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Reopening the School of Friendship

*Lillian's POV*

*One month later*

A rebuilt School of Friendship had just opened in Maretime Bay.

Twilight spoke "I'm glad things are peaceful again, everyone's getting along with each other. As it was 200 years ago."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah! And the Wonderbolts are back!"

Zipp asks "Could I be a Wonderbolt?"

Rainbow Dash asks "You kidding, Zipp? Of course you can! Besides, wanna race?"

Zipp laughs "You're gonna lose!"

Zipp flew off fast.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh… IT’S ON!!!"

Rainbow Dash flew off after Zipp with a competitive smirk on her face.

Cookie flew after her grandmother.

Cookie laughs "Eat my dust grandma!"

Azure laughs "Ah. What the hay. See ya later, slowpokes!"

Azure flew off, before Bold and Jato went after them.

Sonic flew past the speedsters.

Sonic laughs "Later Skittles!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, you’re going down!"

Rainbow Dash sped up to Sonic as Zipp caught up with the two of them.

Sonic flew even faster since he had alicorn speed as well as his own natural speed.

But then Rainbow Dash and Zipp broke past their limits and caught up with Sonic.

Those on the ground saw a Rainboom, a Windboom and a Stormboom.

Twilight spoke "Holy cuss!"

“You’re telling me!” I awed in agreement before we heard giggling. “Was that the Tri-Pies?”

Yui spoke "I wonder what they're up to."

Sumarda showed up. “Heehee! That Sobeka.”

We went to the Tri-Pies, who were playfully wrestling each other in an arena that Sobeka made while they were each 10,000 pounds fat, but still moving like healthy creatures, being as big as a medium-sized house each. But Blueberry was looking more blue, Raspberry looking more pinkish-red, and Cherry looking more cerise than before.

Danyelle spoke "Like mother, like daughter."

But then the Tri-Pies blasted each other by shooting something from their mouths, which looked like blueberry juice from Blueberry, raspberry juice from Raspberry, and cherry juice from Cherry. The trio laughed as well heard sloshing from them.

Korra groans "For the love of.... They only should have one elemental power...."

Sumarda spoke "Actually, it’s the juices in them. They used their airbending abilities to build up wind geysers in them and they brought in juices from their current juicy state into the mix."

Sobeka spoke "Yeah! They’re a blueberry, a raspberry and a cherry!"

Korra growls "Do I need to call Cronile?"

Sumarda spoke "No. I was only explaining. They normally don’t use fruit juice as a weapon unless they had those lemon combo smoothies."

Sobeka spoke "They looked thirsty, and I thought I could give them some smoothies."

Korra spoke "Being trapped in limbo can do that to anyone."

Sumarda spoke "Well, that form of theirs is more of a power-up."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, causing three Trunkton oranges to appear in her hands as she fed them to the Tri-Pies, restoring them to normal with only their airbending.

Danyelle asks "Anyone seen my slimes?"

The rest of us just shrugged.

Danyelle spoke "I'm worried about them... But there's nothing I can do about it..."


Rainbow Dash laughs "OH YEAH?! WELL EAT MY VAPOR TRAILS, SLOTHIC!!!!!"

A triple Windboom knocks the two Pegasi back.

Rainbow Dash spoke "You won’t beat me that easily!"

The rainbow-maned mare somehow pulled off a triple Rainboom, catching up with Sonic, before Zipp pulled off a triple Stormboom, catching up with them.

Out of nowhere, a sudden Plasmaboom zipped past the trio.

An unknown Pokemon laughs "Plas! {Eat MY dust you three!}"

Sonic, Rainbow Dash and Zipp gasp "WHAT THE?!"

Danyelle spoke "I've never seen a Pokemon like that before... But it seems to be a Fire-Electric type..."

Twilight spoke "Wait… that looks like the combo of a Flareon and a Jolteon!"

Danyelle spoke "Mixing Fire and Electric often results in plasma so... We should call it a Plasmeon!"

Pipp was carrying a Pokemon that appeared to be a mix of Sylveon and Espeon in her forelegs.

Pipp spoke "And look what I found!"

Danyelle spoke "Whoa! This is new too!"

Twilight spoke "I think these are all new hybrids."

Danyelle spoke "Whoa… This generation is getting more and more interesting."

Flarerudamon popped out of its ball.

Flarerudamon spoke "*groan* For Arceus's sake... being in a ball then trapped in limbo was the worst...."

Espewomon giggles "He's twitterpated..."

But Flarerudamon didn’t hear that as his entire head got caught on fire from being twitterpatted.

GlaceAngemon chuckles "Hehe. No doubt about that."

Enkai was chuckling.

Danyelle spoke "Heehee! About time."

UmbreDevimon spoke "Although it took him 220 years to find love... blech... I hate saying that word..."

Danyelle spoke "Who knows. *Smug* Maybe you’ll find love."

UmbreDevimon spoke "Blech!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey, ya never know."

Hitch spoke "Pipp, there's something I want to ask you."

Pipp asks "Huh? Yeah?"

Hitch asks "W-will you be my m-marefriend?"

Pipp immediately blushed.

Zipp spoke "You better treat her properly Sheriff."

Hitch spoke "R-Right."

Twilight giggles "Older siblings tend to be protective of their younger siblings."

Zipp chuckles "You're alright Hitch, I'm just joshin' you."

Hitch spoke "H-Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "She was testing you."

Hitch spoke "Oh..."

Twilight spoke "My older brother got mad when I had let slip about Akari's father. But I told him off."

Danyelle spoke "Cadence! Over here!"

Cadence showed up with Shining Armor and Flurry Heart.

Twilight spoke "Shiny!"

Twilight hugged her family with joy.

Astral and Midnight spoke "Mom!"

A howl was heard.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Michiru spoke "That wasn't Shirou...."

Nazuna was in Mobian fox form since she didn't want to risk revealing her siren form yet.

Sonic spoke "That sounded like Holo!"

Holo soon showed up with a Pokémon hybrid.

Holo spoke "Guys, I found something you should see."

Danyelle spoke "Another hybrid."

But then we all heard a sudden thud as we looked and saw UmbreDevimon unconscious with a complete blush.

Lugia chuckles "And she's down...."

Danyelle spoke "Just as I thought."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Sonic asks "What happened to that pouch of wheat you always carried with you Holo?"

Holo giggles "Heehee! I have you to thank for that, Sonic."

Sonic spoke "Cussbuckets...."

Myuri was soon heard howling.

Soon enough, Shirou was heard howling.

Michiru spoke "Okay. That one was Shirou."

Alto spoke "True there mother."

Nazuna asks "Michiru?"

Michiru asks "Yeah, Nazu?"

Nazuna asks "Have you thought about having another child?"

Michiru froze with a blush as Vetur appeared.

Nazuna asks "Michi?"

Vetur spoke "I think you broke her. But I think also that’s a yes."

Nazuna spoke "Oh..."

Michiru suddenly threw a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel. “Well, Nazu? What’re you waiting for?”

Nazuna pounces on Michiru, causing the two to tumble through the warp ring before it closed.

Sumarda spoke "My double, Helia just informed me that the two just went into a room reserved for them. She’ll be there if they call room service."

Alto spoke "But having a sibling that's 220 years younger is weird...."

Sumarda asks "Hey, from everything that’s happened, wouldn’t weird be considered normal?"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Alto spoke "I'm half siren half earth pony that can take on a Mobian tanuki form, my moms are weird... Princess Twilight's face down on the ground every other hour... Sonic's the grandson of Princess Luna for pony's sake..."

Sumarda asks "So I’m guessing that’s a yes?"

Alto chuckles "Let's just say the Guards and their families are a big batch of crazy."

Sumarda giggles "Heehee! Don’t let them hear you say that."

Fizzlepop was on Finn's back while tickling him.

Cadence giggles "We're crazy in our own way."

Katherina appeared with the young pup in her arms. “Hee. You can say that’s the same for everycreature.”

Cadence noticed the young pup and couldn’t help but find it adorable.

Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Twilight asks "So… who’s the pup?"

Katherina spoke "This is the daughter of me and Esidisi, Martha."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {She's so cute.}"

But then Twiliterasu saw a barely noticeable horn on Martha’s forehead.

Sonic spoke "Seems she's a Pillar Diamond Dog."

Katherina spoke "Heehee. Yeah she is. She’s also a firebender."

Sonic spoke "But I thought Diamond Dogs were earthbenders by default..."

Katherina spoke "Well, due to Esidisi’s abilities of the inferno, he’s a firebender."

Sonic spoke "I meant Equestrian born Diamond Dogs..."

Katherina spoke "That’s true, but Martha is half Pillar Diamond Dog, inheriting that half from Esidisi, who is completely a Pillar Diamond Dog."

Sonic spoke "Much like how I'm half alicorn."

Sonic unfurls a wing to show Katherina.

Katherina gasps "Wait-what?!"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, my dad is Prince Lightning Flash. He's the son of Princess Luna Oogami."

A male asks "That makes you the grandson of Shirou Ogami, does it not?"

Esidisi appeared.

Sonic spoke "Yes sir, I'm also called the Prince of the Wind since I'm faster than most Mobians. Only Tails, Shadow and Danyelle can keep up with me."

Esidisi spoke "Well, I’ve met Shirou Ogami before, hundreds of years ago. I’m sure surprised that a mortal beastman became an immortal one and a silver wolf by 99 other beastmen lending their power to him in death."

Sonic spoke "It was rather funny how he met my grandma though."

Esidisi spoke "Really? How interesting. I’ve met Sun Tzu, who wrote “The Art of War.” To fight is to delude, victory is decided before the battle, which means you must lay out plans while your opponent is unaware."

Celestia spoke "It started about 1272 years ago. My younger sister had gone on a rampage when her son went missing. I had no choice but to seal her away on the moon. When Lillian arrived on Equis 220 years ago, I thought that was going to bring Lightning Flash back but it didn't. After Michiru and Nazuna arrived, Luna had gotten her hopes up for when Shirou came back. Thanks to the tanuki, Shirou had arrived. Then Evening Tide and Moonlight Shine were born. Then Sonic's dormant alicorn form kicked in. Manic and Sonia got their wings soon after."

A portal opened before Raptor came out of it, wearing a Wonderbolt outfit. “Man… That’s a LOT to take in.”

Danyelle giggles "First Pokemon Wonderbolt huh?"

Raptor chuckles "You bet! And that’s at the same time RD became a Wonderbolt! But I’m actually… *Transforms into Zoroark* a Zoroark!"

Raptor transformed back into a Garchomp before RD emerged from the portal with a smile on her face.

RD spoke "Alright. Take it easy, you hot fox."

Rainbow spoke "Long time no see Crash."

RD giggles "Hahaha. Same to you."

Then AJ came out of a portal with a familiar Plant-Dragon hybrid, Camo.

AJ spoke "Howdy."

Camo spoke "Hello."

To everyone's surprise, Queen Amy soon showed up with Thorax and the rest of the hive.

Twilight spoke "Guys! You came back!"

Amy giggles "Of course, it was Danyelle that inspired the Changelings to change their ways. Basically, they're immortal now. As am I."

A pair of golden yellow hooves cover Twilight's eyes.

A voice chuckles "Guess who Sparkles?"

Twilight gasped before giving a knowing smile. “I know who.”

Twilight turned around and kissed Flash Sentry right on the lips as he kissed back before they started making out with each other.

An adult Silverstorm flew over to the large group with Gabby and Leafheart following.

Silverstorm spoke "Hey guys!"

Lucy spoke "I have an idea!"

Natsu asks "Huh? What?"

Danyelle spoke "We can rebuild the Fairy Tail guildhall!"

Natsu asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Though the others may be gone, the spirit will never die as long as there's at least one Fairy tail wizard!"

Ben spoke "Heh, she’s right ya know."

Pipp giggles "Heehee! My big sis is like a royal detective at times."

But then we saw red thunder before seeing a silhouette on a rooftop with green glowing eyes.

Zipp spoke "You're one to talk Pipp, you're as addicted to your phone as Alpha-Queen Danyelle is to her games!"

Tails was clinging to Inari in fear.

Danyelle teleported before roundhouse kicking the being off the roof.

Pinning the person down with a paw, Midnight growls "Who are you?"

But then the cape on the person grabbed Midnight’s paw before forcing him off as the person got up, revealed to be a familiar earth pony mare.

Twilight engulfs herself in fire before slamming a paw down on the Applejack lookalike.


Applejack? spoke "Is that fire supposed to hurt me, Twi? Besides, the kid’s fine."

Twirama growls "I'm not the Twilight you know. I'm the Prime Zone's Twilight."

Applejack? asks "Ah had a feelin’ it was that. Would ya get off me?"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, SIT GIRL!!!"

Twirama was soon face down on the ground.

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

Applejack? spoke "Ah used to be called Applejack, but Ah made decisions Ah ain’t proud of, even though it helped mah friends and family. After we defeated Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, someone killed me."

Danyelle spoke "Yikes.... The prime zone Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy were reformed though."

Applejack? spoke "Guess not all o’ us were lucky. Someone gave me a deal; He’d bring me back to life, but I’d have to work fer him fer eternity. Wanting to see mah friends and family again, I agreed to the deal, before he revealed himself ta be a demon called Malebolgia and turned me into a Hellspawn. Ah was never the same again, and a demon called the Violator made himself mah mentor ta train mah new powers. Ah eventually found out who killed me, but Ah didn’t kill her. She was an assassin by the name of Snipe Core, who Ah thought was one o’ mah friends, but eventually she went crazy, thinkin’ everycreature she killed came back from the dead."

Danyelle spoke "Many call me the Nekomata of Redemption."

Applejack? spoke "Well, y’all can call me Applespawn if ya want. But makin’ a deal wit’ that guy made me beyond redemption. But even the damned can do some good."

Danyelle spoke "If I can reform someone like Robo-Eggman, then it's not too hard to reform you. My magic yowl can purify corrupted souls. Plus I can tell you miss your family."

Applespawn spoke "Honestly, Ah appreciate the help, but it won’t be easy to pull off on me."

Danyelle spoke "I'm not that kind of cat to give up on a friend."

Muta was arguing with Toto for some weird reason.

Danyelle "Don't mind the lardball, he and Toto don't get along that well."

Applespawn spoke "Ah can see that."

Danyelle spoke "Their fights are funny."

The large crow had pecked Muta on the head.


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