Sunbeam managed three more very stiff, steps forward, before breaking into a full gallop along the track. Unmindful of mud now being sprayed all over her.

- - - - - - - -

Slamming the front door shut, Sunbeam leaned on it as she slid down to the ground, panting.

‘Okay, too much soft living. Shouldn’t be panting that much.’

Laying there, she could see her cloak and saddlebags were still on the floor where she’d dropped them.

"See, no pony came in here..." Her head shot round to look up at the top of the stairs. The empty space wasn't as reassuring as she'd hoped.

Slowly getting to her hooves, keeping a close eye on the top of the stairs, she walked into the kitchen. Sitting down at the kitchen table, moving her coffee mug to one side, she took a swig of the bottle before placing it down carefully.

‘Okay lets wait for the side effects, I wonder...’

Walking past her window were a pair of depressed looking Cutie Mark Crusaders.

- - - - - - - -

Rarity finally spotted Sweetie Belle crouched down in a bush next to a small copse of trees, with Applebloom crouching next to her.

“Sweetie Belle! What are you doing in that bush?” She was looking for Sweetie Belle to make sure her homework was done before bed, but seeing the two laying there, trying to be motionless and quiet, piqued her curiosity.

Sweetie Belle’s response was not what she expected. “Ssshhh! You’re signposting our position.” Sweetie waved a hoof at Rarity in desperation. “We’re trying to get our cutie marks in ‘escape and evasion’.”

Giving the two fillies a flat look, Rarity’s horn glowed and both were dragged out from under the bush.

“That’s better, now, what are you doing under that bush, why you are covered in branches and mud…”

Rarity’s questioning was cut off as Sunbeam jumped out of the undergrowth, landing in front of all three. Sunbeam gently bopped Sweetie Belle and Applebloom on the nose before turning to Rarity. After a pause, Sunbeam bopped Rarity squarely on the nose as well.

“Tag, you're it.”

With a flurry of hooves, and her tail streaming behind her, Sunbeam leapt back into the undergrowth.

“Catch me if you can.” She called back over her shoulder.

All three ponies sat in shock, Applebloom recovered first.

“After her!”

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle shot off into the copse, chasing after Sunbeam as Rarity sat there, her mouth hanging open. Slowly she raised a hoof up to her nose.

In a shaky voice, she called after Sweetie Belle. “O-okay, you’ve got five more minutes.”

- - - - - - -

Luna walked up to Celestia, two plates, each with a slice of cake on it, levitating next to her.

“Sister, how goes the battle against the tedium.”

Celestia nodded to a noble who had politely bowed his head in her direction.

“Two more hours.” Celestia hissed back, before taking the offered plate.

“Not one of Apple Gourmet's better cakes I’m afraid to say. Hardy a fitting end to his career. Still nice though.” Luna stated, before taking a bite of the cake.

“I have to agree Lulu. The almond taste is, and I hate to use the word, discordant with the rest. But not enough to for it to be bad. Ah, there is Fast Food, perhaps we could ask him.”

Fast Food practically fell over himself when Princess Celestia beckoned him over.

With a deep bow, he faced both Princesses.

“Mr Fast Food, congratulations on stepping up after Mr Gourmet's accident. I am sure he will be proud of what you have done in his absence.”

“T-thank you Princess.”

“One thing though, do you know why he put almonds in the cake?”

“Almonds? Shouldn’t be anything to do with almonds in there. I watched Apple put the ingredients in myself. Mind you nopony else had a chance to taste it. What with that new transfer looking after the mixture.” He added bitterly, looking aside as he said it.

His head was gently pulled round with magic to find himself face to face with Princess Celestia.

“Should be no almonds, yet it tastes of almonds. Nopony else tasted it apart from Gourmet, then he had an accident. There was a new pony, a new pony that you didn’t know, that was left alone with the cake.” Celestia stated in fightingly calm tone.

Fast Food nodded, his mind not yet connecting the dots. “Yes, the new transfer wouldn’t let anyone else sample it after Apple Gourmet. Do you know she assaulted me when I...”

Gently Celestia put a hoof on his mouth and looked around for Luna. Luna’s teeth snapped together on air, jarring them, as her cake was pulled away from her. With a hurt look she turned to face Celestia, the look soon vanished as she saw Celestia's expression. Luna raised an eyebrow with an unspoken question.

Celestia looked up and over the crowd of ponies.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts… May I have your attention please...”

- - - - - - - -


Spill enacted. Confirm delivery to: Seagull; Gateway and a broad array of Spectrums. All colours NOT, I say again, NOT, available for delivery.

Requesting pick up.


Azure sent the message crystal off, and sat in her room, nervously looking at the magically locked door every so often. She knew it would only be so long before they came looking for her. The magic on the door should deter them until they could work out how to safely open it and if it had been boobytrapped. No pony would dare try to teleport in blind. That still left her trapped in her room until she got a teleport crystal sent to her.

Pacing the room, she cursed the crystals for needing a set location to teleport in and out of.

‘Was that a knock on the door? They’re here too soon!’

A large crystal formed in the centre of her room.


Acknowledged. Seagull, Gateway and Spectrum - Confirmed receipt of delivery.

Colours: Purple; Blue; Yellow; Pink, Silver, and Orange - unable to take delivery.

Pick Up request confirmed. Charge this crystal to max and activate in standard manner for transit to barn.


Looking at her magically sealed door she performed a small dance.

“Finally, and byeeee.”

Touching her horn to the crystal she charged it up. Holding it up in her hooves she savoured the moment before activating it.

- - - - - - - -

Sunbeam sat behind the bar at ‘The Swift’, eyeing the stage with musicians warily. Her head still felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool, but it was clearing.

‘I hope Rarity is okay, my hoof wasn't dirty when I… horseapples, did I really do that?’

Wincing, Sunbeam turned her attention back to the stage. “Bar?”

“Yes?” His attempt at sounding innocent did not make her feel any better.

“Why is there a stage, with musicians, setting up in here?”

“Didn’t I tell you?.”


“Ah, well we got some music for ‘Gala Night at the Swift’ courtesy of Pinky Pie.”


Turning away to take an order, several glasses levitated up next to Sunbeam in readiness. With a nod, two bottles levitated up as well and poured into those glasses, while a pint jug was placed under a beer tap and filled.

“That’s why I love a unicorn behind the bar.”

“You’d love to love the unicorn behind the bar you mean.” Turning towards Bar, she stuck her tongue out. “And that unicorn deserves a raise… Umm, allow me to rephrase that, as it could be taken out of context.”

This time, Bar stuck his tongue out at her. “You wish… in both senses.”

Looking around ‘The Swift’, Sunbeam considered it unusually busy, even taking into account it was the 'Gala Night Special'. Even with the Element Bearers in attendance.

'Must be the music they're here for. Hope the band is good then.'

Rainbow made her way through the crowd to the bar to order the drinks for girls. She found it hard to restrain herself from flying over the heads of other patrons, but past experience had taught her that it was considered impolite by her earthbound colleges to do so. Her ticklish hooves were ideal targets in such circumstances.

“Hiya Miss Dash, what would you like?” Bar inquired as Sunbeam served another pony.

“Three ciders, one martini, one pear juice with vodka - don’t ask, and a Jackie D for me… And when does the singing contest start?”

“Ssssh.” Bar waved a hoof at her. In a furtive voice, he added. “Sunbeam doesn’t know yet. I’ve signed her up. Don’t tell her.”

Rainbows eyebrows raised, then a smirk formed. “Is there a pool going?”


“Forty bits on Sunbeam.”


Rainbow checked her purse. “Forty… five bits on Sunbeam.” Rainbow emptied her purse onto the bar with a cocky grin.

Balancing the tray with her drinks order on her wing, she made her way back to table leaving a perplexed Bar Service sweeping her bits off the bar into a bucket.

One of the musicians came forward.

“May I have a… Miss Carrot Top, please”

- - - - - - - -

All the ponies had gone up, even all the Bearers, even Princess Twilight. All had got applause. Applejack leaned into Rainbow.

“You’re wearing a mighty big grin there sugar.”

“Oh, I know who’s next…”

Applejack frowned but before she could say anything else the musician came forward.

“May I have a Miss…. Sunbeam, please.”

The noise in the bar became lessened noticeably. Behind the bar Sunbeam, who had her back to the stage getting a drink, froze. Her head slowly swung round to the stage, then reversed direction and swung towards Bar.

A slow chant of “Sunbeam, Sunbeam…” Headed by a certain Pinky Pie started.

Bar Service seemed unwilling to meet her gaze as the chant got louder.

“We are going to have words… Mr Service.” Sunbeam hissed, looking around and finding all eyes were on her.

Rubbing her eyes with a hoof she shook her head. ‘And I quote from the merc ‘Blunt Object’… ‘I don't get nearly enough credit for not being violent’. Arrgh, let's do this, one song.’

Stiffly she walked out from behind the bar and towards the stage.

Taking her place on the stage in front of the band, she leaned over and whispered to the musician, who nodded and went back to the rest of the band. Looking around at all the ponies staring at her, she found the tightness in her chest becoming ever more distracting.

The chant died down as the band started playing. Sunbeam closed her eyes and felt the beat.

The words stirred in her, and she opened her mouth…

Bar’s jaw wasn’t the only jaw to be hanging open at that moment. However, he was the only pony to see something that everypony else was missing.

‘She’s smiling, a proper genuine smile. With a voice like that why the Tartarus isn’t singing her cutie mark?’

Finishing her song, Sunbeam looked up and opened her eyes. Everypony was staring at her in a stunned silence, which was quickly becoming overpowering for her. Only Rainbow looked calm, smug even.

Sunbeam took a half step backwards, her left forehoof suspended in the air. The urge to run starting in the back of her head.

A hoof started stamping in applause, which was soon picked up by all present. Even Bar was pounding his hoof on the bar, despite the still stunned expression he still wore.

‘I like this, I could… No!’ Sunbeam shook her head. ‘Don’t you even dare to think like that you stupid mare... Don’t think about what you can’t have.’

With a hunched posture, Sunbeam made her way back to the bar, trying to ignore all the ponies patting her on the back as she passed.

Bar Service was waiting for her when she got back behind the bar.

“That was incredible Sunbeam, I am surprised that singing isn’t your cutie mark.”

Sunbeam gave Bar one of her better fake smiles. “Oh you know Bar, you don’t get to choose your cutie mark.” Sunbeam turned away from him and headed towards the storeroom.

"Yeah I know… Hey, you okay?"

“Yeah I’m fine. We need to dust in here more, got some dust in my eyes.”

- - - - - - - -

Bar sighed as a smug looking Rainbow sidled up to the bar.

“Yeah, okay, you win the pool. How the buck did you know she had a voice like that?”

“Can’t say, Pinky Promise.”

“Yeah well…” Bar pointed a hoof over the bar. “Hey, no minors allowed!”

Looking to see, Rainbow was surprised to see a panting Spike, scroll in claw, by the front entrance.

“Message from the Princess to Twilight. Red band.” He panted out.

Levitating the scroll from Spike, Twilight turned to Bar.

“Sorry about Spike barging in, but a Red-banded scroll is an emergency. And he needs to bring it to me as soon as possible.”

The entire bar fell silent as Twilight's face went from surprise to concern, then to anger as she read the scroll.

“Girls! Gather round.”

Rainbow flew over the crowd back to the Elements table hovering next to Twilight.

“What’s up Twi?”

With a purple flash all the Element Bearers, Spike, and the table vanished.

Sunbeam walked over to the now empty space and scratched the ground with a hoof.

“Are we going to be putting the table on their tab?”

Author's Note:

The original draft of the end of the chapter had Sunbeam singing more than one song, including -by accident- a song from the heart. I was going to include a link of what I considered the perfect song on you tube for it. However, I found myself entering the choppy waters of 'copyrighted song lyrics', so I backed off.

I personally cannot condone anyone going to youtube and entering the search term - 'help acapella justine dorsey' - to see what Sunbeam would have sung, which would have resulted in her fleeing from the stage upon realisation of what she'd just sung.

So, I gave her the night off, I'm nice like that.

As usual see anything wrong or doesn't work, let me know and I'll try to correct it.

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