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A New Life

*Twilight's POV*

After OC-verse Danyelle called in the caretaker from her hive, Applejack had been admitted to the hospital along with both Rarity and Fluttershy.

I gotta admit, this waiting was stressful.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "These things take time you know? Plus taur births are kinda difficult."

That made me more stressed. “H-How difficult?”

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Twilight has a ponykat cousin named Crosswind. Hir mother's name was Golden Gear while the chakat's name was unknown."

"What?" I gasped.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My world's a lot different though. My world's Twilight had a colt named Dusk Shine, I chose the name though. But he's a Pegasus though."

"Oh." I noted.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Yeah but my world's Sonic can be quite annoying at times."

"Like Azure?" I asked.

Rainbow wingslaps me upside the back of the head.

"Hey!" I pouted.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Only I can insult Sonic since he's my adopted brother."

Rainbow spoke "She's got a point though Twi."

Rainbow Dash and I soon glared into each other's eyes.

I spoke "Speed junkie."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Smart addict"

Both Danyelles spoke "Skittles."

And I can tell Rainbow just snapped from her eyes twitching.

I spoke "Bad move furballs."

Both Danyelles growl "What was that?!"

OC-verse Danyelle fired a Roar at Rocket Swirl since the magenta maned mare was passing by, sending her flying far away.

I spoke "She had that coming."

Rocket had crashed into Star, causing the two to kiss.

Danyelle spoke "Holy cuss..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Uh… whoops. Better one than two angry Cadences."

Daria spoke "Dany, you know that our Cadence doesn't interfere in relationships outside our world."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Yeah. But still… *Shiver!* I’m just glad I’m not an eel."

Daria spoke "Last thing anyone wants is a bunch of screaming dragons..."

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle asks "Why do most dragons hate eel?"

“Eel Pox.” I whispered to Danyelle.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Dragons don't like the taste."

An unfamiliar roar was heard before a dragon as black as night flew overhead.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "NIGHT FURY!!!"

“Wait-what?!” I gasped in shock.

The Night Fury had suddenly got shot down, causing it to crash into the nearby lake.

Danyelle darts off to the lake before diving in and saving the dragon.

The yellow furred Abyssinian kept her wings folded tightly as she swam under the dragon, pulling it back to the surface.

Danyelle asks "Okay, which mousebrain shot down a dragon?"

All of us shrugged at that, not knowing who did it.

Danyelle glares at Star Rose.

The two ran off.

Serene shot fire at the duo, roasting their rears to the point they won't be able to sit for a week.

Danyelle giggles "Heehee! Good one."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Just goes to show you don't mess with a pyromancer!"

The Night Fury groans "Ugh… Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "Easy does it, you got shot down not long ago and I had to save you from drowning."

After getting out of the water, Danyelle shook the water off her fur thus causing it to go all poofy.

I stifled a snicker at that.

Danyelle growls "What was that Sparkle Butt?"

OC-verse Danyelle had to hold back a laugh.

“You say something, Bolt Flank?” I growled back.

Oc-verse Danyelle "For the love of... SIT GIRL!!!"

I was face down on the ground, as was the OC-verse Twilight.

Danyelle asks "What the?! When did that happen?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Let's just say my world's Twilight has anger issues."

Danyelle spoke "I know, but I don't remember my Twilight ever doing that."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Better safe than sorry."

I found some kind of strange necklace on me as I tried to take it off.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but the last thing this world needs is an AWOL Twilight."

Danyelle spoke "But I seriously don’t think that’ll happen."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I know and you might want to check up on your Pinkie, she seems upset."

Danyelle spoke "Uh-oh!"

Sunset was trying to calm Pinkie down.

Sunset asks "You okay Pinkie?"

An explosion was heard before two ponies got sent flying far away.

A dark blue Pegasus teen with brown eyes and a black mane along with a lightning bolt cutie mark spoke "You two oughta back off before I rip your manes off!"

Serene gasps "Sparky!"

The dark blue Pegasus's left ear twitches.

Spark asks "Huh?"

Serene spoke "*tears in eyes* Yeah... I spent the last ten years trying to find him..."

A now crying Serene tackle hugs Thunder Spark.

Spark asks "What’s going on?"

Serene cries "I th-thought I lost you..."

Spark asks "Wait, how long has it been?"

Danyelle spoke "Ten years, but Serene never gave up on finding you."

Spark asks "Wait, seriously?"

Serene spoke "Yeah..."

Danyelle asks "Did you come across a brown cat with light emerald green eyes and a reddish pink cat with jade green eyes?"

Spark groans "Gah! My head…"

Serene uses a healing spell to ease the headache that Spark has.

Spark spoke "Sorry. It’s just… all a blur."

Serene spoke "What really matters is that you're back by my side again..."

Serene catches Spark off-guard by kissing him on the lips.

And the shock from what Serene just did made Spark zap himself and Serene, but the mare didn’t seemed bothered by that at all.

Soon enough, the sound of three newborn ponykats were heard.

Spark asks "Huh?"

I spoke "New lives have just been born."

Spottedleaf spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "That’s good."

Blizzardstar spoke "Twilight, Rainbow, come meet Snowfire."

“Aww! Shi’s adorable!” I gushed.

Blizzardstar spoke "Snowfire's a herm like me though, same for Appleseed and Hawkbreeze."

Rainbow spoke "Whoa."

Crosswind spoke "But any child that is sired by Snowfire, Hawkbreeze or Appleseed will automatically be a ponykat though."

Rainbow spoke "Oh."

Fluttershy was sleeping.

Flowerstep slept by hir mate’s side.

But for some odd reason, Fluttershy's body had gone cold.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Guys? We got a problem here!"

Danyelle checks Fluttershy's pulse but found none.

Tears in eyes, Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but she didn't make it..."

Rainbow Dash grabbed Danyelle and pushed her against the wall. “Don’t you even dare think about saying that! Fluttershy can’t be dead! She’s my best friend! Not after I found out what I did for her! Please! She can’t die! She just can’t!”

Danyelle growls "I'm not a doctor!"

Yellowfang wheels Fluttershy's body to an emergency room before rubbing her hands together, building up static.

Yellowfang spoke "CLEAR!!"

Yellowfang jumpstarts Fluttershy's heart in attempt to save the Pegasus mare.

But unknown to us, Berkan entered the hospital and walked to the emergency room doors.

Yellowfang spoke "Her heart is pumping, but not pumping enough! One more!"

Berkan soon entered the room.

Yellowfang spoke "CLEAR!!!"

Yellowfang doubles the voltage before shocking Fluttershy again.

Yellowfang spoke "Better than before, but still not enough!"

Spottedleaf spoke "We can't lose her!"

Both electromancers charge up static before zapping Fluttershy.

Spottedleaf spoke "Come on! We’re almost there!"

But then Fluttershy’s front left leg started glowing and turning blue as Berkan had something in his right hand.

Flowerstep spoke "Berkan, you can't interfere with the healers' work."

Berkan asks "Tch. I don’t know how that happened, but see that front left leg?"

A thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom with bright amber eyes and a fluffy tail was helping the two females jumpstart Fluttershy's heart.

The tom spoke "We can do this!"

When they shocked Fluttershy to jumpstart her heart, she woke up with a gasp as her front left leg went back to normal.

Berkan spoke "Guess she won’t need this since you just cured her."

Yellowfang spoke "Thank StarClan... She's okay!"

Spottedleaf spoke "But seriously, we need to keep something like this from happening again."

The silver-gray tom asks "Yeah but what?"

Yellowfang sighs "This may be hard, but Ah think Fluttershy will need to strengthen herself."

Spottedleaf spoke "StarClan's sake Yellow, you're being paranoid."

The silver-gray tom snickers.

Yellowfang spoke "Ah’m being dead serious, you two. That delivery brought Fluttershy to Death’s door."

Ears pin back, Spottedleaf spoke "You called me paranoid one time!"

Yellowfang spoke "And Ah’m sorry about that. I know you were worried."

Spottedleaf teleported before reappearing with Fluttershy's parents and brother.

The silver-gray tom was surprised that Spottedleaf had teleported.


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