Ponyville's Biggest Threat

by MLPkillers

First published

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

An assassin is on the loose, assassinating ponies who he's been hired to. This assassin will stop at nothing to complete his job. Some ponies know his reputation and will hire him. It's not cheap at all to do so. Will the Mane 6 or any other ponies be able to stop him? Or will he quit?

Cover art: Lil_VampireCJ! (Commission!)

Having A Blast With Your Best Friends!

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It was a peaceful day in Ponyville. Ponies were enjoying their hobbies; labor was one of ponies’ hobbies
Some ponies like relaxing and having fun. Fillies played outside with their friends. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were still on a crusade for their cutie marks. The Mane 6 celebrated peace by partying at Twilight’s library. The Party was hosted by the super-duper party pony herself, Pinkie Pie.

“You girls enjoying the party, because I know I am!?”

The party pony said with excitement. Pinkie Pie thought today would be a good one to celebrate the defeat of the tyrant Nightmare Moon. The party pony had brought cupcakes to Twilight’s library. Seeing her friends have smiles and frosting of her scrumptious cupcakes with pink and white frosting on them. Pinkie Pie was excitement; she’s always excited though, even through the threat of Nightmare Moon.

“Um... Heck yeah, Pinkie Pie! You throw parties as much as Spitfire does with Wonder Bolt training.”

Rainbow zoomed through the air, grabbing a cupcake devouring it, savoring the flavor that dances on her taste buds. Pinkie Pie did make them after all. She wasn’t the only one munching on these delicacies, The rest of the group ate some too. They praised Pinkie Pie for the pastries she put out, she was eating one while they praised her. Pinkie Pie wiped the pink and white frosting off her face before joyfully replying.

“Thanks, girls! Made them especially for this occasion!”

The party could be described as hyper-Friday. Pinkie Pie hops around with lots and lots of sugar in her bloodstream; she must’ve put an excessive amount of sugar into the batter. The library’s interior looked like a tornado hit it; books were off bookshelves, scattered around the library’s floor, some ending up in the wrong mark places. Cupcakes were on the floor, accidentally being dropped to the floor. Streamers and party whistles were all over the ground. The group occasionally pick them up, but almost trip in the process.

“This place is going to need a good cleaning after this party!”

Rarity said, almost reducing the hyper-activeness in the library.

“I’ll... Help her clean this mess up!”

Applejack said with confidence. Emotionally encouraging her friends to do the same. They didn’t mind, after all, they were the ones that contribute to the mess.

“I Will too!”

Rainbow Dash said with generosity. The streamers were knocked down due to her being in the air; she enjoys flying around too much.

“We all will!”

The group said cheerfully in unionization. Friends stick together no matter what and they had proven that at the defeat of Nightmare Moon Twilight turned to the table with the cupcakes. She spotted Spike eating the cupcakes put out for him.

“Where do you get the gems from Pinkie Pie?”

Rarity asked, curious about the toppings of the cupcakes.

“Me and my sisters made them, from the rock farm, you like?”

Pinkie Pie devoured her own cupcake. She really did make them tasty.


Pinkie Pie licked the pink frosting off her face, it was sublime. She almost forgot what she was going to say.

“Pretty tasteful right?”

Pinkie Pie took another munch of her cupcakes, before devouring the cupcake whole and grabbing a new one. Rainbow Dash wanted to immediately respond, but she was busy munching on a cupcake herself; she accelerated her chewing speed to get out what she wanted to say.

“The cupcakes are very good Pinkie Pie!!”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash! The toppings are what me and my sisters call rock candies.”

“I wondered why they were a little munchy, that’s to me, is the only negative of these cupcakes.”

Rarity replied, brushing her mane to the side and out of her face. The group decided to bypass some time by playing some of the board games Pinkie Pie brought over; she also thought of some time to play also. The first thing they were going to do is clean up the mess they made before they can play any activates. The girls began to clean up the streamers, but were halted by Twilight; she had a much better idea that would save some time. Didn’t they want to kill time a moment ago? Nopony wants to kill time by cleaning up recks and messes. Twilight cast a clean spell, making the floor look spotless of streamers and cupcakes; the books would require hoofs-on to be straightened; they need to go in their correct label spots; she’ll have Spike do that later. The dragon already began putting the books back, after dusting them off with his hands, and of course, a feather duster.

“Hey Spike, come and join us in these games Pinkie Pie brought over, worry about those books later.”

Spike nodded and made a perfect entrance into the game. It was only a few books and besides, they all are due for dusting and well check for damage. When the games end, the winner of them all ended up being Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie: Truth, it was a tie; the win doesn’t matter, just the fun friendliness. The group said their goodbyes before going back to their activates; Rarity was going to continue making dresses; she already thought of designs for her friends. Maybe if they go to the Grand Galloping Gala, they could wear them? Hopefully, they would want to. Rainbow Dash was going back on weather duty. Applejack doing the same except it’s agriculture. Fluttershy has animals to tend to. Twilight waved her friends goodbye, it’s sad to see your friends leave, but you’ll see them again later. Now it’s time to organize her library, leaving the books to her assistant Spike.

“Pinkie Pie didn’t leave any of her games here, right? She did that last time with the cupcake and shoot, which you didn’t like and I had to throw them out”

Spike looked around the library, find no games. Twilight grabbed a book from the study shelf, opened it, and read it. She wanted to prepare for her magic exams coming up. She went upstairs and laid on her bed, studying the spells from the book, most of them she could already perform with ease. She put the book to the side of the bed, deciding to rest; she encouraged Spike to do the same. Spike agreed and grabbed a book called: “Power Ponies.” He started to read it, after laying down in his bed, he was going to finish the book before he went to sleep. Ponyville was in a time of peace; the time was good and delightful. Sadly, all good things must come to an end and Ponyville will not be an exception. For now, enjoy the peace, while it’s still here to last.

Tracked Down!

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Ponies in Ponyville looked suspiciously at a Unicorn that was walking through their village, wearing a red cape. The pony had: red eyes, mane, and tail; Both his mane and tail were short and a little brushy. He also owns a black coat. The eyes looked narrower than normal. His normal expression made him look like he’s mean.

“Do you know where the Pies are?”

His tone is normally intense and low. Asking for a retail pony. In hope, the retail pony would know and tell him.

“Yeah right at that bakery over there. They sell some good Pies! I might reckon you get some there good sir after buying something from my market first.”

Pointing a hoof southwest at Sugar Cube Corner. The Unicorn followed the hoof with his eyes. He didn’t know if he was telling a joke or being serious?

“No. Not those pies fool!”

The Unicorn startled the Sale’s Pony. Making him consider twice about joking around with this colt and to try to manipulate him.

“What other types of pies are there then?”

The Unicorn recollected himself, gasping in the atmosphere before speaking.

“The ponies!?”

The Unicorn gave the Sale’s Pony a bewildered expression. He was thinking of just hunting the Pies down and completing his job.

“Oh, you mean the Pies on the Rock Farm, Pinkie Pie and her sisters?”

Saying while being insured by the question, that’s what he must be looking for? If not, then he really has a big sugar tooth?

“Yes, now you’re correct. Do you know their whereabouts?”

“Go south from here and you’ll see the Rock Farm over the horizon. The place by its name farms rocks; they most likely have a lot around, so be careful not to trip over at the bumpy farm.

“Thanks. What’s your name?”

The Sale’s Pony patted himself on the chest. Smiling at the colt.

“I’m am a pony of business, Filthy Rich! Yours?”

Filthy Rich asked, wanting to know this colts name.

“I’m Comber.”

Comber took 3 bags of bits out of his magic vault and placed it down on the stand; he noticed a line of ponies behind him waiting to get their market edible items. Filthy rich was shocked, those bags can hold up to 100 at least, why is he giving him that much? Does he plan to buy everything in the market? Nopony needs this much food! Filthy rich planned to open his next market shop on the right side of Sugar Cube Corner; that shop would sell merchandise; such as rocks turned into arts and crafts. Comber knew exactly where the Pies was, has he watch already told him. This was just a test to see how this village mood is, as well if any liars like where he’s from are here as well. They pass the test so now this village gets a reward. this village is easily fooled.

“um, why did you put about 300 bits on the counter? You literally just brought everything!”

Filthy Rich was happy; he didn’t expect another pony to be as wealthy as him. The line of ponies was outrage by Comber’s actions; he just brought all the food at the market; sure they can go over to Sugar Cube Corner and get a tooth ace from all their confectionaries, but they don’t want sweets! That’s why they are at this line attempting to buy farm food, what a jerk.

“You know we wanted some of that farm food too, right!?”

A mare walked up to the counter, passing Comber with dander. Comber turned to the line of Ponies; about to cheer their moods up, he was expecting to see them mad but they were sad and fillies was with them, he smirked. He didn’t buy this food for himself, he usually doesn’t eat food, that’s why he uses spells to feed him the glucose and other vital molecules to living. Food could be poisoned and magic feeding is completely safe if the unicorn knows how to use it safely without causing errors in the spell. Comber doesn’t eat.

“Everypony at this line, cool your mood, I didn’t buy this farm food for myself, I paid it for all of you, Enjoy!”

Comber had to raise his tone for the bickering ponies to hear him. After hearing him, they calmed down and felt guilty of the animosity that accumulated at the generous colt. Comber decided to leave, heading in the direction Filthy Rich said. The ponies tried to greet and show their appreciation to the colt that just brought all the groceries at the store, they all fallowed him and wanting to thank him, where did he get all that bits from? They couldn’t thank him because he teleported away from the farm stand; he wasn’t about to be enclosed by a whole bunch of thankful ponies. This village is definitely more friendly than the town he originated in. That town would beat ponies up for stunts he just pulled; no not the generosity, but the act of hoarding all the good of the market would get you beat up; you wouldn’t have time to explain the reason you bought everything, because you be on the ground, losing it and being beaten. He walked past the final house before spotting the Rock Farm over the horizon, that must be it. The colt saw rocks of all types all over the place: Marble, Basalt, Limestone, etc. One area looked smooth and that would be an idea. The colt passes the ground texture difference; the rock farm was bumpy a little bit, but still mostly dirt. Maybe that area with those rocks is a sign of the family that lives here?


“Is that colt a relative of yours!?”

A colt asked the Rich stallion; receiving a no from the Rich stallion. What type of pony gives out that many bits for others? A generous stupid one indeed. The answer to the question though was a very wealthy one. Ponies took their share of the purchase, they appreciated that stallion for his act of generosity. There were 77 items in this market, and a line of 8; so the shoppers wouldn’t gain animosity against each other, each pony is allowed up to 8 items; it’s not like they were going to purchase that many items in the first place. If more ponies don’t show, maybe he can keep some of the goods and make a profit off the ones that colt thought he would’ve payed for, 5 ponies would show up to buy some farming goods after, making the total 13, but after that, the greedy colt closed the market and made an insane profit from the goods, he was able to trick one of the ponies into buying the goods that had already been paid for; it’s not like he’ll get caught either, he has too much money to count already and it will be hard to tell. He went to his home to put the bags of bits in the vault; he didn’t want to seem suspicious, so he’ll put the bags of bits away; also this will prevent thieves from trying to rob him blind, not like that ever happens on this village. He’ll open the next market directly after he finishes putting the bags of bits away and then he’ll start the other market he had plan.

An Assassin's Job!

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“Well, this must be the place.”

Looking at the Rock Farm with a sinister grin. Comber teleported to the right of the barn. That had to be where the Pie’s was at. He looked at the home. He walked over and gently knocked on the door.

(”If they don’t answer, then they must’ve gone off somewhere?”)

Comber thought although he could use magic to see through the home. Comber used his magic to open the bag concealed underneath his cape. He wanted to be ready just in case of an answer. The door squeaked open.

“Yeah! What you want!?”

The rudeness of the pony is smothering; not like Pinkie Pie at all. How she comes from such a turbulent family?

“Is this the Pies’ residence? I’ve been sent to give you and your sisters a message.”

He knew that was Limestone Pie. He needed the other two to be drawn in; then he might be able to get them outside.

“I’m here to see You, Maud, and Marble. Can I?”

Maud! Marble! There’s a stallion here to consult with us!

Marble and Maud accompanied Limestone at the door. They looked dusty; spring cleaning Comber thought. He made his way to the field; confusing Limestone Pie; didn’t he just want to see her and her sisters?

“Can you mares come over here for a sec? I got tragic news to tell you...”

The assassin said with grief, his expression supporting his mood, this will deceive them.

“Fine, let’s get this done with!”

Limestone bluntly said with boredom in her tone; this better be important.

“Um, doesn’t this seem a little... Fishy?”

Marble’s shy tone took the attention of her sisters. Yeah, this did seem to be... “Fishy,” but, what if this is tragic news? What if something had happened to their mother and father?

Limestone Walked over to Comber’s position. Giving him a nasty look. She turned to her sisters.

“Come on girls!”

Maud and Marble Limestone again accompanied Limestone at her side.

“What’s this about?”

“Were you girls doing spring cleaning?”

“Yes! We were!... Until to showed up!...”

(”What’s with this pony’s attitude?”)

“Ahem! Alright, sorry to get off-topic: “Do you happen to know Pinkamena Dana Pie?”

Comber’s question startled the sisters. Pinkie Pie never told anypony her real name; everypony calls her Pinkie Pie; besides their mother and father; who do call her by that... Name, unless her name got around from them, which they doubt since nopony ironically in Ponyville would know who that is.

“How do you know that name!?”

Limestone spoke with Eerie in her tone.

“Pinkie Pie never told ponies her real name!!”

“Well, you see the terrible news is...”

Grabbing a knife out of his bag with his magic. Limestone saw the blade shine. She tried to react, but the delay was too much; her reaction time was too little. Comber stabbed the knife into Limestone’s jawbone. It penetrated the front lobe of the brain. The other sisters startled back; Marble falling on her rear end. She looked at the gruesome sight. Tears formed in her eyes. She just lost her sister.

“Marble!! Run! It’s a trap! You Were Right!”

Marble was stunned with horror, nearly paralyzed to move. Maud sprinted over to Marble; forcing her up. Marble regained her senses, she started to sprint along with her older sister. They both attempted to escape Comber’s clutches.

(”Runners are all the same”)

Comber thought to himself. Grabbing Maud by her back hoofs with his magic. Tossing her over by him. Marble stopped and turned to her oldest sister. She looked like a fallen bird. Comber stood over her. Maud swiftly got up and attacked the assassin; he dodged the attack, keeping that pace. Maud was thinking about Limestone Pie. This was her chance to take revenge and make him pay for what he just did. Comber yanked his knife from Limestone’s jaw with magic; the mandible looked like it was only being held on by the skin. The knife hovered over to Comber; he grasped it while dodging. He teleported away; Maud punched the air very hard instead.

“You should just let this be over, it’s inevitable.”

Comber told Maud with boredom in his tone.

“Marble! Run!”

Comber Teleported and stabbed Maud in the chest; the knife penetrating the right side of the heart. She will die in a minute; that being the latest.


Her tone sounded weak, it was a submission in Comber’s eyes. He saw her eyes turn pale before punching her in the neck; slicing the knife upwards, then out of the neck.

Marble started to weep, watching her two beloved sisters die. She remembered what Maud told her to do. She started to run as fast as she could to Ponyville, She thought she could get help, and make this colt pay. Marble Pue underestimates this assassin. Comber noticed Marble Pie run, letting her run out into an open field, in the middle of nowhere. He cleaned his knife and put it back in his bag before Walking over to Limestone’s body. Comber put a hoof on Limestone’s chest, feeling for a heartbeat, not feeling a heartbeat, he then started walking over to Maud, seeing her breath.

“You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you”

“Yes-to resist you, and-and stay alive!”

Maud said in pain, trying her best to stay alive; even though it was not going to change the outcome.

“Do you know how many jobs I’ve received?”

The assassin asked, feeling a tiny bit of sorrow for his target.

“N-no. Why...?”

Maud asked before spitting out blood. She wasn’t going to die suffocating on her own blood.

“Why what?”

Comber asked in confusion; he had an idea what she was going to ask.

“Have you... Been hired to... Kill us?”

“The reason wasn’t given. Most likely due to your family’s rudeness, but you seem to be normally the calm one.”

Maud took this as an insult. He invited us to our deathbed early basically and he says the reason he’d been hired is because of their attitude? He’s ruder than they are.

“Aren’t, you the one who’s... Killing us... Aren’t you ruder?”

Maud attempted to say in a sarcastic tone but failed to sound sarcastic.

“I’m serious.”

The tone in his voice confirmed he was serious. Maud closed her eyes in defeat. She succumbed to her wound. She joined Limestone. Comber gave her a straight face with a tiny bit of sorrow.


(”Did I... Escaped...?”)

Marble Pie Looked behind her, then turned back around, bumping into Comber’s chest. Looking up with eyes full of tears. Her answer was not what she liked.

“Aw, what’s the sad look for?”

Comber softens his voice. Giving her a cunning stare.

“AHH! You killed my sisters!”

Walking backward from Comber. She was terrified of this Assassin; at the same time, the fire scorched high, and her rage burned in her.

“So runner, are we doing this the hard way or the easy way?”

Comber bluntly asked with confidence. Marble was thinking about her sister’s death more, filling her with rage. She remembered the time when they all joined Pinkie in Ponyville; it was fun. Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she remembered them laughing because of Pinkie Pie after making the rock candies with her and the rest of her sisters. The assassin, this assassin took it all away. She would never see her sisters again. All this was frustrating, but most of all... Anger! Marble attacked the assassin, connected a punch to Comber’s jaw, bombarding him with consecutive Punches; Shocking the assassin; Marble started gasping for air.

“You shouldn’t have done that to my sisters!!!...”

Charging the assassin with fury. Comber disappeared behind Marble, swiping her hind legs, causing her to fall on her face. Marble tried to get up but was slammed back down by her head, giving her a concussion.

“This was fun and all...”

Casting a heal spell. Eliminating all hope for Marble Pie. Marble started to cry.

“Why, sob! Why are you doing this!?”

Marble asked with complete despair.


Comber’s tone was again cunning. He lifted her by the front of her mane.

“Let me put this in a way You comprehend.”

Connecting a shocking hoof punch to her nose, causing it to bleed.

“Somepony didn’t like you.”

Grabbing the knife he used to kill her sisters with; it will do the same to her.

“Any last words... Marble Pie?”


Comber stabbed the knife into Marble’s chest, pulling the blade down to her torso. Pulling the knife out, then pushing her over with a devious smile.

(”Well, my work here is done.”)

Comber finished his job, he was a tiny bit regretful as he he was satisfied. This wasn't fun at all for him. A job is a job.

(”Who’s next?”)

Grabbing a watch out of the bag; putting it on and activating it; Comber looked at the pony with surprise. Somepony wanted her dead? The Pony was a yellow Pegasus with pink and a pink Mane corresponding to her tail. Comber looked at her cutie mark and saw 3 pink butterflies. Comber knew who that was. He laughed with disbelief.

(”I don’t know why anypony would want to kill her this badly; a job’s a job though; no more Elements of Harmony I guess.”)

Comber Teleported to his next target location, still wondering why somepony would want that pegasus dead. Been awhile since he knew a very kind pegasus.

A Devastating Discovery! Run For Help!

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Twilight was falling asleep, remembering the events of the party, the funny events that happened. Rainbow Dash Accidentally getting pied in the face by a pink frosting cupcake; close game moments, especially when they were jinxed:

(”You’re not going to get a 6...”)

Rainbow Dash said with confidence. Pinkie Pie needed a six to win the board game. There’s no way she could get a six; Rainbow Dash wasn’t the only one to think that; she also wasn’t the only one to be shocked When Pinkie rolled a number 6.


(”That was...”)

She yawned. The fatigue setting in.

(”Fun... Funny...”)

Everypony needs a friend. Twilight fell asleep with a smile on her face; that party was fun, she enjoyed very much.


Cloudy came back to the Rock Farm, carrying some bags from the store. She was accompanied by Igneous, who was also carrying bags.

“Hey Ingenious, didn’t the girls shut the door before we left?”

Giving her husband a confused look. Why was the door open? Did they decide to go do some yard work? Maybe plant a little grass here and nearby the residence?

(”If they did, I’ll get wildflowers seeds.”)

A smile formed on her face. She really missed the grass and beauty of the flowers that used to sprout here.

“Yeah! Go get them to help with the groceries!”

Cloudy went into the house calling her 3 daughters’ name’s, receiving no response. Cloudy began exploring the house, room by room, before walking back downstairs and out the front door. This is starting to become irregular, they don’t go that far from the house unless they went to Sugar Cube Corner; party with Pinkie Pie like when she lived here, and that was very rare. That couldn’t be it though; no note or anything like the time they did go there and make rock candies.


His voice becoming agitated; these groceries were heavy on his back; he put them down on the ground; they need to help now.

“They aren’t in the house!”

Her heart sank with fear; her breathing becoming more heavy and frantic. It was a mother’s nightmare to behold the sight she saw. It was Limestone’s body on the ground, in a blood pool.

“IGN-IGNEOUS! Look behind you!”

She said in horror, stumbling back. She fell on her bottom. Her mouth quivering. This couldn’t be happing, no way it can be! She terrified.


Igneous turned to where his wife was looking, spotting what she saw; His cool almost broke. He knows he must remain cool and dominant in this situation. Cloudy rushed over to her daughter’s corpse, noticing a hole in her jaw. Cloudy started to sob; what monster could do this!?


“We have to go to the police station!”

Cloudy got up, taking a minute to gasp some oxygen in, before looking around and noticing Maud’s body.

“Ingenious... Look far... Behind you...”

She said almost feeling light-headed. He didn’t want to look behind him; he did and his expression turned from calm to a little frantic when he saw Maud Pie.

“Come on Cloudy.”

Igneous said a little frantically. He lent a hoof to his wife, assisting her up.

“You need a moment?”

Igneous asked, already assuming she would need a minute, he did have tears in his eyes, he was a rough colt to hang around with but not a monster, he loved his daughters and this broke him from the inside.

“If we allowing this evildoer to have more freedom, no!”

Her voice turning into rage and vengeance. Ingenious was startled by his wife for a second. He ran after her, accompanying her.

“Please cool down before we enter the Police Station, otherwise, we could become suspects.”

How could they become suspects of this massacre? They were their daughters; what type of heinous parents would do that to their own children?

“Why would we kill our daughters!? Aren’t you upset!?”

Cloudy’s voice was flustered; she couldn’t believe Igneous would think that!? Igneous turned to Cloudy with a concerned expression, with a sorrowful look, he couldn’t hide his emotions anymore. Cloudy needs to cool her justice attitude, although it would be nice to see her used against the perpetrator of the crime, it wouldn’t benefit them at the station.

“Please, calm down. I want to serve justice to the pony responsible for this, we are in the process of doing this, just... Calm down.”

Cloudy stopped for a minute; Ingenious did the same, a little distance ahead of Cloudy. Cloudy took a deep breath in and out. She sprinted past Igneous; he caught up, almost tripping on a rock. He accompanied her again.

“Cooled off now?”

Igneous said with sorrow and regret in his voice; he could tell she calmed down, not by the deep breath intake, but by the look on her face; the look resembled desperation, she definitely wanted the killer to pay for this, as so did he, if he ever gets his hooves on the killer, he going to break all his bones in his body, he won’t kill him, but make him suffer to wish he was dead. There’s never a reason to kill, especially their own daughters.

“Yeah... I could tell you’re upset too, I’m sorry I was yelling at you.”

Cloudy said in a calming manner; she wanted to still explode with rage, no more sorrow, her mane had become a mess thanks to this ordeal, but she not the type to care 100% percent about her mane style. Igneous smiled at his wife, he can’t blame her, last time she exploded with rage was when she was young. The pair were rushing their way to Ponyville, ready to reach contact authorities. The evildoer must pay, repeating in their mind. They forgot about Marble Pie; they assumed she was killed even farther away, she probably tried to run away, maybe she did and she’s still alive? They would talk it over with the police, as well as each other. The couple passes the sign to Ponyville, debating if they should tell Pinkie Pie themselves or have the authorities do it. These thoughts occurred when they passed Sugar Cube Corner; the homes of the Cakes and their youngest daughter. What if they went for next? What if he or she already got her next? If the killer is still out, it’s possible. They hoped these thoughts were just anxiety. They saw the station, running to it at top speed, the ponies watched as they burst their way to their destination. Why the rush? They passed the stand Filthy Rich closed after receiving Comber’s generosity and after all the customers depleted. Cloudy didn’t care if the ponies thought she and her husband were crazy or mad; the quicker they get this information to the authorities, the better chance the perpetrator would get caught and hopefully get the same sentence he/she gave their daughters, sadly Equestria has no death penalty, for this equation it would fit in very well. The pair passed a group, making them lose their balance; they wondered why the pair was in a rush? They forgave them since they are new to this town, their expression changed when they have seen where they were heading, it was the police station! What type of crime could’ve happened? The group hoped they would never find out and returned to their activity, who knows, there may not even be a crime committed.
The ponies they will play some sports game next. Cloudy and Ingenious was only hoof steps from the station, they thought what what to say to the police when they got there, they definitely didn’t wan to barge in and announce their daughters was murdered. They already knew what to say, all they needed to think about is how they would say it. Cloudy and Igneous continued to travel to their destination, ready to give the information over to the police so this killer will pay.

A Call For Help! Suspicion!

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Cloudy and Igneous bust through the front doors of the police station; having reporters and executive eyes now at their attention. They looked like they were out of breath or... Wronged very badly? The pair walked up to the counter; gasping for air.


Cloudy collapsed on the ground unconscious. The deputies accompany Ingenious; suspecting him of committing a crime. He was a little distance behind her. He’s could’ve harmed her and tried to prevent her from reaching them?

“What’s the issue?”

One of the deputies asked with an accusing, low tone.

“Our daughters, that lived on the Rock farm, were massacre!”

His voice and words went through everypony’s ears. The deputies placed him in handcuffs; detaining him. They thought that statement was a cover-up.

“What are you doing!”

Why have they detained him? Are they mad? Or maybe... They had something to do with the crime and knew he would come here to report it.

(”Keeping the offense a secret are they!?”)

Cloudy got up from the ground, feeling weak, confused about why her husband is put in custody. She was angry that they suspected him of a crime.

“What are you doing!?”

Cloudy said with fury; how dare they accuse her husband of a crime? He was coming to report one!

“Mam... Why did you fall unconscious?”

One brown-coated deputy said with curiosity; she only showed mental exhausting; The gray mare was out of stamina.

“What did I just say to you!? Our daughters were killed on the Rock Farm! I get you deputies suspect me of a crime, but right now, you got the wrong pony in custody.”

“You have the right to remain silent you know?”

The deputy walked over to Cloudy asking if she is his wife and if what he said about a massacre on a Rock Farm is true.

“Are you his wife mam?”

Cloudy didn’t like the way her husband was treated, she wanted to place them in the same ordeal and repeat what they did to Igneous. She calmly, but loudly replied.


They released Igneous; he made his way to the desk. He was angry for being detained, but he’s angrier about the perpetrator of the crime that involves his daughters being slaughtered.

“Cloudy you talk, these deputies are-!”

Igneous insult was thrown to the curve as he was cut off. Cloudy accompanied her husband, who still couldn’t get over them placing him in custody; if they would’ve tried to put the massacre on him, they will-!

“I heard you about the massacre on the Rock farm.”

The chief of police said with confidence; he already sent a duo to check it out; a police officer and a detective. This village hasn’t seen a murder since 50 years ago; before he became chief; he might look a little old but he’s only 48 years old, he wasn’t born yet.

“Yes. That’s right!”

Cloudy said utterly. She still couldn’t get over her daughters being slaughtered; the reason she would like to know, there is never a reason for murder so whatever the reason was inexcusable.

“We send a deputy with one of the best detectives to investigate the crime scene. How many daughters were on the Rock Farm?”

The chief asked; labeling this information as vital. If there’s a murderer; the murderer will be found to keep this village safe, and of course be brought to justice.

“3 sirs. I’m... Not sure if the third one is dead?”

Igneous voice became formal. He finally forgave them for detaining him; he assumed it was because Cloudy was a small distance behind him and she was running and screaming in panic. They looked out for his wife and are now willing to help bring the hammer of justice down on the killer who killed his daughters.

“We haven’t spotted our daughter, Marble Pie. We assume she must’ve been-!”

He was interrupted by his wife. She didn’t want to hear about Marble’s possible death.

“Don’t say that Igneous!”

Cloudy emotionally spoke out loud; her voice going in everyponys’ ears ahain. She hoped for him to think of the positive for Marble Pie; maybe she escaped or she went off somewhere? Think positive, not negative.

“Alright, alright.”

Igneous said not wanting to set Cloudy off. Igneous wanted to cool her down; he doesn’t want her to have a panic attack like earlier; that would be bad for her health and waste time.

“What were you saying?”

The Sargent gave them a shallow look. He felt sorrow and compassion for them, but when you are an authority; you’ll get lied to too much, so this can all be a fairy tail.

“There were 3 their sir. 2 not far from the house. The other one...”

Cloudy gave Igneous a flustered expression, indicating him to stop while he still can. He needs to think positive that she’s alive and not what the worst is; Igneous feels responsible for not being there, but he going to trust his gut; the killer wasn’t going to let one go so she could identify him.

“Well... We don’t know?”

Igneous nervously said. He didn’t want Cloudy to have another panic attack here. That wouldn’t be good for nopony; it wouldn’t help any either find the killer.

“Was she there with them?”

The chef already guesses the answer correctly from what he already heard, just wanted to make sure he attained important evidence as most accurately. If not you’re left to inference.


Igneous said with a normal tone. This drove his and Cloudy fear that Marbel Pie was dead.

“The deputy will search around for the third one.”

The chef said with a professional tone. He was optimistic about his deputies and detectives. He feels certain they could find Marble Pie if she’s alive, and make the killer face justice.

“Thanks, sir.”

He felt relief pass over him; knowing they will most likely find the pony responsible. That’s what he and Cloudy hoped for at least. The Sargent walkie-talkie started to speak.

“22-66. 2 bodies have been confirmed. Maud Pie and Limestone Pie.”

The Sargent reached for his walkie-talkie. Pressing the button so he could talk into it. He needs them to search for the third one.

“12-15. Check for the third one. Marble Pie’s her name.”

The chef ordered. If they find Marbel Pie dead, then this could indicate this is more than a serial killer?

“I’ll check, over.”

The detective replied sassily to the chef. He knows what he’s doing.

“May we go back and help him look for Marble Pie?”

The chef almost put his talkie down. He put it to his mouth, pressed the button that was red and allowed him to speak I to it, and spoke again.

“I’m sending the reporters back to the scene so They’ll assist you.”

The chef told the detective that they are the parents of these ponies, they could provide useful information for this case? They don’t seem to be suspects of the crime scene. They aren’t suspects at all in his eyes. The chef believes the detective and deputy would also agree.


The detective sassily replied to the chef again; if he didn’t solve almost all the cases hoof over to him, then he wouldn’t be the detective most counted on.

“Are you ready to go dear?”

His voice charming her, asking with still a little regret in his tone. He wanted her to feel better and secure.


Cloudy said with fatigue; her mentality finally getting better, the death of her daughters are a burden no parent should ever suffer, not even the killer although he probably doesn’t have fillies, cause he ain’t nice or good, he’s pure evil. Cloudy and Igneous both made their way back to the Rock farm; they wanted to help the deputy and detective in anyway they can. The killer must be brought to justice.

Discovery Involving The Crime!

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The Deputy that was mention was Investigating the crime scene, he had already bagged up Limestone’s and Maud’s corpses with magic; they needed to be investigated thoroughly. He was accompanied by a detective, who’s a brown coat Unicorn. His mane and tail were short, smooth, and not brushy.

“Why do you think anypony would do this detective?”

He turned his head to the detective, curious about the answer he’s about to hear. The detective’s voice is narrow and a little low toned.

”I do believe it would be for bits. If you remember everything you heard on your walkie-talkie, you would have heard they were still in the house behind us; this means they were lured outside by somepony or something?”

The detective was no dummy. He has been in college for about 10 years now; still takes other classes that are irrelevant to his job the deputy keep telling him. Not all his classes are irrelevant to his job?

“Well... If you remember the injuries we recorded, a knife was used. I don’t think somepony would kill themselves by puncturing a knife as big as it looks, into their bottom jaw. Also, where’s the knife? Surely if it was suicide it would be at least next to them? There’s lots of evidence to support this was a homicide Also, it seems unlikely for multiple individuals to kill themselves when they were bonding, the same knife was used and if we go along with a weapon is a killer’s best friend then surely they take it with them, but to me it seems he wants to be caught because he left the bodies in a open field, we might be dealing with a killer that wants attention? The killer also seemed to use the knife on Limestone Pie first since she only had one stab on her, with tear of her skin from the knife. Maud on the other hand had bruises on her which means she fought back against the killer. She was second to die.”

He moved his head left and right, searching for the weapon the killer may have left, which since this was an open feild he would not fail to see it, there’s not knife left around, which means he still has it.

(”Why do I get put with a smart-!)”

The deputy thought to himself, annoyed by the detective. The Pie couples arrived on the scene, they were tired from all the running they have done today. They know it’s not going to end yet, they’re being doing a lot of running around today.

“Wonderful, you’ve made it just in time.”

The detective said. Pulling out a notepad and a pen, bitting the cap off with his teeth. He was going to take note of every little detail.

“I need you to tell me everything that happened this morning, I know you just lost love ones, but to make this killer pay and bring the hammer of justice down upon them, I need all the knowledge I can.”

The detective said, bossing the couple; they had to deal with an incident at the station, and now this?

“I’ll explain, but please, stop talking like that.”

The detective was a little puzzled to hear victims tell him to stop talking “like that.” He was trying to help them. Whatever... Duty calls.

“Alright I’m going to relapse on what happened today, you ready?”


He moved his hoof out towards them and pointed it vertically up. The detective grabbed his pen and pulled the cap off with his teeth again, he keeps putting the cap back on, it’s a habit for him, since pens lose their ink after exposure to the air for awhile.


The deputy fell asleep after the first five minutes; most of the information was pointless details. He should’ve still listened to the details. The detective saw the deputy napping and tossed his pen cap at him; hitting him in the forehead. He was shocked and angered. He brushed it off and Searches for the third body they thought had been around here for a while, decaying, but that would take a very long time.


“Thanks for the splendid information! I’m sure my co-workers will find this despicable Assassin!”

He said with an excited smile. The deputy arrived back with another body-shaped bag levitating in the air by magic.

“When did you-!”

The detective was cut off by his partner. He got bored and decided to scope around the area.

“When you were obtaining useful information.”

The deputy said with sarcasm before making a hearty laughed. The deputy Walked past the couple and facing Ponyville. Cloudy Started to uncontrollably weep; she’d known who was in that bag. Why would anypony want here dead? She was too shy and nice to be wanted dead. Igneous accompanied his sobbing wife. The deputy turned and walked in their direction, the detective had to think hardly what he was going to tell them.

“It’s not your fault or his; you’ve done something to prevent it if you could’ve.”

He said in a calming compassionate tone. He felt sympathy, but he knows he has to keep cool at work. He was trained throughout life to be resilient and to stay professional no matter the circumstances.

“Yes! Yes! It is! We shouldn’t have gone to the store!”

She turned her head up to Igneous; eyes full of tears. If there was a dam in holding her tears, it was broken and it burst, allowing all the tears she has to flow down her cheek.

“Maybe if we waited a little sooner-!”

The detective advanced his way to the couple, standing aside from the deputy.

“I do believe it’s an assassin who committed this massacre; I still think even with you two by their side, with magic, especially since he teleported to Marble Pie unless he super fast, he would have got them sooner or later. It grieves me to say this to your couple. I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to find this so call assassin and he’ll pay for his transgressions.”

Cloudy and Igneous was a little annoyed and angered that the deputy said they couldn’t make a deference in their daughters’ deaths. The detective had a sorrowful expression on his face, he looked as if he was going to cry. He turned his attention to Ponyville’s sight.

“Please don’t take justice into your own hoofs, depart that to us authorities. I would suggest some good rest for your mental state. It’s pointless to accuse an innocent pony and take justice upon them.”

The couple thought of obtaining justice against the perpetrator, thanks to the deputy’s words, that idea was brushed away. Good rest did sound nice after all. The deputy turned parallel to the detective. Staring at the direction Ponyville’s police station was in.

“I need to have the coroner perform the autopsy, let’s go deputy.”

The detective said with a bossy tone. The detective started running to Ponyville’s police station. The deputy turned to the couple, planning to give them an apology.

“My partner can’t cope with emotion, sorry if he offended you with his smart attitude.”

Cloudy was back on four hoofs. She felt better. She only wishes the circumstances were the same.

“No, it’s alright.”

Igneous said friendly. They treated his family well. Igneous had high hopes they would find and arrest the perpetrator of the crime.

“I’ll be off now, stay safe!”

With a quick turn; he ran after the detective; he’ll meet up with him at the police station. The body bags levitating at the equivalent speed. The couple opened the door to the house and walked in; making sure to grab the groceries bags by the door they left. They put them away in their environments so their stayed good and safe, the milk was the only grocery needed to go into the fridge, as they were doing this, a thought passes both of their subconscious, Pinkamena’s safety.

“Wait! Do you think they would the killer would be hired to kill Pinkie Pie next if it’s an assassin?”

Cloudy said with concern and anxiety in her voice. What if the killer is after the whole Pie family? What if he’s stalking them right now!? These thoughts gave Cloudy shivers.

“I hope not. I think she’ll be safe in Ponyville for now. I’d say we should go check on her after a brief rest, for my age, I’m not sure if I can take much more stress.”

Cloudy wanted to check on her one remaining daughter, but she’d known she’d succumb come to her mental and physical fatigue. She accepts the offer to rest.

“I agree.”

Cloudy said, letting a yawn out. The couple would take some rest on their beds; after eating their first meals of today, they needed to eat but it wasn’t big as it was a snack. This day could’ve been way better? Only if they stayed home and didn’t go shopping for later, thier daughters’ might still be alive? They could’t keep thinking and worrying about it, they were moreover exhausted, both physically and mentally to start theorizing about saving their daughters’ lives if they stayed here with them. For now, they will rest, and after, check up on Pinkamena Diana Pie, they hopes she stays safe.

Finding The Element Of Kindness! Fair Well to Kindness!

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Comber went back to Ponyville in search of Fluttershy. He didn’t know where she lived off the top of his head, most ponies don’t unless you’re her friend or deliver mail. He rummaged through Ponyville, not finding his job. This was a little irksome, but he will find her; he never let a job go, he decided to give up looking for her and checked his watch, seeing the location was the Everfree Forest.

(”Well she does like animals, so that make sense, the Everfree Forest for a shy pony? That’s werid.”

He wandered around, thinking about Fluttershy’s whereabouts in the Everfree Forest,

“(the watch said she was on the outskirts of-!”)

The Unicorn bumped into a blue Pegasus with purple eyes, a rainbow mane, and a tail. He wasn’t paying attention to where he was wondering; this will become his fortune.

“Ouch, huh? Oh, my bad...”

Comber looked at her, recognizing that she was the representative of the element of loyalty it was Rainbow Dash.

“No, I should be watching where I’m going, my apologies.”

The stallion said with regret in his voice. Rainbow Dash Looked at the Unicorn with confusion. She was wondering why he was walking around through Ponyville? She thought he was looking for somepony; that what it appeared like.

“Are you lost? Are you Looking for somepony? You don’t seem to be from around here last time I remeber.”

A remembrance popped into his head. Fluttershy lived in a cabin; how else would she help so... Many animals? He’ll ask this pegasus where she is to see the honesty of Loyalty.

“Are you okay...?”

Asking in a pleasant tone. She started to levitate off the ground, using her wings. Rainbow Dash was concerned; he looked like he was staring into space, what was he worried about

“Huh, oh yes I’m okay, just looking for somepony.”

Rainbow Dash was right. She wanted to brag, but, she could tell this Unicorn meant business.

“What pony are you looking for?”

She asked in a caring tone .

“The one who representatives kindness. Fluttershy. I heard she was really good at taking and babysitting animals.”

His voice remained normal: dull and serious.

“Fluttershy? She lives on the edge of the Everfree Forest, the outskirts of Ponyville.” You have a pet for her to take care of?”

She told him asked, believing that’s the only reason somepony would want to see Fluttershy. She thought there’s no malicious in ponyville since the defeat of Nightmare Moon. How wrong she was.

“Yes, I left him at home, don’t want to make the poor thing walk too much. Do you know what direction?”

His face expresses concerned, he really looked like he wanted to help his “pet.” Rainbow Dash landed on the ground. Flying over him and pointing to the Everfree forest.

“Fluttershy lives at the edge of the Everfree Forest and on the outskirts of Ponyville like I said before. Do you want me to escort you there?”

Rainbow Dash thought he was day dreaming dream through her telling him Fluttershy’s location. She really wanted to help this pony; her compassionate tone supported that. The Unicorn took a breath in, before talking.

“No thanks, I travel alone.”

The Unicorn said with gratitude. He doesn’t want nopony to accompany him for obvious reasons

“Do you live in Ponyville or...?”

Rainbow Dash asked, earning a quick response.

“No. Just came here to see what it’s like; also to help my pet.”

He laughed inside. He Knew his (pet) would make him look less suspicious. He gave her a grateful expression, before redirecting himself to the town he grew up in. That town wasn’t pleasant or nice with each other.

“Thanks... Um...?”

Comber’s voice trailed; confusion taking place.

“Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash said; she couldn’t believe he didn’t know her name. How does he know Fluttershy’s?

“Yes. Rainbow Dash. Thank you.”

Comber’s tone was grateful and glad. He knew Rainbow Dash’s name, but it seems him knowing Fluttershy and the Elements of Harmony was suspicious enough, he didn’t want suspicion yet.

“Don’t mention it... Always happy to help.”

Rainbow Dash said satisfied; it feels nice to help a pony out. Maybe that’s why Fluttershy takes care of so... Many pets? The Unicorn teleported to the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash continued to travel to her location. Satisfied for helping out a pony and his pet. Rainbow Dash flew up to the sky, finishing her weather tasks.


Comber appeared in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Those rumor about this forest being “ever-free is a lie. The assassin saw more horrific sights than this forest: Such as the job he used to work at when he was young, but that was a way longtime ago. How is it the place smelled less disgusting than then his used to be job? Maybe because corpses aren’t kept in containers, left to rot. The assassin search for Fluttershy’s location, not finding it through all the gloomy trees and branches. He must’ve forgotten about a certain spell that could-! The assassin’s horn illuminated red. The Light flashes through the darkness, scattering animals and attracting some animals. The assassin found Fluttershy’s cabin, the feeling of treasure. He knew he was in the right place but this place is very dark, and filled with trees that would make fillies run for their lives. Comber refocuses his concentration on the onslaught of steps that was heading towards him. He knew by the sound it was timberwolves, he knew their sounds. He turned around, only to see them leap out of the bushes; forming a pack together. The growls would normally cause anypony to retreat or run; Comber on the other hoof narrowly gazed at them. The pack all together charged the assassin. Comber shut his sight off them, remembering The location of Fluttershy’s cabin.

(”I really don’t care for this.”)

The timberwolves leaped at the assassin, only to hit the ground again; they turned to see only the colt gone. Comber appeared at the bottom of the slope at Fluttershy’s cabin, deactivating his spell. He Staring up at the cabin. The place reminded him of his sister. Their canins look identical. He made his way up the slope, prepared for his job. He had his bag opened and concealed, he knocked on the door softly; aware of Fluttershy’s habit of fear and anger. Fluttershy was napping. She feed and cared for her animals; making sure they’re all back in their rightful habitats. Anypony knew she would be tired after taking care of so many animals. She awoke from her slumber, turning to see angle still napping. She got up and answered the door. She saw a unicorn in a red cape, eyes, mane, and tail. She couldn’t see the black coat.

“Are you Fluttershy?”

His voice narrowed as usual. He already knew who she was. Just small talk and playing around.

“Yes, I’m Fluttershy, why’d you ask?”

Fluttershy yawned, patting a hoof over her mouth. Fluttershy thought he was here to drop off a pet for sitting or find one that’s just right. After all... She helped other ponies find their destined pets.

“I heard you Pet sit, so I wanted to know if you would pet sit my beloved pet?”

Fluttershy smiled at him. She’s always ready to take care of animals. No fee is necessary. That doesn’t mean abandon the pet here though, as some did already, they seemed like they were from a gloomy town.

“What type of pet do you have?”

Searching around for the pet, looking behind him and to his sides. Wondering if he was under the cape or directly behind him. Comber wanted to laugh. She was gullible to believe a pony’s word at front. Pegasus’s do grow up in Cloudsdale, he thought, so their minds are cloudy.

“Where’s is your pet? What’s its name?”

She stared at him with a wide smile. She was curious. What type of pet could this pony own? She Expected a gloomy name. Usually, pets are named after their owner’s view of emotions and life. Angle awoke to see Fluttershy talking with a Unicorn. Angle didn’t like the vibe the Unicorn illuminates. He snuck his way to the left side of the door. He worried if this Unicorn would attack, he could protect, better yet, save Fluttershy. Comber smirked at Fluttershy’s remark. She must’ve been naive to fall for a trap like this. Comber grabbed the knife out of his bag with magic, planning to grip it tightly with his hoof. Fluttershy couldn’t see the bag open, neither could Angle, they couldn’t hear it either.

“The pet’s name is... Handle. He’s in my bag. He can be a hand-full sometimes, so I keep him in my bag.”

Comber laughed. Fluttershy didn’t think it was right for a pet to be put in a bag, but it’s better than him wandering off and getting lost. The assassin’s expression changed from laughed to the profession he owned. He swiftly tossed the bag in mid-air and grabbed the knife as planned. Angle was prepared for this and attacked the Unicorn by bitting his rear left hoof. Comber felt the teeth piercing into his flesh. He must’ve forgotten about Fluttershy’s favorite pet. Comber punted the bunny at the left side of the cabin, knocking him unconscious; he slid down the exterior wall, Fluttershy watched with fear, hoping Angle isn’t harmed. She rushed to the bunny, grabbing him and slamming the door in alarm. Comber deviously smirk. Why didn’t she try flying away for help? He wondered. Doesn’t matter anyway, he felt self-confident he’d still complete his job. Fluttershy was feeling for broken or fractured bones in Angle. Feeling none. She turned to the door, spotting it’s still shut.

“You’re done caring for your bunny? Because he shouldn’t have bit me?”

A voice said behind her. Fluttershy put Angle in his bed, snuggling him up with the blanket, turning her attention to Comber. She was angry he’d lied to her. She was fuming that her bunny defended her and got injured. Comber still Held his knife, he put it back in his bag. He wanted to see how the element of Kindness fights.

“I usually let the animals be when I’m working... But your bunny attacked, so did I.”

Comber moved into the living room, smiling. Narrowly starring at his job. Fluttershy really didn’t like how he talked about animals, she tried to keep her cool. Comber wanted her to lose her cool, thinking if she attacks, it would make the job more fun. He thought of ways to provoke her.

“I don’t know why anypony wants you dead? They could do it themselves. The job pays and I guess bunny soup pays as well.”

He stared at Angle, falsely looking ravenous. Fluttershy processed his sentence and question. She didn’t want to leave Angle here... If he’s here to kill her, she knew Angle would follow her. Her anger exploded; his view of animals made her sick and angry. Comber threw his cape on the couch. He knew he had done it. She charged at Comber, attacking him ferociously. Comber blocked and dodge her attacks, he occasionally mocked her by repeating “bunny soup.” Comber also paid attention to his surroundings, making sure not to bump into something. Fluttershy felt herself running out of stamina, She punched him in the chest. The assassin flew up against the wall, knocking items off the shelves. Comber felt a bruised on his side. He saw Fluttershy catching her breath. He cast a blinding light, blinding Fluttershy. She covered her eyes with her hoofs. Comber teleported behind Fluttershy, staring in the kitchen to avoid the light. He grabbed his knife. He used his sense of touch to yank the rug from under the blinded Fluttershy. She fell face down. She knew where the attacker was. The bright light faded and Comber turned to her, making his way to her, stopping at the left side of Fluttershy’s face. He looked down in pity.

“Why would anypony want you dead-!?”

Fluttershy attempted to punch Comber in the face, only to have her hoof caught by the assassin; he smirked before throwing her up and sticking the knife into the ground pointed up as she fell, he damaged the floor but his knife was left undamaged. His magic hels the knife in place. Fluttershy in a panic used her wings to stop her fall. She almost got penetrated by the weapon. Comber jumped up, almost reaching the ceiling. He stared down at her, he looked mischievous. Fluttershy saw him and moved out of the way. Comber blasted the knife with magic at Fluttershy, it stabbed her through the chest. She fell, causing the knife to penetrate through the heart and out the back, sticking out. Blood poured onto the carpet. Comber teleported from his fall, aside Fluttershy.

“What did you do to deserve this?”

Comber said with grief, before staring at her with more pity. Fluttershy couldn’t move her head. She was paralyzed from the pain and shock. She sobbed, knowing she’s going to die. She’s never going to see her friends again or spend time with anypony or her animals.

“I... Don’t-!”

She coughed up blood. This wasn’t her destiny. Why did somepony want her dead or was that just an excuse to kill her?


She worried about Angle’s safety and her friends. She slowly succumbed to her wounds. She remembered the party with her friends. Tears flowed down her checks

Comber spoke again. He felt a little bad for making her worry about her bunny at the final moments of her death.

“Don’t worry about your white bunny, he’ll be fine; just wanted to have some entertainment from your rage and will of protection.”

He reassured her of Angle’s safety. Fluttershy’s tears slid down her face faster; she finally succumbed to the stab wound. Comber pulled the knife out by its blade; cleaning it off with magic, before putting it back in his bag. He lifted Fluttershy’s corpse with magic and took it outside, throwing it in the bushes to the left. He walked back inside feeling satisfied his job was completed. He grabbed his cape that had little blood spots on it. Comber activated a spell to clean it and the room around him. He shut the door. Cleaning the blood trail as he walked out with magic. Comber curiously checked his watch again, spotting no notifications. The assassin grinned.

(”Well, I guess I’ll rest?”)

Comber felt bad to kill a kind pony but a job’s a job. He has to complete them, he hoped her soul rest in peace. Comber teleported to Ponyville’s Graveyard, ready to start looking and finding a spot to rest on.

Pinkie Pie's Well Check! The Start Of Regrouping!

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Rainbow Dash just walked into the doors of Sugar Cube Corner. She wanted to check on Pinkie Pie. After All... Her sisters were murdered and she can't be taking that well. She walked through the door; the presence of grief was already making its stand; what she saw was Pinkie blowing her nose in a tissue; her mane and tail deflated. It wasn’t like the time when she was in the pond, swimming. That was just a duplicate though; it looked... Depressed, more than ever before. Twilight was to the left of Pinkie Pie, patting a hoof on her back; letting her everything will be okay. Rainbow Dash’s hooves made the floor creak. The floor has never creaked like that before. Did Pinkie Pie sob that much? Twilight noticed Rainbow Dash; Giving her an annoyed stare. Rainbow Dash knew why she was giving off that expression.

“I... Came to check up on Pinkie Pie. I see you already calmed her down a bit?”

The panic in the voice reassured the purpled Unicorn; Rainbow Dash knows not to be wandering around town. The public announcement that was held 10 minutes ago stated that: “All ponies must be inside until the perpetrator is caught and brought to justice!” Rainbow gave Twilight a nervous look.

“I know you heard the announcement... Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight sassily scolded her friend. Rainbow Dash was already prepared for the lecture. At least she’s showing concern for her friends. Rainbow Dash apologizes for being out wandering around. Twilight overlooked that Rainbow Dash represents loyalty. Pinkie Pie used the last tissue in the box; blowing her nose into it and throwing it into the trash; Rainbow Dash watched as Pinkie Pie threw the tissue away. She felt immensely bad for Pinkie Pie, she didn't deserve this, she always made ponies smile, always. Balls of tissues were behind, in front, and on the sides of the trash bin. Rainbow Dash sat down to the right of Pinkie. Twilight used her magic to grab the tissue box from the counter; she placed it on the table; beside Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie started to asked questions; She wanted to know why somepony would do this? It’s not even a pony, a monster is more suitable.

Wh-why!?... Why must!?...

Pinkie Pie asked with high remorse, sorrow and regret; the Pink mare burst into tears, her face hitting the table. Pinkie Pie remembered when Maud came to Ponyville for a visit. She remembered growing up with all of them. Pinkie Pie was torn from her sisters. All she has now is memories of them. She wished she could prevent their graves, but time travel would be impossible for her to do, that's not possible.

“How long has she been like this?”

Rainbow Dash asked curiously, a frown on her face. She presumed since the announcement.

“She has been like this since the announcement. I could expect you already guessed that?”

Rainbow Dash Flew up from the table; the table wobbling, almost making Pinkie Pie fall face down on it and onto the floor with it.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight shouted at her friend. She almost made Pinkie Pie hit the ground. Why does she have to fly most of the time instead of sitting or standing?

“Sorry, my bad...”

Rainbow Dash embarrassingly said. She brushed the back of her head; she had a nervous expression.

“So... Are our other friends aware to stay inside?”

Twilight, whose eyes were on both of her friends, stared at Rainbow more intensively. She knew Applejack wouldn’t get the news, or Fluttershy. Rarity probably did. Could they be in danger? She thought to herself. Concern for her friend’s safety.

“Did you see them at the announcement?”

Twilight asked with anxiety. She hoped so because if they didn’t then they could potentially be in danger.

“No. You think they could be in danger?”

Twilight got up, walking to the middle of the room. She does believe they could be in danger, she could only think what would happen to them if they cross the assassin or killer. She began thinking about who could’ve committed this heinous wick crime; she came up with suspects, but of course, none of them were her friends.

“Hear me out: The only pony who would do this is-!

The party pony, once filled with fun, interrupted Twilight; she too worried about her friends’ safety.

“I think, we should check on the others?”

Pinkie Pie interrupted Twilight. The two’s attention focus on Pinkie Pie. She was still a sobbing mess. Pinkie Pie grabbed a tissue from its container, blowing her nostrils again. She grabbed another tissue and wiped her eyes; before standing up and walking in the middle of Twilight’s and Rainbow Dash.

“We’re going to check on them Pinkie Pie, well I was, I was assuming you two would accompany me. I say we should check on the friend closest to us, Rarity.”

Twilight said with a soothing tone, not wanting to release more waterworks or anxiety. Her face was across from Pinkie and Rainbow, in the middle of them.

“Twilight, do you happen to know a Unicorn that wears a red cape, has red eyes, mane, and I think... Tail...?”

Rainbow Dash was in the air again; she anticipated a response. She feels like she could have put Fluttershy in danger. She felt like this since she arrived at the bakery. That colt was too nice, and polite. There's no way he could be the killer.

“No, why?”

Twilight asked with concern. She didn’t know a black unicorn with a red cape?

“The colt asked where Fluttershy was.”

Rainbow Dash looked like she was concerned about something. Her face showing guilt. She believed the unicorn had a pet and trusted him.

“Did you tell him where she was?”

Twilight asked; anxiety accumulating.


Rainbow said nervously, rubbing a hoof on the other. She started to think about Fluttershy’s safety.

“Was this on the way over?”

Twilight started to get anxious, for all she could know, Rainbow Dash could’ve given “this” colt the coordinates of Fluttershy. If he was out at the time, then-! Rainbow Dash levitated back to the ground. Keeping her expression.

“Yes, he said he was looking for a pet sitter. He seemed polite, we accidently bumped into each other and be admitted he was the one in the wrong.”

That must be the true reason he wanted to know where Fluttershy was. Maybe he was a grimly pet owner?

“I think we should go check on Fluttershy still, I'm just curious how many ponies didn't get the news of a murder on the loose?”

Twilight said with no hesitation annoyance. Pinkie walked unnoticeably to the bakery’s front door. Opening them.

“I-I think we should get going to Fluttershy’s Cabin.”

Pinkie’s voice sounded sorrowful. She still can’t get back in her element, probably never again. She didn’t want to lose anypony else. She didn’t want anypony else to experience what she had been through.

“You’re sounding better Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight said with a smile. Believing she had helped Pinkie’s mood and her mentality. She took a little psychology in school.

“You sure... About that Twilight? Her mane and tail are still deflated.”

Rainbow Dash flew to Pinkie Pie, accompanying her on the right side. Twilight wanted to respond, but she knew Rainbow Dash was correct; Pinkie Pie mane and tail would’ve puffed up again if she was normal again. She still believed she helped Pinkie emotionally and mentally. Rainbow Dash started to Walk out the doors; worried about her friend she knew since elementary school. Pinkie Pie followed her.

“Hey! Wait up!”

Twilight ran out of Sugar Cube Corner; quickly shutting the door before running after Her friends. She wanted to ask Pinkie Pie where the Mr. And Mrs. Cake was fast, but she and Rainbow Dash ran off. She accelerated her speed and pushed her mane back. She didn’t want to be left behind, she’s the one who came up with the idea to check up on her friends; Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would’ve come up with the idea later if she didn’t, but still they need to wait up; don't separate if there's a killer or assassin out. Twilight regrouped with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie; telling them to slow down a little in a gentle tone. She let them know not to ever separate when there's a killer or assassin on the loose. The group headed to their destination, hoping their friends would be safe with no harm, especially Fluttershy.

Tourist Also Hold Grudes! Dream to Forget!

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Comber was napping at the graveyard in Ponyville. He decided a smooth stone in the grass, 4 feet up from the ground, would be a great place to do it. The assassin opened his eyes as he heard hoof steps coming to his position, he turned his head to find a brown coated colt with a brushy mane and tail. He also had a camera around his neck, a mustache, and hair eyebrows.

“Did my payment authorize?”

The colt said with a hoping voice. Comber continues to look at the colt, he must’ve been the recent client.

“It did.”

Comber said with satisfaction. The Tourist approached the assassin; feeling relieved of his grudge.

“She better have paid for casting me at the clock tower; I had to have surgery to repair my vertebrae and injuries. If she didn’t assassin-!”

Comber cut off his client. Doesn’t he know his reputation of never failing a job? Doesn’t seem like it?

“She did, trust me.”

The assassin said with assurance; he still remembered what happened at the cottage. It was more entertaining than the Pies but still wasn’t a challenge. Comber kept the same expression. Turning his head to the sky.

“She better... Or I want to be refunded.”

The sassy tourist would’ve bothered any other ponies, Comber didn’t pay attention to it; he heard much worst. Words won’t bother him.

“You have any more animosities I like to know?”

Comber turned his head to the tourist pony; giving him a not-caring expression.

“Why are you looking at me like that!?”

Comber kept his expression. Why? Because he’s too sassy and disbelieves him.

“I give this look to all clients in disbelief.”

Comber turned his head to the sky once again; keeping his right eye on a cloud that reminded him of the killer who was rank #1. The left eye watched the tourist. How long has he held this grudge? The brown colt finally accepted and believed Comber.

“Okay, I believe you. Thanks for getting rid of that monster.”

The colt was reminded of of Comber’s reputation. Comber didn’t say anything, he closed his eyes. The tourist walked the way he came; why does that colt rest here? It’s too spooky and gloomy. Comber got off his resting place and reopened his eyes, he turned his watch on; receiving a new job. It was a small dragon that had green scales. Comber turned his watch off, reading the dragon’s location. Comber got off his resting place, having one last glimpse at the clouds in the blue gloomy sky. He grabbed his bag and put it on. He started walking the Stoney path, heading to Ponyville, which is outside of the graveyard.

(”This should be a little fun?”)

Comber exited the graveyard and made his way to his destination, which was his job, which was a target.


Igneous and Cloudy awoke from their nap, forgetting about the events that happened prior. Cloudy and Igneous got up from the bed, fatigue in their faces. As they were walking down the stairs, they feel like they have forgotten something... Something essential. Igneous made coffee, while Cloudy started making the sandwiches.

“Hey Igneous, do you feel as if we have forgotten something?”

Cloudy asked with an anxious tone. She passes Igneous’s sandwich across the counter, Igneous picked it up. Speaking before taking a bite. The sandwich tastes as natural as every day.

“Yeah, feel like it’s something very important.”

The brown colt said, still trying to remember what he was anxious about. Igneous poured himself and Cloudy a cup of coffee. Handing it to Cloudy who still looks as fatigue as him. Cloudy grabbed the sugar, pouring and stirring it into her cup of coffee, she took sips while eating her sand which, igneous did the same. The silence made them both think of their daughters, where are...!!!


Igneous and Cloudy spoke at the time, staring at each other, their eyes as with their expression in shock. The couple put their empty plates in the sink, forgetting to put their cups in the same place; leaving them there to settle. They were already outside running to Ponyville, Cloudy stopped and turned around. Igneous stopped running, turning to his wife, who was still at the house.

“Sweetie, what are you doing!?”

Igneous called out; making sense of the reason she went back. Cloudy accompanied her husband. Cloudy shut the doors to the house.

“We forgot to shut the door.”

Cloudy said with the thought of the door being open when they arrived home from the store. That was a horrible memory and sight, and memory. Her instinct told her to shut the door.

“Thanks for shutting the door, now let’s get moving.”

Igneous had Impatience in his voice; he didn’t want anything bad to happen to his last daughter; Cloudy felt the same way. Igneous started to run again, Cloudy followed him, catching up. They both wanted to make sure their youngest daughter, Pinkie Pie is safe from harm. If she felt in danger, she could always come back to safety at the Rock Farm with her parents.

“So do you think she’s okay?”

Cloudy asked her husband with anxiety. She worried about Pinkie Pie’s well-being. She was liked in Ponyville because of all the smiles she put on ponies’ faces; she also has caring friends who look out for her. These thoughts help calm Cloudy and Igneous down.

“I think she’s okay, her friends and the ponies of Ponyville wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her, we meet them once, they are a stone in a pile, a special stone.”

Igneous said with confidence. Some ponies might judge the rest ofghe Pie family outside of Pinkie Pie as a rude cold family, but that’s not true; they have feelings and love, you just have to get to know them. The pair saw the exit sign to the Rock Farm. The couple passed it and making their way into Ponyville, they hoped and believed Pinkie Pie or Pinkamena was safe with no harm. They want to make her come back with them, but they will let her decide if she wants to or not, they hoped she would, to be ensured of her safety. Whatever she decides, they are okay with it, they will still check on her well-being.

Working On the Pie Massacre! Coffee Brake!

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The Detective was at his desk, thinking to himself. This case was his and he was determined to solve it. The knife that was used was definitely hoof-crafted. The Region results had proved no shop would sell that knife. The stab wounds on the three corpses look like they link to the same knife. The perpetrator must’ve been skill when it came to killing. This would basically mean that the perpetrator is an assassin. The detective wrote the theories in his notepad. He only used this notepad for current cases. He ripped the page out and made his way to the room with the coroner, opening the doors and walking through. The coroner had a brown mane and tail which he’d shorting for his career. His eyes were purple, his coat was covered by his uniform.

“What’s up detective?”

The coroner said with a narrowed tone. He approached the detective, already knowing he had a theory paper ready for him to read. It’s not the first time he worked with this detective.

“You already know what I’m here to give you, right?”

Grabbing the paper he wrote his theories down on. He put his hoof out, letting the coroner take the notes.

“I will confirm if these theories are true; usually they will be; besides that one theory of the cake killing somepony.”

The coroner laughed. The detective didn’t laugh, he resisted the urge to do so. Why in Equestria did he think a cake killed somepony?

“Let me know which theory you think it is. I’m going to get coffee, want a cup?”

The detective was at the room door, opening it. The coroner wanted a cup of coffee, but he feels energized already.

“I’m good, thanks for the offered.”

The detective walked through the door, he wasn’t the only detective in the building, there’s way more than a dozen, as he walked pass. Some were working with him on the case. He passed one of his co-workers. His name was dale.

“What’s been happing around here, Commer?”

Dale said chillingly. The detective stopped, not turning to his co-worker.

“To blunt: murder, assassination, and solving.”

The detective said bluntly and jokingly. Dale didn’t laugh, he just grabbed his pencil and began writing down could-be reasons. From what he gathered so far, it’s most likely to be an assassin or a crazy pony/killer?

“You also believe it’s an assassin?”

The detective wanted to hear his co-worker’s answer to his question. Commer already knew his answer, he just wanted to make sure.

“Friend, I don’t believe, I know, unless it’s a crazy pony/killer? You know the details as well as I should.”

Commer’s friend wrote down more information about the crime; he was studying the weapon that was used in this homicide; from how deep it went into Limestones jaw, for it to stab a small portion of the brain, specifically the bottom frontal lobe, it’s definitely not your average knife.

“I do. I don’t disagree with your sentence. If it’s an assassin, then who would’ve hired it?”

Commer said with confusion. Why would somepony want almost a whole family dead? The reason has to be dire.

“Right now, the focus is the assassin/killer, Then the hitter.”

Dale said with an on-duty task tone. They need to find the assassin/killer; if they find he/her, they will certainly pay for their transgressions; not only that, since he/she is capable of murder in such a manner, if he/she is arrested, then there will be a drastic decrease in homicide chances.

“I agree with you.”

The detective said joyfully. Commer walked into the room with deputies, finding his friend. Walking towards him. It’s time for a break and an energizing cup of coffee.

“Let me guess... Coffee break?”

The deputy said sarcastically. The detective knew he knew what he was here to ask. The detective grabbed his bag, putting it on, the deputy definitely made sure it wasn’t touched, as well as the other detectives’ bags; another deputy enter the room, it was his turn to watch the bags; deputies don’t work and solve cases, so they have extra time unless there’s an emergency when they needed.

“The coroner didn’t want coffee as usual?”

The deputy asked, already knowing the answer. The detective confirmed the deputy’s question. They made their way to the door, the deputy following. The doors opened, the deputy and detective made their way to a shop that sells coffee. A restaurant or bakery would sell it; as long as they don’t go to that one place that serves terrible coffee, what’s even in their coffee? It’s definitely not cocoa beans?

“What type of coffee are you getting? It’s the same as usual, right?”

The deputy asked his friend in a friendly manner. The deputy's coffee costs more than 8 bits, while his only cost 5 bits; he didn’t care, he liked his coffee, it was cheap and to his liking.

“You already know what I’m getting: Latte.”

The deputy smiled. He already knew he would reply with that answer. The corner likes cappuccino; he acts like he doesn’t want coffee, but the times they brought the corner coffee, the cup was empty when they checked in at noon.

“You getting your usual too?”

The deputy was indeed getting his normal cup of coffee too.

“Yes, I am, flat white.”

The deputy joyfully said. Hopefully, they don’t add too much milk this time; last time they did, they refunded him and gave him his coffee; actually, add an excessive amount of milk this time. The deputy jokingly thought.

Ponyville is in a state of sorrow, there are no ponies outside to enjoy the weather, sure it’s a little cloudy, but it’s still nice; they need to find this killer/assassin so everypony can come back outside, feeling safe because there’s no danger in the village. The duo co-workers were making their way to their destination, occasionally picking up the pace so they ain’t late for their shift.

Unexpected Crossings! Change of Direction!

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Comber was waiting for the next job to appear. He is not fully familiar with his surroundings in Ponyville. He knows where his targets always are by his watch, but he tries not rely too much on hus watch.


“So you think Fluttershy’s okay?”

Asked Pinkie pie. Worrying about her yellow pegasus friend’s safety.

“Well, we’re going to find out, ain’t we?”

Twilight said subconsciously. Rainbow Dash started to fly a little off the ground. She was paying attention, but at the same time... Wanted to find the colt, she gave Fluttershy’s address. Twilight saw a pony in a red cape walking suspiciously. He looked like he was searching for something vital. Twilight stopped, the group doing the same, Pinkie Pie stopped ahead of Twilight. Rainbow Dash stopped with Twilight, her eyes were seized on the red cape. That was the colt she gave Fluttershy’s position to.

“Say Rainbow Dash, you said the colt was wearing a red cape, yes?”

Rainbow Dash turned her head to Twilight’s directuons, Twilight was already approaching the colt. Her suspicions for him were accelerated since he was the only pony outside. How many ponies didn’t hear about a killer or whatever going around slaughtering ponies Rainbow and Pinkie Pie followed Twilight? They also wanted to question him. The red of his cape isn’t a good sign. Twilight hoof steps alerted the colt. He teleported facing them. There were multiple ponies behind him. He can hear the sound they made.

(”Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and... Pinkie pie?”)

He thought maybe they would’ve sheltered themselves due to the Pie massacre. The group was a little shocked to see a unicorn so on alert, and how fast he was able to respond. Twilight started approaching the colt again, her anger built because another pony is out after the publication about the Pie massacre. She suspected him of being the killer, but you don’t tell the killer you suspect them, the’ll kill you. She was curios about the spell he used thst was teleportation, she wasn’t found of that spell much and would’ve helped her when she almost fell of the cliff and Applejack caught her.


Twilight took in a deep breath, after halting her position. She was going to scold this colt for being out during the crises; if he’s not the killer/assassin, then does he intent to encounter and get hurt by the killer/assassin? Comber saw her expression. Her expression reminded him of Commer when he scolded Bullet.

“First... Why are you walking around Ponyville after the announcement? Second, Why did you want to know where Fluttershy lives? Third, are you the killer/assassin?”

Comber was annoyed at Twilight’s tone and the way she spoke. Smarty-pants do talk like that. She’s a little lucky she didn’t grow up where he did. A smirk formed on his face, he knew this was Twilight Sparkle because of her cutie mark. He guess he shouldn’t have asked where Fluttershy was and just check his watch, he’s an idiot sometimes.

“You’re Twilight Sparkle, right?”

Comber said, having reassurance in his tone. He gestured a hoof to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, naming them.

“Yes, I’m Twilight Sparkle, but you didn’t answer my quest-!

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but brag about who she was; she was famous in Cloudsdale for performing the rainboom,.

“I’m Rainbow Dash, the one in only.”

“I know, I met you already.

Twilight was annoyed her questions were ignored. Is there a reason? Was it the way she spoke to him?

“Did you even hear me?”

Comber refocuses his attention to Twilight, who looked a little angry. She’s sure is stubborn; she’s the element of magic, not a detective. Doesn’t matter, she a smart cookie if she was in Celesita’s school. Comber heard her. He also noticed Pinkie Pie who looked depressed. He felt a little bad but a job is a job.

“I went to Fluttershy’s home to see if she could pet sit my pet.”

Comber naturally answered Twilight’s 2nd question.


Twilight nervously elaborated, Hoping she was there safe and sound. The answer she’ll get would cause her to be anxious.

“She, however, wasn’t there.”

Comber said and expressed disappointment. Twilight and the rest of the Mane 5 believed him. If Fluttershy’s not there, then where could she be?

“Do you happened to know where she went?”

Rainbow Dash asked the colt with concern. Maybe he’ll know where Fluttershy went? Twilight thought Rainbow was being stupid, he said she wasn’t there which means he wouldn’t know where she is.

“How would I know if she wasn’t there to tell me?”

“Exactly Rainbow Dash.”

Comber was calmed and pretneded to be confuse. Twilight still wondered about the second question she’d asked him; and the third one, it was said to see if he’ll slip up with the wrong answer.

“And I was out there looking for a pet sitter. Do you happen to know one?”

The black colt asked the gang desperately. His pet needs to be looked after while he’s gone on his long trip. What a gullible lie.

“You didn’t hear about the Pie massacre?”

Rainbow Dash replied. Pinkie feeling the loss of her sisters arise, Depression kicking in even more.

“No? I just arrived here. You talking about the pastries, who would hate pastries that much?”

The assassin wanted to laugh but resists the urge to do so, Pinkie Pie is in a state of depression, but laughing at her sisters death would cause more suspicion. This village seemed too peaceful to have a massacre.


Twilight replied doubtfully, trying to guess what town he came from; she’ll never be able to guess it since it’s never learned about.

“Why are you mares out here if you’re aware a dangerous pony is lurking through the village?”

Comber asked the gang, a similar question. He have plenty of experience of dealing with dangerous ponies, they don’t, so why are they all out? He knew he was the assassin and the cause of the Pie sisters death, but you never know with how many other dangerous ponies in Equestria. He can name at last 20.

“To well-check on our friends. Also, how do you know our names if you haven’t been here?”

Comber simply thought of the Elements of Harmony; which he learned about in school, and from his father later ob who was connected to them. A smirk appeared on Comber’s face.

“The Elements of Harmony of course. Learned about it when I was in school.”

Twilight was shocked to hear they were teaching the Elements of Harmony in school now, they literally just got their elements from defeating Nightmare Moon, so unless he’s talking about the Elements Of Hafmony in general, it wouldn’t make sense if he leanred then awhile ago, but again he does look 18 years of age.

“They’re teaching the Elements of harmony in schools across Equestria? How would you know who’s wield the elements if you just arrived, and possibly leanred them awhile ago befofe we became the wielders?”

Twilight thought maybe he heard of Nightmare Moon defeation, that’s probably how he knows their names.

“I’m not sure across Equestria, but in the town, I grew up in, yes. Did they teach it here, as they do for most schools. Yiur names became famous after Nightmare Moon was defeated.?”

Comber chuckled, giving Twilight a smile.

“I don’t know if they do in Ponyville, I went to Celestia’s school in Canterlot.”

Twilight said with nostalgia. Rainbow Dash decided to join the conversation.

“And I went to school in Cloudsdale!”

Rainbow pridefully said. This wasn’t a surprise since she’s a pegasus. Comber did remember a blue pegasus filly performing the Rainbow boom but didn’t care as much as his friend did. That filly must be right in front of him grown-up.

By the way, I’m not afraid of the monster responsible for the Pie massacre! If I see them.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight said angrily. Her face looking up at the slowly landing Pegasus. Comber wanted to laugh, she thinks she can bring assassin to justice. He’s no cloud, so she will not be bringing him to justice but it would be humorous to see her try.

“Don’t try to be the hero. Until you’re sure you can bring justice to the evildoer. ”

Comber told Rainbow Dash, remebering what happen to a worker at his old job, such brutality was unnecessary for his heroic action, that other worker deserved it.

“Thanks for the concern.”

Twilight gratefully said, before scolding Rainbow Dash.

“Quit it Rainbow dash!”

Twilight angrily said. Rainbow turned in embarrassment
“Fine, fine... Geez.”

“Pinkie Pie!!”

Two voices could’ve been heard from a distance, the communication of Rainbow Dasg and Twilight stopped, they turned to the voice as Pinkie Pie did too; Pinkie Pie wanted to cry at the sight.

Pinkie Pie was happy to see them. It was her parents. Twilight was a little annoyed due to more ponies not sheltering; again, it must be the same reason they were doing it. Pinkie Pie was hugged by her parents, Pinkie Pie hugged back, tears flowing down her face.

“We were worried sick about you!”

The parents said with absolute honesty and relief; they thanked Celestia their last living daughter is still breathing and alive.

“Same with you!”

Pinkie Pie rejoiced with her parents. The hug broke. Igneous looked at Twilight with a smile.

“Thanks for comforting her.”

Igneous said with gratitude. He and Cloudy were grateful Pinkie Pie had such caring friends.

“Same with you two!”

Cloudy said. Grateful for Pinkie Pie’s friends helping her.

“Do you want to come back to the Rock Farm with us?”


Pinkie wanted to make sure her friends were okay. She knew her parents would be, but she didn’t want to cause more harm.

“We’ll keep you safe, Pinkamena.”

Igneous said. Hoping she would agree; cloudy had the same hopes. They want to make sure she’s secure and safely sound.

“I want to, make sure my-!”

Pinkie wiped the tears off her face, before continuing.

“ My Friends are okay, then I’ll check in.”

“Wait, Pinkamena’s your real name Pinkie!?”

Rainbow Dash said in surprise. Twilight didn’t know that was Pinkie’s true name either, she was surprised, but didn’t express it. Comber felt sorrow for the family, but a job’s a job, if he didn’t do it, another pony will. He wasn’t surprised by Igneous revealing Pinkie Pie’s real name was Pinkamena. Comber disappeared, using his magic to teleport quickly away. Comber appeared in front of Twilight Library.

“Who was that by the way?”

Cloudy asked with concern. She thought that could’ve been the murderer because of his cape. Why was he out in Ponyville after what happened?

“A colt who was looking for a pet sitter.”

Pinkie pie gladly replied. Feeling comfort.

“After everything that happened?”

Igneous said with disbelief. He better just go back to his village or he’s a high suspect? Looking for a pet sitter at a time like this, if he heard what happen then he’s crazy.

“It’s his initial time visiting.”

Twilight replied to the Pie family. It must suck visiting an empty town for the first time. The Pie parents respected Pinkie Pie’s choice to stay with her friends, that’s such loyalty, they can’t make a grown mare come back by force. Igneous and Cloudy trusted Pinkie Pie’s friends; they knew they would try to keep Pinkie Pie safe.

“Pinkie Pie’s lucky to have friends like you all.”

Cloudy gratefully said. Believing Pinkie Pie will be okay with her friends.

“Alright. We will be at the Rock Farm, make sure to stay safe, all of you!”

Igneous gratefully wished. Hoping nothing bad comes their way.

“We will.”

Pinkie Pie joyfully said smiling at her parents, her mane and tail puffed again. Igneous and Cloudy started heading back to the Rock Farm.

‘Well, let’s check on rarity then, since we’re in Ponyville. Fluttershy could be off somewhere right now, andbwe ain’t far from Rairty, and this was the village he would be nearby.”

Twilight suggested. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie agreed but were still anxious about Fluttershy. They wanted to search for Fluttershy but Twilight is right, the one who would be in more danger as of now would be Rairty. Pinkie Pie was better after being checked on by her parents; altho she is worried about their safety, she trusts they will be okay, for now she will check up with her friends on Rairty, Fluttershy. The group changed their destination to Rarity’s boutique, hoping Rarity will be there; safe with no harm to her.

Rarity's Well Check! Let's Check On Fluttershy!

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“So Twilight, do you think he’s the one that killed the Pies?”

Rainbow Dash asked with little anxiety; meeting him again and talking to him almost made her reconsider her thoughts about him being the killer/assassin. Twilight kept her focus on the path ahead, thinking about what to reply to her friend.

“It’s hard to say... If he was the killer, couldn’t he have attacked us there?”

Twilight asked with confusion to Rainbow Dash’s question. Twilight trusted the colt’s words; there wasn’t evidence against him that he’s responsible for the Pie massacre; especially if he just came here; which is true because they don’t remember seeing him in Ponyville.

“Girls, remember what Ponyville was like before barricading themselves inside because of a...”

Pinkie regrets thinking and almost finishing her sentence. Pinkie Pie paid attention to her surroundings, she wanted to keep her mind off that tragic event.

“I wish... Ponyville could return to its natural self.”

Pinkie Pie changed the sentence, her voice sounding a little sorrowful. She hoped for Ponyville to be brought back to its formal state.

“We’re here.”

Twilight said joyfully and anxious; she redirected Pinkie Pie’s mind to the task at hoof. Twilight walked in first; hoping her friend would be there, well and safe. What she and the rest of the group saw instead, was manikins a mess and the floor. What happened to Rarity’s boutique? The thought passes their mind as Rainbow Dash flew through the rooms, not spotting Rarity.

“Girls, bad news, I don’t see Rarity anywhere.”

Rainbow Dash Said with a little panic in her tone. She even looked behind small places in the other rooms; she’s very fast; she and Fluttershy did play games back in Cloudsdale; like hiding and seek; she won most of the time; so she might be able to find Rarity if she’s in her boutique The closet door opened, out coming Rarity. She had buttons and gemstones. Seems like Rainbow Dash didn’t check the closet. Rarity’s eyes were caught on her friends, and the opened doors throughout the boutique. Rarity put the buttons and gemstones by the sewing device. She had worries that they were

“Why is your place a mess Rarity?”

Twilight asked concerned about her friend’s boutique. She wanted to know why. Her expression sponsoring the question.

“Well, after the announcement to remain inside, I started making dresses, I thought of making one especially for Pinkie Pie to help cheer her up.”

“Girls, you sure Rainbow Dash ain’t to blame a little for this mess?”

Pinkie Pie jokingly said. Rainbow Dash did blast through Rarity’s home; maybe she’s only responsible for the papers being on the ground? Pinkie Pie felt more soothed. Her friends really do care about her, she’s lucky to have them; that’s exactly what her parents told her. She started to pick dresses and their materials off the floor, placing them by the sewing machine. Twilight smiled, knowing Pinkie Pie was feeling better. Rainbow Dash flew by Rarity.

“So, more dressmaking then?”

Rainbow Dash asked ordinarily, already guessing the answer correctly. Rarity was happy to answer the Pegasus’s question.

“Yes. Thank you Pinkie Pie for cleaning the floor.”

Rarity happily and joyfully replied. Pinkie enjoyed the praise and the friendship.

“It was my pleasure!”

Pinkie Pie said joyfully with a smile. She was satisfied with cleaning Rarity’s floor.

“So, Rarity, you want to check up on Fluttershy? I didn’t see her at the announcement. So I hope she’s alright.”

Rarity wanted to check on her friends too; Making sure they were secure and alright.

“I’ll gladly check up on Fluttershy with you girls. I don’t think we should tell her the true reason why to stay inside, remember, this is Fluttershy we’re talking about?”

Twilight agreed with Rarity, already thinking up a false reason. Pinkie Pie felt a little insulted but trusted her friends were making the right decision. She agreed with them. Twilight started to walk to the front door. Rainbow Dash zoomed past her, causing Twilight to fix her mane, and scold her. Rainbow Dash almost didn’t stop. Rarity accompanied her, along with Pinkie Pie. They already thought of the reason for Fluttershy to stay inside... Or she could accompany them. The group started making their way to their destination, regrouping with Rainbow Dash.

“Do you girls want to explain in detail what’s going on exactly?”

Rarity asked confused and anxious. Why rush there? Why not just teleport there if you’re so... Worried? Twilight would be happy to explain the events that took place in Ponyville.

“Alright. Rainbow Dash and we meet a colt and he said she’s not there when he checked in for a pet sitter; he looked disappointed about the situation and seem to have no clue where she could’ve gone off to. So we’re going to check her cottage if open to see if she’s there.”

Twilight Retailed the events that took and are going to take place normally. Rarity had to process what her purple unicorn friend said; sounds like she suspects that colt of being responsible for the Pie massacre and Fluttershy’s disappearance?

“Do you think it’s that colt darling?”

Rarity asked gently. Twilight suspects, he could possibly be him, but after consulting with him; it doesn’t seem to be in his nature to harm, let alone kill.

“At first we suspected it was that colt after Rainbow Dash guilty told me about meeting him on the way to Sugar Cube Corner.”

Twilights nostalgically retold the events; she images the events taking place up until now.

“Why did the colt teleport after my parents arrived?”

Pinkie Pie said concerned and curious about the reason; raising suspicion of that black unicorn. Yeah, why did he teleport away? Why didn’t he just walk to his destination if he’s continuing his stay in Ponyville? He most likely went back to his town or a far distance?

“I don’t know, it does seem suspicious for him to leave when your parents show up Pinkie Pie; Maybe he went back to his living environment or a far distance? Maybe he got bored of the conversation with your parents and decided to leave? He doesn’t seem to be the social type?”

Twilight explained calmly, a little anxiety present. Pinkie Pie agreed with Twilight; maybe he’s not the social type? From his replies, he doesn’t seem to be?

“Hey Twilight, why not teleport us there right now?”

Rainbow Dash asked with impatience. Rainbow Dash doesn’t understand the mental and physical strain it would have on a pony/unicorn; the more magic they use, the higher cost of magic required for that spell, the more stamina drain.

“Because we’re almost there and I don’t want to waste my stamina when we’re almost there; plus I never tried that spell before, so it could be an error and waste time. We don’t want to teleport somewhere far away from where we going so let’s just keep heading there on hoof.”

Twilight with knowledge explained. Rainbow Dash didn’t know spells take stamina? Rarity agreed and defended Twilight in a natural tone. The group was on the skirts of Ponyville, almost arriving at their destination. They will see and check up on Fluttershy to see if she’s okay? If they can’t find her that will be a problem; they will of course look for her. The group continued to make their path to their destination.

A New File At The Library!

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Comber appeared in front of Ponyville’s library (Twilight’s home.) He walked up to the door, reconsidering not to knock. This is Twilight who we are talking about. She would have told him to stay inside and not open the door. Maybe she cast a spell around the library to keep unicorns out, just in case the killer was a unicorn. He was at the announcement and listened as they described the Pie massacre. To what the other ponies think, it must be a unicorn, that’s why the Mane 5 questioned him. The Unicorn cast a spell. This spell sense for any other singularities. It found none. The drain on the magic must be why there wasn’t any. Comber cast another spell around the library, surrounding the home of books in an invisible dome to keep the volume in. Comber was able to see it, but no pony else could. They also couldn’t hear the volume from the library; again it’s a place reading, so they will just assume the library was kept volumed-down. Comber cast an x-ray spell. He saw the purple dragon putting books back onto the shelves after dusting them.

(”Guess this library is okay to rent from...? If the...”)

Comber saw the dragon check the books for any damage. He threw a copy of a book he was viewing in the trash can.

(”Inspector was still working.”)

Comber really wanted to know why anypony or living thing wanted this dragon dead. Comber discarded his x-ray spell. Thinking How this job should be completed. Comber teleported inside the library, upstairs. Spike just finished dusting off the books and inspecting them. He was putting them in their label spots. Comber watch from the railing. Feeling a little bit of sorrow for the dragon. He teleported behind the pile of books. He started to help put the books in small piles for takeover. Comber decided to teleport behind the staircase. Spike just came back from the first loading. Preparing for the second loading, feeling as these books were piled up on their own. He walked to the shelves with them. Comber sneezed on the inside, not making a single sound. Spike grabbed the last pile, forgetting one book. Comber undetected walked over and grabbed the book, walking to spike. Spike realized there was an empty slot for the book titled: “Daring-Watch your Back.” Comber quietly walked over to the dragon with the book in his hoof. Spike checked the other slots, making sure he didn’t put it in its incorrect label.

“I think you’re missing this novel?”

Comber handed the book to Spike, who subconsciously took the book and put it in the correct bin. He turned around with his eyes closed.

“Thanks, Mr-!?”

Spike opened his eyes. Spotting an empty clean floor. The piles of books were all put neatly away. He felt satisfied but frightened at the same time. Who asked and gave him that book? It sounded like a colt. The dragon turned his head left and right, before checking the entire first floor. He sat down, trying to calm himself down. It must be that announcement from earlier. It was messing with his head, or Rainbow Dash was playing some kind of prank; Pinkie wouldn’t be able to pull a prank-off right now, or it could also be Twilight testing him?

“Twilight! Are you here!? I inspected the books as you asked. Are you testing me!?”

Spike’s heart pounded with fear. Comber knew now he had weakened the dragon’s composer. He appeared at the top of the steps. Spike spotted him. His heart dropping to the ground. If this colt wasn’t going to be malicious, why didn’t he knock on the door? Spike backed himself to the wall, two books fell aside him. Comber made his way down the staircase. Stopping at the bottom of it.

“Did-did Rainbow Dash put you up to this? Are you her assistant?”

Comber sat down, keeping his glare on his job right in front of him. Spike anxiously awaited his answer.

“I’m no one assistant. Now can you tell me why anypony would want you dead?”

Spike’s heart dropped to his chest. He must be the Unicorn that killed the Pies.

“Somepony!... Help!...”

Spike cried. Comber got up. He wanted to laugh at Spike.

“No pony will hear your cries... Save your now breathing lungs some oxygen.”

Comber confidently said. Spike knew he had to attack him. From what he hears, he’s here to end him. Why though? Spike grabbed the two books from the ground, ready to throw them at the assassin. Comber was fearless; this attempt to fend him off was humorous.

“Are you here to...”

Spike swallowed; regretting what he’s about to ask; he knew deep down already this wasn’t a game or prank.

“Exterminate me...?”

Comber smirked. He’s not here to exterminate him; he’s here to assassinate him.

“I’m not here to exterminate you. I’m here to complete my job.”


Spike said with immense fear; his stutter prove that.

“You really want to know? I think you should tell me why somepony wanted you dead?”

Spike knew what he was here for. This wasn’t a prank. This wasn’t any test. This must be the Pies killer. Spike pointed a finger upstairs; making sure the assassin can see it.

“Welcome home Twilight! Please help me!”

Comber’s face was blank. He knew what the dragon was doing. This is pathetic. Comber turned his head to the stairwell.

(”He fell for it!”)

Spike said before smiling. He threw the two books at comber’s head, hoping to hit him and, knock him out, then turn him in. Comber was still looking upstairs. He stopped one of the books with his magic. He also secured the library’s door locks. The second book he caught with his left hoof. He slowly looked at the dragon, who was at the door, attempting to open the door. Spike ran back to the book selves. Comber dropped the books he was wielding. Spike frightened and angry, started throwing books at Comber; Some books were thrown horizontally and vertically. Spike’s eyes were closed. His lungs at work.

(”I just told him to save his lungs some oxygen.”)

Comber was already aside Spike. He had teleported there. The assassin tapped him on the right shoulder.

“He’s over there.”

Comber humorously said with a smirk; pointing a hoof over at the door. Spike threw the last book from the selves at the door, realizing himself playing as the fool. Comber wanted the job to be completed. He levitated spike in the air, activating a spell that would put him to rest. Spike felt his chest hurt; the pain gradually got worse until it stopped. He felt weakened. His breathing became nearly impossible. His muscles couldn’t move. Comber hovered him over his bed and covered him up in a sleeping position. Spike couldn’t find the stamina to speak. He just closed his eyes in regret. Who-who hated him? Comber cast a spell to clean and remove any trace he was here. Books were instantly put back in their label spots. Comber hoof prints were removed from the library. Comber unlocked the door down to one lock, as it recently was. He teleported to the graveyard; his work here in the library was done. He felt sad for the dragon, but a job is a job.

Fluttershy's Well Check!

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The Mane 6 were still heading to the Fluttershy’s cabin. They hoped that colt was telling the truth and Fluttershy had returned by now. Rarity wasn’t as anxious as Twilight and Rainbow Dash, especially Rainbow Dash; who felt as she shouldn’t trust that colt; but she eased her worries; she just needed to relax; they will find Fluttershy at the cabin safe and sound.

“You girls think we should recruit Applejack?”

Pinkie Pie asked with concern. She knew Applejack was safe but wanted her to be here to help support her emotionally; what if Fluttershy is...! She can’t think of that; because she’s okay.

“Are you concern about her safety?” She’s safe at the barn, I... Checked in with her since the announcement was near Sweat Apple Anc8ers. We almost to Fluttershy’s cabin. Let’s check if Fluttershy’s there and if she is, then we alert her to stay inside.”

“And if she’s not darling?”

Rarity asked, a little anxiously. The group arrived at the bottom of the hill to Fluttershy’s cabin. Rainbow flew up the hill, opening the door with no hesitation. She flew into the cabin already searching for Fluttershy. Twilight was annoyed by Rainbow Dash’s action. They had made their way up the hill. Twilight anxiety spiked up. Why would the door be open and not locked? She inspected the door, seeing it possessed no damage. This info only calmed her anxiety a little bit. Again, if this is the same killer, he could’ve drawn her outside. There’s no blood on the trail up. There was blood involved in the Pie massacre. She didn’t see any blood by the house or up the hill. Maybe he/she covering their tracks this time? Rainbow Dash flew to the group, the group was moments away from entering the cabin. They would give Rainbow Dash a lecture for exploring the cabin without them. Twilight was about to lecture Rainbow on abandoning her friends: especially since she represents the element of loyalty.

“Is Fluttershy in there darling?”

Rarity asked. She hoped Rainbow’s answer would calm her and the rest of the group down, but if Fluttershy was in there, then Rainbow would’ve started a conversation.

“No, she’s not.”

Rainbow said frantically. Twilight started to search around the cabin; The others picked up on what she was doing and joined her. Pinkie Pie and Rarity search the bottom of the hill. Pinkie Pie decided to roll down the hill. Twilight and Rainbow Dash check around the house. Rainbow was searching from the air, thoroughly scouting the area.

“You don’t think were...”

Rainbow Dash gulped; fearful of what she’s about to say.

“Too late?”

Rainbow would blame herself if she was dead. She could’ve come here first. She decided to fly over the bushes. She spotted something red, at first she thought it was a rose or some type of red flower, her eyes shockingly caught a pair of yellow wings. They looked dread. Rainbow flew to the ground in shock. She didn’t need to pull the bushes apart. She knew who that was; pink mane and tail. Rainbow Dash now knows how Pinkie Pie felt.

“Did you find her!?”

Twilight asked from the top of the hill. Twilight notices Rainbow Dash’s face. She feared the worst.

“You looked... Like you saw a ghost... Rainbow Dash...?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to make a joke but didn’t. She was paralyzed with shock, fear, and regret. Pinkie Pie and Rarity accompanied Twilight and Rainbow Dash. They were listening to Twilight’s question, as well as her tone.

“Please... Don’t tell me...?”

Rarity saw the pair of wings, she gasped before covering her mouth and nearly fainting. Pinkie Pie spotted the pair of yellow wings, finding a pink mane and tail? She broke into tears; her mane and tail becoming deflated. Why does everypony she know and love die and meet death? Rainbow flew over the bushes; pulling them apart. The group as well as Rainbow Dash. Were paralyzed by the image. Twilight already felt grief over the Pie massacre. She didn’t want to believe this. Rainbow Dash felt like Pinkie Pie when she lost her sisters. She held back her sorrow. She didn’t want to lose her composer. Twilight felt the same. Rarity comfort Pinkie Pie, letting her tears flow.

“We have to go back to Ponyville, we need to report this to the police, as well as that colt. He was over here last. So-!?”

“He said she wasn’t here when he arrived.”

Twilight remembered the unicorn saying that. She believes that he could be lying. Why was he in Ponyville’s again? She forgot he told her that he wasn’t at the announcement.

“Do you think it’s that colt in the red cape?”

Rainbow Dash asked. She started to blame herself. She felt as she was being stabbed emotionally. She knew Fluttershy since they were fillies. She defended her honor. She...!

“Should... We take Fluttershy’s body...with us?”

Twilight remembered some detectives using hoof prints as leadings, and maybe even magic singularities.

Rainbow Dash moved to the bushes. Her face filled with regret. She attempted to grab the body.

“No Rainbow Dash! Don’t touch the body!”

Twilight reminded her friend not to mess with the scene

“Huh? Aren’t we bringing it to the police department?”

Rainbow Dash stopped her attempted, awaiting Twilight’s answer. She assumed it could cause more panic. She didn’t think of it leading her to the crime she didn’t commit.

“No, we will have them investigate this, if you touch it, your hoof prints will be scan and, will... You know what happens?”

Twilight left her to conclude the outcome after the body goes under examination.

“Alright. Alright. We would look suspicious if we took it with magic too.”

Rainbow Dash said with understanding.

“Exactly. Now follow me to the police station. It’s time to find and expose this killer.” If we went solo, he/she might be nearby, listening and watching us. Hoping we will break apart. We will not!”

Twilight’s motivated the group to not give up and accompany her. She didn’t want to lose any more friends; or herself.


Pinkie Pie said, wiping her tears away. Her mane and tail remaining deflated. Rarity agreed with her friends. Rainbow Dash asked Twilight a useful question.

“Twilight, can Unicorns teleport?”

Twilight remembers a spell that allowed teleportation. She didn’t think she could do it tho.

“Yes, we can, thanks for reminding me Rainbow Dash. I’ll try to teleport us there. Gather around me.”

Rainbow Dash hovered to the ground near Twilight. Twilight horn illuminated, she tried very hard to teleport the group. A bright white flash occurred. The group was gone. A few tears left behind from all, especially Rainbow Dash who let her’s drip when they left; she’ll pull herself together when they arrive.

What's the Price? Begin to Earn the Currency!

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Comber was resting on the same delicate stone again; just resting, waiting for a new job to appear; bored out of his mind.


A green Pegasus with orange eyes, mane, and tail were scouting Ponyville. She was looking for a black colt. She, however, didn’t find the colt through Ponyville. She didn’t see anypony out actually. Why was everypony harboring inside? Was it a tradition? She was confused, but she still wanted to find this colt, she has a job he can handle, hopefully. She was at the school, Mrs. Cheerilee’s to be exact. He wasn’t there. She flew vastly over Twilight’s library, scouting it. He wasn’t there either. She saw a graveyard; he might be that type of pony? She blasted through the air. Making a loud sound that could be heard only in the graveyard. Comber notices the sound; he found it a tiny bit of an unnecessary irksome act; He kept his eyes closed; that was noxious of that Pegasus. He didn’t even look at the Pegasus that flew over him, or... Blasted past. The Pegasus saw a black colt with a mane of red, corresponding to his tail. That’s him. She landed by a tombstone named Diana, making her way to the colt. Comber’s eyes opened slowly.

“You want something?”

The colt asked, Sounding blunt. Lighting Dust recognized that voice. That was him.

“I see that you’re resting. Are you Comber, the assassin of legend?”

The green pegasus asked, recognizing him; this answered her question before the stallion did. Comber was a little surprised that somepony from Ponyville would know his reputation. That’s really strange. If she knew he was in Ponyville, how come she didn’t say anything to the authorities. Maybe she doesn’t live in Ponyville? Comber turned his face to the voice. Giving a blank expression.

“Do you live in Ponyville? "

Comber asked the Pegasus with little concern. The pegasus chuckled; she doesn’t live in this small village, she lives in the floating city in Equestria: Cloudsdale.

“I’m a Pegasus, where do you think I live, huh?”

Comber didn’t like her tone. He heard more agitation from his “used to be job.” Was she here to hire him or confront him?

“There’s Pegasus in Ponyville too you know?”

The assassin said feeling a tiny amount of annoyance. Lighting Dust felt a little dumb, at the same time, right; there are no ponies in Ponyville, so how does pegasus live here? Didn’t they grow up and been raised in the floating city, Cloudsdale? She decided to brush the colt’s remark off. She wanted revenge upon a Pegasus that wronged her; She was kicked out of the Wonder Bolts because of her. The pegasus’s agitation raised remembering that moment when Spitfire striped her rank away from her; she’s way better than that stupid blue pegasus.

“So you know my reputation then, I didn’t know I held it. (”Surprise the authorities in Ponyville didn’t know.”)

“I do!”

Lighting Dust said with a devious smile. She brought 250 bits. She hoped that would be enough to hire him; that pegasus can’t be that important to Equestria, she’s nothing but a coward; and a life-ruining bucker.

“How much is it to hire you?”

Lighting Dust said with confusion; she hoped she had enough currency to hire him. Comber thought about prices, he had to sum up the pony’s authority, wealth, and age. If the age was too low, then it would be 0 bits, with No authorization. Unless they were other spices or they paid a considerably high amount. Like that pony in shimmering armor. He was a pest.

“Depends on the pony you want dead?”

Comber bluntly said. Lighting Dust thought about it. She thought 250 bits would be enough; after all, this pegasus is very dull and unimportant.

“How much would it cost to get rid of Rainbow Dash?”

Lighting Dust asked. She was in fear that the price would be excessively high; she was right to fear the price. Comber checked his watch. Turning it on. He searches for Rainbow Dash, finding her information. He turned his head to the green Pegasus.

“She represents the element of Loyalty, correct? If so, 1000 bits.”

Lighting Dust thought her ears deceived her. 1000 bits for Rainbow Dash. That’s too high for a worthless pegasus. She knew better not to complain to him. She just accepted the price. She would be a tap for now. The cost may be high, but soon, that pegasus will be low in the dirt.

“Alright, I only have 250 bits. Is it alright if I come back with a sufficient amount of bits? Do you have tabs you could put me on?”

Lighting Dust said, trying to hide her agitation in her tone. Comber put the Lighting Dust job in the pending tab. Lots of jobs are pending. Want vengeance, you work for it.

“You’re pending. Come back when you have the accurate quantity of bits.

The colt professionally said; he trusted she will come back with the accurate amount of currency (bits.)

“Alright, I will.”

Lighting Dust said in agreement; the green pegasus flew off from the graveyard. Comber closed his eyes and returned to his recent position. Rest presently, jobs will be forthwith. Hopefully, it would be quite a while? To reach that amount of bits and assuming she’s the only pending job currently, that lives In Cloudsdale, this might be a while? The green pegasus already had a plan to save, collect and pay for the hit. She could feel the wind blowing through her mane and all around her; she’s definitely fast, faster than Rainbow Dash; especially after she hires that colt. Rainbow Dash didn’t even apologize for ruining her dream career, she looked as justice had been served; she wasn’t intending to harm her friends, she was being natural and doing tasks for the academy.

(”Ponyville is still empty, seriously, why is it empty? The ponies in this village must either be planning a big event or lazy?”)

The pegasus thought to herself, still a little confused about this village. She doesn’t live there, doesn’t matter. She accelerated her speed, wanting to make it to her destination fast and earn bits for the hit. The pegasus exited Ponyville, heading up to the sky, to a certain floating city, she has bits at home but that’s still not enough bits, she knows a way to get some. A devious smile forming on her face; this could be a long and careful time.

Mysterious Mad Pony! Another Investigation!?

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An all-black colt with a mane and tail, the same as his coat, was walking deviously through Ponyville, east-north. His tail and mane were scrub and short. He thought only about blood. He had a purple bag with purple tree logs cut in half on it. Inside the bag was a small hatchet. He saw a light yellowed pony with a rose cutie mark. Maybe he should put her talent on her grave. He ran at the Earth pony. She was carrying groceries on her back. She must’ve just bought them. Toom was only 50 feet away from the target. His thoughts were bloody and gorry. He grabbed his hatchet, imagining the innards of his victim, splattering all over the ground as he kept swinging the hatchet. The target saw him, getting frightening. That must be the pony who massacred the Pies. She’s not going to be next. She started fleeing, making her next destination the police station. The crazy Earthpony was right behind her. Somehow he was faster. The thought of killing her. The thought of her getting away. It’s too much to bear. His adrenaline was rising with each second. He was moments away from seizing his prey. He launched his Axe at the victim. The mare glanced behind her and started screaming.

“Somepony!... Help me!. Please!...!

No pony heard her. The doors and windows were tightened than normal; the doors were also barricaded. The Axe hit the victim in the back. The spinal cord as being separate from the body. She was going to die. This had to be some type of long nightmare. Maybe Nightmare Moon sent it? She felt weak, Tired. She looked back. Tears flowing onto the ground. What did she do to deserve this? The hatchet raised.

“I’m sorry!!! I’m sorry...!”

The hatchet penetrated her liver. Blood started to come out of her mouth. The was hatchet ripped down to her stomach. Organs were pouring out, as well as litters of blood. She lost consciousness. The Axe was raised into the air and brought down a dozen times. The last being a decapitation. The blood had ceased to flow. She was dead.

(”Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”)

The black colt took a small bottle of gas out of his bag. He emptied it all over the corpse: the vital dead organs, the decapitated body, and the head with the spine sticking out. He made a stream to the head. How did no pony see what was happening? Next was a match he pulled from its container. He ignited the match, throwing it on the body. The flames traveled through the stream and to the head, setting both ablaze. The smell was detestable, but no one smelled the stench, besides the killer. He put his Axe in his bag, along with the matching kit and gasoline container. He was running as the offense went up in smoke. To where? Who knows? He headed south. His bloodlust wasn’t distinguished. Who’s the next victim? The stallion made his way south, in search of more ponies to straight-up murder. The colt wondered why everypony is inside? Is it because of him? Maybe this village doesn’t house a police station; if it doesn’t then more fun and entertainment for him he guesses. Any ponies that cross paths with this killer will be... Remove the suffix in killer, then replace it with the suffix: Ed; It won’t be painless; in fact, the victim will suffer, and maybe he will prolong it for his pleasure. It’s irksome to see no ponies outside, this means he’ll have the element of surprise on his side; maybe knock on some pony’s door and straight-up massacre them and their entire family; that would be a good deal of fun; he won’t show mercy to no ponies, their age doesn’t matter, the youngest of the young will die; either by him or the house being exposed to the arsenal in his bag. They died in a blaze of unfortunate.


The group arrived in front of the Police Station, frantically running into the executive branch. As the doors burst opened, the chief got up from his post, waiting for the group to come to the desk. The way they came in, means there’s another-! Twilight frantically ran up to the chief’s desk, about to explain what’s happened to their friend. The deputy and detective walk through the door. Drinking their coffees, their eyes closed. They opened it to find the representatives of the Elements of Harmony. Maybe Pinkie Pie could lend a hoof in finding the perpetrator of the Pie Massacre. They all looked troubled, what were they doing out anyway?

“Flutter-shy, dead, at, cottage!”

Twilight Sparkle reported out of breath; she and her friends did just arrive The chief heard what Twilight said; he wanted her to explain calmly, in addition to this, what happened before her death?

“Come down Twilight, now tell me, what happened before you discovered Fluttershy’s death?”

The detective and deputy sat down in an uncomfortable chair. They wanted to listen to this also, especially the detective; who has been on the Pie case with other detectives; this might be able to help them solve that case, additional to this one if it’s the same killer?

Rainbow Dash and Rarity butted in on the manner; seems like they should explain with Twilight; to actually support there’s another homicide.

“We checked on Pinkie Pie after the Pie Massacre announcement, after that, we decided to check on Rarity here.”

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof a Rarity. It was like giving her the microphone.

“Yes, then we went to Fluttershy’s cottage and searched for her; we’re searched hard and wide for her; outside her cottage, inside the cottage, and didn’t find her. We soon found out she’s dead! She was in the bushes, dead!”

“And before that, we meet a Unicorn with a red cape and black coat; Twilight and Rainbow Dash suspected him because he was out after the Pie massacre!”

The detective’s ears perked up, could he be here? The detective got up, looking suspicious. The deputy looked at his friend with concern. He walked towards the group. Ready to ask his question.

“Was his name Comber?”

The detective said bluntly and anxiously. He hoped it wasn’t, he could be very hard to bring to justice, actually almost nearly impossible. Twilight was surprised by the detective’s question. She turned to the voice, finding the detective standing there.

“I think so... I really don’t remember?”

The detective felt like he was being lied to, he had to be lied to, Comber can’t be here. He asked if the Unicorn had red eyes. Twilight nodded. The chief decided to send the detective and the deputy to the scene with the Mane 5 maybe they will be able to find this killer or what everypony been saying assassin.

“Deputy, I’m going to send you and your partner to investigate this massacre, that I don’t want to believe.”

“Yes, sir, I will be delighted to!”

The detective said joyfully with a smile. The deputy got up, keeping his gun from falling out.

“I understand, chief!”

The deputy said professionally, Expressing it.

“Good, now go with these ponies to the scene of the crime.”

The chief order in a respectful manner. The deputy walked towards the door, opening it for everypony. The detective did the same, holding the left door open. The Mane 5 watch, they didn’t mind helping find the perpetrator who killed Fluttershy, and possibly the Pies. They walked out the station doors, the detective and the deputy followed. Let’s not waste any time. The detective said. He didn’t want any evidence to be demolished. He walked towards the group, becoming the center.

“Twilight, can’t you just teleport us there?”

Rarity asked before Rainbow Dash could get the chance. Her mouth was about to ask.

“Well... I could attempt to perform that spell, I was planning to study and practice it more before all these dramatic events occurred; I studied it, and practice it a little, so maybe?

“I’ll do it.”

The detective said with confidence. Twilight was confused, did he learn that spell also, even so, it would require powerful magic to do so.

“Are you really able to perform that spell?”

The detective laughed. It’s natural to doubt a Unicorn who claims and sometimes pretends, they can perform intense spells. His laughter became a smile.

“Yes, I can. Now all of you, you too deputy, gather around.

The detective commanded nicely. They all executed the order. Rarity and Twilight are in doubt. The deputy really hated how his partner acted. Don’t have to be a smart cookie all the time.

“And we are off!”

The detective said happily and loudly. The group disappeared from the station. Appearing At the bottom of Fluttershy’s cottage. Everything still seems the same.

Deadly Sin Greed! Questions and Emotions!

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The killer maniac saw a home that looked fancy as he was running and scouting for more victims to kill, he stopped himself, looking at the House. “Rich’s.”

(”Splatter there guts time!”)

Toom thought insanely with extreme murderous intent., he already had a plan to kill these ponies, along with covering the crime up. He walked up to the door, knocking on it, grasping his hatchet while he knocked. Filthy Rich was counting his money, as been the whole time since isolation. Why haven’t they caught the criminal yet? Filthy rich heard the bang from the door, it knocked down the coat hanger, making the trail to the door harder to travel. Filthy Rich walked over to the door, replacing the coat Hanger’s position to its recent position. He looked at the door, a little frightening. If the killer was an assassin, they can be hired to kill him. The bang got slightly louder.

(”Okay, that’s it!”)

The rich pony thought with anger. Filthy Rich opened the door. He was greeted with a hatchet to his chest. The hatchet was quickly removed, causing blood to gush. Filthy Rich collapsed to the ground. Lucky he removed the coat hanger, or more penetration would have occurred. Diamond Tiara came running downstairs, she finished counting her father’s bags of currency. She decided to rush downstairs because of the loud noise. This was a grave mistake.

“Ru-run! Diamond, Tiara!”

“Filthy Rich screamed in pain. Diamond Tiara was paralyzed with fear, seeing her father in that condition. In a small pool of blood. She looked down at her chest. She felt a sharp, burning pain. Her eyes were in shock. She collapsed to the ground, dead. The hatchet Penetrated even further. Filthy Rich was infuriated. He just threw his hatchet at his daughter like she was nothing but a target. He got up, blood running down his abdomen. He attacked the killer, landing a hard firm blow to the face. The killer stepped back a little, his nose bleeding a little; he licked the blood that was flowing from his nose. Filthy Rich was disgusted at the sight. His anger brewed, his daughter is now-! He furiously attacked the killer again, hitting him in the face again, he shouldn’t be licking his blood. The killer again licked the blood off his face. He charged the not-so-far Earthpony. He punched him multiple times in the face while he was distracted by thoughts, his vision was becoming blurry. The hatchet caused more damage than he thought. Filthy Rich succumbed to his chest wound. He fell to the floor. Coughing up blood. The killer walked over to Diamond’s corpse, ripping the hatchet from her back, some part of the spine was exposed; as well as the organs that were protected by a fracture rib cage; he then made his way back to Filthy Rich. He’s going to make him bleed. Yes, very much, make him bleed! He raised his Axe over the wealthy pony’s neck. His eyes looked demonic.

“Any Last words!?”

The killer said with a devious tone and intent. He wasn’t going to wait patiently for his final words. Time to Di-!

“Wh-why, killer!?”

Toom smiled; preparing for his joke; His name rhymes with a certain despair word.

“Because I’m Toom! Your Doom!”

Toom said sinisterly and jokingly. Bring the hatchet down, decapitating Filthy Rich. His head rolled to his daughter’s corpse. Toom scouted the house with his eyes, he thought maybe there will be a new tool for his killing spree. He walked past the corpse and into the kitchen. He opened the kitchen drawer grabbing a big, luxurious knife. It had a gold handle. This is Rich’s home, too bad the wife ain’t here, he would’ve used this new tool for its original purpose. Stab, stab, stab! Toom took the gasoline can from his bag, he went through the kitchen, dumping it all over the floor. He then went into the living room, where the corpse was, the door was open still, he walked out the door, putting the cap back on the can and back into his bag. He decided the knife will be in the bag with his hatchet.

(”I’ll think I’ll call it: Goldie.”)

Toom said with joy in grabbing a new weapon. He grabbed the box of matches from his bag, igniting 1 and throwing it into the house. The house went ablaze as the fire passed through the Living room to the kitchen. Toom started to run, making quick of 100 feet. The home exploded, it sounded like a gunshot. Toom watched the home exploded, flames in his eyes.


Toom wickedly thought. He should’ve cut Filthy Rich’s skull to bits. The thought increases his bloodlust, along with his adrenaline. He made his quick way from the scene, almost tripping on the small debris.

(”Who will be next!?”)

Toom thought with evil intent; they might see their guts? Maybe they’ll choke on them and he makes them?



The group appeared in front of the Cottage. The detective and deputy walked up to the door, being followed by the mane 5. The detective activated an x-ray spell, looking at the bushes, he saw the corpse, blood was dried up on the ground. The killer must’ve been brutal since there was a knife wound through her chest. Rainbow flew over the bushes where Fluttershy’s corpse rested. She alerted the already-knowing detective where Fluttershy was. The detective swiped his hoof a Rainbow Dash, telling her to get back. She did what the detective’s body language. The body was levitated up by magic and concealed in a magical pod that won’t let the body rot anymore. The detective turned around to the mane 5, who was still devastated by their friend’s loss.

“I have a couple of questions for all of you.”

The detective said happy with a smile, he grabbed his notepad and pen; he needs all the information he can gather from them if he wishes to capture this assassin/killer.

“What type of questions?”

Twilight asked sassily. She didn’t like this Unicorn’s way of speaking, and by the look on his partner’s face, neither did he.

“Questions involved in this homicide; and possibly the Pies massacre?”

The detective said a tiny bit annoyed; Twilight’s smart, she reported the situation with her friends, he thinks she should know what question


Twilight said normally. Twilight really like how he mentioned the massacre of Pinkie Pie’s sisters; she turned to see Pinkie Pie, who looked troubled. She wanted to find this, monster as much they did. Everypony did, so they can feel safe outdoors once again and not worried about being harmed.

“Let’s get started. Did any of you touch the body?”

The detective asked with worry; if any of them did, they could potentially be charged with murder? Even tho they didn’t commit the crime, the forensic evidence will be enough to charge any of them with murder; maybe the other detectives will start theorizing that the Mane 6 is the group of killers that carry the same knife? Obviously, this will be proven false; they also wouldn’t be the Mane 6 anymore also, they would’ve worked on her kind attitude and metamorphize it into aggression.

“Well, Rainbow Dash over here almost did!”

She pointed a hoof to the hovering Pegasus. She looked nervous. The detective felt a sigh of relief as he heard “almost did.”

“So it’s a no? I don’t believe any of you could be the killer, I can tell by the emotions in the air, none seemed to be fake.”

The detective said with sympathy; this made them think if he really can sense emotions? That’s impossible, how could you sense other emotions? I mean Cadence can, but she’s a princess of romance, or whatever?

“Dear, you really think one of us could’ve been the killer?”

Rarity said maturely and a little upset as she thought he thought that any one of them could be the killer/assassin? The rest of the group felt the same way as Rarity. Rarity moved next to Twilight, who also looked a little anxious and upset.

“It was a possibility, that has been proven wrong, which I’m never am.”

The detective said pridefully. Twilight was annoyed by the detective, everypony has to be wrong at some point in their life; well at least he doesn’t suspect them of being the killer/assassin which is the same thing; they both kill, one is just hired to. Rainbow Dash decided to be blunt; she had enough of this Unicorn; everypony is wrong sometimes and she felt animosity towards him for thinking one of them could be the killer.

“Everypony is wrong sometimes.”

The detective laughed; extending his hoof in front of his face and pointed it up.

“I, am, never... Wrong!”

The detective explained to Rainbow Dash with too much pride; Rainbow Dash got agitated but decided this detective is too full of himself.


Rainbow said back agitated. The detective was a little annoyed; he always solves and even brings the perpetrator to justice. Commer had bigger questions, such as: Was the unicorn named Comber?

“My biggest question is, that Unicorn you mentioned and described early, was his name Comber?”

The detective asked with a little fright. He hoped it wasn’t.

“I think? I really don’t remember?”

Twilight disappointedly replied. She looked worried, as she just unintentionally give the wrong information to the detective.

“I also think it was.”

Rainbow Dash said anxiously, feeling like she’s right. She remembered his name started with a c but forgot the rest.

“This homicide is associated with the Pie massacre, the same knife is used; this is no doubt an assassin; if the perpetrator was a flat-out massacrer, they would’ve started to kill more ponies in Ponyville; this is in Ponyville, but on the outskirts, far away from the Rock Farm.

“Wait, you measured the diameter of the stab wound?”

Twilight asked in surprise. That’s the corner job, not his; he’s overstepping his boundaries; Twilight looked concerned. The detective smirked.

“I’m not a coroner, but I like to know everything, I can already conclude this is by the same assassin. She must’ve been inside, in fact”

Commer was smartly saying. The detective activated an x-ray spell and revaluation spell. Looking for hoof prints in the cottage. He didn’t find any. The assassin must’ve tampered with the evidence. The Unicorn deactivated the two spells. He was a little angry, but he felt sure he will find this assassin.

“Well, there might be another announcement after the assassin is caught?”

The Mane 5 was confused at first but remembered everypony in Ponyville is in their homes safe. If they did the same, they wouldn’t have found this information about this tragic murder.

“You mares stay safe. Leave this assassin to us.”

The detective advised the group; he doesn’t want them or anypony else to get harmed. Rainbow Dash wanted to make the assassin pay; She felt flustered.

“I want to stop the assassin. "

Rainbow Dash said with anger, Causing the deputy to worry. The deputy accompanied the detective, preparing to leave; they got to take the body back fast or time will consume evidence.

“I understand you want to help Ponyville feel safe once again. Please don’t try to be the hero. Leave this assassin to us.”

The detective told the blue pegasus and the rest of the group, not wishing no harm to them. Rainbow Dash still wanted to stop the assassin, along with Twilight, who already decided their next destination.

“Stay safe.”

Said the detective in a wishful manner. The deputy and detective teleported back to the station with the capsule. Leaving the Mane 5 at Fluttershy’s cottage, wondering what they should do next.

“Let’s go regroup with Applejack.”

Pinkie said depressingly. She wanted all her friends to be safe. She already knew Applejack would be. She wanted the group to be all together again. Maybe they can help solve the cases.

“Oh, Twilight, isn’t it strange that Fluttershy’s cottage wasn’t distorted?”

Rainbow Dash said with confusion. It was strange Twilight thought; the assassin probably used a clean spell; which would explain why there wasn’t any blood. This would indicate it definitely was a murder. If it was an accident fatal injury, then where’s the blood leading to the bushes? The detective probably thought the same thing. Twilight continued thinking.

“Yeah, and where’s Angle?”

Pinkie asked concerned for the little white bunny; when they were here the first time searching for Fluttershy and making sure she’s okay, Angle wasn’t able to be found.

“He must’ve fled the scene.”

Twilight said assuming Angle would’ve left as Fluttershy was being attacked.

“I’m going to check on Applejack. Do you all want to come?”

Twilight asked already knowing the answer. They are of course going to join.

“Friends stick together!”

Rainbow Dash said encouragingly with a smile; hoping to raise spirits. She’s the element of loyalty, she would betray that element if she ditched them.

“They do darling!”

Rarity agreeing with Rainbow Dash. It wouldn’t be generous if she left them in this state now would it?

“They do...”

Pinkie Pie sadly said. Still being reminded of the loss of her sisters; they also stick together. The group still felt the impact of Fluttershy’s loss; they wanted to cry, but the time is not available for sobbing. Maybe there’s a way to bring her back? That is what Twilight thought; she would need to master healing spells first before attempting resurrection. Twilight turned to Pinkie and Rarity. Needing reassurance they want to join. They nodded. They gathered next to Twilight, along with Rainbow Dash. Twilight liked how they thought she could teleport again, but with that degree of belief, she tried her hardest to teleport to Sweet Apple Anchors, where they would attempt to recruit Applejack. A purple flash occurred, followed by a white flash. The group was gone again, arriving at Sweet Apple Ancers’s welcome sign.

Ponyville's The Destination!

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Comber woke up from his nap; hearing hoof steps approaching his position. He saw the pegasus, there’s no way she obtained the accurate amount of currency. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the incoming pegasus.

“Hey, still resting?”

(”Why does that matter?”)

Comber thought. Most likely just making small talk.

“You’re the silent type?”

Lighting Dust asked, wanting to know. Comber sighed.

“Do you have the currency?”

Comber asked, already knowing the answer. If she doesn’t have the correct amount of currency, then why is she back? Lighting Dust looked disappointed, she indeed, didn’t possess the sufficient quantity of bits. Did he need to be blunt?

“I do not, but-!

Comber cut her off. He was a little annoyed, all she did was interrupt his nap.

“Get the sufficient amount of bits, then come back, alright?”

Comber said calmly, beginning to relax once again.

“You’re really passionate about your profession, Why did you choose it?”

Comber didn’t reply. He decided to ignore her, not looking or replying to her.

“I have 200 bits now...”

Comber turned his head to her. He wondered how she collected that many bits in such a short time; doesn’t matter, the transaction is still unsuccessful.

“That’s not the sufficient amount, I said 1000 bits.”

Lighting Dust laughed, she knew the price.

“I know.”

Lighting Dust turned her back and flew off. Comber returned to his recent position. He checked his watch again.

(”Still no new jobs huh?”)

Comber shifted his watch off. He felt bored with nothing to do, oh well... More rest then.


“So y’all telling me, after the Pie massacre, Fluttershy was slain too!?”

Twilight, nodded, as well as the rest of the group. Rarity notice the place still had the same looks. Guess Sweet Apple Anchors will never change? Applejack was more furious than sad. She still shed tears, but she wanted to know badly who murdered her and the Pies. It’s time to put an end to this assassin’s killing spree! Halt or be killed next!

“Has the murderer be revealed or caught yet?”

Applejack already knew the answer to her question, after everything she has been told. He needs to be captured so Ponyville doesn’t have to hide in their homes for safety.

“Applejack, it’s an assassin, not a murderer.”

Applejack wanted to bonk her on the head, a assassin is a murderer, they are just hired.

“Rainbow Dash, an assassin is a murder, they are just hired to kill their target!

Twilight interrupted, there’s more information that needs to be discovered. Who hired him to kill the Pies and Fluttershy? Who wanted them dead?

“Rarity, why are you water the new rose by my house?”

“Why do you think darling? They look dehydrated.”

Rarity’s element is generosity, so... Makes sense.

“Thanks, Rarity. Shouldn’t have asked why.”

Applejack said with appreciation.

“It’s nothing darling.”

Rarity put the water can back to its position, left by the door. She regrouped with her friends, making sure to watch out for a small pothole that’s eventually, be filled.

“So, are we going to find this killer or...?”

Rarity asked. The killer needs to be found and sentence, or just stop his actions, but of course, still, pay for his crimes.

“It depends, the police station warned us to leave to them.”

Applejack wanted to find the killer herself, why leave it to them if we could find this killer and make him pay for his heinous crimes? He can’t be all that dangerous, right?


Comber was napping at the graveyard. Dark and gloomy filled the air.


“I say we try to help them before he/she murders anypony else?”

Applejack said with worry about others’ safety.

“I agree with Applejack.”

Rainbow Dash said with an agreement in her tone.

“Hey, girls, where are the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

Pinkie asked, worrying about their well-being. Would the killer attack fillies?

“Before any pony panics about their safety, they are in the home with Granny Smith.”

Applejack knew they were safe, they didn’t hear the announcement at all, Granny Smith told them a lie on why everypony must stay inside. She told them...!?

A mail pony walked up to the home’s mailbox and placed a letter inside. Why is he out delivering mail? Twilight walked towards the mail pony, she worried about his concern.

“Hey, didn’t you hear the announcement?”

Twilight asked, believing he didn’t. This was the first time in Ponyville’s history that murders have been committed.

“I’m delivering an announcement letter to every citizen in Ponyville. If I’m attacked or killed, the police will be notified, since they are the ones orchestrating the delivery.”

The mail pony reached into his mailbag, preparing to grab what looks like six letters.

“What’s the letters about anyway?”

Twilight remembered what the detective said: (”There might be announcement letter?”)

“Oh, wait, did I say announcement? I mean it’s an invitation to Fluttershy’s funeral tomorrow morning.”

The mail pony put one letter back in his bag, why was he giving a letter to Fluttershy’s cottage? Maybe if they would’ve sent everypony a letter to stay inside at the initial, Fluttershy would be alive? The mail pony handed the group a letter apiece. Twilight instantly opened hers.

“To those who respected Fluttershy, the element of kindness, join us at Town Hall. There’s a big announcement we need to make, stay inside until then. Sincerely, the executive committee.”

Twilight read her letter out loud, making sure to face her friends.

“Did you all get that?”

Twilight’s question was answered, they all didn’t open their letters, their attention was on Twilight, as well as the mail pony.

“Well, I’m off to deliver more letters. You mares stay safe!”

The mail pony said with wishful luck.

“Thanks, you too!”

Rainbow Dash said, believing he’ll be safe, no more ponies need to die; in fact, no more creatures or living beings need to perish. The mail pony started heading to the exit of Sweet Apple Anchors. He was satisfied, it’s sad that Fluttershy’s dead, she used to be a pet sitter for him. He’s glad he’s able to help ponies who knew here gather for her funeral tomorrow. The mail pony had a sad smile on his face as he left the farm.

“Don’t y’all think we should follow him to make sure he’s safe?”

Applejack asked expressing her concern with a hoof. Was she even listening to the mail pony? Twilight thought. Rarity beat her to her lecture.

“Darling, did you not hear what the mail pony said? He said if he died, the authorities would be right on that location.”

“No he said the police would catch the murder happen, then the killer would be apprehended.”

“Applejack didn’t like how the authorities are using him as bait while doing his job. Why doesn’t an officer accompany him while he does his job?

“Don’t you all think it’s messed up how he’s being used to as bait while he does his job? Heck, why ain’t an officer with him?”

“She was right, I get they want to capture this assassin.

Applejack cut Twilight off.


“An assassin is more accurate Applejack! He/she not doing this for no reason, Marble Pie was an incredible distance, do you really think a killer would chase somepony that far!?”

“Applejack responded with anger, her hoof swiping behind her.

“If they’re insane enough!”

“Calm down Applejack.”

Pinkie pie said, upset her friends are arguing, she didn’t want any more tragic event to take place; that also means finding the murder; she still wants to commit that action; she would like to know why he/she murdered her family.

“I’ll say we reposition ourselves at the Twilight’s library. Then we can check up on Spike.”

“You did tell him to stay inside until the killer’s brought to justice?”

Rarity asked with anxiety, having to be assured he was.

“Then what are you waiting for!? Let’s go there right now, can’t you teleport us there Twilight?”

Rainbow said boldly. Twilight already felt weak from casting that spell twice, both times be a very far distance.

“I can’t the two times I did weaken me, the distance must’ve been too far...”

“Then let’s run there!”

Applejack ran from the group, her destination being Ponyville’s library.

“Applejack! Wait up!”

Twilight started running after Applejack, she was passed by Rainbow Dash, the gust of wind messed her mane up. She fixed her mane while still running. Pinkie and Rarity followed Twilight, catching up with her. Applejack passed the welcome sign. Rainbow Dash also passed the welcome sign, finally, the group passed the sign, Rainbow Dash caught up with Applejack. Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight were still behind, trying their best to keep up. This isn’t a race. Twilight was annoyed at the Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Rarity and Pinkie didn’t want to be left behind, fearing they might. Why do Applejack and Rainbow Dash always have to be competitive, especially now?

“Did you all hear that!?”

So the actual reason is more serious than changelings?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked from the window to each other, the same thought occurring in their minds. This could be a chance to get their Cutie Marks? They concocted a plan to escape from the farm while Granny Smith is asleep. It would have to after the funeral tomorrow.


Comber awoke from his nap. Getting up and stretching his hoofs, that rock isn’t the best place to rest. He checked his watch with the hope a new job will appear, his hopes were crushed as he saw the 0 on inbox. Comber looked a Ponyville, planning on heading to it. Comber heard four hoof steps land, He turned to the sound, already guessing who it is.

“So, have you been here the whole time?”

Comber asked annoyed. Why is she back again so fast?

“Didn’t you notice the three bags that are bit shaped?”

Comber did see three bags, assuming they’re filled to the brim with bits. Those bags even filled to the brim still wouldn’t possess 1000 bits altogether.

“Do you have 1000 bits yet?”

Lighting dust smiled, she didn’t.

“No, I still working on it.”

She said with intent.

“By bothering me?”

Comber replied annoyed.

“No... I gathered 100 more bits.”

Seriously, where is she getting all these bits from?

“You’re fast at collecting bits, but can you come back with the sufficient amount?”

Comber sighed, he never had such a persistent client.

Lighting Dust smiled at him. Ready to give him a wanted reply.

“I sure can!”

Light Dust zoomed over Comber’s head. The wind blew in his face like a hurricane. He still remained calm and didn’t flinch. He turned to Ponyville. It’s dark, so maybe more clients would appear. He slowly made his way out of the graveyard to Ponyville. Hopes more clients would appear or a challenge.

Threat Vs. Threat!

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Toom looked back, remembering the event he acted in. That family went down fast and tragically. He jumped the fence as the home set ablaze. He turned to the home. This was the best of life had to offer. Stupid Ponies will die. The more fear, the better.

(“I will draw out their fears with torture and anguish!”)

Toom smiled at the burning structure; the flames burned in his eyes. The structures fell to the ground, becoming nothing but ashes. The ashes flew past Toom. Now that’s a true beauty, sucks the garden didn’t burn, oh well, the flowers should die sooner or later. Toom started to walk away from the destroyed structure. He felt satisfied. More must die! More must DIE! He burst off southern. Bloodlust filled the air around him.

“Slash and dash!”


Toom search for his next victim, the love and flowers of this place is sickening. Toom stomped on a flower, the petals being damage and soon the flower died. The murderous colt turned his attention to a white Earthpony watering her. Toom finished stomping on the thing she was watering. He grabbed his hatchet from its resting place, it’s time to end this peace. The door’s open to the house, so it’s time for a surprise. Toom made his destination the place that reeks of flowers, the mare’s garden. He was running maliciously to her, his Hatchet drawn and ready to lacerate. He jumped the pink fence, making it a clean jump. The mare turned around to see the colt charging her, she screamed and tried to run, but in the final three seconds, she was alive. Her vision went in circles, she was decapitated, the body beginning to fall, as it was, Toom put the hatchet right in the neck, pulling it back out and letting the body fall, blood gushing over him, maybe he’ll use the shower in this soon to be ash house. He walked over to the head, having the intent to scare anypony inside the home. The colt heard his wife scream, as the fillies, they thought something bad must of happened. The father insured them that it was probably a bee or something that spooked her. He made his way to the back exit to check. Toom had his hatchet out, waiting for anypony to come to the exit.

(”Slash, stab, kill!”)

The door opened and as it did, the hatchet was instantly swung into the white colt’s face. The body fell back, knocking the door open. The fillies turned to see blood coming from the father, the door was completely open, they were paralyzed with fear before they could move, Toom was already behind them, he had a devious smile on his face.

“Is... This your mommy?”

Yanking the decapitated head up by its mane, he threw it at the wall, the skull, broke, brains splattering all over the couch, rug, and the rest of the furniture in the living room. The fillies watching in terror, their mom was dead. So was their father, and now...

They turned to the killer, whose hatchet was pulled all the way back, they both will meet their parents again, he made sure the Kinetic energy would be very powerful, and indeed it was. The hatchet decapitated both fillies. The living room is now the dead room. Toom walked up the stairs to take a shower, he needs to remove all evidence, which includes his tools also. After he was done, he made his way downstairs, pouring gasoline behind his trail. He leads it to the kitchen and back to the living room. Making his exit out the back door. He grabbed a match, staring at the flame, Ponies in his town always said to each other, “Burn in Tartarus!” He threw the match at the gasoline trail; it blazed into the house, burning all the evidence and precious belongings. Toom jumped the fence, hoping to escape the destruction.

(”I’m the best killer alive!”)

Toom laughed as he was running from the flames. He was incredibly happy, maybe he might spare somepony...? No, he’ll decapitate them too, then send them to Tartarus. Toom must’ve run a whole mile. He turned his head to make sure he wasn’t being followed by anypony, especially the authorities. He bumped into a Pony with a red cape. Toom got up, a little flustered.

“Watch where you going! Idiotic colt!”

The colt stared at him, he could sense the amplitude of this pony’s bloodlust. He was almost pushed over by this colt and now he’s blaming him?

“You’re the one that bumped into me, but I’m the idiotic colt?”

The black colt replied. This enrages Toom, who grabbed his Axe. He’s going to chop him down like a tree!

“I’m going to kill you as I did to the Riches and the family after!”

Toom Charged the colt who watched him and remained still. The hatchet was swung, the colt dogged and grasped the hoof with the hatchet. Toom attempted to attack with the other hoof but with failure. This colt could also sense deception. He knew Toom wasn’t fibbing. He yanked Toom’s right hoof up, then punched the hoof from the bottom as it was going down, it was now fractured. Toom tried to bite him, receiving a kick to the face, the colt still had a grip on the left hoof, with all his might, he swung the Earthpony in circles, throwing him up, it wasn’t high enough to kill him, hopefully, it would incapacitate him. Toom fell to the hard surface, his back hitting the pathway, which was dirt with a little cobblestone mixed in. Blood burst out of his mouth. How did this colt inflict that much damage!?

“You are seriously messed up.”

The colt turned his back on Toom, who painfully got back up. He was going to gut him like a fish and rip his eyes out while he was still alive, then he’ll make him eat them, while they are still connected to their sockets. Now that’s true terror.

“Make sure to keep your guard up.”

Toom began rushing the black colt, who still had his back turn. He swung his hatchet again at the colt, the colt walked toward, evading the hatchet, his cape didn’t tho. It had a puncture by the end now. The black colt teleported with a tiny bit of anger. Toom’s eyes widen, where did he go? Toom grabbed his hatchet from the dirt, he searched for the colt, but not finding him.

“What’s up!?”

The colt spin kicked Toom in the face, knocking him to the ground, the hatchet sticking into the dirt. The colt landed on one hoof and jumped back on all four. This colt was good at combat, where did he learn such a skill? He glanced back up at the colt, his face having scratches on it.

“You’re even more vexatious than that Pegasus, that decides to come back after gathering 100 more bits.”

Toom was confused. This colt was remarkably annoying, simply die, everypony will ultimately. He’s foolish, no pony will escape death. He’ll bring it to them quicker, directing them to their afterlife destination faster. Toom used his left hoof to put his hatchet back in its resting place, he went unconscious. The colt, named Comber headed back to the graveyard, where he’ll check his watch, then decide to rest or not. Why not now?

(”Probably won’t have anything in the inbox currently.”)

Toom remained unconscious on the ground. How did anypony not see the skirmish, well, guess fear makes ponies blind?

Checking Inns!

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The Group was still heading to Twilight’s library, they had convinced the two-speed runners to slow down. They were scolded, but the pegasus speed runner just replied,

“It’s your fault for not running.”

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, why does it matter anyway? They’re caught up now? Applejack apologized for leaving the group with an angry hoof print. She was forgiven, Rainbow Dash was too, just as long she doesn’t leave the group behind for competition.

“Can y’all introduce me to this Unicorn you’ve been talking about?”

Twilight would if she knew where his destination is. The group highly suspected him of being the killer. If he was, the killer, he’ll pay for the damage he had done to Ponyville.


Comber arrived back at the graveyard, He checked his watch, hoping a new job would come up. Couldn’t he lower the price for the client Lighting Dust?

“Absolutely not.”

Okay, the inbox was still empty, it seemed like violence has been solved in Equestria. That can’t be true when a murderous killer is going around and bumping into ponies, threatening to chomp them up, then attempting to commit it. The killer already decimated two families, for what? He definitely wasn’t lying, be funny if he would be blamed for all the murders, he carries an axe or hatchet. Comber turned his watch screen off. He began to lay on the not so comfort, stone until he heard hoofs landing.

(“I swear to Celestia if that’s...”)

Comber indeed saw a green pegasus, with a fourth bag. He never had a check-in client. What’s was the reason?

“I saw that whole skirmish back there, Celestia, I should’ve brought a snack, oh wait, I went back to my home and got some, even got a beverage. Do you want one?”

Lighting Dust asked with a smile, her eyes closed. She had a cup in her hand filled with water. Comber didn’t reply, he just blankly stared at her. He decided to ask his questions.

“One, where do you keep get 100 more bits in less than an hour?”

“From the Wounder Bolts, they forgot to take their keys back.”

“So you stole from them?”

Lighting Dust didn’t reply, she just deviously smiled. Comber knew he was correct.

“Second, why do you keep coming back after collecting 100 more bits?

“Do you want me to make it every 200 bits?”

“No, cut it out.”

“Then 150 bits then...”

Lighting Dust joked. She was testing his composer.

“I’m not the type to joke with.”

“You’re talking about the Earth pony you fought, right?”

Comber laid on the stone. He turned to Ponyville. It’s foggy out tonight. Hopefully, no pony goes out or that insane pony will have bark tonight. He decided to ignore the pegasus talking to him.

“Do you know they are having a funeral for Fluttershy tomorrow?”

Lighting Dust charmingly. The assassin turned around, facing the pegasus. How did she know that?

“So, Fluttershy’s dead?”

“Indeed she is. This didn’t look like something an insane killer would do, so...”

She pointed a hoof a Comber, the assassin smirked. She must be quicker than her rival Rainbow Dash.

“What’s makes you think it was me?”

Lighting Dust didn’t see but remember his weapon of choice from a while back. Fluttershy wasn’t decapitated and the trail of blood was perfectly gone.

“Because you’re the other killer in town, who’s known for killing Ponies.”

Why does everypony say “Killer?” Assassination is more like it.

“I’m sure you know I’m an assassin, therefore, I assassinate, don’t kill. Killers are ponies who kill for no reason and loves doing it.”

Lighting Dust laughed. They are still the same in her dictionary. Comber sighed.

“Do you know when the funeral will be?”

Comber asked with little concern.

“In the afternoon, If I remember correctly?”

Comber turned around again, closing his eyes. Lighting Dust turned her back. She blasted off, before putting her bags of bits back in her bag. She didn’t have to be told to leave this time.


The Mane 5 took in deep breaths, they finally made it to Twilight’s library. After all that running, especially to catch up with the two competitive runners. Rainbow Dash landed, complaining about them catching their breath. She’s must-have insane stamina to not be breathing heavily after that run from Sweat Apple Anchors. Applejack took a deep breath, being patient for the others, only Twilight participated in the run of the leaves, and all she did was walk and reserve stamina the whole time. Twilight grabbed her keys, picking the one to the library’s front door. She unlocked and opened the front door, reviling the clean interior of the library. Spike really did do a good job, she spotted Spike sleeping in his bed, snug as a bug. Twilight turned to the door, letting the group aware of Spike’s slumber. After everything that happened, you would’ve thought he would’ve heard the door open. Guess he might’ve to work himself to the scale, probably to keep his mind busy.

“Shh... Spike’s asleep.”

Twilight said quietly, the other listened, walking in the library as you should, Rarity shut the door firmly behind them, locking it. She wanted to still discuss the murders. Who could be behind it, so far, it sounds like that red mane and tail stallion? It couldn’t be him, he seemed too relaxed when questioned. Surely he would’ve freaked out or shown some type of anxiety, ​but he showed none.

“Do you girls still want to talk about who’s the killer?”

Rarity wanted to elaborate on the conversation about the killer. The others also agreed.

“Suppose we can Rarity, but I think I should wake Spike up, fill him in on the situation, I know he’ll be sad about Fluttershy, but we’re here to support him.”

Twilight inspirational said. The other agreed with Twilight, Rainbow Dash didn’t see any motion in Spike, What if-!

“Twilight, I don’t see any breathing coming from Spike!”

Rainbow Dash panicky said. Twilight walked over to Spike, pulling the covers off, the dragon showed no response. Spike better not be playing some type of prank on them! This is not the time to joke.

Twilight lifted spike with her magic, there was no laceration or stab wound. She believed spike was playing a cruel prank on them? If so, why!? Twilight eyes started to water, she remembers hatching Spike from the egg. How she was brought into Celestia’s school. Her assistant was now dead. Twilight drops the body back into its bed. She broke into tears.

“I can’t... Believe, Spike’s, de-dead!”

Twilight’s friends comfort her, Pinkie expressing sympathy for the purple Unicorn.

“I’m sorry, for your, lost, Twilight.”

Pinkie Pie depressingly said, she couldn’t cry anymore, no seriously, even if she wanted to. She had a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder; knowing the pain of loss of a family member; well in her case, members.

“Um... Where’s, Rainbow Dash?”

The group heard a splash of water from Spike’s position, they turned their attention to the sound, Rainbow Dash had gone outside, grabbed the bucket by the door, and dumped it on Spike. The group was mad at first, Applejack scolding Rainbow Dash. Spike showed no response, he was definitely deceased, and from the looks of it, it’s been a while. Maybe his little heart couldn’t take all that stress at once? Rainbow threw the bucket behind her at the closet, it rebounded and fell to the floor, in motion before stopping. Rainbow Dash was sad, she too didn’t cry, same with Applejack. Twilight’s reaction was normal and very depressing, making them want to cry, Rarity couldn’t hold back her tears, the expression of Twilight and the memories of Spike were too much. She joined Twilight, sobbing together. Twilight thought of burying him, since there wasn’t evidence of his death, no puncture, no slash, no harm was on the body, so what’s the cause of death then? He’s not a pony, so they wouldn’t examine him thoroughly. She was going to bury her-! Twilight got up, tears cease flowing. She wasn’t sad anymore, she was angry, very angry, and he must’ve been murdered.

“Girls, I’m going to bury Spike, stay here and gather your composers back. He must’ve been murdered, there’s no way at his age, he would have a heart attack?”

Rarity was confused, as well as the rest of the gang. How did Twilight know it was a heart attack?

“Darling, how, do you, know, it’s, a heart attack?”

“Because there are no signs of lacerations or damage anywhere.”

“Couldn’t be a stroke?”

“I don’t think a stroke would normally kill their victim in one go, but heart attacks can. But he was healthy. Sure he was upset from everything that’s happened, but not to the point where a stroke or a heart attack would take place!”

Twilight lifted the body with her magic, turning to her friends, eyes still showered in tears. She teleported to the graveyard, taking the corpse of Spike with her, leaving her friends who were also sad to worry.

“You think, Twilight’s going to be okay?”

Pinkie pie anxiety asked. She understood her friends lost, she also lost love ones, three in fact. Whoever is the killer needs to pay? Seriously, no more deaths. The gang decided to take some rest. They hoped Twilight would be okay. They wanted to Follow Twilight but decided not to make her worry. Hopefully, she will be okay and return before dawn.

The gloomy Graveyard at Night!

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Twilight arrived at the graveyard, she was devastated, basically her son, is now dead. Did he do it to himself? Was he poisoned and possibly not a heart attack or stroke? She wondered while walking on the path, looking for a perfect area. She had to be in the middle of the graveyard now.

(”Celestia! This graveyard is gigantic!”)

Twilight didn’t like the spookiness of the graveyard, especially at night, there’s fog everywhere, the place is more gloomy, and even some part of the sky is green. Twilight felt shivers go down her spine, what if the killer lurks here? Twilight’s heart raced as she spotted the perfect gravesite. She made her way to the site nervously.

(”There’s gotta be a shovel around here somewhere?”)

Twilight check behind the grave, the sides, feeling stupid it was at the front of the tombstone. She grabbed it and walked left of the grave, she wasn’t the type of pony to defile a tombstone. She started digging, making noise. 56 feet away is the assassin Comber, who woke to the sound. Twilight put Spike down in the 13 feet whole she dug, filling it back up with her back hoofs, she felt a sharp pain in the left back hoof. It was a sharp pebble, she tried shaking it hoof, failing. She fell, using her magic to rip the pebble out of the hoof. A tiny amount of blood started to flow. Twilight usually wouldn’t be able to heal wounds, but since this one is so minor, it’s healed, looks like it didn’t happen, Twilight only wish her stamina felt that way. They need to smooth the graveyard, and maybe clean some of these pointy pebbles. She started thinking of the times she had with Spike: Funny, caring, and now...! Twilight wasn’t sad, but angry, angry at what caused his death. Was it the same killer, a new one perhaps, or maybe stress? She ran past the shadowed colt laying on the rock, she couldn’t see him with all this fog out and the darkness. She stopped at a tree outside of the graveyard. She pictured it as the cause of Spike’s death; she started hitting it hard, making a ton of noise. Comber heard the noise, Who the heck would cause this type of racked at this hour? Especially when there’s a funeral tomorrow. Comber got up, walking towards the sound, He saw Twilight. (”She’s up at this hour?”)

He remembered the digging sound from earlier, that must’ve been her digging? She must’ve found Spike’s corpse and then buried it. Twilight must be taking her stages of denial out. She reached the stage: Anger this is an annoying stage. Branches fell from the tree, leaves withering to the dirt ground. Twilight stopped hitting the tree, her hoofs started to feel the impacts of the force they were applying; she was regaining her stamina.

“Why are you hitting the tree with anger?”


Twilight turned to the voice in surprise and fear. That’s the colt they saw earlier, she would ask what he’s doing out of this time, but she’s also out. She can’t lie and say she with the police department since he’s familiar with the Elements of Harmony. She calmed herself down, before asking her question. Comber was only 20 feet away. He looked casual. Why ain’t he scared?

“Do you normally stroll at this time?”

Twilight had to raise her voice a little so he could fluently hear her. The purple made didn’t need to, however.

“No, I was resting and you started making a racket, so I investigated, now here we are. You don’t have to raise your voice, I can hear you fine.”

Comber said calmly, Twilight heard him, he’s right, she could hear him from her distance fine.

“Caw! Caw!”

Crows flew swiftly from the north, something must’ve spooked them, Twilight gained more fear from the crows, but was able to answer the question.

“Okay! Sorry about the noise you heard, you probably already know why I caused it tho?”

He knew why, Spike’s death. He looked confused, why would he know why?

“What do you mean? You looked angry after stopping, so anger seems like the answer?”

Twilight wanted to bluntly confront him if he killed Fluttershy, the Pies, and Spike. He will pay. Twilight started to walk towards him, cautioned of the pebbles on the ground. It’s time to ask him his name, if it’s the one the detective mentioned: Comber, then...!

Comber saw and already sensed him, That crazy Pony is back. He hit Twilight onto the ground, she couldn’t use her magic to escape or restraint him, he had a hatchet in his right hoof. One of the hoofs were bandaged up. Twilight felt a slice in her abdomen, blood started to gush out. She screamed in pain, quickly halting the sound. Toom had the hatchet position over her neck, he raised the hoof, already picturing the clean-cut; well wouldn’t call it clean when blood will most likely explode out of her body after the decapitation is finish. Twilight was scared and in pain, tears started flowing down her face, she was going to die, why isn’t the colt she was having a conversation helping her, is he working with him? She was paralyzed with fear and pain. Tooms had a devious smile on his face.

“Any last words!? Haha!”

“Di-did, you...! "

Twilight coughed blood onto the killer’s face. He licked it off, wickedly smiling at her. The blood tasted delicious. To others: detestable.

Kill, Spike!?

Twilight looked the killer in the eyes, tears flooding hers. She at least wanted to know if it was him, already guessing the correct answer, he would be too insane to leave the library spotless.

“Hahaha! After this, consider him dead!”

The hatchet was brought down at her neck with tremendous force; the force probably could cut a pony in half. Twilight closed her eyes, awaiting her death. She didn’t feel anything, what happened, she opened her eyes to find the hatchet stopped at the skin of the neck, Twilight’s heart raced, she felt dizzy and weak, she lost too much blood. Her vision was beginning to blur. All she could remember was another hoof restraining the hatchet wooden handle.

“You again!...

Comber punched the killer in the face; he twisted the hoof with the hatchet in it. Toom tried to keep his grip on the weapon, he lost it, after receiving a kick to the bottom jaw. Comber grasped the hatchet and tossed it at the tree; sticking it firmly in the bark.

“That’s what that tool is used for, lumberjack.”

Toom was on the ground in anguish. Comber put a hoof on Twilight’s left hoof, teleporting them away from the danger. His rage boiled with malevolence. He’s not a fat lumberjack.


Toom said with blood coming from his mouth, he licked it away. Even his own blood tasted good, not delicious tho. Where did they go? He wonders on the ground. How could he kill that colt in the worst way possible?

Remember the Past!? Me!?

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Comber arrived with Twilight on his back in front of the hospital, with no distractions, he rushed into the nursing facility, the doors burst open, with what looks like a distress colt with...!

“Get a stretcher for the emergency room, immediately!”

Comber was at the counter, guess he didn’t need to spill any information. The doors to the left burst opened, two ponies took Twilight off Comber’s back using magic, Comber paid little attention to the action. The emergency surgeons rushed pass
Comber, pushing the stretcher through the emergency room. Comber heard a paper slide. It was a report form.

“Before you leave, fill this out, it’s time for this killer to be caught!”

(”The only Ponies reported dead in this town was the jobs I completed, not kill, assassinate!”)

“I don’t think I can provide enough information to catch the killer, all I can say is, he’s insane.”

The clerk was intrigued by the colt’s words. Her eyes widened. Are they dealing with an assassin or murderous pony? She wanted more information. Comber started walking towards the exit. The clerk needed to stop him.

“Wait! Insane!? Are you saying we aren’t dealing with an assassin, were dealing with a murderous insane pony!?”

“Maybe. Twilight should tell you more when she conscious. She’s the one who met him, not me. I just saved her after hearing a yell.”

The nurse quoted his words. “He.” So now she will report this information to the police; they now know more of the suspect’s appearance. It’s a colt and he’s insane. Comber disappeared, not wanting any more questions. The clerk was annoyed, why doesn’t anypony fill these report forms out?


“Do you think it takes a pony this long to bury a body?”

Applejack said. She started to worry about Twilight. Something didn’t seem right for her to still be out. The others were laying separate from each other, they were still awake, there’s no way they could sleep when Twilight’s still out. Where did these sleeping bags even come from? They looked very old but washed.

" I like how bluntly you said that. Calm down Applejack, Twilight said not to worry about her, just get some rest and be ready for the funeral tomorrow.”

Rainbow Dash faced the wall, waiting for Applejack’s response. She worried about Twilight, but trusted she was too intelligent to not take caution; heck, she was cautious about everything. Applejack walked to her sleeping bag, laying down and answering Rainbow Dash.

“You know how Twilight gets when she’s emotional. She does not think with common sense.”

“So what are you saying, darling?”

Rarity asked, already assuming what she was saying. She hoped it’s not just her thought.

“I’m saying what if she attempting to take justice into her own hoofs?”

“We don’t even know if it’s the same killer or another one Applejack? So why would she hunt the killer if she doesn’t know who it is and if they killed Spike?”

Rainbow fatiguingly said. Even if she doesn’t find the killer responsible for Spike’s death if that’s even the cause? Then at least she will help everypony feel safe again.

“Well I hope it’s the same killer, we don’t need 2 or more of ‘em.”

“Girls, I’m trying to sleep...”

Pinkie Pie said, waking up hearing their conversation. The conversations stopped, waiting to be continued the next day. The group trusted Twilight will be okay. They decided to rest for tomorrow, if Twilight’s not back, then they will go out and hunt for her. This will be done before noon. The wind blew spooky and scary outside of the library. They might’ve changed their minds if they saw it.


Comber was back on his resting rock again. He did save Twilight, yes. He can’t stand by and let an innocent pony be killed, especially for no reason. He closed his eyes, resting his eyes. He wanted to continue, but his ears alerted him of a Pegasus bursting through the wind. Seriously, if that’s...!

“I Gained 100 more bits, I think that means I’m more than halfway there?”

Comber turned, she already knew he wasn’t sleeping, He guesses she saw the whole ordeal with that insane killer? At night Comber looked like a killer in the shadows.

“You know, you blend in the night? Bet you wouldn’t mind if Nightmare Moon cast Equestria into eternal darkness?”

Lighting Dust wasn’t right, or correct. Sure there’s more stealth at the time of darkness, (night.) The morning also has its perks, like not able to lose visual, not like that’s a problem anyway.

“Didn’t you tell me you would come back after having the sufficient amount of currency?”

“I did, but I also saw the...!”

The battle with that murderous insane pony, I figured that much, I already heard you coming from a distance; the distance being the path I came from.”

Comber was annoyed. He never had a client like this before. Is there some reason she keeps coming back? Has to be?

“I saw you save... What’s her name....? I know she’s Rainbow Dash’s friend. She represented the element of magic. I believe... Twilight! That was nostalgic.”

Comber quoted the word nostalgic, what does she mean, “nostalgic?” Comber tried to remember, failing to do so. Lighting Dust action was caught by Comber’s eyes, she got into a formative stance on two hoofs, placing a hoof over her chest. What was she doing?

“You really don’t remember... I’m that filly you saved so long back, Your friend told me to not worry while sheltering from that filly killer.”

Comber looked confused, having the memory brought back by his hippocampus. He saved a Pegasus filly with an orange mane and tail, they were also green. That’s must be her? Lighting Dust bowed to Comber.

“I’m so grateful you saved me. I have never forgotten that generous acted you committed. I never thought you would travel all the way to Ponyville? If I may ask, why do you stay in this town anyway, your hometown would have more clients, would it not?”

Comber remembered his hometown. Ponies there all worked as brutal killers, they would kill for no reason, to prove a point, or for their sick pleasure. Most of the time, they wanted to outrank him but failed, so they attempted to kill him. That was a failure.

“I don’t get what’s so comfortable about that rock you lay on? It looks smooth, but it’s too chilly out to be laying outside with no covers.”

“So that was you, I have forgotten all about that.”

Comber turned over to ignore the Pegasus who respected him so. Lighting Dust couldn’t believe he has forgotten about saving her, her feelings were a little hurt; he must’ve saved lots of ponies before, maybe that’s why he forgot?

“You know I consider you to be a hero?”

Comber opened his eyes. He’s not a hero, that’s very funny. He closed his eyes. Lighting Dust realized she was disturbing the colt’s nap, or sleep. She wished him no harm and to stay safe. She flew off to her home, intending to rest for the funeral tomorrow. Comber brushed the thought of being a hero out of his mind. The wind blew smoothly and spooky.

Twilight Recovers! Madbox!

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Twilight awoke in room 101, Forgetting the chain of events that occurred outside of the graveyard. She looked down at her abdomen, finding bandages and spotting a stitch. It was almost at the chest, she’s lucky to survive whatever happened? She started to rethink the actions that happened, staring out the window; from the distance, she saw the graveyard, and memories flowed to her. She found the killer in Ponyville. When he attacked, why didn’t she use her magic to restrain him? More importantly, that colt they were all suspicious of isn’t really the killer, at least she hoped. He was good at taking down that insane pony with 3 hits, no magic. He must’ve taken some fighting classes (martial arts.) Twilight was thinking how she could go to the funeral tomorrow, she’s banged up, not to mention, bandaged. The sky looked like it was in the morning, but the sun wasn’t out. The weather was cloudy, hopefully not rainy or stormy, or they’ll post the funeral to another day. That colt came from the graveyard, was she so loud that ponies across the graveyard could hear her? Wait, he doesn’t live in Ponyville, Ponies wouldn’t invite their friends over when there’s a murderous pony on the loose. She remembered the autopsies from the Pies. It was a knife, not a hatchet? That pony had a hatchet, did the other colt have the weapon to the crime? Maybe the insane pony had it in his bag? Twilight got up from the bed, feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen. She wanted to yell but covered her mouth with a hoof. She lay back down, not wanting to rip the stitches apart. She turned her head to the right, spotting a glass of water, she grabbed it with her magic, then with her hoofs firmly. She gulped the 8 ozs of water down; the glass of water was refreshing. It didn’t taste stale or like it been out for hours, this would mean the staff is refilling the glass every hour. She was glad to be alive, if that was the killer, then why did the other colt save me?

The room door opened, making a squeaky sound before opening all the way. A white mare came through the door with another full glass of water; she was surprised by Twilight, she’s actually awake. She walked to the table with the empty glass and put it on her tray, replacing the empty glass with a full one. She turned her attention to Twilight.

“Hi, Mrs. Sparkle, The surgeons here worked really hard to save you. You had massive internal bleeding, your liver was punctured, which is why we are surprised you’re alive. After you recover, do you plan to tell the town what happened?

Twilight stared at the nurse with shock, she’s alive how exactly, good thing that pony knows how to teleport or She’ll be dead...! Wait, most of the Unicorns don’t know how to teleport yet, so he was able to, the only problem with it is that Spike had the doors lock and they were shown no damage, the insane pony said he didn’t do it, and she believes he’s telling the truth. So is it possible that colt killed Spike? Twilight clenched her right hoof, feeling angry, then sad.

“Are you okay Mrs. Sparkle?”

The nurse asked in concern, viewing her clenched hoof. She’s angry about something; could another pony have died?

“I’m okay, just rethinking the events that happened, sorry to make you concern.”

The nurse walked to the door, letting Twilight know to call her if she needs anything? Twilight lay back down, thinking about how Spike could’ve died? If he did do it? How could she stop him, he obviously not here and that means he teleported after dropping me off. He has powerful magic, maybe marital magic too? Twilight closed her eyes and decided to get some rest for the funeral.


The time was morning, Twilight’s friends awoke, Rainbow Dash Complaining of neck pain, apply pressure to her stiff neck; she got up, using her head to search for Twilight; she didn’t find her. Did she not come back!?

“Um... Where’s twilight...?”

The others just woke up, they didn’t think about Twilight, good thing Rainbow Dash reminded them that their friend is still gone. The group felt anxiety wash over them, That’s nice and clean. They thought she would be fine on her own, addition to that, she’s very unpredictable when she’s angry, so it was best to let her blow it off.

“What do you think could’ve happened to her?”

Pinkie said, worrying her friend that helped her mentally is in grave danger. Why and when the Equestria become so cruel and malevolence. Could it possibly but most unlikely be Discord? No, don’t think so, he causes immature chaos, not at this level, don’t challenge him on that tho, he might scoot to this killer’s level? Rainbow Dash flew fast and grab all the sleeping bags and put them back under the staircase, there, she found a photo of Spike and Twilight hugging. This caused sadness for Rainbow Dash, she decided to leave it there, putting it back in its recent position. She made her way back to the group.

“I recommend we search for Twilight, if we can’t find her, then either she left Ponyville or went to a recovery place to rest alone.”

Rainbow Dash knew how Twilight probably felt, but she decided to stay quiet about the picture she found under the stairwell. She stared down at the ground, expressing what looks like to be sorrow: This is a sign of sympathy.

“You okay Rainbow Dash, you look sad?”

Rainbow brush the photo out of her mind, facing her friends with a smile. She agrees to go look for her.

“I fly around Ponyville fast to see if I can find her!”

Rainbow Dash opened the door and quickly flew fast and free, not to mention loud. The first place she’ll check is the place she went to burry Spike: Ponyville’s graveyard.

“I don’t feel comfortable with Rainbow Dash blasting her way through Ponyville looking Twilight.”

Applejack said with concern, she urges the rest of the group to head out and search for Twilight with her.

“Do you even, know where she went?”

Pinkie Pie said confused. Applejack remembered where Twilight went first, as Rarity also does. How could Pinkie Pie forget where Twilight went?

“Darling, you’re kidding, she went to the graveyard to burry Spike.”

Pinkie remembered now. She felt bad for forgetting; she couldn’t shake her sisters being murdered; she’ll never be able to see them, hug them, or even party with them again. She regrets not being there but assumes if she was, she’ll be with her sisters. Maybe there’s a way to bring them back?

“Pinkie are you daydreaming? Let’s go!”

Applejack said, the others already outside waiting for Pinkie Pie. Pinkie walked through the door, feeling uneasy.

“Alright, let’s go to the graveyard to see if Twilight’s there?”

The group agreed and made their next destination: Ponyville’s graveyard.


Toom got up, he was angry, that colt is going to pay for that! How dare he interfere with his murder victims. The mad pony made a short-term goal to kill Comber. That black, about to be red colt is going to lose his organs, the mad pony will eat them in front of his face. Toom got up with agitation, the sky is looking a little blue. That’s despicable. It needs a little bit of red, crimson red, blood red. Toom saw a delivery pegasus, she was delivering mail at this hour? She must want an invitation to death? The insane pony turned to the mailbox near him, with his hatchet, he went over and started chomping down the mailbox, it was loud, but the only ponies awake is him and that mail pegasus, possibly that darn colt? The mailbox support barrier was made out of wood, making it easy to chop down like a small tree, it actually felt like a branch really; it only took two hits, and it was down: That’s normally the case with the victims; chop them in the back, then the head or neck. Toom picked up the mailbox by its wood. He made his way, stealthy to the mail pony; it looks like her next delivery is the house on the left, toom hid behind the fence, in the bushes of where the mailbox was. Toom had a firm grip on the mailbox’s handle, before coming over, he made the bottom look like a stake. He can’t wait to make this pony suffer, he’ll image it to be that colt. The mail pony came over to the mailbox, opened it, and placing three letters inside.

(”Only two more deliveries, and I’m done.)

The mail pony had a smile on her face as she walked away, she didn’t spot the stalker, he came out of the bushes and opened the fence door, letting him follow the mail pony. He made his quick way to the pony, hitting her in the back of the head with the metal blunt part of the mailbox. She fell to the ground, unconscious, her last view was a black pony with a mane and tail following his coat in color. Her vision blurred out there.

“You will die by your career.”

Stabbing the stake into her stomach, he twisted the mailbox, pushing the mailbox down, ripping the stomach from its attachments. The acid burst from the stomach and into the abdominal cavity. Toom ripped the mailbox out with the stomach on it. He walked over and put the stake over the ponies skull. It still had the stomach on it. He stabbed the mailbox into the skull, fracturing it and stabbing into the brain. She was dead. Toom looked around, he wanted to make sure nopony was on watch duty. The prey didn’t struggle, that wasn’t fun at all for the insane pony. He took his gasoline can, pouring it on the mailbox, to the entire body; he lit the match, a devious smile formed on the killer’s face. He stabbed the match into the open yellow eye. The feel felt slimy like the intestines do. He repeated the process with the left eye. He took another match and lit it.

(”I’ll make any victim see hell. Bullseye?”)

He lit the matches that were in the eyes fast, stepping away to see the matches burning into the skull; if the neurons weren’t firing, they are now. Toom started walking away from the body, having his head turn to see it set up to blaze, the mailbox caught fire. Toom ran fast, mumbling words.

“Delivery, Death!” Hahahaha!

The killer put his can back in his bag, with his hatchet; don’t want nopony seeing those weapons, that’ll be bad. He would make his way out of Ponyville, waiting for the announcement to end. Wait, how does he know about the funeral? He took the mailbag with him, opening and reading the letters to be delivered. He doesn’t know who Fluttershy was, and he really doesn’t care, if she’s so special, then he would’ve taken the time to torture her, maybe make her eat her still powered by sight eyes. After he read the letters, he put the bag down with the torn envelope and set it ablaze. He made his way out of Ponyville, he’ll come back once the funeral is over, He was fast, it was like murder powered him. He decided to lay behind a tree outside of Ponyville’s welcome sign; if any new visitors come, HI! I mean DIE!

Where's Twilight at!? On The Book to Recovery!

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The Mane six arrived at the graveyard, the sun begging to rise. The graveyard still looked spooky as ever, the branches blew with the wind, making whistling and breaking sounds; some branches fell, startling the group. They started to wonder if Twilight came here at night; if it’s this spooky now, then image it at the time of late dawn. The group enters the foggy cemetery; it looked very humid, crows flew off as they passed, awaking the colt that lurks within this humid place.

“So, where’s Rainbow Dash?”

Applejack said worrying about her friend’s safety. If she came to the graveyard, then why is all this fog here? The group made it halfway into the place of the dead; they didn’t spot Rainbow Dash anywhere. Is it possible that she already found Twilight? Are they making their destination this place because they know we’ll be here, searching for them? They didn’t know to stay and search and wait, or leave and search the hospital? In the distance, the colt that wields a red cape laid and watched them search for something or somepony? He remembered the event from last night, even tho it wasn’t much done., he came to the conclusion they were searching for that purple unicorn mare. What was her name again?

“She’s not here!”

Pinkie Pie happily said looking behind a tombstone. Rarity was following the path, while Applejack checked behind the trees. Where could she be? If she came here to bury Spike, then maybe she’s at the grave she made?

‘You girls think she’s at the grave she made?”

Applejack asked with a questioning expression.

“I would maybe think so? Where’s Rainbow Dash anyway?”

They searched for Rainbow Dash using their heads, no luck in finding their blue friend. They heard zooming through the air, the fog began to disappear, the noise was loud and fast when it started; the colt almost fell off the stone he laid on; he caught himself with one hoof and turned to the stone and jumped over it, landing on all four hoofs. What the heck was that sound? He turned to where he saw the group of friends and discovered a blue pegasus now with them. What are they really searching for? Must be their purple friend? He sighed. The Elements of Harmony is more than friendship. He decided to make his way to them and alert them of what happened to their purple friend.

“Where were you Rainbow Dash!?”

Applejack said angry, she had them all worried about them. Rainbow landed and took a deep breath, preparing to answer Applejack’s question.

“You girls were too slow so I decided to check all over Ponyville for Twilight, not spotting her and so here I am.”

Rarity and Applejack felt insulted Rainbow Dash called them slow, but decided not to make any fuss about it; more important manners to take care of, like where’s Twilight if she’s not in the graveyard? Did she decide to see the princes and fill her in on what’s occurring in Ponyville? Does Celestia know what’s happening in this village?

“Wait, you didn’t see Twilight anywhere?

“And she’s not found here?”

Pinkie added, feeling more depressing thing about her friend being harmed. The pink mare heard hoof steps behind her, turning to the noise and spotting the black colt from a distance, they meet that colt already. What is he doing in this spooky place? Did he bury a corpse?

“Hey girls, there’s that colt!?”

Pinkie said with fear and worry. He could be the killer? Maybe he might know where Twilight is? The colt stopped a distance, enough for the group to hear his words. Applejack saw the colt; so that’s the colt they were talking about?

“I couldn’t notice you were looking for something or someone, who or what is it?”

The colt asked with delight. He would help them if they are looking for that purple mare? The group was confused and still not fully trusting the colt. Why is he in the graveyard at this time? There’s no way he slept here?

“We’re searching for our friend Twilight, have you seen her?”

That name sounds like the pony’s coat would be purple? That must be that purple mare that was with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash?

“Is her coat purple?”

He meets them a while back, did she forget her name, or was he playing the don’t know game?

“Yes!, you remember, you meet us earlier!”

Rainbow Dash flew above the colt expressing confusion. Did he really forget?

“Do you know where she is partner?”

Applejack said in her foreign language; walking over and extending a hoof out to the colt. The colt shook her hoof, The element of Honesty has an unusually strong grip for a mare; she sounds like a country mare, so that explains it. Applejack greeted him. The colt had a smile on his face.

“She came here last night, she buried her dragon, after that, to let her anger out, she turned to the tree and constantly attacked the tree as it was somepony-!?”

“Yeah, wanted to ask you, but why are you in the graveyard at this time? You were also here last night?

The colt confirmed Rainbow Dash’s question. He must like this type of environment?

“You know what’s happening in Ponyville, right?”

The colt smirked, of course, he knows, but there’s a killer out there a lot more dangerous to society than he is.

“I do. Me hanging in the graveyard does make me seem suspicious, doesn’t it?”

“Um... Duh...!”

Rainbow Dash replied with an of course expression. The colt doesn’t understand why she would fly instead of standing, Legs have stronger muscles than wings, so why fly and not stand while having a conversation?

“Do you want to know where your friend is or not?”

Rainbow wanted to joke and said in a grave, accusing him to be the killer, but instead, she kept the joke to herself. It wasn’t a good joke, to begin with, and she disposed of it. She landed 5 feet from the colt, answering his question with a yes.

“She was attacked by an insane colt. I saved her and she’s recovering at the hospital in Ponyville.”

The group was shocked with high amounts of volts; their fears of Twilight being attacked came true. Applejack knew it wasn’t a good idea to let her go alone. She scolded Rainbow for being so relaxed about it. The colt stared at the group as the blue pegasus argues with the orange earth pony. The colt turned his back to the group and headed back to his resting place. Applejack wanted to thank him for his kindness; as did Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

“Hey wait! Thank you for saving our friend!”

Rainbow Dash said with gratitude. The colt felt zero emotion from their praise. He just did what’s right; he wasn’t going to watch an innocent pony be slaughtered like a pig, not to mention probably gutted? He was not a hero, nor will he be.

“Don’t mention it, stay safe and away from that insane pony.”

The group started to feel guilty for accusing him of being the killer. If he was, why didn’t he kill Twilight then? What if he did and thew us track to discovering her? They hoped they were wrong. He didn’t attack them when he could, is it because he’s outnumbered or because he wasn’t hired to if it’s an assassin like the police department theorized? Nah, they don’t think he’s an assassin, his manners are too polite and gentle; also, assassins don’t help people.

“Well, our next destination is the hospital, check in on Twilight, then go to the funeral.”

The group agreed with Applejack’s plan, heading to the hospital, this time not going in head staying with the group. They hoped their friend of magic would be okay. They worried about the situation.


The purple mare has been thinking; how could she stop this killer? He’s an earth pony, so maybe he won’t be able to break free from her magic if he ain’t physically very strong as the magic? She grabbed the cup of water that was refreshed 5 minutes ago; that nurse is really... Odd and nice. She’s odd by her attitude, and the word nice means she’s polite. Twilight set the glass down, empty of water it used to have. The nurse would refill it, in 55 minutes that is. Twilight took a review of the surgical papers, spotting exactly where the hatchet hit and what it ruptured; She’s lucky she’s alive; if that colt would’ve tried to run her here, she would’ve bled out. They had to immediately start the surgery in the closest room. The intestines were damaged, and it was lightly; apparently, the hatchet lacerated the arteries; if they haven’t started the surgery within the minute she was brought here, she would’ve lost more than 40% of her blood; she would’ve gone into shock, and died from blood loss. Twilight well have to miss the funeral to make a full recovery; she didn’t want to, but she would make a amend to Fluttershy if she can’t be at her funeral. Twilight picked spell books from the medical cabinets, reading them, learning new spells she would think to try after she recovers; her magic is very delicate right now since the attack. Twilight laid her head on the pillow and her body on the bed, making sure to do it in a specific way so she doesn’t injury herself. She sighed. First, she loses Spike who was like a son to her, and now she finds herself in the bed of the hospital in Ponyville. She regrets taking her anger out on that tree; it must’ve alerted that insane killer? So far, he’s the killer and the one she suspected to be the killer is not a killer and is quite the opposite; he saved her, which would make him a hero. Why did he do it tho? What’s the motive for saving her? He was quite good a fighting, so he wouldn't have a weapon unless to absolutely kill somepony? He most likely doesn’t have a weapon and if he was the killer, it would be a broken neck or something in the range? The other killer took pleasure in stabbing or sticking his hatchet into her lower abdomen. The look in his eyes was pure insanity. Twilight had a flashback in psychology; does that colt have psychosis? This would mean he has involuntary impulses, which doesn’t seem to be the case? He would’ve decapitated her if he did, or does he have the mental disorder and is able to control it and use it to his advantage? Twilight picked up a book of spells, the title was: “Recovery Spells.” Twilight opened the book and read the citations for each section, She decided to study the healing spell. The definition of the spell was able to recover physical injuries, but suffer the loss of stamina; this varies how to serve the injury is; if an organ dies and needed to be healed/ brought back to function, then it would cost a lot of mana which in terms, cost stamina.

(”Alright, maybe if I study these spells of recovery, I’ll be able to go to Fluttershy’s funeral?)

Twilight will study the spell of recovery, hoping to learn them; they could potentially save a pony’s life? How much mana does it normally cost for minor injuries? 25M. 50M for the major heals. Twilight read page after page, she will eventually reach the final page which is 100; most of the books on the shelves are 100 pages in length. The history of the heal spell dates back to the time of Asclepius, the god of medicine. He was able to perform marvelous recoveries using the power which is called the: “Healing Touch.” Twilight finished the book, putting it back on the shelves above her and deciding to get some rest, if she’s going to attempt the healing spell, she would need more stamina; she defiantly has the magic to perform it. Twilight rests for stamina. She has no clue her friends are coming to see her, she seems to forget all about them, due to this tragic event. The Unicorn felt discomfort, but the reason made no sense.

Twilight's first heal spell! Can She Go To The Funeral!?

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It was early dawn, Twilight was up already; she had already read all the books on medicine; some of them were mythology because they sponsored the god of medicine, Asclepius. The other books on medicine talked about casting healing spells and how to perform them with little mama cost; you don't want to drain your mama excessively if you can cast the spells correctly. Twilight got up, standing on all four hoofs; she still felt a sharp pain in her chest, it wasn't as painful as before, but still enough to make Twilight fall on the ground; she attempted to stop herself from falling, but failed; she instead, attempted to use a good to slow he fall, she still hit the floor; feeling a sharp pain in her heat once again, she yelled, causing the nurse to come in early than her hourly rounds; she didn't like how Twilight tried to get up; she remembered what she and Twilight talked about; that's a lot of mental stress and pain; not to mention being attacked after the discovery of her kind friend. She rushed to Twilight, grabbing one of her hoofs and helped her up from the white clear ground; Twilight sat down on the bed slowly, the nurse already let go of her hoof, knowing she will return to her laying position; she was right as Twilight safely and patiently layer back down. She wanted to go to Fluttershy's funeral; she felt angry and upset at the thought of missing her friend's funeral. The nurse could tell what the patient was feeling and decided to sit down, pulling a wooden chair from its desk and positioning it on the left side of Twilight's recovery bed, by the window, she sat down, facing the patient direction.

"Are you okay?"

The nurse calmly asked; she could tell that she was, she wanted to know if the heir was in pain or tear in the stitches; if there was, then there would be a little bit of blood running from her chest: there's no blood coming from her chest, she must be okay.

"I'm fine. I wish there's some way I could go to Fluttershy's funeral?"

Twilight said upset about missing her friend's funeral. That's not the only thing she wishes to go to; she will also stop at the police station, reporting the information she received by being attacked by the maniac killer. If he's the true killer, hen the detective is wrong about the assassin theory; he would chase them down because he's insane and finds pleasure in that deed; the detective deduction is on point if it was an assassin, but so far, it doesn't seem to be. Twilight remembered that colt who saved her and defeated the killer with three blows; she wondered... Did he turn him in? Did he report it? She can't recall because she went unconscious from shock.

"Twilight, I saw you read the books from the shelves; you even read the ones from the surgeon section, you do like to read. Do you have any books on medicine or healing in your library?"

The nurse asked nicely and suspiciously; maybe Twilight can go to the funeral?

"I have one book on medicine, but it's mostly about healing and conspiracy on the resurrection."

Twilight explains in passion; she has one of every book of spells unless they are forbidden spells like the one's the demons used in methodology?

"Do you so happened to believe mythology?"

The nurse asked; if she read the one named: "The Dangers of Resurrection," then she would believe you wouldn't be able to resurrect her friend.

"I seriously think a pony came up with nonsense like that, I wasn't taught it in Celestia's school for the gifted, so it's fake, but it did mention resurrection, which it says not to perform under any circumstances; I don't see the harm in doing so, but the book does."

Twilight explained information, gaining a little bit of anxiety along the way of explanation.

"Some mythology gods are fake, such as the god of killers, the god of death, etc; I wouldn't worry about consequences performing the good mythology spells, that is, if they are true that is? Most of them, are not but we went off subject."

The nurse said with no worry, grasping the thought she had to help Twilight go to the funeral.

"We sure did... What did we go off-topic from?"

Twilight attempted to remember what the nurse said; it's possible to make her wish come true by seeing her friends and going to the funeral.

"Do you want to go to the funeral at noon?"

The nurse asked, she knew it would be a yes. She smiled at Twilight, who frowned as a response; she can't go to the funeral at noon, she's too injured, that's why she'll fell on the cold floor.

"I want to... But my injuries would halt me and eventually forcing me to submit to the pain."

The nurse already had a plan for Twilight; she was accepted into Celestia's school for a reason; let's put that reason to the test now.

"Have you attempted to heal yourself with those spells from our medicine book? Seriously, if only injured unicorns would read these books, then we would have more rooms available for the injured pegasus and earth ponies; they can perform spells like unicorns, so they can't heal themselves."

The nurse explained, she wanted to help Twilight out, as she's been through a lot and continues to fight, which reminds her of her days in medical university.

"I have and I feel like I've able to do it, but fear my stamina would deplete to zero."

Twilight explained fearfully. She's in a medical bed, she would be able to recover her stamina and still go to the funeral in time.

"Ain't you in a bed? You will recover enough stamina to go to the funeral."

The nurse explained being a smart Alex. Twilight gave thought to perform the healing spell on herself, believing she will be able to perform it with ease due to all the knowledge she gained.

"You really think I can perform a healing spell of that magnitude? I studied it, but the condition I'm in, do you think I can perform it?"

Twilight asked doubting herself. If she did perform it, she would be out of that condition and she would be able to go to the funeral and fill out a police report of that murderous colt who attacked her with an axe, a hatchet is more like it; the reason is unknown, but it should be eventually discovered by the detectives; the reason must be insanity? The nurse thought to herself, she believed Twilight would be able to do it; she's is Celestia's study after all in the school of magic.

"You were the top student in Celestia's entire school, nothing slowed your studies down; in fact, nothing slowed you down when it came to your studies; if there was a test, you passed it with an A; so when considering all of that, I believe you can perform the healing spell, even if it's painful, just think of your friends and Fluttershy's funeral."

The nurse said with a smile; she knew Twilight will perform the spell, she just needed some motivation; so that's what she did. The nurse took the empty glass on the bed's left stand and put it on the metal cart she came in with; the cart had a pitcher filled to the brim with purified water, the secret to the water is unknown, it is blessed, it's healing properties made it so special, they also made it taste so the hospital would drink it and stay healthy; there's nothing malicious to the drink. Twilight got up, feeling a little bit of pain in her chest, That's weird, Twilight Thought, it was painful last night, way more painful; maybe Celestia's first sign of mercy, now they need justice and a little more mercy. Twilight horn illuminated with a purple color, she concentrated really hard to perform the spell for the first time, she remembered the spell, how to perform it and now it's time for the test, you should practice before the test always.


Twilight groaned, feeling a tight sharp pain in her chest; magic started to surround the wound, making sure to completely engulf it. Twilight took a deep breath, the scare begging to disappear, after 2 more seconds it was gone; she has successfully completed the heal spell on her first time; she wouldn't have a desire before to learn the heal spell because usually no Pony in Ponyville or from where she came from, canterlot, had aggression; sure they'll be arguments but not fighting or killing; she might've still learned it and practice it for a little of time if she came across it? Twilight was surprised it worked but as expected, she felt fatigued, a lot of fatigue; the purple mare laid her head on the pillow; as she was thinking and laying down again; the nurse got up and congratulated Twilight.

"I knew you could do it Twilight Sparkle! At least we don't need to worry about another surgery for you!?"

The nurse excitedly said; they really needed to do another surgery on her? How come they didn't heal her from the begging, huh? Twilight was too tired to question, all she could think about is rest, plenty of it.

"I did too..."

Twilight fatigue replied. The nurse refilled the glass of water and placed it on the counter to Twilight's left; the nurse would make her way downstairs and refill the pitcher of blessed water; after making sure that her patient is okay.

"Do you want anything else, I have another patient to check on, before I check on them, are you fine, no pain, no injuries?"

The nurse concernedly asked, feeling a little worried; this was Twilight's first time casting a medical spell; she could get it wrong then she would be in trouble depending on what she didn't heal. Twilight would've shaken her head no, but she was too tired to do so.

"No, I think I'll rest..."

Twilight exhaustly replied. she already covered herself up with the hospital blankets; she prepared to sleep, hopefully, it isn't a nightmare? If it is, could it possibly be a premonition?

"Alright, I'll have the doctors put you on the list for an x-ray to make sure you perform the spell correctly, serious consequences could occur if you did, sure if you feel fine you might not notice since the nerves could've been healed, I'm not telling you to get one, I'm suggesting you."

"I know, I'll think about it...?"

The exhausted purple Unicorn said. The nurse opened the door, pushed the tray out, then walked out and slowly and gently shut the door, she headed down the hall to refill the pitcher, then she'll go and check on the next patient. Twilight closed her eyes and thought about her friends and her funeral; hopefully, she cast that spell perfectly or she'll need to stay a little longer; unless they could cast it on her real fast; they are experts and they would know how to prevent exhausting. Twilight rested, it just turned down not so long ago, so she'll get enough stamina back to make it to the funeral; Twilight believed she healed herself correctly, she still would want to be evaluated to make sure all organs are functioning properly and safely; the doctors would use more than just an x-ray machine, they would need to use multiple machines to test not just her organs function, but also her cells. Twilight fell asleep, not receiving a nightmare as she thought.

Going to the Funeral!? I'm Attending!?

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A green pegasus land at the gravesite, walking a distance to a smooth stone, the colt on the stone turned and saw her, he was annoyed by her appearance, why does she showing up frequently, he forgot his answer to that question, he bets she doesn’t have the active currency for the authorization and she only collected 100 more bits then last time; she could tell he was annoyed she was there; geez, he must be one heck of a solo assassin? Lighting Dust was about to start a sentence but was cut off by the annoyed assassin.

“Before you say anything, do you have the right currency? I assume no since the last time which is almost the same amount of time periodically to this visit, you only gained 100 more bits, so I assume you only have 100 more bits than the last time you showed up, right?”

Comber explained gently. Lighting Dust wasn’t that shocked he already caught on to her habit; he was very optimistic; she smiled at the black colt, before speaking.

“You are correct with that deduction, I’m not too surprise since you are optimistic.”

Lighting Dust’s voice was happy, but she wants him to know about the funeral that is to come. Her face turned casual as she looked at the assassin, who looked bored and no fatigue at all. This place is still spooky as it is at night.

“I’m optimistic at somethings, such as battling, But deductions are easy to catch on to when they occur too often. Know please tell me why you bother me much so?”

The assassin asked sighing at lighting; she always shows up with 100 more bits and it’s just as annoying.

“Are you going to Fluttershy’s funeral? It’s at noon today, I assume you might already know about it... Hmm...?”

The Pegasus said suspecting him to be Fluttershy’s killer. The assassin could tell by her voice she knew he was the cause of Fluttershy’s death, but it doesn’t matter at all, like sticks against iron, the executive branch can’t do a thing; if they tried, maybe that’ll be fun at least? And yes he’s going to the funeral, he didn’t want to end her, but duty calls and a target is a job, so he’ll show up at least.

“Yes I’m going to the funeral, are you also going, if so, please try to not bother me as much; get the number of bits and we’ll talk business, alright?”

Comber told the pegasus pleasingly; he doubts she’ll listen to him as she hasn’t so far. Lighting Dust laughed, she won’t bother him, unless she has the correct amount of bits in her hoofs. She lied to herself. She flew up in the air, preparing to leave and head to Ponyville for the funeral. She wondered if he likes his job or does he do it for fun or income? She remembers his house and it was big and large and more sophisticated than these houses in Ponyville, and definitely that stone he lays on; it can’t be comfortable, she would rather lay on a cloud before a stone, even if that stone looked another than the cloud.

“Alright, but I would say it’s messed up for the killer-!”

Comber cut into the sentence.


Comber calmly added; Lighting Dust continuing with her sentence.

“To be heading and attending at his victim’s funeral.”

Comber started to question if she knew or not because her voice sounded sarcastic, and wanted to be questioned. He’s not going there for the goods at all; he’s going to attend to donate and to learn a little about that shy yellow Pegasus. She thought wrong.

“First of all, do you even know I killed Fluttershy or not? Because your voice sounded unsure; and second, I’m attending to donate to her lost; not to feast or dwell around in pleasure. Now, may I asked why are you going, wasn’t it for Rainbow Dash’s friends and her for kicking you from the Wonderbolts?”

Comber defensively struck her with nostalgia. She was a little agitated by Comber’s remark, but calmed down easy, after all, she was kinda rude to him initially. He sounded defensive which means he must’ve killed Fluttershy because he also changed the subject.

“Yes, it was indeed Rainbow Dash, or should I rephrase that last name to " Crash?” Doesn’t matter it was her and her friend’s fault for getting me ejected from the academy. You also a Unicorn right, because after her death, the body was recovered with only a fatal stab wound, assassins would surely know how to quickly kill a job, especially if they are vicious when angry. It couldn’t have been that insane earth pony because he uses a hatchet instead of a knife, so it has to be you!?”

She’s quite the detective; why does she scout Ponyville anyway, could that be how she’s collecting the bits need for her revenge? It doesn’t matter as long as she got the currency. He won’t confess he did or not, so... She needs to drop it.

“I don’t understand why you trying to make me confess, it won’t work, you seem like you more of a detective than a flyer who performs air stunts, how about you become a detective then?”

Comber gave the green Orange eyes Pegasus recommendation for a new career, she Chuckled, she has a little bit of a bad record because of that stupid accident at the Wonderbolts academy, so most likely not; she also doesn’t want to be a detective, she just curious if he killed Fluttershy or not? She also wanted to pester him, which didn’t work.

“No thanks... That would mean I’ll have to arrest you and I don’t want to do that.”

Lighting Dust fearfully said before laughing. She knew she wouldn’t be able to arrest him, he would injury her badly if she tried. Comber wanted to laugh at Lighting Dust’s joke, he could tell she knew she could not arrest him.

“Bad suggestion then, right?”

Comber friendly asked the pegasus. It was silly to think she could become a detective and arrest him.

“Yeah, it was. I’ll see you at the funeral!” Bye!”

The Pegasus blades of the north of Ponyville, that where the funeral going to be held, at the central part of Ponyville. Comber laid on his rock, gazing at the cloudy sky, no sun to overheat you is always good. He got up and sat down on the stone; Checking his watch for any new jobs; there’s none to be found; this caused the assassin to sigh. He turned his watch’s screen off before just sitting down, maybe he’ll meditate while waiting for the funeral?

Visit Twilight Sparkle! She Already Recovered!?

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Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie arrived in front of Ponyville’s hospital after learning that her friend was attacked and almost murdered by the killer; they suspected him to be the killer but they were wrong and remorseful for thinking that; if he was saved he save her and not kill her? Or if he’s the assassin as theorized, then he would’ve let her die since assassins and killers don’t have souls and are cruel. They opened the door; Rainbow Dash had nostalgia since she jas been healed in this place when her wings were crushed by a large boulder. Applejack wasn’t used to this scenery; she used to a more country and less cultural advancement. Rarity didn’t like the style this hospital has; the one in Canterlot would most certainly defeat this one in style? The nurses need new clothes because The ones they were are out of style and look like a green large cloth. The group ran up to the desk, Rarity deciding to do the talk.

“Do you have a unicorn That’s named Twilight?”

The clerk looked up from her computer; she was filling out a report from room 100. They don’t look injured so what they have in store must be a visit? Ugh, they are fun... To deal with that is. The nurse searched for the name she was giving, spotting it on the recent database; she had come in critical condition last night by an all-black coat with a red mane, tail, and eyes.

“Yes, she did, she was in critical condition, the colt didn’t take time to fill out the report form on how she got injured, do you happen to know?”

The clerk asked, wanting to know why Twilight was stabbed with a tool, precisely a hatchet or axe.

“No darling, we didn’t know she came in here in crucial condition; a black unicorn told us.”

This intrigues the nurse, there’s a connection between Them and him? They will fill out his report then!

“Can you please fill out this report Then, he skipped out on it and he most likely would’ve told you what happened?”

The attitude of the clerk was agitating; he didn’t explain the details of the events and now it’s our job when we’re just coming to check up on a friend to fill out his report? Applejack was a little agitated as well as Rarity. Applejack walked up to the desk, aside from Rarity, and made her presence known to this clerk.

“Mam, sorry to inform you, but it’s not our job to fill out another pony’s report for the police!”

Applejack angrily replied, making some ponies in the room gaze at her; why is there so... Much commotion?

“And I’m going to elaborate on that we lost a friend and had to fill out a report form at the station; we’re just here to see a friend of ours.”

Rarity in a composure state replied. The clerk wasn’t taking any of this; They will fill this report out or they ain’t seeing their friend.

“I can’t let you visit your friend until you complete this report out, sorry...”

The clerk shrugged in a too bad manner, this angered Applejack, who slammed a hoof down on the counter, making the clerk repo and again; she has some agitating words for this orange earth pony. Applejack was about to speak until the clerk cut her off.

“Honey, if you want to get violent then you should go, actual visitors are waiting to see their love one’s.”

The clerk scolded the orange earth pony. She wanted to say what’s on her mind; it wasn’t pretty or nice or kind.

“Are you serious!”

Applejack swung her hoof back in the air in anger at the clerk’s words; they are visitors and how dare she tell them otherwise.

“We are visitors and friends of Twilight! Why do we need to fill out this targeted report!?”

Applejack was very angry with the nurse; she even got the attention of the patients, the other clerk to the left decided to help out the group; with their friends and attention.

“Come over here please, I help you.”

The other clerk said with extensive generosity; this outraged the other clerk who wanted to put the other clerk’s words back in her muzzle. The group has already made their way to the other clerk, this agitated the clerk they attempted to speak to and receive permission to see their friend.

“No you won’t, they need to prove themselves that they aren’t accomplishments of these heinous crimes that’s been committed!”

The clerk angrily commanded, being ignored by the clerk and the group; they can’t see her if they don’t prove they aren’t helpers of the perpetrator.

“You’re not going to let the possibility of killers who haven’t even given their names into a critically injured patient room, are you!?”

The nurse’s words were heard by the group and the bystanders; which were patients who knew the mane 6. That clerk must be some type of pony who likes darkness because everypony on Ponyville knows the mane 6 and knows they would never, ever do such a horrific crime. Applejack and Rarity have lost their patients with this clerk; she would dare accuse them of killing the Pies and Fluttershy!? Seriously, Pinkie Pie’s their sister and Rainbow Dash was best friends with Fluttershy since flight school.

The group made their way down the hall being lead by the clerk who gave them a pass to visit their friend. Rainbow Dash heard her and blew her papers around her desk; this made the clerk beyond mad, before she could reply, the blue Pegasus zoomed down the hall; serves her right; literally, suspected them of killing their loved ones; That clerk has no idea what they been through or experience.

“Rainbow Dash, why you stay back?”

Applejack asked, assuming what she did back there and her assumption was accurate. The clerk hoped she didn’t do anything to upset that clerk, she works right next to her and doesn’t want to hear it when she goes back to duty; the clerk will have to use her earplugs to block her scolding out.

“Hey, darling, what’s with that nasty clerk?”

Rarity bluntly asked the friendly clerk, they went upstairs, arriving on the second floor; it looks better than the first floor; especially since that nasty, despicable clerk ain’t here to bother them.

“She is training to be a detective, it’s optional to fill out the report; she makes it essential and you must fill it out; in the past, she had kept ponies from seeing their loved ones, even before their final moments.”

The clerk explained the clerk’s actions in the past, this made the group more unsettled and a little upset; she’s blank just wrong and cruel; she needs to be fired and be a detective then because what she has done was bucked up.

“I recommend she be fired and work as a detective as soon as possible!”

Applejack angrily said. She didn’t like how they were treated and discovering she does it to more ponies and actually succeeded is just very, very messed up; like a black core of an apple or part, get rid of it. The group started making their way up to the 3rd, as they did, a nurse was walking a familiar purple unicorn downstairs; they almost bump into each other; the group was in shock to see their friend already recovered and ready; they weren’t the only one shocked; Twilight was also as or even more shocked they are here; a little embarrassed to; she should’ve listened to them. Pinkie Pie yelled her name and hugged Twilight with lots of love and force; the hug broke; as the nurse guessed that’s her friends she been talking about.

“Girls, I didn’t expect to see you so soon, how did you expect to Check the hospital!?”

Twilight ran to the group, embracing them all in a hug; her eyes were full of tears of joy and happiness; she was expecting to meet them at the funeral; she didn’t expect to see them here. The hug broke, the nurse wondering why this group was so connected; she couldn’t figure it out; it’s might be the bond of the Elements of Harmony or just pure friendship, which is barely seen in the rest of Equestria.

“You girls seem to be friends a long time to have that degree of care for each other; honestly, such pure friendship.’

The nurse said with a smile on her face. Their friendship started when Twilight first came to Ponyville, she didn’t care about friendship, she decided her studies were more important and it would be a waste of time making friends in a village you not going to absolutely live in. Their friendship exited way before they represented the Elements of Harmony, as they made their way to the castle of the two sisters.

“Our friendship started before the Elements of Harmony; so I guess you could say it’s pure?”

Twilight said agreeing and a little confused on the nurse’s praise. It would seem she thought the Elements of Harmony bond them together; many ponies seem to think that.

“Um... Darling, I’m you’re back with us!”

Rarity was cut off by the rest of the group. A little rude but acceptable.

“We all are!”

The rest of the group said in unison.

“But I think we should be making it to the funeral?”

Rarity said boldly and fast. The sun was up and two balloons flew up from Ponyville, guess they started? Nope, fillies let their balloons go, which because of hydrogen, flew into the sky; this made the group worry they missed the beginning of the funeral.

“Looks like they started the funeral!”

The nurse pointed out the balloons the group saw already, Rainbow Dash was the first to notice it since she flys around a lot; she was able to see out the window and alerted the group to turn their attention up. The nurse pointed out the already assumption obvious. The group said their goodbyes to the nurse and the nice clerk who helped them so. The group made their way down the hall; they would be late if it started, it wasn’t long before noon; Rarity suggested an Idea that would solve their arrival time in a flash.

“Darling, I hate to ask you, but do you think you could teleport us there? We’re okay with walking.”

Rarity asked politely.

“Or hoping...”

The party pony started hoping. This was cheering her up. Twilight stopped the group and thought about using that spell, she did just recovered, but for Fluttershy, she would try to use that spell; they won’t miss her funeral as they do with her. Twilight urged the group to gather around her.

‘I’ll try my best to use that spell.”

Twilight said nervously, not wanting to disappoint her friends. She didn’t have to attempt to cast the spell, they can all their way to the funeral; Applejack even offered to carry Twilight to the funeral. Twilight’s hen light up with a purple aura, she closed her eyes, tightening them as she came closer to casting the spell; with one final push, the spell was a success and the group was gone. The nurse and clerk saw the spell be cast in the halls; lucky theirs no patients, nurses, or doctors in the hall or they wouldn’t be able; my bad, she wouldn’t be able to cast the teleportation spell.

“Twilight can cast such a spell?”

The clerk asked the nurse in surprise about what she just witness.

“Well... She did master the heal spell which took 14 days to master, she will soon surprise Equestria with her talents.”

The nurse went upstairs and the clerk went downstairs; the nurse wished her luck for the clerk next to her; she doesn’t and won’t need it; if she makes a fuss, just tell her some information you gather from the patient or visitor.

Flutershy's Funeral! Scheme a Way To Detain The Assassin of Legend! Report The New Information!

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The Mane 6 arrived at Ponyville’s town hall, thinking the funeral has begun already. The idea was off by a short while, they were setting up for the funeral; the Mane 6 felt relief they didn’t miss a moment of the funeral. The mayor and planners notice Mane 6 and question why we’re they so early, this question was already answered before asked; Fluttershy was their closest friend, they would try their absolute best to not be late even a moment.

“You girls are early; how you been?”

She shouldn’t have asked that in a greeting way; this made the group question if the mayor knows what going on? The mayor regretted asking that, feeling stupid and upset because this is their friend’s funeral; surely Pinkie Pie would be devasted still over the loss of her sisters. Rainbow Dash decided to respond boldly

“Um... Hello! This is my best friend’s funeral, how do you think we’re doing; not to mention our best and kind friend.”

The mayor finished setting up the microphone; making sure the curtain isn’t loosened her assistants were setting up decorations; these decorations have to be in the style of the victim; Fluttershy had animal streamers; flowers balloons, bunny face cakes, and lastly, an image of Fluttershy to go on the main banner; it showed her showing kindness to an animal by feeding it.

“Yes, I regret asking how you were doing; I should’ve known it was great; Ponyville hasn’t been ruined this badly, even the threat of Nightmare Moon wasn’t this frightening.”

The mayor replied with sorrow in her tone. Twilight walked up to the stand, her friends following; she was going to let not only the mayor know what happened to her, but her friends.

“Mayor, I would like if you could report what I got to say?”

Twilight said in a shy tone. The mayor had an interest in what Twilight asked; did she find the killer and want to report it?

“Depends on what you want to say? I think you and your friends did some detective work?”

The mayor sarcastically replied to Twilight; they didn’t do any clue searching, it was sarcasm, so it might be true or joking or both?

“Alright. I was attacked by an all-black colt with a hatchet!?”

The mayor cut Twilight off. Didn’t the autopsy reveal it was a knife and not a hatchet?

“I thought it was a knife used in these homicides?”

The mayor replied in confusion. The killer can always switch his choice of weapons and make it seem like the knife is for one specific killer; then they could switch weapons and make confusion occur with the detectives.

“I did too... But guess this killer uses all types then because he looked like an insane killer; who enjoyed the suffering of others, especially if he’s the one doing it.”

Twilight nostalgically explained to the mayor; remembering the events as she explained to the mayor. The mayor will alert the audience of the description she was giving, she’s also reporting this to be detectives and police; this will help Ponyville a lot.

“How did you survive the encounter with the killer?”

The mayor asked with concern. She’s a talented unicorn to survive such an encounter; since the kill must be talented with magic and is also a unicorn.

Will it was another all-black coated unicorn that saved me; with the eyes red; he stops the killer from decapitating me. Twilight’s eyes started to water; refreshing herself with the tragic events that took place was too much for her; Twilight’s friends comfort her; let the mayor know she won’t speak anymore; the mayor understands and started working on the funeral layouts.

“Want me to help?”

Rainbow Dash asked with generosity. She could help them with the banners since no other pegasus was there to help and it would save them a stool. The mayor accepted the offer, allowing not just Rainbow Dash, but the entire group to help; they all liked the idea of setting the funeral for their beloved friend; so they decided to help. Rainbow Dash will take care of heightening decorations, while Rarity and Twilight decided to help design the new banners soon to be spread out across the audience. Pinkie Pie has the wrong idea of what a funeral is, she mistakes it for a party, this will get her criticized because you do not party at a funeral or grave; it’s just boldly messed up.

The funeral was set up in no time; it needs more decorations to be absolute a resting place for Fluttershy’s soul; the mayor didn’t get that many donations as she did with Pies funeral; is it possible they were known more than Fluttershy?

“That’s all the decorations you have!?”

Rainbow angry and upset her friend didn’t get a more sophisticated funeral; how disrespectful to a kind pegasus who devoted nothing but kindness to other ponies; Rainbow Dash wasn’t the only one upset as the rest of the group was upset, but not enrage as Rainbow Dash. The mayor expressed sadness for Rainbow Dash.

“I’m sincerely sorry your friend didn’t get the mount praise as you all wanted, the donations this time weren’t as high as the last funeral.”

The mayor recognized Pinkie Pie was there and decided to not address the last funeral as the Pie funeral to avoid her getting upset. From the distance was a unicorn with a red cape; he was ready to give financial support to the funeral, as he did with the Pies. The Unicorn made his way through the setup chairs, making sure not to trip or ruin any of the chairs. Pinkie was still setting up streamers delicately and need up noticing the unicorn; she met him before.

(”Ain’t that the unicorn Twilight spoke of that rescued her from being highly injured?”)

Pinkie thought nostalgic to herself; reminding herself that is indeed the description Twilight gave them. She got off the chair and ran to the group, alerting them of the unicorn; who already grabbed a bag filled with 1000 bits from his safe already; he walked up the stage as Pinkie Pie told her friends; Twilight was glad to see him again; she can finally thank him for saving her hide from that insane killer; she waited for him to get closer before thanking him; the others also wanted to do the same.

“Hey, you’re the one who saved me! Thank you very much for that!”

Twilight praised the unicorn, who did accept the praise but that’s not why he’s here; he’s here to help them with Fluttershy’s funeral; they seem to need it since the floorboards were weekend, most likely by liquid.

“So that’s the unicorn y’all been talking about; seems, pretty... Serious?”

Applejack said with confusion. That must be him; he’s the only other colt out early for the funeral since he decided to come early, which makes them less likely to suspect him of his jobs; why would the killer show up to their victim’s funeral? To look not guilty? He doesn’t seem like the type with that attitude.

The unicorn walked pass the group and to the mayor, who first thought he was the killer Twilight spoke of, but quickly realize a bag of bits in his left hoof. The mayor was surprised, how heavy was that bag because it looked like it could be carried by something with wheels? He must be very strong to have that degree of leverage. He gently placed it on the floor, not wanting to just throw it down; that would make the floorboards fly up and possibly injure somepony? The mane 5 was shocked too; it would seem to be lucky to aid Fluttershy’s funeral. The unicorn heard a snapping sound; it was the banner Rainbow Dash hanged; apparently, it would seem it was hanged improperly, by a pony with a fast pace mindset. The unicorn stopped the banner from crashing to the ground with magic; he turned his attention up; placing the banner firmly and securely where it once stood. How did he catch it with his magic without viewing it? It must’ve been the sound? But to be that accurate, that means he would pay attention to every little detail in his surroundings. Rainbow Dash flew over to the unicorn and apologize for being clumsy with decorating; the unicorn didn’t respond to the blue pegasus; this made her think he was mad at her; the wrong idea, but psychological would be correct; you would be a very if something with a weight of a barrel almost crashed down on your head because of a clumsy pegasus: He wasn’t angry at all; in fact, he had a feeling it might fall because of the way it was set up.

“You can have these bits as a donation to the funeral. I don’t need them.”

The unicorn said boldly. What does he mean he doesn’t need them, that’s seriously 1000 bits!? How does the feast if he doesn’t have bits!?

“No, I believe you should keep a little for yourself!”

The mayor graciously said with concern about his financial bank. He walked away, let the mayor know to keep it, which she decided to do because she can’t force it back to him, and he wants her to keep it, so... Why not? They could use it for the funeral, more decorations, and the stage they were on, has he was making his way off the stage, he passed the group, who wanted to think him sincerely. Twilight felt the need to do that too, but she wanted to question him, where did he have all those bits? Why did he throw them to a donation like that? This means he would have more.

“Thank you for donating to our friend’s funeral; I heard you were searching for a pet sitter if you haven’t found one yet? I’m sure we farm folks could assist you with that.

Applejack offered the colt, who was happy for the offer, but he already found a pet sitter, it’s called his bag.

" No thanks, I found one already. I decided to come back here to help support this funeral. The pet sitter I sent my pet to for care doesn’t compare to the one that’s being praised at this funeral, I only wish she was there when I arrived.

The colt said with false grief, not all was false, but a sign of it was. This made Twilight rethink about accusing him of the killed, she already meets the killer obviously; but to the point, even if the killer had a knife, it doesn’t make sense for just one stab wound to the chest; that killer was completely insane and would most likely find Fluttershy’s call for help enjoyable and would’ve slowly tortured her to death. She doesn’t believe this colt was responsible for Fluttershy’s murder; he had fooled them all; this wasn’t his intention as he’s not afraid of the authorities, maybe they will entertain him better than his jobs?

“You would’ve saved her if you were there when that monster arrived, right?”

Twilight asked with regret in her tone. Yes, he would’ve saved her; he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to a kind pegasus.

“Yes, I would. I couldn’t sit back and let an innocent pony be mercilessly slaughtered for no apparent reason.”

His words made the Mane 5 trust him; none no longer suspected him of being the killer. The unicorn colt made his way to one of the seats and sat down in it, knowing this funeral would start in a couple of moments, guess the donation won’t change funerals, in this town until next time?

The mane 5 notice ponies coming from all directions, there must be at least 25 of them. The black-red cape colt laid back in his chair, closing his eyes, it is differently better than the Funeral thrown at his used-to-be job. That place stinks, it did; as the peers there also. They never there a funeral for their victims. They all sat down in chairs, wait for the funeral to begin, The black colt didn’t open his eyes until a mare who was at the stand walked by and sat down to his left; she remembered him and offered him some of the leftovers she had from dinner yesterday.

“Thanks for your generosity yesterday, my fillies very much loved the dinner I prepared, they are lots of it, but because of how much excess we had, we couldn’t eat more than thirds! I have leftovers right here, want some!?”

The mare generously offered the colt, who opened his eyes and looked at her, she had a bowl that was filled with stew, carrots, potatoes, corn, beans, and more vegetables, so it was a vegetable stew.

“I’m good, thanks for the offer.”

The colt causally replied to the offer, it looked good, but he uses magic nutrition to feed himself, he rarely is food. The colt turned his attention to the front; seeing the mayor come from behind the curtains, the Mane 5, exited the stage and sat down in the front; the curtains were left up, they are preparing a feast for the audience, even so, some brought some meals of their own, this is a funeral, not a cafeteria.

The mane 5 were anxious for their friend’s funeral, but will soon learn, leave it to Ponyville. They started a conversation.

“So... You think we helped enough?”

Rainbow Dash asked feeling unsure she put enough effort into the funeral; Fluttershy was her best friend for a long time; they were basically like sisters.

“Enough, darling,? Did you see behind the curtain? You were there. You did enough for her funeral you know...?”

Rarity replied in her normal tone which was maturity. Rainbow Dash was friends with Fluttershy when they all meet, this means she was friends with her before her, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight, heck, probably before Scootaloo was born; no wonder why she feels to do more for her, it’s kinda upsetting when you think about it; everypony’s death is tragic and sorrowful.

“I know, I feel like she deserves a more warming goodbye...”

Rainbow griefing replied. She only wishes that unicorn was there so Fluttershy would’ve been alive: The irony.

“We all do, but we did the best we could do, even that colt we don’t know helped out so much”

Twilight replied to Rainbow Dash, lower her tone to Rainbow’s, she was also sad, but you can’t bring them back by cursing and making wishes.


“How are you today!?”

The hyper mare asked the colt why is her tone hyper, this is a funeral? You’re supposed to be very upset about a loss. Why ain’t he then?

“Why do you have a hyper tone, this is a funeral?”

The colt bluntly asked, receiving a startling answer that would make a pony laugh, but him, no.

“Well, ain’t funeral pep rallies?”

The mare stupidly replied, making the colt feel uneasy, he had a dull look on his face.

(”Did she really just call this a pep rally?”)

The colt couldn’t believe she said that.

“I’m going to stay silent now.”

The colt said bluntly, he was done with this conversation, she beyond stupid and possibly rude.


The mare asked nervously, receiving no response from the colt; he had done what he said. His attention was on the mayor, who was preparing to step up to the podium for a speech that they are reviewing. She joined him, facing her attention to the mayor. A green pegasus dropped from the sky, she was behind the colt; his eyes were closed, he knew who it was, however. She made her way to the red-caped colt, sitting down to his right; how come nopony took that seat?

“What’s up Comber!?”

The green pegasus greeted her friend. What’s up? Her and something else. Luckily the Mane 5 was at the front of the audience and lots of chatting was occurring, otherwise, the Mane 5 would’ve heard his name.


The colt said bluntly. The mare thought he was staying silent; now he’s talking?

“I thought you were going to stay silent?”

The mare asked ins a rude tone. Lighting Dust didn’t like her rudeness, but the colt didn’t mind it at all, after all, she’s correct.

“Do you happen to know her? She’s rude!”

The pegasus asked the colt with concern. She believed he might know her. He doesn’t know her at all; he apparently helped her at the market with his donation.

“Don’t forget stupid.”

Comber bluntly added. How was she stupid? How was she rude? If anypony is rude? It’s that pegasus. She felt angry towards them.

“How am I rude!? Also, what way am I stupid colt!?”

The mare asked in anger. She remained in her chair; not causing a scene. No one even paid attention to her, they were already in conversations, they don’t care about others’ conversations.

“You’re tone in your question is how you’re rude!”

Lighting Dust replied, angering the mare more, her tone is high too, ain’t she a hypocrite?

“Do you want to be embarrassed? Do you want to explain why you seriously called this a pep rally?”

The colt asked calmly. Ain’t pep rallies where ponies gather in groups? Her vocabulary isn’t off that much, is it? She moved her legs out of nervousness.

“Wait, she called this a pep rally!?”

Light Dust uncontrollably laughed, the mare is beyond stupid, no wonder why Comber went silent after she called it a pep rally, she’s stupid. The mare did feel a little sensitive but decided to ask a question.

“Well ain’t pep rallies where ponies gather?”

She asked in a stressful tone. Funerals are where the dead are homered for their time living, it’s not hyping you up, it’s quite the opposite.

“Yes... But to be hyped, not to be saddened...”

There was a little laughter in her voice, she couldn’t help it, that mare in uneducated and rude. The mayor’s speech began, firstly letting the attendees know to silent calmly. The voices died down until silence was left in the audience, as the voices finally died. The mayor was finally ready to give her speech.

“As you all know by now, some despicable crimes have been committed in Ponyville for the last two days! Homicide precisely! It hasn’t stopped, in fact, on the way over here, I found a burned-down house, multiple in fact! This killer is very, very dangerous and need to be halted! He will be giving a harsh sentence for his/her crimes! Do we know if anypony died in the arsenal, not really, no! If they didn’t they don’t have a home anymore!? I’ve made some changes to this speech to give you information relating to the killer, this is thanks to a not partly old and new resident, Twilight Sparkle! Has she was attacked by this killer and described him as an insane murderer with an axe-!”

“But wasn’t described as the killer wielding a knife and not an axe!?”

A brown colt asked in confusion at first, but assumed the killer could switch weapons if wanted? This will also be the answer to his question.

“Yes, but he could possibly switch his choices to murder!? Let’s get back on track with the speech, unfortunately, this heinous murderer has gotten another known victim! This most likely will change the view of suspecting it’s an assassin! Because the victim had no enemies! The victim is Fluttershy-!?”

The crowd busted into conversations; they asked each other questions, suspected each other, some just stayed silent: Comber, The Detective, and deputy. They were there and listening to this speech, this is a funeral, not an interrogation, leave the detective work to them. The mayor decided to let the crowd have a moment to communicate with each other, after all, this news must be shocking; even the silent ones felt sympathy for the fallen kind pegasus, yes, even Comber. She should’ve never accepted the deal with Iron Will; she wouldn’t have to vanish if she wasn’t becoming violent temporarily. The mayor wanted to speak again and to do so she needed to silent the audience.

“Alright now, let’s be silent! Let me finish the speech, then you may talk after!”

The conversations died down once again, allowing the mayor to give her heartwarming speech.

“As I’ve said, the victim of this heinous, wicked crime is Fluttershy, the element of kindness! She was a treasure for ponies’ pets and for the town, her kindness was giving even to the most rudeness ponies! She was indeed a shy one and decided to live on the outskirts of Ponyville! Unfortunately, the killer decided to track and murder her for a reason we don’t know!? We’ll leave it in the detectives and police hoofs? Thanks to a recent donation we get from an anonymous colt, we bought some food for the audience, your mares, and gentle colts, to take home if you wish!? Staying inside is morning, but safe! Please continue to do this until this killer is borough to justice! I have one last thing to say! When your inside and feel meaningless, remember... You’re helping by being safe and free of harm! This concludes the announcement for the funeral!”

The mayor said, finally able to breathe again freely. She walked down and left the curtains revealing cases filled with food, they were on the table and ready for 25-30 ponies; a banner could be seen, rehanged by the black colt after almost collapsing on him; Rainbow Dash needs more accuracy when decorating. The mayor signaled the audience to come and get their food, most of them did, while some didn’t.

“No one’s here hungry?”

Rarity asked, doubting none of her friends are ravenous, they been moving around all day, only stopping to sleep, which was also a struggle, thanks to Twilight leaving in a fit of sorrow and despair; she really caused them anxiety, which wasn’t useless. Twilight ate at the hospital, she also rested there longer than her friends have. She far from hungry. Rainbow Dash was a little hungry but decided she can go without eating. Applejack is when they came over to her to recruit her. Rarity woofed down her meal with style before working on dresses. Pinkie Pie last eaten since the Pie massacre, she had no appetite as of now, ever since that tragic event.

“I’m full, I ate at the hospital.”

Twilight said, not lying a bit. The rest of the responses was similar, it took a little for Pinkie Pie to answer, but she did and it was similar. The detective decided to look around the audience, which wasn’t much, he spotted a familiar black colt, with a red mane and tail, he looked like he decided to mediate after everypony went up to get food. Lighting Dust left, she needs to collect the right amount of bits for vengeance on a pegasus that wrong her. Comber opened his eyes, he could feel as he was being watched and he was correct. He saw the detective, he knew he knows who he is; as he also knows who he is, he’s Commer, a detective who strives to know everything. Comber smiled at the detective, the smile was definitely fake and full of wickedness; he is most likely responsible for these past crimes, he will definitely pay, even if he’s not; he’s the legendary assassin, he as to. The detective’s heart did drop, remembering who he was. Comment turned to his deputy fellow and tapped him on the leg, he started to whisper to him; only to discover he was napping, the detective wasn’t having it and slapped him upside the head, he made sure it wasn’t too hard.

“The colt behind us, you really should look, that’s the legendary assassin right there, please look...”

The detective beggingly asked his friend to look, which he decided to and saw the black colt, looking down, for a moment, then back up at the deputy, who looked like he saw a ghost, he turned back around. Comber decided to leave, getting up, noticeably by the two executive enforcers, he started walking back to the graveyard.

“Do you think I should call him out, then arrest him?”

The deputy asked, not sure what to do; this colt is dangerous and unpredictable; at least according to his file.

“Do no such thing, we’ll follow him, then interrogate him.”

The detective strategically explained. They should call back up, however, we need the police force to still be in commission.

“Alright, but I’m reporting this to the police station.”

The deputy said, not realizing who that colt is. He would dismantle the police station if wanted, alright, this might be an exaggeration. The deputy decided to grab his walkie-talkie, about to report the information but was haunted by the detective.

“I normally would agree, but I say the best approach is to ambush him, not directly try to detain him. Make sure to have a magic concealment device for unicorns.”

The detective reminded his friend he’s a unicorn and needs to be disconnected from his magic to detain him; otherwise, he might just disappear and break free of the hoof cuffs.

“Got it, I always carry one with me.”

The deputy said getting up and grabbing a thin metal blinking ring, this device stops not only magic but the thoughts of using magic; they wouldn’t think of removing the device because they simply forget they have magic, so they don’t worry. He put the ring back in its container.

“We need to move right now then.”

Teleport in them behind objects, following the assassin, to the graveyard. They had to be sneaky as he was very alerted, so even their breaths need to be brought down, along with to where they were teleporting and the spell itself. The audience got their food from the funeral and decided to leave as it was over, why stay longer? The Mane 5 had no clue where to start their hunt for this monster, they originally thought it was that colt, but evidence of his righteous act for Twilight, Twilight herself meeting and surviving the killer supported otherwise, it can’t be him. Guess reporting this information to the police would help indefinitely.

“So, where do you suggest we all do now?”

Apple jack asked the group, having to forget the events that happen to Twilight; the killer needs to be reported, he can’t be allowed free with murder on his hoofs, which is stained by the blood of the innocence.

“Um... Darling, don’t you remember what Twilight told us, you?”

Rarity asked with her mature tone. How could Applejack forget the reason the went to the hospital? Must be all the tragic events that have happened, it’s definitely change the way ponies think in this village. Apple jack felt guilty for forgetting, she wanted to explain herself.

“I’m sorry y’all, the past two days been too-!?”


Rainbow Dash asked, she didn’t need to however.

“Yes. It messes with my memory.”

Applejack explanation sound more like an excuess to Twilight, she doesn’t mind and she might have a little point? In physiology, ponies remember tragic events, especially consulting them. The group was up and decided to walk up to the stage and meeting the mayor again, they wanted to make sure she’s okay, especially after the speech.

“Oh, hi again! Thanks for helping with the funeral, do you happen to know the name of the colt who donated 1000 bits?”

The mayor said with a smile, she seemed happy? Was it the speech she said that put Fluttershy’s soul at rest or the donation? The Mane 5 notice the ponies who came up for food already beat it. Rainbow Dash felt honored helping set the funeral for her deceased friend; she still felt said, that’s guaranteed, but she knows she can’t bring her back by crying, plus that would be too embarrassing for her. The discovery of Fluttershy’s death was a moment she had to let some water flow from her eyes; her pegasus friend is now dead. The banners were being taking down, as the decorations; this funeral ended not too long ago and it’s time to shelter for safety. For all they know, but they certainly hoped not; there’s a chance of an additional funeral coming if this killer is really that insane? He would probably be killed by the police because he didn’t listen to their procedures, no, he wouldn’t need funeral since he killed too many ponies; the possibility of him killing a police officer is high because most deputies believe the perpetrator would listen to them; this is a fatal mistake.

“If I may ask, why are you so quick to take the decorations down?”

Rainbow Dash asked with a little anger, they seemed to only wanted to finish this funeral as fast as possible, not caring for Fluttershy; this was a misconcept of Rainbow Dash mind.

“The funeral ended and to leave the path free of harm, we take leave the eternal, after it ends, this is a bigger threat then Nightmare Moon, she wouldn’t kill, but this killer will, so please be careful.”

The mayor wished and hoped they will stay safe, this helped the group feel better, but fairly fixes everything.

“Oh Twilight, are you reporting the information you told me to the police, because if so, do it while the sun’s up, otherwise, take shelter inside the darkness is when the killer strikes.

She’s on point with that concept; Twilight was attacked at a very dark time. She probably should’ve mention more spooky also.

“Oh, I forgot momently, I remembered when you were speaking!”

Twilight remembered what she needed to do, she has to report this information, she just have to. She stepped off the stage and turned her head to the mayor. The rest of the group thought she was rushing, but realize the sun ain’t going to stay up forever. They accompanied their friend, walking down the stage safely. Rainbow Dash didn’t take the stairs, she just flew down, touching the ground.

“Thank for reminding me mayor, please stay inside and be safe! I got to report the description of the killer!”

Running to the police station, the others following; she knew the would, they are great friends who stick by your side no matter what.

“I knew you girls would accompanied me, thank you very much for your support.”

Twilight thanked the group with a slight smile.

“Friends stick together forever!”

Rainbow Dash encouragely said, flying again.

“Friendship is magic!”

The group said in unison, Pinkie Pie was the quite one, but she still said it. The group headed to the police station, where they hoped they will help them find the killer; fortunately, they might not have to report him? The police might have caught wind of him already? The group stuck together while heading to the station, Applejack and Rainbow Dash not running in head this time.

Mysterious Pegasus! Survive The Murderous Killer!

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Toom knew they had a funeral, he laid low by staying away from that region of Ponyville. His lust for murder grew as time passed.

(”Ponies isn’t out anymore, stupid funeral! That pony deserved it!”)

The murderous colt cursed the eternal and Fluttershy, blaming them for his starvation for murder. It has been a while since he murdered, that last thing he remembered killing was an injured mare. Her tears weren’t full of water, as the eyes were removed from their sockets. A yellow Pegasus, with a long mane and tail, having different colors landed, not considering the killer that lurks behind her. The mane was green, the tail was blue, the eyes deciding they were light green. Toom saw her, wondered why she’ll land in front of him, if she was flying where he came from, why didn’t she stop him? No, that would be out of the question, all the thoughts were was murder, slaughter, bloodbath.

“Hey pegasus, I hope you like suffering? Because I do!”

Toom previously told the pegasus, who now remembers him, he killed that poor mare back there, she couldn’t do anything, she was dead as she passed. She turned to him, smiling.

“You are one shameless colt, that’s all you get for complements, for insults, your killing sucks, plus you’re wrongful, sinful soul.”

The pegasus said with confidence, he wasn’t experiencing in combat, but that hatchet could prove a problem if he strikes her with it, she will fall to pain and then death. He precisely torments the victim before death, which in combat would be the contestant’s fall; they will find a deceptive way to trick and defeat you. Toom started walking towards her, pulling his hatchet out of his bag, utilizing it by its handle. No-one will be out, so this massacre will be loud and painful. The pegasus decided to fly, knowing how easy it is to escape his clutches; all she’ll have to do is fly and she wins, he can’t fly, and there’s no route for him to hit her accurately in the air with the hatchet, she’ll see it coming. Toom ran at her, having a strategy to getting her down, but the strategy wasn’t needed; as he charged her, she flew at him, tackling him to the ground, he kicked her off and ran to his hatchet, grabbing it swiftly; the blood this weapon will have on it will be savored. The pegasus got up, flying swiftly, but not swiftly enough, the hatchet was thrown at her, barely making a direct hit, it hit her left-wing, lacerating it deeply. She started to fall from the sky, staggering while falling, making it 5 steps from the ground before collapsing to the ground; Toom did indeed throw the hatchet with tremendous force, but hold back some of the muscle; he didn’t want to throw it to far, otherwise, he’ll beat her to death; to him, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. The pegasus applied pressure to the wing, increasing the pain, but not the flow of blood. She notices Toom coming to her, with his hatchet; this is bad, he can’t hit her with that hatchet all it’s all over, she’ll lose too much blood, pass out, and then wake up to torture. He stood over her, hatchet risen, her head will be good in his head collection; well... He used to have one, where he worked. He slammed the hatchet down, making the pegasus panic, she grabbed some dirt and threw it at him, unintentionally blinding him. She got up off the ground, noticing this is her chance to escape; Toom was covering his eyes and his guard is dreary, as two hoofs were desperately trying to remove the gust of dirt from the eyes. She wasn’t going to let him get away with the laceration she put on her left wing. She quickly hit him in the nose as hard as she could, causing it to bleed; following this was a right wing slap to the face, then and hard drop on his back; blood came out of his mouth, the pegasus took off from the attack she just performed; she hoped he hit some pebbles on the ground, maybe causing some lacerations? She needed to be healed and she knew how, the next destination is the graveyard. Toom got back up, having the fury of a bull. That attack really hurt, but it wasn’t debilitating; all her attacks lacked force; he licked the blood of his mouth and swallowed the blood in his mouth; it was tasty, but it wasn’t that pegasus, nothing gets the blood out of a pony then ripping their heart out and squeezing it over your mouth. He grabbed his hatchet, it was stuck in this nasty dirt; he ripped it out and licked the blood off it, cutting his tongue in the process; he just let the pain be, swallowing any blood formation that o prevailed from the lacerated blood vessels on the tongue. He walked a tree with bushes, putting the hatchet in the bag, he collapsed in the bushes, closing his eyes and resting, he was damaged by that pegasus; the true question is why did she choose to fight? There’s no reason to? The pegasus seems to ignore that mare cries for help. She wasn’t a hero by far. A hero would’ve continued until he died or went unconscious, we will only assume they would kill him if they knew everypony he massacred in cold, delicious blood. Toom closed his eyes, deciding the last thought before napping.

(”I will kill both of them, that pegasus, then that Unicorn! Their hearts will be bitten into, mmmm... Delicious.”)

The insane earth pony went into a state of dream, his nightmares would be the opposite of the one’s normal ponies had, he usually is his own nightmare? Luckily these bushes didn’t have sharp branches, or this could’ve ended badly for him. When he awakes, so will the beast; blood will be drained completely then.

Healed! Checking On the Assassin In The Graveyard!

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The Pegasus was flying over the graveyard, in such for a black colt with a red cape. She knew he liked these types of areas, not sure why, but guess he just used to gloomy things. Her wing received more Sharp pains each time she flapped her left one; that hatchet did a number on it. She started floating down from the sky, flapping her wings hard enough to remain air bond; it still was painful. She finally touched the ground; feeling relief there’s no more pain to feel. This place really was gloomy; crows fly off as you walk pass, calling, the fog in the air that’s very thin, and the gravestones around you. From the distance, the assassin could see a pegasus, she looked familiar? He didn’t pay much attention, closing his eyes and resting, no notifications yet to be heard from clients, so that’s what he’ll do, rest. He didn’t worry about the pegasus, he senses no bloodlust coming from her, so she wasn’t here to be violent; maybe she’s in grief? He didn’t care that much, as long as she wasn’t here to attack him, he fine. If he would have taken a closer look at the pegasus, he would’ve noticed who that was. She turned around spotting the colt she was searching for was right behind her. She wasn’t surprised seeing him laying down, he does that when he doesn’t have a job to complete. She walked over to him, knowing he will hear her approach, she notices he did, his ears made a small movement like it was listening to hoof steps; if she just flew, he wouldn’t hear her right? Well that would be wrong since wings make flapping sounds, and if you got a damaged wing, your other wing will flap harder; this means he would hear him no matter what. She stopped a small distance from the colt, staring at him; he felt like he was being watched, as the result, he turned and saw the yellow pegasus, he knows her.

“How are you doing Comber?’

The pegasus asked politely, although there was a clear sign of pain in the pegasus tone. It was obvious due to the injury on her left-wing, looks like she used nature to its pinnacle of support. The question is how she received the injury? Comber took time to think for a moment, before remembering an insane killer. It was definitely him, the bottom laceration proved that; it wasn’t a knife it was a thick blade, like a hatchet.

“I’m good, don’t need to ask you because I can see you been attacked, let me guess, was it a black earth insane pony with a hatchet?”

Comber guessed correctly, he spoke like he already knew; did he watched the fight? The pegasus was surprised he knew that description of the killer without her telling him yet. He was always optimistic, so it’s no surprise, maybe he ran into him already and they had an uneven skirmish?

“Well I’m a little surprised you knew the exact inane pony who attacked me; yes, it was him. I assume you and him got into a fight already?”

Comber smirked, it’s true, he did fight and beat him; he was boring.

“Yes. He was boring as all the rest.”

Comber bluntly said he was board. He noticeably healed the pegasus, she felt lesser pain, eventually none. She looked at the colts horn to see its illuminating, he healed her fast; it was not noticeable. She ripped the banged off and flapped the wing, feeling absolutely no pain in the wing, she was happy and smiled at the colt.

“Thank you very much, Comber!”

The pegasus said joyful her wing was healed with no errors. It wasn’t unexpected, he mastered the heal spell long ago. She flew up to the air, then back to the ground to make sure its recovery was truly a success; the result was successful; her wing was completely healed.

“Don’t mention it. Why are you in Ponyville?”

Comber asked, she usually stays in a cabin southwest of Ponyville. She like Fluttershy, the only difference is she’s alive; he only hoped she didn’t do that to that journalist, then she wouldn’t have to die.

“I came here to check up on you. No jobs, all complete?”

The pegasus asked Comber; she already knew the answer, just starting a conversation that seems unlikely to continue; he’s not the chatting type.

“As usual yeah. One the cause of improper manners, the other, broken vertebrae.”

Comber explained the events that took place, describing none of the victims, he was narrow on saying it. He thought this was Ponyville, not his town.

“Are you serious? Over improper manners, really?”

The pegasus was in disbelief of the causes, they are adults, not children; it really doesn’t matter, she didn’t know them, so they were probably not important anyway; if only Comber would’ve given names of the victims, then she would probably be shocked and stun with a little remorse.

“I’m not the type to gag, you know that.”

The red cape colt reminded her of his personality; he doesn’t joke around and usually works alone, he had a friend who would be his only partner, however, he hasn’t heard of him since high school, so he probably off doing his job, which would be assumed to be the same one Comber has.

“Yeah, I know-!”

The pegasus looked shocked, she forgot to alert him of those two ponies nearby; he hasn’t said he knew they were near, so it’s possible he doesn’t know? Comber notice her eyes widened, before return to their natural position, he knew something was up; she was going to tell him something.

“Oh, I forgot to tell, when I was flying over to this gloomy graveyard; I notice two ponies with badges going in this direction, not sure if they are here now, I’ll check real quick.”

She was calm when she told him. She flew up in the sky scouting down at the gravesite; she looked behind bushes; finding no ponies ready to ambush; she stopped after doing a 360° turn, finally coming back to the ground. Comber knew they weren’t near, they would’ve known their chances of restraint towards him would’ve been blown; they most likely would have already attempted to restrain him, but that would’ve failed. He knew they would follow him; he could tell they know his reputation by looking at them; staring narrowly into their eyes; what that detective doesn’t know is-! The pegasus landed on the ground, closer to the colt than before.

“I don’t see them?”

The pegasus said confusedly; she could’ve promise she saw them not too far from here? Maybe she’s faster at flying than she thought even with a damaged wing? Comber chuckled, he knows they won’t be here until the right moment, he has a plan for it.

“What’s funny Comber?”

The pegasus asked, feeling like she’s being mocked.

“I know those enforcers, they strike when the time is right.”

Comber replied in a nostalgic tone. He remembered the detective being the class A student, even making the teacher look stupid. His partner was a study busy and friend. The pegasus felt worried for the colt; if he’s caught, he most likely is executed.

“If that’s the case then I should stay and help.”

That statement annoyed Comber; he doesn’t need help, if she wants to be insurance, she can be it elsewhere; they will fail.

“Bloom, you know I don’t work with others right?”

Bloom forgot about Comber’s tendency to take threats on. She apologizes to him; replying she forgot; she must not know the colt can sense deception with ease.

“I’ll be off then, don’t you dare get killed, brother!”

Bloom replied to Comber, leaving the site with little worry; they wouldn’t be able to ambush him; he’s too smart and intelligent for that. She waved bye to him, knowing he won’t respond back with goodbyes; she left the graveyard with no pain; as she flew back; she gets a nostalgic moment when she came over here the first time, it was painful because of an insane colt. She might stay around this town? Just in case Comer needs help? But that’ll be later, she has chores to take care of that involves animals. Comber continues to lay on his prolonged resting place. He closed his eyes; he knows how to lure them in. He got no new alerts from his device on jobs, so all he could do is prepare for this; he knows how smart that detective is; so there must definitely be contingency plans ahead just in case the first one failed. Comber would continue to wait for the incoming threat; he believed this could be a little fun.

Reporting The Killer Toom! Comber VS. The Detective And Deputy!

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The Mane 6 stopped at the station, Twilight planning to go in alone, last time they all went in like herding cows, the department was annoyed and seem to suspect them?

“Darling, you sure you want to go In alone?”

Rarity asked, feeling like she was being left behind.

“Yeah, why can’t we all just go in?”

Rainbow Dash asked bluntly, she was the element of loyalty, if she was Twilight, she would invite them in, after settling them down of course; even though that ain’t her style; she likes to hype ponies up.

“Because Rarity and Rainbow Dash, last time we went in, like a horde of ponies freaking out, which we were, they seemed to be annoyed and we’re a little hesitant to help us, and maybe they suspected us, this time I can do this alone, trust me.”

The group had no choice, but to trust Twilight, after all, she’s the one who was attacked, not them; maybe she does have a point, if too many no witnesses went in, they will spill time. Twilight is most known not to tell lies, even though her element is magic and not honesty.

“We’ll be here if the creek doesn’t rise Twilight.”

Applejack insured Twilight she and the rest of the group will remain outside; the announcement at the first funeral advised against this. Twilight gave the group one last smile, before walking up the stairs and into the station, she’ll be okay in there definitely, and they should be safe outside of the police station, right?

The chief looked up, hearing the doors open, the deputies were ready to detain, they all were prepared for the killer if he decided to come in through those doors; they have plans if he tried anywhere else. The chief was happy to see Twilight, remembering her, she came in here to report Fluttershy’s murder; at the time he felt sorrow for her and the group, and now that emotion has risen again. He waited patiently for her to approach the desk, being watched carefully by the deputies, Twilight felt a little uncomfortable the way those deputies looked at her, but the series of events that have taken place in Ponyville explains it; is any deputy or detective searching for the killer? Twilight thought to herself. She stopped at the desk, the chief turning his head from his papers.

“I’m happy to see you’ll still okay, Mrs. Sparkle, I heard you were put in the hospital, they reported some information you told them, nothing incriminating to you of course. I assume you’re here to report more in detail now?”

Twilight was a little bitter at the chief’s words, and that joke wasn’t funny, he wouldn’t know what it felt like to be chopped with a hatchet or get hit with an axe like your piece of bark needed for a fire. She was relieved the hospital reported the information she told them, less for her to explain. The chief slid a report form to Twilight, her eyes widen a little; she was expecting to talk, not write.

“I thought I was going to give the information in words, not write.”

The chief smiled and looked a pen over to the bitter mare; she left the pen there, not wanting to report it in writing, but she reluctantly thought why; he must know who in detail she is, so she could give them an accurate description in writing for them to use; other than words that aren’t saved on a piece of paper; Twilight took the pen and a clipboard from the desk; she wasn’t standing to fill this report out, would you? She walked to a chair; the one that looked comfortable and not uncomforting to your sides or back. She sat down in it; starting the report; the first thing would be when she meets the other black colt she suspected to be the killer; turning out she was far wrong.


“I hope you’re prepared and ready my friend; this is going to be a heck of a struggle.”

The detective whispered to the deputy, they were right behind Comber rock, on the bushes; these bushes were painful to conceal in; the branches are sharp and pointy, the branches are hard and made of wood, some had little thorns on it, this must be a rose bush or something of that kind? The detective created a copy of himself, teleporting it in the other bushes, that pegasus must’ve told him we’re here, his ears perked up at the sound of the rattling leaves. This was where the duplicate was. The deputy had his hoof on his taser, the other on the ring, he was ready when giving the order. The false detective came out of the bushes, running at Comber, acting like he was going to shoot him because his hoof was on his gun pouch, the assassin got up and smiled, he knows him very well, so of the detective has a death wish, he can fulfill it. Comber attacked the fake, realizing this was a trap he fell into; he looked behind him at the bushes, realizing somepony grabbed on the back; it was the detective; he tried to restraint Comber, the deputy jumped at Comber, attempting to put the ring on the horn; Comber, powerfully got up, knocking the detective to the ground. The deputy was slapped in the face, before getting kicked through two gravestones, he was down, bleeding from the mouth, the ring dropped; Comber smiled, knowing that conceals magic, he walked to it and stomped on it, crushing it after 3 stomps. He turned to the detective who was the closest to him; the deputy was 15 feet away from them; he hit him hard; knocking him unconscious for a very short limit. Comber's sinister smile frightened the detective. The detective looked on the ground, realizing a knife, it looks like that was used for the massacres in Ponyville; has to be, has no brand on it and an assassin is wielding it. Comber picked it up and put it in his bag; before starting the conversation with his old friend.

“Look what the station brought; what’s up, Commer?”

The assassin said in an evil tone. The detective already knew this plan would’ve failed; well... Plan A that is. The detective signaled the deputy to release a net over Comber, it fell, Comber heard it, looking up, but he couldn’t evade it. It fell on top of him, he got up, attempting to cast a teleportation spell, but this net is similar to his job’s facility; you can’t teleport inside it or out of it. Comber smiled, hatching a plan; he didn’t need to manipulate them, he knows how to easily get out of it. The deputy ran to the detective with his taser drawn just in case Comber tried something.

“We did it, he's caught and now he shall face his punishment for the sins he has committed in this village!”

The deputy celebrated, knowing they did what other police stations couldn’t; the deputy was a foolish colt to think it would be this easy or even possible at all. The detective was nervous, he knows Comber well, he hurried up and grabbed his taser, suspecting Comber of escaping through the net and most likely killing them. Comber starts to giggle, it’s time to show of some techniques.

“Celestia Cancel.”

The magic around the net disappears, Comber quickly grabbed his knife and cut it; the deputy shot his taser at Comber, wanted to debilitate him; Comber teleported in front of the two; the detective planned he was going to do this, he had a smirk on his face as the tasers accurately hit Comber, shocking him to the ground, it felt like knives were stabbing him all over his back and torso. The deputy charged Comber, halting because Comber got up; it was clear he was resistant to pain; the detective yelled at the deputy; he needs to use his gun; make sure not to hit him in a fatal part. The deputy shot Comber in the side of his torso; it penetrated through the liver, stomach, and the bottom of the left lung. This was it for Comber; he was furious at them. He ripped the taser off him before falling; blood leaking onto the graveyard, the deputy shot him in his four hoofs, making sure he can’t get up. The detective thought he was going to kill him, so he ran to the deputy and hit his gun up, causing a misfire.

“You can’t kill him!”

The detective angrily told his partner. Comber quietly cast a heal spell, he got up, the deputy noticed this and aimed his gun at him; Comber looked like he was going to kill somepony, the detective warned the deputy to get out of the way, he listened, he barely dodges Comber’s knife. He shot at Comber, Comber evaded it; it appeared he activated a speed spell. He teleported, hitting the deputy off guard, Comber grabbed him by his left-back hoof and swung him down to the ground like a hammer, he did this three times, until the detective punched him in the right side of his face; Comber threw the deputy with a lot of strength at a tree; branches fell on him, covering him with wood and leaves; the tree shook back and forth, stomping after reporting this action two times. The detective was 10 hoof steps from Comber; he needed to know his ambitions. Comber notices the deputy’s gun; he stomped on the barrel and broke it. He gruntingly turned to the detective.

“You’re lucky I didn’t kill him.”

Comber said with a calm, but very angry tone. The detective kept his composure; he did not let Comber know he won; how did he? The detective has a little more powerful magic than him.

“What’s your ambition Comber, to kill everypony in this village?”

The detective decided to ask the assassin with curiosity. The assassin laughed. He knows only the old him and not the new.

“My ambitions are to complete my jobs, that’s it, I don’t kill innocent ponies.”

The detective believes he was being lied to. There’s no way that’s the truth.

“If that’s the case, why did you murder Fluttershy in cold blood!?”

The assassin smirked, he didn’t kill Fluttershy. She’s wasn’t as innocent as he says she is.

“I didn’t kill Fluttershy.”

Comber calmly replied, this only infuriated Commer. He knows he’s lying.

“Tartarus crap! Your knife that fell during your tussle with my partner proved it! I checked all knives that have been crafted, yours is not crafted in this region!”

Comber blinked at Commer. It was like he knew he can’t lie his way out. That detective doesn’t know the origin of his knife; it’s not crafted, it’s created out of nothing. Comber smirked turned to a grin.

“My old friend, I suggest you get your friend and leave; you know as well as I do you can’t arrest me, you can’t defeat me.”

Comber bluntly suggested. The detective knew Comber was right, but he insisted to arrest him; he won’t be brought down by mental warfare. The detective turned to the unconscious deputy; running to him and healing him; seems like more than one unicorn knows that spell? After healing him, he teleported back to his recent position, facing the assassin of legend. He’s going to bring him in, but first, he needs to lose his weapon; with that weapon, he could kill the detective easily.

“I know you’re a colt that fights for a challenge, so-!”

The detective felt confident this would make Comber do the same thing; he tossed his gun pouch to the side; positioning it rightly; if the deputy woke up; he’ll be able to use it; hopefully, he doesn’t try to kill him again. Comber was confused at first, but recognized what the detective was doing; a fight with no weapons; this intrigues Comber indefinitely.

“I’m going to take in you in by defeating you!”

The detective said with confidence. Comber wanted to laugh; the detective can fight? That’s humorous to him; he bet even Fluttershy could’ve put up a better fight than him; well, at least when she was furious; he still only in the end, toyed and completed his job It was a job well done, but it’s still depressing. Comber dared the detective to attack him; planning to go on defense and use counters to inflict damage to the detective. The detective might not of taken martial arts as his old friend did, but he sure is smart and won’t be lured into a trap; if they are going to throw down and battle; Comber and he will charge; he’ll toss his gun pouch to make Comber put his knife up also, but his gun will be reachable to the deputy; he’s going to need his help with his old friend; he knows this is a battle he won’t win, but stalling him is the least he can do.

“I’m not falling for that Comber, if we’re fighting, we’re both charging each other at the same time!”

The detective commanded. He knew how Comer fights a little bit, but that was long ago; he might fight differently now? This question will be figured out. Comber smirked, his friend seems to remember him. He probably still thinks he’s a monster as the data in the computer says; of course, this data is corrupted. Comber got out of his fighting stance; he smirked at the detective; seems he’s still kept his brightness since high school; his smarts are what makes him dangerous.

“So you want two offensive, alright, but this will be your last and you know that.”

Comber said with confidence; he knew he would win against the detective; he’s not much of a fighter, he more of a scientist if anything; Comber is a fighter, however, and he joined his game; he’s going to play and lose. The detective knew he had to disarm Comber of his knife; in some ways, that’s more hazardous than his own gun; this thought was answered as Comber teleported his bag to a safe place; his magic safe with all his bits in it; the only banking you can trust. Comber looked closely at the detective’s eyes; he knew there was some hesitation to the detective’s decision to fight him, but to him, this could prove interesting; especially since the old records recorded him as being a monstrosity. The detective stared at the assassin, he was ready as he could be; he raised his confidence and hopes to beat his old friend; but if entire police stations can’t arrest him, what hope does he have? Comber dashed at his friend, he responded by doing the same; Comber punched his friend in the left side of the of his check; Commer hit Comber in the nose to debilitate him; this, however, prevailed to be nothing but a fake assumption; they both slide back from each other; the detective was bleeding from the mouth; Comber wasn’t bleeding at all. The detective suspected he used a heal spell, but there weren’t any bright flashes; is it possible he’s that durable? The detective healed himself.

“You punch harder than the rest, but neither the less; you will fail this exam!”

Comber mocked his friend; knowing he hates being called a failure in academic achievements. Comment ignored him, knowing he was trying to make him lose focus, but it didn’t work. Comber attacked the detective; the detective attempted to evade the incoming attack, but the assassin predicted he would move like that and that attack landed; Comber tried to apply more attacks; the detective teleported a distance; he teleported around Comber 5 times; trying to confuse him; Comber wasn’t confused; he caught the incoming attack; the detective smiled back; knowing his attack was going to be caught; Comber was shocked with magic electricity. The detective with quick thoughts; attacked Comber, hitting him in the nose; the attack looked ineffective; Comber Went to punch the detective in the face; the detective teleported and evaded the attack; Comber looked flustered; the detective notices a very small amount of wind that blew by him; Comber attacked as hard as he could; he was glad he evaded that attack or he could possibly face a concussion due to blunt force trauma; this would only be from one attack; if he continued it would be death. The detective thought of a plan; a magic ball developed in his hand; he looked at Comber with a narrow face; Comber held his breath; the detective threw it at his feet; causing lots of thick smoke to surround the assassin; Comber’s horn illuminated, casing a face shield around his face; he knew that smoke had some type of neurological chemicals to knock a pony; Comber focuses his attention to his legs; pressing hard on the ground as he jumped from the smoke and punched the ground where the detective used to be; the ground had a crack in it; it was small, but this shows how powerful Comber is; Comber magic mask reverted; he looked around; not spotting the detective. The detective was in a bushy dead tree. He created a magic taser; aiming it at the assassin; he shot it at him; he notices it, but I was too late as it punctures the skin on his back; he was shocked with a ton of voltage; this taser was more powerful than the original taser; the voltage was higher and the straps were more thicker; it was created with magic; it seemed if the detective created this taser just for him. Comber didn’t yell, but it was clear it stung a little; how is so tolerable to attacks? Comber muttered a sentence; canceling the two taser lines and their points; Comber bleed a little, but it was paced with a heal spell. Comment couldn’t believe he knew a spell to cancel his magic, how is that possible? Comber gave the detective a death glare; it was clear he was going to attack so the detective was ready to evade at any time; he can’t keep doing this; his magic will wear at this rate. Comber charged to the detective’s location; the detective was ready; his eyes observing; his ears listening, he has a plan to stop this monstrous assassin. Comber stopped at the tree; looking up; as he got in his stance; leaves on him from the detective; this only annoyed Comber more; Comber focus with his hips and body; he was going to knock this tree down in a signal attack; before he hit the tree; he notices the detective left and turned a 180° degrees to the authority. The detective was 20 hoof steps away from the assassin; he responded by teleporting almost too close to the detective.

“You can’t arrest or defeat me; just give up and leave while I’m giving you a chance.”

Comber bluntly told his old friend. He didn’t want to severely harm his friend, but he will if he doesn’t take his invitation and leave.

“And for what? You will only murder more innocent ponies if I don't stop you!”

The detective yelled at his friend; he needs to know what’s he doing is wrong. He knows he’s responsible for the massacres in Ponyville; he can’t lie his way out and he knows that.

“You can stop a beast with no gun friend, it would tear you apart.”

Conner replied metaphorically. The detective only got angry at Comber’s analogy; he’s going to pay and the time will be today. Conner was getting annoyed the detective wasn’t fighting him without magic; really, all he was doing is evading and avoiding combat; Comber thought up a way to restrict him of his magic and the way is simple; his horn lit, making the detective flinch and nervous; magic thought swiftly and surrounded the detective with magic; mutter a few words before the detective cast a spell that nullified Comber’s magic surrounding him and countered him with an average shock. It didn’t hurt the assassin, but it did warn him of his friend’s counterspells. Comber smirked; he knew that wouldn’t be a problem anymore; he no longer can use his magic, this effect is only temporary, and therefore, will not last very long. The detective attempted to use his magic to see if Comber blocked or restricted his access to his own magic; finding out, he did and the detective cursed his friend for doing so; this could now be a fatal situation. Comber walked towards the authority, he was immensely confident to fight his friend and show him why he was called the legendary assassin; Comber didn’t even know he had that title, and he doesn’t care really; ranks don’t matter; so long ranks are corrupted and need fixing, but you can’t fix a jarhead; the lid won’t fit such an open container. Conner stopped in front of the detective looking into his flustered eyes; he knew the detective was in a panic mindset right now; he might want to change that to a combative mindset, otherwise, it would be too easy. Comber smirked at the detective; the detective of course didn’t like this; he looked upset and angry, paralleled to each other.

“You should’ve listened to me when you had the-!?”

The detective attacked Comber, his hoof almost hitting him in the bottom jaw; it was caught by Comber; Comber was swift with the defense; he wasn’t like that initially; Commer attacked the assassin again; having that hoof caught; Comber twisted the hoofs; he didn’t and won’t use magic; he made the detective swirl a little before punching him with a powered punch in the nose; fracturing it; blood leaked down the nose; onto the ground; the detective fell to the ground in pain and shocked how hard Comber hit him; could he be holding more strength back; it doesn’t seem like it. Comber leaned over his friend; giving him a cold expression; he should’ve listened to him when he told him to grab his friend and leave; now it seems the assassin will turn to be a killer and slaughter Commer. The detective tried to kick Comber; but had his back hoof caught; Comber smirked at the detective; it was clear what was going to happen; the detective wanted to beg him not to, but he was going to do it; this will hurt tremendously. Comber used all his strength to lift the detective with a hoof and slammed his body to the gloomy, grassy ground; after the 3 times; the detective started to bleed from his mouth; it seems Comber damaged an internal organ or vessels; this is bad; the detective knew he can’t win; is his old friend really going to kill him, just like that? Before Comber could punch Commer in the face; his hoof had a bullet shot through it; the detective turned to where I came from and saw his friend, the deputy; Comber looked through his hoof and at the deputy; yeah, that bucking hurt, Comber didn’t show any emotion to the deputy; he’s just an annoyance and that’s it. Comber's attention was on the deputy; who had him at gunpoint.

“You again, you’re so-!?”

The deputy cut Comber off; he was furious about what Comber did to him; he hoped he enjoyed that bullet wound; evidently, he didn’t cause he healed it just now.

“Shut the buck up and don’t move your monster! I’ll shoot you dead if you so much move a muscle!”

The deputy commanded Comber to stand perfectly still; his life was on the line; Comber was now angry with the deputy and he wasn’t going to listen; he moved a muscle towards him; before the deputy shot at him; he disappeared and reappeared behind him; the deputy quickly turned and shot; but Comber predicted the trajectory of the bullet and was on the ground; with quick thinking; Comber kicked the gun up in the air; before elbowing the deputy in the face; the deputy asked him, but this was a failure; the attacked was caught and Comber was showing no mercy to the detective; he jumped while having a grip on the deputy who failed his next attacked; Comber let the Hoof go at the last moment and stomped on it, fracturing the bones and causing the bone to pop out of the hoof; the deputy let his mouth riot; that hurt so badly that it felt like a hot anil being stabbed in and out the backside of the hoof; he no longer felt the hoof nor could he control it; he turned to Comber who stepped the hoof and smirked at the detective.

“You are a baby you know that. You’re pathetic, and that’s why you’re going to die.”

Comber mocked the deputy; irritating him; he tried to stand up, but it was a failure with four hoofs; he had to settle with two hoofs; Comber laughed at the way he stood; it’s embarrassing that happened to him. The deputy cursed Comber.

“You’re bucking going to jail and it’s going to be for life at least!”

The deputy yelled at Comber; letting him know impediment to being sentenced is coming. Comber rushed and punched the deputy in the stomach, knocking him to the ground; he mocked him by letting him know not to leave himself wide open like that; this infuriated the deputy who submitted to the damaged felt to him as he fell at Comber's hoofs; blood was coming from the mouth and nose; it was clear that attacked finished the job; he should die from external bleeding. The detective got up and turned to the scene; his friend was in critical condition; this wasn’t what his friend was in school; he rushed to the scene as Comber raised his hoof over the deputy’s head; he intended to get the detective’s attention; which he did. The detective turned to Comber in anger; how could he be so ruthless and heartless; this deputy arrested scums; saved fillies donated to places, and was his friend. He lived the deputy up with two hoofs; feeling his ribs were crushed as well as his lungs; he clenched his teeth and turned to Comber in fury; he killed him; he can’t heal him because of him; his magic surrounded him and it blew with a white flash; Comber didn’t flinch to the brightness, he just smirked. The detective healed the deputy and put him on the ground gently, he was going to take Comber in; this only proves he’s a murderous monster with no sympathy for others.

“I’ll show you all the spells in Equestria if that what it takes to arrest you!”

Comber was confused but happy; maybe now this could get entertaining; Comber blocked an attacked from behind; the detective ran around the assassin fast with a speed spell; he cloaked himself, before punching Comber in the face; he attempted to grab the detective’s hoof but with another quick hit Comber slides back a tiny amount of distance; he stood his ground; he’s going to have to take this seriously. Comber was attacked; Comber evaded and attacked the detective, along for his face; the attacked missed and Commer attacked again; Comber hit the hoof up and uppercut Commer in the face; it felt like metal or rock because it hurt Comber’s hoof; seems to be an endurance spell? Comber was hit again in the same spot as before; Comber now was showing a sign of blood; this satisfied the detective and encouraged him to keep up the pace; he’ll win soon. Comber activated a speed spell and attacked; instructed the detective multiple times before he teleported and stood at him from a distance. Commer’s burst of magic seemed to be only temporary; the aura fell to its starting state, leaving the detective to stand with high fatigue. Comber smirked with confidence and walked to his friend; who was catching his breath; Comber smirked turned to a grin; he had enough of this pathetic battle. Comber punched the detective in the face; running up with more hits; in total, he landed 10 hits on Commer’s face; it was clear to him he was going to die; his vision proved that. The detective fell to the ground; at the bottoms of his friend's hoofs; he couldn’t mutter any words fluently; his jaw; his nose and his tongue were badly damaged; the tongue was hit by the jaw.

“You had a chance to strive but now it’s time to end your suffering; forgive me, my old friend.”

Comber remorsefully told his old friend. The detective passed out; his brain finally losing the ability to stay awake. Comber with a sinister smile was about to stomp on his old friend’s skull; he fought and tried to stop him; at least he was better and more fun than the other authorities. Comber hoof hesitated to go down; Comber had thoughts about his friend; when they were in high school; they were good friends; Comber remembered that one time when the teacher, Mrs. Heth, decided to give The Hardest math problem available and didn’t explain it; it was obviously clear she wasn’t having a great day; the reasons are still unknown; this didn’t stop conspiracy theories, students thought it was a breakup and it might’ve seemed logical? Comber's thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice.

“Leave him alone!”

The deputy charged the assassin; knowing he will die, but save his friend. Comber turned his attention to the charging colt; he knows what he needs to say.

“I am.”

Comber said with his normal tone, it was loud enough to be heard by the deputy who couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he must be tricking them?

“Yeah, I would be foolish enough to listen to an assassin with a record of killing the authorities, like you are to let us escape!? You’re not baiting me! Sorry!”

The deputy was very angry, only hearing lies come out of the assassin's mouth. Comber needed to prove to him he was serious. He was already going to do this, he healed the detective; not restoring his stamina; the deputy’s eye widened; he was serious!? Comber also healed him; surprising the deputy even more. He walked to Comber and stopped 3 hoof steps, he needed to ask him some questions.

“Why did you heal us; are you so arrogant that you think you can beat us twice?”

Comber smirked, he must still believe those inaccurate data on his files.

“No, If that was the case: I'm a killer, not an assassin, it wouldn't be an assassination, just plain murder. I only kill those who have targets on their heads.”

That’s a lie, the deputy knew that he killed a to of authorities, so that proves this is a lie.

“Are you sure, because you killed other police stations before, so you’re must be lying?”

Comber felt caught in a lie but stayed calm. He totally forgot about them.

“You still believe those old records huh? Even the detective knew I was different. You should look at the date of every paper friend, you be shocked how long ago that was.”

The deputy was shocked to hear Comber tutoring him; look at the date, that must be a damn joke right? But there’s truth to what the assassin been saying; he not like that anymore; of he was he would indefinitely be a corpse right now.

“Why did you kill them?”

Comber was confused, but had a slight idea what he was going to ask; Tch, this could be annoying.

“One, I don’t kill, I assassinate; two, who’s them?”

Comber asked, playing dumb.

“The Pies, Fluttershy, why did you kill them!?”

The deputy yelled at Comber with anger brewing in him; they were good ponies that deserved nothing better to live; that saved his town from eternal darkness; Tartarus, they even say Equestria from enteral nighttime, the Pies may have not have helped, but judging their Pinkie's sisters, they were going to help ponies soon enough, they were good, Killing them is not a way to say thank you. Comber felt a little guilty, but his answer was still causal.

“I didn’t kill them, trust me.”

The deputy got furious at Comber; trust him, really?

“Lier, buck you for not confessing! It was a useless try I guess; I’m dumb for attempting.”

Comber smirked, he’s definitely stupid. Sucks he can’t sense deception like Comber.

“Well you’re right on that part, you’re dumb. No. Didn’t kill them; think logically, why would anyone really confess to a murder?”

The deputy was furious now; he’s stupid for coming here. He pulled his gun out, aimed it at a Comber who looked unfazed. Comber used his magic and removed the bullets when he healed them.

“If you want to attempt to kill me, I’ll return the favor indefinitely. Go ahead, take the best shot at scoring a fatality.”

Comber spread his from hoofs, putting his face out clearly for the deputy to shoot him in it; this is sad and humorous. The deputy's anger sailed down and he put the gun back into the pouch. Comber retired to his recent normal position.

“Good choice. There are no bullets in that gun, a weapon for the cowards to use; they're right here.”

Comber lifted the bullets with his magic; making them explode by activating a flame spell; igniting the gunpowder in them and setting them off. The deputy bit his teeth; knowing the weapon he only has now is the taser which is pointless to use against a monster. He bit his teeth and grabbed the detective; putting him o his back and leaving the graveyard; Comber walked to the tree behind him and leaned back on it; watching the deputy escape with the detective; he had advice for him.

“Take martial arts before you even think of attempting to arrest me again!”

The deputy heard Comber; he felt rager filling him; his cocky tone was arrogant of that of a god, which he is not; he decided to cool down and ignore that monster, but he might have a point on martial arts; maybe he needs to take it. They left the sight of Comber and exited the graveyard; Comber was alone again; his preference. He sighed and wondered if that annoying pegasus would have the bits finally. He decided to head back to his resting place and wait; he laid down and stared at the sky; wondering if he would ever have some fun. Comber patiently waited on for Lighting Dust; he doesn’t think that blue pegasus, her name again was...? Rainbow Dash, she most likely be a runner and boring to catch and assassinate; oh well, a job a job; and that’s it; it will be done.

The Cutie Mark Scare! Threat Vs. Threat #2! Arrested!

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The detective awakened on his friend, the deputy back; it was strange, the last thing he remembers was being neatened by his old friend; he already accepted his fate at that moment; he was going to die from a friend; guess that’s why you shouldn’t trust anypony; same goes for friends.

“What happened?”

The detective yawning as he got up from the ground; he turned his head around to spot he was in the middle of Ponyville; he assumed the deputy brought them there by running because he was out of breath when he awoke. He got up; it felt cold and breezy out; the sound of the wind was mocking them of their defeat. The detective was a little puzzled for a couple of seconds; finally getting his wits back.

“We failed didn’t we?”

The deputy frowned; honestly is the best policy. They did indeed failed, but altogether they felt like they did more better than the other stations did. The new question emerges; how do you stop a monster like that?

“Indeed, you should’ve let me shoot him in the head while the chance was around; it wouldn’t have killed him-!?”

If anything goes into the skull and penetrates the brain; you most likely die; wherein the head did he think he was going to shoot him?

“Perhaps...? I think he was going to teleport and heal at the last second; his reaction time is no joke; so that possibility was high; plus he stilled had confidence on his face like he had a plan; if you would’ve shot; using phycology; I think he would’ve killed you without hesitation?”

The detective regretfully explained to his friend why he stopped him from shooting the assassin; even tho Comber looked vulnerable; he wasn’t, trust me. The detective thought about the station and what to tell them; they obviously can’t tell them about the legendary assassin; he’ll most likely massacre them; up close he didn’t seem capable of murdering an entire station, but on his records, he did more than one station. It’s sad to see a town so cold and empty; because of an assassin; the deputy saw a house burned to the ground; he wondered who did that; Comber didn’t do that; he walked over to it; the detective hearing him walk away and also turned to the direction; he was curious too. He caught p with the deputy; standing by his left side as they look into the ashes; this family had four participates in it; they most likely escaped; well, that’s what the depth thought until the detective hatched a spell from its discovering egg; he was able to piece the scenery back together before it went down.

“You think your old friend responsible for this?”

The deputy asked in disbelief; Comber told him he only kills marked targets and not innocent; plus, he wouldn’t have burned down the houses; there’s no reason for an assassin to do that; also Comber uses a knife to assassinate his victim; not a fire; it’s definitely not Comber; does this mean the true killer is still lurking around. The detective notices another house not too far from here burned to the ground; he shook his head; who’s heinous enough to commit such offenses?

“There’s more than one home burned to as she Commer.”

The deputy pointed a hoof at the next burned home; the same killer is more than cause for that also; the true question is which home burned to ash first; how many more victims died in that home to add to this one?

The detective analysis of ashes in way back cases was very hoofy in this case; it would let him know which burned first. The detective made his way to burned home; almost parallel to this home; the deputy followed of course. The next home smelled worse than the other one; the reason is unclear; the detective searched around the exterior of the home to identify it; maybe it has a sign stating the residence of the house? The deputy picked up a golden safe that was still in the ashes; it was buried under a great pile of ashes; the deputy’s stomach turned when he realized he was probably rooting through the ashes of the residents that live here. The detective knew who home this was; as he made his way back; he pieced it all together; the number of ashes compared to the last home; the sign starting with an R in its identification name; the rest was burned; making it unrecognizable.

“Find any clues yet?”

The deputy asked his friend/co-worker. He knew he did; he found a clue that may also help with identification; it would break the vault open. The detective’s eyes widened when he saw a sparking yellow light; he turned to the shine; finding the now revealed gold safe; this was the crowbar to the identification.

“From the clues, I can conclude this was Rich’s residence. This means it’s most likely not an assassin because they are the richest and would hire them; it was a full-on slaughter.”


“That was a great idea fake sleeping to throw Granny Smith off; she even took a nap!”

Scootaloo joyed about. They saw Ponyville in an open capsule state; they kinda like the peace it had; they didn’t like how their friends were being looked away; they traveled so far from Sweet Apple Anchors, they were on the west side of Ponyville; this means they are by monstrous threats. They totally forgot why Ponyville was under their beds with their doors looked; some ignored the reason to stay inside, and they died. They just wanted to see what Ponyville is like empty; it’s not pretty; it’s pretty depressing.

“I have a bad feeling about this; the reason we were told must be a lie right?”

Sweetie Belle exclaimed; Ponyville wasn’t doing this for fun; this fog spooked them; the Mane 6 was nowhere to be found; they thought they were the seekers; they thought the entire village was playing a child-like game called hide and seek; this was so inaccurate.

“I reckon they are all playing hide and seek, or has my big sis says; hide the Barrel; not roll out the seek.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were confused by Apple Blooms’s last sentence but realized the first sentence was hide and seek. She may have a point? They saw smoke from a distance; they walked towards it; not realizing what to behold under the ash clouds.

“Do you think it’s a big fire?”

This made no sense to the other friends. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were unaware of the danger they’re in. They have been spotted by the murderous killer. He already rushed to their location. He was 150 hoof steps away from them. He closed the gap as his bloodlust increased, so did his speed. He would get them in no time; Sweetie Belle heard the hoof steps coming closer and closer; she tried to remain calm, but decided to warn her friends who were now aware of the that incoming colt towards them. They all turned towards the sound and what they saw made their little hearts drop; this wasn’t such a great idea; maybe he’s going to show them how to chop down a tree? They tried to think of other possibilities he was running towards them like that. Maybe he wants to be friends? Maybe he sees the actual murder and is coming to save them? They didn’t think it was a murder; they thought it was a kidnapper. They yelled at the top of their lungs; they screaming only be unheard by the hibernating ponies; however, it wasn’t unheard by the ponies outside.


“Ahahah! Help!”

The detective’s ears peaked up and turned around him; he had just discovered what Rich’s we’re massacre in this blaze; it was Diamond Tiara and her Father, Filthy Rich. He put the samples in his bag; turning towards the yelling; it sounded like fillies; his heart dropped when he saw the murderous killer with a hatchet drawn and ready to decapitate; they deputy already heard and ran to them; he wouldn’t make it in time; he stopped and pleaded for his friend to teleport them there now.

“I’m sorry! I would but I can’t; my magic is all gone!”

The detective panicking replied. He was going to make this killer pay if he so long harms those fillies. They did nothing to deserve this. The pair knew it was useless to run to the rescue but not trying is not an option. They needed to keep these fillies away from harm. The killer wasn’t that far from the fillies. He was right behind their tails; swinging his hatchet furiously at them. He lost lots of prey, but these he will catch; burn and cook. The thought was yummy.

“You will now... Die!”

The detective tripped due to pain. He wasn’t completely healed from his old friend that put him in that state. The deputy stopped to lift him; they can’t save them. The deputy wished he could shoot him, but Comber took all the ammunition and destroyed it when they attmepted to arrest him. Apple Bloom tripped and fell on her face. The killer with his hatchet rasied was ready for the kill. The insane killer swung his hatchet down, causing the authorities to turn from such a heartless heinous scenery. The yelling stopped as Apple Bloom opened her eyes and saw the hatchet being held back by a knife; one that’s not from around here and is owned by a black colt in a red cape. He heard the screaming and sensed the huge bloodlust being released from the killer. It was suffocating enough to stop a heart. He needs to be locked away for good. The colt punched the killer in the bottom neck fast; knocking him away with his hatchet that was being held onto by all strength. He won’t lose to this colt again. When the deputy and detective opened their eyes; they saw Apple Bloom running towards her friends. They turned to the killer and their hearts drop. Comber is here!?

“Come on!”

The detective ran to the scene; being followed by the deputy; they both were now closer to see the two colts. This is some type of cruel punishment right? They are working together? They don't remember Comber being a team with another killer. No they are definitely not working together.

“Hahaha! I will murder you and those fillies with pleasure!”

Toom said with insanity in his tone. It was clear to the authorities who the true threat was here. Comber really isn’t a threat if he doesn’t have a target and this killer does it for pleasure. Comber put his knife back in his bag as he turned to the killer with an angry disbelief face. How could anypony kill fillies for pleasure?

“You obviously haven’t learned your lesson, have you?”

Comber tossed his cape and bag aside. The detective saw this as an opportunity to examine the knife more closely; but thought about spells that let ponies protect their belongings and decided it would be a waste to attempt that without his magic; he informed the deputy about this because he knew he was going to ask. Toom charged Comber with his hatchet and swung the hatchet as hard as possible, missing Comber on the three shots he took; one was up; the second one was horizontal and the last one was vertical; hitting the ground with lots of force to dig deep. The Crusaders ran back to Sweet Apple Anchors; where they would confess everything to Granny Smith. They should've listened to her and never went wondering off trying to get their Cutie Marks for trying to due a detective’s work. The authorities had an objective and it was these two right here. Maybe they will injure each other and leave an opening for them to arrest them both? Comber saw an opening and strikes the killer in the jaw; spin kicking him in the face; this was caught by Toom who was angry and grabbed him by the hoof and quickly slammed him to the ground; Comber mouth opened with pain; Toom ripped his hatchet from the ground and slammed it down at Comber who rolled out of the way; Combed grabbed his weapon from the bag with magic; quickly grasping it in his hoofs. Toom swung at Comber again and tried again before Comber kicked him in the joint; knocking him to on one hoof; quickly recovering and striking Comber with lots of force; kicking him away;

(”How did this killer get so-!”)

Comber ducked and evade the flying hatchet; phew... That could’ve been a decapitation if it landed. Smashed into a home; almost hitting a pony inside sleeping. He slept through the racket. None of the others would’ve. Heavy sleepers. His room was cozy; with a warm fire right next to him with a chimney; wooden tables in the room and a sound to put you asleep with ease.

“Think we should act?”

The deputy asked; thinking the time is best now.

“No, not yet; you know we can’t arrest Comber right? If this goes the way I think. Comber knocking him unconscious. We can arrest him.”

The detective said; keeping his eyes on the battle at the front of their faces.

Comber knocked one hoof to its side and strikes him in the face; Toom wasn’t stunned by this and attacked again; hitting Comber in the nose; Comber blinked from this; his teeth biting together; he had enough and Dodge the next attacked and struck him very hard in the face; he flew to the ground; Comber jumping and stomping on his stomach with lots of force; giving the killer a mouth full of blood. Comber started to walk away when Toom got up and swallowed his blood; it tasted good and ran to his hatchet and grabbed it; he was going to kill this cocky colt. Toom charged at Comber who turned his eyes to the back of his head; this killer doesn’t learn; Comber focus all of his strength in one hoof; he waited for the right moment; dodging the hit with perfect evasion; in slow motion; he hit the colt in the right side of his jaw; the force caused a gust of wind to explode around them; kicking him next; causing him to fly into a stand unconscious. The deputy and detective came out of hiding and saw Comber already looking at them. Comber teleported closer to them looking at them narrowly; it would seem he is going to kill them; but this thought went up in flames when Comber grabbed his bag and his knife; putting them back to their original positions. He put the cape on himself and decided to speak to them.

“I’m not here to cause problems; I knew you were there at the beginning of the battle; it wasn’t that hard, but you should know he’s more of a threat than I am to this village.”

Comber explains with a prideful stance. Comber was right about that. Why did he saved those fillies though; was it to prove he’s not evil to them?

“You saved those filled Comber; why did you do that?”

Comber expression became less intense; he knew they wouldn’t believe the truth, but the shot is worth it.

“I did it because they are young and are not in the wrong; I can’t let an innocent pony die around; especially a filly.”

The deputy didn’t believe a single word that came out of his mouth; the detective I b the other hand did; he remembered when Comber saved that handicapped student at lunchtime; he fought a whole table of bullies; sending them to the hospital; he was suspended for a week and a half; it was only four days after the cameras recorded Comber heroic actions.

“You’re lying you, faker!”

The deputy yelled at the assassin; believing him to be a deceiver; he tricked the Mane 4; he fooled the residents of this village; but not them.

“My friend; he’s not lying.”

Pushing the deputy’s hoof pointing at Comber in anger away. Comber smiled at them; realizing the detective knew him in high school; he defended the victims of bullying; he was mercilessly a judge to those who bully; you’re here to learn and get an education; not make others suffer. The deputy thought his friend was going to join his old friend and remove him as a friend; this thought was shredded as Comber dropped his smile.

“He’s not lying; you know how?”

The deputy asked; finally about to be revealed about the detective’s high school life.

“I knew him in high school friend.”

This was a huge surprise to the deputy; how come he never told him about this huh? Was their friendship still alive? Or is it dead?

“Was he a bad student?”

The deputy rudely asked. He really doesn’t like Comber for some reason? He would’ve gotten those fillies murdered if he didn’t show up. Maybe he felt guilty? Conner was interested to hear the detective’s answer to that question also; was he a bad student in personality or grades or both?

“He wasn’t dumb; obviously you can see that. He was a colt who handle the bullies when they got physical with the victim; especially that one time when a bully was picking on a handicapped pony; if Comber wants he could tell you?”

Comber smirked; the smirk fading away fast as it came. So why were they out here anyway? I’m sure they’ll ask the same question Comber would ask?

“Indeed I did. Do you plan to arrest me; I should say attempt; just boosting your confidence.”

The deputy really hated this colt; his ego is too large for such nasty offenses.

“You’ll pay one day; but today isn’t that day!”

Comber smiled with a question in his head: when?

“When do you think I will be arrested; you seriously hypnotizing yourself if you think you or any other authority in this peace-loving town can do it?”

Comber stuck the fuse with water; causing a class C fire.

“You will if the whole station gained up to arrest you!”

The deputy knew he was lying to himself; he just needed to yell something back at this monster.

“Try it.”

This was it for the deputy; Comber clam, the cocky attitude was enough to make anyone very angry and now prepare for the explosion.

“You are a monster who enjoys the suffering of others!”

Comber wanted to laugh at the deputy but knew he would get angrier and possibly make a dumb decision in this town. He responded with a normal tone and face.

“I think you mixed me up with that colt in those bushes?”

The deputy got angrier; he calmed down and decided to spill the beans on the situation he’s in; he needs to know the guilt he made this town feel.

“Why did you kill Fluttershy and the Pies!?”

Comber smirked; making the depot step closer to him; he will attempt to arrest him if he says another ignorant thing to them.

“I didn’t... You are full of accusations.”

The deputy and detective knew he was lying; his knife is the complete evidence for the crimes. It like you stole the filter from a vacuum cleaner and had it in your home; you claim you had it from your old one, but it fits the one that was stolen; this was the last brand of that vacuum cleaner; so how do you have that and not the cleaner? You are also known to be a thief.

“My old dear friend, you are guilty of those crimes and you know it; truly you do believe you are not guilty right?”

Comber got annoyed by the detective but decided to respond with a similar answer; one that is heard too many times.

“You are guilty of false accusations; you can’t convict me with no evidence; this really doesn’t matter; you’ll get the same answer every time friend.”

Comber replied with a grin; the deputy had enough he killed them and now he must know who they were; what importance were they; how they helped the citizens of Ponyville out.

“It’s time for you to know what damage you are done you monster! Fluttershy was a kind Pegasus who wouldn’t harm even a monster; instead, she’ll tame it; teach it better; raise it. She helped fillies get their talents in animal care; she was too one of them! The Pies made rocks for fillies! You’re a cruel, monster for killing them!”

The deputy had to take in a breath; before looking at an unfazed colt who knows he did wrong by the look he gives next, but won’t admit it. They had their reasons to die; a client doesn’t pay that amount of bits to put a target on their heads. Conner turned away from making his way to the graveyard; his horn illuminated and caused a bright flash; making him disappear. The deputy calmed down; as he the detective suggested a coffee; the reason he didn’t tell the deputy to stop is that he knew his soul wouldn’t be content without letting Comber know about his wrongs.

(”Oh Celestia! Wait!”)

The detective reminded the deputy of Toom; they walked over to where his body was and it was still breathing; he was still alive and needed to be arrested quick; the deputy grabbed his faucet from his hoof and gave it to the detective who will examine this tool. He put the unconscious insane murderous colt on his back; with a quick gaze at the sky and then at the detective; he looked at the detective who put the hatchet in his bag; he was happy to have additional work; most colts wouldn’t be. They both decided to head to the coffee shop after putting the killer behind bars; he’ll need help from the other detective to count the amount of victims slaughter; he knows he can do it; he can do anything. They made their way to the station; as fast as possible; they still had bruises; but if anything, they could blame it on this colt. The station can not know about Comber; they are needed; I think they would just make the town be under high alert and shut down; due to his record. They will be there soon.

Unexpected circumstances! Where's Rainbow Dash!?

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Comber arrived back at the graveyard; he looked like a monster to some who saw him at that moment; he was serious, but a child at the same time; he knows a familiar pegasus kept watch on him; it had to be-!?

"Hey, Comber! That save was nostalgic! You sure you're not a hero and not an assassin?"

The pegasus replied in a sassy tone; Comber looked back at her; he looked intense but calm; the wind blew his cape; it blew with the foggy breeze. She better have the right currency or be near or he'll take his business somewhere else; she's very fast so she should have the bits now right? Comber was going to cut the cake; if the currency meets the requirement of bits.

"I'm going to get to the point; do you have the right amount of bits?"

Comber asked in a sighing manner; he was bored of Ponyville; even this blue pegasus wouldn't suffice more than the authorities; she will be a bore also. The authorities did put up a decent battle; in the end; they lose it and almost their lives; Comber showed blood in that failed attempt at containing him; they get the point now and that's all that matters; they will pay with blood next time they attempt and the detective knows that. Lighting Dust loosened her bag, allowing it to open; struggling with the weight she lifted it with her teeth and tossed it into the air; using both wings to catch the bag with his in it; it was full; the amount it could hold is 1000 bits. These bags are usually used for buying homes and in the town, she flew into; assassinations; it must be made of leather or something because the bag is not weakened at all by the number of bits it held in it; you would think the leather would wear or at least stretch, but it didn't. She made her way to Comber; he felt like she was going to just give half of it to him, but it depends on what she says to say; no pony will lie to him ever.

"Does this have the actual currency?"

Conner asked with a blunt, intense tone; Lighting Dust had a devious smile form on her face; she does and now that she paid both as a punishment for what she did in Cloudsdale and for revenge; both being destiny's choice.

"I do!"

Lighting Dust said with a very sinister smile. Conner felt awkward around her at that moment; there is no mare he knows besides her who will show a sinister smile; especially like that? She looked the bag over; Comber putting it on a scale; one that is made of magic and is very accurate at counting bits. She wasn't lying; she did have the amount; Comber put the bag of bits in his magic safe and tuned his watch on; making his next target the blue Pegasus with Rainbow mane and tail; purple eyes, Rainbow Dash!


The Mane 5 came out of the station together; Twilight reporting Toom will be a surprise to some, but to the authorities heading there; it won't be; the Mane 5 talked outside the station for a while; believing Toom was the monster and responsible for the murders in Ponyville they know of.

"So do you believe he'll be caught y'all?"

Applejack asked; feeling he would be indefinitely now. The rest felt the same; however, Twilight knew he would be caught; but without problems; most likely not; he will be sentenced harshly; so she sure he will put up a massive fight and could possibly kill one of the deputies on duty; they would need a full proof plan to get him with no harm; maybe she could help them?

"I'm... Twilight just reported him, duh!"

Rainbow reminding the group of Twilight's actions; her tone could make anypony annoyed.

"That doesn't mean they'll find him Rainbow Dash!"

Applejack reminded Rainbow Dash of the stealth of the killer; he would normally come up at night; preferably using his weapon which is known to be an axe and not a knife; he could've just switched them out?

"They'll find them; they reassured me of that; my information and description helped them know who they are looking for; they'll find them."

Twilight confidently said to her friends; making them feel more relief that the killer is goo b to be eventually caught and pay for the crimes they've committed in this village. Maybe Twilight was too trusting in the authorities and they won't find him? If they do manage to find him; how do they avoid death and or injuries from him?

"But darling; aren't you worried the about the authority's safety; don't you feel they could have their mane tangled up in pins? I'm not the only one here that feels like they could be seriously injured by the killer right?"

Rarity expressed her concerns to the group which also had similar concerns but didn't dig that deep into I because they trusted the authentication of this village. Rainbow Dash now in the air once again, told Rarity not to worry which this irrigated Applejack; Rainbow Dash attitude towards the situation needs to be changed and fixed; this isn't something you should be so relaxing on. The group decided to change the subject and plan what to do from there on; they knew to take shelter somewhere safe and guarded; you don't want the killer the teleporting inside your home and killing you; evidently, he did this to Spike; his death still haunts his stepmom a ton; which explains why the group tries to stay quiet about his death because Twilight could either do what she did before and go off; away from safety or cause a scene; It's also just disrespectful to remind somepony of a death, especially of a loved one. The group was shocked to see the deputy and detective rushing back here with a pony on the deputy's back; Twilight almost had a heart attack seeing that monster again; she started to panic; breathing louder and faster; remembering the event he did to her and almost killed her; since she knew physiology; the moment before a pony does something dramatic like almost decapitating a certain purple Unicorn who wish to let her anger rage at the tree with the spookiness of the wind. Her teeth bit hard on the bottom teeth because of anger; he didn't have to kill their friends like that, but he's crazy and most likely would've made a mess? This doesn't matter because Twilight still blamed the black, green hair colt for the murders of Ponyville; particularly her friends and Spike. The deputy and detective were wondering why the group was hanging around outside the station; did another murder happen; if so, Comber lied to both of them! Twilight planned to attack the killer, but by the time the authorities arrived; she cooled down and decided it's not worth it; a wrong for a wrong doesn't make a right.

"What are you girls doing at the station; did something happen?"

The deputy asked while the detective used his eyes as binoculars; scanning the situation. The killer which was named Toom was put in strong hoof cuffs and a muzzle because of his insanity; he might attempt to kill them with his teeth or just spit at them; they have to interrogate him; well... Only the detective; the deputy will stay on the side just in case things get out of hoof and loud sound start to form. The mane 4 guessed that must be the killer Twilight reported; he has the mane and tail of the description; he also has the coat; maybe the weapon also? Rainbow Dash saw it also on the back of the deputy's; it was in a secure bag; strapped to the waist of the deputy; this was indeed the killer that attacked Twilight. Pinkie Pie notices the way Twilight reacted when she looked in the direction of the incoming authorities; it must be him; after all, that would be her reaction if she saw the murder of her parents which she didn't know if that was him or not? So she didn't freak out, instead, she stuck with her normal mood which was no sadness.

"We decided to talk outside partners; I do say this colt matches Twilight's attacker like an apple barrel does with an apple barrel?"

Applejack replied to the deputy's question; seeing no response from him.

"Mrs. Sparkle, did this colt attack you?"

The detective asked the purple mare; waiting for her response; the rest of the group did the same; they still felt unsure about the attacker and wanted me confirmed by their friend, Twilight. The purple mare hesitated to answer; she had a little fear in the back of her mind; if he was listening, he would torture her more heinously; but this fear dropped quickly; she had to realize he was heading to jail; most likely be locked up for life. They do not sentence ponies to death even though he should be an exception.

"Yes-he-he'd attacked me."

Twilight said, stuttering to get the words out. The detective knew this killer and knows defaults he's going to be charged with enough crimes to get her she's sentence. The deputy couldn't believe this colt also attacked Ponyville; altho this group thinks this is the killer responsible for the Pies and Fluttershy's massacre; he's not true; there's been one question that would be asked by Fluttershy: Why hasn't she reported Spike's death? That's because the law in Ponyville where it happened is only effective for ponies; this would be animal cruelty; which is only 5-10 years; this would be dumb to announce because the killer is going to jail for life already and can't be sentenced to death; so it doesn't make sense to report it; especially since everyone is hibernating for safety again; if he's truly the killer; they would allow the ponies back outdoor and everything can go back to normal; hopefully so; since the losses, nothing been normal.

"Thanks for the information Mrs. Sparkle; I remember then reports being sent over to me to look at, and I knew it must be this colt since the description you gave the hospital. They wanted me to link it to the killer which he is."

The group felt relieved; everypony can come outside again right; feeling safe and free of harm, right? Wrong.

"So Ponyville going to go back to the way it used to be? Everyone will be allowed to come back outside again?"

The authorities felt bad for not telling them Comber is the one responsible for their friends' death but this information had to be concealed from them; they would indefinitely tell the authorities and they could possibly be murdered by the legendary assassin. This will have to be confidential between him and the deputy.

"We are unsure about that; we have to make sure he's the solo killer and there's not a duo killer learning still."

This made sense to the group, they trusted the authorities; believed they would guide Ponyville back to its formal glory. The detective felt bad to not tell the truth, but he knows it's for the better. They decided they need to take this killer to the station otherwise; he could wake up and attack which would be problematic.

"Well, I hope you girls stay safe and secure. We'll let the village know when it's safe to come back outside again."

The group agreed with them; Twilight relieved the killer is going to jail and paying for his crimes. They selected him from the massacres but didn't lash out at him because of the authorities.


Conner was searching for his target: Rainbow Dash. He has planned; he knew she'll be with her friends and not alone and she is very fast. He teleported 3 times around Ponyville activating an x-ray spell to quickly locate her; maybe she went back to Cloudsdale? Maybe she's at Sweet Apple Anchors? He didn't care what the other ponies did in their homes; they don't concern him, only his target is what matters. Eventually, he saw his target outside in front of him, approximately 68 hoof steps away. He teleported behind a home, close enough to hear and speculate the scene; he had to wait for the right moment to strike; he will leave Ponyville after this job so this assassination doesn't really matter to him of being caught.


"I reckon we go back to Twilight's library and wait for the announcement; there's not much more we can do since the killer has been caught. Hopefully, he's the only one."

Applejack suggested to her friends. She was happy and relieved the killer was caught and she wasn't the only one; maybe they could celebrate there?

"I'm... pretty sure it's only one killer, even tho he'd attack Twilight with an axe; that doesn't mean he used knives before. He's the only colt out beside the other visitor, which is very friendly."

He might be friendly, but if you're his target you would indefinitely change your mind. Comber saw the group turn their direction to where Twilight treehouse is; Comber needed to wait; they obviously didn't know he was there because he can sense deception; even of the degree; you can trick Comber; unless you have a labyrinth amount of them.

"Alright then. To be honest girls; I wanted to pounce at him when first seen. He wasn't worth it."

Twilight giggled a tiny amount, before realizing it's not really that funny; that tragic event changes the way she thought; that's not really funny to want to hurt another pony or animal. The group turned their full attention to Twilight's treehouse which is very far from here; they were ready to run to safety. Comber was a quick opportunity and acted on it; teleporting to Rainbow Dash and grabbing on to her wing, teleporting to a not freeing place. The group quickly saw the red flash and instantly turned to see their friend, Rainbow Dash missing. Pinkie saw a glimpse, but because of her depression; wasn't able to make it out; who was it; she didn't want to give wrong information and send the group on a wild goose chase.

"Twilight, pegasus's can't do magic can they?"

Applejack sarcastically asked. Where did Rainbow Dash go; that red flash was magic, it was a unicorn then, or was it something else? Twilight and The rest of the group checked around the exterior of the station, their search frantically turning when she not found; Pinkie Pie was moving slowly at checking; it wasn't because she didn't value her friend; she was too depressed and mentally strain still; needs to smile. The group regrouped at the front; reporting they didn't find her; this is bad, did she fly off as a prank; if so, it isn't funny at all; especially in these circumstances.

"No Applejack, they can't!"

Twilight dramatically said; it was clear she and her friends were out of breath; from searching and the tragic events. The group stopped at the front, finally able to stop freaking out; the deputy and detective heard some of the commotions while putting Toom behind bars; he had to be stripped of his weapons and items so it took a little while; when the detective exited the station he immediately notices a blue pegasus not with them; he knows there's another killer; did they argue and she left out of anger? Since they looked panicked, that's not the case; either they were attacked or she was kidnapped; Applejack and Rarity rushed to the authorities as they were walking down the station; they were frantic and distraught, something happened, certainly it wouldn't be good.

"Can you help look for our friend Rainbow Dash?"

Applejack asked in her country tone; she was calming down and needed to talk to them; if they want to find her more effectively and efficiently, they would need to be calm and search thoroughly.

"Were you girls in a disagreement or arguing?"

The detective asked, scoping back down to when he was a teenager; you got to think like one to understand one. The group disagreed, they weren't not argue; they were about to head off to safety just in case the killer is still out there, evidently, they must be?

"No officer, we weren't; she vanished; she didn't fly away either or move-!?"

Pinkie Pie interrupted Twilight. She had an idea; because of a red flash.

"I saw a red flash..."

Pinkie Pie depressingly told the group; she was upset still; having memories of her sisters; they are gone and can't be brought back; at one time her eyes watered, only to be interrupted by one of her friends. The detective's eye widened with fear; his next job must be her!? He ran to the group and told them to follow him; there's is no time to waste. The group had a clue what he might know, but when it comes to his full knowledge; he knows the legendary assassin's magic aura, and if it's red she saw; then it was him; this must be his last job? The group followed him; missing the words he muttered in a sinister, serious tone.


Find the Threat And Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash Vs. The Legendary Assassin!

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Rainbow Dash was confused; she was with her friends and now she’s here, she felt something grab her wing, but it was too swift and tight to fling its grasp away; she recognized the place she was in, the smell, the air, the timberwolves howling; she was in the Everfree Forest. She attempted to fly away, before hearing a familiar voice.

“You name was Rainbow Dash, right?”

The assassin said with a sinister tone. Rainbow Dash felt uncomfortable in the Everfree Forest, especially with the howls of the wolves. When the colt revealed himself from the shadows; Rainbow was relieved seeing him; he ain’t a monster, he’s a pure colt, he proved that by donating to the funeral.

“You’re that colt that donated at the funeral; did you being us hear? Because certainly, I didn’t fly here.”

Rainbow Dash almost giggled; only to receive a cold glare from the assassin; the Elements Of Harmony are doing; well, only Celestia could now use them now. This fact doesn’t matter in the slightest; it’s not like there are any threats to Equestria right? Comber stepped on a branch, cracking it in half; this perked Rainbow Dash’s ears up; but she notices it was just a brand and not a timber beast. Comber wasn’t that far from her; he stopped, deciding he just going to let her know the deal and why it’s useless to run.

“Your time is up Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash was confused; what does he mean by that; he’s not simply implying he’s going to kill her right? That’s not a possibility at all; maybe he’s a prankster like her and Pinkie Pie? He too serious for that.

“What do you mean by that!?”

Rainbow Dash flew from the ground hovering a little; she started to feel unsafe around him; he can’t fly and she hasn’t seen a flying Unicorn yet; she doesn’t think there’s a spell to fly yet.

“I think you know what I mean; hope you’re good a fighting because running is-!?”

Rainbow Dash flew back to Ponyville as fast as she could; trying her best to avoid tree branches and leaves. Comber sighed at the sight of her running; most run; most fight, but neither goes in their favor. He teleported; already knowing where she’s going; once he sees you and you’re his target; you’re not escaping at all; he tracks the soul down until it leaves the living world. Rainbow flew about 800 hoof steps from the assassin’s location, catching her breath; she believed he lost her and doesn’t know her whereabouts; she was wrong; she nearly had a heart attack when she heard a beach snap, turning behind her; her eyes widened and her heart dropped; she knew he’s the other killer then; she and her friends were right to be suspicious of him; they were right.


“What’s the big rush, you know something we don’t!?”

Twilight asked the detective; finally meeting up with him; even the deputy had to regroup with his partner; he knew why he did it, but he could’ve just teleported them there, why didn’t he just do that?

“I do.”

The detective responded in a serious tone; his tone sounded like was happening right now; his expression also supported this.

“You want to tell then partner?”

The detective didn’t want to tell them, but he knew he might have no choice if they wished to save their friend’s life; his mouth opened to speak; trying to find the words to say.

“Your friend said she saw a red flash; I know one unicorn who had such an aura; your friend is in grave danger.”

The detective said with a casual face; he didn’t want to see another pony killed in this town; especially not from the assassin he was friends with. Commer regretted attempting to stop his friend, after his warning and threats; he did want to get them, along with him and the deputy killed; this seemed to be dumb and useless; he saw Comber before take on two full tables; coming on top with only a bloody nose; he quit his wicked job because of him; those who would leave loses their life; so he was in debt to him, but this doesn’t matter at the moment.

“What, are you saying she could be killed like Fluttershy; I thought you colts caught the darn killer?”

Applejack replied; disbelieving there’s another killer in this beautiful village.

“Yes, he’s extremely dangerous; you girls meet him before.”

This was a red flag for Twilight; it all made sense; the excuses about his pet; his tone and lack of remorse at the funeral; every colt should show emotions when another pony dies; he didn’t which was suspicious; he was the only colt they had met and he was a unicorn; Rainbow Dash didn’t fly away; she was teleported!

“He didn’t seem all that bad...”

Pinkie Pie depressingly replied; she was sad still; she felt completely empty; she had lost her 3 sisters and Fluttershy; she didn’t want to lose another friend; especially Rainbow Dash; the one who attempts to cheer her.

“He’s not that evil, he only is when he’s on the job.”

The detective explained to Pinkie Pie. Twilight thought a moment; back to the theory of it being an assassin; this had to be what he was getting to indicate?

“You mean he’s an assassin?”

Twilight bluntly asked; getting a nod from the detective; this raised questions; how does he know this? Was he with him? This wasn’t seriously considered to be a true statement.

“He’s the legendary assassin; he never failed a job; which is why I feel like this is useless to stop him.”

The detective replied; shocking the group; they didn’t expect that colt; which seemed all nice and innocent; not to mention donated to the funeral they attended; she had struggled so hard to make the funeral; not to forget helped set it up with her friends; this also made another question arise; why did he donate to it then; could it be guilt? Was he generous? It made sense where he got all those bits from; and able to toss a ton to the funeral with no worry.

“Why do you think he donated to Fluttershy’s funeral then?”

The others wanted to know also; the detective’s answer wasn’t a shock to them; since they all already thought it.

“He does have a heart for the innocent, and Fluttershy seemed to be in that category; so I would predict guilt.”

How does a legendary assassin feel guilty? Aren’t they monsters with no hearts; if he’s legendary; this means he assassinated too many victims with no failure. The group agreed with the detective. They arrived at the graveyard; running into the gloomy location for the dead; searching the spot and the rest of the graveyard; finding nopony in eight beside them; where else did they go? They hoped the detective was right; if not, then they really don’t have a clue where Rainbow Dash went? At the same time; they also hoped he was wrong; they didn’t want to fight an assassin for a friend, but will if it requires force.

“So you want me to fight you for my life?”

Rainbow Dash asked stupidly; Comber usually just assassinate them as fast as possible; but when the target life’s at stake; they high the hardest; and she seems the type that would fight if provoked, so hopefully before he leaves this peaceful village; he can have fun?

“Are you really the killer of Ponyville? Was that other colt a fake? Was he a dummy set up by you?”

Comber blankly looked at the target with zero care. He wasn’t the murder of Ponyville; if anypony was, it was Toom; of course, none of those murders have been announced yet, but conveniently Comber’s have.

“No, I set no pony up; I’m not answering no questions to you; it won’t matter anyway.”

Comber bluntly told his target; almost already considering her a corpse. Rainbow Dash flew off the ground; this colt has to be the killer; he will pay for his crimes; there’s no way he’ll walk away unscathed. His attitude can make anypony mad; especially letting them know he’s here to take your life. She flew as fast as she could at the assassin; he dodges with precise reaction time and movement; Rainbow Dash attacked more; trig to land an actual hit on the assassin; but only with failure; he was too good at fighting; she could barely hit him; each attack not even scathing him; he’s too fast.

“How am I quicker than a pegasus that can perform a rainboom? You need to think more clearly-!?”

Rainbow Dash cut him off; his cocky tone was annoying as Tartarus.

“Think? You’re the one that should think about your actions!”

Rainbow Dash yelled at the assassin; he thinks he could just get away with his crimes, Scott free? She thought for a moment before acting; she flew at him; acting if she was going straight in for the attack; Comber watched closely as she flew up and attempted to punch him in the top of his head; he caught the hoof and swung her, letting her go; she flew; almost hitting a tree; she saved herself by using her wings; this colt is dangerous to fight; she can’t run; she can’t harm him, and more importantly, she can’t die to him.

“I should attack you, but the fun will end if I do, so I’ll-!?”

Rainbow Dash flew at him again; attacking more ferociously; she had enough of his arrogant mouth; Comber dodges all the attacks; letting at least one hit; this was out of curiosity of the power behind the punch; which was heavier than Fluttershy’s, but not enough alone to injure him. Comber decided to attack back; punching her in the face; leaving her with a bloody nose; she was pushed back by the hit; she wiped her nose; discovering blood; she never had a nose from bleed; she was very, but scared at the same time; he’s serious about killing her.

“You’re very durable to take a hard hit from me, but durability is good with offense; which you lack; so accept your fate; it will be fast.”

Comber bluntly said; feeling a little sympathy for his target; Rainbow Dash didn’t care what he said to her; she ignored him; getting angry by the second; she thought of the Pies, Spike, and Fluttershy; he must have done it; he needs to pay! She flew at him at top speed; hitting him in the jaw; following with a punch to the face; Comber felt no pain; indeed it hurt, but he was trained to feel no pain; no blood had surfaced anywhere on the colt’s body; Rainbow Dash was drained of stamina from attacking; Comber waited for her to retain it, he’ll attack this time; hopefully she’ll still be able to move after the strategic offense?

“Nice follow-up, but you need to use more power behind those punches to cause damage.”

Comber said with his casual tone; irritating Rainbow Dash; he really already considers this fight won by the way he’s acting.

“Shut the buck up!”

Rainbow Dash attempted to attack but missed it, again; Comber black flipped back; landing on all four hoofs; Rainbow Dash wasn’t impressed at all; the Wonderbolts do a lot more dangerous stunts than that. Comber cracked his neck; stopping after repeating this process 4 times. Comber face changed from its merciful look to a serious expression; he has to complete this job; no going back; he never did and I will continue like that; Comber was ready to go on the offensive; it’s time. Comber got in a stance he rushed at Rainbow Dash; intending to attack her; test her durability against his strength, skills, and assassination. She tried to weave to dodge but was hit in the face; she attacked back; Comber moved his head to the left and dodge; she tried her wing which he backflipped and kicked off her face; he teleported back on four hoofs, already seeing what damage he did to his target; she’s more durable than everypony else in this village; but not in his town. Rainbow wiped her face; spitting blood to the left sideline; this colt is powerful; there’s no doubt about that; he’s far from pure, however, and should pay; this just proves he had murdered more ponies in the past if he knows how to perform stunts like that. She flew in the air; flying at him once again at top speed; Comber ducked his entire body and kicked her in the stomach; this put her higher in the sky; she spits blood out again from her mouth; she thought about running from this colt; this already proven to be pointless because he knows her exact whereabouts; fighting him is useless because not only is he talented at fighting techniques; his agility and reaction time is insane too; what to do she thought; Comber waited; this is boredom; she’s not special at all is she? He assassinated more pegasus that produced more powerful attacks than she did; he’s already forgetting her name. Rainbow flew down to the ground; given the colt a nasty stare; he has no response to it; he’s just doing his job. He smirked; causing Rainbow to attack him again; he dodges, grabbing one of her hoofs and then the second as it tried to hit him in the right side of the jaw; Comber let go, taking grasp of the incoming wings; his magic holding her hoofs in place; it was to stop her from attacking with them; the wings were caught; making Rainbow Dash flustered; she tried to break free but failed; was his intention to break them; or-!? Comber released his magic gripped; swing her around by both wings; she felt nauseous; she couldn’t think of any way to get free; she might barf from the dizziness?

“Let me go you heartless colt!”

Rainbow Dash said with anger; her face expression rage, with a little anxiety.

“If you say so.”

Comber said; already planning to do so; but not before landing a devastating attack; Comber pulled Rainbow Dash in, quickly turning around and bucking her right in the face; her nose bled; he brain bounced around the skull; she felt as if she was flying and indeed she was; the assassin let go of her wings to let her hit-! She crashed into a tree with high force; branches that had tiny tons on them fell down her; her body slid down the tree, unconscious. The branches caused small lacerations on her body and face; they covered her body; if they landed appropriately, with enough precision, it could’ve killed her. Comber took one breath in; wiping his hoofs together; this job was more than the average, but far from impressive; it’s about time to end it. Slowly walking towards her at incredibly slow speed.

(”Rainbow Dash... Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?”)

Rainbow Dash heard a familiar voice inside her head; was she hallucinating? Is she knocked out cold? She was confused and frightened of where she was.


Rainbow Dash muttered, forgetting what is transpiring to her for a quick moment before regaining the knowledge.

(”That colt is the one that killed us, me, me, me, and me.”)

Rainbow Dash felt crazy; there’s no way it’s the Pies and Fluttershy speaking to her; the dead can’t speak to the living; she had to be hallucinating. The voices sounded just like them; it had to be their spirit or soul speaking to her.

“Rainbow Dash tried to respond to the voice but was surrounded by flames; they were scorching; the sound was frightening too, the last thing she saw was a pitch-black colt with a flaming mane and tail; it looked like it the souls were going towards him and he was collecting them; where was she? Is she dead? This was answered when her wits came back and she opened her eyes again; she heard hoof steps; she goes up quickly to see the assassin 10 hoof steps from her; it looked like he waited for her to come unconsciously; she struggled to get up; remembering what she saw; her rage-filled to the brim when she recalled what the Pies and Fluttershy told her; she wanted to make sure he was really responsible for their deaths.

“Did you kill Fluttershy and the Pies!?”

Rainbow Dash asked with fury in her tone; she bit her teeth; waiting for his response. Comber smirked, she’s going to die anyway, so it really doesn’t matter if she knows he did; maybe she’ll be more fun when absolutely angered to the brim?

“I was hired to, yes; you’ll be joining them soon-!”

Rainbow Dash flew at him as fast as she could and hit him in the face; his hoofs were brought off the ground; he was heading towards a tree, his head in its direction; Rainbow Dash followed her assault a kick to the back; using her speed to catch up to him, planning to buck him down to the ground; hopefully ending it; he attempted to kick her which she dodged it with her speed; causing a wind burst and bucking him to the ground; he flew towards it with high speed; Comber looked at the ground and caught himself on the ground; causing a small chuck to break; Rainbow Dash followed him and burst down in front of him and attacked him; he blocked the attack; feeling a high amount of force behind it; seems to be her rage sharpened her attacks and fighting spirit; she was clearly out of breath but continued to attack the assassin; she will stop when he knows the pain he gave her friends.

“This is for Fluttershy!”

Punching Comber directly in the face with high force; he was pushed back by the attack; quickly wiping his nose to spot blood; the first pony to damage him this badly since a decade ago. Colts would normally be angered by the sight of their own blood; but Comber wasn’t, finally some fun since a decade; sadly he feared this would end with just 2-3 attacks from him.

“This is for the Pies!”

Rainbow Dash attacked the assassin with another blunt punch; Comber caught the hoof; quickly responding with a have punch to the face; letting the hoof go; running up to her, quickly avoiding another attack and punching her in the stomach with enough force to cause blood to spurt out of her mouth; if he used more power in his punch; her stomach might’ve exploded with its contents flying everywhere. Rainbow Dash grabbed her stomach with pain; she was brought to her knees; Comber showed no mercy; this was a job and it must be done; proceeded to kick he in the left side of the jaw; casting her at a tree; Comber teleported to where she was heading and kicked her again, but this time vertically up; Comber teleported and stomped on her chest; hitting her to the ground like a meteorite; she couldn’t move; it was clear she was defeated; she couldn’t avenge her friends; she held her tears in as Comber stood over the pegasus shaped creator; he didn’t want to finish her; If this was a sparring match he would show mercy with not doubt, sorrowfully, it’s not.

“I’m sad to say this is where your grave is your, I gave you the choice to choose.”

Rainbow dash got up, flying out of the creator, wiping the blood off her face, she was angrier than before; he mocked her, he insulted her with a bad, unfunny joke, and declared this battle already over, his arrogance enraged her dramatically. She looked at him, feeling the hatred build up, he murdered her friends and it’s time he pays for that! She flew at him again; zig-zagging around to confuse him; this didn’t confuse the assassin; he kept his focus; not taking this fight seriously anymore; she’s just like the rest, boring. She landed a blow to his face; was he letting her do it to him or did she actually land the hit; she followed up with a couple more attacks to the stomach before hitting him into a tree; he got up, dusting himself off; her 1 thought was right; he let her attack her, and it seemed to be useless to attack him; he showed no sign of pain or injury. He just smirked; this irrigated Rainbow Dash more, making her attack him again; her left front hoof was caught; she wasn’t going to take another hit; she attacks again, she was ferocious. She landed another attack and continuously attacked him; hitting him into another tree; she flew at fast speed and attack again; hitting the assassin in the jaw; she stumbled back; feeling exhausted and fatigue. Comber doesn’t seem to be injured; how is he so resilient? Comber got up; deciding to show her finally how outclassed this blue, fast pegasus is.

“I think it’s time I end this, do you think the same also?”

Rainbow Dash was annoyed by the question and ignored it; he will pay for what he did to her friends; he showed no sign of remorse; lives are to be considered special; not to be forcefully taken by a monster. Rainbow Dash charged the assassin, attempting to punch him in the nose; Comber mutter two words that ignited his body with a red aura; Rainbow attack was caught with ease; Comber swung her around; throwing her with a ton of force; she flew threw the air; Comber was quick; it was proven by how fast he ran and attacked her multiple time all over her torso; he stopped; she fell to the ground; highly injured and bleeding; Comber took his knife out; it’s a sad time indeed; it’s the time this battle ended; Comber walked towards Rainbow Dash; feeling a little sympathy towards her; he knows he has no choice to finish it; he never failed to finish a job and he ain’t going to start now or today. Rainbow tried to get up but fell over on her back; she was squirming away from the assassin; pain being present with every movement. She couldn’t help but stare at the blade of the knife with fear; she stopped squirming, succumbing to the pain; it felt like splinters and hot nails were stabbing her; did he break her bones by punching her in that assault? She notices a bone sticking out of one of her hoofs; it was the one he swung her with; it seemed she broke it through the flesh which explains why that hoof felt that kind of pain. Comber stood over her; he didn’t look like he enjoyed this; he did enjoy the fight, but the killing indefinitely not.

“I’m sorry your life has to come to such gruesome end like this, but-!?”

Rainbow interrupted his sentence with anger, how can he be sorry for what he did; why to be an assassin then; there are probably other jobs with similar pay; maybe heroes for example.

“Then... Why be an assassin then!?”

Rainbow Dash spits blood from her mouth; this shown she was internally bleeding, suffering from the attacks he dished to her. Comber didn’t respond, he just looks at her; finally deciding his answer.

“I don’t tell jobs anything. Your time is up.”

Rainbow Dash eyes watered, remembering what the Pies and Fluttershy told her; she failed to avenge them; she hated herself for that; more innocent ponies will die under his knife and she can’t prevent it. Comber decided to make it quick and stabbed her in the chest; thinking a stab to the heart would end her faster; he walked over to a log and waited for a while, wanting to check her pulse after a little to confirm the job was a success. After a little time went by and the body seemed to be lifeless; the assassin walked over and felt for a pulse not feeling any; he cast a spell on his hoof to remove the blood; he doesn’t want blood on his hoof as anypony would; this also would lower suspicion when he heads out of the town by walking. He took a glimpse at his cape, forgetting it was punctured by a hatchet long ago. He sighed and closed his eyes; casting a spell to fix it; after that, he decided to head off, leave this peace-loving town; he got and completed his last job here; nothing else here to do; besides being washed up by the harmony. The assassin used an x-ray spell to see the exit from this never freeing place; that name is absurd. The assassin saw and headed in that direction; he decided to walk out of town instead of simply teleporting because it would save him magic and it still might be possible somepony else might hire him? This seemed very unlikely tho in this loving town. The assassin would soon leave this place and town.

Where's Rainbow Dash Comber!? Make The Assassin Pay!

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“Do you have any idea where he could’ve went detective?”

Twilight asked in a panic; she and her friends needed to know where their loyal friend was? The gang had just checked the entire graveyard; Pinkie even looked under the tombstones, almost guessing she might be in the coffins underground; seems she still holds on to her elements even in dark times; well, after awhile the tragic event happens that is. If she would have attempted to defile a grave, there are police with her so it would’ve been beyond stupid to check a coffin; if Rainbow Dash was in one; she would indefinitely be a corpse. The detective shook his head; he knew Comber a little but not a lot; his best friend would’ve known where he went, but his whereabouts are unknown; he’s not recommended interrogating anyway; he’s also dangerous.

“Darling, do you have any idea where your old friend went?”

Rarity I asked desperately; again, they need to hurry to their friend’s location; if he doesn’t have any idea where she is; then they need to move and look for her themselves.

“Let’s check all of Ponyville, I think he-!?”

The detective stopped Twilight’s plan, it’s rational, but it’s not correct, Comber wouldn’t complete a job in the village right in front of ponies right? He’s not dumb at all and even if there are no ponies outside as of now; Comber might not risk being spotted by ponies; it’s not that he’s afraid of retribution for his crime; he does want to harm innocent ponies; that why he left his really old job; he hated the workers there and the job itself; it was terrible; the detective couldn’t blame the assassin though; that place sucked badly.

“No, Comber wouldn’t risk harming other ponies, he would have done it somewhere more covered; but for how long your friend been gone; he might intend to leave this village?”

The detective said forgetting the conflict with his old friend; the deputy didn’t though and for once he might need to remind the detective about what Comber said before letting them off in defeat and failure.

“Your friend, Comber said he was going to leave once he was done with his final job; so you are correct and I feel like he didn’t heal your head correctly; you surely would remember he said that.”

The detective looked at the detective with an eyebrow expression; in case he forgot, he was knocked out! The deputy was the only one conscious during his merciful gratitude or guilt.

“Hey, he told you that when I was knocked out, you remember?”

The detective responded, they both were facing each other and forgot about the planning, they turned back to the group to find they were gone; they really cared for their friend that is undoubtedly true. The detective feared the group might confront him and could possibly be in grave danger; he might still have a little of his old job in him, so it’s best not to interrogate him.


“Darling, why did you disband with the authorities?”

Pinkie wondered the same question but both already knew why just wanting to make sure their assumptions weren’t inaccurate. It’s true, they bickering too much.

“Because they are wasting precious time and we need all we can-!?”

Twilight eyes were shocked, she couldn’t believe who she saw walking towards him, he was going to leave the town; what they learned of him, he needs to be stopped, maybe Twilight might attempt a trap to stop him? He was closer; already seeing the group but didn’t want to bother with them. He attempted to turn a little to the left, but this irked Twilight and the rest of the group a little more; they believe he did do something to Rainbow Dash and the rest of the murders in Ponyville. Seems the one that attacked Twilight was just a second killer. Twilight teleported in front of the assassin, the group running to her side. She was angry with him, she knew Rainbow Dash was dead, he killed her, there’s no way he’s not guilty of that; she needs to see if his magic aura is red however, otherwise they might incarcerate the wrong colt.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash!?”

Twilight asked bluntly and with anger; she wanted to see if this would cause any guilt or signs he knows something; it didn’t work though, he remained the same; he knew her plan.


Comber dumbly replied, making Twilight angrier, she remembered what the killer who attacked her said, he didn’t know who Spike was, so he must be the one who-! She lost her temper and attempted to grab him with magic; Comber expected this; she’s foolish to use magic against him.

“Celestial Cancel.”

The magic surrounding him, which was gradually getting more intense, disappeared, Twilight was shocked, she didn’t know there was a path to nullify a unicorn’s magic; she was even more surprised when the group was teleported to an empty field; well, as they thought; it looked empty, but it wasn’t, there were small pebbles, rocks and a farm in a distance; the others took a moment to wonder where they are and guess it; it’s the-!

“This is my birth home.”

Pinkie replied, making the assassin smirk; she was depressed and still knew where she was; guess you never forget your real home?

“Indeed it is Pinkamena.”

Comber replied, how did he know that name!? Pinkie was initially shocked than upset; she assumed he got it from her sisters, he had to torture it out of them. Pinkie Pie was highly mistaking; he makes the assassination quick and painless unless they deserve it? Comber already knew where this was going to go by their expression; he took his cape and threw it to the side watching it blow into a tree, becoming stuck on its dead branches. This was unexpected, but nothing to be surprised about; let alone excited; they mostly are weak inexperienced mares in the martial category; this would be boring.

“Why did you murder the Pies and Fluttershy!?”

Twilight quickly accused; not forgetting the knowledge the detective told him about this colt; Twilight forgot he was an assassin, but quickly remembered it; she felt dumb for asking the question.

“Darling, don’t you remember he’s an assassin?”

Rarity said in a tone to be heard by the colt; seemed they know he’s an assassin; Comber wasn’t worried though if they battle him; they will surely lose; if they get the authorities, they will lose their jobs. Let’s see what they choose?

“Yes Rarity, I just remembered.”

Twilight replied, feeling less dumb. The question is why we’re they brought here? Is he going to fight them or are they going to walk away?

“So how do you reckon we stop this colt then? Do you have a plan Twilight?”

Twilight felt unsure, she didn’t know how to stop a colt who’s responsible for killing a couple of stations; maybe her magic could come in handy? She attempted to use it again, to find a shocking discovery it’s useless; she can’t use her magic and she doesn’t know why; she thought that spell was temporary, not more. Did he remove her magic completely? Comber took three steps colder, halting before going any farther; what is it they think they could do against him; they can’t stop him and if they were smart, leave while he gives them a chance to; Comber doesn’t want to kill or even harm innocent ponies, that’s not in his nature to.

“Stop me? I thought Pinkie Pie was the one to crack jokes? You, can’t, stop, me!”

Comber said deviously, they think they could stop him; this implies they think they could beat him in a battle and outsmart him in it, or maybe they have a trap; that would be futile. The group didn’t like how Comber laughs at them and think he’s unstoppable; they want to make him pay, Twilight remembered how fast he saved her and incapacitated the insane killer; killer Vs. Killer; Twilight remembers a story about that; she read I in her teenage years. Alright, Comber thought, time for them to make a decision; are they going to leave unharmed and mentally unscathed; or attempt to do what so many others failed to accomplish?


Applejack Twilight to shut the colt’s laughter up, but Comber interrupted Applejack, he wants a verdict now

“What is your verdict, mares?”

The group thought and came up with a unanimous answer; they were going to stop him themselves, he doesn’t seem to be that tough as he spoke, those attacks g used to save Twilight was unexpected to the killer and clearly, he knows how to disable his opponents, but to take down police stations; they think the detective was bluffing about that; maybe he admired his old friend in some other way? This was an inaccurate assumption.

“We are going to be the ones’ to defeat you and bring peace to Equestria!”

Twilight announced, chatting with the group about this decision. They had a chance to leave and they should’ve taken it. She makes him sound like a monster; like he’s an evil ruthless killer whose purpose is to Torture Equestria for his amusement or fun.

“You make me sound evil Twilight Sparkle.”

Comber said with a false sad tone; Comber guesses he had to fight them; this should be boring; maybe he could try to at least make the fight a little fun?

“For the crimes you committed, which is the most heinous one by the way; by the definition, you’re evil!”

Twilight explained, she wasn’t wrong, but she is; she has the wrong idea why he does what he does.

“You can’t metamorphosis me, you gave your answer, now stop me like you said because your action will be denied.”

Twilight and the rest of the group got angry at his arrogant ego; they will show him; the power of friendship will always prevail, just like Nightmare Moon; besides they didn’t have to fight Nightmare Moon to defeat her; maybe they could use the Elements of Harmony against him? Could it even banish him though; well it’s too late to test this theory. Twilight decided if she can’t use magic to battle him and he can’t, she needs to make sure he won’t use his magic; then maybe they could strike him down; he’s still normal, so he shouldn’t have different physical properties. Twilight strategies a plan to fight this colt killer; they thought of head-on; would that work? Did they talk away to get him off guard, maybe going at him head-on? No, that’s not clever at all; this colt from what the detective told knows how to fight and probably would expect such an attack; they need a team attack; one that’s high stamina draining. They ain’t the type to kill or like to harm; but for this village, they might have no other choice? Only if they knew he was leaving the village before they confronted him. Comber saw them strategizing and smirked; the jobs he had; the battles he fought; most of some didn’t do this; especially as a team; this could be a little fun; if they aren’t too weak that is.

“Remember the plan, Rarity, use your magic to get his attention, Applejack, you are in charge of knocking him out with a buck; Pinkie Pie, you can...?”

“Make him pay!”

Pinkie Pie said with a wicked face; her face creeped the group out; Comber thought she was the one to party, but seems the death of her sisters caused her wickedness to ooze out of her; is it possible she already had it in her all along? Is she a born killer? This isn’t an actual theory to be taken into consideration; she’s the party master, not the killer master. The group got ready to run at him; splitting up; planning to come at him from all angles; Comber knew this already, but let them do this to see if they get the hint; that being they are wasting their time. The group positions themselves from all directions; ready to follow the plan; that being to overwhelm the assassin; they should listen to the detective. Comber plan was to get them to leave and stop, wasting, time. The group ran at the assassin; they aren’t the type to attack or harm ponies, but this is responsible for killing too many; he needs to stop and the only way to do that is to fight him and defeat him. Applejack was going to attack by bucking him; she attempted while rarity attempted to blind the assassin with her magic; her magic was canceled as a result and Applejack attack was blocked. She hits hard.

“Impressive, you’re tougher than some of the mares in my town.”

Comber praised her; sounding not impressed, however; she might be just as tough, but she’s not nearly strong enough to fight him; an addition to this she is only strong with her back hoofs, she’s not strong with her forehoofs; this means she’s not going to be efficient enough to match his reaction time. Comber caught a pink hoof that almost hit him and Twilight’s hoof; he pushed them back; hoping they now get the hint to leave; sadly to his hopes; they are crushed.

“That failed!”

Twilight surprisingly told the group that was now aside from her; they were shocked by his reaction time; how could he catch and counter with such precision? How come he didn’t attack them when he definitely could’ve; what’s this colt up to? Pinkie Pie started to think about her sisters; this filled her with rage; the thing that made her run at him was Maud’s visit to Ponyville; she remembers she was saved by her and she couldn’t do the same with her, but she could avenge her. She charged the assassin; attacking ferociously; Comber blocked all of them with one forehoof; Pinkie continued to attack him; he was smirking at every failed attempt.

“Why did you kill them you monster!?”

Pinkie Pie asked with furry in her tone; Comber smirked stayed the same; she reminds him of the shy one but he couldn’t remember her correctly; who was she again? Doesn’t matter anymore, she’s dead. Comber notices another attack coming and sighed; he didn’t want to harm them, but guess it’s the best way for them to learn. Comber punched Pinkie in the face, causing her nose to bleed and to fall down; Twilight attempted to attack with Rarity but failed; both hoofs were caught and could not be freed.

“You Mares should’ve taken the hint when I gave you it.”

Comber said with regret. He made both of them clash heads; he then punched them in the bottom of the jaw, uppercut style. They fell on the ground; Applejack attack with a buck; but failed; Comber dodged by ducking; he saw an opening and hit her with a liver punch; he had to hold his attack; making sure not to injure her too much or kill her. She spits blood up which was shot into the air by her mouth; it landed on her face as she fell; they all were stunts momentarily; they may as well just be done in general. This battle is pointless; their deaths are pointless; not needed to happen at all. Comber cape flew with the wind as he saw the sight he committed. He looked like an evildoer; looks can be deceiving. Comber knows his job is wicked and immoral but doesn’t care. Comber said it himself, this was a waste of time. They all got back up, feeling pain in the area attacked; Applejack was holding her stomach, Rarity and Twilight rubbed their head and apologize to each other. Pinkie Pie wiped the blood running down from her nose; what could they do?

“I’m not going to let you get away with what you did to my sisters!”

Pinkie Pie again rushed him with fury; Comber didn’t pay attention to her and caught the attack; ponies when their angry attack in a predictable way; the rest of the group all charged in; Comber was ready to show them why they are on over their heads. Comber blocked Rarity’s attack; blocking the gifted unicorn Twilight; then Pinkie Pie; he kicked Pinkie in the face then punched her on the air in the face; she hit the ground unconscious; bleeding from both jaw and nose. Applejack bucked him in the side; pushing him a little; she’s a tough one. The Twilight and Rarity charged back in; running around him to attempt to confuse the vigilant assassin; Comber had enough of this, pathetic, stupid, battle. Comber used his speed to elbow Twilight in the face; the other good grabbing Rarity and lifting her by her neck; Twilight attempted to help her friend; but this was going to end with failure; Rarity struggled for breath; Comber saw an approaching purple unicorn; once Twilight got close enough; he threw Rarity at her; hitting her hard with the white unicorn; Comber followed her with a punch to the face and stomach; making the purple unicorn stay down in defeat. Comber was hit in the head by Pinkie Pie; he turned to her with a little anger and disappointment.

“You can’t stop me, why do you fight? For your sisters you keep blabbing on about; that cause is pathetic; revenge is stupid.”

Comber only angered the Pink mare; she attacked again; landing the attack on his face; he had to let her do that; he grabbed her right forehoof; her eyes widened with fear; Comber looked at her, becoming bored and a little angrier.

“You are weak.”

Comber said with an angry tone. He punched her in the face; keeping hold of her hoof; he did it again and repeated it 4 more times; Pinkie did attack him, but with no hope of being released and freed from the assassin’s grip. Her vision was going blurry; her nose became absolute broken; brain becoming damage; she was going to die and be with her sisters; she thought about it and accepted it; the rest of the group tried to help but was extremely exhausted and beaten to do so; Twilight even screaming in pain to get up but eventually succumbed to it and fell. Comber was about to let go; after doing so and getting bucked in the face by Applejack at the same time; Comber barred spin 5 hoof steps; she’s strong, but this ends now. Applejack attempted to help her friend, but being told not to.

“You should worry about yourself, I admit you are tough, but not up to my standards.”

Comber replied in a tiny amount of pain, he’s trained to be resilient, but a tiny amount is shown; maybe he forgot his training after a while? Comber saw Applejack faced him; she wants to fight him more; he was making his way over there though. Comber charged her with one forehoof out; she hit him in his left hoof; getting hit in the face with the right one; she was hi by the back of it; then punched directly in the front of the face; she couldn’t attack in time; she never felt such pain before; Comber kicked her in the face; kicking her away; with his speed; and a spell to increase it; he put one hoof at her back and punched her on the stomach; this was brutal; she then was hit in the face by the bottom of his right forehoof; this is done; she’s spitting out blood excessively; she’s obviously in too much pain and holding her stomach tight; her moments shown she couldn’t deal with it. Comber turned to see the others remained down; this battle is now over. Comber thought to himself; before finding a bullet shooting through his hoof; he looked through it with anger and turned to the colt who shot it; they want to die this time don’t they?

“You are under arrest Comber!”

The deputy said with anger; the sight alone was enough to do that, the detective shook his head with disbelief; they should’ve listened to him and not attempted to take justice in their hoofs. Comber was surprised to see them again; he thought his warning was enough to keep them away, but now it seems he needs to keep them away; just by instinct; maybe all of them can give him the fun he seeks in battle? Comber used a real spell; recovering his hoof to its normal state. Comber draws his hoof down; looking at the two authorities with a gloomy face.

“You still think you can arrest me?”

The detective walked towards the assassin; think of a strategy that might lower his defense; if you attempted to fight him with no plan; you’re just asking to be beaten and if a lot of time ago, killed.

“I don’t think I can; I know I can.”

The detective said with confidence; he knows this could be his last day in Equestria if he decided to fight Comber again; he knows him and he’s not kind of enough to give second chances; he’s most likely going to finish him this time. He knows that’s how he’s been, but with an old friend; is this a different solution? Probably not.

“Confidence, that’s sometimes can be blinding to the truth; covers it up as a lie; do you seriously believe your own lie?”

Comber replied with disbelief his old friend would challenge him once again; if he wishes he can, but the outcome will be the same; Comber thought he might be kidding at first; buying enough time for the small pathetic group to recover from the attacks, but this seems to be wrong. Twilight healed herself quietly; trying not to be noticed by the assassin; his vigilant eyes didn’t miss the action; he saw and allowed it. Twilight did the same to the others; walking towards them. They all got back up and looked at Comer with fury and revenge; what can they seriously do; they proved two times they were no match for him; he’s too skilled and out of their league. The detective and deputy teleported to the Mane 4: Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity; he had a plan and he needs them all to contribute to it.

“Twilight, I need you to divert Comber’s attention with your friends; don’t do anything rash or risky; just distract him any means reasonable.”

Twilight and her friends gave some thought into what the detective was saying but wondered what his plan was; Comber saw them strategizing, but allowed it to continue; he wants to see a full combined effort against him; if this isn’t pleasing, then he will be harsh.

“Alright; Rarity, you’ll use your spell to blind him; as I will teleport Applejack behind him to buck him; if this doesn’t knock him unconscious; as the detective suspects; then he will act his move which then we will move as fast as possible away from it; we don’t want to be caught in that fire. Pinkie Pie will be the charger with me; I will act as if I’m using my magic to cast a spell against him; but in reality, it’s teleporting Applejack. Make sure you’re ready on cue.”

Twilight whispered to the group; they all heard and understood the plan; occasionally; the detective used his eyes to search for Comber or any listening device to make sure Comber wasn’t listening in. He wasn’t. Twilight got on her position; looking angry at the assassin; he smirked; feeling this is just a diversion and nothing more; they’re with the detective, which knows him; weird of him to search for him when he’s letting them create a plan; how rude that he thinks Comber would play unfair. Rarity got Twilight’s right side; horn glowing; she cast her spell to blind him; this was the cue and the detective teleported to his position; making Comber confused about what he’s doing. Comber was blinded, but wasn’t deaf; Pinkie Pie picked a pebble up and hurled it at the assassin; he couldn’t see, but listened closely and caught it; feeling this was their plan. Comber guard was let down for a brief second; this was the time Applejack needed to attack him; Twilight cast the teleportation spell on Applejack; teleported her where Comber was; she was already in position and bucked him in the left temple; the bright white light died down; Comber flew a little and rolled on the ground; the detective gave his sign to act to the group; making them run fast from the scene; Comber got up with no blood; he had a bruise on his cheek; but nothing more; he was getting up; spotting the detective; it looked if he was charging magic; which he was; a magic blast is what it seems to be; Comber got up quickly, but not enough; the detective launched his attack at Comber; the magic blast tore the ground up; heading towards the assassin; this could hurt him actually; he was a little worried, but not more; he was hit with it, caught up in it; it was very powerful indeed; its destruction could be devasting to even small towns; that’s probably why he used it in an opened field where it would hit a rock and explode there. Comber stood his ground; keeping all four hoofs on the ground; he didn’t move; it was like he took it like a monster; the detective made magic guns, firing them at the assassin; the bullets hit him; making him furious; he ruined his cape; he injured him a little; this will result in retribution. The magic blast was canceled; the guns faded away; the blast hitting a huge bolder and shattered it; the detective created a magic barrier to surround the group; allowing the pieces of the boulder to bounce off the barrier; he was glad as the others were too he did make that barrier; the detective and deputy looked closely through the small amount of smoke to find a colt with a small bloodstream down his face; Comber looked angry; he healed himself; frankly, he was surprised to see such an attack; it made a lot of noise; hopefully nopony else would join this pointless battle. He walked towards the group; throwing his torn cape to the wind; he flew into a dead tree; staying there due to it becoming stuck. The detective and deputy knew they failed and urged the group to prepare for what’s about to come. The detective suspended the barrier. It was time to Prepare for battle; the detective didn’t want to include the possibility of dying; this will only discourage the group from helping him and the deputy contain him. They all knew it was time to fight.

“You had your plan now it’s my turn to attack.”

Comber said with a tiny amount of anger. The detective charged the assassin; not letting him make the first move; he attempted to attack the assassin with a punch, but it was evaded; the detective was hit in the stomach; he flew far and landed brutally on the ground; Comber caught Pinkie Pie’s attack; he swung her up then down onto the ground; kicking her in the face; kicking her into the air; she landed on the ground hard and rough; her mouth bleeding, her eyes blurry and watery; Twilight cast a spell to increase her speed; since she can’t directly touch him with magic; she can boost herself or help the team out by healing their injuries and more. She attacked Comber; her speed allowed her to land the hit; he was distracted by the beaten Pink mare; so that’s probably how she landed her attack. Combed with immense speed hit in the direction he was attacked from; he hit nothing; he did causes gust of wind to go off in that direction. Twilight had teleported to evade the attack and she was relieved she did. Comber sighed; she’s going to be like the detective; annoying. Comber turned around to block a buck from an orange mare; it pushed him back some; the pebbles didn’t feel good to slide on; he then rushed Applejack who blocked the incoming attack; this was futile because she was lifted from her mane and kneed in the face; she tries to break free and struggle but she couldn’t succeed in doing so; she was on his grasp and now she feels scared as a mouse to a cat. Comber punched her in the face; following with an uppercut to the jaw; she flew high and fell heavy; she was out of this battle as the pink one was. He turned to the detective who cast a couple of spells: Speed, endurance. He attacks Comber with swift attacks; Comber also attack and they went hoof to hoof for so little; Comber punched him in the stomach, to everypony’s surprise and the assassin’s; he held Comber punch where it was; he head-butted the assassin then punched him in the face; Comber’s hoof was released and he acted if he was severely injured; he was falling back; the detective went for another punch; his attack was evaded; Comber dodged it by moving his head and swiftly punched Commer in the face; following with multiple punches to the chest and stomach; the detective hoofs wanted to attack and tried but missed; he was hit like a baseball and Comber followed him and punched him hard in the face; causing her small gust of wind to fly off in all directions; Comber was about to put his hoof down; ending the detective’s life; he hesitated and was shot but Twilight; she used her magic as ammo. Comber turned and with a little anger turn to the purple unicorn. Does she intend to still stop him; Comber cast a spell to slow her mobility; she looked under her hoofs and saw the red magic; teleporting out of it; Comber expected this and predicted where she was going to teleport; he was there to her surprised and hit her very hard in the temple; knocking her out; her brain bounced off the skull and was concussed; she might even have bleeding on the brain.

“I was expecting for you to attack me white unicorn?”

Comber turned to Rarity; Comber expression made chills run down her spine; what is it he intends to do? Kill them? Spare them? Torture them? She didn’t attack because one she saw what happen to the detective and was paralyzed with fear and second she didn’t want her mane to get into a mess again; she just fixed it.

“I didn’t because...?”

Comber wondered why she didn’t attack him; was she paralyzed with immense fear or is she the high-class mare who likes to keep her mane nice and stylishly? Surely she would care more about her friends than her stupid look?

“What’s your intention!? Is it to kill us!?”

Comber turned his head around to review the scene he created; his decision was made; why does everypony think he’s a monster?

“My intention isn’t to kill you or your friends.”

Rarity thought it was; seemed like it? Then what is his actual intention then?

“What’s your intention then?”

Rarity bluntly asked; feeling worried and anxious. The others that still was conscious also wanted to hear his intention.

“To leave this pathetic village.”

Wait, was that what he was doing before they confronted him? They felt responsible for this skirmish then especially Twilight.

“Wait we’re you leaving the village before-!?”

“Oh my Celestia! Who done this!?”

The conscious ponies turned to the voice; they were surprised to see them; especially Pinkie Pie; but she feared they might get hurt. She didn’t want them fighting him, after all, they all just attack him and failed; after the detective magic blast failed to do the job; most of all hope was lost. The detective got up; he wants to help but he can’t; the only way he can is by... The detective healed all of them and himself; Twilight still remained unconscious. Applejack along with the others wasn’t knocked out. They all stood up at him; they didn’t want to attack; well not all of them. Igneous walked towards the detective; Cloudy followed her spouse; this air didn’t smell good at all; this scene didn’t look right at all; what is going on? What was that explosion?

“Mr. Detective; what is all this going down right now? Is this the colt that killed our daughters?”

Igneous said; already assuming yes. Pinkie Pie was injured when they arrived and they were healed by the detective; he or the deputy didn’t do it, plus they seemed like pure ponies. Her friends didn’t harm her and the only other colt around was him. He and Cloudy waited patiently for an answer; they wanted to help bring justice upon him, but the answer they will receive is not to their liking at all.

“I won’t lie to you Pies, Pinkie Pie knows already but I guess I should tell you. Yes, he’s responsible for their murders; the evidence to prove this is his knife he stashed away in his magic vault. Its diameter looked equal to the puncture wounds on your daughters’ bodies.”

They started to look at Comber who was listening to the detective; his deduction is right, but judging to where this is going; he’s going to have to fight them all; assuming they all try to aid the Pie parents; especially Pinkie Pie. He dared them to try and serve justice; it will only succeed in getting them hurt.

“So are you arresting him!?”

Cloudy asked with fury; the detective looked troublesome; he better be arresting him then.

“We tried two times and he beat us. We can’t arrest him, he took-!”

Cloudy charged at the assassin; she was going to hurt him for what he did to her daughters, he’s a monster and they said they can’t arrest him, That’s a lie!

“No don’t! Igneous! No!”

The Pie parents attacked the assassin; both missing their attacks; Comber jumped back; with anger brewing at them; they think they will bring justice to him; defeat him? Laughable. Comber backflipped to gain some distance, this is time-consuming. They charged him again; the detective and deputy decided to remain neutral; they can’t arrest him; their stamina is diminished; let alone the detective’s magic; this will only get them killed; they will be there to teleport them to the hospital; this will not go in their favor but in the legendary assassin’s favor, it will. Comber punched Igneous in the face; ducking Cloudy’s attack; uppercutting her in the jaw. She flew a little in the air where she attempted the attack them fell to the ground. Igneous with anger attacked him again, but due to his age; his reaction time was fast enough, and was slapped in the face; Comber teleported away; he was in the middle of the whole group; will they attack him? Or stay put?

“You think you can defeat me?”

Comber bluntly asked; finding them humorous. Comber waited for an answer; as the others did; they didn’t want to fight him, but if the Pie’s do; they will join to upper the chance of arresting him; he’s talented and powerful, but not invincible. The Pies wanted him to pay; he’s going to pay; they’ll make sure of it.

“You’re going to pay first in blood than in jail; although capital punishment should be slammed down on you, you monster!”

Cloudy said with intense anger and remembrance; the way her daughters looked when she saw them; the amount of brutally hosted there at their home; he shouldn’t be allowed freedom or to live at all.

“You’re a funny one aren’t you?”

Comber smiled; angering the Pie couple; They hated him, that was clear; the reason he killed their daughters is still unknown; they want to know the actual reason, especially for such a brutal massacre.

“That’s the final hoof shoe, it’s time to pay!”

Cloudy said with tears of anger and remorse for her daughters. She charged him; the detective and deputy shook their heads; they hoped he wouldn’t kill them; the detective expression worried more when he saw all of them join in with the Pies; they must not take his advice seriously; he’s responsible for killing multiple police stations; he’s a friend; but also a monster; disturbing the beast awakens it. Comber teleported a small distance; he wants to give them a final warning; walk away; unharmed, or high and lay defeated; which one do they choose? The group all looked around to see where the assassin went off to; Pinkie Pie saw him first and alerted the group to his location. They walked towards him; ready to arrest him; they aren’t cops, but they know if they do defeat him; the authorities would indefinitely arrest him.

“Last chance, walk away.”

Comber warned with a narrow expression; the group ran towards him; believing numbers would make a difference; this was untrue. Comber sighed; this would be at least entertaining; he was attacked from the left and right all at once; Comber jumped up and landed with ease; only to have a white flash of light attempt to blind him; Comber cast a spell to deflect the light; this seems to be pointless. Combed blocked Applejack’s attack and then the two Pies; Pinkie attempting to aid them; Comber dodged her’s also and back away from all of them. This gave them a minute to catch their breath; he really is skilled.

(”Something seems odd about Comber.”)

The detective thought with uncertainty. He notices he seem a lot more... Merciful.

“We will walk away, murderer; after y are behind bars rotting for your crimes!”

Igneous said with a malevolent tone. Cloudy agreed; she will be at peace when he’s behind bars. Comber shook his head; they want to feel pain; of course, he can teleport away, but when a challenge like this is right in front of you; accept it. It won’t be a challenge it seems. Comber smirked.

“If you want to arrest me for my crimes then try it.”

Cloudy and Igneous both were agitated by Comber’s confidence and disrespect towards them; they rushed him fast; Comber sighed again, he let them hit him; their attacks weren’t strong enough to harm him, but to annoy him; yes. Comber grabbed both hoofs and looked them directly in the face; his look gave them chills; they attempted to break free but with no success; Comber’s grip was too strong; it was clear they needed help and the rest charged Comber; Comber pushed them to the ground; tending to the rest attackers; his patience is running. Comber dodged the attacks but was hit by Applejack who is seeming to be teleported to him; that’s annoying. He looked at his hoof and saw a tiny bruise; the orange mare must be the strongest bucker in Equestria? Comber slid a little distance and turned his attention towards the group; his patience for them is low; he’s going to attack now.

“It doesn’t seem like we weakened him?”

Pinkie Pie said with uncertainty; she sees no damage inflicted. The group looked for damaged is saw none; Comber watched their eyes; were they viewing him for damage or looking at the area to plan their next futile attack? Twilight started to wonder if he’s really a unicorn or something more than a unicorn. She saw his look; although to some this look means nothing; with her psychology behind her; he’s planning to cause harm. She looked to the nearest towards him; it was Applejack, he’s going to attack Applejack; Twilight was a couple of seconds late; he ran to Applejack at very fast speed; hitting her in the face; he uppercut her with immense speed; grabbing her back hoofs and throwing her at the tree; her back hit it with lots of force; knocking her out; she was bleeding out of her back; if anyone would’ve looked closely; a small part of her spine was sticking out; it didn’t puncture any major veins; it seemed if his attack was enough to incapacitate her but not kill her. The group looked at Comber with fury; he’s going to kill them? He’s going to have a hard time then. The group rushed him; they all attacked him; he blocked and dodged most attacks; the attacks that did land was not very powerful to him; it did a little damage; but not enough to cause serious concern to him. It was now his turn to attack which he did; he punched Twilight in the temple very hard; following this with consecutive punches to the face. She fell to the ground; she could’ve just tried other spells but looks like emotions can get the best of some ponies. Comber picked up Twilight and tossed her towards her friends; Rarity catching her barely; Comber stood in place looking at Rarity and the rest; he looked a little regretful.

“Take this as a warning and leave.”

Comber warned them to leave; he did want to harm them no more; but if he has to, he’ll do it. Rarity thought about leaving, but she would be disloyal to Pinkie Pie and her family if she left with Twilight and Applejack; Pinkie Pie certainly wouldn’t leave her parents to attempt to take justice upon this colt.

“I can’t, sorry.”

Rarity said with regret; she wanted to leave and wish all of them would too. If he’s leaving Ponyville; then why do they need to fight him; he’s not a harm to society; he’s a villain but also a hero; so why bother fighting someone that just going to kill you?

“You sound if you’re forced to be with this group?”

Comber told the white unicorn; enraging her; she’s not forced to be with her group of friends; she’s loyal to them; maybe if he had friends he would understand? Rarity was insulted and a little angered.

“I’m not forced to be with them!? Darling, if you had friends you would know!”

Comber thought for a couple of seconds; he does have friends, but they do their own business; as he does his. He’s more of a solo colt.

“I don’t care if he has friends! The only friend he’ll have after this is death or imprisonment!?”

Igneous said with fury; the white unicorn forgot what he did; she must not have a good memory; he’s a murderer; who indefinitely needs to pay; not get friends. Igneous charged the assassin with anger; having his attack caught; Comber’s left eye watched him, and saw the incoming attack; which anyone could see for a 1000 hoof steps away. Comber turned his head to Igneous; he’s a little feed up with their mouths. Comber crushed Igneous hoof; Igneous grabbed Comber hoof to attempt to release his grip; Comber was going to release his grip; after he teaches some manners to this ignorant colt.

“I don’t know why your family is so ignorant? Maybe that’s why your daughters were massacred?”

Igneous bit his teeth; clinched his hoof; he was rage; he dares talks about that!? He hit Comber in the face with full force; Comber still had a grip on his hoof; he looked as if he wasn’t fazed by the attack; all it did was blow his mane up. That was as hard as he could hit; if that can’t damage him, then what will? Only if he saw the detective’s decisive magic blast; then he would understand why.

“Is that really how hard you can hit?”

Comber said with disappointment; he hoped to be damaged by Igneous, but seems this won’t be fun at all; Igneous threw his hat at Comber; hitting him in the eye; he didn’t release his grip; in fact, he has a plan to end this pathetic battle; he punched Igneous in the face hard; knocking him back; Comber let his grip go; both of his hoofs were ready to attack; Igneous is still stunned by the punch; he felt blood coming from his nose; Comber clinched both front hoofs; the detective knew what was going to happen; when he saw Combee do that last; he beat some colt nearly to death. Comber dashed towards Igneous; a small gust of wind passed; making Igneous mane a mess; Cloudy knew she had to help; she made her way towards the two colts. Comber ducked and avoided Igneous attack; it was his turn; he punched him in the face; doing it again on the left cheek; then right; he repeated this two more times; ending it with an uppercut; knocking Igneous airborne; approximately 8 hoofs off the ground. He fell; being caught by his wife; he was unconscious; bleeding from the cracked jaw; broken nose; fractured face; he might die if not helped? She took her scarf off; wrapping it around the broken nose to stop the bleeding; she made sure I was right; otherwise bleeding would still pour; leading to his death; Comber wiped his face; cleaning the blood off his face with a serious attitude; do they see the hint now? He looked at them; he looked like a villain to them; a hero to others. The only ponies left unharmed was: Rarity, the deputy, the detective, Pinkie Pie, and Cloudy. Will they leave was the question?

“You’re a monster!”

Pinkie Pie said with rage. Comber smiled; how is he the monster when they attacked him when he was leaving? He had to kill her sisters; he’s definitely responsible; The other crazy colt was only in Ponyville; they haven’t seen a hatchet wound on her sisters; it was a knife wound which he has according to the detective.

“You’re the ones’ who attacked me.”

Comber irked Pinkie Pie; Cloudy picked up her husband; carrying him with her while she walks to Pinkie Pie. She wanted to calm her down; she had been through a lot; her friends almost dying and getting harmed; her sisters dying; them being upset; no wonder why she’s furious.

“Because you killed my sisters! You killed my sisters...”

Pinkie Pie initially was angry; but that a very turned to sorrow and grief. Comber kept his composure; he felt a tiny bit of sympathy for her; he never failed a job and he wasn’t going to start there. He showed no emotion. Pinkie Pie sobbed; Cloudy using her spare hoof to pat her on the back; she comforted her daughter; let her know it will be alright; that this colt will pay for his crimes; she apologizes to her daughter; wishing she was there with them and saved them; she didn’t care what the detective said; she believes she could make a difference and saved them. Comber felt a little sorrow, but shrugged it off; “sorrow is for the weak.” Comber remembered that sentence from his father’s mouth; that’s why he easily shrugged it off. He did feel a little annoyed by the fact they still think they are going to make him pay; when they don’t have the capability. He doesn’t want to hurt them, but he will if they will continue to fight for justice.

“You girls don’t have to fight me; you know the outcome of the battle anyway; you can choose to fight me; which will be a miscalculated mistake, or go home and live a harm-free life. Choose wisely.”

Comber gave them two choices; he hoped for them to choose the second option; they are good ponies and don’t deserve to be harmed. There’s no reason to harm or slaughter ponies for no probable reason. The Pies considered it; especially Pinkie Pie; they wanted him to pay, but they didn’t want to get hurt either. Pinkie Pie thought about all the good times she had with her sisters; this made her decision; the foolish one. Pinkie Pie burst at Comber with anger; Comber was a little disappointed she choose this choice, but he guesses he’ll show her how futile this is. Comber grabbed the incoming hoof. He looked her in the eyes with an angered look; this was the last warning.

“Leave with your mom; don’t make me hurt you.”

Comber warned Pinkie Pie in a compassionate tone; Pinkie Pie wasn’t going to leave and let him go; he’ll kill more families and ruin them. Her expression turned to anger; with her other hoof; she tried to attack Comber; it hit; only angering Comber; he’s going to have to beat sense into her, just like his town does with greed and curse language. Comber barrel spins Pinkie; Punching her directly in the face; she fell hard to the ground; Comber caught Cloudy’s attack; he’s going to have to treat her the same he did with her daughter.

“Take your daughter, your hubby, and yourself; if the rest are your friends? Take them to heal.”

Cloudy anger brewed; her sorrow went up; will tears put flames out? She punched Comber in the face as hard as possible; moving it away to reveal no damage; not even a scratch. What is he made of then? Comber looked around and sighed; he was right; they would be a bore to fight. He punched her in the face; moving forward; ducking and hitting Cloudy in the stomach; with the amount of force used; she was knocked unconscious and bleeding from her mouth; Comber even admitted to himself he used too much force, but guess anger gets the best of some ponies. He kept trying to get them to leave and they wouldn’t; so he ended fast. The authorities accepted this outcome; the only thing they can do to is assist in healing them and comforting them to help their mentality; they can’t stop Comber; the detective reassures this. Comber tuned to the remaining conscious ponies; he sent chills down their spines. He did wonder, why didn’t the authorities not join the fight again? He certainly thought they were going to interfere; guess they will be the one to take the beaten to recovery. He wanted to know.

“Why didn’t you two try attacking me? Ain’t it your job to protect the citizens of this town?”

Comber words annoyed the authorities; they didn’t help because they knew how it was going to go; well, according to the detective; joining would seal their fates; so they will help them after the leaves. Comber waited for an answer; the detective will speak.

“You have truly changed; what made you change your morality to mercy? Yes; it’s our job to protect the citizens; but not commit suicide fighting you.”

Comber smiled; at least they know their places, but why didn’t try to help?

“I have changed; you saw that; your welcome for freeing you from your old job; never got thanks for that. Do you plan to heal these pathetic fighters? I believe you do, and for their sakes; I hope so.”

Comber said with a compassionate tone; he never wanted this fight to occur; certainly, the detective and deputy saw that?

“I do Comber and thank you for freeing me from that horrible place. I do appreciate it.”

The detective said with a smile as he remembered the event that happened long ago. The deputy wanted to slap him upside the head for smiling; why would he smile at this wicked assassin? The deputy remembered why they came here; because the Mane 4 confronted him about their lost friend; what was her name again...? Rainbow Dash!

“Detective, he killed Rainbow Dash remembered?”

Comber smirked; he has some nerve to accuse such truth like that. In his honesty; he even forgot her name. The detective wanted to know truthfully if he did or not so he knows how to tell it to her family and friends.

“Did you kill Rainbow Dash Comber?” How about Fluttershy, you know she was the kind pegasus to help right?”

Comber thought about the question he was asked and although he felt a little sorrow for assassinating them; he was only doing his job; of not him; some other assassin. Comber was going to tell them nothing; simply walk away.

“What incriminating question is that? You are a detective, so figure it out if it was me or not; I’m not helping solve your cases.”

Comber said with a smart attitude; the detective scoffed at Comber; as he was making his way back to Ponyville; his back turned to the detective and deputy. The authorities acted quickly and assemble the injured, unconscious ponies; after the deputy picked up Applejack; rushing back to where the detective was; he already teleported all the injured ponies over; he was waiting for Applejack since she was too far to teleport; so the deputy had to get her. After Applejack was put down; the detective horn illuminated with magic; this will indefinitely drain him, but it’s worth saving lives.

“Thanks for gathering her over here, just a second and they will be good as new.”

The detective magic illuminated around all of them; his horn having a dam of magic flowing. He cast his spell; healing all of them. Twilight’s bump on her temple was healed as the rest of her body. Applejack’s wounds were healed; the Pies were healed. Cloudy’s stomach was healed as her jaw and face were healed also. Pinkie was also healed; the spell was a complete success. Comber turned his head already at Ponyville; he saw what happened, he was glad, hopefully, they learned a lesson or two? He walked into Ponyville with a smile. The detective and deputy waited for the Mane 4 and Pie family to regain consciousness, this won’t be long, in fact, too soon. The authorities thought what they have to say to them; why didn’t they help them? Why not do their jobs; they needed to think of answers and it will be so short to think about, as they will gain consciousness fast.

Adventure Into The Everfree Forest! Save A Familiar Mare!

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As the Cutie Mark Crusaders was making their way back Sweet Apple Anchor; a white bunny jumped out from the bushes and startled them; he was patting his foot on the ground fast; he was trying to indicate something; he turned and jumped 3 times; looking at the Crusaders, repeating the same action again. They knew something was wrong; the bunny was Fluttershy’s right hoof pet who usually stays in the cabin; Scootaloo thought he was lost; Apple Bloom knew exactly what he was doing; he was calling for help; Sweetie Belle just thought he was adorable, but knew something was up.

“Girls, he wants us to follow him.”

Apple Bloom said with worry. Scootaloo calmed her down by assuring it might just be an animal stuck or something. Angel patted fast; causing the crusader’s toe to approach him. He wants them to go into the Everfree Forest?

“Wait; does this bunny wants us to go inside of the Everfree Forest!?”

Scootaloo said with fear; arising the emotion in Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They didn’t want to follow him, but Scootaloo thought to herself; if a bunny’s brave enough, so is she!

“I think we should follow him?”

Scootaloo bravery said; the great of the group was unsure to follow him, but accepted; they are already in enough trouble as it is; so following a white bunny into the Everfree Forest isn’t that much worst than what just happened to them; they agreed, but if nothing happens important; they won’t tell Granny Smith they went into the Everfree Forest. They followed Angle; who occasionally repeated the action he used to manipulate them to follow him. The crusaders lost composure as they adventure farther and farther into the forest; they still don’t understand what Angle is trying to tell them, but they will soon, they thought.


“I... Will... Not, give up!”

Rainbow Dash said, spitting blood out as she said those words; she wasn’t dead, somehow. Her heart restarted itself; it seems the knife didn’t puncture all the way into the chest cavity, or it did and barely stuck the heart, but the loss of blood with the intense situation must have given her a temporary heart attack. As she crawled for survival, she was making a blood path, highlighting how far she crawled. She saw Angle and saw his face; he went to go get help for sure; he knows her and she knows him; after all, she was Fluttershy’s best friend since flight school; so Angle must at least be a little attached to Rainbow Dash; especially since Fluttershy died. The thought of her friend being dead arose tears; both from the emotional pain and physical. This assassin is truly messed up; Rainbow Dash still struggles to survive; her vision becoming blurry, her head became dizzy and distorted, if any event in her life was painful, this would make it look so insufficient; like a speck of dust to a tumbleweed. Rainbow Dash, who has difficulty breathing, turned her head back to find darkness, and a trail of blood; her blood. She had a reason to fight; her friends, her family, her reputation, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, and, Fluttershy, she can’t die. She won’t die. She fought through her blurry vision and the pain, she clinches both hoofs and still crawled with all her might, courage, and reason. She thought about flying and made an effort to perform the action; she was about 14 hoof steps off the ground before weathering back down to the ground; she laid down on her belly; finally submitting to her wounds and mental exhaustion.


“I’m starting to reckon we go back to Sweet Apple Anchors.”

Wait, wasn’t it her idea to follow him in the first place and now she reckons they stop and turn back?

“Wait, you reckon we follow him; because you thought an animal could be in danger, now you want us to turn back?”

Scootaloo said with disbelief; a little angry at Apple Bloom; you can’t just suggest you and your friends to go into the woods and nearly halfway in; then decide to leave.

“Hehe, sorry, I starting to think I was wrong.”

Apple Bloom replied, embarrassed for suggesting to turn back. Scootaloo has to admit to herself, she would never go into the Everfree Forest without them; or with Rainbow Dash, her of course. The place looked spooky and threatening, the trees having faces; the constant howling, and an uneasy feeling that won’t go away. The group made sure not to trip over anything; especially fallen branches; they are the objects to be eerie about. Besides the fallen debris from trees; the Everfree Forest seems easy to walk through; there’s a path to pursue, which is usually messy to ponies who dare to walk through the never freeing place; but the path now seems perfect, like animals have cleared it or ponies? Whatever the reason is? It benefits them. Angel took a swift sharp turn; which the crusaders thought it was odd; he went through the bushes; which made them think, should they really keep following a bunny? Especially off the path? They thought for a little bit, then decided after Angle jumped from the bushes and started patting his feet ferociously; he was clearly mad; he wanted them to follow him and if they knew the reason; they would understand entirely. They all looked at each other and nodded, they followed the white bunny through the bushes, avoiding scrapes and branches; finally making their way through the bushes. The crusaders realized another path; they didn’t want to get lost following a bunny; but if he knows; surely they should be able to remember the path back, if they can’t, then a bunny is smarting then them, and Scootaloo’s pride won’t have that.

“Um... Should we keep following him?”

Apple Bloom asked, skeptical about following Angel still; this path looks a little more spooky; not to mention more branches everywhere, it looks like a small blizzard hit this path or something? They continue to follow down the path; coming closer and closer to what Angle wanted them for. Scootaloo couldn’t believe what she was seeing; there’s no way that’s true! How did this happen to her? Why did it happen to her; did somepony inflict that damage on her? Was it a consequence of an accident? All that matters is making sure she’s still breathing is alive. The group ran over; noticing blood droplets ahead of the path; this had to happen in the air right? Scootaloo thought to herself; as did the others; when the tuned Rainbow Dash over, they notice a deep stab wound; this indicated something other than an accident; either she bumped into something sharp or something/somepony caused it. But who would want to hurt somepony as awesome as her? Sweetie Belle knew what to do; after all; she tried to earn her talent by being a nurse, but didn’t earn her talent; so she gave up in that league, but will always strive to earn her cutie mark. She ran to the bushes and pulled some leaves and sticks from it; making sure they are secure and tight; most importantly, not sharp or dangerous to use. The leaves must be a little heavy to secure stays; must also have no holes; otherwise, blood will just come out; making the nature craft bandage useless.

“How did this happen to her!?”

Scootaloo asked with real concern; she wanted to know how this happened, but what matters now is to secure her life; bandage her up, and take her to help; which would be the hospital.

“I don’t know how this happened!? I reckon we take her to the hospital before sawn; otherwise, she could die!?”

Apple Bloom said with a pain in her tone; she needed to know what Sweetie Belle was doing in a time like this; to her and Scootaloo surprise; she was crafting something, but they didn’t know what? How could she be crafting like her older sister Rarity at a time like this!?

“Um... What the!? What are you doing crafting at a time like this Sweetie Belle!?”

Scootaloo angrily asked her white unicorn friend; she was angry; it’s understandable, she doesn’t want her mentor, an idol to die; but if she knew what Sweetie Belle was crafting; she would back off.

“Yeah what in tarnation are you doing Sweetie Belle!? Help us carry her to the hospital!”

Apple Bloom asked, worrying about the mare’s life; she doesn’t want her to die; who would? Sweetie Belle added some sap to the nature bandage; using sticks to tie I together; then the sap to stick it to the wound; although this might have a chance of causing infection; the risk is great compared to bleeding to death. She got up and walked over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo; letting them know this was an important craft; when they saw it looks like a bandage; it looked unusual to them.

“I’ll help you carry her when I put this on the stab wound; although I think I made it a little too big, hehe.”

Sweetie Belle replied with satisfaction and embarrassment; there’s nothing to be embarrassed about about saving somepony, especially if you overdid it; it’s like being checked by a doctor; accepting their advice, and also healing yourself, just in case you did it imperfectly. She put the bandage over the wound; making sure it’s accurate and effective; she had to push on it a little hard, but not too hard; it stuck and it actually stopped the bleeding.

“When did you learn to do that Sweetie Belle?”

Socootaloo asked; grateful she did that for her idol. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom accompanied their friend; prepared to help carry the mare. They had a hard time lifting her; especially since they didn’t want blood on them; even though Sweetie Belle’s bandage stopped it; they didn’t trust it; which was a little insult to Sweetie Belle; they finally the mare on all three of their backs; ready to run back with her; she’s a little heavy; they might have to take brakes; but screw that Scootaloo thought; she never would, neither would she. If that was her, and she was her; she would already have her at the hospital by now. Angel jumped in front of them; he was going to guide them back to Ponyville; after he has to go do Fluttershy’s job; which is to help the other animals live; this is truly a sad ordeal for all, especially him. Only if he could talk, then he could spill the beans on the killer; oh surely he’ll pay, right?

“Make sure y’all watch your steps while running; I tripped at the farm too many times to count.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo felt a little annoyed; they know to watch where they are going, but guess at a time like this; tripping could possibly be fatal or cause injury not just to them but the mare as well.

“I know where I’m going, Apple Bloom; trust-!”

Scootaloo was speaking proud, before almost tripping; she had to admit Apple Bloom was right; the mare almost fell from their backs. Apple Bloom smiled.

“You were saying?”

Apple Bloom answered back with correctness; she thought the same as Scootaloo when she was helping Applejack on the farm, but tripped, and tripped over and over; luckily she hadn’t fallen; otherwise more complications could’ve happened. Scootaloo stopped herself from scolding her friend but sighed and accepted she was right.

“You’re right...”

Apple Bloom enjoyed Scootaloo admitting she was wrong; she does take after Rainbow Dash; she’s not the type to admit, but guess she’s not completely like her.

Angel jumped through the bushes back to the first path. The crusaders thought of a way to go through without harming the mare or themselves; they could break the branches; but that’s time-consuming, which they don’t have; so they are going to just power through it; unless one of them has a better efficient idea?

“I like how he easily jumps through the bushes and we can’t, how do we get through the bushes with her?”

Scootaloo asked with annoyance; she wants an answer fast. The other two thought; Apple Bloom coming up with a strategy; they could go through, while she holds the branches. This depends if they are willing to and able to carry the mare?

“Can you girls carry her while I hold the bushes open for you?”

Apple Bloom said with reason. The Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle thought about it; accepting the request. Apple Bloom slowly moved; slowly allowing the mare to scoot over to the other two fillies. They felt the heavy weight, but ignored it; she needs rescue; even if it costs them their backs. Apple Bloom starts pulling the bushes apart; trying to make the process as fast as possible; she knew the weight would eventually give in to them and they will collapse with the mare.

“Can you hurry up Apple Bloom!? I’m getting weak by the moment.”

Scootaloo complained; she didn’t want to drop her; she won’t drop her! She fought through the thought and urge to put the mare down; success coming with her resistance.

“Hurry up!”

Sweetie Belle was complaining; seeing the path ahead. This felt like a blessing to them.

“Done-! Whoa, whoa!”

Apple Bloom said in panic; not expecting her friends to pass her so quickly. She caught herself from falling. She huffed in anger before letting it go and joining them. She gently slid underneath the mare; the weight becoming less tense for the two fillies; they felt the need to take a break; but knowing the more time they use, the likely the chances the mare will die. They also knew Apple Bloom would say: “are you crazy!?”

“Let’s get a move on girls!”

The group started making their way to the hospital, they knew where it was; because it’s a huge building and because they had been there before. The group sped up their speed; not giving in to the weight or loss of stamina. They will reach Ponyville soon; where they will go to the hospital, in hope of saving the almost fatal, injured mare.

Recovery! The possibility of another job!? Lighting Dust Challenges The Legendary Assassin!

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“Did you girls enjoy your naps?”

The detective asked, looking down at them as he sits on a rock that was created by the magic explosion; the group got up; feeling like nothing happened, they all forgot a bit, but regained their wits and remembered.

“Yahoo, I feel completely better!”

Applejack said, grateful about being healed. She bucked her hoofs in two directions. The detective looked upset; like something was bothering him; Twilight was the one to notice this.

“Are you okay sir?”

The detective regained his composure, getting up, the deputy following. He indeed was upset; sad he couldn’t defend the citizens of this village; said they all were beaten like that. He knew it was coming, he’s just glad his old friend showed mercy; he never did that where he used to be; that how town didn’t show mercy.

“I’m fine, but are to all okay?”

The mane 4 replied with a yes; an absolute one. Twilight reassuring him the heal spell worked; she remembered the dangers of the spell and how it can cause silent killers.

“Buck no!”

Igneous got up and replied with anger and hatred. He was mad at the authorities, and of course the killer of his daughters, he wasn’t the only one mad though, Cloudy also joined him.

“You authorities failed at your jobs, give us a reason not to report you for your screw-ups!?”

The detective and deputy didn’t like the attitude of the Pie couple, but they understood why they would have such an attitude; in terms, they feel bad for not bringing the killer to justice. The detective had mixed emotions about bringing his old friend to justice; after all, he did know him since high school. They looked at the couple with disappointment; they thought about the question, the detective finally giving them an answer they wouldn’t take pleasure in.

“You’re still alive ain’t you?”

The deputy said with annoyance. The Pie couple got angrier, but still misunderstand the situation; they couldn’t arrest him and there’s proof of this with the other fallen police stations. They as themselves should be lucky he showed mercy to them all; the old Comber would’ve killed them.

“Shut the buck up! Our daughters are still dead! They aren’t alive or amended!”

Cloudy said with rage. The detective just turned his back to them then to the Mane 4. He needed to ask them a couple of questions. The dust blew pass everypony; reminding them of their failure.

“Before running into to him and causing a skirmish, did the assassin seem... Odd and bloody at all?”

The Mane 4 thought back when they ran into the black unicorn. He didn’t seem odd at all; he looked as if he was leaving Ponyville, but that odd in itself; since he’s an assassin and he’s leaving the village; this could be an indicator he killed somepony? He didn’t have blood on him at all; this could be because he’s a unicorn or it got only on his red cape? Surely blood would be somewhere on his body, but a certain spell, a clean spell could indefinitely with perfection remove all the blood on and off the body and clothing. Twilight thought to herself.

“I can hardly say he didn’t seem to have blood or to be odd either.”

Applejack recalled, still a little unsure.

“I can agree with Applejack; he was wearing a red when we bumped into him, but no blood or anything.”

Rarity with reinsurance recalled. Twilight found some things that seemed to be a little odd.

“I found some things that seemed to be odd. 1 being he’s leaving Ponyville, but for what reason; wouldn’t a murder live a district after committing such a serious crime?”

Pinkie Pie felt anxiety, not wanting to believe he killed her blue pegasus prank friend. She withholds her emotions in feeling a bit of a headache. The Pie parents would feel better if Pinkie Pie came back to the Rock Farm with them; they will ask to keep her from danger; even though if the danger wanted to harm Pinkie Pie they knew they wouldn’t able to stop it, but if he’s an assassin; he wouldn’t think about harming Pinkamena unless he was hired to do so. The detective knew Comber and had an answer to support why he ain’t leaving after committing a crime.

“I’m stopping you right there Mrs. Sparkle. My old friend wouldn’t leave a place because he’s afraid of the consequences, no, knowing him like I do it’s something else less and simple than that.”

The Pies and Mane 4 wanted to hear his answer. Pinkamena moved over to her parents, wanting to feel comfortable, being close to her parents seems to be the way, besides with her friends, but both are very pleasant. Twilight’s face looked a little confused on why the detective doesn’t believe that’s the answer, what could be the answer then? She and everypony else have forgotten what the detective told them about why the authorities stay away from the legendary assassin and the rest of his family.

“Then why would an assassin leave a village he completed so many jobs in? To find new jobs?”

Twilight with confusion replied back to the detective. The detective looked at her with a little more serious expression. She was right and smart. Most assume the killer would leave a district because he or she committed a crime, especially murder; that’s always what the other detective seem to think when the word homicide come into their mind; yes it’s a good way to start brainstorming, but not belive and mark it down as the killer left, because that’s not known yet? The detective sat back down; turning his attention upwards, seeing all the friendly faces; besides the Pie family; although nopony right now is happy; their faces still look friendly.

“Yes, you’re correct Mrs. Sparkle. Most of my peers usually attempt to come to the conclusion that the killer packed and left, so it’s not unusual for domesticated citizens to think the same thing; but at least they theorized, not attempt to pursue it and mark the case unfinishable; a case is never unfinished.”

The detective got up, started pacing back in forth, this annoyed the Pie parents. The detective was no ordinary detective; he exited his district before and brought the killer or suspect back to interrogation before, even if he was commanded not to.

“To elaborate on that matter I even Brong some suspects back to this town for interrogation, yes they did fight back but most wasn’t a unicorn, so magic being used against me was a worry. What I’m basically saying is I’ll pursue the killer no matter where they go.”

The Pie family passed Twilight Applejack and Rarity. They weren’t happy about this outcome. Is he catching this killer or not!?

“I don’t give a care about what detectives or ponies theorized. I care about the sentence of the killer responsible for murdering our daughters!”

Igneous said with fury. He just about had it with the detective; if he’s so darn intelligent, then how come he hasn’t caught the assassin yet, fear huh?

“I understand that but-!”

Cloudy anger brewed and she needed to let it out; especially to the ones who promised to protect and bring justice to their village.

“No Bucking buts! You find the colt who assaulted and murdered our daughters! Or you can lose your jobs!”

Cloudy yelled, feeling better. The detective was losing his patience with this couple, but he remained calm, able to see through the anger and blackmail.

“We tried 2 times madam and failed, if we tried 3rd time he would indefinitely kill us, so I see what the rest of the authorities can do?”

“Thank you. Now, how about you go do your jobs and scram!”

Cloudy commanded with rage, she was done with them, instead of talking and thinking, how about acting?

“Pinkamena, how about you come back to the Rock Farm with us?”

Igneous asked with a little command; Cloudy also asking in the same tone. Pinkie Pie thought about it for a couple of moments and decided, she ain’t going back; all that would do is bring back nostalgic memories about her sisters and bring her back into depression; which she was already in, proof of that was her mane and tail. She didn’t want to be reminded of the tragic events that occurred in the village she brought so... Many smiles to. Pinkie Pie walked over to her friends; giving them an answer they wouldn’t like.

“I not going back to the Rock Farm mom and dad...”

Her tone and words confused her parents. Why didn’t she want to go back to the Rock Farm? Was it them? She’s technically already there.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, you come back to the Rock Farm with us this instant!”

Cloudy commanded. She must’ve forgotten there are authorities right in front of her? Guess parent instincts always come first?

“I can’t, sorry...”

Pinkie Pie’s response anger her parents. She will and she will like it.

“You will, now let’s go Pinkamena!”

Pinkamena didn’t move, making her parents approach her, Twilight got in front of Pinkie Pie, defending her from her parents; she gets that they want her to be safe and with them, but it’s up to the grown pony to decide, not the parents; and Pinkie Pie is fully grown, so she already decided and that’s final. She had a horrible feeling the Pie parents were going to go on the offensive.

“You can’t force your daughter to go with you! She’s an adult!”

Twilight defensively told the Pie parents. She understands why they want their final daughter to go with them, but they seriously can’t force her to go with them; that’s kidnapping. Pinkie Pie’s parents didn’t look so please with Twilight, they were angry, needed to be restrained before they escalate further.

“Shut the buck up! Your family wasn’t murdered, we only trying to protect the last daughter we have alive!”

Igneous said with Cloudy’s support. They wanted Pinkie Pie or should I say Pinkamena to go with them; they know deep down they aren’t going to be able to force Pinkie Pie to go with them; but they at least wanted to make it clear that her safety is what matters and nothing else; besides the killer being caught and peace restored.

“Well yelling about it won’t do anything! She made her mind up and if you are dumb enough to attempt to force her, you’ll be arrested right on the spot!”

Twilight replied back to the angry parents; who just wanted their daughter to be safe with them. It’s sad to see them want their daughter who brings smiles and joy to the ponies of Ponyville back with them because of a murderous killer. The Pie parents didn’t look pleased to hear Twilight’s sassy reply, but she does have a point they can’t force her; all they can do is hope her decision is right and she’s safe with such good caring friends. Pinkie Pie, seeing her parents care so much about her safety felt immensely bad for not wanting to go with them; but her friends need her at the moment; they have to find Rainbow Dash, in hopes she’s alive and not dead. Pinkie Pie could not take the loss of another friend; it would destroy her without question.

“Ugh! You are an annoying one! We should report these authorities for failing to do their jobs!”

Igneous said with anger and frustration. The detective understood why they wanted to report him, but they still fail to understand the dangers of that assassin. They literally saw it for themselves; they all are just lucky he didn’t kill them; he usually not that merciful; something changed in him?

“Alright, I have to remind you all that colt is very dangerous; in fact, to the point, we wouldn’t interfere in what he does as authorities. The deputy over there is very skilled at accuracy, the most skilled there is in fact that I know of and that’s a lot.”

The Pie parents didn’t believe the knowledge they were receiving, they just look at it as excuses and an attempt to change their minds about reporting them.

“I don’t believe he’s that dangerous! He just goes at fighting and nothing else!”

Igneous said in anger. The detective wanted to laugh at the Pie parents; but didn’t, he’s a professional and is ready to prove that. He is dangerous, beyond what they have seen so far; he knows, he knew his old friend for a long time; he’s skilled in the art of killing and possesses brutal strength, not to mention his unknown abilities and reaction time.

“I know you felt the attacks; he was strong, not to mention fast. Buck, he was durable enough to withstand my decisive magic blast; which only seem to scratch him a little. I can say is, go home or somewhere safe until a miracle is pulled and he’s arrested.”

The deputy said with remorse. He promised them he would arrest the killer and he failed to do just that; he normally wouldn’t care about matters like this; so why does he? We’ll see if any other authorities want to join him and attempt to arrest the assassin?

“I’m sorry mom and dad, I just can’t handle the memories of my sisters at the Rock Farm, it would crush me...”

At first, the parents viewed Pinkie Pie’s reason selfishly; they have to deal with it; a family should deal with something like this altogether. If they were, to be honest with themselves, if the authorities weren’t here, they might’ve believed they could force Pinkie Pie to come home. Ultimately, they know forcing their daughter who’s overage to come home is wrong, in general, it’s wrong. They understand the pain of loss, they weren’t going to force depression upon their daughter. They loved her and wanted her to be safe with them, their reasoning seems to be pure, but the way to achieve it is impure.

“I know how you feel sweetie, but we have to remind ourselves of it every day since we still I’ve been there, I wish you would come home with us, but your a grown mare and we can’t force you as much as we want to.”

Cloudy felt a little upset and a little agitated. She only hopes that the monster is never hired to kill her. If that happens she will team him apart for it.

“Just stay safe at Sugar Cube Corner and we will check on you later.”

Igneous replied, feeling uttered by the way Pinkie Pie didn’t want to come home with them. Pinkie Pie with tears agreed to their requests, she’ll be safe, she hoped the same for them too.

“We’ll be off now, you two, authorities, you better make the assassin pay or be prepared to be reported.”

Igneous said in a bossy nasty tone. Nopony there liked it, but they could tell they were agitated by the whole situation. The Pie parents waved goodbye, heading back to their home.

“I must say I was afraid your parents were going to attack me Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight remembering the fear they struck on her; it was frightening, but Nightmare Moon is and was scarier. The deputy and detective grouped up with the Mane 4. They needed a plan from this point on; they can’t arrest the problem; the station won’t help once they learn who’s the killer; so they are lost and feel helpless; they bet the same feeling was upon their group also. The detective had a flashback that made this whole skirmish occur, seems like everyone forgot? I guess that’s a start? They will see if Rainbow Dash is still alive or dead? The group watched as the authorities came over to them. What were their intentions now; maybe alert the other authorities that the killer is the detective’s best friend? Twilight wondered if he would get fire because of that, that would be stupid; it’s not like he’s being an accessory to the offenses he’d perpetrated.

“You going to get more authorities to arrest that assassin?”

The detective thought about it hard and thoroughly; every match-up would most likely lead to fatalities. Maybe by some miracle, they do arrest him, it ai guarantee his family won’t get involved, especially his father. It’s best to just let him leave this village; if no pony hires him he won’t be a threat. Perhaps Rainbow Dash ain’t dead?

“No, I don’t any of my co-workers to die; this deputy by my side is one of the best shooters Equestria has to offer; the other deputies can’t shoot as good or as swift; I know my old friend; he’s not always as merciful or gentle as you think; he’s very dangerous.”

The detective nostalgia was on point; Comber wasn’t the colt to show mercy, but again; those colts were no different than him; they enjoyed what they did; love it in fact; Comber didn’t like it and resign from that despicable job. Of course, he was subjected to death because of it, but somehow he didn’t die and lived! That colt is very remarkable. Twilight thought of places where Rainbow Dash might’ve been kidnapped to; she wasn’t at the graveyard; that whole gloomy place was check; Applejack thought of checking coffins, but that’s against the law; plus just very disrespectful to the dead. The assassin left the victims near their home of death; so most likely around where they fought; which they yet to know where.

“So does anyone here know where Rainbow Dash might be? We already checked the graveyard, so where to check next?”

Applejack wanted to find Rainbow Dash; as the great of them did; she thought them chattering is just sealing Rainbow Dash in the river. The detective and deputy thought of places where the assassin could’ve taken her; he teleported so it’s could be far because his magic is strong, but he likes to keep the victims near the town where they live.

“I think I might know where, but it would by now be furthermore late to save her; he makes sure all of his victims her dead.”

The detective shook his head in sorrow, his eyes closed.

“But I still hold hope I’m wrong for once.”

The detective finished his sentence in grief. Rainbow Dash would indefinitely call him out on that subject again; he would gladly accept the criticism if it means she didn’t have an encounter with his old friend.

“The Rock Farm was never this dusty!”

Pinkie Pie said, trying to shift the mood to a little bit of joy. It didn’t work, however, less. Applejack didn’t like Pinkie’s attempt to change topics; this was a serious topic to take into consideration; just as getting eggs from chickens; if they aren’t fed, everypony in Ponyville would not have eggs for their meals. This is a more serious subject than food.

“I reckon we start looking for Rainbow Dash, she not around here, I also reckon she wouldn’t be at Sweet Apple Anchors, so the place I think she might be in the Everfree Forest?”

The detective and deputy thought she might have been taken there for a skirmish; Comber’s nature is to have fun by fighting, so it is a great possibility. Twilight had to think why Applejack thought the Everfree Forest exactly; there’s other places in Ponyville, or outside of Ponyville; why the Everfree Fores

“Um, Applejack, why do you think she was taken there specifically?”

Twilight curiously asked. She thought of reasons why, she was already going to suggest, but wanted to know why Applejack thought she could be there.

“No, she most likely correct, that place would be open enough for a battle, and concealment for a crime; perfect crime if you ask me, the corpse would be eaten by the wild animals also.”

Applejack didn’t like how the detective talked about her friend. He was too blunt and casual about the matter. Sure it may be true for the police to treat this as everyday work because they deal with crimes like this all the darn time. If you are going to talk bluntly about a friend’s loss, be gentle, they aren’t police and would take it more rudely.

“I reckon you don’t talk about our friend as she’s dead and her body won’t be found!”

Applejack angrily retorted. The detective understood why she was mad, how couldn’t anypony? The time for bickering is over, they need to search for their lost friend Rainbow Dash; it’s best not to use the word lost, more like kidnapped. He knew the first place to check.

“I understand. Do you mares have any idea in your head where your friend was taken?”

Twilight thought of places as the rest of them and they all come to one conclusion; she’s not at the Rock Farm obviously, she’s obviously not anywhere in Ponyville; the skirmish would definitely cause eyes to be attracted.

“Hey Applejack do you think he’ll be at Sweet Apple Anchors?”

Pinkie asked curious about the answer she’s about to receive. Applejack, from the information she gathered about this colt; would say no; if he just now arrive in Ponyville, then he probably wouldn’t even know where Sweet Apple Anchors is. That is if he ain’t being deceptive? She hoped not, the only reason he would have to find and go there would be for a job there.

“I hope for the apples’ sake he’s not!”

Applejack responded with the fear building. The detective agreed with Applejack. He doesn’t think Comber would go to a farm without a reason; sure he might want an open area to battle, but with it being excessively open and near Ponyville that renders that a no.

“I don’t think Comber would go to Sweet Apple Anchors?”

The detective had a couple of reasons to state this; the reason one being he might not know where the farm is. Two he knows where Fluttershy lives because of Rainbow Dash, so he might just use that place as a grave for her too?

“And why on tarnation do you think that?”

Applejack asked, feeling a minor sigh of relief. Twilight as the group awaited the detective’s answer.

“Because he might not know where that useful production farm is; he knows where the Everfree Forest is because of Rainbow Dash, and that place would be a little more concealed than the farm at Sweet Apple Anchors.”

The detective picked his bag that was dropped up, he put it on his waist; tightening it.

“Um, not to rush or anything, but if we are going to look for Rainbow Dash and maybe save her life if she needs it, we need to go now!”

Twilight reminded them of a vital detail, the detective forgot about it also, he reacted instantly to Twilight reminder, the flash occurred, after it vanished, they were in the Everfree Forest. Alright, that’s cool he responded with good intent but could he not teleport them to the Everfree Forest without warning or telling them?

“Um, next time tell us you’re teleporting us!”

“Yeah, I wasn’t ready.”

“Darling could you at least tell us-!”

“I did what I needed to do, Twilight’s right, let’s start the search.”

The detective rushed the group, they made their way down the path, the detective didn’t want to hear more chatter unless it’s about the situation at hoof. He occasionally used an x-ray spell to search faster, Twilight remember that spell but never found much use out of it. She just made light, getting rid of the darkness as they search. Twilight wanted to ask about that x-ray spell the detective used; she asked him what spell was he using and he told her it allows him to see throw sold objects: like trees, walls and more importantly, if you adjust the spell enough, cleaned up blood; he used it at both scenes so far; he’s able to cast two spells at a time, so when he used it to grab a pen, he also used an x-ray spell to see any cleaned up blood; which by the way there was a lot. They will continue to look through the never freeing forest; hoping to find their already helped friend.


Comber returned to the graveyard; he knew he was being followed by a pegasus, a persistent one in fact; why is the question? He laid on his rock, planning to take a nap; but as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard hoofs touch the ground; his right eye open, looking in that direction; it was his recent client; most clients check-up if their target is finished; as normal, they were. The pegasus walked towards the assassin; ready to ask her question the assassin already knew.

“Did you get rid of that annoying, snob of a pegasus?”

The pegasus asked still full of malevolent towards her now suppose to be dead adversary. Comber turned his head to the pegasus, ready to answer professionally.

“If you knew me far back then you should know I don’t fail at what I do.”

Lighting Dust thought back when she was stripped of her rank; the anger she felt; the regret of trying to befriend Rainbow Dash; she nows she the errors in friendship; they will stab you in the back for vengeance and own needs.

“I just wanted to ask, see what tone you would respond in.”

Lighting Dust said with a smile. She was relieved her nemesis had paid for her what she did to her. She had another thought on her mind; how can she repay him for saving her?

“You know I don’t lie when it comes to my profession. Now, what do you further want?”

The colt asked with disbelief she had another job for him; if you have no target or payment, get lose; your business here doesn’t exist. Lighting Dust could tell he was annoyed. She thought of ways to get his attention, the question would be why? She remembers he likes to fight, so maybe that’s a way to get closer? This might be a way to repay him by getting rid of his boredom?

“You seemed to be very bored; how about a small skirmish?”

Comber ears must be deceiving him; if she knew him from far back, she would know that would be an immensely bad idea; usually fights in his village were to the death, but he never did that; unless the opponent was evil and is a threat to society.

“Why would you suggest such an action? You saw how I fought back then, so why would you want to challenge me? Do you hope to learn how to fight?”

Comber was curious, he doesn’t mind teaching ponies how to fight; he taught a lot of ponies how to; he’s not a sensei; they just teach and never fight others, only self-defense is when they do. Lighting Dust smirked, she remembered really well, and if she had his skill, her friend wouldn’t have died; she could’ve saved her.

“I just want to see you fighting for myself.”

Comber sighed, he was confused; no one wanted to spar with him let alone fight him. She must want to learn martial arts, there are teachers for that you know? He knew the reason, Lightning Dust wasn’t telling the truth and he sensed it; he knows the true reason, he’ll play along for now; after all, he’s pretty bored.

“I hope you are ready then, I don’t consider battling if you don’t battle back.”

Comber removed himself from his rock he temporary treat like a bed; he took his cape off and bag; gently placing both of them on the stone; it was clear he was already ready to battle; Lighting Dust wanted to reconsider, but decided due to her ego, no; she’ll fight him, and maybe even beat him; after all, this is a spar, not a battle to the death.

“I more than ready, let me know if I do better than that dead mare Rainbow Dash!”

Comber smirked, she really hated that pegasus; that was for sure; if she didn’t go to him and hire him; she would do it herself or locate another assassin. Comber slowly walked towards the pegasus, he was ready, the question arise if she is?

“I grade your results based on how you do, not compare to another pony.”

Lighting Dust smiled, she had to think of ways to trick him; he easily defeated that murderous colt; he saves her with ease; after all, he did in Ponyville; she’ll have to be careful.

“Come at me.”

Comber indicated with a hoof; Lighting Dust was annoyed her treated this as a joke; she’ll make him sorry. She rushed him, Comber, with a smile and nostalgia remembered Rainbow Dash did the same thing; he stepped to the left and avoided the attack; Lighting Dust was surprised he reacted with such speed; she caught herself on four hoofs; sliding a little before stopping.

“I saw that from a great distance away.”

(”He definitely fought Rainbow Dash; there is no objection to that; it was like he just dealt with a pegasus like me; that would have to be Rainbow Dash.”)

She smiled, she was happy to know Rainbow Dash is no more. She charged him again; Comber jumped over her this time; Lighting Dust was surprised a little, he was good at fighting, no doubt, but also evading; he even could easily counter but didn’t, why? She turned with precision, attempting to attack him once again with full speed; she won’t miss, she will hit, her attack landed, causing a lot of force to explode; the wind blew leaves, branches shook; it was indeed a powerful hit. Comber smiled; the attack did hit, but it was his hoof; he caught the attack; and with no lie, he did move him a little; it stung like a bullet also.

“Impressive, but sadly...”

Comber pushed her way with heavy force; he was happy, but at the same time disappointed; her attacks are not strategically planned and are easy to avoid; heck even counter. Lighting Duat was a little caught off balance; she caught herself before hitting the ground; he was something else for sure. Comber elaborated.

“Your attacks are easy to counter and dodge, you need to put thought into your attacks and not just attack blindly or normally, I see average punches too much.”

Lighting Dust felt a little insulted, but he knew he was right; all she was think was punching him in the face and hopes to knock him out; she almost regret suggesting this battle; so far it only been evasion on his part; she wanted to see him attack; not dodge.

“Thanks for the advice, how about you attack?”

Comber looked down, thinking to himself; he brought his head up slowly; ready to answer the pegasus question. He was almost bored of this battle; if you would call it that?

“How about no, prove you can land a hit, and then maybe, you have this last chance to do so, otherwise I will leave, you are boring so far.”

Lighting Dust was highly annoyed once again; leave like she’s a joke; treat her like a clown; well he will pay for it.

“I’m a bore, am I!? Well then. Let me show you my true speed!”

Lighting Dust dashed with full speed; accelerating by the second; she was fast; even Comber had a hard time to keep his eyes on her; she quickly moved out of the way; Lighting Dust anticipated this and turned to his direction; Comber jumped high, evading the attack; Lighting Dust with a quick burst flew up and behind herself; Comber quickly pushed himself to the ground; landing on one hoof; he then turned and barley was scrapped by Lighting Dust.

(”She’s fast, no doubt, but her stamina, it doesn’t look like it’s depleting fast enough?”)

Comber looked at Lighting Dust again; she was gone.

(”Where did she go?”)

Comber thought to himself; having a click in his head; he quickly ducked and evaded the attack; his mane was touch; Comber didn’t care though; mane as well as tells get dirty in battles. She again repeated the up and turning action; Comber couldn’t believe she had so much stamina, no wonder why she was able to escape from that killer long ago.

“You have remarkable stamina, but will you-!”

Comber didn’t expect her to push herself beyond the speed a pony should be traveling; Comber had no other choice but to block; it hurt this time. Comber felt his back hit the tree; that also hurt, especially the splinter he had in his back now. He got back up, ready for battle. Lighting Dust was clearly exhausted after that; she was huffing and holding her chest with her wings. Comber slowly grabbed the splinter, pulling it out of his back. Others would’ve screamed, but Comber could feel the pain; he felt way worse; like being stabbed; but those splinters; they really cut and burn. Blood gushed after the wooden impalement was removed; he quickly used a heal spell; assuming it punctuated a lung. He was once fine again.

“Remarkable, your speed is something else; as I saw, faster than Rainbow Dash, if not that, then your stamina you would have her beat in that category definitely. Remember what I said, well better prepared yourself, because you will feel pain.”

Lighting Dust smiled. She was ready to see him attack; she will regret wanting to see him attack. Combee walked slowly towards her; acting as if he’s was going to attack in slow motion; Lighting Dust bought it. After 20 hoof steps; Comber burst through the wind at her; his speed was fast; not as fast as her or Rainbow Dash; his reaction time, however, is faster than theirs. She blocked one attack but failed to do the other; it was a punch to the face; his punches were hard, his speed was also hard to deal with. Lighting Dust attempted to block more of the incoming attacks; Comber was holding his punches; reserving stamina and from hurting Lighting Dust; he was also moving slower than usual. Lighting Dust was blocking each attack; a hit from the left; right, a chop to the neck; she was lucky she blocked that; she flew up; dashing down and landing a great distance. She looked at her front hoofs; spotting small bruises forming; also redness; she knew his attacks hurt; but to the point it causes bruises, she was alarmed; no wonder why he never fails a job, he’s too powerful. She rubbed the top of the hoofs; attempting to relieve some pain. Comber noticed this; he wasn’t punching that hard; either he wasn’t tracking himself, or she isn’t that durable.

“Ow! Your attacks hurt; what are you made of!?”

Lighting Dust said in a little bit of pain; she wanted to know how he is so powerful; was it his job that made him like that? Does he lift or work out? Does he have a diet? She won’t ask; she knows he won’t tell. Comber smirked, it’s time to end this battle; there’s

“This battle stops here, there’s no point in continuing this battle; you did good, but I suggest you go take martial arts; just think if I was hired to kill you?”

Comber attempted to scare her to take martial arts; if she is hated, there’s no doubt sompony will come to him for her death; unless they are pure-hearted, then he assumed not, but either way, it’s easier for him to kill her then; it would make the process more fun. Lighting Dust laughed at Comber, physiological warfare. That’s funny thinging somepony will hire him to kill her; it’s the villains that hire, not good, all her enemies are good.

“Nopony will hire an assassin to kill me, ha! Only villains hire, not heroes or good ponies!”

Combee laid back down on his smooth stone; his eyes slowly closing; Lightning Dust felt like she should still fight; while her aching hoofs decided to refuse; she did enough; she can’t defeat him; all she will endure is pain and defeat.

“Well see you.”

Comber said with a little sigh, the reason she wanted to battle is to learn so she could defend herself next time instead of relying on a certain assassin. That was odd for a fight; but the assassin didn’t mind; he taught his friends how to battle so, this was no different. Lighting Dust had to think about what to do next; her goal was complete; she can’t join the Wonderbolts ever again, so what’s now?

“Well I am off to start with relief, you have a great day Comber, thank you, I really appreciate what you did.”

Lighting Dust praised the assassin; she was now happy, she smiled at the assassin and waved goodbye. She blasted off with a smile; already thinking of what to do next. Comber scuffled and waited for a job; there’s no use in checking if one came in; the other one would be time-consuming to collect that amount of bits. Comber heard wheels; it was one, no two, no three, no it was four. Whatever made the sound was heavy; it sounded like a wagon.

“There he is-!”

The wagon broke free, heading down at the assassin; his ears alerted him; did somepony lose their wagon or used it as a weapon? He got off his stone slowly and stood in the direction of the incoming wagon.

“Can somepony stop my powerful wagon!?”

The unicorn is annoying, Comber stomped his hoofs into the ground; he ain’t moving; the wagon hit him; he was pushed back, but with all his strength; he stopped the wagon; leaving it unscathed. The unicorn ran down the hill; thanking the assassin; he walked pass to the unicorn; walking past her; if that was a colt he would have slapped him. She thanked him.

“You know I came here to hire you right!?”

Comber stopped slowly and turned around to the mare. If that’s the reason, then why did she bring her wagon? That seems a little excessive, even if it was carrying bits?

“Why bring your wagon?”

The mare felt insulted, she tell him with a show.

“I’ll show you!”

The unicorn jumped into the wagon; pulling a lever inside; out coming to a stage; the unicorn was on it with a top hat pulled down; she had a cane with her.

(”She better not start dancing...”)

Comber thought to himself; he ain’t the type to go to shows and watch pointless movement; there better be a good reason for this introduction. He already knew she was going to dance. Fireworks shot up into the air, exploding with the unicorn’s face in it; next was a firework stating “great and powerful.” Comber really wanted to slap her; when you come to him to hoof over a job; you don’t shoot off fireworks; that’s like telling everypony, “hey, I hiring an assassin!” She is a foolish unicorn.

“The great! The powerful! Trixie Lulamoon!”

Fireworks exploded off stage, along with some colorful smoke, Comber sighed; she, is, an, idiot! Smoke rose into the sky; it going to cause suspicion, because why would smoke be in the sky-high? Trixie asked if she can show her tricks, but for a cost; Comber was seriously about to hit her, she really is annoying, if she did this stunt in his hometown; she would be put in a hospital or in a grave.

“Did you really promote yourself? Never should of ask about trivial things.”

Trixie was instituted by the colt; does she really need his assistance? He seems too much of a jerk to cooperate with.

“Promote me!? I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! You can’t promote any higher than that!”

Trixie said with pride. She really is an annoying unicorn.

(”Oh Celestia...”)

Comber rolled his eyes in annoyance; he had seen way too many prideful ponies for their fake authority, she seems no different.

“Do you have a job to hoof over or not? If not, get lost.”

Trixie was angry he spoke to her like that; how dare he do that? She does have a job for him; the price should be low since that purple Unicron is worthless; if she ain’t, she’ll lower the deal.

“I do in fact, have you ever heard of a unicorn named Twilight?”

Comber smirked; everypony seems to hate the Mane 6, now why is that? Envy, malevolent, or personal gain? The reason to him doesn’t matter, but to the clients it does. Comber remembered Twilight, that’s ironic; you save the one you are going to kill; that being and assuming she has the right amount of currency; the better not be like that annoying lighting pegasus, she was a pest and probably still going to be.

“I have, I assume you hate her?”

Trixie laughed, she hated that unicorn; she was a cheater and no unicorn outsmarts the great and Powerful Trixie! She was too great for that.

“I do! She is a cheater!”

The assassin was confused; a “cheater?” Cheater at what exactly? It’s none of his business, so he won’t ask. He assumes Twilight bested her in a magic standoff, or a trick-off.

“Do you have the right amount of bits?”

Trixie believed she did, but reality will strike her down with disappointment.

“I believe so, 300 bits should cover it.”

The assassin’s face went grim; she is serious? Twilight had supported the economy more than Rainbow Dash, she wouldn’t be less. The Mane 6 are popular for a reason.

“Hate to inform you, but the actual price is 1200 bits.”

Trixie could not believe her ears, but no matter, let’s see if she could lower the prices?

“I think you’re wrong, you should probably check again to see.”

Trixie said, starting to believe her lie. Comber didn’t need to check, he knew and already saw the price for Twilight. There is no need to attempt to lower or exclude the price; many clients try to do this and it never works; they either leave in anger or attempt to lower the prices. She was going to be one of those clients.

“I am not wrong and already saw the price, pay the number of bits or find some pony else.”

Comber kept to his profession; he was going treat her with no exceptions; no pony gets excluded or deal; you must pay the true amount or no authorization. Trixie thought to herself for a moment then looked back at the assassin.

“1100 bits you say, well you seemed to be a professional, so I guess there’s no trying to bargain with you.”

Trixie grabbed the latch on her wagon; pulling over herself and attaching it to her; she was ready to head off; maybe there be other assassins out there with lower a lower price? She took a look back a the assassin before heading off.

“I don’t think you are as legendary as they say you are. You just rip ponies off.”

Comber was already laying down; already having to predict this outcome. He didn’t care what she was angry about. The rules are the rules, that’s final. Trixie knew the assassin ignored her; he really was getting under her skin, similar to Twilight; she was glad to leave and not hire him; the wagon started pulling and Trixie started walking, pulling the wheel stage with her. Comber was going to wait; either she will find out other assassins have the same value, unless they are corrupted, then maybe? Comber checked his watch, find the number zero in his inbox; he already expected this outcome and decided to already close his eyes, he was going to nap then check again. The fog lightened; the owls made their creepy sounds; the sky was cloudy. It was a decent comfortable day.

To The Rescue! Fillies Save A Familiar Pegasus!

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The deputy was trailed away with thought about the current case and Comber. How could-! The Cutie Mark Crusaders burst through the doors of Ponyville’s hospital; patients in shock as well as doctors; fillies carrying a blue pegasus with the same mane and tail colors. One staff to the right hurried and called emergency; then got up to accompany the fillies.

“How did this happen?”

The clerk said with care; she doubt they were responsible, it was only logic they weren’t, why would they bring her to safety and care if they were? Additionally, they are fillies, they couldn’t have done this. The fillies looked at the clerk, urgently asking for help until doctors rushed through the doors with a stretcher; they took the pegasus off the fillys’ backs and rushed back to the emergency room; this is where one of the best surgeons are. Scootaloo tried to follow but was stopped by the clerk who got in front of the doors and looked empathy towards the filly.

“I know you and your friends want to make sure she’s alright; and trust me, I believe she will be, but you can’t go any further past these doors.”

The clerk felt bad but she knew she had to stop them; they are just fillies for starter and no ponies are allowed into the emergency room; relative or not; by law it’s not allowed.

“We really don’t know how it happened? We saw her on the ground and picked her up to take her to safety.”

Apple Bloom replied to the question asked.

“I think she fell and got on something very sharp?”

Scootaloo replied.

“I used the leaves as bandages to stop the bleeding; if there is any infection; I am very sorry.”

Sweetie Belle was concerned about infection, having been told once by Rarity: “Make sure to put a bandage on that puncture wound caused by a sewing needle, if you don’t it will get infected.” Sweetie Belle asked what that meant and her sister said it could cause illness or pain if it gets infected.

“I’m sure our doctors can handle it if so. Thanks for bringing her here, now stay here; I have to contact the police to inform them of the situation.”

The clerk said with closure, she told the fillies to sit down in that row of 20 chairs, to ensure they get home safe and sound, due to everything that happened, they aren’t permitted to leave with the authorities. After the Crusaders sat down, anxious about what punishment they might receive from Granny Smith; they watched with nervousness as the clerk picked up the phone and called the police; informing them of the situation; the authorities didn’t want to hear another murder, this is getting very problematic; they already have some deputies out, but they haven’t caught the killer yet; due to this it was smart to call them to bring the fillies home. Apparently, one killer burned down some homes, truly a maniac; it was a great thing he was caught by the deputy and detective. Now it’s time to find the next one; the one in the cell wasn’t responsible for the Pie or Fluttershy massacre due to him having a hatchet. Knife wounds vs. Hatchet wounds are easy to tell the difference; one is more lengthier than the other. A knife can’t cut a limb off with one swipe, while a hatchet can.

“Girls, I think we’re in trouble?”

Apple Bloom said with fear; the thought of Granny Smith yelling at them; the amount of lecture that will be brought upon them; she was scared of the mental scolding to come; she knew she wasn’t the only one of the group that was scared of what Granny Smith will do; they all looked worried and anxious; it shows.

“You think Apple Bloom?”

Scootaloo was a little anxious, she knew Granny Smith wasn’t her mother or Grandma, but she still is frightening to be scolded by. They heard the clerk talk on the phone; it sounded like a deputy was coming to get them and bring them back to their families. They could lie and say somepony else is their family; but if they are caught, they could get in big trouble.

“Alrighty, thanks for your services! You know they should make it a law for ponies to fill out report forms...”

The clerk was annoyed that some ponies, particularly that red mane and tail unicorn came in and just left the injured pony on the floor; that was messed up; she was glad he brought her, but sill. They need to stop this monster.

“Hahaha, maybe shortly?”

The clerk laughed, knowing that would be way in the future. She started to fill the papers out for the fillies, walking over to them so she could ask them some questions. She knows they are fillies, so she will be as nice as possible.

“Do you fillies know the place you found her in?”

The clerk asked professionally; the fillies became even more frightening; if they told her; it would indefinitely get back to Granny Smith; which then their punishments would be terrific. They thought of lying, but telling them a lie, that wouldn’t be a good idea; if the police are coming; most likely the detectives would be able to scan the area in Ponyville and find no blood; in addition to this is Rainbow Dash; she’ll tell them where she was, so it looks like they have no choice but, to tell the truth to the end.


Apple Bloom started nervously. Sweetie Belle resumes the sentence.

“We were in Ponyville.”

The fillies were scared, but they had no reason to be; the clerk is nice and Granny Smith would only give them the punishment lightly; they did save Rainbow Dash; so wasn’t it worth going into the Everfree Forest? The clerk grabbed a board to clip the report form to; she pulled the chair over and sat in it; facing the fillies with a smile. Scootaloo decided to spit the sentence out.

“A rabbit approach us looked to be Fluttershy’s best pet; he patted his food a lot, so we followed him and he took us to the Everfree Forest.”

The clerk was shocked to hear about the Everfree Forest; this was a place nopony should ever be; especially fillies of their age. During this time; it’s even worse. She wanted to warn them, scolding them in a way to not ever go there again until their adults, and she still wouldn’t suggest for them to go there. She let the guardians deal with their scolding. Apple Bloom believes it was a bad idea to tell her that, the same being with Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo trusted her judgment and believe Rainbow Dash would make it, she is the strongest, not to mention the fastest pegasus she ever knew; if anypony can survive this, it’s her. The clerk wrote this information down; she believes the fillies wouldn’t remember the paths to Rainbow Dash; but the bunny, she believed along with the authorities that the killer killed him; he surely would’ve attempted to save his master or owner; so he had to be dead.

“She was in the Everfree Forest, how far would you exactly say?”

The clerk needs a little more information for the police; this is probably the max she can pick from them?

“She wasn’t that, far, I and the gang followed the bunny down the path and to another one on the left through the bushes.”

They attempted to sound as innocent as possible so the clerk would have a little compassion when Granny Smith sees them; this was to prove useless, due to her not going with the police to the farm; she has a job to do. She wasn’t expecting for accurate information; she believed them; they are fillies and have no reason to lie; some could argue that their memory wasn’t that good, but she disbelieved that; they might still be learning, but a tragic event is very likely to be remembered. Apple Bloom concluded Granny Smith would show some decency to them; they saved Rainbow Dash, and you reap what you sow.

“Thanks for the information, I recorded exactly. The deputy should be here any-!”

The clerk was cut off by the sound of opening doors; they were opened fastly and loudly. It was a deputy who have made his way to the clerk and the three fillies.

“Are they the fillies and that’s the form they filled?”

The clerk laughed at the last part; do you really think they let fillies fill out report forms? She filled it out, as most don’t seem to. She rolled her eyes and hoofed over the paper to the deputy; he grabbed it and put it in his bag; he will remember to give it to the chief or to whoever he wants him to give it to.

“Yea they are the three fillies and yes, I filled the report form out for them; you know, since they are fillies.”

The clerk replied in a sassy tone; the deputy looked at the fillies a remembered they were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they were a group of ponies that help ponies achieve their cute marks along with themselves. He walked over to the fillies to ask where they live; he needs to know this information so he can escort them to their homes fast; he knew where Apple Bloom lived; her family knows where the rest lived so he might just take them to Sweet Apple Anchors?

“Um... Excuse me, but where do you all live?”

The deputy asked in a gentle tone. He had a smile asking his question.

“I live in Sweet Apple Anchors, my friends were over for a visit during a horrible event.”

The deputy knew about the event of course; but do they really know? Who as an adult pony would tell fillies the truth about something as serious as this? The deputy walked closer; he didn’t know where Scootaloo lived, but he did know where Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle lived; although, on what he was told by the detective Commer and deputy ; it’s best to let them go with Granny Smith isnce she is the filly caring type.

“Alrighty, I don’t have time to chat, so let’s get a move on; we’re going to Sweet Apple Anchors. Make sure to stay close to me.”

The fillies gulped and agreed. They got up, some part of them not wanting to. They surrounded the deputy.

“Thanks for everything, Marian, have a great healthy day.”

The deputy smiled at the clerk who wasn’t called by her true name; she smiled and waved goodbye, thanking him for taking the fillies home. So it was true the deputy thought, that detective with his biological thought process; there was another killer in the shadows.

The group exited the hospital, Scootaloo looking back with regret; she didn’t want to leave her idol; this could be the last time she saw her? She hoped not. The group stopped, the deputy pinpointing Sweet Apple Anchors again.

“Alright, we are heading that way; I recommend moving fast because of the danger.”

The deputy didn’t want to tell them the actual danger; if they already know then there shouldn’t be any questions on why they should move fast. The fillies were nervous, they didn’t want to hear Granny Smith’s wrath; her scolding them because they wanted to try and save Ponyville. Scootaloo didn’t care what Granny Smith would have to say, she got the chance to save her idol, and that’s worth the scolding. The deputy started to run in the direction he told the fillies they were going, they knew they had no other choice but to follow the police colt, they started running after him to catch up to him. The deputy slowed down, looking behind him to make sure the fillies were following him. He smirked as his head turned back to the direction he and they were heading. He loves when fillies listen to him when he’s trying to get them to safety; nothing is more joyful than seeing a filly grow up and be successful with their talents.

“So where did you girls find... Rainbow Dash?”

The fillies kept quiet on the ordeal; they wanted to tell him, but didn’t want to; they were afraid he might go and tell Granny Smith; who they are afraid of being scolded by; especially if she found out they adventured into the Everfree Forest. She would still get mad at them, even if they did save Rainbow Dash.

“A place... We don’t know the name of it?”

Scootaloo fibbed to the deputy, using her expression to encourage Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to lie with her; the 2 took a little to think, deciding to go along with the act. The deputy received an irritating look on his face; he knows a lie when he can hear it; perhaps they are not lying, no, the nurse told him they went into the Everfree Forest, how could he forget that, oh well, guess he should have never asked, but they are suspicious for lying to him; they could be charged with telling the police false information, but due to their age, they would probably get released with no punishment; especially since they saved a life. The deputy wouldn’t charge them with that anyway.

“Um... You must’ve forgotten, you told the nurse you went to the Everfree Forest. She told me the reason, you girls should feel proud, you might’ve just saved a life? And-!”

The deputy almost forgot they are fillies, he can’t be the one to tell them the reason ponies are in their homes for safety; for all, he knows they could think it’s a drought or some other lie. The fillies passed through the welcome sign of Ponyville, from the east. They headed past the graveyard; the fog there seemed to be all gone, the deputy looked back at the graveyard as he made a right turn, the fillies following him. The deputy saw a black figure in the graveyard, it was a unicorn, laying on a stone. The deputy knew who exactly that was, that’s the bastard who nearly killed him. The deputy felt a chill go down his spine when he saw the unicorn’s eyes open, this only confirmed the deputy was going crazy, it was him, Comber. Their eyes locked, the deputy turned his head back to the direction they were heading. The fillies noticed the deputy looking at the colt, they were happy to see him, but why is he in such a gloomy place? Isn’t he a hero?

“Why were you looking at that Unicorn funny?”

“Yeah, why?”

The deputy’s face was a little shocked they noticed him, and especially that unicorn, why do they talk if as they know him, like a friend? The deputy’s curiosity spiked.


The deputy’s question was cut off by Apple Bloom. What she tells him answers his question. He was shocked by it.

“Don’t y’all forget that’s the unicorn that saved us from that evil earthpony?”

The deputy thought back, yes, he remembers arresting an earthpony, one with a green mane and tail. He still could have done it with no help from that monster assassin.

“Are we almost there?”

“Yeah, my hoof is starting to hurt.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo complained; their hoofs really did start to ache from all the running, they were sure Apple Bloom’s hoofs ached, they wanted to know if they could slow down their pace of speed.

(”Are these fillies serious!? Just calm down, after all, they are fillies...”)

The deputy slowed his speed down, the crusaders were glad he took their words to heart. They slowed down but wondered if it would be possible for them to stop moving.

“Is it possible we could stop for a moment?”

The deputy’s ears perked at such a request, he is an officer of the law, strictly for the protection of Ponyville. He had more important things to do, he can’t stop for a moment. Somepony could get hurt if he ain’t there to provide backup or restrain the offender. He had to remember they are fillies and not to snap at them, they don’t know any better, and from what he heard, these fillies saved a life, Rainbow Dash’s life. They do deserve praise, but where he came from, you don’t get praised at all. He knows about the scolding they might get if their guardian knew they were gone; no fillies as of now are supposed to be out without their guardians, so these fillies must have snuck out when the deputy thinks about it.

“I’m sorry to inform you, no, we are almost there. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your guardian where you were. I have been a filly to once, I... I know the scolding parents can give since you saved a life, consider this payment.”

The fillies were relieved to hear this, they almost wanted to cry. So he knew all along what they were dreading? They started to wonder how he could tell what was bothering them? Maybe he’s able to see the future? The fillies laughed in unionization, it was almost like they had the same thought, but they didn’t. When Scootaloo deep thinks about it, it is possible, but then why he would be a deputy then, oh... So he could save lives, stop crime.

“Excuse me, sir, are you able to see into the future?”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle giggled, did Scootaloo actually think ponies can actually do that, that’s impossible; nopony can see the future, even using magic. The deputy laughed loudly, he knew exactly why she asked that question. Was it a joke or a serious question though?

“Hahaha, no, I can not see into the future. I wish I could, I could save a lot of lives that way.”

The deputy stopped for a moment, the fillies stopping too, they almost bumped into him. The crusaders thought they were not stopping, was he lying, is it possible he still going to tell Granny Smith? Apple Bloom knew exactly why he stopped, they are at a hill, a hill that has a path to the farm. Why are they coming down he instead of taking the easier path?

“I thought you said we weren’t stopping?”

“We have to girls, we’ll about to head down a hill, I reckon he wanted to slow down for safety.”

The deputy smirked, that thought exactly. He remembers falling down a small hill when he was a filly, his mother come to his aid. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to them.

“My thoughts were exactly that, now let’s continue to the farm. I have to get back to my post.”

The fillies wondered why the deputy needed to get back to his post ao urgently, they know not to question a police officer, in fact, it should be the other way around. The group made their way down the hill, taking slow planned steps, Scootaloo only wishing she could fly, so it would be easier; she dreams of the day she could fly, the day Rainbow Dash-! Scootaloo forgot about what happened to her, she might not make it. The thought of her flying and her idle not being there the day it happens gave her immense anxiety and sorrow. She hoped to Celestia Rainbow Dash would make it, she’s got to, she is the toughest pony she knows in Equestria.

(”No, she will make it!”)

Apples fell from the tree nearby the group as they run. Apple Bloom knew why they were falling, Sweetie Belle was confused, Scootaloo was focused on something else going on in her mind. The deputy senses perked, could this possibly be an ambushed? The apples fell faster, causing some paranoia to fly around the group. Apple Bloom noticed this, do they not know what season it is?

“If you y’all are wondering why the apples are falling, it’s because it’s apple-bucking season. Apples fall from the tree frequently, didn’t y’all notice the buckets under the trees?”

The deputy wanted to laugh at himself, he knew, he just thought, no never mind. They’re safe and that’s all that matters. The group saw the farm, their fears becoming closer. What if the police officer tells Granny Smith? What type of punishments could they get? The deputy stopped, turning towards the fillies with a smile. Granny Smith started to get a little anxious, she haven’t heard from the fillies for a while. They are usually loud when they would awake from their naps unless they are trying to sneak a snack, or-! Granny Smith’s heart sank to her stomach, is it possible they snuck out of the room, but why would they do that!? Don’t they know about the-! They only think it’s a drought. Granny smith felt bad for telling the Crusaders a lie, but if they would know the truth about their own town being involved in murder, this would peaked their interest to help law enforcement; and that’s something they are not going to do! Well, at least at their ages. Granny Smith started to make her way towards the crusader’s room. She was going to check up on them to make sure they are safe and sound. She started to get a bad feeling while heading towards the room, and no it’s not her back that’s causing the feeling, just something else she can’t put her hoof on, and no it’s not a cloud. The deputy knocked on the front door, starling Granny Smith. Now, who would be knocking on her door as of now!?

(”Probably Applejack...”)

Granny Smith thought to herself. She desperately wanted to check on the fillies first but heard a voice Ponyville police department. Why are the police at her door!? Could this have something to do with the murder going on in Ponyville? Granny Smith took her hoof away from the knob, heading swiftly back downstairs to open the door. The knocking grew louder.

“Hold your saddle I’m coming!”

Granny Smith started putting her hoof on the doorknob, still worrying about the fillies she still believes that’s upstairs, sound and sleeping she hopes. Granny Smith’s thoughts clicked back, she pulled her hoof away from the door, what is she thinking, when there’s a killer on the loose, hahaha, her brain ain’t that dull and foggy, is she believing her own lies? She looked out the peephole, seeing a deputy, who was getting ready to knock again. She in panic opened the door before he could knock. When she opened it, she saw a pony in a blue police-out outfit, a badge that says PPD.

“What do you want?”

The deputy chuckled.

“Has there been any suspicious activity going around this farm?”

Granny Smith face turned to confusion, suspicious, the only thing suspicious is him showing up. She knew he was only doing his job, so she decided not to scold him.

“Hahaha, the only thing that been suspicious today is the fillies being quiet, they never really are that quiet.”

The deputy received a smirk, he knew why they were quiet, but he kept quiet on that matter, this was part of the plan for the fillies not to get scolded. The Crusaders opened the window climbing into the window they used to get out, they realized it was shut a little too tight.

“Scootaloo, why you got to go in shut the window tight?”

“Because if I didn’t, and Granny Smith came in, she might not check under the covers, but she will see the window, so I made it look as if it was always shut.”

Apple Bloom still thought Scootaloo overdid it by shutting the window, she was the last one out and had to basically slam the window shut. What if Granny Smith heard the slam and is waiting for them in Applebloom’s room as if now? Mabey she already knows, there’s no use in lying to Granny Smith if she already knows; if she asks them where they been in what they been doing, then it most likely she knows. Apple Bloom scans the inside of her room, seeing her bedroom door still shut. She sighed in relief, maybe Granny Smith didn’t go in her bedroom? Maybe she’s downstairs sleeping still? Apple Bloom used all her might, pulling the window open, it made a loud screak that could be heard downstairs.

“What was that!?”

Granny Smith turned her head inside the house, aiming her attention upstairs. She feared the fillies were opening the window in Apple Bloom’s room. She turned her head back to the deputy.

“Is that’ll you here for?”

The deputy chuckled, indeed, that’s all he’s here for, nothing else at all.

“Yes, We really want to bring this killer to justice. He will pay for his crimes.”

Granny Smith smirked, before greeting the deputy fair well, after shutting the front door, she had a stern worrisome expression, she started speedily walking towards the stairs and up it. The Crusaders finally got in the room with little sound, besides the window opening. The Crusaders heard a voice asking if they were okay and still there. The fillies panicked, getting in bed, covering themselves under the sheets; they were going to make it look like they just awoke from Granny Smith’s voice. Granny Smith opened the door slowly, causing a cracking sound that could be heard barely by the deputy who was walking away from the home. The deputy closed his eyes. He started to remember Comber back then, when did he become so dangerous? He remembers him and Abdeath fighting back then. The deputy grew a lightbulb over his head.

(”Of Course!”)

The deputy used his magic, remembering the detective teaching him how to teleport. Teleported from the farm, receiving an idea that might work. Maybe they could arrest and prosecute Comber? They just need some help from an old friend, 1 that was able to defeat Comber back when they were in high school.

“Y’all alright!?”

Granny Smith came barging into the room with a worried expression; her expression changed when she saw the fillies in their beds, now awake she thought.

“Y’all hungry? I made lunch.”

Granny asked, causing the fillies to jump out of the bed, replying.

“Sure thing, I’m famished!”

“I could go for a bite!”

“Me too!”

The fillies grew smiles on their faces, forgetting who they saved and what they did; it was like it never happened.

“Y’all come on then, I made pancakes for y’all earlier, I called you all and you didn’t awnwser, so I just wrapped them up.”

Granny Smith started to walk down the steps, the fillies gather themselves, deciding to keep quiet on the saving Rainbow Dash situation. They told Granny they were simply asleep and couldn’t hear her. The thought of Rainbow Dash dying raged on inside the fillies, especially Scootaloo’s mind. Someone had to do that to her, there’s no way she fell and hit the trees, receiving the puncture wound. The fillies walked downstairs. Seeing Granny Smith set the glass plates with pancakes on the table. The fillies looked at each other, sitting at the table and digging into the pancakes. This was good, the pancakes had butter and whip cream on them, they were apple-flavored pancakes, Apple Bloom’s favorite. The fillies finished eating their pancakes.

“Thank you very much, Granny!”

Apple Bloom thanked her grandma

“Yeah, thanks very much, Granny Smith!”

Scootaloo told Granny Smith with a big smile. Sweetie Bell finished eating, her eating would’ve disappointed Rarity, she ate like a pig. When she was finished she also thank Granny Smith, grabbing a napkin and wiping her face with it with fashion. The fillies got up from the table, leaving their plates there.

“Now y’all don’t play until you put your dishes in the sink. I don’t run a pig pin around here.”

The granny declared. The fillies knew they can’t play until they put their dishes in the sink, they firmly walked back, grabbing their plates and gently placing them in the sink, Scootaloo putting her in fast, causing a loud sound.

“Now you trying to break the plate Scootaloo, next time put it in the sink gently, not nearly tossing it.”

Scootaloo was a little embarrassed, she brushed it to the side, that was not even her granny, but she looked at her like one. The fillies opened the back door, causing Granny Smith to panic.

“Now y’all better not leave the yard or I have to ground you.”

The fillies gulped remembering the events that transpired before acting if they were asleep, they were fully awake, the events that happen can cause this effect on ponies, especially fillies. The fillies headed out the door, bickering if they should play kickball or tag. Granny smith smiled while washing the first plate.

(”I hope they catch this monster, I doubt he or she is around this farm if they all, I surely teach them a lesson, especially if the killer messed with the fillies.”)

Granny smith finished washing the 3 plates; walking towards the living room a sitting in a rocking chair, she would’ve stayed there it was cozy, but the thought of the deputy coming, her anxiety grew thinking the killer is around here, she wasn’t going to leave the fillies outside unsupervised. The granny walked firmly to the pouch and sat down in a wooden chair, ready to keep an eye on the fillies. The fillies was a little startled to see Granny Smith come outside and watch them, but this is a piece to the puzzle of what happened to Rainbow Dash, this must mean it was a pony who did that to her, Scootaloo wanted to smirk know she was right, but she was filled with anger somepony would do that to the pegasus she admired and look up to. If Rainbow Dash didn’t make it, she would make the pony pay. She will make it, she has to; she’s too tough not to. The fillies stopped chatting in a circle and returned to their game of tag. Granny Smith smiled, she remembered when she was a filly, ah those were the good old days. The only thing she hopes for ow is for peace to return to Ponyville and for the killer to pay for his crimes, all his crimes.

A Wick Revealing Discussion! A Recovery!

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The deputy appeared in front of the police station, casually walking up the stairs and into the station, his eyes met with the chief’s eyes, they both stared at each other for a moment before breaking the stare down.

“What happened deputy?”

The chief asked in demand; he was no fool, he got wind of the urgent call from the hospital, a pony in critical condition was brought in by fillies in critical condition. They weren’t given too many details on who exactly it was, but he has inferences. The deputy walked up to the desk, walking past it, opening the door to the back, where he changed his direction towards the chief of the left.

“The killer got another victim, let’s just hope she makes it.”

The chief wanted more information, did he say her? Is it Pinkie Pie now?

“I heard there have been houses burned down, at least 3 I heard.”

The deputy confirmed it was 3, the killer who did that was the black earth pony with a green mane and tail.

“The pony who did that was put in custody by us. He’s a psychopath.”

The chief smirked, why is the deputy hiding the full story?

“With your eyes, I’m surprised you did not notice the deputies watching you take in the maniac that confessed to the murders of many that are not in this town and at least 5 that is.”

The deputy was shocked; no, this is not what they needed, the station can not know about Comber.

“What exactly did they tell you chief so I don’t refeed information to you.”

“They told me you and the detective Commer was talking to a black unicorn with a red mane and tail, they saw him fight the green earth pony, saving 3 fillies’ lives. I have to ask after I searched the database for ponies with the description that I was giving, it sounded like it was-!”

The corner and detective walked in from the back of the station, holding papers in their hoofs. The adjective and corner past the papers to the chief.

“I hope you mind, but the detective helped me with the autopsy, he said he saw a knife that matches the description found on the corpses of the Pies.”

The chief eyes widened, he pieced all the information together, it has to be that black colt with a red mane and tail. The chief gave a confident smirk.

“I believe I know who it is, after what I heard from the deputies that saw you arrest the maniac killer in the cell.”

The detective nearly choked on the coffee he was drinking. He knows it, Comber.

(”I hope Comber leaves soon or else trouble would occur with possible many deaths.”)

Commer thought to himself, there’s no use in lying to him, doing so would make him and the deputy look suspicious like they are part of the killer plans; which they are not, he refuses to be charged with conspiracy to murder and evidence tampering.”

“I have to ask the 2 of you, is he your friend?”

The deputy and detective laughed, their laughs having suspicion in the tone.

“No, we don’t even know who you think it is?”

The chief put a hoof on a desk, knocking over his coffee. He had a large smile.

“Judging by the ponies in the database, a Unicron named Coomber and Comber shows up as assassins; Coomber was shown in a blue cape and the cape I was given by the deputies was red, which means it’s Comber.”

The deputy and detective faces went pale, their fears were coming true. The only thing going through their minds was the chief executive action. Was he going to fire them maybe for talking to him? Does he know about their past? No, that is 100% a no.

“I have 1 question and that is why you took help from such a killer? And not trying to arrest him? The deputies said you both acted like you were friends with him?”

The detective sighed, he knows now he has to tell the chief, along with the deputy

“Well, we did try to arrest him but our ambush failed, and he treated to kill us, so we just took the help from him when he saved the 3 fillies.”

The chief crossed his hoofs spinning around and getting out of his chair, hatching a plan, it the detective strategy didn’t go successful, then there might be serious trouble. The chief debated of sending the whole station to arrest the assassin but second thought it.

“Alright, I want you two to go chat with the other deputies, we have an assassin to arrest, detective, I want you to help lead the arrest of Comber.”

The deputy and detective saluted the chief, before heading to the back, towards the room where the deputies were. As on as they walked in, the deputies were a little confused to see Commer with the deputy, what was going on, the chief said to prepare, but why is there a detective in their department? The chief did not tell them that a detective will be joining them.

“Um... Commer, the wrong depart friend, might want to try-!”

“Deputy Sage, I was commanded by the chief to assist you on your arrest, I warn you the assassin we are arresting will most likely kill us.”

The detective warned the deputies of the gravity of the situation. The deputies were shocked, if it’s Commer, then there’s a big threat needing a lot of planning. Sage pulled a seat out on his right, indicating for the detective to sit down next to him, along with the deputy; the detective took gratitude and took notice of it, sitting in the chair, the deputy sitting down on the left of him at the circle the deputies from around the solid glass table.

“We were given the authority to kill the assassin if he resist us.”

The deputy earned an irritated face, remembering the detective stopping him from doing just that. The detective might be smart but his morality makes him a fool.

“I have a better plan to arrest him.”

Another detective said across the table from Commer. Commer did notice the other detective, it was his friend dale. The detective questioned Dale, which caused Dale to smirk and explained his plan again, this time so Commer was able to hear it.

“What do you know about Comber Sage?”

A commer asked a vital question. Sage put a hoof over his head and started thinking, he knows assassins have forbidden techniques, especially a one on Comber’s level.

“I don’t know him personally, but do I know that he’s an assassin that probably has forbidden techniques. Am I right?”

He shook his head up and down, but he doesn’t know what techniques Comber have.

“You are, but I have to dress some things before we go attempt to arrest Comber. Since most of us are unicorns, I must warn us uniforms that he can cancel our magic at any moment. So we shouldn’t rely on our magic to help us or aid us anyway in this arrest.”

The deputies that were unicorns started to such their heads with a little disbelief. They heard of the cancellation of unicorns magic with spells, like if you ate able to conjure a spell that has the perfect nullify to the other unicorn’s spell, but not just cancels it from the blue, maybe that what Commer meant?

“You mean with other spells Commer right?”

Comment shook his head. The brown unicorn would think the same thing as these unicorns, but he saw it with his own eyes. The reality is he’s able to prevent unicorns from using magic; the detective doesn’t know how since he wasn’t using a spell to cancel it.

“No, I mean he’s able to cancel other unicorns magic, and for quite the bit too. He did it to me and it led to hoof go hoof combat.”

“Did you win?”

The deputy northwest from Commer asked. The detective hoof palmed, this deputy was known as a moron, his name was Tom.

“What do you think?”

The detective showed the right side of his face to the deputy, exposing a bruise that looked bloody. The other deputies started to snicker. The detective turned his head back to its normal position.

“I think you did...”

“Go check the cells deputy, please, you’ll see no assassin in one of them.”

Tom snickered.

“But you find a maniac in one of them.”

Sage always thought of assassins being in bloodlust to kill, even if it’s for bits.

“An assassin is a maniac, Tom...”

Commer had to think to himself, he knows Sage is directing them back to the situation, but there’s more about Comber they need to know before trying to arrest him.

“Let’s stay on topic, Sage your plan to restrain him is excellent against other unicorns and criminals, but against this assassin, Comber, magic will be as useless as a cuff to a tress.”

Sage thought of another idea that could work, maybe they can still use magic? They just need a distraction to keep Comber’s attention occupied.

“I think we would need a distraction for my plan to arrest him to work, but why not 2 plans Commer? 2 is greater than 1.”

(”A distraction...”)

Commer thought back when Comber took on 35 ponies at a gloomy wicked place.


“I’m leaving minister.”

A familiar black colt with a red mane and tail said.

“Comber, you know what happens to traitors, since you are the one to hunt them down and assassinate them, you are a valuable worker, but I never thought you are the type to joke...”

The assassin kept a serious expression. Nome warned him not to quit, but he doesn’t listen to ponies that give the to stay a prisoner to a place he no longer needs to work for. The black unicorn took 4 steps forward.

“I wouldn’t think you think I’m the joking type minister.”


The detective felt a loud bang at the table. He still finished his flashback of Comber and how he was able to set bit only himself free from that despicable place, but him and the deputy too. He was still grateful to Comber because of that.

“Hey, Commer! Let’s not daydream and focus on the situation at hoof!

Sage said with a little bit of anger. The deputy knew what Commer was thinking about, the question that lead him to daydream, he was thinking about the time when Comber fought 35 workers.

“Sorry, Sage, wrong again, we only have 25 deputies here at the moment, trying to pressure Comber won’t work with numbers.”

“And why do you think that Commer?”

Commer knew he had to keep his past hidden, he kept quiet on the true reason. He told them he just heard multiple ponies talk about it before in another town, including Comber’s hometown.

“I’ve heard Comber fought 35 opponents at once.”

“He’s right, I’ve been hearing other towns say that too.”

Sage remembers seeing a police station massacred in Comber record. He didn’t believe it one bit, but it must be true if the chief is having the deputies and detectives plan together to stop this assassin.

“Well since he does have a record of killing the authorities, I guess you would be right Commer, then exactly what’s the plan? Do we comfort him and open fire on him, killing him?”

The detective smirked, he has another plan, 1 that will sure trick Comber; he
Just hopes Comber can’t sense deception.


Rainbow Dash awoke in the hospital bed, her head hurt, her chest as well, what happened to her? She thought of a black unicorn with a red mane and tail, her eyes shot open, she remembered now, he stabbed her with a weapon, a knife. Tears formed in Rainbow Dash’s eyes as she remembered the events that transpired, this was a betrayal for her and her friends. A nurse came into the room, Rainbow Dash quickly wiped her tears away, the nurse noticed this and walked towards Rainbow Dash to comfort her.

“Are you okay? What happened to you?”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t in a talking mood, she’s thankful she’s alive and ponies care about her to save her, but how did she get here? She could have sworn to Celestia she was in the Everfree Forest, knocked down after the fight with him, she almost forgot his name, but as soon as she remembered it, she held on to it as if it was her life.

“I was fighting for my life, against a black unicorn called Comber.”

The nurse’s face was in shock, could it be that pony that brought Twilight in? It could be, he was-!

(”The clerk downstairs told me a black colt came in with Twilight Sparkle on her back, he put her on the ground and said nothing before leaving, he seemed like a gloomy hero, but could be the killer they we are looking for?”)

“We were so worried you wouldn’t make it. I am so glad you did!”

Rainbow felt her chest, feeling a bandage there, it felt like multiple bandages under one, she’s not kidding when she said they thought she wasn’t going to make it. You wanted to fly and ask her questions, but she knows if she moves the slightest, her chest will fire pain signals to her brain.

“How did I get here? I am sure I was dead in the Everfree Forest.”

The nurse smiled at Rainbow, pulling a chair from a desk and sitting in it, on the right side of the hospital bed, the chair back cushion was facing Rainbow Dash, the nurse rested her chin on the back of the chair.

“You were Mrs. Dash, but you see, 3 fillies brought you in, with leaves covering your stab wound. I believe you know who they are.”

Rainbow Dash thought to herself, 3 fillies, could it have been the Crusaders, but how, they were in Sweet Apple Anchors, in Apple Bloom’s room-! Rainbow Dash remembered seeing Scootaloo’s body out the window, waving at her, she wanted to wave back, but this means they heard the conversation which means they investigated, but that doesn’t explain how they would find her in the Everfree Forest, especially to where she was lying, they would have to adventure into the Everfree Forest, deep into the Everfree Forest.

“Was it the Crusaders? Was it Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle?”

The nurse shook her head up and down. Rainbow Dash had a smile, the filly she’s teaching to fly saved her life, she couldn’t believe it, she almost wanted to cry, but she held in her tears, she has other questions like is she able to leave. She wanted to know if it’s safe to leave? Is her body completely healed for her to leave?

“Is it safe to leave?”

“I’m going to say no because the doctors said it would take at least until they’re done with their next patient.”

Rainbow Dash thought that would be soon; but the reality it would be quite a long time, at least for her to read a book of Daring Do.

“That’s going to be fast right? I am not the waiting type you know?”

Rainbow sarcastically replied. It’s good she kept her personality the nurse thought; not many do after a tragic event, especially almost dying.

“I am very fond of that Rainbow Dash, for now just take it easy.”

Rainbow Dash’s face showed impatience, she wanted to get out of bed and warn the authorities, she wanted to warn her friends who the killer is, they probably still think that colt is not dangerous, they would be wrong by a mile. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe a colt like him, one that donates many bits to help other ponies would later kill them.

“I’ll try, nurse...?”

“Neva darling, it’s Neva, before I’ll go, who was it that attacked you? I know you didn’t get those injuries by mistake.”

The nurse’s face showed comparison, along with showing the charm of a filly face, Rainbow Dash went silent for a couple of moments, before reminding herself she was going to spill the beans anyway, but why did she feel embarrassed and shameful, is it because she lost a fight? Is it because somebody wanted her dead? She wasn’t entirely sure why these emotions arose, but she was sure they were because of those tragic events.

“The colt goes by the name Comber.”

Rainbow Dash was able to muffle out, looking down at her chest, after feeling a sharp pain in her chest. The nurse took an Ice pack from the metal bucket on the metal tray, hoofing over to Rainbow Dash to put on her chest; Rainbow took the ice pack and put it on her chest, feeling more waves of pain from the endothermic temperatures.


Rainbow Dash’s head turned up to the lights, moaning in pain.

“Comber... Comber... Coomber-! What did the colt look like, did he have a red mane and tail!?”

Rainbow Dash nodded with a yes. The nurse sat down in a chair in disbelief, is this Coomber... No, He would make sure she was dead, by decapitation, he says that is what he always does with his job. Neva remembers taking care of Coomber one time, it was due to war, but he and the rest of the old job prevailed with victory.

“You positive his name ain’t Coomber?”

Rainbow Dash got confused, Coomber, no she 100% remember the colt saying his name was Comber. She was a little doubtful now that the nurse mentioned the name Coomber, but she still remember him saying, Comber.

“No, he said his name was Comber, not Coomber, whoever that is?”

The nurse put both of their names together, did Coomber have a son? What mare would be crazy not to mention stupid enough to date him let alone have a filly with him? Maybe Rainbow Dash is remembering wrong, yeah, that must be it. This wasn’t important to Neva, it was for the police, however, they will be questioning Rainbow Dash not her, but she was definitely curious since she k ew who Coomber was.

“Nevermind, you get some rest, I’ll check on you again, the police will be here soon, I suggest you tell them everything, the truth, most ponies will lie that I know, but you, I know you won’t.”

Rainbow Dash felt a little insulted that the nurse thinks she would lie about something serious like this, why would anypony, they want justice for themselves, they would need to give the authorities every bit of detail they can.

“Thanks. You must come from a mean town?”

The nurse smiled as she walked towards the door, she turned her head back towards Rainbow Dash.

“Darling, not a town, but a place.”

The nurse closed the door slowly and quietly, leaving Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts. She thought about Cloudsdale, her family, her friends, even about the bullies in flight school, ah those were the days.

Prepare To Arrest a Menace Assassin! A Well Warming Advice And Welcome!

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“The deputies finished discussing their plan to arrest Comber, the detectives were in front of the deputies, ready to lead the arrest, this is never usually the case, but for Comber, they would need all the help and planning they can get; they can’t afford to let him cause more harm to Ponyville. The chief burst through the doors asking the deputies as well as their planners the detectives are they ready to arrest or kill Comber; the deputies nodded their heads, Commer nodded his head slowly, the Deputy shook his head very fast, he wanted to kill Comber and almost did, stupid detective, why did he have to save such a monster? This all could’ve been prevented if he let him shoot the bastard in the head.

“Alrighty, when he’s arrested, I declare a party for the station, I’m not sending the other deputies due to them needing to keep their eyes open for other disturbing crimes. I trust you all to perform your jobs to the very end! Arrest that son of a demon!”

“Yes sir!”

The deputies said unionized, they were fired up, ready to get to business.

“Then you all go!”

“Yes sir!”

The deputies barked together again unionized. The deputies got up from their chairs, remembering what the plan was, this was a direct plan of attack, but it should work with 25 deputies and 2 detectives. They all walked out the deputy and detectives in the front, leading the charge.

“Remember Commer not to go hoof to hoof with him.”

Commer didn’t like Dale’s voice, he was still teasing him about that?

“How about you don’t talk to him, you probably make in enraged, then we have no chance at killing or arresting him.”

“Oh no, I’m killing him this time, whether any of you like it, he deserves to die for his crimes.”

“Agreed, Bullet, he’s as good as a prisoner on hypothetical death row.”

The deputies walked out in a straight line passing through the left door on the Chief desk, exiting it on the other side, the ponies that were inside of the station, which were two saw them exit, they were in disbelief, why so many deputies? Did they find out who the killer is? The pair thought they should ask questions, but kept silent until one deputy was close to them.

“Excuse me, sir, I wanted to report a fight between an insane pony with green hair against a red hair unicorn, it was in front of my house and my fillies saw the whole ordeal, the red mane unicorn gave that insane earth pony what he was asking for. I live at the home that says, Maple residents if you wanted to know the location?”

The deputies looked at the pair, then refocus their attention back on the front door. So the assassin was fighting stopped a killer that was insane, maybe he was the one that, duh he’s the one that did burn those houses to the ground, and who knows what happened to the residents? He probably killed them, that heinous monster.

“Thank you, Mr. Maple, your report doesn’t need to be submitted since we already have a colt in custody that claims he murdered and burned down homes, now that we have your description, I will report it to the chief.”

“No problem, anything to help y’all stop the monsters in our town. "

The deputy went to tell the chief but the chief was already at his desk, he heard everything, and as the deputy approached him he swatted a hoof to get going with the other deputies, he rushed out the door and into the crowd of deputies. The detectives were in the front, seems like they were summarizing what they talked about the deputies because the deputies were lined up, in 2 lines, 1 behind the front, they looked like troops.

“Alright, listen up deputies!”

Commer commanded

“We won’t repeat anything involving this plan to arrest the assassin when we make contact with him!”

“The killer Comber is in the graveyard as we suspect, if so, we have to be cautious since somepony must’ve told him I and the deputy was heading towards his location in stealth.”

The deputies thought about what the detective said to them, about how he and the deputy Bullet tried sneaking up and arresting Comber, they remember him saying that Comber would kill him and Bullet if any other deputies get involved if they tried to arrest him again, so the chance to arrest him, do it.

“I suggest arresting with the intent to kill.”

“Bullet, that would make us more of killers than him, we are authorities, not killers or executioners!”

“I agree with Commer Bullet, we will not kill him unless he forces our hoofs, now, all of you get into your specific lines we arranged!

The deputies broke into four smaller lines, as they did the detectives smiled at each other, this was necessary for the arrest to be successful, each line well go to each exit of the graveyard, the first line which is the distraction will draw the assassin attention to them, as the line in the back will be in charge of pretending to be the actual threat to the assassin, but the other lines on the west and east will enclose on the assassin, attempting to arrest him, while this might seem to be the actual diversion, the true ace will be Bullet, he will snipe, Comber, from a far distance, hopefully weakening him for the unicorns to put the magic disabling ring on his horn.

“Hey Bullet, remember to disband from the east line after they try to put the horn on him, he knows if I’m here, you are too, and if he sees you aren’t then he’s going to suspect you will try to snipe him or shoot him; he knows your accuracy, so-!”

“I got it, Commer, alright, don’t write down the details for me, at least these actually matter, unlike the questions you asked the Pie parents, seriously, what side of the bed did you wake up on? That question was so dumb Commer.”

Sage shook his head, this question might as well be vital, maybe it’s possible to try to predict the nerves of the deceased Pies, what direction they move, why not use DNA samples if that was the case? Sage sighed, Commer had such a way to ask questions, making petty ones make sense.

“It did matter, just remember the plan Bullet, and don’t try to kill him!”

Bullet walked away with the east line of deputies, muttering some words under his breath.

“This would be over if your hide didn’t show mercy to that bucking killer.”

Bullet was still very heated about that, he knew he would have had him in a coffin if not for Commer’s interference. How could any pony be friends with such a monster? Bullet still thought it would be best to just kill him and save the hospital from having patients, but if the chief has ordered for them to follow the detective’s orders, then that’s what they should do, the authorities all took a look at each other, then headed off, they followed the directions that they were given, they were going to approach the graveyard from their planned angles, they had to be quite tough, the detective Commer told them he’s very good at using his sense, he could hear things like a “dog,” now the deputies knew that was a hyperbole, but assumed from the assassin record and the precaution they are required to take it must be somewhat true. They had huge confidence in arresting the assassin.


Rainbow Dash finished reading her Daring-Do book, remembering how daring Do fought off the attackers, was awesome, she wondered if she was daring to do would that have changed the outcome of the battle with Comber? She remembers hearing him say something as she went unconscious, him saying for ponies to take martial arts, the rest was insults towards her, degrading her on her performance, it almost seems like he does what he does because he enjoys the battle the victim gives, as he knows they were going to fight for their life because that’s the most important thing to fight for, besides for the lives of the ponies you care about. Neva the nurse walked into the room as Rainbow Dash put down her book on the counter, she enjoyed the book, and she hopes the nurse can tell her good news like she was in good condition to leave. Rainbow Dash’s thoughts raced with excitement and anxiety, what if he was hired to kill her friends next?

“Good afternoon Mrs. Dash, I’m glad you awoke from your nap, that only proves good news, which I have some.”

The nurse gave Rainbow Dash a smile before pulling the desk chair from the desk and sitting in it, arranging it in Rainbow Dash’s direction.

“What’s the good news? Can I leave now?”

The nurse kept her facial expression, opening her documents for the patients.

“Before I answer that darling, I should tell you-!”

“Rainbow Dash!”

Familiar voices shouted, Rainbow Dash’s eyes couldn’t believe it, it was her friends, but how did they know, I mean she knew they would go looking for her after she disappeared from the group, but how did they know exactly where she was? Pinkie Pie went for a hug to Rainbow Dash, almost running toward her, the nurse yelled at her.

“I am sorry Mrs. Pinkie Pie, but you must not hug her, knowing you and how you hug, you would be overdue it, I’ll get in trouble if I let you harm her.”

Pinkie Pie’s face turned to disappointment, she wanted to hug Rainbow Dash really badly, but the nurse was right, she was going to give her the biggest hug yet, her mane and tail were almost puffy again, but wasn’t, she was obviously still depressed over the loss of her sisters, which anypony would be if they lost somepony special to them.

“I’m really glad you made it Rainbow Dash, how did you survive? Sorry to be blunt be we know you didn’t cause these injuries by mistake, somepony did them to you.”

Rainbow Dash sat up on her bed, she had a smile on her face, Twilight was one smart cookie, Rarity was obviously bothered by the way they have arranged the bandages on Rainbow Dash, such low quality in style. The group surrounded the bed Rainbow Dash was sitting upon; the nurse got a little annoyed at Rainbow Dash’s friends, she has never seen friends like this, at first she thought they were fake friends, maybe part of an evil place, after she talked with them heading down to the room, a bell clicked when Rarity said Twilight name in a conversation, she heard her and the mane 6 as the ones that defeated Nightmare Moon, she never bothered to find out what they looked like, or bothered by it at all, since all Nightmare Moon wanted to make Equestria into Internal night time, the colt she knew was way eviler than that.

“How did you all know I was here!?”

Rainbow Dash asked in confusion and curiosity, she never thought she would see them again, she worried about their safety, now that they are here, she doesn’t have to worry about their safety, in fact, she can now expose that monster deceiver of a killer; she already thought about how to stop him, she will be the one to defeat him; he probably thinks she’s dead, and no doubt if he sees her in public he will absolutely kill her the next time.

“My sister pulled me to the side and told me her, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo saved you.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes were in shocked, the Crusaders saved her, she thought back to the nurse telling her three fillies saved her, but she thought it couldn’t have been the Crusaders, even if Scootaloo was spying on her out the window, Granny Smith wouldn’t let them escape, she would keep her eye on them all the time due to the serious situation. She will indiffently teach Scootaloo how to fly now, she was already going to but she will make sure she will succeed in perfection for saving her, it’s the least she could do.

“Did you scold her for going into the Everfree Forest, or at least Granny Smith?”

“Well... Granny Smith gave them a stern look when I told her, to make little sister know I wasn’t going to keep this a secret from her.”

Rainbow Dash thought they should suffer no punishment for adventuring into the Everfree Forest; they saved her life for Celestia’s sake, but the question is how did they know where she was? There’s no way they pinpointed her position with some help, maybe they were spying on her and that assassin battle? Rainbow Dash double thought this, Scootaloo would have tried to help her, she wouldn’t sit there and expect her to live, so this was after the assassin left when she was discovered.

“If you don’t mind us asking Rainbow Dash, what exactly happened to you? We know you were attacked by that colt since we tried to confront him and that ended with us fighting him.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes shot open as she quickly sat up. Did they fight him too? Was he trying to kill them? Wait, they confronted him, so no, but this had to be after she was knocked unconscious in the Everfree Forest since she obviously wasn’t there. They didn’t look like they got in a fight, as they were already in the hospital before her?

“Wait you all fought him!?”

Rainbow sat up quickly, the bedsheets still on top of her hoofs underneath the blanket.


“We gave him a good beating.”

Applejack and Twilight smiled, Rarity brushed her hair, did she think they wouldn’t try to find out what he did to her? Friends stick together no matter what.

“Is he in jail as of now?”

Rainbow grabbed her cup of water, anxious he still might be lurking around the corner and ready to finish her off, she took a sip of her water. When she went to sleep, she had a dream of the same place she fought Comber, but this time she experienced her heart ripped out of her chest and crushed; she had certain clue why she had this dream but it must be the vibe of being attacked and experiencing a tragic event. Does she have PTSD now? Twilight as the rest of the group shook their head; Rainbow Dash felt her anxiety spike up along with fear. What if he revisited the place he thought she died? What if he knows she’s alive and in this hospital room? What if-!?

“This is bad, what if he comes after me realizing I’m not dead?”

Rainbow Dash was panicking, like anypony in her situation would. Rarity smiled, ready to resume her Rainbow Dash.

“He won’t darling, trust me, after what he saw from us if he knows you are around us, he won’t come near you.”

Rarity knew she was telling a lie to remember how though and formidable that monster colt was, if he likes spilling blood, he is dirty and evil, anypony in her eyes who like to get dirty, especially making loonies bleed and killing them, is an absolute monster who belongs in a cage.

“I hate to agree with her Rarity, but she is most likely right.”

“Mrs. Twilight, she is right to worry, he is the son of Coomber, an absolute monster.”

The mane 5 looked at the nurse with confusion, Pinkie Pie still had sadness in her eyes.

“Who heck is Coomber.”

The nurse felt she could trust them, but she can’t risk it, they seem to be ponies for justice, I mean she can’t blame them, their concern for their friend Rainbow Dash is so profound, she hasn’t for decades seen such true friendship.


Pinkie Pie sniffled, still sad about the tragic events.

“Like it could be his dad.”

“Pinkie Pie, just because their names are similar doesn’t always mean they are related, now you said he was Coomber’s son, who exactly is Coomber.”

Twilight asked with curiosity, walking towards the nurse. The nurse put her head down, then recent it at Twilight.

“I reckon to know how you would know a monster Dad Nurse...”

“My name is Neva and I know him due to gis records coming up after Rainbow Dash told me who attacked her.”

The nurse knew she couldn’t tell them the truth about how she knows him, they have his age as 65 but that is so far wrong, she knows his true age since she is also cursed.

“I did feel her and she told me she thought it was Coomber.”

Rainbow Dash assertively told her friends. The group focused their attention on Rainbow Dash.

“That’s all I know, besides he is too dangerous, and his son must be similar?”

Rainbow Dash started to worry, what should she do, this is an important question, there’s no way he’s just going to leave her alone if he sees she is alive; and if he’s an assassin there’s no way the pony who hired him won’t see her, she wants to be known and famous, that was the Wonder bolts are, she will not hide inside like a coward.

“Um... Girls! What do I do!? He’s not going to make the same mistake again if he knows I’m alive, he will-!”

Rainbow Dash was panicking, this was sad she acted this way, the group of friends though, she shouldn’t panic at all, this village is filled with harmony and peace, not murder and fear; this reminded Twilight of Spike, making her angry instead of sorrowful.

“I reckon you calm down Rainbow Dash, don’t panic like a herd of cows in lighting.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, Applejack was right, she will not panic, she remembers attacking him, hurting him, this was nothing to what he did to her friends, Rainbow Dash wanted to avenge Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie sisters, and bring peace and harmony back to Ponyville, she wanted to be a hero.

“Thanks, Applejack...”

“Don’t mention it partner.”

Applejack fixed her hat that was falling off her head, did they have a-! Who turned the fan on high? Oh well, not really their worries as of now. The group thought with each other.

“Rainbow Dash, I think it’s beat you go to the police and-!”

“Mrs. Sparkle, the deputies are hesading to arrest the assassin as of now, they wanted us to get some of the beds ready for the injured deputies.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened in fear. What!? They were going to arrest him!? What if some of them die!? What if they fail as she did? Their police, they can’t fail, they have to deal with things like this well not all the time in this village but still crimes like it.

“Wait a darn second, you telling us they are now finally deciding to act against this assassin!?”

Twilight remember what the detective said, Comber would kill the deputies if they show up, what are they thinking?

“No Applejack, remember the detective wanted to keep this low because of the danger he poses to the authorities, he told us after healing us at the Rock Farm.”

“That place was still too gloomy.”

“It reminded me of my sisters, please don’t insult the Rock Farm Rarity...

Pinkie Pie sounded as she was about to cry again. Rarity’s face changed to regret, she didn’t mean to offend Pinkie Pie, just it was not her style of living, how could she live there as a filly?

" If I may suggest, Rainbow Dash if you don’t want to be afraid of that assassin? I would suggest learning how to fight, so you can defend yourself or maybe...”

“I could bring him to justice...”

Rainbow Dash elaborated on Neva’s suggestion, the nurse smiled as Rainbow Dash’s friends grinned, how could a nurse suggest fighting? Seriously help save lives!

“Absolutely not darling! That’s not your talent! Leave that to the police”

“How could you suggest that to her, you must be working too hard Neva!”

Twilight and Applejack were angry at the nurse for suggesting Rainbow Dash learn how to fight, that doesn’t hit her talent, that’s a hob for the police to do for the safety of Ponyville, not Rainbow Dash.

“I think Neva isn’t really lying. I just wished my sisters learned how to fight.”

Neva smiled at Pinkie Pie. She was the only pony in the room that agreed with her, she must have been thinking of her sisters and if they learned how to fight the scenario, they would still be alive. Rainbow Dash was thinking hard, his facial expression was serious, her face looking down as she was focused on her hoofs and remembering what happened in the conflict with Comber; he encouraged the same thing, but as an insult.

“If I wanted to nurse, where would I go for that? I mean what’s the place? Do you know one? Do they really teach ponies how to fight?”

The nurse laughed. They teach deputies how to shoot, so learning how to fight would be a thing to learn.

“I reckon you go into the Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash and don’t try to be a hero, I know what your thinking, the same as the rest of us.”

Applejack didn’t want her friends to learn how to fight and to give up on her dream that she brags so much about getting into, she wanted that dream, and she ain’t giving it up because of an assassin, or killer, technically both Applejack thought. Twilight didn’t want her friend fighting, she wanted to strive for her dream, the dream she wanted first; this choice is for Rainbow Dash to decide, not theirs, none of them is to determine another pony’s destiny.

“I would, but who will stop that monster?”

Rainbow Dash asked with concern in her tone. Rarity giggled.

“Leave that to the deputies darling, your job”

Rainbow Dash thought to herself, what if they really can’t stop him, I mean she knows they are trained to deal with this kind of threat, as well as other threats, but what if? Rainbow Dash worried about the harm the assassin would cause other ponies, gaining anxiety from thinking about it, she had a brief thought, would she be famous if she did stop him? Alone? I mean wasn’t he called legendary for his job title, but why does he have that title? Is it because he never fails to complete the job? Or...?

“I just don’t want him harming any more ponies, also just curious why is he called legendary?”

The group thought together to answer that question, Applejack and Rarity thought it was because he was very good at his job, while Twilight and Rainbow Dash thought it was because he never failed a job. The nurse knew exactly why, the group said their answers, Pinkie Pie stating nothing is legendary about, but met the actual answer from the nurse, they were not prepared for the answer, especially Pinkie Pie.

“Let me explain if you all want to know, Comber is an assassin I believe he takes after his father who is also an assassin, he is probably better than Comber, he never gives a chance of recovery, but Comber apparently did, the answer I think for Comber being called the Legendary assassin is because of how many jobs he as been hoofed over and completed, he probably never failed a job until now.”

The group’s eyes widen with disbelief, so Twilight and Rainbow Dash were right, but if what the nurse said is true because he never fails a job, that means whoever you hate and you want dead when you hired him it’s a 100% certain your enemy is no longer an enemy, he’s a corpse in a casket. Rainbow Dash felt anxiety brewing, if that’s the case, then she will be a blood bath if he sees her again.

“I think I should learn how to fight.”

Rainbow Dash said nervously, the group was concerned, why does she want to fight now?

“Darling why?”

“Didn’t I darn tell you to stick to your dream anss passion?”

“And leave it to the authorities darling.”

Applejack and Rarity didn’t want Rainbow Dash to fight, it would cause the Elements of Harmony to disband, well that is what they believe in. Twilight thought about why Rainbow Dash wanted to take fighting lessons but remembered what the nurse said, she must be terrified of the colt? She knows the feeling, if she saw the black colt with a green mane and tail again who wielded an axe, she would want to know how to fight him off and bring him to justice to prevent harm from happening to other ponies. Pinkie knew why, Rainbow Dash didn’t want to die, like her sisters, she knew the griefing that would cause, so she wants to learn how to protect herself and her friends. If that assassin sees her still breathing he will make sure she won’t.

“Girs it’s up to Rainbow Dash if she wants to learn how to fight, I can’t blame her, I want to know after that encounter with the green mane and tail black colt.”

(”Green and black-!”)

The nurse wanted to ask if it was Toom, because she knows that colt, he was a monster from her place she was working at, he was also a favorite there. The nurse kept quiet, she will advise Rainbow Dash, advice she wish she took long ago.

“In the way, Equestria is going now, I suggest you learn how to fight Mrs. Dash, you don’t have to do it or enjoy it, just use the knowledge to protect yourself along if you practice it.”

“I reckon you don’t try to manipulate her.”

Neva laughed. This group of friends is protective like they are family, this warmed Neva’s heart.

“I Ain’t trying to manipulate no one, I know from experience darling, I been through a lot and believe me when I say this, if they knew how to fight, maybe perhaps she could stop the assassin, Comber.”

“What do you mean you know from experience Neva?”

Neva turned her smile to a grin, she will not speak of it to mares like these, it’s horrific, she has PTSD from just thinking about it.

“Let’s just say if I knew how to defend myself I would have been able to prevent some tragic events in my life.”

“Darling are you implying you, a nurse knows how to defend herself?”

The the nurse answered with a smile, before walking over to Rainbow Dash hoofing her another paper cup of water, she had it the whole time, but she was told to wait for a little before giving it to the patient Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash gulped it down, she was anxious and dehydrated.

“Here, make sure to drink all of it. The rest of you.”

The nurse turned around to meet their eyes.

“Please exit your visiting time is up, I don’t make the rules, No it’s not because I have animosity against you if I don’t tell you another nurse will in a rude manner.”

“And indeed I will!”

The group said goodbye to Rainbow Dash, walking past the nurse at the door with a little annoyance on their faces, that nurse seemed to mean to them all, why is she like that? Neva felt her heart drop when she heard that nurse’s voice, how long was she there? Rainbow Dash didn’t like how she talked to her friends. Twilight turned around and was ready to say something, but saw Neva waving her hoofs no, the mean nurse looked at Twilight with a range expression.

“Heh heh, just taking one last look.”

“Get going, I am not having what happened last time with visitors.”

Twilight wanted to know what happened last time but didn’t, it must have made the nurse the way she is. Twilight started running after the group that was walking down the hallway on the right, closest to the room Rainbow Dash was in.

“Neva, next time be more assertive.”

“Alright nurse Memba.”

The nurse walked out of the door shutting it, it nearly sounded like it was a slam. Rainbow Dash wanted to know what that nurse’s problem was, she thought maybe she was having a bad day? Or does she hate her job? Whatever the reason is, there is no need for her to talk to her friends like that.

“Why is that nurse mean?”

Neva shook her head in malevolence.

“I have no clue but she is a mean one, I know you didn’t like her talking to your friends like that because I didn’t, you all are good ponies.”

Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Thank you, you seem like a very good pony too.”

The nurse gave Rainbow Dash a peachy glance before walking away. She turned her head back to Rainbow Dash as she was about to leave the room.

“And the place to learn how to fight, that is in Ponyville now, the place is called: Martial Arts for Ponies. It’s southeast of here.”

The nurse walked out of the room, leaving Rainbow Dash to think about herself. Does she really want to take martial arts? What does she really gain from it? She knows it would teach her how to defend herself as well as others, but will she have to strive away from her passion, the Wonderbolts? If she learned martial arts will she defeat the assassin Comber? She remembers hearing what he said.

(”My jobs are all the same, boring and unsatisfying, the reasons they exist at all are foolish, ponies need to learn how to defend themselves.”)

Rainbow Dash remembered hearing Comber talk about his job, why he has to them, the reasons, the boredom he has, that was insulting to her, she can’t lie, the adrenaline she felt when fighting for her life against him was thrilling, she almost enjoyed it, only if she wasn’t fighting for her life. Rainbow Dash had finally concluded, that she will take lessons from the place called Marital Arts for ponies, if the authorities don’t stop Comber first, she will.

Comber Vs Ponyville's Authority! Rainbow Dash and Cinom's training!

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“Alright, you all in position?”

The deputies replied with a silent yes, they already made it to the graveyard, they see the assassin, that is indefinitely Comber, no doubt, but they will not fail, it’s time to arrest this son of a bitch.

The first group of deputies walked towards the assassin from the front gates, Comber’s eyes opened, his ears perked up, and he turned his head to see 6 deputies, hmmm, seems Commer did report him to the station, what? Wants to be a good colt? He knows he ain’t good.

(”Alright, I guess it’s time to show these deputies like the rest of the authorities why trying to arrest him is futile.”)

Comber got off his rock, standing tall for the approaching deputies, the deputies stopped 15 hoof steps from the assassin. Comber watched their movements, he watched their guns be drawn, he watched each of the triggers, already telling which authority to take down first, his ear perked again, turned his head for a split second to see another group of deputies, he noticed Commer in the first group, where’s Bullet? Comber teleported into a tree, looking down on them, the authorities started to panic, using their head and eyes to search for him, Commer knew where he went, he wasn’t going to ambush, he probably guessed his sides were all going to be closed, so he teleported to avoid that.

Comber noticed another group, no two more groups of deputies, and Bullet is approaching from the left. The assassin smirked, I guess it’s time to bash some deputies. Comber teleported in the middle of the groups.

(”What is he up to?”)

Commer wondered to himself, what does he plan to do-!? Commer had a flashback to Comber fighting 35 ponies, he only spared 5 of the 35 ponies, but he was almost in the middle at first of the whole group of ponies, but he cleared a path, does he plan to cut through the deputies.

“Comber, your crimes will be paid for, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

Comber laughed and smirked his horn illuminated with red magic, the deputies fired their guns at him, the bullets connected, but the detectives looked again, no, he used a magic barrier to shield his entire body, the detective thought of some spell to deactivate the barrier but knew if he did he risk his magic getting sealed, and he probably guessed he could do it to the rest of the deputies, he took a chance and tried to use his magic to break the seal, feeling his horn shock him and his magic deactivate. Commer heard what he said, “Celestial Cancel.”

“Celestial cancel!”

The detective shouted at Comber, whose eyes widened, did he learn how to perform that technique or is he just mimicking him embarrassingly?

“Hahaha hahaha! You really are desperate to arrest me now, say that sentence all you want, but without knowledge of the other type of magic, you can’t use use that technique!”

The deputies put their guns in their pouches and grabbed their tasers, having them ready to fire.

“Shocked the son of a demon!”

Comber wanted them to think the taser could shock him, the way he would make them think that is by avoiding them, teleporting away from the deputies, he was behind the group that was behind him.

“I’ll give you and the rest of the deputies one chance to leave, do it or-!”

The deputies fired their tasers at him, Comber teleported, this time he was in the middle of the group.

“I warned you all.”

Comber took his cape and threw it at the tree, the cape getting stuck in the tree, the deputies shot at his cape, believing he might try to use that as an offense or evasion. Comber dashed forward at the deputies, punching one in the face, he used his left hoof to kick the deputy to the left in the back of his leg, at his joint area, the deputy fell down but was grabbed by Comber by the neck, Comber heard the other deputies charge him, his eyes switch the approaching deputies, Comber headbutted the deputy he was holding by the neck and threw him at the approaching deputies knocking 3 of them to the ground momentarily, the other deputies shot their tasers at Comber, seeing the tasers get stuck on the red magic barrier he as around him, Comber pulled the tasers out of their hoofs and swung the first taser at a deputy’s head, hitting him in the temple with it, knocking him out, he swiftly did the same thing to the other deputies with the other two guns, he dashed forward grabbing the gun that was itching away from braking and broke it on the deputy’s head in front of him, he used his hoof to push it towards the skull by the handle, watching the taser break to pieces and the deputy fall, Comber looked behind him, blocking a punch, he ducked to avoid another punch from the left, failing to avoid the punch to his right side, Comber moved a little, that deputy was big, Comber smirked, using his magic to teleport towards him, realizing the deputy teleported away, he remebered who it was.

“Celestial Cancel.”

The deputies magic was nullified, he grabbed his gun, the other 10 deputies charged the assassin, two of them had hoof cuffs ready, Comber smirked, he has an idea, Comber dodged the deputies, grabbing one of the deputies with hoof cuffs, he twisted their hoof, causing a snapping sound to occur, he grabbed the cuffs, swinging them at a deputy’s bead on the ground, causing blood to squirt from the side of the skull hit by the hoof cuffs, the big deputy was about to charge him, Comber knew, he used his magic to knocked the deputies back. Bullet smiled, this is his chance, Comber’s head was looking the other way, he swiftly ran into a bush and teleported on top of a house covered with artificial fog, he got on his belly, opened a magic safe, grabbed his sniper, can his barrier stop this? Comber turned his attention towards the big colt, dodging the 5 punches thrown at him, he was trying to hit Comber with heavy attacks, but the only problem would be his speed is too dull to actually connect the attack, Comber easily could tell he was the strongest deputy here, he didn’t notice Bullet teleported. Comber used the palm of his right hoof to hit the deputy in the nose, causing him to stumble back, Comber smirked at him, using a hoof to dare him to come at him.

(”You cocky wicked bastard!”

He ran at Comber, jumping, and attempting to punch him in the head, his punch missed.

(”did that bastard teleport-!?)

Comber teleported in front of the deputy, bucking him in the face with both of his rears hoofs, the deputy flew, losing consciousness in the air, Comber used his magic to scare the deputies, making it seem he was going to let him fall on a fence that was pointed with black sharp metal; he was holding the deputy over the fence with his magic.

“Don’t Comber!”

Commer yelled in horror.

“Stop you bastard!”

The rest of the deputies said, getting up and running at him, Comber smirked, teleporting the big colt in front of the deputies, 3 of them tripped, and Comber teleported behind the other deputies approaching him, picking two of the tripped deputies up by their foreheads, slamming them together, then using a lot of force to throw them at the 3rd deputy on the ground. Comber counted the deputies unconscious.


Comber yelled with fury in his mind as he charged the approaching deputies, punching one in front of him in the face, he ran past the other two, using his rear hoofs to kick them in the face; he turned back to attack, but they both threw a punch as they used their other hoofs to wipe their eyes in pain, Comber took the punch in the face, he felt the punch, it hurt, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from uppercutting them into the sky, Comber looked up as they fell, catching both of them by their necks as they fell. Comber recalled seeing at least 25, but maybe more are hiding?

“Psst, Sage, I’ll keep him busy, you and the rest of the deputies think of another plan, Bullet might snipe him while I’ll attack him, he doesn’t seem to be killing the deputies, so let’s not anger him to do so, we need to stop him in one attack or restrained him.”


“Mrs. Dash, your time-!”

Neva couldn’t believe it, her eyes opened, where is Rainbow Dash, did she leave already? She is not supposed to, she sighed, she was going to tell her she could leave now, but if she didn’t want to say any goodbyes then that’s fine, she was a good patient to care for. The nurse walked backward out of the room and shut the door, she’ll just tell the doctors Rainbow left from the window, she smiled after shutting door behind her and walking down the hallway.


Rainbow Dash landed in front of the place the nurse said, she used her speed to scout through Ponyville, spotting the place, if she was coming from the southeast she would’ve seen the climax between the assassin and the deputies, she landed, hoping she wasn’t seen by the assassin, she has hopes they would stop him, but after what hearing the nurse said, she would still have to think about his father or him if the deputies don’t successfully arrest him. She walked up to the door, reading a sign that was white and wooden.

(”For the ponies who want to learn to defend themselves, this is a place for you, the teaching I teach is for defending yourself, as well as offense techniques to help aid your defense and protection of your family.”)

Rainbow Dash read the sign, taking a deep breath and remembering what Applejack and Rarity said, does she really want to risk throwing away her destiny as well as her element loyalty away? Rainbow Dash thought back to Fluttershy and her in school, they were laughing together, learning together; she enjoyed helping animals and that monster took her from Equestria, as well as Pinkie Pie’s sisters, along with that the Party Pony herself, if you could even call her that now? Rainbow Dash with a stern expression walked into the place, Rainbow Dash didn’t bother to read the bottom of the sign stating it was a dojo. She saw lights hung up, as well as pictures too, pictures of ponies learning how to fight, she walked in, her eyes continuing to scout about the place she stepped hoof in. The lights were brown in coverings, the light bright as yellow mixed with gold. She saw a pony, a colt mediating in the middle, it was a unicorn, he was floating, 4 candles with glass sphere containers behind him, she walked closer, her hoof steps being heard by the colt, he could also hear her wings flap a little as she started to fly.

“Yes, are you here to learn martial arts?”

Rainbow Dash was confused, she didn’t know what that word meant.

“Um... Exactly what are martial arts? I heard that word only one time and that’s from your place?”

The colt opened his eyes, his horn glowing brownish red, he teleported in front of Rainbow Dash, with a smile on his face. His coat was brown as well his mane and tail were black, they were tied short, like to the point it couldn’t, be grabbed easily.


The detective tried to punch Comber in the face, throwing multiple attacks at the assassin, who just kept the same smirk on his face, he tried to kick Comber in the back of his right hoof to make him fall, his hit was accurate but unsuccessful, the detective nearly fell trying to make Comber fall, Comber grabbed his mane at the forehead, lifting him.

“What is that red aura?”

“How about you tell me what that aura of yours is? To me, it seems like a huge boost in magic and it must be since you’ve been throwing so many spells at me.”

“Buck you!”

The detective headbutted Comber, making him let go and stumble back a little. That had to damage him, Mabey give him a bloody nose, right? The detective blinked and realized Comber was already in his face again, not even a bloody nose he thought. The detective punched him in the face, getting his hoof grabbed by Comber and lifted off the ground; Comber proceeded to slam his body to the ground, he repeated this 5 times. The detective’s eyes went blurry, Comber held him up with his right hoof, the detective body dangling, Comber turned his attention to the other detective.

“You coming to attack or are you just a planner, because if so, leave before I start to plan your death.”

Sage smiled, teleporting in front of the assassin and grabbing a hold of the detective, and teleporting away.

“Celestial cancel.”

Sage’s magic disappeared. He panicked on the inside, he doesn’t know how to fight only plan and defend ponies and arrest sick criminals like him.

“Well, looks like it’s time to add more tombstones to this place-!?”

Comber swung his hooves backway, hitting the two deputies charging him in the faces; he swiftly swirled around, bringing his hoof down on both of their faces, breaking their noses and rendering them unconscious.

“Make that-!”

Comber confidently was about to say. The detectives tried to punch him in the face, Comber ducked the first punch by Sage, but Commer landed his punch, Comber used his magic to grab the hoof above him while punching the detective Commer in the face, and Sage tried to pull his hoof free, using his magic, Comber notice this and decided to use another technique.

“Celestia Wrath.”

Comber quickly used a speed spell, zooming past Sage and elbowing him in the face, Comber jumped, about to kick in Commer in the face, but the detective shielded his face; he thought Comber would try to trick him, maybe teleporting behind him and kicking him; Comber teleported and the detective smiled, a knock out blow from the back of the skull is he trying? It will not work. He turned around punching the air, he started to turn back around but got kicked in the right side of his face by Comber, he fell to the ground, Comber quickly grabbed him, hearing the deputies approach him and threw him up, the detective felt his magic back and prepared to teleport, but Comber already planned this, it’s time for him to sleep.

“Celestial cancel.”

The detective panicked, he had no way he could save himself, he had to-! Comber bent a little bit on his four hoofs, pulled his right front hoof back, and punched the detective in his stomach it looked like an uppercut was performed by Comber from the deptuies perspectives, and the detective spit out a ton of blood as he flew back into the gloomy sky, his vision blurry, all he could see is Comber, he was about to do it again? Commer fell, Comber extending a hoof to catch him by the neck. He slowly lifted the detective Commer by his throat, meeting face to face, Sage was shocked, not only how skilled Comber is at fighting but how strong he is, how can he stop someone with techniques like that and strength and marital skills?

“I could kill you right here and right now, your friend will not be saving you.”

Comber sinisterly cold-heartedly expressed with a demon-like look.

“You-you are my friend-!”

Commer coughed up blood, some landing on Comber’s face, this irritated him.

“No, I am not your friend, friends don’t lie to each other, now di-!”

Comber in slow motion heard gunfire, he moved fast dropping the detective, he looked where it came from, suddenly, feeling immense pain in his abdomen, he looked towards the tree and saw a small hole through it, he was shot, by a-! The shots continued, Comber quickly jumping, trying his best to avoid them but was hit in the back by one of the bullets that bounced off the metal peak of the fence, causing him to be paralyzed, another shot was fired, and Comber realized this was gun cops carry, it was-! That bastard, Comber thought to himself looking around for Bullet not seeing him.

(”Normal guns can’t touch me, but a bucking sniper rifle is a different story, my magic spell doesn’t protect from very high velocity... That spineless hide!”)

Comber knew he was going to get shot in the forehead by the deputy, he was in the same position as last time, Comber teleported behind a bush, seeing a bullet nearly hit the left side of his neck, Comber used his spell quickly, healing himself, he healed himself completely, that’s it! Comber got up and used an x-ray spell to see where the deputy Bullet was, finding him on a house on his belly with a sniper in his hoofs, he was hiding in the fog the whole time, he turned his head to his left, seeing a sharp pebble, he sinisterly smiled.

(”I’ll show you what pain is Bullet!”)


“I see, so that’s why you’re here, do you happen to know that colt’s name?”

Rainbow Dash grinned, replying to Comber. The colt paused for a little, did this mare just say, Comber? Did he attack her? Why? How could he? That lier.

“Did you say Comber as in my graduate student?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head with a yes, wait, his student? Did he teach Comber? This is perfect, now she can stop him if she learns and masters the same techniques from him.

“I can’t believe Comber would do such things, but I always felt there was a dark side to him.”

“Why would you still teach him the lessons then?”

The colt went silent, not wanting to reveal that question, instead of all that matters now if she wants to learn martial arts?

“Are you here to learn martial arts?”

Rainbow Dash scratched her head, what’re martial arts? Like self-defense right? Because that’s what she’s here for.

“Martial arts is self-defense, right?”

The blue pegasus body asked, the colt learned to control emotions, he took the question seriously, if she didn’t know what martial arts is then why is she here?

“The arts have the self-defense category, so yes, but it’s a lot more than just defense, why just defense and not complete martial arts, I understand Comber may be a monster when it comes to his job, but defense alone will not hold against a force that will eventually breakthrough, I think thee goal you should be looking for is defense and offense as well as agility.”

Rainbow Dash thought to herself, she ain’t the type that would want to hurt other ponies like Comber or at all, but she knew the colt had a point if she just had defense and used it to only defend herself, as long as the attacker is still standing he would continually attempt to try to attack and in her case, kill her.

“Alright, I guess you’re right?”

The colt kept his expression, he forgot to introduce himself, jeez, his age is either catching up or his memory is fading.

“Silly me I forgot to introduce myself, I am Cinom, master of martial arts, I already know who you are since you represent the elements of harmony.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, she was part of the elements of harmony, her element is loyalty, she told Cinom this which was his response he knows what elements her friends represent and her. Cinom had another thing on his mind, if she here because of Comber? If that attack nevered happened would she be here? Everypony has a destiny, and this must be part of hers. Was that a year to his previous question?

“Are you here to learn under my wings?”

Rainbow Dash giggled, he has no wings, and she knows that clearly, he’s a unicorn.

“You don’t have no wings, but yeah I am.”

Cinom wanted to laugh, a comedian now? He wants to see how she would’ve fought Comber.

“Alright, then you must show me what you know so far, this would be a good start, to see what areas I need to help you improve.”

Cinom got in a stance, a stance that allow him to evade his opponent and punish his opponent, one hoof was out, while that other one pulled back, his eyes were sharp, as they were old. Rainbow Dash thought back to Comber when he first got in a stance and faced her that one time, Cinom stance seems familiar like she saw it almost the same before, she thought Comber did the stance Cinom did in the forest. She smiled, she show him, that she wanted to score high on anything and her first test will not be below.

“Am I supposed to attack you?”

Cinom shook his head in a yes response, Rainbow Dash thought to herself, he may be too old to keep up with her speed, so she’ll try to use that to her advantage, She flew into the air and then at Cinom, using her speed to its max, Cinom closed his eyes, raising his senses and hearing, he could feel the vibrations in the air from the speed, he opened his eyes and quickly caught Rainbow Dash’s punch, it had force, so she must’ve pulled her hoof back to produce that amount of force; Cinom knew If she would get physically stronger, then maybe she would have a chance at defeating Comber, as well as becoming a great fighter, maybe she’ll use the knowledge to help Equestria and or be a hero, both would fit together in the same category, he used the hoof to gently put her to the ground back on all four hoofs, she was shocked, he closed his eyes, how could he see her the moment he opens them?

“You did good, but did you think I was too old to keep up with fast speed? Also, make sure to use your body to turn with when your punching, this allows you to produce more force.”

Rainbow giggled and replied with a yes, she did think he was too old, Cinom thought to himself, that should be a perfect first lesson, never underestimate your opponent by their looks as well as their age. She thought to herself what he meant by use her body to turn with the punch and a lightbulb appeared over her head, if your turning in the direction of the punch, the increase speed as well as your body moving in the direction of the lunch would increase force, so he’s right.

“Alright, that should be you be your first lesson, it’s causal for a pony to mistake another because of another pony’s looks or the way they act, your first lesson to keep in mind is never underestimate your opponent, doing so gives them especially if they are a warrior skilled in combat they will have the upper hoof, allowing them to them to catch you off guard and possibly deal a high amount of damage.”

Rainbow Dash thought to herself, he was right, if Cinom was an enemy he would’ve been able to do serious damage to her, but the thing is if he was an enemy she would’ve tried to use the other hoof to attack or break free with aggression, Rainbow Dash looked down at the red wooden floor then back to Cinom.

“You’re right, if you wanted to you could’ve hurt me badly if I was an enemy because I didn’t think you could keep up with my speed because of your age.”

Cinom ain’t the unicorn to judge others or laugh, those emotions will be a pony’s downfall in life, instead, he is the type to explain the consequences of those actions as well the mistakes as other ponies that come to him seeking practice and knowledge on martial arts.

“I’m glad you can able to see that as many ponies are not especially on their first day some would quit, which makes zero sense, for the fact you can acknowledge the flaw you made and learn from it by analyzing it, proves you will be able to learn my teachings, and possibly be the hero of Equestria, unlike my first passed student, who used my teaching for evil and corruption.”

Rainbow smiled, maybe, she did like to have attention in fact that’s a reason for her wanting to join the Wounder Bolts and perform majestic stunts.

“So what will my second lesson be Mr. Cinom?”

Cinom already planned far in the head of many students, their type as well as their flaws and he knew the correct lesson for her to follow.

“I suggest you but no means of insult use some of those weights over there.”

Cinom pointed his right hoof to the weight rack, each labeled by weight in Equestria standards. Rainbow Dash felt a little insulted at first but closed her eyes and calmed herself; Cinom noticed this, saying nothing but feeling already she will be the best student yet as well as the purest yet. Cinom recollected his thoughts, finalizing the decision he made. Rainbow Dash’s punch had a lot of force to cause a little bit of serious harm to a pony due to her speed in acceleration and her mass increasing the force but if she gained more physical strength as well as learned the correct way to punch and pratice the correct way to punch, she will produce enough force to fight correctly; especially if she plans to defeat or defend herself against Comber, he’s a monsterrr and normally always punches in the correct way.

“Alright, I assume you would let me know when I should stop?”

Cinom replied with a yes, telling Rainbow Dash not to lift way more than she can since that will strain her muscles a lot as well as bodily harm to the lifter, never have too much pride. Rainbow Dash walked towards the weight picking one of the smallest up and lifting it with ease, Cinom shook his head, the way she lifted it was incorrect.

“Make sure your palms of your hoofs are facing each other as well to lay down for the proper position on the Dumbbell bench, make sure to breathe, many ponies forgot to do that or do it incorrectly, do it after every lift to never starve your muscles of oxygen.”

Rainbow Dash was grateful for these lessons he taught, thanking him with a smile before doing what he said. She could tell he was an expert, the way he spoke to her, the confidence he had, all of this support he knows what he was doing but Rainbow Dash had one question, why is he giving her a lesson for free? Does he do it for all ponies who come for his lessons? She was curious but didn’t care as long if this helps her defend herself from Comber and her friends; although Rainbow Dash wanted to do more than just defend herself, she wanted to defeat Comber and bring him to justice, for her friends, Fluttershy, and the Pies.

(”I will bring him to justice!”)


Comber teleported behind Bullet, Bullet heard the sound and tried to react, he knew who it was, he didn’t need to look, it was Comber, none of the deputies was going to help him as that was part of the plan. He grabbed his gun but was punched to the ground by Comber, on his stomach. Comber stabbed him in the back with the pebble he found, and the pebble disconnected the spinal cord to the legs for Bullet; he used his magic to try to stand but Comber canceled his magic, using his magic to hold Bullet up, turning his back to himself, Comber pulled a hoof back and started punching him repeatedly in the back, then in the back of the neck, then a hard punch to the pebble, causing the deputy to yell in pain, Comber turned him around, lowering him a little with his magic, then grabbing him by the front of his neck with his right hoof.

“I remember when you almost killed me, now, as you can still speak, tell me why I should spare your life? What value does it have?”

The deputy was infuriated, how could he ask him that? He doesn’t kill ponies, Comber does? He saves ponies from criminals like Comber; this makes his life way more valuable than his!

“Buck you! I-I save ponies, you-you kill them! You-you need to be stopped!”

Bullet tried to punch Comber, but Comber caught the attack, holding it with a smile, Bullet tried to punch him with his other hoof but couldn’t, Comber’s magic was holding it in place. Comber smiled deviously before pushing the hoof back and giving the deputy a gut punch, the deputy spurt out blood from his mouth, his head went down to his chest, like his neck muscles couldn’t hold it anymore due to the pain and damage. Comber uppercut the deputy, following with an elbow to his left side and a punch to the upper abdomen, directly towards the liver, Comber quickly got in his stance and punched the deputy in the chest, grabbing the deputy by the mane to lift his head.

“Remember what you said to me?”

Comber let go of his mane and walked towards the edge of the rooftop, towards the front where you could see the front door, the deputy hung over the edge, held in place by Comber. The deputy could feel his vision slipping as well as his life, blood dripped from his back, and had so ever since the stab, the blood dripped onto the concrete steps.

“I’ll shoot you dead if you move.”

The deputy couldn’t believe Comber, he still holding grudges, even after their first attempt to arrest him, he’s a monster and nothing less. The deputy thought. He can’t move?

("Buck! Come on!")

Comber punched him in the face, then elbowed him in the jaw, Comber took a deep breath and then start to punch the deputy repeatedly over and over again in the chest and stomach, before turning him around and punching him in the back, where the pebble was, blood sput out, but only hitting the magic shield Comber still had activated that was red, Comber lifted the deputy into air by the neck, his body, his back facing the ground, Comber smirked and slammed him down to the concrete ground, landing on his back. The pebble penetrated into the body, the skull cracked, blood spurting from the back of the deputy’s head, and the back of his head hit the ground, Comber looked down, dusting his hoofs. He looked at the deputy, feeling a little bit of guilt for what he’s done, his rage takes the best of him, he thought about jumping down and crushing the deputy’s skull but realized there ain’t enough time, addition to the time problem he doesn’t want to, maybe he will leave and walk it off? If he died he’s weak, as his father said. Comber teleported back to the graveyard. The family in the house saw the colt fall from the house.

“Dad, what was that?”

“Yeah, what was that?”

Two fillies asked with curiosity and worry, the Dad didn’t respond, he knew, he heard the fighting and some of the talking well yelling, his family was still eating dinner, when they saw a body get slammed down from the sky they thought. The mother knew but was going to tell the fillies a lie, they must not know the truth of what happened on the roof.

“It’s probably a pegasus trying to fly darlings... Don’t worry.”

“Yeah, I will check it out, to make sure the pegasus is alright.”

The father heard the magic, he must have left, this is his chance to save the colt that fell, the colt open the door and see the colt, this was horrific, he turned to make sure the fillies didn’t follow and sighed with relief when they didn’t, he used his wings to grab the deputy and bring him inside, grabbing his jacket and wrapping the colt’s head in it. He laid down the colt on the couch and called for his wife who was a unicorn, she was a doctor and this colt needed medical attention fast. The wife ran to the living room and couldn’t believe what she saw.

“Oh My Celestia! What happened!”

She was a doctor and knew a pony head bleeding like that means traumatic brain damage and the blood dripping, that seems to be coming from his back, she turned him over to find a pebbled deep in the deputy’s back, she thought quickly and knew what to do, she knew a spell that was a forbidden one for doctors, she doesn’t care, she knows she will have to use it to save this colt’s life, she will have to pull the pebble out with magic then-!

“What’s going on we heard Mom scream and wanted-!”


The parents said with a guilty tone, like they were hiding something. The Dad stepped in front and told the fillies to go back to the dinner table and eat, the fillies sighed and obeyed, they were sad the how they were told to go back into the dining room.

“Make sure to eat all your dinner, because if you don’t, you don’t get the brownies we are going to cook.”

The fillies’ frowns turned to smiles, they became enthusiastic and rushed to eat their dinner, forgetting what they were talking about at the dinner table and what fell from the room, they didn’t think brownies was for dinner, why, there ain’t nothing special?


The deputies heard magic from a teleportation spell, and they got back on their four hoofs, staring at Comber with aggression.

“You all should’ve listened to me the first time, now I’m done playing around with you all, it’s clear you want to kill me and not arrest me.”

The deputies were shocked, what!? How could he know that? Is he able to read minds? Maybe because Bullet tried sniping him with a sniper? Commer wanted to know where Comber went, he already assume, but wanted to interrogate him, Sage had an Idea, Combed is a colt that likes to fight, so he assumes I’d he challenges him to a fight, just him, maybe he could beat him, or maybe yet, he could trick him to lower his guard and for the other authorities to strike.

“Where did you go, Comber? Get more equipment? Or did you-!”

“Well, that’s one deputy down? Need any more hints?”

Commer was a little shocked he knew where the deputy was, he assumed he used a spell to enhance his vision, especially to see that far and through the fog? A deputy pulled a gun from its pouch behind Comber, walking slowly towards him, it seems Comber wasn’t able to hear him, but this confidence was shattered when Comber’s eye turned to the sneaky deputy.

“Take your best and final shot, because-!”

Comber sensed the deputy behind him, the deputy’s bloodlust spiked to its peak, his horn illuminated, he teleported behind the deputy, after the deputy fired his gun at him, Comber appeared in front of the deputy; the deputy attempted to quickly raise the gun to Comber’s forehead, Comber grabbed the hoof with the gun, the gun fired, going underneath Combed and striking a deputy in the leg, knocking that deputy down on his jaw. The deputy attempted to punch Comber, Comber evaded his attack by ducking and quickly uppercutting the deputy with enough force to drop his gun, Comber walked towards the gun, using a spell to see inside the gun, 7 bullets, Comber turned to the remained deputies and countered.


Comber formed a smile in his face, he knew they would try to taser him if he reaches for the deputy gun, instead Comber raised a hoof, ready to crush the gun, he brought his hoof down, instead of crushing the gun, Comber picked the gun up, quickly and shot a deputy in the chest with one, the other deputies behind Comber pulled their guns out and shot at him, Comber jumped fast and grabbed into the tree branch above him, swinging around it in a loop and dashed forward the group with his now new weapon, Comber Shot a deputy in the his right front hoof, quickly shooting more deputies in their legs, the detective Commer noticed this, why is he not going for the head or vital point, the deputy he shot in the chest area doesn’t seem to be fatally injured, why is Comber not killing them? Comber heard hoof steps from the deputies that was still behind him, seems like they recovered, Comber slowly walked towards the detectives, when he heard the hoofs steps get close enough, he turned with the gun and shot 2 more shots from the gun, hitting the two deputies behind him in the top of their right hoof, Comber turned to the detecives who he saw chatting, what were they planning, Comber casted a speed spell and dahsed forward, hitting a deputy in the head with the handle of his gun and elbowing the one to his left with his hoof, Commer went for a punch but stoped after the gun was put to his head, his eyes was shocked and his mind went numb.

“Now all of you listen, one step and this detective dies! Commer, friend, what did I tell you about trying to arrest me again? Why should I spare your life once again, give me a reason and it better be quicky, you know as well as I do these idiotic deputies-!

Comber turned his head to the deputies behind him, he saw 23 on the gloomy ground, the remaining deputies were stunned with fear when he turned his head to the detective, Comber wanted to see if Commer would have the courage to grab the gun, he did not.

“Are nothing without your brains, which is why I’m considering splattering them, but you should know one thing...”

Comber clutched his left hoof, Commer noticed this and went to dodge the attack by moving his head, Comber’s left hoof connected, hitting the detective in the right side of his face and sending him flying into a tree, Sage watched the whole ordeal occurred and turned his attention back to Comber, his teeth bitting in anger?

“I do not like guns, only blades as a preferable weapon.”

Comber threw the gun at the tree the detective hit, shattering the gun to pieces next to the brutally beaten detective.

“Alright, assassin, we’re done, but I’m not.”

Comber giggled, then why did he say we?

“You’re not done, then why not say they’re done? Because we mean you included, guess my old friend Commer has you beat in intelligence.”

Sage’s eyes widen in anger and he rushed at Comber, Comber smirked at the detective, blocking the attack, Sage then used his left hoof to attack, punching Comber in the right side of his check, he then tried to elbow Comber with his right hoof, Comber grabbed the attack, headbutting Sage in the face, letting go of Sage hoof, Sage quickly pulled his taser out of his pocket and shot Comber in the chest with it, the attack connected, the taser actually hit, now his muscles should lock up and-! Sage felt his hoofs, as well as his body, pull towards him, what, he pulled him closer, with the tasers in his chest!? Sage knew Commer ain’t helping him, he is unconscious, with a certain concussion and broken bones; that crunching sound was loud. Comber pulled with all his strength, Sage let go of the taser, Comber ducked his head, evading the taser, Sage used the force to dash in the air and attempted to push Comber, Comber ducked and punched Sage in the stomach, with enough force to throw up blood and make him fall on his face on the rocky path, he attempted to get up, Comber slammed his face back to the ground, not letting him, Sage tried using his magic, feeling it again, maybe-!

“Celestial Cancel.”

Comber raised the detective’s head and with one final bashed to the ground, Sage was knocked unconscious, with a broken nose and face, Comber raised Safe’s head and saw the injuries, blood coming down his forehead and from his mouth, Comber dropped the detective’s head back onto the path, causing more injury, the assassin stepped back and took a look around him, it reminded him of a certain place.

“This seems familiar.”

A deputy tried to radio for help but as soon as he tried after getting off the bloody ground underneath him from his blood he saw Comber standing in front of him.

“Calling for help and not for backup?”

The deputy went paralyzed by the question, this colt’s a monster, does he have the intent to mercilessly kill them, or is there something else? The deputy took a step back in fear and confusion.

“Why would I call for more back up huh? To have more deputies off duty?”

Comber snickered. This deputy has a brain, he knows Comber would just brutally defeat more deputies and maybe even kill them?

“Well, it seems you have brains unlike the foolish detectives, who thought it was possible to arrest me, foolish I say.”

Comber slowly walked over to the deputy, scaring him a little, but he stood his ground, once Comber was close enough he patted a hoof on the deputy’s brown head making him feel awkward like a filly.

“Make sure all your peers get the attention they deserve.”

The deputy’s ears perked, is he serious, is he delusional? Why and how could he believe him right from the start? Why dies he suddenly care about the authorities now? Something seems fishy with this colt like there,’s more than one side of him.

“You believe me? How can you trust me that I am not going to call more help to take you in!?”

Comber smirked, ain’t he ready for a big surprise.

“The reason is simple. You know you already accepted defeat, additional to that answer is, you and no pony can deceive me.”

The deputy was interested in Comber’s explanation, no pony can deceive him, what does that mean that he can’t be lied to or that he can sense deception, does that also mean with attack and plans to deceive him too?

“Alright so you can sense deception, that’s actually... Pretty useful.”

The deputy grabbed his walkie-talkie and called his medical wife, her name was Trisha.

“Yeah, Trisha, can you get at least 20 medics ponies out here, we really got our hides hoofed to us.”

Trisha took a sip of her coffee, “they,” like the police forc!? No pony single hoofly could take down that many ponies, especially the authorities who are trained to deal with this type of threat, she can only assume they found the killer responsible for the Pie massacre and Fluttershy’s murder.

“Was it the killer, or should I say, killers?”

“Yes honey, it was the killer.”

Trisha couldn’t believe her ears, it was a single killer, but how could he kill or injure that many law enforcement ponies?

“Alright, I send medics, just be careful.”

The husband smiled.

“I will.”

The deputy turned off his walkie-talkie, he realized Comber wasn’t paying attention at all to his conversation, in the fact where did he go? The deputy looked around and found not a trace of Comber, damit, the bastard teleported.

“I guess I didn’t need to help him, as expected from him, this town like all other towns is pathetic, so I wasn’t expecting to lend a hoof.”

A black colt said from the mountains, walking down it as he stopped watching the authorities try to arrest Comber, his voice was deep, his mane and tail hidden to ponies due to a black cape, although his preference is blue, his eyes red, glowing red. The colt slid down the mountain, stopping at the bottom of it, and a devious smirk appeared on his face.


Time has passed for Rainbow’s lessons, she learned how to lift weights properly, as well as learn some defense attacks, one of the defense techniques was the sense of deception, this allows you to see if ponies are hiding their true intentions in words as well as actions.

“You know you are a quick learner, most do not come this far with the knowledge as well with some of the techniques mastered, must be your super-speed, maybe you are just as fast as learning as flying.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, she wish, no the reason is she’s determined to stop the monster who killed her friends, who tried to kill her and harmed her friends, both physically and emotionally.

“No, I’m just determined to make that assassin pay.”

Cinom tried to punch her on the right side of her face with his left hoof, but his hoof was caught, he smiled, he was proud, at, the fact she wasn’t able to block the attack before, and now blocking it, shows her process and how far she come in her training if she keeps that up maybe she could stop Comber?

“Rainbow Dash, be sure to act for just and not for revenge, revenge and anger are impulses, these are to be checked, if you let them take control, and let’s say you do defeat him, you kill him, not because you enjoyed it because those impulses took control, I know you aren’t the type, but believe me I seen ponies just as kind and giving as Fluttershy but when angered they can be a beast and monster, I’m warning you to never let emotions take control of your judgment and actions.”

Rainbow Dash blocked one of his attacks, it was a basic punch but she saw it and reacted to it successfully.

“Very nice.”

“Thanks for the advice Cinom, I will be sure to remember it.”

Cinom smiled.

“Good to hear, that would be the first step to attaining a certain technique, a technique that lets you move based on instinct.”

Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear that, a technique that lets you move instinctive, what does he mean by that?

“I don’t follow, Cinom dogged Rainbow Dash by jumping backward, using two hoofs to help gain some distance.

“This technique I’m talking about is a technique Comber couldn’t master he used to call it a mindless technique, this technique is attained once the body knows how to fight and defend against an attack as well as know when they need to dodge, this allows the reaction time of the user to fight without needing to have the thought process to fight, remember this technique take a toll on bodies of us mortals, do us not being an inheritance of the God if came from, one opposite to us taking our final breath.”

Rainbow Dash was a little confused on the last part, does he mean life? What’s the technique even called?

“Does this technique have a name?”

Cinom smiled, yes, he named it himself.

“Yes, I think of it as (Autonomous Celestial.”)

“Autonomous Celestial?”

“Yes, the fighter would have Rainbow mane and tail as both eyes if mastered, would be rainbow, the aura would also be rainbow, the more the mastery the more majestic the Rainbow is.”

Rainbow Dash smiled, maybe she could attain it if she’s this fast already, she knew the time was to rest, Rainbow Dash laughed, then not many changes then for her then, if she did attain Autonomous Celestial, she knew it was time to rest a little then do a little more lifting, not much changed in her muscle, and when there’s a noticeable change that’s when you would stop, too much strength would hinder you.

“Alright, enough talk you best be working your muscles, gain more strength, because Combee is stronger than the average colt.”

“And I’m faster than the average pegasus.”

Cinom wanted to laugh but just had a strin face, strength is turned into force with acceleration and the mass of the pony, so she may have a point but what good is too much speed if you miss or overshoot your opponent?

“Yes, that you are by far, I recall you performing a Rainboom near Flustered town in Cloudsdale, at least it was able to be seen from that town.”

Rainbow Dash never heard of that town, is, no it’s not new, maybe because it’s just a small town and not talked about? She didn’t really care about it at the moment. Rainbow Dash walked over to the weights and grabbed the 4th heaviest one and started lifting it, she barely could lift it, but kept her focus on her friends and that monster Comber.

“I would like to add motivation to your lifting process, I see you struggling but what you lack is motivation.”

Cinom pointed to the weight all the way to the right, the heaviest one.

“This weight is what Comber was able to lift, with a single hoof, he had a tiny bit of trouble but he started off with this weight, don’t know how he was that srong already, just remember what he was when he was a student at a young age.”

Rainbow Dash focuses more on lifting than hearing Cinom talk about Comber, she had probably lifted the weight about 45 times now and her speed has now been accelerated, Cinom was right, she just needs motivation but he notice her lifting a little too fast.

“Remember not to lift too fast, you strain your muscles and it would be improper lifting making the process unsuccessful process.”

Rainbow took in a deep breath before slowing down and responding.

“Was Comber always a murderer?”

Cinom walked back to the middle of the dojo before starting pacing and recollecting the events, every time he saw his dojo and the inside of it, he remembers Comber learning from him, remembering what and who he was before this day. Cinom couldn’t help but feel responsible for the events that had transpired in Ponyville. He looked at the weights and remember Comber lifting them without a chair, Comber liked lifting. Cinom turned to the middle and remember Comber besting him, he walked towards the mirror and saw the scar on his bottom jaw, it was on his left, he remembers falling and Comber helping him back up lending him a hoof, worried for his safety.

“Hello, Cinom?”

“Huh what-!?”

“I asked if Comber was always a murderer when you trained him did you know he was a murderer?”

Rainbow Dash would feel very angry if she knew he was responsible for helping a murderer gain more power by teaching them, she even thought about turning him in if he did. Cinom face was worried and saddened, does she think of him that low?

“No I did not know and not at the time he wasn’t, I can sense deception, so back then when he wanted to be a hero as his mother wanted him I think he wanted to be a hero, and the only reason I think he didn’t become one was because of his father influence.”

Rainbow Dash stopped lifting the weight, putting it back on the rack after lifting it 125 times each on each forehoof, she felt the strain of lifting, as she walked to Cinom, the unicorn healed her, making her feel refreshed again.

“You know his father? Is he just like his son or a good colt?”

Cinom laughed, that was the first time Rainbow Dash heard Cinom laugh, she gained a confused expression from him, she guessed that was stud because Comber is an assassin and he did say because of his father’s influence, Rainbow Dash felt stupid, but she only thought about possibly telling him of his son’s evil deeds and totally forgot about what Cinom said.

“No, his father is not a good pony or even a decent pony, he’s a monster, especially now, and please take this warning, if and when you do stop Comber I believing you can, his father, don’t mess with unless you come in contact with him and he wants to kill you.”

Rainbow wasn’t going to coward to probably an old colt, why would she coward to a monster when she can beat and bring them to justice?

“No offense but why do you sound afraid of him?”

Cinom face kept his cool before replying.

“I am for a reason, trust me, no weights in Equestria would get you prepared to match what his strength is alone, do not engage in battle with him, I ask you as a friend Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash felt anxiety raise before replying with a calming answer.

“Fine, I won’t unless he is near me, and harming an innocent pony or my friends or myself.”

Cinom felt relief. Comber’s father wasn’t stupid he would know how Rainbow Dash fought him and come for him as well as killed her and all her friends and family.

“Good to hear, now let’s start with some techniques like having the ability to sense bloodlust, I will warn you as you are a pegasus this would be your first time and step for martial magic.”

Rainbow Dash was confused at the time about martial magic, she had a clue what it may mean but was wrong.

“What is (marital magic?”)

Cinom smirked, this is not for ponies who are not unicorns as told in Equestria, as well as taught but truth is, all ponies gave magic in them and they can perform spells, instead of the horn casting a spell the pony can cast it from their hoofs. Cinom explained marital magic to Rainbow Dash, this blew her out of the water, just wait until she tells Twilight about this.

“That’s amazing, I would have never ever thought ponies other than unicorns can cast and perform spells as well as use magic, you really serious?”

Cinom smiled, looking at Rainbow Dash’s excited face.


Cinom replied, Rainbow Dash was ready for this lesson her focus was to learn how to use magic now, so she could use it to her advantage and to surprise Twilight, of course, she won’t believe her at first but when she shows her the face she’ll make will be priceless.

“You already felt the feeling before Rainbow Dash, when you used the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon, she was a wicked princess who wanted all the power and in addition to this, she wanted all of Equestria to live in what she calls an eternal night, good job for you and your friends for stopping her.”

Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Don’t mention it, it’s how I made friends with Twilight!”

“Let’s get back on topic.”

“I agree, the faster I learn, the quicker I can put an end to his killing and evil ways.”

Rainbow Dash resumed her training with Cinom, She liked it, she would rather enjoy flying but this seems a little more fun; she would indefinitely use the knowledge for good and not evil as Comber did; she will use it to protect the innocent and put criminals in jail, maybe this will make her a hero? What she be more famous than the Wonderbolts?


“What the...?”

Bullet awoken on a couch, he was baffled and confused, the last thing he remembers before waking up was, a voice telling him it’s almost time to meet Death, he assumed he was dead and awaiting some kind of spiritual afterlife, but after awaking it was clear somepony saved his life; who was it? The home he awoke in was a little familiar, he almost recognized it but didn’t, his head ached, his body felt on fire, and he didn’t feel any blood on his body, does that mean somepony nursed him back to what it seems half health? He heard voices, it sounded like fillies, he saw them, there was a blue one and a white one, they were playing running around in the kitchen, that was nostalgia for Bullet, he tried to get up but fell back down onto the couch, he was in no shape in helping the other deputies, he hoped to Celestia they survive and arrest, no, kill Comber.

“Whoa, easy there sir, you were saved by my husband.”

The husband came from the kitchen with a smile.

“Thank you very much, I very much appreciate the help, I thought I was going to die.”

Bullet was glad to be alive and never suspected or hoped for anypony to save him, why though, because they are good? He started tearing up, he didn’t deserve to be saved, although he may be a force for justice, he was once no different from Comber, but it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t like working “there.”

“Are you okay sir?”

The wife asked with concern. The husband and she were standing in front of the couch which was made of cotton wool and was blue. The deputy replied with a yes, he just hopes his friends and other co-workers were okay.

“I just want you to know that I heard everything that colt said to you, he needs to be brought to justice, he’s a monster.”

Bullet’s face turned to anger, he totally agrees, and he would have gotten justice the first time if it wasn’t for Commer and his stupid morality.

“I know, he was responsible for Fluttershy’s murder and the Pies.”

The family was shocked to hear this but was expecting him to be responsible like the husband said he was a monster and only a monster would kill Fluttershy.

“I expected so.”

“Listen, darling, you need to rest, before you worry I am a trained nurse, I have magic to heal you but can’t do to the exhausting it costs and due to some problematic erros, I can’t make those errors or else you die so I healed you a little at a tim e,but I will heal you again soon, I’m still light-headeddddd frim the first time I healed you, and sorry did I say a little I mean I healed your fatal injuries.”

“He hurt you, the skull was cracked, your face disfigured, your ribs broken, and-!”

“Alright I get it, he kicked my hide.”

Bullet didn’t like being reminded of his defeat by Comber, but these ponies were trying to help and just trying to explain why they couldn’t heal all the way, wait, how long has he been out?

“I have a question, how long was I out?”

The lovers looked at each other, before turning their attention back to Bullet with a serious expression.

“If you think you can still arrest the monster I believe he would have been far gone by now, it’s almost past afternoon.”

Bullet cursed in his mind, before turning his head in a comfortable position and continuing to speak.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Honey.”

“And I’m brack”

“We both been married for almost what feels like an eternity now, but we have always had a healthy relationship with each other and take well care of our fillies.”

Bullet smiled, this family was so pure-hearted, they seemed to be calm, compassionate, and show empathy, they even have happy and seemed healthy fillies, this confirms it, he has to arrest criminals, to protect families like these.

“You all seem to be good, I honestly can’t thank you enough for saving my life.”

The deputy said with a compassionate smile. The family was glad to save a colt who cares and puts his life on the line to help other ponies.

“What exactly happened and why were trying to arrest that colt, is he the murderer of Ponyville that you have been searching for.”

Bullet looked down and kept quiet, then he turned his head to them, he was frustrated by the question.

“I knew from the second I saw him he was.”

“What’s he’s name if you don’t mind me asking?”

Bullet stayed silent for a little while then replied.

“Comber is his name.”

“Comber, that’s a, rather, funny name.”

“Yeah... He ain’t funny with his jokes and they could just be cruel.”

The husband’s brain clicked, he hears of that name before, wait, no, Comber, isn’t that?

“Do you happen to know if this Comber is the son of Sélé?”

Bullet’s eyes widen, who the buck is “Sélé?”

“Sélé, now how do I know his mother if I never meet her, I heard of his father and meet him once, and trust me, all you want to see him 1 time, probably not at all, he’s the true monster.”

The couples thought together and thought if something, what’s his father’s name?

“What is his father’s name.”

Bullet didn’t like being questioned by citizens, it should be him being the interrogator, not them, but they are nice ponies, and deep down inside, he’s not.

“I need to help my comrades.”

“Darling, I told you, you can’t you’re too hurt and injured it would be suicide if you try to fight that monster again.”

Bullet felt sharp pain travel down his back as he tried to get up from the bed, he instantly fell back down, not because of the pain but because he couldn’t move his rear legs, what the heck?

(”The bucker paralyzed me from the waist down, I need healing, but I am no expert at heal spells, I just need to wait until the generous nurse heal’s me again, and then, I am coming for you, Comber, I am going to kill you.”)


“Good, do it again, but this time with me moving around.”

Cinom started running circles around Rainbow Dash, his horn lit with white magic as he did; Rainbow Dash smiled with confidence.

“Celestial Cancel.”

Cinnom’s horn glow start to disappear but lit back up.

“Try again, focus all your attention on me and only think about canceling my magic.”

“Celestial Cancel!”

Rainbow Dash yelled keeping her eyes and her head moving to every movement Cinom made, Cinom’s horn glow disappeared, this was a success, but try to be stealthy with it since a second of confusion to the enemy is your second to strike.

“Very good, but remember to keep quiet so the enemy doesn’t hear you, especially Comber who has very good hearing, pretty remarkable, his hearing is like a dog, but don’t think blowing a whistle in his ear will work, it won’t trust me.”

Cinom almost laughed but kept his emotions checked, he stopped running and stood in front of Rainbow Dash on all four hoofs. Rainbow thought he might’ve done something similar, but with a loud sound, maybe by yelling, she doesn’t know and what matters is that he can endure loud sounds as well as hear very quiet nosies.

“Alright, are there any other techniques I can learn from you?”

Cinom smirked, he has one for her

“Well I don’t know if you’re interested but I happen to know the one that allows you to sense bloodlust, would you like me to teach you?”

Cinom crossed his hoofs, floating in the air, it looked like he was meditating, Rainbow Dash thought to herself and it was a quick answer, yes, duh, this would allow her to sense Comber if he knew where she was because he would try to kill her, bus bloodlust would spike. Rainbow Dash smirked.

“Of course, I would want to know that technique, I know you know as well as I do if Comber sees me, he might try a stealth approach and this will blow him off guard as well as save me from getting injured or killed and maybe I can land a surprise strike on him.”

Cinom’s hoofs touched the ground, his eyes open slowly, she was right and Comber is stealthy when he wants to be, but what about her element? Does she want to give that up for martial arts?

“Alright, but remember your element, you are loyal to your friends, as of now you are a keeping that element still, I’m afraid, but I know you miss them and want to avenge Fluttershy, as well as Pinkie’s sisters, frankly I don’t blame you but remember if you do be at him and with what I taught you you will, make sure to not step to his level and kill him.”

Rainbow Dash laughed and thanked Cinom.

“Thanks, I will be sure to beat him up badly for what he’s done, he will pay for the crimes he committed in Ponyville.”

“That’s good to hear, and also if you don’t like fighting as a hobby, because you could be a hero, you are fast enough to perform air stunts at the Wonderbolts, maybe you’ll be their leader?

Rainbow Dash smiled, she didn’t think she was good enough to be the leader of the Wonderbolts but if Cinom thinks so then maybe she can, no, she will. Cinom walked toward Rainbow Dash, starting the lesson by moving his hoofs in a spiritual stance.

“Sadly, this technique requires the species that can sense negative energy, you must come in contact with them to obtain the sense of bloodlust.”

Rainbow Dash was a little confused, with who exactly?

“You mean killers-!?”

A symbol appeared on the ground below, it looked red and demonic, Rainbow eyes grew big with disbelief and shock, this is how you learn to sense bloodlust? She started to have second thoughts about going through with the procedure, stepping a little back from the circle in terror.

“What the heck is that!?”

She had clue to what it was but ain’t there another way to learn that technique?

“Can’t I learn this technique another way!?”

Cinom closed his eyes and shook his head with a no expression, Rainbow Dash decided to go through with the ritual, she wasn’t a scared filly, she was a brave Wonderbolt and fighter. She sat down across from Cinom at the circle, Cinom started whispering what sounded like gibberish, she couldn’t make out what the words were and how they worked but she knows what he was doing since she has to contact with the beings who can sense bloodlust.

“I summon you! Come forth and show more of your teachings!”

Cinom thought it was Strange, it seemed like nothing happened, but Cinom heard a boo in his right ear, next to him was a red figure with a green mane and tail, both in such condition, that Rarity would flip, probably trying to help him earn some decore.

“You didn’t scare me, blake, but nice try, I have a student that wants to learn how to sense bloodlust.”

“The blue pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail over there right?”

The entity pointed a black hoof at Rainbow Dash who was startled still by the incident.

“Yes, her, I think the way you were summoned frightened her?”

The entity frowned.

“Of course I did, I sense fear as well coming from her essence.”

Cinom walked past the entity and placed a hoof on his left shoulder to comfort him.

“This is Blake, as you probably suspect, he’s a demon, he wants to repent from crimes and sins and become an angle once again, so he occasionally helps my students learn to sense useful things like bloodlust, he also can teach you to sense deception in a way more accurate level, if you like, All you got to do is ask him.”

Rainbow Dash was still cautious about a demon teaching her, he is evil and even if he wants to be an angel, he’s still a demon and demons are demons for a reason.

“I am blake the demon, nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash, I hear from my friend Cinom that you want to learn how to sense Bloodlust?”

Rainbow Dash glanced at the demon, she didn’t trust him one bit.

“Yes, although I am uneasy being around a demon, your kind is, you know, sorry, but I don’t trust you.”

Blake frowned, why do all of the ponies run away and are afraid of him, is it because he’s a demon? Most likely it is.

“That’s sad, you’re going to need to trust me for you to be able to learn bloodlust, nothing happened to Comber or Cinom, so...”

The demon teleported in front of Rainbow Dash, with a smirk on his face, she could see his eyes in the light, he had green, with a little bit of blue in his eyes.

“So, Cinom, when do I begin to teach her?”

Cinom walked aside Blade, approaching him from his left side.

“You can begin as of now, make sure to teat her and remember that, since you forgot last time with a student?”

Rainbow Dash thought about Comber being the student Blake forgot to test.

“Was it Comber you forgot to test?”

Blake smirked with humor, he taught more students than Comber.

“No, he made sure he got his tests, which I won’t forget with you, so be prepared for the test coming to you.”

Blake smiled at Rainbow Dash before walking past her and turning his head, using a hoof to indicate her to follow him, she listen and followed him, Cinom sighed before walking towards the back to think for himself.

“And after I learn bloodlust, may you teach me how to sense deception more accurately?”

Blake smiled with sharp teeth, why not?

“Of course... But like I said before you are going to need to trust me to learn any of the techniques I am about to show.”

(”How could I help Comber with his job, I trained him and his used it as corruption, good ponies died because of me.”)

Cinom asked himself, Cinom’s head was down with regret and empathy for the victims of Comber’s job, he had a thought, he knew what he must do, Cinom knows he can do it, no he will do it. Cinom face went back up and his eyes were determined, he knows what he was going to do.

(”I’m going to write this wrong.”)

Rainbow's Training Finished! Where Is Cinom? A Ring Of Fire And Battle!

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"What do you reckon we do now?"

"Well, we know Rainbow Dash is alive and we know who injured her or should I say try to kill her."

The Mane six was back at Twilight house regrouping, thinking about the next course of action, and what should they do now, they know they need to protect Rainbow Dash and she should be released by now.

"I think we should go check on Dashie"

Pinkie Pie was still sad, calming down and finally coming to the realization her sisters are gone and she can't bring them back, maybe one day they'll come back like Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash being alive and making a full recovery raised her spirits, she wouldn't know what to do if she lost Rainbow Dash too, none of them would.

"That's a good idea Pinkie Pie, but if she was released, where would she be now?"

The group thought together sharing thoughts and Twilight Sparkle remember the conversation between the nurse and Rainbow Dash, judging by Rainbow's face, she probably accepted the information and probably learned martial arts. She did seem like the type that would fight rather than run.

"I reckon she ain't near the shooting we heard."

Twilight knew the authorities of Ponyville were probably dealing with Comber after the information was released from the hospital to the police station, they acted fast, and the group remember to hear a loud bang like it sounded like a sound barrier broke 10 times.

"I'm certain darling, the authorities will arrest that despicable monster assassin, from what it sounds like, they might've taken justice in their hoof against Comber?"

"So then why are we all worried about Rainbow Dash's safety still?"

Applejack stood up tall when she asked that question, and the group thought, even more, Pinkie Pie started to remember the tragic event of losing her sister and how it affected her and not to mention Fluttershy, the entire group still felt that impact deep inside, but their tears aren't eternal, they can't cry forever.

"Still, her surviving such a tragic event would-would-!"

Pinkie began to sob, getting comforted by Rarity, who put her hoof on her head and brushed her left hoof through Pinkie's mane slowly.


Twilight said, feeling sympathy for the pink party pony.

"It would still change the way she thinks, I-know... It did for me!"

Pinkie was both angry and sad remembering her sisters. The group looked at each other with concern. The group all stood beside Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

"You're right darling, just try to calm yourself dear."

Rarity's voice felt like the comfort of a mother with their filly, it reminded Pinkie Pie of her Mom when she was young, the way she was treated and talked to, it sure felt like love and comfort from a family, Pinkie was helped lifted to all four hoofs again by Rarity.

"I suggest we go look for Rainbow Dash, most likely she took the advice of the nurse and decided to find that dojo."

"I agree darling."

"Yeah... Me-too.."

Applejack walked upstairs and grabbed a tissue off of the Twilight light stand, bringing the tissue back down and hoofing over to Pinkie Pie.

"Here, grandma aid me with a tissue when I lost my ma'am, I reckon it'll help you."

Pinkie with a little bit of whimper grabbed the tissue and blew into it, she got up and threw the tissue into the trashcan, she thought about Fluttershy, she didn't want to think about Fluttershy, not because she doesn't value her, but just the thought would make her sad, she thought about Rainbow Dash, she's still here, well at least she hopes so if that assassin killed her, she doesn't know what to do and what she'll become?

"Well if we're going we better get a move on, then,"

Twilight was worried about Rainbow Dash as were Pinkie Pie and Applejack, Twilight still felt the sadness and guilt for losing Spike, but she can change the past and she wishes she could, maybe it is possible but even so, how would she stop the killer if it was Comber? She can stop him and she knows it, wait, she wondered about something but it soon went to darkness, it wouldn't even matter, Fluttershy is dead and without all six of them they can use the Elements of Harmony but it is still a matter of curiosity if it can banish and defeat Comber, maybe it would because he is more evil and chaotic than Nightmare Moon. Applejack opened the door letting the breeze into the library, she didn't mind the breeze it reminded her of Apple bucking season, Rarity did, it was a tough breeze, Rarity adjusted her mane a little, and Pinkie Pie and Rarity walked towards the door together, Twilight following behind them.

"I suggest we hurry since from what the nurse told me it's a little far from my library and we all know how fast Rainbow Dash is."

"I agree darling, and ain't the running of the leaves is coming up?"

Applejack chuckled, closing her eyes and walking towards the door, she opened her eyes with pride.

"Yes it is, but not sure it's going to be on the correct date anymore since all this mayhem is going on in Ponyville right now."

Twilight knew Applejack was right but if Ponyville can't do it maybe it's time for Celestia to get involved with her authority.

"You're right Applejack, it's too dangerous to be outside as of now, no events are going to take place at least big events like that."

Rarity brushed her mane back, readjusting it, and she was nervous and needed something to do, worrying about your friend can cause anxiety and you feel nervous for her well-being, the group all made it outside.

"Do you know exactly where this dojo is?"

"Well, darling I believe the nurse said it would be north from Twilight's library since it was northeast from the hospital."

The group had to rethink what the nurse told them and then remembered by sharing with each other, that it was northeast from here.

"Alright, well, let's not keep Rainbow Dash waiting, let's get a move on."

Twilight was worried about Rainbow Dash but knew she is alright as of now since Comber thought she was dead, the group started walking north from Twilight's library and through the fog that scattered all over Ponyville, the group wondered why but Twilight just said it's just the humidity in the air, the group decided to pick up the pace, not wanting to keep Rainbow Dash waiting, because Comber could be smarter then they thought?


"Thank you very much for the lesson Blake and sorry for misjudging you, that was wrong of me."

Blake smirked, he felt glad she finally trusted him and listened to his back story after learning deception, he gave Rainbow Dash one last look and advice before returning to his habit.

"Never lose friends like the ones you gain, you rarely find friends like that, and don't stab you in the back, I can tell you are going to do great things, make Comber pay for using the teachings of Cinom and mine in corrupted ways."

Rainbow Dash smiled at Blake before waving him goodbye as the floor opened up, the color of the room shifting to red and then when it was finished, back to its natural colors. Rainbow Dash looked around with her head, wondering if Blake was gone and not trying to prank her since he did try to do that with Cinom, her eyes widened, when he said goodbye, he meant it, she can sense deception now, and she didn't sense deception from him when he aids his goodbye and left, she was kind of sad he had to go back to such a cruel place, the other demons should be more like him and not try to make his life miserable because he wants to repent and be an angle but angles are a demon natural enemy, so that will never happen. Rainbow Dash looked around for Cinom but didn't know where to find him, she searched around, in the training room, in the office, and her hoofs touched the ground again, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

("Where did he go off to? Why would he leave without saying goodbye? Maybe he's outside?")

Rainbow Dash flew to the doors, opening the doors and causing a squealing sound, she landed on the stone steps and looked around and didn't see him, she scratched her head, where would he go off to? Rainbow looked far to the south, and she saw 4 familiar ponies walking towards her, she thought her eyes were deceiving her, it can't be her friends, but they are the only other ponies other than the authorities out and around as of now, she wiped her eyes in disbelief, thinking her eyes are covering who they truly are and they wasn't, she couldn't control herself, she flapped her wings and flew towards them at top speed, startling them, Rarity mane became a mess because of the wind Rainbow Dash produced, she wasn't annoyed and understood why she flew that fast towards them all, they had a group hug, even Pinkie Pie, they were all happy and grateful to be back to her, they all only wish Fluttershy was there. All of their eyes were full of joy.

"So you heed the nurse's advice?"

"We came by to give you a visit, the nurse said you took off earlier than expected, I'm so glad you're all alright!"

Rainbow Dash smiled, excited to see them all again, but this time not in a hospital bed crippled.

"Of course I'm alright, I'm Rainbow Dash, the one and only!"

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air and pointed a hoof to her chest with pride, everyone smiled at her as she hovered back to the ground. Twilight was curious about what she learned.

"So what did you learn from your teacher at the Dojo?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't wait to tell Twilight about marital magic, she smirked with confidence.

"Let me show you, and it's a sensei Twilight."

Twilight giggled, they both are the same thing but she won't argue with her about it, since that is a better noun for a teacher at a dojo. Twilight began to float into the air, Applejack and Rarity couldn't believe their eyes, was she doing magic!?

"Rarity put me down!"

"What! It's not me darling, see, my horn not glowing!"

Rarity wasn't using magic, can't she see the color, wait, is that Rainbow Dash? But how? She's a pegasus, not a unicorn!

"Rainbow Dash... Put me down. How are you using magic!?"

Rainbow Dash slowly put Twilight back on all four hoofs and explained, Twilight was shocked and Rarity thought this was a prank, Applejack knew it wasn't a prank, the magic was pink, her magic color is different, and she thought it would be rainbow but how can she do that, is she using the magic of demons? Wouldn't that be black?

"Twilight are you using magic, was this a setup prank when you were at the hospital darling?"

Twilight eyes remained shocked, she couldn't believe it, Rainbow Dash can use magic, but she is a pegasus, not a unicorn, how can she use magic!? This is insane!

"Not to sound panicked or rude but, how in Celestia's name do you know how to perform spells Rainbow Dash!? No Rarity this is not a prank!"

Twilight asked, she was immensely curious and shocked, this could change the magic fundamentals of magic itself!

"Yeah, I reckon this is trickery Rainbow Dash, a prank? Because if you can perform spells, that would mean earth ponies also could perform spells."

Applejack wanted to learn how to use magic, if she knew how it would make working around the farm a whole lot easier and smoother, she never thought of using magic until today, but first what type of magic is it? Because it's not unicorn's magic.

"I knew you would be shocked Twilight, I couldn't believe it either but the magic is called (marital magic,) usually used for combat."

Twilight scratched her head in confusion. So this magic is for combating other ponies, so it's offensive? Is it the same as a unicorn's magic?

"So you can actually cast spells as I can?"

Rainbow Dash laughed, she could, but that requires more training than she haves but she does have the ability to heal herself, although if she does her stamina would be diminished since she doesn't have magic and she hasn't nearly mastered that spell with Blake, it isn't a demonic spell, she thought it was at first but marital magic is different from demon magic, it's magic pulled from the host and used for combat normally and not the same as unicorn's magic.

"Heh, no Twilight, these spells are completely different from unicorn's magic, these spells are normally to aid in combat and according to Cinom, all ponies have magic deep inside them, we all felt it when we used the Elements of Harmony to put an end to Nightmare Moon rampage."

Rainbow Dash started flying in the air. Applejack scratched her head in confusion, what did she mean? Wait, she felt it before, but how would she use that magic?

"I do have a question, did the authorities arrest Comber?"

The group looked at each other, they had no clue, they remember hearing gunshots, so maybe he was dead or arrested.

"Rainbow Dash asked, she hoped they did, but at the same time, she hoped they didn't, she wants to make him pay for what happened in Ponyville.

"I reckon he is since we all got startled by the gunshots going off."

"Yeah, that scared me..."

Pinkie Pie remembered the event, it freaked her out, at first she thought an assassin was trying to finish her off since her family was killed by one, but she really didn't think there was another assassin in the village, she remembered what her mom used to say, she thought back to the event again and this time, laughing at it, she sounded crazy at first. Rainbow Dash was confused, but could easily tell this wasn't evil laughter, she had no bloodlust, so it can't be plus this is Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash felt bad for even attempting to sense if Pinkie Pie had bloodlust.

"Also, Rainbow Dash did you hit the gym a little because your hoof size increased by a little bit since we saw you at the hospital, I didn't notice without taking a closer look."

Rainbow Dash landed back on the ground, in the middle of the group, she almost blushed when Rarity noticed, she did do a lot of lifting, but she almost forgot about Cinom, where is he?

"I'm thankful you all came to see me again, I was planning to see you again after saying goodbye to Cinom, but he left somewhere, I had no clue where he went?"

"Cinom, that's a funny name, sounds like Cinnamon."

Pinkie Pie giggled. She wondered if he would taste like cinnamon? Not seriously though.

"Will you want to look for him, I want to know how you learned this (marital magic.")

Twilight was curious about this new type of magic as Applejack was too, Pinkie would only be interested if it can bring ponies back to life.

"Do you think he Could have been attacked?"

Rainbow Dash looked at the Dojo, starting to fly and all saw green bushes, she sighed and landed again.

"No, not at all, I think, well I don't know, all I do know is he was also the teacher that taught Comber."

The group was shocked, he taught such a monster, why is she taking lessons from him? Is he trying to turn her into a monster too?

"Whoa whoa, hold up, he's the one who taught that assassin his to fight... Why would he do that!?"

"Darling I think you shouldn't have learned anything from that colt!"

"Maybe that's why he left without telling you, I reckon he went to Comber to tell him your training is over and-!"

Rainbow Dash felt frustrated, they don't know, she was angry at first and she understands, especially for Pinkie Pie, she probably blames him for her sisters being killed and at first she herself blamed him for Fluttershy being killed.

"No, it's not like that, he taught Comber at the time, he was blinded like we were when we all met him. He can sense deception, at the time Comber was telling the truth, but something happened to Comber, he became a monster."

Twilight and the rest of the group thought this was a joke, he can sense deception? That sounds like an excuse to avoid punishment for his part in Comber's crimes.

"No, he lied to you darling, I never heard of someone sensing deception before."

"I reckon he lied to you Rainbow Dash, trust me, all ponies lie, and I had my share of lies and I hold the element of honesty."

"Sorry Rainbow Dash, in all my studies I never once heard of deception being sensed."

Rainbow Dash smirked, she knew how to prove to them he ain't lying.

"No, because I can sense deception, you can test me if you like to?"

Twilight wanted to believe Rainbow Dash, but this sounds like a good test, she knows how to test this.

"I am the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria."

Rainbow Dash smirked, Twilight was powerful when it comes to magic, but the most powerful Unicron is.

"Starswirl is the most powerful unicorn ever in magic."

"No Twilight, Starswirl the Bearded is the most powerful unicorn around, but you are in the top 5 of the most powerful unicorns unless Comber uses that magic multiplying technique."

Twilight was shocked to hear Rainbow Dash know that, and she is in the top 5! She didn't know, and what!? A magic multiplying technique!? Twilight and Rarity lost words to such a statement, they can't believe there is a technique that can multiply the user's magic, that should be illegal if anything!

"Wait there is a technique that can multiply magic!? I never heard of that, do you know what's it called?"

Rainbow Dash shooked her head in a yes expression.

"It's called Celestia Warth."

Twilight laughed at the name, Celestia's wrath. She gets it.

"Haha hahaha! That's a funny name for it, is it possible for me to learn it?"

Rainbow Dash laughed and replied with a Yes. If only she knew where Cinom was.

"Alright, well, I think it would be a good idea to meet Cinom."

"Girls, don't forget he went missing, just like..."

Pinkie Pie stopped and thought about her sisters and Fluttershy once again, then she began laughing, she again sounded like she was crazy from the intensity she was laughing.


"Are you okay Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie Pie stopped laughing, tears coming down her cheek.

"Yeah, I remember my mother teaching me to laugh at the darkness, so every time a bad thought came into my head now, I laugh at them to make them go away, so I don't have anymore break downs."

Twilight smiled at Pinkie as the rest of the group also did, they were glad to see her cope with the loss of her sisters, yeah, it sucks to lose family, but to keep breaking down about it will only lead to a path off a cliff, it leads to no path.

"Well, that's some good advice Pinkie Pie."

Rainbow Dash smiled at Pinkie before walking towards her, stopping and facing the pink mare.

"I will make that assassin pay for what he did to your family and admit to his crimes if the authorities don't arrest him, he wishes they would."

Pinkie Pie frowned and stared at the ground as Rainbow trash-talked, she then moved her up to Rainbow Dash and smiled.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash, but I rather you do not fight him, he's dangerous."

"I also reckon you don't look for that monster, I reckon you move like a herd of cows and on with your day."

"Rainbow Dash, don't try to fight him, he still thinks you're dead, I think it would be a bad idea to try to stop him yourself."

Rainbow Dash giggled, she knew she could stop him, but her friends are right, they probably think the authorities arrested Comber too, for now, they should go look for Cinom, and if Comber isn't arrested, she give him the justice he deserves.

"Can you girls help me look for Cinom?"

The rest of the group smiled, wanting to meet and question Cinom about his teachings and his involvement with Comber learning from him, they want to hear him say and explain.

"Of course."

"Geez, do ponies not remember to stay inside because of this killer and the gunshots being fired off southeast from here?"

Twilight was annoyed, if Cinom is not near this dojo, then he is walking around and that is dangerous; Twilight knew she shouldn't be talking, but after what happened in Ponyville it shook Twilight as well as the rest of the group of friends. Rainbow Dash shook her head in disagreement.

"You're right about the gunshots, however, you're wrong about the safety in your homes, especially if it is Comber, Cinom told me a lot about him, about his assassin years after researching, and from what I hear Twilight, he doesn't kill in public, at least his targets, he likes to be quiet and low."

"I agree with her since he is an assassin and all."

"I believe they like to be stealthy, but I reckon you still take caution."

Twilight thought to herself, she's right actually right still, that other killer tried to kill her because she was out, she will never forget those moments and his cruel voice, in her opinion, he's more monstrous than Comber.

"You're all correct but don forget that pony who attacked me, I don't know his name but he had a green mane and tail, he nearly killed me with a hatchet, but I guess it just depends on the killer?"

Twilight felt anger and fear brew up, she felt like a panic attack was happening just by talking about that despicable colt. Pinkie Pie started to feel sorrow because of talk about killers, she didn't like it and all it did was remind her of her sisters and Fluttershy's death, she wanted to change the topic to something peachy.

"Girls, what's going to happen after all these tragic events fly past, it's not healthy to worry all the time, we all need smiles still."

The great of the group grew smiles, Pinkie Pie is right and right now they need to find Cinom, even though he knows how to fight, he is still a pony like the rest of them, he ain't a monster like Comber, he is a teacher, Twilight wanted to be a teacher, maybe one day she might open her own school?

"Alright, let's look for this Cinom fellow before sundown."

Applejack demanded, the group walked towards the dojo and opened the doors, Rainbow Dash flew in and started the search, the group followed and started to search for Cinom, the Mane 5 had no clue where he could really be, and Rainbow Dash became frustrated by the moments, why would he leave without saying goodbye? She felt regret build-up but didn't let it get the best of her, remembering to keep her emotions in check, the group searched hard and wide but could not find Cinom.


Comber was walking towards the east of Ponyville, he's done here, this place has nothing to offer him and from what he sees, it's extremely peaceful, heck most if not all the jobs he received were from ponies outside of this village, Lighting Dust, the Tourist and the farmers that did business with the Pie family. Comber watched his surroundings, he wished his town was like this village when he was growing up, sadly, it wasn't, this town didn't deserve this, but a job is a job and what's done is done. He walked through the fog with a fearless attitude, his cape back on and on his back and full of holes, he started to hear hoof steps coming from the opposite direction, somepony out? Celestia, they don't hear the warnings at all, Twilight going to blow a fuse, Comber looked closely as the fog disappeared, his eyes widened, is that, no, it couldn't be him, could it, Comber smirked, after seeing the colt magic disappear, that color was no mistaking it, this was certainly Cinom, and why is he clearing the fog away, is that his new job?

"There you are, Comber, I have some questions for you."

Comber teleported in front of Cinom's face, he had a wicked expression.

"Questions, let me guess do you also work with the police department in Ponyville? Because they just tried to kill me, those fools."

Cinom sighed, is Comber serious?

"No Comber and the only fool here is me."

Comber got confused, how is he a fool, what made him a fool?

"You're a fool? How?"

"For teaching you, you need to be stopped."

Comber smirked turned to a blank expression, then laughed loudly. Cinom was serious and furious, this is no joke or laughing matter.

"Oh... I see now, you regret teaching me, must be because of my oddly informed title, I assume you knew I wouldn't have this title, if not for you."

Comber started walking to his right and looking at Cinom, while he talked.

"Comber, what made you turn from being a hero? You didn't lie to me, so, tell me, unless you're afraid to tell me because of your pride."

Comber looked down to the ground, remembering why he does this, then looked back up, staying silent, then laughing.

"What is so funny Comber?"

"You are Cinom, I see what you're trying to do, sense deception? I will not fall for it, you're right, you're a huge fool."

Cinom felt anger brewing, enough of this talk, if he refuses to talk then he'll force it out of him or stop him and bring him to justice. Cinom got in his stance, this shocked Comber, the assassin's eyes widen, not with fear but with curiosity, a fight, with him? At his age, that is very humorous, but sure, this should be very fun, he will have to try unlike the jobs here and the authorities.

"You want to fight me!?"

Comber started to smile but looked back at Cinom, who kept his expression and stance. Comber got in his stance, with a smirk on his face.

"Fine, I should warn you I won't be helping you up again, old colt."

Cinom laughed, he just spoke of a good deed he did in the past, if he remembers that, then maybe all hope for him is not gone, what a jerk he is now, something changed in him and he doesn't know by what and how? He wants to know how long Comber has been an assassin.

"No Comber, I'm going to put you back on the path you should've stayed on, what a good filly you once."

Comber smirked.

"I'm 100 years old."

Cinom's eyes widen, wait, he's 100 years old!? He looked like a filly when he taught him though, how could he be 100 years old!? He ain't lying, there's no deception, but is this some sort of cruel prank reality is playing!?

"You're 100 years old, how are you tricking me? You look like your built like an 18-year-old, you are in your 30's."

"I don't care if you believe me, are you going to try and bring me to justice, because if so, I guess I'll be the villain then."

Cinom shook his head in disbelief, this isn't the Comber he knew, he's more corrupted and rude, he's different and he believes he knows why but Comber will never give him the truth or tell him the truth, he won't fall for the deception technique.

"You think this is a path of entertainment, ending ponies' lives?"

Comber felt bad, deep down inside, but it's fun, victims fight their hardest for one thing they can't put a price on, their lives.

"Well, the best way to draw the best of your opponent's skill is by letting them know if they fail they will die."

"What happened to you, Comber? The old Comber wouldn't say that, I blame your father, his influence is bad, don't you see, he threw you off your trail you should've been on!"

Comber chuckled, closing his eyes and moving his left front hoof into the air.

"Cinom, what an absurd assumption, and it sounds like you are here to talk and not fight, so I will be on my way."

Cinom face turned to a serious expression, his horn lit with brown magic, he teleported, facing the assassin, Comber stopped walking and just smirked. The wind blew hard and with a creepy sound, Comber wondered if he was going to fight him. Or will he simply keep trying to open his eyes once again?

"I serious Comber, turn yourself in or finally accept defeat."

Comber laughed. Defeat by who, Cinom? All he doing is talking.

"You don't scare me Cinom, you are foolish already but not dumb, I am fearless, you know that and I definitely would never in my life be scared of you."

Cinom opened his eyes, so be it he thought, he will bring Comber to justice and bring this village that was once peaceful back to its natural state.

"Comber, then prepare yourself, you will face punishment."

Cinom got in his battle stance, which allowed him to both attack and evade attacks. Conner smirked, that stance, it was like he remembered, he studied how to counter that stance, he was confident, but could he defeat, no, kill Cinom?

"Alrighty, I will kill you I guess."

Comber extended his left hoof out and pulled towards him, covering his left eye from Cinom's view. Cinom only saw one thing in Comber, malevolence, he needs to be stopped and because of him and himself, countless ponies have fallen to his wicked ways. Cinom dared Comber to attack him, Comber got annoyed, he still thinks so highly of himself. Comber imaged what Cinom was going to do, he had a plan, his horn lit and he teleported beside Cinom who quickly canceled Comber's magic, Comber was still in his stance and went for a punch, Cinom smirked and evaded the attack, Comber punched again with his right hoof to have it caught and punched in the face, he then was uppercut by the old colt, he flew a little up in the air and fell, Cinom turned his back and crossed his arms.

"Surrender or-!"

Comber quickly got up and attempted to punch Cinom, Cinom jumped up and quickly came down, Comber predicted what he was going to do, but it wasn't going to work, Comber used his left hoof and pulled himself to the left with a lot of force for him to evade, he watched Cinom, the instant he saw his horn lit, Comber canceled Cinom's magic, not letting him finish that strategic attack, Cinom landed on all four hoofs feeling a little bit of pain due to his age, he felt like he sprained his left rear hoof but he certainly didn't, he quickly turned to Comber, he knew he shouldn't have looked down; Comber already dashed at him, and before Cinom could block the attack, as he did try, Comber punched him directly on his nose, Cinom got pushed back and wiped his nose, he saw a tiny bit of blood.

("He's stronger than before, what if he's like his father!?")

Cinom knew this wasn't the case, if he was like his Dad, he wouldn't even flinch from his previous attacks. Comber ran at Cinom again, a hoof pulled back, Cinom blocked the attack, it caused a little bit of wind from the impact; Cinom's hoofs shook from the impact, he responded with a punch to Comber's face, Comber used his right hoof and block vertically, then attempting to use his right hoof to back hoof Cinom in his left side of his face, he turned his entire body and attempted the attack, Cinom leaned back and bent a little down, he saw an opening and took it, punching Comber in his left upper abdomen, right in the liver, with enough force to knock him off balance, Comber caught himself with his right hoof, sliding a little back, he looked up and stood up, then stared at Cinom, impressive he thought, for an old colt, although he shouldn't be talking.

"You hit like a filly, only your strength is the flaw, you're not strong enough to defeat me."

Cinom stared at Comber emotionless, seems like he blocked Comber out, does he still thinks Comber lying to him, he can sense deception so how could he be lying? comber started to walk to Cinom.

"Bring it on."

Comber dared Cinom to attack him with a hoof, Cinom dashed forward and attacked Comber, Comber ducked and evaded the elbow coming to his face, he tried to kick Cinom in the jaw, Cinom dodged it and went for a back hoof, Comber blocked it vertically with his left hoof, he went for a punch and Cinom dodged and kneed Comber in the face, Comber quickly grabbed Cinom knee and grabbed Cinom's hoof, Comber smirked and spun him around, he threw Cinom at a house.

"Take a nap!"

Cinom hit the house, with his face, he flew fast, as if it was a tornado that threw him, he was able to lessen some of the impacts with his left hoof, which felt fractured now, the wall was cracked, Cinom for a moment thought he was going to go into the house but didn't, he instantly fell off the wall of the house and falling into the flower bushes, the ponies inside the house was still sound asleep.

("He's going to be like his father when he grows up, he needs to be stopped, permanently, I'm sorry Comber but you left me no other choice.")

Comber walked towards Cinom, he was a little worried other ponies may have seen him throw Cinom, he ain't scared of the authorities, but no fillies eyes should endure this type of violence.

"Comber, I'm done trying to get through to you."

Comber smirked. He was trying to get through to him?

"You were trying to get through to me?"

Comber was cunning, but a smart hide, why would he even try to help him and try to put him on the right path? The path he's chosen is already too far down, and he was already too far down, each victim acts as a steel door to go back, he can't turn back now.

"But you will be like your father and I can't have that happen, not at all, I will give you the sentence, you will pay, with the maximum sentence Flustered town gave."

Comber stopped and looked at Cinom stupid, is he implying he going to kill him? Comber started to laugh loudly, before teleporting in front of Cinom.

"You couldn't kill m-!"

Cinom punched Comber in the right side of his face, then the left, and pushed him back with the palm of his right hoof, Comber moved his head from the right side back to its normal position, that stung, but he need to hit harder, Comber charged Cinom, sliding down and attempting to punch him in the stomach, Cinom back up a little knowing the distance of the slide, Comber with quick speed from the slide used his right hoof to leverage himself back on all four hoofs, and tried to punch Cinom in the face, Cinom leaned back and Comber knew he was going for a headbutt, Comber waited for the moment and instantly punched Cinom's in the head with additional damage, Cinom stumbled back a little, shaking his head and running at Comber angry, he tried to kick Comber and Comber invaded, he then tried to punch Comber with his right hoof but his true intention was to knock him off balance with his left hoof, which he used to swipe Comber right hoof, Comber nearly fell, catching himself on his right hoof, and tried to back hoof Cinom in the face, Cinom jumped out of the way, jumping back and then with a hoof pulled back, punching Comber in the right side, Comber responded with a quicky punch to the nose and grabbed him by the chest and threw him over him, Cinom layed there for a moment, qucikly avoiding an attack from the air from Comber, Comber was trying to crush his skull, he cracked the ground with that attack, he look at Cinom with a malevolence look, he slowly moved his head up, then his body, the look on his face changed, it was like he was happy this fight is happening, why in Equestria would he be happy about a fight like this? Cinom stood tall, using his magic to quickly heal himself, but finding it canceled again after healing himself.

"Need to heal? I think I still have the advantage since I don't receive a lot of damage, and all those weights you own, you telling me you can't lift a single one?"

Cinom filled with fury as rushed at Comber, Comber blocked the attack but was knocked off his hoofs by Cinom's swipe to his back leg joint, Cinom then punched Comber in the face, elbowing him in the eye, and then threw him into the fountain, Comber climbed out, with only a bloody nose, Comber wiped the blood off his nose, getting a little angry. Comber stepped out of the fountain, his mane down, Comber looked behind him, Comber noticed his cape, he threw it to the side, and now he fights for real.

"Cinom, your final warning, you don't possess the strength to win this battle, you know that you may have more knowledge in martial arts, but I have a lot more experience, leave, this is your final warning."

Cinom felt calm and angry, he thinks he can get away with his crimes against Equestria. He doesn't seem to be like the monster he said to be and didn't he say he'll kill him, he wasn't lying, is this a trick or maybe he just meant it at the time and have a change of heart?

"No Comber, I will bring you to justice, I taught you and your crimes are also my crimes, and you will pay for them, that's not why I taught you and you know it, you misused my lessons for your malicious gain and that's not why I taught you, you betrayed my teachings."

Comber smirked at Cinom once again, before rubbing the back of his mane with his right hoof. Comber didn't know which made his head ache more, the nonsense out of Cinom's mouth or his attacks.

"Then I guess I'll make you leave."

Comber's face went serious, he didn't want to kill Cinom, he just wants him to leave now, in fact, he just wants to leave now, this is an ironic situation, and he, of course, won't tell Cinom this, not at all, if he did, Cinom may not want to continue this fight? Cinom dashed forward and instantly blocked Comber's attack, it shook him and he responded with a quick attack on Comber's face, it connected, Comber stepped back, he then dash forward and attack Cinom, punched him in the face, and attempted to grab his head, Cinom ducked quickly and punched Comber in the stomach, Comber grabbed his punched and applied pressure to the hoof, squeezing it, Cinom desperately hit Comber in the face with his right hoof, Comber felt the attack, but it seems the force wasn't enough since he was hitting him with the left side of the hoof, he should just slap him because that's what it felt like. Comber threw Cinom at the path; Cinom rolled across the path, stopping on his left side, he wasn't going to stay down, he will stop him, the adrenaline kicked in, and he got up and punched Comber in the face. Does he always walks slowly to his prey or is it just a way to move him because of his age? He punched Comber in the right side of the jaw, Comber didn't expect such an old colt to respond with that reaction time, Cinom quickly swiped Comber's hoof, Comber jumped and avoid it, Cinom thought fast and rolled out of the way, his left rear hoof wrapping around Comber's right back hoof and throwing the leg towards the ground, Comber fell, Cinom got on top of Comber and punched him repeatedly in the face, Comber rage build, he had enough, he got up with Cinom on him, knocking Cinom off with a quick punch to the stomach and then to the liver, Cinom couldn't help but cough up some spit, he fell to the ground holding his stomach, Comber tried to punch him in the face, Cinom caught the hoof and got up and used the acceleration to uppercut Comber into the airand punch him in the stomach, he fell to the ground, Cinom tried to stomp on Comber on his stomach by jumping and coming down, Comber blocked the attack and used his sheilding hoofs to push Cinom away, Cinom kept his position and headbutted Comber and punched him in the throat, Comber had a hard time breathing, he finally used his magic to teleport, is Cinon trying to kill him? He wasn't bluffing, he means he knew since he can sense deception, Comber healed himself before Cinom canceled his magic. Comber wasn't fully healed but Comber looked slowly at Cinom, he had anger on his face, with disbelief.

"You tried to kill me?"

Cinom didn't respond, Comber walked slowly towards him, with a little bit of anger, but hey, he did threaten to kill him, so he assumes this is only logical.

"Because I wasn't going to kill you, but now I will."

Comber accelerated his speed, running at Cinom with fury now in his mind, he would try to kill him, after all, they had been together, so be it he thought. Comber went for a joint break, Cinom blocked it, but got the right side of his face grabbed and then slammed into the ground, Cinom at the moment his face was being slammed grabbed Comber, he grabbed Comber's hoof and twisted as hard as he could, he knew he would've done it if Comber didn't punt him in the face and knocked him 15 hoof steps away by rolling in the hard path, Comber walked slowly towards his old friend and teacher, Cinom got up, feeling blood run down his nose and lips, he wiped the blood off, and slowly looked at Comber; he got back in his stance and dashed at Comber. Comber got in his stance, Cinom as soon as he got close to the assassin, he swirled to the left and dash past Comber from that direction, he started to run circles around Comber, Comber tried to punch him casually but miss a lot of his attacks, Comber received a punch to the left side of the face, stunning him temporary and making him hold his face with his left hoof, Comber watched Cinom, that aura, that's not Celestia Warth, this is another technique, what technique is he using, it's not magic, because if it was he could cancel it, is this another art of martial magic? Cinom kept zooming around Comber at high speed, if he can have that speed, Comber thought, still keeping his eyes on Cinom; he's an old colt that is not immune to age, so he shouldn't be this fast, he ain't using magic either, so something else is up, and why is he running around him? All he's doing is wasting stamina, if it's for a single attack it better count otherwise he would be out of stamina and this match would be a bore.

"You know, you really should save your stamina! An old colt like you needs to conserve as much of it as possible."

Cinom smirked, those words of wisdom from a killer are funny, but true, and ain't he older than him? Maybe that's why he ain't as active? What are Comber's true motives? Why does he kill? He doesn't enjoy it, but he enjoys a fight; this clicked a neuron for Cinom, he kills for the fight, that must be it, so he would let his victims know he was going to end them and they couldn't run from him so that only left them to fight him, and a pony would fight their hardest for their life, so is that why he's an assassin, he lets them know this ain't personal and fights them and kills them, what a devious col.

"You're right Comber, but, you should worry about yourself and not me, hahaha."

Comber got confused, worried about himself, what did he mean about-!

Cinom jumped in front of him, Comber got on guard, his left hoof ready to block, and his right hoof ready to attack, Cinom extended his hooves before crisscrossing them, Comber's eyes caught what he was doing, he's creating a barrier around them, wait, it's that-! Flames burst taller than the homes in Ponyville, spreading around the magic line Cinom placed, that line he placed, he had to use martial magic, his horn wasn't illuminating, darn it! Comber fought so many unicorns who never used martial magic and forgot Cinom can use it too, he turned his head and body as the flames burst around them, they were hot, and they also prevented any use of unicorn magic, so, what is the planning, this is a small area, so is this his way of restricting the battle to only this spot, if it is, then he must be cocky that he can beat him in a 1v1 fight, hahaha, that humorous.

"So this was what you're planning, you restricted the battle to a small area, you have compassion for this village, I give you that."

Cinom kept his smirked, and walked closer to Comber, and stopped 10 hoof steps away. He had a plan, hopefully, he can use that technique long enough, he has to attack Comber as hard as possible and as ferocious as he can, Comber didn't know and won't expect.

"I suggest you put that wall of fire down and walk away while you still can."

Cinom stopped, inches from touching Comber's nose with his own, they both stood tall and stared at each other, Comber smirked, Cinom was confident.

"I will not as you can see, it's already up. I suggest you surrender-!"

Comber went for a punch, Cinom ducked and evaded it, attempting to attack Comber with a back hoof, Comber blocked it, Cinom knew that and used his right hoof to hit Comber in the nose, Comber responded with a punch to Cinom's nose, Cinom tried to headbutt Comber, Comber leaned his head back, then tried to headbutt Cinom, Cinom blocked the attack, performing a 360-degree turn and attempting to hit Comber in the rear joints, Comber didn't block in time, Comber felt the pain, and nearly fell, but easily got back up, he dashes forward at Cinom, hitting him with the back of his hoof, back hoofing him in the face, knocking him down, Cinom looked at Comber, he is a strong monster machine, but Cinom knew it's time, he got back up and looked at Comber, turning his head to the right side and looking behind him, he didn't even notice how devasting Comber's attack was, he knocked 3 of his teeth out. Blood started flowing down the right side of Cinom's jaw. What a bastard. Both colt's head was sweating from the heat, Cinom's back was scathed by the flames, and his tail was a little burned but the damage and pain ain't nothing to worry about.

"Seriously Cinom, leave, I have no interest in killing you and I do respect what you taught me, but in your old age, you have no chance at defeating me in battle."

Cinom clapped his hooves, confusing Comber; this made Comber think he was using martial magic again, which he wasn't, Comber stood his ground, watching something glow.

("Aura, and it's red, orange, yellow, green, blue-! The buck-!?")

Cinom dashed at Comber, Comber attempted to punch Cinom, Cinom easily evaded it, caught the hoof and used it to jump, Comber stepped back, Cinom landed with accuracy and punched Comber in the nose, he started attacking Comber, Comber blocked, still taking hits to the face, these are a little bit hurting him, what is that technique he's using?

("he is moving too fast, that reaction time, there's no way, he's an old colt, how is he moving that fast!?")

"Give up now Comber! Don't make it harder on yourself!"

Cinom swiped Comber's left rear hoof from under him, punching him in the face and beating his face with both hooves, Comber caught Cinom's hoof, trying to get back up, which he did in success and pulled Cinom closer for a punch, which he did not land, Cinom dodged, moving his head to the left and headbutting Comber 3 times in such a short time, he was like a robot, how!? Cinom punched Comber in the face, then the neck, then the stomach, and then finishing it with an uppercut, he jumped at Comber and punched him in the stomach as hard as he can, hitting him to the ground, and he landed on his back, Comber got back up very fast, and seen Cinom land in front of him. Combed wiped his mouth, he saw blood, how dare he!?

"How are you moving so-!"


"Thanks for the techniques master Cinom, you were a good teacher."

Cinom smiled at the young colt, at least he thought he was a young colt, he closed his eyes in joy.

"You're quite welcome and I hope and know you're going to do good things with my teachings, although I only wish you could learn the technique that lets your body move on its own and with coordination too."

The colt raised an eyebrow, is he talking about that rainbow aura technique? That technique is for the mindless only, he knows how to fight, why would he want to learn that technique?

"You mean-!?"


"Remember this technique, Comber!?"

Comber smirked, so it's that technique he's using, but why doesn't he use Celestia Warth? Ain't that technique less draining than the one he's utilizing, wait-!? Cinom dashed at Comber, Comber blocked the attack, but still received an attack in the face, Comber blocked another one, and instantly he was an elbow in his jaw, Cinom attacked again, missing as Comber ducked and attempted to punch Cinom in the stomach, Cinom caught the attack, using his right front hoof to repeatedly punch Comber in the face, in a small time and it was about 10 punches, Comber couldn't believe it, that technique is powerful, but he's old, so Cinom will lose that technique in time, but this is fun, Comber grabbed the hoof, Cinom used his left hoof to attempt to twist Comber's hoof off his, Comber tried to headbutt Cinom, missing as Cinom dodged and headbutted Comber and then using the momentum of his right hoof to elbow Comber in his right side of his jaw. Comber let go of Cinom's hoof, then received an attack to the stomach, Comber blocked the next attack Cinom through, and after Comber was punched in the face, Cinom landed an uppercut and landed the most powerful punch to Comber's liver, Comber flew up in the air a little and nearly was punched 5 hoof steps away and slid on his rear hoofs, his tail nearly catching on fire, he looked down, and the realized instantly Cinom was already back on him again, Celestia, he might actually have to kill Cinom? No, he's going to kill Cinom as he said. Comber tried to avoid the first punch but didn't, and received more blows to the side, the attacks were as fast as a machine, Comber was only able to block 5 of the 15 attacks and dodged 2. Cinom grabbed Comber's rear limbs by the joints and applied pressure and pushed the rear limbs towards the ground, knocking Comber to the ground, Comber quickly recollected himself on all four hoofs. He chuckled mentally. Only if Cinom was powerful, maybe he would have brought him to justice, Comber black flipped away, standing on all four hoofs again.

"Well, you certainly are capable of beating me, and good at disabling my agility, as well as my own attacks, I give you that, but your age is your weakness, as your stamina and strength, I suggest you retreat and come back sometime later."

Cinom walked slowly towards Comber, he stared at Comber for a moment, before giving Comber a humorous reply.

"Retreat, no, and you don't have that option!"

Cinom attacked Comber, Comber blocked the attack with a hoof, he was aiming for Comber's neck, he judged by the force, it would be a lot of force, Comber's hooves shook with the impact, he quickly attacked but missed, he started thinking, if he only relies on just dodging and striking, which is effective and works nearly every time he attacks, then he needs to wait for that technique out, Comber jumped into the air, trying to slam a hoof down on Cinom, Cinom evaded the attack, causing the ground to crack, Cinom punched Comber in the nose and then uppercut him into the air and elbowing him in the stomach, Comber felt the pain, first colt to actually hurt him like that, but he was pain resistant, pain does not affect him, he stomped all hooves back on the ground and ducked Cinom's attack.

"Celesta Warth."

Comber ignited with a red aura, Cinom smirked, so now he actually feels threatened, Comber attacked Cinom, Cinom evaded it and tried to elbow Comber, Comber blocked it with his right hoof and took a step back, Cinom dashed at him, Comber red aura turned darker, before stomped on the ground and broke it, the path cracked and dirt flying, Comber quickly used his magic, Cinom quickly canceled his magic but received the dirt in his eyes, he stopped to clear them fast, Comber dashed forward, the aura turning a darker red.

"Celestia Warth×5!"

Comber yelled with a rageful tone.


Cinom was shocked, he found a way to multiply that technique, even more! Cinom never looked into that since he was so busy but thought it was possible. Comber with very fast speed and force, elbowed Cinom in the face and punched him as hard as he could in the chest, blood squirted out of Cinom's nose and mouth, he fell to his knees and held his chest, Comber raised a hoof over his head and slammed it down, Cinom evaded and used his magic to heal himself.

"Celestial, cancel."

Both colts were taking deep breaths, Comber smirked, wiping blood from his nose and throwing the blood on the ground.

"I have no clue why you continue to battle me, any moment that technique will-!"

Cinom dashed forward and collapsed on the ground, the aura he once had disappeared, Comber smirked, before placing a hoof on his head and climbing on his head with that hoof, while his left hoof was on the ground, he looked down at Cinom!

"Run out of its limit."

Cinom got back up, as he did Comber slammed his head back to the ground.

"I defeated you, and I did say I was going to kill you, so..."

Comber stomped on his head, then pulled him up by his mane and punched him in the back, Comber teleported and punched Cinom hard in the jaw, breaking it, Cinom flew and hit a pony's flower pots, Comber ran towards him, he canceled the red aura around him as he walked.

"You know, you have a lot of hate for me, after all, I did for you... Cinom, your end was near anyway."

Comber tried to punch Cinom, Cinom grabbed Comber's hoof, using all his effort to pull himself up, Comber smirked with sadness and a little malevolently.

"Is this what you're trying to do!?"

Comber used his left hoof to grab Cinom's hoof, pulling him up, and held it vertically, his right hoof swung at the hoof, breaking the bone and dislocating it completely, bone hanged out of the flesh, Comber dropped the Cinom to the ground, sending more pain to Cinom, he yelled in immense pain, Comber picked his head up by his mane and slammed his head back down. Cinom's jaw broke, only hanging on by the flesh. Comber grabbed his neck by the back of it, lifting him and turning him, making him face himself.

"Old colt, now why would you be able to yell, try it now. The flames by the way, if I wanted to, I could take the burn, smart technique though, I give you that, for ponies who can't handle pain and easily panicked."

Comber looked up to the sky, spotting Cloudsdale, looking back down at Cinom with respect and disbelief.

"But it seems you thought I wasn't going to escape, and you use that mindless technique to beat me, hahaha, Cinom, get real."

Comber punched Cinom in the stomach hard, making him spit blood out. Comber used his magic, opening a magic safe, and grabbing his knife, Cinom tried to struggle, but couldn't, this is what he was afraid of, he was going to die. He tried to talk to Comber, but his words were incoherent, Comber looked at Cinom again, seeing his head fall, Comber was about to stab him in the jaw, but before his hoof stopped, he looked at his left hoof, he wants to keep his word and kill him, but he doesn't want to kill him, he was like a friend he had for almost a year, and all he was really doing was fighting for justice; trying to be a hero, was he really a villain? He only completes jobs hoofed over to him, if he doesn't do it, then another assassin will. Comber quickly slammed Cinom's head on its right side, knocking Cinom out, Comber looked closely at him as his horn illuminated.

"When you wake up, make sure to rest, and don't try to come after me again, other I will forcibly put you to rest, so enjoy your nap."

Comber healed him, using the Celestia Warth to increase the healing effect, Cinom was fully healed but left unconscious, Comber turned the opposite direction and walked away, using his magic to grab his cape and repair it, then he put it back on, and he made sure to have his bag, he put his knife back in its safe and poofed it, then started walking, he had a smirked, he had fun and he defeated his sensei, this was satisfying for him.

("I think I'll see if one more job comes up, I need a nap.")

Comber smiled, before teleporting back to the graveyard, where he will rest as he waits for another job to show, will an additional job show, or will Comber finally leave Ponyville as he said or will something unexpected happen?

Survivors Of Comber! A Heart Warming Recovery! An Unexpected Battle Between Client and Assassin!

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A familiar colt finished putting a curtain up for the living room in a home he used to recover, it was a new one and the one previously up had holes, so he thought he is thoughtful.

"Dear, you really shouldn't be up, in fact-!?"

"Mrs. Gladie, I decided to use a heal spell on myself, I saw a certain colt do it, so I gave it a try and I feel fine."

The nurse thought to herself, why, why is he still here, does he want to clean the home for them? Because it sure seems that way, what a nice colt, makes sense since he is a colt of the law. She walked towards him and looked at him with a stern face, a face a mother would give if their filly ignored them.

"You know that spell is forbidden since it caused more casualties than saving lives? It's also against the law, and you shouldn't use it."

The colt turned his attention from the window and faced her with a serious expression. The husband walked in from the kitchen, after coming downstairs.

"Fillies are in bed. What's going on here?"

The wife gave her husband a cold glance. It send shivers down his spine; the colt laughed to nullify the previous emotion.

"This colt used a forbidden spell. One paramedic or doctors are not supposed to, and I told you already why."

"Yes you did dear, and let's stay quiet, we don't want to wake the fillies."

The deputy wasn't going to be scolded, he had been too many times in his life and this current time is not happening, he is trying to save lives, he can't if he ain't recovered. He's aware of the forbiddance of healing yourself because it's more dangerous than it is helpful, one mistake and that pony is finished.

"I know you don't approve of it, but I let you know, you don't know me, I may not look it, but I am older than you both combined. I know this by indefinite fact, I used this spell so I can quickly stop the menace to our village, I am trying to help, certainly, you know that?"

The wife and husband stood a the colt with a blank expression, there's no way he's older than them, that would make him over 80 years old, but he doesn't show it, why is that? Is it biology? That can't be it, must be a curse or a certain spell, but judging by the colt's reaction it's best not to ask.

"I understand that dear, but, just... Be careful, my husband heard everything on the roof, and from what it sounds like, he's a heinous colt, a one with zero consciousness."

The mare swiped her hoof in anger. The husband walked forward and decided to elaborate.

"If you want my opinion, he's more of a problem and threat than Nightmare Moon was. I suggest you watch your back with him and don't fight or attempt to arrest him alone this time."

Bullet thought back to when Comber stabbed him in the back with a pebble, "watch your back," this nearly set Bullet off with ferocity, the expression he made obviously made it clear, he was mad cause the colt is right.

"Yes, you are right, I should watch my back, but you two don't know Comber or his father, if you think Nightmare Moon was a big threat, trust me, she was the tip of the iceberg shot off, trust me. I need to be going, I need to regroup with my colleagues and department."

The pair thought to themselves, he really is a colt of the law, and a loyal co-worker, there's no doubt about that, but why attempt again? If the police department couldn't stop him, then he alone stands no chance. Bullet walked towards the pair, he had a serious expression, that went blank, before a smile, he was grateful for being saved by this family, they obviously are in a good position and have fillies, but even while sleep and could hear them needing financial aid, Bullet horn illuminated, startling the couple, before opening a magic safe and opening at an angle for 3 bags of bits would fall. The group was shocked, is he paying them for saving him? No, he shouldn't, they were just assisting the law, they really don't need the bits. The magic safe poofed, and the room went from whitish to black.

"I figured you saved my life, and it would be selfish if I didn't return the favor in some sort of way, thank you very much."

Bullet's voice was formal and respectful as he spoke. The group was finacially secured, they didn't need more bits, it would be rude if they don't take the bits he's offering, it a gesture from a gesture they suspose.

"Dear, you're welcome, try to stay safe next time alright...?"

"And don't mess with that colt, he"ll kill you next time in a gruesome way I don't want to know, he's heinous."

Bullet took their words in, slowly processing them and looking at the group as he did, such random family cares so much about him, ponies personally he nevee met yet until now. bullet walked towards them and hugged them, his eyes filled with tears feeling the guilt from what he's done throughout his life.

"I sincerely thank you for saving my life even though I deserve nothing but death."

The colt and mare used a hoof and hugged him, after, letting the colt step back a bit and they saw the tears, they heard the voice was sorry but wasn't expecting his eyes to show it in tears, but why does he deserve nothing but death, what has he done to make him, a colt of the law say such a thing, did he falsely imprisoned ponies? Or did he do such worst things, was he that colt's friend? They want to ask, but rather not know due to the fact they might make him lose his job and face justice himself.

"Whatever you did in the past is in the past, stop worrying about it, you're making amends by doing what you do, arresting criminals, like that colt you fought on the rooftop."

Bullet was 15 hoofsetps back, wiping the tears from his face and eyes and responding with a fragil tone,.

"You're correct and that's what I shall do, you both have a great night, and please, stay inside, keep your fillies safe, you two are perfect parents, only if my parents were around for me to be perfect."

The couple smiled but frowned at the same time, is he saying he lost his parents as a child, that is so sad and scars him, but that may explain the guilt he must be feeling and the crimes he may have done were because of that, maybe he took justice into his hoofs by being a deputy? Bullet walked to the shadow-covered door, reaching a hoof out and grabbing the door knob which was made of gold, ready to turn it.

"What happened to your parents?"

Did they abandon him as a filly or did he lose them due to murder? They wanted to know because the mother was not only a nurse but was a therapist.

"Trust me, you don't strive to know, please don't, they were hunted by one of the workers where I was working. I will leave as I prefer not to keep remaining on this subject."

The colt walked toward him with his wife and frowned, before smiling at him. The colt placed a hoof on Bullet's left shoulder with his right hoof. This surprised Bullet but he kept his cool, it felt comforting.

"Don't remain on the subject. use it as a learning experience, I know it's hard since they were your parents, but please don't let that cause you to fall too, just like my Dad..."

The colt took a breath and sighed, he guess he should tell him. The wife knew what he was going to talk about since he talks to her about it and recives guidance for his mentally because of it; it works, he feels better all the time until reminded of the subject as this moment's doing.

"My Dad couldn't let the loss of his sister go, he strived on this subject for years, until he finally died due to a heart attack, too much stress kills you, as a rope tightens, if it tightens too much, you have to loosen up, so I tell you, I don't know what happened to your mother or Dad, but I do know, if you remain on it, the guilt, regret and grief will lead you to your doom."

Bullet Listen carefully and took the information into his heart, he differently ain't lying since he knows himself, he knew this information already, but for a colt to share personal information like that, he must trust him, most ponies who know him, it's because of his badge, and his serious face, but these ponies view him as a pony and not an authority figure such as a deputy with a ton of experience. His eyes shoot open like, well... A bullet, his heart raced that word, no, wait-! Bullet pulled his gun out and searched for a pony, the couple freaked out and took cover, it was noise making, but they had to hind behind their couch, which was gray, they started believing the colt is crazy, why did he pull his gun out? The colt thought about dishoofing the deputy but quickly stop thinking about doing that action because the wife with calming words, brought him back to his senses, just who did he think was in the room, nopony can be here, their door is shut and the room is pitch black unless they can teleport which is for this town impossible.

"Who did you think was here sir? Calm yourself, was it something I said?"

The husband colt said with regret in his heart, that he has a feeling it is a trigger, a PTSD trigger, the wife confirmed this, but what was it, was it Comber?

"No, just, don't worry about it, I know I caused alarm, but trust me, if, let's stop talking about it, I am sorry I caused alarm, and trust me, my intention wasn't to cause harm to you guys or your fillies."

The deputy took in a deep breath, reaching for the doorknob. The deputy thought it was dark outside, his head ached, reliving the events that transpired with Comber; how he could've won, what he could've done to defend better, his failure was more of a learning experience for the deputy, his guns didn't work, but why? How did he know he was going to get sniped? It doesn't make sense. The couple stood back on their four hooves, facing the once panicked deputy with a stern look, like when a parent caught their filly doing a wrongful deed like stealing or fighting.

"Well, I sure hoped not."

"I knew there's PTSD within you, no matter how tuff you appear or you think, your mentality is different from your physical body. Quite frankly I'm surprised and relieved the fillies didn't wake up from the panic."

The mother replied with a smile, and the husband chuckled. The mother turns to him with a jokingly devious look. He's responsible for the filly's slumber through the panic, did he put on the fog sound machine again?

"Honey, did you turn on the fog sound machine, because if so, good thinking."

The husband laughed and put his hoof at his sides. He got a big head.

"Why, yes, it was brilliant, but the only thing more brilliant than that is you, dear."

The mare blushed with embarrassment, theychave a guest.

"Thank you, dear, you're too sweat."

Bullet felt love, it was a mix of emotions and sensations, he wanted to fall into the love, but at the same time wanted to reject it. He remembers why he became a deputy, to protect families like this from villains and criminals, such as Comber; he will stop Comber, he doesn't know how yet, but he knows he will somehow find a way; he just wished when Comber helped them he would stay on the same path.

"I respect the love you both have for each other, and the compassion for other ponies' lives such as myself, I thank you once again for saving my life. You reminded me why I became a colt of the law, to protect families and ponies like your family."

The couple felt warm in their heart, they smiled, the wife leaning on the husband with comfort.

"No problem, always happy to help ponies."

"You be safe out there this time. Make that colt pay."

The deputy smirked with determination; he was going to make that colt pay.


)"Remember to use these skills for defense and heroic actions, not for fun or entertainment, and Celestia forbids criminal activity.")

A familiar colt laughed. He wasn't going to use these skills or techniques for criminal activity, he was going to use them with the thought of helping ponies.

("Don't worry master Cinom, I won't corrupt your teachings.")

A smile appeared on the unconscious Cinom face, he was in some sort of dream; reliving the events that transpired in the past. An owl flew through the fog and whoed at him, he woke up, wondering what the sound was. He saw the owl fly east of him, through the fog, did it even exist in the beginning? He attempted to get back on all four hooves, before collapsing back down onto the ground he awoke on; he knew the reason, the pain, the betrayal, the beaten, the letdown, and the loss. He felt bruised, bloody, but alive, which he was glad to be, he attempted to use magic, his horn lit.

"He's not the colt everypony is thinking he is, why didn't he kill me like he said, I sense no-!"

Cinom thought back to the event when Comber told him that, he was angry, or annoyed, and his temper is like his father's, so he might have just meant it at the time, and with flexibility, he changed his intentions. Cinom healed himself, after healing himself, receiving the courage and adrenaline to get back on all four hoofs, his horn stopped illuminating. Cinom closed his eyes, and took a deep breath in, the fog around him which was thick as butter, disappeared, Cinom opened his eyes.

("There we go, no more fog. I hope Rainbow Dash is ready to defeat Comber.")

Cinom knew Comber was trouble, but not this troublesome or strong, he might be too much for Rainbow Dash to take on; maybe she should avoid and hide from him? She is younger than Cinom is, so maybe her speed and newfound skills will be enough.


("This village is so peaceful, I respect that, friends and family that cares for each other, my father considered this village pathetic.")

Comber was back in the graveyard, walking down the stony path and towards the area he always lay down, expecting to see his stone; he was surprised, he saw a red carpet on the stone he lays on, but why is there a carpet, in a graveyard? That's dumb... But wait, somepony had to put that there precisely for him, since all of the other stones don't have one and it's a coincidence that it's the stone he lays on, Comber walked over to the rug, feeling it, he crossed his left hoof on it, he knew what rug this is, it was a synthetic rug, well that's nice but synthetic from this village will have to be from the boutique or a furniture store, which he remembers seeing, and there sign was closed, so whoever delivered this rug is somepony outside and knows him.

("Wait, no, it's-!")

"Like the rug, I placed for you, Comber!?

A familiar pegasus landed in front of Comber, her wings clearing the fog as she flapped, blowing the fog towards him, Comber hoof palm, sliding the hoof down with disbelief and a tiny bit of irritation, this pegasus stalks him like a hawk and he knows it, he starts to regret saving her; he wasn't going to let a filly pegasus be killed by a prideful killer, pathetic if you take pride in killing a filly, it is dispicable.

"So you put this rug on the stone I lay on, why? And you stalked me once again didn't you?"

Lighting Dust laughed, having flashbacks of the police station getting defeated, and especially the part where he brutalized Bullet, she doesn't want to get on his bad side; especially angering him, that would be a brutalized wish.

"So, ain't you gonna leave Ponyville?"

Comber sighed with more annoyance. She even knows that too... He's normally stalks his victim but she stalks the assassin, she is really uncommon. Why does she do it to a pony she knows is dangerous?

"One, why are you stalking me? To, you know I'm dangerous, so why be around me? And three, why did you put a synthetic rug on my stone, yes I know it's synthetic since my old job had them at the front door, can you please stop stalking me?"

Lighting Dust gave Comber a stern look before a confident smile formed, she has an idea, one that may get his full attention. She knows he likes to fight, so... She'll challenge him, and see what his interest is.

"So you knew, was it my wings flapping? How about I stop if you defeat me in battle?"

Comber at first he thought he heard her wrong, did she, just challenge him to a battle? Is she stupid? Insane? Has a death wished? He knows she has no martial arts experience while he has many belts in many categories in martial arts, especially when coming to debilitating ponies. Why does she want to battle? Comber's face grew with a tiny bit of shock and concern.

"You want to fight me? What on Celestia's throne for? A free target perhaps? A bribe? If you don't answer me I will not battle you, as I see no fun in hurting a pegasus, one who doesn't know how to fight or who she's fighting."

Lighting Dust got annoyed and angered, doesn't know who she's fighting? Pfft, nonsense, she's fighting a killer, and who saved her, but why? Doesn't matter now, and the reason, oh she has one.

"I know who you are since after you saved me, I saw a lot of killers when I was 15, I believe they were killers since all had knives and wanted to kill you, and from the sounds of it, it's envy, and you killed them all, and secondly, I want to see if I was Rainbow Dash, how I would fare against you and more importantly, see if I can outlast Rainbow Dash, heh heh, who knows, maybe I could defeat you? You never know since I know how you like to fight and that you don't kill innocent ponies."

Comber's face grew weary and angered, he wanted to slap sense into her. The weapons they had wasn't just kinves, they were daggers and more like spears, but yes knives,

"Would you wake up, your rivalry with Rainbow Dash is over and you did outlast her, you are still alive aren't you? So leave, because if you battle me, it's going to hurt if not get you killed, I'm not pure, and you keep trying to prove it, what good do you see in me?"

Lighting Dust flew in a circle around Comber and landed in front of his face with confidence, and a smirk. She stepped forward slowly, before stopping; her face nearly touching Comber's nose.

"You save the inncoent, that is why I see good in you. Just like I said when I was in the Wonderbolt Academy, I can handle this, and you will be the one to get hurt if you ignore me because I will attack you to force you to fight me then? How about that, Comber!?

A smirk grew on Comber's face, he wasn't angry, if she wants to battle him this bad then she will get a battle, he was a tiny bit tired, but he guess he does not have to wait for another job when a pony is forcing you to fight them, specifically a pegasus. Comber stepped back 5 hoof steps.

"If you so desperately want to fight me, then so be it, give me your best attack."

Lighting Dust smiled; she was happy Comber accepted her offer, she wants this battle to be payment and proof of saving her wasn't useless. She flapped her wings harder than normal; Comber noticed this, he may not be a pegasus, but he sure knows that the force of the wind, which to him, ain't impressive, but to the ponies of this village, it would be impressive, but the stamina it's taking is going to be a problem, for her, that is, never put an excessive amount of force behind attack unless you are sure you can land it and it should be intended for a finishing attack, unless... She believes she can defeat him in one blow or is just showing off or is she just showing off? Probably the last thought.

"Prepare you-!"

Comber got in his stance, he slowly put his hoofs into position, he dared her to come towards him, Lightning Dust laughed, she's not bright but she's definitely observative, she knows better not come to him, he would parry and counter her attacks, she started to turn and blasted off at high speed to the right, was she running away, again, an excessive waste of stamina, if she's running away her speed would be acceptable, however, she's not, she wasn't lying, so why? Is this the only way she thinks she could damage him? Lighting Dust flew around and acted as she was going to attack with her right rear hoof, but stopped, she flew away again and again, before nearly kicking the assassin in the back of the head, he invaded her attacks one by one, before blocking an attack and grabbing her hoof before throwing her away from him, she flew again at him, Comber blocked the attack with a vertical hoof, before giving a wicked smirked, he guess he should attack, he uppercut her in the stomach, with enough force to stun her a moment, before flying off again, this battle is, getting annoying, she's agile, but the hit and run strategy is getting old fast, Lighting Dust burst at him at top speed, Comber planted all hoofs on the ground, he invaded with his body by moving to the right and using his left hooves to grab her by her back and neck, he spun 180° and threw her, she flew throughout the air, crashing through 3 graves that gave the mare pegasus lacerations; blood rushed from the lacerations as she got back on herb four hoofs, she wiped the blood out of her eyes. The pegasus felt a sharp pain, some of the gravestones shattered in her, she bit her teeth as she pulled them out, she started to whimper and then yell, this is painful, blood gushed out of her torso and wings, she held it with a hoof injury free. Comber slowly walked over to her, she turned around with disappointment in her eyes and a tiny bit of fear, she was afraid he might brutalize her, but knew he won't kill her.

"Please, never challenge me again, if I would to take advantage of the situation-!"

Comber teleported in front of Lighting Dust in his stance; Lighting Dust back away a little, Comber threw a punch, stopping before it hit Lighting Dust in the face, she felt the wind, if he would hit her with that attack, she would have a traumatic brain injury and be knocked out, the gravestones broke due to the force of the wind, 4 gravestones cracked, Lightning Dust closed her eyes in fear and preparation for the attack; she slowly opened her left eye, spotting a hoof still in front of her face, as she the right eye. Comber gave her a smirk, before healing her with his magic.

"Don't challenge me again, remember that you did poorly, but be sure to pull those gravestone pieces out of your flesh when you get home and with bandages nearby too. Also, stop stalking me like you promise."

Comber confidently told Lighting Dust, before walking towards his stone to lay on. Lighting Dust stared at Comber, shd felt humility from this battle, why did she do it, stupid compassion, look where it got her. Was he even trying in the battle, she's stupid, she watched as he lay on the stone, his two hoofs behind his head, him looking at the sky, she smiled before flying away, she flew up into the sky where Comber was watching and wrote: thanks for saving me! Comber felt a little happy and satisfied, he saved a grateful pony, not many ponies are, like Abdeath, he's too prideful to accept the help of another pony.

("After the nap I think I"ll head back to my hometown.")

Comber grew a smile as he closed his eyes. No sun, no rain, a perfect weather day for him.

Comber Vs. Rainbow Dash Again! A Stunning Conclusion! An Unforgivable Sin Committed! The End!

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Rainbow Dash was worried about her master, no seriously, where the heck did he go off to? This is definitely not like him, she started to remember all their conversations and examined them closely, she had to say something, she remembers him telling her he was responsible for the deaths that happened since he was the one who taught the assassin Comber; he felt bad about it, so... Wait, no, he didn’t try to make it right and take down Comber did he? At first, Raining Dash thought he was off meditating alone but no, that guilt he showed; she believes he tried to make his mistake right.

“Girls, I think, Cinom went to fight Comber.”

The group was searching hard for Cinom, Twilight, and Rarity inside with Rainbow Dash, they couldn’t believe what they heard, did she just say she thinks Cinom went to fight Comber, what on Equestria’s life for? To redeem himself?

Twilight turned her head to Rainbow Dash, her expression serious.

“Why do you think Cinom went to fight Comber? Did he tell you perhaps that this search is a prank?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to slap Twilight upside the head, a prank, no, Tartarus no!

“Twilight, I even know now is not the time for pranks, and since you know I like to pull pranks a lot, that’s the reason you would ask that.”

Rainbow Dash darling, nice to see you have a new set of personalities.

Rarity smiled at Rainbow Dash, the blue pegasus dropped onto the ground and looked around before replying to Rarity.

“That’s what happens when you train yourself to be different than your old self when you’re determined to save your friends when you are determined to save your village. I’m going to go and look for Cinom around Ponyville. You girls are awesome friends.”

Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked into the room, sweat dripping from their head as they bowed them with exhaustion. Rainbow Dash is crazy! That assassin could still be out there, and if he sees her, he will-!

“No Rainbow Dash, it’s too risky and reckless, if you think Cinom fought Comber, then the fight would be over by now and he might be already on his way back to his dojo!”

“That’s why I need to see if he’s out there, because if he loses and that assassin left him on the brink of death, then I must save him. Girls, trust me, I’ll be okay, and to be honest, I’m not scared of Comber, and judging by the stories of him I heard, he’s not as monstrous as we all think, he wanted to be a hero-!”

“A hero, you got to be darn kidding me, heroes don’t kill and he killed Pinkie Pie’s sisters if you remember!?”

Pinkie Pie’s head bowed with sadness; feeling the loss of her sisters again.

“I know, and I swear to Celestia he’s going to pay for that.”

“Wait a minute, darling, you ain’t planning on finding him and fighting him right?”

Rainbow Dash smiled, flapping her wings and hovering back into the air.

“Look, I know you all care about me, but I also care about Cinom, and you all do too, and the way I can make sure you all stay safe is by taking down this assassin. I do plan on defeating him, and putting an end to his crimes.”
Rainbow Dash smiled at them, smiling at Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie stared into Rainbow Dash’s eyes.

“I’ll be back, Pinkie promise.”

Rainbow Dash zoomed out the doors of the dojo as Rarity and Applejack and Twilight tried stopping her by calling her by her name, her horn lit but disappeared, realizing it’s too late. They did not want her to die by trying to avenge Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s sisters. She’s very lucky to be alive and it would be a tragedy.

“I’m going to!

“Let her go Twilight, please...”

Pinkie Pie said with sadness. The group turned their attention to Pinkie with a flustered expression, then to a happy one, nopony ever breaks a Pinkie Promise, because if they did, then they’ll wish they can go back in time and fix it. The group approached Pinkie Pie, hugging her, she needs it desperately, and the group broke the hug, and take a few steps back.

“If I’m going to be completely honest with y’all, she’s coming back, because of her determination, her will to protect Ponyville, I believe unless he kills her, if she defeats him, then she’ll be back.”

Rarity scoffed.

“And you trust a promise to secure her safety, no offense darling, that’s a little dull, she’s in danger If she fights him again!”

Twilight thought to herself a little bit, Rainbow Dash is prepared, and being prepared for what is to come is the best thing you can do, she learned how to fight, she built her muscle strength, and she even in Celestia’s name knows how to use magic, even if it’s not at the extend of a unicorn’s magic, it’s still something. She also has super speed too, so she has the advantage when thinking about it, but Comber has way more experience than she does which is the only negative, and he knows most likely how to disable and kill his opponent and he will fight to kill when she won’t fight to kill him, so she’s at a disadvantage if they were already tied with pros and cons.

“Girls she’s prepared and we can’t stop her from making her own decisions doesn’t matter how hard we want to.”

The group agreed with Twilight, it’s her decision, a risky one but yet, hers to make and not theirs.

“II don’t want to admit it but Twilight’s right, we can’t force her to stay here, even if her element is loyalty, she did say she’ll be back, I reckon like a cat after being let outside.”

The group took a deep breath to calm down, it’s not good to have your anxiety through the skull. The girls walked out of the dojo, and they thought about what to do, Pinkie Pie had a suggestion, maybe they should go and visit Sugar Cube Corner, maybe that place of parties will cheer up them all.

“Um... Girls, do you think we all can go to, Sugar Cube Corner?”

The group thought to themselves for a couple of moments, they think it would be a good place to talk about their experiences, but the Cakes most likely has the place locked down and until the assassin leaves the village, especially since the news is going around that not even the PPD can stop him, ponies are probably freaking out like a fire was lit in their homes. No, they got to keep their eyes on Rainbow Dash. Where is she even going? Probably to the Graveyard since the newspaper did simply stay away from the graveyard, the newspaper came when they visited Rainbow Dash in the hospital, that’s where they saw it, it’s terrifying, and a tiny bit of humor with the headline: “Assassin takes nap in Graveyard.” It’s not funny there’s an assassin in the village none should exist, but sadly they do.

“I reckon we go after Rainbow Dash, she might need help!”

“Sorry Pinkie, but Applejack’s right, we can’t let Rainbow Dash go off and fight that assassin alone.”

“I know, I changed my mind after realizing the situation again; sorry, I was too fixated on the Pinkie Promise that I thought she would super duper come back...”

“Darling didn’t I pretty much say not to rely on the Pinkie Promise, it only shows her confidence, not secures her from dying.”

“I know Rarity...”

Applejack wondered where the assassin would be, she knows they liked to be secret, stay undercover, and strike their enemy’s down, somewhere dark she thought.

“Well we know he’s at the graveyard since the title of the newspaper that we received in our mailbox said Assassin Takes Nap At The Graveyard.”

“That place would be dark for him to wait for jobs to come his way and a good resting place for a colt that sick would stay undercover.”

“Alrighty, then I suggest we go then darlings.”

The group decided to head to the graveyard. Pinkie Pie walked to the wooden doors and opened them, grabbing both handles, and looking back at her friends.

“Come on girls, let’s help Rainbow Dash and bring that monster to justice!”

Pinkie Pie was excited but anxious and in grief. She was mixed with emotions; anger, grief, revenge, and joy; these emotions caused the party pony to be flustered. Twilight walked towards the door, Applejack following her, Rarity did not, she was thinking, why not teleport there, can’t Twilight do that?

“Darling, can’t you just teleport us to the Graveyard?”

“I thought about that Rarity and I can’t, I need my full magic as of now and especially the distance of the graveyard, I’m sorry Rarity and girls, we going to have to run there if we want to get there fast.”

Rarity smirked, Twilight’s right, she remembers the last time Twilight used that spell. She was out of stamina. Well then, what are they waiting for then?

“Alright girls, let’s go after Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight said with annoyance towards Rainbow Dash but encouragement, the girls all agreed, nodding heads at each other before running out of the dojo to the graveyard, the doors shutting behind them swiftly as the group ran out of them.


(”Where is he?”)

Rainbow Dash thought, approaching the graveyard, she heard another pegasus flying to her right, who’s there? When her eyes locked onto the mare she had a dark feeling, if Comber was hired to kill her, who would-! She has a perfect motive, since she’s to blame for her getting kicked out of the Wonderbolt’s academy, it all makes sense now. The orange hair pegasus noticed the same sounds as Rainbow Dash and looked to her left, noticing her, her eyes flew open in rage and fear she would be found out, there’s no way, Comber killed her, there’s no way that’s her! She’s supposed to be dead! How-!

Lighting Dust without another thought, jumped into flight mode and flew towards the graveyard with immense speed, Rainbow Dash followed her with a speed that allowed her to slowly creek up on Lighting Dust, the orange mane mare turned around and saw Rainbow Dash behind her, she had a spine chill.

“An assassin came after to me kill me, would you like to explain to me why Lighting Dust!? You’re out and the only one who can’t stand me-!”

“I have no clue what you’re talking about, you-!”

Rainbow Dash’s anger blasted to its peak, she knows now, Lighting Dust may not know it, but she can sense deception due to Cinom’s training. It was strange how her strength grew fast in such a short time, he had to use magic or something because it ain’t logical unless it’s her genetics. Rainbow Dash slowly caught up to Lighting Dust before-!


Rainbow tackled Lighting Dust, slamming her onto the ground, and attempting to stop her, lucky it was the grass in the graveyard, Lighting Dust was knocked out of the impact, not bleeding at all on the outside, but definitely received a concussion, which could be bleeding on the brain, Rainbow Dash felt bad, she told her to stop and she didn’t, so using all her speed she tackled her into the ground, she turned her over and saw her unconscious.


Rainbow Dash’s thinking was halted, she heard hooves steps and what sounded like clapping, she swiftly turned around and saw the colt she wanted to take down so badly, this was him, Lighting dust lead her right to her, so her deception was wrong, she probably was about to let him know Rainbow’s Dash’s alive so he can finish the job, despicable.

“Well... Unexpected to see you again, but of course, resurrection spells exist. So, tell me, was there a reason for making a ditch of your rival over there?”

Rainbow was flustered; how’d he knows about that?

“That only confirms you knew her, and she hired you!”

Comber smirked. She has the right answer but she can’t prove it.

“I will not tell you and unlike it matters anyway, I have to still complete my job, nopony magic here is powerful enough to commit resurrection. This time, I will rip your heart out.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. He’s lying and he knows it. She stepped closer and started to slowly walk towards him. She was confident.

“You know you’re lying Comber, and you know how I know?

Comber’s eyes shot open, wait a minute, can she-!?

“Huh, you can see through my bluff?”

“No, I can receive all the knowledge about it, and you can’t deceive me any more.”

Comber’s face grew a smirk, this is not the same Rainbow Dash. He wonder to himself; he thinks he should give her a test, to prove his theory, he dashed at her and attempted to punch her, but she blocked with one hoof and punched him back in his face, he took one step back before stepping forward. He started to laugh with joy.

“You took some martial arts, build your muscles up too, hahaha! Well...”

Comber looked around the graveyard and then back at her. He has an idea with a joke.

“So, should we battle here? Where you be buried or in a clear open area, because.”

“You’re bad at making jokes.”

Comber looked away before lighting his horn and teleporting them to a familiar place. Rainbow Dash’s eyes shoot open, she let him do this because she wants an open space for her advantage and the graveyard is not a battleground either, disrespectful towards the dead if it was. She looked and saw a home, she looked at the ground, spotting some blood stains; she knows the ponies this blood belongs to and since he teleported them to this specific area, he had to be the perpetrator of the crime.

“I know you killed the Pies Comber! You tore a family of sisters apart along with their parents! The devastation you cause because of this crime is so bad, that Pinkie Pie is no longer the party joyful pony she once was.”

Comber kept a smirk, he ain’t letting her know, but she was not the same anymore, she changed and she’s seems smarter and more observant. What curiosity awaits him? It appears she forgot about Fluttershy, or that purple dragon, maybe they can be used as fuel? They both intensely stared at each other, waiting for Comber’s response.

“I feel bad for her lost-!”

“Bucking Celestia hide! You killed them and you know it, you did it for your own personal gain, you assassins are evil, and I’m-!”

Comber frowned, then smirked.

“And I’m going to stop you and all that good stuff heroes do.”

Comber walked towards her stopping very close to her and smirking at her, both staring at each, Comber happy and confident and Rainbow Dash serious and confident.

“What else would I be here for?”

“Your death, you realize your speed is very fast but you can never outrun death.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed at Comber before walking closer towards him, smirking now with excitement, she was excited to fight and defeat the assassin responsible for too many deaths, she definitely also admired it, but all she wants to do is stop him and make him pay.

“That one wasn’t funny but you’re right about that.”

“So tell me what you learned from Cinom since you can sense deception I know you learned how to fight.”

Rainbow Dash smirked, flapping her wings to levitate herself in the air and then dash forward at Comber who got in his fight stance, he was expecting a straight-on attack, she punched him with her right hoof using her rear left hoof to attempt to kick him in the face, Comber grabbed her left rear hoof and attempted to throw her, she used the force of his throw as momentum flying to the left, instead of trying to fly at him and attack him, she planted all her hooves on the ground punched him, he blocked with a hoof then tried to back hoof her, she blocked with a hoof sliding it down and attempting to punch him in the face, she bopped his nose, so close she thought, Comber stopped her by grabbing her hoof, Comber swung her up, planning to swing back down to the ground with enough force to end the battle, she used her wings to stay in the air and to fight back against the forced he was producing, she used her rear hooves, putting them on Comber’s right hoof the one that was grabbing and holding her, and with her wings and speed sling shot away from him behind him, Comber turned around with smirk.

“You know you’re at a disadvantage right, because you fight me to bring me to justice when I fight to kill you, this only means you try to hold back not wanting to kill or cause injuries to your opponent to kill them, and that Rainbow Dash will be your downfall. You need to be more aggressive.”

Rainbow Dash frowned, before turning the frown into a smile. She’s not a killer or murderer and certainly no assassin, she would not fight to kill, only to halt and protect.

“I’m nothing like you that’s why, I will never kill, not even you, even though most ponies would say you deserve it; you saved Twilight from that colt, why? She was a threat to your Identity wasn’t she? Why didn’t you let her die then?”

Comber closed his eyes before opening them again, with a smile.

“I saved her, because she was innocent, and not target for me to eliminate, if ponies pay so much for another pony to lose their life, then they must have done something to that pony so serve that the only option they see has payback is death.”

Rainbow Dash thought about what he just said, he’s not 100% right but around 50% he is.

“You assassins shouldn’t exist for the ponies to hire to kill, you know that!?”

Comber smile turned into a sinister smirk.

“Oh but we do, and I’m not the only assassin you know in Equestria, yeah maybe the one unique, but not the only one.”

“I know that-!?”

“Enough of the talking, you’re going to die here!”

Comber charged at Raining Dash, She blocked the first attack, Comber attacked again, Rainbow Dash blocked it, Rainbow Dash attacked him, Comber grabbed her hoof and pulled it towards him with her body, she bent her head back and avoiding the uppercut he attempted to perform, she headbutted him in the face, before elbowing him with her right hoof in the face, Comber missed a punch to her neck, she jumped back, flipping on her hooves backwards to gain distance.

“Impressive, you’re agile and actually have IQ for battle, I have a job to still finish though and then I’ll leave this pathetic village.”

Rainbow Dash was annoyed and angry he would call this village pathetic and it probably because of the peace and harmony here; geeze what town did he grow up in?

“This town is not pathetic, you may think that because of all the harmony, but we’re more powerful than you think when we all work together!”

Comber closed his eyes and sighed, he teleported in front of her, using his full speed to punch her in the mouth, her eyes shoot open with disbelief and she attempted to block but failed the punch landed to her jaw, knocking her back, Rainbow Dash slid on her two rear hooves, catching herself with her front hoofs, this motherbucker!

“I think that’s a warning sign to shut, the buck-!?”

Rainbow Dash blasted towards him in anger, using her full speed, Comber blocked her attack, noticing a little bit of blood dripping from Rainbow Dash mouth; he may have used full speed but not full force, did she not work on her durability and only her strength, and second did she not increase her rear hooves muscles, because they seem to feel weaker than her front hooves do when they attack. Comber’s hooves shook from the impact, he swung his right hoof at her jaw, aiming for the left side, of her jaw, she grabbed his hoof with her wings, before using the leverage and momentum to break free and kick him in the nose and face with her rear hooves with full force, he flew a tiny bit and landed and slid on the dirt, landing next to a pebble to his right, he saw the pebbld, it was blue and was pointy at the top, he smirk, this gives him a flashback to when he used a similar pebble to stab a pony through the eye, a killer who was at his home with many others and failed to kill him, he thought how he could and would perform it to Rainbow Dash. He got up, looking back at Rainbow Dash, he decided he ain’t going to do that to her, since she’s fighting him fair and not with weapons like those killers; and this fight is very fun, so he won’t be doing that with the brutality way.

“You done day dreaming!?”

Rainbow Dash tauntingly asked with a smirk that turned into a smile when she noticed the bruise on his face and a bloody nose, wasn’t much blood coming from his nose, but it’s something and a huge step up from the first fight. Comber wiped his face, noticing the blood from his nose, he got a little infuriated.

“Don’t get overconfident, Rainbow Dash...”

Rainbow Dash started to walk towards him stopping when she close some gap in the distance.

“You’re here on the ground, not me.”

Comber horn illuminated, he teleported in front of Rainbow Dash who kept her serious expression. Comber’s expression turned from serious to calm. Comber smirked at her.

“I think I shall try a little harder.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, her laughing was short however, Comber dashed a her and attacked her, she dodged the first one, the second attack landed on her face, she tried blocking the next attack, but the attack landed on her stomach, making her cough up spit, Comber used his right hoof and put it on her back and quickly lifting her and slamming her into the ground head first, her face stuck in the dirt; she’s lucky this soil was very weak otherwise her neck would have been broken from that attack, Comber could’ve took advantage and killed her there but didn’t, using four hooves he jumped back and viewed the work he’s done. Rainbow Dash wings flapped before pulling herself out of the mud, once out, Rainbow Dash flew at Comber with maxium acceleration, tackling him, she attempted slam a hoof down on his smirking face, the hoof landed into the dirt, Comber was behind her, she knew this and attempted to back hoof him, he blocked it and tried another gut punch, she blocked it, grabbing him by the hoof and knowing his weight ain’t heavy much, pulling him towards her and acting if she’s going to punch him, then she headbutt him, however she wasn’t the only one with a head-on idea, Comber did the same, in reality if he wanted to kill her right there he would’ve lowered his head so his horn would penetrate her skull and kill her, but he didn’t. Comber and Rainbow Dash slid back before dashing back at each other, attempting to punch each other multiple times, Rainbow Dash dodging Comber hits with quick agility, at one point squatting down and then instantly standing back on all four hooves and blocking the attack coming to her face, she used her left hoof and Comber used his right hoof, punching Rainbow Dash in her left side of her check and she punching him in his right side of his check, both using enough force to push each other heads to the opposite side of their attacks, pulling back and punching each other again, but with their other front hooves, the impact caused the pebbles to jump from the ground. Comber smirked, quickly grabbing her by the hoof, she won’t fall for this again, she flapped her wings very fast and flew into the sky, grabbing him with her.


Comber pushes down with all force pulling her down with him, causing dust to brew from the ground, Rainbow Dash felt that one, she started getting back up looking through the dust for Comber, not spotting him until sensing bloodlust behind her, she quickly thought he was going for a finishing blow, she saw through the sun a shinny glare, that’s a-! Rainbow Dash, moved forward with quick speed, the picture was put together correctly, seeing Comber with his knife.

“Wait a minute you actually going to make this unfair with a weapon!? I bet you can’t kill me without it.”

Comber smirked, this was the response he was hoping for.

“You know what?”

Comber used his magic and opened his magic safe putting his knife back in it, the nob turning back to zero before the safe proofing.

“I bet you I can”

Comber gave Rainbow Dash a sinister glance before teleporting towards her, using his magic to pick her up, and attempting for a heavy liver punch.

“You don’t have magic yourself I bet, so-!?”

“Celestial cancel!”

Comber was shocked by the words, did she? No, she can’t and didn’t. Comber horn lost the red glow, Rainbow Dash flew down to the ground and punched him in the face, with an under hoof to his face and jaw, she performed multiple punches to his chest, finishing with a decisive uppercut.

“As I said, you can’t, now turn yourself-!”

Comber slowly got up, blood creaking from the right side of his mouth.

“And like I said before don’t get too over... Confident!”

Comber’s body was illuminated with a light red glow, charging very fast at Rainbow Dash and elbowed her in the face, she blocked the next one but the force nearly caused her hooves to hit herself in the face, Comber threw multiple punches from multiple directions, hitting her multiple times in the face and jaw, before grabbing her by her head and kneeing her in the face, then jumping and spin kicking her with his left rear hoof in her left temple, she flew, sliding on her right shoulder in the dirt, appearing to be knocked out.

(”Girls let her go, she Pinkie Promise...”

She remembers hearing pinkie pie telling them, but she wasn’t there for that so how does she know, is her mind playing tricks on her?

(”I won’t lie and fail my friends-!”)

Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened wide and back up, shaking with the pain getting back up, nearly falling back down, she stood back on all four hoofs, blood dripping from her mouth. She noticed Comber with his back turned, he turned around, staring at her, with a frown.

“You know, I haven’t had this much fun since 65 years ago.”

Rainbow Dash was confused, feeling the anger brewing in her, does he do this just for fun, but why? Or is this a way of making income, either is no excuse to kill!

“65 years, so your at least 78 years old?”

Comber started laughing.

“No, I’m a lot older than that. Not like it will matter to you since your death is near.”

“No, I will not fail my friends or Ponyville!”

Rainbow Dash blasted towards Comber, attempting to spin kick him in the jaw, and he ducked.

“Failing your friends or this pathetic Village you say?

Comber hatched a plan, maybe this will work?

Comber grabbed her rear left hoof and pulled her down, her face staring at Comber’s, she was shocked.

“So, that’s what you fight for, I will kill your friends and destroy this village if you fail Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash senses deception, she knew exactly what he was trying to do, motivating her to fight him, encouraging her to fight beyond her best, he’s certainly an interesting colt. Rainbow Dash act like she was going to headbutt him, Rainbow Dash then attempted to fly away to break free of Comber’s grip, Comber smirked, he made sure his hooves were planted on the ground this time when she hovered into the sky, Comber uppercut her in the liver and then the face, then slamming her to the ground by her rear left hoof, he let go, jumping back.

“Accept the inevitable already.”

Rainbow Dash used all her might to get back up, she stared at him, and a her nose was shown, at the top of her nose was broken, she used a hoof to feel it, she nearly freak out, her eyes showed it, the blood was bleeding down with all her face, she wiped the blood off her hooves and onto the ground, then staring back at Comber.

“Celestia Wrath!”

Rainbow Dash yelled with fury, she was definitely in pain, but this technique will only drain her body of stamina more, as well as increase the pain, she knows that Comber indefinitely was expecting her to use Celestia Wrath, but expected the unexpected is what they teach you.

“Rainbow Dash punched him, he dodged the first attack, she attacked him again, this time hitting him in the nose and and knocking his head back, she flew up and attempted to slam on his face with her two rear hooves and he blocked and used the force of his blocking hooves to throw her to the right, it worked, Rainbow Dash flew towards him once again, Comber smirked,

(”only if she knew how to use martial-!”)

Rainbow Dash put a hoof in front of her, focusing magic in it, it was a ball, wait, that’s an explosive, Comber jumped and avoided the small attack, he viewed what it hit, it blew a stone up. So... She knows to to use martial-magic, fascinating. Rainbow Dash smirked, her body now enlighten with her martial magic, she flew at Comber with full speed, nearly breaking the sound barrier, Comber smirked his horn lit fastly before teleporting back on the ground, Rainbow Dash thought about him.

“Celestial cancel!”

Comber laughed, he doesn’t need his magic again so what was the point of that? Because she won’t be able to do that again. She flew at Comber, attempting to side kick him in the knee, Comber slammed a hoof on the ground when she got close enough, knocking her away from him, she also got dust in her eyes.

“I’m done with these games Rainbow Dash, time to complete a job.”

Comber used Celestia Wrath and dashed forward, serious, she attempted to punch him, she landed it, he grabbed a hold onto her punch before pulling her closer fast and elbowing her in the nose, letting go before giving her a powerful punch to the face before sweeping her front hooves, as she was falling Comber uppercut her in the face, she fell backwards and about 15 hoof steps; Comber smirked, his magic returned, he teleported fast behind her and squatted.

“This battle is... Over!”

Comber punched her with nearly all his force, right in the middle part of her back, she spit blood out before Comber teleported in front of her and repeating the same punch to the gut, knocking her to the ground, blood coming out of her mouth profusely. Comber grabbed her rear hoof with his front hooves and did a spin 5 times in mid air and landed back on all four hooves, he turned around to see Rainbow Dash struggling to get back on all four hooves, bloody and a bruise on her hooves, the the red aura disappeared from Rainbow Dash, after she got back up, her head down and blood dripping down her head, face and chin onto the soil.

“It’s impressive you continue to fight me in the state you’re in.”

Rainbow Dash said nothing, she didn’t care about his compliment, all she cares about is keeping her promise and this Village safe from him. Comber opened his magic safe once again, grabbing his knife, he could take her life without it, but beating her to a pulp isn’t suitable for her, to be honest her death really wasn’t on his mind, if he had it his way, he would let her go, but clients and his reputation are what matter for more jobs to appear, you fail one and the future clients will think you’re attempting to scam them. She’s one of the hardest victims Comber had to kill, but never the less, she has to die. He felt bad but a job is a job, he pointed his knife peak at her. Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened with fear and shock, she failed, she lost, she couldn’t keep her promise, her body is falling apart at the scene, and she felt immensely bad as well.

“Your death is here Rainbow Dash, this time I’m not going to stab you, I’m going to shoot it through your chest, death would be near instant.”

Comber’s knife flew up with red magic and hovered in front of him, Comber frowned and then turned to a smirk. He’s about to have a job well done.

“I’m glad your prayers to Celestia have been said, now, this is good... Bye!”

Comber shot his knife at Rainbow Dash with a sinister glare, she bowed her head, remembering all her recent events, her laughing with Cinom, her friends, Pinkie Pie, the Pinkie Promise, Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie sisters, all of them, Comber killed them in cold blood, and yes he must’ve killed spike since according to Twilight that other killer or a maniac would have brutalized him; Spike had no health issues, so it was, a heart attack forced on him. Fluttershy the kindness pony who will comfort you when the time is in need it. Pinkie Pie, a pony to make you smile through all your hard times, making fillies too, now a depressed pony because of him. The knife was ever so close to her, she knew it was closed because of the bloodlust spike in Comber. This is not the way this ends, it will end... In peace! Rainbow Dash moved to the left of the instant the knife was about to hit her, she raised her head, feeling a little healed. Rainbow shaded her eyes, it was faint but there, the aura released itself, it was rainbow just like her eyes kind of was.

(”What the Buck!?”)

Comber was shocked she achieved this technique, isn’t that...-!

Comber saw her flew towards him, she attacked from all directions around him, he blocked and attempted to parry them all with a punch, but they missed, Rainbow Dash grabbed onto one of his hooves and swung him around, so fast, Comber didn’t think of teleporting, Rainbow Dash threw him to Ponyville, landing on the ground before blasting off after him with full speed, Comber crashed into a building in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash landed in front of him. Comber was against the wall, with a smirk, he got up, the rubble wall falling off his stomach, is this home empty? Guess it’s lucky to be. His knife he guess would have to stay in that field until he finishes his job,

“Well Well... You actually achieve the mindless technique Cinom was teaching.”

Comber said with a smile, he was happy but frustrated at the same time remembering his fight with Cinom. Rainbow stayed quite, giving him a cold glare. Comber got back up fast, multiple ponies opened their doors as this happened, the sound was powerful enough to draw ponies out doors, Comber tried attacking her again, she dodged it, elbowing in the face, he attempted to kick her in her joint, her legs moved hirozontally to a length and touched the ground, he couldn’t kick her joints, his lick missed her, she attacked him again, once again doing it from all directions, this is impossible, how can she attack from that many places just in 2 seconds, she’s very fast and her reaction time is unbelievable. Comber nearly punched her in the face, he missed, she jumped on his hoof and attempted to stomp on his face with her rear hooves, he used both front hooves to block the attack, he used his guard to push her off him, before attempting to use his magic, she canceled it, by of course saying celestial cancel, she then dashed at him again hitting him from all directions once again, Comber couldn’t block them all, he was punched into a home, a good distance by the final punch, her wings stopped flapping as she landed on the ground.


“Well, this is the graveyard, so where is Rainbow Dash then, and that assassin”

“I don’t know darling, but I must say this decor is really, not so impressing”

“Oh for peeps sake, it’s a graveyard Rarity, they ain’t supposed to look nice you know?”

Twilight wanted them to focus on finding Rainbow Dash, not talking about the graveyard condition and how it looks.

“Girls let’s stay on topic please, have any of you seen Rainbow Dash because I sure can’t, even with my magic illuminating and creating light for us.”

Rarity and Applejack looked around, as Pinkie Pie also did, they couldn’t find no traces of Rainbow Dash anywhere, no matter how hard they searched; they could’ve sworn to Celestia Rainbow Dash would be here, but she isn’t and that assassin isn’t here too, wait, did he l-!?

“Girls, I remember that assassin teleporting us to an open area to fight so do you think he did this with Rainbow Dash or what I think to a stealth place to kill her?”

“Well... He’s an assassin, so I would assume. I reckon he’d take the stealth approach.”

Applejack explained, the group heard hoof steps behind them and a voice.

“You all are completely wrong, not about assassin’s but Comber isn’t like that, he wants his opponents to fight back, I know him, he’s a monster but not a cold blood killer, he never will kill a filly or assassinate one, he refused and I seen it, but we’re off topic, I would believe he would teleport her to an open field, since he knows she wouldn’t challenge him again unless she prepared for a fight so I think what you suggested the first time is right Twilight.”

The group knew that colt, it was the deputy, it was Bullet, but what is he doing here again? What matters now is stopping Comber from killing Rainbow Dash, so they need to get a move on.

“Okay then, then I’ll-!”

“Girls, didn’t you hear that and see that?”

Pinkie Pie asked with a sad tone, before becoming enthusiastic, she saw Rainbow Dash, and a crash, that has to be where she is because she of course saw her and that crash wasn’t her, so it was-!

“I spotted Rainbow Dash, she’s over in Ponyville, near our left and I also saw a crash and no it wasn’t her!”

Bullet used his eyes and saw she wasn’t wrong, it was her, rainbow Dash.


Bullet teleported the group back out of the graveyard and where the crash was heard, the group was shocked to see Rainbow Dash in a rainbow aura, but what shocking more to Bullet that she actually looks like she beating Comber, who got back up a tiny bit busied.

“Give up and turn yourself in.”

Comber smirked at Rainbow Dash, she thinks she actually won, well... She’s in for a big surprise. Comber got back up, rubble fell off him, breaking, he stared at Rainbow Dash, before giving her an compliment with a dusty scratched up face.

“So you figured out the technique Cinom teaches, a technique I wouldn’t want. Well... Allow me to show you one I developed off Cinom’s teachings that isn’t near mindless!”

Comber muscles got tense as his body illuminated with red aura.

“Celestia Wrath times 5!”

Comber lit Ponyville up with the red glow, he then yelled again in pain.

“Celestia Wrath times 10!”

The red aura turned crimson, all ponies were shocked to see this, what is that his magic, but why is he illuminating himself with that? Rainbow Dash kept her emotions at bay, she didn’t want to lose control of this technique, she kept her cool but never thought about multiplying Celestia Wrath, that would means his magic is 10 times more powerful, his magic probably surpasses a princess.

“Let’s how you survive with that technique now, since I’m able to turn all of my magic into strength.”

The deputy heard that, what the buck did he just say! Turn magic into strength, you got be bucking kidding him and he didn’t used this against him and the authorities but against Rainbow Dash he did! That’s not acceptable, the police station here needs more security on their training, as well as more intense training; deputies are trained to disable not fight, so why did some deputies if not nearly all try to punch Comber in the face? Oh well, Bullet’s curious to see this as all ponies spectating is too, the rest of the mane 5, watched Rainbow Dash and Comber, Twilight heard what he said turning magic into strength, what is the formula for that exactly!? He’s terrific without that technique so if he uses it like that, she could die from a hit unless that technique increase durability and endurance?

“I reckon you girls don’t interrupt this battle between Rainbow Dash and Comber because you could make her lose focus and he might just kill you and her if she makes mistakes because of us.”

Bullet told the group with concern they might try to cause intervention with the battle. The group got agitated at Bullet but realized his serious expression, he’s right, he probably want to wait for this battle to reach it’s climax first. They will attempt to stop Comber from killing Rainbow Dash at all cost still, they will not let their friend of loyalty die.

“You know Rainbow Dash, I’ve never failed a single job and I won’t start now, prepare to be defeated, and face your destiny!”

Comber gave a confident and happy smirk at Rainbow Dash, before using a speed spell and dashing so fast at her new nearly broke the sound barrier, Rainbow Dash avoided it, not the wind though. She almost instantly turned around and attacked him again, but this time Comber was keeping up, she grabbed a hoof and pulled him towards her before attempting to punch him in the face, he smirk, he used his magic on his body to electrocute Rainbow Dash, before using his strength, making her hoof let go of him, and then punching the ground breaking the cobble stone path and knocking Rainbow Dash into the air, he used his martial magic with a hoof as the pebbles fell and broken pieces of pathway flew up, he used his magic to shoot them at her, she flapped her wings, flying up straight and dodged them all with ease before dashing back at Comber who saw her and black flipped away, dodging the attack, she then attacked him again from all directions after blasting towards him, he couldn’t hit her, he smirked, her attacks ain’t really that potent, and that technique was said to take a greater toll than Celestia Wrath would; so if he wanted he could stall her until her body can’t sustain it anymore and she loses the technique and then, she dies, but that’s a coward way of winning, and Comber refuses himself of winning that way, he smirked again after teleporting away, and turning to Rainbow.

“You know that technique will be the reason to your lost?”

Rainbow Dash said nothing, just coldly stared at him; Comber tried to warn her, but let’s see how long she can keep it then? Because if she loses, she’s defeated and then... She dies. Twilight was thinking on what to do, what can she do, the deputy told her not to do anything, she assumed like everypony else she would have to wait. Rainbow Dash attacked Comber again, this time knocking him into the air and punching him into the ground, she flew away and then at top speed tried to punch him by using the speed it nearly requires to perform a sonic rainbow, Comber dodged it, Rainbow Dash hit her hoof on the ground, that actually hurt, like very hurt, blooded dripped as her bone was sticking out, she put her other hoof over it and for a split second her pink martial magic turned green, healing the wound. Twilight was shocked, all unicorns was shocked, some made their fillies who peeked out the windows and doors go and eat dinner, getting their eyes off the battle, this is definitely not for fillies, Comber hoof clapped, taunting her of her of her missed attacked, she flew at him again and again threw mutiple attacks, Comber didn’t blocked, he fought back, punching her punches, causing pebbles to bounce and the ground to nearly shake, they both pulled a punch back and punched each other’s hooves. The crack windows near shattered and knocking ponies on their behinds, Bullet stood tall, this was a intense fight not seen since Yurin fought the monsterours killer, what was his name again, evil, no, he remembers what the leader called him, the Ancient Killer. Comber teleported behind Rainbow Dash before duplicating himself with magic, Rainbow Dash canceled his magic but it was too late, there was mutiple Combers.

(”Magic clones?”)

Rainbow Dash smiled, she can sense bloodlust, but if they’re clones then why do they all have bloodlust emitting from them, she dashed at one and then to the left one and made her way down at the clones attacking them before one pucnhed her in the face very hard knocking her away, that wasn’t a clone she thought. She caught herself in the air before landing on the ground. Comber disperse his clones. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rairty haven’t seen this phenomenon since the magic Mirror: “Too Many Pinkie Pies.”

(” Seems she doesn’t knos how to sense deceptive attack, I’ve got to end this now otherwise Celestia Wrath will run out and then-!”)

Comber thought to himself before seeing Rainbow Dash land in front of his face, Comber smirked. He dashed at Rainbow Dash again, throwing mutiple punches and elbows, sometimes back hooves, Rainbow Dash blocked and parryed all the attacks, Comber saw an opened and uppercutted her into the air, before teleporting into the air and from a side, performing a slid kick to her left side, she grabbed his hoof and swung him around, throwing him to the ground, Comber teleported back into the air, Rainbow Dash canceled his magic once again, she tried to elbow comber, elbowing his left hoof, this cause a powerful wave of wind. Rainbow Dash flew to the ground, looking at her elbow, it was shaking, from pain, or the thrill? This is a very fun fight, but it’s time she ends this, they both landed back on the ground, dashing at each other again and causing the already cracked windows to break from their punches, ponies screamed at the sigh of shattering windows that had became foggy from the humid. Comber grabbed one of her rear hooves she tried to kick him with, throwing her, she spun around and then barreled roll back to Comber, evading the next attack, Comber landed an uppercut to her face, powerful enough to knock 2 teeth out, blood leaked from her mouth, she was angry, she flew towards him and attacked him from all directions once again, sliding under him and attempting to kicking him in the stomach, he blocked but flew into the air, he ran out of magic, he can’t use any, Rainbow Dash flew very fast after him and pasting him on his right side, before punching him in the face back towards the ground; she took this opportunity to repeatedly punch him in the face.

“This is for Fluttershy! Marble Pie! Limestone Pie! Maud Pie and Spike!”

Landing one last decisive punch to Comber’s face. Comber couldn’t do nothing, he attempted to grab her hooves while she beat him but before he could, he hit the ground with his back, he spat out blood, his mouth open, that very hurt, his body won’t move, pain has no effect on him, but he can’t move, the red aura disappeared. Rainbow Dash flew back into the air at top speed, gaining enough distance, she had a flash back to when she defended Futtershy’s honer when they were fillies, she image the events when she flew at all her speed, attempting to perform the sonic Rainboom. Bullet can’t believe this, a mare, who is fighting just alone for her village and friends has actually defeated the assassin, the legendary assassin Comber, when 35 killers couldn’t, this is a dream! Rainbow Dash is also performing the epic Sonic Rainboom, that’s impossible, only one pony had the speed for that way back then, wait, there was a time when somepony did break the sound barrier, was that her!? But that would mean she was a filly, performing the Rainboom, unbelievable, he bets she’ll attempt to get into the wonderbolts? Or maybe hero? Both seems good for the attention which Rainbow Dash likes. Twilight thought this mighg kill Comber, she doesn’t think he deserves to die but again he killed to many and is trying to kill her, and Rainbow Dash’s verdict would be short, forgiven by Celestia.

“And this is for ponyville!”

A burst of Rainbow magic blasted around her, she did it, she broke the sound barrier; she performed the Rainboom, she used the speed she accumulated and with a hoof pulled back and with all her force; she punched and slammed her hoof down on Comber’s chest, creating a creater, before the dust settled she jumped out of the creater and looked at Comber; there’s no way he’s coming back from that, she hopes she didn’t kill him, she would feel regret if she did. She saw him, viewing hin closely to check if he’s alive. She saw blood on his face, seeing him with one of his eyes closed, his hooves spread out, his chest a little caved in, she definitely broke his rib cage but can’t he use a heal spell?

“Use a heal spell, I know you can.”

“I-I can’t, you won this battle.”

Rainbow Dash smirked.

“I told you I will not die! Quit being an assassin, there’s good in you, and you know it, why are you an assassin anyway if you like helping ponies, then why not be a hero?”

Comber took her words to heart, he wanted to be a hero when he was a filly, but it’s far too late for that, hero aren’t murders, but sadly he is, so he can never be a hero, addition to this he has other motives to why he’s an assassin that kinda make him a hero, this makes no sense as of now if he told her bug if she lives, then it will later on.

“It’s too late to be a hero for me, bring me to justice already, or be a true hero, and kill me.”

Rainbow Dash looked at him with a cold look.

“No, I’m not like you Comber, I’m no murder or assassin, I’m the hero this village needed and heros don’t kill.”

Rainbow Dash was shocked, she’s becoming a hero? Wouldn’t that make her less loyal to her friends? Bullet grabbed his gun, shocking the Mane 4.

“Whoa, what are you doing with-!”

“You know what I’m doing, I’m going to shoot this bastard in the head. He’s heading down that path when he goes on trail anyway.”

Twilight and Applejack stepped in front of him.

“Deputies don’t kill, they’re a colt or pony of the law.”

“You are still under the law mister, so don’t you reckon he’s not pony, because mosnters I reckon they only help themselves and have no care in the world for other ponies or living things!”

Bullet thought to himself. How dare they talk to him this way, If he wasn’t a deputy he would beat one of them to prove a point not to mess with him. Comber is a monster, but maybe... They are right, he’s the monster if he kills him, but all deputies tried and failed so this is his chance so what wrong of stopping a murderer permanently?

“I understand that but he warrents death, he needs to not exist in Equestria no more, and they will just sentence him to death, trust me, it’s for the best; he killed Pinkie’s sisters and Fluttershy, and way more than I can say and count.”

The group kept their cold glare on him that’s not how the authority works, their locked him away in Tartarus forever maybe but not kill him. His out view of Equestria is bad, didn’t he ever take Equestria’s history? Comber was in shock to hear Rainbow Dash’s words; she’s truly a pure mare, the target on her head shouldn’t actually shouldn’t be there, but a job is a job and he will find a way to not fail and complete his job like all the rest.

“You’re very noble, but you know as well... As I do I... I deserve it. Please, spare me the pep talk, and finish me or take me to my cell.”

Comber spurts more blood out of his mouth, blood coming out of his nose, his vision finally becoming blurry, blood in his eyes and on him. The group made their way closer to Rainbow Dash and Comber, halting about 80 hoof steps so they can hear them talking. Rainbow Dash started walking towards Comber, before she could jump down the ditch, she felt an immense pain through her whole body, the Rainbow aura disappeared, blood started to leak out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth, Rainbow Dash’s body shook, she couldn’t handle that technique, she feels like she’s going to die from the drawback of the technique, she could be heard yelling in pain, Comber was shocked, wait, that’s the drawback of Autonomous Celestial, ponies bodies aren’t meant for that reaction time, which explains why he’s on the ground, he not only pushed his Celeista Wrath but he also boosted his reaction time. The group ran towards Rainbow Dash, with worry Comber was hurting her, with what though, he has no magic or can’t move? Comber remembers his training, his father thought him to be resilient, beyond that word actually, he could live without a heart for 2 minutes he remembers, Comber started getting up first on a knee and then back on all four hooves. The group watched as he got out of the creator and walked to the side of Rainbow Dash. They ran faster like a filly was hanging from the window.

“I commend you-but-but-!”

Comber looked to his right and saw the group making their way to him. Those ponies are true friends but they need to learn when to stay out of ponies’ business; in his town, that will get them killed. He guess he has to fight them again, Comber closed his eyes in disbelief before reopening them, they were going to make him kill them. Comber heard a dropping sound in the air, is that-!

“Comber, don’t worry about those punks, I’ll take care they won’t interfere with your job.”

The group was furious, now who’s that!? A yellow pegasus with a green mane and red tail dropped down. The group was stopped by her, she turned her head to Comber.

“You dropped this I believe, and don’t tell me you don’t need help, look at the state you’re in, and they have that other deputy, but we both know, truely he’s a killer, coming with them.”

Bloom gave Comber his knife back, he grabbed it with a hoof by the handle, seeing his name still in graved into the weapon, he took a loook at the blade, Rainbow Dash struggled trying to get back up, she was bent down on all four hooves as she stared at Comber’s eyes. He’s going to kill her, but there isn’t much bloodlust yet, so what’s his plan?

“Fine Bloom, thanks. Stop trying to get back up Rainbow Dash, you’re finished this time I’m afraid.”

Rainbow Dash was about to get back up, before having hoof placed on her head and pushed back down to the ground, it was Comber, he’s back on his hooves, breathing heavily and ready to finish a job, the group charged at him, bloom flew in front of the group.

“Now Now, where do you all think you going? Not towards Comber right?”

“I reckon you get the buck out of our way before-!”

Twilight used her magic to grab Bloom, Bloom smirked.

“Celestial cancel. Magic is for the pathetic.”

Twilight horn stopped glowing, Rairty was about to use hers but second thought, not yet, maybe soon, Applejack wasn’t going to let this happened or Pinkie Pie, they charged Bloom, attacking has she flew standing up in front of them, she caught their punches with her wings, before smiling and throwing them to the side, she smirked, with anger.

“Tch, friends, is what you care about? You all are weak!”

Bloom dash forward, punching them in their face before sweeping under Applejack and punching her in the gut making her throw blood up. Twilight and Rarity ran to Rainbow Dash, Comber saw them with both of his eyes, does he-!


Bloom dashed towards them, getting in front of them with her arms out and flying straight up again, staring at them with a serious expression.

(”Comber will finish his job and none of these morons will stop him.”)

Bloom thought to herself withva smirk. The group stopped, Applejack getting back up, bloody from Bloom’s attack. The group stopped their running.

“Unlike my brother, I don’t restrain myself, and I will have no problem in killing you.”

The group was shocked, brother, his sister, older or younger? Judging by her attitude she’s younger than Comber. Bullet scoffed with annoyance.

“Try it, you little punk, I’ll shoot you dead if you don’t move”

The yellow pegasus laughed, shoot her dead he says? Bullet was always into himself wasn’t he? She smirked with confidence.

“Oh no, I’m scared of your guns...-!”

Bullet shot his gun at her, the bullet was about penetrate her face unitl she brought her wings towards her face and blocked the bullets, deflecting them, they went into a tree. Bullet shot more bullets at her, she did the same, the group notice her flesh was gone but something metal was showing, was it her bone, no, it’s metal, metal wings? But why and how? Bloom dashed towards Bullet and kicked his gun up, he tried to punch her before she sucked and wiped his hooves from under him, letting him fall to the ground, twilight tried to use her magic, Bloom cancled it again, she looked at the purple mare.

“Celestia, I bet you can’t go one day with summoning your magic can you... Twilight?”

Twilight was shocked she knew her name, but was shocked more she canceled her magic again, what is she a robot? If her wins are metal then what’s not to say the rest of her ain’t; but then again she was quick to use her wings, so that may not be the case, what happened to her wings then? Although she’s with Comber it’s still a little concerning. Rainbow Dash tried to punch Comber again, Comber caught it, staring at her with regret.

“I’m beyond impressed, there’s a pony in Equestria like you, never met one before; you could’ve killed me but decided to not to, even when you know who I am, if I wasn’t hired to kill you I would let you go, even heal you, but sadly I can’t.”

Rainbow Dash was in shocked, he thanked her, and if she’s the only pony he met in Equestria to spare a killer than how many other ponies or killers have he met and took out? Why be an assassin then? If he donates to help? He he saves the innocent, then why be an assassin? Something is adding up here...

“You don’t have to do this you know, why don’t you become, a hero? Wouldn’t it feel better and make you look better if you saved ponies instead of assassinating them-and ruining their family? Wouldn’t you want to be known and respected by the innocent and not... Feared?”

Comber listened to her words and took them to heart, she’s right, but sadly this is not an option, it’s too late to turn back now? He has to kill her, his grip on her hooves increase before with force pushing her to the ground, keeping his knife in his left hoof.

“I’m sorry, this has to end the way it’s supposed to, so, I may finish my job and you may finally rest in peace.”

Rainbow Dash was sad he didn’t listen to her but more sad she’s going to die and she can’t stop him, and her friends are held off by his sister, is this really the end? She got back up on all four hooves again with a beaten expression and bloody hooves.

“I’m not dying like I said before, Comber!”

Comber smirked at her, before making a hard chuckle. She still thinks that? She’s a confident one but sometimes confidence can be blinding and if she took Cinom’s classes she would surely know this.

“Then tell me, what are you doing then?”

Comber asked with sarcasm, Rainbow Dash stumbled back a little, her mane falling down in front of her exhausted face, she breathes harder as the time went on, she knew deep down inside, she was going to die, she wanted to cry but she was strong, nopony is capable of taking him down like she did; she should’ve landed another decisive blow to him. She decided she was going to resist until the end.

“I’m going to-live-stop you-and end all of... This-chaos.”

Comber stopped and looked at her, is she serious, did she receive brain damage? Or like most victims she doesn’t want to believe this is reality and she’s gonna die? It’s a sense of humor and greif.

“You are funny Rainbow Dash, there’s other ponies out there causing more chaos besides me, I know, because I have to put them down when they are my target. I commend you on your efforts for this village, I do not intend to kill nopony outside of my job unless they really piss me off, then they die.”

Rainbow Dash was relieved he wasn’t going to kill her friends, she means she sense no bloodlust towards them only her.

“Guess I’m gonna die then cause I know Celestia well I did that.”

Comber smirked.

“No, you cured my boredom actually. Enough talk, time to die Rainbow Dash.”

“How can you let him kill Rainbow Dash like that?”

Bloom smirked. What a dumb question.

“Because it’s his job, and I defend my brother, now do me a favor and shut the-!”

Bloom dashed forward and turned 180 degrees, acting she was going to buck them, but then turning around, and punching them in the face.

“You mares are absolutely helpless.”

Bloom heared snaps from a pony, she turned around her, she used her hooves to block, she spun in the air; using her wings to catch herself.

“Now, stop Comber!”

Twilight and Applejack ran at Comber, Comber notice this after blocking Rainbow Dash attack, and countering with an uppercut to the jaw. Bloom blocked and grabbed both of the mares hooves. He pulled them in with a serious expression.

“Your friendship is limitless, but your life is not, stay out of this before you get hurt!”

Comber pushed them away, Bloom was already behind them and spun kick them in the head, after they fell, she picked them up by the throats each in one hoof.

“Leave my brother alone before I personally make sure you won’t walk again, punks.”

She spammed their head together, before tossing them on the ground, both with bloody foreheads.

“Any last words Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash smirked, she knows two.

“Celestia Wrath.”

A red aura accumulated around Rainbow Dash, she dashed at Comber, who was off guard and surprise, she can still fight? Comber was about to dodge until she dashed past him, he looked to his left, the red aura disappeared, she was back on the ground on her belly. Comber wasn’t angry, he did say any last words, this is more humorous then anger, at least she tried once again. Comber walked towards Rainbow Dash, until he was in front of her face, turning her over on her stomach, she’s obviously struggling to survive; she’s breathing too rapidly, either that or she’s afraid too die.

“You’re a funny target you know that Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t say nothing, besides kept taking breathes, Comber sighed with regret, his knife pulled in the air.

“I regret somepony as talented as you has to die but sadly, a job’s a job and I refuse to destroy my reputation for a target.”

Comber swung the hoof with the knife down, her friends could only watch in terror as the knife was coming down.

“Rainbow Dash!!”

“Rainbow Dash!!”

Applejack and Rarity yelled. Twilight closed her eyes, shouting no mentally. The knife was stopped by a pink hoof. Comber looked to his left side to see a serious pink pony.

“You are kidding me right?”

Pinkie Pie punched Comber in the face, she let go of his hoof, only his check moved, before opening his eyes and looking back at pinkie pie.

“You can’t save your friend, Pinkie Pie.”

“Then I’ll die trying!”

Pinkie punched Comber again, Comber blocked, he ducked and went for an uppercut, Pinkie used her hooves to block the attack, Comber grabbed Pinkie’s front hooves allowing her to fall before Comber used the front hooves as leverage and swung her behind him, she hit her face hard on the concrete, spitting blood out, Comber let go, before he could hit her again, Bloom came down on her head with a stomp with her rear hooves, blood was leaking from the back of Pinkie’s Pie’s head, she was knocked unconscious. Comber turned his attention back to Rainbow Dash, walking towards her again with his knife pulled back once again.

“Hope you’re ready Rainbow Dash, time to complete my job.”

Comber swung the knife down again, this time it stabbed Rainbow Dash in the chest, Comber pulled it out, staring codly over her, he thought he would hear a scream but didn’t, only muffles. Twilight and Applejack got back up, and ran towards Rainbow Dash, Bloom saw Bullet trying to shoot Comber and got in front of him her wings out, blocking the bullets, Bloom used her wins to grab the gun then used it to shoot him in his front hooves, before throwing it back on him.


Twilight, Rarity and Applejack was standing around Rainbow Dash, looking at her and lifting herup by the head and their hooves over Rainbow Dash cheat, trying to stop the bleeding.

“You monster!”

“You heartless colt!”

“You going to pay for that darling, my bad monster, you’re going to receive justice.”

Comber just stared at them, using his magic to clean his knife off. He has another idea, after she’s dead. He put a hoof on her chest, feeling no pulse, no breathing, she’s actually dead this time and it was a tiny vit surprising they restraint themselves from attacking him.

Applejack was about to attack Comber before Bullet stopped her, putting a hoof on her shoulder and stopping her.

“Don’t do it, I’m sorry...”

Bloom was shocked to see him up, but then again he’s Comber’s old friend for a reason. She decided she would watch this play out until Comber decides it’s time to leave this village, the only good fighter they had is dead, heck she bet if she wanted to she could remove Ponyville from the map, but she’s not evil, she’s just helping her brother out. She looked around to see all ponies eyes locked on the scene; she knew they were out but was they really being an audience the whole time? Tsk, maybe they were learn a thing or two she thought to herself. Bullet healed his legs.

“The blood stopped pouring from Rainbow Dash, she’s dead, her friends watched her die, they will not let him getaway with this, Twilight will indefinitely speak to Celestia about Comber.

“All of you, move away, now.”

The group thought they heard things, did Comber just-!

“You have some nerve, if we didn’t know what would happen, we would bring you to justice and to Celestia herself will bring the justice upon you!”

“I reckon you run, or-!?”

Comber was trying to be nice, he was trying to keep them safe from the spell he’s about to perform. He walked closer to Rainbow Dash corpse, the put a hoof on her chest, his horn lit, magic transfered to his hoof, was he descarding the body!? Comber thought hard, his thoughts wasn’t evil or bad, he felt like he was burning, he was using all of his magic, he might even need to use the Celestia Wrath to finish the spell. The wound disappeared slowly, before Comber let go, his horn stopped glowing, he was dizzy, light headed, and tired.

“You, welcome......”

Comber fell down on his face unconscious. Rainbow Dash body twitched before awaking again and sitting up, her friends was absolutely shocked, tears of sadness turned to tears of joy.

“Where am I-!?”

“Rainbow Dash!”

The group yelled with joy, hugging her tightly.

“I can’t... Breath...”

The group broke their hug, Rainbow Dash got up and saw Comber unconscious, wait, she died, she remembers slipping out of consciousness and losing touch with reality. She can’t believe it, her stab wound was gone, Bullet pulled his gun out quickly, Bloom can’t believe what happen but she quickly flew down and blocked the shots, and picked up Comber, putting him on her back and flying away, he shot again, but before the bullets could hit them, they disappeared.

“Oh my Celestia, he actually resurrected her.”

(”Wait, that moron, didn’t he remember what they said never to do when working at the wicked place in Flustered Town!? The God of Death will now be angry.”)

Bullet was scared and happy. What if that stupid act brought back (him!?)


Bullet said with fury, he wanted to stop Comber, kill him before he was flown away by Bloom. He should’ve before he resurrected but then he would be the villain.

“Are you really back Rainbow Dash!?”

Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Of course I am! Did Comber resuscitate me?”

“Yes he did.”

Bullet walked closely towards the group before reminding them of Pinkie pie, was unconscious and beaten, Rainbow Dash got angry, she remembers why that happened, she stopped him from stabbing her the first time.

“I’m going to show you what martial magic can also do, Twilight.”

Twilight laughed. That’s Rainbow Dash alright. Rainbow Dash felt her body making sure she’s alive, she can’t believe she is, she pinched herself, she felt pain, so she must be alive. Twilight wanted to know if there’s a life after death, and who’s better not to ask then Rainbow Dash now?

“So, was their a life after death or...?”

“Twilight, I reckon you don’t aks her that kind of question.”

“It’s okay Applejack. The answer is confusing, because it was all darkness, like a void and then after awhile I saw light and then was brought back to life you all said.”

Twilight had an idea, that spell Comber performed, she learned the teleportation off of him so why can’t she learn this off him, she can’t grasp it for some reason, is it even a unicorn spell? If she can learn it she would bring all the ponies killed by Comber back from the dead, and that green colt. Heck maybe everypony could learn it.

“Twilight, I know what you’re thinking about, and don’t you do it, I warn you, you heard of the legend about the consequences of performing that spell?”

Twilight remember back to a book she read about life and death, they being part of creation and the laws behind it. She nearly forgot all the information because the book was to myth to be true.

“I recall reading a book that told me about the consequences of that spell, but forgot, could you remind me?”

Twilight got the attention of the group and Bullet, their attention was jow on Bullet.

“A mortal who dare defys the laws of existence will pay dearly for it, 1 of these laws that was brutally forced into my mind was resurrection, even by the demons and their king baphoment it was ban due to it’s sin, not only against the gods but demons as well.”

“So you’re saying Comber broke the laws of existence by resurrecting Rainbow Dash then?”

Bullet shooked his head up and down slowly with his eyes close still in disbelief Comber did that.


“That’s hide, you know how many books are not real?”

Rainbow Dash said with annoyance, plus if their is any consequences, she sure she could stop that threat, they can’t be more of a threat then Comber was right? But wouldn’t they or him just be after Comber?

“Then they would just be angry at Comber I reckon since he performed the spell?”

“No, they would come after Rainbow Dash too, and kill her in a similar way to make sure the laws of existence is still in order.”

“Whatever, if it exists, if not nothing to worry about.”

Rainbow Dash annoyed by Bullet said confident.

“I hope so it is.”

Bullet said with compassion.

“But now I need to regroup with my station and update the status about Comber.”

“Darling, we thank for trying to save our best friend and get justice for Pinkie Pie sisters and Fluttershy, although yoyr methods was a little too extreme.”

Rarity spoke with gratitude and for the group, Rainbow Dash remember Pinkie Pie, she quickly turned he attention towards her and used her martial magic, the pink magic surrounded her and healed her, she would awake soon.

“Wait you can use magic to heal ponies Rainbow Dash!?”

Rainbow Dash turned her head to Twilight and the group and smirked.

“Yes I can but it heavily drains me, so I prefer not to unless I think it’s what needs to be done.”

Twilight agreed with Rainbow Dash, reliving when she used the spell for the first time and how much stamina she lost, she was light head and after what Rainbow Dash been through, she is too probably. Pinkie Pie started to wake from unconscious, when her vision was slowly coming back toher wits, she saw Rainbow Dash, she instantly got up and with no warning, hugged Rainbow Dash and squeezed her tightly, the group laughed hardly, Pinkie Pie back, but does she know what happened? The hug broke, Pinkie Pie felt her head, she giggled.

“Where did the blood go?”

The group stopped laughing but kept their joyful attitude, their only worry is, what was the intention of comber reviving Rainbow Dash? There’s a reason, so why? Rainbow Dash told Pinkie Pie she healed her, the pink pony laughed,

“No you didn’t silly, that’s magic, and you ain’t a unicorn.”

She looked at twilight with a joyful face; indicating she healed her.

“Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash was the one who healed you not me, so... You should be the one thanking her.”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash! Wait what happened!? Did that bad colt kill you?”

The group wanted to wish Pinkie Pie but didn’t because they know she was unconscious and she did try her best to stop Comber, and that’s why she beatened, so she deserves to know.

“From what we know, yes and-!”

“Where’s the colt, he needs to pay-!”

“Pinkie Pie, let’s calm down, he resurrected her, so in the end there’s no harm done by him I reckon.”

“However Applejack darling, the drama caused by him, the damage to the village if we so not forgetting he still committed in this village, is still great.”

“And although the damage in the end wasn’t anything Applejack, the damage to us mentally and ponies around us was effected in a bad way.”

“Twilight is right, but I doubt anypony here is going to the dark side?”

They all agreed with Rainbow Dash before searching their surroundings and seeing no more ponies outside watching the fight, they were surprised to see none go to the police but after the news about Comber defeating them they assume that’s the reason, and an additional reason is they probably still recovering from their defeat as well as planning too. So what now, Applejack and Rarity asked, Twilight face changed to confidence.

“We help make this village great again! We will all help rebuild the place, and then I will have time later on to research this resurrection spell Comber perform today, and if I can master it, I can bring back the ponies that was killed by him and the green mane colt. The group agree, but speaking of those ponies that was killed, what about Fluttershy animals? Who’s watching over them?

“I reckon I should go and watch over Fluttershy animals, a least check up on them and-!”

“Applejack, good idea, we’ve been so focused on Comber we forgot about them.”

The group nodded, Rainbow Dash wanted to go with Applejack but if she’s helping rebuild, they would need a pegasus. Applejack ran off to Fluttershy’s cottage and the group started their reconstruction plan for Ponyville.

“Comber, you foolish colt, you were once my friend, but I’m afraid now you will have to die after that sin, along with that mare, who should’ve stayed dead. I must say the first time I remember you losing to anypony in combat was Abdeath, but this was surprising.”

The colt who was at a cliff north of Ponyville walked away, and back down it, his cape flowing in the wind, the darkness covered him, the colt then teleported away, into a familiar small town. The ponies there was never greeting, some ran and shut their doors behind them. The Mane 5 started to rebuild Ponyville, the homes was first and then the decorations, but Rarity couldn’t help herself and still did decorations too. It wasn’t a surprise to have ponies from the village to start helping fix the village up, even the authorities too. The village will be back in its original condition in no time, especially after Applejack came back and helped them. The Village was finally at peace and will recover in no time, the Mane 5 thought to themselves, but their thoughts was crossedwried with all the ponies of Ponyville too. After they were done, a good long rest will ceetainly be needed after everything that happened. Nopony in Ponyville knew where the assassin went off too, but they know he’s not there anymore, which was a relief. After Ponyville was repaired from all the damages from the green colt and Comber, the entire Village will rest in peace literally.