• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,162 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Embracing New Powers and Discovering the Truth!

Embracing New Powers and Discovering the Truth!

Later at night as everyone is sleeping in their tents, Jotaro couldn’t sleep for some reason and decided to go out for a walk hoping to get some things off his mind; like suddenly him and his brothers discovered their new powers as well as the Mane 7 with their new magic powers, but he feels as though there’s something else going on at this camp.

First there’s Gloriosa acting a little strange, she is trying here best to help the others enjoy their time at camp, but it seems she’s hiding something scared of something that’s going to happen. Especially her behavior when that Filthy Rich guy came by, he wanted something from Gloriosa and she doesn’t to give whatever it is to him.

Second, there’s Timber, Gloriosa’s younger brother, he looks to be a fun guy and be friends with, but there were also moments when he acted mad mostly about the camp. It’s like he didn’t want anything to do with the camp or the activates and seems that he wants the place to be shut down too. Guess he prefers living at some city than his family’s camp. Jotaro also believes that Timber is involve with this Gaea Everfree as the campers have seen sighting of her trails.

Thought came to him when Timber mentioned about the rock quarry is off-limit, maybe there’s something there neither of the siblings want anyone to find and decides on checking it out in the tomorrow.

He snaps out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps, bringing out his phantom warrior for self-defense and hopes that it isn’t too dangerous. He tiptoes his way to the sounds, stop hiding behind a tree waiting to grab whatever or whoever is out here. Once the footsteps were getting closer he jumps out and ready to throw the phantom warrior’s fist, only to stop to see it just Sunset with Twilight and Timber as they jump scare.

“Girls, Timber, what you guys doing out here?” Jotaro asked as the phantom warrior disappear back in him.

“Twilight and I were just doing a little late-night hiking, then we bump into Timber who was getting fire woods.” Sunset explained seeing Timber holding an axe and pulling a wagon full of chop-up woods.

“What are YOU doing?” Timber asked.

“I just have somethings on my mind and I hope to clear my mind a little.” Jotaro answered.

Soon, everyone begins to walk back to camp together as Timber tease about Gaea Everfree scaring us. He pulls Timber back with the girls walking up ahead.

“So, Timber, that Rich guy seem to have want something from Gloriosa. What’s all that about?” Jotaro asked softly so the girls wouldn’t hear the two talking. Timber looked nervous but tries to play it cool.

“Well, those two just had some arguments on business terms, plus I promise her I wouldn’t say anything.” Timber blurted out the last part, he knows something.

“Does this business have anything to do with the camp.” Jotaro asked, Timber felt a little more nervous now.

“You could say that… Hey look, we’re back!” Timber pointed out power-walking away from Jotaro to Twilight as Sunset walk next to him.

“What were you two talking about?” Sunset asked.

“It seems that Gloriosa is hiding something big and Timber seem to be covering for her.” Jotaro answered confusing Sunset.

“Covering Gloriosa, for what?” Sunset confused.

“I’m you’ve notices the sparkling dust that seem to have fallen off from Timber and Gloriosa behavior changing whenever she’s helping the others or about Filthy Rich.” Jotaro mentioned Sunset begins to see where Jotaro is going with this.

“So, if they’re both involved with what’s been happening to the camp, then you think that they want their camp to shut down.” Sunset theorized though Jotaro have other thoughts.

“I don’t think it’s about shutting down the camp, more like Gloriosa is trying to save it.” Jotaro thought out loud.

“I’m not following.” Sunset confused once again.

“We’ll talk about it more tomorrow, right now I think we need some sleep.” Jotaro suggested and suddenly kiss Sunset on the cheeks before walking back to his tent leaving the blushing Sunset like she has just been turned to stone.

Jotaro made it back to his tent as he yawns finally feeling tired, but just as he’s about to enter.

“So, you Jojos have finally unlock your Stand I see.” An evil-gentle voice said.

Jotaro jumps back a bit looking around to see his said that, then his Stand as the voice called it comes out using its enhances vision to see through most of the dark but still couldn’t find the person.

“It won’t matter to my plan, you will all fall by my might!” The voice claimed.

“(Where is he! I can’t find him anywhere, and the voice sounds familiar.)” Jotaro thought.

“Here’s a little warning for you: be EXTRA careful around Gloriosa.” He said then nothing but silent, meaning whoever it is he’s gone.

Jotaro became worry, what did the voice mean to be careful around Gloriosa and his also called his power a Stand meaning he knows what they are. Questions are rattling in his head, but Jotaro decided not to freak out about it and went to sleep. Thinking he’ll talk about this to his brothers in the morning.

Then his eyes crack open of realizing Jotaro had kissed Sunset on the cheeks as his face became red.


“So, this guy told you that Gloriosa is dangerous and these phantom warriors we have are called Stand?” Josuke revalued of what Jotaro have told them as all the brothers listen.

“Something like that, we should keep our guard up just in case.” Jotaro suggested.

“But Gloriosa is such a nice girl, how could she be any dangerous?” Josuke asked worrying that whoever talked to Jotaro could be right.

“We’ll have to keep an eye on her.” Giorno said.

“Speaking of keeping an eye on her, maybe we should help the girls with… themselves.” Joseph pointed out seeing the Mane 7 seven trying to build the new dock. Key word: trying.

“They’re just scared of their new powers, they’ll get over it soon.” Johnny said hoping to be the case, he hates seeing Applejack being scared as she softly pounds in the nails with her hammer.

“Let’s go see if they need help.” Jonathan said as the boys got up to the Mane 7 and Sunset going to them as well.

“Rarity, are you still afraid of your new gift?” Jonathan asked taking his girlfriend’s hand in his.

“Oh, Jonathan darling, I just don’t know how to control it.” Rarity said worrying.

“None of us do.” Fluttershy added being comfort by Giorno.

“Which is why we shouldn’t pretend this isn’t happening.” Sunset stated.

“Do you have them now too?” Rainbow asked.

“It started last night, when I touch it’s like I can feel what they’re feeling and see their memories.” Sunset explained about her new magic power.

“Oh, fancy! Do me, do me!” Pinkie excited taking Sunset’s hand on her forehead as she sees her mind: Pinkie skipping on a path surrounded by weird funny-looking things like being in a bizarre cartoon show.

“That explains so much.” Sunset said weirded out about Pinkie’s mind.

“Girls, we can’t just brush these powers aside because it doesn’t seem like the ideal time to get them. What if it turns out that they could actually make things better?” Sunset asked smiling before like the whole background starts playing some music.

(Music-Embrace the Magic)

So you have magic
And it's not that great
But when it found you
You know it was fate
The five girls have started believing they can use their new powers to make their life better.
And it might seem scary now
But it can be wonderful, too
So how about we embrace the magic
And make the magic part of you?
You take a little dash of magic
And you let it ignite
Mix things up a little bit
And it might start to go right
In just five seconds flat
How the story has changed
All 'cause now you've embraced the magic
Soon, the girls along with the Joestar brothers have started working on building the new dock for the Camp Gift while other campers came to help, though looks like the two groups are doing most of the work.
And it just got better in every way
I say embrace the magic
No more holding back, just let it out
If you can take the magic
And learn a little more what it can do
Once the magic is part of you
What's standing in your way
That you can't move today?
You've got the strength in you
To make your dreams come true
No need to shield yourself
From the magic that can help
Protect from any harm that might come
So you have magic
And it's not that great
But when it found you
You know it was fate
So if you listen close
You might make a new friend
And together we can make it!
I say embrace the magic
No more holding back, just let it out
If you can take the magic
And learn a little more what it can do
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you

(Music End)

And with that, the new dock is finally finish, it’s better than the old one with some lightings and a big sign. Everyone was enjoying it, well, almost everyone.

Jotaro left the scene right after everyone has finish the dock, decided to check out the rock curry because his gut tells him that the answers he seeks maybe there hopefully to know what Gloriosa and Timber are hiding. He finds two huge rocks blocking some sort of cave behind them, thinking that’s the rock curry, as he makes his way to the rocks he thought about giving his Stand a name.
He thought a little hard about it and the idea for the perfect name came to him, he took a deep breath and let out a mighty roar.

“Star Platinum!” Jotaro summoned the new name of his phantom warrior: Star Platinum and it felt great.

“Hmm, giving it, a name did feels good, now to see what secrets lies here.” Jotaro said using Star Platinum to push the rocks apart, but not too far as he slides between them and let the rocks come to each other again.

As Jotaro walks inside the cave, he sees shiny crystals everywhere; from the floors, ceilings, and the walls like you have stumble upon something beautiful that you want to share with everyone, but right now you need to know what exactly is in here that could have the answers of what’s going on at the camp. He walks deeper into the cave until he found a light shining down on a stone holding two geodes, as he went on closer inspection.

“Well, looks like a nosy Jojo couldn’t keep out his nose where it doesn’t belong.” A voice said from behind Jotaro.

Jotaro quickly turns around but a hand suddenly grabs him by the face on the mouth leaving his eyes to see the face of the man who’s here in the cave making a gasps expression while being lifted up high as his feet aren’t touching the ground anymore. Kars reveal himself as he steps into the light. (No puns intended)

To Be Continue…

Author's Note:

KO new chapter is out and hope you all enjoy it!

Jotaro has done his own investigation about the camp and the answer he seek literally caught him by surprise. Something dangerous is going to happen and hope that his brothers and friends will be able to stop it.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

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