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Clip Trot/ Stickers

*Zipp’s POV*

Pipp was watching something and was really excited about it, but what?

Midnight was chuckling at something Opaline had said.

“So how’s she doing?” I asked the nurse.

Nurse Redheart spoke "She’s doing fine. She should be alright by now."

Gingerheart spoke "Red, I can't find Cloudbreeze."

I ask "But what is my sister going on about?"

Polished came in. “Something about bunnies.”

I was blushing since Polished was wearing a nice outfit.

“Uh… I-I think I should check on the patient.” I stammered as I went off to check the patient that nurse Redheart mentioned from earlier.

Gingerheart spoke "Oh no you don't missy, you have a foal on the way and I'd rather not have my fur burned off by Rainbow if you got hurt."

“We’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” I insisted.

The hybrid foal had kicked hard.

“Thanks, kid.” I said in gratitude to my unborn child. “My kid said that it’s okay to check up on the patient.”

Gingerheart sighs "Okay. But be careful."

Polished spoke "Hey Zippster."

“Heh, hey Poli.” I greet with a smirk and a kiss on his cheek.

Polished chuckles "How's our little Fire Cracker doing?"

“Heehee. Great. He even agreed to check on the patient.” I answered with a smile as I nuzzled my awesome Polished.

Polished chuckles "He's a lot like my mom, feisty."

“Then why don’t we check on the patient together, Poli-Woli?” I asked with a flirty look.

Polished chuckles "Sure babe."

The both of us walked into the room to see a female echidna Mobian.

The female groans "Damn it. That rotten janitor. Made off with what little I‘d saved. God damn it!"

Polished asks "You okay miss?"

the female asks "Hm? Yeah, I’m fine. Who’re you?"

Polished spoke "I'm Polished Stone Prower, son of Rusty and Scootaloo Prower."

I spoke "And I'm Zephryina Storm Prower but I go by Zipp."

the female asks "The name’s Ermes Costello. But why are you two here?"

I spoke "I'm a detective."

Polished spoke "Same as my wife."

“Do you know what happened?” I asked.

Ermes spoke "Now I remember. I hurt my hand on something, and got a fever."

Ermes took off some kind of sticker from the palm of her right hand.

Ermes spoke "But the wound has practically disappeared. Could I have been dreaming? Wait, can’t get ahead of myself. I remember. It’s coming back to me now."

I spoke "Midnight did mention something about memory recall...."

Ermes asks "Listen, I picked up some kind of pendant out in the fields one day. I saw it just sitting there. But knowing my luck, I cut my hand pretty bad on it, which totally pissed me off. That night… I somehow passed out, and now… here I am. Have I really been sleeping here since then?"

I spoke "I would have to talk to Applejack about that."

Ermes spoke "About what? Besides, my wound is mostly healed."

But then we saw another sticker in Ermes’ right palm as she took it off before another appeared in its place.

Ermes asks "Hmm? Hey, what’s the deal with this sticker?"

Ermes took it off, only for another to take its place.

Ermes asks "Huh? I already peeled off the sticker that was on the palm of my hand. Am I remembering this correctly?"

Polished was growling since he smelled someone hiding.

But then Polished stopped growling as he smelled that someone running away.

Ermes spoke "Wait… In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue! Bugs Bunny’s birthday is July 27th, 1940! I’m certain of it."

Polished: Whoa…

Ermes: What the-?! I thought I’d already thrown it away!

There was something strange going on.

Ermes: Huh? My shoes… Something seems different. But what… is it…? There’s one, two…

Ermes noticed her left hand.

Ermes spoke "There’s three, four, five, and si-"

The three of us froze as we screamed in shock of seeing six fingers on Ermes’ left hand as she peeled it off, causing the two pointer fingers to collide and merge back into one, causing a bit of blood to spray out.

Ermes spoke "Ouch! Hold on, now there are five again! It went back to normal! Did… Did the high fever cause astigmatism in my eyes? But there’s that sticker…"

The three of us soon noticed two liquid containers, with one of them having that sticker from before on it.

Ermes spoke "That’s the sticker that I just took off."

The sticker started peeling off.

Ermes spoke "Don’t you dare."

The sticker fell off, causing the two glass containers to merge back into one, but broke the back and spilling some of the liquid on us.

Ermes spoke "That’s nasty!"

A triple thud was heard since Danyelle, Rarity and Snowfire fainted.

Ermes asks "What just happened out there?"

I spoke "Whatever it was, it's knocked out the keenest."

Ermes spoke *Sniff! Sniff!* Yuck! It reeks! But this is… definitely not an astigmatism from having a high fever!"

Ermes grabbed the shoe with the sticker on it.

Ermes spoke "I’m definitely touching it. I feel the weight. This sticker! Wherever I place it, it creates an exact duplicate of the object! But peel it off…"

Ermes did so before letting the shoe go when its duplicate flew straight towards it before merging back into one.

Ermes spoke "It causes damage as the two merge back into one! And this sticker."

The stickers on Ermes’ hand vanished.

Ermes spoke "It sounds insane, but I’m certain. It emerged from inside of my body, from the cut on my hand!"

I spoke "And the only way to stop it is...."

Ermes spoke "No. It’s fine. I’m okay with this. You can leave now."

An Applejack trotted into the room.

Ermes asks "Huh? Who’s she?"

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Ya don' know me but Ah'm Applejack, alicorn of honesty. But Ah'm not the prime zone version, as it were."

Ermes spoke "Okay, ya lost me."

I spoke "Different Applejack, I can tell by the wings and horn."

Ermes spoke "Oh."

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Much like the prime version, Ah can tell if someone's lyin'."

Ermes asks "Heh. Then would you believe me if I was a former con?"

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Mah element would bug the ire out of me if Ah didn't git the full story."

Ermes scoffs "Tch. My past is none of your business."

“Shouldn’t we check on Pipp?” I asked in concern.

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Fair enough..."

Polished spoke "Yeah."

Polished and I went off to find my sister, who was asking her co-workers to help record some kind of video.

Jazz spoke "Oh hey Zipp."

"What's going on?" I asked.

Volt spoke "There's been talk of reopening up borders for other species to attend the reopened School of Friendship."

Jazz spoke "That plus there have been somewhat familiar faces lurking around Maretime Bay."

Polished asks "What do you mean?"

"You alright, Pipp?" I asked my little sister.

Jazz spoke "One kinda looks like Trixie..."

Polished asks "Kinda?"

Jazz spoke "if she were an alicorn though..."

"You need help from me, Hitch, Sunny, Honey and Izzy to help you make a video?" I asked Pipp.

Pipp spoke "Yeah."

Polished spoke "Must be from the Huntverse."

"Please tell me we can dance the way we want to though." I said.

Pipp spoke "*Smile* Of course."

Jazz spoke "Given that the Trixie I know is dead now."

Polished asks "Wait, what?"

Jazz spoke "My aunt wasn't that close with Trixie though..."

Volt spoke "But it's weird seeing alicorn versions of ponies that aren't around anymore."

Polished spoke "But I heard that Starlight didn’t take it well."

Jazz spoke "I was rather surprised when Luster ascended..."

Polished asks "And Luster Dawn’s Trixie’s daughter, right?"

Jazz spoke "Yeah, I was really good friends with her though."

A loud crash was heard outside since Rainbow had pranked a familiar brilliant azure unicorn mare.

Trixie groans "Ouch..."

Polished: *Deadpan* Seriously?

Jazz spoke "No matter the universe, Rainbow's still a prankster."

Polished spoke "And would you believe it, Trixie and her family’s immortal too."

Jazz spoke "Huh, guess anyone that's been influenced by the Hikari and Doucet families became immortal..."

Polished spoke "Yep."

Soon, Sunny, Honey, Izzy, Hitch and I helped Pipp perform in the video, and my sister’s ratings went through the roof.

Honey spoke "Hey guys."

“Hey, Honey.” I greeted before I saw Ermes running somewhere. “Think you could come with me for something?”

Honey spoke "Sure but we'll need Izzy though, she's got her aunt's keen sight."

Izzy popped up behind us, spooking the two of us a bit. “Help with what?”

Sunny was up on the ceiling in her partial kyubi form since she got it from Akari.

Izzy spoke "Oopsie."

Sunny spoke "I'm just as jumpy as my grandma is though..."

“Well Honey and Izzy, let’s go.” I said before the three of us followed Ermes to a place where is looked like it would be cleaned often.

Honey uses an invisibility spell and silent hoof spell to hide herself, Izzy and I so that Ermes doesn't notice or hear our hooves.

But then we saw Ermes bring out a disc.

Ermes spoke "It looks like a CD. It’s some kind of disc based on its shape and the way it shines. But I’ve never seen a disc that was squishy and elastic like this. And then… There was another one of these sticking out of his face. That makes two discs in total!"

But as we were behind Ermes, she and the three of us saw something playing in the disc.

Ermes gasps "What the? I can see something inside of it!"

A voice spoke "Now the money that I took from that sick echidna is all mine."

Ermes asks "What?"

A voice spoke "I’ve hidden 5000 bucks, and nobody has a clue."

Ermes asks "Wha-What am I watching?"

But then the disc started going into Ermes as she tried to get it out.

Pale Snake asks "McQueen, my child. Do you think you could lend me a hand with something? A little something between friends. So, what do you say?"

Ermes got the disc out as it fell into the water.

Ermes spoke "What the hell did that thing just show me? It was like I was watching someone’s memory."

Opaline threw Pale Snake against a tree.

A voice spoke "So…"

Ermes asks "Huh?"

A voice spoke "Word’s gotten ‘round."

All of us turned towards the voice, seeing a male rat Mobian as janitor sweeping the floor. It was Thunder McQueen.

McQueen spoke "You’ve been asking people all about me, huh? I have prior experience in stalking, but I’ve gotta say I’ve never been stalked by a woman before. Yeah, this is a first."

Ermes asks "Who the hell do you think you are? Answer me! Didn’t you eject some discs out of your face?"

McQueen asks "Sorry, discs?"

But then McQueen started whimpering as tears started flowing from his eyes and boogers started flowing from his nose.

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen spoke "*Sobbing* I can’t remember. What’s going on? I’m so pathetic. I can’t remember."

Ermes spoke "Hm? Hey, why’d you bust out crying all of a sudden? You took money from me while I was unconscious in the hospital this morning, stupid ass!"

McQueen spoke "Money? That sounds right. I had thousands of dollars stashed away in a safe place. But now… *Sobbing* I have no memory of where is was."

Ermes spoke "Damn, are you sure you’re all right there, man? You better not be messing with me!"

Honey was growling but neither of the two saw her since she was invisible.

McQueen spoke "Did you just ask me if I’m all right? I… I… You’re so kind. It’s been forever since the last time I spoke with a woman."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen spoke "Well, it’s my first time. My first time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with a woman as staggeringly beautiful as you are. I’m very happy, honestly. Someday, I hope to meet a girl like you and get the chance to live happily together with her."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen sighs *Depressed* Of course… That won’t happen because I’m a pathetic loser. And why would you want someone like that? *Taking off belt* It’s all so pointless. I feel like dying."

Thunder soon made the belt into a noose and hanged himself, much to our shock and horror as he started choking.

Ermes gasps "Wait! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!"

But then the four of us found ourselves up in the air and hard to breathe as four purple stems with propellers grew on each of our necks!

Ermes gasps "Oh god! Who is this guy?"

Honey spoke "CHAOS BARRIER!!!!"

Five bubbles of Chaos energy surround the five of us, preventing us from passing out.

Ermes spoke "Belt is around his neck… and this around mine!"

Ermes coughed out blood.

Ermes spoke "Help me! Please, somebody! Maybe if I can bring him down, this power will release me as well! Sticker!"

Ermes tossed a sticker onto the belt, causing a double to emerge before she took the sticker off, causing the two belts back into one and snap, saving McQueen as the propellers on me, Honey, Izzy and Ermes vanished.

Ermes spoke "He has a strange ability like mine. That means I wasn’t the only one."

But since the non-flyers were high in the sky, the two realized it and fell.

Honey shouts “Oh crap! Pigeon into the pavement! Come on Izzy, Zipp! We got a few sparrows ª to save!”

I spoke "Right behind you Honey!"

Honey flew fast alongside me and Izzy as the three of us push ourselves past our limits thus pulling off a Starboom, Stormboom and Moonboom at the same time and saving Ermes and McQueen.

Soon we landed on the ground with them.

Ermes asks *To McQueen* Damn it! What the hell's wrong with you? Why'd you hang yourself like that? *To me, Honey and Izzy* And when did you three get here?"

Honey spoke "Izzy, Zipp and I followed you."

McQueen spoke "Did you four really just follow me? Thank you. You're a real livesaver."

Ermes spoke "Who the hell do you think you are, asshole? And why the hell do you keep dragging us into your problems? You have some power too, right? Don't lie to me!"

McQueen spoke "My power? I don't know what you're talking about, but that'll be okay. I won't ever do that again. I'm fully awake now. I really owe you four everything for saving my life. I swear I'll repay you all for your kindness one day."

Ermes spoke "Oh, we couldn't just sit back and let you do it. You don't have to worry about-"

But then the four of us saw McQueen drowning himself in a sink filled to the brim with water.

Ermes growls "What the hell are you doing now?!"

But then purple water came out of our mouths and noses and covered around our heads horizontally from the nose to the lower lip as stems with propellers emerged from the water and started spinning.

Ermes asks "Now what?"

The four of us tried to get the water off of us, even with Izzy's waterbending, but it was no use! But then we noticed cuts on McQueen's wrist.

Ermes spoke "Those scars on his wrist. He's tried to commit suicide before. And I don't think he's realized his ability affects those around him yet. He's bad news."

We tried to run, but found ourselves floating in the air upside down.

Ermes spoke "*To me, Izzy and Honey* Our postures' even the same as his! Oh god, we drifted even further away from him. *To McQueen* You dumb jerk!"

Ermes put a stickers on our noses, making another nose on each of us, allowing us to breathe.

Ermes snaps "You... asshole!"

Izzy used her magic and levitated McQueen out of the sink, making the purple water disappear from us as the stickers were torn off of us, causing a little pain as our noses merged back into one as we coughed.

Ermes spoke "The disc. I have no idea what any of this is about, but it must have something to do with that disc!"

McQueen coughed.

I spoke "Idiot! You nearly got the fiercest and keenest of the third generation Pony Guard killed!"

Ermes grabbed the disc from the water.

McQueen spoke "Please let me die! *Sobbing* I said I would pay you back, but a piece of trash like me can't do... anything."

Ermes spoke "The last thing I want to do is be your friend! I'll never save your life again! In fact, you come near me again, I'll kill you myself!

McQueen cries "*Bawling* Just kill me already! If I was going to be murdered, I'd want it to be someone like you."

The four of us girls just ran far away from him.

Honey spoke "That guy was a real nutcase!"

Izzy spoke "Real loco in the coco!"

I spoke "What a jerk!"

Ermes spoke "Damn it. We have to get as far away from that guy as we possibly can."

But then we heard a baseball bouncing before we saw Emporio playing catch with himself using the wall.

Emporio spoke "I was right. Your power has awakened, Ermes. I can help you. I can explain these new abilities to you. What you have is called a Stand. Stand Wielders are drawn to each other like magnets. It's just a part of the whole phenomenon. No one's sure why... But that's why you met him. That sad janitor."

Ermes asks "Wait, what's a kid doing here?"

Honey spoke "He's one of Danyelle's adopted children. I think his stand's called Burn the House Down. But only he can touch the items within."

Emporio spoke "Jolyne asked me to keep an eye on you, Ermes, in case anything suspicious happened."

Ermes asks "Jolyne, huh? Did she get mixed up in all of this too?"

Emporio spoke "The villain who steals people's hearts. He's an enemy to myself, Jolyne and the others. We're searching for the hearts he's stolen."

Ermes asks "Stolen heart?"

Emporio spoke "The one responsible for this is Pale Snake! If you know anything about it, I ask you to help us!"

Ermes asks "These stolen hearts... *Bringing out disc* Is this disc what you're talking about?"

Emporio asks "*Gasp!* Is that...?"

Emporio came towards us.

Ermes spoke "It came out of that janitor. Maybe you should start with what this thing is."

Emporio asks "Hold on, didn't he have two discs?"

Ermes spoke "Another one? Oh, yeah. You're right."

Emporio spoke "Memory DISC and Stand DISC. It comes in a set of two. Two discs make a single soul. If we can track down the second one, we might be able to find out who's behind Pale Snake."

I spoke "Regardless, we should be careful."

But then Ermes' left arm, the left front legs of me, Izzy and Honey started bleed in a strange pattern.

Ermes gasps "It can't be. There's no way."

Emporio asks "Huh?"

Ermes growls "Is that jerk still trying to be with us?"

Honey spoke This is nuts! We're so far away from him!"

But then our affected arm/legs started gushing out blood.

Emporio asks "No! What's happening?"

There were holes and bleeding scars on Ermes' left arm, and the front left legs of me, Honey and Izzy while electricity buzzed around those parts, shocking us there.

Ermes spoke "It's electricity! That rotten bastard janitor must be electrocuting himself!"

But then the electricity stopped and faded.

But due to the chaos energy that Honey had in her body, she wasn't as injured.

"It stopped." I noted.

Emporio spoke "I don't think he's done. You can't kill a being just by sending a hundred volts of electricity onto their exposed skin. That's not how it works. It's all due to electrical resistance. That's why it stopped. He failed to kill himself. However... if he's still planning to try electrocuting himself again, then I'm thinking he's probably looking for salt water. With salt water, the current conductivity will be almost 100 percent. Electricity can pierce and burn the heart completely at those levels."

Honey spoke "Salt Water can be used in hospitals! We gotta hurry!"

Honey spits out a bit of fire in annoyance.

I groan "Doesn't he know that alicorns and Pegasi have a higher shock resistance than other ponies?"

Emporio spoke "Maybe, but he doesn't know about his powers or its affects."

The four of us girls ran to the hospital to find McQueen.

Ermes spoke "We gotta beat his ass unconscious and take out the other disc when it ejects! It's our only chance!"

"Right!" Izzy, Honey and I agreed as we soon found McQueen, wrapped in electrical cables, holding a switch and a jar of salt water before he noticed us walking towards him, when he just poured the water all over him.

Ermes exclaims "Whoa! Hold on! Just listen! Take a look. You see what's happened to my left arm and their front left legs?"

McQueen saw what we'd shown him.

Ermes spoke "It's burnt and cut, just like your arm! Are you starting to get the picture? I don't know how, but you have a strange ability, where whatever injuries you sustain while trying to off yourself, the same injuries happen to us too. So stop thinking about suicide! I'm sure things will turn around, with good times waiting for you."

McQueen tossed the empty jar away.

Honey spoke "And I don't think you want an angry kyubi-alicorn on your tail if I got killed."

McQueen spoke "I'm not killing anyone. You think so? Four years ago... I was just doing some cleaning."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen cries "I was in my apartment, cleaning and oiling my shotgun. Somehow, a shell had gotten itself stuck in the gun's barrel. It was an accident! My room was on the tenth floor. That's when a woman jumped up from the 11th floor in an attempt to kill herself. It's a matter of luck. People win millions in the lottery, so obviously the opposite has to happen, right? She was supposed to hit the ground and die from suicide. But instead, everyone assumed that I shot and killed that woman up on the 11th floor. The judge even called me cold-hearted before he threw the book at me. *Sobbing* That's the man you're seeing before you!"

McQueen was about the flip the switch!

Ermes asks "Wait! You like undies, right? Has anyone ever given you a pair!? If a cute girl were to give you undies, you'd feel lucky, right?"

McQueen asks "Huh?"

Izzy, Honey and I however were just shocked by what Ermes was saying.

Honey was soon behind Ermes before kicking her in the butt, causing her to trip over Izzy's tail and onto McQueen thus kissing him.

Ermes got off in absolute fury. "What the hell was that?!"

Honey growls "I was only trying to help!"

Ermes spoke "*To Honey* Well it made things a whole lot more worse! *To McQueen* Listen, everybody hates when the weekend is over, and Monday's right around the corner. But we all think, "A fun Saturday is waiting for me at the other end of this tunnel," and live our lives, because we know it's not always going to be a Monday."

McQueen spoke "The day I got arrested was a Saturday."

Ermes asks "Hm?"

McQueen asks "It's strange. You're saying something good that gives me courage, and your friend tried to help us connect, which I appreciate, but maybe you're using all those fine-sounding words because you're trying to save yourself and your friends, right?"

Ermes spoke "Well, that's part of it."

McQueen spoke "So you're acting like you care, but you're actually just trying to calm me down for the moment. The words you speak are not sincere, are they? So that's how you treat me. I should've known from the very start. No one wants to be with trash. But I'm worse than trash. My presence is invisible! You couldn't even find me to do me away properly!"

Ermes spoke "Whoa! Hold the brakes, man. Okay, I'll admit that the only reason I talked to you is because my friends and I wanna survive this. Right, we have to make you see. This "Pale Snake" son of a mare is only using you. He's taking advantage of your broken heart! But if you stop thinking about suicide, nothing will happen. He won't have power over you anymore. Maybe then, you'll stop thinking only about your damn self, which is exactly what you need, you cusshead!"

McQueen froze before tears started gently flowing from his eyes.

McQueen spoke "Jeez, you're so great. I mean it. Your heart spoke to me. You have me feeling so inspired now. It really shows a guy just how lucky he is. I'm getting the chance to meet an amazing person such as yourself right before the end."

The four of us gasped at what McQueen said, realizing this guy was a lost cause!

McQueen laughs "*Insanely* And for that I'd like to thank you! If I can make sure to die with you, then we can be together forever. I never realized I could be so happy!"

Ermes spoke "Grr! That evil little prick. He really has to be the most loathsome, corrupt son of a mare I've ever met!"

McQueen laughs "*Insanely* I never have to be lonely anymore!"

Ermes spoke "Jerk!!"

We leapt toward McQueen.

Ermes spoke "Don't even think about hitting that button!"

But McQueen pressed the button, electrocuting himself along with the four of us as propellers emerged all over the bodies on me and the girls with us screaming.

Ermes spoke "That was too close. That damned idiot. I was able to put a sticker on him."

We saw that McQueen had two heads.

Ermes spoke "The sparks from the electricity should burn it off. And when the sticker is burned off, then the object that the sticker split in two is gonna..."

The sticker fell off as it burned away.

Ermes spoke "Merge back together!"

The two heads merged back into one, cutting a cable, stopping the electricity as the stand disc ejected right out of McQueen's burnt unconscious head.

Ermes spoke "Damn it. The shock made me remember. This moron hid a bunch of money somewhere. Five grand. I'll take that money as payment, you jerk!"

A stand appeared beside Ermes.

Ermes spoke "And as for you... Pale Snake. I suffered a lot because of you. What the hell are you scheming? This power of mine will be called Smack. Besides, I need to see her. I've got questions, Jolyne Kujo."

A steel broom handle was aimed at the back of McQueen's head.

Desti spoke "Jerk."

Ermes groaned in annoyance as Smack withdrew.

Ermes spoke "Now I have to wash my mouth with mud."

The four mares all stare at Ermes with a disgusted look on their faces.

Ermes spoke "What? It’s to wash away that little stunt Honey pulled on me."

I spoke "That jerkwad nearly killed my unborn foal!"

Ermes spoke "You’re pregnant? Man. Talk about being lucky."

Six unicorn guards drag the unconscious McQueen away.

Desti spoke "That guy has serious problems."


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