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Saddle Row Review/ Flutter Brutter

*Twilight's POV*

After the mess that had been the cleansing, Mistybreeze and Fireball were hugging each other close.

Mistybreeze spoke "I was so scared of losing you Fireball."

Fireball giggles "Come on, you’d think I’m that easy to be killed?"

Mistybreeze spoke "You may be stubborn as a minotaur but that only makes me love you more."

But then we heard a crash, followed by a male voice. “Ai yai yai… Mi cabeza…”

Danyelle asks "What the?"

“Should we check that out?” I asked.

Fluttershy spoke "It could have been my brother."

But when I looked, I saw what looked like a demonic batpony stallion.

Scorpan asks "Do I know you?"

The male spoke "No, can’t say that you do since I was born in Tartarus."

Mistybreeze was scritching a spot on Fireball's back, causing the demonic mare's tail to wag.

The male asks "Hmm? Who are they?"

I spoke "The chakat with weak wings is Mistybreeze, shi's the lifemate of Fireball Storm."

The male asks "Chakat?"

Mistybreeze spoke "Half, my dad was a budgietaur."

Danyelle spoke "Also, chakats are hermaphrodites, so they can swing both ways."

Hawksong spoke "Ya ferget, Ah'm a ponykat and so are Appleseed, Snowfire and Hawkbreeze."

Danyelle spoke "They're hermaphrodites as well."

Rarity spoke "Mythic may be a sphinx but shi's also a herm."

"Wait, how?" I asked.

Blizzardstar spoke "I carried hir to term."

"Oh." I noted.

Rarity was soon in pain.

Danyelle spoke "MEDIC!!!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Great StarClan! You didn't have to yell Danyelle!"

Spottedleaf transports Rarity to the hospital.

“Well that just happened.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "It was only a matter of time before her water broke."

“True.” I nodded.

Blizzardstar asks "Do you girls remember when I had opened up a new boutique?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Blizzardstar spoke "It was quite a disaster at first."

"You're telling me." I responded.

Blizzardstar snickers "Remember when Lune got his head stuck in the wall?"

Danyelle giggles "Heehee! How could I forget?"

Yuki giggles "We can blame Goldfin for that prank."

“Yeah.” I giggled.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* I just hope Zephyr leaves Rainbow alone..."

Fluttershy spoke "He clearly doesn’t know that she’s already part of a herd."

Rainbow spoke "No offense Fluttershy but that stallion is more lazier than OC-verse Blaze's lasagna-loving cousin."

Fluttershy spoke "I know, and that worries me."

Spottedleaf spoke "If he tries to flirt with me, I'll claw him up so bad that he won't be able to sit for a week!"

“Wait, what about our new demon batpony friend?” Pinkie asked, popping up all of a sudden.

Mistybreeze asks "You mean Star Chaser?"

Pinkie spoke "Yep."

Fireball asks "So what ring you from?"

Star Chaser spoke "Gluttony Ring, and I honestly must say, Fireball and Mistybreeze, you both are truly beautiful. Ustedes dos son hermosas flores."

That made both Loona and Mistybreeze blush, and surprisingly, as red as roses.

Mistybreeze's wings shot up on end.

Neither Fireball or Mistybreeze knew it, but their tails started wagging in excitement and arousal.

Spottedleaf spoke "Uh Fireball, you've got a ponykat foal on the way though."

Fireball spoke "*Flustered* I-I know! I know…"

Danyelle spoke "And judging by scent, shi'll be half demon."

Fireball asks "*Deadpan* Ya think?"

Mistybreeze spoke "If only there was a way for me to be immortal."

Pinkie spoke "Believe it or not, Mistybreeze, ya might’ve jinxed it."

Mistybreeze spoke "Airhead."

Pinkie only shrugged at that.

Cheese chuckles "That may be so but you're my airhead Pinkie."

Pinkie giggles "Heehee, wasn’t that a bit cheesy, Cheesy?"

I giggle "Stupid is as stupid does."

"*Snicker* Yeah." Pinkie and Cheese agreed.

I spoke "No offense Fluttershy but your brother is a strange stallion... More so than Red Hoof."

Fluttershy spoke "None taken."

And speaking of Red Hoof, a loud scream had come from him since he had just ascended into an immortal alicorn.

Rainbow spoke "Guess my husband has a more worthy rival now."

Azure chuckles "You mean the knucklehead?"

Rainbow asks "Remember that time he challenged you to an eating contest, before you became an alicorn?"

Crosswind was fidgeting.

Azure spoke "How could I not? He threw up the last carrot he had eaten."

Applejack asks "Crosswind? Y'alright?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Should've seen this one coming, shi's in peak female phase."

Applejack asks "Ya serious?"

Rarity spoke "Shi's serious Applejack, you didn't know that chakats and their subspecies swing both ways when it comes to love."

But then Applejack mischievously smirked, having an idea.

Danyelle giggles "I can see where this is going, you're gonna drag Crosswind and Red to the Chuddle Hotel. Right Applejack?"

Applejack asks "Ya got that right, Dany. Mind makin' a portal or a door?"

Danyelle spoke "You have a teleportation spell though since I only use the warp rings to get to far-away places like Ineighba faster."

Applejack spoke "Oh. Right."

Rainbow laughs "Wow Applejack, you're a bigger bonehead than Loot Loot!"

Applejack asks "Hehehe, alright. How's about you an' Azure go against Red Hoof an' me in a Challenge in a week from today?"

Rainbow spoke "Aw yeah! You're on!"

I spoke "Flash and I want a bite of that Challenge!"

Danyelle spoke "Same for Ben and I!"

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Me and Cheese too!"

Mr Rich chuckles "Might as well count me and Lillian in too."

Lillian asks "{What?}"

I spoke "Mystic, I need your help."

Mystic asks "Yes?"

I spoke "I wish that the pterolycus could speak like a normal pony can."

Mystic spoke "Whoa, that’s a brand new one. Very well."

I spoke "This is more for Mr Rich so that he can hear Lillian's real voice."

Mystic spoke "Now that’s more specific."

I spoke "I learned the hard way that I shouldn't use my wishes for things I want, I should use them to help others. Like I had with Fizzlepop's broken horn."

Mystic spoke "Yeah, be specific with your words or you get gray areas."

Fizzlepop spoke "If Twilight hadn't helped me fix what was broken, I wouldn't have been able to use my magic."

I spoke "Yeah."

Fizzlepop spoke "*major blush on her face* And it's bad enough that I have a crush on somepony..."

“And you still haven’t told us.” I pointed out.

Fizzlepop stammers "And w-why would I?"

“Just pointing it out.” I smirked.

Fizzlepop spoke "It's not like I have a crush on a black unicorn stallion with a white mane or anything!"

I laugh "Oh my StarClan! She so does!"

Pinkie spoke "Hmm..."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think that's a good idea Pinkie, we don't know where the stallion in question even lives."

Pinkie spoke "No, it’s just there’s a big Pinkie Sense goin’ on in my head."

Danyelle spoke "And since I'm more sensitive to raw bursts of magic..."

Pinkie spoke "Let’s not get too focused on it."

Danyelle's ears flatten since she heard Zephyr approaching.

Rainbow asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't... turn... around... Rainbow..."

Rainbow asks "Wait… You don’t mean…?"

Adagio growls "She does..."

Rainbow spoke "…I’m out!"

Rainbow Dash flew off so fast, there was a dust cloud comically shaped exactly like her left behind.

Spottedleaf teleported after Rainbow.

Azure asks "Should I take care of him?"

Spitfire spoke "Best to leave him be since it's obvious that Rainbow Dash won't pick anyone else. I heard rumors that lycan mares only choose one stallion for life."

Azure asks "Whoa, really?"

Spitfire spoke "Yeah, plus I heard that the black cat over in the Redux-verse is also half alicorn. And get this! Her maternal grandmother is Redux-verse Luna!"

Azure spoke "Dang…"

Poking her head through a portal, Redux-verse Zoey spoke "I was baffled beyond belief too."

Then Danyelle’s ears twitched, making her giggle.

Redux-verse Zoey asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, there’s only a new mare, hiding outside."

Claws glowing pink, Redux-verse Zoey used her magic to drag the mare inside the castle.

Azure was then surprised as he looked like he recognized the mare.

Quick asks "Is that you Acorn Swirl?"

Acorn asks "Quick? Azure? What happened to you two?"

Azure spoke "What are you talking about? I've always been a pony, same with Quick."

Acorn asks "I know, but you’re alicorns. How?"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight did it!"

“What the?! What’re you talking about?!” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Don't give me that Sparkle Butt! You caused that mass ascension."

“How was I supposed to know that could happen?!” I pointed out before I noticed Acorn wearing a cloak.

Cyber suddenly pops up since she had just become an alicorn.

Cyber spoke "Twilight~!"

Acorn spoke "Actually, I used to be a unicorn, but now… *Takes off cloak, revealing her alicorn wings* I’m an alicorn."

A black alicorn with a dark gray mane and gray eyes bowls me over.

I ask "What the? Cyber Song?"

The black alicorn mare was shaking as she cried.

Danyelle asks "What just happened?"

Cyber cries "It's D-Data Card... he's dead...."

But then my compact started ringing.

I ask "Twilight Sparkle speaking, who is this?"

The being spoke "Faust."

I ask "It's about Data Card correct?"

Cyber was hiding under a pile of blankets as she cried.

Faust spoke "Yes, and another soul since Data Card and that panther's soul are somehow fused."

I spoke "I haven't heard it from Bluestar yet."

Faust spoke "Usually takes a minute or two."

The moonstone fragment was glowing suddenly.

I spoke "Excuse me for a moment."

I teleported with Yellowfang straight to the moonstone before touching the cold stone with the tip of my nose, going into a peaceful slumber.

*In StarClan*

I spoke "Oh, hello Bluestar. I got your message."

Yellowfang asks "Is somethin' the matter?"

“Nothing wrong.” I assured.

Bluestar soon appears.

Bluestar spoke "Ah, Princess Twilight Sparkle. It's good to see you again."

Moon Flower and Raven Song dart over to me before nuzzling me.

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Yellowfang asks "So, these two were the ones that didn't survive. Right Twilight?"

I spoke "Yeah."

"Anyway, did a Data Card fused soul show up?" I asked.

Bluestar spoke "Two new souls did appear but they are not fused together anymore."

"Really? How?" I noted.

Bluestar spoke "It's best you hear it from Data himself."

A ghostly colt about 6 years old with gray eyes and jet black mane trots over on silent hooves.

Data spoke "My goodness, you've grown into a fine mare cousin Twilight."


"Say what?" I asked, completely dumbstruck.

Data laughs "Guess Cyber never told you huh?"

"No." I said.

Data spoke "She tries to hide her pain behind a mask. After what had happened to me the first time..."

"What happened?" I asked.

Bluestar spoke "It was roundabout the same time Spottedleaf had reincarnated..."

*Flashback to three weeks after Spottedleaf had reincarnated*

*No POV*

A Pegasus stallion was trying to dig his six year old son out from the pile of rocks.

The stallion spoke "Come on, kid. You better be alright."

Young Twilight asks "Uncle Swift Shield?"

Swift Shield spoke "Twilight, glad you're here."

Young Spottedleaf asks "What happened?"

Swift Shield spoke "*Still digging* Trouble."

Young Spottedleaf helps with the digging.

Young Twilight helps as well.

Young Spottedleaf spoke "I see something!!"

Young Twilight spoke "Then let’s hurry!"

Young Spottedleaf spoke "I feel something sticky underpaw..."

The 7 year old Abyssinian kept moving the rocks out of the way with her magic, only to find a dead colt.

Swift Shield spoke "...We're too late."

Young Twilight spoke "Explaining this to Cyber won't be easy..."

Young Spottedleaf however, felt devastated.

Young Twilight pinches the nape of Young Spottedleaf's neck with magic, knocking the young cat out.

*End flashback*

*Twilight's POV*

I soon wake up with an alicorn colt with the exact same colors as the original Data Card sleeping beside me.

I spoke "That's the last time I trust you with a weird flower Yellowfang!!"

Yellowfang spoke "Uh..."

I ask "What?"

I soon notice an alicorn colt sleeping beside me.

"Is that..." I wondered.

Yellowfang spoke "Either way, Cyber's gonna freak the cuss out."

"Yeah, but now 3rd time's the last one." I noted.

Yellowfang spoke "Eyup, guess that means he's a lot like Spottedleaf."

"That means he'll either stay on the surface or go down if he..." I started to say before cutting myself off.

Yellowfang spoke "Don't even say that Sparkles! StarClan's sake... Yer more paranoid than Spottedleaf was when Gilda accidentally tore the library tree in half one time!"


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