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Enter, Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis

*Danyelle's POV*

I was wary of the stellar cat since he had crashed into the snow outside.

The stellar cat groans "Ow…"

Roll asks "You okay kid?"

The cat spoke "Ugh… Yeah… I think so."

A voice spoke "At least you weren’t too hurt, Geo."

Roll spoke "Glad to see neither of you got hurt."

From Geo's point of view, all he saw was a 270 year old hedgefox female.

Geo asks "What happened to you?"

Roll spoke "Long story short, I'm a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid."

Megaman spoke "I'm also a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid but my soul is human."

Omega-Xis spoke "Wait… NetNavi? But they’re extinct."

Roll spoke "Megaman, Trill, Patch, Jazz, Volt, Bass, Tsuki, Protoman, Hazel and I are the last ten NetNavis there are..."

Omega-Xis asks "But… how?"

I spoke "I'll answer that one since Megaman's my brother. The two of us plus a good handful of others were trapped in limbo for 200 years. Plus both of us are immortal since Sonic found out he's half alicorn..."

Omega-Xis spoke "…That’s seriously new to me."

Roll asks "Who are you two?"

Geo spoke "M-My name is Geo Stelar."

I spoke "Let me guess, your father went missing and you're looking for him."

Geo gasps "Yeah! How did you know?!"

Roll spoke "Dimensional Scream."

Omega-Xis spoke "That certainly is rare."

I spoke "I can see things that have happened or have yet to happen, I know a pony that has a similar ability."

Megaman spoke "But we'll help you find your father."

Geo asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah really, I'd never leave a friend behind. Alpha-Queen's honor."

Geo gasps "Alpha-Queen?! You’re…?!"

Roll spoke "Alpha-Queen, Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis, Keen Cat. My sister in-law's one of the most strongest Mobians there is."

Geo looked so star-struck, he fainted.

I bop Roll on the head.

“Was that seriously necessary to tell him?” I asked.

Roll spoke "But it's all true though."

Twilight spoke "We still need to find out what the Friendship Problem is."

I ask "Any ideas E.B?"

E.B just shrugged, not really knowing the answer.

My eyes flash white all of a sudden, seeing something that happened a week ago.

A howl was heard suddenly.

I spoke "I know that howl!"

I howl back in response.

Eggman spoke "It seems that she’s back."

A second howl followed by two yowls was soon heard.

I spoke "Aaron! Zane! Moeka!"

But then an explosion, followed by a familiar scream was heard.

I groan "And there's the dumbass hyena..."

But then we heard other voices as well.

An adult Anzu was invisible since she had pranked Ein.

Anzu laughs "Stupid hyena!"

"Stupid is as stupid does." I agreed.

Anzu giggles "So true auntie!"

I couldn't help but giggle.

Anzu spoke "Anyways..... *eyes flash pink as she turned to look at Geo* We should solve that problem...."

Geo stammers "*Eyes flash pink as he saw Anzu* H-Huh?"

I couldn't help but facepalm with a snickering smile.

Omega-Xis facepalmed, as did Roll.

Megaman spoke "That's new."

Roll spoke "Didn't see that coming.... But just one problem... She's immortal, he's not."

Fu appeared. "Something's telling me that not being immortal won't be for long."

I spoke "I think Dren's gonna blow a gasket...."

Roll asks "What about Zoey?"

I spoke "Freak out and faint...."

Megaman spoke "Makes sense. Hmm... I wonder how Jet and Corina are doing."

I spoke "Last I checked, they were busy preparing for Christmas."

Roll asks "And their kids? Are the eggs on their way?"

I spoke "Those kids are grown up now. I think one of the boys had fallen in love with Nova's daughter."

Megaman spoke "That’s gonna be a bit complicated."

I spoke "I was mistaken... Jet and Corina had a boy named Jerome. Jerome became smitten with Nova while Princess Kara developed feelings for Matias the Second."

Roll giggles "But it's kind of weird that Princess Anzu developed feelings for a guy that would be considered one of your descendants, eh Dany?"

That made me blush a bit in embarrassment.

Roll spoke "But the only problem is that he's mortal, she's immortal..."

Fu spoke "You know that can be fixed."

I gasp "Shenron! Of course!"

Fu spoke "Heads up though, Goku's world is in its GT state right now."

I spoke "I knew that."

Roll spoke "I hear something...."

Megaman asks "What is it?"

I was growling, as was Sunny.

Sunny growls "Whoever is hiding, better show themselves lest they get a triple dose of fire to the face."

Anzu was growling as well while protecting Geo.

A male spoke "Ah. So they have returned. It's still quite good that there is still fear, especially after 220 years."

A man creeped by before disappearing after walking behind a pillar.

Anzu shot fire at the pillar, forcing the male out of hiding.

Anzu growls "Who the hell are you?"

The male asks "Oh. You don't remember me? Do you?"

The man was suddenly at a different spot.

The male spoke "Still, I am tired, of hiding under beds!"

Anzu growls "You don't scare me anymore Kozmotis!"

The cat-alicorn hybrid grabs Kozmotis with magic and throws him out into the snow.

I snarl "You don't scare us anymore!"

But then he vanished completely with a laugh.

Twilight spoke "I sensed a bit of pain in his voice...."

I spoke "I'll have a word with Luna and Celestia after Hearth's Warming. I have an idea that might work."

Jack spoke "Just be careful guys."

I ask "You heard of a holiday called Nightmare Night?"

Jack spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "It might be his thing though."

Jack spoke "Okay."

Santa asks "You sure you know what you’re doing?"

I spoke "I'm not called the Nekomata of Redemption for nothing though."

Santa asks "Well, if alright, may I talk to Sunny Starscout, alone?"

Sunny spoke "Uh sure...."

Twilight bars Sunny's path with a wing.

Twilight spoke "This concerns me as well since I'm Sunny's grandmother."

Santa spoke "No argument about that."

Jack spoke "It’ll be fine. Trust me. This happened to me too."

Geo spoke "This pretty much concerns Zuzu and I as well."

I spoke "And me."

Santa spoke "Okay okay okay. But not all at once, please."

Twilight spoke "Fair enough."

Santa spoke "Good."

Soon, the six of us, including Santa, went into his office, before the Winter Spirit grabbed a dish of food.

Santa asks "Fruitcake?"

I spoke "Twilight and Sunny can't eat meat though."

Geo spoke "Thank you sir."

Omega-Xis spoke "I can't eat food though."

Roll asks "So, what did you want to ask us?"

Santa spoke "*Cracking knuckles* Now we get down to important question for Miss Starscout."

That left us confused before the door closed and locked on its own when Santa came up to Sunny Starscout.

Santa asks "Who ARE you, Sunny Starscout? What is your center?"

Sunny asks "*Confused* My center?

Santa spoke "If you really do have the power of your grandmother, you must have something very special inside. Hmm…"

Santa grabbed a Russian doll that was designed like him.

Santa spoke "Here. This is how you see me, no? Very big, intimidating. *Chuckle* But if you get to open me a little…"

Santa gave Sunny the doll.

Santa spoke "Well, go on."

Using her magic, Sunny opens the doll up.

Sunny asks "*Seeing a happy face inside the first doll* You’re downright jolly?"

Santa spoke "But not just jolly. *As Sunny opened the second doll, seeing a cloaked face* I am also mysterious. *As Sunny opened the third doll, seeing a roaring face* And fearless. *As Sunny opened the fourth doll, revealing a doll of Santa holding innocent creatures while crying a kind tear* And caring. And at my center…"

Sunny opened the final doll, revealing a doll of a wrapped up baby Santa.

Sunny spoke "Innocence..."

Santa asks "Look closer. What do you see?"

Sunny spoke "Uh… Big eyes."

Santa spoke "Yes! Big eyes! Very big! Because they are full of wonder. That is my center. It is what I was born with. Eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything. Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air. *As the door unlocked and opened with a plane toy flying out* This wonder is what I put into the world! *As we walked out of Santa’s office while seeing all of the wonderful toys* And what I protect in children, it is what makes me a guardian, or as you put it, an Element of Harmony. It is my center. What is yours?"

Sunny spoke "…I don’t know."

I was talking with Twilight.

“What should we do?” I asked Twilight as Santa let Sunny keep the center of the Santa Russian Doll with a warm and gentle smile.

Twilight spoke "I don't know Danyelle but this is something Sunny has to find out on her own."

“Good point.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Not to mention, I rose to Guardian status when I started the Pony Guard."

Jack asks "Really now? Guess Manny did choose you, but didn’t find the right time to tell us. Guess you’re the Guardian of Magic, huh?"

Jack Frost was right above us.

Kurama spoke "Sparkles is also known as the Nine Tailed Terror because of me."

I spoke "Actually, Twilight is one of six Guardians of Harmony."


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