• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Entering the Final of Four Brothers

Entering the Final of Four Brothers

"Pinkie! Are you and the boys okay?" Sunset asked, going over to them to check on their injuries.

"Oh yeah, a little ouchie here and some ouchies there, but we're okay." Pinkie answered, keeping up her cute smile to hide the pain.

"That DIO bastard really got us good, even with Iggy's help, we couldn't get him to stay down for long." Joseph said, the dog Iggy came out of hiding and going up to Sunset's leg.

"Good to know you're okay too, boy." Sunset gently petted Iggy as he didn't mind, and this also proves that her other things are still alive too.

"Where are the others?" Sunset asked.

"They went to help Josuke and the girls to fight against Kira, we figured you guys must've split up after going through that secret ceiling tunnel. I'm surprise they even have something like that to begin with." Joseph explained.

"Meaning there will be the end for two of the Dark Brothers." Jonathan believed, controlling his breathing through the damaged throat.

"But damn, I can't believe the two of you were able to pull a fake death act on DIO. Even I couldn't' see that coming." Joseph amazed.

"Though you did make us worry." Bucciarati smiled, really glad that his new friends are okay.

"Sunset, we still got a job to do." Jotaro called out to his girlfriend.

"I may have run my fist straight through his demented skull, but that guy is a walking dead of evil meaning he's not down for the count yet. It's a bit too early for a victory cheer." Jotaro explained.

"Right, can't be too careful with this guy." Sunset said as she saw two buckets and a car.

Meanwhile, DIO is groan in rage that those two couple of loving bitches have actually managed to get the jump on him like this like a foolish mouse being drawn to a piece of cheese on a mousetrap.

"I will annihilate you." DIO said, trying to get back but fell on his front side with blood coming out from the head wound done by Star Platinum.

"What the Hell? I can't move… Jotaro, what did you do to me?" DIO asked, trying to get his legs to move, but they're not responding.

"I don't have control over my legs. I can't even stand." DIO shocked that his body is struggling to move properly like something just hit his body into random mode.

Sunset place the bucket close to a nearby car and Jotaro have Star Platinum punch a hole in the car to let the gasoline pour into the bucket.

"My head… The pain is unbearable, I think I'm going to vomit! This can't be happening to me. I'm the pinnacle of perfection! He actually damaged my brain and paralyzed my legs!" DIO realized that he's the helpless one in this battle.

"(Shit! Shit! Shit! I've gotta find a way out of here and regroup with Kira.)" DIO thought hoped that Kira is still around.

But his thoughts were interrupted when Sunset splash down the bucket of gasoline on the undead madman.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you having a private thought?" Sunset asked sarcastically.

"You're covered in gasoline now; the smell will help us find you just in case you try to get away from us." Sunset explained as she and Jotaro looked down at him.

"I don't usually go for striking people while their down on the ground, but I'm glad that you're the heartless monster because I can really cut loose for all the bad things you have done." Sunset glared, thinking about all the innocent lives DIO and his brothers caused and killed over the years and forcing others into becoming their slave like Bucciarati.

"You even killed some bystanders too, so don't expect any mercy from us." Jotaro took out a match lighter from his pocket.

"Got any final words to say before we burn your body and Jotaro add his Hamon energy with Star Platinum?" Sunset asked.

"I almost forgot I can do Hamon, but thanks to Sunset reminded me, I can kick your ass even more." Jotaro said with Star Platinum holding up an orange-yellow glowing fist.

Yes, this looks like it's the end for DIO, the third Dark Brother with Kira being the fourth if he hasn't been defeated by the others already, and the night may rest peacefully knowing that these evil brothers will no longer hurt people ever again.

But something didn't feel right to Iggy as he growls at DIO, keeping his guard up in case that bastard tries anything.

And then DIO started laughing, not the laughter of someone who has gone insane and was about to just accept death in a crazy way possible. No, this kind of laughter was about when one feels like he is still in the fight and victory is going to be his, which is what DIO is about to do right now.

Suddenly, Kira appears in the scene riding a motorcycle and fires the arrow of the grappling hook down at DIO.

Sunset and Jotaro gasp knowing what's about to happen.

"Come forth, The World!" DIO shouted, using his Stand power to time stop again.

Jotaro quickly got Star Platinum to attack with the Hamon infused fist before DIO could make his escape, but DIO was able to dodge the strike and the Stand freezes due to the limit.

"Yes, well done on getting here, Kira." DIO smirked, moving himself closer to Kira and wrapping the rope on his arm.

"Now, we just need to get… to our escape route." DIO said, he looks back smirking at Jotaro and Sunset.

"And now, time will slow as usual!" DIO undo the Time Stop ability and Kira keeps on driving away dragging him along.

"DIO, I got concerned by more of Josuke's brothers and friends. I was hoping to get your help, but it looks like you're in a shit situation too!" Kira explained.

"Just shut up and get us to that spot! The one where we planted just for an emergency like this!" DIO ordered.

Kira gave his older brother a nod, knowing what that spot is because he helped him get that spot set up a while ago and drove as fast as the bike could go.

"Damn it, he's getting away!" Sunset cursed.

"While he had his ear to the ground, he was also listening for any nearby cars or in this case, a motorcycle with Kira on it." Jotaro pointed out the obvious.

"We gotta hurry and stop them." Sunset said as she pulls a knife out of her leg, thinking Jotaro could use Star Platinum to throw the knife at the bike's tire to throw them off.

"YEE-HAA!" A shouted was heard.

"Was that Applejack just now?" Sunset asked.

"What the…?!" Kira gasped and DIO is shocked.

Applejack and Johnny Joestar riding on the white horse Slow Dancer with the cowgirl preparing to lasso the bad guys.

"Damn it, we got no time for some idiot games!" Kira angered.

"That's what you think!" Applejack jumped off the horse and threw her lasso at a build board to pull it down and catches it with her hand.

"What the?!" Kira gasped.

Applejack quickly set the sign on making a makeshift ram that Kira ended up going up and high from the angle, and then Johnny fires a fingernail blast right at the engine of the motorcycle causing it to explode and sending Kira and DIO flying forward.

"Damn you!" DIO screamed.

Kira quickly got Killer Queen to punch a stone wall to slow down the fall and he grabs onto DIO holding onto his older brother tightly.

"Those fools are really making things difficult for us." Kira groaned.

"Doesn't matter, we just need to reach for that spot! We have to make it no matter what!" DIO said.

They landed back onto the street and Kira looks around to see that this is the right path for the spot they need to get to, now they just need to find a way to get over there without those heroes finding them first. And then Kira found a lid of a manhole.

"The sewer! We'll travel underground!" Kira believed this to be their best option.

Kira moves to the manhole while carrying DIO by the arm and lifts up the lid believing they're gonna be home free.

But it was not meant to be as Kira and DIO are shocked to find both Josuke and Rainbow Dash are down inside the sewer and right below them, almost like they knew they were going to be here soon.

"Sorry, but this sewer path is close for evildoers." Rainbow Dash smirked.

"You guys are gonna have to take your beating like a man!" Josuke said as they floated up.

Kira and DIO back away from the duo until they felt something bump onto their backs causing the two Dark Brothers to turn around and saw Jotaro and Sunset, the pair move toward each other and glare right at the evil duo.

"Ready to put an end to them?" Jotaro asked.

"Hell yeah!" Josuke cracked his knuckles.

No, this was not how it was supposed to go for them, and DIO has to do something quick or else it's all over.

"Stop Timw now! The Wor" DIO tried to freeze time again only for Star Platinum to punch him right in the face.

"Killer Queen! Blo" Kira tried to get his Stand to blow them up at the same time DIO tried to fight back, but Crazy Diamond moved than his mouth can speak as its fist hits him.


Sunset stands by Jotaro's side while Rainbow Dash does the same with Josuke, the others arrived just in time to see the finale show of DIO and Kira as they are still getting the beating from those punches for about five more seconds.

Star Platinum and Crazy Diamond threw one last punch at the villains sending them flying very far away.

"Yeah, that felt so good." Josuke said.

"They won't be able to do anything right now." Sunset said.

"That has gotta hurt." Johnny commented.

"More so with some Hamon Jotaro did into his Stand." Jonathan said.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The suddenly loud evil laughter was heard for the group to hear and jump in shock.

"You fools! You have no idea that you've been helping us this entire time!" Kira smirked.

"That's right, we were retreating but it's not to escape, it's about gaining us the upper hand to end you!" DIO laughed despite his body looking very damage and slowly disintegrating from the Hamon energy from Jotaro.

"I hope you're ready to feel pain you've never felt before!" DIO laughed before they crashed into the street.

"Brothers, I do not know what they're talking about, but I have a bad feeling this may not be a bluff!" Jonathan gulped.

"C-Come on, they have to be joking. One last laugh, right?" Joseph asked, with his legs shaking nervously.

"I don't think it's about laughing, darling…" Rarity hugged onto Jonathan.

The dust cloud that was caused by DIO and Kira's impact have cleared up showing the brothers are shown to be standing again though Kira is still beating up, but not as painful as it seems.

"Yes, this was our escape route this entire time." DIO held a cup in his hand.

"What is that?" Giorno asked.

"This here holds a special blood for me to consume, the blood of the very man you Joestar brats never got to meet since birth." DIO smirked.

Suddenly all of the Joestar Brothers felt a chill down their spines when DIO mentioned about the owner of the blood in that cup, he couldn't be talking about that very man that was mentioned for the sake of their mission, could he.

"Oh yes, the blood is that of Geroge Joestar! Your father!" Kira revealed.

Jonatha, Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny Joestar have all gasp that their father's blood is used to help heal DIO as we speak, and this makes them feel even angrier to learnt that their father's blood is being used to this evil young man.

"Oh yes, it feels quite good! My body feels more incredible than ever before, and do you wanna know why my body feels stronger from your father's blood? It's because we have the exact same blood type, it's like your father is helping destroy his own sons!" DIO laughed.

"I'm glad we were able to get the special drug that was hidden here as well." Kira looked back at the small hole in the street.

"This drug does wonders; it can restore the stamina to the fullest and even gives you pain tolerance to get through the wounds on the body like mine." Kira held an injection needle.

"Those… Monsters!" Fluttershy said, feeling angry and scared at the same time.

"I can't believe they had our father's blood this entire time and using him like a dead slave…" Josuke gritted his teeth.

"Those bastards!" Jotaro glared at DIO.

Then they felt someone touching their shoulders, they turn to see Joseph with a firm look in his eyes.

"Boys, I know you're piss off right now and you want to give to kill them right now, but you gotta keep your cool in check. Control your emotions and save all of that energy for the last moment to end them, that's the key to winning this fight." Joseph advised.

"Jotaro, Twilight told us about DIO's power to stop time and I'm guessing you're able to move within it. Hopefully that means you're growing in power to that as well, perhaps you could for a couple more seconds by now. Use that time carefully and land the finishing blow on him." Joseph said before looking toward Josuke.

"Josuke, you're gonna have to be smart on how you approach Kira since he can make anything his Stand touches into a bomb. Find an opening and smash your fist into his skull!" Joseph advised.

"Hey!" DIO called out, getting their attention.

"Look at that, I finished the entire cup! Not a single truce of your father left." DIO showed the empty cup.

"Aren't you guys still wondering where we got that blood in the first place? Let me tell you, it was such a drag pulling the body to one of our hiding places, but it was enjoyable chopping off the head." Kira bragged to make the Joestar Brothers angry which is clearly working.

"That's right, we have his head going rotten and hanging on a wall in one of our rooms for us to see whenever we like." DIO laughed dropping the cup.

"In fact, it feels like the Joestar family is destined to help me and my brothers achieve our dreams of world domination. And your only reward is death!" DIO insulted as well.

DIO started laughing again while scratching his head so deep making some big cuts, but they heal instantly.

Hearing all of that made the Joestar Brothers go boil mad, Jotaro and Josuke then charges in.

"Sorry Joseph, but staying calm is not an option here!" Josuke gritted his teeth, and his hair is looking a little wilder now.

"He's right, there's not a damn person alive in the world that can stay calm from that!" Jotaro angered as well.

"This is our final round!" DIO smirked before he and Kira charged forward to have their final round with the Joestar Brothers.

"I'm gonna kick your ass, Kira!" Josuke yelled with Crazy Diamond coming out to fight.

"I like to see you try!" Kira smirked with Killer Queen ready to fight.

Both Josuke and Kira clashed the fist of their Stands at each other causing a small burst of shockwave while at the same time, DIO and Jotaro came face-to-face with each other before they jump very high into the air and they're going so high that they're going above the higher buildings around them.

"Go, Jotaro!" Sunset cheered.

"Kick his ass, Josuke!" Rainbow Dash cheered as well.

"The World! Bring Time to a Halt!" DIO activated his Stand power to see how strong the power to stop time has gotten.

"Let's make your death memorable, Jotaro!" DIO shouted with a grin at the angry and furious Jotaro.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Our heroes were SO close in defeating DIO and Kira, but they managed to pull out one last ditch effort to make themselves fight for one last round by showing the blood of the Joestar Father which has really made them angry that may prove to be their downfall soon.

And I know the blood type DIO explained didn't make any sense to some, but it's the best way I could come up with since this DIO doesn't have a Joestar body like in the anime and maga.

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