• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Breaking the Bomber to Changing Tide

Breaking the Bomber to Changing Tide

Going back to the moment while Rainbow Dash is still spinning with the tornado and the bubble bombs around her, Josuke suddenly gets an idea that just might work to get the jump on Kira.

"Crazy Diamond!" Josuke summoned his Stand and broke a part of the wooden floor.

"Josuke, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"Something that'll help us find the bastard!" Josule took out a piece of cloth stained with blood and wraps a small piece of that cloth around the wooden piece.

"What is that?" Spike asked.

"It's a cloth I tear off from Kira's shirt and soak it in a little of his blood, the bastard never even notices this when I whaled on him with Crazy Diamond's punches back in the forest." Josuke explained.

"Back when I was training with my brothers, Jotaro and Joseph gave me the idea that my restoring ability would be good for offensive such as making my own homing missile. Gave it a try a few times, and it worked like Hell!" Josuke explained with a smirk.

"And now, Kira is getting a little piece of him back in a painful way!" Josuke said before activating Crazy Diamond's power on the cloth.

Josuke reel his arm back while being careful since he can't see the bubbles, but he has been able to spot a few faint round things in the air thanks to the dust being in the wind by Rainbow Dash, Crazy Diamond took the wooden piece and threw it with all its might right outside.

"Eat it, Kira!" Josuke smirked.

Now we come back to the present where Rainbow Dash successfully blew away the bubble bombs letting the explosion elsewhere in the house, including one explosion causes Kira to get hurt.

"What the Hell…?!" Kira screamed in pain.

"How did she use my own attack against me? It was a foolproof plan; they should be dead right now and I should not be hurt like this!" Kira confused in ager.

"Now I'll have to rethink a whole new plan and kill them for certa" Kira's sentence was cut off when the wooden piece stabs him on the back close to the shoulder.

Kira is now freaking out that he somehow just got attack by the enemy, and he didn't see it coming, he should've foreseen that Josuke would try something like this and yet it still confuses him on how Josuke was able to do it in the first place.

"Curse you, Josuke! You and your Crazy Diamond are like an unpredictable force of nature that I can't get away from for some reason." Kira groaned in pain.

"But Josuke's injuries should be worse than mine since he can't use his power on himself." Kira remembered that little information.

"Awesome, we're still alive!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Oh yeah, we're still good, mostly." Josuke smiled.

"Now, to find where Kira is hiding." Josuke said, holding another wooden piece with another small cloth of Kira's shirt, ready to send another homing missile.

Josuke flick the makeshift projectile with the fingers of Crazy Diamond to make the cloth go back to the owner which went up in the air and made a U-turn going right above Kira, the wooden piece stabs him on the side of his thigh causing him to scream in pain for a second.

"It came from over there!" Twilight pointed in the direction where the scream came from.

"We got him now!" Rainbow Dash grinned and sprinted over to the spot with a kick right on the face knocking him out of the brushes.

"No, this can't be… You were supposed to die in that attack!" Kira refused to believe this battle was gonna be his loss.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Rainbow Dash shook her head.

Kira quickly summons his Killer Queen to battle, but Rainbow Dash reacted faster as she slams her foot on the wound of the thigh where Josuke's attack landed causing Kira to scream, and the rainbow-haired girl raised her other foot to perform a strong axe-kick to knock him out.

"Nighty night!" Rainbow Dash said before bringing down her foot to give him one Hell of a headache.

But then her kick seems to have hit something and it isn't Kira's face, it feels like something soft is right between her foot and his head and that thing is holding Rainbow Dash's foot.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash shocked.

"Oh yes, I'm very happy to be a lucky man! All thanks to having you here, Stray Cat!" Kira laughed smiling, with Stray Cat revealing itself to the group.

"What the heck is that? A plant?!" Josuke shocked.

The plant known as Stary Cat hisses at the group shocking them a little more, but then Spike gasps when he noticed the scent from the plant thing.

"Guys, that living plant thing has the cat scent I've been smelling back in the house! Meaning that's the source of those bubbles!" Spike alerted.

But then Stray Cat fired an air bullet right at Spike knocking him down for a moment, and it does it again for a second time only Spike was quickly move out of the way by Twilight reeling him in.

"That looked like it just hit Spike with air itself, that must be its Stand power!" Twilight said.

"Seriously, now plants can be Stand Users too?" Rainbow Dash asked before being punched away by Killer Queen.

"You're all fools, luck has always been on my side ever since I was a little kid, bringing me closer to the promise era of darkness like my brothers." Kira chuckled while forcing himself back on his feet.

"Thanks to my kitty plant here, you fools are now at my mercy!" Kira laughed.

"We'll see about that once I kick your ass!" Josuke glared.

"Oh, Josuke, I don't think you really know just how done you are once I hand you over to Lady Death." Kira smirked.

"I'm afraid Lady Death is going to be expecting you to meet her." Josuke said.

"We'll see about that." Kira smirked.

(Music: Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamonds are Unbreakable)

Kira and Josule walk towards each other about three feet forward while having their Stands ready to fight, and the second they stop walking is when both Crazy Diamond and Killer Queen threw punch at each other in a strong clash.

"I'm going to end you!" Kira said.

"Funny, I was going to say the same about you!" Josuke talked back.

Both Stands continues on with the power struggle for a few seconds until Crazy Diamond started to push its opponent and power through to land the punch right on the face, this causes Kira to gasp in pain with little blood bursting out.

"Looks like you're losing your edge." Josuke smirked.

"Don't get so cocky!" Kira angered.

Killer Queen goes in to throw a barrage of punches which Crazy Diamond blocks it with both arms for a moment until it broke through with another punch on the side followed by an uppercut, this angers Kira as he got his Stand to unleash a karate chop on the shoulder that hurt Josuke very much, but he wouldn't let the pain stop him.

Josuke move up his shoulder with Crazy Diamond doing the same to shrug off the Stand enemy's hand and goes for a punch in the stomach.

"DORARARARARARARARARARA!" Crazy Diamond unleashed flurry of punches at its opponent for a moment and send it and Kira back a few feet with one punch on the chest.

"Yeah! You got him!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"No, something feels wrong. It's like not all of my punches landed on Kira at all." Josuke said.

"Hehe, what a good kitty. Protecting me and yourself at the same time with your air shield." Kira chuckled, knowing that the plant Stand User use its power to protect Killer Queen.

"Damn it, that cat-plant thing is going to be a major problem if we don't do something about it." Josuke said.

"Now Stray Cat, give Josuke a popping death he deserves!" Kira commanded.

Stray Cat did as he was told creating another air bubble which Killer Queen give it a touch to become a bomb and it flies off to Josuke, and angers that the Joestar boy can't see the bubble which would've been easier for him to get out of the way.

"Twilight, you gotta do something!" Spike said.

"Like what?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, try making it glow for us to see!" Spike suggested a random idea.

Making something that is invisible glow sounds like a challenge and something that Twilight never got to practice on much with Sunset either, but she has to try something, anything to assure that Josuke survives this battle and beat that Kira guy once and for all.

Twilight put her hands together, started concentrating her magical powers to imagine what she wants the spell to do and the emotional feeling to save her friend from this madman.

She opens her eyes again and with a scream, unleashes a wave of magic around the area that doesn't seem to do anything except causing a certain living vicious plant to glow green and the bubble it launched started to glow green too.

"What the fuck?!" Kira asked shock.

"Whoa, I can see it! I can see the air bubble!" Josuke shocked.

"And this is the part where you move out of the way!" Rainbow Dash swooped in and snatch Josuke off the ground letting the air bubble past the spot.

"Oh, thanks, babe!" Josuke smiled.

"Now, let see what we can do with you." Twilight conjured a forcefield to trap the bubble bomb then snaps her fingers to make it pop with the bubble.

"No! How dare you stand in the way of my victory!" Kira yelled in angry.

"You were never going to win; fate is justice and you're about to meet your fate!" Twilight stated with a firm look on her face.

"No! I refuse to accept that I'm going to lose here! I am one of the Six Dark Brothers, destined to have everything I could ever want which mine is peace and to have any women I want! All the beautiful serve hands of women I can have!" Kira explained his dark dream.

"Did he just say dating serve hands of dead ladies…?" Rainbow Dash asked shock.

"Oh yeah, this guy is downright twist! No way we can let him get away with this." Josuke glared down at Kira.

"Yes! I must win, it is as it should be! Such as your fate to die by my hands!" Kira proclaimed.

"Not while we're still around to kick your ass!" Rainbow Dash shouted and spins around faster for a moment and then threw Josuke at Kira.

"KIRA!" Josuke shouted.

"JOSUKE?!" Kira shouted back in rage.

Both Crazy Diamond and Killer Queen come out in front of their Users for the epic clash with a speed barrage of punches, it seems even for a moment until Crazy Diamond started getting through its enemy landing one and two punches for every few seconds and then more punches get through landing on Killer Queen until it could no longer keep up with the Joestar Stand and getting punched a lot.

"I… I'm not done!" Kira refused to back down and Killer Queen thrust both hands at its opponent only for Crazy Diamond to smash its fists on the sides of the arms almost breaking the elbows.

"Your evil reign is done!" Josule proclaimed.

"Time to put you down for good!" Josuke glared, determined to finish this fight once and for all.

"Don't you dare think you've gotten the best of me!" Kira pulled out a dozen coins from his pockets and threw them at Josuke.

"Oh shit!" Josuke gasped and quickly have Crazy Diamond punch them away before they're detonated.

Though the last coin was punched away exploded causing the Stand's fist to crack from the attack causing Josuke's fist to burst with blood coming out and him groaning in serious pain.

"Josuke!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Sorry worrying about yourself, bitch!" Kira shouted as Killer Queen pressed its thumb down and an explosion erupted on Rainbow Dash's side causing her to fall.

"Another bubble! He must've done it right after throwing the coins!" Twilight realized.

"Now I'm going to end you, Josuke!" Kira charged forward with Killer Queen forward with a hand thrust for the head.

But Josuke wouldn't go down so easily because he is a Joestar, and if there is one thing to know about the Joestar is that they always get back up every time they're beaten down and they get stronger too with more determination than ever before.

Josuke rear his head back and thrust forward having Crazy Diamond come out to perform the headbutt right against Killer Queen's hand attack, the collusion causes the fingers to crack and bend in painful ways that Kira's fingers ended up like that too as he screams in pain.

"Now you're dead!" Josuke believed this will be the final attack to finish him, his Stand landed two powerful punches on the chest.

(Music End)

But that proven to be a failure when Stray Cat used his power to protect Killer Queen again which gave Kira the change to counterattack with a kick in the stomach sending Josuke back a few feet and down on the ground.

"Fools, you can never hope to defeat me!" Kira laughed insanely.

"Prepare to be sentences to Hell, Josuke!" Kira smirked while Stray Cat hisses angrily at Josuke.

But suddenly a hawk came flying in grabs the cat-plant with its talons pulling the creature out of Killer Queen.

"H-Hey, what are you doing? Get away from my Stray Cat!" Kira demanded.

Kira quickly has Killer Queen to attack the hawk on the body, but nothing happened and suddenly Kira bends backward with little blood bursting out almost like he was attacked from behind instead.

"What the…?!" Kira gasped.

"No way, the hawk turned Kira's attack against him?" Spike confused.

"But that could only mean the hawk is…" Twilight realized what is going on right now.

The hawk was successful in pulling Stray Cat out of Killer Queen then flies away with the plant cat creature, then letting it go for Fluttershy to catch it in her hands though it hisses and tries to escape only for the animal-loving girl to calm him down by petting it gently making it purr.

"Aw, aren't you a cute little thing. We'll get you a pot and fill it up with water and you'll be all better." Fluttershy smiled.

"Glad we could make it, didn't think it was close for you guys." Giorno said, revealing himself alongside Rarity.

"Guys, you came!" Rainbow Dash surprised despite the pain.

"Damn, what took you guys so long?" Josuke asked.

"Sorry for the delay, we needed to rest for a little while until we can move again." Rarity explained.

"No, no, this can't be… You're not supposed to be here! You were supposed to be killed by Ice! What happened to Ice?" Kira demanded to know in anger.

"She's dead, you will no longer see him except in Hell soon." Rarity informed.

Kira gasp in horror to hear that Ice, the Dark Brothers' most powerful and greatest follower of their time, has been defeated by these stupid heroes even when he had the vampire power to make him even more unstoppable.

"Curse you… Curse you bastards!" Kira shouted in rage.

Kira quickly pulls out a grappling hook gun from his shirt and quickly uses it to make his escape.

"After him!" Josuke shouted right away healing Rainbow Dash.

"Damn it, this is all wrong! I gotta make it back to DIO! He's the only who can help me now!" Kira said to himself.

(With DIO)

DIO is chuckling with an evil grin, now thinking the battle is over for good and there is a reason for that.

Right down at the ground and several feet away are Jotaro and Sunset lying on the ground in a small pool of blood and knives stab onto their bodies, and they aren't moving.

"Now, it's time I be rid of you pests once and for all!" DIO said as he raises a traffic sign in his hands to chop their heads off.

But suddenly a wave of sand came up to DIO from behind and caught him in a trap, and then Jonathan, Joseph, Pinkie, and Bucciarati jump out to attack him together.

"The only one dying here is you!" Bucciarati shouted as he has Zipper Man throw a punch heading straight for DIO.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

It looks like Kira was about to lose until he decided to go escape and try to make his way to his older brother, and DIO seem to have gain victory over Jotaro and Sunset. Or is that really what happened? There might be something else going on with this scene as you'll find out soon.

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