• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,318 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 7 - Back to Ponyville - Redone

Chapter 7 - Back To Ponyville - Redone

On a road bordered by green rolling hills and the odd tree, Sunbeam limped back towards Ponyville. Wincing with each step, she tried desperately to take her mind off her aching shoulder.

“So that’s decided then, a double mushroom and onion pizza.” She nodded to herself. “Yep, that’ll be it, maybe some sweet corn as well. Peppers? Do I want peppers?” Her head tilted to one side. “Nah. Everything else though, all on one buck-off huge pizza... and beers. Mustn’t forget the beers. No offence Zecora, but I need some real food and drink in me, not all that healthy horseapples you served. Oh, and a soft bed… Oh yeah.”

Her eyes glazed over as she walked, so she didn’t notice when she walked past the first of the outlying buildings of Ponyville.

“A soft bed, a pizza, beers… ” Sunbeam smiled at the thought. “What more could a mare want?”

She stopped and thought about it for a second.

“My bucking shoulder to stop bucking hurting with each bucking step would be bucking nice!”

Sunbeam lowered her head and took several deep breaths as the echoes died.

Looking back up, she carried on talking in a normal voice as if nothing had happened. “A hot shower, a soft bed, a pizza and beers.”

She set off again. “On that pizza, possible toppings I could have: Spinach - nope; mushroom - heck yes; peppers - maybe, avocado - yuk; onion - yes…”

Sunbeam stumbled and whimpered.

‘Focus on the toppings, focus on them.’

Sunbeam walked on, carrying on reciting the pizza menu toppings list from memory, again.

She didn’t notice the noise level steadily increasing as she approached Ponyville.

“Sweetcorn - yes; cheese - well duh; bananas... Bananas? Whoever came up with bananas as a...”

Walking past a large wooden warehouse, she blinked as the noise finally filtered through to her consciousness and got her attention.

Frowning she slowed down. ‘That’s an awful lot of noise… Only -a lot- of ponies could make that level of noise.’

Cautiously she approached the corner of the building.

With a deep breath, she carefully leaned around the corner of a warehouse, her ears immediately pinning themselves back at the brutal impact of all the noise rolling over her.

The market was in full swing, the market square itself was one seething mass of ponies, all shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, all talking and shouting at once. Even the pegasi that were airborne were having to dodge one another.

She rapidly took a step back, retreating back to safety behind the corner of the building.

‘A market day! Didn’t know they did market days here! The flyer didn’t say anything about…”

Her hoof came up and hit the side of her head. “Stupid, stupid, stupid mare! You should have realized! Markets days happen in most towns and villages.” Her head fell.

‘So many ponies.’

Sunbeam took several deep breaths. She glanced at the corner of the building. Her hotel was that way.

Her ears shifted so they were flat out to the sides. “Buck! That!”

Slowly, she turned and walked the other way, back out of Ponyville.

Comfortably away from all the overwhelming sights and sounds, she angled off towards a tree, laying down in its shade.

“My shoulder aches and going around would only make the trip so much longer. And that would make it hurt so much more. If I wait here until they finish I can rest my shoulder. Yeah, that’s the reason.”

She shifted around, getting comfortable.

‘I’ll go back in tonight. When there aren't so many ponies around.’

She lay her head on the ground.

‘Too many ponies. Waaay too many ponies right now.’

* * *

Broken Bones shuffled his hooves and looked around the alleyway that was his, and his partners, usual hunting ground. It was a narrow alleyway, with three-story buildings on both sides giving a dark and claustrophobic feel to it, even during the day. At night, it was ideal for stepping out of one of the darkened doorways and persuading ponies to hand over their valuables.

The mare that him, and his partner, were currently trying to persuade to hand over her valuables had walked into it alone, at night, and so obviously lost.

His partner, also an earth pony who was called Big Red, took a step towards the mare. His sheer size was often intimidation enough he found. “Look missy, we’ll get to you before you charge that horn of yours, so jus’ do what we say an' nopony needs to get hurt here. Jus’ hand over everything you’ve got, including that pretty little necklace, an' you can be on your way. All nice an’ injury free.”

The dark green unicorn mare, with a white back, looked back up at Red.

Broken sighed when her incredulous expression morphed into an all too familiar look of defiance.

‘Why do small towns breed heros? Back in Manehatten everypony knew the drill, nopony had to get hurt. Now she’s gonna make us hurt her, and for what? A few easily replaceable buables… Stupid!’

She lowered her head and gave them a half-smile. Broken saw the glint in her eye.

‘Oh buck she’s gonna do something -really- stupid.’ Broken reached out to warn Red, but he’d seen the look as well and tensed up...

So when she seated herself down and looked up at the roof tops, it took them both my surprise.

She shook her head as she called up to the rooftops. “I don’t think they’re changelings. Changelings are generally smarter than this.”

Big Red looked around at Broken with a puzzled look.

Broken just blinked at the crazy mare.

She kept looking up at the roof-tops, ignoring them. “Just two muggers, small fry. I’ll take care of them.”

Broken looked up at the roof tops. ‘What’s she looking at? There’s nopony there.’

Red took a step towards her, brandishing the dagger. “Who are you talking...”

She gave Red a dismissive, somewhat-annoyed, wave of a hoof.

“Put that thing away before you get yourself hurt.” She waved vaguely upwards. “There's an entire detachment of… of Lunar Guard up there, watching you. Try anything and you’ll get your flank handed to you very rapidly... in a basket... one that I will personally tie a pretty pink bow to.”

Red almost dropped the dagger as he stared at her.

Her sigh, and following eye roll, was almost theatrical. “Look, buck-wits, the Lunar guard are here trying to find a... changeling nest here in Ponyville itself, and you two are about to blow an entire month’s worth of surveillance. Not a smart move.”

Both Red and Broken looked up the roof tops. They looked empty to Broken.

Empty, but filled with so many deep shadows.

‘Can’t see anything up there, there’s nothing up there. There’s no pony up there… is there? Mind you the Lunar Guard -are- supposed to be a bunch of sneaky bad-flanks. Real hard-core ponies. The kind of ponies you really don’t want to mess with and…’ Broken tilted his head. ‘Did something just move in that shadow?’ The back of his head started to itch.

Red pointed his dagger at the mare. “I see nothing.”

Bringing a hoof up, she polished it on her chest. “Well that’s kinda the point isn’t it. With the Lunar Guard you don’t know we’re there until after you wake up in the promised land.”

Broken’s ears perked up and looked around at her. “Did you say ‘We’re?’”

The mare glanced at him. “I mean ‘they're’.” She smiled at him. “After all, it’s highly illegal for a Lunar Guard to go around looking like a normal pony.” She winked at them. “Isn’t it?”

The smile she flashed showed a lot of teeth.

Broken blinked. ‘Did I see fangs? Or was that just my imagination playing up?’ Broken took a step back. ‘Horseapples, you don’t mess with the Lunar Guard! They’re all psychos!’

Red looked around at Broken. “Uh… Is she a…?”

Broken dashed over to Red and shoved a hoof in his mouth. He smiled awkwardly at the mare.

The mare’s expression had changed to a bored look, hardly paying them any attention she looked casually around the alleyway.

The itch had moved to between Broken’s shoulder blades as his hackles rose. ‘A Lunar Guard. She can’t be... oh buck, She’s got a crazy enough look in her eyes to be one though. Definitely counts as ‘too dangerous for normal society’ with those eyes. Tartarus! Why didn’t I see it before! Her build is all wrong for a unicorn, only prolonged martial training could… Oh buck it, this isn’t worth it anymore. Those are crazy eyes… I don’t want to mess with eyes like...’

What was left of Broken’s confidence failed and he started pulling on Red's foreleg. “Let’s leave Red. Let’s leave this… totally normal mare… alone. She’d got important business to be about.”

Red, still with a confused expression glanced between the mare and Broken. “But I don’t see anypony up there, why...?”

Broken started pulling the bigger earth pony away. “Red! Forget it! Let’s go!”


The cold, dead, tone got their attention. Broken stopped pulling on Red as they both turned to look at her. He flinched at the sight of her horn was glowing. They were now too far away to reach her before she cast any spell.

Her smile was disturbingly pleasant. “Now I’m being uncharastically generous here when I... suggest that you both leave town.” Her tone turned to a snarl, just for a second. “For good.” The happy tone returned. “I really don’t want to see either of you around here ever again. If I do, I will personally see to it that you both...’

Leaning forward, the pleasant smile never wavering, she drew her hoof across her throat.

* * *

Sunbeam watched as the two stallions fled.

She sniffed loudly at their departing forms.


Turning, she flicked her tail at them before looking down at her amulet and prodding it.

“See Mr Sable, I can play nice... I let them go. Now I’m going to go back to the hotel and think pleasant, non-violent, thoughts on a soft bed. Maybe get a pizza... if the pizza place is still open. I hope it’s still open. Speaking of the hotel...”

Sunbeam looked around the alleyway her shoulders slumped. Sitting back on her haunches, Sunbeam threw both her fore-hooves into the air.

“I still have no idea where the bucking thing is!”

* * *

Sunbeam, having eventually found the hotel more by luck than anything else, lay on her bed.

Her room consisted of a bed that had a clear, if narrow, space around it on three sides. On the right was the wall with the window and a small bedside table, which had an alarm clock, one of her daggers and half-empty beer bottle on it. On the left was the bathroom and little corridor leading to the the entrance. The headboard was against the wall, and opposite bed was a small table where’d she’d thrown her saddlebags on walking in.

Laying there, looking up at the ceiling, with an empty pizza box and several empty beer bottles laying on the floor, Sunbeam groaned as she rubbed her stomach.

“Oooo, I’ve eaten too much. Should have saved that last slice.”

Reaching out to her right, she grabbed the beer and tried to take a swig, while still laying on her back and without spilling any on herself. She was almost successful.

She rubbed her chest, helping the beer soak into her fur.

‘Lip malfunction! At least it was over me and not the bed. Oh this bed is so comfortable. Certainly more than Zecora’s orthopedic plank-of-wood. That’s it, I am soooo -not- getting up again until tomorrow afternoon. At the earliest.’

She let her head fall back down onto the pillow. ‘Ugh, I need to take the bandage off. Tomorrow morning! I’ll do it then, it can wait until tomorrow morning. I am -not- getting up.’

Sunbeam sunk into the bed, gently smiling as the drowsy feeling swept over her.

Sunbeam lay there for a minute before she groaned and opened her eyes.

‘I need to pee.’

* * *

Sleeping on her right side, Sunbeam rolled onto her back. As she did so, her left foreleg swung over and bounced on the bed, not quite waking her but enough to rouse her out of her deep sleep.

In an half-awake state, memories merged with a dream.

Books everywhere, a stallion towered over her, a dagger in his chest, a blood-stained hoof held the dagger, he started to topple towards her...

Her eyes flew open.

Within a second, her bed-sheet was grasped in magic and thrown towards the entrance, blinding any attackers on that side, as she rolled out of bed in the opposite direction. With the bedside dagger now in her hoof and her horn glowing intensely, she landed with her lips pulled back into a snarl. Her ears were pinned back and her heart was thumping in those ears as her eyes darted around the room, looking for the threat that had woken her.

The bed-sheet gently settled on the floor.

The snarl faded into a confused look as she found no threats. The only thing marking the disturbance was the sheet thrown on the floor and her wildly beating heart.

The glow around her horn dimmed as she tried to calm her breathing down. She scanned the room again, her ears rotating to-and-fro as well now as she tilted her head.

Sunbeam smiled ruefully as she seated herself down and rubbed the back of her head. “Chill out girl, you’re getting jumpy. There’s no pony here.”

Her hoof came round from the back of her head and rubbed her eyes. “There’s nopony here. There’s nopony here. It just Night Owl’s Slumber being a little slow at suppressing the night terrors. Breathe, relax. And owww! My shoulder!”

Putting the dagger back on the bedside table, she gingerly climbed back into bed, levitating the sheet back over her. She lay there staring at the ceiling, waiting for her heart rate to drop back to normal. While waiting, she lifted a hoof in front of her eyes and watched it as it shook.

‘Why can I smell paper?’

* * *

With the morning sun shining in through the window, and still dripping wet from her morning shower, Sunbeam’s horn glowed as she peeled the gauze off with magic.

She grimaced as the gauze still stuck to her fur pulled painfully on her skin.

“Ow, ow, ow… Oh, I hate pain!”

She pulled the gauze a bit more until it was free from the wound itself, exposing the pink flesh and black stitching. The gauze itself, however, was still stuck to her fur all along one side. Panting, she glared at the gauze and the offending fur before looking up and around the room.

“Scissors. I need to find some bucking scissors.”

* * *

Sunbeam looked up Carousel Boutique as she munched on an apple from the hotel. As no ‘Sweet Apple Acres’ apples had yet been delivered, she’d had her choice of the others apples that were there. While glad she’d had her pick , she quietly bemoaned how picky some ponies were at times.

The cloak she was wearing, borrowed from the mare behind the reception, was a plain brown affair and itched. But it hid the injury from prying eyes and gave the injury a layer of protection as she had walked through town.

‘Okay, according to the note, this ‘Rarity’ said she’d be willing to make me a dress.’ Sunbeam snorted at the idea. ‘Not really into dresses, so perhaps I could persuade her to make a cloak instead, of a certain colour pattern. Or at least make it with a large discount if nothing else. Saving her sister should count for -some- discount, I hope.’

A little bell chimed as Sunbeam walked in,

“Coming.” A posh sounding voice came from the depths of the shop as Sunbeam looked idly around.

‘Ribbons. Why does anypony need so many ribbons?’

A white unicorn, with a curled indigo main and tail, trotted out from a back room.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is…”

She stopped and brought a hoof to her mouth. “Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. Darling, you have come, well, let’s be honest here, not-quite-in-time.”

Sunbeam watched impassively, turning her head to follow the unicorn, the one she presumed to be ‘Rarity’, trot around her.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. That cloak. Let us start by getting rid of that monstrosity.”

The cloak was encased in a blue glow and practically ripped off her, causing Sunbeam to half-raise a hoof to grab for a dagger, one that was still on the bedside table back in the hotel room. Sunbeam stood there in partial shock, hoof in the air, her injured side facing away from the unicorn.

Rarity deposited the cloak in the furthest corner with an expression of distaste before looking back at Sunbeam.

Her hoof came up to her mouth with an intake of breath. “Oh my, it’s you...”

Sunbeam’s attention snapped into focus on Rarity. ‘If she knows who I am I may have to…’

“...It’s so you darling! Your look is so… ‘you’. Now with a few tweaks, you’ll look simply fabulous dear. And with a dress to accentuate it, you’ll be simply stunning.”

Sunbeam’s rear legs folded up and her flank landed heavily on the floor “Huh?”

“Your colours, that white back, your athletically muscular figure, you most definitely do manage to carry that look off. Although I must add that perhaps you are a tad over-developed, muscle-wise, in places. But whatever, you sooo stand out in a crowd my dear. I’m so jealous.”

Sunbeam flinched at the ‘standing out’ comment.

Rarity carried on. “And may I add, it’s so good to see a unicorn not following the unhealthy, skin-and-bones, caricature that most unicorn models seem to be setting these days. Oh, I see so much potential there just waiting to be pulled out darling. Once coupled with a proper mane cut, some tail styling, makeup, a good grooming, a hooficure, a…” She shook her head. “Anyway, I am certain I can make you a dress that would have all the stallions fighting over you.”

Sunbeam blinked rapidly at Rarity, her mouth falling open. ‘Unh… Ponies already fight over me… Dead or alive, I’m worth quite a bit. Wait, dress?’

Rarity carried on. “You must tell me darling, what exercise plan did you use to get your figure?”

‘The ‘I-just-want-to-stay-alive’ plan.’ Sunbeam shook her head as the unicorn walked around her. ‘Focus! Cloak, you came in here -just- for a cloak.’

“Oh, yes I can see so many things that would compliment your look, why I…”

Sunbeam looked around at the sudden silence and groaned.

Rarity had walked around her and had seen her injuries. She was staring at the shaved pink flesh with the black stitches.

A lounge was hurriedly pulled over just in time for Rarity to collapse onto it in a dead faint.

Sunbeam blinked in the silence.

Sauntering over to the lounge and looking down at the Rarity. She tilted her head before, none-too-gently, prodding her several times.

* * *

Sunbeam stood by Rarity, flapping a piece of fabric at her with her magic.

‘You should be glad I didn’t go with my first thought and just start slapping you to try and bring you round. Yay, I’m being considerate -and- sensitive, all at once.’

Rarity groaned, in a most lady-like manner, and opened her eyes.

Keeping her injuries facing away from Rarity, Sunbeam decided to introduce herself. “Hi, I'm Sunbeam, and you are Rarity I believe? You sent me a letter inviting me over.”

Rarity blinked at her. “You're Sunbeam?” She scrambled up, her eyes wide. “You’re Sunbeam! Sweetie Bell told us all about that dreadful business. Y-You allowed yourself to be ... disfigured... like that for Sweetie Bell?” Rarity’s ears folded flat. “This is simply dreadful darling, I simply have no idea how to express my gratitude for saving her now. This is so distressing.”

“I didn’t exactly ‘allow’ it to happen.” Sunbeam shrugged. “Anyway, once the fur grows back it should cover any residual scarring.”

“Oh you are being far too dismissive darling. Such bravery should be rewarded. If only I had something worthy to respond with.”

“Well, I was looking for a new cloak.” She ventured.

“Darling, after seeing what you were wearing, I'd insist on giving you a new one anyway. Now... I can barely do justice to what I need to do. Oh no, a whole ensemble is the least I can offer right now.”

Rarity drew herself up

“And by the time I’m finished with you, you will stand out. Not only in a crowd but In all of Equestria. I swear I will make it so all of Equestria, no, the world, will want to look at you.”

Sunbeam blinked slowly at Rarity before taking a half-step back, her ears pinning themselves her head.

That... is one of the most disturbing threats I’ve ever heard.’

Sunbeam tried desperately to regain control of the conversation. “L-look I was just looking for a cloak, a cloak in a special pattern. A pattern that blends into woodland. Mottled greens, browns, and blacks kinda thing. I'll be willing to pay extra for the trouble.”

Rarity looked like Sunbeam had actually slapped her.

“Darling, first off, I refuse to take any payment for this. I simply must insist that I make you an ensemble that shows off your natural beauty for free. Second, I certainly can make the cloak pattern you requested, plain and boring as it that may be.” She winked. “Besides, you are not the first pony to ask for such a design, so I believe I know the pattern you are looking for.” She paused for breath.

Sunbeam was still catching up, her mind having derailed somewhere around the 'natural beauty' remark.

Rarity continued. “In the meantime can I offer a cloak I have in stock, for free of course, that you can use instead of whatever you were wearing. I sure I have something that will compliment your look, maybe not the same degree of something specifically made though.” Rarity sighed. “It does seem a shame to cover up such a striking feature as your back, but you do need to protect that wound while it heals I suppose. Still, no time like the present as they say.”

Sunbeam, still pulling herself together, hadn’t noticed the fleet of tape measures, quills, and notepaper that had all floated up and were hovering around her.

Rarity took a step forward and stopped when she caught the sparkle of Sunbeam’s necklace.

With professional interest, she leaned forward to study and identify the stone. Her head tilted to one side, a puzzled expression until she lifted a hoof to point at it. “Is that...” Her hoof trembled. “Is that what I think it is?”

Sunbeam followed Rarity’s hoof, ending up looking at her own necklace. Placing a protective hoof over it, she pulled back slightly. “I have no idea. Why? What do you think it is?”

“I'm sorry my dear, the study of gems is a bit of a hobby of mine. And something rare gets always my attention.” She placed a hoof over her smile at some private joke. “I think what you have there a Resoulten crystal, In fact, I’m sure of it, the black flicker inside gives it away. Incredibly rare. Certainly flawless with that flicker. And very valuable for its looks alone. Do you mind if I ask where you got it?”

Sunbeam became very still, her voice a flat monotone. “I got it when somepony I knew passed on.” She shook her head to clear it. “Resoulten Crystal eh? Only ever heard it called a Soul Gem before.”

A smile spread over her face. 'If nothing else works out here, a new name to research. I may find out why this damn thing never worked.' She looked down at the crystal and prodded it. 'Hear that Mr Sable, I've got a new lead to follow about getting you working.'

She looked up at Rarity. “Could you write that name down for me?”

Rarity smiled as a hovering quill scribbled onto a floating parchment and floated it over to her.

Sunbeam took the parchment, a wide smile on her face. Only then did she notice all the paraphernalia floating around her.

Sunbeam looked around desperately, she was surrounded.

Rarity smiled at her and, with all honesty, said: “I will need some measurements... this won't be a minute.”

Taking deep breaths, Sunbeam tried to relax as Rarity took her measurements. She found keeping her eyes closed as everything flew around her helped a lot.

She never noticed Rarity measuring her injuries and making a transparent template of them.

* * *

Rarity watched Sunbeam limp away, now wearing a light green cloak. The old brown cloak was hidden in a nondescript bag she’d given her. Certainly not one with the shop’s name on.

‘I do wish she’d have let me burn that horrid thing. Even if it isn’t hers, the owner still needs to get rid of it. Still, at least I persuaded to have an…’ Rarity twitched at the word, ‘off-the-rack cloak. But I shall make you something much better than that in time Miss Sunbeam.’

She frowned. ‘But first, I need to make the special cloak you requested. That pattern is usually only requested by officers of the guard for 'field duties' as they put it. Why you want one, Miss Sunbeam, I can only guess at.’

Sunbeam turned a corner and disappeared from her view. Rarity shook her head as she turned back to the shop and headed for the stairs.

‘First, however...’

“Sweetie Bell, could you come down here please.” She called out.

A door opened and Sweetie Bell peered around it.

“It’s okay for me to come out of my room?” she asked hopefully.

“Only for a minute darling, your punishment still stands.”

‘And having seen Sunbeam’s injuries, I’m so very much tempted to increase it.’

“I need you to come down here as I need to check something.”

Sweetie Bell came down the stairs and stood still as Rarity placed the template of Sunbeam’s injures on Sweetie Bell’s shoulder. The template reached from her side to up-and-over her back.

Sweetie Bell started in surprise when Rarity threw her hooves around her neck and started crying.

- - - - - - - -

Sunbeam left the Mayor's office smiling.

‘Well this day’s just getting better and better. Very little paperwork needed to buy a place here, which is great. Only about ten minutes to prep the required forms. And I only needed two evasive answers, didn’t need to lie once. Now all I need is to decide on the actual house I want, write the address on the prepared paperwork, and I’m good to go.’

She trotted down the street before looking at the map floating next to her.

‘And I must visit the library sometime. Certainly if it’s as well stocked as the mayor said it is. I do hope so, now I’ve got a new name for the crystal to look up hopefully I can find out why my amulet never worked. Maybe even get it to work...’ She smiled at some inner vision, ‘Can you imagine it, if you got the amulet working? You could...’

Sunbeam stamped a hoof. “Stop day-dreaming. Focus on the here and now. Besides...”

Sunbeam looked up the street, at the treehouse housing the library.

‘...The library is shut right now. Why the librarian was called away on 'Princess Duties’ I don’t know. What could a Princess want from a librarian from a backwater such as this?’

Sunbeam rolled her shoulders.

‘Not to mention the ‘whole new princess’ thing! Four of them now! Last I heard was three, with one waaaay outta the way somewhere cold. Glad I was sitting down when the mayor dropped -that- one on me. At least I didn’t just curl up on the floor and start hyperventilating when she told me. Yay emotionally strong me.’

She tilted her head and slowed her walk down. ‘Okay, so, a new princess. Why -would- she want the help of -this- particular librarian? Are they friends? Surely there must be plenty of librarians up in Canterlot to assist in new duties? Must look into that later. Right now looking up details about my crystal takes priority.’

She looked at the map and smiled as she worked out where the first of her prospective new houses were.

Sunbeam’s expression soured as a thought occurred to her.

‘Huh if this librarian is connected to a Princess I’ve gonna have to be extremely careful around her. If she suspects anything about me... and reports it to a Princess... I’ll be royally bucked. Excuse the pun. Unfortunately, I need to use the library, as any chance of getting my Amulet working is too good an opportunity to miss. Especially if the library here is as good as the mayor boasts.’

Sunbeam tapped her chin.

‘So, it’s a calculated risk, but worth it. It’s pretty much a certainty I’m going to run into this librarian, this 'Twilight' at some point in a town this small. Might as well be as I’m using the library. So I’ll just have to be careful and hope that there are no Princesses around when I do meet her.’

* * *

Sunbeam looked around her new house.

“Welcome home Miss Sunbeam.” She smiled. “Well that’s it, I’m settled here. Paid in full, financially committed now. No more running, time to lay low. Time to fade-away.”

She clutched her necklace and smiled. “We made it Mr Sable! We made it.”

Sunbeam looked around and her smile grew.


Author's Note:

Updated on 6th Jan 2015

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