• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,319 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 40 - Heroes

Chapter 40 - Heroes

The narrow mountain path wound its way along the side of the mountain and had, much to everpony’s relief, started heading downwards. The wagon had been abandoned a couple of days ago when the path became too narrow to safely take it any further. All their saddlebags now bulged with a mix of Wheat Thorn and their steadily dwindling supplies.

Pausing, Sunbeam looked down into the valley, and it’s long lake, before looking up and taking a deep breath. A few steps away was a wide ledge with some large boulders around the edge. Boulders just large enough for a mare to cower behind as she hid from a mountain troll.

She jumped when Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder. “You okay there sugar? Your leg playing up again?”

Sunbeam shook her head as she walked onto the ledge, her eyes darting around, looking for anything suspicious. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of a bundle of cloth wedged under a boulder. ‘No! Not after all this time! It can't be...

Walking over to it, she reached under the boulder and pulled the bundle out. Sitting back on her haunches she held it up.

Sunbeam stared at the mouldy cloak.

Walking up to her Applejack shook her head. “Oweee, looks like something's done a right number on that.”

Sunbeam just stared at the cloak, at the side that had been reduced to nothing more than tattered strips. ‘Buck! Good thing I wasn’t wearing it when...’ She tilted her head as she looked closer at the item. ‘Wait! This isn’t a guard cloak! The cut is all wrong and they certainly don’t have flower patterns hoof-sewn onto the pockets.’

Her ears folded flat as noticed the dark stains around the tears and the broken clasp.

“This isn’t my…”

Sunbeam dropped the cloak and started frantically looking around, her mane whipping from side to side as she did so. “We need to get moving! We need to keep moving!”


Sunbeam trudged through the light pine woods, occasionally throwing a glance behind them. ‘So glad to get through mountains without getting eaten. Again. Suppose I should take a moment to show my appreciation.’

Stopping, she turned and adopted a dramatic pose as she faced the mountains… and proceeded to make an obscene gesture at them.

‘Ah, that feels so much better.’ Sunbeam looked ahead, ignoring the shocked look on Rarity’s face. ‘And now to try and -not- think about what awaits me in Ponyville.’

Looking down, she kicked a pine cone and watched it bounce off as her ears fell flat out to the sides.

‘Oh I don’t need to think about it do I? I know just how this is all gonna play out. This has all happened before.’

Sunbeam looked up at the sky through the trees. ‘Sunbeam -had- a chance to fit in as nopony knew her. Icefang… not so much.’ She grimaced. ‘I doubt the good ponies of Ponyville are going be thrilled with the prospect of having ‘The Monster Icefang’ living with them. I mean, think of the property prices…’ She snorted. ‘Oh I can see it all now, the sidelong glances, the hushed whispers, the crossing to the other side of the street at the sight of me. All the terrified, fake-polite smiles.’

Sitting back on her haunches, she rubbed her face with her fore-hooves.

‘But let’s not forget the best part, the part where scared ponies become resentful ponies. Resentful ponies, given enough time, eventually start lashing out and doing stupid things. Oh, I -will- defend myself if anypony tries anything.’ She dropped her fore-hooves back to the ground. ‘But no matter what happens, or who starts it, it will always be my fault… Buck. Annnd this is why I hate thinking about the long-term future, it’s so depressing.’

Taking a deep breath she set off again, the pine needles crunching under her hooves. ‘Damn, the more I think about it, the more staying in Ponyville is starting to sound like a bad idea. A really bad...’

Pinkie wrapped a hoof around her shoulders and hugged her tight before bouncing off.

Sunbeam watched Pinkie for a couple of seconds. ‘Damnit, can’t a mare mope in peace? Of course, I could be wrong about the ponies of Ponyville.’ She looked around. ‘Of course hope -is- such a double edged sword.’


Sunbeam lifted up a mug of coffee as Twilight, sitting opposite her over the campfire, watched her with a furrowed brow.

“You know you’re not going to get much sleep if you keep drinking all that coffee Sunbeam.”

Sunbeam shrugged. “That is the general plan Twi.” The mug was drained and put down before she looked up at her. “Speaking of plans, with Ponyville being a few days away now, what is the plan when we get there?”

“Get the next available train to Canterlot. I’ve done the figures. While it might be slower than an in-flight pegasus, it’ll keep going when that same pegasus needs to stop and rest. Only Rainbow would be fast enough to make a make any real difference in overall travel times. And that’s even before I start factoring in the effects of being weighted down with a payload of wheat thorn.”

Sunbeam nodded. ‘Good. Pretty much what I hoping to hear. I can spring it on her at the train station. That way she won’t have time to prepare. Now onto more important things.’

“Twi, I have another tiny question…”

Twilight looked at her.

Sunbeam looked down as her hoof began drawing circles in the earth. “I’m kinda… I was wondering… I’m…”

‘Get a grip! Horseapples, It’s not like you’re going into battle.’

She rolled her shoulders.

‘I -feel- like I’m about to go into battle.’

She licked her lips and tried again. “I’m planning…” Sunbeam’s voice tailed off. She took a deep breath in and tried again. “I’m party a plan… I mean I’m party planning…” Sunbeam growled as she stamped a hoof. “I am... planning... a... party.”

Twilight sat back, her eyes wide.

Sunbeam took several calming breaths. “I mean to say, I am planning a little get together with pizzas and booze. Around my place. At some time in the near future. I… I was wondering if you wanted to come?”


Sunbeam held up a hoof. “The rest of the girls have already said yes, but I know you’ve got princess duties. And this is all a bit sudden... Annnd things have gotta settle down a bit first. So if you can’t make it, I’ll understand. But, I was kinda hoping...” She gave Twilight a small smile.

Twilight fidgeted, playing with her hooves. “Well... as you said, obviously we have to wait for this all to settle down first. And I’ve no idea how long that will be! But, but… I will see what I can do.”

Sunbeam slumped in relief. “Thank you, that’s all I can ask. Oh, ummm, by the way, I’ll be needing to borrow some books from the library.” A hoof came up and rubbed the back of her neck. “Anything you’ve got on ‘how to throw a party’ really.”


Applejack yawned and stretched before sitting up and looking around the camp. Apart from Rainbow and Sunbeam, all the other girls were still asleep.

'I reckon about an hour to sunrise judging from the light.'

Stretching, she got to her hooves. “Mornin,” she whispered.

Rainbow nodded back as she continued getting breakfast ready while Sunbeam glanced up from the coffee she was holding.

Applejack took a half-step back at her bloodshot eyes. “Tartarus girl, you get any sleep last night?”

Sunbeam played with the coffee mug. “A few hours. Here and there. I’ll be okay when I get back to Ponyville AJ. I just need to hold on a few more days, then it’ll all be okay.” She turned her head away and mumbled something.

Applejack tilted her head. ‘Did she just say something about ‘owl’s sleeping at night’?’


It was less than a mile to Ponyville now and the path they were on had wooden fences on both sides. Cultivated fields lay beyond the fences and the ‘Sweet Apple Acres’ orchard was visible in the distance, covering the hills in front of them.

Sunbeam nudged Rainbow and pointed to a solitary tree in a field growing cabbages. Lifting a hoof, she made a long gliding action with it, before suddenly shaking her hoof wildly and then stopping it abruptly in line with the tree.

Rainbow stuck her tongue out at her.

Twilight turned to look at the others. “At this rate, we should get into Ponyville around early-evening, just in time to catch the evening express train to Canterlot. As it gets to Canterlot close to midnight, it shouldn’t have many ponies on it. It’s more a goods train at that time of night.”

She looked back up the track. “But it’s going to be close, so if we can please pick up the pace a little girls. We’ll head straight for the station, that way we shouldn’t run into too many ponies.” She looked down. “I don’t want to appear rude, but we won’t have time to stop and answer questions.”

Rarity flicked an ear. “What about Spike darling? Won’t he want to know you’re back?”

“Spike will be in Canterlot. He went with the guards dressed up as us remember.”

Rarity nodded. “Oh, of course.”

Applejack looked up. “Well sugar, if we’re all catching the train, I hope you brought enough bits to pay for everypony's train ride.”

Twilight stopped dead, her ears falling out to the sides.

Rainbow put her good wing around Twilight. “Well Twi, you said you never wanted to do it, but looks like you’re gonna hafta pull rank and get us all a free ride.”

“They will be reimbursed.”


They all looked at Sunbeam as the train stood ready to leave.

Lifting a hoof, she waved them goodbye.

Twilight took a step forward. “Sunbeam… What do you mean you’re not coming?”

“Just that. I am not going to Canterlot.” She held out some papers towards Twilight, who accepted them without thinking. “My notes on how to make the antidote, it’s not that hard. Any problems, well, you’re a smart filly.”

“But… but…”

Sunbeam looked away. “I am not going to Canterlot.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I know what’s up there.”

Applejack turned and got onto the train. “C'mon sugar, the train is waiting and we need to get going. If Sunbeam wants to stay here, so be it.”

Sunbeam nodded. “I’m not going anywhere. Pizza party to prep for, remember?”

Twilight kept looking between the train and Sunbeam. “Sunbeam please, I need to…”

Sunbeam pointed to the train. “You’re holding up the train Sparkles. Do you want to be responsible for throwing off an entire train schedule? Besides, you’ve got to get the antidote to the princesses as quickly as possible, don’t you?”

She winced. “I… I…”

Rainbow stepped forward. “I’ll stay with her and make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.” Everypony turned to look her as she grinned sheepishly. “Besides, Ponyville Hospital does have my current medical records. And I really want to get this...” She turned and gave her wing a glare. “Looked at as soon as possible. Not being able to fly is driving me nuts.”

Twilight shook her head. “No, this… I can’t…”

Rarity started boarding the train. “Darling, you’re the one who wants to get the antidote up to Canterlot as quickly as possible. I’m sure that Sunbeam can keep Rainbow out of trouble.”

Rainbow smiled. “Yeah what Rares said… Wait! What?”

Twilight looked between the train and Sunbeam and winced. She could feel the stares of the ponies around the station on her. "I..."

The train blew its whistle.

A second passed before she threw her hooves up into the air. “Ugh! Fine! The antidote is the most important thing! Curing the princesses, and others, is the top priority.” She looked at the two on the platform. “Please be careful Rainbow, Sunbeam.”

Rainbow threw a hoof around Sunbeam’s shoulders, making her flinch at the touch. “No probs Egg Head. We’ll be fine.”

Sunbeam smiled wanly. “Don’t worry. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Twilight turned and boarded the train.


They were the only ponies in the passenger carriage as Twilight checked the clock.

“We should get into Canterlot station a little after midnight girls, and from there we’ll take the goods delivery route up to the castle. While it’s not the most scenic of routes, it is the fastest by a fair margin.” She settled down into her seat. “We’ll then enter the castle via the goods delivery bay. As it is one of the few, truly, twenty-four-hour parts of the castle, it has the bonus of having a high-level castle official permanently based there.”

Twilight felt herself relax a bit as she went over her plan again without finding any flaws. “It will be the ‘night operations manager’ on duty by the time we arrive, and he is of high enough rank to be kept informed of what’s going on in the castle. So he’ll know just where the Wheat Thorn needs to go without having to waste time going to ask other ponies.”

She smiled. “And once the wheat thorn is heading off to the right ponies, then we can go to see Princess Luna. This way she won’t have to take too much time away from her night-court having to organize things.”

They all nodded.

Twilight turned to look at Pinkie as she seated herself next to her. “I thought you might have stayed in Ponyville with Sunbeam Pinkie.”

Pinkie gave her an odd smile. “I feel Canterlot is where I need to be.”

Twilight opened her mouth before closing it and letting out a sigh. “Pinkie Sense?”

Pinkie nodded with a grin.

Resigning herself, Twilight looked out the window. ‘Pinkie sense aside, everything is going as planned. Why do I feel I’ve overlooked something?’


Sunbeam and Rainbow watched as the train left the station.

Turning away, Sunbeam set off. “Well, c’mon then. Let’s go to the hospital and get ourselves checked out.”

Rainbow turned to follow her. “I thought you didn’t like hospitals.”

“I don’t. But I do know when I need to go.” Stopping, she reached up and touched her half ear. “Been kinda in the wars lately, in case you haven’t noticed. Lost half an ear, had my cutie marks burnt off, some maniac tried to hack my horn off and... “ She lifted her foreleg up. “...I’ve got this nasty little gash on my leg.” Turning her head, she smiled at Rainbow. “You know, I’m beginning to think that hanging around you lot is bucking dangerous!”

An innocent expression flitted on Sunbeam’s face as she walked off again. “Oh! And while I’m there, I might as well get my magic reserve checked out. Who knows, they might even say it’s okay for me to take this damn ring off my horn.” Her expression turned neutral. “Won’t Twilight be sooo glad to know she can stop worrying about me not being able to cast magic.”


Twilight looked around Canterlot station as they got off the train. A group of ponies had already started unloading the freight wagons behind them.

Twilight looked up when she felt several spots of rain. Most of the ponies working on unloading the train momentarily stopped and looked up as well. Some of them mouthed something she doubted was complimentary about the weather team.

“C'mon girls, this way.”

The orange glow from the street lamps gave the empty street a sombre feeling as Twilight marched along it, her eyes fixed on the castle as the rain started.


Applejack could see the road they were on wasn’t going to the main entrance. Instead, it was headed directly up to the side of the castle.

She looked up to the night sky and blinked some moisture out of her eyes. The rain had been light, but persistent and they were all thoroughly soaked now. Their manes were plastered to the back of their necks and their sodden tails hung limply behind them.

Turning a corner, and side-stepping to avoid a puddle, Applejack had her first clear view of the goods delivery bay.


Floodlights lit up a hoof-ball length wooden platform that was set against the cliff face next to the castle. Behind the platform were four large metal roller doors, one of which was up. She could see the thin metal chains hanging from the top of the open door and the bright light illuminating a large space behind it. Several wagons were parked up against the platform as ponies went to-and-fro from them, unloading boxes and stacking them onto pallets.

A large metal awning was set into the cliff face over the platform, protected the workers from the rain.

None of the ponies on the platform gave the approaching party much attention as they carried on unloading the wagons.

Twilight pointed to the edge of the platform. “The night operations manager’s office.”

Applejack looked at where she was pointing. The office was a small wooden building had one large, glass window that looked out over the platform itself. ‘Huh, glorified shed might be a better description there Twi.’

As they got near, several of the ponies on the platform threw them glances, but they all kept on working without stopping.

As Applejack watched, a unicorn mare came out of the open roller door, stopped in front of a small pallet with several open boxes of fruit on it and levitated it up. Turning, she headed back inside with it.

Twilight marched up the wooden steps onto the platform and towards the office. Everypony, once under the awning, took the time to shake themselves off.

Applejack smiled as Rarity started grumbling about the lack of towels and the state of her coat... and her mane... and her tail...

With a knock, Twilight walked inside the office leaving the door open.

Looking in, Applejack could see that apart from a filing cabinet in the corner, the only other item of furniture was a wooden desk pushed against the wall with the window. The wall opposite the window was covered in multicoloured clipboards and notices.

The yellow unicorn stallion, sitting at the desk and hunched over some paperwork she presumed that was the ‘Night Operations Manager’. He hadn’t looked up or said anything when Twilight had entered.

She stepped forward. “We have an urgent delivery.”

Still looking down, the stallion silently lifted a hoof and pointed a hoof at a sign on the wall.

Twilight turned her head.

‘No Deliveries Accepted Without Being Booked In First’.

Grinding her teeth, she turned back to the stallion and tried again. “This is important.”

He didn’t look up. “I’m sure it is.”

Twilight rolled her shoulders before tapping her hoof on one of his shoulders.

He looked up at her. “Look…”

The stallion went white. “P-prince..ss?” He stared at her wingless sides before instinct kicked in. Jumping up, he performed a clumsy, rushed bow.

“Excuse me… Your highness, I didn’t know. I wasn’t expecting... no pony had heard from you...”

Twilight waved away his words. “I have an important delivery. A load of Wheat Thorn. If you can take us to where it needs to go, that would be ever-so nice. You can officially book it in when it’s where it needs to be.”

He gave her a puzzled look. “Err, okay then your Highness. Please follow me.”

Standing up he led her out of the office and towards a smaller door set next to the large roller doors. Twilight signaled the rest to follow her.

The manager led them into a small room filled with cushions, tables, and a large tea urn. The tables themselves were covered with all kinds of mugs and various lunch boxes.

The stallion went through one of the doors on the other side of the room and into the corridor beyond.

Applejack walked up next to Twilight. “Where are all the guards sugar? It seems awfully easy to just walk in here.”

“All the ponies outside have extensive guard training Applejack. Not to mention we have passed through multiple magic wards to get this far. Don't forget that these corridors are set into the mountain itself, to get into the castle from them you’ve got to pass through multiple choke points… and other things Shining was curiously vague about.”

Applejack nodded and followed the stallion into the lifeless corridor beyond. Apart from an industrial green stripe on the walls and the odd black scuff mark, the corridor was a uniform off-white colour, giving the hallway a lifeless feel. The lighting was also too harsh, which only added to the lifelessness in her opinion.

Walking casually the stallion led them past a junction.

Twilight stopped and pointed up the other corridor. “The castle itself is in that direction. You're taking us towards ‘long term storage’.”

He looked over his shoulder at her and gave her another puzzled look. “Yes, I know.”

Twilight was becoming visibly agitated at the lack of urgency being displayed by the stallion.

Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder. “Easy sugar. I’m sure he knows where he’s going.”

The stallion lead them up to a door with two guards stood outside. Opening it, he gestured for them to follow before walking inside.

The guards followed the group with their eyes.

Once inside, Applejack looked around the large storeroom that was taken up with barrels.

The manager turned to look at the Princess and pointed to a little table in the corner with a clipboard on it. “You can leave it there Princess. Somepony will be along to officially book it in later.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

“If you could just leave it…”

Twilight shook her head as she stamped a hoof. “Yes, I heard you! I can’t believe… Look this is critically important material. This is the antidote to cure the Princesses! It needs to go the proper ponies to start work on it immediately! Not just be put into some random storage room, to be retrieved whenever somepony happens to remember!”

Taking her saddlebags off, she waved them in front of him. “I’m too late for enough ponies as it is. I am not going to endanger even more ponies by wasting time!”

He took a step backwards. “But this is where we are storing all the Wheat Thorn princess.” He gestured at the barrels. “All full of Wheat Thorn.”

Twilight froze. “W-what?”

The stallion turned to look at the barrels. “All full of Wheat Thorn. Commander Whirlwind’s scouts finally found a huge field of it a little over two weeks ago. They've been finding more ever since. Turns out it’s not rare, just that it only grows in high altitude, in hard-to-reach areas.”

He smiled. “You should have seen it, Princess, it was an incredible sight. The air force ferrying Wheat Thorn in from the mountains to the drop off zones, only to set right back off again to go get more. The guard, using earth ponies and unicorns to keep the airspace clear, hauling it off to staging areas for processing and distribution by guard pegasi.”

He shook his head. “Unfortunately, Princess Luna’s notes only listed the name of the antidote and not the method needed to make it. So all over Canterlot, academics, scholars and generally very smart ponies worked around the clock to create a working antidote. Volunteers, mainly guards that were poisoned at the gala, stepped forward to try the untested antidote they developed.” He stood up a little bit taller. “Everypony was cured a little over a week ago princess. And not a single pony was lost.”

Twilight stared at him as Pinkie stepped forward to put a hoof around her. “H-how…?”

He turned to look at her, a frown on his face. “Princess! You of all ponies should know that Princess Celestia does try to pick competent ponies for her staff. Ponies that can actually get horseap… err I mean stuff done.”

Rarity pointed a hoof at him. “But the sunsets… the wobbling sun.

“The antidote was a little stronger than planned, so it muted the magic of everypony who took it, the Princesses included. But hey... the antidote worked. Personally, I’d take reduced magic for a little while over dying any day of the week.” He shrugged. “So what if both Princesses are currently needed to raise and lower the sun. So what if it tends to wobble a bit when they do it. It’s a small price to pay not to lose anypony.” He perked up, looking off into the distance. “You know, there’s talk of a stained glass window to commemorate all the effort everypony put in. I even played a small part myself in managing one of the drop-off zones.”

Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all stepped towards Twilight as her saddlebags slipped from her grip.

The Night Operations Manager looked back at her. “Everypony will also be so relieved to see you back as well your Highness. If I might give you a little heads up here, a lot of ponies are going to be quite upset at you come the morning. I was present at some of the briefings after it became clear you were missing. Nopony knew where you’d gone! You're not supposed to head off without guards in that kind of situation… Princess. To put it bluntly your highness, there were a lot of ponies freaking out over it. If you’d been lost, along with the other element bearers, it would have been nothing short of a catastrophe for Equestria. Everypony expected you to head back to safety when it became clear that things weren’t going as planned. Everypony thought you’d head back...”

His voice became hesitant as he finally registered the scene in front of him. “… Back to a secure… location.” He stood there uncertain of where to look. “You’re far too valuable to... go risking... yourself… like...”

He tailed off into silence as Twilight’s friends all stood around her, hugging her tight.

Author's Note:

This chapter was going to be longer, but I felt that was a good place to leave it.

Many thanks to Greynoise and Starlight Nova for editing and pre-reading respectively.

See anything I missed let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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