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Diamond Dog Dilemma

*Erza's POV*

I wonder what's going on back at the Diamond Dog Kingdom. Maybe Berkan's finding Katherina Proudpaws.

All of a sudden, my scales were glowing since I was being called by the map.

But at the same time, the sun finished setting.

Twilight, Flash, Azure and Rainbow go into their lycan forms as Goliath and the other gargoyles wake up.

We soon met up at Twilight's map room.

Werelight spoke "Ah good timing, I can't seem to make heads or tails of this mission since a gargoyle was also called but the only problem is... It's a long flight to the Diamond Dog Kingdom..."

I spoke "Well, I'll head on ahead to the kingdom."

The image of a squirrel was also seen on the map, indicating that Squirrelstar had to go as well.

Werelight groans "Well, this is bad..."

"Hm... I see your problem. The Kingdom might not take Squirrelstar that well." I noted.

Werebow spoke "Exactly and then there's Demona..."

"What? Surely this is a jest." I responded.

Werelight spoke "It's not a joke Erza."

This... Just got a lot more complicated.

Danyelle spoke "Demona should be arriving with a foul look on her face in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

But then a part of the wall exploded.

Danyelle shields the ponies with magic.

Danyelle spoke "Called it."

When the smoke cleared, we saw a wrathful Demona, wielding an advanced firearm and her eyes glows red in fury.

Danyelle shot a fireball at the gun, knocking it out of Demona's grip.


Like a bolt of lightning, Danyelle beats the tar out of Demona.

But it looked like Demona's anger wasn't getting any better.

Danyelle hisses "Can't you JUST let it go? You're no better than Ember was when she was little!"

The two females kept on fighting, Danyelle's claws were coated in ice which caused immense pain to Demona.

But Demona fought back, causing a lot of pain to Danyelle. But I decided to stop this fight before it could tear down the castle, so I delivered a swift neck chop to Danyelle and Demona, knocking both of them unconscious. But then I picked up Demona and carried her over my shoulder.

"I'm carry her to the kingdom while she's still asleep." I said.

But Danyelle jolted back awake due to zapping herself.

Pulling out a shock collar, Danyelle asks "Would this work for controlling her?"

"Why? We are not enslaving her." I replied.

Danyelle spoke "It's just to control her anger though, I had to resort to putting shock collars on the Dazzlings to control their anger."

"Know Gargoyles and their strength, she'd be able to tear it off." I pointed out.

Fluttershy spoke "Uh Erza... she's waking up..."

But as Demona was about to wake up, I delivered another neck chop, making her fall unconscious again.

Danyelle spoke "I use siren-level shock collars though, it's tough to remove and not even gargoyle strength can break one."

After the collar was put on Demona's neck, Danyelle nods at me.

"A word of caution: Do not think that this mission or the collar will be enough to change her." I warned Danyelle as I started searching for Squirrelstar.

Danyelle spoke "I used the same idea my OC-verse counterpart used on her universe's Twilight, those beads are enchanted to never be forcefully removed unless I take them off. All it takes is one command to stop her. But if her anger continues to increase, she'll cause the Windigos to return thus freezing ALL OF US IN ICE!"

"I will take that risk. And knowing her, I don't think that command will stop her." I said as I continued looking for Squirrelstar.

The sound of a distant windigo was heard thus scaring the ponies.

Hudson spoke "The cat is right lass, we gargoyles stand no chance against them windigos."

A voice spoke "Yoga!"

But then an earth pony stallion suddenly appeared.

Werelight spoke "I recognize him! He's the stallion that helped Sunset and I face our shadows!"

The stallion spoke "I apologize for not introducing myself the last time we met. I am Shaanti Jvaala."

Hudson spoke "Sorry lad but not even you can stop the windigos..."

Danyelle spoke "He's right though since according to Hearth's Warming legends, windigos are spirits that feed on hate and anger.. the more anger the spirit feels, the colder things will become. And because Demona's got a lot of built up anger, she's the reason why the Windigos have returned."

Shaanti spoke "Even so, I will assist in protecting this village."

Shaanti suddenly took a deep breath in, making his belly enlarge.

Shaanti spoke "This is the power of yoga."

Shaanti suddenly started breathing out fire as it formed into a giant ball of flame and got bigger and bigger. But for some reason, Werelight sensed no negative energy in the attack.

Shaanti spoke "Behold its beauty."

Shaanti then launched the giant fire ball at a Windigo, hitting it multiple times before the ball exploded, damaging the Windigo.

Danyelle slaps Demona across the face before grabbing her by the beaded collar.

Danyelle growls "This mess is your fault you know? If you even have a single shred of love left in your heart, you have to change your ways before we all freeze to death!"

Demona was still out cold.

Danyelle spoke "I think it's time we call Cadence in."

Shaanti spoke "Perhaps the most suitable choice, because even though it is slowly, the Windigos are healing from my flames rather quickly."

Starlight pops up with Cadence.

A sleepy Cadence asks "Can someone *yawn* tell me what's going on?"

But when Cadence saw the Windigos, her eyes popped wide open.

Danyelle explained to Cadence that the Windigos had been attracted to the anger within Demona's heart.

Cadence sighs "It won't be easy to calm her. But I'll try to drive them off."

Danyelle asks "Goliath, do you still care about Demona?"

Goliath spoke "...Yes."

Sleuth gallops off to be alone since she had growing feelings for Goliath.

Danyelle spoke "And it seems Sleuth has feelings for you as well..."

Goliath was definitely surprised.

Danyelle spoke "Which brings up a whole new problem.... Gargoyles don't do harems..."

A loud crash was heard before a male gargoyle tumbles head over feet before ending up with his head stuck in a wall.

The male spoke "Son of a... That hurt..."

Goliath asks "Scorpan?"

Scorpan was pulling his head out of the wall.

Scorpan spoke "First moment, I was flying, and the next, my wings felt like they were burning."

I spoke "I wasn't expecting this..."

Brooklyn spoke "Whoa, did not see that coming."

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys, we got TWO friendship problems to solve!"

Shaanti spoke "Indeed, and we must solve one immediately before moving onward to solve the other."

Danyelle spoke "We should deal with Demona's anger first before going to the Diamond Dog Kingdom."

Shaanti and Cadence were holding off the Windigos.

*Meanwhile with Sleuth*

Sleuth was hiding under her bed, not caring if her mane got dirty.

Sleuth thinks "{Stars above, what is wrong with my heart?}"

A stallion asks "Sis? What’s going on?"

A Pegasus stallion with dark brown fur, cut black mane that was shaved at the sides, black tail, wearing a blue vest over a black shirt, with his cutie mark being a wing crossed with a motor blade in front of a shield.

Sleuth spoke "Oh, uh, Drift Scout. Uh… it’s nothing."

Drift spoke "Big sis, I know something’s wrong."

Danyelle spoke "I'm no Cadence but even I can see that she has it bad for the one called Goliath. The only problem is... He still cares about Demona."

Noble Howl spoke "*Showing up* Can't say I'm surprised. She's his mate after all, but the ultimate choice may be now or soon."

Danyelle spoke "Ex-mate... Not only that, female gargoyles of the nocturnal variant breed only once evert 20 years."

But then we noticed Goliath suddenly gone, and Cadence too.

Danyelle thinks "*eyes were a lighter shade of blue* {What are you talking about Cadence?}"

"What's going on, Dany?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes were a lighter shade of blue* I'm listening in on what Cadence is talking about."

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes were a lighter shade of blue* She's talking to Goliath about Sleuth's problem."

"Really?" I gasped in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes were a lighter shade of blue* Yeah."

Danyelle's right ear twitches a bit before she giggles.

"What now?" I asked.

Danyelle giggles "*eyes were a lighter shade of blue* Goliath will be heading this way shortly."

Shaanti spoke "*Gentle smile* Indeed."

Danyelle spoke "*eyes were a lighter shade of blue* And Drift, you better not think of attacking him."

“Did you just speak through Cadence?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Sight sharing doesn't work that way."

“Then how do you know?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I can see things that have yet to happen."

“Oh.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and hey Goliath."

Goliath had indeed returned.

Danyelle asks "So, what did you and Cadence talk about?"

Sleuth stayed under her bed.

Drift spoke "Come on, sis. You can tell me what’s going on."

After Sleuth crawls out, everyone present was shocked.

Sporting a horn and a pair of wings, Sleuth asks "What are you all looking at?"

Cadence giggles "Was not expecting that."

Danyelle spoke "I didn't see that one coming."

"I don't think anyone could have." I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "Yet I'm the one that's more sensitive to raw magic bursts than any alicorn."

I then noticed Goliath completely frozen still, not in ice or in stone, but when I touched him, he tipped like a statue.

Danyelle laughs "Oh my StarClan! He's got it BAD!!!"

Brooklyn spoke "Looks like he won't be waking up for a while."

Then we noticed the Windigos started easing up.

Soon enough, the sun started to rise.

Danyelle spoke "I wish that Goliath and his friends didn't have to be in stone-sleep during the day."

Mystic spoke "I'm not sure if you know what you're asking."

Danyelle spoke "No offense Cadence but even I can see that Sleuth has it bad for Goliath despite her being a freshly ascended alicorn."

Cadence spoke "...I'll let it slide, this time."

Sleuth spoke "It's all true... But Demona's the only problem..."

Scorpan spoke "Look, I can help."

Danyelle, Twilight and Sleuth ask "How?"

Scorpan spoke "I think I'm supposed to come along."

Danyelle spoke "But sending a 10 year old Abyssinian into Diamond Dog territory is just asking for trouble..."

Squirrelstar spoke "The map chose me, we can't really argue with that. Besides, Erza can help them calm down."

Squirrelstar does have a point.

Danyelle spoke "Brambleclaw would have my tail if you got hurt Squirrelstar. You're just a child by Equian standards."

Squirrelstar spoke "The map chose me, so I'll have to go."

But suddenly, the squirrel image had changed to a lightning bolt and music note.

Twilight spoke "Okay, the map's on the fritz right now."

Squirrelstar asks "What the…?"

Sleuth spoke "My guess as to why it's like this is because of the blizzard... And for once, it's not the dumbass cyro's fault."

Ice Chill spoke "Hey!

A voice spoke "Phantom Wind!"

A familiar ghost jumped and slashed the Windigos, definitely wounding them as it landed on the ground before vanishing.

A second voice spoke "Seems like it was wise to come here."

We turned around to see Gizem and Flaring Blade, wielding their weapons.

Danyelle wingslaps Ice on the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "She was talking about Blizzardstar! Your nickname is Icebrain."

Flaring Blade: *Horn glowing with Neighponese symbols flowing around her* Amaterasu!"

The symbols vanished as flames flew from underground and into the air, making a sphere on fire before it transformed into a giant Neighponese phoenix wearing burning beads as it shot dirigible light flares at the Windigos, damaging them more.

Spottedleaf yowls "LIGHTNING NEKO ROAR!!!"

A blast of lightning hits a Windigo, causing it to explode.

More Windigos kept on appearing but a sudden Fire Kyubi Roar sent them all packing.

Twirama spoke "Seems like I got called here by the map."

Danyelle asks "From your universe? What are the odds?"

Twirama spoke "I just happened to be in the right spot at the right time."

The blizzard then completely stopped as the map was working normally again.

Twirama spoke "Huh, would you look at that? It's working right again."

Gizem spoke "*Notices location* And just when Flaring and I arrived here to ask for help back home."

As dumb luck would have it, the flickering image of a starburst and an orange fox head was floating above Caninia.

Twirama asks "Why me?"

Danyelle asks "So Twirama, Demona, Scorpan and Erza?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah but one problem... Demona's back in stone for the day."

The other night gargoyles were stone too.

Scorpan spoke "Bit awkward carrying a statue."

Twirama spoke "Least my universe's Danyelle told me what she had done in Caninia."

*Outside the castle,*

Twirama was in her combat form so she could move faster while wearing a cart with no wheels strapped to her back.

Twirama picks the statue up and sets it in the cart.

Twirama spoke "Normally it would take days to get to Caninia by train but with my legs, we can get there by sundown."

Scorpan, Gizem, Flaring Blade and I were soon in the cart.

Twirama spoke "Hold on tight!"

With a howl, Twirama took off running towards Caninia.

The four of us held onto the cart tight.

The statue was close to falling out but Scorpan had to hold onto it.

Scorpan spoke "Please be careful!"

Since she had foals on the way, Twirama slows to a quick trot.

Twirama spoke "Sorry and since my universe's Cadence and the one of this universe aren't here, I can tell that you have a slight crush on the female gargoyle but the only problem is her anger."

I was snickering.

Scorpan stuttered while blushing as Flaring Blade covered her mouth with a hoof while giggling as Gizem cracked a smile with a slight chuckle.

A rumbling chuckle was felt throughout Twirama's body as she snickers.

Twirama spoke "I whacked my universe's Ein with a blue punch buggy one time and he got sent flying while screaming like a girl!"

Scorpan snickered at that.

Twirama spoke "My universe's Danyelle pranked Moeka with a stick bug and pinned the blame on Pierce!"

I was howling with laughter.

We were soon a minute away from Caninia.

And good timing too, the sun was starting to set thus Demona was due to wake up soon.

Twirama snickers "Blushing Gargoyle in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

The statue exploded as Demona roared.

Twirama spoke "And don't even think about lashing out at us missy."

Demona suddenly turned toward us in anger and was about to lunge at us before she was suddenly shocked, making her roar in pain and fury.

I spoke "A little safety lock if Demona tries to attack one of us. She can't remove the beads either."

Twirama spoke "I'd rather not get attacked since I have foals on the way."

The revelation of what Twirama said stopped Demona from trying to attack the kyubi-alicorn.

Demona growls "This changes nothing."

I spoke "Don't make me get Danyelle on your sorry tail!"

Twirama spoke "No offense to myself and everypony else but that gargoyle's got the temper of a wild mustang."

Gizem spoke "Now down to business. There are five heroes in Caninia known as the Pack, but Flaring and I don't trust them. Some others don't trust them either."

Flaring spoke "But lately, there were robberies and beaten diamond dogs."

Twirama growls "Real heroes don't beat others up for no reason!"

Gizem spoke "Yeah, but we can't confirm it."

Scorpan spoke "This Pack group sounds like a bunch of animals."

"Worse than that. Animals hunt because they're hungry, while these hunters only do it for sport." I noted.

Twirama restrains Demona with a tail fully wrapped around the female gargoyle.

Twirama spoke "There's 7 of us and 5 of them."

"Still, they cannot be underestimated." I pointed out.

Twirama spoke "Size wise, I'm the biggest here."

Ghost spoke "*Appearing* I've seen how the Pack fights. They're clever and adaptable. If we don't watch ourselves, they could get the best of us."

Twirama growls suddenly.

I growl "They're close... I can smell them."

Flaring Blade spoke "No one, move. Look down."

Twirama turns herself and the others invisible while masking the scents.

We saw ourselves surrounded by traps as we didn't see a single movement.

Ghost spoke "They know you're trying to lure them out."

Twirama spoke "*voice was a whisper* Don't move."

There was nothing, only the howling wind.

Twirama's ears swivel about, listening for anything unnatural.

Ghost then vanished, ready to come back out when Gizem called upon him.

Twirama melts all the traps with her flames.

Gizem and Flaring spoke "Jump!"

We did that before the Pack erupted from underground, right from where we were before they went back underground.

Broad wings flapping, Twirama was now in the air thus avoiding further attacks.

Twirama asks "Gizem was it? Tell me, how many are in this pack?"

Gizem spoke "From what it looked like when they jumped out, all five of them."

But then something erupted from the ground and headed for us before we dodged it as we saw that it was a metallic boomerang when it exploded. That's when something else erupted and wrapped itself around one of Twirama's legs as it started pulling her down.

Twirama shot fire from her mouth at the five, melting the boomerang in the process thus freeing herself.

The Pack dodged it since they were still underground.

Gizem spoke "...We have to beat them at their own game."

Twirama came down to us as Gizem told us the plan before Gizem and Flaring sensed the Pack coming at us from underground again before we ran, with Scorpan carrying a protesting Demona as we led the Pack into a cave before we went into hiding above in the darkness up above, with us with wings carrying Demona, Gizem and Flaring Blade.

Twirama whispers "I could call in Redux-verse Danyelle since she's got earthbending."

Gizem whispers "No, when they realize something's odd, they'll resurface, and that will give us our chance."

Twirama whispers "We could use this cave as a means for a sneak attack since my flames have a long reach. Plus ground aligned attacks have no effect on me since I have flying affinity due to my wings even though I've got fire and psychic affinities as my dominant typing."

Flaring whispers "But due to how bright your flames can burn, that could give away our plan."

I whisper "Plus we can't risk putting a pregnant mare into further danger."

Twirama winced, knowing that was true.

A warp ring opens up behind Twirama before a shiny two-tailed Mew with wings floats out of it.

Redux-verse Danyelle asks "Did someone call me?"

Twirama spoke "Not really, but thanks for coming."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Trouble huh? I could easily force anyone that's hiding underground out with my Earthquake attack."

Gizem spoke "Very well, we'll get into positions to grab them from the shadows."

Redux-verse Danyelle floated out of the cave before using Earthquake on the ground to force the five out of hiding before Twirama flings magic ropes at them, restraining them.

Gizem spoke "Hmm..."

Twirama growls at the five while wisps of fire flow out from her mouth as if she were charging up a Flamethrower attack.

Demona smirked at that before Gizem and Flaring Blade stopped Twirama.

Gizem spoke "Calm yourself."

Flaring spoke "Don't let your anger control you."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Firebenders are known to have fiery tempers... No pun intended... More-so if they have kids on the way."

Twirama calmed down before huffing out a puff of smoke.

Redux-verse Danyelle conks Twirama on the back of the head but it wasn't hard enough to make the kyubi-alicorn lose the grip on the five.

To my surprise, Demona was rather confused at the headslap.

"There's going to be a lot of explaining after this." I noted.

Twirama spoke "Especially the headslap thing..."

Later, the Pack were arrested and sent to jail as we decided to check up on Berkan and Katherine.

I spoke "That was a close call though."

Twirama spoke "You’re telling me."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "It could have been a lot worse if I hadn't come to help."

Then Sanka showed up. "Hey guys, did I miss anything?"

Twirama spoke "Not a lot, a counterpart of my universe's Danyelle was able to force five troublemakers out of hiding with an Earthquake attack and I snared them with my magic."

Sanka spoke "Huh."

From Sanka's perspective, Redux-verse Danyelle looked like a hairless nekomata-gryphon hybrid.

Sanka asks "Anyway, here about the six Princess sisters?"

Twirama spoke "According to what I was told by my universe's Danyelle, lead is toxic to all animals and if I'm right... Somedog has lead poisoning."

Sanka asks "Ambrosia Muffinbuns, right?"

OC-verse Danyelle pokes her head out of a warp ring.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Wrong dog, it's Jennino."

Roll pops up suddenly.

Roll spoke "I remember you! I haven't seen you since Yuki's wedding!"

Sanka spoke "Yep. Gizem and Berkan's big bro."

Roll spoke "Twilight sent me here to help out since I have healing magic. *noticing Twirama* Ah, this universe's Twilight that is."

"Good call." I smiled.

Roll purrs happily.

Sanka spoke "Whoa, better be careful, 'cause Abyssinians and diamond dogs aren't exactly..."

Roll spoke "I know..."

Roll started to growl suddenly.

Sanka asks "Huh?"

Twirama growls "Whoever is hiding better come out NOW before they get a triple dose of fire to the tail!"

But then black, yellow-eyed monsters appeared.

Both Danyelles spoke "Aw SHIT!"

Sanka spoke "*Brings out katana and short sword* Guess I get to join the party after all."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Bad idea sir, those things are called Heartless and they can only be destroyed with a keyblade."

Sanka spoke "This is why I'm a special kind of adventurer. I've beaten and destroyed monsters like these before."

Redux-verse Danyelle and OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Not like these ones! They have insane regen speed!"

Sanka spoke "Hehe, really now? Plague Rhasa. Afterimage of Keiga. Kalla of Dark Flame."

Sanka suddenly summoned three ghosts.

Sanka spoke "That means I'll have to go full strength on this attack. Ghost 7..."

Sanka struck his katana on the ground at the Heartless as that suddenly caused a swamp to appear with it growing.

Sanka spoke "Furious Blanche!"

A giant monstrous ghost emerged from the swamp, causing a shockwave that damaged the Heartless before it chomped down on them as it dragged them down into the swamp before it vanished, somehow beating the group of Heartless while the three ghosts vanished.

But even MORE Heartless kept appearing.

Sanka asks "Come on. Can't have all the fun, can I?"

Twirama and Redux-verse Danyelle both roar loud, sending several Heartless flying.

OC-verse Danyelle flew on wings of flame as she sliced several Heartless with her Keyblade.

Gizem spoke "*Drawing katana* I definitely heard those."

A sickly Jenn spoke "We.. have to help..."

Roll spoke "*As Berkan and the other Diamond Dog Princesses showed up* Not until you're cured of lead poisoning!"

Jenn spoke "But..."

Roll growls "No buts! You want your condition to get worse?"

Vince flew at high speed before dropkicking a Heartless.

Ghost spoke "*Appears beside Gizem* Let’s go!"

Gizem spoke "Very well."

The ghost vanished as Gizem went into his fighting stance as Ghost appeared in front of him on the opposite side of a group of Heartless with the place suddenly getting darker.

Gizem and Ghost spoke "Phantom Cross!"

The two crossed paths before they slashed the group of heartless, beating them as the cave lightened up a bit back to its normal darkness.

Twirama spoke "EAT FLAMETHROWER!!!!"

Several Heartless catch fire.

Flaring Blade used her magic to create a giant seal on the ground below a group of Heartless before the seal exploded, damaging them as she appeared at that group before six smaller seals appeared around her.

Flaring Blade spoke "Circles of Inferno!"

The seals then exploded, destroying the group of Heartless while Flaring Blade was unscathed.

A Lightning Neko Roar causes hundreds of Heartless to explode.

Spottedleaf spoke "I brought in BACK UP!!!"

Roll spoke "Good timing Spots!"

Spottedleaf giggles "I try my best."

Roll had slipped into a Neighponese dialect which caused the others to be confused.

Roll spoke "Minasan! Ima shika nai!"

Twirama roars loud, leading the Alliance into battle.

Berkan attacked many Heartless as red energy seemed to come out of them, forming some kind of red sword while he got faster and faster.

Berkan spoke "Alright, it’s complete! *Grabs red sword* Extreme Overkill!"

Berkan swung the red sword downward before leaping back after it was swung into the ground. The red sword then suddenly detonated, causing an explosion in the form of a red geyser, hitting a group of Heartless into the air and holding them up while damaging them.

Several Heartless got frozen in ice by Blizzardstar and Redux-verse Danyelle.

OC-verse Clarity spoke "WIND SCAR!!!!"

A blade of energy rends the earth, destroying several dozen Heartless.

But then a giant Heartless appeared, looking like it was the leader.

Several hippogriffs lead by Poseidon and Novo charge into battle.

Twirama tramples a few Heartless.

Sanka, Berkan and Gizem fought with the giant Heartless.

Twirama pounces on the giant Heartless, sinking her fiery fangs into its neck before slamming it about.

Sanka spoke "Berkan! Gizem! Get ready!"

The three brothers readied to attack the giant heartless.

Twirama threw the giant Heartless at the trio of Diamond Dogs.

Sanka spoke "Descent of Sieg!"

Berkan spoke "Blood Riven!"

Ghost appeared beside Gizem.

Gizem and Ghost spoke "Phantasmal Slayer!"

Gizem and Ghost instantly disappeared while the area around the Heartless darkened. Ghost then reappeared above the giant Heartless before forcefully striking it downward before vanishing again. Gizem appeared on its right before slashing across it diagonally downward, then vanished, followed by Ghost appearing on its left before slashing across it diagonally downward to, then vanished. Both then reappeared before slashing it horizontally and simultaneously as Berkan transformed into a Blood Majin and charged forward before attacking the Heartless in a blood explosion. Sanka then summoned the First Soul Bender Sieg as it attacked the Heartless while forcing it onto the ground. But then hands of the dead emerged from underground, grabbing Sieg as they dragged him back underground before the First Soul Bender dragged the Heartless down with him, killing the enemy captain.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Holy Shinx! That last attack reminded me of Gira's Phantom Force attack!"

Sanka spoke "Heh, that’s ‘cause I can use my inner ghost, and I’m not a Soul Reaper Soul Bender anymore. Now I’m a Dark Lord Soul Bender."

Berkan spoke "Hehe, yeah. I rose up from a Hell Harbinger Berserker to a Blood Evil Berserker."

Ghost spoke "Heh, and Gizem has improved from being a Yaksha Ghostblade, and he became a Rakshasa Ghostblade, strengthening me as well."

Twirama spoke "Nine tailed fox inside my body."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Forgetting someone, Twi?"

Twirama spoke "Of course not!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Your voice says otherwise."

Twirama spoke "Quiet you."

Scorpan spoke "Demona was it? I understand if you don't feel the same way towards me as I do towards you... It just might not work out, I'm a daylight gargoyle and you're a night-time one."

This is getting more complicated by the second, even though the Heartless are beaten.

Scorpan spoke "Guess I'll go back to my homelands... Alone..."

Demona spoke "Not. One. More. Step."

Scorpan froze at that.

Twirama snickers "She seriously needs to let it go."

Redux-verse Danyelle and the others snicker.

Demona spoke "I’ll give you one chance, but if you try anything, you’ll regret it."

Scorpan spoke "Guess kids are out of the question then."

Berkan whispered to Scorpan, “Maybe right now, but she might warm up to ya sooner or later. Believe me, Katherina and I were bitter rivals while we were pups. But we started getting along with each other, and here are, dating.”

Good thing Demona didn’t hear that in the slightest.

Twirama whispers "Even though I find Kurama annoying at times, he and I share the same body but not the same genders."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Twilight is the same way with Deep Blue."

Scorpan spoke "Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind."

Spottedleaf spoke "You should probably take some time and get to know her first but before you make any reckless choices."

Scorpan spoke "Sure."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "I blew a gasket at a pair of aliens one time."


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