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Foal Me Once/ New Unicorn in Town/ Prime Time

Author's Note:

Major spoiler alert for those who have not watched Sonic Prime yet

*Hitch’s POV*

Ah, another day of duty, protecting Maretime Bay as its sheriff.

Pipp spoke "Hey Hitch."

“Hey, Pipp.” I greeted back before she nuzzled me.

Pipp spoke "I got a letter from your grandmother."

“Really?” I asked.

Pipp spoke "She wants to meet the mare that you're so smitten with."

“Are you sure?” I asked in concern.

Pipp spoke "Yes."

I soon notice a few dragon scales mixed in with the fur on Pipp's body.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

Pipp spoke "Do I have to spell it out for you? I was talking about myself."

“What happened?” I asked in concern.

Pipp spoke "As it turns out... I'm one third dragon... My dad's a dragon shifter."

“Dragon Shifter?” I asked in confusion.

Pipp spoke "Yeah... I think he got it from his dad."

“Man…” I awed with my mind being blown.

Honey and Izzy were having bit of a horn fight.

Pipp spoke "Not to mention... I feel sick...."

“Why?” I asked in confusion.

Pipp giggles "Well, I'm expecting a foal and it's yours."

I… I was speechless… Pipp and I were gonna be parents…

An earth mare trotted over.

The mare spoke "There's my awesome son!"

“Mom!” I said in excitement as my mom and I hugged each other.

Apple Butter spoke "I heard on the grapevine that I'm going to be a grandma soon."

“You heard right.” I smiled before I felt something strange on me.

Pipp asks "Hitch?"

“My back’s aching all of a sudden.” I groaned.

Apple Butter spoke "Oh, that must be your dragon blood surfacing."

“Wait-what?” I asked in confusion before dragon wings suddenly appeared on my mom’s back.

Spyro had crashed into a tree when he noticed Apple Butter's wings.

Apple Butter gasps "Spyro! Are you alright?"

Spyro spoke "Yeah, I'm tougher than I look since dragons are naturally thick headed."

A pink unicorn mare with a tail similar to Rarity's tail and a very curly mane was singing as she trotted along the streets.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

Pipp spoke "Never seen her before but she's got a great singing voice."

The new mare spoke "Kon'nichiwa!"

Spyro spoke "Someone better go get Zoey or Danyelle..."

Danyelle spoke "Already here."

Danyelle showed up.

Pipp spoke "Guess you haven't heard the news about Twilight's new foals yet..."

Danyelle exclaims "Wait, really?"

Pipp spoke "I heard it from Sunny though, Twilight had a filly named Peppermint Spice and a colt named Rocky Road. According to Twilight herself, she picked the colt's name because of the fact that you had mentioned that the rocky road ice cream was one of your favorite types of ice cream."

Danyelle spoke "*Blush* R-Really? Gee..."

Carrying the twins in her saddle bags, Twilight spoke "It's true Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Aww! Look at those cute little ponies! They're so adorable!"

Danyelle soon notices that Rocky had a chocolate brown body color.

The unicorn mare spoke "Kawaii!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh! Kon'nichiwa!"

The mare spoke "Watashinonamaeha Cyan."

Danyelle spoke "Watashinonamaeha Danyelle."

Cyan asks "Koko wa doko?"

Pipp, Spyro and I were rather confused at what the mare was saying.

Cyan spoke "Gomen, tabun watashi wa hokanohito to onaji gengo de hanasu hitsuyō ga arimasu."

Danyelle glances over towards Pipp and I.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, I'm self taught Neighponese."

Pipp and I spoke "Oh."

Switching to English, Cyan spoke "Sorry about that, my English not that good yet."

Pipp spoke "It’s okay."

Cyan spoke "I new in town, not know what to do."

Cyan's ears twitch just before she got tackle hugged by a female Golden Retriever Diamond dog into a pile of snow.

Cyan happily spoke "Retoree!"

Retoree's tail was wagging happily.

Retoree spoke "I missed you!"

Cyan spoke "Me too!"

Retoree catches Cyan off guard by kissing the mare on the cheek.

Nazuna giggles "Cute, right Michiru?"

Michiru giggles "Heehee! Yeah."

But then a strange yellow prism appeared.

Nazuna asks "What in the multiverse is that?"

But then a Sonic and Shadow appeared, but the blue hedgehog’s gloves and shoes looked more tech-advanced and they were rainbow-colored.

Prince Sonic asks "What the cuss?"

Maria was hiding behind her Shadow.

Other Sonic spoke "Shadow! Calm down!"

Other Shadow snaps "Calm down?! Our home doesn’t exist anymore! All because of your actions, trying to stop Eggman from getting that prism!"

Prince Sonic shouts "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!?"

“Wait… Is that me?” Other Sonic asked before he ran over to Prince Sonic and started looking over him. “Whoa! I look awesome! Do I look good or do I look good?”

Prince Sonic's wings flare out, surprising the Other Sonic.

Other Sonic spoke "Whoa! This just took awesome to a whole new level!"

But then a thud was heard as we saw Other Shadow unconscious.

Other Sonic asks "Shadow? You okay?"

Maria spoke "H-he saw me..."

Noticing the Prime Zone Shadow, Other Sonic spoke "Wait, another Shadow? Oh man, I think I’m starting to hallucinate."

Danyelle flew over with her nine kids following.

Danyelle spoke "Talk about seeing double..."

Other Sonic notices his gloves and shoes. “Whoa! Real colorful! Wait! My kicks are already lighting up! A fragment’s gotta be close!”

Danyelle growls "Out with it, what are these fragments?"

Other Sonic asks "Wait, am I in another universe? Not another reality?"

Danyelle spoke "Yes plus I've dealt with folks that had come from collapsed worlds a few times. Such as the Boomverse Knuckles for example."

Other Sonic spoke "Guess this place will be okay and still be here when I get the fragment back. *Grabs giant leaf* But I can’t touch it, otherwise poof! Back into the Shatterverse."

Nazuna was confused by what the other Sonic said.

Prince Sonic asks "Shatterverse?"

Other Sonic spoke "That’s what Nine called it. Tails Nine, but he’s also not Tails, and he has seven robotic tails he designed himself. Besides, these new gloves and shoes upgrades were also made by Nine."

Danyelle spoke "So a pseudo nine-tailed fox..."

Megaman spoke "We can help you find the last shard."

Prince Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Other Sonic spoke "Really?! That would be so awesome!"

Then Tails showed up.

Other Sonic spoke "Tails! Man! Am I glad to see you! Without you around, everything’s all… *babbles*"

Prince Sonic chuckles "Haha. Believe me, I know how you feel."

Other Sonic asks "Wait. Is it just me or do you look older?"

Tails spoke "Immortal actually, I blame my world's Sonic for that mess."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, immortality?"

Prince Sonic "Long story short, my dad's parents are immortal... Plus I'm one third wolf."

Other Sonic was so amazed and shocked, he fainted.

Maria drenches the other Sonic with water.

Other Sonic yelps "GAH!!! Thanks. But was that really necessary?"

Maria spoke "Yes, it was."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, is there an Amy around here?"

Danyelle spoke "You talking about Queen Amy? She's around somewhere."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, “Queen” Amy?"

Other Sonic looked at Prince Sonic.

Estelle hisses at Other Sonic.

Estelle spoke "That's my mom you're talking about."

Other Sonic asks "But who’s the dad?"

Thorax spoke "That would be me, I'm King Thorax."

Other Sonic asks "Uh, what are you?"

Danyelle spoke "He's a Changeling."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, don’t I know you from somewhere?"

Danyelle spoke "I think you have me mistaken for a different Danyelle."

Other Sonic spoke "Oh right! Danyelle the Winged Nekomata!"

But then I spotted something small and shadowy scurry by.

Danyelle spoke "In this world, I'm an Alpha-Queen."

Other Sonic spoke "Alpha-Queen, huh? Sounds like a big deal."

I followed after the small figures.

A burst of fiery light appeared before fading away, revealing a different version of Blaze.

Other Sonic gasps "Wha?! Moeru?!"

Moeru groans "Wh-where am I?"

The other Sonic hugged Moeru with tears. “I’m so glad you managed to escape like Shadow did…”

Moeru giggles "You baka.... I went looking for you..."

Moeru kissed the Other Sonic on the lips, surprising him.

Prince Sonic snickered at that.

Blaze pulled her husband's tail.

Prince Sonic spoke "Gah! Blaze, cut it out."

Blaze spoke "But Sonic...."

Prince Sonic asks "Yeah?"

Lance pelts his dad with a snowball.

Lance spoke "Perci did it!"

Prince Sonic spoke "Oh… It’s on now, you two!"

Perci spoke "Uh oh..."

The two hedgecats run away fast.

Prince Sonic started using his spin attack, becoming a giant snowball before he rolled over Lance and Perci.

The two had split off in different directions before Prince Sonic used the spindash.

But then Prince Sonic split kicked, sending two halves at the two hedgecats.

Perci teleported to dodge, causing the pile of snow to hit Jack instead.

Elsa giggles "Oh it is on!"

Jack chuckles "Hehe! Free for all!"

Meanwhile, I was still following the small shadowy figures.

I spot a yellow alicorn mare with a red mane and tail that was carrying baskets of apples with her magic.

“What the?” I gasped.

Applebloom spoke "Oh howdy Cousin Hitch."

“What the?” I gasped.

Applebloom spoke "Apple Peel was mah pa's younger twin sister but she went missing long ago.. Ah was just a foal back then... When Spike's parents showed up, they had a newborn foal with them but Cynder had no idea what ta do with her but thankfully... Mrs Cake helped out with Apple Butter since she had Pound and Pumpkin Cake."

“Wait… Wouldn’t that make you my aunt?” I noticed.

Applebloom spoke "Apple Butter and I are first cousins, you and Apple Spice are second cousins. But Braeburn and the others are all cousins too. Plus there's a buffalo or two in the clan."

“Really?” I asked.

Apple Bloom spoke "Yeah. Braeburn married Chief Thunderhooves’ daughter, Strongheart."

Lance chuckles "It came as a rather big shocker during the Apple Family Reunion."

Apple Bloom giggles "Hehe. Yeah. But Ah ain’t never seen Braeburn so happy, so we were happy with that."

Lance chuckles "She ain't so little now though."

“How big are we talking here?” I asked in confusion.

Applebloom spoke "Bout the size of an adult buffalo."

A grown up Strongheart was heard laughing at her husband since he had gotten covered in a pile of snow.

Lance spoke "Howdy Strongheart!"

Applebloom asks "Ya okay Braeburn?"

Braeburn chuckles "Hahaha! Ya bet Ah am!"

Much to Braeburn's surprise, Applebloom was an alicorn.

Braeburn gasps "Whoa nelly! When did ya become an alicorn?!"

Applebloom spoke "Just before the New Year."

Braeburn spoke "Hoowee! That's a bit of a doozy!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah heard a rumor that the Huntverse version of me beat up a Draconequus with twittermites."

Strongheart snickers "Really?"

Applebloom spoke "Yeah! And another version o' me beat up Thanatos, the Spirit of Death, who was her Discord's brother."

Lance spoke "Don't forget about Waspeye."

Applebloom spoke "Right! He's also known as Apple Wasp in Chameleo's universe, plus he's actually married to the counterpart of me in that universe."

Apple Spice spoke "Not ta mention, great grandmother freaked out when I was born."

But then a familiar unicorn mare showed up. "'Sup, guys!"

Applebloom spoke "Howdy, Bayonetta!"

Prince Sonic spoke "It's been a while Bayo."

Bayonetta spoke "Come on, Sonic! You're talking about my mom. I'm just supposed to use the family name."

Prince Sonic spoke "My bad."

Bayonetta spoke "Besides, I'm letting you call me Bayonetta so no one confuses me for Spike's little sis."

Danyelle spoke "Vio! It's great to see you again!"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Hehe! I'm back! It's showtime, baby!"

Danyelle asks "How are your parents?"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "They're doing great."

Twilight spoke "A lot has happened over the years. From being stuck in limbo for 200 years to gaining three adorable granddaughters, having two more children, mastering the body double skill so that I don't get another headache if Matatabi uses the word on Kurama..."

Sunny, Honey and Izzy blush at what Twilight said.

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Dang."

But then the doll on the handle of Bayonetta's sword started wiggling on its own.

Twilight spoke "On top of being immortal as well..."

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Whoa…"

Twilight spoke "Yeah, a lot has changed since."

The doll shook again.

Bayonetta (Viola) asks "Huh? What is it, Cheshire?"

The doll shook once more.

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "A sword that’s actually a demon? That’s new."

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Cheshire can sense demons. If you don’t take my word for it…"

Bayonetta (Viola) drew her katana and stabbed in in the ground before the doll on the handle transformed into a giant cat demon.

Zoey spoke "There's no demons in my ancestry."

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "I dunno. Maybe an ancestor of yours was turned into a demon and changed back to a Mobian."

Zoey spoke "All of my ancestors on my dad's side were Mobian cats, my mom's a Pegasus though."

Danyelle spoke "That hand demon said that it had killed foxes...."

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Cheshire said that’s what the hand demon called them because of the fox-shaped warding masks they wore."

Zoey spoke "Oh."

MIchiru spoke "My parents were human, same with all of my ancestors but I think my tenth great grandmother was a tanuki..."

Danyelle asks "That aside, do you know anything about a Paradox Prism?"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Sorry, but can’t say that I have."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe I could ask the other Smashers about it..."

But then the small shadowy figures ran by me again!

Zoey asks "What the cuss were those?!?"

“I don’t know. But I’m gonna find out.” I declared as I started following them again.

Zoey spoke "I'll go with you, my Neko Blades are rattling again..."

“You sure?” I asked in concern.

Zoey spoke "Yes, those things could be Heartless though and only a person with a keyblade can destroy them. Although... Haru destroyed one despite not having a keyblade."

I ask "Heartless?"

Zoey sighs "Sora! Get your butt over here and explain what a heartless is!"

But then a Pegasus stallion crashed on the ground before a beautiful alicorn mare showed up with him.

Zoey asks "Uh...?"

Sora asks "Zoey? Don’t you remember us?"

Zoey spoke "Course I remember you Sora."

Zoey's ears twitch before she started growling.

Danyelle growls "Shatterverse Eggman, SHOW YOURSELF!!!"

A giant battleship appeared before something jumped off of it, much to Danyelle’s horror.

A portal opened up before a battle scarred Danyelle rams head first into Rust Rose.

New Yoke City Danyelle hisses "I got you now Rusty Rose!"

Alpha-Queen Danyelle gasps "What the?!"

But then Rust head-butted New Yoke City Danyelle before she punched her away.

Rust Rose spoke "Resistance is futile. Doomed to failure."

New Yoke Danyelle fired metallic feathers at Rusty since the battle scarred nekomata's wings were both robotic.

But Rust just swatted them away.

Alpha-Queen Danyelle asks "What is going on here?!"

Tails Nine soon showed up.

Nine spoke "My sister and I have been fighting against the Chaos Council for five years but we barely made a dent in their plans. Rust ripped Dany's wings off in a fight though so I had to work fast to save her flight."

Danyelle spoke "W-What?! But that’s Amy! She wouldn’t hurt you guys!"

Rust spoke "Birdie would disagree."

Rust tapped her chest, opening up to reveal a weak Flicky, much to Danyelle’s horror.

New Yoke Danyelle hisses "That's not the Amy I remember!"

Rust spoke "Survival required adaption. So the only logical choice was cybernetic enhancement."

A loud screech was heard as a hawk-like Flicky attacks Rust.

To the surprise of Nine and Dany, Thorn shows up with the Scavengers and the Angel's Voyage pirate crew.

No Place Danyelle's wings were the same color as a parrot.

Alpha-Queen Danyelle’s jaw dropped in shock.

A blast of magic hits Rust since a one-winged version of Twilight was seen beside Dread.

Nine spoke "I put a call out to a few other worlds, asking for help."

Dany spoke "And trust me, they were surprised to meet us, especially Mangey and Furry."

Kurama leaps out of Twilight's shadow before growling at Rust.

But then Rust’s red eye went out as she somehow shut down.

When we looked up, the airship was gone completely.

Alpha-Queen Danyelle growls "Something's not right...."

Our Shadow, Maria and Eggman showed up, but the robot was suddenly a flesh and blood Mobian now.

New Yoke Thorax soon shows up.

Rax gasps "Rust!"

Eggman spoke "Hmm… If Rust’s anything like the Cyber Lin-Kuei I was told about, she can turn on the Council."

Eggman opened up Rust’s back and started working on her.

Eggman spoke "I’m going to disable the behavior inhibitors controlling her."

Prince Sonic spoke "Last thing we need is an AWOL cyborg."

Rust’s eyes started glowing as Eggman closed her back.

Eggman spoke "It will take some time before she wakes up."

Rax spoke "Then she'll probably want a familiar face to wake up to."

But then Rust groaned as she held her head in a bit of pain.

Rax asks "Rust?"

Rust stammers "R-Rax? Is that you?"

Rax hugs Rust while crying.

Rust asks "Rax? What’s going on?"

Rax spoke "You turned against the rebels... and nearly broke my heart...."

Rusty spoke "What do you mean, Rax? I wouldn’t-"

Rusty noticed her new body and looked at herself.

Rusty spoke "No. I remember now. They ripped out my heart, replacing that with Birdie. Made me a machine. And brainwashed me."

Rax spoke "They killed our child as well..."

A gray furred Mobian she-wolf with blue eyes was heard screaming since she had been grabbed by a robot.

Renee screams "RITA!!!!"

Out of nowhere, an auburn blur rams into the robot thus saving Rita in the process.

Prince Sonic spoke "*impressed whistle* I didn't see that coming!"

Blaze spoke "Especially from him."

Prince Sonic spoke "Guess it must have been from all those times I had chased after him."

Moeru spoke "Any Sonic would say the same thing."

Rita was clinging to the auburn blur since she was afraid.

Renee growls "That Chaos Council has gone TOO FAR!!!"

Gadget spoke "Babe, calm down."

Renee growls "They nearly killed my sister..."

Zoey was growling as well since she was mad at the Chaos Council.

Anzu soon showed up to help.

Even Yuri, Estelle and Geo arrive.

Much to Alpha-Queen Danyelle's surprise, Sakura Showron's spirit shows up.

OG Sakura spoke "Long time no see Danyelle."

Alpha-Queen Danyelle stammers "S-Sakura? Is that… Really you?"

OG Sakura spoke "Yeah, I may be dead but I had reincarnated."

Danyelle was silent for a few seconds, before she started crying oceans, which was a lot!

OG Sakura was also crying.

Kurama snarls since he heard something coming.

But when we prepared ourselves for another attack, we only saw the little animal that are fans of me.

OG Sakura giggles "He reminds me of Fluttershy."

Danyelle agreed with happy tears. “I know, right?”

Kurama spoke "But that Chaos Council is dangerous... If they attack a Tailed Beast village..."

Anzu spoke "That’s bad news for everyone."

Midnight growls "Cuss yeah it is!"

But then Anzu’s nichirin sword started shaking.

Omega-Xis spoke "Something's not right...."

Zoey's keyblades as well as Danyelle's keyblade and nichirin sword were rattling.

Anzu asks "What’s going on?"

Zoey spoke "I don't know Anzu but something bad is about to happen..."

Danyelle and Twilight's cutie marks along with Sonic's guard mark were glowing as Zoey's fur heated up.

Kurama spoke "Talk about timing..."

Alpha-Queen Danyelle asks "But what's the mission?"

Prince Sonic spoke "It seems that fourth shard has been found... It's in the Nine Tailed Beast Village."


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