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Death 13’s Dream/I’ll take one Stand DISC to go

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

The first gen Pony Guard and I were called to Sunny’s home as Polnareff showed up.

Polnareff asks "You said you needed help?"

Twilight was absent since Peppermint and Rocky required her attention, so Flurry was filling in for her.

Midnight was resting outside with Opaline on his belly since he was on his back while in his true size.

Kakyoin spoke "Yes."

Midnight spoke "Honestly, I’m glad to have you back in my life, Opal."

Flurry spoke "My aunt's unable to help much since my new cousins need her attention more. And I would hate to see them get killed since they can't fight back yet."

Opaline giggles "You're like a big fluffball."

Midnight and Opaline nuzzled each other’s noses.

Opaline giggles "Hehehe! I can hardly wait for us to have some fun."

Midnight spoke "We will soon, Opal. We will soon."

Opaline giggles "You'd probably rip me apart at your current size."

Vetur appeared with a necklace. “Well this little necklace I made can make you as malleable as rubber, so you’ll be perfectly fine if you wear this, even if Midnight is at that size.”

Midnight spoke "But I have the size change pendant... My true size is more combat usable. My other size is around size of Opaline."

Vetur spoke "It also comes with a size growth function, so it can make you as big as Midnight, Opaline. But it’s your choice if you wanna take it or not."

Midnight shrunk his size down to around Opaline's height thanks to the pendant he always wears.

Midnight spoke "This could work too."

Vetur spoke "But as I said before, I’m only offering."

Opaline asks "Do you know anything about an Eternal Champion?"

Vetur spoke "Eternal Champion? Hmm… Let me see…"

Vetur brought out a tablet and started searching through before a burst of light appeared, leaving behind a crater.

Vetur spoke "Something is definitely giving off that energy."

All of the immortals were now on edge because of the strange energy.

We looked at the crater, seeing some kind of unicorn mare in a ninja outfit with a mask over her eyes.

Sonic spoke "Someone better go get Redheart..."

The ninja asks "What? What happened?"

Sonic spoke "You crash landed by a lighthouse."

The ninja asks "*Grabbing Wakizashi sword* Who are you?! And where am I?!"

Sonic spoke "You dare draw your katana against royalty? I would have you arrested for that!"

To the ninja's surprise, Sonic had his wings spread wide.

The female ninja looked around and saw the rest of us before giving a sigh as she sheathed her sword.

I spoke "We kinda got off on the wrong hoof there."

Vetur spoke "Gah! It’s on the tip of my tongue!"

Dialga appeared. “He’s the warrior who knows all styles of martial arts and Kung Fu.”

Vetur spoke "Oh yeah, that guy!"

Opaline spoke "Seems to be all-knowing too..."

I yawned from exhaustion. “Well, I need to get some shut-eye.”

Fluttershy spoke "It would be easier if we stayed together as a group though Rainbow since many of us are on edge."

The rest of us agreed as we decided to go to sleep in a group.

But when I opened my eyes, I suddenly found myself in an amusement park with the others as they got up as well, but Kakyoin wasn’t seen.

Midnight and Opaline were nowhere to be seen.

Flurry spoke "I'm scared...."

Applejack spoke "How in tarnation did we get here? We were just at Sunny’s home."

Polnareff spoke "I remember! I know this place! Everyone! Be on your guard! My memory is coming back! We’ve been transported into a dream world. A horrible one. This is bad, we’ve entered a world of nightmares!"

“Huh? A dream? Nothing to worry about then.” I shrugged off as I laid back down.

Polnareff spoke "Don’t make the same mistake that I did! Listen! This has happened to me, Kakyoin, Jotaro and Mr. Joestar before! But the stand user was only a baby, for all we know, he could be an old man by now. We are in enemy territory. I know none of this makes any sense, but the last time I fought this stand with the others, the user was only an 11-month old baby who followed DIO."

Luna spoke "The turtle is right Rainbow Dash, the dream world can be dangerous at times if one isn't careful."

Polnareff asks "*Sweatdrop* Uh, have you forgotten that I transformed into a turtle-snow leopard Mobian hybrid all those centuries ago?"

Luna spoke "My bad but as I said back when some of us handled that Freddy Kreuger monster, my sister can't help us in the dream world since it's not her domain."

Polnareff spoke "The Stand was called Death 13, and it’s a part of the Tarot Cards. Wait… something feels really wrong. M-My shell…"

We looked at Polnareff, only to see his shell grow at a fast pace and covered all of his body except his head, preventing him from moving. But then the rest of us hear we soon imprisoned by our own parts, mane, tail, or belongings as we became completely powerless before Luna was chained up by Tantabus and shadows.

Ermes spoke "How are we gonna fight this?! It’s driving me crazy!"

Polnareff spoke "Damn! Anything can happen in this world! There are no rules here, nothing makes sense! As long as we’re in this place, all of us, even Luna are completely at his mercy! Wait. I remember there being one rule."

Nightfall blasted the tantabus thus freeing Luna.

Nightfall asks "That being?"

A shadow started approaching us.

Polnareff spoke "His murder weapon… If he wants to slice us to pieces, then… he’ll have to use his stand… and nothing but his stand!"

A voice spoke "Lali-Ho!"

We saw a grim reaper stand, the same one we saw from the last few nights.

Jolyne spoke "Stone…"

Polnareff spoke "Jolyne, stop! It won’t work!"

Jolyne spoke "...Ocean!"

Stone Ocean appeared.

Polnareff spoke "Merde! This is bad!"

Muta restrains Jolyne in his arms which also stopped Stone Ocean.

Both alicorns were surrounded by the Pony Guard as Muta slowly walked backward while holding onto Jolyne, keeping his eyes locked on the Stand.

But then Stone Ocean punched Jolyne, sending her back a bit as the “stand” laughed before its head turned into Death 13’s

Death 13 laughs "Lali-Ho! Surprise! I’m a fake!"

The fake then turned into a combo of Stone Ocean, Smack, Silver Chariot and Death 13.

Death taunts "Oh, the overwhelming power! The absolute terror! It’s so much fun! A stand is a manifestation of the mind. And what are dreams if not the mind laid bare? My Death 13 has trapped all of you within your subconscious, which is why you can’t summon your precious stands! Although… things might be different had you summoned your stands before you fell asleep. Then they would’ve appeared with you, just like your clothes, sleeping bags and prosthetic parts. Death 13 will never be forced to face another stand in battle again! And as you know, the only thing that can defeat a stand is another stand, so I’ll always be on top! Hahaha! Now that I have all of you in one place and in my crosshairs, how about you give me a scream? One that captures the joy and elation I’m about to feel at my easy victory! *As something green appeared and grabbed Death 13’s left shoulder* Lali… ho?"

A voice spoke "Lali-Ho!"

Death 13 spoke "Oh, it’s just one of the fakes I made."

Death 13 flicked the green being’s forehead, but nothing happened before it grabbed the stand’s neck, starting to choke it.

Death 13 spoke "What? No! Not again! How could I have not seen this coming?! This is the real Hierophant!"

All of us were then suddenly freed and returned to normal as Polnareff smiled before Silver Chariot jumped out of the giant teapot behind him.

Polnareff spoke "Good planning, Kakyoin!"

We looked to our left as we saw Kakyoin sitting on a giant teacup.

Kakyoin spoke "Obviously, it slipped your noticed that we already summoned my Hierophant Green and Polnareff’s Silver Chariot by the time we fell asleep."

Star Platinum beat the tar out of Death-13 since it had appeared when Midnight drifted off to sleep.

Tails thrashing in anger, Midnight spoke "And Star Platinum too!"

Death 13 growls "Grr! You can’t do this!"

Kakyoin spoke "Now, it’s time for your punishment, baby."

Ooh!!! That was an awesome taunt that Kakyoin just did there!

Midnight snarls "We have something you will NEVER TRULY UNDERSTAND! AND THAT'S THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!"

Danyelle yowls as she flew at high speed while cloaked in heavenly fire, courtesy of Amaterasu, as she used the Spindash to rip through Death-13.

Danyelle attacked Death 13, unfortunately hitting Hierophant Green as well as their lower halves were cut off before Kakyoin fell, much to our shock and horror. But Death 13 was somehow unharmed as he opened his cloak, revealing only the neck, shoulders, arms and scythe as Hierophant Green fell off the enemy stand.

Death 13 taunts "Lali-Ho! Haven’t you figured it out yet?! Death 13’s body is as hollow as the space between your ears! My stand is only comprised of the head, arms and the giant scythe it wields! You gigantic ignoramuses! Let’s see, giving the way that stands work, Kakyoin’s body should also be split in two."

Kakyoin got back up, unharmed. “Nah, just kidding!”

That surprised us!

Rarity: What do you mean you’re kidding?!"

Kakyoin spoke "Please take a closer look. Surely, you know Hierophant isn’t that careless. He wouldn’t just stay on the enemy’s back without a plan in the wings."

We then noticed a green tendril moving into Death 13’s right ear as Hierophant Green, his lower half revealed as said tendrils that were connected to his body, tore off the cloak while his body kept turning into tendrils with them slithering deeper into Death 13.

Death 13 spoke "He’s not chopped in half! He’s turned into a tendril and he’s slithering into my ear!"

Hierophant Green’s arms turned into tendrils as well as they were going into Death 13’s other ear and the bottom of his neck as his started moving strangely.

Death 13 screams "No! My arm is moving on its own again!"

The blade of the scythe was now against Death 13’s neck as Hierophant Green was now completely inside the enemy stand as he revealed his face inside the mouth.

Kakyoin spoke "I told you before! My stand was in your blind spot, and your scythe couldn’t cut him. Besides, Hierophant Green can destroy you from the inside out."

Danyelle spoke "And my Stand can banish the darkness!"

Luna spoke "We’ll need to wake a small group up so they can find the user."

Nightfall spoke "Shadow's on the move since he's faster on his own."

But then Death 13’s left arm was suddenly sliced off.

Danyelle's nichirin sword was glowing brightly since she had sliced Death's left arm off.

Death 13 spoke "W-What?! But how?! That’s impossible!"

Danyelle spoke "The nichirin swords are used to fight demons that want to kill innocent people!"

Danyelle whistles loud in a tone only Bowser could hear, making him come running.

A portal opened as Bowser showed up.

And to Death's shock, the REST of the Smashers show up!

Danyelle spoke "You can't hope to defeat all of us!"

Sonic spoke "Bayo, Kirby, Mario, Falco, Fox! Glad you and the others all came to help!"

Bayonetta (Cereza) spoke "Of course, darling."

Spyro and Cynder arrive as well.

Meggy spoke "Let's splatter that freak!"

Death 13 screams "No! It’s impossible! Only a stand can defeat another stand! You shouldn’t even be able to scratch me!"

Danyelle growls "You picked the wrong lot to mess with!!"

All of the Smashers and Stand Users attack Death 13 at once, destroying him.

Luna spoke "Good riddance!"

Polnareff gasps "Hold on a second! How is this place still in one piece when we destroyed that stand?!"

Midnight spoke "If the user's still alive, then so is the Stand!"

Kakyoin: No. Having a stand destroyed is a major trauma, so the user will be flat on his back for months.

Luna spoke "I am actually holding this place together since it is a dream world."

Midnight spoke "Right, only Luna and Nightfall have the ability to hold a dream together."

Sonic spoke "Shadow should find Death 13’s user with no problem then."

Midnight spoke "Right since alicorns can't kill."

Flurry sadly sighed.

Snowfall spoke "MOMMY!!!!"

Midnight spoke "I have a bad feeling..."

Soon, we woke up in the morning.

Midnight yawns loudly.

“Morning everyone.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "Hey."

Kakyoin spoke "Come on everyone, breakfast is ready."

A female white furred cat-taur was helping Kakyoin serve breakfast to everyone.

Polnareff asks "Hmm... Kakyoin, who's she?"

The taur spoke "I'm not a chakat though, I'm a cat-taur."

Kakyoin spoke "Indeed, she and I only met a couple of days ago."

Polnareff asks "But what's her name then?

Cloudrunner spoke "I'm Cloudrunner, I know my name sounds like a chakat name but I'm no chakat."

Flurry asks "Do you know someone by the name of Danyelle?"

Cloudrunner tilted her head in confusion.

Cloudrunner spoke "You have me confused for a different taur."

Polnareff asks "Huh?"

Cloudrunner spoke "As you can tell, I can't see anything. I'm blind..."

Polnareff asks "Uh... Are you an airbender?"

Cloudrunner spoke "I'm not... though blind, my eyes are blue."

Cloudrunner's left ear just as Jay screeches loudly in warning.

Cloudrunner spoke "Sounds like we got trouble..."

Flurry asks "What?"

Cloudrunner spoke "It has something to do with a train."

Jolyne was on the phone, talking with the Speedwagon Foundation.

Midnight spoke "It was enough that Star Platinum accepted me as its temporary User while Jotaro is on life support since we still haven't gotten his memory disc back yet."

Jolyne ended the call as the Speedwagon Foundation hung up.

Jolyne spoke "We got someone coming here to pick it up, someone known as Savage Guardian, but it'll take some time when he'll arrive. So the Speedwagon Foundation will let us know when Savage Guardian will be arriving soon."

Midnight spoke "But that would mean I would have to give Star Platinum up!"

Sonic spoke "You sure that's a good idea Jolyne? Midnight doesn't have a Stand of his own, none of the Sparkle family does."

Jolyne spoke "Look, call it a hunch, but with how Midnight’s using this power, something might change him."

“Uh… What’re we gonna do about her?” I asked as we looked at the ninja unicorn from earlier.

Sonic spoke "Not everyone is able to manifest a Stand or even a Persona."

Jolyne spoke "I know that."

A female asks "My name is Shadow Yamato, but please, call me Yamato. Where am I and what year is this?"

Sonic spoke "Maretime Bay, 2240 A.D."

Yamato spoke "Oh no… I was sent forward through time again…"

Sunny asks "Meaning...?"

Yamato spoke "I’m from Japan, 1995 A.D."

Zoey spoke "I'm from Japan too!"

Yamato spoke "Last thing I remember was that I was just pushed off a building."

Zoey hugs the ninja.

Zoey spoke "Now I remember... My magic had flared up yesterday, bringing you through time thus saving you from an untimely death."

But then Zoey’s eyes glowed white.

*Zoey’s POV*

I was seeing the past, I saw what would’ve happened if my magic didn’t flare up as I saw Yamato pushed off a building, screaming while she fell to her death as she crashed onto the road below before I was back in the present.

I spoke "Oh my god... That would have been terrible if I didn't have a temporal magic surge..."

Sunny asks "But what do we do now?"

Midnight spoke "Might as well investigate that train."

Astral spoke "Good idea."

Opaline spoke "I just hope we find some friendly faces there."

Midnight spoke "Maybe..."

But little did any of us knew that our adventure was about to get more bizarre.

Midnight's ears twitch.

Midnight thinks "Something’s up… But what?"

The eleven tailed tod-tom was wary of what was to come.


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