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Speeding into the New Year

Author's Note:

First chapter of 2023!

*Danyelle’s POV*

Tonight’s the beginning of the New Year and it’s also gonna be the race! I can barely hold in my excitement for this!

Irene spoke "Maybe you should join too mom. I really want to see that fireboom of yours."

“Are you sure, sweetie?” I asked.

Irene spoke "Dad told me that you pulled it off when Soarin, Spitfire, Misty Fly and Rarity were in danger."

I couldn’t help but giggle at the memory. “True.”

Rainbow spoke "That was pretty awesome though."

“No doubt about that.” I agreed.

Rainbow spoke "Plus you've gotten faster too."

“Heehee, yeah I did.” I smiled.

Rainbow spoke "Not to mention, Haru and Zoey have gotten faster too."

“Are they planning on joining the race?” I wondered out loud.

Both cats spoke "Obviously!"

"Ah, what the hey! I'm in too!" I volunteered with a shrug before Shadow showed up.

Shadow spoke "I'll be participating as well."

Sonic spoke "I doubt you can keep up with me Faker."

Shadow just scoffed.

Maria spoke "He's got a point Shadow, he's a lot faster than before since he's got alicorn strength."

Shadow spoke "But it won't stop me from participating."

Megaman spoke "I'm racing too!"

"So, going for a sibling competition, are you, little bro?" I smirked at Megaman, who smirked back at me.

Roll spoke "Don't forget! Volt, Jazz and I are taking part too."

Sumarda and Valerie showed, having heard all of the competitors.

Valerie spoke "*Excited squeal!* This is getting me pumped up!"

Soon, a male anthro sailfish showed up next to Valerie.

Valerie spoke "Swifty!"

A male spoke "Speedy!"

The two fast creatures hugged each other before they kissed and started making out.

Sonic asks "Who's that?"

The two disconnected before they smiled.

Valerie spoke "This is my husband, Davilfin the Sailfish."

Davilfin spoke "‘Sup!"

Sonic spoke "I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, hedgehog-alicorn hybrid."

I spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, nekomata-gryphon-alicorn tribrid. I'm also known as Alpha-Queen, Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis and Keen Cat. Slime Tamer was one of my former titles."

Davilfin spoke "Nice! I heard about this race, and there was no way I could not participate in it!"

I spoke "True, we got quite a turnout too."

Davilfin spoke "I'm getting pumped up!"

Sonic spoke "Just as a warning, I do turn into a werehog at night which costs me my speed."

Valerie spoke "Hmm... Maybe we should do the race while the sun's still up."

I spoke "Good idea."

Sumarda asks "I'm guessing the racers will give it their all?"

Me and all the other participants in the race nodded, confirming that.

Sonic spoke "No tricks either Sumarda."

Sumarda spoke "Hmm... But Valerie and Davilfin will use their full strength. Hmm... I GOT IT!"

Sumarda snapped her fingers, creating a spectacular race course before Valerie and Davilfin turned into matching, moving holograms.

Sumarda spoke "There's an exact duplicate of this course in the Infinite Raceway, which is where Valerie and Davilfin are with holograms of the other racers matching their every movement for every second, same said for this racetrack as you can see two holograms."

A screen appeared, showing the real Valerie and Davilfin while me the other contestants there were holograms. The two speedsters there smiled before they became as big, fat and heavy as two universes, weighing at 18 octodecillion pounds with the race track and holograms there becoming as big as them, but the holograms' appearances didn't change one bit, was the two holograms on our race track looked as fat as the real deals were, but they didn't grow any bigger.

Sumarda spoke "That way everyone can give this race everything they got, and everything's on the up-and-up."

Arcana grabs Sumarda by the ear, dragging the female away.

Vetur spoke "Sheesh... Mother is rather strict with many things..."

Estelle spoke "I'd hate to get on her bad side..."

"But at least she made things fair, right?" I asked.

Vetur spoke "Not everyone has an unbound form though."

Sonic spoke "At least this isn't a battle."

Turning invisible, I pelted Shadow with a snowball.

Shadow spoke "Hey!"

Vetur asks "Well... Are all contestants ready?"

From the screen, Valerie and Davilfin answered, "Ready!"

The contestants and I nodded on our side.

Maria scritches behind Shadow's left ear, making him purr.

Vetur spoke "3… 2… 1… GO!!!"

And we were off, but all of us contestants were neck-and-neck right from the start before we saw turns coming up.

Sonic, Zoey and I were ahead of the pack since we were part alicorn.

The others started picking up the pace, catching up to us as we all turned hard right at the tight right turn.

I laugh "Too bad nobody told Riptorn about the race!"

But then a crack appeared in the sky before it opened as a portal before a flash zipped by us from the portal. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"

I spoke "WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!"

I pull off a triple fireboom, flying past Raptor.

But then electricity and pebbles sparked around Raptor before he soon went to godlike speed, catching up with me while causing a triple Drakoom as the two of us were neck-and-neck!

I poured all of my magic into my speed, breaking the sound barrier ten times over.

But then Raptor poured all of his, Zygarde and Zapdos' powers into his speed, breaking the sound barrier ten times over as well, bring us neck-and-neck again.

My body crackled with static and sparks of fire as I shot a Fusion Flarebolt at Raptor, knocking him back.

But then Raptor crackled with dragon energy and static before he shot a Thunder Core Enforcer, knocking me back to him as we were neck-and-neck again.

I roar "PLASMA BLAST!!!"

100% Galarian Zapgarde mode Raptor spoke "THUNDEROUS CORE!!!"

Our attacks collided and caused an explosion between us as we crossed the finish line, but neither of us knew who won.

Once the dust cleared, both Raptor and I were shocked since Zoey had come in second place and Sonic in first.

Raptor asks "Did Zoey just pull a Twilight on us?"

Twilight shouted "I HEARD THAT RIPTORN!!!"

But Raptor was to shocked by what Zoey did to get angry at that.

Twilight immediately called RD in before Raptor lost his temper.

RD spoke "Calm down, babe. Just think of it like that one Running of the Leaves race."

Raptor immediately calmed down after that.

Zoey spoke "Sorry to get on your bad side there but you two were fighting for first place."

Raptor spoke "Yeah. No biggie. That’s happened to me before."

Sonic spoke "Good thing I didn't become a full Wonderbolt since alicorns are naturally faster than Pegasi and gryphons."

Raptor and RD soon brought out their Multitrixes as activated them on a transformation, turning into alicorns themselves.

Raptor spoke "It wouldn’t have been fair so I didn’t use it."

I spoke "I'm one third alicorn though but I'm about as fast as Spitfire."

RD spoke "Yeah, we noticed."

The two detransformed as they went back to a Pegasus and a Garchomp.

Sonic spoke "That reminds me! Pinkie and her family are planning a big New Year's Party tonight."

Raptor spoke "Same for the Pinkie and her family back in our universe!"

I ask "How many kids did your world's Pinkie have?"

Raptor and RD snickered, concerning me.

Sonic asks "huh?"

I glared at Raptor.

Raptor and RD spoke "Quadrillions."

Me and my friends, especially Pinkie and her family, gasped in shock "WHAT?!?!?!"

Raptor and RD spoke "GOTCHA!!!"

The two started laughing.

Raptor laughs "Pinkie actually has three triplet daughters and one younger son!"

Rainbow Dash laughs "You should’ve seen your face!"

Naturally, Pinkie and the other elements of Laughter started laughing at the little prank those two pulled.

Bold spoke "Too bad there isn't another me though."

Raptor and RD smirked though before a portal opened, revealing a male teenage Garchomp/Pegasus hybrid. “Hey Mom! Hi Dad!”

Bold switched to his dragon form since it was in his genetics.

A hybrid spoke "Whoa! Nice!"

The hybrid then shifted into a Zoroark/Pegasus hybrid.

Raptor spoke "This is one of our kids. His name’s Bold Lightning."

RD spoke "But we all call him Bolt Drake."

Bolt asks "So you’re me from this universe?"

Bold spoke "Yeah, I'm the Prime zone version."

Azure spoke "Hey."

Bolt asks "So, Bold… Think you can beat me in a race?"

Bold spoke "Don't make me laugh. I'm no alicorn though but I have the speed of one!"

Bolt spoke "Same here! I can beat you!"

Bold spoke "In your dreams! Both of my parents are Wonderbolts!"

Bolt spoke "So are mine! My Aunt Scootaloo and Uncle Inferno are Wonderbolts too!"

Polished was racing Zipp through the sky.

Bold and Bolt started butting heads against each other as their parents sighed at that.

Both Rainbow Dashes spoke "They really are the same."

I spoke "Just like their mothers."

Lillian showed up. “Hey guys! How was the race?”

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and Raptor tied for last place due to their bickering."

Raptor and RD heard that and facepalmed/facehoofed. “Just like that Running of the Leaves race!”

I wingslap Jet for the heck of it since Sonic was a lot faster.

Lillian spoke "Well, the fireworks are going off tonight."

I spoke "Courtesy of the Dragneel family, they're handling the fireworks."

Sonic spoke "Yep."

I spoke "Last thing we need is a pair of boneheads messing things up... Yeah, I'm talking about Storm and Knuckles."

The others all laugh at what I had said.

Raptor spoke "Well, my family and I gotta head back to my universe for tonight."

Twilight spoke "Oh and Raptor? I challenge you to a battle in the new year."

Raptor asks "*Smirk* Are ya sure about that?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah! It'll be a good way to start the new year off."

Raptor chuckles "Heh. Can’t really argue with that."

I spoke "Yeah!"

Raptor spoke "Just so you know, I won’t be easy to beat."

Twilight laughs "I'm at least level 300 if I was a Pokemon!"

Raptor chuckles "Heh. If that’s true, then my level’s too strong be learned by a scanner."

I spoke "But you're still just a Pokemon though."

Raptor asks "*Ahem!* Sealed spirits and hidden potential in me, remember?"

Twilight spoke "Nine tailed and two tailed beasts in my body."

Raptor spoke "Still, I won’t be easy to beat."

Twilight growls "I'm going all out!"

Raptor spoke "Same here."

Twilight spoke "Good thing I have a few skills that aren't tied to my firebending!"

My ears twitch suddenly.

“Something’s off.” I noted.

Kurama spoke "I sense it too...."

Using sight sharing with Latias as she flew around Maretime Bay, I saw what she saw.

I spoke "I see something..."

Lillian asks "What is it?"

I growl "FOREST FIRE!!!!"

Vetur spoke "That’s not good!"

I spoke "Everyone! Follow me! We might be dealing with a hostile dragon!"

Everyone else nodded as we went to the forest fire.

I spoke "Waterbenders and water type Pokemon, see if you can put the fires out! Any Pokemon that knows Sand Attack, use it to douse the fires! Psychic and Fairy types, heal anyone that is injured! I'm going to deal with that dragon!"

But what we saw was strange, the fire was light blue instead of red.

I put a hand into the light blue flames but it didn't hurt at all since I had fire resistance.

But then I heard a skeletal roar.

I unsheath the nichirin sword I carried on my back with magic before holding it with my right hand.

I spoke vie telepathy with Latias "{Be careful Latias, this might get ugly.}"

Latias spoke "{Right!}"

I spoke "Okay guys, it seems a skeletal dragon is near!"

But then a bright green-tinged white male dragon with thick-blue lines on him and bright pink spines was sent flying into me as I caught him.

I gasp "what the floppa?"

But then something emerged from the flames, revealed to be Dry Bowser, having gone into his Giga Form and gained some dragon features.

I hiss as flames swirl around the sword.

I hiss loudly at Dry-Giga Bowser, inadvertedly using the Menace skill I picked up from Ranga.

But then the dragon I caught earlier stood back up and took a fighting stance.

I ask "You sure bout this?"

Akaza spoke "Of course I am."

But then I saw flashbacks of the Taisho period, seeing battles of that dragon, who was once a komodo dragon demon, against a lion Mobian flame hashira demon slayer, and against the tanuki Mobian from the last flashbacks before I saw myself back in the present.

I groan "What is with all these memories?"

But then I snapped myself out of it as I prepared to fight Dry-Giga Bowser.

The Cosmic Star Keyblade suddenly appeared in my left hand as if to warn me of a powerful Heartless nearby, one that Sora couldn't beat.

"That can't be good." I dreaded.

Zoey asks "You sensed it too huh?"

"Yeah." I answered.

Both of Zoey's keyblades were rattling.

Zoey spoke "Even my Neko Blades sense it..."

I growl "Let's end Dry-Giga Bowser and that damned Heartless!"

Then Zoey and I felt great power from the dragon as he prepared to attack the enemy.

I shot white fire at Dry-Giga Bowser.

Akaza spoke "Blood Demon Art: Destructive Death…"

The dragon delivered a powerful attack on Dry-Giga Bowser, causing a blue-fiery explosion.

Akaza spoke "Annihilation Type!"

Zoey spoke "Neko Blades! PYRO BLAST!!!"

Bright pink flames hit Dry-Giga Bowser, inflicting pain.

I breathed sharply as flames hissed out of my mouth through my teeth. “Sun-Breathing…” I started off as I performed a singular slash utilizing a spiraling motion which extended in front of myself to defend from imminent frontal fire-breath attacks from Dry-Giga Bowser. “Burning Bones, Summer Sun!”

Zoey spoke "Nice try you literal bonehead! Danyelle's got fire resistance!"

After I attacked, Dry-Giga Bowser’s arms were separated before they reconnected.

But due to a hellfire bomb spell I attached to Dry-Giga Bowser’s arms, those arms had got blown to bits.

Dry-Giga Bowser roared in pain.

I growl "I'm gonna enjoy ripping you to bits!"

Zoey, the dragon and I dealt a typhoon of attacks on Dry-Giga Bowser, dealing him great damage.


A tornado of white hot fire engulfed Dry-Giga Bowser, causing massive pain.

“Technique Development.” The dragon said as he stomped the ground and readied himself while a snowflake-like symbol appeared on the ground below and around him. “Destructive Death: Compass Needle.” The dragon added before rushing to his target and delivering a multitude of powerful shockwave-enhanced punches and kicks on Dry-Giga Bowser. “Destructive Death.” The dragon said as he charged an attack and charged at Dry-Giga Bowser with the same attack from before, but it was more powerful. “Annihilation Type, Punish!” The dragon roared as his attack caused a more powerful blue-fiery explosion, shattering the ground around the two.

Zoey and I combined our attacks and destroyed Dry-Giga Bowser.

Zoey and I spoke in unison "HELLFIRE INFERNO OVERDRIVE!!!!!"

Dry-Giga Bowser roared before he was absolutely destroyed.

I spoke "And that's all she wrote."

Zoey spoke "For sure."

Akaza spoke "That was a good fight. Hahahaha, that felt incredible!"

I spoke "True there given that I happen to be a Smasher."

Zoey asks "Wait, who are you?"

Azaka spoke "My name is Akaza."

I burped up a scroll from Master Hand, stating that four new Smashers had been chosen.

“This is new!” I said in surprise!

Zoey spoke "Seems two new tag teams were announced... one team consists of Sunny Starscout and Honey Charm, the other is Zipp Storm and Polished Stone!"

I couldn’t help but giggle at that. “Of course those two lovebirds would be a team.”

Polished spoke "Great auntie! That was uncool!"

Zipp on the other hand, facehoofed from what I said.

Zoey asks "But since these are actually duos, meaning two for ones, are there any other fighters?"

Mythic's nose twitches.

Mythic spoke "I don't think Zipp Storm should take part..."

“Why?” I asked.

Mythic spoke "As the keenest of the second generation Pony Guard, I can sense that Zipp is expecting a foal."

Zipp asks "Wait, what?"

Rarity spoke "Keen noses never lie."

Zipp gasps "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

Polished shouts "WHAT?!"

Mythic spoke "Chakat noses don't lie either."

Polished spoke "M-Maybe I should sit this one out too. I mean, after hearing about Zipp having a kid on the way, I feel like I need to stay by her."

I spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Haven was heard screaming.

Zipp sighs "Of course mom’s out cold."

Zoey spoke "Rainbow Dash is gonna flip when she hears this."

My left ear twitched.

I spoke "Hold the line everyone! I hear a voice I don't know!"

Zoey asks "What?"

I spoke "Whoever is hiding, come out right now!"

a female voice spoke "I’m surprised you noticed me."

Rachnera showed up, looking as young as ever.

I spoke "I never forget a face or scent."

Twilight was holding onto Renee with magic so that the purple wolf Mobian wouldn't bolt.

Rachnera spoke "I can see that."

Twilight spoke "It's been a while Rachnera. I do apologize for having to restrain Renee, she doesn't like large bugs."

Rachnera saw that as clear as day.

Renee spoke "I really d-dislike bugs...."

Rachnera was about to retort before she noticed something. “Who’s that?”

I turned to where she was pointing and saw Rui helping out the others with the forest.

I spoke "New member of my hive-pack. He may look like a Changeling but he's also a demon, he's not going to hurt anyone."

Rachnera spoke "Hmm…"

I spoke "His older sister's crippled but it doesn't bother her."

Rachnera spoke "I see."

Polished spoke "My cousin had the same problem but I think he had his back legs turned robotic..."

“I wonder how Relay’s doing anyway.” I wondered.

Since she was sterile, Babs soon shows up with Relay and an adopted gryphon child.

Babs spoke "Hey Scoots!"

Scootaloo spoke "Babs! Relay! It’s so good to see you two again!"

Feather giggles "Forgetting somegriff?"

A pink gryphon cub with green eyes was hiding behind Babs.

I spoke "She kinda looks like a gryphon version of Amy..."

The small cub shrinked, hiding behind Babs more.

I ask "Shy too... Hey Fluttershy, could you come here?"

Fluttershy showed up. “Yes, Danyelle?”

Relay asks "I remember you! You're the first generation Pony Guard's medic right?"

Fluttershy spoke "Uh-huh."

Relay spoke "I heard about you from the keen cat."

Fluttershy asks "Do you need me for something?"

Babs spoke "It's about Roseclaw's shyness..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear."

Soon enough, the party was under way!

I met up with Evan and Anna. “Hey guys! How’s it going?”

Evan spoke "Hahaha. Doing well."

Anna spoke "Yes. It’s so good that another year is starting."

I spoke "Yeah, here's to 2240!"

Rainbow, Applejack and Shion had gotten drunk on cider overdose.

Evan spoke "Those three."

Anna spoke "And I thought Rainbow could handle it."

A pair of strong teenage earth pony mare twins tumbled by, wrestling as a young earth pony colt walked up.

Anna spoke "Angela… Hera…"

Evan asks "Is something wrong, Eric?"

Eric spoke "I’m just glad to be with my family."

I spoke "Shion can't hold her liquor that well but she can't cook that good either.... Basically... Mystery Food X... *blech*"

Evan spoke "We’re gonna take your word on that."

Sonata was asleep in her true form since she was also drunk.

Aria spoke "Sheesh. Sonata’s out too."

Adagio was tipsy.

Adagio spoke "Y-you're one to *hic* talk knucklehead..."

Aria asks "*Facepalm!* How much did you drink, Adagio?"

Adagio spoke "One *hic* barrel..."

Aria spoke "*Deadpan* You’re drunk if you actually drank a whole barrel."

Adagio spoke "Don't make me *hic* set you on fire..."

Sonia showed up.

Kelly spoke "Hey."

Sonia spoke "Hi."

Adagio giggles "Hey sugar-hog..."

Sonia sighed with a smile. “Dagi, what am I gonna do with you?”

Sonic spoke "I have a crazy family."

Manic asks "*Eyebrow raise* And you marrying Blaze, who’s a alternate version of you, isn’t crazy?"

Sonic spoke "You're one to talk Manic. Marrying two taco loving sirens is also crazy."

Manic spoke "*Smirk* Heh, lucky for me."

Soon enough, the fireworks were shot off.

I spoke "Happy New Year everyone!!"

Twilight spoke "Happy New Year~!"

Sunny and the others sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlRyGWLlfx0.

Celestia spoke "What a way to end a year."

Luna spoke "Agreed."

Cadence spoke "It’s so good to be with friends and family."

Akari spoke "If only somepony would let go of her anger..."

Midnight spoke "We know it won’t be that easy."

A pink female flicky flew onto Amy’s shoulder as she gently petted her on the head.

Holo was carrying a mad Opaline by the tail with her mouth.

Opaline spoke "Put me down you stupid mutt!"

A mare spoke "Let her go!"

A Unicorn mare appeared, tackling Holo.

But since Holo was in her true form, the mare's tackle had no effect.

Honey growls "Well, if it isn't Misty..."

Misty froze in fear.

Both the first and third generation Pony Guard had Misty surrounded.

But then Obsidian showed up in shock.

I spoke "Abusive parents are no laughing matter..."

The first and third generation Pony Guard kept an eye on Misty as I walked up to her before giving her a motherly hug, one that she desperately wanted.

Obsidian stammers "O-Opaline?"

Opaline spoke "*Noticing Obsidian* What?! No! It can’t be! He told me if I got rid of the Joestars for him, he’d help me be with my family again!"

Twilight growls "Well, whoever told you that was lying."

Pearl spoke "Long time no see sister..."

“W-What?! No! It’s lies! It’s lies! It’s all lies! PARANOID!!!” Opaline roared before something emerged from her, causing the alicorn mare to phase out of Holo’s jaw and vanish with the being like ghosts.

But Holo's magic had negated Opaline's magic.

But then the being struck Holo, causing her to let Opaline go before the alicorn and being vanished.

Jolyne gasps "What the?! A stand?!"

I spoke "That was no normal stand..."

Jotaro scoffs "Tch. Looks like we’ll have to beat her unconscious."

I spoke "I can't tag her with a tracking spell though. Only an alicorn can remove another alicorn's tracking spell. And for Misty's sake, I'm not letting her near Opaline again. We don't need a repeat of the Konoe and Cozy incidents again."


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