• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,162 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Golden Change of Heart to the Zipper Man

Golden Change of Heart to the Zipper Man


Bucciarati is sitting on a chair holding the hand of a sickly old man resting on a sickbed within the building of a hospital.

"It would appear my time is coming soon, Bucciarati." The old man smiled.

"Yes, father and I'm right here with you until your final breath." Bucciarati nodded.

"Bucciarati, thank you so much for making my life wonderful since the day you were born. I only wish that I could've kept our family together with your mother." The father said.

"Do not worry, everything you have done has been great and I won't forget any of them." Bucciarati said.

"Promise me that you will live a cherish life and become a great man, and I hope you can find great friends as well." The father smiled.

"Yes, father, I promise to live a good life for you to be proud." Bucciarati said with tears about to come out from his eyes.

"Bucciarati, my wonderful son…" The father said as hyis final words slowly closing his eyes to take every moment to see his son before fully embracing death.

Then suddenly everything crumbled around Bucciarati including the body of his father as he cries out and reach out, but he couldn't get to his father and a golden light shine onto him nearly blinding the boy.

"No, no, what's going on!" Buccicarati asked feeling a bit scared.

"No, stop it!" Bucciarati begged and then he saw a shadowy figured with the golden glow emitting around his body.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Bucciarati demanded.

The golden light glows brighter and brighter, consuming everything and Bucciarati screams fearing that the light is going to kill him and feel something is grabbing onto his souls and taking him away against his will.


Bucciararti snap his eyes widen upon realizing that he was dreaming of the day his father passed away years ago.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to wake up." Joseph said.

Bucciarati find himself to be surrounded by the Joestarr Brothers and the Rainbooms all looking down on him, all except for Spike who is sitting next to his left side with a little glaring stare from his eyes.

"How are you feeling, Bucciarati?" Giorno asked.

"What?" Bucciarati confused.

"Sheesh, do you have wax in your ears or something. He just asked if you're sorry ass is fine." Rainbow Dash said in a mocking tone.

"Rainbow Dash, what did we just talked about mocking the injured person." Fluttershy said giving Rainbow Dash the scolding eyes.

"Well, sorry that I still feel cautious of the guy who almost tried to kill us five minutes ago." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Not to mention you two convinced us to wait here checking on the sorry guy because you didn't want to leave him like this." Joseph added.

"Come on, Joseph, Giorno said that Bucciarati isn't entirely a bad guy." Pinkie reminded.

"I'm still not sure if that's true." Johnny said.

"Don't you think we might be jumping the gun too soon, we should at least here what the guy has to say." Josuke stated.

"Oh, that's rich coming from the guy who gets stupid for a hair style." Joseph mocked.

"Hey, are you trying to mock my hair?" Josuke asked getting a little angry.

"Please calm down, we need to remember that we still have to get to the planetarium to find those Dark Brothers." Jonathan reminded them.

"Yeah, and we would have been there by now if Giorno did suggest healing the enemy first like fixing his broken tooth." Jotaro mentioned.

"Hold on, you healed me?" Bucciarati asked shock.

"Well, it's not exactly healing. More like I was replacing the living part that was ripped from your body." Giorno said.

"Here, I hope don't mind soda." Fluttershy offered a can of soda to Bucciarati.

"But why?" Bucciarati asked, confusing Fluttershy a bit.

"Why did you help me? I'm the enemy working for the Dark Brothers, the family of enemies that is against yours and those around you, and I tried killing you with my own two hands, so then why did you help heal me and stay to check up on me?" Bucciarati asked, feeling conflicted of this.

"Oh, well, that's because you're not really a bad person. Not at all." Fluttershy answered with a gentle smile.

"What? What makes you say that?" Bucciarati asked again.

"Because of how I felt your feelings during our battle." Giorno answered confusing the zipper Stand User more.

"You see, I sense something a little odd during all the blows we clashed with our Stands, Golden Wind and Zipper Man, it was a calm feeling which would be odd from someone who was out to kill us." Giorno mentioned.

"That doesn't mean anything, maybe I could have just have been playing like that to make you drop your guard." Bucciarati proclaimed.

"Then there was what you said before you attacked the animals Fluttershy summoned earlier." Giorno said causing Bucciarati to gasp.

"You were whispering, but I heard you clearly with concern in your voice. Concern for the safety of those animals you smacked them away and there was also the fact that you didn't use your zippers on the animals too." Giorno explained.

"They were just harmless creatures, they had nothing to do with this fight." Bucciarati said.

"True, but your soul speaks of a gentle man who is more than what he claims to be which is why I know you won't kill me." Giorno said as he stands up.

"What? You honestly believe that I won't kill you?" Bucciarati asked.

"Believe it or not, we're all very good at judging people from the looks in their eyes." Rarity bragged with a wink.

"Bucciarati, let me ask you a question: Do you have a dream?" Giorno asked.

"A dream?" Bucciarati confuse of the question.

"Oh boy, here comes the Golden Speech." Johnny sighed.

"The Golden Speech?" Applejack asked.

"It's Giorno's own speech that he does whenever he feels the mood, it's really inspiring when you hear it." Jonathan explained.

"Allow to me tell my dream, the dream of becoming a Gangster of Justice." Giorno revealed his dream.

"Wait, a Gangster of Justice?" Bucciarati shocked.

"What kind of dream makes him believe to become a gangster?" Twilight asked.

"That kind that wants him to become part of groups that are mostly known to be thugs doing bad things in the streets, but Giorno believes he can make into a symbol of peace to handle things that not even the police can." Jotaro explained.

"Wow, that is actually a pretty good dream." Sunset commented.

"You see, during my travel training with my brothers before coming to Canterlot High. I have seen many things, things like people within cities robbing each other even to tourist just to get by for one day and thugs taking over treating lives like their nothing." Giorno looked up at the sky.

"And what's worst, those kinds of thugs who works together like a big organization giving drugs to innocent people, even to children who are young thirteen or younger. Most of their lives are gone days later." Giorno mentioned.

This causes Bucciarati to gasp in shock and clutching his fists in anger because he already knew about these sorts of things, like back in his homeland in Italy about the gangsters doing these deeds.

"Which is why I have decided to become a Gang-Star, a gangster who can bring true justice to the people who needs it the most and to make it a golden paradise for everyone to live in." Giorno said before looking at Bucciarati.

"Bucciarati, I want you to join me." Giorno said shocking Bucciarati.

"Like me and Fluttershy has been saying, we know deep down you are a good person, and you were dragged into working for the Dark Brothers against your will and it's probably personal that you can't refuse or else they would go after something precious to you." Giorno stated.

"What the… How did you figure that part out?" Bucciarati asked shock.

"It was actually Fluttershy when she looked at your unconscious eyes and just felt it from her heart." Giorno answered with one arm wrapping around her shoulder.

"I also spoke with some of the animals you punched away, they all heard you apologizing, and they can tell you were serious about it." Fluttershy explained and two birds landed on Bucciarati's shoulders.

"These animals." Bucciarati recognized these birds.

"I also noticed that as well, but I didn't say anything until you woke up." Spike said.

"So, Bucciarati, what do you say about joining us." Giorno offered his hand of friendship to him.

"Please, the Dark Brothers are evil, and you know that, and you would do anything to put an end to them once and for all." Fluttershy begged a little cutely.

Bucciarati looked at the two for a moment then at everyone around him taking in everything that Giorno and Fluttershy has spoken to them, then he felt something in his heart of something he has not felt in a long time. The feeling of having someone around you trust the most and believing in the strength of bond between them, just like he how felt with his father years ago before his passing to Heaven.

Bucciarati got back up gently and walk about five feet away.

"Oh, there's about a tragic backstory!" Pinkie asked exciting and holding up a tray of cupcakes.

"Before I give you my answer, allow me to tell you of how I met the Dark Brothers and how I was forced to work for them." Bucciarati started his story.

"It was about eight months ago; I was still home in Italy coming home from school and after a club activity. I will never forget that day." Bucciarati said.

(Flashback, Eight Months Ago)

Bucciarati is walking through the streets of his hometown carrying his backpack on a sunny day as he is greeted by some people who walked past, he waves back at them with a warm smile.

"Back home, I'm what you call a hometown hero because I do what I can to help my people and the bizarre thing is that I wasn't even a Stand User back then." Bucciarati explained.

"Ah, you had a cute blue tie and with a cute little zipper!" Pinkie complimented, looking at the flashback through the Fourth Wall.

"Wait, how do you know what tie I was wearing?" Bucciarati surprised.

"That just Pinkie being Pinkie." Joseph shrugged while Pinkie is making silly faces to the past Bucciarati.

"It's best not to question it too much, believe me… I almost died from trying to understand her." Twilight groaned hard.

"Hey Bucciarati, did you know that you have a little tomato sauce stain on the right side of your shirt collar?" Pinkie asked while looking at past Bucciarati's chin.

"I did… Later, and it was also laundry day too." Bucciarati answered, feeling really weird about this girl.

"Pinkie, would you please calm down and be silence so that Bucciarati can finish his story?" Josuke asked.

"Okay, okay, I'm just admiring how young looking Bucciarati is, but not as sexy as my Jojo." Pinkie winked before disappearing from the flashback.

Bucciarati greeted a couple of old women before walking back to his home unlocking the door with his house key and enters the house looking at the picture of his father doing an Italian praying to the picture.

And then suddenly as if Bucciararti teleported to the living room with his school bag on the couch and the TV remote is suddenly in his hand.

Bucciarati gasp upon seeing the position he is in and quickly drop the remote from his hand backing away from the couch for a moment to gather his thoughts.

"I don't know what exactly happened, but it was like something had moved me to another spot except it was more like I was doing something a few seconds ago yet it felt like I skipped that part." Bucciarati explained with his tone sounding of fear.

"What… What just happened, I know I was going for the living room, but it felt like I was fast forward instantly?" Bucciarati confused.

"Ah, so you were able to notice the strangeness around you. Impressive." A man said with a smirk.

This surprise Bucciarati when he jumps back a couple of feet away to see a man sitting on the chair next to the couch, he looks at the man who has suddenly showed up inside his own home which made him feel scared more than anything in his life.

"Tell me, Bruno Bucciarati, have you ever wanted to become something more what you are right now?" The young man asked, revealing himself to be D2 whole holding a book in his hand.

"It was then I just met D2 right in my house. I don't know how he got in, there wasn't any noise and signs of how he got him so it must have been when he used his Stand though I didn't know about it at the time." Bucciarati said.

"Who are you? How did you get into my house?" Bucciarati demanded and pointed at D2.

"You're shaking in your boots, but you remain strong to confront the danger that is right in front of you. Quite the strong spirit from such a young man, perhaps we could use that." D2 said.

"Silence! I don't know what you want from me, but I suggest you get out of here before I force you out!" Buccarati grabbed D2 by the collar neck of his shirt while the blonde villain is just smirking.

"I may not look like it, but I can be violence on those who do harm to me and all the things I love!" Bucciarati warned while preparing to throw a right hook to the face.

"Oh, so it's like the coin having two different sides." D2 commented as he suddenly appeared right behind Bucciarati which spook him majorly.

"(What the… But I was just grabbing him?)" Bucciarati thought freaked out.

"Bucciarati, you seek to protect those you love, but the thing is there are fates that can never be escaped from though if you were to join us then we may be able to change all of that." D2 offered.

"I don't know what the Hell you're talking about, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Bucciarati warned again.

"Now, now, we mean you no harm. We're only here to offer you salvation." D2 said, now instantly appeared right in front of Bucciarati stroking his cheek.

"I don't know what was coming over me, but the words coming out of his mouth have calmed me down and my nerves were all but silence almost like he was controlling my mind with my words that scares me very much." Bucciarati explained.

Bucciarati kept staring into D2's eyes like he is trying to hypnosis him and there was only one thing he could do at this moment.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH?!" Bucciarati screamed and ran away from D2 heading for the backdoor of his house.

Suddenly Bucciarati now find himself in the kitchen with a knife in his hand and was about to reach the door, but he stopped himself upon realizing this.

"What is going on here?" Bucciarati gasped.

"Come now, I believe we have much to talk about." Diavolo entered the backdoor with his body glowing dangerous evil pink and carrying a golden arrow.

"Embrace greatness." Diavolo said.

Bucciarati tried to get away, but he felt something strong and invisible grabbing his arms and keeping him in place making the young man confuse.

"I didn't know what was going on until that arrow struck me on the chest and it lot a lot!" Bucciarati said.

Diavolo stabbed the arrow onto Bucciarati's chest as he panickes, screaming in pain as his body starts glowing like crazy.

(Flashback End)

"That was how I got my Stand, and how I was forced to work for those monsters." Bucciarati finished his story.

"That must have been a spooky experience." Pinkie commented.

"It was and the Dark Brothers threatened to use their Stand powers to kill all the innocent people of my hometown if I didn't obey their orders. So much blood would have been on my hands if I didn't accept." Bucciarati explained.

"Sounds like those bastards needs to pay with their lives." Joseph clutched his fist.

"They must not get away with the crime of harming that is precious." Jonathan said.

"You are right… Which is why I am going to join your cause; I want to be there to look at their faces you kill them for vengeance and justice!" Bucciarati declared with Zipper Man in its fighting stance.

The Joestar Brothers and Rainbooms are happy to hear that they have gained a new ally as Giorno walks up to Bucciarati as they shake their hands in their newfound friendship.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Now the heroes know about Bucciarati's past with how he got his Stand and the Dark Brother recruiting in a forceful way, thanks to the encouraging and strong words from Giorno and Fluttershy that Bucciarati have gained his bravery to face the Dark Brothers again.

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