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Dreams Come True in Neigh Orleans

*Rarity's POV*

Blizzardstar and I were in Manehattan a few days after the Gathering when I had received word that a filly had come down sick.

Blizzardstar spoke "*Smile* Generous as always, Rarity."

Snowfire mewls.

Sweetie Belle spoke "At least we have Nightshade with us on this long journey."

I titter "How cute, you have a friend with you. One that you have a crush on."

Sweetie Belle whines "*Blushing in embarrassment* RARITY!!!"

Nightshade was blushing as well.

Rook chuckles "Real smooth Princess Rarity."

I couldn’t help but giggle. “Cadence is quite a card when it truly comes to love.”

Rook chuckles "Not to mention, Princess Cadence is rather jealous of Twilight due to the number of foals the purple alicorn has."

I found that funny before I realized something. “Oh dear! If that’s true, then Cadence might try to catch up to Twilight on the amount of children!”

Rook chuckles "Nyx was an accident, then came Akari and Strawberry, two didn't survive. Now? I heard rumors that Princess Twilight has another on the way."

“Really?” I gasped.

Rook spoke "It's been one alicorn after another lately. But there yet to be an alicorn ponykat."

Nightshade spoke "We’re arriving at Manehattan!"

As if fate would have it, I was yanked off my zeppelin by my own magic.

“Wha-What’s going on?!” I gasped.

Despite not knowing how to fly, Sweetie Bell jumps off after me.

Sweetie spoke "I felt it too! There's an alicorn in hiding!"

“Sweetie Belle! What are you doing?!” I gasped in horror!

Sweetie spoke "Feather Fall spell, I used it on both of us to reduce our fall speed!"

I couldn’t help but sigh in utter relief.

Sweetie and I soon glide over the Neigh Orleans Bayou before crash landing on a roof.

“Oh, I hope the others can find us.” I said.

A voice asks "You two lost or somethin'?"

Since the colt had a makeshift shirt on, neither Sweetie or I could see the wings.

I notice that the colt had yellow eyes and a grayish green coat along with an indigo and fuchsia mane.

“I suppose you could say that.” I answered.

The colt spoke "Well, Ah’m glad neither y’all didn’t went into that bayou over their, strange things have been happenin’, not ta mention Prince Rhythmic Charisma’s actin’ strange."

Sweetie spoke "My older sister and I kinda got yanked off our zeppelin by our horns and we were wondering if you have a place we could wash up. We kinda got dragged through mud."

The colt spoke "Oh, sure thing. Ah can tell y’all both went through a lot."

I was thankful that my own wings were caked in mud which kept the colt from figuring out I was an alicorn.

I spoke "We never got your name though."

The colt asks "Oh! Sorry, forgot mah manners. Name’s Racing Thunder. And you two are?"

I spoke "My name is Rarity Bell, lifemate to Shir Blizzardstar."

Sweetie spoke "And I'm Sweetie Bell, Rarity's younger sister."

Despite the mud on Sweetie's body, Thunder could tell that the filly was a blank flank.

Racing asks "No cutie mark neither, do ya?"

Sweetie spoke "Yeah."

A quintuple splash was heard as five more alicorns crash into a nearby pond.

The only stallion of the five spoke "Izzy, get your hoof out of my face."

Izzy spoke "I would if Sunny got her butt out of my face."

Sunny spoke "Well I would if Zipp got her wings out of my way."

Zipp groans "Don't drag me into this!"

“What the?” I gasped in complete confusion.

Sunny groans "Pipp, you're on my back..."

Sweetie asks "Huh?"

I spoke "I better patch through to Twilight before she freaks out."

Sunny asks "Wait… Twilight? As in Princess Twilight Sparkle?!"

Pipp spoke "fanfilly alert..."

Zipp asks "Oi, who's tail had brushed up against my rear?"

How-How does she know Twilight? But before I could ask, Sunny was acting like a HUGE fanfilly.

Izzy had whacked Sunny with a wing.

Izzy giggles "Heehee! Calm down, silly Sunny."

Sunny spoke "Hornball."

A wooden carving of me had fallen out of Sunny's saddle bag.

“Huh? Is that me?” I asked in surprise.

Picking the doll up with a hoof, Sunny spoke "Yeah, my dad made them for me when I was little but he's gone..."

I… I couldn’t believe what I heard… The poor mare… She must’ve gone through so much. But then Hitch hugged Sunny with his legs and wings.

Izzy spoke "If it makes you feel better Sunny, I don't know who my parents are either."

The five soon untangle themselves, although Hitch had gotten a kick to the face from Zipp.

Hitch yelps "Gah! What was that for?!"

Zipp spoke "Your tail was against my rear."

Hitch spoke "Oh! Uh, sorry about that."

Sunny had stuck a tennis ball on Izzy's horn.

Izzy asks "Huh? Again?"

Izzy yelps since Sunny had wingslapped her on the rear.

I couldn’t help but giggle. Those two are acting like sisters.

Izzy pounces on Sunny, causing the orange alicorn to end up on her back.

Oh, I should probably give them a moment as I covered Sweetie Belle’s eyes.

Thunder looked away.

Hitch spoke "Sunny, Izzy, can you please save your strange cuddles for later? We need to get out of the swamp."

“Wait, swamp?” I asked in confusion.

Racing asks "Well, ya'll did come here from town after seeing those five crash. Wait, why are you an’ yer sister’s horns glowin’ green?"

But then a unicorn Ponykat showed up, wearing a jacket on the lower half.

Racing spoke "Hey Hawksong."

Hawksong spoke "Hey Thunder."

My horn and Sweetie Belle’s were glowing green? That’s odd.

Sweetie spoke via telepathy with me. "{Well Rook was right, we have an alicorn ponykat.}"

"{Indeed.}" I telepathically agreed before green magic erupted from our horns on their own and surrounded all of us!

Sunny coughs "What the hay is this?"

The next thing we knew, we were engulfed in a blinding light!

When it faded, somehow, I was seeing closer to the water, which was strange. I mean, why would I look lower when I know this is a-*Gasp!* M-My hoof! I-It has fingers! Reflection! I need to look at a reflection!

Sweetie and Izzy both scream.

I looked at my reflection and I saw myself as… as… as… A FROG!!! The worst! Possible! Thing!

Sweetie asks "What was that Racing?"

I looked at the others, and they were turned into frogs too!!!

Racing spoke "Ah have no idea."

Hawksong was unaffected since shi was a taur.

Hawksong scoops the eight frogs up and sets them on hir back.

Hawksong spoke "Ah'll git ya'll out of here."

A female voice spoke "*Muffled from a distance* This is all your fault."

A male voice retorts *Muffled from a distance* My fault? My fault… Let me tell you something. I was having a wonderful time until…"

We heard two muffled voices arguing.

Hawksong asks "Y’all heard that too?"

Racing spoke "Good frickin' grief. Sounds like Rhythmic Charisma and one other are arguin' 'bout somethin'."

Hawksong carried the eight alicorns turned frogs over to where Rhythmic Charisma was.

Hawksong asks "Lemme guess, that no good unicorn rapscallion did this to ya?"

Racing asks "Were y’all messin’ with the Shadowcolt?"

Rhythmic spoke "*Muffled* He was very charismatic."

A voice spoke "Coo! Well, looky here!"

A firefly showed up.

The firefly asks "Girl, I guess you and your coltfriend got a little carried away. Am I right?"

the female frog spoke "*Muffled* Oh, no, no! He’s not my coltfriend!"

Rhythmic spoke "Don’t be ridiculous! I am the Prince of Maredonia!"

The firefly spoke "Uh-huh. Let me shine a little light on the situation."

The firefly tried to turn on his bulb, before farting instead.

Hawksong's horn glows faintly since hir magic was weak.

Hawksong "Seems like ya got yer tongues tangled up."

Though my magic was lowered, I used it to untangle the duo's tongues thus freeing them.

The firefly spoke "‘Scuse me. One more time now."

The firefly shook his bulb as it started to light up, but went out again. The firefly them twisted and turned his bulb like a lightbulb as it the lit up brightly. “Ooh! That more better. Yeah. It’s okay, babies. I don’t explode me. I ain’t no firecracker! I just got my big butt glowin’! That’s right! Oh! The mares like a stallion with a big back porch! Hoohoo! It’s about time I introduce myself. My name Raymond, but everybody call me Ray.”

Rhythmic asks "Pardon me, but your accent, it’s funny, no?"

Ray asks "Coo! I’m a Cajun, brah. Born and bred in the bayou. Y’all must be new around here, huh?"

Rhythmic spoke "Actually, we are from a place far, far away from this world."

Ray asks "Go to bed! Y’all from Shrevepone?"

Rhythmic spoke "No. no, no, no. We are ponies."

The female frog spoke "Prince Charming here got himself turned into a frog by a voodoo witch doctor."

That left seven of us, excluding Racing Thunder and Hawksong, surprised. “Now hold on a second. Twilight said that Voodoo was only a bunch of hooey.”

Sweetie asks "Remember the poison joke though sis?"

“I do remember, but I don’t that has anything to do with this at all.” I responded.

Ray spoke "Well, there ya go."

Female Frog spoke "And we were on our way to Mama Odie’s. We think maybe she can-"

Ray asks "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mama Odie? *Female frog nods* Y’all headed the wrong directional, chere. Now what kind o’ chucklehead told y’all to go this a-way?"

A male voice spoke "I found a stick!"

An alligator jumped out of the bushes with a sharp stick, scaring all of us except Rythmic and the female frog, who were unfazed.

Female frog spoke "Louis. Ray here says you’ve been taking us in the wrong direction."

Louis dropped the stick as he chuckled nervously while we were surprised by what just happened.

Racing spoke "Hawksong and Ah know where she is, ya'll can follow us."

Louis groans "I was… Well, listen. I was confused by the topography and the-the-the-the geography and the choreography and-"

Ray spoke "First rule of the bayou, never take direction from a gator."

Hawksong lead the group straight to Mama Odie's place.

On the way, we all had quite an adventure as the female frog told us that her name was Green Gourmet. Hunters, fireflies, learning about Ray’s marefriend, Evangeline, and a meal of gumbo that Green herself made, which was delicious with Rhythmic having helped her with the mincing. We saw Rhythmic and Green dance with each other as I sensed a romance in the air.

But then we were suddenly attacked by monstrous shadows as they grabbed Rhythmic when the shadows were suddenly evaporated by fire that hit them as Rhythmic surfaced after being freed. We soon saw a menacing shadow in the fog up ahead, before we heard giggled as we saw an elderly blind zebra mare with a burning wooden walking club.

The old zebra asks "Not bad for a 197-year old blind zebra. *Chuckles before blowing out the fire on her club* Now which one of you naughty dearies been messin’ with the Shadow Colt?"

None of us could say anything as Louis pointed at Rhythmic, who nervously smiled.

Hawksong spoke "Hey Mama Odie."

Mama Odie spoke "Heeheehee! If it ain’t mah adopted grandchild Ah’m hearin’. Come on."

We followed Mama Odie to her home, which was an abandoned giant wooden boat in a tree.

Green spoke "We’re so glad we found you, Mama Odie."

“Indeed. Ray, Louis, Racing and Hawksong have been telling us all about you.” I agreed.

Sweetie Belle spoke "*As Mama Odie put away her club* Not to mention we traveled a long way, so I’m not sure if you can imagine what we went through."

Pipp spoke "And we-"

We then saw pickled eyes and dentures, which looked and smiled at us, which was pretty unnerving.

Pipp spoke "A-And we heard you-"

Mama Odie spoke "Juju!"

A snake suddenly appeared.

Sunny spoke "We kinda had a little accident..."

Hawksong spoke "The alicorns gone and done goofed up, now the eight of 'em along with Green and Rhythmic are frogs. Ah wasn't affected though."

Mama Odie spoke "Hmm… *Laugh!* Come on over here, you bad boy."

Juju suddenly wrapped around Mama Odie and Hawksong.

Hawksong chuckles "Heehee! Good to see ya too, Juju."

We were confused.

Mama Odie spoke "Give a little sugar, now."

Mama Odie started kissing Juju, which was gross as Louis gagged.

Mama Odie asks "Y’all just loves your mama, don’t you?"

Mama Odie stretched Juju into a walking stick as the pet snake wrapped around her right front leg. “Good to see you again, Ray. *Accidentally hits Juju against a bell* How your grandmama?”

Ray chuckles "Oh, she fin. Got in a little trouble for flashin’ the neighbors again."

Mama Odie spoke "*Hawksong helping her take a seat as Juju brought out the leg rest* Oooh, I like that gal’s spunk! *Laugh*"

Green spoke "Mama Odie. *As the ten of us frogs leapt onto the chair* We don’t wanna take up to much of your time-"

Mama Odie asks "Y’all want some candy?"

The sweets looks aged as we kindly refused.

Mama Odie spoke "*Taking a candy* Well now, that’s too bad. It’s a special candy. Woulda turned y’all pony."

Mama Odie ate the candy as we panicked at that before she laughed.

Hawksong spoke "Mama Odie… Sorry about that. Mama Odie can be mischievous at times."

Mama Odie spoke "I’m just messin’ with y’all."

“How in Equestria did you know that we wanted to turn back-“ I started to ask before we realized that Mama Odie was asleep and snoring.

Hawksong chuckles "Ya'll jus' need ta dig a little deeper ta find yer true selves."

Rhythmic asks "Um… Mama Odie?"

Mama Odie gasps " Juju! *Juju wakes up* Why didn’t you tell me my gumbo was burnin’?"

Louis asks "You sure this is the right blind voodoo mare who live in a boat in a tree in the bayou?"

Ray spoke "Pretty sure."

Hawksong spoke "Definitely."

Mama Odie spoke "*As we hopped over to her while she was stirring her gumbo* Can’t believe this. Got to do everything around here."

Green spoke "Mama Odie, if you-"

“Taste this!” Mama Odie said as she gave Green Gourmet some gumbo. “Well?”

Green spoke "Hit it hard with a couple of shots of Tabasco and it’s the bee’s knees. Now, can we-"

Mama Odie spoke "Juju!"

Juju appeared and put some Tabasco in it before Mama Odie tasted it.

Mama Odie asks "Yeeheehee! That’s got some zang to it! Hehe! That’s just what it needed. Now, y’all figure out what you need?"

“Like you said before, Mama Odie, we need to be pony.” I said before she scoffed, spooking us a bit.

Mama Odie spoke "Y’all ain’t got the sense you was born with! Y’all want to be pony but you’re blind to what you need!"

Rhythmic spoke "What we want? What we need? Is all the same thing, yes? *Whacked by Mama Odie’s club* Ow!"

Mama Odie spoke "Is the same thing? No! Hehe. You listen to your mama now."

Mama Odie asks "Well, Miss Froggy, do you understand what you need now, child?"

Green spoke "Yes. I do, Mama Odie. I need to dig a little deeper and work even harder to get mah restaurant."

Hawksong and Mama Odie sighed at that.

Ray sighs "Alright, y’all, one more time! ~It don’t matter what you look like! It don’t…~ Nobody gonna sing with Ray? Okay."

Mama Odie spoke "Well, if y’all are set on being pony, there’s only one way."

Later, Mama Odie was stirring her gumbo again. “Gumbo, gumbo in the pot. We need a Princess, whatcha got?”

The gumbo showed us a sleeping, snoring blonde mare with a light pink coat.

Green spoke "Lottie? But she’s not a princess."

Mama Odie spoke "Hush up and look at the gumbo."

We heard the door being knocked, then opened by a mustached orange-maned stallion in a costume, holding a tiara as he said, “Ta-da!” as the mare woke up.

Green spoke "That’s right. Big Daddy’s King of the Mare-di Gras parade. So that makes Lottie a Princess."

Rhythmic asks "Does that count?"

Mama Odie spoke "Yes, it does, but only till midnight when Mare-di Gras is over. *As Rhythmic exclaimed at that* Hop-along, you only got till then to get that Princess to kiss ya. Once she does, boom! Hehe! Y’all turn pony!"

Sweetie Belle gasps "Wait, midnight?!"

Zipp spoke "That’s not good!"

Pipp spoke "That’s not much time at all!"

Louis spoke "*As we started heading out* What about me, Mama? I wanna be pony, too, so I can play jazz with the big boys. I want hooves and fur and a cutie mark. Not the kind from ironing but the kind that’s from talent."

Mama Odie spoke "Jabber Jaws, you dig a little deeper, you’ll find everything you need. Come on, come on, come on. There’s a lot of river between here and Neigh Orleans. Y’all best get to swimmin’."

Louis spoke "Wait! I got a better idea."

I spoke "I hate to break it to you all but I'm an actual princess."

Finding some paper, I draw a picture of my pony self.

Sweetie spoke "Sis, you’re already married, so I think it’s too late for that."

Soon, we were on a ferry heading straight to Neigh Orleans, as Louis managed to blend in with the costumed musicians.

Ray spoke "We can’t miss this! Little Louis is finally gonna play with the big boys!"

We started to follow Ray, but noticed Rhythmic staying behind.

Green asks "Rhythmic, you coming?"

Rhythmic spoke "Oh! I’ll-I’ll catch up with you all later."

We accepted that and followed Ray.

Green asks "Still, Rare… you’re a Princess?"

I spoke "By sheer magical accident but yes, I am indeed a Princess. Oh! There's my spouse now! Hey Blizzy! Over here!"

A white chakat with green eyes heard my voice but only saw a white frog.

“Where’s Fluttershy when you need her?” I groaned.

Hawksong spoke "Don’t y’all worry, Ah’ll help."

Blizzardstar scoops me up.

Blizzardstar spoke "I know those sapphire blue eyes anywhere."

Phew! Shi recognizes me!

Looking at Hawksong, Blizzardstar asks "What happened?"

Hawksong spoke "Ah’ll help translate and explain."

After the ride, we told Blizzardstar what happened, and the least to say is that shi was surprised.

Nightshade was growling since he saw a strange shadow move.

We looked, but saw nothing.

Later, at night, we were getting off the ferry.

Green asks "Ray! Have you seen Rhythmic?"

Ray asks "Look at you. Where the ring at?"

“I don’t understand.” I admitted.

Ray spoke "Well, if Cap didn’t say nothing, so ain’t going to say nothing because old Ray’s sealed up tight as a drum. You ain’t gettin’ nuttin’ outta me, no!"

“Ray.” Green and I said with an intrigued smile.

Ray asks "*To Green* Okay, Cap not gonna marry Charlotte, he gonna marry you! Soon as he gets himself kissed and y’all turn pony, he gonna find a job, get ya that restaurant-Oop! I said too much, didn’t I?"

Green spoke "*Hugging Ray gently* You said just an enough, Ray! Thank you, Evangeline."

We couldn’t help our excitement as we headed towards the parade.

Hawksong's ears were on full alert since Onyx Shadow could attack at anytime.

Green spoke "He was trying to propose! That’s what all that fumbling was about! And here I thought all he wanted was to marry a rich girl!"

Ray asks "Whoa-whoa-whoa, chere! What are we lookin’ for again?"

Green spoke "You just keep your eyes out for the biggest gaudiest float with a Mare-di Gras Princess about to kiss herself a-*Gasp!* A frog."

What we saw was wrong! A pony Rhythmic with Charlotta Joy on a giant wedding cake.

Ray spoke "Oh, no. This can’t be right, darling. And how you can still be frogs? Mama Odie, she-"

We looked at Green, only to find her gone. Ray had a really good point.

We looked for Green, before finding her at a cemetery, all alone.

Ray spoke "I-I know what we seen with our eyes, but… if we just go back that way, we’re going to find out if your fairy tale came true."

Green spoke "Just because you wish for something doesn’t make it true."

Ray spoke "It’s like my Evangeline always said to me-"

Green spoke "Evangeline’s nothing but a star, Ray! A big ball of hot air a million miles from here! Open your eyes now, before you get hurt."

Green Gourmet hopped away.

Sweetie spoke "…I think most of us should stay with Green while Racing and Hawksong go with Ray."

Blizzardstar used her front claws to write out "That wasn't the real Rhythmic, it's a fake!" in the soil.

But Green was too heartbroken to even look.

Ray spoke "She just speaking out a broken heart. That’s all that is. Come on, Evangeline. We’re gonna show chere the truth!"

Ray flew off back to the parade with Racing and Hawksong following him.

Tucking hir legs under hir lower half, Blizzardstar comforts Green.

Blizzardstar wrote "It's going to be okay Green, we will fix this mess. Chakat's honor." in the soil.

Sweetie was on Nightshade's head.

I spoke "Green, hanging out with you these past few hours has opened my eyes to what really matters. And I know for a fact that Mama Odie would agree with me when I tell you this. You have to be true to your heart."

Green was still silent.

*Pinkie’s POV at the Mare-di Gras*

WOWEE!!! This is a great parade! But I have a strange feeling about something.

A dark ginger alicorn ponykat with a small sea green-blue frog in hir mane was galloping full speed.

Hawksong yowls "Princess Pie!"

“Whoa!” I yelped before I saw Prince Rhythmic fall off the cake.

Charlotta asks "Oh goodness gracious! Are you alright?"

Rhythmic grabbed something before getting up and running inside a building. “I just need a moment to compose myself.”

Charlotta spoke "Cheese and crackers!"

Hawksong took me and the frog inside the building from a window as we secretly spied on Rhythmic as we saw him talking to a frog?

The frog asks "Gofer, why are you doing this?"

The fake Rhythmic spoke "As payback for all those years of humiliation."

A shady pony suddenly appeared.

Onyx Shadow snaps "Get your royal rump back on that wedding cake *As a firefly appeared* and finish this deal!"

The frog then freed himself before grabbing a necklace on the Prince as he turned into an aged, fat, short stallion.

Onyx Shadow spoke "What’s he doing? Stop him!"

We came down and went to the door as the frog threw the necklace to the firefly.

Ray spoke "I got it! It got me, too."

“Let me help!” I said as I grabbed the necklace before the firefly, Hawksong, the sea green-blue frog and I started getting away.

Gofer spoke "Let go of that!"

Onyx snaps "Stay out of sight!"

We burst through the door as I followed Hawksong and the firefly before the shady pony gave out a whistle as I saw weird shadows chasing me.

We passed by an alligator playing the trumpet as he stopped playing. “Ray?”

Soon, we got to Blizzardstar and a bunch of frogs.

Ray shouts "Chere! Chere!"

Green asks "Ray?"

Rarity asks "Pinkie?"

Ray spoke "This proves we saw ain’t what we thought we saw!"

Izzy asks "What’s this?"

Ray spoke "It’s a voodoo hayacall. The Shadow Colt, he been usin’ it for the…"

We turned around and saw shadow monsters heading right for us!

Ray gasps "Y’all can’t let the Shadow Colt get this, no matter what! Now run, y’all! Run!"

We then started running!

Blizzardstar rears onto hir hind paws before striking Onyx with hir front claws thus buying time for Green and the others to escape.

We kept running, only for a shadow to block our way!

Green spoke "Back off, or I’m gonna break this thing into a million pieces!"

But then pink dust flowed around Green, turning her pony before we suddenly vanished from her sight thanks to an illusion.

I don’t know what’s going on, but it didn’t look good.

Onyx asks "Now ain’t this a whole lot better than hoppin’ around the bayou for the rest of your life?"

Green growls "Shadow Colt."

Onyx chuckles "Gotta hand it to you, Gourmet. When you dream, you dream big. Just look at this place. Going to be the crown jewel of the Crescent City! And all you gotta do to make this a reality is hoof over that little ol’ talisman o’ mine."

Green spoke "No. This... This is not right."

Onyx spoke "Come on now, darling. Think if everything you’ve sacrificed."

We heard voices saying things like “Mare, all you ever do is work.” and “I told y’all she wouldn’t come.

Onyx spoke "Think of all those neighsayers who doubted you."

We heard voices again saying stuff like, “You ain’t never gonna get enough for that down payment.” and “-little mare of your background, you’re better off where you’re at.

Onyx spoke "And don’t forget your poor daddy. Now that was one hard-working pony. Double, sometimes triple shifts. Never letting on how bone tired and beat down he really was."

A filly’s voice was heard "Daddy!"

A father stallion’s voice was heard "Hey, babycakes!"

Onyx spoke "Shame all that hard work didn’t amount to much more than a busted-up old gumbo pot and a dream that never got off the back porch. But you? You can give your poor daddy everything he ever wanted. Come on, Green Gourmet. You’re almost there."

Green started to let the talisman slip. “My daddy never did get what he wanted. But he had what he needed. *Tightens grip on talisman, away from the Shadow Colt’s hooves* He had life. He never lost sight of what was really important.”

Onyx spoke "Easy with that. Careful."

Green spoke "And neither will I!"

Green threw the talisman down, only for it to get caught by Onyx’s shadow as it laughed before giving it to the Shadow Colt as he laughed too while he turned Green back into a frog and the illusion wore off before the rest of us were captured by shadows.

Onyx spoke "Y’all shoulda taken my deal. *Pins Green down with his cane* Now you’re goin’ spend the rest of your life being a slimy, little frog."

Green spoke "I’ve got news for you, Shadow Colt. It’s not slime. It’s mucus!"

Green lashed her tongue out as it swiped the talisman from Onyx’s hooves before she grabbed it and shattered it on the ground, freeing me and the others too while magic flew everywhere!

Onyx spoke "No! No!"

Green and all of us then hid behind tombstones as Onyx panicked, trying to repair the talisman.

Onyx asks "How am I ever gonna pay back my debt?"

But then we heard vocalizing as the faces on tombstones broke free and turned into voodoo masks.

Onyx spoke "Friends."

The voodoo masks ask ~Are you ready?~"

Onyx spoke "No! I’m not ready at all! In fact, I got lots more plans."

Voodoo Shrunken Heads appeared as they sang, “~Are you ready?~” before vanishing.

Onyx spoke "This is just a minor setback in a major operation. *Scream as voodoo dolls rose from the ground like zombies with needle pins* As soon as I whip up another spell, we’ll be back in business! *As shadows surrounded him* I still got that Froggy Prince locked away! *Backing up towards a giant tombstone with his shadow scared* I just need a little more time."

Thunder crashed as the tombstone was suddenly a giant voodoo mask with Onyx backing away from it. “No no, please! No! *As a shadow monster grabbed his shadow, dragging Onyx as he was being pulled into the giant voodoo mask’s opening mouth* Just a little more time!” Onyx begged as voodoo dolls were beating drums and masks were still vocalizing. “I promise I’ll pay y’all back! I promise!” Onyx said before he screamed in utter terror with the masks delivering the final vocal note as he, the drums, shadows, voodoo masks and magic were engulfed by the giant mask before it clamped down its jaws, causing a bright explosion of light, making us look away before it faded, revealing a giant tombstone with Onyx’s horrified face and his name under it as we heard a final “Hush” with thunder rumbling. We breathed heavily, hardly believing what happened.

Blizzardstar spoke "To be fair, he had it coming."

Hitch spoke "Yeah but Zipp and I are still frogs."

Rarity spoke "Most of us are."

A voice spoke "The devil always gets his due."

We saw a brown stallion with a black tail and no mane, while wearing sunglasses and a black float on him.

Blizzardstar asks "Who are you?"

Seeing the clock, Green spoke "We’re running out of time!"

Rarity spoke "That’s right! We need to move!"

So we started heading out as I looked back to see the stallion again, but he was gone!

We soon arrived at the parade, seeing Charlotta and Rhythmic, who were about to kiss.

Green spoke "Wait!"

Rhythmic asks "Green?"

Charlotta asks "Green?"

Green spoke "Don’t do this."

Rhythmic spoke "I have to do this, and we are running out of time."

Green spoke "I won’t let you!"

Rhythmic spoke "It’s the only way to get to your dream."

Green spoke "My dream? My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it."

Those words stopped Rhythmic as he turned around.

Green spoke "I love you, Rhythmic."

Rhythmic asks "*Walking towards Green* Warts and all?"

Green spoke "Warts and all."

Charlotta sniffled with happy tears. “All my life, I read about true love in fairy tales and, Green, you found it! I’ll kiss him. For you, honey. No marriage required.”

We could only smile at that as Charlotta was about to break the spell before the clock rang midnight.

Charlotta spoke "Oh my word! M-Maybe that old clock’s a little fast!"

Charlotta kissed Rhythmic, nothing happened. She tried a few more times, still nothing. “I’m… I’m so sorry.” Charlotta apologized as she set Rhythmic down next to Green.

Blizzardstar's ears perked up since shi heard a distressed growl from Louis.

“Green! Rhythmic! Rarity! Everyone!” A familiar voice called out as Louis showed up, carrying something small as we went to him.

Rhythmic asks "Louis, what is it?"

Louis spoke "Shadow Colt done laid poor Ray low."

Green spoke "Ray..."

Louis spoke "He’s hurtin’ awful bad."

Louis opened his hands, revealing a weak Ray, whose light was flickering and dimming.

Ray weakly spoke "Hey, chere, how come y’all still-"

Green spoke "We’re staying frogs, Ray."

Rhythmic spoke "*Holding hands with Green* And we’re staying together."

Ray weakly spoke "Oh! I like that very much. Evangeline like that, too."

Ray smiled as he looked at a shining star in the night sky before he slowly closed his eyes with a smile as the light in his bulb completely went out. I… I couldn’t believe what happened. Even the others couldn’t.

Blizzardstar was wiping tears from hir eyes as shi cried before letting out a mournful yowl.

I was also crying.

Later, we were back at the bayou, on the river, just silent as three fireflies were carrying a leaf boat that had Ray's body resting in it, before they gently placed it on the water, sending out two ripples. The frogs placed flowers in the boat with Ray as Louis played a gentle solemn tune from his trumpet with all of us on land before a firefly gently pushed the leaf boat, helping it float across the river into the mist.

Blizzardstar spoke "He was a brave firefly, may he rest in peace. And as Yellowfang would say, may StarClan light his path."

Even I couldn’t help but close my eyes in sadness at that. But the light suddenly shined down as all of us looked at the sky, only to be surprised and our sadness disappear. What we saw was incredible! When the clouds cleared, there was a second bright, shining star right next to the first one, as we instantly knew that was Ray with Evangeline! Rarity and Green couldn’t help but gain open smiles as all of us had those too! The fireflies were cheering as every single one of us here were happy for Ray as we saw him being with Evangeline, shining as bright as ever, even in the black night sky!

Blizzardstar spoke "They'll be together forever."

Blizzardstar picks Rarity up before giving the white frog a gentle kiss, causing the curse to shatter and revert her back to an alicorn.

Sweetie Belle spoke "Hmm… I think there’s one more thing to be done tomorrow morning."

Rarity spoke "I agree, dear sister."

The next morning, we were at a wedding in the bayou, with Louis, and all of the wildlife witnessing it with us.

Mama Odie spoke "And so by the power vested in me, heehee, I now pronounce y’all frog and wife. Get to it, Hop-along! Give your lovely bride some sugar!"

White necktie butterfly spoke "*Flying off Rhythmic's neck* Congratulations."

Green and Rhythmic then kissed before waves in the swamp water rose and splashed with the the two and the other frogs glowing while floating into the air with water flowing around them as Mama Odie chuckled in delight.

Mama Odie spoke "This gonna be good!"

The glowing then burst into a bright light as the rest of the frogs turned back into ponies, but what became a surprise was that Green and Rhythmic were alicorns in green dress and suit as they landed back on the ground. The two disconnected, only to see their new forms in surprise and looked at themselves with smiles.

Mama Odie spoke "Like I told y’all, kissing a princess breaks the spell."

Rhythmic spoke "Once you became my wife, that made you-"

Green spoke "A Princess. You just kissed yourself a princess."

Rhythmic spoke "And I’m about to do it again."

The two newly ascended alicorns kissed again as all of us cheered.

Later, all of us were at the actual wedding as Green waved to her mother, Charlotta, and Big Daddy, who smiled for her while Rhythmic’s parents smiled, happy for their son. At the bouquet toss, Charlotta caught it, much to her excitement as they rode in their chariot, waving to the ponies of Neigh Orleans.

The next day, Green came to us, asking for our help to renovate something, which we totally agreed to.

Blizzardstar and Louis both growl at the two salesponies, making them hoof over a key while they shook in fear.

Later, we arrived at the sold building, ready to get to work.

With many working hooves and horns, the restaurant was up and running by nightfall.

Heehee! Not to mention we have a surprise in store built in the building.

Rarity spoke "And to think Pinkie, I originally sensed two alicorns but nope! I found nine of them."

I spoke "Wow! Talk about the greatest surprise ever!"

Rarity's zeppelin and my zeppelin were parked above the restaurant since the Radiant Guard and the Bouncer Brigade were also hungry and boy howdy, the restaurant was packed!

The music is great too!

Hawksong facepalms since Charlotta was dancing with a six and a half year old colt.

Talk about a baby brother.

Sweetie spoke "That is so wrong on many levels..."

*The following day*

Rarity yawns "What a fiesta it was last night. I don't think I can eat another beignet..."

Blizzardstar spoke "*Yawns with a giggle* You might have put on more than a few pounds with that."

Rarity spoke "Don't make me wingslap your ass Blizzy."

Blizzardstar asks "*Teasing* Such dirty language from a pretty mouth, Rarity. Are you sure you’re alright?"

Rarity spoke "*burp* yeah, I ate too much."

Blizzardstar spoke "*Belch* Then again, me too."

Rarity spoke "Hmm… *Smirk* Maybe we could visit the Chuddle Hotel for a while."

Blizzardstar spoke "*Smirk* Heehee! Indeed."

A chiming sound was heard from Rarity's compact, indicating that Applejack was contacting her.

Rarity asks "Oh! Wanna take this together?"

Blizzardstar spoke "I need to talk with Hawksong."

Applejack spoke "*voice only* Rarity, we got a MAJOR problem. Malfunzonia has broken free!"


Author's Note:

Crossover with Princess and the Frog

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