• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Enemies Reveal! Two Dark Knights Strike!

Everyone is gathering at the music room, all feeling intense of finally knowing the identities of the ones who hurt the Jojo’s mothers and given them their new found powers. Jonathan walks up to the group with a folder that contains information that they seek.

“Alright everyone, before I show all this, these people are all brothers like Speedwagon said, and we have to be careful of who we’re up against so be prepare.” Jonathan said everyone nodded. Jonathan took out a picture of one of the six boys his mother encounter.

“From what Speedwagon had told me, this boy here appears to be the leader goes by the name: Dio Brando. He’s very cunning able to draw others into his clutches by his words alone, though appear to be normal from the surface underneath is something dangerous. Speedwagon said that whenever he sees him, he only appears during the night never into the day time, he also got a clear view of his teeth he seems to have fangs. Means that Dio isn’t exactly human.”

“You better not be pulling our leg here bro, you’re saying this guy is somehow a vampire?” Jotaro asked not wanting to believe of what he just heard.

“Not sure, until we know of his true capabilities, we avoid fighting him for now.” Jonathan suggested bringing out the next picture.

“Oooh my, he sure likes to reveal himself much and not the in person kind.” Fluttershy said, blushing of the second boy’s choice of clothing.

“Sure like to show off those abs of his.” Josuke stated.

“This is simply named: Kars, he’s also cunning and a brilliant mind that top college students would be put to shame. He’s also in the same condition as Dio but slightly different, some say he fights with a blade or two but don’t where he’s them since he doesn’t appear to be carrying them wherever he goes. He is not only strong but fast as well for they say he can kill 20 men in an instant, weird things is that whenever he fight with his blades a bright light always appear. Tatto even saw him once working on something, a stone mask, not sure it’s for but something tells me it can be very dangerous.”

“I’m getting a weird feeling that this guy wants to define the laws of nature itself and conquer it.” Giorno said.

Jonathan throws the next picture, but something as odd about this one.

“Hey, he looks just like Dio!” Pinkie declared.

“Please tell that just him in another outfit?” Flash asked frighten.

“Unfortunately, he is different man, a twin brother of the first Dio. He’s is named Dio as well so they called him D2 to halt the confusion. Same as Dio and Kars but he has a different power beyond the two; whenever he fights, the battle seems to ended itself before D2 could make a sudden move, everything around him just falls to his feet and he suddenly appears out of nowhere like he can teleport, but something tells me that is not the case. Whatever his power is, it’ll be most freighting if he uses that on us if we have no way countering him.”

“Well, that puts him on the most creepy-scary men list. I hope we don’t have to face him soon.” Rarity said leaning on Jonathan’s shoulder.

“He doesn’t seem that tough, I say bring it on!” Rainbow Dash said pumping her fist in the air.

“Great, she just jinxes us.” Josuke sighed, everyone agreed of Rainbow Dash’s ego.

Bringing out the next photo.

“Seems to be like a calm business man.” Sunset said.

“He is Yoshikage Kira, you could say he likes to blow away his victims; no puns intended. He seems to have the ability to make anything he touches into0a bomb, blowing away every part of his kills nothing left like they just vanish without a trace. He also has a second part of his bombing power but none of Speedwagon’s men have been able to see or live to tell about it. He has an insane personality of wanting to live in a peaceful life but always kills anyone who knows of him and Speedwagon confirms that his is of pure evil like his brothers.”

“Turning things into bombs whatever his touches, I hope that doesn’t include people…” Twilight worried.

“Or dogs!” Spike added.

On to the next picture.

“This fellow here is Diavolo, he’s very strange one indeed like Yoshikage to hide himself from the world and to live alone. His power is a bit of mystery but some says he can teleport ahead and somehow predict his opponents next move, no knows of his past nor anything else besides having 5 other brothers and is extreme powerful when it comes to brute strength.”

“Creepy and dangerous, yeah I think we got all that.” Johnny joked a little.

“Well that there is Ahs a guy who would be sends to the crazy house for a really long time.” Applejack said.

Last photo to be shown.

“This is Funny Valentine, he may not look like it but he’s the honorable type unlike his brothers. He believes that power should belong only to the strong and the weak dead, he’s even a man who would keep his word as long as someone keep their end of the bargain or they’ll died by his hand. Whenever he is injury he disappears in to big American flag and reappears as he looks so nothing had happen to him. Something tells me it’s not a healing power but don’t let your guard down.”

“Alright we our bastards now let’s go and beat the shit out of them!” Joseph declared wanting some revenge right now.

“Wait Jojo, we still know much about them or even where they are now!” Pinkie stated Joseph grrs that his girlfriend has a point.

“We need to think carefully about our next move.” Jotaro said.

“Agree, for now let just be extra caution about this and be ready for anything they throw at us.” Sunset said everyone nodded before the bell rang for next class.

Later at the end of the day, the Jojo’s went to meet up with their moms at the cars ready to go home. They Celestia and Luna at the cars with sad looks on their faces, they look at their sons worried for what will happen next.

“Hey don’t worry; we’ll get those guys ourselves so you can take it easy.” Josuke said but they still look sad.

“It not that you boys will be doing the fighting...” Celestia said.

“Mom your next words are, ‘we want to be part of the action to fight alongside with you all’, now.” Joseph performed his next line trick.

“We want to be part of the action to fight alongside with you all.” Luna said, gasped that her son know what she was gonna say next.

“Are you are about that, it’ll be very dangerous and our enemies won’t show any mercy!” Jonathan stated but the moms shake their heads.

“We’ve been on the sidelines when the Rainbooms saves the day to the school, now it’s our turn to take action and teach those brats a thing or two!” Celestia said, wanting some payback and show that mothers can be scary.

“We want to help as much as we can.” Luna said, hoping to provide any support she and her sister can offer.

“Besides, we’re already getting use to our powers… well the basic that is.” Celestia said. She and Luna begun to show some control of their powers: Celestia glowing brighter on her right arm and Luna engulfed her left arm of darkness-like flames.

The boys knew their moms won’t take no for an answer, they nodded and soon the mothers hug their sons as they hug back. Everything is going to be fine as long as they have each other and stay strong through their hearts and will power. Though this battle will prove to be more difficult than they realize.

(Nighttime, neighborhood)

Flash is running around to get some exercises and some thoughts in his head that has been bugging him for a while now: Does he really have feelings for his world Twilight or just using an excuse of still having feelings for the princess Twilight. He’s cool being friends with her but as a love interest, not entirely sure he may need to talk to someone about this to help him clear his head.

Flash was snapped out of his thoughts as he bump into someone.

“Oh, sorry about that dude.” Flash apologized as he looks up to the man or men.

There are two men in front of Flash, one is as tall as the Jojo’s about 6.5 feet and has long black hair reaching to his waist, wearing some weird outfit like he’s from the middle ages. The other one is way taller like 9-10 feet and wearing middle age armor like his friend, also appears to be carrying a big sword as well.

Flash was getting a bad feeling from these guys, like they’re giving off some kind demonic aura and death-like stares into their eyes.

“H-hey guys.” Flash greeted but they didn’t seem to notices him until they just turn their heads to him. Flash gulp his throat and try not to freak out. “Aren’t you two a little old for Halloween this early?” He asked, Halloween is few months away and something didn’t felt right about these two.

The two knights kept quiet for a while until they did a big grin with wicked eyes on their face, the bigger one grabbed his sword and swing it high to the sky and other one seems odd as his hair began to move like they were alive. Seeing this, Flash had only one thought in his head. Run!

(Joetar’s Home)

The boys and their moms are having a great; Celestia and Jonathan enjoying some cake while reading some history book he brought home, Jotaro and Josuke playing video games as clearly seen that Jotaro is winning, Giorno watering some plants inside, Luna and Johnny at the backyard looking at the stars and the moon, and Joseph is reading his favorite comic.

A phone began to loudly; Joseph was closest to it so he picks it up to hear who’s calling them at this hour.

“Hello?” Joseph greeted.

“JOSEPH, GUYS, HELLLP!!!!” Flash screamed sounded like he was frightened by something.

“Whoa, whoa, Flash what the hell? You nearly made me deaf, what’s going on it sound like you’re being chase by something?” Joseph asked.

“Chase by some undead freaks who wants to kill me then go find you guys, yeah that sums it up!” Flash said panic.

“What do you mean ‘find us’ and undead guys, it sounds like you’re being hunted by zombies? This should be impossible!” Joseph said hoping that Flash is making up the zombies part.

“Oh yeah, well I’ll send you a picture to your phone and we’ll see who’s the crazy one!” Flash said as he hung up.

“Boys, we’re going on an extreme night walk, now!” Joseph shouted grabbing everyone’s attention.

“What’s all this about Joseph, something troubling?” Jonathan asked.

“You say that bro…” Joseph said suddenly felt his cell-phone rang and pull it out from his pocket of his pants. He looks at the screen then went shocked, who are those two he wonder.

“What is it, Joseph?” Giorno asked.

Joseph shows everyone the picture Flash sends him, gasp and confuse of who are these two knight looking men and why are they trying to hurt Flash. Jonathan looks closely, for a moment he felt like he knows those two from somewhere, and then realization hit him in the head knowing exactly who those two are.

“We have to go, NOW!” Jonathan yelled as he dashes towards the door. “(Those two, it couldn’t be…)”

“Hey, Jonathan, what’s the rush?” Josuke asked.

“I know those two, we have to hurry!” Jonathan said continue to run to Flash’s aid.

(With Flash)

Flash continues to run; looking back they were still chasing him. Though something seems odd, he only sees the giant guy so where’s the shorter one. Suddenly Flash felt something grabbing his leg before he trip, looking back he saw some kind of rope and pulling him to where it was coming to Flash’s surprise it wasn’t rope at all. It was the hair of the shorter guy and lifting him up high as the giant caught up to the scene.

As Flash is dangling from the hair, he heard laughing, an evil demonic laugh. He looks around to see where it was coming from until he found the source, a man about his age standing on top a light-pole, the very man the Jojos inform him and the Rainbooms: Dio Brando.

“Very well done young man, you called for help of the Joestar boys just as I planned.” Dio said Flash quickly realize that he had just did this guys work setting up a trap.

“I see you’re playing well with my Knights: Tarukus and Blueford.” Dio said introducing his knights as they bow to their master.

“Your next line is, ‘what shall we do with this boy, me lord Dio’.”

“What shall we do with his boy, me lord Dio?” Blueford asked sudden;y gasped that someone predicted his words.

The Villains and Flash turned around to see all six Jojos present to save their friend and beat up some bad guys.

“So the main court of our meal has arrived.” Dio said.

“We know something about you as well, you and your brothers are the sons of the Dio who fought against our father years ago.” Jotaro stated which Dio mad a bit but remain his cool.

“Seems you have done your homework, this will be fun.” Dio said turning his face to the knights. “Tarukus. Blueford; make sure to end them quickly so they won’t feel pain.” He ordered.

“Yes, my lord!” The knights replied.

“(I knew it!)” Jonathan thought.

This going to be a battle everyone here will remember.

Author's Note:

KO 12th chapter finish, hope you all enjoy it.

They finally know their enemies and will use ever strength they have to beat those bastards into a bloody pulp. I even have Celestia and Luna join in of the battle and will fight soon later on in the chapters.

Flash thoughts was brought up when I was watching the new Equestria Girls movie, this is Flash before he decides to get over Twilight. Don't worry I'll have do some fighting as well.

The zombies will fight like in the anime and twist in turns will come during the battle.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through the story to see how it will all end. Hope you enjoy the story so far and here's the preview for the next one.

Next Chapter:

Blueford: Prepare to be slain by my blade!

Jonathan: I will send you both back to the grave where you were buried!

Joseph: Something feels odd about this fight.

Tarukus: I care not for Honor, but only bloodshed!

Flash: I didn't think that even the dead can show emotions.

Jonathan: One shall stand, one shall fall.

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