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Zipp's Flying Lessons

*Zipp’s POV*

Man! Being able to fly for real is so awesome!

Rainbow spoke "So true!"

“Gah! How did you know I was thinking that?!” I asked my step-grandma in shock.

Rainbow spoke "I was the fastest Pegasus of my era."

“Oh.” I remembered.

Rainbow spoke "Besides, I can tell you have it bad for Polished."

Polished had sneezed, causing him to be knocked backwards and crashing into me since his element was air.

Rainbow giggles "Hehe! And speak of the hybrid."

Polished spoke "Oh shut up Skittles..."

Rainbow Dash just laughed. “I’m still surprised you're one of my little sister-figure’s kids.”

Polished spoke "And an airbender as well since both of my parents are."

Cherry soon had a black eye since she got punched by Posey.

Cherry whimpers "Nii-san..."

Polished gasps "Cherry?! What happened?!"

Cherry spoke "Posey hit me since I was well... different..."

Sunny spoke "Let me go talk to her, before something bad happens."

Polished asks "Uh… Are you sure?"

Sunny spoke "I'm the Alicorn of Unity, it's kinda my job to make sure everycreature gets along."

Alto was tussling with Melody.

Alto chuckles "Heehee! You can’t beat me!"

The half hedgehog half siren female catches Alto off guard by kissing him on the lips.

Alto was surprised but then closed his eyes, kissing Melody back as the two started making out.

Harmony giggles "Sneaky girl."

The two hybrids disappear through a warp ring.

I spoke "Well, that was weird..."

Sumarda showed up. “They used a Warp Ring and booked a room in the Chuddle Hotel. More specifically, they booked the Tropical Suite, it has shades, cool drinks, warm rays, palm trees, comfy luau beds and a pool that’s like the ocean itself.”

I spoke "Cool."

Sumarda spoke "Trust me, the kinds of rooms you’ll find at the Chuddle Hotel would blow your mind."

Twilight spoke "I suppose it varies with species too."

Sumarda spoke "I gotta be honest with you about that, it does sometimes. We just don’t want our guests to be in danger or anything."

Twilight spoke "I agree but with that mare still a threat to our peace, we have to be careful."

Sumarda spoke "Definitely."

Danyelle spoke "But if she got her hooves on dragonfire magic, who knows what could happen..."

But then we heard the sound of a jet, before somepony flew it. Somepony familiar.

The robotic mare asks "Where am I?"

Rainbow spoke "Woah... You sound like me but with a robotic tone..."

Danyelle spoke "I'm kinda familiar with the Robocop movie though..."

Robodash spoke "I am known as Robodash, the future of awesomeness and law enforcement."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, Nekomata of Redemption."

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn of Magic and Friendship."

Pinkinator showed up.

Robodash asks *To Pinkinator* Haven’t we done this before?"

Pinkinator spoke "My memory banks do not hold a previous encounter."

Robodash spoke "We have met. I am sure of it."

Tails spoke "I'm starting to think something is wrong with her memories."

A stallion asks "Hey, guys. What’s up?"

We turned around and saw an adult Nightwatch here.

Danyelle gasps "Oh my cuss! You're an alicorn!"

Nightwatch chuckles "Yeah. Who knew?"

Danyelle spoke "So far, we've got four alicorn stallions though one is half eleven tailed fox...."

A butter yellow dragoness spoke "Big bro!"

Buttercream flew in and gave Nightwatch a bear hug.

Nightwatch spoke "Heh. Good to see you too, Buttercream."

Midnight was chuckling.

Nightwatch asks "Thinking of something, Midnight?"

Midnight spoke "I'm not telling."

Nightwatch just smirked as he lifted an eyebrow.

Midnight spoke "It's not like I have a crush on a certain dark alicorn or anything."

That caught all of our attention at what Midnight said.

Midnight asks "What?"

Nightwatch chuckles "You slipped your tongue."

Midnight groans "It's bad enough her father was once an evil unicorn...."

Nightwatch spoke "And yet, you fell for her."

Midnight spoke "Yeah but she sees me as a monster..."

Nightwatch spoke "Well something tells me she’s not in her right mind."

Akari spoke "I think she went mad after her parents and older sister disappeared..."

Sonic gasps "What?!"

Danyelle spoke "I wasn't that close with Radiant though."

Midnight spoke "Regardless, stopping her isn't going to be easy."

Appletank showed up with a Granny Smith whose front legs were longer than normal, being a bit smaller too.

Appletank spoke "Howdy, y’all."

Danyelle spoke "Howdy Appletank, long time no see."

Appletank spoke "Yep. Although Ah can’t really die since Ah’m half dead, or half Yo-Kai for that matter."

Danyelle spoke "Immortal but I can still get killed.... Same for the other immortals."

Applejack spoke "Since ya look a lot like me, we could easily pass fer identical twins."

Appletank spoke "Anyway, this is the Granny Smith of mah world, Grannell Smith. Just don’t let her grab onto yer face or the truth comes out."

We were confused by that.

Danyelle spoke "Aside from my family, I don't like anyone touching me. I punted Ein through a wall five times since he never learned...."

Appletank spoke "We’ll let’s just hope Grannell Smith doesn’t get into any-"

We looked and saw that Grannell Smith was gone.

Appletank sighs "Trouble."

“Wow. For an old mare, she moves fast.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I know tracking spells, I tagged her with one when you weren't looking."

Appletank spoke "Well, we better find her quick before Maretime Bay becomes a hotpot o' exposed secrets and uncovered truths. Trust me on this when Ah say that such secrets can be devastatin' to say the least."

Danyelle spoke "Rarity, Pipp, Bella and I will search from the sky since we're the keenest. The others will look everywhere. Sonic can check Zephyr Heights. Last thing we need is magic failing AGAIN!"

Appletank spoke "Yeah, some secrets are best kept secret. So let’s get goin’!"

Once Danyelle gave the yowl, everyone scattered to find Grannell.

We looked and found Grannell Smith as she silently grabbed a barber's head who didn't notice.

Grannell Smith spoke "Tell tell, sweetie."

The barber spoke "Whoops, I really butchered this colt's mane."

A colt gasps "W-What?"

Appletank spoke "Grannell Smith!"

Grannell Smith giggled as she trotted off.

The barber stammers "Uh... *Nervously* W-Wow. It looks great."

The colt spoke "Don't even!"

Danyelle threw a Mystery type magic net on Grannell Smith, catching her while staying out of reach.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I played those Yokai Watch games despite not finishing them, I know what kind of net to use on each tribe of Yokai."

Appletank spoke "Real sorry about that. Grannell Smith has her mischief streaks every now and then. Yo-Kai have to inspirit the same way every creature have to sleep at that. It's kinda in their nature."

Grannell Smith spoke "Mighty sorry 'bout that. Tattletell instincts got the best o' me again."

Danyelle spoke "No worries, I may not be able to see actual Yokai since I lack the right kind of watch but my inner tenko makes up for that."

Appletank spoke "Well count yerself lucky that we're half Yo-Kai, that way anyone can see us if we wanna show ourselves."

Danyelle spoke "I've always had this aura that attracted powerful allies, it's pretty much how I ended up with Bass and Tsuki though. And I suppose Sunbold's also half Yokai too."

Appletank spoke "Yep. She's half Beelzebold. Those she inspirits turns into complete and total scaredy-cats. But who knows? Ya might even become friends with Lord Enma himself. *Whispers to Danyelle* And that's mah Celestia's husband, who's called Celestiapir, being a combo of Celestia and a Whapir."

Danyelle spoke "I'm one strange cat though. To you, I look like a winged version of Jibanyan though."

Appletank spoke "Yep. And he's still a fan o' that girl band."

To Appletank's surprise, three ghostly cats were spotted on Danyelle's head and shoulders.

Appletank gasps "W-What in tarnation?!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, I've had these three since their spirits made their way back to me when I was 27. The two Siamese toms are Tex and Rocky, the Ragdoll is Kikyo. But only I can see them since they were originally my pet cats."

Appletank spoke "...OH MAH SWIRLS!!!!!"

Kikyo facepaws before meowing "I swear... You remind me of Komasan..."

Appletank spoke "Oh. Sorry. Komasan and Komajiro are kinda livin' with me and mah family. *Blush*"

Grannell Smith giggled.

The Sianyan on Danyelle's left shoulder snickers "Somethin' tells me y'all have it bad fer Komajiro."

That caught Appletank off guard.

Grannell spoke "Heeheehee! Yer close, but Appletank actually has it real bad fer Komasan."

Appletank shouts "*Blushing more* GRANNELL!!!"

The other Sianyan snickers "Oh wow, I wonder how Koma Kaachan will react to that!"

Kikyo meows "Not to myention, Komami..."

Appletank was blushing so much that steam was coming out of her ears and the tank gun on her chest.

Danyelle spoke "Tex! Rocky! Kikyo! That wasn't very nice of you!"

All three meow "Sorry Alpha-Queen Danyelle..."

Grannell Smith spoke "Oh, don't mind them none, Danyelle. Yokai are prone to make mischief once in a while."

Danyelle spoke "They were the first three to join my hive-pack before I had even started it up. But Kikyo's been a Yokai a bit longer than the two toms."

But then a Rainbow Dash showed up with her Rainbow mane flowing upward a bit, having a bit of white in her mane and tail, her front hooves being paws, being able to stand upright, and had sky-blue flames in her eyes.

Appletank spoke "Rainbow Dasiro."

Rainbow Dasiro spoke "'Sup, Appletank."

Danyelle spoke "Now I've seen everything!"

Rainbow Dasiro spoke "Hey, guys! If ya don’t know already, I’m a fusion of Rainbow Dash and Siro. And I can bring the best out of any kind of creature or Yo-Kai."

Danyelle spoke "least these three cats don't cause trouble for others."


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