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One Journey ends and another begins

A unicorn kid spoke "Glowin' up!"

An earth pony kid spoke "Kind of love!"

A Pippsqueak fan spoke "We say "hi"! You say..."

All three spoke "What! [laugh]"

The Pippsqueak fan spoke "Race you to the bridge!"

The unicorn kid spoke "Oh, it's on!"

The earth pony kid spoke "No using your magic this time!"

The Pippsqueak fan spoke "Last one there's a rotten sardine!"

The unicorn kid spoke "I'm gonna win!"

The earth pony kid spoke "Me first!"

All three children laugh.

[shimmering sounds]

Writing in his journal, Polished spoke “Our adventure may be over but more will happen. Will we bring back the rest of the missing alicorns? Only time will tell. The silver wolf, Myuri, is out there somewhere with the other Mobians.”

Sunny spoke "Hey Polished! Race you to the smoothie stand!"

Polished laughs "Oh it is on Sunny!"

Little did Polished, Cherry and their friends know, an ancient alicorn was planning to take back what rightfully hers.

But one thing was sure, the first generation of the Pony Guard was around to help in any way possible.

A teenage female hedgehog Mobian showed up with a smile, while holding a baseball in her hand, before Jotaro appeared behind her.

Jotaro spoke "Just try to get along with them."

Jolyne spoke "*Sigh* Sure, dad."

Rusty spoke "Hey Jolyne! Race you to the smoothie stand!"

Jolyne giggles "Tch! Good freaking grief. You’re on!"

Rusty zooms off with Scootaloo on his back.

Jolyne ran after the two as Shigechi and Buttercream flew by, but the female’s belly was bigger than normal, signaling that she’s having eggs.

Skyla asks "You okay Butter?"

Buttercream spoke "Yep, I just can’t help but feel excited!"

Shigechi spoke "Heeheehee! Same here."

Skyla giggles "My parents were the same way."

But then there was the sound of crying.

Zipp flew over to the crying.

Zipp asks "You okay?"

The one crying was revealed to be an 11-year old husky Mobian in baseball clothing. “My parents… they’re dead.”

Zipp calls Danyelle over.

Zipp spoke "I know somecat that can take you in, she's got nine kids of her own. Three blood related and six adopted."

Kneeling down in front of the child, Danyelle asks "What's your name young one?"

The boy spoke "It’s Emporio Alniño."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari."

But then they noticed a small crack on the ground, it was like a portal to Mobius, except it was to a music room.

Emporio whimpers "I-It’s here too?"

Danyelle growls "I've got a bad feeling about this...."

Emporio spoke "W-Wait! It’s not what you think. That place in the crack, it’s actually on Mobius, connected to a place called Green Dolphin Street Prison. It’s a part of my stand, Burn the House Down. That place is a house that’s actually a ghost itself."

Megaman spoke from within Danyelle's 2DS. "And here I thought that repulsive stand, Where Evil Grows, was bad enough...."

Emporio spoke "H-Hold on! That room became a ghost after it was burned down in a fire at that prison. And… believe it or not, only I can touch the stuff that came from that room."

Emporio tossed a baseball to Danyelle as she grabbed it, only for the baseball to phase through her hands.

Emporio spoke "I can even bring out stuff like this."

Emporio reached into his pocket before bringing out a green trash can, much to Danyelle and Zipp’s shock.

Danyelle stammers "A-are you a g-ghost?"

Emporio spoke "N-No. I’m really alive."

Danyelle spoke "Oh good... Last thing anyone needs is a freaked out cat-alicorn hybrid..."

Sumarda showed up, with a female teenage draconequus-crocodile hybrid. “Hey, Dany!”

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see Sumarda!"

Sumarda went into her 1,000 pound form as she and Danyelle hugged each other, who didn’t really care about the Draconequus’ appearance before noticing the hybrid.

Danyelle spoke "Yer squishing me....."

Sumarda asks "But doesn’t all that flab feel all nice, soft and cozy?"

Danyelle asks "Honestly… yeah. But can you please let me go?"

Sumarda spoke "Okay, Dany."

Sumarda put Danyelle down before the Mobian decided to ask about the hybrid next to Sumarda.

A 12 year old pink Mobian wolfdog female was hiding behind a tree.

Danyelle asks "Huh? Wait… Sakura? Is that you?"

Sakura spoke "I'm n-not the same Sakura you remember...."

Danyelle stammers "W-What do you… *Gasp!* You mean… you’re her…?"

Sakura spoke "Fragment of her magic..."

Danyelle fell to her hands and knees in shock. “Th-That means… the Sakura I know is… *Whimpering with tears falling to the ground* G-Gone…”

Twilight comforts Danyelle.

But then they heard an enraged grieving fire-dragon roar from Natsu. “NO!!! They can’t be gone! They just can’t!”

Luke spoke "Calm down dad! Though the folks you knew are gone, the guild will never be destroyed!"

Lucy spoke "As long as we're around, the guild will never truly fade away."

Natsu growled as flames flared out of his mouth and nostrils, before calming down.

Annabelle and Belladonna approached the grieving Danyelle.

Lucy nuzzles Natsu.

Twilight asks "What is it?"

Annabelle spoke "Belladonna and I have been making these medallions in case Danyelle ever goes into grief like that."

Belladonna spoke "Basically, they’re summoning medallions, but they can only be used three times a day, and they last for three and a half hours."

Keicho and Spitfire landed, with the mare carrying a foal.

Twilight spoke "But Natsu may need them more...."

Annabelle spoke "Actually, we thought that might happened, so we made another pair just in case."

Belladonna spoke "Yeah. Besides, I owed Danyelle big-time for what she did for me."

Okuyasu spoke "Big bro!"

Keicho spoke "Heh. It’s good to see you again, Okuyasu."

Gemina showed up with an infant bearded dragon Mobian in her arms.

Sonic asks "Didn't she scare the cuss out of you one time in Las Pegasus?"

Lucy spoke "I have an idea Natsu, one that might cheer you up."

Belladonna spoke "That’s not what I meant, hedgehog! She helped me change!"

Annabelle and Belladonna tossed the second pair to Lucy, who passed it to Natsu.

Koichi and Yukako showed up as the female Mobian held a pangolin/ocelot hybrid infant in her hands.

Danyelle growls "Watch it missy, you're talking to the Prince of the Wind."

Belladonna scoffs "Tch!"

Annabelle and Belladonna have the first pair of medallions as Zecora and Avdol showed up with a zebra-lamia/hippogriff hybrid in the female’s hooves.

Twilight gasps "Zecora?!? But I thought...."

Lillian showed up. “Don’t you remember, Twilight? The Joestar family and their friends were made immortal too, and that included Zecora.”

Sonic spoke "I never asked Shenron to make the Joestars immortal! I specifically said my family, Tails's family, Knuckles's family, the Babylon Rogues and their families, the Tokyo Five and their families, Twilight's family, Rainbow's family, Pinkie's family, Rarity's family, Applejack's ENTIRE family, Fluttershy's family, Danyelle's family and hive-pack, Michiru's family, Blu's family, Korra's family, Finn's family and Ash's family!"

Lillian spoke "We know, Sonic. But none of us knew how that happened."

Quicksilver spoke "Regardless, it shouldn't have happened..."

But then a portal opened, revealing Chameleo as he was wearing a Mizukage hat. “Well, no point dwelling in the past, right? Run from it, or learn from it.”

Gilda spoke "That's the exact same thing Danyelle told me long ago. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it."

Ocellus and Beetlo showed up, with a changeling-Beetley hybrid in her hooves.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Ocellus."

Ocellus spoke "Hi Danyelle."

Beetlo spoke "Yo."

An older Lan and Maylu soon arrive with twins, a boy named Ethan and a girl named Lyra.

Lan spoke "Hey guys!"

Danyelle spoke "Hi."

Katherine and Esidisi appeared, with the Princess having a baby pup in her arms.

Sunny asks "is that a dog?"

Breakfang spoke "Close though, Katherina and I are Diamond Dogs."

Danyelle finally decided to ask about the hybrid next to Sumarda. “Who’s she?”

Sumarda spoke "Oh! This is my daughter, Sobeka."

Sobeka spoke "Hi."

Soon enough, a rather grumpy male Draconequus arrives.

Twilight spoke "Uh Sumarda... Your cousin's here..."

Sumarda spoke "Huh? *Wince!* Man. You look like you could use a trim, Dissy."

Discord spoke "Not funny Sumarda...."

Sumarda spoke "I’m just trying to be suggestive."

Sumarda smelled something before everyone heard a foghorn sound.

Sumarda asks "Yuck!!!! When was the last time you took a bath?! What happened?!"

Danyelle and Rarity both fainted.

Sunny spoke "Okay mister, you need a bath! Izzy, drench him!"

Izzy giggles "Heehee! Okie-dokie-lokie!"

Pinkie giggles "Hey! That's my line!"

Discord spoke "Wait… that sounded like…"

Sonic spoke "It's been 200 years since you last saw any of us though Discord."

Twilight spoke "Exactly."

Discord asks "D-Does that mean Fluttershy’s…?"

The group splits in half, revealing Fluttershy and Flowerstep.

Discord rushed over and grabbed the two with all his might while leaking tears of joy.

Flowerstep pushed Discord away with a wind barrier.

Flowerstep spoke "You need a bath big time Discord."

Fluttershy asks "What would your mother say?"

Hawkbreeze spoke "I agree."

Pandora appeared. “Sorry. Dissy hasn’t been himself since, you know.”

Maria spoke "200 years can do that to an immortal..."

Pandora spoke "That and without dear friends."

Shadow spoke "Case in point... I went mad with grief when I thought I had lost Maria but Danyelle brought her back to me."

Sobeka spoke "But man, Uncle Discord really let himself go."

Yui spoke "Yeah dad, you need a shower big time..."

Caesar spoke "Bubble Launcher!"

Discord found himself bombarded by Hamon-filled bubbles before they covered him in a bubble before they popped, with Discord smelling like new.

Twiliterasu pounces on Discord before giving him a mane cut, making it look as it had 200 years ago.

Sumarda spoke "That ear and horn could use a fix."

Nova spoke "Dad, you might want to run...."

Wave spoke "Mad mare alert..."

Bruno spoke "I see."

Bruno opened a zipper on the ground and went into it before the zipper disappeared when a furious Applejack showed up.

Crosswind growled "Where did that apple hater go?"

Mista asks "Is this what I was like when I panicked about the number 4?"

Trish spoke "Yeah, and you still panic about that number."

Twilight groans "I still hate ladybugs and quesadillas..."

Rainbow Dash, Soarin and Fleetfoot showed up.

Azure spoke "Mom!"

Jato spoke "Mom!"

The half siblings tackle hug their mothers.

The Tri-Pies showed up with Pound Cake, a gryphon-hippogriff hybrid, and a kirin-Pegasus hybrid.

Sunny gasps "So many new friends!!!"

Pumpkin Cake showed up. “Heehee! No doubt about that!”

Twilight spoke "If that's so the case, I think it's time to reopen the School of Friendship!"

Chameleo asks "Hold on. What about the Lighthouse?"

Sunny spoke "It can be rebuilt."

Chameleo spoke "Good, and it’s better that I have the picture of the rebuilt lighthouse."

Chameleo showed everyone the picture of the Crystal Lighthouse, surprising everyone.

All of a sudden, the ground shook thus causing a new house to erupt from the ground and it looked just like what Chameleo had showed everycreature.

Chameleo spoke "Well, that’s new."

Twilight spoke "Maybe it's just the Tree of Harmony saying that though it's destroyed, it's still with us."


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