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Kanji's Visit/ Nightmare Night

*Danyelle’s POV*

Emerald called me and said that she’s gonna visit Ponyville with Goryuu, Shima, Kochuu, Sunao and Kanji.

I yawn "Oh sure Emmy..."

Emerald asks "Great! Hey, you okay?"

I yawn "Irene kept crying all night long..."

Emerald asks "Huh? Why?"

I yawn "It's what babies of any species would do to get attention..."

Emerald spoke "Oh. Sorry about that."

I yawn "She wouldn't calm down unless I was holding her... Kirin foals are much worse since they can go nirik mode at random moments..."

Emerald spoke "Yeesh! Talk about a fiery temper."

I spoke "I know right? I'm glad I'm an Abyssinian-alicorn hybrid and not a kirin.... No offense to Lightning Edge though."

Emerald spoke "I think she's cool. And you forgot about Umbra Chains."

I giggle "Yeah."

I yawn loudly.

I ask "How are you going to get to Ponyville?"

Emerald spoke "Teddie found out that the TM World is now connected everywhere in our world, so he and Heifa are helping us get to Ponyville through there. It should be quicker."

I snicker "Just keep him away from Vinyl though... She is a vampire."

Emerald asks "Say what?"

I spoke "Just don't ask though... Vinyl doesn't like talking about how she became one."

Emerald asks "Okay?"

I spoke "I'll see you soon."

Emerald spoke "See ya later!"

I closed the mirror before getting dressed.

After feeding Irene, I got some fish into my stomach before heading out for the day.

“Pinkie will definitely be planning a party.” I said to myself, thinking about the visit.

Rainbow spoke "And with Nightmare Night being two days away no less!"

“Good to see you here, Dash.” I smiled.

Rainbow spoke "I still can't believe that we took down Izanami like that!"

I spoke "It wasn't just us though Dash, we had help from the OC-verse and the Redux-verse too."

Rainbow asks "Wanna know something weird?"

I ask "What is it?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "When Seiko used Izanagi-no-Okami, I felt something starting to change in Seiko and Miran."

I spoke "I felt it too."

Rainbow asks "Do you think that Seiko and Miran are becoming...?"

"Alicorns? Probably." I answered.

Lillian was carrying a muddy Hunter by the tail.

"What happened?" I asked.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Hunter was playing in the mud...again...}"

"Oh." I noted.

Bold spoke "Mama! Mint bit me!"

Rainbow spoke "Oh geez..."

Spitfire spoke "Hey Rainbow."

Rainbow spoke "Hey Spitfire."

A filly was on Spitfire's back.

Spitfire spoke "I've decided to split the alicorns off from the Wonderbolts since they're faster than most Pegasi and thus, I've selected Thunderlane to manage the Wonderbolts from this day onward. And as Danyelle suggested, I was thinking of setting up an alicorn-only division of the team called the Firebolts."

Rainbow laughs "Now THAT sounds awesome! Heh, you, Flatfoot and me wanna have an eating contest and belly dance-off at the Chuddle Hotel to celebrate later?"

Spitfire smirked at that.

Danyelle spoke "Emmy and the Investigation Bureau should be arriving very soon though."

Spitfire spoke "Don't worry, us she-Firebolts will have that celebration later tonight."

Danyelle spoke "You sly mare!"

Rainbow spoke "Heh, who knows. Maybe we'll keep what happens to us for a while outside the hotel."

Roll was covered in flour.

Roll spoke "That's the last time I foalsit Pumpkin Cake!"

Pinkie showed up. "Sorry."

Roll spoke "My kids are well behaved though..."

Roll sneezes, causing the flour on her fur to go flying.

Pinkie spoke "They're just so full of energy. It's so cute!"

Roll spoke "True and Emerald should be arriving very soon. Oh, she's my cousin in-law."

Pinkie gasps "I must plan a huge party!"

Roll giggles "You're such a party pony."

Pinkie was already off, planning and making a party with Cheese Sandwich.

Roll spoke "And there she goes..."

"Heehee, no stopping her from a party." I giggled.

Roll spoke "You're one to talk Dany, you can't seem to stop eating strawberries."

“Oh really? Then what about that curry?” I fired back.

Roll spoke "That's more Vince and Lan's thing!"

“I dunno, they might’ve rubbed off on you and your sis.” I pointed out.

Maylu spoke "You're more gullible than Sonata is!"

I spoke "Why you..."

I soon have Maylu in a headlock as Roll pounces on me.

*Applejack’s POV*

Wow, Danyelle, Maylu and Roll were in a fight cloud alright.

Crosswind spoke "Eyup."

Appleseed bites my tail.

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm glad we don't have ta deal wit them Mafia goons anymore."

“Yer tellin’ me.” I agreed.

Crosswind spoke "If it weren't fer OC-verse Twilight comin' ta help, we wouldn't be here today."

“Let’s not dwell on that.” I said.

Crosswind spoke "Ah know, but the way OC-verse Twilight took down that idiot Lorenzo was awesome."

“Eyup.” I smirked as my compact went off.

Crosswind spoke "Guess that'd be Emerald and her friends now."

Golden Justice was sparring with Loot Loot.

Justice spoke "Ya gotta do better than that if we're to stop Exis for good!"

Loot Loot retorts "Don’t you know we’re also trying to find Gold Blade and Golden Crown who are who-knows-where?"

Justice spoke "I know that ya bonehead."

Crosswind chuckles "Heehee, reminds me of you and Dashie, AJ."

I spoke "Crossy!"

Crosswind spoke "It’s true."

I spoke "Yer as big a dumbass as Blizzardstar is."

Crosswind whines "Ah'm not a dumbass..."

Applebloom spoke "Uh, sis? They’re here."

I spoke "Ah'll deal wit you later Crossy."

Zakuro was hanging off Rarity's left wing.

Rarity coos "Aww you."

Zakuro yips "Momma!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Heh, cute. That reminds me, we have guests coming."

Rarity asks "Really?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Danyelle's cousin from Ineighba."

Rarity spoke "I wouldn’t be surprised if Pinkie and Cheese are planning a party."

Blizzardstar chuckles "And with Nightmare Night fast approaching too."

Rarity spoke "Agreed."

Zakuro asks "Momma?"

Rarity asks "Yes?"

Zakuro spoke "Hungwy... want meat...."

Blizzardstar chuckles "babies have a hard time pronouncing the r sound so if they try to say "rabbit", it'll sound like "wabbit" instead."

Rarity spoke "Oh."

Blizzardstar spoke "Yeah, it's rather cute though."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Emmy!"

Emerald spoke "‘Sup, Dany!"

A light orange dragon whelp had taken her dad's scarf.

Natsu spoke "Nashi, you little stinker!"

The little dragon giggled.

Kanji asks "Huh. What’s goin’ on here?"

Danyelle spoke "That's Nashi, she's Lucy and Natsu's daughter."

Kanji spoke "Huh. Cute little kid."

That caught us by surprise.

Irene was on Danyelle's back as Patch, Jazz and Volt were hanging off their aunt's wings.

Danyelle spoke "These little rascals are Irene, Patch, Jazz and Volt. Irene's my daughter, Patch is Lan and Maylu's son, Jazz and Volt are Vince and Roll's twins."

Kanji spoke "Wow, these little kids really are cute."

Danyelle was caught off guard by what Kanji said.

Danyelle asks "What?"

Kanji asks "Was it somethin’ I said?"

Vince chuckles "Dude, you like cute things."

Kanji asks "So what?"

Vince chuckles "There's nothing wrong with that."

I used a memory spell to show myself the past and saw Seiko defending Kanji from the diamond dog’s shadow as he fell to his knees while a small knitted pink bunny that was attachable to a paging compact. Kanji noticed the doll.

Past Seiko asks "You made this, right?"

Past Kanji spoke "Yeah? So what?! I can make stuff like that and still be tough!"

Past Seiko spoke "I know. I think it’s cute."

Past Kanji asks "Huh?"

Past Seiko spoke "I said it’s cute."

Past Kanji gasps "*Turning red out of surprise* Cute?!"

Shadow Kanji spoke "*Stuck in ice* You think it’s c-c-cute? Hello, it’s super duper cute! *Breaks out of the ice with electricity surging around him* I love everything that’s cute!"

Past Kanji grabbed the doll and gripped his right hand with the doll as he walked towards his shadow.

Shadow Kanji spoke "You are SO persistent!"

Past Kanji spoke "Yep, there’s no denying it."

Shadow Kanji asks "Come again?"

Past Kanji spoke "*Running towards his Shadow* I can’t help! I love stupid cute shit!"

Past Kanji punched his shadow with his right fist, beating it as his two minions vanished in roses as his Shadows faded into roses while turnin’ back to normal.

Shadow Kanji spoke "Just accept me!"

Past Kaze and Kiko definitely looked shocked.

Past Emerald spoke "Holy crap! He just beat his own Shadow!"

Past Kanji spoke "*To Past Seiko* Hey, thanks. For saying that it’s cute, and not making fun at me for it."

I stopped the memory spell as I was definitely surprised.

Danyelle spoke "There's nothing wrong with being tough while making cute things."

Kanji scoffs "Ya think I don’t know that?"

Danyelle spoke "I may look weak but I'm as tough as an adult dragon."

Emerald spoke "Heehee! I don’t doubt that."

*The following day*

*Twilight's POV*

I was wearing a gladiator costume while talking to Applejack.

Applejack spoke "This Nightmare Night’s gonna be fun!"

I spoke "Too bad Fluttershy chose not to attend."

Applejack spoke "Yeah…"

I giggle "It was rather funny when Quick pulled that prank on his mother."

Applejack spoke "Eyup. I don’t think Cadence can get mad at that."

Danyelle giggles "Or can she?"

To my surprise, Danyelle was disguised as an anthro version of Cadence.

“What the?!” I gasped.

Dany-Cadence giggles "Little trick I picked up from Chrysalis."

“Uh… you know this might not end well if Cadence sees you like this, right?” I asked.

Dany-Cadence giggles "I know that Sparkle Butt and quesadilla."

I was up on the ceiling in fear.

Applejack spoke "Oh geez."

Dany-Cadence spoke "No matter what universe it is, Twilight is still terrified of quesadillas."

“No I’m not! They’re just so… cheesy.” I shivered.

Dany-Cadence spoke "Wow Twilight, you're just as scared as that Absol-Mewtwo hybrid over in the Redux-verse is when it comes to quesadillas! And you're also scared of ladybugs too."

Applejack spoke "Okay, let’s just stop."

Dany-Cadence spoke "Fine... Oh hi Chrysalis, nice costume."

Chrysalis spoke "Don’t know how or why I came up with this."

Dany-Cadence spoke "I heard from Redux-verse Twilight that a second Celestia was familiar with the TF2 game. And one of the character choices was a Spy so it fits."

Lucy was in a Light Fury form.

Lucy spoke "Happy Nightmare Night everyone."

Dany-Cadence spoke "Happy Nightmare Night."

Lucy asks "Why is Twilight up on the ceiling?"

Dany-Cadence spoke "Take a guess."

Lucy spoke "Oh right, hey Emerald."

Emerald was wearing a pumpkin dress.

Haru was wearing a Ghostbusters costume.

Yuki was dressed up as a ghost.

Kanji was dressed up as a Frankenstein monster, Goryuu was dressed as a Chineighse dragon, Shima was in a red witch costume, Kochuu was in a scarab/rhino beetle combo outfit as Sunao was in a feline costume.

Lan was in a wolf costume while Maylu was dressed up as a witch.

Vince was dressed up as a vampire.

Roll was dressed up as a Gorgon.

Vince spoke "Wow sweetheart, you look hot."

Roll spoke "And you look handsome, catbat."

Vince pounces on Roll, tumbling through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.

Dany-Cadence spoke "Well, that was odd."

Applejack asks "Ya think?"

Wendy was a fluffball.

Wendy spoke "Ugh... I'm not one for scary nights...."

Spike showed up. “Hey guys.”

Nashi spoke "Uncle Spike!"

Nashi tackle-hugged Spike.

Spike gasps "Whoa!"

Natsu chuckles "Sorry about that bro, Nashi's got a habit of pouncing on others."

Spike spoke "No biggie."

The party soon winded down for the evening.

Azure spoke "That was awesome."

Quick spoke "Definitely."

Danyelle spoke "I agree."

We all had a good laugh before heading to our own homes for the night.


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