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Sisters Take Flight/ Nightmare Roommate

*Jato’s POV*

Well, today was finally the day.

Haven spoke "I was a bit surprised when I found out about their boyfriends."

“Hehe. Like how your parents were when they found out you were dating me?” I asked with a smile.

Haven spoke "They had no idea what a Wonderbolt was though."

“Yeah. Makes sense since it’s been THAT long.” I noted.

Haven spoke "But with some of the alicorns back, there's no point of me being queen now."

Zipp spoke "Hey mom and dad."

“Hey, Zipp.” I greeted with a smile. “You and Pipp ready yet?”

Zipp spoke "Yeah, we asked that eleven tailed hybrid to help move our things to Maretime Bay since he's quite strong."

“Not surprised since he’s half the size of his fox and cat parents.” I agreed.

Zipp spoke "I heard rumor that his alicorn surrogate was afraid of losing her life back then."

I spoke "My parents and stepmom mentioned that one time."

Zipp spoke "Oh."

A loud roar was heard all the way from Maretime Bay since a bratty alicorn had the gall to go near there.

I couldn’t help but facehoof at that.

Haven asks "Was that the Nine Tailed Terror that you told me about one time?"

Pipp was confused.

Pipp asks "What?"

I spoke "Basically, the Nine Tailed Terror was what some of the bad guys from long ago had called Princess Twilight due to the nine tailed fox that resides in her."

Pipp gasps "Whoa! You serious?!"

I chuckle "Yep plus my stepmom pulled off a Sonic Rainboom when Rarity was in danger."

Zipp laughs "Yeah! I saw the Rainboom myself! And guess what?"

Pipp spoke "Let me guess, you're able to pull off the Stormboom."

Zipp giggles "Heeheehee! Yep!"

Pipp spoke "I don't have the wings for that though."

Zipp spoke "Come on, Sis. I know you can do something like that. You have the Roar."

Pipp spoke "That's in the Sparkle family...."

Zipp spoke "Sorry, forgot about that."

Pipp spoke "Anyways, we should get going."

Zipp spoke "Right."

Haven spoke "Good luck girls."

"Do your best out there." I encouraged.

Zipp spoke "Thanks mom. Thanks dad."

Pipp spoke "Thank you both so much."

Our daughters hugged us as we hugged back.

Haven asks "Write to us often okay?"

Zipp spoke "Sure."

I chuckle "Bye girls."

*Back in Maretime Bay*

Danyelle exclaims "I have an idea Twilight! We can revive the Equestria Games!"

Twilight asks "Uh... Is that really a good idea?"

Danyelle spoke "It's been 220 years since the last Games happened though."

Twilight spoke "Good point."

Danyelle spoke "Plus it'll be good for the ponies of this era to learn about our era's customs."

Twilight spoke "Okay. But we also have to adapt to their era."

Danyelle spoke "We and the other immortals from our era are basically temporal fish out of water though... Plus the sirens have to hide their true forms since we don't know how the others will react."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Operetta was in hedgehog form since she couldn't reveal her true form.

Operetta groans "I don't like being in this form..."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, Operetta. But you can’t show your true self yet since we don’t know how the others would think."

Operetta spoke "Least the siren hybrids have it easier..."

Adagio was covered in tomato sauce for some reason.

Adagio spoke "I hate tomatoes now...."

Danyelle and Twilight both ask "What happened?"

Adagio spoke "Somepony saw the reflection of my true form in a window...."

Danyelle spoke "Drat…"

Twilight spoke "Ponyfeathers…"

Daylight asks "But what about Dusk and I?"

*That night*

Dusk was asleep in his room.

Midnight was snoring loudly.

All of the loud snoring woke Dusk up. “Ugh…”

Sweetie Belle groans "For such a big guy... His snoring's like a loud tractor...."

Dusk spoke "You’re telling me…"

Sweetie spoke "Better yet, a noisy dragon...."

Shigechi and Buttercream were snoring like foghorns on a freighter.

Spyro was on his back while snoring as one of his back feet twitched in a doglike manner.

Cynder snickered in her sleep since Spyro was being funny.

Dusk spoke "Still… I love you Sweetie Belle."

Izzy was sleep-flying.

Sweetie Belle spoke "I love you too Dusk. And Izzy’s sleep-flying again."

The alicorn teen soon had her horn stuck in the wall.

Dusk sighs "One of these days, I'm gonna stick a tennis ball on that kid's horn...."

Sweetie Belle spoke "Oh shush, Dusky."

Dusk nibbles on his wife's ear.

Sweetie Belle giggles "*Lustful purr* Now don't do that, darling. You might make me hungry for you."

Dusk chuckles "Since Izzy is pretty much immortal, we could give her a sibling."

Sweetie Belle spoke "*Lustful growl* Now you're making me eager to book us an elegant room in the Chuddle Hotel, darling."

Dusk spoke "But I don't have any warp rings on hoof."

Sweetie Belle asks "Now… I’m sure we could get a warp ring. Right… Darling?"

Dusk spoke "Sonic doesn't know how to make more of them.... Unless there was a way to build a stable portal to Sumarda's dimension..."

Sweetie Belle lunged on Dusk, pinning him. “Now, Dusky-Wusky darling… All this waiting is making me absolutely ravenous for you.”

Dusk chuckles "Oh I'll give it to you alright."

*The next morning*

*Honey's POV*

I was yawning since uncle Midnight's snoring had kept me up all night.

I spoke "Woah... *yawn* You look like a mess Sunny..."

Sunny spoke "Heehee… *Yawn* So do you, Honey…"

I yawn "Let me guess... Between Izzy's sleep-flying and Uncle Midnight's snoring... Nobody got much sleep?"

The others nodded, confirming that no one got sleep except Izzy, Spyro, Cynder, Midnight, Buttercream and Shigechi.

Danyelle yawns "I hate loud noise..."

Ben yawns "We really need to do something…"

Danyelle yawns "Sound proof room..."

Sonic yawns "Yeah…"

Megaman spoke "Least I didn't have that problem."

Roll groans "I did..."

But then Midnight woke up with a sneeze.

Roll yelps since her tail got burnt.

Midnight asks "Oh, sorry about that. Wait, anyone seen Dusk or Sweetie Belle?"

Danyelle spoke "You don't want to know...."

Twilight spoke "But you seriously need to work on that snoring problem..."

Midnight spoke "Sorry, mom."

Sumarda showed up. “Man… Now I know why Sobeka brought them to the Hotel.”

Danyelle giggles "Immortals, what can I say?"

Sumarda spoke "And I saw how Sweetie Belle and Dusk were acting. Needless and safe to say, they may be staying at the hotel for a few days, maybe a week. And they booked the Open-Air Suite."

Danyelle spoke "Guess that's for winged folks."

Sumarda spoke "Or anyone that can fly, by wings or by magic."

Starlight spoke "True."

Sumarda spoke "The Open-Air Suite has a hot spring too. Besides, Buttercream and Shigechi are regulars at the hotel, they’ve practically went to every suite and room they could book for dragons, except for the Infinite Showtime Suite. It’s practically the most daring of them all. It’s best if you take my word for it."

Rainbow spoke "AWESOME!!!"

Sumarda spoke "Uh… What’s awesome? Just making sure here."

Danyelle groans "Now you've done it Sumarda... Rainbow's one of the most daring Pegasi I know..."

Applejack asks "What’re you up to now, Dash?"

Soarin spoke "I think I might know..."

Soarin drags his two mares through a warp ring to the hotel.

Crosswind asks "Jackie?"

Applejack sighs "Might as well bring hir along too."

Twilight spoke "By next year, we'll have a new batch of kids..."

Sumarda spoke "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, Applejack and their families will get new fans."

Twilight spoke "I may be 200 some odd years of age, but I look like a 25 year old."

Sumarda spoke "Yep. But still, out of concern, I hope they’re ready for what’s in the room."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that your clone bumped into an anthro opinicus..."

Sumarda asks "You mean Helia met someone? Who?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure."

*Meanwhile at the Chuddle Hotel*

An anthro male opinicus had bumped into Helia.

Xander spoke "Sorry."

Helia spoke "Don’t worry, it’s o- *Notices Xander* -kay…"

Xander's eyes flash pink.

Xander spoke "*blush* Pretty pony...."

Helia’s eyes flashed pink as well.

Helia giggles "*Blush* Hubba-hubba…."

Xander kisses Helia.

Helia kissed back before the two passionately started making out.

Zoey took a picture of the two before teleporting the camera to Sumarda.

Zoey giggles "{That'll surprise Sumarda.}"

*Back with me and the others*

A camera suddenly appeared in Sumarda’s paws, much to her confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Seems it's from Zoey, I know her magic anywhere."

Sumarda spoke "I wonder what it is."

Sumarda looked at the camera before her pupils shrank as she comically shattered into pieces like fragile glass.

Dren was laughing.

Twilight asks "What is it?"

Dren chuckles "Zoey got a pic of Helia and an opinicus male!"

That got all of our attention.

Danyelle asks "*Intrigued* And what happened?"

Dren spoke "According to Zoey, the two had zinged."

That left all of us surprised as Sumarda put herself back together.

Danyelle giggles "That baka strawberry cat."

Sumarda asks "Man… Even though Helia’s a Pegasus double of me that I created, she’s also practically a sister to me. So I’m guessing that I’ll have a bro in-law soon. Wait, did Rainbow Dash, Applejack and the others check in at the Chuddle Hotel for the Infinite Showtime Suite?"

Dren spoke "According to Zoey, Applejack and Crosswind took the Country West room since the two are farmers. The three Wonderbolts have the Showtime room."

Sumarda spoke "Oh boy, Helia and Xander are heading to the Infinite Showtime Suite next to the Wonderbolts' Infinite Showtime Suite. I forgot to mention that there are multiple rooms of some suites in case a pair want to book a suite that another pair already booked and are in."

Dren spoke "Oh wow."


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