• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Magic Stand Off Inside to Outside

Magic Stand Off Inside to Outside

We turn back the time to some moments ago while Jotaro and the others were having a hard time battling against DIO, Twilight and Spike are hiding behind the broken hole in the wall Jotaro made earlier.

"The others are in trouble against those two." Spike worried.

"I know, DIO is doing something with his Stand, but it's making it really hard to tell what he's doing exactly." Twilight looked at DIO, feeling scared of that man.

"Then there's Kira, that Stand of his to turn anything it touches into a bomb which is going to make things very difficult for them to know which one he touched that are the bombs or else they'll get blown up before they could even figure out." Twilight looked over at Kira with that evil calm smile.

"Then we gotta do something right now!" Spike stated.

"I can probably find which items are the bombs with my nose, hopefully, while you try help holding off those bad guys with your magic." Spike suggested an idea.

"Not exactly a plan, but it's better than nothing." Twilight believed.

"You got that right." Spike nodded.

"Alright, let's do it!" Twilight smiled and held out her hand to Spike for him to five-high her palm.

DIO chuckles as he looks down at Jotaro with a bloody bruise on his right cheek and a tiny trail of blood coming from his mouth.

"Come now, Jotaro. Surely that can't be all you got." DIO smirked.

"Oh, you're going to see more of what I can do." Jotaro glared as he clutches his fists and Star Platinum ready itself to attack.

"Star Finger!" Jotaro unleashed an attack that have his Stand extend two fingers at DIO.

DIO was certainly surprise by this as he jumps out of the way to dodge that unexpected finger attack though Jotaro didn't stop there as Star Platinum move his extended fingers to slash at the enemy, but The World punched a pillar to have its User move out of the way for the attack to slash through.

"Whoa, since when can Star Platinum do that?" Sunset asked.

"Discovered that a few days ago when training with the others, and it just happened." Jotaro explained.

"Just happened? Just happened? You can't expect me to take that as a serious answer, maybe it was you might've tap into the Hamon power just for those fingers." Sunset theorized.

"Well, I did train in Hamon in the past, but I was never able to bring it out because I didn't have the talent or whatever crap." Jotaro mentioned.

"But how else would you explain the" But Sunset's sentence was cut off when Rainbow Dash blitzed her out of the way when a few bubbles were about to touch her.

Rainbow Dash quickly threw little pebbles, pieces from all the rumbles that were made during the battle, at the bubbles and they pop causing a small but familiar explosion.

"Curses, and I was so close too." Kira cursed.

"What the… Did you try killing Sunset with bubbles?" Josuke asked shock.

"Indeed, those bubbles were gentle touched by Killer Queen making them the perfect bombs for me to launch and none would be the wiser." Kira smirked.

"But now we know about your bubble bombs, and you can bet your ass we're gonna be ready!" Josuke pointed out as he jumps to a wall then launches himself toward Kira.

"HAHA! And how is coming towards me going to help you be prepared!" Kira laughed at this foolish attempt.

Kira blew the bubbles, each gently touch by Killer Queen as they float away and going toward the funky hair Joestar boy, but Josuke doesn't show any fear in his eyes as he tosses his school coat off and smack the bubbles away.

Killer Queen click its thumb on the finger to activate the explosions that is traveling from the coat to Josuke's hand.

"How's this for being prepared?!" Josuke screamed and Crazy Diamond came out ready to do its part.

Crazy Diamond punches the remaining pieces of his coat with the power of Restoration to make the jacket back to how it was before the explosions and still charging at Kira, this made the explosion Stand User gasp upon seeing that this boy was indeed prepared for this.

"DORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORADORA!" Crazy Diamond threw a barrage of punches at Killer Queen who got up both arms for defense.

But the punches of Josuke's Stand is stronger than Kira expected as he can feel each blow hurting his arms and pushing his Stand back too, he needs to think of something and quick.

"Damn it!" Kira screamed as he refuses to be taken down by this idiot kid.

Killer Queen manages to deflect both fists and goes in for a karate chop on the shoulder which does some damage as Josuke bend his knees down and groan in pain, but he won't stay down for long as he pushes himself up and Crazy Diamond threw a swing kick on the side that knocks Kira away several feet.

"Even when he's beaten, this kid just won't stay down." Kira surprised.

"That's just how tough we Joestars are, the more you try to beat us down the more we come back fiercer than ever!" Josuke smirked.

Jotaro is seen flying away by another punch from DIO's Stand and was about to hit that gargoyle statue, but Star Platinum was able to protect its User by throwing a punch that sent Jotaro over the statue and lands on his own two feet.

"I'm starting to get bored with all this punching exchange, it's very clear that my Stand The World is a superior Stand than yours." DIO stated as he charges forward.

Jotaro ready himself with Star Platinum going in to strike back despite the difference in power and experience.

Both Stands trade punches at each other though DIO's Stand is proven to be a difficult opponent to fight as it made a swift blow on the leg that causes Jotaro's pants to burst a hole of the spot where The World struck Star Platinum's leg.

"So, are you ready to admit that my power is greater than yours?" DIO asked with a smirk.

"Greater? The Hell are you talking about? You only just blew a hole in my 20,000-yen pants." Jotaro looked down at the hole in the left leg of the pants.

"My, my, you Joestars are so stubborn to admit defeat." DIO sighed.

"Same can be said about us!" Sunset said as she flew in from above to strike a kick at DIO's head.

But DIO saw this coming and caught the foot with The World in a tight grip for a moment.

"Don't think I didn't forget about you, Sunset Shimmer. It's quite a shame that you abandoned the path of power, we could've been friends." DIO smirked as he looks at the pony-up Sunset.

"Maybe when I was hunger for power, I might've agreed to join you guys and your twisted idea for the world, but I've change for the better." Sunset believed.

"And you truly believe this "better" life would give you what you desire?" DIO asked with his Stand ready to throw a punch to the girl.

"I already know it has, and I wouldn't change it for anything else!" Sunset unleashed a red magic beam at DIO.

DIO was shocked to see that Sunset was able to unleash an attack almost like an anime attack of energy beams, he quickly has The World block the attack with one hand and only move that hand back by a few inches.

"It looks like your Magic of Friendship can't penetrate my Stand! You are nothing before DIO!" DIO laughed mocking the bacon hair girl.

"But this is a good distraction." Sunset smirked.

DIO stops laughing upon hearing those words that Sunset just said something about her attack being a distraction.

But it was too late to realize this as Jotaro comes in with Star Platinum throwing an uppercut at one hand that let's go of Sunset's foot, and the Stand of Jotaro Kujo threw another punch that landed right in the face sending DIO crashing through one pillar and onto a wall.

"Hope you don't ever do that to me again." Jotaro said after catching his girlfriend in his arms.

"Not sure if I'll keep that promise, but I'm really glad to have you in my life." Sunset smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, to deal with him." Jotaro put Sunset down and was about to use Star Platinum to grab a pillar to throw at DIO.

"No, don't touch that!" Spike shouted causing Jotaro's Stand to back off.

"That pillar has Kira's scent on it, that means this could definitely be a bomb!" Spike warned.

"(Looks like Spike's nose save the day on this one.)" Jotaro thought smiled and picked up Spike.

"Can you tell which of the things in this room is a bomb?" Jotaro asked as he place Spike on his shoulder.

"Yeah, like that pillar over there was not touch by Kira." Spike pointed at one pillar with his nose.

"Kira! You said you made everything here a bomb?" DIO yelled at his younger brother.

"Sorry, must've forgotten one." Kira apologized.

"Don't think you can have your moment when we're still around!" Kira shouted as he charges at Jotaro and Sunset.

"Looks like we'll be switching up dance partners." DIO decided to go with this and jump for Josuke and Rainbow Dash.

"I don't think so." Twilight jumped out of hiding and use her magic to make both DIO and Kira float in the air.

"What?!" DIO gasped angrily as he and Kira are floating in the air.

Spike jumps off from Jotaro's shoulder is about to get himself a giant baseball bat and ran off to stand right next to Twilight.

"Blasted?! How did we not notice them before?" DIO asked.

"Guess you should've made sure to check if the four of them were the only ones to come here, but the arrogance in you guys kept you from being that cautious." Twilight smirked.

"Now you guys are gonna get it!" Spike said.

"Let see how you like getting smacked by a part of your own hideout!" Jotaro said with Star Platinum just ripped a pillar off and aiming to throw it at both DIO and Kira.

Both brothers are looking worried that they've actually gotten the upper hand on despite their immense power and skills, but DIO was worried because he just got a plan in mind and hopes Kira would be able to catch on what he has in mind.

"Do not think you'll be able to hold the might of DIO and The World!" DIO summoned his Stand out from his body to break free from Twilight's grip.

"Hope you don't mind if I leave you a little present!" Kira smirked as Killer Queen came out ready for battle again.

Both brothers flew forward a little as DIO pulled out several knives from under his coat and throws them fast at the heroes, but they were deflected by Crazy Diamond and Twilight got them in her magic again.

"Let see if you can try getting yourselves out of this one!" Jotaro shouted in rage.

Star Platinum threw the pillar at the two brothers to drag them up and crash them right into the ceiling above them, but neither of the brothers look worried as they are both smiling almost like they wanted that pillar to come at them like a stone missile.

The pillar made contact on the two Dark Brothers pushing them into the ceiling hard.

"Oh yeah, we got them good!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Yeah, let see if they can get out from that." Sunset smirked with her arms crossing.

"It was also great of you guys to come in like that, not sure if we would last a bit longer than that." Sunset said to Twilight and Spike.

"Happy to help." Twilight smiled.

"Do you think they're down for good?" Spike asked as he looks up at the pillar thinking about if DIO and Kira are dead.

"I did put a lot of force into that throw, but I don't think they're dead yet." Jotaro guessed.

"Then let see if we can get this sucker out of the way and we'll do the job ourselves." Josuke cracked his knuckles, he still got a lot of anger to let out on those two.

But unknown to anyone, something small came up to the legs of Rainbow Dash and went up her legs then to her back and onto her shoulder.

"Look at me." A voice said.

"Huh? Did you guys say something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I didn't say anything." Twilight said.

"Me neither." Josuke said, but he gasps in horror on what he is seeing on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

"Rainbow Dash! Your shoulder!" Josuke screamed and pointed the horror thing on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

Rainbow Dash started to sweat in fear upon seeing Josuke freaking out like this even though they're on the verge of victory, she slowly turns her head to her right shoulder that she now finally notices the odd light weight on her right shoulder.

And she saw what looks like a tiny skull staring back at her with glowing red eyes.

"DORA!" Crazy Diamond threw a fast punch that knocked the mysterious dangerous thing from Rainbow Dash's shoulder and sent it flying.

"Holy Freaky Skull Face Surprise!" What the heck was that?" Rainbow Dash asked as she almost lost her balance from that surprise.

"I don't know, I didn't even see it come at us." Sunset confused.

"Do you think it could be the brothers' doing?" Jotaro wondered.

"But we knocked them out in the ceiling! Right?" Twilight worried as she looks up at the pillar still latched onto the ceiling.

"Hold on." Spike started sniffing the air and gasped on the scent.

"That's Kira's scent! That thing was Kira's doing!" Spike informed.

"But how, did he do something before Jotaro threw that pillar?" Josuke asked.

"Let's find out." Jotaro glared at the pillar.

Star Platinum comes out and goes up grabbing the pillar with its hands pulling it out from the ceiling though it was a struggle for a bit, but the powerful Stand of Jotaro pull the pillar off and threw it away.

Jotaro, Sunset, Twilight, Josuke, Rainbow Dash, and Spike gasp upon seeing there is a hole in the ceiling and it's not from the pillar as it looks more like a secret tunnel that leads straight up.

"A secret ceiling escape tunnel? Are you kidding me?!" Rainbow Dash shocked.

"Oh no, that last moment of fighting back must've been an act to get themselves in the right spot where they would go into that tunnel and the pillar would be the cover." Sunset deduced in shock.

"Damn it, we played right into their hands!" Josuke pounded his fist into his hand.

"We need to go after them!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Look out! That little car thing is coming back!" Spike alerted.

The little skull toy car thing did indeed come back to attack the group as they quickly move out of the way, Josuke calls upon Crazy Diamond to attack the weird skull car thing with barrage of "DORA" strikes and sent it flying to crash into a wall.

"Come on! We need to get topside too!" Jotaro grabbed onto Sunset and use the leg boost of Star Platinum to jump to the ceiling tunnel.

Josuke did the same to make himself jump high with Rainbow Dash and Twilight using their wings to follow them while Spike is being lifted by Twilight's magic.

(With DIO and Kira)

"The plan was a little hard, but glad to see that ceiling escape tunnel you suggested work." DIO dusted himself clean.

"I knew it would come in handy. Now, let see if they can handle Sheer Heart Attack." Kira smirked.

But suddenly the heroes burst out from the tunnel surprising the evil brothers that they were able to follow them that quickly though Kira didn't feel worried in the slight.

The scene shows the inside of the escape tunnel where the little skull vehicle now reveals to be called Sheer Heart Attack is climbing up the tunnel to chase after the heroes.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Just when the heroes thought they got DIO and Kira in the bag, they ended up being tricked for them to use an escape tunnel and Kira unleashed Sheer Heart Attack to give them trouble, and it's still coming after them.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

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