• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Behind the Truth of Jojo

Three days ago in another country

In a deserted topical land lies a temple where inside is wise strong elder meditating alone in a large room, then suddenly in an instant he felt something off.

“What’s this feeling, I feel as though terrible things have happen to something or someone but who could it be.” He said as he close his eyes again focusing his mind to see what has happen.

As he began to concentrate visions began to appear in his sights and saw who was has fallen and he did not like of what he saw, it was an old student of his who became very strong and a master in his twenties.

“Oh no Zeppeli has fallen by the darkness but the two children’s what ever happen to them, I must seek the little ones to make sure they are in a safe location before Zeppeli death and hopefully ones who are caring for them have pure hearts and kindness in their souls.” He said standing on his two feet’s and walking out the meditating room.

As he got out of the temple, the wind blows strong and the sun setting on the horizon turning the sky into a crimson color. The elder looks up to the sky and gaze upon its majesty.

“Sure a tragedy thing to happen on fine day sure as this, as the old saying goes ‘when there’s light there’s also darkness’ even in times of peace trouble will make its way to others.” He said began walking sensing Zeppeli last location and heard towards that direction.

What he’ll find out will calm his heart to know that his old friend death as not in vein but miracle to save the babies and passing on his will to the next generations.


Everything was silent as Celestia and Luna sat down with the elder who introduces himself as the Hamon Sage grand master of his temple, while the babies were asleep in their room on their beds.

“I know you want to know I’m saying so let me tell you about the fighting style Hamon first, then we will get to how the children’s got into this mess.” He said.

Hamon Sage starts explaining about the power of Hamon the babies carries within them. It’s a fighting style that one learns how to use it can solar energy into one body from the heats ray of the sun by just breathing and empowering themselves. Hamon can not only make you more flexible but also make your body stretch farther than before, it can be use on any object to be use as a weapon by charging their Hamon into them that even a small stick can be use as a sword, it can pass through object hitting the ones next to them like they were never hurt at all or destroying them like solid rocks. Also it can conduct any liquid like water as actual ripples increasing the tension of the surface to be able to walk on them. But the focusing of the fighting style is also its greatest weakness: the users breathing, if the users are having trouble breathing like being tired or the throat got damage then they grow weaker barely focusing a single spark of Hamon in one finger tip. Hamon also be transfer to another users which he also explain how the little Joestars got their Hamon awaken and stronger by Zeppeli transferring his last remaining Hamon into them.

Now it was time for Hamon Sage to tell the sisters about Zeppeli, the darkness that seeks the Joestars twin’s destruction, and why are the babies so important.


“It was only a few months ago ever since that terrible fate and I still have a little nightmare about it.” Hamon Sage said as he began is story.

Two men were standing on top of towers of rocks on one foot while holding buckets of water with rocks inside by each hand. One was Zeppeli before his death and the other was a man wearing a tank top with shoulder armors, dark yellow pants, and black boots. His eyes were the colors of yellow with a France style mustache color blue and his hair was long to his shoulders also color blue.

“Both Zeppeli and Jojo another former student of my and the baby’s father they were also my best friends, they were already master the skills and power of Hamon and become masters in their young age as well. Jojo also has the star shape birthmark and has always been the most bravest and kind hearted man anyone has ever seen as he grew stronger to become the next grand master, but all Jojo ever wanted was to live happily with friends and families especially with his six son’s being born which made him the most happiest man in the world.”

As Jojo was enjoying spending time with his new born son’s and his beloved wife dark clouds suddenly appear covering the clear blue sky and thunder began to roar loudly that the babies started to cry. As the parents tries to claim them down Jojo felt an uneasy feeling that something bad is going to happen and he must be ready.

“As the storm comes raging down on us something else came along and that’s when our peaceful temple became battlefield of bloodshed.”

At the temple Jojo, Hamon Sage, and Zeppeli along with other Hamon warriors ready themselves for what’s about to come to them. Large group of men dress in black clothing with a symbol of a skull made of ice march toward the temple and in front of them was their leader name Dio: he has dark red eyes like the color of blood and his hair was long blonde and spiky like needles.

“I The Great and Powerful have come to claim this temple as my own to spread darkness upon this world and become ruler killing all those who dare go against me and my ambitions. Dio said with an evil and proud voice to show his foes he means business.

“We’ll never surrender to the likes of you and your darkness will be destroyed by our light of hope” Jojo said as he and his fellow warriors prepared themselves for the fight to the death.

Both Jojo and Dio stare at each other waiting for the moment to strike then suddenly a lightning bolt shot down to the ground that’s when the warriors started to charge at each other roaring at the top of their lungs.

“The battle went on for hours as the warriors of both sides fall and died even Jojo’s wife got caught in the cross fire, dying for protecting the children’s but she had no regret of her actions. The two last warriors to fight were Jojo and Dio both putting up the best beyond their limits, Dio ice power Vaporization Freeze Technique made things hard but Jojo kept to the very end.”

Jojo and Dio knew that they would use every last of their strength they had into one final attack to end it all as both warriors charge at each other with their power to the max.

“SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVER.” Jojo yelled as his fist glow covered in fire and charge towards Dio.

“ULTIMATE ICE DEATH.” Dio yelle as his fist covered in ice and charge towards Jojo.

The attacks clash causing a shock wave and bright red-orange and light glow out of control as the warriors struggle to win the fight. Jojo broke through Dio’s fist and hit his chest going through him it would seem Jojo has won.

“Jojo gain victory against Dio but it came at a price that Jojo use his own life force into his attack that Jojo died but the still some life in Dio he said that his generations will carry on his will meaning he has offspring’s of his own. Fearing of Dio’s last words he asked his friend Zeppeli who was injure and two other Hamon warriors who survive the battle to take his kids somewhere to be safe and train hard to stronger to get ready for the upcoming battle before he died with a smile on his face.

So Zeppeli took Jonathan and Joseph while the two Hamon warriors took two for each. They said their goodbye’s and went their separate ways to raise the children’s to grow strong and brave like their father was.

(Flashback end)

“Three days ago I sense Zeppeli life have left this world and with his dying breath gave to will of Jojo and himself along with his Hamon to the babies so they can grow and be ready for whatever comes their way, then in trusted them to you two to rise them to be and whatever they wish to do with their life.” Hamon Sage finishes his story of Jojo, Zeppeli, and the Joestar babies.

Both Celestia and Luna were shock as tears flows from their eyed down to their cheeks. Everything they heard worries them of what will happen to the babies when they grow up and face the danger that’s waiting for them.

Finally Celestia spoke. “Will you take them to train them of learning their power and fight?” She said with worry look in her eye.

Hamon Sage sign and said. “I will eventually at least when their 13-years-old, that way you can still spend every moment with them so they can have peaceful heart as they grow strong, oh and here.” He said slide some paper to Celestia and Luna.

As the sisters look there were shocks to see that these were adaption papers.

“How did you get your hands on these?” Ask Luna.

“I have some connections outside the Hamon temple, so I leave you to raise them well and pround.” He said getting up and walking out the door returning to the temple waiting for the day to come to get Jonathan and Joseph to train them. Until then he waits by doing some mediation and some physical training as well.

Celestia look at Luna with smile on her face and tears still flowing out as she said.

“Let’s make every moment count for our little Jojo’s and to give them the best time to their life.” She said.

Luna smile and agree with Celestia to make every moment unforgettable of a happy family.

Author's Note:

To Be Continue

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