• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Final Battle 2 Trickster Duo vs the Perfect Being: Joseph and Pink vs Kars Part 2

Final Battle 2 Trickster Duo vs the Perfect Being, Joseph and Pink vs Kars Part 2

“Come on kids, let me show the power of Nature!” Gaia shouted unleashing more of her plant magic at the campers.

“We got to do something.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Like what? She even turns any plant attacks I throw at her against us.” Gionro said. He tried using Golden Experience’s power like trapping Gaia in vines, but that backfired when use her magic to control them.

“The source of her power must be that necklace she’s wearing.” Jonathan pointed at the geodes wrapped on Gaia’s neck.

“Good luck with that, every time we get close enough she pushes us back and seem to have very fast reflexe.” Jotaro reminded.

“Well, I don’t need to point out that Kars has something to do with Gloriosa become this crazy chick she is now.” Josuke grunted and some vines suddenly grew behind him, luckily, he saw it coming and Crazy Diamond punches them away.

“Yeah, and he’s battling against Joseph and Pinkie right now! I hope they’re doing okay.” Johnny shooting at the vines destroying them, but more keeps coming while feeling worry for his brother and his girlfriend fighting against Kars.

“Don’t worry, with those two working together either in baking, pranking, or battling, they’ll pull through in the end!” Sunset believed those two prank-lovers will come back together in one piece.

“Now that’s a ‘Can-Do’ spirit I can get behind.” Applejack said before lifting a giant rock above herself and threw it at Gaia only to be crush by two large tree-hands.

“Yeah, they have their battles to handle, we got to do our parts too!” Rainbow Dash stated before running fast saving some of the students and bringing them to the food hall where Celestia and Luna are grudging the place.

“Joseph. Pinkie. Come back safe.” Fluttershy prayed for her friends’ safe return.

(With Joseph and Pinkie)

“WAHOOO! We’re flying!” Pinkie cheered as she sits on co-pilot sit and Joseph flying the plane.

“I know this is all exciting for the both of us Pinkie, but we still a crazy madman to deal with.” Joseph remind her about their fight with Kars.

Speaking of Kars, he is seen flying above the plane staring down with an amusing smirk on his face.

“Do they really think they have turn the tide now they’re in the air now, fools; whether in the sky or on land, I’ll destroy you!” Kars declared as he flaps his wings forward and fires dozens of feathers at the plane.

The feathers pierce through the plane’s metal-hid with their sharp tips at the bottom end.

“Damn, that guy.” Joseph angered steering the plane up and around dodging the feathers.

“Doesn’t this plane have any weapons to fight back?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes, but we need to Kars in front of us to fire the guns.” Joseph answered.

The two notices that Kars isn’t firing his feathers anymore as he is flying straight at them from back thinking of tearing through the metal and slicing up the flying machine into pieces with Joseph and Pinkie as well. However, Joseph has an idea of his own.

“Hold on tight!” Joseph warned before pulling the starring wheel up making the plane do a lop over Kars and flying behind him now.

“Now, Pinkie, fire!” Joseph commanded which Pinkie excitingly did as she presses the buttons on her starring wheel firing bullets at Kars who’s dodging them with ease.

“You fool think you can shoot down the Perfect Being, let see how you like it when the bullets are coming at you!” Kars said as he fires his feather again like before.

Except this time is different as the feathers starts to morph into hard shells of armadilo-scales and the bullets bounces off them like it’s a pinball game in the air, some of those bullets were even deflected back at Joseph and Pinkie as they duck for cover a bit.

“He returned fire, sir!” Pinkie reported.

“Damn it, this is really starting to get on my nerve more than ever.” Joseph groaned in rage.

The scaled projectiles crashes through the front window of the plane piercing through some walls and some went through the door in the back. Pinkie tries firing again but soon discover the bullets are all gone.

“Uh oh, we’re out of ammo!” Pinkie worried.

Joseph was getting angry that there’s nothing else they can do besides dodging and flying away which won’t last long because the plane will eventually run out of fuel, then an idea hit him, and he opens the glove compartment. He pulls out a folded piece of paper opening it and reveal to be a map of the forest and a mountain or two.

Joseph took a couple of moments looking at the map trying to find something that could be useful, and he smirks meaning he found what he was looking for.

“Oh, I like that look of yours, you got a plan?” Pinkie asked grinning.

“Yep, this plan is probably the most craziest one yet.” Joseph said.

“I like crazy!” Pinkie smiled.

“Alright, so we know that the earth gives life to every living thing on this planet, right?” Joseph asked.

“I think so.”

“Well, it’s time we give Kars back to the earth; according to this map, there’s a volcano not far from here.” Joseph pointed at the area of the volcano on the map.

“We’re going to bake him alive into a nasty-crispy sweet that’s so burned out and throw him away like trash! Toasty Idea!” Pinkie excited giving the plan two thumbs up.

With that, Joseph steers the plane to where the volcano is located knowing Kars will follow them as he wants to see them die at his hand to avenge the deaths of his two friend they defeated and the celebration of his rebirth. Which is part of the trickster couples’ plan and hope nothing crazy will while they make their way to the volcano to end Kars once and for all.

Then suddenly, Pinkie’s hair starts shaking indicating that something is about to happen.

“Be on guard Jojo, something is about to come biting us on the butt.” Pinkie warned.

“Oh please, we’re inside flying a plane in the middle of the God damn sky, it’s not like there’s a man-eating on board-OOW!” Joseph screamed in pain, looking down behind to see a piranha sucking its teeth on his flesh.

“W-What the Hell?!” Joseph gasped pulling the man-eating fish off throwing it away.

“You just jinx yourself.” Pinkie taunted earning a glare from Joseph. Pinkie looks back at the once empty space.

“AAAAAHH?!?! More piranhas?!” Pinkie panicked seeing the piranhas eating through the metal and some wires.

“Seriously? Where did they call come from?” Joseph asked. That’s when a thought came to him, he remembers the feathers Kars fired earlier and how they turned into armor to deflect the bullets. Now he realizes the armor scales turned into the piranhas.

“Damn, that sneaky bastard.” Joseph snarled referring to Kars.

“I hope this plane can hold long enough to get to that volcano, otherwise we’re literally fish food!” Pinkie worried as she smacks some of the piranhas away with a baseball bat she pulled out from his right shoe.

“Don’t worry, we’re very close.” Joseph smirked seeing the mountain where the volcano is.

“Alright, here’s who we’re going to lure Kars in.” Joseph began whispering the plans in Pinkie’s ears.

Outside, Kars can hear the piranhas tearing through the metal of the plane with their sharp teeth feeling like music to his ears though he also wishes to hear more screaming from Joseph and Pinkie. Believing his victory is so close he could already taste it, no one can stop him now and thinking of after killing the two he’ll go back to the camp to check on Gaia if his Queen needs help with the Joestar brothers and the Rainbooms. Then he saw what appears to be Joseph and Pinkie jumping out of the plane with parachutes as its flies away from them.

“Is that really your idea of escaping me, it doesn’t matter where you go I will come at you for the kill!” Kars shouted charging at the couple going after Joseph.

He ready his feet which were turned into bird’s feet with very sharp talons like they’ve been sharpened and impale the guy with one claw on the back and three on the front, killing Joseph Joestar. Or so he thought. Noticing that there is no blood coming out of the body, he looks at him closely seeing this is NOT Joseph, but a dummy with a poorly drawn face then quickly look over finding her to be a fake too with a note on the front that says “Got Ya!”.

“They tricked me!” Kars angered. He saw the plane that was leaving turns out to be Joseph and Pinkie still inside charging at Kars full speed.

“Alright, Kars! Time to give you a hot date with a pool of lava!” Joseph shouted.

Kars was about to get out of the way, but he notices that the dummy he impaled won’t come off for some reason as it was stuck to him now. He saw the dump was also covered in some sticky goo.

“I hope you like my homemade sticky bubblegum frosting and something else we’re gonna make you stick too!” Pinkie yelled with a microphone.

Kars tries to force the sticky dummy off from his grip quickly, but it was too late as the plane ram him with sharp metal spikes impaling him and some blood squirting out. Kars ignore the pain as the only thing on his mind right now is killing Joseph and Pinkie with his own hands. Although, he looks behind himself to see that they plan on diving the plane straight at the volcano.

“Doing a crazy stunt like this will only prolong your death!” Kars stated as he tries to remove himself from the spikes but couldn’t for once again he finds himself being stuck in Pinkie’s sticky trap again.

“Looks like you’re ‘stuck’ between a rock and a hard place!” Pinkie joked getting her parachute ready as they attend to jump out of the plane for real this time.

“Thank you flying Air Jojo and Pinkie!” Joseph joked hugging his girlfriend considering she has the last parachute.

They leap off the plane as it dives down to the magma causing a huge explosion bursting of clouds raising up and some dips of lava raining down. Pinkie and Joseph managed to land on solid ground safety.

“We did it! We beat Kars!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yep, and it won’t matter if makes himself an armor because the lava will be too hot to handle.” Joseph said, and they gave each other a high-five as they smile for their victory then embrace for a moment of kissing.

“Okay, now that Kars is out of the way, we can go help the others with that crazy plant lady.” Joseph said hoping the others are doing well. Pinkie nodded.

The two walks to the edge of the volcano trying to think of the fastest way to make their way back to the camp hopefully in time to make a big dramatic entrance to look cool. But they will soon realize that their battle with Kars is far from over.

Pinkie’s body began to shake like crazy like expanding a little and shrinking a bit.

“Holy Cupcake! My Pinkie Senses are going crazy, something dangerous is coming!” Pinkie said with her voice sounding vibrating and such.

“What are you talking about, Kars is dead.” Joseph said hoping she is just playing around, but he knows too well that when it comes to the Pinkie Sense is always right about the danger part.

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet cracks open to them as a shiny sharp blade pops out aiming for Joseph’s left arm near the shoulder.


Joseph didn’t notice until now that he sees his arm flying clean off of his lower forearm with his eyes widen in shock and Pinkie having the same reaction. Joseph finally screams in agonizing pain as he fell on his back while holding onto his now shorten arm trying to stop more of the blood from oozing out. Another sharp blade was coming at Pinkie, but luckily, thanks to her Pinkie Sense and fast reflex she manages to dodge the sneak attack and roll to Joseph’s side.

Bursting out of the ground a strange looking figure stands before the couple as the face begins to crack making it seem the whole body is armor and underneath is none other than Kars. Alive and well like nothing happened as the whole body shatters off.

“I was hoping to get a duet of the agonizing scream, but I suppose a solo will do. And I must say, you sing that beautiful Jojo, I’ve long to hear you sing it!” Kars mocked watching Joseph suffering the loss of his arm.

“But how? The lava should’ve melted through your very body.” Pinkie wondered, who could Kars survived the intense heat of the magma.

“Why, it’s quite simple: I tried to coat myself in armor like a crab or harder, but it wasn’t enough, so I decided created a new kind of armor made entirely of air bubbles and that is how is how I’m standing here today!” Kars explained thus forcing Pinkie and Joseph to see the shocking truth.

The earth may have given life of everyone like Kars, but now Kars’s powers stands above the earth itself for his power seem to show no limits. He is immortal, meaning he can never be killed by any means and never age again. There was nothing left in the world that could stop him.

Joseph and Pinkie decided to try on one last act to fight as if they’re reading each other’s mind, crossing their legs together with swinging them at Kars.

“Cross-Kick Hamon Overdrive”

“Oh, did you say… Hamon Overdrive!” Kars elbowed the incoming attack as he somehow glows brightly. It was a clash for a moment, but Kars won forcing the two away and on top of each other as they scream in pain.

“Jojo, that attack just now…” Pinkie groaned realizing what Kars just did.

“I see you’re quick on thinking, Pinkie. Yes, it was indeed Hamon.” Kars shouted proudly, surprising the two that Kars has been able to use Hamon and more powerful too consider they can feel the spot on their leg is melting.

“Oh yes, I guess you can have this back.” Kars tossed a shiny red-looking gem to Joseph and Pinkie.

“It’s the Red stone of Aisa, one of my father’s loyal servant stole this and thanks to it, I have become the Perfect Being!” Kars bragged.

“…The Red stone…” Joseph panted, remembering something of what the Sage told him about the stone.

“And now, as you two are lovers you both will die together!” Kars declared as he launches a hand charged-hamon at them.

Joseph and Pinkie did nothing for they know full well this is the end for them, accepting their fate and they did all they could, but just when all hope was lost. A miracle happens.

The Red stone of Aisa, the special stone that Kars gave them, have suddenly been brought in front in Joseph and Pinkie’s hands together intercepting Kars’s attack, and when the villain’s hamon attack touch the stone it blasted a powerful energy beam of hamon from behind through the ground. Kars was shock by the sudden action, even the trickster couple had no idea why they did it, that’s when Joseph remembers that the Red stone amplifies Hamon and other heat energy, then the blast made the volcano reach its breaking point and erupts launching the three on a rock flying up towards the sky.

Joseph and Pinkie held on to each other as Kars comment on such a force of being launch by a volcano, but he quickly jumps off spreading his wings to fly his way to safety leaving Joseph and Pinkie on the rock as they’ll die from the fall. But suddenly, Joseph’s served hand came at Kars grabbing him by the neck tightly with its fingers piercing through the flesh.

“Ha, who has the upper hand now!” Pinkie punned.

“Pinkie, I believe he’s about to say something.” Joseph smirked.

“Oh, it is…”

“Did you two plan this too, tell me?” Both performed the Next Line trick.

“How do you always know?” Kars asked, the moment Kars was distracted by the arm and the couples cocky attitude, scalding rocks he didn’t see coming hit him and launch him even higher into the stratosphere.

“Did you two plan this too, tell me?” Kars asked in rage.

“Why are you even asking, we set the trap and you luck right into it!” Joseph claimed.

“Yeah, everything went well like baking!” Pinkie added as they pump their fists high. Trust is, they didn’t plan any of this and glad that a miracle happened.

With the combined force of the launching rocks by the volcano’s eruption reached escape velocity. They knew that nothing on earth can kill the Perfect Being, that’s when Kars realizes he’s being stuck into the vacuum of space like the earth itself is kicking Kars off planet as he curses in rage one last time.

Joseph and Pinkie lay down on the flying rock, relaxing a bit though they knew they could only relax for a short while.

“Pinkie, we have to get back to the others.” Joseph said.

“Don’t worry, I have an emergency glider backpack we can use.” Pinkie mentioned.

“Then let’s hurry up and glide our way back to camp.” Joseph snapped. The couple may have won their battle but there is another they have to get to and fast.

To Be Continue...

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Pinkie and Joseph have won as Kars is no more, you guess what happened to him I’m sure. Now they need to hurry back to Camp Everfree to help their friends in need against Gaia Everfree before it’s too late.

Hope you like the battle with some funny and serious in it.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

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