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Mafia Terror

*Luna's POV*

I was looking around at all of the gathered folks since it was the night of the full moon thus it was a Gathering.

Celestia spoke "Attention everycreature, I'm sure that some of you are already aware of what happened in New Mareidian. Someone had inadvertedly ticked the Medici Mafia off and now, we might be heading to war with them."

Zelestia spoke "Exactly and since the dark tortoiseshell's the only one in this universe with the Roar, it had come to the attention of the OC-verse to lend a helping hoof as it were."

Leviathan spoke "Forgive me for interrupting, but we have far worse threats than the Medici at the moment."

That left me confused.

Zelestia spoke "Tell us."

Celestia asks "It’s the Skullmare and Skull Heart, isn’t it?"

Leviathan spoke "Indeed and to my shame, it appears that I cannot entirely block the Skull Heart’s influence from Squigly."

Squigly spoke "Don’t feel bad, Leviathan. We couldn’t have made it this far otherwise."

Leviathan spoke "I am forced to admit this is so. If not for that power, I doubt any of us would be hearing your voice on your own."

Squigly asks "What are you talking about? *Gasp!* My mouth! Who would do such a thing, and WHY?"

Leviathan growls "I can think of but one dragon."

Squigly growls "And we aren’t the only ones who wants to see him pay for his crimes."

Twirama growls "The OC-verse Pony Guard will help out in any possible."

Sonic spoke "As will the Mobian Guard."

Leviathan spoke "The assistance is appreciated, but the biggest threat now is the Skullgirl."

Celestia spoke "Leviathan’s right, because if we don’t stop her, the entire world will be destroyed."

Twirama spoke "My claws, fangs and fire will be of great use to you lot."

Sonic spoke "As will my speed, chaos powers and airbending."

Leviathan asks "Oh, I nearly forgot. What year is this?"

Samson asks "Year? What rock did you crawl out from?"

Leviathan spoke "Samson."

Samson spoke "Leviathan, surprised you ain’t dead yet… though I’d need to ask a coroner to be sure!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "2022..."

Atem spoke "Leviathan, it’s been quite some time."

Leviathan gasps "Atem?!"

Danyelle pops up suddenly with a scared look on her face.

Rainbow Dash asks "What happened with her?"

Twilight spoke "Something spooked her bad..."

Danyelle spoke "Th-the mafia.... THEY'RE COMING!"

Squigly looked outside. “The Skullmare’s already killed some of the Medici’s ranks, increasing her army’s numbers and are on their way here."

I spoke "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I don't just see subjects. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of your princesses, your friend and as a sister in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For Equestria!"

Twirama roars "FOR EQUESTRIA!"

All of the chakats and Abyssinians yowl "FOR EQUESTRIA!!!"

Natsu and Lucy roar.

A teen spoke "Alright! Skullmare Season is officially open!"

We saw a 13-year old female orange-feathered ornithian that had mechanical arms with cartoony gloves on the hands and three red eye-like metallic feathers on the outer side of each arm, sharp metallic dentures in her beak, both of her eyes were black empty sockets like a cartoon character, wearing a top hat on her head and an 80s dress gown on her body above her ankles with a red bow tie at the downward color. She looked adorable, but also menacing.

Danyelle spoke "This doesn't just affect our universe..."

Oc-verse Danyelle spoke "It affects my universe too."

Chameleo suddenly appeared. “Whoa-whoa-whoa! You’re overthinking this! The Skull Heart’s power is limited to the universe it’s in at max.”

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I know that but I can't say no to Zelestia even though I'm an Alpha-Queen."

Chameleo spoke "Well, I came here of my own will, so later."

Chameleo vanished through a portal.

Zelestia spoke "Hold it lizard boy!"

Chameleo was already long gone.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke via trans-dimensional telepathy "{Chameleo, you do realize that if the Mafia got their grubby hands on my bag of warp rings... They could attack your universe!}

Chameleo spoke "{I know you’re trying to convince me, but trust me. My universe and I can handle ourselves. Besides, you ain’t looking at the big picture. The mafia’s the least of your concerns, they’re practically minnows against the Skullgirl.}"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "{It could be disaster for all three universes... No, all of the zones if the skullgirl took my warp rings.}"

Chameleo asks "{Do you even realize you have an Anti-Skullgirl weapon fighting alongside you?}"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "{Well the Applebloom of this universe is a swordsmare... So I heard.}"

The teen spoke "Sorry, no more time for chit-chat right now. Now’s time to kick some bony butt!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "YEAH!!!!"

Twirama asks "Wait, who’re you?"

The teen spoke "Name’s Peacock, as in the birds folks."

Pinkie spoke "Yep. We had quite an adventure."

Danyelle spoke "I can see you met a lot of creatures."

Renee was growling.

Peacock spoke "Time to paint the town red!"

Twirama roars loud as she led the assault while Celestia and I stayed behind with Fluttershy and the children.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Alright! We’re making our move! We met some other creatures, like Nadia Fortune, a female Abyssinian that ate a strange stone called the Life Gem, which explains her scars and powers, an alicorn Princess about our age called Parasoul, and her little sister about the Crusaders’ age called Umbrella, who both wielded living weapons shaped like umbrellas, Parasoul wielding Krieg and Umbrella wielding Hungern.

Thanks to her strong legs, Twirama was able to keep up with me despite carrying Renee and the Mobian Guard on her back.

Strange cartoon characters accompanied Peacock.

We soon got to New Mareidian, before meeting up with a big mechanical being that had the face of a male gryphon with his beak covered.

The male spoke "There you are, Peacock."

Peacock spoke "Aw man, not the blowhard."

That left us surprised and confused having found out that Peacock knows that gryphon.

Renee, Twirama and OC-verse Danyelle growl as did Foxsong and the Dazzlings.

The male spoke "As for those who don’t know me, you can call me Big Band, I’m an Anti-Skullgirl soldier like Peacock here."

We were about to ask more questions before we saw turquoise glowing above us, seeing two giant hands made of zombies, ghosts and skeletons holding up a building as if preventing it from falling to the ground.

Big Band gasps "What in the hell was that?!"

Twirama growls "Whatever it is... It doesn't look friendly!"

A voice spoke "{The Skullmare has revealed herself, and her attention is fixed elsewhere. She may have destroyed Lab 8, but she now has a more fitting target for her wrath. Join me.}"

Big Band spoke "I want to se New Mareidian cleaned up, but not like this… Damn!"

“Who was that?” I asked in confusion as we all heard that telepathy with us seeing a strange hologram with his brain visible through a glass helmet on the stallion’s head.

Big Band spoke "That was Brain Drain, lead scientist of Lab 0."

Brain Drain spoke "{This is the perfect opportunity. While her attention is fixed on keeping that tower aloft, she is vulnerable. We must strike immediately, and decisively. All of you will engage the Skullmare with Painwheel. The Skullmare will not be able to retaliate, and should be no match for a coordinated assault from an army with some ASG units.}"

Big Band spoke "No dice. Do you know how many creatures will die if we do it your way, and she drops that tower? We’ve got her in our sights now. It’s only a matter of time before we take her down. We can do it without the collateral damage."

All of us here had to admit, Big Band was totally right about that.

Brain Drain spoke "{That is of no consequence. The only thing that matters is destroying her before her power further awakens.}"

Big Band taunts "You know, if I couldn’t see your big damn brain, I’d be asking myself if you even had one."

Ooh! Burn! Anywho, all of us were with Big Band on this one.

Brain Drain spoke "{This is your response after you and Peacock cost us Avian? The only miscalculation I’ve made is in attempting to work with more soft-hearted fools from Lab 8 and pathetic weaklings. Avian, at least, served the cause by creating weapons to battle the Skullgirls, even if those weapons have obvious flaws. Mine are not so weak. Painwheel, it falls to you. Go now, attack the Skullmare.}"

We saw a female brunette diamond dog with some kind of robotic tentacle with blades on it resembling a Neighponese shuriken throwing star, and wearing a brown mask on her face as there was a red glow through the eye sockets of the mask.

Big Band spoke "Nope. I don’t think so."

All of us stood by Big Band on that option.

Brain Drain spoke "{If we must go through all of you, then that is what we will do. Painwheel, destroy these defective tools and their friends, but do it quickly. You must pursue the Skullmare before we lose our chance.}"

Painwheel spoke "Stop… ordering me…"

The diamond dog looked like she was resisting.

Brain Drain spoke "{Do it. NOW.}"

Painwheel spoke "RRRGH!"

Looks like some of us will have to fight Painwheel as the rest of us will have to help evacuate the area of civilians.

Twirama snarls "Leave this to me, you other alicorns and diamond dogs evacuate the civvies!"

Twirama attacks Painwheel as the others and I got the civilians to safety.

Shizu and Rimuru held onto Twirama's fur.

Rimuru spoke "Snap out of it Wheel! It doesn't have to be this way!"

Painwheel spoke "*As Big Band, Squigly, Leviathan, Faunia, Samson, Peacock (and her gang) fought her* Get away from me!"

Twirama pins Painwheel down with a paw.

Soon enough, Painwheel was beaten.

A voice spoke "Lorenzo… Medici…!"

Squigly spoke "{Watch out! The Skullmare’s making her move!}"

We saw the giant hands about to move as Peacock caught a glimpse of the Skullmare’s face.

Peacock spoke "No way… it can’t be!"

We saw the Skullmare facing in a direction, spotting an escaping blimp/zeppelin.

Skullmare roars "Don’t you dare turn your back on me… or this empire you built on your victims’ graves…! I… WILL… DESTROY YOU!!!"

The Skullmare swung her front legs forward, as the hands threw the torn-off building at the blimp, missing it, but damaging it enough to make it start descending while on fire as the building crashed into a giant body of water out of harm’s way.

Skullmare spoke "The Medici… shall not escape…"

The Skullmare and her forces then retreated.

Parasoul spoke "Molly, status report!"

Molly spoke "Most of the debris hit the water. Some buildings were damaged, but I’d say we got lucky there!"

Brain Drain spoke "{You should have defeated relics and weaklings such as them easily. I saw to that. But I can sense your resistance, Painwheel. I had thought you would be the perfect vessel, but, sadly, you yet require refinement. You’ve wasted my efforts. Return to Lab 0 for reprogramming.}"

Painwheel spoke "NO!"

Brain Drain spoke "{I will expect you shortly. Obey my command or suffer the consequences. I will tolerate no further disappointment.}"

The hologram vanished as Big Band approached Painwheel.

Big Band spoke "You don’t have to listen to him, girl."

Faunia spoke "He’s right about that, Carol."

Painwheel asks "Faunia? You remember me? Who… are they?"

Big Band spoke "I’m just another Anti-Skullgirl soldier. The difference is nobody tells me what to do. And if you let us help you, it could be the same for you. While that knucklehead was runnin’ his mouth, I called a friend, Leduc. He’ll be here soon, and he’ll take you somewhere safe."

Twirama spoke "Many know me as the Nine Tailed Terror due to the nine tailed fox sealed in my body. Just so that I'm not mistaken for the Twilight of this world, you can call me Twirama."

A blonde-maned and tailed Pegasus stallion with his hooves looking metallic and conductive showed up. “They’ve done some terrible things to her… You want me to take her back to Lab 8’s crew?"

Big Band spoke "Yep. Ileum will know what to do."

Leduc asks "What’re you and the others gonna do?"

Big Band spoke "Us? We’re gonna track down the Skullmare. And now I know where she’ll be."

Painwheel spoke "No… I can still… Help."

Twirama spoke "And have the mafia turn you against us? Not a chance."

Shizu spoke "I've already turned traitor though..."

Applejack asks "Hey, ya wanted to find the truth of what’s really goin’ on, right?"

Shizu spoke "Yeah."

Applejack spoke "Then yer alright."

Peacock asks "Maria? She’s the Skullmare?"

We were confused before we moved ahead and arrived at some kind of cathedral.

Nadia asks "So this is the Grand Cathedral, eh? Meow what’s a Skullmare like you doing in a place like this?"

But then we encountered a Pegasus nurse that had blood red eyes with cross-shaped pupils, blue mane and tail with several large bangs covering her forehead and tied up in a spiky pony tail, along with grayish fur while she was wearing a bandaged eye-patch over her right eye, which is heavily scarred over. She also had a thin, vertical scar running through the left side of her lips, which is typically covered by a white medical mask as her outfit was a combo of a nurse and a kunoichi.

Peacock spoke "*Quoting a cartoon* Helloooooooo nurse! …Nice place you got here, by the way!"

A voice asks "More Lab 8 losers! Makes three-for-one today. First, that fool Avian… *Smile* And lookie here, my little playmate has come back. She followed me home, Double. Can I keep her?"

Nadia spoke "You again!"

Peacock spoke "*Frown* So why’d ya do it? Both of our labs are supposed to be working together to destroy the Skullgirl! And you led her right to us!"

Big Band spoke "I see how it is. You knocked off the Doc while your shifty pal “Double”, nice name there, real clever, kept me busy."

A mare in a nun’s outfit with completely red eyes showed up.

Double spoke "And now I will defeat you on my terms… not yours."

Nadia asks "A nurse and a nun? Heh, now where have I heard that joke before?"

Big Band asks "You don’t seem like much without your squad, Hearty Hooves. The Last Hope has a lot to answer for. Where are they?"

Hearty spoke "Gone, though I keep their mementos with me. I can schedule an appointment if you want to meet them, in fact, I have an opening right now!"

Big Band spoke "Mementos? How sweet, since it looks like you turned traitor in exchange for your life."

Peacock asks "…You really think we’re gonna let you trot outta here alive, nurse?"

Hearty spoke "I don’t think you have a choice. I’ll admit you and big gryphon here were almost interesting opponents… but, infected by Avian’s philosophy of weakness, you’re nothing more than garbage. Double! It’s time Lab 8’s experiments came to an end."

Avery screeches "SQUAWK! We’ll show you weakness, mare."

Tommy spoke "We’re gonna murderize ya!"

Andy spoke "Time to die, traitor!"

Peacock spoke "Yeah, what they said! We’re sending you straight to hell for what you did to the Doc!"

A voice spoke "HEARTY HOOVES!!!"

Painwheel suddenly showed up.

Hearty snaps "You made it, excellent! Subject 0-84, Initiate Command Protocol 51! Access code: 36E-25-40! I order you to return to Lab 0 immediately!"

Painwheel spoke "…NNGGH! Heh, it won’t work, Hearty Hooves! I’m in control now!"

Big Band spoke "That was fast!"

Hearty spoke "Amazing! It would seem my theory was correct: your blood is resonating with the Skullmare. The closer you get to her, the stronger your psyche becomes."

Painwheel growls "Enough experiments, it’s time for you to pay for what you did to me! RRRAAAUUGHHH! I’m gonna cut you to ribbons!"

All of us readied for battle against Hearty Hooves and Double.

OC-verse Danyelle wingslaps Peacock.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "By Faust's mane, what you just said reminded me of the Warner siblings."

Twirama spoke "Now isn't the time Dany!"

We fought the two enemies and won before Double suddenly vanished.

Hearty spoke "I must admit, you’re all pretty good. But Painwheel… Excellent… you’re ready! I had my doubts, but I think it’s time you all challenge Marie. Go! The Skullmare awaits in the catacombs below."

Painwheel asks "Why should I listen to you!?"

Hearty spoke "Do you want freedom? Do you want to reclaim that boring, humdrum life we stole from you? Until the Skullmare is defeated, no one is truly free. And all of you have more than enough strength to stop her."

We have to admit, she had a point.

Painwheel spoke "You’re right… But don’t think for a second this is over, Hearty Hooves! I will find you."

We moved on ahead, reaching the catacombs, which was definitely spooky.

Renee spoke "Good thing Zoey and Sakura aren't here, they hate scary places."

But then we spotted a young alicorn with sea turquoise hair in braids and tail, a darker sea green dress with stars on her right eyepatch and clothes, and a reddish magenta bag around her waist. Her eyes were yellow and one of them is placed in the mouth of what resembled a rabbit doll with sharp teeth as she was carrying a sword where a part near the handle is the same color as her bag and has a star on it. She was accompanied by a middle-aged male diamond dog with black fur and beard stubble while he was wearing brown pants with suspenders as he wielded a folding chair and an arm of a gigan.

Big Band spoke "Annie? It’s good to see you again."

Annie spoke "Band, Squigly, Leviathan. Not surprised to see you three here."

Squigly spoke "{Still, it is wonderful to see you again.}"

Leviathan spoke "I concur."

Shizu gasps "Oh my gosh! Is that… Beowulf?!"

Beowulf chuckles "Heh! That’s right!"

Looks like we got a fangirl here.

Rimuru asks "I know this isn't a good time to ask this but... *kneeling down on his left knee* Shizu, will you marry me?"

Shizu asks "*tears in eyes* Uh… Y-Yeah, I would. But can we hold off the celebrating until after New Mareidian’s saved?"

Rimuru spoke "Very well my love."

Twirama snarls "LET'S GET RID OF THE MAFIA!!!"

Every alicorn, Diamond Dog, Abyssinian, Ornithian and dragon present yelled in agreement.

BGM: Feel the Thunder

Twirama roars as she raced into battle.

Applejack suddenly spotted Applebloom heading deeper into the catacombs as she followed, along with some of the others.

*Applejack’s POV*

What is she thinking?! But when we got to Applebloom, we saw tons of skulls and blue glowing veins on the floor.

Heatwave asks "Applebloom?"

We then spotted an earth pony filly about Peacock’s age with pale grey mane and tail, halves of a skull in each of her two eyes as she wielded a vacuum cleaner made of bones.

Parasoul spoke "No! Don’t tell me!"

Peacock spoke "Maria!"

Painwheel spoke "Skullgirl, I’m here to destroy you!"

Maria spoke "*To Parasoul, Umbrella and I* It would seem that a direct ancestor of this filly was once a Skullmare, I can’t help but feel… a connection to her. *To Peacock* And Patricia, you should not have come. Do not worry about me, my quest is nearly at an end. *To Faunia* Faunia, we meet again… But why? *To Shizu* Strange, you are pure, at least compared to the company that used to keep you. *To Nadia* I too have lost much to the Medicis. Do you not seek vengeance? Wishes such as yours rarely turn out well. *To Painwheel* And how curious: evil creatures made you into a monster, but you broke free from their control… Yet, you still wish to do their bidding? *To Squigly* Your Parasite… It’s unusual, how it blocks my control. Yet your connection to the Heart is strong… through it, I can sense that you, too, seek revenge against the Medicis. And against the dragon that silenced you."

Peacock spoke "Oh, puh-lease. Don’t worry about you? Some hellish MacGuffin has turned you into an undead killing machine and I was created to stop you. There’s no way you can beat us… so of course I’m worried about you!"

Faunia asks "We’ve met before? Tell me, Skullmare… who am I?"

Nadia spoke "I’ve got to try, the Fishbone Gang raised me, protected me and taught me everything I know. The least I can do is return the favor."

Painwheel spoke "This is my choice! Brain Drain… Hearty Hooves… This cursed blood within me… I don’t give a damn! Tearing you apart is the only true path to freedom!"

Squigly spoke "{I believe you’re a good pony, but the Heart’s power is poison. Even when you used it to save those creatures, I could feel its hate growing inside you. I’ve seen where that hatred ends.}"

Heatwave spoke "It's bad enough all this started when Twilight... Our world's Twilight that is.. had alicorn children despite being a unicorn back then."

Pebble spoke "And that's not counting the fact there are alicorn-Abyssinian hybrids and...."

Pebble's fur bristled up suddenly since he had sensed that a Pegasus-Abyssinian hybrid had just ascended.

Applebloom asks "Didja sense that sis?"

“Yeah.” I agreed.

Maria spoke "Look, Patricia… You will understand."

Corpses appeared as one seemed real familiar to Peacock.

Peacock gasps "Whoa! Is that… him? So all these creatures are…"

Maria spoke "Evil. From the slave traders of Roammelgrad to their patrons, the Medicis… all must perish. Patricia… please leave with your friends. I… cannot guarantee your safety much longer."

Peacock spoke "…You know we can’t do that. It must be taking everything you’ve got to fight that thing inside you. One of these days, you’ll skip up and you’ll be just as bad as those guys… Or worse."

Big Band spoke "Nothing personal, but it’s times like this where beings like us have one job: to stop your heart from beating."

Peacock asks "That’s right, you leave us no choice but to beat you down, blow you up and rip the Skull Heart right outta ya! Let’s hope there’s enough of ya left that we can sit down with some pie together when this is all over, ‘K?"

Maria spoke "Once, at the orphanage, you tried to save me… but don’t think I will hold back!"

Faunia asks "Please tell me, who am I?"

Maria spoke "I… only know one thing about you, Faunia, and it is the only thing I need to know. Medici blood flows through your veins… The blood I have sworn to spill!"

Shizu and Parasoul gasp "Wait-what?!"

Maria spoke "*To Nadia* Your instincts are admirable, my wish was also to protect my friends."

Nadia spoke "Look, I’m gonna have to stop you before you get to the “We’re a lot alike, you and I” bit. I’ve come too far to turn around, so it’s time to claw that heart out of you."

Maria spoke "*To Nadia* …So be it. I hope your wish turns out well. *To Squigly* You are not immune to its corruption, either. You think you can resist the Skull Heart? I can feel your will falter. Before long, its power will overwhelm you!"

Atem showed up, willing to help us battle Maria.

Atem spoke "It’s time we free you from that Skull Heart."

So we readied ourselves for battle as skeletons, ghosts and zombies appeared beside Maria.

A yowl splits the air as all of SkyClan flew into battle.

Leafstar yowls "STORMING WIND!!!"

Highspeed winds hit the zombies, sending them all flying.

Blue veins appeared, creating a alicorn figure before the figure charged at us as we dodged the attack.

OC-verse Danyelle yowls loud before flying into a spindash, hitting several skeletons causing them to fall apart.

Sweetie Belle starting singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qgG32wpSTY as she fought alongside Applebloom and Scootaloo which caused all of the zombies to freeze up.

Peacock, myself and some of the other fighters fought against Marie as she started fallin’ apart.

A flash of light was soon seen on Sweetie's flanks before revealing a music note upon a light pink star surrounded by a golden laurel wreath.

Scootaloo flew fast enough to whip up a tornado before launching it at the skeletons, causing them to fall apart before the image of a tornado surrounded by a pair of wings and a golden laurel wreath was seen on the orange filly's flanks.

Quick spoke "Great StarClan! You got your cutie mark Scoots!"

Renee spoke "Excitable fillies in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gasp "Awesome!"

Faunia, Samson, Shizu, Nadia, Peacock, Avery, Tommy, Andy, Parasoul, Krieg, Umbrella, Hungern, Painwheel, Squigly, Leviathan, Big Band, Beowulf, Annie, Sagan, Atem and I dealt the final blow to Maria as the Skull Heart was out of her.

Peacock spoke "Show’s over… Friend."

Atem spoke "So, this is the Skull Heart."

Maria spoke "*To Beowulf* You… were stronger than I anticipated. Almost strong enough… But much of your strength is borrowed. I… can take that advantage away from you. I will turn it against you."

The gigan’s arm suddenly grew skulls and blue veins, forming a body as it pinned Beowulf down.

Beowulf spoke "Damn! Things can’t get worse than this!"

Skull Heart spoke "I’ve… found… you…"

“Pardon?” I asked in confusion.

Skull Heart spoke "The Dueling… Monster… *As something struck Atem, who dodged the attack* ATEM!!!"

Atem gasps "What the?!"

We turned around to see Double, but she was definitely morphing worse than the last time we fought her.

Double spoke "Trickster! You alone shall never be forgiven! It was you! You shamed them in battle! Aeon… Venus… You humiliated my daughters! You… disgraced my kingdom!"

Atem asks "Queen… Lamia?! How is she still bearing that grudge?"

Beowulf spoke "Tag Team? Harsh! I guess I set that one up…"

Annie spoke "GALAXY… *Attacks Double* CUTTER! Your fight’s with us, Shapeshifter!"

Sagan, Atem, Squigly, Leviathan, Faunia and Samson accompanied Annie.

Double spoke "Don’t bother looking to the heavens, Star Child. This is your end!"

Beowulf got back up and faced the controlled arm before I saw Applebloom’s eyes turn red with skull halves surrounding her pupils.

*Applebloom’s POV*

Beowulf spoke "Just like old times. You get used and abused, and I stumble my way into the hero role. Grendel…"

But then I saw a spirit take the place of Beowulf’s opponent.

Grendel’s Spirit spoke "Forget the past. Let us settle this, as WARRIORS!"

The arm lunged at Beowulf with its newly created body as he grabbed the arm’s hand.


Beowulf tore that arm right off the body of veins and skulls before he he pulled a suplex on it, leavin’ us surprised as the other group just about defeated Double.

Twirama shot fire out of her mouth at the monster, incinerating it.

Double asks "*To Squigly* I’m surprised you don’t recognize me, I joined your mother for her final birthday celebration. *Transforms into a unicorn mare noble* It was such a blessed day. Don’t you remember it?"

OC-Verse Danyelle’s eyes flashed as we all saw what happened.

Disguised Double spoke "You should open this one soon."

She gave Squigly’s mother a box as she opened it, only for her face to turn into horror as she saw the Skull Heart inside before we were back in the present.

Squigly spoke "{You! It was all your doing!}"

Double spoke "Hardly. I merely let Lorenzo know that the Contiellos possess the Heart. After that, all the trust and goodwill built up through the generations meant nothing. *As we then saw a young smirking Lorenzo looking down on a dead Squigly and Leviathan in a coffin with her mouth sewn shut* He may not have claimed the Heart, but he let the world know he came out unscathed while the Contiellos were silenced. *As we were back in the present* Even today, fourteen years later, your family’s fate deters others from standing against Lorenzo."

Squigly spoke "{I’ve heard enough!}"

Annie spoke "It’s over, monster!"

Squigly spoke "*As Leviathan and Annie attacked Double* {Demon, I’ll see you burn in Tartarus!}"

Double spoke "*To Annie* I’ll see you again, Star Child."

Double then disintegrated.

Squigly spoke "{You exist only to manipulate. I won’t let you sway me!}"

Faunia spoke "I’m not sure what to say… I didn’t know any of this."

Squigly spoke "{It doesn’t matter. What’s important to know is that the Heart can never bring happiness. Not for you, Painwheel, or anyone else. Lorenzo fought a Skullmare before, but he never ran. Something else has hurt him. He’s been weakened, and he won’t last.}"

Maria spoke "For everyone else’s sake, I hope you are right. But I suppose you would be the one to know."

Peacock spoke "Told ya we’d win! But I appreciate you trying to put up a fight! Heh, who needs wishes? I’m already strong!"

Big Band spoke "And now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for our greatest hit!"

Skull Heart spoke "Every time you destroy this vessel, another will appear. There is no purpose to your actions. I shall always return. The world shall always be cursed with a Skull Heart, and this, shall always be cursed with a Skullgirl."

Big Band asks "So what?"

Beowulf spoke "This one’s…"

All of us attacked the Skull Heart destroying it into nothin’.

Beowulf howls "FOR GRENDEL!!!"

Annie spoke "The sooner we find a way to break this cycle, the sooner my curse will end."

Peacock asks "…Right, Maria?"

Maria spoke "*Disintegrating* Right, Patricia… I’m sorry I ran away that day. You stood up for us, and I ran. When I found the Skull Heart, I thought maybe I could make things right and punish the creatures that did that to you."

Peacock asks "We’re good! You’ll always be my friend, got it?"

Maria spoke "*Smiles* That makes me… happy."

Peacock spoke "Tell ya what… We’ll pick up where you left off. Now that we beat you, saved the day… and it’s rerun season… we don’t have much to do. So why not? Well, that, and bloodying those Mafia fools sounds like a hoot!"

Maria spoke "That… would be wonderful. Thank you, Patricia. Thank you, everyone. *Burning up and fading away* It was good seeing you, Patricia… one last… time…"

Maria then burned away into nothing, gone, as Squigly and Leviathan fell to the ground.

Squigly asks "{What will you do this time, Leviathan?}"

Leviathan spoke "It would appear we’ve become quite inseparable. I will remain by your side until you next awaken."

Squigly spoke "{Thank you…}"

The two heroic undead closed their eyes with smiles.

Big Band spoke "There are two kinds of creatures; those who think they’ll never die, and those who know they will but keep fighting on anyways. Knowing that, those two fought to the very end again and left with smiles on their faces, knowing that they’ve done their family proud once more."

But then Squigly started glowing.

Twirama asks "What the...?"

But when the glowing faded, Squigly had dark brown mane and tail, light fur while wearing a yellow dress that reached down to fetlocks of her hind legs with white cuffs and collar and a purplish flower was on the front of the collar as well.

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "I didn't see that coming... And I'm the one with the dimensional scream!"

Twirama grabbed Squigly and Leviathan before we started bolting outta the catacombs and cathedral.

Peacock spoke "Not bad, Big Band! You and the others did good, I guess. These cuckoos did good too."

Avery spoke "Hey!"

Big Band spoke "You’ll have your day. You just have to live long enough to see it. Fighting the Skullmare was just a reality check. The next one is gonna hurt even worse. It might even kill you. If you wanna survive it, you’d better learn your lesson and learn it good."

Peacock spoke "I ain’t a big fan of reality, Pops. And lessons put me to sleep. Give me cartoons any day!"

Big Band spoke "Sometimes you gotta be taught your limitations the hard way. The good news is that you don’t have to face reality alone."

We made it outta there before Beowulf put Grendel’s arm on top of a mountain.

Beowulf spoke "Hope you can rest in piece, big guy. Or this piece of you can, anyway, it’s over…"

Annie spoke "For awhile, anyway. Sucks, but the fight never really ends… No matter how long I go on."

Beowulf spoke "Man, it’s really hitting me now. You are the same Annie I knew back in the day. That stuff… That’s real."

Annie asks "You finally got it. See, that’s my kind of thing. This is what I do. The show? It’s almost funny. The writers make up stories based on the folktales that came down through the generations, the same ones that are based on my actual life. It’s kinda weird playing yourself on telemirror, isn’t it?"

Beowulf spoke "I heard that."

Annie spoke "You would, wouldn’t you? You know, Beowulf, I misjudged you. You’re kind of an idiot, but not a bad guy. In fact, you remind me of somebody I used to know, years ago… Somecreature who helped me when I needed it. Hmm. You know, that isn’t a half-bad idea."

Beowulf spoke "Right on! …You lost me."

Annie spoke "We can talk later, but right now, we got work to do."

Leafstar spoke "As long as the mafia's still around, no creature is safe."

Twirama and the Mobian Guard nod in agreement.

Renee spoke "We have to stop them for good!"

We fought the Medici Mafia, and it turned out Chameleo was right. It was a cakewalk. And it didn’t take long to reach Lorenzo and Black Dahlia, who was actually still alive.

Peacock spoke "…And then there were two."

Lorenzo stammers "D-D-Dahlia! HELP! They’re here!"

Black Dahlia spoke "…So the rumors were true. Geiger’s resorted to experimenting on children now! My, how the mighty have fallen."

Peacock spoke "Cram it, granny! I don’t wanna rush anyone, but let’s get this over with already! We’ve been slaughtering your goons all night. I’m missing my stories, and I need my beauty sleep!"

Black Dahlia spoke "*As all of us readied for battle* Then let me tuck you all in for your final bedtime!"

Ah think Ah know how this fight’s gonna turn out.


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