• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,160 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Respect and Fear! Joestar's popularity

Celestia was in deep thoughts while driving to school with her son as Luna drives in a separate car with her sons. Yesterday she heard about what happen at gym class, three of the Jojos were fighting with Blueblood and his friends and they were beating up bad mostly Blueblood. She had to do her duties as both principle and a mother to them, she gave them two weeks detonation of cleaning duty and hopefully help them to claim down a bit.

Jotaro has no regret of his actions yesterday and will take any punishment for his actions, though he felt a little sorry for causing trouble for his mom but he knew she had to do her job of running a school alongside with his aunt Luna. After gym he with Giorno and Josuke told the others what happen and they were shocked, Jonathan and Joseph were glad that Blueblood had it coming to him.

The two cars arrive at the school’s parking lot but as everyone got out, six shadow figures standing on the edge on the school’s roof top watching the Jojos with their mothers.

“Well there they are, my brothers! The six Joestar boys we been looking for.” One Shadow figure said in a British accent with red eyes.

“Yes, our father’s revenge is just a step away from our grasp.” Another shadow figure said, also with red eyes and long, dark-raspberry, wavy hair.

“We’ll be sure to give them a good show of our unbelievable powers and die.” Another shadow figure said; red eyes and a light-green headband with a heart shape.

“They won’t know what hit them once they go out in a bang.” Another shadow figure said with light-purple eyes.

“Hahaha, they know won’t even have the time to avoid death’s cloches.” Another shadow figure said with dark-pink eyes.

“Yes they’ll know the true meaning of darkness!” Last shadow figure said with brown/purple eyes.

The six boys stare at them for a little longer in silent until the long dark-raspberry hair spoke.

“Shall we strike?” He asked.

“Not yet my brothers, wait for the right moment to strike their hearts first then go for the blood.” The British shadow said, reaching his back and pull out to objects; a gold bow and arrow.

“First I wish to use this further to see what others powers it can unleash.” He said.

“And ‘who’ would be stupid enough to be our lab rats this time?” The dark-pink eye shadow asked.

The British shadow looks down to see one person and smile widely knowing that he had found the perfect genuine pig.

“Oh I think I know just the lady to help us.”


The family reaches the principle office and both mothers turn to their sons.

“Alright boys, we just want to make things clear that there will no more trouble to the rest and any other days for you all!” Luna said serious, making sure that the six Jojos will be on their best behavior.

“Don’t worry we’ll keep our cool and get along with others.” Johnny declared.

“Promise us you’ll tone down the insane strength and other powers you have.” Celestia asked, hoping they wouldn’t go overboard with their powers.

“We promise on our birthmarks that we’ll only use powers when needed most.” Jonathan vowed to his mother and aunt.

Both mothers clammily sign and Celestia spoke. “Good now off to class with you all and make sure to show up at the gym for your detention punishment.” With that done, they walk into their offices and the Jojos walks down the halls.

“About time we can get some peace and quiet.” Joseph said, grinning about Blueblood’s beating and not bother them anymore.

“While I’m grateful for what you three did, but even though it was sparring match you should’ve held your strength back a bit.” Jonathan stated of his brothers actions.

“I doubt Blueblood would’ve get our point that we want to be alone in peace from him.” Jotaro said.

Jonathan sign as he knew Blueblood to well that he’ll be terrify for months after what happen. As the Jojos continuing walking, other students were talking to each other about the Jojos including what three of them did yesterday.

“Check it out! It’s those Jojos.” A random boy said.

“Yessh, I heard they were tough but going a bit insane is too much.” Said another random boy.

“They made Blueblood a mess, even though he deserves it for being the biggest jerk in school.” A younger random boy said.

“Those guys are handsome despite being scary as Hell.” Random girl said.

“Makes you wonder if we can trust them and won’t go evil on us like the two invents we been through.” Another random girl said

The Jojos knew the others would start talking about them in both good and bad way, they’ll say there good people and others will say their troublesome and maybe monsters. Probably most would think of them as freaks and want to stay away from them even though that they’ll be others who will accept them like six certain girls and a talking dog.

“HEY Jojos, over here!”

They look straight to see the Rainbooms staying on the side of the hallway waving at them, they walk to them. As they join the girls they still look a bit unease of some of the students are saying.l

“Oh don’t worry about what others say about.” Rarity said, placing a hand on Jonathan’s cheeks and a peak-kiss. “You’ll always be good-hearted and wonderful to us.”

“Yeah they just see you all as ‘bizarre’ to them.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well guess that’s one word to say about us, like were having a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.” Josuke chuckled; bizarre was the one word the Jojos always seem to think about themselves.

“Come on yall, we have classes to get to.” Applejack said as everyone agreed and walk to their class to try enjoying their days and worrying about the future later.


Lunch time came as everyone enjoys their favorite foods and spending some time with their friends.

“Some extra apples for you good Jojos.” An old lady said; the grandmother of Applejack, Applebloom, and their big brother Big Mclntosh or Big Mac for short.

“Thank you.” The Jojos said as they went to their tables.
The Jojos and the Rainbooms ate their lunch and talk about themselves like their favorite hobbies or favorite music, then two boys came up to the table as the others turn to the boys they gym class with yesterday.

“Hey, we have gym class together right?” Josuke asked, trying to remember them from yesterday.

Yeah, I’m Micro Chip, nice to meet ya.” Micro Chip greeted himself to the group.

“Yup dudes, Sandalwood here and hope for peace in the world.” Sandalwood said hi to the group.

The Jojos introduces themselves to Micro Chip and Sandalwood.

“Mind that we sit with you dudes and ladies?” Sandalwood asked.

“By all means, sit.” Jonathan said. The two sit down and enjoys their lunch while talking to the group.

“I gotta say, what you guys did to Blueblood and his goons was amazing like beyond human capability.” Micro Chip said, feeling thrill from the Jojo’s feats.

“A little brutally for my peaceful taste, but on Blueblood I’ll let it slide.” Sandalwood said, like most students he did not like Blueblood.

The Jojos were glad that these boys accepted them and can call them friends.

“He had it coming and now he’ll probably be on his best behavior, for his life that is.” Jotaro stated.

Everyone chuckled that Blueblood will try to be ‘nice’ from now on. Micro Chip took a bite of his apple and spoke. “Hope we can be friends with you guys.” He asked.

The Jojos look at the Rainbooms, they nodded that they can be trusted.

“We are honor to have more with others we can trust the most.” Jonathan said.

Micro Chip and Sandalwood smile for their replies then Flash came to join.

“Hey guys, I see everyone is getting along.” Flash said, sitting next to Twilight as she blush of seeing him.

“Well we try not to get too attractive.” Joseph joked, wrap one arm around Pinkie Pie while she eats a cupcake.

Just Flash was about to eat, he suddenly felt something odd like having one of those bad feelings. Twilight notices Flash not eating his lunch and asks.

“Flash, you’re feeling alright?”

He looks up and said. “I’m getting a bad feeling something bad is gonna happen.”

Everyone started thinking that something bad could happen… and it happen.


They heard a woman scream and the Jojos knew who made that scream with worry and mad looks as they got up from their sits.

“OH NO! Mom’s in danger!” Joseph yelled.

Joseph charge at the door to force it open but did not budge, until Jotaro pull the door open and the rest ran out. They race towards the office in hoping nothing bad had happen and that Luna just overacted to a spider or something, but knew; deep down, that it was a serious danger scream. They reach the office and force their self in, seeing an open window and looking at the vice-principle lying on the ground unconscious, then they notices pair of legs sticking out behind the desk walks over and their principle/mother in the condition.

Three Jojos check on Luna while three others check on Celestia with some help from their friends. All having the same question in their heads; what happen to them? They look closely and saw a hole in Luna’s right eye and another on Celestia chest right in the middle about the size of a coin.

“WHOEVER THE HELL DID THIS, WILL PAY WITH THEIR LIVES AND SUFFER WORSE THAN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OF HELL.” All six Jojos screaming together that cause an echo through the entry school.

Outside of the school, on the other side of the street, the six mystery shadow figures watch the Jojos with grins and small evil chuckles. They knew the Jojos would react to the sights of their mothers harm and become angry even thinking about get revenge for this. They left the scene as they think of their next step of their plans for revenge and conquest of power.

Author's Note:

To Be Continue

KO Chapter 11 is done, hope you all enjoy that. Seeing how everyone reacted to the Jojos from the last chapter.

The main villains have appear and I know some of you already know who they are but I don't want to spoil too much. I included the bow and arrow from the series that gave people their stand power, but in this they just gain powers and no stands.

What will happen to Celestia and Luna and what powers will they gain and will the Jojos take action to find the culprits?

Wait to find out in the next preivew.

Next Chapter:

Jotaro: They just piss me off!

Rainbow Dash: Think you can practices with me?

Celestia: I feel the same and yet very different at the same time.

Helpless looking teen-boy: PLEASE HELP!

Jonathan: A gentlemen never turns away from a challenge!

???: I'll mints you right finely with a tip of hat.

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