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Vera's Arrival

*Twilight's POV*

A loud boom followed followed by static electricity flying into the sky was heard since Featherwhisker had socked Stardust in the face.

Featherwhisker hisses "If you ever come near Orchid again, I will paralyze your heart."

Stardust just scoffed as he teleported, but none of us knew where he was now.

Featherwhisker spoke "He has to be stopped..."

Azure spoke "Yeah, before he teams up with Egghead again."

But then the pudgy locked door shook again as Yui took a closer look. “Wait… I think I see something. But it’s hard to make out.” Yui said as she rubbed the lock, getting the dust off as she then read, “Forever locked away this dimension will be, but reunite the family, the ruler will then be free.”

I pulled my daughters close to me since I rarely let them out of my sight.

Spottedleaf asks "Reunite the family? What does that mean?"

Yui spoke "I think we’re about to find out."

But then the door started shaking again as the lock and chains shattered before the door bursted opened with colored smoke shooting out of it as they instantly faded while a giant Serpentine monster erupted from the door as it roared before “Oi!” It groaned as it shrunk down to Pandora’s size and shape, revealing to be a female Draconequus with the head and mane of a beautiful pony mare, left arm of a wolf, right arm of a tiger, left leg of a hippo, right leg of a painted tree frog, left wing of a wild turkey, right wing of a golden-crowned flying fox, and the serpentine body of an African twig snake, the tail of a gecko and antlers that are the mix of a fallow and a white-tailed deer. “One hundred years will give ya such a crick in the neck! Hold on, hand on a sec.” The Draconequus said before she took her head off her head no problem before spinning it a whole 360° before putting it back on her shoulders. “Wow-wow! Whoo, does it feels good to be back in the rest of the universe!”

Yui gasps "Auntie Vera!"

Yui hugged the Draconequus with a smile as she smiled back and hugged Yui.

Vera spoke "It’s good to see you again, my studious chaotic niece. You’ve really grown. Did you gain weight? Either that or I’m losing weight. Look at me from the side, do I look different to any of you? Oh! Right! Forgot to introduce myself to you new faces! The name’s Sumarda, but my counterparts from other universes calls me Verano or Vera. My friends and family calls me that too."

Yui giggled. “You haven’t changed at all, auntie.”

Pandora spoke "It certainly has been a while, Vera."

Vera spoke "You too, Dora. Disco! Haven’t see ya since that Wild party!"

Discord spoke "I remember, cousin."

Vera spoke "Whoa-ho! Celly and Lulu! It's so good to see you two gals again!"

Celestia giggles "Indeed it is. We take it you've been feeling well yourself?"

Vera spoke "You bet I am!"

Luna asks "And how is your nile crocodile husband?"

Vera spoke "He's doing awesome!"

The rest of us however, were confused.

Since I had Mystic's lamp with me, the unicorn genie soon appears.

Mystic spoke "It's been a long time since I last saw you Vera."

Vera spoke "Mystic! Haven't seen ya in a few thousand! Gimme some hoof here! *As she and Mystic did some kind of secret hand/claw/hoofshake* Hey! Ya-yo!"

Mystic laughs "You always were fun to be with you and your friends, especially with your bizarre powers."

Needless to say, I was beyond confused.

Danyelle asks "Celestia-hime, do you know a stallion named Stardust Sweeper?"

Celestia spoke "I haven't heard that name before..."

Spottedleaf spoke "According to Featherwhisker, Stardust and his ex-wife are fighting for custody of Cozy Glow."

Celestia spoke "…I see."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and the other me suggested that a special set of guard is formed to deal with problems like this."

Celestia asks "Hmm… Are you suggesting what they formed in Farasi?"

I spoke "No Princess, what the other Danyelle spoke of was something called a Pony Guard. It's comprised of the fiercest, the keenest of sight, the fastest, the bravest, the strongest and a medic."

Celestia spoke "Hmm… Definitely reminds me of Farasi…"

I spoke "But it's still unknown as to why the Roar manifested in Spottedleaf of all Abyssinians, she's not a fighter."

Celestia spoke "Sometimes, potential appears in the most unlikely creatures."

Danyelle spoke "The other Danyelle knows a wolf that has a winged lion companion that can talk. I think the lion said to expect the unexpected."

Rarity's left ear twitches suddenly.

I ask "What is it Rarity?"

Rarity spoke "Something’s off."

Spottedleaf was growling.

Vera spoke "I’m back and trouble started already? This doesn’t look good."

Featherwhisker was carrying Orchid in his arms while she had Cozy in her forelegs.

Featherwhisker spoke "I think we should arrest that Stardust guy."

Celestia spoke "Indeed. But he is crafty, always covering his tracks. He’s always changing location, never allowing us to pinpoint him."

I ask "What if we tagged him with an alicorn-level tracking spell?"

Luna spoke "I wouldn’t be too sure about that. He’d be able to find a way to remove it completely. We’ve underestimated him before. We can’t do that again."

I spoke "If alicorn-level won't work, then we should take that tracking spell to god-level."

Celestia spoke "As much as I’d like agree with you, I have to agree with my sister. Stardust is clever, and we cannot underestimate him."

A ponyish howl rang loud and clear before Stardust showed up in a block of unbreakable ice.

“What the…?” I gawked in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "Judging by the thickness of the ice, this isn't Ice Chill's doing. We might have a multi-affinity pony on our side. Fire, water, lightning, wind, darkness, nature and light... Only one creature has every known affinity and that's... Twiliterasu!"

The godly unicorn howls once more before running off.

“What the?! That was me over there!” I gasped in shock.

Danyelle spoke "She looked more wolfish though...."

Vera spoke "Huh. That was you from another universe, Twi."

Featherwhisker spoke "At least she saved us the trouble of chasing Stardust down."

Danyelle spoke "The other me did mention something about a half demon called Inuyasha..."

Vera spoke "Oh! Where is Cadence? She and I have so much to catch up on!"

I spoke "About that, she and Shining are rather... busy."

Vera asks "*Intrigued* Busy? With what? Loving each other?"

I whisper into Vera's ear, causing her wings to shoot up on end.

Vera giggles "…Wow. Cadence truly hasn’t changed one bit. *Giggle!* That sly mare."

I giggle "She just jealous that I have three daughters."

Vera spoke "Oh my!"

I spoke "Yeah and either way, we managed to capture Stardust Sweeper."

Featherwhisker growls "I won't let him near Orchid."

Vera and I giggled at that before the Draconequus bumped Feather’s head into Orchid’s causing the two to kiss each other on the lips with surprised eyes and blushes before they closed their eyes and moaned in the kiss.

Spottedleaf spoke "Good thing medicine cat law doesn't work for MeadowClan cats."

But Feather and Orchid didn’t even hear that as they kept their lips connected for a few minutes while moaning in love.

Spottedleaf snaps her fingers, sending the duo to a hotel room.

Holding Cozy in her arms, Spottedleaf spoke "It'll be a while before those two are done and I'd rather not get a fireball to the tail if Cozy was exposed to things like that."

“Ditto.” I agreed as Vera brought a list out before noticing something.

Vera spoke "Ah! Thank you for checking those two in, Spotted. Thanks to my return, my Chuddle Hotel is back in business with Equestria and the rest of the planet again!"

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, counterparts from other worlds might visit the hotel."

Vera spoke "Well, maybe, since there’s a Chuddle Hotel in the OC-verse and Heartsverse of my counterparts' dimension as well."

Danyelle asks "Heartsverse?"

Vera spoke "Oopsie! That’ll have to wait for some other time."

I spoke "Fair enough."


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