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It’s a Small World after all

*Akari’s POV*

Jolyne, Argyle and I decided to investigate the house that Kujo was hearing from.

Nyx spoke "I'll go with you three in case you get attacked."

“Thanks, Nyx.” I smiled as we approached the door.

Nyx spoke "It's my talent after all."

I couldn’t help but agree with that as Jolyne opened the door, before we saw a female chimp Mobian in the house alone, who seemed to be living in the house.

Nyx asks "You okay miss?"

The chimp spoke "Huh? Yeah, I’m fine."

Argyle spoke "I'm Argyle Starshine."

I spoke "I'm Akari Sparkle-Starshine."

Nyx spoke "And I'm Nyx Dreemurr."

Jolyne spoke "I'm Jolyne Kujo."

The chimp spoke "I’m Gwess."

Nyx asks "What happened to your family?"

Gwess spoke "Oh, I’m the only one left."

Nyx spoke "I know a husky that doesn't have any family either."

Gwess asks "Huh? Who?"

But then a parrot came out of one of Gwess’ pockets and chirps, “Chi! Chi!” Before Gwess put the parrot back in.

Nyx spoke "HIs name's Emporio Alniño."

Gwess spoke "But why are you here? Just asking."

I spoke "You answer that one Jolyne."

Jolyne spoke "I heard something weird going on."

Gwess spoke "Oh! Must’ve been my Copy-chan, he loves to talk to me. He’s so cute!"

Nyx spoke "My mom's befriended phoenixes though, eight in fact."

Gwess spoke "Really?! Wow! I hope we can be great friends!"

But I could tell that Jolyne was suspicious of Gwess.

Jolyne spoke "We’ll take a look around if anything happened to you or your house."

Nyx used an Artifact Scan spell on the entire house.

Looking at a magic screen in front of her, Nyx spoke "Jolyne, you might want to see this."

Jolyne asks "Huh?"

The four of us looked at the screen, seeing a pair of Mobian arms from inside the parrot pop off its head before grabbing some crumbs and putting the head back on.

“Something strange is going on.” I noted.

Argyle spoke "Uh… Girls? Look around."

Nyx, Jolyne and I looked around, only to find ourselves and Argyle shrunken to the size of a rat!

Two of Peewee's siblings flew in through a window thus smashing it before grabbing the four rat sized creatures with their talons but not hurting them.

The two phoenixes carried the four of us onto the rooftops before letting us go.

Nyx spoke "I knew something was off about that parrot...."

Jolyne spoke "Someone living was shrunk and put in that parrot’s emptied corpse."

I spoke "But my generation of the Pony Guard isn't completed though, neither is Sunny's generation of the Guard."

Argyle spoke "That's disgusting! If the first generation Pony Guard's keenest or medic found out, they'd throw up for sure!"

But then we heard something growl “G. G Dolls!”

We looked behind us and saw some kind of scary doll charging right at us.

Both phoenixes and I shot fire at the creepy Stand, forcing it to back off.

The strange Stand spoke "G. G. Dolls!"

Astral shot fire at the Stand, melting it.

Astral spoke "I got you sis!"

But then we heard a scream from inside the house.

I spoke "Figures that was her Stand..."

We started growing back to normal size as we went back into the house as Gwess was still conscious, but having serious burns.

Gwess spoke "Please! Don’t hurt my G. G. Dolls that badly!"

Astral growls "Why did you do it then? Stick someone inside the body of your dead parrot?"

Gwess spoke "The guy was just a guard fired for being too lazy. People thought he already went home. The parrot was already dead when I found it."

To Gwess's shock, the mark of the Pony Guard was seen on the right shoulder of Nyx and Astral.

Gwess spoke "W-What?! W-Wait! Hold on! Don’t hurt me!"

I spoke "Nyx, Astral, stand down. She's just a frightened girl."

The two alicorns back off.

I hug Gwess, calming her down.

But then a heartless appeared behind us before…

A voice spoke "ORA!!!"

A ocean sky-blue fist appeared, made out of a clump of threads, and punched the Heartless.

Jolyne spoke "Good frickin’ grief."

The clump of threads continued to solidify, forming a woman.

Jolyne spoke "Well, since Gwess named her ability, I’ll give mine a name too. Stone Ocean. You hear me, the name’s Stone Ocean, because I’ll free myself and my friends from this sea of stone."

Stone Ocean then delivered an entire flurry of punches. “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA! Ora!!!”

Stone Ocean delivered the final blow to the Heartless, making it vanish in defeat.

Nyx was holding a Keyblade with her tail.

Nyx spoke "I sense more Heartless coming!"

Jolyne spoke "Just my luck. Well, I could use some time to burn off some steam."

Nyx spoke "How about a challenge then? Whoever can destroy more Heartless earns bragging rights for the rest of the month!"

Jolyne smiled. “Good frickin’ grief. Fine then, you’re on! I won’t lose when it comes to fight challenges!”

Nyx laughs "You'll regret picking a fight with a guardian alicorn!"

Nyx flew off while slashing dozens of Heartless.

Jolyne laughs "Well, don’t mess with a Joestar!"

Stone Ocean “Ora’d” as she delivered a storm of punches, obliterating dozens of Heartless.

Nyx used Chaos Spear Barrage on hundreds of Heartless, making them explode.

Jolyne summoned a thread and wrapped it around the necks of hundreds of Heartless before pulling the thread really tightly, tearing off their heads, defeating them.

Astral blasted hundreds of Heartless with his Roar, sending them flying.

But then a sudden beam of light hit one of the Heartless, defeating it.

Nyx spoke "Sora! Good timing!"

Sora spoke "You bet! And I brought help!"

A whole bunch of Sora’s friends appeared and helped us before some Heartless started shrinking.

Honey roars loud, sending some Heartless flying towards Mickey.

Mickey sliced the Heartless up with his Keyblade as Kairi helped.

Zoey yowls as she flew into battle, slicing up Heartless with her keyblades.

But then a few Heartless were sliced up by claws, revealed to have been done by… G. G. Dolls?!

Gwess spoke "Sorry about before."

Nyx spoke "As my mom once said, yesterday's enemy is today's ally!"

All of us fought the Heartless.

Blizzardstar yowls "ICICLE SPEAR BARRAGE!!!!"

Thousands of Heartless explode after getting impaled by ice.

Nyx spoke "Holy cuss...."

Jolyne spoke "I’ll admit, shi’s tough."

Nyx spoke "Chakats are hermaphrodites...."

Jolyne gasps "Whoa… Kinda jealous-Wait, what am I saying?!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Don't even think about it, I'm married."

Jolyne spoke "I wasn’t saying anything like that!"

Blizzardstar growls "Cuss! They keep coming!!"

Nyx screams for Luna.

But then-

A male spoke "Star Platinum: The World!"

Time itself froze, as I and the other alicorns can only see through the frozen time, spotting Jotaro.

Jotaro spoke "Tch. Only have five seconds. Better make it count."


Star Platinum delivered an entire tsunami of fists and punches on all of the Heartless surrounding us.

Jotaro spoke "That’s enough, time end."

Time resumed as every single Heartless suddenly exploded.

Argyle gasps "Holy...."

I gasp "...floppa...."

Jolyne asks "What the cuss was that?!"

Nyx spoke "It's kinda like Chaos Control in the sense of things..."

I spoke "Pretty much..."

I looked around, not seeing any Heartless left.

Nyx spoke "I sense a large one near Sunny's place!"

Honey shouts "WHAT?!?!"

But the Heartless was soon ripped to shreds by Midnight.

Midnight spoke "That's the last one."


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