• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Saving Camp Everfree!

Saving Camp Everfree!

(With Kars)

“NOOOOOOOO?!” Kars screamed in rage that he has somehow been defeated by Joseph Joestar and Pinkie Pie as he floats in space away from the earth atmosphere.

“No, don’t panic, just find the earth.” Kars said to himself as turns around seeing the planet right in front of him.

“Curses, those fools think THIS will stop me!” Kars grinned as he pops out tubes from his body blowing some powerful wind to push himself towards the earth.

“All I have to do is get close enough to be pull into the planet’s gravitational pull and I’ll be back on solid ground in no time.” Kars smirked thinking of ways to kill Joseph and Pinkie for this stunt they pulled.

Kars also thought of his queen, Gaia Everfree thinking she must’ve crush the other Joestar brothers and the Mane 7 by now knowing that even that the boys have unlocked their Stand powers, they are still newbies to the power thinking they won’t last long against her. Truth be told; Kars did always find Gloriosa to be a fine woman in his eyes, seeing such determination and willing to do whatever it takes to protect her camp even if it means crushing those before her. Now with her as Gaia Everfree, they will rule the world together using the power of nature itself to destroy all who would stand in their way, and maybe save some places for his brothers to rule as well.

Yes, he could taste the sweet victory and revenge as he gets closer to the earth then further away.

Wait, further away?

“What, this can’t be? I’m not getting any closer?” Kars confused of what’s going on.

He suddenly felt cold knowing he’s in the vacuum of space, but colder than usual that’s when he turns around and gasps at the tubes are freezing up.

“N-no, this is-isn’t working! The air is… f-freezing around me, my body is… getting harder to move faster than I realize!” Kars stuttered in shock, trying to use everything he has to break free, but it was pointless.

“N-no, NNOOOOOOOOOO?!” Kars screamed in fear one last time before his whole body became a frozen statue permanently.

And so, ended, Kars, the third brother of the Dark Six and the Perfect Being. His body turn hard as rock and he floated through space for the rest of time, never to return. He wishes for death, but there was nothing out there to kill him. The spark of thoughts went dem, and then silent.

(Camp Everfree)

“And now, we’ll all be together in this camp FOREVER!” Gaia shouted insanely as she has the vines wraps around the gang with Rarity doing her best to holding up her diamond shield around them, but it won’t last long.

“I can’t hold this out forever!” Rarity exclaimed feeling she’s about to reach her limit as the vines try crushing the dome shield.

“We need to get close enough to get that necklace!” Jotaro pointed out.

Sunset look Twilight being scared, but she knew that she’s the one who can stop her.

“Twilight, you have to use your magic.” Sunset said.

“What, but I can’t… what if…” Twilight hesitated, worry that she’ll bring out Midnight Sparkle.

“Twilight, you can’t keep living in past for what happened. Think about your friends!” Sunset said as she pony-up.

Just as Twilight is thinking hard in her mind fighting against her inner demon, Gaia made a giant vine-fist to smash the shield and kill the group once and for all.

“Now, DIE!” Gaia shouted, but before she could even move the vine fist something exploded from the top of the plant dome and to her surprise Joseph and Pinkie has enter.

“Hey there everyone, did we miss the part?” Joseph joked.

“Gaia, your next line is: “You two are here, but what happened to Kars?”, go!” Pinkie performed the Next Line trick.

“You two are here, but what happened to Kars?” Gaia asked, then gasp that Pinkie knew what she was going to say.

“Kars is gonne be gone with the stars for a looong time.” Joseph said pointing up at the sky.

“And that Twilight is about to take the shiny rocks around your neck right now.” Pinkie blurted out.

Gaia gasps turning her attention to Twilight who has transformed into her pony form, but it was too late as Twilight use her magic powers to take the necklace away from and the geodes began to glow brighter and the girls got drawn to them. As they each touch their own geodes, they suddenly felt something stronger growing from within themselves and they change into new outfits, then caused a magical explosion that made all the crazy vines around camp vanish.

Timber is seen waking up seeing the camp is back to normal and saw his sister laying in the grass back to normal too.

“Gloriosa?” Timber hoped checking on his older sister.

“Uh, what happened?” Gloriosa asked doesn’t seem to remember much, but she remembers what she did to everyone.

“Don’t worry, everything is going to be okay.” Timber said hugging her, glad to have his sister back.

“AWESOME! You girls did it!” Josuke excited.

“Nice work out there.” Giorno complimented.

Spike hope onto Twilight’s arms, glad that she’s safe, then he notices she’s wearing a purple necklace.

“Whoa, nice bling.” Spike said.

“What... What are these?” Applejack asked.

“I'm not sure. But clearly we have some kind of connection to them.” Sunset said seeing as they each have their own symbol.

“I almost don't care what they are. They are gorgeous!” Rarity admired the geodes then gasps of an idea.

“And will totally go with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show!” Rarity excited.

“Which is probably cancelled.” Jonathan said just after Rarity spoke of her idea and she sigh in sadness.

“I am so sorry. I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had, and instead I've made it the worst. Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich.” Gloriosa admitted defeated, then Celestia steps in.

“No. It's not. This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included.” Celestia said remembering the good times she had here as a young teen.

“Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?” Luna added.

“I say we go right to Filthy Rich’s home and give him a piece of our minds.” Josuke suggested bringing out his Stand, which he named it Crazy Diamond.

“Or…” Rainbow Dash stopped Josuke. “We could do a fundraiser, together!” She suggested as everyone agree.

“And we could hold it in the crystal cave!” Jotaro added as Sunset smiles at him because she was thinking the same thing.

“A Crystal Ball! I love it!” Rarity gasped.

“I admire everyone's enthusiasm. Really, I do. But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone.” Gloriosa worried.

“We got this.” The Mane 7 and Joestar brothers said together.

(Music- Legend You Were Meant To Be, Eqestria Girls Legend of Everfree)

Soon, everyone got work on making preparations for the ball to raise enough money to save the camp; Twilight and Timber are in charge of making invitations for everyone they know to come save the camp. Jotaro and Josuke are using their Stands to move the rocks away to make the entrance to the cave clearer with Applejack’s help of course. Rainbow Dash is delivering the invites into mailboxes in town using her super speed. Pinkie and Joseph are baking sweets together with some few touches of their own make them tastier than ever, and Joseph is making sure that Pinkie doesn’t accidentally blow up the whole kitchen. Rarity and Jonathan are clothing some new clothing for everyone to wear at the party, hope they’ll like it. Fluttershy and Giorno are doing the decorations for the party with some help from the animals and some plants Giorno’s creating.

Timber and Gloriosa are standing on the dock (which was finished, again) looking out at the horizon feeling calm of each other’s company as they think about their parents and the time they shared growing up here together.

Later, night came with people from the town coming in the cave for the ball enjoying themselves and the Mane 7 playing their music together. Soon, they stop playing as everyone cheers for their great performance ad Gloriosa came up the stage with the microphone in her hand.

“Thank you all so much for coming! And for helping us raise enough money to... save Camp Everfree!” Gloriosa announced happily as everyone cheered louder for the good news.

Filthy Rich was at the party and seem disappointed that he wasn’t getting the camp, he decided to leave thinking there wasn’t point sticking around.

“Thank you. For everything. Oh, if I'd just asked for help in the first place...” Gloriosa sighed in relief, feeling silly that she could do it herself.

“Hey, don't sweat it, it's kinda what we do.” Rainbow Dash bragged before Josuke came up to her on stage, offering her to dance with him and she accepts going to the dance floor.

Everyone is enjoying their time together doing some talking with friends, dancing together on the dance floor, and some having some romance moments like Twilight and Timber as they were about to kiss but got interrupted by Gloriosa though they think they have their moment another time.

Sunset is seen outside of the cave up at the night sky and the stars thinking about everything she and the others had gone through, with finding new magic problem far out in a forest and facing against two foes in one day saving the camp.

“Looks like I’m not the only one who wants to be alone.” Jotaro said walking up to her with being notice, Sunset jumps a bit.

“Sheesh man, are you this good on sneaking up on people?” Sunset asked calming herself down.

“Sorry, force of habit I guess.” Jotareo said leaning on the rock next to Sunset.

“You and the girls did awesome together.” Jotaro complimented.

“Thanks, though I believe you guys did as much as we did. Especially with Joseph and Pinkie defeating Kars, which having a hard time to believe that they launched him into space.” Sunset said, believing something like that would take a miracle.

“Yeah, sure is crazy camping trip we went through, guess mom was right that it would be something that none of us would forget.” Jotaro said as Sunset chuckles.

“So, I was just wondering if you have any free-time, just you and me with the others and” Sunset’s sentence was cut off when Jotaro suddenly held her had in his without looking at her, this makes her cheeks blush.

“How’s next week on Saturday?” Jotaro asked smiling, he had just asked Sunset out on a date.

Sunset smiles as she mentally squealed loud, her heart wouldn’t stop beating from the exciting feeling she’s having. Then her mind went elsewhere about something that happened during their time at camp.

“There’s just one thing I don’t understand.” Sunset said.

“It’s about the magic the effected the geodes?” Jotaro guessed, knowing what she’s thinking.

“Yeah, where did it come from?” Sunset asked as the two newly couple stare up at the night sky wondering what could happen next.

To Be Continue...

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Camp Everfree is safe thanks to our heroes, but their battle is far from over as there are now three more of the Dark Six left to deal with and hope they’ll be prepare for when the time comes to face them. For now, they’ll just enjoy the victory they earned and have fun with everyone.

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