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King's Gold/Treasure Tomb/Rescuing Gold Crown

Author's Note:

Crossover with Treasure X season 3

*Spottedleaf's POV*

Sometime after Rarity and Blizzardstar had opened a new boutique in Canterlot, the non immortals of MeadowClan were complaining.

“Oh. Boy.” I groaned, knowing this was gonna be a headache.

Danyelle spoke "I knew this was going to happen..."

Sunny asks "What's going on?"

I groan "The non-immortals are complaining..."

Sunny asks "About what?"

Danyelle spoke "They're mad because of the increase of immortal alicorns... I have a gut feeling that Blueblood's been the main cause of this mess."

"Why am I not surprised that royal pain in the neck is involved with this?" I growled.

Danyelle snickers "That stuck-up royal horse pain isn't part of MeadowClan so he's not our problem."

I spoke "We should stop this mess before it gets too far out of hoof and hand."

I let out a loud roar, silencing all of MeadowClan.

I spoke "All of you should be ASHAMED of yourselves! Just because more and more immortals are appearing... DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD ACT LIKE A BUNCH OF SPOILED FOALS THAT DIDN'T GET WHAT THEY WANTED FOR HEARTHS WARMING!!!"

That certainly got their attention.

I spoke "I know a lot of you are upset with what's been going on lately but I can assure you that even though things are changing, we immortals have the same emotions as mortals do so Twilight and I will be hearing out your complaints at Town Hall. One at a time though."

But then I saw those from Xeo and Apexia not far from here as I noticed Fin hold Goldcrown's crown while Loot-Loot was digging with a red multi-purpose digging tool.

I teleport over to the two.

I ask "You guys okay?"

Gold Spell spoke "Yes, but Loot Loot and Fin are another story."

Fin spoke "Man, this ain't the time for diggin'. We got a rescue op to do."

Loot Loot spoke "Dude, first we have to dig out Blade, then we can find the tomb and rescue Goldcrown, then... get tacos! Easy."

Loot Loot placed the tool on the ground before it was suddenly sucked underground with a hole letting out blue and white lights.

As if fate would have it, my fur felt hot as the marks of the Mane Six along with Sunset and Starlight were glowing.

I spoke "Talk about timing...."

Justice spoke "Uh boys, you're not in Apexia anymore."

But then Loot Loot and Fin jumped into the hole before the rest from Xeo and Apexia followed after them.

"We better get the others." I said.

Justice spoke "No time!"

Justice goes after the skeletons, dragging me along with a rope made of light.

We soon landed in some kind of stadium with a wrestling ring, before the two of us noticed those of Xeo and Apexia were back to being skeletons. Justice and I were okay and still our normal selves. But then we saw Loot-Loot and Fin having different outfits, with the pegasus wearing a dark blue shendyt skirt, a red and gold necklace resembling a pharaoh's beard, a blue and gold headdress resembling a cobra's head with red eyes and gold fangs, a pair of gold shoes resembling snake heads with red eyes on his hind leg hooves. Meanwhile, the hippogriff was wearing a blue tracksuit-like scuba suit with white stripes on the sleeves, a blue swim cap, gold swim goggles on his forehead, a golden breathing apparatus, obviously for style, and gold and blue diving fins on his hooves.

Loot Loot asks "Okay, nice threads. We look sick. Uh new world, who this?"

Fin spoke "Ooh! Check it out! My bones don't even come apart!"

Justice kicks Fin in the head, knocking the hippogriff's skull off.

Justice laughs "You were saying bonehead?"

Fin spoke "Hey, at least it's the rest of my body."

But then we heard a growl as we saw we were on top of someone before he got up, getting us off him as we saw it was a Abyssinian skeleton wearing a blue and white luchador mask with a golden G on the forehead, blue elbow guards, blue luchador pans, white shoes with red laces and yellow soles, a golden necklace with a belt-like emblem having a G on it, and a red collared cape.

The male growls "Who dares land on the great El Lustro!?"

Loot Loot asks "Hey man. So uh, where are we?"

El Lustro spoke "This is Rexius, Land of Kings!"

But then we heard some screams before the Mane 6, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer crashed onto him.

Fin spoke "Girls!"

The group got off El Lustro as he got up.

El Lustro asks "Ugh... Expecting anyone else, amigo?"

Pebble then noticed us.

I ask "Know anything about an asshole called Exis?"

El Lustro was confused.

Applebloom asks "Found Goldcrown yet?"

Loot Loot spoke "Dude, we only just got here. We don't even know if this is where the Treasure Tomb is."

El Lustro spoke "The tomb of legend that holds the most powerful treasure of all?! Another skeleton was looking for that."

El Lustro pointed at the wrestling ring as we saw a shadowed skeleton fighting a white earth pony stallion skeleton that had his left eye sealed up by a red scar while having a gold earring embedded into his right side where an ear would be, shoulder-length blue mane with a helmet-like crown with a dollar sign on the nose protector as he wore a gold loincloth with a chained gold trail coming down from it, golden fingerless gloves on his front legs, brown boots on his back legs, and a red cape with a golden shield having a golden skull on it and two golden swords crossed behind the shield embedded on the back of the cape. The shadowed skeleton kicked the stallion with its right back leg, knocking him back while rolling him up in his cape like a carpet. The shadowed skeleton went onto the ropes and pumped his left foreleg, revealing the skeleton wearing a black samurai uniform with red and gold details, a black samurai helmet with gold details, a black face mask with golden fangs on it, a gold panda decoration wearing shutter shades on top and a pair of gold sandals with red socks on the hind legs. It was Gold Blade, back in action.

Applebloom, Heatwave and Pebble spoke "Gold Blade! You're alright!"

Gold Blade spoke "My friends, I am glad to see you."

I groan "Twilight, you and the other seven were called by the map though thus the eight of you shouldn't be here!"

Applejack spoke "Hey, it ain't like we wanted to take a detour."

I spoke "Novo's gonna be pissed once she finds out you eight didn't show up."

I shake a single warp ring from my tail fur before Twilight and the other seven fall through thus landing in the waters near Mount Aris.

I spoke "Sorry you had to see that folks."

I then turned my attention to the Crusaders and Pebble.

I ask "Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, Quick Fix... Why are you three here?"

Quick was soldering Fin's head back onto the body.

"Applebloom and Heatwave, I understand, but the three of you, why?" I clarified.

Scootaloo spoke "We just found ourselves dragged down here."

Pebble spoke "And I went after them because I didn't want to get shaven by Rarity or iced by Winter if Sweetie Bell or Quick got hurt."

Quick spoke "Okay, that should stop your head from getting popped off again."

El Lustro scoffed, looking away from Gold Blade.

Blade asks "El Lustro, is that you? Are you still upset I won?"

El Lustro spoke "*Stammers before laughs* El Lustro never loses."

Gold Spell wasn't so sure of that as he used a memory spell, showing Blade pinning down El Lustro.

Past Blade spoke "Say it."

Past El Lustro sighs "Ugh... I'm a poopy baby."

The spell was then ended.

El Lustro spoke "It was humiliating."

I spoke "The way you talk reminds me of Trixie..."

The left-eyed skeleton spoke "Maybe don't bet your Ultimate Victory Treasure next time. Now this guy is impossible to defeat. The name's King Bad Axe, leader of the Gold Grabbers."

Blade spoke "Friends, now you are here, we must assemble the best warriors and journey to the Treasure Tomb to save our king, Goldcrown."

Bad Axe gasps "THE Treasure Tomb? The one that holds the most powerful trea-"

Fin spoke "Yeah yeah, we've heard that already."

Blade spoke "There is only one way to do this."

El Lustro spoke "An epic map montage!"

Blade spoke "No, with correct planning and-"

El Lustro started fanfaring.

Pebble asks "Is it just me or does the wind feel different?"


We soon set out to find new allies. Later, we encountered a yellow male gryphon skeleton with orange eye sockets and black eyes, wearing blue and white shoes with orange wings on the sides on his hind legs, an orange-gold crown having flames coming from it, making it look like he had a scalp of burning feathers, an orange-gold wrist guard on his right claw, orange-gold shoulder pauldrons and belt as he had dark red mascara. The griffon was known as King Flare as he a golden shield which looked like an angry sun with shutter glasses, solar flames and an angry frown showing teeth. The journey him was probably the hardest due to how hot the place was.

I had my tongue out while panting since it was how I used to sweat in my past life.

Pebble pants "You think you have it bad Spots? I've got BLACK fur!"

Later, we were in a castle, meeting up with a unicorn mare skeleton with black paint over her eyes and above her muzzle with a golden ring painted on her forehead around the base of her horn and gold paint on the tip of her horn. She was wearing a golden-laced hooded lilac robe, a golden crown with a golden paper-like features on it that was long enough to be at the back of her head, a golden chain necklace with a skull medallion as the emblem, a pink sash that went below her waist and green leggings for her hind legs. She was sitting on her throne as she held up a golden shield that looked like a dragon hand with four claws grasping an orb, and her name was Queen Glowena.

I spoke "My name is Princess Spottedleaf of MeadowClan and it is an honor to meet you."

Glowena spoke "Likewise, though it's surprising and the first to see squishy skinbags here."

Left ear twitching a bit in annoyance, I spoke "Ignoring what you had called me and my fellow immortals, we came here to find info on the jerkwad known as Exis."

Glowena spoke "Hmm... Sorry, but no one in this kingdom heard anything about any Exis."

Ears flatten, Pebble spoke "He is the worst skeleton to ever exist and I along with Applejack, Heatwave and Applebloom dealt with him twice already... Plus Loot Loot calls him Francis. Natsu called him Frankie one time."

Queen Glowena giggled at that.

Later, we were at a safari area as we met a white male Abyssinian skeleton wearing a sunglasses-wearing gold lion mask with light brown mane and a gold crown, gold shoulderpads, purple pants, a gold bracelet on his right wrist, a gold skull belt, and white sandals with light blue straps and gold lion decorations on the ankles. He was holding up a golden shield shaped like a lion's face with an open maw like it was roaring, and he was known as King Roar.

I spoke "We're gonna need all the help we can get if we're to stop that monster."

Pebble spoke "Exactly."

Pebble's compact suddenly goes off.

Pebble asks "Pebble Heart speaking, who is this?"

Only static was heard.

Pebble spoke "Something must've cut off communication."

I was growling since something was coming.

But then to my surprise, it was a white minotaur skeleton wearing golden shutter shades, a golden crown/wrestling ring combo, golden champion belt, orange shoulderpads, shoes, white arm, wrist and hand wrappings, blue shorts and kneepads, while holding a shield that looked like a championship belt emblem.

El Lustro gasps "King Slam?!"

Pebble asks "I wonder who else will appear..."

I rummage around in my hammerspace before pulling out Flash Magnus' shield.

Later, we were at a mausoleum palace, meeting up with a transparent green male hippogriff skeleton wearing a lobster claw-like pauldron, blue and red swim shorts with a gold belt holding it, a gold crown with a blue water wisp on it and a golden spiral design over his left eye. His hooves each had a gold claw on the back of them as the hooves had flipper-like features while he was holding a shield having a manta ray with a coffin on it as its emblem, and his name was King Goldseas.

I groan "Is this the last stop?"

King Slam spoke "Indeed."

Pebble explains to the four royals what he knew about Exis.

Goldseas spoke "Dude sounds bad to the bone."

Pebble spoke "Yeah, he's far worse than a murder tabby."

I snicker in response.

Later, we were on an island as we made it through a jungle before seeing a giant vault entrance, guarded by a giant golden skull head with purple shutter shades and a golden crown with a golden and red X as the emblem. But then the spaces in the shutter shades glowed.

The Guardian spoke "To enter the Treasure Tomb, one must solve a riddle."

I spoke "A riddle huh, I'll try answering it."

I approach the giant golden skull with a calm look on my face.

I spoke "I will answer your riddle."

Blade spoke "Go for the eyes!"

King Flare and King Bad Axe suddenly leapt and slashed the shutter shades, revealing the skull's eyes to actually be diamonds as the two pressed the eyes, making them glow before they landed on the ground.

The Guardian stutters "Cool cool coolc-c-c-c-c-cool. That was the answer anyway. *As she lifted with the entrance opening* You guys are really smart."

...What the?

I growl "What the stars was THAT for you boneheads?"

Blade spoke "Apologies, but time is of the essence since Exis is still out there."

Pebble spoke "Unless you want to get sent flying with a roar.... Don't PISS Spottedleaf off."

Applebloom spoke "Blueblood had that happen to him one time when he demanded that Spottedleaf pay up for insulting him back during Flintfur's first Gala."

"Anyway... Let's just head inside." I said as we went inside to the Treasure Tomb as the entrance closed. We were then in a huge place with a hallway to the left and right.

Loot Loot spoke "Let's split up! Find Goldcrown!"

I spoke "Don't make me kick you Loot Loot."

I use my roar as echolocation to find Goldcrown.

My ears twitch as the sound bounces back.

I spoke "I found him!"

I use my magic as a guiding arrow to point in Goldcrown's location.

I spoke "This way!"

I flew after the magic arrow as the others followed me.

But I crashed against a ginormous golden block, and it doesn't look like any magic can force it open. "Actually, let's split up. We might find a way to open this giant block of gold."

Pebble groans "Spottedleaf, have you forgotten? Your roar can split large rocks. It can even shatter glass. So breaking a block of gold should be easy for you."

"I dunno. 'Cause from the looks of things, that block of gold could be roar-proof." I admitted.

Out of nowhere, a quad-elemental Roar hits the gold block thus shattering it.

Redux-verse Danyelle laughs "Never say never!"

But then giant gold block somehow reconstructed itself.

"Yeah, we'll need to find a key." I noted.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "BUT HOW?!? My roar completely destroyed it to small pieces!"

Glowena spoke "Legends told that what lies inside that giant golden block can only be revealed if the key to unlock it is found. So we should split up into two teams and look in the rooms on the left and right."

Redux-verse Danyelle held up the exact key that the others and I were looking for.

Redux-verse Danyelle asks "You mean this key?"

But then the key vanished, revealed that it was only an illusion.

"Wait... What if the key isn't a key?" I realized.

Pebble asks "What do you mean?"

"Let's search the other two rooms and find out." I said as we split into two teams and went into the other two rooms.

I was with our half as King Slam and Bad Axe lifted up stones, only revealing blue sand.

Glowena spoke "*Wielding a sai* Allow me."

Glowena's horn and sai glowed magenta, causing the blue sand to glow magenta as well as they moved away from the bottom of the stones, before a golden skeleton dragon and alligator emerged from them.

El Lustro spoke "Oh no."

Fin spoke "You can say that again!"

Looks like we'll have to fight off guards.

*Apple Bloom's POV*

I was with our half of the group as we entered the room.

King Flare asks "Ugh! What is that?!"

We saw a giant alien on a puddle of slime before we saw its stomach move and heard a voice from inside it.

A voice spoke "Yo... I love how constricted and slimy it is up in here. LET! ME! OUT!"

Hopefully my stomach can get through this.

*Spottedleaf's POV*

Blade spoke "Use your treasures!"

El Lustro spoke "Someone still has mine."

Blade rolled his eyes as he gave back El Lustro's treasure and outer shield, as most of us wielded a golden weapon and a golden shield with their own treasures as the inner shield. Fin's trident design was upgraded to look like a squid is wrapped around it and making up the spikes. We fought the two golden guard beasts, sending them flying onto a plank as Gold Blade pulled a lever, tipping the plank and sending the dragon and alligator into a bottomless pit.

El Lustro spoke "El Lustro never loses! *Notices Gold Blade's deadpan stare* Starting from now!"

We found two golden keys and opened two stone chests, getting a golden shield with a golden x on it and a golden sword with a golden crown as the hilt.

Fin spoke "Hello, gorgeous."

"That sword could be the key! Let's head back and see what the others found!" I said as we started leaving the room.

All of a sudden, a heavy door slams shut thus trapping my group.

I spoke "Guys! Get behind me and the nekomata!"

Redux-verse Danyelle and I used our roars to blow the stone door to bits.

And that door actually stayed broken. “Let’s move!”

*Applebloom’s POV*

Me and the group I was with were on the alien as I was… dissecting the dead alien, opening a circle I made with a scalpel while that squirted out some slime from inside the alien, especially when a bit got on King Flare.

Scootaloo spoke "Nasty."

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Heatwave, Quick Fix and I did some digging, getting a space critter out before a pink arm erupted, making us back away before something came out. It was an alien covered in slime that had sharp pointed teeth, defined muscles, wearing a black helmet that covers his eyes, which had a gold-lined green x-shaped visor and tally marks etched into the sides, wearing black pants, black shoulderpads, a gold necklace with peridots studding it, and a pair of blocky white shoes with gold bottoms.

The alien spoke "Oh man! Thank you! I could hug you!"

Loot Loot spoke "Uh, no thanks."

Goldseas asks "*As the alien wiped the slime off him* Who are you?"

The alien spoke "Name’s X-Face. This tomb was built to house the most epic treasures from throughout time and space. So you know, this be a place to find ultimate gems, yeah. Next minute, there’s some king with no crown. Next next minute, I was swallowed by this Volgunk. Psh, I mean, crazy!"

X-Face dug into the Volgunk before bringing an x-shaped cyber cannon with a gem on the bottom.

Loot Loot spoke "That’s gotta be Goldcrown!"

X-Face spoke "You know that king? It was marvel, but I think I know how to get it out."

We left the room and met up back with the other group, seeing they having a golden sword and a golden shield.

X-Face spoke "Kay, see that gold pedestal, stab the golden sword in it."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Hold it guys! It could be a trap!"

“Look, I can tell he’s being honest. *Takes the Golden Sword with crown hilt* So Ah trust him.” I said before stabbing the sword into the golden pedestal, causing the giant golden block to open in half as a golden coffin floated towards us and landed. Blade and Fin pushed the lid open, only for us to see wood blocking the way. Loot Loot gave Heatwave an upgrade multi-purpose digging tool as he broke that wood clean open, revealing blue sand underneath it before someone came out of it. It was a white male alicorn skeleton, wearing silver chainmail with a headcover, white pauldrons, white boots with gold tops, a red cloth on his front with an upside down gold crown buckle holding it and a red cape with gold lining.

A familiar voice asks "Ugh… Did you guys go on vacation or what?"

That’s definitely Goldcrown as he came out of the coffin.

“Goldcrown!” Heatwave, Pebble and I smiled as I low-hooved and high-hooved Goldcrown.

Goldcrown spoke "Thanks for digging me out, gang. *Noticed nothing on his head* Duh, I feel naked. Not very kingly."

Blade spoke "Being a king’s not about crowns, it’s about being a leader."

Goldcrown spoke "Hmm… I’d prefer having a crown."

Heehee! That’s Goldcrown alright.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "You might not know me but I'm Danyelle. Though I'm not the Danyelle that the boneheads know."

Goldcrown asks "*Digging through blue sand* Really now?"

Goldcrown found an outer shield half and tried putting it on.

"Wait, somethin' seems familiar about that." I noticed as I grabbed the shield Fin was holding and and the outer shield half on Goldcrown's head and put them together, making a full shield as I noticed a shield slot on a giant vault and put the completed shield in.

A voice laughs "Let me help you with that!"

Exis dropped in and shoved me aside.

Exis "Thanks for opening the vault for me, cretins!"

Goldcrown spoke "Oh! Forgot he was trapped here too!"

Exis spoke "*Front right hoof on the completed shield* Say goodbye to your universe, twerps!"

"No!" Heatwave and I cried out as Exis turned the shielded right and opened it, only... to find a spider inside a small hole before it leapt onto his muzzle as he screamed.

Exis screams "Spider to the face!"

Exis ran around before jumping and running down to the lower as he panicked and got spider off him, making most of us snicker.

Glowena asks "...Really? All it takes to beat the ultimate bad guy is... a bug?"

That made us snicker more before we noticed a bone sticking out the back of Bad Axe's head as Goldseas moved it up and down, making Bad Axe's jaw flap.

Goldseas spoke "*Voicing Bad Axe* You know what us gold-drivers say, righty-tighty, lefty-loosey."

Bad Axe spoke "*Swats Goldseas' right claw away from his flapper bone* Stop that."

That made us laugh.

Redux-verse Danyelle laughs "It'll take more than that to stop us heroes though Francis!"

That made us laugh harder as Goldcrown turned the shield left, before the vault door opened, letting out a river of golden coins as Fin dived in. Goldseas and Flare were making coin angels as I noticed a crown with a big gapping hole for the centerpiece while X-Face pulled the sword out. We gave Goldcrown the crown, sword and completed shield as I noticed a golden wyvern with a golden sword pointing down behind it embedded on the back of Goldcrown's cape.

Redux-verse Danyelle sets Exis on fire.

But then a black dragon skeleton with features and armor similar to Exis showed up with Goldenstar, Gold Curser and Exis' army as the landing extinguished the flames completely. Goldenstar was wearing a sleeveless black ninja outfit lined with gold in the front, a black hood with a red and gold bandanna around his mouth, black leggings with red sandals with gold straps on his back legs while he was wielding a golden axe that resembles an open-mouthed dragon. Gold Curser was still wrapped up in white bandages which exposed bits of his bones while wearing a gold medallion with an urn on it around his neck, and a black baseball cap with a red brim and crossed golden axe and sickle on it as he wielded an axe designed to look like a snake with an open mouth.

Exis spoke "Give me that crown!"

Goldcrown spoke "Nah, bro."

We then started fighting the army as Goldcrow used the giant gold stone trap to his advantage, taking out two Exis goons before knocking one away with his shield.

Goldcrown spoke "Guess who's back? Goldcrown's back!"

Goldenstar then landed behind Blade.

Goldenstar spoke "Hello, old friend."

The ninja then started quickly moving around Blade before they clashed weapons. Gold Curser was chasing Fin up a ladder before the hippogriff got to the top as the ladder tipped and fell, taking Gold Curser along with it.

Gold Curser spoke "I never learned how to read!"

Bad Axe spoke "Me next."

I then noticed a gold dragon medallion as Glowena knocked an Exis goon head to another, knocking both out as Loot-Loot knocked one down before decapitating another with his golden Khopesh sword. The Shadow Burn dragon battled Flare and Goldseas as it breathed fire at the griffon, but he was totally unaffected. Goldseas' outer shield was red ship wood with golden octopus outlines as Flare's outer shield looked like gold and clouds. The griffon and hippogriff threw a combined water/fire attack, hitting the Shadow Burn dragon hard as that made an explosion.

Goldenstar asks "Forgiveness, after what happened?!"

Somethin' tells me it was only a harmless prank when they were colts. The two clashed again as Bad Axe kicked a ladder, knocking it down with some Exis goons as I grabbed the medallion. "Goldcrown!" I called out before heading to him and placing the god dragon medallion into the hole, fitting perfectly as the alicorn was suddenly charged up with some kind of power as he was surrounded in energy in the air with his eye sockets being completely white. Goldcrown then sent out pulses of energy, knocking out a ladder with some Exis goons.

El Lustro spoke "Ai..."

Then a pulse of energy blasted Goldenstar away.

Blade spoke "No!"

X-Face spoke "Yo! Super Goldcrown! There's a place, or rather, there's a time, where you can trap Exis in fire and ice."

Goldcrown nodded before he jumped back and fired energy from his sword at Exis before the evil alicorn grabbed me.

Exis spoke "You're coming with me, Skinbag!"

Goldcrown screams "NO!"

But I brought out my golden Tanto Sword before decapitating Exis, despite knowing he'd live through that, as I got away from him before the energy hit Exis, sending him into a portal.

Exis spoke "Oh bones!"

The portal then closed, trapping Exis.

Spottedleaf spoke "See you never!"

"Phew! 'bout time we got him good." I smiled.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Nobody's gonna believe me when I tell them that I fought alongside a bunch of good skeletons against a bad one!"

"Oh! You became an alicorn, Goldcrown." I noticed.

Goldcrown chuckles "Yeah, happened while I was trapped in that coffin, same with my bones changing color too."

Pebble laughs "This was one ascension that NONE of the Alliance sensed!"

Redux-verse Danyelle laughs "Not even me!"

Spottedleaf wingslaps Redux-verse Danyelle upside the back of the head.

Spottedleaf spoke "You're not an alicorn though."

Goldcrown spoke "But don't worry, I'll find a way to make a connection with Rexius, Xeo, Apexia, and your world."

Pebble's tail bristles up.

Pebble spoke "I sense another alicorn was just born..."

"From who?" I asked.

Spottedleaf spoke "Parents are both unicorns though yet their daughter's an alicorn."

*Some time later in Ponyville,*

The others and I were at the house where the new alicorn was living.

Spottedleaf knocked on the door before a tired unicorn stallion with blue eyes, light blue fur and dark blue mane answered.

The stallion asks "Yeah?"

Spottedleaf spoke "My fellow alicorns and I wanted to congratulate you and your wife for bringing a new alicorn into the world."

The stallion asks "How did you know?"

After arriving with Moonlight, Luna spoke "It's because we know one of our own."

Moonlight was curious about the new alicorn foal.

Moonlight asks "Mama, could I see the new foal?"

Luna spoke "Of course, sweetie."

Moonlight slowly approaches the sleeping foal.

Looking up at the stallion, Moonlight asks "Have you thought of a name for her yet?"

River Sprint spoke "I’m not sure."

Moonlight asks "Hmm... How about Aqua Mist?"

River Sprint and Ocean Tide were surprised at that.

Luna giggles "Leave it to a foal to name another foal."

I couldn’t help but giggle at that.

Pebble and the others chuckle.

Spottedleaf snickers "Sparkles is gonna lose it once she finds out that Aqua Mist is an alicorn."

Quick chuckles "Definitely."

Quick soon found himself lodged in a tree when Twilight crashed into him.

Twilight gasps "A new foal?"

Quick groans "*muffled voice* Why did I say that?"

Spottedleaf giggles "Cool it Sparkles."

Twilight whines "Spotty..."

Spottedleaf snickers "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Spottedleaf flew off after taunting Twilight.

Twilight spoke "You're a dead cat once I catch you!"

Twilight flew after Spottedleaf.

Spottedleaf blew a raspberry at Twilight.

“They’ll be at it for a while.” I said.

Heatwave chuckles "You're one to talk Bloom, you tussle with Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell at times."

"Heehee, that's 'cause we're best friends." I smiled as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined my side while smiling too.

Heatwave spoke "Hay yeah! I don't care that we have different diets though."

"Cool." I smiled before I felt myself getting warmer. Dang, I'm thinkin' about Heatwave again...

Heatwave chuckles "Like my big bro says... If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen."

"Uh... Ah'm gonna go see how AJ's doin'." I nervously said while still blushing before flying off.

Pebble snickers "Filly's got it bad!"

Heatwave spoke "Yeah but I'm gonna wait a few more years."

Guh... Gotta hold myself together... Maybe AJ can help me calm down.

Jackie asks "Ya okay?"

"I dunno why, but Heatwave was the only thing on my mind, lately." I said.

Jackie spoke "Mah guess would be that yer thinking about foals already but ya might want to wait a few more years."

"I-I know, but I can only keep mah mind straight for so long." I responded.

Jackie spoke "Given that Maylu's only 15 yet she's a mother already.... Ya should talk to yer ma first."

"R-Right." I nodded before flying off.

A loud bang followed by Golden Ingot's scream was heard.

I couldn't help but giggle as I soon found Ma.

Pear spoke "Hey Bloomy."

Apple Brandy pounces on me from behind.

"Heehee, Brandy!" I giggled.

The soft reddish orange hippogriff chirps happily.

Pear asks "So, did you need anything?"

Bright spoke "By stars, she's got that look on her face... The very look that all females get when they're in heat..."

Pear spoke "Oh dear..."

Bright spoke "What confuses me the most that even though Squirrelstar has children, she's only 10 years old."

Pear asks "It's best not to question that. Remember Pinkie?"

Bright spoke "Clan cat logic is strange...."

"Um... What should I do?" I asked Ma.

Pear spoke "Think about something else though."

To be Continued...

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