• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,162 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Final Battle 2 Trickster Duo vs the Perfect Being, Joseph and Pink vs Kars Part 1

Final Battle 2 Trickster Duo vs the Perfect Being, Joseph and Pink vs Kars Part 1

We see Kars in his flight mode carrying Jopseh Joestar and Pinkie Pie in his talons flying at blinding speed as the wind pressure is pushing against the lovers.

“Put us down, you big birdbrain!” Pinkie insulted punching the skinny chicken-like legs.

“You’re going to be SO sorry when we get free!” Joseph said angry.

“Oh, you two aren’t enjoying the flight?” Kars asked smirk before flying higher in the sky and doing some barrel rolls, making the two-captured couple dizzy.

“Okay, now you’re just showing off!” Joseph snarled holding his mouth with one hand while looking down.

“I hope you’re ready to have puke in your eyes?” Pinkie yelled.

“I think it’s time for you two to go skydiving together, only there’s no parashot to save slow your fall!” Kars smiled evil.

Kars flop his wings harder to fly up higher as he passes through the clouds and stop a few seconds later before turning his body with his head aiming at the ground and dives faster with a little help from gravity. Pinkie and Joseph can see the ground getting closer and closer as the continue to struggle breaking free.

“Bummer, I never got to decorate the cookies we made!” Pinkie regretted.

“Pinkie, you did decorate those cookies and cupcakes you and the others made, just glad they did-Aha!” Joseph gained an idea like a lightbulb just appeared next to his head.

“Aha? I don’t think can shout like that, unless you put a recording speaker phone that repeat the word Aha over and over and over and over-” Pinkie chattering was cut off when Joseph put his hand on her mouth.

“Pinkie, your sprinkles!” Joseph said, soon Pinkie got the idea of what’s Joseph plan is.

Pinkie struggle to push her hand in between the talons and her pants trying to reach for the sprinkles though no luck, then she thought of an idea as she reaches into her hair to pull a stick of butter rubbing it on her hands to make it slippery to squeeze through the tight space. Once her hand has been buttered she pushes through with success and hopefully find the right pocket that has the sprinkles inside.

“Why do you have butter in your hair?” Joseph confused.

“For emergencies!” Pinkie answered.

“What kind of emergencies that need butter for?” Joseph asked confuses more.

“In case if we don’t any jelly for our toasts, duh.” Pinkie said, then she felt something in her hands, hopefully it’s the container with the sprinklers; she pulls her hand out holding something which is the sprinkle container.

“Quick, put them on the clackers!” Joseph said holding out his clackers and making them stand still with his hamon.

Pinkie quickly sprinkle on the clackers as her magic power activates, causing the sprinkled cover clackers glowing pink as these puppies are ready to go.

“Whatever you two are planning, it’ll be too late once this forest becomes your grave!” Kars claimed seeing as he’s severely dozen feet closer to the ground.

“Hey Kars, just try not to get too distracted by shiny things!” Joseph mocked spinning his clackers fast.

“Or else that shiny thing will get blown up in your face!” Pinkie added.

“If those are your finally words then prepare to die!” Kars declared, failed to notice the clackers from Joseph were thrown ahead of him and by the time he did notice them; they smack him right in the face as the impact made the blood splash out of his forehead.

The head from the clackers made Kars dizzy enough loosen his grip on Joseph and Pinkie for them to break free then free falling as they hug each other. They may have gained their freedom, but they now have to figure a way to save themselves from painting the grass and trees with their blood.

“So, Joseph, you got a plan to save us from the free fall, right?” Pinkie asked starting to panic a bit.

“Of course, Joseph Joestar, always has a plan!” Joseph lied, truth is he REALLY didn’t have a plan and panicking on the inside.

Joseph has to think of something quick and very fast or else he and Pinkie will end up in the great big house of parties in the sky, it could be the end for the PiJo couple which is a cute nickname they called themselves. But now that won’t matter because they’re about die, and Joseph didn’t even think of coming prepare of bringing a grappling hook. Wait, grappling hook? That’s it!

Joseph quickly brings out another clacker from his pocket and look around to quickly find a strong tree branch to use and found one, throw one end at the branch as it wraps around on it tight, and they start swinging like there’s no tomorrow crashing through some leaves and branches. Pinkie decided to do her random stuff by pulling something that is impossible to have in her hair except for Pinkie Pie, she pulls out a small square box and threw it at the spot where they would land. As the square lands, it explodes and expands into a big balloon castle just in time for Joseph and Pinkie to land on it bouncing for a while until they got off.

“Haha, we’re alive!” Joseph cheered.

“Yeah, but now Kars is coming for us!” Pinkie pointed at the incoming Kars.

Joseph quickly pulls out a small metal ball and threw to the ground then a big puff of smoke exploded covering most of the area making Kars back off and fly above the smoke cloud trying to find where Joseph and Pinkie are. Under the smoke, Joseph and Pinkie are carefully running through the smoke while trying not to run into any trees.

“That guy is just Super Freaky-deaky! What are we going to do?” Pinkie asked, she’s lucky to have her Pinkie-Sense to help warn her of danger like Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense.

“Well, we obviously can’t go back to camp because Kars will follow us there and kill our friends after he’s done with us.” Joseph stated while looking through some brushes like he’s looking for something important.

“And did you see those weird power of his; he can create life from the palm of his hand literally and can turn into a giant bird-man! Who knows what else he can do or transform into!” Pinkie worried as they continue running.

“Look, I saw something while we were up in the air and it should be around here somewhere.” Joseph mentioned still looking.

“Like what, a hidden year supply of cupcakes, strawberry shortcake pancakes, triple chocolate and vanilla wedding cake when we get married, anime DVDs from another dimension, video games from another dimension, a watermelon dog?” Pinkie asked on about some random stuff.

“No, although the wedding cake idea does sound good.” Joseph said then he spotted what he was looking for.

“Aha, Pinkamena Diane Pie, behold!” Joseph said moving some branches away to show Pinkie something amazing.

An old but strong-looking military fighter plane with two propellers on the wings standing in an open field as the sun shines down on it, cover in some old weed and vines, and have some rusty spots. The plane look liked it hasn’t been use in decades or maybe a hundred from like a war and it has been left here to rust away until it is nothing.

“This plane is our life saver?” Pinkie asked wonder if this plane will even work.

“We need to match Kars in the sky, from I can tell this baby still has enough juice to go one last flight.” Joseph examined and hope onto the driver sit, checking some buttons and switches.

“I don’t know, this doesn’t look safe.” Pinkie said tapping on the plane and one of the metal pad fell off making her worry.

“Don’t worry, I’m… pretty sure this thing can hold out.” Joseph said nervously.

“You hesitated.” Pinkie raised an eyebrow.

“No, I… look, can you just spin the propellers and get in?” Joseph asked not wanting to deal with this now.

Pinkie went to both propellers superfast spinning them as hard as she could and jump onto the back sit while Joseph get the plane started or at least figure out how to while looking like he knows how to work an airplane, which he does not.

“Jojo, sweetie, have even learned on HOW to fly and work an airplane before?” Pinkie asked.

“Sure, I read a few books and saw planes on TV, how hard can it be.” Joseph said confidence that he got this.

“You know you can’t always compare REAL life to TV, right?” Pinkie asked.

“Pinkie, I left some cardboard dummies of us to distract Kars until we are airborne, so can we PLEASE not talk about it.” Joseph demanded.

“Well, forgive me that I’m trying to keep my mind out of the whole ‘Fighting an Evil Monster who’s going to Kill US’ thought, no pressure.” Pinkie said cross her arms.

Joseph tries his best to stay calm trying to get the plane to work but nothing happen which is making him very angry.

“Does this plane come for a with manual for the plane?” Joseph asked.

“HA! I knew it, I knew you don’t know how to fix a plane!” Pinkie shouted pointing her finger at him.

“Yeah, okay, I admit, I don’t know how to work a damn, rusty, rundown, stupid plane!” Joseph shouted in rage.

“Good, because I didn’t care that you know how to work a plane, I still love you all that matter!” Pinkie shouted in return.

“Well, glad to hear then, because I love you so much too!” Joseph shouted.

“Then why don’t we just kiss right here, right now!” Pinkie shouted more

“Let’s do it!” Joseph shouted again before Pinkie grabs him by the face and the two kiss passionate like there’s no tomorrow or they’re about to have sex.

“Which we are not since this is rated teens and for kids to read.” Pinkie whispered to the fourth wall before getting back to kissing Joseph.

What they didn’t realize is that their hamon is charging up coursing through their bodies then pass onto the plane as the hamon energy is charging up the plane like its coming back to life making the propellers spin faster and the starts to move forward out to the open hallway-like grass field. The plane began to pick up speed as little by little the wheels are bouncing off the ground and a few seconds later it fully flew up, up, and away high into the air while Joseph and Pinkie are still in their make-out session.

“Wow, I didn’t know your breath smells sky high.” Pinkie giggled.

“That’s not my breath babe, that’s the wind of the high altitude in the sky.” Joseph said, then both lovers shot their eyes open of realization and look out to they’re really flying in the rusty old fighter plane.

“We’re flying, we’re really flying!” Joseph cheered hugging Pinkie as she cheers too.

“Yeah, now all we need to worry is Kars coming right at us!” Pinkie panicked at the end upon seeing Kars is indeed coming for them with an evil smirk on his face.

“You fools, thought you can escape death with stupid tricks, prepare to die!” Kars said charging up them.

“Bring it on!” Joseph said as he got the controls and Pinkie buckling up for a bumping flight.

To be Continue…

Author's Note:

KO new chapter is finish and hope you all enjoy it!

Sorry for the long wait, I had some other things to do with my life and other stories.

Joseph and Pinkie are sure in a pickle against Kars with his powers and they’re best bet a rusty fighter plane to fight off the ‘Perfect’ being long enough for Joseph to form a plan to end Kars once for all.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!

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