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Let the Cook-off Begin!

*Rainbow's POV (still)*

After OC-Verse Twilight went back to her universe, we went back to Seiko and his group, and they were talking about something fun for tonight. And for some reason, Teddie was a teen earth pony stallion with bright blue eyes, tan fur, blonde mane and tail while wearing a white blouse-like shirt with a red rose and a flamboyantly designed collar.

Karei spoke "Hey, why don’t we have a celebration? We always have a wrap party after we’re done shooting. It’s fun, and it’ll help give us some closure."

Emerald spoke "Ooo, a party! That sounds great! Let’s go all out!"

Goryuu spoke "Heh! Same here!"

Teddie spoke "Ooh, ooh! I wanna go to Shimi-Chan’s house! Gorgeous dinner, hot springs, table tennis, yukata! Geisha! Furiyama, full wootness!"

The rest of us had a bead of sweat at that.

Kanji stammers "You’re right, Shima-senpai’s family runs a hot springs in… A-A hot springs that… Shima-senpai bathed in too…?"

Kaze spoke "Hey, keep it to yourself… You’re sounding like a creep."

Shima spoke "W-Well, it sounds like fun, but I don’t think it’s possible today…"

Emerald spoke "Yeah, it’s summer vacation. All the rooms must be occupied."

Teddie asks "We can’t do a sleepover…?"

Shima spoke "Maybe next time. I promise."

Kaze asks "Hey Seiko, why we hit your place instead?"

Seiko asks "Huh?"

Miran asks "Wait-what?!"

Kaze asks "Oh, but will your uncle get suspicious? Like, “Why are you all celebrating?” that sort of thing?"

Seiko asks "You mind if Tenshi is there?"

Kaze spoke "Why would we leave her out? The more, the merrier."

Emerald spoke "Oh yeah, if your uncle’s a detective, he might not come home tonight… Tenshi-chan might be getting hungry."

Shima asks "Hey, then why don’t we make dinner together?"

Karei asks "Wow… Are you good at cooking, Senpai?"

Emerald asks "W-Well… sort of?"

Kaze asks "What are you saying…? Did you already forget the tragedy of the school campout!?"

Emerald spoke "W-We already told you that was an accident!"

Shima spoke "She’s right! We just got a couple of the ingredients wrong!"

Kaze spoke "Guys, please don’t do this, I’m begging you… I don’t need another trauma to deal with…"

Danyelle spoke "My place is in Ponyville though so that isn't going to work. And the LAST thing we need is a Mystery Food X!"

Kaze gasps "W-Wait! How do YOU know about it?!"

Danyelle spoke "My dad wasn't a very good cook though..."

Kaze sighs "Is there no hope…?"

Karei spoke "Hey, I’m a good cook! *To Seiko* I’ll make something for you, Senpai."

Teddie spoke "Tadaaaah! Teddie has a great idea! Let’s have a cooking battle! The winner will be crowned Iron Cook Ineighba!"

Kaze spoke "A cooking battle? Now I’m even more worried…"

Emerald spoke "S-Sure, that sounds like fun."

Karei asks "Aww, but I’ll win hands-down. You sure you want to make it that easy?"

Kaze spoke "*To Seiko* Dude, listen to me. For the sake of our stomachs, you have to cook something too. Help us, Seiko! You’re our only hope…”

Emerald spoke "Then you can represent the guys’ team. Tenshi-chan will be our judge!"

Kanji spoke "I can be a taster too!"

Goryuu spoke "Same here."

Teddie asks "Teddie can be a tester too! At the end, you’re supposed to say, “That was delicious!” right?"

Emerald spoke "Woo! I’m getting all fired up!"

Lightning Edge and Flaring Blade showed up.

Lightning Edge spoke "We can be tasters as well."

Flaring nodded at that.

A female spoke "As can I."

A female kirin with umber fur, white-blonde mane/tail, red eyes, a gray horn, red scales and hooves, wearing a black cloak with a hoodie function showed up.

Flaring spoke "Big sister."

Kanji asks "Huh?"

Lightning Edge spoke "So you already know my little sister, Umbra Chain, and became friends with her? That’s wonderful."

Snowfall spoke "I can whip up the meanest banana split sundae supreme! Frozen foods are my specialty."

Scorching spoke "Where as hot foods are my specialty."

“Heh! Count me in on that cooking action!” I declared.

Emerald spoke "Alright! Let us advance forth into the grocery section downstairs! Chaaarge!"

And so later, Seiko called his little cousin, Tenshi Kodomo, and she said that the food choice was fried rice omelet, much to Kaze and Danyelle’s relief.

Later, we went to Seiko and Miran’s place, which was pretty neat. And Tenshi… she was cute! I mean, sure she was 6 years old, but her personality just made her cute! Tenshi was a little earth pony filly with brown mane tied into short pigtails by pink ribbons, a brown tail and eyes. Soon enough, our fried rice omelets were ready and on the table, ready for testing.

Karei spoke "Bon appetit!"

Kaze spoke "W-Well, wait a sec. Asking Tenshi-chan to jump in and try these for us is kinda… unethical."

Emerald angrily spoke "D-Don’t look at us like that!"

Kanji spoke "Ohhh… So it’s our job to taste it first, to make sure we can keep it down."

Goryuu spoke "You can put it in like that."

Scorching chows down on the omelet since she had high heat resistance.

Scorching spoke "Easy as apple pie."

Danyelle groans "…Seriously?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Eating all of that in one go was pretty rude."

Snowfall spoke "My sister's an idiot...."

Blue started to snicker since Scorching was called an idiot.

Karei spoke "Well, good thing we all made seconds."

Second servings of the fried rice omelets made by me, Karei and the rest of the contestants were brought out.

Snowfall spoke "And since you already had your fill, no more fried rice omelet for you."

Scorching whines "Aw man…!"

Karei spoke "Try mine first, Kaze-senpai. It’s guaranteed delicious!"

Kaze spoke "You don’t mind me going first? Actually, I’ve been looking forward to yours. I mean, Karette cooked it herself. Can you imagine how many guys would kill me if they found out? Well then, chow time!"

Kaze used a spoon and scooped into the bright pink omelet with lot of red sauce on it and took a bite.

Kaze spoke "Urgh… I-I… can’t give this to Tenshi-chan…"

Karei asks "Ooh! It’s so delicious that you won’t let anyone else have a bite!?"

Seiko and Miran tasted it too.

Seiko spoke "M-Me too…"

Miran spoke "Same here…"

I decided to taste it myself. …It’s spicy! It’s so hot, the spiciness and heat are like lava in my mouth…! I can’t taste or feel the foie gras at all either. It’s starting to taste like iron, and for some reason, there’s a dull pain in my mouth too… I can’t give this to Tenshi…

Azure asks "You okay, Dashie?"

“I’m good.” I said, trying to put on a brave face.

Lucy spoke "We could have Natsu try then, he has fire resistance."

Danyelle gasps "Whoa! When did you get here, Lucy?!"

Lucy spoke "*pointing her tail at Nightclaw* I followed him and Snowflake. Then Natsu and Nashi followed me."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Shima spoke "Here, try mine next."

Kanji spoke "My bro and I will take this one."

Goryuu spoke "Let’s go."

The two diamond dog brothers dug their spoons into the bright omelet with white sauce and took a big bite.

Kaze spoke "G-Guys… That’s a lot…"

Kanji and Goryuu looked confused before taking some more bites.

Shima spoke "H-Hey, say something."

Kanji spoke "Well… Uh… How do we put this…? It tastes really, um… boneless…"

Shima spoke "What!? That’s not a word you use to describe taste! Does it taste good or not!? Tell me!"

I took a bit of Shima’s omelet, it didn’t seem to be risky. But I don’t taste any flavors… Wait, I don’t taste anything at all, not even the ingredients! How is that possible…?

Kanji spoke "Not good, that’s for sure. It tastes like… Like I’m eating plain oatmeal…"

Goryuu spoke "Yeah, it’s weird. It tasted like a mouthful of sawdust."

Seiko tasted the omelet. “It tastes like raw wheat gluten and cardboard.”

Kanji spoke "It’s pretty impressive that you put so many ingredients into a dish and it came out tasting like nothing."

Shima spoke "Y-Your palate just isn’t refined enough!"

Natsu spoke "No offense Shima-chan but even I wouldn't feed this to Nashi."

Tenshi tasted the omelet. “…I think it tastes good.”

Shima spoke "*Surprised and happy* Tenshi-chan…!"

Nashi, curious as she was, took a small amount and put it in her mouth.

Nashi spoke "Ick!!!"

Emerald spoke "O-Okay… Try mine next. Urgh… I dunno about this… But I think it’ll taste good! This time for sure!"

Teddie spoke "I’ll give it a whirl."

Teddie dipped his spoon into the brown-yellow omelet with a little red sauce on top of it and tasted it.

Emerald asks "H-How is it…?"

Teddie spoke "*Happily* Wow, this tastes awful! You have to try this, Kaze."

Kaze spoke "Dude, not after you say that… *Tasting Emerald’s fried rice omelet* Ahhh… I see…"

I decided to taste it too, and there are no words. It does taste awful, just awful and nothing else.

Kaze spoke "Well, um… It’s a huge improvement over the curry…"

Emerald spoke "*Sarcastically* Yeah, thanks for the consolation… I feel soooo much better…"

Danyelle spoke "Here's my Harmonic Surprise rice omelet, I can't guarantee the flavor since it's different every time."

Using her magic, Danyelle sets bowls of rice omelet down in front of the others.

I tasted it first, and wow! This tastes like apples mixed with ramen!

Umbra spoke "It tastes great."

Danyelle asks "What do the others think?"

Everyone else said it was great too. Tenshi then tasted Emerald’s omelette.

Tenshi spoke "I think this tastes good too."

Emerald gasps "*Surprised and happy* Tenshi-chan…!"

Shima tasted Emerald’s omelet too. “Oh yeah, they’re right… They’re totally right! It’s like the definition of awful! Ahahahaha!"

Emerald spoke "Then try Karei-chan’s! I bet you anything mine tastes better than hers!"

Shima tasted Karei’s omelet before… “U-Urhg…” Shima fainted from tasting that.

Emerald spoke "Shima!"

Karei gasps "S-Senpai!?"

Seiko spoke "Death in a bite!"

Kanji spoke "Sure enough… One strike."

Scorching spoke "Huh. So that explains the heartburn I’m feeling."

Blue spoke "Too bad things like that don't affect me."

Emerald asks "Huh? How?"

Blue spoke "I'm a ghost..."

Silence filled the room, as I expected. Then Emerald screamed in horror.

Karei spoke "Oh come on, are you a star pretending to be a ghost? Because you do look convincing enough for your fans."

Blue spoke "Try whacking me then."

Karei spoke "Okay, but remember, you literally asked for it."

Karei tried to wingslap the back of Blue’s head, but her wing just passed through.

Karei stammers "H-Huh?"

Blue spoke "Told you."

Karei really looked scared now.

Kaze spoke "W-Well, Shima and Emerald’s didn’t taste good either… But at least theirs didn’t cause any casualties… Haha…"

Karei spoke "I-It’s a taste too subtle for kids! It’s a mature flavor! You guys are just kids… I, I… *Sniff* Waaaaaaah…"

Man, Karei wasn’t taking it well. But then Tenshi tasted it.

Tenshi spoke "Ngh…! It’s spicy, but it’s still good."

Karei stopped crying at that. “Tenshi-chan…! *Happily* Hmph! I knew it! Tenshi-chan’s the most mature creature in this room!”

Emerald gasps "C-Crocodile tears!?"

Danyelle spoke "*taking a small amount of the omelet that Karei made before eating it* Hmm... Spicy but with an underlying sweetness."

Karei asks "Wow! How did you noticed that?"

Danyelle spoke "I eat curry on a weekly basis, my brothers and I have a higher heat resistance than most Abyssinians."

Kanji asks "*To Seiko* Oh yeah, didn’t you, Rainbow Dash, Scorching and Snowfall make some too, Senpai?"

Tenshi spoke "*Excited* You did!? Ooh…"

Danyelle spoke "I am rather curious."

Tenshi tasted Seiko's omelette. "This is really good! I've never had an omelet with fried rice this good! It's amazing!"

I decided to taste it too, and it really was amazing! It was Neighsian Amareican and soy flavored!

Danyelle tried some. "Great StarClan! It's really sweet."

Spottedleaf tried some too. “Tasty!”

Micah also tried some too.

Micah spoke "Sweet with a hint of spice."

“Okay, mine’s next. Sorry if I got a little carried away though.” I apologized in advance as my omelet’s sauce looked a bit tan from what ingredients I used.

Danyelle took the first bite.

Danyelle spoke "It tastes like my Harmonic Surprise."

Gertrude tasted it. “Huh, feels like I can train for hours after eating this.”

“Yeah, this omelet’s combo’d with pasta, potatoes and a bit of sourdough. I just love to carbo-load.” I admitted.

Micah chuckles "It's all about the energy with you Skittles."

Emerald spoke "Hey! You can’t blame her for wanting to train! *Tries my omelet* Wow! This is good!"

Micah spoke "I meant that in a good way."

Spottedleaf was shaking since she had gotten another omen from StarClan.

We had our dinner and went back to Rising Sun’s castle and went to sleep.


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