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Welcome to Mane Melody

*Sweetie Belle’s POV*

I was taking a nice walk through Maretime Bay when I heard some great singing.

Izzy spoke "Hey mom!"

“Hey, sweetie. Do you hear that?” I asked.

Izzy's ears perk up.

Izzy spoke "Yeah mom, I do hear it. I think that's Pipp."

“Something’s telling me she opened a mane salon. Heehee! She really is like Rarity.” I smiled.

Izzy giggles "Though she has Wonderbolt grandparents, she's more like auntie Rarity. Plus she's a lot like you when it comes to singing."

I couldn’t help but giggle in total agreement.

Dusk spoke "Hey Belle."

“Heehee! Hello, Dusky-Wusky.” I greeted with a kiss on my husband’s lips.

Izzy spoke "Eww...."

“Now what’s with that, Izzy?” I asked.

Izzy spoke "Not in front of everyone...."

A loud crash was heard since a reindeer doe had crashed into the side of Pipp's salon.

Dusk spoke "That can’t be good."

The doe groans "Ow..."

“You okay?” I asked in concern.

The doe spoke "I think my back left leg is broken.... Plus I have to guide Santa's sleigh this year...."

Dusk suddenly facehoofed himself in shock. “We need to help her!”

Flying over, Twilight spoke "With Hearth's Warming being next Saturday, we need to find a replacement in case that doe's leg doesn't heal in time."

Danyelle gasps "What?!"

Twilight spoke "Afraid so..."

Danyelle spoke "I need to get to work right away!!!"

Twilight spoke "But it's a long flight to the North Pole though plus you might freeze to death if you aren't careful."

Danyelle spoke "I know that Sparkle Butt."

Lillian asks "But what’re we gonna do?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure Lills but we'll think of something and..."

Danyelle burped up a scroll from Santa which hits Twilight in the face.

Twilight sighs "At least there’s no paper cut this time."

Danyelle asks "What does it say?"

Lillian spoke "Seems there's trouble at the North Pole..."

Danyelle spoke "That can’t be good."

But then a familiar unicorn stallion flew in with the winter wind.

The stallion spoke "No doubt about that."

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see Jack Frost."

Jack Frost asks "Yeah. But it’s kinda important. See?"

We looked up and saw the Northern Lights.

Jack Frost spoke The other guardians were called too."

Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing, as was Sunny's mark and Twilight's mark.

Jack Frost spoke "That’s new. Guess Man in Moon’s saying that we need extra help."

A brown gryphon male with amber eyes spoke "You can count me and Blue in as well."

Bluestar giggles.

Gallus showed up with Silverstream.

Bluestar spoke "Hey big bro."

Gallus spoke "Hey, Bluestar."

Silver Moon and Blueberry Pie showed up as Water Glider appeared as well.

Water Glider spoke "Hi Auntie."

Oakheart spoke "Uh hey."

Gallus just glared at Oakheart.

Bluestar spoke "Gallus, quit scaring him! You're just like Shining Armor back when Akari was a foal..."

Gallus sighs "Hey, I’m just worried about you, okay?"

Twilight spoke "She's right Gallus, you remind me of Shining."

Gallus asks "Come on! Is really wrong to be worried about family?"

Chrysalis was trying to get the mistletoe off her horn.

Chrysalis growls "Who's dumb idea was it to tie this crap to my horn?"

Twilight giggled before teleporting away as Sumarda showed up.

Sumarda giggles "Man, Twilight and Cadence pulled a fast one on you."

Chrysalis spoke "I'm gonna tickle her!"

Sumarda spoke "Something’s telling me this won’t end well."

Chrysalis shows Sumarda a picture of Twilight dressed up as Mrs Santa.

Sumarda spoke "Oh man… If Flash saw this, he’d faint with a nosebleed."

Chrysalis snickers "Well, I got another pic that would make that Garchomp and that pie lover both faint!"

Chameleo then showed up. “RD still remembers that color Raptor put on for the Christmas holidays.”

Chameleo showed a picture of a Garchomp, but it was a different color.

Chrysalis laughs "Oh my cuss! He should SO do that again this year!"

Chameleo spoke "Well… Heeheehee! I just remembered!"

Chrysalis asks "What?"

Chameleo spoke "Don’t worry, it’ll only last for a day. But I use a lot of power to use it."

Midnight spoke "Hey Chameleo, maybe I could help you out with that!"

Chameleo spoke "Really? This is only the second time I’m gonna pull it off. The first time was for the party after Magic was restored in my universe and my clone brought everything back from the Limbo, making my Equus whole again. So for the party, there was actually a huge performance, starting me, my friends, family, from my home dimension, Blaza’s home dimension and my EG dimension. Meaning I temporarily fused them to help celebrate."

Midnight spoke "I may not be as magically gifted as my alicorn surrogate but I've got strength."

Chameleo spoke "Okay, but it’ll still be hard. To temporarily fuse my universe with yours, it’ll take a lot of energy."

Nyx asks "But what if it took about ten alicorns to help you?"

Chameleo spoke "I… I don’t know…"

Nyx spoke "Maybe that would be a bad idea...."

Chameleo spoke "Sorry about that. It just caught me off guard. Normally it would be easier, but it’s never happened before. So I’m not sure what would happen. But let’s give it a shot."

Nyx spoke "Maybe building a portal would be easier."

Chameleo spoke "Well it’s easier done than said."

Chameleo put a crystal seed deep into the ground before it grew into a crystalline tree with an active portal gateway on it.

Nyx spoke "Cool!"

Chameleo spoke "But that being said, this’ll only lead into my castle. And people may be busy."

Nyx spoke "Especially this time of year."

Oakheart spoke "I agree but Hearth's Warming isn't just about presents, it's spending time with family and friends."

Chameleo spoke "Can't argue with that."

Bluestar giggles "If only a certain brother of mine would back off and let me do my own thing."

Chameleo asks "Heh. But you met Jolyne Cujoh, right?"

Bluestar spoke "Rusty did."

Chameleo spoke "Oh. But I should give you a warning; if you ever find time to be accelerating, do NOT die. Otherwise, you’ll be replaced by someone new in the rebirth of the universe. Dialga showed me THAT much."

Bluestar spoke "I've been exposed to Chaos energy since I was a cub though, I have some of my mom's attacks including Chaos Barrier. Besides, my mom is friends with a Dialga."

Chameleo spoke "I know. Just trying to give a warning."

Speaking of Dialga, the one that Danyelle had befriended was walking past the two.

Dialga spoke "Hello kids."

Chameleo spoke "Oh, hi Lord Dialga."

Dialga spoke "I'm not the Dialga thou knows."

Chameleo spoke "Sorry. You two look exactly the same. It’s hard to tell who’s who."

Nyx asks "But isn't your Dialga a shiny?"

Chameleo asks "Huh?"

Nyx spoke "My mom said that shinies are a different color than the normal colored Pokémon."

A shiny Eeveetaur female was chasing after a tiger chakat.

Nyx spoke "Most Eevee are brown colored right? So a shiny one has silver fur."

Chameleo spoke "Huh."

Dialgo then suddenly showed up, looking like a Shiny Dialga. “Sorry about that. Looks like if I visit any other universes, my normal disguise wears off.”

Nyx spoke "Some shinies are more noticeable though."

*At the mane salon*

A tiger chakat spoke "Hey Pipp."

Pipp asks "Hmm, yeah?"

The tiger chakat spoke "I would like a new hairstyle."

Pipp asks "Sure thing! What would you want it to be?"

The tiger chakat spoke "Hmm, surprise me."

Pipp excitedly spoke "Then let’s do this!"

Pipp started going to work on the tiger chakat’s hair.

The chakat asks "Do you know my sibling, Riverstride?"

Pipp spoke "*Surprised* Yeah."

Tigersplash spoke "I'm hir younger sibling, Tigersplash. My friends call me Tig."

Pipp spoke "Sorry but I've got a coltfriend already."

Tigersplash spoke "Oh, I didn't know."

Pipp spoke "It’s okay. No biggie."

Tigersplash spoke "I'll find the right one some day."

Pipp spoke "I’m sure you will, Tig."

Tigersplash spoke "I think I have but she's got someone already..."

Pipp asks "Who?"

Tigersplash blushes.

Pipp spoke "Come on, you can tell me."

Tigersplash spoke "All I know is that she's got an earth pony coltfriend... But she's a Pegasus though..."

Pipp spoke "Really? What’s she like?"

Tigersplash spoke "I heard rumors that she has Wonderbolt grandparents..."

Jazz spoke "For the love of... Shi's talking about you Pipp."

Pipp was frozen and speechless. “*Blush* W-What?”

Jazz spoke "A hedgefox never lies."

Tigersplash blushes.

Pipp sighs "Oh… How is Hitchy gonna take this…?"

Volt spoke "Just be honest with him."

Pipp stammers "B-But… How?"

Jazz darted off before returning while dragging Hitch by the tail.

Jazz spoke "Tell him."

Volt spoke "My mom said that chakats swing both ways when it comes to love."

Pipp started getting nervous.

Tigersplash spoke "She's right Pipp, my species swings both ways when it comes to love. Take Crosswind for example, shi's a ponykat yet shi has both a wife and a husband."

That left Pipp and Hitch surprised.

Tigersplash spoke "It's true, chakats can both sire and carry a kid to term."

Pipp asks "Guess I didn't know that... Did you Hitch?"

Hitch spoke "Not one bit."

Pipp spoke "Maybe we should have asked grandpa."

Danyelle had flown off towards the North Pole while carrying Twilight, Jack, Sunny and the doe in a magic built sleigh.

Dusk spoke "I wonder where those four are going."

I spoke "Maybe to the North Pole."

Izzy spoke "Probably."

Sweetie Belle’s nose twitched.

Dusk asks "What is it now?"

I suddenly smirked as I looked at Mane Melody. “I think some of Cadence’s talents rubbed off on me.”

Applebloom soon crashed into a tree, getting her new horn stuck in the wood.

Applebloom groans "Owe..."

But then they heard a crash as Lance was somehow flat on his back on the ground with a major nosebleed geyser.

Percival sighs "My brother is an idiot..."

Spice spoke "Eyup..."

But then a portal opened, revealing an adult Applebloom, and she looked like she was fused with a kind of food yo-kai, followed by an adult Apple Wasp/Waspeye who looked like he was fused with a red angry giant centipede yo-kai.

The Applebloom lookalike spoke "Howdy, y’all."

Looking at the Applebloom lookalike, Spice spoke "Ah've seen a lot of crazy things before but you kinda look like my ma."


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