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Hollow Memories

*Spottedleaf's POV*

After getting some info, we went back into the TM.

Emerald spoke "...Huh? It's snowing."

Shima spoke "Oh, you're right... Huh? This is..."

Sunao spoke "This isn't snow. These are flower petals."

But then we heard Marie's voice. "Listen...
To my voice...
My shouting, bellowing voice...
Here I am
Pouring my blood into my words
Yelling at the very edge of the world...
I am the little mermare...
Unable to return, the little mermare...
Fated to foam, the little mermare..."

Karei spoke "...Is that Marie-chan's voice? She sounds so sad..."

I look at the flower petals.

I spoke "These look like cherry blossom petals..."

But when Seiko and Miran approached the entrance to the labyrinth, Karei let out a warning. "Be careful, Senpais. I'm getting some bad vibes from here..."

Both of my personas appear suddenly.

I spoke "Bast and Amaterasu sense it too."

Seiko spoke "Well, I know we can get through this."

My fur bristles up right after hearing a thunderous roar.

I ask "Did you guys hear that?"

Teddie asks "Huh? Hear what?"

I spoke "A thunderous roar..."

Danyelle spoke "I heard it, but there's absolutely nothing."

I spoke "I could have sworn I heard a tiger..."

We went into the labyrinth before we heard a voice from somewhere. "Where am I going, you ask?
Don't ask stupid questions.
I don't need a map.
I throw away my compass.
My heart will show me the way.
I walk by myself.
Am I not lonely, you ask? Yeah, right!
I scorn the company of my own shadow.
Why don't you try and hold me down?
I will die magnificently in front of you.
No one can break my wings.
I don't need anything.
I just walk by myself."

Karei spoke "That was Marie-chan's voice... Hey! No way! Senpai, look! All of our items are gone!"

Karei was right, every single of our items suddenly vanished, but we still had our weapons.

Karei spoke "Marie-chan just said, "I don't need anything. I just walk by myself..." No way... This place is being affected by Marie-chan's denial...? Senpai, you and everyone else be careful! This place is definitely strange! I can't put my finger on it, but I've been having a bad feeling ever since we got here..."

I spoke "Yeah and even our permanent items are gone! My dress, Teddie's suit, even Danyelle's clothes are gone!"

But to me and Danyelle's surprise, Teddie and Heifa were still in their bear and cow suits.

Teddie spoke "Oh, right. Forgot to tell ya that the suits that Heifa and I are wearing are actually our real forms."

Heifa spoke "Yeah, I'm a cow-bull combo while Ted's a bear, even though I look like an odd minotaur about his size."

Looking at Heifa, I ask "When you said odd minotaur, you mean human?"

Heifa spoke "No, I mean oddly-shaped minotaur."

I spoke "Just be careful though..."

My right ear twitches suddenly.

I spoke "Those with wings, stay on the ground or you'll get electrocuted!"

Danyelle spoke "Right!"

I spoke "Something is fast approaching but it's not Azure!"

We kept an eye out as we approached a gate, made by a divine bead with ropes that have white tags as the ropes were attached to floating coffins.

Karei: Huh? I don't see any Shadows there... Wait, that's not what I meant. There ARE Shadows. I can feel them, but I don't see them...

Seiko, Miran, Danyelle and I burned the bead, opening the gate before Shadows appeared, ambushing us as Karei brought out Kanzeon and scanned one of the three Shadows.

Karei spoke "Gimme a sec, I'll do a quick scan. It's weak to light! Beat it with divine punishment!"


A blast of divine lightning hits the shadow that Karei had scanned, wiping it out.

Karei spoke "And since those other two Shadows are the same as the one she destroyed, they're weak to light too!"

Suddenly, the other two shadows exploded in a chain reaction from the first one.

Karei asks "...What just happened?"

Danyelle spoke "That felt more like a Divine Lightning Neko Roar! Maybe that could be why those other two shadows exploded."

Karei asks "Oh. But I get it now... The Shadows can attack when you cut the rope here. Senpais, stay alert! Huh? Hold on! Everyone's spirit is really depleted... Why...? Why are you guys so exhausted?"

Actually, I was feeling really tired.

Danyelle spoke "S-something is draining our energy..."

Karei spoke "Well, we gotta be careful for when we fight from here on out in this labyrinth, since I think battling in this one exhausts you guys more than normally."

Danyelle spoke "It feels like curse magic...."

We kept moving forward before fighting more Shadows after we opened another gate, but somehow, we felt refreshed.

Karei spoke "Hey Senpais, have you noticed? You regain spirit during battle. Maybe you can use that to stay ahead in the battles to come. I wish you could recover a little more, though..."

Danyelle was carrying me on her back since I was exhausted.

I spoke "I'm also limiting the usage of the Divine Lightning Neko Roar since I run the risk of losing my voice permanently if I overdo it."

Karei spoke "Probably for the best."

We kept going before encountering more Shadows after opening another gate as we beat them.

Karei asks "You could fight while waiting to recover, but it's pretty tiring if all the battles are gonna be like this. What can we do...?"

Danyelle spoke "I could call in back up from the OC-verse, my counterpart's quite strong. I've heard rumors that she's an Alpha-Queen now."

We soon got to another gate and opened it, before we battled a large Shadow and defeated it as we saw the stairs.)

Karei spoke "Oh! I know, Senpais! Why don't you make sure to use the items you get from treasure chests and beating Shadows? Check and see if you have anything you can use!"

Come to think of it, we did find and open some treasure chest. We also got some loot and items from beating Shadows. I wonder if we have anything that could re-energize us.

The sound of yowling and some howling was heard.

I was getting nervous, but we went to the next floor before we heard Marie's voice. "You are a murderer.
By your silent smile,
by your composed voice,
By your dark eyes,
by your bashful fingers I am slain.
I am a corpse.
Foolish, wretched, happy.
Surely, I'll simply rot away...
Because you killed me..."

Karei asks "Huh? I can see Shadows here... Where are we...? What's with this place...?"

Danyelle growls "My guess is that she's trying to force us out."

"I'm not sure, they sound more like parts of some kind of poem. I don't think we can get out of this labyrinth either, so this is a one-way trip." I noted as Miran looked concerned about Marie.

We made it through the floor and reached the next set of stairs.

Winter spoke "I have a bad feeling about all of this."

We went down to the next floor before we heard Marie's voice again. "For mornings when I can't see you
Spicy mint tea...
For brunch a marmalade muffin.
A touch of bitter fits my mood.
A sigh is stardust.
It's like our own Milky Way.
I can't catch up tp your distant back.
Look! Twilight creeps up on us.
The distance to you
is like an eternal night...
An eternal pre-dawn..."

Karei asks "Hey, Senpai... What is all this stuff Marie-chan's saying? What does it mean?"

Seiko spoke "It may be her poems."

Miran spoke "Yeah, I gotta agree."

Karei spoke "I see, Marie-chan's poems... Maybe it's because of this place... but I feel that these words have some deeper meaning..."

Danyelle spoke "It feels more like a song..."

"Poems are like silent songs." I simplified.

Danyelle uses her magic to open a portal thus pulling Adagio through by the tail.

Adagio asks "What was that for furbrain?"

Danyelle asks "Know anything about this song?"

Adagio spoke "Yeah, it tells the tragic tale of a mermare that fell in love with an earth pony stallion but she couldn't tell him what she really was or she'd turn into seafoam..."

"Uh, you sure that's a good idea, bringing Adagio here?" I asked.

Adagio spoke "Watch it Spots, I've been alive longer than you have been."

"But there might be-" I tried to warn before we heard dark laughter.

Adagio growls back at the voice.

We looked ahead to see... Shadow Adagio, and her eyes were golden like other Shadows of others.

Adagio spoke "This is bad..."

Danyelle spoke "And it just got worse... I smell alicorn and it's not of the Alliance..."

Shadow Adagio laughs "Hehehe, that's right, and she's gonna kill herself."

Adagio snaps as she flew at her shadow with her fangs on fire, clamping down hard on the darker siren's throat.

Shadow Adagio spoke "You know this won't kill me, and you know who I am, Adagio Dazzle."

Adagio growls "If Flintfur can accept his own shadows, then SO CAN I!!!"

Shadow Adagio laughs "HAHAHAHA!!! Oh really? Then did you know you to kill that old fart, Starswirl, the moment he came back?"

Adagio froze at that in shock.

Danyelle snarls "LIAR! Starswirl's still kicking!"

Adagio spoke "*Fearfully* No... You're lying...!"

Shadow Adagio spoke "Why so afraid? Don't wanna face the truth? This is why the fog keeps coming, 'cause you don't wanna admit the truth."

Adagio spoke "STOP! You're... You can't be me!"

Shadow Adagio laughed as she transformed into a siren.

Shadow Adagio spoke "I am a Shadow, the true self... Come watch and hear my performance! Listen to the Song of Blissful Ignorance!"

Shadow Adagio attacked us with fire and ice attacks.

Danyelle sets me down before using an ancient spell that was thought to be lost to the ages, transforming into a siren with catlike features.

Danyelle strikes Shadow Adagio with Frost and Blaze attacks, countering the dark siren's attacks.

The battle went on for a while, but Danyelle won as Shadow Adagio was Adagio's current golden-eyed form, silent and still.

Danyelle spoke "You severely underestimated this cat!"

“Dany, calm down. Now Dagi has to take care of the rest.” I informed.

Danyelle looks at herself in a pond.

Danyelle spoke "Woah.... Is this a form of lost magic? It's awesome."

Danyelle flexes her paws, causing the claws to slide out before sliding back in.

But then Danyelle realized something. “How do I change back?”

I spoke "Don't look at me but Ben is gonna flip if he sees you like this!"

Adagio managed to accept herself as her Shadow suddenly transformed into a card before it went into her.

Danyelle spoke "I should probably ask Starswirl about siren magic... Seeing as though I have no idea how to turn back."

Adagio: That might be hard."

Danyelle spoke "Least I still have my wings, magic and immortality."

We soon got to the next floor before hearing Marie’s voice again. “Hey…
How long you gonna wear that ugly mask?
You know you ain’t got the guts for this task.
Cover yourself with paint
You’re actin’ like you ain’t
Afraid of whatcha got in store for your fate
You think you got me? Well, that’s too bad!
‘Cuz I ain’t stupid enough to get had!
So drop the pathetic act
I wanna dance and that’s a fact
I am a clown.
A pathetic clown dancing forever.

Karei asks "…Senpais. Marie-chan created this place, right? Look over there. That’s the Junes sign, isn’t it? I see other stuff from the shopping district here and there. …What does this all mean?"

It’s a great question as I did see parts of Junes and other places from the shopping district around the labyrinth.

Danyelle spoke "I may not have the same power as my OC-verse counterpart but I can tell that these places are special to Marie."

We kept moving before he fought and beat a king Shadow. After that, we went to the next floor, hearing Marie's voice once more. "The hated.
Cold things.
Living a lie.
People wearing a mask of deceit.
...That is me.
...And that is you.
The liked.
Warm things.
Living a straightforward life.
Kind people who engulf everything.
...That is you."

Miran definitely looked concerned now, as his big brother Seiko, became worried too.

Karei spoke "Senpais, are you all right? It looks like we still have a way to go. Don't let your guard down!"

Danyelle stays on full alert, as does Adagio.

We made it through and got to the next floor, before we heard Marie's voice again. "The fallen angel is chained down.
Her wings torn off, eroded by prejudice,
her last breaths full of black despair...
Do you know her name?
Will she eventually return to nothing,
forced into the realm of oblivion...?
Her requiem will become a roar
And tear away the mask of hypocrisy!
You should know her name, she who closes
her eyes and dozes off into a dream..."

Karei asks "Hey, Senpai... You said that Marie-chan found the memories that she'd forgotten, right?"

Seiko spoke "That's right."

Karei spoke "So... then, this place is her memory? That's... That's sad, but I can't explain how..."

Danyelle asks "We just have to show her how awesome she is! Right Seiko?"

We moved forward and got to the next floor, before we heard Marie's voice again. "Release yourself!
From desire! From impulse!
Release yourself!
Your heart's voice! Your internal scream!
In exchange for a lost voice!
Grab hold of proof of your life!
And with that proof in your heart,
come with me..."

Danyelle tail slaps a shadow thus sending it flying.

We moved forward before we saw a silhouette of an alicorn in front of a gate, wearing a red and white attire that included a hood over its head with her back towards us.

Emerald spoke Look...! There's somebody over there!"

We got to the alicorn as we noticed the alicorn being a mare.

The mare asks "Who's there...?"

Kaze asks "That voice... Marie-chan? We've been looking for you... What's with that getup? Something wrong?"

Kiko asks "Marie-chan?"

We moved toward Marie before she suddenly said, "Stay back...!"

Miran spoke "Marie, let's go home."

Seiko spoke "Yeah, we've come for you."

Shima asks "That's right, Marie-chan. We're all here to take you back home. Come on, let's go, okay?"

Marie turned towards us with shadows over her eyes. "I have no home. You don't get it..." Marie sighed as she lifted her face, revealing her left eye to be the same as the Ameno-Sagiri!

Kanji spoke "Dude... That eye..."

Marie asks "I can't believe it... Why'd you come? Why?"

Emerald spoke "Marie-chan, listen. We don't know what memories have come back to you, or how bad they are. But nothing good's gonna happen if you lock yourself away in here!"

Kochuu spoke "We know we're annoying right now, but we want to help you."

Marie spoke "*Shakes her head* Annoying... That's one word for it. You thought I was in danger, didn't you? That I might get killed by the Shadows. ...It'd be better that way. This is a grave... my grave. I'm going to die here."

Miran spoke "We won't let you do that. Don't be ridiculous!"

Seiko spoke "That's right, and we're here to stop you."

Karei spoke "Yeah, Senpai and Miran are right. We won't let that happen to you!"

Marie spoke "Shut up! You don't know anything!"

Heifa spoke "Marie..."

Teddie spoke "Emmy-chan..."

Marie spoke "Emmy, Marie... Neither of those is my name! I remember... I remember everything. My real name is "Kusumi-no-Okami." You guys fought Kunino-Sagiri and Ameno-Sagiri, right? I'm the same as them. I'm your enemy, one of the ones who covered your town and world with fog."

That shocked us to no end.

Emerald gasps "Marie-chan... is our... enemy? N-No way!?"

Goryuu spoke "This has gotta be a joke!"

Kaze spoke "You serious...? Kunino-Sagiri and Ameno-Sagiri were those..."

Seiko spoke "Fog monsters."

Teddie spoke "I remember them, too! They're those guys that came out from Hidzumy-baby and that Shokubutsu stallion!"

Kanji gasps "That's what you remember!?"

Marie spoke "...That's right. Sneaking into the living world... Sensing the will of life... My role was to inform the Sagiri what the "wish of the living" was. That's why I'm the only one of them that looks like a pony. ...Even without my memory, my body fulfilled my role. In your words, I'm a spy."

Karei asks "You were spying without knowing it...?"

Shima spoke "That's so cruel..."

Marie spoke "Do you understand now? Plus... I'll tell you something good. If I don't die, then your world will disappear. So... don't come chasing me."

Marie turned away before she completely vanished without a trace as we went to the gate.

Shima spoke "Marie-chan...!"

Kanji asks in a worried tone "Our world'll... disappear?"

Sunao spoke "What does she mean by that...? We know that she's one of those monsters like the one that came from within Hidzume-san and Shokubutsu... ...She may have a valid reason for shutting herself in this area."

Emerald spoke "Now's not the time for deduction! She IS trying to kill herself! We can't leave her like this!"

Seiko spoke "At any rate, let's hurry."

Miran spoke "That's right, we're rescuing Marie."

Sunao spoke "Yes. Either way, we cannot leave her be. ...Let us hurry."

We went in front of the gate as Karei sighed. "Again...? Does she really want us to not come after her that much? Is that what she really thinks? But we've come this far. We're not going to let her have her way here. Right, Senpais!?"

"Yeah!" Danyelle and I agreed.

Karei spoke "Are you ready? When you cut this rope, you'll be attacked by Shadows!"

Danyelle whacks Marie across the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "Wake up and smell the coffee will you? We're not leaving you behind!"

But then Marie vanished again as Danyelle was surrounded by Shadows on all sides.

Danyelle sends out a blast of Radiant energy, forcing the shadows to vanish.

Danyelle spoke "You know what they say... Demons run when a good man goes to war!"

Soon, the others and I caught up with Danyelle before we went to the next floor. Then we heard Marie's voice once more. "I am the queen.
This world belongs to me. I don't need anyone else.
My world is already complete.
I am the queen.
This false world belongs to me.
The lonely queen...
No one knows the real me.
Don't take away my cape.
Because underneath, I am nothing.
Don't chase after me.

Karei spoke "...Marie-chan said that she needs to die or our world'll disappear, huh...? Senpai... What would you d-Sorry... I shouldn't ask you or Miran that at a time line this... This isn't the time for this kind of thinking! Marie-chan is trying to die; we can't leave her like that! Right, Senpais!? Let's go!"

I spoke "If our world disappears, then the EG world also disappears!"

Danyelle spoke "I have a feeling my counterpart's already looking for Marie's counter part with Yu and the others, doing the same thing we're doing."

We got through and went to the next floor, before hearing Marie's voice. "Do you not get it yet?
This is the day the world changes.
The unprepared will be left behind.
I am already ready.
There is nothing I can do anymore.
If you're scared, close your eyes.
Shut that gibberish-spouting mouth.
I'm going.
To a world that you don't know.
To a world where you can't go.
Let's meet again..."

Karei spoke "Oh, I can feel her... Marie-chan's close! Senpais, just a little more! Let's go!"

Winter spoke "Agreed! Alicorn or not, we're NOT letting her die!"

All of us nodded in agreement as we got through the floor and took the final set of stairs, reaching a pathway to some kind of dome.

Karei spoke "We're here, Senpais! Marie-chan is up ahead!"

We moved forward towards the dome's entrance and went inside, seeing more gateways as we saw a room just up ahead.

Karei spoke "Senpais, are you ready? Here we go!"

Winter lets out a chilling howl as she lead the group into the room.

We got into the room as we saw Marie.

Emerald spoke "There she is...! Marie-chan!"

Marie got up and turned towards us. "Why...? Why do you come? Why? I told you I'm your enemy... That you don't need to bother with me. Why did you come this far...?"

Seiko and Miran spoke "To save you."

Marie spoke "Haha, I see... You're still searching for the truth, aren't you. Sorry, I forgot. But I'm tired. I... I just want to end it all."

Kanji growls "Shut up! You know what that means!? You think we're just gonna lie down and let you do that!?"

Goryuu spoke "Not a chance!"

Sunao spoke "Marie-san, please listen. Even if you are one of those creatures, that's still no reason for you to end your own life. The two Sagiri have been defeated. That means you're-"

Marie asks "Free? Is that what you think?"

Kochuu spoke "Honestly, yeah."

Marie spoke "That's not true... I'm not like you. I don't have freedom."

Seiko asks "What do you mean?"

Miran asks "Aren't you free?"

Marie spoke "I told you already. If I don't die, then your world will disappear... Our role was more than simply to find out the wishes of the living. Our true role... is to control the fog and bring that wish to fruition."

Karei asks "Control the fog?"

Marie spoke "Don't you think it's strange that the fog never went away? That it lasted for months? ...The Sagiri created the fog, and I absorbed it. The fog that changes living beings to Shadows."

Kiko asks "Huh?! Seriously?!"

Kaze spoke "W-Wait! Then... The reason the fog cleared was..."

Marie spoke "...That's right. When Ameno-Sagiri was defeated, the fog covering your town and world was no longer needed. Then I heard a voice... and all the fog flowed into me. The fog isn't gone. Even now, it's raging inside me..."

Emerald asks "No way... So the fog isn't gone after all that!? It's just in you now!?"

Marie spoke "When my mind is completely overpowered by the fog, I will disappear, taking the fog and the Hollow Forest with me. I am... "A being destined for nonexistence." That's the memory that came back to me. ...The world will be saved."

Miran spoke "We won't let you do that."

Seiko spoke "So that's the reason you hid."

Sunao spoke "Yes... Now we know the true reason why she hid herself in the Hollow Forest. ...Of course, I cannot agree with the conclusion she's drawing."

Kochuu spoke "Me neither."

Kanji spoke "Hell no! She's saying that we can only have world peace in exchange for her life!? Screw that!"

Goryuu spoke "Yeah, that's seriously messed up!"

Marie spoke "That's why...! That's why I left! Because there's no point in seeing you...! We'll just hurt each other! ...It's okay. It's all okay. I've already made enough memories of my own... Fun... Happy... Memories... If you're not going to leave now, then I'll have to make you leave by force. Please, just understand..."

Marie began flapping her wings, taking flight as we readied to defend ourselves.

Kaze asks "Dammit! Why did it end up like this!? Seiko, Miran, what're we gonna do!?"

Seiko and Miran spoke "We're stopping her."

Emerald: O-Okay! We're saving her! If we give up here, then why the hell did we even bother coming all this way!?"

Goryuu spoke "We're gonna do this!"

Shima: Yeah! We're not going to let anyone else suffer from that fog! We have to do it!"

Seiko and Miran spoke "Let's go!"

"...Yeah!" The rest of us agreed as we readied ourselves for battle.

Marie asks "I don't want you to suffer anymore. ...Why don't you understand!?"

Karei spoke "Senpai, everyone, we can't lose here. The peace we've earned shouldn't come at the cost of anyone's life. We've cleared the world of the fog... And now we're getting rid of it for good!"

Sunao spoke "We cannot back down here. We must get her to listen to us!"

Marie spoke "Here goes... This is for your own good!"

Lightning struck us.

But since Danyelle and I had immunity to lightning, we were powered up instead.

Danyelle spoke "But you forget one detail, I NEVER GIVE UP ON MY FELLOW ALICORNS!!! OR MY FRIENDS!!!"

Danyelle and I flew at Marie, pinning her down.

But then Marie sent out an almighty blast that sent me and Danyelle flying off her before I noticed her sad eyes. It was clear that have to stand our ground, guard ourselves and stay awake. We survived the attacks, much to Marie's frustration.

Marie spoke "Why...? Why do you still come!? All you have to do is abandon me!"

Marie definitely look bewildered as we kept protecting ourselves from her attacks.

Marie spoke "This sucks... Why don't you understand!? Just give up!"

We could see that Marie's will to fight was weakening as she looked at us in heartbreak.

Kanji retorts "Huh, how's that, ya punk!? Now are ya gonna listen to us!?"

Marie asks "Why... Why!? It doesn't matter what happens to me... You're all stupid... Hurting yourselves like that. If my death keeps you from being happy, what am I dying for!?"

Teddie and Heifa spoke "Don't say you're going to die!"

Teddie spoke "Don't worry. It'll be okay. Heifa and I used to be just Shadows, too. But even we could change... Emmy-chan, you have to believe!"

Marie was silent.

Seiko spoke "It's just as Teddie says."

Miran spoke "Believe in us."

Marie spoke "...What good comes of belief? You save me, and your world is going to disappear! Is that what you want!? That's what it means when you tell me you want me to live!"

That caught us off guard.

Marie spoke "I look so stupid... Afraid of living off borrowed life, afraid to disappear... Thinking that maybe I could remember something, and then I'd have a life worth living! It's funny... I remember now. I already have a role... and it's to disappear! I shouldn't have ever remembered... It would've been better if I'd never remembered!"

Karei spoke "Marie-chan..."

But then fog started appearing around Marie as she yelled in pain. "Ugh...!"

Kanji asks "What's wrong!?

Marie? spoke "That's right... There is no need for the truth. Ignorance is bliss... There will be no pain if you never try to find out..."

Shima spoke "That voice... That's not Marie-chan!"

Kiko spoke "Oh no!"

Kaze spoke "Is that what she meant by "her mind being overpowered"!? Hey! Snap out of it!"

We were about to move forward before Marie yelled out, "Don't come near me! Go home! Please, just go home! All you losers... You just don't know when to quit. I never should've met any of you! *To Seiko and Miran* Especially you two. I hate you...!"

Seiko and Miran however, just smiled at that.

Seiko asks "You sure about that?"

Miran spoke "You know that's a lie, Marie."

Karei spoke "Yeah, what they said. You really aren't true to yourself, are you? You need to work on your acting skills."

Marie spoke "Stop lying to me!"

Shima spoke "It's not a lie."

Sunao spoke "Everything in this world is the product of someone's mind. This place is yours. This tomb, and the flowers all over it... Your resolve to die is what created this scenery."

Marie gasps.

Kochuu spoke "But... We noticed things that don't go with a grave while coming here. Junes and Souzai Daigaku signs, that bench on the hill, the electric poles, mirrors, school desk... Every bit of that is from the town... The people's home you claim to hate that much."

Kanji asks "What, you want us to bury you with all that stuff? If you like 'em that much, why don't you come see for yourself, huh?"

Goryuu asks "Your life is your choice, and ya actually wanna live, don't ya?"

Marie spoke "...I can't. I have to die..."

Miran spoke "That's not true."

Seiko spoke "My brother's right, because there's another way."

Marie asks "Huh...?"

Kaze spoke "Yeah, they're right. You don't have to go away forever."

Kiko spoke "The fog in you is what has to go."

Seiko spoke "Think of something."

Marie spoke "It's impossible... There's no way. If we waste any more time, the fog will take me over and be set free... If that happens, I won't be able to take my own life. I'll become a monster..."

Miran asks "And if we defeat that?"

That got our attention as Seiko smiled, having thought of that too.

Karei spoke "Are you saying we should wait for Marie-chan to be controlled by the fog, and then defeat her!? Senpai, Miran, wait! I mean... It's still her body, right? If we fight the monster...!"

Kanji asks "Yeah! Err... So, what'll happen?"

Marie spoke "I... I don't know... But... Maybe right now... Y-You might be able to."

That surprised us more.

Marie asks "I'll put my mind to sleep before the fog overpowers it. Of course, the fog will then take over my body, but my mind will still be safe, beneath it. …The rest comes down to luck, I guess. Which will give out first: the fog, or my life?"

Kaze asks "That's one hell of a gamble... What're we gonna do?"

Shima spoke "...I'd rather not have to do that. But if there's no other way, then we'll just have to have faith that it'll work."

Kanji spoke "Yeah, it's gotta be better than just sitting here and watching her die!"

Emerald spoke "She's not going to die! We won't let her!"

Goryuu spoke "This is life or death for a friend, and we can't lose now!"

All of us got ready.

Marie spoke "Friends..."

Miran spoke "We WILL save you!"

Marie spoke "...Okay. I trust in you all. Even if I do die, it would be a better way than letting the current situation continue. But... please, don't any of you die."

Kiko: Everyone, get ready... 'Cause here it comes!"

Marie went unconscious as the fog engulfed her, transforming her into a humanoid monster, covering her face in pain with her hands as a giant green eye appeared on the wall behind her.

Teddie asks "W-Will this really work!?"

Heifa asks "Marie won't die if we fight her, right?"

Emerald spoke "Marie-chan believed in us... We have to believe in her!"

"Let's do it!" Danyelle, Seiko, Miran and I shouted as everyone else cheered in agreement with all of us ready for battle.

Kusumi-no-Okami spoke "What good is it to learn the truth...? You want me to throw away my worthless self-satisfaction in exchange for eternal suffering and despair!? I don't need it... I don't need any of it! What's wrong with turning a blind eye to suffering? I don't want a truth full of pain! I want a peaceful lie!"

Karei spoke "What is this feeling...!? It's like she's not even seeing us! Suffering, denial... and rejection. She's denying everything! Be careful, everyone! Normal tactics may not work!"

Kaze spoke "Marie-chan...! We'll save you!"

Kiko spoke "We won't let you die!"

Emerald spoke "Yeah! You can't just look the other way because the truth hurts!"

Goryuu spoke "Don't worry, Marie-chan! We're gonna help!"

Kusumi-no-Okami roars "Ugh... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Kusumi-no-Okami suddenly ran amok, pounding the ground while hurting us before she stopped her attack.

Applejack pops up with Jackie and five other immortal gryphons.

Applejack spoke "Ah may not know what's goin' on here but all Ah see is an alicorn throwing a temper tantrum!"

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy pop up too.

Twilight spoke "I know this is gonna sound corny but... United we stand, divided we fall!"

All of us attacked Kusumi-no-Okami, definitely damaging her before she raised her hands, causing a black hole-like vacuum to appear as it drained something before vanishing, somehow leaving us more tired when Kusumi-no-Okami suddenly took damage without any of us striking.

Karei spoke "What was that...!? Marie-chan's power to absorb the fog is going crazy! Careful, guys! She's sucking up everything!"

A warp ring opens up as OC-verse Danyelle flew out of it before hitting Kusumi-no-Okami with a Chaos Spear.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Thought you lot would need my help!"

"Awesome!" Danyelle and I cheered.

Kusumi-no-Okami spoke "Why don't you get it...! The truth doesn't help anything! You're all hypocrites! Peace and tranquility lie in the fog!"

Karei spoke "Guys, don't listen to her! That's not the real Marie-chan talking!"

Applejack and Jackie both spoke "She's lyin' ta herself!"

Twilight and Twi spoke "We have to snap her out of it!"

Both Danyelles spoke "Exactly!"

We attacked again before Kusumi-no-Okami used that Draining Fog move again, making us more tired while damaging herself.

Karei spoke "It's working... You can do it, everyone! Don't let your guard down! She'll get you if you do!"

OC-verse Danyelle hits Kusumi-no-Okami with Chaos Barrier, trapping the possessed alicorn.

But then Kusumi-no-Okami swiped her arm at the barrier, instantly shattering it while damaging all of us!

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Shit! That was NOT supposed to break!"

OC-verse Danyelle flings a much stronger Chaos Barrier at Kusumi-no-Okami as Flintfur lashes out with Blood Chain, binding and trapping the possessed alicorn.

Karei spoke "No! Don't! You're only making things worse! She'll break out of that too! I told you normal tactics might work!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "For me, Chaos powers are normal! and you DON'T want to be on the receiving end of a Chaos Blackhole!"

But then Kusumi-no-Okami used that Draining Fog move again, completely absorbing the Blood Chain and Chaos Barrier, freeing herself, while leaving OC-Verse Danyelle and Flintfur totally drained.

Suddenly, OC-verse Danyelle sets herself on fire as she transformed from nekomata to wolftaur.

Danyterasu howls loud, restoring the health and power of the fighters back to full strength while weakening Kusumi-no-Okami.

“The enemy’s on its last leg! What’s your call?” I asked Seiko.

Seiko spoke "All-out attack!"

“Let’s end this!” I smiled as Karei powered us up for our All-Out Attack.

Danyterasu howls "HARMONIC JUDGEMENT!!!!"

All of us attacked Kusumi-no-Okami at full power, beating the monster as it went limp.

Kaze asks "Did we do it...!?"

Kusumi-no-Okami spoke "U...gh... Ahhhhhhhhhhh...!"

The monster roared as it exploded in blinding light, and when the light faded, we saw Marie, as a pegasus and in her normal outfit in the air before she fell.

Miran spoke "Marie!"

Miran rushed and caught Marie as we went up to them.

Emerald spoke "Marie-chan...!"

Shima spoke "Marie-chan!"

"Waaaaaaaaaah!" Teddie yelped in shock.

Kanji asks "H-How is she, Senpai!? She okay!?"

Miran let go of Marie a bit, but she isn't moving...

Miran: Marie?"

Seiko: Tch... Dammit..."

Kaze: No way... This can't be real..."

Kiko: I-Is this some kind of... cruel joke...?

Karei: No... This can't be! We...!"

Heifa: Marie-chan...?"

Teddie: Emmy-chan...? *Gets to Marie* Come on... You're such a sleepy-head. It's time to wake up, okay? Emmy-chan...!"

This... This can't be... We... were too late..."

Teddie: ...No! This isn't happening! What did we do wrong!? *Shaking Marie* Emmy-chan, wake up! Don't die!"

This was just about to break most of us before...

Marie groans "G..."

That caught our attention.

"Ge...t offa me!" Marie growled as she shoved Teddie off of her hard. Guess we weren't too late after all!

Emerald gasps "Marie-chan!?"

Shima spoke "Thank goodness! She's alive!"

Miran spoke "Marie... You're okay!"

All of us were more than happy that Marie was alive and well!

Danyelle spoke "Oh thank StarClan... That was a close call."

Marie spoke "Oh... I... That's right..."

Seiko spoke "You did it."

Miran spoke "Hehe, you sleep too much."

Marie spoke "*Unnoticeable blush* Everyone gets to sleep in once in a while, right? ...Thank you."

But then Marie hugged Miran, much to our surprise.

Seiko sighs "Oh boy..."

Karei asks "*Confused* You think that's long enough for a moving hug? Shouldn't you let go now?"

Marie spoke "*Smile* Nope. I'm tired of moving! Enough with getting up! Good thing there's someone even I can hug!"

Karei spoke "*Shocked* Hey!"

Seiko chuckles "Haha, calm down, Karei."

Emerald sighs "...Here we go again. Why is it all our friends are like this...?"

Danyelle laughs "Oh my StarClan! Marie has it bad for Miran!"

Both Twilight and Twi were laughing, as were the others.

Yukiko spoke "You know, there aren't a lot of creatures who can really mess with Karei-chan."

But then we felt the place rumble before it started shaking.

Teddie asks "Did you feel the earth move, or was that just me watching these two?"

Danyterasu spoke "Given that I'm currently the heaviest of all of us here... OH BUCK!! THE PLACE IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE!!!! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!"

Emerald asks "This isn't the time to make stupid comments! What's going on!?"

Kaze asks "Don't tell me! Is this like in the movies where once the bad guy's defeated, his evil fortress self-destructs!?"

Mari spoke "*Casually* I'm sorry, I forgot to mention... I don't need to be in this place to die anymore, so it's going to disappear."

Kiko gasps "What!?"

Kaze spoke "Then why the hell didn't you say that sooner!? It's gonna take us with it!"

"Oh come on!!!" Danyelle and I cried out in frustration.

Teddie screams "*Runs* We're gonna die! We're all gonna die!"

Sunao spoke "Just get to the exit! Hurry!"

All of us ran and later, got to the mirror before going through it, getting back into the shelter, but Danyelle and OC-verse Danyelle got stuck halfway through. We pulled them out and everyone was accounted for.

Kanji spoke "I forgot how tiny the TM here is..."

Kaze spoke "I feel like this has happened before..."

Marie spoke "*To Seiko and Miran* Are these really your friends? ...They're all so weird."

Those of us were on the floor then got up.

Kanji spoke "It's your fault to begin with!"

But then the TM suddenly shattered on its own.

Shima spoke "The TM...!"

Marie spoke "That was never a telemirror. The Hollow Forest has vanished. Because... there's no more reason for it to exist."

Emerald asks "We did it! So? How does it feel to have your fate changed?"

Marie spoke "Well... It feels weird. After all... I'm alive."

Kaze spoke "Haha, well, yeah. That's why we went all the way there and everything."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Oof, I think I wrenched a claw."

Marie spoke "Um... Thank you for saving me. And, I'm sorry..."

That surprised us.

Marie asks "Wh-What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Kanji asks "You... You just said "sorry," didn't you?"

Shima spoke "She did. Very politely."

Marie asks "Huh?"

Kaze spoke "Uh... It's just that you never seemed like the type who would say that."

Marie spoke "*Embarrassed blush* Huh!? Y-Y-You stupidjerk! Fine, then! F-F-Forget it! I take it back!"

Miran spoke "Hehe, you haven't changed at all, Marie."

Emerald spoke "Oh, well."

We laughed at that.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm no Cadence but even I can tell that Marie has it BAD for Miran!"

Danyelle spoke "Even I can tell as well!"

Marie growls "*Angrily* Listen to me! What the hell... What is with you creatures!? You risk yourselves to save me... You don't get anything out of it! I don't understand you!"

Seiko spoke "That's what friendship is."

Miran spoke "Yeah, we don't need anything out of it."

Marie asks "...Really?"

Both Danyelles punt Marie in the rear, sending her flying at Miran thus causing the two to kiss.

Dash laughs "Oh feathers, that was a sneaky move you two!"

"About time you three got back." I smiled as Rainbow Dash, Azure and Spitfire got back before Miran and Marie disconnected.

Emerald spoke "To be honest, we were hesitant at first. Learning that you were from the "other side" was kinda confusing. But to not save you just because of that... That's not how we roll."

Kaze spoke "If we blamed things on someone else and looked the other way, nothing would change. You were in trouble, and we saved you. That's all that counts."

Marie sighs "I don't understand you at all..."

Sunao spoke "If not knowing us bothers you, then you should start getting to know us. All of us want you to learn more about this world."

Karei: *Smile* Yeah. Like Hearts and Hooves Day!"

Marie asks "Hearts and... Hooves?"

Wow, Cadence would blow a gasket about this.

Karei spoke "Ah, so you don't know what that is, either. Huh. It's an awesome day when a girl gives chocolate to someone she holds dear. Oh, and I already reserved Seiko-Senpai."

Marie spoke "Whatever. No cheating. If it was with Miran, then your reservation would be canceled."

Karei spoke Why, you...!"

Marie and Karei soon argued about Seiko and Miran as the rest of us had beads of sweat on our heads at that.

Kaze spoke "...That was quick. Well, let 'em get to it."

Emerald spoke "Hey, it's clear outside!"

All of us looked out the window and smiled.

Shima spoke "You're right. I need to do all the laundry."

Kaze and Emerald sweated a bit at that.

Kaze asks "My back is killing me... Hey, how 'bout we get some grub?"

Kiko giggles "Heehee, I don't see why not."

Emerald spoke Sounds good! On you, of course!"

Kaze groans "Arrrrgh! Stop expecting me to buy you lunch all the time!"

Everyone went outside, but both Danyelles, myself, Rainbow Dash, Miran, Seiko and Marie were still inside.

Marie spoke "*Smile* Yeah... I'm okay. Let's go. Everyone's waiting."

OC-verse Danyelle headed through a warp ring to go back to her universe.

I tease "So Marie, I heard that you had kissed Miran. What did that feel like?"

Marie spoke "*Embarrassed blush* L-Like I’m gonna tell you!"

Rainbow giggles "I bet it felt good."

Marie spoke "Sh-Shut up!"

Dash chitters "You're in denial!"

Lightning coursed around Marie as she got angry.

Miran spoke "Marie, calm down."

Marie calmed down.

Marie spoke "…Okay."

We soon went outside as Marie was silent.

Seiko asks "What’s wrong?"

Miran asks "Are you okay?"

Marie spoke "Well… When I gave my body up to the fog, I thought I heard a voice. Um, what did it say…? “Living beings don’t want to know the truth. What they truly desire is a peaceful world filled with fog.” …Something like that, anyway."

Miran asks "Whose voice was that?"

Marie spoke "I don’t know. But it was familiar… The same voice I heard when you defeated Ameno-Sagiri and the fog flowed into me… Wait… Maybe not. I felt like it was my voice. Maybe it’s something I said long ago? …Oh well. The fog is gone. I probably just misheard it."

A snowball suddenly flew by us, spooking most of us as we turned around to see that Kaze threw that snowball.

Kaze asks "Hahahaha! Scared you, huh! The weather’s nice, there’s snow all over, what more do we need? Oh, yeah. You ever been in a snowball fight, Marie-chan?"

Marie was silent.

Kaze asks "*Turning back toward the others* Hey, how are we gonna split the teams?"

The others looked at us before booking it, much to Kaze’s confusion before a blizzard of snowballs flew past him.

Kaze gasps "Whoa, what the-hey!?"

Kaze turned around to see Marie holding a snowball with a pile of them to the left of her.

Marie: I’m supposed to throw snow at him. …Isn’t that right?"

Miran spoke "You’re right."

Marie spoke "Okay. I won’t hold back."

Kaze spoke "Hold on! You have the eyes of a predator!"

Marie laughs "The teams will be females verses males. Now begin!"

Us girls then surrounded Kaze as the rest of the guys stood back with Seiko and Miran.

Kaze gasps "Oh, come on! Kanji, Kochuu, Goryuu, Teddie! What the hell, guys…?"

Marie spoke "Take this!"

The snowball fight went underway!

Emerald spoke "Get him, Marie-chan!"

Kaze gasps "*As Shima laughed* Why are you only going after me?!"

All of us enjoyed that snowball fight.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Later, us girls were at a hot springs in the water, relaxing.

Emerald spoke "Haha, we kicked their asses! Those guys can’t match our supreme snowball skills!"

Shima spoke "Well, I do feel a bit sorry for them."

Us girls laughed at that.

I was resting on a heated rock.

I spoke "It was funny when Kaze got buried in a pile of snow because of Dash!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Hehe, that's right. I'm awesome."

Karei spoke "Still, today's hero's gotta be Marie-chan! You go, Snowball Queen!"

We saw Marie at the hot spring showers, lathering soap on her as she turned her head towards us.

Marie: That's the wrong gender. It's heroine, not hero."

Dash spoke "She was talking about me ya featherbrain!"

Jackie spoke "By Helios' light...."

Marie spoke "Wow, you really do have a big ego."

Marie picked up a bucket of water before pouring it on her, rinsing the soap off. Heh, everyone has their own beauty.

Karei spoke "Whoaaa, your coat is so pretty!"

Shima asks "Your complexion is amazing! How do you avoid getting a tan?"

A loud crash was heard in the men's side since I had secretly pulled a prank on Kaze, causing him to slip on a bar of soap and get stuck in the wall.

Rainbow giggles "Wow, what a klutz!"

The rest of us girls giggled as Kaze managed to get himself unstuck.

Jackie spoke "Ah admit, that was funny."

Applejack spoke "Heh, same here."

But then my ears twitched as I sighed. Kaze and Teddie are trying to peek, but I said nothing as I figured it’ll backfire soon.

Kaze asks "…Yo, can you see anything?"

Teddie spoke "The steam’s covering all the good stuff."

Kanji asks "*Angrily as Teddie’s back right leg moved his head a bit* The hell?!"

Teddie spoke "Hey Kanji, up! Up! Don’t let me down now!"

The other boys sighed in disbelief at that.

Kanji spoke "Argh, Ted, you punk, I’m done with this…!"

Kaze spoke "*As the wall started to shake* Hey cut it-"

Kaze and Teddie screamed as the wall between the girls and boys’ side fell down, creating a splash with the rest of the girls were confused. Kaze and Teddie got up before the girls threw buckets at the two, while Teddie dodged them. Last time, a misunderstanding, and now an accident this time.

Emerald asks "You dirty perverts… Trying to peep aga-Huh!?"

Two towels surfaced, revealing that Teddie and Kaze didn’t have anything covering down there as some of the girls screamed before Kaze and Teddie covered their lower regions in embarrassment before we saw electricity building around Marie.

Kaze spoke "Er, Marie-chan, electricity here’s a bad idea!"

Marie growls "*Angrily* Disgusting creeps… I HATE YOU ALLLLLLL!"

Lightning then struck the hot springs, electrocuting those of us in the water and not electricity-resistant.

Kanji spoke "Arrrrrrrgh! This isn’t faiiiiiiiirrrrr!"

The guys that didn’t have anything to do with it were electrocuted too. Well, this was quite a night.


I send Teddie flying with a Lightning Neko Roar.


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