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Fight Before Hearth's Warming

*Twilight's POV*

I had to contact Blitzo via compact and warn him to rally as many demons as possible since a major fight was coming.

Danyelle contacted OC-verse Danyelle and warned her of the threat.

Celestia spoke "I've already alerted Zelestia of the threat."

Santa Claus was suddenly wearing a black fur hat, a long red coat with black fur trim, and a red plaid shirt while having two swords strapped to his wrists.

Redux-verse Twilight and two other alicorns soon step out of a warp ring.

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Thought you guys would need help."

OC-verse Korra soon arrives via warp ring with OC-verse Danyelle since OC-verse Twilight was unable to fight.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Indigo returns with about 20 adult Mewtwo and all 30 Ender Mewtwo.

Orion spoke "It was Indigo that had warned our universe's Twilight of a threat."

My compact soon goes off.

I soon answer.

I ask "Hey Blitz, good timing. Know anything about Krampus?"

Blitzo spoke "*On compact* Wrong guy to ask. Besides, there aren't much demons comin' along."

Stolas spoke "*On compact* I'll explain."

I spoke "We're all listening."

Stolas spoke "*On compact* Listen, Krampus is basically the dark side of Hearth's Warming, but it seems that dark side is going out of control."

Danyelle spoke "I bet it's because of the imbalance of nature as well. More alicorns keep appearing."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "How can we stop him?"

Santa yowls "Ack! My back!"

Santa held a paw on his back.

OC-verse Danyelle growls "It's just as I thought! Krampus is growing stronger while Santa's getting weaker! I know what we need to do!"

Stolas spoke "*On compact* I'm not sure it's what you think, Danyelle."

OC-verse Danyelle lets loose a powerful yowl, calling in all of the Smashers from her universe.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Good call! We need as many fighters as possible!"

Danyelle roars loud, calling in the other Holiday Guardians.

OC-verse Sonic soon arrives with ALL of the Smashers.

Adagio spoke "The windigos themselves feed on fear and hate though."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "And so does Krampus."

Stolas spoke "*on compact* Yes, and unfortunately, Krampus is the cause of that fear."

OC-verse Sonic spoke "There's hundreds of us and one of him though."

Orion spoke "We're not going down without a fight!"

Santa spoke "Ugh... But with how much fear there is... My power is kaput."

One of the Ender Mewtwo spoke "Fear is a natural thing to have but it's easy to overcome!"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Exactly."

Santa spoke "Yes, but he won't be easy."

After arriving, Zwilight spoke "Good thing I put the call out to three other universes. One of which is known to the OC-verse and the Warrior-verse. The other two, not so much."

Two portals open up before an armored wolflike creature steps out with his universe's Twilight as a battle scarred Twilight steps out from the other portal.

Neoverse Twilight spoke "We got the call from the zone cop chief that trouble was brewing so we had to answer the call."

Mewverse Twilight spoke "Exactly."

Twilight asks "What the hay happened?!"

Mewverse Twilight spoke "I've been through a few wars in my universe."

Twilight spoke "Please tell me it's because you went through them in different timelines."

Mewverse Twilight spoke "Crystal Empire war was the worst one since Sombra was mad with power."

But then Starlight started feeling very scared.

Sunburst spoke "It's okay Starlight, I'll stay with you."

Neoverse Twilight spoke "As for me, the wolf is Tormund. He's been my personal guard since before I had to get my crown back from the Sunset of my universe."

Tor sighs "Twily, how many times have I told you? Call me Tor."

Starlight spoke "No... It's not that... It's about the Mewverse... What if... *Hyperventilating*"

Sunburst wingslaps his wife to calm her back down.

Starlight spoke "Mewverse Twilight. Please, search for your Starlight Glimmer and stop her from using Starswirl's spell, but please don't kill her. It won't fix anything."

Mewverse Twilight spoke "I will since I hate having these scars."

Starlight spoke "You won't kill her, right? She was alone and wanted to have a friend, but was scared to make any because of the cutie marks."

Mewverse Twilight spoke "If she's anything like you, she was afraid to make new friends since it was a cutie mark that caused Sunburst to leave her behind."

Neoverse Twilight spoke "Perhaps I should do the same before my universe's Starlight tries to get rid of Tor and Roberta."

Mewverse Twilight spoke "*Warm and gentle smile* Thanks for the heads up, Starlight. I really appreciate it."

Tor spoke "That's it! That's the answer to our problem! We need to face our fears!"

Rainbow asks "Say what now?"

Neoverse Twilight spoke "What Tor means is that since Krampus feeds off of fear, we can't run away with our tails between our legs."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Exactly and there's also a saying. United we stand, divided we fall."

Applejack spoke "Hehe, yeah."

The diamond dog warlord that Rainbow had met in Ineighba was with the Investigation Team.

The diamond dog warlord spoke "Greetings Rainbow-hime."

Rainbow asks "Nobunaga?"

Nobunaga spoke "Hai, Rainbow-hime. Rising-hime sent me to help you and the other alicorns out. Though I was not expecting to see alicorns from other universes here."

Tor growls suddenly.

OC-verse Danyelle growls "HE'S COMING!!!"

There was suddenly a blizzard/whiteout weather combo.

Neoverse Twilight, Mewverse Twilight, Redux-verse Twilight and I kept our backs to one another as the others kept close.

Redux-verse Twilight was on her hind legs while holding a sword in her hands since she was in her Deep Lilac form.

Tor kept close to Neoverse Twilight since he was her bodyguard.

Neoverse Twilight spoke "Stay close everyone!"

Rainbow asks "You think we don’t know that?"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "He could pick us off one by one!"

Rarity spoke "Hmm? Watch out on the ground!"

A shockwave of chaotic energy shot by us, fortunately missing all of us.

Deep Lilac spoke "That was bloody close!"

Indigo growls "Yeah, no kidding, and in case you folks don't know, that was war chaos magic."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I can't take on my ultimate form without my Twilight's help."

Redux-Verse Ash spoke "Dang..."

Deep Lilac and OC-verse Danyelle cloak everyone with fire magic to keep them warm.

Fluttershy spoke "Thanks."

Redux-verse Danyelle transforms into a Plasmeon-taur before roaring loud, thus dispersing the snowy fog.

"This is gonna be tough." I admitted.

Deep Lilac spoke "We don't know when he'll jump out at one of us."

The children were all huddled in a group with the adults surrounding them.

But then a huge club made of sticks was flying at us as we dodged before it flew back to where it came from.

Redux-verse Danyelle shot a ball of plasma at the spot where the last attack came from, causing a loud bleat to be heard.

“Something tells me that didn’t hurt much.” I noted.

Crosswind spoke "We have to think happy thoughts! All of us!"

“Gonna need to put up a protective shield during that.” I noted.

OC-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Danyelle both put up Chaos Barrier to shield the Allied Forces.

Deep Lilac spoke "Good thing we got a pair of nekomatas that can use Chaos Barrier."

Neoverse Twilight spoke "Yep."

Tor was holding a sword in his hands.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

Crosswind spoke "'Bout time ya showed up Bunny!"

A hole suddenly appeared, as a giant anthro immortal rabbit came out.

Bunny spoke "G’day, Crosswind."

Crosswind spoke "As ya can tell, Krampus is tha cause o' this whole mess."

All three Danyelles hiss loudly.

Bunny asks "Wait, where’s Sandy and Tooth?"

Santa "Don’t forget Frost."

Danyelle's ears droop.

Danyelle spoke "The Sandmare.... is no more..."

A gust of cold wind kicks in before an immortal Pegasus shows up.

Danyelle spoke "Good timing Frosted Water!"

Bunny spoke "Not the first time Sandy’s been killed, but she’ll be back."

Snowfall was blushing like mad since she was staring at Frosted Water.

Frosted asks "Huh? What's going on?"

Gareth chuckles "She's got a huge crush on ya dude since she's also an ice user like ya are."

Gareth had his tails curled around Scorching's tails, causing the blonde furred alicorn to blush.

Frosted chuckles "Heh, guess I am pretty cool."

A cold wind blew through at that pun.

Gareth chuckles "And get this dude, she's single!"

That made Snowfall blush even more.

Scorching punts her sister in the rear, causing Snowfall to crash into Frosted thus causing the two to kiss.

Bunny spoke "Oy, heartwarmin' and all, but we got a dark side to take care of."

Redux-verse Midnight spoke "RIGHT!!!"

Spottedleaf yowls "ATTACK!!!!!"

We charged into battle as Bunny readied his boomerangs.

Spottedleaf fired three devout beads at Krampus, inflicting serious damage.

Deep Lilac laughs "The dark tortie's got the right idea!"

Danyelle spoke "I still believe in you Santa."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I may be 31 yet I still believe!"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "SAME HERE!!!"

Santa suddenly had his two swords out, able to move like someone younger than his age as he joyously laughed before charging ahead.

Redux-verse Crosswind rears up before slamming hir front paws down, causing an earthquake to hit Krampus.

Santa then attacked Krampus, slashing him good.

OC-verse Danyelle shot holy flames from her mouth, inflicting a nasty burn on Krampus.

But then windigos attacked us.

OC-verse Danyelle's Flarerudamon flew fast as he used Flaming Brave Bird to destroy the windigos.

Even Redux-verse Flarerudamon did the same thing!

Natsu spoke "DRAGONS! LET'S LIGHT 'EM UP!!!"

Spike spoke "Let's go!"

Spyro and several other fire breathing dragons shot fireballs at the windigos.

Spyro spoke "All fired up!"

Even Snowflake and her fellow dragons flew into battle.

Things were definitely starting to go well before Krampus started fighting Santa face to face.

Spottedleaf flew at high speed, curling into a ball as she slams into Krampus hard thus knocking him down.

Krampus got up and was about to attack Spottedleaf and Santa before a whip made of golden sand grabbed one of his legs and pulled him back as we saw a golden dust devil spinning.

Crosswind laughs "The Sandmare is BACK in business!"

The Allied Forces and I started singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSu6XO7caU thus severely weakening Krampus while giving Santa and the other Guardians strength.

Danyelle, OC-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Danyelle: As dawn shines on us every morn
The fire of friendship is reborn
And all the friendships we have made
We cherish in every way

Azure, OC-verse Sonic and Redux-verse Sonic: Loyalty binds us and makes us strong
Honesty shows that we belong
And kindness shared will unite us through each day

All: The fire of friendship lives in our hearts
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart
Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few
Laughter and singing will see us through

Quick, OC-verse Tails and Redux-verse Tails: Will see us through

All: We are a circle of pony friends
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

Alto, Largo and Allegro: Though the winter brings all its cold and storm
The glow in our hearts keeps us warm
The friends we now call our family
Will always see us through

Quick, OC-verse Tails and Redux-verse Tails: Will see us through

Rainbow, Zipp, OC-verse Rainbow, Mewverse Rainbow, Neoverse Rainbow and Redux-verse Rainbow: Loyalty binds us and makes us strong
Honesty shows that we belong
And kindness shared will unite us through each day

All: The fire of friendship lives in our hearts
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart
Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few
Laughter and singing will see us through

Quick, OC-verse Tails and Redux-verse Tails: Will see us through

All: We are a circle of pony friends
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

The dust devil faded, revealing the Sandmare as she formed a left hand on her front left hoof before wagging her pointer finger in an "uh-uh-uh" fashion.

Sandy spoke "You need to take a nap."

The Sandmare then clenched the hand into a fist before winding up and uppercut Krampus right into the air before he crashed back down, knocked unconscious while mini Wendigos made of golden sand flew around his head.

Spottedleaf spoke "And he's out like a light!"

Various Mobians, chakats, ponies, Abyssinians and dragons cheer.

*Frosted's POV*

It really wasn't that long until Krampus got back up, and boy, was he angry.

Krampus spoke "You fools! I am Krampus! And you will learn true fear!"

Krampus charged at one of our friends, but just phased through them. They couldn't see him.

Krampus spoke "*Starting to get scared* No! No..."

Krampus started running as the other guardians and I went after him, chasing him to the entrance of a cave.

Spottedleaf and Twilight flew after the Guardians.

Spottedleaf spoke "We may believe you exist but we're not scared of you anymore!"

But then Windigos crept out of the cave as Krampus darkly chuckled.

Krampus spoke "Hehe, this is far from over, North. They still smell fear."

Santa chuckles "Can't be my fear. I'm not even afraid."

Krampus asks "Wha...?"

"Looks like it's your fear they smell." I smirked.

Krampus spoke "No..."

The Windigos suddenly lunged at Krampus as they dragged him into the darkness of the cave as he kept screaming no, before his voice faded.

Spottedleaf and Twilight blast the top of the cave, causing it to collapse on itself thus sealing Krampus away for good.

Twilight spoke "He won't bother anycreature again."

"Not bad, Spotstar duo." I quipped.

Spottedleaf spoke "Thanks Frosted."

Twilight spoke "*GASP!* I just remembered something! There's a reindeer and two snow creatures coming over to see Gareth, Scorching and Snowfall!"

Spottedleaf wingslaps Twilight.

Spottedleaf spoke "Not in front of Frosted, it might make him jealous."

"So, who's Snowfall? I just wanna know." I asked.

Twilight spoke "You mean Snowfall Dazzle? She's an alicorn kitsunepony, ice type according to what I heard from one of the other two Danyelles. Her younger sister is Scorching Flame, a fire type alicorn kitsunepony."

"Ice? Really now?" I noticed, liking where this is going.

Twilight and Spottedleaf giggle "Great StarClan, you got the hots for her!"

"Huh?" I asked, surprised by what they just said.

Luna soon pops up with Moonlight on her back.

Luna spoke "It's been too long Nicholas old friend."

Santa chuckles "Haha, finally out of the moon, Luna?"

Luna giggles "Very much so and this little rascal is my daughter, Moonlight Shadow."

Santa chuckles "Hehe, with the wolf now, eh?"

Luna giggles "Yeah..."

*A bit later*

Twilight spoke "May I have everyone's attention please? I have an announcement to make."

The visitors from the OC-verse, Redux-verse, Mewverse and Neoverse turn to look at Twilight as the other alicorns did as well.

Twilight spoke "*ahem* I'm sure that many, if not all of you are busy on Hearth's Warming but I do hereby invite you all to a pre-Hearth's party in Ponyville the day before Hearth's Warming Eve!"

Many folks cheer.


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