Equestrian Journey

by DFatman

First published

Woke up confused, lost, and bearly a memory. This is a story about the journey an ex-human goes on to find love, happiness, and friendship. But no road is easy and there is always that looming shadow over head. Will he make it or fail? Lets find out.

Um... Hello. You may not know me. Honestly I may not really know me. See I was once human and now I'm a pony. Well some special pony. I don't know how it happened or why it happened but it did. Now I'm in this land called Equestria with ponies that where so nice to me when I had nothing to my name. My name? Honestly I don't have one but I may as well pick one at some point. As for this. This is my story from how I went from having no memories besides the basics to having one long journey over this wonderful land. The story of how I met the most wonderful ponies and how they became my friend. The story of the darkness no pony really sees but is always there waiting to strike. This every pony is my story and I hope it's a good one. Because it wasn't easy to go through.

Author's notes - This is my very first story I have ever posted and to be honest rather nerve racked on it. I hope every pony enjoys it for what it is.

A few warnings to say.
Super long Chapters. Rarely a short one under 10,000 words.
Alicorns are involved. That is all
And the first six chapters where done for my own personal enjoyment but after that it gets way better so give it time.

If those that have made a comment about the randomly placed words. The reason that happens is I have a light case of Dyslexia from my mother's side. So sometimes that happens when I'm writing and I don't even notice it until I go back to reread chapters while I'm offline.

I want to thank Daniel Allred for being my editor.
And to GameAssassin from coming on as well.

Chapter 01 - The Journey Starts With A Flame

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Books, Books as far as the eyes can see. Of course I ended up in a library. The world’s most one corridor library with books that reach... well I’m going to have to say the sky because frankly I can't tell if I can even see the top of it or not.

"Ya know this would be kind of cool if I haven't been walking down this same aisle for who knows how long." I said to myself looking around at books upon books on the shelves. But it’s not just waking up here that bugs me. Frankly, waking in a strange place is not the oddest thing, or that these books seem strangely uniformed on the blue shelving. It’s the fact that being here for what I could guess is a few hours and nothing has happened. Not a word or sound from anyone. Hell I tried yelling at the top of my lungs just to get someone to shush me. So I can find out, what the hell is going on with this place. You know come to think of it I never really looked at one of these books. I Slowly made my way over to one of the shelves and plucked out one of the red leather books I started to flip through it. It seems very, well, basic.

"He opens the red leather bound book and began to read the words that appeared on the page." I slowly read on the page.

"What the hell?" I said confused and surprised. As the words I started to say appeared on the blank pages that I had stopped to. It’s like this book was writing itself in front of me and not just that, it was about me. Okay this is just really freaky. I put the book back feeling quite crept out about it.

"So what other crazy things are going to appear now?" I said instantly regretting it as I heard stomps coming from behind me. I looked down the an aisle and didn't see anything. But those stomps continued all the same. Now this was not good. I've seen this in movies. Main character says something just asking for it and a foreboding sound just happens to start shortly after that. Yeah so not going for the horror shit here. I started to move my legs running away from the stomping. Of course as expected it just had to keep following me. Not just that, but had to get faster and louder like its getting closer.

Then I heard it. A roar and not just any roar but something that almost reminded me of an old movie I saw once. Oh which one was it again? It had a giant lizard that destroyed a city. Damn, I guess it'll come to me later.

Anyway, running time now. I tried to pick up the pace but being a really... let’s not mince on words here, I'm a fat guy. Running is not really effective for me. Hopefully I can get far enough away for it that it gives. Then suddenly after hearing a whoosh and what I would call a whacking sound, something very large collided with my head. That flung me against one of the walls. Oh yeah pain, big amount of pain. It felt like someone was using my body like a rag doll in a slingshot against a brick wall. Just what had freaking hit me? Oh a tail, a big scaly... Oh shit! A dragon, it had to be a flipping dragon. A big red scaled, black finned, green eyed and very mean looking dragon. Its official, I’m so screwed. Okay, what is it doing now? Breathing in? Wait...

"No, no, no, no, no, no, No, NO!" I yelled as the dragon breathed its ruby red fire. But wait... It’s not hot. It’s almost warm, like sitting in front of a campfire warm. Okay, this day keeps getting weirder, and weirder. It’s not burning me or even my clothes. What’s that sound? Laughing? Is that dragon laughing?

"What's so funny?" I asked the dragon.

"You are, Little one."

"Little one? Well I guess compared to you I would be little. Wait... why were you chasing me?"

"To get you there." he said pointing down with his claw. I looked down and noticed what looks like some kind of markings. Something like a ritual or something as bizarre as one. What the hell was going on? Then it suddenly hit me, pain. An almost indescribable amount of pain. My body started to spasm as the pain would not subside or relent. It felt like my skull is being ran though with an automatic drill running on full power. Not from the outside in but the other way around and the friction of the drill bit on bone made it feel like my skull was engulfed in flames. It wasn't the only source of pain. The larger amount was my back, which also felt like someone was taking bladed fingers and had a death grip on my shoulder blades. They were trying to rip them out of my back slow and painfully.

"Why? Why did you do this to me?" I said in complete pain.

"I didn't do a thing but get you there."

"But why?" I said with my skull on fire.

"Because destiny is in play"

"Destiny? Is that someone’s name or" I said before my world went dark with the last thing I heard was the dragon's laughing again.


Beep. Ah hell, what is that? Beep. What is that sound? Beep. Wait... Where am I now? Beep. Okay so blue green walls. Beep. Wood trim and purple sheets. Beep. What is that annoying as hell beeping? Beep. Oh. It’s a heart monitor, so that means I'm in the hospital.

"Awake I see." A voice to my right said as I turned and jumped.

"What the hell? A talking horse?" I replied almost jumping out of my skin.

"I'm not a horse. I'm a pony just like you are." She said with a straight face. Okay I know she is lying. There’s no way I’m a. Holy shit! I am a pony. What the hell happened to me? Moving as fast as I can to get away from it all, I suddenly fell out of bed and dropped on the floor with a large thud bouncing my head off the white tiles.

"Watch out for the..." I heard before another thud impacted and my world grew dark again. After what I could guess was some time, I awoke again to that annoying beeping once again. Okay so let’s try things again. Blue green walls with wood paneling, check. Purple sheeted bed with strange heart shape cut out of the wood by the foot board, check. A pony, check. Wait... not quite a pony. I mean I did look like a pony but I wasn't like the nurse. Well if she was a nurse. I seem to have wings. Why in the hell do I have wings? Great just, great. This place is now taunting me. What did I ever do to this place? Besides freaking out at a talking pony. Hold on a moment... winged horse? Why does that sound so familiar... Oh right now I remember from Greek mythology. A pegasus. So I'm a pony that could fly, not like I’m going to use the damn wings. So thank you universe give wings to a person that is afraid of heights. Yeah great one. great joke there universe, you jerk. It wasn't until a few moments into my thoughts that I almost forgot to check about a part that I hoped was still there and thankfully a few moments of looking under the fairly thin blanket. Well it was more a sheet that I could still tell I was the right gender. At least the universe didn't screw with me that way.

"He's in the next room Miss Sparkle." A voice I heard said from down the hall. It sounded like that pony nurse from before. The door slowly opened showing the white coated pink haired pony with a nurses hat on. Does that mean she's a nurse?

"Oh you’re awake again" She said, noticing me awake with a small jump.

"Yeah. Sorry about before." I said a little impishly.

"It's quite alright. I would like to introduce you to Miss Twilight Sparkle" She said as she moved out of the way to let in another pony with a purple coat with dark purple hair. Two streaks of violet and pink in it. She came in with a nice bow.

"Hello Mister..." Miss Sparkle said to me prompting to say my name. My name right. Wait... what was my name? Oh hell what was my name? Why can't I remember my name? It’s not that hard, right? It’s something everyone should know. It’s like walking and riding a bike. Once you learn, you never really forget right? But look at me. I can't remember my own damn name.

"I... I can't remember." I said in a scared tone.

"Oh dear." said the nurse next to me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get so upset about this." Twilight said giving me a sad look to show she really was sorry about this. But why apologize? It wasn't her fault that I couldn't remember my name. Hell it was more the universe's fault than hers.

"It's not your fault Miss Sparkle."I said to her. "You didn't know that I can't remember my name."

"Is there anything you can remember?" The nurse said to me with a worried look on her face.

Come to think of it, what can I remember? I mean I can remember math. Some bits of science for school but that just, well, basic stuff. Besides random tidbits here and there of knowledge like Greek mythology. But my name is completely gone as well as. Hold on... there’s not much I do remember. There’s things were back home sort of. Well I guess it would be my old home since I'm now here and a pony. Shit, really there isn't anything I can remember. I can't remember if I have a house or family or friends. Did I even have friends? Was I alone? I mean I had to have someone that's worried for me, right? But, What if I don't...

"I only remember some basic things like math and some schooling but nothing really important." I told the nurse feeling dejected at my lack of memories and possible loneliness.

"I was afraid of that. With your impact with the ground it had caused a lot of fractures in your skull which wouldn't be too far off with a concussion. Which may be linked to your long term memory loss." The nurse said. It makes sense from my impact. Wait... impact?

"Um... what impact?" I said now completely confused.

"Earlier today you impacted the ground in a fairly large fireball that struck the ground in Sweet Apple Acres. After we could get the fires extinguished we saw you laying there and rushed you here as fast as we can." Twilight said. Okay so when I make an entrance, I really make an entrance.

"Sweet Apple Acres?" I asked not really knowing what that place was. Come to think about it. I didn't really know where I was beyond hospital room.

"It's the farm just outside Ponyville ran by the Apples" The nurse said. Then I realized I never got her name.

"I see, Thank you. By the way what is your name?" I said to the nurse.

"Redheart. Nurse Redheart." she said with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Redheart" I said. Then I looked over to Twilight, who was giving me a warm smile. It felt inviting, like she could be a good friend. But I doubt she wants to be friends. After all, we just met. "So what can be done?" I asked the nurse who looked over to Twilight.

"Well, I asked Twilight here to help because I was afraid and unfortunately correct about your memory loss." she said with a frown on her face.

"I just learned a memory spell that should return some of your memories." Twilight said, stepping closer.

"Spell? What like magic?" I asked. This place really has magic. If this place really has magic, then maybe this can't be all bad. Maybe I can learn magic too.

"That is correct. A unicorn like myself can use magic with our horns." Twilight said with a scholarly tone to her voice like she had said it many times before.

"So there’s no way for me to use magic?" I asked. Some reason I had the feeling if a pegasus could use magic she would said so. But I wanted to be sure.

"I’m sorry, but no. But how ever you’re a pegasus so you can control the weather and walk on clouds." Twilight said. Hold on... weather control and cloud walking? Yeah, so... not going to do that.

"Lovely." I said with a sarcastic tone to my voice.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked with a turn of her head and a raised eyebrow.

"Well it's just I have a fear of heights. That I know for sure." I said looking down quietly.

"It's not an uncommon thing. There’s plenty of pegasi that have a fear of flight and heights." Twilight said. I really hope she's trying to cheer me up... Because it kind of worked. "Shall we get started" She asked.

"Um... is this going to hurt?" I asked not sure if it was or not.

"There have been no reports of it hurting anypony on record" she said. Anypony? Really did she just say anypony? Great, now I have a new lexicon to learn too. Don't tell me that "somepony" is a word too.

"Alright let’s do this." I said as Twilight slowly walked over to me with her horn glowing in a light purple aura. She reached over and touched her horn to my forehead. It felt warm before this rushing wind feeling washed over me and everything went white.


"Where are we?" Twilight said as she looked around at the shelved walls of the library.

"Okay that was a new feeling. What the hell was...? Why am I back here again?" I asked looking around the familiar blue shelved walls.

"Back here again? You've been here before?" She said whipping around to look at me.

"Yes. This was the last place I was before I woke up back in the hospital" I said now worried and a way beyond confused.

"But that makes no sense. Why we are here now. All I used was a memory recovery spell. It shouldn't have teleported us anywhere." She said as she put a hoof to her chin.

"Could it be that this is my memory or some way of showing it?" I offered as I got to my legs, all four of them. I’m going to have to learn to walk all over again. Thank you universe, you jerk.

"It’s possible, but there’s no way to know for sure without checking this place." She said as she walked over to one of the book shelves and her horn started to glow. A book started to float out. With another flash of her magic it opened and pages started to flip over.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. Not quite sure looking at those weird books would do to help.

"Oh I’m looking through these books with my magic. This one seems to hold basic math in it." She said replacing the book and another few starting floating over to her. "Let's see. Science, Mythology, and Cooking. These seem to be basic things. Though some of the science is wrong."

"Well it could be that I'm not from..." I pause. Where did I end up at anyway? I completely forgot to ask back in the hospital room. "Um... where was I before coming here again?"

"The hospital in Ponyville" She deadpanned as she looked through another book.

"And Ponyville is in..."

"Equestria" She said turning towards me now and looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "You know this would go a little faster if you could help me look though some of these books." And here I was hoping I didn't have to move. I may as well explain why I haven't moved yet.

"Well, the thing about that is. I don't know how to walk yet." I said with embarrassment and shame.

"Oh come on. You can't expect me to believe that you can't walk or fly." Twilight said with annoyed look on her face like she doesn't believe me. Of course why would she, we only just met a few minutes ago.

"It's the truth Miss Sparkle." I said looking down, trying to hide my shame.

"Oh my. I'm sorry. I thought you were messing with me this time." She said realizing the truth and what I could take as ashamed for bringing it up like that. "I didn't mean to sound so thoughtless. It's just hard to take your memory loss that far. In many case studies memory loss doesn't affect the motor controls and knowledge on how to walk." she said.

"Well it’s because, I'm not from here." I said still hiding my face.

"Not from here? Where are you from then? Manehatten?" She asked and I stopped for a moment. Really, Manehatten? What is with the pony puns?

"Well let’s just say I’m not from Equestria at all or wherever Equestria is on." I said looking right at her.

"Oh wow! You’re from another place? What it called? How do the ponies there live and walk?" she asked almost blind siding me with questions upon questions.

"Okay Miss Sparkle."


"What?" I said a little confused.

"Just call me Twilight."

"Alright Twilight" Hey that rhymes, Oh right stay on topic. "I'm from a place called Earth, well as far as I remember I am and normally not a pony. Frankly this is the first time being a pony. Well to be more technical, it’s my first time being a pegasus. Which I still find a sick joke." I said that last part with an annoyed tone to my voice. Really? Why a pegasus?

"Ah, I see. You’re going to have to tell me all about your home when we are done here."

"Well I can tell you all I can remember. Which isn’t much I’m afraid?"

"Well, good thing I'm here to get your memories back. As for walking why don't you try walking slowly like this?" she said as she made her way around at a slow pace so I could watch. I tried to imitate that and found myself with a meeting with the floor face first.

"Ow." I said in an annoyed tone, before getting back onto my feet. "These feet are really annoying to get use to."



"There called hooves mister..." She paused for a moment. "You know, you should come up with a name so it’s not awkward just pausing after mister." she said, looking at me.

"A name... hmm..." I said. What name should I go with? I mean, I have a few nicknames that come to mind but nothing would really work here. They're all involved humans. Wait... I know! Why not abbreviate it? "You can call me F.M. for the time being till I can find a name I like. If that alright?" I said to Twilight.

"That acceptable Mr. F.M." she said with a smile.

"Please just F.M. is fine. I really don't like the formalities like that."

"Then why call me Miss Sparkle?"

"Well, I may not like the formalities. But doesn't mean I can't be polite to other ponies."

"Fair enough point I suppose." Twilight stated as I started to look around and make my way with many more falls on my face. "What's with the scorch marks everywhere?"

"That would be the dragon that... well... engulfed me in fire before I became a pony and crashed into Equestria." I said hoping it didn't sound completely crazy.

"There's a dragon here?" She said looking at me.

"Yes. It's big, red scaled, black finned, and green eyed. It's right behind me isn't it?" I said looking at Twilight's expression... well, more her expression of what was behind me and she slowly nodded. Then was followed by a roar from behind me. Well, shit. "Run!" I said as I took off in a full sprint with Twilight right behind me.

"What did you do to make him mad at you?" Twilight yelled up at me.

"I don't know. It just chased me shortly after I arrived the first time." I said still pretty panicked. It was like the first time all over again.

"Well at least it’s not."

"Don't finish that line." If I had learned anything from every television show or movie as soon as you say a line like that. Your almost guaranteed to be screwed by it.


"Just trust me on this one."

"Well at least you can run"

"I can what?" I said followed by me impacting the ground with a large Wham.

"F.M. are you alright?"

"Don't stop Twilight. I'll keep it busy."

"Are you crazy?"

"Must be if I'm going to pull this stunt. Now go!" I said yelling at her to run as I heard two loud stomps behind me. Well shit. After getting to my feet. Well hooves now I guess and turned to the dragon. After making sure Twilight continued to run off. It was time to get answers. "Okay... what the hell is going on here?"

"I see your back, Little One." The dragon said.

"What the hell did you do to me?"

"I did nothing but get you where you needed to be and now." It said with a smirk.

"And now..." I said as I watched the dragon breathe in as my eye's shot out wide as I got ready to jump and good thing. Right in the nick of time, I jumped out of the way. Of course not completely lucky. It seems that some of its ruby red fire caught my tail on fire. "Ow, ow, ow" I said as I started to whip my tail on the floor to put it out. Which I didn't even know I could move that tail before this. It's an odd thing to think about. Big scaly dragon in front of me and all I’m thinking about is being able to move my tail is my... shit, he's breathing in again. Okay maybe this will work. Before he could move his head down I jumped and dived under him to his other side. Note to self, floor is very slippery when sliding and shelves hurt. "Ow" I get out as I quietly get up again and turned to the dragon. "Don't even try that one again." I said glaring at him.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" He said looking down at me with a grin.

"Whatever I need to." I shot back feeling a burning anger, raging inside. It's almost like I'm feeling something with some force behind it. Like, well shit. I don't know what else to call it but power. The dragon breathed in. Oh hell no! "Don’t even try it" I said stepping closer. The dragon grinned as I saw the bits of flames licking the edges of his razor sharp teeth. Oh great, he is going to. Okay, fuck it. I started running at him and I felt that fire raging even hotter as I reached the dragon then... boom! An explosion raged from my forehead. Great my brain became an explosive device. Well thank you universe I get to go out with a bang. Of course things don't work that way. Shortly after exploding, everything went white again and I came to in the hospital room hearing another wham as I saw Twilight impact the wall.

"Twilight!" Everyone said all four of us. Wait... four? Never mind, not the time for this shit.

"Is she alright?" I said leaning forward and suddenly felt my head go all floaty. It felt funny and then the world turned sideways as I saw some white and pink blur fly towards a brown blur. Then black, nothing but pitch black.


"Okay, pain... so much hurting, pain." I said as I groggily woke feeling like someone just played a sixty round game of golf with my head and a tire iron.

"Nurse, he's getting up!" I heard around me in a draw. Rubbing my eyes with my hoof. Right... still a pony.

"What the hell did you do to Twilight?" I heard coming from in front of me. Coming from a mostly light blue close to cyan blur.

"What?" I said still quite confused. Then, Whack.

"AH, Ow. The hell?!" I said as my world just suddenly became focused like a rubber band snapping my brain awake.

"Rainbow, why the hell did you do that?" I heard from an orange furred, and blonde maned pony with a cowboy hat on her head. Wait... Would that be cow pony? Wait... Need to focus.

"He hurt Twilight and no one hurts my friends." I heard from the light blue with a... is that a rainbow mane? Okay, that’s a new one on my what the fuck 'o meter. Wait... Twilight was hurt. Did... did I hurt Twilight?

"What happened?" I said drawing their attention towards me. The rainbow-ed one looked confused for a moment then snapped into a glare at an alarming rate.

"You know what you did. You flung Twilight against the wall for no reason." She said pointing to the cracked in the wall. I turned towards it and my eyes widen in fear.

"Oh my... what did I do?" I said turning to them as they saw my eyes the rainbow was taken back. "What did I do?" I said almost yelling at them in my panic.

"Calm down there partner" The orange pony said.

"Calm down? Calm down?" I started to say my voice raising. "Don't tell me to calm down. One of the few ponies trying to help me and what do I do? Hurt her! But I didn't mean to do it. It just... I don't know what happened." I said still panicking. Oh god, what did I do. Was it that explosion that came from my head? Was it my anger just exploding and I struck her? Shit, what did I do?

"Calm down mister?" Said Nurse Redheart from behind the other two ponies. "Twilight is fine. She just had a bump on her head from hitting the wall."

"A bump? You’re kidding me right? After making that?" I said pointing towards the wall and the large crack that spiraled out from the middle and almost took up most of the top half of the wall.

"That wasn't from her hitting the wall." She said pointing to another wall with a slight dent in it, which just so happened to be pony head shaped. "She is fine. She is just in the other room recovering. She's had harder impacts before. Trust me." She said wincing at that comment like she remembered something.

"But what happened?" I asked, wanting some damn answers now. I'm confused, annoyed, and my adrenaline is running at full speed here.

"I believe I can answer that question." Said a tall, almost glowingly white coated pony, with an ever flowing multicolored mane and tail. She had both a large, long horn and a set of graceful wings. As soon as she entered the room all the ponies but me of course bowed to her.

"Princess Celestia!" Said the orange pony in surprise. Oh shit. Did I piss off royalty now? Great, just great. I have royalty angry at me now.

"What are you doing here princess?" the rainbow one asked as she looked up at her.

"Well my little ponies. I was informed that there was another alicorn in my kingdom, who had lost his memories and they thought I may know him. So I could fill in the blanks." Princess Celestia had said in a voice that almost felt motherly in nature.

"Do you Princess?" asked the orange one as well as Nurse Redheart.

"I'm afraid I do not." She said with a slight frown on her face before turning towards me. "But if you don't mind. I would like to mister?" she asked as I blanked for a moment. Then suddenly felt like someone in me snapped my brain into gear.

"It's F.M. for now. Till I can remember or find a better name." I said still worried I did something wrong and what was this alicorn they were talking about. It sure as hell couldn't be me. I'm a pegasus right?

"Well Mr. F.M. it seems that your magic decided to reveal itself in a very." She paused looking like she was trying to find the right word to say. "Energetic way." she finished. I looked down quietly.

"And in doing so hurt someone. Wait... magic? I thought I couldn't use magic being a pegasus?" I asked confused.

"You’re partly right, you’re an alicorn Mr. F.M." She says looking at me.

"Please just F.M. I'm not one for formalities." I said really hoping that they would stop with the mister stuff. "But what do you mean? I thought I needed a horn to use magic?"

"You do have a horn." Nurse Redheart chimed in then I gave her the best, what cha talkin' about face I could give at the time. Catching on to it Princess Celestia opened her mouth again.

"Your horn is hidden within your wild unkempt mane F.M." she said as her horn glowed and I felt the front of my hair move like each strand was alive somehow as it showed my long orange horn.

Wait... I'm orange coated? Come to think about it. I never really looked at myself in detail. I did notice my wings but besides that. I never really got a good look at myself. I started to look around and I caught my reflection in the window as the night closed in. I saw that my mane was a fairly basic brown with really wild and unkempt like almost someone ripped a bush from the ground and stuck it in my hair after turning the leaves brown and leaving it there for no one to do anything with. My eyes were a deep blue like you could get lost in an ocean of blue that made up my eyes and of course my coat was orange. My hooves were like marshmallow like things. My wings looked fairly different than both Prince Celestia's and Dash's wings. Since there the only two wings I have seen I can't tell for sure if I'm even more different than everyone here. Plus had this red patch of scales that run down the top part of my wings. Almost like dragon wings, even had a point at the top of it. The feathers where the same orange as my coat. As for my horn, it looked like a horn with a spiral pattern going down the length of it, which seems longer than Twilight's. But not as long as Celestia's.

"I'm confused now. What happened then?" I asked.

"Well during that duration of the memory spell. You magic decided to reveal itself and when it flew out of you it continued down the connection you had with Twilight. She wasn't ready for it and she pushed back and they repealed each other." Princess Celestia informed me.

"So like two magnets repelling each other?" I questioned.

"Correct." A certain purple unicorn said as she walked in.

"Twilight!" Everyone said but Celestia who walked over to her.

"Are you alright my faithful student?" Celestia said leaning down to look at Twilight at eye level.

"I'm alright Princess Celestia." She said giving a small smile.

"That’s good to hear." Celestia replied giving a warm smile in return. "Now F.M, I don't know what to tell you but could you explain what happened in there?"

"In there?" I question not catching to her meaning.

"In the spell. What happened when your magic decided to come out?"

"Oh that. Well..." I said then went in to explanation of everything that happened including the dragon fight at the end with the basic of detailed and leaving out the falling on my face. I really hope Twilight doesn't correct me on that.

"He also fell on this face quite a few times." She corrected. Of course, she had to correct that little oversight in my story. I sighed after she said that and was followed by her look that was apologetic. "Sorry"

"It's fine Twilight." I replied then turned towards the Princess. Who was looking like she was putting the pieces into place in her head. I really hope she fills me in. Because frankly I'm tired of being left in the dark.

"It seems that there’s more in play then just a random set of events here." she said looking at me. Well no shit Sherlock. I raised an eyebrow wondering if she is going to elaborate more on it. "I don't know what to say for the moment. But I'm going to have to have some research done about this before I can give a decisive conclusion to this." The princess said as I noticed Twilight's eyes perked up.

"Do you want me to do the research Princess?" Twilight asked looking up with what I could guess is hope for more knowledge.

The princess smiled warmly and replied with."I was planning on that my faithful student."

"Um... What does that mean for me?" I said worried now.

"It means that I'm going to study you and see if I can figure out what caused you to come here." Twilight said cheerily.

"Wouldn't it be because of the dragon?" The rainbow one said.

"Well I reckon Dash would be right on that one Twilight." The orange one said.

"Well we can concluded that the dragon has something to do with it but from his explanation that the dragon isn't the only thing in play here. As he put it. There's a bit of destiny going on too Applejack." Twilight said.

"What are we going to do with him in the mean time?" Dash asked Celestia. Why did I get the sneaking suspicion that I'm going to be living one of them?


"Me and my inner thought big mouth" I mumbled under my breath as Twilight and I made our way through the town. You know I should have been happy that I'm going to live with a girl. But this feels... odd. Now that I think about it. All this is odd. Being transported to a new world, finding myself a pony, turning around finding out that I’m some special pony, being told that I'm going to be living with a pony that I ended up hurting, and now this feeling of unease. Looks like I've become paranoid since I've gotten here. What next? Well I may look around as we travel to her place. What's that? A mint green pony with a silver-ish mane playing a harp? Wait... I should know what that’s called. Oh, what was it again? A Lyre I think. Well that’s good to know. They have music I wonder if they have some of the music I use to listen to. But I digress, this place seems very peaceful. It’s like I can forget about my worries and enjoy life. Well as much of a new life that I have now.

"We're almost there F.M." Twilight said snapping me out of my wondering graze around.

"Oh? What kind of place do you live at?" I asked.

"I live in the library right over there." She said pointing to a tree.

"But that’s a tree."

"And what's wrong with a tree?" Twilight said stopping and whipping around, to look at me with an annoyed look on her face. I gulped.

"Nothings wrong with it. It's just weird from my point of view." I said as I backed up before tripping over something on the ground and landed on my rump.

"Oh, You do have a point. Sorry." She apologized.

"It's fine. I did make it sound like a bad thing and Twilight."

"Yes F.M?"

"Sorry about before?"

"Before?" She said looking at me with her head turned to the side.

"For launching you at the wall. I didn't mean for that to happen." I said looking down.

"It's not your fault F.M. You didn't know that would happen." She said walking over to me and putting her hoof on my shoulder. I looked up at her as she gives me a reassuring smile. I let out a small sigh.

"Your right. Shall we get on our way?" I said with a small smile. She turns back as we continue on our way. After a short time we finally arrived at her front door and like I saw. It was a tree and a library. The "Books and Branches Library" the sign said.

"Home Sweet Home." Twilight said as she opened the door to reveal the dark room. It was pitch black in there. "Why is it so dark in here?" Twilight said as her horn lit up to reveal the room and the massive amount of colorful ponies in there.

"Surprise!" They all yelled as soon as the lights turned on. Causing me to almost jump out of my fur and fall over. I really need to learn how to land on my hooves. Then suddenly within a blink of an eye I was suddenly on the sofa.

"What the?" I said having a case of where the hell did I go from the sudden movement. Then was suddenly face to face with a very pink coated and maned bouncing pony. Though I have to say she has the nicest pair of blue eyes.

"Oh my gosh. So you’re the new pony in town?" The pink pony said still bouncing away as I saw Twilight walk up to the couch.

"Yes I'm new here. Miss?"

"Pinkie Pie. I work over at Sugar Cube Corner baking all sorts of delicious treats. Do you like treats? I bet you do. I would have to say you’re a cupcake stallion. You know I wonder what that would be. A cupcake made in the shape of a stallion or would it be a stallion made out of cupcakes? You know I'm going to have to do that one day. Oh! Maybe I should try with pie as well. But what about the cake? I mean it can't really be as people say right? The cake is a lie? I doubt that because what about the pie? Wouldn’t it feel left out? Well it wouldn't really since the cake would be a lie. You know I wonder what a lie cake tastes like? I bet it would taste like snooze berries. Have you ever had a snooze berry? They taste so delicious. It's like a bitter sweet taste. It goes really well with muffins. Oh! Speaking of muffins. Have you met Derpy yet? She's really great. She's the mail mare around here. Though sometimes she misplaces a package from time to time. She's also in charge of one of the local moving company’s. Well was after the whole piano thing. If you want to know more you should really ask Twilight. She was there. Of course at the time. She didn't know I knew she was watching me. But that’s all the fun." Pinkie rambled on. Holy hell this pony could talk. She kept on going till a well placed hoof to her mouth stopped her. Well sort of stopped her. She was mumbling under the hoof.

"Pinkie. I think you should let F.M. rest a bit before going all rapid fire on him." Twilight side with a smile.

"Okay." Pinkie squeaked from under Twilight's hoof. Before Twilight moved it away. Pinkie then handed me a cupcake. It was a bright pink one with rainbow frosting. Raising an eyebrow at it for a moment. I shrugged and took a bite out of it and oh my! The flavor of this cupcake is almost indescribable. It's... it's... then suddenly the rest of it flew right into my face from a large gust of wind. Well at least I got a bite of the delicious cupcake before it hit me in the face. Then shortly after that I start hearing a laugh. A familiar sounding voice laughing. After wiping my face off, I find myself correct. It was Dash laughing at me.

"Hello Dash" I said after getting a napkin to clean my face.

"Hello there F.M." Dash said floating in the air quietly. I turn my head watching her wings flapping.

"What cha starin’ at?"

"Your wings."

"I know there awesome right?"

"Uh... yeah." I said not sure how to answer that. It wasn't the fact of her wings being awesome or not it’s just more how they look, that got my attention. Well a better look then I did back in the hospital. There not like my wings. Which I know must be odd because there were other winged ponies around. But all their wings were like Dash's wings. I looked back at my wings giving them a small stretch. I find it odd that I can move these wings with no problem. Some would think growing a new... Oh what’s the word for it? Oh, right. Appendages would be hard to move for someone not used to having them. But it seems that I can move these just fine. But I digress.

"Hey what's with your wings?" Dash said landing next to me and stretching out my wing.

"What do you mean?" I said pretending I haven't noticed.

"You have this scaly bit to the tops of your wings." Dash said as she grabbed my wing and ran her hoof over the top of it giving me a shudder. Okay so wings rubbed just right... Yeah. Good to know that. Though I wish she would ask to grab my wing like that.

"Um... Dash?"


"Could you please stop doing that?" I said trying my best from keeping the red from my cheeks. It honestly felt that good.

"What? Oh!" she said turning red herself as she let my wing go.

"Thanks." I said shaking my head trying to get the blush out.

"Ah. No problem." She said looking away rubbing the back of her head.

"What's wrong with you two?" Twilight said walking up to us.

"It's... It's nothing Twi." Dash said like she was trying to hide something. I don't know if I should keep my mouth shut about that or not.

"So... What's this I heard about weird wings?" Twilight asked looking at Dash.

"Oh! It's just his wings have scales at the top." She said stretching out my wing again. You know, I wouldn't mind it so much if she just asked to do it and not just grab the wing.

"Now that's Interesting." Twilight said leaning in closer and gently rubbing her hoof over it. Oh damn it. Seriously how many ponies are going to rub my wing like that? Granted it feels nice but I don't think the middle of a surprise party would be time or place for it.

"Oh. Oh my." A timed voice said. Honestly I'm surprised I even caught that with how soft it was said. I looked around and then noticed a yellow coated, pink mane pony just behind Twilight with her hair covering half of her face.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?" Twilight said turning around seeing the blush on Fluttershy.

"You know you shouldn't d-d-do that. Right?" She said as she started to get even redder.

"How come?" Twilight said as she tilted her head to the side not sure what Fluttershy meant. Fluttershy only reddened even more before she came up to Twilight and whispered something into her ear as Twilight now visibly reddened as well.

"Oh my Celestia." Twilight said in an almost embarrass tone. She then whipped around at me. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do... that." Okay now I was confused. What the hell did Fluttershy just say to Twilight? Fluttershy turned red from looking at my confusion and slowly walked away like she didn't want to explain it to me.

"Um... It's alright Twilight" I said.

"Oh hey that rhymes." Pinkie chimed in.

"Right..." I said as I started to notice a parched sensation. "Hey where are the drinks? If you don't mind me asking." I asked getting thirstily.

"Oh here, let me get you one" Twilight said floating over a mug in her magic. I'm really going to have to ask her to show how she does that.

"Thank you." I said taking the glass gently in my hooves.

"Why don't you use your magic?" Twilight asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Okay how the hell is she doing that?

"I don't know how to use my magic honestly. Hell I didn't know I had magic till after our little trip down memory lane. Remember?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh right. Sorry about that."

"It's fine. I can chalk that one up to the impact, which I am sorry about that by the way." I apologized.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know that would happen."

"Oh! So this is the new stallion in town?" I heard in a very elegant sounding voice. I looked around confused till a white coated unicorn pony in a very styled purple mane with a horn just under it.

"Oh why yes Rarity." Twilight said looking at said Rarity.

"Hello Miss Rarity" I greeted.

"Oh quite a gentle colt isn't he?" She said with a small bow and I returned it the best I could without looking like an idiot. "It's a pleasure to meet you mister?"

"F.M. and please just F.M. I'm not one for the formalities Miss Rarity." I said in a very polite tone.

"Oh of course F.M. I don't want to make anypony uncomfortable after all." She said in a very dignified manner.

"He seems a bit of an odd one if you ask me" A very Applejack sounding voice came from behind the couch as she walked into view.

"Oh Applejack don't be rude to the guest of the hour." Rarity said.

"I think he's quite interesting." Twilight said looking back and forth between the two. Why do I get the feeling they forgot I was even here.

"I like him." Pinkie said bouncing around.

"He seems like an adventure waiting to happen." Dash said flying up. Okay, they did forget I was here. Lovely... with a small sigh I decided to give a fake cough to get there attention.

"Oh I'm sorry F.M. I completely forgot you were here." Rarity said with the rest of them, not counting Dash. Who agreed in a nod. "Here let me make it up to you." She said as her horn started to glow in a very light blue aura. Wait... something’s wrong here. Why am I slowly moving up? "Allow me to clean you up."

"Wait. You don't have to do this Miss Rarity." I said blushing at the fact that this mare that I just met was going to clean me up. The red tint to my checks and the embarrassment I felt was just a bit much to handle. Course that could be partly because the blood was rushing to my head.

"Oh but I must darling. I can't have such a refined stallion such as yourself going around completely dirty and with such an unkempt mane." Rarity said as I started to float over. Note to self. I really hate this floating feeling when I have no control. Let me rephrase that I don't like floating upside down like that. I turned to look at Twilight giving my best, "Please for the love of all things holy, get her to put me down" face I could muster.

"Uh... Rarity. Could you please put him down?" Twilight asked

"How come?" She said turning to face Twilight keeping me floating in the air upside down.

"Because I don't think he likes being lifted like that." Twilight said pointing at me with me showing my unease about all this.

"Oh! I'm dreadfully sorry about that F.M. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable like that." She said lowering me to the ground and onto my hooves after she flipped me right side up. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"It felt rude to do so." I said lowering my head quietly a little ashamed.

"But it's not rude to speak up when you’re feeling uncomfortable like that."

"Well it felt that way to me and there's no problem with being lifted like that. But please just ask next time." I said looking up at Rarity.

"Certainly” She said giving a light smile towards me. "Would you mind?" She asked. She must have meant about lifting me again like that.

"It's alright but please right side up. If that's alright?" I replied. She nodded as her horn lit up again and a familiar looking aura covered me lifting me up slowly as we made our way to Twilight's bathroom.


"Oh this feels nice." I said enjoying the warm bath water as I soaked my aching body in it. Of course shortly after saying that a bucket of water gets dumped over my head. I turned to look up to Rarity who is looking down at me. "Uh... Something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, it’s nothing. I'm just trying to decide how I should do your mane." Rarity replied looking over my mane.

"I take it you’re a hair stylist?"

"I'm a fashion designer." Rarity said as she floated a table of bottles over.

"Fashion?" I asked.

"Oh why yes. I make fabulous dresses and suits for some of my clients." She said then turned to me. "Now which one of theses shampoos do you prefer?" she asked pointing out the bottles she had in front of me. The assorted bottles lay on a little table next to the tub. But I couldn't read any of them. They were not in any language I knew. So of these marking I couldn't even tell if they were pictures or letters.

"Um... Miss Rarity. I can't read any of these labels." I said followed by my head slowly diving into the water.

"Oh! I'm dreadfully sorry. I do keep forgetting that other ponies can't read some of the imported shampoos I get. So why don't you tell me what your preferred scent?"

"Strawberries." I said raising my head back up. Shortly after doing so, she lifted a light blue bottle with a vine patterned around the sides of it with little red dots on it. She squeezed in the gel-like sustenance into my mane as her magic surrounded it slowly, working in the shampoo. Though, I've got to wonder... who brings an assortment of shampoos with her to a party? But none the less, this is really nice. With everything that had happened, you would think that I would be more freaked out. Being chased by a dragon twice, crashing into a farm. That reminds me, I really need to apologize to Applejack later. But I have to ask why? Really why? Let alone not remembering where I came from, Finding out that I can use my magic, and having the ability to fly. Of course I can't fly because of my fear of heights. Now that I think about it. Will I have to get over it?

"What about your family and friends?" a small voice in the back of my head said. It was close to my own but maybe a little distorted.

Family and friends... What about them? Should I be sad that I can't see them let alone remember them? Do I even have those back where I'm from? Could it be that I didn't have any of them back there to miss me. But what if I did? Do they even care or miss me? What about here? Do I really have any friends here? Twilight seems friendly enough but that was after I crashed into her friend’s farm. Not to forget that she only was aware of me after Nurse Redheart told her about me. Plus the reason I'm only staying with Twilight was because Princess Celestia told her to do. So do I really have any friends here?

"Something wrong F.M?" Rarity said snapping my attention back to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss Rarity. I didn't mean to space off like that." I apologized.

"It's quite alright and please Rarity is fine." She said giving me a warming smile.

"Alright Rarity. If you don't mind could I have a few moments to myself?" I asked looking at her.

"Alright. But if you don't mind my prying. How come?" She said as her ears drooped a little.

"After everything has happened. I would like a few moments alone to clear my head. It's nothing against you or anyone else." I said looking down quietly.

"It's completely understandable F.M. I do hope you can clear everything up. When you’re ready for me to continue, just call me. I'll be right outside the door waiting for you." She said as she made her way towards the bathroom door at a slow pace.

"Thank you Rarity and I will." I said trying to give her a warming smile. She noticed it as her ears perked up a bit and nodded with a smile herself before exiting. After the door closed I let out a small sigh. What about Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy? Rarity seems friendly enough but I can't say if she is doing this because she's friends with Twilight or that she wants to be friends with me. Though what kind of friends offer to wash them up in a bath after just meeting in someone house? It's kind of weird. Speaking of weird what about Pinkie Pie? She seems a little too bouncy for me. Not saying that bouncy is bad, but sometimes it's just… too much for me at times. Speaking about too much, there's Dash she seems quite blunt and hits harder than a watermelon fired from a cannon. She is quite blunt which can't really be a bad thing, can it? Then there's the whole wing thing. What the hell was that? Her running her hoof over the top my wing felt kind of good. But how does that work and what was with Fluttershy's reaction to what happened? She seems quite shy but that was just... awkward. When it comes to Applejack, I don't know what to say. We only spoke shortly at the hospital after Twilight got hurt because of me. She was only there to check on Twilight and find out what happened. That and probably find out why I crashed into her farm.

"Do you really think they can be your friends?" that voice asked. Could they? It's hard to say there. Right now we could be friends, but what about my memories? When or if I get them back. Will they still want to be my friends? In the end, it's all up in the air. I could feel me beginning to get a little pruned under my fur, I best get out then. After dunking my head into the water to rinse my coat and mane. I got out and reached for a towel to dry off.

"Oh. It's warm." I said walking over to a mirror. Oh dear god! I look like a drowned rat.

"Oh you look a drowned rat." Pinkie Pie said as I turned and jumped noticing her right up nose to nose.

"AH!" I yelled landing on the ground with a thud. "How did you get in here?" I asked after getting back on my hooves trying to get my heart to stop beating a mile a minute.

"Though the door there silly willy." She said with an uncontainable level of joy on her face.

"Pinkie, you in here?" I heard coming from the door turning to see Dash come in. "Oh there you are Pinkie. What are you doing...?” Dash’s voice died as she starts to stiffen a laugh. Failing horribly as she fell onto the ground rolling around laughing with Pinkie joining her. I shot them an annoyed look before she got back to her hooves and wipes the tears from her eye.

"Okay, okay. Calm down it was a bit too funny to see you like that. But to make it up to you. I'll use my patented Rainblow Dry" She said as her wings unfurl and she flies at me. Out of instinct I close my eyes waiting for the impact to come. Wait... what’s with all that? Whow! It's like a twister of rainbows surrounding me. Of course as soon as it started, it ended. Shaking my head for a moment I felt... dry. That was when I noticed Dash laughing again with Pinkie alongside her. Catching my reflection in the mirror. I noticed that my mane and coat puffed out. I looked like a giant fur ball with two big blue eyes within it. Lovely...

"What's going on in here?" A familiar sounding voice came from behind Dash and Pinkie. It seems Rarity finally decided to come in and noticed my... fluffiness. "Oh dear, Rainbow Dash did you use your Rainblow Dry again?" She said shooting a glare at her. Geez, if anyone could weaponize a glare, I'm sure they would use Rarity's to do so. That look could kill. Wait... Rainbow Dash? I thought her name was just Dash?

"Oh come on Rarity. He needed it. He looked like a drowned rat with all that water in his coat." Rainbow Dash said with a small snort as I could guess what she was about to laugh about.

"Oh yeah! He was all Wetty Teddy." Pinkie said bouncing around. You know I've got to wonder where the hell she gets all that energy from. Was it some kind of natural thing or was it a medication thing?

"Well it doesn't matter now. If you two don't mind. Could you leave so I can finish getting Mr. F.M. here ready for his party?" Rarity said with a hoof to her forehead.

"Alright Rarity." Rainbow dash said holding back a laugh as she and Pinkie left shutting the door behind them, shortly followed by muffled laughing. Rarity let out a sigh then turns towards me. "Sorry about that."

"It's quite alright Rarity." I said with a warm smile. She nodded and levitates a brush over to me as it starts to brush its way through my coat and oh god that felt good.

"So why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" Rarity asked as she continues to straighten my coat.

"Ah. I don't remember much honesty. I have bits and pieces." I stated to her looking down.

"Twilight told me about it. I'm dreadfully sorry that you had to go through with that." She said and I could hear how sincere she was about it.

"It's quite alright. I'm assuming Twilight also told you that I'm not from here." I said glancing at Rarity though the mirror's reflection.

"Yes, we had a talk while you were in here."

"I see."

"But that doesn't really tell me about you."

"I guess you’re right."

"So tell me about what you do remember of yourself."

"Well... I enjoy a good story from time to time. I also like staring into the night sky looking at the stars. Did you know they used to say that every star was a story just waiting to be told?" I said with a light laugh. A story waiting to be told. I wonder if one of them is my story.

"That's an interesting way of see it. I think Princess Luna would love to hear that about her night’s sky." Rarity said as she started to brush my mane slowly.

"Princess Luna?" I asked with from the name I could guess someone like Princess Celestia.

"Oh right. You don't know about her do you?" She said stopping.

"Unfortunately I don't" I said quietly. "There's quite a lot I still don't know."

"Princess Luna is the one that gives us these wonderful nights. Just like how Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun every day." She says. It would make sense I suppose, Wait... did I just hear her correctly?

"What do you mean by raising and lowering?" I asked with raised eyebrow.

"Just like I said. Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun as Luna does with the moon." She said with a raised eyebrow. "Isn't there somepony that does that from where you’re from?"

"No. They raise and lower by themselves. Well technically. The place where I’m from is on a planet called earth. It rotates around the sun as it spins on its own axis. This gives us our nights and days with the moon rotating around the planet itself." I said then noticed that Rarity wasn't really interested in what I was saying. She was more examining her hoof then anything.

"That’s fascinating Darling. But you should really tell Twilight about that. She would find it much more intriguing than I would." She said looking back at me from her hoof.

"Well then I'll talk to her after this." I said as Rarity continues to brush my mane quietly. After a few more minutes of her brushing she floats the brush away.

"There you go all done." She said as she floated a mirror over to me for me to see and frankly. I loved it. My head is spiked back with one swoop of hair that goes right between my eyes to a point. You could mistake it for a brown fireball... Well sort of. As for my coat it’s all brushed down nice and smooth as for my tail it has about the same treatment as my mane it looks like a tail of fire. Why am I comparing my mane and tail to fire? I guess I like fire. Who knew? I turn and smile at Rarity.

"Thank you Rarity."

"You're very welcome F.M." she said as she starts heading to the door with me following.


"Oh, F.M. I've got to say that hair style really suits you." Twilight said after Rarity and I walked over to her. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Applejack were with her as well.

"I'm not really for all that fro fro stuff. But I reckon you clean up nicely." Applejack said looking at me. I couldn't help but blush a little. It's nice to get a compliment from time to time, especially since I have almost to no idea what’s acceptable for appearance here.

"Thank you Miss Applejack and sorry about crashing into your farm." I apologized.

"It's all right there F.M. I know you didn't mean to do it so there ain't any reason to apologize. Also it's just Applejack or AJ" She said giving a very warming smile.

"I know but it's only polite to apologize Applejack." I said looking at her.

"I guess you're right there partner." She said as she took a swig of her drink.

"Hey. Has anyone seen Fluttershy lately?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She said she wanted to go back and check on Angel." Twilight said.

"Who’s Angel?" I asked

"That would be her pet rabbit." Pinkie said bouncing again. So they had pets here too.

"Shouldn't she be back already?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah. I figured she'd be back by now." Rainbow said looking at the door.

"It's Angel. What’s the worse...?" Pinkie started to say before Applejack put a hoof into her mouth. Thank you Applejack.

"I don't think that would be wise there Pinkie." She said.

"Hey. Twilight, I wanted to ask you something." I said turning to Twilight remembering something.

"What is it F.M?" She said looking at me.

"What did Fluttershy whisper into your ear earlier?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. This got Rarity's ears to perk up.

"Oh you must tell us darling." she said leaning in closer to hear. Of course Twilight started to turn red. Which I found it a little cute for the light purple pony. She slowly walked over to me and whispered into my ear.

"Oh. Oh! Oh my." I said with the last one said in a way that even George Takei would be proud of as a deep blush appeared on my face. Who knew wings were used for that. Note to self, I may want to avoid questions that even Twilight blushes at.

"Um if you don't mind. I'm going to get some fresh air." I said still blushing.

"Oh of course darling." Rarity said. I make my way to the door as I saw Rarity walk over to Twilight. I think Rarity just asked her what she told me because Twilight got even redder. Yeah... leaving now. Opening the door the cool night’s air hits my coat.

"Oh that felt good" I said as the blush left my cheeks. This a soft click of the door closing, I turned my head towards the sky and stared in awe. The stars and moon were so beautiful. I slowly moved away from the door and stared some more. You know that comment about each star has its own story. I think it could be true here. With stars like that I don't think even a library could hold all of them.

"But does one of them hold one for you?" The small voice in the back of my head said.

"Does it?" I said with a small frown on my face. Better question is would it? Is my story even worth being a star up there? What did I do with my life? Hell if I could answer that. Then I would know more about myself. All I got was basic info. I'm from another place or planet, I was once human, and I have all that I know from school without the memories of going. I seem to be rather curious about stuff that I shouldn't be. Like the wing thing. Why did I even ask about that? A cold chill runs down my spine. But I had to ask.

"What happens now?" I said into the night air.

"You go on, alone." The small voice said in the back of my head. Yeah... alone. I was alone wasn't I? Who do I really know here? Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Nurse Redheart, and Celestia. They all seemed so friendly. Well, Rainbow didn't at first but she was thinking about her friend and what I did to her. Applejack probably just wanted answers about why I crashed into her farm. I wish I could give her them. But what about the rest of them? I can't really tell. Fluttershy seemed too shy around me. Kinda fitting now that I think about it. Her name is pretty spot on. Pinkie is hard to tell where she stands being a giant ball of pinkie energy. Rarity. I don't really know about her. She was nice. Forceful but nice about the whole bath thing. You know. I'm probably over thinking this too much. I should just enjoy the moment.

"Hey." I heard from behind me. Turning around I saw Twilight walking up to me with a small frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I was about to ask you the same question." She said looking at me.

"It's nothing." I lied. I think its best I keep my problems to myself. I'm already being a burden on them. It's not that I don't trust them, It's just hard to open up to someone you just met less than a day ago.

"Are you sure?" She said with a raised eyebrow with the same sad look.

"Yeah." I said giving my most convincing nothing’s wrong smile. "So... why are you out here?" I asked to change the subject.

"Oh. It's just I saw you from the window after you left and you had a sad look on you. Are you sure nothing’s wrong?" She asked. Well, shit. Nice change there Dummy. You left it wide open for her to shift it back.

"Yeah, I'm fine Twilight. I'm just thinking is all." I said before sitting down quietly again. Twilight walked up and sat next to me.

"Thinking about what?"

"The stars" I said being partly truthful.

"What about them?"

"Well I told Rarity something I was told before. That every star in the sky is a story waiting to be told. I was just looking at these stars and thinking that maybe that saying could be true." I said looking back up at them.

"I hope all the stories are happy ones." She said following my gaze.

"Well not every story can be a happy one Twilight." I said unconscionably letting a hint of sadness tint my voice.

"What do you mean?" She said turning to me.

"Not every story is happy. Not every story is sad. The story is how it’s made from the actions of the man. Well pony, or through the events sent in by destiny itself. Some ponies have to go through the heartache and trials for something they care about or the greater good. Like someone..."

"Somepony" Twilight chimed in"

"Err. Right. Like somepony jumping in the way of an arrow about to hit the one they care about. Just to die from it. So in the end sometimes the happiest of stories have the saddest of events leading to it." I said with my gaze still to the sky. Something about what I said started to spark a feeling of personal truth to that. I can't tell if it’s me trying to remember something or just a belief that I held dear.

"I don't know what to say to that honestly." Twilight said with her hoof to her chin like she is taking what I said in.

"Sometimes there’s just nothing that can be said." I said looking down at her. She nodded in agreement shortly afterwards. After a few moments of silence Twilight started to open her mouth but was cut off from a scream coming out of the distance. It sounded like someone in danger and it was familiar. I couldn't remember where it felt familiar from.

"What was that?" I said jumping to my hooves.

"That sounded like Fluttershy and it's coming from... oh no!" She said taking off with me shortly behind her. If that is one of Twilight's friends, than I better help.

"Coming from where Twilight?" I asked catching up.

"The Everfree Forest." She said as we head pass a house on the hill towards the woods.

"What's wrong with the Forest?"

"The Forest is a dangerous place especially at night." Twilight said as we enter the dark forest. Her horn started to glow with a purple aura illuminated the way. Damn it, I really wish I knew how to use magic at his point to help.

"What the hell is that smell?" I said with the nastiest of smells hit my nose. It smelt like.

"Oh no. That's from a Timber Wolf." Twilight said cutting my thought off.

"Twilight. Details. Now!" I said as we continued running into the forest.

"A Timber Wolf is living wood that forms the shape of a giant wolf. There body produces that horrible smell that you’re smelling. Their hard to defeat short of smashing them with a giant rock or making them choke on their internal gas. Which builds up and they explode." She said getting straight to the point as we jump over some bushes and land in the middle of a clearing as we see what I could guess the Timber Wolf looked like. When she said made out of wood she wasn't kidding. The large wooden masses look spot on for a wolf. Besides the bright green eyes with leaf eyebrows. Their fangs and claws looked like they were made from carved wood. To be as sharp and real claws. The Wolf was slowly moving towards Fluttershy who had her back legs stuck under rocks.

"Twilight you help Fluttershy. I'll draw the Wolf away from you two." I said not giving Twilight a chance to say anything as I ran in and bit on the wolf's leg. It started to howl in pain as it kicked me off. I guess my bite was worse then it's bark. I rolled away on the ground as it turned towards me. Good now that its attention is on me ,Twilight can get Fluttershy free.

"Stay still Fluttershy. I'll get you free here shortly." Twilight said to her terrified friend as her horn started to glow. The Wolf didn't seem to notice as it started to run towards me howling. Good, real good. I stood in front of a giant rock that was an easy seven or eight times bigger than I was as it charged. Before it could hit me I dived to the left and rolled out of the way as it hit the rock which now that I thought about it was more like a bolder. I got back to my hooves and got in front of another giant rock. Let's see if this thing was a stupid as I thought it was.

"Oh come on wolfy. I bet your mother could hit me and she's a toothpick." I taunted the Timber Wolf. Granted it was one of my lamer taunts but it still did the trick as it howled at me. Yeah... pissed it right off. He got up and charged me again. Doing as I did before I dived but this time the wolf caught on and swiped at me just right giving me two deep cuts on my left side. My wings where flared since the beginning of the fight. I couldn't tell why but maybe it's a natural response to being in combat. My mind wandered a bit mainly because couldn't think of the pain now. I chanced a glance to see Twilight almost had all the rocks moved. Turning back to the wolf. I failed to notice it move up on me. Well... shit. It struck me hard this time sending me into the rock and my god it hurt. After landing and getting back to my shaky hooves. The wolf started to walk slowly up to me. I glanced back over to Twilight as I saw a yellow and pink blur fly away as my legs gave out under me. Good Fluttershy was safe. I turned back to the wolf with a smirk on my face.

"Hey timber wolf!" Twilight yelled. Oh no, Twilight didn’t just do that. But of course the wooden beast looked over at Twilight who took the rocks she moved off of Fluttershy and threw them at the timber wolf. It got hit by a few of the small ones and dodged the big one. It weaved through and got right up on Twilight as I noticed the look of terror now in her eyes. OH NO! I found the strength back in my legs and I started to dash over to her. But it was too late. The wolf stuck Twilight sending her into a tree. Said tree couldn't take the impact and broke in half with Twilight flying thought it. Okay, that’s it! After I put myself between Twilight and the wooden abomination, during the whole time I felt a familiar anger. Just like when I faced the dragon. But this felt... hotter.

"You did not just do that." I stated as I took a step closer. An orange glow started to envelop the area. It flickered around like if there was a raging inferno of flames and frankly I didn't care. I had to teach this wooden abomination one very important lesson. The wolf turned towards me and locked it's glowing green eyes with mine.

"F.M." I heard weakly from Twilight. That help fuel my anger causing the glow to intensify as my rage started to grow out of control.

"There's one thing you never do. If you’re smart, If you value your continues existence, If you have any wish to see tomorrow at all. There is one thing you never do." I said in a very calm but not peaceful, like that unnerving calm before the storm tone as I moved even more up to the wooden beast. It let out a look that said and that would be? "Hurt... My... Friends!" I said with that last word more yelling that easily could have been mistaken as a draconic roar. Before I could act, I felt that rage leave me like water being dumped out of a pitcher. It caused me to feel exhausted like there was no energy left in me as a fireball left my mouth. The size of it reminded me of a semi barreling down the road at full speed. It hit the Timber wolf and in a flash of blinding orange light, the wolf was gone as well as that orange glow. I looked around and saw Twilight. Running over I helped Twilight up to her hooves. She seemed fine for the most part but I couldn't be sure. She was shaking on her hooves severely. To be on the safe side I slide myself underneath her so she was lying on my back. She started to move as if she wanted to protest. My wings I used to hold her in place as I slowly made my way back to Ponyville.

"You know I can walk just fine." Twilight said wearily but still in an annoyed tone.

"Yes you can walk just fine when you were shaking like a leaf from just standing." I said more out of breath then anything. Whatever I did took the wind right out of my sails.

"I'll be alright. You’re the one that needs help." She said looking at my large bleeding slashing in my side.

"I'm fine Twilight." I said ignoring the pain from the wound when Twilight brushed her hoof against it. It was bleeding slowly at the moment. Nothing alarming but it was still coming out.

"You’re not fine. You’re bleeding."

"It's just a scratch."

"A scratch?" Twilight almost yelled. "You’re bleeding from the large slashes in your side. You need to put me down and let me help you back to the hospital."

"Twilight, You’re going to get looked at first. You flew through a tree. Whatever cuts I have can wait till you get checked out first." I said continuing on my way looking up at Twilight. She had a worried look on her face. I turned my ears to hear something coming. I turned to see a prismatic blur flying towards me, Rainbow flew up to the both of us and saw Twilight on my back.

"Is she alright?" Rainbow said looking at me.

"You know I'm right here, Right?" Twilight said annoyed.

"Rainbow takes Twilight to the hospital. She went through a tree." I told her. Rainbow nodded and carefully picked up Twilight then noticed the slashes in my side. "I'm fine, Go!" I said, well more yelled with some relief on my back. It wasn't like Twilight was heavy, no. It was more because I think I damaged some bones in the fight.

"Rainbow, don't worry about me and get F.M. instead." Twilight said as Rainbow shook her head.

"Applejack is on her way. She can get F.M." She said as she few off with Twilight. She should be at least safe. Twilight could be seen yelling at Rainbow Dash as she flew off. It didn't take long for me to slowly make my way out of the forest, My wing pressing against the wound more. Applejack run up at me after I had escaped the forest. With my world starting to blur, most likely from the blood loss as she stopped in front of me.

"F.M. are you alright?" She said then noticed blood oozing from under my wing. "You’re hurt. I'm going to take you to the hospital and I ain't takin’ no for an answer." The funny thing is I would have answered but right then everything went sideways and black.


"I see you're waking up" A familiar sounding voice said to me.

"What?" I said dazed a bit as the world came back into focus to Nurse Redheart looking at me.

"Still a little groggy I see." She said putting her hoof on my forehead.

"Will he be alright?" Twilight said to my right. I turned to see her in a bed like me.

"I think so. We were able to fix the broken rib and patched up the cuts. I just think the medication is still circulating in his system." Redheart replied after removing her hoof.

"Twilight, are you alright?" I said looking at her noticing the bandage on her head.

"I'm fine F.M. I just have a simple head trauma and had a cut with some splinters in my head from breaking through the tree." she said looking over at me.

"So nothing serious right?" More for clarity than anything else. The words head trauma did not set well with me.

"She will be fine F.M. We just are having her stay here for the night to make sure." The Nurse said. "As for you."

"Yes?" I asked with a small gulp. I really don't like where this is going.

"You're going to be here for a few days to make sure those ribs heal. We want to make sure they have healed up correctly." Redheart said looking at me before she got up and walked to the door. "I'm going to leave you two alone now. Lights out is in a few minutes and you both need some sleep after what happened." She said giving us a stern look.

"Alright Nurse Redheart" Twilight said with a smile, I simply nodded. With that Redheart left. The door clicked shut as I turn to look at Twilight who was looking at me with an easily weaponized glare. I gulped again from her look. She must have been angry with me from having her being taken to the hospital and get looked at before me.

"Why did you insist on me getting looked at first? You were hurt far more than I was." She said getting off her bed and hopped into mine. Of course I had to be right.

"My injuries were not important at the time. Yours where." I said looking into her eyes meaning every word of it.

"But it wasn't. You were cut up, bleeding, and had broken ribs" She said leaning in glaring at me. I sighed quietly.

"Twilight, my injuries aren’t important at all. You and your friend’s safety are more important than mine." I said in a very flat tone.

"Why? Why do that?" She said with a raised eyebrow and I could make out the skeptical tone to her voice.

"Because you’re my friend, right?" I said. Okay, this was a long shot. I really hope she did see me as a friend. Otherwise my next personal rule will seem pretty stupid here.

"Well yeah." she said with a look that says I'm not quite following your logic here.

"Twilight, I’d rather make sure my friends are safe before I am. I'm willing to lay my life down if it means to protect my friends." I said in the same tone as before.

"That's a noble way of thinking but... why?" She said now confused and worried.

"Because that's the way I am Twilight." I said leaning back against the headboard.

"Thank you." Twilight said with a small smile.

"For what?" I asked.

"For making sure Fluttershy and I were safe." She said leaning in close and giving me a hug. I would have been more grateful about it if she didn't squeeze where the bandages were. That spot was still pretty tender there, letting out a pained squeak. Twilight pulled back.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's alright Twilight." I said then noticed something on her rump. She caught my gaze and then shot a glare at me.

"And what are you looking at?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"Just the marks you have there on your..." I trailed off, not knowing why she was mad. "Sorry I didn't mean to look like that. I didn't mean to offend you." I said laying down covering my face with my hooves.

"What? Oh! You were looking at my Cutie Mark." She said realizing what I was really looking at.

"Cutie mark?" I questioned as I removed my hooves from in front of my face. I tempted fate and glanced up at her.

"Yes. A Cutie mark shows up when a pony finds what his or her special talent is. either it is direct or abstractly. You even have one." She said pointing to mine. Which looked like a fireball crashing into a storm cloud with two yellow thunderbolts flying out of it.

"I guess I do. But what does it mean?" I said looking at it more.

"That's hard to say. But from what I saw. It could have something to do with that fireball you launched. How did you do that anyway?" She asked and I blinked for a moment. How the hell did I do that anyway?

"I... I don't know." I said looking back up at her.

"Well tell me what you were doing when it appeared." Twilight said.

"Well after that timber wolf sent you through that tree I felt this anger with in me. It was when I faced against that dragon but it was hotter. Like I could physically feel the heat coming off me. As soon as I started to yell at it. I felt all that anger just release all at once leaving me drained. Then the fireball shot out and that’s about it." I explained.

"Hmm..." Twilight said with a pause.

"Any idea?"

"Well from what you told me. Your anger released itself in the easiest way at what was causing it. This would explain your mane and tail being on fire when it happened." She said. My mind snapped to the words mane and tail being on fire. I grabbed at my tail and head noticing that they were normal. Twilight saw my actions and lightly laughed. "No, no, no. When it happened."

"So when I got angry my mane and tail were on fire?"

"Well more they were fire." She explained. My main and tail became fire when I was angry?

"How does that happen?"

"Magic" Twilight said shrugging. "Well it could be a way your magic manifest since you haven't learned how to use yours yet. So your body let it out the easiest way it could."

"I see." I said with a yawn.

"I think you should get some sleep. You've had a long day." Twilight said followed by a yawn herself.

"You should too." I replied with a gentle smile.

"I believe you're right. I'll see you in the morning F.M." she said getting back into her bed and under the covers.

"Yeah. Good night Twilight." I said after I pulled the thin white blanket up to me.

"Good night F.M." She said as her horn glowed and the lights went out. You know I can live with this. In a new place, new friends, and hell who knows what’s going to happen.

"But what about your old friends and family?" The voice in the back of my head said as I drifted off into sleep.
-End of Chapter-

Chapter 02 – Returning Nightmares

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Two days, it's been two days since I have arrived. I have sat in this bed for two days doing almost nothing but had gone through some books that Twilight left. One about basic pony anatomy so I could understand the different pony races better, one book about the modern practices, one on science, and then the one on magic. I saved the magic one for later as I worked my way through the modern practices. For the most part there are some similarities to home. Well old home I guess... what threw me for a loop was the whole royalty thing, they didn’t have a king or queen. But just the princesses, how can they be rulers and not be queens? I'm going to have to ask Twilight or one of the princesses about this sometime. Then that’s when I found out about what the currency is here. Bits... this place calls their money bits. Now that I think about money, how am I going to pay for my hospital bills or for anything? I can't ask Twilight or her friends for some help after everything they've done for me. It wouldn't feel right. I guess I'm going to have to find a job. But, what can I do?

"Uh... H... Hi. Mr. F.M." A timed voice said from the door that broke my train of thought. I turned my gaze from the window to see Fluttershy who just opened the door with a basket on her back.

"Oh. Hello Miss Fluttershy. I'm glad to see you’re alright." I said in a warming tone. I never found out if she was alright after the run in with the Timber wolf.

"Thank you." She said before trotting up to the bed and sat down on the chair next to it. "How are you feeling?" She asked looking at me. To be honest I was completely tired, I had been up for the last two nights. The first night in the hospital I had a nightmare that kept me awake and since then I continued to see it or a different nightmare. So I have been up since that night.

"I'm fine Miss Fluttershy." I lied. She looked at me with a worried look on her face.

"Are... are you sure?" She asked with her pink flowing mane covering the side of her face.

"Yeah, I just have some stuff on my mind that is all." I said. It was true. I did have a lot on my mind at the time. Trying to figure out my bill, finding a job, and the whole new world thing. It was pretty much on my mind the whole time. Well… when I wasn’t thinking the unrelenting nightmares. Not to count that little voice in my head bring up my old life. It still saddens me to think about it. About the family I left behind and the friends too. What did they think happened to me? Did I just disappear out of nowhere or something else?

"Um. Mr. F.M?" Fluttershy said looking at me. "You can just call me Fluttershy, if you want." She said from behind her mane.

"Alright Fluttershy and please just call me F.M."

"Okay" She replied, then the silence began as we stared at each other, nothing really to be said. Thankfully Applejack decided to entered the room with a smile on her face to break the awkward silence that just radiated from the room.

"Oh, hello Fluttershy. I didn't know you were coming to visit him too." She said with a basket with her as well.

"I just wanted to thank him for saving me." she said turning towards Applejack.

"I reckon that would be a good idea. But I'm surprised you didn't come here yesterday."

"Oh. I couldn't do that, I had so much to do. Mr. Mouse had to get his cast off, I also had to clean out the chicken coop. Then Mrs. Robin wanted me to help replace her nest that dropped from the tree" Fluttershy said. Mr. Mouse, Mrs. Robin, Chicken coop? What does Fluttershy do here in Ponyville?

"I guess, so what’s in the basket?" Applejack said when she saw Fluttershy's basket that was sat down next to her.

"Oh, I brought F.M. a blanket. The ones in the hospitals are so thin." She said pulling out a quilted blanket. The pattern on the patches was so colorful and heartwarming. Each one of the colorful squares had either a little butterfly, a bird, or some cute animal on it. It looked very rustic, homely, and nice.

"Thank you. But you didn't need to do that Fluttershy." I said to her. She turned and smiled at me. Then lifted up and laid it over my lap. It felt warm, very warm.

"I... I know." she said then turned towards Applejack and noticed her basket.

"That was so kind of you." Applejack said as she walked closer and pulled the little tray out for me. That was when I smelt the aroma coming from the basket. She pulled off the little cloth on the basket and it was filled with pies, cakes, and other treats. "I figured F.M. here needs some good old fashions Apple family cooking. It always helped Big Mac get back on his hooves faster." She said laying out the buffet of treats and looked up at me. "Go ahead and dig in." Honestly I would have if I was alone to do so. But the two of them where here and it just wasn't right. I mean drinking something is different than eating in front of someone, no matter how my belly reminded me that I hadn't ate anything since the mash potatoes with gravy and a side of peas from dinner last night. Okay granted, it was hospital food and not even here had it been good, but definitely better than back home.

"But it wouldn't be right to eat in front of the two of you. So please have some with me." I requested trying to be nice and not rude.

"But... but she brought it for you." Fluttershy said looked directly at me.

"It's alright F.M. we don't mind. Here let me get you a glass of good old Apple family apple cider." she said as she pulled out a wooden mug and filled it with said apple cider. I slowly pulled up the mug up to me and took a drink. The sweet nectar slid down my throat. I felt warmth in the pit of my stomach. That warm that could say nothing wrong is going to happen. Of course that would be a complete bull face lie. Because, as soon as I finished my drink of the warm apple cider, a ball flew through the open window colliding with the right side of my head.

"Ow!" I said as the ball bounced on the floor then rolled away. Fluttershy shot up and flew over to me checking my head. It only stung when it nailed me but beyond that nothing really that bad. Applejack had ran to the window with a look that could kill if weaponized.

"Who threw that?" Applejack yelled out of the window.

"Sorry about that Applejack." a voice said from outside the window which sounded like a younger Rainbow Dash.

"Scootaloo you need to watch where you hit that ball. You beamed a pony up here."

"Really?" Said the pony before a small pause that then was followed by an "Aww!"

"You’re not going to get a Cutie Mark for hitting a pony. You should go up and say sorry." Said another voice.

"Yeah Scoots you need to go up and say sorry." Said yet another voice with a draw similar to Applejack's.

"It's not my fault some pony got in the way of my ball." Scootaloo tried to defend. Granted she was right but it was her fault that was thrown so it could hit someone.

"You should still apologize Scootaloo." Said the second voice.

"Yeah. Sweetie Belle is right." Said the last unknown voice.

"Aw come one Applebloom. If I do that then we have less time today to find our Cutie Marks." Scootaloo whined.

"I'll be right back F.M." Applejack said then left the room still looking angry. Not murderous, but still quite angry.

"Please don't be harsh on them." Fluttershy turning towards me.

"Of course Fluttershy, it was just an accident." I said. After a few moments Applejack returned with three smaller ponies. The first one was a yellow coated and had a red mane that was accompanied by a big red bow. The second one had a white coated pony that had light pink and purple mane that had little swirls in it, there was even a little horn on her head. She would be a unicorn, right? The last one reminded me of a young rainbow dash if she was orange coated and purple mane, she also had a set of small wings on her back. The three of them came up and looked up at me, I returned there gaze back.

"Well?" Applejack said behind the little ponies.

"Sorry for hitting you with our ball" said Scootaloo, which was the little orange pegasus as she gently scraped her hoof against the ground.

"We're sorry that you got hurt because of our playing." Sweetie Bell added.

"We'll try and be more careful next time mister." Applebloom said. I was a little happy now that I could put the faces to the voices.

"It's quite alright you three. It was an accident so. No harm, no foul." I said with a small smile on my face, Fluttershy smiled next to me.

"Alright now that’s out of the way, can we go?" Scootaloo said to Applejack.

"I don't see why not. Just be careful you three." Applejack said after moving out of the way. The three of them run out the door. Then Applejack yells down the hall "Make sure your home for dinner Applebloom" She said followed by her closing the door and looked back at me. Fluttershy landed back down in her seat after making sure I had no serious injuries. Admittedly if I did, I was in the perfect place to deal with them.

"Does that happen a lot?" I asked more for my own curiosity than anything.

"Well Applebloom and her friends are trying to get their cutie marks by doing all sorts of things, that leads them into hot water more times than not." Applejack said with a roll of her eyes. For some reason I had the feeling I was going to get roped in on that at some point.

"But they're good kids" Fluttershy chimed in. I nodded quietly.

"Now you should get some good food in your belly." Applejack said as she came over again.

"Don't worry about eating with us around." Fluttershy said looking at me with a stare. I gulped quietly. I swear that stare could pierce a solid quarter size hole through pure steel. It was like she was peering right into my soul just to make me eat.

"Alright." I said slowly and reached for a slice of apple pie as well as the fork. Okay, who’s idea was to give ponies with hooves forks? Because no matter what I do, I can't get a hold the damn thing. I sit there fighting to hold just the fork. All I could manage was to put my hoof on it and lift up with no fork. I could see the doctors lift up paper just fine with there hoof and here I am not able to lift up a damn fork. Something was seriously wrong with this picture and I wanted to know why.

"Having fun there?" Applejack said looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a small grin on her face.

"Not really." I said as I began to get more frustrated with what I thought would be easy. I got the fork to move about an inch further away from me still on the tray.

"How come?" she said looking at me, with just the raised eyebrow.

"Because I'm still not use to hooves. I'm kind of surprised I didn't have problems with the mug. But that could because of the handle." I said as I tried to will the damn fork onto my hoof.

"Why don't you use your magic?" Applejack said as she tilted her hat up. That got me to stop fighting with the fork, and gave a little defeated sigh. Thank you universe for reminding me of my lack of magical prowess, or in this case any prowess.

"I... I don't know how to use magic yet." I said a little dejected. Hell I still couldn't figure out how I used that fireball from the other night.

"Oh darn it. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you all sad and stuff." she said looking down with an annoyed look on her face, I could tell it wasn't at me she was annoyed with.

"Applejack it's alright, You didn’t know and I know I'm not the most magically inclined here. Frankly I'm bottom of the barrel when it comes to magic around here. Hell, come to think about it. I'm pretty much bottom of the barrel with everything." I said as I looked up may gaze not on anything particular. It was true, I have barely the basics down when it comes to moving around. Well all but picking things up with my hooves.

"Stop that right now, you’re not bottom of the barrel on anything." Applejack said as she stomped a hoof which caused my gaze to drop to her.

"You shouldn't beat yourself up like that F.M." Fluttershy said.

"Why? Why shouldn't I? Since I've gotten here I have been useless. I can't fly because of my fears. I can't use magic because I don't know how." I said as my eyelids drooped more followed by the frown that wanted to adorn my face.

"But what about saving Fluttershy?" Applejack questioned.

"That wasn't being useful, that was doing what’s right."

"That's hog wash F.M." Applejack said looking right at me with annoyed glare. Okay I knew that one was pointed at me this time.

"You really shouldn't doubt yourself like that" Fluttershy timidly added, and I could tell she didn't like where this conversation had begun to head.

"Look If I have to prove it to you then I will. When you get out of here, you're going to come down to the farm and I'll show you that you’re not useless." Applejack said, well more demanded to be honest.

"You don't have to do that Applejack. I..." I said before getting cut off.

"Oh I do have to, I can't let my friend beat themselves up for nothing." She said coming over. "Now let me help show you how to hold the silverware" She said as she held the fork and it was just stuck to her hoof. Okay, what the fuck? No seriously, what the fuck, how does that even work? She has no fingers or anything to hold it but she's holding it like it was magnetized to her hoof. I looked at her hoof holding the fork, then to mine. Then back to hers. I went back and forth a few times just from her hoof to mine. Maybe if I don't think about it. I moved my hoof to the spoon and placed on it. Okay, do not think about it, do not think about picking up the spoon with your hoof that has no fingers. Damn it! I'm thinking about it. Really it should be hard to do, right? If every other pony can do it then I can just pick this spoon up like this... well shit, it does work. I had noticed the spoon stuck to my hoof like it was just glued on.

"Good job F.M." Fluttershy said smiling.

“Now you're getting it” Applejack said putting the fork down. I picked up the fork again and started to slowly eat. I still felt guilty about eating in front of them like that. But they just smiled at me and told me it was fine. So after about the thirtieth time I told them it didn’t feel fine but they were unrelenting so I gave in. The food was scrumptious, the flavors hit me like a ton of bricks, in the good way. It started to bring a tear to my eye. It brought back memories of my old home. These memories were nice once, the first time biting into a pie that I made myself. Was the first to come back to me but it was shortly accompanied by that feeling of having a good time having snacks with friends. A small smile was on my face as the tears ran down my face. These were tears of joy, a happiness that I didn’t think I would feel again.

"Is something wrong?" Fluttershy said worriedly as she noticed the tears. I shook my head and smiled more.

"Nothing's wrong Fluttershy, just memories is all" I stated simply after I swallowed a bite.

"Good ones, I hope." She said. I simply nodded as I took another bite of the apple pie I had dug into.

"Want to talk about them?" Applejack said pulling a seat over, well she more pushed it over with her head. But this memory I didn’t have a problem sharing, it wasn’t something I would feel a burden about telling them, or anyone.

"They’re memories of happier times. The first time I bit into the first pie I ever made. I don't remember what flavor was it or anything of that nature. Not even if it was any good in the long run, since it was my first baked pie I did myself. Then there's the memory of sharing the same pie with friends and having a good time with them just sitting at a table talking. Nothing special about the conversation, just the group of us talking over it." I said as more tears started to flow down my cheeks. I did have friend back there and I missed them.

"You miss them don't ya?" Applejack asked, simply I nodded quietly as I took a hoof to wipe away the tears.

"I don't know how recent the memories are. So there’s no real way of telling if we are or were still friends. But as of right now, yes I do miss them." I said as more tears appeared in my eyes to replace the ones I had wiped away. Fluttershy moved her chair closer and rested a hoof on my shoulder.

"It will be alright. You'll get home to see them again." She said reassuringly.

"We'll do anything we can to get you home." Applejack said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you" I said quietly then finished the food Applejack brought and I thanked her for it afterwards.

"Oh it ain't no problem there F.M." She said as she tipped her hat up again. "I've got to get going, I can't let my choirs fall behind. I'll talk to you all later and remember F.M. when you get out of here, you come straight to the farm." She said looking right at me, I nodded slowly.

"I have to go too, I need to make sure all my animals are alright." Fluttershy said slowly getting down from the seat. "Will you be alright alone?" She asked.

"I'll be fine Fluttershy." I said warmly, I felt a lot better than I had been in the last few days.

"Alright, I hope you get well soon." She said as she walked to the door. I said my goodbye and they did the same as they left through the door. There I sat in the room alone again. But I didn't mind really. I felt happy that I have gained a new memory and it was a good one. I yawned quietly as my lack of sleep decided to come back for vengeance. I covered myself with the quilt that Fluttershy brought me. It was warm and had a smell of flowers, roses I think. I drifted off into sleep without a moment’s notice with the hope of a pleasant dream awaiting me.


The room was dark and gloomy, nothing really in it but the free swinging lamp light above me illuminating little of the room. But from what I could tell, the walls where rounded much like an asylums walls, with the dirty white padding. The floor on the other hand has hard, tombstone gray, bricked stone. I looked around only noticing the rusted iron door in front of me with the cracks around the door letting some of the light from room behind the door in. I tried to move but found myself tied to a chair, even my wings were restricted. After fighting with the cabled restraints that was holding me there. I sat quiet, listening for anything. But all I heard was the ticks of a clock. It sounded much like an old grandfather clock. After what I could get as an hour or two of nothing but the ticks of said clock. The door opened showing a man, but not one as I remembered. This mans body was entirely made out of black and vile flames. All but those bright red reptilian eyes, those eyes just stared like it was piercing me to the soul. The man stepped in slowly, with each step sounding like metal on stone.

"I see you have returned" The man said with a voice that sound to entirely similar to mine but with a distortion to it, a few feet in front of me where he stopped. He bent down and looked at me at eye level since he was over twice my height, I nervously gulped. "You don't remember me do you?" He asked, I tried to say something but my voice died in my throat but I answered with a simple nodded. "That's a shame." he said as he reached behind him. I watched his hand as it pulled out a sword. It looked like a knight’s sword from medieval times. He pointed it right at me. "Well I better get rid of you then. There’s no need for a useless pony like you, right girls?" The man said as six figures appeared from the door. My eyes shrank when I saw them. It was Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. They all looked at me with disgust in their faces.

"Right." Said Pinkie. "Why would we need someone so useless? I bet his cooking would only make me sick."

"I reckon a splinter would be more useful than him. What a pathetic stallion." Applejack said as she turned her gaze away from me with more disgust.

"I would find it funny if it wasn't so sad." Fluttershy said with a glare at me.

"It's quite dreadful that we would have to even socialize with such a street rat." Rarity said turning her nose up.

"This wimp will amount to nothing." Rainbow Dash said. "I bet his friends and family were glad when he left. Probably threw a party and everything"

"I would have left his uninteresting ass out in the street if it wasn't for Princess Celestia's order to let him stay." Twilight said as she gave me a look of pure hatred.

"Then I better get rid of this trash and save you all the trouble of doing so." The man said as he pulled the sword back for a swing. The blade lit up in a purple glow as I was shaken to my core from each of their words.

"Oh please do." Said Twilight. There was nothing I could do but watch as the tears ran down my cheeks. The swing came with a sickening purple glow.


I suddenly shot up breathing hard. Looking around I saw Twilight against the wall looking at me scared. I blinked a few times looking at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. Oh look at the time I have to get back to the library." She said and ran out of the door, I was completely confused. What was her deal? I noticed the books she left there on the floor. I hopped out of the bed and picked them up as best I can and moved them to the bed. I hopped back into bed and started looking over the books. One was book on how to use magic for beginners and the other one was a story book called "Daring Do and the Griffin Goblet." The cover was showing a tan Pegasus with a black mane and tail. Flying through the air at a goblet through traps with a blue monster in the back, which was looking quite angry. I put that book aside and started on the magic one. It wasn't much time till Nurse Redheart who came in to check on me. She also brought in a set of bags on her back, which reminded me of bags that donkeys back home would have on before going down a cliff side to the grand canyon. She also carried a clipboard in her mouth. After she sat the bags down next to the bed and placed her rump on the chair followed by the clipboard on the table.

"How are you doing this evening?" She said looking at me.

"I'm doing better. No headaches or pains, ball to the head aside."

"Ball to the head?" she asked with a questioning look.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom were playing outside and there ball came through the window." I answered.

"Ah I see."


"Well good news. You don't need to be here any longer." She said with a warming smile on her face.

"Oh?" I said a little surprised that it was so soon.

"Why yes."

"So... how much do I owe?" I asked

"Oh you owe nothing."She said. Wait... What?

"What do you mean I owe nothing?"

"Somepony already paid"


"I don't know." she said as her gaze was on me. "But that doesn't matter." Well it doesn't matter to her, but it bothers me. Who would pay for my hospital bill? I'm going to have to find out. It’s not like I wasn’t grateful for it, but this is just too much. "Rarity left these saddlebags for you." she continued, so that’s what they call a backpack here.

"Uh... thank you." I said getting off the bed and started to fold up the blanket.

"Would you like me to help you put the bags on?" Nurse Redheart offered.

"Yes please." I said nodding quietly. She lifted up the bags in her teeth and placed it on my backside. I blushed quietly when she got under me and attached the strap on the underside. Okay note to self learn how to attach the backs real fast. Because that was incredibly awkward, once secured I looked the bags over. The bags were mainly orange and blue perfectly evenly done, in a very stylized way. The lid to the bag was fashionable with a simple clasp that had a fireball that attached to a little storm cloud just like my cutie mark. Rarity didn’t really need to do this for me and I would have to find a way to pay her back for this. That would have to wait for a later, in the mean time I started to fill the left bag with the books Twilight gave me and the right one housed the quilted blanket from Fluttershy.

"I suggest avoiding any more injuries for a long time." Nurse Redheart said to me.

"I will try my best Nurse Redheart." I said then she led me out of the hospital with a smile. At the doors I asked which way to Applejack's farm.

"It's just down that way." She said pointing to the right out of town. I thanked her and started on my way to Sweet Apple Acres. The only real reason I headed there was because I did tell Applejack I would go there as soon as I got out. That and after Twilight's little freak out, I figured she needed some space. I made my way at a slow trot, being midday as I walked through Ponyville. The peaceful scenery of Ponyville gave off a serenity to my chaotic mind. The site of each and every pony going about their day felt right to me. Like the time was just playing its rhythm. A orchestra of hooves, bird, wind, water, and just everyday sounds added to the tune that was a day in Ponyville.

I continued to trot down the road listening to the tune, passing stalls and stands selling their wares to the ponies that happened by. One that caught my attention was an apple stand with a large red pony behind it. His mane and tail was both orange and he had freckles that remained me of Applejack. He looked over at me with this large brown donut like thing around his neck. I nodded quietly in a hello and he returned the nod. I continued on my way as I looked at all the stalls and stands. Fruits to flowers, sweets to treats, and clothes to jewelry from all of them I didn't see on bit of clothing not counting hats or jewelry. Would I look good in a hat? But what if my hair catches fire again? Would I lose the hat from it burning up? I'm going to have to ask Rarity about that some time. I may want to look into a shirt or something. Going around without clothes feels odd.

Wait... If ponies don't normally wear cloths. Shit, I just had to realize that just now? I could feel the redness in my cheeks right then and there. Good thing I was heading out of town towards the farm, which I found out was quite large. All I could see was apple trees for miles besides the giant carrot house on the hill. It seems a bit out of place with all the apples but it’s not my place to say. I walked up to the front gate and looked around for the familiar orange mare. But no one… wait would that be no pony? Well it doesn’t matter no one was around. Maybe she was in the fields of trees. I walked around looking for her and then I heard it. A thumping sound followed by smaller thudding sounds. I continued to follow the sounds and then with in a blink of an eye I saw something orange fill my view. This was followed by my world going black... again.

"F.M. you aright there partner?" I heard from the well of darkness that I couldn't see in. It wasn't much longer when I realized that I was somewhere different just from the straw I could feel on my back. My eye shot open and I looked around blinking a few times. I saw Applejack looking at me worried. Her Stetson pushed back on her head. The red stallion from before above me with a slight worried look adored his face as well. I turned to see Applebloom next to me with a matching look that mirrored the other two ponies almost perfectly.

"You alright, mister?" Applebloom said. I tried to get up, but as soon as I did the red stallion put his hoof on me to keep me on my back.

"Don't move you took one nasty hit to the head there." Applejack said.

"What... what happened?" I said through the pressure on my chest as the splitting headache decided to set in.

"Well I missed bucking one of the apple trees and you just happened to be in the way."

"Okay so that explains the flash of orange I saw." I said putting everything together with my splitting headache. Dear god, she could hit like a train. I began to rub the side of my head where I felt the worst.

"Eeyup" said the red stallion that was pinning me down with his hoof. I turned towards him and he just looked back at me.

"Hello again Mister..."

"Oh that’s Big Macintosh or Big Mac for short." Applejack said.

"Alright, hello Mr. Macintosh. It's a pleasure to meet you again." I said being as nice as I can to the stallion that I could guess crush me with ease. Hell he was pinning me down with just one hoof. One freaking hoof and I could easily tell that he wasn’t using any effort at all. Okay granted I wasn't fighting to get up either, but still.

"How you feeling?" Applebloom asked.

"Besides the fact that I know how an egg feels about being split open. I'm fine." I said then paused for a moment. "Could you please let me up Mr. Macintosh?" Shortly after asking that, Big Mac removed his hoof and I sat up slowly not to make my head ache any more than it was.

"Is there anything I could get you?" Applejack asked.

"Something for my headache and some water would be nice." I said rubbing my left hoof against the side of my head. I've got to say Applejack hits like a train going at full speed. I’m surprised I didn't fly through a tree. Wait… did I fly through a tree? I picked out a few branches out of my hair as I watched Applejack walk into a house then shortly back with a bottle and a glass of water on her back. How the hell do they balance things like that? It was just like the forks. Was it magnetized to her back? She handed me the water which I carefully took. She then popped the lid off the bottle taking out two white pills.

"I'm mighty sorry about hitting you like that F.M. here take these." She said handing me the two white round oval like pills. I popped them into my mouth and took a drink. They went down quite easily and hey they even tasted like apples.

"It's alright Applejack. If was an accident so no harm, no foal." I said giving her a smile. I looked around a bit and saw I was laid out on a blanket with some hay behind my head in front of a barn.

"Well once your head stops hurting. I'll show you that you’re not useless F.M." Applejack said looking at me. I still wasn't sure about this.

"You don't have to do this Applejack."

"Oh but I do, you’re my friend and I don't let friends feel useless like that." She said giving me a stern look, I gulped quietly. Oh this was going to be one of those days wasn’t it?


It wasn't long till she took me to some of the apple trees that still bore fruit. She turned and kicked the tree with both hind legs. This was followed by apples falling, filling most of the buckets she had setting around the tree.

"You need to make sure you’re not too close or too far away. Otherwise you won’t get a good strong buck." Applejack continued to instruct me on how to apple buck, as she put it. Honestly I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. I walked over to another apple tree as Applejack watched giving me a nod to proceed. I gulped again and balanced on my front hooves and I kicked the tree as hard as I could. I got a few apples to fall. One landing right on my horn, puncturing it right through. From what I read a unicorns horn can be both tough but also sensitive, in my case my thick head seemed to make sure my horn was just a durable. Because now it seems that I'm making apple kabobs with my horn, lovely. I turned to see Applejack laughing as she wiped the tears from her eyes away. I shot her an annoyed glare then proceeded to shake the apple off my horn. It took a few tries but it finally flew off hitting a near by tree.

"You know it wasn't that funny?" I said annoyed.

"I'm sorry. But I couldn't help but laugh at that." She said as she stopped laughing wiping the last of the tears from her eyes. I was still irritated so I kicked the tree again with a harder kick out of anger. This was followed by a cyan ball of fur and feathers landing on top of me with a large thud.

"Ow! What's the big idea walking me up?" a very familiar Rainbow Dash voice said on me.

"Rainbow how many times have I told you? If you’re going to nap in my trees, lay in one without the apples." Applejack angrily said to Dash as she got back on her hooves standing on my back.

"Oh come on AJ, you know I prefer the ones with the apples. The scent helps me feel more relaxed. If I don't relax when I'm sleeping, I won't wake up 20 percent cooler." Rainbow Dash said as she continued to stand on my back, it started to get on your nerves. I let a sigh with a face full of dirt. What was with ponies pinning me down now? Big Mac I could understand but why now with Rainbow Dash?

"Uh, Dash you could get off him?" She said pointing down to me. Dash looked down and saw me and hopped off with a flap of her wings.

"Didn't see you down there." She said landing as I got up returning to my hooves quietly, I started to watch the two of them talk. It wasn't really something I was interested in. Applejack was yelling at Rainbow about watching out for other ponies and Rainbow Dash was saying it wasn't her fault. Which I would have to agree with her on that one. It was my fault she fell out of the tree, I even said so but neither one of them replied. So I let them be since I had the feeling they forgot I was here again. That's when I noticed the giant hole further down the row of apple trees we were bucking, I slowly made why way over to it. So sue me my curiosity got the better of me on this one. The closer I got the easier I could make out the hole, which could have been the early stage of digging out a community pool. But with a dragged mark, this must have been where I crashed into Applejack's farm.

"See the damage you do?" The voice in my head said. Yeah, this impact was massive just from me crashing into her farmland. What if somepony was standing there when I crashed? I could have seriously hurt them, I was dangerous. Useless and dangerous, the worse two I could be. I stood there in silence left to my own thoughts of what I did. I didn't even hear the ponies walking up next to me, I only knew someone came up was...

"You alright, F.M?" Rainbow Dash asked. I couldn't let them know that this was bothering me. I mean after everything I still don’t want to be a burden, more than I already was. Hell I already cost some pony a lot of money or bits as they call it just to pay for my hospital bill, So I simply nodded.

"If you need to talk, you know that we're here to listen." Applejack said placing a hoof on my shoulder.

"I'll be alright you two." I said in a very flat tone, not really showing emotion as I looked over the hole. I lowered my head and ask quietly "Was this?" I knew the answer to this but I had to know for sure.

"The place you crashed at? Yes." Rainbow Dash said in a surprisingly worried tone. "Sometimes crashes happen."

"Rainbow I don't think that's what's bothering him." Applejack said.

"Nothing's bothering me." I lied. Okay, there was a lot bothering me. But I didn't want to share them; I’d rather keep them to myself.

"You're lying." Applejack said turning my face towards her. I couldn't meet her gaze. "F.M. please tells us what's wrong?" She sounded worried but I couldn't. I just couldn't lay all this out on them like that, I turned and stepped away.

“I’m fine.” I lied again; both of them gave me a flat look.

“I still say you’re lying.” Applejack shot back, I had a feeling neither one of them would let me be if I didn't say something they couldn’t call a lie.

"Applejack, I'm... I'm not ready to talk, sorry." I said then turned to leave. I didn't even look back at either of them; a silence was the only thing to be heard from behind me as walked away. I didn't get too far past the gates to Sweet Apple Acres with my saddlebags back on after I had fought to get on, when Rainbow Dash flew up.

"Hey! Wait up." Dash said as she landed next to me. I didn't say a word. "Dude, what’s up?" I looked at her quietly. "You don't have to tell me but look I'm here for you." I sighed.

"Dash look, I just don't know how to handle this. There's too much to deal with and I'm not ready to talk." I said as I started my way back into town.

"I'm not as dense as a lot of ponies take me for F.M. I do worry about you since you’re a friend and everything."

"A friend? Dash you’ve only known me for a few days. How does that make me a friend?" I asked. I still didn't get it, when we first met she clocked me in the face after hearing about Twilight. Granted I told Twilight that we were friends. But I was worried for her safety at the time. So I decided to tell her that so she wouldn't fight so much. In hindsight I should have said something different. But at the time I didn’t want to be friends mainly after everything I had caused. I didn’t feel right to have her as a friend or anyone else. But in the end she ready did become my first friend in Equestria. That’s neither here nor there anymore, Rainbow Dash on the other hand only met the three times this being the fourth.

"Well you are friends with Twilight that makes you a friend in my book." She said smiling at me.

"That’s loyal of you." I said with a sarcastic tone to my voice with an equally flat gaze.

"Well I am the Element of Loyalty after all." She said puffing up a bit. I guess she missed the sarcasm there. Wait... What?

"Element of Loyalty?" I asked, this was completely new to me.

"Yup. One of the Elements of Harmony." She said grinning at me with pride. I gave her my most 'what the fuck are you talking about' looks I could give.

"What are the Elements of Harmony?" I asked.

"You don't know about the Elements of Harmony?"

"Not from here remember?" I said annoyed now.

"Oh. Right..." She said. As we made our way into town Rainbow Dash started going over the events of the Summer Sun Celebration. I listened quietly and was impressed, the group of them were super heroes here. They saved the world from Nightmare Moon, which was Princess Luna being controlled by shadow like creatures. Then she went on to talk about Discord. A being of chaos, who I would find quite interesting to talk to with everything I have caused. After that she told me about some of their adventures with the Crystal Empire. I was mesmerized by the stories. But it also made me feel a little upset inside. I was taking up the time of some of Equestrian’s greatest heroines and I was being a burden on them more then I knew. I can’t tell if the universe really likes to mess with me or not. Of course Rainbow Dash’s timing was great because we ended up at the library by the time she ended her set of stories. It was right then Twilight decided to open the door. She stared at me with a blank look for a moment then it clicked.

"You’re out already?" Twilight asked a little surprised.

"Yup" Dash said.

"Why didn't anyone get me?"

"Because no one was there when they released me Twilight. " I answered and she looked me.

"Then why didn't you come here when you got out?" she asked.

"Well because how you freaked out on me when I woke up. You ran out, so I figured you needed some space." As soon as I said that her ears drooped.

"She what?" Dashed asked confused as she looked back and forth between the two of us.

"It's not important now. Where did you go?" Twilight said changing the subject.

"He went to AJ's farm." Dash said cutting me off before I could say a word.

"She wanted me to go there as soon as I got out and I said I would."I got in before Dash could cut me off again. Twilight looked up like she was thinking and then nodded like I gave her an acceptable answer. Part of me questioned why she needed to know where the hell I was every minute of the day, but that was moot as she then enveloped me in her lavender magic. She lifted me inside, you know after the party you would think she would have asked. Especially after she was the one that pointed out to Rarity that I didn’t like being floated up like that, at least I was sort of right side up this time. She placed me on her sofa as Dash flew in landing in a chair off to the side.

My saddlebags flew off my back and landed on the table and emptied on the table with the books landing formally onto the table all covered in Twilight’s magic. She looked at the quilted blanket then back at me. "Fluttershy gave it to me." I answered to the questioning look that Twilight gave me. I’m more surprised she didn’t ask about the saddlebags I just so happened to have. The only reason she wouldn’t have been surprised if she already knew. Did Rarity tell her about them before she dropped them off? Twilight nodded to my answer as Rainbow Dash flew over to the stack of books and pulled one out. She went back to her chair and started to read it. I didn't know she liked to read, after trying to lean in closer to see what book it was. She caught my look and lifted it up so I could see the title.

"Daring Do and the Griffin’s Goblet" It read.

"Daring Do is awesome, you should read it." She said looking at me.

"I'll check it out." I said then saw Twilight looking at me. She looked fixated on me and it really made me nervous. I gulped quietly then she floated over a quill and paper. She started to scribble down something as she watches me. What is she writing and why is she staring at me like that? She continued to watch me as I sat there quietly. She didn't say anything so I got up and walked over to the books she placed on the table. I picked up the magic book and of course she scribbled something. I flip a page, she scribbled something. I finished the book, she scribbled something. I went to get some water, she scribbled something. This continued more and more as the night proceeded on, well after Dash left. This started to grind on my nerves about seven hours later. I got up from my chair and walked over to Twilight looking right at her. She smiled nervously as her ear twitches.

"Something wrong?" Twilight said nervously laughing.

"What are you doing?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"I'm doing research." She said.

"On me?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well I did say I would do the research for Princess Celestia" she said and I sighed quietly.

"Then please tell me what you have gleaned from your research." I asked looking at her.

"Well it's only basic information."

"Like how I can't use magic. But for some reason I can shoot fireballs when needed with magic? Or is it possible that the fact is I don't know how to fly because I'm afraid of heights?" I asked with my still cocked eyebrow.

"I... Um..." Twilight began to stumble as her quill continued to write. I looked at the floating paper then grabbed it. I started to read over it. That is when I noticed the part about the red serpent eyes with the crimson whites of the eyes. I turned to Twilight, she gulped as I stared at her with a straight look.

"When?" I asked.

"When what?" She asked.

"When did my eyes do this?" I said pointing to the page.

"Oh." she said looking down. "Back in the hospital, when you woke up. It startled me, but what scared me was that look in your eyes. Those eyes felt… primal"

"Which is why you left so weirdly?" I asked she nodded quietly. After I sat down I started to rub my temples with my hooves. Of course she took the paper up and scribbled. "Twilight."

"Yes?" She said looking up at me.

"Please stop." I requested.

"But I told the princess I would do research."

"Research is fine but doing it on my every action seems, well… overkill."

"But I have to make sure everything is well documented."

"I think what the princess meant was for weird things to happen like my eyes doing that thing." I said as I pointed it out.

"I guess you right but I still want to be as thorough as possible. Maybe I should try that memory spell."

"No!" I said cutting Twilight off causing her to jump. "You will not use that spell with me again." I continued, Twilight started to step back from my gaze.

"But, why?"

"Because last time you used that spell, you got sent into a wall. You will not use that spell on me again. Got It?!" I said raising my voice, she shrank back and nodded. "Good." I got up and left out the door slamming it behind me. I needed to cool off, I couldn’t let the same thing happen to Twilight that happened to the Timber wolf when I got angry. I started to walk around Ponyville at night. The cold air felt nice against my coat as I wandered around. I didn't have anywhere particular, so I just walked. Lost in the melody of the Ponyville night, I always found that the time of day or night had its own song. It was about an hour later of walking which I had seemed to get use to doing without falling on my face. I got to the park and found a tree at the top of a hill. I figured it would be a nice place to sit and relax. I was still a little mad at Twilight for even thinking about using that spell again. After seeing that dragon twice and both of them not ending well, I didn't want to chance anyone else getting hurt. Hell If I could I would go in myself. That why if anyone got hurt it was me, which I preferred honestly. I sighed openly and fell asleep as I laid against the tree.


The night was like any other night, the stars were out twinkling like little diamonds in the black night sky. The two of us where walking down the street carefully. I stood close to the street and with me was the most beautiful tan coated and brown mane mare I could ever see. We had been dating for the last six months and it was wonderful. We decided for this date we would just do something simple, this was fun for us. On the way to the park we decided to go to. We had to cross one of the busier roads. The cross walk let us know we could walk. I headed first down the crosswalk and stopped when I heard the horn blow to my left. Coming up on me fast as a car, the silver car flew through the stop lights. I froze there like a deer in headlights. It was then when I heard it.

"F.M!" Came from beside me as I got shoved way as the car hit her. My eyes watched her flip over the top of the car and land behind it. There was a screech from the vehicle stopping. I ran over to her and held her close. The tears in my eyes blurred my vision as they ran down my face. She looked up at me giving me a smile, she knew she wasn't going to make it.

"Why?" I asked in a shaken voice. She simply smiled raising a hoof up to my face and placed it on my cheek.

"Because I love you." She said as I watched the last of her life fade in her eyes. Her hoof dropped and I was left there holding what was left of her. I heard the sounds of hoof steps against the road as the pony driving the car walked up.

"Is she okay?" I heard from the gruff pony. I couldn't take it anymore. I gently set down my Aria, my sweet Aria. After I laid her down and closed her eyes. I turned and I punched the charcoal gray stallion with his black mane. He went flying and landed on the ground. I jumped on him and started to beat him over and over and over. The tears continued as they ran down my cheeks at each one of my hooves struck his face. The pony stopped moving but I couldn't stop myself. He took the one pony that I cared about. It was then when two blue coated stallions came up and pulled me off them followed by them nailing me in the face with a black baton.


I shot up again looking around to find no pony around, just complete night. I looked down quietly and sighed. A breeze decided to blow as I felt something cold against my cheeks, I had been crying in my sleep. It was sometime before I did anything. All I did was just stare out into the sky. Was... was that a memory? Was she really that close to me? Can that really be someone that close to me? It didn't take long for me to connect the dots at that point. My mind was set putting everything in a ponified version of things. What really bugs me is, was that a dream or a memory? But there was more to that dream, If it was a memory then I really am dangerous. If there was any indecision of that, it would be in that dream or memory. My mental problem took a back seat as soon as I noticed a flapping sound coming from behind the tree. I guess I wasn't the only one out at night in a park. There was a small thud like someone had landed and started to walk towards me.

"You alright Mr. F.M?" A voice said. I had turned and look to see a midnight blue alicorn with wearing a chest piece with a crescent moon in it. She also had a crown on her head. Her hair on the other hand reminded me alone of the starry night sky. I had a sneaking idea I knew who this was, I got up and bowed to her.

"Hello Princess Luna." I said, she raised her eyebrow.

"How did you know who am I?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well no offense Princess Luna." I began.

"Just Luna will be fine." she said cutting me off.

"Alright Luna, I could tell who you are from your coat color, the moon on your chest piece, and the stars in your mane." I said pointing out. She smiled quietly and nodded. "What brings you here tonight?"

"That would you Mr. F.M." She said in a very dignified tone.

"Please just F.M. and... why?" I asked.

"Because you’re having nightmares aren’t you?" She said.

"What? What would give you that idea?" I said completely confused. How did she know about my nightmares? What else did she know?

"From your dreams." she said looking at me.

"My dreams?" She said now that she had completely lost me.

"As the princess of the night, I rule over all things that are given within. That includes the dreams."

"So you can go into dreams?"

"To a certain extent, Yes."

"Okay, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that." I said as I ran a hoof through my hair.

"What is so hard to believe about that?"

"Well... Honestly, all of it. Nothing against you or anything, but I need a little proof."

"You mean knowing that your last dream was about you losing someone close to you." she said and my heart sunk as my eyes widen. My mouth opened and closed a few times trying to say something. I couldn't say much so I sighed.

"What do you want to know?" I asked raising my hooves in defeat.

"About that sliver cart."

"It's called a car. Think of it a cart that can pull itself."

"That is quite intriguing" she said putting a hoof to her chin. I think Twilight would say the same thing. "One more thing that bothers me is that figure made of flames."

"What about it?" I asked, since I figured she jumped ship to the nightmare from before.

"First let me start with saying that you know they wouldn't say any of that." She said looking right at me. I sighed.

"I'm aware of it." I said.

"But they should say it." The little voice in my head said.

"As for that figure in your dream wielding the sword." Luna said.


"Have you seen that sword before?" she said shifting to a serious look and tone.

"Well not that one especially but it does remind me of a style of sword I saw in a book from home, it’s from a medieval era."

"I see."

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. I did not like where this was going.

"Well I haven't seen that sword in over a thousand years." she said as she rubbed her chin. Hold on.... A thousand years? Was she being serious about living that long?

"A thousand years?"

"Yes I and my sister have been around longer than Equestria has." She said looking at me. I must have had what the fuck plastered on my face, because she followed that with. "Is it that surprising that me and my sister have lived that long?"

"Ah... Yes."

"Well alicorns are blessed with longevity"

"Wait does that mean?"

"It's hard to say but I could only assume yes."

"Lovely... more for my plate." I said under my breath in a sarcastic tone.

"What was that?" She said giving me a glare herself. What was with me pissing off royalty? Well I shouldn't lie to royalty because knowing my luck I get tossed into prison for it.

"I said lovely, more for my plate." I said looking back as her glare shifted to a confused look.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I've had a lot on my mind lately."

"Want to talk about it?"

"I don't know honestly. Part of me would like to just let it all out. But part of me wants to just hold it all in" I said sitting back down against the tree. Luna sat down next to me, as I shifted my wings a bit to get comfortable.

"I know how it is. After coming back from the moon, there was a lot I did that I'm not proud of."

"It's alright Luna." I said looking at her, she nodded back.

"I understand not being sure about talking about it. But my sister helped me through it and let me talk about it. So I will be the one to listen for you." She said looking at me. I paused for the moment. Should I really open up to her? She did live for over a thousand years. You know what? Screw it, I may as well.

"Let me start with a question. How much do you know about me?" I asked not really looking at her.

"Well as I can take it you’re not quite a normal alicorn compared to either me, my sister, or my niece." she said. Wait, Niece? There's a third Alicorn? "I'm also aware of what happened in the forest and your time in the hospital with Twilight Sparkle." She continued. My ears flatten back as she said that. "What's wrong?"

"I got cross with her before coming here."

"What happened?"

"She started to take notes about everything I did. I understand she was trying to do research but it felt too much. Then she brought up that spell and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I raised my voice to her as my anger started to spark. So I left before I started to get too angery with her. Because I really don’t want to be that angry with her" I said as I let my eye droop a bit.

"How come?"

"Because I don't want to end up blasting her with a fireball. If that dream was any hint of that. I'm a danger to every single pony here." I started to say as I placed my hooves on my head. "I can't get close to anyone. Because what if I did and I got angry like that again?. There's no telling what could happen. Hell the first time Twilight tried to help me, I sent her into a wall."

"I heard about that."

"This is why I have been trying not to be friends with her or friends with anyone of them. What if I did shoot a fireball at her or any one of them? That’s why I don't like telling anyone…" I said as all my problems started to flood out.

"Anypony" Luna said correcting me.

"Anypony about my problems. Because if I got close to them and then hurt or worse kill, I just couldn't take it."

"F.M. it will be alright. You just don't know how to control your powers yet." She said putting a hoof on my back.

"That's what I'm afraid of." I said as I looked at her. "I have no control on my magic. I can't do anything with it and talking about things I can't do anything with, my wings. I won't use them for flying because I'm afraid of heights. What kind of flying pony is afraid of heights?" I said then noticed the rain on the clear night’s sky. I looked around as Luna noticed my look.

"That does happen one way or another. Sometimes out of my anger I cause thunderclouds to appear and it storms a bit. It seems that your sadness causes rain to appear when you’re overwhelmed with it. But you don’t have to worry this doesn’t happen too often" she said, I didn't notice someone else walking up behind us till.

"F.M? Luna?" A familiar Twilight sounding voice said. The cold chill went up my spine as soon as I heard that.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle." Luna said turning towards her.

"Hello Luna" Twilight said walking up next to her completely drenched from the rain to see me.

"Hi, Twilight." I said quietly that could almost match Fluttershy in tone.

"Hello F.M." she said sitting down next to Luna. We all sat there in quiet. I wasn't sure if I should say something. I started to stare at the stars and found a bit of peace to my sporadic mind at the moment.

"It's a wonderful night tonight." I said breaking the silence.

"Thank you. I do take pride in my nights." Luna said with a smile.

"It does remind me of what you said before F.M." Twilight said looking over at me.

"What did he say?" Luna asked as she turned towards me. I continued to look up at the stars.

"I had heard once that every star in the night’s sky is a story waiting to be told." I resisted

"That’s a wonderful statement and I thank you." Luna said with a smile.

"Your welcome." I said as my gaze never left the stars in Luna’s night sky.

"Twilight Sparkle, may I have a word with you?" Luna said as she turned towards Twilight.

"Of course Luna" She said. The both of them got up and walked down the hill towards a lamp post. I watched out of the corner of my eye at the two of them talking. I saw Twilight's ears droop as discussion continued on. I think Luna told her about my feelings and my worries. Honestly there was more to it and I really didn’t want to share them, I looked down quietly. Like what happens if I did get a chance to leave? Would I want to? I mean Twilight is already my friend. Could I leave and would I want to? Do I have anything to go back to? My mind started to question all these things as I heard the rain come down again. It wasn't long till I heard Twilight come back up to me soaking wet. She looked at me through her mane. I lowered my head more in shame.

"Sorry." I said.

"You don't need to be sorry F.M." She said and sat next to me. "I should be the one sorry."

"For what?" I asked.

"For not realizing that there’s something wrong with my friend." I stayed quiet at that. "Please tell me what’s wrong?" she said as she poked me quietly. Well it was more a nug really. I couldn't meet her eyes as I started to speak.

"There’s a lot honestly but it’s not your fault for not realizing it. I honestly didn't want any pony to know."

"But why?"

"Because Twilight, I... I don't like to let any pony know my problems. I have been worried about a lot. About what I have lost if I had indeed lost something, besides my memories. I don't know if I have or had family back home. I'm afraid of making friends here even though I act like the nicest pony here."

"Why are you afraid of making friends?"

"If I get a chance to go home. Could I even do it? I may or may not have friends there anymore and what about the friends I make here. Could I even leave them like that? Let’s not forget about the ‘power’ I have here. What happens if I get angry at some pony here? Will I end up firing a fireball at them not meaning to? I'm dangerous Twilight and I know it. I'm useless and dangerous." I said as I felt this crushing pain in my heart. It was true wasn't it? I could hurt some pony and not mean to. Princess Celestia should either take me out or lock me up.

"F.M. you’re not useless or dangerous. You're just scared like anypony would be in your position." she said looking at me, I still couldn't meet her eyes. She was right though, I was scared. Scared of everything this new world, what I could do to destroy it, to leave it and all the stuff I didn't remember. I felt like I was breaking inside.

"I am scared. I'm just a storm about to break and not in the good way." I said as I laid myself down quietly.

"F.M. It's alright to be scared, everypony gets scared." She said as she puts a hoof on my back. "But it doesn't mean you have to face it alone. I'm here and I'm sure that everypony is willing to help you as best they can." She said as she rubbed my back slowly. "Why don't we go back home so you can rest."

"Yeah... rest." I said sarcastically.

"Yes rest, I’m fully aware that you’re not sleeping well.” Twilight said as she used her magic to get me back to my hooves. Of course her comment was an understatement.

"I've had..."

"Nightmares, I know. Luna told me before she headed back to Canterlot." She said as we slowly made our way back to Twilight's house. I did slightly wonder where the princess of the night had gone off to since she didn’t return with Twilight. "Why didn't you tell anypony?" she said as she turned her head towards me.

"Again, like I said I didn't want anypony to know." I said started quietly "I don't like sharing problems unless I'm either forced or just too weak to hold back." Twilight stopped and looked at me with wide worried eyes. She turned around completely to face me. I stopped and winced, I knew what was about to be said.

"You’re not weak" She said and I called it. My head sunk as she continued in a very long wordy speech about how strong I was, from telling her to run in my memory to facing down the Timber wolf with my little speech of my own. She then stopped and asked. "Something did bother me about that speech. Did you come up with that?"

"No." I said flatly.

"What was it from?"

"From a show back from where I was."

"Oh tell me about it." She said as we continued on our way. This I could deal with, something that could keep me from my darker thoughts and I knew that little voice in my head would keep dragging more of them out. So I started talking about shows that I saw from my old home and to Twilight’s credit she did listened to it all. She did pop a question in from time to time. As time went on I felt my eyelids feel heavier and that burning feeling from lack of sleep was ever present as well. "You really should get some sleep." Twilight said as she noticed my fatigue hit me like a metric ton of bricks.

"If only I could, with the nightmares it's hard to get any restful sleep."

"I know. But listen, if it helps. None of us will ever say those things. We are your friends even though you’re afraid of what may happen. Each of us will be there if you need us." Those words did help. I knew what she had said was true as well. Applejack tried to help me realize I wasn't useless. Rainbow tried to cheer me up with stories about their adventure. Fluttershy was so kind it felt... nice. Rarity though hard to put down was generous with the bath and the hair style. Let’s not forget the saddlebags. Pinkie is still quite bouncy and Twilight was... hard to say now that I thought about it. She was kind of naive about things but had a good thirst of knowledge even if it was about a fantasy world of a TV show. We finally entered her house.

"Well I guess I could try and get some sleep." I said followed by a yawn that I covered with a hoof. I started to make my way to the sofa.

"I do think that would be for the best." Twilight said as she mirrored my earlier yawn and hoof covering action. "I have setup a bed upstairs for you."

"Upstairs?" I asked confused. I figured I was going to just sleep on a sofa or chair tonight. Hell I would be fine with the floor if I had a pillow and blanket.

"Yes in my loft." she said as she pointed to the stairs then started to walk up it. I followed quietly then realized a little too late where my gazed had begun to drift to. With the sudden turn of my head away caused me to trip on the stairs landing face first on a stair and dropped down a few stairs. I had smacked my head on a few of the stairs as I slid down them. I stopped myself and got back up. Twilight turned around and looked worried. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I just tripped" I said not completely lying about it. She lifted me up with her magic as we continued up the stairs. My gaze this time was on something other than Twilight’s um… tail, yeah let's go with that. She placed me on the floor once we got up there. I saw more of Twilight's bookcases the filled the room besides the desk against the wall by the stairs. In the corner and looked kind of wedged in was a coat, a simple white sheeted coat. I walked over to it.

"Ah I see you found it." She said then lifted me up in her magic. She then pulled out the quilted blanket Fluttershy made for me and laid me down. She then placed the blanket over me. This felt weirdly nice, not for the fact of being tucked in. That feels weird, no its more for the fact someone or in this case some pony cared enough to do it. In the non-weird way. "Sorry for not asking you but you do need your sleep and I’ll make sure you get it." I gulped at that.

"What do you mean?" I stupidly asked.

"If I have to make sure you get sleep, I'll use a sleeping spell. They have always worked for me. Now with that said. If you need me, I'll be up here." She said disappearing and reappearing on a ledge that had another bed on it. That was when I realized this was her room. I turned red at the thought and covered my face.

"Noted." I said, she nodded and got into her bed. With one last flick of her horn the lights went out. I laid there for a few moments staring at the darkness in the room. There was a feeling of unease that crawled under my skin and I couldn't tell why. I finally drifted off into sleep after a shiver ran down my spine. This night wasn't over, not by a long shot.


This dream was different from before. I was in the same room as before when I saw the figure made of flame. But this time the door was open showing a white void and no one was in the room with me.

"Don't forget our deal." A voice said that sounded like the black flamed being from before.

"I haven't." another more female sounding voice said, her tone gave an authoritative feel to her voice.

"Good, once I'm finished I won't have to worry about it anymore."

"And once Twilight Sparkle and her friends are out of the way then I can take over." Oh this wasn't good, not good at all. I saw both figures in the doorway one being the flamed figure from before and the other one. It reminded me a lot of Luna but transparent to a point I could see an outline of it.

"Ah I see we have company." The flame figure said looking at me, I gulped. I did not like where this was going.

"What should we do with him?" The other one said.


"What do you mean nothing?"

"There’s no telling how long he's been here. So he may have heard something. We have to keep him here to prevent things from falling apart."

"And what pray tell is..." A very Luna like sounding voice said before it sounded like it died on her breath. "You!" Oh crap what am I missing here? It wasn't long till I saw the familiar midnight blue alicorn rush past them and came up to me. "No time to explain." She said as her horn lit up and touched itself to me.


I shot up out of bed again, this time feeling like I was ejected out of my sleep like someone being shot out of a cannon. This was suddenly followed by a crash, let me rephrase that. Suddenly followed with Luna crashing into me. Luckily we were on my bed when she did. The sound of the impact woke up Twilight who peaked over to edge.

"Princess Luna! F.M! What is going on here?!" She said yelling down at us, in a tone that sounded like it was between worried and angry. Most definitely a strange duality to it to say the least.

"Twilight Sparkle there is a problem and I need your help." Luna said getting up. I got up myself trying to shaking my head from the throbbing pain that just assaulted it.

"What’s wrong?" Twilight said looking at her.

"Nightmare Moon is back again" Luna said, that got me to look at her in surprise. I wasn't alone in this, just like me Twilight had gave her the oh hell look.

"How is that possible? We used the Elements of Harmony to get rid of her the first time and we worked together to get rid of her the second time. She can’t possibly think that she can stand a chance." She said and I could see the panic had began to form.

"Well it seems my old self didn't go so swiftly. She resided in the realm of dreams."

"Wait. So you’re telling me that my nightmares where because of this Nightmare Moon?" I asked trying to piece all this together. Now granted after hearing all that I think a normal person would add two plus two and get fish. Some how and don't ask how I did this but I followed along with this insanity.

"Yes." Luna stated then turned to Twilight. "She had also found the Nightmare Blade." Ladies and gentlemen the what the fuck 'o' meter is now in the red and is about to go nuclear.

"Okay, context now." I said wanting to know everything. This was bad... very, very bad.

"The Nightmare Blade was the tool used by me when I was Nightmare moon. It was made of star metal."

"Star metal?" Twilight and I asked.

"Yes remember the legend about my return?"

"The stars will aid her in her escape." Twilight most likely quoted.

"Correct that’s what it meant. It took me quite some time to gather enough star metal to create it. But I had to leave the blade back on the moon. What I think happened is when you removed Nightmare Moon from me and Rarity. She went back to the moon and located the sword. She then escaped into the one place she could easily hide from me and the inhabitants of the moon. In the realm of dream itself. With that sword I believe she has gathered enough power to get revenge." Luna stated.

"That was the sword from my dream wasn't it." I asked.

"Yes. That sword must still have bits of my power in it when I forged it."

"Then what’s that flamed figure I keep seeing."

"I don't know and that worries me as well."

"Then what do we do?" Twilight asked before I could get it out of my mouth.

"I need you to go get the other bearers and meet me in the center of town. I have to go get the elements as well as my sister. Since last time she went for Ponyville, we will stay to protect it" Luna said then flew out of the broken window. Twilight and I exchanged glances and nodded. Wrapping the two of us in her magic, Twilight lifted us both out of the same broken window.

"I'll go get Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. You get Rarity and Pinkie Pie." I said. Twilight nodded as she made off. I ran off towards Fluttershy's house. I was glad Twilight showed me a map of Ponyville and pointed out all the important places for me when I was in the hospital. Otherwise running around from house to house trying to find the right one would have been stupid and a waste of time.

It didn't take me long to get there and I knocked on the door. Fluttershy took a few moments to come out. She looked surprised to see me. It only took me a few moments to get her up to speed. Of course she decided to dive back in and try to shut the door on me. But a well placed hoof in the doorway made sure she couldn’t close it. Granted it hurt but we needed her and after I got her out from behind the sofa when the door closing didn’t work. She nodded in acceptance that this needs to be done, that didn’t change the fact she was scared about all this. I asked her to get Rainbow Dash since I couldn't fly at the moment. She nodded and told Angel to stay there as she took off into the sky. The little white rabbit saluted and pull an army helmet out of nowhere and donned it. I didn’t question this as I took off at a full gallop. It didn’t take long for me to make my way to Sweet Apple Acres. The farm did give off an eerie look to it at night. Reminded me of one of those movies that the stupid teenager goes into the haunted farm because of a dare or something. Damn it F.M. you need to focus. I ran up to the farm house and started to knock, well it was more of me pounding really.

I started to hear a dog bark followed by. "I'm coming hold on to your hat." Applejack said, she then opened the door rubbing the sleep from her eye. She then noticed who it was. "F.M? What are you doing here at this hour?" I started to fill her in and the look on her face was one of surprise and horror. She ran up and grabbed her hat then followed me after shutting the door. We made it right in time to see everyone there including Princess Celestia and Luna. There was a chest sitting between them.

"Is everypony here?" Twilight said as me and Applejack arrived.

"Yeah were here, now let’s go kick some nightmare butt." Rainbow Dash said. I nodded in agreement on this one. Granted it could be that lack of sleep talking, but I frankly I didn't give a damn.

"We... we need to be to be careful everypony." Fluttershy said.

"Luna please explain the plan." I said wanting to get to the point. Luna looked at me and nodded.

"I'm going to send you all into the realm of dreams where you’re going to have to face Nightmare Moon. It's going to be dangerous. No matter how surreal it is. Things can and most likely will hurt you. So don't take anything for face value." Luna said.

"Be careful my little ponies, I'll stay here with my sister to make sure everything is protected and safe." Celestia said floating over a tiara to Twilight's head. She then floated over necklaces to Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack. I looked at them quietly not sure what to say or expect from them. Here I would have questioned what was with them but I frankly figured it was best not to ask. Hell they were most likely some magical McGuffins or like the nuclear football of awesomeness. It was then when Luna's horn started to glow followed by a blinding glow. When the glow subsided, we found ourselves in the room. The one from my nightmares, I looked around in silence.

"Where are we?" Rainbow Dash said.

"This is my dream." I stated and walked over to the door, It was locked. "Damn it, it’s locked."

"Here let me try" Applejack said. I moved out of the way as she turned and bucked the door right of the frame sending it into the blinding white void, damn that pony was strong.

"Let's get moving" Dash said flying into the light. The rest of us followed, it wasn't long till we found ourselves in a long corridor. It wasn't the library but it felt like a hospital. The corridor itself was a bit of a half and half where the top have was a sterile white, while the bottom was a really ugly sea foam green with a white marble tiled floor. Twilight started to look shaken, I turned to her and asked.

"What's wrong?" Her ears went flat against her head. Why did I have a feeling this was something Twilight was quite familiar with? Chancing a guess I gulped and asked “This is one of your nightmares isn’t it?” She simply nodded, shit I had to be right.

"Oh Twilight how many times do I have to tell you about leaving your room." said a voice down the hall. It was a gray unicorn mare with a nurse’s outfit on. Her mane and tail was a off white like she let the color go to old age.

"I don't belong here." Twilight said as the fear take hold of her.

"Oh but you do Twilight and look you got your horn uncovered again. Well we can fix that." The nurse said pulling out this small cone like object as she started to get closer hovering the object in front of her. That was when I noticed that it was just Twilight, the nurse, and I. Well shit, I turned to Twilight.

"Remember Twilight you’re not alone here." I said then walked up in front of her. Time to do something ballsy and stupid. “I’m sorry nurse but this patient is being released.”

"Oh and who are you?"

"Dr. F.M." I said simply. She looked me up and down.

“Well Dr. F.M. I do believe you don’t work here or are a doctor at all. As for your patient she hasn’t been cleared for release yet.” She said, calling me on my bluff. So instead of saying something smart, clever, and logical. I turned and bucked the nurse squarely in the face.

"F.M!" Twilight said in surprise snapping out of her fear.

"What? She’s not a real pony and is from your nightmares." I turned to see the nurse pony getting… bigger, well... fuck. "Twilight run!" I yelled and turned tail to run. Twilight stood there frozen in fear, damn it she's scared stiff. I ran over, slide myself under her and picked her up placing her on my back then ran full force down the corridor. "Twilight" She didn't reply so I tried again. "Twilight" again nothing. "Twilight!" I yelled.

"Huh? What?" Twilight said snapping out of it.

"Finally" I said as I continued running at full force.

"What do we do about her?"

"Don’t worry about her. We need to find a way out of here."

"Wouldn't the front door be the best opinion?"

"Where would that be?"

"Next possible turn to the left" Twilight said. I nodded and continued being followed by the giant nurse. She continued to direct me from turn to turn and finally got to the front door. Of course it was locked. I turned and try to buck the door. It didn't work, still locked. Damn it, I turned to see the giant nurse right behind use. Twilight floated herself off me.

"Twilight do you think you could unlock the door?" I asked.

"I think so."

"Good get to work. Because it’s time to start a fire." I said looking at the nurse.

"Oh we have a little pyromaniac here?" The giant nurse said in an amused tone, I tried to focus this time. I knew this was stupid but I had to try something. I needed to focus on something that made me... angry. A few images flashed through my head. About the last time I got angry. Twilight being hurt, The timber wolf that did it. I felt that familiar anger come back but this time it was more… subdued. But that familiar orange glow did come back and that warmth. This time I focused, I was calm but rather heated in my anger. I bore my teeth a bit as the flames started to lick the outside of it. Was I in control of it? I breathed in and then released a large bellowing wall of flames out.

"I had fire breath? Cool." I thought as I grinned. The fire covered the nurse as it started to trash around screaming. The scream itself sent chills down my spine, that was going to haunt my dreams for the next decade or two. Then the figure of nurse faded away into but fine dust. The door opened with a creek behind me. I turned to see the light from before.

"It's opened, let’s go." Twilight said then jumped in. I did so but I found myself the only one there and someone different. This place looked like a bakery. I turned around then noticed the gagging smell that assaulted my nose. There was a giggling coming from a door in front of me. This felt bad, like old horror movie bad. I walked up to the door, that was when I heard the crying. Both voices sounded like Pinkie Pie. I opened the door and almost lost my stomach contents. There I saw body parts of all sorts of ponies and animals. Then there a saw the two Pinkie Pies. One dressed in a patch work dress with six wings on their back and a necklace what could be horns. The other one was Pinkie Pie with straight hair. The straight one looked at me. Her eyes red and puffy. She then widened her eyes.

"F.M! Get out of here!" The straight hair pinkie said.

"What is going on?" I asked as fear struck me again.

"Oh Sadie Pie here so upset about the game I was playing, with all my guests." the Pinkie in the dress said. I walked up closer quietly as that one picked up a butchers knife. It was then I noticed the marking on her dress. There were marking on each one. As well as a red underlining to the fabric that made the inside of the dress. The crimson red color and I knew who the bad one here was. I took stance between the two Pinkies facing the one in the dress.

"Pinkie." I said.

"Yes?" The both replied, I wanted to facepalm at my own stupidity on this one then turned to the straight haired on.

"Are you alright?" she nodded but I could tell she was shaken. As soon as I took my eyes off the other one there was a cut on my side. My eyes widened as I turned to see the blood coming from my side and the blade imbedded into it. The dressed Pinkie devilishly smiled at me.

"Oh an alicorn, I get new wings and horn for my party outfit." she said. The cut was deep and I felt it hurt more as I pulled out the knife with my mouth. I turned it in my mouth and got ready to use it. But before I could do anything the straight haired Pinkie shot up and tackled the other pony. This was scary, I saw both Pinkies go at it. I never thought she could go so wild like that. I had to put an end to this. I stepped in and pinned the dressed one down with a hoof and held the other one off. The good Pinkie Pie looked visibly different. Her coat was a dark red and her mane even darker. But what scared me more was her cutie mark. The normally yellow and blue balloons were red and black.

"Pinkie, please calm down." I simply said in a calm tone, well as best I could with the fact that I had a very large knife wound in my side.

"Why? Why should I?" she screamed with distress very well present in her voice.

"Because this isn't you." I said I put a back hoof onto the dressed pinkie as I wrapped my forelegs around the real one, she stopped then looked at me. I felt a wetness run down the back of my neck, Pinkie had started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry." Pinkie said in her sobs.

"It's not your fault." I said simply said.

"But you’re hurt because of me."

"No I was hurt for my own carelessness."

"But she's me."

"No, she isn't you. She is a nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less. You are you, don’t you forget that. Now if you don’t mind could you please go find something so I can cover my wound?" The real Pinkie nodded quietly into my neck as I let her go. She started to look in the clobbered. I turned towards the pinkie I had pinned to see her gone. All that was left was her dress, that bloody abomination of a dress. Pinkie shortly came back with some bandages and a cloth. She placed the cloth against the cut and wrapped me up with the bandages. I place my wing against it to help hold it. It was then a glow appeared from the door I had entered from.

"What's that?" Pinkie asked.

"Our way out." I stated as we made our way through the door. As the glow enveloped us, it wasn't long when I again found myself in another room and alone. Well a barn by the looks of it. The hay in here kind of gave it away. I opened the door to the barn door to see Sweet Apple Acres. I looked around to see all the trees were dead. No leaves, no apples, nothing but dead blackened wood. It was then when I noticed the mass of ponies at the gates. I ran up and saw the Apple family yelling at Applejack.

"It's your fault that we lost the farm." yelled an old looking green mare with a white mane and tail.

"Eeyup" Said Big Mac.

"It's your fault." Applebloom said.

"But… but, what could I have done?" Applejack said shaken up. Okay this was getting repetitive fast, I ran up to her. She was surprised to see me. "F.M?"

"The one and only." I said with a grin.

"Are you here to tell me it's my fault?" she asked the red puffy eyes gave the signs of tears.

"Nope, I'm here to tell you that it's alright." I said walking besides her and placing a wing around her. "This is not real Applejack."

"How can this not be real?"

"Because this is your nightmare Applejack and you know that your family loves and cares for you."

"No we don't" Applebloom said.

"You’re useless." Big Mac chimed in. I turned and bucked him in the face, Applejack looked surprised at my action. Big Mac took it and looked at me as his eyes filled with a red glow as he returned the buck. This sent me flying into one of the dead tree. Applejack stood there watching, I rose to my legs and noticed the copper taste in my mouth. I used my foreleg to wipe against my mouth and noticed the blood on it. Then Big Mac charged into me and sent me through the tree. I thought I heard the sound of snapping from inside as I got back up again. I had a good feeling I broke something inside again. Standing there shaking I saw Big Mac going in for another charge and was sent flying sideways after Applejack bucked him in the face. She then ran over to me.

"F.M. are you alright?" She said looking me over. I was not good, I was in pain but there was no time. Big Mac was starting to get up.

"I'll be fine but we need to get out of here." she looked at me and followed my gaze to Big Mac.

"No, you rest. I'll deal with these fake apples. No pony fakes a real Apple family." She said then went over to the top of the tree I got sent through. She turned and bucked it and sent it flying at Big Mac. It struck him sending him back into Applebloom. Then the glow from the barn told me it’s time to get out.

"Applejack we need to go now." I said moving towards the barn. She saw the light and followed me. Well more she helped me going. After we entered the barn I was again left alone on... was this a cloud? I'm going to guess this is Rainbow Dash’s dream.

"Out of my way." a familiar voice said as a prismatic blur flew by me followed by a large gust of wind.

"What the?" I got out before three blue blurs that had storm cloud streaks following it. From what I could tell Rainbow Dash was being chased by three other pegasi. I couldn't do anything but watch the action. Fear of heights sucked, and that was when I realized the truth. I was on a cloud... in the sky. I started to back away from the closest edge and failed to realize the edge behind me till I went off it. I fell through the air and started to scream, if saying I was scared would be a massive understatement. Rainbow Dash heard me as she turned and saw me falling. Then flew right at me, I watched the three figures following her but not before an explosion of color and her speed rapidly increased to a point she almost disappeared. She impacted into me, causing me to shed some tears in pain. We flew through a white glow and I found myself back in Ponyville. I still had my momentum from Rainbow Dash and slide all the way in front of Rarity who was crying. She then saw me and eye widen. She lifted me up with her magic.


"Hi Rarity" I said in complete pain now, I tried my best not to show it but well bleeding from my wounds would kind of tell anyone the jig was up.

"Are you alright?" she asked setting me on my hooves. Of course I wasn't I just got slashed on my side again, Bucked, sent through a tree, then hit with the force of a cannon, and crash landed into the ground sliding a few feet. Oh I was just peachy keen.

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me F.M, you’re in pain."

"Rarity I will be fine. We have to get back to the others before Nightmare Moon unleashes her plan."

"The girls don’t care about me.” She said as a tone of sadness could easily be heard.

“I doubt that Rarity.” I said.

“Then why don’t they say anything to me?” Rarity said as I shot her a confused look. “Here let me show you.” She went on as she stepped over to a pony that took me a moment to realize was Twilight. I think it was the pain that made it hard to think clearly. “Oh Twilight quite a lovely bit of weather we are having. Don’t you agree?” Rarity said standing in front of Twilight, who just stepped around Rarity and walked off.

“Oh hey Rainbow” Twilight said as she waved over to her as she landed. Not buying this I walked over to Twilight myself stepping on front of her.

“Hey Twilight did I ever tell you I think all books should be burned?” I said knowing that would cause the purple unicorn some distress. Of course she didn’t say anything just walked around me and over to Rainbow Dash. The two of them walked down the road talking to each other.

“See what I mean? They even did it to you too.” Rarity said still sounding upset.

“No Rarity. This only proves that I was right, your friends would never ignore one of their friends when they need them the most.” I said walking up to Rarity.

“But why did they ignore me then?”

“Because these ponies are not your friends. They’re your nightmare.” I stated. “And if you need further proof then I’m talking to you.” Rarity didn’t say anything just looked at two of her friends walking away from her laughing. I walked up and placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.

“But…” Rarity tried to get out.

“But nothing, your friend care and you know it. Now where is that fabulous unicorn that is generous to everypony?” I said in a bit of a upbeat tone. “The one that is willing to make dresses for her friends free of charge?”

“Right here.” Rarity squeaked out in a volume that could match Fluttershy easily.

“What was that? I’m sorry I couldn’t hear what you said. Where’s the pony that is the embodiment of the Element of Generosity? The one that won’t take no of an answer.”

“Right here.” Rarity said a bit louder.

“Where’s the pony that dragged me into the bath to clean me up because she was being generous to a complete stranger? Where is that pony that even gave that pony a pair of amazingly done saddlebags?” I said looking at Rarity as she smiled.

“Right here.” Rarity said in her normal prideful tone of voice.

"See? That wasn't hard." I said with a warm smile on my face as the door to this large purple tent like building started to glow. "Let's go meet up with everyone." I said.

"We shouldn't show up to late for the party. Otherwise that would be very unladylike." Rarity said and I smiled as we entered the door. I found myself somewhere different. The floor felt like clouds but I was in a building. I heard crying and ran as fast as I could. I entered a room with two ponies. One was Fluttershy in the corner curled up in a ball. The other being a sunshine yellow pegasus with a violet mane and tail stared at her with a knife in her mouth.

“Oh come on Fluttershy. I thought you wanted to help me.” The knife wielding mare said.
“But I can’t, if I did that it would hurt you.” Fluttershy said between sobs.
“But Fluttershy you said you would do anything to help me get rid of the pain.”

“ Anything but that.” Fluttershy said crying even more. This….this was fucked up. No, this was fucked up beyond fucked up. I stepped in between the two mares. The knife wielding one looked at me.

“Are you going to take away my pain?” She said as she dropped the knife to the floor before her.

“No.” I said as I pinned the knife down with my hoof.

“Then get out of my way. I found a pony kind enough to help me.” She said as she stepped forward, I blocked her.

“No, you didn’t. You’re trying to force a pony into doing an unspeakable act, why? Because you can’t handle pain, but you don’t know real pain now do you?” I said stepping closer to the mare before me, she stepped back at my approach. “You don’t know how it feels to really hurt. You should be happy you hurt as you do.”

“Why’s that?” The mare asked.

“Because then you are taking the pain some other pony would have. Some pony that doesn’t deserve it.” I stated.

“I don't believe you.” She shot back with a venomous tone to her voice

“Then don’t believe me. But believe this, If you ever try to do that again to any pony. Then I will make sure that what pain you suffer from now on is nothing compared to the pain you will feel when I’m done with you.” I said as my eyes shot daggers at her. The mare looked at me for a moment then gulped before she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I turned and walked over to Fluttershy.

“Are you alright?” I asked worried about her.

“I… I’m sorry.” She squeaked.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, she was just a dream. Nothing more, nothing less.” I stated as I helped Fluttershy back onto her hooves. She looked at me worriedly then noticed my bandages. “Don’t worry about them right now Fluttershy. We need to get you back to your friends.” I said as a glow started to envelop the doorway back to the hall. Fluttershy looked at it then back at me. I smiled warmly as I lead the way. She followed me into the light as we found ourselves on a floating checkerboard pattern floor. Everyone was there and they looked at me. Most of them gasped in surprised to see what injuries I took.

"Don't worry about me right now, we have a job to do." I said looking at each of them.

"He's right, let’s go kick some Nightmare butt and then we can get him fixed up." Rainbow Dash said.

"But which way should we go?" Twilight asked.

"Oh we go right over to that shiny pillar of glowing-ness" Pinkie Pie said which I was glad she was back to her old bounciness.

"Not even Nightmare Moon is that stupid to do something so..." Twilight said turning and her voice died off as she face palmed. Would that be more a face hoof? The funny thing is that I would have done the same thing as I noticed it myself, but two reasons kept me from doing that. One was because if I tried to I probably would fall over from pain, and two because I was too happy to see Pinkie back to normal. Didn't change the fact that if that I thought Nightmare moon was an idiot.

"Let's get this done." I said heading towards the pillar of light. Well if you must be technical I hobbled there at a slow pace. Applejack wiggled herself under my wing to help me up and going. "Thank you."

"Oh I should be the one to thank you for bucking some sense into me." Applejack said.

"Nah. I'm just returning the favor." I lightly chuckled back.

"You two need to get a room" Rainbow Dash said flying ahead as the heat flooded my cheeks.

"Dash this is not the time for that" Twilight said.

"She's right, we need to deal with Nightmare Moon. Everything else comes later." I said. It didn't take us long to get to the glowing pillar of light. The pillar itself was made of a glowing material like putting glowing paint on a wall. We searched around it for a few moments till Pinkie in her complete randomness poked the wall and a door opened up. You know at this point I should stop being surprised by the paradox perplexing pink party pony. But... nope, she keeps surprising me time after time. We entered the door and found ourselves at a tall odd shaped altar of some kind with the figure of Nightmare Moon standing at the top of it.

"So Twilight Sparkle and friends have finally arrived." Nightmare moon said in that same authoritative tone I heard before.

"Yes and we are here to stop you." Twilight said stepping forward.

"Stop me? But dear Twilight how can you stop a Nightmare? You can only delay it, never stop it." she said with a laugh. She started down the stairs as five other figures started to appear at the bottom. One being the nurse, the twisted Pinkie, the red eyed Big Mac, A pegasus in black and purple armor with yellow thunderbolts on it, and the knife wielding mare. Wait that makes it six on seven, granted I was injured but still I like them odds. Nightmare moon got to the bottom of the stairs followed by the alter disappearing into the ground.

"We will stop you, like we did last time" Dash said.

"Oh but Rainbow Dash, no pony can stop me." she said as a sword starts to appear in front of her. The sword itself was just like I remembered it from my dreams. The silver blade and midnight blue handle. All connected together with the crescent moon hilt. I leaned over to Twilight and whispered something into her ear. She nodded quietly as Nightmare Moon was looking at the sword in front of her. "With this sword nothing can stop me."

"Oh yes, go on and tell us that your ultimate weapon will defeat all of pony kind." I started to say as I stepped away from everyone and circle around the nightmares. "Tell us about your evil plan that is going to let you rule all of Equestria like some B movie villain. Because that’s what we need. Some evildoer monologue about how they are going to defeat anyone in their way with there all mighty rubber ducky of doom." I said stretching out the last word sarcastically. "What is with every super powered villain think that at the moment before his grand master plan is ready to go, they have to tell the only ponies around about it when they fail to realize one... simple... little... thing." I said as all the nightmares and Nightmare Moon were looking at me with their back turned away from Twilight and everyone else.

"And what pray tell is that?" Nightmare Moon said in an annoyed tone as she looked at me as she wields the sword in my direction, I started to grin.

"That like every other villain you let your ego get in the way to realize that you have just been played like a fool." I said as I pointed behind them the grin getting wider.

"What!" Nightmare Moon said then turned to see that the Elements of Harmony where being used. The rainbow beam fired at Nightmare Moon and the other nightmares destroying them into sparkling midnight blue dust as they blew away, literally like dust in the wind. I smiled quietly. Our job was done and as I turned to everyone. My balance decided to fail me as I fell sideways, followed by everything going dark.


Beep. Oh god not this again. I opened my eye to find myself in a hospital. Not the same one as before. The walls here were an ocean blue with a wave like pattern of a darker blue. Most likely to make it feel like wave, the bed was much larger than for any pony. A few moments of me blankly staring off into space, finally I blinked a few times as I noticed both Princess Celestia and Luna looking at me from the doorway. Glancing around, I saw everyone there Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. Continuing to look around and saw the quilt Fluttershy made me laid a crossed me.

"Okay stupid question time, what happened?" I said rubbing a hoof on my forehead.

"After we dealt with Nightmare Moon you passed out." Twilight said to my right.

"We brought you back out of the dream world. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted to make sure you got the best care possible since you help save Equestria." Applejack said pulling a tray over with a cup of what I could guess apple cider.

"We thank you F.M." Princess Celestia said.

"But I really didn't do much." I said followed by taking a sip of the cider.

"Oh but you did, you helped each of my little ponies here through their nightmares. Don't forget you distracted Nightmare Moon herself so the Elements of Harmony could be used." Celestia said.

"Wait... how did?" I started to say but was cut off.

"Remember I can see what happens in dreams." Luna said.

"Right... I forgot." I said feeling a bit dumb. "But you didn't need to do this for me." as I gestured around the room.

"Oh but I did." Celestia said walking up to the bed.

"You almost died from the blood loss and broken ribs." Twilight said looking at me. Well honestly I shouldn’t be surprised from that. From being attacked by that fake Pinkie with the butchers knife. The demonic Big Mac and impacting that ground at the speed of a bullet, I probably should have been dead three times over by now, well four if you count before that too.

"Can I ask you a question?" Celestia asked. Granted if I was in a better conduction I would have pointed out she just did but I digress.

"Go ahead."

"Why do you put others pain before your own when it was as dire?" She asked. This I could answer, well technically I had answered this a few time by now.

"Because Princess Celestia. My pain is not important, it never was to begin with. If it means I die to make sure my friends are safe then so be it." She looked right into my eyes. I didn't blink or anything. It wasn’t a lie either.

"I see." she said a few moments later. "Could everypony please let me talk to F.M. alone for a few moments?" She said in a serious tone. Yup... I had pissed her off... again. After a few moments it was just Celestia and I in the room. We looked at each other in silence. I had to break it, it became too damn awkward to deal with.

"Alright, what was the problem with my answer?" I asked, I wanted to get to the point. She looked a little surprised at my question. "I know my answer doesn't sit well with you Celestia. I know I'm new here and from my track record so far, I'm dangerous and or scary to a lot of ponies."

"Well F.M. It's just after I got a letter from Twilight about your eyes as well as that fireball. I was also told about the fire you used in the dream world. I did a little research, now I haven’t found anything yet. So please understand that I’m going to have to have you detained in the meantime."

"Fair enough." I said understanding the point. She was one of the rulers of Equestria, if I posed a threat to her kingdom she would have to deal with it. It wasn’t much point about it, So I accepted it.

"But why Princess?" Twilight said busted back in.

"Twilight?" I asked, a little surprised at the outburst. She was the princess’s student right? So you would think she would understand why. Hell I was new here and I understood it.

"Because I think he is dangerous to Equestria and I want to make sure before anything else happens." Celestia said.

"But he saved Equestria, shouldn't that taken into account?" Twilight shot back.

"It has, that's why he will be staying in the castle in one of the rooms till I can determine if he is a threat or not."

"Then please let us visit him so he's not alone." Twilight pleaded as I saw everyone else look in from the door.

"Sister." Luna said looking at Celestia, who looked at her sister and nodded.

"I won't keep that from you or the others. No pony should be alone like that." Celestia looked at Twilight then at the rest of them.

"Look its fine." I said to reassure them. “I’m sure that everything will be fine.” Of course it wasn't till later I found out that they all will be staying in the same room as me too. Well the room was more an apartment really. So I was going to be in a castle room with six mares, in the same room with only one bed. Don't you just love the awkwardness?

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 03 - Aria

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Okay, so it wasn't as awkward as I thought. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy had to go back to Ponyville a few days later for their jobs. To their credit they didn’t want to but a letter from Big Mac got Applejack to go. Sweet Bell’s letter let Rarity know about Hoity Toity wanting her for a new outfit. Being the fashion designer that she is, she hopped right on that and boarded the first train. Rainbow Dash simply had her weather work to do and Pinkie didn’t want to leave Mr. and Mrs. Cake alone to do the store. Which I found odd since they ran the store, right? I guess Pinkie is Pinkie. Fluttershy wanted to make sure about her animals after she left Angel to watch over them. So it was just Twilight and I left in the room. I asked her about the library and she said that she sent a letter to Spike to have him run it till she got back. So she spent most of the time going through book after book for any clues about whatever the hell I am. Since it seems I'm not quite an alicorn, but something different.

"Damn." She said as she moved another book over to the pile and pull out another one. She'd done this about thirty or forty times. Honestly I lost count after 15 or something. So I decided to explain my nonexistent magical prowess. Since being stuck here in the room, I had to have Twilight ask for some beginner’s guides to magic book. She gave me one of these looks that said you drag me away for this looks? When I asked her to do that, but she did so and made sure I had quite a few books on the subject. It wasn’t long before I realized how their magic was written. They used symbols to write down the spells. What really got me was the fact I could read them with ease. It even explained how to start using magic, of course being a beginner’s guide I wasn’t surprised. What did was that it was just concentrating on the magic was what was needed to get the magic to work. But first I had to feel this spark. So I figured I may start with something quite simple. Well simple as in this book said. So I figured Levitation or was it called telekinesis? Who cares? I would see if I could do that. Since by this book it was a foals trick.

“Okay let’s see if I can float that cup over to me.” I said under my breath. Twilight of course didn’t say anything since she was nose deep into another book. I tried to focus my magic which is quite hard for someone who never used magic before. But there it was. It felt like a spark but not an electric one, more a spark of fire. It felt warm. Is this how it felt for all magic users? I started to focus more on the magic itself. That warmth felt bigger till I could see an orange glow around the cup in a fire like pattern. Now I would have freaked but since the wooden cup wasn’t burning I figured I was doing something wrong. I started to float up at a snail’s pace as it moved towards me.

“Come on, just a little closer.” I said with my tongue out keeping my focus on it. Of course that didn’t last long.

"What are you doing?" I heard Twilight said which broke my concentration on the empty cup itself, which dropped with a hollow thud as it landed on the carpet. Good thing I asked for plastic and wooden cups. If that was glass then I would have to pay for it for sure and I didn’t want to mistakenly step on glass.

"Uh." I got out as I stared at the cup.

"Did you just try to use magic?" Twilight said, I nodded quietly. "I didn't even know you knew magic. I mean you never really showed that you knew it. But that could be because of the books I got you. But not a lot of unicorns could use magic right way. It took time for them to tap into it. I mean all I've seen you use is fire but that could because of well what you are."

"And what am I?" I asked turning my gaze towards her as I saw her ears flattened against her

"I don't know." She said

"Twilight it's alright. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was annoyed" I said, granted I lied but I still want to be nice since she is helping me and everything. "I just wanted to be able to do something other than burn places down. Since I can't figure out how to use my fire thing, and I refuse the whole flying thing."

"What is up with that anyway?" She asked looking at me.

"What about the whole flying thing or why I don't won’t be using them much?" I asked.

"Both." she flatly said.

"Because I'm afraid of heights Twilight, I don't like being way up especially by edges. I have a tendency to freak out when I'm close to one." I stated not for the first time to Twilight.

"Really? I still don't believe it."

"What’s not to believe? I couldn't walk well till not too long ago."

"Point taken." She said putting her hoof to her chin. I tried to focus again getting the cup to float up again slowly.

"So about that fire you used." Twilight said as the cup dropped again. Was she trying to jack with me on purpose? I turned and looked at her.

"Yes?" I said calmly. Since this was the second time she broke my concentration on just floating up a cup.

"Were you able to use that fire breath since the dream world?" Twilight asked. Now here is where I would have answered with no but of course as soon as I opened my mouth a belch of ruby red flames shot out and a rolled up scrolled popped into existence. Okay what am I now a mail box? "Oh I didn't know you could receive letters just like Spike."

"Spike?" I asked this not being the first time I asked about him but since Twilight was nose deep in books. I never got my answer about him.

"My number one assistant" Twilight said with a smile. I blinked.

"What?" I said completely confused. Twilight sighs quietly.

"Spike is a baby dragon that I helped hatch." She says looking at me. "Who has been my assistant since then. He helps clean around the library and with my studies" She says. I start to focus quietly on the scroll. I wrapped it in my magic as the scroll floated up in front of Twilight.

"So what does it say?" I ask. Twilight then yanks it out of my magic with her own, which felt like a pop in my head. Just like when my magic had dropped.

"Let's see. Dear F.M. I request that you and my faithful student Twilight Sparkle accompany me in my private study. Please have Twilight show you the way since she is familiar with its location. Signed Princess Celestia."

"Well that’s straight to the point." I said getting off the bed carefully. "So shall we get going?" I hope the answer is a yes. Because being stuck in the same room was its draw back like boredom. I slept and ate in the same room. Granted I had girls here so I wasn’t alone. You miss the outside when you can’t really go outside. Just to make sure I didn’t leave, she even put a shield spell over the balcony just in case I tried jumping off the edge. So I didn't have much to listen to nature which can be fine at times if you know what you’re listening for. I think Fluttershy would know what I’m talking about here since she is with nature a lot. Well from Twilight had told me that is. But besides nature Princess Luna has one of the guards bring me a record player and some records to help pass the time. Which it did help, I was glad to find that they had a lot of the same style of music that I was use to listening to. Rock, jazz, country, and even classical where just some that I could listen to. Pinkie somehow knowing that I was getting a recorder player left some of her own music too. Mainly party style music which was fun to listen to. It really threw me for a loop to find out that some of the records she made with help from a friend of hers. I think her name was Vinyl Scratch or as lot of the other ponies like to call her DJ Pon3. I couldn’t help but find that a little funny.

"Yes let's." Twilight said as she got up, knocking me out of my train wreck of thought. Pinkie must be really rubbing off on me. Leading the way Twilight wrapped the door in her magic making them look like they opened by themselves. The guards outside of the door looked to see who opened them and saw Twilight first, she proceed to show them the letter from the princess. They simply nodded not saying a word. Did these ponies even talk beyond simple phrases? Hell they didn't even say a word to me beyond here's your room. Twilight and I started walking down the white walled and pillared hallways of the castle. The floor was tiled with a one piece of carpet laid on top of it. I had to wonder how they got one giant one piece carpet to fit in here. Right... Magic, totally a dumb ass now. We continued on our way as I saw some suits of armor with spears, bows, swords, shields, and all other sorts of weapons. We stopped at a cross hall area as Twilight turned from side to side like she was checking which way to go. I really hoped she wasn’t lost, granted it would be a bit funny since Twilight was Celestia’s number one student. I took the time while she got her bearings to look at the closest armor to me. The armor itself was gold with jewels embedded in it. The opening for the wings was a simple white material that I couldn't place where I had seen it before. There was also a bit of metal that went on the top of the wing. How was anyone able to fly in theses? Then the sword caught my eye, the bladed weapon itself was quite simple in design. The long sword had a simple steel blade with a golden hilt with a red gem on it. The grip had what I could guess was leather straps and the bottom of the handle had one larger red gem place at the end of it.

"I see you found Sir Wing Guard's armor and sword." Said the voice to my right. I jumped at the sudden appearance of Luna.

"Hello Princess..." my voice died in my throat with that look that said. You seriously forgot? "Sorry Luna."

"It's quite alright F.M."

"So Wing Guard?" I asked turning back to the armor. Trying to hide my total dumb ass moment there.

"Yes Sir Wing Guard was one of my personal guards back before my... banishment." Luna said as her gaze returned to the armor.

"He must have been one of your best guards." I replied venturing a guess.

"He was a very noble stallion. He never failed his duties. The ponies he worked with always had good things to say and was a skilled swords pony." She said. I had a feeling there was a lot more context that I was missing from this but I didn't mind really. Since she was sharing this openly with me. I figured this was best not answered. She stared at it quietly for a few moments as well as I. My gaze turned to look at Luna who had a tear form in her eyes.

"What’s wrong Luna?" I asked.

"Just remembering an old friend." She said then turned to me. I had a feeling she was missing Wing Guard. The loss of a good friend is always hard on someone or in this case some pony.

"Sometimes remembering some pony is the only way they continue to live on. Their bodies may be gone. Their souls pass from this world but they go on living in the hearts and memories of those that cared about them the most." I said simply giving the princess of the night a smile to help her feel better.

"Very true words. So what brings you here?" Luna asked probably wanting to getff of the subject of Wing Guard, understandable to say the least.

"I was summoned to meet Princess Celestia in her private study." I said.

"I wonder why sister wants to meet you there of all places? Shall I escort you there?" Luna offered.

"You don't have to if you don't want to Luna." I said looking at her. She simply smiled and nodded.

"But I want to." She said and started heading the direction to the study which was just passed a certain lavender unicorn. Twilight turned to look at me and noticed Luna, giving the royal alicorn a bow.

"Hello Luna" Twilight said.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle"

"How are you this evening?" Twilight said as she started to talk to Luna. I stayed quiet and looked at the armor waiting patiently. It wasn't till about ten minutes, well I could guess honestly. Luna led the way for Twilight and I to her sister’s study. The door to Princess Celestia's private study was red velvet covered doors with a sun embroidered into it. Luna's horn glowed blue as the door opened slowly to show Celestia having a seat on a rug in the center of the room. She was looking at the fire in the fireplace. The flames there was a vibrant emerald color that danced gently. She turned to see the three of us at the door. She stood up and turned towards us.

"Thank you for meeting me here." Celestia said. Of course I was going to meet her here. It's the first time I was out of that room in a week. Yeah ,I was going to jump on this one just to go somewhere other than my room.

"Anytime Princess Celestia." I said as I bowed to her respectfully.

"Um, Princess Celestia?" Twilight started to ask.

"Yes my faithful student?" Celestia said in a motherly tone.

"What did you want F.M. here for?" Twilight asked as she trotted closer. I stepped inside the door as well as Luna, who shut the door behind us with a click.

"I wanted to ask for his permission to do something." Celestia said as she turned towards me. I did not like where this was going. A cold chill ran down my spine.

"What would you like to do?" I asked carefully.

"I would like to cast the memory spell and dive into your mind. Just like how Twilight did." She said looking at me.

"No." I said flatly as I gave her a deadpan expression. I wasn't going to let Twilight back in there. What would make Celestia think I was going to let her in?

"You must understand that this is the only way I can tell for sure if you are a threat to Equestria or not." Celestia said in a motherly tone. That is this case annoyed me. But I can’t blame her for it honestly. I came to the same conclusion myself as I figure it was going to come to that. When she said research I figured she was going to find something about what kind of alicorn I was. I did about the same but came up with nothing after the first night in the castle. Besides stuff on Celestia and Luna. So the only thing was left was my remains of my memories to check. What I didn’t like was the feeling that if I didn’t let her in, she was going to force her way in. Which honestly I didn’t like either. Twilight at least let me know and was sort of fine with it. Granted that time I thought it was just a simple memory spell and it would fix my missing memories, not take me down memory lane like it did.

"Princess Celestia. Let me ask you something." I started.

"Of course F.M. Go ahead." Celestia stated.

"If I won't let Twilight back into my mind or memories after what happened last time. What would make you think that I would let royalty in there to have something possibly worse happen?" I asked looking at her. She stopped and thought it over.

"He does make a point sister." Luna said besides me.

"Yes he does Luna. But I can't find any other way to tell. Our library has very limited information about alicorns besides the two of us. Since his encounter with the Timber wolf, Nightmare Moon, and the talk you had with him. I started to wonder if that maybe his lost memories would be the best way to tell." Celestia explained. "If you need reassurance I can handle myself and I won't invade your private memories." She continued. It didn't reassure me because I knew she was lying outright. If any ruler was going to make sure someone or some pony in this case wasn’t a threat they would have to thoroughly go through their memories.

"F.M. Please let her." Twilight said looking at me almost pleading with me. I sighed as I knew this was going to turn out bad. It was just a feeling I had in my bones.

"Two things first, if I am found a threat. What will happen?" I asked.

"I will have to send you somewhere where you won’t hurt anypony." Celestia stated. I saw Luna's ears flatten as if something dawned to her.

"You don't mean?" Luna asked.

"Yes Luna to the moon." Celestia said. Wait... Moon! Why the moon?

"The moon?!" I said as I raised my voice in surprise.

"Yes. It’s the only place I can think of that would put you the farthest away from any pony." Celestia said not looking at me this time.

"And what if I'm found innocent?" I said still a bit shaken from the possibility of being sent to the moon.

"You will be free to go back to Ponyville or where ever you choose." Celestia said turning to me with what I could tell is hope that was going to be the case. I sighed quietly.

"Alright, but I have one condition to all this. If I say to end the spell, then please end the spell." I said stepping closer to Celestia slowly.

"I understand." Celestia said as her horn glowed with a light yellow aura. She places the tip of her horn on my forehead. The world went white and I found myself in the familiar library corridor. I looked around to find Celestia already looking at a few books in front of her. I looked around quietly hoping that the dragon would not show up this time. "You alright F.M?" she asked.

"I'm just worried is all."

"Worried of what?"

"Of the dragon here."

"Ah. Yes the dragon you and Twilight had encountered here. That would explain all the ash around here." Celestia said as she floated the book back into the shelf. Then she started to float a large amount of the ash up to her. Her horn glowed brighter as the ash starts to take a block form. With a blinding light the forms turn back into books. The book itself dropped from Celestia’s magic and slid itself into the shelf. Right then it felt like someone just jammed a spike right into my frontal lobe. Images flashed through my head. Most of them was of that… dream. Does that mean? I started to shake quietly as I turned away from Celestia. "Something wrong F.M?" Celestia asked in a worried tone.

"I'm Fine." I said still shaken and then that’s when we heard the booming stomps from a familiar source.

"I believe that would the dragon you were talking about." Celestia said, I nodded like a dumbass. I turned to see the dragon standing before us. Celestia was looking him over as the dragon was with her.

"Hello Dragon." Celestia said bowing to the dragon. I simply stare at the both of them.

"Hello Celestia." The dragon said in his graveled voice, Celestia's eyebrow rises.

"How do you know of me?" She asks quietly.

"Because they told me about you princess." The dragon said. Wait... They? Who are they? Celestia’s surprised look didn’t reassure me. This was not good. Not good at all.

"Do you mean?" Celestia asked and the dragon nodded. She looked worried. "How much are they in this?" What the hell is going on?

"They know of what is to happen but have nothing to do with it." The dragons said. Celestia was quiet as the dragon stomped the ground. Then the ground around covers me in a dome, I can't see Celestia or the Dragon. I started to pound on the dome but nothing. I even try bucking it. But not even a scratch. I can make out mumbles coming from Celestia and the Dragon. After a few minutes of this I heard sound that reminded me of a rocket taking off. Then Images started to flash in my head as a headache that is an equivalent of being drilled in the head by a whale with a bulldozer. But one image stuck in my mind. The image of the angry Celestia wielding a sword at a young foal. It can't be true. I mean Celestia did keep me captive in that room for a week but even she can't... What am I kidding I only know her for less than two weeks. There's nothing I can assume at all. That image just won't come out of my head. The dome around me broke into dust and blows away. The change of light blinded me for a few moments. I closed my eyes to let my eyes dilate. Then I noticed the dragon look right at me and Celestia too.

"Um." I said not sure what to say.

"Little One." The dragon said to me.

"I have a name you know." I stated.

"Yes I know both of them."

"Both!" I said surprised.

"Yes F.M."

"Then you know my real name. Please tell me." I said stepping closer as the dragon grinned.

"What's in a name? A rose by any other name, still smells as sweet. So why would it be different for you?" the dragon said. A spike of irritation ran through me. That irritation quickly turned into anger. That orange glow started to appear in the room. I stepped closer to the dragon. That anger boiled in me an inferno that just rushed around. The heat I could feel within every inch of me.

"You will tell me my name dragon." I commanded out of anger. My teeth grinded in my mouth as the dragon looked at me.

"No." The dragon stated. I wanted to hurt that dragon. The only one to know my name and he wasn't talking. I started to breathe deeply.

"That wasn't a request dragon." I said getting down into a fighting stance. I saw my mane on fire this time in the reflection in the dragon’s eye, when he lowered his face down closer to me. He breathed in and I knew what he was about to do. I did the same. He opened his mouth and I breathed fire down his throat. The dragon started to choke on the fire.

"F.M." Celestia said looking at me.

"What?" I said not taking my gaze away from the choking dragon.

"Calm down." Celestia stated. I turned and glared at her.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? Why?" I asked. Celestia looked at me worried.

"Remember what happened to Twilight." She stated flatly. I remained where I stood as I looked down, the flame that was my mane and tail returning their normal state.

"Celestia please end the spell." I said not looking at her. I could feel Celestia’s gaze on me. My quick shift in demeanor like that must of surprised her as I lowered my head more.

"Alright." she said as her own horn started to glow. The dragon snapped his claw as her glow disappeared. Celestia looked up at the dragon in surprised.

"One thing before you go." The dragon said as he coughed one more time, getting the last of my big of my trickery out of his system. The dragon turned to me. "Little one you need to be careful with what is to come."

"What is about to come?" I said my gaze not leaving the floor

"The Storm."

"The Storm?" I questioned now my gaze raised to meet his.

"Yes, Your storm." he said and then snaps his claw as I opened my mouth. I found myself in Celestia's study again before I could say anything. I growled quietly. A storm... what storm? Damn it. Why all this cryptic crap. First I come in at a fireball from a different world. I cause all sorts of chaos. I fight a timber wolf. Then a nightmare given life, granted I wasn’t the one to finish it off but still. You would think the damn storm was all that. It's one fury of a storm already if you asked me. What's going else is going to come. My thoughts would have ran on till.

"Is everything alright?" Twilight stated.

"Sister?" I turned to see both Twilight and Luna worried. Celestia looked at me for a few moments then her gaze turned to Luna.

"Luna we have a lot to talk about." Luna nodded.

"What about F.M?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight please take F.M. back to his room." Celestia said.

"Good night Celestia." I stated and left. I had a lot to think about and frankly I didn’t want to talk to her at the moment. That image of her wielding a sword at a child ever present in my mind, it worried me and angered me at the same time.

"Good night princesses" Twilight said with a bow then followed me.


"What's wrong?" Twilight said, not for the first time, back in the room. I didn't say anything. The events of memory lane really driving me nuts. I drew out the book on dragons and started through it again. It was till Twilight pulled it from me with her magic.

"What did you do that for?" I said angrily.

"You need to talk." Twilight said glaring back at me. Why was she cross at me? "Please tell me what’s wrong?" Twilight said dropping her glare and looked worried. I sighed quietly and started to explain what happened. Well not all of it. I left out the image of Celestia wielding the sword at a child. Twilight listened carefully but as soon as I got to the part when the dragon told us that the storm was coming. Twilight started to panic and rush through her books. This both surprised me and worried me. It took me yelling at her in return to snap her attention back to me saying that it was my problem because it was my storm. Of course it didn't detour Twilight as she started to go through books again.

"Can I get that book back?" I asked feeling my temper defused a bit. Then had the book floated back to me. I did more reading on dragons. There was a lot of interesting factoids on dragons. Now when I was back home I always was fascinated with dragons and dragon like mythos. So finding out that this place had dragons. I had to jump in to a book about them. Just to see what was real compared to the fantasy back home. Surprising enough that some of it was spot on, besides the whole breathing fire part. Dragons here have two main sets, magical and normal. Magical dragons are attuned to an element like fire, lightning, water, and so forth. Now normally dragons have a high threshold for fire. A fire attuned magical dragon can withstand a phoenix fire which a lot of normal dragons can’t withstand. Lightning dragons can take bolts of lightning like they were just static shocks. They can even absorb enough of it and fire a bolt from their mouth just like breathing fire. The water attune can swim a lot faster in water and breath under it just as if it was air to them. They also have the ability to take in a lot of water then release it in a powerful stream. Which I could guess was like water from a fireman’s fire hose. Now each dragon can be split further down into subsets of each one. Then I got the part about their mating habits which lead me to find out that dragons sometimes take pony lovers, to put it nicely. They can mate and with a rare chance create an offspring called a Drony. "Drony?" I asked out loud.

"Drony?" Twilight repeating my question, she then whipped the book over to her and started to read. "A Drony is the results of the mating of a dragon and pony."

"How does that work?" I asked.

"Do I really need to have that kind of talk with you?" Twilight said with a raised eyebrow in a skeptical look.

"No thank you." I said shaking my head. That would be very, very awkward.

"Each Drony as the same abilities but slightly differ depending on the magical dragon parents attunement. All Dronies can use a breath weapon just as a dragon can breathe fire. If the dragon parent is fire then it’s a normal fire breath and if the attunement is lightning then they can channel lightning from the sky into an attack. Just as any other pony, A Drony can be broken down depending on the pony equivalent. The earth pony equivalent has little claws on the hooves. There used mainly for slashing same as a cat's claws does. They can also be used for digging closer to those of diamond dogs. Just like them there claws are out at all times. Their eyes also have the same as a serpent's eyes. There natural eye color set off small glow in the dark." Twilight recited from the book.

"That's different." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"I've never heard of them before." Twilight said.

"Really?" I asked quite surprised

"It’s fascinating" she said looking back at me from the book. I floated book back over to me. I had this strange itch on the back of my head. This was a little too convenient for me. So I flipped to the index and started to scan it. Right there it was. Storm, it was under S. My eyes widened. Could this be it? I flipped right to it but the page was gone.


"What?" Twilight said as she trotted over to me.

"The page about Storms is gone. I thought maybe it would be a clue." I said.

"That’s odd. I’ve never known a book in the castle or castle library to have a missing page. I could possibly have a copy of the book back home.” Twilight said.

"Then all I can suggest is you head back to Ponyville and find out." I said in a polite tone.

"What about you?" She asked worriedly

"Twilight I'm stuck here. I can't go anywhere till Princess Celestia has laid down her verdict for me. So go ahead, It won’t be for long. What’s one day? If she has an answer I'll send you a letter." I offered. She bit her bottom lip the nodded running off with a goodbye. She shut the door behind her. I picked up the book again and started to read again. There has to be more here. A dragon in my head talking about a storm and there’s something about a storm in this book about dragons. It can't be just a coincidence can it?


Night had fallen as I went through that book a bit longer. I lost track of the page the Dronies were on. So I decided to read about the subsets of dragons. What fascinated me the most was that one of the rarest of magical dragons had an attunement of all the elements. But from what this book could tell me that they were impossible to find if they continue to exist or not. My reading was interrupted from a wrapping coming from the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, my nose still deep in the book about dragons.

"It me." Celestia said "May I come in?"

"Yes you may Princess Celestia." I said continuing to read the book again. The door opened with help from Celestia's magic. She entered the room.

"F.M. First I have to apologize about your confinement."

"It's fine." I said still looking at the book. Celestia stopped and looked surprised. I looked up from the book at her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm surprised at reply."


"Well you did storm out of my private study."

"Yes I did." I said flatly then sighed. "A lot of my responses will be different to the ponies here in Equestria, mainly because I’m not from here or what I could guess this plane or world."

"It's understandable." she said and I simply nodded. There were a few moments of silence between us.

"So what brings you here?" I said breaking the silence between us. I really hate awkward silence like that.

"I have made my verdict." I looked at her more readying myself for my flight to the moon and the spacey death that will follow.

"You've have been found. Not a threat."

"What?" I said as my brain just flat lined for a moment.

"My verdict is to find out not a threat to Equestria." Celestia said. I blinked, then slowly breathed in.

"Okay doki loki" I said slowly. For some reason I had a feeling that Pinkie Pie would have said the same thing.

"Why don't you join Luna and me for dinner?"

"Sure. But I have to send a letter to Twilight first." I said putting the book down on the bed.

"I already have taken care of that." Celestia said.

"Still I did give my word and..." I got out before a burp caused a scroll to appear and land on the bed before me. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you could receive mail like that." She said. Yup, I'm a living mailbox now. I opened the letter and saw it was from Twilight.

"Dear F.M. I was already informed about your status and still looking for the book. There has been no luck on locating it. So I will be returning to Canterlot once I finish going through the rest of the library. Signed Twilight Sparkle." I read out loud. Then noticed more at the bottom. "P.S. Spike here, I'll try to make sure she gets some sleep before she comes. Trust me I will save you from a headache. Signed Spike." I blinked in confusion at the last part. What could possibly happen with Twilight if she didn’t get sleep?

"Book?" Celestia questioned.

"Oh. Yes, This book to be more precise." I said sliding the book towards her. She picked it up with her magic.

"The Anthology of Dragons and Dragon kind." She read the title.

"Yes. That copy of the book as missing page and Twilight is looking at the library back in Ponyville to see if she had a more intact copy." I told her.

"I see." She said placing the book back down.

"What would you like the chef whip up for you?" Celestia said getting back to the point of dinner.

"A salad would be fine."

"Are you sure F.M? You can have anything you want you know?"

"I figured as much. But I want to play on the safe side and go with something that I know I’ve had before. So a salad is something I use to have back home." I stated. Celestia nodded and opened the door with her magic. As we exited the room quietly, her horn started to glow again and what could be best described as a powering down sound could be heard from the room we just left. I could only guess that she removed the shield covering the room.

"It does make sense." She stated. “Going with something you're accustomed to. But I would suggest expanding your selection on food. I myself enjoy a good daisy sandwich from time to time.”

“Well that the problem with me, back where I come from we don’t eat flowers like here. My brain is still hardwired to a lot of my old world. Well up to a certain point.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, like what?” She questioned looking at me.

“Well it seems a lot of my memories and dreams have… well for lack of a better term ponified. So people I use to know are now ponies in my head. Its either this world is compensating for me changing a lot of my mind to better fit. But not all of it has changed. I remember what I use to look like and I remember about humans so it’s really hard to say what is causing it.”

“Well from what I could guess what caused you to change into the pony you are now had some lasting effects on you. But speaking of differences why don’t you tell me about some of the food differences between your old world and Equestria. I’m quite intrigued to find out about them.”

We continued to talk about food difference between my old world and Equestria. The princess was taken back when I brought up the fact that I used to have meat. I wasn't surprised really. Ponies were vegetarians right?

"Do you miss the taste of it?" She asked and I simply nodded.

"Well I use to enjoy eating meat. Grilling was one of the normal way of cooking back home. But I think the fact is I took a lot of things back home for granted. Things I’m going to miss a lot." My thoughts dropped back down into a depression as I started to think about everything back home. The friends, family, and so forth.

"It's understandable." Celestia said walked closer to me and placed a wing around me. I could only guess that my look gave away where my mind had went, I sighed quietly and looked at Celestia. That image with her wielding a sword at a child popped back into my head, I shuttered. Celestia's raised an eyebrow.

"Shall we go?" I said trying to get my mind off the image. Celestia nodded and we made our way to the dining room. The dining room is what you would expect. Large and extravagant, the checkerboard marble floors crossed the whole room. On the walls there were banners that had both the sun and moon on them. There was a few of six gems on a golden medallion. The windows were in a pattern of stain glass. It was nicely done. The table itself was a large white marble table with golden ornaments and legs around the edge of it. There was large chairs one with a sun and the other with a moon at the end of the table. A smaller chair was placed around the side. I figured they planned on having me eat with them. Celestia and I walked up to the chairs to find Luna already sitting in the large chair with the moon on it. Celestia took her seat and I sat down at mine quietly. There was a bit of silence between the three of us. Really what was with all the damn silence between us? Luna cleared her throat. I turned towards her and saw she was looking at me. I don't know why but I felt unnerved by her gaze.

"F.M." Luna said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"What is bothering you?" Luna asked. Ok did I have a sign above my head saying problem with me?

"Um. What do you mean?" I dumbly said.

"It's not hard to tell something is bothering you. Especially, how you looked when you left." Damn it. She got me.

"There are a lot of unanswered questions that are bugging me." I said as my gaze is on the table itself.

"If you don't mind my prying. Like what?" Celestia said looking at me. I put my hoof on my forehead rubbing a little to get my thoughts straight.

"Well a lot come from our jaunt down memory lane. My storm being a big one. Now I can't figure out what it means yet but as I told you Celestia, the only clue I have is gone because of a ripped page. As for the other things bugging me spawns from your conversation that I could hear between you and the dragon. As in, who are They?" I turned to see both of them looking unsure at each other. They didn't want to share this information with me. I'm not surprised. "I figured as much." I said. Both of them snapped their look at me.

"What do you mean?" Celestia questioned.

"You don't want to tell me about them because it's a secret between you two." I stated the look on their faces told me enough. The surprised I would ask, the worry of what would happen if I knew, and the unnerving feeling that they want to tell but can’t. After dealing with the people I used to deal with you learn to read some signs. No granted this doesn’t work all the time but how they were presenting it on their face it wasn’t hard to tell.

"Please understand that we cannot tell you for very special reasons." Celestia said.

"I do understand. But that leaves me with something that I saw when I was trapped in the dome."

"What is that?" Luna asked.

"An image of you" I said pointing to Celestia as my gazes harden. I wanted an answer to this. Celestia raised her eyebrow.

"Of me?" she asked.

"Yes, of you wielding a sword against a child." As soon as I finished saying that her eyes shot wide.

"Sister?" Luna said seeing her sister’s reaction.

"But how... Could you... That book!" Celestia said looking like all the pieces fit into place and didn’t like the outcome. "So that’s what he meant when he said the past." I sighed rubbing a hoof on my forehead.

"Can someone... err. Somepony please tell me what is going on?" I asked.

"That image you saw was one of my memories. The dragon copied one of my memories and gave it to you as punishment for me interfering."


"Yes. There seems to be a lot more to you being here then by chance."

"Destiny is in play here." I said remembering what the dragon said before.

"I believe you're right." Celestia said.

“That still doesn’t answer my question.” I said looking at her. Celestia looked quietly at her sister for a few moments then returns to me.

“There is a lot of context you need to fully understand. But to really summarize it, that child was not really a child. There was an old unicorn mage called Grim Wand. He was very skilled in magic but towards the end of his life he wanted to last long so his knowledge would last beyond the ages. Normally Alicorns are the ones that have longevity like he wants. But unable to ascend to become an alicorn, he tried other ways. The one he found and used a lot was called soul transference. A very black spell in nature.”

“Necromantic magic right?” I questioned a guess.

“I see you're aware of it.”

“It was a subject in books back home. But as far as I knew not a really possibility there.” I said

“Anyway it took me two hundred years to find him again. Since then he went on to transfer his mind and soul into children to prolong his life and his knowledge of the darker magic’s. When I found Grim Wand, he had just transferred into another foal. You must understand when he transferred his mind and soul he effectively kills the one he moves his soul into too. So what you saw was my last confrontation of Grim Wand. The only thing I knew that could slay him was a special sword.” She went on to explain. This really unnerved me just hearing about it. The act of killing children like that was unspeakable and over two hundred year. That just sent a shiver down my spine, now that I had context to that image I can understand it.

"Now that I understand that memory now. What do we do now about my other issues?" I asked.

“Unfortunately right now. There's nothing we can do, till we have more information. By the way where did you find that book about dragon kind?." Celestia asked.

“It was laying on the table with a bunch of other books Twilight had laid about.” I answered.
“That’s quite interesting because that book is not in the Canterlot library. When you’re done with the book mind if I have one of the guards bring it to me?" she asked.

“Well as far as I figure it’s your book so I don’t see why not.” I said pointing that out.
“Alright. So in the mean time we should be prepared for anything." The server brought out the food for all of us. I got the salad I had requested even had some cheese on top of it. Celestia got some kind of frozen sorbet and Luna had a sandwich. I floated the fork up carefully, getting a better grip on my magic and started to eat. I still had the storm to worry about. What did he mean my storm? I must of zoned out because after sometime.

"F.M?" Luna asked. I snapped out of it.


"I can I have a word with you in private later?" I blinked like a dumbass.

"Of course."

"I'll see you in your room after my duties are done." I simply nodded, then finished my salad and one of the guards took me back to my room. It was then I saw the shield over the balcony was gone. I walked over to it and stared out into the night. Well it was more night turning morning. How long did it take to eat? I had the feeling of losing time. It felt... Weird. I picked up the book again and started to read out loud.

"Dricorn, the Drony version of a unicorn. Their horns are covered in scales making it harder to break and more attuned to magic. There face has a discoloration close to a zebra’s stripes but here marking closely resemble claw marks, two on each side of their face. The color normally takes the same as there mane color but not always the case. There magical aura around their horns take more of an element nature. It depends on what type the dragon one of the parents was. If the dragon was attuned to lightning even how rare they are. The magic the Dricorn is closer to lightning sparking off the horn. As one attuned to fire, the glow is closer to fire surrounding the horn itself." I stopped, thinking about that for a moment. I lit up my horn and watched the orange glow off my horn is closer to fire surrounding it. I find it funny that just making the aura has gotten easy. I still have a hard time lifting things. A book was starting to get easier but I still couldn't get anything bigger than a potted plant. I let the magic fade as I looked at the book. Not really reading but just looked. I shook my head and used my magic to close it. Leaving it on the table I made my way to the large bed in the room. After I climbed into the bed, I just laid down tucking my forelegs under me and just stared quietly out of the balcony. I didn't want to go near it at the moment. A thought started to creep its way into my head. "Aria" the thought was. That beautiful tan coated and brown mane mare that I had a dream about. That named tugged at my heart strings. I believe that dream was a memory. It didn't really click when I had the dream. But after Celestia repaired that book and slide it in. It flashed in my head. Just like Celestia's memory did. It had to be real right? But I knew she wasn't a pony. Neither was I technically. But being here had does something to my head. Was the magic in Equestria messing with the fabric of my mind, changing it so it fit better with this world? And what about Aria? If it was true and she special to me. Then...

"F.M? Are you alright?" I heard coming from the balcony. My notice snapped back as I focused on Luna who looked worried. I stood up and didn't realize till then I was shaking. Not for the cold but from my thoughts.

"Yes." I lied. I didn't want to go into this right now, just anything else but this. I know it's stupid of me to lie to one of the princesses but I really needed my mind elsewhere.

"You’re lying." Luna said calling me out on it.

"Yes. I lied but I really don't want to talk about it. Please?" I stated to her. She closed her eyes.

"I understand." She said then reopened her eyes.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I questioned as I sat down on my hunches.

"Well it was more a request honestly." Luna said.

"Go on?"

"I want you to go back in the realm of dreams with me. The sword was left there."

"And you think it's not safe for it to be just laying around for anypony or anything to find it?" I questioned. She simply nodded. This seems like an easy job to do. Having the princess that governs over dreams there with me, what could go… wait. Just to be safe I should finish that thought.

"We can go whenever you’re ready."

"Then let's be off." I said stepping closer to Luna. Her horn started to glow as the world washed out in a sea of blues. We found ourselves back in the same room with that altar. The altar itself had changed. It towered over us covered in a black stone. Almost like someone charred normal stone with fire. At the top of it the sword was sitting there. After a short climb both Luna and I got to the top of steps. The top of it was wider than I expected and even more unexpected was the pony that stood there. A tan coated, brown manned mare stood there, her back towards us with the sword between her and us. The sword itself stuck in the stone. Like it was waiting for King Arthur to come by and pull it from the stone. Luna looked at me as I stared at the mare past the stone. I was shaking again, this time I was really shaken. Closer to standing out in winter without anything but boxers on. Of all ponies to be here it was her.

"It's been a while hasn't it." The tan pony said. I couldn't get a word out of my mouth. My voice decided to leave me when I saw her.

"Who might you be?" Luna asked. The mare let out a small laugh.

"Why don't you ask F.M. there?" She asked still not turning to look at us. Luna turned towards me and I finally said something.

"Aria" I said as my heart skipped a beat so bad that I didn't even notice the sword between us was gone.

"Aria?" Luna questioned for a moment then it clicked. She turned to the tan mare who Luna realized was Aria, My Aria from my memories.

"Yes. It's me." Aria said.

"But..." I started to say.

"But how? Well honestly I don't know. Since that night so, so long ago. I have been here. I've seen so many things. Back from home to things here. Like Luna's return to Equestria." Aria answered.

"How is that possible?" Luna asked puzzled.

"Like I said. Princess Luna I do not know. But there is one thing I do know." Aria said.

"What would that be?"

"That F.M. is pathetic." She said as my heart sank. "I died to save this weak useless coward. Who can't even get his own head in order to understand the simplest of things. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten himself killed for his unintelligent actions." Aria said.

"What right do you have to say that about him?" Luna said as her horn flared.

"The right I hold was one of love Luna. I knew him far better than ether you or himself." Her words pierced right through me. But it wasn't just that, was it? I felt something wet run down my foreleg as I started to have a copper taste in my mouth. I looked down to the crescent moon hilt right up to my chest, the blade plunged deep within me. I opened my mouth but all that came out was dark red blood. The edges of my eyes had started to turn black. I looked back up at Aria looking at me with those empty eyes. No eyeball, no nothing. It was like someone removed her eyes and left her like that. What was left around the sockets started to sink in and fade into the darkness. Her teeth curled into a creepy smile with each tooth rotting away. A few of them had holes into them. Each a little window into the black mouth she had. I heard something coming next to me but it was too far to make out what it said but it sounded like Luna.

"This is your karma for getting her killed." the voice in the back of my head said. It was wasn't it? I felt a small chuckle leave my mouth through the blood. I stood there in front of that car and she saved my pathetic life at the cost of her own. That chuckle started to grow into a laugh. That laugh getting louder and louder. I saw Luna looking at me panicking. This was so fitting wasn't it? Getting killed by the one that I got killed. It was perfect karma and I deserved it. This must be how it is for people going insane. The world started to break around me as everything went back. The voice in my head echoing. “Your Karma” over and over again. I was out right manic laughing before I felt the ground to my side.

"My Karma.” Was the last thing I said before everything numbed away into the darkness leaving me… alone.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 04 - The Mind and Memory of a Broken Drony

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Luna was panicking at the unmoving body of F.M. His blood was leaving his body at an ever quickened pace. Wrapping him up in her magic, floating him up into the air, the tan pony Aria tilted her head.

"Why are you saving him?" Aria questioned.

"Because he is my friend." Luna said as her horn lit up and was gone. Back in the room Luna quickly found a sheet and floated it over from the bed. She wrapped it around the wound. She didn't dare take the sword out at the time. It was the only thing keeping the blood from spilling out faster. "Guards!" Luna yelled as two pegasi stallions barged into the room.

"What's wrong princess?" The light gray Pegasus asked.

"I need one of you to get my sister and tell her to meet me in my private room at the hospital. The other come with me." She said as she ran to the balcony with F.M. clutched in her magic. Luna took off into the night. The gray stallion with a black mane turned to the azure white stallion with a dark blue mane.

"Quickwind you follow Princess Luna. I'll get Princess Celestia." the gray stallion said. Quickwind nodded and flew after Luna into the frigid night. The gray stallion flew though Canterlot castle as fast as he could. He stopped right outside Celestia's private chambers. Knocking on the door.

"You may enter." the regal voice of Princess Celestia said as the stallion entered quickly.

"Sorry to bother you but Luna has requested you to meet her in her private room at Canterlot General Hospital." At those words Celestia shot up in worry.

"What is wrong? What has happened to my sister?" Celestia said the worry ever pleasant in her voice.

“From what I could tell she wasn't injured but the orange stallion that has been staying in the castle with her was bleeding from a wound. I couldn't see the source of it." The stallion said.

"Ironside, I need you to go to Ponyville and find Twilight Sparkle and the other Element bearers. I want you to get them to Canterlot General as soon as possible." Celestia ordered. Ironside nodded and flew off. Celestia's horn lit up and with a flash of light transported herself in front of the same hospital. She entered the building. Every pony bowed to her as best they can. Some having a rather hard time with casts and so forth on them. The nurse with a washed out yellow stallion with a cream white mane stood back up and walked up to Celestia.

"Princess. Your sister is this way." He said as he led the way with the princess following.

"How is he?" The stallion stopped and looked at Celestia the worry on his face at this time.

"Princess. I'm not going to sugar coat it. He was in real bad shape. The sword that pierced him almost got his heart. It did go through one of his lungs and there is a lot of internal bleeding. I can’t tell right now if he is going to make it, but currently he is in the ER. We have our best doctors working on him." The stallion Sunheal said.

"I see." The princess said with a hint of concern in her voice. They continued on their way till they get to Luna's private room, which was marked with a white stone moon on the door and an orange blue curved decorative line around the door itself. With a flick of her magic Luna opened the door and looked up at her sister. Her normal gray blue eyes were red and puffy from her crying. Celestia walked over and placed a wing around her sister gently rubbing her face against her sister’s cheek. "It will be alright sister. Please explain what happened." Celestia said. Luna took a deep breath and explained what had transpired from her point of view.


Twilight was in her bed looking over one of the books she pulled out since she returned home. After finally giving up at Spikes relentless insisting and having a nap, she got back up to continue going through every book she had out. She flipped over another cover as she sets the book over to the side. She couldn’t find the book so maybe another book held the information that both she and F.M. needed.

"This doesn't have anything useful either." Twilight said throwing another book and floating another over. "I need to find about this Storm. It can't be good if both Celestia and F.M. are worried about it." Twilight said as she flew through another book with nothing about a storm. The closest thing she could find was about storm dragons. But it didn't seem to fit. She was about to float another book over till a strong knocking came from the door downstairs. She climbed out of her overlook and went to the balcony. After a turn of her head to the door, she could see one of the Canterlot guards. One of the familiar guards. "Ironside?" Twilight called down to him. He turned to see Twilight looking down at him. With a quick flap of his wings Ironside flew up to her.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia ordered me to come here and retrieve you and your friends. She wants me to take all of you to Princess Luna's personal room at Canterlot General Hospital." Ironside said.

Twilight's eyes widen.“What happened?” she asked.

“I don’t know the details but the stallion that was staying in the castle was taken to the hospital by Princess Luna herself.” Ironside said as he hovered. Twilight ran back in and started to shake Spike her little assistant.

"Spike get up." Twilight said floating the baby dragon up.

"What is it?" Spike said yawning.

"Celestia wants us in Canterlot now. It's very important." She said as she placed Spike on her back. Twilight came back out to the balcony. "Ironside I need you to go up to that cloud home there and get Rainbow Dash. I can't fly so I need you to get her. Be straight to the point. Now where do you want us to meet?"

"The fountain will do. I have your transport already there." Ironside said flying off towards the only cloud home in Ponyville. Twilight using her magic, floated herself and Spike down after shutting the doors to the balcony and ran at a full gallop to get Rarity since she is closer. Twilight started to pound on the doors to the Carousel boutique franticly.

"I'll be there in a moment." Rarity said. Twilight didn't stop pounding on her door.

"Rarity come to the door. We need to go to Canterlot." Twilight said through the door.

"Canterlot? Oh my. I need to pack. Give me a few moments to get ready." Rarity said. Twilight growled as her horn glowed in its lavender color. She disappeared and reappeared inside to find her friend her packing large saddlebags. Twilight used her magic and pulled her friend to her. She explained what she was told from Ironside. Rarity eyes widen and nods. “We mustn’t delay.” She said as she opened the door in her own azure blue magic.

"You go get Pinkie and I'll get Fluttershy, then Applejack." Twilight said. Rarity nodded and galloped off herself. Twilight ran to get the rest of them. It wasn't long till all of them gathered at the founder’s fountain. There were six other stallions besides Ironside with three carriages.

"Ready?" Ironside said.

"Yes" Twilight replied as the rest of them nodded.

Rainbow turned to Twilight. “I’ll fly ahead.” She said before taking off at full speed towards Canterlot. It wasn't long till they arrived at Canterlot General Hospital. Rainbow was already there at the front desk yelling. Apparently they didn’t believe her that she was here at the princesses order.

Twilight run up to corner. "Sunheal what’s going on?" The washed out yellow stallion looks up to see the familiar lavender mare.

"This way Miss Sparkle." Sunheal said leading the way to Luna's private room, Rainbow Dash just huffed.

"If you could, If you want. Tell us what happened?" Fluttershy said, Sunheal stopped right outside the door.

"Your friend F.M. was brought here with a sword embedded in his chest." Sunheal said followed by the group gasping in surprise.

"Is the boy alright?" Applejack asked in a worried tone.

"Luckily. We were able to remove the sword and fix up all the internal injuries but..."

"But what?!" Rainbow said getting in Sunheal’s face. A light blue aura surrounded Rainbow Dash and was pulled back. “Hey let me go!” she said struggling with the magic surround her.

"Rainbow please let him talk. We need to know what is going on." Rarity said.

"But it's F.M." Dash said with annoyed glare and her forelegs crossed.

"We know you’re worried. We all are." Rarity said letting Rainbow go.

"I'm sure he is going to be alright sugarcube." Applejack trying to reassure her friend.

"There is one thing." Sunheal said cutting in with an annoyed tone to his voice from being cut off like that.

"What is it?" Twilight said her ears flatten against her head once more.

"He currently is in a coma."

"Coma!" the group of them shouted in surprise, minus Spike who covered his ears.

"Yes. Currently he is in a coma. We don't know quite yet what caused it. We first thought it was from the sword but it doesn't seem to have changed anything after the removal. The only thing we can think of is something put him in a sense of shock. It’s either that or a magically induced coma. We already tried to undo it that way but to no avail."

"And I believe I know what that was." Luna said from now opened door. "Please everypony come in." Luna said stepping back to let everypony in. Twilight came over and sat next to Princess Celestia who was looking at F.M. worriedly.

"What do you think caused this Luna?" Twilight asked as she turned to the princess of the night.

"Aria" Pinkie said looking at all of them with her normally bright puffy mane losing some of its curls and color .

"Aria? What is an Aria?" Rainbow Dash questioned as she hovered by the bed.

"An aria in music was originally any expressive melody, usually, but not always, performed by a singer. The term became used almost exclusively to describe a self-contained piece for one voice, with or without orchestral accompaniment, normally part of a larger work." Twilight stated in her scholar tone.

"No." Luna said. "Aria is a pony. She is someone from F.M.'s past."

"Wait... How is that possible?"

"I do not know. She was there when he and I reentered the realm of dreams. She was standing there at the altar. F.M. just froze up seeing her." Luna continued.

"Is that the mare from his..." Twilight started.

"Nightmare. Yes."

"But I still don't understand what does she have to do with him being here?"

"Twilight, she was the one that stabbed him with the sword." Luna said with the look of regret plastered all over her face.

"She what?!" Rainbow dash exclaimed. "Oh let me at her. If I get my hooves on that no good stabbing..."

"Hold on there sugarcube. You’re going to have to after me." Applejack said her worried gaze quickly shifting to one of anger.

"Girls, please calm down. What would F.M. think of seeing you two like this?" Rarity scolded.

"I don't know Rarity. I don't rightfully know." Applejack said. From there a small sound could be heard coming from the bed.

"Everypony I think he may be coming around." Fluttershy said getting closer to the bed. His eyes opened a little but were dulled, almost washed out, as his muzzle started to move like he was saying something. Everyone stayed silent as the barely audible words came from F.M.'s mouth.

"Is it just me or can anypony hear what he is saying?" Pinkie said.

"I don't think he is saying anything more mouthing it." Twilight said looking closer.

"What is he mouthing then?" Spike asked.

"I can't quite make it out. Fluttershy could you move that breathing mask from his muzzle so I can see it better?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded and slowly did so. The mouth movement continued as Twilight looked at him for a long time.

"Well what is it?" Rainbow said.

"It's my fault." Twilight said as her eyebrow rose in confusion. "What's his fault?" She asked turning to Celestia and Luna.

"I don't quite know for sure but… I think he is being plagued with regret." Celestia said.

"What does he regret? It couldn’t be from him just crashing into the farm, could it? I already told him that it was alright." Applejack said with a confused and worried look on her face.

"Could it be when his magic decided to come out and send Twilight into the wall?" Rainbow Dash asked. From that Twilight winced as she remembered how that felt.

"I doubt that everypony. I think it's something to do with Aria." Celestia said.

"There’s no way of finding out since F.M. is like this. That has to be a way to get to the bottom of this." Twilight said as she now put her hoof to her chin.

"How about we all go bouncing into his mind and ask him that way?" Pinkie said with a bit of a bounce and color back in her.

"But Pinkie so far only Twi has gone in there." Applejack said.

"You would be incorrect Applejack. I have journeyed in there as well." Celestia said. "I believe Pinkie is right. Currently there’s no way of getting answers without diving back in there." She continued and turned to Twilight.

"But he doesn't like anyone in there." Twilight said looking back at Celestia.

"Sugarcube, I believe this time we have to put aside his personal discouragement about this and invade his mind to help him." Applejack said standing up.

"I’m with AJ on this." Rainbow said.

"But what if it’s dangerous?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Fluttershy does make a point. What if it is dangerous in there? Would we be stuck in there till he comes out? If he comes out?" Rarity inquired.

"Well all we need to do is bounce on in and bounce him back out." Pinkie said.

"Girls I don't like this as much as you, but.” Twilight said before taking a glance at F.M. “I have to side with Applejack and Rainbow on this. I don't see any other way." she said dejected, she knew this was a massive invasion into his mind. But there was no other opinions on the table to do.

"But you don't know what could be in there. Possibly zombie ponies, or werewolves, or manticores." Spike said as she started to bite on his claws in worry.

"It's possible for them to be in there Spike, but we have to do this. He would do the same for any of us at his own personal safety in a heartbeat." Twilight said standing up.

"You're darn tootin’ there Twi. If he is willing to take on a Timber wolf just for you and Fluttershy, or even an evil Big Mac for me. We should be willing to help him the same."

"Evil Big Mac?" Rainbow said turning to Applejack confused.

"Ah, long story." Applejack said tipping her Stetson hat down a bit.

"I think some pony should stay here to make sure we can come back." Twilight said as she looked at her friends.

"Don't worry Twilight. Luna and I will make sure." Celestia said with a reassuring smile on her face. Twilight nodded with a smile of her own.

"Ready every pony?" Twilight said her horn starting to glow.

"Wait." Rarity said going over to the Mirror and fixes up her purple mane. "I would like to look our best for F.M."

"Where off to save him Rarity not take him to some frou frou dinner." Applejack said as pulled Rarity by her tail away from the mirror.

"Ok we're ready Twilight. Let’s get this party started." Rainbow said. Applejack shot a hoof into Pinkie's mouth before Pinkie could get a word in edgewise as her main returns to its normal puffiness.

Twilight horn shot an afterglow as a line shot from her horn and connected to each one of their foreheads. After that was done. Twilight walked over and placed her horn again F.M.'s forehead as everything turned white.


The six ponies started to rub their eyes as the light started to fade.

"Twilight next time warn a pony before you blind them." Rainbow said shaking her head.

"How was I support to know it was going to blind everypony?" She said as the world started to come into focus. As soon as it did, she let out a scream at the disfigured paintings of F.M’s floated in the air. Each one more disfigured then the last .

"Oh my Celestia." Rarity got out before her and Fluttershy fainted.

"That... That is just... I don't have any words for that." Applejack said as she pulled her Stetson down so she could avoid looking at the paintings. Pinkie on the other hand pulled out a bucket and lost her lunch in it or what would be considered lunch.

"You alright there Pinkie?" Applejack said rubbing her friends back.

"I... I'll be fine." Pinkie got out between fits of vomit.

"This is... wrong." Twilight said after she was able to stop screaming. The painted bodies sent fear down her own, as each head turned and looked at the group of them. "What could have caused this to happen to a pony’s mind?" Twilight thought followed by "We need to get going." She said as she turned to see her friends. Rainbow was the only one that didn't seem affected by the appearance of the room.

"Yeah let’s go. We have a friend to save." Rainbow said as she picked up Rarity and Fluttershy. "Lead the way Twilight." Twilight nodded as she lit up her horn and walked down the path. It wasn't long before the disfigured pony paintings were nowhere in sight as the hall they were in seemed to scratch on to oblivion. The black and red tiled floor was covered in a layer of ooze. Nothing really slick or sticky but just, creepy feeling that gave the sense of dread. The walls themselves, once bookcases seemed like someone ran beams of fire through it. The once blue almost endless ceiling was replaced with a black that only seem to fade the scorched bookcases about a few feet above them. Every so often there was a pillar with a torch on it to light the way in a sickening green flame. They didn't seem to do much as the wall of shadows just seemed to only stay away from the six of them about a good ten feet away. There was no telling what was coming but it wasn't good. After what seemed like an hour a tune started to play. It was almost music box in sound, with little chimes to it. Fluttershy started to come to at the sudden change in sound from the dead quiet that fell on the group of friends.

"Uh? What... What happened?" Fluttershy asked as she started to rub her head.

"You fainted with Rarity." Twilight said. Rainbow let Fluttershy go and she started to get to her hooves.

"Will you be alright Sugarcube?" Applejack said looking at her.

"I... I'll be alright." Fluttershy said with a shutter. "Can we keep moving? If that’s alright? " The rest of them nodded besides Rarity as she was still passed out on Rainbow's back. It took them about thirty minutes before they reached a steel red door with rivets. The door seemed to be heavily rusted, beyond the ability to stay whole; there was no handle on the door either. The only detail other than the color of the door and rivets was the flower design that was almost scraped into the door.

"How are we support to open this door?" Rainbow said.

"Well I could." Twilight started to say placing a hoof on the door. With that simple touch the door started to slide open with a the sound of metal scraping stone, opening revealed a wall of white light. Rainbow flew right in to it with Rarity on her back.

"Dash wait!" Applejack got out then ran in after. Followed by Pinkie and Twilight. Fluttershy slowly followed shaking. The light died away as the door shut behind them and faded away to show them standing in a field of flowers. The flowers ranged from roses to tulips, lilies to simple dandelions. In the middle of the field the group saw F.M. sitting there staring up into the sky. Twilight followed his gaze up into the sky to see nothing. Just an endless, black, empty sky. Just a blackness that could consume all around it, almost soul sucking in nature.

"F.M!" Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy yelled. The figure of F.M. turned to see them and faded away as the flowers started to discolor and die around them leaving the field in a deathly brown color.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Applejack got out as another door started to appear right where the figure of F.M. was not a few moments ago.

"I don't know but it doesn't sit well with me." Twilight said as she made her way to the red velvet door. The door itself was nothing special, it just resembled a door to a movie theater.

"I... I think... It's his mind's way of showing... Something’s wrong." Fluttershy said behind hair pink mane.

"It's very possible Fluttershy but what does it mean?" Twilight said.

"It means we have to get to him faster." Dash said running up and touching the door. The door opened with that same familiar scraping sound to show another hallway. This one the ground was a simple white tile almost like marble. The rest of the hall was empty. No walls or ceiling to be found but still that thick blackness covering the area.

"Watch your step everypony" Twilight said walking through the door followed by everyone else. Shortly after entering, Rarity started to stir on Rainbow’s back.

"What did I miss?" Rarity said rubbing her eyes as Rainbow set her down on the floor.

"That we need to help F.M. as soon as we can because he is really, really messed up in here." Pinkie said. Rarity nodded quietly as she shook her head a bit to wake up as her purple mane bobbed a bit but remained as it was. This time the door wasn't too far away from the last door. The door was made out of marble with two pillars on the left and right. Rainbow flew up and touched the door and pulled back suddenly.

"What's wrong Dash?" Applejack asked.

"It's cold. But not like winter cold but... cold to the bone cold." She said as the door opened up to the same glow as before. They all entered the room to see pillars upon pillars, each one with a different pony on them. Walking through this forest of pony topped pillars they found a clearing to show a stone statue of F.M. at the base of nine pillars. At the top of them sat Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, and one other mare. Rainbow flew up to the statue of her. The statue was posed like she was to be worshipped.

"Well I do have to say he has good tastes." Rainbow said admiring her statue.

"Um Dash could you please come back down here." Rarity said as he walked over to the pillar that sat the statue of her as Rainbow did so.

"What do you need Rarity" She said landing next to the unicorn.

"Could you lift me up so I can see mine?" Rarity said.

"No problem Rarity." She said as she picked up her up and flew her up. Twilight looked at the pillars then at the ones from the forest behind them. It wasn't apparent till they were in the clearing. These pillars that her and her friends statues were on were higher up than the ones in the forest. She could pick out a lot of the other ponies from Ponyville in the forest of pillars. Her gaze then turned to the statue of F.M. the head of it was drooped down. She walked over to it and gently placed a hoof on it. A cold chill shot down her as she pulled her hoof back as if it was just scorched. The statue of F.M. crumbled to dust at her sudden removal of her hoof. Twilight eyes widen seeing this. Within the dust a key laid. She floated the key up to her. The handle of the key held a red gemstone in it. The stone itself held a glow that pulsed. There was a small sound coming from it, she held it closer to her ear as a thump bump sound repeated as it pulsed in sync with it. Floating it away she looked at it.

"What'cha got there?" Pinkie said as she bounced over to Twilight

"A key. To what I don't know but it feels different." Twilight said holding it in her hooves.

"Um Twilight I think you should come over here and see this." Applejack said standing in front of the ninth pillar that had the remaining to be named mare on it. Floating the key with her, Twilight walked over to Applejack and saw what she wanted her to see. A plaque on the pillar with one word on it, Aria. Twilight looked up to see the statue on the pillar looking down at them like it was the whole time.

"What do you think this means?" Applejack inquired. Twilight looked back what was once the destroyed form of F.M.'s stature as it was reformed where it was laying on the ground. The statues eyes filled with a sadness that could easily cause any pony to shed a tear just like Twilight had done at the sight of it.

"I think this is how he sees himself compared to everypony." Twilight said turning to Applejack.

"But why?" She says turning to Twilight then the stature of F.M. as she shed a tear herself.

"I... don't know really. I could only make a guess that he just find himself. For a lack of a better word. Inferior to us." Twilight said turning her gaze back at the statue of Aria. "He puts everypony else on a pedestal above him. He holds us with higher regards as we are his only friends here."

"But what about his other friends back home?" Pinkie asked as she looked over all the statues.

"He doesn't remember them Pinkie. But I think if he did they would be up there as well."

"It doesn't feel right ya know?" Applejack said.

"I know. We can ask him about it after we save him. But in the mean time we should get going before something happens." Twilight said as she walked past the pillars to find another red velvet door. It opened to a room with three little doors floating above a blue carpeted floor. The walls where a gray wood pattern with a black stone ceiling. The doors were simple white doors with white frames. Each one had a gem embedded in it. The one to the left had a green one, the middle had blue, and the last one to the right had a red gem. After everyone entered the room and the door behind them faded away. Twilight looked at each door.

"Which one do we take?" Rainbow asked.

"I say the lovely blue one" Rarity said eyeing the gem stone.

"If it’s alright with you. We should try the green one. But whatever you pick is fine." Fluttershy said.

"Oh! Oh! The red one." Pinkie said bouncing.

"I agree with Pinkie on this one." Applejack said.

"I say the cool blue one." Rainbow said.

"Girls I think we should take the red one." she said floating the red gem key up. Twilight moved over to the door as her magic dissipated. The key floated itself over to the red door and unlocked it opening it up to a wall of pure black. Twilight gently poked it with her hoof the wall rippled like water before it went flat once again. Twilight gulped and stepped through it, the water like texture sent a chill down her spine. The door slammed behind her before anypony else could follow. Twilight jumped and spun around but before she could see the door the whole placed changed to a street with a paved road. Two ponies one the familiar F.M. were walking with a tan coated, brown manned mare that looked like the Aria statue from before. "F.M!" Twilight said running at him to hug him but she passed right through him and the other pony. She turned to watch the two continue to walk down the sidewalk.

"This has been a lovely night." Aria said as she smiled warmly.

"Yes it has. But only because the most lovely mare has been here." F.M. replied with a blush a crossed his cheeks.

"Oh you little sweet talker. So where should we go next?"

"How about the park? I hear they're going to have a firework display tonight." F.M. said

"That would be just lovely." Aria said and then placed a kiss on F.M. cheek. His face blushed more. Twilight continued to follow them as they stopped at a corner.

"Just a few more blocks." F.M. stated pushing a button on a pole. The lights above started to turn red. A smaller box turned an image of a stop sign to one of a pony walking. F.M. started to cross the street Aria who didn't notice was looking at something. Twilight continued to watch as a horn started to blow. Turning her gaze to see a long, four wheeled, silver, closed cart flying down the road with two lights at the front. The horn sent a visible shiver down F.M.'s spine as he stood and stared at it. Not moving at all.

"F.M!" Aria said running over and pushing the frozen pony over as the cart struck her and sent her over it landing on the ground in a deep wet thump. After getting to his hooves F.M. ran over and held the fallen pony he gently pushed the hair away from her eyes.

"Why?" F.M. asked as Twilight started to form tears in her eyes from the sight.

"Because I love you." Aria said till the once shimmering light in her eyes dulled and faded. The smile on her face still there. F.M. sat there holding her as the tears flowed from his eyes like rivers of pure pain. A charcoal black pony with equally black mane got out of the cart. He trotted up to F.M

"Is she alright?" The pony said in a gruff voice. F.M. laid Aria down and closed her eyes then turned. With a swift movement F.M. slugged the pony sending him flying. Twilight's eyes widen watching as F.M. jumped onto the pony and continued to beat him over and over again as the tears continue to flow from his eyes. Then a blue pony ran over with a baton and cracked F.M. The world around Twilight faded to black as the door reappeared in front of her. It opened on its own. Twilight didn't know how to take what she saw. She never saw F.M. like that.

“If this is a memory, then is he holding on to that pain all this time?” Twilight thought as she made her way out to her friends. The group of them ran up and hugged her.

"Twilight!" they all yelled as they hugged her seeing her in tears.

"What happened in there sugarcube?" Applejack said. In a shaky voice Twilight told them what she saw. All of it from the death of Aria to F.M. beating a pony without stopping. Everypony looked worried and unsure as they looked at each other.

"If this Aria is dead then how did she stab F.M?" Rarity asked as she tried to fit everything into the puzzle forming in her head.

"I don't know." Twilight said wiping what was left of her tears. "But I think this puts a bit more context to what we've seen so far."

"I still don't know Twi. It's just... hard to take in. I mean this is F.M. we're talking about. So timid when he is around everypony but willing to stand up and get hurt just to make sure we're safe. I don't think he would fly off the deep end like that." Applejack said.

"But we’ve only known him for two weeks. There’s no telling what he was before he came here." Twilight said.

"But hasn't he done right by us since he got here? Well besides thinking little of himself, he's been good to us all." Rainbow said.

"Twilight. I... I think we need to let him explain this." Fluttershy said.

"Right, your right Fluttershy. We need to save him and let him explain this." Twilight said. She got up as the red gem door disappeared from behind her. The green gem door started to open up.

"Ok this one is mine." Rainbow said and before anypony else could say anything she flew into the doorway. The door slammed behind her. The room was black until a glow started to take over the room. The glow faded and the world appeared around Rainbow Dash, it started to take the form of a school. A school cafeteria to be more precise. There were tables everywhere and ponies in chairs around the table talking and eating. Some of them just making out. It was a few moments before Dash found F.M. sitting by himself at one of the tables stirring a spoon around a bowl of soup. Rainbow flew over to him and tried to sit next to him.

"Hey F.M." She said to him but there was no answer. "Hey F.M. Yo Equestria to F.M." She said waving her wing in front of him. She growled a bit and then tried to smack F.M. but her wing simply passed through him. "Oh right. Not really there." She said glad no pony was around to see that embarrassing moment of hers. Two young mares walked up to the table with F.M.

"Hello F.M." The light purple mare with blond hair said. The mirror cutie mark on her flank in full view.

"Uh. Hello Brighteyes." F.M. said timidly.

"What'cha doing?" The blue mare with darker blue mane said. The cutie mark on her flank was one of volleyball.

"Just eating and thinking." F.M. said with a light blush.

"Well. I've been noticing you all alone over here and was wondering if you would like some company." Brighteyes said fluttering her eyelashes at him. F.M. blushed and nodded quietly. The two mares giggled and sat close to F.M. Dash smirked.

"The colt has some game." Dash said watching this.

"So I was thinking. The spring dance is coming up soon and its girls ask guys out. So I was wondering if you would like to go to it with me?" Brighteyes said with a smile.

"Really?" F.M. said looking at her with hope in her eyes.

"Nope." She said laughing at him. F.M. looked down as his ears flattened against his head the frown covering his face.

"Oh good one Brighteyes. The look on his face. Priceless." The blue mare said.

"Oh I know Volley" Brighteyes said. The two mares got up and trotted away their tails moving back in forth in time with their hips. F.M. just sat there a tear running from his eye down his cheek and into the soup. Rainbow growled and flew over trying to strike the mare but only passed through as the world went black again and the door reappeared. Rainbow came out of it looking quite furious.

"What did you see in there that got you all riled up?" Applejack said. Rainbow took a few moments looking at the door as it disappeared before explaining what she saw. Things just didn't seem right about any of this. Twilight thought as she sat on her haunches rubbing her chin.

"Could it be that every bad memory came flooding back when he was stabbed?" Twilight said to no one in particular.

"It could. But I want to buck Brighteyes and Volley’s teeth in." Rainbow said still quite angry.

"Simmer down Dash. There's no way of doing that and you know it." Applejack said. The last door opened slowly with a creek.

"I think I should go in this one." Rarity said as she turned towards the door.

"Can I come too?" Pinkie said bouncing.

"I don't know if that’s possible Pinkie. But we can try." Rarity said stepping a hoof into the door Pinkie bounced in as Rarity started to bring her last leg in. The door closed behind them as the blackness of the room gave way to what looks like an art studio.

"What lovely pieces of work." Rarity said walking between each framed art.

"Oh it so colorful and pretty." Pinkie said bouncing from art to art. After the two got through a lot of it. They saw F.M. by a table working with a pencil in hoof. He was drawing something. Rarity trotted over, Pinkie more bounced over.

"What'cha drawing F.M?" Pinkie asked looking over his shoulder.

"Pinkie remember what Twilight and Dash said you can't interact with him." Rarity said. Pinkie stuck her neck through F.M. and looked at the drawing of a knight in armor.

"Oh it so metal-y." Pinkie said pulling her head back.

"Pinkie please don't do that again." Rarity said with a frown on her face.

"Why? It’s so fun. I feel like one of those ghosties I giggle at." Pinkie said jumping though F.M. like it was air. It wasn't long till a busting sound coming from the door in the far end of the room. Pinkie and Rarity turned to see two large stallions coming in.

"So this is where you're hiding." the first red stallion said with his jet black mane short and unkempt

"Uh. Hi. Pallet." F.M. said flinching.

"What do you think you’re doing?" Pallet had said to F.M. looking down at him and his drawing.

"Just drawing." F.M. said.

"Another one of your weak works of art?" The other brown coated stallion with a long darker brown mane said as he pointed to the other works on the wall. F.M. winced at his words.

"Oh come on Base. This work isn't weak." Pallet said as F.M. ears perked up at those words with some hope in his eye. "Yeah. You know as well as I do that his work isn't worth the paper it’s on." That look of hope dashed into pieces. Both Rarity and Pinkie looked at each other with a look of shock and sadness to their faces. Before they could say anything to each other Base walked over and held F.M. down as Pallet just grinned walking over to one of the walls of art.

"I think we should do the world a service and remove this art from ponies’ eyes. What do you think?" Base said grinning.

"I believe you're right." Pallet said as his horn glowed with a light green aura that is the same color as his eyes as each framed art floated from the wall.

"Please don't!" F.M. started to beg fighting to break free from Base's hold. But it was too late with one more glow of Pallet's horn the art fell to the floor and engulfed in fire. Pallet smiled as his magic started on another wall.

"Those brutes." Rarity said looking quite angry. Pinkie just simply watched not saying anything but her mane fell flat. Pallet walked over to a larger framed work. Rarity noticed it was the same Mare from before, Aria. Pinkie saw this too and turned to see F.M.'s eyes widen. Pallet magic started to envelop it. F.M. broke free from Base’s hold and ran over grabbing it. He took it holding on to it with dear life.

"No! Please do what you want with my other work but please. Leave this one alone!" F.M yelled and begged as tears started to flow from his cheeks more.

"Pathetic" Pallet said as his horn glowed as the rest of F.M.'s art burned to ashes but the one he held. "Let's get going Base." Pallet said as he headed to the door. Rarity's and Pinkie's heart went out for the crying F.M. as the room disappeared and everyone in it disappeared. The door shortly reappeared. Both Rarity and Pinkie exited without missing a beat they explained what happened in there as the blue gem door faded away to reveal another door behind it. This one was made out of wood but was cracked as if it was made from glass that someone sent a baseball into. Both Applejack and Rainbow looked quite angry at what they were told.

"Oh those..." Applejack said trotting back and forth trying to find the right words. Rainbow on the other hand didn't say a word but the look on her face said it all.

"Let's just go." Twilight said as she walked up and placed a hoof against the last door. This one didn't slide open but shattered a part. There was no opening this time. The wall started to crack like glass itself. The lines started to envelop the walls and ceiling. Once they covered it all, it shattered to show a larger room with F.M. tied up, wings and legs spread out. His wings had six spikes driving through them, three on each side, lines of blood seen around them. His forelegs were bound with hoof cuffs his legs where sunk into the wall with the stone over them. His eyes were open as it looked like he was crying tears of blood. But those blue eyes looked sunk back and dulled and his muzzle was mouthing something. Twilight knew what it was from the mouth movements.

"It's my fault." Twilight said.

"How is it your fault sugarcube?" Applejack said walking up.

"That’s what he's mouthing." Twilight said looking at him. Rainbow flew up to him.

"We need to get him out of there." Rainbow said then bit into one of the spikes. She flew back covering her mouth.

"I wouldn't do that." A voice said in the darkness.

"Who's there?" Twilight said as she lit her horn up and took stance.

"Oh just little old Me." said the figure standing on two legs as he phazed through the wall into the room.

"Who are you?" Applejack said as she took stance as well. Everypony else followed.

"What's in a name? But if you want to call me something call me..." the figure paused running his flamed hand a crossed his chin. "Shadow. I know it’s not really original but frankly I don't care." He said with a shrug.

"What have you done with F.M?" Rainbow said with a growl to his voice.

"I didn't do much. Someone else did this. Aria I think her name was." Shadow said with a grin.

"Well get out of our way. We are taking F.M. back with us." Rarity said.

"That I can't let you do. Because I'm going to need him right here." he said as he reached his hand into F.M.'s body causing him to scream out in pain. Everyone but Shadow looked shocked as he pulled out a large sword from F.M.'s body. The sword was larger than any long sword. The blade was as large as the one foot hilt. The handle came down to an amethyst crystal and pointed the blade at the girls. "Don't even think about making a move."

"Okay. That’s it!" Rainbow said flying at him punching him in the face was she flew by. Shadow recoiled from it and grabbed Rainbow's tail pulling her with a swing and forced her to collide with the wall. Rainbow fell to the floor and Shadow placed a foot on her chest pointing the sword right at Rainbow's neck.

"One move and Dashie here gets it." Shadow said as the tip of the sword nicks Rainbow's neck so a little bit of blood dripped out.

"You Monster!" Rarity said.

"Why thank you Rarity." Shadow said with a bow.

"How do you know our names?" Twilight said taking a small step forward. Shadow noticed this and places the tip closer to Dash's neck. Twilight stepped back.

"Because you've been undermining my work." He says as he held his free hand out. It started to glow a sickening purple as Twilight starts to float up into the air, the glow around her neck. She started to gasp for air. He then moved his arm swiftly and sent Twilight flying back. Applejack without a moment thought dashed up and bucked him off Rainbow. Rainbow flew up and sent him flying back. Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and started to fire pies at Shadow. Taking a few of them he started to swat them out of the air. This was enough time for Twilight to get back onto her hooves. Applejack making a dash towards Shadow got the flat end of the sword on a back swing which sent her into F.M.'s body breaking the restraint of the back left hoof. Fluttershy flew over and check on F.M. still hanging on the wall. Shadow turned to look at her and forgot to about everyone else. Dash nodded to Applejack who returned it. Applejack took off at a full gallop and Rainbow at full speed flight. They collided with Shadow. Rainbow kicking him in the face from the right and Applejack tackling him from the left. Pinkie jumped back and grabbed Twilight by the tail and pointed her at Shadow. She then started to rotate Twilights tail as beams of her magic shot out at rapid fire striking both Shadow and some of the restraints that currently was holding F.M. up. Shadow was on his knees after Pinkie stopped firing Twilight like a magical Gatling gun. The spots where Twilight’s magic had struck him smoking and the scent of burnt flesh coming from him.

"Do you give up?" Twilight said panting. Shadow didn't say anything as he looked right at Twilight then turned to see each of her friends. Applejack scraping her hoof at the ground reading to gallop at him again. Rainbow Dash glaring at him. Pinkie still holding Twilight by the neck and tail sweating. Rarity with her horn lit up and Fluttershy by F.M.'s body with only being held up by one Hoof cuff and the Spikes in his wings. He grins and before anyone could act he stabs F.M. in the chest with the sword and disappeared.

"F.M!" everypony shouted.

"Dash get the sword out of him. Fluttershy work on getting the spikes out. Rarity try and get the cuff off him." Twilight said using her magic to float herself up to him. Dash flew up and grabbed the handle of the sword and started to fly back with all the strength she could muster. With a wet sound and a splatter of blood Dash pulled the sword out and dropped it with a metallic clang. The spikes on the other hand were giving Fluttershy a hard time. With every inch she got out more blood started to flow. Fluttershy started to cry. This must be causing him so much pain she thought. The walls around them started to pulse with a thumb bump sound with a light tint of red every few seconds. Rarity horn lit up with an over glow as the click of the cuff can be auditable. The only thing holding up was two spikes in his left wing but with the sudden added weight it was too much for the wing as the spikes ripped right through it. He dropped with two large gaping wounds in his left wing. Twilight used her magic to support him and herself in the air.


Celestia and Luna were watching the white whisping magic that was protruding from Twilights horn carefully. It was attached to each of the Element barriers. That’s when it happened. The heart monitor let out this solid flat tone. Both of the royal sister's eyes widen.

"Oh no!" Celestia said getting up her horn lit up. She places it on F.M.'s chest letting out a spark into it. His body jumped up for a moment. The heart monitor let out a beep then returned to the same flat tone. Celestia did it again as two unicorn stallions busted into the room to see the princess doing what they were about to do. Luna froze in place.

"Luna help me." Celestia said. This was enough to snap the princess of the night out of her moment of shock. Her horn lit up as she ran her magic into the strains of magic that were starting to flicker. Her magic started to cover it, strengthening the already fleeting magic.

"Princess Celestia. What happened?" Said the brown coated stallion as he added his magic to the fray to jump start F.M.'s heart.

"His heart rate shot up for a few moments then returned to normal. Then after some time he flat lined." Celestia said. She lit up her horn again with a stronger charge. "You're not going to die on me." she said and with one more shock from both her and the brown coated stallion. His heart rate returned to normal. The second stallion's horn lit up as a lunar white glow surrounded the orange Alicorn in the bed. He closed his eyes to concentrate. Celestia looked him over with concern as his eyebrows furrowed sadly. The brown stallion turned to him.

"What is it Stronghorn?"

"It's hard to say but the magic in him is different. Than the previous scan."

"Different how?" Celestia said.

"It's weaker than it was before and not so split Princess." Stronghorn said. Celestia looked over to Luna who still was still using her magic to keep the connection stable.

"Please Twilight. Hurry up." Luna said under her breath.


Twilight Sparkle had caught all her friends when the world around them shattered. Small drips of blood protruded from her nose as she held on tight with every ounce of her magic. With a sound of a buzz the darkness that surrounded them turned into the familiar library corridor that was normally known for F.M. mind. But covered in a dark shadow.

"Fluttershy is there anything you can do to heal him?" Applejack said.

"Not without medical equipment." Fluttershy said as she held the cuts in his wing together.

"Maybe I can help." Said a growling voice from behind the seven ponies. They turned to see the dragon. Fluttershy jumped and flew behind Pinkie. Rarity fainted with an over exasperated fainting voices that either a drama queen or a new performer to the stage would use. Rainbow and Applejack stood in front of everypony ready to fight if they have to. Pinkie Pie just bounced.

"Hiya." Pinkie said waving to the dragon.

"Hello Pinkie" The dragon said waving back.

"You want to help him?" Twilight said as she collapse on the ground next to F.M.

"Yes. Please move away from him." The dragon said simply.

"Why should we?" Rainbow said getting in the dragon's face.

"Who said you’re not going to just finish him off?" Applejack said still ready to fight.

"Because I enjoy it here. Why would I kill him and lose this place?" The dragon said flatly.

"Please... Everypony. Let him help." Fluttershy said slowly looking out from behind Pinkie.

"Yes! Let him help." Pinkie said bouncing out of the way. Everyone looked at Pinkie then back at the dragon. They nodded quietly and stepped away. Fluttershy flew up to the dragon and looked directly into his eyes.

"You hurt him. I hurt you." Fluttershy said completely out of her normal character. The dragon nodded quietly and breathed an emerald green flame as it started to surround F.M.'s body. His body started to glow the same emerald green as the flames. As the flames started to sink into his body, a flash of light and F.M.'s body is completely healed. He still laid there not moving at all except his chest rising and falling as he breathed.

"Mr. Dragon?" Twilight said stepping closer to the over sized reptile.

"Yes Twilight?" he replied.

"Will he be alright?" She said still showing the worry she had on her face.

"He will be fine physically but mentally. I cannot say." He said looking at F.M. quietly. "Do me a favor. I know I don't have a right to ask for one but. Please take care of him." He said then turned walking into the shadows that covered the corridor. Not even his steps could be heard as soon as the image of him faded away.

"I will." Twilight said looking back at F.M. as she felt her magic start to waver completely as the beginning of a throbbing headache started. She lit up her horn as everyone disappeared but F.M. who started to stir quietly.


The wisps of white magic broke as Twilight collapsed to her knees on the bed with F.M.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Celestia said keeping her horn lit with magic. Twilight still uneasy on her hooves tried to step down from the bed but fell over breathing hard. Rainbow flew over in time to catch her.

"She taxed her magic Princess." Rarity said coming over and helped Rainbow get Twilight to the small sofa in the room. Celestia let out the breath she held after F.M.'s flat line. It was then a moan was heard from the orange alicorn in the room.

"What... Happened?" he said in his raspy voice, licking his dry lips. Luna floated over a glass of water with a straw in it. F.M. slowly drank from the glass as his parched throat subsided.

"I need to apologize to you F.M. It's my fault you're here." Luna started to say as F.M.'s eyes shot wide.

"No Luna It's not." He said sitting up and twinge at a pain in his chest.

"F.M. please be careful you need to relax." Celestia said coming over.

"Yes you need to relax. You did lose a lot of blood both mentally and physically." Fluttershy said. F.M. sighed quietly as the tears started to flow out of his eyes. He laid back staring out the window.

"F.M?" Twilight said coming too. He looked over to see Twilight lying on the sofa.

"Sorry." He said as his gaze turned back to the window.

"F.M?" Applejack came closer to the bed. He closed his eyes.


"It will be alright sugarcube." Applejack said putting a hoof on his shoulder. F.M.'s tears started to flow more.

"Can everypony give me a few moments alone with him?" Luna asked looking down. The others nodded quietly and left. Celestia hung by the door a bit longer before leaving, closing it behind her.

"I'm sorry F.M."

"It's not your fault Luna. It's mine. I was the one that froze."

"It was because of Aria wasn't it?" F.M. was silent. Not looking at Luna. "Can I inquire about something?"

"The laughing right?" he said not looking at her.

"Yes." Luna said. He closed my eyes and was silent for a few moments before opening his mouth and sat up.

"I'm not the most stable of... Ponies." he said pausing to make sure he said the right word. "From there wording you had Twilight and her friends enter my head."

"Pinkie was the one to bring it up and they went in to get you out." Luna said not looking at him.

"Why am I not surprised?" He said ending with a sigh. "I won't tell you what they saw. Because I can't tell which memories they saw or not. But that is beside the point. The reason I laughed like that was simple. I snapped. After seeing Aria, then being stabbed. I..."

"You don't need to say more." Luna said stopping him. He nodded quietly.

"Twilight could you please come in as well as you Rarity." F.M. said turning towards to door. The door slowly opened as Twilight with a face that said clearly guilty. Rarity on the other hand hiding it better than Twilight but still easily read on her face.

"Yes?" the two said.

"What memories did all of you see?" He said. Twilight and Rarity looked at each other and bit their lips. Then looked over to Luna. "Let me guess. That night was one of them?" He said looking at Twilight. Rarity looking confused at his wording.

"That night?" Rarity asked.

"When Aria died." He said flatly. Twilight nodded quietly. F.M. slowly let a breath in and then slowly out.

"And the studio." Rarity said.

"You need to clarify a bit more Rarity." he said.

"The one where those two brutes burned your work and you holding that painting of Aria." Rarity said


"And the two mares picking on you at lunch in school" Rainbow said at the door. F.M. sighed quietly.

"One of them." He said under his breath. The four of them looked worried as Dash entered the room.

"Look if it makes you feel better. If we could we would have done whatever we could to help." Twilight said before she was cut off with.

"Twilight stop." F.M. said. Twilight bit her lip. "What’s done is done. There is no changing it. Especially since it wasn't in this world and as far as I know time travel is not possible. But let me give you some context to two of those memories. The school one first. Throughout my time in school I was always the one picked on. I ended up being a bit of a loner. I kind of still am." He said turning to look out of the window again. "The one I’m going to guess involved Volley and Brighteyes correct?"

"Yes." Rainbow said.

"Those two were the ones that picked on me the most. Getting my hopes up and dashed them to pieces." He said. "It wasn't long after that when I didn't feel like my feelings should matter honestly and as for the other one. It took place two years after Aria's death. I closed myself in all the time. Rarely going out to do anything unless I was forced. The only thing I could do that felt... Right to do was drawing. The first drawing I did was one of Aria."

"And then those brutes burned down all your lovely work." Rarity said.

"It wasn't lovely Rarity. It wasn't even ok. They were right. There weren't worth the paper they were on." He said as he closed his eyes. There was a silence in the room that was almost deafening. Twilight climbed up to the bed and hugged him as tears flowed from her closed eyes.

"What's wrong Twilight?" he said hugging her back."

"I'm sorry for so much to happen to you." Twilight said.

"We all are." Rarity chimed in.

"But hey look up. You have some of the most awesome ponies in Equestria as friends." Rainbow said grinning as she flew above the bed.

"Don't forget the most loyal of friends there Rainbow." Applejack said coming in.

"And when you’re down. We'll make you all happy!" Pinkie said appearing from under the bed.

"Pinkie's right." Fluttershy said coming in with Celestia, who had a smile on her face, behind her.

"Regardless if it's daytime or night. Your friends will always be here." Luna said coming over to the bed. Twilight released her hug and looked at F.M. He smiled gently down at Twilight. Then he placed a hoof over his mouth and yawned.

"I think we should let him get some sleep." Rarity said. The rest of them agreed. Twilight hopped off the bed and looked at him.

"Is there anything I could get you before we go?" Twilight asked.

"Could you get that dragon book and the blanket Fluttershy made me please?" F.M. requested. Twilight smiled.

"Well make sure you get them." She said before leaving. F.M. sighed quietly and looked back out the window.


"So how are you feeling?" Twilight said looking at me. Honestly I was still dealing with a massive headache and I felt different. Not like funny different but just... different.

"I'm alright." I said after I floated the book over to me.

"Are you sure?" She said looking at me.


"If you’re sure." Twilight said sitting in the chair next to the bed. "I'm glad to see your getting better with your magic." She said pointing to my horn.

"You’re not the only one." I replied with a smile. Honestly I like moments like this. After being stuck in Luna's private hospital room the only one to really visit me besides Luna was Twilight and Spike. I can understand Celestia being busy with running Equestria. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie pie having work. Fluttershy had her animals to look after.

"Hey Spike do you think you could do me a favor?" I asked the little purple Dragon.

"What is it?" Spike said looking up from his bowl of gems that he brought with him.

"Could you get me some water?" I asked.

"Sure." Spike said with a shrug and hopped down and left. I turned to Twilight.

"Hey Twilight."

"Yes?" Twilight said looking at me.

"I have a question about magic."

"What is it?" She said looking at me.

"Is magic supposed to feel warm when you use it?" I asked. Twilight put a hoof to her chin and thought for a few moments.

"Well it's possible. I think every ponies’ magic is different. My magic feels a little cold like a starry night’s sky." She said as she lit up her horn.

"I see." I replied letting my horn glow as well. I stared at the fire shape my magic took.

"Hey what is with your magic anyway?" Twilight said looking at my horn.

"What do you mean?" I asked already knowing she was talking about it.

"The glow from your horn. It's different."

"Like Fire?" I added.

"Exactly." She said. I flipped to the chapter about Dricorns and floated the book over to her.

"Here read this." I said. Twilight started to read the passage. She stopped and looked at my horn then back to the book. She did this a few times.

"Does that mean?" Twilight ask.

"Yes. I think a Drony." I said.

"A Drony?" Spike said coming back in.

"A byproduct of a Dragon and Pony." Twilight said as Spike held the cup up for me. I covered it with my magic and lifted it up to me.

"So he's not completely a pony?" Spike asked.

"Well he is at least half pony." Twilight said.

"And half dragon." I added. Spike looked at me and put his claw to his chin.

"But So far I don't follow an Earth Drony or Dricorn besides how my magic looks." I said pointing to my horn and flapped my wing.

"What about the Pegasi equivalent?" Twilight said.

"What?" I asked as my brain just kind of flat lined on me for a moment.

"The Pegasi equivalent. The Dragasi." Twilight said. I blanked. I don't think I got to that part.

"Um... I didn't read that part yet." I said rubbing the back of my head with a hoof. Twilight floated the book over.

"A Dragasi being the natural flyers they can fly with the same speed as any Pegasi. But their threshold for speed is slightly higher than a normal Pegasi without special training. The easiest way to tell if a Pegasi is really a Dragasi is by their wings. The tops of their wings have scales on them closer to the leathery texture to those of bat wings. As well as their feathers are longer compared to normal Pegasi. Dragasi whose parent of the fire variety can walk and fly through flames without being burned or harmed. As for the lightning kind they can take lightning directly and expel it from them thought their wings." Twilight recited from the book.

"That’s would answer some of my questions like how fire didn't kill me from crash landing in a fireball and the ability to breath fire." I said breathing a bit out. Spike watched.

"Yeah but mine is cooler." Spike said with a smile.

"I didn't see that one coming." A voice said from the door. Standing there was a white unicorn stallion with two toned blue mane and tail. The shield with a star on it cutie mark quite easily seen.

"Shining!" Twilight said hopping off the chair and over to the pony. I stayed quiet.

"Hey Twily." Shinning said. "It's been a long time."

"Indeed it has B.B.B.F.F." Twilight said smiling giving this pony a hug. "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh Princess Celestia said she wanted me to keep guard for F.M. here." Shining said.

"Oh right. You haven't met him yet." Twilight said leading Shining over.

"Shining, this is F.M." Twilight said with a smile. "And F.M. this is Shinning Armor my big brother." Shining Armor held out his hoof towards me. I gently extending mine and we shook hoofs.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. F.M." He said. I smiled gently.

"Please F.M. will do."

"Alright F.M." Shining said with a smile. "So how's Twily treating you?" He said with a smirk.

"Treating me?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh come on seriously. You’re all I hear about in her letters of late and you haven't done anything." He said exasperated sigh.

"Shining. My personal life is none of his business." Twilight said shooting daggers from her eyes at him. What the hell am I missing here? Really it just went from greeting to freaking awkward in a nanosecond.

"Oh come on little sis. I'm just playing with you." Shinning said with a smirk. Oh... It was a joke.

"That wasn't funny. After what F.M. has gone though that was low." Twilight scold.

"It's fine Twilight." I said as she snapped her head at me with a look that said, what?

"But F.M." Twilight said.

"It's fine. Like I said before what has happened, has happened. There’s no changing it and what's the harm in a little joke here and there." I said with a smile. Twilight stopped and looked at me a bit dumbfounding. "What?"

"F.M. no pony should make fun of what you had to go through." Twilight said. Damn it she missed the point of my comment.

"Twilight its ok. It won't be anything new to me."

"Ok. Can somepony fill me in because I lost?" Shinning said. Twilight looked at each other then turned to Shinning.

"I've had a lot of... Ponies make fun and bully me when I was younger. Kind of the same sad story you see a thousand times over." I said shrug.

"I see..." Shinning said.

"F.M. there’s more to it than that and you know it." Twilight said looking at me.

"Yes I do because I lived it." I said then took a sip of my water.

"Are you sure you two aren’t seeing each other?" Shining asked looking at each other.

"Shining!" Twilight said exasperated. I covered my mouth with a hoof trying to keep my smile from showing. This was funny. Well not really funny but moments like this is what I want to enjoy. Just a group of ponies talking and making jokes. Just having a good time. I didn't realize that I started to space till both Shinning and Twilight was staring at me.

"What?" I said looking at them.

"You alright?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because your hair is on fire." Shinning said pointing a hoof at me.

"What?" I said blanking. It didn't click till I looked at the hair and saw it was indeed on fire. Acting fast I dumped my glass of water on my head as it returned to normal. It was then when I noticed my horn was glowing without my doing. The glow from it my horn started to intensify and an overflow shot around my horn.

"F.M. what are you doing?" Twilight said backing away pulling spike with her.

"I'm not doing this. It's doing it on its own." I started to say panicking. What was this happening? As another level of overflow started to appear. Shining stepped in front of his sister and Spike. Covering them with a magical bubble.

"Twily. Spike. Get down." He said as another level covered and within a blink of an eye. I found myself somewhere other than the hospital room.


I stood there in the darkness. The cold shiver starting to run through me as a wind blew through that darkness.

"Hello" A gravelly voice said in the dark. My gaze rushed around to find the source of that voice and that’s when I saw them. Those glowing blue eyes. The serpent style eyes. Those blue eyes that could pierce me like a molten spear. That would burn every inch it plunged deep within. The eyes started to shoot a questioning look. "Hello? Are you alright?" That gravelly voice said again.

"H... hi." I said stammering like an idiot.

"Ah. So you are awake. Good thing. For a moment I thought you had brain damage." The voice said with a chuckle.

"Hey!" I said feeling insulted.

"Oh calm down. I'm only kidding. We are all Dronies here." He said. My eyes shot wide at that comment. Dronies. There are other Dronies? All I I've seen in Ponyville where normal ponies. Not even one that I could remember with the description from that book.

"Dronies?" I said questioning.

"Oh so you’re not aware what a Drony is. Here let me explain." He started to say.

"Before you start. Can you please turn on a light?" I said interrupting.

"Oh right. I keep forgetting that some Dronies can't see in the dark." He said as his horn started to spark like a Tesla coil. The room lit up to show that we were in a large metallic box like room with a blue platform that I seemed to be standing on. The door to the room reminded me of a submarine door. Turning wheel lock and everything. The Drony in front of me had a dark purple coat with 4 blue claw like marking two on each side of his face. His horn had the same blue scaliness to it. His long dark blue mane was brushed back though there was enough protruding out that reminded me of a singer from home. I couldn't remember his name but something about a hound dog from one of his songs was what I could remember of the guy. The stallion Drony in front of me blinked a few times before his eye took a more normal looking eye. Like a ponies eye. Then it dawned on me I never did introduce myself.

"Ah. Hi. My name is F.M." I said holding a hoof out to shake. The other Drony came up with both of his forehooves and shook my hoof vigorously.

"Hello Mr. F.M. my name is Gem Finder or Gem for short." He said then let go. My hoof comically stayed shaking in the air for a moment when Gem reached out and stopped it.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Gem Finder and please F.M. I'm not much for formalities like that." I said rubbing the back of his head.

"That’s alright and likewise for me. Gem will do just fine. Here let me take you to the others." Gem said heading towards the door.

"Others?" I questioned with raised eyebrow.

"Yeah the other Dronies here at Hoofguard." Gem said stopping and turning towards me.

"Not to be rude but can I please be told Why did my horn just suddenly teleport me to the middle of nowhere? Most likely scaring the hell out of my friends since I spent the last few days in a hospital room from getting pierced in the chest from a sword." I said as my voice starting to get louder as I went on.

"Oh. I'm dreadfully sorry about that F.M. we didn't know any of that happened. Hell we didn't know you where here in Equestria till a day ago." Gem said looking apologetic.

"Can you please send me back so I can make sure my friends are fine and they know I'm fine?" I said sitting on my rump. Gem didn't look at me and rubbed the back of his head.

"I can't do that. I don't know the returning spell."

"Wait... You brought me here without knowing the spell to send me back?!" I asked well more yelled as an orange tint started to fill the room.

"Hold on a moment F.M. It wasn't my call. Clawshot told me to bring you in and he's the mayor here so." Gem said looking at me. This was bullshit. I get dragged away from my friends to a place I don't really know because some pony... No a Drony told another to do it. This was bullshit.

"I want to see this Clawshot" I said in a very calm tone. Oh my hair was still fire itself but my face and voice gave a very unnerving calm demeanor. I can tell Gem noticed it. He gulped quietly with a hint of fear to his look.

"This way." He said leading the way. We traveled down a maze of metal corridors. I didn't say a word but every so often I saw another Drony look at me. Passing cells and doors. It took us ten minutes till I was lead into a large room. A chair sitting on top of a pile of scrap metal with a throne placed on top and stairs leading down from it. There stood a black as night coated earth Drony. His white claws and equally white eyes a straight contrast. The normally whites of his eyes had a very light. blue tint to them. His mane was an ivory white as well. He got down from his seat and trotted down to me. This body language said he was the leader. Each step felt like it was a cold calculated movement and it annoyed me. Not for the face of his movements but that he must have did the same calculative choice that brought me here.

"Hello F.M." The Drony I could guess was Clawshot.

"I'm going to assume your Clawshot." I said as the orange tint took a more reddish color.

"Yes I am and I can tell you’re quite angry with me." He said in a very calm almost soothing tone. Almost like a male version of Fluttershy.

"You would be correct. After being forcefully teleported from a hospital room where I was recovering from being stabbed in the chest with a sword." I said taking a few steps closer. "Also in the process of being teleported I ended up scaring my friends. I want to be returned back to make sure they're ok and they know I'm ok." I demanded.

"You will be returned once you’re done here." Clawshot said. My left eyebrow twitched a moment.

"And what exactly am I doing here." I said. If it wasn't something I like I'm going to make sure they never forget my answer.

"First Mr. F.M." he started to say.

"F.M. no Mister." I said interrupting him.

"Right. F.M. the reason I had you brought here is because you’re the first Dralicorn in almost twelve hundred years." Clawshot said. Great I was brought here because I'm something I didn't even get to read about yet in that book.

"You're going to have to explain what that means. Because frankly. I don't know." I said standing perfectly still making sure my gaze was not away from Clawshot for a moment. He looked at me for a moment and nodded. This annoyed me even more.

"I'm not surprised. Not a lot of Dronies or Ponies ascend like you have. To put it bluntly. You are the Drony version of Princess Celestia and Luna. You hold as much magical power at ether one of them. But since you haven't gone through your storm yet. You don't have the ability to tap into it." He said walking back and forth. My eyes watching him.

"My Storm?" I questioned.

"That is a moment when a pony’s natural fight or flight measure are taken to a new level. It is possible to be triggered through emotional stress. But in doing so you will be transformed into a more dragon like state, like this." He said as he exploded in light. Standing in front of me was an Ivory white scaled cover pony. His claws were still there, now black. Eyes still were as white as they were but the blacks were now as black as his coat was. His normally short Ivory white tail was now replaced with a reptile tail. Closer to Spike’s in style including the finned scales that lead up his back to his now pitch black mane. Which was now longer and more unkempt in style and moved on its own. Like that of Celestia's and Luna's hair. The red tint that filled the room was gone and replaced with an aetherial white tint coming from Clawshot. I was stuck in awe of him as I sat back on my flank.

"So... I'll transform into that?" I said pointing at him. It was then I noticed his cutie mark. It was a black bow and dark gray claw marks behind it.

"You will be close to this but I can't say completely for sure since you haven't gone through your storm yet. This is why I brought you here to tell and warn you about it. When your Storm starts you will lose all control over your body. You will need someone help you through it. I can't give you the details of how. It's different with each storm." He said stepping closer to me and placed his clawed hoof on my shoulder. I felt a warmth coming from his hoof, a very calming warmth. Almost a big brotherly warm. I looked down quietly. How could I ask my friend to help me when they have gone through so much to help me as it is?

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"About what?" Clawshot asked.

"I don't know about all this. From what you said I'm going to need my friends help with this but they have helped me so much already. I don't think I could ask them with something like this. It seems... Selfish to me." I said.

"Look F.M. I can tell you’re worried about this. But I can feel a fire within and your Storm is to help you find what you need. What you have to do to make sure you can go through it. I know I don't have the right to ask for this but you have to trust me on this. Your friends will help you. Like mine did." ClawShot said as Gem stepped up to him. He then turned to Gem and nodded. Gem returned that nod as his horn glowed.

"What is he do..." I got out before a flash of light returned me to the room above the floor. I fell to the floor with a thud. "ing." I said with a grumble. So Gem lied to me about returning me. I'm guessing Clawshot told him to make sure I didn't return home after he informed me about the whole Dralicorn. I got up onto my hooves and walked to the door. I would have opened it before it got opened on me slamming into my face sending me back onto my back.

"I found him" I familiar Rainbow Dash sounding voice said. "You alright F.M." She asked. I replied in my dazed state.

"No Dashie I don't want to ride the Choo-Choo train" I said before my head hit the floor and everything went dark again.


"Hey everypony I think he's coming around." I heard from the darkness. It didn't take me long to open my eyes and get assaulted with the blinding light.

"AH!" I said shutting my eyes covering my face with my hooves. It took me a few moments for my eyes to get use to the light again. Blinking it all way. A very Twilight colored blob was right up in my face. This caused me to jump.

"Calm down it's only me." The Twilight blob said.

"Uh Twi you may want to get out of his face like that." A very Applejack sounding voice I heard to see and equally orange and blond blob a bit away.

"Yeah Twilight." A Rainbow Dash voice said.

"It would be nice if I could see you all without somepony making it all blurry." I said shaking my head.

"Dash I think you hit him a little too hard with that door." Applejack said.

"Hey it's not my fault he was so close to it." Dash said defensively.

"Here let me see if this can help." Twilight said as I could hear her magic as everything went into focus then invert in color. My left eye twitched. I draw the line at a radioactive looking Pinkie Pie. This is a level of messed up that broke the What the Fuck o' meter. Don't even get me started on Twilight. I closed my eyes so I didn't get accosted from the site of this.

"Twilight. It didn't work. I can see things in focus but you’re all inverted in color." I said turning towards the last place I saw her.

"Really? Here let me try this." She said as another sound of magic. I opened my eyes. It was in focus which was good and everything was rightfully colored.

"Better?" Twilight asked. I nodded. "Good. Now where in Celestia did you go?" Twilight said getting in my face.

"Eep." I said in an almost Fluttershy tone.

"Twilight. You need to calm down." Rarity said as I looked around for Celestia and Luna. Of course neither one of them were here.

"Before I start talking about where I went. Please get both Princess Celestia and Luna here." I said as I floated a cup of water over to me.

"Spike take a letter." Twilight said turning to the little dragon sitting on the chair. Pulling out a quill, ink, and paper out of nowhere. I've got to ask how they do that.

"Alright." Spike said getting ready to write. Twilight looked at me as she spoke.

"Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, F.M. has requested an audience with the both of you as soon as your earliest conveniences. Signed Twilight Sparkle." She recited. Spike quickly wrote it down.

"There." He said as he put in the last dot that I could guess.

"Go ahead and send it." Twilight said as I got off the bed. Spike opened up one of the windows and blow emerald green flames that burned the paper into a wisp of magical smoke that flew out the window. "Where do you think you’re going?" Twilight said turning to me. I turned around and looked at her.

"I'm heading back to the Castle." I said with a matter of fact tone to my voice.

"Oh no you’re not. You’re injured and need to rest." Twilight said.

"I agree with Twilight here F.M. You should really take it easy. You don't look so stable on your hooves." Applejack said I turned to Rainbow figuring that she has something to add as well.

"What? I'm with you on this one. You've been in the hospital far too many times. Hell I was bored just sitting here with you." Dash said. Gee thanks there Rainbow. That made me feel all sorts of better. I reached out with my magic and opened the door. Of course as soon as I got it opened it slammed on me and it locked with an audible click. I turned and looked at Twilight her horn glowing.

"I told you, you’re not going anywhere." She said scowling at me. I really didn't like being in the hospital anymore so I walked up to her. Getting really close to her face. She shrank back a bit but didn't release the glow on her horn.

"Twilight listen carefully." I started with a whisper that I made sure that only she and I could hear. "You will release that door and let me walk to the Castle. Because one, If the princesses can't leave the castle but is willing to meet me. I'll be there already to save time. Two, I'm quite tired of being in the hospital. Since I have spent half of my time in Equestria in the hospital. And Three..." I started to trail off getting Twilight to pay real close attention. I smirked and blindsided her with a kiss. Her eyes shot wide and her horn's glow stopped with a pop. I heard the door unlock. I used my magic and opened the door and booked it before anypony could stop me.


It was about an hour before Rainbow caught up with me after I left the hospital. The bill I found out was covered by Princess Luna. I was going to talk to her about it later.

"What did you do to Twilight to make her release the door like that?" Rainbow asked me for the fourth time.

"Oh just a little sneak attack." I said with a grin. Rainbow grinned and agreed to lead the way. We avoided the main road so Twilight wouldn't find me and drag me back to the hospital. Honesty I felt fine... Ok I lied. I still had a massive headache from the use of my magic but damn it. I have to get better at it somehow. We were a mile away when I heard it.

"There over here." A male voice said from behind us. Crap they found me. Wait... Who found me? I chanced a glance to find two castle guards chasing us with a very angry looking Twilight Sparkle. I yelped in surprise, ran pass Dash, and took the quickest turn. Of course the dumbass that I was, it took me right to an overlook and a very steep ledge. I turned to see the two guards and Twilight at the entry I used to get here. I gulped. Twilight looked scary and not like surprised scary but psycho scary. Her mane was splitting at ends. She had a very creepy grin. I was totally fucked. I started to panic. My eye started to dart around looking for a way out of this, really hoping the ledge wasn't my only way out.

"There you are. Now be a good pony and go back to the hospital." Twilight said in a very creepy calm way. I reached out with my magic for anything, but had nothing really to focus on. I just started to beg my magic in my head to take me to the palace. I suddenly felt a pain shoot through my head. It was small at first but it started to come in more and more. Like if someone turned to a radio station with static and every second raised the volume in someone’s headphones up. Then turn that into pain. I felt something run down my nose and a drip sound could be heard. I looked at the guards and Twilight. Within a blink of an eye I found myself in front of Celestia and Luna looking quite shocked at me. I stood there shaking. My legs started to give way and I collapsed to my knees.

"F.M! Are you alright?" Celestia said looking at me.

"Yeah just fine." I said as I got my hoof up to my nose. I wiped it a bit and pulled away finding red smeared on my hoof.

"You've over taxed your magic." Luna said next to me. "We need to get you checked out."

"Please just not the Hospital." I said as Luna helped me to my hooves.

"How come?" Celestia asked.

"I just need to be somewhere other than the hospital. I've been in it half the time I've been in Equestria. I just need to be somewhere else." I said I finally was stable enough to be on my hooves.

"Then we will get the doctor to come here. I'm surprised Twilight Sparkle isn't with you." Luna said. I shuttered at her name.

"What's wrong F.M?" Celestia asked. I started to explain what happened when I came to from being nailed in the head with a door as they guided me to the room they had set up for me.

"That's about it." I finished.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why did you kiss Twilight?" Celestia inquired.

"Well I knew it would catch her off guard and I was hoping that would cause her to lose her hold on her magic. Which I was correct thankfully." I said. Ok granted I liked the kiss too and found it surprising myself that I could go through with it.

"You sure you didn't just want to do it because you like Twilight?" Celestia asked with a smirk. Honestly I didn't put much thought about it at the time. Did I like Twilight like that? She was kind of cute and all. But that look on her face from the overlook. It just gives me shivers. I must have spaced.

"F.M. are you alright?" Celestia asked with a worried look on her face. The same look Luna next to her was giving me. It was then I noticed the steaming cup in front of me on the table.

"Oh sorry. Just playing with a thought in my head." I said lamely.

"I see. So what did you want to talk about?" Celestia said looking at me seriously. I took a sip of what I could guess was tea. It was a little bitter like green tea. I set my glass down and started to explain what happened earlier in the day all the way up to Dash clocking me with the door. A small twinge of pain shot through my head remembering that.

"Are you sure his name was Clawshot?" Luna asked. I nodded.

"That's what he said" I answered then took another sip.

"Well that does fill in more about you physically and magically. But that still leaves this Storm you have to partake in. Are you sure you remembered everything he said about it?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah. He didn't quite explain what happens. Just that I won't be able to control my body. Which honestly scares the hell out of me." I said with a shiver. Of course it wasn't a moment later when Twilight burst through the door and looked right at me. Thinking fast I dived right into the bathroom, shut the door and locked it. I leaned against it shaking. Oh please tell me she calmed down and wasn't going to kill me. For the love of all things holy please give me this.

"Twilight." Celestia started. "You need to calm down."

"But princess he left the hospital without being fully healed." Twilight started to rebuttal.

"That is true and I wish he stayed longer. But you need to take his feelings into account Twilight." Celestia said. A small bump sound could be heard before Twilight said.

"You’re right Princess." she said in a depressed tone.

"It's quite alright my faithful student. You were worried about his health and safety." Celestia said as a flap of her wing could be heard. I guessed she put a wing around Twilight to comfort her. "You can come out F.M." Celestia said as the door unlocked behind me. I slowly peeked my head out of the door to see Twilight next to Celestia being covered around her back by a wing.

"Sorry for not taking your feelings into account F.M." Twilight said not looking at me. I couldn't blame her after being chased to that look out and all.

"And I'm sorry I did what I did to escape like that." I said with a blush turning my head away. But had enough time to see the blush on Twilight's cheeks. There was a few moments of awkward silence. Later when everyone else entered, Applejack was carrying a basket full of something. She came up to the table and placed the basket on it.

"I see you’re alright." Applejack said.

"Yeah. You just disappeared on me after that turn." Dash said looking right at me. I ducked my head a bit.

"Sorry." I said as Fluttershy flew over to me with the quilted blanket. She wrapped it around me gently. I turned to her and thanked her. She gave me a gentle smile and sat down at the table. As soon as everyone was seated I repeated what I told Celestia and Luna. Everyone was silent after I finished. I figure they needed it to sink in a bit. I started to drink the cider Applejack passed out as I talked.

"So you’re telling me that you’re some kind of prince then? If you’re just like the princesses here. Honestly I don't by it." Applejack said. Wait... What?

"Well technically he would be considered a prince by our bylaws." Celestia said.

"So F.M. here is a prince then?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes and no." Luna said. "He technically has to go through the coordination.

"No." I said stopping this now.

"Why?" Twilight said.

"Very simple. One, I'm not from here. Two, I haven't even earned that right. And three, since I'm not really into the formalities of mister. How much do you think I would be about prince?" I pointed out.

"He does have a point." Celestia said.

"Oh but think about it. Being a prince here you could do whatever you want. You could have anypony you want and they would become your bride and a princess." Rarity said with stars in her eyes. Why does that look give me the creeps?

"Rarity!" Applejack said which snapped Rarity out of her daydream.

"Oh sorry I get too caught in the moment at times." Rarity apologized. I could tell. I think everypony here could tell.

"How about this. We put the whole prince thing on the back burner for now and address the Storm issue." Twilight said.

"Alright." I said.

"So how do we trigger this Storm of yours?" Twilight said.

"Well he did say when my fight or flight kicks in. That or moments of high induced stress"

"That’s it. We just got to get you flying then" Dash said flying up into the air.

"No." I said ducking.

"Oh come on. You would be getting the best flyer in Equestria to teach you." Dash said.

"She does have a point." Twilight said.

"You two forgot his fear of heights didn't you?" Applejack said with a hoof on her forehead.

"He'll get over it as soon as he sees how awesome flying is. Right Flutters?" Dash said as she turned her head to Fluttershy who eeped and hide behind her mane.

"Look. Why don't I sleep on it and get back to you?" I suggested. Granted I didn't want to fly. Oh god I didn't want to fly. Just thinking about being several hundred feet in the air scares the crap out of me.

"Alright." Rainbow Dash said with a huff.

"Why don't we let him relax? He hasn't really gotten a restful night sleep in a while." Rarity said. The rest of them agreed. Did I even really get a say in this?

"I hope you get a good night’s rest." Applejack said. The rest of them bid their ado, all but Twilight, who stayed behind. She had a look on her face that just screams. I have something on my mind.

"So what's on your mind?" I said looking at her. She started to blush and didn't say anything. It was few minutes before she did speak.

"Can I show you something?" Twilight said.

"Uh. Sure." I said. She got up and led the way out of the castle. I followed, of course, right to the over look. This place was quite nice. Now that I got to really look at it without a purple crazed unicorn chasing me. The ledge had a guard rail that looked like a white ivory stone in the shape of little hearts. It was kind of cute. The flowers really did add to the look of this place. Roses and tulips in all sorts of colors placed around in little planters and pots. Twilight and I sat down on one of the benches that didn't have a back to it. We stared out at the sunset. We just sat there looking out at the orange sky that faded into a hint of blue. The sun slowly peering out of the edge of the distance.

"So F.M." Twilight started. "Can I ask you a question?" Ok technically she did just ask one but I really didn't want to see angry Twilight for a long time.

"Go ahead." I said.

"Why did you kiss me back there?" She said as a blush started to fill her cheeks again. I know I had one because I could feel the warm hit it right away from her asking.

"Well..." I said trying to find the right words in my head. "Two reasons honestly. I wanted you to release the door so I could go." I said. I saw the crest falling look Twilight dawned after I said that.

"And the other?" Twilight said. This is where I shot myself in the foot. Well hoof but screw it. Now that I thought about it. It was true.

"Because I wanted to." I said as I felt the warmth in my cheeks get hotter.

"But why?" She asked and bang there’s the shot.

"Because... I think you’re cute." I mumbled the last part.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I think you’re cute." I said mumbling a little louder.

"I didn't quite catch that." She stated leaning it. People tell me she wasn't playing with me and was being serious. But I did need to be said. I took in a breath and blurted out.

"Because I think you’re cute." I said real fast as I know my cheeks where pure red at this point. My gaze was down to my hooves as I gently fiddled with them. Mainly tapping them against each other. Twilight didn't say anything. Not a word, not a sound, just nothing. I had a feeling this was bad. I chanced a glance up at Twilight as her face was as red as I was. You could compare her face to a tomato at how red it was. I never was good at reading people in the romantic sense. But I could read awkward from a mile away and I just dropped the awkward bomb all over this place.

"I never had anypony think I was cute." Twilight said quietly. I turned to Twilight a little surprised.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Well every pony that I tried always found me an Egghead or a geek." She said gently scratching at the ground with her hoof. "So instead of worrying about that I dug myself into my studies more than before. Putting any kind of dating aside. Now don't get me wrong I have tried dating since I got to Ponyville but..."

"It didn't quite work out?" I questionly finished.

"Yeah..." She said as a note of depression struck her voice.

"Look Twilight. I do like you." I said to her.

"Really?" she said looking at me. I gave a warming smile.

"Yes really. Granted you probably read more than I do. Which I'm not saying that’s a bad thing." I said still with a smile. She raised an eyebrow. "As for being an Egghead or Geek. If that’s what people... Err... Ponies see you as then let them. Just know who you are here." I said pointing to where I could guess her heart was. "And that is all that matters." I said smiling. She smiled back and gave me a hug. It felt nice and I returned it. A small tear ran down my cheek as I continued to hold her. It dripped onto Twilight's mane as more started to come out.

"F.M?" Twilight said looking up at me. I was crying. "What's wrong?" She said looking worried at me. What was wrong with me? Why did I just start crying like that? Was it because this was the kind of advice I wish I heard when I was younger? That or because knowing the right words to make someone feel better may not always be the most truthful of words. I think it was just everything catching up to me. Aria, Dronies, no way of returning home, and more. I think it was just time to cry.

"I... I don't know for sure." I said as we continued to hug. She let me cry like that. It was night fall when I finally stopped crying as the whole time we sat there in silence. Honestly I didn't mind it this time.

"Feeling better?" Twilight asked sitting next to me as we stared out into the stars.

"Yeah." I said quietly. We sat there for a bit longer in silence till Twilight laid against my side. She rested her head on my shoulder. It was then I noticed her shivering a bit. I covered her up with my wing so it wasn't as cold. She blushed a little and smiled.

"Thank you F.M." She said gently.

"Any time Twilight." I replied. We continued to stare out into the sky, the stars in the sky. It was a beautiful night. It was almost perfect in a way. I had a cute girl leaning into me. We were at a romantic secluded spot. Staring out into the diamond filled starry sky. The only thing missing was some music... Wait. What was that? Coming from one of the windows I heard something... Familiar. The sound of keys being played on a piano. In that melody, that old classical melody. But how could that song be here? Twilight caught my gaze up at the window I assumed the music was coming from.

"What is it F.M?" She asked.

"That melody." I said transfixed on it.

"Oh Beethooven's Fur Elise?" Twilight asked. I simply nodded.

"It was a melody I remember." I said quietly as I closed my eye as I let the melody sweep me away. The song always reminded me of a dance at a castle. I got up off the bench with Twilight looking at me. "May I have this dance" I said with a bow to Twilight extending a hoof to her. She blushed and nodded extending a hoof. We started to dance away. It's kind of funny really. I didn't really know how to dance as a pony till I tried and I could tell dancing wasn't one of Twilight's natural talents. I don't think either of us cared really. The both of us had the time of our lives as we continued to dance in the night. The only thing providing light was the stars and the windows of the homes around the look out. It felt like a stage. I guess the saying is true. The world’s a stage. Because right now it was just Twilight and I in the center of it. After some time the music stopped after going to other classical pieces. Twilight and I stopped with a smile on our faces. That’s when we hear hoof stomping. We looked around to see we had an audience that watched us dance. We bushed and I took a bow. Twilight nudged me to go and so we left. She let out a yawn. I guess the dance took a lot out of her.

"That was simply wonderful." She said before she yawned again.

"Here let me carry you to your room." I offered. She blushed and nodded. She climbed onto my back as we walked through the quiet streets of Canterlot. It was a few minutes later when a few guards came up to see if everything were alright. I explained she was tired and I'm just taking her to her room. I know Twilight would have said something at this point but she was fast asleep on my back. The guards offered to lead the way to make sure I didn't get lost. This in my personal opinion was a smarter thing to do. So after I got Twilight to her room at the castle. I started to walk around the castle. I didn't have a place to be at the moment. So I mainly wandered around. The guard didn't pay me much mind. Just watched me was I walked by. I stopped in front of the door to the armory. I turned my head looking at it.

"Can I help you?" The grey Pegasus said next to the door.

"Well... If it's not too much trouble could I look in there?" I said pointing towards the door. The Pegasus looked at me then looked at the other guard.

"Does he look familiar to you?" He asked the other white Pegasus on the other side of the door.

"Isn't he that stallion Princess Luna took to the hospital?" he said. My ears flatten back as it dawned on them.

"Why yes it is." He said the then turned to me. "I don't see the harm in it but I will accompany you just to make sure we don't have a repeat trip with you."

"I understand." I said lowering my head a bit. They opened the door and the grey Pegasus entered first. I followed behind him. The armory looked quite organized. The spears were all in a barrel to hold the swords hung on the wall. The quivers full of arrows lay ready to be picked up. The crossbows all perfectly aligned on a shelf. I walked up to the swords. Honestly I prefer a sword myself. Range was good and I remembered not being able to hit the broadside of a barn. So I counted that as a plus. The grey Pegasus stood next to me. "Mind if I examine one?" I asked.

"If you’re careful with it." He replied. I floated the sword over to me and pulled it out of its shelf. It was a standard short sword. The blade itself was tempered to be extra durable. I could tell that whoever made them. Made sure they would last longer then he would. It shows. I eyed down the edge a bit. The handle on the other hoof saw some wear and tear on it. The bite marks in it showed that his has seen a lot of combat. I wasn't surprised since ponies don't have hands. Well unless it was a unicorn fighting.

"What's your preferred weapon?" I asked the guard.

"I'm more for the crossbow honestly." He said watching me look over the sword. I plucked one hair from my head and ran it down long ways down the blade and watch it cut the thin hair perfectly.

"Oh? I'm more a swords kind of pony but I can see the appeal of the crossbow. Sacrificing close range for the long range usability of it. Drop your opponent before they can get in close range to use their spears or swords against you." I said as I sheeved the blade and put it back.

"Exactly" he said.

"My name is." I got out before he interrupted.

"F.M. correct?" I nodded.

"You have me at the disadvantage here."

"It's quite alright. I'm Ironside." he said as we exited.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ironside and thank you for letting me look inside the armory."

"Well truth be told this isn't the only armory in the castle." He continued to explain. I raised an eyebrow. I did notice that there wasn't much weapons for an army for a nation like this so there had to be more. But still I found it intriguing.


"Yup." he said matter of factly.

"Well I thank you for that interesting tidbit of knowledge there. I do hope to see you again soon Mr. Ironside and Mister..." I trailed off. I forgot to ask the other guard his name.

"Quickwind" he finished.

"Yes. Mr. Quickwind. I hope to see the both of you more often." I said with a smile and made my way back to my room. It took me some time before I got there. With a yawn I entered and went straight for the bed. I think it’s time to get a good night's sleep. I floated over the quilt Fluttershy made and laid it on me as I drifted off into sleep. All things considered. This was a nice day.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 05 - Of Home and Darkness

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It's not often I get to wake up to nothing happening, like today that record holds strong. With that stated being woken up to a lavender unicorn levitating me and shaking me quite violently, was something I didn't quite expect today.

"Oh good you're finally awake." Twilight said with a smile, noticing I was awake and dizzy.

"Twilight?" I asked.


"Why is the room spinning?" I inquired as I felt I just got off one of the carnival rides that spin you super-fast.

"Oh sorry. I may have over did it there." Twilight said after she put me down. I shook my head till everything wasn't spinning anymore.

"Now that I'm not riding the Twi go round any more. Why was I woken up?" I asked then turned my head and yawned.

"Well I have something to show you and it couldn't wait. Now follow me." Twilight said as she left the room. I let out another yawn and folded my blanket. Then proceeded to follow Twilight.

"You know, there are easier ways to wake a pony right?"

"And I tried a lot of them. Short from splashing water on you and smacking you awake."

"Honestly I wouldn't mind the smacking awake part. Wait... How hard of a smack are we talking?"

"Well you seem to be a heavy sleeper so maybe something moderately hard." Twilight said. A small shiver ran down my spine at that. I was afraid to ask what she defines moderately hard.

"Something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"It's nothing. Just a thought is all." I said as we made our way down the castle halls. About a good hour of walking with nothing but complete silence between us. We arrived at a set of wooden double doors.

"Here we are." Twilight said smiling.

"And where is here?"

"Oh you'll see." She said in a singing voice. Why did I not like when she did that. Of course I had to be right. Shortly after Twilight said that the door flew open. Me being the bad luck prone idiot I was, jumped back and ducked. "You are really jumpy today." Twilight said.

"Well sorry. Last time a door flew open like that. It was Rainbow Dash and it collided with my face." I said.

"You don't have to worry." She said as she lifted me up with her magic. You know after the whole party with Rarity doing that, She would have taken her own advice to heart. I shouldn't really be surprised about this should I?

"Ah so there's the pony of the hour."Celestia said from inside the room. She was standing by a little model of a town. I couldn't quite tell from how far away it was. But she wasn't alone. Everyone was there standing around the model. Wait... Where did Pinkie go?

"Did we surprise you with the door? I bet'cha we did." She said just materializing next to me.

"Ah! Pinkie stop doing that. You're going to give some pony a heart attack." I said holding a hoof to my chest. I was set back down and the three of us trotted up to the model. It looked like Ponyville. If it was shrunk down to a child's play set. Now granted I never really got a chance to see all of it since everything has happened. It did look like a peaceful little town that just so happened to be by a dangerous forest.

"So what do you think of it?" Pinkie said bouncing next to me after we got up to the model.

"Think of what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"Of this?" Pinkie replied holding up one of the houses. I blinked for a few moments.

"What the model of the house? It looks nice." I said still confused.

"Uh. Pinkie I think we should tell him what its a model of first." Applejack said.

"Can some pony please tell me whats going on?" I said wanting to get to the point.

"Well... Me and the girls here have been thinking that since you've gotten here you haven't had a place of your own. So we all worked together and got you a place in Ponyville. Just right down the street from the library." Twilight said as she pointed with her hoof at the spot Pinkie got the model from. I blanked for a few moments. A place of my own... My eyes shot wide.

"Whoa, hold up, you all didn't need to do this for me." I said backing up a bit.

"It's the least we could do sugarcube. After everything that's happened. We figured it's the least you deserve." Applejack said. I sat down on my haunches looking at them.

"I would agree with them." Luna said walking up next to me. "You don't have to worry about a thing. We have taken care of all of it."

"I don't deserve this." I said as I lowered my head. "I've been nothing but a headache and a half since I've gotten here." I said. This was too much. I crash landed in Applejack;s farm, got Twilight hurt twice, who was trying to help me. Lets not forget that one of them already paid for my hospital bills the first and second visits I did. Then all of them having to save me from a coma. I didn't deserve this at all. It took me a few moments to realize that Celestia put a wing on my back.

"All your friends here pitched in for this gift and you deserve this after everything." Celestia said and Luna walked up to me and whispered into my ear.

"It's the least we could do after I put you in danger like that." She said. I bit my lip and nodded. I had a feeling I wasn't going to get out of this 'gift'. The girls smiled at me quietly.

"Oh we must show you how fabulous it is." Rarity said with a smile.

"We should get going or we are going to miss the train." Twilight said

"Train?" I inquired.

"Back to Ponyville."

"Wait what about my stuff here?"

"Oh I've already dealt with that." Twilight said as Dash walked up next to me with my saddlebags on her filled with stuff. Wait... I didn't have that much stuff. Just the bags and the blanket.

"Don't worry I got everything." Dash said to Twilight.

"Alright then let's go." Twilight said as her horn lit up. Everyone but Celestia and Luna got closer to Twilight. Within a moment the castle was gone and we found ourselves on a train station. Let me rephrase that. They found themselves on the train station. I found myself above it. I hit the ground with a large thud.

"Ow." I said as I was laid flat against the ground.

"Oh sorry." Twilight said as she lifted me up with her magic.

"It's alright Twilight. I'm sure you didn't mean for that to happen." I said after I got sat back on my hoofs and was dusting myself off.

"How much time till the train arrives?" Dash said looking down the track.

"Anytime now." Twilight said as she looked up at the clock on the wall and as if it was on cue the train arrived just then. "See I told you." Twilight said with a smirk. We all got onto the train with Twilight hoofing the ticket guy our tickets. We found a car that was empty and sat down on the benches. I more laid on the bench with a yawn. I drifted off to sleep as the train departed the station. the rhythmic vibrations helping lull me to sleep.


"F.M. could you please wake up? If you don't mind."Said a timid voice next to me, that poked me.

"No Flutters you have to do it like this." Said a very Rainbow Dash sounding voice above me till I suddenly was jolted awake from, "Wake up!" being yelled into my ear from the cyan pegasus.

"Ow!" I said as I grabbed my ear. "What was that for?" I said after I grabbed my ear that was still ringing, as I shot a glare at Dash.

"Well we had to get you up." Dash said with her forelegs crossed.

"You didn't have to make my ears bleed there governor" I said with an annoy tone to my voice.

"Oh dear. Your ears are bleeding? We need to get you checked out now." Fluttershy said.

"No I'm fine Fluttershy. It was a joke." I said calming down her down. I hopped down from the bench and followed Fluttershy and Rainbow to meet everyone already standing on the platform.

"It's about time you wake up." Twilight said.

"Well I didn't get a lot of sleep because a certain unicorn decided to shake me awake." I said with small smile. She frowned a bit.

"Sorry. But." Twilight said but I cut off with.

"Twilight it's a joke." I stated.

"Oh. right." Twilight said with an embarrassed blush. I rubbed the back of my head with my hoof. Damn it, I felt like a heel now.

"Why don't we show F.M. his new house." Rarity said with a smile. Everyone else nodded,I on the other hand didn't. I simply followed. After a joint walk down the road and a stop at Twilight's library we found the place. It looked quite simple, white walls, a little garden up front with flowers, I couldn't quite name the flowers off the top of my head but they were nice. I had one large window up front and two smaller ones on the second floor. It was then I got nailed in the back of the head with the keys from Rainbow Dash throwing them at me. I cut off any one saying something with what I could guess a spark of my hair as orange flashed on the wall for a moment before it disappeared. I levitated the keys up and unlocked the door quietly. Then jumped in surprise to find Pinkie already inside.

"Surprise." Okay granted I didn't know how to fly but right then I flew up and was gripping onto the pole above the door.

"Okay I'm going to have to ask you how you do that sometime." Applejack said as Twilight floated me down.

"Hey Twilight didn't you try figuring that out before?" Dash asked and Twilight winced. Was I missing something here?

"Yeah..." Twilight said I chanced a step into the house... I guess it was my house now wasn't it? I stepped in quietly to find the house fully furnished. Each room I walked into had its own stuff. Hell the fridge had food in it, including flowers. I went upstairs and found a very large bed in the bedroom. It was like the one I laid on in Canterlot castle. I even tried the closet to find a package wrapped up in a bow. I floated it over to me. The orange box was wrapped up in a blue bow.

"Thats for you." Rarity said causing me to jump. "Oh relax darling. It's only me." Rarity said as she took the package over in her magic. She carefully undid the ribbon placing it to the side of the box. She lifted out a blue shirt. I raised an eyebrow looking at it. I sat down on my haunches and picked to myself. Rarity nodded and helped me into it. It felt like silk as he brushed against my coat. The sleeves stopped right above the knees of my forelegs. The small collar folded back like a polo shirt from home. There was even a small pocket at the front of it with an Orange handkerchief. Would it be called a Hoofkircheff? But it felt nice to have some clothes finally. It feel weird walking around with nothing on but the saddlebags. Don't get me wrong the bags kept from walking around feeling naked. I turned my face away from Rarity as the heat filled my cheeks from my thought. I really needed to stop thinking about it.

"Thank you Rarity" I said to her.

"Oh it was nothing. Especially having a fine stallion like yourself in one of my outfits." She said as the blush on my face got hotter from that. "It would be great for business" She said but I didn't quite catch that.

"And what are you two doing in here?" Applejack said with a smirk and there goes my cheeks again. I swear I must of had been a tomato at this point. At least I wasn't alone Rarity shared my blush.

"Applejack that's not funny." Rarity surprisingly keeping her demeanor as she said that.

"Oh come one Rare, I was just playing. So how are you liking the house here F.M." Applejack said turning towards me.

"It's wonderful. But you all didn't need to do this for me." I said as the blush left my cheeks.

"No F.M., we did. You helped us all." Applejack said as she looked at me.

"And I caused a good chunk of those problems" I said lowering my head.

"F.M!" Applejack said with a stomp. I jumped back snapping my head towards her. "You didn't cause anything."

"What's with the yelling up here?" Dash said flying up next to Applejack.

"Just F.M. blaming himself for all that's happened." Applejack said turning towards Rainbow Dash.

"Really F.M? With everything that has happened. You should know your not at fault." Twilight said coming up next to Applejack. I sat down on the floor next to Rarity.

"It doesn't change how I feel about all this." I said not looking at any of them.

"What do you mean?" Twilight said placing a hoof on my shoulder. I let out a sigh and started to explain.

"To put it simply. Since I've gotten here I've caused a lot of trouble. Let's start with my arrival, I crashed into Applejack's farm and destroyed a good chunk of her trees. Then how about when you tried to help me with my memory problem. Thank you, but when you tried to help me, what did I do? I sent you into a wall knocking you out." I started to explain as Twilight winced when I brought up her hitting the wall like that. "Then skip ahead to the Timberwolf and you got hurt trying to help me. Now lets skip to the whole nightmare moon thing. I was having those nightmares and drew Nightmare Moon to me. Indirectly or not in my causing her to act. Then after all that I ended up having to be dragged to the hospital by all of you. In my coma all of you had to go through my mind just to help me and you all got hurt. Then I scared the hell out of you Twilight after my disappearances."

"But it wasn't your fault. That other pony did it." Twilight chimed in.

"That's true but like I said indirectly or not I still scared you. Then there's still my storm you're all worried about." I said looking at each of them. All of them but Pinkie looked ashamed like it was true. "Which is why I feel like I don't deserve this. I caused too many problems for everypony here." I said before I walked passed all of them and headed downstairs. I started to hear murmurs from the room behind me. Honestly I didn't want to hear it. I entered the living room and sat down on the couch letting out a sigh. I sat there for a bit till I saw all of them come down. They all sat around me with me being silent. I had nothing more to say at the time. Hell, I didn't even want to look at them with me being the idiot like I was. They were being so nice to me, getting me this house, and the stuff in it. But what do I do? Throw it in there face like that. Damn it, Why am I such an idiot?

"F.M." Twilight said with my eyes being shifted to her. "I know you blame yourself for all of this. But you're not at fault, none of us think that. Which is why we got you this house." She said giving me a gentle smile.

"We know you feel like you're the one to blame and everything. But your not. If there is something to blame then it's bad timing is all." Applejack chimed in.

"Your a nice pony and wouldn't do anything to hurt anypony." Fluttershy said timidly.

"And super duper fun to be around" Pinkie said bouncing in the chair.

"Your also quite the gentlecolt to everyone you meet." Rarity said. "I still think you should go through the coronation."

"Rarity!" Everyone but Pinkie and I said.

"Kidding." Rarity said as she shrank back a bit.

"Let's not forget that you're willing to stand up for any of us when we are in danger. Like a true friend." Rainbow Dash said giving me a rather hard pat on the back.

"And before you say you don't deserve this. You do. With all that bad luck you have going for you. We figured you need some good to balance it out." Applejack said. "Now why don't we throw you a house warming party?"

"Way ahead of you!" Pinkie said bouncing off the chair landing perfectly on her hooves. She then proceeded to kick the wall as all the party stuff just fell right into place. Including other ponies... Okay, now I have to ask how she did... Wait. That's right. Don't question the paradox perplexing pink party pony. You never know what else could happen. Surprising enough to find almost all of Ponyville could fit in my house. Let alone hide in it. Everyone smiled and got up to enjoy the party, I didn't. This was too much for me. It wasn't the party that was the problem. It was me being at the party, so before anyone noticed I slipped out the door and sat quietly on the front bench away from one of the windows. I knew it was fruitless to do so but... I just felt off in there. The nice breeze went through town as the music started to play inside. It was a rock beat that I heard before but I could place a hoof where. But it didn't matter. Shortly after I sat outside to enjoy the fresh air, Applejack found me.

"Hey why aren't you inside with everypony? It's a party for ya'll." she said in her normal draw.

"Oh hey Applejack. I just needed the fresh air." I said, sort of lying.

"What's wrong sugarcube?" She said as she sat next to me and handed me a mug. I took it gently in my magic and had a sip.

"It's just too much for me." I said not really looking at Applejack just off into space.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it. We went from me not feeling like a deserve this place. Which I still feel like that, to having a party out of no where. It's like feeling whiplash." I said then took a big swig of the delicious nectar Applejack brought me.

"Look, I know I have no right to say this but..." she paused like she was trying to choose her next words wisely. "What ever happened in the past has happened and there's no changing it. Regardless of what we saw or who did what. You deserve to be happy and have a good time." Applejack said. My eye's didn't meet hers.


"Yes F.M?"

"Thanks." I said then took another swig from my mug. As we sat there for a bit longer the both of us noticed a chariot flying towards us being pulled by two pegasi stallions. It was pulling another stallion in it. I guess we were not the only one to notice because Rarity and Twilight both came out of the house to see what was going on. The chariot stopped and a white unicorn stallion with a blond mane and tail stepped out of it. He had on the front part of a tux that I could tell and on his flank was a compass star, done in blue and yellow. He walked up to me and stared at me with his sky blue eyes. I sat the mug down and got to my hooves to meet him. It was then I noticed the angry look on Rarity's face.

"Blueblood what are you doing here?" She asked angrily.

"Oh hello there... Oh what was it again hairity?" He said in a posh uptight attitude.

"It's Rarity" She said now looking even angrier.

"Hello Mr. Blueblood." I said stepping in front of Rarity.

"That's Prince Blueblood." He corrected in that same tone.

"Hello 'Prince' Blueblood. What brings you here? If you don't mind my asking."

"Oh I'm here to meet another soon to be royal. A Mr. F.M. I believe." He said looking around.

"That would be me and please just F.M." I stated.

"Ah so you're the new alicorn I've been hearing so much about." He said looking me up and down. Like he was sizing me up.

"Yes I would be." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. F.M. I Prince Blueblood shall take you away from these peasants and show you how real high class ponies live." He said giving me a oh so fake smile. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Rarity was about to say something but I put up a hoof to shop her.

"So let me guess this straight." I started to say with my eyes open staring at him taking a step closer. "You want me to leave my house in the middle of a party that my friends, who you just insulted in front of me. To go back to Canterlot where I just came from not..." I said then paused to turn to Twilight. "How long ago was it?"

"Three Hours ago." Twilight said.

"Thank you." I said then turned back to Blueblood to was not looking worried as I saw that familiar orange glow appear around me. "Three hours ago. Just so some pompous little uptight, laughable, stallion can show me how to have a good time. When in fact I was already having a good time before your walking snob factory of a flank walked up to my house. No Mr. Blueblood."

"That's prince." He got out.

"I don't care Mr. Blueblood. You will leave my yard and go back to Canterlot. But before you go." I stated then grabbed him by the collar as fear started to set in to his pin pricked eyes. "If you insult any of my friends again. Regardless of if I'm in ear shot or not. Just by hearing about it. I will make sure I find you and deal with you myself. Before you think you can use the law on me. I don't care. Hell you can send Celestia and Luna themselves to deal with me if you want. Nothing, and I repeat nothing will stop me. Do I make myself crystal bucking clear?"

"Perfectly." He said in a squeak.

"Good." I stated as my horn lit up and I picked him up. Then deposited him with a painful thud on his pompous rump back on the chariot. "Now Go!" I said so angrily it almost sounded like a roar from a dragon.

"L-l-let's go." He stuttered out before they left. I took a few deep breaths.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said behind me. I turned as the orange glow faded away to see four ponies shocked and one grinning.

"Did you really mean all that?" Rarity said.

"Yes. Yes I did. No one hurts or insults my friends like that." I said with a stern look on my face as I levitated my drink over to me and finished it.

"I see you getting a hang with that cool fire hair trick of yours." Dash said landing next to me.

"No Dash. It only happens when I'm quite angry." I said followed by a sigh.

"Yes. Angry as a cowardly monster." said a very familiar voice. The pupils of my eyes turned into pinpricks. Oh please tell me its not who I think it is. I slowly panned my head to see her. Those soulless black eyes staring at me and that grin. That rotten tooth unnatural grin, it was her.

"How dare you!" Applejack said as he started to shoot daggers at her. My heart started to beat faster and faster as I watched her step closer. But I followed her steps, one step closer to me and I took one step back. It was then I noticed the horn on her head glowing a pitch black as the ground around her blacken.

"How dare I do what?" Aria said as gems shot out of the ground and stay in the air around her covered in that black aura.

"She's right. You're a monster." That voice in my head said.

"He's not monster. He's brave and willing to fight for his friends." Dash said.

"Oh you mean like how I had to save his worthless hide from that car?" Aria said as her horn glowed darker.

"You are worthless as she said. You don't deserve to be their friends. You are not worth any of this. You're pathetic and weak." That voice said and it was right. The tears started to flow from my eyes as everything blurred out and then dark.


Twilight looked at the scene going on then noticed F.M. with his head lowered and the tears. This was going to far, her friend was breaking down again as he looked at this Aria from his past.

"What is your involvement with F.M." Twilight said stepping between her friends and Aria. Aria smiled as she fired those gems at them. Bringing up a shield, the gems just bounced off like pebbles on a wall. That was when she started to hear the chuckling from behind her. She turned to notice her friends looking at F.M. His horn started to glow black. A blackness that radiated a deathly chill that brings a feeling of ill will. The glow started to cover his entire body. His normally orange coat and brown mane started to change into a dark grey coat closer to a tombstones color. His mane and tail turned to jet black. The normal red scales on the top of his wings turned to a vibrate violet. His eyes opened, his normally ocean blue eyes were a devilish red and the normal whites of his eyes were a crimson red. The outfit that Rarity had made for him turned from its rich blue to deep crimson. He started to grin to show his normal pony like teeth were steel grey and razor sharp. His chuckle started to turn into a laugh. An unnerving laugh as he walked past each of her friends and her. He brushed against Twilight as she felt a cold chill run down her spine. His horn lit up as he just pass right through Twilight's shield. Her eyes shot wide.

"Ah I see you finally decide to face your problem head on for once." Aria said looking at F.M.

"I'm not the one facing his problems." F.M. said with a weird unearthly echo to his voice. It sounded familiar to Twilight and her friends.

"His problems?" Aria said with a turn of her head.

"Oh yes. But he's out of the way now." He said with a laugh. Aria shot a glare at him with those unnatural black eyes as she shot more gems up from the ground that flew at F.M. He smirked and his horn glowed taking over the gems from Aria's magic. Then the gems flew at each other and fused together into a large spear. It then shot at Aria spearing her in the chest. Every ponies eyes shot wide beside F.M.'s as he only grinned as the spear started to burst into flames engulfing Aria. She let out a ear piercing scream as her horn lit up and disappeared in a flash of light. F.M. stood there and laughed. "Oh I hope she remembers that." He said as he continued to walk away.

"F.M?" Twilight said after she dropped her shield and took a step closer.

"I'm not that loser." He said as he continued walking away.

"Then what's your name then?" Applejack said.

"Oh that's easy Applejack. I'm Shadowstorm." He said with a smirk

"Wait... Do you mean?" Twilight said.

"Nice to meet you again Twilight and friends." he said with a laugh.

"How could this be?" Twilight thought.

"I have to bid you all adieu." Shadow said as he spread his wings out.

"Oh no you don't. I want answers and you're the only one that knows them." Twilight said as she reached out with her magic to grab him. But as soon as she did, a chilled feeling swept across her body and down to her very core. This feeling was filled with an anger and darkness that she never felt before. It scared her like if she was a little filly afraid of the dark again. "Dash stop him." Twilight got out as she pulled her magic away. Shadowstorm smiled and flew up into the air with Rainbow Dash hot on his trail. His horn glowed as sparks of sinister black electricity radiated from it. Before anypony could react the pitch black lightning bolt struck Rainbow Dash turning her wings equally as black as she let out and ear piercing scream of pain. She plummeted towards the ground Twilight reached out to grab her now unconscious friend and sat her on the ground. Shadowstorm smiled then inhaled a lot of air. Within moments he breathed fire as it started to engulf and disappeared as soon as the flame put out from the simple gust of wind that soon followed. The only thing left to be heard was.

"Goodbye Elements of Harmony. Hope to see you soon." The group of them rushed Rainbow Dash to the Ponyville intensive care. The nurses took her into the back to do a full check up. Within moments the visiting room was lit up as Princess Celestia and Luna both appeared.

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, What are you two doing here?" Twilight said walking up to the both of them.

"F.M. sent us a letter saying that we should meet here. Is everything alright?" Celestia said with a worried look on her face. Luna's face mirrored her sisters. Twilight started to explain what happened just mere moments ago. Celestia looked unnerved by all this. The confusion and unease easily told on her face.

"This does not bode well. So this Aria appeared and started to attack for no reason at all?" She asked. Twilight nodded. "Is this the same Aria you encountered sister?" Celestia said turning to Luna.

"It sounds like the same pony me and F.M. faced back in the dream world. But I don't know how she left that world." Luna said rubbing a hoof on her chin.

"Could she have done it the same why I did, With magic?" Twilight inquired.

"That's impossible Twilight Sparkle. She's not a unicorn." Luna replied.

"Wait... Yeah she was. We saw the horn and everything. Right?" Twilight said turning to Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. The nodded in agreement.

"She was a unicorn clear as day Princesses" Applejack said.

"It wasn't hard to miss the horn she had. Especially with that ghastly dark glow around it." Rarity said as she let out a shiver. Fluttershy kept quiet as she started to stare at the doors to intensive care where Rainbow Dash was taken.

"Princesses do you know what kind of magic he used. I felt all kinds of wrong when I tried to stop him." Twilight said as she had a shiver herself remembering that feeling she had.

"Felt wrong how?" Celestia asked with a stern look on her face.

"It felt cold. But not like winter weather cold but a dreadful cold that could consume somepony. It also felt angry. Oh so angry, it scared me Princess." Twilight said as that fear crept back into her.

The sisters looked at each other with deep dread in their eyes

"Do you know what's going on?" Rarity said stepping up.

"Not exactly but we have a good feeling what it is. This is old magic Twilight. Well before the magic of unicorns. Before either of us were around."

"That's mighty old." Applejack chimed in.

"Yes and it's also forbidden. We were not aware that any pony knew of this magic but us till now." Luna said.

"Why is it forbidden?" Twilight asked.

"Because its a magic that taints the soul of any pony that uses it. It also can have devastating effects on any pony it was used on." Celestia said all the other ponies looked at each other worry.

"What?" Celestia questioned.

"Rainbow Dash was hit with that spell. It turned her wings black." Twilight said now worried more the ever but that went straight to dread at the looks both Celestia and Luna's had when there eyes shot wide and there pupil shrank to pin pricks. They both rushed into intensive care with their horns both emitting over glow. They found the room quite easily from the screams that Rainbow Dash started to have. Her wings had expanded to three times their normal size to a point it looked like water filled balloons. The sisters both ran in and before anypony could say anything. Their magics both fired in an ethereal white beam at Rainbow Dash causing her screams to cease and her wings to return to normal just slightly darker.

"Princesses what happened?" Twilight and the two doctors asked.

"That spell..." Celestia said before she shuttered.

"How... How could he have known it. We made sure no pony could find that spell ever again." Luna said as she heavily breathed.

"There's more to this than we thought." Celestia said then turned to Twilight. "Follow me Twilight and I'll explain. As for you two make sure she is well enough to be moved then have her brought to Twilight's home." The doctors nodded to confirm. Celestia left the hospital without a word even at Twilight's requests for answers. Luna stayed behind to help the Doctors. It only took them a few moments before Celestia and Twilight entered her house.

"Please Princess?" Twilight pleaded.

"I'm sorry Twilight but I didn't want any other pony to know about this. That spell is a very deadly spell. If Luna and I didn't interfere like that then Rainbow Dash would have lost her wings forever. No magic could ever bring them back." Celestia said not even looking at the now paled Twilight. "That was only a very small spell compared to what I fear that this Shadowstorm may knows. Twilight froze in fear.

"What could be worse than body parts doing that?" Twilight thought then shuttered from the mental images that followed.

"Twilight. It comes with a heavy heart to say this but I going to have to put a stop to Shadowstorm." Celestia said with a frown.

"What's going to happen to F.M?" Twilight said as a torrent of fear course through her.

"He's... He's not going to come back... Ever."Celestia said with the look of pain on her face. A look said that she decided she is going to have to do something she is going to regret.

"What do you mean not going to come back?" Rarity said as she slowly came up next to Twilight. Celestia closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her face.

"I'm going to end his life." She said with a tone of sadness to it.

"But you can't!" Twilight said in surprise.

"I have to. If there was another way then I would. But I fear that not even the Elements of Harmony can stop him." Celestia said.

"But you won't know till we try." Twilight said.

"Twilight I can not let you do that. It's far too dangerous. Beyond what you have faced. Nether Nightmare Moon or Discord is as dangerous as these spells." Celestia said looking at the group of them.

"No offense Princess but we have to. He is our friend and isn't friendship that magic you sent me here to study and learn about?" Twilight said stepping forward.

"That is true Twilight but." Celestia said before getting cut off.

"Then it's that friendship we have that will let us save him no matter what." Twilight said having an serve determined look about her. Celestia wore a look of worry as she tried to decide. Luna on the other hoof agreed with Twilight.

"Then we will help." Luna said with a nod.

"Luna." Celestia said with surprise to her voice.

"Sister I believe Twilight Sparkle is right. Especially after what he has done already for us and Equestria. It's only fair." Luna stated as she turned to her sister. Celestia on the other hoof bit her bottom lip. She knew her sister was right but she also wants to make sure Twilight and her friends are safe as well. It was a fruitless however. She in turned nodded quietly.

"Your right Luna." She said as her gaze moved over to Twilight "I'll let you try but you need to be very careful. If my assumption is correct he know a lot more nastier spells."

"Is there any way to protect ourselves from it?" Twilight inquired.

"Am afraid there is only one thing I can teach you on short notice. A redirection spell." Celestia said.

"A redirection spell?"

"Yes, to show you how it works I want you to fire a small magic bolt at me." Celestia said letting her horn glow with a sunshine yellow color. Twilight hesitated for a moment and fired a small one. The pebble sized purple blot fired at Celestia. Almost connecting with Celestia, two blue swirling vortexes appeared, one in front of the bolt and another on just to the left of it. The magical bolt entered one and exit the other. Twilight watched it amazed. "It allows you to simply redirect a spell but it redirects it back at the caster." Celestia explained as the magical bolt sparked and popped as it connect with Twilight. It didn't take long for Twilight to acquire the spell to already large repertoire of spells that is ever growing.

"Do you have any idea where he could have gone?" Twilight asked.

"I don't" Celestia said.

"Nether do I." Luna added.

"Hmm. We need some clue to where he's at." Twilight said thinking out loud.

"Did he say anything that would give a clue to where he may have went?" Celestia offered.

"No all we could heard was good bye and he hoped to see us soon." Rarity said.

"Hmm..." Celestia pondered this as a scroll appeared within a puff of black flames. It dropped to the ground at Celestia's hooves. Where normally the Canterlot Royal seal would be from a letter Celestia would send Twilight. A very Dark seal was there. Something that neither Celestia or Luna has seen in a very long time. It was Sombra's seal. Celestia levitated the scroll up to her and started to read out loud.

"Dear Princesses and Elements bearers of Harmony. I know you may be wondering where I have gone off to just so you can try and stop me. Especially since I know the two princesses know what spell I used on your prismatic friend. Which no doubt has been reversed or cured by now. Your welcome by the way. Now I will leave you this set of clues to find me. Oh and before anypony thinks of following this message back to me though magic. Lets just say I called in a very old favor so it won't lead back to me. Ta ta for now. Shadowstorm. P.S. Boom." The group of them looked at each other worriedly.
"What did he mean by that and what clues?" Twilight thought.
But before anypony could voice their opinion and earth shattering boom came from outside. All seven of them as well as all the other ponies there ran to the windows. The sky was filled with what was Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom but the colors were all wrong. The normally bright colors where dark and ominous as a stream of the same dark rainbows was flying right at the hospital at the very window everyone was looking at.

"Everypony get back!" Celestia, Luna, and Twilight yelled. Each pony did so as the foreboding prismatic rainbow collided and broke through the window completely destroying it, taking out chairs on one side of the room as it came to a stop. Every pony walked over to the still smoldering wreckage. Right there in the middle of it was a large sphere. Luna reached out with her magic as her body gave a shiver. The metallic sphere floated over and opened on its own as soon as it got close to all the element bearers except Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie stayed behind at the party to make sure no pony was the wiser about the events that had transpired just outside. Out of the sphere rose a scroll and a gem.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rarity said her eyes widen. She rushed over to grab it but Celestia put a wing out to block her.

"Yes it's a Fire Ruby. But I wouldn't touch it just yet." Celestia said glaring at it as Rarity deflated a bit. She wanted to get her hooves on another one. Since the only one she had was a gift from Spike. Twilight lifted the scroll up the seal on it was different from the one before this one was a flame with the symbol of infinity that crossed in the center of the flame. Twilight pondered this.

"Could this be a clue?" She thought reaching out with her magic and opening the letter carefully so the wax seal would remain intact. The large scroll of mainly empty but some writing at the very top of it.

"Well what does it say Twilight?" Applejack said.

"There are three riddles here. The first one goes... It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter." Twilight finished as she started to look puzzled.

"What in the cotton pickin’ Ponyville does that mean?" Applejack asked with anger in her voice.

"That's what we have to figure out." Rarity said. Fluttershy squeaked something behind her mane.

"What was that Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy let out a little louder squeak.

"Darling you need to speak up." Rarity said as Fluttershy shuttered.

"Darkness" Fluttershy said just loud enough to be clearly heard.

"Darkness?" Twilight said then suddenly it dawned on her. "She's right. It's darkness."

"How does that make any sense?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well think about it. You can't see darkness or feel it. You can't hear darkness or smell it." Twilight stated.

"It lies behind the stars at night and it's always under hills. And my night come before and after my sisters day." Luna added.

"I hope the last part is self explanatory." Celestia said. Applejack nodded with a gulp.

"What's the next riddle?" Rarity asked. Twilight look down at the scroll and started to read.

"A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid." Twilight read out loud.

"That one is easy. It's an egg." Celestia pointed out. "What's the last riddle?"

"What has roots as nopony sees, Is taller than trees, up, up it goes and yet never grows?" Twilight recited then stopped for a moment. "Isn't that a mountain?"

"A mountain?"Rarity inquired.

"Yeah a mountain can be taller than a tree. Larger mountains can go up and up but it never grows because its just rocks." Twilight pointed out.

"That's good an all but what does it mean?" Applejack asked.

"Darkness, an egg, and a mountain. Hmm..." Twilight stated. Her mind started to work out the clues.

"Sister could it be Darkegg Mountain?" Luna said.

"But how would he have gained entrance there?" Celestia pondered out loud until it clicked in her head. "The Infinity Torch!"

"The Infinity Torch?" The group of them question.

"Yes. The Infinity Torch. It's a very old magical artifact from days well before Luna and I. It holds such great power that it was locked away. But was unsealed over a thousand years ago and was in the hooves of someone who used it for dark deeds." Celestia said.

"What was the pony that used this Torch?" Applejack said.

"Sombra..." Celestia trailed off then pulled up the first note they received."This is not looking good at all my little ponies."

"What do you mean princess?" Twilight asked.

"Look at the seal on the first letter. Its the seal of Sombra when he was ruling over the Crystal Empire." Celestia said showing Twilight the seal. "Now look at the seal on this one. Its a flame with the symbol for infinity. If my assumption is right. He is in Darkegg Mountain looking for the Infinity Torch. I don't know why just yet but we have to stop him."

"Princess where is Darkegg Mountain?" Twilight asked.

"A few hours travel from the Crystal Empire through a special portal. I'll send a letter ahead to Shining Armor and Cadence. They should know that you'll will be arriving and how grave it is. In the meantime Luna and I will return to Canterlot and get the Elements of Harmony. Then meet you there." Celestia said. Luna nodded in agreement as well as the others.

"Not without me you're not." Rainbow Dash said entering the room.

"Rainbow!" The group of them said.

"Are you alright?" Luna said as she walked up to her.

"Yeah I'm fine now. The Doctors said that there no lasting magical effects after what you two did princess. But they did say my wings are going to be darker for the next few days." Rainbow said spreading her wings and taking to the air.

"That is good. Now that time is of the essence go get Pinkie Pie and make your way to the Crystal Empire." Celestia said as her horn lit up. Within mere moments both her and Luna were gone. The ponies nodded at each other and left.


It took them four hours to get to the crystal empire. Normally the trip there would take only an hour but the weather around the kingdom started to get worse. The icy wind picked up as well as the snow fall. The train came to a halt at the Crystal Empire train station. Twilight and her friends stepped out to find both her brother Shining Armor in his royal guard armor and Cadence.

"Twily!" Shining Armor said coming up to his sister.

"Hello B.B.B.F.F." Twilight said after giving her brother a hug.

"Cadence." Twilight said smiling.

"Sorry Twilight not this time. Follow us." Cadence said with a note of sadness in her voice. Twilight sighed with a nod as the group then followed Cadence and Shining Armor.

"So this is all F.M.s doing? I know I shouldn't have trusted him after his disappearance." Shining said with a huff.

"Shining Armor!" Twilight said surprised.

"You take that back right now. I don't care if your Twi's brother or not. This is not his doing." Applejack said as she got up in Shining's face.

"I'm with AJ on this. Take that back." Rainbow added as she was equally in his face.

"Shining that is not F.M. something is using his body. So you shouldn't fault him because I remember a certain unicorn guard who was used as well." Twilight said narrowing her eyes.

"Point made." Shining said looking ahead as they get under the Crystal Castle where both Celestia and Luna stood with the familiar box that housed the Elements of Harmony.

"Welcome my little ponies." Celestia greeted as she noticed the irritation on each of their faces, besides Cadence who wore a face of worry. "Let's get started." She said as she opened the chest as both her and her sister floated the necklaces and tiara.

"Alright lets go kick some shadowy butt and get our friend back." Rainbow said as she hovered in the air.

"Darn tootin’. We have a score to settle with that pony." Applejack said.

"Of course then we can throw a welcome back to your body party for F.M." Pinkie added as she jumped in the air.

"Where is this mountain Princess?" Twilight asked Celestia.

"It's through here Twilight." She said as her horn glowed that bright sunshine yellow. Luna's horn started to glow a midnight blue. Two beams of magic shot out of the alicorn sister's horns. Upon impact with each other a swirling vortex appeared in between the two of them.

"You and your friends will have to go without us. We will keep this portal up as long as we can." Luna said. The six of the nodded and past through the threshold in a crystallized cavern which glistened in the multitude of colors. Rarity stopped at a fairly larger crystal.

"Rare we don't have the time for you to pretty yourself all up." Applejack said.

"Oh but Applejack I need to always look my best. Even in the face of danger." Rarity said as she fiddled with her mane.

"Focus girls." Twilight said as they continued down the passageway. It wasn't until the portal behind them disappeared in the distance when reverberation of music echoed off the cavern walls. The ominous tune continued coming from what sounded like a grand piano. It unnerving tunes sent chills down the spines of each of them. Even Rainbow Dash looked uneased by this music. They slowly entered the larger cavern room to see a suspended golden torch high above that radiated a rainbow flame that gave the cavern it's color. Standing there against the back wall stood him. In an aura that showed on him gave a spectral sinister look upon him.

"It's about time. I thought I was going to wait a dogs age before you got here." Shadowstorm said as he stepped into the more vibrant light the Torch produced. His horn still glowing that murky blackness as the piano's tune continues to play terrifyingly throughout the cavern.

"What have you done with F.M. Shadow?" Twilight said as she lowered herself ready to pounce at moments notice.

"Oh. Nothing much really, just lock him away for now." he said with a vile grin on his face.

"Release him now before you regret it." Rainbow said as she prepared to strike him.

"Oh I see they did cure you before your wings went... pop." He said that grin still showing. Rainbow shuttered at the mental image that appeared in her head as he said that. "Though it makes me wonder what it would look like." His horn started to ignite in a hell storm of sparks.

"Don't you dare bucko." Applejack snailed.

"Dare what? This?" he said as the black lightning shot acrossed at Rainbow again. Twilight thinking fast cast a redirect spell on Rainbow sending the lightning back at Shadow. He continued to grin letting it strike his right foreleg. It blacked more than its already tombstone grey coat had of color. It started to inflate and bend in angles that no pony foreleg should. This turned all of Twilight and her friend’s stomachs as the leg exploded in a meaty pop all across the ground around Shadow. He didn't scream, didn't flinch as this all happened. All he did was hold his now missing leg out as it did this. All could be seen was strips of the muscles that was once inside the leg and a bone shattered into pieces with a large piece of it still attached, almost a third of the normal bone. Fluttershy turned away to avoid seeing this. Rarity on the other hand turned even whiter than the normal color spectrum would allow. Twilight's mind screamed inside her at the sight but her body and voice didn't change.

"Girls we are going to have to use them now." Twilight said as her normal dark purple eyes turned into an ethereal white as the gem on her tiara started to glow. The other necklaces started to follow suit as it lifted each pony off the ground surrounding them in a warmth. Shadow watched this grinning even more devilishly as each drip of blood dropped from his wound. It wasn't long when the prismatic magic from the Elements of Harmony shot out at Shadowstorm. He laughed as with a stomp from his remaining foreleg. A triangular prism shot up from the ground right in front of the magic causing it to enter it and exit in a beam of pure white. That beam struck Shadowstorm causing his coat, mane, eyes, scales, and shirt colors to return to normal as a revolting smoke left out. An unconscious F.M. appeared, as a new body began forming for Shadow. A form that resembled F.M.'s but without the missing foreleg. His cutie mark was dark tentacles and sickening violet bolts from the storm cloud. The girls dropped to the ground with a smile till they saw the sight before them. "How is this possible? That should have worked" Twilight said.

"Oh you mean how it worked on Nightmare Moon? Oh Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. The elements of harmony only brought back him. By expelling me from this weak sack of uselessness."Shadowstorm said giving the unconscious body of F.M. a kick to his side as a very grotesque crack could be heard followed by a red liquid that flowed from his mouth. "You can have him. I have no further use of him." Shadow said walking away.

"Oh no you don't. I want my payback for what you did to me." Rainbow said as she flew at Shadow who disappeared into smoke. This caused Rainbow Dash to crash into the wall. Twilight look snapped right at F.M. as she reached out with her magic.

"Girls we need to go now. F.M. is badly hurt and I don't know if we can save him here." Twilight said as she floated his almost lifeless body next to her before taking off at a full gallop towards the vortex. The body floating next to her the whole way. Every second that passed all that could be heard was the galloping of four sets of hooves, two sets of wings flapping, and the slow drips of blood from F.M.'s destroyed leg.

"Hold on F.M. you're going to make it. I promise you." Applejack said looking right at F.M. who was floating in front of her.

"You should Pinkie promise so you can never break it." Pinkie added.

"Darn right Pinkie. You hear that F.M. I Pinkie promise you're going to be alright." Applejack said. The eyes of F.M. opened slightly as a faint almost unheard question was asked.

"Applejack?" F.M. said faintly before he passed out again. The girls and F.M. passed the threshold and didn't stop as the three alicorns and Shining Armor looked surprised at the sudden burst from the vortex. It wasn't long before they noticed the floating F.M. next to Twilight and the trail of blood that lead the way they went.

"Twily!" Shining said as he took off at a full gallop himself fearing that Twilight was the one hurt. Cadence, Celestia, and Luna flew after them all. Celestia was the first to catch up and saw F.M.'s condition and took over floating him next to her. She took off faster than even Dash could do leaving something that was almost unseen in a long time until then, a sonic sun burst that caused every crystal pony there to glint a blinding light off there crystal like coat.

"Twilight Sparkle. How did this happen?" Luna said as she flew up next to her. It didn't take long for Twilight to go over the events in there. As the story progressed the face Luna wore became more worrisome.

"What's going to happen to F.M?" Applejack got out between her pants.

"It's not going to be good for him. I just hope my sister knows of some way we can help him. Because as it stands, I fear the worse." she said as the trail Celestia left behind started to fade pass the borders of the Crystal Empire. She was headed to Canterlot. They all stopped when they noticed this. "Sister" Luna said as the trail finally disappeared from sight.

"We need to follow. Where is she taking him?" Twilight said as tears started to flow from her eyes. This was all too much for the little unicorn. But she wasn't alone. Almost all of them had started crying except Shining Armor and Cadence. They started to hug each other, Shining Armor held his sister and Cadence helped the others. Luna watched this as a tear came from her eye as well.

"This is my fault. If I didn't take him back to the dream world then none of this would have happened." Luna thought then turned to the group of them. "I believe she is taking him to Canterlot to have the best doctors help him. Right now we need to get to Canterlot." she said as they headed to the train platform. She wasn't going to leave them alone for the trip. She knew that each of them needed each other and as many friends and family they could to help. She wasn't as close to them as she would have liked to be. But none the less she stayed. Within moments they will be in Canterlot.


The dreams were vivid. I remembering spearing Aria, shooting at Rainbow Dash twice with black lightning, then facing against all of my friends. I felt so much pain that I wanted to rip my skull out. Then it started to fade in and out. All I could make out was sounds.

"You hear that F.M. I Pinkie promise you're going to be alright." I heard from the darkness. It sounded like Applejack. I thought I said something but I can't remember.

"Nurse get him in the ER now!" A male voice said.

"Doctor he's flat lining." A scared female voice said.

"Not today!" that male voice from before. Then nothing for the longest time.Then suddenly.

"Are you sure you want this Princess?" an older male voice said.

"Yes. He deserves the best we can offer him." A regal voice said. There was nothing else I could make out. Just murmurs and sounds. Then right before another sharp pain that felt like it spring boarded me awake. I shot up causing as a lot of ponies to jump including the three alicorns... Wait. Three Alicorns!?

"F.M. your wake!" Twilight said running up to me and jumped on me in a hug. Followed by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy and Rarity just walked up and hugged me. I reached around to hug them but I could only feel my left foreleg. I turned to my right foreleg. My eye's shot wide and the pupils shrank to pin pricks at this metal thing where my right foreleg was.

"Wha...What... Ha... Happened?" I said as the tears started to roll down my cheeks. I felt my heart starting to beat so rapidly I could have swore my heart was firing a full clip of unlimited ammo from a full auto machine gun.

"You lost a leg..." Rainbow Dash said.

"No shit I lost a leg." I snapped out at Rainbow. She looked surprised at my outburst. Even Celestia and Luna looked surprised.

"Calm down sugarcube. I know this looks bad." Applejack got out before I opened my mouth again.

"Bad... Bad! My leg is gone! Applejack I want to know how. So some pony better answer the 'damn' question. How did I lose my leg?" I said before a sharp pain in my chest caused me to grab at it with both real and fake forelegs. The edges of my vision started to blacken as every pony yelled something but I couldn't make it out. All I could hear was the beeping from the heart monitor. A few moments of that beeping then a pain in my neck caused everything to lighten up and the pain subsided. I could see and hear fine again. I laid back breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry everypony I forgot to say that his sensitivity to his emotions are heightened because of the magics we used. Which could cause his heart to beat too fast for his body. It will take a few days for him to return to normal." The doctor said as he floated the syringe away from my neck.

"And I'm sorry I snapped like that." I apologized to everyone. They nodded understanding. "Doctor." I said.


"Can you explain this?" I asked lifting up the new metallic add on that went up to a few inches under my shoulder.

"Ah yes. This may as well be the best time to explain your prosthetic limb. This magically infused device will act in time like your umm..." he paused trying to think of the right word. "limb." Which did not help. "The difference here is that this limb is stronger than your old one. It will last far longer than you could." he said tapping it. It gave a very metallic clunk sound. "It also has a few useful features." He said as his horn glowed a light pink color as a compartment that I couldn't even tell was there opened up.

"Whoa!" Dash and I said in unison.

"This allows you to insert music crystals to play songs so theirs normal quiet walks are livelier." He said.

"What about some of the other features?" I asked.

"That;s what they make instruction manuals for." He said as a large book floated over and dropped onto the bed. It bounced me for a moments as this book was as big and thick as my head. "I hope you enjoy reading." He said then left with a small chuckle. I sighed rubbing my face with my still normal hoof.

"Um... F.M?" Twilight said stepping closer to me since she and the other girls all jumped away from my little outburst.

"Yes Twilight?"

"Mind if I talk to you alone?" She said scratching a hoof against the floor.

"Well I'm not going anywhere." I said with a shrug. Every other pony got the hint and left.

"We'll be right outside the door if any pony needs us." Applejack said then closed the door. Twilight's horn lit up and shot magic at the door. A grown could heard a few moments later.

"F.M. are you alright?" Twilight said showing that she was honestly worried. Her question sent a spike of anger through me. I fought to suppress it.

"No Twilight. I am not fine." I said and lifted my up new hoof and closed the little trap door on it. "Could you explain what happened. The last thing I remembered was seeing Aria at my um... House." I said then on cue Twilight started to explain everything. How I started to change in color, voice, and mannerisms. I shuddered thinking about it. I didn't know the story took a turn for the worst even faster as she went over spearing Aria, almost destroying Rainbow Dash's wings, trying to kill ponies in the hospital with that dark sonic rainboom. She stopped for a moment, after some prodding she explained what Celestia wanted to do originally. I would have preferred that if it meant my friend here were safe. She then got to the crystallized cavern and explained everything that happened as she was trying to piece everything together. She didn't have all the pieces to this puzzle. She turned to me and asked what I remembered. I summed it up rather fast compared to Twilight's recall of events. But I there was one thing that I remembered after I started thinking about it. I had some of Shadow's memories and knowledge. I told of such but I also said that I didn't want to try because of the head splitting headache I was dealing with at the moment. Twilight then hopped onto the bed with me. She sat there and we stared at each other. There was one thing I did want, to feel better. So I motioned for Twilight to come closer and she did. It took a few moments to get her close enough before I used my magic to give her a little unbalancing shift of the blanket. She fell towards me and I caught her giving her a hug. She looked confused for a moment then caught on returning it. This is what I wanted now, a hug. No being dogged piled by ponies worried about me or anything. Just a hug. I was entitled to a little shiftiness for a hug. Tears started to flow down my cheeks. It wasn't long till Twilight noticed.

"Talk to me." Twilight simply said.

"It's just. All of this. Everything that has happened. From crash landing to being controlled by a second personality I didn't know I had. It feels like there's just too much rain and not enough sun. Not even a rainbow to make the rain bearable. I know in some way I deserve this. But I don't know why." I said as the tears flowed even more.

"You don't deserve any of this. No pony deserves it. If it's about that night, I don't blame you for what you did." Twilight said trying to reassure me. I know her heart was in the right place.

"No Twilight. It's not just about that night." I said after I turned my face away from her. "That is only one chapter in a very long book." I said.

"But you know I like books." Twilight said with a little smile.

"I don't think you would like this one. This is sad, tragic, dark, and brutal. Rarely there’s a bit of happiness in it." I said. Twilight hugged me tighter.

"F.M. Look. No matter what happened back home. That doesn't change the pony you are now." Twilight said as she used her magic to make me face her. I did but I couldn't look into those purple eyes.

"Twilight. Thank you." I said simply, she nodded.

"How about this? After the doctor says you get out of here. You and I will go somewhere peaceful. No adventures, no wild runs through town. Just somewhere to relax." Twilight offered as I smiled.

"Honestly Twilight. That sound good but how about this. When I can get out of here. Why don't we just go to my house.since I own one. Then you and me can play chess. We can just talk, sip some tea, and stuff. So I don't feel so... Abnormal?" I counter offered, she took a few moments to think.

"That sounds like a good plan, but I didn't take you for a chess player."

"Oh I love playing the game. It's a very great mental exercise. See who can bluff who as they plan out their next move." I said with a smile. Twilight nodded in agreement. I smirked for a moment as she looked at me with a bit of confusion on her face. I know this was wrong but I just had to. Before she could react, I kissed her again. Her eyes shot wide as I held the kiss there. Then they went half lit before she closed them just sitting there.

"Oh about time you two." Rainbow Dash said from the doorway. Both me and Twilight turned in surprised. Everyone was standing there smiling at us.

"It wasn't my fault, he kissed me." She said making it sound like I did something wrong. My ears fell flat against my head. She didn't like it. She probably only did it to make me feel better about everything. I covered myself and my shame with the blanket.

"Twilight!" Rarity scolded. "What about his feelings in all this."

"No, she's right. It's my fault." I said from under the blanket. There was a few moments of silence as nothing was said between any pony in the room. But I had a feeling they all were staring at me. So I squeaked out. "Sorry" Nothing was said after my little squeak. It wasn't until someone pulled the blanket off me before I saw the worried look on all of there faces.

"F.M."Celestia said looking right at me. She was the one that pulled the blanket from me. The aura around the blanket gave that away. I remained silent as Celestia gave off a worried sigh herself. "May I have a word with him alone?" The other ponies left again, only Celestia and I were in the room.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked not looking at her in the eyes either. Celestia walked up and sat next to the bed.

"F.M. I know you blame yourself for what you did. But it's not your fault, you were used by someone." Celestia said in a motherly tone. I didn't reply, I couldn't reply at all. "F.M?"Celestia said now in a worried tone, I had a name finally I wanted to be called, it came to me during my change. This was the best time to bring it up.

"Firestorm." I stated in a small voice. Celestia blinked.

"Could you repeat yourself?"

"Firestorm." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Firestorm?" She said now confused. This did what I wanted. I shifted the subject away from the blame is not my fault topic that every pony wanted to bring up when I started to blame myself. Part of me wanted to agree with them but part of me didn't.

"Yes. I decided that to be my name." I said still not looking at her. Celestia looked at me.

"I do apologize but may I inquire why that one? Especially after the name of the one that controlled you." Celestia asked.

"That is the very reason. Shadowstorm implies that he hides in the shadows. He wants to be that looming doom that causes everypony to be on edge. Making sure he had everypony jumping at their shadows. I want to be the opposite. I want to be that light. I want to be that fire to put things right. That light to dispel the darkness that hides in the shadow. That make sure everyone is warm and safe. I'll be the storm that will clash against the shadow and..." I stopped searching for the right words in my head. "And I want to make sure he learns not to mess with my new home and every pony, dragon, or whatever I care about. I will make him burn." I said as I saw that familiar orange glow take the room again. Celestia looked me over, I didn't really look at her. I looked forward at the full body mirror on the wall. My hair was fire once again and frankly I didn't care about that. What I cared about was getting back at Shadow for all the things he did in my body.

"That does sound reasonable. But I still have to wonder why in the Infinity Torch chambers?" Celestia said. My mane returned to normal as I took a deep breath.

"He wanted to use the crystals there so he could compress the rainbow attack the Elements of Harmony produce. To make sure it only expelled him and not weaken him. He turned it into a blunt attack then the precise one that was used on Nightmare Moon. He also knew that you wanted to protect that torch no matter what." I said now as I looked directly at her. "And I know why that torch is there." Celestia looked surprised.

"How?" She got out.

"I was connected with him. So some of his knowledge and memories were shared. Like how he knew of Twilight and her friends" I stated. "I understand why you wanted that Torch hidden and why it's so important. You don't want another Sombra to happen." Celestia closed her eyes and nodded. "I won't tell anyone about it."

"I appreciate that. But I have a feeling Twilight is going to ask you about it. So I will give you permission to explain it to her and why I want it kept secret." Celestia added.

"You may want to explain to everyone else to keep it a secret. I trust Pinkie with secrets from what I remember from my dream." I stated.

"Dream?"Celestia inquired.

"During the time I was controlled. It felt like I was dreaming at bits and pieces. There are still large blank areas that I don't know what he did." I stated as I started to stare at the metallic hoof that I now have. It looked fairly simple in design. What really got my attention to it was have markings on the end of the hoof.

"I understand and don't worry about the bill for this. I will cover it as well as for your replacement limb." Celestia said noticing my gaze.

"Thanks." I said.

"I will let you rest now. I hope you feel better soon." Celestia said as she started to get up.

"Celestia." I said as she looked at me.

"I also know who They are." I know now that I shouldn't hold anything from her and that look of shocked surprise told me so.

"What do you know about them?" She said with a shakiness to her voice.

"They are your parents." I stated. "Before you asked. Same as for the Infinity Torch. He already knew about it." Celestia nodded. "If its not too presumptuous of me. But can I ask for two favors?" I asked. Celestia looked at me to go one.

"One can I please go home?" Celestia looked surprised.

"But you just woke up from being out for three days." She said trying to quill my idea in the bud.

"I figured as much. It's just. I want to sleep in my bed for once. Not in a hospital bed or one of the spare rooms in the castle. I know this is a little selfish of me but I just want to feel at home for once." I stated then took a deep breath. Celestia mulled this over.

"Alright. I'll have a doctor come in every so often to check on you. So tonight you will be transferred home. What is the other favor?" Celestia said.

"A sword." Again this surprised the princess.

"A sword? Why a sword?" She asked.

"You may not know this but I do know how... Well I knew how to fight with one before coming here. I know it's a dangerous thing to have but. I'm tired of being the one who can't defend himself anymore." I started to say as I started to slide off the bed and onto my hooves. my new forelegs started to buckle and a pain shot right through at the point it connected. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes but I bared it. "I want to be the one to protect my friends. Not the other way around." I stated as I held stern face. Celestia eyed me then nodded.

"Alright. I will have a blacksmith forge you a sword. But on one condition." She stated returning a stern look herself. "You go through training to use it." I nodded in agreement.

"I want Shining Armor to train me."

"What me?!" I heard from behind the door. Both Celestia and I looked at the door. I rolled my eyes at this. Why shouldn't I be surprised I had ponies listening in on conversations.

"Yes you Shining Armor." I stated loud enough for everypony to hear. The door slowly opened as nine ponies looked guilty for listening in. I smiled as they all entered. Shining Armor walked over to me still.

"Your sure you want me to train you?" He stated.

"Yes. Your Twilight's brother and I trust you." I said.

"Oh come on Shining. You heard why he wanted to do it." Twilight added.

"Dear, I have to agree with Twilight on this." The pink alicorn added as she moved up to be next to Shining Armor. I turned and bowed to her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Princess" Shining eyed me. Ok so sue me. This alicorn looked surprised at me.

"Cadence." She finished.

"It's a pleasure Princess Cadence." I said with a warm smile.

"And of you Mr. Firestorm." Cadence said. Twilight bit her lip at the mister part.

"Firestorm will do. No need for the mister part. I'm not one for formalities." I said. The group of us talked for some time and I got much more context. Well more then I knew at the time. I was told about Twilight and her friends adventure here at the Crystal Empire. It was about an hour in before I had to go use the facilities. As I headed off to the restroom Shining decided to follow me.

"Firestorm can I ask you something?" This time being in a better mood then I was I couldn't help but say.

"Besides the one you just asked?" I said with a light chuckle.

"Uh... yeah." He said.

"Go ahead." I stated as we continued on the way.

"It's about Twilight." Shining said and I stopped. Okay now I knew what this was about. I turned around to face Shining.

"Is this going to be that big brother trying to protect his little sister speech?" I said.

"How did you?" he got out.

"Because that doesn't work on another big brother." I stated. He drew his head back in surprised. "You may not know this. Well honestly I didn't remember it till a few moments ago after looking at the two of you." He stopped and looked me over.

"So you were protective of her?" He asked and I nodded.

"Look. I don't know how she feels about me but I will be honest with her and treat her right if she will have me in that way." I said then turned around then uttered under my breath. "I doubt I'm worth it." as we made our way to the restroom. I entered it alone. I did like Twilight a lot. Was it a crush? I mean yeah she was nice and cute. Her thrust of knowledge was so nice. Granted she thought me a bit crazy. The whole flying thing still being an issue. Then what the doctor said echoed in my head. His sensitivity to his emotions are heightened because of the magics we used. Was this because of the magic they used on me? Did I really like her like that? You know what? Screw it, I didn't care anymore. What was done was done. It was up to Twilight now if she wanted to or not. After my use of the restroom was done we returned to see the doctor with another shot. His red coat seemed a little odd to me with his lab coat he wore. I didn't say anything. So the doctor was informed about what is going to happen. He actually agreed with my idea on this. He wanted me to feel as comfortable as possible. Especially after he was told that I had a cloud bed. What the hell was a cloud bed? I mean it sounded like a bed made out of clouds. He retrieved a case of needles and said to give me a shot every hour till I went to bed then I should take this blue pill. The color was almost a dead match for Rainbow's coat color. We got on the train back to Ponyville about an hour later. Floating up the needle, Twilight gave me the shot I needed.

"Thank you Twilight." I said as she placed the empty needle back into the case.

"It's no problem but I don't know why you wanted me to help you with this. Fluttershy is more proficient when it comes to medical needs." she asked as I looked up from the manual to my new foreleg. This thing surprised me. I could extend the five little markings at the end of my hoof and have fingers, well sort of. I flipped over another page with a finger.

"Well because I know you would make sure I took them." I said. Which wasn't a complete lie. It was partly true to my reason.

"Fluttershy would do the same thing." she said then shifted to a smirk. "Or is it because you want a cute mare to help you." She got it spot on. I turned red and nodded behind my book. She also turned red realizing she was right.

"But, I'm not cute." She said as she looked down with a blush.

"Your wrong Twilight, You are cute." I said.

"But I'm just an egghead and eggheads aren't cute." Twilight said.

"One." I said raising up one of my new fingers. "You're not an egghead, your brilliant. Two." I raised another finger "Who says eggheads can't be cute?" I stated. Twilight tried to piece my argument together and work a counter argument. She started to open her mouth but shut it again. This happened a few times then she sighed. My head turned a bit. We sat there in silence as the train clanked down the track. It wasn't broken until we arrived in Ponyville.

"Alright everypony. We're home." Applejack said. We all smiled as we hopped down from the benches. I tripped a little from my next step and fell flat on my face. Thank you universe, you jerk. You had to kick me when I was down already. I sighed and got back to my hooves. I saw Applejack walk up to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You alright partner?" Applejack said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just still getting use to the new leg."

"I know what you need." She said with a smile on her face. "You know what? I know what everypony here needs."

"What's that?" Rainbow said as she flew over to me.

"Some good ol’ fashion Apple Family Cookin’" she said with a smile. My stomach answered for me as it growled quite loudly, I blushed red in embarrassment.

"That does sound good." Twilight added.

"Oh my. Oh I must get dressed up. Can't go to a dinner without looking fabulous." Rarity added.

"Rare it's just dinner at my house." Applejack said.

"That sounds lovely." Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash hovered as she smiled. I on the other hand. Err... Hoof. Started to laugh. Everypony turned to look at me like I was crazy.

"What's got you all laughing?" Applejack said confused.

"Just moments like this." I said as I wiped the tear from my eye.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked in her timid voice.

"It's just moments like this I enjoy the most. It makes me feel like a normal pony." I said as we got off the train and towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"What do you mean by that?" Rarity asked.

"I'm not from here remember." I stated then Rarity had the looks like it dawned on her.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I completely forgot. With everything that has happened it completely slipped my mind." She apologized.

"It's quite alright." I said. This was nice, being just a normal pony. That was till we arrived at Sweet Apple Acres where both Big Mac and little Applebloom galloped up to us.

"Applejack you're safe!" Applebloom said as she jumped up giving Applejack a big hug, I smiled. That was when Big Mac looked at me then down to my right foreleg. His gaze widen then moved his head up.

"What happened?" he said in his low drawl. I sighed since I figured this was going to be the first of many times I would have to answer that.

"A spell took my leg in a very bad way." I stated in the simplistic way.

"How bad is bad?" Applebloom asked as she came over and tapped the leg. It gave a metallic clunk at her taps. I smiled and leaned down to her.

"The bad kind of bad." I said in a spooky voice. Applebloom gulped and let out a nervous smile.

"Firestorm!" Applejack said to my surprised.


"Don't give my little sister ideas like that"

"Idea's like what? Would you prefer me telling her the honest details?" I said as I knew I won the fight.

"Good point." Applejack said. Both Applebloom and Big Mac looked at each other confused. I turned to Big Mac.

"I'll explain it to you later." He nodded in understanding.

"Why don't we go in and get dinner ready?" Fluttershy said as she came up to Applejack's left. Applejack nodded, then the both of them headed to the house. Applebloom looked at me for a moment then ran off after the other two mares. After they entered the house Big Mac turned to me. Not expecting to have the moment so soon. I shrugged and started to explain the events that happened. To my surprised Big Mac didn't question or interrupt. He gave a look of understanding after we finished.

"And that's it. I do apologize for causing so much trouble." I said at the end. He put a hoof on my shoulder and said.

"It's okay." he said.

"Dinner Time every pony!" Applejack yelled ringing a metal triangle. Did our explanation take that long? We all ate the hardy meal. Granted I got a few funny looks I got from my metal hoof being used. The fingers I had to say came in handy to use silverware. Especially since the last time I used one that wasn't in my magic was back during my second visit to the hospital. It didn't help Applebloom continued to question about the hoof. After dinner was done we all sat around in Applejack's living room. We all had a great time telling stories. I remembered a few from my old life, the happier ones.

"And after I got off the shed and out of the creek. I let out a large burp causing a tree branch to break off and doing so took the shed out with it." I said when I finished the story. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash laughed out loudly. Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Big Mac smiled and Applebloom just giggled. I did find it quite funny when Equestria had an equivalent to booze. It was some of the apple cider the Apples made but they had two different brands one with and one that was safe for foals to drink. They got me talking about a lot of stuff from home. It felt nice to reminisce on things. It was after dark when I finished going over a series of stories that I enjoyed. I did get a few questions about things throughout it but I wasn't surprised. Twilight did make sure I got my shot on time throughout it as well.

"I think it's time to get some sleep. Especially for F.M. err... Firestorm I mean." Twilight said with a small nervous smile.

"You can call me Storm for short if that helps." I offered. Twilight thought it over.

"I reckon you're right. After all he's been through I think a good nights sleep will do him fine. I think I'll be hitting the hay as well. I have a long day of Applebucking ahead of me." Applejack said with a yawn.

"I hope angel is alright with me gone so long." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. I'm tired too. I'll see ya all later." Dash said then flew out the door.

"This was quite a lovely evening." Rarity added before she excused herself and left.

"Indeedy Do. But I should get going. I need to get the Welcome back to your body party planned for tomorrow." Pinkie said then zipped out the door before I could say anything.

"That's Pinkie being Pinkie for ya'll." Applejack said as she showed Twilight and I out. We started down the road back towards Ponyville. We walked in silence for a bit before that was broken.

"Um... Storm?" Twilight said nervously.

"Yes Twilight?" I said as I glanced over to her.

"Mind if I ask you something?" she asked not looking at me.

"Go ahead."

"Why... Me?" She asked with a faint blush.

"Why what?" I asked dumbly.

"Why do you like me... Like that?" Twilight inquired.

"Like what?" I was being really stupid here. Twilight stopped and looked at me.

"Why do you like me? In that special somepony way." Twilight said still had that blush across her face.

"oh... Oh! I'm sorry I didn't realize what you meant sooner. But like I said. I think your cute and I know for sure you're brilliant." I said as I stepped closer.

"But I'm not cute. I'm just an Egghead." She said.

"You're not an egghead Twilight. You're brilliant, you put my little bit of intelligence to shame. I'm just a coin compared to the dragon's treasure that you are. That is no egghead to me. You are cute and beautiful."

"I'm not as good looking as somepony like Rarity."

"No your not." I started to say. Twilight had the look like she was depressingly right. "your even more beautiful than she is." I finished when Twilight shot up and looked up at me in surprised. I stared at the perfect purple pools that made up her eyes. She returned that look back at me. I smiled warmly then leaned in slowly giving Twilight a kiss right on her velvet lips. She turned even more red then suddenly we both heard a click and then a flash. We both turned to see Pinkie Pie looking at us with a camera hanging from her neck.

"It's about time you two got together like. I mean really it was quite obvious this was going to happen. I mean think about it you're the strong down to earth pony that Twilight reads every night when she can. Especially that book about a vamp pony that twinkles in sunlight. Which I find really cool. I mean just thinking about it. Twinkling in the sun would make daytime parties really fun. But what would be best is if you shot out multi color rays of light at night. So parties can be even more cooler or like how Dashie would say 20 percent cooler. Especially when you see Vinyl Scratch who always has fun playing music at my parties. Oh I should totally get her for your party. I think you would like her." Pinkie rambled

"Pinkie." I stated.

"She is really cool. You could get into her rave party. but I would watch out for her bass cannon. Which doesn't have anything on my party cannon because my cannon fires party stuff. Her’s just fires 'wubs' as she puts it."

"Pinkie" Twilight said getting louder then I did.

"What are wubs anyway and I wonder what it tastes like. Oh could you put wubs in a cupcake and me it a wubcake?"

"Pinkie!" Both Twilight and I yelled.

"Yes?" Pinkie said as she stopped like she didn't even say anything at all.

"What are you doing?" Twilight inquired.

"Taking a picture silly." Pinkie said still smiling.

"Why?" I asked this time.

"Oh that's easy silly. So you have a picture of that moment." Pinkie said making it sound like I had asked the stupidest question in all of Equestria. I know it wasn't my last one either.

"But why?"

"Oh so you can put this somewhere special so you two could always remember it." Pinkie said. Both Twilight and I gave each other a look. When we turned back to where Pinkie was. She disappeared all there was two framed photos of our kiss.

"I really should ask her how she does that." I said floating the pictures over to us.

"I wouldn't suggest that." Twilight said as she overtook one of the pictures from my magic. She also winced as she remembered something.

"You may be right. I don't think I should question the paradox perplexing pink party pony." I said as I floated the picture into my saddlebags.

"You have no idea." Twilight said then leaned against me with a blush dawned on her face. I smiled and placed a wing around her as we walked into the night. After everything has happened, I don't think anything could top this perfect night.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 06 - Gifts of the Heart

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I stood in my house, it was still a mess from house warming party. After I sighed I started to clean. Lifting all the trash all around the room. The living room looked like it was a party battle field. Then I levitated a trash back over. sixteen bags later I had the house clean. Outside I stacked the trash bags as a pyramid. You think that being up all night I would be tired. But I just had a lot of energy. A lot more after everything that happened. Granted some of the spells I now know is because of him.

"Damn it. Why am I not tired." I said in frustration as I had walked around the house throughout the night. I finally decided to think everything out. I levitated a white board over to me in the living room. I haven't decided which room is going to be my hobby room yet. They got me a house that had two floors and a basement. I started to think the basement would be it but I can't say for sure what kind of hobby I wanted to start yet. Hell I didn't even know what kind of hobbies are out there. I sat there looking at the white board. Damn it, I drew a blank and it was pissing me off. So I put the black dry erase marker down and headed to the kitchen. Maybe a snack or something will get my mind to work. With the fridge open all I could see was apple by products. The juicy fruit just didn't seem appetizing. Then it dawned on me, I wasn't in the mood for an apple. I was in the mood for apple chips. So floating over a knife to me as well as the cutting board, I started to cut through it. That crisp sound at each cut of the knife, I went through about five. I sat there with some nicely cut slices of apples. I then floated out a pan to lay each slice out. Finally I took a deep breath in and slowly let out a small ruby red flame across the pan. It was a few minutes of this then I stopped to check my work. They weren't perfect but they were chips, sort of. I lost about a third of them to black crispy things. I laid them out on a rack so they could cool. A sudden knocking on the door caused me to jump. Who the hell could it be at this hour? I walked over to the door and let my metallic finger grasp the handle of the door and opened it.

"Hello Firestorm." Luna said as she stood there at my door.

"Uh. Hello Luna. Come on in." I said as I stepped out of the way, she slowly glided in. "Not to be rude or anything but. Why are you here?" I asked the princess of the night.

"I wanted to see how you are doing after yesterdays events." Luna said then stopped sniffing at the air. "What's that delightful smell?" She said.

"Oh I was trying a cooking idea I had." I said as I brought over the pan over.

"Oh? If you don't mind my prying. What are they?"

"Apple chips. I suggest taking one of the brown ones. The black ones are the failed experiments." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"May I?"

"Go right ahead." I said as she lifted one of the chips in her magic. I did the same, I can't have a princess suffer if these turned out badly. Two crunches later, both Luna and I smiled.

"These are rather good." Luna said with a smile.

"I'm glad and rather surprised they turned out so well." I said before trotting over to my cases of syringes. My metal fingers of my metal hoof flipped the clasp on the case. I pulled out one of my last remaining shots.

"Why is that?" Luna said as she watched me.

"Well cooking was never my strong suit. I dabbled in a bit of it. I guess you could call me a jack of all trades master of none." I said then plunged the needle into my neck. I really wish I could take my shot elsewhere.

"You surprise me." Luna said.

"Why?" I said after I placed the needle back.

"Well besides being from another world. You seem interesting as a pony. You rather see yourself hurt then any pony close to you and you beat yourself up when you fail to do that. You avoid as much as possible to tell about the pain you feel in your heart." Luna started to say. I let out a sigh.

"You're right. I do those things and I try to hide my feeling when it comes to pain. Because I don't like ponies to know my pain. Though if they know about it I won't deny that it happened. Its things like that made me the pony I am now." I said not looking at her.

"Things like Aria." Luna said.

"Yes, like Aria. The real Aria. Not that thing in the ponified image of her."

"Can I ask you something?" Luna asked in a calm tone.

"Go ahead." I said flatly.

"How close we're you two?" She asked, I froze there not answering. "Storm?" Luna said in a worried tone.

"Close. Very close." I started to say with my head lowered. "She was one of the very few that I let get close to me." I said as a tear run down my face.

"One of the few?"Luna inquired.

"Yes." I said.

"What about Twilight Sparkle?" Luna said as she stepped closer. I was silent for a few minutes.

"Luna, what do you really want to know?" I said as I stared straight ahead. My voice unnervingly calm.

"Firestorm I just want to know. Do you love Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked.

"Do I love her?"

"Yes, do you?"

"Why ask that?"

"Because I'm worried for the both of you. You both just went through something very traumatic and this may be a by product of it. I want to make sure so you two don't head down the wrong path."

"Luna, I don't know and I don't think Twilight knows either. If it is false then it will unravel and there is no stopping it. I hope this is true. I really do. I know I'm being a little selfish here but... I want this." I said then turned to her. "I want to be normal for once Luna. I don't want to have my past haunt me at every turn. I don't want to feel like the outcast to everything. I know very well you know that Luna and you better than anypony can at least know how I feel. I just want to be happy for once. I don't want to hide behind a mask. My self doubt, my sadness, my past are cracks in a very painful mask that I choose to wear to protect me and those I hold dear." I said as I broke down in tears again.

"Your remember now don't you?" Luna said as she stood next to me.

"Not all of it but a lot of it." I said.

"I can't even fathom the pain you've had to deal with as you can't mine. But understand this, you don't have to wear your mask around any pony. Your friends here will help you deal with you problems." I wiped the tears away from my eyes with my left hoof.

"I just hope they can." I said then sat down on the sofa quietly. Luna sat next to me quietly.

"If you need to talk to some pony I'm willing to listen when I can." Luna offered.

"Thank you Luna. But I think I'll be fine for now." I said not looking at her.

"So what were you going to do in here?" Luna said as she noticed the white board I had out.

"Huh? Oh, I was trying to figure out something to do really. I can't sleep, I can't get tired even after spending hours cleaning up the disaster that was my house warming party." I said as I floated a bottle water over to Luna and I from the fridge.

"Ah I see. That is something you're going to have to deal with from now on. I'm surprised it hasn't started sooner." Luna said then took a sip of her drink.

"What do you mean?"

"Alicorns have strong magic that keeps the body energized. So think of it like Pinkie pie drinking coffee." Luna said, I shuttered just thinking about that. What if that pink ball of energy just has a caffeine boost. Ponyville would be covered in a party apocalypse. "Your body will be able to stay up a few days straight before you require sleep. I'm kind of surprised this didn't start when your magic released itself."

"I think it's because of Shadowstorm." I said.

"What does he have to do with it?" I think it's because he controlled me. I now have knowledge about more spells than just the levitation that I could barely handle before. Look." I said as I picked up the table, two large chairs, and the bookcase full of books behind us. "I couldn't do that before. I know I don't have the magical prowess that Twilight, or you two." I said then took a sip of my water.

"That is possible. But what spells do you know of?" She asked giving a stern look.

"If you're wondering about that black lightning spell. Then no I don't know that one. I know normal lightning." I said then placed my front hoofs about a foot apart as my horn glowed. Shortly after sparks of electricity started off my hooves before it turned into a small stream of lightning. "I also know how to control my fire a bit better." I said.

"That is quite impressive. What other spells do you know?"

"Well besides this? I learned the basic shield and light spells. But I think every unicorn knows them." I said

"Well they are taught early to a unicorn when they start to learn magic."

"I figured as much."

"Is there any more?" Luna inquired.

"There's a spell I know of but having used yet. I'm still not sure about it."

"What's that?"

"Blink." I stated.

"Blink?" Luna said then paused. "Oh the blink spell. The small teleportation spell."

"Yeah. I'm not sure on it because I may end up in the clouds."

"What's wrong with the clouds?"

"Because I can't fly Luna." I stated flatly.

"Oh right. Why don't you have Rainbow Dash teach you?"

"Fear of heights" I deadpanned.

"Oh right. Well I think you should try and get over it. I think you would love to fly. The freedom it gives you." Luna said with a warm smile.

"I may one day but it's just too soon." I said with a shiver. Then an idea hit me. "Hey Luna can I ask you for a favor?"

"It depends on what you want?" Luna said with a raised eyebrow. I smiled then leaned in close and whispered my request into her ear. After a few moments I pulled back. She took the time to contemplate this.

"I don't see why not."

"Great!" I said as I hopped off the sofa. "How should I contact you to let you know when?" I asked.

"Just send me a letter that day and I'll make sure it happens."

"Alright. Thank you Luna." I said with a blush on my face.

"I should take my leave. My sister may wonder where I flew off to." Luna said as she got off the sofa herself and went for the door. "Oh before I forget. Shining Armor will be over in the afternoon so make sure your here to meet him." Luna said as she opened the door with her magic.

"I will, Princess Luna. I hope you have a good night." I said as I walked her out.

"Oh I will Firestorm. I wish the best of luck between you and Twilight." She said and I blushed.

"Thank you." I said as the alicorn of the night spread her wings and took off. Disappearing in the vale of clouds on her way home. The sun started to peak off into the distance. The light pinks of the undercloud easily seen as the blue of the night sky, that gave way to the orange of the sun on the edge of ground. The light chirps of birds could be heard in the morning. There melody told of work to be done. I smiled and went to get ready, I had a lot to do.


Ok, so things didn't quite start off like I planned. I couldn't find Pinkie any where, you would think that ball of pinkie super sonic bouncing energy would be easy to find or at least some pony has seen her... Not even the Cake's have seen her. I thanked them and went off to my next planned location, Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack who I found out was up shortly after I left my house. I wanted to bring up the idea of the Apple Chips to her. I knew she and her family had the market cornered on apple and apple products. So this was right up her alley right?

"Oh hey Partner. What's got you up so early?" Applejack said as she gave a tree a good buck causing all the apples to fall into buckets.

"Oh nothing much really. I just wanted to shoot an idea past you." I said pulling out my project from last night.

"What would that be?" She asked as she turned towards me.

"Before I say. I want you to try one first." I said then floated over one of the chips. She bit it right out of the air. She pondered it for a moment.

"Hmm. They’re quite good."

"I knew you would like them." I said with a smile.

"Now what are they?"

"Apple Chips." I stated. She looked at me curiously.

"Oh? How did you make them?" she asked I told her what I did quite fast. "They do sound like a good idea. Don't take this the wrong way but why don't you sell them yourself?" She said.

"Well mainly because apples are your business and I wouldn't feel right crossing that line. Plus I figured this was a good way to pay you back for helping back at the Crystal Empire." I said.

"Storm. You don't owe me anything. What are friends for?" She said.

"I know. But I feel like I owe you special after I heard that Pinkie promise?" I said as I tried to remember what she said.

"Yup that was a Pinkie promise. It's like a sacred promise around here. Something you don't break unless you're forced to." She said with a nod.

"Ah. I understand. Well let's put it this way. I have a set of rules I go by. There my version of Pinkie promises that I hold myself to."

"You mean like the you rather see yourself hurt then one of us things?"

"Eeyup." I said in my best imitation of Big Mac.

"Ah I see. I can respect that. So I'll make you a deal then. I'll start making and selling these here chips but you at least let me pay you a percentage."

"Applejack you don't need to pay me anything." I said. Applejack gave me a smirk.

"I know but let's say I have my own rules I go by." she said with a smile. Damn it she got me on this one and my own words too. I've got to give her credit though she did turn that one back on me fast.

"Alright. But nothing big alright?" I said.

"You got yourself a deal." She said and spit on her hoof hold it out. The whole lets spit on it came to mind as soon as I spit on my own hoof and shook her’s.

"Finally a pony that isn't afraid to get a little dirty." Applejack said with a grin.

"Well sometimes a ponies got to get dirty to get the job done right." I said in an almost imitation Applejacks drawl.

"You making fun of the way I talk?" Applejack said switching her smile to look of annoyance.

"What? Oh. No, no, no, no. Sorry I sometimes go into an accent out of habit to either make a point or just for timing. Sorry I use to do voices for kids." I said with a nervous laugh as I scratched the back of my head with my metal hoof.

"Ah I see. Then why didn't I hear you do that before?" Applejack said.

"I tried not to offend anypony especially with me being new here and all." I said

"I guess that make sense. So what do you have planned for today?" Applejack said switching the subject.

"Oh well... I was going to talk to Rarity about a gemstone."

"If you don't mind my prying. What do you want a gemstone for?" Applejack asked with a knowing smirk on it.

"Well it's just..." I said as I sat down on my hunches.

"You want to get something special for Twi don't you?" Damn it, how in the hell did she know? I could easily feel the blush on my face.

"I knew it, so you and Twi an item?" She asked.

"I... I don't know yet. I mean last night." I said then caught myself.

"Oh? What happened last night?" She said prying.

"Oh yes you must tell us." Rarity said from behind me. My face got instantly redder. Damn it.

"Oh well it um..." I started to say stambering.

"Twilight and him were smooching under the stars." Pinkie said bouncing out of a tree. I jumped in surprise.

"Pinkie! Where have you been?" I said looking at the pink party pony.

"Oh, I've been around." She said jumping around on her hooves.

"Well I've been looking for you." I said as my left eye started to twitch.

"Oh I know. So see yeah." She said as she dived behind the tree. I run behind it and she was gone. How in the hell did she do that? I mean come on she just walked behind a tree and she was gone.

"Can somepony please explain how she does that?" I said walking back over to both Applejack and Rarity.

"Not a clue there partner." Applejack said as she adjusted her stetson hat.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't figure that out myself." Rarity added.

"Oy." I said rubbing my temple with my left hoof.

"So what's this about last night?" Rarity said with a prying look about her.

"Um... I plead the fifth." I said.

"The fifth of what?" Applejack inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah. sorry something from my old world." I said looking away.

"Well why don't you tell use what it means?" Rarity said.

"Well it means I don't want to say anything that would incriminate me. But a lot of the um... Ponies use it to say that they don't have to say anything." I explained.

"Oh that is a very convenient." Rarity said.

"Indeed it is and since you're here I did want to talk to you." I said turning to Rarity.

"What do you need to talk to me about?"

"A gem."

"Why a gem? I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting to talk to me about gems. But what ever for?"

"I think it something for Twi." Applejack chimed in.

"Oh. So you two finally decided to get together?" Rarity said with a smile. Damn it, are we back on this again. I sighed.

"I don't know honestly." I said in a very even tone.

"Are you using this to persuade her?" Rarity said now with a raised eyebrow.

"What kind of pony do you take me for?" I asked feeling insulted.

"Oh. Don't get me wrong dear. I know many of colts that think they can get the mare of their eye with gifts." Rarity continued. I felt my eyebrow twitch as I shot her with the starting of an annoyed look.

"Um. Rare I don't think that's the case here." Applejack said after she noticed my look.

"But Applejack what else could he be doing wanting to talk about gems after that kiss he and Twilight had the night before." Rarity said and I was done. I walked away from the two of them. "Where are you going? I thought you wanted to talk about gems?" She asked trying to call me back.

"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about gems, Not get berated for my good intention like that." I said back as I looked back before I continued on my way.

"Now look what you did Rarity you made the buck mad because of your big mouth again." I heard Applejack said as I walked deeper into her acres. Frankly I wanted to cool off before I tried to talk to Rarity again. Why did Rarity have to go there. I mean yes, I like Twilight a lot and I did want to do some special pony for her. But not so I could become her boyfriend or whatever they call it here. I wanted to do it because I care for her. It's why I asked Luna for a little help and all I wanted was a gem. Just a gem that I thought would be perfect for Twilight's gift. Was that so hard to ask for. If I had to go digging in the dirt for it, I would. All I need is the one. Hell Rarity could have the rest. I sighed again as I sat done under one of the trees. I gentle breeze blew as I closed my eye just to listen to nature itself. Normally I would try to go run my head under some cold water or watch a river but I didn't want to go too far away and get lost. Knowing my luck I would find myself in some big city.

"Storm? Are you... um, alright?" A timid Fluttershy said stepping up next to me.

"I'm alright I guess." I said as I opened my eyes to see her a few feet in front of me.

"Really? You seem bothered by something."

"Just something that happened a few moments ago."

"Did Twilight and you fight?"

"What? No, Fluttershy. I haven't seen Twilight since last night and we both were happy."

"Because of the kiss?"Fluttershy asked, Okay who in the hell has been telling everypony what happened? Please tell me it's not Pinkie Pie.

"Yes we were both happy about the kiss. Well I hope Twilight was happy about it." I said then followed by a sigh.

"Then please if you want... Tell me what's wrong." Fluttershy said sitting next to me.

"It's nothing to worry about." I said trying not to cause more of a problem then I already had. Applejack did sound quite angry at Rarity when I left.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I said looking back out.

"You know... If you want, you can talk to us about anything?" Fluttershy offered.

"Well, The thing is Fluttershy. Sometimes things I need to talk about. Just don't feel right to talk about." I said as I turned to Fluttershy. She nodded quietly as I continued. "I feel odd here. Like I'm just some kind of... For lack of a better term, Freak here."

"But you're not a freak." Fluttershy said.

"That doesn't change how I feel. I mean look at me. I'm some kind of race that I barely know and understand. The only ones I know hold me on some sort of pedestal because I'm like Celestia and Luna to them. I just want to be normal for once. Like fly in the sky like other pegasi, cast magic like any other unicorn, and just do what ever earth ponies do. Is that too much to ask for?" I said going off on a little tangent.

"I understand how you feel. I felt the same back at flight school. I couldn't fly because I got scared too. Until one day Rainbow Dash had a race with some other pegasi. They knocked me off to the ground below that I never had gone to before. It was only by luck that the lovely butterflies down here saved me and taught me how to fly. So I know how you feel being different. Is this what worries you about Twilight? That she is going to find you different?" Fluttershy asked as she placed a hoof on my back.

"No. Honestly I think you six are the only ones that treat me relatively normal for my lack of Equestrian knowledge and my shortcomings." I said.

"You'll always be you around us. I know that for sure. Not some freak or anything but our friend." Fluttershy said smiling with a light blush.

"Thank you Fluttershy." I said with a smile on my face.

"She is right. You are our friend and we will treat you as you should be. A friend." Rarity said as she trotted around Fluttershy.

"Darn tootin, we know how hard things are for you. But you would do the same for us if the roles were switched." Applejack said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said smiling still.

"And I do have to apologize for my words before. I didn't think about what I was saying till Applejack pointed it out." Rarity said as she stepped in front of me.

"What did you say?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh well. I made it sound like Storm here wanted to be Twilight's Coltfriend by giving her stuff. Which was wrong of me to stay. I hope you can forgive me." Rarity said.

"Of course Rarity. Let's just say it was a slip of the tongue? Alright?"

"Oh of course. Now what did you want to talk about involving gems?"

"Well I wanted to get Twilight a gift, something that I think she is going to like. Just to show I care, not like in a under... hoofed sort of way but as a friend. I don't know if I'm going down the right path on this but. I wanted to find a gem so I could get it cut down into the same star pattern as her cutie mark and get it on a book cover, so she could write in. I don't know what she should use it for and honestly it would be up to her but I thought she would like something like that. Am I being too promiscuous with this?" I asked worriedly.

"That sounds nice." Fluttershy said.

"That's down right kind of you." Applejack followed.

"I see why she likes you." Rarity said last with a smile on her face. "I do think I know what kind of gem you're looking for but I am fresh out. But maybe I can help you find some. We can even get Spike to help."

"How would Spike help?" I asked.

"Well he helped me gather some gems as reserves for my dresses. I can find them and he can dig them out." Rarity continued.

"I wouldn't mind asking Spike to help but I want to make sure that he gets paid for it." I said.

"Well he is a dragon so if we collect some of the gems. Anything you don't want we can give him as a reward for helping."

"And the rest for you so you don't need to go back out so soon to replenish your stock." I added.

"You caught that didn't you?"

"Yes I did." I said.

"Rare even I could have plucked that one out." Applejack said with a smirk.

"Hmm... I guess I need to work on my subtly a bit more." She said with a nervous chuckle.

"So should we go get Spike then?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. That sounds like a good idea." Rarity said as she started to lead the way.

"Good day to you Applejack and Fluttershy. I hope the rest of your day goes well." I said as I left.

"You too Firestorm and good luck." Applejack replied back, Fluttershy just smiled and waved.


"I still can't believe you talked me into this." Spike said with a mouth full of gems. We were here for about an hour digging through the ground. Let me rephrase that. Both Spike and I were digging in the ground. Rarity was using her magic to find gems for us. Spike had to dig through the ground. I on the other hoof used my levitation magic to make the gems shoot out of the ground. I floated them over to the third cart we started to fill. For some reason and I still can't understand how, Rarity had talked me into bringing six carts so she could fill them with gems. Honestly I was fine with two maybe three carts but I gritted my teeth and bared it. I did ask for her help in this. So who am I to complain. I walked over to Spike and whispered into his ear.

"Maybe you can find a gem you can shape into something special from your cut for Rarity. You know as a gift?" I said as saw him perk up.

"You right. Maybe I can find another fire ruby." Spike said as his mind headed into la la land.

"A fire ruby?" I questioned.

"Oh you found one?" Rarity said smiling as she trotted over.

"No. I was just wondering what it was." I said as she deflated a bit.

"It's a rare gem to find. Used for a lot of high end fashion." Rarity said as she grinned. "And Spiky-Wiky gave me one as a gift." She said as I could see the normally purple and green dragon turn into a very interesting shade of red. So it was true. I had a sneaking suspicion he had something for Rarity when he made googly eyes at her when she asked him to help gather gems. It was that or he just wanted some of the gems. It was kind of hard to tell. Rarity suddenly perked her ears as her horn had an azure color glow about it.

"What is it?" I said after I noticed her look.

"I found some interesting gems over there." She said turning her gaze towards a large tree. It reminded of a giant red wood. Which seemed odd because it's the only tree in the middle of this large dirt plateau. Both both Rarity and I walked over to the tree. While Spike decided to hop onto my back.

"Spike can you ask next time before you hop on?" I said as I turned my head towards him.

"I don't see the problem with it. Twilight let's me ride on her back all the time." He said in a very nonchalant way.

"And I'm not Twilight." I said as I turned my head back. I saw Rarity let her horn glow more.

"It's down by that root." She said as she pointed a hoof to a rather large root. The good thing about this spell she highlighted the gems for me. There was a very large gem caught my eye. I wrapped them in my magic and started to tug on them. These suckers where deep that or wrapped up in the roots very well. I started to focus on it more. It felt like someone was trying to pull it away from me. I couldn't let that one happen. I had a sense of pride on this. An over glow shot around my horn as I continued to focus. It began to show one of them a very black looking gem. That one wasn't the one that caught my eye. It was the other one to follow it. A rich looking purple gem that had floating white star like particles within it. It was perfect, She had a star pattern for a cutie mark and this gem was riddled with it. Another over glow shot around my horn as I started to focus and within moments the group of gems shot out. A lot of different gems, way different than the ones we already dug up. But it wasn't the only thing I dug out, A large gray thing. This had to be what happens when you mix a cave man with a dog. That's the only thing I could explain it. It wore a red vest had a few a sorted gems in it. The collar around it's neck had embedded diamonds and a topaz as a tag.

"Um... Hi?" I said to it as I lifted the gems over to me. It looked quite angry at me, and I returned that look.

"Ah orange wing pony. You help... Oh hi Miss Rarity?" His scowl quickly shifted to a look of worry as he turned his look from me to Rarity.

"Oh hello there." Rarity said smiling.

"Hello again." Spike said grinning down. I floated away the gems from his claws and pocketed the purple game with the stars into my own saddlebags. "So what are you doing here Diamond dog?" Spike said crossing his arms. Diamond dog? Now that I think about it. I guess that does fit.

"What are you two doing here, Miss Rarity?" The diamond dog had asked.

"Oh just getting some gems. What about you, Mr Rover?" Rarity said addressing the diamond dog.

"I was getting new gems when I get pulled out of the ground." Rover had said as he looked over to me.

"Well I'm afraid that was our doing. I hope there's no problem with that?" She said with a devilish smirk.

"No problem, No problem at all." He said ducking back into the ground. "I hope you enjoy them, bye." he said before disappearing into the ground before anything could be uttered.

"Could somepony tell me what happened?" I said as I blinked a few times.

"Oh just an adventure we had." Spike said with a smile on his face. Rarity shared the smile not telling me a thing. Fair enough I suppose, after all I kept things from them. So it's only fair. I sighed quietly as I went back to the cart.

"Something wrong?" Rarity inquired

"It's nothing important" I said quietly as I looked over the other two gems that was pulled out. One of them was a round, black gem. It looked polished to almost perfection. I looked at it closely the only thing that was off about it was no reflection. Like it swallowed all the light around it. The last gem was a white marble pattern with a light blue cracked right through it without it being cracked itself.

"What do you have here?" Rarity said as she took the gems away from my magic. She floated over the gams to her. With a few looks at the gems she smiled. "We need to go and get these checked. I have a good feeling about these." She said smiling and trotted off with a bounce in her step. I hooked up the carts and followed. I took us about a hour to reach Ponyville, Spike also started to complain about not getting a bite to eat. I smiled quietly and pulled out one of the smaller gems. Then I floated it over to him.

"Will this tie you over till we are done?" I asked and Spike nodded then took a bite out of the gem. Whoa I didn't think they ate it like that. It was a potato chip to him. He munched on it as we got to Rarity's store. One drop off later we continued to the gem store outside of town. Spike behind us with a bucket full of a sorted gems. None of the real big ones I noticed. I swiped one of the smaller ones myself just for a theory. If I was part dragon I should be able to try a gem myself. But I didn't want to break a tooth on it. Entering the old rustic looking store, dark wood walls and the counter that matched. The counter had a light wood top to it. The old looking mare sat there with a set of spectacles on the tip of her nose. The brushed back orange mane draped around the sides of her dark blue coated head. She wore a turtleneck brown sweater and a white undershirt that had two long sleeve that ran down the front forelegs.

"Hello Rarity" said the mare at the counter as she readjusted her spectacles on her face closer to her eyes.

"Hello Keen Eye, how are you this fine evening?" Rarity said addressing the mare that was named Keen Eye.

"I'm doing fine Rarity just waiting for another customer" Keen Eye said as she smiled.

"Well you're in luck. We are your next customers." Rarity said as she floated the two gems she owned, and I floated the one I housed next to them. "Hiding a lovely gem like that. Oh you're such a bad pony." she said in a teasing tone.

"Well I think it would make the perfect one for Twilight's gift." I said with a small smile on my face.

"What do you have here?" Keen Eye asked as she floated up the gems to her. "oh how lovely a Obsidian pearl." She said as she floated up the black orb looking gem in front of her. Her horn gave of a blue glow the same blue as her eyes.

"What's an obsidian pearl?" I asked.

"This is the outcome from the blacken rock made from water touching molten magma then compressed to an almost perfect sphere. They’re quite rare." She said then placed down that gem. After she floated up another one. The marble gem with blue crack on it rotated in her magic. This took a few moments for her to tell what it was. She pulled over a large book that was adore with a gem. "This is intriguing."

"What is it?" Both Rarity and I asked.

"This is an Azure White Ruby."

"Is that rare?" I questioned.

"Quite, but I couldn't tell you the price on it." Keen Eye said.

"What about this one?" I said as she floated up the last one.

"Oh this one I could tell you right off the bat. It's a Star Amethyst. Not really rare but very nice to look at. So what would you like to be done with these?" Keen Eye asked as she floated the last gem down.

"Well I'll take the other two. As for the Star Amethyst that would be up to Firestorm." Rarity said as she took the gems and left.

"Well I was wondering if you do gem cutting?" I asked.

"Yes I do, it depends on what you want this cut into." She asked as I pulled out a piece of paper and laid it out. I started to explain what I would like out of it and she seemed to understand as she pulled it back. My payment for it was that small gem I had from the gem finding. I sat there and watched, it was amazing. She lifted up the gem as it took over in her magic. It started to cut out shape I requested out of it after making a flat side to it with a glowing white line that went through it like a hot knife through butter. She placed the star piece shape gem on the table with the remains of the gem which she cleaned up.

"Here you go Mr. Firestorm." She said with a smile.

"That you Miss Keen Eye. I hope you have a nice day." I said as I waved before I left.

"Wha'cha doing here Storm?" A very Rainbow Dash sounding voice could be heard from above me right outside the door to the jeweler.

"Oh hi Rainbow Dash. Wha'cha doing?" I asked as I looked up at her.

"Nothing really just relaxing." She said with a shrug then landed next to me. I place the gems into my saddlebags.

"I see. Sounds like fun." I say.

"Yeah but you know what would be more fun?" She asked with a smile. Why did I not like where this was going?

"Oh, Whats that?"

"Having a flying buddy. Feeling up for it?" Rainbow said grinning at me.

"Dash you know I can't. I'm afraid of heights." I stated not for the first time.

"Oh I know. That's why I'm going to help you get over it." Dash said as she reached over to grab me. Oh hell no! I took off as fast as I could.

"No can do Dash." I said at a full gallop for my house. I take a turn and Dash is right there.

"Oh come one. I swear it will be fun." I about faced and took off again. I go over the bridge to the park and behind a tree to find Rainbow Dash waiting as she took another bite of her apple. Damn it, Why does she have to be so persistent on this. I took off again before she could say anything I dived into Sugar Cube Corner to find her ordering one of Pinkie's cupcakes. Off I went again, I head towards Sweet Apple Acres to find her right at the front gate. I turn around to find as I felt a sharp pain in my tail. "Now hold on FireStorm. This is for your own good."

"Yes for my own good to be scared out of my wits just so you could have a flying buddy. No thanks." I said as I gave my tail a good yank and dashed off. I got over the bridge then stop and dived under into the water after taking a deep breath. Maybe If I hide here she won't find me... Wait. What's that? It's wavy, pink, and bouncy. Oh dear god it's a swimming Pinkie Pie. I try to swim but my balance is off because my right foreleg weighs me down. I get to the edge of the river and make my climb. But alas I don't get far when I feel another yank on my tail and out of the water I get hoisted. I look around to find Pinkie smiling at me on the bridge and Rainbow Dash holding me up in the air a few feet from the ground.

"Ready to give up?" Dash said smiling.

"Give up on what? Oh are you two playing a game of hide and seek? Can I join?" Pinkie said before I inserted my hoof into her mouth before the bombardment of questions happened.

"Dash please put me down." I asked.

"Not until you say you will go flying with me." Dash said in a huff.

"Alright. I will try and go flying with you. But I can't promise anything and please take it easy on me." I said feeling the dread to come.

"Fine by me. Let's get you up into the clouds." Dash said before I cut her off with.

"Not today. I have stuff I need to finish." I said as she let me on the ground soaking wet.

"Oh come on. What's so important that you have to do before you can go flying with me?"

"Well Um..." I said starting to get nervous.

"Oh he is getting a gift for our Twi." Pinkie added in. I turned to her in surprise.

"Pinkie!" I said.

"Well it's true isn't it?"

"Yes but I don't want Twilight to know yet."

"Oh what's the big deal?" Dash said.

"It's important to me. I want this to be a surprise for her. Something nice." I said as I tap my front hoofs together.

"So you two are really going out?" Rainbow Dash as she landed next to me.

"I don't know honestly..." I said not looking at ether one of them

"How do you not know?" Dash asked.

"Because I don't. Please leave it at that." I said as I got up. I headed for home as the two of them followed.

"So what is this gift you're getting Twilight?" Dash asked.

"A book with a star amethyst on the cover." Pinkie said.

"Ok, How do you keep doing that Pinkie?" I said as I stopped and turned to the pink ball of pony energy.

"Do what?"

"How do you know what I'm doing special since I haven't told any pony what I'm planning?" I asked

"Pinkie sense." she said nonchalantly.

"Pinkie What?"

"Trust me don't ask. None of us can figure it out. We just chalk it up to Pinkie being Pinkie." Dash offered. I sighed and continued on my way.

"So when do you want to get over your heights?" Dash said when we stopped at my door.

"How about after another day. Just not today." I said as Rainbow started to give me a grin.

"Alright. See you then." Dash said then took off into the air before I could say anything. I turned to Pinkie to find her gone again. How the hell does she do that? I opened the door to find a very lovely lavender unicorn sitting on my sofa. I started to blush looking at her.

"Hello Twilight." I said coming over after I placed my saddlebags on one of the end tables.

"Hello Firestorm. How are you today?" Twilight said with a smile.

"I'm alright." I said with a small shrug as I got up on the sofa next to her.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not really."

"Is it nightmares again?"

"No, it wasn't anything like that its something that I have no control of."

"What like your storm. Wait did your storm happen? How did you get over it without any help?"

"No Twilight. It's something that happens with Alicorns or in my case a Dralicorn. Since we have so much magic running through us we don't need to sleep as often. Which is fine if I could find something to do at night." I said looking at her.

"Lucky. I could get so much done if I could eliminate sleep like that."

"Well I was lucky I decided to do some cooking to pass the time."

"Oh?" Twilight said looking at me.

"Yeah I made some Apple Chips and I ran them over to Applejack to get opinion on them." I said rubbing a hoof against the back of my head.

"That was nice of you." Twilight said.

"Yeah. So what are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh well... About last night." She started as she got red in the face.

"What about last night?" I asked than a sense of panic ran through my head. "Did I do something?" I said as the worry evident on my face.

"Oh no, no, no. You didn't do anything wrong." she said as she smiled.

"Oh. Then what about last night?" I said tapping my front hooves together.

"I still wonder why me?" Twilight said. Oh, it was this again. I can deal with this.

"Not to sound rude but why does it bother you that I like you like that?" I said looking at her.

"Well I'm just an egghead and very plain looking." She said as she ran her hoof in circles on the sofa as she watched it. After I brought her head up to look at me and the soft smiled on my face.

"Twilight, you're not an egghead. Your brilliant and why smarter than I am. If anything I should be the egghead here. I may not know everything but I know enough about everything give or take. As for the plain looking. You don't look plain at all. If anything your beauty is beyond any words I could think of. Just remember one thing." I said then my smile got a bit bigger and went on with "Make sure you study up, there will be a quiz." In a joking tone I added. She looked at me a little surprised at my words then her blush reddened.

"Then I'll make sure I get a straight A on it." She shot back, I let out a hearty laugh when said that.

"That's my number one student." I couldn't resist to say.

"Shouldn't I be the one to say that to you?" She shot back.

"Good point." I said then levitated a book over with ease.

"I see your magic is improving."

"Eeyup." I said quoting Big Mac then placed my forehoofs apart to leave about a foot of space between them. I let my hoof glow as the familiar sparks started to shoot from my hooves. Within moments I had a stream of electricity running between them. Twilight watched in amazement.

"That's a new spell."

"Yeah. Honestly just learned it recently" I said as I let dissipate. Then I started to form a shield between the same hooves leaving an opening. I placed my muzzle against it and breathed out into it causing flames to filled the bubble of magic. It continues to swirl as I closed it. I had effectively made a contained fireball. It stayed there then pressed the shield together till it disappeared as well as the fire, little embers flew away and died within the air.

"What other spells do you know?" She said as continued to watch. I didn't answer her, what I did do was use my magic to close all the blinds, doors, and closed the curtains to make the room pitch black. I then felt that oh so familiar warmth in me as my horn started to illuminate the room. It flicked like true fire.

"After this there is one other spell I know. I just... haven't used it yet." I said as I let the room bathe in the fire like light.

"What spell is that?" Twilight asked as she started to lean on me.

"I believe it's called blink. But I'm nervous to try and use it." I said as I placed a wing around her. I felt the fur on our coats mingle with each other as she leaned against me.

"That can be a very scary spell for first time users."

"If you want I can show you how it works." She offered.

"I guess. Wait this isn't going to teleport me into a wall or..." I gulped before I continued. "Into the sky?" I finished.

"Very unlikely. Especially if you're able to picture where you want with ease."

"Really? So as long as I picture it I can teleport there?"

"Well within reason. It does take a lot of magic to go long distances. I doubt you have enough magical power to achieve that." She said going into a teacher like pose. Then stopped for a moment realizing what she implied. "Not that I'm saying your magical power is bad or anything. What I mean to say is that you have a lot of magical power just maybe not enough to do something far like I can, I mean-" She got out before I put a hoof over Twilight's mouth to stop her before she burnt herself out trying to rephase her words.

"Twilight, I know I don't have a lot of magic at my disposal. So you don't have to worry about insulting me about it and I figured I didn't have the ability to do long distance right off the bat. I have the sneaking suspicion that a certain lavender unicorn does." I said with a smile. She blushed at that getting my point. "I'll try it but I doubt I'll get far. Maybe a few feet of the ground." I said as I opened up the blinds and curtains again, letting the magic fade from my horn.

"I know you will do well." She said as she tried to be reassuring, It did help a bit as I let the warmth of my magic take my horn. I started to picture the kitchen in my mind, a bright flash overtook me as I appeared above the floor. It took me a few moments to realize that then I dropped to the ground with a thud.

"Ow." I said getting back to my hooves then realized something was missing as soon as I tried to put it down. I tried to put weight onto it and I fell over. "Ow." Twilight ran in with my metallic hoof wrapped in her magic.

"Oh my." She said as levitating me up by her magic. She then inserted my apparently removeable hoof back into the metal spot on my right nub that used to be my leg. It reminded me of what I had done and what could have happened to Rainbow Dash because of me. The look must have been apparent. "Firestorm, are you alright?" She said with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah." I said in a half hearted reply, my gaze didn't look at her but out of the window to the sky. A gray pegasus with a messenger bag across her side just under her wing flew across the sky just close enough to be seen. Twilight poked me with her hoof.

"Firestorm I know your lying to me. Please tell me what's wrong." She said in an almost pleading tone. Subtle enough where it sounded defined in a royal tone. But the tone also gave away to the feeling of worry for friends she has, I let out a sigh quietly as I closed my eyes.

"My mind has wandered back to Rainbow Dash and what I could have done to her if both princesses didn't stop it before it was too late. I know I shouldn't dwell on things like that, especially after what happened with that thing." I said with a venom to my voice with I said thing.

"What thing?" Twilight said as she noticed my tone from depression shift to a sense of anger.

"That fake Aria." I said.

"Fake Aria? Are you sure she is fake? She seems to have memories of you and things." Twilight started to analyze.

"There's one thing that she doesn't have compared to the real Aria." I paused for a few moments as Twilight tried to figure it out. "Her heart." I stated. Twilight's head tilted head in a look that said she didn't quite follow.

"What do you mean?" She asked. I finally opened my eyes and looked at her.

"It's something hard to explain Twilight. It is something you just know. When you get close to some pony you learn a lot of about them. But the one thing you learn very deeply is their heart." I said, it was easy to see Twilight's confusion. I honestly didn't have any more answer than that.

"I don't get it." She said.

"Let me ask you something. When discord messed with your friends. How could you tell something was wrong?"

"Well they acted differently then they use to."

"How did you know they were acting differently?" I asked.

"Because I know my friends." She said.

"It's like that." I said as I trotted past her. Something started to bother me more as I thought about it. How did the imposter really know all those things. The real Aria passed away way before I got here and she knew more about this world then I did. Could that have been some dream pony that both Shadowstorm and Nightmare Moon created to tear me down? Shadow seemed to know a lot about me and it wasn't a surprise really. He seemed to be something from inside me. Was he created as well when I entered this world? There was so many unanswered questions it really disturbed me. They weren't going to go away that easily either. I needed to better myself, not for me but for my friends and Twilight. I was not going to let that thing control me again.

"Storm." Twilight said in that ever worried tone still present in her words. Turning around to look at her directly. "Can you tell me about her?" Twilight asked. My left foreleg started to shake. Not from anger but from the sadness those memories would bring.

"Sure." I said in a solemn tone as I resat on the sofa, Twilight joined shortly after. "What do you want to know?"

"How did you two meet?" She said, It was a good starting point as any other.

"It was a long time ago. We were both quite young at the time. Maybe middle school I think." I said as my mind rewinded back to those times. "It was during an art class that we really first met. Back then she was pretty timed, Kind of like fluttershy but not so um..." I said then failing for a good word.

"fragile?" Twilight offered.

"For lack of a better word, yes. I saw her from time to time around the school, but we never really spoke till a class assignment where we had to do portraits of each other." I continued as my eyes stared off into the distance not really focusing on anything but the past. All this flooded back to me a like an old film reel, Silent black and white style.

"So then that drawing of her?" Twilight started to ask. I knew what she was talking about. Especially when she already explained the memories the Pinkie and Rarity saw.

"Yes that same one." I said as it reassured Twilight's assumptions. "I kept it. Something like that was one of my better works. It wasn't the best, none of my work was good honestly. But that one always felt special to me. Well before me and Aria got together. It didn't take long for her to open up to me. It started simple, with us talking about the day, then moved on to things we liked. It kind of snowballed from there." I went on, Twilight listened carefully. I had a feeling she wanted a lot of context to my earlier comment about her heart. "Well after we did the project and turned it in. We started to really talk more. Lunch time was the only other time we had to see each other. She was really the first one to defend me when I started to get picked on. I had always been picked on for different things but about that time it really started to get more... brutal. Especially after a friend’s death." I said as a tear started to shed from my eye. Twilight listened as her ears drooped back against her head. I think she knew where I was about to go mentally.

"But that wasn't your fault." She said.

"It was Twilight." I stated her look turned from sad to shocked.


"My friend committed suicide. The act of killing oneself." I said.

"Then how was it your fault?" Twilight asked not getting how I was involved.

"My friend was going through some bad relationship problems at the time. I had given him advice to help him get out of it. I knew it was destroying him inside. The day he decided to end it his note listed me as the sole reason he did it. That my advice failed which drew him into the act." I had said as I turned my head away from Twilight.

"But." Twilight started to get out.

"But nothing, Twilight. I failed my friend when he needed me. That is my fault and nopony else. A lot of the other students found out about the note and I was labelled as a murderer. Granted I didn't stab him in the neck but I may as well have with my actions. Aria was the only one to really know it was eating me inside She was also the one to stop me from my own foolish act." I said as I looked at my metallic leg. Remembering a marking that used to be there. It was long gone at this point but I didn't say it. Twilight at this point had tears in her eyes as I went on. I had a feeling she regretted asking this. "My family didn't understand any of my actions or frankly didn't care because I never told them. There was things I never brought to them. They didn't really care about me as they did about other things." I went on as I felt a coldness in the deep of my heart. Twilight hugged me.

"Please stop." Twilight said quietly. I barely didn't hear her as she said it into the fur of my coat. I looked down at her, the wetness quietly covered the area she buried her head into. I placed a wing around her as I tried to comfort her.

"Alright Twilight." I said in a very weary tone as I turned my gaze onto the whiteboard that was blank before I left. Now unbenounced to me, until I realized that my magic took one of the markers and drew on it. There sat me and Aria, me in her hooves trying to comfort the sadness evident on my face. Twilight and I stayed there for what felt like hours. She had stopped crying and looked up at me. Her eyes still red and puffy.

"I'm sorry you had to go through so much." She said, I on the other hand had a sad smile on my face.

"This may sound wrong of me but in a way I'm glad I had to." I said.

"What do you mean?" Twilight said still the sadness she felt present in her voice.

"If I didn't have to go through something like that. Then some other pony would have. It's like how I’d rather be hurt then any pony or anyone I care about." I said as I closed my eyes. I didn't want Twilight to hurt anymore about how I felt. After the damaged I just caused from my words already.

"But why?" she said as she most likely looked up at me.

"Because Twilight, I'm a shield for my friends. Their happiness and life is worth more to me than my own life."

"What if you are their happiness?" Twilight shot back. That caught me off guard. No really it did, I didn't really find me as that. I looked down quietly. It wasn't until Twilight had nuzzled into me that I had a small smile on my face. "You shouldn't think so low about yourself Firestorm. I know you mean well and you had so much happen to you. But you don't have to deal with it alone like that. I'll always listen when you need to open up. Just not like that, Alright?" She said.

"Alright." I replied as I looked at her. I started to smile quietly as I nuzzled back. The both of blushed gently as we smiled at each other. But our attention was taken away from a knock on the door. Getting up I slowly made my way to the door. The only ponies I knew here would have just came in. Well hell, I know Rainbow Dash and Pinkie would. Applejack probably just yell for me through the window. Rarity and Fluttershy would probably knock. I opened the door and was bombarded with a mint green unicorn with a silver and white mane. A small pang of pain later and I was on the ground with that same unicorn on top of me, looking really eager.

“Are you the pony that was human?! Oh you have to be! I mean you’re just how every pony has said. The new orange unicorn with weird wings. But that doesn’t matter now. You have to tell me all about how you where as a human. How you act, dress, eat, everything.” The rapid fire unicorn said. She could put Pinkie to shame with how fast she was going. Now here is where I would have asked her to get off me. But her impact with me knocked all the wind out of me. Plus it didn’t help she was pinning me down so it was harder for me to regain my air.

“Lyra!” Twilight said to my right.

“Oh hey Twilight. Did you come to talk to him about humans too?” The pony that I now knew as Lyra said as she was still pinning me.

“Please get off him.” Twilight said, by the sound of it she face palmed. Wait would that be face hoofed? Anyway, Lyra noticed how she had me pinned and got off me. After I took a few deep breaths enjoying the sweet taste of air again. I finally noticed something. My magical prosthetic was still attached to the door handle. Lyra hit me so hard that it disconnected my right foreleg.

“Sorry about that. I just get so excited to find out that another pony knows about humans and then find out that he once was human. Oh you have to.” Lyra said before a purple aura covered her muzzle and shut her mouth. I finally got onto my rump after being pinned down. Granted getting up with only one limb to help was quite hard.

“First off Lyra was it?” I asked and she nodded. “Before I start answering a few things. Can I get my leg back?” I said pointing to my leg still attached to the door with my still flesh and blood leg. Lyra turned and noticed it. With a look of surprised a mint aura covered it and floated it back to me. “Thank you.” I said then reattached it, I really hate having to take this thing off at times. It always hurt to do so. So after some wincing from the reattachment and a quick test to see if I could still use it. “Twilight can you release her mouth please?” Twilight nodded and the magic around Lyra’s mouth disappeared. I held up a hoof to stop another outburst from her. “Now I am happy to answer you questions but I have a few myself first.” I said as I used my metallic fingers to indicate. “One, how did you know I was once human? Twilight and her friends were the only ones that knew.” I asked, Lyra noticed my metallic finger and watched it.

“Oh well the rumors around town told me that. I heard from Bon Bon, that she heard from Derpy, that she heard from Mrs. Cake, that she heard from Pinkie Pie. That you where the new pony in town and you were a human.” Lyra said in a matter fact tone. Why should I be surprised that Pinkie was the one that started that. Now granted I didn’t tell anyone here not to tell the truth, So I couldn’t be mad at her.

“Fair enough, now two.” I said as I raised another finger. “Who are you and why do you want to know?” I asked.

“Oh right. Where are my manners. I’m Lyra Heartstrings and you are Firestorm right?” Lyra asked. For once I was happy that a pony didn’t add the mister.

“Yes I am.” I said with a smile.

“Well I wanted to know because I am fascinated with humans. It’s a hobby I like to indulge in from time to time. Anthropology real fascinating stuff.”Lyra said with a smile.

“I understand the hobby part of it.” I said with a nod.

“Where did you get that?” She said as she pointed to my metallic prosthetic.

“Well it was a gift.” I said, not knowing if I should keep it secret or not.

“I never seen one with fingers. How do they work?” she questioned, I had stopped and looked at her. She had never seen one with fingers. Why did I get the feeling I got a high end model of a prosthetic?

“Really?” I asked.

“She’s right. I’ve never seen that model myself and I have done studies on them.” Twilight added from the sofa. Good thing I don’t get rid of manuals. I walked back to the table and using my magic to bring over the large book, placed it on the table.

“Well why don’t we see why I have these then.” I offered. Lyra came up to the table and watched me flip through the book. A quick skim of the introduction gave the answer away. My prosthetic is a modified version of a griffon’s model. A little surprising to say the least. Mainly for the fact is I didn’t know griffons existed here. Which would explain why I had fingers.

“Well that explains it. But I don’t know why Princess Celestia thought you should have that model since you’re a pony and everything.” Twilight said.

“Well technically, I’m not a pony remember. I’m a Drony.” I corrected.

“Oh right.” Twilight said.

“What’s a Drony?” Lyra asked.

“It’s what happens when a magical dragon and a pony have a kid.” I said to put it simply. She looked at me then back to Twilight who nodded.

“That would explain the weird wings.” Lyra said as she pulled out one of my wings then ran one of her hoofs across the top of it. A shudder ran down my body as my cheeks turned red. Damn it why do ponies have to do that.

“Lyra don’t do that.” Twilight said noticing my action. Acting as she was burned she pulled her hooves away from my wings.

“Oh sorry.”Lyra said.

“No, no, no. It’s fine you didn’t know.” I said trying to keep it vague as possible. “What do you want to know about humans?” I said as a change of subject before she asked what she did wrong. She smiled and went rapid fire on me again. Asking a lot of questions.

“I want to know everything about humans, how fingers work, what humans eat, why they wear clothes, why they don’t have wings or horns?” She started with. I used my metallic hoof to stop her this time.

“Miss Heartstrings, let me start with those before you overload me with questions.” I said then pulled my hoof away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw paper and quill float over in purple magic. “and let’s not forget to let Twilight able to catch up making notes. Right Twilight?” I said turning to her with a smile.

“You caught me.” She said with a small smile of her own.

“I don’t mind. I figured you were going to ask me about it at some point. Like I expect Rarity to question me about human fashion, which I will get to that too Lyra.” I said catching Lyra off before she asked. “As for how fingers work. We’ll let me ask you this. How do hooves work?” I said looking at the both of them. They took a moment and looked at their hooves then back to me.

“They just do.” Lyra said.

“Exactly, they just do. Fingers let humans hold and grip something just like how your hooves let ponies do the same thing.” I said then floated over an apple from the fridge. Then gripped it in my metallic fingers. “Just like this. The only difference here is that I can’t tell how hard I’m gripping it since I now have a prosthetic limb.” I said then the apple burst from my fingers. Good thing I pull a shield around my hoof to keep the apple in it. I then floated the apple piece to a cup in the kitchen to deal with later. Then a towel over to clean my hoof.

“Oh I see. What about what you use to eat as a human?” Lyra asked as Twilight finished her notes on finger.

“That is a good question. Humans eat a lot of things.” I stopped and thought for a moment then remembered to Spike and dragons. “They are close to dragons when it comes to eating, minus all the gem eating. Just like dragons, humans are omnivores. So they can eat both veggies and meat. Now some humans don’t always eat the same things. A vegetarian doesn't eat meat and vegans won’t eat anything that comes from an animal. Which means no milk, eggs, or cheese, as well as anything else that falls under those lines.”

“Does that mean you use to eat meat?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, I use to eat meat. No don’t get me wrong, since I became a drony I have not touched meat in any way.” I said.

“Well that’s good to know.” She said with a smile on her face.

“Now for why do humans wear clothes?” I said feeling a blush creep over my face. “Well without them they feel naked.”

“What’s wrong with being naked? Every pony walks around mainly naked so what’s the big deal?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t see the problem either.” Lyra added.

“Well for one thing ponies have fur so they aren’t totally naked as humans have very little hair. Most of that is on their head.” I said as the blush redden.

“I still don’t get it.” Twilight said.

“There is more. Humans would have there um… What’s the word I’m looking for?” I said pondering. “There more um… private areas would be on display and humans have issues showing them.” Here my face turned quite red. I was really uncomfortable talking about this. Mainly because I always felt awkward as hell when it came to it. Don’t get me wrong, I was a guy and you can get the idea where your thoughts travel to from time to time but that was in our heads not out of our mouths. “So they wear clothes to conceal them so they don’t feel exposed.” I said now red as a tomato. After a few moments of writing later a small gasp and I turned to Twilight.

“Does that mean that without something on you feel… exposed.” I nodded quietly with my face red as hell. “Oh my.” She said as she blush. Lyra looked puzzled. With a few moments of awkward silence later Lyra decided to ask the next question.

“So why don’t humans have wings or horns for magic?” Lyra asked, I for once was so happy for the change of subject.

“Well because humans are not born with them. Now to be fair my old world did have its own magic, nothing like here but more like tricks. Mainly sleight of hand… Well it would be sleight of hoof here. Pretty smoke and mirrors really. Pretty much tricks to deceive the eyes.” I said. Our Q&A went on for a few hours. There was a few tidbits of info I gleaned from them as well. They had a lot of the same technology as I use to have, computers, phones, and turntables just to name a few. But a lot of them were for ponies that could afford them, which I knew I could not since only the rich had them.

“So what about holidays?”Lyra asked.

“What about holidays?” I inquired.

“Why kind of holidays do humans have?”

“Well. We have new year’s, which is to bring in the new year. There’s saint patrick’s day, from what I remember was used mainly for a reason to wear green and drink.” I said shrugging.

“Drink what?” Twilight asked.

“Well, its called alcohol back there.” I said. “But they do come with different names. Whiskey, beer, ale, lager, sake, wine.” I start to list off.

“We have wine.” Lyra and Twilight chime in.

“I figured as much.” Which I did kind of. I figured Rarity would get a bottle to class up a meal. “There’s more honestly, like gin, rum, vodka, brandy, and one I could easily see Applejack drink since it’s her name and everything.” I said before I caught myself. “Not saying she drinks. Just a random thought is all.” I over correct myself. Damn I was an idiot at times.

“Well some of those we do have. Besides the cider kind.” Twilight said. “If you don’t mind me asking. What kind of drinks do you prefer?” She asked and I stop to think for a bit. Now granted I did enjoy drinking from time to time and I did like to be a little drunk when I had nothing to worry about. In fact I was a bit of a happy drunk and I did take a lot to get me good and sauced to the nines.

“Personally I prefer going with mixed drinks. Something that tastes good to start with. Like a screwdriver. Which is vodka and orange juice.” I explain as Twilight continues to take notes. “But I do enjoy a good wine too. Now granted very rarely I got to have one, but there good none the less.” I continued. “What about you two?”

“Well I do like wine but Applejack’s Cider is my favorite.” Lyra stated.

“I’m about the same but I rarely drink.” Twilight added.

“I see.” I said afterwards like an idiot.

“So what other holidays did you have back home?” Twilight asked getting back to the subject that we spring boarded off of.

“Well lets see, there was the fourth of july. Which was a holiday to show independence. We pretty much cooked out on the grill and watched fireworks.” I said as my mind went back to an old memory of my family and I just sitting on the back of the truck and watched the fireworks go off.

“Anything else?” Twilight questioned snapping me back to reality.

“Well theirs more. Lets see there is Halloween. Which pretty much everyone dressed up in costumes and the kids would go trick or treating to get candy.” I said.

“That sounds a lot like Nightmare Night.” Lyra said.

“Nightmare Night?” I questioned now a bit confused.

“Well for the most part you explained it spot on. Besides the candy offering towards the end.” Twilight explained.

“Isn’t that coming up soon?” Lyra turned to Twilight and asked.

“Why I think it’s next week. I have a meeting with the mayor about it to plan it out.” Twilight stated.

“Mind if I join you for that meeting?” I asked. I haven’t met the mayor yet and I figured I should since I do live here now.

“I don’t see why not. It’s later today.”

“Sweet.” I stated with a smile. It was sooner than I expected but was happy about it nonetheless. “Now there’s not a lot left holiday was that I remember. There’s thanksgiving which where one’s family gets together and have a big meal. When I mean family I mean like the whole family or at least the ones that can make the trip. Well there’s more holidays but I barely know anything about them. Except for Christmas, one of my favorite holidays. About the same as Thanksgiving but we give presents to each other. And don’t forget Santa Claus.” I said with a smile. Happier times these memories where. The decorating, the songs, the cold winter days watching the snow fall. The fireplace burning a log and those cheesy but always good children stories and movies. Not to forget those Christmas specials on TV.

“Saddle Claus?” Twilight asked.

“No, Santa Claus.” I said extincting the Santa part of it. “He is the Jolly old man. Well um here I guess Jolly old Stallion. Goes to everyone’s house and gives gifts to all the good little boys and girls.” I explained.

“Ah. Well Thanksgiving and this Christmas sounds a lot like hearts warming.” Twilight explained.

“Oh really?” I said as she just colored me intrigued. “Please tell me more.” Twilight went on to explain the founding of Equestria according to the old stories. How it took three ponies to find a peace between each of the pony races. It was fascinating and really kind of felt familiar in a way. I don’t really know why. Of course as she explain it dawned on me I forgot a holiday.

“I just remembered a holiday that I forgot to explain. Valentine's day. It’s all centered around love. Well more your special someone.” I say.

“Hearts and Hooves day.” Lyra say.

“What?” I said a little confused.

“Yeah. Lyra’s right that sounds like Hearts and Hooves day.” Twilight clarify. Thank god that Twilight said that otherwise I would have been confused more. I got up a bit and stretched a bit. After sitting there for a few hours I got extremely stiff. So I moved around letting some of my joints pop getting the air out of them.

“Why don’t we do this more questions later. No offense or anything but I think I need some fresh air.” I said looking at the two mares in my living room. They both smiled and nodded.

“Alright, but I want to hear more about humans.” Lyra said as she walked to the door with a flick of her horn the door opened on it own.

“I’ll pencil you in.” Twilight added with a smile. After I said goodbye to Lyra, I turned to Twilight.

“So when is this meeting?” I asked.

“In an hour. Why?” she replied.

“Well I wanted to ask you something in private since Lyra is not here.” I said as I closed the door with a bit of my magic.

“About what?”

“Um… Last night.” I stated as Twilight instantly went red.

“What about last night?”

“It’s just. After that kiss.” I said really trying to keep my thoughts on track.

“I just want to know what you think of me.” I said not looking at her but the heat on my face probably could be seen from space. Hell you probably could see it back home with how hot I felt. It was then I noticed Twilight didn’t say anything. I started to worry but I didn’t say anything. What if she didn’t like me in that way? What if I screwed up so bad that she was only being friendly? I had turned down the dark alley way in my mind. Self doubt and feeling more like an idiot started to pile on with every second of silence between us.

“I don’t know honestly.” She finally said after a few minutes of silence, I had stayed quiet. “I like you but… I don’t know if I like you in that way. It’s just all so fast. You just got here less than a month ago and we haven’t really spent time besides this and our little adventures.” Twilight went on to explain. I could feel my heart breaking at each word. She was right, oh god she was so right. I was pathetic to even try. On top of that I may have just screwed over my friendship with her and her friends because of my reckless actions. My head lowered as she went on. “We haven’t even gone on a date so… are you alright?” She questioned as she must of seen my change in demeanor.

“Yes.” I said with no real worth to it. My hair had fallen down over my eyes to hide my look of depression.

“Firestorm.” She stated with worry in her voice.

“I’m fine Twilight.” I said pulling on a fake smile. I knew it was fake but I had become an expert over time on how to fake a smile. Something you learn when you just don’t want anyone to know that you are in a dark place inside. Luckily for me my darkside was expelled from me so I had no worry about transforming into Shadowstorm again. “If you would excuse me for a moment.” I said as I floated up my saddlebags and head down stairs with them. I placed them on the table down there before I heard the door close. One quick jaunt upstairs to find Twilight had left. She had left a note on the table.

Dear FireStorm,
Sorry I had to leave so suddenly but I just remembered something I forgot. Meet you in front of city hall in an hour.
Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

I gone over the note quietly a few times. Honestly Twilight was pretty good at lying if no one really knew what just happened. But she may have realized what she may have caused. I don’t blame her, I probably would have done the same. Well I kind of did do the same. But I didn’t leave the house I just moved to any other room for a few moments. With a sigh I decided I needed some fresh air. I grabbed my keys and left.

Ponyville was unusually quiet. No birds chirping or the clatter of hooves. It wasn’t long for me to notice that everyone was either looking at me or avoiding me. The look of distance that each of them told me enough. What really set it in was me over hearing some of them.

“Is that the pony?” one mare said.

“Yeah the one that destroyed the visitor center.” A stallion answered.

“We should get that monster out of town. He should go into Everfree where he belongs.” Another mare said with venom in her voice at the word monster. My legs started to shake at each word they said. It was then a gust of wind sent a newspaper into my face. I looked at it and saw the title of the main article.

“Firestorm. Monster or Worse?” it read. I folded up the paper and placed it under my wing as I started to walk quietly out of town. If I was this monster as everyone saw it, then I should leave, that is probably why Twilight left like she did. She must see me as this monster like everyone else did. With each step I continued to watch everyone go about staring at me or turning away. Mothers would pull their kids back and hold them. My walk continued until I was outside Everfree forest. I turned back to see Ponyville in the distance. With one final sigh, I walked into the forest. About an hour into my walk in the forest I noticed that it was dark. One light spell later I started traveling this path that lead deep into the woods. Of course it didn’t really matter right? Last time I was here I had to face a Timber wolf just to save my friends. It would be fitting if another one would come after me. A laugh escaped from that thought. Enough to make the noisy forest around turn quiet. I guess even the monsters fear me. The walk itself went off uneventful until I got to an old rickety bridge. I looked down the side of the cliff the bridge was attached to. The fog below hid the ground so I couldn’t judge the distance. I only hope it wasn’t that much of a fall. A testing step on the boards let out a moaning creek.

“I hope this will hold me.” I said to no one. I didn’t really have anyone to talk to anyway. I made my way across the bridge, the creeks being the only sound that could be heard. The forest must know when to be quiet because even now nothing could be heard. I saw the castle in the distance so I may as well head there. I needed a shelter since Ponyville pretty much didn’t need me there. I scared to many of them when Shadow controlled me. I could see the supporting words everyone would say.

“That wasn’t you” something ether Rarity or Twilight would say.

“Ah sugar cube it doesn’t matter what they say. You are you and not this monster.” Applejack would probably add.

“It will be alright.” Fluttershy would timidly say.

“You’re too awesome to let ponies bother you like that.” Dash would straight out state.

“Aww don’t be all saddy-waddy. You should be so happy dappy. You need a party to cheer you up.” Pinkie would say just coming out of no where. Honestly I know they would be what I needed to hear but it still wouldn’t work. Never really did in the past. I just put on a mask for everyone and powered through it. I deal with depression a lot, I never really sought treatment for it. I mean yeah, some days I wasn’t as depressed as others. But since all of this, I couldn’t help it anymore. With everything that went on from crashing into Applejack’s farm to Shadowstorm’s control. From hurting Twilight, to scaring everyone in Ponyville. The doors creaked to the old castle as I pushed them open. A large room just beyond the door held an ornate statue that looked like it held something at one time. I guess this was where Twilight and her friends found their elements of harmony. I went up one of the local towers mainly following the story Dash had told me to find the room where Luna was freed from the Nightmare Moon spirit. Pieces of that spirits armor still laid there. I floated them up to me as I looked over the metallic blue pieces. The moon was still on them but broke right down the middle. I kept them close as I continued to explore a little of the castle where I found a throne room. Two chairs one with the sun and the other with the moon. I sat the armor next to the moon and I sat in it quietly. I looked out the broken window to the left as it was still daylight as the forest top could easily see miles around it. I lifted up the helmet of the armor, the only piece still whole of it all. If I wasn’t already dealing with depression I could have sworn I was hearing pianos play but that could have been my mind playing tricks on me as I placed it on my head. A little snug in places but for the most part it fit. What happened next I didn’t expect as the dark midnight blue metallic head piece started to glow quietly as it turned dark red and changed to fit my head better as I felt a familiar warmth soon through me. The reflection in a broken mirror told me that my hair had turned to fire once again but it emitted through the helmet itself as well as my mane. The tail itself as a lite. I couldn’t help but chuckle at this. Something in this helm made my mane and tail act like I was angry. But I’m far from it, I was just upset I guess would best describe it. It was then I noticed the paper I had placed under my wing.

“Firestorm. Monster or Worse?” The title read

The new local alicorn stallion to arrive in Equestria: Is he the monster that a lot of the residents of Ponyville see him or is he worse? From the recent events, we can assume that he is worse. He has inadvertently destroyed one of the visiting rooms of the hospitals and sent one of the local heroes of Equestria to the hospital and already threatened royalty. Prince Blueblood proclaims that he is a menace to pony society and goes on to say that he was being welcoming when the stallion in question threatened him to make him leave.

I got though before I tossed the paper into the air and torched it. As it disappeared to ashes I turned to the window, to see a cyan pony staring at me. I blinked for a moment. What? Again with another blink I see her wiz off before the door on the other end of the room opens up to see Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash coming in. I don’t see anything before they come up to me slowly. Twilight slowly makes her way up to me.

“Sir.” She started as I raised my eyebrow. “Have you seen a friend of ours. He is orange and.” She got out before I said something.

“Twilight it’s me.” I said. A few moments pass before she looks at me again in surprise.

“Firestorm! What happened to you?” She asked now surprised. I turn my head a bit confused.

“What do you mean what happened?” I asked a little lost at what she meant.

“Well you're bigger and your mane and tail are on fire.” She points out.

“Well my mane and tail normally did that when I was angry.” I said removing the helmet on my head. It reverted to its normal dark midnight blue again as well as my mane and tail as well. I placed it down and walked over to Twilight. “What’s wrong?”

“We should be asking you that sugar cube.” Applejack said. I simply raised an eyebrow. “Well you just left for no reason. Some pony told us they saw you go into the Everfree forest and we all got worried. Why did you come here?” She continued as I sighed and turned to the window not answering.

“Is this because of that article in the newspaper?” Twilight surmised.

“What article?” Dash asked.

“The one depicting me as a monster Rainbow Dash.” I stated as I walked over to the window looking out it. “Partly…” I said letting my words die on my breath.

“Look it doesn’t matter what any pony.” Applejack started to say.

“Stop Applejack.” I said surprising her, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash. “Look I know what you all are going to say. That is not my fault, I was being controlled, I shouldn’t let other ponies get someone as awesome as me down.” I said as I turned to them the look on there face was both surprised and worried. “I’ve heard stuff like that all my life. No matter the words it still stands the same. Regardless of what I do, What I say, and what ever happens. I will still be a monster in their eyes, in their perspectives. “ I said. My now more depressive look turns to an angry one. My gaze returned to the window. “In all honestly I am one.” I said as my prosthetic hoof started to creek from a clenched fist.

“You shouldn’t call yourself that!” Twilight proclaimed.

“Why?” I questioned.

“Because your kind, gentle, protective, and have a long stream of bad events that could.” She said before a crash of glass stopped her as I broke the window more. All of them looked at me.

“That’s enough. Twilight what does a monster do?” I questioned.

“Hunt, destroy, scare, and attack.” She answered.

“The easiest way to hunt, lul the enemy into being defenseless. I destroyed the safety that ponies once had. I scared them as well as scared Blueblood, and how many times have I attacked?” I turned to them. Twilight mulled over what I said and nodded quietly knowing where my train of thought had went. She looked at me but my gaze was not focused on Twilight, Applejack, or Rainbow Dash. But to the pony standing at the door.

“I see you finally understand.” The pony at the door said. The cold chill ran down my spine and visibly did down the three other ponies as well. I took a deep breath.

“Hello.” I said as I floated the helmet next to me. “What do I call you since you're not Aria?” I said looking at it.

“But I am.” He started to say.

“You're not. Quit trying to make me or anyone else believe the lie.” I said before I made my way closer and it was then I noticed the set of wings that adore her sides. She was an alicorn now, though her wings were more boney. She raised an eyebrow as her horn started to glow. Before she got a spell off, I punched her square in the face. Of course the dumb ass that I was, she got still had the energy in her horn. My guess was a lightning spell because it shot through my body down my metallic hoof. The strange thing was as it felt like a shock of a sugar rush just hit my system, along the pain the accompany it. Sparks emitted from my body that slid back from the attack. “Now are you going to tell us who you really are?” I asked again as I placed the helmet back on my head. My mane and tail became a lite again as I started to glare at the fake Aria.

“I suppose that I can’t continue to call myself Aria.” She got out before another punch to the face that sent her back a few feet. “Point made.” She said before she wiped black blood from her lip. “If you must call me something I guess you can me Vermom.” She said, that name struck me with a familiarity but I couldn’t tell where. She then looked at me as those empty eye sockets finally filled with large red eyes. Her normal tan coat started to change to a dark blue as her hair became longer and turned a silver white. Then it was there, a cutie mark a circle with a question mark and a fedora on the top curve of it. She still kept her wings and horn.

“Why are you doing this?” Twilight asked behind me. I didn’t remove my glare at Vermom as both Applejack and Rainbow Dash moved up to either side of me.

“Because it’s my job.” She simply put as she raised a hoof up to look at it. Of course that’s when I also noticed she had claws on her front hooves. It was entirely possible that she was a drony of some kind. I looked at her before her gaze returned to me.

“What was the supposed to mean?” Applejack said digging at the ground with a hoof as she is ready to charge.

“Sorry, privileged information, earth pony.” She said this sent a spark of anger though me. The way she said that was as an insult. My teeth started to grind.

“Listen carefully Vermom.” I said keeping quite calm though my demeanor was far from it. “What is your job? And please state it without insulting my friends.” I got out before I let my anger overwhelm me.

“Can’t say.” She said before my anger finally snapped as my metallic hoof grabbed her by the throat before I stood up on my back hooves pinning her against the back wall. Before she let out a omf. “You know force isn’t going to get your answer either?” she mocked.

“Oh I know.” I said carefully before I leaned in closely and whispered in your ear. “Since you won’t tell me your job in all this. Why don’t I find out what you're made off?” I said still calm as some of the pieces of armor floated over to me. Well the sharp ones at least. I put one of the larger ones against her belly. “Unless you want to answer my question.” I said before a swinging sound got my notice. My eyes widen as a pain shot into my spine and I dropped down, though I got my metallic hoof to disconnect the keep Vermom pinned to the wall. I turned my head and saw a large jagged scythe was imbedded in my back. My friends looked surprised as Applejack snapped back to what happened and dashed at her, turned, and bucked her right in the belly. A large snap told me she more then likely broke something. Dash got into her face and out right decked her. Twilight ran up to me as I fought to get back onto my hooves. The blade still in my back. It was hard to move, my body was a wet noodles around wooden sticks with weak joints. I wanted to scream in pain, one step caused me to let it out but it wasn’t a scream. What did come out was a roar, something closer to what you would hear from a dragon. Twilight, Dash, and Applejack looked at me in surprise.

“Finally, some of that monster comes out.” Vermom said followed by Rainbow getting in her face to yell.

“He is not a mons-” She got out before Vermom brought up her hind legs and kicked her. Applejack turned to watch Dash fly right into me, barely missing Twilight who’s horn lit up. I landed against something and drove the blade in deeper. I struggled to get to my hooves again. Harder this time, I think the blade was right against my spine. I got about a step closer to Vermom before I collapsed. This seemed to be enough for Twilight who’s horn erupted with magic. I couldn’t see its over glow because my world started to become fuzzy. Everything started to turn black as I was left with one sound before dead silence, an explosion.

I came to in a white void. There was nothing for miles. I should know because I had started to walk around.

“Anyone there?” I yelled but nothing. Not even an echo. So this place didn’t even have walls for the vibrations to bounce off of. I sighed quietly as I laid down on my side. I was tired of all this. Tired of being a problem to everyone and everypony. Since I had arrived its been one thing after another. The only rest I got was in the hospital which was I sick of seeing and when I was stuck in the castle from Princess Celestia trying to determine if I was a threat or not. In all honesty I’m surprised she didn’t. Maybe then I wouldn’t be such a bother to any of them.

“But you're not a bother.” A familiar voice said. I shot up and looked around but no one was there.

“Who’s there?” I said hoping that someone was there.

“Just little old me dear.” The voice said. I turned around and saw something fade in. My mouth just dropped slowly as I saw Aria standing there. Well to be fair more sitting there. I hoped it really was her. Because this Aria was just as I remembered her but with white wings. Large majestic white ethereal wings. She got up and trotted over to me. I couldn’t help but shake at this. If she was really here then was I dead? “You're not dead Storm. Far from it.” She said like she was reading my mind.

“Are you…” I got out before she stopped in front of me and placed a hoof on my mouth.

“No I’m not reading your mind. I just know what you're thinking. Because I know you well enough to do so. Yes it is me.” She said before removing her hoof and kissed me right on the lips. It felt warm, a familiar worth that I missed for so long. I couldn’t help but start to cry quietly. She gave me a small smile as she held me close and I let all of my pain out into her chest. “You’ve had to endure too much.” Aria said to me as she ran a hoof over my mane. “I know it hurts, and I know you regret that day but I don’t.” She continued. I looked up at her.

“But how? You died because of me.” I said between sobs.

“I died to save the stallion I love.” She said as she kissed me on the forehead right below my horn. “Don’t worry about the past. I may be gone physically but I’m never truly gone.” She said as she started to change before me. She became how she truly was. A human, her long black hair with her tan skin. She wore a white robe that was just as white as her wings. She continued to hold me but it was evident that she was twice as tall as I was. “Now my little pony I will never be really gone. I will always be here and here.” She said as her finger gently rested on my forehead then on my chest where my heart was. “Can you do me a favor Storm?” She asked with a gentle smile.

“Anything for you… Jessica” I said using her real name. Not the name the Equestria wanted me to remember her as. She smiled even more from me saying that. My memories of her was completely back to the way they were suppose to be.

“I need you to move on. Find a pony that you can share what we had. Find love and hold it close.” She said before she gave me another kiss on the lips again. “And don’t forget that you're not the monster that you make yourself out to be.” She said as the world around started to fade to black along side her.

“Jessica? Jessica!” I started to yell wanting her back. I wanted to talk to her more. “Jessica!” I yelled again as tears started to stream down my face again, before a beep shattered the dark.

The beeping was all I could hear when I came to. I opened my eyes as I looked at out at the night sky, not a word to be said. From my peripheral, I could see a yellow pony’s leg and a pink mane. Fluttershy was in the room with me. I couldn’t tell if she knew I was up or not. With a shift of my eyes I saw she was nose deep in a book. This seemed a little off of the yellow pegasus but the only reason I could guess was that I have been in her for a few days so instead of just watching me sleep she decided to read. I couldn’t really read the title of it but the blush on her face told me it was one of the romance titles as well as the image on the cover. It held a white stallion holding a mare close that had long flowing blond hair. The opening of the door got me to look but I didn’t turn my head. Stepping in was Pinkie Pie. Bouncing like she normally would.

“Hello Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy timidly said as she put down the book, which was titled “Cove of love.”

“Hiya Fluttershy. How’s our friend?” Pinkie asked as he pulled out a basket from nowhere. I was still pretty tired to try and piece that feat together.

“He’s still asleep.” Fluttershy replied with a frown on her face. Pinkie’s face accompanied hers with a frown.

“I could have sworn he would be up. My hoofs been quivering for an hour now.” Pinkie said before both mares looked at me with me looking back. Of course I didn’t say anything just turned my gaze back to the window. It wasn’t me trying to be cold to them I… I didn’t have anything to say.

“Oh my. Your up!” Fluttershy said in a surprised tone unheard by me.

“Yeah I am.” I said halfheartedly. Honestly I wanted to go back to the white void like that. So I could see her again.

“How long have you been up? Why didn’t you say anything?” Fluttershy asked as I started to sit up slowly. My body ached all over but a lot of it was on my back. Pinkie dashed over and handed me a cupcake. I stared down at the orange frosted treat, part of me wanted to bite into it, at the same time I didn’t.

“For a few moments and I didn’t have anything to say.” I said as my gaze never left the cupcake.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy pressed on.

“No.” I simply put.

“Should I go get the nurse?”


“Do you want to talk about it?”


“Is there anything we can do to help.”


“Well what is it?” Pinkie asked trying to break the simple one line dialogue coming from me.

“Home.” I said.

“But you're hurt.” Fluttershy said as I placed the cupcake on the little tray in front of me with my only hoof. I didn’t have my prosthetic in.

“I just want to go home.” I got out before the tears started to flow. This was too much even for me. All the pain and events just finally hit me all at once again. I would have held it longer but after seeing Jessica I just broke down. Fluttershy came over and placed a hoof on my shoulder. Pinkie came up to my other side and watched in silence. I guess even Pinkie Pie knew when not to be all energetic. I didn’t even hear the door open but it must of because.

“Oh sugarcube you're awake!” A surprised sounding Applejack said. My gaze didn’t turn to her, I just sit there and cried. “Firestorm please talk to us.” She said as I felt a hoof on my leg. I couldn’t even get a word out from my sobs. “Can some pony please tell me what happened?”

“He just woke up without a word.” Fluttershy stated.

“And he was all quiet saying things like Big Mac would before he asked to go home before all the tears just come flowing out like a waterfall. He didn’t even take a bite of the cupcake I gave him.” Pinkie said as she most likely pointed to the untouched cupcake on the tray. There was silence between the three of them as my sobs where the only thing heard. An hour passed when I finally stopped crying. I became silent again as I took a small bite from the cupcake Pinkie gave me.

“Feeling better there sugar cube?” Applejack said a few moments after I stopped and I nodded. I didn’t want to talk much.

“What happened?” I asked before I took another timid bite.

“What happened?” Applejack questioned before it snapped “Oh back there. Well… after you collapsed Twilight became enraged and casted some flashy spell that blew that Vermom varmint away through the wall itself. She flew off into the forest before we could chase her. Twilight had Dash and me take you to get checked out. We got you to Zecora so she can at least get you safe enough to travel the rest of the way. She said that you should heal fine but shouldn’t push yourself. Dash flew you the rest of the way from there. That was a week ago, you’ve been in a coma ever since.” She continued. That did not help how I felt. “Both Princesses even showed up to find out what happened. They are in the forest with Twilight and Dash now searching for clues of where Vermom went.” I looked at her quietly and asked simply.

“Can I go home please?” I asked really hoping for a yes. I was tired of the hospital I just wanted to lay in my own bed. A bed I have not used yet a bed that my friends gave me with my new home to help me fit in.

“I don’t know sugar cube.” Applejack said the uncertainty present on her face. “But you don’t have to worry about your bill. It’s taken cared off.” She said.

“I’m sorry to say but visiting time is up.” Nurse Redheart said from the door as she noticed me up. She didn’t say anything.

“Alright we’ll be back in the morning.” Applejack said.

“And I’ll bring you a nice big cupcake to make you feel all better.” Pinkie added.

“When you want to talk we will be here to listen.” Fluttershy comfortably said. Before all of them left as Nurse Redheart came up with a clipboard and sat in the chair.

“How are you feeling?” The nurse asked, I turned to her.

“Physically or emotionally?” I question.

“Let’s start physically.”

“Sore and worn down to be honest.” I said not looking at her but the window.

“Well that’s to be expected after removing such a large blade from your back. Honestly you're quite lucky. If it was an inch further, you may not be with us now.” She said in a tone that I hoped was trying to help. Because it didn’t. “What about emotionally?”

“Upset and cold.” I said simply.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Too much missing context to be accurate with it.” I said as I looked at her off the reflection in the glass. “Mind if I asked something?”

“Go right ahead.”

“Did I die?” I simply asked and she was silent. Not the good kind of silent either. Like the choosing her words wisely kind.

“Why do you ask?” She question with worry.

“Because it would explain something.” I vaguely said. She simply looked at me quietly a sigh of defeat later she finally answered my question.

“Yes. You technically died for ten minutes.” She answered.

“Sorry.” I said.

“For what?” She said a surprised.

“That I died like that.” I said with no real mirth.

“It wasn’t your fault.” She said as I turned to her.

“Can I go home?” I asked, she shook her head.

“I’m sorry but we have to keep you here to make sure you heal up properly. But I can get you something to pass the time. Anything specific you want?” She offered.

“Large sketch pad and pencil.” I asked for she nodded.

“I’ll see what I can find.” She said before she left as I sat there in silence.

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle returned to the hospital without a clue about Vermom’s location. The group returned to find Redheart waiting at the entrance for them.

“He’s awake.” Redhead said with a bow to princess. Twilight on the other hand ran towards the room to stop at the door. Both Celestia and Luna joins her a few moments later looking at Firestorm. But not just him but what stood next to him. As he used his magic and the pencil to draw. A figure stood next to him. It was a tall, standing on two legs, closer to a minotaur but without the fur and horns. This was closer to Lyra’s draws and the figure was female. She had long black hair and a tanish skin. She wore a purple shirt and dark blue pants. A pair of white wings attached to her back as she watched Firestorm draw.

“Firestorm?” Celestia said as he looked up from his bed the figure beside him looked up as well flashing a smile before she faded away.

“Celestia, Luna, Twilight? What are you all doing here? It’s late.” He said putting down the pad face down hiding the image from them.

“How are you feeling?” Twilight asked as she walked over followed by the princesses.

“I’m alive.” He says as magic envelops the pad he placed. The pad floats over to Celestia as she and Luna look at it. The drawing was of the figure that stood next to Firestorm a few moments ago with one word written at the bottom.


Chapter 07 - Princes, Parties, and a Sleep Over

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Since I’ve been in here not much happened. Well technically something did happen. Nightmare Night happened the day after I woke up. Celestia and Luna asked if there was anything they could do since I couldn’t leave the hospital. It turns out that part of the scythe had broken within me and it was close to my spine. So I had to go through another surgery. I looked at the two royal sisters of Equestria as I thought over their question. I asked them about how this becoming a prince thing would work with me not being from Equestria, but I had already put my hoof down about it. I was not ready to be royality yet. I don’t think I could ever be royality at all since I was the idiot I was. Well I guess I could be royality as long as they don’t stick me with something important. I would just screw it up. But I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. Hell I didn’t see myself as the monster that the paper had. Not since Jessica had talked with me when I was dead. Celestia looked worried at me from my silence.

“Firestorm are you alright?” she asked in a worried tone. I simply sighed.

“In all honesty, I’m not alright. I just don’t know how to process it all. It’s been one thing after another. I just want a normal day for once. Sleep in my own bed that I haven’t slept in yet. Maybe just walk around Ponyville and listen to the music of nature.” I started to ramble. Celestia had a look of confusement from my comment ‘music of nature’ but I didn’t pay it much heed. “I just want to be a normal pony but I know that is too much to ask for. Since I’m a Dralicorn and all.” I continued as I ran my left hoof through my mane. I would have used my right one but I didn’t have it anymore. Twilight’s blast destroyed the limb. Well mostly, what they returned to me was pretty much a ball of scrap metal.

“I understand how you must feel” Luna said to me as I let out another sigh. “But understand that you were given a gift. For what purpose we don’t know.” She continued as she walked over to me.

“Even the most welcomed of gifts can become a nightmare of a curse.” I said out of impulse.

“That’s quite a wise and true statement. I must ask, where did you hear that from?” Celestia asked.

“It wasn’t that I heard it from somewhere. It was more something I learned over time.” I said my gaze now on the window.

“If you don’t mind my prying but from where?” Celestia said as she got to the other side of the bed to look at me. I didn’t turn but I could see her in the window’s reflection against the night sky.

“I was given a second chance Celestia. A gift of love from someone so close to me. But in doing so cursed me to remember that day and to live it over and over in my dreams. I remember that day so perfectly.” I said no real sadness to my voice more an acceptance of it.

“The day Aria-.” Luna started.

“Jessica” I corrected.

“Jessica?” Celestia and Luna both questioned.

“Her real name is Jessica. Aria was a nickname she went by because of her love of music. It fit her since she always enjoyed pieces with an aria in them.” I said my gaze still on the window. “And yes Luna, the day Jessica died. It’s forever etched into my memory. As I could guess both of you have memories etched into yours. Like how you decided to take Twilight under your wing Celestia and your first Nightmare night since you had returned Luna.” I said only taking a shot in the dark with my guesses.

“I see. Do you have more etched memories?” Celestia questioned.

“Too many to count.” I replied.

“Are they good ones?” Luna questioned.

“A lot of them aren’t but there are a few good ones.” I said as I brought over a glass of water to take a sip from.

“Can I ask you something?” Celestia questioned.

“You already did but go ahead.” I said as she paused for a moment.

“I see you have been a bit more jokeful lately. That’s good to see. But what caused you to really go into the Everfree like that?” Celestia asked.

“The main reason I went to the forest.” I started then took another sip. “Mainly from that news article. It depicted me as a monster and with everything that had happened it was like adding fuel to the fire. That and what I over heard from some of the ponies didn’t help either.” I got out.

“Well that article has been dealt with so there is no worries about it. As for the overheard parts. What did you hear?” She questioned.

“Well mainly how I should go back to the Everfree since I was a monster and all. That and to reassure each other that I was the one that destroyed the visiting room.” I answered.

“That’s quite horrible to hear about. Is there anything we can do to fix this?” Luna asked. I sighed quietly.

“Honestly I don’t know. I really don’t know. Part of me just wants to break down for once. I don’t mean just a cry but to break down and tell everything. That is something I can’t do.” I stated as my eyes start to go unfocused.

“What do you mean that is something you can’t do?” Celestia said as I turned to her.

“Because I don’t like sharing the problems with me. It makes me feel… well for the lack of better words. Weak and useless.”

“Firestorm, you are not weak and useless. No pony should think that of themselves. I know you're still not use to everything here and with all the events that transpired, its hard not to think of yourself that way.” Celestia said.

“Yeah.” I half heartedly said. “I guess that’s true. Let me ask you this: Why can’t I have a normal day? Not one that has some transforming pony using my past against me, not one with a darker side of me takes over causing so much havoc, not one where I end up being stuck in the hospital to find out that I had died and came back into a coma for a week. Hell I never really got to enjoy Nightmare Night. All because I was stuck here. “ I started to vent. Not really fully vent but just enough to relieve what was on my mind at the time.

"The pain from your time here is out of my hooves. I am sorry Firestorm" Celestia said, “If it wasn’t I would certainly do something.”

“And I wouldn’t let you.” I said out of habit. This must have caught both princesses by surprise.

“What do you mean you wouldn’t?” Luna inquired.

“Because how I am. I wouldn’t be the pony… no, I wouldn’t be who I am now if I didn’t go through all that pain, all that sorrow, and all that darkness. If I didn’t do that then someone else would have and I couldn’t bare the thought of letting someone else deal with all this. It’s better that I do, even if it breaks me.” I said as I look at them. I meant every word of it and I hope both of them understood.

“That is noble of you to think that way. But you should also be happy for once.” Celestia said.

“But I am in some weird way. I have gained almost every memory back of what I did before I came here. For the most part I remember who I am and what I had to go through. I remember my family, my friends, and everyone I met along the way.” I spoke as my gaze returned to the window. “I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t miss them. Because I do but I’ve come to terms with a few things.” I spoke a small shake to my voice as I closed my eyes just waiting.

“What are they?” Luna asked as I knew one of them would.

“That I’m not going to see them again. That as far as they know I’m lost or dead to them.” I said quietly as a tear rolls down my cheek. “There’s no way for me to go back and them to understand. I’m a pony, a talking pony. Hell I’m not really that am I. I’m a talking fire breathing, dragon hybrid of a pony. If I did return who says I would return to normal. I don’t by it, I’d most likely stay like this. Then the government would most likely take me and dissect me to study what I am.”

“That’s horrible.” Celestia said with surprise and worry in her voice.

“That’s how the government sees new things. They have to study it, understand it, know every inch of it. It’s part of the reason of so much conflict back home.” I said shining some light for the first time of home to either of them. Well more a darker light to them.

“So is this the reason why you come to terms about going home?” Celestia asked as I simply nodded. “I see. Then I guess you will be living in Equestria from now on.” She said more as a statement then a question. I figured that after a few days that I wasn’t going home. This place was better than home. Okay granted, if some evil things didn’t keep happening to me like they did it would be perfect. I picked up my sketch pad again and started to doodle again. So far it’s the only thing I have to do. Twilight hasn’t been around since she saw me wake up. Come to think of it none of the girls has shown up since I woke up. Well besides Pinkie bringing me a cupcake before she has to rush off to work. I couldn’t help but sigh quietly to myself.

“Something wrong?” Luna asked as I continued to draw.

“Nothing really. I just wish the girls would come around a bit more. I know it’s a little selfish of me but… I just miss them is all. Pinkie is the only one that comes by with a cupcake before she runs off to work.” I said as my drawing starts to take the form of the six of them. “Frankly you two have been the only ones to see me the most since I got the blade in my back.”

“That’s quite odd. I figured they would be here more.” Celestia said with a bit of a puzzled look to her.

“I chuck it up to them being busy really. Twilight and Spike have the library to run. Applejack has her farm to deal with. Rainbow Dash has her weather work to do. Fluttershy most likely has to deal with her animals. Rarity has her dress making business to run and Pinkie has to help the Cakes with the bakery.”I said as I start to work on Twilight’s face more.

“Well if you want I can send them over to see you.” Celestia offered.

“No it’s fine. I don’t want to be a bother more than I already am.”I said not really thinking about my response.

“You know you're not a bother to them. They’re your friends.” She replied, I stopped for a moment realizing what I said. A small sigh escaped my mouth.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. I just feel like since I have arrived I have bothered them enough with the help I’ve had to have.” I said before I continued as I drew Twilight’s cutie mark.

“I do see where he is coming from Tia.” Luna said to her sister. Tia? Oh Celestia. I guess that’s a nickname for her.

“So do I.” Celestia replied as I continued moving over to Pinkie’s mane. I continue to shift my gaze back to them and my drawing as I worked. Nothing was said but the looks on the two sister’s faces told me the two of them were in a middle of a silent conversation. I guess it must be a sister thing. I never really had something like that with my own sister. Well mainly for the fact that we fought all the time and she didn’t like me all too much.

“Firestorm” Luna started as I turned my gaze to her. “If it makes you feel better we will stay with you until morning.” I stopped drawing and set the pad down.

“Look, the two of you don’t need to take the time and visit me just to make me feel better. I know the both of you are quite busy running Equestria and probably behind on your own work.” I started before getting cut off.

“Well currently I am busy running it but Luna here is not since her return she has been taking the time to relax. Her main duty is to raise and lower the moon. So she can stay.” Celestia said as I looked at the two of them for a moment.

“Then I guess my hoof is tied on this. As long as I’m not keeping either of you from your duties. I don’t want to be labeled as a deturnent by the media.” I said in a joking tone.

“Oh of course not. You are not detur…” Luna said before she caught my smirk and Celestia chuckle. “Oh it was a joke.” She said with a light blush to her face of embarrassment.

“Thank you.” I said for the offer. Celestia bid both Luna and I adieu and disappeared in a flash of magic. Luna went over to one of the seats and sat down. I continued to draw quietly ever so often glancing over to see her looking at me with a focused gaze that unnerved me for some reason. I about an hour later I couldn’t help it but stop and look at her. “Something on your mind?”

“Well. Kind of.” She vaguely said. I sat the pad down and raised my hoof for her to continue. “It’s about that helmet you found.”

“You mean your helmet when you were Nightmare Moon?” I ventured a guess. She nodded for a moment then blinked.

“How did?”

“Rainbow Dash told me the story. As for it?” I said as I pulled the helmet over to me from the side table. It was still its dark midnight blue color almost the same as Luna’s coat color.

“Why do you have it?” She questioned. I looked at the helmet for a moment.

“Well because of what it does to me. I find it intriguing.” I said as I rub my hoof over it.

“What do you mean what it does to you?” She said with a puzzled look on her face. It quickly turns to one of surprise as I place the helmet on my head as the dark midnight blue quickly turns into a deep crimson red. Flames protrude from it like my mane does. It almost feels like I’m not wearing the helmet at all. It was then I noticed what I was told back in the castle of the pony sisters. I was indeed larger almost like a middle child to Celestia and Luna. A glance in the mirror told me that my eye’s took a more reptile style. Good thing this fire wasn’t real because the bed and most likely the hospital would be on fire with me sitting here.

“This is what I mean.” I said then a sudden dink could be heard. I turned to notice a black metal like object behind me that hit against the headboard. I floated it in front of me. It was sharp. I turned my head looking questioningly at it.

“Where did that come from?” Luna asked as she took over the magic on the object I just pulled from behind me.

“Behind me.” I said confused. Where did that come from? I mean the only thing back there was my back and the head board. Plus the pillows. Wait why does that remind mind me of… no it couldn’t be. Could it? “Nurse!” I yelled well more roared as a beastly undertone accompanied my voice. Luna looked surprised from what I could guess my sudden yelling and the roar that came with it. It wasn’t long until nurse Redheart came rushing in.

“What happened? Wait where is Firestorm he was supposed to be in here?” She said now panicking. I wrapped the mare in my magic and brought her over to me.

“One, Nurse it’s me and Two, get a unicorn with an X-ray spell now!” I said with a raised voice instead of the yell I really wanted to do. But thought best not to in case I roared in her ear. This caused her to snap back into attention and nodded running off. I removed the helmet and placed it in front of me. I returned to my normal size, well from what I could tell. I was at least smaller than Luna again.

“Firestorm.” She started then stopped trying to figure out the best choice of words. “I think my sister will need to know of this.” Damn it. One fucking day, how hard is it to ask for one fucking day not to have some supernatural shit come in and turn a perfectly good normal day into chaos. Somewhere I think Discord must be having a field day with me.

“I think so to.” I said with a pang of sorrow to my voice. Knowing my luck I’m going to be stuck in the castle again in a room unable to leave for a month with my track record so far.

“He’s in here.” Nurse Redheart said before she came in accompanied by a brown unicorn stallion with black wire framed glasses and a lab coat. Redheart looked at me with a bit of surprise, most likely to find me back to normal again.

“What happened?” The Doctor that I now know as Seethrough, Fitting name considering he is the expert of the X-ray spell here at the hospital. He cast the spell which was a then blue light that went over my body a few times. He then turned to a blank wall after it stopped and projected what I could guess was X-ray. He looked surprised as well as Redheart. “It’s gone.” He said in a bit of surprise then turned to the metal in Luna’s magic. “Princess Luna may I look at that for a moment?” he said with a bow to her. She nodded and floated it over to him.

“What is it Doctor?” Redheart asked.

“This is the broken piece from the scythe that was embedded in his back. It’s now out. But how?” He questioned completely perplexed. Hell so was I. It seems that my body just gave the piece of metal which was about an inch from my spine the eviction notice and kicked it right out. After a bit of explanation from both Luna and I. It came to the conclusion that both my untapped magic and the little boost I got from the Nightmare Moon Helmet which I have dubbed the Moon Helm. Which I think fits better than the longer one but hey that’s me. Well from the two sources working together it removed the foreign material from my body. I questioned why it didn’t do it when I first got struck with the weapon in the first place and the doctor dead panned “Magic.” I face hoofed enough where it hurt. Turns out Luna did the same. Honestly I think saying it was magic was the doctor’s cop out way of saying he didn’t have a flipping clue. I sighed and looked at Seethrough and Redheart.

“Since I pretty much removed the need of my next operation. Can I go home now?” I asked for pleaded in my head that the answer was yes. They looked at each over then back at me. Then turned around and huddled like a football team discussing their next play. I couldn’t overhear what the two said. An hour of this went by. I only know this because they happened to be by the side of the room with the clock.

“You may go home.” Which made me smile as Nurse Redheart said. “But” Ah shit, there was a condition to it and I knew it. “That you take it easy, nothing physically strenuous .” This I could do.

“Completely understood, don’t worry, I don’t plan to do anything strenuous but walk home and maybe cook. A bit of cleaning possibly and art. Can’t forget the art.” I said with a smile. They of course looked at each other then back at me.

“That is acceptable, also if you have to go to a Pinkie Pie party. Just avoid the dancing.” The doctor said. What? A Pinkie Pie party? What bring something like that up? There is really no reason for her to throw a party. Well from what I guess. I mean it could be some other ponies birthday. Then I blinked for a moment. Birthday…

“Um. Before we go any further in this conversation could I see a calendar please?” I asked. The doctor produced a small personal calendar from his coat pocket and floated it over to me. Now to say I was surprised how Equestria does it’s dating system was an understatement. It seems that each month here which are labeled the same as back home, are exactly four weeks starting with Sunday being the first day in every month. This meant that each month had twenty-eight days to them. This even had the holidays which to find out that at the end of October was Nightmare Night. One flip of the page told me that November which followed both here and back on earth. My birthday was coming up in a few days. I don’t know if I should tell anyone about it. With a bit of my own magic I floated the calendar back to Seethrough. “Thank you” I said as I slowly made my way off the bed. The Doctor and Nurse got me to agree to being pushed all the way home in a wheel chair. Luna the good hearted soul she was offered to push me and of course I said she didn’t have to. But she played the she wanted to card and I had to give up. Frankly at this point I should just give up on this special treatment gig. It felt like a losing battle every time. We made our way through Ponyville, the street lights the only light to illuminate the path. I was silent as we went down the path. The sound of squeaking wheels and Luna’s hoof steps the only audible things heard.

“Firestorm if you don’t mind me asking. Why did you ask that doctor to see a calendar?” Luna asked breaking the silence.

“I wanted to check about something.” I vaguely said with hope to avoid the next question that I knew I couldn’t avoid.

“And what would that be?” Luna questioned. I knew it, bang. Oh look I just shot myself in the hoof again figuratively.

“Just to see about a day coming up.” I vaguely respond.

“What day is that?”


“The fourth?”


“What’s so special about that day?”

“Nothing.” I lied

“Then why check the calendar about it?”


“There’s more to this and just curiosity isn’t there?”

“Nope.” I lied again as we got to my door. She floated the key out and unlocked my door. Yeah it was best to avoid the birthday subject. So far my track record with my birthday well besides a few memorable moments were well… bad. She pushed me inside. Well technically she pulled with her magic as she walked in ahead of me. She then wrapped me in magic and lifted me. Damn it why couldn’t one flipping pony ask me if I wanted to be lifted. She continued on her way up to my bedroom. Oh dear god please tell me I’m just over thinking this. A girl… no. A flipping goddess is taking me to my bedroom. Okay stop calm down. She is a friend trying to make sure I get rest. Right, it had to be that, it couldn’t be something oh dear god that look. Was that a come hither look? What, no it couldn’t be it must be an “is he alright” look. It just had to be… right? We got up the stairs and she placed me on my bed. My nice comfy bed it felt like I was floating on a cloud. I guess this is why they call it a cloud bed. She then floated the quilted blanket over me. She stopped at the foot of my bed to look at me. “Something wrong Luna?” I questioned that look I could decipher it at all.

“It is nothing.” She said looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Please tell me Luna.” I said as I sat up. She looked away.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Luna.” I said with a sigh. “You said that Celestia helped you when you had to deal with your problems. Just know that you can come to me as well.” I said as I watched her. Her ear perked up at that. Then she turned to me and came to the side of the bed.

“Thank you Firestorm.” She said then placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I blushed as she smiled at that. “I just worry for you is all. Since you are a brother to us.” She said. Her word choice felt unnerving.

“A brother?” I asked with a bit confusion.

“Yes. I completely forgot that you don’t know the bylaws here. When a pony becomes an alicorn or your case a dralicorn they become adopted into the royal family. Normally this is accompanied by a royal ceremony but since you don’t want to do that at this time we just filled the paper work. So technically you are a prince here in Equestria but we kept quiet about it.” She explained. Part of me was happy. I had a family here but then another part of me was a bit scared. I was royalty now. What did that mean? I shouldn’t think these thoughts right now. I gulped for a moment before I asked.

“Then do I call you and Celestia my sisters now?” I questioned.

“Well more aunts really. You are more a sister to Cadence then Tia or I.”

“So I can call Cadence my sister then?” I said to clarify. Luna nodded.

“Um not to sound rude or an idiot. But when were you going to tell me this?” Luna thought for a moment then looked at me.

“Well when you were ready to be royalty but I guess I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. Sorry.”

“Aunt Luna.” I couldn’t help but say with a small chuckle. Luna did as well. “It’s alright. I’m glad you told me now. I just wish there was some way of repaying everyone’s kindness to me. The house, the hospital bills.”I started to list off as I sat up.

“Oh the Hospital bills are normally covered by the state. It’s part of the taxes so it’s sort of like free health care. Since your royalty you will be given special treatment to make sure you're at full health. It’s a perk of being royalty.” She said which now made sense especially since I didn’t have a bit to my name but the special treatment that unnerved me a bit.

“I see. But what about the house and all the kind acts everyone has done for me. I just wish I could do something to repay them. It’s just I feel guilty about it. Like I was told I could have any size piece of cake. That I get to cut myself and I take three fourths of it leaving nine other ponies to get super thin slices.” I said as I rub the back of my neck.

“The house is from me personally. The girls help pick out and furnish it for you. It is my way of saying sorry for putting you in danger like I did when Vermom stabbed you.” Luna explained as her tone shifted to a depressive one.

“Luna it’s not your fault I froze. I should have been more alert but I let my guard down.” I said then I got up and gave Luna a hug. She smiled quietly and returned the jester.

“Doesn’t change what happened right? What’s done is done and now you have a house.” She said pretty much using my own words against me, sly move there princess of the night. “Now get some rest and don’t worry you will get some sleep.” She said as she floated me back into my bed and covered me up. With one last flick of her horn I started to feel cozy, almost drained. I yawned as I tried to tell Luna goodnight but she placed a hoof over my mouth and shushed me. “Good night Prince.” She said before everything faded to black with my eyelids firmly close, good night indeed.


The early morning rolled around like nothing happened. Of course my track record of waking up by something happening still held true because I shot out of bed at.

“You told him what?!” Came from the very surprised and slightly angered tone of Celestia, I turned to the clock on the wall. Lovely five in the morning to find two goddesses are fighting in my house. Universe, do you just not want me to have a full night sleep? I yawned quietly as I hopped out of bed. It took me longer to get down the stairs with three hooves compared to the four that I was use to. Good thing I had railing to keep steady on. I got down the stairs to see both Celestia who was looking quite angry at her sister and Luna who had a defiant look to her face.

“I told him the truth Tia.” Luna said. I sat on the bottom step so I didn’t interrupt the fight. Frankly this was about me but I figured if gods wanted to fight it was best to stay out of the line of fire.

“But we decided to tell him when he was ready.” Celestia said with a hoof on her forehead.

“Well it’s too late to change the fact he knows and you of all ponies should know it’s not good to keep things like this secret.” Luna said getting right in Celestia’s face before she shook her head slowly. It was then she noticed me on the steps and froze. Celestia noticed the change in her sister’s body language and followed her gaze to me. They both looked a bit ashamed.

“Could some pony please explain why five o’clock in the morning I have the rulers of Equestria fighting in my living room?” I asked followed by a yawn. Celestia sighed quietly and turned to me.

“Sorry for waking you Firestorm.” She started with an apology. I kept my mouth shut letting her continue. “But it comes to my attention that Luna here let it slip that you were already considered royalty when we knew you were not ready to accept it.”

“It wasn’t that I was ready or not. I saw it that I didn’t deserve it Celestia.” I said before I stretched. “Well that was then. But since I had the realization. I need to just accept things finally.” I said as I floated over a water bottle from the fridge. I took a swig of it. “Hell if every pony can accept the paradox perplexing pink party pony that is Pinkie Pie. I think I can deal with being royalty. Now with that said. I’m not ready for the responsibility of it yet. Especially since I don’t have the foggiest of clues what that involves.” I watched to two alicorns in my living room as they took in what I said. Easily I could tell that what I said had both confused and surprised them. “What?” I said in a nonchalant manner.

“You… surprised us is all.” Celestia said.

“Oh? How so?”

“Well it’s just you were pretty adamant about it and now you’re just well lack for a better word. Cool with it.” Luna added.

“So?” I said lightly smiling. “Yes I was adamant about it. In some parts I still am but right now I just want to just say buck it and go with the flow. I’ve had too much crazy go on I just need something, well, different. If it means me being royalty then screw it right?” I said as I finished the bottle and floated it to my sink.

“I see so you are ready to go through the coronation to make it ‘official’ and out in public?” Celestia asked.

“No. I’m not. Frankly because what was it a week ago everypony here thought I was a monster? I don’t think it’s wise to have the supposed ‘monster’ become a ruler do you?” I questioned as I rubbed around the metal on my right foreleg. This thing likes to hurt at times. It could be the weather I guess.

“I suppose you're right. But we do have to do it eventually.” Celestia said.

“Yeah. I just hope another ‘Blueblood’ doesn’t try and pull a stunt again.” I said with a sigh.

“What did happen?” Luna asked.

“Good question, I only heard that you threaten him for no reason. All he was trying to do was be welcoming.” Celestia added as both princesses looked at me.

“Why am I not surprised he tried to twist the events in his favor. Look he showed up out of the blue the same day I got to here for the first time. During the party Pinkie was throwing for me to take me back to Canterlot to be with some ‘civilized’ ponies. In the process of this he decided it was best to insult Rarity and the rest of my friends. I couldn’t have that. So I snapped at him and told him that if he wanted to insult some pony he can insult me but if I found out in any way that he insulted one of my friends I was going to make sure he regret it.” I said calmly to them even though I was still royally pissed off at the jerk. Seriously did he really tattle on me to Celestia and Luna. Oy, what a dumbass.

“I see. I take it your mane did that fire trick it likes to do?” Celestia questioned and I nodded.“Alright that explains why some of the guards were scared of you.” I shrugged.

“What ever got the point across. Before you worry, no I wasn’t going to hurt him I just wanted to scare him to get the point across. Frankly I don’t like my friends to be insulted like that unless it’s another friend and they're just doing it in a joking fashion. I can deal with that because it’s no real harm there. What Blueblood did was not. If he must insult some pony it better be me.” I said still calm. “Now quick question. Does Cadence know about the by laws regarding me?” I asked to switch the subject.

“I don’t think so. Why?” Luna answered and I just grinned. Oh this was going to be good.

“Oh because I want to be the one to tell her. I mean I don’t get enough chances to surprise any pony with the ‘hey I’m related to you now’ line.” I said with a goofy grin on my face.

“Ah well I do believe she and Shining Armor will be in town tomorrow. I don’t know why but I guess we’ll hear about it right Tia?” Luna said as Celestia nodded.

“I believe I should let you get back to sleep. Sorry for waking you like we did.” Celestia said apologetically.

“It’s quite alright but um… if it’s not too much to ask could one of you cast that sleeping spell on me and make sure it’s strong because I still haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep since I arrived.” I asked as I got up and held onto the railing.

“I don’t see why not.” They said as they followed me back to my bedroom. I got back into bed and under the cover. Celestia’s horn lit up and within moments I felt extremely tired.

With a yawn I said to them. “Good night Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna”

They smiled back and together said. “Good night Prince Firestorm.” As the world faded into the realm of dreams all I could do was smile. I had a family again.


For once I got to sleep. Nice and peaceful sleep without… why is everypony here and staring at me.

“Um… hi?” I said as they stayed quiet before all of them yelled.

“Surprise!” Which caused me to jump out of my fur.

“Could some pony please explain what is going on?” I asked now completely confused.

“Oh well see since you got out and never got to have a welcome-back-to-your-body party since you went off to that spooky castle. So we decided to have that party today with your good-you-feel-better-from-having-a-big-scary-blade-in-your-back party.” Pinkie said before a well placed Applejack hoof cut her off. Of course she continued to talk through the hoof but no one could hear a word she was saying.

“Sugar cube we thought we would make today special for you since you haven’t gotten to enjoy a full day being on you hooves yet.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Yeah, so we are going to make this day so awesome for you that it will be beyond 20 percent cooler more like 50 percent cooler.” Dash added as she hovered over the bed.

“The best way to start off this day was to make you breakfast in bed.” Rarity added as she floated over a small tray table with eggs, toast with a bit of butter on it, and some of what I could guess hash browns.

“You all shouldn’t have.” I said with a blush

“Oh right. Almost forgot.” Twilight said as she floated over a box to me. The sunshine yellow box with a orange ribbon floated and landed next to me. “Celestia wanted us to give you this.” She said as she undid the wrapping for me making sure to keep the wrapping intact. It was a new prosthetic hoof. I couldn’t help but smile as I wrapped it in my magic an attached it. Of course like the other one it hurt a little but I was fine with it. I flexed it a bit to make sure it worked right. It seemed to be the same model as before, the modified griffon one. I started to move the fingers a bit. It was nice to have fingers again. I started to dig in a bit.

“I hope they taste good.” The timid Fluttershy said behind Pinkie.

“It’s delicious Fluttershy. Thank you.” I said then continued to eat carefully. I looked around as everyone was there. Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Cadence, and Shining Armor with his horn glowing. I continued to eat as I watched it. What spell was he doing? He grinned at me and floated over another box. This one was a dark stained wooden box with a very… well it looked like a dragon was carved into the top of the case. I watched this quietly as I worked on the hash browns.

“I would have given this to you yesterday but you were in the hospital when I came by.” Shining Armor said as I finished eating. They were nice enough not to give me much. Which I don’t know if that was a good thing like they had food planned for later or not. I pulled the box over to me and flip the clasp on the case. It opened up to show the velvet lined case contained a shelf and a gorgeous light blue short sword with a radiant gold hilt with both the sun and moon pressed into it. My mouth gaped this thing was perfect. I gently picked it up with my left hoof. The blade was balanced weight wise from the blade to the handle. It was still light weight and even the blade was sharp that I could cut a hair in two lengthwise. “I see some pony knows a thing about swords.” Shinning said with a smirk.

“Well, of course, weapons always fascinated me when I was younger. I always kept it when I got older.” I gently place the sword back in the case. “So what’s the plan?” I said turning to Twilight which was floating up a sheet behind her.

“Caught me again.” She said with a slight nervous laugh.

“Twily, I could have easily seen that coming.” Shining said picking on his sister which she shot him a glare then it softened as she turned towards me.

“Well Dash wanted to give us an aerial show in the training field.” Twilight said as Dash started to grin more. I smiled as I floated up the empty tray and plate as I got out of bed.

“Oh I’m going to show you some of my best moves. The stuff I’ll show the Wonderbolts and get in for sure.” Dash said as my brain flat lined for a moment.

“Wonderbolts?” I asked feeling pretty stupid because the group of them well mainly Shining and Dash both gave me a ‘are you serious” look. I lowered my head a bit in shame “sorry.” I squeaked out. I guess I wasn’t a smart pony.

“You’re kidding me right? You don’t know who the Wonderbolts are?” Dash starts and I hold up my hooves in defense.

“Well in my defense I am still pretty new here.” I said, then got out of bed and stretch for a bit. “It’s not like I spent most of my time here either knocked out or in the hospital. Oh wait, that’s was exactly happened.” I said jokingly as Dash smiled and started to laugh.

“Okay, you got me on that one. The Wonderbolts are Equestria’s elite flying time. They're so awesome that if you look up awesome in a dictionary you would find their photos there and some day I’m going to be one. Then rise to captain.” She said beaming with pride to the point I’m surprised we all could fit in the same house with her ego.

“Well then I’m going to have to see them perform at some point.” I said smiling as the group of us exit to find Pinkie at the other side of the door. I really wish some pony would explain how the hell she keeps doing that?

“So shall we get going?” She said bouncing on her hooves like a super bouncy ball.

“Well Pinkie we were on the way to the field to watch Dash perform her tricks.” I said offering.

“Yay Dashie is going to do tricks!” said the pink ball of energy as she dashed off. I turned to Rainbow Dash.


“Nickname.” She deadpanned, right nickname.

“Well let’s get going every pony.” I said the noticed I’m getting better at the pony lexicon. It didn’t take us long to get to the field. There was a white and read checkerboard print blanket set out with a picnic basket set out for us. We all sat down as I looked at everyone for a moment. I smiled with a sigh. It’s been too long, just way too long to just sit down with friends in the middle of the day. Twilight started to pass around the sodas. It seems this place had drinks close to home, for instance Pony-Cola and Dr.Colt. Which I could only guess was close to general cola and knock off Dr. Pepper from home. I got one of the Dr. Colts from Twilight. Rainbow decided to have a race with Pinkie at who could finish theirs faster. It was hard to tell but I could have sworn Pinkie was just a hair faster. After that Dash shoot up into the air and flew about. I watched in amazement at how nimble and fast she was. Was flying her special talent? I mean it had to be she was just doing this all too well for it not to be. It was then she flew up way too high to the point she was a pin prick in the sky. A quick turn in confusion for a moment as everyone smiled up. I could only guess they knew what was going to happen next. Myself I couldn’t but with a prismatic explosion and an expanding burning rainbow halo later I saw a streak of rainbow fly down at us like a missile dropping. My eyes went wide as it started to curve and do sky writing… with rainbows. Oh dear god that was so flipping colorful. Hell even Fluttershy was cheering. I think it’s the loudest I’ve ever heard her. I continued to watch as the writing started to spell something out. “R. A. I. N.” I started to say with a whisper then realize she was going to spell Rainbow. That ego amazes me at times. After she finished spelling out ‘Rainbow Dash Is Awesome’ she flew down and with a sudden start picked me up taking me up into the air.

“I told you I’m going to show you the awesomeness of flying.” Dash said as my pulse started to quicken. Oh dear god this was high up. Everything started to shrink as we flew higher. Up to the fluffy whites of the clouds then she suddenly let go as my pupils shrank to almost nothing. Did she just let me go from all the way… why am I not falling? What the… was I sitting on a cloud?! How is that even possible? Right another world physicist doesn’t work the same here, especially in the world with magical talking ponies. So logic can go right out the window. I started to take a few deep breaths as I started to calm down a bit from being high in the… don’t think about it. “What are you freaking out about?” Dash said to my left I turned and rounded on her.

“Dash, I’ve freaking scared of heights and what did you do? You flew me up miles up into the sky. That is high up!” I said as I freaked out.

“Dude calm down, I got this.” She said with a grin. Why does this not bode well for me? With a gulp I looked at her.

“What do you plan to do?”

“Teach you how to fly.”

“Fly? You mean?” I said as I gave my wings a flap as Rainbow Dash nodded. Ah shit, I had to be right. I hung my head in defeat. She had me against the metaphysical wall here. Well more the up the cloud without a parachute. A small shudder ran through my body at that. “So the best way was to stick me in a cloud and… what are you planning to do?” I questioned as she dove under the cloud.

“This.” She said and the cloud disappeared underneath me as I plumped to the ground.

“Damn it Dashie!” I said screaming as I fell towards the ground. Waving every limb I had even my wings. It was a few moments before I realized that I wasn’t falling as fast. Of course that realization came short because with a wham. I impacted the ground, stars started to go around my head as the world spun.

“Firestorm, are you alright?” I hear Applejack said.

“Of course Applejack I would love another piece of cloud pie on my butter plate.” I said before fainted.

“Darn it Dash-” Was all I could hear before I came too back on the blanket.

“He just got out of the hospital and what did you decide to do? Take him into the air where he is afraid of heights and drop him. Are you crazy?” Twilight scolded.

“Twilight, It’s alright.” I said as I didn’t raise my head. The pounding in my head told me that would be a bad idea.

“Firestorm you're awake!” Pinkie said as she opened my mouth and shoved a cupcake into it. Well a mini one at least. I started to slowly chew it. “Thank you Pinkie” I said as I looked up at her. She smiled down at me.

“Can we try that again. You know later and closer to the ground.” I said gently smiling.

“Yeah I believe that would be wiser. Right Dash?” Twilight said with what I could guess was a glare at Dash.

“Oh come on he does need to learn sooner or later. But sure I’ll teach him closer to the ground.” Dash said.

“You know Twily you seem pretty protective of him? Whats up?” Shinning asked.

“Shining I believe I know.” Cadence said with a grin because I could see her from my prone spot. Oh I so had to do this now with the goofy grin on my face.

“I believe sis is right.” I said with a smile. Oh please take the bait, please take it.

“Oh? Wait…” Cadence started then a few seconds passed.

“Sis?!” The group of them exclaimed including Shinning and Cadence. I started to outright laugh.

“What do you mean sis?” Twilight asked still surprised. I was still laughing at the look on their faces. It took me a bit to finally breath. The group of them looked at me confused the whole time. I sat up and looked at them.

“Alright, you all know that I’m an alicorn. Well technically a dralicorn.” I started and they nodded. “and Cadence here was adopted by Celestia.” Of course she looked surprised.

“How did?”

“Well Aunt Celestia pretty much told me.” I said dropping another hint.

“Wait does that mean?” Cadence said getting it and I nodded. “I have a brother!” She said and gave me a hug. I couldn’t help but laugh and hug back. “Yes you do sis.” I said with a laugh as Shining came up. I held a hoof and he bumped it. I had a family again and it was perfect. Just out right perfect.

“Wait does that mean your royalty?” Rarity said with a smile and stars in her eyes. That unnerving look sent chills down my spine.

“Yes, but not officially, so please keep it hush hush.” I said to her. She was beaming.

“Oh I must make you a royal outfit. Maybe some in a navy blue to compliment your orange coat color.” Rarity said. Its official she went off the deep end. Some pony better reel her in from la la land before she starts to make me something over the top like a king. A shudder ran down my spine at this.

“Um Rarity.” I started she turned and looked at me.

“Yes Prince Firestorm.” I shuddered at prince.

“One: Please don’t call me prince. I’m not ready for that yet and two: you can make one but please something subtle? I’m not ready for the royal look yet.” Then I turned to Cadence. “No offense.”

“None taken. I had some of the problems. It happens to every pony.” She said with a shrug.

“But now that we are on the subject of outfits. Would you like a bit of challenge?” I said tapping my hoofs together a little nervously. I really hoped she could remake it. It was one of my favorite outfits back home and it would be nice to have it here to. Modified of course since I’m a pony and everything. She started to beam and grinned. Well a devilish grin that I couldn’t help but smile.

“Well of course Darling. I’m up for any fashion challenge.” She said I could help but chuckle a bit.

“Well I was wondering if you could remake an outfit that I loved to wear back on earth.” I said smiling. “Modified of course since I’m a pony and everything.” I said with a small flap of my wings as I looked at her.

“Well of course darling it would be my honor to make some earth fashion.” She said beaming. “You know this could be big. Ponies from all round would come to have some real exotic earth fashion. Modified of course with a bit of flare to go with it.” She said as she went off into her own world again. But I didn’t mind this time. Everyone watched us as I took a sip of my drink. Still cold and everything.

“So what’s next?” I said as I finished my drink and sat the bottle down.

“Well um… I thought we could. If you want. Show you around Ponyville? You never really got to see the sights around here.” Fluttershy offered.

“That does sound like a marvelous idea.” Rarity added.

“Oh we can show Shining and Cadence around too.” Twilight said as she jumped up.

“That sounds lovely.” Cadence said.

“Sounds like a plan. I always wondered about where Twily lived.” Shining added. So we left after packing up everything. Rarity started to question me about all of the earth fashion I knew about and it was a decent amount mainly from watching those kind of shows on TV back home. That and some that I knew myself. We went around to see Sugar Cube Corner which looked like a giant gingerbread house topped with a cupcake for a roof. Well more like multiple cupcakes. Apparently Pinkie both worked and lived here with Mr. and Mrs. Cake. We would have came in but it wasn’t time. I didn’t know why but honestly I guess they had plans. Oh well. Next was the carousel boutique which was Rarity’s home. It looked like a light lavender tent. For some reason I would have to say this place fit Rarity perfectly. It was quite different like of a diamond in the rough. Not saying Ponyville is rough. All of it was perfect in its own way. It was a small town. Well not to small really. Just small enough to have it’s charm. Which I prefer to live. Canterlot seems nice from what I saw of it. It spoke of uptight ponies and well that’s not me. I’m friendly, right? I mean really what if I wasn’t. No Storm you need to stop thinking like that. I took a deep breath to calm myself down as I closed my eyes. It was then I noticed the silence. Well it wasn’t really silent. There was the music that came from nature itself. From the world around ever pony.

“Firestorm are you alright?” I heard Fluttershy ask. I smiled quietly and opened my eyes.

“I’m fine Fluttershy. Thank you for worrying about me. I just needed a moment to take a deep breath and to enjoy the music.” I said, she looked a bit confused.

“Music?” She asked, I noticed the looks on everypony’s face.

“What music are you talking about Firestorm? I don’t hear any music.” Twilight asks.

“Yeah I just hear the everyday sounds of ponies going by.” Rainbow added, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Because you hear what you perceive as everyday sounds. Each day, each moment, each sound tells a story. A song if you well. Listen carefully.” I said as sat there quietly. Nothing was said as each of them looked around to listen.

“I still don’t hear any music.” Rainbow said with a huff. I sighed.

“Think of it this way. Each hoof step is a drum being hit, each flap of a wing.” I said as I flapped mine a bit. “A bow being pulled on a string, each tweet of a bird is a flute playing it’s note. Then you have the sounds of carts being pulled. Put that together it’s like piece to a song.” I said with a smile. Most of them looked a little confused. Fluttershy smiled quietly. I do hope she understood well honestly I do hope they would all understand.

“What?” Dash said confused.

“I think I understand.” Twilight said.

“That is a fabulous thing darling.” Rarity said looking at her hoof. Probably not really into my voice of the sounds of nature.

“Oh, oh, oh I hear it.” Pinkie said bouncing as Cadence and Shining Armor look at each other. We continued on our way we were shown the park, city hall, and there outdoor theater. Seems Ponyville likes to put on a play from time to time. Like the one going on. It was pretty much a ponified version of Romeo and Juliet. We sat there and watched the little foals put on the play. For the most part they did a pretty good job. It was great that they had Romeo an earth pony and Juliet was a unicorn. Once it was over all of us clapped. Well stomped really since ponies stomp the ground for applause. Well all but Rainbow who fell asleep around the second act. To her credit she did last longer than I expected. Anyway the looks on the kids faces when they noticed a princess was watching there play was just so adorable. If I could I would have exploded twice from cuteness overload. Something like that should be outlawed. It wasn’t long that a group of aws were heard in disappointment as three familiar foals came out from behind the stage.

“Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo.” Pinkie said with a bounce in her step as the tree foals came over.

“That was a great performance you three.” I said with a smile. They beamed a that.

“Really?” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle said smiling. Scootaloo looked like she didn’t really want to do that play. She then suddenly beamed at the sight of Rainbow Dash. Well this is going to stroke her ego. Well it seems the three of them tried to get their cutie marks in acting.

“You’ll get them soon.” I offered in hope. Of course the little wild cards decided to ask the one question I couldn’t answer.

“How did you get your cutie mark mister?” Sweetie Belle asked. I looked away quietly.

“I don’t know.” I simply said.

“How do you know not know how you got your cutie mark?” Scootaloo said skeptically.

“Because I have memory problems.” I said not looking at them.

“Sounds like a cop out to me.” Scootaloo shot back. I stayed quiet as I looked up at the sky. Everyone looked at me as I sighed quietly.

“Scootaloo not everyone knows how things happen. I don’t know how or why I have this cutie mark. Why I have this fireball and storm cloud. But that’s the thing about destiny. Not everyone knows theirs.” I said a tone more wisdom of personal truth. Everyone was quiet as I sighed quietly. “Excuse me.” I said as I left the group of them I headed into town quietly. Why did the world give me this cutie mark? What did it mean? Sometimes the universe has it’s way to make things difficult like that. With a sigh I walked back town and back to the training field. By the sound of it no pony followed me. So I decided to lay in the grass resting my head against it. Wings spread out and everything. I just laid there as I stared into nothing. This was nice now that I had time to myself without some craziness happening and not in the hospital for the umpteenth time. I wonder if Celestia or Luna take the time to just lay in the grass and relax. I wonder if Cadence gets to? I mean with running the crystal empire and everything. I closed my eyes as I heard the clopping of hooves approach. “Yes?” I said the the pony that came up.

“How did you know I was here?” Cadence said as I pulled my wings back and sat up quietly.

“I could hear your hoof steps.” I said as I turned to her. I’m kind of surprised that it was just her and not every pony else. “Where’s every pony?” I questioned giving voice to my inquiry.

“They are all at Sugar Cube Corner. I told them I wanted to talk to you privately and I would bring you by later.” Cadence said as she stepped closer. “Mind if I sit with you?”

“Go right ahead sis.” I said in a playful tone. She smiled and sat next to me. “How are you taking all this?” She asked out of the blue.

“Taking what?” I asked needing to be clarified more.

“Well everything?” She said as she looked at me. I glanced over to her then up into the sky.

“Well… surprising well for the most part. I mean I still have family, and friends back home that I miss a lot. Then everything that has happened weighed heavily on me. But I’m starting to feel… normal I guess. Well normal for once. Until I get a reminder that I am not normal. Far from it.” I vented. “Well for the most part after the whole trapped in my mind thing I got this feeling that going home is impossible for me. Before you asked because I know how the people back home would act to a talking pony. Let’s just say not well.” I said never taking my gaze from the clouds. A tuft of prismatic mane and tail could be seen by one of the clouds. I guess Rainbow Dash wanted to get a straight answer from me. “For once since I got home and was able to sleep in my bed. Thing’s feel better. Like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. Like that maybe if I just relax and accept things. Then I would have less bad luck.”

“What do you mean accept things and bad luck?”

“I’ve had a lot of bad things happen because of what I believe in. Stabbed a few times to protect a friend, getting beat up physically and verbally, and so much more. A lot of it was just me being at the wrong place at the right time.” I said a light smile on my face. “Though some times they did make things interesting.” Cadence looked at me a little puzzled.

“So you like it when bad things happen?” She questioned and I shook my head.

“I mean that sometimes it was the only thing worth noting on an otherwise boring day. Do you know where I stand on all the bad I’ve had to deal with?” I asked and she shook her head. This time I looked right at the clouds and sighed quietly. “When it comes to the bad. I’d rather have to deal with nightmares, pain, and anything I can so nopony else does. I rather be the shield and sword for my friends and family. I will take any pain I can and protect any pony I care about.” I said with a smile as I looked back to her. She looked like she wasn’t sure. “I know it’s weird but who said I was normal.” I got out with a light chuckle. “Thank you Sis.”

“Your welcome Firestorm. But for what?” Cadenced asked confused a bit.

“For letting me vent a bit. I don’t do it as often as I should” I said with a stretch as I got back onto my hooves.

“Well you know you can talk to any of us when you need to?” She said.

“I know but for once I want to get closer to my family here since I couldn’t really at well I guess its my old home.” I said as I gave my wings a bit of a flap. “Especially you Cadence. My sister back at my old home never really liked me. Well more hated me. Don’t get me wrong I still love her and miss her but we were never close. I may be overcompensating.”

“Firestorm I know you love your family and I’m sorry to hear about how your family wasn’t close with you. But you're not over compensating for anything you just want to feel something you’ve wished you could have back there.” I nodded in silence. Cadence got up and gave me a hug as I smiled returning it. A few moments passed as we sat there. Now that I thought about it Cadence was Twilight’s foal sitter right? Then maybe she would know my question about a gift to her.

“Hey Cadence, could I ask your opinion on something?”

“Sure, What is it brother?” She said with a small smirk. I beamed as she called me brother for the first time.

“I was thinking of making Twilight something and since you were her foal sitter. I figured you would know her the best. Shining Armor not withstanding of course.” Cadence nodded as to let me continue. “Well I was thinking of making a blank book for her to fill with whatever she wished with a star amethyst in the cover.”

“Star amethyst?”

“Oh it’s an amethyst with impurities that makes it look like there’s little stars in it. And I was thinking of putting it on the cover in the shape of her cutie mark.”

“I think she will love it. I see why she likes you.” She said and I blushed red.

“You really think she likes me. Like, likes me, likes me?” I said as I felt like a kid again asking it like that. Cadence smiled.

“Wow for someone that seems pretty smart. You do ask some the most redundant questions at times.” She said with a playful tone.

“Yeah… I’ve always had that problem. I can give great advice; one time notwithstanding. If you must know ask Twilight about it. But I can give great relationship advice. Though when it comes to myself I'm dumber than a box of rocks.” I said with a chuckle.

“Well understandable. When you give advice you're on the outside looking in. But when you're inside looking out it’s a completely different story.” Cadence said and nodded.

“Perspectives are annoying at times.”

“Indeed, but I must ask. Why do you like Twilight?”

“Well besides that she is cute and beautiful. She is brilliant and she puts my little pocket change of knowledge to shame with her dragon’s treasure worth. She is always thirsting for more knowledge even in the realm of a story. She also helped me and treated me like I was just a normal pony. Nothing special just me. She was my first true friend here. I like to be around her. Even if she is just reading a book. She is sweet and kind. She feels like someone I can open up to especially after Jessica.” I said a small sigh escaped my mouth.


“An ex-girlfriend. Well I guess ex-marefriend here. She died keeping me alive. It does still hurt but I got to talk to her again after a very long time.” I said with a small smile at as I thought back to that talk.

“How did you-” Cadence got out before I cut her off.

“When I had the scythe in my back I died for a small period of time. During that time I got to talk to her again. It was nice, I still miss her though.”

“It’s understandable.” She said as I nodded.

“But she did help me feel better. Since her death I kept my feelings to myself for the most part. I give little tidbits here and there but nothing worth the big picture. I guess that’s why relationships never worked with me because I keep too much in. But Twilight, she lets me open the floodgates to really and finally talk about everything. Well the important stuff at least.”

“You like her that much don’t you?” Cadence asked and I nodded.

“More then I thought possible.”

“Then why don’t you ask her out?” I turned red at her question.

“But it’s so soon. We just met like what a month ago? Most of that was with me out cold.” I said then lowered my head. “No, I’m just making excuses. I should but I think I may want to plan it first.” I thought out loud as I scratched my chin.

“I’m sure you’ll have a perfect date.” Cadence reassuring said. I smiled we started to make our way to Sugar Cube Corner. It looked quite festive with balloons, cakes, treats, drinks, and the other ponies just mingling around. It was an outright party. Well technically it was, a party for me that I was better and stuff as the banner said. I got a drink quietly as Cadence when over to Shining. I could blame her wanting to be around her husband. I smiled quietly and found a booth that wasn’t occupied. This was nice a party with friends around treats and everything. I took a sip of my drink which was fruit punch. I sat there quietly watching every pony. Some talked, some laughed, a few were dancing, some was stuffing themselves with treats. Scootaloo was jumping around Dash as Rarity and Fluttershy talked with a few ponies I didn’t know the name of yet. I saw Twilight talk with Shining and Cadence. I guess they don’t get to talk often enough. Them being in the crystal kingdom and all. Now that I thought about it, something felt off. The Crystal Kingdom held the Infinity Torch in the remnants of a dark mountain. This place had the Elements of Harmony to protect it. Why not see if the Infinity Torch could be used the same. Should I really be going down this train of thought? I only know it because of the link I had with Shadow and that only gave me some of it. Well that and Sombra used it to take over the Crystal Kingdom since he exhausted his power and drew from it instead. Without the time to let his magic recover he provided his own downfall. Nothing to resist Celestia and Luna when they cut his connection with it. All because he wanted power and to take over Equestria. Sounds like some James Bond villain or maybe Indiana Jones like. My internal thoughts were broken with the sudden appearing pink party pony.

“Yeah Pinkie. What’s up?” I asked. Trying to pull of the not surprised look and failing horribly.

“Oh nothing. Just wondering why you here all aloney woney” She said with a frown.

“Well it’s simple Pinkie. When it comes to a party I’m like the one pony that stands in the back. Watching every pony.” I said then took a sip. This stuff was so good It could be mistaken for taste bud crack with the flavor alone.

“Why?” She simply said as she sat on the other side of the booth.

“Well honestly besides you six, Cadence, and Shining here. I don’t know any other ponies. Now don’t think that’s a bad thing. I just like to let them wander over to me to talk no forcing a conversation. Just let there curiosity get the better of them and want to talk. Sneaky I know but there’s no harm really in it right?” I offered with a smile. Pinkie put a hoof to her chin and thought about it.

“I don’t see any. But you should still meet some of the ponies. Well I guess worse comes to worse we can always do it in a few days.” Pinkie added.

“A few days?” I asked. What was going to happen in a few days? Well besides my birthday but really I hadn’t told any pony about it.

“Oh silly willy. Your birthday party.” She said like it was no big deal. My jaw dropped, how in the blue fuzzy hell did she find out my birthday. I didn’t tell any pony, not a single one of them!

“Okay, you have to tell me how you found that out. Because I know for sure I didn’t tell any pony when it was.” I said my curiosity now at its peak.

“Oh silly, I know every ponies birthday.”

“But how?” I asked not confused even more.

“Because I do.” She said as I face hoof.

“Pinkie can we please keep it on the down low?” I asked this time she looked surprised.

“But why? Don’t you like my parties? I mean it’s going to be a super duper big part since a big special pony like you needs one.” That is when I cut her off.

“Because that is part of the reason Pinkie. I don’t want to feel like this big special pony Pinkie. I already feel like an outcast to a lot of the ponies here since the whole ‘monster’ thing. That and I haven’t had the best track record with birthday parties.” I said taking another sip.

“Was it because all those meanies back home either kept forgetting it, having to work it, or because you felt alone the most those days because of the snide comments they kept making at you about it.” She said like that was public knowledge.

“Pinkie!” I shouted in surprised and the party got dead quiet as every pony looked at me. Pinkie on the other hand hair deflated and she looked down.

“Sorry.” She squeaked. God damn it, I was an idiot. I over reacted when she gets it right.

“No Pinkie I should be the one sorry.” I started as I put a hoof on her shoulder. The rest of the girls came over to me to see what happened. Thank you Universe you had to tell the paradox perplexing pink party pony about that, you jerk. “I didn’t mean to yell like that. It’s just I didn’t want that to be public knowledge. I over reacted because you didn’t know and I am sorry.” I said. I turned to see the group of them confused. Well all but Dash and Applejack who looked royally pissed off at me. Yeah I fucked up… big time. I looked at them. “Alright yell at me.” This got Applejack to jump.

“Why did you yell at Pinkie like that?” Dash said before a tail pull later pulled her back.

“Didn’t you just hear him Dash. He already apologized for it and explained.” Applejack said then turned to me. “Now I understand why you wanted it all hush, hush like that but why didn’t you want us to know about your birthday? And why did you think we were going to yell at you? Dash notwithstanding.” She said.

“Pinkie go ahead and tell him a little more discreet this time please.” I said before Pinkie to her credit did so. The girls looks a little surprised. Applejack whistled.

“That bad?” She asked, I nodded. It was bad enough to go through your birthday and everyone forgot it. Then having to remind them and they make chastising comments about oh don’t you feel special like. It hurt even from my ‘friends’ well most of them at least. I sighed quietly. “Lookie here partner, we aren’t going to let you just feel all bad on your birthday. You should be happy that you’ll be…” she paused then looked at me for a moment. “Come to think of it. I don’t outright know how old you are.” Not surprised really, I didn’t tell them. I turned to Pinkie who for once shrugged.

“Currently twenty four but in a few days twenty five” I said as I finished my glass.

“Old feller then.” Applejack said. Great now the old jokes again. I sighed and rested my head on the table. Universe do you just like poking fun at everything about me? Hell I’m surprised I was not as fat as I was back on earth. Then I would be getting the fat jokes too. Well at least those I don’t mind so much. Age ones, still bug me. “Sorry.” Applejack said.

“It’s fine. You know what they say. With age comes wisdom. And with wisdom comes many stories of stupid things one had done during his time.” I said to lighten the mood. They seem a bit happier. “Look I’m sorry that I’m a bit of an idiot here.” I started before a well placed hoof shut me up.

“Firestorm you are not an idiot. You are just new to everything here. Add to that the royalty and magic powers. We can’t blame you for feeling a bit dumb with common knowledge.” Rarity said as I gave her a raised eyebrow. She finally removed her hoof.

“Please don’t do that again. Now like I was saying that I’m a bit of an idiot here. But that was from me being new. Since then you all helped me feel better about everything. You faced my darker side and saved me. You all traveled the insides of my mind just to pull me out of a coma. I don’t think anyone back home would have done all that for me.” I said smiling.

“Speaking of traveling your mind. There was something I always wanted to ask you.” Twilight started. For some reason I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like this question. “How should I put this.” She said tapping her chin. “Oh. One room in your mind was full of pillars that had a lot of ponies on them but above all of them. Had both princesses, the six of us and Aria. I could only speculate what it means. I just wanted to ask you about it.” She said not really forming a question but I got the point of it anyway.

“What do you think it means and I’ll tell you if your correct or not.” I said.

“The simplest interpretation of it was that you find yourself inferior to us.” She stated as I had floated over a cup and refilled it. I do love magic it makes getting drink so much easier when I’m out. I got it back to me and took a sip.

“Well, you’re right.” I said nonchalantly as I took another sip. The group of them looked dumbfounded. “What?”

“Why?!” Twilight’s turn to yell as the party get’s quiet again. I sighed.

“Well keep in mind at the time I thought a dead ex-girlfriend. Well more ex-marefriend right?” I questioned to make sure I was right. Twilight nodded. “Okay, had came back from the grave and stabbed me after I was still pretty angry about what I saw from Celestia’s memories. Couple that with my darker side having a field day within my mind, I was pretty unstable then. Right now, in some context, I still am.” I took a sip and raised a hoof to stop comments before they start. “Let me explain. When it comes to myself I found myself bottom of a barrel for a reason. Because if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to protect my friends. If I don’t see any self worth in me then I feel like I’m expendable. A shield ready to defend until it can’t anymore. You all helped me feel less worthless in my own standards. Still won’t change the fact I will lay down my life to save all of you. I’m pretty sure Shining here would do the same if it had to come to that. Right?” I said and turned to him.

“It’s my duty.” He said with a sense of pride and I couldn’t fault him for that. He reminded me of the hero from some of the old games I used to play. I couldn’t help but smile a bit. Another sip later, I had an idea. Something I never really got to do much back at my old home. Since I have a home here now why not just go with it and ask.

“Mind if I make a request for later tonight?” I said looking at them. They all turned to me. Almost pricelessly they looked confused.

“Go right ahead darling.” Rarity said.

“Well I was wondering if we could have a sleepover at my place? Now before anypony here gets all jumpy at the whole bunch a fillies and two stallions thing. I meaning this as a bunch of friends and I’m not twisting any ponies hooves on this.” I said as I picked up my mug. They looked at each other again. I couldn’t help but smile again. “There’s a few things I can think of we can do. I can tell Rarity about earth fashion so she can make a new line as Twilight takes notes about it.” I saw the two of them perk up. “Pinkie, Applejack, and I can make the snacks. Maybe some Apple Chips? You know for a bit of product testing.” Those two were sold. “Rainbow can show me how to manipulate clouds like she does. I should learn from the best right?” And now for the kicker. “And Fluttershy…” I paused for a moment then snapped with my left hoof. I stopped and looked down at it. How the blue fuzzy hell did I snap my hoof like I did fingers? I’ll just ask Twilight later. “I can tell her about the animals from earth.” That got Fluttershy. “Shining can teach me about sword fighting as a pony and Cadence can have more time with Twilight.” That sold them. Ladies and gentlemen I just won the full house.

“Sounds like a mighty good plan there. I’m in.” Applejack said.

“I’m in.” Dash said.

“Sleep over Party!” Pinkie yelled. So I figured she was in.

“Sounds like a plan.” Twilight smiled. Rarity would have said something but those stars in her eyes told me yes.

“Sounds…nice.” Fluttershy added timidly.

“What do you say dear?” Cadenced ask Shining.

“One question. Where would we sleep?” He asked.

“Good question. Well the girls can sleep in my room. You and I can crash in the living room. Sounds fair to you?” I asked then drained my drink.

“Works for me. If it’s alright with you Cadence.”

“Shining it’s fine.”

“Don’t forget about me.” Lyra the mint green unicorn trotted up. Well shit. I did forget her didn’t I. What I am a idiot.

“Sorry Lyra.” I said with a small chuckles. “But you're right. It wouldn’t be fair to not invite you too.” I said with a smile. The group of them agree.

“Sweet. Wait until I tell Bon Bon that I’m going to sleep over at an ex-human’s house.” She said before galloping off. Okay… that was weird. Hopefully she doesn’t tackle me again.


For the most part the party went off with no problem. Every pony enjoyed themselves. I got my fill on cake and fruit punch. Pinkie even got me to try her new blueberry blast cannon cupcakes. Which I agreed to find out she fired the damn thing out of her party cannon. How in bloody hell did she pull that thing out of no where anyway? Well after the party died down about six hours later. I told everyone that I’ll head home and get everything ready. Which I did. I went and found they stocked the house with extra pillows and blankets. Dear god these ponies thought of everything when they stocked this house. Scratch that not everything. When it came to the basement they left me with a simple table and wall candles. I moved the saddlebags with Twilight’s gift down under the table next to the stool. Everything was almost perfect. I needed to make sure no pony goes down here. It’s going to be my art studio after all. I went back upstairs to wait for my guests. Then it dawns on me that I forgot to set a time for tonight. I decided to read a little. The magic book did help a bit. It had a simple light drawing spell. That thing was awesome. I used it on my hoof’s metallic finger and drew in the air. Then the fog spell made a fake moldable fog. Or was that a power I had before? Hmm, definitely going to ask Dash about it. After six spells in that I only had the basics off. A knock on the door caused me to jump a bit. I slide the book back on the shelf and opened the door to being tackled by Lyra again.

“Again Lyra?” I whined a bit. I think I am entitled to wine. I was tackled by a mint green unicorn pony with a pointy horn. Wait… who the hell am I thinking that too? Screw it, just one thing to ask Twilight to later list or would this be a more ask Pinkie list? Never mind. It wasn’t long before I notice Twilight who faced hoofed at Lyra’s actions.

“Again Lyra?” Twilight mirrored my same comment as before. Lyra just smiled up at her.

“Yeah Twilight. Ready for the sleepover?” Lyra tried to change the subject. I simply slide out from under her and back to my hooves. It was short lived though, Pinkie decided to tackle me as well out of freaking no where. Seriously someone needs to get me a Pinkie Radar spell. I would have that cast like twenty-four seven. I couldn’t get worse right? I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. I knew the universe was going to bite me for that thought. Who knew it was in the form of a gray pegasus mare with an eye problem. The mare who was named Derpy Hooves smiled at me. I was completely confused at why she was here and why she tackled me as well.

“Um. Hello Derpy” I said after she introduced herself after impact. “Not to be rude but what are you doing here?”

“Oh Pinkie invited me.” Derpy said with a smile as she blinked. Her eyes corrected themselves. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Pinkie can I have a word with you. In private.” I said after Derpy flew off me. Pinkie nodded as we headed to the kitchen. We entered and I shut the door. If I was going to yell, I was polite enough to do it behind close doors. But I wasn’t going to yell. I was going to give Pinkie the chance to explain. “Alright Pinkie please explain why you invited somepony to somepony else’s house?” I asked in a calm collective tone.

“Well I thought you needed more friends so I invited Vinyl Scratch but she couldn’t make it because she had a gig tonight. Then I tried Octavia but she had practice tomorrow and wanted sleep. So I went to some of the other ponies I thought you would like to be friends with. Berry punch was up to her neck in bottles of wine again. Mr. and Mrs Cakes have their foals to look after. Then Derpy just flew right by and I invited her right on the spot. She was free to do so and boom here she is.” Pinkie explained in one freaking breath. How the hell did she do that?

“Well Pinkie I’m glad you thought me making friends but I wanted this to be just the friends I knew already. I will let it slide but please, please promise me that you’ll ask me first before you do something like this again.” I said looking at her she smiled and bounced.

“Oh of course. I’ll even Pinkie Promise.”

“What is a Pinkie Promise? Sorry to cut you off but I heard that before. But I never really knew what it meant.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“Oh it’s a special super duper extra secret promise that you can’t break or you may lose your friends… Forever.” She said stretching out forever like some kind of conspiracy. I couldn’t help but smile. Then she went on to say. “I Pinkie Promise that I’ll ask you before I ask some pony to join a party you throw. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She said making the motion of crossing her heart, then a pair of wings with her forelegs, then followed by the cringing poking herself in the eye. God that must hurt.

“Um Pinkie. Are you alright?” I had to ask.

“Oh of course silly. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well you just poked yourself in the eye. Doesn’t that hurt?”

“Nah, you get use to it.” She said like it was nothing. That is just… ugh. I sighed and gave up. There is no understanding this pony. Otherwise I would have the proverbial blue screen of the brain.

“Why don’t we see who else arrived.” I offered letting Pinkie go first. She smiled and bounced out as I saw everyone there. What I didn’t expect to see was Rarity with a cart full of fabric, Fluttershy with a white rabbit on her head, Twilight with books; granted the quills and parchment I saw coming from a mile away, and Pinkie with a cannon. She started to fire that thing over and over as my living room became the party down at Sugar cube Corner. Damn it, if I didn’t think I would give up I would have asked how she does that. There was one thing I had to ask. “What can you fire in that thing?”

“Oh anything I put into it.” She said then suddenly the thought of firing prince Blueblood came to mind. I dwelled on that idea for a few moments then went on.

“Where's Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Cadence, and Shining Armor?” I asked.

“Over here sugar cube.” Applejack said from the door.

“Alright so everypony is here. Then we can start having fun. But one thing first.” I started walking over to the door to the basement. “Please don’t go down here unless I say it’s okay. Before any pony asks it’s my art studio and I don’t like to show unfinished work often.” I said with a smile as a squeaky toy sound could be coming from my grin. What the fuck was that?

“Perfectly understandable.” Rarity said with a smile as the rest of them nodded.

“That out of the way lets have some fun.” I said before a book floated over to me. I raised my eyebrow what is this? “Slumber 101: all you’ve wanted to know about slumber parties but were afraid to ask.” I read out loud.

“My personal copy.” Twilight said beaming. I wrapped the book in my own magic and started to skim it a bit. “It’s a fantastic read. Oh you should check out the table of context.” She continues as I finished and got the jest of the book.

“Well Twilight for the most part we will be following the book but I will be adding things from home.” I said with a smile. “Maybe you can write an add on to this book.” Of course she lit up and I could help but smile. “Okay, lets start with something I use to do back at home, Candy Poker.” I said as I pulled over the table as Pinkie produced a big bag of candy and cards. She spread it out evenly as I shuffled the cards.

“So what we playing Five card stud, Pony hold’em?” Applejack asked.

“I’m going to say Pony Hold’em if it’s anything like Texa holdem then I’ll be alright. It has a river and a flop right?” I asked of course she nodded. Oh thank you universe you at least keep a few of the same games I love. It was about an hour in and Applejack, Dash, Pinkie, and I were the only ponies left in. Applejack and I started to butt heads in this. Figuratively of course. I think her head was a bit harder and would dent mine in if it came to that. As it was we stared at the cards. King of hearts, Queen of hearts, Jack of hearts, and the aces of hearts and diamonds. I looked at my hand one more time. I held the other two aces so I had a four of a kind hands down. I looked at Applejack who had a smirk. My guess? She had a good hand too. One thing I learned about the element of honestly is that she can’t lie for anything. Dash held a grin as Pinkie just rocked back and forth on her rump.

“Well partner ready to make your bet?” Applejack said as I looked at my sizable stack of candy. You know what I’ve feeling cocky as I shot a grin back.

“You know what?” I said as she eyed me. “I’m all in.” With a flick of magic I pushed my sizable pile of candy into the pot.

“Oh I can’t have you show me up.” Dash said and with her wing pushed in her pile too. “I’m all in too.”

“Ooh, ooh! Me too, me too!” Pinkie said as she pushed hers in as well.

“Well it looks like this is going a final round up.” She said as she pushed her pile in. The towering pile of candy swayed there for a bit. One last hurrah before we move on to something else. Shining and Cadence watched the game. Shining more interested to see how this ends. Fluttershy was talking to her pet bunny. Twilight is nose deep in a book. Lyra was playing her Lyre which was a nice touch to the mood, she plays beautifully.

“Alright ready?” Dash said grinning. I nodded as she threw down her cards. “Two pairs” she said with a king of spades and a seven of clubs.

“Sorry there sugar cube got you beat. Full house.” Applejack said as she laid down two queens. Nicely played.

I picked up a southern drawl as I said. “Well sorry there partner I got you this time. Four of a kind on aces.” I said she looked a bit surprised.

“You making fun of me?” She said with a scowl.

“Sorry Applejack, I always wanted to use a drawl like that playing cards. My bad.” I said partly through dropping the accent.

“Aw I was just kiddin’.” She said with a grin.

“Well it looks like I…” I got out before I noticed Pinkies cards.

“I win.” She said simply. Almost too simply, the pink poker playing party pony had a royal flush of hearts. I looked at her in complete surprise.

“Nicely played there Pinkie.” Dash said as they bumped hoofs. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Didn’t see that one coming. But still well played.” I said stomping my hooves on the ground. “Now what do we have next Twilight?” I said turning towards her. Of course the lavender mare was still nose deep into the book. Wait, is that- I got up and trotted over to her. It was the dragon book from before. I always wondered where it went to. I raised up my right leg and tapped the top of the book. This was enough to get Twilight’s head out of book land and back into Equestria.

“Oh hey. Who won?” She asked.

“Pinkie did. Now what’s next?” I asked, Twilight looked over to her book and pulled it over.

“Let’s see there’s s'mores, ghost stories, pillow fight.” She started to list. I suddenly ducked as a pillow flew at me. I get up to see who did it and got nailed with another one. “I guess its pillow fight time.” Twilight said as she lit up her horn and pillows started to float up from the sofa. I wrapped a few in my own as well as Cadence and Shining. Rarity goes into another room probably to keep from messing up her mane. I couldn’t help but grin as Applejack bucked a pillow. I get nailed by this as Shining returns fire with three of his own. Dash picked up a pillow and started to turn. Pinkie grabbed a bunch and loaded them into her party cannon. I dived behind the sofa and launched a few pillows. A few arch over it. I quickly wrap them in magic and pull them close. I started to group them together as I jump up and use one of them as a platform. Firing at Dash and Applejack. Pinkie knocks me off my pillow platform before I could get one at her. I land in a chair. Twilight fires a few and Derpy smiles as she throws one at Cadence. She smiles as she blocks with one of her own before she beams a few at Applejack. Dash releases the pillow from her spin which nails me in the face causing me to flip over the seat with a large thump. I shake my head at this. She had impaled it on my horn. I pulled the offending pillow out and smiled. Oh this is going to be good. I wrapped it in my magic making sure the fluff stays in it. I jumped up and threw it at dash. Dropping the magic the pillow fluff got everywhere making a perfect smoke screen. I watch the fabric get over there.

“What’s that?” Dash said before I turn to everyone.

“Fire!” I yell as Twilight, Shining, Cadence, Lyra, and I fire every pillow we have. Once the fluff had cleared I decided to look at our victory. But it was then I noticed… we missed. The group of them grinned devilishly and fired… at me. I was dog piled by projectile pillows. The boom rang through the house. I will covered in pillows on the ground in mere seconds. I raised my metallic hoof. With a waspy breath I said “So… fluffy.” And faked fainted. As the group of them started to laugh. Okay so I had to ham it up. Rarity even popped her head out to look over the scene. Right then Dash grinned hitting Rarity on the back of the head with one. She turned and glared at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh it’s on” She said lifting a bunch of the pillows off me then fired at Rainbow who started to go on a dodge spree. She bobbed and weaved through all the ponies. To her credit Rarity did better than all of us. She got each and every one of us but Dash. That pony can sure fly like hell but alas she wasn’t clever enough. Because Twilight grinned and grabbed Dash in her telekinesis as Rarity beamed her a good one. Of course each of us got our shots in.

“Okay, okay, you got me.” Dash said before Twilight dropped her on top of me.

“Ohf!” I got out as the air left me again. Thank you universe. You just had to have Twilight drop Dash on me, you jerk! She hopped off me as I get up onto my haunches and dusted myself off.

“Okay what's-” I got out before. Whap! Another pillow, beaming me this time. “Ow.” I said then turned to Derpy. She smiled and I kind of laughed. Okay this was fun. “What’s-” I got out before my stomach decided to talk instead.

“Snack time!” Pinkie said before she flew into the kitchen. I turned to Applejack as she tipped up her stetson and followed me in. Pinkie was already hard at work baking something as she began to sing.

“All you have to do is take a cup of flour! Add it to the mix! Now just take a little something sweet, not sour! A bit of salt, just a pinch!” She sang. For some reason the lyrics to this song just popped into my head as she sang. Hell the music too. I could help as I joined her as we sang.

“Baking these treats is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of vanilla! Add a little more, and you count to four, And you never get your fill of... Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty! Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty! Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!” We sang as she produced freshly baked cupcakes. Applejack smiled at us.

“Yall are crazy at times. Ya know that?” She said with a smile as she came over to the fridge and pulled out some apples.

“Pinkie why don’t you take those out to everypony as we get some more snacks ready?” I offered to the swinging door to my kitchen. How the hell does she keeping doing that. Wait… when the hell did my kitchen door swing like that? I turned to Applejack as she had already decorated the apples. I pulled out a knife as she slide me the apples. With quick proceeded movements I began to cut them evenly.

“Careful now. Don’t want to lose a hoof.” Applejack said watching me. I stopped with the blade on top of the next apple.

“Oh of course not. If I wanted to lose a hoof I’ll just have a darker side do it with some magical spell that is forbidden. I would never want that right? Oh wait. Too late.” I said as I continued just as carefully. It took me a few moments to realize that Applejack stopped moving. I looked at her as her ears where flat against her head. “Applejack I don’t blame any of you for my leg.” I said as she looked at me.

“Why not?” She questioned as I stopped and looked at her in surprise.

“Why would I? You all did your best. There is nothing else I could ask for.” I shot back.

“But if we were able to help you when Vermom showed her mug around. You wouldn’t have been controlled and.” She got out before I had put the knife down and hugged her.

“Applejack, what's done is done. There is no worrying about the past now. We can only be better for the future.” She looked at me for a moment.

“Darn it. I’m just being a darn fool again.” She said returning the hug.

“No Applejack. You just want to do what’s right for a friend. Before anyone else starts this. I don’t blame any of you.” I said yelling it out my door.

“That obvious?” Twilight said after she popped her head in.

“No just repetitive.” I said with light laugh as I get back to the cutting to the apples. “So Applejack should we add anything to these?” I asked. Applejack put a hoof to her chin and thought about it.

“How about some cinnamon?” She offered, I thought about it a moment then nodded as I magically pulled it out of the cupboard. I handed it to her as Twilight watched from the door. I finished cutting the Apples shortly after that. We started to lay out all the Apple slices down on a cookie sheet. About six of them was needed for this. Applejack picked up the shaker of cinnamon in her tail and dusted each one perfectly with it as I magically floated them around her. Once they were done being coated I opened the oven door.

“Stand back Applejack. Don’t want to singe any fur do we?” I said as she backed up. I placed the first one in front of me between me and the open oven.

“Don’t you need to turn on the oven first to bake those?” Twilight said a little confused. I grinned then started to blow a steady stream of fire into the oven over the apples as they started to dry out and crisp. A few seconds of later I floated the pan over to the cooling racks. Where Applejack was ready with the tongs to pull each chip out and let them cool. It didn’t take long to get all of them done. I took another deep breath. Dragons make this look easy. I turned to Twilight as she was sitting there with a floating notepad, she had been taking notes the whole time I cooked the chips. “I didn’t know you could do that with dragon’s breath.” She said.

“Well it is fire after all.” I said with a smirk.

“Good point.” Twilight said as I watched them cool giving my wings a gentle flap enough to send a cool breeze over the cooling chips. Just enough so they don’t go flying off but stay and cool.

“Hey are the chips ready?” Dash said from the other room.

“Soon Dash, hold your horses.” I yelled back I gently floated one of the chips up. Checking it for steam or anything then floated it over to Twilight. “Careful it may still be hot.” She nodded and took it over in her own magic. She then bit into it. She lit up, I guess these were better than my first batch. “How are they?” I asked.

“They’re good.” She said as I floated over another one. Then I picked up all the chips slowly to be sure and set them in bowls. I had to make sure every pony got some. Once I had evenly make sure everyone got the same. Not counting the two Twilight had before. Twilight and I floated the bowls out to everyone. Well everyone but Applejack who insisted to bring her own bowl out. Of course being the impatient pony she is, Dash flew over and grabbed her bowl. I rolled my eyes at this so we sat down and everyone started to munch on their chips.

“So how about some ghost stories now?” I offered before I took a bite. Dear god these thing were good. It had that right smokey taste and the cinnamon just compliments it perfectly.

“Sounds like a good idea to me. Who should start?” Lyra asked as she looked around. I turned to Applejack.

“How about you?” I offered.

“Na, I’m no good with those kind of stories.” She said before Dash shot up.

“Oh I got one.” Dash said as she hovered in the air.

“Well the stage is yours Dash.” I said with a grin as I turned off the light and lit a candle on the table magically. That would add to the mood. She landed quietly as she placed herself so the light was shining up from below her to make it look creepy. Well to every pony. I couldn’t help but find it funny with her prismatic mane in the light. In this context rainbows and scary don’t mix.

“This is the story about the olden pony.” She started accompanied by her version of a evil laugh. I give it a three out of five myself. The story was pretty simple about an old mare who went through life pretty much alone. One day she decided to stay in her house and never come out. Three colts decided to on a dare go in and get proof that she was still there. They went in and found the place dark, dusty, and full of cobwebs. After a little exploring they went up to the old mares room to find her ‘asleep’ in her bed. So one of the colts grabbed one of her rusted horse shoes from her body. But they didn’t realize that the old mare had died. As soon as they grabbed it the old mare’s leg came off with a meaty pop, thus scaring the hell out of the colts. The one that removed the leg still had the horseshoe in his mouth when he ran out of there. A few days later the old mare was seen by the colts walking around like nothing happened. As she asked “Who’s got my rusty horseshoe?” in her old voice. The colts scared out of their minds tried to return the shoe but the house was gone, replaced with an empty lot. Nothing happened to them at all until a camping trip in a dark foreboding forest on the edge of their town. They had set up their tents and were even ready to sleep. Then they heard something. It could have been mistaken for the boom of thunder. So they didn’t pay it any mind at first but shortly after that it came again. Louder, and louder almost like it was coming right for them. The clopping of hooves was what they heard next. Then finally “Who’s got my rusty horseshoe?” on the nights breath. The colts started to run away from the sound of the ghostly old mare. Luckily they got away. At the end Dash appeared behind Fluttershy and grabbed her foreleg saying “It was you!” in her voice for the old pony. This caused Fluttershy to shoot up and attach herself to my ceiling in fright. I stomped my hooves in applause as well as Applejack and Twilight. Dash bowed with a “Thank you, thank you.” As she landed next to Fluttershy. Twilight wrapped the scared ball of yellow and pink in her magic then gently lowered her to the floor.

“It’s alright Fluttershy. It’s only a story and nothing more.” Twilight said as Fluttershy still shaking a bit relaxed. Well sort of anyway.

“So who’s next?” Dash said with a smirk “I bet any of you can’t beat my story.” She said with a triumphant huff.

“I think I got a good one.” I said with a devilish grin myself.

“It better be scary.” Dash shot back. I rolled my eyes as my horn started to glow. A thin layer of fog pooled around me. I had made sure I kept everyone out from behind me. This time I was on stage and I didn’t want to disappoint. The fog itself started to rise behind me.

“Ever heard of the story of the Candy Maker?” I started quite softly.

“Like Bon Bon?” Lyra asked.

“Sort of.” I started as I grinned of course I didn’t know until later I had grown some sharp teeth in the back. “It was a day like any other. Celestia’s sun was shining and the breeze of the local forest rolled through town with the sweet scents of roses and lilies.” I said as I painted the picture with the light drawing spell. The fog around the image help accent the lines glow. “In a southern spot of town there was a little sweet shop ran by Sweet Tooth and her little filly Sweet Rose. They loved to work together making all sorts of sweets from taffies to suckers, and jaw breakers.” I went on floating up the candies I said into the air from Pinkies winnings. I replaced them back all but the taffy. “Everything was fine until one night. A full moon hung in the sky and it was the day of Nightmare Night.” I said grinning quietly as I gently removed my prosthetic making sure to have one finger extended. The fog hid it. “Little Sweet Rose went out dressed in her gumball costume that she and her mother made together. The reds and blues of the costumes gleamed of off Luna’s mystical moon.” I said as I drew this for them keeping it simple of course. The devil is in the right details. “No one knew tonight was going to go how it did. Because in the forest a beast saw the fillies and colts running around. It so desperately wanted a snack. It hadn’t ate in days. It snuck in, hiding in the shadows.” I said before letting the fog grow dark and envelop me. I used my light spell to create two glowing red orbs to be the beasts eyes. It was better to leave their imagination to do the work for me. “It slinked it’s way into the town square where most of the ponies were there collecting candy and having fun. He saw a few young ones just by themselves, close to an alley, just ripe for the snacking. Within a quick movement he found himself next to them. They didn’t have but a second to react to the beast before he ate them whole. It wasn’t long until the beast roared happily.” I said before I let out one of my draconic roars to add to the season. “The ponies started to run away from the beast as he made himself known. He gobbled as many of the fleeing ponies as he could.” I said as I had giant glowing teeth bite down dispersing the fog ponies I had that ran from it. Everyone was wrapped up in the story. Fluttershy was shaking bad or that could be her chattering teeth. “Little Sweet Rose tried to run away from the beast but tripped and fell over her bag of candy getting trampled by the other fleeing ponies. Cutting her sweet life short.” I said as I could tell the story was taking it’s toll. Twilight had tears welling up in her eyes along side Cadence who was against Shining. Applejack closed her eyes listening as well as Dash on the edge of the sofa. Lyra was holding her lyre close like it was a teddy bear. “The beast have gotten it’s fill left the small town gobbling up at least a third of the towns ponies. Sweet Tooth had found little Sweet Rose and held the little filly long passed Sweet Tooth cried. It took days for the town to recover from the beast’s attack and even the royal guards were dispatched to protect the town.” I said as little Shining Armor like figures walked out of the fog with little glowing spears. “But none of that mattered to Sweet Tooth. Her daughter little Sweet Rose was laid to rest next to her store. The place that she asked to be so she could continue to make sweets for all to come after her.” I said taking a more somber tone. “That didn’t help Sweet Tooth though. She had a reminder and memory of her Sweet Rose, the beast, and the town that stamped over her daughter. She was hurting and angry inside. The what ifs plead her mind over and over simply at her loss. Three days had passed, the last remnant of the sweet they made together on display. A small jar with the suckers the two of them made on Nightmare night sat on the counter with a not for sale sign.” I said showing the scene for them. Then I had a little colt come in looking all around. A little bit bag in his mouth. “Until one day a little one entered the store. His name was Duster, a very young but still a bit of a bull colt. Who wanted to take the bits he bullied out of the other little ponies at school for some candy.” I said having to catch myself before I said money instead of bits. “He came up to the counter and said he wanted what was in the jar clearly labeled not for sale. Sweet Tooth not really in the best of moods for it just told him that he couldn’t because it wasn’t for sale. Duster being the pony he was thought that if it was out then it should be for sale. He quickly grabbed the jar and said that he wanted it. Throwing a fit that he wasn’t getting it. Sweet Tooth took the jar from him and tried to put it on the counter but dropped it from Duster’s kick to her hind legs. The same one she was standing on to put the jar back. It shattered.” I said as I using a sound spell to create the sound. “But the jar wasn’t the only thing that shattered. Her mind finally snapped. The last treats she and her daughter had made destroyed by this bratty colt. She turned on him with a crazed grin on her face. She walked past him not even putting any mind to the blood from the cuts she received from the shattered glass. She locked the door and closed the store. The colt turned to her now a bit scared. ‘Why are you locking the door?’ the little colt asked. Sweet Tooth grin widened.” A crazed pony slowly came out of the fog glowing as I made her mouth the next words. “She got real close to him ‘Give you all the sweets you deserved.’ Sweet Tooth said in an unnerving tone. Then dragged the little colt into her back room where she and Sweet Rose used to make candy together. She places him on the table and with her horn she magically restrains him with rope. At this time his heart pounds and as he starts to struggle against the restraints.” Each time I add something I make the image as I describe it.

“What does she do next?” I heard from what I could guess was Lyra.

“She starts to fill him with pure unshaped candy goo. He starts to fill more and more. Try as he might, she was always one step ahead. He closed his mouth, she stuck a funnel into it. He tried to spit it out, she shoved in more. He got to the point of bursting before she finally stopped with a devilish grin. ‘I see my little sweet is full.’ She said with a light chuckle. ‘But I have to make sure he is delectable.’ She continued as she started to cover him in chocolate. She put special covering over his eyes and snout. Until he was completely covered in the dark gooey mixture. She looked over her hoof work making sure there were no imperfections as she removed the restraints. Perfect like every other piece of candy she made. Finally, she removed the holes over the eyes and snout so little Duster could breath as the chocolate harden making sure he couldn’t move. Her horn started to glow an eerie black and covered the chocolate covered Duster. In mere moments Duster had shrunk down to the size of a piece of candy. Sweet Tooth lifted the trapped pony and grinned. ‘You're lucky you know?’ she said to him. ‘You get to be my first sweet in a long time.’ She said before popping little Duster in her mouth and crunching on him.” I said then took a chip and bit into it giving that sound to them. Fluttershy fainted, Twilight looked a little pale, Dash was silent, Applejack was shaking, Rarity fainted about half way in, Lyra was still on the edge of her seat, Cadence was being held tight by Shining who looked unaffected. “You would think the story would end here wouldn’t you my little ponies. Oh no, since then she started to look for any bad filly or colt. Regardless of their age and ask them.” I said floating my prosthetic hoof behind Dash and tapped her on the shoulder “with a devilishly toothy grin ‘have you been good today?’” I said in the voice I used to Sweet Tooth in the story. Dash shot up and hit the ceiling and landed on the sofa. I dispelled the fog and lit the room with a grin as I reattached my hoof. Everyone looked at each other while I waited. I didn’t say anything as I took a bite. “Too much?” I asked.

“Just… dark.” Shining said and I shrug.

“Well it is called a ghost story. So being dark goes hoof and hoof with it.” I offered.

“Point taken.” He said followed by Applejack’s yawning.

“Tired?” I asked she nodded.

“Yeah I’m all partied out so I may just hit the hay.” She said

“Yeah I think I will as well.” Twilight added with Lyra and Fluttershy nodding behind her.

“Alright why don’t I show you where you're staying. Well besides me and Shining of course. We will be crashing down here.” I said getting back to my hooves. Shining gave me a look. “What?”

“I’m glad you're being gentlecoltly about this.” He said and I’m a little confused.

“Why wouldn’t I be? What kind of stallion do you take me for?” I said a little annoyed.

“Calm down I didn’t mean for it to offend you like that.” He said raising his front hooves up in defense.

“Sorry.” I said scratching the back of my head like an idiot.

“It’s alright.” He replied with a smile, I nodded quietly.

“Alright ladies let me show you where you will be sleeping.” I said then trotted up the stairs followed by several sets of hooves. I opened the door to my bedroom and stood by the door. I had extra blanket and pillows set by the bed. “You all can stay here.” I said using my wing to help point. They looked at me for a moment. Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy blush a bit as they entered. Dash flew right in with Applejack behind her. Pinkie bounced in like normal. Cadence stopped next to me, I turned towards her. “Something wrong Cadence?”

“Well, what are you going to be doing?” She asked me and frankly confused me. I couldn’t tell if she was insinuating something or I was just taking it the wrong way.

“Care to clarify that question?” I questioned.

“I know you won’t be sleeping. Waking you up this morning means you won’t be getting any sleep tonight.” She said then it dawned on me.

“Oh the Alicorn needing less sleep thing, right?” I said with a whisper and she nodded. “Well nothing wrong if that’s where you were headed with that question. I’ll most likely go down to my basement and do a little art. What about you? Will you be able to sleep?”

“Well for the most part.” She said followed by a yawn.

“If you can’t sleep then you could always stay with Shining downstairs. I know it’s not much but theirs that. Or if you feel bored and need someone to talk to then you could come down to the studio and talk with me.” I offered, as Cadence eyed me for a second.

“I may take you up on that offer.” She said then joined the girls in the room. Derpy come over after a bit and went right into the room. Lyra was walked over to me.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

“Did I hear you two correctly?” She questioned.

“Depends on what you heard.”

“That you won’t be sleeping.” She inquired and I simply nodded.

“Yeah alicorns don’t sleep as often as every other pony. Before you ask what I plan to do. I plan to go to the basement and draw most likely.” I said and she eyed me for a bit.

“Really? I figured you would be the kind of stallion that would like to sneak into the bed with a bunch of sleeping mares.” She said with a smirk, I on the other hand… well hoof turned bright read.

“Lyra I’m not that kind of stallion. It would be wrong of me to do so.” I said still red in the face. I left Lyra as I headed to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. A few splashes later I rejoined Shining who was already on the sofa spread out. The snoring I heard from him told me he was out like a light. I turned off the light and sat there in the dark for a bit.

“Cadence” Shining said in his sleep. I smiled quietly as I headed down stair to draw. Things for once was looking good, for now.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 08 - Royalty

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For the most part the night was uneventful with me just drawing down in the basement. Several hours had gone by and I had a few human figures with what I would like in an outfit. Well they were not heavy set people in the drawings. Honestly I always had a hard time drawing people other than skinny. I decided to try something and I started to draw everyone upstairs from memory. For the most part I think I got spot on. Well besides the color, these were pencil drawings after all. Nothing else happened until...

“Darn it.” A familiar voice whispered from the top of the stairs. With a sigh I turned and said quite clearly.

“You can come down Rarity.” Knowing full well who owned that voice. A few clops of hooves later, the white unicorn made her way down the stairs looking a little guilty.

“How did you know it was me?” She asked.

“I have pretty good hearing.” I said before I looked at her. “So what’s got you up so late Rarity?”

“Well to be honest I was hoping you had fallen asleep.” She said not really looking at me. I couldn’t help but turn a shade of red. She must have caught how far a crossed the border my mind started to head. “Oh not for anything so unladylike that mind you.” She said followed by a nervous chuckle.

“Then for what? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Well I wanted to take a few measurements.” She said still not looking at me.

“I don’t mind you taking them since we both are up, as long as you don’t mind me continuing to draw.” I replied, she looked at me for a moment then gave me a smile.

“Oh course not. This is your art studio after all.” She said as her hold lit up as parchment, quill, ink, and measuring tape floated over to her. “This won’t take long.” She said as the measuring tape went to work. I didn’t pay it much mind even when she pulled out my wings. I wrapped the pencil in my magic and drew that way. Didn’t want to mess up my drawings and Rarity’s measurements, nothing was said between us for the longest time. Probably the fact that we both work in silence, well most of the time. Some time passed before Rarity spoke up again. “They're, all finished. Mind if I ask you something?” she inquired. I would have pointed out she already did but I wasn’t really up for a joke at the moment.

“Go right ahead.”

“I don’t mean to pry but what are you drawing?” She asked as she trotted over to the table I was at. I flipped over the pad on the drawing I was working on and pulled up the drawings I had finished. I floated them over to her. Well the fashion one’s first of course.

“Well It started with me drawing some of the outfits I would have enjoyed to wear back home. Well besides this one.” I said as I made one of the drawings float higher. It was pretty simple a orange slightly baggy hoodie with baggy blue cloth pants with large pockets that ran pretty deep. It also had a set of orange topped shoes with a dark gray under soul. The colors were marked on the paper since I didn’t have them around at the time. “That one is one I partly did wear. I just didn’t have the shoes for. And since I’m here I don’t need to have shoes anymore. Though I’ve got to wonder what it would look like to have socks on.” I said in a quizative tone.

“Well just so you know socks are more a personal thing around here.” Rarity said with a blush.


“Well not many ponies goes out in socks unless it’s part of a costume for a holiday or for costume parties. There more for private things.” She said as my face turns red.

“Always private things?” I asked.

“Well I suppose not. Some may wear them because they like the feel of them.” She said as she placed a hoof on her chin. I had started to look at my prosthetic hoof, the light gleamed off it as I turned it. “What’s wrong?” Rarity said as she noticed where I started to look.

“Just… stuff on my mind.” I said with a little hesitant to my voice.

“Darling it’s not good to keep it in.” She said followed by my sigh. I disconnected my hoof and sat it down on the table.

“I feel… different. I mean yeah I know I’m technically royalty now but really. What am I suppose to do and who is going to want to respect a pony that isn’t whole.” I said wiggling my right foreleg. Well what was left of it.

“Firestorm, all of this must be overwhelming for you but you have us to help you every step of the way.” Rarity said trying to reassure me, It helped a little. I was still pretty nervous about being royalty. “Though I have to wonder, where did you learn all your fashion designing from?” She asked.

“Well mainly from what I’ve seen the people back home wear and some of my own artistic prowess.” I said looking at the designs again. “Fashion is just another canvas that an artist works on. You have your own design in your head and you want to bring it to life. Sometimes it comes out as you want but then there’s other times it doesn’t. Either it’s good or bad that is in the eye of the beholder. For me, I see my work as not worth much.” I said before a telekinetic wrap covered my muzzle.

“I won’t be hearing any more of that Darling. Your art is worth it and I won’t let you or any pony say otherwise. Do I make myself clear.” She said with a stern look. I gulped quietly and nodded slowly. Okay, note to self, when it comes to self doubt I just need to shut up. The magic around my muzzle faded as she made notes on the parchment that floated next to her. “Now what was this outfit you wanted to challenge me with?” She said as I floated the orange and blue one.

“It would be this one. Now currently I don’t have any bits. But.” I got out before another magically wrapped muzzle hushed me.

“Oh think nothing of it. I wouldn’t dare charge a friend anything for this. You even provided so much for me already. I wouldn’t think of letting you pay for something so trivial.” She said before she let the magic fade again. I really don’t like getting hushed like that.

“Alright Rarity, you win. But mind if I inquire about something?” I asked as she eyed the drawing over.

“Go right ahead.”

“Why did you want me to be a prince?” I asked as I watch the magic around the ink, parchment, my drawing just suddenly disappear with a pop. Thinking fast I wrapped the ink in my magic to keep it from dropping. The other two wasn’t much to worry. Rarity gave me a look of shame. I cringed thinking I may over stepped my boundary here. “Forget I asked.” I said as I turned from her. She must have been staring at me because it felt like she was right into the back of my head.

“I must say I am dreadfully sorry for my actions.” She started and I tensed up. I slowly turned back to her.

“What actions?” I stupidly asked.

“For making it sound like I’m forcing you into being a prince for me.” She said as she gently ran a hoof in circles on the ground. I sat the ink down as I waited for her to continue. “Since I was a little filly I always dreamed to have a prince charming whisk me away into the life of luxury. After the fiasco that was Prince Blueblood I almost all but dropped that silly daydream. Then you came around and it rekindled that dream and focused it all on you.” I didn’t know what to say. It was shocking to say the least. The element of generosity being a little selfish and forcing her dream through me. Part of me was angry but part of me felt guilty. Having your dream right there in but just barely out of reach. I knew that feeling. “Every time I thought about it I wanted it to happen more and more. Just thinking about all the royal parties we would go to, all the fancy dresses, jewels and all the fine foods we would enjoy together. It was wonderful to think about it. I even tried to give subtle hints too.” She said getting that look in her eyes again. I turned from her as my head hung low in silence. “Can you forgive me Firestorm?” she asked and I didn’t answer. All I did do was reattached my foreleg again, I didn’t even notice the pain that would normally accompany it. I floated up the drawings I did to me as I stared at the drawing I had worked on before Rarity came down. It was one of all of us just sitting together. I wanted to burn it right there, but I choose against it. These ponies liked my work and probably would stop me from doing it. “Firestorm?” Rarity timidly asked in a tone much like Fluttershy.

“I don’t know Rarity.” I said in a cold tone. “I know how it feels, having your dream so close you can taste it.” I started not looking at her. “I also understand how it feels that you would do anything to make your dream come true and you even tried to use me to do so.”

“And I am sorry I did.” She said now worry ever pleasant in her voice.

“Before you worry, I am still your friend. I am very cross with you and I don’t know when I won’t b-.” I got out before a belch stopped me as in a puff of ruby flames a scroll appeared before me. I floated it up and broke the seal.

Dear Prince Firestorm,
I would like you and your friends to come to Canterlot. There are many important things we must discuss as it comes to your position in the kingdom. I am sorry this came so short notice and to make up for it I will be sending the royal carriages to bring you all. Please make sure your ready in the morning. Also inform Miss Rarity that we will need the package sooner then we planned.
Signed, Princess Celestia.

I looked over the note a few more times and sighed. Then floated it over to Rarity so she would get her part of the message. She looked at it in surprised for a moment then back to me.

“Early?” She said in a mixture of surprise and panic. “Oh dear. I’m sorry but I have to go. We can finish this later.” She said and bolted for the door. Frankly, I was still pretty angry at her. I glanced back down to the art I was working on. I had lost interest in working on it right now. I floated the note with me as I went upstairs to sit in the chair with a book. I may as well learn some magic. I have nothing better to do and I may forgive Rarity after I had cooled off. I wasn’t surprised to find Cadence laying with Shining Armor on the sofa. Those two did make a great looking couple. I wonder if some day I would look like a great couple with some pony? Probably not. I floated over my copy of simple magic spells and began to read the next spell. Dawn was coming and we were going to Canterlot… again.


Oh dear god and everything that is holy, somepony get me down on to the ground. After every pony woke up to me sitting in the chair reading, I floated over the note to everyone including Shining and Cadence. Right on time the carriages showed up and we were off. Of course I should have known something was up when it was pegasi pulling them. Shortly after I stepped into the carriage with Twilight and Applejack they took off. I didn’t even look at Rarity when she showed up with a package. Of course my angry demeanor dropped as soon as we took off into the sky. Why did we have to fly to Canterlot? Couldn’t we just ride the train, or maybe have Twilight teleport us? Hell couldn’t Celestia and Luna do it? Anything but fly there. I closed my eyes tight, waiting for it to stop.

“You alright there Storm?” Applejack said.

“Oh I’m just peachy here Applejack flying who knows how many feet above the ground.” I said sarcastically

“We are roughly 3,426 feet in the air. Give or take a few feet.” Twilight added in a matter of fact tone. We are how high up?! Twilight, has anyone told you that you don’t tell something like that to someone afraid of this? I gripped what I could only guess was the side of the carriage as the trip continued.

“You know you’re going to have to get over your fears some day?” Rainbow said next to me.

“And today is not that day Rainbow Dash.” I said as I add annoyed to the wide spectrum of tones my voice is taking at the moment. Fear being the biggest part of it.

“You’ll love it trust me.” Dash said and I could already hear the grin she must have had on her face. Please tell me she isn’t going to do what I thought she was going to do. My grip hardened on the side.

“Dash don’t you dare!” A very angry Twilight said as the sound of magic came from her. This was followed by… well to put it bluntly the sound of a projectile being fired.

“Geez I get it.” Dash said before her mumbling could be heard fading away. The sound of flapping wings and rushing air filled the void that silence would have taken for the rest of the trip. I really hated flying, just thinking of that possible drop just made me want to throw up everything I had last night. On the ground I shakily made my way to the castle everypony else followed, including Lyra, Derpy, Derpy’s daughters Dinky and Star. Bon Bon would have come but she was busy dealing with important things. Well that was what Lyra told us. We all made our way to the throne room being guided by Twilight of course. We entered and everyone but Cadence and I bowed. I looked at them for a few moments before the two of us stepped forward towards Celestia and Luna.

“Hello Princess Cadence and Prince Firestorm” Celestia greeted us in her royal tone.

“Hello Princess Celestia and Princess Luna” Cadence and I both said as we bowed. Me a few seconds off trying to act like I knew what I was doing. I didn’t.

“Rise, my little ponies.” Celestia said with a smile and we all did. We looked at her wondering what this was about. “I know you all must have some questions. Mostly from you Firestorm. So we will get to the point but please follow us.” She continued before the doors behind us reopened. We started our way down the halls in silence as guards took positions around us. Well with three and a fourth to be named royalty in the same place. I’m not surprised, even Shining Armor is acting guard like as we travel. “Firestorm, it’s come to my attention that your birthday will be tomorrow.” Celestia finally breaking the silence said. Okay how the fuck did she find out about that? Wait… don’t tell me. A quick glance at Twilight gave me that answer. She looked nervous and didn’t meet my eyes. She wrote to Celestia and told her. Well… shit. What did these two have planned for my birthday now? First it was Pinkie who planned to give me a party on my birthday which I never told any pony about it. But of course she knew. The paradox perplexing poker playing pink party pony just had to know about my birthday then blurted it out to every pony, especially to my now new family.

“We were also made aware of that you haven’t had the best of times when it comes to your birthday.” Luna added.

“Understatement of a lifetime.” I said under my breath.

“Did you say something?” Luna asked as I shook my head.

“It’s nothing Luna.” I said as we continued.

“Now normally a royal’s birthday is a huge event.” Luna started to explain as my ears flatten. Oh dear god no! How the bloody hell will I find a corner obscure enough to hide in a party like that. If it’s anything like I’m thinking, that is way too many ponies. The image of a football stadium came to mind when she used the worlds royal and huge in the context of party. Hell I think Pinkie Pie would love to invite that many ponies to one of her parties. “But we decided to only invite a few ponies to it so you don’t feel unconformable.” She continued to my relief, a few. That’s good. “And here is the list.” She said as she floated over a tree trunk of rolled up parchment towards me. Was that seriously the list of a ‘few’ ponies they invited. That must have half of Equestria’s ponies on it. I stopped right there is shock. Everyone followed after and looked at me as my face must have been filled with panic. I looked at Celestia and Luna before there gazes turned into bright smiles.

“Got’cha” Celestia said as she pointed a hoof at me. I was silent for a moment more for the fact I couldn’t move at all. Oh trust me I wish I could but I couldn’t move not even my eyes. Her smiled turned quickly into a worried look. “Twilight can you.” She said before.

“Way ahead of you Princess.” Twilight said before she placed a hoof against my neck, then my forehead, and finally her magic wrapped around my head before a gasp escaped Twilight’s mouth. “Princess, he is paralyzed.” Of course I just had to be paralyzed. With a flick of her magic Celestia lifted my body into the air and within seconds the group of us, minus the guards found ourselves in a medical looking area. There was a unicorn mare standing there going over papers when we appeared. She jumped up at the sight of the group of us and walked over.

“How may I help you today Princesses?” The light green mare with the forest green mane done short asked.

“The Prince here has been paralyzed and we need him fixed.” Luna said. Was I a toaster now? Seriously the way she put it made me feel like something that just broke down. If I could talk I probably would have said something mocking like; hello yes I need my Firestorm fixed how long will it take? Oh a few days? Good, good I will be by later then. But knowing me I would have been the nice guy and said nothing. I was set sideways on a bed. Granted the thing was as hard as a table. A small twinge of pain from my back left hind leg came suddenly and a dart floated into my view. God I hate this I can’t move, not even my eyes. My vision started to blur as I could feel the wetness roll from my eyes.

“It will be alright.” Fluttershy’s voice said. I guess my tears got her attention. Then a white blur covered my view followed by a slight sting from what I could guess a towel was used to wipe my tears away. Of course the pain of my eyeballs being touched caused more tears to come.

“I think I may be able to create an antidote to this once I can break down the chemicals used to create this paralyzing poison.” The voice of the nurse I could only guess as I only caught bits and pieces of the conversations between everyone. Fluttershy crept into view from one of the only few clear spots I could see. She was worried. Hell I would be too if I wasn’t scared out of my flipping mind being paralyzed. If I could I would scream my head off. At least put me to sleep so I can just sleep through this nightmare.

“Shouldn’t we get him to a more comfortable bed?” Fluttershy asked as she turned towards some pony. I could only guess they nodded because a lavender glow tinted my view as I was being taken somewhere else. An hour later I was placed on a bed on my side looking out at a wall. Seriously some pony who knows I’m stuck and can’t move faces me towards a wall. It wasn’t long before I heard.

“Um could everypony give me a few moments alone with him?” A voice that couldn’t be mistaken for anyone but Rarity said. She wanted to talk well more she wanted to talk at me since I can’t fucking reply. Was I angry? Yes. Was I still angry at Rarity? Of course. Was I pissed that she’s going to talk to me and I can’t reply? Hell yes. This will not end well. The sound of hooves departing and the door shutting came shortly after that. Then the sound of Rarity trotting up to me she sat in my view, squarely in it. “Firestorm I know you are angry with me but please understand. I was being selfish.” She started. Well no shit Rarity, you wanted me to be royalty just so I could whisk you off to a life of luxury. It felt like I was being used as a means to an end. Not as a friend. “I don’t know what I could do to make you forgive me. I’ll do anything to make it up to you.” She said and my thoughts started to go south but I mentally slapped myself. Damn it this is not the time and place for that thinking. I’m stuck unable to move and giving enough material to go off that way. What was wrong with me? If I could have I would have sighed but I couldn’t. She looked at me quietly right in the eye. Possibly to gleam what I was thinking. Hell if I know, logic went out the window trying to understand Pinkie Pie. Her horn started to glow as well as a blue tint covered my view. Rarity must be trying to lift me with her magic because my view slid from the wall to more in the room. There was a fireplace in her. I really do like a nice fireplace in a house. Just sitting there watching the flame flicker in dance; Rarity walks back into view as she floated a bag with her. I sat there watching her as she brought out papers and pulls over to her an ink pot with a quill.

“Rarity mind if I talk to him now?” Twilight said as Rarity turned to look up at her just outside of my field of view. I really wish I could turn my head.

“Of course Darling, I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of that.” Rarity replied as she went back to her work.

“Alone.” Twilight added a few moments later. Rarity looked at her for a moment then nodded. She left without a moment’s notice as Twilight stepped into my view and looked right at me. There was a sadness in those purple eyes. She looked at me saying nothing. This sucks, I wanted to ask what’s wrong but I can’t move… wait a moment. I haven’t tried my magic yet. Maybe I can communicate that way. Damn it, I am going to hate this but, I may as well do it. Since I can’t talk to any pony right now. I tried to focus on my magic it felt like I was trying to shove a pencil through super thick cement. My head started to throb as I floated up the quill in the ink pot. “What are you doing?” Twilight asked as I floated the pen over next to her. She then looked at it with a questioning look. Then nodded floating over a sheet of parchment. This was hard, my head felt like someone removed my brain and started to have Pinkie Pie tap dance on my frontal lobe. I got my message done though, sloppily, but done none the less.

Memory Spell

Was all I could write before the quill dropped with a audible pop onto the sheet splattering some ink on it. She floated the quill and paper up in her magic to look it over.

“You want me to use the memory spell? But why, I thought you didn’t want me to invade your…” Twilight said as her voice died on her breath. Without a moment notice, her horn lit up in her purple magical aura as she pressed it against my forehead. Everything disappeared in a white light as both Twilight and I found ourselves in my mind. Well the library that was my mind. I rubbed my eyes with my foreleg.

“Oy, I don’t think I will ever get use to that spell.” I said then paused. I just said something. Oh dear god it worked, probably just dumb fucking luck. I looked over to Twilight who was still pretty shaken from the spell as I ran over to her and hugged her. This must have surprised her as she tensed up for a moment then looked at me with a look that started with confusion then surprise and ending with joy as she returned the hug.

“It worked!” She said excited. Then stopped and looked at me silently. I stopped as I felt suddenly cold, looking at her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as she rested her head into my chest.

“I’m sorry.” She said in a muffle as I gently rubbed her back.

“Twilight it’s not your fault that this happened.” I got out reassuring her. She shook her head into my chest.

“I know but it is my fault that you’re here. If I didn’t tell Princess Celestia about your birthday you wouldn’t been here.” She said as her tears started to dampen my coat. I sighed quietly as I rubbed her back more.

“Twilight, you didn’t know this was going to happen so it’s fine. If you want to blame some pony then blame the one that shot me with the dart.” I said. She remained silent for a few minutes.

“Firestorm.” She said looking up at me. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course Twilight, you can ask me anything.” I said gently smiling down at her.

“Why are you mad at Rarity?” She questioned. I couldn’t help but flinch a bit at her question then look away from her.

“Because of something she did and some memories attached to her actions.” I started before I removed my forelegs from around Twilight. But I couldn’t continue as I looked at the books on the shelves.

“What did she do?” Twilight asked and I shook my head.

“Twilight that is something you have to ask Rarity.” I said.

“Please Firestorm, you won’t start to feel better if you don’t talk to us.” She said. Like me being able to move is tied to my ability to talk about my past.

“Twilight let me start with this. Whatever I say here please let it remain between the two of us, alright?” I said not facing her. There was a small pause before she came and sat in front of me.

“Of course.”

“Pinkie Pie Promise?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight said as she mimicked the actions and poked her closed eye.

“Then follow me.” I said as I started to trot down the corridor, from the sound of it Twilight was following me. “Remember when I talked about closing myself in all the time?” I started.


“Well I wasn’t completely closed in. I still had friends.” I said as we continued as the bookcases started to fade quietly. “For the most part they did help me not be completely closed in. But in the same way they used me. Either for money, items, personal laughs, or protection.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight said as she followed me.

“Just as I said. I got used by my so called friends. Now granted not all of them used me and I did have real friends. I kind of fooled myself into thinking that If I continued to be their friends then maybe they would change and be nicer.” I said as the floor turned into a green field of grass on a sunny day. I sat down in the grass as Twilight came up next to me.

“Did Rarity use you?” she asked venturing a guess. I remained silent for a bit.

“Twilight, I don’t feel right answering that question.” I said as I glance over to Twilight as the worry on her face ever present. There was silence between the two of us that stretched out for hours. Well it felt like hours but there was no way of telling since we were in my mind. Since this was my mind I wanted to see if I could affect things here. So I figured something simple, change the scenery. I dropped the books for a grassy field. Something I remember from this game I played once. Even the large oversized tree was here. I looked up at the sky as I could feel the warmth of its rays.

“How are you holding up being unable to move?” She asked to change the subject.

“It scares me Twilight. I can’t move or blink. It’s hard to breathe and magic is almost impossible. I was fighting to push it through. It felt like trying to push a pencil through a cement wall, the hard way.” I said not looking at her. “I was kind of surprised I could even get the message to you. I wasn’t even sure it would work to be honest. Whatever has me paralyzed is making it hard to do much else but watch and listen. Which is very annoying and scary. Just to think that I may be stuck like this for the rest of my life. It feels like an ultimate prison that I can’t escape.” I said as I started to shake just at the thought of being stuck like this forever. “It’s part of the reason I rather have some pony in my mind. At least here I can move and not feel so trapped.” I continued to shake until Twilight hugged me.

“This must be a nightmare for you.” She said as I nodded quietly.

“This feels like an isolation I never asked for.” I said.

“Have you asked for isolation before?” Twilight asked.

“Well sort of. There are times where I wanted to be alone then there’s times where I just place myself away to be alone.”

“Pinkie Pie’s party?”

“Yes. That was one of many times I placed myself out of the way.” I said as images started to appear around us of me at parties. Including my welcome home party when I went outside and my get better party before Pinkie showed up. The following images were just varied points of me staying in corner all ponified of course. The one that caught my eye was one with Jessica.

“You don’t like parties do you?” Twilight looked up at me and I shook my head.

“I do like parties. I was just never one to really talk at parties unless some pony talks to me.” I said before I brought the image with Aria in it. I gently placed a hoof on the image.

“Your hoof!” Twilight exclaimed before I noticed. Over what over laid my hoof was a faded human hand. I looked surprised and drew my hoof away. The hand came with it but faded shortly afterwards. “How is that possible?” Twilight said as she quickly grabbed my hoof again and pressed it against the image. I watched as the hand returned once again.

“I don’t think everything in my mind is completely converted for Equestria. I think some of my human memories refuse to change.” I ventured a guess. There was no telling if I was right or wrong. In my mind anything was possible. I could change where I was just by focusing a little on it. Sort of like magic.

“It’s possible or maybe that since this is your mind you have control in it.” Twilight offered which gave me an Idea. I started to focus quietly. Come one you can remember one tune it is one of your favorites. Just like that Fur Elise started to play. “Isn’t this.”

“Yup. Fur Elise” I said before I got up “Can I have this dance Twilight?” I said as I bowed to her.

“I would be honored.” She said as she returned the bow. It started slow as we slowly danced together. The music remained perfect the whole time. We smiled quietly until a metallic rattling could be heard. Both Twilight and I stopped and turned to see a large metallic tombstone gray door at the base of the large tree. I stared at the door; something didn’t feel right about it. Of course Twilight thirsting for knowledge, seeking ponies she was couldn’t help, but trot right up to the door and open it into a void of complete nightmare black. I slowly made my way to the door before two bright red eyes appeared in the black void.

“Free me.” It said in a graveled beast like voice. I froze there terrified more than I was before.

“Free you? Free you from what?” Twilight asked before a claw came out, a large red hoof with black claws reached out. Around it was a sliver gray cuff and chain, it clacked as it tried to reach completely out of the door but was stopped only enough to step once.

“Free me from my chains.” It said as it looked right at me, a that look pierced right through me before I pulled Twilight back by her tail and kicked the clawed hoof back in. Followed by the loud slamming of the door, my breathing was heavy like it was easy to breathe out but harder to breathe in.

“What was that for?” Twilight said out of anger, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak, and barely breathed. “Storm?” She said before she slowly made her way in front of me. The door itself vanished before she got there. But there I stood staring at the spot that door was. What was that ‘thing’? Why was it in my head and why did it want free? “Storm” Twilight said louder trying to snap me out of my look of fear. I couldn’t hear her. That hoof looked like the same one Clawshot had. What that the me waiting to come out? “Firestorm!” Twilight yelled right into my ears, followed by me grabbing said ears.

“Ow!” I said as all I could hear was the ringing echo of Twilight’s yell. “Are you trying to make me deaf too?”

“No. I was trying to get your attention. What was that?” She asked getting right in my face.

“I don’t know for sure.” I said shakily.

“Okay then what do you think it was?” Twilight asked.

“I think that was my Storm.” I said before I got up from the ground where I was holding my ears. “and it wants free.”

“Firestorm, Everything will be all…” She got out before she disappeared leaving me alone in my mind.

“Twilight?” I looked up to where she was and nothing was there. “Twilight!” I yelled but nothing but an echo. I was alone but for a few moments. Celestia and Luna appeared in my mind moments later before real panic began to sit in.

“Firestorm” Celestia said as she looked at me. I turned to see the two of them and without a thought I ran up to them and hugged them both. I was in a middle of mental distress, from being paralyzed to the point I had a friend enter my mind to just suddenly losing said friend. After finding something beast like in my mind, I needed something to stable me and I thought family. This surprised them for a moment before they gently held me. This was too much for me. First the shadow taking over me and now that thing wanting to. “It’s alright Firestorm we’re here.” Celestia gently said trying to calm me down. Luna came over and gently nuzzled me as Celestia held me. I was really glad that I was only a little bigger than Twilight maybe by a few inches. Compared to Luna and Celestia I was still pretty small. Like a kid brother small. She held me close as I was breaking down.

“We will protect you.” Luna said gently. I was able to breathe better shortly after. They started to explain that they have found a cure for my paralysis but it won’t be ready until tomorrow. So I was going to be stuck for the rest of the day. This of course, didn’t help my fraying sanity. I was starting to have another break down. “If you want we can stay here with you until it’s ready. We pulled Twilight out so she can tell us when it’s ready.” She continued.

“Did Twilight tell you what we saw?” I said fear ever present in my voice. Celestia and Luna nodded.

“It’s why we wanted to be the one’s in here with you. We are aware that you can fight. If Twilight’s report about the timber wolf proves. But you have been hurt enough so we will protect you as you would do for your friends and family. We will do the same.” Celestia said in a motherly tone. It helped me calm down a bit as I gently rested my head into her chest. I felt like a little kid, the fears of the world causing him to seek a parent’s protection. If you were in my place with everything. You would be happy to be held like this too.

“Thank you.” I said in a muffled voice, I couldn’t help but cry gently.

“You’re welcome my little pony.” Celestia said as the sounds of hoof steps could be heard walking away from Celestia and me.

“What is with this image of Aria and yourself?” Luna asked. I turned to see the image I had placed my hoof on earlier.

“It’s a happier memory.” I said before I turned to look up at Celestia who was giving me a warm smile. I couldn’t help but smile back and wipe the tears from my eyes. Celestia and I joined Luna as I placed my hoof on the image again the hand gently fading back in for the third time now.

“Interesting” Luna said as she watched my hoof. I looked at it again before I placed my other hoof on it. In a similar fashion another faded hand appeared over my left forehoof. I looked at them quietly before I pulled back. Something about this memory let me see hands again. No, let me see my hands again even the scar I got from touching a hot sparkler that hid in the grass.

“My hands.” I said to no one specifically.

“You mean when you were human?” Luna said and I nodded.

“Something about this memory just jumps out at me and causes this.” I said as I watched them fade quietly. “I think I’m remembering how I looked before I became this.” I started to ramble out loud more for me to piece it together. Then I heard it.

“Then what about this one?” Luna said more with sly note to her voice. I turned and suddenly redden from the memory of seeing Twilight’s rear on the first night saying at the library. Of course a few moments to realize what I was looking at for the second time my wings spread out on its own with an audible ‘pumf’. Celestia started to chuckle a bit, shortly followed by Luna as I tried to get my wings down. Why the hell did this just suddenly happen? I never did it before when that happened. No don’t think about it, one problem at a time. Need wings down now. It took me a few minutes as the blush disappeared and my wings returned to my side. Celestia decided to give me the ‘wings’ speech which pretty much said that sometimes in the heat of the moment a pegasi’s wings extend when they’re in the mood, they’re angry enough, or they use it to make themselves seem bigger to frighten creatures away. In this case it was a more in the mood kind of reactions which caused me to turn a shade of red followed by Celestia and Luna laughing. I think it is the best time to find out why they wanted me here in Canterlot. Not like I was going to go anywhere soon.

“Um Celestia about the party?” I started timidly

“Yes?” Celestia said as she turned towards me. Luna on the other hand was nowhere to be seen.

“How ‘big’ is this party you were planning?” I asked.

“Well Luna and I planned to have it in the Canterlot ballroom and invite some ponies I thought you should know. Like Fancy Pants, Fleur De Lee, Hoity Toity, BlueBlood.” She started to list before I interrupted.

“Not BlueBlood.” I said as I scowled at that name. That pompous arrogant joke of a stallion still angered me just thinking about it.

“Is this about what happened at your house welcoming party?” Celestia said and I nodded. “I do apologize for his actions. If I knew what he was going to do then I wouldn’t have encouraged him to meet you.” She revealed to me. So she wanted us to meet?

“Why did you want us to meet?”

“Because you are related to him.” She said simply as my brain just off-lined for a moment.

“I was related to him?” I said in a mixture of surprise and horror.

“I know he is not the nicest of stallions but he is still family.”

“Does he know?” I asked and she nodded. Well there goes that idea. “Okay then what can I expect in this party?” I said now wanting to know what I was about to get into on my birthday no less.

“Well I want it to be something you enjoy so what would you like at the party?” Celestia asked, which surprised me because no one has really asked me since I was about five what I wanted in a party. Everyone just assumed what I wanted and most times there were wrong. All but Jessica, she could always get it right. A gentle smile crossed my muzzle as I thought of her.

“Something nice and simple, I never was big into having over blown parties. Those can be nice like Pinkie’s party but I’m pretty simplistic with my choices. Nice music, friends, good food, nothing that over the top. But if I had to, I always like to for once have something a little formal.” I started to explain my gaze on the fake sky in my mind.

“I thought you weren’t into formalities?” Celestia asked.

“Well I never liked being called mister unless I was really angry about something and that was to get my point a cross. In the context of the party I never really did anything fancy in my life. I never went to prom, never really went to a school dance, and weddings I had attended were never really formal. So from time to time I like to indulge in a fantasy of the formal verity.” I said then turned to her. “I’m a prince now right? So I might as well have a little fun in a fantasy even if it’s temporary.” A gentle smile on my face as I said that.

“What do you mean temporary? You’re a prince from now on as long as you live here in Equestria.” She said a little worried from my choice of words. I shook my head slowly.

“I may be a prince officially but I will never feel like I deserve it. You can dress a toad in fine clothes, give it jewelry, and give it a title but it is still a toad in the end. So in the end of it all I am just someone that just dropped in and can’t return.” I said with no real sadness in my voice just an acceptance to it all.

“Are you sure because with those words you sound like a prince to me, you sound like someone who has wisdom beyond his age.”

“Things happen that makes seconds feel like years and years like seconds. So time and age become irrelevant when it comes to wisdom and the knowledge that comes from it.” I offered with a smirk.

“Very true, so what kind of music would you like?” Celestia asked and I thought about it. Something formal requires something equally as formal in music.

“Classical if you don’t mind.” I said with a smile as I thought about a tune that I liked something that always remind of me winter. Of course as I dwelled on it more it started to play the small chimes of bell feel the space.

“What is that lovely tune?” Celestia said with I found it a little odd. She was what a thousand plus years old and she never heard this before?

“Carol of Bells” I answered as she listened to it quietly, gently swaying from side to side to the melody. I couldn’t help but smile. The song played gently through the grassy field covering it in a thin layer of snow. The tree itself had snow covering the leaves. Then the little flakes started to slowly fall as I watches it.

“I see you can change this place at will.” Celestia said and I nodded.

“I figured this is my mind so I should be able change the look of it how I want.” I said as the snowflakes danced on an invisible breath of the wind. It felt nice, honestly I always liked to sit and watch. Never really was for one to go out in it but looking at it was nice. I wish the girls were here to see this.

“Sister.” Luna said coming from behind the tree holding a black tome in her magic. She trotted up to us never leaving a hoof print in the snow. She laid it down between Celestia and I as the tome cover had an image of a wand topped with a cued skull surrounded in a sick murky brown, like a dark kind of magic.

“Where did you find this Luna?” Celestia said as she looked at her sister.

“Back in the hall of books.” Luna replied not liking Celestia tone from warm to worried and cold. Neither did I honestly. This book was in my mind and Celestia acted like she knew it. We followed Luna behind the tree to a familiar door but it opened up to the same hallway that my mind normally took in appearance. Well not really as normal as I looked at it. It was darker and there were those glowing red eyes. I started to slowly back away from it, my eyes locked on its. Those eyes filled me with fear and sorrow. Those eyes full of rage, almost primal in nature, and it frightened me.

“Who are you?” Celestia said now between me and it. It looked up at her as I started to shake violently.

“Hello Aunt Celestia.” It said as it grinned at her. The things teeth visible to us, each tooth sharp and ready to tear into anything in its way.

“Answer the question.” Celestia said now taken a more monarchy stance towards it.

“I am him and I am me.” It said as a clawed hoof pointed to me.

“Thou shalt answer the question thy have been asked!” Luna said now next to her sister speaking in a voice that felt like an angry god.

“But I have Aunt Luna. He and I are one in the same.” He said still pointed at me.

“You need to prove it to us.” Celestia said staring at it. I shakily walk up enough to see the beast more.

“If you must have proof then I will need to be freed.” It said in its graveled voice. It reached further out to show the same metallic band attached with chains on its foreleg. Celestia and Luna looked at each other then back to me. I looked back at them still scared before they turned back to it.

“We cannot free you.” Celestia said as her horn started to glow to light up the area to reveal it was me. If I was more dragon like. Instead of orange fur it had red scales, its wings were completely draconic, and his mane was twice as long and was like fire moving on its own. On each hoof held claws that were black as night itself. His tail was reptile like and ended with a blade in the shape of diamond. He grinned to show his razor sharp, tombstone gray, teeth.

“So you let part of me walk while the rest of him must suffer.” The other me said as he tried to take a step but the chain attached to collar around his neck stops him. Celestia looked back to me.

“Do you know who this is Firestorm?” She said as I stared at the other me.

“This… this must be the.” I said before I chanced a step forward. “Beast I will turn into after I go through the storm.” I said with a gulp.

“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Someone get this drony a prize he got it right on the first guess.” The other me said sarcasm dripping his voice. “Really I can’t be this stupid can I?” he mocked.

“You will hold your tongue.” Luna shouted at him.

“Sister please calm down.” Celestia said as she eyed Luna for a moment.

“But sister he mocks our nephew” she said as she glared at the other me.

“I feel hurt Aunt Luna.” It said then turned to me. “How can you really deal with all this” he said gesturing to Celestia and Luna. I started to growl as I started to take stance. I don’t care if it’s me or not. No one insults my family. “And look who grew a backbone.”

“You will be silent.” Luna roared as it rolled its eyes. His red colored irises ever more dominated to the dark red of normal whites of his eyes.

“Luna, Firestorm please calm down” Celestia said before she walked between both Luna and I. “As for you.” She said before turned to the other me. “I can understand not wanting to be locked up but you must understand why we can’t unlock your restraints.”

“Oh I understand better than him” He said as he pointed at me.

“Care to share?” I said still angry.

“Ever thought of opening a book?” He shot back.

“Please explain this storm to us.” Celestia asked.

“Not with him around, he cannot know otherwise it will be far worse.” He said as my eye twitched.

“Firestorm if you would please?” Celestia said and turned to me. I looked up at her in surprise.

“What!” I shot back in anger. “First chance at an answer and I can’t know?” My hair must have been on fire because the glow intensified filling the room. I roared my anger out before I stomped causing the ground to crack around my hoof. I started to grind my teeth as my eye twitched.

“Please.” Celestia said as my anger was still there but I stomped away. I returned to the snow covered field as I tried to let my anger burn out. I watched the snow fall quietly. The image of Aria floated gently over to me as I started to look at it.

“Jessica.” I said quietly as I placed my hoof on it running the tip of it against her cheek in the photo. My hand faded in quietly. My mane returned to normal as I let the photo disappear. I watched quietly at the snow fall. It wasn’t long until Celestia and Luna moved away from the tree. I spotted them for a moment then turned from them. I just didn’t want to look at them. It wasn’t long until Twilight decided to pop into existence between Celestia, Luna, and I

“Princess Celestia” Twilight exclaimed as she walked up to Celestia who was on her way over to me.

“Any news Twilight?” Celestia said with a warm smile towards her.

“Yes we have the antidote ready.” She said then turned to see me. I glanced over my shoulder to see her before I returned my gaze away from the group of them to the snow fall. “What’s wrong with him?”

“I’ll tell you later.” Celestia whispered probably not thinking I heard them. I sighed dejectedly as I let the snow piled up around me. Fruitlessly since shortly afterward everything went white and before I knew it I was staring at the wall again. Unable to blink or anything, great couldn’t at least give me a heads up.


Six hours, forty six minutes, and eight seconds was what it took to get the antidote ready. Apparently Twilight helped get it ready using her magic to speed it up. All thanks to this Star Swirl the Bearded and his section in the Canterlot archives. If they had useful books like that there then maybe I should check it out. Well after I was don’t having to be Rarity’s manikin for a suit on my birthday.

“I’m glad you forgave me.” Rarity said not for the first time since I was able to move again. I was still a little miffed at her but the blunt part of my anger subsided and I told her I forgave her. Apparently Twilight asked Rarity about it and, let’s just say, she had some words for her and made her apologize. I will have to have words with Twilight as well as Celestia and Luna. It didn’t help as soon as I was out of my mind they disappeared in a puff of magic. I even tried to get the guards to tell me where they were but all I was told was that they will send for me when they wanted to talk. Which really aggravated me, it wasn’t until I cornered Shining Armor who gave me a straight answer before I knew why I couldn’t find them. They were dealing with some diplomatic problem and didn’t want me involved yet since I would be completely new to it. Didn’t change the fact that I wanted to talk to them about what happened in my mind but at least I knew why they are avoiding me. “If you don't mind my prying. What is wrong darling?” Rarity asked.

“Too many questions and not enough answers.” I simply answered as I looked out the window.

“That can always be troublesome, especially for Twilight.” She added with a knowing smile. Something told me that I wasn't going to like the question I was about to ask.

“What do you mean especially for Twilight?”

“I guess no pony told you about when Twilight forgot to send the Princess a friendship report.” she said with a smirk. Friendship report? That question was quickly answered when she launched herself into the story about Twilight and the fiasco of the “want it need it” spell. I shivered at the point Rarity described how Twilight looked and it made me remember when she was chasing me through Canterlot after I kissed her. Once the story finished, apparently so was the fitting for the suit. I took it in, and thought about it. She did have a problem when she wanted to be on the princesses good side. I hopped down from the pedestal I had to stand on. Well it was more a plate form really. It wasn't until I turned around to see Twilight who was standing at the door. My eyes widened at her; how long was she there? “Oh dear.” Rarity got out before Twilight left. Great my stupid curiosity just hurt Twilight. I went after her.

“Twilight stop.” I said but she looked at me with her horn a light and a second later was gone. That sadness in her eyes, she was upset that I knew about that story, Rarity told me it behind her back. I walked back to my room from there with my head hung low. The guards didn't say anything, neither did the girls when I passed then. Not even Pinkie who most likely would have jumped on me to force a large painful grin on my face. I entered my room and closed the door. With a click the door was locked. Useless as it was to do. Every unicorn and the princesses probably knew some sort of unlocking spell. I went to the fire place and breathed a little fire into it to get it going again. I sat there and watched the flames in silence. An hour had passed when I heard knocking coming from the door. I walked over to it and unlocked it. I opened it to a gray earth pony with a long black mane and tail. She looked like he was a royal or at least was one of the higher ups in pony society. She had a set of lovely purple eyes and around her neck she had a pink bow tie. “Hello? How can I help you?” I asked before she bowed to reveal a large interment case on her back.

“Hello Prince, my name is Octavia Melody and the princesses asked me to come see you about the music for the coming event.” She said as she continued to bow.

“Please just call me Firestorm, Miss Melody.” I said this time with a bow myself. She looked a little surprised at my action.

“If that is what you wish Firestorm.” Octavia said before I moved for her to enter. She came in and sat the case down delicately against one of the chairs by the table. “Now what pieces would you be interested in for the event?” She said.

“Well have you heard of a piece called In the Hall of the Mountain King?” I asked as I offered her a seat. She took it with a smile.

“Yes I have.” She said still giving a polite smile. I started to think as I went though my knowledge of classical pieces from home. For the most part she knew all of them. Including Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D-minor, Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers, and Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. She looked at me for a moment.

“If you don't mind me asking but how do you know about all these pieces.” Octavia asked as she looked at me.

“Well when it come to music. I'm quite a fan of it. There's not a lot of genres of music I don't like. As for Classical specificity I found it soothing. Even the darker tones that some of the songs can take. It's like each piece of music has a story to tell to each pony. When it come to In the Hall of the Mountain King I found it more like Canterlot Castle with some pony or maybe a little foal going through it for the first time, the wonder and the mystery to it all. Watching every pony going about their job around the castle. Each more fascinating than the last. Maybe get spooked about something starting to rush through the white marble hall. Then it ending with seeing either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna ready to greet them with a smile.” I said I could almost hear the music in my head.

“That is a lovely sentiment to the piece.” She said as she looked like she could see it in her mind.

“Miss Octavia, if you don't mind me asking. What instrument do you play?” I asked as I saw the case again.

“Well Firestorm, I can play quite a few instruments like the piano, the violin and even the flute. But my preferred instrument would be the cello.” She said with an eye on her case. I smiled and turned to her.

“Would you mind playing a piece for me?” I asked with a smile.

“I would be honored.” she said as I gently wrapped the case in my magic and brought it over to her. She watched as I laid it carefully at her feet.

“Sorry.” I said as I noticed how nervous she was when I did that.

“Oh think nothing of it.” She said before she flipped the clasp and pulled out her cello. She stood on her back legs and raised her fore hoof up the neck of the cello. She set the bow then turned to me. “What would you like to me to play?” She asked. I thought about it for a moment.

“In the Hall of the Mountain King please.” I asked and she nodded as she played. I have to say Octavia could play that cello masterfully. As if it was an extension of herself. Each note rang through the room as if it was an auditorium. I sat there with my eyes closed as she continued. I let the music envelop me. For a moment I forgot about the storm that was coming, the fact that Celestia and Luna knew more about it, that Twilight was upset about me knowing of her break down, and that in the end I couldn't ever go home to see everyone I missed back home. I just let it sweep away until she finished. “Thank you Miss Octavia Melody.” I said with a bow.

“It was my pleasure Firestorm.” She said with a bow. I smiled warmly to her. “If you would excuse me I have to finish planning the music for the event.”

“By all means, I'm sorry for keeping you so long.” I said as Octavia put her cello and bow away with the utmost care. She then placed it on her back as she made her way to the door. Of course I saw that on her flank she had a treble clef as I blushed for a moment. I shook my head to remove the blush before she turned around to see me. I smiled gently as he bowed before she took her leave. Once she was gone I sighed quietly and looked down the hall. I guess a walk couldn't hurt. Of course as soon as I got to the front of Canterlot castle two guards tried to accompany me. I sighed quietly shortly after we took off.

“Something wrong your highness?” The unicorn guard to my left asked. His coat was a dark gray as well as a darker gray mane and tail.

“It's nothing.” I said a little dejectedly.

“Are you sure?” The white coated pegasus to my right asked me.

“Yeah just feeling a little melancholy I guess.” I answered.

“Is there anything we can do to help?” They asked and then I thought about it for a moment. You know I never had it as a pony yet.

“Well I could use something hard to drink and someone to drink with me.” I said with a smile.

“We can show you to one of the finest establishments but we can’t drink with you. We are still on duty.” The unicorn guard said.

“Never mind then.” I said as we continued to walk. The two of them looked at each other for a moment as we continued on our way. I wasn't one to drink alone. Honestly I hate having to do it unless I was really in a depressive mood. Even then I didn't like to do it alone. Of course not having any bits made it harder to have any kind of fun. Night time, this city had its own magic to it. Not a lot of ponies were out. I saw a white coated mare with electric blue striped mane. She also wore purple tinted glasses as she walked down the street. We continued down the road in silence the two guards following each turn I took. Granted I wasn't trying to lose them. But in the same sense I didn't want them around either. We found ourselves at the look out me and Twilight danced at. A sat down on a bench as the guards stood to each side of it.

“I'm not surprised to find you here.” The regal voice of Princess Luna said behind me. I sighed quietly and turned to her.

“Hello Luna.” I said as the guards bowed towards her.

“Guards please leave us.” She ordered and the guards did so. As it was now Luna and I at the look out. I stared out into the night sky.

“A bit for your thoughts?” Luna asked as I glanced at her from the corner on her head.

“For all my thoughts it will cost more than a bit.” I joked lightly as I stared at the sky again.

“Okay then a treasury for your thoughts.” She shot back and I couldn't help but chuckle.

“Luna.” I said then turned to her as she looked directly at me. “How do you deal with all this?”

“Deal with what?” She asked.

“How do you deal with the royalty, with all the chaos that I have brought on to every pony, and with everything seeming to get worse and worse without losing your sanity or what make you, you?” I asked as I looked to her.

“Sometimes I don't.” She said before her look turns to the sky itself. “There's times I need to escape it all. Just, stop being me I guess.” she continued.

“Stop being you?” I asked before I watched her transform into a pegasus mare before me. On her flank was a moon lightly covered in clouds.

“Yes stop being me and just have fun.” She said in a completely different voice it was still female but it felt more like if you mix Rarity's with Twilight's.

“Well I don't know how to not being me. I'm not good with magic still. I mean yeah I picked up a spell here and there but nothing really good I guess.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“It's quite alright Firestorm. If you want I can cast it myself.” She offered and I thought about it.

“Sure.” I said with a smile as her magic enveloped me. I felt the change as my coat changed from bright orange to a darker red. My wings disappeared as my mane turned black. My cutie mark turned into a fire wing. “Wow. That was. Is that my voice?” I said as my voice turned to a deep one. Sort of reminded me of Morgan Freemen.

“Indeed it is.” she said with a smile. I couldn't help but grin goofy at this. For once I will be a normal pony and not a prince, or a drony. But a normal pony. Granted I was still me inside but fuck it I can have some fun pretending. “So where shall we go.”

“How about somewhere to drink?” I offered. She eyed me curiously. “What?”

“I didn't take you for a drinker.” she said as she made her way towards... somewhere. I didn't know much about the local area so I figured Luna would know best. We trotted to Club Canterlot. The only reason I knew what the place was called was the big neon lights flashing. We entered it and dear god it reminded me of a night club back home. But lively for once. “Don't worry the drinks are on me.” Luna said and I was glad for once I didn't have to be the sober one. I rushed off to the bar and ordered my first drink, this world's version of an Irish car bomb which here it's called a Pegasus Sky Wreck. I dropped the shot in and downed it fast. “You surprise me Storm.” Luna said as I set the drink down.

“Why's that?” I asked enjoy the taste.

“You just downed that drink like it was water.” She said and I smirked.

“Well I'm a seasoned drinker.” I said before I ordered the hard cider which was this worlds beer. They handed me a pitcher sized mug of it and I started to drink.

“You may want to settle down. Don't want to make yourself sick.” She said with worry.

“What do you take me for?” I said before I paused then whispered in her ear. “What do you want me to call you since you're disguised and all?” She paused for a moment and then looked me right in the eye.

“Call me Moona.” She said with a smile. Inside I groaned, for a code names Luna doesn't know a damn thing about picking them.

“Alright Moona shall we drink?” I asked before she nodded and ordered the same as I had. I grinned dear god this night is going to rock.


“Last night sucked.” Luna said as she trotted down the halls next to me. Apparently Luna had a low tolerance compared to myself of alcohol. About five mugs in she was plastered to no end. Luckily we got outside before her magic failed her and the two of us returned to our normal self. I had to pretty much take her back to the castle on my back. No offense to the princess of the night but compared to me she was heavy. But thankfully I had magic and Celestia was waiting for Luna at the castle door. Since Luna raises and lowers the moon. She showed me wear Luna's room where we laid a princess to rest. Celestia said that she would like to talk to the two of us tomorrow. I was teleported to my room where I went to bed just fine. The following day Luna was the one to get me before we met with Celestia. It didn't take long for the two of us to get to the throne room. At the top of the stairs onto a small platform sat Celestia around the bottom of it was everyone, including Lyra, Derpy and her daughters.

“I hope you both had an enjoyable night.” Celestia said looking down at us.

“I had fun.” I said with a smirk, Luna on the other hand groaned. Celestia looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“I'm quite surprised I was told you had quite a lot to drink last night.” Celestia continued.

“Yes I did.” I put simply. Celestia for the most part didn't show she was angry with us. She was disapproved with our actions. Most likely mine when it came to how much I drank. I looked at the rest of them. Rarity for the most part looked neutral in all this as well as Twilight. Rainbow gave me a smirk with Applejack pushing her stetson down with a small grin. Pinkie was bouncy as always. Fluttershy stayed behind Twilight not looking at me. Lyra smiled and Derpy was looked a little worried with Dinky at her front hooves and Sparkler next to her. “So whats on your mind?” I asked looking back at Celestia.

“I'm sure you're aware that we have a lot to talk about.” She started.

“You mean like your conversation with the beast in my head?” I asked still wanting an answer with that. Twilight looked at Celestia then back at me a bit confused.

“I'm sorry Firestorm but you know you mustn't know about it and this is about the paralyzing dart.” she said as I shuttered.

“Who shot me with the dart?” I asked.

“With regret it was a changeling.” Celestia said as she switched to a very stern look as Luna looked like she is wide awake.

“How did they get in?” Luna said now looking just as stern as Celestia.

“I do not know” She said over my head.

“Not wanting to sound stupid but I have to sound pretty stupid here. What is a changeling?” I asked.

“That's right you're not aware of them. Twilight if you would please inform him?” Celestia said as Twilight brighten up.

“Changelings are creatures that can transform into any pony. They hide and feed on another ponies love.” She said in her matter of fact tone.

“Is that all?” I asked confused.

“They look like bug ponies.” Dash added.

“Okay so bug ponies that can transform into ponies to feed on love.” I said confused to all hell. I really needed a flipping book on this. Since Twilight is only giving me basic information and Dash give me something descriptive. I looked at Twilight for a moment right into her blue eyes to wait for maybe something more helpful. Wait... something wasn't right here. But I couldn't put my finger on what. I turned to Celestia. “So why did they want me paralyzed like that?”

“I don't think they wanted to paralyze you. I think they were aiming for somepony else.” Celestia said “We have our guards on high alert to look for anything out of the ordinary.” I really hope she didn't ask me to point that out because frankly this whole damn place was pretty out of the ordinary to me.

“Alright when will the festivities begin?” I asked.

“Around nine.” Luna added.

“Then in the mean time I would like to look in the archives.” I requested.

“If you don't mind my prying. But for what?” Twilight asked.

“I want to learn more on these changelings as well as learn about this Star Swirl the Bearded.” I explained and Celestia nodded.

“I will have two guards accompany you for protection.” she said before what I could guess was the same two guards from last night came up to me.

“This way prince.” They said in unison. Really freaking creepy how they did that. We walked away but I couldn't help but look back as the group of them started to talk. My eye's shifted over to Twilight whose tail was flicking a bit. I turned bright red for a moment before I looked away. Why do I keep setting myself up for that? Heaven forbid if Luna and Celestia ever go back into my mind again to find that memory. It didn't take them long to take me to the archive room. A room was filled with scrolls, books, and random bits of paper. Now to find the section about changelings.

“Do either of you two know where the changelings section would be?” I asked the two guards. One of them shook their head. The other one, the unicorn guard nodded and walked off. I looked at the other one for a moment then followed. We started to walk down aisle after aisle until we found ourselves in a clear section of the archives. Very little books but these books were not about changelings. I turned to the guard who was looking at me.

“Here we are.” He said as he stood there like a statue. I glanced at him for a moment before I picked up a some of the books in my magic and held them around my head to my left. I looked at the pegasus guard to my right who was standing at attention. I told him to shush and pointed to the other guard with my eyes. He nodded quietly before I glanced at the unicorn guard. I cleared my throat.

“By the way, your wings are showing.” I said as I looked at him. He looked surprised and turned to look at his sides as I grinned. “Got you.” He turned and growled at me as his eyes turned green. Then suddenly something impacted the back of my head which sent me forward to the unicorn guard to turn and buck me in the jaw. He caused me to fly back at the pegasus guard who flipped me over him. He then bucked me further down the aisle. I landed on my back, flipped over, and spit out the tooth the unicorn broke. I growled at them and took stance. Green magic surrounded them turning them in a mixture of insect and pony. They also had holes in their hooves. The changelings were a dark black with an insect’s exoskeletons. Each of them had what reminded me of a beatles casing which was a gradient from a dark blue to a navy blue. The darker being closer to its head. Their wings reminded me of insect wings that had holes and tears in them, their horns were curved spikes. They let out a buzz as they flapped their wings at me. I growled for a moment before letting out a roar at them. They looked startled at my dragon like roar. I charged at them at full speed and slammed myself into one of them knocking them back. The other one snapped out of it and kicked me into a shelf which started to tip back. I let out a pained grunt as I got back to my hooves. He grins as his horn started to glow and rushed at me like a mini meteor. It sent me flying through the bookcase I heard a crack come from my back when I slammed into the book case the next aisle over. I shook my head and looked at where the changeling was, it was gone until a whistle caught my eye and saw both changelings as they turned and buck the shelf causing to finally tip it completely over. I gulped as it slammed into me with a loud crash as it started to tip and crash the other bookshelves like dominoes. They grinned as they got close their large spider like fangs gleaming. I grinned back as one of them got muzzle to muzzle with me. They must have not known what I could do. Without a moments notice, I breathed fire right in its face causing it to scream in pain. It thrashed around smacking into the other changeling. He started to help put out his companion's face. I placed my back legs onto the shelf and my front ones on the other side of it. I started to push with all my might.


“Just a little more.” I said through the copper taste in my mouth. They buck to my jaw must have done more then broke one of my teeth. With a loud crack I broke both shelves I pressed on. This gave me more room to move. I started to slam my metallic hoof on the shelf below the top on I broke. About three slams it broke with a loud enough that the two changelings which the one on fire was not put out but was also burnt to all hell. They growled at me in that insect like style as they got closer. The burnt one used his magic to wrap my muzzle in it to keep it shut. The other one grabbed one of the broken boards and raised it above it's head. I gulped as he proceed to slam it down into my chest. He continued to raise it and slam it over and over. Causing me to writhe in pain as I could hear each rib break upon impact. Tears started to fill my eyes. I tried to scream with each slam of the wood. My horn came alight with magic as I reached out and touched the closest Changeling sending lightning through it's body. It started to spasm as I fought through the pain to cast the spell to intensify it. His body started to spark until it became completely black including the once gradient back armor, the green eyes and wing. It fell over dead as I turned to the remaining burnt changeling. It was until I heard.

“Hold on Storm, I'm a comin’.” The southern accented Applejack said before she came rushing it and slammed right into it breaking some of it's exoskeleton of. It was then wrapped up in a dark blue magic as Luna came flying it. I looked at the two having a hard time breathing. It was way too easy for me to let a breath out then take one in.

“Firestorm are you alright?” Luna said then turned to me. I tried to say something but all that came out was the familiar taste of copper and blood. Luna then wrapped the remaining shelves in magic breaking them so I could get out. “Applejack help Firestorm get to the medical wing. I will deal with this thing personally.” She said as venom dripped from her voice as she looked at the burnt and almost completely broken changeling. She flew off with it ahead of her. Applejack came up to me and helped me to my hooves. I must have looked like hell.

“Ya lookin’ mighty unstable on your hooves. Here let me help ya.” She said before she shifted herself under my wing. “Just lean right into me. I'll keep ya upright.”

“Thanks.” I got out before a large glob of blood splattered the ground before me. We slowly made our way towards what I could guess was the medical wing. The guards were running around along with a lot of the castle staff. Shining Armor found us and wrapped me in magic to help me. I guess since I was technically his brother in law, he wanted to make sure I was safe. “H-how are we doing?” I got out before another glob of blood hit the ground with the sound that could easily be mistaken for a water balloon popping.

“Not good, We just heard about the two that attacked you. We are scrambling around to find the remaining changelings. We haven't had this big of a problem since Cadence’s and I's wedding.” He said. now I would have asked about the wedding but the blood loss got to me. My head started to droop a bit as I fought to keep things focused. “Oh not good, so not good. We need to get him to the medical wing now!” He yelled.

“Get him onto my back then use your magic to keep him there. Well get him there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.” Applejack said as I felt myself get lifted and placed on something warm. The world kept going in and out but I could still hear.

“Go!” Shining said.

“I’m goin’. What do you think I'm doin’ trottin’?” Applejack shot back.

“Hey we did- Whoa, never mind, need help?” Rainbow Dash said, she must have found us.

“If you can keep an eye out.” Shining ordered.

“Can do.” Rainbow Dash replied. For some reason I had the feeling she saluted at that. We kept going down the halls each step I winced in pain. I must really have broken a lot, bastard changeling got me good.

“Oh. My.” A timid voice said above me. It must have been Fluttershy. That of course was until an explosion must sent me rolling because I started to hurt all over more then I was.

“Let me help.” A graveled voice said in my head. “I can help you survive.”

“No.” I barely said.

“Oh but why? They hurt you, they should feel the pain.” It replied.

“No.” I said again.

“What about your friends?” It asked and I was silent. “Do you want them to die?”

“I want them to live.” I said with barely a whisper.

“Hold on Storm we're almost there.” Applejack said as I could feel myself being dragged now.

“Then let me help.” He said. “They will live if I help.” It had a point. I could protect them from this. I felt something stab into my neck as the sounds faded into nothingness.


“Hello there Firestorm” The voice of Twilight Sparkle said within the darkness around me.

“Twilight? Where are you?” I asked as I started to run but nothing showed up.

“Oh don't worry.” She said in sing song voice. This didn't feel right something was wrong and I couldn't tell what.

“Come on partner don't you want to join us?” Applejack said.

“Yeah don't you want to be around the more awesome of ponies?” Rainbow added.

“Where are you all?” I asked as I run through the darkness.

“Yeah there's a party waiting!” Pinkie yelled.

“Please Firestorm. You need to wake up. If you don't mind.” Fluttershy timidly asked.

“What do you mean Wake up?” I asked as I run.

“Please wake up Darling.” Rarity asked.

“Please wake up Firestorm” Cadence and Shining Armor asked at the same time.

“Thou needs to wake up.” Luna asked.

“Firestorm please wake up.” Celestia asked. I continued to run in the darkness. They voices echoed in my mind.


I shot out of bed gripping the right side of my head.

“What the fuck just hit me?” I yelled.

“See I told you that would wake him.” Dash said. She hit me with what? I looked at her and she had a fucking frying pan.

“Why did you hit me with a frying pan Dash?” I shot at her angrily.

“Hey it got you up didn't it?”

“After getting hit with a fallen bookshelves. Are you freaking nuts?” I yelled.

“Hey we didn't want you to miss your party.” She said.

“Wait party? What party?” I asked.

“Your birthday party duh.” She said now with crossed forelegs.

“What about the changelings?”

“They have been dealt with Prince Firestorm.” Celestia said as she entered with the rest of them but Twilight. All of them including Celestia and Luna.

“So all of them have been found and where is Twilight?” I asked before I noticed the bandages around my chest.

“As far as we know. Yes they have been found and Twilight is interrogating them to find out why they were here.” Luna added.

“Okay how bad was I. From the bandages, I could only guess it was real bad.” I offered as I slowly made my way off the bed before Celestia cut me off with her magic as she picked me up and placed me back on the bed.

“Most of your ribs where broken to the point they punctured both of your lungs.” The nurse said coming in. “Luckily they got you here in time. Otherwise you may not have made it.”

“But I'm better now right?” I asked and she came up to me.

“For the most part. But I don't think you can handle much more.” She said as she placed a glass next to me.

“Let me ask this. Will I be able to go to the party if I agree to stay at a table and rest?”

“Are you sure that is wise?” Celestia asked.

“If you stay at a table and not overexert yourself then I don't see a problem with it.” The nurse said.

“Would slow dancing be alright?” I asked guilty. She gave me a deadpan look then sighed.

“Only if its slow dancing.” She said then looked right at Pinkie. “That does mean no wildness Pinkie.” She said as Pinkie smiled.

“Okiedokielokie. No wildness for him.” She said with a bounce. I found it nice after everything that had happened she can still be so bouncy. I couldn't help but smile. Today was one royal pain in the butt but at least I have friends and family around me. Plus I had a party a nice formal party so. I'll deal with the pain. I wonder if this is what it means to be royalty.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 09 - The Party Begins

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This night was going pretty well if you ask me. The melody of Moonlight Sonata filled the room elegantly as I watched all the ponies dance. I sat at one of the tables with two guards next to me to keep me protected. The changelings were dealt with right? So why did they insist on protecting me. Now that I look at them these aren’t the normal guards that I've seen around the halls earlier today.

“They’re my personal guards.” Luna said next to me as I looked them over.

“Personal guards?” I questioned. I looked up at her.

“Why yes, meet Midnight and Dark Cloud. They are my best guards.” She said the two guards looked at me and nodded in their dark purple armor. It was then I noticed their wings, they were bat like. I blinked for a moment.

“Why do they have bat wings?” I whispered into Luna's ear.

“Because they are bat ponies. They are better suited for night patrols but that doesn't deter their effectiveness during the day.” She said back with a smile.

“Makes sense since you’re the princess of the night and all.” I chuckled with a smile.

“Have you thought about your own personal guards?” Luna inquired.

“My own personal guards?” I asked a bit confused.

“Yes, since you’re royalty, you need your own personal guards. Even Blueblood has some of his own.” She added.

“I'll think about it. If I have to have guards then I want ones I trust. No offense or anything.”

“None taken. I trust these two with my life.” She said with a smile. The two looked over again as I saw smirks on the two's faces.

“So how are you liking the party?” I asked

“It's lovely and the choice in music is delightful.” She said.

“Yeah Moonlight Sonata always sounded so beautiful to me.” I said as I closed my eyes letting the music take me. I could hear every stroke of the keys like a star singing into the clear night sky.

“Hello Princess Luna and ugh, Prince Firestorm” Said the snobbish uptight voice of Blue Blood as he discouragingly said my name. I find it a bit fitting as the song ended as Beethoven fifth symphony started to play.

“Hello Prince Blueblood.” Luna and I said. Her more calmly but me with a bit of venom in my voice. I was still quite angry with him. I can hold a grudge if I wanted to.

“It is a fine party we are having here.” He said.

“Why yes it is. Are you having fun?” Luna generally asked.

“Oh why yes Auntie Luna. I've been meeting with a lot of Canterlot's elite and having a smashing time.” He gloated.

“You know Brother.” He said adding his own venom to the word brother. “You should mingle with the crowd and show them your not the ruffian that the papers say you are.” He said looking at me with a snobbish glare.

“Prince Blueblood please don't insult the guard of honor.” Luna warned. “He is still recuperating from his ordeals.”

“Oh my yes. I heard about that, those nasty changelings.” He said.

“I think I'm going to go talk to a few ponies. If you would excuse me.” I said with a small bow.

“Oh of course Firestorm. Just please be careful.”

“I will Luna.” I said as my tux rubbed against my bandages a little. I got up and started to trot away from Luna who was wearing one of Rarity's originals. The elegant blue matched well with her coat and the pearl neckline matched well with it. It probably helped that all through out the dress had little white stars like she was wearing the night sky itself. I was wearing a simple black tux with a white undershirt and black bow tie. I never had to wear one of these before. I sighed quietly with a shake of my head, some royal I was. I went over and got myself a cup of punch. Not as tasty as Pinkie's fruit punch was but it did its job.

“How is your evening darling?” Rarity said. I turned around to see the white unicorn with her head done up in a two tier bun. She wore a black dress with little diamonds around the edges of it. She had on two diamond earrings and black horse shoes as she looked at me.

“It's getting better.” I said with a smile.

“Better?” she said a little confused before I glanced back at Luna and Blueblood talking at a table.

“Ah.” She said with a knowing tone.

“How are you holding up partner?” The cow-boyish tone said and it could be no other then Applejack. I turned to look at her. She wore a little frilly dark green dress that complemented her emerald green eyes. She still had her stetson on with bolo tie that had a red apple on it just like the tree apple cutie mark on her flank. She gently crossed her right legs over her left with her cowboy boots on. Would that be cow pony boots?

“I'm surviving. Still a bit sore around the chest but I'll make do.” I said followed by another sip.

“I hope my suit isn't giving you any discomfort.” Rarity worriedly said.

“Rarity rest it's not causing any discomfort.” I lied with a smile. They needed this just as much as I do and if I told Rarity about her tux was rubbing against the bandaged areas under it putting a little unneeded pressure on it. She would drag me out of here to fix it.

“This party is boring.” Dash said from above. I looked up to see her not in a dress but a tux with rainbow accents to it. She even wore a rainbow bow tie. For some reason I was not surprised at she opted out of the dress. She landed next to Applejack so I could see the tux more. It was just as black as mine but her undershirt was a light blue. Just a shade lighter than her normal coat color and around the cuffs of her suit had a rainbow gemstone.

“Dash remember this isn't a party for you. It's for Firestorm here.” Rarity chided.

“I know but why did it have to be so boring.” She whined.

“Dash you can blame me for it. I wanted something formal.” I said and the three of them looked at me.

“Want to run that one by us again sugarcube?” Applejack said.

“I was the one that asked for a formal party.”

“But why?” Dash asked.

“Because I can.” I said simply. So it was half telling the truth here. There was more to why I wanted something formal but really did they need to know that?

“I personally think its a wonderful idea. You two really need to enjoy the finer things in life.” Rarity said going off at them. I couldn't help but smile. Rarity really did like the high class life didn't she? Her dream was to be a princess so the high class life would be part of it too right?

“Rare I know your liking all this fro fro. But I'm not.” Applejack said

“Me either.” Dash added.

“Then can you two please put up with it for me then?” I asked as the two of them looked at each other.

“Of course sugar cube. We aren't going to mess up your day like that.” Applejack said as she readjusted her stetson.

“Yeah it would be really really bad if someone would break up your birthday party like that. Then I would have to make them all be 'sorry' and you would be 'it's okay' then we will have to have a make up for the party party because that would be awesome. But what kind of cake would you have for a party like that? Vanilla? No I think strawberry.” Pinkie said as she bounced in behind me on all four hooves.

“A strawberry cake does sound good.” I said with a smile.

“Oh then I need to get you one.” Pinkie said as she tried to take off but Rarity was able to grab her telekinetically by the tail. “But I need to get him a strawberry cake for his party.”

“Pinkie there is always next time.” Rarity said.

“Okie dokie loki” Pinkie stopped and turned around. Pinkie was in a bright frilly to no end party dress. It reminded me of a princess dress but with blues, pinks, and yellows. It had little balloons around the middle part and she had a little cap on her head that had little candy pattern on it.

“So how is everyone liking the party?” I asked.

“It's marvelous darling.” Rarity said that could easily mistaken for a purr.

“It's alright. Not really my thing but alright.” Applejack added.

“It's boring” Dash groaned.

“Even with the Wonderbolts here?” I asked.

“Wait where?” Dash shot up to look around.

“Over there by Celestia.” I pointed out and before anypony could say anything she shot off. It took a little convincing at short notice to invite the Wonderbolts for Dash. Who said I was the only one to get a present on my birthday?

“Sometimes I think she is too obsessed with the Wonderbolts.” Applejack chuckled.

“I didn't know they were going to be here.” Rarity said.

“You mean like how Hoity Toity and Fancy Pants are here?” I said with a smirk.

“Really? Where?” Rarity said slowly looking around for them.

“I think there somewhere around here.”

“If you would excuse me.” She said before she trotted off to find them. I turned to where Pinkie was to find her completely gone. I couldn't help but smile and shook my head.

“Did you invite them for those two?” Applejack asked and I shrugged.

“Possibly.” I said with a grin. Applejack shook her head.

“Have you seen Twilight and Fluttershy?” I asked.

“Fluttershy is out in the garden and...” She started.

“And Twilight is right behind you.” I said then turned around to see the lovely lavender mare in a darker purple silk dress with black beads around the edges. Accompanied with a see through where I could see the fronts of her back legs with around the back of it dark purple silk and light purple accents around the edges as it rippled down her back. On her head was a small black metal chain that connected to a small black orb that could easily be a black pearl about the same size as a dime. Under it hung a small white ivory looking star that looked like her cutie mark. She smiled at me with her blue eyes and I couldn't help but blush a bit. Wait something was still wrong here but I couldn't put my hoof on it. I shouldn't worry about these things. I had nothing to worry about right? The music stopped as they started to play Fur Elise.

“Would you like to dance Miss Twilight Sparkle?” I asked with a bow.

“I would love to.” She said as she went out to the dance floor. The music continued as we dance slowly into the night. We looked at each other as we dance. With each step something was eating at me about Twilight. Something just didn't seem right about her. I looked into her blue eyes again. Wait... blue eyes. She didn't have blue eyes she had a lovely set of purple eyes. The music changed again but I didn't pay attention to it other then it's tempo. It was a slow song... perfect.

“Did you know.” I started to get this Twilight's attention.

“Hmm?” She asked.

“If your going to impersonate Twilight you should really make sure you're doing it right.” I said before I heard the intake of breath come from her.

“But I am Twilight, Prince Firestorm.” She said. Strike one, Twilight knew I really don't like being called prince.

“Alright then. Where did we meet?” I asked as we continued to dance closely. I eyed Celestia who happened have looked over at me. I had the feeling she got the message I wanted to convey. As her happy demeanor switched to a worried one instead.

“It was here in Canterlot of course.” The fake Twilight said. Strike two, it was in the hospital in Ponyville.

“Alright then what I am I really?” I asked. I already knew that this Twilight was fake. But I was going to play fair and give her three chances.

“An Alicorn of course.” She said, strike three. Before she could react I grabbed her by the face with my prosthetic hoof and slammed her face into the ground. There was a loud gasp from everyone from what they could tell the Prince slamming the element of magic into the ground cracking the floor.

“What did you do that for?” Applejack said as she ran at me. But a magical barrier stopped her. “Hey let me at him.” She said before she turned and bucked at the shield.

“No one hurts my friend.” Dash said. She was to fast for the shield to stop her before she knocked right into me. Note to self Rainbow Dash anger equals pain for me. She was on top of me. “Why did you hurt Twilight like that?” She said pinning me.

“That is not Twilight!” I yelled back at her. She was taken back for a moment before her scowl returned. “Of course it is.” She venomously said. I leaned in close.

“Then what are the color of Twilight's eyes?” I asked in a whisper. She was a bit confused for a moment.

“Purple.” She whispered right in my face. We just happened to be snout to snout.

“What color is that Twilight's eyes?” I asked. She turned then it dawned on her. She turned back to me.

“Blue.” She said as she got off me. I rolled over a bit of blood drip from my mouth I must have opened up a wound again. The rest of the girls showed up including Fluttershy. Celestia started to walk towards us with her horn a lit with magic.

“What have you done with Twilight Sparkle?” She said to the fake one.

“I am Twilight Sparkle Princess.” She said with a bow. “I am your faithful student.” Celestia looked down at this fake Twilight.

“Give it up. We know you're not Twilight.” I said as I got closer, Dash next to me. The fake one's eyes turned at me and she growled with them turning green for a moment.

“So you have returned Chrysalis” Celestia said. The fake Twilight growled and with a sickening green magic transformed into the queen of the changelings. Her beetle-like back was not the dark blue gradient like the others. It went from a forest green to a sick tinted neon green. Her underbelly had some of it too but they were together like three bands.

“Why am I always found out by one of your ponies?” Chrysalis said

“Where is Twilight Sparkle?” I asked angrily.

“You mean the purple pest?” She asked with a smirk at me, of course this made me angrier.

“Answer the question. Where is Twilight Sparkle?” I asked again she turned to me.

“What have you done with Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia asked this time. She even had a glare that I couldn't match.

“Your 'faithful student'? Oh I dealt with her personally.” She said with a smirk.

“I can help.” The graveled voice said.

“No this one is mine.” I shot back in my head.

“Oh please you are too injured to even touch her.” It retorted. It had to be right with all the shit I took today I wouldn't stand a chance if this was going to end in a fight. “She is the queen of her kind. You got beat up by her underlings. How do you think think you would hold a flame to that?” It continued.

“What have you done with Twilight Sparkle foul wench.” Luna boomed in her overpowered voice.

“Oh I made sure she wouldn't interfere with my plans this time.” Chrysalis said.

“What plans?” Dash asked to my right as she pawed at the ground ready to charge.

“This!” She said as the guards around the room came around all of us but the two of Luna's I met earlier in the night. Those two were next to Luna with a two bladed claw like weapons on their front hooves. The normal guards looked at us as with in the same sickened green glow revealed themselves to be all changelings.

“Now you're out numbered too. You won't last long without me.” The voice said and of course it had to be right. There was no way for me to take a fight like this.

“Will my friends and family be safe?” I thought back.

“Of course they are my friends and family too.” It shot back with an almost glee tint to its voice.

“She will pay.” I said as a growl took my voice.


Celestia and Luna both looked at Firestorm.

“That growl.” They thought from hearing that. It was just like the one in his mind. His hair started to lengthen as it started to take the mannerisms of fire. His hooves started to grow claws as Chrysalis watched.

“Oh look who's making himself look all fierce. Please I know an illusion spell when I see one.” She said in a mock tone. It wasn't an illusion, Firestorm grinned, his teeth where now razor sharp and within one motion grabbed the changeling in front of him and slammed him into the ground with his left hoof. He placed a hoof on it's chest as it looked up angrily at him. But Firestorm's eyes didn't show emotions like anger or anything. Within a moment the pressure was added and the changeling's chest was crushed in.

“Listen carefully Chrysalis. You will tell me where Twilight Sparkle is or the next one I will this to you next.” He said not even looking at her. Chrysalis wasn't totally sure about this stallion. No pony in Canterlot has ever killed a changeling like that.

“It must be a trick it has to be a trick. Celestia wouldn't let a pony do such acts.” Chrysalis thought. She turned to Celestia who was looking on with worry at Firestorm.

“You really think a trick like this is going to make me talk. I'm the queen of the changelings, no mere trick will get me.” She said as she pointed on. “Attack my changelings, go and feed.” But a mixture of orange and blue magic started to envelop each changeling drawing them together. Both Luna's and Firestorm's horns were a lit with magic.

“Celestia get every pony to safety. Luna and I will handle this.” He said as he turned to Celestia. His eyes were not the ocean blue but bright red.

“We’re not leaving you with this thing.” Applejack said with a growl.

“Yeah. We want to know where Twi is too.” Dash added.

“Oh don't worry you two. She will tell us where Twilight is and what she had done with her. But I need you all to help make sure every pony is safe. I'll make sure I get a few good shots in for all of you. He said as he removed his tux expertly with his magic. To show the bandages around his body. He floated it over to Rarity who took it as well as the others and folded them neatly. Pinkie looked at him as her whole body shook. Her Pinkie sense was telling her that one doozy of an event was about to happen and not in the good way. The rest of them left with only Luna and Firestorm to deal with Chrysalis.

“Now what shall we do with this insect?” Firestorm said with murderous glee to his voice.

“Remember we must get the info about Twilight's whereabouts.” Luna warned.

“Oh I will get the information.” he said before a growl finished. “One way or another.” With a flick of his magic he brought over the drapes that were at each window, striped them down to just the pole. He then proceeded to stab them through a hole in each hoof. She was now restrained and unable to move.

“Do you think these will hold me? Think again.” She said as he horn started to glow. A loud snap was heard followed by a pained wail when Chrysalis' horn was snapped right off. The jagged remains still atop her head.

“Oh sorry. Did you need that for magic?” Firestorm said. Luna paled for a moment shuddering at the thought of that happening to her own horn. He just effectively removed Chrysalis' magic from her. Horns did not heal as quick as most wounds. Firestorm gently tossed it up into the air and catching it like a baseball. “So will you tell us where Twilight Sparkle is and what you had done to her?”

“You think that will get me to talk. Please I have felt more worse.” She snuffed. This made him grin even more.

“Then lets see about this?” He said as he gripped one of Chrysalis' wings. “Are you sure you don’t want tell us where she is?” He asked.

“Do your worst.” She said taunting him. He grinned and ripped the wing right out. Much to her credit she didn't scream this time but the pain was unbearable.

“How about now?”

“Firestorm I think she has suffered enough.” Luna said not able to take much more of this. This was far beyond anything she has seen of this magnitude.

“No. Not until I know where she is.” He shot back as his wings changed into a dragon's wings. His tail was now reptilian and came to a sharp diamond shaped point. “Now insect where is she?” He boomed at her.

“You will never know.” She shot back.

“Wrong answer.” He said before ripping the other wing. “Where is she?” He asked again.

“Dead!” She yelled. This stopped Firestorm for a moment. Then he shot at her the most wicked of glares. His normal eyes turned a dark red, pupils disappearing.

“You best be lying.” He growled.

“Oh and you think I would be beyond killing her?” She said before a loud snap could be heard. Firestorm stomped on her back right leg breaking it.

“Next time I’ll make it worse.” He growled. “She better be alive and you better tell me where.” He said as his normal orange fur turned to a deadly red. Two large horns grew out the back of his head. As his horn started to curve a bit. “Where is Twilight Sparkle?” He said not playing anymore. His claws reached up to Chrysalis each one of the black tips right at her neck.

“If you kill me you will never find her.” She said in a defiant tone. She was bluffing about that but he didn't know. A rock formed in the pit of her stomach when she saw him grin at this.

“Oh I won't kill you. I'll make you wish you were dead but I won't kill you.” He said as his horn lit up and sparks came from his right metallic clawed hoof. “I found out something interesting about you changelings earlier.” He spoke giving an exterminating glance at the sparking hoof.

“What is that?” Luna asked not really liking what his is doing.

“Glad you asked Luna. See changelings don't like electricity well. It fries them a lot faster then it would a normal pony.” He said as the sparks turned into streams of energy dancing from one claw to another. “Now I wonder how much would the queen take compared to her underlings?” He said as he slowly moved his hoof closer to Chrysalis' body. But a blue aura surrounded his hoof stopping him.

“This is going too far, Firestorm.” She said before she came closer to him.

“Luna don't play stupid with me. You know I am not him.” he said not taking eyes of of Chrysalis. With a twist of his foreleg he removed himself from Luna's magic with a pop.

“Then you are the beast we spoke to before?” She asked.

“And the last one crosses the finish line.” He said as he stepped closer to Chrysalis who was completely confused now. If this was not the stallion she had attacked. Then who was this and why is he torturing her?

“Then why are you wondering where she is?” Luna asked.

“Because like it or not. I care for him and he for her. It hurts me and him that she may be hurt because of this thing.” The beast said as he placed the metallic hoof against Chrysalis chest and a spark of magic sent lightning directly into her. She screamed an almost deathly scream that would destroy any ear drums close to it. The beast pulled back his hoof, sparks still present on it. Her body smoked as she hung there. “Now where is she?” He asked again but not answer. She was out cold. He growled and dragged over one of the other changelings. “I'm going to get straight to the point with you. You tell me where Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn is and I will stop hurting your queen. But if you don't tell me then I will pierce her body with her horn still attached. Do I make myself clear?” The beast roared at the changeling. It nodded fear for itself and his queen.

“She is in the crystal mines, locked up.” The changeling said in its insect like voice.

“What did you do to her?” The beast asked snarling.

“We put one of the ponies magic dampeners on her horn so she can't use magic to escape.” He said fear ever present in his voice.

“That's all I need to know.” he said with a grin as magic enveloped his horn again. A spark of electricity went through the changeling to knock him out. He dropped him to the ground. He then spread his wings and took to the air.

“Where do you think your going?” Luna asked now taking a commanding tone.

“To Twilight Sparkle.” He said and left before Luna could stop him. He smashed right through one of the clear windows as he shot towards the mountain cliff.

“This is not good.” Luna said to herself. A few moments later Celestia returned to see the mess.

“What has happened here?” Celestia asked as Shining Armor and his guards took over holding the changelings in one of his shields including the beaten Chrysalis. It wasn't long for Luna to explain the events that had transpired. Celestia started to pale from the beast’s actions. “Then we need to follow him.” The royal sisters took flight and followed the beast.


“Hello Twilight Sparkle.” The beast said as he entered the stone worked cavern where the cell that held the restrained Twilight was. He slowly walked up to her his mane proving light.

“Who's there.” Twilight asked jumping to her hooves. Last pony she talked to turned out to be a changeling. So she was skeptical. “Firestorm?” She worriedly asked.

“Sort of.” He said as he walked closer. He sat just outside the main light in the room. His glowing red eyes returned enough to see them again. But they were still reptilian and red in color.

“What happened to your eyes?” She asked getting as close as she can.

“Don't worry about my eyes Twilight. I am going to warn you before I come in, I look different.” He said.

“Different?” She said now worry in her voice.

“Yes just don't freak out.” He said before he stepped in left clawed hoof first. To test her reaction. She watched not saying a word as she watched carefully. He slowly made his way into the light. Much to Twilight's credit she didn't show the surprise on her face. A lot of it subdued because of the advanced warning and it being Firestorm. She knew he wouldn't hurt anypony unless it was in self defense or to protect any pony. He stood there for a moment watching for a reaction.

“Are you alright?” She asked carefully.

“Me, I'm fine. Firestorm on the other hoof.” He said trailing off. That was the trigger to Twilight. This wasn't Firestorm and he was here to do Celestia knows what. He came up to her , with a sound of wrenched metal the lock fell to the ground as a mangled mess. The caged door swung open slowly with a screech.

“Who are you then?” She asked.

“Personally or what you know me as?” He asked with a smirk.

“Both.” She asked.

“Well you know me by many things. His storm or the beast.” He said as he curled up in a ball slowly wrapping its tail around it. “Personally you can call me Sha.”

“Sha?” Twilight asked.

“Well I use to have a longer name but I forgot it many years ago.” Sha said a note of sadness.

“What do you mean use to have?”

“I forgot it over the thousand of years I've done this.”

“Thousands of years?”

“Yes thousands of years. Is that hard to believe? Your ruler is over a thousand years alone.”

“Point made. But why are you controlling him?”

“Because I am his test.”


“Yes, I am his storm. Oh and he says he is alright.”

“So he is still in there?” Twilight asked before Sha's horn glowed.

“Yes and now he can't hear what we are saying. So if you have questions for me then I would ask it now. Celestia and Luna are also on their way.” Sha said as he stood up again.

“What?” Twilight said a little surprised. “Okay, Why does he have to go through this storm?”

“Because he needs to have the will to control this power.” It said simply.

“What would happen if he doesn't pass this test?”

“Then he loses his mind to the power and becomes a beast in himself that needs to be put down.” Sha said in a tone that told that this has happened many of times.

“Then how can we help him pass this test?”

“You can't.”

“Why?” Twilight said not angered.

“Because of the deal he and I made.”


“Yes, To trigger his storm he agreed only if I made sure you, his friends, and family would remain safe. Normally those would be the first ones I would go for. But this is now not the case.” Sha said not looking at Twilight but the cave entrance.


“Are you two really that dense?” Sha show back with a sigh.

“I am not dense.”

“Well Miss Twilight Sparkle you are pretty dense if you ask me. I'm fully aware of everything he's gone though and I do mean everything.” He said eying her.

“What?” She asked as Sha face hoofed.

“Firestorm is in love with you Twilight. Geez really does it have to be spelled out for you?” Sha said with a shake of his head. Twilight on the other hand turned bright red at this.

“That's impos-” She got out.

“Impossible? Really Twilight are you going to say you don't have feelings for him when you two already kissed? It doesn't take a professor to tell you two like each other.”

“What about Jessica?” She asked still red as a tomato.

“Twilight I'm going to be square with you on this. Yes he still loves her and misses her deeply. But he knows that she wants him to be happy. There little talk gave that away.”

“Little talk?” Twilight asked now confused and worried.

“He died for about ten minutes remember? During that time she talked to him. How do you think he remembers her real name and not her nick name? Geez Twilight for a smart pony you ask the dumbest questions.”

“Hey! How was I suppose to know any of this? He never really talks as openly as he should.” Twilight said now a little angry.

“Can you blame the guy? He went from a world that made it feel like every time he opened his mouth about his feelings and problems. Most of them would just laugh at him and ridicule him about it. Now he is in a better place but still has crippling problems, like being controlled now twice. I wouldn't even open up at that and trust me I have the years to back it up.” Sha shot back. “I bet if you asked Celestia or Luna about some of their hardships they would have novels of stories to tell you.” Twilight listened to this and took his words into consideration. When she asked about Aria, she figured that he was just going to keep it vague to help him stay together. She wasn't ready for him to open up like that.

“But what if he was only willing to open up for just me like that?” Twilight thought.

“But that's not the point at hoof right now. You need to find a way to make him fight me in his mind.” Sha said snapping her out of her thoughts.

“How? he can't hear me right now.” She angry said glaring at him.

“He can now.” he said the glow from his horn faded.

“Firestorm you have to fight this.” She pleaded right into Sha's eyes. He couldn't help but smirk. He did always love when they tried the direct approach.

“Nope nothing.” He mocked. Of course he wouldn't tell her if he was trying.

“Firestorm please do it for your friends.”

“Still nothing.” He mocked again with Twilight fighting to use magic. But she forgot that she had the dampener on still. With a sigh he walked closer and picked a claw on the device and stabbed it breaking it. He removed it for her.

“Twilight are you alright?” The regal voice of Luna boomed.

“I'm alright.” Twilight replied.

“That is my cue to leave. Good luck Miss Sparkle.” He said before his horn lit up in magic.

“Wait! Where are you going?”

“Somewhere a beast like me should go.” He said before a flash of orange blinded the room. He was gone.


“I can't believe he would do such a thing.” Twilight said as she paced back in forth in her room at Canterlot Castle.

“Twi I know it's hard to believe.” Applejack said.

“No it's not. Sha said that he is going through his storm. So it has to be why he did those acts. He wasn't in control.” Twilight shot back.

“I believe Twilight is right.” Celestia added as she and Luna both entered the room. “But I honestly wouldn't blame him either for his acts.”

“Sister.” Luna simply said with a note of worry.

“Yes Luna, I think we need to tell them what we know.” She said as they walked towards the group of them. Twilight looked at her mentor with worry ever present in her eyes. “My little ponies, he is indeed going through his storm. Sha explained that she takes control of the Drony when it's their time. Taunting them or coercing them into it. This is why no two Dronies go through their storm at the same time.”

“There is more to it then that Princess Celestia.” Said a voice behind them in the doorway. The group of them turned to see black as night coated earth Drony. His white claws and equally white eyes a straight contrast. The normally whites of his eyes had a very slight blue tint, his mane was an ivory white. He slowly made his way into the room closing the door behind him.

“Who are you and what do you mean more to it?” Rainbow said in his face. He looked at her for a moment.

“My name is ClawShot.” He said looking at them

“The leader from Hoofguard?” Celestia asked.

“The very same. I can only assume that F.M. Has explained what happened when I transported him there?” He asked.

“Yes Firestorm has. Now what do you mean there is more to it?” Twilight asked.

“Firestorm?” ClawShot asked a little confused.

“He goes by that name now.” Luna answered. “Now please explain what you meant.”

“Which why would you like me to explain the very technical way or would you like me to simplify it for everypony here?” He asked, not to make other ponies sound dumb but as a general question.

“Keep it simple.” Applejack said.

“Sha is too a Drony, as Faust is to Celestia and Luna.” He said both Celestia and Luna looked surprised.

“How do you know of that name?” Luna asked.

“Because I have spoken with her myself.” He said simply.

“Princess who is this Faust?” Twilight asked never hearing that name before. Celestia moved her gaze from ClawShot to Twilight.

“Faust is our mother.” She said simply. “But we don't speak of her often.”

“How come?”

“I'm sorry Twilight but this is something I can not share.” Celestia said a pang of guilt in her chest. She would share most things with her student but this was something... different.

“The point is Celestia. He needs to fight it or Equestria has a rather big problem.” ClawShot said as he got close enough to them.

“How big are we talking?” Applejack asked.

“Nightmare Moon levels of big.” He said. Each ponies eyes widen to the point that Fluttershy fainted. Even Pinkie stopped and looked surprised.

“Explain?” Celestia asked.

“It's what could happen if he fails. With Nightmare Moon it was more controlled.” He started with as Luna physically shuttered at that. “But if he fails it will be Nightmare Moon with no restraint and out for blood.”

“Then what do we do?” Rarity said.

“You need to give Firestorm a will to fight Sha. A reason to over power her. Sha is in his mind not the other way around. He may not know it but there he is all powerful.”

“But Sha can't hurt any of us.” Twilight said as every pony looked at her.

“She made a deal with him didn't she?” Clawshot face hoofed.

“Yes, to protect us.”

“Damn it Firestorm.” He said with a sigh. “Well that makes it a whole lot harder. I have to leave it to you ponies to find a way to get him to fight Sha. I can't interfere or he loses by default. It's a rule.” He said snubbing a few questions ahead of time.

“How do you know all this?” Twilight inquired.

“Because I have gone through it and I have learned from watching others.” He said looking at them. His gaze stopped on Luna for a moment. “Now excuse me I have others to help.”

“Hey aren't you at least going to tell us how to help him?” Applejack said running up and stopping in front of him.

“I did my part. The who is up to all of you. Luna may I have a word with you in private?” He said as he walked past Applejack. Luna looked at her sister then the rest of them before she followed him. The door closed as every pony there looked at each other. Silence took the room as each of them has a sense of worry that filled them to their core. Not only did they have to help their friend but they now knew what would happen if they failed.

“Princess what should we do?” Twilight asked Celestia who looked at her.

“I think we need to-” She got out before a guard rushed in.

“Princess I have news.” The white guard said as all of them stood.

“What is it?”

“There has been a report of the creature you spoke of near Ponyville. Shortly after one of the houses was destroyed.” The guard said.

“Was any pony harmed?” Twilight asked.

“No pony was harmed.”

“Then what house was it?” Rarity asked.

“It was the prince's house.” The guard said. “The creature was seen flying away from it shortly after it exploded.” The looks on every ponies face told of worry.

“Where was it flying towards?” Twilight asked.

“The Everfree forest.”

“ Somewhere a beast like me should go” Twilight udder on her her breath.

“What was that dear?” Rarity asked.

“It was something Sha said before disappearing. ‘Somewhere a beast like me should go.’ I think she was speaking about the Everfree forest.”

“Wait couldn't it be the castle like when Firestorm felt like a monster himself?” Applejack asked.

“No harm in trying their first.” Twilight said.

“I will be coming as well Twilight.” Celestia said.

“They’re what?!” Was heard from Luna in the hallway in the royal Canterlot voice. Silence followed afterwards for a few moments before Luna returned.

“What's wrong Luna?”

“It's a personal matter.” She said not really looking at her sister. “What did I miss?”

“We think Firestorm went to the Castle in the Everfree. So we need to fly out there and help him.” Dash said.

“Then lets go save him.” Luna said as she turned and left the room again. It didn't take them long to get back to Ponyville. Both Celestia and Luna went to help calm the residents from the isolated attack. Lyra, Derpy and her Two daughters tried to help as well. Cadence went to help keep the children calm. Which left Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Shining Armor to go into the Everfree. Shining had his armor on since before they arrived.

“Let's get going every pony.” Twilight said before the group of them headed towards the forest.

“Twily do you think this is wise?” Shining asked as he trotted next to his sister.

“We don't have much choice Shining. With each passing minute we get closer to our timer running out. Its even worse since we don't know what that time limit is.”

“What about Sha? He can't harm us because of the deal with Firestorm.”

“I know.”

“Then what are you planning?”

“I have two main plans. The first one is to trick Sha into attacking one of us. That way it may give Firestorm the motivation he needs to break Sha's hold on him.”

“That sounds extremely dangerous.” Shining said in a whisper. The didn't help of course because shortly after hearing that Fluttershy tried to take off but Dash caught her by the tail.

“Fluttershy you need to calm down.”

“B-b-b-but it's dangerous. What... what if some pony gets hurt?” She asked worried.

“I know you're scared sugar cube. But we have to go through here to help Firestorm.” Applejack said as they continued through Everfree forest. Each pony was on edge from the eerie unnatural silence of the forest around them, it was as if something was making sure that the forest itself remained silent. A looming mist crawled into each ponies mind as a light fog started to surround them. Dark, dank, and cold fog started to eat up their view of the forest to the point that they could barely see each other in it. Thinking fast Twilight and Shining Armor lit up their horns.

“Stay close every pony. We don't want to get lost in this fog.” Shining said.

“What is with this fog anyway? I can't grab it like normal fog.” Rainbow said as she tried to gather the fog around her hoofs but it just acted like fog to every other pony.

“I don't know Rainbow maybe this is Sha's doing.” Twilight surmised.

“Well it needs to stop.”

“Why are you getting scared?” Applejack said with a smirk.

“I'm not afraid.” Rainbow protested.

“I bet you'll jump at anything?”

“I bet I won't.” Rainbow defended until a branch brushed against her side causing her to shoot straight up with a surprised meep.

“Told ya.” Applejack said after Dash landed.

“Not funny AJ” Dash said with a huff.

“Focus every pony.” Twilight said aggravated.

“You never said what your other plan was.” Shining said.

“The other was go into his mind and coax him some how.”

“Do you think you'll get close enough for something like that?”

“All I can do is try.” Twilight said. The fog slowly spread out as they neared the bridge but to their dismay they found the bridge on fire.

“How are we going to get across this?” Applejack asked.

“By the a bridge silly?” Pinkie said bouncing.

“Bridge? What bridge it's on fire?” Twilight asked.

“Um Twi. I could just fly you all across” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Well. Um couldn't you make a bridge with your shield? I mean if you want.” Fluttershy timidly asked. Twilight stopped and blinked for a moment, followed by her face hoofing. Shining rolled his eyes and created a bridge across the span. They entered the ancient castle of the pony sisters.

“This is where you all freed Princess Luna?” Shining asked as he looked around at the ruins that seemed to remained untouched by time. Even with the moss and greenery that covered some of the decayed walls. It seems that it just stopped progressing after some time. It was either a magic the old castle still held or the mystery of the Everfree forest itself.

“Yeah. It was awesome.” Rainbow said as they look around the old ruins. For the most part it was just the same as before.

“Are we sure he is going to be here?” Shining asked.

“It's the only place that makes sense. He came here when that article came out about him being a monster and Prince Blueblood little add on to it didn't help either.” Twilight answered.

“I know Prince Blueblood can be a pain but is that why he has a problem with him?”

“No it was the Prince being himself trying to cozy up to him at his house warming party.”

“That and insulting us in front of him.” Rarity added.

“Jeez no wonder he hates the guy. I was afraid he was going to attack him at his party.” Shining said.

“I wouldn't blame him. Blueblood did ask for it.” Rainbow added.

“Yeah but I reckon he did it because of both of the Princesses.” Applejack surmised. A flickering could be seen coming from a tower window. “He's up there.” She pointed as every pony turned to see. They rushed their way to the north tower. The same one where Vermom stabbed him with the scythe. They entered the door to find Firestorm just sitting there.

“So you figured out my clue.” Sha said as he sat up. “So I guess you're going to try and coax him into overpowering me? Oh and you've even got Shining Armor to join you as well.” He said looking at them. Shining started to take stance as his horn started to glow in magic alongside Twilight.

“Give us back our friend.” Twilight said as she focused on the Memory spell.

“Once he takes it from me.” Sha simply said.

“Firestorm you have to fight him. You are stronger then him.” Twilight yelled hoping to get through to him.

“Really Twilight you think yelling will persuade him into acting?” Sha said rolling his eyes as Twilight leaned over to her brother.

“Do you think you could hold him down with your shield?” She whispered.

“If I could keep the changelings out. I think I can keep him down.” He said as he fired a purple beam of struck out Sha who raise an eyebrow at the magic before his horn lit up creating a bubble of magic around him. Much to his surprise the magic Shining fired at him surrounded his bubbled and hardened.

“Clever” Sha said as he dropped his bubble. He turned to buck the shield but nothing worked.

“Sorry Sha but my shield is harder than it looks.” Shining said as he walked closer to him.

“Okay so now that you have me caged. What's next?”

“That's easy.” Twilight said as pressed her horn to every pony there. As streams of white magic attached to each of them before she turned towards the trapped Sha. Who just watched in silence completely familiar with the memory spell. “We are going to talk to him directly.” She said as she stepped closer.

“What makes you think I will let you?” Sha said eying her.

“Because your deal with him won't let you hurt us.” She said as passed right through Shining shield.

“Doesn't mean I won't stop you.” Sha said right before Twilight pressed her horn right into his head. To Every pony there the world went white.


I watched as Twilight and everyone appeared within my mind. The window behind the beast that I now knew as Sha showed Twilight having her horn pressed right into my forehead.

“Oh thank Celestia you’re alright.” Twilight said as she looked up to me with each of my legs embedded into the ground like I was wearing cement shoes.

“Yeah I'm so alright that I'm trapped in the floor.” I said a little annoyed. I was trapped within my own mind having to watch my body destroy the house my friends and family got me. I couldn't help but feel like that article was right about me. I sat here listening to Sha's taunts saying how worthless I was that I couldn't fight the control.

“Sorry.” Twilight winced at my words. “But you have to fight for control.” She stated. Thank you captain obvious, its not like I haven’t been trying to do that.

“I've been trying Twilight.” I said as I fight to get my hooves free but nothing has been working.

“See I told you it was useless.” Sha said behind Twilight as he raised his front right leg as every pony but me raised into the air. Then flicked it to the right tossing them into a cage that just appeared. My eye twitched as I saw this. I continue to fight to get my legs free.

“Are you alright?” I asked worried.

“I'm alright.”Twilight said.

“A little rattled but I'm good sugar cube.” Applejack added.

“It takes me more to keep me down.” Rainbow boasted.

“Is my mane alright?” Rarity asked. Yeah she was alright if she was worried more for her mane then herself.

“It's alright rare.” Applejack said as she rolled her eyes.

“I'm alright.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“I've been hit harder.” Shining said.

“I'm good.” Pinkie said as she appeared next to me. Normally I would be surprised but this time I'm glad the pink party pony is free. I sighed a little in relief that they’re unharmed. Then I turned and glared at Sha.

“Release my friends.” I growled.

“No can do. You want them safe. What's safer than being caged and put away.” Sha said with a smirk.

“Firestorm we will be alright but you need to know.” She started to say before a purple bubbled covered them muting them. I glared at Sha even more as I fought to release my legs.

“Can't have you spoiling it for him.” Sha said as he got closer to the bubbles. Pinkie leaned in to my ear.

“If you lose you will because as wild as something in the Everfree and attack every pony.” She said before she disappeared in a puff of smoke. Then reappeared next to Twilight with a Pinkie Pie smile. So I will become a monster just like the Timberwolves. Just like when Shadow took over me. If that happened then I could hurt every pony.

“Listen carefully Sha,” I said as I felt my anger rise more and more. “You control me and destroy my house. You cause everyone in Ponyville to panic. You then cage up my friends and silence them.”

“Your point?” Sha said a little bored.

“My point is that you decided to trap then in my mind.” I said as I began to grin. I completely forgot that I am the one that has control here. I started to rise from the ground then walked over to the bubble and popped it. “In my mind I have control.” I said as the white world around us started to take the shape of a green grassy field. I focused as the cage disappeared releasing them.

“Oh thank Celestia it was cramped in there.” Rarity said as she gently touched her head.

“The good thing about my mind is. I'm not from Equestria and I know a lot more than what was here. I know of war and weapons. Among all this I have the one hell of a imagination.” I said as I summoned seven M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks. “I also have the knowledge of weapons beyond your understanding.” I said as I pointed at Sha “Fire!” I yelled as all the tanks fired as each round homed on Sha. The explosion engulfed him. I slowly walked closer to where he was. But there was nothing there.

“Behind you!” Applejack yelled I turned to get bucked in the face. It sent me flying through the air. I spread out my wings as the wind resistance slowed me down. Hold on if this is my mind then I can fly without needing to know how to fly. I flapped my wings and flew at Sha who picked up one of the tanks by the barrels. He swung it like a baseball bat sending me flying again.

I started to fly around him in circles. Every time I got close to him he swatted me way with the tank. I stopped for a few moments. He threw the tank me. Swiping it from the air and held it with both hooves as it turned from a tank to a giant sword. I flew at him as he picked up another tank. We swung at each other my sword clashed with his tank. We stared at each other before I kicked the tank up into the air and swung at him where he grabbed it in his mouth. I looked surprised.

“Oh please. Do you really think you could defeat me that simply?” Sha said through the sword in his mouth. I grinned at this.

“Not alone. Because I have my friends here. With them around I know I don't have to face things alone. Right Rainbow Dash?” I said as I glanced to my left.

“Of course.” She said before she tackled him from the side into the ground. “We don't leave our friends hanging.”

“We sure as Celestia don't let them face things alone.” Applejack said lassoed him with a rope tied to her tail. She started to swing him around in a circle.

“Batters up.” I said as I changed the giant sword into a giant baseball bat.

“Yehaw!” Applejack yelled as she released him at me. For some reason the baseball batter up theme popped into my head right before I swung knocking Sha away. Right into Pinkie Pie's party cannon.

“Party Time!” Pinkie said as she launched Sha back at me as her cannon sounded like a party popper. Sha smiled as he broke right through my bat and continued to fly right at Twilight. Being stopped short by Shining's shield. Twilight smiled as her horn lit up and a beam of magic fired and connected squarely at Sha's chest. It sent him flying and he landed right at Fluttershy's hooves.

“Please give up. If you don't mind.” She timidly spoke before Sha growled causing her to fly back and hide. This sent of spike of irritation through me.

“How dare you growl at Fluttershy you brute.”Rarity said with a glare before her horn glowed and a barrage of gems flew out of the ground under Sha. I flew up and grabbed Sha by the neck.

“Listen carefully Sha. I will give you this chance to surrender.” I said calmly but anger still filled my eye. Sha simply spat at me with a bloody grin. I wiped off the spit mixed with blood with my free hoof then tossed him up and grabbed him by the face. “I will consent and kept your word. Making sure they didn't get hurt. But you failed to realize something. You didn't realize who I cared about. I care about Fluttershy who showed me kindness and visited me in the hospital when I was out with no sign of waking up.” I said as I flew right into a mountain as I help Sha in front of me breaking through it using him as a shield. “I care about Applejack who made sure I didn't lie to myself when I felt useless.” I said as smashed him into one of the tanks. “I care about Rainbow Dash who knew I was messed up inside and was loyal to help me through it.” I continued as I started to run his face into the ground. “I care about Rarity who was generous to a pony she never even met before by treating me like a was a friend.” I said as I smashed his face into every rock and dragged him through the ground getting faster and faster. “I cared about Pinkie Pie who tried her darnedest to make me happy and laugh when the world crushed around me.” I said as I dragged him up a mountain. “I care about Celestia, Luna, and Cadence who are the only family I have anymore.” I said as I flew high off the ground with him looking beat up and bloody. “I care about Shining because he treats me like a friend and I care about Twilight Sparkle because she was my first friend when I had nothing. When I was confused and lost ready to break down from being in a new form and in a new place. She treated me like me and not some freak.” I said as I threw Sha down towards the ground. “And because regardless of what she feels for me. I. Love. Her!” I yelled as I flew right after Sha as I let a stream of fire shot out of my mouth and engulf me as my right foreleg was pointed at Sha. My hoof connected with his face as the fire raged around me. It raged like the sun going super nova, I could only guess it was equivalent to a nuclear bomb going off. Once the dust settled I saw Sha as he laid there in silence as he looked at me.

“Aren't you going to finish it.” Sha said with his muzzle in the ground.

“Sha I did.” I said before I walked away and out of the crater. As I exited it a started to hear clapping. I turned around to see not Sha but the dragon. The one that remained in my head from the beginning. He looked down at me.

“Well done little one, well done.” He said I looked up at him in confusion. “You passed my test.” He said. This dragon was Sha, the whole fucking time this damn dragon was screwing with me. “Calm down, like I said destiny was in play here. I just so happened to be part of it and now my part is done.” He said before he reach over with a claw and pressed into my chest. I suddenly felt a heat radiate through me. Not like a painful heat but more a nice warm bath heat. I could help but blush at how good it felt. “This is my final gift to you Firestorm.” He spoke a small frown on his face.

“But why?” I asked part of me wanted to know why he did all this.

“Firestorm I'm not going to lie. I don't know why. But destiny is one that never tells its story until it's already over.” He said before he started to fade.

“Then what now?” I asked.

“Live on and be happy my little drony.” Sha said before he was gone. I sat down hard on my hunches as every pony came up to me.

“You alright?” Fluttershy asked and I simply nodded not taking my eyes away from the spot Sha was.

“I... don't know.” I said completely confused and conflicted. I just passed a test so I wouldn't go out of control and hurt every pony. But in the same sense I felt like I lost a safety net or something equally important. “Twilight can you please drop the spell?” I asked as a few moments later the castle returned to view as well as a purple tint from Shining's shield. He dropped it a few moments later as I looked at my clawed hoof. I was still transformed into my more dragon like state. I felt the magic through my body it felt different some how. It was still as warm as ever but it felt livelier. Almost like someone dumped gas on it and lit match. I slowly tried to dissipate the magic like I would when I stopped using a spell. It took a little time to do so but the red scales I had slowly returned to the orange fur I was use to having before this. I watched my claws retreat into my hoof and disappear all together. My tongue in my mouth told me a lot of my sharp teeth returned to their more flat versions. Though my teeth in the back were still sharp. I started to head out of the castle back towards Ponyville. I needed to apologize for my actions and take what punishment I deserve.


We returned to Ponyville with not much said between me and everyone else. I wanted to remain silent the whole time because I was trying to figure out why I felt like I lost something in me. Was it because I was able to turn into that monster or was it because I may not see that dragon Sha again? Why does it bother me if I can see Sha or not again? Since the beginning Sha has been nothing but a nightmare for me.

“I reckon he’s still upset about his birthday being messed up like it was.” Applejack whispered to some pony behind me. I really wish Applejack could whisper.

“Applejack Darling it must be because of his storm.”

“Hey Twily do you think he will be alright?” Shining whispered.

“I don't know Shining, I really don't know.” Twilight whispered louder than her brother. We continued through Ponyville as my irritation started to spike more and more as they all talked about me like I wasn't around them. I let out a sigh as we continued.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked next to me. I glanced over to her as she eeped. “I still don't know Fluttershy” I said simply. “And it doesn't help the ponies behind me talking about me.” I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

“You heard all that didn't you?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, yes I did.” I said as we continued with me not looking back at her. We continued to find all three princesses standing next to a tan mare with a gray mane.

“Hello.” I timidly said as we approached. Much to my surprise Cadence and Luna both hugged me as Celestia looked at me.

“Are you alright?” She said worry ever present in her voice.

“Honestly, I don't know.” I sadly said. “I just think I need to let things set in again.”

“It's understandable. After something like that I can only assume that you feel a little lost with everything.” She said as I just simply nodded. The booming of thunder loomed above us. “I had forgot that Ponyville was scheduled for a storm today.”

“Why don't we all go inside?” Twilight said as every pony followed her towards the library. I slowly walked as every pony passed me. I stopped quietly after they did, they mustn't have noticed I was behind as I walked towards my destroyed house. There were still small flickers of flames on some of the more solid pieces. After I sat outside it, the rain came down. I watched each little flame get snuffed out by the torrent of rain. My mane started to fall flat in front of my face, covering most of it. I peered out between the strands of hair. It was funny really, I went from having nothing causing so much problems. To having friends and family with a house they got me. Just to lose the gift because of my own stupidity. Not just that, I lost everything I had in it. My artwork, my gift to Twilight, the sword I was given, and everything else. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. It was really kind of funny that my bad luck held out so much. The universe really wanted to screw with me like that. It wanted me to feel such pain? For what? Because it didn't like me, because it thought it would be funny, or because it could for no other reason. The tears slowly ran from my eyes, but you couldn't really tell. The rain really did a good job at hiding the streaks of tears on my face with my cold wet fur.

“Firestorm?” I heard behind me.

“Hey.” I replied weakly still a small chuckle.

“It will be alright.”

“If you say so Twilight.” I muttered as I could continue to hear the rain and see it around me. But I couldn't feel it anymore. I looked up to see Twilight's shield blocking the rain. I turned to look at her and I spotted everyone else behind her in a different bubble of magic. “Let's go inside and dry off.” She said as she turned around. I simply followed not saying anything. We entered the library and as soon as I stepped in I got nailed in the face with a towel. I let it set there for a few moments before I draped it over my head as I sat there letting the water drip from my coat. It took a few moments for me to get the feeling I was being stared at by every pair of eyes in the room. I glanced out of the towel and through my mane at everyone looking at me. “What?” I simply asked not really curious about it.

“Firestorm.” Celestia started before I cut her off.

“If you're about to ask if I am okay then let me save you the trouble. I don't know and I don't know when I will be.” I said and of course that shut her up.

“Please talk to us.” Twilight asked. I turned to her, I guess my eyes were red again because she gulped as I looked at her.

“What's to talk about?” I said then sat on my hunches. Was it really going to help this sudden lost feeling I have or that I was homeless in Ponyville? Granted I still had a room at Canterlot castle, But I never really liked it there.

“Darn it Firestorm. We know something is wrong.” Applejack said getting into my face. I gave her a deadpan look.

“Okay if something is wrong then tell me what you think is wrong with me.” I offered. She looked at me for a moment then turned to everypony else. She returned her gaze to me before she opened her mouth. “It's about everything that has happened, the changelings, losing your house-” My deadpan expression didn't change. She gulped for a moment before I stood up again.

“Yes Applejack, that would be something that would bother me right now but it's not what is bothering me at the moment.” I said before I went into Twilight's bathroom and closed the door behind me. Silence filled the room as I left. I started to dry my mane first as it started to fuzz out like it was when I first woke up in Equestria. It was a little funny as I left it like that as I went to work on my coat. I heard some muttering come from the next room as I worked through my legs. My tail was the last thing I was working on as some pony knocked on the door.

“Firestorm can I come in?” Twilight asked.

“It's your house.” I simply said as she opened the door slowly. I glanced at her through the mirror. She looked back through the door before she fully entered and closed it behind her. She came over to me as I finished drying my tail. It fuzzed up like my mane did.

“Firestorm I'm sorry that.” She said before I stopped her.

“Twilight I know you're sorry but what’s done is done.” I said simply as I let my hair become fire. A quick head bang and my mane returned to normal in it's fire style. I did the same with my tail shortly afterwards.

“Please talk to us.” She said almost pleading.

“Twilight I. I just don't wa-” I got out before Rainbow Dash bashed through the door and got in my face.

“I've had enough. You're going to tell us what your problem is or else.” She growled at me. I couldn't help but get angry at her.

“Or else what?” I said through clenched teeth.

“Or we make you.” She said as she butted heads with me.

“Rainbow, this isn't helping.” Twilight said trying to defuse us.

“You want to know what's wrong? Do you really want to know what the fuck is wrong with me?” I almost yelled in her face as I felt heat within me.

“Yes I want to know.” She said continued to be in my face.

“Sugar cube you need to calm down.” Applejack came in. Pinkie looked worried more than normal.

“Fine here is my problem Rainbow Dash. Since I have been here, it's been one thing after another. Each time I end up getting hurt, controlled, or so confused and conflicted it doesn't help my already dwindling sanity. Let's not forget about my time before I came to Equestria, I’ve been through so much that I more times go to bed bloody, bruised, and cut up from just trying to be the best that I could be. For what? For 'friends' who treated me like crap, for family that wanted to just ignore the shit I dealt with on a daily basis? And now since I've got here, I’ve hurt my friends, got hurt multiple times, get controlled twice, lost a house that my friends and family gave me because as I was being controlled. They decided to destroy it to get me angry. That worked but on top of that I have some evil pony after me that can change shapes into ponified people from my past just to mess with my mind. On top of all that, I pass this great test that I had to make a deal with the devil to do. I feel like I am not myself anymore, like part of me is lost. Do you even have a clue how that feels Rainbow Dash? Can you even fathom how that feels? I'm not whole anymore that I’m just a fragment ready to be blown away at a moments notice? Stupid me just can't let it go, look on the bright side of things. At least my friends and family are safe. I probably have a whole town, hell, more like a whole freaking country scared of me because the news wanted to depict me as a monster. A beast that could strike at anytime. That is what is wrong with me Rainbow Dash. Do I need to explain any more? I bet that I have made you all scared of me at some point.” I vented at her. Her angry demeanor quickly became shock as well was everypony else, even the princesses. “Now if you would excuse me I would like to be by myself to clear my head.” I growled at them, my anger still spiked to no end. She nodded with a pang of guilt across their faces as both Twilight and Dash left the bathroom. I closed the door silently. Sometimes ponies can drive me nuts.


It took me about an hour to finally decide to leave the bathroom after staring at myself in the mirror. I came out to every pony staring at me again, me not saying a word.

“Firestorm” Celestia started I was tempted to cut her off again but decided against it this time. I already blew up at Rainbow Dash. “I'm sorry for so much to have happened to you.” She said as she came over to me.

“I should be the one sorry Celestia. I shouldn't have blown up like that. Dash you didn't deserve my anger like that.” I said and turned to her.

“Dude it's alright. I'm just glad you got that out of your system.” She said with a smile.

“I guess.” I said weakly.

“Don't start retreating like that.” Rainbow Dash ordered as I winced.

Twilight came up to me and gave me a hug. I blushed a little. “I'm sorry that I have been nothing but trouble for all of you.” I said, apologizing to every pony there.

“You have nothing to be sorry for sugar cube. I think all of us would do about the same if we were in your horseshoes.” Applejack offered as she stepped closer.

“We will be here for you, if you want.” Fluttershy said as she came closer as well.

“To make you all happy again.” Pinkie said as she bounced up to me.

“We will make sure no pony hurts you again.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Or hates you for things you couldn't control.” Luna added with the small lump filled my throat at the word control.

“We will show you what you were deprived of.” Cadence said.

“And guard you from the pains.” Shining added with a smirk.

“We’ll make sure that you don't feel lost ever again.” Rainbow added.

“And you will always have your friends and family here to help you when you break down.” Celestia said with a smile.

“And if that happens we will be there to put you back together stronger and more awesome then before.” Dash added with a victorious jester.

“You won't be alone anymore.” Twilight added before I felt her soft velvet lips gently pressed into mine as the blood rushed to my cheeks. I looked at Twilight who closed her eyes as a blush crossed her face. My face must have turned even more red as we held the kiss there for a few more minutes. As I felt the warmth from Twilight leave me. I blinked at her. She opened her eyes slowly as those perfect pools of amethyst stared right into mine. I could have sworn I saw a twinkle in her eye.

“Way to go Twi.” Dash said followed but a woot.

“Good going girl.” Applejack added.

“Twilight and Firestorm sitting in a tree.” Pinkie started to sing before a hoof covered her mouth.

“Quite marvelous.” Rarity added as I turned to everyone who was smiling. Well all but me and Twilight who was bright red. I didn't even know the color spectrum allowed a red like that.

“I think we should leave these ponies alone for the night.” Celestia added with a wink. My blush must have turned into a glowing beckon because Dash, Pinkie, and Applejack couldn't help but stifle a laugh when my wings extended with a pomf. Of course both Dash and Pinkie failed at it royally. “Gotcha” She added as she started to lightly laugh.

“Celestia.” I said with a shake of my head. “On a serious note. Where am I going to stay? I don't have a house anymore.” I said trying to will the blush away. With Twilight still hugging me it was a losing battle. Having a wonderfully cute mare pressed against you make it extremely hard not to blush.

“You'll be staying with me.” Twilight added and I blush again. “Ah, not like that!” She rapidly corrected my train of thought.

“Oh come on Twi you know you want some of him.” Dash said with a smirk and now it was Twilight's turn to blush even redder than I was.

“Dash!” She said before a beam of magic fired at her. With a yelp Dash flew right out the door and the rest followed all but Celestia and Luna who stayed behind.

“Firestorm, I know your time here hasn't been easy but rest assured. We will do whatever we can to make you feel safe.” Celestia warmly said.

“If any pony has a problem with you. Then you can direct them to either of us.” Luna added.

“And me.” Twilight added. I couldn't help but smile at this. I felt so... well, loved.

“Thank you, all of you.” I said simply before a brought Twilight closer and gave her another kiss. Celestia and Luna left shortly leaving Twilight, Spike, and I alone in the library.

“Well you two get a room or something?” Spike groaned out.

“Well technically this is a room Spike.” I shot back with a smirk. Twilight let out the most adorable giggle at my joke. I turned my head and yawned quietly. I guess these last few days took a lot out of me.

“I guess some pony needs some sleep.” Twilight said as she wrapped me up in magic and lifted me without any trouble. This time I didn't mind her doing it. It felt right for once. She floated me up behind her and I couldn't help but blush and turn away from her rump. Hopefully I wouldn't have that memory used against me. Twilight gently placed me on the floor after we got up the stairs. It was then I noticed the coat was still there.

“I hope this is alright.” Twilight asked sheepishly.

“It's fine Twilight.” I said with a gentle smile before she sat me down onto the bed. She then floated a blanket over to me. I missed the one Fluttershy had made me. Maybe I should ask her about making another one. Twilight laid it over me gently, then headed up the short stairs to her bed. The lights turned off plunging the room into darkness as the sound of the rain could still be heard. The little thuds sounded like a symphony of music to my ears, like a lullaby of the night. “Firestorm.” Twilight said knocking me out of my musical attuning.

“Yes Twilight?” I asked a sleepily.

“Sorry about your birthday.” She apologized.

“Twilight it's not your fault. At least this year it ended on a happier note.” I said as I closed my eyes letting the music of nature take me into the realm of dreams. I wonder though, what will tomorrow bring?

-End Of Chapter-

Chapter 10 - Normality

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So I didn’t sleep as well as I had hoped. Once again I was plagued with nightmares though they didn't feel like a dream either. The questions kept running around my head as I woke up for the third time that night. Twilight was still fast asleep with Spike in his smaller bed. I let out a sigh and got out of bed. A quick flick of magic later and I had the covers laid over the coat. I may as well go read something to pass the time. Once I was a few steps down, carefully making sure I placed a hoof softly on each step, I lit my horn and trotted the rest of the way down. I was one hell of a reader when you caught my attention on a subject. Magic, weapons, and dragons were my biggest fascinations, but it didn't mean I didn't enjoy other subjects as well. Especially here in Equestria were a lot of that was real, hell even I could use magic. Granted my limited spells was nothing compared to what Twilight or even the princess must know. I pulled over a book at random and found it a bit interesting.

“The Legend of Blood Ruby” The title read. A few flips of the pages told me the subject of the book. It was about the first vampire. It seems that Blood Ruby had the misfortune to run into a plant that was called poison joke. It took about three days for the magic to work it's way through him. This seemed to have happened not too long after Equestria's founding by the three pony races. Being a unicorn himself, the old magic that he knew and the magic from this poison joke transformed him into the first vampire after some blood sucker joke. It seems Blood Ruby was a banker. I had heard some times that bankers, especially the really dirt bag ones being called blood sucker. It kind of made me wonder if Blood Ruby was one. He took to his thrust really fast and the town of Hoofshire was drained within weeks Celestia and Luna went to deal with Bloody Ruby and some kind of battle was held between the two royal sisters and the vampire. The Elements of Harmony were used to seal him away in a crystal coffin. The book said the crystal coffin was moved into the ruins of an old castle well before the construction of the castle of the pony sisters. This was believable especially since Twilight and everyone had faced Chao itself, a spirit of a long dead pony, and befriended an old ruler of Equestria itself. This legend must have some truth to it. It was like the legends of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster from back home; they had to have some truth. I placed the book back and went for another one, before I started to hear the chirping of birds outside. The sun was slowly starting to rise in the distance. I may as well cook breakfast. Several minutes passed as I went to town in Twilight's kitchen.

“What smells so good?” Twilight said in a groggy voice.

“That would be breakfast Twilight.” I said as I placed a plate of Hay Bacon. Which took me some time to wrap my head around that. Next to it was two scrambled eggs, couldn't make sunny side up to save my soul and of course toast. I floated over the butter, silverware, a glass of orange juice, and a mug of coffee with the cream and sugar of course.

“Why are you making breakfast?” Twilight asked with a yawn before she pulled up the mug of coffee towards her.

“Because I could.” I said partly being truthful. It was that and I couldn't sleep really.

“That was nice of you.” She said with a smile. I sat another plate down for Spike. It was filled with the same was Twilight. My plate on the other hand didn't have the eggs. Spike came in rubbing his eyes as he took spot at the table. I cleaned up a little and turned off the stove before I sat down and ate with them. It was nice to sit around a table and eat. I floated the plates over to the sink and started to clean them.

“So what do we have planned for today?” I asked, Spike looked at me a bit confused but shrugs it off.

“Well I was thinking we could go find Rainbow Dash and have her help you fly.” She said. “Close to the ground.” She corrected as she must have seen my face pale like it did.

“Um... I guess?” I weakly replied.

“Oh come on Firestorm. Since I've known you. You have not tried to fly once.” She said.

“Well technically I did.” I defended

“That was in your mind so it doesn't count.” Twilight deadpanned. Of course she did get me on that one. Me being the sneaky pony that I was I couldn't help but go right up to her calmly. She looked up at me still adamant about me flying. “Well?” She said. I kissed her. A bit of a blush later she pointedly slap me. Not hard but it stung enough to get the point across. “Don't think that just because I like you doesn't mean you're getting out of learning how to fly mister.” She said almost in a strict motherly tone. I could help but smile as I rubbed my cheek.

“Twilight I do plan to learn how to fly. I’m just scared is all. Ever since I was young I had a fear of heights. I wasn't always a drony .”

“Well you are now so you should be safe from the falling problem.” She pointed out.

“Yeah unless Rainbow decides to stick me on a cloud again and drop me without warning before I know how to recover.” I pointed out rubbing the back of my head. I could still feel that impact.

“Come to think about it. Why do you want me to fly anyway?” I asked her. “Not to be rude but I thought only alicorns and pegasi could walk on clouds?”

“Well normally you would be right. That was until I found a cloud walking spell.” Twilight answered.

“Oh, that makes sense.” I said.

“You know I should probably learn some more spells.” I said now thinking about it.

“I could teach you if you want.” She said with a beaming smile.

“That would be great Twilight.” I replied now smiling myself. To be honest, I hated my limited knowledge of spells. The only spells I know was from Shadowstorm and from the beginners book I used to own. I reached over with my magic and opened the door. “After you Miss Twilight Sparkle.” I said with a bow. She giggled and walked passed. I turned to Spike for a moment “Want to come with?” I asked.

“Nah, you two have fun. Just treat her right.” He said in the stern tone.

“Spike, what kind of stallion do you take me for?” I asked, partly feeling insulted and partly curious.

“I know you're a good stallion with problems. I just don't want to see Twilight get hurt is all.” He said in a defensive tone.

“I can't fault you for that. But remember if she does get hurt. She would probably fire me to the moon herself or Shining Armor would turn me into a practice dummy for his troops. I would say you would roast me alive but fire doesn't bother me. Oh speaking of which I did want to know something.” I said not focusing from the whole protective assistant thing.

“What's that?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Mind teaching me that whole send letters thing later?” I asked.

“Sure, why not.”

“Thanks, It just makes it easier for me since well. I can do the same.” I got out before a belched out a plum fire that turned into a small bag of coins and a letter.

“Wow you really get letters like I do.” He said a bit surprised.

“Yeah, kind of annoying at times.”

“True that.”

“Do you want to read it?”

“Nah, it's your letter.”

“What's taking you so long?” Twilight said coming back in.

“Oh he just got a letter Twilight.” Spike said cutting me off from saying pretty much the same thing.

“Well what does it say?” She asked now as I floated up the letter to me.

Dear Prince Firestorm,
I do realize that since your house went up in flames yesterday that most likely your bits are gone as well. So I have sent you some to replace the lost ones as well as to let you know that you will be receiving a small amount each week. Please treat this like an allowance yp help you make ends meat. We also added a bit more then normal as a late birthday gift.
Your Aunt Celestia.
P.S. Luna will be over with in the next few days to talk to you about something.

“Well that is um... honestly, I don't know how to take that.” I said conflicted. I never really had bits to my name before the fire. So it was not really right for her to replace something I never really had in the first place.

“Well I think it's nice honestly. Spike and I receive a payment like that as well. Spike mainly being my assistant and me being the princess's student.” Twilight explained. I really didn't feel right about this. I floated it over to Twilight.

“Here.”I simply said. She looked at me in confusion. “Since I'm staying and all.”

“Firestorm you don't have to help.” She said.

“But since I'm going to live here I want to help, though I don’t know how long that will be.” I said there was a note of sadness in her eyes when I said that. It felt like she didn't like the idea of me going.

“Will you please keep it? For me?” She said, she gave me the cutest set of puppy dog eyes. Not fair, Twilight Sparkle, not fair.

“Alright just for you.” I said with defeat in my voice.

“She's got you whipped.” Spike said as both Twilight and I turned red.

“Spike!” We both shot back. He ran away before we could scold him for that comment. I nervously chuckled at that.

“You don't think I... um do that do you?” Twilight timidly asked. This caught me by surprise. I turned to her.

“Why would you think that?”

“Well um... what Spike said... and...” She trailed off.


“Well you seem to well go along with what I do.” She said.

“Because I want to honestly. It's not like I'm just playing follow the leader here Twilight. I still have very little knowledge about Equestria. I still need to get used to it all. You know a lot more then I will probably ever know. Of course it's not just my lack of knowledge that makes me want to follow a pretty mare such as yourself.” I said with a blush to the end looking away. Then realize where that could derail to. “In the clean way.” I corrected before I would get slapped again. Honestly I did deserve the first one. Maybe this one to knowing my luck.

“I wasn't going to insinuate that um... last part.” She said as red as a tomato.

“Twi are you trying to get him into your room or something? Because you already have done that.” Dash said from the door. I couldn't help but jump and Twi squeaked and with a flash was gone.

“Rainbow Dash.” I groaned.

“What? Was it something I said?” She said with a shrug. Honestly I probably would have bopped her on the head for that. If I wasn't afraid she could stick me in a cloud and leave me there to starve... A winged animal starves because it couldn't get out of the air.

“Dash, Why did you do that?” I asked more annoyed with her now.

“Oh come on. I know what you stallions all think about.” Dash said with a smirk. My look went from annoyed to outright angry.

“What kind of stallion do you thank me for Rainbow Dash?!” I said as I raised my voice.

“Dude relax.” She said defensively.

“Relax? Dash you just embarrassed Twilight like that and you want me to relax? No, Dash I won't relax. I honestly feel offended that you thought I would simply go with that.” I said now starting to get angry.

“Firestorm, I was just teasing you two. I didn't mean anything by it. Let me make it up to you.” She rapidly back peddled. I grind my teeth in my closed mouth as I tried not to bite her head off any more than I already had.

“I will think about it Dash. Right now I have to find Twilight to make sure she is alright.”I said before I headed up stairs. Her door was locked. I gave the door three solid raps.

“Please leave me alone.” Twilight said behind the door.

“Twilight it's me.” I said.

“Firestorm please just leave me alone right now.” She continued the sadness in her voice present. I had a feeling she felt bad because of what Dash said. Part of me wanted to buck Dash, but I wouldn't, she was my friend, as well as Twilight's.

“Alright Twilight. If you need me I’ll be downstairs. Do you want me to send Spike up?” I asked.

“Please.” She said.

“Alright, and if it matters. I’m sorry Twilight.” I said before I retreated downstairs. Depression present on my face.

“She up there?” Dash said.

“Yes and she is upset.” I said as I came down the last step looking behind me.

“Spike.” I yelled for him before he came out of the door.

“Yes?” He said as he poked his head out of the kitchen.

“Twilight would like you to go up to her. She is in her room.”

“What happened?” He asked, worry plastered on his face.

“Some pony said something to Twilight and got her upset.” I said with a bit more venom in my voice then I should.

“Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her upset.” She defended.

“I think you should apologize.” I said before I went into the kitchen. Spike ran past me and up the stairs.

“Please let me make this up to you.” She almost pleaded.

“Dash I don't know what you could do to make up for upsetting Twilight like that.” I said as I got a glass of water. Dash did look upset at what she did and part of me wanted to forgive her but it wasn't me who needed to forgive her. It was Twilight. I got the joke myself, I didn't find the joke funny but I got it.

“I know. I shouldn't have opened my mouth like that.”

“Look I think you should go try and apologize to Twilight, okay?” I said then turned to Rainbow Dash. She nodded and head up the stairs. I let a sigh as I run my metallic fingers through my mane. After everything that had happened Dash just had to say something like that. I trotted over to one of the bookcases as I scanned through the titles. Nothing really jumped out at me. More like I just feel numb to the world. Until I started to hear noise from upstairs.

“Get out, get out, get out!” Twilight said with the last get out extremely loudly. Then a prismatic blur flew down the stairs as I watched the blur was followed by my bed. As it came down it fell apart into a crumbled heap of wood, metal, and a mattress. I went over and started to clean it up.

“I've never seen Twilight that angry before.” Dash said hovering in the air. I promptly kept my mouth shut. A wise man once said an open mouth causes more problems the a closed one. I floated the mattress over into the middle of the floor and slowly tried to lift up the rest in my magic. One dull throb later I had all that was left of the bed in a trash can ready to go outside. Dash left shortly after that afraid for when Twilight came down. Can't blame her really after throwing a bed at your friend I’d be scared too. Spike came down with worry still plastered on his face.

“How is she?” I asked.

“She is pretty upset.” He said as I couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for this.

“Sorry Spike.” I said he turned to me.

“What are you sorry for? It was Dash that said something.”

“Well if I didn't make my feeling known like I did then Dash wouldn't have any reason to say that.” I said as I opened the door carefully and slide the can out. That was when I was accosted by a pink party pony who was now pinning me to the ground and grinning at me. I'm not going to lie her smile with her on top of me like that kind of creeps me out. She was like a hunter about to dig into her prey.

“Um... hi Pinkie.” Spike said as he looked over at the two of us. Me with confused and scared look on my face.

“Hiya you two. How’s it going?” Pinkie said before she bounced off me and landing in one of the chairs perfectly.

“Not too good honestly.” I said.

“What's wrong? Oh did your evil twin take some super powerful artifact that hasn't been seen in over two hundred years and place it in his hidden base in a mountain somewhere no pony would ever think to look at because it is suppose to be haunted but we all know ghosts aren’t real? Its superstitious like how Twilight first thought that curses were fake, until the poison joke happened and her horn got all floppy, my tongue got super big, Dash couldn't fly right and crashed into everypony, we had Flutterguy, and a tiny but super cute looking Applejack about the same size as a foals toy. We, of course, went into the Everfree and found out it was a joke and Twilight learned to never judge a book by the cover, now Zecora sells some of her herbs to Aloe and Lotus at the Ponyville spa that you should totally go to and relax because you are always so high strung. Have you met Derpy? I think she is super fun to be around, what am I talking, you met her when I invited her to your sleepover and her and her daughters Dinky and Star went to your birthday that you had, but it got crashed because of those mean changelings. Speaking of which I am here to invite you, Twilight, and Spike to the make up birthday, birthday party I will be having tomorrow at sugar cube corner. Have you been there? It's a really great place to be. What am I thinking? You have been there, there I go being a silly filly again What’s wrong with you and Twilight?” She went on in one flipping breath. My brain on the other hoof was still about six topic changes back and still wrapping around a tiny Applejack.

“What?” I asked as I could only guess was smoke coming out of my ears from my brain frying from too much levels of Pinkie.

“What's wrong with you and Twilight?” She repeated.

“Oh well... she's upset about something said, I didn't say it but it's got her really upset. I haven't talked to her besides when she said she was wanting to be left alone.” I said not really telling much. I didn't want to rat out Rainbow Dash to Pinkie.

“She is upstairs. Maybe you can get her to come down?” Spike said before a pink blur shot past me causing me to spin probably a good 1080. Then followed by me hitting the ground with a flop. “You alright?” Spike said as he stood over me.

“Yeah but Spike why am I in a spin cycle?” I said as the room was still spinning to me before I laid my head down more and closed my eyes. Sometimes that pink ball of energy could really drive me nuts. But still she was my friend and I can't fault her for being her I guess.

“Um... Firestorm could you come up here.” Pinkie said in a very un-Pinkie way. She sounded... normal. Something was wrong, really wrong if Pinkie wasn't being Pinkie around me. I got up and shook my head a bit to get rid of the dizziness.

“Sure, give me a moment. I'm waiting for the buzzer so I know the spin cycle is done.” I joked as everything stopped spinning. “And there it is.”I said as I made my way to the stairs. I slowly made my way up to the door. It was opened a crack and I could see both Pinkie and Twilight on the bed in Twilight's loft. I gulped quietly before I quietly shut the door behind me and went up the small set of stairs. “You alright Twilight?” I worriedly asked.

“Sorry.” She said not looking at me. She was in Pinkie's chest as Pinkie was gently rubbing Twilight's back.

“Twilight you did nothing wrong. If anything it's my fault.” I said as Pinkie looked up at me a little confused for once. Did I just confuse the paradox perplexing pink party pony? I know I was going to get smited for that at some point.

“How is it your fault when Dash was the one that said those things.” She said into Pinkie's chest.

“Because I feel responsible for it. I didn't stop her from saying it.” I said as I gently placed a hoof on Twilight's back. She went a little ridged at my touch. I couldn't blame her really. “I care for you Twilight. I never want to see you hurt. If it makes you feel better you could hit me.” I offered slightly joking but I didn't let my tone come across like that.

“Why would I do that?” She said as she turned to look at me her eyes red and puffy. She was crying at what Dash said. It didn't help my anger towards her at the moment but I just set that aside for now.

“Because it may help you feel better.” I offered again.

“But you've been through so much pain. Why would I cause more?” She said as she looked up at me.

“Twilight you don't have to worry about hurting me. If it make you feel better in anyway. I will take anything for you.”I said as I gently wrapped my hooves around her and held her close. Pinkie slowly backed off from Twilight. She continued to cry into my coat as Pinkie looked at me. For some reason her looked ask if she could go. I gently nodded as Pinkie gently moved away from Twilight and towards the door. I watched carefully as Pinkie left letting the door shut with a soft click. We sat there for a bit before Twilight finally said something else.

“You don't think horribly of me do you?” She asked.

“Why would I think such a thing Twilight?” I asked.

“Because what Dash-” She started before I cut her off.

“She said that as a joke Twilight. I know it was a really bad joke and it came across mean spirited. But I don't think she was meaning to hurt you like she did.” I said.

“That didn't answer my question though.” She said.

“Twilight Sparkle.” I started as I got her to look right into the eyes. “I do not think of you as some horrible pony. In fact I think of you as a loving caring mare. One that I would love to be around every second of every moment. Twilight you know I love you right?” I said as she looked up at me and nodded slowly. “Then don't ever think that I think horribly of you. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised that you think that of me.” This of course got a look of surprise from Twilight.

“Oh dear Celestia. No!” she said before she pounced me onto her bed now pinning me down. “I would never think such of thing of you Firestorm. You make me feel better and...” She trailed off looking away with a blush now. She was so adorable when she blushed like that. “You are the kind of stallion that just knows the right thing to say when I feel like I messed up.” She said then returned her gaze to me. “I don't know why but I feel so safe around you.” She said before she blushed a moment.

“Because, Twilight, I am your shield.” I said as I gently brought her close to me to hold her. “No pun intended but I am your knight in shining armor. I will make sure your safe regardless of what happens.” I said as she gently nuzzled into my chest. I couldn't help but smile as I watched the lavender ball of arcane energy just melt into my chest, figuratively of course. I expand my wings and wrapped us up in them. She blushed a bit and looked up at me.

“Please don't do that.” She said before I pulled my wings back.

“Sorry.” I stumbled. I guess I just screwed up.

“It's kind of you to do that to make me feel safe. But um... I'm not ready for that.” She said nervously. Wait...What! Twilight what are you insinuating there? My eye's shot wide at that comment. She must of caught my look. “You weren't... with the... oh dear...” she said as she now turned even redder than she was a few moments ago. Damn she was so cute when she blushed but if I wasn't sure that red wasn't physically possible in the color spectrum. I would think I found a new favorite color. “Sorry I keep forgetting that you don't know all the um... private things when it comes to... oh Celestia.” she stumbled over her words. I on the other hoof started to panic. From what I could piece together Twilight thought I was trying to get her into bed.

“I am so sorry Twilight. I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to make you feel safe around me and now look what I did.” I said as I got way from Twilight after she got off me. “I am so, so sorry. I was just. I mean I know you're not ready and I know I'm not ready, I just.” Before I could think I panicked and cast the blink spell to the front of library's door. I then booked it at a full gallop before I could even hear Twilight. I just went from consoling Twilight to making a move on her like she was some cheap flossy. She must think of me some other worldly pervert that just came here to cause problems and get with mares. I continued to run pass every pony. Not even to stop to talk to Applejack who started to chase after me shortly after I passed. She was hot on my tail. She then reached over and bit my tail grinding me to a stop.

“Whoa there sugar cube, what's got you all riled up.” She asked through a mouth full of my tail. My brain on the other hand was still having me running because I tried my hardest to get away.

“I screwed up big time.” I said as I tried to get away. Granted the pain in my tail was growing as I tried to get away.

“Sugar cube you need to calm down and tell me what happened.” She said still with my tail in her mouth.

“What?” I pretended not to make out what she said.

“Calm down.” She said a little louder.

“I can't make out what your saying.” I said as I really hoped she would fall for this trick and let go. Oh she let go of course but not before she pulled out her lasso and had me hogged tied. Clever move there Applejack. Now I thought I could get out of it but that was Big Mac came over and put a hoof on me pinning me. Damn it, the Apples beat me. I sighed quietly.

“Okay Firestorm explain what happened and why you screwed up?” She asked as she looked down at me.

“Well I just um... made a stupid move when Twilight was upset and now I just.” I said before continue.

“What is going on over here?” Rarity said as I started to panic more. What would her friends think of me. Hell they were my friends. Would they still be my friends after this? I really wish Applejack didn't stop me like that.

“Something's got this boy all riled up and I'm fixing to find out what.” Applejack said to Rarity.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said as he looked at me. I shrank back from his gaze.

“Now spill it sugarcube. What happened?” Applejack said now in view with Rarity as I continued to shrink from their gazes.

“I...” I started as I started to tear up. “I'm sorry.” I shot out before I blinked again a few feet away. I shot up and went full gallop towards the park. Rainbow Dash just had to be in front of me. I charged up my horn and blinked passed her towards the park with Applejack, Big Mac, Rarity chasing after me.

“Dash! Stop that stallion!” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash looked confused then took to the air and flew after me.

“Firestorm please stop.” Dash said as she flew next to me. I took a sharp turn and head down another path. The all turned and I blinked down the path behind them. They all looked confused for a moment as I galloped way.

“He went that way.” Applejack yelled. I really wish I knew how to fly at this point because then I would only have Rainbow Dash to worry about catching me. I continued into the woods. Running down the path more and more. I chanced a look to see Dash diving towards me. Blinked to the right more as she hit the ground and fell back.

“Big Mac get ready.” Applejack said as she pulled out her lasso again.

“Eeyup.” He replied followed by Applejack jumping onto his back and with her tail started to swing around her lasso into the air. She then threw it at me as I jumped. I dodged it but I jumped too soon to make the jump over the river. I fell right into the rivers water as it swept me down the stream. I dived into the water more and used my wings to paddle me down it faster.

“After him Big Mac.” Applejack said as I heard the splash behind me. I turned to see him flying down the stream. I couldn't help but dive more and try to literally fly down the stream. I found it pretty easy to maneuver in the water. I figured that I was more for fire then water. Wait... Fire! I turned my head and started to breath out all my breath into fire. It propelled me down the water. I even started to skip down the water like a tossed stone. I was getting ahead until a cyan hoof grabbed my tail from the air and jerked me into the sky. They got me... again. Rainbow Dash deposited me onto a cloud where she knew I couldn't escape. Why couldn't these ponies just leave me alone to sort things out.

“Okay tell me what happened?” Dash said in my face. I gulped from her gaze as well. Since the roles had reversed now and she was angry at me. Wait a minute. I have wings I may not know how to fly but maybe I could... That is just crazy enough to work.

“Sorry Dash.” I said before I stomped onto the cloud as it dissipated under me. I regretted that move as soon as I did it, I instantly started to free fall. I closed my eyes and spread my wings as I could feel the wind rushing them. The air lifted me and I started to glide down. If I could get closer to the ground then maybe I could at least survive the drop to get away. Dash was surprised by my moment of sudden stupid bravery but snapped out of it and took off at me. Luckily she put me right above the lake near Fluttershy's house. I closed my wings and dived as I fought every moment of panic running right through me. I started to feel my heart race as I dived bombed towards the ground. I needed to focus maybe my more dragon like state could help me survive my now impending doom. I felt the heat radiate through me as my tail changed and I could feel my feathers retract. My wings became more dragon like as the world around me turned a slight shade of red. I felt my hair become warmer. I could see the fur on my left hoof turn into scales and my claws start to appear from it.

“Get back here.” Dash said behind me. I started to pull my body in using my forelegs and created a triangle to help pick up speed. It was then I felt something different like a resistance more than normal from the air itself. Like it wanted to push me back like a spring board. It was short lived because before I knew it I cut right into the water like a hot knife through butter. It didn't hurt surprisingly. It was like an arrow being fired into water. I curved and slowed down almost instantly. I gently fell to the bottom of the water. It feels weird being down here like it was natural to be here. The water muffled all the sound but I could see the rainbow trail of Rainbow Dash swoop up to avoid hitting the water itself. I held my breath but...I could breathe underwater. I'm part fish now? That was so many levels of screwed up. I looked up at Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Big Mac, Fluttershy who I can't even figure out where she came from. Wait... that's right this lake was by her house wasn't it? What was I thinking?! I just did the most stupidest move of stupid-dom in the city of stupi-opulous. I really hope someone puts me down before I do something that stupid again.

“Twilight” I said with a sigh underwater. “Why did I do something so stupid?” I said as I stared up at the sun ripping through the water of the lake. My tail swished in the water as I just sat there watching all the sediments of the water just float and resettle on the bottom. It was about then I noticed the tap behind me. I almost flew out of the water right there because Twilight Sparkle was behind me. I gulped and shrank back from her. She, of course, stopped me with a sudden poof of magic and was on top of me pinning me again.

“Don't even think of running away like that.” She said and I couldn't help but gulp.

“Sorry.” I timidly said. “How are you...” I started to ask before she cut me off.

“Water breathing and Aquatic talking spells.” She answered. The amount of spells she knew was amazing. “Look I'm sorry.” She started.

“No Twilight I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. I... I just wanted to comfort you not... not make a move on you like that.”I said as my shame dripped from every word.

“You did but I just...” She started then sighed. “I forgot you weren't from here when you put your wings around me. Pegasi normally do that to show dominance over their other when it comes to um... bed things.” She explained as my heart sank. Did she think I owned her when I did that. “I didn't like that thought and I thought you knew about it from reading. I panicked when you did that and thought that maybe you wanted to you know.” She went on.

“Twilight, I just wanted to wrap my wings around you like a safety blanket. I didn't mean for it to come across like that. I feel like such and idiot.” I said now looking down at the bottom of the lake.

“Firestorm you are not an idiot. You're the sweetest and gentlest drony I know. You’re willing to get hurt just to protect me and my friends. No other pony is willing to do it at such a level you do.” She said as she wrapped her forelegs around me and hugged me. “I never felt so safe around any other pony.” She continued “I just wish I wasn't so nervous about messing it up with you to see that sometimes.”

“Twilight I'm just as nervous as you are. Because I don't want to lose you.” I said as I returned the embrace I could hear a crowd of aws come from above the water but I didn't care. I think we could have stayed there longer if the world around me didn't start to turn all fuzzy. “Twilight.” I got out as I started to slowly dip to the side.

“Hmm?” She said before she looked up at me which was now followed by a series of “Oh no, oh no, oh no's” from the lavender mare. With a flash of purple I felt the water around me just drop way and I hit the ground with a thud. I could hear around me but the world was fuzzed. I reached out as I saw a red blur turn orange. I think it was my coat turning from scales back to fur. I felt cold, I think I was shivering but I couldn't tell.

“Fluttershy get some towels, Dash go with her.” Twilight yelled. “Storm stay with me.” She yelled at me as I heard flapping in the distance.

“Okay but I feel so sleepy.” I said as I felt like the weight of the world was on my eyelids. “Do not fall asleep on me.” She said before some rapid movements caused me to jolt awake.

“These were the only ones we could find.”Fluttershy said as I felt something fuzzy press into my wet coat.

“Girls help me dry him.” Twilight said as my eyes started to droop again. “Firestorm please you need to stay awake.”

“But Twilight I feel so tired. Just let me close my eyes at least.” I yawned.

“If you sleep there's no telling if you will wake up again.” She said as she shook me violently. “How many times did you say he teleported?” Twilight said.

“We didn't keep track, we were chasing him. He used it at least five times, maybe more Twi.” Applejack said.

“Not good.” Twilight said.

“Why what's wrong? You teleport all the time.” Dash said.

“Well because I am trained to use that spell. I have a larger pool of magic then he does. I figured he could handle the stress that spell causes but I think mix that with his panicked state and being a drony. I don't think his body was ready for it.” She said as I started to feel drier.

“What's happening to him then dear?” Rarity asked.

“His body is running low on magic.” She said panicking.

“Oh dear. That is not good.” Rarity added.

“Could somepony please explain why that is bad?” Applejack asked.

“Because normally every pony has magic. You, me, Fluttershy, Dash, every pony. We need it to live. The problem with unicorns that their magic can be used to dangerous levels. Normally the first warning signs of this is a bloody nose and a headache but if pushed too far with a fatigued body it could put either the unicorn into a coma or worse.” Twilight explained, “Blink is one of the harder spells to master and beginners can only do maybe one or two a day. As far as I know he’s only used it once before with me back at his old house. Since then I don't think he has tried the spell. So his body wasn't ready for the stress the spell puts on its owner. I can do it because I have practiced and built up to the point I barely need any magic to cast it.” She went on to explain.

“So chasing him around making him use that spell so much drained his batteries?” Applejack asked. Good way to over simplify it Applejack. I felt a pang in my head from that thought but I shook it away. My head felt like Pinkie Pie just took a drilldozer to my skull running on jet fuel. Which was terrifying to think about.

“Yes now lets flip him over and get the other side.” Twilight said as I felt myself getting rolled over by a big red blob. I guess Big Mac just made it simple for them. I felt a cold chill run down my body as the wind blew right across the wet parts of my fur.

“You still with me Firestorm.” Twilight said as I looked at the purple blob above me.

“Yes.” I said simply before my eyes started to droop again.

“Don't fall asleep on me.” Twilight pleaded with me. Maybe I could just close my eyes for a moment.

“Twilight do you think you could keep him up long enough. I have an idea.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think so. But what are you planning?” Twilight asked before I felt a slap across my face. That hurt. Damn she does know how to keep the pimp hoof strong.

“You'll see.” Dash said before she took off. To where I couldn't tell.

“Twilight.” I said.

“Yes Firestorm.” She said as a giant wall of purple filled my eyes.


“Sorry for what?”

“Sorry for being such a big pain in the flank.” I said with a little chuckle.

“You're not a big pain. Maybe a moderate, but not big.” She joked back.

“Alright. Then sorry for being a moderate pain in the flank.” I quipped back. She laughed slightly.

“In danger of going into a coma and you can still joke. You amaze me at times.”

“Never said I was normal.”

“Move Twilight.” Dash yelled from somewhere above.

“What?” Twilight said as the wall of purple moved away to a bright blue sky. “Dash don't!” she yells. But she wasn't fast enough because within a second I heard the clap of thunder and a bright light. I literally just got a jump start from a rainbow maned cyan pony. I felt like a kid at a candy store with an all you can eat pass and every sweet is genetic enhanced sugar that makes kids run on rocket fuel. Then mix in some caffeine and a Pinkie Pie level of energy. Besides that I also felt pain, a lot of pain. But I shot up and looked around with everything in focus. I shot my head up in an instant and looked around. “Firestorm?” Twilight asked. I turned my face to her and she jumped a bit.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah I'm good.” I said as I blinked. I could make out almost every hair of her fur and mane it was well... different for once. “I just feel... charged.”

“Okay that was a bad pun.” Applejack groaned.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac added.

“Um... If you excuse me for a moment I have something to take care of.” I said as I stood up.

“What's that?” Twilight asked.

“Just something. Be back in a flash.” I said then took off, almost literally. I was in front of the ashes and remains of my old house. With my magic I started to shift through all the ash, it didn't take me long to find what I was looking for. I found the wooden case that my sword was in, still intact surprisingly. Then I noticed a small ripple of magic around the case. I guess they thought it best to enchant the case with some kind of spell. Then I found the Star Amethyst that I had made for a gift for Twilight. I floated them next to me as I saw something different happen. My normal fire like magic looked like a Tesla coil. Thats weird, I’ll have to ask Twilight about it later. I arrived to the library a moment later after I placed the Star Amethyst in the case with my sword. My magic covered the handle with the same sparks as I opened the door to a surprised looking Spike.

“Um... hey Firestorm. You alright?” He asked me.

“Never better why?” I asked.

“Because your horn is sparking like Twilight's Tesla coil.” I thought about it for a moment. Where would Twilight have a tesla coil?

“Where does Twilight have the Tesla coil?”

“In her lab downstairs, let me show you.” he said before he turned around and headed towards a door. I zipped over to him.”

“Dude you are like super fast. What happened?”

“I don't know I just remember this flash of light and then some really weird stuff started to happen.”


“Getting to places I want to go super fast without using magic.” I said as Spike opened the door. I flew down the winding steps to Twilight's lab and I was amazed at the levels of tech she had around the house, she even had a computer. I could help but squee at it, I placed my case down and my metallic hoof brushed over the keys. It looked like it ran on a pony version of dos called Ponss. I started to fly through all the text files and it seems Twilight liked to do experiments, with very extensive notes, she made a digital copies of all her written notes just in case she lost the papers. Which I highly doubted she ever would lose a note unless a fire happened. I watched all the text fly through the screen but I went through every word with a fine tooth comb. “Are you even reading any of that?” He asked. I turned to him.

“She was studying an ancient artifact called a Magic Battery which was outlawed about twenty years after Luna's imprisonment on the moon when an arch mage named Star Wind used it to make a long distance teleportation but was lost for six months. Eventually half of him was found in a tree on the edge of the north west patch of the Everfree. The method of making it was lost until about 30 years ago when an old tomb was found in the A3 D47 section of the Canterlot Archives. It explained the materials needed to make it. The spell called for a one liter cup of water from the a magical reflection pond, about a two hour trot from Fluttershy's house following a set of landmarks. From there you need to compress the pond water into a magical sphere since the water itself is magically induced you would need just the right amount of magical pressure that only an expert in shield magic could perform. Then a magic storage enchantment would need to be woven into the magical sphere of water to the point it glows a dark blue meaning the enchantment was done correctly. If done wrong the ball will turn into useless water and the magic that was once in it will be released to the sky. Once done it would need at least seventy two hours to let the ball set and crystallize. Twilight wants to use it to replace the candles she used when reading. So she wants to use really old magical means for a night light. Clever use for it compared to the more dangerous side of what it could be used for say in the hooves of Sombra or even Nightmare moon herself.” Spike looked at me when I started to explain technical process to making the Magic Battery that I gleaned from Twilight's notes. For some reason I had the feeling I said all that in one breath. I don't quite remember. I guess the coffee I had earlier decided to kick in. I was going to need more of that. It was like liquid crack for me. What if Pinkie Pie had it? We would be flooding in an ocean of parties and streamers. I shuddered at the moment thinking about it.

“Are you sure you're alright?” Spike said with a raised eyebrow.

“Never better, why?”

“Because I don't think I have ever heard you speak just like Twilight did.” He said with his arms crossed.

“What?” I said confused.

“You just pulled a Twilight and explained that to me.” He said.

“I guess she is rubbing off on me.” I said with a grin. “You know I'm going to go read.” I said before I flew right up stairs and pulled out at least five books on pony technology. For the most part they have the same as we did back home. They have airships more like from an old role playing video game and they did have boats. I found so much great info that I wanted to make something from the books. Though I knew I couldn't really spend time on something so selfish like that. I put the books back and started to scan over more others. I was partly through some of the fictions because I felt like I wanted a good book to read. It was about then Twilight came into the door looking exhorted like she was running around all day.

“How long have you been here?” She asked between heavy breaths.

“Long enough to go through six daring do's, your old classic literal sections, and browse through your files about your work on making a Magic Battery Flashlight for reading, real fascinating stuff. I also got through five books on pony technology.” I said simply.

“Wait... you went through all that? But I was running around Ponyville and I couldn't find you. You just disappeared in a flash when you left us outside Fluttershy's house. How did you wait... my research on the Magic Battery? How did you... when did you... Oh Celestia. Spike!” Twilight said ending in her yelling for Spike who just came out of the door to the basement. “Why did you let him go down into the lab?” She asked.

“He wanting to see your Tesla coil so I showed him. I didn't know you didn't want him down there.” He said defensively.

“It's not that. I just didn't want my experiments messed with.” She said with a sigh.

“Don't worry Twilight all I did was read through your research. I kind of wanted to do more reading on it.” I said with a smile on my face.

“Wait, you understood it?” She said now surprised.

“Understood it? He pulled a you and explained how it's made to me.” Spike said as her look of surprise turned into a giddy squee.

“Finally somepony that is able to understand things.” she said giving a little dance that I found cute coming from the mare. She stopped and blushed realizing she was being watched. “You have no idea how long it's been since I found some pony able to understand science like I do.”

“Well, I find the technology here fascinating and I could see a Magic Battery being used for all sorts of things. Mind if I read more of your notes?” I asked.

“Go right ahead.” She said as I zipped back down to the computer and went to work on the keyboard.

“How do you keep doing that?” Twilight asked from the doorway. I looked up at her.

“Do what?”

“Disappear like that? I don't feel any magic so you're not teleporting. Unless you found a way to do it without detection.”

“I walked.” I said simply as I went back to browse through the files.

“But you were never that fast before.” She said as she popped next to me as she watched the data flash through the screen. “You can't seriously say you're following all that?”

“Well technically no I'm not following anything. I'm reading, this system is six days over due for it's maintenance check but you couldn't get a pony out here to do it until Sunday. So you started backing up a lot of your files into the storage drives over there.” I pointed to a large dark silver chest looking piece of tech that had a data gauge on it. “Which I found a bit funny to see that.” I said as I turned to her. She looked at me. “You keep rather detailed notes of events you plan for. Before you ask yes I have avoided anything labeled as your digital journal. I know better than to read that and I don't think any pony would find it other than you and me. Or Spike if he really goes looking hard for it.” I said before she went red again.

“Are you sure you're alright.”

“Yeah just a little energetic is all.” I said before I went flying through all the files again. She had everything so organized. Most of them about new spells; some of them seemed a little funny like a mustache spell and a personal spa spell. Then I noticed a bunch of these suction cup things attached to my back and wings. I turned to look at Twilight with about ten more in her magic. “What are those for?” I asked.

“I want to do a study on you.” She asked.

“But nothing painful alright?” I asked. Her ears flattened back for a moment.

“Do you think I would hurt you after everything?” She asked.

“Twilight I was more meaning it as a joke.” I said defeat on my face. She then pinned me to the ground.

“You are not an idiot Firestorm.” She said right into my face. I couldn't help but notice that we were almost muzzle to muzzle. I smirked and kissed her. This surprised her and with a pop she was off and next to me. I couldn't help but smile at her blush as I knew I had one as well.

“Look I may not be an idiot in the normal terms of the word but you can't deny the fact I have done extremely stupid acts.” I said as I sat on my rump. She looked at me a moment with a frown on her face.

“Firestorm, you do stupid things at times but that doesn't make you an idiot. You're smarter then you give yourself credit for.” She said as she came over and sat next to me. My wing started to extended but I stopped remembering my earlier move and pulled it back. “It's alright. I know you're trying to make me feel alright. I don't mind the wings.” She said, I smiled warmly as I placed the wing around her.

“Twilight.” I said as she looked over to me. “Before we go on I do want to say something. This may come across weird but please bare with me.” I started she nodded. “When it comes to the bed things. I won't do anything when it comes to that unless you want to. My actions if I do something in terms of that should be ignored as I don't know what they mean... okay?” I kept things vague and noted the blush on the cute mare.

“I understand that now, I'm sorry I jumped to that conclusion again.” She said as she gently nuzzled into me. I couldn't help but blush gently as I looked down at her. It would be even nicer if I didn't start to have a dull throb in the back of my head. I clinched my eyes for a moment and shook my head trying to will the throb away. “Are you alright?” She asked.

“Just a small headache is all.” I said.

“Do you want me to get you something for it?”She asked.

“Nah, I'll be fine. I've dealt with worse.” I said which was true, I had took a frying pan to the head before. I swear I could still hear that b flat tone the pain made after it collided with my head sometimes.

“I think you should go get yourself check out. You over taxed your magic, did a mad pony gallop down the woods, got shocked by a storm cloud from Rainbow Dash, and were chased for who knows how long. I really think you need to either lie down or go get checked out.” Twilight said looking at me worriedly.

“Twilight if it puts your mind at ease then I'll go get checked out.” I said as I started to get up but my legs fell out from under me. “Ow.” I said when I hit the ground with a whap.

“Firestorm are you alright?” Twilight asked living me in the air.

“Yeah my legs just went to sleep on me.” I said but something did feel off. My prosthetic hoof couldn't have gone to sleep too. Once feeling returned to my limbs I asked Twilight let me go. She placed me down as that dull throb got less dull. Since she talked me into it we both headed off to the hospital. Knowing my luck I have a six week stay ahead of me. She also didn't let me walk and instead floated me there. This I wasn't happy about.

“Oh calm down. I just didn't want you to go disappearing on me again.” She said as I hovered next to her.

“You know Twilight I'm sure nothing is wrong.” I said.

“You're going to float there and say nothing is wrong?”

“Twilight I...” I said before a sharp pain caused me to shut up and put a hoof to my face. “I think you're right.” I said it felt like my heart was beating in my frontal lobe. It didn't take long to get me in since I was royalty which was surprisingly useful. Doesn't really change the fact that I don't like the special treatment like this. This would be alright if I haven't spent most of my time in Equestria in a bed and not even my own. I wouldn't care so much if I was at least in my own bed. The bed that I only got to use once before my house exploded, at least I have Twilight. I laid down on the bed quietly as I watched Twilight in one of the chairs. She had asked one of the nurse mares for a book to read. I would have asked for one myself but my head was killing me and didn't think I could focus enough to read. “How long until the doctor gets here?” I said as I put my front hooves on my head to try and help keep it together.

“Well I'm right here Prince.” The doctor said at the door. I groaned at prince. I really need some kind of sign that says “please don't call me prince”.

“Please don't call me prince especially with this headache.” I said as I looked at him.

“How bad is it um...” He stops realizing he didn't know my name yet. “Mr. Firestorm” I wouldn't have face hoofed but my hoofs were already on my head.

“Just Firestorm please.” I said “And it feels like Pinkie Pie doing a hat dance on my frontal lobe with steel horse shoes with spikes on the bottom.” I said and even Twilight winced at that description.

“Why didn't you tell me it was that bad?” Twilight asked.

“It wasn't that bad a few moments ago but it keeps getting worse.” I answered really wishing it would stop.

“Please stay still for a moment.” The doctor said before his horn started to glow a bright blue as a thin line of blue crossed my body a few times before it stopped and turned to a blank wall. A few moments later and what I would guess an X-ray image was suppose to appear. But a giant a blue blob of light covered the image. “If I didn't know it was suppose be a X-ray I wouldn't have a clue what that was.”

“That is seriously suppose to be my X-ray?” I asked confused.

“How is that even possible?” Twilight asked.

“Something is overpowering the spell. I don't know what it could be.” he said before came over to me. “Could you please cast a simple spell?” He asked. I started to focus on a levitation spell being harder to do with the headache. I got the cup of water over to the doctor as he watched my horn. Then I noticed Twilight was staring as well. “I don't think I've ever seen anything like that.”

“I... I'm at a loss for words.” She said.

“Can some pony please explain what the two of you are talking about?” I got out before the headache got too bad to focus on the spell. The water cup dropped and spilled all over the floor.

“Your horn was sparking.” Twilight said.

“Wait... sparking? I thought my horn does that fire thing?”

“Fire thing?” The doctor asked now confused as well. I would have replied but this headache was getting unbearable.

“Yes, I am not aware if you know but Firestorm is part dragon as well... Don't you think you should give him something for that headache?” Twilight said as she pointed to me as I was trying my best not to yell out in pain.

“Oh right.” he said digging into his pocket. He then pulled out three small blue pills then popped them into my mouth with his magic. I swallowed them whole without the water, please let these things work fast. They did but not the way I thought they would, I feel asleep. This does not bode well.


Running, that was all I was doing running away from the dark shadow with red eyes. A soon as I drifted off into sleep I was assaulted by this thing again. I was running through Ponyville but it wasn't like it was suppose to be. Everything was decayed, like every second ten years passed. The building started to rot before my eyes as I ran away from this thing.

“You shouldn't have gotten in my way.” The thing said as it's voice echoed through the rotted town. Every step I took away from it brought it closer. I turned to the left down an alley but it continued to follow. It loomed over me like a hunter. I hoped that some pony would come and help stop it or least get me away from it but no pony came, no pony was around at all. I continued to run through Ponyville until I found the Carousel Boutique. I ran up to the door that was destroyed, jumped in and looked around.

“Anypony here?” I yelled into the rotted house. There was nothing but the pony mannequins she works with. I couldn't help but shrink back because they had rips that made them have faces. They all were turned to look at me. I gulped and slowly stepped back before I heard a familiar click, the sound of a six shot revolver.

“Too bad, you shouldn't have gotten in my way.” the thing said. I rolled to the right as a round fired. I dived down between his legs and I ran away. “You won't get away from me pony.” It said. I continued to run through Ponyville trying to find a way out of this nightmare. Again that familiar sound was heard followed by a gunshot the got me in the leg. I fell over as the thing loomed over me. He looked down at me with the red eyes, pulling up the revolver to point right at me. I could see down the barrel of the gun. I heard another click as he whispered. “You shouldn't have gotten in the way...”


I did not like what I woke up to. You know that dream where you wake up on some mad scientist table ready to cut you up to see what makes you tick? It felt like that and coming from a nightmare, of course it didn't help that I had a tube down my throat. I was cuffed to a table that was propped up forty five degrees and had tubes coming from needles in all three of my legs. My wings had the little clamps that you find on jumper cables as well as my horn. I even had that beeping indicating my heart rate going a mile a minute. Oh then the doctor shows up in his lab coat and thick glasses. When he opened the door and the light reflected off of them making him look that much more like a mad scientist. My first thought was to get out of here. I tried but they got me down quite well. I even tried to blink but to my surprise I was cut off from my magic. Cut off from my magic? This started to panic me even more. I didn't know very many spells but I could at least float things. It was then I noticed I didn't have my headache anymore.

“I see you're awake now. Feeling better?” The doctor asked. Yes ask the drony with a tube down his throat a question? Where the hell did you get your medical degree a cereal box? “No from Canterlot.”

“Oh god he can read my thoughts.” I thought

“Well normally I can't but you have a thought relay attached to your head so I can pick up your thoughts and don't you mean goddess?” He said.

“One, get this tube out of my throat it's starting to hurt. Two, who said I had to be politically correct in my head. Three, where is Twilight and what was wrong with me that forced you all to put me in this thing?” I replied with my thoughts. He removed the tube slowly as he started to explain.

“To answer your questions, you don't need to be politically correct in your own head. As for Twilight, she is out doing something for Princess Celestia. Finally what happened after Twilight ran and got the book. We found that shock from the storm cloud reacted with your body to put you in this hyper active state. You body took it and made it into energy so you could move and think fast. But that energy started to burn you out. So we had to drain your magic to make your better. I'm also going to assume that you're worried about your magic. Don't be, your magic is just a little dull, so to speak, Give it an hour or two and you should be casting like a mad pony again.” He explained

“Hey!” I shot back.

“I saw you run and blink earlier.” He retorted and I shot him an annoyed glare.

“Is our nephew better now?” Luna said as she trotted.

“Oh much better they’re sending me to the nut house. You're just in time.” I statistically said.

“Why would they be sending you there?” Luna asked.

“Because they think me a mad pony.” This caused Luna to turn a glare to the doctor. I couldn't help but crack a smile at this. I was joking but it was funny to see that doctor sworn like that. “All joking aside, can somepony please get me out of this thing?” I said. With a flick of magic Luna unlocked the cuffs letting me slide to the floor. I got back up onto my hooves and stretched. “Thank you.” I said as I gave my wings a testing flap they seemed fine to me. It was then a pair of saddlebags were floated over to me from the doctor.

“Here these are the samples Twilight requested.” The doctor said as he readjusted his glasses.

“What kind of samples?” Luna asked.

“Samples from Prince...” He started to say before my annoyed glare. “I mean Firestorm here that she requested.” Luna looked at me before it clicked in my head. She requested samples... from me... when I was out cold from a sleeping pill. Why did she want these samples? Was I just an experiment to her? I kept quiet as I put the saddlebags on and left the room.

“Are you alright?” Luna asked as we exited the hospital.

“Yes.” I said simply. Granted the thought of Twilight thinking of me as some experiment didn't feel right to me. I didn't really look where we were going as I followed Luna to the library. We opened the door to find Spike running around cleaning.

“Welcome to... Oh princess Luna what brings you here?” Spike said as he stopped to see who had entered.

“Spike I want you to relay a message to Twilight Sparkle for me. Firestorm will be coming to Canterlot for diplomatic business. She doesn't have to worry about him while she is doing something for my sister.” Luna said. Spike nodded a few moments later and wrote it down.

“Anything else?” He asked.

“Spike could you please go get that box I left by the computer downstairs?' I requested. He gave me a raised eyebrow before he ran off to retrieve it. A few moments later he brought the case for the sword. I wrapped it in my magic and floated it to me. “Thank you Spike. Also I have the samples Twilight requested from the doctor.” I said as I floated the bags over to him. “Can you make sure she gets these as well?

“Can do.” He said as he takes the bags away.

“We will be off then.” Luna said as we exited in silence. There was a chariot outside waiting for us. Luna hopped in first with me following quietly. Both of her pegasi nodded as we took off. This time I didn't really mind the flying because the only thing I could think about the whole trip was if Twilight found me as an interesting experiment or not. Thirty minutes later both Luna and I had made it to the Castle. Shining Armor and Cadence were waiting at the entryway when we pulled up.

“Hey Storm how's it going?” Shining asked donned in his guard armor.

“Alright I guess.” I said. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow then turned to Cadence who shrugged. Luna looked at the three us then focused on me.

“We have something to talk about.” She said as she went into the castle. I followed with a small sigh escaping my mouth. We entered a room with what reminded me of the round table from King Arthur's court. I then noticed the chairs had markings on them. I saw the recognizable markings of a few ponies Cutie Marks. Twilight's, Shining Armor's, Cadence's, Luna's, Celestia's, and mine were at some of the chairs mainly close together that I noted. I took a seat at my chair. It was nicely designed. The cushion on the seat and back was a nice red cotton texture fabric with my fireball and storm cloud Cutie Mark embroidered into it. For some reason I had a feeling it was a cloud I was sitting on. We all took our seats before Luna cleared her throat. “Are you all aware of where my sister currently is?” Luna asked. Shining Armor and Cadence nodded.

“Not a clue.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“Celestia is currently in Saddle Arabia dealing with a diplomatic problem that had arose because of a break in.” Luna said as she turned to me.

“Break in? Was any pony hurt?” I asked.

“From the reports six guards died in the line of duty. Three of them being from Equestria.” She said as she floated up a file and pulled out all the documents in it.

“What was the culprit after?” Shining asked.

“A very old artifact called the Desert's Eye” Luna said.

“What is the Desert's Eye?” I asked.

“Not a lot of ponies know about it but the Desert's Eye is part of a larger artifact that was broken up to prevent its use ever again.” Luna explained.

“Do we know what pony did it?” Shining asked.

“Unfortunately we do.” She said as she looked at me. I couldn't help but gulp because of her look made me feel she was blaming me. Her look softened a bit before she sighed. “You're all aware of Firestorm's alternate personality and the events that followed?” She asked.

“It was Shadow Storm?” I asked in pure surprise. I figured he came from me and just wanted to escape but he is his own person er... pony I guess.

“The problem is that some of the officials in Saddle Arabia know of you Firestorm since both of you are the same aside from color, they thought it was you. Celestia went to explain what happened and is having Twilight put a show on in good faith to help them persuade them into not cutting all ties to Equestria. Until everything blows over you will be staying here in Canterlot.” Luna said.

“I understand.” I said simply. The three of them looked at me for a moment. “What?”

“Sorry it's still hard to see how you can at times just let things blow over like that and other times you will...” Shining said.

“Explode?” I ventured a guess.

“Well yes. After you going off on Rainbow Dash like that.”

“Shining Armor,”I started and I guess I started to feel a little royal “When it comes to how I let things bother me it depends on how I hear about it or the context. When I blew up at Rainbow I was still dealing with the feeling I had lost part of myself. She just aggravated a bad situation at the time. As for this there is nothing I can do. I understand that I have to stay in Canterlot because the ponies may get the wrong idea if I walk around freely. This is a delicate situation that just needs me out of the way. I don't have the necessary skills to do anything but become a bigger pain in butt. It's beyond my control at this point.” I explained in a calm tone.

“You do know we don't see you as a pain in the butt right?” Cadence said with a worried look.

“I'm aware Sis but it doesn't change the fact that I have caused quite a lot of headache since I arrived."

“He does make a point there. But we know it wasn't your doing just being at the wrong place at the right time.” Luna explained.

“If I had a bit for every time I had that happen.” I said sarcastically.

“You would be rich?” Shining added.

“Beyond your wildest dream.” I added as he whistled. “How long do I have to be here?” I asked.

“About two weeks from our understanding.” Luna explained.

“Alright.” I said as I brought the box closer to me.

“So something survived?” She asked and I nodded.

“Well two things really.” I said as I opened the box to show the six pointed star shaped gem in it. I floated it up so every pony could see it.

“That's quite a gem you have there.” Cadence said.

“Yeah I do.” I said as I thought about how I was going to give it to Twilight. That of course derailed back to my train wreck from before. With a sigh I put the gem back in the box with the sword carefully. “If you would excuse me I would like to go rest.” I said as I got up.

“Of course.” Luna said. I left the room and headed to the room I stayed at every other time I was stuck here. I floated the box with me and watched the fire like aura my magic took again. It was at least nice to know that my magic was back to normal again. She did at least make sure I was better... if she cared. Why did she want all those samples from me? Did she like me so I would stay around so she could experiment on me? Or was all this one huge experiment and I was the subject to be used?

“Hey Firestorm could I have a word with you?” Cadence said as she and Shining caught up with me.

“Yeah, sure.” I said as we continued down the hall.

“What's wrong?” She asked.

“Just too much to think about.” I simply said.

“You know you can talk to us right?” Shining add. I stopped for a moment at that and looked at the two. On one hoof they could make me feel better about the whole experiment sample thing by telling me I'm over-thinking it. That or they could yell at me and bray me for even thinking about that of Twilight. I sighed.

“Alright but can we talk about this in my room. No offense I just don't want prying ears.” I said which was partly true.

We made it the rest of the way to my room soon after. Once the door was closed and locked I turned to the two of them.

“Would either of you have a problem if I changed into my Drony form? I just want to get used to it but I'm fine if either of you would want me to stay a normal pony” I said. They looked at each other.

“Honestly I thought it was pretty cool looking.” Shining said with a smile.

“And I can't say I'm not curious about how it looks. I never got to see it after all.” Cadence said with a smile. I stepped away from them as I felt for that familiar magic again. It was getting a little easier to find it as I let the warmth cover my body, I felt the two horns grow out of the back of my head and my mane get longer. I stretched a bit as I watched my fur turn to scales and my left hoof grow claws. They were like little fingers for me. Not as close as my right hoof's prosthetic hoof but it's manageable. I felt my tail get thicker and longer to be more reptile then equine. I felt around my mouth for my sharp pointed teeth. After I felt my body finished it's change I stood back up looking at the two of them.

“So how do I look?” I said in a joking tone. I sat down and wrapped my tail around to see the diamond end.

“Honestly I would be terrified if I didn't know it was you.” Cadence said. She then came over to me and poked my leg. “Is it weird having scales instead of fur?”

“Not really, it feels about the same.” I said as I walked over to a mirror to look at myself. I looked at myself at the side and saw the second and third horns on the back of my head. I get why I have the one on my forehead. But why the other? It didn't even glow when I used magic. More like there were to make me more menacing. Well it was sort of effective with the red reptile eyes and my normal whites of my eyes a dark red. “A lot of this is still confusing me.”

“What do you mean?” Shining asked.

“Well I can breathe under water with it. I don't know if I could do that without being transformed.” I said as I tried to think about it.

“Maybe we can test that out some time.” Cadence said with a smile.

“Yeah. That would be nice... if I don't freak out every pony.” I said with a sigh before I went to the fire place. It was slowly making it's way to night. With a puff of flames the fireplace came to life in a ruby flame, a mainly red colored flame that tipped with a brighter red.

“So what is bothering you?” Cadence said then added a moment “About Twilight.” I stopped and slowly turned to her. How do ponies keep doing that? Am I just that readable?

“How?” I asked as I looked at her.

“I'm the alicorn of love. I can sense all kinds of love and yours is telling me that something is bothering you. It wasn't like when we left you last night.” She clarified. Okay I guess I would have to accept that.

“Since you have me dead right on this one. I found out that she requested samples earlier today.” I started with.

“That doesn't sound so bad.” Shining said.

“From me. While I was knocked out from some medicine a doctor gave me.” I added which made Shining even flinch at that.

“Ouch...” He added and I simply nodded.

“It wasn't too long before I arrived. Maybe half an hour to an hour before Luna and I got here.” I said as I turned to the fire and stared at it.

“Your worried about it aren't you.” Cadence said as she sat next to me, I nodded.

“I may be over-thinking this but I can't help the nagging thoughts that she really just wanted to be around to experiment on me. Or make me an experiment all together. It worries me that she never really liked me like I like her... you know?” I asked as I turned to Cadence.

“I don't know what Twily was thinking but I can assure you she would never hurt you like that.” Shining said as he came up next to Cadence.

“I know but... It's bugs me. She could’ve just asked if it was okay with me first. It's just... I don't know. I feel like... well when Twilight went into my mind she found a room in there that perfectly depicts this.” I started as the two of them look at me.

“What was in the room?” Cadence asked.

“From what I was told. It was a room filled with pillars and statues on each one of every pony I have seen and met.” I started.

“And?” Shining asked.

“And in a group of them are the ones I hold the dearest higher up than the rest of them. At the bottom of the pillars there is a statue of me. I bet you two can get the meaning of that from the description alone.” I said as I watched the flames danced in the fireplace.

“Well it sound like you find yourself...” Cadence started to say but bit her bottom lip.

“Inferior to every pony.” Luna said from the door. We all turned to see her there with some of the castle staff. They had carts, all with food on them. They all looked scared as they stared terrified at me. Great, not even one day and I have scared already scared the staff. I turned back to the fire and lowered my head.

“Ponies please do remember what I had told you.” Luna said most likely to the staff.

“Ah, yes princess.” A mare said as I could hear the sound of hooves come up to me. I turned to see one of the staff ponies. She had a light blue coat and a long blond mane. “Prince Firestorm?” She asked with a bow.

“Yes?” I asked, trying to ignore the prince title even more now.

“I do apologize for my reaction to seeing you like this.” She said.

“It's quite alright Miss...”

“Clear Sky” she said.

“Well Miss Clear Sky, I do forgive you for being scared but you're safe around me.” I said with a smile as I gently raised her head up to look at me as I gave a warm smile.

“Ah thank you Firestorm.” She said before she went back to her cart. The other two were another mare in a maid outfit came over and bowed as well. This one had a white coat and a short curly pink mane.

“Right, Firestorm I am Cotton Candy.” She introduced herself. The Stallion that came up next had a pale blue coat with a dark blue mane that reminded me of one of those french butlers. He wore about the same thing.

“Firestorm my name is Moon Light and it's a pleasure to meet you sir.” He said with a bow. I can deal with sir.

“It's a pleasure to meet all of you.” I said.

“These will be your personal attendants during your stay here Firestorm” Luna explained.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well you're not going to want to leave much especially if you want to remain in that form.” She said pointed at me. “This way you can request something to be brought to you without worry of being attacked as some...”

“Luna it's fine. I know they would see me as some monster or beast, has any other staff been notified?” I asked.

“Both the day and night guards are informed” Shining said. “So they won't attack you.”

“Will I remain safe in this form to go around the castle in?” I asked.

“Yes but some of the staff may still be scared.” Luna answered.

“That is fine. I just want to get used to this form if its part of me.” I said as I got up.

“That is understandable. I figured you also would prefer the from since the whole Chrysalis’s attack.” She surmised.

“Speaking of that. How is that going?” I asked.

“She is in the dungeon and won't talk. Her changelings are also locked away. We haven't gathered any information from them.” Shining said with annoyance in his voice.

“I wonder if she remembers me?” I said as I grinned this caused one of the maids and the stallion to faint. “Whoops...” I said with a light chuckle added.

“It's quite alright and most likely after breaking off her horn and tearing off her wings. I doubt she would forget you for a long time.” She said as I winced. I completely forgot I did all that.

“May I see her.” I asked. This caused all the remained ponies that were awake to do a double take and look at me.

“You can't be serious?” Shining said.

“Why would you want to see her?” Cadence said

“Because you can use the fright card on her saying that you would leave me alone with her to have fun.” I said simple and flatly. Part of me wanted to get my licks in on her but I didn't tell them that.

“The does sound like an idea. But I don't think fear would be the best way to motivate her into talking.” Luna said.

“Fear can be a very good motivator. Trust me I would know.” I said as I stared right into Luna's eyes. She looked at me for a moment then nodded.

“Very well follow me.” She said then turned to the remaining standing maid. “Please set up the meal for our return and if you could make sure these two are awake.” She said as she gestured to Cotton Candy and Moon Light. I couldn't help but smile a bit at this. We left Cadence and Shining following as we went down four flights of steps to a very, very deep basement. We passed about six super thick doors, until we found the queen of the changelings chained to the wall. I leaned over to Luna.

“I'm going to close my eyes since they glow in the door. Let me know when I can open them. You know for effect.” I whispered into her ear. She nodded as I close my eyes.

“Wake up Chrysalis” Luna said.

“Oh hello again Princess of the night. What a great honor to have you here again.” The changeling queen snidely said. “So what bring you down here again? Not to try and get answers out of me again right?”

“You know very well why I'm here. Now why did you attack the prince and Twilight Sparkle?” Luna said.

“Oh please asking me the first time didn't get you answers. Why would you think asking me a thousand more times is going to do anything but annoy me?” She said.

“Because this time I'm not alone.” Luna said as I could hear the smirk on her face.

“She has the captain of the royal guard her.” Shining said.

“Oh so we have Prince Shining Armor here two. Let me guess your wife is also here just so you can all mock me for failing at your wedding.” Chrysalis bite back.

“Yes I am here and no we aren't here for that. We want to know why you attacked this time?” Cadence said.

“Well no matter. You still aren't getting answers.” She said in a defiant tone.

“Maybe I know some pony to get you to talk.” She said then whispered in my ear. “Now would be the best time to open your eyes.” I did just that and her defiant look turned into one of pure fear.

“Why did you bring that thing with you?” She said now some fear to her voice.

“Because I want to know the answer to that as well. Maybe I should have a little fun to loosen you up.” I said as I stepped closer as she watched me, fixated on me.

“Stay away from me monster.” She said as she tried to get as far back as she could. I noticed she had a good chunk of her horn back.

“Are you afraid of me breaking your horn again? Or maybe of shocking you?” I said as my horn glowed and sparks started to shoot out of my right hoof.

“No stay away from me.” She continued to plead.

“Then talk or I get to have fun.”I said as I got real close face to face with her. I stayed cool and calm about it. “Maybe I should break your horn again just to get my point across.” I said as I reached up and grabbed it.

“Alright I'll talk.” She whimpered.

“Good now that you'll talk. If I find out you even once insult my family again. I. Will. Break. You.” I said before I whispered the last four words in to her ear with venom dripping from my voice. “Do I make myself clear?” I said she nodded. “I can't hear you.”


“Yes what?” I said I wanted my point across.

“Yes Prince Firestorm.” She said as I let her go.

“Good, now good bye Chrysalis. Be a good girl now.” I said as I turned away. “You never know when I'm in the shadows.” I said when I turned around standing in the dark. Letting my eyes be the only thing that can be seen. Then I closed them slowly.


“I can't believe that worked.” Shining said as we entered my room.

“Jack of all trades master of none.” I simply put.

“Oh? What else can you do?” Cadence asked.

“Well I prefer drawing honestly. But I dabble in a lot of things. Like um...” I stopped to think then snapped my claws like I would do fingers. “You come to me the day of my fillies wedding to ask me for a favor?” I said in my best godfather accent

“Oh do another one.” Cotton Candy asked.

“Cotton remember that's the prince.” Moon Light chided her.

“You've got to relax there partner. Otherwise you won't be getting such a lovely thing her time of day.” I said with my best cowboy southern draw. He looked at me for a moment but all I did was grin.

“That is just too cool.” Shining said.

“Could you do another one?” Cadence asked as I grinned.

“How about this?” I said in a dead on Blueblood voice.

“Wow...” She said “That was creepily spot on.”

“I know.” Shining added.

“It could have been worse I guess. But I like to do voices at times. Just to either entertain people or joke around. Though I find myself doing a voice or accent without realizing it.” I said as Luna looked me over.

“Oh how so?” She asked.

“Well simply. If thou asks us to explain then we will” I said this time emulating Luna when she goes for the royal we as she puts it. “Like that mainly. But that one was more doing to make a point. When it comes to voices I sometimes pick up one just to try it out. It's like voices are to me as spells are to Twilight.” I said as I thought it was the best analogy to use.

“That could be scary if used wrong.” Shining said.

“Yeah but it could be funny. You should hear my evil laugh some time. I hear that creeps some… ponies out.” I said catching myself before I said some people.

“Oh you must show us then.” Luna said. I couldn't help but have a little fun with it. I got up and moved in front of the fireplace. With a flick of magic I called forth a wall of fog to cover me. I dimmed the lights a bit for added effect.

“Hello there ponies. I see you thought it brave to journey into my lair.” I started keeping my tone deep, low, and even. “But you forget something my little ponies that here. You once the hunters are now the hunted.” I said slowly making my way out of the fog while crouching low and creeping. “I now am the hunter and you are my prey” I said before I let out an evil laugh that was simple but just creepy. I could see the shiver in Cadence. Luna just clapped and Shining was in awe.

“You are going to have to show me how to do that some time; to scare the cadets.” He said.

“Maybe some time I should come myself and give them a good scaring. You know make them prepared for anything... Now that I think about it. That doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I could get some practice in as well.” I said.

“Practice?” Luna asked.

“Combat practice.” I said simply, “I haven’t faced anything big beside Sha but that was in my mind.”

“I see your point. So you want to better yourself to protect everypony?” Luna asked and I nodded.

“Yes, I just want to make sure I could hold my own in a fight if I have to. I mean those changeling got me good and I did my best. It's just wasn't good enough to avoid almost dieing again.” I said. Luna put a hoof on my back.

“We understand how you must feel about this. If it makes you feel better you can practice with some of the guards to better yourself.” She offered. I thought about it for a moment. “The only question that leaves me is if I do it. How long will I be either out cold or in the hospital.” I asked knowing my train wreck of luck.

“How about tomorrow that way I can be well rested for it?” I offered.

“Sounds like a plan. Mind if I have some of the cadets watch?” Shining asked. I simply shrugged.

“May as well. They can see what not to do.” I joked.

“You don't give yourself enough credit.” Luna said.

“To what? My lack of fighting prowess or knowing I'm going to get my butt whooped?” I asked.

“Both really. I'm sure you're able to fight. You did fine against that Timber Wolf” She said.

“Because I did what I do best; Something insanely stupid.” I said as she gave me a deadpanned look.

“I don't even know what to say to that.” Luna said after a face hoof.

“Dumb luck?” Shining offered.

“Naively smart?” Cadence tried.

“Insanely Stupid?” I asked.

“Lucky?” Moon Light added before Luna glared at him and he flew right out of the room. I didn't know a stallion could run that fast. The rest of the night pretty much went no where. We ate in my room mainly for the fact I didn't have to go any where. So we talked, mainly about my old home. Apparently Twilight didn't share her findings with Celestia and Luna yet. They asked more about the past from my world and I told them. I told them of the wars and battles that happened over the years. I told them of the nations that rose and fell. I told them everything I could remember. Which was a lot because I am a data bank of useless knowledge. After eating and a bit more talking every pony but Luna left.

“Something wrong Luna?” I asked mainly because she was the last one in my room. Even Moon Light, Cotton Candy, and Clear Sky left. Luna came up to me and sat next to me.

“I wanted to talk to you about before. When you made that comment about the room in your head.” She said. I couldn't help but look down.

“What about it?' I asked.

“I don't want you to feel inferior to any pony.” She said as she sat next to me. “I can't say I completely understand your feelings about all this. I don't think any pony can truly do that.”

“And I understand that Luna. But really I can't help but feel it when I look at every pony.” I said. “When I see any pony I get this feeling of not really belonging. especially when I'm not from here.” I said as I started to lay down quietly. Luna gently nuzzled me and wrapped me with a wing.

“I'm truly sorry that you feel such pain but I do understand not belonging. After my thousand years on the moon, I felt like a stranger in my own land. The night clubs, the parties, the shops and just everyday life felt different then I remembered them to be. I felt like a kids drawing on top of a master piece.” I could feel the pain behind those words. The lost she must have felt, having lost a thousand years being stuck on the moon. I'm surprised she didn't lose her mind up there. If I was up there I probably have lost my mind in the first six minutes. “If there is anything I can do to help then please let me know. I’m your family Firestorm and it hurts to see you bothered like this.” She said looking at me. I could help but smile a little.

“Thanks Luna. I just don't know what could help me feel more... at home. I just...” I got out before I sighed and laid flat on the floor. “Maybe my brain is just too hardwired to be worried and out of place all the time. Maybe I just need some good luck to happen. Not just more stuff to pile on a dwindling sanity.” I said.

“Has anything happened that made you smile or at least somewhat happy?” She asked.

“Well plenty of things. Having a family that cares for me has made me happy and friends that worry about me. Then just simple moments when we just don't worry about anything and just be normal for awhile.” I start to say with a smile before the thought of Rarity using me and Twilight's wanting samples of me crept into my head again and the smile faded. “But those are few and far between” I said followed by a yawn.

“I truly am sorry Firestorm. If you want I can help you get to sleep.” She offered before I jumped as I remembered the nightmare.

“No!” I said back peddling away.

“What's wrong?” Luna said as she stepped closer to me. Just thinking about that dream with the Thing and revolver made me start to shake. Luna must of caught on to this. “Are you having nightmares again?” She asked and I nodded slowly.

“I just don't want to see that again. It felt too real Luna.” I said as I started to curl up. She came up to me and started to stroke my mane a bit it dancing around her hoof. Apparently when I'm in this form my mane takes on the properties of both hair and fire. It flickers and dances but it's stroke-able and it won't hurt anypony. She just continued to do that until I stopped shaking.

“Hush now quiet now it's time to rest your sleepy head.” She started to sing. “Hush now, quiet now. It's time to go to bed.” You better not do what I think you're about to do. “Driftin' off to sleep, leave the day behind you. Driftin' off to sleep, let the joy of dreamland find you.” With a flick of her horn everything dropped away as I drifted off to sleep Luna singing a lullaby all the way to the land of dreams. Within moments of falling asleep I found myself in a ruined Canterlot Castle. A lot of the windows were broken or smashed. The walls were either cracked, broken, or covered in moss. Even the statues weren't spared from time getting to them. I started to down the hall of the castle, the carpet was covered in dust and holes. Just like before no pony was around. Suddenly the sound that I never wanted to hear again. The sound of a revolver being cocked.

“You shouldn't have gotten in my way” the thing said. I froze for a moment before I slowly turned to see the hulking over me. Darkness covered its body as it stepped closer. I could see my reflection in its red eyes. I froze there looking into its eyes, I looked on until it drew it's weapon on me causing me to be able to move again. I turned and took off at full speed down the halls. I started to hear stomping behind me as the thing spoke again. “You shouldn't have gotten in my way.”

“I didn't get in your way.” I said as I turned to the left on to another hallway. I ended up at a set of large double doors that had the paint peeling from it. With a quick buck the doors flew open and off the rusted hinges into the throne room. Where I see the skeletons of two alicorns. “Oh, no, no, no, no, no” There was a sudden bang and pang of pain in my right hind leg but I limped towards the thrones. Maybe if I hide behind one of them I would be safe.

“You can't hide now.” The thing said as it entered the room.

“I believe he can.” The regal voice of Luna said from somewhere. Then with no other notice the pain I felt in my leg stopped. Come to think of it everything stopped. No sound, no smell of decay, just nothing. “You can come out now”

“What did you... Luna look out!” I yelled as her back was turned to the thing with it's horn pointed at her. I started to gallop at the thing but blue filled my vision and I wasn't going anywhere. “What the?” I looked down and saw I was floating a few feet off the ground. I was running in the air like some comical cartoon character. She levitated me over to her and sat me down after she turned to the thing.

“So this is what has been haunting your dreams?” She asked, I just simply nodded.

“It kept chasing me. The first two times were in a decayed Ponyville. This time was in Canterlot Castle.” I explained as I could still see that look in its eyes; it told a story of anger and vengeance.

“You need not be scared of it Firestorm. It's only a dream.” Luna said then turned to the things hand. “What is this it's holding?” She asked floating the revolver over to her. She then looks down the barrel of it. Out of complete habit I grab the gun from her and point it up before her magic pulled the trigger on it. The bang from the gun echoed throughout the throne room.

“Don't ever do that Luna!” I said out of panic and worry. She looked at me surprised. I couldn't tell if it was from the gun going off or me grabbing it like I did. Seriously who looks down the barrel of a gun like that? Not even someone wanting to bite the bullet looks down it.

“What was that?” She asked. I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves.

“It's called a gun, more specifically a revolver. The revolver is a repeating firearm that's a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing. The term "revolver" refers to a handgun, but other weapons may also have a revolving chamber. Like if you took a crossbow and made it fire six arrow one right after the other without need to pull the string back on it.” I explained as I pull the chambers out and unload the gun. Each bullet was a dark shelled with a red dot tip. Luna remained silent for a moment as I flipped the chamber close rolled it and pointed it to check the sight out of habit.

“How did...” She said before I cut her off.

“Luna weapons fascinate me, I studied them, from firearms to swords and bows. It was one of the few hobbies I still enjoy.” I said before I turned to her. “It's also a weapon from my old world.” I explain before I handed it back to her with the barrel in my metallic hoof. She floated it up again and pulled the trick again pointing it away from us. Just a click and nothing happened. She blinked for a moment.

“Wasn't it suppose to?” She starts.

“Not without ammo.” I said holding up the remaining five bullets.

“Make sense. As for this thing. Do you know why it haunts you?” She said as her gaze turns to the thing still looming above us, frozen in time.

“Honestly no... It feels familiar but I can't place where.” I said as I looked at this thing. Still scares me looking at this thing. Where did I come up with this thing? How did my mind come up with this thing?

“Maybe something from your past?” She offered.

“Then it would be in the small bits I can't remember still.” I said as I turned from the thing. “Can we just please get rid of it so I can sleep again.” I said with a shiver.

“I don't know if we can without knowing the source.” Luna explains. “Could this be from what happened earlier?” I shook my head.

“Same night you all left me and Twilight during the storm. When I went to bed that thing was waiting to chase me through Ponyville.” I pointed out.

“Then it must be something your brain is telling you is wrong.” She said as she came over to me.

“But I don't know what? I mean last night was good. I mean I still felt a little lost and still do but. I was happy I mean after Twilight.”I started to say before a blush cut me off.

“Before she kissed you?” Luna asked with an audible smirk. I simply nodded.

“Yes from her kiss, I was happy, I was feeling good. Then this Nightmare happened. Could it be because I finished my storm. That there was something scary looming over me for so long that... I miss it?” I started to surmise. It could be right, or was it more? Did it feel odd that it's not there? I would have continued this thought but all the walls of the castle started to disappear.

“It looks time is up.” Luna said before she disappeared as well. It was about then I sprung myself awake. It took me a few minutes to readjust my eyes to the light. I was not a morning pony, far from it. I got up and felt that same grogginess that I did back home. I needed coffee, stat. I looked around and I didn't see any pony until I saw Clear Sky come out of the bathroom. She even brushed off her maid outfit. It took a few moments before I realized what that could have implied and the blush filled my face. I shook my head to get rid of that thought. Stupid brain I like Twilight no thinking about other mares. She jumped at my sigh, realizing I was awake now.

“Morning Firestorm.” She said before she bowed. “What can I get you for breakfast?” She asked

“Coffee... black.” I said simply. She turned her head like she was waiting for more. “Coffee first food second.” I said as I rubbing my temples with my hooves. She nodded and went off to go get me my coffee. It didn't take long before she returned with a pot of coffee and a nice white mug that had my Cutie mark on it. Okay who decided to put my Cutie Mark, something on my ass on a coffee mug? What part of that screams good idea? She poured me a cup and I floated it over to me. I chugged the coffee so it would hit my system as fast as it could. Clear Sky looked at me as I blinked. “What?” I asked dumbly.

“Um... it's nothing.”She said turning away.

“Please tell me.” I asked. She bit her bottom lip.

“Um... you're having a problem down low.” She said as she turned away completely. I thought I saw a small blush on her face. Down below? Wait... I sat straight up and covered myself more in the blanket.

“I'm sorry.” I said as I hid my shame with my face turning a bright red. Did I just give this mare a full view without realizing it?

“It's quite alright Firestorm I just wanted to make sure you were aware... Don't worry I didn't see anything.” She nervously said.

“I... Um... Er... Sorry?” I stammered out. Really was an idiot in the morning. Part of the reason why I wasn't really a morning person back home. It was about then I also realized I wasn't in my transformed state. “Could I have a few moments... alone please? I need to go get cleaned up?” I asked. I really hope she doesn't take that the wrong way. She nodded and left after refilling the coffee cup again. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up. After I finished my coffee of course. Can't have it getting cold on me while I'm in there. I turned on the cold water first and hopped in it. It was freezing but it did the trick. I turned it to hot and relaxed. I floated up the shampoo and worked it into my coat, it smelt like strawberries too. I wonder, did Rarity leave her shampoos in my room at the Castle or something? Oh well, no harm now I guess. The suds covered my body filling the room in the strawberry scent. For a bit I stopped rubbing it in and just smelled the scent. I always love this smell, so home feeling. Not as in my old home but just a welcome home kind of scent. With a sigh I rinsed the shampoo off and turned off the water. I got out and started to dry myself.

“Firestorm you in here?” A voice from outside the bathroom said as I was working on drying my coat.

“Yeah I'm in the bathroom drying off.” I said as the door opened to see Shining there in Armor.

“Hey Shining what's up?” I said as all I had left was my mane and tail.

“Just seeing if you're ready for practice.” He said as I started to make my mane and tail become fire. “Ah if you're not I can just come back later.”

“Nah, it's fine just finishing up.” I said as I snapped my tail back into its normal hair in the fire like pattern completely dry in one go. My mane followed with one head bang. “Ah much better.” I said looking it over in the mirror.

“Okay, I've got to say that was cool.” He said looking at me.

“Was it?” I asked.

“Totally.” He said before I exited the bathroom. “Ready?” he asked.

“Um... sure I guess. Do I need my sword?” I asked. He shook his head.

“We have practice ones you're going to use.” he said as we left my room. We walked down a few halls until we found ourselves at a large set of iron double doors. “Here we are.” He said.

“Where's here?” I asked as he opened the door with his magic. To literally a Colosseum filled with ponies. They wanted me to fight and put on a show.

“This is the training arena.” He said as we walked it. What the.. Seriously I was thinking maybe a field somewhere or a dirt patch of ground, not the roman Colosseum. This wasn't normal, far from it, you could take normality at this point and throw it out the window. I was going to fight ponies with more combat experience in their hooves then I had in six of my own body. I was screwed... big time.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 11 - Practice

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The crowd cheered as Shining entered the center of the arena with three other ponies, all in night guard armor. One, an earth pony, his coat a mixture of gray and dark purple. His darker purple mane peaked out from under the helmet. His eyes were yellow and reptile like mine was when I transformed.

“This here is Dark Star.” Shining introduced this pony who bowed to me.

“Its a pleasure to meet you.” He said The one next to him was a bat pony mare with a black coat and a gray mane. She smirked at me with eyes just like Dark Star's.

“This here is Nightling” Shining introduced.

“Pleasure to meet you.” She said with a bow. Last was an unicorn stallion who had a midnight blue coat, very close to Luna's in fact. His mane was silver and blue in stripes.

“Finally is Star Bright” Shining finished. “These will be your opponents for your practice bout.” He said as he turned to me. Wait did he just say bout? As in one fight? As in all of them against me at once? Shining Armor that’s not cool! You put a rookie against three seasoned fighters? For what? To see how fast I get whooped?

“All at once?” I asked already knowing the answer. Being correct and screwed at the same time he nodded confirming it. It's official Shining Armor, you're a jerk. Just below the universe but right above life.

“This will be a knockout or incapacitate bout. Once an opponent is knocked out or claimed non combatant they will be removed from the fight.” Shining explains. “The rules are simple anything goes as long as it's not lethal and all combatants must remain in the arena until the fight is over. Is that understood.” I nod along with the other three. I slowly back away from them just in case Shining starts the fight before I was. “Begin” ready. I turn and dash to put some space between me and the three. I didn't realize until it was too late that doing this gave Star Bright time to cast a spell. I was nailed in the back of the head with a nice big rock. I turned to look at the offenders direction to see a really angry looking stallion galloping at me. He was too close for me to jump out in time or really do anything he nails me sending me flying back. I land quite hard on the ground twenty feet away. I got up just to be side swiped by a rocket kick that sent me spinning. I just got a low kick to a high ball I went down hard with both of my fore hooves holding a very sore and sensitive spot. It took me a few minutes to have feeling back there other than pain. I got up and reached for it, feeling that warmth within me. I sat and changed in front of everypony there. The once roaring crowd at my pain went silent, dead silent at my change. Their prince was not this half pony and half dragon beast before them. My mane was a blaze as I saw the red glow around me. No it wasn't it's normal orange when I was angry but an angry rage filled red. My teeth went from flat with a few sharp ones in the back to razor tipped fangs. I roared, not an angry pony yelling like roar but a pure beast roar, a roar that an adult dragon could produce. The three that faced me where surprised by my change. Shining who was off to the side looked worried. This time I wasn't playing, I wasn't going to get the mess I would have ended up being. I was going to make who ever did it play. My claws dug into the ground as I readied myself. The earth pony stallion Dark Star I believe was the first to snap into action and dashed towards me again. This time I was prepared, I did a full three sixty turn and bashed him away with the flat part of my diamond tipped tail sending him flying. Star Bright brought up a shield as he fired more large rocks from the ground at me. I took a few but was able to dodge a large portion of them. I return fire with my own breath weapon. It engulfs the shield covering the pony with a continuous stream of fire the pony couldn't see or move. I looked around to find Nightling no where in sight. I let up on the fire a bit to look around, big mistake, I was flung back by a wall of force and pinned to the ground by the ground itself; it came up and held my hooves. I did NOT like being restrained like this, I didn't like being restrained at all. I saw Nightling pushing a storm cloud over me, she wouldn't dare. She would, she bucked it and sent one large bolt of lightning right at me. It hurt of course but I felt that energy wash over me. The bolt of lightning broke my restraints. Star Bright looked at me breathing a bit hard from his spell. Even his shield dropped as I made myself look worn down. An act mind you and it was about to play off.

“I hope that knocked you down a few pegs Prince.” Star Bright said with a jerk like smirk.

“Oh please the Prince won't last much longer.” Nightling said as she floated down next to him.

“I bet this will do it.” Dark Star said as he tried to rush me. I stepped back in time and he tripped over himself in front of me.

“A little clumsy are we?” I said with a smirk of my own. He growled at me and tried to sweep my legs out from under me. Thinking fast, I jumped. “One moment” I said after I landed. Within a flash I ran up and bucked Star Bright in the jaw, you could hear the bone breaking from the impact. It must have been like a train hitting a car going at full speed. I then grabbed Nightling by the tail and swung her around in a circle. When I released her she went flying right at Dark Star who had just got up before getting nailed by Nightling causing them to roll over each other a few feet away. I had to make sure to de-spell all that energy in me soon, before the pounding headache comes back. They all got back up as I turned to the side to keep my eyes on the three of them. Nightling practically flew up into the air to avoid my ground attack and since I didn't know how to fly yet she was safe up there. It was about then I got nailed in the face with another large rock. Can this stallion use any other offense spell besides rock throwing? I got sick and tired of it and started pulling the wrongs out of his magic and into my own. Then I returned fire, with a yelp he covered himself in a shield as the rocks bounced off of it. That was when Dark Star bucked me in the side of the head sending shooting stars in my vision. I grabbed his tail this time with my claws and flung him towards Star Bright. Dark Star dinked off the shield just like one of the rocks hitting it head first. With a flick of magic the unicorn brought the earth pony into the shield most likely to give him some time to recover.

“Don't forget about me Prince” Nightling said as she came down and side swiped me again before heading back up into the air. These ponies were pissing me off, it's time for a few cheap shots of my own. I pulled magic into my horn as I took one of the rocks to rest my metal hoof on. I pointed it towards the sky at Nightling, who looks a little confused at my actions. My horn started to spark followed by the crackling sound from my prosthetic hoof. I tried to focus the lightning still in my body into my hoof. A beam of electricity fired out striking Nightling like a thunderbolt and she fell towards the ground. From that high up it would have hurt, maybe broke something, so I focused my magic to slow her descent; I was angry not murderous. I laid her down before a second magic glow wrapped her and she disappeared in a poof of smoke.

“One down... Two to go.” I said as I turned to where the shield was. But it was gone. “Now where did you two” Whack. The sound of a wooden impact to my skull sent a ringing sound through my head. I turn to see Dark Star with a quarterstaff in his front hooves as he stood on his back legs. He went for another swing but this time I bit down on the stick and flipped the stallion over. Then grabbed the staff in my tail before thudding it against the ground. “You really like the cheap shots don't you?” I growled.

“Not as cheap as this!.” Came from above me to see a giant... oh dear god that thing was a meteor! I thought we were trying to knock each other out not crush them! Okay two can play this game. Star Bright dropped the rock from his magic as it started to plummet towards me. I focused my magic on the rock to stopping it an inch from my horn. Breathing hard I dropped the rock away from me before another whack collided with my head. I turned and looked at him, same staff too. I growled at him as I wrapped him in magic and brought him up behind me. I bucked him right into the bolder he had brought forth. Within moments there was another poof of smoke and Dark Star was gone. “Two down... one to go.” I said before the meteor was picked up and repeatedly slammed into my head before I could react. It pounded me into the ground more and more each audible wham rang through my skull like a school bell made from a gong. About eight or nine more later I passed out from the pain throughout my body. I had lost.


“You did well for your first bit of combat Firestorm.” Luna said as I laid in one of the medical beds. “and against three opponents.” she continued beaming at me. Apparently it was her idea to stack the odds against me just to give me a real challenge and told them to even pull cheap shots too.

“We do apologize Prince about the way we fought.” Dark Star said apologetically.

“It's fine. I understand now why you did it.” I said as another pang of pain ran through my skull. “I just hope all the guards enjoyed the show.” I kind of really did. I put all I could at the time not to go overboard and murder some pony. “I just wished you left the crown jewels out of the fight. That was lowest of the low.” I said as my hooves went there. I could still feel that pain there. The doctor came over and gave me a shot.

“This should help with the pain.” The doctor said which was followed by me laying back.

“Nice moves with the lightning. I didn't see it coming.” Nightling said from the bed to the left of me.

“Well honestly I didn't even know that would work.” I said sheepishly.

“You’re kidding me?”

“Nope and I have you to thank since it did.” I said with a smirk.

“Wait... How?” Dark Star asked surprised.

“She struck me with lightning, I react differently to that attack then you ponies.” I said as I sat up a bit.

“How?” Nightling asked this time.

“His body can sort of absorb it and use it like an adrenaline boost. Though he can't hold on to it too long or it starts to burn him out.” Luna explained.

“Oh wow. So that explains how you got up suddenly to nail me in the jaw.” Star Bright said.

“Yeah. Sorry about that by the way.” I said.

“Nah it's cool. You fought very well.” He said, “and “I can't help but notice you say you ponies”

“Caught on to that one too?” Dark Star added.

“You caught me. Technically I'm not a pony. I'm what is called a dralicorn or dragon alicorn. I have some abilities from both species .” I summed up. Really I didn't even know the more detailed nature of how it works but at this point who cares?

“So when you transformed that was what a spell or just you?” Star Bright asked.

“That was me. I can transform into that form now at well. Sometimes I have to concentrate but I can with some what ease.” I said then an idea hit me. I couldn't help but grin devilishly as I turned to Luna. She noticed my looked.

“What are you planning?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh nothing.” I said as falsely innocent as I could.

“What is it?” She asked again.

“How about the five of us have some fun and drink?” I offered. Luna's eyes widen at my comment.

“Not after last time.” She shot back.

“Last time?” Nightling asked.

“Firestorm do not answer that question.” She ordered as I continued to grin.

“But Princess Luna don't you want to go drinking with me again?” I said.

“No. If you must then please let me have the drinks brought here?” She offered.

“Sounds good to me. Only if these three, Quickwind, and Ironside join me for drinks.” I requested and she nodded. It took six hours to get healed up. They were extra careful with me and made sure they got every spot healed. In both forms, much to my amusement the two doctors looking me over jumped when I transformed for them. I felt a little uneasy part way through with the mare doctor but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. With all her staring it felt... weird. Like the creepy kind of weird. When they let me go I returned to my more pony like form. I didn't want to scare Quickwind and Ironside so shortly after the changeling's second attack. Which reminded me. “Luna did you ever get that information for Chrysalis?” I asked. She looked at me for a moment.

“Well she told me all she knew. She wanted revenge on Twilight after she screwed up her first attempt with Cadence at the royal wedding. So when she found out about you she wasn't prepared for that twist so she paralyzed you to get you out of the way. Then Twilight interfered again by getting you free sooner, shortly after Twilight was ponynapped and took to the old gem mine in the mountain and from there you can figure out what happened.” Luna explained as we went to the large hall that held my party and the gala which I was going to have to be there unless something happened. Which with my luck something would after so much crap, you get a sixth sense about these things. “I have had the staff prepare a bar in there for the you all. Shining will also be there partly to keep an eye on you and to enjoy it. I'm guessing he skipped your mind when you asked?” She said with a smirk. I felt ashamed, he was a friend and I forgot about him, like I did Lyra back at my party in Ponyville. “I was just kidding.” Luna said softly, trying to defuse where my mind went.

“I know you were joking but I feel like a heel now because I forgot a friend.” I said as I let out a sigh. Luna stopped me and forced me to turn to her.

“You listen to me Firestorm, you’re a good stallion and yes you forgot about Shining Armor but you can be expected to remember every pony you've met. Now I know why you wanted to do this. To have some fun and feel normal. So do it, have fun and be normal, as you put it, get so messed up you can't recognize your plot from a hole in the ground.” She said then hugged me. My sad demeanor shifted to a more happy one as I returned the hug. This felt nice and I kind of wish I could hold this moment but as quick as it came it left. Luna stopped hugging me and continued to the large room. Inside the room I saw barrels like the ones I saw at the bar Luna and I went to along with an assortment of bottles. This was a drunk's paradise and I was about to take part in it. They had a table set with enough seats for all of us. I took a seat and looked around; they had poker chips, cards, and snacks of all kinds. This place was set up for a night of poker and fun, this was going to be great. Luna smiled at me as I was so ready for some good old fun. Shortly after the others decided to join, All without their armor and a goofy grin on their faces. Yes, this was going to be so much fun.

“Welcome Fillies and Gentlecolts, tonight we have a fine selection of liquors and drinks for you to enjoy. Pick your poison and be ready to go home giddy because its time to get plastered.” I said standing up and taking a bow. “Now shall we have some fun?” I said as I floated over my first old viking like mug of hard cider. They got their drinks and came to the table.

Two Hours later...

“And I was like boy. You have know idea what kind of stupid I would do” I said ending a story that sprung from another story that derailed for six stories back. I was so hammered it was funny, I should know, I was laughing. We were all well off drunk, I honestly lost count of how many drinks I had. Granted I would remember in the morning.

“You know, you are like, the best prince ever. Not even-” Ironside started before he placed a hoof over his mouth just to belch. “Not even that prick BlueBlood would drink with us 'under ponies.'” he finished.

“Ah screw that joke of a stallion. I bet he wouldn't know a good time if it came up and bit him in the flank.” Star Bright added. I couldn't help but laugh again as I leaned so far back I tipped the chair with me.

“Whoops. There I go.” I said before another fit of laughs got me rolling, I got back to my wobbly hooves.

“You alright there buddy?” Shining said looking over at me as I saw the drunk blush on his cheeks.

“I don't know. Do I look alright there Shiny?” I called him by his nickname that we came up with about- Hell if I remember.

“Hey that's Captain Shiny!” he shot back. Before he started to laugh.

“Well El capitano we need another round. Bar keep more Wild Pegasus.” I said as some stallion brought it over. “Hey you know I never got your name.” I said to the bar keep.

“It's Hard Drink sir.” He said as he floated over shots for everyone.

“Well that's a fitting name. No offense.” I said as I held up my hooves to this.

“None taken sir.”

I floated the shot up and downed it chasing it with a gulp of hard cider.

“Anything I else I could get you?” He said and I grinned.

“Something harder.”

He raised an eyebrow at my request, “Harder?” He asked.

“Yes hardest you got.” I said, more demanding. He nodded then brought out a an old jug and poured me a shot.

“Be careful Firestorm this is one hundred fifty proof Ponyshire Moonshine.” he said I downed it like a shot. I felt the burn as it went down and damn did it feel good. I held up a hoof for a moment and turned my head, belching out the larges bit of ruby red fire I have. Luckily Luna planned ahead and had removed all the fabrics and had a fireproof charm cast throughout the room. Everyone clapped as I felt over again.

“Strong stuff.” I said.

“Told you.” Hard Drink said.

“Yes you did.” I said as I got back into the chair.

“We need some entertainment.” Dark Star said as he worked on his sixth or was it seventh mug of hard cider.

“Oh, oh, oh! I know!” I said as I bounced in the seat. “We should sing.” I said

“Sing what? I don't think any of us knows any fitting songs.” Nightling said as she was working on a stack of shots. I couldn't help but grin.

“Oh I know but lets see if you ponies can follow along.” I said I suddenly thought I could hear the music start around me. I looked around for where it was coming from but I couldn't find it so I shrugged as the group of ponies watched me. I drained my mug and began. “What do you do with a drunken pony, what do you do with a drunken pony, what do you do with a drunken pony, earl-eye in the morning!” I started to sing as all of them watched. Keeping in time with the song in my head. I even started to get up and dance a bit. “Way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, earl-eye in the morning” I continued to sing as I drunkenly danced. They all eyed me as a few of them got refills from Hard Drink. I even adopted an Irish accent as I continued. “Shave their belly with a rusty razor, shave their belly with a rusty razor, shave their belly with a rusty razor, earl-eye in the morning!” I returned to the chorus of the song, this time with Shining joining me.

“Way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, earl-eye in the morning” We sang.

“Put them in the bed with Princess Luna.” Nightling started as I got an even goofier grin on my face.

“Put them in the bed with Princess Luna, put them in the bed with Princess Luna, earl-eye in the morning!” The three of us sang as we drunkenly danced looking more like a pony Irish jig.

“What do you do with a drunken pony, what do you do with a drunken pony, what do you do with a drunken pony, earl-eye in the morning! Way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, earl-eye in the morning” All of us sang including Hard Drink who was getting into it. Even some of the guards keeping an eye on us joined into the song.

“Put them in the back of the pony wagon.” Star Bright sang. Of course we all continued with”

“Put them in the back of the pony wagon, put them in the back of the pony wagon, earl-eye in the morning!” We continued to sing through at the rest of the song. We were drinking, dancing, and having a whole lot of merriment, someone put me down because I was in heaven. Suddenly a familiar orange and blond mare followed by an equally familiar rainbow maned mare decided to appear, towards the end of the song.

“Firestorm?” Applejack said in surprise. I don't know why she was surprised. Honestly I was having a great time. Why would she need to be all surprised at me about me having fun?

“Oh else would it be? Did you miss me?” I said with a drunken grin on my face.

“Oh Celestia this is too much.” Rainbow said as she enjoyed the show falling on the floor laughing. I couldn't help but join her.

“Come on get a mug and party with us.” I offered as soon as I got back to my wobbly noodle hooves again.

“I think you’ve had enough sugarcube. I need to get you to bed.” She said as she tried to get under my wing.

“But why? I'm having so much fun.” I said before I feeling caught my throat as I rushed over to the nearest trash can and filled it from the tap I called a mouth.

“That's why.” She said with a shake of her head. Wow... how does she keep all that mane together like that it's so wobbly like my legs. “Rainbow please help me get him to his room. You all should get some rest tomorrow too.” Applejack said before Rainbow got up.

“But we just got here. Couldn't I at least get a drink first?” She asked.

“Fine, one drink, then you help.” Applejack shot back.

“Alright.” Rainbow said before in a blur she was gone then back. For some reason my head felt like one of those bobble head things you find at sport stadiums. Oh what were they called again? Ah forget it. It will come to me sooner or later. Rainbow ran a hoof down my back as my wings shot open and my blush to deepen. I could hear the group of ponies behind me bust into laughter.

“Alright you guys and Nightling have fun, my ride is here.” I said before a fit of laughter got me again. Oh dear universe when you spoil me you do it greatly. Applejack got under my wing to my left and Rainbow to the right. Here I am stuck in the middle of them. That reminded me of a song that I couldn't remember the lyrics to. Oh well not important. “So why did you come all the way here? Did you miss me?” I slurred out.

“We kind of did sugarcube. That and Twilight wanted us to make sure you were alright after she found out that you knew about the samples.” Applejack explained. That was enough to sober me to stop.

“I wasn't suppose to know?” I asked my tone went from happy to more stern and angry.

“It's not like that sugarcube.” she defended.

“Then how is it like?” I said as I shot her a look.

“Just hold on a minute. It's not our place to explain what she was thinking. Just know she is sorry about how you must have taken it.” Rainbow said getting into my face again.

“Rainbow it's hard to not take it the wrong way. She could have asked me and it would have been fine. Instead she went behind my back and did it anyway. I'm upset about that Rainbow can't you see that?” I said as I stopped looking angry and just let my head droop. I continued towards my room wobbling the whole way.

“Firestorm look, if it means anything she is sorry.” Applejack said.

“So am I.” I said before we got to my door. I tried to open the door with my magic and all I got was sparks around the handle. Note to self drinking and using magic is as effective as drinking and driving, they’re somethings you don't do.

“Let me get that for you.” she said as she opened it. They helped me to my bed as I plopped. They headed towards the door quietly.

“Hey could you two please stay?” I asked as I rolled to look at them. They looked at me a little confused. “If you don't mind.” I said as I nervously tapped my hoofs.

“Why? If you don't mind me asking.” Applejack said.

“I... I just don't want to be alone tonight is all.” I said as I laid my head on my hooves. The two of them looked at each other then back at me.

“Sugarcube you're worried aren't you?” she said and I simply nodded.

“More than you could ever know.” I said as I started to curl up. “I can't help it.” I continued as both mares came over to me. “Why did you want to drink?”

“To numb my mind.” I said as she eyed me for a moment. “I used to do that from time to time when I didn't have much to worry about the next day. My brain likes to over think, it's my way of shutting it off to give it a rest.” I said as my gaze lowered to the ground.

“Dude it's cool. I know how it is too.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked up. “You worry about everything, trying to make things perfect to the point you want to break down. I get that. I do the same when it comes to my dream.” she continued.

“I'm just being a silly pony again ain't I?” I asked.

“Nah. You are just being you and that's all we could ask for from you.” Applejack said as she put a hoof on my left foreleg.

“Thanks you two. How did everything go back in Ponyville?” I asked a bit more sober then I was a bit ago. The two mares looked at each other then back to me.

“You sure you want to know?” Dash asked. Why were they avoiding the question? I nodded as I watched them.

“You sure you really want to know?” Applejack asked this time. Again avoiding the question.

“What happened?” I said flatly.

“Um... Nothing.” Applejack said with the worst poker face alive.

“What happened Applejack?” I more sternly said this time. They explained Trixie's revenge to me. How she threw Twilight out of Ponyville for the day because she got this artifact called the Alicorn Amulet. An item that gives any unicorn great power but darkens their souls and horn in the process. The room lit up, I could tell my mane and tail were on fire from my anger. I was pissed, drunkenly pissed but pissed all the same. It took a bit of work but they calmed me down and explained how they tricked Trixie into taking off the Amulet and saved Ponyville. Twilight asked both of them to come bring the artifact to Luna so she could hide it, so it would never be found again. Honestly in my drunkenness I wanted to make Trixie pay for her actions against Twilight but... I wasn't that kind of stallion. Chrysalis I was fine with because of what she did. Trixie was more of a bully then harmful. Didn't mean I wouldn't want to give her a good clawed buck, with a sigh I laid back down. I looked out the window for a bit.

“Firestorm?” Applejack asked.

“Yes?” I halfheartedly replied.

“You going to be alright?” She asked as she got down low enough to look me right in the eyes.

“I don't know, never have, and never will know.” I said.

“Oh come on, with a marefriend like Twilight how can you not be anything but happy?” Dash said.

“Marefriend?” I asked I had a feeling I knew what it was but I needed it to be clarified.

“Your special some pony?” Applejack asked.

“Girlfriend?” I asked. They nodded, I was right.

“I don't know if I'm Twilight's boyfriend or whatever you call it here. It's up to her. I mean, I want to be but... I'm afraid about it too.” I said as I look away from Applejack's eyes.

“What's to be afraid off? You two seem to really hit it off the other night.” Dash asked as she landed.

“Of screwing up. When you all chased me I felt like I screwed up big time. I jumped to a conclusion that had no base and it caused me to run from my friends. Then make you all panic from me over taxing my magic with blink. I... I'm just a grade A idiot.” I said as I finally closed my eyes to this. I didn't fall asleep really.

“You're not an idiot sugarcube. You just worry is all. I'm sure Twilight is just as worried about messing up as you are.”

“But I did mess up Applejack. I did something I didn't realize what it meant here.”I said.

“Oh come one what could have you done to make us chase you all across Ponyville.” Dash asked.

“I was trying to comfort Twilight as we laid in her bed. Get your mind out of the gutter right now Rainbow Dash.” I said as I saw that sly grin on her face.

“Oh come on, you two in Twi's bed? You have to amend that. It sounded, well, you know.” She said.

“But it was after what you said Rainbow. She was upset.” I said before Dash deflated.

“Yeah sorry about that again.”

“Could some pony explain what I'm missing here?” Applejack asked a little annoyed.

“I said something that got Twi all upset.” Dash said as she didn't look Applejack in the eyes.

“How bad?” She asked.

“Twilight blinking to her room crying bad.” I clarified this time. Dash looked at me for a moment.

“And throw a bed at me bad.” Dash explained. I had almost forgot about that part.

“What did you say Rainbow?” Applejack now sounded angry. Like I was with the mare when it happened.

“I um...” Dash started as she stumbled.

“Applejack quit it.” I said simply.

“Quit it?” She asked. “Twi was upset at her comment that she threw a bed at her.”

“In all fairness I was too. Not throw the bed angry but angry none the less. Back to the point here.” I said before I wrapped Applejack's head in magic and turned it back to me. I let it drop a moment later. “Well I was giving her a hug and wrapped my wings around her to comfort her. As I can assume Dash knows what that means.” I said as I saw a blush on her face.

“And what, pray tell, does it mean?” She asked

“Keep in mind I didn't know at the time. But it's a sign of dominance in um... bed.” I squeaked out that last part. Then ducked under my hooves. Silence... more silence, way too much silence. I looked up to the orange mare who now wore a blush. I blinked for a moment. Seriously she oh dear god put me out of my misery I think Applejack likes that kind of thing.

“I... I understand why you... um... like that now.” She got out. Okay where is Pinkie Pie with the awkward bomb because it just blasted awkward all over the place.

“Please stop thinking what you're thinking, Applejack you're making it just as awkward... Oh come on you too Dash?” I said now a little annoyed as Dash was on the ground wings completely out with a goofy smirk on her face. Seriously when this happened I thought I was the jerk of a pervert, but these mares have me beat, hooves down. “So do I have to get a mind cleaning spell for you two?” I asked a little more stern than I was drunk enough to be. With a bit of magic I gave them both a simple thud on the back of their heads. Which was enough to snap them out of it.

“Ah... sorry sugarcube. Lost my head there a moment.” Applejack apologized. I looked over to Dash who just looked back.

“What?” She said then I rolled my eyes.

“Oy.” I said before I rubbed my temples.

“Starting to get a hangover?” Applejack asked.

“No. Honestly never had one in my life.” I said as I started to sober up more. Being up straight long enough the booze worked its way out of my system.

“Really? I guess you just didn't drink enough for it.” She said.

“Oh I drank enough for probably a good six maybe seven of them last night.” I said with a smirk of my own.

“Oh really? Then how much did ya'll drink?” She said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well from my memory which has not failed me yet from drinking. Six barrels of your hard cider was working on the seventh, about twelve shots of Wild Pegasus whiskey, a shot of PonyShire Moonshine. Big shot mind you and I think that's about it.” I listened from the top of my head. They both look at me dumbfounded from what I said. “What?”

“How... are you so... I mean... How could you drink all that and not keel over?” Applejack gets out finally after stumbling a bit.

“One because I can pace myself within the two hours we partied and two because I've had worse. I can go into details but I think you remember my shed story.” I explained as I made my point.

“I've got to take you drinking with me sometime.” Dash gets out with a grin.

“Dash it's not funny.” Applejack snapped at Dash for honestly no reason.

“Okay cut it out. Really what is the problem that I wanted to enjoy myself and I can come out of it unscathed?” I asked more confused.

“It's just- really that much? It's hard to believe even though I know you're not lying.” She explained.

“Not to sound like a jerk here but... how do you know I wasn't lying?” I asked.

“Well besides being the Element of Honestly I just have a knack for picking up on people lying is all.” She said.

“I see.”

“I'm kind of surprised you haven't passed out yet?” Dash yawned.

“Because alicorns don't sleep as often as normal ponies.” I explained.

“Wait does that mean you were up at your sleepover?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah. I was in the basement drawing until Rarity came down to talk to me.” I clarified.

“You know I never got to ask you. Why were you so angry with her the following day?” She asked.

“I've been wondering the same thing.” Dash added.

“Look if you want to know ask Rarity. What happened was between me and her. No offense but I don't like airing out my dirty laundry like that.” I explained.

“You've got a point there.” Applejack relents. “So why did you want us to stay?”

“Felt lonely honestly. It sounds a little weird especially after just one night but... I just miss Twilight is all. Not to say you two aren't bad or anything. I just... I'm being an idiot again.” I said with a sigh.

“Look I know it may seem weird that you feel in love with Twilight and want to be around her. Especially if she is going to be your special somepony. Just to have them close to cuddle with so you don't feel alone anymore.” Applejack said almost spot on to how I felt. Though I don't really see Twilight like that completely. The way she made it sound, Twilight was like a safety blanket for me. Something to catch me when I mess up and fall, it was more than that. Twilight honestly felt like the only pony that could keep me together when I just want to fall apart. I also found her so fascinating with everything she could do. The magic, the experiments, the thirst for more knowledge even in things that are just fantasy. She made me want to better myself so I could try and be her equal, intellectual wise. Not just an idiot that just gets by dumb luck even though that wasn't true at all. I had no luck at all. It didn't change that I like Twilight for being Twilight. She was nice to me the first time I was completely new here. My first friend here and maybe my first marefriend. I smiled at that a bit as I looked down.

“Applejack, there is so much more to that then just cuddling. I find myself wanting to be around Twilight a lot, even if it is reading a book or enjoying a meal together. I feel whole around her, like something I have had missing for so long just returned. She makes me feel, well... not like an outsider. There's just so much that Twilight does that there is nothing I could do to ever repay and thank her for. If she's upset I want to make her feel better. When she is mad I want to calm her down. When times are hard I want to be there to keep her going. I want to protect her when things get dangerous. I just... I don't know what to really say anymore when everything I just well... you know.” I said as I continued. The two of them looked at me.

“Twilight would be a fool not to fall in love ya.” Applejack said with a smile.

“That was...wow.” Dash said. I looked at the two of them a little curious where they were getting at.

“That was, in it's own way, romantic. If she didn't have ya, I would have courted you myself.” Applejack said which turned my face red and made me do a double take.

“What?” I said like an idiot.

“Don't worry I don't plan to take you from Twi. I'm not that kind of mare.” She defended. Part of me was confused. Technically we haven't even made it official yet so there was that. I know I wouldn't even do that to Twilight myself. Honestly I would rather jump off the overlook then hurt her like that.

“Well this is good and awkward.” I said before silence filled the room. I had sobered up at this point and went over to the fireplace. One breath of fire later and it roared and crackled. It took a few moments before snoring behind me caught my attention. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash fell asleep on me. I lightly smiled as I floated them over to the bed and covered them with a blanket. I watched them for a few moments before I left. I shut the door and went down the hallway. A few turns later I had to ask which way it was to the archives. One of the guards lead the way for me. Once there the guard left me alone and I floated up one of the maps and scanned over it. Something had been in the back of my mind for a while. Grim Wand, since that memory I had gotten from Celestia I wanted to know more about the necromancer. I went down the aisles in silence just a little orb of light following me from a light spell I cast. I got to the restricted section were one of Luna's night guards blocked the path through a steel door into it. I walked up to him and he gave me a cold deadpanned stare.

“Hello.” I said wondering if he was going to act like one of the guards from some palace I knew of but I couldn't place a name to it off the top of my head.

“Hello, what can I do for you tonight?” he asked in a surprisingly nice but deep tone. His black coat with equally black mane made me think he would be a great sneak attacker in these archives.

“I was wondering if you knew where the Grim Wand tomes are?” I asked.

“They’re behind this door, three isles from the left.” He said still standing there.

“Mind if I go in?” I asked. He stepped to the side and opened the door for me. I stepped in and he followed locking the door behind us.

“This way.” He said as I followed just like he said three isles and to the left of the door and we found ourselves in a section marked Grim Wand. I floated one of the books over to me and flipped it open. The guard stood there pretty much doing his role, guarding me. I began to read, apparently this was one of his journals.

January 2nd
I had found a new form of magic, something unheard of in all of Equestria. I began to study it something about it intriguing me. I don't know why, it feels colder than normal magic. Almost like it's otherworldly, most fascinating.

What was so fascinating? Was this the beginning of his study into the necromantic arts and what was this being colder than normal?

January 20th
I found something most particular. This little ball of light that floated around me. It came from a graveyard. It had a pair of little wings on it like a parasprite but more glowing and feathery. Prodding with my magic I was able to talk with it. It insisted it was a pony at some point called Silver Star. A little research later told me that Silver Star died over a hundred years ago. Yet this thing said it was her. How is that possible? I must study it further.

Silver Star? Wait from the sound of it. She had turned into a fairy or the possibility that was her soul, but over a hundred years ago, wouldn't have the soul passed to the afterlife or the ponified version of heaven at that point?

February 6th
Soul? Was this ball of light Silver Star's soul? I had started to question the little ball about details on Silver Star to find out if it was indeed her. So far she was able to match up the story almost spot on. The only thing that wasn't correct was her death. From the records Sliver Star died after she fell from the second floor onto a pitchfork. Well from this ball of light she was stabbed with the pitchfork when a local colt was rejected by her from his advances towards her. He got angry and stabbed her and made it look like she fell onto it. I'm sort of inclined to believe her and I felt sorry for her life to be cut so short. The irony to this story was the colt, I later found was named Wind Duster, died two days later from falling into an empty well that some kid had dropped a pitchfork into. In the end Wind Duster's story became his end. Silver Star found this just as fitting.

“That's dark.” I said not really thinking about it.

“What is?” The guard next to me asked.

“Just this part of this journal. Is there any chance I could borrow some of these book to read over?” I asked. I honestly was starting to get a creepy vibe from this place and it was really unnerving.

“If you wish Firestorm. I was informed to let you into all sections of the archives. So I believe borrowing material would be equally allowed.” He said.

“Ah... thank you mister... you know I never got your name.”

“Night Tome” He said.

“Thank you Night Tome.” I said as I found his name perfect for where he was protecting. “By any chance would you know where some spell books would be? Like maybe novice to advanced?”

“Of course right this way.” He offered and lead me out of the restricted area of the archives. He helped me find a few spell books some of them pretty advanced. Like a spell that gave earthbound ponies a set of butterfly wings. I wonder if Rarity would like those? He helped me log them as checked out and I returned to my room to begin going through them. The simple ones first, I focused on some of the more elemental spells. Especially fire, what can I say I'm a bit of a pyromaniac. Since I could breathe fire an all.


An evil laugh filled the air causing all the cadets to shake a bit. The more seasoned fighters stood steady as I used the royal Canterlot voice. Luckily it took little convincing to get Luna to teach me how to do it. I told her I wanted it for a few reasons, mainly to intimidate in defense, or get monsters to run away by using it with my dragon roar. I wanted to give it a good test run though so Shining convinced me to scare the cadets. Apparently they had continued drinking after Applejack and Rainbow Dash pulled me away last night. I was a little against it after the fight yesterday but Dash pointed out that it was all in good fun and it would help them face up to dangers so I gave in. Now I was by the door to the castle using my evil voice with laugh to scare them, Dash next to me laughing her flank off. Applejack just watched waiting for my the signal to release the giant sling shot filled with dry ice and water, to create a fog for me to appear before them. I flicked my reptile tail as she nodded and launched it. I focused a bit and as soon as it hit and the fog appeared I blinked in front of them in the fog. I decided to roar as some of them took stance and others ducked in fear.

“Good work some of you.” Shining said coming over to his cadets. “Some of you need to work on stealing your nerve. Don't you agree?” He said as he turned to me.

“Oh most definitely. Some of you were ready to attack me without hesitation, Some not so much.” I said as I sat down on my hunches and flicked my tail. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash decided to come over. They sat next to me as some of the cadets started to whisper. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at one of the yellow stallion in front of me that was whispering into the gray mare next to him. “You.” I said as I pointed at him. This caused him to jump.

“Ye... yes, P-P-Prince Firestorm?” He stumbled over himself. I couldn't help but smirk.

“What did you just whisper to her?” I said as I pointed to the mare next to him.

“Nothing Prince.” He said standing at attendance. I gave him a deadpan look.

“Okay lets try this again. What did he say to you?” I said turning to the mare this time.

“He was wondering if you and the Elements of Honesty and Loyalty were an item.” She said which caused all of us do double takes shooting glares at the yellow stallion who had the most bug eyed look of fear. I smirked quietly as I nodded to the mare then turned to the rest of them.

“Can any of you tell me what these two did wrong?” I asked. The mare looked surprised for a moment that I included her in that. I looked at all of them, Shining a little puzzled, the rest completely confused. A stallion with a red coat nodded. “You, what did these two do wrong?”

“Daffodil lied to royalty.” He said.

“And the other?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. I took a shot in the dark that the yellow one was called Daffodil.

“I don't know sir.” He said.

“Does anypony here know?” I asked more to everyone there. A lot of them shook their heads. “Allow me to explain this one here is correct Daffodil did lie and that is what he did wrong but this one.” I said pointed to the mare. “Didn't conduct Loyalty to her fellow soldier.” This caught them by surprise. Well all of them but Applejack, Dash, and Shining who were now smirking. He must have figured out where I was going with this. “Does anypony here know the term brother in arms?” I asked. “Not you Shining.” I said cutting him off. He deflated a bit by that. Everypony there shook there heads. “Then I will explain to simplify it. Brother in arm means your fellow soldier or guard. The one you eat, sleep, talk, spar, fight, and defend with. You put your trust in them as they put their trust in you. The loyalty that you hold with your soldier or guard is what could make or break any pony doing his job. Look at the pony next to you.” I more ordered and they did as such. “You may not know that pony or that pony may not know you. But as you work together you will form bonds with them for a team or group with them. You will become friends and you will fight with them. If it's either fighting to protect the castle, to protect Celestia or Luna, or to protect those you care about. That pony will be there right by your side. Through the thick and thin of it. You want to know how I know that?” I asked as I watched each and every one of them. “Because I am willing to do the same for my friends. I am willing to lay down my life if it means they are safe. That the ponies I care about will live on and I trust that each and every one of you will do the same. Now as for these two. Daffodil did have the right idea to lie but he choose poorly to who to lie to. When it comes to your enemy you can't trust them all the time. Be on guard with them be ready to strike if you need to. Like I know some of you are willing to do from me appearing like I did. Some of you need to practice this. As for this mare here she also had the right idea. She was loyal to the royalty of this kingdom but not to her fellow soldier or guard.” I continued the mare gave a look of understanding where Daffodil did not. He had anger behind his eyes and I know that anger. I've seen that anger one that looks after himself and no pony else. He is just going to have to learn the hard way sometimes anger isn't the right motivator. “If you excuse me. There is a matter I need to deal with.” I said as I turned my back to the group of them. Both Dash and Applejack looked at me confused as well as Shining. I couldn't help but smirk as I could hear the muttering of Daffodil behind me.

“You son of a mule royal. You think you know what it's like to be one of us. I'll show you.” He mumbled before he drew his training sword which was just a simple wooden sword. I could hear him gallop at me before I stopped him with my magic holding him a few inches of the ground, my tail's tip pointed right at his neck all within seconds of him close enough to strike.

“Just as I thought.” I said simply.

“What do you mean?” He said as he spat out his sword.

“Look down.” I said simply as I turned my head to look at him. He looked down then it dawned on him that I had him from the git go. If he even tried to strike me I would have put him down. I found out that the edge of my tail was just like a sword, sharp and deadly. This was for a point nothing more, nothing less. “You let your anger cloud your judgment. Like my mind did during the bout I had with the night guards. A clear mind solves more problems then a clouded one of anger. Learn that well, all of you.” I said before I let the guard down back at his spot.

“Cadet Daffodil!” Shining said now taking on a boss like tone.

“Shining Armor.” I said using mine this time. He turned to me.

“Yes?” He now questioned.

“Do not punish him. I think I've already did enough to get the point across. In fact I want him and that mare to work together more often to make sure my words sink in.” I said before he nodded and I left. Applejack and Rainbow Dash following.

“That was mighty foolish what you did back there.” Applejack said.

“Foolish? That was awesome. Did you see how he had him from the beginning that was just genius.” Dash said with excitement.

“But what if he didn't Dash he could have been hurt.” She replied.

“One I knew he would attack. Honestly I baited him into it. When I said I had a matter to deal with that is what I meant.” I explained. “It was easier and more effective if I made my point like that. Plus I knew I was safe. If something happened to me then, one, Shining Armor would deal with him. Or two, you would have, plus Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and a royally pissed of Twilight. On top of that three royally pissed off alicorns and myself once I got up.” I pointed out. They looked at each other for a moment and nodded.

“I guess your right. You did really push his buttons though. Not saying it was right but I get why.” Applejack said.

“So what do we do now?” Dash said looking at me.

“Well I don't know about you two but I could go get something to eat. I didn't eat breakfast after all.” I said the two of them looked at me. Applejack face hoofed.

“Why did you go and do something as silly as that?” She asked.

“Never really was a morning pony. More times I ended up sleeping through it.” I pointed out.

“Okay so I'm going to have to make sure you eat breakfast here then.” She said before heading before towards some room in the castle. Of course I haven't fully explored it either but oh well. Ten minutes later we found ourselves in one of the kitchens. “Alright I'm going to make you a good old fashioned Apple Family Brunch.” she said before raiding the fridge of ingredients.

“Alright but um... could you avoid the eggs please?” I asked awkwardly.

“Why? Don't you like them?” She asked.

“Not really the biggest fan honestly, the rest I'm fine, just eggs... not so much.” I said as I sat down quietly. I watched her go to town in there, she was flying around cooking up a storm. She could have matched Rainbow Dash for speed alone when she was in the kitchen. Dash sat next to me watching all this. Within what felt like mere minutes she had three plates filled with food. I blinked in surprise. Applejack put the plates down and we sat there and ate in silence. Partly because I didn't have anything to say at the moment. Both Dash and Applejack looked at each other, a small blush on their faces before they turned to their plates. I raised an eyebrow to this. I had a very sneaky suspicion that those two were involved. I wonder if I should ask. You know what screw it.

“So how long?” I asked before I put more hay bacon into my mouth. They snapped their gazes to me.

“How long what?” They both asked at the same time. This was comical to say the least.

“That you two have been seeing each other?” I asked.

“We're not seeing each other.” They replied.

“Really? I figured since you're both blushing just looking at each other you two are involved with each other.”

“I am not involved with that pony.” They said as they pointed to each other. Inside I was laughing my ass off. Outside I played it cool and calm.

“Then let me ask you something. Why did both of you blush looking at each other just a few moments ago?” I said. Right then they turned red.

“But, we... um... well... damn.” They still said in unison. Okay I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started to laugh. I laughed so hard I tipped the chair backwards with me in it.

“What's so funny?” The continued to say. I was laughing hard at this. This was just too priceless.

“You're both saying the same thing at the same time. It's too funny.” I said throughout my bouts of laughter. That was about when I got a glass of water dumped on me. I was now wet and laughing. So after I finally stopped I got up and shook some of the water off.

“That wasn't funny.” Applejack said. I guess they finally figured out how to stop talking at the same time.

“You have to admit the two of you talking at the same time with the same response was kind of funny.” I replied.

“We didn't” They both said at the same time again. I couldn't help but laugh when they finally noticed it. That dumbfounded look was priceless, if only I had a camera to take a picture. Of course right then a flash filled the room. Followed by all three of us turning to see both Pinkie and Rarity. I looked out right surprised to see them there. Thinking quickly I sat up as quick as I could.

“What are you two doing here?” I asked a little more in surprise.

“Oh we thought we would come visit our favorite drony.” Rarity said causing me to blush a bit. I wasn't special for something like that.

“Because we wanted to make sure you're all having some super duper fun. Please I have a party to prepare.” She said before she zoomed right past me causing me to spin around like a twister before I landed flat on my face the room spinning still in my vision.

“Oh look I'm in the spin cycle again.” I said before I closed my eyes.

“You alright there?” Rarity said before I started to shake my head.

“Just a moment still waiting on the buzzer.” I said before everything stopped spinning “And there it is. Hows um... everything?” I asked that Trixie story still at the back of my mind.

“Better now honestly. After well you know... you do know right?” She asked before I nodded. “Right well I just needed to get away after that. So I thought coming up to see you since you couldn't be home would make a lovely reason to get away. Plus I brought you something.” She said.

“Rarity you didn't need to get me something.” I said before a light blue tint filled my vision.

“Nonsense I certainly did. After all your royalty now and you must look the part.” She said before I was whisked away to my room. Applejack and Rainbow Dash following shortly behind. I let out a sigh really there is no point in me asking them if they remember it's quite obvious that they either don't remember or care at this point. So I just floated there an annoyed look across my face but stayed silent. We got to the room and I was deposited onto the bed. Then I remembered Fluttershy and Twilight. Since four of the six were here I wonder if every pony had come.

“Is Fluttershy and Twilight here?” I asked. They looked at me. Rarity sighed before she turned to me.

“Fluttershy yes. Twilight I'm afraid to say no. She is still worried that you’re cross with her because of the samples.” She said before my ears felt flat before I gave off a depressive sigh. Yes I was still a little cross but I was more worried in all honesty.

“I see.” I said as I laid down quietly on the bed.

“Oh please don't be upset. I understand where you're coming from. She didn't mean to worry you about it.” Rarity started to defend Twilight.

“Um Rarity that's not what’s got him all upset.” Applejack said as I turned towards the fireplace. I got off the bed and went over to it.

“Really? Then was it because...” Rarity asked.

“Because she didn't ask him to do it. That is what is bugging him the most about it. He would have said yes if she only asked.”

“Oh... I see.”Rarity said not sure how to take that from the tone of voice.

“I need to speak with Twilight.” I said simply before I breathed fire into the fireplace lighting it again. I started to lay in front of it just to watch the flames dance around.

“Sugarcube...” Applejack said coming over to me.

“Please just...” I stopped before a hoof was placed over my muzzle as I looked up at Applejack who gave a worried look.

“I'll try to get her here. I can't promise anything but I will try for you.” She said before I nodded. “In the mean time why don't you see what Rarity has for you, to help keep your mind off it.” She said before I nodded again. I got up and turned to Rarity who was floating over some large neck thing. Well its what it looked like the metal necklaces I saw Luna and Celestia wear. Though this one was more fire-like, there was a fire that started deep red that turned orange and so forth all to the back. There also was some shoe like thing that each held a gem. They looked like rubies. I looked a bit surprised at this before she floated them over to me.

“Do you want help putting it on?” Rarity asked. I nodded quietly as she opened up the back of the giant necklace and slipped it on. It wasn't heavy, it was, well what would you expect from a giant thick necklace. It felt warm too for some reason but I guess it could have been the magic or the fire behind me. She then placed the first two of the hoof shoes? Or would that be horseshoes? Anyway, she placed them down as I slowly stepped into them. My left leg first mainly to see if they fit. Hard to tell with my right one since it was metal. Of course they fit perfectly, I've got to say it took a bit of time to get use to it but they felt nice. “I made sure the shoe would open up for your claws.” She said and with magic lifted up the small metallic flaps to show my hoof under them, clever choice Rarity.

“Thank you Rarity you didn't need to do this for me.” I said with a smile on my face.

“Well we want our prince to look the part right?” She said before I deflated a bit by that.

“I'm not a prince Rarity you know that.” I said as I sat down this time and looked at the shoes quietly. I never really did feel like a prince more like someone playing the role. I just... I didn't want to be a prince like this. It was more just given to me. I mean, I do accept that I am a prince in legal standing in Equestria. I'm fine with that but I just don't feel right trying to... trying to be one. I'm not as snooty as Blueblood. I'm not as wise as Celestia or Luna. I'm just stupid old me who just dropped in like some uncle that the kids want to see but the parents don't ever want around.

“Firestorm, stop it.” Dash said which cause me to whirl over to her. I was surprised at that. “Listen carefully, you are a prince but far better than anyone I've seen. You act like a normal pony not some stuck up snob.” She said as she got right into my face.

“I would agree with her” Celestia said from the door.

“Celestia!” I said in surprise as I jumped.

“Hello again Prince Firestorm. I'm glad to see you are still well.” She said as she came over to me.

“I thought you were with the delegates from Saddle Arabia?” I asked.

“I was, but have it settled. In fact they said to make it up to you that you and your friends can come anytime as their guests.” She said then gently gave me a small nuzzle. I blushed a bit at this. I know it was a family love kind of jester but still. “I also caught your speech to the guards about brothers in arms. Personally I would have suggested brothers in hooves but to each their own right?” She said with a wink.

“Thank you Celestia. I was kind of worried I went a little overboard with it.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“Quite the contrary, you did excellent, even when the cadet went after you. You didn't strike him, only proved a point.” She said before she came next to me and placed a wing around me. “That's that kind of speech a ruler should give their troops and I'm glad it was you that gave them that.”

“Thanks.” I said a blush across my face.

“Now I know you've been stuck here so why don't we get you back home finally.” She said and I stopped.

“No.”I said simply.

“No?” The group of them asked.

“Yes, no, Celestia I want a word with you alone. If that's alright?” I requested. The group of them looked at me confused for a moment. Rarity, Dash, and Applejack all left to have just me and Celestia alone in the room.

“What is it that you wanted to speak with me about?”

“Many things, right now besides the whole royalty thing is Grim Wand.”I said I heard the small intake in breath as she looked at me in surprise.

“What do you want to talk about that...” She said before stopping herself. I figured this must have been a touchy subject with her.

“Because something is bugging me about it. It's sort of eating at me to the point last night I went into the restricted section to try and understand it more. I found a few of his books. Nothing spell related. Just his journal and research notes.” I started to explain. She eyed me quietly mainly trying to judge my motive. “Don't worry I don't plan to go into necromancy or anything of the sorts. I just want to understand and learn more about the pony. There's something about him that jumps out at me, especially since I got that memory of yours.” I said.

“I see. So this is just extreme curiosity then?” She asked.

“For the most part. Which is why I wanted ask two things. One, if I could take the books I checked out with me to Ponyville to continue reading about him. I have a sneaking suspicion that you blocked all records of him from the public.” I said and she nodded to confirm.

“I can allow that request if they stay with Twilight so they don't get out.” She said and I nodded at this.

“Second is advice.” I said with my head lowing a bit. She turned to me.

“What's on your mind?” She asked.

“Twilight mainly.” I said quietly.

“Is this about the samples?” She asked.

“Partly, but there's more to it. I just noticed something a bit ago involving Twilight and I. I don't know how to proceed with it.” I said as I tucked my forelegs under me.

“Could you please clarify?” She asked.

“Well think about it for a moment. I'm part of the royal family. Which means I'm related to Shining Armor from his marriage to Cadence. Which makes me related to Twilight.” I said before Celestia smiled quietly.

“I see the whole legal family thing. Honestly it's not as uncommon as you're making it out to believe. Yes in technical terms you are already related to her. But that is as far as it goes. There's plenty of loopholes that allow you and Twilight to be together. If that is what you wish.” She explains. I started to think about it more. I would love to be with Twilight. How much I care for her and so forth but... does she feel the same for me now?

“Thank you. I just worry I guess.” I said as I look forward quietly for a bit.

“It's understandable. StarSwirl had a similar problem before. Though back then the whole legality was more tight knit about it compared to what it is now. It's not against the law for you two to be together, frowned a bit maybe, but not illegal. It's about the same with herds.” She continued.

“Herds?” I asked needing more context.

“Yes a herd. It's like a marriage but it's with more than two ponies in it. The normal is about three to six but sometimes special cases let more.” She explains this sent my mind spinning at this. So polygamy was legal here too? Okay I think at this point my brain tried to reboot itself. “Now don't get the wrong idea but I doubt all the element bearers like you like that.” Celestia said which caused me to jump and back peddle.

“What! I would never. No, no, no, no, no. Just no I... I just... No... My brain hurts.”I said as I laid down and put my hooves on my temples that was the last straw for it. My brain started to shut down. “Celestia I'm not that kind of stallion and I doubt the girls like me like that. As a friend yes but more. I highly doubt it. Twilight...” I sighed. “Twilight I don't know honestly, I do care and love her but with everything I just don't know if she feels the same about me. I've only arrived within what the last few months?” I asked. Celestia eyed me. “I just don't know anymore. Part of me screams that I don't deserve any of this. The friends, the family, any of this but I know I want this too. Then toss in my feelings for Twilight and it becomes a big ball of wibbly wobbly stuff. Too much to think about and too little brain to do it.” I said as I feel a hoof rub my back.

“Firestorm...” A familiar voice said from my right. Wait... my right? Hold on who is it when Celestia is just to my left. I turned to see Twilight there, her eyes glistening as she heard everything. Everything I just said my worries and all. “I do love you.” she said as she leaned forward and kissed me. I turned bright red as she held it there. I felt her warmth, her love just wash over me. My worries, my cares... gone just like that. I felt good and complete for once. When she pulled back I looked at her quietly before she rested her head against mine. “I'm sorry that I went behind your back like I did. I wanted to help you understand what your body does. I didn't think you would have minded so much if I could give you answers. I should have known better and asked first-” She would continued but I put a hoof to her mouth.

“Twilight, it's fine now. Just please ask me next time. I... I was being stupid too. I should have figured you were worried about me and sent a letter or something but... I felt conflicted.” I said as I closed my eyes. I heard the magic of a horn before it went silent again. Just the cracking of the fireplace giving the room its ambient sound.

“I'm sorry that I caused that.” She said as she started to cry lightly as I got up and brought her close to hold her. She nuzzled her head into my chest as I held her.

“Twilight Sparkle?” I asked. She looked up at me. “Will you be my Marefriend?” I asked. She started to smile at me and then jumped from my hold. She then proceeded to pin me to the ground like a little kid that just got the gift she wanted.

“Yes!” She proclaimed and gave me a long held kiss right there me turning bright red. Which was followed by the sound of two party poppers going off. Both Twilight and I looked up to see everyone there. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Nightling, Dark Star, Star Bright, Quickwind, Ironside, Moon Light, Clear sky, and Cotton Candy all smiling at the two of us. We got up real quick both red faced as they started to laugh. I looked down to Twilight and her up to me. We smiled before we leaned in to each other as I warped a wing around her back. Screw the rest of Equestria this was perfect and I wouldn't give it up for anything. Thank you universe you at least gave me this.


“So this is the journal you were talking about?” Twilight asked after the two of us got some alone time, mostly used to talk and... to kiss here and there. Hey give me a break we just became a couple so sue us.

“Yeah, It's Grim Wand's journal. Something about that name jumped out at me after the memory I got from Celestia.” I explained for the second time to her. I showed her the three entries I read and she got about the same feelings I did. Which was I didn't like where it was going but there was no proof.

“I don't fault you for wanting to know more things, but I have to wonder why do you want to know about him?” She asked.

“Ever since that memory something just jumps out at me about the guy. I don't know why and it's annoying. There is something about him that unnerves me that I have to know more about him. I only found his journals because it's the only thing I can find of the guy. I doubt Celestia will tell me anymore beyond that memory. So what better way to know about a guy then his journal?” I reasoned to her. She looked at me for a moment then nodded.

“Reasonable deduction.” She replied as she rested her head against me. I couldn't help but smile she was so affectionate and it was so adorable, dare I say, adorkable? I smiled at my own joking thought. I flipped open the journal again and started to read the next entry.

February 9th
I do believe this ball of glowing energy is indeed the soul of Silver Star. She told me about things back during her days and I couldn't help but listen, fascinated by them. I figured she would ask about my time but she reminded me that she was floating around for years and knew about it. We decided to be friends from that point on. Weird I know but sometimes true friendship comes from weird friendships. So we continued to talk until we found two more souls floating around. They seemed to be lost. Two young foals named Day Song and Night Song, the two used to be brother and sister that passed only a few days ago from a mishap with magic. They showed me where they had passed and there was nothing left but ashes. It was kind of sad that any of us could go right at that minute. Their parents were sitting there. The mother crying into the father's hooves. My heart reached out for them. So we went over and I told them about their children. The father was instantly angry at me, maybe he thought I was making fun of their loss. After I had asked the children a few questions that only they would know the answer to. The parents weren't so upset, we sat down and I gave the grieving couple some peace. Silver Star remained silent as the two souls were given the chance to pass on. What a sight that was, the two souls took the form of foals. They were completely white but that must have been what they looked like in life. It brought a warmth to my heart and peace to the parents minds. I asked Silver Star about her passing and she told me that she gave it up. She wouldn't tell me why so I can only guess.

That was the last entry for February the next one was a few months later. Twilight and I decided that we would go through the journal more once we were home.

“He does seem like a nice guy after doing that for the family.” Twilight said.

“Well we are taking his word of it. There is always two sides to every story Twilight we only have half of it.” I said as I read that entry again. Something just doesn't feel right and it was driving me nuts to figure it out. It was then that Twilight shut the book on me and got me to look at her in the eyes. Those perfect pools of amethyst beauty that made up her eyes could always make me feel like goo inside.

“Well I know a story I want to dive into.” She said before she leaned in and gave me another kiss. I started to melt on the spot. If she wanted to get my mind off of something she learned very quickly how to do it. I blushed deeply as I started to kiss back. It was right then the mood was almost destroyed by the paradox perplexing pink party pony appearing right next to us.

“Ooh what'cha doing?” Pinkie said snapping both of us out of it as we jumped at her sudden appearance.

“Pinkie you've got to stop appearing like that.” I said holding a hoof to my chest. “And Twilight and I were having a private moment.” I continued.

“Very private.” She smirks and I blushed.

“Ooh. Well since it's over. It's time to Party!” she yelled then grabbed both Twilight's left hoof my right before taking off out the door. A small pang of pain hit when she did that because she took my prosthetic hoof with her instead of me. Without the added balance I properly fell over.

“Ow.” I said when I smacked into the ground. I got to my three hooves and hobbled towards the door. I get there to find Applejack galloping towards me. She slide to stop looking at me.

“Hey... how. Hows it going?” She got out in heavy breaths. Did she just run all over the castle for me.

“Could be better.” I said then gestured with my head at my missing leg.

“Ah yea... I saw Pinkie fly by with Twilight and noticed she had your leg. Did she?” She got out.

“Try to drag me along and grabbed the wrong hoof. Leaving me as pony tripod? Yeah she did. I don't think she noticed which leg she grabbed but it's alright.” I said as I continued to hobble toward wherever Pinkie dashed off to.

“Here, let me give you a hoof getting there.” Applejack offered I extended my right wing and she got under it. Together we made our way to the ballroom where all the ponies where. Including a dazed Twilight and a laughing Dash. Pinkie run up to Applejack and I with my leg.

“Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to take your hoof. I just wanted you to come to your birthday make up birthday party.” she said as I warped the leg in my magic.

“Pinkie it's alright. I figured as much.” I said before I reinserted the leg back in. “So we are good Pinkie” I said as the three of us finally entered the party. Pinkie started to zip around to most likely make sure ponies were having fun. I went and had some punch. You know I never got around to ask about how hooves work and how they could hold stuff without fingers.

“How are you enjoying the party?” Celestia asked behind me.

“Oh hello Celestia. I'm having enjoyable time.” I said with a smile then took a sip of my drink.

“That is good to hear.” She said as she floated over a cup of punch herself. You know come to think of it Celestia and Luna may know the answer to this question. Well if any pony would it would be them.

“Hey Celestia I have a question.” I started with she took a sip and looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. “It's about hooves.”

“What about hooves?” She asked.

“How do hooves work? I know that's a bit of a weird question.” I started.

“Is this about how ponies can hold things in their hooves without claws or fingers?” She asked which surprised me. Was she reading my thoughts now? “Don't worry I'm more surprised you haven't asked that earlier”

“Well... technically I did when Lyra asked me how fingers worked. I just got the ‘they just do’ answer.” I said with a smile.

“Ah. Well not a lot of ponies know about it. Your aware that every pony has some sort of magic to them. Like earth ponies have it geared towards strength and constitution, unicorns as you know can control it more externally, and pegasi have it through flight and weather manipulation.” She started as I nodded to this. I learned that from the beginner’s guide to magic 6th edition that Twilight had back at the library. “Well everypony can use telekinesis at a fundamental level. Mainly through their hooves. It allows them to pick up things like how Applejack is using that fork over there.” She said pointing to Applejack just doing that eating a piece of cake.

“So it's like zero point telekinesis?” I said with a smile.

“I see why Twilight likes you.” She said which caused me to blush. “And before you say that you're not smart, you don't give yourself enough credit.”

“But-” I said before a well timed lavender hoof got me to shut up.

“She is right. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. Which is why I didn't tell you about it.” Twilight said which surprised me. She gave me a smirk. I just shook my head with a sigh under the hoof and she removed it.

“Alright. I get it I have some smarts.” I said with a light chuckle at the end with both hooves up.

“About time.” Applejack said next to me.

“Oh come on you gotta at least give me that I have done some extremely stupid things.” I say in my defense.

“Like facing a Timber wolf for the first time?” Applejack asked.

“Detracting Nightmare moon?” Pinkie added.

“Panicking over a misunderstanding?” Dash added.

“Making a deal with Sha?” Fluttershy timidly said.

“Doubting yourself?” Rarity continued.

“Let the media get to you?” Luna said.

“Not think you could totally kick butt?” Shining added.

“Yes, I think we get it.” I said then turned to Twilight.

“Okay, okay, I do believe that you have done some apparently dumb things, but you're also pretty smart too. You understood my notes about Magic Batteries, you outwitted Chrysalis.” Twilight started to say.

“You proved to have wisdom beyond you time.” Celestia pointed out.

“You proved that you can handle yourself in a fight.” Luna added and I rolled my eyes at that one. Yes I could handle getting my butt kicked in a fight.

“And you showed me how much you love me.” Twilight added with a blush before she kissed me again. Which got me to turn red. Once she broke contact with me I smiled.

“Alright, I get it. I'm not a complete idiot. I just do really dumb things from time to time. So why don't we get some music going and have some fun?” I said

“I believe that would be my cue to drop the bass.” Said a white unicorn on stage with a DJ booth. We all turned to look at her. Me doing a double take because that was the unicorn from the other night. Purple shades and electric two tone blue hair included. She grinned as she started the music up something techno bass like. I couldn't place the tune honestly it may just be something from Equestria. But it was a good song none the less. She started to lightly head bang to the base of the song as it went on. Twilight and I looked at each for a moment before we went out onto the dance floor. It even had those old multicolored light squares that changed in different patterns. We all started to dance, even Celestia and Luna were dancing. Both Twilight and I danced so goofy it was funny. We didn't care, no pony there cared. We all had so much fun, that was until I heard a song that I never thought I would have heard there. Pinkie even hopped on stage to sing it with the DJ who later I found to be Vinyl Scratch or DJ Pon3. I couldn't help but laugh a little at that. She even played songs that I heard during my first stay at the castle. This was great... no this was beyond great. It was perfection in motion. Of course no pony there cared about that we all cared about having the time of lives.


Later that night Twilight and I returned to my room in the castle where I started to yawn a little bit. I guess all the fun festivities, drinking, fighting, and everything of the past few days caught up to me, I didn't mind really. Twilight wanted to make sure I got some sleep so she offered to take me to my room. I bid my adieus to everypony there and left. She wiggled up under my wing to help keep me up. I was close to dozing off on my hooves a few times on the way back. I know if Pinkie ever heard me even think this she probably call blasphemy from me but I had partied too much. We got to the door and Twilight opened it then floated me over to the bed. I sat there a few moments as Twilight made sure everything was together because we were going back to Ponyville tomorrow. As she got everything together I floated the box that held my sword over to me.

“What do you think you're doing?” She said as she watch the case float by her.

“Getting something.” I said simply.

“Why would you need your sword?”

“Never said it was my sword.” I replied in my sleepy tone. Then I patted the bed next to me. Getting the idea she came up with a raised eyebrow. She sat next to me as I opened it to reveal the sword and the cute star amethyst. Twilight's eyes widen as she saw it. I floated it up and over to her. She looked confused for a moment as I sat it before her.

“What's this?” She asked as she lifted it in her magic. I smiled warmly in my dozy state.

“It's called a Star Amethyst. The impurities in the amethyst makes it look like little stars and it's yours Twilight.” I said as I watched her look through it. Of course a few moments later she caught the it's yours part.

“Oh I couldn't, it's yours.” She started to say in a stumbled way. I put a hoof up to her mouth to shush her.

“Twilight. I'm giving it to you. I had planned to give it to you all along. I had it cut in the same shape as your cutie mark.” I pointed out. I then cast a small light spell and make the light shine right through the gem in her magic. A purple tint covered the bed with little specks of white like a purple night sky. The way her eye's widened with glee was almost perfect. It just needed one more thing. I gently leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She went bright red and there it was perfect. I lightly laughed and dispelled my magic and she put the gem down on the table next to us. She gave me a kiss.

“I hope you have pleasant dreams” She said before I laid back and drifted off to sleep. Something happened that hasn't happened in a very long time. I had a dreamless sleep. No dream, no nightmare, just nothing. It felt like time fast forwarded on me and I woke up to Twilight hugging me... in bed. It took a few moments for this to process. Twilight was in the same bed as me... asleep... hugging me. My face turned bright red and realized that we weren't alone in the room. Celestia and Luna both looked at me with a devilish smirk to their faces. I realized what that could have come across as and jumped out of bed. It didn't wake Twilight, damn she was a heavy sleeper. After they peeled me of the ceiling they did their darnedest not outright laugh at my reaction. They failed miserably, Twilight then woke up and looked at both princesses in the room, then at me, then back at the princesses, and followed up by the bed. One nanosecond later she followed my action and jumped out of bed. Both of us stumbled with our words to reassure them that we didn't do anything with the brightest of blushes on both of our faces. Twilight explained that after I fell asleep she got under the covers with me to keep me warm. I was apparently shivering from the cold night. I don't think the princess's bought it. Honestly if it wasn't me involved in this. I wouldn't have bought it either.

“Relax Twilight. I just wanted to make sure both of you were up and whatever you two do at night is your business and not ours.” Celestia said which part of me would like to say she wasn't lying but I knew better than that. Luna lightly chuckled.

“Like wise.” She added and I knew that was bullshit. She governed the moon anything under the moon was her business. I knew to keep my mouth shut though, a wise man once said a shut mouth avoids more problems. Otherwise I could end up with two royal sisters angry with me or my marefriend. I’d rather be on all three of their good sides.

“Twilight why don't you go get cleaned up first.” I offered as she nodded and flew right into the bathroom. Damn that mare can run, kind of cute to when she’s nervous about something. I then turned to the princesses who had adopted a more stern look. I couldn't help but gulp at this. Celestia and Luna both came in close to me and whispered.

“I'm sorry about this but in three weeks I need you to do a diplomatic peace talk with the dragons to the north.” Celestia said which got me to grew wide eye.

“What?!” I said in surprise. I really hoped Twilight didn't hear that. A few moments of silence followed. We heard the shower going.

“I'm sorry but they requested to have peace talks with an Equestrian dragon. The only dragons we have are the young dragons of my school, Spike who is also too young, and their mother but she can't leave the royal treasury. So we would like you to go and negotiate a peace treaty with them.” Celestia explained. I started to look worried... no I wasn't worried. I was fucking scared out of my mind. Yes I was royalty now and part of me knew I was going to have to do something like this at some point but they want to send me. The one that is notoriously known to do something extremely stupid and they wanted me to do it. Ladies and Gentlemen this just broke the what the fuck o' meter.

“You can't be seriously thinking of sending me for this. I don't have a flipping clue how to negotiate for anything. If you haven't noticed I'm pretty stupid at times. It's like handing or well hoofing some pony the history eraser button knowing full well they are going to press it. This screams bad idea on so many levels. Are you sure you want me? Me!? Of all ponies to do this?” I said. This was beyond bad.

“We would honestly send somepony else to do it but they requested an Equestrian dragon for this. You're the closest we have that isn't too young for this.” Luna explained. Which they did explain but I was hoping there was a way out.

“Fine but two conditions to this. As they said they will only talk to an Equestrian dragon for this. Did they specify that a pony couldn't come along?” The looked at each other for a moment then shook there heads. Oh thank you universe you're not a complete jerk. “Then I want Twilight with me. She is better suited for this and can keep me from screwing up. I will also keep her from harm because you know how I am.” I said staring at both of them.

“Agreed. Would you like us to explain what is going on and she can inform you how to proceed with it?” Celestia asked. I nodded. Partly because I rather trust Twilight being with me on this. She is from Canterlot and is Celestia's personal student. She would be fully aware how to conduct a peace treaty where I couldn't.

“Can you give us at least a week before you inform her. It's not that I don't want to tell her I just want to have some peace before having to cram for this. A little calm before the storm sort of speak.” I explained and wanting to buck myself for that phrase I used.

“Understood. I hope you all have a safe trip home.” Celestia said before she left. Luna walked up to me and whispered something in my ear.

“Good job giving her the gem. I agree with Tia you will be a great coltfriend to Twilight.” She said and I couldn't help but smile with a light blush. She left shortly but not before standing at the door and giving me a wink. With a click the door shut and I sat there. Everything was looking up for me. Twilight was my marefriend, my friends finally got me to stop doubting myself so much. Granted I still have pockets of doubt but nothing too mind crashing right? I still needed a place to stay in Ponyville, I don't think Twilight would like me staying at her place all the time... or maybe she would. I couldn't tell with that mare. I started to chuckle at that point. It was then Twilight came out with her fur and mane all done like she normally does.

“Where did the princesses go?” She asked. I walked over and smiled.

“They had to go take care of some business. Now if you would excuse me I have to get cleaned up before we meet everyone to head home.” I said before she stepped out of the way for me to get in the bathroom. I smiled quietly as I got into the shower and cleaned up. I even sang in there. I don't know the song really. But it felt like something straight from the heart. Once my coat was dry and I fire dried my mane and tail. Twilight and I left to meet everyone at the train station. We saw everyone there ready to go. Pinkie bouncing around, Dash flying around bored, Applejack and Fluttershy talked with Rarity making sure she had everything with her mountain of suitcases. The train came and we all got on. I sat with Twilight as we looked out at the scenery going by. The ride was uneventful and I didn't mind. All that mattered was Twilight was next to me. We got to the station in Ponyville a few hours later I think. Honestly I lost track of time as we rode. With a clip clop of hooves we all departed the train and walked into town. This day was beginning on a high note now but somewhere at the back of my mind I had a foreboding feeling something was coming. I couldn't tell what but I knew was it was bad.

-End Of Chapter-

Chapter 12 - Another World, Another Story

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I still don't understand it honestly and frankly I don't think I ever will. How could a set of events lead me to I think my strangest Equestrian journey ever. It started just after we got back to Ponyville. Nothing was wrong, sun was shining and the birds were singing. Twilight had asked me after the rest of girls departed to head home to come back to the library. We got there in time to see Spike running around cleaning up again. Apparently the Cutie Mark Crusaders came by wanting to try for a librarian cutie mark. It took me asking who they where to find out it was Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. It seems they wanted to try everything they can to find what makes them special. I may have to have a word with them to set them down the right path. As they say the devil is in the details and they just needed the right details to go with. Twilight had me go downstairs with her to her lab. It was there I noticed a glass ball or more likely a glass fish bowl sitting on top of a device surrounded by Tesla coils.

“What are the Tesla coils for?” I asked as she put down the saddlebags and floated the pair I wore off.

“Well it's for the magic battery experiment. I thought that maybe you could help me with it.” She explained with a giddy look on her face. That look was too cute to say no to. Honestly I was a bit interested in this magic battery myself after I had gone through her notes on the computer. What I didn't get was how I could help. I didn't have any mastering experience with magic compared to Twilight who could magic circles around me, literally.

“I can help as best I can but I don't know what I could do.” I said more a bit ashamed that I wasn't as skilled as Twilight was to be effective at this.

“Well just having you by helps. If I need some pony to get me something. You could be the one to do it.” She said as she sat on her hunches and tapped her fore hooves together. I smiled and chuckled for a bit.

“I would love to Twilight.” I said with a warming smile. She jumped up and hugged me before she rushed around to get everything ready. Honestly I think she could beat Rainbow Dash for speed if you put the item she was seeking at the end of the race. It was then Twilight noticed something and gasped, I turned around with a mixture of worry and fear. It turns out that Twilight was missing some of the magical water that she needed. Okay, not going to lie, I felt stupid right then. My thoughts jumped right to code red type of scenarios. Well I guess this would be a code red for Twilight. It was then Twilight floated over an empty saddlebag and secured them a little too tight. She then put what could easily be mistaken for a 2 liter bottle.

“I need you to go to the magical mirror pool and get more of it's water.” She said as I blinked for a moment.

“What?” I asked dumbly.

“You heard me. I need you to go to the magical mirror pool and get more water.” She repeated again. My brain this time followed.

“Um Twilight... I don't know where that is.” I calmly put. She then floated over a map to me with the pathway marked.

“This should get you there the fastest way possible.” She said after she jammed it into the bag.

“Anything I should know before I even extract the waters?” I asked mainly to be sure and mostly feeling dumb about it.

“Be careful about looking into the reflection.” She said which got me to raise an eyebrow.

“What happens when I do that?”

“It may end up copying you.” She deadpanned. I blinked a copy of me? What's wrong with that. Then maybe all the bad luck wouldn't keep happening to me. It would happen to my clone. Wait what if they mistaken the clone for the real me? Then I could be without a home and one of the clones would be with Twilight. Note to self: don't look at reflection in magical mirror pool. I nodded quietly and left with Spike still running around picking up books. I started to help him pick up the books. I mainly put them together in a pile for him. I hadn't learned the shelving order for them yet.

“Thanks. You've saved me a whole lot of runaround work.” Spike said with a smile.

“Anytime Spike. I'm glad to help.” I said as I held out a hoof he then pretty much made a fist and tapped it against mine. “What are friends for?” I asked before he nodded. “I'll be back later Spike.”

“Where are you headed?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“To go get more of the magical water for Twilight. It won't take me long.” I said before I left. Ponyville was quite peaceful today. Nothing bad was happening, nothing crazy or nightmare fueled was bothering me or it. It was nice. A small chill went through the air and I shivered a bit at it. I guess the cold months are coming. Since this is November and all. So winter should be starting to appear soon. So I made my way to Fluttershy's house. Maybe she would like to join me to get some magical water. It didn't take me long to get there after I had to ask where it was. I came up to the door and knocked. A few moments later she opened the door with a little angry looking bunny on her head. I raised an eyebrow at this.

“Hello?” Fluttershy timidly asked.

“Hello Fluttershy. How are you today?” I asked politely.

“Oh. Hello Firestorm. I'm doing fine.” She said with a warm smile. “How are you?” She asked and I smiled.

“I'm doing good. I was wondering if you want to join me to the magical mirror pool? Twilight needs more of the water for an experiment.” I replied.

“Isn't that in the Everfree forest?” She asked and I nodded. “D-D-Do you really need to go into the forest?”

“Yes. It's for Twilight.” I said with a smile.

“If you don't want to it's fine. I don't want to force any pony into doing something they don't want to.” I said with a smile.

“S-S-Sorry. I just... no sorry.” She said before she went inside.

“Alright. I hope you have a good day Fluttershy.” I said as I made my way into the forest alone. Looking over the map the path way was clear for the most part. The shade of the trees made it rather dark but a quick light spell fixed that. I noticed a lot of the forest life went silent again. I raised an eyebrow quietly and nothing could be seen in the darkness. It was then I fell into a hole and slid down a long tube. I stopped right into a large luminous mushrooms surrounding a light blue pond in the middle of the cavern. A quick check of the map showed it was indeed the place I was looking for. I went down the slope and up to the pool. I pulled out the bottle and started to fill it. The silence started to be deafening with my paranoia starting to set in. This was too easy. The only thing bad happening was just falling into the right hole. Once finished I deposited the filled bottle into my bag then headed towards the exit. It was right about then a clawed hoof grabbed me by the throat.

“Long time no see.” the beast looking Vermom said as she shot out of the ground.

“Did you miss me?” I said as I grinned and kicked the leg that was holding me up. I was dropped and within a moment of landing on my hooves I turned and bucked her with all my might without transforming. She growled at me as I saw that she was still an alicorn but her front hooves now had dragon claws. Like real dragon claws as her back hooves were still normal legs. Her horn lit up and gem stones started to fire out of the walls at me. Thinking fast I raised a shield spell to deflect them, Vermom dashed at me breaking right through my shield and grabbed me again. She then threw me up at the cave ceiling. She then flew up after me and using me as a makeshift drill. I was launched out of the ground, into the air, as she flew up after me. She swung me around and finally tossed me at the old castle ruins. I crashed right through the doors splintering them into pieces. I tried to stand up but a large piece of wood was embedded into my leg. I hobbled behind the pedestal that held the Elements of Harmony at one time. I worked to get the wood out of my leg. I wouldn't last long if I was handicapped like this. With effort I got the wood out of my legs. I was bleeding profusely, I needed something to hold the wound. I found one of the old tapestries and ripped it up to cover the wound.

“I won't last long if I don't figure out a way.” I said between heavy breaths. The blood loss was starting to take it's toll on me. If I didn't get this looked at I don't think I will make it. Maybe if I can get a message to some pony. Wait... that's it! I quickly felt for that warmth and I found it. I quickly started to change into my more draconic state. My leg still contained the hole in it but right now I needed to get a message out, with everything I had I focused my magic on my vocal cords like Luna had taught me. If I do this right I could let somepony know. I let out my loudest roar to the point every remaining glass in the castle shattered into pieces. The roar echoed throughout the forest. Hopefully some pony will hear it. With heavy breaths I went to hid in another spot before Vermom could find me. I wasn't that lucky, within a few steps I felt my tail get pulled and lifted.

“You shouldn't announce your position like that, especially if you're trying to hide from being pray.” She said as I tried to get her to let me go. She then grabbed my wounded leg and started to squeeze it. I started to yell in before I turned my face towards her and breathed fire. She drops me and landed with a large wham. I got up and ran or hobbled towards a tower. I get halfway up the stairs before Vermom grabs me through the wall and pulls me through it. She then throws me towards the courtyard into a field of statues. I break through a statue of a mare holding a flag. I get back to my hooves and grab the flag and pulled, Vermom lands in front of me.

“What do you want with me?” I say as I spit out some blood. I have a feeling I broke a rib or two with that.

“It's nothing I want from you. I'm just here to do my job.” She said before flying at me and slashing three long gashes into my belly. I swing the pole at her and she flew back.

“Who wanted this done?” I asked before I swing at her and she grabs the pole.

“The boss.”She said before she flips the pole and me over into another statue, this one more beast like.

“Well you better tell your boss that you won't be finishing the job.” I said before I focused magic into my hooves to send electricity through it. She started to scream in pain before she let go of the pole. I whip it around and smack her in the face with it. Her head does the most sickening thing, it spun completely around, twice. I looked in complete shock. Did I just break her neck? It didn't stop her though, she spun her head back and reset it. What the fuck?

“Can't do that Firestorm, but I can do this.” She said grabbing me again and throwing me into a statue of a large alicorn, almost bigger than Celestia herself. The horn impaled right through my chest, blood starting to flow out of my mouth before I heard.

“Hang on we are on our way!” Twilight said as I saw colorful blurs as my vision starts to fade and distort.

“Go. Save. Yourselves” I said as blood drops from my mouth. I saw a glowing lavender light envelop me before I hear a yell coming from Vermom. I felt my body burn as green covers everything. It was moments later I found myself floating in a void of nothingness, I look around, darkness covering everything. I don't see any pony. No Vermom, no Twilight, no pony. I Don't know why but I did not like this place at all. That was until I woke up in the hospital.


“Uh... my head.” I groaned, seriously what the fuck hit me? Last thing I remember was... being impaled. I jumped to look at my chest and was shocked. I wasn't a pony. I looked around quietly at the burnt shirt that looked like it went through hell. Then my hands which were human for sure. I ran my fingers through my hair. It was long. I laid back in the hospital bed and glanced outside. It was Ponyville alright. So... what happened?

“Oh my Celestia you're awake!” A very familiar voice said. I turned to see Twilight at the door. She then ran over to me. “Max what happened?” She said with worry in her voice. Max?

“Um... who is Max?” I asked confused. She looked at me worried.

“Oh dear. I think you may have amnesia.” She said as I started to blink for a few moments confused. Amnesia? How could I have amnesia when I remember just about everything from the last month or so. Something was not right, not at all right.

“Twilight?” I said this getting Twilight to stop completely and look at me in surprise. “What?”

“You've never used my name before.” She said and I simply rolled my eyes.

“Before I go with what I'm about to say, is Spike here?” I asked. Twilight looked at me puzzled for a bit.

“No he's back at the library. Why?” She asked.

“Please go get him.” I simply requested. She looked at me curiously. “I need to send a letter to Celestia.” I explained she nodded quietly and left. This gave me a few moments to think. They know me as Max here. Apparently I have never called Twilight by her name. Which I found odd. Why wouldn't this Max use her real name? Hold on... am I thinking what I think I'm thinking? Oh dear god please tell me this didn't fucking happen? If it did, that is just beyond fucked up. I'm in another universe again, in someone else fucking body. Thank you multiverse, you jerk! I took a deep breath and waited quietly. It took only a few moments until Pinkie came in. At first she looked happy but her smile faltered a bit. It was only there for a second but it was enough for me to notice. “Hello Pinkie Pie” I said simply.

“Hello... Max.” She said with a bit of hesitant to her voice.

“You know don't you?” I simply asked. It took a few moments before her smile failed her and she looked down. A small nod told me that this paradox perplexing pink party pony form a parallel plane still acted like the Pinkie back home. I motioned for her to come closer. She did and hopped onto the bed. Before she could react I reached over and pulled her into a hug. She quietly cried at this. “Please listen carefully. I'm sorry that me being here has caused you any pain. I don't know why I am here in his body but I never meant for this to happen. You care for him don't you?” I asked and she nods quietly. “Then I will do whatever is within my power to get him back to you. If you don't mind putting up with me for the mean time?” I said with a soft smile. She looked up at me.

“Do you Pinkie Promise you will try to get him back?” She asked.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” I said still smiling.

“Okie Doki Loki.” She said then out of no where pulls out a pink cupcake with rainbow frosting. She handed it to me. “Here you can have this to make up for me being all saddie pie a few moments ago.” She said with a smile. I took a bite and it tasted just like the ones from my universe. Well I could honestly only guess it was my universe.

“It's delicious Pinkie. One of your best works yet.” I said more to keep the pink mare in a good mood. Her smile was beaming at me, I was smiling too but... I stopped for a moment. Pinkie was upset because this Max was special to her. How Twilight was special to me. I couldn’t help but start crying myself. Just the thought of not being able to see my Twilight. My marefriend started to crush down on my heart. If I was here then this Max must be in my body... if it survived. If it did then he better not hurt Twilight.

“You alright Storm?” Pinkie asked.

“Not really Pinkie... wait how did you know my name?” I asked turning to her.

“Oh well that's easy. See I just used my Pinkie Sense to figure it out. One ear flap means my guess was close and two means it wasn't so close. So it took me a few moments to get it right with a twitchy hoof.” She explained. My brain on the other hand just flat lined. Okay I'm going to have to ask my Pinkie if that works if I get... no, when I get back home. I can't think about not getting home. I just made a Pinkie promise to Pinkie that I will get Max back here in his body.

“Pinkie, I need you to help me with something.” I said before she turned to me and nodded. “Twilight will be back soon with Spike who I will have him send a letter to Celestia. To have her come. Then I will be needing some help convincing Twilight that I'm not Max and I need help setting things right, right now she thinks I have amnesia.” I said before I crossed my legs and started to meditate my way. Honestly I never got to do this in Equestria. So it's kind of nice doing it now. I sat there for a few moments with my eyes closed and my hands in my lap. The knuckles of my fingers touching each other pointed towards my lap and my thumbs pressed against each other making a triangle with my hands. I start to slowly breath in and out. I needed to be calm here. Not my normal crazy and stupid self.

“Okay, What are you doing?” she asked.

“I'm trying to keep calm. I just need to relax my mind because otherwise I don't think I can hold up with everything.” I sort of explain.

“You mean how you miss your friends in your world and the possibility of not saving them is weighing heavily on your mind?” she asked getting it spot on for the most part.

“Yes, and um... Don't hate me for this but I'm missing my Twilight most of all.” I said as I lower my head quietly.

“Your Twilight?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes... my um... marefriend.” I get out. There was silence. I chance opening my eyes to see Pinkie's eyes right up close. Dear god that was scary and I squeak out “Sorry.” I said as I shrink back.

“Do you treat her right?” Pinkie said in the most serious tone I've heard the pink mare say.

“Pinkie, I treat her like she is her. I care too much to the point I've panicked a few times because of my lack of Equestrian knowledge leads me into doing really stupid things.” I explain and she continues to eye me silently. I gulped worried that I offended her. She then smiles at me and nods.

“Okay I believe you.” She said which causes me to double take. What the blue fuzzy hell just happened? She just went from scare me serious to bubbly happy. If any pony could give a pony emotional whiplash it would be this Pinkie Pie because geez that was scary. It was then Twilight entered, Spike with her. She came over to me again.

“Okay Spike ready to take a letter?” She said and he nodded.

“Mind if I write it Spike?” I asked. He looked a little confused but shrugged. He then handed me the ink pot and parchment.

Dear Celestia,
I need you to meet me in Ponyville. It's important and I need you to bring two things with you. One I need at least a katar. If memory serves me right it's in the armory a few rooms down from your private study in the back left, third shelf. Please bring at least one with you. This involves Max.
You'll understand when you get here.

I finished writing the note and rolled it up. Then I handed it to Spike who looked at me confused. Right there with Twilight giving me the same look.

“Go ahead and send it Spike.” I said he looked at Twilight who returned his gaze, then nodded. Spike then went over to the window and opened it. One puff of green flame later the message was sent off.

“So what did you want to tell me that had to wait after you sent a letter to Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“Well Miss Sparkle. I'm kind of surprised you haven't figured it out. Since I could assume you were listening from the doorway for at least a few minutes.” I said with a smirk before she looked at me a bit surprised.

“How did you-” She started.

“Because I know you Twilight Sparkle.” I said with a light chuckle.

“So it's true then.” She asked and I nod.

“I'm not your girl’s Max. I'm from another universe. That and I can prove it a bit.” I said as Twilight start to give me a skeptical look. I couldn't blame her. I would do the same if you told me one of my friends just swapped souls with a being from another universe.

“Okay wise guy. Prove it.” She said and all I could do is grin.

“Alright, you have a brother named Shining Armor who is a captain in Celestia's Army. Your foal sister was Cadence. You also have a blue blanket with stars on it that is covering your bed as we speak. You also keep a copy of improved magic theory 12th edition under your bed for when you want to have a late night cram session. Spike here has a crush on Rarity and keeps a photo of her on claw for when he day dreams.” I said with a smirk. The two of them looked out right surprised.

“That was suppose to be a secret!” Spike said as he turned red in the face form an embarrassed blush.

“For the most part your spot on but it's the 11th edition.” Twilight said still looking stunned.

“Damn and I was so close too.” I said as I snapped my fingers. That was then Celestia came, me sitting cross legged in a bed with a shocked Twilight Sparkle, embarrassed Spike, and a giggling Pinkie Pie. Celestia hugged me which caused me to blink a few times in confusion but smiled and returned the embrace. “Hello Celestia.” I said with a warmth to my voice.

“Are you alright Max.” She said and I could tell she was worried. I stopped there for a moment and didn’t answer. I wasn't Max so it didn't feel right.

“Celestia please let me go.” I said which caused her to tense up for a moment. She released the embrace and looked at me. This time my demeanor dropped to a more stern looking one. Close to being deadpanned. “We need to talk.” I said.

“What's wrong?” She asked and I slide out of bed onto my two feet. I start to wobble a bit as I reached for the wall to brace myself. That's the problem going from four hooves to two feet really throws you off. Which I found funny because I didn't have as much trouble as I could have when I went from two to four.

“I'm not your Max.” I said simply before magic floats me up and pins me to the wall.

“What have you done with him?” A very angry looking Celestia said as her horn glowed with light.

“Princess!” Pinkie, Twilight, and Spike said in shock. I was in a bit myself. I never saw Celestia angry before and it was terrifying.

“Calm down Celestia and I will explain to the best of my abilities.” I said fear dripping from each word. She looked at me for a few moments before that anger slowly and I do mean slowly faded away.

“Alright explain.” She said simply. I was still pinned to the wall but I can deal with that. I've had worse.

“From what I figure your Max and I switched bodies. I don't know if it's more or not but that's what I have figured out.” I said. Celestia looks me over as her horn glows brighter. I was let go and gently placed on the floor. My heart was beating a fucking mile a minute.

“I believe you but that leaves so many questions. Exactly who are you then?” She asked. Both Twilight and Spike look at me. I dusted myself of well more tried to. Some of the shirt pretty much went with it leaving a large hole in it.

“Well first off please keep in mind that I'm something I don't know if you have them here, but I was what was called a drony or dragon pony. My real name was lost to me when I came to Equestria. For a while I was called F.M. until an incident made me pick the name Firestorm. If you want to call me something Storm will do. No mister I really hate that shit. ”I stop and shake my head.“ I mean I don't like formalities.” I said as I put a hand up to my forehead. That felt weird normally I don't curse like that but that just slipped out. I take a step and almost fall over but I catch myself on a chair. The promptly slides causing me to fall flat on my face. “Ow...” I said. Well at least somethings don't change like my luck. I put my heads under me and push myself back up to my feet using the bed this time as support.

“Okay question time. What happened on this side before Max or I ended up here?” I said more turning to Twilight figuring out she would best know.

“From what I can gather you were trying to do an experiment that literally blew up in your... I mean Max's face.” She explains.

“Do you know what this experiment was about?” I asked.

“I wouldn't have a clue honestly. It was from a journal he had and wouldn't let me see. I don't know why.” She explains.

“Well then I suggest we go to wherever he was holding this experiment at.” I said as I take a few experimental steps myself. With a bit of help from Celestia who my make shift crouch all the way to Twilight's library. We entered it and I saw the door to the lab. It was different from my universe. It was made out of steel and in a pattern the reminded me of those nuclear fallout safety room doors. My heart started to pick up a little pace here. What the fuck was he working on down there? Twilight opens the door and we enter showing what I could easily call a mad scientist lab. There was this strange device on one side of the wall that reminded me of a show that transported people to other worlds. I couldn't remember the name of it for the life of me but it was just too eerily similar to it.

“This is the journal I was talking about.” Twilight said as she floated it over to me. I grabbed it carefully as I hobbled over to a wall and sat against it.

“Okay let's see here.” I started to say as I started to flip through the pages and began to read.

s journal for the first time. I studied all of the research he wrote in here, its some pretty weird shit. Now, I'm going to keep the swearing to a minimum, because I'm going to leave this to my son, or daughter, one day. I'm on my way back to Ponyville, which is where i will reside until further notice, or until I decide to get off of my lazy ass and get a job. Celestia recently took me under her wing, per say. I'm now studying whatever I want in Ponyville. Today I'm going to do something I've been thinking about doing for a while. I'm going to ask Pinkie Pie out on a date, hopefully she will say yes. I would hate to say it, but I've been feeling something I've never actually felt before, Love. The more I think about the Pink Party Pony, the more and more I miss her, and think about how she helped me in my time of need, how she was my friend when I was in a bad spot in life. Well, the train is arriving at its destination, Its time to get off and go to work on my fathers multidimensional device.

From what I have gathered from this entry, this multidimensional device was going to transport him an entirely different universe. It sounds crazy or it would if it didn't fucking just do it with our souls. This leaves me with a question though, how did I get my soul switched. Wait could it have been Vermom's magic or what ever that green fire like thing was? I went to the next entry which was mainly a list of supplies needed for this device. So Max was really going through with this. There was one last entry in the journal.

I asked Sparks where I could get all the things I needed from my list, and she had no fucking idea what half of them were. She offered a memory to life spell, which I found pretty sketchy, but it worked nonetheless. I got all the supplies I need, and I'm just now adding the last piece of the machine. Its my size, I need to find a way to make it more compact. I'm going to research more simplicity to my design. The only thing I'm worried about is my math, its not always right, but then again, what test is always right? Sparks told me to be careful with the yellow cake uranium so I don't blow myself up, heh, I guess shes right on that one. I made the basement into sort of a bomb shelter by putting reinforced and enchanted steel on all of the walls, and replacing the door with something that would be used to contain an SCP. If my father, and the TV show Sliders is right, when I flip my comically large switch, a portal will open to another world, or, at least a world that is alternate to mine.

This was still a little odd but it made some sense, as much sense to some pony that happened to go through it.

“Okay who is Sparks?” I asked as I started to flip to the specs that was labeled in the book.

“That would be me Storm.” Twilight said.

“Alright so here's what I think I need to do. I need to recreate his device but modify it so it doesn't blow up again. No offense but I felt the outcome of it and it hurt.” I explain then try to get to my legs again. A bit of a fight with it and I was able to stand again on my feet... both of them. It is still weird thinking I have two legs again and honestly to goodness hands again. I mean yeah I had a prosthetic hoof with griffin claws on my body but here it was just fingers.

“You know I never asked why did you want this Katar or come to think about it. How did you know where it was?” Celestia asked.

“That's easy. I remembered it because I've seen it there from my world. I'm playing on the assumption that a lot of things I know are still relevant but not everything is the same. As for why I learned pretty early on that if you don't know how to defend yourself. Equestria likes to make sure you regret it big time.” I explain as I walk over slowly to Celestia. “I mean I could tell you everything from my world but I can't say it would happen here or not. Alternate universes are funny like that.” I continued as I pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write down the list from the book.

“What kind of things have you faced?” Celestia asked.

“Timberwolves, Nightmare moon, dark nightmare creatures, a dragon that used my body that I had to defeat with help from my friends in my mind, a small force of changelings. You know the basic stuff.” I explain as I finish the list. I turn around to see the three of them look at me out right confused and surprised. “What?” I ask now confused myself.

“You've had quite a bit of hardships haven't you?” The princess of the sun asked.

“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” I explain. “Now I know some of the items on this list was supplied by you Twilight. So I'm going to need you to resupply them. If that is alright?” I ask softly. She nodded and floated the list over to her. I turn to the Celestia this time. “And you and me need to talk a bit.” I said as I made my way to the stairs. She followed me and help me a few times by catching me when I fell. We got to the main floor of the library and Celestia shuts the door behind her.

“What did you want did you need to talk about?” She asked.

“I need to know a few things before we go on. What is your relation to Max?” I ask simply. She is silent for a moment.

“Why do you want to know?” she asked. I turn around her now with my own stern look.

“Because Celestia. That look you gave me when you found out I wasn't Max. I know that look. I fucking know that look all too well.” I said when I turn to her now an anger in my eyes. “I've had that look myself from something far worse than a Princess of the sun could give me. So I will ask this again. What the fuck is your relation to Max? I need to know this before I can move on with this.” I explain still angry but calm none the same.

“He is my student...” She starts before I cut her off.

“Like Twilight?” I ask.

“Yes... but I want him to be more... like...” She started again.

“Family?” I ask and she nodded. My face turns into a soft smile. “Celestia, you may not believe this but I understand. Back in my universe we are family already.” I start to explain. She looks at me.

“Because of you being an Alicorn?” She asked this time and this got me to raise an eyebrow.

“Sort of but please explain how you know that?” I inquired this time.

“Because I can sense the magic within you. Max doesn't have that kind of magic.” She explains which got me to think quietly. So it wasn't just my soul that got transferred but my magic too?

“Well to explain more carefully. Back there I'm what is called a Dralicorn or Dragon Alicorn. Similar to an Alicorn but with dragon mixed in.” I explain as I find a chair to sit down. “I doubt you want me to go into the more boring details of it. That and I don't know a lot about how I ended up as one. I was human before I came to Equestria.”

“So what happened?” She asked and I launch myself into the more simplified version of the story. I left out more of the darker thoughts I had throughout it. To her credit this Celestia did listen and understood a lot of what I been through.

“Which leads me to here. I honestly want to get back as soon as I can. Mainly because I know I don't belong here and because I'm worried.” I said my thought resting on my Twilight.

“You miss her don't you?” Celestia said and I nod.

“We only just became marefriend and coltfriend just the night before.” I said as I lean back in the chair. “It's hard seeing the Twilight here sometimes. When I see her I see my Twilight. It's like seeing the pony you care about and know everything you do but when they see you they don't have a clue about who you are to them. I have the feeling Pinkie has about the same when it comes to me.” I explain being insightful as I can be.

“It's understandable. Look I will try to help as best I can for both Max's and your sake.” She said and I couldn't help but smile a little.

“Thanks Aunt Celestia.” I said as it took a few moments of dead silence to Celestia to ask.

“Aunt...Celestia?” She said now confused and I couldn't help but laugh. To the point I fell backwards on to the floor.

“Sorry I couldn't resist. I'm related to you in my world. You adopted me into the family back there.” I explained for I think the second time I don't quite remember. So after I get back to my feet having an easier time to balance on them. Both Twilight and Pinkie come up and I look at them.

“We got what I could replace downstairs but there is some missing parts that we need to head into town for.” Twilight explains.

“And I can show you around this Ponyville.” Pinkie said bouncing. I couldn't help but smile at this. Even though she isn't my Pinkie Pie she does act the same.

“Alright lets go then.” I said as the four of us go and shop for the last needed supplies. Nothing noteworthy happened but what happened afterwards was a bit awkward. Normally I would be glad to see Rarity but since Max apparently didn't know her thanks for Twilight filling me in on who he does and doesn't know. I had to introduce myself to her for the second time. Being the preemptive idiot that I was.

“Hello Miss Rarity.” I said with a bow. She looked at me a little confused.

“Hello... Have we met before?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. Well... shit.

“Not quite. I know of you but we've never had the chance to meet in person.” I said before standing up. It was right then Rarity being the fashion perfectionist that I knew her for.

“Oh dear. Look at that outfit you're wearing. I must do something about it.” She said and without a moment's thought I was wrapped in magic and taken off to Carousel Boutique. I was placed on one of her stands. Within moments she had everything out ready to measure. I'm not going to lie, when Rarity starts getting forceful, I start getting scared. Luckily for me I wasn't royalty this time. I stood there and looked around. Everything was about the same from my universe. It was about then I noticed a dress on one of her pony mannequins. It was a nice rich blue top with a white skirt bottom. I could tell it wasn't finished like it needed more. She looks at me then were my gaze had went. “Quite a lovely outfit isn't it.” I nodded quietly. “But something is missing and I can't figure out what” She said as she put a hoof to her chin. I turned my head quietly.

“Mind if I try something? I won't touch it before you worry.” I said. She looked at me and nodded quietly. I hopped down from the plate and went over to her gem chest and pulled out three sapphires then went down to the bottom of the dress. I held them up. Which made it look like it would make a good pattern on the bottom. A few moments later Rarity got that sparkle in her eye and I came out with a black trench coat with matching shirt and jeans. It only took a few moments to talk Rarity into the outfit. She was even nice enough to gel Max's white hair back. So the only thing missing was some shades and gloves. With those I can be Albert Wesker for once. I come out to find Twilight and Pinkie waiting with the last of the supplies. “Where did Celestia go?” I asked.

“She had to return to Canterlot. She left the Katar with me.” She said was she floated a box next to her. I pulled it out of her magic and opened it. I couldn't help but smile at this. The handle was a simple hoof ready handle out wood. The blade itself had Celestia's cutie mark and was mainly white, the blade itself was a steel gray. I closed it quietly and continued to hold it.

“Alright then let's get this built and fix this.” I said and the three us returned to the library. It didn't take us long to rebuild the damn thing, with Twilight helping of course. It was then we found out that Max had the flipping math off. “Seriously who the fuck doesn't check the fucking math before you do something extra dimensional shit like this?” I said out loud. It took both Twilight and Pinkie staring at me. I just realized I said that out loud like an idiot. I covered my mouth. “What the hell is wrong with me?” I said.

“Uh... You know I've always wanted to ask that same question to Max.” Twilight said and for some reason I wanted to facepalm to that.

“Alright. So besides the math being off what is left to make sure.” I said asking Twilight after I showed her the plans in the book.

“Well it seems that he forgot to let the thing charge before use. So it tried to use what power it had how very little it was and it blew up at him causing a unfinished transfer meaning your souls.” Twilight explained.

“And magic.” I tacked on the end.

“Wait... magic?” She asked.

“Yes my alicorn magic pool transferred with me. Don't ask me how I'm still wrapping my head around that.” I said.

“Alicorn... magic. Wait you're an alicorn?” Twilight said taking a few moments for it to snap to her.

“Let's just say close enough.” I said with a shrug. “The point is I still have it and my soul. The problem I can see was how do we switch back as soon as we open a portal back to my Equestria. Come to think about that. It's really odd to say that when I'm technically in an Equestria as well.” I said as I just kind of looked at my hand a bit.

“Well I don't know any kind of spell to fix that honestly. Is it possible that your universe would have a spell like that?” Twilight asked.

“Honestly... I wouldn't have a clue. If it was it would touch in a very dark subject that doesn't sit well with my Celestia. Okay that feels weird saying as well.” I said now scratching the back of my head. “Honestly I'm still feeling quite odd being a human again. Granted not my body but still... It's different.” I said as I look at my hand more and just flex the fingers in silence. I mean I had the feeling of being a stranger before when I was a drony but here. I felt like a stranger with in a stranger in a strange world. I slide against the wall and sat there before finally sighing. I looked up to see both Twilight and Pinkie looking at me worriedly. “Sorry just... me being... I can't really say that here can I?” I asked to no pony really. “I over think too much. So how long until this thing is charged?” I asked more to change the subject to the awkward bomb of questions I knew would be coming.

“About two days... If my math is correct.” She said and showed me her math. Yeah spot on as always. Apparently Max here forgot the 4 in factoring in for the charge time. But it was a simple mistake just ended up with a bad outcome.

“Then what do I do in the mean time? I honestly don't know what I could do since I'm still new here.” I said with a bit of worry in my voice.

“Well I could throw you a welcome to Ponyville from another dimension in a friends body party.” Pinkie said and I blinked at her.

“What?” I said confused.

“You know a party? Like a blast of a good time with friends?” She continued and here is where I would have pointed out that technically these two would be my only friends here. But this is the pink party pony that could take saying no to party as a punishable offense. So I think it may be wiser to say yes and save myself the doom of an angry Pinkie Pie.

“Alright but please a small party. No offense I don't want ponies getting the wrong idea of Max since I'm only in his body.” I explain.

“Makes sense that way ponies don't get the wrong idea of the guy.” Twilight tacked on with a nod.

“Okie Doki Loki” Pinkie said before she bounces off like a rocket.

“That mare scares me at times.” I said as I started at the door she left from.

“Would you believe I think the same sometimes?” Twilight added.

“Yeah I would.” I said before the two of us started to laugh. For all the weird shit to go on, this was at least a nice moment.


Charge time: 1 hour 38 minutes.

So for the most part Twilight was the same from my world too. She loved a good game of chess as I did and we went back and forth playing. I won one, then she did, and it went back forth like that. She was just as clever as she was in my world. Part of me wanted my brain to stop thinking about my Twilight so much but I know why it did. This Twilight reminded me so much of her that I could almost cry.

“Something wrong?” Twilight asked and she did sound worried. I didn't want her to worry so much. I also didn't want to become too close with her as well and this all end so awkwardly. How would I even explain it? Sorry Twilight I cheated on you with you or wait you know screw it we can have a three way love triangle with two of you. Yeah that would go over so well.

“No Twilight I just miss them is all.” I said being honestly but verge with it.

“I'm sorry.” she said and I could see her ears flattened against her head.

“Twilight it's fine. You didn't cause this and I doubt Max did either. If anything I would more blame Vermom” I said.

“Vermom?” She asked a few moments and I face hoo- ..er palmed.

“Note to self keep big fucking mouth shut.” I said before I wiped my face for a moment. “Vermom is this pony thing that has attacked me quite a few times. The last time I was impaled with a statues horn and engulfed in this green fire. I don't know much about it honestly but it burned which felt odd.” I started to explain.

“Odd? How so. If it was fire wouldn't it normally burn?” Twilight asked.

“Well you would be right but when I was a drony fire doesn't effect me the same way it does a pony. I can stand in fire and not get burned. It's more like a warm bath to me then burning hell.” I continue.

“That's interesting. Tell me more.” She requested.

“Same Twilight as always.” I said under my breath. “Okay let me start with what I know, the same could be said about lightning. I absorb it and put in a pseudo fight or flight response. I can't hold it in forever or it pretty much fucking fries me from the inside out.” I explain and groan at my cursing. I had been doing that so far throughout the night and it was bugging me. I don't like cursing to fucking often unless it was in my head. She started to scribble on some floating parchment nearby and I eye her for it. “Taking notes?” I asked with a smirk this time.

“Yeah it's quite fascinating.” She proclaimed as she continued to write. I launched into what I did know about dronies, which wasn't much. Only from a book and from Clawshot which I really did want to buck in the face at times. Twilight just like my Twilight was intrigued with all I told her, five pieces of paper later she put them into a folder. She shelved it and stretched for a bit. I couldn't help but watch. But it only took me a few moments to miss my Twilight. I sighed quietly before I turned to look out the window, still a little daylight and ponies were out doing their jobs or errands. So I thought it wise not to go out again yet. I was going to stay at this Twilight's house and it was most definitely a catch twenty two for me. Twilight came back and sat next to me. “We will get you back home.” She said and I smiled quietly. I couldn't help but gently place a hand on her cheek for a moment.

“I know you will Twilight.” I said with a smile.

“Why don't you tell me about her?” Twilight asked and I looked at her. “Your Twilight.” she elaborates a moment later.

“Where do I begin?” I said my gaze returns to the window.

“The beginning. Like how you two met.” She states.

“Well honestly, it started with me crashing into Applejack's farm. I didn't know about that until after I woke up in the hospital for the first time. I couldn't remember much of my past just some basic things. The nurse had asked my Twilight to come just in case I had a memory problem. She was the first one to really help me and became my first friend in Equestria. She's kind helpful but isn't afraid to speak her mind when something doesn't make sense or has a point to make. She introduced me to her friends, well her friends introduced themselves to me. She was there to help me feel better about everything. At the time I didn't really think about it. It wasn't long after that Fluttershy had went into the Everfree forest for something and got caught. Her hoof was stuck and a Timber wolf was closing in fast, hearing a scream both Twilight and I had went in to save her. I distracted the fucking thing and caused it to crash into rocks. After Fluttershy was safe, Twilight tried to distract it from me. It worked but in the end sent her through a tree after it had tossed me into a rock.It was then something happened and I had hit the beast with a fireball.” I explained my mind just replaying those events as I thought about them.

“I... I don't even know what to say to that.” Twilight said as I finished with my summarized version of events.

“There's nothing to really say. What’s done is done.” I said before I let out a sigh. This was too much at one time. I went from one event to another not getting the rest I needed. Now I was away from every pony I knew in a world that had them same looking ones. But... but not the same ones. Twilight put a hoof on my leg.

“If it means anything what you did was brave and respectable.” She said.

“And extremely stupid. But hey that's what I do best.” I said now in a more joking tone.

“How is it extremely stupid?” She asked more annoyed.

“Because Twilight I was new in a world, in a new form that I had barely got used to. Then in pure dumb fucking luck I get to fire a fireball at a beast I didn't think existed until that night, to protect a friend I just made less than a day ago. I'm not saying I would change what I had done but in the end it was just extremely stupid either way. Kind of my other actions like against Nightmare Moon.” I said.

“How did you defeat her? It took the six of us to do it when it was controlling princess Luna.” She asked.

“Well technically you did do it again. All I did was help you all through your nightmares and distract her so you could all use the Elements of Harmony miss Element of magic.” I said with a smirk now.

“Distract her how?”

“By mocking her about her plan, it's like one of those plays that has the predictable plots and every pony knows the bad guys arrogance is going to be their downfall. I was doing the same thing but I walked around her causing them to keep her focus on me which gave you and the girls enough time to blast her to dust.” said with a smile.

“You've had some big adventures haven't you.” Twilight said as my smile started to fade.

“Yes, some of them I wish never happened.” I said then became quiet.

“Storm are you... alright?” She asked like she knew she was treading a minefield with me.

“Painful memories Twilight. Please leave it at that.” I said simply before I got up and to one of her bookcases. Silence took the room as I apparently pulled out one of her spell books. This one more for temporary speed and strength enhancement spells. I leaned against the wall as I went through it. The writing in it looked the same from back in my universe. I was able to read and since I had my magic here, maybe I could use it. I tried to focus my magic just to see what I could do. Unlike when I was in my pony form the magic here gets channeled somewhere else, my hands, specifically my right hand. Which felt odd, normally I would have a prosthetic there. I tested my magic again like a simple light spell. It worked... sort of. Normally when I cast that spell I could create an orb of light that took the shape of fire. In this case it became just a solid orb. It was the orange color that my magic normally took but... it felt off to me. I turned to see Twilight looking at me in amazement and surprise. “What?” I asked.

“You really can use magic. Oh Celestia, this is fascinating. I've got to do more research on this.” She said. With that she was gone down the stairs. I sighed again and continued to read. It wasn’t long before Twilight yelled from downstairs. “Hey Max can you come down?” I raised an eyebrow and looked towards the stairs. Max? Why did she call me Max when she was already calling me Storm? I shrugged it off and went downstairs. It was unnervingly dark before the whole room lit up and everypony there yelled.

“Surprise!” which out of habit got me to jump and land on my ass. Standing on the first floor of the library was Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. The last two how ever looked really angry at me and I don't know why.

“Hey it's you!” Dash said as she flew up and got right into my face. “Why did you yell at me on stage like that?” She yelled at me. I panicked for a moment and ducked under her and came up behind her. With one quick motion of my finger I ran it up the small of her back right between her wing joints. Her wings snapped open and she started to drop. I caught her and sat her down. “How did you know?” She said.

“That the space between the wing joints are super sensitive to touch because of the compressed nerves there? Easy because I read it in a book and you did the same to my wings before.” I said as she got a dumbfounded look on her face. “Before I get the really obvious question here. I'm not Max I'm just stuck in his body so please don't think he and I are the same.”

“So you're not the same one that let Trixie perform her show when we all were being mighty stubborn and heckled her on stage?” Applejack asked.

“I'm not. I'm from somewhere far away that got stuck here for the time being.” I start explaining keeping it simple that even dash could follow. Pinkie rushed about and got everyone drinks. For some reason she handed me a scotch on the rocks. I honestly don't know why. I wasn't much of a scotch fan as I was for whiskey or some of Applejack's hard cider. Oh well, Pinkie was nice enough to get me it anyway. I took a sip of it and launched into the story keeping it simple for the third time. Really I should write a book how many time's I've told this story.


Charge time: 3 hour 14 minutes.

Time passed and it was us just telling stories and good clean fun. During the course of the party Pinkie pulled out one of those keyboards like you see at techno concerts. I couldn't help but slide right up to it and crack my knuckles a bit.

“You play?” Twilight asked me.

“I'm a pony er... man of many talents.” I said and I start to play something simple but elegant none the less.

“Oh oh oh. Play something you know!” Pinkie requested and I couldn't help but smile. The first song that came to mind was the entertainer. It brings back memories of just waiting for the ice cream truck as it rounded the corner, getting a nice cold treat on a hot summers day. I saw Pinkie bouncing around to it. Twilight and Applejack just nodded in time with the song. Rarity just sat there and smiled. Fluttershy did the same but she held a little bunny with her. Rainbow on the other hand gave me an annoyed look.

“What's wrong Dash?” I asked as I continued.

“I figured you would play something... cooler, like twenty percent cooler.” She said and I just rolled my eyes. What was with the two Dashes wanting everything twenty percent cooler? If that's what she wants then where would I be to complain? So I went from The Entertainer to Don't Stop Believing as I began to sing.

“Just a small town girl, Livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight train, Goin' anywhere. Just a city boy, Born and raised in South Detroit, He took the midnight train, Goin' anywhere.” I sang which come out better than I thought. Dash started to smile as she bobbed to the song. She must be a journey fan then. “A singer in a smokey room, A smell of wine and cheap perfume. For a smile they can share the night, It goes on and on and on and on.” It was about then when Pinkie joined in.

“Strangers waiting, Up and down the boulevard. Their shadows searching, In the night. Streetlights, people. Livin' just to find emotion. Hidin', somewhere in the night.” We sang together both of us having the time of our lives. We continued through the rest of the song before Twilight spoke up.

“How about something classical?” She asked with Rarity and Fluttershy nodding to the idea. I couldn't help myself. Out of habit I start playing Beethoven Fur Elise which I remained silent for. This was the song both my Twilight and I danced to back at the look out. It was special to me. I slowly lowered my head as I continued to play as I started to remember the fun we had that night. I wanted to start crying as I did so but I held together as I worked through it. Each note rang through the library as it became more haunting before the song was through. Once it did and before any pony could request another song. I started to play a tone. Very slow but clear, each note gave a haunting feeling through the room.

“Do you want to hear a legend I know of?” I started as I continued to play.

“Yes please.” Twilight said and I couldn't help but smile.

“Are you all aware of the grim reaper?” I asked mainly to see if I can tell this story to begin with.

“I am.” Twilight said.

“Likewise darling.” Rarity added.

“Of course” from Dash.

“Eeyup” From Applejack. Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded though the latter looked a bit shaken. I continued to play taking a few deep breaths to get ready.

“It was said long ago that death himself, the one known as the grim reaper, was a musician. A simple earth pony that could play magnificent pieces that could transcend just pure music itself. A sort of magic to the music you could say.” I said as the song continued echoing like a song in a haunted house. “But I don't think it was just his playing but the songs he wrote. The grim reaper only played his own songs, never any other ponies. Why, because he thought that his music was his story. He wouldn't want any other pony telling his story so why would he do it to them? Each piece he wrote and played always did what it was attended to. If the song was suppose to be sad then no eye was dry. If it was suppose to be courageous than a pony hearing it would have pride and courage in their hearts. Each piece he wrote and played became so famous that he traveled so others could hear it. On a cold winter day he wanted to write a grand masterpiece. So he began it was the most slow and perfectly played song he ever wrote. It told a lifetime of stories, like if your life flashed before your eyes.” I said the music still keeping its beautifully haunted tone. “The song itself carried the magic that the pony put into it. Never losing one bit as it played.” I glanced at everypony there. I had them listening in close. “Once the music stopped.” I continued as I stopped playing for added effect. “The pony died.” A few seconds passed before I continued to play. The composer only got to listen to his song once before his passing and since then it was called the Fatal Lullaby. Since his passing and taking the mantel of the grim reaper he started to play it for other ponies when their time came. A crescendo of their life before the end, they would remember everything. Love, life, sadness, depression, longing and hope. Everything that pony had done in his or her life before he took them to the great beyond. It only left one unanswered question. What ever happened to the written version of his Fatal Lullaby?” I asked.

“What happened to it?” Twilight finally asked.

“No pony knows. But it is said that if you ever hear that song to the end your life will be over in it's dark alluring melody.” I said as I ended the song and turned to them. Fluttershy had fainted. I couldn't tell when but at least the effect worked. Pinkie deflated a bit but I gently patted her on the head. “Don't worry Pinkie it's only a story and nothing more.” I said as her hair poofed up again.

“Really?” She asked with hope in her eyes.

“Of course Pinkie. It was only a ghost story nothing more.” I said as I gave the mare a hug to help her feel better. I found it a little odd but didn't voice it when her mane smelled like cotton candy. “Hey Pinkie can I ask you a question in private?” I said looking at her. She turned her head.

“Of course.” She said and we got into the kitchen.

“Look, what I’m about to ask is most likely none of my business but... did you and Max ever go on that date?” I asked and she looked at me in surprise with a comedic gasp.

“How did you know he asked me?” She asked.

“He wrote he was going to ask you and my curiosity has gotten a hold of me.” I said as I looked at her. She looked down for a moment and started to scratch the floor with her hoof.

“We didn't. He asked me and I couldn't answer right away. I just felt overly surprised when he asked me that I froze. Normally I don't do something like that. I had these butterflies in my belly that were all rumbly and it made me all nervy worvy. I wanted to bounce him and say yes but... I was also worried that my season was starting...” She said which got me confused.

“Your season?” I questioned.

“Um... my estrus season.” She said shyly which surprised me. I never thought I would see a Pinkie Pie be shy.

“Sorry about to ask real stupid question but... estrus season?” I asked like a complete idiot.


Charge time: 3 hour 51 minutes.

Both Pinkie and I came out of the kitchen. My face was so fucking red, trust me when a mare is being super vague about shit, don't fucking ask! I didn't want to know what I knew now. I need mind soap. I came out to find just Twilight and Spike there.

“Where did everypony go?” I asked like an idiot again.

“A lot of them had to go home to sleep.” Twilight said.

“Oh makes sense... wait... where am I going to sleep?” I asked realizing I never asked to begin with.

“Oh here. Applejack brought a coat for you to sleep on.” She explained.

“Um Twilight?” Pinkie said looking over at her friend. “Mind if I stay here too?” She said.

“Of course Pinkie. But why?” She asked.

“I just want to be close when Max comes back... I miss him.” She said and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for that. I know it wasn't my fault but still. I was in his body.

“I understand Pinkie you can sleep in my bed with me.” Twilight said and I had to quickly turn away so they didn't see the blush. Stupid fucking brain you had to go there didn't you. A quick shake of my head got the heat to go away from my cheeks. “I'll go get the bed ready.” She said before she came up. Pinkie tried to follow but I quickly poked her. She turned around an looked at me.

“Whats up Stormy?” She asked.

“Hey could you make me a small promise?” I asked as I kneeled down to talk to her. She turned her head for a moment.

“Of course.” She said with a smile.

“When Max gets back. Tell him you will go on a date with him. I think you two will have the time of your lives.” I requested. I figured they liked each other a lot and after Pinkie's explanation. That and the small excerpt from Max's journal, I think those two will be good together. Granted I didn't know Max and he could be a complete bastard but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. She looked at me with a bit of worry. “Pinkie please.” She nodded quietly. “Pinkie promise?” I asked.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” She said and did the motions. She looked worried but I helped her feel better by giving her another hug. She smiled at me and gave a nod before she went up after Twilight. I smiled a bit but after a few moments it began to faultier to a frown when it hit me again. She wasn't my Pinkie Pie. Like how the Twilight upstairs isn't my Twilight either. I sighed quietly before I sat back down at the keyboard and began to play a familiar tune. I didn't sing to it but I could always remember how this song went. In the end it was always a mad world with me and especially now. I felt out of place again. No matter how I tried to make things work or fix it for other ponies or people it doesn't change that I don't belong here. If it wasn't for Twilight back home I don't think I would feel like I belong there either.

“You coming up?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah in a moment.” I said continuing the song for a bit longer. When I finally was done I went upstairs after the light were off. I laid down on the bed in silence before I took the trench coat and covered myself in it as a blanket. The one Twilight gave me was a bit too thin for me, I wasn't a pony, they normally had fur to keep warm. I closed my eyes to sleep, hoping tomorrow would be good to me. Luck was not on my side, even here nightmares followed me. This time I was in Max's body as I ran through the streets of Ponyville. That dark thing continued to follow me. Each stomp freaking me out more and more.

“You shouldn't have gotten in the way” It said in his graveled voice. I continued to run through Ponyville until I ran into a dead end. I turned around to see it hulking at the only exit. “You shouldn't have gotten in the way.” It continued to say. It pointed the revolver at me and I froze looking right at the barrel of it.

“You leave him alone!” the familiar Twilight voice said.

“Yeah!” Followed by five other familiar voices. Then six mares come out and stand between me and this thing. It was my friends. Twilight looked over her shoulder at me with a smile. I smiled too until... The ringing sound of a gun being fired, Twilight was the first to drop. A small round hole in her chest. Five other shots happened in rapid succession as I heard.

“They shouldn't have gotten in the way.” It said before it turned the gun to me and with a loud bang.


Charge time: 7 hour 3 minutes.

I shot out of bed as I woke up. The first thought that crossed my mind was check for a wound. When there wasn't any the rational part of my mind reminded me that it was just a dream. It was still pretty dark outside. Something felt off, I couldn't tell what but just something. I went up the small set of stairs to Twilight's bed. Spike was curled up in his little bed and both Pinkie and Twilight were in other bed. They were fast asleep so I slowly made my way downstairs. I needed coffee or something to take the edge off. My heart was pounding so fast that I doubt I could go back to sleep right away. So I went into the kitchen and made myself a pot of coffee and downed about half of it. I put it back on the coffee maker and set it to heat up around eight for Twilight. Then found some parchment and ink pot. I wrote Twilight and Pinkie a note saying that I went for a walk. I put the trench coat back on and headed off into the night of Ponyville. It was peaceful, only a handful of ponies were out at this time. A few steps and I found myself a pair of shades on the ground, I picked them up and looked at them for a few moments. They seemed well enough I suppose. They are cheap shades but I think they would do the outfit nicely. I looked around to see if a pony had dropped them and for some reason there wasn't a pony in sight. Odd... well not too odd considering the time but still. I walked around mainly just to kind of clear my head of that nightmare. I shuddered just thinking about it. It was something I never wished to happen. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the cold night air. The silence would have been deafening if I didn't start hearing the more deeper tone of wing flapping followed by the thud of a landing. I didn't see who it was but I could take a good guess which of the three princesses it was.

“Hello Princess.” I said before the clopping of the approaching hooves stopped.

“How did you know it was me?” Celestia asked.

“Honestly I didn't. I knew it would be one of three princesses I know of.” I said as I turned to her with a smile. She looked at me quietly with that judging gaze. I raised an eyebrow. “I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say this is because of a nightmare that Luna sensed coming from me.” I said as I crossed my arms looking at her. She blinked a few times thinking that I didn't know.

“You would be correct. I take it this has happened before?” She asked and I nodded.

“This is just a cause of a long stream of them. Since I was a dralicorn in the other universe I didn't need to sleep as often as I have to now. It feels nice but odd in the same way.” I pseudo explain.

“I see. Do you have any idea why it happens?” She asked.

“From what I could guess, up until recently I’ve always had something looming over my head and now after it's not. I had this feeling of being lost. So I could guess it's that but there is too much familiarity to it that it can't be the only thing.” I explained. “Mind if we walk and talk? I wanted to walk around to clear my head a bit.” Celestia nods to this and we start to walk. It's nice being eye level with the princess of the sun for once but I still miss my body. Nice be damned I would like to be me again.

“With this Sha was it?” Celestia asked and I nodded. “Well after this Sha controlling you I can understand it but you shouldn't have to worry about something looming over your head like that.” She said more to comfort but it didn't help really.

“Celestia I know you're trying to make me feel better but, no offense, it's not helping. It's not you, Aunt Celestia back home tried to do the same. I can't help but worry about things, either screwing up the relationship I have with Twilight or making sure my friends are safe. I guess I'm just hardwired like that.” I explained.

“So you and Twilight are together?” She asked and I nod.

“Well back in my universe we are. Here I see Max and Pinkie together, if you can read between the lines that is.” I said as we walk pass sugar cube corner.

“You caught on to that too?” She asked with a smile.

“Yeah... I just wish I wasn't here then maybe those two would... be happy together.”I said my smile quietly fading to a frown. Again here I am screwing things up for people and ponies.

“I'm not going to lie. I honestly wish this didn't happen either.” She said and I could easily hear the sadness in her voice.

“If I could undo this I would Celestia. If I had any power in doing so I would in a heart beat. I know my being here is causing pain to so many ponies. Twilight, Pinkie, and you Celestia.” I said as I stopped. “I doubt any of you can forgive me for being here and I wouldn't doubt that you all won't.” I continue as I look at her.

“It's not your fault, so there is nothing to forgive. It was all just bad timing.” She said to deflect from it.

“Doesn't change what's done is done.” I simply put.

“Do you do this a lot?” She asked and I look at her with a questioning glance. “Blame yourself?” She elaborated later.

“Can't help it honestly, it's easier to blame myself for the problems. Since I've arrived in Equestria or at least my Equestria things have escalated. From a simple Timber wolf attack to being controlled twice, it keeps getting worse and worse. There is too little of moments I get to be happy.” I explain. “I'm sorry” I apologize a moment later.

“For what?” She asked.

“For venting like that. I don't like to do it often.” I said before we continue to walk again.

“Sometimes a pony just needs to get it all out.” She tried to explain.

“Yes but I'm not one that does it too often. I rather just keep it inside. I don't like people worrying about me like that, especially after they see how messed up I am on the inside with my own mannerisms and tendencies” I elaborated this time.

“What do you mean?” She inquired this time.

“Put simply, I’d rather see myself hurt then my friends, family, or any pony I care about. If I have to die to make sure they are safe then I will lay down my life without hesitation. If one of those ponies gets hurt there is not a hell on Earth, Equestria, or any place that will stop me from making sure those who caused it, regret it. Chrysalis found that out the hard way when she took Twilight and I broke off her horn and ripped out her wings for it.” I said my anger rising just remembering what that bitch of an insect did. Celestia looks at me a bit more paler than her normal straight white. “I doubt you approved of my actions at the time but honestly I wasn't in the right mind there either. I had made a deal with the devil because of an attack that happened earlier within the day.”

“That storm?” She asked and I nodded. It was still pretty dark out so I decided to make a light. I floated the orb of light around me and Celestia looked at it. “This is your magic is it not?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yes my magic came with me and I can use it, sort of. I'm avoiding the more elemental magics I know of such as an electricity spell. I don't know how this body would react to it. So it's better to play it safe. That and I don't want a universe of pissed off ponies after me for hurting their friend.” I said with a bit of a playful tone to it but semi serious too. She nodded.

“That would be preferred yes.” She said.

“Which is why I will mainly use shield, light, and enhancement spells until I return to my body.” I said before I more roll the ball of light over my fingers to play with it.

“Enhancement spells?”

“Strength and Speed mostly.” I explained. She looked at me for a moment. “More to protect myself if need be. Which is why I wanted the katar as well. I feel safer with some type of tool to defend myself with.”

“Understandable. When will the device be ready?” She asked.

“Less than two days give or take.” I answer. She looks at me for a few moments.

“I see.” She said before she looks to the sky in silence.

“Celestia, you miss him don't you?” I asked and she nodded quietly.

“He's one of my students like Twilight is but...” She stops.

“He's family to you isn't he?” I ventured a guess.

“I wanted to adopt him into the family.” She said and I put my hand on her back to help.

“Celestia I don't know how he would feel but if he is anything like me. Then he would be glad to. I was when you and Luna adopted me.” I said more to help. She smiled and I could tell it help put some of her mind at ease. Her horn started to glow as the sun peaked over the horizon. I guess it was day break already. “I never get tired of seeing that.” I said as I watched it slowly make it's way up.

“Over my thousand years neither do I.” She said as we stood there watching. “I must be off then. I do hope Max returns home soon and you back to your world Storm.” She said before she started to flap her wings.

“Me too Celestia, have a safe trip home.” I said with a smile as I waved her goodbye. She flew off and I smiled. I guess I should head back to the library and make breakfast for two ponies, a dragon, and a pony in a human body.


Charge time: 14 hour 16 minutes.

So about eight cups of coffee in I get asked the oh so important question of.

“Don't you think you need to lay off the coffee a bit?” From Twilight Sparkle. I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. This was going to be a fantastic fucking day isn't it? Something told me I was going to regret this day though I couldn't tell why.

“Twilight I enjoy caffeine too much to give it up.” I said as I finished not my ninth cup. I set it down and reached for the pot before Twilight pulled it away from me in her magic. Great I was going to have to deal with this too. “Twilight please give me the pot of coffee.” I said calmly.

“No, you need to lay of it. You've downed eight cups already.” She said not knowing the first cup I had after the nightmare.

“Your point?” I asked.

“You are going to be overly hyper with that much caffeine in you system.” She explained.

“So? It won't be as bad as...” and I stopped right there. I was about to make an insulting statement.

“As bad as?” She asked.

“You don't want me to finish that. Trust me.” I said before I quickly tipped the pot up and poured another cup before Twilight could pull it away.

“Best part of waking up.” I said before I head down to the lab for the third time. Mainly because I wanted to check if it was still charging. It was and was a little over a fourth of the way done. I sighed again at this and downed the cup quietly. I got back up to see Celestia inside, I blinked at her confused. She turned to me and gave me a smile, I returned it as I came up. I quickly slide into the kitchen for another cup to find the pot missing. Clever move there Twilight. I pop my head out and see it floating behind her. Damn it she got me again. Hmm... this gives me an idea. One quick cast of the speed spell and I fly over behind Twilight and pour myself a cup. Celestia gives me a curious look, Twilight noticed her look and turned around to see me with the last cup from the pot she had. The look on her face was priceless. The look that said she figured out what I did for the last cup from the pot.

“I said you need to cut back on the coffee.” She said looking a little angry. It was adorable and I couldn't help but smile after I took a sip.

“And I told you I like my caffeine” I said before I finish the last cup. I pulled the pot out of Twilight's magic and flew into the kitchen. I heard Celestia laughing in there and I couldn't help but laugh too. I start another pot of coffee before I come out to grab my trench coat. I dispel the speed spell. “Where are you going?” She asked.

“For a walk Twilight. There's nothing we can do until it finishes charging.” I explained. “And what are you up to Celestia?” I asked turning to her this time.

“I'm doing alright Storm. I'm here to warn Twilight about the increased amounts of Timber wolves in the Everfree.” She said.

“Do you know the reason?” I asked.

“Not yet. Which is why I wanted Twilight to look into it.” She said.

“Well then I'm going with.” I said this caused both her and Twilight to double take. “What?”

“It's dangerous.” Twilight said.

“So?” I said.

“But you could die.” Celestia said more in a warning tone.

“And I've faced far worse.” I explain as I crack my neck a bit. “Look, Twilight is my friend. She is willing to help someone in her friend's body. I don't let friends do dangerous things like that alone.” I explained. They both looked at me like I was nuts. Well sure I was likely missing a few cards of a full deck, doesn't change me wanting to protect my friends. They may not be the ones I have in my universe but still.

“There's no changing your mind isn't there?” Twilight asks and I give both of them a deadpanned look.

“Does this face answer your question?” I said and they looked at each other. They sighed and shook their heads, I couldn't help but smirk at this. Celestia leaves for Canterlot again and both Twilight and I head into the Everfree. For added effect I put the shades I found the night before on. Twilight is looking at me.

“Why do you have them on?” Twilight asked.

“Because I can.” I simply answer, which is true. They make me look like Albert Wesker. You know if I get into a fight I may just have to channel him for some fun. We go down the path in silence and I do mean complete silence. The only thing that could be heard was the clopping of Twilight's hooves on the ground and my foot steps. I look around quietly as my paranoia starts to set in. It was then we started to hear the growling and smell stench from the Timber Wolves. “Well...shit.” I said simply. Twilight gave me that look. Everypony knows that look, “the told you so”, I was getting full course meal of it from Twilight Sparkle. I wrap my hand around the handle of the katar inside the coat. That was when Timber Wolves jumped onto the path before us and behind us. Without a second thought I cast both the strength and speed enhancement spells. “Twilight cover shield spell.” I said taking stance. She nodded as she tried to cover both of us but I zipped out before it shut.

“Are you crazy?” She asked.

“I have to be for pulling this stunt.” I stopped for a moment as I had a feeling of déjà vu. I snapped out of it when one of them started to charge at me. Without a thought I jumped onto the shield and dropped kicked the first Timber wolf. The second one got close but it got hit with the katar with the force of a train going full blast, The damn thing went flying off fast from the swing.

“Behind you!” She said which got me to turn around to a Timber Wolf jumped at me. I got under it and grabbed it by the neck as I started to get angry.

“Ignorant cretin” I said my Albert Wesker voice. Without a moment's thought I crushed it's neck and threw it. I walked over to the shield and waited. I could see the glowing eyes in the darkness around us. I summoned a floating orb of light as I shoot it up to light the air better. We stood there a good few minutes before the eyes disappeared. Twilight dropped the shield a few moments later.

“Did you notice the same thing I did?” Twilight asked.

“That it was more an organized attack compared to what they should be doing?” I asked keeping an eye on the forest around us.

“Correct, this seems quite odd even for the Everfree.” She said. The only thought that came to my head is that they aren't in control here. Someone or something is giving them orders and they are following them. We continued through the Everfree, everything remaining silent, both Twilight and I were on edge. If this was like any movie I've seen then the big bad guy would be in the back of a really big and scary cave. That or in the highest tower of a castle... oh please tell me this guy isn't that stupid is he? I sighed quietly which caused Twilight to jump and blast me with a bolt of magic. Which sent me into a tree. “Oh my Celestia I'm so sorry I just-” She got out before I held up my hand to stop her.

“Twilight it's fine. I've had worse trust me.” I said after I got to my feet. “I think I know where this thing is at.”I said as I took off to the castle of the pony sisters.

“How do you know?” she asked following.

“You wouldn't believe if I told you.” I said. It didn't take us too long to get to the castle and there just so happened to have glowing from the highest tower. Yeah this guy or girl or what ever was just that fucking stupid. I face palmed at this and groaned.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked.

“Sorry. This is just too stupid.” I said as I started to rub the bridge of my nose. We cross the bridge, entered the castle, and climbed up the stairs.

“Soon we get ponies.” A voice said. Ah fuck, seriously it just fucking had to be one of these idiots. “Ponies will be our slaves to get gems.”

“Yes gems. pretty, pretty gems.” A second voice said. Okay, there were two of these idiots.

“Ponies will bow to us with special glowy orb.” said a third voice. I got annoyed with this so I went up and kicked the damn door in. When I said kick it in. I meant sent it flying off the hinges right into a diamond dogs face. Right into the gray coated with a red vested diamond dog. Oh this is going to be so fun.

“Why did you do that?” Twilight said now angry with me.

“Because I can.” I said before I kicked the other door sending it into a larger gray blue coated with gray vest one. Then rushed in to drop kick the last one. The three of them had stood around a pedestal that had a earth brown orb that glowed a misty red. “Twilight catch” I said as I turned and soccer kicked the orb towards her.

“What?” She said in surprise before she caught it before it flew by. “What is this thing?” she asked a moment later looking at it.

“I don't know but you need to run. I got these three.” I said as I slowly stepped away from them. They looked extremely angry at me. Good keep your eyes on me you ugly suckers.

“Are you... I've asked that already. You're nuts.” She said before she dashed down the stairs.

“Why you do that?” The gray one asked.

“Because you are holding a magical artifact and talked about taking over ponies.” I said simply keeping in stance. Time to have some fighter game fun.

“We need glowy ball back.” The small brown one said that I dropped kicked a few moments ago.

“No you don't” I said before the large gray blue one popped up behind me and grabbed me under the arms.

“Got you.” he said as he lifted me.

“No I have you.” I said as I lifted my feet and swung them down. Forcing him down which put me back on my feet as I flipped him over me with the momentum I had. I am being way ballsier than I normally am, oh well.

“Fido get monster.” The gray ordered as the brown one disappeared on me. I looked around to find him but was he was no where, until I heard Twilight's scream.

“Oh fuck.” I said before I turned to book it out of the door. The two remaining diamond dogs grabbed both of my arms.

“You no run.” that same gray one said. I couldn't help but grin at this.

“Let's see how good you really are” I said dropping back into my Albert Wesker voice again as I flew at the door with both of them holding on. I turned slamming both of them into the wall with a resounding large crack. The let go instantly as I flew down the stairs and after where I heard Twilight's scream.

“Let go of me.” Twilight said as the brown one held her, tight claws right up to her neck. I guess he didn't see me. I slowly moved up behind him.

“Pony will give ball back now.” He said as Twilight kicked and screamed.

“And dog will put pony down.” I said growling this time. He stopped and looked over at me. I gritted my teeth and glared at him. My knuckles cracking before my right hand latched on to his face, within moments he let go of Twilight.

“See I put pony down. Please don't hurt spot.” he begged. Sorry but time for begging was over.

“I expected better from you.” I said returning one last time to my Wesker voice before I threw the diamond dog that I remembered as Spot right out one of the castle windows.

“What was that?” Twilight said after her breathing calmed down.

“Domination, look it up.” I said now switching to my scout voice. It was great to do voices. “So what is that thing?” I asked with my normal voice and removed the shades so I could better see it.

“I don't quite know but from what I could guess this is the reason for the Timber Wolves.” She said. I gently grabbed it from Twilight's magic.

“I think we should get this to princess Celestia as soon as possible. She would know what to make of it.” I said and Twilight nodded in agreement. So we headed back to Ponyville.


Charge time: 16 hour 23 minutes.

Sometimes I outright hated my luck. For all the awesome sauce that I pulled back in that castle, the trip back fucking bit me hard core. We were close to the exit towards Ponyville, Twilight just fine floating both the orb and my katar. I on the other hand was covered in mud, grass, leaves, pine needles, and things I rather not even think about. I think it would be better you didn't know, at this point I looked like something that was dragged out of the black lagoon. My shades on the other hand, perfectly fine, no dirt or grime on them at all. We get to the exit and everything seems fine. I sighed finally looking forward to a shower that and to get my only set of... ah, shit. That thought got caught off short with a very familiar sounding southern drawl coming from Ponyville. “Twi look out!” I could easily see Applejack galloping towards us. I blinked for a moment. What's got her on edge. Wait is there another Timber wolf about to attack. I turned around to look but nothing. I turned back to see Applejack that spun around and waited. I looked at her before my vision went cross eyed. Ever get bucked but an earth pony that spends most days getting stronger by bucking trees in the balls? No? It fucking hurts! I was instantly on my knees, then fell to my side my hands covering my once unbroken manhood.

“Applejack why did you that?” Twilight said in a mixture of surprise and anger.

“That monster was about to attack Ponyville.” She said.

“He's not a monster Applejack.” Twilight shot back. It took a few moments for Applejack realize the gender.

“He?” She asked.

“Yeah that's Storm.” Twilight now scowled. Me on the other hand just writhed in pain from the now newly dented crown jewels.

“You mean he was... and I... in the... Oh horseapples...” Applejack said as it started to piece in.

“In the...” Twilight's mind now lining up with Applejack. “Applejack you hit him in the... Oh Celestia.”

“Storm are you alright?” Applejack asked.

“Is he alright? Did you seriously just ask someone you bucked in the stallion hood if he's alright?” Twilight said now about to go into nuclear meltdown.

“Pain... oh so much pain.” I squeaked out, two octaves higher than I normally spoke in Max's body. Oh dear Multiverse why do you hate me so?

“We need to get him fixed up Now!” Twilight said as I started to be lifted in the air and floated along to the only place I could think of, the hospital. I've got to say the sudden change in height did not help the pain I felt coming from my crouch. So they get me in and laid into a bed, with me still in complete pain from two well placed hooves that bucked me. The doctor came in and asked the stupidest fucking question possible right to my face.

“What seems to be the problem?” He asked. I couldn't help my anger on this one. I grabbed him by the coat and brought him in close. This terrified the stallion and I couldn't blame him.

“I just got my royal jewels fucking bent in from the only mare I think in all of fucking Equestria that spends most of her time on a farm bucking apple tree. The same one that gets stronger every fucking day, I bet she is strong enough to kick a tree out of the ground, roots and all if she wanted to. Trust me I should fucking know you twat of a doctor!” I said as my anger was sheathing from the pain I still felt between my legs. I almost say for sure that Max is going to have two Applejack horse shoe prints there for the rest of his fucking life. Ah that made it hurt more now that I thought about it. He turned to the two mares in the room and asked the second most retarded question I've heard.

“Did she seriously do that to him?”

“No of course not. I'm just laying her in complete pain for no fucking reason. Get me something cold fast or a will make sure you get the same treatment and It won't be from Applejack's single strike but a multi-foot pounded from me.” threaten now as I really wanted to strangle the fucking doctor now.

So they finally got me a stallions ice pack and holy shit the damn thing was large. I set it in my lap as I laid in the bed, with nothing on. Twilight, I still can't wrap my head around how, had talked me into getting the outfit cleaned. It was a good thing that Applejack got Rarity to fix up the old outfit in the mean time. I had at least an outfit for the day I was going to be here. God damn it Applejack.


Charge time: 40 hour 3 minutes.

I finally got out of the hospital, no matter what universe you're in, there is nothing to fucking do in a hospital. I've read through all their books during my other stays in my world and it was the same books. I've checked on a few, the Daring Do's being the first ones. Much to my and Max's luck his crown jewels still work, a little sore but work nonetheless. What really surprised me was waking up to the pink party pony hugging me in bed. I didn't quite know how to handle that honestly. I felt dirty to say the least about all this. Twilight I was sort of fine with doing it the first night. We were a couple so I could understand it. Comfy with it is another story. The only problem with it was me with how my mind just to jump ship to another thought. But the two of us were on the way to the library.

“Pinkie can I ask you a question?” I asked. She looked up to me as she trotted along side me.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Why were you in bed with me in the hospital?” I asked.

“Well...” She started looking a little ashamed.

“It's because you miss him don't you?” I ventured a guess. She nodded and I sighed quietly.

“Look we have about eight hours before I can go back to my world and fix this. Then you can have him back alright?” I said with a light smile. I really hoped it was this easy. Something inside told me it wasn't going to be. I let out a small sigh as my thoughts whirled around back to missing my Twilight again.

“It will be alright Storm.” She said as she must had seen my spiral of thoughts across my face.

“I hope so Pinkie. I truly hope so.” I said as we made our way to the library. It was about then something extremely fucking weird happened. Right there in the middle of the road was a unicorn stallion. He had my coat and mane color, as well as style, same with the tail, same ocean blue eyes, and the same fucking fireball hitting a storm cloud cutie mark. My mind was flipping backwards at this. I couldn't help it. I went up to him. “Excuse me sir. I'm sorry to bother you but I have a few questions.”

The stallion looked up at me with a resounding “Huh?”

“Sorry to bother you but could I ask you a few questions?” I asked.

“Um... sure?” He asked.

“I've seen you around town and I was wondering. What was your name?” I asked.

“Firestorm and you are?” he replied.

“Max.” I recovered before I said the wrong name.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Max.” he said.

“Ah thank you. My last question might come across odd but what does your Cutie Mark mean?” I asked. He turned to look at it then back at me.

“That is quite simple. It's for my love of the natural elements. Go around towns teaching young ones about the elements themselves.” This Firestorm answered.

“Thank you. Sorry to bother you just curiously got the better of me.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“Nothing wrong with that sir. I hope you have a good day.” He said then trotted off. I just stood there blinking for a bit just out right dumbfounded to see a version of me in this universe. That was just another thing to break the what the fuck o' domineer. Since the o' meter was in the shop for repairs. We continued our way to the library after I could move again. Which took one of Pinkie's cupcakes and a good push from her to find Twilight and Celestia standing there talking.

“Everything should be ready Princess.” Twilight said as we got close.

“Hopefully this will work.” Celestia replied she then turned and noticed both Pinkie and I. “Hello Storm. Ready to return home?” She asked.

“Yes I am and I'm ready to get your Max back after we figure out this whole body switch thing.” I said stretching a bit. I looked over to Twilight for a moment and I couldn't help but feel a small pang of hurt just looking at her. She was like my Twilight but was her still. I sighed before I walked past them into the library. The place was as clean as always. Nothing out of place and everything in order. I sat down on one of Twilight's chairs and just sat there. I thought about everything that had happened so far. A lot of it still had a pang of pain to me. I relished the thought of my friends and family. I thought about all the ponies I met along the way. The enemies too, Shadow Storm and Vermom being the biggest in my head. Then this, the whole switch. This place was nice it had ponies that were friendly but... they were not my friends. Well in a way they were, they were nice and understanding with what happened. They didn't go all blast happy on me. Did Max get the same treatment back home? Part of me wanted to say yes. But something in me also wanted to say no. I don't know why it did. Could it be the dreading sense of my luck telling me this or was it that I had doubts about my friends? I leaned forward, folding my hands into each other bringing them up to right under my nose as I thought about this. Would they have gone blast happy just not to long after the changeling incident? I wouldn't go so far to that maybe they thought of him as another changeling that captured me. The three ponies came in saw me but didn't say anything. I guess they thought I wanted some peace before everything happened. I couldn't blame them. I just sat there in silence just running in circles in my mind.

Charge time remaining: 3 minutes.

The moment of truth. I was going to return home to my universe. The girls all came here to send me off. This included Celestia, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. Twilight was bouncing around checking all the gauges and the system to make sure we were running on the 1.21 gigawatts needed for it. I face palmed right when I was told that. Rainbow dash was standing by the most comical switch I have ever seen. It was like something from a Saturday morning cartoon show. I waiting quietly for the remaining three minutes to pass before I got to see my friends again... my friends. I turned to look at all the ponies again this was the last time I was going to see this universe ponies. In some way they were my friends again.

“Hey.” I said which got all of them to look at me but Twilight who was still bouncing around like a super bouncy ball checking everything. “I know this is going to be good bye.” I said simply as they continued to look at me. “But I want you all to know something before I go.”

“What's that partner?” Applejack asked.

“No matter the distance you all will still be my friends no matter what happens.” I said with a smile on my face.

“Your darn right Partner.” She added a moment later.

“Totally.” Dash added.

“Yuppers” Pinkie said with a bounce.

“Yes... if you want.” Fluttershy timid said behind her mane.

“Always darling” Rarity added with a smile.

“Of course Storm.” Celestia said.

“Always.” Twilight finally said as she turned to me. I couldn't help but just smile warmly. I turned towards the device for a moment.

“Max is lucky to have all of you.” I said as I closed my eyes quietly. I'll be coming guys, just a little longer.

“Hey Storm.” Pinkie said from behind me. I turned around to look at her.

“Will you be alright?” She asked. I raised an eyebrow.

“Of course I will Pinkie.” I said before I notice her gaze didn't change from the worried look she gave me. Did this Pinkie sense something bad on the way. I turned back to the device starting to worry. Was something bad going to happen or was it something already happening. Which world was it happening in? I took a deep breath and looked at the charge gauge again. I had only a few seconds left.

“Alright everypony ready?” Twilight said as I nodded. The rest of them said they’re ready as Rainbow now got the signal to flip it just with a flick of her wing. The ring around the portal lit up with seven lights. I was getting another case of déjà vu as I stepped back. The portal burst to life as energy shot out like a fireball before stopping and flying back. It became a stable portal or what could pass as one. The surface of it reminded me a lot of water. It even rippled when I poked it because you know I'm an idiot like that.

“Well everypony this is goodbye. I hope you all have a wonderful life.” I said with a theatrical bow.

“We hope your life goes well Firestorm.” Celestia said.

“We'll always remember you good sir.” Rarity said with Fluttershy nodding next to her.

“Of course can't have a pony go off without knowing the most awesome pony in this universe.” Dash said with a smirk.

“Partner, you're alright in my book.” Applejack said with her tilting her stetson up.

“If you ever come back I'll throw you a super duper party.” Pinkie said.

“Why don't you throw one anyway. Call it a helped got a friend home party?” I asked mainly joking but I knew she would throw one. “or Maybe a help got a friend back to their universe party?” I said. She lit up and I couldn't help but smile. I turned to Twilight who looked at me a little sad. I walked over to her. “What's wrong Twilight?”

“I feel like I'm losing a good friend.” She said I couldn't help it I hugged the unicorn mare.

“You're not losing a good friend. You're just helping one return home. I have and will always be your friend Twilight Sparkle.” I said as I looked at her. Before I slide back and returned to in front of the portal. I watched the blue portal in silence before I take my first steps towards it. I put on my shades and hold my hand out giving every pony behind me a thumbs up before I finally pass through the portal itself. It felt oddly cold. It was a bit weirder when I felt like I just exited the same portal I was entering like a mirror of sorts. I walk into Twilight's lab to the same seven... wait no eight ponies. Luna was there too. They looked surprised at me for a moment. I opened my mouth to say something before A blast of magic nailed me right in the face. This felt like being nailed in the face with a soft ball that was tossed by an pitching machine, it fucking hurt. What hurt worse though was I saw six of the eight ponies looking at me with hatred in their eyes. I'm not going to lie it shook me to my core. My friends hated me and worse it was Twilight. My Twilight that just struck me with a bolt of magic. I dodged another one before a light yellow tinted my vision and threw me into the wall with a large wham. Applejack pulled out her lasso and go it around my neck. I was able to get a hand inside it before she pulled it shut. I didn't want to get strangled to death. These ponies I thought were my friends wanted to hurt me. I couldn't help but start to cry a bit. I quickly grabbed the Katar I kept with me to cut the ropes. I got them cut before a bolt of blue magic shot it out of my hand. It burned like nothing I felt before. I was hit with a few more bolts of magic before Dash flew up and kicked me. The first instinct I had was to fight but... I couldn't. I just couldn't hurt my friends. No matter how much they hated me. So I did the only thing I could think of put up a barrier and drop to the floor. I curled up into a ball as blast after blast struck the shielding I put up. Even Applejack and Rainbow Dash bucked at it. But nothing worked. My barrier held strong. It was a few minutes of my curled up crying before I heard something I didn't think I would hear.

“Stop!” Came loudly from across the room from a timid yellow pegasus. I didn't dare look from my spot. I could hear a light flapping before a soft thud. Then the slow precise steps of hooves against wood before I heard. “Firestorm?” Fluttershy asked. I opened my eye and looked up at her. She was looking at me with the saddest expression on her face. I timidly nodded almost like she would. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. I couldn't help but shake even more at this as I closed my eyes again. The image of them with that hatred just... terrified me. What did I do to deserve this. It wasn't long before an almost full room of ponies gasping that they realized who they just attacked. Ponies rushed over and I could feel them look at me. I against my better judgment opened my eye at them and I saw Twilight. She looked just as sad as Fluttershy. It was then that image of her hating me just flash in my mind and I closed my eye wincing as if I was burned.

“Firestorm I'm so sorry.” Twilight said but I didn't reply I was too scared to even move.

“Sugarcube.” Applejack said before I reached out with my magic and put another layer to my shield up. I didn't want to be hurt again.

“Everypony... I think we should leave him alone.” Celestia said before I could hear the clopping of hooves just walk away. I opened my eyes to just Pinkie and Fluttershy looking at me. They looked so sad at what happened and I couldn't fault them.

“Please come out.” Fluttershy said after a few moments of silence later. I nodded quietly as I slowly dropped my first shield. Pinkie didn't look at me for a few moments after I dropped the second one. I felt alone right then. Like everything I would have taken comfort in was just gone. Shattered into millions of pieces like glass. I laid against the wall, curled up, shaking. The tears blurred my vision slightly. Both of the mares came up to me. It was Fluttershy who put a hoof on me and I flinched at the contact. She stopped for a moment before continuing as she gently rubbing my arm with her hoof. I just stayed there watching. Before I looked at her. “I'm sorry.” she said and I couldn't help but quietly grab the mare and hugged her. She squeaked for a moment but calmed down after a few moments. I continued to cry there holding Fluttershy. Pinkie came over and hugged me too. Several minutes almost an hour had passed when I finally stopped crying and calmed down enough to really talk.

“Wha...what happened?” I asked. Fluttershy was the only one left down here. Pinkie went up to defuse things between me and the other five upstairs.

“Well um... we started to get everything ready when the portal turned itself on. We didn't know what happened so we um... started to panic a bit. Sorry.” She started to explain.

“It's fine please continue.” Well Celestia said if something comes through it they should be prepared. Well you came through and I think Twilight panicked hoping it was you. She um... most likely thought it wasn't... sorry. Please don't be mad at her or them. They must have thought that you were going to attack.” She continued. I closed my eyes quietly. “Please don't be mad. I'm sure they are really sorry for what they did.” She pleaded. I wasn't mad at them, I was terrified of them, the looks they gave me. I could so vividly see it too and I shuttered at just thinking about it.

“Fluttershy... I'm... not mad.” I timidly said still pretty shaken up. “Do... do you know where Max is?” I asked and she looked a bit ashamed.

“Yes.” She said as she hid behind her mane again. I gently brushed it out of the way.

“Please tell me where so I can... be me again.” I requested.

“Well um... please don't be mad but he is in the...” She said before she squeaked out “Asylum.” I blinked a few time taking that in. They placed him in the asylum... in the asylum.

“In the Asylum!” I more yelled in surprise when it finally clicked. This ponies put my body in the fucking asylum? Did they think I just went off the fucking deep end when I started to act differently. With a sigh I calmed down a bit. “Sorry Fluttershy I didn't mean to yell like that I was just... surprised is all.” I said before she came back over to me after jumping away.

“It's um... okay.” she said.

“Firestorm?” Twilight said from the top of the stairs and I froze. “Can I... come down?” She asked worriedly. I would have said no honestly.

“Please do.” Fluttershy said next to me and I turned in horror at her. She then turned to me. “Please give them a second chance.” She requested

“I... can try.” I got out as I heard the clopping of Twilight hooves on the stairs. I didn't look at the lavender mare. Mainly so I didn't see flashing of the hate filled face. I heard the hooves stop as she must be looking at me.

“Firestorm” she timidly started. “I'm sorry that I.” She said getting closer and I could feel my heart rate just sky rocket in my chest. I flinched as her approach, she stopped talking and a few moments of silence filled the gap. “You're scared of me aren't you?” She asked. I wanted to say no, oh how I wanted to say no. But I promised Shining Armor I wouldn't lie to Twilight.

“Yes.” I squeaked.

“I...” She said as I could almost hear her holding back tears. “I... I'm so...” She continued to stammered. “Sorry.” She got out as she placed a hoof on my leg. I tensed up at the contact. Every fiber of my being wanted me to run right there. Blink away or something but it took me fighting it and Fluttershy holding my arm to keep me in place. “Please let me make it up to you.” She said. “Just tell me how.”

“I... I don't know... Twilight.” I said as my fear could be easily spotted in my voice. “I want to be me first.” I got out still shaking like the remaining leaf on a branch in the middle of a winter blizzard.

“Okay.” Twilight said timidly before she left. It was Celestia and Luna that came down next. I knew it was them from Fluttershy telling me. I couldn't face them either.

“Firestorm...” Luna started.

“We're sorry.” Celestia said. “We acted rash and didn't take the time to realize it was you.” She tried to explain. Which I knew at this point but it didn't help.

“We thought you were lost to us.” Luna continued and froze there even more. This time I looked up at the two alicorns in the room, the regret and sadness filled their eyes.

“I have to admit I lost my head more than once during this. We first thought that a changeling took you like it did Twilight, but we were wrong.” Celestia continued.

“We acted so foolish it was shameful. We even attacked you someone that didn't deserve it most of all.” Luna said not her gaze right at me. I shrank back as that hate filled face flashed in my mind and the same happened when Celestia looked at me. “We scared you didn't we?” She asked and I timidly nodded. I was wrapped up in magic and floated over to the two of them. They sat down on their haunches and hugged me. I froze there stiff as a board as they hugged me. The images of them angry at me still flashed in my vision as I shook there before I nervously moved and returned the hug. The small nuzzles from the two of them got me to calm down at least.

“Can we please get me back to normal?” I asked still timidly around them.

“Of course.” Celestia said.

“And can we avoid everypony please?” I asked a second later. This got them to look at me.

“Are you sure?” Luna asked this time and I nodded. I was scared of the others, Twilight most of all. There was no sensitivity to those eyes, no love, just anger. Celestia lit up her horn and we found ourselves outside Ponyville. I didn't know quite where we were in Ponyville but I did see the town hall in the distance. We tracked in an about half an hour away from the town to find the Pony Hill Asylum. I was getting flashbacks to a very dark horror game. There was even an air siren that started to blow as we got closer. The foreboding feeling filled the air around the three of us and we rushed towards the Asylum more. I took a full sprint, Max was able to move faster than I normally would as a human, a fat man can't run fast. We rushed in, both Celestia and Luna went ahead of me. They stopped at a cell and I tried to stop but I had too much motion and tripped over, my face hitting the floor with a loud thud.

“He's gone!” Celestia proclaimed this made my blood run ice cold. I looked up into the cell. The only thing was a white plush pillowed walls. I figuratively ripped the door open and walked in to look around. Nothing I mean out right nothing was out of place as I looked around. Wait... that wasn't completely correct. A small book, well the edge of the book, poked out of the corner. The pillowed walls and floor hid it almost perfectly. I went over and reached for it. I pulled it up and looked it over. This book reminded me of the book from the other world. Max's journal I pseudo mouthed as I looked it over. I slid the book into the inside pocket of the trench. The book itself just had journal notes that I didn't have the time to read over.

“Where could he have gone?” Luna asked. I looked around for at least another clue, something that would say where he went. It was then I heard something. I tried to focus on it a bit. It sounded like... music? I leaned my head against one of the walls. Sure enough it was music, soft at the moment, meaning it could be echoing from somewhere. So I took off out of the room to find it. From the sound of it, it was back down the hall. I went all over the place, only the echo could be heard until it stopped. Well... shit. I was outside behind the asylum when I lost track of the music. This area was just another wooded area close to the Everfree but that was on the other side of town so I knew this wasn't it. I scanned the forest a bit until I saw something. It looked like a flash of orange. I took off towards it, guessing that it heard me and was running away from me. I was not going to let him get away from me, especially in my body. Wait a minute what the hell am I thinking? I cast the speed spell and flew up to him tackling him. It was about then I felt the most weirdest fucking thing ever. You ever had the feeling like you were being pulled one way but in fact you were being pulled in the other? Well pretty much that's how it felt. With in a flash of a mixture of orange and blue light my vision cleared to see Max's body on top of me. I got my rear legs under him and pushed him off me. I got up and coughed up a bit of blood from that. Okay so at least I was still alive in this body, sore to no end but alive. I got back to my hooves and floated the book from inside the trench coat pocket back to me. My magic felt different still, like I was trying to push through a brick wall again. About then I noticed something on my horn. Lovely they decided to dampen my magic. I reached up and worked to undo it. It was about then Max picked me up and pressed me against the tree.

“Why the fuck did you tackle me like that?” He said angrily. I gave him a deadpanned stare.

“Seriously?” I asked then face hoofed. With my left since I still didn't have my right hoof. That leaves a question. How the fuck did he run away from me with three hooves? Not the point right now. “I tackled you to get my body back. By the look of it, it worked so please get this dampener off my horn and let go of me. Then I can get you back to your universe and your Pinkie Pie.” I said. Which I guess I hit the keywords here. Most likely it was just saying Pinkie Pie. He dropped me with a thud and almost ripped off my horn when he got the dampener. Luckily I didn't use the strength spell too.

“Okay take me to the portal.” He ordered. I took a deep breath and was about to say something before.

“You know I really hate having to come back and remove your soul again.” Vermom said. Well fuck me running. Well that explains everything now. Vermom tried to remove my soul from my body and Max's device removed his. With no where else to go they went to the only available spot each others bodies.

“Okay, so... who's this bitch?” Max asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Long story short. Max meet supernatural pony that wants to kill me and well you get the rest.” I sarcastically said.

“Hi.” He said with a two finger wave. I face hoofed. Seriously, no fucking seriously?

“Well don't just say hi to me, but to my friends too.” She said as she landed with a theatrical bow. Then we heard them, the sounds of hundreds of hooves moving slowly across the ground. It didn't take long for their glowing red eyes to come into view in the dark forest. The snarling growls of something unearthly. What exactly was it? A group of undead ponies, mostly undead earth and unicorn ponies.

“Well ain't it just a dawn of the fucking dead today? Does this happen a lot?” He asked me.

“Yes because it's everyday a hoard of undead ponies want to kill me.” I sarcastically said.

“Oh... okay just checking. So we fight them?” He asked and I just looked at him. “What?”

“Yes we fight them. What do you think their going to do after their done with us, huh? Just stay in the forest? No there going to go into town and attack the ponies there. And you know who is there? Hmm? Do you? My marefriend for one, and my other friends like Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie.” I stopped right then as he looked seriously at me.

“Did you say these things are going to attack Pinkie Pie?” He asked.

“Yes and maybe even yours.” I tacked on which I knew I was pushing buttons at this point but it had to be done. Right then he dashed up and dropped kicked Vermom right into a few of the zombies.

“No pony or no one hurts Pinkie Pie!” He yelled before he grabbed one of the zombies by the tail and used it like a makeshift bat, busting it's head on another zombie. This time I took the initiative and hopped over to a group of them. One breath of fire later and a good group of them were nothing but burning flesh. “Is it getting hot in here?” he asked.

“It's just you.” I said before I reached in and felt for that familiar warmth. Finding it I saw Max look at me as I changed into my draconic state.

“Are you fucking shitting me? I could have did that? Why didn't anyone tell me?” He asked more in a pissed off tone.

“Because you didn't ask.” I said before a zombie got too close. I turned around and balanced on one hoof. Which is harder than it sounds and bucked it hard enough to cause it's head to pop off, it had a surprisingly sickening accurate sound to it. I've never going to hear the sound the same way again. I can tell you that for sure. The head went flying into something I didn't expect to see, the little foal, the same one from Celestia’s. This was wrong on so many levels. I didn't have time to really think about it then so I just started to use my tail slowly backing up and cut down the undead zombie ponies. It was about then I got nailed with a chill as a ball of ice hit me. One of the unicorns with a snowflake on it's flank started making balls of ice appear out of no where and flew them at me. Two more connected before I sent the third back with a whap of my tail. Then I heard the sound of breaking wood. I turn to see Max had broke off a baseball bat sized branch and readied it. With a crack of his makeshift bat he sent a head towards me, thinking quickly I swung my tail and sent it flying into another zombie knocking it down. I really wish I had my hoof because Vermom caught me by the neck again and lifted me up.

“You know you should have remained soulless.” She said as her eyes were now a venomous yellow.

“Sorry to disappoint.” Max said before he tackled her. Then proceeded to bash her skull in with the branch. Just over and over again the cracking whacks of his branch just echoed until it fully broke in two. “You shouldn't have messed with Pinkie” He said in deep breaths. He turned to me. “So... what's next?” He said.

“Grab the Katar from your trench coat. Front left inside pocket.” I said as he did so.

“Oh fucking sweet.” he said as he took stance. I couldn't help it I cast the speed and strength spells on him. Within moments he was zipping through the zombies like the flash meeting the hulk. It was kind of comical, the two of us continued to fight off the zombie ponies until there was nothing but dead and burnt flesh. I hopped my way towards town with Max in toe. It was about then Pinkie just popped out of no where causing me to jump and land on the ground. You know at this point I should have learned to land on three legs. But nope, just like the idiot that I was I landed on my belly. Max properly laughs his ass off. Me, I growled in annoyance.

“Oops... sorry.” Pinkie said as she pulls out my prosthetic leg. I float it over to me and put it in with the familiar pang of pain. I didn't mind it really this time. I was just glad to be back in my body again. After a few more checks to make sure it was working right. I get yelled at by Max behind me.

“Why didn't you drink more scotch.” He said as he picked me up and pinned me to a tree. Pinkie no where in sight now. Where the bloody hell did that mare go?

“Because I don't drink a lot of scotch. I'm more a whiskey pony myself. Why does it fucking matter anyway. Your back in your body. So drink it if you want.” I said before I kicked him off me. I land on the ground with a thud.

“Oh I don't think so, you're going to get me scotch to make up for not drinking enough.” He said after he got to his feet.

“Fine, but you're going to answer some questions in return.” I said before we made our way to Ponyville.


This day could not get any longer I swear after having to fight a bunch of necromantic zombies with a guy who decided to get everypony I cared about pissed off at him. Look I don't blame the guy for being confused about this whole fucking universe jumping shit but really what the ever flying fuck is wrong with him. Since we finished fighting the undead back there he's been bitching about me not drinking enough in his body. Seriously? Both Max and I are walking through Ponyville trying to find a bar so he could drink. That and so I can get some damn answers from him. We found this place called the Knife and Apple. We enter and I give the owner who happens to be the bartender the come over here a moment look.

“Yes your highness?” He said giving me a bow. Really not in the mood for this.

“Look I'm going to be quite blunt here. As of right now your closed. No pony is to be allowed in and I will make sure you're compensated for the closed time. As well as for the drinks. Also was I in here in the last few days?” I asked he looked at me a bit confused.

“Yes you were. You ordered the finest scotch I had.” He said and I turned to glare at this Max who wasn't even looking at me.

“Alright please bring over a bottle of Scotch for him.” I said as I turned to their selection. “That Buck side Scotch will do and a bottle of Wild Pegasus Whiskey for me. Don't forget the glasses with ice.” I said as the bartender nodded before I went over to Max who noticed me finally and not in his own la la land. “Okay it's time for some answers.” I said.

“Not before the scotch.” He said and I deadpanned at him.

“It's on the way. Now tell me what the fuck did you do while you're here?” I said in a very calm tone but I was pissed on the inside. Oh trust me that I wanted to burst into flames right then but I was fighting that as well. That was when he launched himself into the story. About him waking up and freaking out, Twilight kissing him. This did set my mane ablaze. I couldn't help it, she was still my marefriend and the thought of her kissing another pony did anger me. I couldn't blame either of them. Since he didn't know what was going on and she didn't know it wasn't me. So he continued about Luna showing up and trying to get answers about where I went. Quite violently if you ask me but as they say. You don't fuck with family. He then explained coming here and getting the most expensive drink of scotch in his life and how plastered he got after a few drinks. Then both Applejack and Rainbow Dash dragged him back to the hospital. Then Celestia's well rage mode was the best words I could think of explaining it. When he got to the changeling part with the fake prosthetic I wanted to face hoof so bad at this. One because if it was me I still had my other hoof to do the little electricity trick and teaser it. Two because from this point it was when Max flipped shit pounding the thing with his magic against the wall until it was an oozed filled mess. The bartender came by with the two bottles and Max swiped his before the bartender even grabbed it to put down. I let the bartender put down the two glasses and my drink before he went off to wait for another order. I'll give the guy credit when he gets a royal order he follows it to the letter. He fills his glass gives it a few stirs with his straw to get it colder then takes a sip and continues his story. He then explained that he woke up in Pony Hill Asylum with both Celestia and Twilight watching on the other side of the wall. Celestia laid it down to him that he was being a bother to her kingdom. I couldn't blame her but the way she did it unnerved me honestly. Twilight then started to pretty much interrogate him with questions about his world. Even to go as far as ask about his love life and about his Pinkie. I know of a good nickname now for the lavender mare but of course I wouldn't call her the purple interrogator to her face. I wasn't that much of an idiot. He finished off his bottle and jumped to his feet, followed by him jumping up to the stage. With a snap of his fingers music started to play. I did a double take at this watching him start to sing to a song I heard back on my old home.

There's an odd thing that happens a lot in this world, well both worlds really. Which is the random musical number, time after time I found a pony or ponies singing a song before I swear to god, music comes out of no where. No speakers, no musicians, nothing of that sort but... Bam! Instant musical and the kicker to all this was. Mostly it's Pinkie starting the damn thing. Up to this point I was able to avoid singing in. But something, and I honestly could not explain it. This spark in me caused me to jump onto the stage, grab one of the mics laying around, and start belting it out like I was a popstar giving a grand performance. The weird part was... I was good. Normally I got yelled at from time to time about my singing which most people told me I was bad. Here in Equestria, fucking perfect. Once the song was over and the both of us was a little out of breath.

“You know for a pony you have a good singing voice.” Max said and I really wanted to buck him for it.

“Thanks but we should get you back to your universe. There missing you there.” I said as he looked at me.

“You didn't do anything with Pinkie Pie did you?” He asked which got me to stop.

“We hugged and I woke up to her hugging me that was it.” I said before I was picked up and pinned against the wall as he gave me a flat glare.

“Was that all?” He asked.

“What kind of stallion do you take me for. Better yet don't answer that question. I'm not that stupid honestly.” I said as I now used my magic to float him away. I stood up and looked right at him. “Do you really think I would have done something so stupid when I have a marefriend already? Let me answer that for you. I'm not that kind of a stallion. I care for Twilight Sparkle and I wouldn't do anything to break that. I care for, hell I love her to no end and I would gladly lay down my life to make sure she is safe. I did the same for your friends. I cheered your Pinkie up when she knew I wasn't you. I made sure everything was alright before I came here to fix this. I made sure that the other ones were not as mad with you as they were. Rainbow Dash was angry for you yelling her off the stage. Look if you want to think of me some bastard of a stallion then fine, but know this, if I find out you hurt any one of my friends in this universe or yours you will have one pissed off drony to deal with.” I said before I dropped him on the ground on his ass. He got up and dusted himself off before looking at me. In a look that just felt like he was sizing me up. He then walks to the door quietly.

“Lets go. I have a Pinkie to talk to.” He said somewhat out of character. Well for as far as I knew him. I turned to the bartender.

“You will have the bits within the morning.” I said, he nodded and I left. We walked our way to the library as I saw the girls there. I went in front of Max and opened the door. The girls looked at me quietly. I saw guilt in Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash's eyes from what happened. I didn't say a word to them, just walked passed. We went down to the lab to see the portal was still active.

“Whats wrong with them?” Max asked and I looked at him.

“A misunderstanding please leave it at that.” I said before we got to the portal. “This will take you home.”

“About fucking time.” He said walking towards it.

“Max.” I started he stopped and looked at me. “Please keep them safe for me?” I asked well more requested really. He looked at me for a moment then put the shades on. Slowly he made his way to the portal.

“Can do. You know why?” He asked.


“Because I'm Batman.” He said as he entered it and the portal closed behind him. Seriously he just left of a batman reference. I just sat there shaking my head in silence. I opened up my wing and floated the journal out with my magic. I wanted to go through this right now but I couldn't. I had another problem to deal with well more like four problems to deal with and I didn't have a clue where to start. I went up the stairs after making sure the portal was off and I removed what looked like the power block after it was completely off. I didn't want a repeat after what just happened. I take it and the block with me upstairs to find only spike there. Who was cleaning again. I started to look around to find a good place to put everything. One the journal to read later and two the power block so Twilight wouldn't start up the device. I found this odd looking horseshoe. I reached in and pressed it to find a hidden out cove that had nothing but cobwebs in it. I cleaned it a bit and slide in both the device and journal. I would have to read these later. Once in a closed it again and removed the horseshoe. That I could place somewhere more safer. By the look of it, the hidden out cove didn't open without it. So I took the horse shoe and place it in the sword box.

“Hey Spike?” I called who turned and looked at me.

“Yeah? um... wait are you Storm again or that Max guy?” he asked.

“It's me, Firestorm, Spike.” I said and he gave me a skeptical glance. “The same one you're going to teach how to do the mail sending with fire breath. Remember?” I asked this time and it dawned on him.

“Oh right. Hey long time no see.” He said with a smile. “What's up?”

“Can you send a letter to Cadence for me?” I asked.

“Yeah. How come?” He asked as I floated over my bit bag. It was a nice blue one with a water pattern on it.

“Because I have to go to the Crystal Empire for a few days. I wanted you to give her the heads up I'm going to be arriving soon.” He nodded, pulling out an ink pot, quill, and parchment for me.

“Do you want to write it?” He asked and I nodded. With a quick wrap of magic which was back to it's loveable fire like way. I started to write.

Dear Princess Cadence,
I'm sending this letter to inform you I will be coming to the Crystal Empire and was wondering if you could set me up a room to stay in the mean time. I have to deal with a few things and I need the time away. Sorry for dropping this on you so short noticed.
Please don't tell Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or Rarity. I will explain when I get there

With that I rolled up the letter and gave it to Spike who with a puff of flames set it off. With that I floated over my sword case, my royal attire that Rarity made me and put them into a spare saddlebag that Twilight said I could use. I strapped it on and left.

“Hey where are you going?” Spike asked.

“I'm... I have some royal business to deal with Spike. Please don't tell Twilight alright? I don't want her to worry.” I said he looked at me with worry. “Please Spike this is important.” I added and he nodded quietly. I could see the scales he had droop a bit. Which I didn't even know dragon scales could do that. I stopped at the Knife and Apple and spent most of my bits there to pay off the owner for the both uses of his bar. Then finally I got to the train station, paid for my ticket, got my seat, and got ready to leave. Out of the window I could see the girls running up to the train but they were too late, within moments the train departed to the Crystal Empire. I laid down on the seat and waited to arrive.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 13 - Clarity... Maybe

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I sat on the train as it continued through the frozen tundra surrounding the Crystal Empire. I spent most of the time writing out the events of the last few days on the parchment that was left in the bag with the inkwell and quill. I thought writing it out would clear my head more. Unfortunately it didn't, with a sigh, I put the stack of papers back into the bags and capped the inkwell as I arrived in the Crystal Empire. It wasn't hard to notice Cadence standing on the train platform waiting for me. She had two of the Crystal guards with her. I get out and met up with her.

“Hello Firestorm.” She said as her guards bow to me. I rolled my eyes at this.

“Hello Cadence. How have things been lately?” I asked.

“Oh same old, same old. Shining Armor is still in Canterlot training cadets.” She said “Why don't we go get something to eat and you can explain what happened?” She asked and I nodded. We slowly made our way through the streets as I tried to figure out a good place to start.

“Are you familiar with the concept of the Multiverse?” I asked. I figured if I had to explain it I may as well make sure she can understand it.

“You mean that there are multiple universes out there besides our own? Is this about your journey to another one?” She said like it was nothing. I stopped and looked at her. “What?”

“How did you know?” I asked most likely like an idiot.

“Celestia sent a letter when she found out you left.” She explained and I face hoofed.

“Did she explain what happened completely?” I asked and she shook her head. We got to the crystal cafe just down the road from castle, a large, towering, and very Eiffel tower looking, structure. We enter and get our table.

“What's wrong?” She asked and I took a deep breath.

“To overly simplify, when I was in the other universe I wasn't in my body. I was in someone else's. A human body mind you, when I was able to return to this universe I was still in that form. I was attacked by Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Rarity didn't really do anything and I forgive them for it. They didn't know it was me until Fluttershy pointed it out, but the damage was done.” I said not looking at her eyes. “I saw the looks on their faces, hatred, like they hated me right down to my soul.” I started to shiver just thinking about it. I could still so vividly see their faces. “When I look at them I still see those faces and it scares- No... not scares, terrifies me which is why I didn't want you to let them know. Celestia and Luna I'm not as scared of just unnerved I guess.” I said before I felt a hoof on my shoulder.

“I think I understand. You wanted to get away from them so you could get those images out of your head.” Cadence correctly guesses.

“For the most part you're right. I just needed to get away from it all you know?” I said looking at her with my head resting on the table.

“I do, I will be here as long as you need me. Though I do have to ask: What about Twilight?” She asked and I just glanced at her for a second before turned it forward again.

“I still care for her and love her. Which is why I wanted to get away, to get it out of my head. Before I even think of moving forward with her. I mean, we are already marefriend and coltfriend so...” I said before I sighed again.

“It will be alright Storm. This is just a hurdle you need to get over.” She offered.

“I know but... what if I just screwed things up between Twilight and I?” I asked looking up to her and she gave a warm reassuring smile. As she gently ran a hoof in my mane.

“I'm sure that you two will work through this. I can tell you deeply care for her.” She said and I nodded in silence.

“Sorry for dropping this on you like I did. I couldn't think of a safer place after Vermom attacked twice.” I said before the hoof stopped. I looked up at her.

“Vermom?” She asked a bit of worry in her voice.

“Yes, this all started with Vermom ripping the soul out of my body. I don't know why or how but she did it.” I explained before I continued to rest my head on the table. “When I got my body back she attacked again with... zombie ponies. They’re dealt with so there is no worry about an attack.” I explained as she looks at me. “Sorry” I squeaked out.

“It's not your fault Firestorm. This all must be so overwhelming.” She said then the waiter came up. We placed our orders. both salads, her’s a daffodil, mine normal. I took a drink of my water before I began.

“It's almost over powering when it comes to all this. I can't help but worry and wonder about things. I'm scared to face them after that. I mean I know they feel bad for what happened and I wish I could just make them forget it did but I can't. I can't even forget it myself. Then getting attacked by a pony that I don't even know what I did to wrong them or their boss. This may sound weird or at least it sort of does with me. I don't feel safe anymore, like no matter where I go I worry that the universe is just going to do something to smite me. Either to wipe any happiness I could feel from the face of the planet or just to do it as some sick joke.” I said before I went silent before I could voice my darker thoughts. Cadence gently rubbed my back quietly.

“I'm sorry Firestorm, I truly am.” She said as we sat there in silence. I just wanted to break down into little pieces and get blown away in the evening breeze. “Maybe you need a good night's sleep.” She said and I tensed up. I turned to Cadence when she said that. “Nightmares?” She asked and nodded.

“I don't get to enjoy sleep much. I've had one day of rest but I didn't really dream that night.” I said as I started to breath deeply to calm down a bit.

“Luna should be able to help you with those.” She said. I shook my head.

“She's tried but it doesn't help. Nothing gets solved or I wake up too soon for her to show up.” I explain. “Is peace just too hard to ask for. Just one nice peaceful day to enjoy things. When I don't have to worry about anything? Just enjoy the moment, enjoy my time with Twilight? Even enjoy it so much that I just feel safe and at home?” I said as I fought to not cry. The waiter then came by with our orders.

“If you want you can stay in the castle until you feel safe.” She offered and I shook my head.

“I can't do that either because in less then three weeks I have to go negotiate a treaty with the dragons to the north. Which with that over my head now because I know I will screw up. Then you know where that could lead I just... Why did it have to fall to me on all this? Why can I just be a normal pony? Just some average unicorn or earth pony and have a happy no worry life?” I asked

“What about a pegasus?” She asked.

“I'm afraid of heights...” I said as I floated my fork over and poked the salad lightly with it.

“Oh... wow. Um... sorry.” She nervously said and I glance over to her.

“It's fine Cadence. I know I should try and get over it but it's just like it is with Twilight and them. When I see how high I am I just close it and panic. Last time I was stuck up there I did something extremely stupid.” I said as I roll a small round tomato around the lettuce.

“What's that?” She asked.

“Buck the cloud out from under me and dived into a small lake barely making it and probably would have been killed if I didn't transform to get away from Rainbow after I made a huge mistake with Twilight earlier that day.” I said not really focusing anymore just going into a more into auto with my responses.

“That was very um... what's the word I'm looking for?” She asked running her chin

“Stupid, idiotic, dumb?” I offered.

“Brave?” She countered and I shook my head.

“Brave would have been staying up there and facing Dash. No... I'm not brave.” I said before I stabbed the tomato letting the lightly tinted red juice ooze out.

“But you faced a Timber wolf for Fluttershy and Twilight. You faced your friends nightmares and even Nightmare moon herself to distract her. Then you faced the queen of the changelings.” She said.

“Sha faced the changeling queen in my body. That wasn't me. As for the other two. I only did what was right. I was scared more than you could know but I focused on the task at hoof.” I said as I took my first bite.

“You're not giving yourself enough credit Storm. You faced three of Luna's night guard captains and defeated two.” She said.

“Out of anger from the cheap shot. If they didn't make me angry like they did. I doubt I could hold up against one of them let alone three.” I said before I stabbed at my salad for another bite. “Look I may do stuff that ponies think I'm being brave to do or should find strength in. I don't Cadence, I'm not strong, I'm not brave. I just do what I have to. Only to make sure the ponies I care about are safe.” I said before I took another bite. My gaze was just on my salad bowl in front of me as my fork just floated around doing what I would have done with my hooves.

“Can you at least consider yourself brave for your friends?” She asked.

“Brave... no. I can't Cadence. I see myself as their shield. Even for Twilight, I want to be everything for her. Make her feel better when she is sad or upset about something. Calm her down when she is mad or at least have it focused on me than any other pony. I want to make her happy when she needs it or when ever we are around. I do miss her and during the whole universe issue I couldn't help but miss her. Even when I saw that universe's Twilight. I only thought about my marefriend. I...” I couldn't help it anymore and just broke down crying right there. “I can't... Cadence. I just can't be as brave as she deserves me to be.” I said as she placed a wing around me to comfort me. In silence, between my small quiet sobs, we ate. No pony interrupted us as we did so. I think they knew best not to. I finally stopped crying a little after I finished eating. Cadence took her time just gently looking over at me ever so often as I let my mane just go a little wild. Just enough to cover my eyes. I sighed quietly as my gaze felt like it turned cold. Like the coldness you could feel down to your heart. When you feel alone or apart from everyone and everypony you know, like you grew a little away from them. A few moments passed before Cadence finished and paid for the meal. We both made our way to the castle, the only sounds were the world around us, and the hoof steps that the four of us made. Time sort of flew by with me just stuck in slow motion. Cadence showed me to the room I could use to stay and I entered. The walls where made out of a solid non-transparent crystal. There was one window fairly large but not overpowering. The bed was made out of crystals and was a four poster bed with a soft mattress overlaid with a velvet red blanket. The two white pillows adorn the top of it. I removed and placed the saddle bag I had with me on the table and went to the bed. I just climbed on top of it and looked out at the setting sun. Night was coming and I didn't know what to do.


“How long has he been in there?” Shining asked after he had received word that Firestorm left Ponyville. He was still in his Canterlot guard uniform.

“About a day give or take.” Cadence said as they both looked through the crack in the door.

“This must really be eating him.” he said.

“More then I think any of us could know. He doesn't feel safe anymore Shining and what happened just... It feels like he is breaking apart inside.” Cadence said worry ever present in her voice.

“Is there anything we could do?”

“I wouldn't even know where to start. The only thing I could think that could work is getting Twilight and the rest up here to talk to him but... He's scared of most of them right now.” She said before the two of them left the door.

“I heard something happened in Ponyville but I didn't get the details. Do you know what happened?” Shining said as they reached their personal room.

“Well from what I was told. When he returned they attacked him. That was before he was able to switch back to his body.” Cadence said before she leaned against her husband for support.

“What could have caused them to do that?” Shining said before he gave his wife a comforting nuzzle.

“I think they were scared too. They thought that maybe Firestorm was gone for good. I think that weighed too much and they made a rash decision before they knew who it was.” Cadence speculated.

“Then what can we do? We may have to get him to face them but... how?” He said before before an idea hit him. “Why don't we get him into a room with them maybe that way they can face it head on.” He offered.

“Shining dear. I don't think that is wise. He may panic and do something rash out of fear.” She said. “Remember when we started to date. You were tripping over your hooves just to make sure you didn't mess up with me.” She said. He blushed a bit in embarrassment. The sounds of a light patter started to fill the halls of the crystal castle. The rain started to fit the mood that both ponies felt for their friend and family in the other room.

“You may be right but... maybe one at a time. Give him some time to get use to them all. You're going to have to get them here.” Cadence said as she looked at Shining Armor.

“Why me?” He asked. “Couldn't you do it?”

“No, I was told not to tell them about him. You weren't so you have to do it.”

“Alright.” he said giving his wife another nuzzle before he kissed her. Then the sound of a piano could be heard echoing through the halls. The notes each rang with a sadness that told volumes to the pink alicorn. “Who's playing that?”

“I think I know.” Cadence said before she left quietly. Leaving Shining to notify his sister where her coltfriend was. He wanted to help himself but he knew that nothing he could say would get through. Even after meeting with the orange dralicorn he knew that even he had a stubbornness to him about his outlook of himself.

“He must really be beating himself up for all this.” Shining thought as he left to find the messenger mare. It didn't take long for him to track her down. Crystal Wing was always around ready to send a message at a moments notice.

“Hello Prince Shining Armor.” Crystal Wing said with a bow. Her crystal coat was ever so glimmering even in the gray light from the rain outside.

“Hello Crystal Wing. I need you to send a message to my sister in Ponyville.” He said before he pulled over a piece of parchment and a quill.

Dear Twily,
I need you and your friends to come to the Crystal Empire. Firestorm is here and he needs all your help. I can't go into the details right now but please hurry.

He stopped writing because right then six mares came in to the castle all soaking wet but the white one that wore a raincoat and the yellow Pegasus that had an umbrella on her back.

“Well that saves me the trouble of sending them to them” he thought before coming over to them. “Hello Twiliy.” He said before his sister came up still wet.

“Hello Shining, how is he?” She asked.

“I take it you knew?” He asked.

“Well... no we didn't know where he went, until Spike told Rarity.” Twilight said before a flash of her horn she was dry again. Her coat and mane a bit fluffed but otherwise dry.

“Oh dear you've got to show me how to do that spell.” Rarity said with a smile. Both Dash and Applejack didn't look amused as much. Pinkie on the other hoof just shook like a dog and was dry like her normal self, poofy mane and all. Dash and Applejack sighed before, two mares came over with towels to help dry them off. It didn't take long for them to be all dry and sitting in the large meeting room that the girls used before to go over the book of the Crystal Empire's history.

“So that's what happened.” Shining said after explaining what he was told from Cadence to the group of them.

“I... I... I did this...” Twilight said quietly as he looked down.

“Sugarcube you didn't know how he would have taken all this. I honestly think I would have been scared too.” She said as she gently rubbed her friends back.

“Oh man. I feel like a heel.” Dash said feeling just as dejected as Twilight does.

“We all did something we're not proud off, besides Fluttershy and Pinkie of course. But I think we need to help him realize that he has nothing to fear from us.” Rarity said.

“But how? Every time he sees us, it brings back those images of us.” Twilight said.

“Why don't we get him better images for them to flash to make him all happy.” Pinkie said with a bounce.

“I think that would be easier said than done Pinkie.” Applejack said.

“Yeah it is. All you have to do is make him laugh at us instead of being all scared of us.” She said still bouncing.

“And how do you plan to do that?” Applejack asked.

“Poison joke?” She offered.

“No way am I going to go through all that again.” Applejack said. Rarity paled a bit from that remembering when all her mane and fur were so untamed. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“I don't think that will work Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“But Spike laughed when you were all Twilight Flopple, Hairity, Appletini, and Rainbow Crash.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Don't forget Flutterguy and Spitty Pie” Dash retorted.

“Yeah those two.” Pinkie said. Cadence made her way in worry still on her face. She just left Firestorm in the music room.

“Is he doing any better?” Twilight asked worry ever present in her voice and face. Cadence just shook her head.

“He's closed himself in. I got him to agree to sleep tonight but I don't know how well that will go over, him having nightmares and all.” Cadence explained as the ears of all the ponies in the room flatted back.

“That bad?” Twilight asked. Cadence took a deep breath and nodded.

“Luna's unable to help him.” She said.

“But she helps all ponies through their nightmares.” Rarity said.

“Then I know what we have to do. Throw him a super-rific party to make him have great dreams from now on and to make him forget about all those nasty images in his head.” Pinkie said before she pulled out an almost comically over-sized pink book. Upon opening it streamers shot out with the same sound as a party popper. “This is going to need the super duper big book of planning for.” She said before she sat down and went over it. The rest of the ponies looked at her in a mixture of confusion and surprise.

“Pinkie where were you hiding that book?” Twilight asked.

“With my other stuff.” Pinkie said as she pulled out her party cannon from nowhere.

“Pinkie you’re so random.” Dash said with a shake of her head.

“What is he doing right now?” Twilight said turning back to Cadence. The same echoing note of sadness reached all the way there as the song started to play over.

“He's playing that.” She said as she turns to the door. She couldn't help but feel sad at the beautifully played music. Being the alicorn of love herself she was able to sense the sadness in the heart of the one playing it. The group just sat there and listened to the music. It was almost hauntingly sad. Twilight looked around quietly before asking.

“Where did Fluttershy go?” She asked.


A sigh left my mouth as I continued to play this piano. It took a bit of practice but I could manipulate the keys with my left hoof while my right used the prosthetic claws. It did kind of help my mood, music was just another form of art that I dabbled in, not really my forte though. I heard that some ponies arrived by the guards out in the hall keeping watch. Apparently they were told to report on my actions. Which was how Cadence found out that I was playing in here and came to check on me. I told her like I did before, I didn't sleep much because of that nightmare again. It was worse this time because in the dream even the girls said the same as that thing “You shouldn't have gotten in my way” That still echoed in my head. I spent my day reading up on dragons to prepare for the peace talk. Which it seems that the dragons to the north were very brash from what I had read. So being straight to the point was going to be key here.

“Are you alright?” The timid voice that could only come from one pony said behind me. I stopped playing and turned to see Fluttershy.

“Oh, hello Fluttershy” I said before I turned back and continued to play. She came up to me and watched me play a bit. “Not really, to answer your question.” I said before I switched to another song. They started to melt together about an hour ago when I started.

“Do... do you blame us?” She asked which got me to stop again. I turned to her.

“Fluttershy. I don't blame any pony for what happened. I'm not angry if that's your next question. The problem is just with me.” I said before I returned to the music. Silence filled the space between the two of us as the only thing that rang out was the strokes of the keys from the piano. Fluttershy gently floated next to me and played with me. “I didn't know you played Fluttershy” I said, I saw a small smile on her face.

“I used to play lot when I was a little filly. My mother taught me how to play the piano before she passed.” She explained.

“Sorry.” I said more feeling like a heel. That must have brought up a painful memory for her.

“It's alright. I miss her but I learned that music can help you remember your loved ones, like how I sing with the birds back home.” She explained and I smiled quietly. The two of us started to play a duet together, me taking the more base like tones and her the more lighter pitched ones. We continued to play, slowly letting the song take us.

“I take it every pony is here?” I asked, already knowing the answer. She nodded as she continued to play. “I take it there worried about me?” again a nod. “I'm going to guess Cadence explained my problem.” and yet another nod. I was three for three, “Then what are they planning?” I asked.

“Pinkie wants to throw you a party to make you feel better... if that's okay.” She said.

“I do enjoy Pinkie's parties.” I started with a smile before it turned into a frown “But I don't know if it would help honestly.” I said as I continued.

“If you don't mind me asking. What will help?” She asked and I stopped for a moment to think about it.

“I really don't know Fluttershy, part of it is from when... It happened. The look you all gave me just... Just makes me feel like a little mouse with a cat looming over.” I tried explaining. It did make me feel like I was their prey with how angry they all looked at me. “I don't want to be scared of them Fluttershy but... I... I just can't help it. I've seen anger before but, I’ve never saw that kind of anger. It was like they hated every fiber of my being. I know it's not the case but it felt like that. You know?” I said turning to her. She nodded quietly before gently rubbing my back with a hoof. Both of us weren’t playing the piano anymore. “So how did you all know I came here?” I asked.

“Spike told Rarity and she told us.” She explain. Damn it, I knew I forgot to tell him that. I said Twilight not the others, great going you idiot, I sighed quietly.

“It's alright Fluttershy. I should have known you all would find out.” I said before I hopped off the piano bench. “I don't know if I'm ready to even look at the group yet. You and Pinkie I'm fine with because... I didn't see that from you two. I know this may come across weird but. You looked worried for me even though you never knew it was me until it was too late.” I said.

“I did know.” She said which got me to stop and turn to her.


“The look in your eyes when you came through the portal. You felt happy to see us like you belonged there. That's how I knew. I don't know about Pinkie but... sorry.” She said with the last of it ending on a squeak.

“Like I said Fluttershy it's fine. I'm glad at least one or two of you knew it was me.” I said before I left to go back to my room again. The two guards followed me and stopped right at my door. I opened it to find Twilight looking through the papers in the back. I saw her head turn towards me and I panicked, slamming the door. Note to self: not this door right now. I turned to head somewhere else, anywhere else, maybe the kitchen. One small trot later changed my mind, the kitchen was out because I opened the door to see the back of Applejack's head working on the stove. Maybe um... the armory. That should be safe... right? I had the guards lead me there. Every so often they gave me looks when I changed where I wanted to go. The Armory was out, Rarity was in there looking at armors like fashion. The library was out because Twilight decided to poof in as soon as I opened the door. Maybe my room... damn it, Rainbow was outside the window. Damn ponies, you make it hard for some pony to avoid you. I decided to go outside, granted it was still raining but it was better than getting ambushed inside the castle. I go outside to find it surprisingly empty, not so surprising, it was raining and not a lot of ponies like the rain. I didn't mind it, it was nice and refreshing, though I never did like driving in it. I had some time alone but something felt off... a small unearthly chill blew on the breeze. I shivered at this before I turned to go back inside. Maybe I should just... what the hell was that? There was a large spiraling vortex in the middle of the large snowflake looking pattern on the ground. The portal looked like a crystallized cavern, being a moron, I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me and stepped into it. Something about this place felt familiar to me. I didn't know why. I started to walk down it every so often I see a dark maroon splosh of dried blood on the ground. I continued to walk it nothing happening but that chill filling my body so much more. Each step echoed throughout the cavern, it became the only melody that could be heard for miles. Until I finally got to the opening which lead into a giant cavern above it, the Infinity Torch. That's where I knew this from, back when Shadow controlled me, he hid here to trick Twilight and her friends into releasing him from me. The Torch floated down to me so I could see the golden base radiate colors of a rainbow in it's flame. I couldn't help but put my hoof into it, it felt comforting, like a warm embrace.

“Long time no see.” I heard echo around me. I froze at the voice. That was my voice, slightly distorted but my voice. I looked around, nothing, please tell me that was in my head at least. “Just going to pretend I'm not here. Oh Fire I'm wounded.” He said as I turned to see Shadow Storm walk out of the wall like it was just made of smoke.

“What do you want?” I said taking stance.

“Oh nothing. Just wanted to talk to my brother.” He said calmly sitting down, I didn't move.

“You're not my brother.” I said angrily, I still remember what he did in my body, to my friends and family.

“Oh but I am. You and I are one side to the same coin.” he said as he pulled out a bit, instead of the sun and moon on them It held two of my face. One with a smile the other a frown be flipped it up in the air quietly.

“We are not the same.” I said.

“Oh that is clear, crystal clear.” He said a smirk on his face. “But we're not here about the difference between the two of us. No, we’re here because of how you feel to about them.” He said as the wall behind him lit up with the hate filled images of Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Celestia, and Luna. “We’re here so you can make them feel like you did.” He said walking closer.

“Stay back Shadow.” I said as my mane started to light. I focused my gaze on him and not the images behind him.

“Or what? You're going to hurt me? Please, right now you're too shaken up to do a damn thing.” He said before he swung at me, knocking me clear across the room. I get up spitting out the bit of blood he caused. “You're too much of a coward to do anything about me” he said getting closer again. He went to strike me again but I bit his hoof to stop him. With his other one he punched me off. “Oh so we are down to biting are we?” He said before the crystals around me shot up and stabbed into my leg. The same one that had a large piece of wood in it less than a week ago.

“Let me go Shadow.” I said before I started to struggle against it.

“Like I said I know how you feel. You feel like they don't care about you.” He said getting up into my face. “Why should they even care? You're not from here. Don't even lie to me Fire, I know as much as you do. You’re not a drony, or a pony, but a human that doesn't belong here.” He said as my head lowered. He was right, I don't belong here, I didn't belong anywhere did I? “So why don't you just give up already. Give up trying to fit in, you can take over.” He said. I look up at him in silence. “Oh, caught your attraction did I?” He said grinning to show his razor sharp teeth. “You heard me right, take over, then you don't have to worry about fitting in. They would have to worry about fitting in with you. Do as you tell them to do and have nothing to worry about anything.” He said trying to sweeten the deal with me. “You can even keep Twilight all to yourself. Hell you can have any mare you want to be yours and to do whatever you want with them.” He said and I started to shake at this.

“You want me to take over all of Equestria?” I asked.

“Not just Equestria but all of it.” He said.

“So you want me to take over everything? Why?” I asked.

“Because you deserve it.” He said.

“So you want me to take it over because I deserve it, just so I can control everything.” I said and he nodded. “So I can have any mare I want, as what, some kind of pet?” He nodded again. “and keep Twilight to myself?” He nodded again.

“Sounds good doesn't it?” he said grinning.

“Yes it does but you know what sounds better?” I asked he turned his head.


“This!” I yelled as my horn flashed and crystal spikes flew out of the wall at Shadow turning him into a pony pin cushion. He grinned as he turned into smoke for a moment before he stepped back, letting all the crystals that perforated him go. I watched him carefully before the crystal around my hoofs starts to break.

“So I take that as a no then?” He mocking asked.

“Maybe this will clarify it for you.” I said before I broke the crystals leaving them around my hooves like blocks. I collided my right crystal covered hoof into his face sending him back. I then swung sending the left one off my hoof into him.

“Most definitely a no then.” he said before the crystals behind him turned back and broke out making spears. “I guess I have to give you a rebuttal.” He got out before shooting them at me. Thinking fast I brought up the floor to shield me. A few of them pierce through but got stuck. I pulled one through and it turned red. Hmm... I wonder. I floated it above me as I started pulling the remaining out. They all turned red as my magic held them. I balanced on my back hooves as I held one in stance.

“Gutsy I see.” he said before he readied himself. I waited for his move as must have mine.

“What are you waiting for Shadow. I thought you wanted to get your point across?” I asked. He grinned and fired spikes at me. I used the crystal spear to pole vault over them, jumping on top of him. This was kind of funny. A pony riding on a pony like a cowboy. He tried to buck me off but I held on to his horn. Let's see if I can go for eight seconds. He continued to try to buck me as he fired spikes at me. I grabbed one of the spears in my magic and stabbed it through his hoof into the ground as I jumped off to avoid the spike. I stabbed him three other times, I had him pinned down like a butterfly collector would a butterfly. I stood on the spears. “Feeling a little pinned there Shadow?” I asked before I jumped down landing with all four of my hooves onto his back. I jumped off, walked around the front of him. “Listen carefully Shadow, I will not take over anything. Do I make myself clear?” I asked. He looked up at me with anger in his eyes. “You won’t convince me otherwise, but let me burn that into you.” I said before I breathed in and shot out a stream of flames. What I didn't expect was for the crystal spears to act violently to my fire. They exploded, sending me back into the wall, I could have sworn I heard a bone or two break when I hit the wall.

“Idiot” Shadow said as he stood back up and walked over to me. “I don't want you to control shit. I want you dead.” He said before grabbing me by the back of my head and started to bash it into the wall. Over and over again, he continued to try and break my skull on the wall, too bad no pony told him I had a thick head. I was able to grab onto his fur. He looked down and slightly released his grip. I sent my face into his. Well mostly, I got my horn right into his eye. He stepped back, grabbing his eye and screaming in pain. I was breathing hard as I spit some blood out. Black ooze came from his eye socket as I watched him. I galloped up to him, turned, and tried to buck him but he grabbed me by my back hooves and started to swing me against the wall like a kid would a rag doll. I reached out with my magic and shot a pillar of crystal up, but he caught on and sent me right through it, breaking it. “Sorry no pillars for you.” He said, before he threw me up into the air. He then sent a spike into my prosthetic hoof, destroying it. I was also pinned to the ceiling by it. Damn it why won't this pony leave me the fuck alone? Wait, what the hell am I thinking? I felt out that familiar warmth and transformed. I disconnected my hoof and landed on my three hoofs breathing hard. “Oh please do you really think an illusion is going to trick me into running. You must be really stupid, thinking it's going to work.” he got out before I turned and slashed him across the face with my tail. “Okay, not illusion.” He said holding his hoof up to his face. It was then he started to change into a dark version of me. His coat turned a unearthly violet, his mane remained black but looked like smoke itself. He grinned at me with obsidian, black, razor sharp teeth. His eyes turned black with serpent style purple eyes. “You're not the only one to know that trick Fire.” he said before he started to fly up into the air. Shit, I forgot he knew how to fly. I was able to jump out of the way before he was able to strike me with black flames.

“You're not going to win Shadow.” I said as I braced myself against the wall with my stub. A small thumb bump could be felt through it. I turned to look at it in surprise. That was a big mistake. That gave him enough time to do the pony version of a dropkick, sending me into and through the wall.

“Don't take your eyes off the enemy, you moron.” He said before he grabbed me by my tail and swung me around again. I expanded my wings giving him wind resistance and me enough time to flip before I landed on him.

“You shouldn't underestimate me.” I said before I breathed fire right into his face, but something felt different. My fire normally took a ruby red color, but this time it was a multitude of colors, a rainbow of them. Shadow screamed in pain, before he got his hooves under me and kicked me off. I landed on my four hooves. Wait... four hooves? I looked to see that I had a crystallized prosthetic that looked like a claw out right. I felt a calm warmth that I never felt before. It was then I noticed my scales were not the normal red, but white with a sheen of rainbow in them. I looked up to see the Infinity Torch sending it's rainbow flames into my body. So this thing didn't like Shadow either, good to know. “Get up Shadow.” I commanded. I watched as Shadow dissipated into shadow for a moment and returned into his draconic form from the wall.

“So you think just because you have that you can defeat me?” He said as I could see the wear on him.

“No, I know I can defeat you because I'm good and your evil, pure and simple as that.” I said.

“Not all good is right and not all evil is wrong Fire.” He said before shooting more spikes at me as he covered his body in crystals. I brought up a wall in front of me to stop them. He then rushed at me in a set of crystal armor. It pierced me, like being stabbed by a wall of spikes. I rolled back sending him over me. He then grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up. His left crystal covered hoof turned into a spike and stabbed me. I'm not going to lie, I screamed, well roared, in pain. He broke it off in me before reforming another one, this time I returned the favor with one of my own through his back. He tossed me away as he broke the one in his back, pulling it out. He then started to laugh quietly. I pulled out the spike, it left a good size hole in my side. It felt lucky to me because I think the torch was keeping me going. Otherwise I may have dropped a long time ago.

“Don't give up.” A voice echoed in my head. It sounded female and motherly but I couldn't place who it was. I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. Remember what you read Storm. Crystals here can reverberate sound and he is covered in them. So I need to get a way to reverberate him... wait. That's it. Why didn't I think of it sooner. I started to manipulate my vocal cords and prepared. He flew right up to me and with two quick motions stabbed me in the forelegs. Lucky for me the idiot put himself too close.

“Check mate.” I said before I unleashed a royal Canterlot voice powered roar right into the crystals causing it to echo throughout the whole caverns. The crystals here were like little tuning forks that could take any sound and reverberate it everywhere down it. Since he covered himself in it, I was pushing right into his ears, echoing over and over. He dropped me and grabbed his head trying to tear out the crystals of his makeshift helmet. This gave me time to pull out a crystal spike from the wall and run it through his check. This one was semi hollow, perfect. I let out another roar right into it so he got double dosed. With a puff of smoke he disappeared within the wall. I sat there for a good hour soaking in the flames from the Infinity Torch. This thing did wonders, as it healed up all my wounds, except for my leg, that was lost for good. The crystal prosthetic shattered and broke away shortly after my second roar. Oh well, I never had much luck with these prosthetic when it came to combat. I lose one almost every time. I lightly laughed at that. I looked up at the Torch for a moment. “Thank you for helping me.” I said to it. I got no reply, didn't expect one either. It was kind of nice really, for something Sombra used it at least knew right from wrong. I hobbled over to it again, like before it came down to me. I gently put my hoof into it again just enjoying the warmth for a moment. This was nice... very nice.


So I got out of the vortex to find a group of guards running all over the place. Shining Armor was barking orders out.

“Find him!” He yelled to the guards. Which one of them pointed at me. Oh crap what did I do now? He turned to me and looked in surprised.

“Where have you been?” he asked coming right up to me and shaking me.

“I was around.” I said, not sure what to make of all this.

“No seriously, where did you go? You were gone for over two hours. No pony knew where you went. Even the guards we had following you lost sight of you. They said you just disappeared.” He said as he continued to shake me.

“Please stop shaking me.” I said trying to hold on to what was left of my lunch. He finally stopped shaking me. “Okay I will explain but can someone please send for a new prosthetic leg for me, the last one broke.” Shining deadpanned at me.

“Fine. You get him a new leg.” He said pointing to one of the crystal guards. “You send word to my wife and my sister that we found him.” He said to another. They both nodded and galloped off. “You will now explain, where the buck did you go?” He said wrapping me in a fairly tight layer of magic as he dragged me inside to my room. Oh joy, I was going to get scolded for this for sure. He puts me on the bed and looks at me. “Okay where did you go?”

“Alright, I went to the Infinity Torch” I explained his eye's shot wide. “Hold on I will explain.” and so I did. I explained the events that transpired when I was trying to avoid the four mares. I went over the fact that Shadow Storm was not done with me and how I defeated him.

“That explains the rumbling and roaring we heard.” He said. So apparently I was loud enough to shake the whole kingdom and be heard. That was kind of good to know. It was then I was sent sideways from a flash of purple magic and a lavender mare tackling me. I honestly couldn't help but shrink back at this, sue me, I was still scared of the mare damn it.

“Don't you ever run away like that again.” Twilight said as she gently nuzzled into my cheek. I couldn't help but blush and look away, I did go quite rigid at this.

“Sorry.” I squeaked out with a bit of shakiness to my voice. I turned to see Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity at the door. The images of those three flashed in my head and started shrink back more with my eyes firmly shut.

“Um... Twily. You may want to let him go.” Shining said most likely noticing my reaction to all this.

“But I was worried.” She said.

“And he's still scared of you.” He pointed out. There was a few moments before I was released and curled up quietly.

“Please don't be scared of us.” Twilight asked. I chanced opening an eye and looking up at her. She looked so sad I wanted to just make her feel better. We just sat there looking at each other in silence. I could even see the worry in Shining's face in my peripheral. “What do we have to do to make you not scared of us?” She asked.

“Yeah, It's not cool to have some pony afraid of us.” Dash said coming up behind Twilight.

“Please, sugarcube. How can we make this up to you.” Applejack added when she came up.

“I... don't... know.” I said then I watched them in silence.

“Please darling, just tell us what we can do...” Rarity added a few moments later. She didn't come up but I felt a hoof on my back. As my gaze shot over to see Fluttershy gently rubbing my back.

“Shh... It's alright.” She said trying to calm me down. I blinked slowly before I turned to Twilight again. She leaned down towards me so she was the only thing in my vision. She was crying at this point but gently kissed my forehead. I felt a little safer around her but. It still wasn't much. “Why don't we let him um... rest a bit? He's had a long day.” Fluttershy asked and Twilight nodded. I was then wrapped in Twilight's magic and placed back on the bed. I slowly uncurls and laid there watching the ponies in my room remaining silent. I few moments later Twilight's horn lit up and I started to feel drowsy. Damn it, she put a sleep spell on me. This was not fair but it was too late. As soon as my eyes closed I was in la la land again. Surprisingly enough this time my dream was not of that thing. It was peaceful. It was sunrise and I was laying on a nice warm blanket. The warming breeze blew through my coat and wings.

“Hello Firestorm.” The regal voice that could only belong to one princess of the night said behind me. I turned to see her walk up, but not alone. With her was Celestia who looked worried at me. I gulped quietly as I wanted to shrink back.

“Hi.” I timidly said that could easily match Fluttershy on her best day.

“We're not here to hurt you Firestorm we just wanted to talk to you.” Luna said. I couldn't help but feel nervous.

“Yes?” I asked still timid.

“We just wanted to know why you left to the Crystal Empire.” Celestia asked.

“I needed to get away from everypony. I... I've been afraid of them and you two.” I said even more shyly added the last two.

“From when we attacked you?” Luna asked and I nodded.

“I still see your faces. I... I just wanted to get away from all of you so I could try forgetting those looks.” I said as I turned from them to watch the sunrise.

“We do apologize for our actions.” she said.

“I know you're sorry and I know the rest of them are sorry. I know I'm sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Celestia asked as I felt a hoof on my back gently messaging it.

“For running away like a coward. I just... I couldn't deal with it face to face.” I said as I closed my eyes. “I... needed time. Time that I don't have.” I said

“The peace talk with the dragons right?” She asked.

“Yes, I've done some research on them so I'm not going in blind like I was. I just needed to clear my head, maybe find some clarity so I can just see this as one big mistake that it was and get over it. But I can't, for some reasoning every time I look at either of you two, at Twilight, Applejack, Dash, or Rarity. I see those angry faces and it scares me. I turn into a little foal scared of the dark. I don't want that Celestia. I need to get over it. For me, for my friends, and especially for Twilight.” I said as my gaze turns to Celestia on my right. I see that face of her but I fight the urge to be a coward. I shake at her gaze but it's better than nothing.

“Firestorm...” Celestia quietly said before she placed a wing around. “I didn't mean to...” She started.

“To cause me this pain, I know Celestia. I think I understand it most of all.” I finished before my gaze turned to the sun which was now setting. “I know both of you wanted to protect Equestria. Honestly I think I would have done the same thing. Look I don't mean to be like this. But... I'm just running in circles at this point.” I said just shaking my head

“Firestorm... I want to apologize too, about the nightmares.” Luna said and I turn to look at her. My heart jumps a beat as that face flashes in my mind but, I quill it for now. “I don't know what is causing them but... It seems that they have stopped, at least for now.” She said looking around at the now night time field. “It's rather nice here. Is there a memory tied to this place?” She asked.

“Kind of. It's more a thing I like to do when I get a chance. I like to lay down on a blanket in a field just on a nice spring or summer day. Sometimes at night, just to listen to the music of nature I guess.” I explained.

“I see.” She said continuing to look around.

“Can I ask you two something?”

“Go right ahead.” Celestia answered.

“Why can't I feel safe?” I asked.

“I do not know.” Celestia answered.

“Neither do I.” Luna added.

“I figured as much. I guess its a fact that followed.” I said sighing.

“A fact that followed?” Celestia questioned.

“It's a feeling, I don't get to really feel safe. I feel on edge every where I go. I try to feel safe, sometimes I can delude myself into thinking I am but, I'm never really truly safe. Hell, I thought the Crystal Empire would be safe, but nope. I ended up facing Shadow Storm in the Infinity Torch chambers. Before you ask yes it's still there and safe.” I said cutting off the next question.

“Why did you face him?” Luna asked this time.

“He wanted to break me. He wanted me to snap and try to take over Equestria for myself. I doubt that was his real plan, break me most likely just to kill me but it failed. I used the crystals down there with the Royal Canterlot voice and my roar to cause the crystal armor he wore to echo vibrations to deafen him. I don't know if it worked completely but it got him to back off. It also seems it was powerful enough to shake the Crystal Empire and was heard here.” I explained again.

“Do you think he will try again?” Celestia asked.

“With my track record. I think he will.” I said with a sigh. “Just one more to add to the ponies that want me dead list.” I said with bitterness to my voice. Both Celestia and Luna look at each other then back at me. “Don't worry I'm not seeking for a fight. I don't plan to fight unless I have to.” I said before I laid my head down on the ground. Honestly I wasn't one for fighting. If I needed to fight or get it out of my system I more watched something for that enjoyment. That or read a book but to each there own right? We sat there quietly as it became night and day over again. “So... I think I may understand a bit of my cutie mark.” I said pretty much out of no where.

“Oh?” Luna said now intrigued.

“Yes, I think it's about the elements. Like the natural elements.” I start of.

“Like fire?” Celestia asked.

“Well yes, fire comes natural to me anyway. I always loved just watching fire burn. How the flames dance to a song all their own but water does the same and I enjoy just relaxing by a lake. I even like playing in the water itself. I take to it like a fish. The air I'm not so much into. I mean I like the thought of flight but... well you can guess why I don't fly.” I said that last part sheepishly.

“Quite understandable.”

“And the earth itself. I do enjoy a good walk from time to time, even when I was human I did it barefooted. I also can enjoy the beauty of nature itself. If you put it in that context with my abilities so far. It's not a stretch to think that my cutie mark is about the elements of nature itself.” I explained.

“Could you clarity what you mean about your abilities?” Celestia asked.

“Well fire is pretty obvious but I can breathe in water, lightning is self explanatory. Earth, I didn't know I could do until my fight with Shadow. I was using the crystals down there as both my offensive and defensive means. In all fairness so did Shadow but I don't know what to make of it. But it doesn't change what happened. I've got to say though, I don't think I would have won without the Infinity Torch's help.” I said before I noticed both Luna and Celestia going a bit rigid.

“What do you mean it helped?” She asked now going into a serious tone. I gulped at this. Did I do something wrong? Why does this world just hate me so that even a helping force is something bad.

“Well... When I was fighting I noticed my normal flames where multicolored, sort of like Rainbow Dash's mane. I saw streams of fire from the torch enter my body and turn my red scales to white with a sort of rainbow sheen. I haven't transformed since then so I don't know if it stuck but it wasn't just that. Honestly, I think the Torch wanted to helped and protected me. I even think I heard it speak to me. It told me don't give up. It felt.. warm. Not like a warm blanket or a nice bath but a more... I don't know a warmth from a loving family member, a comfort that felt right.” I explain more to myself really. It did help me feel safe... well safer at the least.

“Maybe you're right then. From what I can tell the torch wanted to help you. But I would ask that you refrain from going there again.” she said.

“I understand.” I said simply. She didn't want another Sombra and I really do understand that. The world around us started to fade away. I guess this marked the end of my dream.

“It appears our time is up.” Luna said as she got back to her hooves.

“Goodbye Luna and Celestia. Thank you.” I said before I saw them wave as the world around them disappeared and them a few moments later.


I yawned quietly leaving my eye's closed just to rest. Really I didn't need to be awake yet, too much to do around here.

“Oh he's waking up.” The unmistakeable voice of Pinkie Pie said in front of me. I sighed quietly and slowly opened my eyes to two pools of blue staring back at me surrounded in a ocean of pink. A small giggle could be heard but I just shrugged and closed my eyes again. It's okay, just Pinkie being pinkie is all. Wait... Pinkie? My eyes shot wide as everything snapped into focus with Pinkie being snout to snout with me. Being the idiot that I was I jumped in surprised and fell off the bed on to my back.

“Ow.” I said rubbing by back after I got to my hunches. Note to self crystal floors are not soft, like at all. I turned to see Pinkie just as bouncy as always as she hops onto the bed and bounces on it. “What are you doing here so early Pinkie?” I asked after I got back onto my hooves.

“Oh well it's the afternoon and I wanted to make sure you're all up for your party.” Pinkie said as she bounced off the bed like a diving board, it sounded like one too and landed right in front of me on one hoof like if it was nothing. My brain just sent back an error at this. Of course this being Pinkie I could just easily ignore it and label it as a Pinkie moment. I shook my head to wake up more. So I had slept until the afternoon? How strong of a sleeping spell did Twilight put on me? I was going to have to have a word with the lavender mare. Honestly I really was starting to hate getting put to sleep like that. I took a deep breath and looked at Pinkie.

“Pinkie could you.”

“Get you a cup of coffee black? Sure.” She said then suddenly magiced up me a large mug of it. I just took the cup. Seriously I should stop being surprised by this mare.

“Alright so... this party? Do I even need to ask the reason for it?” I asked.

“Its a let's party so your not afraid of your friends anymore because of a complete misunderstanding party.” She said and I blinked. Could that all fit on just one banner? What the hell am I thinking? She just woke me up, gave me a cup of coffee from literally out of no where. Then turn around and try to take me to a party with my friends, who I'm currently terrified of because of their attack. True, it was a complete misunderstanding, but she is expecting me to just jump out on that and say its totally a good idea? Lets go party with the ponies that scare the ever living hell out of me. Is she completely flipping crazy? Wait, wait, never mind this is Pinkie pie I'm talking about. With another deep breath.

“Alright. I'll go just after.” I start

“Another cup of coffee?” She said producing another cup, I simply face hoofed and finished my current cup. Then floated over the cup. I just sat there and drank it with Pinkie watching. Like she was waiting for me to finish. In all likelihood she was waiting for me to finish. Once I am done but before I could even put it down, Pinkie grabs my left hoof and flew down the hall with me in tow. When she stopped in the large ball room. She forgot to make sure I stopped to because I went flying right into the curtains on the stage, that had a wall behind them. I hit the wall with the force of a Pinkie Pie cannonball launched from a Pinkie Pie cannon. It hurt, a lot. Luckily the curtains allowed me to slide to the ground without just falling. I got back to my hooves and started to shake. Note to self: have Pinkie grab the right hoof. I’d rather hobble to the party then go slamming into the wall. Pinkie bounced up to me all apologetic but I held a hoof up.

“Pinkie it's alright. It happens.” I said followed by “a lot” under my breath.

“I would give that at least a seven maybe a seven point five for entry. A two for style and a zero for awesomeness.” Rainbow Dash said as she hovered over me. I shook my head trying to make sure my brain wasn't broken from that impact.

“Dash, that's rude.” Twilight said as she trotted closer. Well I could only guess my eye's were still closed from shaking my head.

“Oh I'm just playing with the guy. He's totally cool.” I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Did Dash just say I was cool? I wasn't cool, stupid most definitely but cool, don't see it, like at all. It was then I realized that they were staring at me. I looked at them and didn't quite see that hatred looking face flash in my mind. Angry yes, hatred no. Maybe I was getting use to them again? I could only hope.

“You alright there Storm?” Applejack said next to me.

“Well what is alright when it comes to me.” I said with a light chuckle.

“He does make a point.” Twilight added with a small chuckle herself. It kind of went out of hoof from there as everypony started to laugh. It continued for a bit before Dash poked my side to get my attention. I looked at her and she was giving me the most devious of grins. This was not going to bode well for me.

“So about flying?” She started and my ears instantly went back against my head. “Oh come on you did say you would at least try to learn.” She said crossing her forelegs looking at me. Damn it she got me on that one.

“Alright, alright. I will try to learn how to but please. Please. Close to the ground to start.” I said and Rainbow nodded. For some reason that felt too easy. What was she up to? I guess I will find out when the time comes. I hope that wasn't for a long, long time. I floated a cup of punch over to me as I sat down on my hunches. I looked around just watching everypony there. Most where crystal ponies here. They looked all nice and crystal like. My question was only how was it even possible. I mean if there were all see through like this. Wouldn't we be able to see the food and drink they had? Maybe I'm just over thinking but I'm kind of surprised that no pony had asked that question before. Of course that could turn completely awkward if you could see that.

“Looks like somepony is letting his mind wander.” Rarity said next to me. Wait when did she come up to me like that?

“Ah. Ha ha. Yeah. Caught me red hoof there. Sorry just one of my random questions that I know I shouldn't ask. Oh well right?” I said with a shrug.

“I see.” Rarity said with a small pause before she brought over a fairly large box. I blinked for a moment and pointed to the package. Then back at me. Rarity only nodded at this gesture. I blinked again for a moment.

“You didn't have to Rarity.” I said.

“Oh but I had to. I needed to make it up to you after the unladylike thing I did.” She said.

“We all pitched in and helped.” Twilight added. “We wanted to make it up to you.”

“We know you forgave us but... it felt too easy.” Applejack said.

“But you didn't have to do this. Really it's fine.” I said defensively.

“You can't say that us doing that didn't hurt you. I mean we heard what you said to Princess Cadence and Fluttershy.” Applejack said more looking angry with me. I shrunk back at this. If she was too angry we may have a repeat episode of the other day. “Oh horse apples, I'm doing it again. Sorry there sugar cube, I didn't mean too got so angry but that's what I mean, you’re still scared of us.” She said looking down. I turned to see that Twilight and Rarity looked downtrodden to.

“Okay. Yes I'm still scared of all of you in some way. I'm trying to get over it, I'm here aren’t I? That's got to at least stand for something... right?” I said. “Applejack, I understand that you're all upset over this but there are some things that only time can heal. I don't want you ponies beating yourselves up over this.” I said as they looked at me. I'm not going to lie but my heart raced as they all looked at me. Dash too as she was staring at me determined. I gulped at that look. She of all ponies had the ability to freak me out, by sticking me on a cloud over the ground. Last time I did something stupid and bucked the cloud under me and fell towards the lake. At least I had the lake to land in, out here, yeah, crystal hard ground, I would be a Firestorm modern splatter art. Then my vision got covered by something large and orange, it took a few moments before I realized that Rarity had forced me into an orange hoodie. This was like the one I used to wear all the time. It was one of my favorites too. I turned to see Rarity smiling at me. It took a bit but I found the little spots for my wings to come out. Having your wings in an outfit does not feel good, like being stuck in a straight jacket where your arms were close to coming out but not far enough. It seems Rarity made it that the spots for my wings was a little flap that I could just snap open and close around the wing. I didn't know how to use them but still it was nice.

“I made sure there was a fire proof charm woven into it.” Rarity explained.

“My idea.” Twilight added.

“Oh of course we also put a few more protection spells. No offense, but we thought would be safer that way with your- well, your run of luck.” Rarity added.

“I honestly agree, If you hadn't, I would have asked for it.” I said as she then lifted up a pair of... well it was pant but with giant saddlebags attached to them. I blinked at this for a moment. Would that make them saddle pants then? She helped me slip them on which felt weird to say the least. They did cover up my more um... sensitive places. I slid my tail into the hole in the back and it just felt right. I mean yeah normally ponies here don't wear anything but the guard ponies, for the most part the only other time was for special accusations. Like my birthday party, I wanted something formal. It wasn't normal for ponies but honestly at this point I could just say screw it to normality.

“I've made sure this could handle your more elegant transformation” Rarity said. Elegant? Really was that what they were calling it now a days? Honestly I would have said scary, maybe demonic, or hell even draconic but elegant, really?

“Is there anything I should worry about when it comes to the change?” I said more to make sure.

“Oh there's nothing to fear. I made sure that the area for the tail would stretch for you. Very rarely I have to use elastic for such things but in your case. It was needed. No offense.” She added.

“None taken.” I said as I took a few steps around. It felt a little weird, having clothes again but I could get used to it. I mean I did have that giant necklace thing with me so if worse comes to worse. When I don't wear this I could at least wear that. It was also nice too because the hoodie had long sleeves to hide my prosthetic hoof. I sat there for a few moments just looking the outfit over. I was silent as I did so. It was done so nicely to the bright orange hoodie was a few shades brighter then my coat color and the blue pants just complimented it nicely. I mean those two colors should catch any ponies eyes just fine.

“Do you like it?” Rarity timidly asked.

“Like it... no.” I started and I saw her deflate for a moment before I added. “I love it. Thank you Rarity.” I said giving her a hug. I small huff could be heard behind me as I turned to see Twilight looking a little miffed. Most likely at me. You know because I as the idiot here. I stepped back after releasing the embrace “Sorry.” I said scratching the back of my head for a moment.

“It's quite alright dear.” She said with a smile checking her mane. Twilight came over to me and before I could even say sorry to her. She gave me a kiss right on the lips. I turned a shade of red that I knew the color spectrum could not have but it wasn't just me wearing that color. Twilight did too and it looked cute on her. My heart started to pound faster but not in fear but... in love. I did care for this mare.

“Well it looks like Twily is getting a bit unambitious.” Shining said which caused me to jump and turn around to him.

“Dear you shouldn't tease them. Whats a little fun between ponies?” Cadence said in a hard to read tone. Was she kidding or being serious? I'm never going to understand these ponies.

“It's not like that. I mean we um... never had or did... Oh... Celestia.” She stammered out and I couldn't help but turn even more red at what they were talking about. She was completely flustered at the topic and honestly I was starting to get a little uncomfortable about it. Look I know am I guy, well last time I check I was and we do think about this. But I really hated talking about it in the open like this. It felt wrong to me.

“Can we um... change the subject... please?” I get out nervous and a bit shyly.

“Oh is some pony.” Dash started.

“You finish that question and I will make sure you regret it.” I said shooting a glare at her. That was one subject I will not stand being talked about. It was personal and I want to leave it like that.

“Geez I was just playing.” Dash said defensively.

“Dash can I have a word with you in private?” I said a bit to calmly. She looked at me and nodded with a raised eyebrow. We head into the hall. She followed.

“So what's up?” She said as I shut the door.

“I'm going to be blunt here. That is a subject I don't want talked out in public. I hate it when people or in this case ponies ask me about it or bring it up. So I'm going to calmly request you don't ever bring it up again.” I said staring right into her eyes. She looked into mine.

“Knew it.” She said crossing her forelegs.

“Knew what?” I ask my eyebrows twitched that the word what.

“You're a newbie to it.” She said if she was talking about what I was.

“What if I am?” I said my eyes narrowing quietly slowly.

“Dude relax. I was only playing. I didn't know you would take it like this.” She said.

“Dash, I do. So please stop?” I simply requested.

“Can do. Look sorry about before anyway.” She said looking a little nervous herself.

“Dash, it wasn't your fault.” I said as I turned away from her towards the door.

“Doesn't change the fact I did that to one of my friends.” She said.

“Dash it's water under the bridge now.” I said as I returned to the party. Then I noticed the banner. Apparently Pinkie did fit it all onto it, some how. I just smiled and shook my head at this.

“What was that all about?” Applejack asked.

“Nothing important now.” I said as I returned to them. I was still pretty nervous around them but I did my best not to let it show.

“Why don't we get this party started?” Pinkie said bouncing behind a DJ booth and pulling out no where... Vinyl Scratch? How does... oh never mind it's Pinkie, enough said. I couldn't help but laugh at her antics. Music started to play and everypony there danced, Shining with Cadence, Me with Twilight, and Applejack with Dash. I couldn't help but smile watching those two. Those two looked like they would make a great couple but honestly I couldn't say much beyond that. I only know them some what, not compared to Twilight. I should hang out with them more than I do. I mean it's only fair right? Well that's for a later time, right now I have a lovely lavender marefriend that I want to give my full attention. Even if I'm a little jumpy around her.

“Hey... Storm?” Twilight asked as we danced to some rock song. I couldn't put my hoof where I heard it from but it was familiar.

“Yes Twilight?” I answered.

“Can I ask you for a small favor?” She said timidly.

“Sure what is it Twilight?” I asked.

“Can I um... sleep with you?” She said and I stopped, turning bright red, completely forgetting about what my wings would do. An audible pomf was heard as my wings shot out, one right towards Pinkie. Who in perfect timing ducks to avoid it. “Not like that! I mean just sleep in the same bed as you.” she corrected now just as red as I was.

“Sorry um... hard not to ah... take it like that.” I said more stammering over my words trying to get my wings down. Stupid fucking wings, why the hell did you have to do that. Of course Rainbow watching couldn't help but laugh. Fluttershy turned red and squeaked. Cadence just smiled shaking her head with Shining completely clueless. Oh thank you for giving me that one... ah fuck. Cadence just whispered into Shining Armor's ear and they went back giving me a glare. I gulped at the sight of that. Shining as going to kill me I knew it. So what's it going to be? Throw me out the window, crush me with a giant crystal, toss me in jail to rot? “You can if your brother doesn't kill me first.”I said a little joking but knowing it was coming.

“My brother?” She said then turned to Shining who was coming over. I gulped and started to back away.

“Storm can I have a word with you?” He said and I gulped again. Really hope this is just a big brother protecting speech thing. Not a big brother about to chuck a coltfriend out the window from a high building thing.

“Sure.” I squeaked and we walked into the hall. He closed the door behind us and turned to me. I started to run escape plans through my head.

“Storm I want to make something clear.” He started before he turned to me with a smirk. “You've got to be the easiest stallion to jack with.” I did a double take. What?

“Was that all... it was wasn't it? You were just jacking with me because you didn't get to do the big brother protect speech back in the hospital aren't you?” I said and he couldn't help but crack up laughing. I face hoofed at this. It's seems that every pony is just jacking with me.

“Alright, you can stop laughing Shining.” I said as it took a few moments for him to stop laughing.

“Oh that was just too good.” He said and I just shook my head.

“Okay not for the six four billion bit question. Do you have any problems with Twilight and I being together?” I asked. He gave me a deadpanned stare. “What? I want to make sure.” I said more defending now.

“I don't have a problem with it. If Twily is alright with me marrying her old foal sitter then why should I be upset about her dating?” He said and I paused at this.

“Thank you Shining Armor.” I said with a smile.

“But I would be prepared to meet the parents soon, knowing Twily.” He said and my ear's shot back.

“Should I be worried?” I asked.

“Only if you've never had one of those meeting before.” He answered and I gulped. “You've never had one? Seriously? Oh dang man, you're doomed.”

“Gee thanks Shining, you make me feel so much better about it.” I said with sarcasm in my voice.

“Oh calm down. It will be fine.” He said waving his hoof nonchalantly.

“Alright, alright. Why don't we get back in there. We both have mares in there that need a little attention from their stallions.” I said. He eyed me for a moment then nodded as we went back to the party. Cadence and Twilight were talking, for some reason Twilight was blushing and Cadence had a smirk on her face. I looked confused and so did Shining. I should know because I looked at him before returning my gaze to Twilight. We both came over and Twilight came right up next to me gently leaning into me. I blushed quietly and placed a wing over her. She blushed but smiled at this.

“I'm glad to see you two have worked everything out.” Cadence said with a knowing smirk. Okay seriously why is she smirking. Does she know something I don't? Never mind I know the answer to that one. They all knew stuff I didn't, like almost everything. Twilight I would put as one of the smartest mares period. Celestia and Luna would be up there too I mean with over a thousand years they’re going to know a hell of a lot of stuff.

“Yeah we just had a bit of guy talk.” Shining answered which snapped me back to the conversations. Damn it I really need to stop blanking off like that. It was then a light blue mare with a silver mane came up to us. She was a unicorn with a wand and whoosh of magic as a cutie mark. She also had an over the top wizards outfit on, a purple hat and cape covered in stars of blue, yellow, and silver, clasped with a sky blue gem. She really wanted to pull of the whole wizard thing or would that be more a mage. Hmm... come to think about it. Did they have the word mage here? I was going to ask Twilight that later. If I remembered.

“Trixie has to thank you Twilight Sparkle for getting the pink one to invite me.” This mare said. I could guess her name was Trixie but why was she speaking of herself in the third person? Wait... would that be in the third pony?

“It's alright Trixie, I thought this would show you no hard feelings between us.” Twilight said and it clicked. This was Trixie, The Trixie. The same mare that caused so much trouble for Twilight when I was away from Ponyville. I was angry now but I only stared at the mare in an unnervingly calm way. She noticed my look and I saw her ears go back.

“Um... Hello Mr.” She starts before Twilight cuts me off.

“Trixie this is Prince Firestorm my um... coltfriend.” She timidly said and Trixie's eyes widen. She then bows to me. This time I really didn't mind it.

“Hello Prince Firestorm it's an honor to meet you.” She said I was grinding my teeth in my closed mouth before I stopped and opened mine.

“The pleasure is all mine Trixie.” I said. I could only guess that she could guess what I was thinking or at least feeling because she shot me a worried look before she came over.

“Please don't be angry with her. She did apologize for what happened.” Twilight whispered into my ear.

“Fine, but I'm giving her one chance.” I evenly whispered back into Twilight's. Trixie at this time got back up and looked worried at me.

“Prince Firestorm, Trixie um... would be honored if you let me put on a show for you. To um... make it up for my transgressions against your marefriend Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie said and I raised my eyebrow at this. Something did not bode well and I couldn't tell if it was for me or not.

“Alright Trixie but if you don't mind could we do this tomorrow? I don't want to mess up Pinkie's party alright?” I said she smiled and nodded.

“Yes the great and powerful Trixie wouldn't think of doing that to the pink one.” She said.

“You mean Pinkie right?” I said my eye twitched a bit.

“Yes the pink one.” She said. Was she doing this to annoy me? Because congrats she succended.

“Excuse me, I need to go get a drink” I said and walked off before anypony could stop me. I was quite angry, both from seeing the mare that caused so much trouble and at myself for being such a jerk. I don't know why I'm unstable today. I went from upset to happy to angry, almost crushingly enthralled then back to angry again. I think my mind is just breaking apart, I really need a break from all this. I floated over glass of punch. Normally I would enjoy the taste of the strawberry punch this time my taste for it was soured by my mood. With a sigh I walked over to the corner of the room that wasn't hit with light. I just kind of wanted a few moments to think out of the limelight. Which knowing Pinkie she would find me and drag me back. I watched as both Trixie and Twilight talked. Both Cadence and Shining were dancing. Applejack was over by the treats with Dash. Rarity was gushing over some crystal pony that I haven't seen before. Pinkie was zipping around to almost every pony, most likely to see if they were having a great time. Vinyl was playing something with a lot of bass, though I thought I heard her say something about wubs, before she put on the next song. I saw Fluttershy sitting at a table alone. She looked nervous so I thought maybe she wanted some company. I went around and stayed out of the light of the party until I got to the table with the yellow pegasus. “You alright Fluttershy?” I asked. This must have startled her because she jumped up out of her seat. Thinking fast I wrapped the yellow ball of shivering pony in my magic and floated her down gently. “Sorry I surprised you.” I said gently.

“It's um alright.” She squeaked.

“Are you alright?” I asked again.

“Yes I'm just... fine.” She said a little distracted.

“Fluttershy I know something’s wrong, please tell me.” I said a little worried for the yellow mare.

“It's nothing.” She said in a way that sounded like she wanted avoid talking about it.

“Fluttershy. Please tell me, you’re a friend and I don't want to see my friends upset.” I said. She looked at me with worry on her face. I'm guessing my look was matching hers.

“I'm worried is all. I'm worried about you and the girls. Sorry.” She said and it became obviously apparent.

“Fluttershy, look if it means anything. I won't be scared of them forever. Think of it as a test of friendship? Like when all of you had to deal with Discord. Twilight reminded all of you of that friendship you carry. If not that then the Elements of Harmony themselves. That proves you all are great friends.” I said as I gently rub her back hoping that makes her feel better. She tensed up for a moment then looked at me before relaxing.

“I guess you're right.” She said smiling. “So why aren't you out there? If you don't mind me asking.”

“Not really my thing at the moment. I've been out of sorts so I figured a small break would do.” I said before taking a sip.

“Out of sorts?” She asked.

“I've kind of had mood whiplash, if you know what I mean?” I said she turned her head in a bit of confusion. Couldn't blame her, I was confused by it too. Not what I said but what's going on. “Hmm... think of it like dice. On each side is an emotion waiting to happen. One roll I'm happy then suddenly a second one I'm angry then upset and so forth. That's what I mean I just feel like my emotions are running a little wild. You know?” I explain. She thinks it over.

“Maybe you should take a break. Maybe... if you want... you could go to the spa... if that's okay” she timidly suggest.

“That's a marvelous idea. When we return to Ponyville you must join us in going to the spa.” Rarity said causing both Fluttershy and I to jump. After they had to peal the two of us of the ceiling. We calmed down and looked at her.

“The spa?” I asked.

“Why yes. They have the most lovely serious. I do suggest getting a horn job.” She said and not realizing the double entendre there. I tried hard not to blush. Luckily for me it was dark enough to hide it.

“I see...” I say a little hesitant. Well with a thing called a horn job. You couldn't blame me. Anyway I could easily tell Rarity didn't catch it, probably for the best.

“You know it's such a good Idea that I may ask Twilight to join.” She said before she trotted off to find her. I turned to Fluttershy and just had to ask.

“Please tell me you caught the double entendre there.” I said and she nodded with a visible blush. “Thank you. I thought it was just me.” I said with a relieved breath.

“You don't have to join us if you don't want to...” She said.

“It's quite alright Fluttershy. I was thinking that I could use a message or something.” I said maybe it would help me not be so stressed about everything. From there the party went on like normal, with Pinkie bouncing around. I just chilled and watched everypony. I wasn't really bothered for the rest of the night until Twilight was getting tired. So we bid adieu and left to my room. She stretched a bit before I lifted up the covers for her.

“I'm sorry I won't be sleeping along side you.” I said and she nodded.

“I know, after the sleeping spell I figured you would be fully rested.” She said as I started to get out of the outfit Rarity made me. I've got to say getting out of it was way easier than getting into it. I folded it up and placed them off to the side. Both Twilight and I slid under the covers. Twilight first before I joined her.

“Good night Firestorm” She said and I couldn't help it and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

“Good night Twilight Sparkle. I hope you have pleasant dreams” I said before she nodded off to sleep. For the most part the night went fine. I just laid there and thought about everything. I thought about how I arrived again. How it was Sha that breathed fire on me and how everything just started to happen from there. The whole Nightmare moon problem with help from Shadow. But why didn't Shadow escape from the dream world instead of having to wait for a moment of weakness. I mean it would have been easier right? Then what about Vermom, she wanted my soul gone because of her boss. Which was some pony I didn't even know. At least she was gone for good... hopefully. I mean having you skull caved in by a large tree branch would end most ponies. Well technically so would snapping one's head where it spins twice. When we get back to Ponyville I'm going to go check to see if she's still there. If I remember. My thoughts then derailed when Twilight turned over and started to hug me tight, she nuzzled into my chest gently still fast asleep. I watched quietly before a gentle smile crossed my face as I started to hold her close. Twilight was so adorable when she was asleep. Like there's not a care in the world for her. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle as we just sat there. Her asleep in my hooves. Even if I couldn't join her in sleep, this was still nice.


So far it wasn't really that bad, Trixie did know how to put on a show. She mainly told stories using her magic to create neon looking signs. She told of her trips to Ponyville, leaving herself out as the character in it and just calling her the mage in story, they did have that word after all. I only knew it was Trixie because Twilight whispered it into my ear. Trixie came into Ponyville a few years ago showboating and boasting about her magical exploits that she didn't even do. Such as the Ursa Major when she hasn't even faced an Ursa Minor. Which given the general description I got was like a giant glowing bear that was semi see through with floating stars in it. It was also bigger than the houses in Ponyville and lived in the Everfree forest. Thank you Twilight not that I needed any more reasons not to go into the forest again.

“Can the great and powerful Trixie get a volunteer from the audience?” The show mare asked. I couldn't help it, I did love a magic show so I raised a wing. Along side a few of the crystal ponies. Only taking a stab in the dark here but I figured that she wanted to make a good impression still and picked me. I trotted to the stage, Twilight looked worried when I got up on stage. “Now the great and powerful Trixie will ask our Prince here to show us something he can do and I will try to out do it.” She said. Oh I have got to screw with this mare.

“So anything?” I asked.

“Yes, The great and powerful Trixie wants you to do one of your best tricks.” She said with a worried smile. I couldn't help but grin, I pointed my muzzle straight up and kept an eye on the show mare. Then with a breath I shot out a steady stream of fire into the air. The ruby red flash laminated the crowd. Trixie looked surprised at this. I saw her eyes shift back and forth. I guess she was checking to see if my horn was glowing as I did this. Like some sort of spell. Sorry Trixie this is all me. I finished breathing fire and looked at the mare. She looked worried. “Ah, yes now Trixie will show she can do it.” She said before lighting up her horn and pointed her muzzle to the sky. She let out a green gas it took a few moments for me to realize she just turned her breath into propane. She looked worried. I leaned over and asked simply.

“Do you want a little help?” She of course shot me a look and nodded. So I let an ember float over and boom. She was now breathing a long steady flame of her own. I bit bigger then what I did but I didn't go full force with it either. Trixie decided that was enough and dropped the spell.

“The great and powerful Trixie as proved she could do it but please give a warming hoof to our prince. With that the group of ponies started to stomp at the ground in applause. I smiled and waved before I stepped off stage. Okay so I wasn't that angry anymore at the show mare. She could show humility when needed and didn't shy away from asking for help. I went back over to Twilight who was looking at me a gentle smile on her face. I sat next to her and she leaned into me. I placed my wing around her as we enjoyed the rest of Trixie's act.

“That was nice of you to help Trixie like that.” Twilight said as she looked up at me.

“I know. I kind of felt like a jerk up there after my little flame trick. So it was only fair to help the show mare out.” I said with a soft smile on my face. We sat there and watched the fireworks. It was a fantastic show. Afterwards Trixie came over to the two of us.

“Trixie hopes that both of you enjoyed her show.” She said.

“It was lovely Trixie.” Twilight said.

“I had fun. Sorry about the whole fire thing.” I apologize.

“Trixie's not mad, you surprised her was all.” She said with a smile. “Trixie has to bid both of you adieu” She said before her horn lights up and a cloud of smoke appears covering both of us. It clears to both of us watching Trixie galloping off. I blinked in confusion.

“Does she always do that?” I asked.

“Every time.” She said. We just watched her make her exit I just simply shook my head.

“So when are the carriages coming to take us back to Ponyville?” I asked.

“Oh they've been waiting for about an hour now. I gave the guards a few hours to relax since I knew you wanted to watch Trixie's show.” She explained.

“Oh... shall we go then?” I asked and she nodded. We go and meet the rest of girls waiting with six carriages. That and a lot more baggage than I even thought any of us could. Of course most of them had the same three diamond cutie mark of a specific white unicorn. How much of that did she really need? Wait... how much of that would a normal pony really need because for Rarity she needed all of that. One long trip later that I had to keep my eyes closed the whole time until we get back to Ponyville. Everypony went their own way, me going with Twilight back to the library. Spike was there just relaxing in a chair eating a bowl of gems. I watched him quietly as he picks up one green one and just takes a huge chunk out of it. I blink for a moment watching this. He just bit into it like a potato chip. For some reason that gave a cold chill up my spine. I don't know why. Maybe the fact of a dragon can bite something as hard as a gem like it was nothing. He looks at both Twilight and I a little confused at first then surprised.

“Your back!” He said loudly, like he didn't expect us back so soon. Like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I couldn't help but smile at this. Twilight on the other hoof.

“Spike! I told you not to dip into the gems so early in the morning.” She scowled. Spike looked ashamed at this.

“Sorry Twilight. I got so hungry.” He said gently kicking at the floor.

“Couldn't you get something from the fridge?” She asked.

“I would if there was. You didn't leave a list for me to go shopping so I didn't buy anything.” Spike said. This caught Twilight off guard.

“I forgot the list? Oh dear. How could I forget something so important.” She then rushed off upstairs leaving the three bags at the door way. I wrapped them up in levitation magic and took them upstairs with my sword case. I went up to see her pulling out folders trying to find something.

“What's wrong?” I asked. I was a little confused.

“I forgot to make sure Spike had the list for shopping. I need to get one otherwise things will get off track.” She said as she started to look over files. Of what I don't know but she started to scribble down something. I watched worriedly at my marefriend. I don't think I've ever seen Twilight so frantic about something so trivial. I just put away what I could, leaving Twilight's outfits alone. I realized I didn't really have anywhere to put them so I just returned them to the saddlebags and just found a place to sit. I remained quiet as I just looked around. This was all Twilight. Part of me felt like I didn't really belong here, like an outsider again. I gently rested in the corner that I found that didn't have anything important in it. She continued to fly through parchment before she finished and rushed downstairs. I was just a guest in her house... well more like a freeloader. I sighed quietly and I just looked at the bag silently. “Something wrong?” Twilight asked me when she returned.

“It's nothing.” I said not even looking at her, just zoning out. Silence filled the area before she walked over to me breaking my line of sight.

“Please tell me.” She asked gently raising my head up to make my eyes meet hers.

“It's nothing Twilight. Just thinking is all.” I said which was true. I was just thinking.

“What'cha thinkin about then?” She asked sitting down before me.

“Stuff.” I said vaguely I knew I was being vague but I had a reason. I've already been taxing on these wonderful ponies. Even my marefriend, I was mooching off such wonderful mares. I even did it to family. I felt low. No, I felt the lowest of the low.

“Please tell me” She said before she wiggled into my lap. I gently placed my hooves around her, hesitant at first.

“Alright Twilight.” I said softly as she looked up at me. “I feel... like an outsider I guess.” I said not really focusing on anything in sight anymore.

“But you're not an outsider.” Twilight defended.

“I am Twilight. No matter what, I will always be an outsider. I'm not from Equestria even though it's my new home. I don't really have a home Twilight. All I've done is mooch off you all.” I said.

“But you do have a home.” She said which got me to look at her.

“Your home is here with me.” She said turning around to hug me tightly. I looked down at her and couldn't help but smile as I hold her close. “Thank you Twilight.” I said quietly. We sat there quietly just holding each other before a brush sound came in.

“Hey Storm you ready for your... wow.” Rainbow Dash said before sounding a bit caught of guard. Both Twilight’s and my gaze shot right at Dash who was looking at the two of us with a smirk with an adoring blush. “Sorry for interrupting your intimate moment there.” She said. Twilight shot up with a blush on her cheeks.

“Dash we weren't doing anything.” She defended. My ears kind of went back at that. Was holding each other in a warm embrace nothing to her? What did she really see all this as. I guess my look got Rainbow attention.

“Um, Twi?” She said as she pointed to me.

“Sorry” She tried to apologize.

“You didn't do anything wrong Twilight.” I said simply my gaze turning to the floor. She didn't it was me... all me. Silence filled the room even Dash came over to look at me.

“What's wrong with him?” She whispered. Well it was louder than a whisper but I don't think she realized that.

“He's been feeling like an outsider.” She said knowing full well I could hear them talk.

“Storm you're not an-” She got out before I wrapped her muzzle in magic.

“Don't Dash, just don't.” I said before she looked surprised at me. “I just... I don't need to hear it right now. Please?” I said looking up at here after I dropped the magic.

“You know what. That's it. You’re coming flying with me and I won't be taking no for an answer.” She said as she grabbed my left hoof and began dragging me towards the stairs..

“Dash, this is not the best time to scare him out of his mind.” Twilight said as she wrapped my right leg in her magic pulling back. I was in a tug of war between two ponies one being my marefriend and I ended up being the rope. Well... shit. Both of them tried their best to get me to go with them. Twilight wanted me to stay and Dash wanted to take me flying. I of course, wanted to stay with Twilight, she was my marefriend and all. Her magical grasp on my leg tightened even as she started to grab my left leg with her hooves. Dash grabbed my right prosthetic hoof and pulled on it too. She flew up and flapped back to give her the air advantage. I could hear a few popping joints as I felt like I was on an old medieval torture device. You know the one that pulled on people's arms and legs. Well I pretty much had the two mare version of it.

“He's going to go flying to deal with his problems.” Dash said as she grunted at the strain.

“No he's not. He's going to stay here and talk them out.” Twilight said fighting too.

“He's going flying” Dash said.

“He's staying here.” Twilight said. I on the other hoof was trying to fight the tears coming from the pain of having my legs pulled like this. There was even a metallic groan coming from my prosthetic leg. It didn't even like this. The pain started to get unbearable levels so my horn lit and I blinked a few feet to the right. I was still in the air for a few moments before gravity had to give me a reminder that it still works. With a thud I landed right on my stomach. Two thuds follow, Twilight falling back in the floor and Dash into the wall. My limbs hurt too much so I pulled them as close as I could and just covered myself in a shield.

“No more pain please.” I whimpered as I started to shake at the pain. They would not stop hurting from the abuse I got.

“Now look what you did!” Twilight yelled.

“What I did? If you let me take him flying none of this would have happened.” Dash yelled back. I saw both of them angry at each other. It was then the images of my return with them flashed in my head. I decided I needed to get out of there and blinked down stairs onto my sore hooves. I slowly made it to the door taking careful steps because if I went too fast they would most likely hurt worse than they do now. It felt like touching a really bad sunburn, with pain instead of stinging heat. Spike watched me but didn't say anything as the yells of the two mares upstairs could be heard. He held the list Twilight gave him in his claw. I left in silence not even the door could be heard as I closed it. Ponyville looked so peaceful compared to the fight going on back at the library. Of course my short three step walk outside the door was quickly stopped by blue magic wrapping me up and floating me into the air. Panicking I curled up into a ball to protect my limbs with a squeak.

“Firestorm perfect timing. Ready to go to the spa?” Rarity said with Fluttershy next to her. She looked at me worriedly. I squeaked something I don't think it was even a word honestly. “Is something the matter?” She asked realizing my lack of an answer.

“What's wrong?” Fluttershy said flying up to me. She gently pulled one of my legs and I winced in pain. “Oh dear. What happened?” She said taking a more forceful tone. I gulped a little.

“I don't want to talk about it.” I said curling back up. The two mares looked at each other before floating me closer to them.

“Did something happen?” Rarity asked. Granted it was a really stupid question considering my track record, then the sounds of yelling could be heard.

“It's your fault Rainbow.” Twilight said as she could be heard from outside.

“No way. This is your fault Twi.” Dash defending. This got both Rarity and Fluttershy to look at me.

“What happened?” They asked and I gulped.

“Could we please go somewhere else first?” I squeaked out. Still being carried by magic I was taken toward what I could only guess was the spa. I had pretty much told them the main point of the problem. They fought over me in a way to help me but in doing so hurt me... a lot. Both of them looked worried at me. They sat me down once we were inside. Two ponies one pink with a blue mane and tail, the other had the same colors just reversed. Both of them had bands in their manes that reminded me of tennis players. On their flanks they had a white lotus. Was it possible to have the same cutie mark as another pony? Was mine even original? I sighed quietly as it felt that everything just dulled to me.

“Hello Miss Rarity, Miss Fluttershy, and Prince Firestorm. How could serve you today?” The pink one with the blue mane said.

“Hello Aloe we need three specials. Especially the prince here.” Rarity said. Aloe nodded and went into the back. I followed a bit slowly since my hooves were sore still from being used as a stretch pony toy. It started with a message and oh I so needed it. Lotus Blossom which was the blue one with the pink mane started to gently rub my back. Getting right in between the wings. She even acted fast enough for their rapid expansion. Fluttershy was laid on the table next to me. She looked like she was enjoying it as much as I had.

“My prince your muscles are so tense. You've been working hard haven't you?” Lotus said and I figuratively melted in her hooves. You've heard of magic figures but Lotus here had magic hooves. I was like butter on fresh baked toast in her hooves.

“Just stressful is all.” I muttered into the head pillow they provided. Oh I most definitely have to come here more often. Maybe have Twilight join... me. I let out a sigh as I felt bad just disappearing like that. Granted I did have every right now after what they did but part of me just wouldn't stop chastising myself about doing it.

“Something wrong Prince?” Lotus asked and I completely forgot that I had ponies around me.

“Oh it's nothing just a thought is all.” I said while mentally kicking myself with an Applejack powered buck. I pretty much said the same thing to Twilight that started this whole mess.

“Darling you really should talk about what's bugging you. Otherwise how are you going to enjoy such a lovely treatment? Right Fluttershy?” Rarity said somewhere on the other side of me.

“Yes.”She timidly said.

“Sorry I just can't stop thinking about what happened back at the library.” I said a bit of depression tainting my tone.

“It wasn't your fault that those two played tug of war with you like that. I must really talk to those two about their actions.” Rarity said.

“Rarity you don't have to do that and it's not just that. I'm upset with myself just blinking out of there without letting them know where I was going.” I continued to explain.

“Storm you shouldn't beat yourself up for that. You only did what you thought was best to stop hurting.” She responded.

“Are you feeling better?” Fluttershy asked.

“Much. I feel all that pain just faded away, like a butterfly leaving a branch.” I explained. Okay so I explained a little too much how it felt. Sue me I like metaphors.

“That's... nice.” She said with a smile.

“You really should join us every week.” Rarity said.

“With how amazing this feels. I may just have to.” I said smiling. Lotus continued to work down my back legs. There was a bit of silence between the group of us. Before I decided to probably ask a really stupid question. “Miss Blossom would it be alright if I removed my prosthetic?” She stopped for a moment.

“As you wish and please just Lotus will be fine.” She requested. It was then I finally could point out her accent. It was like a Eastern European accent. It was kind of nice to hear. So I remove the prosthetic without any pain at all. For some reason that didn't feel comforting at all. More kind of worried me but oh well. I was here to relax and stop hurting. So after the wonderful message we moved over to the sauna. Where it was nice and hot. Honestly I always enjoyed the heat, more than I used to now that I thought about it. I preferred back then just a nice cool day. Not too hot or not too cold. But since becoming a drony I've enjoyed the heat more. The three of us sat there each wrapped up in a robe. Rarity of course having her own designed robe. Fluttershy and I had the ones supplied by the Spa. Lotus was in here gently pouring a bit of water over the hot rocks to make the steam.

“If it's not too much trouble could I ask you two something?” I asked after an idea kind of struck me. Something I haven't done yet since Twilight and I became a couple.

“Oh of course.” Rarity said smiling after she gently adjusted her towel on her head and Fluttershy just nodded.

“Well since Twilight and I became a couple I noticed something.” I started gently running my hoof in a circle on the wood next to me. “Well we never had gone on a um... you know... date. So... I was wondering... where do you think Twilight would like to go on our... first date?” I asked, I was so flipping nervous. I figured these two would know best being her close friends. Well Rarity mainly since I figured she would be more accustomed to dating. Nothing against Fluttershy but she was quite timid I figured she would faint or hide behind a sofa before even thinking about a date.

“Oh you've come to the right ponies for this Firestorm.” Rarity said as her eyes lit up with the same creepy star thing they did when she shipped off to la la land. Fluttershy smiled as I couldn't help but have a cold chill up my spine. For a sauna it became ice cold really freaking fast. It took Rarity some time to come back from her voyage to daydream island. “I know the perfect one. Picture it now, You and Twilight sitting at a table overlooking Canterlot. the city streets like an ocean of stars matching the night sky.” She started and I was already liking it. Not to say ill of the white unicorn she could really paint a great picture in your mind. “The only thing laminating the night besides the stars above are two candles. The two of you at a fine restaurant in a personal veranda. Two plates of the finest salads accomplished by glasses of Chateau Le Celes 35. I've always thought it as a good mood setter.” She continued. I really hoped that was a wine. “The two of you looking into each others eyes like star struck lovers.” She said and I turned bright red at the word lover. Say what you will about a stallion but this mare could really have the worse choice of words at times with me. “Just losing each others eyes. The soft melody starts to play, you ask her if she wants to dance.”

“To Fur Elise” I said as I already pre picked but only really said it to help Rarity's vision of the night. This didn't quite work out as planned. She stopped and looked at me.

“I'm not going to say it's a bad choice but why that one?” She asked.

“Well... It's kind of special to us. Both Twilight and I danced to this song one late night at the overlook. It was the first time I danced as a pony and it was the song that played. I started seeing it as one of our songs. I don't know if she sees it that way but I hope she does.” I explain. Fluttershy smiles.

“That sounds lovely.” Fluttershy said.

“And romantic. Yes the song you two start dancing to must be Fur Elise. No other song will do” She said as we moved over to the mud baths. I wasn't one for getting dirty and jumping into the mud was just that but after the mud masks Rarity talked me into it. So I got in and they put cucumbers over my eyes and just sort of laid there to enjoy it. “Oh I can just see it now from there you catch a lovely romantic play then to the look out where you confess your love for her. She becomes overwhelmed and returns it. You then pull out the ring and ask her to marry you.” Rarity continued with and got me to suddenly freak. Hold up I wasn't even ready for marriage yet. How did Rarity jump from first date to marriage?

“Um... Rarity too much too fast.” I simply said. I few moments of silence.

“I suppose you're right. I mean you two have plenty of time before you even think about marriage.” She said and I let out the breath I didn't realized I held. Then I felt a light scraping against my horn and I got a little nervous.

“What's going on?” I asked.

“Oh you must mean the horn filing. Don't worry about it. It's done because a unicorn’s horn sometimes gets a little rough as they use magic and it builds up. So this is to help keep it smooth and strengthen the horn. While keeping it looking fabulous.” She said almost giddy.

“So nothing to fear?” Just to make sure.

“It's perfectly safe.” Said Aloe this time.

We continued through the mud bath a while before they removed the cucumbers and we exited. I had a hard time not from laughing just looking at Rarity she looked like a mummy wrapped in seaweed. I had to turn from her just to not lose it. We got mud from out coats washed off and we found ourselves on what reminded me of cushion folding chairs. From there both Aloe and Lotus with another mare that had a blond mane and coat with nail files. We laid there as they gently went to work on our hooves. It was sort of like filing your nails but it kind of tingled a bit as they did it. I floated my prosthetic over to me since I figured we were almost done. The mares gently pulled out this bottle of clear stuff. It took me a moment to realize it was like fingernail polish but for hooves. The gently gave our hooves a gentle coating of it. It kind of tickled when they got my back hooves. I guess that was one thing that never changed. I was still ticklish there, good to know. Well to my surprise and delight we had one more massage to end on. I guess this was part of the special, just to make sure I felt great leaving here. I already felt like I was worth a million bits, probably a lot more then I was actually worth but at this point I was just in love with the feeling. Both Aloe and Lotus did the massage each in turn. Fluttershy was first followed by Rarity. It then finally came to me. Both girls watched me as the two mares went to work on my back and legs. They got to the back legs before they stopped and went for the wings. I shuttered at this. Oh god not this again. Please tell me this isn't what I think it is. I looked over to see them doing something with my wings.

“Oh my. You should preen these more often” Fluttershy said. Which confused me to no end.

“Preen?” I asked.

“Oh its relining the feathers and cleaning them.” She explain. Oh that made sense, don't birds normally do that? I mean I guess since I did have wings I would have to do that. Maybe Twilight has a book on it so I can know how to do it. They got up to the top of the wings and stopped.

“Um... Firestorm if it's not rude for me to ask. what's wrong with your wings?” Aloe asked. I turned and looked to see her hoof was on the scaled part of my wings.

“Oh do you mean the scales on my wings?” I asked to clarify and she nodded.

“Well that's how my wings are. They’re like dragon wings at the top when I'm like this. If I was in my other state then they would be dragon wings themselves.” I stopped for a moment what if this was a problem. “I hope it's not a problem.” I said voicing my worry.

“Oh it's no problem sir. We just wanted to make sure before we proceed” She explained before she pulls out this oil. She gently pours it onto the scales as Lotus does the same with the other side. This oil felt warm when it made contact with my wings. They then start to rub it in. Oh I was in heaven at this point. It felt like the back message but on the tops of my wings. Once they finished it was time for us to go. It seems this oil was made for dragons that visit. It helps clean and strengthens the scales on a dragon. It also made them very shiny and reflective, I couldn't help but smile at all the problems that just melted away as we left the spa after Rarity paid. Things were looking up, until Rainbow Dash found me. Now here I would have one of two choices run in complete fear from being pulled somewhere again or well stallion up. Now I would have picked one but she grabbed me and took me somewhere.

“Gotcha” She said before dropping off on a platform. I blinked a few moments a little confused. I looked down and saw it was a normal platform attached to a bar that... oh shit. She put me on one side of a giant see saw. On the side had a platform with a bullseye on it. Next to it was a wooden tower and looking over the side at the top of it was Applejack.

“You sure he wanted this RD?” she asked.

“Of course he wanted to know how to fly remember?” She replied I started to shake my head rapidly as I started to step back and off it. “Don't want him to chicken out.” She said and Applejack nodded. Within seconds the orange earth pony jumped off the tower right onto the other side of the platform. This sent me flying through the air over Ponyville. To say I was screaming my head off was an understatement of a lifetime, no of all time. I went flying over house after house. I even passed over Twilight's house at the library. She just so happened to be looking up at that time to see my whiz on by. The look on her face was of shock. well what I could tell from the split second I saw it. Damn it Rainbow Dash I said close to the bucking ground, then I noticed where I was headed. Right into the Everfree forest. Panic set in as I tried everything to stop myself. all but my wings because those things would not move at all, like they were glued to my side out of fear. Seconds passed and it happened, I slammed right into a tree. Things went dark as I blacked out.


I woke up several hours later. This I could only tell because when I was launched but a certain rainbow maned pegasus it was daylight out. Now it was dark out the only thing lighting up the area was a light blue flower. They looked nice as they gave off a little light blue glow. I sighed quietly as I started to hobble my way back to Ponyville. Things just felt off, the way I felt, the way I saw things just felt different. For the fact my mane was covering part of my sight. I brushed it back with my magic. To at least keep it out of my eyes. I started to light up the area a few feet away from the flowers. They did look pretty but I didn't think I could keep them like that to give one to Twilight. Maybe to make up disappearing like that. I sigh as I made my way out of the Everfree was uneventful. Most of Ponyville was quiet too. The only thing lighting up the way was the street lamps, it was kind of peaceful. I continued my way to the library as the lights there was still lit. I had wondered how late was it when everywhere else was dark. I guess it was pretty late. I came up to the door and opened it to see my marefriend in a panic. Her mane and coat looked a bit unkempt. There was even spots where wild hairs where going.

“Sorry miss but the library's closed.” She said lifting me up.

“Twilight it's... me.” I said suddenly realizing that my voice was different. I had a female voice I was close to Twilight just a bit higher.

“Do I know you.” She said stepping closer to me. That as she also pulled me closer. I turned to see that I still had my wings and cutie mark. My coat was still the same color but I was smaller and slimmer too. I reached up and noticed my horn was... smaller. Like barely a numb.

“What happened to me Twilight?” I said starting to panic. This must have caught her off guard. She dropped me onto the floor. “Ow.” She started to look around me, eying me for some way to tell it was me.

“Firestorm?” She said as she placed her hoof on my wing and ran it across it.

“Twilight please stop. Don't you remember what Fluttershy told you about wings?” I said with a shudder from her running a hoof down my wings. This caused her to gasp and hug me. That was then I realized I was also smaller than Twilight now. She held me close to her chest.

“I was so worried after you disappeared like that.” She said I couldn't help but shake a bit. Just remembering how I was treated not too long ago. She then pulled me back looking me right into the eyes after she brushed back my longer mane. “Tell me what happened.” She requested.

“Well after you and Dash played tug of war with me. I panicked and wanted to get out fast... Because you two were... hurting me.” I got out starting to go timid from saying this. Twilight's ears went back hearing that. She must have remembered when I curled up into a ball trying to protect myself.

“I'm sorry Storm. I'm so sorry. I was acting like a fool. I didn't realize I was hurting you. But after Dash tried to drag you away like that I.. I felt like I should protect you.” She said as she brought me close again to her chest. I looked up at her. She did look quite sad at me. She was even crying. My heart was just starting to break at this and I gently hugged her. I couldn't hold her like I used to but this felt right. “Can you forgive me?” She asked and I just nodded into her chest. “If I may ask. What happened after that?”

“Rarity and Fluttershy took me to the spa to relax. Which did help I felt better after everything. I explained to them what happened leaving out a lot of the details about my thoughts and stuff.” I said leaving out details to her about my plan for the date. “For the most part we just talked. It was... nice.” I said. “When we left Dash found me and moved me on top of this over-sized see saw. There she talked Applejack into launching me into the sky to help me learn how to fly. Which you can um... remember since I flew by.” I said as she continued to watch me. I went flying into the Everfree forest.” This got Twilight to go rigid at that. “Nothing happened to me after I hit the tree.” I said she didn't relax. “From there I woke up and headed here to find myself like this.” I said looking down at me. My coat and mane were a mess. There was twigs and leaves all through my mane and very long tail.

“I see.” She said as she looked me over. “Well from what I could tell you've become a mare now.” She said and a ball of ice just nailed me right into the gut.

“I'm I going to be stuck like this?” I said as fear could be easily heard. If I was stuck going to be a mare then there was pretty much barely anything left of the old me but the memories. I started to shake more just thinking this.

“Shh. It's going to be alright. We will get you back to normal, I promise.” She said and I couldn't help but look up with my eyes started to water up.

“Pinkie Promise?” I asked and she couldn't help but warmly smile at me.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”She said as she lifted me up in her magic. She then took me into the bathroom. “Until then why don't we get you cleaned up.” She said walking ahead of me. I just floated there worried. I closed my eyes and just floated. Twilight started to run the bath water. She then placed me into it. She then followed by getting in herself. I started to turn bright red.

“Twilight do you think it's wise for us to be... bathing together?” I asked nervously.

“I don't see anything wrong with two mares enjoying a bath together.” She said teasing me. I continued to blush. I kept my back to her just not wanting to do something I would regret. Honestly I think just being here was a regret, I cause too many problems. Twilight had started to pull out the leaves and branches from my mane and coat. “I know this must scare you.” She said and I nodded slowly. “But it's also something... wonderful.” She said and I couldn't help but look right at her when she said that.

“Wonderful? How?” I said now a little angry.

“You get to see how it is to be a mare. Not a lot of stallions get to say that.” She said smirking and bright red as my eyes went wide. Out of a sense of habit my back legs clamped shut and I started to shake. I was worried now. What was Twilight going to do? Her smirk dropped when she noticed I was starting to get scared again. “Sorry. I was just joking to lighten the mood.” She said before she pulled me close again. I looked at her quietly.

“Twilight...” I started and she looked down at me. What I was about to ask was something that started to worry me after I calmed down a bit.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Do you still... love me?” I asked worried about this answer. This caused her ears to go back and looked worried herself.

“Did you think I didn't?” She said and I felt shame. A new level of shame as I looked away.

“I was worried now that I'm not the stallion you knew that maybe...” I stopped as my voice died on my breath as I just cried.

“I won't stop loving you Storm.” She said as she held me tighter. “You've taught me something I never thought I would know.” I looked up at her when she said that. “I learned that I could love another pony. That I could feel such things for another. It's like my friendship with the girls but... more. Something just... more. I can't explain it. like butterflies in my stomach maybe. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for and quick witted. Your willing to defend me and my friends without a thought about your own personal safety.” She said as she just held me. “When you left for the Crystal Empire I felt this emptiness, something I don't want to feel again.”

“Thank you Twilight.” I said with a little smile on my face.

“You know you could call me Twi if you want?” She said.

“I know but... I didn't want to assume. I've been doing too much of that. I assumed that you didn't like me anymore like that after... well. I changed. There is just too many things I don't know about here. Which is why I call myself an idiot. I feel like a lot of what's happened is my fault. I mean think about it. Fluttershy most likely wouldn't have been in the forest if she didn't get nervous about what we were talking about at the party when I arrived. Nightmare Moon wouldn't have made the deal with shadow for her return. Then we have Vermom and my being stabbed causing all of you to go into my mind. The list just goes on.”I was stopped by a telekinetic wrap around my muzzle.

“Storm, I understand you feel responsible for all this, but you're not.” She said holding my head to force me to look at her. “You're just in the wrong place as the wrong time is all.” she said smiling. Her smile then turned into a smirk. “You know you're cute as a mare.” She said which caused me to turn red. Before she leaned in a gave me a kiss right on the lips. I was red as a tomato from all this. It seems that my marefriend swung both ways... or was it because she knew I'm normally a stallion. Maybe she would love to... Stupid fucking brain stop that. This is your marefriend for Celestia's sake. Hold up did I just think that. Wow okay so either what ever turned me into a mare really screwed with my mind or I’m replacing god in my inner cursing with Celestia. It's kind of funny that I think about it. Twilight broke the kiss with a cute blush on her cheeks as I knew I had a similar one on me. I remained silent just looking at the soft smile on her face. She was beautiful and I don't care what anypony else said. She was perfect, a little manic at times but perfect nonetheless. I Leaned in and gave her a kiss this time. She blushed more as I got up a little bit to put some force behind it. Twilight looked a little surprised as the water displaced a bit from the tub. When I broke the kiss she blinked for a few moments. “Wow.” She said sounding out of it a bit.

“Indeed.” I said sitting down in the tub again as I floated over the bottle of soap. I squeezed a little into my hoof and began to work it into my coat. I would use the prosthetic here but Twilight removed it before she placed me in the tub. Twilight smiled and helped me get cleaned up. The two of us went up to Twilight's bedroom and there I noticed the second bed wasn't back yet. “Um... Twi. Where am I going to sleep?” I questioned and she gave me a smile.

“With me silly.” She said and teleported us next to her bed. She then wrapped the blanket in her magic. She slid in then patted the bed next to her. I slid in after and she then rested the blanket over us. Without a moment's thought Twilight drew me in close and held me. I looked up at her and she sleepily smiled down at me. “Good night Firestorm.” She said and I smiled.

“Good night Twilight Sparkle.” I said as she drifted off to sleep. Moments like this were always nice. I just hope we can settle this change thing fast. Being a mare is good an all, but I would like to be myself again soon. With that thought I nuzzled into Twilight's chest and let the world of dreams take hold of me. Only one thing was clear, no matter what Twilight still loved me and I wouldn't change that for the world.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 14 - Return and Break

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Sleep was peaceful and the dream was nice, just Twilight and I enjoying a day at the beach with a lovely sunset. Of course dreams are short lived in Ponyville because as it got to the good part of the dream a loud crash decided to spring board both Twilight and I wake. Dash came rushing up and stopped in midair.

“I heard you found... him.” She stopped and turned red looking at the two of us. Both Twilight and I looked at each other, then back to Dash completely confused.

“Twi, I thought you cared for Firestorm. I come over to see if he's okay and you're in the hooves of another mare.” She said more scowled Twilight. I was confused before my brain finally jump started and reminded me I was technically a mare. I turned bright red and looked at Dash.

“It's not what it looks like.” I defended. Of course stupid me had to talk.

“Shut it you.” She said getting right up into my face. “Did you know she had a colt friend already?” She asked narrowing her eyes.

“Dash stop this.” Twilight more demanded.

“Who are you anyway? I've never seen you around Ponyville before.” She asked now looking a little curious. I rolled my eyes at this.

“Dash it's me, Firestorm, you know the pony you had Applejack launch into the Everfree forest.” I said as my looked turned into a glare at her. I still was a little sore with her. It took a few moments for my comment to click with her. She went from angry, to confused, to outright laughing in the air. Granted if I was thinking straight and not dealing with my morning grogginess. I wouldn't have acted like I did. I wrapped Rainbow Dash in my magic and brought her snout to snout with my death glare. “It's not funny Dash.” I growled, complete with deep draconic rumble. I was still quite angry with her, especially after the whole pull my hooves bit from before. She must of caught on by now to my anger.

“Dude relax. I'm sorry about all that. I just wanted to teach you how to fly I didn't mean to well... hurt you like I did. I was being stubborn about it. I mean it would be nice to have another flying buddy.” She said turning from worried to a little depressed. I felt like a heel now. Way to go idiot go ahead and make one of your friends upset, jerk. I let out a sigh after I floated her back to the floor by the bed.

“Dash I would have done it if one you would explain how. I don't know a thing about flying. I get I have to flap my wings but. How? If you remember, I'm not from here and I don't know everything like other pegasi or unicorns. I took me a few days to get basic telekinesis down and I had a book to explain it to me. As for the other spells I had to learn them on my own. Flying, from what I could tell, needs a bit more instruction. I really do want to fly Dash and I know my fear of heights does get in the way of that. You just think of sticking me in a place that will cause me not to focus on you but on my fear doesn't help me learn. Then yesterday it felt like you just wanted to launch me to be mean.” I said as now I started to shake. “I was scared Dash. Don't you understand that?” I said looking at her. She looked back and I saw the look she had.

“I didn't think about that. I just thought tossing you in there you would take to it like you do magic. But I didn't factor in your fear would prevent you from learning. Can we try again?” She asked and looked at me.

“Sure Dash. But after I get back to normal and closer to the ground... please?” I asked. She smiled and nodded.

“Can do so... how did that happen?” She asked now looking me over.

“I don't know honestly. I was like this when I woke up in the Everfree.” I said as my mane got in front of my face again. I give it a puff of air to blow my bangs out of my face. Rainbow let out a snort before she went into laughing again.

“It's not funny Dash.” I said before Twilight reached over and gave me a hug. I blushed at this.

“Oh it really is.” She continued to laugh. I sighed and shook my head. “Wait till the other girls see you.” She said and that caused an icy chill down my spine. Oh dear Celestia what if they did? For some reason I figured I was safe with Fluttershy but what about the rest of them? Dash already confused me as some squeeze Twilight had on the side. I sighed quietly there was going to be no avoiding it was there? May as well get it done. In an order I felt... comfy with.

“Alright, if I must see the girls like this. Then can we please start with Rarity. I figured between her and Pinkie. Those two would make the biggest deals about this. Rarity most likely for fashion.” I deduced.

“Makes sense. But why not Applejack or Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Well Fluttershy I don't see making a big deal and Applejack would be more worried about it. So I figured get the two biggest ones out first and ease on to the rest. I just can't do Pinkie so early in the morning yet, especially without my coffee.” I said adding a grumble towards the end. I really needed my morning pick me up.

“Dash why don't you go get some ready. We'll be down shortly.” Twilight said. Dash only smirked.

“Oh planning to have some morning fun before we go?” She asked. Without a second thought both Twilight and I launched pillows at the rainbow maned mare. Two direct hits and a lot of misses later. Twilight was helping me with my mane and tail. Since I wasn't use to having so much. My normal fire trick of styling it didn't quite work. It was just to silly looking so I asked Twilight if she could do something about it. With a bit of thought she did my mane up in a ponytail along with my pony tail. But instead of like Applejack's where it's tied at the end. My mane was done closer to my head. My tail was down in sections which ended in a sort of scorpion stinger looking tail. We both came down and Dash was going through a Daring Do book. This one seems to be about a mirror. I couldn't read the title of it but from the image I only guessed. Anyway Twilight and I got into the kitchen and had our coffee. She seemed to really pick it up since I started to drink it.

“Twilight.” I started a little worried. My brain fully working after my first cup and something worried me.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Do you really think I can change back?” I asked. She looked at me for a moment before she sat her mug on the counter.

“Storm, I promised I would get you back to normal. I won't go back on my word. No matter what it takes you will be back to your stallion self in no time.” She said before coming over to me.

“Thank you Twi. I... I just needed to hear that.” I said feeling better. Granted I was still worried about being stuck as a mare and how it would damage our relationship. Though it was true with how much I worry about things just having a reassuring voice to tell it's going to be alright, helps put part of my mind at ease. Twilight gently wrapped her forelegs around me and brought me close.

“It will be alright Storm.” She said and I smiled up at her. She smiled back and gave me a little nuzzle. I couldn't help but return it. Which was followed by a cough coming from the doorway. Both Twilight and I looked up to see Dash there hovering in the doorway.

“Are we going get going soon?” She said with her forelegs crossed. I sighed with a small smile.

“In a few moments Dash.” I said as Twilight went back to her coffee. I smiled quietly and as I went into the main area of the library. Then when all hell broke loose, Pinkie being the over sized ball of energy she was burst into the room and looked directly at me. My eyes widened as I carefully started to step back into the kitchen. She gasped and flew over to me pouncing on me like a cat after it's prey. Damn it I knew I should have booked it back into the kitchen. Okay granted when she landed on me we slide into the kitchen right into the cabinet next to Twilight, who jumped. This causing her to lose her hold on her magic and the cup of coffee decided to fall hitting me right on the head. The remaining contents of the cup splashing on me. Good thing I didn't mind heat like that. But now I would have to get cleaned up before I could even leave again.

“Pinkie why did you do that?” Twilight said then noticed where her mug landed since it hit me hard enough to break a hole in it. “Oh my Celestia are you alright?” She said as she lifted me up out from under Pinkie.

“I'm fine Twi. Nothing new for me... I guess.”I said more reaching for the towels to dry some of the coffee from my coat.”

“Hello!” Pinkie said with her bouncy attitude. “I didn't know you had returned yet. I mean I did see Dashie launch you into the sky which I thought was really funny to watch. Kind of like when Applejack launched Dashie into the sky when she didn't sleep because she was trying to buck all the apple trees herself. But go super tired from over working and caused some many things to happen like the baked bad, the bunny stampede. Oh, oh, but it doesn't change that you're not a mare and it would be oh so fun. how did it happen? Did you find a patch of poison joke and this was the joke? If it is I don't get it. Flutterguy I get, when Fluttershy was speaking so deep it was really funny like that one pony in a barbershop quartet who sings the last bit super super low. Oh then what about Dashie when she was all Rainbow Cr-” Pinkie got out before a hoof into her mouth got her to stop talking... sort of. She was still mumbling stuff through the hoof for a while after. Now my brain had a chance to play catch up. Which with Pinkie's logic that's an achievement to do. I just started to rub my temples a bit at this.

“Okay so Pinkie found out... I don't even want to know how.” I said as Dash removed her hoof from Pinkie's mouth. I sighed quietly shaking my head just trying to wrap my head around stuff.

“Oh I've got to show you to Rarity.” Pinkie said before she grabbed my hoof and the two of us flew right out of the door. I got a timid squeak out before she did though. Everything just rushed on by like a blink because within moments I was sprawled out on the floor of the Carousel Boutique. After my head stops spinning I look up to see Rarity staring right at me. The worse part is it was that starry eyed stare like she just got an idea and it was going to be scary.

“Oh my, my, my. I can let such a lovely mare go around in such an unladylike style. I must fix that.” She said lifting me up in magic.

“Rarity you don't” I got before my muzzle gets wrapped in magic.

“I won't be hearing any of that. It's only the right thing to do.” She said as she took me upstairs. I was looking back at Pinkie with that somepony help me look. She of course just laughed watching this... I was doomed.


“Rarity? Have you seen a mare lately with an orange... oh there you... are” My marefriend said as she came in with Dash behind her. I was on one of Rarity's stages getting fit for a frilly dress. Something you would see in old Victorian England. On top of that she didn't unwrap my muzzle yet as she worked. I've tried a few times to tell her that I was me. But it ended up with me being shushed in a way that was really started to grind of at nerves. Of course she was my friend so I was being a bit forgiving, since she didn't know it was me.

“Oh hello Twilight and Rainbow Dash. What brings you here this fine day?” Rarity asked as I looked around. I saw Pinkie just watching trying not to laugh. This got Rarity to look at her questioning a few times, with a sigh I gave Twilight a pleading look to save me.

“Rarity. Do you know who that is?” Twilight asked as Rainbow Dash just started to laugh. Pinkie being Pinkie joined her and I rolled my eyes.

“No. I don't know who this pony is. She came in and I just had to help her.” Rarity said.

“This may sound a little crazy but that's Firestorm.” She said. Rarity paused for a moment then looked at me. Then back and Twilight.

“That's impossible Firestorm's a stallion and she is clearly a mare.” She said and my left eye started to twitch in annoyance.

“I do hope you have a fire proof charm on that.” Twilight pointed out as she gestured to me. Rarity turned to look back at me and how I was taking this. It finally clicked once she dropped the magical wrap around my muzzle. Now normally I'm not an angry pony with friends. I don't like to be unless my buttons are pressed just right. Which right now they are.

“Rarity!” I yelled which caused her ears to go back realizing how angry I was. My eye wouldn't stop twitching. “I was trying to tell you who I was for the last half an hour but all you did was shush me by wrapping my muzzle up in magic.” I said though I really wanted to yell, maybe even roar at the white unicorn but she was still my friend. Having my voice a bit raised was what I was going to do. “You couldn't let me get at least get that out. Could you?” I said as I now started to pull off the outfit. I got out of it just fine and it was still together. Placed it on the mannequin just fine. I couldn't keep inner fire in much longer. So once I had the dress on the mannequin I turned to Rarity my mane and tail pure fire. I knew Rarity would go overboard and make me play dress up being a mare. It was in her nature since she did fashion. I knew it, but I felt used, like the other mannequins she had. I took a deep breath. “I'm going to go.” I said and walked out slamming the door behind me. I started down towards Sweet Apple Acres. I was angry more than I probably had the right to be. It was getting me even more angry just thinking about why I was so angry to begin with. I knew she was using me for dresses or an outfit of the sort, but she didn't even let me speak at all, it just drove me nuts. I was literally burning all the way to Applejack's farm. The orange mare wasn't there, she must be in the orchard again. I went walking around looking for her. Maybe she could say something to calm me down. I mean she was down right honest about things to you. The only time I could think she could ever lie was during the candy poker at my old house. The sound of her bucking apples drew me towards her. Something felt familiar about this but I couldn't put a hoof on it. I sighed quietly before a flash of orange nailed me in the side of the head turning my world pitch black. Damn it.

I had the feeling a few hours had passed. Well it felt that way to say the least.

“Sugarcube are you alright?” Said Applejack from... some where. I opened my eyes to find myself in a very rustic looking bed. I turn to my right to see Applejack and Big Mac next to me. On the bed looking at me with an ice pack in her mouth was little Apple Bloom. I shook my head to try to understand what happened. “Sorry for hitting you so hard there. I missed the tree right when you came by.” She said. Oh, that's why it felt familiar. This happened shortly after I got out of the hospital from saving Fluttershy from the Timberwolves. I face hoofed then winced at the pain. Dear Celestia I was an idiot. “Careful there. You got hit pretty hard.”

“I know Applejack.” I said as I slowly took the ice pack from Apple Bloom.

“Do I know you?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, since I just had a replay of what happened when I got out of this hospital for the second time.” I got out after I put the ice pack on my head. She gave me a skeptical glance trying to figure out who I was. I groaned mostly from the pain. “Firestorm, Applejack. You know the drony you wanted not to feel useless by bucking trees.” I explained and it dawned on her.

“Storm! What happened to you sugar cube your a... a mare now?” She asked surprised. I wasn't surprised honestly.

“Well after Dash tricked you into launching me into the Everfree.” I started.

“So that's where you ended up. Dash and I went looking for you for hours. Wait... tricked?” She went on.

“Yes tricked. I was trying to avoid both her and Twi after an incident at the library between those two and I. I woke up in the forest and came back to the library after dark to find myself like this. Before you ask, I don't know how and I really wish I did know.” I said ending with a sigh.

“It will be alright.” She said putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“Maybe the cutie mark crusaders can help you find a way to undo this.” Little Apple Bloom said. Then shouted “Cutie Mark Crusaders Undo Finders!” She shouted and galloped out. I winced at her yelling I had one monster of a headache.

“Does she always do that?” I asked.

“Eeyup.” Came from Big Mac. You know for a big guy he did look kind of good. Like somepony you would want to... take home... good. What the fuck was I thinking?! Did I just think... of.. oh dear Celestia I need to fix this fast!

“Big Mac not to be rude but could I speak to Applejack alone?” I said a little worry present in my voice. He nodded and left closing the door behind him. Applejack looked at me matching my worry.

“What's wrong sugar cube?” She asked.

“I just thought...” I started and shivered at it. “That Big Mac looked... good.” I said covering up in the blanket. I felt like I lost a part of me at that thought. I was a guy, male, and not into other guys.

“What's wrong with that?” She asked and I gave her a look of pure horror.

“Applejack, I don't swing that way. That's what's wrong.” I said as I put both hooves on her shoulder. “It felt wrong Applejack. I have Twilight, you know my marefriend and here I am looking at other stallions. What do you think is wrong, huh? Tell me you see the big picture here because I do and it scares me. I... I think I'm losing myself.” I said as I was shaking her while I was started to shake and cry towards the end it.

“Calm down Storm. I will be alright. Trust me we will figure this out. Now would you kindly stop shaking me?” She said and I did but I couldn't stop it myself. A tapping at the window got both Applejack's and mine attention. She looked at the two of us then turned to nod to some pony. A few moments later Twilight appeared within the room. At seeing her I leap out of the bed and hugged my marefriend tightly. Well as tight as I could the blanket happened to come with me catching on the prosthetic hoof. Both Twilight and I were on the ground me gently nuzzling into her chest as I was shaking.

“What's wrong?” She asked.

“Twilight I think we need to fix this, like now.” Applejack said and I agreed. Please fix like now!

“What happened?” She asked.

“I think this change is affecting more than just me physically.” I started to shake again. “I... I...” I tried to say but just started to cry. I felt myself slowly draining away from the drony I was.

“Storm here thought my brother looked good. Like in the mare way of looking good.” Applejack explained. Twilight froze for a moment then hold me.

“We need to fix this. Is there anything you remember from where you woke up?” Twilight asked. I nuzzled into her as I thought.

“Well I remember it was pretty dark around the only thing around that gave light was this little blue flower that glowed.” I explained.

“What did these blue flowers look like?” She asked. I looked up at her for a moment in thought.

“Well I didn't get a good look at them but they reminded me a little of a lotus. Well if it was blue and had little dangling blue things. They did look pretty too now that I think of it.” I said thinking about it. “Oh their stems where a darker blue” I added.

“Twi, does that sound like a familiar blue flower we're all aware of?” Applejack said looking worried.

“I do believe you're right.” Twilight replied.

“What is everypony talking about?” Dash said as she flew in.

“I think Firestorm is dealing with a nasty case of poison joke.” Twilight answered. Dash paled a moment.

“Seriously of all things you get yourself into that stuff?” She said not looking at me like I was infected. Well in all honestly, I probably was considering what this poison joke was. From what I remembered it had magic in it that transformed a pony into well a joke considering what the pony was named, called before stepping into, or just something to really screw with them. I remember Pinkie talking about how Applejack turned into Appletini. Which was just making her smaller, Rainbow Dash was Rainbow Crash which I think was self explanatory. I frowned at this.

“How can it be fixed?” I asked Twilight.

“Oh a simple herbal bath.” She answered. I blinked at this.

“Really?” I asked all three of them nodded. “Well then let's go take a bath.”I said pointing towards town. Then the thought of the bath brought back another thought... about Twilight then blushed at this.

“Something wrong?” Applejack asked and squeaked.

“Ah nothing, it's nothing. Yeah that bath lets go.” I said as I moved towards the door.

“Why do I get the feeling your lying?” She said and I squeaked again then booked it for the door, Rainbow was too fast for me and flew in front of it.

“Spill it Storm. What is it?” She said with a grin. I gulped and turned to Twilight with that please don't make me say it look. She turned her head in confused. Oh damn it Twilight.

“What is it Storm? You know you can tell us.” Applejack said trying to get me to speak before I inched closer to Twilight. Both Applejack and Dash watched. Unfortunately for me Twilight just so happened to be by the window too. Applejack jumped over most likely trying to block my escape that I wasn't going to do. I get over to Twilight and leaned into her ear.

“Last night, Bathtub.” I whispered. She turned red and looked at me. “Yeah that.” I said getting the point across.

“Okay some pony want to fill the rest of us in.” Both Twilight and I shook our heads quite vigorously.

“Well no pony is getting out of-” Was all I heard from Dash before Twilight teleported the two of us out of there. We took off at a full gallop.

“You had to start thinking about that didn't you?” She pseudo yelled at me.

“Sorry I can't help it. The poison joke's screwing with my head.” I defended. I followed Twilight but it didn't take long for Dash to catch up. I looked at Twilight and back at me. I think we both had the same idea because we split up me heading towards sugar cube corner and her the library. Dash didn't follow me so she must have kept with Twilight. Or so I thought, a few turns later I found Dash in front of me blocking my path. I turned around to see Applejack blocking my way back. She leaped for me. Out of habit which I didn't know it was I guess instinct was a bitch at times. Anyway I rolled off to the left to avoid Applejack's pounce and darted past her towards the library. I took every turn I could to throw off those two. It took some time of not seeing them before I felt relieved. Maybe they gave up, nope, still persistent as ever but this time they had Pinkie with them. “Ah... shit.” Came out of my mouth this time. She flew right at me, I gulped and tried to blink out of the way. Some how and I still can't wrap my head around it she auto corrected herself right to where I blinked to. Damn it Pinkie. I sighed and looked up at the pink mare.

“Hiya.” She said looking down at me.

“So you going to tell us what's up or are we going to have to get it out of you?” Dash said and I gulped.

“Please, don't.” I asked.

“Oh it can be that bad can it?” Applejack said and I turned red. “Okay... maybe it is.” I motioned for Applejack to lean closer and she did.

“It's personal. Twilight and I only kind of personal. Please don't make me say it. Please?” I Whispered. This got Applejack to shoot back.

“Why didn't you tell me in the first place?” She said well more shouted.

“Because I told you.” I squeaked. Applejack just face hoofed.

“Pinkie let him er... her go.” She said, Pinkie did with a bounce. Dash looked confused and angry.

“We chase him- her, whatever, through town just to let it drop like that?” Dash asked. “Sorry but no. I want to know.” She said coming closer looking a little pissed. I squeaked and curled up. That look brought back a flash of her face when I returned. I tried to curl up as tight as I could.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack chided. “Can you see you scared her?” She said as she tried to put a hoof on me. But I panicked and put up a shield. “Sugarcube...”

“Sorry” I squeaked.

“We're not going to hurt you Storm.” Dash said as I chanced a look back up at those two. The two of them was staring down at me. Scratch that three. Pinkie decided to come over and look down at me. All three of them looked sad. Well I could guess. I watched them quietly before I put down my shield. I slowly and precisely moved into a sitting position. I looked at them my ears both flat.

“Sorry...” I said now looking down at the ground. Before anything else was said Pinkie gave me a hug. I blinked for a moment and looked at her.

“We can't have Stormy all saddy. So Pinkie's here to make you all smilely again.” She said and I started to gently smile.

“Can you at least tell me what you said to Applejack?” Dash asked. I was having a hard time breathing as I think my face started to turn a little blue. I tapped Pinkie was best as I could. She looked at me.

“Pinkie... Air... Please?” I barely get out. She releases me and I take a large gulp of sweet nectar that was air.

“Oops... sorry.” She said as I land on my back.

“It's okay Pinkie. It's okay.” I motion for Dash to come over. She did and looked down at me confused. I motion for her closer, she did but not close enough. I sighed and grabbed her head in my back bringing it closer so I could whisper into her ear.

“Private, Twi and Me only. Got it?” I said looking at her. She looked back and nodded.

“Why did you just...” She got out before I face hoofed. “Oh right. So bath?” She asked and I nodded getting back up.

“Bath? Oh are we having a bath party? Can I come?” Pinkie bounced up.

“No Pinkie I need one. The reason I'm a mare is because of poison joke so I need a special bath to get this fixed.” I said as I got back to my hooves. Which then I realized Pinkie knocked out my prosthetic. Really how the hell can some of these mares knock the damn thing out of me literally? I pulled it over and put it back in. It didn't take long for Twilight to find the four of us after she pounced on me and asked me if I told them. I told her what I told them and looked nervous but nodded.

“Twi why didn't you just tell us it was something private?” Applejack asked.

“Because it was um... private.” She said as she lifted me up and took me back to the spa. Why are we here? Was I getting another spa treatment but as a mare? Is there a difference between getting one as a stallion then as a mare? I may have to find out.

“Hello Aloe we need the poison joke cure.” Twilight said floating me over.

“Sorry Twilight but we are out. We need to wait for Zecora to come in and give us more.” She said.

“I guess that means for us to go get it from her directly.” Twilight said turning around dragging me along.

“It doesn't sound hard. Where does she live?” I asked floating next to Twilight.

“The Everfree Forest.” She said and my ears went flat. Why does the only way for me to get cured as soon as possible end up being in the one place that caused it? I mean if this was the point of some quest line in a game then it would suck. For some reason the thought of two different worlds came to mind. This poison joke is really jacking with my head. So after I talked Twilight into letting me down we trotted into the Everfree. Both Twilight and I produced a light. Me just making my mane and tail fire, Twilight with an orb. A growling around us got us all to stop. I gulped, please tell me I didn't hear what I thought I heard... or smelt. Oh Celestia the smell, it smelt like, well, the foulest thing I could ever think of.

“Shit...” came out of my mouth when I figured it out. I looked up to Twilight and she looked like she put it together too. Timberwolves, universe did you just hate me or something? I felt out my inner warmth and transformed before all of them. Lucky for me the poison joke didn't screw with my draconic state. It just kept me female. Not saying it was bad but still. I stood between one of them and the three ponies behind me. Unfortunately for all four of us, there was four Timberwolves. “I will give you one chance to get out of our way and leave us be.” I said to the Timberwolf in front of us. It looked amused. “Last warning.” I said and it shook it's head. He then jumped at me, last thing it ever did. One second it was there another second I turned it into burning ash. No pony or in this case, no wolf is going to hurt my friends. A magical blast behind me, caused me to turn around and see Twilight had blasted one of them into a tree. The one to the left jumped towards Applejack who rolled onto her back and bucked it in the stomach sending it over to the one on our right. Clever move there Applejack. I dashed over and stood between the two and the group. “You three alright?” I asked.

“We’re fine.” Dash said when I looked over. Big mistake on my part. This gave the wolves enough time jump at me, I fell backwards but not fast enough. The two wolves were able to grab both of my forelegs. The right one had a hard time biting though the prosthetic and the left one sank it's teeth into my leg. It was like getting the wood through my leg but seven fold. They started to play tug of war with me. Why did things in Equestria wanted to use me as a rope for a game? I started to scream in pain reaching a really high pitched note. This didn't deter them from trying to rip me in two like some wishbone after a thanksgiving dinner. This caused my lavender marefriend to snap, her horn started to glow dangerously and beams of magic shot straight at the Timber wolf pulling my left leg. The thing looked like Swiss cheese when Twilight was done with it. Some of it's teeth remained embedded into my foreleg. The other one biting my metal leg started to toss me about like a rag doll. I got flung into trees, rocks, into what remained of the other Timber wolf. The last wolf regained conciseness and walked over.

“Twi we got a problem.” Applejack said.

“Not for much longer.” Twilight growled as I watched her horn started to glow even brighter. Her eyes decided to follow this time as that look of pure hatred filled her face. I would have shrank back but I wasn't already being tossed about close to passing out from the blunt force traumas to my body and head. The wolf flung me up into the air and caught me in it's mouth. Lucky for me I got my battered prosthetic wedged into it's teeth. I didn't want to see the inside of theses things mouths, let alone smell the breath. Wait a moment that's it. I coughed a bit from the smell but was able to give it a good last hot meal. It fell over as I heard an explosion. I was breathing hard at this. I decided to light up my horn to look at my leg. This thing had seven wooden spikes through it. It didn't look like it hit the bone. Well one did but maybe nicked it. I could move it... barely. I tried to bring it up to me to get one of the spikes out but a spike of pain caused me to yell in it. “Firestorm are you alright?” Twilight said.

“No. I'm not alright Twilight.” I said before magic opened up what remained of the Timber wolf. The other one was a pile of burnt wood by the look of it. My prosthetic was pretty much gone at this point turned into a metal toothpick. I detected it as Twilight lifted me over to her. I was breathing hard looking at her.

“Oh dear Celestia. This looks bad.” She said as she started to dance around in panic.

“Calm down Sugarcube. Zecora is close by. Maybe she can fix both problems. Do you think you could float him all the way there?” Applejack said. Twilight nodded and floated me along. Dash flew next to me.

“That was pretty ballsy there. You've got a lot of guts to take one down inside it's mouth.” She said as she held out a hoof. I wiggled my right stump at her. She flew over and bumped it. I would my left but well it was swiss cheese at the moment. They galloped along the way until we get to this deformed tree. Around it was tribal masks and hanging bottles with different colored liquids. They all rushed in to see a zebra at a large caldron.

“Twilight Sparkle and friends, how do you do? Did you all come for a fine blew?” She asked in rhymes.

“Yes and no. Zecora we need you to help our friend here.” Twilight said floating me over. I looked up at the gray and dark gray coated zebra mare.

“Oh my many spikes in her leg to pull. But I fear that the pain won't null. This mare's leg won't make it past if somepony doesn't get me the first aid fast.” She continued in the weird rhyme.

“Will somepony tell Zecora to stop talking in rhyme, because we don't have the time.” I said being in rhyme myself but I had to do it to get my mind of the intense pain I was feeling. I turned to see my leg was starting to swell up fast. Zecora pointed Twilight to a table and she floated me on top of it. Zecora got to work fast. Pulling out vials from her first aid kit. This zebra mare did know what to do because she started to rub the contents into my leg which stung like hell. I started to scream in pain as Twilight watched. Applejack thinking fast found me something to bite into so I wouldn't scream so much, it looked like a vine. The leg started to return to normal be the pain didn't. It relented as I continued to bite into the vine. Zecora then reached over and bit into one of the spike in my leg. She started to wiggle it a bit which caused me to scream again into the vine. She inched it out and with a meaty cork like sound, popped it out of my leg. I was tearing up at this. Why do I have to go through so much pain here. I continued to watch as Zecora's look changed from worry to fear. I was looking angry at her. Could you blame me? She was taking her sweet ass time trying to pull out these spikes. Twilight came over looked at me then it dawned on her.

“This mare is possessed by a beast, quick ponies run before it wants to feast.” Zecora said in her rhyming way.

“No, Zecora it's fine. I'll explain later. Please you need to help him.” Twilight said stopping the zebra mare from running out of the door.

“Him did you say but who is he? Who is this mare suppose to be?” Zecora asked.

“A stallion, poison joke turned him into a mare. We came here to have you make up one of the herbal baths since the spa is out of the herbs needed.” Twilight explained as Zecora worked on the second spike. I really wished Zecora would hurry up with these spikes. I was biting through the vine. Another spike came out before Applejack doubled up the vines for me to bite in to. Zecora finally got the rest of them out. She then turned to pull bottles from her shelf and returned to her caldron. She started to dump ingredients into it. Ever so often a large exploding puff of purple smoke shot out of it. I started to curse into the vine as she didn't do anything with the wounds after she pulled them out. Twilight was next to me making sure I didn't move. Dash had flown out at one of Zecora's requests to get an herb she needed back in Ponyville. Applejack just kept wiping my eyes with a cloth. I couldn't stop crying at the pain. You would too if you had seven holes in you. I would take a crack to my head from Applejack's buck then this. Zecora came over to me and looked right at me.

“The bath is ready but I wouldn't dwell, it's going to hurt like hell.” She said worry in her voice. Honestly it couldn't be worse than this. Twilight floated me over and started to set me in slowly. It felt fine for the most part. She stopped when it was about halfway up my stomach. “You must dive down deep in the brew, for it to fully affect you.” Well... fuck. I slowly inched in lower until everything was in but my left leg. I could hear something said but I couldn't make out the words until my left leg was forced into the bath. Right then I realized my assumption was completely and painfully wrong. Oh Zecora you just had to be right didn't you? This felt worse, I shot out of the bath getting my leg out and over the side. With that I let out a resounding and loud.

“Ow!” I looked at Twilight for a moment as she pulled over one of Zecora's mirror. I was me again stallion and all. I would check about the lower parts but one the bath I was in clouded the view and two my foreleg still hurt like hell from dunking it in the first time.

“I see that my brew has cured you of the poison joke, you really need to be careful like the pony folk.” She said. I really wanted to buck her for the rhyming at the moment but another pain drew my attention first. I slowly worked my way out of the bath. I was fighting the tears in my eyes when I tried to put some weight onto my left hoof. Twilight getting the idea lifted me up in her magic and sat me down where I could just sit on my haunches holding my hoof out.

“If it's not too much trouble can we please get this healed?” I pleaded. Zecora nodded and pulled out a bottle of white and blue looking cream. She then motioned for me to come over. I inched my way until Twilight brought me over faster. I slowly moved my foreleg to her. She laid down strips on the table.

“Rest your hoof on the cloth for me to fix it, it won't take long but will hurt a bit.” She said. I gulped and placed it on the cloth. It stung but moving faster than me, she held my leg down and poured into the wounds. The pain just numbed away to a small throb. She then pulled the cloth around it and turned it into a cast.

“He mustn't walk on it for a week to heal, I hope that isn't a big deal.” She said I shook my head.

“I'll make sure he doesn't walk.” Twilight said before she turned to Dash. “And you won't be teaching him to fly either.” She said to dash.

“Hey I get it, I messed up, you don't need to remind me.” Dash defended “And I wouldn't let him either. I mean I am the Element of Loyalty.” She said. Twilight picked me up in her magic. “Thank you Zecora you helped quite a lot.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, now if you excuse us we must bid adieu.” I said with a floating bow. She smiled and waved as we left.


We got back to Ponyville without another incident thankfully. I ended up belching up another scroll to remind me of my treaty talk with the dragons in two weeks. When Twilight found out about it, she decided to go manic on me again. I sighed at this as we rushed to the library. She forgot she was floating me when we went through the door because I collided with the wall with a tree shaking wham.

“Ow.” I said as I sat on my hunches. This is going to be a long, long two weeks. Lucky for me I didn't plan to do much but study anyway.

“Oh sorry.” Twilight said as she picked me up and placed me on the sofa. She then went around pulling every book she had about dragon customs and laws. For some reason I wasn't surprised at the large pile of books forming next to me. I floated one over as she continued to gather more heading up to her private collection of books. The one I picked up was simply called Dragon's Law, best place to start as any other. I didn't know dragons had so many laws but a few of them did jump out at me. Especially since I was going to have Twilight there with me. Like law two-eight-nine dash B of the laws of treaty: If any of the dignitary are harmed or any of those with them come to harm. It is treated like an act of war and all regards to treaty or peace talks are forfeit. So if either I or Twilight get hurt then it's free for the shit to hit the fan. A dragon may request a test of dragon, sounds weird but it seems to mean they have to give a challenge that must be done before peace talks could continue. It goes against the hurt rule because it's the dragon or dignitary hurting themselves and the other doing it. There was quite a few other ones that I liked. It took a few hours for Twilight to come down with another stack of books. “Alright, oh I see you started without me.” She said watching me go over the Dragon's Law in my magic.

“Yeah sorry. I just wanted to get a jump on this and maybe relax for once. No wild adventures, especially with this.” I said waving my leg. In hindsight I should have kept my mouth shut but I felt safe this time. She added the books to the pile which was now starting to sway back and forth. I gulped and watched them come towards me. The last thing I got out of my mouth was. “Damn it.” Before the avalanche of books hit me.

“Oh my Celestia are you okay?” Twilight said digging me out mountain of books.

“Yeah I'm fine. Just, well, hit the books a little too hard.” I said jokingly. In all honesty I was hurting, those things smacked my leg a few times, but nothing too bad I guess. She adjusted the books and we started to study. I watched her for a few moments as she had a few books floating around her open. I couldn't help but just enjoy the sight of her like that, nose deep in a few books, she looked up at me.

“You do know I'm going with you right? So I may as well refresh myself on these laws.” She said and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. I didn't get a chance to tell her I wanted her with me anyway. “What's so funny?” She asked a little annoyed.

“It's nothing Twilight. I wouldn't have it any other way.” I said before I went back into Dragon's Law. Three days passed and we had gone through about half of it. It took me a bit longer to catch up to Twilight in the amount of books she flew through. I wanted to make sure I had it down and on hoof when I need it. So Twilight had started to quiz me and I was doing better. I few laws I was a little off on. One was that if you came closer you should always step first on your right claw or hoof. This was to show that if you needed to shake on something you're willing to rely on your other claws to support you since the right one is the dominate one. It sort of made sense in a roundabout way. I do remember one religion that had a similar thought about one's feet. I kept thinking of left, since at the time I didn't have a right hoof. Twilight had already sent word for a new one to be brought to me and it wouldn't arrive until a day before the peace talk. I was also told that one of Luna's guard captains would be joining us for added protection. Since I was a bad luck bomb for stuff to happen, it's not my fault the universe hates me, it’s its fault it does. Another six days past, my left leg healed up nicely though I would have a few scars under my fur from it. I would take scars over losing another leg. Besides that nothing much else but working on studying for the upcoming peace talks. Since then Celestia had sent me another one of my allowance. Well it was my weekly pay for being royalty but honestly it was an allowance, most likely until I found something to do for work. The day finally arrived, Twilight and I were standing outside of her house waiting for the carriage. We had to convince each other we didn't need much. I wanted to bring my sword just in case and she wanted to bring a bag full of books so she could quiz me. I lost right on the sword since she pointed it out it could be seen of a threat. She lost on the books but talked me into the note cards.

“What law is one-nine-two A?” Twilight asked.

“That dragon hybrid must be at least thirty five percent dragon for them to be considered as a dragon by Fangclaw Wildslash.” I said.

“Thirty six but close enough.” She said.

“Damn and so close.” I replied.

“We will be there shortly prince.” Nightling said. Luna wanted to make sure I was well protected, she sent one of her personal guard captains to protect us.

“Thank you Nightling” I said with smile. I kept my eyes closed for the trip. Heights still bothered me and I didn't want to be pale by the time I got there. I mean I was there to do a peace treaty between Equestria and the dragons to the north. It seems these dragons were attacking some of the ponies between the Crystal Empire and the rest of Equestria. They currently were homed in the top of skull rock. I was on my way to meet with Razorfang who was the leader of these dragons. From what I have gathered, he was a stubborn old dragon that wanted it his way. The few things I would have to watch out for was the eight other dragons with him. One being his son Swiftfang and his kid Garblefang. He was a teenager so I had a feeling he was going to cause problems. From what I heard from Twilight that Spike had a run in with that dragon and it didn't end well. I started to breathe deeply trying to keep calm and not crack under pressure. The safety of Equestria is under my hooves or in this case would it be claws? We arrive on a small clearing that held a cave entrance. The carriage sat down with a small thud and the three of us departed. I reached out for that oh so familiar warmth within me and changed. We reached the entry and I held my wings out stopping both Twilight and Nightling.

“What gives?” Nightling asked.

“Law five-two-one: Must roar before entry for peace talk.” I said before I breathed in and let out the most draconic roar I could. It echoed down the cave until it was silent. Nightling looked at me with a raised eyebrow. A few more seconds past when a second roar could be heard. This meant we were allowed in for the treaty. I stepped up front, much to Nightling's disapproval, as we entered. The path was pretty straight forward. The cave was just the same cave you would see but big enough for a full grown dragon, it was about the size of four city blocks put together. It didn't take long for the tunnel to open up into a large cavern with a hole towards the top were dragons came in and out. Here we were told to expect eight. Some pony was going to get their flank kicked because there wasn't eight, oh no, there were eighty. “Nightling, who supplied the intel?” I asked.

“Star Bright.” She answered.

“Remind me to buck him in the head later.” I requested.

“Not before me.” Twilight added. The three of us entered and I stayed in front of the other two mares. Before us in the largest outcove sat three dragons. All three of them had red scales and a yellow-tan underbelly. The scales on their heads were different, the smallest reminded me of a dragon like jock from a high school, had an orange fin. The medium sized one, his scales were slid back into five slightly light red spikes. The last one, his fins were black, he almost filled the outcove himself. He sat there watching the three of us, as did the medium one, the smallest looked disgusted. I walked up closer and bowed.

“Law six: Introduction. Hello sir Razorfang, of the fang clan. I am Firestorm of Equestria, with me is Nightling of the Night Guard, and Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville. We seek a peace treaty with you and your kin.” I said as both Nightling and Twilight bowed behind me.

“Rise Firestorm of Equestria. You may seek your treaty. I, Razorfang of the Fang Clan, welcome you to our den.” He said returning the bow. The youngest, which I believe was Garble, still looked disgusted.

“Before we talk, law twenty two, I place my protection on these two for our decision as per law of sir Sliverfang.” I said this put into effect the protection of law two-eight-nine dash B. Now I just really hopped no dragon here was ballsy and tried something.

“This den recognizes your protection Sir Firestorm. Shall we begin?” He asked. But Garble decided to open his mouth.

“Gramps are you sure he is even a dragon kin? This could be an illusion so that horse of a princess could trick you.” He said. My eye twitched when he insulted my aunt but I composed myself. Razorfang looked at me and I returned his gaze.

“The young one does make a point. To assure of such thing, I invoke the test of dragon.” He said then looked at me. I gently bowed again with my right leg forward.

“What shall I do to prove my draconic heritage?” I asked formally.

“You seem to be a Drony of the flame. So I want you to dive into that lava pool and come out.” He said pointing a claw at the pool of lava about the same size as a hot tub.

“As you wish Sir Razorfang.” I trotted over slowly, stopping right before it. Shifting onto my left foreleg I removed my prosthetic hoof. “Twilight if you would please hold this.” I said floating it to her. She nodded and took the leg. I returned to the pool of glowing magma in bright yellow, orange, and reds. I gulped quietly and took a small step in. This thing did feel like a hot tub. I slowly stepped in and sank for a bit. A six count later and I came out perfectly fine. All but the metal around my stub for my prosthetic. Don't think it would work right now until I got it fixed. I hobbled over to the leading dragon. “Have I passed your test of kinship Sir Razorfang?” I asked. He eyed me for a few moments before letting out a good laugh. Not one of those you screwed up laughs but a good one.

“You have indeed passed my test. Allow us to treat you and your companions for being a good sport to my grandson.” He said before picking us all up, taking us deeper into the cavern. Both of the other two dragons came with us as we entered a room that had mountains of treasure surrounding a table with cushions. He sat us down by the cushions and we sat down on them. The other three went to the other side. Razorfang sat down, Swiftfang next to him, Garble wasn't in sight which unnerved me. Razorfang reached over to the treasure and pulled out a few gems that he sat on the table. “Here something to snack on.” He said offering them. I shook my head at this.

“I do apologize but under law eighty nine. A dignitary can't offer treasure in any context or it could be considered a bribe. Thank you for the offer though.” I said with a bow. This got the bigger dragon to smile.

“You do know the laws. I do apologize myself, I had to make sure you would follow the laws. Which this was covered under law seventy one a dignitary can challenge the other to his knowledge of the law.” He explained. This was kind of fun honestly. It was like a battle of wits here. Sadly I was going to lose if this kept going too long.

“Not to be rude Sir Razorfang but shall we start?” Twilight said to my right. I wonder if she caught on to my thought.

“Of course Miss Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, personal student of Celestia herself.” He said with a smirk. She looked up at him in surprise.

“How did?” She asked.

“You've been around as long as I have you hear things Miss Element of Magic.” The oldest dragon said. A few minutes later Garble showed up next to his father looking rather displeased. “But you are right. We have a treaty to speak of and I shall get right to the point. We want the right to hunt without worry of attack from any of the guards or ponies.” Razorfang said.

“Well Sir Razorfang we have received reports of your den of dragons attacking ponies along their way to the Crystal Empire and back.” I said keeping calm.

“There must be some mistake none of my den have been attacking any ponies.” He said now looking serious.

“Are you the only den in these parts?” I asked.

“I believe so. We've been here for at least five hundred years.” He said then turned to the other two. “Have you heard anything about another den or these attacks?” Razorfang asked.

“No father, I've spent most of my time hunting food.” Swiftfang said.

“No Gramps, Me and the guys are just doing what we're told.” Garble said in that I can't believe you asked tone. I raised my eyebrow at this.

“Hey Garble you done back here with your old man?” a large green one said coming from the entry. When he came fully in view he saw Twilight, Nightling and myself. “What are these stupid ponies doing here?” He said.

“Grog I will talk to you later, go.” Garble said.

“Come on man, we were going to go have fun with the guys.” He whined.

“Grog, go.” Garble said again.

“Mr. Razorfang can Garble come?” Grog asked.

“I'm sorry Grog, he is needed here but since you're here. I have a question for you. Have you heard of another den of dragons around here or about these attacks on ponies?” Razorfang asked. Grog came in closer looking rather confused.

“Not any more than what was ordered.” He said still coming closer.

“What do you mean?” The eldest dragon asked.

“We were ordered to make sure ponies didn't enter our territory again if we saw any.” he said. My eyes widen then narrowed looking at Razorfang.

“Who gave this order?” Razorfang growled. It was then I noticed small smirk on the other two dragons.

“I was told it came from you sir.” Grog said now confused more than ever.

“Who told you this? Show me the dragon that told you I ordered this?” He more yelled getting up. Grog pointed predictably at Garble. “Why?” he asked and Garble looked over to his father.

“Because I told him to, Father.” Swiftfang with an anger to his voice.

“Why do such a thing? We could have avoided this problem.” Razorfang said now looking ready to strike his son.

“Because we are tired of having to play nice with these ponies. What have they ever done to deserve that?” Swiftfang said getting ready to strike back. I watched this failing to keep an eye Garble and Grog behind us.

“We had peace with the Ponies for a hundred years and you want to dwindle that away for what?” he roared

“Because we should rule Equestria, not these ponies.” Swiftfang roared back. Suddenly I heard a scream behind me. My blood ran cold when I saw both Nightling and Twilight being held up by Garble and Grog their claws right at their necks.

“Let us go you failed excuse of a lizard.” Nightling said trying to kick out of it.

“No can do Batty.” Garble said.

“One spell and it's over pony.” Grog said to Twilight and I. I was not going to have any of this.

“You will let them go now.” I growled.

“Or what?” Garble said in a bully kind of way.

“Don't you dare harm them Garble.” Razorfang said taking his eye's off Swiftfang. Which was a big mistake, within moments Swift jumped Razor and they started to fight.

“Looks like we have a new leader.” Garble said running a claw down Nightling's neck.

“Well why don't we show these ponies who's boss then?” Grog said and within moments threw Twilight at the nearby wall. She hit breaking some of the ground around it and landed in a heap on the floor. She looked up in time to see a large rock coming toward her. She started to charge up the spell. Thinking fast, I wrapped the rock in my magic and started to slowly bring it towards me but another rock collided with the back of my head, causing me to drop right on Twilight. Who's spell was going off but it broke causing an explosion. I froze there having to watch that. Grog just hurt Twilight Sparkle. He just hurt my Twilight Sparkle. These dragon's hurt my marefriend, the one I love because they wanted to. I wasn't mad; I wasn't angry; not even pissed, I was fucking enraged. I let out the loudest roar I could not even needing to use the royal Canterlot voice this time. It shook the whole cavern.

“You... are... DEAD!” I roared my voice taking an unearthly beast tone. Without a thought I jumped Grog, my claws ready to tear him into pieces. A pony collided with me, I took it as it was Nightling. I turned to her.

“You get Twilight out of here and to safety.” I ordered.

“I can't do that sir. I need to protect you as well” She said.

“That is an order, soldier. You will take Twilight Sparkle to the hospital. Now!” I roared at her she looked angry about it but nodded. She got Twilight and flew down the tunnel. I turned to the soon to be dead dragons.

“Grog go stop her.” Garble said turning to me. Before even a second passed large spikes blocked the path.

“Sorry Grog but you're trapped here with me.” I said as the room grew darker. My mane had turned from a white flame to a pitch black one drawing the light into it.

“You don't scare us.” Garble said with Grog as they jumped for me. I stomped the ground sending two spikes of rocks at them. They bounced off before they tackled me. I rolled back with them on top of me. I kicked them off. To my right another roar happened as Razorfang slashed at his son. I got back to my hooves before Garble grabbed my prosthetic hoof ripping it off. I disconnected what was left and placed the connection point to the ground and let my magic flow through it. Suddenly the rocks around formed a garnet leg and claws. I was done playing games.


“Sister” Luna said as she ran into the throne room where Celestia was conducting business with a refined looking stallion. Fancy Pants one of the most important stallions in Canterlot was here about getting permits for a new clothing store.

“What is it Luna?” Celestia said her normal demeanor turned to worry.

“It's Prince Firestorm. Something happened at the treaty. We just got a report back from Nightling the guard I sent with them. It seems that some of the dragons had started to attack them. Twilight Sparkle was hurt.” That last part got Celestia to rise fast.

“Is she alright?” She asked.

“Right now she is in the Ponyville Hospital. I haven't gotten any reports about her well being from there. I told Nightling to remain with her. I'm going to go and help out.” Luna said as she turned to leave.

“Wait Luna I will be going with you.” Celestia said then turned to Fancy Pants. “I do apologize but something has come up. We can discuss this matter another time.” She said.

“It is fine Princess. If there is anything I can do to help. Please let me know.” He offered.

“Thank you, but right now we need to go help. Please take care.” She said before disappearing with Luna in a flash of light. They found themselves outside of the cave. The two of them entered to see dragon fighting dragon.

“This does not bode well Tia.” Luna said as she scanned around for the young dralicorn. “I don't see him.”

“Keep looking we need to.” It was then another roar could be heard from deeper in the cave. A familiar roar to the two princesses. “That way.” Celestia said taking off followed by Luna. They ended up near a wall as a blast of magic blew the wall out sending a spike of fear down both princesses. Standing there was a figure that was the same shape as Firestorm but something was wrong. All his colors had been replaced with black, pure black. His normally fired mane was flickering a black with his eyes glowing red. The only other color there was the whites of his fangs. Under him two teenage dragons looked up in fear.

“You hurt Twilight Sparkle.” It growled. “Why?”

“We wanted to show who ruled this land.” The red dragon whimpered. It was easily told this enraged it more. Celestia couldn't stand for this and sent a bolt of magic at the creature. But the creature moved its claw and caught it before it turned black. It dissipated into the air and was gone. It looked at where that blast came from. It's eye's widened seeing both princesses there as theirs did when it's eyes turned back into it's normal eyes. Within that moment she knew who this beast was. It was Firestorm.

“What happened?” She said coming closer.

“I wouldn't step closer princess.” The largest dragon in the room said. She turned to see him, he looked rather beat up and bloody.

“Hello again Razorfang. What happened here?” She asked. He looked at her.

“Treason happened. My son and his son tried to take the clan's control. Wanting to use it against Equestria. But they didn't factor in hurting this one's mate.” Razorfang pointed his right remaining claw at Firestorm. “He's going through something that only happens in a extreme moments of rage.” He explained.

“You mean he's in a bit of Dragon's Rage right now?” Luna asked stepping closer.

“Yes, I wouldn't let him leave so don't worry about him doing damage to the land. But I suggest you take him home when he calms. One's rage can leave them drained, weakening them for a while.” He explained as two loud thuds could be heard next to Razor. Both Garble and Grog were tossed into the wall just like how it was done to Twilight. “As for the treaty. I will say it still stands since it was the foolishness of my departed son.” He said as he pointed to the remains of a medium sized dragon. Large cuts, slashes, and bite marks riddled the body. It's wings were completely destroyed A lighter thud was heard. Luna went over to check it out. It seemed that the rage was over and Firestorm passed out. “Take care of that one Celestia. He's more special then he knows.” Razor said.

“He's family Razorfang. He is always special, especially to us.” She said as she floated the body onto her back.

“More than that Celestia. That's Sha's kid. He is one of the last directly tied to her.” He said Celestia stopped and looked up at the old dragon. “You mean?”

“Yes.” He said his more peaceful demeanor shifting to one of worry. “This means a bad omen Celestia. I can't tell what but when I find out. You and Luna will be the first to know.” Celestia nodded to this and within moments the three royals disappeared leaving Razorfang to deal with his clan. He knew his son was up to something. But could never imagine him coming up with something this dangerous.


Two days had passed when I woke up in Twilight's bed after the peace talks. Celestia was there watching over me.

“What happened?” I asked my brain feeling like I just played forty holes of golf and my skull was used for the club.

“You don't remember what happened do you?” She asked.

“The last thing I remember was Twilight... Twilight! Is she alright?” I started to panic.

“She is in the hospital in a coma right now.” She said I rushed to the door before her magic stopped me. “I can't let you see her Storm.” She said.

“Why?” I asked trying not getting angry.

“I don't want you to try and pull her out. The spell she tried to cast backfired when the rock broke her concentration on it. Causing her mind to be locked within it. She needs to find a way out. If you try to go in to help her. You could break her mind and she would be lost completely. With a heavy heart I'm going to have to ban you from seeing Twilight in the hospital until she is awake.” She said giving me a look of sadness. I started to shake until I let out my anger by punching through the floor with my new prosthetic since my last one was destroyed.

“Am I allowed to keep an eye on her if I remain out of the hospital and agree not to enter it until she is awake?” I asked after I let my anger subside.

“I can allow that. But how?” She asked.

“I will sit on a cloud outside the window. I promise I won't go in until she is awake.” I said. Celestia nodded.

“I can agree to that. I will have one of the pegasus get a cloud ready for you.” She said before we both left. It took a few minutes for them to get it ready. I had Rainbow help me onto it and there I sat. I watched over Twilight Sparkle. My marefriend. The one I had failed to protect. The one that got hurt because I was too fucking stupid to keep at full alert. I had failed her and she paid for it. I wasn't going to leave this cloud or Twilight until she woke up on her own... I pinkie promise.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 15 - Broken Guard

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Two days had passed when Firestorm started to watching over Twilight Sparkle. Since then it had rained in Ponyville. No pony thought much of it, he was royalty after all. So if he wanted to sit in the rain he could. That was at least what everypony thought all but a few of them. Applejack noticed him not moving. She had even tried to yell up to him but he either didn't hear her or pretended not to. Applejack looked a little worried as she entered the hospital to visit Twilight again. Since she and the other Elements of Harmony found out, they had visited her everyday. Word was sent to Shining Armor, Cadence, Twilight Velvet, and Night Light, the last two being Twilight's mother and father, They didn't even look at the Dralicorn prince when they visited. Applejack got to the door and opened it. All the ponies inside but one got up until they noticed who it was and sat back down. Shining was next to his sister's bed with Cadence next to him. In the chair sat Nightling who was pointed as a guard for Twilight and to make sure the prince would not come in. So far that didn't happen since he was watching from the window. Rarity was there next to Twilight looking worried.

“Hows she doing?” The country mare asked.

“Still not awake. She did wiggle a bit but nothing beyond that.” Rarity said as she gently help Twilight's hoof. She was the one keeping Twilight looking good. As she put it if her friend was going to be stuck in the hospital she is was going to be the best looking one there. She honestly only did it to keep her mind off the worry she felt for her friends. The one in the bed and the one in the cloud just out of the window. She tried to offer him an umbrella but he didn't answer. Almost like he wasn't really there at all.

“Applejack...” Rarity said as she glanced back to the window for a moment.

“Yes Rare?” She asked coming close.

“Your worried about him too, huh?” She asked picking up on the looks.

“Yeah, I don't think he's taking this well.” She said.

“Well good for him.” Velvet blurted looking a little angry. “He should be beating himself up for not protecting Twilight.”

“Velvet calm down he is royalty after all.” Night Light said trying to calm his wife down.

“I know but he should still-” She said in a huff. Other ponies looked at each other in the room then at Velvet.

“Mom don't be hard on the guy. I'm sure he tried his best to protect her.” Shining said.

“Well his best wasn't good enough.” She yelled. “I'm going to go for a walk.” She said before leaving out the door. An Eep was heard from outside the door when it slammed. A few moments passed when Fluttershy entered with a basket.

“Sorry about Velvet, Fluttershy.” Night light said.

“It's... okay.” She said coming in. “How is she?”

“The same as yesterday.” Applejack answered.

“What about him?” Fluttershy said turning to the window.

“The same as well.” Rarity said. “I'm worried.”

“We all are Sugarcube.” Applejack said. The rest of the day went uneventfully the same as for the next five days since then two more rainstorms happened. On the sixth day it was raining when Dash landed at the hospital. She looked up watching Firestorm just sitting there in the rain staring at the window like he had. She entered quietly going up to Twilight's room. Inside both Rarity and Applejack sat there watching her friend.

“Still the same?” She asked.

“Yeah, The doctor said she is doing better than he expected.” Applejack said with a small smile. It was a little fake and could easily be told it was.

“Has he?” She motioned with her head.

“Still there. I don't think he's even moved once.” Rarity answered this time. “I've tried to talk to him but he just stares and blinks a few times. It's like he's not even there anymore.” The three mares went to the window to look at Firestorm who didn't even blink. His mane and tail were matted down from the rain and his normal vibrant orange was dulled almost if it had paled naturally. The glow of his eyes from under his mane told them he was still staring.

“I hope he decides to keep warm tomorrow. We’re suppose to start the first snow.” Dash said as she went back to looking at Twilight. Her chest continued to rise and fall with a normal breathing pattern. Dash started to shake a bit in an unseen anger. “Damn it all. Why did this happen?” He yelled causing the other two mares to jump. “Why, for Celestia’s sake, did this have to happen?” She said stomping.

“Sugarcube. There was nothing you could-” Applejack said.

“Do? Applejack, there was nothing I could do? No if I was there was she would have been just fine. But no I get left in the dark.” She now furiously “On top of all that one of my friends is in a coma and the other is torturing himself outside in the rain. How long has he been there?” She asked.

“Eight days.” Came the voice of Nightling from the doorway. “As for being left in the dark. They weren't alone Rainbow Dash. I was there and I saw what happened. There was nothing any pony could do. If there was then I would have done it.” She said now getting in Dash's face. Dash pushed her back.

“Well you should have done better.” She yelled back. “If I was you I would have saved her.” Dash continued to yell pointing at Twilight.

“Calm down Sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“Calm down? Calm down! Don't tell me to calm down Applejack.” She said now getting into Applejack's face. It was before a magic wrapped around Rainbow Dash holding her in the air. The blue magic came from Princess Luna that had entered the room.

“Princess Luna?” They all asked and bowed but Rainbow since she was being held by the princess’s magic.

“Hello every pony.” She said coming over to Twilight. “How is she?” She asked.

“The same still.” Rarity answered.

“I see.” She said then turned to the window looking at her nephew on the cloud in the rain.

“Him too.” Applejack answered.

“I see.” Luna said again. She knew that her nephew wasn't even sleeping. She cast a spell to make sure she was noticed when he slept. But within the eight days not one bit of sleep from this stallion. She could tell something was wrong with him but any attempt speak to him was only met with silence. She even tried to put him to sleep but he fought it. Something in him wouldn't let him sleep, move or anything. “A silent guardian” Luna whispered as she looked at him.

“Beg your pardon?” Applejack asked.

“It's nothing. Look Dash I know you're beating yourself up for what happened but please don't. I think enough ponies are doing that.” Luna said as the rest of them looked at the pony out in the rain.

“Is there anything you could do?” Rarity said as Luna released Dash. Who just landing on the ground in a plop.

“I've tried. I honestly have.” She said as she watched. There was nothing any of them could do because the stallion out on the cloud was watching Twilight Sparkle.

“I have failed her. I must do better. I must not fail again. What if it was worse. I need to be better. I need to be stronger. I failed and she paid for it.” Kept running through his mind. Over and over again as he watch his marefriend. He didn't even notice the other ponies that came and went except for the doctor. He sat there lost in the continuous thought of waiting for the moment Twilight awoke so he could protect her right this time.

Another three days had passed and it was snowing outside like it had for the prior two days. Fluttershy walked through Ponyville like she normally would avoiding most of the ponies. She, like most of her friends when to visit Twilight again. She was doing alright though now there was a small glow from her horn at night. She was on her way to the spa to do her spa date with Rarity. As soon as she got in she saw the white coat unicorn mare sitting at the table.

“Hi Rarity.” She said as the unicorn turned to see her.

“Ah Fluttershy its so nice to see you. Aloe and Lotus two of our usuals.” She said as the two mares went in back. “How is she?” She asked.

“A small glow from her horn last night but otherwise the same.” She said worry in her voice.

“And him?” The white mare asked. She knew the answer to it but she did hope something was different.

“Still there. I knocked off the snow from him but he didn't say anything. I'm worried.” She said with a frown on her face.

“So am I Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash tried to buck the cloud out from under him but he only blocked her attempts with a shield. From what she told me. He didn't even watch her when she went all around to do it. Being out in all that can't be doing him any good.” Rarity said as the two were taken to the tables. “I don't think he's even sleeping.” She added.

“I know...” She said.

“Somepony has to do something. He can't just stay like that can he?” She asked worried.

“I... hope.” She said. It wasn't long that there spa trip went on in silence. When it was over the two mares stood at the door looking at the dralicorn stallion in the cloud. His coat had dulled almost to a gray his mane and tail were much the same. The only thing the still had a bright color was his eyes. Those red draconic like eyes.

“We need to get him down before he has to be in the hospital. If he's not at that point already” She said.

“Couldn't Celestia.” Fluttershy got out.

“Your right. Maybe Celestia could get him to come down. Is Spike still at your house?” Rarity said and Fluttershy nodded. “Then we need to get him to send a letter to her. If we can get her to come to Ponyville then maybe she can get him to come down.” She said as they both rushed off to Fluttershy cottage by the Everfree.


The letter was sent five days ago but nothing was said beyond that. Celestia knew she would need to do something about Firestorm. She figured he was beating himself up since he couldn't go in and watch Twilight but she also had a feeling that he would do something foolish and try to help. He did want to always help if he could.

Dear Princess Celestia,
We're writing to you because we need you to come to Ponyville and help Firestorm, he has been in that cloud since he woke up. Since then it had rained and is currently snowing. We are worried about his health and safety. We beg of you to come and do something please.
Rarity, Spike, and Fluttershy.

She went over the note again. There was more to this then they knew. He was still pretty weak from the Dragon's rage he went through when it happened. Which was why he slept for two days but to find out he hadn't slept since then and is resisting all attempts for a sleep spell to work. She guessed that he was running on his magic alone. Nothing else made sense, something had to be done but she was at a loss to what. Luna had tried everything she would have thought. The only two things she could think of was to let him see Twilight in person but that she wouldn't do or for Twilight to wake up. She sighed quietly looking out at the falling snow over her kingdom.

“Was I a fool to prevent him from staying by her side?” She thought. “Was it time for me to lay the chips on the table? No, not yet, I need to see him at least. Maybe I could talk sense into him.” She got up from her personal chambers and went towards the door, Luna came in right in front of her.

“Sister.” She said looking at her. “Are you about to go to Ponyville?” She asked. Celestia only nodded. “Then I'm coming too.” She said.

“Alright.” She simply said before they both left to get to the royal chariot. “What is the reason you're going to Ponyville Luna?” She asked.

“I've done some research and think I have found a spell to force Firestorm to sleep. He still hasn't slept once since he woke up.” She answered.

“Where did you get this spell?”

“It was one of Starswirl’s spells. It's one he wasn't well known for.” Luna explained.

“Ah, I see.” Celestia said as they traveled to Ponyville. She wanted to see how her student was doing with no word about her recovery. She had started to worry about her and her nephew, she was having problem sleeping herself, though not as bad as Firestorm. The trip there happened in silence. The chariot stopped a few feet away from the hospital. The snow covered ground filled most of the streets as some of the ponies worked to remove it. She looked up to see the same cloud that she had ordered there over sixteen days ago. She frowned in silence as she took flight up to check on Firestorm. What she saw surprised her, on the cloud stood an almost perfect light gray coat colored Firestorm his mane was a dark gray as well. There was no color to him at all but the reds of his eyes. Not even the scales on his wings had any color it them. He was also covered in snow from his lack of moving. Luna flew up next to her sister and saw the same thing. They looked at each other before a disc of magic was summoned for them to stand on. Celestia stepped close. What happened next surprised the two of them.

“Can I?” Came out in a raspy voice from Firestorm like he hadn't said anything during his time watching, his eyes shifted over to the princess of the sun herself. Luna was confused trying to figure out what her sister did differently than herself when she tried to talk to him.

“I'm sorry but you can't, not until she wakes up.” Celestia said with a pang in her heart at this.

“Oh.” Was the last thing said before his gaze returned to the window and the mare he was watching through it. The silence between the three of them was almost deafening. It was Luna who tried next.

“Firestorm you need to get some sleep.” She said and there was silence as a reply. Her horn glowed from Starswirl's spell as she unleashed it at Firestorm. It didn't connect as a small wall of magic appeared and deflected it into the air before the wall dissipated. Celestia watched this and turned to Luna.

“Cast it again.” She said and Luna did that. Celestia countered the shield, weakening it enough that the spell bust through it. However she didn't predict a second wall was behind it and once again the spell was deflected. Luna was started to get a little annoyed and charged up a third one. This one she put more magic into.

“He is going to get some sleep whether he likes it or not.” Luna thought as she unleashed the large midnight blue beam of magic. What followed surprised Celestia, a whirlpool of magic appeared in front of the beam swallowing it whole before a second one appeared and sent it back, striking Luna causing her to fall to the disc in magic asleep.

“You... you redirected...” Celestia started to say.

“Her spell... yes.” Was answered from the stallion on the cloud. She seemed to be the only one to get him to talk. From what she heard he hadn't spoken a word in all the time he was sitting here.

“Why do you stay here?” She asked.

“To watch over her.” Was his answer.

“But why?”

“To protect her.”

“Why must you stay here in the cloud.”

“Because I can't be next to her.” The answers started to circle back to because he couldn't be with her. She knew why, she was afraid of him doing what she did. Enter her mind to help her recover. She knew the dangers of doing it but she didn't expect the lengths Firestorm would go to. He's been sitting in the rain and snow for Twilight. She wanted to give in to give him some relief but she was too afraid to do it now. It was clear that he wasn't in his right mind at this time. She could only guess what caused it.

“Storm... If I allow you to go inside what will you do?” She asked.

“Protect her.” He replied.

“How?” She asked.

“Any means necessary. No harm from me or any pony will happen to Twilight Sparkle.” He answered. She could tell the venom in his voice when he spoke of himself or any pony.

“Does he blame himself for this happening?” Celestia thought.

“If you're done with me go see Twilight” Firestorm said. The princess of the sun looked at the stallion with a raised eyebrow. She nodded quietly before she lowered her and her sister down. With a flick of magic she woke her sister up who was not to happy about her spell being redirected back at her but there was nothing that could be done. The two alicorns went to see Twilight who was still laying in her bed comatose. Both sisters sat next to the bed in silence for a few moments.

“Luna...” Celestia started.

“It will be alright Tia.” Luna said.

“What about him?” she replied.

“I do not know... I wish I did. I don't even understand what is driving him to this.” Luna said with a twinge of sadness to her voice.

“I believe it's because of me. Since I won't allow him to come in until Twilight is awake.” She answered.

“But why Tia?”

“Because I'm afraid he's going to try and go into her mind to pull her out. If he did she could be lost to us forever.” Celestia said as grief was ever so present in her voice.

“Tia...” Luna said. The door opened up to see a doctor walking in with a chart wrapped in his magic.

“Princesses.” He said taking a bow.

“Rise my little pony.” Celestia said and the doctor did walking over. “Do you have any news?”

“Yes, a few nights ago Miss Sparkle’s horn started to glow. We think she's fighting her way back but we can't say for sure.” The doctor answered

“What do you mean? There's been cases of magically induced comas and records of tracking it's progress. What makes this case any different?” The princess of the night asked.

“Because of the spell she cast backfired. We don't know what spell it was but it's interfering with any tracking spell we could use.” The doctor said setting down the clip board for the two royal sisters to look at. As it was stated all the data was there. Nothing seemed to be able to scan the progress.

“What spell did you try to cast Twilight?” Celestia thought to herself. There was a small mumble coming from the bed. Celestia, Luna, and the doctor all walked over. It had looked like she was starting to come out of it. “Luna go get her friends. They need to be here and send word to Shining, Cadence, and her Parents.” She more commanded and Luna agreed with these actions. She left to do so. It didn't take long to get everypony there as they all sat there watching Twilight in the bed. Her horn was glowing more than it did the few nights before. They stayed away from the window to give the dralicorn outside a perfect view of the bed. It was then it happened. For the first time in eighteen days. Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes.

“Twilight!” Everypony exclaimed when she sat up.

“Hello everypony? Did I miss something?” She asked groggily as she wiped her eyes. A few moments passed followed by a thud from outside. Everypony there turned to see a white cloud floating outside the window.

“Finally” Dash exclaimed as she flew up to Twilight. She starts to give her a hug followed by everypony else. Both Celestia and Luna watch at the group hug. They smiled warmly to see their friend awake at last. A few moments passed before the dralicorn entered the room.

“What is he doing here?” Twilight Velvet proclaims in anger.

“Mother!” Twilight said in surprise. But none of this bothered him he just came over to Twilight and sat down. She noticed how off colored he was, he didn't have any color but his eyes, his red eyes.

“Firestorm.” She said softly and rubbed a hoof on his cheek, it felt ice cold. She looked up to him, his fur and mane were still matted down. He didn't say anything but that look he gave said it all. It showed the sadness, the regret, and so much more. She wanted to comfort him.

“Twilight...” Celestia started which got everypony but Firestorm to look at her. “What spell did you try to cast back at the dragon's den?” She asked.

“I... I don't remember Princess. Most of that was a blur. Can somepony please explain what happened?” She asked. Luna launched into the story from what she knew. Nightling also added what she knew. Too much of it was still left out because of not being there. When Firestorm was asked nothing was said as he just looked at Twilight with those eyes.

“Please say something.” Twilight had asked him.

“I'm sorry... Twilight.” He said before he fell onto his side with a wet thud. Twilight, Celestia, and Luna's eyes widened when he hit.

“Firestorm!” They all yelled. Twilight tried to get out of bed before she was forced there by Celestia.

“Some pony get a doctor now!” Luna said in the royal Canterlot voice. It didn't take long for a doctor to show up to check on the prince. From the look on his face it wasn't good. Firestorm pushed his body too far this time. Especially since his system was weakened from the Dragon's Rage and now sick because of the weather, to say he wasn't well was an understatement. His body was colder than a normal pony body should get.

“Get him up here.” Twilight proclaimed. “I will use my body to warm him.” She said focusing to bring the stallion up. As soon as he hit the bed with a plop she laid across him.

“Twilight are you sure that's wise? You just woke up” Velvet said completely shocked by the turn of events.

“Yes I'm sure. This is my coltfriend mother. He's willing to do anything for me to make sure I'm safe. Why shouldn't I do the same for him.” She shot back holding Firestorm as close as she could.

“Twilight let's get him to the one of the royal rooms. The beds there are larger. I want to help too.” Celestia said.

“As will I.” Luna added. The doctor went out to get the orderlies to help move them. It took longer than it should but they finally did it. Firestorm was laid on the bed as Twilight laid on top of him holding him close. Luna was to his left and Celestia to his right. They each draped a wing over the two as they all stayed close to warm up the stallion.

“Why?” Twilight asked to nopony in particular.

“Twilight...” Was heard from the body of Firestorm. She started to cry slowly as she nuzzled into the stallion.

“Celestia, what happened when I was in the coma?” Twilight finally asked. She wanted to know what had happened to the stallion she loved.

“Two days after you went into the coma Firestorm woke up from a weakened state because of his Dragon's rage. It's quite taxing on both his mind and body. Since then he has been sitting outside your window watching you and waiting for you to wake up.” She answered.

“Why didn't he just wait inside?” She asked.

“Because I told him he couldn't.” Celestia answering, regretting it even more. If she knew this was going to happen then she would have let him in.

“But why didn't you let him in?” She asked, no anger in her voice.

“Because I was afraid for your safety Twilight. I feared he was going to push into your mind to help you come out. But since your mind was in a fragile state. If he did so we could have lost you forever.” She answered. Twilight just sat there and rested her head on Firestorm's crying.

“How long?” She asked.

“How long what?” Luna asked this time.

“How long has he been out there?” She asked again.

“Sixteen days.” She answered.

“You're telling me that you let him stay outside for sixteen days?” She asked.

“We tried to get him to talk, to go inside but... he didn't answer. He didn't move. He didn't do anything. But watched you the whole time.” Luna said looking away in shame.

“Did you try to put him to sleep? Did you try to get him to eat something? Don't tell me that he didn't at least eat something during those days?” She more yelled at the two alicorns. The both looked ashamed.

“I tried two different sleeping spells on him. The first one he resisted, the second one he returned it upon me.” Luna answered. “We don't know if he ate or not.”

“I failed her.” Was heard from the feverish dralicorn. Silence filled the room after that. Twilight just continued to hold Firestorm as close as she could.

“You didn't fail me... I failed you.” Twilight thought as she just laid there crying. as the four of them remained into the room.


I woke up to being covered in ponies. Well figuratively. Twilight was laying on my back with Celestia and Luna to my sides. I just looked forward not saying anything. I didn't have the right to honestly. I had failed her again and now I was the one being cared for. It felt wrong to me. Twilight needed to be cared for before I was even allowed to be dealt with. I sighed quietly as I looked at all of them. Both alicorns and Twilight were asleep around me. They looked so peaceful, like nothing had happened, just a touching moment between my marefriend and my aunts. With magic I floated Twilight up off me, slowly, so I didn’t wake her. I then slid out from between them all. I placed her back down then went to the bathroom. It was a little unnerving with all the doctors and nurses watching me as I came by, like I was some kind of ghost. I got into the bathroom and finally got a look at myself. I was so pale there was barely a hint of orange in my coat. So I was pretty much a ghost to them. A little fitting if you asked me. I relieved myself and was cleaning up when the bathroom door was ripped open to see Twilight standing there worry plastered on her face. I looked at her in surprise. She then disappeared and reappeared on me pinning me to the floor.

“Are you alright?” She asked and I just looked at her for a moment. She looked like nothing happened to her. Like I was the one in the coma for eighteen days. I looked away from her at the shame I had failed to protect her.

“Sorry.” Was the only thing out of my mouth. She turned my head to look at her and she just stared right into my eyes. I gulped at this it was then she leaned in and gave me a kiss right on the lips. I felt a warmth go through me. Her hooves wrapped around me in a tight hug. My eyes had started to close quietly.

“Firestorm, I'm sorry.” She said which got me to open my eyes again.

“You didn't do anything wrong Twilight. I am the one that's sorry.” I said sitting up holding her close. “I failed you Twilight.”

“No Firestorm you only did what you could do.” She said.

“But you got hurt Twilight. You were in a coma for eighteen days. Eighteen days. How can you sit there and say it's not my fault. If I did better, if I was stronger and didn't falter I could have saved you.” I started to say until a slap across my face stopped me. I looked at Twilight who had slapped me.

“Don't you dare doubt yourself. You did your best it was all I could ask of you.” She said then nuzzled into me. “Why did you sit outside for those days.” She asked and I sighed.

“Because I wanted to protect you. I couldn't sit by you since Celestia pretty much banned me from going in because she was afraid of me doing something stupid. So I did the next best thing. Once I started to do so I started to think over what happened. How I had screwed up and how I had failed.” I said before I got another whap across my cheek.

“You didn't fail me Storm. If I have to I will drill it into that thick head of yours.” She said looking stern before her gaze softened and she hugged me again.

“Twilight... I'm sorry I caused you pain.” I said under my breath.

“And I'm sorry I did the same for you.” She replied. I guess I don't know how to whisper either. I smiled lightly as we sat there. Then a cough caught our attraction, we looked up and saw one of the doctors.

“You two probably should go back to your room.” The doctor with a blue coat and a blond mane said. He adjusted his glasses before he left. Both Twilight and I looked at each other with a blush. We returned to find both Celestia and Luna awake. They watched us enter quietly, I had the look of shame of my face. I didn't get much choice as I was lifted up and brought up to the bed. Between both princesses of the celestial bodies as Twilight came up next to me. They placed a wing over both of Twilight and I as I slowly drifted off to sleep. Now having slept after being up for sixteen days would have been nice and I would If it wasn't for the dream I was having. This one seemed out of place compared to the other dream. This felt different and I couldn't place why. It was a normal busy day in a pretty decent sized city. I was walking down and I do mean walking on my back hooves, standing upright like a human would. Everything was fine as I entered a small convenience store. Just the place I normally went to buy the pop I drank. But this is where things derailed. I wasn't watching it as it was me. No... I was watching it from third pony perceptive. I watched as I went around and picked up a few things in my magic. It was then that thing showed up. It pointed the gun at the pony behind the counter.

“Give me all your bits old man.” The beast said. The stallion reached for the register to open it up for the bits. About then there was a scream from a mare finally noticing the beast and the gun. He turned and fired right past the mare. “Next shot I won't miss.”

“Leave her alone.” Came from me as I stepped in the way.

“Stay out of my way boy.” The beast said. The mare behind me dropped down to her knees and started to cry. “And shut her up.”

“Fine, I'll shut her up.” I said slowly bending down before the beast could react I jumped and tackled the beast, but it was stronger. He picked me up by the neck and pinned me to the wall. He then took the butt of the gun and started to bash my skull with it. Wham, wham, wham it rang as it continued. With each impact a red mark got worse until it started to bleed. Even then it didn't stop it. The beast then threw me to the ground pointing the gun at me. “You shouldn't have gotten in my way boy.” He said before he fired. Right then I shot up awake, startling Twilight out of her sleep. Both princesses were gone so it was just Twilight and I. Breathing hard I looked around the room the image of me being shot was still fresh in my mind, I was trembling over it, Twilight grabbed my head and pressed it to her chest.

“It's alright Storm.” She gently said as she held me. I just gently wrapped my hooves around her and let her continue to press my head against her chest. I looked up at Twilight as I rested there, something about the dream felt too real... What was it though? Could that have been a memory? If it was then what did it mean? Was I? I couldn't be... right? I was alive, right now I was alive in my marefriend’s hooves. She was trying to make me feel better. “Want to talk about it?” She asked as she released my head. I removed my hooves for a moment to sit up slowly before I brought her close again this time wrapping my forelegs around her.

“Just not right now. I just want to stay here right now holding you Twilight.” I said as I held her. She nuzzled into my chest gently as we laid back onto the bed again. I brought the covers back up as we laid there. My breathing returned to normal, Twilight seemed to be the only one to calm me down or see things. Well she was the best one to do it. It was still pretty dark out when I woke up. As I kept Twilight close to me I started to stare out at the night's sky. I wonder if I was going to get a visit from Luna. She did govern over dreams and that was one hell of one. I sighed quietly as the door opened.

“Think the devil's name.” I said under my breath as I turned to see the princess of the night herself. “Hello Luna.” I said as Twilight shot out of my hooves and up right. “Let me guess you're here about my nightmare?” I preemptively asked and she nodded confirming my guess. “Then I'm going to take a heavy hoofed guess as in you're wondering if it was a memory or just a dream. If you are the answer is... I don't know.” I said as my gaze turned to the window. “And it bothers me.” I added after a few moments of silence. From there more silence continued to fill the void between the three of us. “Please say something.” I requested.

“I don't know what to say honestly to this but we're here to listen if you want to talk.” Luna said.

“But...” I started trailing off more before I began.

“We know, you don't want to let anypony know about your problems but you need to really start talking. Maybe that's why you're having these nightmares, to get you to open up to ponies. Maybe then you can feel better.” Twilight said. “What got you to open up to me about Aria... I mean Jessica?” She corrected herself.

“Because you asked Twilight.” I simply answered. This got me a confused look from both of them. “Twilight I won't lie to you. You asked a question to me that day and I just started to talk. It was as simple as that.” I explained and again confused looks from both of them.

“So we just simply have to ask what's wrong?” Luna inquired this time.

“Sort of... for the most part. I don't really share my problems unless I'm stressed out completely to the point I explain like I did with Dash after the whole storm thing. When I'm just feeling too weak to hold it in any longer and get asked at the right time. Either of those unless I'm forced. The only one I will always give a straightforward answer about what she asks. Unless I'm being playful in a joke sense is Twilight.” I explained.

“Storm, first off your not weak.” Twilight bates and I knew it was coming. “and second... please tell me what's wrong.” She requested a second time.

“I should have seen that coming.” I said with a light chuckle. “Alright, if you want to know. I feel... like a maelstrom of emotions at the moment. I'm happy that I get to relax for once and I have an adorable mare as my marefriend to share it with. I feel upset and pissed off at myself for not protecting you Twilight. I feel angry that I let my anger control me. I'm frightened that what if something like that happens in Ponyville? What could happen then? Confused about the whole Sha being my mother. I don't even know how to process the fact that my supposed mother controlled my body. Let's not forget about having my dark side out there doing who knows what to Equestria, a supernatural pony that wants and has ripped my soul out of my body. Then I have this nightmare that could be a memory of me dying. I don't even know where to go with that. Am I technically dead and if so what does that mean for me? It gives me too many questions and not enough answers. But the one that I always asked is why can't I be normal for once. Just enjoy being with my marefriend. Have a day, maybe just lay under a blanket and read a book with her. But no. I don't get that. I get one thing after another, after another, I feel like I'm just falling apart inside.” I said as I started to shake a bit. It wasn't long before tears followed as I stared into the night. “But lets top that off with me foolishly sitting outside in days of rain and snow to keep an eye on the mare I love. Only to turn out needing medical attention and worrying her plus my friends. I feel like an outright bastard and I deserve to just crumble into dust.” I said before I get pulled back into a warm hug from Twilight. She was pressing my face into her chest. I didn't even look up at her. I didn't have that right so all I did was close my eyes and cry. I felt cold inside for doing that to them. I told them what was bothering me and I know it bothered them to know. I felt like I just dropped my problems into their lap to deal with while I went on a vacation at a five star resort. I was a bastard. If they hated me for it then it was what I deserved. I was already taxiing to these wonderful, wonderful ponies.

“Storm.” Twilight started. “I'm sorry.” She said and it more cemented it in my head. “If there's anything I can do please tell me. I want to help.” She said and my eyes shot open. I blinked a few times looking up at her. She was crying too. Damn it I caused her pain again. I tried to shift out of her hold but this caused her to hold on to me tighter. “Please.” She begged.

“Twilight just being here is enough for me.” I answered. She looked down at me.

“But even with me here. You're still hurting.” She said as she loosen her grip on me. I took the top to slide out of it again.

“That is true.” I started before I got up and held Twilight against my chest. “Just knowing I have a pony who cares for me as much as you do. It helps, it helps more then you could ever know Twilight.” I said as I nuzzled her quietly. I looked up to see the princess of the night and her glowing horn. I felt a doziness fall over me, with a flick of my own magic it stopped as fast as it came. “Do not put me to sleep like that again.” I growled. This caused both mares to look at me in surprise. “I do not like being put to sleep like that.”

“I was trying to help.” Luna defended.

“I understand that. But did you think of asking if I wanted to be put to sleep at the moment?” I asked, I knew the answer already.

“I see your point. Would you mind if I put you back to sleep?” She asked this time.

“You can do that. After.” I stated that last part a little loud. “Twilight and I are comfortable. But can I ask you something before that?” I asked.

“Yes go ahead.” She said.

“Is there a way Twilight and I could share a dream?” I asked. Luna raised an eyebrow at me. Wait... crap. “I mean so I can get some peaceful sleep. Since I need it and all. Nothing more, nothing less.” I said she thought about it and nodded.

“There is a way but it would be after you two are already asleep.” She answered.

“If he has a nightmare could you please put him in mine?” Twilight requested with a blush. I blinked for a moment. Why blush at that? Was I missing something? Honestly that was most likely a yes. Luna nodded at her request as I laid back into the pillow. Twilight laying next to me. She snuggled into me and with a flick of magic both Twilight and I were whisked off into sleep. The two of us found ourselves in the middle of a field on a dark night. We just sat there, the rain around us was coming down slowly. Like if someone put the rain itself into slow motion. It was kind of nice to see and look at but it gave a foreboding feeling as well. Twilight was sitting next to me under the umbrella as we watched the rain make it's way to the ground.

“Your mind surprises me at times.” Twilight said next to me as she wiggled herself under my wing.

“How so?” I asked.

“With everything you've had to go through it can still come up with such beautiful scenery like this. I figured it would be um... different.” She answered being a little timid. I understood what she meant. She figured that my dreams would be dark and foreboding, that or evil looking.

“Well Twilight remember I am an artist. I don't do it as much anymore.” I pseudo explained.

“How come?” She asked.

“Honestly... I don't. I really just don't have a reason why I don't draw as much anymore. Maybe it's the fact that I'm to involved in Equestria to sit down and draw. Or it could be that I have too many unanswered questions that my brain won't let me draw until I find an answer. I just don't know, it's speculation at this point anyway.” I answered. She leaned into me as we sat there watching the rain fall.

“Do you ever regret coming to Equestria?” She asked. I wasn't expecting that question but I already had an answer.

“No.” I said she looked at me.

“With everything that has happened. Not even one bit?” She asked.

“Twilight I don't regret what happened. I've learned a long time ago that regretting something you had no power over isn't worth regretting over. If I didn't come to Equestria, I would have never met you.” I said looking at her. She smiled softly and just nuzzled in next to me.

“You know just what to say don't you?” She asked and I looked away. The answer to that was no, I didn't always know what to say and half the time when I did open my mouth I made things worse.

“I...” I started before she kissed my cheek causing me to blush.

“You don't have to answer that Storm.” She said and I softly smiled. We just laid there watching the rain until morning came.


Whap! The sound of a hoof striking the side of my face in a slap. Well it looks like my day was starting on a painful note.

“Dash why did you go and do that for?” Applejack said. Everything snapped into focus pretty fast. In the room with Twilight and I was Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash who just slapped me awake.

“Because that was pulling his little stunt having us all worry about it.” Dash said looking quite pissed off. Yup... I did it again. I had gone and pissed off my friends.

“And you thought slapping him was going to do him any good? Dash look at him he is still paler than a ghost of a white sheet.” She shot back. I looked down at my coat for a moment. Granted I was still pretty white but there was a small orange tint to it.

“No, I deserved that.” I said cutting off Dash's reply. “I worried all of you because of my own stubbornness to watch over Twilight. I'm sorry.” I said before I rested my head against the pillow the red part clearly visible.

“What were you thinking?” Dash said getting in my face. I didn't flinch at this.

“Do you really want to know?” I asked not really showing any emotion at all. Twilight looked worried watching me.

“Yeah!” she said. I sighed quietly and turned directly to her.

“I was thinking about how much I failed protecting Twilight. How much that moment ran through my head, telling myself I needed to be stronger and better, Dash. I was beating myself up for failing. That was what I was thinking. If you want to hit me again for it then do it.” I said as I laid my head back to the pillow. Silence filled the room. “Look I already know it was pretty stupid of me to do what I did.”

“Yes it was.” Applejack said. “But I think we all understand why. Your heart was in the right place even if your head wasn't.” She said then came over. “Sugarcube, If there is anything we can do to help let us know.” She said. My gaze went to the window.

“Just be yourself. That's all I can ask.” I said followed by a few moments of silence. I turned to see her a little annoyed. “What?”

“Seriously Firestorm. Tell us something to do to make you feel better.” She said with a stomp. I gulped at this. Oh dear, there going to force me into picking something. But I didn't feel right requesting something like this.

“Yeah, go ahead.” Dash added.

“Don't forget me.” Rarity added. I sighed and put my prosthetic hoof to my temple.

“You're not going to let me get out of this are you?” I asked rubbing it gently as Twilight hugged my side.

“Sorry partner. Not this time.” She said and I sighed.

“Can I get sometime to think about it?” I asked and they looked at each other.

“You sure you need to think about it?” Dash said with a cocky grin. I sighed quietly at this.

“Yes I'm sure.”I said avoiding the awkward bomb that Dash set up.

“It's understandable.”Rarity said and a thought crossed my mind reminding me how we parted. Her turning me into a dress up doll for her work. She didn't deserve the anger I gave her that day. Before anypony could derail my thought.

“Rarity.” I said as she looked at me.

“Yes?” he replied.

“I want to apologize about snapping at you back when I was um... a mare.” I said with a light blush. It still felt awkward saying that for the fact it was true.

“No, no, no. I should be the one to apologize I didn't let you speak when you were trying to tell me something important. Oh, that gives me an idea!” She said stretching out that last word a little with a higher pitch. “I'm going to make you a fabulous outfit to make it up to you.” She said before she rushed off. I blinked a few times at this.

“What?” I asked confused. “Do I even want to try and understand what just happened?” I said my brain feeling like I just got Pinkie Pied from Rarity of all ponies. It was either that or my brain was still groggy from waking up.

“Let's just say prepare to play dress up again.” Dash said with a chuckle.

“Well... damn it.” I said with a sigh before I looked over to Twilight. She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Then I leaned over and gave her a small peak on the lips. She blushed for a bit but smiled. It was then the doctor came in floating a clipboard next to him and over the course of the next two hour the Doctor goes over the medication I will have to take for the next two weeks. Since my body hasn't recovered from my bout of stupidity from sitting outside. I had used up a lot of my bodies natural magic to keep myself going. I didn't even know I could do that. I just kept feeling magic with in well that was my bodies natural magic. A device was inserted into the latch for my prosthetic hoof to prevent me from touching that magic again. So all I had was my natural magic pool which had grown from what I was told. I guess my stress test caused it to enlarge. No where near the size Twilight had but still. The question would be if it would last with my train wreck of a track record. I kind of laughed at that. But after the lecture from the doctor with more added on by Twilight we were on our way back to the library. I wanted to get my hoodie on so I had some color besides my pale orange, red, and brown. My eye's where the only thing that didn't get affected from the use of magic. It was odd but who am I to complain. So we get my orange hoodie on. I had to have some help. These wings could be a royal pain sometimes. Twilight was laughing watching me fight before she took over to help get my wings through. It was then I noticed a book I haven't seen in a while, it was Grimwand's Journal. I looked at it for a moment as Twilight went to go get Spike to prepare a lunch for us. So I figured a entry or two would be fine.

May 2nd
I haven't had a chance to write in this journal much after Celestia had sent me off to do a magical study. In hindsight I probably should have brought more than I did but nonetheless it was fantastic. I was sent over to the zebra lands to study their magic and I found out more about souls there. Silver Star joined me as well. The best part was some of the zebras could see Silver Star. I was then told a lot more about it from a zebra stallion named Zamos. This was one of the shamans of the tribe. He's study was of the dead themselves. Very few get to see the dead like they are and rarer was the fact that they would talk to me. He asked if I had touched into a magic called Necro or necromantic magic. I had told him no but I was studying a new form of magic. Well it was explained to me that the magic I was dabbling in was Necro magic. The two of us talked about my knowledge of it. He had a wealth more on it. So during my stay I spent the day to do that study the Princess Celestia has asked of me and at night I was with Zamos studying necromantic magic. But as soon as it came it had to end. I was called back to give my report. I tried to send word to her but I received the same order again. So upon my return I went up to the throne room and gave my report. She was pleased at it but not so much about my request to return. I was told that some of the dignitaries there requested for my return. Which I found odd because I didn't meet any of them. Lucky for me Zamos gave me a few of his books to continue my study.

“Zamos?” I asked out loud.

“Who?” Twilight asked behind me causing me to jump and spin around.

“Geez Twilight trying to gave a pony a heart attack?” I said in surprise grabbing my chest. Dear god she was stealthy when she didn't mean to be.

“Oh sorry. But who is Zamos?” She asked.

“It was a zebra that Grimwand had met during his travels to the zebra lands. As this book puts it.” I answered as I looked over the entry. His stay must have been at least two to three months long, give or take.

“Did it say why he was there?” She asked.

“He was there at Celestia's request during this time he touched into Necro magic or necromantic magic.” I explained.

“One of the banned magics? Why would he?” She said as I could see the gears turn in her head at full speed like a train using special crack powered logs that could easily destroy normal steam engines.

“I think it was more because he was fascinated by it. After he used it he became friends with a soul called Silver Star. From that I don't know much, I only went through about four or five entries.”

“Well what does the next one say?” She asked and I turned the page.

May 8th
I'm ready to do my first experiment with the magic. A few of my lab rats have died from age and I thought it would make the best test subjects. Two I may have done wrong because they exploded in a meaty pop after swelling up to the size of balloon. The last one worked finally after a few moments it's coat darkened and his eyes opened again. It's eyes were a bright red that glowed in the dark room. I did it. I brought a life back. If it works with rats maybe I need to move on to something bigger. Maybe a cat or a bat. Wait. Why not go with something bigger? How about a full pony. The graveyard at the base of the mountain would give me enough test subjects. Tomorrow I go and gather specimen.

I paled even more when I saw the words meaty pop remembering how my right leg felt. Twilight was just as pale when it talked about disturbing the dead.

“What kind of vile pony would do such a thing?” She said shaking. I closed the book and brought her close.

“Twilight it's alright.”

“Alright?” She said shooting out of my hooves. “Some pony went down to the royal graveyard and stole bodies for some experiment. To what bring back the dead? It's wrong Firestorm. I... I need to tell the-” She started before I shushed her with a wrap of magic.

“She already knows Twilight. She dealt with Grimwand herself remember?” I said, she looked at me.

“Yes I know I just pulled the same move that pissed me off with Rarity.” I said and removed the wrap. “I just wanted you to listen for a moment. Grimwand has already passed to beyond the veil. Let’s not worry about any of his experiments with the dead.” I said fully remembering the zombie attack right after I had got my body back. “I hope.” I said under my breath as I looked out of the window. I got up and placed the book next to the sword case. “Twilight...” I started as I turned around. Now I would have said something heartfelt but suddenly a little pony flew right into the room at me. Young Scootaloo flew into the room and collided with me. She knocked me onto my back and was standing on my chest.

“That was so cool.” She started then a few seconds it was followed by an “Aw” The room at this point was spinning or was that my vision. Honestly at this point I shouldn't be surprised.

“Scootaloo!” Twilight yelled in surprise.

“Oh hey Twilight. Is Rainbow Dash around?” She said jumping on my chest. Okay this filly had bony hooves.

“Can you please get off me Scootaloo?” I asked. He turned around and looked at me.

“Do I know you?” She asked and I sighed.

“Yes Scootaloo. You beamed me with your ball in the hospital.” I said.

“Wait, you're that stallion. Don't you normally have an orange coat?” She asked and I sighed again.

“Scootaloo please get off me.” I said and she jumped off. I got back onto haunches.

“Okay why did you just fly through Twilight's window?” I asked.

“Oh I was trying to get a flying cutie mark. Which didn't work” She said and I blinked for a moment. Oh right they were trying to get there cutie marks. I went over to the window looking out. There was a catapult with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle right next to it.

“Did it work?” Applebloom yelled up. I shook my head at them.

“Please come in.” I said down to them. I could see their ears drooped a few moments later we had the Cutie Mark Crusaders sitting in Twilight's room looking a little ashamed. “I'm going to ask you this. Why did you three think it was a good idea launching Scootaloo into a tree?” I asked.

“We thought we could get our cutie mark in catapult operators.” Applebloom said. I just shook my head.

“Look you three. You're going about this the wrong way. Why are you so dead set on getting your cutie marks right now?” I asked.

“Because we are tired of being the only ones without our cutie marks.” Applebloom said.

“Plus Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon won't leave us alone, calling us blank flanks.” Scootaloo added.

“Yeah.” Sweetie belle added. I smiled quietly at this. Honestly I know how these kids felt being picked on for something they can't help.

“You know what?” I asked with a smile laying down tucking my forelegs under me.

“What?” The three of them asked at the same time.

“Why don't we forget about the cutie marks right now and have fun?” I offered. “If we see those two that pick on you. I'll deal with it?”

“But we want our cutie marks.” The three wined. I couldn't help but smile and got back onto my hooves. I turned to Twilight and gave a wink. Of course she looked confused.

“Well Dr. Sparkles I think we have a serious case here. I diagnose that these young ones here are having a case of trying too hard. Don't you concur?” I said giving them my best doctor voice. Twilight's eyes widened and nodded. I think she finally got my idea.

“Why yes Dr. Storm quite concur. What do you think the best treatment is for them?” She asked.

“I think these ponies need twenty CCs of fun, stat.” I said picking up the Cutie Mark Crusaders in my magic taking them outside into the snow. I plopped them down gently into it.

“What did you do that for. It's cold.” Scootaloo complained.

“Oh that's easy. How else are you going to return fire in a...” I paused for dramatic effect and to allow myself to form three snow balls behind me. “Snowball fight!” I yelled throwing them at the kids. They connected and I dived behind a snow bank.

“Oh it's so on.” Scootaloo said.

“Hey don't forget me.” Sweetie added.

“Yeah me too.” Applebloom joined in and that's how it started. I started to gather the snow around me to create more ammo. I popped up to be beamed with a snowball in the face. I dived back down wiping it off.

“Clever shot, you three.” I said before popped up and ducked down to avoid three more balls. Getting back up I returned fire at them. I got Applebloom squarely in the muzzle.

“Hey no fair you have magic.” Scootaloo said before I popped up and blew her a raspberry of course the clever pegasus used that to draw me out. I got nailed with three more snowballs right on the horn. Now all I needed was some stones, twigs, and a top hat and I would have frosty on my horn. I shook the snow off before I decided to go bigger. Taking three snowballs. I combined them into a large one about bowling ball sized. I slowly floated it around above one of them. I dodged a few of them before I got Applebloom to stop with me pointing above her. She looked up and I saw her ears droop. I let go of the magic around the snowball and it plopped on her with a wet sound. I couldn't help it I started to laugh rolling on my back. I had completely forgot about the other two in my bit of laughter. They took the time to sneak around and pelted me with snowballs.

“Alright alright. I give, you win.” I said still laughing. The snowballs stopped as the three of them came over.

“That was fun.” Sweetie said with a bounce.

“Thanks Mister.” Applebloom said.

“Yeah that was cool. Not as cool as Rainbow Dash but still cool.” Scootaloo said. The other two rolled their eyes at this.

“Hey but you four wouldn't last one minute with us.” Said three older stallions. One of them was an earth pony with a brown coat and a darker brown mane. His cutie mark had an arrow in a bull's eye. The other two were unicorns and honestly if it wasn't for the cutie marks being different, I would have swore someone put a mirror up next to one of them. Both unicorns had a forest green with a black mane. The one on the left had a ball being shot from a cannon and the other simply had a baseball on it.

“Hello.” I said after getting up. “and what do you mean we wouldn't last one minute with you?” I asked.

“Oh please we watched your snowball throwing. It was amateur at the best. We could out snowball you any day.” The brown one said.

“Well sounds like a challenge. Are you three up for it?” I said turning to the fillies. The nodded eagerly. I turned back to the stallions.

“Oh please we wouldn't even waste our time with the likes of you.” My smile dropped at this.

“Well then why don't you put your money where your mouths are?” I said with a growl. I was getting a little angry with these three. I could take an insult just fine, but they insulted little kids. That I couldn't stand for.

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” The green on to the left said.

“Pure and simple. We win you treat us to hot chocolate at sugarcube corner. We lose I treat you to the same thing.” I explained and I did have the bits to back it up.

“Free Pinkie Pie's hot chocolate? Oh you’re so on. Meet us at the practice field in one hour.” The other green one said before the three of them walked off laughing. They probably thought they were going to win this.

“Mister are you sure about this?” Applebloom said.

“Of course Applebloom and you three can call me Storm if you want.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah, we are so going to kick their flanks.” Scootaloo added.

“We have Storm here so we are sure to win.” Sweetie added with a smile.

“Now why don't we go ahead and scout out the area. Just in case?” I said with a sly grin. They nodded and dashed ahead of me.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Spot Scouters!” They yelled as they flew down the street. I couldn't help but smile at this. Twilight came up to me.

“You really are good with foals.” She said.

“Just because I'm a big kid at heart.” I said with a smile.

“Well I hope you have fun. I have restocking to do. A new shipment of books are coming in.” She said before something collided with my head with a loud wham. Hello Mr. Snow it's nice to meet you again. I sighed at getting face planted into the ground from the books.

“Oh my, Storm are you alright?” Twilight asked lifting up the box of books.

“Yeah nothing broken but my pride.” I said shaking the snow off.

“Sorry.” was said above us. Looking up I saw a gray coated pegasus with blond hair and a set of yellow eyes that went off in different directions.

“Oh hello Derpy.” Twilight said looking up at her. “You really need to be more careful.”

“Sorry about that. I just don't know what went wrong.” She said looking at the cart attached to her, floating with her. I blinked watching that, it was a large moving wagon sized cart and she was keeping it in the air herself. My brain tried to wrap my head around it... Let's just say a page not found error popped into mind. “Are you alright Mister?” she asked causing me to look back at her. She looked a little worried.

“Nah, I'm fine Miss Derpy. I've had harder hits.” I said which was true. I mean getting smashed through a crystal pillar was any indication, it was of that.

“Alright Mister...” She said and I smiled.

“Firestorm or Storm if you want.” I said smiling as she smiled in return.

“Oh I have a package for you.” She said digging into her bag. She then produced a medium brown paper wrapped box. I looked at her questioningly. Who would send me a package? Celestia and Luna would just send it to me directly since I have the whole dragon breath mail thing. Everypony else was here in Ponyville and would drop it off to me directly. I turned to Twilight who shrugs. “I need you to sign here.” She said holding a clipboard out to me. I wrapped it in my magic and took the quill. I scribbled my new name on the paper and returned it. “Thank you.” She said putting it in her pouch. I looked at the box quietly blinking a few moments before entering the library. I focused and transformed my left hoof. I ran a claw down the paper to gently cut it open. I opened the box to find a book. A brown leather looking binding book just sat there. I looked at Twilight for a moment as she floated up the book in her magic.

“Who could have sent me this book?” I asked as I tried to look over the packaging. There was no return address, in all honestly the only markings on it was a to Firestorm done in marker. It felt odd, so I turned back to the book. The brown leather like binding was masterful, like someone whose profession was just to do binding. Twilight gave me the book and I opened it up to just a blank book. I looked at this for some time. I even flipped through pages just to find something. Maybe a card in the page or a note on one of them but from cover to cover it was blank. But not just that, it felt... cold to me, like it didn't want me touching it. I placed the book down with my things in the corner. I still didn't really have a place to put things. Twilight and I never got around to figuring out a place for them. I was fine with that honestly, this was her place and all. What right would I have to have a place in it. I took a deep breath and looked at her.

“Do you know any pony that would send you a blank book?” She asked. Well honestly one pony did come to mind.

“Well technically yes, I know of one pony who would do it.” I said with a smile. She looked confused.

“Who would that be?” she asked and I pointed to her. She pointed to herself as if to be clarified and I nodded. “Why would I give you a blank book?”

“To keep notes in. Maybe use it as a journal, to put my thoughts down.” I said with a shrug. She looked at me for a moment. “Well I guess that would make sense. Then when there's a problem with you I could just simply read.” She started before I cut her off.

“No.” I said. She turned to me.


“Yes, no. If I did start a journal I wouldn't like any pony reading it. It would be in invasion of privacy Twilight. Like what If you had a diary and I had starting reading it?” I offered she turned red at the thought.

“You haven't have you?” She asked in a panic tone. I blinked for a moment... why would she... oh! She did have a diary, well that's good to know.

“So you do have one? I didn't peg you for a diary keeping mare. Notes I can see. A journal most likely for a record. But a Diary? Kind of surprises me really.” I said. She shot me a glare.

“What's wrong with me having a diary?” She asked looking a little angry at me. Ah, shit. I stepped too far in that one and now was going to regret it. Maybe with me pulling a Scootaloo with me going out instead of in. I gulped quietly with my ears going back.

“I didn't mean anything by it. I was just um... never mind just do it Twilight.” I said waiting for it.

“Do what?” She asked still glaring at me but with a hint of curiosity.

“What ever you plan to do. Throw me out the window, down the stairs, just go ahead and do it.” I said more figuring that I went too far and deserved it.

“What?! But I would never. Why would you think I would?” She asked.

“Because I went too far with my words.” I said closing my eyes sitting there waiting for it nonetheless.

“But I... you... and the-” She started before she sighed and came over. “Storm I'm not going to do those things. Why would you think I would?” She said as I opened my eyes looking at her. She was on the verge of tears.

“Because I deserve it for going too far.” I said simply as I reached over to hold her. She stopped me before I could.

“Just so you know I wouldn't. It hurts that you think I would stoop to there. I don't want my colt friend hurt, especially by me.” She said and I felt like a heel.

“Sorry Twilight.” I said pulling back and just sitting there.

“I am too... I think you need to find somewhere else to sleep tonight.” She said pretty much kicking me out. I nodded quietly as I brought over my stuff to me. I left Twilight's bag and put it all in my saddle bags. I then slipped them on and turned to the stairs. I looked at her for a moment as she had her back towards me. Shame filled my heart as I left in silence. I didn't even hear my hooves against the floor as I passed the doorway before it shut behind me with the loudest click I could ever hear. I stared at the door for a bit before I left to walk in to. I still have about thirty minutes to kill before the snowball fight. Since then I had set up a room at the travelers inn for twenty eight bits. I had dropped off my stuff all but my key and the hoodie I had on still to keep warm. I left the pants there as I was not just drifting through Ponyville. I decided to sit at a cafe and sip some coffee. The hot bitter taste only soured my mood more. But it was finally time maybe a snowball fight would help my mood. So I made it to the training field to see the three foals standing there looking a little angry as the three stallions laughed. My teeth were grinding at this point.

“Well look who showed up?” The forest green one said. I didn't say anything.

“Did somepony get lost. Another one asked. I was starting to get annoyed.

“Why don't we just get this over with?” The last one said.

“Yeah, so here's the rules once you're covered in snow you're out. Last team having at least one pony standing wins.” The first one said and I nodded. The three foals did two as we took a side. I started to make the snowballs as Scootaloo and Applebloom worked on making sure our snow bunker was solid. I kept quiet as I waited for the starting signal. The three jerks as I have dubbed them got me to agree they would start it. There it was and right from the get go they cheated. Because when they said go a large blob of snow dropped in right on Applebloom counting her out. With a puff of smoke she disappeared and reappeared on the sidelines.

“Hey that's cheating!” She yelled.

“I never said you couldn't do that did I?” Jerk one said as my eye twitched. Okay so they wanted to play that game, then two can do it right back. I pulled out our full set of ammo and pleated the first stallion in the head with the full load. The funniest part of it was that look of doom when he got nailed. With a puff of smoke he was on the other side. I started to create more ammo as Sweetie belle and Scootaloo fired. I got nailed with a few balls in the back of the head but nothing coating. That was when they started to insult me. My teeth started to grind as I tried to block them out and made ammo.

“I bet his marefriend doesn't like him because he's too much of a coward.” Jerk number three said. I growled at this but said nothing. Just make the ammo, don't let them get to you.

“Oh please I bet he only has one out of pity.” The second jerk said. I trying my best to stay calm. I had a healthy stack of them ready before I popped up and fired one. It was then I got beamed with one that had a large chunk of ice in it. I got up now fully pissed off now. My horn glowed as I drew all the snow to me.

“Hey what are you doing? That's cheating!” Both remaining jerks said. I didn't care, I wanted to get this done with. I focused all my magic as the snow formed into a large Chinese style dragon. It even let out a roar. I saw the two remaining stallions gulped.

“You never said I couldn't do this.” I said using there own comment as returning fire. My snow dragon flew at them and two puffs later. The four of us won but it felt hollow to me. They tried to weasel their way out of it but let's say I could be persuasive when I'm not in the mood to be jacked with. So the stallion's all chipped in and got the four of us our hot chocolate which was delicious. Well it would be to me but I still wasn't in the best of moods. My thoughts where on how I screwed up with Twilight. Why did I even think that, just how fucking stupid can I be? I sighed and slowly sipped at my drink.

“Oh man that was so awesome and that look on their face was priceless. I just wish Dash could have seen us win like that.” Scootaloo finished saying me not catching the beginning of it.

“Maybe we could try for a snowball throwing cutie mark next.” Applebloom said.

“How would we even start to get those?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“By challenging ponies.” I answered not really thinking about it. They looked at me with a smile.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Snowball Champions” They said finishing their hot chocolate then flew out of the door. I smiled a little but I didn't go after them. They seem to have plans and I just didn't want to interfere anymore. So I sat there and sipped my hot chocolate. I decided to finally let my wings out. Since I left Twilight's I stuffed my wings into the hoodie to keep them warm. But at this point it was annoying me so I let them out. I also noticed that my coat had gotten some of it's color back. Not much but a noticeable amount. I sighed quietly watching the ponies by their sweets, treats, and hot drinks. Not a care in the world for most of them but the little bit of joy they had at the Cakes, and Pinkies confectioneries. Pinkie was bouncing around serving people as Mrs. Cake was working the register. My guess the Mr. Cake was in back baking. This was nice I guess, just watching ponies do their normal daily things. It was then I noticed Pinkie right up next to me. I glanced at her then down at the cupcake she brought me. It was blue and I mean the whole thing was blue, the cupcake, the frosting, and the plate too.

“It's on the house Storm.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks Pinkie.” I said before I took another sip.

“So what's gotcha all downy wowny?” She said and looked at her for a moment before I closed my eyes.

“It's nothing for you to worry about Pinkie.” I said, I just didn't want to talk about it.

“But you're my friend and you're all moopy here in the corner.” She said before she sat down next to me.

“I know Pinkie. I know. I just want to think and wonder is all.” I said before I took another sip.

“Please tell me.”

“Pinkie I just don't want to talk alright?”


“Not right now.”





“Pretty pretty please with sugar on top?” She said now giving me puppy dog eyes like that over blown look you see on cartoons. I sighed at this knowing this mare wouldn't leave me be until I said something.

“I just assumed something that I shouldn't and now I'm sleeping elsewhere is all.” I explained without giving details. “Before you even try. I just don't want to go further into it. I just need to figure it out for myself is all.” I said. She nodded quietly.

“If its worth it. I'm sorry.” She said bouncing off. I sighed quietly as I watched her as her tail bobbed up and down. I set down my glass and reach for the cupcake. I turned it in my hooves before I took a small bite of the blueberry cupcake. It tasted good, well better than my normal tastes at the moment. I don't know why but Pinkie could always put me in a better mood then I was. My thoughts returned to what I did and I couldn't even say why I thought that. I felt lower about myself when I said that, assuming that I was just going to the extreme when it comes to my stupidity. Not saying that I haven't done something extremely stupid; In this case was assume but why did I say anything about it? It wasn't lying when it comes to that. She didn't even ask me and I had no reason to really tell her. Then why the fuck did I open my big fucking muzzle? I laid my head on the table with a defeated sigh. I really was an idiot. Right now Twilight must hate me, she rightfully has a good reason to. I finished off the cupcake and got paid for a refill on the hot chocolate. Applejack came in looking around. She then spotted me and came over.

“Just the stallion I was looking for.” She said as she sat down in the booth across from me.

“Oh come?” I said before I took another sip.

“Well I heard you were looking a little down and I wanted to see what was the problem.” She said which was then followed by Dash appearing out of no where.

“You too?” She asked as we both looked at the door.

“Yeah. So whats up partner?” Applejack asked.

“Not much. Just had a snowball fight with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Got free hot chocolate out of it. Not by those three before you ask but by three pumice stallions who thought they could be jerks. Then I pretty much sat here drinking the hot chocolate. Oh and Pinkie Pie got me a cupcake.” I said glazing over it. Avoiding the whole Twilight thing.

“And what happened with you and Twilight?” She asked. Damn it!

“I don't want to talk about it.” I simply put.

“Firestorm you know you can't keep hiding everything inside. It's not cool.” Dash said.

“I know but right now I just want to think. You know process it until I can talk to Twilight tomorrow. Enough time for things to clear out.” I said which both of them looked at me. Wait... ah fuck I had to open my mouth again.

“So why are you not going to see her until tomorrow. Is she going somewhere?” Applejack asked.

“No and I don't want to explain why.” I said before taking another sip.

“Sugarcube, at least tell us where you're staying so I know you're not going to pull another sitting on the clouds on us.” she said.

“The Traveler's inn. I already paid for my room and I have my stuff there.” I said.

“Wow what did you do to have Twilight kick you out?” Dash said and I just stayed quiet. I finished my hot chocolate in silence. “That bad?” She asked and I nodded.

“Please tell us.” Applejack almost pleaded in a worried tone.

“I... I just don't want to... if you need to know ask Twilight. She needs you all more than I deserve.” I said before I placed a few bits down and left. Leaving both mares to watch me go. I started to walk for a bit more before I decided to stay at my room. I had nothing else to do and I really didn't want to talk about any of this to them, especially after they found out what I said. I figured my friendship with them was going to dwindle to nothing. I entered my room and locked the door. With a plop I laid on the bed and just let time pass. The only sounds were my breathing, the grandfather clock, and the ponies outside until it got dark. With a click I turned on the light in the room and reached for my bags. I pulled out the book again as nothing was written in it or on it. So I returned it and noticed I had the journal with me. Well the damage was done so I may as well read a few entries.

May 10th
I gathered at least thirty or forty bodies and body parts to test out on. For the most part the spell worked I did lose a few of them to that meaty pop but it worked nonetheless. I stopped after having three of them to examination as for their bodies all I pretty much did was return magic to their bodies. Their minds were completely gone so they were easy to control with a simple suggestion spell. Oh this is just so fantastic, I did a little research into the book and found that I could transfer souls into these bodies. So another trip to the local graveyard. I came back with the soul of a boy named Feather Flight. He was nice and all, it was sad to find out he died because of his wing snapping in mid flight. So I offered him a chance to come back. I have a pegasus body to even transfer him to, a female one but He agreed and came with me to the lab. This kid was nice and very chatty too. So we got ready and focused my magic it was such a rush. Once I had cast the spell the zombie pony began to speak. It worked, oh dear Celestia, it worked. Now a mare, she bounced around and flapped her wings. But alas it was short lived as the body rejected the soul destroying both the body and Feather Flight along with it.

I gulped at reading that. What did it do to the stallion to find out he killed a soul. Not a pony but the soul as well. So I flipped the page to see the next entry.

May 11th
After my mistake with Feather Flight I decided to find out how it happened. Two more souls were lost but I figured out what happened. The bodies didn't belong to the soul's since they had once had souls themselves. But if I changed a part of them the didn't stand as much. So now after cutting up bodies and creating an all knew one, I'm going to go try again.

So it didn't depress him but made him want to prefect it. I can understand wanting to do better next time but when you lose souls or lives then you should just stop. Well that's how I felt anyway. I continued to read.

May 17th
Solar Star was another failure but she lasted six days before her body exploded and she completely disappeared with it. From what I gathered, I need to find a way to let these bodies know that they never had a soul in them. So I started to experiment, reading deeper into the book. There I found it a way to kill the muscle magic memory of the body. With a bit of luck and maybe the divine. Rose Whip is with us. I don't know how long she will last but she is happy nonetheless for the second chance. She seem to have died only nine days ago after an explosion claimed her real body. Her friend was studying on fire spells when one of his wards went off killing her. I helped him through it and even found a way to let her speak directly to him. He is still upset but is getting better. Now after I did that I let Rose leave. The funny thing about all this is the cutie mark left on the body was one of a shooting star but after I transferred Rose into it. The star disappeared and a long stemmed rose appeared in it's place. I may have to do further studying on this and cutie marks themselves. Maybe even on a live subject.

I felt sick to the bottom of my stomach as I flew to the bathroom and removed what was left of the blueberry cupcake into the toilet. I flushed it and then did it again a few more times. Just knowing that he did that to dead bodies bothered me and more for the fact this was non-fiction so it happened but what tipped me over the edge was the fact that he may have done it to a living pony. I put the journal away and laid in bed. The problem with being a dralicorn was I couldn't sleep things off. Nope I get to stay up for days to think about it. In this case it was a curse as well as a blessing. After reading that I knew I was going to have a nightmare anyway. A knock at my door caused me to jump.

“Um... who is it?” I asked and I swear if I heard Rose Whip I was going to dive out the window.

“It's me.” came the voice of Rarity from the other side of the door. I unlocked it from on the bed.

“Come in Rarity.” I said as I laid back down. Next to her was a little bag, for what I didn't know but I could guess.

“Hello Storm, how are you to this evening?” She asked.

“Could be better I guess.” I said before I crossed my forelegs and rested my head on them.

“I heard what happened.” She explained.

“Please, I just don't want to talk about it.” I said now having to subjects to avoid talking about.

“I understand but I was asked to tell you that. Twilight is upset.” She said looking a little upset herself.

“I know, what I did was extremely stupid.” I said more venom in my voice. Rarity bit her bottom lip as I watched. She looked nervous maybe worried I would do something stupid... again. In all honestly I probably do something else stupid before the nights through. “Look don't worry about me doing something stupid. I more likely would say something first.” I said as I turned my head to the side and just looked out the window.

“Storm please stop.” She asked and I looked over at her. “I know you're regretting what you said and I don't even know what drove you to say that. I know it hurt the two of you.” She said as I remained silent. She was right, what I said had hurt us both. I just sighed quietly. “Can you please explain what happened?” She asked and I looked back at her.

“I thought you knew?” I more asked.

“I have Twilight's side. Not yours.” she explained.

“Well it started after I got delivered this book” I said floating it up for her to see. “To make this short it went from this to talking about journals. To me finding out Twilight had a Diary, to her thinking I had looked in it, then for her to get angry with me because I made my comment not seeing her have one. She got cross with me and I just broke down. All followed by me opening my big mouth.” I explained the fastest way possible. I really didn't need to go into details on how I figured Twilight was just going to launch me out the window. I watched her look over the blank book in silence. She then put it down and I brought it over to me again. I tossed it into my pile of stuff.

“So all this over that book?” She asked.

“Yeah...” I said dejected. “So what's in the box?”

“Oh well... It's something you asked about. I thought you would like a pair.” She said floating it over. I opened it to find four socks. All of them bright orange with a blue band at the time. I looked at them then back up at Rarity.

“Thank you Rarity. But you didn't need to do this.” I said she smiled.

“Nonsense I figured with the snow your leg was going to start hurting so I figured in the cool days and nights you could wear those to keep warm.” She said floating them out. “Here let's try them on.” She said lifting the socks up with me looking a little annoyed but she slides them on me. They felt nice and looked like wool but felt like silk. I looked at them. If it wasn't for knowing that my right foreleg was mostly prosthetic I would look like a normal dralicorn. But I know I wasn't normal... far from it. “Don't even dare start thinking about what I think you're thinking about?” I looked up at Rarity and blinked a few times. “Don't you dare think you're not normal.”

“But it's true Rarity...” I said slowly removing the socks. “And because I'm not normal, I hurt Twilight with just my words alone.” I said as I floated them to the box. I turned my head away from her as I rested in the bed.

“No darling. You're just- you're not in a right place right now. Too much has happened that's got you not thinking straight.” She said as she walked over to me and placed a hoof on my shoulder. “I don't know what you said but I'm sure Twilight will forgive you.” She said.

“I don't deserve forgiveness Rarity.” I said but under my breath. “I never did.” I said before tears started to fill my vision. It was true, after everything that has happened. I didn't deserve it from any pony.

“Don't you dare even say that Firestorm. Let me be the judge of that. Tell me what you said.” She said. I didn't look at her as I explained what I said. About whatever she wanted to do, launch me out a window or down the stairs. Rarity looked at me as I didn't hide my shame, it was out for everypony to see. I was a bastard and in the end I deserved for all of it to happen. “Storm, I don't know what made you think she would do that. I... I don't know what to say about it. I'm going to go talk to Twilight about this.”

“Alright Rarity. If you could please tell her I'm sorry... for what it's worth anymore.” I said as I curled up on the bed. The door shut without anything said. I bought the brown book over to me and sat it before me. All because of this book... no. I shouldn't think like that. This book was sent to me and it didn't do anything. I was the one that did it. I sighed before I felt sleepy and I placed the book back with my stuff as I turned the lights off slowly letting the sounds of night help me drift off to sleep.


The dream felt different... well sort of. I was standing in an almost destroyed Ponyville. Around me was dead bodies of ponies. A lot of them I never knew but some were familiar, like Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Derpy, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. I started to walk through the town. The bodies continued to litter about. I finally found one pony still alive until I got closer. I stepped closer to find it not a pony but... a skeleton pony. It turned to look at me with red dots. On top of that it was unicorn skeleton and with magic he produced magical arrows. They started flying at me. I ducked and ran the other way. Why the fuck did I always have these fucked up dreams? But it got worse, the bodies started to get up and with them held weapons as well. Swords, bows, axes, hammers, and so much more. I was being chased by the village of the dead. I went around to look for any pony that wasn't out to kill me. I dodged multiple magic arrows as they flew by. I ran past house after house until I ended up in an alley. I turned to see the way cut off by all of them.

“Get out of the way.” Said a very familiar voice. I gulped as the undead monstrosities let the figures past. I couldn't help but be scared out of my mind. I looked at them. Each one of them a pony I knew. To the left a larger orange mare that was over muscled wearing plenty of scars, in her teeth was a pitch fork and on her head was a stetson hat. Her blond mane and tail where done up in a pony tail. Next to her was a butter yellow mare who's back half was in a steampunk wheelchair with a top hat on. Her pink mane only covering the side for face. On her was a thing that looked half bunny and half machine. Next to her was that nightmare pinkie with a cut up Rainbow Dash almost as if someone cut her into pieces then sewed her back together. Her wings were replaced with metal blades. She also wore helmet that looked like an oversize pony skull. The pony next to her reminded me of a fantasy mage. But this Twilight Sparkle wear a dark red and violet mage robes. On her coat had dark estranged tattoos that run from her hooves and her eyes that were hidden by a dark purple cloth. On her foreleg held black metal hoof guards with dark looking markings etched into it. The last one looked the most normal among all of them it was just Rarity in a fine looking dress. The only thing that looked off was that it was made out of a leather like material. That I knew was not worn in Equestria.

“It looks like we still have a living pony here.” Said this Twilight Sparkle.

“And look at that fine coat of his. Oh I would love to get my hooves on it.” This Rarity said like she was inspecting fabric.

“Only if I get to be the one to play with him.” Pinkie said. I gulped and backed up into the wall.

“Oh look he's an Alicorn. I always need a new test subject.” Twilight said with a grin.

“As long as I get the body. I could always use another worker.” The oversized Applejack said.

“Not before I get my hooves on him.” The mechanize Fluttershy said.

“Girls it's me.” I said hoping it would snap them out of it. I really hopped this was a sick joke. A really sick and twisted joke. The only one that didn't speak was Rainbow Dash who flared her wings at me getting ready to attack. She looked at Twilight and shifted her head towards me.

“Yes Dash you can go have some fun.” Twilight said.

“Just make sure you leave enough of the coat whole.” Rarity said. Within a moment Dash flew at me. My pulsed jump as I leaped to the side but I wasn't fast enough. Three large gashes cut through my side under my wing. She then flew back and double hoof stomped onto my back. She grabbed on to my wings and began to pull them out. I began to scream as I felt my wings slowly get pulled out of my back. At first the sound of bone snapping was heard before the sound of ripping flesh that followed. I had started to scream in pain as Dash threw my left wing on the ground before me. She then focused on my right repeating the process. The second wing landed before me, my back started to numb from too much pain that it felt like it overloaded the nerves. I started to breathe hard until I felt six points where blades stabbed into my back. I started to scream again before Dash grabbed my left hoof and with one motion snapped it back. She let it drop lifelessly next to me. She pulled the knives out not before twisting them and then cut my hoof off. My voice started to die from all the painful screams. She then grabbed me by the tail holding me up in the air. My blood started to stream out of my wounds and pooled below me. But Dash wasn't done with me she then swung me into the walls and ground. I felt bone after bone break until she dropped me in front of Twilight. She grinned down at me before she leaned down close.

“Oh look at the poor pony. Maybe I should help her. Here let me give you an energy boost.” She said before her horned glowed and a bolt of black lightning struck me. I had found my voice again because I was able to scream as my body started to expand. My body started to turn black with my vision. The first thing to go was my eyes as they expanded out of the sockets. Two loud meaty pops turned my world black. One last pop was heard before I shot up awake to see a very angry Fluttershy staring at me in the room. I gulped and recoiled back into the head board.

“You.” She said in a tone I don't think I've ever heard. It was in anger... no. Not angry that was a tone that loathed a pony. She hovered up into the air before she grabbed me by the neck and pinned me against the wall.

“Fluttershy...” I got out as she crashed my neck She grinned as she watched me fight to breath. “Why?”

“Because you hurt Twilight. You hurt my friend and nopony hurts my friend.” She said then tossed me against the wall. I bounced off it and hit the floor. She then jumped on me grabbing me by my mane. Then slammed my face into the floor over and over again. A small pool of blood started to form on the floor as she broke my muzzle more and more.

“You shouldn't have been so stupid you freak of nature.” She said as she continued to pound my face into the carpeted floor. She then got up and gripped my legs and it felt like sharp needles stabbed my hind legs. I was then picked up and slammed into the floor to her left then slammed me to her right. After a few times of this she started to spin around in a circle grinding my face into the carpet. It started to burn until she flung me out the window causing the shards of glass to stab into me. I flew into the air propelled from Fluttershy's toss. She then flew after me continuing to punch me in the face over and over again. Then she double hind kicked me higher into the air. She grabbed me by the face with large claw like hands before flying straight into the ground. “You're going to pay for having that bastard of a monster kill me again.” She said as she flew right down holding me face first. We collided with the ground digging into it. She curved up and I was sent through three ceilings and a brick chimney. I was flying up into the air before she fly right by and kicked me directly into Twilight's house. I smashed through the wall into the main floor of the library. I started to spill blood from my mouth as I started to get up to see Twilight, Rarity, and a Fluttershy looking at me in shock. It was right before the other Fluttershy flew in and kicked me. Sending me through the floor into Twilight and laughed. That Fluttershy came down and looked at me. “Pathetic, I thought you would have done better.” She said grinning at me. She reached for the portal device and picked it up. She started to slam it into me over and over again. I felt every blow, every time it smashed into me, I felt it when it broke as she took the pieces and stabbed me with them. But I couldn't scream in pain, all that came out was blood as I knew something punctured my lungs. I tried to focus but before I could do anything about it. I felt something shoot through me like liquid fire. I looked up through the hole to see two scared ponies. Both Rarity and that Fluttershy stared in fear as I saw Twilight looking quite angry. Her horn started to glow violently as her eyes became pure white. Without a moment's thought a beam of pure magic struck the assaulting Fluttershy. This sent her into the wall. Before magic started to cover me as I was lifted into the air. “Oh no you don't.” I heard behind me as I was set flying faster up into the air from two hooves kicking me in the back. I collided with the ceiling before I dropped in a heap on the table and rolled off to the floor.

“Rarity, Fluttershy, protect Firestorm.” Twilight said as I saw the two mares come over to me. But I couldn't focus, I couldn't even turn my eyes to look at them. I only knew there were there because they came into my vision.

“What are you going to do?” Rarity asked as she looked off to the side.

“I'm going to make sure this... Thing learns a very valuable listen. Not to mess with my coltfriend” I heard that last one yelled followed by an explosion of magic. The force of the wind behind it sent me rolling to the door.

“Fluttershy we need to get Storm to the hospital.” Rarity said as I was lifted up again. I was turned to see the door to the library open as I was flown through the night. I knew very well as luck wasn't on my side because it wasn't long before I saw my marefriend sent flying past us and me being grabbed again by the face. I was crying not for myself but for my marefriend. I couldn't as that fire continued to burn in me. There was one thing I could think off. I reached out with my magic to Twilight. She got back to her hooves as she looked quite angry at this Flutter... no. This wasn't Fluttershy. I knew who this pony was. This was Vermom, that comment about Max killing her fit too perfectly for it to not be her. Damn it I needed to focus. I started to focus my magic on Twilight, to give her my magic. In the end I deserved this punishment for being as pathetic as Vermom said. Twilight's eyes widened as she looked at me. She then looked focused with a nod. I watched her magic aura around her horn turn into a fire like pattern like mine did. Within moments a brilliant flash of magic shot out of Twilight's horn striking Vermom. It's violet glow flickered around her. Then an explosion sent me flying towards Twilight, my body limp. She caught me in her magic and brought me close. I was turned to see that around the mass that was Vermom was purple flames. She sat there breathing hard before she turned my eyes to see her. Tears coming from her face. “Storm please tell me you're alright.” She pleaded. I tried to say something but all that came out was a glob of blood. Some of it splashed onto Twilight’s cheek. She began to cry as I watched unable to do anything but a small bit of magic. With what I could I covered my prosthetic hoof and used it to wipe the blood of her cheek. She looked down at me as I tried to smile. She held me to her chest as I continued to bleed into her coat. “I'm so sorry Storm. I... I shouldn't have tossed you out.” She cried.

“Oh how touching, making up before the end but you won't live long to regret that.” Vermom said getting up as her skin and fur repaired herself.

“Not if I have something to say about it.” Was said then Vermom was sent flying to the side as a cyan blur collided with her. I could only see this out of the corner of my eyes when Twilight looked up.

“Twi you alright?” I heard from the only pony to have that southern drawl.

“I'm fine Applejack but we need to get Firestorm to the hospital.” Twilight said as everything started to fade in and out, becoming nothing but blurs for periods of time.

“Oh Horse apples he doesn't look good. Here get him on my back.” I was lifted up and placed on a pony’s back. My guess was Applejack's but as soon as I was a large amount of blood spilt from my muzzle. “Darn it. Twilight I don't think I could carry him. He may have some broken ribs. Rarity do you think you could float him there in your magic?” She asked.

“I haven't tried but I think I can” I heard from the white unicorn as I felt a different magic take me. I was then flown away from everything before everything turned into a blur then black.


Twilight turn to watch Fluttershy and Rarity take off with Storm towards Ponyville hospital. She turned to see Rainbow Dash, and Applejack next to her. The three of them looked out right pissed at Vermom who just got up from being smashed into the wall from Rainbow Dash's kick. Twilight's horn glowed with a fury of flames thanks to the magic she got from Storm. It felt warm to her almost to complement natural cold that her magic normally had. The magic she got almost acted like a booster, it made her magic grow out of control but she was in control the whole time. She needed to focus on the task at hoof. She was angry at this fake alicorn mare with dragon claws.

“What do we do Twi?” Dash said as she readies for another attack.

“She hurt Storm. We take her down.” Twilight said as she started to get angry to the point her mane and tail starts to engulf in lavender flames. The magical byproduct of getting a power boost from Firestorm.

“I reckon your right. We need to show this mare nopony hurts our friend.” She said before she snorted pawing at the ground.

“And my coltfriend.” She added as her horn started to glow. Vermom on the other hoof floated over to the three of them.

“I would so enjoy entertaining you three but I have a stallion to hurt.” She said taking off into the sky. She was shot out of the sky as a bolt of magic striking her.

“You're not going anywhere.” Twilight growled as she readied another bolt of magic. Vermom got back up and readied for the attack with one of her own. The problem was she took her eyes off Rainbow Dash and Applejack who were not with Twilight. Magic starts to build up in Vermom's horn ready to strike back.

“Show me your best show pony.” Vermom growled.

“You asked for it.” Was said from above. Vermom looked up right in time for Applejack to land on Vermom's head with her back hooves. She then jumped off and buck her. An explosion of prismatic color can be seen over Ponyville before the streak of color went flying down main street. Rainbow Dash flew at Vermom after performing her Sonic Rainboom kicking her right in the face. Sending her flying right at Twilight who unleashed another blast of magical energy into her sending her into the air.

“I need to buy some time before Princess Celestia gets here.” Twilight thought since before she came out she had Spike send a message to Celestia for help. She knew that she couldn't hold off Vermom forever by herself. But she is going to do her best and make sure she regretted hurting her coltfriend. She started to gallop after Vermom who was sent across Ponyville. Applejack and Rainbow Dash followed when they got where Vermom had landed all that was standing there was Pinkie Pie against the ground looking rather beat up.

“Pinks you alright?” Dash said flying up.

“Yeah Dash I'm Okay.” She said getting up.

“Thats good, have you seen that Vermom pony?” She asked.

“Hey she went that way.” Pinkie pointed towards city hall. Dash nodded and flew off with Applejack following.

“Pinkie are you sure you're alright?” Twilight said stepping closer.

“Why wouldn't I be?” She asked.

“Because you're all dirty and beat up.” She said.

“Oh this? I was just trying to make mud pies for fun.” She said with a smile. “So who is this Vermom pony?” She asked.

“Someone that hurt Storm again. I have to go.” Twilight said about to take off following Applejack and Dash.

“Twilight?” She asked.

“Yeah Pinkie.” She said turning back.

“I'm not Pinkie.”She said before a bolt of lightning struck Twilight from her horn. Twilight started to scream in pain. This fake Pinkie transformed back into Vermom grinning. She then picked up Twilight by the neck lifting her into the air. “You shouldn't have gotten in the way pony.” She said throwing her into the air. She flew up after her, punching her in the face before grabbing her again and whipped her towards the ground. The magical energy surrounded her horn before another bolt of lightning flew out striking Twilight again causing her to scream again.

“Twilight!” Dash said flying towards her but was stopped by getting grabbed in a telekinetic wrap being slammed into Applejack right next to her. Twilight slammed into the ground and slid a few feet. Vermom grinned and turned to Applejack grinning. At this time both Applejack and Dash recovered from it getting ready to strike. With a boost of speed Vermom flew at and grabbed both of them.

“You shouldn't have gotten in my way.” She grinned as she had a smile bigger than her head should allow.

“Let go of my little ponies.” Sound the angry and regal voice of Princess Celestia. Within a flash of magic both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna appeared before them.

“Well look who we have here. Hello Princesses.” Vermom said in a mocking tone bowing to them still gripped tightly on both Rainbow and Applejack's necks. “Oh the honor to have thee before me. So I must ask, why?” She said with a smirk before she smashed the two ponies she held heads into each other before tossing them to the ground. This caused both princesses eyes to narrow as they caught both of them in magic before they hit the ground. She brought them over to her and placed them off to the side.

“Princesses.” Twilight said getting back to her hooves slowly making her way over.

“Twilight are you alright?” Celestia asked glancing down at her.

“I'm fine, but she-” Twilight started to say.

“Attacked Firestorm we know. He is right now getting treated.” Luna said cutting off Twilight.

“I guess I'm going to try harder.” Vermom said flying up into the air before two auras of magic wrapped around her hind legs and brought her back down slamming her into the ground.

“You're not going anywhere, Vermom. You attacked our family and our friends, we can not let such an austerity go without punishment.” Celestia said stepping closer with her normal soft colored mane started to become pure fire that began to heat the area around her. Her normal purple eyes became a fire red. The sky began to darken around Ponyville as Luna's midnight blue and star filled mane became a jet black. A black of nightmares as she readied themselves.

“Oh please do you really think your little display going to scare me? Oh look at me I'm oh so scared.” Vermom mocked before started to laugh at her joke. “I've seen scarier you're not even a two on the scale.” She said grinning as her horn began to light with black energy. She fired it at Celestia who redirected it back striking Vermom in the hind leg. It expanded and popped within seconds before reforming back to normal. Celestia knew of this dark and foul magic she was using.

“You will regret your actions here Vermom” She said before a bolt of magic flew at the necromantic pony in the air. She dodged it like it was nothing. Luna gathered magic in her horn as Celestia started to fire again. But this time she wasn't alone, Twilight Sparkle started to join in her attack with beams of purple fired energy. Celestia eyed the magic then Twilight noticing her horn's aura was in a fire style like her nephew Firestorm. She was going to have to question her student later. She stepped forward reading another attack before she took to the air.

“Really Celestia do you think I don't know all your tricks.” Vermom said grinning as her horn started to glow as well. Celestia unleashed of magic right at her, Vermom returned it, locking them, beam for beam. “Oh please do you really think this trick is going to work against me if it didn't against that weakling Chrysalis?” She asked as she started to put the beam back.

“She's not alone.” Luna said before sending a crescent moon of midnight blue energy at Vermom. Twilight added to the fray as she fired her own beam at Vermom. Twilight’s blast caused Vermom to lose concentration so the other two attacks struck her sending her back into city hall. The three horns still lit with magic rushed into the main area to see a downed pony. But it wasn't Vermom but Rarity her horn broke. Twilight's eyes widen before she remembered the Pinkie Pie trick. Her horn grew brighter.

“Don't let her fool you. That is not Rarity.” Twilight said as a warning.

“I'm fully aware Twilight she is with Firestorm.” She said as she focused more energy into her horn.

“You take the fun out of this.” She said in Rarity's voice. She got up and looked at the three of them. Her horn lit up as magical arrow appeared around her. They launched at the three of them and Twilight brought up a shield to block them. She looked over to her mentor to see Luna funneling her magic into Celestia's horn. Twilight nodded and did the same sending in her's and Firestorm's magic. Celestia's eyes widen and turned to Twilight. A few moments passed as she starts to smirk as her horn glow goes from a bright yellow to a multitude of colors. She unleashed the magic as it flew into the air. With a burst of light the magic took the form of a large serpent like dragon. It coiled around the two alicorns and the little unicorn. It looked down at the three of them and grinned. It turned to Vermom looking in complete surprise before it roared. It flew right at the necromantic pony swallowing her whole. With a gulp the magical dragon construct curls up in itself turning back into a ball of magical energy. It shot through a hole in the sky before it exploded lighting up the night sky.

“Wow.” Twilight said looking up.

“You're telling me.” Celestia added followed by a whistle in amazement from Luna. “Twilight I'm going to guess Storm gave you some of his magic.” Luna said, more assumed.

“Yes before he was taken. I think he wanted to help the only way possible.” Twilight guessed.

“Then let's go see how he's doing.” Luna said as the three of them left what remained of the town hall. Tomorrow Celestia was going to send a constitution team to repair it and Ponyville. They arrived at the Ponyville hospital within moments and into the waiting area to see both Rarity and Fluttershy sitting there. Pinkie was also there looking worried. Dash and Applejack was waiting there both of them having bandages on their faces nothing major but enough to deal with the cuts and slashes. Applejack wasn't even warning her trademark stetson as it sat in her lap just quietly staring at it.

“How is he?” Twilight asked with worry plastered on her face.

“We... don't know.” Fluttershy answered.

“He just went in a few minutes after we arrived. He's in the E.R. right now and we haven't heard anything yet.” Rarity said.

Celestia came over to them and sat there. “Come here my little ponies” She said as they came around and she gave them a hug to help them feel better. Twilight sat quietly watching the E.R. door for a doctor to come and let them know. Luna sat next to her.

“He will make it through Twilight Sparkle.” She said placing a wing around her.

“I hope.” She said as she looked down.


It seems I was in the E.R. for half a day. When I came to from passing out I found myself in the royal medical room again. This time with several bandages on me. From what I could have read I broke quite a few ribs, bones, and other things. I was also injected with this poison that made me weaker than normal. Which would explain why I couldn't fight back when I wanted to. I sat looking out the windows catching the reflection of almost half my face bandage up. When Vermom decided to use my face as a floor sander she cut it up pretty good, but I was told that these wounds would heal up in a few days. Alas I was going to be stuck in the hospital for at least five days. I heard the door open to see Twilight, Celestia, and Luna coming in. Twilight came over to me and gave me a hug. She didn't see the bandages under the blanket as I started to jerk in pain. She caught on fast and pulled back.

“Sorry.” She said and I gave her a hoof wave saying it was alright. I looked at her for a moment before I sighed. Returning my gaze back to the afternoon sun of Ponyville. We sat there in silence for a few moments. It felt like there was an unspoken question waiting to be asked so I waited for it. I turned to look at the ponies in my room. Celestia and Luna looked sad but it was Twilight that got me the most she was crying looking at me. I looked at her and gave her an apologetic smile. She saw it and nodded quietly.

“What happened?” Celestia asked and I just looked at her. I blinked, “Can you hear me?” She asked and I nodded. “Then please Firestorm explain what happened.” The sad thing about this was I couldn't answer her at all, even if I wanted to. My horn lit up before I cast the drawing light spell I haven't used since the sleep over. I drew an arrow pointing to the chart at the end of the bed and wrote read backwards so she could read it. A few moments passed as I dissipated the spell and Celestia floated up the chart. “I see.” She said with another twinge of sadness in her voice.

“What is it sister?” Luna asked.

“His vocal cords were damaged, the poison burned a lot of them, currently he is without a voice to speak.” She explained. Before I didn't want to talk about my problems, now I couldn't even if I wanted to. It's kind of funny really, I don't like talking about them and now I couldn't. That sounded like an effect of poison joke, so comical it was sick. I sighed quietly as I turned to the window again. Silence took to room until Dash came in busting the door open.

“Hey man. How you feeling?” Dash said and I wanted to face hoof. I would if it wouldn't cause me more pain.

“Dash, he-” Twilight starts.

“Twi I want to hear it from him.” Dash said I couldn't help it. I face hoofed, yeah it hurt but it had to be done. I sighed gently rubbing the spot I face hoofed.

“Dash he can't talk right now. His vocal cords are damaged so he doesn't have a voice.” Twilight explains finally.

“Ah, So if you're alright then say nothing.” She said with a smirk. Okay now I wanted to strangle this mare. I mouthed no over and over again but not a sound came out.

“So you're doing good.” She said coming over to me and giving me a hard pat on the back. Right where some of the glass had stabbed through. I jolted in pain from that contact.

“Dash he just got out of the E.R. not too long ago.” Twilight warned and Dash took a moment to process that.

“Ah man sorry. I forgot.” She said and I deadpanned. She forgot that I was in the hospital getting recorded from having the ever loving shit kicked out of me from some necromantic pony that wanted to see me dead? Someone needs to get this mare's head examined because she either has a large chunk of her brain missing or she's crazy, my vote was on both. Of course that could be because I was still in pain. Twilight hopped onto the bed with me and laid next to me making sure not to touch me. I frowned quietly at her still, I still felt like I didn’t deserve, just from making Twilight upset.

“How you doing partner?” Applejack said as she came in with Rarity and Fluttershy. I sighed and cast the spell writing no voice and an arrow pointing at me. “Ah I see” she said. Everypony remained silent for a few moments before the doctor came in. It took him a few moments to realize both princesses were in the room. He bowed and greeted them before turning to me.

“How are you...” he paused looking up. At this point I was giving him a deadpanned look. Seriously this was getting stupid fast. “Right, sorry. I came in to see how your doing.” I shrugged a bit but of course it caused pain. I winced and he noticed. “Ah, I see you're still feeling it. From what I've been told you broke several bones. I'm surprised you're awake honestly. As for your vocal cords you will have them back in a few days. I'm going to request you stay here so we can make sure all your bones heal correctly.” He explained and I already knew. I had seen my chart already. I sighed quietly and cast the light drawing spell once again. I drew in the air a pencil and pad of paper followed by please underneath it. I mainly wanted it because I was getting a little tired from the spell, the blood coming from my nose told me that I was low on magic. Twilight brought over a towel and wiped it up as best she could.

“Careful now. I don't need you getting any paler on me.” Twilight said. “Or a repeat of when you ran off.” My ears flattened back at that. Of course I wasn't going to live that bit of stupidity down. I nodded quietly her small smile turned into a frown as she looked at me. “I was only teasing... are you alright?” She asked. I was alright considering everything that happened. What was a little reminder of how much of an idiot I was compared to being with Twilight. I nodded slowly before I returned my look to the doctor. He gave a questioning glance as I waiting for the question. As predicted he asked about the incident in question and Twilight was the one to answer. Well leaving out what lead to it and I thinking ahead wrapped Rainbow's muzzle in magic with holding up one of my metallic claws up to shush her. She looked annoyed but nodded, with that I released her. Twilight finished explaining that I pretty much had almost killed myself unknowingly from over taxing my body. The difference between then and what I did was I did it rapidly. The time I sat outside was longer and its more draining on the long run to my body, like driving a car on a two liter bottle of gas as far as it would go. I, of course, get the lecture from both the doctor and Twilight again. Once they where done I was given a pad of paper and a pencil. Then the questioning started so I took the time as I was rapidly fired questions to explain what happened and how Vermom got me. I explained that I was asleep at the Traveler's Inn which got Applejack, and Rainbow Dash to asked why. I simply wrote long story short I was an idiot... again. They looked at me with a skeptical glance. My reply was, well I was. They rolled their eyes. Twilight on the other hoof didn't look at me after that. I sighed again and continued to explain that I had went to bed making sure not to go over the nightmare when Fluttershy who was Vermom at the time started to attack me. From there it was self explanatory. Everypony but the doctor looked at each other worry on their face. Vermom just proved without any doubt that no matter where I go, I was still in danger. Which meant I was never going to be safe in Equestria and worse, she even attacked all my friends including my marefriend. At this point it was safer for every pony I cared about to just let Vermom kill me. They would be safe and I wouldn't be a bother to these wonderful ponies. I turned to my side and wrapped myself up in the blanket.

“We should leave every pony. I think he needs some rest.” Celestia said and I nodded quietly in the blanket. I heard all of the hooves clop out of the door before the light was turned off. I sighed quietly as I laid there in the dark. It wasn't long before I felt a hoof on my back. I turned to see Twilight looking at me. She was still with me in the bed. She was crying as she looked at me. I gently reached up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have kicked you out.” She started before I put my hoof up to shush her. I shook my head before I reached for the pad and pencil again. I wrote “not your fault. It's my fault” on it and showed her. She shook her head. “No, it was my fault I should have realized that with everything happening you weren't in the right mindset anymore.” She said before she inched closer. “You've had to deal with so much that you can't help but over think everything. Especially after sitting in the cloud outside for sixteen days.” She said before I shook my head again I scribbled down. “But I shouldn't have opened my muzzle like that and assumed the worse.” she looked at this. “That is true but you're not in the best condition for thinking straight. Please don't beat yourself up for this when it's my fault.” She said and I sighed. I wrote down “Twilight I never blamed you to begin with, so there is nothing to seek forgiveness for. I was in the wrong.” She looked at it then at me and shook her head. “No Storm you're just mixed up inside is all.” She said before I could write she stopped me with a kiss. My face lit up with a blush but only my left side could be seen with all the bandages on. I looked at her and wrote “Can you forgive me for being stupid?” She smiled and nodded. “Storm you're not stupid. You're just you is all.” She said and leaned against me. I winced for a moment as she put pressure on the bandages I took it and placed a wing around her. Vermom wherever you are, you can go die in a fire. I think I can keep together with Twilight by my side... I hope.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 16 - Holidays

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Six days, it took six days for me to be healed. The only reason it took an extra day was because Celestia and Luna almost demanded me to be transferred to Canterlot General Hospital so I could get the best treatment. Which was most of the same but I really didn't mind honestly. Twilight and Spike both came with me. I was in the middle of my final check up and I was doing better than what was predicted. A lot of my coat color came back, still pale but mostly orange again. The doctor was scanning me to make sure everything was fine again. The funny thing about getting scanned was that now I knew how a piece of paper felt in a scanner. The doctor was passing over me with a large beam of light. Twilight was nose deep within a book while I sat here. Spike was in a middle of a few gems enjoying them.

“So Twi, If my memory serves me correctly. Isn't Hearth's Warming coming up?” I asked mainly because I did remember our talk about holidays. It was back when I still had my own house. She looked up at me and nodded.

“That's correct it's next week. Why?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. Honestly I figured that answer was obvious this was my first Hearth's Warming period.

“Isn't because it's his first one?” Spike said with a mouth full of gems. It dawning comprehension finally struck my marefriend.

“Oh my. It is isn't it. Oh there is so much we need to do.” She said bouncing a bit. I looked over to the doctor who in turn was looking at me. Our gazes turn back to watching the lovely mare stop and blush in embarrassment. “Ah, sorry.” She said to the doctor and I couldn’t help but just smile. Well that was on the outside, inside I was laughing. She was so adorkable when she's like that. Well she was adorable too but I love puns. Rainbow wouldn't stop making the silent treatment joke every time I saw her. About seven times in I started to retaliate with a pillow to her face. She got good at dodging them until I launched a snowball at her from the window. The doctor finished his check up and gave me more pills to have. These should help return my remaining color to my coat. But for the most part I was back to full health. So the three of us left and I continued to watch all the wonderful holiday decorations. I saw giant candy canes, snow ponies, which were snow men but in the shape of ponies, greenery and streams of lights. This reminded me of the holiday times back home. With family and friends, back when things were so dark back there. I sigh left my mouth as we continued our way through Canterlot. I looked over to see Twilight giving me a worried look and Spike still enjoying his gems. “What's wrong?” She asked.

“It's nothing important just remembering is all.” I said as I continue to look around watching the little foals play in the snow. Remembering the days when I was that young and had fun sledding down hills and playing in the snow with friends.

“Why don't you tell me about what you're remembering Storm?” She asked and I lightly smiled.

“I'm just remembering when I was back on Earth, I always enjoyed the holiday season for a holiday we called Christmas. It's pretty close to Hearth's Warming on how it's celebrated with a few differences here and there, but for the most part it's the same. I remember as a kid sliding down a hill in a little sled. Me and my friends had a hill close to my house that was always steep enough that our parents had no problem with us going down it. Well that was before the school that the hill was at redid the area for a baseball field. I’m also remembering the time me and my family would decorate around the house. My dad and sister hated it but my mother and I always enjoyed doing it, well mostly. My only problem was having to drag the containers of them up from the basement and the tree from the attic.” I started to ramble.

“Why was there a tree in the attic?” She asked.

“Well it wasn't a real tree Twilight. It was a fake one that you could set up and take down. It was always stored in my room so for at least most of the year I saw it.” I answered.

“You slept in an attic?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, it was my room for a good chunk of the time. Most of the seasons it was fine, except summer when it got so hot that I couldn't stay up there.” I said before a small chuckle came from me. “I wonder if I could stand it now.” I smiled for a moment before I remembered that I wasn't going to see them again and have that feeling. My smile faded as we continued.

“Anything else?” She asked.

“Well I don't know if you have them here but back during that time we had a little tradition that we would watch old cheesy holiday cartoons. It was something we all watched together either just to watch them or with dinner. My favorite was about a magical snowman.” I smiled as we got to a patch of unused snow. I couldn't help it as I floated the snow up to take the form of the character. I smiled as I had it do a little dance before I made it a little solid and let it stay there. We continued to watch all the families run around shopping with their kids. It was nice to see... but in the same sense it was depressing too. All this did was remind me of something I'll never have again.

“So what are some of the differences between your Christmas and our Hearth's Warming?” Twilight asked.

“Well for the most part your Hearth's Warming is historic in the sense. It was based off events that happened. From what I could tell and it's hard to prove otherwise that Christmas was mainly faith based. To a point after a while things changed and it became more of an economy thing. One of the figures we use in Christmas is called Santa Claus.” I answered.

“Saddle Claus?” She asked.

“No, San-ta Claus. He was a jolly old fat man, but some people called him Old Saint Nick. If you need a comparison think of an old jolly fat stallion with rosy cheeks and a belly full of jelly. Now lets say he wore red all the time and rode in a sleigh with had nine reindeer pulling it like... um.” I had to think for a moment before I saw a pegasus pull a sky wagon over us. “Ah, like having nine pegasi pulling it. The one up front having a glowing red nose.” I explained. Twilight looked at me a little puzzled.

“I think I follow along but what was his role as a character?” She asked.

“Well he was the one to bring gifts to good little kids and coal to naughty little ones.” I answered as we entered the Castle. The guards bowed to us and I smiled. “Hello” I say to them.

“Hello Prince.” They replied back. We continued our way through the castle.

“So was there anything else?” She asked and I smiled at one last memory.

“Yeah, I remember the dinner we would have. We had my grandmother and great grandmother over before she passed to have one large dinner. It was nice just to sit there eat, talk, and be happy. Then it came to the gifts. I remember the first time I got to get the gifts out I dived right into them and started to just rapid fire them to people er... ponies.” I corrected myself remembering that I had to explain it using ponies. “I was a kid in a candy store back then. Kind of like you with a new book to read.” I said with smirk. She blushed and gave me a playful glare.

“Hey.” She said and Spike started to laugh.

“He's right Twilight, you're just like that with a new book.” He said. I couldn't help but just laugh at this. Of course I get a telekinetic slap on the back of the head for this. A flustered Twilight is a cute Twilight. I yawned again since I hadn't been sleeping well for the six days. I had nothing but nightmares with those nightmare versions of my friends. The worse two of the six were Nightmare Twilight and Nightmare Fluttershy. Twilight dissected me thoroughly as the other one ripped parts out so she could replace them with steampunk machinery. Each one I felt almost as if it was real and I had woken up a few times with pains from the spots. Luckily Twilight stayed with me those nights so I had someone to keep me grounded. But lately I couldn't help but see them when I looked at my friends. I haven't seen the nightmare versions of Celestia and Luna yet. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse yet. I shook the images out of my head we continued to look forward. We got to one of the private studies where we had set up to relax in. Inside we found both Celestia and Luna talking over their plans for Hearth's Warming. I didn't mind really listening in for the most part. I did wonder what they did. Well it seems they set up a large play for all of Canterlot to watch. Twilight had told me that her and her friends performed in it last year. So it was nice to just listen for once as I placed my head on the table and zoned out for a bit but I zoned out too much and fell asleep right there. Once again I found myself in the hell scape that was Ponyville in my dreams. For once I didn't start up with dead bodies everywhere but for some reason it left me unnerved more than before. Just to know that these ponies didn't have to suffer anymore was a little comforting. I slowly walked down the street, the buildings were still on fire and a lot of them were destroyed. I slowly made my way towards the outskirts of it. All around the outside of the village was a giant metal and barbed wall. I sighed and started to follow it hoping for a way out of it. Alas the only exit seems to be Pony Hill Asylum. Oh... wonderful, I get to journey through an Asylum in the middle of my nightmares. This so... says good idea, right? Knowing the hell that I was about to face, I stepped forward towards the only way I could see out. That was when I heard the siren, that creepy fill the air siren that only told of dark things to come. I gulped at I reached the door. The door was clearly rusted but opened up like it was nothing. I stepped in to find the only illumination was the welcome desk that had a flickering white light. The door behind me slapped and I heard the loud click of the lock. Creepy movies trope 101: when door closes and locks behind you, you're pretty much fucked. I stepped further in as the speakers came to life.

“Welcome to Pony Hell Asylum” was said in a distorted voice. Oh I so hoped it said hill and not what I thought I heard. I continued on my way down the hallway. The walls looked rusted over and made out of metal. No where close to what the real Asylum looked like the same could be said about the red and black metallic floor that clanged with each step I took. Only the echoing sounds of my hoof steps could be heard as I went down the main hall. I was close to one of the Asylum’s holding rooms when the light in the dark square turned on blinding me for a moment. I froze when I looked inside to see a spade torso of me in there. The head was removed and placed on a pike. I couldn't hold it and just lost my lunch there. I ran down the hall to get away from the slight but it got worse. Another room lit up with another desiccated corpse and not just of me. But every pony I knew was in a room I passed. When I finally got to one of the larger rooms this one looked like an auditorium. I slowly made my way in when the door behind me shut and disappeared into the wall. Oh please for the love of all things holy, please tell me this isn't like a boss room. No, I couldn't be lucky for once. I had to be right because a spotlight came to life and pointed directly onto the stage. The curtain drew apart to reveal some pony I didn't even know. He smiled sitting in a chair of pony bones. The heads where the arms the rib cages and miscellaneous bones where most of the seat. The back was made from wings alone. My blood ran cold just looking at the chair he sat upon. But what really turned it from cold water to arctic ice was the coat he was wearing. On him was a coat of the purest white and the darkest blue. On left shoulder held a marking of the sun and the right the moon. Both with a spiral spike at the top of them. No, it wasn't a spike. I knew what it was but I couldn't let my brain process what it was. It did anyway, on his shoulders where Celestia and Luna's horns. I froze there just looking at the outfit he wore before he spoke to me.

“So we finally meet face to face Prince Firestorm” The pony in the horrid outfit said. I turn to look at him to see a brown earth stallion with jet black hair. But what got me to stare at him was his eyes those empty eyes with only a red dot in them.

“Who... who are you?” I asked as I slowly backed away from him. I kept him within my vision the whole time while I looked for a way out.

“Oh, that's not important Storm, once I'm done you won't be you anymore.” He said in a very B villain style. Of course that didn't take away the meaning behind it.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Oh well see, I'm in need of your body. But I have to evict the current tenant so I can move in.” He said as he hopped down from his throne of bones. “You and your friends have thwarted my plans so far. I figured I needed to see the pony I was facing.” He said walking closer. I was close to the door. At this point my brain said screw it and I tried to buck the door. It opened to show me the one pony I never wanted to see again, Vermom. She latched onto my neck and held me up in the air. “Ah I've seen you've met my dear friend.” He continued in a very Hannibal Lecter tone. “It's funny really, I figured you would have broke by now. Especially after that storm of yours. But nope, I underestimated you. You and those friends of yours.” He said.

“Oh please can we get this over with?” Said another familiar voice. I turned up to the throne to see Shadow Storm relaxing across the arms.

“Shadow, where's the fun if I end it so soon?” This pony said looking at him.

“Well I'm tired of seeing his face. Why don't we get it done and over with before his 'friends' can do anything about this?” He asked.

“Oh worry not. Luna can't enter these dreams.” He said before Vermom tossed me against the wall. I heard something break as I landed in a heap on the floor. I tried to get to my hooves before bone hands reached up and grabbed me pinning me to the floor. My heart rate spiked as I looked up at this bastard of a pony. He only smiled quietly. “You have no idea what you really are, do you?” He asked.

“A drony.” I answered and he shook his head slowly.

“I'll take that as a no then. But you know, I'm a nice pony. So I will give you a clue, when you're reading the journal go to page twenty eight then the last page.” He said with a grin. He turn lifted his hoof up and an green energy filled my vision. With that my dream had ended. I shot up out of sleep finding myself still in the private study. I fell backwards and I got to my hooves again. Looking around for the ponies that were in the room. This caused all three ponies to jump and watched me with worry. I continued to rapidly look around for these three bastards. But none of them were there. I took a deep breath trying to get my heart rate down.

“Storm, are you alright?” Twilight said as she got right up in my face. I stared right into her eyes and I noticed the red glow on her face. My eyes had turned into my dragon like ones. I finally got calmed down a bit my sweat was cold as I shivered just thinking about that dream. Just the images just of that asylum hall still bothered me to the point I dashed over to the nearest trash can making me lose what I had left in my belly. I sat there looking into the trash as I felt a hoof on my back. I spit out the last bit I could from my mouth before I moved my head away, looking at the three ponies in the room. Seeing Celestia and Luna so close reminded me of that coat that bastard of a pony wore. I shuddered just thinking about it and turned from them. It took me a few times to get something out of my muzzle other then vomit.

“Just... a nightmare was all.” I said shuddering thinking about it. I took a deep breath and turned to the ponies in the room. I found them staring at me. I couldn't help but gulp. “Yes?”

“What kind of nightmare?” Luna said looking directly at me.

“Same bloody and gory one's I've had for the last six nights.” I answered. She looked seriously at me and I worried I did something wrong when it was beyond my control.

“What's wrong Luna?” Celestia asked.

“I didn't sense any nightmare from him and he was only a few feet away.” She said. Wait... if she didn't and that pony said- That can't be right. Maybe it was a fluke, or just by chance she didn't catch it.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Of course I'm sure Tia. I should be able to sense any ponies’ nightmares.” Luna shot back and I gulped at this. “I'm going to have to look into this.” She said before she walked off.

“Luna.” I started causing her to stop. With a turn of her head she looked at me worried. “It's alright, don't worry about it. I've dealt with nightmares before far worse than these. So please just relax and enjoy the holidays coming up.” I said to comfort her. They had helped me enough as it is and I wanted them to be relaxed. If it means having to deal with vomit inducing nightmares then I will deal with them.

“Are you sure?” She asked and I nodded. She gave out a huff and nodded in return. “Alright, but I want to request you relax as well and also enjoy Hearth’s Warming.” She requested and I smirked.

“Well of course Luna. It's my first Hearth’s Warming. Granted I don't completely know what to do.” She said. Celestia smiled and turned to me.

“That's true isn't it. Then we need to make sure you get the full experience. What did you do about the holiday season?” She looked at me. So I launched into the same explanation I did with Twilight before we arrived. For much of their credit they did listen to everything. By the end of it I felt a little happy and bit depressed about it too. I did miss those days with my family and friends. I looked out the window and watched the snow start to fall outside. I smiled quietly watching it before I felt something against me. I turned to see Twilight leaning against me and I smiled down at her. I placed a wing around her as she nuzzled into the hoodie I still had on. I gave a content sigh and continued to watch the snow. We sat as both of the royal sisters came up next to us, before I began to sing a song that I loved to listen to and sing.

“Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we've no place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” I began to sing having three of the ponies looking at me before they smiled and listened. “It doesn't show signs of stopping, And I've bought some corn for popping, The lights are turned way down low, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” For some reason I thought I heard music to accompany it as I had begun. I smiled as Twilight looked up to me as I continued. “When we finally kiss goodnight, How I'll hate going out in the storm! But if you'll really hold me tight, All the way home I'll be warm.” My voice was surprisingly nice as I leaned down and nuzzled the little unicorn beside me, “The fire is slowly dying, And, my dear, we're still goodbying, But as long as you love me so, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” I finished as the music died away. I smiled quietly as I closed my eyes, a gentle smile on my face.

“That was a lovely song.” Twilight said.

“Most definitely” Celestia added.

“Thanks but it was a song that I enjoyed listening to during the season. It's right up there with Carol of the Bells.” I said with a smile as I remembered listening to it with Jessica one of our few Christmases we spent together. How she asked me to sing it when we listened to it. There I wasn't the best of singers, so I was kind of surprised that my singing voice was far better here then back there. I sighed with another note of depression. That was one of my more favorite memories. I looked over to Twilight who looked at me before she nuzzled into me. I smiled quietly as we sat there. Celestia and Luna looked down at us before a guard came in.

“Sorry to interrupt princesses and prince.” He said “I was told to inform you when the preparations were done.” he said with a bow. Preparations, for what? I turned to look up at Celestia.

“Thank you, please tell the staff we will be there shortly.” The princess of the sun proclaimed. Being the confused idiot I was I couldn't help but ask.

“Preparations for what?” I asked.

“Oh well, During this time we have a huge Hearth's Warming tree set up in the main hall where Luna and I place a star each year. We thought you would like to join us and watch.” Celestia said with a smile and I returned it. I turned to Twilight who smiled and nodded. Returning my gaze to Celestia and Luna.

“I would be glad to.” I said as the four of us left the private study and headed to the main hall. All throughout, the halls were decked in garlands, magical lights, and decorations. I felt like a little kid again seeing Christmas for the first time when I knew what it was. I couldn't help but just beam as we walked. That was shortly lived when a bright red, orange, and yellow bird flew over to Celestia giving a playful squawk. I turned my head a bit looking at it. The way the colors on its feathers reminded me of fire. Wait... don't tell me. “Celestia is that bird what I think it is?”

“Oh you mean Philomena here?” She said with a smirk. I nodded and she smiled. “Then yes, Philomena is a phoenix.” I couldn't help but grin like a mad pony. They had real life phoenixes here. Oh happy day, I was always fascinated by a lot of mythical creatures and the phoenix was a bird of fire. Of course nothing topping Twilight in my mind but that's neither here nor there. Philomena turns to me and smiled before letting out a little puff of fire at me. I smile back at her and shot one back causing her to be a little startled by this. Couldn't blame her honestly thinking of playing a little cute joke with a pony not realizing it could return the favor. Celestia just started to lightly chuckle watching this. “I see Philomena has a new friend.” She said before the phoenix came down and landed on my back. I didn't mind it much since she didn't dig her claws in. I couldn't help but squee at that this. Twilight looked amused and I turned bright red blushing. Okay note to self that was a bit embarrassing. I gave a nervous laugh and looked over at her.

“Sorry.” I got out before we arrived at the main hall where the large pine tree filled with magical lights, ornaments, and garlands galore rested. I couldn't help but smile just looking at it. Celestia and Luna walk up to a wooden box that's lid was open. Twilight, Philomena and I sat there to watch them place the topper on it. Philomena moved up from my back to sit on my shoulder. Both royal sister's horns became a light as something in the box started to glow to reveal a bright golden star flowing wrapped in a yellow and midnight blue auras. It drifted up to the top of the tree and gently sat down on it. As soon as it was placed two sparkling balls of light flew around the tree as all the lights brightened on the tree a little. It was a magical sight, literally. Twilight leaned into me as I placed my wing around her watching it.

“This is just wonderful.” She said and I agreed. Just being here with family and my marefriend. An idea struck me and I couldn't help but grin.

“Hey Twi, I had an idea.”

“What's that Storm?” She asked looking up at me. I smiled at this and leaned over whispering my plan into her ear. She smiled and nodded to me. “That does sound like a good idea.” She said. With that we sat the plan into action after talking to Celestia and Luna who agreed with the idea.


Several hours had passed with the six of us and several of the royal guards including Nightling. Where sitting at the Canterlot train station waiting for everypony to arrive. Celestia and Luna sat next to us as we waited. Twilight was nose deep in a book about Hearth's Warming traditions. I had asked if she wanted to organize the whole thing and she jumped at the chance. She bounced around like a little kid when I asked her. She stopped and blushed when she noticed Celestia, Luna, and I watched, she was so adorkable. On the way to the train station Cadence and Shining Armor found us walking through the halls. They joined us since we were all family now. It seems that the rulers of Equestria always had family over to enjoy a good meal for the season. Which meant I was going to be meeting Twilight and Shining Armor's parents this evening, I was nervous as hell at the thought. After the couple joined us and I explained the plan they were all for it. So here we are sitting her the guards joined us mainly to protect. It took another hour, which was filled up ironing out the details as best we could. Though I didn't tell them that I was going to be doing something special for each of them by myself. Finally the train arrived was a lot of ponies. I had requested that all the Elements of Harmony and their families be invited to join us for Hearth's warming. Since I knew Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would be included. I had made sure to tell the guards that dropped off the invites to have Scootaloo come too with her family. As they all got off the train, Rarity was standing next to a large very light gray unicorn stallion with a lightly fade brown mane, tail, and mustache. He also had a set of blue eyes and three hoofballs on his flank, his wife and Rarity's mother was a bright pink unicorn mare with a large two tone purple mane and tail. I couldn't see her cutie mark as it was obscured by the light red and white outfit she wore. Sweetie Belle was bouncing about happy as she can be.

“I can't believe I get to see Canterlot, yay!” She said as she bounced around.

“Sweetie don't be rude. We were invited so show your manners.” Rarity said.

“It's fine Rarity, I want all of you to have a good time. It's not like I haven't seen that before. Right Twilight?” I asked giving Twilight a sly grin. She predictably blushed.

“Hey!” She said as both Shining and I laughed. Shining predictably got smacked on the back of the head from Cadence as I got from Twilight, totally worth it just to see her blush like that. I saw Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom get off with an older green mare with a white mane and tail. Around her neck had an apple spotted neckerchief. On her flank was a pie. I blinked for a moment looking at that. She was asleep at the time being pushed around in a wheel chair.

“Hello there Storm. Nice to see you up and about again.” Applejack said.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac added.

“Thanks you two. It's nice to see you all as well.” I said as Applebloom bounced over.

“Hey ya Mister.” she said.

“Hey there, did you ever find another pony to face in snowball fighting?” I asked.

“Well we found a few others to fight but we didn't get too many wins.” she said a little down trotted.

“Cheer up. I'm sure you'll find a pony to face soon.” I said with a smile. She returned the smile and went over to Sweetie belle. I returned my gaze to ponies departing to see Fluttershy with an older and darker yellow pegasus stallion. His main and tail where a dark brown like dark chocolate in color. On his muzzle sat a pair of small reading glasses and on his flank a red plus with a caduceus in blue over it. The two of them trotted over to us. Both of them bowed to all of us.

“Princesses and Princes” The stallion said with a tone that could only be best described as from a doctor.

“Hello again Heart Shy” Princess Celestia greeted him.

“Hello again Princess Celestia.” He said then turned to me. “It's a pleasure to finally talk to you Prince Firestorm.” He said and blinked in confusion.

“Have we met?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“In person technically no. But I was one of the doctors that was assigned to your case when you were in the coma.” Heart Shy explained.

“Oh. Well thank you for taking good care of me.” I said with a smile. He nodded as Fluttershy came up.

“Hello... this is my... um dad.” She timidly said. Okay wow, to find out that one of my best friend's father was the one that took care of me. When I was comatose was kind of cool.

“It's an honor to meet you” I said turning to him. He smiled warmly.

“The honor is mine.” he said.
I shifted a bit and a small pang shot up my right stump, both noticed my discomfort.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy said as she came over.

“Do you want me to check that out for you Storm?” Heart Sky asked. Yup, Fluttershy was just like her father. Always worried for her friends.

“You can when we get to the Castle.” I said giving a small wave of my prosthetic hoof. He nodded and he picked up his medical bag. He placed it under his wing and walked to the rest of them. I watched him for a moment with a raised eyebrow but said nothing. Next Dash came out with who I could guess was her parents. Her mother was about the same size as Dash, come to think of it, they looked almost like sisters, or twins if Dash's mother didn't have a slightly dark blue mane and tail with a pink coat. Her eyes were a nice dark purple maybe a shade off of Twilight's and her cutie mark was two blue lightning bolts. Dash's father on the other hand was a mixture of very blueish purple coat. His short mane and tail was in the same rainbow spectrum as Dash's was. His eyes were a nice yellow and for a cutie mark he had a paint can with a rainbow thunderbolt on it dripping a bit.

“Hey Dash.” I said as the three of them came over, as a flying tortoise flew over us with an aviator helmet and goggles on, being held up with a magical propeller. Dash went up and grounded the tortoise.

“Hey guys, this here is my mom and pops, oh and Tank.” She said that last one with two knocks to the shell of the tortoise.

“Hello.” the two of them said.

“I'm Firefly.” Her mother said giving us a bow. “And this is her father Rainbow Shine”

“Hey there.” He said in a very father jock kind of way.

“It's a pleasure to meet both of you.” I said as they nodded and went to talk to the other families. Next up was the paradox perplexing pink party pony's personal family. Coming up with her was four other ponies. The stallion of the group was a brown coated and gray maned wearing a small tie. He wore a black at and had a nice set of yellow eyes. As for the two younger mares, one of them reminded me of a sad pinkie when her mane went all flat. They was gray coated with a dark gray mane and a set of purple eyes. Next to her was a slightly younger grayish purple coat and light gray maned mare with a short cut for both her mane and tail. Her eyes were a nice and rich dark yellow. Pinkie's dad had a pickaxe, her mother had three stones, the gray mare had gem rock formation, and the last one had what reminded me of limestone for their cutie marks. So they all had something to do with rocks. I turned to Pinkie who had three balloons as hers. At this point I shouldn't be surprised that Pinkie was the oddball of the group.

“Dad this is the stallion I told you about. The one that can do oh so many tricks with fire, rock, water, and so many wonderful things. It's all so super duper fun to watch and see. I wonder if he could.” Was all that came out of her mouth before her dad put a well timed hoof in her mouth.

“Pinkie I think you should let him speak for a moment. Sorry my name is Igneous Rock and here is my lovely wife Cloudy Quartz” he said in a tone that I could finally place where he reminded me off. “And here are my daughters Marble Pie and Limestone Pie.” He finished introducing. “It's an honor to meet you.” He finished with the four of them bowing. I smiled quietly.

“Please Mr. Rock the honor is mine, to finally meet one of my best friends parents.” I said smiling back he nodded and went to talk to the rest of them. I looked around having the feeling I was missing some ponies.

“Hey Twilight. Where's your parents?” I asked she smiled.

“There going to meet us back at the castle. I had Spike sent them a letter to let them know.” She answer before Celestia spoke up.

“Alright my little ponies we shall head to the castle. Rooms have been set up for all of you. Guards if you would please bring their luggage to the castle?” She turned to some of guards they nodded and went to pick them up. We left heading towards the castle Nightling just off to our side.

“Nightling how are the holidays treating you?” I asked and she remained silent. I think I just stepped on a landmine here. She closed her eyes for a moment took a deep breath.

“Survivable.” she answered before she went up ahead. Yup I just stepped on a social landmine me and my big mouth.

“That was rude.” Twilight said with a little huff.

“Twilight it's fine. I most likely asked something I shouldn't have.” I said before we reached the castle. The guards showed everypony to their rooms as Twilight and I went to her old room at the top of one of the towers to find two ponies there. The unicorn stallion had a moonlight blue coat with a darker blue mane. His eyes were a nice golden yellow and on his flank were two crescent moons, one in the other. The light gray mare had a white, purple and long mane and tail that reminded me of Twilight's with three purple stars for her cutie mark. I smiled quietly as they turned to look at us and I could see the mare's sky blue eyes. They both bowed to me. “Please rise” I said as they did. Twilight bounced over to them.

“Mom! Dad!” she said as she started to hug them. Shining and Cadence came in behind me with Shining walking over to the two of them.

“Twilight remember you're in front of royalty” Her dad said.

“It's okay dad. I would like you to meet-” She started.

“Prince Firestorm.” He finished as he made another bow to me.

“And my coltfriend” She added which got him to shoot up and look at me. I gulped because he started to give me a deadpan stare, I nervously scratched the back of my head.

“Hello.” I said followed by a gulp.

“Dear remember he is royalty” Twilight's mom said to her husband repeating his prier comment.

“Have you been treating her right?” He asked me. I blinked for a moment at the question. Then relaxed a bit.

“Sir, I treat her for who she is, not what she is. That and I bet she could launch me to the moon if I did something wrong.” I offered she squeaked at that.

“Storm, you know I'm not going to hurt... oh it was a joke.” She said noticing my look. Her father on the other hand still keep that cold deadpan stare. I leaned over to Cadence.

“Okay have to ask. How doomed am I?” I whispered.

“Pretty doomed.” She answer and my ears go back.

“Dear be nice, this is Twilight's first coltfriend.” Twilight's mother said and that got my attention before Twilight turned around red like a tomato.

“Mom!” She shouts.

“Well it is true dear. This is the first stallion you brought to meet us, you have a good pick in stallions.” She said eying me. I double took at that did she just... Nah, it had to be a joke right? I gulped as her father's stare got angrier. Please some pony for the love of all things holy save me.

“Prince Firestorm it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Twilight Velvet and my husband there is Night Light.” She introduced with a bow.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Velvet and Mr. Light.” I said as she smiled and looked at me.

“So you're the stallion that caught my daughter's eye?” She said eying me. I really felt awkward as she looked me over walking completely around me, like a shark after a piece of meat. “I do see why she likes you.” She said in a purr. I looked at Cadence who looked as weird-ed out as I felt. I turned to Twilight with that please save me look.

“Mom! Dad! Please stop, can't you see how uncomfortable he is?” She said almost in a yell.

“You two seem to be more... pushy than normal.” Shining added. They stopped and looked at their kids. “What's gotten into you two?” He asked.

“We just want to make sure he's right for her.” Night Light stated.

“You never gave Cadence this kind of treatment.” Shining shot back.

“Well she's a princess.” Velvet replied.

“And he's a prince.” Twilight said. Okay where Pinkie with the awkward bomb because she must have set off another one because, what the fuck is all this? I sighed quietly I knew I was going to get the riot act but this was weird. Twilight Velvet made me felt like she was wanting to jump me for herself and Night Light wanted to stab me with his eyes alone.

“But Twilight. We just want to make sure he's treating you right.” Twilight's mother said.

“Well if you didn't make him feel so awkward and talk to him then maybe you would know that he treats me right.” She said now looking a little angry.

“So you say. But I still have my worries about him.” Night Light said. I couldn't blame him really with my track record.

“Twilight it's alright. It's not the first time I was untrusted by any pony when they first met me. They can have what ever opinions they want of me. The only opinion to me that matters is yours.” I said which got everypony to stare at me. Night Light predictably with a glare, Velvet with a smirk alongside Twilight and Shining. Cadence just smiled next to me.

“See Mom, He's a gentlecolt.” She said disappearing and reappearing next to me. She leaned into me and I blushed a bit. I gently placed a wing around her as I continued to get a death glare from her father but I didn't care, what I said was true. Twilight's opinion was the only thing that mattered to me in this instance, because I loved this unicorn. She smiled up at me and I couldn't help it. I kissed her on the cheek and she gave the cutest of blushes. Yup, she was going to kill me later for it but I didn't care, totally worth it.


All of us joined Celestia and Luna in the royal dining room with chairs sat about for every pony. Twilight was next to me to my left and her parents where to my right. I was still getting death glares from her father the whole time. Cadence and Shining Armor sat to the other side of Twilight. Across from us sat the Apples with Applejack directly across. Next to her was Pinkie and her family. Applejack was looking a little angry towards Night Light and I was worried that something was going to go down between the two, Dash had a similar look on her face. Twilight had the look the shared my worry. It took a few minutes for the servers to come out with every pony’s food. I ordered a light salad minus all the flowers, to be honest I haven't really tried them yet. Even with Twilight pressing me into trying them. She did make a good point saying that I was a pony now and flowers were a part of their diet. Anyway we all started to eat as this air of awkward filled the room. Celestia and Luna both watched every ponies reaction. So we all sat there and ate as it got later in the day. The stare down continued well through the meal. The plates were picked up and taken away. Twilight insisted that the two of us went to the Canterlot archives to do some research. At this point I couldn't help but agree. Mainly because I didn't want to be the reason that a fight broke out. Which from some reason I still saw coming, it was just waiting for somepony to tap the jar for it to go boom. So we left everypony back there to talk to each other. Hopefully cool off a bit before round two of Night Light wanting to kill me with his stare. I swear, if he continued to stare at me like that, lasers are going to fly out of his eyes and turn me to ash. A cold shiver ran down my spine as I stopped and looked around to see if somepony was there. But there was no pony but Twilight and I. We entered the archives and headed towards the back.

“Sorry about my dad.” She apologized which surprised me a bit.

“Twilight it's not your fault. I understand he doesn't like me.” I said gently holding her.

“I don't know why though. Even my mom is acting a little weird.”

“Twilight look don't worry about what they think. What I said still holds true. The only opinion that matters to me is yours.” I said giving her a gentle nuzzle. “If your dad doesn't like me then I don't care or if your mom- Well what ever that was, let's just put it that way.” I said still a little crept out by that. Twilight looked up to me worried.

“I still worried that my dad may try and do something.” She said and I could see the worry on her face.

“Twilight, if your dad does something as long as it doesn't come down to killing me. I can take it. If it makes him feel better he can hit me, kick me, or what ever. But I'm not going to give up on you because your dad doesn't like me for whatever reason.” I said as I held her close. A clearing of a throat caused both of us to turn to see Shining and Cadence behind us.

“I see we weren't the only ponies thinking of hiding out.” He said with a nervous chuckle. Twilight got out from my hooves and walked over.

“Shining do you know what's wrong with dad?” She asked hoping for some light to be shined on this.

“I don't know sis. I can only guess that he's worried that after everything you'll forget about being Celestia's student. You know how dad likes to overreact.” He said giving a nervous look back.

“But surely he should know that I won't stop being Celestia's student and continue to study on the magic of friendship.” She said. Magic of friendship? This was the first time I've ever heard about it. Now Equestria being the way that it is and Celestia being her mentor, having such good friends as Twilight did. Now that I really thought about it, the girls were my best friends. Shining was more a brother to me and we did hang out a bit. He is my brother-in-law technically so it was fitting. I lightly laughed at that thought before I thought about all of it. I wanted to get to the bottom of this.

“Twilight, I'm going to be right back.” I said getting up. She looked at me a little surprised.

“Where you going?” She asked.

“I'm going to have a word with your father.” I said before I blinked back into the hallway. I was so happy to have that spell at times. I walked back up to Twilight's old room and knocked. A few seconds passed before I heard.

“Who is it?” I heard from Velvet.

“It's Storm Mrs. Velvet.” I said as the door opened up to see both her and her husband standing there.

“Hello Storm.” She said with a purr. A shiver went down my spine at that. If I didn't know better I’d say she was trying to hit on her daughter's coltfriend, wrong, on so many levels. “How can we help you?” She asked. I closed the door behind me and sat down.

“I would like to get to the point.” I said before bowing to them. “I would like to know why you disapprove of me dating Twilight?” I requested. Both of them looks a little surprised at this.

“Dear, I don't disapprove at all. I think it's wonderful that my daughter has found her prince charming.” Velvet answered. I sat back up to look at her and then back to Night Light. Who was still giving me a glare.

“I don't hate you honestly.” He started before turning away. “I just worry about Twilight is all. She worked so hard to get into Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns and became her personal student. I just don't want her future to be destroyed by some stallion that just wants my daughter as a prize.” he said not looking at me.

“Mr. Light, I can assure you that I don't want to destroy anything. In fact I owe Twilight and her friends so much. When I arrived on Equestria I had barely anything. I had no memories, no friends, no nothing. I didn't even have my name. I was just somepony that didn't have a clue what was going on. After the nurse asked for her help and she did, my magic revealed itself and doing so hurt Twilight. I still regret that happening. She was my first friend and I ended up hurting her, but she still remained my friend through all of it. Honestly I don't care if you don't like me, either of you. All I do care about is making Twilight happy. That is all I can ever give her. I would give her everything I could to make sure she is safe. Even though I had failed that so many times.” I started to say as my head lowered not looking at either of them. “I doubt you'll ever understand what she means to me. She is always there for me. When I fell like broken glass with that little spell to make me whole again. She makes me smile just watching her be her. She makes me want to be a better pony, I couldn't tell you why or how but she does. I wouldn't be sitting before any of you if it wasn't for her and her friends. Who all have became my best friends. I would be either lost about like some kid in the middle of a forgotten forest or worse.” I continue a light smile on my face as tears flowed readily from my eyes. “She is my everything and I want you two to know that. I would do anything she asks of me. If she wanted me to give up my spot as a royal I would in a heart beat. If she wanted me to die for whatever reason. I would gladly give my life. I would do anything to protect her as best as I can. So I don't want to be in her way for anything. I rather be that stepping stone to help her across to her goals. Even if it means leaving me in the dust. I will gladly do it. I hope you understand that now.” I said as I got up and bowed to them before I turn to leave.

“I understand.” Night Light said which got me to stop. I turned back to look at him. “I was worried you were like Prince Blueblood and saw Twilight as an object to just own, but you don't. I doubt I can forgive you for what you did to her but I can at least respect you as her coltfriend. I give my blessing if you want to make it more.” He said. I blinked for a moment.

“You know you two that was the hammiest thing I've ever heard.” Velvet said “But I assume that was from the heart?” She asked looking at me and I nodded. “Well then you have my approval too. but I warn you.” She said giving me a frightfully stern glare. I gulped at this. “You better give me grandfoals.” And I turned beat red in the face, I didn't even think that far ahead. I didn't even know if Twilight was already thinking of that. Wait... but what if she was. I mean being a father would be nice. But that would really distract her from her goals. Come to think of it what was her goals to begin with? I was going to have to ask her. I looked up to Twilight's mother for a moment.

“I can only agree to that if Twilight wants it. Otherwise I would have to apologize to you for it.” I said looking at her. She gave me a knowing smirk.

“She's got you whipped doesn't she?” She asked as I gave her a look of confusion. “Your wrapped around her little hoof.” She said and I turned red again.

“Please Mrs Velvet. I don't want to be rude but please stop with that. It's making me uncomfortable.” I requested. She smiled and stepped closer. Me on the other hoof stepped back.

“Worried I'm going to do something there Storm?” She purred and I gulped.

“Please stop.” I requested again.

“Oh but why?” She said as I couldn't help but blush deeper.

“Because I'm with your daughter and this is-” I started to say before the doors behind me opened up giving a painful thud to the back of my head. It had also sent me sideways into the wall behind it.

“And this is not what I expected from you Mother.” Twilight said bursting in. My head gave a dull throb from the impact. Note to self avoid doors when Twilight isn't in the room. The doors shut with Twilight fully stepping into the room. Her mother looked over to me a little worried. Me, I was trying to shake the throb out of my skull and I didn't have much luck to that. Because shortly after that the door swung open again and then everything went black... again.


Seven hours, it took seven hours for me to wake up because one of the guards heard the yelling, figured something was wrong, and bucked the door into my head to check. So now I'm in the medical wing of the castle getting checked up by both Heart Shy and Fluttershy. I sighed quietly as I was there. He insisted on giving me a full check up. Which I did more because Fluttershy asked me to. First they decided to remove my prosthetic leg That's when I found out the jerk of a doctor back in Ponyville put a device in my leg that caused more problems than it was worth. Celestia being in the room sent one of her guards to go deal with that. I sighed quietly and rubbed my temple with my left hoof since I currently didn't have a right hoof to do it with. He then proceeded to remove the connecting piece on my stub. With in a moment I wanted to turn away from the sight of it but I couldn't. I could see all still exposed flesh and bone under it, a lot of it looked rotted away.

“Just as I thought, which doctor did you say did this?” Heart Sky asked.

“I don't remember why?” Celestia asked.

“Because he didn't do this properly, the flesh is rotting away.” He said as reached for his bag.

“What does that mean? If you don't mind me asking.” I requested already knowing I'm not going to like it.

“It means I'm going to have to cut away the area around the rotted flesh. Otherwise it could progress further and become fatal.” He said pulling out a scalpel. I gulped at this and nodded.

“Do you have anything to either numb it or knock me out?” I asked and he nodded then turned to Fluttershy. She nodded back and reached in pulling out a needle. She stabbed me in the shoulder above the rotted flesh and injected something into it. It took a few moments for it to work through but as soon as it did. I felt numb almost a floating kind of numb.

“Alright, I'm going to start.” He said but I didn't really pay attraction to him. My gaze was on Twilight as she just kind of bobbed a bit in place. It was looking at a photo of her but if the surface of it was like water. I blinked one eye following the other as I could hear the sound of cutting and something meaty being pulled, it sounded funny to me and my stub felt a little shorter. I watched him work with my head bobbing from side to side like one of the bobble head things. He finally put on the circle metal thingy and attached my hoof again. “There it should be a lot better. I suggest taking a few of these for the next few days to avoid infection.” He said pulling out a small orange bottle.

“Okiedokilokie.” I said as I bobbed there for a bit longer.

“Fluttershy... how much did you give him?” Her dad asked.

“The standard amount like you taught me.” She said now a little worried.

“I see.” he said turning to me and reached a hoof up to adjust his glasses. “It could be possible he is sensitive to the effects of it.” He surmised.

“I'm surprised it's not dulled or he's more immune to it. Since he's been in the hospital multiple times from being injured.” Twilight tacked on.

“How many are we talking?” He asked.

“I lost count after the stone horn through his chest.” Twilight answered.

“I see.” Heart Shy said turning to me. “Are you able to understand what I'm saying Prince Firestorm?” He said to me. I nodded with my head bobbing.

“Yes I can understand doctor. I just feel a little... floaty I guess, like my head is balloon.” I said with a little smile. This stuff was great, I didn't feel pain and it felt funny. I couldn't help but change my small smile to a big one followed by a light chuckle.

“Alright, I'm going to have you taken back to your room. I want you to lay down for a while.” The doc said. I nodded and pointed to Twilight.

“Only if she comes too.” I requested, she smiled and nodded to this.

“Of course, I can't let my drugged up coltfriend hurt himself now can I?” She said and I fake thinking about it.

“Can't fault that logic.” I said before her magic enveloped me and I was floated off the table. I couldn't help it, I took a flying pose. As she took me to my room. She chuckled at me as I gave my wings a light flap. “Look Twilight I'm flying, woosh!” I said pretending to fly. She couldn't help but laugh as Celestia joined us, also snickering as she watched me.

“You know, you could fly the whole time.” She said, I couldn't help it.

“Nuh uh. I'm too scared to fly from the super heights. I could fall and go splat on the ground, I would Prince Splatted Storm.” I was a little childish with my tone but I was on the good stuff and it was funny. She couldn't hold back a light laugh.

“Have you even considered learning how to?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yup, Dash said she would teach me. Well hopefully more closer to the ground and not hauled up into the air. I didn't like it the last few times.” I said as I was now expanding my wings a bit so I was like a fighter jet. Twilight, having a little fun, floated me up higher so I wouldn't smack any pony with my wings.

“I see. I can at least say for myself that I do enjoy a good flight from time to time. Just feeling the air in my wings.” Celestia said with a smile looking up as he remembered something.

“Having wings must be great.” Twilight said looking up at her teacher.

“Well they let you fly around Twilight.” I said as I continued to fly around in Twilight's magic. It was so fun to do.

“I know what wings do Storm.” She said looking at me a little annoyed to the point she stopped flying me around and brought me down close to her again.

“Aw but I was having fun Twilight.” I said a little bit of defeat in my voice.

“Well that's what you get for being childish.” She said with a playful huff. Celestia just lightly laughed at the display.

“You two do make a great couple, you know that?” She asked with a smirk. This caused Twilight to blush a bit and forget about her magic. I got dropped onto the floor with a thud. I didn't feel it but still the action was there. Celestia taking over floated me next to them as we entered the room. Twilight blushing the whole time. I was plopped onto the bed where I laid down with my forelegs crossed laying my head on them watching Twilight. “I'll leave you two for tonight. I hope to see you both tomorrow my little ponies.” She said before she left still a light chuckle could be heard before it died away.

“Hey Twi.” I started remembering something her mother said.

“Yes Storm?” She asked looking at me with that look saying she expects something childish from me.

“Remember my talk with your parents?” I asked she nodded with a confused look. “Well your mom wanted grandfoals.” I pretty much just stated as a blush crossed my face. Twilight's face predictably turned from the normal lavender to a bright red. It was so cute I couldn't help but look at her more.

“But... I... we... she... and.... AH!” she stumbler then gave a frustrated yell. “Mother!” she said walking back and forth. “You can't be seriously thinking about having foals are you?” I looked to the side for a moment to think about it.

“Honestly?” I asked.

“No, go ahead lie to me. Yes, honestly!” she sarcastically replied.

“Well someday I think I would, but I know I'm not ready for it and I can only guess the same for you.” I said my eyes just softening a little. Just the thought about having a family of my own. It was nice, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. No way would the universe allow something like that. Especially how it likes to metaphorically screw me over. I sighed quietly before I gently closed my eyes to think about it. Just me and Twilight playing with little foals of our own, it was a nice thought.

“Storm.” She started more calm then she was a few moments ago.

“It's alright Twilight. I know you're not up for it. Hell, we haven't gotten any further then cuddling and kissing. So if it does happen it's not for a very long time away. I mean you have your goals and dreams to fulfill before then. Speaking of which what are your goals and dreams?” I asked looking at her a little curious for her answer.

“Well I want to know everything about magic.” She said and I smiled at this simple but overblown. That was Twilight for you to have the simplest answer with the biggest result. “What about you Storm? What are your goals and dreams?” She asked.

“To make you happy Twilight.” I said simply. It was true that it was always my goal to make her happy and to make her dreams come true.

“That's sweet there casanova but... What about before you came to Equestria?” She asked and my smile faded away for a bit.

“Before I came?” I asked and she nodded. I let out a small sigh before I stopped looking at her. “To be honest, it wasn't much. I did have a dream to make my own game. I don't mean like a board game Twilight but something back at home called a video game. It's like a playable story of sorts. It wasn't for the game play, it was for the story. Some knight or good guy going through hard trails and gaining power to face a great evil to rescue the girl of his dreams. I found that story good but the one I like the most was a character who was just an average person... having to go through hard trails that shouldn't have been asked of him but he makes it through. He isn’t alone though, his friends show him that he is is greater, with them he could make it through every trial. Then, from time to time, he would have to face something alone, showing that he can stand by himself to face an evil if need be. He also has self sacrificing nature of him, willing to get hurt to protect someone he cares about. In the end he has to make the call to either sacrifice himself to protect everything or let it go to survive. I would always go with the protect opinion really. Always felt right in my book.” I monologue as Twilight looks at me a little confused.

“Um... Storm?” She asked causing me to look at her again.


“You know you just described yourself?” She asked and I blinked for a moment.

“I... I, what?” I got out.

“You just described everything that happened to you.” She said and I shook my head.

“No I'm not as brave as some of the characters in that game. I cause more problems than I fix them. How am I even close to those heroes? I'm no hero.” I stated.

“Storm, you may not see it that way but to a lot of ponies that know what you did. You're a hero, you saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon.” She said.

“Technically it was you girls, I only distracted her.” I said.

“Alright, you stopped Chrysalis from taking over Canterlot.” She said.

“That was Sha using my body.” I retort.

“Then what about stopping Shadow Storm or making sure the treaty still stood with the dragons?” She tried.

“Technically caused the problem to begin with for Shadow from being too weak and broke down to the point you girls had to save me. As for the treaty I didn't really do anything but fail to protect you and went into a rage solving nothing.” I said. She started to give me a glare when I shot down everything she said.

“Saving Fluttershy from Timberwolves?” She said.

“Was doing what's right to protect a friend, still not a hero Twi.”I said my eyes closed waiting for the next one.

“Okay how about facing off the Timberwolves with Dash and I?” She tried.

“You help fought them too and we wouldn't have been in there if I didn't get launched into poison joke.” I shot back.

“Vermom?” She tried again.

“Injured, soul ripped out of my body had to jump worlds to switch back, and got the hell beat out of me for good measure.” I answered back.

“But you gave me your power to help finish her off.” She said.

“Because it was the only thing I could do since I couldn't fight being too injured again.” I replied again. This time she let out a frustrated yell. She didn't see the real reason behind each victory, I would be more the villain really, I had caused each problem.

“Fine but to me you're still my hero.” She said as she got onto the bed with me and laid next to me. With a flap of my wing I laid it across her back like a blanket, she nuzzled into me with a blush.

“Alright Twilight. I'll be your hero if it makes you happy.” I said and nuzzled back.

“It does.” She said with a smile before she looked back up to me. “So what about your goals?” She asked righting the train of thought back the original topic.

“Before coming to Equestria?” I asked and she nodded. I sighed again and looked at her. “My goals for each day never really passed making through the day.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well as much as it happens here. My bad luck was worse when I was a human. A lot of days I felt that I wasn't going to make it through it for one reason or another.” I said remembering a few times where I did think like that.

“Was it that bad?” She asked.

“Well, kind of.” I said look forward at anything particular just more to the past. “There was one time I was protecting my friends coming home from a bar. I didn't drink that night.”

“How come?”

“I’d rather remain sober when it comes to going to the bar with friends, I'm usually the one making sure everypony got home. Which did mean I left myself out of the fun a lot of the time. I would sit myself at a table to keep an eye on them, keeping them safe.” I said.

“I can only imagine how that must feel.” Twilight said and I looked at her for a moment.

“Kind of sad isn't it?” I said and she nodded, frowning at me. “But on this day we didn't have a car, which is like a cart being moved by magic, sort of. Anyway we had to walk home that day with me playing body guard. If I had known how true that was going to be that night I think I would have worn something thicker. Some pony tried to mug us for our money. He didn't get it, instead I ended up getting stabbed when I defended every pony.” I said. It hurt well after the fact, when my adrenaline stopped coursing through me, fight or flight is a wonderful thing when it comes to fighting.

“What happened next?” She asked.

“I pulled the knife from my shoulder. My friends, the drunken idiots they were didn't care. Honestly they didn't care when the sobered up the next day either.” I said a note of sadness tint my voice.

“They’re not really good friends are they?” She asked.

“Not really but back there I didn't really have many good friends to begin with. Only three of them jumped down my throat for doing something so stupid. They were worried about me.” I said a light smile. “They weren't even the ones that I had gone to the bar with.”

“Well at least you had good friends to worry about you.” she said.

“You mean like you girls?” I said looking back at Twilight and she nodded. I couldn't help but give her a little peck on the cheek. She blushed before I said. “Even if you weren't my adorable marefriend, you and the girls are my best friends here.” She looked up at me taking a moment to process what I said.

“Do you really see us are your best friends?” She asked.

“Twilight you're my marefriend, you’re already special to me but yes, you girls where the first ones to help me when I literally had nothing. Barely any memories, no money, no home, or anything. You and your friends treated me like I was just a normal pony, granted it was a little bumpy to start off with. Even when I was known for being an alicorn, something I still don't quite understand.” I said with a smile.

“What's not to understand? You have the abilities of all three pony races.” She said looking back at me.

“It's not really about alicorns, but why? What made me so special for me to become one when I arrived. I could have been anything Twilight, but Equestria wanted me to be this. I still don't get the why but at this point is moot” I said.

“I think I understand. I don't know why either but I'm still glad you came to Equestria. Before you came I didn't even really think about being in a relationship like this. I mean I feel things for the girls but not like I do for you Storm. It was like friendship I never really thought about or sought out until I went to Ponyville. With you it's something different.” She said more like she was trying to explain it to herself. “When you kissed me back at the hospital it surprised me to find a stallion that liked me that way. It's been hard to sort my feelings out but I think I understand it now. Storm when you were gone and Max was in your body I felt lost. Like something was missing and I thought that maybe Max would know what it is. When he told me about his Pinkie it sort of clicked for me that I missed you like he did Pinkie. When we found out we attacked you it... it tore me up inside to think that the stallion that I cared about was scared of me. Like I had failed you and wasn't worth the feelings you had for me.” She said and I brought her closer.

“Twilight.” I said softly before I nuzzled her closely again. She smiled warmly and returned it.

“I think Cadence is right.” She said which confused me a little.

“Right about what?” I asked.

“It's love, the feelings I have for you is love.” She said and gently kissed me on the lips. I turned a bright red as she pressed into me like she was trying to drink me in. I smiled and returned it as I held her close. We rolled over with Twilight pinning me down in the kiss.

“Twilight.” I said finally breaking the kiss. She smiled down at me.

“Yes Storm?” She asked with a cute blush and a playful smile.

“I love you Twilight Sparkle.” I said before she laid down on my chest.

“And I love you too Firestorm” She said before she drifted off to sleep nuzzling into me. I smiled quietly watching her sleep on top of me. An hour had passed of her sleeping before I gently lifted her up in my magic and sat her under the covers to sleep. She sat there nuzzling into the pillow before I had to go. I still had plans to deal with tonight before Hearth's warming. So I left the room in silence. I knew it was wrong of me to leave Twilight alone like that but I do hope she could understand why. I started to walk down the halls, it was so abnormally quiet that it really fueled my sense of paranoia. I tried to quell it for now as I walked through the castle. I didn't even see the night guards that I had gotten used to see at this time of night. It was then I heard it.

“You know I've never thought that Luna would keep such fine drinks here.” A very weird sounding Pinkie said. I blinked for a moment. Why did Pinkie sound weird so I started to follow the voice. “I mean I know Storm likes all this drinking stuff but I never thought I could enjoy it so much. Everything feels so floating like I could fly like you do.” I slowly crept up to a slightly cracked door to see Pinkie bobbing around like normal.

“Well flying is pretty cool. But I saw that flying contraption you have so you should at least know how it feels to fly right?” another familiar voice said. I peaked in to find both Pinkie and Nightling with about six or seven different bottles of stuff around them. Most of them empty with Pinkie downing one whole by the look of it. “Wow I didn't know the Element of Laughter could drink so much?” She added.

“Well yea, Dashie challenged me to a cider drinking contest some time ago and I had the whole barrel gone before she could finish the first mug.” Pinkie said and I finally figured out why she sounded different. Pinkie was drunk, let alone that the thought of her drinking a whole barrel full of liquid faster then Dash could a mug scared me, was her stomach a black hole or something. “Hey you know your wings are super cool.” She said reaching over to brush the extended wings giving Nightling a shutter. “Oooh that makes you feel good don't it?” She said with a knowing grin before she curled up like a cat ready to pounce. “Well then I should make you feel really good.”She said jumping and pinning Nightling down to the ground giving her a deep kiss. I turned red instantly and closed the door behind me. Okay so Pinkie seemed to swing that way. Well she was drunk and I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not. That was of course enough fuel for me to daydream about Twilight and Pinkie making out. I shook my head to get that idea out of it. Stupid Storm, that would be rude and not nice to think about one of your best friends and marefriend. I sighed as I started to leave. Well I would have until Shining Armor stopped me at the castle door.

“What's got you up so late?” He asked in his full suit of armor.

“I thought I would go for a walk to clear my head a bit.” I said walking past him.

“Here let me go with you.” He said following me. I guess I understood why, being family and a royal as well. “So why aren't you with Twily right now?” he asked.

“Because I thought I should walk around a little bit. She's fast asleep in my bed.” I said.

“You haven't done any hanky panky with my sister have you?” he said in a warning tone.

“Shining. One, we are at cuddling and kissing, and two that is something between me and Twilight. No offense but you wouldn't want me asking about you and Cadence right?” I said shooting him an annoyed look. His smirk didn't falter at all.

“Well I don't really have to worry about that. Cadence is the alicorn of love after all. That and mom already wrote a book about us. Well fantasizing us.” He said and I tripped for a moment but recovered.

“Wait... What?!” I asked now confused and shocked.

“Don't worry it's just a fantasizing stuff. We aren't really in the book just the characters are based off us.” He said still holding that knowing smirk. “You really should check it out, It's called The Crystal Guard.” He said and I felt crept out by that.

“How bad is it?” I asked more scared to find out but my brain wouldn't let me go by without asking.

“Oh give it to page five, you'll find out.” He said still smirking but a light blush on his checks. Oh dear god and all thing holy, their mother writes romance. But the question was what kind of romance. From the title alone I could understand why it was called that and it could be linked to those two but still. I small shiver ran down my spine. “So I heard dad gave you the riot act.” He said.

“Yeah, he was afraid that I was going to be like Blueblood. Part of me felt offended when he said that.” I said a little annoyed now.

“Hey dude, relax I know you're not like him.” He said.

“What I said still holds true but I did hope they would like me... well not like how your mother seems to like me.” I said that last part giving me shiver to my grave.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Ever get the feeling you're prey by some mare?” I asked and he nodded. “Well it felt like that and I really feel uncomfortable around her now.”

“Oh don't worry about that, she did that around Cadence when I brought her to meet them. It's mom's way of getting a feel for a character for her book. So you can always look forward to a book about you and Twily.” He said and I turned bright red.

“What?” I said now worried and surprised. He continued to smirk quietly I sighed. Yeah... totally doomed.

“So what did you say to dad anyway.” He asked.

“That the only opinion that mattered to me was Twilight's. That I would do anything to make her happy and help her to reach her dreams. As well as her goals.” I said a light smile on my face thinking about it again.

“Dude...” he said quietly smiling.

“Like I told him I would do anything she wants of me and I would do anything to protect her.” I continued quietly. I would even if I had to lay down my life to do so or if she didn't want to be with me anymore. That last thought set a small ball of ice in my chest.

“Storm you're a good stallion. If I didn't already know you and like you. I would have approve of you as well.” he said before we made a round around Canterlot.

“Shining, thanks.” I said just glad to hear that. I still held Twilight's thoughts of me higher up. But it was nice to hear another ponies thoughts. We continued to walk around seeing all the lights and decorations on all the buildings. During our walk I found the store I was looking for. Tomorrow I was going to have stop there and get what I needed. We returned a few hours later and Shining went off with a yawn saying that he was going back to Cadence. I smiled quietly and headed off to Twilight. I had opened the door to see her looking right at the door. I noticed and a cold chill went down my spine.

“What took you so long?” She asked. Not really hard to tell she was a little annoyed with me for leaving her in bed alone.

“I wanted to go get some fresh and met up with Shining, we talked a bit.” I explained walking over to her. She continued to watch me with a raised calculated look. Like she was judging me for my actions.

“Why did you want some fresh air?” She asked.

“Because I wanted to look around Canterlot at night honestly. I didn't want to wake you after you had gone to sleep. So I placed you on the bed and left, not waking you. But I have the sneaking suppression that I failed on that and you woke up when I left.” I surmised towards the end.

“Well no. I woke up when you lifted me off you.” She said and I felt more like a heel. “I worried I did something wrong that caused you to leave.” She said her look turning to one of worry.

“Twilight, sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like you did something wrong.” I said coming closer but she held a hoof up to me her worried look turned to one of anger.

“Well you did Storm. I was hoping to cuddle with you tonight as well sleep but it seems your walk was more important.” She said and I felt a lump of ice form in my gut. I looked down and went over to the sofa for a moment.

“Sorry.” I said in a tone of shame and just laid on the sofa.

“I am too.” She said before I could hear her go back to sleep. I... I simply laid there looking at the back of the sofa... I had screwed up again, with a sigh I laid there for the rest of the night.


Morning wasn't much better when I continued to lay there after she got up. She came over to me and poked me.

“Hey Storm it's time to get up.” She said.

“I know. It's been daylight for a few hours now.” I said still laying there. She stopped poking me for a moment with her hoof against my back.

“Have you been up all night just laying there?” she asked and I nodded my back towards her. “Why didn't you just join me on the bed after I fell asleep?” She asked.

“Because you were mad at me and I figured I deserved to just sit here.”I answered still not moving. Well I would have still she grabbed me in her magic and turned me around to face her. She looked worried. “Storm I was angry because you left me here alone after hearing how I felt about it. I thought I had done something wrong to drive you away. When you told me it was just to see Canterlot. I got mad yes. But you shouldn't beat yourself up over something this small” she said. I shook my head and placed a hoof on her cheek.

“Twilight I had screwed up. I deserved it for punishment.” I said as she sighed and kissed me cutting off my planned out comment.

“Well that's one way to shut you up.” She said before she hopped onto the sofa and kissed me more.

“That a girl.” A very familiar voice came from the door and my blood ran cold. Twilight went ridged as well as we both turned to see a smirking Velvet at the door. We both gulped at the same time as Twilight's mother came over. “But really Twilight you should know better having such a fine stallion sleep on the sofa like that.” She said my eye started to twitch not liking where this was going. “But if you wanted to make it up to the prince here you should really put more passion into your kisses dear.” She said watching us. We looked back at each other with the two of us blushing then back at her. “Well?”

“Why are you here Mrs. Velvet?” I asked.

“You can call me mom.” She said back with a smirk. Mom? Hold on is she insinuating what I think she is?

“Mom what are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Oh well I was sent to get you two, but this is far more important.” Velvet said.

“Who sent you?” I asked.

“Princess Celestia of course.” She said with a smile. This got Twilight off me and we both sat up. “aw you two are no fun.” She said with one of those fake pouts.

“Mother, will you please stop.” Twilight said.

“But Twilight I want grandfoals.” She said.

“We're not even anywhere close to that right now.” Twilight shot back.

“Well you should.” Velvet said not losing her smirk. “But I can see I ruined the mood for you two, so I will take my leave.” She said as she started to leave. “Oh and if you need any pointers don't be afraid to ask me.” She said looking at me with a wink before she left. I turned bright red and my wings expanded with an audible pomf. Twilight shot me a look.

“Don't even think about it.” She said.

“Too late.” I said back turning my head back away from her. “So what is with your mother anyway?”

“I don't know, I think she's just tired of waiting for either Shining Armor or I to give her grandfoals.” She said thinking out loud. I couldn't help but smile and bring her over giving her a gentle hug.

“Well we have all the time in the world so there's no rush.” I said and she looked up at me.

“Pull the reins in there casanova, I know you're willing to wait until I'm ready.” She said with a knowing smirk.

“Well of course Twilight.” I said nuzzling against her cheek.

“Shall we go see what Princess Celestia wants?” She asked.

“Of course, can't keep family waiting.” I said letting her go. She hopped off the sofa with me following. I continued to follow her to find every pony in the eating hall and of all ponies that could be there, Blueblood was there.

“But Auntie why are all this peasants here?” He whined in his snobbish uptight voice. My eye started to twitch at this. He was insulted my friends and their family, all who I had invited here.

“Because I asked them to be here Blueblood.”I said walking up to him.

“That's Prince Blueblood.” He said trying to correct me. I gave him a deadpan look. “What?” he asked completely clueless. I started to rub my temple at this.

“Blueblood, Firestorm asked for them all the be invited.” Celestia said answering his question. “Please be respectful to our guests.”

“But auntie they’re...” He started to say before an orange glow started to fill the room.

“They’re... what Blueblood.” I said with a growl. He better not insult everypony here again.

“Storm please calm down, if that's okay.” Fluttershy said putting a hoof on my shoulder. I turned to see a few of the ponies glaring at the oblivious Blueblood. I sighed quietly before the glow disappeared.

“Sorry Fluttershy.” I apologized then turned to Blueblood giving me a winning smirk. I started to grind my teeth.

“Looks like somepony is on a tight leash.” He said as he walked passed. My eyes widened then turned at this glaring. That son of a bitch did not just say that to me. He left as my right hoof started to shake with the sounds of strained metal. My teeth started to grind a bit more.

“I do apologize for Blueblood he can be a bit-” She stopped to think for the right word. A few choice ones came to mind: aggravating, annoying, arrogant, and a prick. “unique.” she said finishing her thought.

“I don't like him, not at all.” Applejack growled.

“Eeyup” Big Mac added both of them looking quite angry.

“What's his problem?” Applebloom asked.

“He thinks he's better then everypony.” Rarity answered with an upturned nose.

“You would think he would be respective from being a royal.” Rarity's mother said.

“I think he's just full of himself.” I added still glaring at the door.

“Please everypony, don't let him ruin our festivities.” Celestia said and I agreed. I turned around putting a smile on my face.

“And I think I know the best way to do it.” I said. Everypony turned to look at me. “Remember the training field Cutie Mark Crusaders?” I asked the three of them. They looked at each other for a moment a little confused before Scootaloo remembered.

“A snowball fight?” She asked and I nodded. Then the other two smiled before the three of them yelled.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Snowball Throwers!” Right before they dashed off. I couldn't help but smile quietly watching. Everypony else looked a little confused.

“A snowball fight?” I got asked by Dash.

“Yeah, It's not always the lavish or ludicrous things that gives us the best joys. But it's the simplest things. Like being around family during the holiday seasons.” I explained. “That and I bet I get you more times then you can get me.” I said mainly to hook Dash in.

“Oh your so on.” She said zipping out of the room. We started to laugh as we all exited. I stayed back a bit to talk to Celestia.

“Something on your mind?” She asked after every pony left but Her, Twilight, and I.

“Why did you let him insult every pony like that?” I asked.

“Blueblood can be difficult to deal with.” She said which was the understatement of at least two of her lifetimes. “But he is family and you put up with family.” She was right you do put up with family. Well to a point, there was a line that you just don't cross, family or not. “Now why don't we join them. I haven't been in a snowball fight in ages.” The royal alicorn said before she left to follow every pony, leaving just Twilight and I in the room.

“Are you going to be okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, I just need to get my mind off it. Maybe I can chill out after the snowball fight.” I said as we walked towards the door.

“Was that a pun I just heard?” She asked with a knowing smirk.

“It's possible.” I answered she smiled and lightly laughed.

“Oh cool it there Twilight don't want to get cold hooves before the fight.” I continues.

“Oh that was bad.”She said now laughing. We continued following Celestia me cracking horrible pun after horrible pun. We found ourselves in the coliseum, the same one I faced three of Luna's night guard captains in. It was completely covered in snow. It seemed that the teams were already picked before we got there. It was Alicorns versus everypony else. Which I found unfair, I wanted to be on Twilight's side. The only thing working on my sides besides three alicorns with a lot more power than I did was the fact snow was a natural element to water. Which means I had home field advantage. Okay granted no matter where I went I had that, this was going to be fun. Nightling was off to the side with Fluttershy and her father Heart Shy. Granny Smith was there too in a rocking chair watching. Which was understandable for Fluttershy to say the least. I didn't know much about Heart Shy but I can only guess his professionalism stopped him from joining. I knew as soon as the whistle blew I was going to be the first one hit. True enough Twilight got me with a large one. I grinned wiping it off.

“Oh it's on.” I jumped behind a pile of snow and started forming snowball after snowball, can never have enough ammo. After having a least twenty snowballs at the ready I floated them up and dashed out, right in time to get beamed in the face from above. Dash and her family were doing aerial strikes. Okay how was that fair? She knew I couldn’t fly. Right up there with Big Mac and Applejack bucking snowballs at us that Sweetie Belle and Applebloom tossed up for them. Those things whizzed by like anti aircraft cannon fire. I was a little afraid to get hit with one of those. I started to run back and forth dodging as much as I could, returning fire back. I did manage to get Twilight and her dad a few times. Big Mac got a few before he sent a rather large one back at me nailing me in the chest, that sent me back a few feet. Okay so now I know how that feels like. It took the wind right out of me. I got back up and turned my remaining three into a larger one sending it at him, justified payback. I noticed Rarity was ducking behind ponies avoiding every shot she could.

“Oh this is so much fun” Celestia proclaimed as she fired snowballs like machine gun fire. I didn't even think she needed to aim. She also was teleporting like she had attention teleportation disorder or A.T.D. for short. Luna was about the same but she fired at a slower rate arcing snowballs to get some of the ponies in the back grow. Rarity's parents were launching snowball after snowball. A loud bellowing boom was heard before I was nailed in the face with a plethora of snow. Wiping it off showed me that Scootaloo was loading more snow into Pinkie's party cannon. I was able to dive out of the way from the shot before Shining Armor got me. Cadence grinned before she sent a shield full of snow up above them. She pointed up above Shining who looked up. His ears went flat against his head before she dropped the spell and snow splattering all over him.

“Should have gotten the heads up first.” Cadence said making an amusing pun. That was when Rarity got nailed with one of Luna arced snowballs.

“Oh...it... is... on.” She said spacing out the words. She then started lifting up a large amount of snow before forming it into at least a hundred snowballs. I gulped before she just fired all of them at once. I tried to dive out of the way but she at least got a few on me. Celestia turned to her side using her wing to block a few. Luna and Cadence teleported out of the way. After the barrage of snowballs slowed. I ventured a look to see every unicorn's horn glowing. Twilight pointed up and I just so stupidly had to look up to see a large magical block of snow floating above the four of us. I gulped as Celestia, Luna, and Cadence disappeared leaving me. My ears flatten back as the multitude of magical auras disappeared dropping the snow right on my head. A loud wet splat was heard. I started to dig myself out of the snow before it clicked.

“What am I doing?” I said before teleporting on top just to get nailed in the head by Twilight sending me back behind it sledding on my back. I stopped right at Celestia's forelegs. “Having fun?” I asked. She smirked down at me.

“Why yes I am but I think it's time we showed my little ponies what it means to be an alicorn, right?” She asked. I nodded getting back to my hooves.

“Oh the fun has been doubled.” Luna said appearing next to us with Cadence next to her.

“Shall we show Shining what it means to mess with family?” Cadence asked I nodded as I focused my magic on the large blob of snow we duck behind. It rose up into the air taking a form of a large Chinese dragon. I had always loved the look of those kinds of dragons so it's fitting that I used it for this snowball fight. Celestia took some of it to form a large lion and Luna, a large hawk. Cadence smiled and had the snow she was controlling form into a version of Shining Armor. I couldn't help but smile at this. Even facing him Cadence couldn't help but fight alongside him, it was priceless, as everypony there looked up in surprise. Before all of our snow figures let out their respective cry before flying at the ponies. Within moments half of the field was empty of snow where the other one was just covered in it.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I got up on my hind legs and just raised my forelegs in victory giving out a loud. “Woot!” before coming back down. Celestia and Luna laughed before the ponies dug themselves out of the snow.

“Well I didn't see that one coming.” Twilight said as we all laughed.

“Oh I need to get my mane redone.” Rarity said when she came out. I went over to her and whispered into her ear for a moment.

“I'll treat you to one of the hair stylists here in Canterlot if you help me with something.” I offered. Twilight looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Rarity on the other hand lit up like a kid seeing their first fireworks.

“Oh of course darling!” She proclaimed.

“Shh. Not too loud. I don't want every pony to know.” I said she nodded.

“We'll be right back.” I said as Rarity and I went off. As soon as we left the door behind us opened. Applejack had followed us out.

“Hey where do you think you two are going?” She asked curious but a little annoyed.

“Storm is treating me to the spa to get my mane fixed.” Rarity asked.

“What about Twi?” Applejack asked and I let out a sigh. I went up to Applejack and looked her right in the eye.

“I need to go to the store and get supplies for my gifts for Hearth's warming. I want Rarity with me to help pick out the right stuff. If you want to come with I don't have a problem. I just don't want my plan out in the open alright?” I stated. She thinks it over for a moment pushing her stetson up.

“Alright I understand and yeah I'll go with you. I wanted to do a little shopping myself.” Applejack said.


I was so happy I saved up my bits for this. Because ten minutes in I found out the price for things here in Canterlot. Fixing Rarity's mane cost me over half of my bits. Honestly I was little pissed after she talked me into the deluxe package. But I did say I would pay to fix it. So I just had to put a hoof in my own mouth on this one. This gave me some time to hang out with Applejack. Which honestly was a little nice to do. I don't spend enough time with my other friends but who could blame me with a mare like Twilight? Anyway the country mare wanted to hit up a few stores as we waited for Rarity to get done with the stylist. Knowing the white unicorn mare we had quite a few hours to kill. The first store we hit up was one I saw during my walk with Shining the night before. It was a music crystal shop, I didn't take much to talk Applejack into going in with me. Well after I showed her the slot in my leg for it.

“Ah so you want some music for listen to for that leg of yours?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, I wanted some music so long walks aren't so quiet. Not saying that's a bad thing mind you just listening to the tune of nature. But you sometimes just want a tune to listen instead you know?” I replied.

“I don't right know what you mean by the tune of nature but I can understanding wanting something to bob your head to.” She said as we entered. To say they had a lot of crystals would be an understatement. The owner, a eloquent looking blue stallion, sat up when the two of us entered. I figured he most likely noticed who I was since I was royalty but his look at Applejack rubbed me the wrong way, it was a look of disgust. I didn't say anything for the most part because it seems like it didn't bother her. I looked around to see all the crystals they had in little clear boxes, each one clearly labeled for what song it was. I started to scan each label looking for at least two specific songs. One the oh so familiar Fur Elise, the first song Twilight and I danced to. The other one was Midnight Sonata, as it was one of my other favorites. I found them with ease and floated them down to me. I turned to see Applejack eying a one of the crystals in her hooves. I had noticed the owner give an annoyed glare at her. Which gave me another spike of annoyance to the point I floated up the crystal from her. This got her to whirl around to look at me in surprise.

“What'cha got there?” I playfully asked.

“It's um... nothing.” She said with a light blush. I brought it up to see a familiar classical piece. I looked up at her a little surprised. I didn't quite take her for classical music kind of mare.

“Applejack I didn't take you for a lover of the arts.” I said with a smile. She blushed a bit and looked away from me.

“I um...” she started in a very obvious tone of shame. Like I had figured out her secret.

“Applejack, do you want this to remain a secret?” I asked and she looked up at me surprised again. “Look I understand that every pony has their secrets. You're not the only one. Even I have my own.” I said. She looked me over and nodded.

“I don't like letting ponies know that I like a bit of the fancy stuff. I know if Rares found out, she would try to get me into all the froufrou stuff.” She said and I couldn't help but smile.

“It can't be all bad can it?”

“Well, from time to time I like to indulge in it. But I rather keep it to myself.” She said.

“Don't worry Applejack. I'll keep my mouth shut.” I said with a reassuring smile.

“Thank you kindly and you don't have to get that for me.” She said pointing to the crystal I held in my magic.

“Applejack you're my friend and you did so much for me, think of it as my way of returning the favor.” I said as we went over to the counter. I placed the three crystals on the counter.

“Hello Prince Firestorm. I hope you found everything to your liking.” He said straightening up.

“Thank you and yes. I did find everything to my liking. If you would be so kind, could you ring these up for me and one of the crystal players for my friend here.” I requested pointing to the little wooden looking speaker behind the owner. It had a fantasy design, making it look like music was flowing out of the box itself and was burned into the wood around it. He floated one of the boxes over to me. After placing my bits on the counter and retrieved my items. I floated over Applejack's gifts to her saddlebags.

“Will there be anything else sir?” he asked giving me an oh so fake smile. Applejack had left and was waiting outside for me before I turned back to the owner.

“Just one. I request that you don't ever give my friends dirty looks again. It's disrespectful to them and me.” I said turning back with a flat scowl.

“I don't know what you...” he started to say before I cut him off.

“Do not lie to me, I saw that look on your face, that said I wish you good day sir.” I said keeping my tone calm and even. Far from what I really was inside but it didn't matter.

“Good day to you prince.” He said a little shaken. I bet he didn't expect royalty to stick up for some pony like Applejack. That thought alone really did piss me off; It took my own force of will not to burst into flames right then. I left and gave Applejack a warm smile. We continued down our way through Canterlot until we got to a little cafe. The two of us went in to get something to drink before Rarity was done. I told her to meet us here when she finished so we had time to kill.

“So Storm I was wondering. Why did you want to go shopping so close to Hearth's warming?” She asked. I looked up at her from my cup of green tea. I sat it down the cup.

“Honestly, I plan to make all of your Hearth's warming gifts. I won't say what they are but I need some more supplies before I can finish them.” I answered. It was true I need more supplies. Well technically I needed all of it but she didn't need to know that.

“Ah, I'm surprised that Twilight isn't here with you.” She asked.

“Oh well I suggested some time with her family. to catch up since she spent so much time in Ponyville. That and maybe talk some sense into her mother.” I said that last part caused a blush on my cheeks. I just had to remember her comment this morning. Applejack raised an eyebrow towards me.

“Why do I get the feeling you and her mother had an interesting moment?” She said with a knowing smirk. I turned even more red.

“It's not like that Applejack. She's been making me feel awkward. I think she's pushing the whole grandfoals thing.” I said running my hoof on the back of my head.

“Oh is that my scandalous senses tingling?” Rarity said as I cringed. This wasn't going to be good. I turned slowly to look at Rarity who was walking over to us, her mane shining almost like it was made out of crystals itself. She walked over to a seat next to me and leaned in. “Oh you must tell me everything.” She said giving me that must know everything look. I really hope Twilight doesn't kill me for this.

“Please keep it on the down low, but Twilight's mother wants us to have grandfoals but neither one of us are ready for that yet. We're um... not that far into the relationship. It worries me that she may try pushing us further into the relationship before Twilight is ready, that and her dad was worried that I was like Blueblood.” That got Rarity's eyes to widen.

“He must surely know that you're nothing like that stallion” She said with venom to her voice with the last two words. So at least I wasn't the only one to have a problem with him. I sighed quietly before I continued.

“Rarity, he understands that now but he still has a bit of a problem with me, which I just chuck it up to her father wanting to protect his daughter. Kind of like Shining wanting to protect his sister, so I don't blame him. I suspect you two would do about the same to protect your little sisters.” I said looking at the two of them. Rarity took a few moments to think about it.

“Darn tootin I would. If I found AppleBloom hanging out with the wrong kind of stallion. I would protect her as much as I could.” Applejack answered.

“Like wise. I wouldn't want Sweetie with the wrong crowd.” Rarity added with a nod.

“Which is the whole point. I figured I was going to get the riot act from him.” I said with a small smile. “In a weird way, I found it kind of nice. I know Twilight wanted me to meet them and I wanted to too. Granted I was worried about the meeting and part of it still worries me.” I said, shuddering at the thought of Twilight Velvet. If I didn't know better she was trying to hit on me. She knew I was with her daughter and I wouldn't even think about cheating on Twilight, especially with her mother! “Nonetheless it's done. I just hope one day her father will come around.” I said finishing my tea.

“I see. So why did you want my help?” Rarity asked, before I answered, I ordered a refill.

“To put it simply I would need your eye for details. When it comes to the supplies I need.” I said as the server brought my refill.

“Supplies for what?” She asked.

“Your Hearth's warming gifts.” I answered as she raised a questioning eyebrow towards me.

“Are you telling me that you are making our gifts?” I nodded to her question. “But you know you could just buy us something and save yourself the trouble.” She pointed out.

“That is true I could. But I'm not.” I said simply. She looked at me a little curious. “What?” I asked.

“You amaze me at times. After everything you've gone through you still able to keep together better than most stallions.” Rarity said.

“I have to agree with Rare here. How can you keep going?” She asked. I couldn't help but smile a bit.

“Well honestly. I don't know. I could always say it's because I had such great friends. Which would be true. You've both helped me with so many problems. Applejack you help me get over the thought of me feeling useless and Rarity helped me get over my larger problems with being royalty.” I said followed by taking a sip of my tea. “If anything my guess would be Twilight of all ponies. Just to know that I have a pony out there that cares for me as much as Twilight does. She's like an anchor for me. Someone to help pick me up when I break down and able to make me look forward to every moment with her. But not just that, I want to be there for her, for whatever she needs. I want to be there for her as much as she is for me. If that makes any sense.” I said sitting back looking to the sky. Silence takes up the space between the three of us as I look down.

“Twilight is one lucky mare.” Rarity said. I raise an eyebrow. “She has a wonderful gentlecolt like you.” She said a small depressed sigh came from her mouth afterwards.

“Rarity is right. Twilight is out right lucky to have you.” She said. I turned to Rarity a little worry on my face.

“Rarity what's wrong?” I asked. Applejack followed my gaze to her.

“Thinking of you two just reminds me of what I haven't found myself.” She said.

“Rare there's a stallion out there for ya.” Applejack said.

“I know Applejack but... I don't know I guess I'm a little jealous of her.” She added.

“I know how that feels Rarity.” I said catching both of their attention.

“What do you mean darling?” She asked.

“Before I came to Equestria and after Jessica, I had a hard time finding love. Every time I went out and saw a couple together. I felt a pang in my heart just remembering what I had lost. It hurt, more than any pony can know, it leaves a hole in your heart.” I explained.

“Is that why you hid in the booth during Pinkie's party?” Applejack asked.

“Sort of, I was never good at being at parties. But that was part of the reason I hid myself so I could avoid seeing the couples. The universe has it's way of reminding you of your pain.” I said.

“Was?” Rarity asked and I nodded.

“Since I'm with Twilight. I don't have the reason to feel that kind of pain anymore. I mean I will always love and miss Jessica but that is normal for a lost love one right?” I asked. I already knew the answer. Hell, I've known the answer since then.

“I reckon your right.” Applejack agreed.

“The point is Rarity. You will find that special some pony. All you need to do is go look for him... or her.” I said.

“Are you insinuating I'm a filly fooler?” Rarity said with a blush on her face and her tone louder then she should be. She stopped for a moment and noticed everypony there looking at us. “He, sorry everypony.” She said embarrassed as she sat back down.

“A what what?” I asked now confused at that term. I think it's the first time I've ever heard that term.

“You know a filly fooler.” Applejack said maybe thinking I knew what that meant.

“I'm sorry but I've never heard that term before.” I said still confused.

“Your kidding.” Applejack said in disbelief.

“Applejack, remember I'm not from Equestria. So there is still a plethora of terms I still don't know yet.” I said. It seems this filly fooler was a common term. I could guess what it was from Rarity's reaction.

“A filly fooler is a mare that likes other mares.” Applejack whispered into my ear, so my guess was spot on, back where I was from there had a totally different word for it.

“Ah. Alright confusion dealt with. Now I know you wanted to hit up a store while we're out so why don't we go and do that before I go to the one store I want to?” I said turning to Applejack.

“Sounds like a plan to me. What about you Rare?” She asked.

“Well I'm only tagging along because Storm here wanted me to. That and to get my mane redone after our dreadful snowball fight.” Rarity said as my ears went back.

“Sorry.” I said feeling a little dejected. I thought Rarity would have a little fun with the snowball fight. But I guess I was wrong again, I should have realized that Rarity wouldn't have been up for something like that, probably finding it uncouth.

“No, no, no. Storm it wasn't that. I just wished my mane would have remained untouched is all.” She said trying to cheer me up.

“Alright” I said, “well let's get going.” I paid for every pony’s drinks after I downed what was left of my delicious tea. It didn't take us long to find the place Applejack wanted to go. Which seems to have been a book store. The Barrel of Books book store seems to be right down the main street of Canterlot. You would think I would find Twilight here right now being the lover of literature that I know her for. She said she was going to look for a good book, maybe from a book store, the royal archives, or the library. All were possibilities for the lavender mare, oh well. Applejack made a beeline to some section I don't know and I didn't follower her. I have many different kinds of books I enjoy: Comedy was a favorite but adventure was always good. I had became a fan of the Daring Do books after Twilight pressured me into reading it. Sci-fi and fantasy where good but I had a feeling fantasy would be more real here. As for the darker stuff, brutal stories are good but I have to really be in the mood for them. Though honestly I would pick a good romance from time to time, nothing too cheesy but sometimes its those predictable moments that just bring the story together. Today however, is not the case, after Shining's comment about his mother’s book. My brain and I are still curious about his fifth page comment. Taking some time to locating the blasted book, I finally found Twilight Velvet's The Crystal Guard. All I can say about the book was... wow. Just, wow. I started to read the book and my cheeks started to redden more and more with each passing page.

“Oh.” I said then turned the page.

“Oh!” Followed by another page.

“Oh my!” I said in that predictable George Takai accent as I got to the fifth page just like Shining said. Velvet put a lot and I do mean a lot of details in her scenes.

“Got something interesting there?” Rarity said surprising me to the point my wings pomfed and was sent flailing to the ground. I was almost unable to catch the book in my magic before it hit the ground.

“Geez Rarity trying to give a pony a heart attack?” I said looking at her in surprise. My heart felt like it was trying to escape a cage in an old monster flick.

“Over dramatic much?” She asked and I deadpanned at her. Did the pot just call the kettle black? I got back up to my hooves and floated the book back on the shelf. “Ah one of her fine works. Especially page thirty four” She said in a purr. “Now if you excuse me I have to find Applejack.” was out of her mouth as she left around the corner. My wings at this point finally came down from their... upright position. Unfortunately my brain wanted to know what she meant about page thirty four. The idiot that I was found my wings going pomf again just reading the first three lines. I put the book back before I regret any more and fought to get my wings down again. After doing so I came out to find Applejack looking rather angry at another mare. I started to walk over towards them until I hear something from the other mare.

“I'm sorry. But I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This is for finer ponies. Not... Ugh, your kind.” The cream colored unicorn with the rose red mane and tail done in a curl. This mare just insulted my friend, in front of me. All because she wasn't a 'finer pony'.

“What is that suppose to mean.” Applejack said looking even angrier at the other mare. Before she could answer I trotted up and asked.

“Is there a problem here?” With me looking rather calm. The cream colored mare turned towards me, saw who I was and bowed to me. This time I rather enjoyed seeing this especially with what I was about to say.

“Oh it nothing Prince Firestorm. I was just getting this pony out before she could dirty up the store.” She said now trying to shove Applejack out the door in her blue aura.

“Ah, that's what I thought.” I said before looking at her. “Do you know who this pony is?” I asked still rather calm. Rarity who was standing next to Applejack still shooting dagger like glares at the mare, stopped and looked at me questioningly.

“Oh um... no. She's just a no pony.” She said with a scuff. This got my right eyebrow to twitch.

“I see. Well let me inform you who this pony is. She is Applejack and she is the Element of Honesty. One of the Elements of Harmony. The same Elements that as saved your flank at least twice now.” I started still looking rather calm. The bitch of a mare on the other hoof looked a little nervous to find out who Applejack was. “But let's forget all that for a moment if you would.” I said before my look turned into a rather nasty glare. “She is one of my personal friends. One of the few ponies that helped me in my time of need. One of the few ponies that I am willing to lay my life down to protect.” I said in a dangerous tone stepping closer to the mare as she started to cower and step back. “The same pony that you just insulted because she wasn't one of the 'finer ponies' as you put it. No she is one of the finest ponies in all of Equestria and you will show her, her family, her friends, and my friends the respect they deserve. Do I make myself perfectly clear?” I said that last question spread out in growls as I saw a familiar glow take the room and a glow from the mare that told me my eyes had turned red from the shire focus of my anger alone.

“Crystal clear.” She whimpered.

“Crystal clear, What?” I growled now.

“Crystal clear, Prince Firestorm.” She whimpered before running away. I watched her dash off tripping over a display in doing so. I took a deep breath before the glows disappeared and I turned to both of my friends. They looked at me in shock.

“You didn't.” Applejack started before I raised a hoof.

“No Applejack, I did. She insulted you for being who you are. You wouldn't let any pony insult Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, or myself if you heard. Right?” I asked and she nodded. “So why should you expect the same from me?” I asked.

“He... he does make a point.” Rarity said shaken up from my furious anger.

“Right. Well I um... I need to pay for this.” She said going over to the registers.

“I'll be outside.” I said before I left slamming the door behind me. I was done with this place. One of the guards came over to me.

“Is there a problem your highness?” The guard said.

“Not anymore.” I said looking back and in my reflexion I could tell my eyes glowed for a moment saying that.

“Is there anything I can do?” He asked and I thought for a moment.

“Yes there is now that I think about it. I need you to head back to the castle and secure a private study for me. I will be having a shipment of fabrics and so forth delivered. I request to have them placed in there and no pony but myself to enter there after they have been dropped off in the room. When I get back I also ask that I am notified when they arrive and which room they’re in.” I ordered with him giving me a bow.

“Yes your highness, right away.” he said before he took off into the sky with a flap of his wings.

“Thank you Guard.” I said he nodded and took off. It took a few more minutes for Rarity and Applejack to come out with a bag in tow. I watched them for a moment with a look of worry.

“Did something happen?” I asked keeping a calm look about me but inside I was still rather furious with that mare. I swear if she pulled anything else I would make her pay.

“It's nothing.” Applejack said not looking me in the eye. She always had the problem of not being able to lie. Poker was fine because it wasn't really lying so she could get away with the bluff. But when asked directly that's when her poker face failed.

“What happened Applejack. Please don't lie to me.” I requested.

“That evident?” She asked.

“Applejack, If this was poker we all could tell you had a pair of twos compared to the royal flush somepony else has.” I point out. She predictably sighs.

“Look Storm, it's just what you did in there doesn't sit right to me.” She said looking at me. Oh look at this here is something completely out of left field whacking me in the face.

“What?” I said confused.

“Storm it's just. That mare waiting me out of her store because I was...” she started trailed off.

“Not a finer pony?” I ventured a guess based off what I heard.

“Yeah. I know I'm not all for the froufrou stuff like Rarity here, no offense.” She said turning to Rarity.

“None taken.” She said looking at her hoof like a women would check her nails.

“It's just, I’d rather fight my own battles. You're an out right gentlecolt for wanting to stuck up for your friends like that but...” she said trailing off again.

“But I overstepped my boundaries there and screwed up?” I ventured another guess.

“I'm sorry, but yes.” She said looking a little downtrodden. I sighed quietly looking to the sky. It wasn't the first time my trying to protect my friends had backfired like that. I looked at Applejack and took a deep breath.

“I'm sorry I... I just wanted to...” This time it was my turn to trail off. I just didn't have the heart to finish it. I had a feeling I screwed up bad this time.

“I don't blame you, if that makes you feel better. I just wish you would let me handle my own problems.” She said.

“Alright.” I replied before I took off towards the fabric store. I put on a small smile for every pony. The rest of the evening went off with no problem. Rarity helped me pick out easy to handle fabric that would be durable but great looking, including this puff-like fabric, as somepony took pillow fluff and made it into sheets. I had only one thing in mind for it, back on earth I always wore one kind of hat around the holiday season, unless it was outright freezing. I paid a little extra to have them delivered to the castle. I knew tonight I wouldn't be able to get to work on the gifts because I was already starting to get tired. I also wanted to press my sleeping pattern a bit so I could sleep with Twilight on Hearth's warming eve. I remained quiet for the walk back to the castle. Both Applejack and Rarity behind me having some conversation about their families. I didn't really listen in because I was already spacing off in my own mind. I saw Twilight waiting at the front gates to the castle. I smiled a little seeing her. Then I saw a disapproving looking Celestia next to her and she was looking right at me. Yeah, I had screwed up... again. I let out a breath quietly as we got closer. Rarity and Applejack continued with their talk as they walked by. I guess they didn't notice the princess by the gate. I however walked up to Celestia and Twilight. “Alright. Go ahead.” I said as I sat down quietly before them. There was silence for a moment.

“I heard about the incident in the book store.” Celestia spoke and I simply closed my eyes to wait for it. “I know you meant well with your words but-”

“But I should have let Applejack face her own battles and not interfere like I did. I know.” I cut her off. She stopped for a moment. “If it makes you feel any better, that was nice to do but you should learn to control your anger.” I winced after hearing that and lowered my head. I simply nodded silently my fingers slowly shook before I retracted them and heading inside. I just simply slid my mask back on when Twilight came up next to me.

“Are you okay?” She asked and I didn't answer. All I did was give her a reassuring smile and continue on my way. I didn't answer her so I didn't lie. I just didn't want to talk right now. I didn't want to do much but think. About how much I screwed up, how much I should have learned to keep my nose and even more my big bucking mouth shut. “Storm.” She started to say and I stopped. I turned to her and gave her my full attraction. She looked up me with worry plastered on her face. Which just sank another ball of ice in my gut because I caused her pain again. She didn't say anything just came over and hugged me. Well until her horn started to glow and we found ourselves back in my room. She had me pinned to the bed this time looking down at me. I couldn't look her in the eyes. So I looked out the window silently. “You're going to talk Storm, tell me what's wrong.” She demanded. I chanced a glance at her for a moment before it returned to the window.

“I screwed up.” I simply said. She gave me a questioning look as her left eyebrow shot up in confusion.

“Screwed up?” She asked.

“Yes.” I answered still not looking at her. She then used her magic to force me to look at her. I looked at her worry still present on her face.

“Is this about the Applejack thing at the bookstore?” She asked. I remained quiet.

“For Celestia's sake, Storm, you need to open up to ponies.” She yelled at me. I just took it like I should. “You do this every time. You start feeling bad and you won't explain to us why. So please just tell me what is bothering you?” She said angrily but pleading at the same time.

“I... I feel like I screwed up. When I tried to help a friend and it just blows up at me. It's not the first time it's happen either.” I said as her magic releases my head. My gaze returned to the window. “It makes me wonder why I try sometimes. The whole problem I guess with what happened was me. When that mare insulted Applejack saying she wasn't a 'finer pony'. I just... I couldn't stand for it. You girls have saved all of Equestria at least three times. You mares should be well known for everything you've done. But... when I heard what she said I just lost it.” I started to explain when Twilight finally got off me. “I didn't blast her with a fireball, I didn't attack her, all I did was make a point. She bowed to me. Me, Twilight. I'm a no pony compared to you girls and she bowed to me. When she called Applejack, the Element of Honesty a no pony. I... I felt insulted too. I felt insulted because you girls did so much for me and treated it like it was nothing. But it was something, I... I know it doesn't make sense to any pony but me. But it still hurt to see that kind of ponies. The same ones I know back where I came from Twilight. Then to be told that I should stand back... I felt like I was useless again. That I had screwed up and became useless.” I continued as I had started to cry part way through. Then I let out a small chuckle. A sad depressive note kind of chuckle then said. “At least a knife wasn't involved this time.” I curled up quietly as everything was silent.

“What do you mean at least a knife wasn't involved?” She asked and I could tell she was afraid of the answer.

“Last time I did something like that... I was stabbed for it. Right in the shoulder... It would be on a pony the shoulder of the right foreleg. I wouldn't be surprised if the scar isn't still there.” I said my voice had lost all feeling to it. It was just as cold as I felt right then. Silence filled the room again it was then I heard the door shut. I turned to see Celestia had stepped in some time during my talk with Twilight. Her face told me enough. It told me that she heard almost all of it and didn't know what to tell me. I couldn't blame her, I couldn't blame any of them. The problem was me, it had always had been, and always will be. So I don't know why I even bother trying to be a good guy. Why I even try to be nice. It surprised me when Celestia floated me up and over to her. She then gently hugged me and held me close as I just stared blankly off into space. Twilight came over and hugged me too. I just let them hug me and closed my eyes. I know they’re trying to make me feel better, but since they never really know more about me it does leave them open to these moments. Honestly if I started now and wrote the book of my life. About ninety nine percent of it has a lot bad stuff happening. Twilight started to nuzzle me a bit before I opened my eyes and looked at her. I sighed quietly. “Twilight, Celestia. Please let me go.” I said simply. I noticed the confusion and worry on their face after I was released. I stepped away from them and went to the balcony. “I'm going to be straight with both of you. From what I've told both of you about my past, about the hardships and the tragedies I have dealt with.” I said not looking at either of them. “There is so much more to them. I can only guess that from what I've said that my world seems cruel or heartless to the good natured people. Which for the most part is true. They can be and my story is one of them.” I started to have a light chuckle before I stopped and looked over my left shoulder. “Ever heard the saying the road to hell is paved with good intention?” I asked. They both looked at each other then back to me with a nod. “That would be the moral of my story.” I started to chuckle again I continued to talk. “Every time I did what I thought was right. Taking a knife, a punch, or hell worse. What did I get from it? Heart break, stabbed, punched, shocked from time to time, and worse. All because I wanted to be better. I wanted to be a good person and yet every time I did.” I said before I started to shake. “I tried and tried and tried. But no. I get... I get hurt. I get blamed. I get stabbed. Do I blame them? No! I blame myself. Why? Why do I blame myself? Because I am an idiot. The stupidest fucking idiot every where. Because I thought if I was a good person. They would treat me the same. Do unto others as you wish done unto you. What a crack of shit.” I hissed that last part. “Do you want to know whats funny about it all?” I said not looking at them.

“What?” Celestia asked with a note of sadness.

“That even when coming to Equestria. Which is at least over a thousand times better. I get... I get to remember all of it and get reminded over and over of my past.” I said with a small smile now on my face. “I think I know why Shadow exists.” as a cold gaze just came from my eye as I stared out to the sky.

“Why?” Twilight asked.

“He is my hatred... my hatred for myself. Which is why he is out to get me. Why he wants to break me and why I won't let him.” I said followed by a deep breath. “One thing about a human. We are on stubborn race of people.” I said now laughing. Not a sad chuckle like before but a devilish smirk kind of laughing. “I may not be a human anymore. I may be a Drony, but in all that holds the spirit of a human. That spirit is the only thing that will not break... especially if I have you two, Luna, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Lyra, Derpy, Octavia, and every friend I met or will meet along the way. All I can say is. One does not simply break a drony.” I said grinning as I turned back. I noticed the tears that both Celestia and Twilight had on their face. I guess my little break down there got them to cry for me. Twilight ran up and tackled me into a hug.

“And they won't, I will make sure of it.” She said as she held me close. Celestia walked up to the two of us.

“Luna and I will as well. We can't let family just simply deal with this problem alone.” She said before she joined us in a hug. Twilight gave a slight blush as I just smiled. Not a fake, but a genuine smile that said I felt better about it all. I let the two ponies hug me. I started to blush a bit when both Celestia and Twilight nuzzled against me. Okay so at this point the awkward nuke had detonated and it felt weird. As far as I knew the whole nuzzle thing was a relationship thing. That of course got Twilight's to notice me and adding fuel to the fire gave me a kiss right on the muzzle. This caused me to go a few shades brighter. Celestia and Twilight let me go as I blushed.

“Oh your are definitely cute when you blush.” Twilight said with a smirk.

“I must agree with you there Twilight.” Celestia added. Damn it now they’re screwing with me. Thank god that Velvet or Rarity wasn't here. Well... shit.

“You're not the only ones to think that darling.” Rarity said as she entered the room.

“Oh already getting my son-in-law blushing like a tomato.” Velvet said. I eep'd looking at her and had to escape. Lucky for me I had magic. With a flick of magic I found myself in the hall followed by me running for the hills. The hills in this case was the Canterlot archives. Damn mares, they go from feeling bad for me to making me blush red hot in seconds, it was emotional whiplash. I got in and went to the restricted section to hide. Twilight and Celestia would most likely be able to find me here. But the one mare especially after reading those pages I didn't want to see was Velvet. She unnerves me... a lot. I shuddered just thinking about her. I started to breathe easier once I had stopped running. Well I had time to kill for the most part. So I decided to look around the restricted section for something to jump out at me. What I didn't expect was that what jumped out at me was a display stand with a blue band on it. I don't know why but there was a familiar feeling from it. I couldn't help but get closer to it. The band itself looked like crystal but it flowed like water. I could even see specks in it moving, following the curved edges of it. I slowly reached out to it, something in the back of my head was telling me to touch it, to hold it, and to wear it. It was drawing me in and I couldn't resist. When my hoof finally touched the ice cold band something in my mind clicked. Like a door opening or lock box unlocked. Then my senses was flooded by a warm sensation almost like liquid heat. I pulled back and that heat was still there. It felt nice but unnerving at the same time. I slowly made my way away from it. I had to get away from it for some reason. What it was I couldn't tell you, I couldn't tell why I even touched it. I just needed to leave it alone for good. I exited the restricted section to find Luna right at the door. Which caused me to jump with a yelp of surprise.

“Geez Luna trying to get me a heart attack?” I asked with a bit of sarcasm. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow then smirked.

“Why would I do that? Your family, unless this is about you blushing from Twilight's kiss.” Which got my cheeks to explode in a blush again. “Oh, they were correct you do look cute with a blush.”

“Luna!” I said embarrassed now.

“Oh calm down, I only tease.” She said with a smirk before that dropped. “Now please explain why were you in there?” She asked. In there? Oh! The restricted section.

“Well I thought that would be the best place to hide from every pony but you, Celestia, and Twilight. Velvet I'm just not ready to deal with.” I said that last part giving me a shudder thinking about it. “I just couldn't take the embarrassment after my little... break down I guess. But nonetheless I figured the place where the least ponies could go was the best choice.” I explained and it was then I noticed Luna's horn glowing. She continued to eye me for a bit before turning away heading towards the library door.

“If you would be so kind to follow me Storm, I would like to talk to you.” She said and I followed. We found ourselves in a private study where what I had ordered was delivered to. That was rather fast considering it was all of an hour ago. She sat at the table looking over all the fabric and thread I had purchased. I figured she was trying to figure out what I was going to do with it but thought best not to ask. “I want to ask you about those nightmares again.”She spoke and I turned to her.

“What about them?” I asked.

“I would like you to explain them to me.” She requested.

“Explain?” I asked more to clarify what she meant explain. Did she just want the setting or more.

“Yes, please explain what you can about the dreams.” She said and I started to think.

“For the most part the overall theme to the last few was rather dark and grim. For the most part I find myself in a hell scape of Ponyville, either destroyed or rotting away. Sometimes I find the bodies of the ponies I know and some times I don't. But within it all I see twisted versions of my friends.” I started to explain.

“Twisted? As in how?” She asked.

“Twilight reminds me of a dark mage or scientist.”I started to explain feeling a coldness tighten around my heart. “She sits there and dissects me while I'm still alive. I feel every cut, every pull, and more. When she sits there and pulls out my organs. Dash reminds me of a silent brutal killer. A few times she's pinned me down and ripped off my wings to start with.” My wings gave themselves a small shuddered flap as I remembered that pain. “Rarity skins me and makes me watch her make an outfit from my skin. Pinkie cuts me up and bakes me into her sweets.” I glaze over it. Almost ready to lose my lunch thinking about it.

“What about the twisted Fluttershy and Applejack?” she said and I can tell she was not liking what she was hearing.

“Fluttershy was cold as she pulled out parts of me, replacing them with steampunk parts turning me into a old fashion kind of cyborg.” I explained. “Applejack then takes me after that and forces me to work on her farm. She tortures ponies on that farm and I am forced to comply without the ability to stop myself.” I explain turning a little pale just remembering the details.

“And you said you've dealt with nightmares before?” She asked and I nodded.

“I've had repeating nightmares almost all my life. Some of them straight forward like falling and waking up before hitting the ground. Things like that but I also have had fits of darker kind. They haven't been as bad as these lately. But that's just something I'll have to get use to right?” I asked and she looked at me for a bit. She then shook her head making me raise an eyebrow.

“You shouldn't have to deal with them. Being the princess of the night I'm suppose to help everypony deal with their nightmares. The one off ones do happen and I can't catch them. But these repeating ones do unnerve me. Do you know why they bother you so and how they can be so brutal?” She asked.

“Well the brutality of it can simply come from the fact I'm not from Equestria Luna. Back home life was always brutal to some point with wars, fighting, and murders. The point is that able to deal with that sometimes breaks a mind and twists it. I'm not going to lie and say that I was able to stay strong. No, I'm not that kind of strong and I doubt I will be. But I can understand it far better being a little twisted myself. Back there I always enjoyed the horror genre a lot. I like seeing the underdog making it out with his or her life. A lot of them were predictable and I think it's because of that kind of cheesiness that I could stand them. Well all but one.” I started to explain.

“Only one?” She asked.

“Yes, it was based on a true story. It was about a brutal string of murders. That movie I rather not go into as it messes with me a lot. But the point stands I've seen messed up stuff but I knew it all to be fake. But some of those movies that got me into lore itself, like all the supernatural stuff. What I think is happening is that I know all that lore is fake there but here. Here it could be very much read as a simple flick of the horn and a spark of magic, like the fatal lullaby.” I explained.

“Fatal lullaby?” She asked.

“Oh right, not this universe.” I said slapping my forehead. Really needed to remember which universe I explained things at times.

“It's an old legend I remembered from back home about death himself, if they were a musician and his last piece what was fabled to have killed him.” I summed up, leaving out all the dramatic effects.

“You're going to have to tell me about it sometime.” Luna said with a light smile.

“Maybe after the holidays. But I think my over processing mind just wonders about it and translates it into my dreams. To the point I either break from it or I just accept it's possible.” I said more with a shrug. Luna looks at me a little confused by now.

“Just accept?” She asked.

“Yeah. You know agree, go with the flow, let it ride, and so many more ways to say it that I really don't want to.” I explained now giving a smirk of my own to lighten the mood.

“You... scare me at times.” She said.

“How so?” I asked a little confused.

“You can go from serious and dark, to happy and cheerful like it's nothing. Almost like-” She started before the paradox perplexing pink party pony appears from under the table.

“Like me!” She said bouncing around

“Hello Pinkie.” I said and she bounced over.

“How do you do that Pinkie?” Luna asked confused with a twitching eyebrow.

“Do what?” She asked like it was nothing. I couldn't help but try to stifle a chuckle. I say try because I royally failed at it and started to. Luna shot me a look which was just as funny.

“Luna, it's Pinkie, enough said.” I said before the pink party pony dived into the fabric. I blinked for a moment and floated it over to me. All to find that Pinkie was gone again. I had the sneaking supposition that Pinkie is a hole in physics contained in a pony. Heaven help us all if she turned evil on us, we would be doomed. Luna looked at me then the supplies for a moment then back at me.

“Alright, but what are those for?” She asked pointing to the bags I was floating.

“They’re for a big project.” Which was true, they were.

“What big project?” Oh so the princess of the night was nosy today?

“For Hearth's warming.” I answered keeping it vague now to screw with her.

“That would be?”

“A secret.”

“To whom?”

“To everypony.”

“How come?”

“Because it can.” Luna was getting a little annoyed with me. I didn't care I was having a little fun. I wasn't lying about it I just didn't want everypony to know what I was planning. Not a real hard thing but still fun to mess with ponies. It was harmless fun after all.

“Does anypony else know?”

“Possible.” I said


“Any pony could know”

“Well I would like to know.”

“That's good to know.” I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes.

“Could you please tell me?” She asked now.

“But where’s the fun if you ruin the surprise?” I asked now. “Luna no offense I really don't want to spoil it for any pony. But if you need at least some reassessment then I am making my gifts for Hearth's warming. If you don't mind can I please have this room to myself so I can get started?” She smiled for a moment and nodded. “Thank you Luna and can you please make sure no pony comes in here? I like to keep my gifts a surprise.” I said with a smile.

“Of course Firestorm. I can assure you no pony will come in unless you want them in.” She said with a flick of her horn the walls started to glow with a blue light. “It's enchanted for you and any pony you let in through this door.” She said at the door. “Have fun.” She said with a grin.

“Why wouldn't I?” I shot back with a playful smirk. With that she left me to get to work. I think I know which pony's gift I'm going to start with first. I floated over the pink fabric and fabric chalk. Now where did I put that measurement sheet?


Six hours had passed when I started cutting all the shapes out and put them in piles for each pony. The concept was simple enough for my gifts. I based them mostly on every ponies cutie marks. Well as best as I could. I had to drop the smaller stars for Twilight's. Both Rarity and Applejack got only one instead of the three items on their flanks. With that some of them I had to go with a more round design to fit them in. But I had almost every pony's cutie mark gifts done but say for four. I still needed to know Rarity's mother's cutie mark. Then I had the C.M.C. to deal with. Since they technically didn't have cutie marks. So my way around that was to do their little logo with something special for all of them. Problem was I didn't know what it looked like off the top of my head. The others I didn't have a problem because I remembered most of them and drew them for myself for later. I sighed quietly and put away all that I had done into a small box. Each bit of cut out for everypony was put in smaller bags so they wouldn’t mix up with others, no pony said I wasn't organized, besides my own thoughts anyway. Maybe I was a few cards short of a full deck? It made me wonder about my sanity after all this. Was it breaking? It wasn't long ago that I broke down just because I remembered everything that haunted me. Now of all places I finally break, it's kind of funny really. I wouldn't trade the peace I could find in Equestria for anything, but I can't look at everything that has happened and say it wasn't anything. Nightmare Moon, Shadowstorm, Vermom, and Sha. Now I have this Grimwand to worry about well at least in my nightmares. I get the feeling he's still alive though, I really hope it was just my brain just playing a cruel joke on me. The door opened for me to leave and closed behind me with a loud click, almost deafening to the silent hall. Hoof steps echoed through the hall as I slowly made my way back to Twilight's and I's room. She started taking up the room with me since her family was taking up her old quarters in the north tower. I find it a little funny that Celestia once asked me after the whole royal thing was set down if I wanted to move to another room in the towers. I didn't want to, besides my fear of heights, I liked the view of the town from my room and the countryside if I sat out on the balcony. An orange aura covered the handle as I entered a small sigh left my lips with the door behind me closing. I turned to see Twilight lying in bed watching me. Slowly making my way further into the room I went directly for the shower. I wanted to sit under the water for a bit. I rolled the knob to the left as the water pelt my fur. It started off cold before it turned warm. I just sat there letting it wash over me. That was until I felt a hoof on my back. Snapping around I see a very wet looking Twilight with a worried look on her face.

“Storm.” She started and I sighed. My guess was she was thinking about my past from what I told her.

“Yes Twilight?” I asked. More to make sure really.

“Are you alright?”

“The better question is: are you?” I asked and she looked a little confused.

“Why would there be anything wrong with me?” She asked.

“Because you've never climbed into the shower with me before. Plus you look worried. What's wrong?” I point out.

“I was worried about you. After your story earlier I started to get worried when you didn't come back after my mother scared you off.” She said as she leaned into me.

“Twilight I just wanted to be alone for a bit, to think about stuff. Luna found me in the restricted section and she had me talk about my dreams. Other then that I was working on stuff.” I explained as I adjusted the water to keep warm and not too hot.

“Nightmares again?” She asked.

“For a while now.” I answered as I looked away from her and continue to feel the water. Each little streams of water just cascade off my coat.

“How bad?” She asked.

“Worse than Nightmare Moon kind of nightmares.” I said simply . Which was true I was dealing with undead, material like things.


“You did nothing wrong Twilight. It's just something I've always dealt with, it's a normal thing for me.” I said and fully turned around to look at her.

“But you shouldn't have to deal with it. Storm we’re here to help but you need to let us in to do it.” She said and I understood what she meant. But part of me was worried that when she understood everything from my past... That it would hurt her. There were times when I let my anger get the best of me, that incident in the dragons’ den was one I am not proud of. It shames me that I let my anger out like that. I lightly smiled to her.

“Twilight. I'll make you a deal.”I started and she looked up at me. “After the holidays you and me will sit down to talk about all this. You can ask me anything that is bothering you. That you want to know about me and I will tell you. But... I warn you, depending on what you ask, it may hurt you. Not physically but here.” I said pointing to her heart. “Also there are still a few things I don't remember.” I said then hugged her.

“Alright, I'll hold you to it.” She said with a smile.

“So... not to totally kill the mood here. But um... why did you hop in the shower with me?” I asked.

“Well um...” She started gathering a blush. “Rarity suggested that we get a bit more intimate.” I turned bright red as well as Twilight.

“Are you comfortable with this?” I asked turning away trying to keep a level head. Of course if anypony knew me that would be a rather hard thing for me to do.

“I want things to be better between us.” She said and I was confused. Better? What does she mean better? As it stands it's pretty good, she loves me... right? Wait, was this the reason she wanted to make it better between us? Slowly turning around to look at her as I felt the lump of ice hits my stomach.

“I... I feel bad that you've had so much harsh life. I want to make things better for you so I asked Rarity about it and she suggested something like this.” I cold chill ran down my spine which was odd because I had warm water running down my back. Wait, hold on a bloody moment. She asked Rarity for help and she suggested this? What the hell Rarity?

“Was Rarity reading one of your mother's romance novels?” I asked.

“We'll my mother did ask her if she wanted a preview of her newest book.” Twilight answered putting a hoof on her chin. I face hoofed why am I not surprised.

“Okay that makes a lot more sense now.” This wasn't completely out of left field. Rarity was sticking her nose in all this. “Twilight let me explain something. If your not wanting this then it's wrong. I want you to do what you want to do. As for my bad past, that's what it was, my past. In a way yes it does hurt Twilight. It will always hurt, but in the same sense I do gather strength from it. If I didn't then I wouldn't be who I am.”

“How can you put up with all that and still be as caring and uplifting? Be goofy and joking as you are? How can you put up with it and not be cold to every pony?” She asked, looking at me with worry.

“Because Twilight, I learned my role in life. Why should I be cold or heartless to other ponies? It doesn't seem right. Granted I do have a problem with Blueblood and can be cold towards him. But he is family and you deal with family all the time. The same goes for everything else, I just deal with it. I don't know if that makes me crazy, hell I would be the first to tell you that I'm missing a few marbles in my head. When I'm willing to run in head first to protect those I care about regardless if I die or not says something. Now Twilight why don't we get cleaned up before bed.”I said as I start to feel the burning feeling in my eyes. I've stayed up too long working on the gifts.

“Alright Storm and I will make sure you get a good night's sleep tonight.” She said with a smile as she stepped out. I blushed for a moment watching her flanks. I turned the water to cold as I cleaned myself up. Once I was rinsed off the soap I turned it back to warm for her. I hopped out and grabbed a towel. She blushed for a moment before hopping in.

“I'll be in the room if you need me.” I said before I exit the bathroom. I sat in front of the fireplace. With a breath later the cracking warmth of the red flames gave the room a nice glow. I dried off my fur. I quickly did my mane and tail not really caring how they looked. But as Twilight came out she looked at me and stifled a giggle. What was she trying not to laugh about? “What's so funny?” I asked.

“You coat, it's all fluffy.” She said before she floated me over. She was already dried and brushed her coat. I blushed a bit as she went to the bed and lifted the covers. She slid in then did the same with me. With a flap of the sheets we were covered and she was cuddling me. I smiled quietly as she nuzzled into me. I unhooked my leg and placed it on the table next to me. Then slid my remaining hoof around her to hold her as best as I could. Sometimes I did miss having my other leg, to feel Twilight within them. I know she doesn't like the prosthetic hoof because she does shiver a bit when I gently touch her with it when I hold her. I may start wearing the socks just to keep her comfortable with it or do just remove it all together. It was then I noticed Twilight's horn start to glow and a very warming feeling fill my head. It felt good to me as it was just an ocean of warm water surrounding me like a hug. Was this Twilight's doing? I looked down at her and she back up at me. “I want you to have a present dream tonight.” She said before she leaned up and kissed me. I turned red and she giggled. “They were right, you are definitely cute when you blush.” This got me even redder as she returned to nuzzling with in me. I smiled slowly drifted off to sleep.

“This is... wow.” I said when I got to the dreamscape. It was a extravagant beach. The sand was an almost pearl white against the cleanest ocean blue water. There wasn't some kind of parking thing next to it so it was more a hidden oasis kind of beach. Sitting down under an umbrella on a beach blanket was Twilight looking over at me. She patted the spot next to her. Getting the hint I trotted down and sat next to her. Being careful not to kick up any sand on the way. This place was infinitely better than any dream I've had in the last week alone. Twilight smiled quietly as we looked out into the ocean. “This place is beautiful Twilight.”I said admiring her dream.

“Thank you, it was a place I use to go to before I became Celestia's student.” She said and I looked at her.

“How come you didn't come back here?” I asked.

“Well Shining went off to training to be a royal guard the same day I did my test for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. Since then we never really all got together to come back here.” She explained. I smiled quietly and looked out at the ocean some more.

“How about we come here when it's spring?” I offered. Which I thought it was nice some getting away just Twilight and I.

“Cool it casanova, you still need to talk to my parents more.” She said and I shiver when up my spine. I wasn't really aware that you could get that feeling in a dream. “What's wrong?” She asked.

“To put it frankly, your mother freaks me out, when she's well...” I start rubbing the back of my head.

“When she's?” Twilight leaning in prying.

“Don't take this the wrong way but. I get the feeling she's trying to hit on me. I mean remember the sofa?” I asked.

“Yeah that was a little weird.” She said not looking at me.

“A little?” I asked.

“Alright. It was weird, I don't know why my mother is trying to interfere with our relationship.” She said with an annoyed huff. Granted I started to smile on the inside when she said relationship. I know she said she loved me but I couldn't help but always getting a little reminder about us being together. I placed a wing around Twilight as we sat there.

“Twilight?” I started a little timidly.

“Yes Storm?” She said looking up at me. Which at this time I had a full blown blush on my face.

“Not to come across the wrong way but is there anything I need to know about unicorns when it comes to... relationship stuff?” I asked. Even to me this sounded like an extremely stupid question but I wanted to know. Mainly to prove to her father I hadn't crossed a line and that I respected Twilight. I already screwed up once with the whole wing thing in bed. That memory still haunts me a bit. I had also learned something about pegasi when I started to read about them. Their first feather out of their wings are kept to give to the pony that they want to spend their entire life with. Now I haven't lost a feather at all. I had always kept them regardless of the crap my body had gone through. But I thought it was time I lost one just for Twilight. I just didn't know when would be the best time. Knowing the bookish mare, she would already fully know about it and I didn't have to make myself a bigger idiot trying to explain it. As predicted she did start to blush before turning from me.

“Well there a few that I could tell you off the top of my head.” She started before running a hoof in circles. “As you may or may not know. Unicorns can manipulate magic not just around them but in themselves and other ponies.” I followed along so far. It makes sense it was unicorns and alicorns that could manipulate magic outside their bodies. “Well two unicorns can effectively link their magic pools together for um... effects.” She said turning red again.

“Effects?” I asked already knowing I was going to regret asking that a moments later but there was too many possibility not to ask.

“Well... it's um... something between ponies.” She said turning redder. I gulped wondering if I had asked something I shouldn't have. “Think of it like... oh whats the word I'm looking for.” She said as she turned away to think.

“Magnets attracting? Pheromones? Love?” I offered.

“Well in a way all of them I suppose. Normally unicorns only do it when they find their um... one.” She said and for some reason a very familiar catchphrase came to mind. I shook it off this wasn't the time for corny puns. This was something important. “It's something private.” She hints.

“Oh you mean like um... socks?” I asked and she looks at me a little confused.

“Socks? Why would socks be a private thing?” She asked.

“Oh well Rarity-” That was all I got out of my mouth before Twilight face hoofed.

“Socks are not as private as she hinted to. Normally ponies don't wear clothes as you can tell.” She said looking at me. “Socks are just as well rarely done. But that doesn't mean they’re private Storm. We are just open with our nudity I guess would be the best word.” Of course as she said that my brain went to work and I couldn't help but turn as I blushed red hot. I really wish she didn't remind me of that. I had almost completely forgot about that little observation until now. “Also.” She said whispering into my ears. “I have a pair of them myself.” she purred and I couldn't help it my wings expanded in moments of that. Damn it why did I have to think of Twilight looking cute in socks. Wait... how the hell does my wings do that in a dream? Maybe I shouldn’t ask that, knowing me that would be one of those questions you don't ask ponies. “It looks like somepony has a dirty mind.” Twilight coed and I could help but blush more. I turned back to her scratching the back of my head.

“Sorry.” I said timidly.

“Relax, I'm only teasing.” She said which did... sort of. We sat there for a few moments before Twilight had that look like she remembered something. “Hey Storm, is it true that you figured out what kind of alicorn you where?” I looked at her a little confused.

“You mean that I'm a dralicorn?” I asked.

“No, I mean like how Princess Celestia governs over the day and Princess Luna governs the night.” She said.

“And how Cadence governs over love?” I asked, to clarify what she meant.


“Yeah, I did.” I answered with a smirk. I couldn't make it easy for the lavender mare now could I?


“Well what?” I asked playing innocent, horribly but I couldn't resist having a little fun.

“What is it?”

“What is what?”

“What do you govern over?”


“Tell me.” She said, now looking a little annoyed.

“Maybe.” I said now smiling. That was then she lifted me up in her magic and placed me on my back. She then proceeded to pin me down to the ground holding my hooves part.

“Tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me.” She insistently pleaded. I couldn't help it since she was face to face with me. I leaned in and gave her a kiss. She turned red and hopped off in surprise. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she looked. “Hey no fair, no sneak attacks!” She said waving a hoof at me.

“Aw, but Twilight sometimes the best attacks are the sneak attacks, nopony sees them coming.” I said now pinning her after I had shifted the blanket under her causing her to fall back with a soft thump. “But since you wanted to know.” I started leaning in real close to her ear and whisper. “I govern the natural elements themselves.” I said before I kissed her again this time a little deeper. Twilight blushes for a moment but melts right into it. After a few moments the kiss breaks and she pants looking up at me.

“If I didn't already know this was a dream. I would be asking myself if I was dreaming.” She said with a small chuckle at the end. I couldn't help it but I grabbed the little unicorn and we just cuddled on the blanket in her dream. Which was a little funny, I would cuddling her both in bed and in her dream. Cuddle-ception? Who cares, I have Twilight here and we are both happy. “So what do you mean the natural elements?” she asked and I smiled a bit.

“It's something I can only guess really from observation. Fire is quite easy to understand since I can breathe it naturally and water because I can be under it without air. I figured out stone or at least crystal from fighting Shadow back at the crystal empire.”

“Wait you fought Shadow where?” Twilight interrupted. Well... whoops. I guess I forgot to tell her about that.

“Yeah, well I was um... hiding from you I got into the chamber for the infinitely torch. There I fought Shadow, who was trying to break me down mentally to kill me.” I summed up.

“Was that you making everything shake?” She asked giving me a curious glare. I gulped and nodded.

“Yeah, I used the crystals natural atonement to sound to help defeat him with a mixture of the royal Canterlot voice and my dragon's roar. But as I was saying, that fight helped me notice that a lot of spells like blink, drain me faster than say trying to move rock or crystal. It feels like waving a hoof in shallow water, it's easy to me. Then there's the whole lightning thing and how my body can just absorb it.” I continued where I left off.

“Doesn't that hurt?” She asked.

“Yes, but the effects outweigh the pain. I'm also able to fire it from my hoof. Now, I did have time to find a very useful spell when it comes to lightning but I haven't had a chance to test out my theory about it.”

“Oh, what's your theory?” She asked now intrigued.

“Well I found a call lightning spell, which is suppose to draw any storm clouds to me and fire a bolt. Not counting already fired bolts of lightning. If my theory is right then I can use that if need be. Say if Shadow or Vermom comes back to attack.” I explained. Honestly I didn't like having to learn offensive spells for this, though I had known after my first full day that being prepared for attack was a must. Those two always had something to really hurt me and those I cared for. My only real question was, am I or any pony I care for ever safe? I highly doubted that.

“Storm?” Twilight asked me knocking me out of my thoughts.

“Ah, yes Twilight?”

“You okay?” I blinked for a moment from that.

“Am I okay?”

“Yeah, you suddenly got all quiet and sad looking. I didn't know what was wrong.” She asked and I sighed.

“Nothing important right now, just thinking is all.” I said.

“What were you thinking about?” She asked and I fell silent for a bit. “Please?”

“I was just thinking about how much I didn't like having to learn some of these spells.” I didn't look at her when I said that.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“The only reason I wanted to learn more elemental based spells was so I can defend all of you, especially you Twilight. I don't like the thought of attacking ponies unless I have to or I'm pushed to that point.” I said remembering the coliseum fight. Even then I was used to having to fight anyway, I fought to protect back on earth. I guess if there was an element for me it would be either sacrifice or defense.

“Storm, I do understand. I don't really like fighting either. Well the snowball fight was okay because it was for fun but...” she hesitated for a bit. “But when we had to fight you I felt bad for it. I know it wasn't you in control but you still got hurt regardless. When Shadow used that spell and I had to redirect it. I...” She started to cry a little. I reached up with my left hoof and wiped the tears away.

“Twilight, It's alright. You did what you had to.” I said, my eyes softening.

“But you still got hurt Storm, it tore me up inside. It tears me up every time I see you get hurt to protect one of us or yourself. I don't want to see you get hurt, but it seems like every time something goes right, somepony has to come by and screw that up.” She started to rant. “I don't think I'm the only one feeling like that. I know Pinkie tries to cheer you up by throwing you a party but you seem less interested in it.” I put a hoof up to her mouth to stop her.

“Twilight, her parties do help. I just... I don't like big parties, especially when I'm the center of attention. I like being around friends more then having a much of ponies then I don't even know come to a party. Nothing against any pony but... I don't know them. Also with everything that's happened a bit of my own paranoia likes to set in and makes me second guess every pony. I will promise you this: Once we know for sure that everything is safe and I don't have to worry about those two attacking me. I will honestly try and enjoy one of the largest parties that Pinkie can throw.” I said with a smile. Twilight pulled my hoof away from her muzzle.

“Do you Pinkie Promise?” She asked. I couldn't help it I went through the motions for it.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” This time to make sure I closed my eye before doing so. Twilight smiled up at me before launching herself to pin me again. She smiled this time before giving me a deep kiss. I predictably blushed and so did she before she pulled back.

“Alright, I'll hold you to that.” She said with a smirk before laying down gently on top of me. I smiled quietly at the unicorn holding her close. That was when everything started to fade away as we woke up to the new day.


The day went smoothly for the most part. I finally got a look at both Rarity's mother's cutie mark so I could finish her gift and the Cutie Mark Crusaders capes too. So I had their design scribbled down. After I convinced Twilight that everything was going to be fine and I was going to work on their gifts, she started to hound me. She reminded me of... Me, when I was a little kid wanting to know what my gift was before Christmas. I told her that it was going to have to wait, but I give her something, a little Santa hat that she should wear. She beamed at me, both at the sight of the kind of hat I used to wear during the holiday season and that I gave her a gift. I suggested she go and show it off to everypony. Soon after just about everypony came by, knocking on the study’s door, asking for a hat. Being as nice as I was, I complied and gave every pony a Santa hat. Even Celestia and Luna came by for one. I also made sure to put little slits in for everyponies’ ears. I learned as I made my own that sometimes ponies’ ears didn't like being stuffed inside something. After the two royal sisters came by I was alone to work on every ponies’ gift. Thankfully I got them all done in time. I had planned on giving them to everypony, including Blueblood. He was family and I thought to at least extend the olive branch to him, being the holidays and all. With that I was done sewing and stuffing each one. I also had the staff get me bags to fit each on in. With all that done I had one plan left a night of drinking with all the fathers and brothers. I mainly wanted to make sure that Shining Armor and Big Mac wasn't left out, a guys night out kind of thing. That and I had to make sure that I had at least one guard with me for this, well Celestia asked me about it anyway. After I told her that I was going to invite Shining she agreed and even gave me the bits to pay for the drink, an early gift from her and Luna. I thanked her and waited for night. Of course making sure I had the staff deliver the message for to meet me at the front gates at night.

“Are you sure about this?” Shining Armor asked next to me. He wasn't wearing his normal armor more to my own request.

“Eeyup.” I said sounding like Big Mac who was next to me at the time. “I wanted some time to get to know all of you. I mean Shining, you’re family and I don't really know much about you besides that you're married to Cadence, you're the captain of the royal guard, you’re Twilight's brother, and you’re a pretty cool pony by my standards. As for Big Mac here I don't really know much besides he's strong and Applejack and Applebloom's sister, beyond that I don't know anything about you two. As for the other fathers, I know even less. So I thought a little fun get together at a bar would be a nice way of getting to know each other. That and I always wanted to see if I could out drink Big Mac here.” I said pointing my metallic thumb at him. I've got to say I really like having this prosthetic hoof for simple motions like that.

“I see your point. But still are you sure about this?” He asked.

“Yes I'm sure Shining.” I paused for a moment then smirked. “Are you sure this isn't because I drank you under the table last time?” I said, grinning.

“No way, I can out drink you any day.” He shot back.

“Sounds like a challenge. What do you say Big Mac?” I said turning to him. He gave a knowing smirk.

“Eeyup.” He added. It didn't take long for the fathers to come out noticing the three of us.

“So why are we all here?” Night light asked.

“Well I wanted all of us to get to know each other. So I figured a night of drinking before Hearth's warming eve would be the best way. Just some good old fun.” I said. Night Light gave me a skeptical glance the same as Heart Shy. Rarity's father, Magnum I think, just smiled under that bushy mustache of his and then there was Igneous Rock. He looked stone cold. I looked around having the feeling some pony was missing. Of course right one cue Rainbow Shine decided to appear next to me causing me to shout. “Ah!” I got out before he started to laugh, like father like daughter I suppose.

“Wow you are just like Dash said, easy to surprise.” Shine said. I rolled my eyes at this. “So which bar are we going to and who's paying?”

“Well which bar do you all want to go to? I prefer we all agree on the bar just so there's no fighting and to answer your second question, the drinks are on me.” I said floating up my bit bag. Shine, Shining, and Big Mac grinned at this. The rest of them nodded. It wasn't long until we found this nice out of the way pub to go to, a lot of us were not really into night clubs. Once we all entered “The Wayward Pub” Big Mac and I were drinking whiskey, Magnum had scotch, Rainbow Shine and Shining had hard cider, Heart Shy was drinking some kind of ale and Igneous Rock was drinking moonshine. This surprised me, I had completely forgot they had moonshine here. We all sat down at the table and began to talk. “So why don't we go around and talk a little about ourselves?” I suggested.

“Why?” Shine asked.

“Well because I want to know my best friends’ fathers and brothers better.” I said.

“Well if no pony minds that I'll go first. The name’s Rainbow Shine and I work up at the weather factory in Cloudsdale. I make sure all the rainbow colors are done perfectly and are distributed correctly. Also my daughter won the best young fliers compensation!” He exclaimed almost tossing his drink. Lucky for him I caught it with my magic. Well, I know where she gets here showboating from.

“The name’s Magnum, some of you know me as the old star player of the Canterlot Hoofball team, retired early because of a bum leg.” He said shifting his left hind leg. Okay so that answered a question I had earlier about his cutie mark. “Nowadays, I help the younger generation get ready for the big times by coaching in Ponyville.” So he was around town then, good to know. It was then Pinkie's dad's turn to speak up.

“The name is Igneous Rock. I work on our rock farm mining rocks for gemstones. It's an honest living.” He summed up. Being related to Pinkie I would have figured he would open up more but nope, cold as a rock. I guess it makes sense, his name was Igneous Rock after all.

“I'm Heart Shy, I work up at Cloudsdale general hospital and I'm mainly a neurologist.” He started adjusting his waiting for someone to inquire about it. I couldn't help myself because I know about it.

“So a specialist in the nervous system and the disorders that affect it?” He paused for a moment in his adjustment and looked at me.

“Yes, how did you-” He began to ask.

“I had a lot of free time so I picked up a few books to broaden my aspects in science.” I said, That and my curiosity about something got me to dig into it more.”

“You've pecked my curiosity this time. What did you want to know?” he asked and everypony looked right at me.

“Well, for quite some time I had to deal with depression and I looked into a the correlation with it and neurology. I didn't have a severe case of it to really be linked. I had a doctor look into it so I was sure instead of second guessing it.” I explained. He looked me over and nodded.

“At least you seek professional help for it then deduced it yourself.” He said with a nod. “Now as I was saying I’m renowned in my field but I did study in other practices so I was well rounded. Which was why I was able to deal with your prosthetic” He said. No pony said a doctor had to focused on just one field.

“I can guess that Fluttershy's knowledge in medicine was because of you then?” I asked more taking a stab in the dark on this one.

“Yes, she asked me to teach her just to help her friends. I didn't know at the time she meant her animal friends. Nonetheless I'm glad to see what I taught her didn't go to waste.” He said adjusting his glasses again.

“Indeed.” I answered then turned to Twilight's father. “So what about you Mr. Light?” I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me.

“I'm one of the professors at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. I teach an advanced class in light spells. Mostly used for show mares and show colts.” He explains. “I remember one of my best students. Her name was Trixie Lulamoon.” Big Mac, Shining Armor, and I almost choked on our drinks. The rest of them gave the three of us questioning looks. No way, there was no way in hell that can be the same mare that I think it was. If it was then definitely this universe was screwing with me.

“Was this Trixie always speaking about herself in the third pony perspective and had a light blueish coat with two tone sliver blue mane?” I asked. Night Light took a few moments putting his hoof on his chin for a moment, as if he was deep in thought.

“I do believe you’re right, have you seen her?” He asked now with a curious look on his face. I couldn't help it but face hoof.

“Yeah we've met.” I sarcastically said. I was still a little annoyed for what she did. “Long story short she is still using that magic to put on shows.” I said to derail the, where do you know her question, I knew me and my big fucking mouth would bring up her attack. Lucky for me he didn't ask, I didn’t even see coming.

“So, whats your story?” Magnum asked. I blinked for a moment. My story? These stallions wanted my story?

“Yeah, I've quite curious about that myself.” Heart Shy added.

“Alright, please keep in mind that what I'm about to say does seem... weird I guess would be the best word, but it is true.” I started before launching into the story about my arrival to them. I told them that I came from another world that had humans, which I had to explain, Heart Shy seemed intrigued by it. Then I explained about the whole dragon in my head.

“Wait. A dragon is your mother?” Magnum asked.

“Ah, yes. Which is why I'm not technically a pony but a drony. The mixture of a magical dragon and pony. So in technical terms I'm a dralicorn, or dragon alicorn. I can change into a more dragon like from which I don't really like to do unless I need to fight or to protect. I can walk through fire and breath it with ease.” I explained.

“Alright I call pony pies on that, prove it.” Shine said and I couldn’t help but grin. With a quick burst of fire later he looked at me in shock for a moment. “So awesome.” Diffidently Dash's dad.

“But as I was saying a drony has something that is called a storm which is when Sha, my mother, took over and I had to fight her for control.” This got a shudder through all of us. “Which I couldn't do without my friends. As to why I came here, I don't have a clue. I don’t even know what happened back there to lead up to this. I literally didn't even have anything to my name even my name.” I said with a light chuckle. “Before you, I'm not really the whole royal type. I've already did the diplomatic treaty with the dragons which didn't end too well.” I said looking away.

“I heard about that. Why did you sit outside her room for so long?” Heart Shy asked which got Night Light to look at me in surprise.

“You sat outside her room during the whole time?” he asked.

“Well technically yes. I sat outside her window on a cloud the whole time, but to answer the question: I did it because I said I would protect her and I failed. I wanted to make sure nothing happened as she recovered. I didn't move, eat, or sleep during that time running completely on my internal magic.” I explained.

“Are you crazy?” Heart Shy said in surprise. I couldn't help it I put my glass down and held my hoofs about an inch away. “A little bit.” I said. He took a double take at that.

“A little... you sat out... and... Ugh.” he exclaimed throwing his hoofs up into the air. “That explains a lot. I got to see your records and noticed you get hurt quite a lot compared to other stallions. Do you rush head first into everything or pull the stupidest of things?”

“No, honestly I don't like to run in head first if I don't have to. But I will to protect those I care about or if the time calls for it.” I answered. There would have been another question if another stallion didn't decide to start something.

“Hey princey” He insulted. We all turned to see a purple coat with darker purple mane and tail walk up with three other ponies. The only reason he caught my eye was his coat color and cutie mark. This unicorn stallion had a storm cloud with rain coming from it. I really hope his name wasn't what I thought it was because then I would have to face hoof so hard.

“I'm going to assume you were talking to me.” I replied back.

“Of course, do you see any other snobby royal in this pub?” He said as the other three looked a little worried. I couldn't blame them. One because I was a royal and he was insulting me and two because the captain of the guards was literally sitting next to me.

“What makes you think I'm snobby?” I said getting up and slowly walking over. If this stallion wants to start a fight then I want to make sure it's with just me and nopony else.

“Because your a royal and everypony knows that all of you royal ponies are uptight snobs. I mean look at Blueblood.” He did have a point about him but I wasn't him.

“Look, I'm not like Blueblood but I have the feeling you don't really care what I have to say about the matter. So I will do this. You leave now and nothing will happen. But if you continue to go down this route with me I am not held responsible for what happens.” I said calm and evenly.

“Rain, I suggest we do it. He is a prince after all.” His red coat and orange maned friend said.

“Oh please Burner, he's all talk and no show.” He said then proceeded to smack me across the face quite hard. I held up a hoof to stop those behind me, especially Shining since he was a guard and I was a prince. I took the time to wipe off my muzzle where a small bit of blood started to form with that familiar copper taste.

“Please listen carefully, I will give you one last warning: You do that again then I am not held responsible for what happens next. If any damages happen to this pub you will be the one forking over the bits to repair it.” I got out before another hoof smacked me across the muzzle again. Another wipe. “Okay so you want to pay it that way. Fine by me. But let me ask you something Rain.”I started looking at him calm and evenly. “What are you expecting me to do? Do you expect me to just let these fine stallions behind me fight my battle for me? No, that would be too simple. Do you expect me to have Shining Armor captain of the royal guard and my brother-in-law arrest you for smacking me? No, again too simple. What I'm going to do is have you look at yourself, then back to me, then back at yourself, then back to me. Look where are we, in the pub that you just smacked a prince in. What do you have there.” I said pointing to his hoof that smacked me. “It's a hoof, oh look I have one too.” I said holding up the prosthetic one. “And I'm going to use it.” With a loud deafening wham, I sent Rain across the room into the jukebox that started to play some rock song. The unicorn stallion got up and looked at me quite angry but with a smirk on his face.

“Well Princey let me ask you something this time.” He started before his horn started to glow. Small white sparks started to a met from it. “Do you know what happens to a pony when it's struck by lightning?” He asked in his drunken daze. I gave him a questioning look as he grinned at me. “Same thing that happens to everything else.” He said before a bolt of electricity fired from his horn striking me. It slid me back on my hoofs as the sparks from the impact danced around my body. He looked at me in a bit of surprise before I rushed up in a blink of an eye face to face with him. My eyes taking on the familiar red glow.

“I'm not like every pony.” I said before I head butted him. That was when the bar fight broke out. By the time it was over it was out in the streets of Canterlot. Where the guards had to intervene. Shining being the captain had Rain and Burner arrested which later I found out his name was indeed Purple Rain. I face hoofed right after that but Shining asked me about it and all I could answer was with “You don't want to know. Trust me.” He took it at that but still gave me a questioning glance. We returned to the castle after I had told the guards to make sure that it was Rain that paid to get the pub repaired. We got back and Twilight was standing there waiting. Me sporting a black eye I was quite proud of. How many times do I get to say that I got decked in the face after sending a pony through a window? Granted I did also shield that pony so he only felt the impact of him hitting the glass and not the cuts. Twilight wrapped me up in her magic and dragged me along. I waved to every pony as I flew into the castle.

“I can't believe you.”She said looking rather angry.

“What did I do?” I asked.

“What did you do? You can't seriously not know that. You got into a bar fight with my father and brother.” She said looking pissed at me. She spun around and was muzzle to muzzle with me looking me right in the eyes. My ears flattened back against my head and gulped.

“But Twi-” I started before she cut me off.

“No but Twi me. You got into a bar fight with both my brother and father involved. What do you have to say for yourself.” She said giving me a glare, a glare that if it was weaponized it would be an orbital death cannon.

“Twilight I was just-” I got out before she started to shake me in her magic.

“You was just what?” She demanded. Now I would answer if she let me get out at least a complete sentence. Before cutting me off asking the same question over and over again. All the time she was dragging me in the air back to my room.

“Twilight I didn't plan-” I got out.

“You didn't plan what?” She cut me off again. I was starting to lose my patience after the seventh time she cut me off. So this time I wrapped her muzzle in magic to shut her up so I could talk. She of course dropped me to the ground with a thud. I got back to my hooves and this time got right up in Twilight's face. A very mean glare ever present on my face.

“Twilight Sparkle, All I was planning to do was have a few drinks to get to know every pony's fathers. Which included yours, a stallion wanted to start something and I gave him two chances. Two bucking chances to walk away. Did he take them. No! He wanted to start a fight, smacking me across the face twice. I tried to be nice about it but he didn't want that. So a fight happened.” I got out now finally. I released her muzzle and walked past her. Now a little pissed off myself.

“I...” She started before a thought wrapped itself around my heart like a vice. I had a feeling I knew what I was about to ask was right. It didn't change how much it's going to hurt. With that I stopped and asked.

“You were ashamed of me. Weren't you?” I asked not looking at her. I just couldn't look at her with a question like that.

“I...” She started again before a small depressive sigh took over. “Yes.” She said and that vice got tighter.

“As I thought.” I said under my breath before walking down the hall to the private study. Both Rarity and Applejack saw what had just transpired. They proceeded to stare at me as I passed. I didn't say a word to them. Didn't even know what to say to that myself. Doing my best to keep it together I got to the door to the study. The only one that I knew I could be left alone in. I passed the threshold and closed it before I broke down. I silently weeped, Twilight was ashamed of me. I did what I thought was right, but no, I had to be wrong. I should have seen it coming, even worse I did this the day before Hearth's warming eve. My bout of guilt and self doubt was cut short by knocking at the door. I threw up a shield behind me to block entry so no pony would see their gifts. I wiped away the tears as best I could before asking. “Who is it?” I said my voice a little shaky.

“It's me Storm. Can we talk?” A familiar sounding Rainbow Dash voice said. I stopped for a moment. Why did Dash want to talk to me? She didn't see what happened did she? I opened the door and slid out closing it behind me.

“Whats up Dash?” I asked some sadness still tinting my voice.

“What the hey just happened between you two?” She asked.

“Between Twilight and I? I don't want to talk about it.” I answered ready to go back inside.

“You may not want to but I do. Now spill!” She demanded.

“Why don't you ask Twilight about this instead of me?” I said, a little anger in my voice.

“Because all she did was say it was her fault and nothing else. So I want some pony to tell me what happened and you're the only one that knows. So spill.” She said growling that last part.

“Dash remember last time you tried to get me to spill?” I said now looking a touch pissed.

“Yeah I know. You blew up at me and I did deserve it, but this time your marefriend is beating herself up over this and I can't let my friends do that. So for Celestia's sake please tell me what happened.” She said now looking a little worried.

“Fine, follow me then.” I said making sure the door to the study was closed and heading to another room. We found ourselves in one of the kitchens. I got myself a glass of water before I started to explain what had happened at the bar. Dash watched a little amused at all this until I got to when we returned. I was sobered up and I didn't really drink all that much tonight, but I wanted to be hydrated. “Then Twilight dragged me into the castle wanting answers but wasn't letting me get a complete sentence out. So I wrapped my magic around her muzzle so I could speak.” I did leave out her dropping me hard on the ground. “When I told her a dawning thought crossed my mind and...” I took a deep breath before continuing. “And I had to ask if she was ashamed of me. She was which hurts the most in all this. It's like a vice around my heart Rainbow. So I just wanted to be left alone so I went to the one room that I knew no pony could enter.” I explained. Dash on the other hoof looked upset.

“So she's beating herself up for being ashamed of you?” She asked to clarify.

“Yeah, in a way so am I.” I said not looking at her.

“What? Why?” She said now a little surprised.

“Because I caused something to make her ashamed of me. I thought I was doing something right. I guess I was wrong, as usual.” I said lowering my head. That was when I got smacked across the face again.

“Storm you need to cut that out. I'm sick and tired of you doubting yourself over the littlest of things. Yes, Twilight was ashamed of you but probably didn't know the details. Yes, you may have screwed up at some point. But I would have done the same thing if I was in your horseshoes. So suck the buck up and go talk to Twilight before she does something drastic. Trust me you don't want to see her when she's pushed to the edge. You should have seen her when she forgot to send the princess a letter.” She said with a shudder. I deadpanned at her. She couldn't be serious for me to think that Twilight would go completely off the. Boom! A loud sound was heard from the hall and I couldn't help but flatten my ears back at this. Okay maybe there was something to Rainbow's comment. The booms started to get closer until I realized that it was the sounds of doors being blasted open. A spike of panic shot through me. If what ever was making that sound found the room with every ponies’ gifts. I rushed out into the hall to find a very scary looking Twilight Sparkle blasting doors open. She was right about to blast the studies door open when she looked at me. A sense of horror ran rapidly through my body seeing her, her mane and tail looked completely wild. I started to slowly back up down the hall. Hopefully she doesn't... crap. Within seconds of that thought she disappeared and reappeared tackling me to the ground, knocking the wind right out of me. I looked up to see the tears streaming from Twilight's face as she looked directly at me. If she was a targeting me with a spell I would guarantee a headshot at this close range.

“I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry that I was ever ashamed of you for doing what you did. I just didn't know how to take the fact that my colt friend and father got into a bar fight here in Canterlot. I didn't know you gave him two chances to walk away before it broke loose. I just didn't know how to take it I was just- I was scared.” She got out before I put a hoof up to her lips to get her to stop.

“Twilight please stop.” I requested and she broke down into more tears dropping on top of me. I think she may have bruised something when she tackled me. “Twilight I... I can understand why you were ashamed of me.” I started.

“No, its just. Oh, I just didn't know how to take it. I don't know what to say to something like this. To find out my colt friend was in a fight just... I don't have the words for this and words never failed me before. What can I say to this? I'm sorry that I was ashamed of you without the full details and that-” She got out before I shut her up, kissing her directly on the lips. She predictably blushed at this, I lifted her up in my magic this time so I could get up and catch my breath finally. I sat her down onto my back before I headed back to my room with her. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere private so we can talk. No offense to everypony here. But this is something to talk about privately.” I said before walking off. Twilight on the other hoof started to hug me tightly. I winced a bit from her touching some tender spots from the fight, she started to nuzzle right into my neck. The door opened with a flick of magic and as we got in, I sent a small fireball into the fireplace to ignite it. I floated her off me and sat her down again. With that I stepped closer to the fireplace and started to watch the flames dance and flicker away. Twilight came up over and sat next to me.

“Why do you watch the fire like that?” She inquired. I looked over at her for a moment before turning back to the fire itself. I figured this was some way to delay the main topic that we should talk about.

“To be honest, I find a sense of peace watching it. The way the fire just dances and flickers to the wind. How it can destroy and create.” I said holding a hoof out and blowing a bit of fire into it causing a fireball to float there. It just floated a few inches above my hoof.

“Because you can control it like you do other element?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yeah like how I can destroy things by causing problems.” I said before dissipating the flame.

“What about creating?” She asked. I smiled at this as I brought up a ball of snow. It melts as it comes into the room. From there I take it back outside and form it into a star shape. With a flick of magic the wind picks up slowly freezing the water into the star. Twilight goes over and takes it over in her magic.

“How can somepony like you, who has gone through such things, create such works like this?” She asked holding it and spinning it around.

“Because Twilight, sometimes the most beautiful of things comes from the ugliest of places.” I said coming over to her the fire dieing out behind me letting Luna's moon shine on both of us.

“That's another thing I don't understand, how can you say that you're an idiot when you just said something profoundly wise and logical like that?” She said looking up at me. I sighed quietly before turning away and walking towards the bed.

“It's simple Twilight, I may know the workings of a computer or some of the details to neurology, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't think. I go by reactions. When I say something stupid, either from not knowing anything about it or pure innocence to it. That or I tend to overreact and then do something extremely stupid. Sitting outside your room or using the blink spell too many times when my body wasn't use to it come to mind.” I explained. “I mean yes I do pick up elemental spells like a fish takes to water, but I’m probably just attuned to them. When Dash stuck me up on a cloud, what did I do? I jumped Twilight. Not a clue on how to fly to save myself and running on the assumption that hitting water would save me. In all likelihood it could have just killed me just as hitting the ground would. I am not a smart pony Twilight, wise maybe, but not smart.” I finished turning to her my eyes starting to feel tired. Not my body just my eyes. She came up quietly.

“I think I understand. But you really shouldn't doubt yourself like that. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for, granted you do make rather rash choices. I can't say I haven't myself. So we’re in the same boat Storm. I... I know I should have trusted you more than I did. Can you forgive me?” She said looking up at me with teary eyes. I reached up and gently placed a hoof on her cheek.

“Twilight, I don't expect much trust from any pony. I've only been here for a few months but I do understand forgive you. I don't blame you for not trusting me.”I got out before she shut me up with a kiss. Damn it she learned my trick.

“Storm I should trust my coltfriend more. You are important to me and I should cherish it more. But I... just...” She started to break down in tears and I couldn't help it. I floated her up and over to me to hold her close.

“It's alright Twilight, I understand.” I said rubbing her back softly. She looked up at me and I softly smiled down at her. I then lifted both of us up and onto the bed. Which was harder, I wasn't use to lifting myself up in magic yet. My marefriend did tell me that self levitation was harder to do then lifting some other pony at some point. I don't quite remember when but she did. We got comfy in the bed and under the covers. “Twilight why don't you get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day.” I offered she looked up at me.

“What about you?” She asked.

“I'll be alright Twilight. I'll be here the whole time, I promise. Besides when nature calls but that's beside the point.” I said followed a small chuckle.

“You really do know how to kill the mood don't you?” She said with a small smile.

“What ever it takes to get a smile out of you Twi.” I said nuzzling her a little. She blushed and so did I.

“Alright. Good night Storm.” She said as she nuzzled into my chest softly.

“Good Night Twilight. Have a pleasant dream.” I said giving her a peak right below her horn. She blushed a bit before the rhythmic sounds of her sleeping took over. I smiled quietly as I removed my prosthetic hoof and placed it on the nightstand next the bed. From there I got comfortable and laid there thinking about everything. For the most part I wondered how I ended up here in Equestria again. Everything leading up to waking up in my mind with Sha chasing me was still blank. I remember about three days before that. A few of my friends where coming down to see me, the only ones I could call friends really. There was one or two back where I lived that I remembered where good friends and didn't use me. I wonder what happened when they got there? Did they find out that I just disappeared or was it something else? My brain had started to go down a dark path before one of Twilight's hooves came up and smacked me in the back of my head. I blinked for a moment and looked down at Twilight. Who was looking right at me.

“Don't you dare even think down that path.” She said making more sound like she was scolding me then telling me not to.

“Sorry, old habits die hard.” I said and nuzzled in again.

“Well then I'm going to have to break that habit now won't I?” She said before going back to sleep. Now I've got to wonder how the buck did she even know my mind had gone down that path? I sighed quietly. I thought back to the Infinity Torch and about that blue band back in the Canterlot Archives. Something felt familiar with both of them and I don't know why. Well it didn't matter, I just hope tomorrow will be better...


So far the day went fairly well. Nothing hurt, besides the bruises from the bar fight. Other then that the day was going well. Celestia even helped me get the gifts ready. Well, after she asked me about the locked study that even she couldn't enter. I explained that Luna locked it for me so I didn't have to worry about prying ponies seeing their gifts ahead of time.

“This is nice.” I said with a light smile and a few floating bags behind me. I didn't have the magical prowess like Celestia had as she lifted seven eighths of the gifts. I felt bad that I had Celestia help me. I was still a little burnt out after the bar fight, didn't know having to reform shields could take so much out of a pony. It only really hit me some time after Twilight went to sleep the second time. She never really explained how she knew. All she told me is that mares just know.

“Indeed it is. I'm surprised really.” She said and I turned to look at her.

“About what?” I asked.

“Well, after the whole bar fight that I heard about and I do admit that you caught me by surprise giving that pony two chances even after he struck you twice.” She said as we entered the hall with the tree. There were already gifts underneath it. It didn't take us long to place all the gifts around.

“What's surprising about that?” I asked.

“Well my little ponies can be a little disagreeable and you've shown that you can act rather rash at times.” She explained.

“That’s true Celestia but all he really did was insult me. Now if he insulted Twilight or anypony else that I care about. Then most likely I would not have given him two chances to walk away.” I explained as we went off to join every pony in the dining hall.

“Why is it when some pony insults you, you take it with a grain of salt but if some pony insults anypony else... You, for a lack of a better term, go off the deep end?” She asked.

“Simple, for most of my life I've been insulted to the point it doesn't bother me as much anymore. Yeah there's always going to be a sting here and there but for the most part it doesn't bother me if I'm the target of it.” I explained calmly. I know the old saying about stick and stones but sometimes, when I am in a dark place in my mind, words can hurt just as bad.

“That does make sense I suppose.” She said and I started to give her a questioning look. For some reason that “I suppose” didn't sit right. I guess honestly a few things still didn't sit right but it doesn't matter, it was the day before Hearth's warming and I was going to spend it with Twilight like I had planned to. We entered the dinning hall with everypony there including Luna and Blueblood. This time he sat in a private area of the table. Lunch went by uneventful, we all ate our meals me avoiding flowers. Twilight eyed me the whole time, of course her attention was split between me and Dash. They had started an eating race. Geez, Dash's competitiveness ran in the family? Her mother had them beat hooves down by the time Dash and her dad got half way. This was great, moments like this, friends and family around a table having fun. But the real fun began when we all went back to the tree. I was asked about some of my old world’s holiday traditions. Well I told them about the eve of Christmas that everyone back home got one gift to open before the holidays. Of course the C.M.C. jumped at this but was cut off by Rarity, Applejack, and I.

“Now some of you know that I was hidden for the last few days. I had something I wanted to do for everypony, that includes you Blueblood.” I explained and he turned his snobbish gaze to me with his left eyebrow raised. “I was working on every ponies gift and it's alright with you two I would like that to be the gift everypony opens.” I said turning to Celestia and Luna. They looked at each other then back at me with a nod. I smiled a great warmth beaming smile as I started to float every ponies gift to them. Of course Twilight, Celestia, and Luna where the first ones to get their gifts, followed by Cadence and Shining. The rest of them got theirs, including Blueblood, who just looked at his with a sense of disgust. I internally sighed at that. Everypony turned to me who didn't have a gift. I was fine with that, but Twilight gently nudged me.

“Why don't you have one?” She asked in a whisper.

“Because I'm fine waiting.” I whispered back. “Now everypony go ahead and open your gifts.” I got out before each present flew open. Even Celestia and Luna smiled digging in, every ponies’ gifts were hoof crafted pillows with their cutie marks. The C.M.C. of course had their little logo as a pillow. I had made sure to put something behind each one to tell them apart. Apple Bloom had a blooming flower with an red apple next to it. Sweetie Belle had a silver bell with a wrapped piece of candy next to it. Scootaloo had a red scooter with black wheels and a trail of rainbow fire behind it. I knew she was a big fan of Dash's so I couldn't resist and put something there for her. Rarity flipped her diamond pillow over I had made sure to get the right light blue and slightly darker blue so it did look like the gems on her flank. Applejack held up her big red apple with green steamed pillow. Since their cutie marks where a set of three and I thought it would be unfair to do three for them. I took the time to make one large ones. Same went for Pinkie who was out right hugging the ever loving hell out of her blue and yellow balloon pillow. I had made sure to make one side one color and the other well the other color. Shining had his shield and Cadence had a pillow crystal heart with little golden accents. Of course I made sure Celestia had a large sun and Luna who I thought would have been unfairly smaller cutie mark. So I gave her a large round pillow with a crescent moon in it. I also had to use special glow in the dark fabric so that her moon glowed for her. I had to make a mental note to remind her. Twilight's eyes widened when she pulled out her star burst cutie mark pillow. She turned to me and without a moment's thought pounced on me.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you” She rapid fired at me, hugging me. I couldn't help but smile. The sound of some pony clearing their throat caused Twilight to stop and turn beat red. She then climbed off me and sat down smiling giving off the sound like a squeaky toy being released. What? Did I just... Nah, must have been my imagination... right? Unfortunately the moment was killed as soon as I heard.

“And what is this with this commoner bunk.” He said floating up his compass rose cutie mark pillow. “Like I would rest my royal head among this... ugh thing.” He said with pure disgust in his voice. “This 'thing' doesn't have a right to be around.” He said and with another flick of magic I watched my hard work go up in flames literally. I sat there and watch the flames claim it. Images of Pallet and Base started to flash, watching all the work I did go up in flames. I don't remember when my head lowered or when I had started to shake but I was just sitting there.

“Blueblood!” was yelled I don't remember who. But if I could guess it was either Dash or Applejack most likely. Hell it could have been both but I didn't care. I didn't look at anypony.

“If you excuse me.” I said shame filling my heart, I got up and left in silence. I started to wander the halls. Images of the old art studio continued to flash in my vision as went down. All around me were the destroyed works of art that I did. The ashes and crumbling remnants of it laying about. I felt and icy lump fill the pit of my stomach. Why should I be surprised to find ponies just like the ones back home? Flicking my horn the door in front of me opened to my room. I went in and closed it behind me. I went straight for the shower after I removed my hoodie and my shoes. I had tried to get use to wearing them just in case of a party. I let the cold water run over me as I let my mane just fall and drape over my head. I let out a sigh but with in a moment a small dink could be heard. I looked down to see a small bit of ice by the drain. I floated it up to look at it. It was like an icicle. I turned it over and gave off another sigh before another dink was heard. I floated it up to find another one. They looked the same. Though the first one was a little bigger. I wonder? I let out another breath this time longer as I watched the water coating the two icicles freeze and make them bigger. I continued to do this until I had one large chunk of ice. Good to know, I literally have ice breath. I guess that's one way to break the ice. Hey everypony, did you know I could turn your water into ice with a breath? This of course fell right into my natural control of the elements. Turning water into ice, check. What new fucking powers am I going to get? Am I going to be able to turn sand into glass? Well technically now that I thought about it I could do that with just my fire breath alone since sand was used to make glass. Well it was back home here it's a little hard to say for sure. I turned the water to hot. Right about then three loud resounding knocks came from the bathroom door.

“Storm are you in there?” Twilight asked with worry in her voice.

“Yeah, you can come in if you want. I'm in the shower.” I said no real mirth to my voice. The door creaked open as I heard the telltale sounds of Twilight's hooves.

“Storm. I'm-” she started before I cut her off.

“It's not your fault Twilight.” I said.

“But Blueblood-” She started.

“Destroyed my gift, I know, I shouldn't be surprised.” I got out before a telekinetic slap to the back of my head came from what I could guess was Twilight. “Ow! Geez Twilight what was that for?” I asked now a little annoyed.

“You very well know why. I told you not to doubt yourself and you were about to go down that path.” She said with what sounded like a huff. I floated out the large chuck of ice into the sink before I got asked. “Why did you have that in there?” She said now switching to curious then the angry she was before.

“I created it in here.” I answered before I turned off the water floating a towel over to me. With a flick of magic I opened the curtains. “It seems I can freeze water with my breath” I explained then created a makeshift cup in my magic filling it up. I brought it over to me and letting out a sigh like before. Twilight's eyes widened watching the water almost instantly turn to ice.

“Oh wow. I... I need to write this down. How did you find out you could do this?” she asked grabbing paper and a quill.

“A few moments before you came in. I sighed in the shower and some of the water turned to ice on me. Then It happened again so I experimented and got that thing.” I said pointing to the large chuck of ice still in the sink. She started to float up said chuck and study it. I gently stepped around her and back into the room. A poof of flames later I sat by the fire to dry off with the towel. The doors burst open and a mass of pink flew at me tackling me. What ever air I had in my lungs was gone in moments as Pinkie had me in a death grip pony hug.

“I am so so sorry that that meany Blueblood made you think of something so so saddy waddy that you got all mopy on us and walked off and I just sat there looking all upset but didn't do anything when Dashie and Applejack got up in that meany pony’s face. Then we tried to find you and you where no where to be found. Twilight said she was going to check on your room here and didn't come back and I got worried so I hopped down here to see if you and Twilight were here maybe mooching to make you feel better but I don't see her. So I figured you needed a big ol’ hug to make you feel all better and not think about that old art studio with those meany ponies. Pallet and Base I believe were their names, those two are really jerky pants and should really be taught a lesson about being mean to ponies and destroying such great work and don't tell me your work isn't great. I mean look at the pillows you made for everypony. You got them spot on even for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Really what pony can say they got a hoof made gift from their friend on Hearth's warming eve? Not many that I know and I know just about every pony well at least in Ponyville. I really need to throw you another party but this time get every pony to talk to you so you can make so many great friends and not be all upset about things like this. Because you will have so many friends to cheer you up it won't matter that you can't go home because something terrible happened and you are now here and get to meet all of us, even the princesses and so many many nice ponies.” Pinkie started to rapid fire at me was I was starting to lose consciousness from lack of air to my brain. She had a death grip on my neck making sure air can go out be none can replenish. The edges of my vision started to blacken when Twilight came out to notice the barrage of words coming from Pinkie's mouth. She turned to look at me and eyes widened. Then everything when dark.


Some time later I woke up to half of my vision filled with lavender. I blinked a few times and realized I was being held by Twilight. My gaze went around the room to find Rarity talking to Pinkie who looked a little worried until her tail twitched then she looked like she didn't care about what Rarity had to say and stared directly at me. She then bounced right at me. My eyes turning to the size of saucers, almost scared clinching them tightly shut, not again. An impact never came. I ventured a glance, which I knew was extremely stupid. If you knew doom was coming why the hell would you like to see it? I saw Pinkie being suspended in the air a few inches away.

“No Pinkie. He hasn't woken up and you already knocked him out once.” Twilight said with a little anger to her voice.

“But Twilight he's up. See he's even looking at you.” She said pointing to me and she was right. I did turn my gaze to her. She looked down at me and jumped back in surprise. Not ready for something like that my head bounced off the ground with a painful thud.

“I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were awake already. Why didn't you say anything?” She asked coming back holding my head again, softly this time. Pinkie was still floating there as Rarity and Applejack came up. I started to hear some flapping as I saw Rainbow fly above them.

“Finally, seriously dude you had us scared.” Dash said and I blinked. How long was I out?

“How long-” I got out before a cough cut me off.

“A few hours.” Twilight answered. I took a deep breath enjoying the sensation of breathing again. Note to self, avoid a Pinkie Pie death grip bear hug for like Ever!

“He's in here father.” The timid voice of only one mare that I knew. Fluttershy came up with her father Heart Shy next to her with his medical bag under his wing. He came up and looked directly at me. I gave a nervous smile. Of course that's when I heard that squeaky toy sound again. My look turned to one of confusion. What the hell was that? You know some pony really needs to come up with a hey welcome to your new body instruction manual. Then you know shit like this wouldn't surprise me or I could at least get them all in one sitting. But nope I get to have these little what the hell is with my body kind of surprises. I looked up at Heart Shy who set his medical bag down and started to dig right into it.

“Please explain what happened.” He said. Well technically he ordered and he being a doctor I was much to agree with him knowing.

“A case of asphyxiation caused by an over energetic hug to his neck. Then two small blows to the head.” Twilight explained. Wait, two? The doctor caught the same thing as I did.

“Two blows?” He asked.

“Yes, one when Pinkie released him and a second from... me.” She said going timid on the last one. “I did a brain scan and there doesn't seem to be any damage that I could see.” She explained.

“Are you able to display them on a wall Miss Sparkle?” Heart Shy asked. She nodded and within moments my brain was displaying for all to see. Thank you universe because I totally wanted to see my own head up on a wall somewhere, you jerk! I let out a mental groan as my eyes closed. I didn't want to see my own brain up there. “Hmm...” came from the doctor's mouth. Oh great, what now?

“What is it Heart Shy?” The regal voice of Celestia spoke. I opened my eyes to see her, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor enter the room.

“I can't say for sure but it seems that some of his well... reasoning areas of his brain seem unresponsive at times. Miss Sparkle could you please enlarge E3 for me?” He asked and the small image of my brain in the boxed sections to the right moved over and enlarged. It did show some of my normal brighter patches of my brain darker. Almost like someone went in and just turned off the lights. What did this mean now? “Just as I thought. Now E7 please.” he continued. Another box floated over and enlarged to show that area to be brighter. “It seems that something is causing his brain to shut down that area for brief moments. I can't say what the short or long terms of this can be. Frankly I've never seen anything like this.” He said turning to me. I gulped out of both worry and fear. “Firestorm if you would indulge me. Do you think that after the holidays I could, with some of my fellow doctors, take a better look at that?” He said as she adjusted his glasses.

“Sure I guess.” I said more a little nervous. “How um... bad is this?” I asked now worried.

“From what I can tell you will be prone to some rather rash decisions against your normal better judgment.” He said.

“Well that would explain a lot.” Twilight added.

“What's that suppose to mean?” I said in probably a more eked tone then I wanted. She flattened her ears back.

“I mean you've been known to do some, rather impulsive things so this would explain it. If its something with your brain then it would explain you jumping to... shall we say hasty choices?” She said looking at me. I sighed at this. She was right, sort of. Yes, I have done some impulsive things, insulting a timber wolf or distract a living nightmare. Maybe I was broken. Wait did that mean my liking Twilight came from one of those lapses in judgment? Please tell me for the love of all things that one was just me and not broken me. I sank into Twilight's embrace some more closing my eyes. I slowly turned over and began to hug her with every ounce of my being. Please tell me that this wasn't because I was broken. I started to shake quietly as I continued to hold the mare I... I couldn't lie to myself either, could I? “Storm?” Twilight asked and I could already tell she was looking worried. I didn't see it but from some reason I just knew. I felt her hold me tighter, I couldn't help it, I just sat there holding on to Twilight crying. So much for the holidays, so much for making this feel right. Since day one I screwed up big time. “Can everypony please give us some time alone?” Twilight asked. I heard the sounds of hooves walking away followed by the door shutting. “Please talk to me Storm.” She said. I couldn't, I just couldn't. I shook my head and I held on to her more almost like she was my life raft. “Storm it's alright.” She said. Slowly I shifted my gaze up to her “How about we just stay here for the rest of the night. So you don't have to see anypony else.” I looked down for a moment getting that same thought. Maybe she wanted to talk about finding out I had a problem with my head. Did she guess what I had been thinking or was it something bothering her about this? I looked back up and nodded slowly into her chest. She floated us over to the bed and wrapped us up in the blanket. I smiled quietly as I felt warmer. My left eye was pretty much covered by Twilight as my right one gazed out of the balcony. It was night time when I came to. “Your worried aren't you?” She asked and I nodded. “Can you please tell me about it?” I swallowed a bit before looking up at her.

“I... I don't know how to word this. But I can't tell what choices I made where me or... broken me.” I started. Not the main thing I was worried about but vague enough to get the point across.

“I thought so.” She said. “Your worried that our love started off because you were impulsive, right?” She said more searching for clarity.

“Yes...” I said timidly.

“I can't answer that Storm. Honestly I don't think any pony can answer that. But I can tell you one thing.” She started and held me tighter. “It doesn't matter. Because I do love you Storm. I don't care if you have any problems with your mind or not. It doesn't change how I feel for and about you.” She said. “I can understand why you're second guessing it and I can understand it scares you. I think I would do the same thing if I were in your place.” She said I smiled a little at this. “Storm can I ask you something?” She requested and I nodded into her. “Do you still love me?” I blinked for a moment then shot up to look at her in surprise.

“Twilight, of course I do. I still love you with every fiber of my being.” I said as she leaned in and rested her head into my chest. I gently placed my hooves back around her and made sure the blanket covered us.

“Thank Celestia.” She whispered under her breath. I don't think she wanted me to hear that so I kept quiet. “I was worried that you didn't after finding out about that. I know I still love you but you remained silent for so long I guess it started to eat at me a little.” She explained.

“Twilight.” I said softly before she shook her head at me.

“You don't need to explain Storm. It's alright, it was a silly worry and I should have known better.” She said before gently kissing me. I smiled into it before pressing a little harder making the kiss a little deeper. She pulled back a moment looking at me. “Storm if you don't mind. Could we sleep tonight?” I looked at her for a moment with a raised eyebrow. That was a very weirdly worded question. “I mean would you mind going to sleep tonight with me?” She asked and I nodded.

“Honestly Twi I had planned to. But if it's not to much could I make a small request of my own?” I said with a small embarrassed blush on my cheeks.

“Sure, what is it?” She asked and I got a little redder.

“Please don't take this the wrong way but could we um... go to bed with socks on?” I asked. She slowly blinked for a moment. I guess confusion sat in before she gave me a playful smirk.

“I see some pony wants to be a little kinky.” She said and I turned bright red.

“No!” I exploded. “I didn't mean it like that.” I said trying to back peddle her thoughts.

“Relax Storm. I'm just playing with you. I already know you don't think socks are some kind of kink. It's fine. I don't see it either, but, Why?” She asked and I breathed a breath of relief.

“Well Twilight, I want to be able to hold you tonight with both forelegs. I know my right one can be rather cold to you and I figured the socks could help that and for one night I just want to forget that I lost my leg. Maybe something rather normal in my abnormal life. That and I got curious and wondered what you would look like in socks. You can shoot me off if you want for the idea.” I said looking at her. She smiled and playfully batted me on the nose.

“Storm you are normal.” she got out before I deadpanned at her. “Alright, fine, you're a little abnormal but you are still normal.” She tried to get out before noticing my still placed deadpanned stare. “You can't blame me for trying to make you feel normal. Right?” She got out before floating her saddlebags over to her.

“Twilight, I appreciate the thought. But it's fruitless. I'm not a normal pony. Technically I'm not even a normal drony, I'm just abnormal by all standards. The only normal thing about me is well... how broken I am.” I elaborated before I get another playful bop to the nose.

“Storm, please stop beating yourself up like that.” She requested and I looked at her.

“Twilight, its my way of dealing with stuff. I know I'm falling back on old habits. But I really don't know how to do anything else when it comes to handling all this. How am I supposed to go on just knowing my brain is broken like that?” I asked running my prosthetic fingers through my mane.

“Break your old habits and get you healthier ones?” She suggested.

“I guess.” I said with a shrug. “But it won't be easy”

“Then can you make me a promise?” She said pulling out purple and pink striped socks from her saddlebags.

“Sure what is it?” I asked.

“Promise me that you will at least try, for me?” She asked looking up at me. With a warming smile I looked back at her.

“Twilight, despite the fact that is physically possible. I would move the sun and the moon if it means make you happy.” I said and she smiled.

“That was a little corny Storm, sweet but corny.” She said giving me a little nuzzle. She started to pull the socks on with her magic. I finally brought over the little box Rarity gave me with my socks and pulled out my orange socks with the blue band at the top. Twilight watched me put them on. “I take it Rarity made those for you?” She asked.

“Yeah it was very kind of her to do so.” I said after I got them on. I've got to say having magic makes getting dressed so much easier. They were practically tube socks anyway.

“She does make beautiful outfits for ponies.” She said gently resting in my hooves. I smiled as I held her close.

“Indeed she does. That tux she made for me was the finest I've ever seen.” I said with a smile.

“Wasn't it the only one you've ever seen?”

“Well, in person yes. Or would that be in pony?” I questioned out loud.

“Both is fine. Do you do that a lot?” She asked looking up at me.

“Do what?”

“Question about pony lexicon like that?” She said giving me a curious look.

“Well most times I do it in my head. Rarely do I say it out loud. Honestly I do question a lot of things in my head.” I said nonchalantly.

“You know you can always ask me if you're unsure about something, right?” She said.

“I know, but they’re normally little things that don't really matter. Now that I think about it, there is one thing that kind of curious about. Why do ponies make a squeaking sound that reminds me of a squeaky dog toy?” I asked.

“What do you mean Storm?” She asked looking at me like I had grown a second head.

“I mean this.” I said then gave a nervous smile making the exact same noise.

“This what?” She continued to ask. I blinked for a moment.

“Didn't you hear it?” I asked this time.

“Hear what?”

“This?” and I did it again same smile and same freaking noise.

“I don't hear anything and I only see you smiling like your trying to hide something.” She said getting a little annoyed with me.

“I guess it's only in my head.” I said followed by a sigh. Great more to add on to the hey brain your broken list that I seems to have started. I guess I looked a little down because Twilight looked a little worried.

“Storm if you say you hear a noise like that. Then I believe you no matter how crazy it sounds.” She said which didn't really reassure me at all. My ears flatten back as I looked away. Even to her I sounded crazy. “Ugh, Storm.” She got out sounding more annoyed. “Sorry I... I need to watch my words around you.” She said and I shook my head.

“No Twilight, you don't need to. I know it sounds crazy I mean I am-” Whap! Twilight swatted my nose. “Ow!” I said rubbing it.

“Don't got there Storm. You’re not broken.” She said

“Sorry.” I said after the stinging sensation had gone down. Twilight then rubbed her head into my chest.

“Storm you don't need to be sorry.” Twilight got out before the knock at the door. “Who is it?”

“It's me darling.” Rarity said, a few moments later Twilight opened the door for the alabaster white mare. She came in floating Twilight's pillow with her and a tray of food.

“Hello Rarity.” I said a little timidly.

“Hello Storm. Sorry about the whole head business and what 'that stallion' did to your fine work.” Rarity said added a lot of venom to “that stallion”.

“It's fine Rarity. I know it wasn't the best-” I got out before another whap from Twilight. “Ow!”

“Storm what did I tell you?” She got out as I rubbing my muzzle. Those where getting increasingly harder, I noticed. Was she treating me like some dog by swatting me on the nose like that?

“Um Twilight Darling, not to butt in like this: But, why are you hitting him?” She asked.

“I'm trying to get it across his thick skull not to doubt himself.” Twilight said shooting me an annoyed glare. I shrank back a bit at it to the point I looked away.

“I agree that you shouldn't doubt yourself Storm but Twilight I don't think that's the best way considering his past like that.” Rarity said floating over Twilight's pillow to her. Twilight blinked for a moment then turned back with widening eyes.

“Oh, dear. I... I completely forgot about that. I'm so so sorry Storm.” She got out before my socked hoof came up and shushed her.

“Twilight it's fine. I know you only have my best interests in mind and you’re trying to get me to stop well... you know.” I got out the sighed quietly. “So what brings you here Rarity?” I asked more to switch the subject now.

“Oh right, I wanted to thank you for the lovely gift. I didn't know you were so good with fabric.” She said.

“Just another medium for me to do art. I mean how hard is it to draw out a pattern and work with that?” I asked with a shrug.

“I would love to see you try your hoof on a dress or maybe a suit.” She suggested.

“Maybe some day Rarity.” I said turning my gaze out to the window.

“Something wrong Storm?” She asked.

“Just a little tired is all. I have too much to think about and not enough time.” I said with a light chuckle.

“You know darling if you need somepony to talk to we’re all here for you.” She offered.

“I know, thanks.” I said giving her a warm smile. “I just think I need to sort things out for myself first. Maybe sort it out playing the piano or something.” I said.

“I think that's a marvelous idea. Twilight why don't we take dear Firestorm to the music room. Maybe he could play something to clear his mind.” She offered. Twilight thought about it for a moment then nodded.

“If you don't mind us being in socks.” She offered. Rarity only smiled.

“Of course I don't mind. This way Storm can show off the wonderful socks I made for him.” she said with a smile. There goes Rarity again, using me as a walking billboard. This time I really didn't mind, I nodded and Twilight began to float me. I internally sighed, within moments we got to the music room and I was placed down. Out of complete habit I went to the piano and began to play. The keys slowly danced under my hooves as I let the music slowly take me away. In my minds eye I see a land covered in snow and ice. The peaceful serenity overcomes my senses as I find in a sanctuary of snow. Drifting throughout the night's breeze, little crystallized flakes of snow fill up the sky. I can hear the crunching of my hooves through the fresh snow. I don't feel the little chills of the wet flakes of frost. Each tab of the key reminded me of a small bell going off to tell of the beauty and warmth that one could find in such a cold place. I could even smell the smoke coming from a log cabin found in the snowy field surrounded by a snow topped forest. In a way it reminded me of the crystal empire. If the crystals were ice just looming over in the background. The piano was another one of those instruments that I never really played much. I did know a few tunes but not that I did now. Could it be that to broken brain gave me more talents than I did before or was it because of something else? The tune slowly ebbed away into a few small chimes until it stopped. I let out a content sigh before I heard the sounds of hooves stomp lightly on the ground. I blinked for a few moments. Wait that was more than just two ponies, almost like. I turned around to see everypony there. The elements of harmony and their families. I turned a beat red in embarrassment.

“That was just outstanding. I didn't know you could play something so awesome.” Dash said and I gently started to rub the back of my head.

“Ah thanks. I didn't think it was that good.” I said.

“I must disagree. That was exceptional playing. Where did you learn to play like that?” Celestia inquired.

“Would you believe me if I said I was self taught?” I asked back.

“Really?” Twilight now being a little surprised.

“Yeah, I had a lot of free time to pick up things. Music was just another form of art to me.” I said looking back at the keys quietly.

“What was that piece called.” Rarity asked.

“Oh well. It's called Sanctuary Of Snow. One of my own pieces.” I said.

“Wait your telling me that you came up with that yourself?” Shining now said surprised.

“Yeah. Like I said I dabble in a lot of things. I figured music would be one and I played a little at a time. Something to fight back the loneliness I felt.” I said before turning back to the keys. Starting to play another tune, one soft and sweet. It sort of reminded me of soaring through the sky. My wings even gave a little flap as I played this. It reminded me of walking on the clouds in Rainbow Dash's dreams. You know dealing with finding my friends and dealing with Nightmare Moon. But now that I had the time to reflect back on it. I did kind of like Rainbow's nightmare, for the scenery. I mean yes I get the appeal of flying. Well granted Dash did kind of shove it down my throat, now that I thought about it did seem like fun, the wind in my wings kind of like when I jumped from that cloud when everypony was chasing me. The thought of flying into the sky wasn't as scary as I first made it out to be. My horn started to glow as the cello next to me start to play as well as the flute came over and expanded on the tune. The funny of all this was I wasn't really controlling it. More like my music was commentating for the music itself. I smiled when the music finally ended as I set the instruments back in place. Another set of hooves started to stomp on the ground as I turned back around with a warm smile.

“You've got to tell me the name of that one.” Dash said hovering in the air.

“Calm Unknown Skies.” I answered as I still felt that almost floating feeling over me from the music. Before a yawn came over me as I felt even more drained than I did before.

“I think that the prince is tired and probably needs some sleep like the rest of us.” Celestia said. I would have shot her the 'you think' kind of look but I was too tired to really care. I did want to sleep. I hopped off the piano bench and walked over to Twilight with a slight wobble to my step.

“Storm shall we?” Twilight said with a light blush and I sleepily nodded as we began going back to my room at the castle. The nice firm looking bed just called for me. Twilight floated me up and moved the blankets out of the way for me. She jumped up on the bed and laid down before setting me next to her. I smiled sleepy at her before gently pulling her close to me. Giving the most adorable blush she squeaked in surprised before looking up at me. I smiled back before she sat the blanket it down around us. I slowly started to drift into the world of dreams with the only beginnings of feeling Twilight pressing her magic into me almost like she was cuddling me where her magic. “Good night Storm.”

“Good night Twilight Sparkle.” I said before the world was washed away with a blanket of black.


The dream this time wasn't a horror or gory at all but nice... I was back on earth outside my old house just as I remembered it. I saw the Christmas lights decorating the front porch of our duplex. Well our half was decorated, next door really didn't do anything. I went around to see the snow covered path on our little house. I went up to the door to find it unlocked.

“Storm?” The voice of Twilight said. I turned to see her walking towards me.

“I guess you're in my dream this time.” I said with a light smile.

“Yeah, you kind of pulled me in before I was ready.”

“Ah, sorry.” I apologized.

“It's alright, I wanted to see your dreams some time.” She said joining me at the door. I slowly opened up the door to see our little landing and three steps leading up to the kitchen, Twilight followed me in. Inside was all sorts of holiday decor, the tree was standing in the light brown walled living room with the sofa angled so part of it was facing the large entry way that lead into the white walled kitchen. I went over and sat on the sofa. It was the same odd comfy. Twilight came up next to me and sat. All I did was look around seeing the flat screen television on the entertainment center. The game consoles and even the DVD player. I saw the armchair that my dad used to sit in a lot when my mother didn't take it. I saw the snowball candles on the glass coffee table and even the green and red placement cloths under them. The tree spun around showing all the old ornaments, even the wooden ones we placed on the bottom for the cats. This place was as I remembered it and yet it wasn't the same. My family wasn't here, there was no signs that some pony was here. I didn't even really remember what they looked like anymore did I? I sighed quietly until I felt Twilight gently press me on the side. “Storm please talk to me. What's wrong?” She asked.

“I... I miss them, Twilight.” I answered. Moments like this I did miss my family even when they didn't really treat me right at times. Sometimes you put up with family just because they were family.

“It's alright Storm, maybe someday we will figure out a way for you to see them again.” She said and I shook my head. I already had this talk with Celestia.

“There's no point Twilight.” I said not looking at her but the empty photo frames around the room.

“What do you mean?” She asked and I sighed.

“Let's say I do get to go back to see them. Who said I would be a human when I do so? I would still probably be a drony. To them I would be some freak of nature and the government there would capture me and either dissect me or hunt me down. They would see me as a threat, there is no point in me going back even if I wanted to.” I said not looking at her.

“That... that horrible. What kind of pony would do such a thing?” She said looking at me in shock.

“Humans are scared of the unknown Twilight. Their impulse is to fight what they don't know then study it after it doesn't pose a threat to every... one.” I answered making sure to use the one instead of pony this time. I watched the tree spin some more.

“Is that one of the reasons you beat yourself up?” She asked. I looked away from her.

“No, its one of the reasons I don't see myself being a normal anything. Even when I was human, I wasn't normal. I could be nice and I still had enemies that hated me. That would do nothing but want to see me hurt, for their own sick amusement.” I answered as I felt a cold grip in my chest. I felt cold almost like my heart started to freeze over thinking about it. “That world wasn't kind to me Twilight.”

“Then don't think about it anymore. You're in Equestria now and you have me.” She said holding her forelegs out giving me the universal want hugs sign. I couldn't help it but smile as I held her close.

“Thank you Twilight.” I said as I looked around.

“Your welcome Storm.” She said before she leaned forward causing me to fall back onto the sofa with her laying on top of me. I blushed at this looking up at her. She only gave me a knowing smirk before leaning in kissing me again. “You know since where here I've always wondered what your room looked like.” She said and I turned even redder. If she only knew what that implied back home. I don't think she would have just said that.

“Are you sure Twilight?” I asked and she nodded getting off me. “You've seen my room. So it's only fair to see yours. Well what you remember of it.” She said smiling. I nodded with a small gulp. The two of us got up and off the sofa. I lead the way up the stairs and into my sisters room. After cutting her off before the question. I told her that I use to have to walk through my sister's room to get to mine. She nodded before I opened the door for her.

“Mare's first.” I said and she smiled going before me. “Watch your head.” I said a second too late because a thud came from ahead of me.

“Yeah I think I got that. How did you ever get up here?” She asked fighting to get up. I floated her up in the more safer way.

“I use to be taller Twi and only needed two legs.” I said now working my way up. My room being the attic was nice, except in the winter where it was freezing cold and the summer where it was blistering hot. A large king size waterbed frame sat in the middle of the room with a queen sized mattress sat in it, the edging was filled with blankets and pillows. Twilight hopped onto the bed which was covered and a large red comforter with simple white pillows to rest your head on. I walked over and joined Twilight a moment later. She looked around the room until she homed in on my bookshelf. She went over and looked through them. I remembered some of the titles but a lot of the books where just empty books. Twilight pulled one out and flipped through it. It was blank so I figured I didn't remember what was in them. I didn't have photographic memory so there was no way for me to have it memorized. Twilight deflated a bit noticing her thrust for knowledge from another world wasn't going to be found in my dream. She came back to me, I turned to the head board and saw a few of my little knick knacks that I housed there and a few more books too. One was my old journal, which I pulled it out and flipped through. Blank, like every other book here. I sighed realizing I shouldn't have hoped to remember something like that. Twilight pulled out a little figurine. It was a little swordsmen holding a katana in the traditional style. Twilight turned it over a few times before putting it back and pulling out another one. This one was a bright red scorpion with three tails and a large red eye on the main body. One of its pincers was larger than the other, like it was it's main attacking and defending one. She looked it over before putting it back. I smiled just watching Twilight's curiously at work. I laid down in the bed feeling a little nostalgic. I always felt comfortable with my red comforter, being one of my largest and thickest blankets it helped me through many winters. I sighed quietly looking up at the sloped ceiling. Twilight then looked over at my TV table and found my laptop.

“What's this?” She asked pointing to it. I turned to see her pointing at it.

“It's called a laptop. Think of it like a portable computer just more compact.” I said sitting up and floating it over to me. I gently pressed the power button on it and watch it boot up with ease. The nice peaceful moment was shattered as soon as the screen came alight. Right there displaying for Twilight and I to see was a spayed body of my pony self, guts and all pulled about. I slammed the laptop shut shivering as I could just feel my heart beating a mile a minute.

“What... what was that?” Twilight asked. I turned to look at her and she visibly paled a bit.

“Something I didn't wish to see, at all!” I got out before I put the laptop back on the table. Not waiting to ever look at that thing again. I was not ready for my dream go from nice and winter to death and dark in a nanosecond. I shuddered just thinking about that image, please don't let this dream turn into something like that.

“Storm, was that something you see a lot?” She asked and I nodded slowly.

“When I have nightmares they mainly consist of things like that but on a grander scale.” I said just shuddering thinking about that freaky asylum again.

“How can you even stand having something like that. I'm surprised you haven't-” She started before shoving a hoof into her mouth. “Forget I even say anything.” She got out before turning away.

“What were you about to say?” I asked.

“It's nothing, forget about it.” She said again keeping her back towards me.

“Please Twilight.” I said coming closer and sitting behind her. She shook her head so I reached around with my hooves and held her close. I sighed quietly and just sat there in silence. “You're afraid I'm going to be upset by it aren't you?” I got a slow nod from her. A slight smile danced across my face. Even now she worried about how I felt about it. I gently wrapped us up in the red comforter as we watched the snow fall out the window together. Not really a big window but it got the job done until everything went white and we woke up. Slowly opening my eyes to a mass of multiple colored blurs. Twilight sat up next to me as I wiped my eyes a bit to see every pony in my room. I blinked before a little too loud.

“Happy Hearth's Warming” everypony yelled, including the rulers of Equestria.

“Ugh.” I got out grumpily before a white mug filled with coffee was floated over to me in a sunshine yellow aura. I gently took it in my magic and took a fairly large gulp of it.

“Hey don't hog all of it.” Twilight protested and I smiled passing it over. She got a swig down before we let the delicious caffeine do it's job. We lifted the blanket off us and climbed out of bed. It was then I noticed that all the gifts that were under the tree were in the corner of the room. I blinked for a few moments waiting for my brain to catch up. I looked down at my hooves and realized that both Twilight and I had our socks still on. I didn't see a problem but I looked over to see Twilight caught it and was in a frantically removing hers. Honestly I kind of liked the feeling of them on my hooves, they felt warm.

“So why is everypony in here?” I asked more after my brain finally kicked in.

“We figured after the rather depressing news last night we would make you feel better by going right into the gifts early in the morning.” Applejack said.

“Eeyup” Big Mac added. Of course a lot of the parents were confused at the very breezed over context of depressing news. At least they weren't alone as the C.M.C. were just as confused as the rest. I slowly removed the socks after Twilight had tried and pull them off me. Thanks Twilight, I didn't already guess that you were embarrassed being found with them on. I sighed quietly as I got the last of them off.

“I'm glad everypony was thinking of me but you didn't need to do this.” I said with a warm smile. “It's much appreciated though.” I said. I stretched a bit before hopping off the bed on the floor where I noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders all sitting on their pillows that I made. They all smiled up at me. I smiled and reached for my large necklace to put on. Rarity smiled, I could only guess she like the idea of her work being shown off like this. Twilight came over and leaned into me. Night Light predictably gave me a scowl as Velvet looked out right giggly as she floated over a red wrapped box with a purple ribbon and bow. The little tag on it said to Twilight and myself. For some reason the contents were going to scare me, I just knew it. With that the two of us carefully opened the gift me thinking it was a bomb or something. It wasn't, in the box laid a black covered book that housed a dark gray cloud cover top and burning flamed bottom. The idiot that I was, floated up the book to see the title of it. “The Storming Twilight.” I gulped and turned red as well as Twilight.

“Mother... you didn't-?” Twilight said almost in complete shock. I opened it and right there she had signed it.

“To my loving daughter and my soon son-in-law. I hope this gives you a few ideas and quite a few grandfoals.” It said with a little cartoon looking pony giving the reader a wink. I cold chill ran up my spine as I looked over to Twilight who was beat red.

“Thank you mother.” Twilight got out since my voice died on my breath. I looked away to see Rarity with a knowing smirk. Something told me that this book was some of what Rarity got to read earlier. We placed the book down gently on the bed as the rest of the gifts got passed out. There was a pretty sizable amount for everypony. I was quite happy about this, sue me, I like getting gifts on the holidays. Twilight smiled and slid over a large orange box with blue ribbon and bow. I smiled and carefully opening it to find two books. The Equestrian Myths and Legends volumes one and two twentieth editions sat there in the box. I smiled and give my marefriend a lovely kiss on the cheek where she blushed. This got another scowl from Night Light and grin from Velvet. I didn't care, well maybe a little, it was Twilight's parents. If we ever did get to the marriage stage which part of me did like to think about, I would look forward to it. So next up was from the apples. Which was wrapped in yellow with apples printed all around it. I transformed my hoof into it's more clawed like state and carefully opened it. Inside was an honest to goodness desperado stetson, a nice gray tone hat even had a hole for my horn too. That's Applejack and Apple Bloom for ya. They smiled when I put it on, it fit like a glove.

“Told ya it would fit perfectly Big Mac.” Applejack said, Big Mac rolled his eyes.

“Alright, you win.” He said and I blinked in confusion.

“Darn tootin’ that's one week of chores brother.” Applejack beams. Oh! So they bet if the hat fit or not. Fluttershy was next after she timidly slide the box over.

“If you don't mind. Could you do mine next?” She squeaked.

“I'd be happy to Fluttershy.” I said and gently opened up the large green and yellow wrapped box. Inside was something that just made my heart leap in joy. She made me another blanket, it was almost like the one she made me before. I did miss that blanket, it always helped me get to sleep. “Thank you Fluttershy. it means a lot.” I said giving her a warm smile. She blushed a little and nodded.

“I'm glad you like it.”She said before going back over to her dad. I smiled gently at the folded quilted blanket before resting it next to the book. Pinkie was up next with of course a pink box and a bright pink bow. This thing was pinker than anything had the right to be. As soon as I touched the box it exploded with the sound of a party causing me jump back in surprise. Inside was a scrap book, I blinked before floating it out and opening it. Inside were photos of me, some of the good ones, some bad ones, but all of them, just memories. But... where the hell did she have the camera for all these. I mean she even had photos of me fighting Shadow Storm underneath the Crystal Empire. I looked up at her and couldn't ask, she was just giving me the sweetest of smiles. I closed the book and thanked her. She of course bounced energetically before going back to her parents. Rarity simply floated over a purple box with a white ribbon on it. I raised an eyebrow before taking my claw and popping it off at the attaching strip. Inside were two outfits, one reminded me of something I saw on a famous singer. One that I recall had sung some song about flying to the moon that I always liked to hum, a nice blue suit and matching fedora. I figured blue would compliment the orange in my fur. The second one was... a trench coat for a pony. It appeared to be made out of some kind of thick material. Mainly because I didn't think ponies would use the body of other sentient or sapient beings. Trust me that talk with Twilight spun my head, to find out cows could talk, I was having flashbacks to old children movies.

“I... I'm speechless Rarity.” I barely got out.

“Think nothing of it dear, I know you're very fond of wearing clothes so I figured I could try a few new styles on you.” She said and for some reason that sort of rubbed me the wrong way, the part that got me was the try a few new styles like I was a mannequin again. Please tell me she isn't going to do that to me again.

“Thank you.” I said before she nodded with a smile and went back. Dash flew up and dropped her cyan blue and rainbow ribbon box in front of me. This I've got to say she over did it on the ribbon almost mummifying the thing, I looked up at her.

“What? I couldn't let the awesomeness get close could I?” She said flying back over to her family and landing with ease. I rolled my eyes and de-mummified the box. Inside was a Wonder bolts lunchbox, tickets to a Wonder bolts air show, and a cyan blue hat with a pair of matching color wings with her cutie mark on it.

“Thanks Dash.” I said with a smile before I set all that with everything else on the bed. Next up the C.M.C. slid over a box to me. While not as overdone with the ribbons like Dash's, at least a ten for effort on wrapping the box. It was wrapped up in so many layers of wrapping paper I think I lost count. Inside was a pin, I floated it up and looked at it. The pin was of their symbol. I smiled and hooked it to my necklace. They smiled and bounced before looking over at their flanks.

“Aw.” They all cried out before going back to their pillows.

“It's alright, you'll get your cutie marks in time.” I said with a smile. “Maybe sooner than you think.” I said giving them a sly wink. Celestia then began speaking without moving her lips, telepathy, of course.

“Our gift will have to wait until later.” She said in my mind giving me a sly wink herself. I smiled as we watched every pony tore through their gifts. Twilight smiled as she went through it like a kid in a candy store. As much as I expected, Rainbow Dash gave everypony Dash merchandise. But finally everypony got done with their gifts. I conned the C.M.C. into helping by making a little hoop for them to shoot the wrapping wads into the waste basket. Once it was cleaned I made sure to keep all the ribbons. From that we all sat down and ate a very large meal, one that made me full for the whole day. The only thing that I made note of was that I saw Twilight whisper something to Luna who frowned.

“It's nothing important so don't worry about it.” She said and I raised an eyebrow but shook it off. But every so often I glanced over to Twilight when she wasn't looking. Celestia pulled me off to the side when everypony went back to their rooms. Twilight told me she needed to use the restroom. I told her I would meet up with her later in my room at the castle. I never really called it just my room mainly because I still didn't see it as that really. It was only the room I used when I was in Canterlot.

“So how are you enjoying your first Hearth's Warming?” Celestia asked knocking me out of my train of thought.

“The Blueblood and brain incident aside it's been quite wonderful.” I said smiling.

“I do apologize for his actions. I know you put a lot of work into his gift and it does bother me that he did that, especially in front of you.” She said.

“It's alright Celestia.” I said no real sadness to that statement just more acceptance to it.

“What do you mean?” She said as motioned for me to follow.

“He just reminded me of two... people. They did pretty much the same thing. Well there only difference was that what they destroyed wasn't for them.” I explained she turned her head to look at me and I saw the worry in her eyes. “Don't worry Celestia, it was a long time ago and doesn't really matter anymore, right?” I said with a small but fake smile.

“Sometimes Storm, you're stronger than I am.” She said. I gave her a blank stare to the back of her head. “You're able to hold your feelings back at times when you don't want anypony to know how much it hurts you. I kind of admire you for that and I know how much it hurt to do so.” She continued which surprised me even more.

“It comes from practice in a rather bad place. Out of everypony here I think you would know that even better than I.” I said before she stopped and looked at me.

“What do you mean?” She asked curiously.

“If you don't mind me being blunt.” I asked, “You had to place Luna on the moon for a thousand years. That couldn't have been an easy thing to do and to see her spiral down to the point she was controlled becoming Nightmare Moon. Than the same thing happened to me, almost forcing you to do it again. It must have killed you inside.” I explained and she nodded slowly. “Celestia before you start thinking, I don't blame you for any of it. I don't think Luna does either.” I said.

“He is right sister. I don't blame you for your choices.” Luna said causing me to jump. If she had been an assassin I would have been dead right now.

“I know Luna, it's nice to hear that.” She said looking at her sister who was smirking. She turned her gaze to me with a devilish smirk. Within moments I found myself in another armory with a few weapons but what was sitting in the middle of the room caught my eye, three sets of armor. One was bright gold that radiated. The one next to it was made of a dark almost midnight blue. The third crystal blue with gold accents. On the chest sat the cutie marks of their wearers. The sun, moon, and a crystal heart, the princess’ royal armors. But why show me these? I mean these things looked like it could stand a brutal battle. The small scratches on what I could guess was Celestia and Luna's told me that had scene at least one war. I small frown crossed my mind when I thought about this peaceful place having to see a war, it just didn't seem right to me. I ran a gentle hoof across the metals of both royal armors. I could almost feel the conflict they had to face, like a needle on a recorder player it spoke volumes to me. It spoke of the pony that poured his heart into crafting such fine works, to prove that he was the best and was honored to have his work worn by them no less. I small smile crossed my muzzle when I thought about it. I completely forgot about the other ponies in the room when the sound of Celestia clearing her throat caused me to jump and spin to look at them. An embarrassed blush crossed my face.

“Ah sorry, I zoned out there.” I said gently scratching the back of my head with my prosthetic fingers.

“It's alright, but what were you doing?” Luna asked giving me a questioning look.

“Oh well, I was just seeing the story so to speak.” I said and the two sisters looked at each other then back to me.

“If you would be so kind to explain.” Celestia requested.

“Let me start with a saying: War, war never changes.” I started, “I can tell your armors have seen a lot of combat, either a large battle or just friendly sparring. These armors tell me a lot, each scratch tells me that something great transpired. No matter where you go war can follow. from a simple wrong spoken word to just a simple wave hello. A war can spark anywhere between any pony or anything, your armors tell me of the fights you both had to endure.” I explained, I gently run my left hoof over the armors again. My frown slowly began to turn into a warm smile. “But it also tells me of much more. The crafter took his time with every swing of the mallet, every reheating and treating. He put in his heart, his soul, his very essence, into these armors. He knew that no standard work would do, to be worn by royalty.” I said before turning back. Both of them looked at me, Celestia with a smile and Luna with that knowing smirk of hers.

“Again you amaze me Firestorm.” Celestia said, “You can see something that most ponies over look. You just showed us that you not only understand the grim, but you also see the good it brings.” Luna explained with Celestia nodding.

“Which is why it was best to give you a set as well.” Celestia said as they stepped aside to a pristine set of gold looking armor. But it had a darker tint, giving it a two tone burning color. The only thing it didn't have was a helmet, until Luna pulled out the Moon Helm.

“We thought that you would need some armor just in case you had to fight again. This one set is for here and Twilight was already informed that another set will be delivered to her home since you're both living together right?” Luna said and I couldn't help but blush.

“Um... yeah.” I timidly answered. I was still nervous about the living together thing. I mean yes both Twilight and I had slept in the same bed more than once, but part of me didn't quite see the tree house as home yet.

“Why don't you try it on.” Celestia suggested floating it over to me. It fit perfectly, it came with some well armored horseshoes. These were thicker than the set Rarity made for me, almost like I was wearing hammers on my feet. In a way I wouldn't be surprised. If a pony like Applejack would buck with one of these on, it was scary to think about. It reminded me of a medieval knights armor, it went all across my chest and had my cutie mark out and proud to see. That's when Luna decided to put the Moon Helm on me. I grew in size, about half way between the two sisters in height. The armor changed to fit my new body size better, I felt stronger than I did before.

“Is this armor going to handle my other form?” I asked. Celestia gave a knowing smirk this time.

“Why don't you try?” She asked. My body started to change, with a few differences. My claws on my hooves were bigger and looked sharper. The Horseshoes had holes placed just for my claws so I could still use them in combat. My tail flicked back and forth but the diamond spade on the tail was bigger. My horns grew longer and curved. My wings were larger and the top tip had a claw or point to it. My horn was still curved but even without channeling magic I could see the magic just pulsing through it. I found the mirror in the room and saw that my eyes were bright red and reptilian but whites of my eyes were almost blood red. My scales shined more than normal like if they were made from polished stone. I looked at my prosthetic hoof and noticed it had grown too. Maybe the magic within it was affected some how with the moon helm? But there was an odd bit to the armor, the left side had a latch device, like something could be attached. When I turned to both of my aunts, I noticed a longsword floating in front of me. I blinked for a moment then looked at them, they nodded and I took it in my magic. The blade had a glowing red tint, as if it was dyed the same color as my scales when I transformed. The hilt of the sword was made of a black material, compressed obsidian? The handle on it housed a guard, to help block a pony’s mouth, like a rapier guards but it went from the hilt to bottom of the handle and had a nice ivory white look. the sheaf was a simple blue with golden accents. I slid the sword back in the sheaf and attached it with a noticeable click. That could be both heard and felt. I looked myself over in the mirror a few times even watched my mane dance and flicker like a burning inferno. A smile crossed my face as I turned to both alicorns in the room, they smiled back to me.

“Thank you.” I said my voice having a small growl undertone.

“Your welcome Prince Firestorm” Celestia said and I gave a small wince.

“Celestia you know I really don't see myself worthy of that title.” I said turning my head away.

“We've been over this Storm. We understand why but it doesn't change anything, by Equestrian standards you are a prince. So, if you don't mind me asking, why fight that?” Luna asked. I sat down my armor giving a clank.

“Because I'm not a prince, if anything I’d rather be a knight, one that protects.” I said. I looked up towards the ceiling.

“Storm please don't start down that path.” I blinked in surprise and turned to the royal sisters.

“As you've said, the past is the past, why don't you let it be?” Luna said and I nodded.

“You're right but like I said before, I don't see myself worthy of the title prince.” I said turning back into my normal form and removing the Moon Helm. “But I know it's useless to say otherwise. If I have to be a prince, then can you please at least call me by my name unless you have to use the title?” I requested unlatching the armor. I noticed a fourth stand for my armor, a metallic dink later and my armor was placed on the stand. I kept the helm and sword with me, from what I figured the sword could be replaced. The Moon Helm was one of the kind as far as I knew.

“We can do that.” Celestia said then smiled a bit. “I'm sure Twilight is missing you right now.” I chuckled and smiled.

“Alright Celestia, thank you again for the gift you two.” I said giving them a bow before I walked passed them. “Good Night Princesses” I said waving my wing back to them.

“Good night Firestorm.” The two of them replied. It didn't take me long to return to my room to find Twilight nose deep into another book. The difference here was the resounding beat red blush across her face. Funny part of this was she didn't even notice me come in or walk in front of her. Curiosity got me wondering what she was reading. I Instantly regretting looking, she was reading her mother's book. The same book that was about the two of us in the throws of passion.

“Oh my.” Softly coming from Twilight's lips told me that too.

“Oh my indeed.” I said causing the lavender unicorn to sky rocket up in surprise. I caught her in my magic before she could hit the ground hard.

“Don't sneak up to me like that.” She yelled blushing before shutting the book. I couldn't help but crack a smile.

“Twilight you were nose deep in that book. I think a volcano eruption could sneak up on you.” I said and she gave me a huffed look. I couldn't help it I floated her closer and gave her a peak on the cheek. She smiled softly towards me.

“Your a jerk sometimes.” She said playfully batting at me.

“Only when it's funny.” I replied before she stopped and I sat her down. She came over to me and gave me a gentle kiss. I blushed a bit as I sat the sword and helm down against the wall.

“Your lucky this is your room, otherwise I would make you sleep on the couch.” She shot back.

“I can still do that if me lady wishes it.” I said giving her a little bow. She smiled back.

“If we wished for such things. Then thy would be in for a lonesome tonight. We don't wish that upon thee.” She said dropping into a familiar speech.

“If I wish for my lady knight to do anything. Then she only needs to speaketh the word and it shall be done.” I said before Twilight floated both of us onto the bed.

“We wisheth to sleep with thyself tonight so the creatures of the dark doesn't haunt thee.” She said and with that she floated over the quilted blanket that Fluttershy had made me and rested it upon us.

“My lady commands it then it shall be done.” I said before we laid down. Twilight smiled flicking the lights off plunging the room into darkness. The light of the moon was setting the black shadows about. I watched carefully as Twilight slowly drifted off to sleep. I smiled down at her gently watching her sleep. With a small twinge of pain my prosthetic hoof floated out from under the covers to the nightstand. My gaze shifted to something I didn't quite expect to see yet. With a thud my prosthetic hoof hit the ground as my full attention was on the little brown journal of Grimwand.

Within moments a memory rang in my ears. “Page twenty eight.” was echoed, begging me to read it.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 17 - Breaking Past

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I laid there just staring at that book. As that thought echoed in my head over and over. Why page twenty eight? Why did that cryptic shit always peak my curiosity? I floated the book and my prosthetic hoof back to me. I looked over to see Twilight snuggled deeper into my chest with the blanket over her head. A flick of magic later I had a flickering light over my head as I opened the book back to the page I was at. The last entry spoke of Rose Whip, part of me wondered about it but I needed to focus. I was nineteen pages in, I still had another nine to go. I made sure the magic light was close as I began to read.

May 28th
Sadly Rose Whip passed again, not from the spell but from intervention on a more divine level. Celestia had found her after she was being chased by her old friend. I guess she wasn't ready for her to return. I had to watch her be destroyed. Her soul luckily was allowed to pass shortly after. Celestia had asked me if I knew anything about it. I told her about my research into necromancy. She told me to drop my research and destroy all of my notes pertaining to it. I tried to tell her about how much ponies could learn from it, that ponies could live longer with it. But she told me it wasn't the natural way of things. She sent a guard to watch me burn all my work. Thankfully, something I didn't expect happened, unknown to Celestia, a changeling had replaced the guard. I had always wondered what would happen if I tried to revive something other than a pony. With a bit of magic my test subject was ready.

So Celestia knew about his study at that point. Too bad she didn't realize about the changeling but I guess she didn't quite know about that yet. I was also glad that this Rose Whip was allowed to pass on. I flipped to the next entry in the journal.

June 13th
Finally I got the changelings body to finally agree with the magic. It seems a changelings magic works differently than a pony’s. I revived it and much to my surprise, it acted just like the zombie ponies, but was able to change it's form into any pony I wanted. So I took out my frustration on Celestia through this thing. Silver Star watched me and asked if I could make her a body. I stopped for a moment before turning to the little soul. She wanted a body? That shouldn’t be a hard, until she asked if she could have changelings parts in it. I needed more supplies and I need to move my lab. Celestia sent another guard after the first one failed to report back to duty. Lucky for me, I still had the changeling's body under my control. Poor old Sand Script, never saw it coming.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I read that. The changeling I understood but he just killed a guard to hide his secret. My distaste for this stallion grew more and more as I read. I had a feeling he was leaving out much more details than what he put in. Maybe to hide it from Celestia but why even do this in the first place? Why write in a journal if you didn't want anypony to find it. Something felt off about this journal, almost a subtle creepiness given off by this book.

June 15th
I had been found out. Celestia herself came and started to destroy my work. I took the day before to move all the important documents and the book I got from the zebra home land to my cart. I found a place in a small settlement called Ponyville. With luck I will be able to get everything ready for me there. After Celestia's rampage in my lab I was told that if I ever conduct any more experiments and research in this subject, I will be punished.

That sneaky prick, even after getting a warning and Celestia, he wanted to continue? My teeth started to grind as I thought about it more. He continued to learn more of the dark arts. I took a deep breath and calmed down before I went to the next entry.

July 18th
I've got my new lab set up. No pony will expect it to be under the newly built asylum. I also made sure that their plans compensated for the new lab. I still had some pull after Celestia went through my lab. I told her I wanted to make sure this place was nice and secure. I even gave her a doctored version of the plans. Only enough to hide the tunnels I had put in so I could come in and out freely. Plus it gave me direct access to the morgue, gathering bodies would be easier now. Silver Star got on me again about a body. Chance, the undead changeling was the perfect tool for the job. With a few orders I got him to bring a few other changelings from the hive. This queen Chrysalis must not really care about her subjects. Tomorrow I will start to prepare the parts for the masterpiece to come.

What I with this sick pony? He not only killed ten more changeling which at this point I started to feel bad for them. Since she caused the problem at the royal wedding and attacked my marefriend, she was fifty fifty on the feel bad or hate scale. Twilight gave a small shift in the blanket which caused me to look at her. She was still asleep, only closer. Her hooves hugging around me felt great. I gently brought Twilight closer with my left hoof as I flipped to the next entry.

July 19th
I did it. After several hours of cutting, slicing, and sewing I finally did it. I had to get a fresh body but I did it. Standing before me is a being made of both changeling and pony. I even made sure to give her a set of pegasi wings. So in a way I just created an alicorn. Silver Star was going to be the soul for it. It worked, the first thing Silver did was kiss me. It felt good and creepy at the same time. I did a few tests to make sure she wouldn't end up like some of the other souls. So far she was able to control it with ease. Even her cutie mark, I had to make sure was correct. A circle with a question mark and a fedora on the top.

My eyes widened when I read that last part. No, just no way. No fucking way that was possible. All this fucking time I was fighting an undead necromantic zombie that Grim Wand knew and even created. It had to be a coincidence right?

She requested for her coat to be a dark blue with a sliver white mane. The eyes were the only thing I didn't have control over. The left one was blue as the right one was brown. But as soon as Sliver Star entered it both of them turned into the nicest shade of red that I could have seen. Her wings, bony as they were, were able to hold her aloft. Even better she was able to use the magic of both a unicorn and the changelings. The only odd thing was Silver Star asked me for a new name. This got my curiosity to ask her why. “Because if some pony knows who Sliver Star was either by being old enough or just being related there could be big trouble.” She answered. I had to agree with her on this. I told her that I would come up with one for her in a few days. I just wanted to make sure I could get the proper paperwork filled out just in case.

My blood ran cold after reading all that. So Vermom was Silver Star. Well then I have to face her again maybe I can get more details. But the more important information was that one of Grim Wand's labs was under the asylum in Ponyville. I'll have to get the plans for the asylum. I noticed I was getting close to the page.

July 28th
Vermom was the name I suggested and she adored it. Much to my enjoyment to watch the mare dance about like a little filly getting the gift she wanted for her birthday. During her little dance she knocked over a few books which included the book I got from Zamos. Right there sat a spell I never thought I would find. If Star Swirl could have found this book I bet he would be greater than he already is. Right there was a spell to travel to another world. The spelled seemed to be complex. Why is there a world traveling spell in this book?

There was a spell to... how is that even possible? Okay now I needed to get my hooves on that book. Not only to get rid of it, but I wanted that spell. There was always something at the edge of my mind that bugged me. What ever happened back home? Maybe with that spell I could find out. Finally I got to the page.

August 3rd
Finally I got the spell to work. I found that this takes me to a word with humans on it and I became sort of human. I still retained my horn but another problem arose. Apparently these humans have an issue being without clothes. Though I had thought ahead and had Vermom come with me. She also changed but was able to use her changeling abilities here too. This place was fascinating, they had these things called cars and TVs. It was oh so fascinating. We also gathered a lot of data, this place holds a lot of similarities to Equestria in some of the technology we share. On top of that the local graveyard told me that they too had souls that I could interact with. There names on the other hoof was weird. I had talked to this Jessica.

The feeling of an icy dagger stabbed right into my heart just seeing her name there. No, just no. He couldn't have- If he did anything with her soul... I continued on as I could not tell my mane was on fire since the light increased to bath the room in its glow.

She was a nice mare or should I say woman? The lexicon here is a little confusing but I made do. She talked about a guy she fell in love with and in the end sacrificed herself to save. She also told me he was still hurting for her. It must have been hard for him to go on after that. Much to my surprise she passed on a little after our chat wishing me the best of luck. A thought crossed my mind, if I could control the dead back home. Could I do it here? This required more investigation. But It's best to start at home and prepare. Just to make sure I could return here being a small looking town it was. I wrote the precise spell in the back of my journal. Maybe with luck I could return to this moment. I hear that a festival was going to happen soon. The two of us returned back. We had much to prepare for.

I sat there reading over that entry again and again. My brain not fully able to process all that. He talked to Jessica. My Jessica and she told this vile thing about me. No it could have been another Jessica right? I mean there had to be a lot of humans with that name that just so happened to have sacrificed herself to save a guy. Who was I kidding? There was no way that could be somepony else. With that I flipped to the last page. Screw the rest of the entries I needed to see this spell. As the entry said. Right there was the spell it looked simple and from what I could make from it I needed an object to be the portal. I looked around the room for a moment until my eyes rested on the reflection from the mirror. That will do nicely a full body mirror should be big enough for me to go through. So I don't have to worry about the whole pony dissecting problem then it should be safe for me to go back and find out what happened. With that my mind was made up. Tomorrow I was going back to earth to find the truth. With that I put the journal back on the table and held Twilight close. I gave her a small kiss on the top of her head. She giggled a little in her sleep before snuggling in closer. I smiled and looked out into the sky from the window.


Breakfast that day was a little uneventful. Every ponies’ family went home. The girls were still here as well as the C.M.C., they got me with a diabetes level of cuteness that I couldn't say no to. Twilight's parents also stayed much to my dismay. Nothing against them, but Velvet creeps me out and Night Light outright hates me, if his scowl means anything. Once again I sat here eating my salad with Twilight looking at me a little worried. Understandable I suppose if she knew what I had planned to do I would be too.

“Storm can I talk to you in private?” She asked and I nodded. We excused ourselves from the table. Celestia, Luna and even Rarity eyed the two of us. We got into the hall before Twilight turned to me. “What's wrong?” She asked.

“Nothings wrong.” I answered.

“Something wrong and you're not telling me. You've seemed distant since we got up.” She said and I rolled my eyes at this.

“I just have a lot on my mind is all.” I kept playing through those journal entries in my head not liking it more and more.

“Then tell me what's on your mind. It can't be good if you're spacing out like that.”

“That's the thing Twilight, I can't tell if it's good or not.”

“Then tell me.” She said now looking a little annoyed with me.

“I... I don't know Twilight.” I said looking away. How was I going to tell her that I was planning to return home? Knowing her she’ll probably think I was an idiot for pulling that stunt. Maybe even get the princesses in on it and prevent me from going.

“Tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me.” She said jumping in place trying to get it out of me.

“I'm not ready to talk about it.” I said before turning away. She then grabbed me in her magic and spun me back towards her.

“You will tell me what is wrong right now Firestorm or I’ll-.” she got out before my demeanor shifted and I growled back.

“Or you'll what Twilight Sparkle?” I said. I wasn’t really angry just upset. My eyes narrowed towards her as I could see her angry look shift to one of surprise. With everything on my mind I just wasn't in the mood for much today. She let me go before she ran off tears in her eyes. Once again I had fucked up but at the time it didn't register with me. I went back to my room and grabbed the book. Looking over the spell again I focused my magic onto the mirror before me. The burning aura of my magic took hold and I saw the normal flat surface of the mirror ripple. I stepped closer to it and tried to place a hoof on it. It passed right through it. Suddenly the door busted open with a very angry Applejack and Rainbow Dash looking at me. Behind them was a upset looking Twilight. That all quickly ended when they saw my hoof in the mirror. I turned my gaze from them and walked in without giving them a chance to say anything. Upon entering the portal I felt weird. This agonizing, burning feeling was felt throughout my entire body. Like if someone dropped my human body into a volcano that's heat was times six fold. Take that and then stretch and pull my body in one of those medieval racks but not just hooves but pulled everything. I do mean everything. I could hear the sounds of breaking bones and ripping flesh as I traveled through this whirlpool of colors. You would have to better time listing the colors that weren't there compared to the ones that were. Within moments it all stopped and I found myself launched out of lake on the other side right into a gazebo. Several minutes passed while I tried to gather my head together. That's when I noticed I wasn't quite human, well not as I expected to be. I was different I looked sort of like... what was that mythical creature called again? A satyr?. My lower half was pony but my hooves had the little claws on them when I was in my dragon form. My right arm was prosthetic but instead of the hoof at the end, it had metal claws. My left arm from the middle of the forearm to the hand was scaled. I even had claws I ran over to the lake to notice my eyes where the familiar reptile look and glowing red. The whites were thankfully white but my mane- hair was long, fire red, and slightly moving. I also noticed that I still had my horn, well horns. My two from my draconic state was there too but curved back like my hair was. I should be able to hide those horns well enough. My normal horn was still a bright orange that just gradient in from my tan skin. The last part I noticed with my large red wings. Those may be a little harder to hide, great so if some religious nut found me I could bet they would call me the devil.

“Demon!” Or that. I heard the cry of a woman who was looking right at me. She then proceeded to pull out a rather large looking case and beat me with it.

“Ow, hey. What are you.” I got out before a very good back swing knocked me to the ground. From there she continued to stomp at me. I reached out with my magic to stop her. I even wrapped her mouth up in magic too. I didn't need her screaming at me. I got up before turning to her. “Listen carefully.” I said then noticed the name tag. “Jenny. Contrary to my current look. I'm not a demon. I am just a little lost and need a bit of help. If I let your mouth go. Do you promise not to scream and answer my very simple questions?” I asked calmly. She nodded and as soon as I dropped the magic she tried to scream.


With that I sighed quietly and wrapped her up again before speaking to her.

“Jenny, I'm trying to be nice here. I just need to know where I am right now.” I asked and she agreed. “Now lets try this again. Tell me where I am and I will let you go with no harm. Do you understand?” I asked and she nodded. “Good.”

“You're on Earth.” She got out and I deadpanned.

“I know I’m on Earth. I mean where on earth am I?” I asked and she gulped for a moment, before letting me know. I was in the right town just further away then I wanted to be. I thanked her and sat her down. Of course she tried to pepper spray me, but I saw the can beforehand. I pulled it from me and held it. “Jenny, I played fair it's only right from you to do the same.” I said before I crushed the can in my prosthetic claw. I dripped it's contents in my claw before I dropped it to the ground. “Now please run off before you do something you'll regret.” I suggested. I wiped off my claw and headed towards home, well my old home. I had to remain in the shadows for the most part. Mainly to avoid everypony er... every body. Damn it I just had the new lexicon down and now I have to switch back. Thank you universe, you jerk. I found myself walking down a familiar street, it was nice to see everything again. Though I was still ducking into every dark area I could find. Finally I got to see my old house but... I noticed my old room's light was on. So what did I do? I climbed the side of the building, since my claws could dig into the aluminum siding. I peeked into my window which was up two floor to find... me. I was sitting there in an orange shirt and blue sweatpants surfing the web. “What the hell?” I covered my mouth realizing I just said that out loud. But the idiot that I was I forgot I was using my hands to hold on to the building. I hit the ground rather hard. I had to quickly scramble as I saw my window open up and my head pop out of it.

“Who's out there?” The other me asked. I was able go around the side to hide. How was I there? I mean I figured I was going to be gone in Equestria at least but no. I was right here. Wait... I pulled out the book again and right there. “Return to this moment.” Shit, it did work. He not only traveled to another world but through time itself. So I was here before I left. The cold breeze reminded me that I was pretty much standing in the nude and being a freak of nature right now was not helping me. I went to the window first and looked in. It was dark and the only thing there was the nightlights for the cats. If memory serves me right then there should be some dirty clothes downstairs. With that I focused my magic and blinked inside. I slowly made my way to the basement and opened the drier to find it empty. Damn it, I wasn't lucky to find some clean ones. So I reached into the dirty clothes and found a pair of jeans and a gray shirt. Stereotypical clothing, but it was better than nothing. The hard part was getting my wings to stay in the shirt, uncomfortable but doable. I had my wings pinned to my side The hardest thing, was I still had a tail. Not equine but draconic so I had to rip a hole in the jeans so I could put in through. I would have grabbed a coat but right about then the sound of someone coming down the stairs caught my attention.

“Damn cats.” I heard myself say. Double damn it, why did I have to be the one to come down here now? I quickly went off into the side room where we kept all the Christmas decorations. Oh the irony was not lost on me.

“Universe do you just hate me or something?” I whispered and that was a big mistake.

“Who's there?” The other me asked. Shit! I remained quiet hoping that I would be really stupid at this moment. At the time I felt my heart beat faster and faster. Step, step, step, and another step. I could hear my old self getting closer. You know being a fat guy I was not sneaky when it comes to looking from someone. Lucky for me the sound of a cat getting their tail stepped on was enough to get the other me to go off to see if the one of my cats were alright. “Oh, sorry Ace. I didn't see your tail there.” I heard in the distance. I quickly got to a window and blinked out of there. I ran a few streets away into a dark alleyway. Breathing a little hard I finally got my heart to calm down. Of course I went from one pain in the ass to another.

“Well Lookie here boys. We got ourselves a costumed freak to join us.” Said a rather annoying fake gangster deep tone. I turned to see three guys standing before me and I swear that I could just see the greasy gel in his black hair. It was all slicked back and everything as he started to play with the knife in his hand. It didn't help he wore a white shirt under a black leather jacket with a pair of blue jeans on. Next to him was a darker skinned man with so little hair it almost looked like he was bald. He wore a gray trench coat with a black shirt and brown pants. He also had a pair of knuckle dusters on. The last guy was a spry looking thug in a denim vest with a white shirt under it and yet again blue jeans.

“Oh yeah, Shouldn't have come to play dress up with us boy.” The trench coat looking guy said.

“What should we do with his boss?” The last one said.

“I don't know boys. Maybe we should ask him why he wanted to come here?” The boss asked. Honestly I completely forgot that we had some of these idiots running around thinking they were all bad asses here. For the most part they were easy pickings for the cops, well when they did their jobs. Unfortunately for them they’re dealing with some pony that isn't from here anymore. “So why are you here?”

“None of your business and if you were smart you would leave me alone.” I said looking at them.

“Ah but we just want to help.” The second one, Thug one, said.

“Yeah and maybe get something out of it.” The last one, Thug two, said.

“Trust me, you don't want to do this.” I said.

“Sounds like a challenge” Their boss said before throwing the knife at me. Of course I grabbed it in my telekinesis and floated it over to me. “Neat trick bet you can't do it again.” He said. Thug one ran at me and started to swing. Oh I got hit but so did he. With on right hook I sent him flying back. It was only fair he did hit me first.

“Go on moron get him.” Their boss said as the last one grabbed a pipe and swung it at me. I put my right arm up and blocked it before my left one reached out to grab him, he got away. That was when I heard a very familiar click. I looked over to see their boss brandish a pistol. Unfortunately for him I had magic so without him noticing I flipped the safety back on. I stepped closer with the knife still in my hand. “Stand back.” He said before pulling the trigger. Nothing happened, well concerning his shot anyway. I reached up and crushed the barrel, the look on his face was priceless. “Please don't hurt me. You can do whatever you want with these two, just don't-” He got out before I grabbed him by the collar.

“Shut up.” I said and he did just that.

“Here's what's going to happen. Your friend there is going to give me his coat and the three of you will turn yourselves in.” I said before tossing their boss to the ground. I completely crushed the gun and tossed it to his feet. That was enough to score me a trench coat that I put on. It did hide my tail better even had a pair of shades that were left in the pocket. I left the three of them alone as I walk off into the night. I wanted to get back to my old house and keep an eye on myself, that was completely weird to even think about. The night passed while I sat in a tree and watched myself go to work which was kind of hard until I remembered the speed spell that I learned in Max's universe. Though how did a spell from another universe work here too? That got me thinking about how I left without a note or even really telling them goodbye. Damn it, Twilight was just worried about me and I threw it in her face and left without a word.

“So you'll be here in a few days?” I heard my other self say on the phone. “Alright good, I'll see you then Ghost. Tell Knives and Viper I'll see them too, later.” With a small beep the other me got off the phone. I was going to go on a little trip with three of my four closest friends. I started to wonder a little bit if I ever did get to. I watched myself hop into the car and drive off. I tried to follow but I got caught on a branch, which then decided snap underneath me. With that I laid on the ground... on my head. Now with a splitting headache I had to find another place to hide. The tree wouldn't do since I broke the only available branch. That was when my stomach gave a protest since I hadn't eaten all that time. The worse part was that I didn't have any money. Wait... maybe I did. If this was the old me then I should still have my little stash. I climbed back up there and blinked back into my old room. I saw everything there. My old bed, old photos, everything that I use to have. It was nice seeing it all again. I pulled out my backup stash of cash from my hiding spot, I only took a few bills before putting the rest back. I stopped for a moment as I saw one of the photos. It was a group of my old friends. I never really thought I wasn't going to get to see them again when this photo was taken. Right there it was the four of us just crowded around a table eating at a fast food joint. With my big mouth in a large burger. Ghost had a surprised look on his face with Knives right next to him. She was in mid shake of her head with Viper giving a smug grin. I took the picture frame and all with me before I blinked outside. Note to self make sure you have something to grab on to if you plan to blink outside a window two floors up. I hit the ground for a second time this time how ever I was on my rump. I went to the local school just to clear my head a bit. I knew no kids would be there it was summer time after all. Of course my luck was just as shitty here as it was back in Equestria. Right as I sat down two kids just so happened to appear out of freaking no where.

“Mister, what's with those things on you head?” Two young kids asked. I turned to see the two ten year old blond haired kids. Both of them wore a simple blue shirt with black shorts.

“Oh um. Hello.” I said a little nervous and kind of surprised they didn't run off screaming at the sight of me. The two of them looked curiously at me. “Sorry what did you ask again?”

“Whats with the those things on your head mister?” The one to the left asked.

“Oh you mean my horns?” I asked just more for clarity. The both nodded of course it took me a moment to realize I was talking to twins. “There, well, horns.” I answered.

“How did ya get them?” The right one asked.

“Well kind of grew in like that.” I again answered.

“Cool!” They both proclaimed and I smiled.

“Can they do something awesome?” The left one asked. I looked around for a few moments noticing no one else was around. Making sure the cost was clear I turned to them.

“I'll tell you if you keep it a secret just between the three of us.” I said with a smile. Of course both of their eyes lit up and nodded vigorously as I said that. I smiled and let my horn light up. Within moments I was floating both kids a foot off the ground. The looked at me then down. That began to giggle a bit as I flew the kids around making sure to keep them not to far off the ground. After a while I put them back down. They smiled and ran back over to me.

“That was so awesome mister. Do you think you could do that again some other time?” One of them asked I couldn't tell if it was the same one as before.

“Maybe some day. I can't promise anything but I will try. As long as you remember.” I said giving them a playful warning.

“That it stays between us, we know.” They said in unison. I smiled and ruffled their hair a bit. They ran off and I smiled watching them, nice kids. I got up and dusted myself off before walking down one of the streets. It was nice seeing all this again, the multitude of house all lined up with different decorations, fake witches, skeletons, and pumpkins... wait. Oh that's what festival he was talking about. I left close to Halloween here then. “If I only knew.” I said followed by a light chuckle. Through out my walk I didn't realize until I was close that I was on my way to the graveyard. My mood slowly went from it's chipper tone to more depressed as I walked up to Jessica's gravestone. I softly smiled at it before I brushed off the leafs from the top of it. “Hello Jessica.” I said to the wind. I knew at this point she wasn't there. “It's been a while hasn't it. I hope your having fun up there.” I said looking up to the sky. I knew she was watching me, she had helped me in Equestria. “I have to thank you again dear... I miss you.” I said as a light tears came from my head.

“You're not the only one that misses her.” I heard from a very familiar voice. My eyes widened to see my older self standing next to me. He or well I sat a white lotus on her gravestone and stood back up. “I haven't seen you around here before. How do you know Jessica?” I looked at myself before turning to the gravestone.

“She helped me through a rather tough time.” I answered making my voice a little deeper.

“Jessica was always kind like that.” My other self said as I could see the tears in his eyes. There was a level of surrealism to all this. There were two mes standing in front of my ex-girlfriend’s gravestone remembering her. I felt a little detached from the world there, like I was the outsider.

“Sorry where's my manners the name is Ryhn.” He said turning to me holding his hand out. I hesitated for a moment before reaching out with my prosthetic claw.

“Hello Ryhn, you can call me Storm. Most of my friends do.” I said as we shook hands. Well sort of. This was beyond weird, you would think some space time disturbance would have happened with two mes touched each other.

“Sounds awesome if you ask me. So what's with the.. get up?” The other me asked. Shit didn't think of that... wait. A smile crossed my face.

“This is my costume for Halloween.” I answered he eyed me for a moment.

“You know that's not for another two weeks right?” Shit...

“Oh well I plan to hit up one of my friends costume parties later. One of the requirements is to be in costume.” I said thinking fast. The other me raised an eyebrow then shrugged. Oh thank you god for me buying that.

“Look man you don't have to lie. If you didn't want to answer. All you had to say you didn't want to.” The other me said with a smirk. No way in hell was I that clever back on earth, dumber than a box of rocks sometimes.

“You got me, part of this is stuck on.” I said smiling. Which was true. I couldn't remove my wings, tail, or horns. Honestly I didn't want to either I got use to having them.

“That sucks man, but hey I've got to run. It was a pleasure to meet you Storm. I hope you enjoy the 'party' tonight.” he said with a light chuckle. I was a bit of a smart ass wasn't I?

“It was nice talking to you Ryhn, have a good day.” I said as I watched my larger old self walk to his black car. So Ryhn was my name? Hmm not bad considering names but I wouldn't trade my new name for anything. I lightly laughed at that thought. I watched him drive off and I followed keeping out of sight. I watched myself pull up to a restaurant and get something to eat. Lucky for me a small gas station was close by so I could get myself a bite to eat too. Much to my annoyance, my gut wouldn't quit giving me a titanic amount of protest until I fed it. Keeping with my pony appetite I got myself a cheapo salad and a soda. I came out and leaned against the wall to eat as I watched my other self eat something with a lot more meat. I did miss the taste of meat but I did say I wouldn't eat any more of it. If I only knew I would end up back here. I kind of laughed at that thought before a woman came up to me.

“Um mister?” She asked and I looked down at the blond haired emerald green eyed beauty before me in nothing more then a orange shirt with brown jean shorts.

“Yes Miss?” I asked after finishing my bite.

“What's with the horns?” She asked leaning against the wall next to me.

“Oh these?” I asked running my claw against them. She nodded and I looked forward. “There a medical condition where my skull grows thicker in spots. I use to get them grinded down but I stopped since it's a part of me. So why show it right?” I answered and took another bite. She came up to me while I was eating. I was nice enough to answer the question. Granted with a lie but she didn't need to really know I was a dimensional traveler here to spy on my old body to find out what happened. She eyed me like she didn't believe it. I looked down at her from behind the shades I had on.

“I have a feeling you're lying.” She said and that's when I noticed the three little red apples on her shoulder. I raised an eyebrow at that.

“What makes you say that?” I asked before she smirked at me. What is with everyone smirking at me?

“Just a gut feeling. But I can take a hint. You want to be left alone there partner. I hope you have a good day mister.” She said running off up to another guy that our right reminded me of a farmer hands down. He wore a red flannel shirt with blue jeans. He had orange hair and a lighter shade of green to the women that I just talked to. I noticed the women in question had her hair done in a pony tail and both of them had freckles. Did I just find the human versions of Applejack and Big Mac? I blinked a few times as a smaller girl came out of the truck they were standing by. She wore a yellow shirt and blue coveralls. She had bright red hair and an even brighter red bow in her hair. I didn't quite see her eyes but I could bet that she was a dead set match for Apple Bloom. Thank you universe you're making this even more awkward for me. So not only did I just talk to myself I just found three ponies I knew on Equestria here on earth as humans. Are you going to toss any more surprises my way? Of course if I knew the universe was just as much as a jerk as it was I wouldn't have been surprised to bump into next after I finished my salad. I cracked opened my pop and began to move so I wouldn't be spotted. That's when I bumped into her. In doing so I mistakenly knocked the books from her arms. I capped my drink and reached down to help pick them up.

“Sorry about that.” She said and my eye's widened. This purple haired women just sounded like... no, just no freaking way. I lifted up the stack of books.

“It's quite alright. I should be the one sorry. I didn't see where I was going.” I said giving her back her books and I saw a lovely set of lavender eyes. Which was impossible here. She looked up at me and smiled as she stood there in a purple hoodie with the hood down and a pair of blue pants. Hanging out of her pockets was a key chain with a large purple star.

“No I shouldn't have been nose deep in a book.”

“I guess we're both at fault here.” I said gently scratching the back of my head. Standing before me was a human version of my marefriend. The levels of surrealism was just astounding. How the hell was this even possibility? Not only did I see Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom. I just ran into a version of Twilight Sparkle. It's official the universe is now screwing with me big time. She then looked up and looked at the horns on my head. I gulped a bit if this Twilight was just as smart as my Twilight. She may see right through all this.

“What's with the horns?” She asked and I cursed myself internally. She just had to ask and that's when I noticed the books she had with her. Most of them medical books. Then an idea crossed my head.

“It's a very unique case of Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.” I answered looking at her. She tilted her head for a moment.

“Stone Man Syndrome?” She asked. “I've never heard of a case where it created such profound horn like growths.” She said eying me. I smiled just as smart as I thought.

“Well it is a unique case of it. I had cracked my skull a few times where these bumps started to form. After having a doctor look at it, it was found out that some of the fragments when closer to my brain to very dangerous. So he removed it and that’s when this started. My body regrew the bone around the spot and it was thicker than normal. Lucky for me the larger spot of it was towards the outside of it. The doctor went back in to grind it away and it grew thicker. After some time it became horn like as it is now. Well back then it was a smaller horn. At this point I just accepted that a freak and rolled with the punches as they came.” I said with a light chuckle. The finally part of all that was it was pliable.

“It must have been hard for you?” Twilight asked.

“Give or take, you learn quickly to stick up for yourself.” I answered before taking a swig. She smiled and we talked for a while before she noticed the time. She ran off saying she was running behind schedule. I couldn't help but laugh when she was out of earshot. Much to the weirdness of this was it was nice talking to a Twilight, but it got me wondering about the Twilight back in Equestria. I sighed quietly as I continued to watch myself literally. He sat there and ate. I guess I did enjoy eating a lot. It was kind of funny now. I didn't eat as much on Equestria but I guess here made a lot more sense. The other me finally got up and paid before heading down the street. Everything felt oddly familiar now, like I've seen this before. I don't mean from his point of view but my current one. Everyone was walking around like it was all fine, the other me walked right into a small convenience store. This world’s me walked in and into the back to grab himself a pop. I stood across the street to watch. When things were the calmest is when the world gets tipped over. A fairly buff guy walked in with large, untamed, dirty brown hair, wearing nothing but a dark coat with baggy black sweatpants. He pulled out a revolver and pointed at the cashier.

“Give me all your money.” He said in a gruff voice. My eyes widened as I froze there watching this. It all played out like I dreamed it. The girl screaming, him telling her to shut up, and even me standing in front of it. “Tell that bitch to shut up!” he yelled. The other me nodded and turned to the girl crying on the floor.

“I'm sorry.” the other person mouthed and I only knew that because it was me. Then in moments I saw my other self turn and tackle the guy forcing him to the ground. The gun slid as I watched both me and this guy fight. My left hook, his kick between my legs, my head butt, and then he finally kicked me off. Just enough time for him to grab the gun. Within moments he turned and fired. It took a few moments for the other me to realize where he hit. Time just slowed down as I watched everyone run away and the other me slowly drop to the ground.

“Shouldn't have gotten in the way boy.” He said before grabbing the money and running out. I stood there shaking my world started to slowly break around me. Within moments I found myself grabbing the guy, slamming him into the wall. I held him there by the neck. “What is a freak like you going to do to me?” He said hitting me with the gun knocking the shades from my face. I looked him directly eye to eye. He looked a little unnerved but he went for another strike. I grabbed that hand and with a loud crack I broke it without a thought. It just happened almost like I was just watching all this transpire in front of me. “You fucker! I will get you for this.” He said pointing the gun at me. That was the second mistake as I broke his other hand piercing his hand with the gun barrel itself. I bent it so it was a permanent piercing.

“You killed me.” I growled. He looked at me between anger and fear.

“Impossible.” He yelled back. Whack, I kicked him into another wall.

“Impossible? You just shot me less then a few minutes ago. All because he wanted to protect that women.” The anger ever present in that voice. It was mine but at the same sense distant.

“You can't be that fat.” He got out before I picked him up, slamming him into the wall again. I noticed the blood coming from his mouth. Good, this bastard deserves what ever he gets. He shot me and now he's going to hurt for it. I threw him again deeper into the alley I had pulled him into. He slowly tried to get up as I started to breathe harder, flames started to come out of my mouth. The fear from his look told me volumes. “Monster!” he yelled and I grinned.

“You think? Please, you should have figured that out when I shoved a gun barrel through your hand.” I said in a snide comment. I started to have a sadistic glee to this. “Run.” I said flatly. His eyes shrank.

“What?” he asked fear in his voice.

“Run!” I roared with my draconic tone. He got up and started to run down the alley. But unfortunately for him, I was faster. I got past him and grabbed him by the face.

“Please man, I... I didn't mean to do it. I just wanted the cash.” he pleaded. I lifted him up by his face as my right claws started to slowly dig in.

“Oh you meant to. If you didn't mean to, you wouldn't have shot me.” I said added pressure as he screamed in pain.

“Hold it right there!” Another voice said behind me. I turned to look at the two officers behind me. The two of them held their pistols at me. I looked at them and threw the bastard at them before walking off. “I said hold it. Don't make us fire.” They said and I did stop.

“I don't think so.” I said before I cast the blink spell and appeared above them on the fire escape. The one officer looked at the prick that shot me. They called for an ambulance. Lucky for them I died just around the corner. They dragged the guy around the corner before everything was figured out. The guy was arrested right there, I followed the morgue's van all the way there. My family came in and identified my old body. They were crying for me, then they told my friends when they showed up to pick me up. I watched all of them break down. There was no color to me anymore. The world was in a tone of gray almost if it was a movie and I was the person that had to watch it. I watched my own funeral. They even buried me next to Jessica. I watched everyone's kind words about me from a tree, the one that shaded both gravestones. If they only knew that I was in... Equestria. Was that even real? I was dead. So what was it heaven? I followed my friends back to the motel room they rented in the rain. I guess even the weather wanted to make this feel as horrible as it could. My friends sat there in the room among a deaf silence. I sat there outside watching them just slowly break down and cry. Ghost slowly wrapped his arms around Knives. Viper just got angry and punched the wall putting a sizable hole in it.

“How, how could he be gone!” Viper yelled.

“Calm down man.” Ghost said before Viper turned on him and slugged him sending him across the bed.

“Don't you dare tell me to calm down. Ryhn is dead Ghost.” He said tears streaming from his eyes.

“Don't you fucking think I know that?” Ghost said back.

“Both of you stop this.” Knives yelled.

“Shut up Knives.” Viper shouted at her.

“Don't tell her to shut up Viper.” Ghost said with venom in his voice. Then the fight broke out. To Ghost’s credit, he put up a good fight but there wasn't much he could do to Viper who was bigger then him. Knives jumped in between the two of them and Viper stopped mid punch before he whirled around and left. I dived behind a car as I watched him leave then snuck around to get a better view, he left on foot until he found a bar. I slowly watched from the window as he began to drink. I frowned quietly as I left him there and went back to check on Ghost and Knives. Knives was helping him with his cuts and bruises. I sighed quietly before heading back to my old home one last time. At least they missed me. Though even when I wasn't around they continued to fight. Upon getting home I found my family sitting in the living room laughing quietly. I... I guess they aren't going to miss me much after all. I sighed quietly and climbed back to my room and grabbed a few things. I pulled out one of the old duffel bags and filled it with a the photo I grabbed earlier of me and my friends. One of my family, the little figurines that Twilight had played with in my dream and a few other odds and ends. Finally I grabbed my large red blanket and pillow. I would have grabbed my laptop but it wasn't there. I left and finally returned to the lake with a flick of magic the lake lit up and I dived in.


Celestia stood by the mirror she was told that Firestorm had left from. She could feel the magic still in it from his spell but for some reason she couldn't recast and follow him. She made sure to not have left the spot in the two days he'd been gone. The mirror lit up as she watched Firestorm get launched out of the mirror and collide with the wall. Laid there with a coat and set of pants on. On his back sat some kind of duffel bag. He only got up without a word and took it all as he began leaving the room.

“Firestorm, what happened?” Celestia asked but he didn't say anything. He just left closing the door behind him, she went after him.

“What happened to cause this? Twilight only said she confronted him about something then left.” Celestia thought as she exited to find a very confused Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“What's his deal?” Dash said getting up off the ground.

“What happened?” The princess of the sun asked.

“Princess, he just walked by and when we asked what’s wrong he just remained quiet, like he didn't see us. We tried to stop him but he grabbed both of us and set us down behind him.” Applejack said. “Something is seriously wrong with that stallion.” The sound of some pony hitting the ground could be heard around the corner. All of them rushed off to see Pinkie looking rather confused. She hopped up and turned around getting ready to pounce on Firestorm who was walking further down the hall. With a leap and flash of magic she landed on her belly again with him a few feet away.

“Meanie.” Pinkie huffed before she looked rather sad at this. Both Rarity and Fluttershy stepped out of his way. Not sure what he will do at this point, Celestia caught up to him and tried to put a hoof on him but a small swath of magic caused her to pull her hoof back.

“Did he just?” Celestia questioned. Twilight came out of a room in front of him and turned to see him. “Twilight don't-” Celestia got out but even Twilight wasn't avoidable. She tried to teleport pounce on him but he blinked right in time and she missed. She blinked a few moments before whirling around trying again. Like before she missed, she started to shake as her friends ran up to comfort the shivering mare.

“Princess, what's wrong with Storm?” Fluttershy asked as she turned to look at her.

“I don't know Fluttershy. But I am going to find out.” She said walking past. She continued to follow the stallion in silence, not even Luna crossed his path. He got to a door and blinked right through it. She raised an eyebrow and blinked into the dark room. He stopped and sat down by a window looking out at the night sky. She slowly walked over. Then she heard the door open behind her. She quickly shifted into the shadows as she saw herself walk in. Some pony was impersonating her and she didn't know why.

“Are you alright Storm?” That Celestia asked and since he reappeared Storm started to lightly chuckle. Not a good hearted one but one that had that creepy tone that got to the princess.

“You ask- Heh heh heh, oh that is rich.” He said between bits of laughter before he whipped around looking at this other and saw that crazed look on his face. His left pupil was smaller then his right almost like his sanity snapped. “Please drop the charade Silver Star. I know it's you.” Storm said between bits of laughter.

“Silver Star?” The other Celestia asked with a nervousness that even the royal alicorn can tell.

“Oh, forgot your own name. Fine then, Vermom you can drop the disguise. You forgot to check if the real one was in the room, right Celestia?” he said turning to the princess in the room. His eyes focused directly into hers. The other Celestia looked to see the real one in the room. Both Celestias turned to the dralicorn as his wings unfurled and attacked the fake one sending it into the hall. The fake one slide down the hall.

“Princess!” the sounds of Twilight and her friends where said. Firestorm stood up and walked over the crazed look in his face getting even more twisted.

“What do you think you're doing?” Applejack said. Her question was left unanswered as Storm floated up into the air grabbing the fake Celestia in the face and flew forward with her. He then slammed her into the window flying out into the stormy night sky. His laughter was heard as it went into the distance.

“Rainbow go after-” Twilight started to say before Celestia came out of the room.

“No.” The real Celestia ordered as a stern look came from her. The six of them looked over to her.

“What's going on?” Rainbow said.

“I... I think he finally lost it.” Celestia said. “I don't know what happened but I think he finally broke down.”

“Then how do we help him?” Applejack asked.

“How did you help me?” Luna said coming around the corner.

“The Elements of Harmony.” Twilight said and they all rushed off. Celestia watched them run off. Luna went to her sister.

“Whats bothering you Tia?” Luna asked noting the look of sadness in her sister's eyes.

“Something about him just scares me. I don't think I've seen something so...” She said before a shudder ran through her body.

“Do you have any idea what caused him to snap?” Luna asked looking out of the window to see the after images of two ponies fighting in the sky.

“Not the foggiest, something happened when he left to break him down. Once we have him subdued we will get the answers from him.” She said before following the rest of them. Outside Firestorm fought against the fake Celestia, spell for spell crashing against each other.

“Oh please do you really think your going to hurt me with those attacks. Here let me show you a real attack.” Firestorm said raising his metallic hoof to the sky as his horn lit. Within moments a crack of lightning came forth and struck the hoof. He then pointed at the fake princess in front of him and fired it. She dived out of the way. Grinning like the devil he flew at her and kicked her in the head sending her to the ground he then called forth another bolt of electricity to him. With that he discharged the bolt at the pony. With a flap of his wings he flew after the pony pounding it into the ground. Grabbing at the frayed strands of her tail the crazed Firestorm started to spin around swinging the thunderstruck mare in a circle.

“What are you doing?” A guard said running.

With in a bit of laughter “teaching this imposter a lesson” He said throwing her into the sky before flying over to the guard disarming him of his sword. Before flying towards the tossed pony. “Incoming!” he yelled before the pony came to and stopped herself in midair. That of course was what he wanted, in that moment of flight he impaled her with the sword. A loud wham could be heard as the stallion was knocked back to the ground. The fake Celestia pulled the sword out and flew at Firestorm.

“You bastard, you’ll pay for that.” She said before turning into her guard pony from before. He grinned looking back at her. He stopped himself in midair and flew back breathing fire at her. This caused her to dodge out of the way. This gave him time to fly towards the castle. The fake guard hot on his tail. He flew right through the window of the main throne room. Standing there was Cadence and Shining Armor. Before they had the time to react Storm grabbed one of the guard ponies spears and ready himself. Right then the pursuing pony landing and held the sword in his hoof.

“What's going on here? Guard stand down.” Shining said as Firestorm grinned more.

“No can do sure. I'm under orders to stop the prince.” The fake guard said.

“By who, your mother?” The prince shoot back before flying at him cracking him with the staff end of the spear sending him into the air. Cadence and Shining was at a loss. That was until Storm stabbed the guard with the spear right in the same hole as before.

“Guards stop the Prince.” Shining orders and the rest of them jumped into action. Well they would have before.

“Belay that order.” Luna said running in.

“Princess Luna!” Shining said looking over.

“Which one is he currently fighting?” she said and they all pointed but the downed guard, Firestorm, and Cadence. “Subdue that pony at once.” She ordered. That would have happened if said pony didn't get up and flew after Storm with the spear still in it's chest. He grinned grabbing the spear and flipping the pony into the wall. The horns of both Shining Armor and Luna shined as a midnight blue aura grabbed Storm and a light pink grabbed the guard. This caused Storm to start laughing crazily.

“Oh please do you really think your telekinesis is going to hold Vermom like that?” He said before breaking out of the alicorns magic. He then flew right at the contained fake guard pinning him to the ground as a sadistic grin crossed his face before he proceeded to smash his prosthetic hoof into his face repeatedly. All of the ponies there looked shocked, the normally nice prince was now beating a defenseless captive senseless, for no apparent reason. Worse yet he was enjoying it immensely. That was until his mane and tail started to move on it's own in a style not of fire but of the clouds themselves. But black and storm like. “Come on Vermom I know you've got more fight in you then that.” Storm said as his voice took a strange duality with another voice. That was when the captives hoof shot out of the magic and struck the prince sending him into the wall. “There's the fight I was looking for.” He said getting up, his left eye turning from it's red reptilian style to a very familiar teal. It kept it's reptilian style but something about it reminded her of a darker time. He growled with a grin as his teeth became fangs.

“You won't win Storm” The guard said flying at Storm. He grinned, rolled back, and used his hind legs to kick the fake guard through another window before taking off with spear in hoof after him.

“Luna what's going on?” Shining asked after letting everything process.

“I do not know for sure Shining Armor. But he is fighting Vermom and she came at the worse possible time. Right when Storm finally snapped.” She said then shuddered remembering that eye of his. Something about that eye reminded her something from her past. “Shining I want you to get the guards out of his way. There is no telling what he's capable of right now and I rather keep everypony safe.” Luna ordered. With that Shining saluted and ran off, the other guards in the room following. The room had a deafening silence until Twilight and the her friends entered all wearing their respective Elements of Harmony.

“Where is he?” Twilight said breathing hard.

“You just missed him by a few minutes at most.” Luna said taking to the air.

“Luna where are you going?” Celestia said coming into the room.

“I'm going after him. There's something else at play here sister and I need to know what.” The midnight blue alicorn said before taking off after the insane dralicorn. The stormy night didn't do much but hinder her flight as she raced into the night's sky. The crack of thunder lit up the sky and within that moment two beings could be seen. From the look of it one was dodging bolts of magic from the other. The second crack of lightning told her it was in fact bolts of lightning being thrown.

“Oh come on Vermom I thought you wanted to rip my soul out again?” Storm said flying after the other figure in the night.

“Storm!” Luna yelled flying after. He had stopped and turned to her. The flash of lightning revealed his face in the storm. That look froze her cold. That wasn't a look of a pony that snapped, no. That was a look of something darker. He grinned, showing off his razor sharp teeth before he flew back after his target spear still in hoof. It only took a moment to shake the fear from her before she followed. She grabbed him using her magic to prevent him from flying. This only got him to laugh as his horn started to glow. She didn't have much time to react before the bolt of electricity struck both of them sending her falling to the ground. He watched her fall for a moment.

“I guess she couldn't take the spark of inspiration.” He said before getting tackled by one of the night guards. “Look who came to play? Long time no see Nightling.” He said to the bat pony holding him.

“You will not be hurting anymore ponies Firestorm.” She said trying to get him to the ground.

“Oh? Who's going to stop me?” He said before a flap of his wings allowed him to slip under her legs and point his hoof at her. Firing a bolt at her before she screamed out in pain. “Who know. Lightning does strike the same place twice.” He said before taking back up into the air to scan for his target again. “Now where did that necromantic pony head off to?” he asked.

“Right here.” He said before two hooves landing on the back of his head sent him down to the ground. “Should have looked out behind you.” She said before flying after him. The impact with the ground left a sizable crater in the hedge maze. With that he dived behind one of the bushes as she landed down where he crashed. “Oh I thought you wanted to face me? What? Are you scared?” Vermom asked as she looked around. “Maybe I should go get your precious Twilight Sparkle and get her to help drag you out?” She said changing into her form. Of course she didn't expect to see him when she turned right back around with a hoof flying at her. Which was followed by him latching onto her face. He then started to fly through the maze grinding her face into the ground alongside him. He grinned as he got so close he could slide her ahead of him before landing on top of her. He used her as a surfboard before she stopped, running into a larger stone. He jumped up and hovered into the air waiting for her to get up.

“Your dead.” Vermom growled.

“Oh I know, so are you Silver Star.” He said waiting for her to get up with a grin on his face. She got up shooting the dralicorn a glare. Who was grinning back. “So going to call your friends?” He mocked. That was before he got nailed with a bolder sending him back into the maze.

“Looks like somepony needs a hoof.” The shadowed figured said.

“Geez you took forever to get here Shadow.” She said getting into the air.

“Show some appreciation for saving your flank Star.” He shot back with a smirk.

“I told you it's Vermom.” She yelled back.

“You know you two bicker more than a married couple?” A voice said behind them. They both turned around to see a deranged Storm grinning at the two of them spear in hand with the tip in the ground and leaning against it.

“Oh please, like you would know what that would be like. It's not like you've really had a chance with any woman or mare.” Shadow shot back and Storm shrugged.

“Doesn't matter.” He smirked. Shadow blinked for a moment.

“What?” He asked confused.

“Doesn't matter. Oh I'm sorry I must be using too big of words again. Let me try again, don't care.” Storm mocked before pulling the spear out and pointing it at Vermom and Shadow. “But you know what. I'm bored of this game. So let's play a new one.” He said grinning more than a pony’s head should allow. Almost like his head was distorting as his normal bright orange coat slowly darkens. “Follow the leader. Ready? Go!” With that he flew off into the sky taking the spear with him. The two of them looked at each other before taking off after him. The storm around them intensified as they continued flying after that drony.

“Are you getting the feeling something else is pulling the strings?” Vermom asked as she flew close to Shadow Storm.

“So I wasn't the only one think that.” Shadow replied as the rain pounded on them like bullets. “Odd thing is it seems familiar but I can't place it.” From ahead, Storm dived down into the woods below, a very odd and dangerous forest. They followed as well touching down onto the moss covered earth. The fog slowly rolled in as the thundering of the storm could be heard with the rain barely breaking through the tree top canopy.

“Welcome to the game field ponies.” Echoed from the darkness followed by a dark chuckle. A cheshire grin was within the darkness with two floating eyes one red and one teal. Both of them reptilian in nature. “Let's see if you can hit the broad side of a barn. I'm betting you can't.” With that the face disappeared within the darkness and the fog started to rise up between the trees creating literal fog curtains.

“Quit playing around and show yourself.” Vermom shouted.

“Can't quit, just started.” He said behind them. They both whirled around and fired a magical bolt in that direction. Of course they missed as a small laugh echoed in the fog.

“Damn it.” Vermom growled before she ran off into the fog only to come back from another direction. Shadow tried to stifle a laugh. “Laugh and I blast you.”

“Oh come on, you've got to admit that was funny.” He shot back with a grin. Before a laugh next to him caught his attention. He turned to see Firestorm leaning against him.

“That was funny.” He said before disappearing in a flash of light.

“What is with this stallion. It's almost like he's acting like.” Vermom started.

“Pinkie Pie?” Shadow asked.

“Exactly.” She said.

“How do you even know how she acts like?” He asked.

“You try spying on this idiot and not run into Pinkie once?” She shot back before a bolt of magic fired out of the fog striking her.

“Come on, it's not as fun if you sit there and squabble all night.” Storm said stepping out of the fog. “But I guess you want to fight. Well I might as well, right?” He gave his wings a flap lifting him into the air. With that he fired a fireball sending Shadow Storm into the air. He then flew after them. Shadow recovered in the air and returned fire with a shadow ball. It sent Storm back laughing. This was followed by an explosion of light and a black scaled dralicorn appeared in the sky and it was grinning. “Did you miss me?” He said before sending a stream of black fire at Shadow who barely dodged most of his left hind leg fur getting singe off.

“What the hell?” Shadow thought before attempting to transform himself. But to his dismay he couldn't. It just wasn't there anymore. “What did you do to me?” He roared at the thing before him.

“Oh nothing, just made sure you couldn't transform was all. You know simple binding magic, real basic stuff, like this.” He said before a bolt of magic stuck Shadow trapping his wings to his side causing him to fall to the ground. “Oh right you needed those to fly. Silly me.” The thing before spoke with that same duality tone as Storm. The dark dralicorn flew up into the sky towards the clouds filling the storming night sky.

Inside Canterlot castle the bearers of the Elements of Harmony continued to watch as Princess Celestia had conjured a magical screen to show everypony what was going on. Medical ponies were sent off to help both Princess Luna and Nightling after they saw their fall.

“I can't believe he would do all this.” Applejack said the disbelief present in her voice.

“I don't think he is really doing all this.” Twilight added her heart aching from watching all this. She knew somewhere deep in her heart that the Storm she knew wouldn't do all that. Especially to Luna and Nightling. Shadow Storm and Vermom not so much but all that disregard to other ponies safety just didn't sit well with her. She wanted to be out there right now to help him. To save him from whatever has a hold on him. Dash on the other hoof was looking quite angry about all this.

“I wish I could be out there helping buck their teeth in.” She growled her wings unfurled in her anger. Fluttershy just couldn't watch any of this out of both fear and worry. She didn't think she could stomach any of this.

“What do we do Twilight?” Pinkie asked with worry on her face too. Her whole body was shaking from her Pinkie sense telling her one doozie was still to come but she couldn't tell where. It almost felt everywhere to her.

“I don't know Pinkie. I really just don't know.” Twilight answered watching, tears still streaming from before. Something had to happen to cause all this.

“Was there any clues how this happened in what he brought with him?” Celestia asked turning to Twilight.

“Nothing that I could tell Princess. He had a few things that I saw in his dreams and a few photos of some thing I couldn't tell what it was. They looked like diamond dogs but with different kind of faces to them and not as fur covered.” She answered. Celestia watched all this not sure if she should enter the fray of battle. She was worried she could be quickly overpowered like she was when Chrysalis had attacked during the wedding.

“Princess Celestia, is there anything we could do to help?” Rarity asked coming up next to the her.

“I don't know my little ponies, I could only think of trying to hit him with the Elements magic but... I worry that even that won't be enough to stop him. This... this seems.” She started to say before the doors behind her burst open with a bandaged up Luna coming in. Two ponies next to her with medical boxes in their mouths.

“Princess you need to lie down. There's no telling what that bolt did to you.” The larger earth stallion with a blue coat and black mane said. Said medical box with a red cross behind it on his flack for his cutie mark.

“This can not wait.” Luna said before turning to her sister.

“Luna please get some rest.” Celestia implored.

“What is happening with Storm at this moment?” Luna asked ignoring her sister's plea.

“He's flying up into the sky towards the clouds. For what I don't know quite yet. I can only guess that he's going to charge himself.” Celestia said turning back to see that said dralicorn was flying in circles in the clouds.

“What is he doing?” Dash said going around the other side to get a better look at it.

“Is it just me or is that cloud area he's circling around getting thicker?” Twilight pointed out. Indeed it was getting thicker. Unknown to them at the time he was sucking in all the storm clouds around into a condensed spot. Within moments all of the storm clouds were compacted into the spot. As the rain started to come down in sheets over the Everfree forest.

“Perfect.” He said with a grin before flying into it. As bolt after bolt of lightning went off within the mass of clouds. After a few minutes of that the cloud started to compress itself, almost as if it had started to collapse within itself like a white dwarf star in space. All of the cloud and rain was absorbed within the black dralicorn. His wings, mane, and tail all alive with pure electricity, almost looked like they were made of lightning itself. He opened his mouth as water started to come out and covered his hooves turning into pure Ice spikes. With those formed he looked around for his target. Right there in a clearing lay Shadow Storm slowly getting back to his hooves from his fall. The dralicorn grinned before diving down towards him. Both glacial spikes ready to be ran through their target. That would have happened if Vermom didn't fly in with a double hind leg drop kick sending the black figure into the ground away from Shadow. “Oh look who comes back to play.” He said standing on his back two legs.

“Oh I'm not here to play you bastard. I'm here to end you.” She growled her claws flexed in the newly revealed night sky.

“Ice spikes versus Dragon Claws. I wonder who's going to win?” He said grinning. With that they flew at each other. She aimed not for his throat but for his face. He thought ahead and turned one spike into a blade. With a clash the dark dralicorn Firestorm lost an eye and Vermom had lost her right foreleg.

“Bastard!” She yelled grabbing at the stump. Right around the stub was a layer of frozen ice. He turned around floating up her arm to him.

“Oh I'm the bastard? You went for my eye.” He said, the right side of his face held three large gashes through it with his eye laying on the ground at his feet. “I guess I have to hoof it to you.” He said waving her removed limb next to him. “You got me good.” He said before what was left of his right prosthetic leg fell to pieces. It wasn't able to completely block it and got destroyed in the attack. He disconnected it and looked over Vermom's leg. “I guess I should thank you for the new limb though.” He said followed by a dark laugh. He then jammed the leg into the socket. Surprising enough the limb started to work just like any other prosthetic limb he had before. But a green fire radiated around it before turning it to match the scaled body of the dark Firestorm.

“How did you do that?” She asked in surprise started to hover into the air a bit.

“Simple really. Your hoof had magic. I just used it like this.” he said before his body was engulfed in a green flame turning him into a dead on copy of Vermom voice and all. The right eye was there but dulled like it was blind. “Quite simple, almost foals play.” he grinned before flying at her. She flew back to dodge the swipe with the remaining ice covered hoof that was in the form of three large claws like blades.

“Do you really think you of all ponies can beat me? Please you've only got a lucky shot in.” Vermom said.

“Lucky shot? Oh you mean like this.” Storm said flying at her before blinking a few inches away.

“Wha?” She got out before a hoof came from the right bashing into her face sending her through a tree.

“Doesn't seem lucky to me. But hey at least I'm not hitting myself. Oh wait. I guess I am.” He said with a grin before turning back to his old self in a flash of green fire.

“Still a lucky shot.” Vermom said getting back out spitting a bit of black blood from her mouth.

“But there's one thing you can't do.” She said before her horn glowed a hideous black as the ground around the two of them turned just as deadly black. With a shake and a rumble hooves both of flesh and of bone shot out of the ground followed by the rest of the bodies. undead ponies of various ages, genders, and sizes raised from the ground and surrounded them both. “You remember my friends don't you?” She asked turning back to the Storm to find him completely gone just another zombie pony mare. “Damn it where did he go?” She said looking around.

“Right here.” Came from under her. She looked down in time to see a hoof fly out of the ground sending her up into the air. She recovered quick enough to avoid the stone spike that flew at her.

“Darn it. I knew I should have fired just a bit more to the left.” Came from behind her. She turned around to see Storm there giving her a little wave. “Yo.” He said round house kicking her back down to the ground grabbing the spike in his magic. A spin followed by a throw later the spike impaled Vermom effectively pinning her to the ground. To drive the point home he flew down slamming it further into her. “Oh look your friends are all left out. Here let me fix that.” He playfully said his horn glowing a stone like aura around orange as various spike of stone shot out piercing all of them and lifting them into the air. They continued to move, but their ability to go anywhere was taken from them.

“Don't forget about me.” Shadow said before tackling Storm, who grinned before his horn lit up teleporting both of them into a desert miles away from the Everfree and Canterlot. They landed in the sand burying them deep into the dune. Silence filled the desert for a few minutes until a dark furred pony flew out of the ground followed by a darker scaled beast behind.

“You won't get me Storm. I'm better then you and I'm willing to do-” He got out before he was knocked in the back of the head.

“Do what ever it takes to win? Please Shadow you're as predictable as ever. You talk this big game. You talk about wanting to win, killing me, getting everything you want. It's just an act, a grand performance. But you know what's not an act?” Storm said grabbing Shadow by the back of the head.

“What?” He shot back.

“How much pain you caused ponies.” He replied before throwing his captive to the ground. “For how much you messed with, how much you think you could win, here's the reality check Shadow: You're nothing more than a bit of shade to me.” He mocked followed by a knowing tone laugh. “You aren't even worth the time to fight anymore.” He landed back on all four hooves walking slowly up to Shadow Storm who was face up in the sand. “It would be so funny if it wasn't so sad. You aren't even a real pony and before you say so, neither am I. What I am is something that shouldn't be Shadow, which makes you a shadow of an abomination. Something worth even less then I, frankly I don't care about myself. But I'll tell you what I do care about Shadow. I care for the ponies that showed this freak of undead nature he could be something again.” He said becoming a bit more rational then has been since this all started. The fire around his right hoof flared up engulfing him slowly turning forms and his voice to follow each pony he talked about. “I care for Fluttershy, a pony who, not only is the embodiment of kindness itself, but is a great friend. I care for Applejack who, being the Element of Honesty, will tell me how it is. Even go along to prove it to me when I was being stubborn about it. I care for Pinkie Pie who always tried to make me smile, either from her parties or outright randomness. I care for Rarity who was always generous with me, even with the rocky moments. I care for Rainbow Dash who stuck with me, even got in my face to make me face my problems head on. But never alone because she was loyal to me and her friends. I care for Celestia and Luna who gave me a family when I had none. When I couldn't even remember them, even go out of their way to make my life just a little bit better. I care for Cadence who is a loving sister and was willing to put up with my crap when I doubted who I cared for the most. I care for Shining Armor who did much of the same. I care for my friends in Canterlot and Ponyville. But the one I care for the most is Twilight Sparkle. A pony that could show an abomination like me love. Not just kindness of being my first friend here in Equestria but that I could be loved. That I could have hope again when everything seemed lost or out in the dark.” He said before returning back to himself his darkened scales returning to a bright vibrant red. His teal eyes turning back red. “I am Firestorm and you Shadow Storm are nothing anymore.” He said looking directly at him his right hoof held out in a random direction that only made sense to the ponies watching from Celestia's magic screen as it was pointed directly at the ponies watching. That was until Twilight, Fluttershy, Dash, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity's cutie marks, as well as the Elements of Harmony's gems started to glow brightly.

“What's going on?” Twilight asked before a beam of magic flew out of each gem into the screen.

“I think he's calling the elements to him.” Applejack said.

“It shouldn't be possible. Should it?” Twilight asked, looking up at Celestia who was just as confused and worried as the rest of them.

“I've never seen the Elements of Harmony act this way.” Celestia mused.

“Sister, could this be because of the Infinitely Torch?” Luna suggested.

“It's possible but there's no way of telling at the moment.” The princess of the sun replied. The six beams of magic dissipated as they appeared within the image itself flying to the ripped off hoof he used. It turned into a sphere of harmonious energy.

“What did you just do?” Shadow said in surprise and fear.

“I called the only thing to help Shadow. The only thing that I know will end this.” He said as he hold the ball of energy to the air. All the electricity in his wings, mane, and tail traveled up to his right hoof before going into the ball of magic expanding it ten fold. It was almost to size of the moon itself and was radiating prismatic sparks. “Good bye Shadow Storm.” Storm said before slamming the energy into the ground causing an explosion that blinded both of them and all the ponies watching from Celestia's screen. That was cut short how ever as a figure shot out of the screen and slammed into the wall cracking it. Once the glow disappeared both from the screen and around the figure it showed a unconscious Firestorm missing the acquired limb from Vermom as smoke came from his body. Everypony stopped as the smoke took the same shape of a very familiar pony. I took the shape of Nightmare Moon before it let out a ear piercing wail that shattered all the glass windows before disappearing completely. The ponies slowly walked over, all but Twilight Sparkle who ran to him and sat behind his head, bringing him closer to her chest. She began to hold him as tears just streamed from her eyes. It was too much for the little lavender unicorn and all she wanted to do was hold him and cry. This lasted throughout the night even after they got him into a hospital room. Twilight didn't leave his side the whole time. The only thing she requested was her pillow and the bag with the contents to be brought to the room. She wasn't going to leave him no matter what.


Memories. Memories are a funny thing aren't they? Normally you could remember something that's happened fairly recently, but from the portal on I don't remember anything until waking up to an upset Twilight.

“Twilight?” I asked my throat feeling a little sore.

“Storm?” She asked looking at me directly in the eye. I couldn't see out the other one and I didn't know why. “Storm!” She said before holding my head close to her chest again squeezing the life out of me. I slid my left foreleg around her and squeezed as best I could. “You had me so scared Storm. Please tell me you're alright?” She pleaded.

“I... I don't know... I just...” I got out before I shifted so I could sit up and lean against the headboard of the bed. I looked around to find myself in a forest green room with a darker blue edging, a hospital room. I brought up my left hoof and looked at it a moment.

“Storm I... I'm sorry.” She said. I brought her over and she broke down, the fur on my chest started to get wet was a slowly rubbed Twilight's back to get it all out. I was worried about her but for me I felt rather cold inside.

“It's alright Twilight. Everything is fine.” I tried to reassure. She shook her head and said something I didn't quite make out since she said it into my chest. I looked down at her before she looked up at me puffy, red eyes.

“Everything's not alright. Storm you're injured and... and...” She said before breaking into another fit of tears into my chest. I figured I got injured coming back but what hurt me? Was it just the spell being violent to my body or something else?

“Twilight... what happened?” I asked a little colder than I probably should have. She looked up at me with a face that showed sadness, curiosity, and surprise.

“You don't remember any of it do you?” She asked.

“No, I remember going into the portal to come back but beyond that it's blank.” I said looking up to the mirror on the wall to see my right side of my face including my eye was covered in bandages.

“You fought Vernom and Shadow. You... went insane.” She said timidly.

“Please tell me I didn't hurt anypony.” I said surprise and worry in my voice. Twilight fell silent as my ears flatten back. She wouldn't meet my gaze. “Who?” I asked a few moments later.

“Luna and Nightling.” She answered still not looking at me. I hurt not just a friend but my family too. I started to shake as tears slowly dripped from my eye and the area around my right dampened. “Its not your fault Storm, please don't-” She started.

“Don't what? Beat myself up for it? All because in my fit of insanity I hurt my friend and family? “ I said in an angry tone. I rested my head back on the pillow and turned my head away from her.

“But you weren't thinking properly.” She said and I would have said something a bit mean spirited before I heard.

“I don't blame you for it Firestorm. What happened, has happened and there's no changing it now.” Luna said her wings a little blacked but nothing worse for wear. She then looked past me to Twilight who shook her head a few moments later. They must have had a private ‘I'm talking to you with my eyes’ kind of conversation. “I see. So you're not aware of what happened two days ago.” Luna asked and my eyes widened again.

“Two days?” I asked timidly.

“Yes, after what happened your mind sort of closed itself in, a sort of suspended animation.” she explained. I didn't want to think about what my body was doing during that time. My gaze went to the bed then over to the bag I had brought with me back from my world before I just sat there my eyes closed. Silence filled the room as the breathing of three ponies could be heard including myself.

“Finally you're up.” Dash said and my eyes opened to look at her hovering in with a grin. “Oh man that was awesome, you kicked major flank.” She said I deflated more.

“Dash, he-” Twilight started.

“Was awesome I know.” Dash interrupted. “When did you learn how to fly like that?”

“Dash...” I started before taking a small pause to take a deep breath. “I don't remember any of it.” I saw her deflate as her grin turned to confusion.

“How can you not remember how much flank you kicked. You showed Shadow and Vermom a good pounding.” she said.

“Yeah you showed them what for. I'm surprised you had it in you. Even when you're um... like that.” Applejack added walking in.

“I don't remember anything from reentering the portal to come back. From that up to a few moments ago is blank.” I said slowly floating over the large bag I brought back with me and sat it next to the bed.

“What's that?” Dash asked pointing to the duffel bag.

“It's a duffel bag Dash.” I answered.

“I know that, I mean what's in there?”


“What kind of stuff?”

“The things kind of stuff.” I answered being vague and blunt at the same time. Dash, of course scowled at me and honestly I didn't care about it at the moment. She could be cross with me all she wanted.

“Storm can you please tell me what is really in there?” Twilight asked and I let out a sigh before bringing the bag up to the bed. I reached over and unzipped it revealing a number of its contents. The first thing to come out was a figurine that Twilight lifted out in her magic. She brought the little swordsmen over to her. She flipped it over a few times in her magic examining it closely. “What is this?” She asked.

“Its a small figurine Twilight.” I answered.

“Of what?” She asked.

“It's called a swordsmen Twilight. What you would have that's close would be a swordspony.” I explained with her looking at me.

“Wait, isn't this what I saw in your-.” She got out and I nodded slowly.

“How did you get it out of your dreams?” She asked and I shook my head.

“Not out of my dream Twilight.” I said not looking at her.

“Then how did you get this?” She asked.

“I retrieved it Twilight.” With that she remained quiet for a moment.

“Retrieved from where?” Luna asked and I guess that was the million bit question. With no hesitation in my voice I answered with.

“Earth.” The room fell silent again. It took about a minute before any pony said anything. This time though it was Celestia entering the room.

“I see Firestorm is awake.” She said and most of us looked at her. I have however did not. I sat there my duffel bag over my hind legs. “Did I miss something?”

“Besides the bomb shell I just dropped on everypony here that this is from earth, nothing.” I said with a light shrug. That however was a stupid thing to say. Because right on time I got.

“Didn't you say you would never return there?” Twilight asked and I nodded.

“Yes I am aware of what I said. But something came up and I needed to. Not the way I expected but none the less needed to.” I answered still not looking at any pony, just the stuff in the bag. Sitting right on top was two overturned photos that I wasn't sure got ponified or not. Part of me was hopping it wasn't but another did. A side that said I should just keep quiet about what I had learned. That it was better for everypony here not to know what I had found out about myself. Just to hide behind the mask like I use to. I was tempted to do so, but I knew better than that. Sliding the photos over I pulled out a rather sizable red comforter and slowly wrapped it around myself. Then placed the little figurine that dropped from Twilight's magic back in it and zipped it shut. Placing it next to the bed on the floor I slowly brought up the comforter like a wall until only my nose and above peaked out from it. My eyes just staring out into nothingness.

“What came up?” Celestia asked her tone worried but authoritative.

“A truth.” I answered.


“Me.” I said before taking a deep breath. “Can I please talk to the princesses alone?” I requested.

“Ah, sure.” Dash said worriedly but not disagreeably.

“Of course Storm.” Applejack said.

“No.” Twilight said. My gaze turned to her as she wore a worried but stern look on her face. “You went missing for two days, go through all that just to pass out for two more days. You had me worried to death Storm. I am not leaving. You got something important to say about yourself and I want to hear it.” She said getting a little angrier with me as she progressed. I knew she was being stubborn about this but I had to answer. Celestia I knew wouldn't drop it the same with Twilight. Luna most likely worried and it needed to be addressed since I was royalty here in Equestria. I smirked under the comforter wondering how long that will last after I tell them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both left closing the door behind them. I waited a few moments before turning to Celestia and shifted my head to the door. She nodded and with a blast of magic the room was sound proofed so no pony could hear.

“Darn it.” was heard from Applejack outside the door. Celestia smirked before turning back to me.

“What did you find out?” She asked.

“Before I answer that, I'm going to state this: As of right now you all have a get out of knowing me card on the table. I won't blame any of you for using it whatsoever.” I started me not looking at any of them. Just out at the window as the stormy day. What a perfect setting for what I'm about to say.

“Storm you know we-” Twilight started.

“Twilight I know, but I am still laying it out for everypony. That includes those outside the room.” I said cutting her off.

“Twilight, I think we should let him speak before proceeding any further with this.” Celestia said and Twilight looked up at the princess. I did two for a moment before going back to just staring out the window.

“What did you find out Storm.” Luna asked and I took a long breath before I began. “I'm going to assume both of you know how it feels to lose someone close to you right?” I started with a question. Rather to use it as a hook to make sure they pay attraction to this.

“Of course.” Luna answered.

“Regrettably yes.” Celestia replied and Twilight nodded.

“Well let me ask you this. What would happen when you found out that the one closest to you that died was yourself?” This got both Luna and Twilight's eyes to widen. Celestia however closed her’s.

“So you found out that-” She started.

“Yes Celestia, I did.” I answered.

“Found out what?” Twilight said getting in front of me to stare directly into my eyes.

“I found out that I am dead Twilight Sparkle. I was dead before coming to Equestria. For all this time you were friends with a dead pony.” I answered each word made my heart feel like a chunk of arctic ice. She looked at me eyes widened. Mine felt like they dulled as I sank into the comforter a little more. Like it was the only thing to hide my shame. She started to shake a bit and cry. I slowly moved the blanket and reached up to brush the tears away. With a burst of magic she swatted the hoof way. That was enough to tell me she used the get out of knowing me card. She disappeared and I could hear the galloping hoof steps followed by even more as it disappeared into the distance. I guess I lost my marefriend, my first friend here in Equestria. I shifted the comforter around me more as I felt it all just crash in. Twilight didn't want to know me anymore and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of them didn't either.

“Storm...” Luna started before just looking down.

“How long Celestia?” I asked looking up at her.

“Since I met you in the hospital.” She answered.

“Why didn't you tell me?” I asked.

“Honestly, It felt right not telling you, with everything you had to deal with. I didn't think finding out that you were already dead back home would have been wise. If I may ask, how did it happen?” She asked looking at me. Luna how ever looked up at her sister.

“You knew all this time and you didn't think I should have been informed?” She asked a little harsher than she probably wanted to say.

“I didn't think it would have mattered Luna. He seemed to have just wanted to be a normal pony. But as things went on I saw him be more than that. I'm not saying my choice was the best I had ever made but I did make it.” Celestia answered she then turned to me. “I do apologize for not telling you Firestorm. It was too cruel of me not to tell you.” She said.

“I don't blame you. What if I turned out to really be a monster like the papers had depicted me? You probably thought it was safer to keep it a secret.” I said as even my voice felt hollow. “As for your question. Luna would best know the answer to that.” This got the princess of the night to look at me. “The dream of me getting shot, that is how it happened. But I was human when it happened.” I answered.

“I see.” Celestia said.

“So, you died to protect some pony?” Luna asked and I nodded.

“I saw what my actions did. I saw the people I hurt both family and friends. I even watched my own funeral” I said as the world around me still held that tint of gray. The only thing with color was the princesses around me. I guess even my mind gives them the respect they deserve.

“Will they be alright?” The princess of the sun asked.

“I don't know. They fought over my death and I saw that I hurt them just doing what I thought was right. In the end I wasn't a monster that the papers saw me as. No... I'm far worse Celestia, Luna. I am an abomination to pony kind.” I said as I slowly closed my eyes. “If you wish to make sure I don't hurt anypony, I will understand.” I waiting for it but nothing came.

“No Firestorm, I will not do such an action. You are still a pony, a drony. You're still you. Yes, you are dead back on earth but here... You feel pain, you feel happiness, and you feel love. So why would I take that from you?” She asked and I opened my eyes to look at her.

“Because, I shouldn't be alive Celestia. By some cruel twist of fate, I became something I shouldn't have. The universe just wanted to screw me over once again...” I said before a depressed chuckle came from me. “Isn't that the story of my life, the universe screwing me at ever turn.” I asked. Celestia shook her head and came up. With her magic she brought me comforter and all over and held me close.

“Storm.” She said with a motherly warmth. It wasn't fair to have all my afterlife taken from me. Unable to be with her again. I couldn't take it anymore and just cried as Luna came over and held me too. We sat there for what felt like hours until I stopped crying. They placed me back on the bed and made sure I wasn't covered up in the comforter.

“How... how do I tell them?” I asked.

“That I can't say. But I think they will accept you no matter what. You're still the same pony you where just with more to your past.” Celestia answered.

“What about Twilight?” I asked feeling my heart freeze over again.

“I can't say for sure but I think she just needs a little time to let it sink in.” she answered.

“It must be hard to find out the pony you were dating was dead the whole time. I wouldn't blame her for never wanting to see me again.” I said with a small frown.

“It will be something to deal with when the time comes.” Celestia said and I nodded bringing the duffel bag back up to me and I finally pulled out the photos. “Are those photos you brought back with you?”

“Yeah, since I was dead I figured I might as well. They were mine after all, like everything I brought with me.” I said before slowly flipping over the photo of my friends. Their smiling human faces looked back at me and right there in the middle, me.

“Are those your friends?” Luna said coming around to look.

“Yeah well all but this one.” I said gently tapping at me.

“Who is he?”

“That's the old me.” I answered with a depressive tone to my voice.

“Well you look rather... um.” She tried not to make the obvious fat joke.

“Fat?” I said with a light smirk.

“No! No, I just mean your rather-” She started to backpedal.

“Husky, fluffy, over sized, two tons of fun, large, surprised that they could fit in the same photo as me?” I joked.

“No, I mean-” She started and I shook my head.

“Luna I don't mind the fat jokes. I didn't then and I don't mind it now. Well they don't rather apply anymore I guess.” I said pulling the comforter down and gently rubbing my belly a bit. “I've seemed to slim down quite a bit.” Celestia tried to stifle a laugh. Luna looked embarrassed a bit before shaking her head.

“How can you do that?” She asked.

“Do what?” I said with a small smile.

“Go from depressive to cracking jokes about yourself?” She asked.

“Because why not? I'm dead so why does it matter anymore?” I answered.

“You're not dead here Storm. Your living as much as either of us.” She tried to derail the train of thought that I was going on full tilt.

“Well technically you're both right.” Celestia explained. We both looked at her with the what ‘cha talkin’ about face. “It's true you're dead... on earth. Here in Equestria you're alive. Your flesh, blood, and fur. You have hopes and dreams just like any pony. If you really where dead then why would you be sitting here right now?” She asked.

“Because the universe wants to screw with me?” I quipped back.

“You can't blame the universe for your bad luck.” She said shaking her head.

“I know but it make me feel better.” I shot back. She rolled her eyes at me and shook her head.

“I guess every pony needs there little quirks.” She said to no pony particular.

“And I have a lot of them. But that's neither here nor there anymore.” I said before sliding the photos back into the bag.

“Aren't you going to look at the other one?” Luna asked.

“No, I just worried about this world pony-ifying the people in these photos to fit better. I'm glad that my... friends.” I was a little hesitant with that last part. Before I continued with. “Get to see my old friends. They'll never see get to meet them but at least they can see them.” I said before reaching over in my magic and opened the door to see Pinkie and Dash sitting outside the door in the chairs that this hospital had provided them. Then turned to me and flew in, Dash literally and Pinkie... Well... it was hard to say, I wouldn't put it past the mare to finding a way to do so.

“What did you say to Twilight to make her run off like that?” Dash said getting into my face.

“I will explain here in a moment.” I said shutting the door behind them. Both princesses took up two of the seats in the room as Dash continued to be in my face. “Um... Dash please back up.” I requested. She shot me a scowl but nodded doing so. She hovered in the air over the foot of the bed her forelegs crossed looking at me. Pinkie hopped up onto the bed and sat next to her. I took a breath and explained to them the same thing I did to both princesses. I keep the comforter up a little just in case I had to protect myself from them throwing something. Part way through my explanation Dash landed on the bed with a small thud that bounced both Pinkie and I. There was no way of telling what they were thinking. Well that was until Pinkie started to grin and Dash smirked.

“That's pretty cool man.” She said and I blinked at her confused.

“What?” I asked.

“It's cool to know man. I mean your friends with the coolest ponies in Equestria and I know the first undead human pony.” She said and I blinked slowly.

“What?” I repeated.

“It's so awesome.” Pinkie said launching herself at me. She of course pinned me to the bed and was snout to snout with me. I've gotten an extremely uncomfortable look right into Pinkie's eyes and it was outright terrifying. It was almost like looking at a world of sugar.. So very possible she has a world like that in her blue eyes.

“Um... Pinkie can you please let me up?” I asked followed by a gulp.

“Oh yes. Sorry.” She said jumping back and bouncing back on the bed. “You know we should totally throw a party and invite everypony. Family, friends, and ponies so you can have so many... friends. What's wrong?” She asked noticing how smile dropped. I took a deep breath and pulled out the photos to show them.

“Who and what are these?” Dash asked.

“These are humans Dash. This one here is of me and my friends.” I said lifting the photo up. She grabbed it and looked it over. Even turned it a few times like she was trying to see another angle.

“I don't see you in here.” She asked I couldn't help but laugh.

“Because Dash it was before I came to Equestria. I'm the large one with orange on.” I explained and to looked back at it.

“Man you were fat.” She said.

“Yes Dash, I was fat. You could call me the two ton tuba of fun, the bowl full of jelly.” I said.

“Oh, jelly.” Pinkie said the gave the picture a big sloppy lick. Lucky for it and me that she only licked the glass and frame of it.

“Ah, Pinkie why did you do that?” Dash said as she tried to fling Pinkie's slobber off her hooves.

“Well he said jelly and I wanted to know what flavor it was. But it didn't taste like jelly at all.” She said smiling.

“Your so random Pinkie.” I said shaking my head.

“Hey that's my line.” Dash shot back.

“I know and I used it.” I said before we just sat there and talked. Not much really I told them about some more stuff from home, movies and so forth. To my surprise I didn't feel so cold anymore. When Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy came in they said they couldn't follow Twilight after she disappeared. For the third time I explained what happened and what I had found out. Rarity really didn't show her how she felt about it, Applejack showed pure horror, and of course Fluttershy passed out part way through it. Dash floated in the air and Pinkie was sitting around going through an oversized pink book.

“So your telling me that this whole time we've know ya, you've been dead?” Applejack asked after she had taken a few deep breaths.

“Yeah, I didn't find out myself until two days ago.” I said scratching the back of my head. “and just to be clear I am still letting you decide if you want to be friends with me or not.” I offered just to make sure.

“Darling you didn't know and to us you're still alive. You may not be this human.” Rarity said pointing to the photo in my lap. “But it doesn't change what we've come to know. You are still you either way.” She said with a light smile.

“Thanks” I said before taking a deep breath. I just wish Twilight was this understanding.

“Storm are you alright?” Fluttershy asked. She had came to shortly before Applejack started to talk.

“I guess.” I said.

“What do you think about all this?” She asked looking a little worried. I looked away and everypony was silent waiting for my answer.

“Do you want the honest answer?” I questioned and all of them including the princesses nodded. “To be honest, I don't know how to feel about this. In a way I feel like an abomination to all things natural. I mean I was a human that died then my soul got transported to a wonderful world of colorful ponies. I feel like just being here is spitting on a priceless painting. I also feel like it's a second chance. A chance to be the person that I really wanted to be, not to make the same mistakes. But... I also feel screwed over because I was suppose to see Jessica again and be with her for an eternity but I came here. I mean yes if I didn't come here I wouldn't have met all of you and I am truly glad that I have. You've been so wonderful to me.” I said before I let out a sigh. “There's just so much more to this that I can't describe it. To sum it all up I feel... out of place.” I finally answered.

“But you're not out of place. You're right there.” Pinkie said looking at me with a big old smile on her face.

“Not quite what I mean. I mean like an extra puzzle piece in a jigsaw puzzle kind of out of place.” I answered.

“Well then we just need to find the puzzle you belong to.” She said and my brain flat lined for a moment.

“What?” Applejack and I both said confused.

“You know find the right puzzle for the missing odd puzzle piece.” She answered. Oh, that makes sense... sort of. I looked around at everypony there. But there was one I really wished that was here. I laid back quietly in the bed looking out the window. Where do I go from here? Out of every pony most of them had no problem with this... all but Twilight. I let out another sigh as my mind drifted a bit just thinking about everything that had happened with Twilight. I thought back to when I first kissed her after being stuck in Canterlot's hospital for a few days, to us sitting at the look out and dancing to Fur Elise. I thought about that kiss on the way home from Applejack's and more. Just knowing all that was thrown away in mere moments started to crush my heart. But that left a question if I even deserved her after all this. Did I disgust her by being dead?

“What's wrong Storm?” I heard Fluttershy asked. I turned and looked at her. It wasn't just her that looked worried, even Pinkie did.

“Just a lot to think about.”I said sitting back up and scratching the back of my head. Of course the look of unease filled most of them. I said most because Fluttershy fainted again. This time not quite sure what caused it. “What is something I said?” I asked not sure.

“It's um nothing sugar cube.” She said followed by scrunching up her face and looking away. Okay so I knew Applejack was lying out her teeth. Dash face hoofed as both Celestia and Luna looked a little worried. I was still a little confused until that rapidly changed to shock followed by a heavy weighted feeling in my chest. My right eye was gone and I don't mean blind gone. I mean completely I see the empty eye socket gone. I started to shake a bit before I turned to all of them.

“How?” I simply asked. That's when the princesses launched into the story of how I jumped off the deep end. She told me of looking crazed, fighting both Vermom and Shadow Storm at the same time. Me cutting Vermom's foreleg off which didn't sit right with me and I had to grab a basket to lose what I had pumped into me when I was told I used said foreleg to beat her with it. But what really surprised me out of this was that some how I called the Elements of Harmony themselves to help me and not the ponies that are the embodiments of it. But the magical elements themselves plus I had some how boosted the power of it with the lightning I had absorbed from the storm cloud. This all sent my head spinning. I was dead, gone crazing hurting both Nightling and Luna, and beat the hell out of two sort of ponies that had made my life hell here in Equestria, in such state that I didn't remember coming out of it. To top it all off when I cut Vermom's foreleg off she slashed my eye out of its socket. The slash marks were already magically healed. But the eye was a different story. I was told that an eye was regrow-able as well was most limbs. Well not my right foreleg since the magic used on it made sure it couldn't be. The problem with an eye was it needed very advance spell to reform since it was close to the brain. So I was going to be stuck for a few days with only one eye. Pinkie being the physics breaking pony that she was produced an eye patch for me to wear. Which honestly I didn't mind too much. Dash started to snicker at it all this. The worse part... well sort of worse part was that I knew where her mind must have went. Because I couldn't help it I did the same thing.

“Not one joke out of you Dash or I'll make you walk the plank” I said picking up a pirate voice, this of course got both Pinkie and Dash to lose it and laugh like mad mares. I smiled quietly before looking out the window again. I watched some of the pegasi out there starting to clear the storm clouds away. Not as fast as Dash could I assumed but still pretty quickly. My mind went back to drifting around about everything that was when I noticed a flash of pink in my corner of my eye. I turned to see Twilight's pillow that I made. I gently brushed a hoof on it and it felt a little warm still. I had started to wonder what Twilight was doing before Celestia most likely figuring where my thoughts had gone down derailed it.

“How did you get back to the human world?” She asked. I blinked for a moment as I just had thought whiplash from the topic change.

“Oh well. Grim Wand's journal had a travel spell that he got from a book he came across.” I answered. Celestia's gaze turned cold as she gave me a straight stare. I gulped at this and winces as I had a flashback her to hatred face. “Sorry.” I squeaked

“It's not your fault but how did you find that spell in his journal.” She asked a moment later and that got every pony to look at me. I brought the book over and pulled out the journal once again and flipped it to the same entry I read before finding the spell. Floating it over to the princess of the sun she wrapped it in her magic and started to read the page. Her eyes widened before looking back at me and I nodded.

“Yes, he did talk to her.” I said curving her question ahead of time. She nodded and went back to reading.

“Talk to who?” Dash asked this time.

“Jessica.” I answered

“Jessica? Who's that?” She asked a moment later. I couldn't help but look away and sigh.

“She was an old... marefriend. Technically its called a girlfriend but for the sake of context it's marefriend. She... she sacrificed her life so I could keep on living and this Grim Wand talked to her spirit. Part of me is bothered but such a pony doing so but in a way I'm glad that she passed on... sort of.” I explained.

“What do you mean sort of?” Luna asked.

“Remember I technically did see her at one point. So I can't say she just didn't come to Equestria as a spirit or I temporarily passed on to see her.” I answered.

“I see.” Celestia said, causing everypony to look at her. “So he went to earth and talked to her. But I have to asked this: Why did you want to go?” She asked me closing the book and setting it next to her. Her gaze stern but motherly towards me.

“I wanted to know what happened to me and how everyone took it. I didn't expect really to see it happen in front of me like that. I guess the spell either had some time travel to it or the time differences between the two are just vastly different. It could be a little of both considering my arrival and the time Grim Wand was alive.” I speculated now it for the first time. A chill ran down my spine as I thought more about that pony. I really didn't like anything of his doing.

“Cold?” Applejack asked and I shook my head.

“No just a thought was all. I don't want to be rude or anything but I hope you don't mind I just need some time to think.” I requested, they all nodded. Most of them save for Celestia who came over to me.

“I understand this all must be overwhelming for you but you are still loved. Nether Luna nor I will ever stop loving you like that.” She said bringing me over for a hug. I smiled quietly and nuzzled into her chest a bit. Celestia being larger made this feel oddly nice, like a mother’s embrace.

“Thank you Celestia, it really does help knowing that ponies still care about me and...” I stopped before I could utter the world love. Being the idiot that I was my mind started to think about Twilight again and now she smacked my hoof away with magic.

“Alright Storm, I'm sure she will come back to her senses about this.” Celestia tried to reassure but at this point it only felt colder to me.

“Thanks.” I answered before she let me go. With that she left so I could sit in the room alone. Well for about an hour before a rather angry looking Nightling burst through my door, staring at me with her wings bandaged up. Within a blink she crossed the space between the door and the bed. Got up on the bed and stared daggers at me. I tried to open my mouth but was promptly shut up by her decking me in the face. My head jerked back at this and slammed into the head board.

“That's what you get for zapping me the other night.” She growled in my face. I however stared back at her for a moment. The small throb coming from the back of my head a present reminder of at much of an idiot I was. Of course she also hit me hard enough for my eye patch to come off. Her angry look turned to one of surprise.

“What happened to all of your anger Nightling? Did it just disappear like that?” I said snapping my hoof.

“Your... your eye, it's” She started to stutter out.

“Missing, gone, not there? I'm aware of that. You're not the only one that got hurt Nightling. Lucky for you, all that happened was you got the shock of your lifetime. I on the other hoof lost an eye that I won't get back for a few days. Now if you feel like hitting me again do it, otherwise get out.” I barked at her this time. My normally calm demeanor was gone for the moment. One thing I really did not like was getting hit in the face. In this case she swung on the side I couldn't see. So literally she blind sided me with that hit. Her shock quietly turned to anger and she decked me again. Followed by another and another. I guess she liked beating a dead horse. I felt the drips of blood from my nose as she hopped off and left. I closed my eyes and looked back out the window at the clear sky as the blood fell from my muzzle. That copper taste ever present as each drop hit my chest. I listened to it, a little rhythmic I suppose as it was enough to slowly drift off into sleep. That time the dreams where something I didn't quite expect. It was a nightmare of course but the subject matter was different. I was strapped to a table this time like I had been when I woke up from the first lightning incident. No tube in my mouth this time but standing above me was Twilight Sparkle in a scientist lab coat with black rimmed goggles on her head just below her horn. In her magic she held a bone saw, something that reminded me of hedge clippers, and a scalpel. Her mane and tail both looked messing, matching her crazed look on her face.

“Now hold still dear, I wouldn't want to make a mess.” She said slowly lowering the bladed tip of the scalpel to my chest.

“No!” I said flapping my wings knocking it away.

“Bad pony, I guess I'll have to do something about those nasty wings of yours.” She said with a predatory glee. Within her magic she out stretched my left wing and placed the razor tips of the bone saw to them. As she began to cut in them I let out a painful scream as I felt every push and pull of the saw as it dug into the flesh of my wings. She stopped part way through and went from the other side. She wanted to make sure I felt every last bit of this. When she got about the third of it she gave an impatient humph. “This is taking to long.” She said before she began to pull my wing out. I started to shake and thrash in my restraints as I screamed in pain. The sounds of wet meat being ripped echoed within the dark room followed by a thud as my wing hit the ground out of sight. She then went over to my right.

“No please, anything but that.” I begged hopping to at least spare having to go through that again.

“I can't do that Storm, don't worry I'll take extra care of this one.” She said as she gently ran a bloody hoof across my cheek. She held it there as her magic took the blood covered bone saw and went to work on my wing. This time however she jammed her hoof into my mouth. I let out muffled screams as the copper taste filled my mouth. Just like before she stopped part way through and went from the other side. Everything started to slowly go out of focus. “Oh I can't have you passing out halfway through this.” She said pulling out a syringe and stabbed me with a weird liquid. It sent a burning fire through me almost literally. It was as if I wasn't fireproof anymore and some pony was taking a blow torch to every inch of my body. Again I screamed into the blood covered hoof in my mouth. I couldn't take it anymore and bit down hard on it. The mad Twilight pulled her hoof back and rubbed it gingerly. “Ah, you little bastard. I guess I'm going to have to teach some pony a little lesson in not biting” She said pulling out needle nose pliers. My eye widened as he forced my mouth open with her magic and grabbed one of my teeth with said pliers. I looked at her, fear running through me. “Now lets see if memory serves me right I would only need to apply a little bit of pressure.” She said to herself as she started to crush my tooth with tremendous force. I heard the crunch followed by her pulling out what was once a tooth. What I could see was if some pony took a hammer to it on a table. It barely looked like a tooth at all as I tasted the metallic copper taste in my mouth. “Hmm... I think I'll even you out with this one.” She said going back in and repeating the process. The blood gurgled as I tried to scream through it. In my head I begged for somepony, anypony would come to help. A cold wetness ran down my cheeks as continued through the third and fourth tooth. She grinned looking me in the eyes. “Now is some pony going to behave and let me finish? Or will I have to teach you some more?” She questioned and I didn't give a response. She smiled and tapped her fore hooves together as she pulled out another scalpel. It slowly made it's way to my chest before it stopped in the air at the sound off two doors being burst open. It looked over to see Rainbow Dash and Rarity at the door. It only took them a few moments to catch on to what was happening before their shocked expressions turned into angry ones instead. Dash flew at Twilight pinning her to the ground. As the table I was attached to leaned forward at a forty five degree angle where I could see where she dropped my wings. Which where on the ground at my hind legs.

“What the hay is wrong with you Twi?” She yelled into her face.

“There's nothing wrong with me. I just wanted to examine a living dead pony.” She said before letting out a creepy laugh.

“Hold on Storm. I'll get you out.” Rarity said using her magic on the restraints. I tried to say something but blood just dripped from my muzzle.

“Get away from him Rarity.” Twilight said before blasting Dash of her into the wall.

“No! I will not do such thing.” She said getting my hind legs free. I could only watch as Twilight blasted Rarity over by Dash before walking into view.

“You will not screw up my experiments on this 'Thing.' Now if you excuse me I have some pony to cut open.” She said bring the scalpel back up to my chest.

“Damn it Twi. He's your friend. Hell, he's your coltfriend.” Dash said slowly walking up before she tripped on something. “Wah!” she got out before slamming into the ground. “No-no. You... his... wings.” She started to say as I could hear the sound of horror in her voice. I looked down as she was face to face with my removed wings. She rapidly backed away from my disembodied wings. Her gaze went to me then to Twilight as her horrified look turned into fury before she flew and tackled her. Dash started to punch Twilight as Rarity continued to work on getting me free. With a loud click my last restraint was unlocked and I slid to the ground. I felt woozy as she helped me to my hooves before coming over to Dash who was breathing hard. She stopped beating Twilight to the point her face was a massive bruise. I reached out a hoof and gently placed it on Dash's shoulder. She spun around and looked ready to punch me. Upon realizing it was me she stopped. “Are you alright man?” She asked as blood still poured out of what remained of my wings.

“I'm okay Rainbow, are you alright?” I asked breathing hard myself.

“You're not okay, look at what she did to you. I mean look at your wings, they're gone.” She yelled at me.

“I know Dash. This Twilight...” I stopped mid sentence as I felt my legs go out from under me. Causing my body to go limp from a sudden numb sensation.

“Dude what happened?” She said wrapping her hooves around me giving her own wings a flap to get into the air.

“I... I don't know. I can't feel my legs anymore.” I said as shadows started to creep around my vision.

“Oh dear. We should get him out of here fast before... That thing wakes up again.” Rarity added and I could feel Dash's nod against the back of my neck.

“Make sure you grab his wings.” Dash said taking off with me through a set of double doors. Her wings were beating so fast that it reminded me of a humming bird. Course that could be the blood loss talking. It wasn't long when we found ourselves outside to the oh so familiar hellscape Ponyville. We had came out of library close to the center of town. “What the hay happened to Ponyville it's all-” She got out.

“Hellish?” I offered.

“Yeah, is this the kind of stuff you normally deal with man?” She asked.

“More than anypony knows.” I answered as I got set down close to one of the non-burning trees.

“Geez, please tell me whatever that thing of Twi was it's the worse you dreams get.”

“Far from it.” I said and I watched her ears droop back. She let out a sigh running a hoof across her face.

“You really need to get some help man. It can't be good for you to deal with this all the time.” She said as Rarity returned with my wings wrapped in her magic.

“Oh dear.” Rarity said noticing the hellish version of Ponyville around her. She almost shrieked when she saw the Carousel Boutique the way it was, run down and boarded up.

“Rarity calm down it's a dream remember?” Dash said grabbing the white unicorn before she could take off.

“Right but I just can't sit by as some pony did that to my wonderful Carousel Boutique.” She said as she fought her inner turmoil for this.

“Trust me, you don't want to go in there. If it's still the same from last time. The only wonderful here is wonderfully horrid.” I said slumping against the tree more. “So why are you here anyway?” I asked. I didn't want any pony having to see all this, let alone walk through it. Was it good intentions when I didn't want my friends, family, or any pony to have to see any of this?

“Princess Luna felt out your dream and we offered to help you out since we were talking to her when she noticed it.” Rarity said.

“Yeah, so we figured we could go in and kick some major flank and help you out. Can't leave a friend hanging like that. You would do the same if you could, right?” Dash asked with a smirk and all I could do was slowly nod.

“Thank you, you two, but you didn't need to do this.” I said trying to get back to my hooves. Of course the pleasantries were cut off by the sound of four sets of hooves, wheels, and metallic flapping behind my friends. They both turned to see what I could already see. The nightmare versions of all my friends.

“Oh more test subjects.” The nightmare Twilight said grinning a smile that almost felt was too big for her mouth.

“More workers for the farm.” The larger nightmare Applejack said as I could see some of her muscles disgustedly ripple with each step.

“And more wonderfully pristine coats for my dresses.” The nightmare fashionista added. This got the real Rarity to pale a bit. The nightmare version of Dash who was currently wearing a large lion looking skull for a helmet with to black metallic spikes as horns with blood splattered all over it on her head unfurled her wings in a threatening style as she pawed at the ground.

“So it's Dash versus nightmare counterpart. Oh, I'm game because no pony can take on the original Dash.” Rainbow said grinning as she too unfurled her wings and pawed at the ground.

“Dash don't.” I get out but it was too late. The two of them took off into the sky. Which left both Rarity and I to face off against five other ponies. We were screwed and out numbered. Well that was until.

“Thou shall not hurt any pony anymore.” Was roared out behind them as a midnight blue field of magic covered the remaining nightmare elements and threw them in different directions. This gave Luna, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy room to gallop through and up to me. “Is everypony alright?” The princess of the night asked before turning to me seeing me wobble there, my wings on the ground next to me.

“I'm afraid not. Firestorm is bleeding profusely and Dash is off-” She got out before a loud crash was heard and the nightmare Dash flew between all of us her chest armor crushed in.

“That’s what some pony gets for thinking they can copy the real Rainbow Dash.” She said with a snort before coming down to us. “Princess I think you should end this dream fast before anything-” Dash got out.

“Anything else happens?” A very familiar voice said. I turned to see the very same stallion from before walking slowly up to us, five of the nightmare elements behind him. He still wore that atrocity of nature coat of his of both Luna's and Celestia's cutie marks on his shoulders, both of their horns still sticking out the center. “It's an honor to finally meet you Princess Luna or do you prefer Nightmare Moon?” He said in a very gentlecoltly tone which rubbed me the wrong way.

“Who are you?” Luna said getting in between them and us.

“Me? Well Luna I'm nopony in particular at the moment.” He said with a light hearted chuckle.

“Then why do you invade the prince's dreams like you do?” She asked narrowing her eyes to the point she was glaring at him. Invade? I thought he was a by product of my mind screwing with me.

“What do you mean invade Luna?” I asked.

“He is not one from the dreams. He's a real pony.” She growled while looking at the stallion.

“It seems I have been found out. I guess I'll take my leave then.” He said as a black tendril came out of his back in the shape of a hand.

“You will not do such a thing.” She said before it snapped and everything was gone.


I jumped out of bed, my heart beating fast. A cold sweat drenching my coat. I was sitting in a dark room. Well it was dark before a flash of light blinded me before turning back to darkness again. I looked around but saw nothing there. I started to shake before the door opened to see six ponies there. The elements of harmony minus Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna all came in, worry on their faces.

“Did-” I started before Luna nodded. I started to shake a bit as I remembered that dream. My wings out of habit gave themselves a small flap as I could still feel the shooting pain of them being cut through and ripped off.

“I... I didn't know they were that bad.” Applejack said looking at me.

“That was... tame. Compared to some.” I elaborated and even she paled.

“Yer kiddin’ me?” She said looking at me with disbelief on her face and I shook mine. “No wonder you snapped like you did.” She said which sent another chill through me. I turned away not looking at any of them. I didn't like knowing that I snapped but now that I did know. I didn't want to be reminded. My left hoof gently rubbed at my right nub a bit. A nervous habit I had when I was placed in an very awkward spot. “Sugar cube... are you?” She started and I shook my head.

“No Applejack. I'm not alright. I just need to figure things out. About here, about Twilight, and especially about me. If you don't mind could I have a moment alone with Luna.” I requested and I didn't look at any of them. I heard a few sets of hooves leave the room, closing the door behind.

“What is it that you want to talk about Firestorm?” Luna asked and I turned to look at her.

“It's more a request, I know I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon so I was wondering if I could be a little selfish.” I said gently running my hoof in circles on the bed not looking at her.

“What do you mean?” She asked and I took a deep breath.

“I was wondering if you could get a specific pony to come and play for me. Like... music kind of play?” I said. I felt like a kid trying to dance about a subject with his parents. Luna smiled which did help ease this along.

“Sure Storm. Who would you like me to get for you?” She asked.

“Miss Octavia Melody please, only if she is free. I rather not bother her if she is busy with a prior engagement. I would like to hear her play in person... or is it in pony?” I wondered out loud.

“Technically both would be correct.” She answered.

“Oh thanks.” I said with a bit of a smile for once. It took several hours before the gray coated mare entered the room with her cello case on her back. She bowed to me and I smiled. “Miss Melody you don't need to bow to me.”

“But it's only proper to do Firestorm” She said.

I asked Applejack if she would like to join me listening to the music. Already knowing her secret love of the classical music I thought it would be nice. Of course I did disguise it as keeping a guard on me as everypony else went to talk to Twilight about what happened. Applejack wanted to go too but they thought it was better the have one of them keep an eye on me just in case of another nightmare or an attack. Logic wise I couldn't fault them but I did feel like I was being babysat again.

“Miss Octavia, I hope I didn't bother you at a bad time.” I asked and she smiled back shaking her head.

“Honestly I didn't have much to do tonight. I was just sitting at home practicing.” She said before flipping the clasps on her cello case and opening it. With a loving hoof she lifted up her instrument and stood on her hind legs placing a hoof at the neck. With a flick of her hoof she readied the bow and looked at me. “What piece would you like me to play?” She asked and I thought about it a moment.

“Applejack why don't you pick first?” I offered she looked at me with a raised eyebrow then nodded. A few moments passed before she smiled.

“If you would be so kind, play in the hall of the mountain king please.” She asked with a small blush. I couldn't help but smile as Octavia nodded and began to play. I smiled as her blow went back and forth as if her bow was floating through the ocean of notes. Each one rang out at each little saw motion across the cello's strings. Her hoof gently danced up and down the black wood neck of her cello as she masterfully pressed the strings so her notes where precise. I watched her motions as they started to slowly pick up at the increasing tempo of the song. The image of a filly running around Canterlot castle began to run in my mind as she continued to play. The little filly at each turn she made. Towering figures of guards watching her, intimidating but elegant at the same time. It finally reached its crescendo as her hoof made rapid but calculated motions before ending. I stomped lightly onto the bed as Applejack did it to the floor. Octavia blushed a bit but bowed.

“Thank you.” She said before getting ready for another piece.

“Um... could you do Midnight Sonata next?” I asked and she nodded before her bow began again. In the middle of this song how ever a small burst of emerald flames came out as something materialized in it. The feeling of a cold tendril wrapping itself around my heart before ripping it out with a yank ever present. Because right there before me in the middle of the bed was a very familiar star shaped amethyst gem.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 18 - White Tail Woods

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Two days had passed since I had the gift returned to me. It sat next to me currently as Heart Shy was having five of his unicorn doctors go over my head a few times. Apparently my break down included fixing the issue with my head. At this point I didn't want to know and frankly didn't care, my head was elsewhere. Both Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting in the guest chairs in the room as about the seventh magical scanning was going on. Octavia on the other hoof left after a few more songs not knowing what had happened but I think she at least put two and two together when my look went from okay to depressive. I had to explain it to Applejack later that I gave Twilight the star shaped amethyst as a gift. Of course something didn't sit right to her about all this. She was going to go get to the bottom of it but I convinced her not to. As I did with all of them. From what I could guess Twilight took it when she found out I was dead to begin with. The group of doctors left to discuss what they found as I sit in the bed quietly. I really wish some pony would get me a new prosthetic. I don't really care if it's just a normal one. I'm tired of being three hoofed here. I rather have all four so I don't need to hobble anymore.

“So Firestorm what are you going to do when you get out of here?” Rarity asked me.

“Honestly I don't know yet. It depends when the property map of Ponyville gets here after I can look it over. I can figure out my next step from there.” I said running my hoof in circles on the comforter.

“If you don't mind me asking. Why a property map? It's okay if you don't want to tell us.” Fluttershy inquired this time.

“It's fine Fluttershy. Since what happened I figured I need a new place to stay. I doubt Twilight wants me at the library anymore. So I need to find a new place and before any pony offers. No, I will not be staying with any of you. I don't want to be a bother anymore then I have already.” I said just as a white pegasus mare came in, with the requested papers under her wing. She of course bowed before coming over and giving them to me.

“Here is the requested papers you wanted Prince Firestorm.” She said before bowing.

“Thank you... miss.” I started not knowing her name.

“ Scribed Note.” She answered.

“Well Thank you Miss Note.” I said softly, she bowed again before leaving. I let out a sigh before opening up the scrolls. Ponyville is larger than I thought it was, it also included a forest called White Tail Woods. When I noticed a set of cabins in the woods and one odd one a bit further away by a small lake.

“That's... odd.” I said out loud.

“What is darling?” Rarity asked coming over.

“These cabins here...” I pointed out to her.

“Oh that's the cabins we send all the stallions to during the heat cycle.” She answered a small blush adorned her face.

“I really hope we are talking about the same here.” I said thinking back to that really awkward conversation with the other universe Pinkie Pie, my face adored a blush as well.

“I believe we are Storm.” She answered.

“Well... what about this one here.” I said pointing to the further away one.

“I don't know honestly. I don't make it a habit to go into the woods you see.” She said looking at her hoof again.

“I see.” I said before going through the ownership listing that Scribed Note brought with the map. For the most part the cabins are owned by Ponyville itself which included that Cabin which hadn't been used in years. Even during the estrus seasons. It was to far away apparently. I wonder why for the most part. The rest of it was because the only available housing in Ponyville is too close to the library. Doubt Twilight wants me that close so that cabin was my best bet.

“You can't be seriously thinking of moving all the way out there?” Rarity said in a bit of surprise and annoyance.

“Why not? The only other available houses are close to Twilight's. I highly, highly doubt she wants to see me again.” I said rolling up the scrolls and brought over the gem. I lightly ran my hoof over it. This was followed by silence for several minutes.

“You still having feelings for her don't you?” Rarity asked and I nodded.

“As I said I would do anything for her. If it means she wants me to avoid her then so be it.” I said more adamantly. Didn't change how much it hurt inside. I still felt that icy yank at my heart. Another doctor came into the room with a clipboard floating in his azure magic. He had a pristine white coat with a short styled blue mane that was brushed by back a small swoop that curled around his horn.

“Well Prince Firestorm, I was informed that you will be needing eye reconstruction. Well I'm sorry to inform you that it won't be available for a few days. The required doctors are not here to do so. Well to be honest three of them are out sick at the moment. So there is no telling when they would be.” He said and I took a few moments to let that sink in.

“Then what are we going to do about this?” I said pointing to the eye patch as best as I could. It was a little hard to really point to something I couldn't quite see.

“Well besides the eye there is no reason to hold you here Firestorm. So until they're available I can discharge you if you like.” He offered and I thought again for a moment. Getting out would be nice stretch out my three legs, I've been going a little stir crazy in here. Well when I'm not... no. I just need to get my mind off of her for a while.

“Alright I suppose. Could I get a prosthetic please. I'm tired off hobbling.” I requested.

“Ah, well we can give you a temporally one. Your... unique one need won't be available either.”

“That's fine. I’d rather have a temporary one then not one at all.” I said as he nodded and left. In the mean time I started to pack up what I had left out in the room, both photos and my large comforter. Once the duffel bag was full I slowly made my way off the bed. The idiot that I was misjudged the distance I had and slipped whacking my face into the ground. “Ow.” I grumbled. Rarity lifted me up in her magic and back onto my hooves, all three of them.

“You must be careful darling. I wouldn't want you to injure yourself anymore then you have.” She pointed out which was followed by a sigh.

“I know I just don't good depth perception at the moment.” I said making sure the eye patch was still in place. I didn't want to scare anymore ponies. The doctor returned with a simple looking metal pole with jointed prosthetic leg. He quickly inserted it and I was finally on four hooves again.

“There you go prince. I will have the castle notified when we can deal with your eye issue.” He offered before starting to leave. With that four of us made our way to the castle. The guard that I didn't even know was posted at the room's door carried the duffel bag in his white aura. Out of all the colors I've seen for magic I didn't quite expect white. Now that I thought about it the only time I've seen black was when that vile necromantic magic was used. We got to my room to find all of Twilight's things gone. She had brought a few bags with her when I had been transferred to Canterlot for medical reasons. Now like her they were gone. I sighed quietly as I started to pack up what was left of my things. Fluttershy and Rarity had already got most of it together for me after they tried to talk to Twilight the other night. The lavender mare in question refused to talk to any of them. Surprising enough including the princesses, Cadence, and her brother Shining Armor. From what I was told she sounded pretty upset, crying upset not furious which kind of surprised me. Once I had everything packed up in the saddle bags and duffel bag. The three of us went to Celestia's private study. Honestly the only reason why I'm coming here was when Rarity came in she told me that the Princess requested me to come see her after I was able to leave. I had a feeling she already had gotten the report about me possibility getting released today. Right there in the middle of her study Celestia was there reading what looked like a file.

“Hello Celestia.” I greeted as I walked up to her. She closed the file and turned to look at the three of us. Fluttershy and Rarity both bowed as I just continued towards her before sitting down resting the bags next to me.

“Hello Firestorm. I'm glad to see you out.” She said turning to the three of us. He eyed the bags before turning back to me. “Planning to go somewhere?” She asked.

“I have some business I want to take care of in Ponyville.” I answered already curving the whole why question I knew that was going to follow.

“Is this involving the requested papers earlier?”

“Yeah, as it stands I figured it was best to find a new place to stay in Ponyville.”

“If I may, where exactly are you planning to stay?” She asked and I pulled out the papers again.

“This cabin here after I paid for it of course. I figured I could use the seclusion and I wouldn't be in any pony’s way.” I said. Celestia looked at me for a moment. I had the feeling she didn't approve of my choice of words.

“How do you plan to get there?” She asked.

“Could I have one of the chariots take me?” I asked.

“What about your fear of heights?”

“Doesn't matter anymore and this is the quickest way. The next train isn't to come for another three hours.” I explained.

“What do you mean doesn't matter anymore?”

“It just doesn't.” I answered not looking at her this time. I gently ran a hoof against the prosthetic I was using.

“I understand. I will have one ready for you shortly.” She said pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill in her magic before scribbling something down. This was followed by the parchment disappearing in a flash of magic.

“Thank you Celestia.” I said floating up the bags again and turning towards the door.

“Firestorm for what's it’s worth. I am sorry for what has happened to you.” She said and I stopped with the saddlebags back on.

“So am I Celestia. So am I.” I said then left. Both Rarity and Fluttershy stayed behind, I figured they had to talk to Celestia too. So by myself I traversed the halls of Canterlot Castle and surprising enough it was empty. I guess every pony was avoiding the abomination.

“Howdy Storm.” Applejack said to my left and I turned to look at her.

“Hey Applejack, how's it going?” I asked.

“Alright, just trying to keep the crusaders out of trouble. What about you and why do you have all that stuff with you?” She asked eying the saddlebags and duffel bag.

“I'm alright I suppose, I'm on my way back to Ponyville to take care of some business.” I answered.

“What kind of business?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“A new place to stay. That and to retrieve my last remaining items from the library.”

“Where are you going to stay if not the library?” She asked.

“I've got to talk to the mayor about a new home.” I answered. I figured she would reprimand me about waiting to move to White Tail Woods.

“Well if you want I can come with you.” She offered.

“I don't want to bother you with something like this. That and what about the crusaders?” I asked looking at the three little fillies running up to the two of us.

“Well I've got to get them home anyway. School is starting back up soon.” She said.

“Aw but sis, we want to see the castle some more.” Apple Bloom whined behind her sister. I couldn't help but smile lightly.

“Apple Bloom I told ya, school is important.” Applejack shot back.

“How about you four come with me back to Ponyville. We'll be taking the chariot so you can feel the wind in your manes.” I said with a warm smile. The look on the fillies faces all lit up.

“Really?” Sweetie Belle asked and I nodded.

“Um... Storm not to shoot the idea down but what about your fear?” Applejack asked.

“It doesn't matter anymore.” I answered once again.

“Sweet!” Scootaloo said as the three C.M.C. ran off to pack their bags.

“What do you mean it doesn't matter anymore?” She asked.

“It just doesn't.” I said looking at her. “Applejack please don't ask for the details. Just it doesn't matter anymore. I'll be by the main entrance when you're all ready.” I said before taking off again. I really need to find a better answer to my fear of heights question. Honestly like I had said it doesn't matter anymore. If I fall and hit the ground, what's the worse it's going to do? Kill me? I was already dead so it didn't matter anymore, to any pony. The halls of the castle started to feel colder to me as I continued to the main entry. Outside was a little nippy when it came to the winter weather but otherwise it was nice. Honestly the cold never really bothered me either it felt like a cool breeze to me, well in my current form anyway. I watched the chariot pull up being pulled by two white pegasus stallions both adorned with Celestia's guards golden armor. I went over to them and placed my bags in the chariot. As I wait for Applejack and the Cutie Mark Crusaders to come out.

“Hey Storm.” Shining said coming out clad his in purple and golden armor. He slid off his helmet as he came close.

“Hey Shining.” I said glancing over to him.

“Hows it going?” He asked and I sighed.

“I'm surviving, I guess.” I answered turning back to the pages. I survived back home and went on from event to event. Hanging with friends when I could, got into fights protecting them, dealt with family, and much more. Each time surviving, even in Equestria I did the same. With my eye gone I survived. I knew I was going to get my eye back in a few days but didn't change the fact I survived my state of crazy. Now I'm just going to survive on my own once again, if could get the cabin.

“It's still bothering you isn't it?” He asked.

“Depends on what your talking about.”

“Twily.” He answered and I nodded.

“It's going to bother me for a while. It's only been a day give or take.” I said not looking at him at all. The only stallion I didn't want to see any time soon decided to make himself appear by me.

“Hello brother.” He said with a bit of venom in his voice. I didn't care what he had to say honestly, didn't care if he hated me anymore.

“What do you want Blue Blood?” I asked not looking at him. Lucky for me he went to my blind side.

“Oh nothing I just wanted to see my brother off before going back to my pony peddy.” he answered. Really a pony peddy? Was it anything like a manicure? On second thought I probably didn't want to know that.

“Blue Blood watch it. This is not the best time to start something.” Shining said trying to defend me.

“Oh because the poor prince here got dumped? He should really stallion up and keep going. I bet Twilight got tired of dealing with a monster like him.” He snidely said.

“Blue Blood!” Shining said his tone raising.

“Shining it's fine.” I said cutting off his outburst.

“Finally some pony with some common sense. I take it you have accepted your monstrous tendency?” He said.

“No Blue Blood I'm not a monster.” I answered still not looking at him.

“Too bad. I bet Twilight Sparkle and those other commoner ponies had-” He said. I turned to look at him dead in the eyes. From what I could see in his sky blue eyes; This stallion was nothing but a prissy prancer of a prince that thought he could get away with anything. I could tell the hate he has for me because of who I was. I couldn't quite tell if it was just at me or who I was to him. Did he see me as the better?

“Blue Blood, I'm going to state this to you. I don't care what you have to say about me. I don't care if you don't like me, frankly you're not even worth the time to point out much to you, but let me ask you a question. Do you know the saying that eyes are the windows to the soul?” I asked in a very flat even tone with no real emotion to it.

“Of course” He said puffing up with pride. “I've been told I have the loveliest set of sky blue eyes. So I'm well loved.” He egotistically answered.

“Well let me tell you what I see. I see a stallion that thinks being all high and mighty kicking a pony that he sees underneath him while he's down. That he wants to make sure he knows who is the better. That is what I see. Now let me ask you this. What do you see in my eyes.” I answered lifting up the eye patch to show the empty socket of a right eye. My tone was never beyond calm. It was even and well paced. I watched his eyes retraced to pin pricks. What I saw there was disgust at looking into the empty socket. It was as empty as I felt at the moment. He turned and ran off as I slid the patch back over the eye. “I guess what he saw didn't agree with him.” I spoke to no one in particular as I went back to waiting for Applejack and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“That was a little excessive.” Shining said coming over to me.

“Really? I thought it was pretty tame.” I retorted.

“Well you didn't need to scare the guy.” He added and I shrugged.

“I thought he should see what I had become. Then maybe he would just stay away from me.” I said my voice an unnerved accepted calm.

“What do you mean Storm?” He asked and I figured he wasn't told.

“I found out what happened to me before coming to Equestria.” I started not looking at him either.

“What happened?” He asked curiosity probably getting him.

“I died.” I said keeping my tone.

“Wait. Is that why Twily's all upset?” I nodded to his question.

“But you both realize that you aren't dead here. You're alive like any other pony.” He tried to quell and already accepted fact.

“Doesn't matter anymore. I put on the table to everypony which does include you that if you don't was to know me anymore then I will understand.” I said.

“Relax man. I'll be still a friend.” He said putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“Thanks Shining, It helps.” I said.

“Do we really have to go back?” Apple Bloom said coming out followed by the other C.M.C. and Applejack each of them with set of saddlebags. Each of them had one of these pillows stuffed into their bags.

“Yes Apple Bloom.” Applejack retorted with an annoyed look on her face.

“Ready to go you four?” I asked.

“Of course.” Scootaloo said hopping into the chariot.

“Yup.” Sweetie added before joining her friend.

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom added a little disheartened before jumping in. Applejack came over to me.

“Are you sure about this Storm? Twilight may come around-” She started.

“Applejack please stop. She made her choice and you should respect that.” I said as I motion for Applejack to get on before me, which she did. That was followed by me hopping in. “If you sirs would be so kindly.” I requested and the nodded before taking off into the air. The flight to Ponyville was a little uneventful. For the most part the C.M.C. leaned on the front of the chariot with Scootaloo having her wings out with a smile. I raised an eyebrow at this and gently let my wings expand a bit. Just enough to get wind through it. I didn't really think about it before but the feel of wind in my wings felt rather nice. Maybe I should try and fly. During the rest of the flight I had closed my eyes until I felt our touch down. I know what I said about my fear of heights didn't matter anymore. I kind of lied, It still bothered me just thinking about being up so high like that.

I was glad when we finally landed in Ponyville. It was nice to see the town until my eyes laid upon the library once again. Sadly enough I had to go through first for the most part. With that I floated my bags with me as the five of us made our way to the library. I floated the key out of the secret spot Spike told me about. He kept a secret key outside when he found himself locked out a few times when Twilight was in her experiment set of mind and locked it on him a few times too many. So I opened it up and went in to retrieve the last of my items. The sword case and bag that housed the first ever delivery I got plus everything Twilight didn't bring with her to Canterlot of mine. With that tacked away in the duffel which was feeling rather full at this point. Applejack said she would meet me at city hall after dropping off the C.M.C. I didn't mind so much really. It was kind of nice to walk around for once on my own. Now that I thought about it. Most times when I was alone I didn't really get to enjoy it.

Either it being in the hospital from an attack or something of my own stupidity. With that I made my way to city hall which was close to the center of town. The large building reminded me of a fantasy medieval house. I didn't know if I made the comparison from my own imagination or from the amount of video games I played on earth. I sat outside waiting for Applejack to return. I started looking around more as the snow covered Ponyville. Some how it reminded me of those old warm winter postcards you find around the holiday season.

I watched Derpy fly from mailbox to mailbox in what I could guess was a postal uniform. She had a fairly large set of saddlebags and a large red cap on her head. Would the correct term for it be mail mare or was it mail pony? She waved over to me and I returned it with a smile as she went on. Lyra was out sitting in a very odd for a pony style way on a bench with a cream colored pony with a blue and pink curly mane mare next to her. She was playing her lyre as they sat there. A few of the passing ponies stopped to listen to the music. I wondered if Lyra and Octavia had ever known each other. I played with the idea of them doing a duet together, a Cello and Lyre duet. Now that I thought about it more I would honestly like to hear something like that. I sat there for a bit longer until Applejack returned.

“So ready to meet the mayor?” She asked and I nodded. As much as I really didn't want to do this. I had to at this point. Mainly because where else was I going to stay? I didn't want to impose on everypony else and I did have a source of income myself. Granted I wasn't too happy about from where but at this point that was moot. The two of us enter the city hall which was surprisingly not as crowded as I thought it would be. Granted I compared it to the city hall back home which for some reason was busy every minute of every day. Applejack already knowing where the office was helped me find it. Giving the door three solid knocks I was sort of glad to hear.

“Come in.” come from inside, the tone was authoritative. We entered and I found a tan mare with a gray mane sitting behind what I could guess a mahogany deck. On her muzzle she wore a pair of glasses. Around her neck she wore a white wrap with a green poof in the center. She was in the middle of looking over paper work when Applejack and I entered. I placed my bags at the door gently so I didn't disturb her more than I already had. She looked up with her set of deep blue eyes. She only took a few moments before getting out of her chair and came around to bow to me. I shook my head quietly at this. “Hello Prince Firestorm, How may I help you this evening?” She asked.

“I would like to make a purchase of a house..” I requested and she rose looking at me with a smile.

“Oh? Which house would you like to purchase?” she said going over to a filing cabinet and pulled out a rather sizable map of Ponyville that including White Tail Wood. Which was good for me because the house I wanted was in there. Slowly moving over to the map she had started to lay out on the desk before us. I pointed to the lone cabin close to the little lake in the woods.

“This one if it's not too much trouble.” I requested. The mayor looked at it for a moment then returned to the cabinet fishing out a document.

“I do apologize but that seems to be unavailable for purchase. That was one of the few cabins set aside for the season.” She said smiling to me. “But it is allowed to be rented during the off season, will that do?” She asked. I thought about it for a moment and nodded.

“That will be fine. How much is rent and how often would I need to pay?” I asked. She looked it over and about an hour had passed for me to fill out the required paperwork. A good amount of my bits were used up. Applejack sat there and watched mostly. Dealing with officials really makes me nervous. There's been times where I ended up in trouble so I always get nervous around them. Mayor Mare gave me the key and Applejack and I both headed to my new home. It took us about an hour to get to it with it being further away than Sweet Apple Acres from Ponyville.

“So why did you want to be all the way out here?” Applejack asked me.

“Well a few reasons but the main one is because I didn't want to be a bother to Twilight. If she saw me more around town then I may end up causing a problem with her and I really don't want to do that.” I answered.

“That doesn't make much sense Storm. How would seeing you cause problems for her?” She asked.

“Look at what she did when she found out I was dead. She ran off upset. Now what do you think would happen if she saw me in town and got reminded of that?” I explained.

“I think I see your point. But I still don't think Twilight would do any of that.” She said trying to defend Twilight. Couldn't blame her honestly but I rather be out of sight out of mind then be the problem I have been since I arrived in Equestria.

“It doesn't matter anymore Applejack. Out here I won't cause a problem and I won't be a bother to any pony.” I said as the cabin started to come in view. It was log cabin with a green shingled roof. It was nicely sized close to the first floor of my old house. There was a large window that showed the already decorated first floor living room. There was a second floor which was much smaller. Most likely a bathroom and bedroom up there.

“Storm you're not a bother to any pony.” She said stopping me and jabbing her hoof into my chest. I shook my head at this.

“But I am, if you need another reason then if I happen to snap again. Out here I am less likely to hurt anypony.” I offered this time.

“That one I will have to give you, as much as I hate to admit it. But you don't have to deal with it alone or seclude yourself like this. Come on, you can stay in the guest room at the farm.” She offered not for the first time.

“Applejack I'm not going to impose like that to you and I would hate myself if I ended up hurting any of you.” I said as I floated the keys out before continuing to the door.

“More than you already do?” She asked which got me to stop again. I didn't look at her but nodded. With that I unlocked the door and opened it with a flick of magic. “Storm you shouldn’t hate yourself like you do. Maybe it's the reason you have to deal with 'those' nightmares.” She said and I sighed.

“Applejack they’re nothing new to me, yes my mind may want to torture me because of how much I hate myself. But it doesn't matter now does it?” I asked after placing the bags just inside as a small throb rang through my skull. I guess I hadn't recovered all my magic yet. Then I heard the sound of something liquid hitting the floor followed by a metallic copper taste hitting my mouth.

“Whoa, here let me help you.” She said getting under my wing as I started to lose balance.

“I think I over did it with my magic again.” I said lightly chuckling.

“Well you did use a lot of it fighting. I guess two days of recovering didn’t do enough for ya. Here let's get you to the living room and I'll make you something to get you back on your hooves in no time.” She said helping me to the living room. The living room itself was fairly large, there was a fireplace against the furthest wall and the dark forest green sofa fit will with the tree log table. She got me up to the sofa where I laid there a bit touching my hooves under me. She got me a few napkins and I placed them to my nuzzle to soak up the blood. “Not you stay here and I'll see what's in the kitchen to work with.” She said walking off.

“Applejack you don't need to do this. I'm fine.” I said. For the most part I was fine just a little headache and a bloody nose, nothing serious right?

“You're not fine, not by a long shot. So you sit there and rest. Unless you want me to make you rest.” She said and I gulped. What did she mean by make me rest? Was she going to buck me in the head to knock me out?

“Can I at least start up the fireplace?” I requested.

“That's fine but don't push yourself.” She warned as I got off the sofa still shaking a bit with the tissue stuck to my muzzle. I pulled it off before getting to the fireplace. I tossed the paper in and gave the fire place a small poof of fire as it started to crackle. I watched slowly as the tissue burned up. I sat there quietly watching the red flame flicker and dance quietly. Not a care in the world to them. Sometimes I envy the fire.The warm of the fire felt rather nice, I slowly placed my hoof in the fire itself and watched the flames dance around it. “Whoa! Storm what are you doing?” Applejack almost yelled coming into the living room. I turned my head to look at her and the surprise on her face.

“I'm just putting my hoof in the fire. Is something wrong with that?” I asked a little confused. This wasn't the first time I had done something like this, fire didn't bother me like it would a normal pony.

“Pull your blasted hoof out of the fire Storm.” She said coming over and yanking it out for me. I blinked confused for a bit.

“What's wrong?” I asked as Applejack looked my hoof over.

“Looks like nothing's burnt.” She said not even looking at directly just the hoof.

“Applejack, I'm fire proof.” I explained simply.


“Fire Proof. Fire doesn't bother me like it would you. I can even go into lava too.” I explained.

“But wait is this because you're one of those dragon pony things?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yes I'm fire proof because I'm a drony Applejack. I'm surprised Twilight didn't explain that to you all. It's like how I can take a bolt of lightning directly and breath underwater. It's part of my body's natural abilities like how I can breath fire.” I explained a bit better this time.

“I keep forgetting at times that you're not quite a normal pony.” She said. You would think that would be etched into her mind like the rest of them, after everything that had happened.

“It's fine Applejack.” I said as I slowly went to get my bags. This time I didn't really use magic I just slipped the saddlebags over me and carried the duffel bag, which was heavy in my teeth, to bring it into the living room. Once I had it in there I unzipped it and began to dig into it. The glint of the gem got me to stop and look at it for a moment. That icy feeling of the tendril around my heart re-manifested itself before I buried it deep within and continued to dig for what I wanted.

“You're still hurting Storm.” Applejack said which caused me to look up at her.

“Doesn't matter anymore.” I answered before pulling out the quilted blanket I got from Fluttershy.

“That is hog wash and you know it Storm.” Applejack said adamantly as I placed it on the sofa.

“What can I do about it Applejack? What's done is done so there's no changing it now. So like I said it doesn't matter anymore.” I replied. That's what I had to keep telling myself at least. Otherwise I would just break down and start crying. At this point I just didn't really want to think about it.

“Storm... I'm sorry.” Applejack said and I looked at her.

“For what?” I asked this time a little confused.

“For what happened. I know there was no stopping it at this point but I don't like seeing my friends like this.” She said looking up at me and I just simply nodded. Silence filled the gap between us before she went back into the kitchen and the sounds of food being prepared filled the room. I slowly came into the kitchen to see Applejack over the stove stirring a pot. I remained quiet as I watched. Her tail flicked from side to side as she was standing on her hind legs to manipulate the wooden spoon she was stirring with. I went back for a moment to retrieve something else before returning to the doorway of the kitchen. Firmly on my head was the stetson the Apple family had gave me. As I watched her I started to think more about the past. My real family laughed after my death. So did they even really care for me like that? But they cried at my funeral so I didn't know what to think about it. I sighed quietly to myself which caused Applejack to jump and whip around to look at me.

“You alright there?” She asked instantly.

“Yeah just thinking is all.” I answered before turning towards the living room. I placed my rump on the sofa and just let my mind wander a bit. My gaze joined it until they both fell right on the photos right at the top of the open duffel bag. The ones of my friends and family. I saw myself in there with them. My large oversized fat body there with my bright orange shirt with blue sweat pants. I couldn't really see my feet in them so I couldn't tell what I was wearing. My hair was wild and unkempt most of the time. Mainly because I rather it be natural. My mother was not as heavy set as I, was shorter then I was, I was the tallest of the family. She had a lot more hair than I did but like her we both where brown haired. She was sporting a ponytail herself which was tied up in two sections. She wore a dark blue shirt with gray pants on. I couldn't tell if there were sweats or jeans from this photo. My father was just a hair shorter than I was and had the least amount of hair then any of us. He was sporting a bald patch on the back of his head and mustache. He was in a white short sleeved shirt with a pair of blue jeans on. My little sister was in a dark gray hoodie that had a skull on the chest of it. She also wasn't heavy set like me and our parents where. She also had black pants on, with her hair being split in half back and red. I remembered some of the better times we had, like when me and my sister went to a few haunted houses for fun. Kind of ironic now that I thought about it, horror was just about every where in my life and unlife now.

“Here you go Storm, some good old fashioned Apple Family soup.” She said after she came in setting the tray down on the log table.

“Huh? Oh, thanks.” I said as I snapped out of my inner thoughts.

“Are you sure you're alright Sugarcube?” She asked coming over to me and placing a hoof on my shoulder, I nodded slowly.

“Yeah I... just need to stop thinking is all.” I said as my gaze slowly went back to the photo.

“Storm if... if it's alright. Can I ask you how it happened?” Applejack nervously. For some reason it felt odd how she said that.

“Only if you join me for dinner.” I said with a light smile. She wasn't getting out of not eating with me this time. She pulled it once before at the hospital saying it was just for me. This time she was going to have some too if she wanted to know what had transpired.

“Alright, let me go get a bowl and I'll be back.” She said going to get some too. I waited quietly for her to return with another tray and bowl. She sat down and I launched into the story. With that I had to tell her that I did it to protect some pony. As I figured Applejack listened to all of it. Well I stopped up to the point I died. “How did...” She started.

“Everypony take it?” I asked and she nodded. “My friends took it the hardest that I could tell. They got into a fight, literally. Well Knives only really yelled but it was Ghost and Viper that really duked it out. That was until Viper left to drown his sorrows.” I continued but stopped again.

“What about your folks?” Applejack asked and I looked away.

“After the funeral I found them laughing. This was only about an hour or two after the funeral.” I answered and looked down a small tear dripped into the soup before me. Applejack put a hoof on my shoulder.

“I'm sorry.” She said.

“I know Applejack... so am I.” I said barely above a whisper as I tried to keep it together. But I failed as I just broke down and cried. Applejack just gently rubbed my back gently as I sat there, tears coming out like a waterfall. I cried for everything, the worse part is that when I finally stopped crying. I felt cold inside, almost to the point that it was numbing. In a way I felt cut off from every... one I knew back there. The only person I had was Jessica and I got to see her only once. Even here I felt just alone. I mean yes I did have friends and a new family but... The only place it counted was gone now.

“Is there anything I can do to make ya feel better?” She asked.

“Stay my friend.” I said simply.

“You won't have to worry about that. We've gone through so much for ya not to be your friend.” She said with a smirk before tilting the stetson on me.

“Thank you Applejack.” I said finally smiling for once. We sat there and ate. Just like before Applejack's cooking was sensational. Almost like there wasn't enough taste buds to take in all of the flavors assaulting my senses. It felt like home to me. The rest of the visit was short, Applejack had to return to Canterlot after a letter appeared out of me. Celestia wanted her to return after the incident mainly to discuss something. As well in her letter reassured me that the doctors will be notified to come to Ponyville when they were prepared to repair my eye. I figured the real reason why Celestia wanted Applejack back was to talk to Twilight. At this point I could only guess hasn't left her room. Applejack said when they all got back they would come and see me. I figured Twilight was out on that one.

“Oh trust me, I do. Who else is going to drag you out of here when you hurt yourself.” She said with a smirk.

“Yeah I guess.” I said. “Just be careful please.”

“Don't worry about me partner. It's hard to keep this mare down.” She said leaving. I waved to her until she was out of sight. Which wasn't hard since I was in the middle of the woods and the path to the house had a sharp right turn back to the tail for the running of the leaves. Even the lake behind the cabin had a bit of snow on it. With that I closed the door and pulled out one of the myth books I got from Twilight. Then curled up with the quilt on the sofa and began to read.


Four days had passed since I started living in the cabin. Since then I had gone over both myth and legend volumes three times. The girls hadn't returned or if they did I wasn't notified. They’re busy and I knew I wasn't that important anyway. It's kind of nice really. The only odd thing about all this was I hadn't had a dream since that last nightmare. All that's happened was I went to sleep and woke up, no dream. My day is always the same, I get up and say good morning to the photos of my old family and friends. They don't reply but it's at least nice to pretend that they say it back. Oddly enough I thought about that other universe. About the versions of my friends there and Max, I wondered what they where up to and if things were still going well for them. I thought about that date I had that universe's Pinkie promise me. If she was anything like the Pinkie here and if Max was the kind of person I thought he was. I bet it went well. As normal I got out of bed and made my way downstairs.

“Morning everypony... I mean every one.” I said having to catch myself again. This world's lexicon was pretty ingrained into me. I trotted downstairs I started up the coffee maker after plugging it in. I was getting better using the prosthetic hoof that didn't have fingers instead I had only the flat hoof with a small grip on the bottom to help me walk. In fact I went face first into the ice on the lake, it wasn't as thick as I thought. Spent an hour in the water, thankfully I can breath under water. Though to be safe I did transform into my more draconic state. One breath of heat later and I was able to walk out. Note to self don't try to walk on ice... like ever.

The funny thing was that most of my time here was spent reading. The only book I haven't read and really didn't want to was the book I got from Twilight Velvet. I did have it setting out on the shelf but beyond that I didn't read it. Though I've got to see when did she ever find the time to really get this published. I mean I only knew her for a week at the most. Well I guess more if you count the time with me sitting outside the hospital on the cloud but from what I remember she was pissed off at me. Which was kind of funny now that I thought about it. Night Light more defended me back then while Velvet wanted to rip my head off. Now it was reversed well they both probably wanted to rip my head off now after Twilight left like she did. Well I guess that gives me another good reason to hide out in the woods like this. The sound of the dripping coffee and that rich smell wafted throughout the room which told me the coffee was ready.

So I pulled out one of the white mugs and filled it. Lucky for me that the cabin was filled with nonperishable foods. I did have to go into town once to get some food. I still stayed away from the flowers. That was the one thing I don't ever think I will get over. I know I am a herbivore now and like the equines back on earth they eat flowers... My internal thoughts were knocked aside by the literal knocking on the front door. I set my coffee back down on the kitchen table and went the short distance to the door. Lucky for me the kitchen was right at the front door so if one of my failed cooking tries to burn down the house I can at least make a hasty escape. I opened the door to find both princesses of the celestial bodies at my door. My eyes widened a bit seeing this. I didn't quite expect to see them so soon well at least in the middle of no where like this.

“May we come in?” Luna asked and I nodded stepping out of the way. Behind them were Nightling and one of the day guards I didn't know yet. Nightling of course didn't even look at me which was fine. She was probably still angry with me and didn't want to talk to me.

“Would you two like a cup of coffee?” I offered and they nodded. So I reached up and pulled out two more cups pulling them out with my hooves. I hadn't really used my magic much since last time. I poured their coffee and brought it over as they took a seat at the table. I slid my cup over to the tree seat. Celestia slid the chair over and sat on the floor. Well with the larger body she had compared to Luna and I it was understandable she didn't need the chairs as much as us. “So what brings you two to my neck of the woods?” I asked a little amused by my little pun.

“Well we wanted to see how you're doing.” Luna answered

“I'm doing surprisingly fine.” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Oh? From what we heard you were upset the other day about what happened.” Celestia decided to chime in.

“Well I was. But I've had some time to myself and thought about it more. In the end of all this there was nothing I could do. I was meant to die and I did.” I said, I had accepted it. Granted thinking about it got me a little emotional at times but who wouldn't be? “How is everypony?” I asked to change the subject.

“They’re doing fine. In fact they’re suppose to be returning soon.” Celestia answered.

“And... Twilight?” I asked timidly. I was still worried about the lavender unicorn. She was still a friend in my book even if she didn't want to be. I wasn't stalking her or anything I just was worried is all.

“She's doing better. We finally got her to come out and talk.” Luna answered this time. Her gaze not on me this time.

“I take it she went back to her normal routine then?”

“For the most part, I think she still feels bad about it but doesn't show it to any pony. Almost like she just put it away in the back of her mind.” She answered.

“It worries me, I've never seen Twilight act this way before. Almost like she had completely forgot about all of it.” Celestia said and I could read the worry on it. Normally the princess of the sun could hold the most perfect of power faces, but other times I could read her like a book.

“Is it possible she locked her memories away?” I asked, getting more worried.

“It is a possibility she could have but I haven't sensed any memory locking spells on her.” Celestia answered.

“I didn't even know you could sense something like that.” I said now a little intrigued.

“Well to be honest you couldn't if you didn't know what to look for. We've both had years to be able to sense a lot more then most unicorns could with their magics.” Celestia explained.

“You mean like how I was dead?” I asked more the try and understand how she knew.

“Regrettably yes, after having to deal with Grimwand I had to learn to pick up that too. If you are wondering your magic gives off that kind of trace and that was how I knew you were already dead. I got it from when I moved the mane away from your horn, but that feeling is fading away from you. Which is a good thing.” She explained which I didn't know how to take. I finally got an answer about how she knew and a bit more on the sensing magic. But the dead thing fading? That was new to me and didn't know how to process that.

“I see, then the only other thing I could suggest regarding Twilight is it's something mentally induced. Like a traumatic experience causing some pony to repress it or block it from their mind completely.” I suggested.

“That is also a possibility and probably a more logical one to go with. Her friends for the most part had been supporting her about all this. Well all but Applejack who...” she started and I knew where she was going with that.

“Can't hold a poker face to save her soul?” I said with a small smirk.

“Pretty much.” Celestia said with a smile herself.

“This is the other part of why we've come to see you. We want your help with Twilight.” Luna tacked on.

“No.” I answered simply.

“What?” They both asked a little surprised at my sudden answer.

“No.” I repeated again. A slow blink came from both of them followed by a look of surprise. “I won't help Twilight remember me.”

“Why?” Celestia asked.

“Do you want a good reason or my reason?” I asked.

“Both” Luna requested.

“As for the good reason then it's because something like that shouldn't be forced and should come back naturally not to cause any more damage. As for my reason.. Twilight wanted to forget me. I gave her the opinion to get out of knowing me and she took me it completely. As it stands now, she doesn't have a clue who I am. That's what she wants and I have to respect her wish.” I explained looking at both of them.

“Doesn't it hurt that she completely forgot you?” Luna asked.

“Of course it does, but that doesn't matter. This was what Twilight wanted and I'm going to respect her wish.” I answered. Inside I was starting to get angry. They wanted to do something against another pony’s will. Even worse, it was Twilight Sparkle's choice. I wouldn't doubt that they would do it anyway, with my help or not.

“I thought as much.” Celestia said and I looked at her. “I knew you wouldn't do anything of the sort. But I wanted to at least try and get your help.”

“Celestia are you going to try and force Twilight to remember?” I asked and hoped she wasn't. The nod she gave me got me really angry. “I can't believe you Celestia.” I said now getting up looking at her an anger behind my eyes. This caused both of them to look at me in surprise. “You of all ponies. I thought you would be better then this Celestia. You're trying to take a choice away from another pony. From your own student Celestia. Does she mean anything to you?” I asked with more anger then I should have in my voice.

“Of course she does Storm.” She tried to say.

“Then why? Why force her to remember when it's going to cause her nothing but pain? And don't lie to me saying that it's for her own good. If it was just as simple as amnesia brought on by a spell from another pony or backlash. Then I can agree with this. But she willingly forgot about me. No pony else. Just me Celestia and you want to dig that all out. Why?” I said my voice raising as I went on.

“Because... I don't want to see either of you hurt.” She said looking at me. Luna remained quiet on the other hoof watching all this. I can see that she didn't like it as much as I did but also agreed with her sister.

“You... you didn't want to see us... what?!” I said now shaking in a complete rage. Just the thought of her taking a choice away from Twilight when it didn't pertain to her domain. Part of me wanted to strike Celestia for this but I kept that in check. I saw Celestia's ears flatten back at my last outburst. “Get out.” I said flat and angrily. As a glared at her. This cause her to look even more surprised. But nodded as she left. I sat down again in the chair as I tried to calm down once she had departed. I couldn't tell if she was just outside the door or left completely. Luna on the other hoof remained where she was eying me as she took another sip of her coffee.

“I'm sorry Storm.” Luna said causing me to look right at her.

“For what?” I said trying my best not to do it with clinched teeth which had changed to their razor sharp fangs.

“For all this, As much as I hate to say it but I agree with my sister, just not her method.” She said not looking at me.

“What do you mean?” I said eying her with a narrowed gaze.

“I mean Twilight should remember you on her own. Not by any pony forcing it.” She explained and I sighed quietly.

“I can completely agree with that method then. If she wants to remember me on her own then so be it.” I said before taking a rather sizable gulp of my coffee. “I just wish Celestia would have went with that and not make it sound like she was going to force the choice down Twilight's throat.”

“Is that why you’re angry?” Luna asked.

“Yes, just thinking that Celestia of all ponies would even consider doing that to Twilight just infuriates me. Like I said if this was amnesia brought on by a magical misfire or an accident then yes I can see trying to fix it that way. But this was by her choice and she didn't forget anypony else right?” I asked. Luna shook her head enough to tell me it was just me she forgot. “Then it was her choice. I may have over reacted a bit blowing up at Celestia like that but...” I let out a frustrated sigh. “Twilight had already proven to me she wanted out of knowing me.”

“How was that?” Luna asked.

“Follow me.” I replied getting out of the chair and heading into the living room. Luna followed as I went over to the duffel bag. It took a bit of fishing but I found the star amethyst that I had specially cut for Twilight. “This is how.” I said holding it out to the princess of the night. She floated it up in her magic and looked it over.

“How does this tell you she wanted out?” She asked.

“Because I gave her that as a gift. I held on to that gem for a while before giving it to her. Originally it was going to be part of a bigger gift. It was going to be placed on the cover of a blank book. Something she could decide to put in at any point. But after Sha destroyed my old house I figured I should just give it to her directly and I did. It was returned to me while I was in the hospital from my bit of insanity. While Miss Octavia was playing for me. It was delivered to me like all of the mail I got from you and Celestia. One poof of flames and it dropped right there in my lap. That's how I knew she wanted out. This was the only real big gift I gave her and she returned it.” I said wiping the tear from my eye that had started to form as I explained.

“I see.” Luna simply said floating the gem back over to me. I took it and placed it back in the bag closing it back up again. “Is there any way for her to remember still?” She asked.

“Besides face to face not much really, there's Fur Elise which was the first song the two of us danced to at the lookout. The photo Pinkie took of the two of us kissing. But I moved that one somewhere else so it would be out of mind. I did make the pillow with her cutie mark but I doubt that one would work.” I explained as I put it back in the bag. While placing it in the bag I saw the photo I was talking about earlier. The one of me and Twilight kissing on the way back to Ponyville.

“I can't imagine how hard this is for you.” She said putting a hoof on my back.

“It's more ironic really.”

“How so?” She asked.

“Because when I was in the other universe I saw a version of Twilight there. I had made a comment about seeing some pony you know, that I cared for but she doesn't have a clue who you are or what you mean to them. It's ironic because now it's the same here.” I said. The small motions of Luna rubbing back helped.

“Admittedly it's hard to see you like this Firestorm. I've seen stuff like this break many a pony. I can't figure out how you do it Storm, how you can deal with all this and keep going?” She asked.

“It's not a matter of how Luna. It's more I have too because it's whats called of me every time.” I said as I could feel that cold dagger plunge deeper into my chest. With that Luna came over and gave me a hug. Nothing said between us for several moments before I returned it. “Thank you Luna.” I said quietly.

“You’re family Storm.” She said as we sat there for a while. When we finally let go of each other she looked around a bit. “If you don't mind I need to go. I think Celestia has been waiting long enough.” She said walking towards the door with me behind her.

“Luna if you could, please tell Celestia I'm sorry.” I said stopping at the kitchen entry. She turned to look at me for a moment before nodding. With that she left closing the door behind her. I let out a sigh before turning to the three cups off still steaming coffee on the table. “Why does life have to suck so much sometimes?” I said to myself before sitting back down to finish my cup. The sound of the wind rustling the leaves that remained on the tree being the only ambient sound I could hear. I must have been there for a while because before I realized it the other two cups of coffee were not steaming and there was a knock on the door. I got back up from my empty cup and opened the door to. Wham! A mass of pink pony collide with me knocking all the wind out of me and causing me to impact the wall in a direct line from the door.

“Hiya Storm I missed you so much. I didn't know you left until Rarity told me when we tried to get Twilight all unsad-y but it didn't work because the doors wouldn't open. She must have put a really strong spell on it even Applejack couldn't get it open with all the bucking she does. I wouldn't be surprised she's as strong as a semi going a billion miles per hour with no sign of stopping. Because if that was the case that door would have been obliterated but that would be impossible because I don't even know what a semi is with it's big wheel like things and really big box end. Then we found you left and I thought to myself that maybe what you told us happened got Twilight all upset and you upset. Even though you tried to play it off like nothing was wrong. But I knew because my leg was all shivering which told me a friend was going through something super duper big and we all know I can't let a friend go through all that by themselves. But I didn't know where you went until Applejack got back from Ponyville saying that you rented this cabin in the middle of no where and that you just wanted to be out of the way. But you were never really in the way because you're my friend and a friend is never in the way when it comes to things like that. So when we got Twilight to finally come out she went all forgety on us saying she didn't remember you and no matter what we tried she wouldn't remember you which must make you all upset because you and Twilight were together. Now she doesn't remember it so we need to get you to talk to her yourself and then everything will be fix and-” Pinkie rambled before I put a hoof in her mouth.

“No.” I said following along the whole time, this time. Don't ask how I couldn't figure it out myself. Anyway my answer got her to stop squeaking into my hoof. I pulled it out and wiped off the Pinkie slobber.

“What do you mean no? Don't you want Twilight to remember how special you are to her?” Pinkie asked and I shook my head.

“What the hay is going on in here?” Dash said flying in to see me pinned to the ground. Well three of my hooves where. My prosthetic which was the one I used to stop Pinkie wasn't pinned.

“Whats going on here Dash is Pinkie is trying to get me to go see Twilight.” I said.

“Well of course. She's your special somepony now so you need to go over to her and get her to remember you.” Dash said with a huff.

“No.” I answered again.

“Why the hell not?” Dash said as she landed next to me.

“Because she wanted to forget me and she did. I'm respecting her wishes.” I answered not for the first time, they were acting just like the princesses. “Pinkie please let me up.” I requested.

“Nope. I can't do that until you promise to talk to Twilight.” She said looking at me with a pleading look.

“I can't promise that Pinkie.” I said not looking at her.

“But why?” She said pleading more.

I sighed before saying. “Because Pinkie, Twilight wanted to forget me and she did. So you should respect her wishes as much as I have.”

“But... doesn't it hurt?” Fluttershy said now coming over to me from outside.

“Of course it does. Why wouldn't it? The pony I care about doesn't even remember me anymore. What's not to be hurt from on that?” I asked this time.

“Then you need to talk to her.” Dash said now trying to get in my face.

“And do what Dash? Cause her more pain by making her remember everything that had happened? Remember how I was used by two other ponies? How much I've got beaten and bloodied? Oh let's not forget how much pain she had to see in my life alone from me remembering the pain I had to deal with. Dash I am not going to cause her anymore pain. I rather have her forget I existed then remember everything I had caused since I got here.” I said now glaring at Dash, tears falling from my eyes again. I just couldn't take it anymore, I just turned my head away and let it out again. Why did these ponies want me to try and cause more pain to some pony I cared for. When it was far better that I remained buried in the dark reaches of her mind. It was why I wanted to be all the way out here.

“Dude I just...” Dash started before sighing. “This is just messed up.” She said with a huff.

“I know Dash.” I said opening my eyes again. I turned so I could look at her since my eye hasn't been fixed yet. “Dash if it makes you feel any better. I do appreciate what you're trying to do. But this is her choice and how much I rather you not do it. If you want to help her remember me. Then I'm not going to stop you. I just won’t help you either.” I said finally getting un-pinned by Pinkie. She looked a little upset at this but nodded.

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes. Like I said, I‘d rather be forgotten then cause more pain.” I said slowly getting back to my hooves and went into the living room. I plopped on to the sofa as the girls followed me. Rarity and Applejack hadn’t come by, I could only guess they’re with Twilight. “Look I'm glad that you all are worried but there's nothing to be worried about.” I said with a soft smile. Pinkie turned to the other two.

“Let me talk to him.” She said and the two of them turned to each other then back to Pinkie.

“Are you sure?” Dash asked.

“Yup.” Pinkie said with a bounce.

“If you're sure.” Fluttershy said before turning.

“Go check on Twilight. Everything will be okie-dokie-lokie in no time.” She said before bouncing over to me with a beaming smile. I watched the other two leave with me waving to them.

“So Pinkie what's on your mind?” I asked not like I already knew that.

“Well we need to get you all unsad-y and I know the best way to do that.” She said with a predatory grin. My eyes had widened at this as I couldn't help but gulp. She started to step closer as I started to scoot away. “Oh come on you know you want to play with me Storm.” She said as her eyes went high lilted. This did not bode well for me... not at all.

Several hours later

“AH HA HA HA HA HA! PINKIE I CAN'T BREATHE!” I got out between Pinkie's barrage of tickles. After being chased all over the cabin and some of the woods until she finally got me, pinned outside the door. I was trying to duck inside to find her. Which being the paradox party pony wasn't as safe as I thought. She even went as under hoofed and remove my prosthetic limb in the run around. So there was no way of getting her off without my magic which I wasn't ready to use again.

“Not until you give up.” She said as she continued the tickle torture. I tried everything but with her sitting on my belly she made it extremely hard to get up.

“Give… up… on what?” I asked between more laughter.

“Give up and talk to Twilight.” She said as she continued.

“No.” I said finally using magic and blinking a few feet away. Which was a bad idea on my part. When I reappeared my legs felt like noodles to me and I tipped over as a throb started to set in. I started to breathe rather hard as Pinkie came over to me.

“Oh, no I think I over did it.” She said helping me back to my hooves, now worried.

“It's fine. Just not ready to use magic again.” I said finally able to stay on my hooves this time.

“Wait you haven't used magic all this time?” She asked and I nodded.

“After getting my bags in when I first got here. I haven't used magic, every time I use them I just feel all woozy and a small throb from a headache. Which is magic exertion right?” I said. I figured she has been around either Twilight or Rarity when they have over taxed their magic before.

“Yuppers.” She said before helping me to the sofa again. “You stay here and rest up.” She said and I wrapped myself up in the quilted blanket.

“Thanks Pinkie. Can you hand me the red book from the duffel bag?” I requested. She nodded and reached in for it. She pulled it out alongside the gem. After handing me the book she looked over the gem.

“Oh pretty.” She said looking through it.

“Yeah it is isn't it?” I sort of asked. Just watching her look it over.

“Was this-”

“Yes, the gift I gave her. That she returned.” I answered. For some reason Pinkie was abnormally quiet and it unnerved me to see her like that. She nodded to nopony in particular before turning to smile at me.

“Will you be alright by yourself?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yeah I'll just stay here. If you would turn off the coffee pot before you leave?” I requested feeling to worn out to really get up.

“Can do.” She said before zipping off. With that I heard the door close and I tried to curl up with the book but just couldn't get comfy. So I slid the blanket off me and went for the duffel bag again. I dug through it and found my big red comforter. Instead of unfolding it I just put the folded blanket at one end of the sofa and used it as a big pillow. With that I got back on the sofa and covered up laying with the book setting before me on the comforter. With that I had started to read an old book I enjoyed reading as a kid. I don't quite remember when but I had went to sleep. The dream which I was kind of surprise to have was rather... different. My mind just wanted to replay every moment I had with Twilight. Both good and bad as I walked down this star filled world. Little screens appeared around me, still frames of moments that had happened. In a way this was just another nightmare. Not one of things chasing me but just of the pain I felt looking at everything. The worse part was that it was just scenes not from my perspective but from an outsiders in. The one I stopped in front of was of me holding Twilight as she cuddled into my chest under the covers. I gently brushed a hoof on it before every image shattered into dust. Which left me alone in the void that was left. I think the dream would have lasted longer if the sounds of something knocking didn’t draw me out of it. I wake up to find some pony knocking at the door. I got up and shook my head trying to get the last bit of cobwebs out of my head. Finally putting two and two together I hop off the sofa. A few clips of my hooves later I found myself at the door. I let out a thunderous yawn out before I open the door to see Rarity and the C.M.C. there. The young fillies were bouncing around with Rarity looking a little annoyed which quickly shifted to a smile as she looked at me.

“Good afternoon Storm. How are you holding up?” She asked. Wait Afternoon? Wasn't morning like a few minutes ago? How long was I asleep?

“I'm doing alright I suppose. What brings you to my neck of the woods?” I asked before wiping the sleep from my eyes.

“Oh well, I'm in a bit of a bind you see. The girls here were suppose to have a sleep over at the boutique but I just got a rather important order from Fancy Pants himself and I can't get it complete in time if I have to keep an eye on the girls here.” She started and I followed along for the most part. “Which is why I was wondering if you could let the girls stay with you until I can get the order finished.” She said. I blinked for a moment.

“Why me?” I asked confused. Putting the whole I'm a stallion keeping an eye on three fillies aside. I was missing an eye, in the middle of the woods, far away from Ponyville so if something bad happened. It would be hard to get word for help.

“Well I asked Fluttershy but she was going to help with a cow giving birth. Applejack has apple bucking to do with Big Mac. Pinkie's in the middle of planning a super big party as she puts it. Dash is, well Dash, and Twilight... well with everything, no offense, it's best not to dump this on her either.” She answered.

“None taken, I understand. I take it I'm just last resort then?” I said.

“I'm afraid so, can you do this for me? Please?” She said starting to give me pleading eyes. Damn it, she could really pull of the so cute it hurts look.

“Yeah Mister. Please?” The three fillies followed. Double damn it, not them too. With a sigh I nodded which was followed by. “Yeah!” from the three of them as they zipped right by.

“Your doing me a great favor. I promise I will make it up to you. You won't regret it I swear.” She said before taking off. I sighed quietly resigned to my fate. Universe you're a jerk. When I finally returned to the living room I found the C.M.C. routing around in the duffel bag.

“Girls. Please stop.” I asked simply trying not to yell at them.

“Sorry Mister.” Apple Bloom said.

“It's fine. I just don't like ponies getting into my stuff without permission.” I said coming over pulling the bag closer with my hoof.

“What'cha got in there anyway?” Scootaloo asked.

“Stuff from home.” I said with a small smile on my face which faded as I thought more about it. “My old home.” I solemnly added later.

“Old home? Where are you from mister?” Sweetie asked this time.

“You all can call me Firestorm or Storm if you want. As for where I'm from. I'm from somewhere far far away from Equestria.” I answered as I gently brush a hoof on the bag.

“Like the Griffon Kingdom?” Sweetie asked bouncing.

“Further” I answered with a small smirk.

“Oh! How far are we talking?” Scootaloo asked this time.

“Let's say somewhere it takes a lot to get there. Somewhere that even Celestia would have a hard time getting to without knowing how.” I answered.

“Can ya tell us about it?” Apple Bloom asked this time.

“Well no. But I can tell you something else. I can tell you about an adventure. A stallion who destiny picked out to call to hooves and in the end became a hero, a legend of you will. And it all started with him turning a year older.” I said with a grin as crossed my face.


“With that they set sail with no idea what they were going to find or what trails will be called of them. But they did know one thing. It was going to be an adventure.” I said finishing the story that took me quite a few hours to tell. It was pretty dark out when I finally told them a story well most of a story that is from one of my favorite games. Granted I had to change a few things so it would fit better in a ponified universe but for the most part it worked. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were staring at me the whole time wide eyed as I gave each character in the story their own voice. Granted some of the female voices I did needed work but I think did well enough.

“Wow.” Scootaloo said sounding completely dumbfounded. It was nice honestly. I didn't quite see myself as a storyteller like that. Yeah I know stories and legends. Well a myth or two, but just to think that a story about a hero having to find his home in the middle of an ocean to get these three fillies to sit down and listen. Was well an amazing feeling. Well was a great boost to my downtrodden mood for most of the day. Especially after hearing about Twilight, then what happened with Celestia. I just wasn't in the best of moods by the time I was asked to babysit.

“Storm... Why did the hero have to do all that?” Sweetie asked.

“Because destiny asked it of him.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah Sweetie. He got to go on an awesome adventure and kick major monster flank.” Scootaloo added picking up a pencil and was swinging it around like a makeshift sword. Rather cute to see in a way. “Still Rainbow Dash could kick even more monster flank.” She said with a beaming grin. I how ever rolled my eyes at this. Looks like somepony is a fan of miss ego. Now that I thought about it she probably could. Well since Equestria had beasts and monsters running around almost everywhere, technically there was one right here in this cabin, me.

“Maybe we should try for our adventures cutie marks.” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Well you would need an adventure to get those.” I added.

“He is kind of right there Apple Bloom.” Sweetie tacked on.

“But how will we know if we are on an adventure when even the hero from the story didn't?” Apple Bloom asked back. Honestly that was a good question.

“Well because he wasn't caring about the adventure itself Apple Bloom. His mind was on the task at hoof. Protecting those that needed it.” I answered.

“So we could be on an adventure right now and not even know it?” Scootaloo asked.

“Possible I suppose. But how about this. Since it's getting pretty late. Will have a quick dinner and I'll send you three off to bed. You can use the one upstairs if you don't mind sharing it with each other.” I offered.

“We've done it before and it's still early” Scootaloo defended.

“Hear me out, How about we do that and tomorrow I'll try to help you three get your cutie marks.” I suggested. This of course got them to go bright eye on me.

“Really? You'll do that?” Sweetie asked.

“Of course.” I answered with a grin as I got off the sofa and went to make something rather simple for dinner. It didn't take long to get the tomato soup cooking with the grilled cheese sandwiches. Which lucky for me I had remembered to get bread and cheese during my one shopping trip. The girls wanted to help and they did. Which I sort of regretted, how hard is it to butter bread? They got the slick yellow stuff everywhere and I mean everywhere, even the ceiling somehow. Six or seven globs of it decided to drop right on my head during the process of stirring the soup and grilling. Lucky for me one landed on the eye patch and not my eye.

“Um Storm, what's with the eye patch? Are you a pirate or something?” Scootaloo asked.

I couldn't help it I dropped right into my best pirate voice. “Why yes matey I'm the dread pirate Storm. The scurrilous pirate from this side of the seven seas.” I said with a smile before I turned away dropping it. I didn't want to be the reason these young fillies had nightmares for days to come. With that I continued to stir and cook the grilled cheese sandwiches. Once I had a good stack of the sandwiches done I pulled out mugs for the soup. I had always thought drinking the soup from a mug was a little fun, something out of the norm. The girls watched me fill each mug before turning off the stove and setting them down. Which was harder to do without using magic mind you. We sat down and ate. The girls talked between themselves about C.M.C. business as they put it. Which was fine, I didn't have much to say anyway. I just watched them go on and on about finding their cutie marks. Which got me to look at my fireball hitting a storm cloud again. Part of me wondered if I even deserved getting a cutie mark to begin with being both dead and not from Equestria.

Between the four of us not much really happened. Well besides me slipping a few times on the butter. The girls promptly laughed at my misfortune which in a cartoonish kind of way was funny, I suppose. I got the girls to go brush their teeth which was kind of funny to watch. Just watching them brush them with rather larger brushes; It was too adorable, I laughed internally so as not embarrass them. Once they where done I helped them up to the bed room with them riding on my back. Damn them and their pleading eyes, they just had to talk me into it. With much luck on my part I get them up the stairs and into the bed. Which was a nice rustic looking bed with a nice green blanket that normally was on it. Now when I slept up here I folded it and used my big red comforter with the quilted blanket from Fluttershy over it. So once I got them under the blanket I got a question I wasn't quite ready for.

“Storm, what are those?” Apple Bloom asked pointing to the photos of my family and friends. I smiled quietly and reached over picking up the one of my family.

“There very special people to me Apple Bloom.” I answered.

“What are people?” Sweetie asked. I smiled and turned the photo to them.

“These are Sweetie Belle. There like diamond dogs but mostly hairless and talk just like every pony.” I said smiling quietly.

“They look weird.” Scootaloo tacked on.

“I think they would say the same if they saw every pony.” I said pulling the photo back over to me looking at it again. I gently ran my hoof across the photo remembering that I won't be able to see them like I use to again, I was dead to them. That thought alone made me feel rather empty inside as I could feel a wetness run down my cheek.

“Storm what's wrong?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I... I just miss them is all.” I said which wasn't a lie exactly. I placed the photo back on the little side table and turned back to the girls. “But that's not important. Getting you little fillies in bed is. We have a lot of cutie mark questing to do tomorrow.” I said smiling. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other before looking back to me. I can tell they’re still a little worried and lucky for me they don't know anything about what had happened. Scootaloo on the other hoof curled up and went to sleep without a thought. “Good night Cutie Mark Crusaders.” I said getting up and leaving the room turning the lights off.

“Storm?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yes Apple Bloom?” I said looking at her.

“Why did the Pig King do all those mean things?” She asked most likely about the story I told them.

“Because Apple Bloom, Sometimes ponies or creatures see the other means to obtain their goals. They go with what they think is the easiest regardless who gets hurt. Which is why there will always be a hero to stop them.” I answered not looking at her. “Good night girls.” I said closing the door and returned downstairs. I went right back to the sofa and began to lay on it. The girls were in bed and I was relaxing. Honestly it hasn't been so bad now that I thought more on it. I think this of all things has been rather normal. No pony to attack me, no pony to really mess with me, granted the girls asked rather bad timed questions but they’re kids. Not even Shadow in the back of my mind asking me or making me hate myself. It wasn't long after Shadow's removal from my body that I figured out that voice in my head was him. Was I really gone with him? Part of me wanted to say yes, I wanted to agree with it but that ever so skeptic part of my mind knew it wasn't that easy. When he came back he was going to be pissed.

“Are you sure this is going to work?” A very familiar Rainbow Dash voice said. I couldn't tell where I heard it from. It almost felt like it was in my head. Well damn it so much for nothing weird.

“Oh for sure Darling. Even Pinkie agrees this will work.” I heard from what sounded like Rarity.

“Well this seems rather under hoof even for us. I mean there's no guarantee this is going to work like we planned.” The cyan mare said. I got back up trying to find out where that sound was coming from. But no matter where I went It just kept sounding like it I was in the very room with it. On top of that, plan?

“Neither one of them suspects a thing so what can go wrong?” Rarity questioned with an almost knowing tone to her voice.

With a sigh I heard. “Still I can't believe you got the three of them to agree with this and when are you going to have her pick them up?” Dash asked now sounding a little annoyed. What the hell was going one? Was I going crazy again? Oh please tell me I didn't start hearing voices in my ear that no pony can. Or was this some unicorn pulling a joke on me? There was no doubt that it could be possible that some pony thought it would be funny to make me think I heard two of my friends. But this seemed a little too... surreal maybe?

“Tomorrow should be fine, she won't need to open up being Sunday so it's perfect. Just remember to get her to come over otherwise I think she may think something's up. Now if you excuse me I have to finish setting up. One mustn't be unprepared.” Rarity said and I could hear the sound of hooves.

“You got it Rare. I'll see you tomorrow.” I heard her wings beat fast and the sound of rushing wind. Lucky for me all the sound stopped a few moments later with Rarity singing something about the art of the dress. Nice song but I just wasn't in the mood. Honestly I wasn't in the mood for much now. Either I was hallucinating sounds which after having snapped it became a very good possibility that I could lose touch with reality. But what if it was real? How? As far as I knew no spells were cast on me. Now granted there was no real way for me to tell or not. Twilight was going to show me how to sense things, gems were going to be one thing I wanted to learn. I could gather gems for Spike and some for Twilight either for enchantments or for a gift. I had always wanted to see the unicorn with a nice deep blue sapphire necklace and once I know how to find them I was going to make it a mission for myself to make it for her. I thought it would have been something super special from me. Well that was before I got the complete dump from Twilight. After returning to the sofa I pulled the duffel bag up and dug through it. That's when I found the little bound book I got from my very first piece of equestrian mail. I opened it up to find it still blank. And even hidden in the cover there was a little drawing pencil. I smiled a bit at my new little sketch book. So to pass the time I had started to hum a song that blended into another song as I drew into the night. Most of my time I drew my friends. Well until I got to a certain lavender unicorn mare. I flipped to the last page and for the rest of the night I drew mainly Twilight as I remembered every special moment we had. I didn't cry, well not outwardly. Inside how ever I was balling like a little baby. I finally just drew Twilight's cutie mark slowly taking the time to fill it in with grays and blacks. I was a little pathetic even for me but I guess time hasn't healed this wound yet. Finally finishing it, because I took extra long to draw and shade it in, I went to clean up all the butter and prepare breakfast for the four of us. Apple Bloom was the first to come down a little bit after I had started on the hay bacon.

“Hiya Storm, what's for breakfast?” She said jumping into one of the chairs.

“Hey Apple Bloom, Right now I was thinking some hay bacon and eggs. How did you sleep?” I replied back.

“Oh pretty good and that sounds yummy.” She answered. I couldn't help but smile. This felt right to me, with all the weirdness aside this felt normal enough to count for me. The hay bacon sizzled in the pan which was kind of nice to know that what cooking skills I had couldn't mess up hay bacon, though dealing with a pan with just your hooves is weird. Normally I would use my metallic fingers or my magic but right now I'm avoiding the magic because of the pain. “How about you? How did you sleep?” She asked.

“I didn't” I answered sliding the hay bacon onto the plate with the towel.

“You've been up all night?” She asked with a little disbelief to her voice.

“Well... yeah, I don't need to sleep as much as a normal pony does Apple Bloom.” I answered putting some from ones in the pan.

“How come?”

“Well because the magic in my body prevents me from sleeping, think of it like a battery. A normal battery for a pony goes for about a day the needs to recharge. I on the other hoof takes a few days for me needing to recharge with sleep.” I explained, hoping the analogy works.

“Ah.” She said as I continued to cook.

“Are the other two still asleep?”

“Yeah, I'm use to waking up early to do my chores before school.” She said. “Why are you and Twilight upset with each other?” Damn it, there she goes asking another hard question for me.

“We’re not upset with each other Apple Bloom. It's just difficult and I rather not talk about it if you don't mind.” I said sliding another set of hay bacon on the plate.

“Oh... okay.” She said sounding a little dejected. I turned to see her looking a little sad about it.

“Apple Bloom everything's fine, there's nothing to worry about.” I said with a light smile. She looked up at me and smiled too. After a bit of silence between the two of us I had a question pop into my head and my curiosity got the better of me. “Apple Bloom um... stupid question: How much do you girls know about me? You, Sweetie, and Scootaloo that is.” I asked.

“Well... we know you're not quite a pony. You're a dragon pony thing and you can do things normal ponies can't. That you're not quite from here but somewhere far far away from Equestria.” She answered. Okay so she knows the bare bone basics. I can work with that. With that I slide the last of the hay bacon I was going to cook for all of us onto the plate and placed the pan in the sink with some water on it. I got the other pan and pulled out what I needed for scrambling eggs. I was never good with sunny side up or down.

“Well Apple Bloom do you want to know what I am?” I asked and she nodded. “Well get me the milk and I'll tell you.” I said with a smile. She of course hopped right to getting it for me. Once I got the milk in with the bowl for the eggs. Which was hard to crack with just a hoof. “For the most part you are correct. I currently am a dragon pony, a drony. But I'm closer to Celestia and Luna since I became the alicorn version which is called a dralicorn. Following along so far?” I asked making sure I don't go over her head.

“I think so, that makes you a prince right?” She asked.

“Technically yes, but please don't call me that.” I said, she nodded with a smile. “As you said I do have a few abilities that normal ponies, or even the princesses don't have.” I said with a smile as the eggs started to form a less liquid state. “I can breathe fire and breathe underwater, lightning still hurts but I can use it like an energy boost before I have to shoot it out.” I explain keeping it rather simple.

“Cool!” She said looking at me.

“I can also change to another form.” I said with a smile as the eggs are about half ready.

“Oh! Can I see it?” she asked.

“After breakfast Apple Bloom. I don't want any of you to get distracted before eating.” I said smiling.

“Alright.” She said as the eggs where done. I quickly plop them on to a plate too before making the next batch. “Storm what happened to your leg.” She asked not for the first time. I stopped for a moment to look at her.

“I'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret.” I said not waiting that part to get out as much.

“I promise not to tell no pony.” She said with an enthusiastic nod.

“Not even Sweetie or Scootaloo.” I asked more for my own amusement. Hey I can play around too. I figured she would tell them anyway but I wanted to see if her resolve was as sturdy as her sister’s.

“Of course, I know you trust me with this.” she said only taking a few moments to be hesitant. I smiled.

“Apple Bloom, it's fine to tell them but you have to make sure they keep it secret too.” I said as the eggs started to stiffen again in the pan.

“Of course, it will be a Cutie Mark Crusader treasured secret.” She said putting a hoof to her chest. I couldn't help but smile with a light chuckle.

“Alright, I trust you, I just wanted to be sure.” With that I got more of the eggs done and I slide the rest of the mix into the pan. As much as I hate tasting eggs I had no problem cooking them. “Remember when I told you the first time a bad pony took it?” I started.


“Well I was partly truthful. See when your sister and the girls went to the crystal empire. They went there to save me.” I started slowly moving the spatula back in forth in the pan. As the memories flooded back of that day.

“Well at the time I was being controlled, like a puppet. I had no control of my actions or my own will. I was stuck watching everything. During that time the bad pony, a darker version of me, cast a very nasty spell that cost me my leg. I won't explain what the spell does” I explained not looking at her. I felt that pain again, I remembered wanting to scream as I felt that leg expand and explode with a meaty pop. I cringe visibly just remembering it all. “So I will warn you; If you see a dark me. I mean like an almost perfect dark gray coat and jet black maned me. I want you to promise me you will run away from him.” I said turning to her. She nodded of course which got me to sigh with relief. “Don't trust anything he says. He is only out to hurt any pony that I care about.” I said as I went back to finishing the eggs. Oddly enough there was a silence that filled the room between Apple Bloom and I. It felt foreboding to me in a way, like maybe I went to far and told her. Applejack probably will buck me for it, right up there with Big Mac. I got the eggs done and placed it on the plate with the others. Before bringing it over to the table with the hay bacon.

“Storm. Why don't you use magic?” She asked and I blinked for a moment.

“Well... because it hurts to do so right now.” I explained setting the table and pouring three glasses of milk for the young fillies. I got myself a cup of coffee.

“Hurts?” She asked.

“When a unicorn uses too much magic their nose starts to bleed. I spent too much and it just causes it to happen every time I've used it since.”I explained. Which was true, I got light headed and blood came from my nose. The last two Cutie Mark Crusaders came down and I began to fill their plates with the prepared food. I only had toast and hay bacon myself. The girls eyed me but I didn't say anything as I finished before them. I started cleaning up when the girls brought their empty plates over. I thanked them and when I got the plates drying, we went into the living room.

“Alright, can we see it now?” Apple Bloom asked.

“See what?” Scootaloo asked.

“See Storm change.” She replied with a bounce. The other two turned to me with wide eyes and I smiled back waving back with my clawed hoof. Perfect timing there Apple Bloom. All three of their jaws dropped and I smiled showing off my razor sharp teeth. Sweetie squeaked and hid behind the other two.

“So awesome” Scootaloo said matching Dash perfectly. I smiled as I watched my fire like mane dance in an invisible wind of it's own.

“Don't worry Sweetie Belle, it's just me and I won't hurt you.” I said lowering down to the floor more. She peaked out after she had grabbed Scootaloo's wing to hide herself. I smiled looking at the three of them. Apple Bloom came over and placed a hoof on my left one.

“It's warm.” She said.

“Well of course, dragons are normally warm.” I said with a smile. She looked up to my mane that had flopped down a bit.

“Is it safe?” She asked stepping back.

“Of course, it's still a mane after all.” I said as I watch her reach up and just gently brush it. The little flames danced around her hoof, then others came over and tried it themselves. “See. It's safe.”

“This is so awesome.” Scootaloo said hopping on to my back.

“I'm glad you like it Scootaloo.” I said as my reptilian tail swishes back and forth.

“You do look scary” Sweetie Belle said looking up at me and I smiled.

“Don't worry Sweetie, I won't hurt you.” I said gently patting her with my prosthetic hoof. She still didn't look quite sure. “I can turn back if this bothers you.” I offered.

“It's... okay. I just... I don't know. you look scary. But I know you're a good stallion.” She said looking at me.

“Scootaloo can you please get off me?” I requested.

“Aw, but I was enjoying the fire mane thing you have.” She said as she continued to play with it.

“Please.” I requested again and she huffed but did so. Once she was off I returned to normal. I turned around as my wings gave a quick flap almost out of habit. I shot out a small plume of fire into the fireplace.

“It's true you can breathe fire.” Apple Bloom said coming up to the fireplace.

“Eeyup.” I said matching almost perfectly the red stallion. With that I had to ask. “So what do you three want to do?” I asked.

“Ice skating.” They all said together. The three of them all ran back to the room yelling “Cutie Mark Crusader ice skaters.” Lucky for me they said it as they left so I didn't get a full force blast of that. That and they didn't know how to use the Royal Canterlot Voice, thank heavens. Soon they all came down with a set of pony skates. I never thought that ponies would have horse shoe skates. I smiled as the three of them ran out the back door to the ice covered lake. I stayed by the door as I watch them put on their skates by the lake. I don't know why but something was nagging me at the back of my mind. Something rather important but I couldn't remember what. I guess it will come to me. I watched the girls have fun skating around with not a care in the world. I smiled as I drank my coffee that I brought over. That's when I noticed something different about the ice. Part of it was a shade off, then it clicked. I had fell into the water and the worse part was Scootaloo was heading right for it. I dropped my coffee and tried to stop her. Everything went in slow motion as I watch the ice give way under her and she went in. The girls turned to look at me then back to their friend. I wrapped the other two in my magic pulling them towards the side of the frozen lake.

“Girls get some towels.” I said running past them. A stream of fire came out of my mouth to melt the ice as I dived in. I saw the orange filly try her damnedest to get back to the surface but she fate wasn't on her side then. Transforming I used my large membranous wings to push myself faster in the water toward her. A few flaps later I had a hold of her as I started to work my way back. She was fighting for breath and with a blast of bubbles. I could tell she couldn't hold her breath any longer. Damn it... this is going to hurt. With that I focused my magic and blinked the both of us at the lake edge. Scootaloo started to cough and shake in my hold. I rushed her to the fireplace and sat her down. Then the girls came running over with as many towels they could get a hold off. “Help her get the skates off.” I ordered as I started to work the towels on her coat to dry her off. With a flick of magic I was able to close the door and stop the frigged wind coming in. Helping as well I grabbed a towel and work the front of her. They got the skates off her and sat next to her to help keep her warm. I started to breathe harder as the use of magic began to take it's toll on me. I wrapped the last towel around my muzzle as a red mark and the familiar copper taste appeared. Finally we got Scootaloo dry and warming up.

“Thanks.” She said shivering as he friends held her tight.

“Sorry girls, I should have remembered about the lake.” I said mentally kicking myself for this. This was my fault and it could have cost Scootaloo her life. Damn I was an idiot.

“It's alright, you saved her.” Apple Bloom tried to reassure. Which would have if I wasn't trying to keep myself standing. With a few wobbly steps back my legs finally went out on me and I collided with the ground with a wet thud. “Storm are you alright?”

“Yeah just... magic fatigue.” I said between breaths.

“Fa... what?” Sweetie asked keeping close to Scootaloo.

“Fatigue, a form of tiredness” I answered as the room started to spin on me. I closed my eyes to wait for the spin cycle to stop.

“Well you be alright?” She asked.

“Yeah just give me a few moment. Could one of you go get me a towel so I can dry off too?” I asked and I could hear the sounds of some pony running off.

“T-t-t-thank you.” Scootaloo said between shivers.

“Anytime, are you okay?” I asked looking up at her still spinning. She nodded before giving me a hug. “You may want to wait on hugging me. I'm still pretty wet.” I said and she backed off. Why don't you get on the sofa and wrap up in the quilt? It should help warm you up. Sweetie could you help her with that?” I watched the two of them do just that as Apple Bloom came by with a large white towel that I took and draped it over my head. Once I wasn't feeling so wobbly I sat back up. That's when I noticed the eye patch had came off. I shifted the towel as best I could over that eye. “Girls, I don't want to scare you but...” I started as all three of them looked over to me. Scootaloo was warped up more than a mummy in the quilt with Apple Bloom making sure it's nice and secure.

“What's wrong Storm?” Sweetie asked.

“Well. You may see something... scary.” I said as I began to dry my face.

“Scary?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, look I really don't want to do this to you but it's my eye. The one I cover with the eye patch.” I explain keeping that eye closed.

“Y-y-y-yeah?” Scootaloo said still shivering.

“It's well, missing.” I said timidly.

“Missing? How do you lose an eye?” Apple Bloom asked.

“In a fight.” I answered.

“What?” The three of them asked.

“It's a long story. But I want to warn you that it's gone. So please don't freak out about it.” I said moving the towel down to work on my coat and forelegs.

“Prove it.” Scootaloo out right said like she didn't believe me.

“Scoots he did say it may be scary.” Sweetie said to her.

“I doubt it happened. It's some prank.” Scootaloo said not shivering anymore.

“No lie Scootaloo. I'll show you all if you want but I want you all to agree on this.” I said looking at them with my good eye as I work on my rump. I watched them look at each other with Apple Bloom giving a shrug. Sweetie Belle looked hesitant at first before nodding. Scootaloo then looked at me.

“We took a vote and we want to see it.” She said with a smirk. I guess she really did think I was bluffing. I smiled quietly before picking up the eye patch and was trying to dry it off too. With that I opened my right eye socket to show the empty eye. As predicted Sweetie ducked behind Scootaloo as the other two looked wide eyed at me. “Cool!” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah. It's not scary just... different.” Apple Bloom said and I blinked.

“Really? Not even one tiny bit?” I said working to get the patch back on. I felt better knowing I had it on.

“Yeah, how did you get it? I bet it was from kicking some monster flank.” Scootaloo said bouncing now.

“Nah, I bet he went running with scissors and got himself in the eye.” Apple Bloom said which cause me look at her in disbelief. Did she really say that? I'm not that stupid.

“Doesn't it hurt?” Sweetie asked behind the quilt.

“Not really, I can't feel anything in there.”I answered which was true. Though I did hope that feeling returned when they fixed my eye later. “I won't have the eye gone long. Doctors are going to come and regrow me a new one.” I said reassuringly.

“Oh can we watch?” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom said.

“I don't know I would have to ask your guardians before I could even think of letting you. But why don't you ask them when you get home?”I offered with a smile after I had made sure the eye patch was on correctly. “Why don't you three go upstairs and play a bit.” I suggested more so I could relax after over taxing my magic like that. They got the hint for the most part and ran upstairs. The girls were nice enough to lay the blanket on me before doing so. Sweet girls, a little action oriented but sweet none the less. I laid there for a few hours to rest. Which all came to an end when I heard knocking at the front door. With a sigh I got up draped the quilt on the sofa and trotted to the door. Who I saw at the door wasn't who I expected. Right there in the doorway was a very familiar and unforgettable lavender unicorn. Twilight Sparkle was at my door staring at me as directly as I was her. Ah... damn it.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 19 - Wrap Up

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Life. Life sometimes was annoying to the point it was painful. This was not one of those moments. This one was life and the universe screwing with me, again. When I spotted the lavender unicorn my ears went up for a moment before flattening back. She looked at me curious for a moment.

“Hello Miss Sparkle.” I said in a tired voice.

“Um... hello mister...” she said searching for a name.

“Storm.” I answered and motioned for her to come in. “Please come in.” I said stepping out of the way.

“Oh thank you.” She said coming in.

“Coffee?” I offered.

“Yes please.” She said with a smile. I nodded and reached up for two mugs. With that I poured the two cups and made sure hers was just the way she liked it. I slide it over to her. “Here you go Miss Sparkle.” I said before taking a seat at the table to drink mine. She took a seat and began to drink hers for a moment. Almost eying me as I took of sip of mine. I really hope I didn't screw up already. I wanted to stay far away from this mare so I didn't drag out the painful memories.

“Mr. Storm, how long have you been here?” She asked.

“Not long, just moved in a few days ago.” I answered. It was only four days ago give or take.

“How come Rarity wanted you to watch the fillies and have you met her before?” She asked.

“Well Rarity got a sudden big order in and couldn't watch them. So she asked me if I could and I've met her. To answer your other question Miss Sparkle. She's been my friend for just about as long as I've been here.” I said which was true. I think she was my friend since that party back at the library. I couldn't say for sure but that was my best guess. Her expression never changed from an inquisitive one. I think she's been trying to add things up in her mind.

“I've got to ask have we met before?” She asked and I pause for a moment looking at her.

“In passing.” I answered as a dagger of ice stabs into my heart. It was in passing now. I was from her past that she forgot.

“I see. Another question if you don't mind. I see you have a horn so why didn't you use magic to bring the mugs down?” She asked.

“I over taxed my magic.” I answered which was true.

“I see.” she said followed by a sip of coffee.

“So what brings you to my neck of the woods?” I asked. I still don’t think she remembers me yet. If I can avoid everything at could reminder her of me then I should be safe.

“Rarity asked me to come out and pick up the girls.” She answered. Why do I have a feeling both Twilight and I got played here. When I get back into town me and a certain alabaster white unicorn are going to have a few choice words. I really don't like getting used this way Rarity.

“I see, well the girls are upstairs. Would you like me to get them for you?” I offered. This would give me time to hide all the stuff that could reminder her of me.

“No... I... I want to talk to you Storm.” She said with a sad sigh following. I couldn't help but gulp at this. “I've been... despicable to you.”

“But Miss Sparkle you've haven't done anything wrong.”

“Yes I have Firestorm.” She said and my eyes widened. I never gave her my full name.

“How long?” I asked.

“The whole time. I... I never really forgot about you.” She answered and my head spun at this. So from the get go she remembered, faked forgetting, and avoided me.

“Why?” I asked as I knew sadness took my voice.

“Because I didn't know how to handle everything. Storm I... when you told me that you died in back on earth before coming here. I admit I took it rather harshly and ran off.” She said not looking at me now. Part of me wanted to tell her something snide but... I couldn't, not to Twilight like that. Just the look on her face told me she already regretted her actions. So I may as well hear her out. “I know there is no amount of apologies that I could say that would make it up to you for abandoning you like that. But I am sorry.” Twilight said her head lowered.

“You're forgiven Twilight.” I said which got her head to shoot up at me. The look on her face was priceless. That kind of face saying you just hear the one thing you never thought you would hear period or it was so unfathomable that it just caused you to shut down for a moment. I know that feeling, I get it all the time from Pinkie Pie.

“No Storm it can't be that easy. Please there has to be something I can do to make it up to you.” She said getting up putting her front hooves on the table with a slam.

“Twilight stop, I don't feel comfortable with this.” I said not looking at her this time rubbing the prosthetic.

“But Storm. I... I want to make this up to you. I've been a horrible marefriend.” She adamantly said. Which I admit make me feel a whole lot better. But that only left one question about all this.

“Twilight... before we go any further into this. I... I have to ask. Why did you return the gem?” I asked.

“Gem? Wait you have it? I thought I had lost it.” She said looking at me surprised.

“Yeah, it was sent to me while I was in the hospital. I thought it was you sending it to me saying it was over.” Something about this doesn’t sit right.

“But... how did I get it then? It showed up just like the letters I got from both you and Celestia.” I said.

“Wait what? There's no way Celestia could do something like that and the only one I've seen is...” She stopped with a wide eye expression.

“Who?” I asked party because I hate hearing unfinished thoughts and then she may have figured out where everything went wrong.

“Spike.” She said and I didn't quite catch that.

“Come again?”

“Spike. He's the only one I've seen when I... ran out on you like that.” She said now a little angry. I on the other hoof was getting a bit of migraine from this. I started to rub my temples while sighing.

“So let me guess this straight. Spike got a hold of the gem, sent it to me for what?” I asked not sure how this suppose to work.

“I don't know, but I will find out.” She said going over to the stairs and yelled up. “Girls get ready to go.” She said looking rather angry and I couldn't blame her, part of me was angry too. She came back to the table and sat down rather hard in the chair. She let out a huff. “I can't believe him.”

“Twilight please calm down.” I said. Surprising enough that I'm not the one going over the deep end in all this. I mean yeah I was angry but in the end of all this. I'm rather glad too. I was still with Twilight... well sort of I guess. I was still a little upset too about her running out but... I honestly didn't tell her.

“Calm down? How are you not angry about this?” She asked getting a little hysterical.

“I am.” I answered calmly.

“You're sitting there like nothing happened. How can you do that? There's time when you show no emotions at all and then other times you just... UGH!” she frustratedly said.

“Because sometimes things balance out.” I simply put.

“How so?”

“Well, in one way you are correct I am rather angry about this. But I'm also glad too.” I said.

“Glad? How can you be glad about what Spike did?”

“Because I now know that it wasn't you taking me up on the getting out free card of our friendship and relationship.” I said not looking at her.

“Ah... sorry.” She said.

“Twilight just... just don't. I know you're sorry. But I don't blame you.” I said and she looked at me again with that disbelieving gaze.

“Firestorm... how? How can you just sit there and say that you don't blame me for running out like that? For abandoning you when you found out something so...” She said trying to find the right word.

“Devastating, disheartening, brutal?” I offered.

“Sad.” She said.

“Because... at this point. What can I really say Twilight?” I questioned.

“I... I don't know. I've never had to talk to somepony that is...” She said before stopping like she couldn't get the last word out.

“Dead? Well honestly it's still rather hard to really see myself completely dead like that. I mean I still feel things. Like the wind in my coat and wings when I rode in the chariot. I still feel the temperature and pain. But in the same way I feel... colder inside. To know that every... one.” I started to explain having to catch myself before I said every pony. “That I cared for back there knows me dead and worst of all that my... family.” I started to say before my sight began to blur as I could feel the tears coming on. “They laughed. After my funeral they laughed. They even had cried at my funeral but as soon as they were away from all of them. They laughed about it. About... me. I...” I couldn't help it anymore. The flood gates broke and I just sat there crying. I didn't even notice when I was floated up out of the seat to the sofa with Twilight. She gently wrapped her hooves around me and held me close.

“Twilight? Is Mr. Firestorm okay?” The familiar voice of Sweetie Bell said.

“No girls. He's been holding on to pain for far too long.” She said bringing me closer to her chest. I couldn't help it and wrapped my forelegs around her as we just stayed there. I was pathetic breaking down like this. I should have been better than this. How can I really keep doing this? How is it that I haven't just broke down completely by now. The odd thing about all this was it was rather nice to cry. Maybe it was the relief that Twilight did want to be my marefriend or that she still wanted to know me. That made this feel better then before. The feeling of someone gently brushing my mane with a hoof got me to look up to see Twilight gently doing it. I felt a little ashamed of crying like that. I looked away before getting up slowly.

“Sorry.” I said quietly.

“For what?” Twilight asked.

“For breaking down like that.” I said rubbing the prosthetic again.

“Storm please don't retreat like that.” Twilight said getting closer to me. “You're still hurting inside. Please... just don't lock it away like that.” She said getting closer pushing me back onto the sofa. “I know I help cause this pain.” she got out leaning really close almost snout to snout. Which I couldn't help but start to blush a bit. I wasn't strange to having the female take the lead, honestly I was rather use to it but... I wasn't used to going from upset to ashamed followed by flustered like this. It was like mood whiplash.

“Twilight. Um... not to draw away from the seriousness of this conversation but I rather have this without three sets of prying eyes in the room.” I said still blushing. Twilight looked over to the girls which I couldn't quite see because they were on the right of me. That side was all dark to me.

“I suppose you're right, but please promise me you'll tell me everything when we sort out what happened with Spike?” She asked after she had pulled back to look at the girls more.

“And Rarity.” I tacked on. Which got Twilight to look back at me.

“Rarity? What does she have to do with this?”

“Well... think about it. Who asked you to come get the girls?”


“Who asked me to watch the girls?”

“Rarity?” She answered then paused. “She tricked us into seeing each other.” She said putting two and two together.

“Yeah, let's just say I would like to have a word with that mare.” I said with a bit of a growl to my voice. She had played me again. Even worse she used three young fillies as well. Which got me extra angry at the mare. You would think after the whole prince thing she would have learned not to play games like this with me. Let alone get Twilight involved.

“Twilight, Firestorm, I think sis had good intentions trying to get you two back together.” Sweetie said which of course was a good point. Rarity probably thought that maybe it was best that me and Twilight talked to sort everything out. Plus since Twilight completely forgot or at least thought she forgot would help her fill in the missing gap in her memory. If what I heard was correct, Pinkie and Dash were both involved in this. Which means I needed to have words with those two at well. I really hope what I heard was just in my head and didn't happen but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. But I digress at this point. Twilight finally got off from on top of me and allowed me to get up. I turned to see the C.M.C. all three with their little saddle bags on. I hopped off the sofa with Twilight joining me.

“Scootaloo are you going to be okay to make the trip?” I asked she nodded quietly. “Alright, let me know if you need to stop.” I said before heading towards the door.

“Why did you just ask Scootaloo that?” Twilight asked.

“She fell into the lake behind the house and it's rather cold. I got her inside quickly to warm up. So I want to make sure and see if she needs to warm up. Then I can change and use my more dragon body to keep her warm if needed.” I whispered to Twilight. Her eyes widened then nodded as if she agreed with my idea. The trek through White Tail Woods didn't take long with most of us silent. The young fillies all talked about the story I told them the night before and Twilight was shooting me questioning looks. I simply told her I would tell her later if she wanted. She smiled quietly which I couldn't tell that it was me talking to her or the prospect of a story that got the attention of three young fillies. We finally got to Ponyville and dropped off both Apple Bloom at Sweet Apple Acres where we saw Big Mac. Who only gave us a nod when we said hi, quiet stallion. Now that I thought about it I don't think I've heard him beyond maybe two words. Well besides that we dropped off Scootaloo well more she took off from Sweet Apple Acres on her scooter. Apparently she thought ahead and left it there. I wonder what she would have done if we did Sweetie Bell first. But I digress, the first stop out of the two we needed to talk to was Rarity. One because to drop of Sweetie and two because I wanted to have a word with her first. I asked Twilight and Sweetie to stay back so I could talk to her first. I entered with the bell chiming above the door. Well she did have to know when some pony came in for a dress. I watched the white mare come down the stairs with a warm smile on her face. A measuring tape draped around the back of her neck.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.” Rarity said then she noticed me. Which was something that kind of surprised me. You would think you would look at who came in if they may purchase an outfit. “Oh hello Storm. How are you doing this evening?” She said with a smile.

“To be honest, not too well.” I answered calmly.

“Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?” She said as I noticed her worried look as she looked passed me. I knew it was going to hurt but I didn't care much at this point. With a flick of magic the door behind me shut.

“Well that's the thing Rarity. I think you've helped enough.” I said still rather calm but I knew my eye was glowing. The red tint to my vision told me that. I had noticed it after a while when I was in my normal pony form.

“What do you mean darling?” She said looking nervous.

“I mean you played me Rarity.” I continued a small annoyed growl to my voice. “And I don't like getting played like that.” Each word attenuated with another step towards her.

“I don't know what your-” She started.

“Don't lie Rarity.” I said before dropping into an almost match for Rainbow Dash's voice. “Still I can't believe you got the three of them to agree with this and when are you going to have her pick them up?” Rarity's eyes widen. So that answered that question. I did hear them that night.

“How did- Were you listening in?” She said a little angry with me.

“Oh, I didn't mean to but I could hear you all the way in White Tail Woods. But that doesn't matter right now Rarity. You, Dash, and Pinkie all played me. I don't like getting used like that Rarity and you should know better after the whole Prince thing.” I said with my eyebrows twitched at the word prince.

“I was just trying to help.” She tried to defend.

“I understand that. But that was under hoofed. First Celestia trying to get me force Twilight to remember. Then Pinkie trying to do the same thing by making me laugh into submission. Now you with your sister of all ponies. I can't believe any of you. But you know what. I'm done.” I said before turning and leaving the Carousel Boutique.

“Storm I-” She got out before freezing at my piercing glare at her. I turned back and held the door for Sweetie. With a warm smile I turned to the little filly.

“I'll see you later Sweetie Belle.” She smiled up at me and nodded before hopping inside. I closed the door before my scowl returned. I took a deep breath before Twilight and I went to the library. She watched me for a bit not saying a word but I doubt she needed to. Either she listened in or could guess what I had said. We entered the main floor of the library with Spike hard at work putting books back.

“Welcome to the books and branches. Oh hey Twilight and...” his voice died in his throat as I wasn't smiling at him. I wasn't being friendly at all. I was angry, even pissed.

“Spike.” Twilight said calmly. “We need to talk.” I could tell the little dragon knew he was in trouble. With an audible gulp he nodded and placed the remaining books on one of the tables. I closed the door behind me with a flick of magic. The small throb started to set in and I had to snuffle up the blood that I knew was working its way down my nostril. “Spike why did you send back the gift from Firestorm?” Twilight said being calm but I could hear the hint of disapproval and anger to her voice. Barely there but there none the less.

“Well... I.” He started as I sat down by the door. I didn't want to get any closer otherwise I think I would have lost it and garrote the purple lizard. With a sigh he finally explained. “Well when you came back after he woke up you were crying. You wouldn't tell me what happened between sobs and I could only make out his name. So I thought he had hurt you in some way. So I thought it was best to return what he gave you so you wouldn't think about him anymore.” He explained rubbing his hands together.

“Spike I... Ugh. I was upset yes. But I wasn't at him. I was upset what I found out about him.” Twilight explained.

“What?” He said looking completely confused. “What did you find out that got you all upset then?” He asked.

“That I'm dead Spike.” I answered. My tone calm and even. I wasn't as angry anymore. Maybe mad but not as I was after talking to Rarity. What he did was wrong but his heart was in the right place. Twilight was his friend maybe a sister or mother to him, he wanted to help her.

“But your standing and breathing. How can you be dead?” he asked a little disbelief in his voice.

“I died before coming to Equestria. I was killed saving some... person before I arrived. That's what she found out about me. It got her upset and well...” I said not looking at either of them rubbing my prosthetic again.

“But why did you come in crying then?” Spike said turning to Twilight.

“I was upset for what he found out. I stupidly ran off upset like that. Which hurt him more then I knew at the time. I just didn't know how to process it at the time.” She explained.

“Then... I.” He started and I nodded.

“Added fuel to a fire.” I explained. “I understand why you did it but it doesn't change how wrong it was to do Spike.”

“I... sorry.” He apologized. Twilight picked up the baby dragon and brought him close to hug him. I glanced over before turning away from them. A few moments passed before I could hear his little foot steps come up to me. With a little poke he got me to look at him and the sorrow in his face told me he was sorry for it. “Can you forgive me Storm?” He asked. I continued to rub the prosthetic more.

“I don't know Spike. You... you hurt both of us. I... I thought Twilight didn't care for me anymore. That she didn't want anything to do with me when I saw that gem appear.” I said. I turned to look at him and I saw his green scales on his head droop a bit. “Look I know you're sorry and you mean it but... This is something I can't forgive right away. I felt something I didn't want to feel again because of your actions.” I said this got Twilight to come closer.

“What was it?” She asked putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“Alone.” I answered in a whisper.

“Was that why you left and got all your stuff?” She asked and I nodded.

“Partly, at the time I figured you didn't want anything to do with me. So I took everything I owned with me so I wouldn't be a bother to you anymore.” I answered.

“Sorry.” Spike said. I gently rubbed a hoof on his head.

“I know Spike I know.” I said with a small smile. “Look Twilight and I are going to go upstairs to talk. If you don't mind... can you make sure no pony disturbs us?” I requested.

“Anything to make it up to you two.” He said giving a little salute.

“Thanks and if you see Pinkie or Dash. Tell them I want a word with them.” I said my soft smile turned into a erked glare. He nodded as both Twilight and I went up the stairs to her room. It was nice seeing the place again.

“What did you want to talk about?” She asked looking at me biting her bottom lip a bit.

“I thought being alone was best so you could ask me everything you wanted to know.” I explained. She blinked for a few moments then nodded.

“Alright. How... how did it happen?” She asked.

“How did what?” I more asked to clarify.

“How did you die?” She asked.

“I got shot by a revolver. Think crossbow but with a lot more power behind it.” I simply explained. “I was buying something at a store and this... Well I'm just going to substitute pony for person. No offense but I rather not have to stop to catch myself so I can be correct.” She nodded at this. “Well this fairly large pony came in and held up the store for it's currency. Well in the process this mare started to cry rather loudly and the stallion didn't like it. He threatened her by pointing the revolver at her. I got in between the two of them and he threatened me instead, more to make her be quiet. Well I took the time to distract him before I retaliated to stop him. In the middle of the fight he was able to grab the weapon and fire it at me. It shot me right through the heart killing me.” I explained gently rubbing the spot out of instinct.

“But... how.” She started.

“How did I find out? Well a spell I found in Grimwand's journal. He traveled to earth.” I explained.

“Was that why you entered the mirror? Why didn't you have some pony go with you?” She asked. This one I knew she wasn't going to like but she did ask.

“To be honest, I wanted to have you go with me but after you got me. Not proud to say but angry like you did I thought against it.” I said not looking at her.

“What? But I... was that what was bothering you?” She asked and I nodded. “I wasn't really upset about it. Well I was upset about something I found in the journal. Someone rather important to me.” I explained.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Jessica. He talked to her spirit.” I said and she looked surprised.

“What? How?” She asked.

“Necromantic magic, he was studying it. In the process he had learned to communicate with the spirits with ponies that still have their souls here. He found a transportation spell which let him go to earth. That was the same spell I used. I went to earth to find out what happened. I didn't expect to go there a few days before I appeared in Equestria. I saw how it happened and everything that followed.” I said starting to shake a bit.

“Like your family?” She asked and I nodded. “How... how did your friends there take it?”

“Badly. They literally got into a fight over it. I feel horrible for causing them such pain, the worse part was all I could do was sit there and watch. I was detached from all of this, like an observer to a play, watching how everything progressed. When Viper left and went to a bar I went home to see how my family took it. Well they took it well I suppose.” That last part make me feel even colder inside.

“They don't know what they are missing.” Twilight said coming over rubbing my back.

“I guess.” I said before taking another breath. “After I found them laughing I broke into my old room and gathered some stuff to take back. Most importantly a picture of them so I can never forget them again.” I said.

“I understand. What happened next?” She asked.

“Well I returned to the pond I came from, recast the spell and entered. From that I don't remember anything before waking up in the hospital. Those days are a complete blank to me. It felt like a dream really.” I said looking up at the ceiling. Well more through it I suppose.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“I felt like I was floating in this darkness really. Something familiar and fearsome. It scared me, like the darkness was made of nightmares itself. You know?” I said turning to her. That's when I noticed her biting her lip. “What?” I asked.

“Well... remember when we told you that you... um... snapped?” She asked.

“Yeah that I attacked both Vermom and Shadow Storm myself. That I also hurt Luna and Nightling by hitting them with lightning.” I said as a dagger of ice plunged itself into my chest metaphorically.

“Well... I don't know if you were told but you... called the magic of the Elements of Harmony to you.” She said and my eyes went wide.

“How?!” I asked surprised.

“I don't know. Maybe they sensed that they were needed and acted accordingly or maybe something else.” She said rubbing her chin with a hoof.

“Like I was tied to them?” I offered.

“Unlikely but possible I suppose. But there is no telling how.” She speculated.

“I wonder...” I started.

“Wonder what?” She asked.

“Well, while I was foal sitting the girls. I heard both Rarity's and Rainbow's voices in my head. I think in some way it is caused by my use of the elements. I'm only really taking a shot in the dark with this.” I said.

“Well they are one of the most powerful artifacts in Equestria.” She said.

“True and we can't dismiss that maybe it's a side effect of the Infinity Torch either. Since I was connected to it during my fight with Shadow under the Crystal Empire.” I said.

“That's also a factor. How long did it last?” She said.

“Not too long maybe a few minutes at the most. I caught an end to their conversation about their plan about us.” I explained.

“I still can't believe they did that.” She said with a small huff.

“You're not the only one.” I said with an annoyed huff myself. But after a few moments I smiled. “But they did do it for a very good reason.”

“Storm... I... I'm still sorry for what I did. Are you sure I'm forgiven?” She asked as she tapped her front hooves together. I smiled and brought her close, to just hold her there.

“Twilight Sparkle I forgive you.” I said as she looked up at me for a moment.

“Thank you Firestorm.” She said before nuzzling into my chest a bit.

“Twilight... I just want you to know that, no matter what I will always forgive you.” I said before I give her a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

“Even after abandoning you like I did?” She said looking up.

“Of course Twilight. I know it was overwhelming for you. Knowing that the pony you were dating was dead would cause a lot of ponies to want to escape.” I said.

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to make it up to you?” She said and I could almost tell a pleading note to her look.

“There is one thing.” I said with a soft smile.

“What is it. I'll do anything.” She said almost bouncing out of my hooves pinning me to the ground.

“Then always be you. That is all I can ask of you.” I said with a smile. She of course looked puzzled for a moment then rolled her eyes.

“I believe that is the corniest thing I've ever heard, sweet but corny.” She said leaning down giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. I blushed but smiled back.

“Sometimes the corniest of things is the right thing to say.” I said with a smile that of course got her to smile until I noticed a familiar metallic taste to my mouth.

“You over taxed your magic again.” She said bringing over a tissue box and pressed a tissue to my muzzle.

“Ah... sorry. I guess after a few days it still hasn't recovered.” I said bringing over a hoof to hold the tissue.

“Wait? A few days? Normally magic should recover over night.” She said and I looked puzzled.

“Really? Well every time I've used magic after getting the bags to the cabin I've gotten a slight throbbing headache and a little week in the hooves.” I explained.

“Is that why you've avoided using magic?” She asked and I nodded. “I see. Hmm... does it come out still naturally?” She asked.

“Well yeah. After a bit it hits me like brick wall. Which funny thing about that. I can accurately depict that.” I said with a light chuckle. Twilight on the other hoof rolled her eyes.

“Well it can be one of two things. Well without testing it is more a guess really. Either it's all mental and you subconsciously blocked yourself from your magic.” She started to explain.

“I didn't even know unicorns and alicorns could do that.” I said.

“Well it is fairly common thing. Which you wouldn't know about.” She said face hooving. “Sometimes I do forget your from another place and wouldn't know about some of the more common things here. Yeah early on a unicorn is told that a point of supreme duress that they could undoubtedly block their own magic. Either seeing as they don't deserve it or by some other physiological means. The other thing is by a chemical that could effectually block magic.” She went on to explain.

“So sort of a like a magic poison if you will.” I tried to relate.

“Exactly. I'm going to guess it wasn't the ladder since you've only ate basic things correct?” She asked.

“A sandwich here and there. That and some tomato soup. Oh and coffee, can't forget the coffee.” I said with a nod.

“Then it's all up here.” She said poking me in the forehead.

“Hey no poking the broken drony.” I said with a playful huff.

“Oh dear I didn't even think that there could be another reason. Maybe it's a flu like septum specific to your subset of pony.” She said before hopping off me.

“Twilight.” I said grabbing her tail in my magic before she could run off. Granted not the wisest thing I've done but got her to stop. She turned around to look at me. “Why don't we try and relax a bit. I want to see if it's a mental thing first. Since we out ruled the whole ingested part of it. Let's give it a few days.” I offered as the small throb started to appear again.

“But what if it's something serious?” She said coming up and getting into my face again. I couldn't help but give her a kiss. She squeaked of course and popped a few feet in front of me with use of her blink spell.

“Twilight, I think maybe it's because of the whole alone feeling. When I thought you didn't want to know me or even remembered me. It may have caused me to think I should be udder alone subconsciously. I mean I can't fly so what was left.” I said gently rubbing the back of my neck.

“It does make sense, but... you're not alone. I hope you realize that.” She said looking at me. I couldn't help but smile down at her.

“Twilight I'll never be alone as long as I have you.” I said giving her a gentle kiss. She predictably blushed. I smiled and held her close.

“Okay Casanova. But what do we do about your um... living arrangement?” She asked.

“Well... that is completely up to you Twilight. If you want me to I can continue to rent the cabin.” I said.

“Rent? I thought you bought it?” She asked.

“Well I would have but the paperwork for it said that it could only be rented sense it was for the heat season.” I explained.

“Wait you know about that too?” She asked.

“Well... sort of really.” I answered.

“Sort of? What do you mean sort of?” She questioned looking at me. Which at this time I was blushing.

“Well I got it explained to me but I only say sort of because well... it was in the other universe. So I couldn't tell if it was the same here or not.” I said starting to feel rather uncomfortable with this topic.

“Oh... well um...” She said now turning red as well.

“If you don't mind can we please change the subject. No offense but...” I said a bit nervous.

“I agree. But back to the whole living thing. When is your next rent due?” She asked.

“Next week.” I answered. “So we have a little over a week. But from there if you want me to come back to the library. I will without hesitation but... I understand if you don't.”

“Storm I want you to come back.” She said turning from me. “I've been lonely in bed. You never realize how much holding some pony or being held by some pony you care about means to you. When their gone.” She said looking at me. I smiled and held Twilight again.

“I understand. Every day I missed this.” I said gently nuzzling her.

“You still amaze me.” She said with a smile.

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, your the nicest pony I've ever met and you can stay that way. Even after everything you've gone through. I've seen ponies turn nastier with much less. Plus you can understand everything I've said so far when well... it goes over the girls’ heads.” She said with a small blush. “I just... I don't know how you can even call yourself an idiot or stupid when you can understand magical engineering like with the magical battery. I mean yes you tend to jump into action to protect everypony but that doesn't change how smart you really are.” She said looking at me. “If I may ask. How do you do it?”

“Do it? Stay rather nice when it comes to you? Well... that's the thing. There's no how about it. I just do what I do. Which I guess is a questionable answer in itself really. When I just act really. Not saying I don't get angry or stubborn, or downright unmovable about something. That are just break down to the point that I deal with an overwhelming well of sadness. But that's it. I just do, there's no other answer than that.” I said as I return peering out into space again.

“An interesting subject no?” She said with a playful smirk.

“Intriguing if you will.” I shot back with my own smirk. “Twilight, if I may suggest something.” I more requested. Her cocked eyebrow told me I got her attention with that. “Since I will be coming back to the library. I thought that since I have the cabin for another week. That we use it for just some... us time.” I offered. She turned bright red at this. “AH! Not in the private kind of thing I mean just us being together. Somewhere away from everypony. No attacks, not interruptions, and no pony tricking us.” That last part had a bit more sourness to it then it should have. “I thought that maybe we can just enjoy our time together in the woods. I mean I did bring a good stack of books back with me from earth.” I said that last bit a little playful as I made it sound like it was an afterthought.

“What really? Books from your old world! What are we waiting for.” She said charging up her horn.

“Ah Twilight wait!” I said causing her to stop and look at me. “Don't you want some of your overnight stuff? You know tooth brush and stuff like that.” I said more trying to keep her from jumping the gun again.

“Oh right. Where was my head.” She said tossing a saddlebag at me. Which I held open as items started to fly into it, wrapped in Twilight's purple aura. “Toothbrush, Toothpaste, shampoo, brush, back up brush” She said starting to list off things as they flew into the bag. Somehow I figured she was going by a mental check list. I almost jumped back when I saw her telescope fly at me. Lucky for me I ducked in time as it swung around. Well that was until I got nailed in the face with the pillow I made for Twilight. With an audible whack it got me good. She whipped that pillow like a monster whipping a semi. It hurt... it was hard enough to send my back. With a thud Twilight finally popped her head out from the closet to see me in a bit of a daze on the floor. “Oh Celestia what did I do this time?” She said appearing before me. She helped me up as the room kept spinning. “You alright Storm?”

“Did anypony get the license plate of that U.F.P?” I said in my daze.

“U.F.P?” She asked.

“Unidentified flying pillow.” I informed her closing my eyes trying to shake the daze out. “Okay note to self learn to dodge... badly.” I said more making sure to remember. Maybe if I learn to do that then maybe I wouldn't get as hurt as I would normally.

“Storm.” Twilight said and I opened my eyes to her.

“Twilight I'm fine. Nothing I haven't already dealt with.” I said with a soft smile. She on the other hoof looked worried. She then suddenly pounced on me pinning me to the ground giving me a kiss. Lucky for me she shifted the pillow under my head so when it hit the ground it was rather soft. Twilight then gave me a kiss right on the lips and I couldn't help but blush again. Then within moments we found ourselves in the cabins living room. Thank you magical whiplash because what the hell is going on? She pulled back and looking down at me.

“You're cute when you're rather confused.” She said with a small giggle. I couldn't help but laugh a bit myself before I gave her a kiss back.

“But not as cute as you Twilight.” I said as she blushed a bit.

“Oh you.” She said playfully batting me on the nose. I smiled before I shifted my forelegs around her before rolling us both over so I was pinning her this time. Of course I was careful not to hurt the mare. She looked a little surprised as I had her pinned this time. “Oh want to play that game do we?” She said as her horn flared. Then I found myself a few feet off the ground. No fair she knew I couldn't use my magic without hurting. You know what screw it. With a flick of magic I pulled out one of the books from the duffel bag behind her. She was still smirking at me until it dropped when she noticed my smirk. Then the book flew in front of her. That's when her magic dropped from me and wrapped up the book. I landed rather hard on the floor right on some sensitive equipment. Why did they have to be external? With that I started to hold my delicate area.

“Ow.” I groaned softly. Of course Twilight as soon as she saw a new book was nose deep into it. I smiled in silence as she hopped onto the sofa and wrapped herself up in a blanket. I shook my head slowly before heading off to cook something. That and to get an ice pack for my ache stallion hood. I knew Twilight didn't mean to drop me that hard. If she did I bet it would have hurt almost six times as worse. A small phantom pain shot through me just thinking about a murderous Twilight Sparkle. I don't even think my nightmares would even beat that. I shook the thought from my head as I started to work on making food. Knowing the bookish mare she will most likely be nose deep in that book for a while, heaven help me if she found the other books I brought. So I dug into the fridge and pulled out something rather simple. I was never really good with the elaborate meals. Like breakfast was easy: hay bacon, eggs, and toast. Well as long as you didn't want something other than scrambled eggs. Lunch more often than not I found skipping more because I'm either busy at the time or not even think about it. Dinner, again I prefer something simple, like tomato soup and grilled cheese. I didn't have to make as much as before since it was just the two of us.

“Hiya Storm.” The very familiar voice of Pinkie said behind me as I got the pot and pan out. I stopped before turning around to see Pinkie sitting at the table.

“Hi Pinkie.” I said calmly though I was still pretty angry at this mare. “What are you doing here?” I asked as I put the two on the stove taking rather deep breaths. One not to disturb Twilight in the other room and not to blow up at the pink mare.

“Well I heard you and Twilight talked and I wanted to say congrats and throw you a party but nopony knew where you went but I knew because of my Pinkie Sense so I know you would come back to the cabin in this neck of the woods. Which is kind of funny being at a neck of a river so it makes it an accurate pun. Which are sometimes the best ones to make and I also heard how angry you were angry Rarity when it wasn't her fault it was mine and I wanted to apologize to you about it but I didn't know how. So... I thought I would come here and explain that it was my idea to get you two to talk to each other so you wouldn't be all mean-y to Rarity or Rainbow but I don't think you've talked to Dashie yet so this was to be a preemptive strike to that. Preemptive is a funny word maybe I should do a preemptive party but how could you do a party before a party? Wouldn't every party I do be a preemptive party since it's before the next party so I guess I have already been doing a preemptive party a bunch of times. Hmm what do you know Joe. I mean Storm which speaking of Joe have you ever met him in Canterlot he owns a donuts stand. You know Donut Joe.” She started to ramble. I sighed quietly.

“Why Pinkie? You knew what I felt about it.” I asked as I began to open the cans of Tomato soup.

“Well... you were all sad about it all and I wanted to make you happy. I like having all my friends happy. Especially when they’re all sad and you were extra sad about everything. So I thought getting to see Twilight would make you feel all happy inside.” She answered. Which in a roundabout way I couldn't fault her logic.

“But Pinkie I... I don't like ponies going behind my back like that.” I started before taking a deep breath and putting the can with can opener down to look at the mare. “It felt like you didn't take my feelings into account on this Pinkie. Like you didn't care what I wanted in this. I know you had the best intentions and I appreciate what you did but...” I sighed again. “Right now I'm still a little cross at the three of you on this. It felt like you all played the two of us and I don't like that feeling Pinkie. It's happened too many times and not in the best way.” I said turning from her and continued to get the soup ready. This was followed by a large super gasp from Pinkie.

“I didn't even think about what had happened to you. I'm sorry please let me make this up to you. I'll throw you the most super duper party of the millennium.” She offered before leaping at my hind legs and bear gripped them. Which I didn't even think was possible for a pony. Well maybe Big Mac since he can pin me with one hoof. Of course I looked down to see her giving me the biggest set of puppy dog eyes. Ah triple damn it, why do these mares always have to use that damn look. I turned to look away just to find Pinkie hanging upside down on the ceiling from a rope giving me that look again. Ah hell.

“Fine Pinkie, but please nothing over the top.” I said with a sigh. I was pretty much powerless against these mares. Hell I was pretty much powerless compared to almost any pony. Really puts things in perspective doesn't it. I was just kind of useless well not really useless just more an annoyance to all of them. In just about everything I've caused trouble for all of them. In one way or another. Rarity I pretty much waved her dream in her face with me being just me and I yelled at her when she tried to use me. Every time Dash tried to help me learn to fly I pretty much failed. Either being sent into the Everfree or the ground. Come to think of it the most I did to Applejack was keep her away from her farm. Which I don't think she had much farm work since it is the winter and all. Pinkie... now that was a hard one. I turned to look at the now missing pink paradox party pony. Where the bloody hell did she go? I looked around to find it just me in the kitchen. Okay somepony needs to explain to me how the hell she keeps appearing and disappearing like that. At this point, I guess the universe just wants to keep me confused. Anyway the most I did to Pinkie was yell at her when she figured out my birthday. Which was pretty jerk thing to do on my part. Then there's Fluttershy which now that I think about it I never really talked to her much beyond the party, the visit in the hospital, and a few tidbits. So I guess I haven't done anything to her yet. Twilight though is the only one I've been the biggest annoyance to. From sleeping in her library, then there was Nightmare moon. Which I guess that I did to all of them too right there with going into my mind, having to save me multiple times. I let out a sigh as I began to stir the soup more. I watched the wooden spoon just swirl around the red liquid as I thought about everything. In the end it only came to one question most of all. How could they even stand being around me? I mean hell I was a threat to Equestria on more then one occasion. Hell I yelled at Celestia of all ponies. One of the princesses of the land itself. I'm a little surprised I didn't get spaced right then and there. She had every right to do it.

“Storm are you alright?” I heard from behind me. I turned to see Twilight looking at me with a worried expression on her face.

“Yeah, I'm just thinking is all.” I said turning back to the soup again.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked and I could hear her come closer.

“Sort of... I just don't know really.” I start.

“Well I'm here to listen.” She offered and I smiled quietly.

“I just don't know about anything anymore...” I began with.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“I just... how can any of you stand me?” I asked.

“What? What do you mean stand you?”

“I mean with everything. How can you stand there and still love me or hell any pony like me when I've done nothing but bring one nightmare after another? First there was just me showing up which destroyed a good chunk of Applejack's farm land. Then we have my magic come out and send you into a wall.” I said more venting but I saw her wince when I brought up the wall. “Then we have the Nightmare Moon, Shadow Storm, Sha, and me going crazy. I've caused all of you to go into my head to see things that probably should have been left unseen. But then we have the whole Changeling incident. Me yelling at Rarity... twice. Then at Celestia the princess.” I got out as it started to become more a rant.

“You yelled at Celestia? Why?” Twilight said out of surprise.

“Well... at the time we thought that you completely forgot about me. So Celestia and the girls thought it would be best for you to remember me by having me talk to you. I on the other hoof didn't agree with this plan. Beside the fact of forcing you to remember didn't sit right with me. I... I thought it would be better to be left forgotten. Which is how we got to this point with Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash playing us to force it. I just got so angry at Celestia because she was going to force you into remembering after everything I did. I just didn't feel right about it at all. I thought it was best that I stayed away from you. So you could live peacefully.” I said not looking at her the whole time.

“Storm... I... I should be the one to have known better about this. I should have taken your feelings about all that before I tried to. But no I just ended up causing more pain then I realized.” She said and I turned to her.

“Twilight, you only did what you thought was right. Look my feelings about the matter didn't matter. All that did was what you wished and I still stand by my reason for my choice on it. At the time I thought you wished to forget me and I wanted to respect that wish until you remembered on your own. But I guess that point is moot now.” I said turning back. “But as I was saying. I yelled at her and I was kind of surprised she didn't space me right then and there. She did have every right to. Hell she had that right many times. Especially when I was being controlled. I just feel like I've been nothing but a royal pain. No pun intended. To all of you wonderful ponies. I just... I wish... I wasn't such a problem to every pony.” I said before I fell silent. I just couldn't say more.

“Storm... You're not a problem to anypony, especially not to me. You're hurt by all this the most, you went through so much to have happiness ripped from you time and time again. Admittedly I'm guilty of the same thing. Which I honestly don't understand how you can forgive me for it all. How you can just readily say that it's alright when I hurt you. The one pony I didn't think I could care as much as I do.” She said and I could feel the emotion she put behind each word.

“Twilight... look. When it comes to having happiness ripped away as you put it. It may sound odd but it's something you get use to after it happens so many times. That it is almost numbing really and most of all your not guilty of it. Not in any way. Look I know you think that you running away was bad. But in all honestly, it wasn't as bad as other things. Things that cripple a pony or person. That is something I hope you never feel Twilight Sparkle. The real pain of losing someone close. If anything that is something you can never recover from.” I said a small shake to my voice as I continued to speak. “Sometimes the smaller things don't hurt as much as the bigger things. You running away. Yes, it did hurt. When I thought you forgot me, that did as well. But I knew you were still you, that you were still around. May sound stalkerish but if anything just knowing you're alright was enough. If worse came to worse I probably could have seen you in town to make sure for myself.” I continue my gaze on the soup I continued to stir. “As for being able to forgive you. For not requesting something when you want me to. Just to make up for something that in the end didn't really matter. That... didn't and still doesn't sit well for me. I mean yes I do have points where I like to be selfish but more for little things, like a hug or maybe a little kiss. I just couldn't suggest anything big like you would expect. Either it be... you know I can't really think of anything big at the moment. Twilight I can forgive you because... well every pony deserves a second change and in some cases more then that. Yes there are times I can be rather cross. Like with the memory spell, but that was because I was worried for your safety. Or like how I'm cross with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Spike. I know they had the best intentions for what they did and I won't be angry forever. So I guess what I'm saying is no matter what any pony does. There won't be a point or line that any of you will cross that will make me hate or dislike any of you. In all honestly there is only a hoof full of things that any pony could do to cause that.” I said turning off the pan and turning to her.

“If you don't mind me asking. What are they?” She asked. I couldn't tell if she was just delaying her real comment about what I said.

“Very simple really. Nopony hurts my friends. If anypony, especially you Twilight, get hurt. There is not a place either of heaven, hell, or any place between that will hide them from me. Hell as no fury like one angry drony.” I said a small smile this time.

“A little overly protective aren't we?” She said now smirking.

“Only when I need to be.” I said smiling back.

“Like with that Timber Wolf?” She asked.

“Well of course. Lucky for that wolf that I didn't know what I could do now?” I said now with a cocky smirk myself.

“How can you do that? You went from depressed to cocky faster then I think Dash could fly?” She asked.

“Because that's how I am.” I answered.

“That doesn't explain anything.” She retorted.

“That's the point. In all honestly I can't explain it at all. I mean you could chuck it up to being broken in some sense. I would say it was the part of my brain but after my bit of snapping fixed that so it could be that my brain is messed up in another sense like some area that hasn't been found yet. Which at this point wouldn't put it past my luck.” I explained with a bit of sarcasm. Twilight looked at me with a worried look on her face with more probably grim look about it all and all I was doing giving a little smile. “But it doesn't really matter. You want to know why?” I asked.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because of all of you. Here in Equestria I have family and friends that care about me. And most importantly is I have one beautiful marefriend that cares for me most of all.” I said coming over to her and gently hug her. She blushed lightly and nuzzled into me.

“Cheesy.” She muttered under her voice.

“I know.” I said with a little chuckle. For the most part the rest of the night went by fairly normal for once. I had finished cooking the grilled cheese and we both enjoyed it. For the most part it was nice and once we finished eating. I had did the dishes myself with her going back into the living room to read some more. When I finished them and joined her. At this point she was on the floor curled up with her forelegs under her with the book in front of her. I could help but slowly sneak up and laid next to her. With a flap of my wing I draped it across her back. She startled for a moment before looking over at me, blushed and smiled back. Giving me a small nuzzle before returning to read the book. I looked over to see which book she was reading. This one was one of my more favorite stories. It was about a detective with his colleague that was a doctor. I was a fan of mystery and these series of stories always enthralled me. “Enjoying the story?” I asked.

“I'm finding it fascinating that this pulls a parallel to a book that I have back in the library. I may have to do a cross check with it to really see the differences between the two.” She said as she continued to read.

“Well besides every pony here is human and not well a pony. They are drawn by horse drawn carriages.” I explained.

“Really? Do ponies there get treated like animals?”

“Well back there they are. In all fairness there not on the same level as the ponies here. Well if I had to make a comparison then it would be humans are to ponies as... Now that I think about it I can't really make one. From what I can tell the animals here like the birds, bunnies, and some of the other ones I seen. Honestly a lot of the animals there aren't that smart.” I explained. She eyed me for a moment.

“Really? So there not as intelligently aware as every pony here?” She asked.

“For the most part you're right. But that can't be said for all of the animals there. As for speaking wise it's only humans that can really speak. Parrots can only mimic and not very well.” explained from what I remembered. Which was true for the most part.

“What other differences are there between this world and that one?” She asked.

“Well... technological wise they are far past what I've seen so far. Now granted the only computer I've seen was the one in your lab. The equivalent to what I've seen is an operating system called Dos. Which is seen as basic back there. No offense.” I answered.

“None taken, I'm not really surprised another world would be far surpassed us technological wise. What about magically?”

“Well... besides optical illusion like tricks there is no magic there. What I mean as optical illusions are like card tricks. Sort of like did I guess the card you had kind. Some other magicians sometimes go through great lengths to trick people. I guess that's part of the appeal of it really. So in a way that would be a sort of magic per say. Not really like what we have here.” I answered.

“No magic? But how do humans survive without it? I mean every pony here has magic in one way or another. We need it to survive.” She explained.

“You mean like how bodies need warmth?”

“Exactly. So how can humans live without magic?” She asked looking at me.

“Well... they don't well not as ponies here do. They bodies still need warmth like ponies do. But they don't surviving on magic. Some say that they do it by a belief in a higher power.”

“Higher power?”

“Well... Ah! Think of it as the princesses. Here in Equestria there are physical goddesses. But on earth a lot of the religions more see them abstractly. So it's like you believe in Celestia and Luna but they're not really there.” I explained and the look of surprised on her face told me she couldn't quite believe it.

“Then how can humans believe in something that's not even real like that?” She asked forgetting about the book entirely.

“Well that's the thing not all of them do. Some just think that the deities don't exist. Which in a way I would agree with them. Well... that was until I got to Equestria. Since there is the princesses they give me something to believe in but out of an old habit. I don't do what I've seen other ponies do?” I explained.

“What do you mean?” I guess I was being very verge about it.

“Okay let me put it this way. Normally you say something in surprise like oh my Celestia or something of the sort. Now I don't really say Celestia like that. But I insert the word the humans around where I lived said. Which is called god. Which like an all seeing being.” I continued to explained.

“Then why don't you believe in it when you say it all the time?” She said giving me a raised eyebrow.

“Well in honestly. I don't know I guess it's more ingrained over time. Which probably explains why I haven't picked up the oh my Celestia thing like I had with the pony lexicon.” I explained.

“Which I'm surprised you had adapted so fast to it. I figured it would take you longer to do so.” She explained.

“Well there is a few things I could easily pick up. Especially after hearing every pony use it. So like a repetitive learning. After hearing and using it so long it becomes second nature of sort. Which probably explains when I have to catch myself when I talk about the other world with Any... one and so forth.” I said having to catch myself again. For the most part Twilight looked fascinated and that was when I noticed the notepad floating out. Next to it was a quill and ink pot. The quill dipped into the pot before scribbling notes.

“There was something I wanted to ask you about.” She said.

“What's that?” I questioned. I didn't mind answering her questions about earth, as long as I don't go into the darker stuff. I don't think Twilight would enjoy getting traumatized by it all.

“Well it was something that Max had told Luna during his um... stay in the asylum.” With that I had to sigh. As much as I didn't like to find out that they put my body in the asylum like they did. But in the same way I understood the reason. They wanted to make sure my body was safe for my return.

“Well... Max talked about humans and I wanted to see if your world matched up with his.” Ah so this is where she was going with this. Since Max was from another universe there was no guarantee that our two earths matched up like who Max was still human and I was a drony.

“Well I can answer as best as I can.” I said.

“Um... I was told that humans are bent on destruction of their own race and they’re very inventiveness on finding ways.” She simply put as I watched her ears go back. Like she didn't like the line of questioning she was about to dive in.

“In a way he is right. But not every... one is like that. There are very detestable things that humans can and some will do. Either it being a psychological reason or a thrive to do so. Honestly those human I had always detested and some of their actions just...” I started to shuttered just thinking it.

“That bad?” She asked.

“Twilight, sometimes humans can do things that I would consider unfathomable here in Equestria.” I said again shuddering at the images that appeared in my head. Which was a problem at time when I had thought in pictures. Not always the best outcomes, especially in my mind. I began to shake my head a little violently just trying to drive those thoughts from my mind.

“I see...” She said as she bit her bottom lip. Like she was tempted to ask for more information about it. I watched her carefully out of my only eye. I had made sure I laid to her right so I can look at her with my left. I really wish the doctors would show up soon. I really liked having my full depth perception. She looked at me carefully as I folded up my forelegs and rested my head upon them. “Does it bother you when you talk about that part of your world?”

“To a point, some of it I don't mind talking about but I’m just worried that I may say something that traumatizes you.” I said as I looked into the fire flickering into the fireplace.

“and you came from a place like this?” She asked.

“Yeah... which is why I don't want to go back anymore. I had already gotten my answer.” A dagger of ice stabbed me in the chest figuratively.

“Storm, I'm sorry.” This got me to look over to her.

“For what?” I asked.

“For what you had to find out.” She answered.

“It's alright.” To be honest I had stopped caring but just thinking about it made it feel colder inside.

“It's not.” She shot back. I just looked at her as she looked a little annoyed before it melted away. “Why do you hold it in like that?”

“Because what else can I do?” I asked.

“You can talk to us about it.” I let out a sigh to this. I know I should talk about it. But I had explained it to every pony that I was dead on earth before coming here. Both princesses and the girls knew this.

“Twilight can we please change the subject.” I said turning from her. This was a subject I just want to avoid.

“Alright I understand.” She said scribbling something down. “By any chance have you found a goal?” She asked and turned to her again.

“Goal?” I more questioned.

“Yeah like something you want to do in life.” She asked and I thought about it. Did I have a goal really? For the time I just was silent thinking about it.

“Never really thought about it. For the most part I've been doing the same thing. Just drift from moment to moment, not counting small little things I want to do, there’s nothing big. If that was what your implying. Before I came here there was point I wanted to join the military to protect every... one I cared about. My shattered elbow caused me to drop that goal. But that stopped as soon as I got here, I haven't seen anything close to it, well technological wise really. I guess if I had to say I had some kind of goal. It would be to make you happy.” I said gently scratching the back of my head.

“Make me happy? No offense, but how is that a realistic goal?” She asked.

“ I never said it was. I know it seems weird. But... as you've seen I'm not normal.” I said followed by a light chuckle. “Twilight when it comes to everything that has happened. I will still stand by one thing. I will deal with it ten fold if it makes to make you safe and happy. Before you call me out on the whole make every pony I care about safe, that is true too. I will make sure you're all safe.” I explained looking forward. A determined look upon my face as I stared into the flames again. In a way I can see that pony from my dreams, Shadow Storm, and Vermom all glaring back at me. I knew they weren't really there but just thinking of them burning in a fire was kind of comforting. After everything they had done to every pony I cared about. They deserve to burn in some right. I didn't notice until it was to late that Twilight got out from under my wing and climbed onto my back to give me a hug.

“You can be really confusing at times. You can get really depressed and it hurts to see you. Then there are points where you should be depressed but you just shrug it off like it's nothing. I can't tell if your just burying it deep inside or that it just doesn't bother you at all. That and you can say the cheesiest romantic things and I can't tell if your joking or if you're being honest. Doesn't change how sweet it is and how sweet you can be. Then there's the whole intelligence issue. I won't lie and say you haven't done something rather... rash. But you've proven that your rather smart. You pick up on things fast. Magic alone you've picked up rather fast compared to a lot of other ponies and to find out what you excel at magic wise with only having a pictorial clue from your cutie mark.” She started to explain from what she had observed so far.

“Guess I'm a fast learner.” I said with a small chuckle.

“Almost extraordinarily fast, I mean it took you a few days just to learn basic telekinesis. Which takes most foals a lot longer to learn. Then as soon as you get it down you end up picking up spells almost as fast as I could.” She continued.

“Well since I was a bit of a jack of all trades. I can learn the spells but I can't quite master them. Well not unless it lies in the elemental range. Telekinesis just seems easy for the most part. Now that I think about it really there isn't a lot of spells I know. I got the speed and strength ones I've used from Max's universe.” I explained.

“Wait you got it from the other universe?” She asked.

“Yeah. At the time I learned I could still use my magic even though I didn't have a horn. The Celestia there told me that she could sense my alicorn magic. Which I guess makes some sense I suppose.” I said now thinking about it for the first time really. At the time I was more wanting to have something familiar to hold on to.

“Really? How so?” She asked as I can hear the sound of a quill writing on parchment.

“Well, after the whole switch I was stuck in his body. Now for the main part the soul was switched but if you take that out of context like that. How did both our personalities get switched? The only real reason I could suggest was that the magic itself somehow holds a consciousness or at least a copy of it for the most part. Having the magic go with it would stand to reason that the magic overwritten the normal personality. Which would probably lean into the reason that the simple touching reversed everything. If that's the cause then you would have to factor in the every soul contains magic in some way. The only reason I can suggest this is mainly from his journal.” I said the last part I had added quite a bit of venom to my voice when I said his.

“His?” Twilight asked which got me to sigh.

“Grimwand.” I answered and Twilight looked down to me with me looking up at her. “Yeah I know I shouldn't worry about a pony that is already dead but... something just doesn't feel right to me. Like there's more to this. It could be my natural curiosity getting the better of me or a sense of paranoia with everything that had happened with Vermom being Silver Star.” I began to explain.

“Silver Star?” She asked.

“Ah, yeah. Um... well she was one of the ponies the Grimwand brought back using parts from other ponies and a changeling.” I explain and I could see the lavender unicorn on top of me pale. “I know it's disturbing to me too. Especially if you read it from his own words. There's a lot more in his journal that just makes me sick to even think about it. The... the only thing the bugs me the most was he talked to Jessica. Then she passed shortly afterwards which I can't completely say that it happened. Mainly because I have talked to her when I... died.” That last part just made me feel extra cold inside.

“I'm sure she only came back to talk to you.” Twilight speculated. Which I couldn't tell if she believed it or not, she was one for tangible things.

“Yeah.” I said a little half heartened.

“Storm?” She said a little worried and I looked up at her. “Will you promise me something?” She asked.

“Anything for you Twilight.” I answered.

“Promise me that you won't leave like you did.” She requested and my eyes soften toward her. I couldn't help but float her up a bit so I could roll over then back down on to hug her myself. She blushed for a moment before warping her hooves around me. I blushed too but smiled.

“I promise. If I found another portal to another world. I'll make sure you come with me.” I said a little chuckle.

“Alright.” She said leaning down and gently kissing me. Which was followed by her nuzzling into my chest. I gently rubbed her back looking at her with a blush.

“Twilight... I love you.” I said gently kissing her again this time a bit deeper. Which then evolved into us making out. Which gave me the perfect time to pull one of my feathers out. I pulled out one of my rather larger one. The small pang from the feather being pulled hurt. But I was able to only twitch a little from it. Then I floated it up next to Twilight's head and slide it right behind her right ear. She pulled back in surprised then reached up running her hoof across it. Which got her to turn bright red.

“Storm are you... do you know what this means?” She asked.

“To my knowledge, a pegasus only gives a feather to their special somepony that they want to spend the rest of their life with.” I said with a blush.

“Ah... yes. But how did?” She started to question.

“A lot of sleepless nights.” I said with a nervous blush. “I took those nights to read a few of the books. Well one I came across was one about relationship mannerisms. I didn't get to finish it but I found the pegasus one interesting.” Twilight smiled quietly before looking right into my eye.

“You are correct it means that you want to spend the rest of your life with that pony. Between pegasi it's normally considered a marriage proposal. That was back in the old days. Nowadays it's more a show of affection.” She said gently resting her head on my chest making sure that she didn’t mess up the feather. That of course was when we got interrupted...

“Twi I heard you were here and... wow.” The very familiar voice of Rainbow Dash said as she busted into the cabin to see Twilight laying on top of me. We both turned bright red and Dash started to smirk. “So is this what you two do when you're alone.”

“It's not what you think Dash!” Twilight said disappearing above me and ending up next to me.

“Relax Twi. I get it, you two wanted to have a little hanky panky fun.” She said smirking. I was still bright red by the time I got back onto my hunches. That's also when I noticed the news paper in her hooves.

“Dash we were just making up.” She said.

“So it worked.” She said this got me to remember something. I shot her a glare myself this time and she noticed it.

“Which reminds me.” I said now getting up and stepping closer. This got Dash to yelp and try to get away dropping the paper in the process. I flicked the door shut before she could fly out. She turned around to look at me and I saw the nervous look on her face. “Dash, I know about the plan.” I said with a growl. This got her to sigh and land.

“I know. It was under hoof of us.” She said looking at me.

“Then why did you all do it? Pinkie should have told you how I felt about it.” I replied.

“She did, but we all thought that this wasn't right. We knew you were hurting by all this and I can't just let friends hurt like that. So I suggested we get you to back together. Especially since Twi didn't remember you.” She said puffing up a bit.

“I see a few flaws for that plan. There was no guarantee that I would have agreed to watch the three of them. What about that?” I asked.

“Well... pony feathers. I didn't think of that. But we figured since you're a nice stallion and everything you would agree. And you did so all water under the bridge right?” She said with a small chuckle and slight nervous smile.

“On a few conditions.” I started and I saw her deflate at that. “One you don't ever play me or Twilight like that again. Because I don't like that feeling. If it was for a simple lighthearted joke I would be fine, but what you three did... it reminded me of some very mean... people. Like Pallet, Base, Bright Eyes, and Volley.” I explained. This got Dash's eyes to widen for a moment.

“Dang man. I didn't think of that. Look... I'm...” She started.

“Sorry I know.” I said cutting her off. “Promise me you won't do something like this again.”

“Of course man.” She said puffing up again.

“Thanks and please drop off a message for me to Rarity.” I said this time more gently running my hoof in a circle on the floor.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Tell her that I'm sorry for getting as angry as I did. She didn't deserve that much anger and I crossed the line.” I said my gaze looking down at the floor.

“Chill dude, I'm sure she will understand. I'll explain what you told me. I think she will forgive you like you did us. Um... you did forgive us right?” She asked.

“Of course. Pinkie already came by and explained it was her idea and all. Dash if you don't mind and please keep your mind out of the gutter. We just wanted to spend some alone time away from every pony.” I said a small blush on my face.

“Oh getting fresh with Twilight hot stuff?” She said now smirking.

“Dash!” I yelled. “It's not like that.”

“Relax I'm just playing with you. I know you're not that kind of stallion and well knowing Twi you have a long wait before something like that.” She continued to smirk before a high velocity pillow came whipping in nailing Dash in the face. “Geez make one joke and some pony gets all artillery on you.” She muttered before taking off out the door. I sighed quietly before floating the pillow back over to Twilight as she wrapped it in her magic. The two of us reentered the living room when I noticed the newspaper on the floor. What I saw made ice water run in my veins. Right there was an image of me next to something. In a way knew was it was, the dark scales, a crazed look in it's eyes, and the storm black mane with thunderbolts sparking out of it. I floated up the paper to me as I read the title of the paper.

“A normal prince or a nightmare about to storm?” It read. My eyes only switched from the images of me and the title before the paper was ripped from my magic.

“Storm.” Twilight said as I could feel my heart sink more and more.

“Was... was that what I?” I started to ask each word getting increasingly difficult to get out of my mouth. She nodded and I just drooped to the floor. I covered my face with my hooves and just laid there.

“We all know that isn't the real you.” She said trying to make me feel better. She give got onto my back to hug me. I floated the paper back to me as I noticed something off. It took me a few moments for it to finally click. My cutie mark was different.

“Twilight, do you see what I see in this image?” I asked as I floated it up to her.

“The um... crazed you?” She answered which stung.

“Not quite. Look at my flank in the image.” I said. She took it over in her magic and brought it up to her. She sat up on my back. Which I had to say felt rather odd. Like she was riding me like a horse... no pun intended.

“That's... how is that even possible? I've never seen a cutie mark change like that.” She said.

“Yeah. But I’ve heard of it, sort of.” I explained.


“Grimwand's journal. When he transferred souls into bodies their cutie mark changed. But this doesn't seem to be like that.” I explained. “I was still in there the whole time so that already shoots down that explanation. Could it be like Shadow Storm when I'm crazed like that I get a completely different cutie mark?” I questioned.

“I don't think so. I mean why would it change to a crescent moon in a storm cloud? It doesn't seem right and it would be closer to... Oh my Celestia! That would explain it.” She said now getting something that I was still completely clueless on.

“Care to share it with the rest of the class?” I asked.

“After you used the Elements of Harmony your body shot through Princess Celestia's magical screen. A dark smoke came from your body taking the form of nightmare moon before it dissipated like real smoke. Well not before letting out a ghostly wail.” She said and I could feel the shudder she had run down her spine, the same went down my own.

“So I was being controlled?” I asked not liking the thought of that either.

“Not controlled per say, more influenced.”

“Wait, so you're saying that she influenced me into attacked the two ponies that out right hate me and shock two other ponies?” I asked now a little confused and scared. I didn't like the thought that something played me like that. It felt unnatural and even so many levels of wrong, like it was beyond my normal scales of wrong.

“It would seem so, if you factor in that your brain at the time was having judgment lapses then it would be more popping ideas into your head and you going with it.”

“So pretty much me being controlled like putting in data cards into a computer.”

“Exactly.” She proclaimed and then laid back down on my back giving me a hug.

“I... I don't know how to feel about that.” I said giving a light shiver.

“It must be overwhelming for you.” She said and I slowly nodded.

“I just... I don't know anymore, screw it going to bed.” I said with a sigh getting up. My legs giving a protest to standing up. I guess all that magic I used finally caught up with me. A little surprised it didn't happen sooner. I snuffed out the fire with a blow from my frigid breath. Twilight floated up the bags, books, and blankets up with us as I ascended the stairs. Twilight still on my back. I guess she liked getting a free right to bed. When I entered the bedroom Twilight looked at the two photos I had setting next to the bed. She floated herself off me and went over to them. With a small thud all the items she had wrapped in her magic landed at the foot of the bed. I dug into the bag and pulled out my big red comforter and began to spread it a crossed the bed.

“Is this them?” She asked and I looked up. Wrapped in her purple magic was the photo of my family and me.

“Yeah. I'm the large one in the orange shirt.” I explained as I pulled out my large slightly fluffy pillow. Normally I folded it in half to get the right bit of firm with my fluffiness. I laid it at the head of the bed as I placed Twilight's starburst pillow next to it. In the process of this she looked at the photo then back to me, followed by her turning back to the photo again. This kept happening through me setting the rest of the bed together.

“You were... um...” she started to say.

“Fat. I know.” I said nonchalantly. “If you want to make fat jokes go right ahead. Never really bothered me.” I said as I stopped noticing Max's journal. I had completely forgot about it since I got everything I owned from the library. The only other thing that I had hidden was the power box for the portal device. Which I promptly tossed the power box into the lake. The portal was useless at this point being mostly destroyed when Vermom used it to beat me. It was easier to make one from scratch and honestly I didn't really want to. I didn't want to end up playing sliders trying to get back home and end up in a lot more hot water then I already had. I placed the journal back into the duffel bag and zipped it up.

“Well you do have a lot of girth to you in here.” She said gently scratching the back of her head.

“Girth, weight, blubber, fat. Doesn't matter what you called it. I was out right fat and I was fine with it. I mean it doesn't apply now since I've been eating healthier than I did there.” I pointed out. Which was true. I was thinnish. Well I did have some muscles to me since I've been doing a lot of running and fighting. So having some strength goes hoof and hoof.

“Okay how can you be fine with that? Didn't you get picked on for it?” She asked.

“Yeah, of course the... people there are always quick to point out other’s shortcomings. I'm guessing the same goes for here with ponies?” I asked as I hopped onto the bed and laid a crossed it.

“Well yeah bullying still happens.” She said as I watched her ears go down.

“Let me guess you got a good ear full of it growing up?” I asked.

“Not so much. I guess some of them were afraid of making fun of me since I was Princess Celestia's student.” She said putting the photo back down.

“Makes sense I suppose. Wouldn't want to piss of the ruler of Equestria right?” I said watching her.

“Yeah.” She simply put. A small bit of silence followed.

“What's wrong Twilight?” I asked.

“It's nothing important.” She said not looking at me.

“It's important to me. Whats wrong?”

“Well... you may find it silly but... I remember this one time I got picked on because I still kept a stuffed toy with me as I read under a tree.” She said turning to me. “Silly right?” I shook my head at this.

“I don't find it silly at all. Sometimes every pony needs something simple to get by or to feel comfortable about where there are. That or they just want it because it's nice to have with them.” I explained watching her.

“Really? You don't find it a little foalish?” I shook my head at this.

“Not at all. Only because there's times I like to do the same.” I said with a small embarrassed blush on my face.

“Really? A grown stallion like you?” She asked which got me to blush just a bit more as I nodded.

“Yeah...” I crawled to the end of the bed and reached into my duffel bag after I unzipped it.

“You brought it with you?” She asked.

“Well... yeah. I just wanted a few things that reminded me of where I came from and those I left behind.” I said as I pulled out a blue teddy bear. “I wanted to feel a little more at home in Equestria, you know?” She smiled and got onto the bed as I brought the bear over to her. She gently took it in her magic and looked over the bit tattered stuffed animal. There was quite a few bits of stuffing that could be seen in the worn blue fabric that had little red C's over it. The symbol for one of my favorite teams. Normally I wasn't one for sports, but didn't mean I didn't have my favorites.

“What's it's name?” She asked and I turned a little more red in embarrassment.

“I called him Cubby Bear. I've had him since I was little.” I explained. She smiled and gave the bear a little squeeze.

“He's cute.” She said. “But why is he so... um holey?”

“Well the problem was I could never find the right fabric to repair him. The fabric he's made of stopped being made or at least able to be bought outside clothing manufactures. So that's why he is a little raggedy. But he's always had been there for me, the best and worst of times.” This was followed by a little chuckle. “This may sound a little foalish but when I had repeating nightmares I had always kept him close. Hoping he would help scare them off.” Twilight smiled looking down at little stuff toy.

“It's not foolish at all, kind of sweet. Mind if I cuddle with him tonight?” She asked and I smiled.

“Only if you're careful.” I said with a playful jest. She smiled back.

“Well of course.” She said before lifting herself and me up and slide the two of us under the covers. She slowly shifted over to me where I gently wrapped my forelegs around her as she did my little Cubby bear. “Good night Storm.” She said before her horn flashed with light and all the lights went out in the room.

“Good night Twilight. I hope you dreams or pleasant.” I said as she drifted off to sleep. I watched her a little bit as she hugged the teddy bear gently. Wrapped up in the large red comforter I bought her a little closer as I followed her into the realm of sleep. All things considered today wasn't that bad.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 20 – Of Pain and Plan

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To say that that night was nice is an understatement. I was with Twilight again which was for lack of a better word... Awesome. The following days after that first one were nice too. Both Twilight and I spent time reading, going over the differences between the books I had brought back with me. Not counting a few other things. Max's journal I kept away from her mainly because I was wanting to read that one alone. Something just told me that would be a wiser thing. Maybe I'm getting a little bit of Pinkie's pinkie sense. Now that I thought about it, that would be scary just to see how Pinkie does what she does. Finally the day had come for me to get my right eye regrown. Which I was partly looking forward to and at the same time dreaded. I didn't know how much it was going to hurt regrowing an eye but from my guess. It wasn't going to be pretty.

The last day before I had to renew to rent the cabin I was in the middle of packing everything away. Twilight had already packed her stuff up again which included the star amethyst which I gave back the following night. She also had my old stuffed teddy bear with her things. I didn't mind it really, which was kind of funny now that I thought about it. She got almost instantly attached to it which I don't know if that was a good or bad, I found it cute either way. I was a little surprised she didn't get on me about still having a stuffed animal. I had got a lot worse for other things in my life so what’s a few jabs from the bookish mare. I finished putting everything in my saddlebags and duffel bag. By then I was able to use my magic again with no real backlash. I still love magic.

“Ready?” Twilight asked as I came down my large duffel bag on my back with saddlebags under them.

“Yeah, I got everything. So let's go drop off the bags first then we can give Mayor Mare the key. Are you sure you still want me back at the library?” I asked and Twilight of course rolled her eyes.

“I told you. I missed having you there. That and this last week has been wonderful. Just you, me, and a few other worldly books.” She said with a smile and the last book we hadn't gone through yet floating next to her. This one I told her was a very dark book. It was a murder mystery and one of my more favorite books. This one I had taken the time to read it so much that I almost could tell you word for word the story itself. We left with me locking the door behind us.

The walk through the White Tail Woods was rather nice, the leafless trees covered in snow. When the pegasi really get going, they can help create the most lovely works of nature imaginable. On top of all that I was having a lovely stroll with the mare I cared the most about. Sort of like how Jessica was special to me. She was always there for me, she had helped me through some rather dark times. After losing a very close friend I had almost done the one thing I will never do. That day she got close to me and even now with my newer friends, I don't let ponies get that close to me. Yeah, I will tell them of my past and I will tell them from time to time what I'm thinking. But I never really give any pony the full picture. Which in a way is kind of pathetic on my part. It all really started after Jessica's passing. She was the only one I told everything to and when she passed I would always go to her grave. I always talked to her there I didn't really know it at the time but I guess she still listened to me. “Storm?” Twilight said knocking me out of my internal thoughts.

“Huh? Um, yes Twilight?” I said looking at her.

“Something wrong?” She asked.

“I'm fine. Why do you ask?” I asked, a little confused.

“Because you're crying.” She said and I stopped to notice the wetness on my cheeks.

“Oh... well I was just thinking.” I said. I didn't even noticed I was crying at all.

“About what?” She asked as we continued to walk. The book slowly going to her saddlebag.

“Well... about every pony. The one's here and well...” I said going quiet.

“You still miss them don't you?” She asked and I nodded.

“Well it was more I was just thinking about her really.” I said a little solemnly.

“Jessica?” She asked as she came a little closer.

“Yeah. Just... I don't know. Maybe I just dwell too much on the past or I just think too much period.” I said followed by a sigh. Damn it I had started to notice that when I got time to really think about stuff without having a problem to set my mind to that I had kept going in circles, very depressing circles.

“Storm, It's alright. I know how it is to over think.” She said before following with a light nervous chuckle. “You should have seen me when I was almost late with a letter to the princess.” She got out. This story I knew well more from Dash explaining it to me then was followed by Rarity really telling me the story. Dash to her credit knew how to tell a story. But Rarity knew how to really give context to it. Twilight had pretty much gone off the deep end to the point of using a 'want it need it' spell on her old stuff animal called Smarty Pants. Well it got every pony including Big Mac to fight over this toy and I mean fight. It was an all out brawl for this thing. Which kind of scared me... especially if she ever used that spell on herself with me. From what I heard there was a no limit hold on what ponies would have done for it. A small shiver ran through me thinking about how bad that would turn out. Especially when I had the whole dralicorn abilities on my side.

“Yeah...” I said with a nervous chuckle myself. Before I sighed again and looked down the path. “Twilight can... can I be honest with you about something?” I said. This was the other thing that had been on my mind for the week. I wanted to make sure I told her everything. Well everything I remembered. But most of all I wanted to make sure that... that she could continue to be with me.

“You can tell me anything Storm.” She said looking at me as I stopped. Twilight did too a few moments later. I had to take a few deep breaths before I was able to speak. The whole time Twilight gave me her full attention. A little unnerving to say the least but I knew I had to have it this time.

“Twilight... I know I've told you a lot about myself a lot of the more painful things about me, both past and in thought. The truth of the matter is, I never really told any pony everything. You and the girls have only gotten fragmented parts of the whole story about me. To be truthful there is only one... person that knew everything, even after her passing.” I started. Twilight's eyes widened for a moment.

“So you held back the whole time.” She asked and I could hear the worried sadness in her voice, the little wavering to it all.

“I don't like ponies or... people really knowing me completely. For the most part I am... depressive. But there is another part of me... something that you may have heard. I can't say for sure but it came out during the whole dragon treaty incident.” I explained.

“The dragon's rage?” she asked.

“Well... yes. Sort of. See... there are times that I don't think. That I only act and well... I can be a very angry and cruel pony too. Only if pushed to that edge. Twilight when you got hurt...” I had to stop and shudder for a moment. “When you got hurt I got so angry... that I wanted to end the being that hurt you.” I said trying to keep calm. I had failed miserably. I could see that Twilight was worried too. She even came closer to me.

“Twilight... it took a lot of me not to go on a full rampage through that den. I... I wanted to kill all of them. It scares me to think that I had that thought but... it wasn't the only time. Before I came here there was many times I was pressed to that limit.” I couldn’t hold it back and I continued to cry. Twilight only stepped closer and slid in to give me a hug.

“Storm... I already knew.” she said and I looked at her with surprise.

“What?” I said not hiding the fear I had felt.

“Storm... I understand that your protective of me. I really do appreciate that you care so much that you would do that for me. Admittedly it does scare me to know that the stallion I love is capable of doing that. But I know you wouldn't do it to any pony unless they truly deserve it.” She said as she looked up. I couldn't meet her gaze, there was more to it.

“Twilight... I just want you to understand that, no matter what I never want to hurt you. I never want to be the reason you're hurting. But with everything that I've learned over the years. I am going to hurt you. Hell I already did when I assumed like I did.” I said.

“Storm your brain wasn't-” she got out before I cut her off.

“Wasn't working correctly, I know. But it doesn't change I did it. Twilight you know Shadow Storm is a manifestation of my own self hatred right?” I asked and she nodded.

“Well... sometimes... I envy him too. He's more confident than I am. He's willing to do more than I ever will. I know if... if I defeat him, I may have to absorb him and possibly become more like him... that scares me too. I mean what if I stop being me completely. What if I try to control things and hurt you in the process. I just... The not knowing scares me the most. if I can prevent hurting every pony I care for. Especially you Twilight Sparkle.” I said now just falling apart to all this. “Twilight... I... I'm sorry.” I got out before she hushed me.

“Storm I understand how scary this is to you. I never realized how much really ran through your mind. I don't know the future. No pony does. Trust me on this not even the most powerful magics can predict something like that. But there is one thing I will tell you that will stay true. No matter what Prince Firestorm.” She said pausing for dramatic effect and she also knew I hated that title. That playful smirk on her face told me she only used it to make sure I was paying attention, Clever mare. “That I will always be there for the stallion I love and I will be damned if some pony hurts or changes you for the worst.” She said with a growl to her voice. I could help but have a spike of fear go through me. Not from her words but that look on her face and the fact that her eyes went completely white for a moment. She turned back to a smile. “Plus.” She cooed which got me to gulp for a moment as she got real close to my ear. “I have something special in mind for you later.”She said in a very suggestive and sultry tone. I couldn't help where my mind had went to and the bright radiant blush had crossed my face. She smiled and gave me a peak on the lips before we continued to Ponyville. The small stroll didn't last too much longer and we finally got back in to find... a mass of ponies. I saw about nine ponies all in lab coats and only one that I recognized. Heart Shy was standing next to his daughter and my Aunt Celestia. Who was just gently smiling to every pony. It didn't take me much to figure out why they were there.

“So it's time huh?” I said more to myself. Twilight looked at me then at the group.

“Seems so.” She said. Of course right then Fluttershy pointed me out to her father. This of course was the group of them coming over to us. Eight out of the nine doctors bowed to me. This was followed my me face hoofing. Damn it all to hell seriously does no pony ever tell another not to bow to me? Fuck, is spreading the word around so much to ask for?

“Please rise.” I requested with a groan. They did before I was starting to be lifted up in magic. Damn it all! “Put me down!” I more yelled. This cause their magic to dissipate and drop me. Which caused me to land on my head. “Ow... not like that.” I said was I started to get to my hooves. Twilight came over and with a light bit of magic help me right myself again.

“You okay?” She asked.

“Yeah nothing injured... besides my pride.” I groaned a bit on the last part. I turned to all of the doctors. “Okay ground rules. One no prince to mister. Firestorm or Storm will do. Two if not in the hospital and not for medical reasons. Please for the love of all things holy, Ask! Before you lift me up in magic.” I get out with a bit more enthusiast on ask. The doctors looked at each other well all but Heart Shy as I could hear the muttering before I got a group nod from them. You know that's kind of creepy. That of course was when I noticed all but Heart Shy the doctors where all unicorns of different shapes and sizes. Then I turned to Celestia.

“Hello Celestia.” I said feeling a little like a heel for not saying hi to begin with.

“Hello Firestorm. I hope your stay in the cabin was delightful.” She said with a smirk and I nodded.

“It was well needed.” I said as Twilight came up to me.

“I see you've gotten to Twilight as well.” She said with got me to shoot a deadpan look at her. “What?” Now it was a face hoof.

“Alright so I'm guessing you're all here for this.” I said pointing at the eye patch. Again a group nod which was starting to creep me out even more. “Okay then. Please follow us.” I said as Twilight and I went to drop off the bags. After we had entered Twilight wrapped all the bags in her magic and took them up the stairs to her loft. This gave me time to get some answers. First was the doctors, I had asked what was going to be involved in this regrowing. Well the answer I got wasn't something I was happy to hear. Pain and a lot of it. To simplify it, I was going to be held down by restraints as the eight unicorn doctors focused their magic into the socket where my right eye was. The reason for eight of them was one of course royalty which I was starting to really hate that word. It was at least in the top ten of words I hate the first two of prince and mister. The second reason was the spell that would be needed to do this could completely drain a pony. To literal death pretty much what I had done to myself sitting outside Twilight's window when she was in the coma. I just didn't succeed... thankfully. Celestia was there because she was going to be needed to suppress my magic. A normal unicorns magic could be easily suppressed if another spell caster knew it and how to deal with the minute details of it. Close to what a suppressor does to most horns. My magic is different than a unicorns. A dralicorn's magic is much stronger than any unicorn. Twilight Sparkle not counting in this I mean Element of Magic be damned, right? Anyway which is why they are having the strongest alicorn, Celestia herself come and do it.

I had questioned about the suppressor I had on before during the whole Max in my body issue. Granted I kept it vague because I didn't know if these doctors or Heart Shy were informed on this. This was because at the time Max's magic which he only had barely a foals level of trained magic was easily suppressed since it wasn't strong enough to really do anything. Outside levitation but that was more just a little magical leeway. That was when I found out as soon as I took back over I could have overpowered the suppressor and be fine. Hindsight you're a bastard you know that? Well I digress, Celestia was there to make sure I didn't attack the doctors out of instinct. The thought of that didn't set to well with me.

“Well then I want to make some requests for added protection.” I requested. Celestia’s eyebrow rose at this.

“What may that be?” She asked.

“Well as for restraints I would like two added ponies there to make sure I don't burst out. That and I trust them a lot more then the doctors here. Heart Shy not included. No offense but I don't know any of you beside Heart Shy so I rather air on the side of caution.” I explained.

“Fair enough. Who may these be?” Celestia asked.

“I would like both Big Mac and Applejack to help keep me down. As well as Twilight herself.” I explained.

“Wait me?” Twilight said in surprise as she came down the stairs.

“Yes you Twilight. I want you to keep a shield wrapped around my muzzle so I don't well incinerate any doctor or any pony.” I said. This dawned on Twilight who nodded.

“Those are agreeable terms.” Celestia said before turning to Fluttershy. “If you would be so kindly find them Fluttershy.” She requested. Fluttershy of course bowed to the princess.

“Of course p-p-princess.” She got out then left to find them. Finally I got the last part of all this. I was going to be stuck in the hospital for at least three days. Mainly to make sure the magic took. This apparently was a big downside to the spell. Some unicorns could not regrow a new eye. The magic was too abruptly different than their own that the eye grew to large and burst. This got me to turn a few shades lighter than I normally was. Twilight assured me that it wasn't going to be the cause. I gently smiled but it was a little forced as I couldn't drive that image out of my head of my eye bursting. After a few moments we finally decided well Twilight dragged me to the hospital to get this over and done with.

“As much as I know this scares you. This is for your own good.” She said as she dragged me along in her magic. Me fighting along the way. Oh it was a silent protest mind you because I think if I opened my mouth. Well the breakfast I would have had would come out of my mouth fast. I tried to fight the point of the key to Mayor Mare but as luck would have it. We saw her along the way and dealt with that fast. Damn it universe you just outright hate me don't you, you jerk! So with nothing left to prolong this I had to let go of the mailbox I was dragging for the last mile and a half. Standing outside was the girls and Big Mac. Out of all of them it was Rarity that didn't look at me. Thank you universe one more thing before all this to make me feel worse about. We entered the hospital and I was rushed off to get restrained. I wasn’t happy about that one bit. I knew why and I understood but it didn't change how much I didn't like it but we all go into the operation room. I was placed on my back against the table my prosthetic was removed completely as my other hoofs were placed into these weird clamps. Well I would say they looked like clamps used to hold something but this was like that with well a third part of a clamp for the flat end of the hoof. Why? I couldn't tell you but I had all three hooves put in. I thankfully had my stallion hood covered by a blanket. Most likely for me and every ponies respect. I'm sorry but I really didn't want the thought of flashing the goods to every pony here. Especially with Celestia and the girls here. I looked around for a bit as Applejack held my remaining foreleg down in the restraint. Big Mac had my hind legs down with both of his fore hooves. Celestia placed herself above my head as she lowered her horn down to mine. It started to glow with its normal radiant sunshine yellow aura as I could feel a pressure in my skull. I took it as a good sign and didn't fight it. I had four doctors to the left and right of me as each of the eight of them lowered their horns down. They all glowed with varying colors of magic. The patch was lifted off my face in Twilight's magic before my mouth was clamped shut by her.

It wasn't long for the magic to start flowing into the empty eye socket. To say that it was painful is to say that air was everywhere. Both technically true but not very descriptive. The problem with this pain was I had nothing and I do mean nothing to compare this to. As much as I wanted something to take my mind off it I couldn't. Even the pain of losing my foreleg was nothing almost a pin prick to this pain. I started to shake in pain as I tried to get away from all of it. I tried everything magic as was planned was useless to me. Celestia's magic suppressed it and I could tell she was doing it with ease. Same for Big Mac and Applejack when it came to keeping me down. The clamps however not so lucky. I had broken one of them. Which was the one Applejack was holding. But that was after she shifted her hooves to get a better spot to hold me down. Twilight was able to keep me down as I could feel the heat in my muzzle. There was only one point in all this that they didn't expect which admittedly I did too until the pain set in, my other form. My long tail did start to whip around but Big Mac the smart and fast pony he was pinned the flat diamond part of my tail down with one of his hind legs. It hurt but nothing compared to the pain of regrowing an eye. Speaking of which the perspective of the new eye threw me off. At first I had to close my left eye to stop getting disorientated from the two different views. The eye itself started off small. I could only guess maybe a small marble in size which gave me a sickening view of the inside of my eye. I will state this now I NEVER want to see that sight again. As time progressed and for the love of all things holy it felt like I had gone through a millennium of pain. Well everything started to shrink around the view until the eye fully filled in the socket. Well as a normal eye would. The worse part I think of all of it beside the spell was the pain of tears touching the eye as it grew.

There was no point in denying that it hurt. But the tears which had a bit of a salt to them touched the still growing eye and as much as throwing salt into a wound. It hurt a lot maybe it was just pain redirection in my head but I could have sworn that the eye being touched by the tears hurt just a bit more then the regrowing itself. I was told later that the whole thing which I couldn't be sedated for took two hours. So I had to set there the whole two hours in complete pain to the point I felt like I rather be a one eye orange abomination then deal with that again. But once the spell was finished and I had stopped thrashing about. I was released... only to be grabbed again as the eye started to tint red in my vision as everything grew smaller in my right eye. This pain felt... different. Oh it hurt all the same but this one had an odder feel to it. The pain before was more burning this one was almost freezing if that make any sense to any pony. It took another six hours afterwards to fix the problem. As much as I hate to admit it. When I transformed a bit of my own magic somehow made it into the spell and since a dralicorn's magic is stronger than a normal unicorn. It tipped the scales into almost having my eye denominate in my skull. Lucky for me these doctors knew what they were doing. So once my new right eye returned to normal I finally got released. This was followed by me leaning off to the side and throwing up into a well placed bucket.

“See I told you he would turn to the left.” One of the doctors said. I looked up to see a brown coated stallion roll his eyes and hand a bag of what I could guess bits to a red coated one. Thank you you two make me feel better about this. Some how they turned to see my glaring at them. If somepony could weaponize my glare I think somepony would be launched right to Mars. Or the pony equivalent to Mars. I was then lifted up by Twilight and placed into a pony wheel chair. I was then wheeled to the room I had been in several times before. Hell it got so bad that they placed my cutie mark right on the door. Thank you doctors make me feel even more special for knowing I get hurt a lot... Twilight was with me the whole time as well as Celestia. Once in the room I tried to get out of the chair but- Wham! I hit the ground face first, hard enough for blood to come gushing out of my muzzle. Thank you now it's complete. I had wondered when I was going to get that oh so familiar copper taste in my mouth. Want to throw something else on top of that universe? You know maybe another hit to the. Wham! Right a ball that had gone sailing into the room collided with my skull and the signs of a headache just started to ebb in. Celestia was the one that placed me on the bed with Twilight being the sweetheart she was got my comforter laid out across me. She still had one set of saddlebags with her from leaving the library. I guess this would explain what was in it. Well that and the last book she wanted to read. Celestia found a seat in one of the chairs there.

“Firestorm, how are you feeling?” The princess of the sun asked. Oh trust me when I say this I wanted to say something snarky and sarcastic right then, but I decided against it.

“Hurting.” Was all that came out of my mouth as Twilight hopped on to the bed. She sat next to me and I couldn't help but place a wing around her. Celestia smiled at this as she eyed me. I on the other hoof looked out the window. There was a silence that just filled the room as I watched some pegasi move clouds around, probably for another good snow.

“Rainbow Dash are you sure about this?” I heard, well, from everywhere. It sounded like Rarity again.

“I'm too awesome not to be sure.” Dash had said in a very cocky tone.

“But you didn't see how angry he was.” Rarity said and I could hear the worry in her voice.

“Really? He was pretty cool with me.” Dash said a little confused. At this point I started to growl.

“Will you two just come in for god sake?!” I yelled a little more than I should. This got both Celestia and Twilight to jump. I don't know if it was from me yelling or not. A few minutes pass before Rarity slowly opened the door, a sheepish smile on her face.

“You heard that didn't you?” She asked.

“What do you think?” I deadpanned.

“Hear what? I didn't hear anything.” Twilight said and I turned to her for a moment with a cocked eyebrow. I sighed before I motioned for Rarity to come in. I also noticed Celestia curious look at me. I didn't quite care at the time, I was more focusing on the pussyfooting around Rarity was doing outside the door.

“You too Dash.” I said loud enough to get the rainbow maned mare to come in. She was giving a big cheesy grin as she hovered in the air. One hoof behind her head scratching it.

“I guess you got me too.” She said followed by a light chuckle.

“Look I'm not really in much of a good mood after...this.” I said pointing to my new eye with my only hoof. I hadn't gotten my prosthetic back or at least the temp one back yet.

“Well... I just wanted to apologize-” Rarity started before I held up a hoof.

“No... I should be the one to. I went too far with my words the other day and I admit I was angrier than I should have been.” I said cutting her off.

“But...” She started before a sigh. “Storm, I did deserve it. I should have known better after the first time but... I was worried for you and Twilight after she forgot you.” She said not looking at any pony.

“Well... that is not completely true.” Twilight said with a nervous chuckle. “The truth is I didn't forget him. I just needed time to clear up my thoughts so I lied just so I could get it dropped for a while.” Twilight revealed to every pony. Celestia much to her credit keeping her expression on her face. I've got to say I never want to play poker against her. I would be screwed hooves down.

“Twilight, why?” The white unicorn mare asked.

“Like I said I just needed time. After finding out he died I was conflicted about everything. The stallion I cared for found out something that would cripple and corrupt many other ponies. Plus him going crazy like that. Well I was scared in a way. So I ran... like a coward.” She said looking down. I couldn't help but bring Twilight closer with my wing and wrapped it around her like a safety blanket. “After we got back I found out he took everything of his leaving only what I owned. Admittedly I was upset thinking that I pushed him away like that. That he didn't... love me anymore. I know it was foolish to think so.” She finished with a sigh.

“Twilight you know I would never stop loving you.” I said gently nuzzling her. She blushed and gently nuzzled back before giving me a small kiss on the cheek which got me to blush. That was followed by her bringing my wing in closer to her. Well more I help move her in front of me as I wrapped her up in my wings. That was a good thing about having large wings as I do. I could effectively help cover my marefriend and make her feel safe. She knew I wasn't trying to be dominant in bed.

“Oh my.” Rarity started turning red. “Does that mean you two... um... you know?” She asked. I couldn't help but turn bright red, the same as Twilight within my wings.

“Ah... no. We um... haven't gotten to well... that yet. We haven't um... well you know... talked about it.” she said very nervously. Almost like the idea scared her.

“And I prefer when she's ready for something like that.” I said as I continued to blush quite red. Don't get me wrong I did entertain the thought. But I still wanted to make Twilight comfortable about the idea. That and myself in all honesty. For everything I have been able to overcome I just... this one was a big one for me. But that was a bridge to cross later. After my comment Twilight just gently leaned back and I slowly wrapped my foreleg around her. Well there wasn't much after that honestly. I already had my wings around her. Of course she also wore the orange feather by her ear.

“So... I couldn't help but notice that orange feather there.” Rarity said with a knowing smile.

“Yeah... Storm gave it to me.”Twilight said with a blushing smile.

“Does Storm know what it means?” She said.

“Yes he does Rarity. What are you getting at?”

“Oh so when’s the date?” She asked. Wait, what?! Oh... right.

“If you are talking about marriage well. We’re not even at that step. I gave her the feather more for a sign of love if anything.” I said with a light smile. Still blushing to all hell but still a light smile. Twilight squeaked and turned to me not saying a word but just wide eyes. Like something she didn't expect out of my mouth. “What?”

“I... I'll talk to you later about it.” She said turning redder. I just well blinked in confusion then smiled quietly giving Twilight a kiss on her head.

“Alright... later.” I said gently into her ear. Rarity smiled as Rainbow had a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes at her but said nothing. Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy all entered shortly afterwards. Then the doctor came in. Heart Shy still wearing his doctors scrubs. Under his right wing held the clipboard that I could guess was for me. As soon as he sat down and I saw the emblem on it's back. I knew I was right. The fireball hitting a storm cloud was placed directly on the back. I looked over to Celestia who didn't even look at me but at Heart Shy.

“Well it seems the magic is stabilized but like you were told. We want to keep you here for a few days to make sure it stays that way.” A cold shiver ran through me just remembering that pain when my eye enlarged. Twilight just watched me quietly.

“I um... understand.” I said quietly. Every pony in the room looked at me as silence filled the room. I looked up and at each of them. Heart Shy and Celestia didn't show any emotion. The rest of them including Twilight gave me a worried look. “Ah sorry... Just, remembered the pain.”

“It's not unusual especially when it was less than an hour ago. Would you like me to get you something to numb it?” He asked.

“Not at the moment. If it continues then maybe later.” I answered as I leaned back a bit in the bed. Heart Shy nodded before he left with Fluttershy following. Dash landed in one of the chairs looking a bit worried.

“You alright there partner?” Applejack asked.

“Just sore. Nothing I haven't dealt with before.” I said quietly as I looked over to the window. I couldn't help but stare up at the sky and wonder if she is watching me. Maybe there is a part of me up there too so she's not alone. I think I just need something to help me get past it all. Maybe a way to really show and remind myself that he and I are different beings.

“That would be a wise idea.” I heard somepony that sounded like Celestia said. I turned to her and she nodded. I went to open my mouth before I was cut off with. “Don't worry I'm the only one that can hear it.” I hear as I watched her mouth not move during that. My eyes widen at this. She couldn't help but smirk before finally explaining out in the open. “It's something between alicorns, I wasn't sure if you could do it or receive it or not.”

“Wait are you telling me I can talk to you, Luna, and Cadence in my mind?” I asked this got every pony else to stare at the two of us.

“In close proximity to a point. You can block us out at anytime. I just picked it up because you're broadcasting it pretty well openly.” She explain.

“Can somepony please explain what is going on?” Applejack asked.

“Firestorm here was thinking about something that he didn't realize that I could hear. In a way I agree with the idea.” She explained this got Twilight to look at me.

“What idea is that?” She asked.

“Well... I was thinking maybe have something to remind me that everything that I use to be is in the past. I don't mean like completely forget it but at least remind me that what happened there doesn't matter anymore.” I explained to her.

“Like what?” She asked.

“Well um... this may sound a little weird. But I was thinking of maybe two gravestones.” I answered looking at her.

“Grave stones? Why and why two?” Applejack asked.

“Well... I want something one for my old self. The other is for...” I paused before taking a deep breath.

“Jessica right?” Twilight said cutting me off. I looked at her and nodded.

“Yeah... I want something to talk to. Back when I was on earth after her passing I would stand at her grave and talk to her.” I explained.

“Talk to her?” Rarity asked.

“Well she was the only one I really opened up to. After her passing I made sure I never changed that. So when I visit her grave I always just talked to her. I never knew at the time if she really could hear me or not. I found out she stayed behind just to always be there.” I get out as depression could be easily read in my voice. As if it was just a simple pamphlet.

“I think that's a good idea.” Twilight said gently turning around and hugging me. I smiled softly as I just gently rub her back.

“When I can leave I'm going to find a place for them.” I said as I laid back. “Could every pony please give me and Twilight some alone time?”

“Of course.” Rarity said with Dash and Applejack nodding. They left as Pinkie stared at me quietly before leaving. Celestia was the only one that stayed back.

“Storm... I want to apologize for my actions the other day. All this couldn't have been easy for you.” She apologized.

“Celestia it's fine. I just think it all was just ill timed was all but I do want to talk to you later about something important.” I said.

“Is this about you hearing Rainbow Dash and Rarity?” She asked and I nodded. “That's what I thought.” She said letting out a sigh. “I have somethings to prepare so I will see you once you're able to leave and don't worry. I will tell the hospital that every pony can see you past visiting hours.” She said before leaving. I only got a chance to nod before she was gone. I turned to Twilight who was looking up at me.

“What did you want to talk about earlier?” I asked. She blushed a bit she gently pressed my wings away. Getting the hint I pulled them back to my sides.

“Well... it's about the whole marriage thing. Were you um... implying what I think you where?” She asked.

“Yes, I would as they would say back on earth... which I don't know if it applies here but none the less. Make an honest mare out of you.” I said blushing a bit. “But before you think I'm proposing I'm not. Namely because I don't think either of us are ready. Twilight I want to make sure we are ready and I mean completely ready for a leap like that. You still have goals you want to achieve. I don't want to be in the way of that.” I explained and she smiled gently before leaning against me.

“Your right. I still have goals I want to achieve.” She said. “And I do understand wanting to wait. I'm sure you have your own goals that you want to strive for.”

“Twilight you're my only goal. Remember what I said back at the cabin my only goal is to make you happy and I'll do anything to make sure I achieve that.” I explained again. She eyed me with a smirk.

“Anything?” She said with a mischievous smirk. Oh why did I get the foreboding feeling that choice of words was going to screw me over. But alas the idiot that I was I nodded to that. Which got her to bush with that same devilish smirk she had. She blushed at a moment before leaning up. “Then you won't mind doing something just for me right?” She said.

“Um yeah.” I said blushing as Twilight got real close that where were almost snout to snout. Which got me to sweat a little as I looked at her quite nervously. She leaned in real close to my right ear and whispered.

“Then will be go into poison joke for me.” She said which got me to freeze.

“WHAT!” I yelled in surprised. Did she just suggest what the fuck I think she did. She pulled back in surprise at my rather loud outburst. “Did you just... and in the... What?!” Was all that came out of my mouth. She shrank back a bit seeing that I took this rather badly.

“Yes... I did.” She said almost matching Fluttershy who I knew was a hair quieter than Twilight right now. I... I just face hoofed and laid on my back. Twilight came up to me slowly looking down at me. “Sorry.” She squeaked.

“No, Twilight. I should be sorry. I should have known better then yell that. But you caught me off guard with that one.” I said turning red again before covering my face with the pillow.

“Then forget I said anything.” She said turning from me. I sighed and moved the pillow away sitting up.

“No Twi I won't. I'll do it but I want to know why first.” I requested.

“Well um... I never got to really enjoy it after the first night.” She said with a blush.

“Enjoy it?” I asked wondering if this was going where I thought it was.

“It's just... oh geez this is going to sound so creepy. But well besides the whole intimate thing I just... well I thought you looked cute at a mare. I just wanted to hug and hold you like a teddy bear. But I also well granted you where smaller then I was in stature and well... you felt like a little sister to me.” She said blushing running a hoof in what I could tell was a perfect square.

“So... you saw me as I little sister?” I said a little confused and I would be lying if I said it didn't weird me out a bit.

“Sort of... see I've always had a big brother and he's great. Then I, in a way, have a big sister with Cadence. We had so much fun together just playing around. A little bit of dress up here and there between my studies. So I just well... I kind of want to be the big sister once. Which was why I asked you to well um... go into the poison joke again.” she explained getting a little nervous towards the end.

“Okay so let me get this right. You want me to become a mare again so you could play dress up and treat me like your little sister? Because you never had one but remember when you and Cadence had fun together.” I said more to make sure. Twilight nodded slowly not looking at me. I sighed quietly watching her. I knew I was going to check myself royally for this but damn it I did say anything.

“Alright Twilight. I'll do it for you.” Which got her to shoot up and look at me with surprise.

“Really?” She asked.

“But there is some conditions for this.” I said watching her. “One we make sure we have the cure on hoof because if I start feeling too uncomfortable about it. I want it to end no questions asked alright?” I requested. This one well I knew I would lose if she disagreed if Twilight was as resourceful as I thought she was.

“Agreed.” She said with a nod.

“Two for the love of all things holy. No other stallions, after the whole Big Mac thing I just don't want to end up thinking...” I got out before a shiver ran through me just remembering having that thought about Big Mac looking good in that context.

“Agreed.” She answered with another nod.

“And finally three. Don't hold it against me, whatever I do or say. That joke stuff really screws with my head.” I said which got Twilight to raise an eyebrow at this.

“Screws with your head?” She asked.

“Yeah remember the whole Big Mac thing?” I tried to keep verge for listening ponies.

“Oh right, agreed. Oh I can't believe you said yes to this.” She said now hopping around like a kid getting a free run of a candy store.

“Twilight please calm down.” I requested which got her to stop in mid jump. She then hopped back onto the bed and came over to me.

“You don't know how much this means to me Storm. Oh I've got to do something to make it up to you. So... what will it be?” She asked which got me to look a little confused but with a blush.

“What will what be?” I asked playing the idiot which at this point I was masterful at. Mainly because I was one.

“What do I have to do to make it up for this? It can be anything.” She more requested and I started to turn even more red.

“Twilight you don't have to do anything for this.” I offered. Which got her to shake her head at me.

“Storm your doing something your uncomfortable with just to make me happy. I... I want to return the favor. There has to be something you want.” She said before coming closer. “Maybe some little fantasy you would like.” She said which flipped the awkward switch with me. “Come on Storm you can tell me.” She said that last part with a sultry tone to it. I gulped not really liking where she was going.

“Twilight please stop.” I requested.

“Come on Storm it's nothing to be ashamed off. I told you one of mine surely you can tell me one of yours.” She said as I could feel her hot breath on my ear as she got close enough to it and began to whisper. I was red and I mean glowing red like the sun itself red.

“Twilight please. I... I don't want to talk about it.” I said going timid and nervous.

“Please Storm. Tell me.” She said she almost moaned in my ear and I couldn't take it. I blinked off the bed right into the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it after watching Twilight tip over into the pillow. I was breathing quite hard as I tried to stop my racing heart from beating out of my chest. “Storm what's wrong?!” I heard from Twilight who knocked on the door.

“I don't want to talk about it.” I said more using my foreleg to prop me up on the sink so I could look at myself in the mirror. Doing this with only one foreleg was kind of hard. I mean in the kitchen I had something to balance myself on. Here well the sink was wet and I hit the ground from lack of balance. Within moments Twilight popped in and rushed over to me. I on the other hoof started to back away from her.

“Storm please tell me what's wrong?” She said and I well started to shiver a bit.

“I don't want to talk about it Twi. I... I just can't.” I said curling up. Twilight stopped for a moment before slowly coming to my side and sat next to me. Out of instinct I placed my wing around her.

“Storm please tell me what happened.” She requested. I looked at her.

“I... I'm not comfortable talking about well intimate things. I get nervous and scared. Then you got really on me about it and... I panicked.” I answered and Twilight gently run a hoof on my shoulder.

“Storm sorry. I should have stopped when you asked me to. But I just thought you were being shy and playing hard to get. So I wanted to make you feel comfortable with it. But I didn't know that you would have panicked like that.” She said gently leaning on me.

“Why does it bother you so much?” She asked. I looked away.

“Because... well... I'm not comfortable on the subject. Normally humans are reserve about mature things like, well that. Most are anyway and a good chunk of the media panders to the idea of it but doesn't show it much. I mean somethings do and I mean I wouldn't be a male if I said I never thought about it. But that's it. I only think about it. I don't act on it and I try to be reserve too. I don't want to offend you or any pony when it comes to that. Then my dad who, well, he in a way, shoved it down my throat all the time. So I don't like talking about it. Especially in a hospital room with ponies who make it a habit to listen in through doors.” I explained that last part more with a spike of annoyance. That got was heighten up when I heard.

“Oh pony feathers.” from a rainbow maned mare. Damn it all can I have at least one conversation without eavesdroppers? With an annoyed growl I just sat there. I would have crossed my forelegs if only I didn't have just one of them.

“I can't believe her.” Twilight said and I shot her a skeptical glare. She caught it then sighed.

“I know, I know. I'm guilty of it too. Just something like this you would figure she would stop listening in.” She said.

“Twi honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the princess of the sun wasn't listening in. Right Celestia.” I said that last part another glare at the door.

“You’re getting good at catching eavesdroppers.” Echoed in my head a few moments later from said princess in an amused tone. I rolled my eyes before sighing.

“Twi can we just drop it for now. We can pick it up after.” I paused with after said with some venom in my voice. “we know we can have a private conversation.” I said before sighing. Then under my breath I get out. “this feels like rape of my privacy” with annoyance in my voice.

“Rape?” Twilight asked and my eyes went wide. Oh please for the love of all things holy. Do not tell me she doesn't at least know what that is.

“Yeah...” I said being hesitant.

“Care to explain.” was all the she needed to say for me to dread this explanation I had to do. I shuddered just thinking about it.

“Okay please bare in mind what I'm about to say is rather, well, dark and I will be using some visual cues just so I can avoid saying it.” I said as my horn lit up as fog slowly covered the floor. Right before Twilight two ponies were formed from the fog. One a stallion and the other a mare both of the earth pony verity. I didn't do much for how they looked so I kept them ruffly bald as far as manes go. “Well normally consider an intimate moment between two ponies as consensual.” I said I said keeping it pretty safe with the stallion gently kissing the mare. Twilight nodded following along. “Well rape to it's simplest term is more. Let's say the stallion wants to be intimate and the mare doesn't.” The fog shows, after I had reformed them, the stallion going in for a kiss but getting blocked by the mare holding up a hoof to the other one with a negative shake of her head. “Well what it is simply is a pony forcing themselves on the other in this case.” The fog stallion knocked the mare's hoof away forcing the kiss before grabbing her by the tail dragging her off. Taking the smart route here I dropped the fog spell before going too far. “Well it's more graphic than that and well it involves so much more private things that I really don't want to explain. But do you understand?” I asked looking at her. The look of disgust on her face told me she followed it.

“Is there seriously ponies like that on earth?” She asked and nodded quietly. “Did um... some pony do that to.... well um.” She tried to asked.

“No! Just no. No pony tried that with me. My cause is more different than that. I'm well more... let's say fresh out the box.” I said getting embarrassed with an unhealthy shade of red.

“No wonder you're uncomfortable talking about it. You've never... oh Celestia. I... wow... I just... I don't know what to say to this.” She said looking a little flustered. Then it looked like dawning horror crossed her face. “Oh Celestia did my teasing make you feel like that? I am so sorry Storm I didn't mean to do that to you. I just... please tell me what I can do to make it up to you? There has to be.” She got out before a well placed hoof covered her mouth.

“Twilight stop. No your prodding from before didn't feel like that. I was just uncomfortable talking about from well you know. But I didn't feel like that. Intrusive yes, raped no. Look let's just drop and get some rest. I think after all this some sleep would do me good... um if you don't mind staying with me here.” I said gently running my hoof in a circle on the bathroom tiled floor.

“I was planning on staying. Even if Celestia didn't already make sure we could visit anytime during your stay.” She said before getting in real close and whisper. “Maybe I should wear some the socks you like.” She said in a breathed whisper that sent a tingle down my spine. Oh dear god Twilight was too good with that voice. I nodded slowly still bright red after all that. Which it wasn't at the fact of her wearing socks that got me blushing. But it was that voice of her’s when she did that. That got me all flustered. Now don't get me wrong I thought Twilight looked well the best word I had for it was adorkable when she wore socks like she did. It made me wonder about what else she would look cute in that was quickly derailed with a few other ideas. Which lucky for me I was already blushing because I think I would have to blink myself to the moon myself if I had to explain that one. Kind of surprised I didn't think of that before. The two of us left the bathroom me still red as a tomato. To find Dash, Celestia, and Rarity in the room. Two of them with knowing smirks and Dash just with a devilish grin. This does not bode well for me... not at all. Twilight floated me back under the comforter as she sits next to me on it.

“So some pony is a little shy.” Dash teased. I gulped at this. Please for the love of all things holy not now Dash.

“Its scandalous if you ask me.” Rarity added bemusedly. I well I shrank back into the bed.

“I'm kind of surprised you didn't get anyone this earth was it? I mean you have this Jessica pony didn't she give you the goods...” She trailed off as my shy embarrassed mood switched quite violently to a royally pissed off one. Oh I knew my mane was fire right now and I honestly didn't care.

“Is it just me or did it get extremely cold in here.” Twilight said as I could see her breath on the fridge air.

“Get. Out. Rainbow. Dash.” I said with a growl to my voice that had a hint of a beast like snarl to it. Dash looked at me worriedly before I floated up a pillow next to me and saw the aura around it was not my normal orange like flames. But a dark deathly black as Dash yelped and flew out of the room. I slammed the door shortly after her departure and dropped the pillow. Twilight was watching me as I started to take long deep breaths to calm down. During the whole twenty minutes for me to calm down and the room to return it's warmth. Silence had filled the air between all of us. Twilight only rested a hoof on mine. Which it helped me calm down a bit.

“If I may ask a question.” Celestia requested and I nodded not looking at her, but back out the window. “What was that about?” She asked.

I sighed quietly before turning to her. “I didn't like Dash saying something like that about her. It felt wrong to me. Like if any pony insulted Twilight I probably would do the same. But none the less there is a few things I can't stand. One of my bigger ones is making fun or insinuating about Jessica. Dash unfortunately crossed that line with me and instead of letting my anger out like that. I had to have her leave... to protect her.” I said as I started to curl into a ball under the comforter.

“Protect her from what pray tell?” Rarity asked this time.

“From me.” I said softly as I just laid there in a ball. Twilight was gently rubbing my back as every pony got quiet again.

“Storm... if I may ask. Are you aware of what transpired?” Celestia asked again.

“Weren't we just over this?” I asked.

“Yes but I meant with you.”

“Then I will guess a no.” I answered.

“Your mane did something I have only seen once. It was on fire like before but the flames were black. The only other time I've seen your mane do that was the treaty incident.” She explained and I felt worse. “Don't beat yourself up for this. I just think it's a natural thing for you. It seems that you're more elemental nature is tied to your emotions as much as it is for any alicorn.” She went on to explain. I slowly peaked out of the comforter to look at her about this. “You are not the only pony to get angry about something personal Storm. I'm sure Twilight and Rarity had done much of the same.” She said and I looked at the ponies in questions as they both nodded. Twilight gently smiled before laying down next to me under the covers. “As for alicorns we well a lot of more base emotions can cause many effects. Like your anger causing your mane to engulf in flames. I've seen Luna's turn a dark shade of black in her anger. It's nothing to be ashamed of.” She said and I nodded quietly. Twilight just laid next to me as she gently put a foreleg over me.

“Storm it's alright. She did cross a line that shouldn't have been. But she only did it to tease not upset you like that.” Twilight tried to assure.

“I should apologize as well. I hear what you said in there and should have not been so... what's the word I'm looking for?” She said with a hoof to her chin.

“Callous, mean, rash, unkind, brutal?” Twilight started to list.

“Unladylike with my word. Is there a way I can make it up to you?” She asked and I blushed at a thought that crossed my mind.

“Yes but um...” I answered squeaking towards the end.

“I think that's my cue to leave. I will be seeing you in a few days for our talk.” Celestia said before leaving the room with an audible click of the door. I turned to look at Twilight as she gently smiled at me. She then gave me a kiss right on the lips before I turned to Rarity.

“Now what can I do to make this up to you?” She said with a prideful smile. I on the other hoof gulped.

“You're aware of the um... agreement me and Twilight has correct?” I asked nervous as all hell.

“If you mean the poison joke. Then yes... what of it?” She asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Well... I just well... I guess I just... Um...” I tried to get the words out of my mouth but all that came out was mush.

“I think I know where he's going with this. He wants you to design and make the outfits that I want him to um... wear during it.” Twilight said timidly and I embarrassingly nodded at this. Rarity only smirked at this request.

“Well of course darling anything to make it up to you.” This was followed by a quill and paper flying out of nowhere. How the hell do ponies materialize things like that? “Now what kind of outfits are we talking here.” She said with an almost professional tone to her voice. That was when Twilight started listing off things which was a dress with saddle. Which that well I had to ask.

“A saddle?” I asked not really knowing the ponies here wore them. I mean where ponies riding ponies here? I mean Scootaloo did that when I helped her out of the lake but I meant like a cowboy riding a pony style. But they explained that the large part of dresses are called saddles. Which made sense to me now. She listed off a few things like a ball gown and a swimming suit which I didn't even know ponies wore those. The last thing she wanted I couldn't hear when Twilight went over to Rarity and whispered it into her ear. This got the fashionista to blush which meant for me I was doomed. But Rarity nodded and agreed.

“I should have these done in a few days.” She said putting the notepad away. I floated her a sizable bag of bits for it all.

“Oh no darling I can't accept those. It's for two of my greatest friends that and well I need to make up for all the trouble I've caused.” She said running a hoof in circles on the floor.

“Rarity please take it. Otherwise I feel like I'm mooching off you.” I said and she looked at me for a moment. Which was true she was making a few outfits for a one time thing. How could I not feel like that? It was only right for me to pay for it. She looked at me dead in the eyes then nodded quietly taking it in her magic. She nodded and left without a word. I turned to Twilight who was giving me a knowing smirk.

“You're a sweetheart you know that?” She said and I blushed.

“Uh... thanks?” I questioned nervously.

“Oh you're so cute when you're embarrassed like that.” She said rolling me over so I was on my back then she got up and sat on me pinning me to the bed. She leaned down holding my left hoof off to the side with her magic. She then gave me one hell of a kiss right on the lips. I think the world slowed down to a halt during the duration of the kiss. When she broke it I looked up at her blushing red and breathing hard. “Storm I want to talk to you about something.” She said looking at me. I gulped but nodded for her to go on. “I want to help you with this shy thing you have about intimate discussions between us.” This got me to go even redder. She leaned to me so we were eye to eye again. “Will your promise me you'll try and talk with me about it.” She asked and I gulped for a moment. My heart started to beat quite rapidly as I tried to get words out of my mouth. Failing to do so all I could get well do was nod slowly. She smiled and leaned past my face. That was when I felt her lips on my horn and I mean the one on top of my head. A tingling feeling ran through my body at this as I watched her pull back. She sat up right like she would on her haunches as she smirked down at me.

“What... what was that?” I got out after that feeling left me.

“A unicorn's horn is sensitive to a degree and can be used in some rather intimate ways.” She smirked. “But I believe that is a discussion for another time. I just wanted you to know about it.” She got out before hopping off me. She then lifted me up and the two of us laid in the bed together. She snuggling up to me holding me with both her forelegs. I blushed a bit before sliding my left one to hold her as best I can. I started to slowly drift off to sleep enjoying the lavender scent coming from Twilight. It was heavenly.


The remaining two days passed with nothing happening. Dash didn't return after my throwing her out so to speak. It didn't matter as both Twilight and I returned home. I paused for a moment I think this was the first time I really saw the library as home to me, like an honest to goodness home. It felt wonderful to think I had a home again. Twilight was under my right wing seeing as the hospital never gave me another prosthetic to get around with. Being a quadruped with three legs is quite annoying. We got to the library door and opened it to find it completely pitch black. With a flick of magic the first floor of the library lit up to see a mass of colorful ponies there.

“Surprise!” They all yelled causing both Twilight and I to jump. Now landing on three hooves are fine if I had support to keep upright. But I ended up tipping away from Twilight and my little stubble waved in the air as I tried to balance myself. Failing at that I found myself on my side on the ground.

“Ow.” I get out as my ground floor meeting with the ground itself well... hurt. I was quickly wrapped in magic and brought to the oh so familiar sofa again as I saw a stack of gifts all on the table, next to that was a table full of sweets, treats, and other confectioneries.

“Did we surprise you. Oh I bet we did I mean you went all wah! To the side and it was funny but I guess it wasn't for you but I'm sorry about that but look at all the gifts we got you and Twilight to make up for the horrible time you had after finding out that you had passed which must have been a shocker for a pony like you. Then about all the other issues man you have a lot of them like you have an issue for every treat on the table over there which is a lot especially with the large oversize barrel of apple candy that Applejack brought. Have you tried them there always so good tasting and I bet you like good tasting things. I remember you having one the cupcakes from before Rainbow made it fly into your face. Which was funny, like a good prank. Do you like to prank I bet you do I mean your the kind of stallion that would enjoy a good prank. But I mean a good one not one of those mean ones like those stallions use to do to you back on earth but you don't have to worry about them since you're here and everything. Speaking of, here you should enjoy another one of these cupcakes and get to fully enjoy it. I'll make sure Dash doesn't make it fly again but that would be totally funny to see. Well not for the cupcake. That must have hurt it's feelings being all swooshed and not enjoyed by some pony. Now that I think about it would it also hurt from the tummy all going nom nom nom on it like that yellow pony game called Pac-mare which I think it a fun games all those yellow dots just getting all ate. I bet those dots are all yummy too. Otherwise the character wouldn't eat them all the time with those mean old ghost trying to stop her. Have you ever played that. I bet you have saying that you've played games before like that whole legend game with the stallion having to save the princess. I mean there where so many versions of that game I bet it's hard for you to pick one. But If I had to guess you would like the first one being the one to start it off. But should totally pick into the gifts sitting here. Well all but that little blue one right. That is something a little private between you and Twilight. Which trust me you will enjoy especially after what we all heard about what was going to go on. Don't worry about it though, trust me, we all have our little things. I mean you should hear about Dashie's with well I oops I almost told and broke a Pinkie Promise. Like the one you made me in the other universe do with that stallion that version of me liked. I still can't believe she told you about that time of season but I guess somepony had to since your a pony now and had to.” Pinkie got out making my head spin like it was a top attached to a drill turning to go at supersonic speed. But lucky for me a well placed hoof got Pinkie to stop.

“Pinkie I think you need to not go rapid fire on him. He's been through a lot.” Twilight said coming over to me. Lucky for me the party this time was… smaller. The girls were there as well as the Princesses, Shining Armor, Nightling who still wouldn't look at me, a few of the guards that I've met so far, some of the castle workers, Lyra, Octavia, Derpy, the Cakes who was serving Celestia some tea, The three Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike. This was bigger than I expected. To be honest I wasn't expecting this party what so ever but at least this was smaller than her last one. I sat there mainly because I was tired of hobbling but mostly because Twilight was next to me. I watched every pony just talk among themselves. Shining and Cadence were talking to Rarity and Dash. Lyra and Octavia were talking. Both of them had their instruments with them. Celestia and Luna were talking as the Cakes continued to make sure they were well fed. Pinkie and Nightling where talking with the latter looking at me a few times. That was when Pinkie said something that got the bat pony to turn bright red. Oh if only I could be the fly on the wall for that one. But that wasn't my place to know I suppose. Twilight gently leaned against me as I spotted the Princess of love herself looking at us with a devilish smirk on her face. Oh please tell me she isn't going to.

“I see some pony is getting all lovey dovey over there. Does some pony need some pointers?” I heard in a very familiar Cadence voice. I couldn't help it but blush as Twilight peaked up at me then over that her old foal sitter. I really wish ponies would stop doing that.

“Cadence please stop that. I'm not comfortable with this yet.” I said through the mental link.

“But why? Isn't it fun playing around with the idea of Twilight taking you up stairs and.” She got out.

“Stop Cadence!” I yelled over the link. “For the love of all things holy please just stop!” Cadence looked surprised for a moment at my little telepathic outburst.

“Sorry.” She said over the link.

“It's fine. I don't like talking about intimate things like that. I mean the kissing, hugging, and snuggling is fine with me. But um... that is not.” I explained. Thank god for the telepathic link. If I had to say that out loud here. I think I would teleport myself to the moon. Cadence slowly came over to the two of us with Shining eying her for a moment. With a shrug he went back to talking to Rarity and Dash. She came up over and sat next to Twilight. Who smiled at her.

“Hello Cadence. How are you enjoying the party.” Twilight asked.

“Oh it's good. I'm most definitely having fun.” She said with an amused smile on her face as she eyed me. Which of course I was blushing to no end. I am starting to hate that fucking link I have with the three of them.

“Well that's good. How's things in the Crystal Empire?”

“Oh they’re pretty good. I've had a bit of free time lately and the both of us have been using it to the fullest.” She said followed by. “If you catch my drift.” over the telepathic link. I caught it and blushed ever more at it and the mental images that came with it. Oh dear god some pony put me out of my misery. Damn link why do you taunt me so.

“Oh understandable. I've enjoyed the free time I've had with Storm here. It's been wonderful.” She said not catching Cadence's double meaning.

“Oh has some pony been a little frisky lately.” She cood over the link. Me, link, and all of my hate!

“It's not like that Sis and you damn well know it.” I shot back over the link.

“Sounds like it to me.” Luna added. Oh for the love of all things holy not her too. I shot Luna an annoyed glare as she only smirked at me. Which was followed by Celestia.

“Oh why so shy Storm. It's only natural to be intimate with the pony you care about.” She added and I couldn't help but turn red.

“What's wrong Storm?” Twilight said turning to me noticing my completely embarrassed blush adorning my cheeks.

“It's nothing.” I said trying to keep calm.

“Oh nothing he says.” Celestia added.

“We are going to have to fix that.” Luna continued.

“And soon. Wouldn't want poor little Twilight Sparkle not to have some fun.” Cadence added as she and Twilight continued a conversation. I couldn't handle it anymore and blinked into the bathroom... again.

“Oh please you should realize that a door wouldn't stop us. We know what you're thinking Storm.” Luna added and I just couldn't take it anymore. I opened the window and dived out of it then took off at a full hobbling gallop from the library. They continued to make comments until I finally was out of telepathic ear shot of them. Which for me means the asylum. Well... fuck. Lucky for me that this asylum is not really busy. From what I remembered of my research there are only two ponies contained here. One being a bat pony and the other one was a light blue mare with a silver mane that barks like a dog. There was a third one that I remembered. Her name was Screwball but after some work she was able to function as and now works there. I may as well do a little looking around. For the most part the place looked a lot better than it did in my dreams. Granted said dreams were dark and gore filled so I couldn't take it for face value. I continued to wander the halls with very little trouble from the guards. The strong looking stallions with military style cut manes roamed the halls from time to time. Only stopping long enough to bow to me and continue with their duties. They even wore a uniform which was nice to see for once. That was when I saw her. Right next to one of the cells was a pale green coated mare with a yellow mane. She was gently looking over some paper work. I stepped closer as she continued to look over her papers. When I was a few feet away she looked up to me with a bored look on her face. That all changed when he looked to see me looking down at her. She well jumped and bowed.

“Prince Firestorm! I didn't know you where coming today. I'm sorry for not meeting you at the entry.” She said and I rolled my eyes.

“Please stand. The only reason you didn't know I was coming was because I decided to come up here a few moments ago. I apologize for the sudden appearance.” I excused myself.

“It's quite alright. What bring you to the Pony Hill Asylum.” She said trying to be professional with me. Honestly I would prefer if she acted normally but it was fine.

“Well... after going over some blueprints I found that this Asylum as a dispensary between the plans form Ponyville and the ones filed in Canterlot.” I explained.

“Ah the chamber. We are aware of it. Would you like me to bring you to it?” She asked and I blinked for a moment.

“How long have you known about this chamber?” I questioned.

“It was brought to my attention about a month ago after an accident with one of the ovens.” She informed me. “By the way my name is Cell Leaf. But most ponies call me Celly for short.” She offered.

“Which one would you prefer?”

“Either is fine. But Celly would be nice.” She said with a small blush looking away from me.

“Well Celly, if you would be so kind, lead the way.” I offered. She nodded and lead the way. We found ourselves in a cell labeled EC87 which was in one of the darker parts of the Asylum. Inside the cell looked rather normal with a cot, sink, and toilet. Nothing seemed out of place until she pressed a spot on the wall and the sink slid back into the wall to show a rather sizable passage. This reminded me so much of a level from a game I use to enjoy playing. The blue stone walls ran through the passages with a stream of water running down the sides. After a few twists and turns we found ourselves in a large dark stone room with blue flamed candles lighting the room. The light in the room was the same warm glow a normal candle would give but there was no warmth to this light. It was cold almost ice cold to the point I could see my breath in the frigid air. I eyed the candles for a moment before focusing on them with my magic. It took a little to feel it out but I did and flick the proverbial switch which it did feel that way. The blue candles started to slowly turn from the bright blue to a warm orange.

“That's amazing Storm.” Cell Leaf said with a smile and I could help but blush a bit. It was nice to hear some praise like that. I mean Twilight gave me a little bit of it but just hearing for something I've never done before. I was kind of happy about it. From what I could tell this mare wasn't a unicorn. Though I could be wrong since she had very large mane that could easily hide it.

“Thank you Celly.” I offered before I looked around the room. For the most part the room looked rather empty save for a statue in the center of it. In the middle housed six figures. An earth pony, a pegasus, a unicorn, a bat pony, an earth drony, and an alicorn at the top. Each one expertly carved to show the race but not any pony specifically. I looked around, trying to understand why it was here. That's when I noticed what they each had. The unicorn had a band around it's hoof. The earth pony held a mask in its mouth. The alicorn had a large sword on its back with a star shaped hilt. The pegasus held a familiar looking torch in his mouth. The bat pony had a pendent around it's neck the stone had the shape of a heart to it. Finally was the earth drony had a cape attached to it. I slowly went up and gently ran a hoof on each item. The star on the sword pressed in and the wall behind Celly and myself opened up to show a much larger room. Once the door open I could tell that this was not good. “Stay back.” I ordered as my horn glowed and a small flame stayed at the tip of it. The room lit up to show what I would guess an old mad scientist lab. Of course I noticed a purple pink pony with a dark violet mane that was all curly with white curls in it. On her head was an orange and yellow cap with a green propeller on it that was spinning. In her tail was a broom that she was sweeping the floors with. Which wasn't the oddest thing about this mare. No the oddest thing was her purple eyes that had a pink swirl in them.

“Screwball what are you doing down here?” Cell Leaf asked. Screwball looked at her and shrugged as she pulled her tail away from the broom. Which continued to sweep like she was. I just stood there and watched it. My brain spitting back error messages before I had to turn away for fear of my sanity.

“Hey ya boss. What's up?” She said and turns to see her much like Lyra but on a stool that I don't think was there a few moments ago.

“Don't ‘boss’ me Screwball. Why are you here?” She asked.

“Just cleaning like I was told Boss. This place has been rather dusty lately so I figured why not clean it up. It's my job right Boos?” She asked.

“Is she always like this?” I asked Cell Leaf.

“No she can be a lot worse. You should see how she cleans ceilings.” She said and I turned to find the mare in question gone. Much like was she said I saw Screwball standing on the ceiling with the broom in her tail again. I looked down to see the same broom still going on the floor. Oh my poor mind, I thought Pinkie was random but this Screwball took that to an all new level. The two of us looked over the lab. As for the most part it was clean no mystery liquids to worry about. No random machine going off shocking the shit out of some pony. It was untouched, besides the crazy mare cleaning it. This all seemed too new to really say if this was a fake or not. Hell there was only one book on the book shelf. I floated it over to me as I read the title out loud.

“Ancient artifacts of Equestria myths and legends” it read. On the cover was the symbol that I now knew as the Elements of Harmony. I started to flip through the pages quietly before stopping on a very familiar torch. I skimmed the page and the only thing that jumped out at me was Artifacts of Harmony. I closed the book and kept it with me.

“Do you mind if I take this?” I requested.

“Of course Firestorm.” Cell Leaf said with a nod.

“I also want a guard put on this room. No pony is allowed in but myself or the princesses. Do I make myself clear?” I now taking an authoritative tone to my voice.

“Of course Firestorm.” She said as I started to leave. But I paused right at the entry. “And Cell Leaf. You do a fine job here and it's an honor to meet you.” I said as I watched her smile and beam with a sense of pride.

“The honor is all mine Prince Firestorm.” She said with a bow. I honestly took that with pride, for once I didn't feel like I didn't deserve it. I smiled the whole way back to the library. I had noticed the party was still going on at full swing like nopony noticed I had left. I didn't know if I should take that as an insult or compliment, maybe a little of both. I blinked right back into the bathroom after making sure it was clear.

“It seems like some pony has finally returned.” I heard over the telepathic link from none other the princess of the sun.

“Ah perfect timing as always Celestia. We need to talk.” I said with a smile as I exited the bathroom. Twilight turned and noticed me with a smile herself. Time to be a little cocky. I smirked and gave her a wink as I floated the book with me heading up stairs. “You too Luna.” I broadcast as both princesses came up the stairs to Twilight's loft. We sat down in the middle of the room as I eyed my duffel bag by the wall.

“What was important that you need to talk to us in private?” Luna asked and floated over the book opened to the Infinity Torch page.

“This would be it Luna. After I left I found myself at the asylum trying to avoid a few ponies who wanted to make comments.” I said. I watched the two sisters eye me for a moment. “Don't worry I'm not mad, but that’s not the point. Since I was close by I decided to do a little digging and I found a curtain ponies lab that hid from some pony.” I explained. Celestia's eye widened. “Yes, Grimwand’s lab. The one he had hidden underneath Pony Hill Asylum. I already instructed Cell Leaf there to post a guard and not let anypony but the four of us. That includes Cadence but the point is. It didn't look right to me.” I explained as I put the book on Twilight's desk.

“Please explain.” Celestia now shifting to a serious tone of voice.

“Everything looked new. Like what was really there was wiped away. I couldn't chuck it up to Screwball cleaning it up no matter how much that mare hurts my brain. There is more to this and I don't like it one bit.” I said.

“We would agree on this one. But as of right now I want you to stay out of it. You've done enough to help, I want you to relax and enjoy yourself.” She more or less ordered.

“Alright but two things before I follow that request. One please explain what the Artifacts of Harmony are. Namely because I have come in contact with two of them.” I explained.

“Two?” Celestia asked.

“The Infinity Torch the flame of loyalty and the Band of Generosity that you keep in the Canterlot archives.” I explained. Celestia's eyes widen with that last part.


“Before Hearth's Warming when I was trying to avoid Twilight Velvet. I went looking around the archives and found it.” I explained.

“Fair enough. I will explain it but not here. In Canterlot in one week after we have the lab gone through with a fine tooth comb.” Celestia said.

“I can agree to that but I want Twilight there as well. If it's as serious as I think it is I want her to stay within the loop at all times.” I requested.

“I see some pony is picking up the mantle of leadership pretty quickly.” Luna said with a smirk.

“Well I may as well get use to it.” I said smirking. Celestia raised an eyebrow with a smile herself.

“Alright. What was the second thing?” She asked.

“That you all please stop teasing me about the whole intimate thing.” I requested not looking at them.

“We do apologize for our words. We were just having a little fun. But you are right sometimes jokes aren't funny.” Luna said and I agreed.

“Look a little teasing is fine but please don't go overboard.” I requested. They both smiled and nodded to this. “Now if you would excuse me there a party and a mare's company downstairs to enjoy.” I said with a smile hobbling past them. I get down to the party to find Twilight staring right at me and I flash her a smile coming over to her. I hop onto the sofa as she leaned over.

“Where did you go?” She whispered.

“Sorry had a last minute assignment show up.” I answered. She looked at me confused.


“I'll explain it to you after the party alright?” I requested. She raised an eyebrow at me but nodded.

“Well since Mr. Stormy warmy is back let's get to the gifts.” Pinkie said appearing out of the pile. Which after seeing Screwball I wasn't as jarred from randomness. One of the light blue gifts landed right next to me. I floated it up and looked it over. With no real tag to say who it's from. That's when I noticed every ponies eyes were on me. I gently smiled nervously before I started to unwrap the gift to show a brown box in it. I flipped the flap of the box only slightly before the top of it exploded open causing me to jump sending me over the back of the sofa.

“Ow.” I groaned before shaking myself to my senses. Then I heard the sounds of Dash and Pinkie laughing. I smiled quietly walking back around the sofa to see a new prosthetic sitting right where the box was floating at. I floated it over and found it a little different from the ones I've used. This one model wise was like the griffin prosthetic. I attached it and felt the oh so familiar pang of pain as the nerve connection is established. I flex and test it out even the little claw like fingers. It was nice to finally have a prosthetic again especially this kind. Trust me you would never miss fingers until you're completely without them. The rest of the party went well getting a few things from every pony. Lyra and Octavia got us classic music crystals. The princesses got me a few more volumes in the myth and legends book. Of course Dash got me more Rainbow Dash souvenirs. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at it. Pinkie being the party pony she was got me a mini party cannon as she put it. It had little streamers that come out with a little pop. The nice part was that all the streamers rolled back into the cannon. So it auto loads itself. Shining and Cadence got me a simple shield, sort of. The outside of the shield had the Equestrian coat of arms but on the inside had all the cutie marks of my friends and family. But right in the center was Twilight's and I smiled just gently running a hoof over it. Twilight gently rested a hoof on mine when I did this and blushed a bit when I looked up at her. But the rest of the gifts were just little things. Save for the last gift, it was from Rarity and after trying to hold it. Rarity came up to us and asked us to open that one in private. There were a few good points of the night. This all resulted with Pinkie materializing a keyboard out of nowhere. Don't try to think about it trust me I still can't wrap my head around it.

“Come on Storm. You know you want to play for all these ponies.” Pinkie said poking me over and over again. I started to roll my eyes for about the sixth time.

“Pinkie why do you want me to play music? I mean you got Vinyl to DJ so wouldn't it be a little rude to her?” I said pointing to her.

“Oh come on, come on, come on. I'm sure she doesn't mind and would enjoy a break before laying on more tunes. Right?” Pinkie said turning to Vinyl. Who gave a shrug before hopping away from her turn table. “Oh I'm sure that Lyra and Octy would play with you because it would be awesome.” Pinkie said bouncing. This got Lyra and Octavia to roll their eyes but much obliged with Pinkie's persuading. I have to say the piano is one of my favorite instruments. Not just to listen to but to play. I started to play as Octavia got her bow into position. I don't know if I was taking the lead in the music or not but it didn't matter. I started off with a few simple keys pressed gently with my right prosthetic before I gently added to it with my left. The music was hauntingly sweet like a waltz of sorts. That was when Octavia's cello rhythmically added to it with each pull and sway of her bow across the strings. Then to finally add to the ambient music Lyra's lyre with each little pluck of the song told the ponies a story. Something I found pretty early on that music has a life of it's own, each note of the key or string was a hoof step in a larger picture. This one was one of discovery, of a little foal and her friends going into a local cave to find treasure. But what they found was something that no treasure could match. No piece of gold could equal or even come close to the wealth of what they truly got. What they found was an adventure that told them more about themselves than any pony could tell them. But a story like this always has it's sadness, it's pain and sorrow. The loss of a good friend but of the new life that comes from it, no pony is truly dead as long as some pony remembers them and cares. As I continued to play I started to see the story play out more and more in my mind like an old film reel. I couldn't help but cry as I watched it with each note. Until it came to it's climax or crescendo before finally the sweet ending. We stopped playing as the ponies watched us in silence. All three princesses watched with a sense of awe to them. I can only say that because I couldn't hear anything over the link anymore, like they were speechless to their core. That or they just blocked me from hearing it. I smiled gently to every pony before I got the small clopping of hooves against the floor. The three of us looked around to see Twilight smiling doing so which was followed by every pony else. The three of us bowed before I joined Twilight back on the sofa.

“That was wonderful.” She said beaming.

“Thanks.” I said with a blush as I scratch the back of my head. As much fun as the party was there was something else that wanted to give us a surprise and it started with a simple unmistakable voice.

“Storm... we have unfinished business you and I.” The oh so familiar voice of Shadow Storm echoed in my mind and the coldest of chills ran through my body. “You have five minutes to find me or I'm coming into town. Trust me you don't want any pony in my way.” He said giving a dark laugh afterwards that sent another chill down my body. The expression on my face quickly turned dark as I left the sofa and headed upstairs. Twilight shortly following.

“Storm what's wrong?” She said as I reached into the closet pulling out my armor. This time I wasn't taking any chances. I wanted this to end.

“He's back” I said as I grabbed my armor in my mouth to bring it out. I floated it from the stand and began to strap it on. One thing about this armor was it was pretty easy to get on and off. One just needed magic really since all the straps had a magical enchantment to keep them secured so no pony but a unicorn, alicorn, or dralicorn could take it off.

“Who is?” Once my armor was on I floated over my sword and the Moon helm.

“Shadow Storm. Twilight, he is currently outside Ponyville. Right now I have a few minutes to find him before he comes in. From what I can take from his word. He may just kill any pony in his way to find me.” I growled out of my own anger of this. I slid the helm on and feel the magic flow through me as I found myself bigger than I was last time. I attached the sword to my side and headed down the stairs with Twilight following.

“Then I'm coming too.” She said as I could sure as hell bet every pony watched me leave decked out in my armor. I saw Celestia and Luna come up shortly after I left. I hated heights but this time I had to suck it up. Focusing on the ground under me, I shot a column up so I can see around the edges of Ponyville. Lucky for me Shadow was making it simple for me to find him. Close to the training fields outside the town, a mass of black shows was sweeping in the breeze. I brought the earth back down as I started to make my way.

“What is happening Storm?” Celestia asked as Shining and Nightling both joined us in their armor. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since they’re both royal guards of Equestria. Shining being nice of enough to bring my shield with him.

“Shadow Storm is in the training field wanting to fight. I can piece this together from him saying no pony is safe if he comes in to find me. So I'm going to end this. No more hiding, no more waiting, defending myself. It's time to go on the offensive and end this once and for all.” I growled as I felt what was once a warmth that was now a raging inferno within me as my fur turned to scales and my wings turned membranous. The red tint covered my vision as I knew my eyes turn reptilian. My tail whipped against the ground a few times as my anger started to peak every second. He wanted to hurt the innocent ponies here in Ponyville.

“What are you planning to do Storm?” Celestia asked.

“Whatever is necessary to end this Celestia. He's done too much to let him go with a slap on the hooves.” I growled as I saw the wisps of shadows start to whip around in the distance. It wasn't long until I could see him standing there, smug grin on his face and in a set of armor himself. “Every pony I want you to listen. I want to fight him alone.” I said.

“No Storm I can't let you do this. What happens if you get hurt?” Twilight said and I turned to her.

“Twilight there is no doubt in my mind about this. I will get hurt but I want you all to do something far more important, make sure nopony else gets hurt. Shining can cover the field in a shield and the rest of you can keep ponies away. If it gets too ugly in there. I'm sure you or the princesses can intervene but I want to keep that as an ace in the hole. Either way, he wants me and nopony else.” I said as I eyed the rest of them. Celestia looked down at me with her magenta eyes. Then forward and I could only hope she could understand why I'm doing this. In a way it was something I had to do. Shadow Storm was the embodiment of my own self hatred. I doubted myself, but not hate myself anymore, I didn't have a reason to. I had more reasons not to hate myself, I had a wonderful marefriend, great best friends, and a loving family. I felt more at home here in Equestria then I did on earth. The point of all this was this was an old fight coming since he has used my body. In a way this was revenge for all the hell he put every pony through. For the ponies at the hospital for all of my friends and family but most of all. This was for Twilight. One of the few ponies that didn't give up on me. We got to the field finally as I walked out ahead of every pony. Standing there was Shadow smirking within the tendrils of shadows behind him.

“Hello Brother.” He said with a grin showing off his tombstone gray razor sharp fangs.

“Hello Shadow.” I said.

“Foal beast.” Luna muttered as all of them glared at my darker half.

“Hello to you princess of the night.” He said and turned to Twilight who glanced over to me. I mouthed something to her and she blinked for a moment before looking forwards at him again.

“Let's finish this Shadow.” I said walking into the field more.

“Let’s...” He said smirking before stepping back into the shadows as it engulfs him. I looked at Shining Armor as he nods. His horn glows with a pink light as the field as well as Shadows, Shadow Storm and myself are contained within it. I gave one look back to every pony. Shining standing guard with Luna and Celestia looking back at me. Celestia mouthing good luck, I smirked and gave her a thumbs up with my prosthetic. She returned it as I watched Twilight run back into Ponyville with Nightling flying with her. Luna turned to deal with some of the ponies that had come to see what was going on. If I'm lucky I won't have to worry them for much longer. With that I stepped into the shadows themselves as everything was washed out from around me.

To say it was dark was to say that water was wet, technically true but lacking in details. The problem was there was nothing I could say about it beyond it was dark. It was to the point I couldn't tell anything behind my own body. It was bad enough that I couldn't feel the blades of grass under me anymore. Then there was the sounds or more correctly the lack of sounds. The only thing I could make out was my hoof steps and even those sounded quieter than normal. It was like everything was muted or dulled. I could see myself and my shadow in here was white instead of the normal dark tint it normally would. It was almost like I was in another world or plane all together. I stopped moving to listen around me. As I expected nothing but silence. Clever bastard, he made sure I couldn't listen for it and sight seems rather useless if I can only see myself. Hmm... that gives me an idea, I took a deep breath before letting out a flame then I wrapped that fire in my magic and started to send it around. What I saw as dark gray scaled world. Nothing was moving like it was froze in time.

“I see some pony has gotten smarter.” I heard around me. I looked around to see no pony. I remained quiet as I continued to look around moving the fire with me to see. Wham! An impact to my left sent me flying further into the dark. The fire was snuffed out when I lost constriction on the spell. I landed and floated my sword to my mouth. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice- Wham! I was sent flying forward this time but was able to angle myself so I used my sword as a make shift brake. I stabbed the ground and I was able to record. I pulled the sword out of the ground and readied myself. Okay so I need a way to sense him. Fire seems to reveal the world but not him. So maybe something else. Hmm... there should still be some snow in the field. I reached out for it but I couldn't really feel any of it. So that leads more towards my plane or world theory. I held the sword in my hoof again as I gave myself another light but this time more of it. Surrounding myself in a small thin wall about two feet away from me in all directions. Then I returned the sword to my mouth as I closed my eyes to focus more on my flames. It spun around me over and over. I didn't sense anything trying to pass through it. After learning to sense my fire with much help from Twilight. Oh I am so thankful for that week with her. Lucky for me she brought a book on sensory magic. If I ever go back in time again, I've got to look up this Star Swirl the Bearded, he was a master of spell crafting. I can see why she looks up to him. “Aw is some pony playing with fire again.”

“Well it is my name sake isn't it?” I replied as I felt a change in the flow. I turned and slashed there but there was nothing. Whack! I was sent flying out of the wall of flames. Damn it, I don't know which is worse that he saw through my plan or that he probably knew I was going to do it to begin with. I continued to watch around my fire being my only trick at the moment. Teleporting would be out without seeing the place, Lightnings out because of Shining Shield, both strength and speed is out because I can’t avoid something I can't... see. I started to focus again this time not my fire but fog. For the most part fog was easier to manipulate than fire was, being a thinner substance. I began to form a bubble around me before sending it out. Only for a moment I saw a figure in the air to my left with out thinking I turned dropping my sword from my mouth to send out a wave of flames.

“Ah clever pony.” He said but I figured I missed him. He didn't land the fog cover on the floor would have told me that. I continued this tactic though it was the only thing to let me have some clue of where he was. I see a shift in the fog. It was then followed by a blast of fire. The sword still laid by my hooves. I only placed my left one on it so I can keep it there. I wasn't going to get nailed with it from a cheap shot. Learned that one after my crotch got it during the fight with the night guards. It wasn't long before I noticed something off. There were two to start with then four, then six. Each time I sent a wave of fire out. The number of things messing with it increased. The prick figured a way around it. Alright chuckle-nut want to play that way, fine. Two can play it that way. I started to breathe fire again but this time I didn't stop until it was a ball of fire completely around me. I could feel the armor I had on heat up. Lucky for me, heat enchantments in the armor kept it from melting to my scales. I focused on all the fire making shapes with the flames itself after I drew it all to me. I stepped to the right but some of the fire stayed where I were a few moments ago. I perfect copy of my body made from flames. Then again as the another spawned from the first one. I continued making fire copies over and over as I kept a layer of flames completely covering me. It was harder this time to keep my focus. I was able to keep this going for a while but I never did it with so many before. I did it once with a little fireball outside while Twilight was sleeping. I was able to keep it up until my focused waned, it didn't take long for Shadow to attack one of them lucky for me it picked wrong. “AHH!” he yelled as he got burned.

“Didn’t your mama tell you never to play with fire?” Came out of all the fired versions of me, ghost sound spell gotta love it.

“Oh so someone wants to play funny pony? Well let me ask you something funny guy? What happens when I drag your marefriend in here and use her as a makeshift fan to blow all your little fakes away?” He asked and I could just hear the smirk on his voice.

“Don't even dare touch her Shadow.” All of use growled.

“Well I guess you're a little too.” He said as he became visible again holding a gray scaled Twilight by her tail. Right about then my anger got the best of me not even thinking my sword shot up and stabbed right through him as all my fire fakes disappeared. He dropped the Twilight who gave a pained yell. However when she collided with the floor she disappeared like a puff of smoke. Bastard tricked me, then I noticed my mistake a second too late. My left hind leg had a blade sent right through it. I yelled in pain as I turned to see a Katar had pierced all the way through. The dark blue blade was held in hoof by a copy of Shadow who only grinned at me and waved before disappearing within the fog. I pulled out the bladed weapon from my leg before bringing it closer to me. Much like the one I had while in Max's body this one also held a cutie mark on it. This one being of Luna's mark then of Celestia's the time before. Shadow pulled the sword out and threw it at me causing it to spin as it flew through the air. I grabbed it in my magic and brought it close to me again. I slipped it back into my mouth. I doubted my fire trick would work twice and the fog has already been played. He grinned taking to the air before disappearing once again... wait a moment. A thought had crossed me that blood being from my body does have some water basic element to it. So I focused on the blood still on the katar and that was spilling from my leg. I pulled out at least enough to use before catheterizing the wound with a bit of fire. It was to small to be effective beyond lighting a campfire but it made do as I stopped bleeding for the moment. I knew I was going to need that looked at afterwards.

“I thought you wanted to end this Shadow? What happened to that all you've been doing is hiding from me using these pitiful hit and run tactics. I guess you're nothing more than a pathetic shadow.” I taunted still keeping the handle in my teeth.

“Oh please do you really think that trick would work?” He said. “You must think me a fool to really think that would work twice. I can see right through that, and I can see a lot more than just that. Like why you're really in Equestria and why you really died.” He taunted back.

“What do you mean?” I said through the sword in my mouth.

“You can't really believe you died and ended up in Equestria just by luck can you? You know as well as I that you don't have any luck. You were used from the get go and you know it.” He said followed by a laugh. As much as I hated to agree with him. Luck was never on my side for things. But if he was telling the truth then why was I here? Damn no, he's trying to screw with me. I slowly moved around trying to figure out the best way to locate him. Times like this make me wish I had the same magical prowess as Twilight right now. I bet she could find him without trying. Damn it stay focused Storm he's trying to kill you remember? I continued to walk around in the dark until a figure started to fade into existence in the distance. I slowly made my way over to it but froze when I saw who it was. Celestia's body was laying there with her head a few feet away and it wasn't all gray scaled like the fake Twilight, this was in color. Both her mane and tail still flowed in that invisible wind. My heart got caught in my throat at the sight.

“Celestia... no. Just... no, she can't be.” I thought rather loudly.

“What about me?” I heard over the telepathic link. My eyes widened.

“Celestia you're alright? Oh thank heavens.” I said staring at what I could assume now as a fake body.

“Yes I'm fine Storm. We are still outside the shield.” She said. I started to back away from the body as I tried to process everything.

“Is every pony still alright?” I asked her.

“Yes, Twilight is back with the girls. Shining is still holding the shield in place. Luna is also keeping the other ponies back. What about you?” She asked.

“So far not too well, I've used two of my trump cards with my fire and fog spells. The only water I have in contact with was some blood from a wound. So I'm pretty limited on my elements in here. But I did get him at least once so there's that. I'm just glad you and every pony is still safe. He's tried to fake me out twice one with a fake Twilight and now with well... a decapitated you.” I explained over the link as I continue to look around.

“Foal beast.” I heard from Luna over the link.

“I would agree with you on that one.” I said solemnly.

“Is there anything we can do?” Celestia asked getting me back on topic.

“Well I could use a good idea at the moment. I have at least one other idea, that I'm not sure will work.” I explained.

“Explain to me what has happened so far.” She asked and I did. I told her of what I used and his counter measures. I also explained my thoughts on all this. Then an idea struck me.

“Celestia do you think you could test a theory of mine?” I asked as I tried to retrace my steps back to when I came into the shadows. Probably a needless move but I wanted to make sure none the less.

“What do you need me to do?” She asked.

“It's only a theory but I need you to fling a large amount of dirt into the shadow mass.” I explained. There was a few moments of silence before I saw what I had hopped coming out of what appeared as nowhere was at least a hills worth of dirt.

“Yes!” I exclaimed over the link.

“So I take it, it worked then?” she asked.

“Yeah this gives me another idea. This one I think Dash will be better suited to. I need a lot of storm clouds compact over the field.” I requested.

“I think I get the idea. I will have her get the weather team over it.” Celestia explained as I gathered the dirt to me. Only a theory but at least now I have another element at my disposal until- Whack! Something collided with me and sent me flying. Lucky for me I was able to keep the dirt wrapped in my telekinesis. I started to press it down into usable ammo. Okay so I have fog, fire, and dirt at my disposal. The problem is he's seen through two of them. I need to think here, he's only turning himself invisible, not intangible. There has to be more. I was sent flying again from another impact but I used my wings to recover with the extra resistance. He is able to create copies of him or at least intimations and they are able to brandish weapons. Wait, I can sense the elements, maybe if I focus on something he's had. With a wrap of magic I could feel his magic in it with in the blade itself. Even worse the chill it sent through me reminded me of that spell again. The very same one that cost me my foreleg. I couldn't help but shake a bit just at the memory alone.

“Some pony is shaking in his hooves. What scared poor little Stormy?” Shadow taunted. Lucky for me it wasn't a good taunt.

“Oh I'm sorry was that suppose to be any good? Come on Shadow do you really think your little jokes work. If you were really a threat to any pony, you would come out and fight. No little snide comments an all out brawl.” I shot back.

“You must think me an idiot like you are Storm. There is no way I'm giving this up when I have the upper hoof here. I can hurt you and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” He answered before laughing out loud. That was followed by my laughing and I didn't stop. “What's so funny Storm?” He stopped turning serious. I didn't stop laughing. I just continued more and more as Celestia told me over the link it was ready. This got me to laugh more and more. This was going to ballsy even for me but I was at a great disadvantage, this one being that he was invisible to me. It didn't stop me from laughing as I stood there. Until I was picked up as Shadow was face to face with me. I couldn't help but smile more laughing. Black crystals started to form around us as he began to slam me into them over and over again. It was then I noticed his eyes. Normally his eyes were red with a crimson for the whites. The normal reds were there but his whites were a sickly green with purple smoke like shadow coming from the sides of them. His horn was different too. Normally his was like mine long and straight. Now his was instead of the gray of his coat was a red that ending with a sharp point. His main was also different too now that I could see it. His was much like mine was stable and well unmoving. Now it waved around like smoke. Something like this was too familiar. He continued to slam me over and over again as I could hear the bone breaking. But it didn't stop me laughing as I tried to keep it going as long as I could. This only got him angrier until he slammed me against another crystal and got right up into my face. “What is so damn funny?” He growled at me as I gave the signal. Oh this was going to be good.

“You really want to know what is so funny Shadow Storm? Do you really want to?” I asked before he pulled me towards him and slammed me again.

“Yes what the hell is so funny?” He yelled this time as my horn lit up.

“Well here's the shocking reveal.” I said grinning madly as the large bolt of lightning came flying down toward us and right through Shadow. The best part of this was the look on his face right before the bolt got him. It was priceless, that alone would make the teasing worth it just to show Twilight this. Oh it hurt but I got Shadow and he leaned against me. I took the chance and grabbed him by the neck this time. It was pay back time and I was going to enjoy it. Maybe a little too much, but after everything he did. I could indulge just a little bit. I began to punch him over and over again.

“This is for making me hurt my friends. This one is for making my family worry. This is for making me cause so much havoc. This was for all the hell you put every pony through. This is for Jessica. This was for Twilight. And this one.” I said as I cast the strength spell and engulfed my left hoof in electricity. “Is for me!” I said punching him so hard that he went through two crystal spikes. You would never believe how good it feels to punch the pony that had caused you so much trouble. But it wasn't over not by a long shot, if I knew him he still held a few aces in the hold. I got back to my hooves and made my way over to him. My sword floating next to me at the ready. I started to eye around as I got close. Even now it felt too easy to me. I had been attacked by this jerk multiple times. So I wanted to make sure I finished this. Two ways came to mind one I knew I had to do but the other I wanted to do. When I got close enough his eyes opened to a pure sickly green as he grinned.

“Crystal.” He said in a hoarse voice before a large flat crystal shot out of the ground hitting me so hard that I went flying. I watched Shadow get up as more crystal started to surround around his hooves and overtook his body. I watched it cover him like a thick set of armor. But one that didn't have joints almost as he was made of crystals. I landed on the ground as the beginning throbs of a headache began to sit in. The lightning started to fry me and I would need to dispel it soon. Think damn it! This was not- Wham! I was sent flying again as the crystallized Shadow rammed me as I watched him grow bigger and bigger. Oh this was not good not good at all. “Crystal.” he said again. Why did this guy sound familiar?

“Celestia, quick question: Does green eyes with purple smoke and the odd fixation on the word crystal sound familiar?” I asked over the telepathic link. As I watched him grow more and more. I wasn't able to see the body within the crystal anymore. They were too thick to see into. The dark tint to them made it even harder.

“Sister is that who I think it is?” Luna said over the link.

“I believe so. It's Sombra Firestorm. Be careful around him he is dangerous.” Celestia said.

“Will do. Are they still ready?” I asked as I began dancing around the hooves so to speak. More to dodge the large crystallized pony made golem.

“They are still at the ready. Twilight is getting a little antsy.” She said. Of course Twilight would be this could be quite devastating if it got out. At this point I cursed my fear of heights because I could be a lot safer. But nope, I get stepped on by the giant crystal bastard. It started to press me into the ground more. It pressed hard into my back horns as I could feel them start to give. As I began to scream in pain as I heard them start to crack. This must have been what Chrysalis felt when I snapped her horn. Correction when Sha snapped her horn. But I get a double dose because he was breaking two of mine. Damn crystal... oh dear god I was an idiot. Crystals were under my element this being earth based. I focused as I molded the crystals around me to give him a cup shaped foot. But the important thing was that crystals reverberate sound. I magically charged my vocal cords before I let out a roar that sent cracks throughout the crystal.

“Crystals!” Shadow roared back causing the cracks to spread more. I tried to get back onto my hooves to find that my left hind leg was broke. The worse part it was bend in the middle of the lower part of the bone. I couldn't feel it at the moment, I think the adrenaline was running through me. I broke off some of the crystal and formed it around the break resetting the bone as best I could. I was no medical expert, but I think I did well enough. Shadow or should I be calling him Sombra at the moment brought up the leg and sent it down shattering it completely. It broke into shards as it pierced me between the ribs. Damn it why did I always get pierced with something spiky? Couldn't I get pierced with something nice? I let out another roar as I felt every little bit twist and turn within me.

“Celestia if you have a plan I think now would be the best time to use it. Being perforated like some pony stabbed me with a porcupine is not a lovely feeling.” I got out through the link.

“Hold on Storm!” I heard her say as I saw her appear out of nowhere. It didn't take her long to take in the scene as I watched her mane turn from the soft colored rainbow to a pure fired blue. It sent chills down my spine looking at her as she let out a beam of magic that struck the remaining crystallized golem before it began to glow. Almost like it was getting too powerful. Oh no, please tell me this wasn't what- It began to glow brighter.

“Celestia run!” I said before it was too late. At point blank I was impaled with thousands of crystal shards. Most of them went through my wings. I looked around to see if Celestia was alright. Being the princess of the sun she seemed to have came out of this unsheathed. Even worse was standing in the middle of the remaining shards stood Shadow with a white mask on. Almost like one of those masks you see for comedy and tragedy. No wait I knew where I saw something like that before it was an old movie. Phantom of the opera, the mask itself covered most of the face. The bottom part of the mouth was not covered. Most likely so the pony wearing it could speak. But why where... oh no. Oh, no, no, no. It could be what I thought it was could it?

“I see you brought the mask with you Shadow or should I call you Sombra?” Celestia said as her voice sounded off. Like there was an echo to it but if that echo was altered some how. I tried to stand up and for the most part I was able to get my forelegs to move me, I dragged myself over to her. For as much as the armor did, I think it took the brunt of the explosion but it still left me feeling like a crystallized porcupine. Celestia eyed me as I saw her eyes. The normal magenta eyes that I was familiar with was replaced with a bright blue. They would have been pretty if I wasn't terrified of them. “Storm I want you to leave this to me.” She said and I shook my head to this.

“I can't do that Celestia. This was my fight to begin with and if that mask is what I think it is then we are in a lot of trouble. Not just for us and Ponyville but Equestria itself. I refuse to stand on the side lines.” I said as I saw my sword in the remaining crystals. With a flick of magic I brought it to me and put it in my mouth. “Celestia how well do you control lightning?” I questioned through the telepathic link and she eyed me.

“Not as well as you. I take it you're still charged?” She asked over the link.

“I'm running on that and adrenaline at the moment. I'm going to send what I have left at him so if you plan on doing something then that would be your best shot.” I explained.

“Do you need anytime to prepare?” She asked as all the lightning I had left in my body started to flow to the sword in my mouth and blade started to spark and glow.

“Oh please don't tell me your think you can best me in a sword fight in your state Storm.” Shadow said returning to his normal cocky voice. “Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice-”

“Shame on you!” I yelled through the handle as I sent an arching wave of electricity at him. Celestia followed with a burst of magic amplifying it threefold. It struck him and sent him writhing in pain as the black world around us started to disappear. Finally I could see every pony as Celestia returned to her normal form. Every pony saw me perforated and I think that was the final thing Twilight needed to see. Within mere seconds of seeing me her eyes turned an ethereal white as the star shaped tiara on her head began to glow. Magic shot out of it and at the pendents of the Elements of Harmony. They began to float up into the air as a beam of prismatic energy shot into the air. It arched before striking Shadow. He let out a scream of pain and I turned to him, watching the magic twist around him as what looked like a shadow came off him. It took the form of another pony before disappearing. He started to flicker and distort. I continued to crawl over to him. Until a force started to pull me closer to him as I watched him slowly move towards me. The magic of the Elements of Harmony started to surround me as I was thrown towards Shadow and him towards me. We collided and everything went black... pitch black.


When I came to things felt... different, sort of. I still felt like me but, just different. Something I couldn't quite put into words. I looked around to see Twilight asleep her head on the bed. I looked around to see every pony asleep. This including Celestia who had a few bandages on her. Luna who was right next to her. Cadence was asleep leaning against Shining Armor. Most of the girls took up a few of coats that were placed in the room. I didn't see Nightling so my guess was she was either not here or watching at the door. I looked around and saw Dash having a wing over Applejack. Rarity was curled up in a blanket she was sharing with Pinkie and Fluttershy. Twilight had my red comforter around her as I had the quilted blanket Fluttershy made me over me. I slowly slide myself out from under the covers towards the bathroom. I don't know how long I was out but nature called and it kind of had first dibs with me. I slowly trotted in and closed the door making sure to hold the small nub from turning the handle. Then I slide it back out as I finally sat in the bathroom. I flicked on the light so I could see myself better. Moonlight was fine and dandy but I needed something with a lot more illumination to it. I went to the mirror first to check myself out really. Well to see the damage. For the surprising part was. I looked almost perfectly fine just a few nicks but nothing serious. The only real noticeable thing was. My fur, mane, and wings where different. It only took a few moments to really tell that it they looked well more vibrant. Taking a closer look at myself I noticed a figure behind me in the mirror. I turned to see no pony there. I looked back to see my darker self standing there not amused and angry.

“I take it you're in here now?” I thought to myself.

“Yeah, we are one again.” He said.

“Well I hope you like the space because you won't be leaving again.” I quipped back.

“You think I don't know that. I got a full blast from the Element.” He said not sounding amused at all.

“A little forthcoming aren't we?”

“Like I can really hide now can I?”

“Well then I guess you wouldn't mind answering some questions now would you?” I asked probably sounding a little more snide then I should be.

“Depending on the question.” He said with a playing smirk. I could just see him in reflections.

“What did you mean I was used from the get go?” I asked.

“Wow you really are that stupid.” He said annoyed. Well that and it was accompanied by that annoyed look on his face. “Grimwand you twit, Grimwand. Seriously you talked to the damn guy and can't put two and two together? No, you know what, I'm going to let you figure it out.” He said before disappearing. I let out a sigh as I watched myself in the mirror for a bit longer. The door to the left of me opened up to see a rather tired looking Twilight rubbing her right eye.

“Storm?” She asked sleepily.

“Hello Twilight.” I said with a smile. It took a two count in my head before Twilight pounced me.

“Oh my Celestia. You're finally awake, you had me worried after the Elements reacted to you and Shadow. I didn't get to see what happened after the bright flash. Please tell me you're alright.” She said going all rapid fire on me. Not as fast as Pink, well I don't even think a hole in physics could be as fast as that mare.

“Twilight calm down. I'm alright, a little shaken up but passable.” I explained as she laid down on top of me wrapping her hooves around me. Gently running a hoof on her back I just watched her cry into my chest.

“I was so worried. After Shadow disappeared and you were laying there. I didn't know what to do so we rushed you back to the hospital and were out for a week.” She explained. To be honest I wasn't too surprised about the whole week honestly. Much to be expected from all of it. Hell I've been out longer than that.

“Sorry to worry you so much Twilight.” I apologized holding her close. “If it makes you feel better. You won't have to worry about Shadow anymore.” I offered. She looked up at me a little confused.

“What do you mean?” She asked and I pointed to my head.

“He's locked away in here.” I answered.

“And he can still hear you. You bastard.” He said.

“What?” She said getting up looking at me worried.

“Just as I said. He's back in my head and don't worry the Elements weakened him so he can't take control. Honestly it feels kind of nice to have him back in there.” I explained getting back up.

“But then there is a chance he could come back to control you.” She said and I could hear the evil chuckle from him. I rolled my eyes really? He just got his flank kicked and he's laughing evilly? And he calls me the idiot? “He's talking isn't he?”

“More laughing than talking really.” I explained nonchalantly. “The point is Twilight. I really can't explain it but it feels better having him in there.” I said running the back of my neck. “Since I woke up I've felt different. But in the same way I feel like myself. I really can't explain it better than that.”

“That's because your whole again.” Celestia said from the doorway.

“Whole?” I asked.

“Idiot.” Shadow said.

“Shadow was made from you. In all standings he was part of you until the Elements of Harmony separated himself from you.” She explained.

“Then they put us back together.” I said thinking I finally get it. “The only reason he was split from me was he was altered how they were from the crystal cavern.”

“That would seem so.”

“I still don't understand. Why did he want to be separated from you?” Twilight asked.

“If I had to guess. He wanted to be his own pony. Not tied to some pony that he found weaker then him that he could control. But that's what it was control really. He only could control and not own.” I answered.

“Okay I'll give you that one. You got me on that one.” He said “Even idiots can get lucky.”

“Well this idiot beat you. So I guess I got lucky twice?” I questioned in my head.

“Eeyup.” He said matching Big Mac's tone to a T.

“You're still able to hear him right?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, a bit of a wise guy really.” I answered and she eyed me for a moment. “What?” I asked.

“Will you be able to keep him in control?” She asked turning back to her serious demeanor.

“He's currently weakened so I think I can keep him under wraps. But we all know my luck when it comes to that.” I said with a sigh. “There is always a possibility that he would gain control again. Not for a long time. With him weakened and me not as I use to be, His chances have gotten increasingly harder. Especially with a wonderful family, great friends, and one hell of a marefriend. I'm sure he would have a hell of a time to get out of here.” I said gently knocking against my head. “If all else fails. There's always spacing me.” I offered.

“She can't do that.” Twilight said squeezing the ever loving hell out of me. “I would miss you too much.” This was followed by Pinkie doing much of the same to both Twi and I. Of course it was more my ribs in a vice grip.

“Me too. I can have one of my friends off into the dark areas of space. It would be dark to see the party unless it was a dark party. But then how would you really see every pony there. Not saying that some ponies couldn't see in the dark. I mean I can when I use my spy goggles but those are for special occasions like when we were trying to get answers out of the crystal.” She got out before Twilight wrapped her muzzle in magic of course didn't stop her from mumbling something but still.

“Pinkie. We. Need. Air.” I get out between very painful breaths.

“Whoops” She said before dropping the both of us. I once again took a deep breath of the sweet nectar of the gods that was air. Remind me to find some Pinkie proof armor. May save my life some day.

“Duly noted.” Shadow said. I looked up at the ceiling for a moment as I took a few more deep breaths. It wasn't long for ponies to pop their heads into my field of view.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

“We were about to ask you that.” Twilight said being the one directly over me. I couldn't help but smile.

“Well... in a way yes. I have a request to keep from one beautiful mare. The problem is I haven't done it yet.” I said smiling up at Twilight who was now turning a very bright red. Of course Pinkie was smiling at Twilight and Celestia had that all knowing smirk. Twilight on the other hoof leaned down and whispered to me.

“Storm, don't broadcast that to every pony. I mean what will they think?” She harshly got through. I deadpanned at her. “What?”

“Seriously Twilight, I wouldn't be surprised if every pony here knows about it since they like to eavesdrop all the time.” I said my gaze switching to Pinkie and Celestia who was doing that oh so fake “I'm innocent” whistling.

“I suppose you're right but what if my parents hear about it?” She asked.

“Twilight. One, do I have to remind you of what your mother wrote about us? Two, you're old enough to have your own wants. And three, who bucking cares what they hear or not? Twilight you wanted this, you asked me, and I plan to make sure you get it. No if, and, or buts about it.” I said straight forward and flatly.

“He does have a point there Twilight. I'm sure that your parents won't have a problem with such acts.” Celestia tried to reassure her.

“Yeah Twi. Don't you want to see Stormy all cute and mare-ish just so you two can have some.” That's when I disconnect my prosthetic and shoved it into her mouth. Sorry Pinkie but please for the love of all things holy don't say a word. Twilight mouthed thanks to me for doing that.

“But this also is sidetracked from a more important point.” I said putting everything back on a more important rail of thought.

“I'm assuming this is about the two your connected too?” She asked.

“Technically three” Shadow corrected.

“Three now Celestia.” I said passing on the message.

“The mask I assume.” I nodded to this. “Very well. You and Twilight should come to the castle in the morning.”She explained.

“Wait isn't that in Canterlot?” I asked.


“Aren't we in Ponyville?” Well last I remember I was in said town.

“No upon Heart Shy's request we had you transferred to Canterlot.” Twilight explained.

“Okay that explains that.” I said getting back up. “But I suggest we wait every pony’s up so they can got to their rooms or wherever they’re currently staying while they're here.” I said cracking my neck a bit.

“Well... most of them have been sleeping in the room here. Just to make sure you're not alone in case something happens.” Twilight explains and I couldn't help but blush a bit. So I've been sharing a room with other mares besides my marefriend. Oh universe I can't tell if you hate me or like me at this point. Damn double sided topics like this. “Don't worry none of us did anything to you.” She said now blushing which got me to turn even more red. Damn it Twi why did you have to put that image into my head. Granted it wasn't bad just well awkward.

“Look I just want some alone time with Twilight. They can use my room at the castle or something. Just please I've been out for a whole week. I think I deserve a little quality time with her... right?” I requested well pleaded really.

“I believe your right. I will take the girls with me to the castle. Also.” She said getting closer before giving me a small nuzzle to my cheek. “I was worried that you wouldn't wake up. I'm glad your alright Firestorm.” She said I couldn't help it and I returned it.

“Thank you Aunt Celestia. It's good to know I have a family that cares for me here.” I said smiling gently. In all honesty it was nice to know that she did care so much about me. With that Celestia wrapped all of them in magic before teleporting away leaving just Twilight and I alone in the room. She blushed at me and I returned it before I wrapped her in magic. Before I brought her over to the bed. Hey I was allowed to return the favor when she has done it to me so many times.

“So... what do we um... do?” She asked timidly. I blinked for a moment after I set her on the bed.

“We do well whatever you want to do.” I said climbing into the bed. “Before you ask me what do I want to do. Well besides my, ‘always do what you want to do’ answer. I just want it to be us tonight. No bad ponies. No friends eavesdropping. No family bothering us. I just was us pure and simple.” I explained gently shifting behind her so I could hold her close as I lit up the room with the lamp.

“Did anypony tell you you're a bit of a romantic?” She said leaning against me.

“Only by the one that counts.” I answered as she smiled up at me with a blush. I couldn't help but look down at her and get lost in her beautiful purple almost a shade darker violet eyes. It almost felt like they sparkled a bit, no pun intended.

“Storm. I really do love you.” She said as she leaned up slowly.

“And I love you Twilight Sparkle.” I said leaning down gently to kiss her. I could feel the warmth of her lips on mine as we shared this moment. There is only a few things I would say was perfect and this was one of them. If I had to rate it well this was the top. When our lips broke, we just stared at each other for a while. As if time went by that we spent it just looking at each other. That was until Twilight remembered something.

“Oh! I almost forgot.” She said floating over that gift back at the party. “We never got to open this one.”

“Why didn’t you open it?” I asked.

“Rarity wanted me to wait until we were alone and well... you've been out for the week. I didn't feel right to open it without you.” She said with a blush.

“Well let's open it now.” I offered bring it over and set it in front of us. Twilight's wrapped the left side of the ribbon as I got the right. A small tug later the ribbon draped across the bed as I gently took one of my new claw like fingers and run it down the corner ripping it open. Twilight then pulled the paper from it and opened the box. We both leaned in to see what was in there. Our curious looks quickly turned into a pair of heated blushes. I can't believe what I saw in there. I couldn't help but look away as Twilight brought it up in her magic. While she did that I looked over the blue wrapping with a light blue ribbon that wrapped it. Not to be surprised the diamond shaped tag told me it was from an alabaster white unicorn that really needed to be talked to.

“I can't believe she would give us this.” Twilight said looking it over in her magic.

“I think that mare is getting one too many ideas of late. Especially after a certain request we made.” I said still red as a tomato.

“We did kind of ask for this didn't we?” Twilight said looking at me. I nodded not looking at it. “Something wrong?” She asked a moment later noticing my lack of looking.

“Its... its nothing.” I said starting to get even more embarrassed as time passed on. This of course got Twilight to grin.

“Is some pony getting heated under the collar.” She said and that oh dear god that brought images I just shall not speak of. Damn it brain I know you like ideas like that. But please not right now.

“Um... maybe.” I squeaked as I tried to stay away from eye contact from her.

“Oh. I am so going to enjoy this.” She said getting up and turned to face me. In which I wasn't looking at her. I was trying to beat back the blush on my face. Dear universe why do you hate me so? “I'm a little surprised you find the thought of this appealing.” She purred that last part.

“Well um... I am a stallion and well... your a beautiful mare...” I got out trying to keep calm. Oh trust me it took me every focus not to got nuts.

“Didn't you say human use to wear stuff to cover up?” She asked.

“Well yes...” I answered.

“So why does this make you all heated when we’re normally-” She said and damn it my mind had to go down that path again.

“I noticed and well... I guess I just blocked it out. Maybe so I didn't seem so...” I got out.

“Nervous?” She asked.

“Yeah let's go with that one.” I said thankfully because the word I would have picked was... well something else.

“Storm what's to be nervous about? I mean it can't be that bad right?” She asked and in some way blushed even more.

“Well... I mean. Twilight it's well...” I tried to get up before looking at her. “Twilight you're wearing a pair of panties. Normally something like that is well... intimate.” I tried to explained. Turning even brighter as I noticed on top of the violet parties she had on. She also wore her socks. I could of swear I had died and got to heaven. Because... damn. Just... damn. I don't think anypony would believe me even if I told them this. Twilight looked down right undeniably hot. She had that almost Innocent seductive look to her that. If I had a heart problem I think just looking at her would have killed me. My eye just went to roam all over her. The curve of her back to the round and nicely plump flanks. Much to Rarity's credit she knows how to make a pair that just hugs it just right.

“See something you like.” Twilight said in a very sultry voice. Let's just say if she was a book I just found the wealth of knowledge to her. My mouth just decided to have a spasm as I couldn't find my voice. “Speechless? Good.” She said coming close resting her forelegs on my shoulders as she got in real close before she gave me one hell of a kiss leaving her flank up in the air. Her tail swishing back and forth as I felt her tongue began to probe my mouth.

“You know if you're planning to be intimate with some pony. You probably should lock the door next time.” Said the nurse who just entered getting a good eye full of Twilight's panty covered flank. I turned a shade of red that shouldn't be allowed on the color spectrum as Twilight squeaked a bit before slowly turning around with her own blush more for embarrassment than anything else. “Nice panties by the way.” Said the yellow coated mare with a bright red mane done up in a bun. Twilight then teleported into the bathroom slamming the door. I felt bad for both me and her as I turned to the nurse.

“Please don't speak a word of this to any pony.” I requested though I wasn't above ordering it.

“Don't worry prince. Trust me I wouldn't want the princess's ire towards me for doing so.” She said with a wave of her hoof. “The reason I came in here was to make sure you're alright. But it seems your doing better than alright.” She said giving me a look over with a smirk. That's when I noticed I had an issue too. Quickly covering up my well embarrassment as well I turned back to the nurse. She smiled before leaving. I could have sworn I heard. “Lucky mare.” from the nurse but I couldn't say for sure. Once the door was shut I locked it to make sure we don't have a repeat.

“She's gone Twilight.” I called to the bathroom. A few minutes passed before I heard the click of the door unlocking and Twilight opening it. Next to her floated everything she had on all folded up nicely.

“I can't believe this. It's so embarrassing.” Twilight said still beat red as she was when she teleported in there. “Here I try do something for my stallion and the nurse blunders in.” She muttered as she came back over to the bed after slipping it all into a saddlebag still on the chair.

“It's alright Twilight. These things happen.” I said still slightly blushing. With a flash of magic Twilight was on the bed next to me.

“I know but... well we haven't had a chance to really be intimate like that. Between the attacks, the little adventures, the whole body swap, and poison joke. We haven't had a night to be together like that. As soon as I try to be it some pony just comes in.” She let out a sigh after that. “I'll make it up to you. I promise.” She said leaning into me.

“Twilight you don't have to. I'm just glad you're comfortable with that around me even when I'm not well period.” I said as I place my wing around her. She gently snuggles into my wing as a shiver runs up my spine.

“I know but still. After everything.. you deserve it.” She said looking at me.

“Twilight how about when we get back to Ponyville.” I offered.

“What about Spike?” She asked. I thought about it for a moment then smiled.

“Well we could always ask one of the girls to watch him for a night. Maybe Rarity.” I suggested and Twilight snorted for a moment.

“Oh yes. So the little Casanova could try to wow her.” She said.

“Maybe with a little breakfast in bed.” I replied before chuckling.

“Hey now. Don't pick on him. He's at least trying.” She said smirking.

“Relax I'm just playing. I still like him after all but not as much as I like you Twilight.” I said bring her closer to me as I laid back into the bed. Her laying next to me.

“I know and...” She said turning red again running a hoof over my chest. “I appreciate what you're going to do for me. I... I know it makes you feel uncomfortable.” She said.

“Twilight. I know, I'm more worried about the whole messing with my brain. I mean last time I thought Big Mac-” I shuddered just thinking about it.

“I know, I know. That's why it will be just you and me. Fluttershy already agreed to watch Spike just to be safe.” She said and I smiled.

“Alright. I'm guessing the um... outfits are done?” I questioned more to get more info on what to expect and to to draw my mind away from... well other things.

“Yeah she has them ready for us.” She said blushing.

“Should I worry?” This time it was my own worried curiosity that made me ask. Twilight looked at me after I said that.

“Do I worry you?” She asked giving me the biggest set of puppy dogs eyes she could muster. Oh for the love of all things holy anything but that look. I'm powerless against that look.

“Of course not Twilight. I just after everything I've gotten a nasty case of paranoia.” I said looking away trying not to get hit directly with another wave of that look. That could cripple any pony.

“Or that you're just a wimp.” Shadow decided to add. Right after that I mentally pictured me decking him. “Ow! Did you just?” He asked.

“I don't know did it feel something like this?” I thought as I pictured it again.

“Ow! Don't do that.” He yelled.

“Are you going to make snide comments again?”

“Only when- OW! I said stop that.” He said as I hit him with another one. “Geez I get the point... dick.”

“What did he say?” Twilight asked noticing my attention was away from her.

“Sorry he was making comments again. But I found out I could hit him while he's there.” I said with a smile.

“To keep him in line?” She asked and I nodded. “That's good I suppose.” This was followed by her yawning.

“Looks like somepony is tired.” I said with a smile.

“Well you did wake up in the middle of the night.” She shot back.

“Point taken. So why don't we just rest then. We have a meeting with Celestia in the morning. So let's get some sleep.” I said after bringing the blankets up around us and turning off the light with a flick of magic. She nodded before resting her head on me as she laid on my wing. Not the most comfortable thing she's done but. I didn't mind if she wanted it she could have it. With that I make sure she was warm as I stared out into the sky throughout the night. In the morning I will finally know more about the Artifacts of Harmony.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 21 - Dark Castles and Crystal Ponies

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That night went on very quietly. The only real sounds where the random bits of clopping hooves from ponies down below on the streets. The few birds that enjoyed the night time. For instance the owls that I had seen pass by with letters in their talons. The wind and the insects like the crickets that would chirp throughout the night. But most of all the rhythmic snoozing of Twilight who shifted off my wing a few minutes after she had passed out. Once I had slid her carefully off me so I could use the facilities I decided to go outside for a few moments onto the balcony. Once again I was greeted with the night time Canterlot. But there was only one view not counting Twilight that I wanted to see at the moment. It was the stars in the sky, the thousands among thousands of stars in the sky. I could help but remember back to earth. Back to a few moments me and Jessica just sat around staring at the stars talking about well anything really. Moments like that were always nice especially when I didn't hold back talking to her. She knew me and I knew her. I had begun to wonder if that still held true at this point. I guess I'll never know, or was it more I didn't want to know? Either way I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes letting the sounds just sweep me away. I could hear the cords of a guitar being played with a light pat of a tambourine followed by a shake of it. It was making a song that I found familiar to me. I let the music take me this time as I began to sing lightly to myself not to wake Twilight.

“Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Yesterday holds memories in time. Remember me to the one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine. Tell her to think back upon younger days. Yesterday holds memories in time, and seek yonder crossroads where we parted ways. Then she'll be a true love of mine” I sang as I let the music continued unimpeded with my words.

“It still amazes me how well you can sing.” Twilight said that caused me to whirl around to see her at the balcony door.

“Sorry did I wake you?” I asked.

“No... I woke up when the music started.” She said coming over. “Where did you hear that song from?” She asked.

“It's something from earth that I remember. Back there it's called Celtic music. Which was just another kind of music I enjoyed.” I answered as I put a wing around her when she came up and sat next to me. She smiled and leaned into me.

“What other kinds do you enjoy?”

“Well... I'm a fan of must things. Classical, rock, techno, and Celtic are some of my more favorable kinds of music. I don't know if I told you but I use to make music back on earth.” I explained looking to the sky again.

“What kind?”

“Well anything that sounded good to me. I was a more atmospheric composer of sorts. I made music to get a feeling or at least tone of a place. Remember when I played for every pony in the castle?” I asked she nodded.

“Well you heard two of the songs I had made then if you remembered.”

“Sanctuary of snow and Calm unknown skies right?”

“Yeah.” I said looking to the sky.

“Storm?” Twilight had asked and I looked down at her.

“Can I ask you something that's I've been wondering for a while now?” She asked.


“Why do you drink?” She asked and I blinked for a moment.

“Alcohol?” I more asked for clarification. She nodded of course.

“From the stories you told us you throw yourself into dangerous situations when you’re, as you put it, sloshed.” She asked.

“Well... to be honest, to numb myself.” I said. “Well mostly” I corrected a moment later.

“Numb yourself, why?”

“Because of my thoughts mainly. Twilight as you know I think way too much for my own good and sometimes I’d rather be sloshed so I just stop thinking in a way. If it makes you feel better I haven't touched any alcohol since that bar incident.” I explained looking at the stars again.

“Are your thoughts really that bad?”

“When I'm not focusing on some problem or some pony, yes, yes they are. I end up going down a dark spiral of depression. Mostly when I think about my past.” I said.

“You mean like you do of her?” She asked. I turned to her a little confused.


“Jessica.” She clarified for me.

“In a way yes. Before I started thinking I was remembering something the two of us use to do.” I said.

“Was some pony thinking dirty.” Twilight said with a sly smirk.

“What?! No. Geez no Twilight. I wasn't thinking like that. I...” I sighed after that. “No... we never got to that point. We both were completely new to that and... well we were more on enjoying our time together then trying to push the relationship all the way, so to speak of course.” I said. “No I was remembering a time when the two of us would sit down and stare at the stars. Just talking about whatever we wanted to.” I explained.

“You don't think I'm trying to push the relationship do you?” She asked and I looked down at her. I could see the worry on her face as I could see a cover of a book.

“No Twi. Like I said, I want to go at your pace. If you want to do this then it's your choice. I just worry is all.” I said as I brought her closer wrapping her up in my wings. Party to make her feel safe and to help keep her warm. It was kind of nippy out here to begin with.

“Worry about what?” She asked.

“Well... I'm new to it is all and I mean all of it. I've never... did it.” I said turning red from embarrassment.

“Wait completely new to this?” She said in disbelief and I nodded turning more red. “Not even a little?”

“Yeah. I'm... a virgin to all this.” I said really hating that word most of all. You get sick and tired of hearing that over and over again when you had parents who make it their business to pester and berate you about it every chance they got. I looked away from Twilight remembering that.

“Something wrong?” She asked noticing me looking away.

“Sorry just… more aggravating memories.” I said.

“Please tell me about it.” Twilight requested gently nuzzling my shoulder a bit.

“Just... well I hate that word. My father for the most part would always make fun of me. My immediate family would make fun of me for it a lot. I guess that's part of the reason I don't like talking about imitate things.” I explained.

“So is that why you get all cute and blushing when we get real close.” She said starting to lean up into my ear. “and talk to you like this.” She said going into a sultry voice. I couldn't help but turn red in the face from blushing and nodded. “Oh it did work.” She said clapping her hooves together. I looked at her confused and still blushing.

“What worked?” I asked.

“Well... In the mares guide to stallions in chapter eight. How to entice your mate. It said that an audio stimulate is needed to help persuade your partner into performing.” She said and I could tell which annoyed me more. The fact that Twilight was trying to get me to perform like some circus monkey or that I felt used again this time for one of her experiments. I let out an annoyed sigh and began to rub my temple with my right hoof. Think positively Storm, she is your marefriend after all. “What's wrong? Was it something I said?” She asked.

“It's nothing important.” I said trying to keep my annoyance out of my tone. I don't think it worked.

“What did I do? Please tell me.” She said and shook my head.

“It wasn't you. It was me.” I said gently going back into the room. Which it was, I wouldn't be surprised if she was new to this as well. So reading it in a book probably would be the best for her. She came in a moment later closing the door behind her. We got up onto the bed and I laid down for a bit as she joined me under the covers. She went back to sleep for the third time as I stayed with her this time until morning. During the night I had thought back to Dash wanting a flying buddy. Some pony she could fly around with. Now that I thought about it more I wondered about the other pegasi in Ponyville. Wouldn't one of them be better suited for it? I had wondered why she wanted me of all ponies to really be her flying buddy. I mean I wasn't suited to go as fast as she does. Hell I didn't even know if I could really go any faster than… well a bird probably was the best comparison. In the morning Twilight got up and went right to the bathroom. I got up and began to fold the blankets up. She came out a few minutes later to see me back at the balcony. I was standing on my hind legs with my forelegs on the ledge as I looked around to see if I could spot the castle. Lucky for me I was just down the road from the hospital and I wasn't as high up as I first thought. I was on the second floor which mean if I did fall I wouldn't go that far. It would still hurt but still it wasn't as bad.

“Storm?” Twilight asked which got me to turn to look at her stuffing the blankets into the saddlebags she had.

“Morning Twilight. How did you sleep?” I asked.

“Alright I suppose.” She said looking at me. “What are you doing?”

“Just... judging distances.” I explained as I was trying to find a relative point of reference in my head.

“For what?”

“Well this may sound a little crazy. Well a little beyond my normal levels of crazy mind you. But I was thinking of trying to glide to the castle.” I said as I watched her eyes widen.

“Seriously? What about your fears?” She asked and I could tell the disbelief in her voice.

“Admittedly not one of my brighter ideas. But I was also wondering if you would come with me... I... I want to get over this... not just for Dash. But me.” I said that last part more as a squeak.

“Wait. You want me to come with you? How?” She asked.

“Well... you can say no and I will understand. But I was wondering if you would ride atop me and hold onto my neck as I glided.” I said now being nervous on the idea alone. Oh why did I have to have this really stupid idea?

“Do you trust me to ride you?” She asked which got me to look at her in surprise. Wouldn't it be the other way around?

“Should I be the one asking that? I... I mean about you riding on me.” I said covering up my blunder but not my blush at the mental images that followed. Damn it brain why did you have to do this to me now. She smiled looking at me coming closer.

“I worry because your wings Storm. Most pegasi wings especially between the wings are sensitive with all the nerve bundles.” She emphasized by running a hoof down my back which got my wings to pop out with an audible pomf. I also had a shiver run up my back at this. Now I understood the trust me comment.

“Well Twi. I know you wouldn't do something like that without a good reason and... yes I trust you. Honestly I think you're the one I trust the most.” I said blushing at that comment.

“You trust me the most?” She asked.

“Twilight. No offense to every pony else but you're the first one to... well treat me right here in Equestria. You tried to help me when I was just a no pony. Since then it felt like I've gone from one moment to the next. The timber wolf, Nightmare Moon, Sha, Shadow, Vermom, and more. Throughout all of them I always had you to look up to.” I explained sitting back to my haunches.

“Look up to me?” She asked.

“Yeah. Twilight... when it comes to Equestria I know pretty much nothing besides the basics and even those are lacking. Magic well I pretty much am a bowl of water compared to you, Celestia, Luna or any pony. Flying well... every pony with wings is better at it then I am. Scootaloo probably could fly circles around me metaphorically. I guess back on earth I never had any... one to really look up to. Here... well I have some pony I respect. Some pony that looks at me not like something underneath them but more... friendly for the lack of a better term.” I said and she looked at me. Twilight continued to look at me like she was searching my face for something. Granted I had put to large words of doubt into that last comment of mine.

“Storm. I'm honored you look up to me and respect me. But I don't know if I should be the pony for that job... you know?” She said and it confused me.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well... I'm no pony special. I'm no Star Swirl the Bearded, or Clover the Clever. I'm just Twilight Sparkle.” She said.

“Yes because Twilight Sparkle the Element of Magic, personal student to Princess Celestia isn't some pony special.” I said a bit skeptically.

“Alright some ponies would say I was somepony special. But I don't. I'm just a simple pony like every pony else.” She explained. “If anything you're the one that is somepony special. You're the first human to come to Equestria. To become a dralicorn, something that hasn't been seen since before Luna's banishment to the moon and a prince no less.” She said. I could tell she was trying to help me with my self confidence.

“Twilight. I... I guess.” I got out a little halfheartedly. I just wasn't sure about it was all.

“No guessing. You are Storm. As much as you don't like it, the fact of the matter is. You are a prince here in Equestria. Even more so... you're a hero.” She said smiling after she got up in my face about it poking me with her hoof at each point.

“One I will accept I am a prince here. After so many ponies calling me that. What's the point right? Two no, I'm no hero. I have stated this over and over. I am no hero Twilight. I'm just me.” I said giving my wings a small flap.

“But you-” She started to say but I cut her off.

“But nothing Twilight. If you bring up Shadow, he was part of me which in turn caused him. Sha well that's from my appearing too. Vermom much the same. Look, no matter how I look at it, I've caused as much problems as have solved them. At most I would be an anti-hero.” I said turning from her.

“A what?”

“A hero that causing as much problems as he solves them.” I said leaning down.

“Storm, I still see you as my hero.” She said and I couldn't help but blush as she climbed onto my back. “So why don't we glide off into the sunrise.” She said. I swear if she says hi oh silver away I going to pay her back in spades. I climbed up onto the railing with my wings spread out. Twilight used the saddlebags as a makeshift harness. I tried my best not to look down, oh did I ever. “Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked and I nodded. I took a few deep breaths as I tried to ready myself. Come on I can do it. Be brave for once. Just take the leap of faith and glide damn it. A few minutes passed as we stood there. Well more I stood there with Twilight laying on my back. “Are you going to go?” She said sounding rather annoyed at this point.

“I plan to.”

“When? The next summer sun festival?” she asked sarcastically.

“Here soon.” I said breathing rather hardly. “One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to- WAH!” I would have finished my little count down if I wasn't shoved off by Twilight. “What was that for?” I said able to catch myself in the air. Lucky for me I had my wings already extended. I angled myself towards the castle.

“Well you were just going to sit there until we grew old.” She said, I gave an annoyed humf as we glided above the main street of Canterlot. Now mind you I was new to this whole flying thing and the only other time I had glided was trying to get away from Rainbow. Right after my bout of stupidity with Twilight and being chased by every pony. With that said it was rather nice to feel the wind in my wings. I could see why Rainbow enjoys flying now after getting a chance to myself without the blue comet after me. If I could just get over my fear of dropping out of the sky and just being high up in general. I think I may come to love flying. We glided through the large entry to the castle grounds as I tried to angle my wings to help stop. Didn't quite work the way I wanted to. Oh I stopped after swooping up and fell down on my tail. Which felt like I just landed on my rump from a good height. What am I saying it was that. Twilight giggled at this before unhooking herself from my back and climbed off. “I would have to give that landing a five point two.” She said.

“Really? More like a three point six to me.” Dash said flying over. Thank you, you two. That oh so helps my already bruised ego. Which was lying and dying in a corner somewhere. “Oh relax you know we're just playing around with ya.” Dash said folding her forelegs across her chest as she hovered in the air. I sighed quietly shaking off the pain in my tail before heading towards the door to the castle. I was getting quite familiar with the layout of the castle then I would like to admit. Now mind you it took me finding those plans to really get it down and some of the more important chambers were still hidden. It was kind of funny when I found out one of the old worship the sun chambers from Equestria's early days was transformed into the one of the royal bathing rooms. There was three of them in total for each of the alicorns. As for Luna's was from her old worshiping chamber. Cadence had hers from another chamber that I never did find out what it was before that. But I digress the point was I was getting use to how the castle had it's own twists and turns. Twilight, Dash, and I continued our way through the castle with Nightling showing us to the princesses. A few minutes of walking well in Dash's case hovering. We found the two princesses in a large chamber that had a dark blue door. Dash, Twilight, and Nightling bowed to the princesses. I did not. No offense but I was still rather sore from my landing.

“Hello my little ponies.” Celestia greeted.

“Hello princess.” Twilight said still bowing.

“Hiya princess.” Dash greeted with a wave of her hoof.

“Your Majesty” Nightling said.

“Hi Celestia.” Was all out of my mouth. Twilight shot me a glare. I didn't care really. They shouldn't be surprised at this point on how I say hello. Celestia eyed me for a moment but said nothing account to the hellos.

“Did somepony have a bad time last night?” Celestia said over the link.

“Well... you would too if the nurse blundered in.” I shot back keeping calm and leveled tone.

“Ouch.” I got from Luna this time and I could see the sympathetic look on her face. I sighed quietly before decided my reply.

“It's fine. In all honesty I wasn't ready for it either.” I said looking away from them.

“Really? That's... odd to hear from a stallion.” Celestia said.

“Do remember I'm not quite a stallion.” I shot back now with an erk tone to it. As much as I started to like the telepathic talking that I could do with Celestia and Luna. I didn't like the fact that they could pry about more personal things.

“You do have a point but, what do you mean you weren't ready?” She asked.

“Because Celestia. I. Was. Not. Ready.” I said now getting quite irritated. “Look if you want to know then ask Twilight. Without me in the room.” I tacked on before looking away from her. “now can we please get to the matter at hoof.”

“You're right.” She said before looking at every pony again. “Nightling you are dismissed.” With that said pony left with a nod with what I could guess a gusto. Twilight looked up at her mentor and I waited. After a few moments and the door we entered was securely closed. “As you know the Elements of Harmony are the most powerful items in Equestria.” She started before the door behind us showed us a room identical to this one. We all entered it and closed the door behind us. From there we entered another set of halls. Much of the normal Canterlot castle halls where white but these were a nice shade of blue. Instead of the normally placed white stallion guards. Here there were all bat pony guards. The armor was normally a dead giveaway but the yellow eyes also helped tell me this. We continued to travel through the halls of this what seemed to be castle. Which it was. Much to my surprise that Canterlot is twice as big as every pony sees.

Much like the sisters are the opposite of each other the Castles and yes I know I used a plural is much the same. Canterlot in deed has two castles to it. The second one is in the mountain attached to the light half of the town. Which is below the old gem mine. Much like the one Twilight was trapped in when Chrysalis attacked. I only put all this together shortly after getting to a balcony that showed the night version of Canterlot. Since the ponies. Well to be more specific the bat ponies. Didn't have a way to tell the day. Inside there was an artificial way of telling. Well... I guess I couldn't say that since it was all natural. Inside on the cave ceiling was a mixture of gems and fungus that illuminates like the sun does. It dims during the night time much like an natural internal clock. Oh when Luna and Twilight explained this to me. I was blown away. I was no expert when it comes to natural science but it didn't mean that it didn't intrigue me. Hell instead of the torches like the light side of Canterlot. Here they used the fungus to make lamp like torches. They had a nice soft blue glow to them. Well they glowed blue but the light they made what just as white as the daylight outside. I was amazed by it all. There was a few times I caught Twilight watching me before she turned her head to look forward. We continued to go down the blue stoned hallways. Not much to be said between all of us. In the end we found ourselves in a chamber. This one was very tucked away since the door itself was hidden within a wall itself. The door itself held the symbol for the Elements of Harmony sort of. The difference was each one had something with them. I picked out each of the artifacts within the gems themselves. Wait... was this here for the-? Was all I could think before they opened the door to show six crystallized statues of ponies. I saw that it was the same ones but rather more detailed versions of the statue I saw back at the asylum. I stepped in past every pony as something drew me in. I couldn't explain the feeling really almost like something was calling to me. Something in my heart in a way. It was like when a child heard their mother's voice only once and separated for years. Then out of the blue the child heard her voice again and knew who it was without a second thought. I started to look at each crystallized ponies. I had noticed that these ponies didn't have the items like the statue did. I looked at each one and something just kind of clicked in my head.

“Celestia are these who I think they are?” I asked thinking I understood now.

“It depends on who do you think they are?” She said coming closer looking at me for a moment before turning to the crystal alicorn mare. I turned and looked at that one. Oh...oh my- That... oh wow. It really only took me a few moments to realize who the alicorn was.

“Is... is that... her?” I questioned and for a bit I thought she zoned out. But I watched her eyes almost snap back into focus as she glanced down to me before nodding. So... this was her.

“Her?” Twilight asked and I turned glanced back up to the princess of the sun.

“Should I tell her or would you like to?” I asked using the link once again.

“You may if you wish.” She shot back over the link. I could note the sadness in her tone. I turned to Twilight who looked a perplexed but worried too.

“This here Twilight is Faust, Lauren of Equestria.” I said turning to her. “Or a bit more commonly known as Faust the first.” Twilight looked at me for a moment before looking at the figure before her. I on the other hoof looked at each stature. Some of them I could name like Echo Rosary the bat pony mare. I continued to move from each figure. I picked out Rose Mage the unicorn mare. I stopped in front of the earth drony who took a heroic stance.

“You wanted to know about the Artifact of Harmony.” Celestia started which stalled me from the sudden switch from silence was the reason. Luna and Twilight had remained silent as she began. “As much as every pony knows that the Elements of Harmony are the strongest of artifacts known to Equestria. But what is not known to many ponies was how they were created. Each element corresponds to the pony here that created it.” Celestia's gaze never left her mother's figure as she continued to talk. Luna came up next to her and looked up at the crystal Faust.

“Wait are you telling me that the Elements of Harmony was created by these ponies?” Twilight asked.

“No Twilight.” I said coming over to her. “The Elements are these ponies. Celestia if I may?” I asked. She nodded not looking at any pony. “During a fight with a being at the time called the Dark One. The artifacts which at the time where not connected in any way resonated with each other in the heat of battle. As much as you felt the spark which lead to you being the Element of Magic. But the spark that came with these created the Elements.” I said looking at all of them.

“How do you know all this?” She asked and I looked at her for a moment my ears drooping. With a sigh I explained.

“As much as I don't like admitting to it. Shadow Storm is how I know.”

“Geez dramatic much?” Shadow decided to add.

“Shut up you.” I thought back.

“Touché. It's not like your not liking the fact that you know a lot more now. Kind of reminds me of a caped crusader you enjoyed reading about.” He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“How?” Celestia asked still not turned to me.

“During the time he controlled me he took the time to go over many books in the archives. That's how he knew about the first artifact and the studies you made of the elements. That's how he came to the plan of using them to split him with me. After that he took time to do some research. Hitting the archive, the crystal library in the Crystal Empire, and the hidden catacomb library. That's how he came to know about it all. Some of it is still left unknown like some of these ponies. I recognize some of them. That that one” I said pointing to the crystallized bat pony. I step closer to her. “This one is Echo Rosary. The first bat pony. It's said that she became the first after she was blessed by the moon itself. Which is why for the longest time there wasn't another one. Right Luna.” I said turning to her. She turned to me with surprise.

“Then you know?”

“Not really. All I know was it had something to do with you. Beyond that clueless.” I explained.

“I suppose I should shed some light on the subject. You are correct that I was the reason they are now around.” She said. Celestia looked over her shoulder at the three of us as Luna started to explain. How back in the days after the fight with Discord. Luna had come to Celestia about taking some of the young foals that had lost their parents in the fights leading up to great battle between the Sisters of the Celestial bodies and the deity of chaos. Celestia denied the request but Luna had gone and did it anyway. Which was some of the reasoning that lead to Nightmare Moon. But that wasn't the point. She took the foals and took them to this castle which at the time was hidden from the light of Celestia. During the time she gave each foal a gift. Much like how Echo Rosary had reserved. In a way it was a reminder to her because they had met when she was a young foal. Then the magic wasn't as developed as the one that turned the simple pegasus into the bat pony. So it took years for the magic to reach that kind of power through the decedents of the young foals. From there we have the bat ponies nowadays. Which like the dronies had differences between them. Like the pegasi version came with bat membranous wings instead of the feather ones. The unicorn variant much like the normal can cast spells but the only difference here is that there magic is more potent in the dark. The earth pony bat pony has a natural sonar that they can feel through their hooves. One they all share is their eyes, they have a natural low light vision. So caves are a much better place to live. Much like Luna's night castle of Canterlot. Celestia didn't say anything during Luna's explanation of how we came to have the bat ponies of nowadays compared to the one that was Echo Rosary. I figured she already knew well at this point it had to be common knowledge really a whole new race at the time. Had to be investigated much like I wouldn't be surprised if dronies were much the same. Of course it wasn't much longer before things went sideways. In the middle of the room housed the very same symbol on the door. I had crossed over the center of it towards the door when I felt something. I turned to see all the crystallized ponies eyes starting to glow before beams of magic stuck out towards me.

“Storm!” The three of them said before everything was washed out in white. It only took a few moments to find myself in a place I never thought I would be again. I was back at home. Not the library in Equestria but on earth and an old home that I use to live in before we had moved from there. It was just as I remembered it. I was sitting on my hunches on the blue sofa against one of the longer walls. I was surprised and in a bit of awe as I looked around.

“Looks like somepony is in a daze.” I heard in a very warm and familiar voice. I turned to see who I thought it was. Without a second thought I had jumped and began to hug Jessica.

“Jessica!” I said and I was smiling. She was able to catch me and held me up. Normally it was the other way around but I guess being a drony. I was lighter then a human. She smiled and brought me into a hug. I couldn't help but gently nuzzle her against the cheek.

“I missed you too Ryhn.” She said and I began to cry a little. Not out of sadness but of joy. I was happy to see her again. The last time I had talk to her was when I died. I stopped when I remembered that and looked at her now worried. “Whats wrong?”

“Am I...” I began to ask worried now.

“No. You're very much alive.” Came a second sound this one was female I could tell that right off the bat. It was just as motherly as Celestia's voice but this one had a different pinch to it. Almost for lack of a better word, angelic in a way. I turned to see and I can't believe I did. Faust come walking in through the door the lead to the kitchen. I was in awestruck to see The Faust right there. Jessica let me down and I couldn't help but bow to her. “Please rise my little drony.” She said and I did so. I kept quiet not sure what to make of this. “Hello Firestorm.”She said stepping closer. “and Shadow Storm.” She said which caused Jessica to look surprised then at me. I remained silent. I didn't even look at her the level of shame was just too high. “I believe there is much for us to talk about.” I looked rather confused until the other artifact bearers walked into the room. Oh this was not good. Honestly I should have figured that out when Celestia's and Luna's mother came in to greet me. Which now that I thought about it. Technically through the adoption was now related to her too. Okay I need to work on keeping my brain on track. Jessica leaned down and picked me up before going over to the sofa. She sat down and held me in her lap as the rest of them came over to join Faust. “Where would you like to start?” She asked

“I think some smaller questions like. How are we even here?” I asked pointing around as Jessica continued to hold me.

“We figured somewhere familiar would be best for this conversation and this was the biggest place that you felt comfortable in.” Faust explained.

“Alright. Not that I'm not grateful about it but why is Jessica here?” I asked.

“Mainly because they wanted someone here that you trusted. That and I missed you.” Jessica answered as she gently resting her head on top of mine.

“Alright then... why am I here period?” This being the main thing on my mind.

“Because there was something you need to know. Something of great importance” Faust began. “As you both sides of yourself know about the battle with the dark one. Well that was what every pony called it back then since none of us knew it's name. Even now we don't know it's name.” She started before a magical box appeared next to her as it began to show images of a battle. Between what looked much like a mass of darkness with one solid red eye in the middle of it. The battle looked ferocious, each side was taking a pounding without end. “That battle itself went on for days. With no real sign of stopping until the artifacts we each held united.” She continued as I watched said artifacts brightly glowed until the light engulfed each of them in a color. A beam of magic shot up from them creating a ball of magic. When in that a familiar prismatic beam shot out and stuck the mass of darkness causing cracks of white to form over the surface. The mass let out what looked like a scream. Without any audio there was no way of telling otherwise. The dark one shattered into piece and disappeared like dust being blown in the wind. That was followed by the light from the remaining magic shot off into a forest in the distance. The light around the figures disappeared to show the same crystallized statutes... no. They weren't statutes were they? No the same crystallized ponies from before, that I saw back in the chambers. “When they harmonized with each other the Elements of Harmony as every pony has come to know them were created using the pure essence of each of us.” Faust finished explaining.

“Not to be rude and that's good to know and all. But what does that have to do with me?” I said confused still. I had a good idea of what it involved. I mean I was attuned to three of the artifacts and all.

“The Dark One is going to return.” She said. Damn it, my first guess had to be right didn't it?

“So I'm going to have to fight it?” I asked trying to get it more clarified.

“Yes, unfortunately you will have to fight the Dark One.”

“Is this the whole reason why I'm in Equestria?” this was followed by silence. Why did I not like this?

“Regrettably, yes. I brought you to Equestria for-” She started before I interrupted.

“You brought me to Equestria?! Why?” I yelled. Hey you find the pony that was involved in your death. You would want answers too.

“Because you were needed to stop the Dark One.” She answered.

“You know you could have asked. Not kill me and drop me in the middle of a world I had no clue about.” I shot back angrily.

“Ryhn calm down.” Jessica said hugging me tighter.

“No. I will not calm down until I get an answer; why I had to die just to help fight some dark thing.” I said looking up at her before I shot a glare at Faust.

“I wasn't the reason for your death. Another was, all I did was send your soul safely to Equestria. Your death was from another ponies hooves.” She answered.

“What? Who?” I asked.

“Someone from my daughter's past.”

“Wait... Grimwand had me killed? Why?” I said all my anger just dissipated.

“From what I figured he wanted to make your newly formed body his own. From what I can gather from his actions. He didn't expect me to step in and send your soul elsewhere.” That... that confused me.

“You're telling me that, Grimwand had me killed so he could bring me to Equestria to kill me again? Just for my body?” I asked.

“You wouldn't have been just killed. Your soul would have been completely destroyed.” That sent a shiver down my spine and even Jessica hugged me tighter. It didn't sit well with her either. But the worst of it all, from the beginning I was being used. By Faust and Grimwand, they wanted to use me and had used me in a way. What was I supposed to do? I mean literally what was I supposed to do with that? I just remained silent once again as Jessica continued to hug me. “As much as it hurts me to have told you that but you wanted and in some right needed to know. Luckily I was able to interrupt his spell.” Faust said.

“Yeah...” I said with no real warmth to my voice, more a bitter coldness.

“Ryhn.” Jessica said and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

“It's fine.” I lied.

“Will you be willing to help us save every pony and everyone?” Faust asked.

“Not like I have much choice in this do I?” I asked not looking at her again. My gaze had dropped to the floor shortly after she explained that I could have had my soul gone for good.

“You always had a choice.” She said and I knew it was a lie.

“Don't lie Faust. Since the beginning I didn't have a choice. I didn't get a choice in dying, and even after that I didn't get a choice to stay with Jessica in the afterlife. No, both you and Grimwand ripped that opinion out a long time ago. So in the end I don't have a choice in any of this do I? I'll fight this Dark One.” I snapped at her. She was taken back by my words. Even Jessica was startled from it.

“I suppose you would be correct. But know that if I had another option I would have taken it.” She said. Yeah there is always another option but you took the easier one. The one that let you play with someone else like a fucking chess piece. “I will leave you some time to let it sink in and if you could do a small favor for me.” She asked looking at me. In a way I wanted to tell her she could take that favor and shove it somewhere but I heard her out. “Could you tell my daughters that I'm proud of what they have done.” She said and I nodded. In the end it wasn't something for her but for both of my aunts. I could at least agree to those terms. With that every pony left leaving just me and Jessica in the living room.

“I'm sorry Jessica.” I started off.

“Sorry about what?” She asked.

“About my... well my outburst earlier.” She brought me close again and held me up so I could look at her face to face.

“Ryhn Firestorm. I am not angry with you. I was much the same when she told me.” She explained and I eyed her for a moment before just resting my head next to hers.

“I see.” I said sounding like an idiot. I gently nuzzled her cheek as we sat there.

“So how is every pony?” She asked and I pulled back looking at her confused.

“They’re doing fine I suppose.” I answered looking at her as a smirk dance across her face.

“Even after the nurse walked in on you and Twilight the night before?” When she said that a bright red blush crossed my face. “I've got to say she does look good in a pair of socks and panties.” Now she was teasing me.

“Jessica!” I said in embarrassment.

“Oh relax. I'm just glad you're opening up to her. I mean I don't think I would have had the courage to agree to go into that poison joke stuff. Especially a second time. But you do make a cute mare.” She teased. I started to cover my face with my hooves in embarrassment.

“Ah. Not you too.” I groaned.

“Aw but come on, don't you like being a little mare?” I was silent again as I looked away. “Oh! You do don't you?” She continued.

“Jessica please stop it.” I requested still blushing not looking at her.

“But where's the fun in that. I haven't gotten to tease you in years.” She said before taking her hand and began to scratch behind my ears. Okay so who knew that ponies liked being scratched behind the ear like that. Out of some kind of habit, don't ask how because I couldn't. My right hind leg started to kick a little like a dog getting scratched just right. Not going to lie but it did feel good. Sort of like getting that knot out that you didn't realize you had until someone removed it good. She continued to do this. “Surprising some of the tricks you pick up living in the after life with ponies.” She said.

“Wait? So this is what pony heaven looks like then?” I got out between kicks.

“Sort of. This is more like a general heaven. See this is more where everyone goes when they die. Not just on earth and Equestria but everywhere.” She continued giving my ears a good scratching.

“So there's more beings here then just ponies and people?” I said moving my head away from her hand.

“Of course. You can't seriously tell me you think that those two would be the only ones here?” She asked a little statistically.

“Honestly I didn't know what to think. Hell I don't know what to think about any of this.” I said.

“I know it must be hard, to take all that in.” Jessica said and I looked away.

“It is. I feel used like beyond what I had before.” I said quietly.

“Like the universe screwing with you?” She asked.

“Yeah. Wait... how did you?” I asked looking at her a little confused.

“Seriously? Ryhn I know how you think that and you have bashed on the universe quite a few times that all I had to do was remember. But you shouldn't blame something that wasn't at fault. If anything it would be more destiny.” She said before she began to rub my belly. How does she keep doing that? For some reason it felt great to have my belly rubbed. I was like putty in her hands. Then a thought popped into my head.

“Destiny is in play.” I muttered.

“Come again?” She asked stopping the belly rub.

“Destiny is in play. It was something Sha said at the beginning of all this. Back when I was still human. Well human-ish I suppose.” I explained.

“Yeah Sha can be cryptic at times.”

“Wait hold on. Pause, rewind, and stop. What? Sha is up here too?” I said my brain firing back page not found messages at me.

“Yeah. Well not all the time. She goes from dronies minds all the time. But she's a nice dragon... spirit... thing.” She answered.

“So wait. How long did you know about all this?” I asked finally putting two and two together without the outcome being fish.

“Honestly... shortly after you died for a few minutes. After my talked with you, Faust found me and let me in on all of it. If I knew before then I would have told you.” She said before giving me a gentle smile.

I let out a small sigh before looking up at the ceiling. “I don't know why but I shouldn't really be surprised like this should I? I mean since day one I was told I was there by some destiny and to find out now I have to fight this 'Dark One' after already facing Timber wolves, Nightmare moon, my darker side it's all just running on from event to event. So what's one more?” I asked a little sarcastically.

“Ryhn, I know this may look bad.”

“Bad? Not this doesn't look bad. It looks like the same kind of shit I dealt with on earth just on a grander scale.” I interrupted.

“No it's not. Ryhn listen carefully. On earth you didn't have anything to keep yourself together after... after my passing. But on Equestria you have a lavender unicorn that cares for you as much as I did on earth.” She said and held me close.

“Does that mean you don't-” I got out before she put a hand over my muzzle.

“You can be a real silly pony you know that? Of course I still love you Ryhn but it's time to move past me. I will still care for you and love you like I did on earth. But you have another that cares for you as much as I did. I'm sure Twilight loves you and wants to protect you as much as I could when I was alive.” She said and I could help but start to cry a bit. “It's alright. I know you miss me.” She said gently holding my head to her chest. We just sat there as she let me get it all out. I knew why I cried and so did she. With everything I guess I just needed it the most. To find out that this destiny was thrust upon me, it was wrong but with much destinies that it was out of my hooves. I think even Twilight would say the same if she was here. But in a cruel way I was meant to die to do it. Couldn't I have been just asked? I mean it wasn't like I would say no. I would have had a chance to say goodbye to everyone I knew back there. Family and friends most of all. Though I doubt my family would have cared since they did laugh only a few hours after my funeral. So I guess they didn't really care, did they? Once I was able to stop crying I had noticed finally where Jessica had rested my head. I turned bright red and pulled back.

“What's wrong?” She asked at my sudden pull away.

“Nothing's wrong.” I said turning from her to hide my blush.

“Ryhn I know when something's wrong tell me... please.” She said and then turned my face towards her. “Oh... it was that kind of wrong.” I could hear the smirk on her face. “I had almost forgot how shrewish you are with these things. Oh heaven help Twilight trying to get you out of your shell. Even though she has you wrapped around her little finger.”

“Hoof.” I corrected.

“Right... hoof.” She said smiling.

“And you can't blame me. I'm always weak against a pretty girl. Especially one that I respect... and care about.” I said blushing again.

“Your so adorable when you're flustered like that.” She said giving me another hug bringing me to her chest again. Oh dear god she was going to kill me with a blush.

“Jessica. Please stop.” I requested once I was able to get my head free. She smiled and released me a bit. I looked at her for a moment and I felt sad. I know she wanted me to feel better and she knew teasing me got me out of my more depressive moods at times But she was dead and I was alive. I moved so I was sitting next to her again not looking at her, but more out the window that showed the same old yard that I used to have when I lived in this house. Well not this one but the one this one represents. “What's it like?” I asked. She looked at me for a moment before placing a hand on my head.

“It's many things. It can be good, wonderful, heavenly, perverted, and lonely.” She explain that last one very notably sad sounding. “Everyday everyone gets what they want. They get to wrap themselves in little worlds to live the rest of eternity in. Some of them just make it like normal life. Like they never died, some make it a hell they think they deserve. I've seen some go as far as be a complete fantasy land and some well a lot more perverse shall we say. But in the same right some of us up here find it lonely.” She explained in an almost lifeless tone.

“I'm sorry.” I said not looking at her.

“It's not your fault. I understand how it must feel to hear that the heaven we all looked forward too can be just as lonesome was some found it back on earth. But it's not all bad I guess. I get to see everyone again. I talked to some of your family well the nice ones. I get to watch the one I care about anytime I want. So it's not all bad.” She continued. I watched her in silence she eyed me before getting up herself. “I know what your thinking. Look don't worry about it though I know it's a fruitless comment. Your hardwired for worrying right?” She said followed by a small chuckled. I joined in with a light chuckle.

“Yeah, one bad habit I never got over. Especially after all this time.” I said. We continued to chuckle for a bit longer before Jessica sighed.

“There's someone I want you to meet.” She said before turning to the door. “You can come in now.” The person that came in was something I never thought I would see let alone talk to again and I didn't even know where to start. Oh... hell.


When I realized I was back in Equestria and not the after life. The first thing I saw was three ponies looking quite worriedly at me.

“Storm are you alright?” Twilight had asked. I looked at her then at Celestia and Luna then back down. There was an odd feeling for sure but... I just didn't know what it was.

“I don't know. I just don't know.” I said before slowly making my way towards the door. There was a lot to process and I didn't even have a clue or a way to fathom where to begin. Oh right, I had almost forgot. “Celestia. Luna. Your mother wanted me to relay a message. She's proud of what you two have done.” I relayed over the telepathic link. With that I left with Twilight following me. I don't know how or honestly cared but we found ourselves in the dark side city of Canterlot. I didn't have a clue where I was going but again honestly didn't care. My mind was going over everything that had transpired. I talked to Faust, The Faust. Who told me that I was part of this great destiny to fight this “Dark One” on top of that I was killed by a pony that Celestia, and I both thought was dead. To find out he's alive, kicking, and wanted my body. Let's not forget the fact that after all this. I saw the one person I never thought I would talk to again. There was so much to think about that to decide where to begin as was like trying to defuse a nuclear device blindfolded without the training to defuse even a kitchen timer.

“Storm will you please tell me what's wrong.” Twilight asked and I doubt it was for the first time. I stopped and looked at her for a moment. Then I sighed quietly and motioned for a bench near by. She eyed me before nodding. So we sat down in this small little park. Instead of the trees you would normally seen there was large and almost too big mushrooms that illuminated the area around it. Twilight laid down across the bench where I just sat on my hunches at the end as she looked at me. “Alright spill. What's wrong?” She said and I took a few moments to sort of order everything.

“Honestly... It's really hard to... well, understand it all.” I said in an almost detached way. I more felt like I was just somepony seeing this from the outside in.

“Start with what happened when that magic engulfed you?” She suggested. I blinked for a moment with a slight tilt of my head like a stray thought had hit me. That didn't sound too bad of a place to start.

“Well... I ended up back at an old home that I use to live in. Well more a reproduction of it in a way. That's when I saw her again.” I started.




“Yeah, she wanted to greet me. Apparently I had gone to the afterlife in a way.” I continued trying to keep on track.

“What was it like?” She asked and I could already see the quill and notepad fly out of her saddlebags.

“Honestly we didn't leave the room. So I can't say really. But shortly after having a few moments with Jessica. Faust showed up and told me something I wasn't ready for.” I said beginning to rub my right foreleg again. Twilight eyed me for a moment but remained silent. “From day one... I... I've been used.”

“Used? How so?”

“Remember when I explained about Sha before I had crashed into Applejack's farm?”

“Yeah, you said that destiny was in play.” She answered back.

“Exactly. My death on earth was already set up by another pony. All just to try and use me for his own vile plan.” I said as began to have said vile taste in my mouth.

“Care to explain?”

“Twilight I was killed to be brought to Equestria just to have my soul destroyed. All because some sick bastard of a pony wanted my body for his dark twisted soul.” I got out as I tried to bite back the venom in my voice. Oh if I knew where the prick was... well let's just say he wouldn't want to see me right now.

“That's... that's just...” She began almost trying to find the right word for it.

“Vile, horrid, horrible, dreadful, loathsome, sickening?” I offered adjectives that could work.

“Heinous! How can somepony be so horrific?” Twilight said now sitting up looking disgusted by what I had explained so far.

“The same pony that made Vermom, that's been wanting my soul out of my body, that helped cause the whole soul switch with Max, and the very same one that talked to Jessica back on earth. That pony has been behind most of our problems.” I said as my brow furrowed as I tried my best not to become combustible. I didn't think Twilight would like to be roasted by me. But I could turn the little pond I had stared at for the last few minutes into a big thing of steam after boiling it.

“But why?” She asked and I could tell she was getting as angry as I was.

“The same thing a lot of human wanted, longevity. Well from what I have figured.” My teeth at this point started to grind more and more. Just thinking about it but even more for the fact that I was used by two different ponies.

“Do humans try to do the same thing?” Twilight asked.

“Honestly some try some old arcana way of achieving longevity. Some try to use science and some try to use some mythical way which ends up killing innocents because they think it will appease some god enough to give it to them. I'm not one of those people.” I growled out taking a deep breath before letting out a sigh. “But that's not the point. Grimwand wasn't the only pony to use me. Faust used me as well but in the same way saved me from having my soul destroyed. She caused me to appear somewhere else which just so happened to be Sweet Apple Aches.”

“Why did she want you?” She asked still looking angry but that didn't detour her curiosity. I went silent for a few moments and turned to gaze out into thin air. Part of me wanted to tell her right then about having to face the “Dark One” as Faust had told me I had to do. But in the same right that could put more strain on what had happened between us. I mean it wasn't that long ago that Twilight pretended to completely forget about me. I did forgive her for it but I guess part of me still hurt from her actions. I glanced back at her to see her anger had faded and now she wore a look of sorrow. Slowly closing my eyes I took another deep breath.

“I don't want to talk about it right now.” I said knowing I was going to kick myself later for it.

“Storm please tell me.” She said almost getting ready to plead.

“No. Twilight I... I'm just not ready to talk about that. I will tell you this... destiny is involved.” I cryptically said.

“Will you tell me one day?” She asked and I nodded.

“I will but after I had time to let it sink in. I mean I was only told not even an hour ago.” I didn't even look back at Twi when I answered her. My gaze was back into the air not really focused on anything. There was one problem I could account for when it came to telling her I had to face it. She was going to insist in fighting it with me. I knew fighting her on it was useless to a point. Part of me admired her for it in a way. Well beyond what I had already admired for her. A moment passed and I realized how stalker sounding that thought was. The only problem I really had was... if I couldn't protect her. My mind flashed back to the dragon's den during the whole treaty debacle. Twilight got hurt because I couldn't protect her and it cost her almost three weeks in a magical coma.

“Was there more?” Twilight asked and I nodded.

“One last thing really. Remember when I talked about Jessica and vaguely touched upon the whole keeping me from doing something stupid?” I asked.

“You mean when you tried to...” She started.

“Yes. When I tried to kill myself.” I finished.

“Yeah. It was over your friends death right?” I nodded at her question. “What about it?”

“I talked to him.” I said simply.


“I talked to my friend the one that... ended his life.” Silence, nothing but pure silence between us for what I could guess was a few minutes. Maybe ten or so but it was I who talked again. “He did look well for being dead and he did apologize for well doing it.”

“Did he?”

“Know what I almost did? Yeah, I found out it ate at him for the longest time. Jessica being the good soul she is helped him come to terms about it. I seemed those two hit it off well in the afterlife. Well from the way they talked to each other, almost felt like they forgot I was in the room. Which when it comes to me is not really a hard thing. A bit of a wallflower you know?” I said as I tried my best to keep from tearing up. I could feel Twilight's hoof on my shoulder. In a way it felt nice to have her there to hear this. “I just don't know how to really process that. Out of everything to happen that is the one thing just doesn't really settle well.”

“It's understandable. I wouldn't even know where to start with something like that. Honestly I don't think anypony would.” Twilight explained.

“It may just be another thing that I need to sink in. But I think right now I just want to go relax or something.” I offered.

“What would you like to do?” She asked.

“Honestly I don't know. What about you? What would you like to do?” I asked.

“We could go read.” She offered.

“Sounds like fun.” I said sounding a little tired. Not physically but more mentally really. You would be too when you get to see somepony you never thought you would see again because they had killed themselves and even in heaven they beat themselves up for almost causing your death? We left the bench as we walked around town back towards the castle. I looked around quietly never really looking at much that was until I saw a pink mare that was pinker than anything had the right to be in a striped pink and white dress with her wild untamed mane done up in a cotton candy like bun. Oh dear lord that was Pinkie Pie. Next to her in a dark blue tux was Nightling. The two of them were walking into what looked like a restaurant. The name of it alluded me as it looked like the place was closed. I shrugged it off, more for the fact I could ask her later about it. Well if I remembered that is. Come to think about it there was quite a few questions I've had since I got here that I never asked. Like the whole princess thing but after seeing Faust I believe that question became more moot. We got back to the light side of Canterlot and into the archives to read. Twilight found a few books mixing between science, magic theory, and quantum physics. That last one was way out of my league when it came to knowledge. I went for more mythology books that and a bestiary on all of Equestria's creatures. The book itself was well huge. It was so big that if it hit me I was afraid I would be in a coma for months. So I began from the beginning. As I had thought before that a lot of the mythical monsters that was known on earth as fiction was in fact nonfiction here. Hydras, manticore, wendigos, wisps, and so forth were all real. Slightly different from here to there but the main thing was it was almost dead on. Like I said small details where different.

Let's take the wendigos. On earth they were more known as a malevolent, cannibalistic, supernatural beings of great spiritual power, strongly associated with winter, the north, and coldness. As well as famine and starvation. Now on the Equestrian side of all of it was all still much truth. But instead of the cannibalistic they mainly froze ponies to death in solid blocks of ice. They also fed off negative emotions such as anger or selfishness. Much like the hearths warming story. So for the most part it was true as well as griffins. When I asked Twilight about them she explained that griffins besides being the half bird half lion like the book said. They were also stubborn at times and can be well jerkish. Which seemed a little harsh to say about another race. I told her as much and she let me in on the story about Gilda. One of Rainbow Dash's friends from flight school, well technically ex-friend but the point stayed the same. There also seems to be a kingdom of griffins and I had entertained the thought of visiting it. Don't get me wrong, I do love Equestria for everything they had but I guess the thought of visiting somewhere other than home was nice. Hell, I still had the trip to Saddle Arabia that I could do from the whole Shadow Storm incident. Which brought my mind back to the showmare Trixie. I began to wonder more about where she went after the Crystal Empire. With all of it she did seem nice, well nice-ish but why was talking about herself in the third pony perspective?

That's when a purple tail with a streak of pink flashed into my view. I blinked for a moment then looked over to Twilight.

“Ah... yes?” I asked with a small blush as I scratched the back of my head.

“Enjoying la la land there?” She asked.

“Sorry I guess I zoned out.” I replied followed by a small nervous chuckle.

“Well that was obvious. Something I had wondered though.” She said. I closed the book so she had my full audition.


“Well. We never went on a... well date.” She answered and looked away.

“I know and I really want to take you on one. Which was why I was thinking that um well...” I started to stabber. Why did my nervousness have to kick in now? Was it because I never really got to ask a girl out on a date before let alone a mare? No, suck it up. Your Ryhn Firestorm and you will ask Twilight Sparkle on a date. I turned to her before she smirked.

“So how about a date then, hmm?” She asked. Well... shit. I guess my record still stands. I nodded and thought about it.

“Where and when?” I asked. Of course her smirk turned into devious grin. Oh hell, I was not going to like this.

“How about we make this part of that little thing you're going to do for me?” That's when I turned red. I gulped at this, not for just the fact she wanted to have a date with me. Oh I was fine with that. Hell I was ecstatic about that. No the problem was she wanted to have a date with me as a mare. Around other stallions which would mean my already magically warped brain my start looking at stallions that way. I shiver ran down my spine at this. But this was for Twilight so I didn't have any room to say no I suppose. I nodded quietly and rested my head. At that point I began to wonder how doomed I was.

“Majorly doomed.” Shadow decided to add on. Finally deciding to pipe up after all this time.

“Long time no hear.” I thought.

“Yeah, what can I say. I'm the quiet type.”

“Yeah, quiet but deadly.” I quipped back.

“Ah you just hate me because I'm better looking.” He tried to taunt.

“For a voice.” I shot back.

“Hey at least I wasn't going to be a mare.”

“Well not until the poison joke. It does mess with my head. So you never know.” I said now smirking.

“Oh so you like the idea.” Twilight said taking my smirk in the wrong way.

“Twilight can we make sure we get a private table then when we do this. No offense but that whole stallion thing.” I tried to remind.

“Don't worry I have it covered.” She said pulling out what looked like a planner. She flipped it open to show an almost second for second break down of the quote unquote perfect date. I glanced over it then up to her beaming at me. Okay Twilight officially scared me at times. I smiled quietly as I did my best to keep from rolling my eyes at this. I picked up the book and noticed she had a few other date ideas planned. Even one including a double date with... no way! Pinkie and Nightling? When the hell did those two start dating? Wait... was that what I had saw the other day. Hold up this one also had mare me. What the hell? I shot Twilight a look who started to look curious.

“Twilight is there something you want to tell me?” I asked. Now she looked confused.

“What do you mean?” I floated up the second date and third date pages. Which both contained the mare me thing in it.

“That you want me to be a mare for three days probably even more.” I answered. Her eyes went wide before grabbing the book out of my telekinesis.

“Well um... I had those there if the first time I didn't well... talk you into it.” She said with a nervous smile. I sighed quietly before resting my head on the table.

“Which one would you prefer?” I asked turning my head away from her.


“Gender. It's quite obvious that you want me as a mare.” I said as a cold dagger started to pierce me in the chest.

“What? No! I just... well want to experiment is all.” She nervously said. I glanced back at her.

“Experiment?” I deadpanned.

“Well... um. Yeah. It's just well I heard that two mare have well...” I sighed as she tried to explain this.

“Twilight I heard the same thing on earth well... not the whole mare thing but with two females.” I explained.

“How did it turn out?” She asked.

“Differs between couples.” I answered.

“Well then we should.” She began to say.

“Stop.” I simply said and she looked at me.

“Twilight look, I'm willing to entertain the idea of being a mare for you. I just don't want to be one full time.” I said me turning from her.

“I don't want you to be one either. I just want to try something different.” She explained and I looked at her.

“Different? When in fact we haven't don't anything now?” She looked at me trying to get where I was going at with this. “We have kissed, cuddled, and hug. Beyond that we haven't done anything like well date. I'm willing to put aside my whole stallion issue was much as I can give you your perfect date.” I explained looking at her.

“I suppose you're right. I'm being a little selfish with this whole poison joke mare thing ain't I?” She asked and I didn't answer. “That bad?” She asked a moment later again I didn't answer for at least a few minutes.

“It's not. Forget I said anything.” I said getting up and left in silence. The halls of Canterlot castle started to feel colder than it did before as I went back to the room set aside for me. I didn't even say hi to Cotton Candy who was cleaning up the room as I headed straight to the bathroom. I shifted out of the saddlebags and my hoodie as I turned the water on. I had made sure to lock the door this time before hopping in. I couldn't feel the water temperature. Well besides the coldness I felt inside I didn't feel much of anything. I let the water wash over me as I brought over the shampoo. I let the red goo squeeze out as I magically let it work into my coat and wings. In a way I couldn't really smell the familiar strawberry scent that the shampoo would normally would have had. It felt like the world around me was a bit more muted to me. Even the normally bright purples, yellows, and whites of the bathroom seems washed out to me. I continued to work it in as I let the water run.

“Was it just me or was Twilight more into your mare form then your normal one?” Shadow asked.

“Caught that didn't you?” I thought back.

“Well it was quite obvious really. I mean we both saw her planner she planned for you to be a mare through all of it those dates.”

“I know I saw it too. But it's what she wanted.”

“What about what do you want?” He asked.

“When did you start caring about what I wanted mister cause my leg to be destroyed beyond repair?” I shot back.

“Yeah at the time I wanted out of your body. But since I'm stuck I may as well look out for this one. Since you die, I die.” He said.

“Oh and didn't know you cared.” I sarcastically said back.

“I know I'm just that loving of a stallion, jerk.” My internal fight was cut short but the sound of the door to the bathroom opening.

“Storm?” Came the familiar voice of Cadence. I didn't even know she was in Canterlot. Come to think about it I didn't know a lot to begin with.

“Yeah I'm in here sis.” I said letting the water rinse my coat out.

“Oh good. Just the pony I wanted to talk to. Have a minute?” She asked.

“Of course. What do you need?” I asked once my coat was dry.

“It's about Twilight.” Ah, damn it. Why did I have the feeling I wasn't going to like this.

“Is she hurt?” I said popping my head out of the shower to look at her.

“Well not physically. She is pretty torn up about something.” I could see the worry in her face as she said that. I popped my head back into the shower.

“Admittedly I know.” I said letting the water to continue to run on me as I got another thing of goo from the shampoo bottle. Hey who said I couldn't lather, rinse, repeat? I sure as hell plan to.

“Aren't you going to do something about it?” She asked and there was the note of anger with a slight hint of disapproval.

“Well before I answer that. Do you know what's got her upset?” I asked.

“No, but you care for her don't you?” She did have a good question.

“Yes I do. The problem is Cadence.” I had made sure to use her name on this. Normally I would call her sis which I found it adorable to a point to do. “This was between the two of us. I can tell you details but they would be from my point of view so there would be some bias to it.”

“Well please share with the rest of the class.” She shot back.

“You were told about the poison joke incident right?”

“No.” great of all thing this was the one thing Twilight didn't tell anypony about. I knew she does letter to Celestia and no pony tells Cadence? Geez, where's the love at guys?

“Alright well here's the lowdown. Poison joke turns me into a... mare.” I waited about three seconds. Only took one before Cadence started to snort which was followed by laughing. Knew it, outright knew it.

“I bet you looked pretty didn't you?” She mocked. Go ahead make your jokes. I rolled my eyes as she continued to crack jokes.

“Oh ha ha ha Cadence. Look the thing is. It also affects my brain as well. I start thinking about” I gave a shiver both physically and audibly.

“That bad?” She asked still a bit of amusement in her voice.

“Cadence I don't swing that way.” I flatly said.

“Oh... that bad. I see. So what does this have to do with Twilight?” She asked. I stopped for a moment. Should I really tell her why? Well I did start to to explain it but I was about to go into something private between the two of us.

“Promise me one thing before I explain.” I popped my head out to look at her to make sure. “What I'm about to say stays between us. No pony and I do mean No pony ever hears about this. Especially not Twilight since this is between the two of us.” I said my eyes narrowing as I looked at her. She closed the door behind her and I could see the then level of magic surround it.

“You can trust me.” She said. I eyed her for a moment before sighing.

“Well Twilight liked the first time I changed into a mare and talked me into doing it again. Don't Laugh!” I said as I could see the amused grin start to form. “It's just she showed me the whole perfect date planner she had. I decided to look at a few dates later and noticed she had me as a mare in them. Which caused us to go into the whole does she like me the way I am discussion. That's why she's upset and well so am I.” With that said silence filled the bathroom. The only real sound there was the running of the cold water.

“Well that does put into light why she's upset... are you going to change if she asks you to?” Cadence asked and it caught me off guard a little.

“Honestly... I don't know. I don't like the feeling of being a mare. No offense it's just well... scares me is all. When I saw Big Mac I had this feeling towards him. Like well a mare looking at a stallion in well that kind of way. You understand?” I asked trying to keep vague.

“The kind of take him home and romp him kind of way.” Okay that got me to blush.

“Ah, if you mean romp in the way I think your meaning then yes. That thought scared me. Like I wasn't myself. It was terrifying. Just to be yourself but in the say way not. Like I said I am willing to let Twilight have her mare and mare moment but. I just don't know if I could do that all the time for her. I said I would do anything for her but this seems a more above and beyond that. I guess I just feel like I'm letting her down, like I'm not worthy of her affection.” I said as I rubbed the connection plate for my prosthetic hoof.

“Admittedly I wouldn't know how to process that either. Like if Shining would like to be a mare or me a stallion. I mean every pony has there one thing that they want to try but knowing it's out of reach. I guess to have it in hooves reach some ponies may try and get it. To try it and enjoy it. I mean you must have something you want like that?” She asked and I remained silent for a moment.

“Honestly... not like that. I don't like to put much thought into it. Don't get me wrong I do think a little like that but I like to be a bit more reserved about it. More for the fact I don't like talking about it at all.”

“You can't seriously tell me you don't have some kink you like to see. Something between you and Twilight that you want to do or play out.” Cadence said trying to call me out on something that wasn't there.

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!” I more shot back my head flying out of the shower. I was red in the face from a blush. One of embarrassment and anger. I never had used her 'proper' name once. But I didn't even think about it I just yelled it out of anger. She went wide eye from it. “I don't have some kink. Hell I'm not even fucking experience to have one. So why in the blue fuzzy hell would I have one when I haven't even been laid once?!” Oh I was angry at her. Fastest way to piss me off was assume something that I took offense to.

“Wait you're telling me.” She began and my eyes narrowed even more. “Ah, sorry. I guess I understand a bit more. But seriously you've never?” At that my mane lit up. “Okay I get it. Look if I may give some advice.” My eyebrow raised at this but let her continue. “Why don't you two just try it out. If you like it then go with it. If not then don't. You two seem perfect for each other and trust me when I say this. No relationship is perfect and there will always be a bumpy road ahead but you two are level headed. So you will get over it.” She offered. I thought about it for a moment. It had made sense well more then she knew really. I had already know that no relationship was perfect. I have had other girlfriends but well one only lasting about an hour all to be dumped for a bigger... person. Yeah me and relationships was like an idiot with a do not push button. Something was bound to go wrong. In the case of my relationship with Twilight. Lets just say I had better luck playing Russian roulette with a revolver that had only one empty chamber. “If you want I could also give you a few tips.” She said with a knowing smirk as she eyebrows rose for a moment with the word tips.

“Cadence!” I yelled in embarrassment as my mane returned to normal. Dry now but normal.

“Sorry couldn't resist” She said after a bit of laughing before an amused look crossed her face like a foreboding to me idea popped into her head. “You know Storm. That whole date thing doesn't sound like a bad idea.” Ah hell. Why didn't I like where this was going? “Just you and Twilight with Shining and I? Maybe even mess with Shining to have you there as a-” She got out before I cut in.

“No. I'm not going on a double date with you two as a mare. No matter how funny you think it would be.” I shot back.

“But come on. It would be funny.” She mused.

“For you and Twilight. Me, I would be scared out of my wits and I don't think you want me hitting on Shining when I can't help it?” I shot back. Oddly that didn't feel like the strangest thing I've ever said but it's up there at least. Right up there with the whole Multiverse events.

“Well... you would be surprised at what I would be okay with.” Did I just hear out of her mouth what the fuck I think I heard.

“Wait... did you... Are you telling me you've done it in a...” I tried to ask but I just couldn't get the words out of my muzzle. She just smirked and nodded. That lucky fucking stallion. Not only to have royalty but one that is so cool with getting laid to have another mare join in. Shit if some of the people on earth could be that lucky. Reminded me of this old rich guy that had a few ladies, I'm getting off subject. “Can we please change the subject this is just feeling too strange to continue?” I requested and regrettably mental images started to appear. One problem with thinking in pictures at times. It bites you hard when you get just the right amount of info and had a very active imagination.

“Getting a little hot on the hooves there?” She asked with yet another knowing tone.

“Cadence I'm going to nice and give you a warning. Next time you want to joke about something I'm not comfortable with. I will start launching water missiles at you.” I said and for added effect I floated up a good chuck of water and formed them into cartoon looking missiles above the vale on the shower. “I do have pretty good aim by the way.” I said shooting her with a warning glare. She shot me a glare this time.

“You wouldn't dare.” She tried to call me on my bluff. Problem was I wasn't bluffing.

“Cadence, I love you dearly as a sister but you should know. I bluff in card games and fights. But when it comes this. There is no bluffing.” I said as the water floated above her.

“Also remember that I can get poison joke without a moment's thought. I wonder what the guards would think to find their prince suddenly a princess.” She shot back. Okay that was low even for a joke. My glare dropped before pulling back the water. There was silence between us before as I slipped my head back into the shower.

“Please go.” I requested. I think it stuck she went a little too far.

“Storm I'm-” She started.

“Please just go.” I requested again. There was not real strength to my words. If she wanted she could stay. In all honestly I wouldn't be surprised that anypony here could just subdue me and do whatever they want. Hell I don't think anypony would bat an eye at it. The sound of the door shutting told me that she had left as I was left to my own thoughts.

“That was cold.” Shadow said. And to the voice in my head.

“Not helping.” I thought back to him.

“So. Still that was pretty cold of her. “

“Why don't you go find some dark reach of my mind and just bury yourself in it?” I shot back.

“Oh look has a back bone now.” Whap! “Ow! Not cool. Fine I get the message mister brooding pony wants to brood.” Shadow said and I took a few moments to see if he had anything else to say. With the silence that fill the gap. The only audible thing being the shower. I finished up, got dried off, and reinserted my prosthetic that I removed before getting in the shower. I came out to see Cotton Candy still at work cleaning the room. She eyed me quietly as I came out with a towel draped around my neck.

“Hey Cotton Candy?” I said more to get her attention. She of course turned and bowed to me.

“Yes Firestorm?” She asked.

“Could you please get me a big pot of coffee and a mug?” I requested she of course nodded and left. Her tail swooshed back and forth in a teasingly fashion with her maid outfit on. Then I played with the idea of Twilight in that outfit which derailed my thoughts into other things which put me in a worse mood than I was. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me but I think I may have to get another brain scan or something. I sat down at my little table to think. At least I was alone now to think. Thump. Never mind, I couldn't get one moment to think could I? Nope too much to ask for as I could hear the clopping of hooves from the balcony. Princess Luna decided to pay me a visit. She looked around for somepony. Most likely me and when her eyes fell on me she nodded. Then trotted over to me sitting next to me.

“Firestorm may I have a word with you?” She asked. I thought about it for a moment.

“Does this involve in anyway why Twilight is upset and Cadence equally so?” I only asked this because if it was I would warn her not to press the issue.

“No, but pray tell what happened between you three?” She asked. Thank you Equestria and the universe to remind me how much of a grade A idiot I was. Couldn't go one day without opening my muzzle and shoving all four hooves down my throat could I?

“Ever heard the term social landmine?” I asked and she nodded. Oh thank the universe for small wonders. “To put it simply. I'm on one side of the field and they stepped on one of my mines.” I said.

“Is this about the whole poison joke turning you into a mare?” She asked and my mouth gaped. The fuck Luna? Are you trying to get one blown up at well? My head just thumped the table as I sighed.

“Yes.” I got out.

“Don't worry about it. I've seen far worse outcomes than being the opposite gender.” She said trying to put my mind at ease. Oddly the first thought to jump the train was the first vampire pony. Which was followed by Pinkies explaining of what every pony got 'cursed' with from it. “I remember once about a pony that got turned into a toy.” Now I was even more terrified of the stuff. I couldn't hold back the shiver from the comment. The worse part my mind had already started to picture such outcomes with me. Damn you universe for making some sick twisted plant that could do that. “I think I shouldn't have said that.” That cause me to shot her with a 'You think?' look for her comment.

“Before you give me any more scaring mental images. Why did you wanted to speak with me?” I asked trying to derail my mind in a more productive way.

“Ah... right. I wanted to speak with you about what had happened back there.” She started. Oh right, back in the universal heaven.

“Mind if I give you the quick version. Not to be rude but some of what happened I just don't want to think about right now.” I requested. I knew it wasn't going to help but damn it I needed something.

“If you would like.” Thank you, finally a pony that doesn't want to push it with me. I opened my mouth to be interrupted by another thud. This time Celestia decided to enter my room from the balcony. One, why couldn't they just use the door? Two, was the room I'm in a meeting room or something? And, three where the bloody hell was my coffee? I let an annoyed sigh before I motioned for her to join us. She was about to say something but I decided to curve this ahead of time. “If you're about to ask about Twilight and Cadence. Please accept it as them hitting social land mines and leave it at that. And I will explain what had transpired when I was hit by those magical beams.” Celestia eyed me for a moment before she nodded. Thank you for the small miracles. I began to open my mouth before there was a knocking at the door. I blew my little swoop of mane a moment before magically opening the door. To find Cadence, Twilight, and Cotton Candy. The last one with a tray carrying my coffee. With one steaming cup ready to go. Preempting anything I held up a hoof and motioned for them to come in as I floated the cup over to me. They all came over with Cotton Candy sitting the pot down as I pretty much downed the cup, oh that was some good coffee.

“Storm I'm-” Twilight started before I eyed her and she went quiet like she was trying to figure out the right words to say.

“Is this about the whole poison joke?” I asked and she nodded. “Then please hold on to that until I finish explaining. Three alicorns here need to know in a summed up way what happened in there.” I explained. Twilight took a moment to think about it and nodded. “Alright first off.” I began pouring myself another cup of coffee. “As you all can figure out, I did meet Faust herself and she told me some... rather disturbing news.” I began and let it sink in. Cadence was the one that went wide eye before looking at the Celestial sisters. They were focused on me as I took a sip. With that I sit the cup down and just didn't look at any pony. “It's funny really... from the get go. Hell even before I came to Equestria I was played. Some pony had played me for the role of the jester of sorts, to be used in a vile way.” I said and out of my peripheral to my left Twilight looked down. She knew what I was talking about.

“How so?” Celestia asked.

“Let me start with this. Celestia what I am about to say will definitely piss you off. There is no way around that.” I started and she eyed me. “Grimwand is alive.” I watched as the princesses both looked surprised. Luna switching closer to a confused surprise with Celestia more the opposite, a look of shock and anger. Honestly, didn't blame her one bit.

“How is that possible? I dealt with him myself.” Celestia said and I could feel the anger radiating off her. It was possible she was just that angry or the telepathic link had a bit of an empathic link attached. Either way, I knew she was angry.

“I don't have the answer for that. But that does make some of my dreams shine a new light. As for why I have to tell you this was. He planned my death on earth. There was no chance there, all of it was planned out.”

“Why would somepony be so foul?” Luna asked as I could now feel her anger. I turned to Celestia.

“I believe you would best supply that answer.” I said and I believe it clicked. Her eye's widened with a questioning look before I nodded to confirm her suspicions.

“He wanted his body. He wanted to remove his soul so he could transfer his own into his body to live on.” She explained. I saw Cadence pale and Twilight shiver. Luna, well Luna's reaction had a delay on it. A least a good five seconds before it hit her like an avalanche to an egg.

“He WHAT?!” And there goes all the glass in the castle. Even my coffee mug shattered from her overpowered royal Canterlot voice. It took a few minutes to calm down Luna and before all of us could hear again. I continued and explain what happened. No pony had a clue about the Dark One which I found odd since both princesses lost their mother to it. So you would think they would know the most about it. But nope, clueless like the rest of us. Which made this all feel worse to me. Here I am the only pony with any bit of an answer. Talking to at least four ponies that should have a better clue then I should wanting answers from me and I was the idiot. After that I just remained quiet. I didn't have anything else I wanted to tell them. I mean I did relay the important part to them. The rest of it was for me to deal with. Twilight during my period of silence came over and gently nuzzled herself under my wing. I didn't even really notice as I just felt cold inside from all this again. I heard the mutterings of conversations between Celestia and Luna. I couldn't tell if it was in the room or over the telepathic link.

“Storm.” Celestia said and I looked up at her. “I understand this must be overwhelming.” I kept from biting back a sarcastic retort. Part of me was angry at this but most of me was just numbed by the weight on my shoulders. Or would it be back since I'm a pony and all? “What I want you to do is go and relax. With everything that has happened this can't be doing you any good. In the meantime Luna and I will try to find anything pertaining the locations of the rest of the artifacts and this 'Dark One' you were told off.” I looked at her a little surprised. This didn't make sense. Of course the idiot that I was I had to open my mouth about it. I stood up and almost slammed my front hooves on the table.

“You can't be serious! There is some great magical thing coming that I have to fight and you want me to relax? What sense does that make?” I asked with my left eye twitching. Celestia gave me a flat look.

“Because Storm you haven't had much time to relax. A month at most, since then you have had to face Timberwolves, Nightmare Moon, a darker side of yourself taking control, Vermom, nightmare after nightmare, getting you soul ripped out, transferred and had to fight back just to get attacked but those you care about, your own storm, and so much more that just has been one thing after another. The only rest I can think of was the weeks leading up to the treaty incident and the week leading up to hearth's warming. Otherwise you've been hospitalized or put in a self exile.” She said and at this point I was both frustrated and upset. I knew all of this but when the stakes are this high how can I just sit by and relax with something that even their mother had to fight. I landed back on my hunches with my head just hung there. “I understand what you’re getting at but. You won't be able to do anything without time to recoup. Go back to Ponyville and relax. Luna and I will let you know if we find anything.” She offered.

With a sigh I nodded. “Alright, alright. I get it. I'm being stupid again and your right. I should relax a bit before I.” I stopped before saying about me snapping. I had already did that once. That got me to look away from all of them. “Never mind, but your right. Tomorrow we'll return to Ponyville.” I said before walking to the balcony. I stared out into the sky watching the pegasi and clouds in silence. Twilight came back over to me and without a thought wrapped her up in my wing again. She seems to enjoy being within my wing like that. I could hear the sets of hooves come over before I noticed Celestia to the right of me and Luna to the left of Twilight.

“I do not know why mother had chose this of you, but there is a reason.” Celestia said as I watched Luna whisper something into Twilight's ear. She started to grin, but I paid it no mind.

“I... I do thank her for saving me. But... I... I feel cheated in a way. I mean yes I get it. I get to live and do something great. But... the cost seems... steep to me. I lost my life because of some stallion that wanted to use me. I didn't get to have my afterlife with the one person I care about. In a way I wouldn't change that.” I said bringing Twilight closer. “I wonder though. Am I worthy of this second chance? To have precedences for everything from my life on earth? On earth I tried to do the right thing even died to do it, but now... I'm scared. I'm scared of dooming everything because I'm not strong enough to fight this. That I may just chicken out when the chips are down. How... how am I supposed to do this?” I said each word causing me to panic more and more. Just the weight of having to face this thing to save every pony. How do I handle it? Will I handle it?

“Firestorm... Sometimes it doesn't matter about how strong you are, how prepared you are. It matters who you are. You're not the same pony or person you where on earth. You are you and nopony else. I can't say that what will happen won't be dangerous, that it won't push you, but I do know this: You will push back. You have a fire about you, that will guide you, and will protect you from all that gets in your way. You won't face this alone either. You have family and friends that will be there every step of the way. When you fall we will be there to pick you up.” Celestia said before turning to me gently smiling before leaning down and nuzzling me. “Storm, I'm glad to have you as part of our family. You've shown that even for one not from here. There are truly good hearts within every pony, sometimes misguided, but still there.” In a way it did make me feel better. In a way I did worry what Celestia thought about me in the family. To find out that. It made things feel better I suppose. We continued to sit there quietly for a few minutes until one of the maids came to notify that a mister Fancy Pants had arrived to meet with Celestia. So she had to leave and Luna said she still had paper work to finish. Once both sisters left Cadence departed saying something about a night with Shining. So it just left Twilight and I. The two of us just sat there. Me watching the sky with her still wrapped gently in my wing.

“Sorry.” She started and I turned it her. “Sorry about the whole poison joke thing. I went too far with it and should have took your feelings more into account. Also, I should have figured you were not in the best of states after finding out everything.” She began and I gently put a hoof up to her mouth to stop her.

“Twilight please stop.” I requested before pulling the hoof away. “It's fine. I don't blame you and it did help keep my mind off the bigger things that plague it. That and I need to apologize about something as well.” I said shifting a little bit. “I told Cadence about the whole mare thing.” I turned red as I lowered my head in shame.

“It's alright. I... I um... told the girls.” She said with a squeak towards the end. “Well Rarity knew already and well Pinkie is Pinkie. So she already knew.”

“That's true. Let me guess laughs from all of them?” I asked partly curious and partly because I knew how Dash would react.

“Well predictably Rainbow and Pinkie laughed. Rarity thought it a bit romantic that you were willing to entertain the idea for me. Same with Fluttershy after we got her to voice it. Applejack, well she was between a mixture of confusion on why you would put yourself through that and happy that you're willing to do it for me.” She said putting a hoof on her chin in thought. Dash and Pinkie was kind of predictable like that. As well was Rarity. Applejack well didn't she kind of already answered herself when she was happy I was going to do it for Twilight? Fluttershy not surprising needed a little coxing to get her to say something. I sighed quietly.

“I take it they hatched a plan or something?” I asked more for my own sense of paranoia. Okay, since Rainbow Dash's tricking Applejack into launching me into the Everfree I had started to feel better to play it safe and assume at least one of them was plotting something. Which most likely turned out to me bad for me. Well unless they were planning a trip to the spa. Then I was okay with that. If it was anything like the first trip, I was going to seriously enjoy it. Much to Lotus and Aloe's credit. I was the metaphorically putty in their hooves.

“It's hard to tell.” She said as I notice her looking at me for a moment before gazing back at the sky. “I hope not though.”

“I can't be that bad can it?” I asked and then realized what I said. How much you want to bet the universe was going to make me eat those words? You know what? Screw it, seriously what the hell could they do that the universe, fate, and some being beyond the veil hasn't or is going to do? Nothing, and I knew that better than anyone.

“I suppose.” A few seconds of silence before the question I think was eating at her to ask was finally asked. “Storm, are you going to be okay?”

“Twilight, I think that is an answer that needs to wait to be seen. As of right now, I guess I am.” This was the only thing I could answer on this. I was in a sort of state of, well emotional numbness. Like I couldn't be either way. I mean okay I did feel passion and that would count as an emotion so I guess my emotions were just muted a bit. Being besides the point I just wasn't to sure how to feel anymore on all this. Maybe it was just an overload on feeling things that it just put it in the metaphorical safe mode of sorts. “Twilight, what do you think about the spa?” I asked. A little out of nowhere but I guess I needed to change the subject.

“Spa? What like the one in Ponyville or in general?” She asked looking back up at me.

“Both really.”

“Well I do enjoy a trip to the spa. The one here in Canterlot is nice but I guess I would have to say I prefer the one back home more. Aloe and Lotus are rather nice. That and their messages are heavenly.” She said putting her hoof to her chin again to think about it. I slightly cringed at the word heavenly but I don't think she noticed. “Why do you ask?”

“Well... I was thinking about going to the Spa when we get back home and I was wondering if you would like to go with me.” I said running my prosthetic hoof scrap around in a circle on the floor.

“You like the spa?” She asked with a note of disbelief in her voice. Geez thanks there Twi. Make me feel bad for liking the spa why don't you.

“Well... yes. Ever since Rarity and Fluttershy took me there. It felt nice and I've been wanting to go again. Just well... not alone.” I said small embarrassed blush on my cheeks.

“When was this?” She asked. Aw shit, somepony get the gun ready, I'm about to shoot myself in the hoof here.

“Shortly after the whole tug of war incident between you and Rainbow.” I timidly answered. Bang, just right there shot my hoof. Metaphorically of course but still, ouch.

“Oh.” She said and looked down a little ashamed. “Sorry about that again.”

“Twilight it's fine. Look I don't blame either of you on it and what happened has happened. Let's just leave it there.” I said gently nuzzling her to make her feel better.

“Still... I suppose we can go when we go back. Maybe make it something we do regularly?” She offered and I thought about it.

“Sure, that sounds like fun.” I said before an idea popped into my head and I couldn’t help but smile. “Maybe we can get Rarity to make a set of his and her robes for us to go with.” I said in a slight joking way.

“That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean you do need to have some stuff of your own.” She said before leaning against me. “But how about tonight we just stay in and enjoy each others company?” She asked.

“Sure but after one thing.” I said with a smile. Twilight looked up at me a little curiously. “Why don't we go to the library and find a few books we can read together. Maybe a Daring Do?” I offered. Oh the smile on her face was priceless.

Then to see her bounce around much like Pinkie Pie going with “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” It was outright adorkable. Now you would think the rest of the day would have gone by with us just going to the library and picking up a book. Then a small trot back to us laying in bed reading it together. But nope, couldn't happen that way could it? As soon as both Twilight and I stepped outside the door into the hallway. I was abducted by a cyan blur.

“Gotcha!” Dash said as she was taking me somewhere.

“What the? Dash! What the hell are you doing?” I asked as I was trying to get her to let me go. Damn this mare was strong. She was holding me with a bear's grip.

“Oh I'm taking you to have a bath.” She said grinning.

“A bath? I already had one. Dash put me down this instant!” I yelled. She smiled hovering in the air a few seconds after I had yelled that. I looked around and found ourselves in a... well to be honest it looked like a bath house. But more a private one. That's when I noticed we were hovering above a bath with a strange blue tint to it.

“Oh? You want me to put you down?” Oh I could so hear the amusement in her voice. This was not going to... oh hell! It didn't take long to see the oh so familiar and disastrous poison joke flowers floating in the water.

“Don't you dare!” I shot back before her grin widened.

“Don't do what? This?” She said letting me go. Splash! I hit the water in a second when she dropped me into the bath full of poison joke. The bit of a surprising thing was that the bath was a lot deeper than it looked. I slowly came to the surface to see Dash laughing as she rolled on the floor. Then I noticed Applejack looking rather amused as well. My head didn't go past my eyes above the water. I started to growl and I could already tell that I was affected by the poison joke.

“Why?” I asked which got both of them to look over at me. Dash of course took a deep breath before laughing more. Applejack only snorted again before turning to me.

“Because we want to make you all ready for Twi and your date.” Applejack said.

“And I had to be a mare... Why?!” I more yelled.

“Well... you did say you would do it for Twi so we figured why not now?” She asked and I could see that she too was enjoying this.

“Couldn't you just ask before pony napping me from Twilight and dumping into this tub?” I asked as I was getting increasingly more annoyed with the two of them.

“We could. But this was just too funny not to do.” Dash added between laughs. Oh, so she wanted a few laughs. Okay I can play comedy pony too. My horn lit up and the three windows shut tight with the lock flipped. The door behind them clicked as I locked them in here with me. Dash stopped laughing pretty fast after that. Applejack turned to me as slowly came closer to the edge of the tub. A sly amused grin on my face.

“Now don't do anything hasty there partner. Just remember this is for Twi now.” Applejack said trying to find a way out. Just for added measure I put a shield around each window and door.

“Oh I know Applejack.” I said as two tentacles of water started to form behind me. They did forget that water was an element under my control.

“Ah... what are you planning there Storm?” Dash said flying up into the air.

“Oh. Nothing special. Just a little something for me.” I said grinning as I know my eyes went red.

“Now please think this through Storm. We just wanted Twi to have the perfect date.” Applejack said and I could hear the worry in her voice now as six other water tentacles formed from the water in the tub.

“Oh, she will get that date. Don't worry. But something has to happen first.” I said leaning over the side my forelegs crossed as I hung on the side of the tub. I watched as both of them gulped.

“And what would that be?” Both of them said in unison. I couldn't help it I grinned devilishly as each tentacles turned into a serpent.

“A little friendly payback.” I said. That was enough to cause Applejack to try and buck the door down. Sorry there AJ but there is no getting out of this. I sent three of them after Dash. Much to my annoyance she was able to dodge them. Applejack continued to buck over and over again.

“Please Storm reconsider this.” Said orange pony tried to plead out of this.

“What's wrong Applejack? Afraid to be Appletini again?” I asked with my left eyebrow raising as I smirked.

“Yes. I don't like being a little pony like that.” She said as she jumped away avoiding the one I sent after her.

“And I don't like being dropped into a tub of this stuff like that.” I shot back as Dash tried to loop on the inside to avoid more of the serpents of water after her. Of course she was keeping on eye on what was after her and not where she was going. One giant baseball mitt of water later. Dash was soaked and grounded. So I just obtained Rainbow Crash now to get myself an Appletini.

“So not cool.” She huffed. Like she had any room to complain. She just grabbed me and dropped me in here. At least I was nice enough to dry her off before I dropped her. I could sit there and left her soaked.

“Relax Dash. It's only one herbal bath and you're fine. Same for Applejack.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Then why do this?” Applejack said as she dodged more water. At this point I pulled all the water back to me and changed them into one larger dragon of water.

“I think I answered this what, twice now? Because you all dropped me in here without asking me. I won't be so mad about this if one, you asked. And two I didn't find out what I did today.” I said that last part more a growl in my voice. I sighed and pulled all water back into the tub before getting out using my magic to dry myself. I sat down in one of the little plastic like chairs they had sitting there as I looked at myself in the mirror. Both Rainbow and Applejack came up with the latter putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“What happened?” She asked in worry. So I told them about what Grimwand did to me and about that I had some destiny looming over my head again. I just curled up in the chair as I did so just looked at myself. Dash looked surprise and Applejack looked horrified when I told them about my death on earth being planned. I left out Jessica and the rest of what happened. Both because I wasn't ready to really talk about it and I still didn't know how to process that yet. It didn't help that I was once again reminded by my own brain on what is to come. I could feel that icy dagger slowly stabbing into my chest again as I thought about it more. I couldn't help but let my head hang there as I tried to fight back the tears. It all brought me back to the same question on why. Why did it have to be me? I sighed dropping the magic covering the windows and door. I let that sink in as I left. Dash not saying a word but watched me leave. Applejack I think was in a bit of shock from this. Yeah honestly sometimes bites when it comes to horrid things like that. I made my way back to the room to find both Rarity and Fluttershy waiting. With a pony mannequin with a long sleeved black dress on it. I eyed it for a bit before sighing walking past them towards the bathroom. Which that was short lived as I felt my tail being pulled sliding me back over to Rarity.

“And where do you think your going miss?” the alabaster white unicorn giving me a small jab with the miss comment. Technically I didn't say anything about not calling me miss. But still if I didn't like mister and prince. Why would you call me miss? Wait... oh please don't tell me some pony is going to call me princess before the night is through. Of course with a question like that I could have replied with the first thing to come to mind which involved an arrow and my head. But that would come across a little more bitter than I wanted to.

“To the bathroom before this night gets any more hellish than it has.” I said. Rarity eyed me for a moment which at this point my mood towards a few specific ponies was quite in the negative. Dash's dropping me in the bath of poison joke and Applejack helping was two points of that. Now Rarity here didn't add to that. Her and I have not been on the best terms. Through the incidents of her using me, hushing me, and now shoving a date down my throat. Well I was admittedly angry with her. Fluttershy most likely from my guess was just roped into this. I just hope Twilight is fine with this. Because me, yeah not fine with this at all.

“Well darling a lady mustn't have such an unladylike demeanor to such things.” She said in a very upstart tone that just added to my already soured mood. I stop for a moment, took a deep breath and asked Fluttershy to step outside for a moment. She of course nodded and left with a notable worried look on her. That was also followed my floating Rarity into the bathroom with my mane on fire.

“You want to talk about unladylike demeanor? Fine lets. Because one, I'm not normally a mare. Two, I am quite angry now. Let's not forget about three because I was just pony napped and dumped into a tub full of poison joke. The stuff that I personally hate because it affects my brain. Which we've learned is not in the best shape. Then let's add on the fact that I found that I died because some pony planned my death just to kill me again. I think I have the right to be in a very sour mood. But wait, there's more. Order now and you get a destiny looming over your head to means from the very get go I was used for free. So tell me. Bucking tell me that I don't have a reason to have a very unladylike demeanor about me?!” I was yelling towards the end of that with my mane a bright white flame. I was sheathing in pure anger as my left eye started to twitch. Silence took the bathroom in spades. The only real sound was the crackling of flames that my mane produced. I didn't have to worry about burning Rarity. Twilight figured that out during one of my nightmares when one of my mane's flames flickered over her hoof. She told me it felt warm but not hot like fire. So she was safe I took a few deep breaths to calm down as I looked at myself in the mirror. Thank you every pony make me feel oh so better.

“Storm...” Rarity started once my mane finally cooled off. “I didn't know. I apologize for my behavior. If I knew then I wouldn't-” She started before I held up a hoof.

“No Rarity. I should be the one to apologize. I'm just a little emotionally unstable at the moment. From what happened and the poison joke. For Celestia's sake it's just down right annoying at times. But I know you're all doing this for Twilight and I should be happy that you're all thinking about her. So I can go ahead and let you... come to think about it. What were you planning to do?” I asked looking at her.

“Well, get you presentable for the date. One must be fashionable for such an event.” She said smiling before I got dragged out of the bathroom. Then forcefully dressed in the black long sleeve dress. The part I didn't like the most about all this was the earring. Not to say they didn't go with the outfit. I just wasn't a fan of wearing them. Rarity was nice enough to get the clip on ones so I wouldn't bleed on the dress. “Marvelous darling. I'm sure every stallion won't be able to keep their eyes off you.” I shuttered at the thought of that. “Right. Heh heh. Sorry.” She nervously laughed. “I'm sure Twilight won't be able to keep her eyes off you either.” added after a moment. This got me to blush. “Now what to do with that mane of yours.” She said before producing a frightening amount of brushes, combs, and other mane related objects. Something I should note that when my mane comes out of being on fire. Some of the more tucked away parts of it becomes a tangled mess. But no pony sees it so I don't worry about it. That and a good shower and I can straighten it with no problem. But coming straight into it. Yeah Rarity had a hard time fighting with it. Me on the other hoof felt like somepony was trying to rip each and every hair out. There is quite a few times that I keep telling myself this was for Twilight and I can handle the pain for her. It wasn't long when Fluttershy came back in to help. My tail was another story compared to my mane. That one combed out nicely almost too easy if I had to suspect.

“So can somepony please explain the details of this date?” I asked more because I was out right clueless. I only had a chance to glance at the perfect date she had written so I was left in the dark. The only thing I knew was it was Twi and I going out on a date with me being a mare. That thought alone made me rub the bridge of my muzzle. Come to think of it, would it be the same since I'm a pony? I mean I use to rub the bridge of my nose as a human but would it be the same as a pony? Wait... damn it. I need to keep focus. Ugh, why do I always do this? I can't seem to focus on the right things when I have too much to process.

“Well darling we are to get you prepared while Twilight is getting ready in her old study. When your done your suppose to meet her there before heading out on the double date.” Rarity answered as she continued to fluff my mane as she put it when I asked her.

“Wait. Double Date?!” I asked well more exclaimed really. Why does no pony ever tell me things. Wait right... had to ask for that detail. Yup, total idiot. With a sigh I let her continue.

“Yes a double date. I don't quite know who but I was told it wasn't a big deal. Twilight will go over the details with you when you see her.” Rarity said as she finished my mane and turned me to the large full body mirror in the room. My mane was well so big that it hid my little numb of a horn. That was another thing I wasn't too happy about with poison joke. Maybe it was my own, well stallion-ness for lack of a better term or the more male side having problems with my horn being small. But I do have to say my mane reminded me of a model's mane er... hair from earth. Sometimes I cursed my luck with different lexicons. But with that done Rarity help me slide into the dress she set out for me. I have to admit that I did look rather cute in the outfit. I mean the long black dress flowed over my body like a fine river of black silk. She even had it so my prosthetic leg was covered by the long but nicely done sleeves. Honestly if I didn't hear the little clank from my hoof steps and knew it was there. No pony could really tell I wasn't a complete pony. An odd thought came to me when I looked at the orange of my coat with the black fabric. These where Halloween colors in a way. I wasn't one for the spooky well when it come to my choice of outfits really but this will do. It was for Twilight after all. Honestly I think that was the only fact that made me go along with this. Otherwise I think I would be a little more irate then I was with Rarity earlier. Which in a way I felt bad for which was followed me thinking back to the tub again. My emotions just within that short time have been a little unstable to say the least. I just hope I could rain my emotions in for this date. Oh for Celestia's sake please tell me I can at least do that much. “Something wrong?” Rarity asked knocking once again out of my internal thoughts.

“Just... thinking is all.” I said as Rarity started to pull out the jewelery. I gulped looking at all the earrings she pulled out. All nice and sharp looking ones. I hopped off the cushion and began to slowly back away from the alabaster white unicorn with stars in her eyes. The worse part was that starry eyed look she got like she just board the S.S. Daydream to La La land. My ears were flat against my head both because now I was scared out of my mind of the mare and to sort of protect them from her piercing my ears.

“What's wrong darling? It's only jewelery. They don't bite.” She said and I gulped. Biting wasn't the problem. The stabbing was.

“Rarity please put the jewelry down.” I said as my but was not against the wall. Bad think about backing up no rear view mirror to tell me what's behind me.

“But it's only earrings and necklaces.” She said grinning now.

“Rarity what kind of earrings?” I asked.

“Fine looking ones that go with your eyes and dress.” She answered.

“Yeah but don't they need to.” I gulped before I finished. “be pierced in?” I said as sweat was starting to form on my face.

“What?” She said stopping her advancements looking puzzled. Then looked back at the floating earrings in her magic. “Oh! Is that what you're worried about? Darling I would never pierce your ears without your permission. These are clip on earring. Firm enough to stay on but gentle to the ears.” She said before I let out a sigh of relief and went back to the pillow. Rarity following closely behind. Fluttershy was already going through a collection Rarity had setting out. Like she was picking out for herself. Miss element of generosity was busy floating earrings up to my ears before moving them away for another set. until she stopped at a simple set of amethyst earrings in the shape of little stars. With a smile dancing on her muzzle she clipped them onto my ears before doing much the same as she had before with the necklaces.

“Rarity.” Fluttershy said before gently biting down on a nice matching amethyst necklace with a diamond shape jewel as the center part of it in a nice sliver chain to it. Rarity smiled with a nod.

“Lovely choice there Fluttershy.” She said as said mare blushed a bit with a timid smile. I watched this for a moment as something seemed a little off with Fluttershy but I couldn't put my hoof on it. Maybe it was I never spent much time with the buttercup yellow mare or just because of the poison joke messing with my head. But once I was dressed up in an outfit that honestly would have to say looked amazing on me. Rarity shoved me out of my room using her horn to prod me like I was some kind of cattle. I stopped for a moment at that thought before shaking off. “She's in her old room. Make sure to knock with a lady like grace.” She said before shutting the door. Looking out right confused at the door where the mare's head was a few moments ago. I made my way up the stairs to Twilight's old room before she went to Ponyville. It did make me wonder if Celestia knew what Twilight was destined to be and that was the reason she sent her there. I guess that question was moot because what was done was done. Finally reaching the large red doors to the room I could hear the sounds of two mares talking.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” The sound of Twilight said and I could hear the worry in her voice.

“Twilight you worry too much. This is Storm we are talking about. I'm sure everything will be fine.” The oh so familiar sounds of Cadence's voice was easily heard behind the door. I let out a sigh and steeled my nerves. I reached up with my prosthetic hoof. Alright Storm just go ahead and knock saying that you're here.

“I know but this is our first date. What if something goes wrong? What if somepony tries to hit on me and he has to protect me. Turning the whole first date into a complete disaster that he will never want to go on another date with me. Which causes a tension between the two of us that will cause us to break up because we don't quite feel the same for each other? What if he likes being a mare so much that he starts to date a stallion behind my back because he likes it so much and prefers to rut him, having his kid leaving me in the dust and-” She got out in a panic tone before it became muffled like some pony shoved her hoof into her mouth. Dear goddess Celestia what the hell was that? Was Twilight that paranoid? It's not like any of that would happen.

“Twilight relax. None of that is going to happen.” Cadence reassured her. Thank you sis you can talk some sense into her. “Storm isn't going to do anything to hurt you and you know it. Just remember breathe and relax.” She said before I could hear her take a deep breath which was followed by the sound of Twilight doing much of the same.

“Thank you Cadence. Your right. I'm just a little nervous about this date.” She said and it was time to get this show on the roll as they say. I gave the door three solid knocks.

“AH!” Twilight screamed a little in surprise. “Um, who is it?” She asked a little nervously.

“It's me Twilight. May I come in?” I asked a little nervous myself. I mean after Twilight's outburst like that she got me going into red alert.

“Of course.” She said before at least a five second pause. A very notable pause mind you. I gulped quietly before slowly pushing the door there and seeing the dress Twilight was in. There was only one word I could mouth as I saw her standing in the middle of the room as Cadence helped her put some jewelry on.


-End of Chapter-

Chapter 22 - Date or Disaster

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Sometimes the universe likes to throw every pony a curve ball and I was staring straight at mine. Because before me was Twilight Sparkle, my marefriend in one of the most gorgeous dresses, I've ever seen on her, and I didn't count Chrysalis in Twilight's form, that wasn't Twilight. The dress though on that one was nice, this one seem to fit the lavender unicorn better in my opinion. The unicorn was in a five tone dress with a high neck in a dark purple with a slightly darker shade of lavender then her coat edging. Under that had a pale moonlight blue sleeves that ran down her forelegs and ended in a V shape with a violet under sleeve that stopped about an inch further. The pale moonlight blue part of the dress also went back towards her flanks which became covered by a night time purple to light purple drape that went down behind her covering her tail. The fabric itself also had little stars in it. Her mane was much the same but a few ended in little swirls and in her mane was a golden star with an amethyst gem within it right by her left ear. In her ears where little golden star earrings. Probably clip on one like the one Rarity put on me. Cadence was there helping with the jewelry. That's when I noticed said alicorn of love was in a dress as well.

My sister Cadence was in a light lavender dress that draped down her back covering her tail around the bit that spread lightly onto the floor and up was a white powder like design. Almost like snow blowing in a breeze. The dress had a low line that only was maybe a few inches above the forelegs with an orange band going around the top of it and around forelegs as well as wings. From there there was a lightly tinted see through extension that went up the neck another few inches accompanied by another orange band. The same see through fabric went down both forelegs making it short sleeved. On her hooves were horseshoes that were fairly thin with a front that made a little heart and a small tear drop to the left and right of the point at the bottom of the heart. Her mane was down up that the three colors of her mane swirled around much like one of the traditional ice cream swirls cones as it went back stopping right before it got halfway down the back of her neck. In her mane she had a burning gold tiara with a crystal heart in the center of it. The heart was twice as big as the band on the tiara which was maybe an inch to an inch and a half in thickness.

I couldn't help but look back at my dress and feel a little under wowed. Not to say Rarity's work was bad but I just felt well underneath them in sense of design. I mean I was here in a simple black long sleeve dress that only went halfway down my tail in the back and here they are in masterpieces. It was like comparing a child's drawing to the Mona Lisa. Twilight smiled gently looking at me which got me to blush a bit coming in.

“I see the girls got to you.” Twilight said with an embarrassed blush. I nodded having the same blush as my own but for a different reason.

“Yeah. I'm guessing this was their plan and not yours?” I asked more for reassuring myself.

“Of course, I told you I wanted to spend the night with you and just read. But the girls got it in their head that a date would be better after the whole destiny thing.” Twilight said before she came over to me. “I think Rarity just wanted to jump the gun. I'm not going to lie I think this is a better idea after everything.” She said before gently nuzzling me.

“I have to admit that as well. The idea of us going on a date far out ways the idea of dwelling on other things.” I said. That's when it clicked with Cadence dressed up. “Wait... who is this double date with?” I already had a good idea from the visual cues here, but being sure can't hurt... right?

“With Shining Armor and myself.” Cadence said and that's when my mood was killed, yet again. I let out an annoyed groan.

“Serious can no pony remember from less than a day ago?” I asked shooting an annoyed glare at my sister.

“Um... about what?” Twilight asked, followed by my face hoof.

“About the whole stallion issue I have. Need I remind you about the whole Big Mac incident that I want to avoid?” That got Twilight's ears go to back against her head.

“Storm does make a point. Undoubtedly would be weird if my colt friend hits on my brother.” She said with a shiver. I joined in on the shiver just thinking about that creeps me the the hell out. Right about then said pony decided to show up.

“Hello girls” Shining said coming in. I instinctively ducked behind Twilight. Oh please for the love of all things holy don't make this any weirder than it is already.

“Hello Shining.” Twilight said coming over to her brother. Which caused me to duck behind Cadence this time. I watched the two of them gently hug as I noticed him in something other than his normal guard attire that I have seen him in. Well it was that or nothing at all. This night he was wearing a tux. Well the pony equivalent to a tux. Which honestly with his normal white coat made him look like a penguin really. Well in the back tux. Pinned to the front of it was a nice blue flower and something I didn't quite expect. Well honestly I didn't expect this whole date so soon but none the less right under the pocket with the white handkerchief was a patch like shield with a bright star burst in it. I rolled my eyes lightly at this behind Cadence mainly so Shining wouldn't see me.

“Hey Twily. You girls ready to go?” He asked.

“Yup. Just waiting on you.” Twilight said with a big grin on her face. Shining didn't have one on his. He was more confused as he looked around like he was looking from somepony.

“Well we can go as soon as Storm gets here. Where is he by the way?” Shining asked. Great nopony told him about what they did to me, Geez thanks girls.

“Oh she's here.” Twilight said putting a little more emphasis on she then needed. Shining looked even more confused. What didn't help was Cadence moving away, leaving me in plain sight. I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment as his eyes darted right at me.

“Oh. Who is this mare? Wait is this going to be a triple date?” He asked and the level of cluelessness coming off his was just astounding.

“No Shining. She's my date.” Twilight said as Cadence tried to stifle her laugh.

“Wait, are you telling me that this mare is Storm?!” he said, well more exclaimed as he looked at me with a new level of disbelief. I slowly raised up my right hoof and waved with my prosthetic fingers at him.

“Uh, hi Shining.” I nervously said and counted to three in my head. It took only two before he tried to stifle a laugh of his own. I lowered my head in shame as the blush magnified several times over as he continued to laugh. Twilight watching all this, smacks her brother with a telekinetic slap to the back of his head.

“Hey Twily! What was that for?” Shining asked like it wasn't obvious why. I sighed and just remained silent. At this point I needed to remain calm. Embarrassed I can deal with but if I were to lose my temper right now. One it would mess up the date, two I would have Rarity to deal with messing up my mane for said date, and three I probably would have my flank chucked in jail. I took some deep breaths to keep calm as Twilight got in her brother's face.

“Can't you see how embarrassed you're making him feel?” She asked glaring at Shining. Who in turns looks at me and frowns lightly.

“Damn man, I didn't realize how embarrassed you were. Sorry.” He apologized.

“Shining it's fine. I shouldn't be surprised really that ponies find me being a mare funny. But I guess we're getting off topic. Where are we heading to tonight?” I asked more to derail the depressive note I hit when I said funny. Twilight eyed me for a moment in silence before pulling out a little sheet of paper from nowhere.

“The reservation is to la pomme d'or“ Twilight said. Wait, why did that sound familiar?

“Wait doesn't that translate into The Golden Apple?“ I asked. Twilight turned right at me with a look of pure disbelief.

“I didn't know you knew Prench?” She asked.

“A few words here and there. Nothing really substantial” I explained. Which was true, I could pick up a few words in another language. Sometimes a line or two but nothing really that could hold water if I ever traveled there. Wait... they had a version of french here? Why did it take me that long to realize that? Oh poison joke why do I hate thee so much? “So if I may ask. Why there?” I just had to ask really. Curiosity was another thing that like to bite me, just like my bad luck.

“Rarity recommended it to me as an ideal dating spot when we talked.” Twilight answered.

“And Shining and I have been there before. So we can vouch for it.” Cadence chimed in. I looked at her and Shining as they leaned into each other like they were remembering an almost perfect moment. I say almost because I had learned that nothing is perfect, not by a long shot. But finally we were off to the restaurant. La pomme d'or honestly didn't look too bad, for a fancy eatery. The front had a very artistic golden apple on the sign with the places name done in a very cursive looking font. The inside reminded me much of France on earth. The backdrop on the walls looked like a star filled sky against a well to be honest France landscape. The tables where all wooded with a velvet red table cloth over them. The middle of each one housed a little red candle holder with a flickering red flame in them. Not as red as my fire but close enough. There were also mediums between some of the tables to give a level of privacy to some of the patrons of the restaurant. We were directed to our seats which was a table with a curtain close to it to be more private compared to the other tables. There was only one medium blocking our view from the rest of the restaurant. My gaze went around the place for a few more minutes until the clearing of a throat caused me to turn back to the table.

“Hello, I will be your waiter for this evening. My name sir and madams is Silver.” Said the light gray coated unicorn stallion with a short parted down the middle black mane. He wore a black vest with a white undershirt. He floated each of us a menu and as I expected the names of the items were all in french or prench as Twilight had stated earlier. I was about to order one of the few things I could read on the menu but Twilight decided for me, much to my irritation that I would have the Tournesol et salade de tomates avec vinaigrette. Which all but one word I could translate into 'and tomato salad with dressing' That first word honestly I couldn't tell what it was. With that Silver took our orders and went into the back.

“So Storm I've got to ask. Why are you a mare?” Shining asked. Here we go, I knew this question was going to come up.

“Do you mean right now why or why did it happen in the first place?” I asked to clarify.

“Well both really.”

“Well the first time was because of Dash and Applejack. But mainly Dash.” I sat there and explained how she tricked Applejack into launching me into the Everfree. Which lead me landing into a batch of poison joke. I had made sure to glaze over the events that followed much like the whole Twilight and I in the tub part. The soft blush on Twilight's and the radiant blush on mine pretty much told them some things where a need to know bases. Which neither one of them needed to know. I continued to explain that the girls wanted to help Twilight have the perfect night, I had also kept out the part of getting Dash with the poison joke bath water. I wonder if she ever got the herbs to fix that. Never mind, it wasn't important. Twilight having the perfect date was the big important part here. “Pretty much that's why.” I finished.

“Wow. Honestly you have more guts than I do.” He said and even Cadence eyed him for that.

“So you're saying if your mare wanted you to do this. You would chicken out?” I said it to jab him for laughing earlier.

“No it's just. Ah you're right. I probably would.” Shining said a little embarrassed himself.

“Shining it's alright. I'm sure Cadence wouldn't want something like that.” I offered. Cadence on the other hoof had that look about her. Every pony knows that look that one where you can see the devilish gears are turning. I think I just screwed Shining Armor in the more literal sense.

“So Shining hows things been going in the Crystal Empire?” Twilight asked which launched the stallion into a full blown talk about how he's been training the Crystal Ponies to be guards and so forth. He did say that some of them had old training from Sombra but that was more to be brutal. So it took them time to break that old habit and learn the newer ones. I could understand that really, I faced against part of him so I can understand not having any of his teaching around. The two of them talked as I just sat there and listened. Well sort of really, I had started to zone in and out of the conversation.

The siblings started to catch up on other things before the food showed up. I looked over my salad. As much it was what one would expect from a salad. Lettuce, light cheese, tomatoes, little croutons, and cucumbers. The only thing that was different was the little bits of yellow with in it. Something about it seemed familiar but at the time I didn't quite want to put the brain power into to remembering where I had seen it from. So I floated the fork in and pulled out my first bite in silence. I glanced to see Twilight looking at me out of the corner of her eye with a smile on her muzzle. I guess she was having a good time, at least that's good. She went back to looking and talking to her brother. Cadence just smiling looking between them.

I however, got to wondering about everything again. I thought back to Celestia going into my mind. About Sha saying the Faust had nothing to do with this, when in fact she was at the core of it with Grimwand. I still couldn't get over that fact that he planned my death like that. How did he even do that of all things. My brain started to wrap around it more and more. Since the same time game up each time over and over. Then he would be able to figure out the best place for it all. How did he even do all that? Was it just him casting magic on my soul. How does that work anyway? Arg! Why do I have to get all the complicated crap to happen to me? I mean I get it, I'm just a bigger piece of much larger game. But seriously why the fuck is it me of all ponies. What about these Artifacts of Harmony? I mean I have acquired the mask, ring, and torch. But where the hell would I begin to find the others?

“Something wrong?” I heard Cadence ask. I looked up to see her looking worried at me as both Twilight and Shining continued to talk.

“Just thinking really.” I said over the telepathic link.

“I can figure that much. What's got you all upset?”

“Just... honestly I'm worried about all this. Not the date mind you. Just what I found out today.” I explained as I took another bite of the salad. Oddly enough the little bits of yellow in my salad had a nice heat to them. I was going to have to ask what they where if I remembered. “I just feel too small for something that big. What if I screw up? I could doom everypony. How am I supposed to go around with that weight on my shoulders?”

“Sometimes destiny is a funny thing like that.” She explained.

“What do you mean?”

“Well no pony knows when destiny calls of them. I never knew that I was going to become the alicorn of love but here I am now.” She explained.

“Wait... you weren't always an alicorn?”

“No. I started off as a pegasus much like you would have from what I've been told. Well the drony equivalent if I'm right. A dregasus right?”

“Yeah, you can tell from my wings. The scales at the top are the dead give away that my body was one before it became a dralicorn. If I was of the earth drony I would have little claws on my hooves and as for a dracorn my horn would be scaled as well as claw markings on my face two on each side.” I explained.

“I see. Have you tried flying yet?”

“No. Honestly my fear of heights keeps getting in the way. I have tried gliding from the second story. It did feel nice having the wind in my wings.” I replied back a small smile crossed my muzzle. Just remembering that feeling again. The gentle breeze going through my feathers and over my scaled tipped wings. A small blush followed thinking of Twilight holding on to me as we flew.

“Oh is some pony thinking of their special some pony?” Cadence purred a bit over the link.

“Yeah. Just remember when Twilight rode on my back as we glided to the castle. The landing not so much but just that moment between the two of us. It was like when Twilight and I first danced.” I explained.

“Oh I never heard about that. I was told you two danced but Twilight never really explained how it happened.”

“Well... it all really started because of a kiss.”I began

“When was this?” She asked and I could sense the confusion in all this.

“Shortly after I was stabbed by a sword and the girls pulled me out of my coma.” Cadence couldn't hold the surprise back from my comment. This got both Shining and Twilight to notice.

“What's wrong dear?” Shining asked.

“Ah, it's nothing important. Just something Storm told me.” She explained which got both of them to turn to me. Damn it Cadence, you really had to drop the blame on me? Granted it was my fault for opening my big stupid mental mouth but still.

“What did you say?” Twilight asked this time.

“I told her about my coma.”

“Which one?” What? Oh right. I've been out quite a few times during my stay.

“The one where you and the girls had to pull me out of it.” I said gently tapping my hooves together nervously.

“Can somepony please explain what's going on?” Shining said not a little annoyed.

“About two weeks into my arrival to Equestria. I was stabbed with a sword, at the time I didn't know how lucky I was. It nicked my heart and went right through my left lung. The doctors were able to pull out the sword and fix it. Thank Celestia for magic right?” I explained.

“How did you end up getting stabbed?”

“Well, at the time I thought it was an ex-marefriend that I knew from earth. It wasn't until later I found out it was Vermom who was posing as her just to get me to lower my guard. And lower it I did. She took the time to use the very same sword Nightmare Moon used to escape the moon. The shock of seeing the fake Jessica and being stabbed put me into a coma of sorts. My mind was pretty much trapped. Twilight and the girls went into my mind from use of the memory spell and pulled me out. After facing Shadow Storm who at the time didn't escape.” I summed up. There was so much more to the story and I knew I couldn't do it justice. Party because I didn't know about it at the time.

“Wait so Twilight's been going into your mind? How often has this happened?” Shining asked and I could note the tone of anger coming from him.

“Ah Shining it's not what you think.” Twilight tried to defend as I saw her ears flattened back.

“Oh? Then what was it?” He asked.

“My mind works differently than a pony's does. She was doing a simple memory recovering spell. Which to my mind caused her to go into a pseudo-virtual representation of it.” I explained.

“Virtual?” Both Shining and Cadence inquired this time.

“Alright let me explain it this way. Think of it as sort of an illusion spell. Normally you would interact with things like you would in the real world. Say for instance Twilight makes this tablecloth look like a golden one with use of such a spell. Now you can pick up the cloth, feel the cloth, and so forth. It looks and feels like it's golden to you. But in fact it's just a velvet red table cloth. Virtual in context of my mind is like say you're laying down in your bed. Then suddenly to you. You wake up in a deep forest. You can interact with everything around you and it feels so real. But in fact it's all in your head. Much like a dream of sorts. My mind does about the same with this memory spell. It could be from the fact that I was once human or my drony tendencies. So it acts like a dream I can control. But I can't enter it unless some pony goes with me. Twilight has entered my mind I believe four times. The first one when we found out about the spell. Then saving me from a coma, during the whole changeling paralyzing me, and finally when you all entered to help me with Sha.” I explained as I gave him a curious look.

“Oh, well I thought Twily here was mind syncing.” Shining began to explain. I noticed Twilight going red as he said that.

“Um... not to sound stupid but I need to. What's mind syncing?” I asked a small blush on my face. How much you want to be this was common knowledge and I was just an idiot for not knowing.

“Twily, do you want to fuel this one?” Shining asked offering to his sister.

“It's part of the unicorn marriage ritual. Couples do it when they officially get married. One unicorn pushes their magic into another and vise versa. It's suppose to show unity in a way. But it also combines in a way both ponies magic pulls.” Twilight started to explain.

“So... It's sort of like one pony is the fuel and the other the fire?” I tried to understand.

“Depending really on the ponies magic pools. Like take Cadence's and I's magic pools before our marriage our pools were pretty good. Well I can say at least mine. I couldn't tell Cadence's at the time being an alicorn and all. No offense dear.” He said.

“Shining, don't worry. I already know what you're getting at.” She said before turning to me. “An alicorn's magic pool is also different between alicorns. Mine is fairly small compared to Celestia and Luna's. Between us, I would have the bigger one all things considered.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked. I wasn't angry more curious really.

“Well alicorn wise your pool is that closer to a normal unicorn. Not as big as Twilight's mind you. That's what I can sense on the surface. As a dralicorn I can't say you're not hiding an underlying magic pool.”

“Hold on, are you saying that I could have more magic than what's on the surface?” Okay this was getting confusing.

“Well I can't say for sure. Both Aunt Celestia and Luna could tell you for sure. But like we were saying before our marriage our pools were just a stand alone pool. But once we married and joined our magic pools. Well there was a spark sort of speak. Shining's pool increase which would be more adding fuel to the fire. Mine well hard to say really, it felt different but it also felt the same. It could be since I'm an alicorn the effects are different in perception compared to say two normal unicorns doing it.” She said before taking another bite.

“Then how does the combine pools work? Does that mean if he uses up all his magic he starts to use yours?” I asked before I had finished my salad.

“Well no, what happens is that he had absorbed a bit of my magic like I absorbed a bit of his.”

“What?” It's official I am royally confused.

“What's not to get?” Twilight asked.

“It's just a little confusing for me. I mean I'm really just starting to learn magic. I get the fundamentals of it. But all the special causes and effects are still a little gray for me. It's like starting a new dungeons and dragons character for the first time.” I explained.

“Dungeons and dragons?” Shining asked.

“Right... earth thing. Hmm... how to explain this.” I snapped my hoof. “I got it. Think of it like a board game of sorts. In this game you make your own characters base of a set of rolls and following a set of rules.” I started to explain.

“Wait, does this have classes and races. Like paladins and wizards?” Shining asked.

“Yeah it has.” I nodded to this. So they did have something like that.

“Then we do have something like that. It's called Oubliettes and Ogres.” Shining explained.

“Oh Celestia, not this again.” Cadence said rolling her eyes.

“What?” Both Shining and I asked at the same time.

“You boys.” Cadence said then noticed my deadpanned look. “Don't give me that look. Under that body you're still a stallion.”

“Doesn't change the fact that currently I am a mare.” I shot back.

“Oh I know.” She said with a smirk. Oh why did that smirk not bode well for me? Of course before I could say anything I felt this heat within me. I couldn't really tell what it was. But I could tell this, Cadence's horn was glowing and I felt funny. They had to be connected. I turned and looked at Twilight who looked a little confused. I felt that heat grow a little hotter and without my mind telling my body to do otherwise. I leaned over and gave Twilight a deep and I mean deep passionate kiss. This got her to turn red as a tomato as I figured I was there as soon as I felt that heat. As soon as it was over I felt that heat leave me as I breathed deeply from that. Ever heard the saying she took my breath away. Well I just had a literal case of it and I think Cadence instigated it.

“What... what was that for?” Twilight asked as she tried to catch her breath as well.

“I... I don't know. I couldn't help myself.” I said as I felt embarrassed now. I was so tempted to run out of the restaurant because of it. Course that would prove how much of a coward I could be. I couldn't look at Twilight at the moment and dropped my gaze to the table. I had to ask over the link. “Cadence please tell me you didn't do this.” I more hoped that was me.

“What make you more heated under the collar so you would passionately kiss your marefriend? Why would I do a thing like that?” Cadence amusingly said. I went quiet as my head lowered a bit more. So she just manipulated me on a magical level. At this point I felt dirty and not in the good way either. It felt worse then being used and I should know that feeling when I had been controlled more times then I should have.

“Please don't do that again.” I requested with no real conflation to it in my voice. How much you wanna bet that I couldn't stop her even if I wanted to. I mean here I was an alicorn with the magic pool the size of a normal unicorn. Hell more likely the size less than a normal unicorn. There was a silence that seemed to radiate throughout the room.

“Storm are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“I'm fine.” I said in a tone that was empty of all emotion. I could feel her hoof on my back gently rubbing it through the dress.

“Sorry. I went too fair with that and I apologize.” Cadence said over the link and I could tell she was being truthful with me.

“It's fine.” I replied over the link in the same empty tone. Again there was more silence.

“Rare, are you sure we should be doing this?” Was said by a very familiar southern draw.

“Darling, we have to make sure this night goes perfectly.” Rarity said. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a bit of the top of the fashionista's purple mane, the prismatic mane of miss ego, and the top of stetson of applejack. Wait... scratch that, I could also see the untamed mane of miss perplexing paradox herself as well. So on top of all this I have four mares waiting to spy on the date that they help set up. Sorry but I can't have that. There is helping and then there's being nosy. It didn't matter how crummy I felt at the moment. This was for Twilight and there is no way in the pony equivalent of hell I was going to let her friends be nosy about it. So my horn lit up quietly as I brought up my glass of water to myself. Well that's was it looked like to every pony else. For those not paying attention I decided to take some of the water from the pitcher and float it up to the ceiling. I spread it out enough to hide it against the star backdrop pattern on it. It slowly made it's way over to the four spying on lookers.

“Oh man look at them.” Dash started. “Oh I am so give Storm so much on this.” She ended with a sly chuckle. Go ahead Dash not the worse I've heard. Course I will be returning the favor.

“What's to give him for? He's doing this for Twi. Hell if I had somepony willing to go though that for me. Not saying that's my thing and all. Well it shows how much he cares for her. You know?” Applejack shot back.

“It's kind of romantic if you ask me. Some pony willing to do anything to make me happy and even on the first date too. Oh, it's just- I'm not going to lie. I feel a bit envious of Twilight.” Rarity said. “And to have a prince too.” That one I could tell the jealousy in her voice. Pinkie's mane started to back up as I could hear the little snickers coming from her. Not over a link mind you but just in the normal talking kind of way. It was also when I got the water right above them. Well it wasn't above Pinkie anymore since she moved but hell three out of the four wasn't bad. While still taking my drink. I decided to use the light drawing spell. I knew my focus on holding the spells were a little waning. I wasn't use to holding so many spells off at once. I drew a simple arrow pointing up behind Twilight so only the spying ponies could see.

“What's with the arrow?” Applejack asked.

“I don't know... It's behind Twilight so it can't be for her.” Rarity tacked on.

“Is it some kind of prank?” Dash asked. Oh if only they knew. So I tacked on under the arrow. Look up you three. That was enough to see all three telltale signs of them looking up as I dropped the water on them. Rarity predictably yelled in surprise. Maybe it was for her mane too. I couldn't really be sure. Dash looked annoyed as well as Applejack. Pinkie on the other hoof was just laughing.

“I told you spying was a bad idea.” Applejack stated in an annoyed tone.

“We heard you the first time.” Dash said shaking off the water. Rarity simply made a whining sound. I couldn't really understand the words but I could only guess it was about her mane. This got every pony to look at them. Which included my marefriend, my brother-in-law and my sister. They looked over to them with surprise while I tried to fight back a chuckle. I say tried because I failed at it.

“That's what they get for spying.” I said under my breath. In some part I felt bad for doing it. But honestly they asked for it in my opinion. They left well more Rarity dashed out probably to fix her mane. Which I had a figure I had a bill to look forward to on that. Another two hundred and eighty seven bit bill to look forward to. I mean seriously what the hell does that mare do to her mane and tail that costs that much?

“What are they doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Most likely to spy on the date.” I commented gently rubbing my nose to hide my smile and I was did a horrible job at it.

“Did you cause that to happen?”

“Maybe.” I said in an impish tone.

“Why?” She asked and I could tell she was a little annoyed with me.

“Because I don't like ponies spying on dates. Especially our first date. It seems too rude to me.” I commented.

“That may be true. But it still doesn't feel right dumping water on them.” She retorted. I sighed quietly, once again I had screwed up.


After dinner the four of us went to the Canterlot Opera House. In all honestly I was rather happy to go to one. Partly because of my own curiosity about what one looked like in person... would that be in pony now? We entered after I had found out we had reserved seats. Luckily they were on the second floor so I didn't have to worry about heights either. I took the time, since everypony was finding their seats, to look around. The balcony that the four of us sat on was decently sized. It gave us enough space but not too much. Twilight and I sat together, with Cadence and Shining on the other side. Being only four seats meant that it was pretty romantic. I saw each of the balconies around the opera house. Most of them looked the same but one. The highest one was about the size of six put together. On the front of the balcony was a picture of the Sun with a crescent moon overlaying it. My guess that was the princesses seats. I couldn't help but wonder if I technically would be sitting there since I was royalty too and a dralicorn. I shrugged it off, I wasn't that important after all to warrant a balcony like that. I looked down towards the stage to see the orchestra seats were just below the front of the stage with the stop for the conductor.

I didn't quite expect to see Miss Octavia Melody setting up her cello down there. It was a little hard to notice but I could roughly make out the black vest with white undershirt she wore. Of course she had her trademark pink bow tie on as well. I was tempted to wave at her but thought against it. She wouldn't recognize me right now being a mare and all. I continued to scan the room as my eyes fell on the stage. Right above it had the pony version of the two masks to show comedy and tragedy. Kind of funny to see, as for the curtains themselves: They were big red ones with a decorative golden border around them. Then I noticed the ceiling of the place. Above everypony was a sea of stars which were giving light to the room. Clever way to do it, both aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. Suddenly pulls of the strings of the orchestra signaled the start of the production.

“Good evening fillies and gentlecolts. I would like to welcome you to the Canterlot Opera House. We have a lovely show for all of you this evening. Tonight we bring you The Fairy Queen.” He introduced before walking off stage. When the curtains opened up I was blown away at the sets on stage. It almost looked like it was taken from real life. The performance itself was a sight to hold for a while. The Fairy Queen was about two lovers, one a normal earth pony and the other a fey as they were called. The fey were unable to exist in this world so the love the two had could never truly be. I couldn't help but draw some parallels to my relationship with Twilight. The two of us where from two totally different worlds. I was from earth and she was a native from Equestria. I thought about all of it again. I thought about the danger I had put her through. I thought about every stupid moment I did to cause her pain. I thought about me being an undeserving royal and her being the Element of Magic.

My thoughts were cut off for a moment when Twilight leaned against me and placed a hoof on my left one. The blush couldn't help but appear as I slowly draped my wing about the back of her. Normally it would go up her back but I was shorter then she was as a mare. She smiled at me for a moment before give me a gentle kiss on the cheek. She smiled at me before her gaze returned to the production. My mind how ever returned to it's previous train of thoughts. The more I thought about it the more the feelings started to produce a vice around my chest. Was I really the best for her or was I just some leech for a temporary satisfaction. The rest of The Fairy Queen went on and I was too zoned out to notices it's ending. In all honestly, Twilight had to get my attention to really get me to see it was over. The four of us left with the three of them talking about the show. I remained silent. Partly because I didn't really finish watching and mostly because my mind was elsewhere. There were so many unanswered questions, which would remain unanswered as the semi-peaceful night took a turn for the worse.

I felt magic wrapped around my muzzle as I felt some pony grab my tail pulling me into the nearby alley. I was picked up and pinned against the wall but a unicorn stallion. My eyes widened as I saw who it was. It was somepony I never thought I would see again. Before me was the purple coated with darker purple mane unicorn stallion that I hadn't seen since the bar fight. Shit... what was his name again? Purple something... damn it why was I always horrible with names.

“Why hello there you cute little mare.” He slurred as the reek of alcohol that dominated his breath. Great, I had to get dragged into the alley by one pony I never really wanted to see. “So how about a cutie like yourself and I go get a private room?” He continue to say in his slurred speech that would feel more at home if it was more his tongue in a blender. I shook my head at this as I shot him a glare. He raised an eyebrow before back handing me. I tried to push him off but unfortunately for me. His magic had me pinned to the wall. He slowly moved his hoof over to my left wing that he stretched out. SNAP! The sudden pain shot through it as my wing bent from the top part now going the other way. I could still feel all of it even his hoof on the tip of it. I began to fight back the tears as I reached out with my magic to grab the back of his head. Without a thought I brought his head crashing forward into mine causing a magical head butt. In his drunken stupor dropped his magic which caused me to drop to the ground. I slowly tested my wing as the pain shot through me.

“What the hell is your problem?” I said getting to my hooves.

“You...” He said as he got back to his hooves. He snorted as he began to paw at the ground. Before I could react beyond that he charged at me. With the force of his much larger body slammed myself into the wall. From the force of the impact I landed in a crumple on the ground as he raised his hoof up and began to slam them down on me. With a fast thought I changed my teeth as I aimed his hoof for my muzzle. A flash of the moon's light that glinted off my sharp fangs before they bit right into his right hoof. “AHH! You bitch!” He said as she tried to pull his hoof back. I wasn't going to let that happen. I sunk my fangs in deeper which caused him to pick me up by them. As soon as I was face level with him I cast the strength enchantment and with second I released his hoof. Followed by my hoof collided with his face which sent him into the wall. The sound him breaking through the wall finally brought forth my marefriend, my sister and my brother-in-law as I got up slowly to my hooves.

“What the horse apples happened here?” Shining said going right into his guard stance.

“This... pony... assaulted me... because I... didn't go with... him.” I got out in deep breaths. Without a thought Twilight dragged me over before I could warn her she pressed my broken wing against her. “AHH!” I screamed in pain. She pulled back and finally saw it as I fell to my side that didn't have a broken wing. Oh Celestia why did I have to feel pain? I could see both Shining and Cadence's eye's widened at the sight of my wing. What was slightly terrifying was to see the stallion climb out of the wall. How the hell did he even get back up? I hit him with the force of Applejack's buck? Wait... how did I even get back up after that? Damn brain focus!

“Where is that mare? I'm about to rain some pain on that... oh hell.” He short lived threat lasted before he turned to see the four ponies, which included me glaring at him. Me in a mixture of trying to stay standing and beginning to wobble. I didn't even know when I stood up. Wait... rain? Purple Rain! That's his name. Geez, Storm you really are an idiot at times aren't you? Cadence came over to my right and draped her wing over me to help me stay up. I winced as her wing brushed mine but it was a bit dulled. She pulled me back as I saw both my marefriend and her brother's horn began to glow with a light that felt hostile. Part of me was happy, but there was a bit of me that wanted to run in fear. I watched Purple Rain get lifted up and pinned to the wall with a very painful sounding thud.

“You're under arrest for assaulting not only a mare but royalty.” Shining said dropping right into an authoritative tone. I watched as just that simple line sobered up the drunken stallion as he realized how screwed he was. He started to thrash against the hold they held on them.

“I didn't do it I swear. That mare is lying.” He said which sent a spark of anger.

“Oh shut up Purple Rain!” I yelled before my wing sent another hot streak of pain through me. This got both Twilight and Shining to stop then turn to look at me.

“Storm.” Twilight said in a very calm unnerving way. “How do you know his name?” She asked as I could see the daggers in her eye's being aimed towards me.

“I would like to know this as well.” Shining tacked on.

“The bar fight before Hearth's Warming.” I said flatly giving him flat look. I gave it a three count before he remembered and with a swift almost too fast to catch motion. “You!” He said in anger. The look on Purple Rain's face would have been funny if I wasn't in pain at the moment.

“What? How did you?” He asked as I hobbled over to him as I stayed a few feet away just in case he tried something as I glared up at him.

“You may not realize who I am but let me ask you something you had asked me that faithful night.” I said as I watched him with that look of confusion and fear. “What happens to a pony when it's struck with lightning?” I said copying his voice to a tee. It only took me saying that as it dawned on him and realized even more how totally screwed he put himself in. I went over to Twilight and stood to her left. She eyed me as I leaned against her. “Can we go home now?” I asked as I started to lose a lot of feeling.

“Shining can you handle this?” She asked.

“For this stallion I believe I will be fine.” Shining said not taking an eye off Rain.

“Alright. Cadence mind helping me get Storm back to the castle? I want to have the doctors take a look at his wing before it becomes a problem.” She said.

“Of course Twilight. Do you want me to float him there?” Cadence asked.

“If you would be so kindly. As long as it's alright with you.” She inquired turning to me. Now of all time she finally remembers to ask me for permission?

“That would be nice. Because I don't think I could make it on-” was all I got out before I fell into black from the pain and the adrenaline running out.

When I came to I found myself back home. Not the one in Canterlot or on earth but...

“Ponyville.” I said in a hoarse whisper. Which was followed by a stream of coughing. I slid carefully out of bed to see myself bandaged up. My left wing was put into what I could only guess a cast as well as I had a few bandages around my head and torso. Luckily Twilight had a mirror by her bed so I could look at the damages. I slowly made my way down the loft into the main library. Being about midday when I woke up. I figured she would be at least some where downstairs. No telling how long I was out. My guess was at least a few days. Did Purple Rain really do that much damage to me? I came down to see every book on the floor. Much to my surprise, I would never thought Twilight would just dump every book on the floor like this.

Speaking of the lavender unicorn. She was sitting there in the middle of the floor. The only clear part of it with a very long looking scroll with a quill floating in her magic. Reaching out with my magic I slowly moved the books out of my way. I took great care not to damage the books any further then they were as I made my hobbling way to the mare. Walking was not as easy as it was before. Geez what did that stallion do to me? I made it to her and slowly tapped her on the shoulder or whatever the pony equivalent of a shoulder was.

“One minute Spike.” She said and I blinked for a moment.

“Um... Twilight I'm over here.” Said little purple dragon. This caused Twilight to look up over by the kitchen where Spike was sorting through books. This caused her to turn her head towards me as I gave her a small timid smile. One slow blink later it clicked as her eyes widened and proceeded to pounce on me. Which did a lot more than the desired effect mind you. The pain in my chest already magnified as she quickly got off me.

“Oh my- Storm I'm so sorry. I forgot about your ribs.” She said helping me up. Wait... ribs?

“Ribs?” I asked.

“Right you wouldn't know after blacking out a week ago.” Just her uttering those words got me to do a double take.

“Wait a week!” I shouted in surprise which caused my throat some discomfort.

“Yeah. See when that pony.” She said with particular venom in her voice. “assaulted you he broke a few of your ribs which punctured some of your internal organs. So you were put into a magical coma during the operation. One to help you ease through it and so you wouldn't feel them reset you wing back into place.” She explained.

“But why a week? Wouldn't a few days work just as fine?” I said sitting down as standing was starting to hurt.

“Well normally yes but your bones were weaker because of the poison joke.” She explained as the look of shame drew across her features.

“Twi, it's alright. Neither one of us knew the full effect the stuff had on me. We only had a few symptoms to work with.” I explained gently as I placed my left hoof against her cheek. She looked down at me before she nodded. With that I started to make inquires about what had happened after blacking out.

“Purple Rain was sentenced to three months in the dungeons for his transgressions against royalty. Cadence and Shining returned to the Crystal Empire but asked me to send word once you were up again. Princess Celestia and Luna had requested the same.” She said as she floated over three sheets of parchment before her quill started to scribble on it some message. I watched quietly before I let out a sigh which caused Twilight to look at me curiously as I began to slightly stroke my prosthetic.

“Sorry about messing up our first date.” I apologized.

“Storm, you didn't do anything wrong.” She said as she slowly leaned in closer. “What happened wasn't your fault and you shouldn't blame yourself. If anything it was sweet how you put aside your apprehension for being a mare just for me.” She said before she leaned down to kiss me. I couldn't help but blush a bit.

“Twilight you know I would do anything for you.” I answered back then realized I was still a mare.

“I know. But I also know that you would prefer to be home instead in the hospital. Which is why I had you put under my special care.” She said with a knowing smirk as I couldn't help my mind going down south as the blush on my face radiated. “Oh, is some pony thinking dirty?” She cooed and I couldn't help but squeak. “Relax I'm only teasing. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.” She said before giving me another kiss. I couldn't help but return it as I blushed.

“So... um... what else did I miss?” I asked more to take my mind of the direction he decided on it's own to travel.

“Not much really. You've been asleep for a week so I've been mainly taking care of you. That and a few visits from the girls. Applejack's been helping me make sure you've been fed. Rarity helped mainly keeping your clean.” Damn it as soon as she said that the blush just exploded more cross my face. Seriously Rarity of all mares? “Ah! No, don't worry we didn't do anything to you. We just made sure you were clean was all.” She covered up a little too quickly in my opinion. I could help having my hind legs snap together as I sat down right onto my tail. Twilight quickly hugged me and made sure not to apply pressure on the bandage. “Sorry. I should learn to keep my muzzle shut at times.”

“No, it's not that. I just um... have a hard time keeping my mind from wondering right now.” I excused.

“Sorry.” She said and a shook my head. “It's fine Twilight. I figured somepony would have to do it if I was out so long... um... not to make this even more awkward as it is already but um... who took care of me like that during my stay in the hospitals when I was out?” I don't know why that question popped into my head like that but as soon as it did. It had to be voiced.

“The orderlies did. It's their job after all.” She explained. A mixture of horrible and sort of pleasant ideas decided to wonder before I had to shake my head to get the ideas out. Before they could make things even worse.

“Ah. um... I see. So um... what's with this bandage then?” I asked pointing to the one on my head.

“You cracked your head on the pavement when you passed out. It's mainly there for an ice pack.” She explained as her magic undid it and a small blue ice pack dropped to the ground with a wet slap sound. She then floated it up and into the kitchen.

“Alright. Two more questions. How long do I have to keep the cast on my wing and the bandages around my ribs on? Also why does the library look like Rainbow set a tornado off in here?” Sometimes I hated my curiosity at times.

“The will come off tomorrow as for the bandages. Well that would be up to the doctors. The library is only like this because of re-shelving day.” She explained.

“Re-shelving day?”

“Yeah. Every month we go about removing all the books and re-shelve them so they're all in their proper spot. Some months we do it when we have a heavy influx of in going and out going books. So today is that day.” She explained as a very long rolled up scroll started to float over to her. “Would you like to help?” She asked.

“Sure I suppose. But do you mind if I just sit here and float the books? I rather not move around too much if you don't mind.” I said with a small smile.

“Of course. I don't want to over exert yourself after just waking up.” She said as I floated over a blank sheet of parchment. She eyed me for a moment. I couldn't help but smile as I answered. “A want to read later list for those long nights we can't sleep together.” I explained. She nodded at this.

“Understandable, though I wish you could sleep like a normal pony.” She explained. Wham! Right there was when that icy dagger decided to plunge itself into my chest, metaphorically of course. But it was all that needed to be said for me to remember I wasn't a normal pony. That I couldn't be a normal pony. I quickly slapped a plain expression on my face. Twilight's eyebrow raised but she didn't say anything. Part of me hoped she didn't catch my expression before that. The rest of the day went by pretty fast, we sorted through the books breaking them down into the categories that Twilight normally had them in. Which to find out each shelf was a category for the books. Like the basic fiction and nonfiction were the ones closer to stairs. Then science and magical science were just two bookshelves further from the stairs. I had asked her about natural science which I found out was under magical science. Since everything in Equestria had some sense of magic to them. It was an explanation that I could accept. My list had migrated to a second sheet. Every time I looked up from scribbling a new book on my list I could see Twilight's tail out of the corner of my eye shift. Then I had always glanced at Twilight's face and I could see the signs of annoyance.

“Is something wrong Twilight?” I asked as the books remaining were down to three stacks between fifteen or sixteen box with only one shelf left to do.

“It's nothing.” She said and I could tell that lie from a mile away. One thing about Twilight that not a lot of ponies know. When she lies her nostrils flare and there is a small twitch of her right eye. Rarity also has a similar tell but not as pronounced. I sighed quietly as we continued. I figured if she wanted to lie about something trifle as this then there must have been a reason for it. After a little while longer we got the last book in. Of course this was the public part of the library, this didn't count the private shelves upstairs still needed to be done. Well as far as I figured. Twilight checked the last box on the current checklist. She then smiled with a nod before it disappeared and with another swish of magic a second list appeared just as large as the last one. This one with the label “The second check checklist of checking” written on the top of it. I started to scan the list and noticed it was the same as the first one.

Twilight started to move from shelf to shelf as she began to check the shelves to make sure the books were there. As she did that I remained where I was looking over my almost complete two pages of my “to read” list. I knew it needed to be more orderly than the scribbled mess that it was. I mean some of it was sideways just to fit as much as I could on the page. I slowly picked up my lists in my magic as I tried to make my way back upstairs. I say tried because as soon as I made my first step a sharp pain in my chest caused me to lose my footing. With a thump I fell to my side as I continued to breath hard. Twilight whirled around to see me on the ground and with her magic she left me up.

“Storm are you alright?” She asked I took a few moments to wait for the pain to subside before I spoke.

“Not completely. Just a pain that caught me by surprise.” I explained. Twilight's horn began to glow more as I could feel the magic all around me tingle a bit. The pain in my chest started to die away a bit more as the tingling continued. This must of lasted maybe a few minutes before Twilight put me down. She was breathing hard as she came over to me. “One of your stitches inside popped. I got the bleeding to stop.” Was all she got out before her rump plopped onto the ground.

“Are you alright?” I had to ask as I slowly and carefully made my way next to her. I slipped my wing around her. She nodded to my inquiry before looking at me.

“That spell just took a little bit more than I expected.” She said before finally getting back up with a shake. She then began to lift me up into the air. She then floated my up back to her room with her behind me. She laid me down on the bed as she sat next to me.

“Storm...” She paused for a moment. “Please stay in bed. I don't want you to get hurt anymore.” She stated, all I could do was look at her for a moment as my ears drooped from her words. I nodded silently as I rested my head on my hooves. She watched me for a moment and I could just feel sadness radiate off her as we just remained there. Then I turned slowly to rest my head on the pillow as my gaze looked into the orange sky of the majestic sunset. Normally it would make me feel warm inside seeing such a beautiful sight. But it didn't do anything for me. It almost felt like a tacked on sadness of the day as to say that this was the end in a way. I listened as Twilight left to go down the small set of stairs into her loft. Which was followed by the conveyancing of books being laid out on the ground. She began to sort her bookshelves up here too. I turned to watch the lavender unicorn work. Every so often as she would glance up at me as I was staring down at her. She would only keep her eye on me for a moment before returning to her list.

Most of the time I just watched her work. until my eyes wandered a bit to the large black duffel bag I brought from earth. I brought it over to me so I could look through everything I brought from home... well my old home. I pulled out the photos first, the ones of my family and friends. I couldn't help but just feel even worse that I had to leave like I did. I quickly set them aside as I pulled out an old shirt of mine. It was just as bright orange as my coat was. I couldn't help but find it a little amusing. The shirt color I wore the most was now something I couldn't really get rid of anymore. Destiny has it's way of playing jokes on your like you where the jester of the world. I quickly slid the shirt on. I had to make sure it didn't hurt. It seems that the shirt still remained it's normal size compared to my pony form. This thing was like a tent to me, Easily three times as big as I was now, so if I was a stallion maybe only two times as big. I slipped into it with my head with a little annoyance popped through it. My forelegs took a little more fighting to get into the sleeves of the blasted thing.

But once I had my old shirt on. I... well for lack of a better way to say it felt like a little kid playing dress up in my parents clothes. It's was kind of funny to me. I continued to shift through the duffel bag as I came across something I didn't think I grabbed. Technically two things really but one of them was broke. I guess I wasn't thinking when I started shoving stuff into the bag to begin with. I pulled out both large thick cylinder objects. Each one with an assortment of buttons around the little digital display. I pulled on the little switch latch as they popped open to reveal one of them empty and the other filled with a flat disc. The smile across my muzzle widened as I saw “A.O.T.F.” written on the little white label on the disc. I dug through the bag again and noticed I brought one of my C.D. books with me. I set them on the bed as I continued to look for something specific now as I could continue to hear the sounds of books being slid into shelves and parchment being scribbled on. Within a few moments of digging I found what I was searched for. With a small tug of my telekinetic magic. The long gray cording with two little ear buds came flying out of the bag. Just a little faster than I expected as they nailed me right in the face.

Something I didn't realize about earbud headphones when as a pony. They don't fit as they use to as a human. The buds were smaller than I expected. So it took a little fighting to get them to stay. With them in I laid back in the bed and shifted so I was comfortable to listen in. The click of the power button and the whirl of the disc spinning told me that I was about to enjoy something I haven't heard in a very long time. The small beat of the bass played slowly into my ear as the second bass came in a few seconds later. The sound of lightly played drums added in finally about thirty five seconds into the song the guitar played a little before cutting out just to join back in a few seconds later. Just getting to listen to the very first full instrumental I ever made was almost a slice of heaven to the day. I couldn't help but smile as I floated over my Cubby bear and cuddled with it a little as the instruments cut off for the piano’s entrance before their return. I slid the book of music and broken player back into the bag as I left it open, just in case I wanted to get some more to listen to. I turned to look out the window as the song played. The sounds of ponies... er people going “ah” slowly came in like they were played from a church organ. As the song reached its ending the instruments slowly cut off before the chiming of bells told me of the song's outro. I was slowly poked on my back which gave some mild discomfort. I rolled over to see Twilight looking curious at me. I slid one of the buds out that I fought to get in as the second track began to play.

“Something wrong Twilight?” I asked.

“What is that?” She asked as she pointed to the player next to me on the bed.

“Oh it's a C.D. Player.” I explained.

“C.D. Player?” She asked.

“Yeah it like...” I tried to find a comparison. That's when my eyes found the phonograph in the room. “It's like your record player there.” I explained. She turned to eye it before turning back to me.

“So this is a mini phonograph then?” She said lifting up the player.

“Ah yes. Sort of.” I said taking it out of her magic and pulled back out the broken one. “Please mess with this one.” I requested. “I'm rather enjoying the one I'm listening to.”

“Oh let me listen!” She exclaimed before hopping into the bed next to me. I smiled and slid up so I was sitting next to her. I gently got the other ear piece that I pulled out and placed it in her ear as I backed up to the beginning of the second song. The beginning piano started off the song as windy chorus added to it with the small booms and bangs came in. Finally the tribal sounding drums came in with the light scales of piano tipped it off. She smiled and listened to the music. The sway of her tail in time to the music made me feel at least she was enjoying it. The song ended ting of what I could remember was a triangle. She smiled and pulled out the bud. “That was... wow. What was that?” She asked. I smiled and skipped ahead to another song as I motion for her to put the bud back in. She eyed me for a moment before doing it. I played a song I haven't heard since my little performance back in the music room. Her eye's widened as the song started when the bells started to play in it. I couldn't help but smile. That and I leaned in against her. She blushed with a smile. We let the rather long song play. The song gave the perfect tone of winter as the final chimes faded off into the distance. I stopped the music again as she once again removed the bud. “Was that what I-” She got out before I nodded.

“Yes Twilight that was Sanctuary of Snow.” I answered already getting the idea of what she was about to ask.

“But... how?” She asked.

“Well this whole C.D. has my complete album on it.” I started.

“Wait you made the one before?” I nodded to her question. “Yes, I made all the music on this disc.”

“Disc I thought you called it a C.D?”

“It's both. C.D. means compact disc. I just refer it as both depending on my mood. Most times it's disc.” I elaborated as I pulled out the book of discs. I unzipped it and showed her the others I brought with me. There was rather a lot I grabbed. That's what I get when it comes to grab and go with me. I picked up one of the rather detestable disc that I don't listen to. Well, use to not listen to. I may listen to it again since I was here now. Besides the music of nature I didn't have much entertaining stuff to listen to. I brought it over to Twilight who started to look at it in her magic.

“Oh wow, there's little markings within the disc that I can't quite make out.” She began as her magic around said disc got bright.

“That's because they're not made to be read like that Twilight. It's made for lasers to read.”

“Lasers to read?”

“Yes. Think of it like...” I started to trail off trying to think of how to explain it. Then snapped my hoof. “It's like how we read Twilight. We use our eyes to see the words on the page. Well the laser in the disc player does about the same thing. The only difference is that the laser reads it in a language that ponies can't read normally. Then takes that information it and relays it in an audio format for ponies to listen to. As in like you heard from the earbuds.” I gave a more simplistic explanation of how disc players work. She nodded.

“Would you have a problem if I examine your disc player?” She asked.

“I prefer you to examine the broken one.” I said and slid her the broken one closer. “The laser's slider broke so that's the only non-functioning part of the device. So if you're wondering if there's anything faulty. It's that, but everything else works. She nodded and sit the broken player on the nightstand next to her.

“I will later when I have free time. Right now I wanted to spend some time with you since you're up.” She explained as she gently rested a hoof around my shoulder. I looked up at her with a smile. “But I have to ask. Why are you wearing that... whatever that is?” She questioned. I looked down and back up at her.

“My old shirt?”

“Shirt? That looks like more a tent on you.” She teased.

“Well sorry Miss Sparkle. I use to be a lot bigger than I am remember?” I shot back as I slipped the other bud out of my ear and set my bear down in front of me. Then with some magic was able to slide the shirt off me to show Twilight. Who only whistled at the mass that was my orange shirt.

“I retract my previous statement that's more like a blanket then a tent.” She amusingly said.

“I bet it's smaller on me as a stallion.” I paused for a moment as a thought decided to rear it's head to me. “Speaking of that. Not to sound like it's a bad thing but why am I still a mare?”

“Oh well... The doctors had to rush to get you fixed up and didn't dare to use the heavy magic that a healing spell like that would require with you under the effects of poison joke. No telling the full effects of it. So they thought it wise to leave you as a mare and told me not to try reverting you back until the doctor said it was alright to do so. From what I heard you still have about a week or so of that. Is that alright?” She questioned towards the end.

“It's fine Twilight. I did say you would have your time with me as a mare so well here's the chance.” I explained as I slid back into the shirt. I felt a little goofy having it on but hell after all that I had dealt with I was entitled to it by now.

“I know... honestly I don't know what I was thinking.” She said her happy mood shifted into a depressive one instead. “My silly little request got you to be a target of that stallion. It's my fault you got hurt.” She blamed herself out loud.

“Twilight Sparkle!” I exclaimed loudly. This got the mare to jump and look at me. I was giving her a very stern look, the best I could muster. Which probably didn't have to full desired effect since I was in a very large draped shirt with a teddy bear next to me. I could imagine that I was more like a little filly trying to be a grown up. “Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened. Neither one of us could predict that Purple Rain was going to try and have his...” I shuddered at the thought and didn't voice it. Twilight nodded getting the jist of it.

“Still... I feel bad for what happened. So please tell me what I can do to make it up to you.” She requested before turning to a stern look herself. “and don't ask me to be myself or try to get out of it. I seriously want to do something you want me to do to make up for it. So please tell me, I'll do anything.” She said and I caught a keyword in there. I couldn't help it but I gave a devilish grin to her comment. Well if I had to pick something that I was going to go for broke with this.

“Anything?” I purred and she turned bright red with surprised eyes. She must of realized what she said.

“Ah...” She got out before gulping. “I did say that didn't I.” She said now with a small shake to her voice. “What do I have to do?” She asked. I couldn't help it, I smiled and got up carefully in front of her. I stared right into her bright amethyst eyes for a moment before giving her a kiss.

“Don't worry. I'm not going to ask for that.” I said with my eyebrows puncturing the word that as I purred lightly. Honestly the purred speech was a little weird coming from me. But none the less I wanted to do it anyway. I floated up the other large shirt I had in the duffel bag. This one being a nice dark blue. She noticed it with a raised eyebrow. With three of my prosthetic fingers I explained. “One I want to indulge in a little outfit wearing on you tonight while we sleep, which will require you to put that sleep spell on me. Two.” I began with a kiss. “I want you to forgive yourself and not to blame yourself for what happened. “Finally three, I want to cuddle with you in a very cute way.” I explained. She eyed me for a bit at my requests before that shifted to a smirk.

“Are you sure you don't want something more intimate?” She asked with the blush on her cheeks.

“Twilight, I rather have my first time as a stallion.” Was out of my mouth before I realized it and then shot both of my hooves to cover it. Oh dear Celestia I was an idiot. Twilight smirk deepened at this.

“Dually noted.” She explained. “What is this outfit you want me to wear tonight?” She asked.

“I just want you to wear this shirt here.” I said brought over the large blue one. On the front of it had the chemical model of caffeine on it. Hey who said I couldn't own nerdy shirts? Twilight eyed it for a moment.

“That's it?” She asked.

“Well... I was hoping you would put the socks on too.” I said blushing.

“I guess somepony really likes me in socks.” She cooed. I couldn't help but blush.

“I can't help it. It's something I just can't explain. Just seeing you in the damn things just... I don't know how to explain it.” I said with a little frustration and huff.

“Relax Storm, I get it, don't worry as for the socks thing. I'm fine with it. I mean hell I'm fine if you just wanted me to go around the library in the pair of panties Rarity made.” She explained which caused me to turn read.

“You don't have to go that far.” I said trying to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest and the almost nuclear blush on my face. Twilight smiled and kissed me right on the lips.

“Maybe I should make you do that since you're going to be a mare for the time being. Maybe show off your flanks there a bit.” She teased as I swear you could light the room with my blush alone.

“Twilight, please... that's just... it couldn't... I wouldn't... it would...” was all I could get out in the stumbling mess of a sentience.

“Not even for me?” She said giving me the cute puppy dog eyes that she knew got me right way. I looked away with a small huff and crossed forelegs.

“Alright, only for you Twi. But only with you around. Nopony else, especially not Rainbow Dash. I don't think I would ever live that down if she found out. Hell she won't even let that whole flying thing go.” I said still blushing red hot. At this point I think Celestia's sun was the only thing beating me out right in brightness right now.

“I understand.” She said before pulling me down to lay next to her. She smiled as she slipped on the shirt. I couldn't help but laugh a bit when her horn got caught in the neck line. With a little help she finally slipped into it. “Geez this thing is big. I doubt even Big Mac could fill this thing.” She observed.

“Well... I was a rather large guy.” I excused as I watched her float over the long purple and black striped socks to her. She smiled as each one slowly slid them on. With them on she laid back down in the bed as I slid over as carefully as I did and rested my head on her chest. One thing about being small was I could get away with this. Okay granted I may not normally but screw it right now. I've have too much shit to happen to care anymore. I'm just rolling with something I wanted for once. Twilight smiled as she held me close as the blanket gently covered us. It may have been a little early but I think we both needed some us time after all.

“Well... you're also a pretty big guy when you're not under poison joke.” She said with a smile. I lightly laughed.

“Yeah, honestly it's not all bad being a mare. Events aside and no offense.” I excused.

“Well until the estrus cycles start.” Twilight added on.

“Oh... right. Um... when are those again?” I asked. That was one thing I did forget to ask.

“Close to the beginning of spring, about a week after winter wrap-up, and a second towards the end of summer.”

“Winter wrap- up?”

“Oh right. Another thing you don't know about.” She said with a smile. “Winter wrap-up is when we clear away the snow and ice. Bring back the summer birds, and wake up the hibernating animals for spring.” I looked at her confused as all hell.

“You do all that?” I asked.

“Yup all without magic.” She said and I shot up.

“Seriously? How does that even work?” I asked looking right at her.

“Well Ponyville was founded by earth ponies who don't have magic like unicorns do or in your case dralicorn's do. So they have to do everything the hard way and in respect of those days. No pony is allowed to use magic, it's a tradition around here. Trust me you don't want to try and find out what happens when you do try to use it.” She said with a shiver.

“So wait... during winter wrap-up. How do you help?” I asked.

“I organize everypony.” I face hoofed at that. I should have guessed my marefriend would do that. She is one for plans after all.


“Helps makes the nests for the birds.” Okay didn't see that one.

“I'm going to guess Fluttershy helps wake the animals and Dash helps clear the clouds?” Taking a shot in the dark.

“Pretty much. Pinkie ice skates to break up the ice so it melts faster and Applejack helps plow the fields for the new plants.” She explained. I laid back down and thought about it.

“What would I do?” I asked more to the air really.

“Well... that's a good question. So far that I've seen you've done almost everything by magic. Wait... how do you do that fire breath of yours?” She asked.

“Breath out when ever I want it. Sort of like poking a hornets nest really to get it out. So would that go under magic or something natural for me?” I asked.

“I would personally lean it towards natural since your part dragon but I can see where it could be confusing.”

“Maybe we should ask the Mayor Mare about it? She may figure out where it lies. Because if it's natural, then maybe I can help Pinkie by melting the ice after she skates it.” I offered.

“It would be reasonable enough to work.” She said smiling. I smiled up at her as we just cuddled there. It was nice to really just lay there and talk. No going out on some wild adventure to help save some pony. No messed up peace treaty to screw up getting somepony hurt. Sure as hell no necromantic pony wanting my head at the moment. Just me and Twilight in bed... alone... with no pony to. Wham! The door downstairs sounded as some pony just rushed in. There was no pony calling but with the sound of flapping wings a cyan bolt of prismatic colors shot in the room. Thinking fast I ducked under the blankets to hide.

“Dash! Why are you bursting in like that?” Twilight exclaimed.

“I heard he was up and I wanted to see if he was alright.” Dash said. “Wait... why are you in that thing?” She asked a moment later.

“It's called a shirt and Storm wanted me to try it on. It's rather nice honestly.” My marefriend explained. “Speaking of which. How did you find out? No pony's been here since he woke up.” Oh universe why do I have the feeling the answer to that question was.

“Pinkie Pie!” Dash said in unison of my thoughts. I really hate you sometimes universe, you jerk!

“But...” Twilight started then sighed. “Should have figured.”

“Yup. So where is he... or is he still a she?” Dash asked a moment before I could hear the flapping of her wings got closer.

“Yes Storm is still a mare for another week until her insides are completely healed.” Twilight answered as big red comforter was moved down to see little old me hiding under it in a bright orange shirt. Damn it all Twilight. Did you really think I wanted to be found like this. My first instinctive thought was to stick my Cubby bear in the shirt with me to hide it as I gave that oh so please tell me you didn't see that smile with an accompanied squeak. Two seconds was all it took before Dash crashed on to the floor rolling around laughing at the sight of me. I simply grabbed the comforter and covered myself with my shame.

“Not funny Dash.” I said under the blanket.

“Oh it's not funny.” There was another two second pause as she tried to and ultimately failed to stifle a laugh. “It's out right hilarious.” She said with copious amounts of laughter. I had a feeling I had a few hours of dealing with this so I laid down under the blanket to hide. What I didn't expect was to be snout to snout with the paradox perplexing pink party pony. Which caused me to scream with surprise and fall off the bed.

“Ow...” I groaned as both me and the blanket was on the floor wrapped around me like a cocoon with my head the only thing sticking out.

“Pinkie! Why did you do that?” Twilight berated the pink mare as the room was spinning a bit.

“Because I thought it would be funny to get him all surprised and it was.” She said like it made sense. Which for the lack of a better didn't.

“Pinkie he's still injured both his wing and ribs are still healing.” Twilight said floating me up off the floor.

“Whoopie, I forgot.” She smiled awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head much like I do. “Here let me make it up to you and throw you a big party.” She offered.

“Pinkie.” Was the only thing out of my mouth before I fell back off the bed from the room spinning. What I could guess was several hours. I came to in a dark room with Twilight next to me still in the shirt. I could hear the rhythmic sounds of her snoozing. I looked around to see a bookcase in front of the stairs leading downstairs. The balcony and window latch locked. Then I looked down at my marefriend as she looked worried in her sleep. I gently leaned up to her cheek and gently kissed it. “Twilight everything will be alright.” I whispered as her frown slowly became a smile. I yawned a bit before resting my head on her chest and fell asleep. This time of my own doing.


Normally my dreams were either peaceful, creepy, or down right dark. Not this one, this one wanted to be weird. I appeared within a pure white room with three solid doors before me. I turned around to see three more transparent doors behind me. On each of them was a word. The transparent one's had magic, laughter, and kindness written on them. As figured honesty, loyalty, and generosity was on the solid doors. What was this? Had I taken the blue pill to see how far this rabbit hole goes? If so somepony better get me the damn red pill so I can get out of here. I looked around into the empty space that seemed to go on into infinite. My guess was I had to pick a door, any door, knowing how much I was going to kick myself later for this. I went for loyalty first much to my own annoyance that was attached to the mare that housed it.

I was more drawn to that one in a way. Once the door opened everything just disappeared in a blink of an eye. Just as fast as everything went the world around me changed. I was flying... no I don't mean like I was gliding down a street. No I mean my wings pumping, flapping, pushing myself through the air flying. I was miles above the ground to the point that I thought I was looking at a satellite map of Ponyville during the day. The odd thing was that I wasn't scared or losing my mind about it. I was just well flying there enjoying it. You would think that I would be going nuts trying to get myself to the ground. But I wasn't, hell I wasn't even worried that I wasn't controlling this either. My body almost like it was going from memory was flying me around. We dived down towards the town. I could feel the wind blowing through my coat and wings. I could feel each feather just tingle and I swooped up getting myself extra lift as I soared further up. I took me a few minute to find myself on top of a little white cloud. My gaze was on the forest that almost surrounded Ponyville as I got this feeling.

A feeling that was hard to describe. I felt empowered, I felt alive, I feel for lack of a better term... cooler. A devious grin crossed my muzzle as I jumped off the cloud and dive bombed. My wings were tucked up next to me as well as my forelegs. My hind legs were stretched out as I pressed myself together to make myself less wind resistant. The air around me started to press me closer together almost as it was trying to funnel me into one single point. The pressure continued getting greater and greater as the whole world was trying to compress me into a singularity like a white dwarf star. The pressure was so massive that I thought I could see the air itself turn into an orange and yellow blur. It only took a single second then... boom! I started to speed even faster than I ever could. It was like the natural limitations of my body just made everything moot. I saw everything warp around me. Colors, shapes, sounds. All of it was just one massive blur that mesmerized me as I flew between the buildings around Ponyville. It all was cut short as I smashed right into the library's door with a loud wham! I was launched out of the door back into the massive white room. Which all came out short as I collided with the celestial beings of the sky. They didn't seem affected at all by the impact while I on the other hoof was in the spin cycle again.

“Did anypony get the license of that donkey cart?” I said before falling back onto my back.

“I believe some pony still needs to work on their landing.” Celestia amusingly said as I got back up on my hunches. They both came over and sat next to me. “How have you been Storm?”

“Surviving I suppose. Just came too maybe a few hours ago and heard some of the details.” I explained.

“I still think you were too lenient on him.” Luna huffed.

“Luna, I know what he did was wrong but still.” Celestia tried to explain.

“If I may interject before this goes out of hoof. I agree with Celestia's ruling to a point. The time in the dungeon may give that stallion the time to really reflect on what he did. But I agree with Luna that he should have gotten punished more. It was I he attacked during a very special time. But I have to keep my own feelings aside in this.” I explained. They eyed me and I rolled my eyes. “Yes I know I surprised you two with my answer.”

“Yes... you would be correct. I'm a little more surprised you weren't completely on Luna's side about his punishment.” Celestia answered.

“Celestia I put him through a wall. You think that comes lightly? Trust me when I say this. It hurts!” I more exclaimed.

“Oh trust me. I know.” She said eying Luna with that one.

“I said I was sorry.” Luna shot back.

“We know, we know. But back to the matter at hoof.” Celestia said turning back to me as she and Luna both laid down. “How have you been doing since you woke?” she asked repetitively again. I looked at her for a moment as I watched her. I turned to see Luna giving me a similar look.

“Are you asking about what had happened during the date... or before it?” I asked as I laid down with my head on my hooves.

“Both.” Celestia answered.

“Honestly... I don't know really. I'm confused, upset, depressive, and lost in all of it. As for what happened during the date was just unavoidable I suppose.” I halfheartedly answered.

“Care to explain?” Luna inquired.

“I'm confused on why it had to be me. I'm upset that I had to die and didn't get asked at least about it. The depressive part of it is that I have a feeling that regardless of my actions it's not going to end well either for everything or just me. Then in all of it I feel lost. Like all this being dropped on me at once beside the fact that I'm currently under the effects of poison joke which has already been established effects my mind. So I'm taking all this harder.” I explained not looking at either of them. I had the telltale signs of fear and shame over my face. I was scared about all of it. To find out that everything in the universe rested on my shoulders. That if I failed then everything would be no more. Even worse... with me just being alive. I put everypony, everyone I knew in danger. Silence filled the area for the time being before I felt Celestia gently nuzzle me on the side of my face.

“I'm sorry Ryhn.” She said using my human name for the first time. I didn't really question how she found out. “For all this to happen. I don't think any other pony would hold up as well as you have.” She tried to cheer me up. It had failed as it just made everything sink in more.

“But I'm not holding up. I never was holding up.” I stated as I just began to slowly cry. “I can't keep holding on to this delusion that everything will be fine. I can't keep putting on a mask to hide what I really think about anymore. It's...” I couldn't say more as I just let it all out. With everything going on I was surprised I was able to hold it as long as I could. I could feel the wing of one of the royal alicorns draped across my back.

“Shh, it's alright. We know this weighs heavily on your mind. But please, don't let it consume your every thought.” Luna said. Part of me wanted to make a snide comment along the lines of easier said but done. But thought against it as I really didn't want to cause anymore problems. So I just stayed quiet as I felt my aunts just lean in closer to comfort me. It was nice but in the same way felt wrong. I didn't think I deserved something like this. Hell I didn't deserve any of this. The family, the friends, the magic, the wings, or any of it. All because some great destiny thought to have the multiverse greatest screw up try and save the world. Yeah great one there, you jerk! The tears stopped shortly after that. When everything just felt cold to me. I just sank there with that numbing cold in my chest. To have all this... then it clicked. There was no guarantee I was going to live through this. In the end of all this I was going to hurt Twilight more than she ever would know. Not physically but emotionally. The realization left a very hollow sensation in my chest.

I got up slowly and walked away from both of my aunts. There stares could be felt on the back of my head. I wouldn't be surprised they noticed my change in demeanor right away. I began to open my mouth but before I could get even a word out. I was cut off by.

“No.” Celestia said flatly.

“Do you even know what I was about to ask?” I shot back without even looking at her.

“To do something foolish.”

“How do you know it's foolish or not without letting me ask it?” I questioned.

“Storm, when your alive as long as me. You learn to read pony's body language far better than you do a book.” She answered and I had to concede the point.

“Celestia.” I started simply as the sadness in my tone could be heard. “There's no guarantee I'm going to live through this.”

“Giving up hope already?” Luna asked.

“What hope was there to begin with?” I shot back. “Luna I may act at times that I have hope, that everything can be fine. Especially when I'm either angry and being too bullheaded to really notice. That or too stupid. But this... this from the very get go. I knew I wasn't going to make it. In more than likely in the universe's sick twisted kind of way. I was going to win this but at a great cost. You know it, I know it. Hell all of Equestria probably knows it. I'll most likely end up just like your mother. Just like her friends. The artifacts of harmony are powerful for a reason. So powerful that Sombra took over an empire by himself with just the torch. You can't sit there and believe in some small fragment way that I am going to be alive at the end. Even worse, worse than all this. Twilight... her of all ponies is going to hurt the most at this.” I had began to finally let it out. I knew all this more as fact then anything.

“What about Twilight?” Luna inquired again.

“She is going to cry, and hurt. All because of me. I know how much it hurts to lose somepony so close to you. I'm aware that you two know that feeling too. It changes a pony, either for the better. But more then likely for the worse. I'm a testament to that.” I continued the hollowness in my chest spreading throughout me.

“Storm, as much as I don't like admitting it. I do see where you’re coming from. With such a destiny.” Celestia began, I couldn't help but huff a little at the destiny. She caught it most likely. Didn't care since I was hating that word at the moment. “on your hooves to not see the darker part of it. But you can't give up hope. I'm sure that everything will work out fine. You and Twilight will have a happy life ahead of you.” I spun around about to say something with some anger in my voice. But I got a stare that dropped me dead cold and it wasn't from the pony I thought it would be. I don't even think the celestial sisters even noticed her here.

“I would have to agree with my daughters on this.” Faust said directly to me giving me a stare that felt like I just got my hooves nailed in place. Both Celestia and Luna went wide eye almost to wide for a pony's face as they got up to see their mother.

“Mother?” Celestia breathed out. I had a feeling she was in shock from all this.

“Momma!” Luna bounced as she came over. Faust smiled and opened one of her wings as Luna came right next to her gently nuzzling into her side.

“Hello dears. It's been a very long time.” Faust said and I could hear the sadness in that statement as well as the slight happiness. Celestia remained silent as she stood there staring at her mother. As much as I wasn't a master of reading faces. Celestia didn't do a good job hiding her slight annoyance at her mother. I guess even in this world some kids just didn't like their parents. I just stepped back quietly and let them have their moment. I turned and stared at the empty void before me. Well it was empty to start with but I guess the artistic side of my mind got fed up with the white and turned it into a beach with an endless ocean before it. I could even smell the ocean air around me. I listened to them talk a bit. Correction Faust mainly listened to everything that happened in her daughters’ lives. It was the same thing I had seen in the history books well for the most part at least. That all came to a stop and part of me wondered if they got on the subject of the only dralicorn in the room, namely me. One thing you learn pretty fast when you grow up in a world that likes to make fun of you is when people or in this case ponies are talking about you in a way. I couldn't hear anything over the link but of course they could block that from me.

“Ryhn Firestorm” Faust said calmly as she came up to my right. My aunts joined her to my left as they sat next to me. I won't lie and say I wasn't intimidated by them just by size alone. Without the moon helm I was no bigger than a normal pony. Which compared to the three of them was like a little child in a room of adults. Very much true since they had years beyond mine. I mean to the left of me was already a thousand years plus. So in age alone I was just a child to them. I turned to look at the eldest alicorn in the room. “Are you alright?”

“No.” was all I could answer on this matter. In all honestly I never really had been alright.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“What's to talk about?”

“This destiny-” Was all she got out before I cut her off.

“Stop using that word.” I requested. She eyed me before nodding.

“This can't be easy and I wish there was another way but...” She stopped and I couldn't leave that thought in the open like that.

“But it's what's called of me I know. I know that far better than most ponies.”

“If what I've heard from Jessica is true. Then yes you would. I just wish it didn't have to come to this.” Faust continued.

“Why would you think Jessica would lie to you about that?” I said as I turned my head forward.

“Not every human is trustworthy.”

“Then how am I trusted?” I had to ask.

“Because Storm, after she told me I took the time to see it for myself. I have known of your trials and tribulations. You don't lie to those you care about and I mean those you really do care for. Your family may not have treated as they should but they did love you.” She started and knew where this was going. My family loved me no matter what and if they don't show it kind of crap I had heard from too many people to really care anymore.

“Faust please stop. I know you want to help me feel better but... it's not working. Anything involving my family from earth is a rather sore subject with me.” I cut her off.

“I understand. But there not your only family anymore. My daughters and I all care for you. Cadence and Shining as well. So you're not alone Ryhn.” She said and I knew that honestly in her words.

“Jessica told you to tell me that didn't see?” I asked.

“Yes, she knew that you wouldn't let your mind truly rest on this.” Faust answered and I couldn't help it. I started to lightly chuckle.

“Even after all this time.” I tiredly said. “Faust if I may make a request.”

“Go ahead.”

“Tell her that I still love her deeply but she doesn't need to worry about me anymore. I want her to go and enjoy her afterlife. Even if I'm not in the picture.” I requested. Faust looked at me for a moment.

“I'll tell her but she's not the kind of woman to just stop worrying about you.” She explained.

“I know. But I know she's found another to spend her time with and I don't want to be a burden on that. After all this time she should be at rest, when I cannot.” I said. There was silence between all of us as I felt the beginning signs of waking up as the realm of dreams around me began to fade. “Until next time everypony.” I said before the dream faded all together and I had woke up in Twilight's hooves. It was still dark out as I could see the full moon at the highest point in the sky. My guess was it was midnight. I slowly slid out of the bed and onto my hooves. I took the time to slide my old teddy bear in my place. She smiled in her sleep as she cuddled it rolling over. I smiled watching her a moment before I slid out of my old shirt and left it folded on my duffel bag. I went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. As far as I knew I hadn't had a proper bath in a week. Give or take since Rarity and Twilight were the ones taking care of me during my mini coma. My prosthetic hoof clanked against the tile floor in the bathroom. Once the door was shut I turned on the light and saw myself in the mirror after my eye's adjusted to the light. I was still the little dralicorn mare that I been for the last week. I was missing my old body well the stallion one at least. I would be a little funny being my old fat human self at least once again. But that was a lost cause I suppose. I saw the cast around my wing the large white hard material completely keeping my wing closed and against my body. It didn't hurt laying on it so I could guess my wing was healed. Wait... if I remember correctly I was suppose to get this off today.

Honestly it would be nice to be able to flap my wing again. Maybe even try flying for once. I looked down at my chest and saw that my wrappings were loose. Being the grade A idiot I was. I slowly undid them to see how bad the damage. Surprising enough. The only thing there was a large cross shaped scar where the surgery had took place. My fur there was shaved off which makes sense having to have clean flesh to cut. Wouldn't want a stray hair to be in the wound. But I noticed another scar. A large round one right over my heart. Only a moment passed when I remember where I got that. It was from the horn impaling me back at the castle in the Everfree. My left hoof started to trace it a bit. I winced a bit from the light pressure I put on it. I guess that scar was sensitive still. But all this got me to wonder about all the damage that had happened to my body and how many scars did I really have? If I had to guess? I had a lot of them. I could even feel the ones by my eye. The four long slashes that went right over my eye. It must have been when I lost it. I sighed quietly and went to look for a way to cover my cast. Lucky for me Twilight kept trash bags under the bathroom sink. I guess to change out the waste paper basket in here. I quickly wrapped the wing in the bag and with a quick burst of fire. Melted the bag shut just at the connection put under my wing. Lucky for me the cast didn't completely cover my wing. Once secured I started to fill the tub with warm water as I gathered some shampoos. One for mane and tail. The other for my coat. All I could find was lavender scented ones so I guess I had to make do.

Once the tub was filled I slowly sunk into it after I had turned off the water. The water started to just strip away my thoughts if it was just simple layers of dirt. Once I had nothing left on my mind I just floated there in a void of sorts. Cut off from everypony and the looming destiny. I slowly sank into the water to the point I was under it. This was what I needed after all this time. Finally I let my mind just turn off. No booze, no nightmarish dream, no crazy pegasus trying to teach me to fly, no second voice screwing with me, and most of all... no care about anything. I was at peace.

For now.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 23 - Fight or Flightless

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The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. Honestly I preferred it that way. Twilight found me in the tub that morning after I had fallen into a dreamless sleep within it. Of course like most of my sleep I woke up to being violently shaken awake. Well sort of, my eyes cracked open right when Twilight had tried to give me C.P.R. which well was sort of nice. It was kind of like being kissed. Then she shook me quite violently.

“Wake up Storm!” she said well more demanded.

“Twilight stop!” I yelled partly through the shaking.

“Oh thank Celestia you're alive.” Twilight said before giving me what felt like the same strength level of Pinkie Pie.

“Twilight.” I squeaked out.

“Yes Storm?” She asked still giving me a death grip of a bear hug.

“Can't. Breathe.” I get out before she finally released me. I took the time to finally enjoy the air around me. “Okay explain what I missed.”

“I woke up to find you gone so I went looking for you. I found you at the bottom of the tub. I was worried that you may have drowned so I pulled you out and-” She began before I cut her off.

“I can breathe underwater.” I stated flatly. She paused and looked at me.


“Did you forget that I can breathe underwater. You know when I went running out of here in a panic blinking four or five times trying to out run everypony? You came down to the bottom of the lake to talk to me.” I reminded her.

“Oh... right. I um... forgot.” She timidly said as she helped me up. I stretched a little bit with only a few joints popping. “So why did you leave the bed again?” She asked as her worried look rapidly changed into an annoyed glare.

“One, because I woke up in the middle of the night. Two, I wanted to get cleaned up for myself. No offense Twilight I just felt better cleaning myself.” That last one I couldn't help the blush across my face. “And three, I just wanted to relax and soaking in water helps. Since the spa wasn't open at midnight and I didn't want to wake you. I didn't go out on a walk or anything if that's what you're worried about. Learned that lesson after the last time.”

“Oh...” Was all she said before pausing.

“Twilight, I know I'm not the smartest of ponies. I believe you have me beat in that department hooves down.” I started this of course got me another scowl.

“Storm your-” She started before I cut her off.

“I'm smarter then I take myself for, I know.”

“What am I going to do with you?” She asked as she shook her head.

“That's a very good question. Depends on your mood. You could fire me to the moon, stick me up in a cloud, or...” I paused for dramatic effect as I blinked behind her and gave her the biggest hug I could muster still being a mare. “Love me for the big ball of wet fur that I am.” She smirked at this before floating me back into the tub dunking me into it.

“That's for getting me wet.” She playfully said as I floated out a big ball of the bath water.

“Want to play it that way?” I questioned as the water took the same of a smiling face.

“Don't you dare-” She said ducked down her horn alight.

“What? Can't handle a little water?”

“Oh no you don't” She said before a beam of magic struck the water dropping it from my telekinesis. This also cause her to stop holding me up in the air. Hitting the water for the third time I think. I popped my head out looking at her and her smug smirk. “Warned you didn't I?”

“Yes you did but you forget one thing.” I said now smiling.

“And what's that?” She replied still smiling.

“You forgot about the water already on the floor.” I answered as a softball size ball of water nailed Twilight right in the back of the head.

“Okay that's it.” She said disappearing. I looked around before getting pinned down into the water by Twilight's hooves. I was stuck there under the water staring up at the distorted vision of my marefriend. Who was smirking like the devil that just made a deal. I smirked as I started to float up the water around us above her. Her gasp on my let up as she watched the water wondering what I had planned. Which wasn't much. I popped behind her as I dropped the water back into the tub soaking her again. “No fair.” She huffed.

“You're just angry because you lost.” I said turning around reaching for a towel, then splat! I looked down to see a snowball or I should clarify the remit of a snowball melting away. I turned to see that some of the water from the tub was gone and twenty or so snowballs floated around Twilight wrapped in her magic. I couldn't help but smile at this. She wanted a snowball fight. We were going to have one. With a flick of magic I opened the window to outside and pulled in a large glob of snow. Twilight tried so hard to stop me. But I was a little too fast for her. Right now the two of us stared down. Both of us held spherical balls of snow. It was Twilight that made the first move. Two balls of snow flew right at me nailing me right in the face. She tried with a third but I brought up a wing to block it and returned with four of my own. She of course teleported out of the line of fire right as I released them from my hold. I felt a few pelt me in the back of the head as I turned to see Twilight only holding from a rough count twelve. I focused and floated six of my own in different directions to keep her focus on them.

“Do you really think that's going to work on me?” She said as the six all came at her from different directions she blinked again to the right. She smiled watching the six hit each other. But unlucky for her I had sent my other ten where she rematerialized, with a wet splat they connected.

“I hope you know this means war.” She growled lightly as the rest of the water disappeared and turned into balls of snow. Well... I was screwed. I was hit with a wall of snow so fast that I couldn't blink out of the way. Just like a wet dog I shook to get all the snow off me. “Shouldn't face somepony when they have the upper hoof.” Twilight said with a cocky grin.

“Shouldn't underestimate the underdog either.” I said before I zipped over to her with help of the speed enchantment and teleported both of us outside with her landing in a big pile of snow. I landed next to her but we couldn't help but laugh a bit. Until Twilight started to freeze from the wet fur. We re-entered her house. Well would it be more to say our home? Granted all that I owned was just in a duffel bag and a pair of saddlebags. I mean I didn't really have much did I? Twilight watched me as I entered behind her as my gaze didn't focus on anything. I started to look at everything in the room. From bookshelf to bookshelf. Just the wealth of information that was at my hoof tips. But it didn't really matter now did it? To have all this just in grasp just for me to blunder something so simple up. I went to the chair closest to the fireplace and just sat there, one of those oversized chairs that you could wrap yourself in a nice big blanket and read. It was comfy too, as soon as I got into it Twilight came over and sat next to me. Lucky for the both of us this chair was big enough. Out of my new habit I laid my wing across her back. I was still smaller than her but she smiled all the same. Before it dropped again with her glance at me.

“What's wrong Storm?” She had asked and I remained silent. I tried to get something out of my mouth but it all ended in a sigh.

“I guess I just realized that no matter how much I read in these books” I had finally started to say after a good ten minutes of me just trying to focus my thoughts out. “That I'm still as stupid as ever when it comes to Equestria. I mean look at all the times I had to ask a simple question about something every pony already knows. I feel just so stupid that I can't just go, oh yeah I know about that. Then just continue talking about it. I mean I didn't even know about the whole magic pool thing until the date. I'm betting that was already some ponies know when there ten or so.” I vented a bit.

“Storm, I understand that it could be frustrating for you still taking all this in. You've been here only a few months. So it's understandable you wouldn't know everything that every pony takes for common knowledge.” She said gently placing a hoof on my shoulder. I nodded in silence as she spoke. “But, you've also learned things that even I haven't known of.” She continued which got me to look at her a little confused.

“Like what?”

“Well, the Artifacts of Harmony.” She answered. “As far as I knew there was only the Elements of Harmony.”

“Well understandable you knew of them Miss Element of Magic.” I shot back with a small smirk.

“Well technically true. But I knew of them well before that as an old mare's tale.” She started to explain about how she came to know about them, partly from Celestia herself during her magical studies. From what I could gather in her long and I would like to point this out long. If I could display this word it would be old three times the size of everything else with three underlines to it long. That Celestia already knew that her student was going to be the element of magic. Honestly it was a guess at this point being an idiot means I could have been wrong, but it's fun to guess. After she recalled her history as a Celestia's student. She went on to explain some of the things she had learned. Much like the creating and understanding of magical spells and artifacts. What really got me to cut her off was when she talked about the magical theory of mathematics in magic.

“How does that even work?” I had to ask. That was when she broke it down for me. It was pretty much like a mathematical formula to using magic. Which I found rather interesting for the most part magic was a pictorial system. A unicorn, alicorn, or dralicorn had to focus on a shape. The harder the spell the more complex the shape. I saw one that was closer to spider web within a spider web complexity. What this theory did was allow one to more precisely cast the spell with a lighter requirement of magic. Which makes sense in a way if you factor in that angles some shapes required. I had asked her if she had any copies of the books that covered that theory.

“Not in the public sections of the library.” She said and I deflated a bit. If she didn't have the book then I guess I would have to search for it another way later. “But...” she said which got me to look at her. “I do have a few books in my private collection.” That was all she got out before I flew figuratively up the stairs back into her room... would it really be technically our room at this point? That's when I had noticed something was off about the room. I had looked over the room quite a few times before Twilight had made her way up the stairs after me. She came over to me as her horn lit up. Within moments I watched a book float off the shelf and onto a table that I didn't notice there before. The book flipped open to the beginning. I eyed it for a moment before I had turned back to Twilight. Then noticed the other table. It was the very same one. My gaze shifted back and forth before I gave Twilight a confused look. She smiled gently at me before she decided to answer my confusion. “I figured you could use a table for your own work space.”

“Twilight you didn't need to-” Was all out of my mouth before she placed a hoof over it.

“I know I didn't need to but I wanted to. I had noticed you don't have anything really here beyond your bags. So I wanted you to have more things for yourself.” She said before turning me to show an almost empty bookcase. “I even organized the shelves up here so you can have this bookcase all to yourself. I went ahead and put your books in it as well.” I went up to the four shelf bookcase to see my copies of Equestrian Myths and Legends as well as my other books. Which it seems that she placed the ones from earth on the other side of the shelf. I smiled and gave her a big hug... well as close as I could. I'm really starting to not like being a mare more and more. No offense to any of them it's just I wish to go back to being able to hug Twilight completely again.

“Thank you Twilight.” I said with a smile. All that my marefriend did was hug me back, followed by turning me around with her magic and placing me on my rump in front of the book. Taking the oh so not subtle hint, I had began to read and dear Celestia this stuff was fascinating. If I knew how the magic and math coincided with each other so much. It was closer to a mathematical recipe really. Just the right level of magic and a simple spell could be a master piece. This stuff had me hooked in so much that I completely lost track of time when I finished the first volume in this five volume set. I was about to go through it one more time just to make sure I got it all before Twilight dragged me to the hospital to get my case off. Of course I would say dragged when she was more floating me as I floated the book with me reading the whole way there. Something somepony doesn't know is when I get my head in a book or a story, well, you have a better chance of shoving a golf ball through a one hundred foot thick steel wall without punching a hole in it. This just make my complete fascination with magic shoot up to a higher level. I wonder if this is how Twilight felt.

“Storm?” The lavender unicorn said.

“Huh?” Was all she got out of me.

“Storm!” She said ripping the book out of my telekinetic grasp. “The Doctor's been asking you a question for the last ten minutes.”

“Oh... um.... sorry?” I said a little on the embarrassed side.

“Miss, how is your wing feeling?” The light blue unicorn stallion asked. I was guessing he was the doctor. I looked back to notice the cast on my wing was removed. I gave it a small test flap.

“If you mean if I feel pain in it. Then no, it's feels completely fine to me.” I answered stretching my wing a bit. It still bothers me with my wings are confined. Course my marefriend being as devious as always gently run a hoof up my back causing both wings to shoot out followed by a squeak from me. I turned and shot her a glare. She only smirked at me. I sighed and turned to the now blushing bright red doctor, I gave him a curious look.

“Ah sorry. I'll leave you two alone for a bit.” He said slowly backing out of the room before he dashed out shutting the door. That was followed by the telltale sounds of him running off. Oh why does this happen? I turned to see a blushing red Twilight smirking at me snout to snout. Which caused me to turn redder then I was a few moments ago. She then pinned me down to the bed that I was sat in during my visit. It seems that my personal room here at the Ponyville Hospital had already set a room aside for just me, hell it even had my cutie mark already on the door. This room even had a few other things like a full body mirror. I was not sure about this still but I think this was moot. Twilight looked right at me as I gulped quietly. I don't know if it was me or Twilight's been rather forceful as of late.

“Storm.” She purred and I couldn't help but turn an ever brighter shade of red as she got real close to me to the point she had her muzzle right to my left ear.

“Yes, Twilight?” I said and the nervousness in my voice was readable from the dark side of the moon.

“Can you do me a little favor?” She asked and I knew I wasn't going to like this. Well maybe I was and my own level of naivety was getting the better of me but I nodded slowly.

“Wha... what is it?” I asked.

“Can I do a little experiment on you?” She asked in a sultry voice. My wings decided to pomf on me again shortly after that come out of her mouth.

“What kind of experiment?” I asked.

“A very informative kind of experiment.” She replied in that same sultry voice. Something didn't sound right with this. Well alright there was level of surreal about this whole moment. If I was asked if I would trade this moment for anything else. I would ask that pony, person, or whatever if they were crazy. Hey I may not be good with dealing with intimate things like this. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy them. There is always a time and place for these things. Of course being the idiot that I was I couldn't help but nod. She beamed at me before hopping off and heading out the door. I blinked quietly now confused more than ever. For some reason and I probably could figure it out if I really could use my brain at the moment, I felt like I just got cheated out of something. Only a few seconds later it finally clicked and my wing of course expanded out with another audible pomf. Lucky for me at the moment I was a mare and not a stallion because I think I would have a serious case of blue balls from that one. Twilight Sparkle you are a tease at times. I sighed quietly and waited to see what would happen. Unfortunately Twilight decided I didn't need the magical mathematics book because it was nowhere to be seen.


Six hours, six ever loving hours. It took the blasted doctor six hours to come back to check and see if I was still here. That and for him to tell me the news about my body. It seems that besides the little whoops from last night. I was healing up just fine. Or as the doctor put it too fine. It seems that my broken bones were healing up faster. He had questioned me if some healing spell was used and I had to explain about one of the stitches inside popped yesterday. Then I explained that Twilight had used magic to heal it. Beyond that nothing that I knew in the sense of healing magic.

“I see.” Was all the doctor said as asked me to lay on my side. I did what I was told as he went over the stitching on my belly. Not going to lie this felt awkward to no end. Let's take out the whole I'm a mare at the moment and he's a stallion which did not help my mental problem as I kept eying him during that time. But he gently placed a hoof on the stitching and ran said hoof across it several times. “Two days.” He said after removing his hoof.

“What?” I questioned.

“In two days you can go change back prince.” He said and of course I shot him a glare.

“Thank you and please just call me.” I started to say before getting cut off.

“Storm or Firestorm I know. But I'm sorry I can't. As much as you dislike that title you are a prince unless you prefer me calling you a princess at the moment.” He said.

“Why can't you?” I asked.

“Besides being right thing to do. As part of the medical practices it's taught to us to respect royalty and treat them as such.” He answered.

“And what if the pony in question finds it disrespectful to be called such.” I shot back.

“Then I have to follow the hospital protocols on the matter. Which dictate that I have to anyway prince.” I groaned as he said this. We continued to go back and forth on this as he redid my bandages. After I was completely wrapped up again which mind you was just to wrap up over the area they had to cut into to fix me. I was told that I could go home but they wanted me back after I had changed into a stallion again to make sure there was not unseen side effects. Beside the whole brain thing from the poison joke. So I left and found myself wandering around Ponyville for an hour. Nopony really talked to me or probably even noticed me. I finally stopped back in the training field where not too long ago I had faced my darker side and became one with him again. As well as the snowball fight me and the C.M.C. had with those ponies. There was a nice clear spot where the snow was removed that I had decided to just relax there. Honestly I wasn't one for the cold. I was more a spring time weather kind of pony. I just sat there watching the clouds and the random pegasi that flew by.

Derpy was making her round being a mail mare as I was told. I found out that Derpy did quite a few jobs. Either being a helper for a moving company to being the town's main mail mare. She even from time to time did a little construction with a few other ponies. I find that a little worrying to hear after the whole crashing into me and the story about her quote unquote helping Dash fix up city hall. Which reminded me other then mail not to ask the gray coated pegasus for help, more for my well being than anything. I continued to watch the sky as a small winter breeze blew across the field. I guess out of instinct my wings opened up a bit as I felt the cold breeze through them. In all honesty the wind felt great in my wings, almost like they belonged there. This brought my mind back to my dream last night before I passed out in the tub. The one of me flying above Ponyville. Much like how I would expect Dash to fly. The speed, the dexterity, and the all around feeling of the wind in a pony’s mane and wings. I tried to flap my wings similar to how I did it in the dream. Slow at first mainly to get a feel for it. It seemed easy enough. So I tried putting more force into my flaps and I got off the ground a few feet before.

Wham! Right into the ground on my face.

“Ow.” I groaned as I sat back up rubbing my face. That hurt... a lot. With a shake of my head I tried yet again. Which of course got me a few feet off the ground before yet again. Wham! Okay Dash made this look too easy. Speak the devil’s name, the very same prismatic maned mare was laughing as she floated down to me. I shot her an annoyed glare as she laughed.

“I'll give you a nine for attempting but seriously dude, that's not even a one on the rest of it.” She said after she wiped the tear from her eye. I continued to shoot her a glare. Partly hoping she would just burst into flames from it... sort of. Okay I didn't mean it literally I meant metaphorically. Dash landed next to me and helped me up.

“At least give me some credit. It wasn't bad for not knowing a thing about flying beyond gliding.” I shot back as I gave my wings another flap, this one more to adjust.

“True true. But you really need to get the basics down before you try and fly.” Dash got out before hovering in the air. Her wings gave a simple slow but not too slow flap, with every little flap gave her the right amount of lift to keep her in the air. I unfurled my wings and gave it a try. One large one to get me off the ground followed by a few slower ones, closer to Dash's in timing. This resulted in me flipping over and landing squarely on my back. Which hurt by the way. This also got Dash to laugh again and she helped me up. She finally decided that I needed some guidance and explained how to properly take off. Which honestly I felt like an idiot at how simple it was. After a few failed attempts I finally got hovering down. Moving on the other hoof, not so much. I was wobbling along by the time it was twilight out. Which most of that time was us going to the library with my sudden uneducated detours in flying which sent me down three allies, clipped two fruit stands one of them being Applejack's, almost ran right into Pinkie who jumped over me to avoid the impact; don't ask me how I still can't figure out how that pony works, and finally right into the side of the library which was where we were going. Twilight hearing the impact and the “Ow” from me outside went to check what was going on.

“What in Celestia's name are you two doing?” She asked with a cocked eyebrow as she floated me up off the ground.

“Would you believe me if I said I was trying to fly but failed miserably at it?” I said as she floated me over to her. She shot me a curious look before looking at Dash.

“Yeah he's er... she's telling the truth. Storm's going to need a lot of work. She's got the hovering. Flying on the other hoof. Well remember the poison joke stuff with me?” Dash said.

“Yeah, Rainbow-” She began to say.

“Yeah, just like that.” Dash said cutting her off. Twilight eyed me and I gave that please don't shoot me look. You know the one, it's the same one they gave their significant other when they felt like they royally screwed up. Of course that same squeaky toy sound came out when I gave her that look, you know at some point I really should look into how the hell do I make that sound. Twilight rolled her eyes as floated me inside away from the two of them. I didn't hear what she said to Dash before she closed the door and turned directly at me. I gulped as I figured I was about to be face to face with a very crossed Twilight Sparkle. She let out a sigh before coming over to me after she had placed me on the sofa. It wasn't long for her to hop on the sofa looking me over. Her annoyed voice dropping into one of worry.

“What did the doctor say?” She asked. Which I blinked for a moment? Did... did I just get a cause of mood whiplash?

“Ah... well he said I could turn back in two days. Seems that the healing spell you used sped up the process a bit.” I explained. I also told her about the doctor running a hoof over my scar. “Not going to lie it felt weird.”

“Weird?” She asked with an eyebrow popping up.

“Well yeah. I mean just having some pony rub my belly like that just felt off. Well some pony I'm not familiar with at the least. I can't say it would be the same with you or the girls. Well maybe the girls too if I think about it. It feels like that would be a more intimate kind of thing to do you know?” I went off the thought carrying on further then I should have.

“I can see why it would being an ex-human.” She said and my ears went back. I knew she didn't mean anything by it but it just came across a little racist to me. Like what I was just non-existent for her in a way. “Was it something I said?” She asked with a turn of her head in confusion.

“It's fine.” I said. Which it was since it just was how I persevered it was all. I knew Twilight wasn't like that. She eyed me for a moment figuring I was lying to her. Which I wasn't lying at all. Of course that didn't stop her from getting in real close to my face with a stare that could punch through any wall.

“Tell me.” She demanded. I looked at her for a moment before I shook my head.

“It's not important.” I stated looking at all the dirt in my coat, mane, and tail. Man was I dirty to no end, I need a bath stat. With that I hopped off the sofa and made my way upstairs.

“What do you mean it's not important Storm?” She asked as she chased after me. Well sort of to say the least, when I mean chased it was more follow really. I wasn't trying to get away, I was trying to go get cleaned.

“Just like I said. It's not important.” I repeated as we got into the bathroom. I started to run the water for the bath.

“I saw that look on your face. You seriously can't just say it was nothing.” She countered. With that out on the table I sighed and turn around.

“Let me ask you something first. Why does it bother you?” I asked as it was just a simple question.

“Why did it bother you?” She again countered.

“All it was me taking something out of context. I realized that and shook it off. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“But it bothered you in the first place. I just want to know what I said that bothered you to begin with. So I can avoid it.” Twilight said getting closer. I turned off the water and began to slowly undo my bandages on my chest.

“Fine.” I started with a slight annoyance in my voice. “It was when you said. I can see why it would being an ex-human.” I quoted in her voice which I found out is quite easy to do as a mare, when had so much problems with female voices before. “I don't know if you have the word here but it felt racist to me for a moment.” I explained. She stopped almost frozen not before I saw her eyes widen a bit.

“You thought. Oh, no no no no. I didn't mean it like that. I was... oh Celestia. I was just-” She started to get out in her frantic way before I went over and placed a hoof on her mouth.

“Twilight stop. That's what I realized and I dropped it. I know you're not like that and I guess I couldn't help but have it come across like that. From where I'm from that is fairly common so it's more natural for me to persevere it that way.” I explained and she nodded before helping me finish. The filthy wraps were rolled up and placed in the trash bin as Twilight helped me get ready to clean up. The sun was setting by the time I finally got in. Apparently Twilight when she left the hospital went out and got me some of the normal bathroom toiletries. Even a set of wing safe shampoos for fur, mane, and tails. It even smelt like strawberries which was one of my favorite smells. But finally I was left alone with two towels waiting for me on the sink. I finally started to clean myself which started with a ten minute soak under the water. The prosthetic connection point on my little nub of a foreleg just wiggled a bit as I watched it. I know it would sound a little silly at this point after being all this time without my right foreleg. But I kind of missed it just the feelings of it, minus the pain, didn't stop the phantom pains that would hit me from time to time. It felt like the leg was still there some days. But I also wouldn't trade my prosthetic for all of Equestria. It wasn't long when I found out that Twilight during my bit of sleep after encounter with Shadow, that Twilight told me she informed the princess about what I had before hand. The only thing close to what I had was a griffon's prosthetic. Which she had custom ones built and quite a few from what I was told. Which would explain how I was able to get so many after one got destroyed. I was also told they where magically modified which would explain how they would change since poison joke other wise I think I would a little heavy hoofed if that was the case. After my soak I popped up with a curious Twilight Sparkle looking at me. “You need something Twi?” I asked mainly out of curiosity.

“No. I um... wanted to ask you something.” She asked and something in that tone sent a red alert through my head.

“What is it? You know you can ask me any-” Was all I got out.

“Do you mind if I help get you get cleaned up?” She blurting out before I could finish. I blinked for a moment as my brain tried to register that one. Help clean me up? What in the seven blue fuzzy hell was this all about?

“Um... not to sound stupid but apparently I need to. What do you mean help get me cleaned?” I questioned.

“Well um... Rarity.” She began which got me to roll my eyes. “Well... she suggested to do more intimate things since a lot of us trying ends up in ponies interrupting us.” She said the last part with a note of annoyance.

“Twilight, it's fine. It's not like they try and do it on purpose right?” I pointed.

“I know but I just want to do something special just the two of us.” Twilight said and I could see that this was bothering her.

“Was this why you asked me about the experiment earlier?” I asked and she nodded slowly. “Twilight you don't have to disguise it you know. Look if you want to kiss or make out its fine. If you want something more then please just tell me. I don't want something like this to eat up at either of us. But in the same sense I don't want it to be the only thing between us.” I explained looking at her. She stared back for a moment and nodded.

“I understand that. I'm just worried is all, the book said.” She got out before I cut in.

“Screw the book Twi. Look, it doesn't matter what a book said. What matters is what you want. If you want this or that then please tell me. If it's in the realm of possible then I will make sure it happens. Like I've said to your parents and Shining Armor. I want to make you happy Twilight. No matter the cost.” I explained. She looked at me before coming closer to the point the only thing between us was air, the wall of the tub, and water. She smiled lightly before giving me a gentle kiss.

“You can be really sappy at times you know that?” She asked.

“Comes with the territory Twilight.” I said with a light chuckle. She joined in a moment later as we just kind of sat there before Twilight took the shampoo and started to work it into my coat with her magic. I just let her as it felt great feeling the magic and soap work it's way through my fur and feathers, even over my scales. My guess was she was use to doing things this way. She smiled watching me enjoy it before I brought the water up and rinsed off. I then hopped out looking like a drowned rat again. But I was fine. Once I was dry Twilight and I were back in her... well I guess I can say our room sitting on the bed. She was helping me wrap myself back up in bandages. Once they were on I turned to her and asked. “So what would you like to do tonight?” I said as I used my magic to lock all the doors and windows. For added measure I drew all the blinds.

“Well Spike is going to be at Fluttershy's tonight helping her in the morning.” She started and I had wondered where Spike's bed had went off to. “So I thought we could us this time for something you agreed to.” She said as she began to give me that have lilted bedroom eyes. Of course I started to blush hotly as I watched her horn light up and her closet door open up to show quite a number of outfits. I don't know why or how but I had seemed to have forgotten about the whole dress up promise I made, whoops.


The following morning wasn't bad per say. To be precise it was awkward besides the fact that I had about a day left of being a mare. That morning after both Twilight and I got out of bed after an hour of us just staying together in said bed. I found myself at the stove cooking breakfast. I was quick to find out not to let Twilight cook. I glanced back over to the note Spike had left.

Dear Storm,
If you value your health as much as I do. Then for the love of Celestia do not have Twilight cook.
Signed Spike.
I have attached a photo of the last byproduct of her cooking, it's suppose to be pancakes.

When I saw the picture I could have sworn that was suppose to be a black as night baked potato. I blinked a few times looking at this as a sense of horror stuck me. I need to make sure not to have Twilight ever make breakfast in bed. Speaking of the lavender mare, she was sitting at the table looking over a photo album she put together last night. One thing I don't think I will ever figure out is how Twilight talked me into letting her take photos of last night, of course she was looking over the album. I went back to making pancakes which was another thing she talked me into. Well sort of at least, I offered and thankfully so that I offered to make breakfast for the two of us. She asked for some pancakes with daisies in them. Which I agreed to well, she was getting them. Me on the other hoof was going to have just normal ones.

“You should try some of these.” She said after swallowing another mouthful. I eyed her for a moment and shook my head.

“No thank you Twilight. I prefer my normal one.” I said magically flipping another pancake.

“Is this because of the daisies in it?” She asked before taking another bite. “I don't see the big problem. You already had sunflowers.” She tacked on. That got my ears to shoot up before I slowly turned to her. My pancake momentarily forgotten in the air. It went lightly splat in the pan.

“When?” I asked looking directly at her. She stopped and noticed my look before swallowing her bite. It was there for a moment, that look. Every pony knows that look the same, that I was just caught look when you screwed up look.

“At the restaurant, your salad had... oh... right.” She said giving me that nervous chuckle followed. “Well look at the time I really must get back to studying that um... spell! Right spell that very important old spell that Princess Celestia wanted me to study. Thanks for breakfast bye.” She said before she tried to gallop out. Unfortunately for her I was quicker on the draw and had her by the tail.

“Oh I don't think so Twi. We are going to talk about this now.” I said with a low growl to my voice. I hailed her up into the air and brought her back. She nervously smiled at me as I set her back on the stool. “Okay, why did you do it?” I asked.

“Well...” She started before she let out a sigh. “Honestly I wanted to help you get over that hurdle you have of eating flowers. It's part of a pony’s diet, so I figured you needed a little help. You didn't even notice it at all.” She pointed out. I pulled my magic back and sighed as I moved the pan off the stove sliding my only pancake onto the plate. I didn't responded to this new information I just floated my plate over to the table. Twilight had slowly gone back to finish her plate. I slowly picked at my food and was halfway done when Twilight finished. I didn't really look at her as she ate I remained silent even when she asked me for something. Either it being syrup or more daisies, I just simply floated them over. I figured she eyed me trying to get a response. There wasn't one coming at the moment, my mind was elsewhere. Twilight had never tricked me like this before. I mean I didn't count the whole, forgot who I was bit, because she didn't hold it up long against me or was directed at me really. She only needed time to think. But never played me like this especially something I wanted to do on my own. I knew I had to get over the flower issue at some point but I wanted to do this alone. To show that I didn't need to always rely on my friends for their help. I knew Dash was helping me with flying and Twilight was sort of helping with magic. Those I understood since I was still pretty new to all of it still. I had only been in Equestria for what a few months? So it was understandable I wasn't going to be use to everything right away. Hell I got over the whole not being human thing pretty fast and was able to accept that I wasn't going home ever. Of course at the time I didn't know really about anything or had memories to base anything from. But this... this was something different. This wasn't something that had to be addressed right away. Now that I thought about it neither was flying or magic but they were higher up on the need to know then eating flowers. My mind had started to run through my memories at all the times I was tricked or played in a way. Rarity's under hoofed tactics where the first to come to mind either being used for the whole prince thing or using the Crusaders to get Twilight and I to talk to each other. Then there was Dash trying to help me fly by either sticking me on a cloud or getting Applejack to launch me into the air. Pinkie I don't really remember when she ever or more to the fact if she ever had. Well besides the surprising me or dragging me to Rarity's after the first poison joke incident. I couldn't even think of a time for either Fluttershy or Applejack. My mental thoughts were called to a halt in a moment.

“Storm.” Twilight had yelled probably not for the first time. I turned and looked at her keeping my silence. “Finally.” She breathed. “Look I know what I did was wrong but you do see why I did it right?” She sort of pleaded that I understood. I nodded but remained silent about it before going back to my now empty plate of food. I guess my internal thoughts drew me away from my notice of an empty plate. “Please say something Storm.” I let out a sigh before moving my plate and silverware to the sink as I turned to her completely.

“What's to say Twilight? You tricked me into eating something I wasn't ready for-” I started before being cut off with.

“But you need-” She got out before I re-inserted myself.

“Needed to get over on my own. Twilight that was something I wanted to do myself.” I stated which got her to reel back a bit in surprise.

“But... I just wanted.” She said and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

“I know Twilight. I just wish you gave me the option in this was all.” I stated looking directly at her.

“Your pretty angry at me because of this... right?”

“Yes.” I stated to her question. She lowered her head. “But I do appreciate what you did.” I said trying to steer her away from where my mind normally like to go. But I could see the worry on her face.

“What can I do to make up for this?” She asked, I couldn't help but sigh.

“Twilight stop. You should know by now that I'm not like that.” I said as I looked at her directly. “I don't really feel comfortable with every pony doing the whole what can I do for forgiveness. It feels like every pony just want's to pay to be forgiven.” I explained as I looked at her. She nodded for a moment realizing this was a pretty useless endeavor.

“Storm, your right. I wasn't thinking, I guess I'm just a little use to doing things like that. I never thought somepony could take it that way. But I really want to make this up to you. You know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you purposely.” She got out not looking at me but I could see her body sulk a bit.

“I know Twi and I do understand. It's just not how I am compared to every pony else. I'm not really a pony in the traditional sense. Yeah I'm at least half pony but I'm part dragon with a soul of a human. If I could I would be completely pony just so I could be just a normal pony but...” I got out before a sigh followed. “I'll never be a normal pony or drony or whatever. It's about the same as on earth Twi. I was never normal to anyone there so why should I expect that to happen here.” I semi ranted.

“Storm please, don't be harsh on yourself. It wasn't your fault that this happened.” Twilight said trying to redirect where my mind had started to go.

“I know, I know. It's not my fault, things just happened like that, thing's happen for a reason, sometimes life is funny that way, and so many more. I know all this Twilight. Still doesn't change how I feel about it.” I made sure my tone wasn't sarcastic or condescending at all just neutral.

“Storm let me help you.” She tried to offer. I looked up at her after my head had started to turn my gaze to the table before me. “I know this isn't easy but I'm here to listen, I want to help you in any way I can. How about this after we clean up the dishes. I help you learn how to fly?” I couldn't help but pointed out with a slow flap of my wings the glaring hole in that idea. “Point but doesn't mean I can't be there for moral support and to catch you.” She said and I thought about it for a moment then answered with a small nod. She smiled before coming over and giving me a hug. With that she went upstairs probably to clean up. I went and started to clean the dishes. At this point I reminded my mane was still down as some of the loose strains was in my field of view. I blew them out of the way before going back to work. A few hours passed before I took the time to redo my mane into a simple ponytail. Sort of like Applejack's but mine was done closer to the back of my head where her's was done at the end of her mane and tail. After all that Twilight hadn't come down yet, so during that time I figured I could entertain myself with a little doodling. Which quickly turned into a full blown art project. It started as a simple pony and went into outfit designing. I went from armors to dresses, by the time Twilight came down from her room I had three pages full of drawings. Only one had an armor design which I took heavily on the dragon's body structure for inspiration. Once Twilight was down with a few books in her saddlebags, she found me and before I could close the sketch book ripped it out of my magic to look it over. Of course I knew it wasn't any good I was just doodling after all. Twilight eyed me for a moment as I waited. “Storm these are amazing.” She said with some sense of awe. Which I thought it was misplaced, I mean they were doodles nothing more. “Can I show these to Rarity?”

“Sure if you want, I mean I know there not that good.” I said as I watched her close the sketch book and slide them into the saddlebags she wore.

“There good Storm, really they are.” She said and I won't hear any of it but I just let her continue saying how wonderful they were. Soon after, Dash came crashing into the room and when I mean crash I mean right up to me yanking me out the door. Twilight hot on our tails, not for the first time and I highly doubt for the last time I felt like a rag doll in some ponies hooves as Rainbow finally deposited me on the training field.

“Alright ready to get back on those wings and fly around?” Dash said puffing up with pride. After it took me a second to process the mental whiplash and I think a little bit of physical too at her actions, I finally said something.

“You couldn't let me at least have a cup of-” Was all out of my muzzle before Pinkie literally out of nowhere popped up with a steaming cup.

“Coffee!” She said in time with my thoughts as she gave me a simple travel cup of the delicious caffeinated beverage.

“There you have your coffee now let's get your flank into the air.” Dash impatiently said, I of course ignored her for a moment to enjoy my drink and for it to really jump start my system. She didn't much like that and grabbed me by the tail and lifted my orange butt up into the air. Lucky for me I had learned the art of chugging my drinks especially around these ponies. When one could literally blindside you with a pounce then you need to know how to make sure you don't lose any of it. I dropped my coffee which Pinkie caught with ease on her nose and with a flick of said nose tossed it into the trashcan just a few feet away. With that out of the way I gave my wings enough of a flap to get me hovering in the air like before. Hovering was not the hard part, moving was.

“I see you got the hovering down. Now lets see you fly over to Twilight.” Dash said dragging my hovering flank back a few feet. I nodded and tried my best to get over to her. Which amounted to two flaps forward, followed by a flip in the air, and finally me on my back... again. Dash made this look easy. Once again after I flipped myself over I got back into the air hovering. Once again I began to try and fly over to Twilight. I got at least four more flaps in before I flipped over and this time landed on my face. Why hello ground, fancy meeting you here today. How's the kids? I groaned before Twilight floated me upright again. “Come on Storm, I know you can do better than that. Now try doing it again with less crashing on your face.” Dash said like it was the easiest thing in the world. For her most diffidently me on the other hoof it was like trying to run with two extra legs... wait. Something about the analogy hit a little too true. Oh wait, that's right I had to do that too. So I was in outright familiar territory.

“I'm trying Dash.” I groaned as I got back into the air once again.

“Well quit trying and do it.” Dash said getting in my face. Which I much didn't appreciate her doing that. I blew the little tuft of my mane that I couldn't contain in the ponytail and got myself hovering. This lasted five hours, five hours of me wobbling in the air followed by me flipping someway and landing some how. Out of all the times I tried, I landed on my hooves twice. Each time Dash as getting more impatient with me screwing up to the point she went over to Twilight whispering into her ear. I watched quietly from my crumpled heap on the ground from my latest failed attempt. Of course I couldn't make out what they were saying but that look Twilight had, just unnerved me a bit. It was that friendly you're doomed because what we have planned kind of smile. Her horn flared to life as I was picked up into the air with my wings stretched out for me. Me of course not knowing what's going on started to panic, which of course didn't help.

“Storm please calm down. I'm just helping you get a feel for flight.” Twilight said and I looked at her confused as she continued to flap my wings for me. Simple slow flaps to keep me aloft. Part of me wondered how she would know about flight let alone how to do controlled flaps like this. Then I realized she probably had a spell to give her wings like the one that gives ponies a set of butterfly wings. I relaxed a bit just letting her have control over this. In a way it was nice knowing that I was safe because I knew Twilight wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I noticed Dash whisper something in Twi's ear before she nodded with agreement.

“Okay Storm time to get you flying straight.” Dash said flying up to me as she physically augmented my wings. The blush of my face at this after her touching my wings could tell how it felt to me. I still can't past that feeling of somepony brushing my wings. I mean after I found out about the nerve bundles in the wings are both to help feel the air around them and it was an erogenous zone. Twilight even blush watching it but her was more a scowl. Well sort of I think she knew that was going to do this but I think it didn't set well watching somepony doing that to her coltfriend... well I guess it would be marefriend right now. After Dash was finished augmenting my wing I started to fly forwards, slowly since I was doing timed flaps to keep me aloft. I could feel Twilight's magic around and I felt safe. Dash then started to instruct me on how to turn. It took another two hours for me to get turning down but now feeling confident about my ability to fly it was almost second nature. Part way through something clicked in a way. It was hard to explain really after all this time I've been in Equestria the only other thing that really clicked with me was magic... something felt odd thinking about that. But nonetheless after days of work I was flying. Dash also taught me how to pick up speed which was nice to know just in case I had to catch somepony. During the whole time Twilight still had me covered in a layer of her own magic, sort of a safety net for me. Twilight eyed Rainbow for a moment before they both nodded at something. Honestly I didn't quite care as I was enjoying flying around as I was now doing circles around the training field. Oh I could totally see why Dash loved flying so much. Dash flew up to me causing me to back flap twice to stop as she grinned. “So Storm feeling up for a race against the fastest pegasus in Equestria?” She asked as she gave that predatory grin with a side of snark. I nodded as we flew to the starting line, well above it really. “Alright from here to the tree over there.” She said as she pointed to a fairly large oak tree that was close to a pond.

“Alright.” I answered getting ready. Twilight was on the ground before us as she held up her hoof to signal for us.

“Ready.” She said followed by a small pause. “Set.” Followed by another, she dropped her hoof before she yelled. “Go!” With that both Rainbow Dash and I flew off as fast as we could go. Well I knew I was going as fast as I could. I was neck and neck with her as she grinned. I tried pushing my wings a bit further as I gave it my all. It wasn't long before the tree was close. I turned to look at Dash, who wasn't there anymore. I turned back to see her floating in the air with her forelegs crossed with a knowing grin. That's also when I noticed I wasn't being held up by Twilight's magic anymore. Speaking of the lovable ball of lavender, she was next to Dash smiling with a little jump for joy. Of course that all stopped when they noticed what I was still flying forwards.

“Watch out for the.” They yelled before. WHAM! “Tree.” They weakly said before coming over to me to see if I was alright. On a scale of hits I've taken since I've been in Equestria I would give this maybe a three at most. It hurt of course but not really as much as getting impaled by a stone horn or having my leg blown off. I sat at the base of the tree in a small daze when the two of them got to me.

“Oh my Celestia, are you alright?” Twilight said looking me over.

“Yeah. I'm fine, I've taken harder hits.” I said shaking my head to get the stars out of my view. “Just had a lesson on trees.” I lightly smiled.

“Lesson?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, I learned a tree's bark was worse than it's bite.” I answered with a smile. Twilight lightly giggled, I could hear that giggle all day. Dash snorted at my bad joke.

“At least you're alright. So how did you like your first real flight?” She said landing next to me.

“Pretty good, but I need to branch out on new ways to stopping myself. You wouldn’t be leaf how bad it is to be stopped by a tree.” I said pointing to the tree with my prosthetic thumb. This got Twilight to roll her eyes with a light laugh as Dash started to outright laugh.

“At least the hit to your head didn't knock out that sense of bad humor you have.” Twilight joked.

“Yeah, doc said that I had a case of bad humor-itis. Incurable if I remember right.” I shot back and she smiled. It took maybe a few minute before our stomachs started to growl reminding us that it was lunch time. So we went to eat at some outdoor cafe. I didn't quite catch the name of it but also didn't really care. I flew the whole way there just so I wouldn't fall out of practice. Shut up it's my reason and I don't have to explain it. Wait... who am I thinking that too? I think Pinkie is rubbing off on me... oy. We found our seats, picking one of the tables outside. Part of me wanted to question why we were eating outside when it was still winter but in the same sense kind of figured it was normal, considering that every pony else was out here two. The three of us placed our orders, both Dash and I got hay fries while Twilight got a daisy sandwich. To be honest I had been curious on hay fries since I found out about them. When our orders arrived I picked up one of the fried stick and looked it over a moment.

“Dude what are you doing?” She asked.

“Looking at it.” I answered back.

“Well don't look at it, eat it.” She said before going to town on her large stack of them.

“Dash relax, she's still new to a lot of the food here. I mean it wasn't to long ago she had her first flower.” Twilight said which got Dash's eyebrow to raise.

“Seriously?” She questioned.

“Yes.” I answered before taking a bite. It tasted just like a french fry from home. Wait... would they call those prench fries here? Damn it I'm doing it again. Anyway the three of us shared the meal with me paying for it all. Honestly it was kind of nice, not once was I called prince or well princess in this case but just treated like a normal pony. The three of us left with both Dash and I in the air. More because Dash insisted that I don't fall out of practice when I just really learned the skill. Which honestly it wasn't bad, partly on the way back my wings started to protest and I finally landed. By then Dash had flew off something about weather duties.

“So what shall we do for the rest of the evening?” Twilight asked as she leaned in close. I blushed a little but remembered something.

“How about we deal with a little business before we have some fun?” I asked.


“The mayor about Winter Wrap-up?” It took Twilight a few moments before it clicked.

“Well we may as well.” Twilight answered as we turned towards city hall. For as much as I hate going to official looking places, the castle notwithstanding, my luck with officials and justice types like back at home. More just an ingrained then really. It didn't take us long to get a meeting with Mayor Mare, probably for the fact that there was a royal and Celestia's personal student here to meet with her would probably take higher priority than locals. We came in as a dark brown coated stallion with an almost dusted light gray mane and tail left with annoyed huff. I watched him leave making sure not to be in his way, with that Twilight and I went in.


It took a few hours to set through all the little details to Winter Wrap-up. Well for a royal standpoint that is. Twilight knew a good chunk of these being Celestia's student but it seems that there was a few smaller tidbits that she overlooked. Since Ponyville was founded by earth ponies they kept to the whole cleaning up winter the earth pony way. Well minus the cloud clearing and the guiding the southern birds home part. I mean somethings just had to change over time I suppose. But the main point was no magic well not outside magic in a way. Unicorns were forced to either use earth pony devices like Pinkie's peddle powered chopper which at first time hearing it surprised me but after I had began to really think about it. It made sense that she would have one. I mean Rainbow Dash was both our friends and just to hang out with her in the clouds she would need a way up there. Well unless she wants to break physics again and just stand on a cloud without the spell. This lead me into the question about other towns. Manehattan is mostly done by earth ponies but they uses special devices that are made with a mixture of earth pony technology and magical science from unicorns. As well as pegasi helping out with the clouds. Appleloosa being in the desert the same with some place called Dodge Junction, don't really get snow because of the climate there so they don't have a wrap up. As for Canterlot a lot of ponies are hired to clear out the city but most of them are unicorns and pegasi. Cloudsdale doesn't get a winter since it's the main town that makes the weather. My brain after hearing those words just did a back-flip in the what the fuck 'o' meter department. The only place in all of Equestria that no pony does the weather for was of course the Everfree forest. I wasn't really surprised I mean I've been in there maybe a hoofful of times and I didn't even like the place.

We explained about my fire and Mayor Mare sided with me on the fact that it was more a natural ability much like the pegasi can manipulate the clouds. So I was going to be paired up with miss breaking physics to melt the ice on the lakes. Which was fine and shouldn't take long. After that I would be melting a lot of the snow for the water tower. Which again wasn't a problem, she also informed me that I shouldn't do the heavy flying like the clearing of clouds or getting the birds more for the fact she saw my attempts on flying yesterday. Turns out that I almost ran into one of her assistants yesterday. You have no idea how awkward I felt hearing that, luckily I was able to apologize to the same assistant. Notepad was her name and very fitting for the young mare, her cream coat with a lead gray mane and tail said it was alright. With all the details set out Twilight and I left back into the main street of Ponyville. It was getting closer to dinner time which honestly I wasn't hungry since I was still satisfied from the hay fries I had earlier. So we just walked around town enjoying the sights. Honestly I don't think I really got a good look of the town until now. Well not after my many times in the hospital and events happening. It was a nice walk as I watched every pony go off on their normal rounds. The two of us found ourselves in the park which wasn't as snow covered as the rest of Ponyville. After finding a cleared bench the two of us sat down and relaxed.

“Storm can I ask you something?” Twilight started as she looked over to me. I gave her a curious look.

“What's on your mind?” I asked back.

“Do you miss them?” I blinked for a moment.


“Your friends and family.” She asked. I turned and started to look at the lightly clouded sky and thought about it a bit. She just watched me the whole time before I finally answered.

“Yes, in a way I will always miss them. I mean even with all the problems I had with family they were still my family. Yeah we fought a lot and yelled about the same amount but they never really did an unspeakable act. I wasn't abused in the traditional sense of the word. I was overworked sure, and they did get on my case about stuff that wasn't their business but still. It's kind of like your mother about the whole grandfoals thing.” I explained and I saw Twilight turn red at that. “But you still love her as your mother right?” She nodded at my question. “It's about the same. As for my friends... I do. Very much so and given the chance I would like to be with them again even if it was a day.” I answered. Before my gaze and my light smile turn into a deep frown as sadness began to wrap my heart up like a vice. “But I know it would be more a spit on our friendship if I did.”

“How can you say that Storm?” Twilight said in shock.

“Because if somepony came up to you after your friend had passed away and say he was them. Would you believe them?” I asked and I could see the gears in her head turn.

“I don't think I would.” she said out loud.

“That's the point. I rather have them remember me as I was then go to them in a new body saying 'hey guys remember me I'm your dead friend that got transferred to another dimension and got a new body that was hasn't been seen in over twelve hundred years. How's things going for you?' I think they would hit me or at least toss me out on my flank.” I said that last part in a very fake enthusiastic tone. “It wouldn't be right to put them through that just to lose me a day later to come back. Even if I stayed then I would miss everypony here too much.” There was a small pause before I added. “Especially you Twilight.” I said as my gaze returned to her. I could see that she understood this far better than I had wanted.

“Storm... why don't you tell me about them?”

“My friends?”

“Yeah. Ghost, Knives, and Viper was it?” She asked more to make sure she had them right.

“Yeah... truth be told those aren't their real names but it was more what we called each other really. Kind of like a nickname, like how some of the girls call you Twi.” I began with a light smile.

“Ah, did you know their real names?”

“Well... at the time before coming here. I believe so but those were some of the memories I haven't gotten back yet. It seems that some of the details were lost when I got to Equestria. I'm glad I got most of them back at least.” Which was true. I had almost all of my memories just little bits and bobs were still gone to me. I figured with enough trauma that I had gone through a few missing memories is at least the damage I had to go through. I mean I did lose a foreleg after all. “But oh well, anyway, well where do I start?” I said more to myself.

“Well how did you meet them?” She asked.

“Well that's good as any place I suppose. On earth there's a thing called the internet.” I began.

“What's the internet?” She asked and I just couldn't help myself.

“A series of tubes” I shot back which confused her more. Then I finally broke it down for her and explained that it was mainly known as the information superhighway and that it helped connect everypony together through the world wide web. She followed along especially when I explained it wasn't like a spiderweb in a way but in the same it was. I used the light spell to help describe my point by drawing a web in it with little circles at each connecting point. I explained that through the internet we could get data from one spot to another. Sort of like giving a book about spells from the library to another pony’s house while keeping the book at the library. Confusion sat in and I explained that the information would only display or readable in that case through the computer which was a higher tech version then the one she had. After that bit of explanation where she had the basic grasp of it. I began to explain that I met Ghost through a means of two other “friends” which was a story in itself and I told her I would explain that another day. But I explained how it was during some videos which was a lot easier to explain just by calling it a play without being at the play to see it. Broad definition but it was enough to get the point across. I told her about how we use to work together on a project and when I had a falling out with the other two for “reasons” I stayed friends with him, more him being the only one of them to really talk to me anymore. From there we've been talking to each other and really became friends there since it only started as we were looking for people to help with the project. It was kind of funny now that I thought about it. It was when I needed help with something I began to really make friends. I mean even everypony here was the same. I only became friends with Twilight from my needing her help to recover my memories.

Then I moved on to Viper how we got to know each other over the web another way. Which led me into explaining gaming systems. Which was far easier to explain then before having used the computer as my basing point. Well I had explained that I found Viper over a link to the web and we played a game together. That and we talked with me explaining the project I was working on at the time through the gaming. I didn't feel like it was the time to explain a let's play to her or really felt like I really had needed to in the first place so I kept things simplistic at the most. But I explained that he joined in on the project and it launched into something bigger. A full blown friendship.

This finally led me into Knives which I knew through Ghost as those two started getting together after having issues with her parents. I keep a very broad description of it, which annoyed Twilight to no end but I did it more out of respect for my friend. But I summed up some of the more fun details that we went though like the trip Knives, Ghost, and I had up to a place called Chicago. Which I outright laughed when Twilight asked.

“Chicacolt?” Which I couldn't help it being the whole pony lexicon leading the miss explained idea.

“No, Chicago. It's like Manehattan just called differently.” Which she understood, didn't change how funny I thought it was. Sometimes these pony puns were just too funny to pass up. Hey I was known for bad jokes so having some literally tossed back at me was a little uplifting for me. Because as I explained about my friends the sense of homesickness really began to eat up at me. I just smiled lightly after a bit as I began to explain about the trip. “Part of the trip was just to go up there and have fun seeing all the sights we could in a day, well partly. I had one thing I really wanted to do.”

“What's that?”

“Well while I was human I had a thing about eating challenges.” I said with a light chuckle. “Since I was a big guy, ah hell let's not mince words here. I was out right fat in almost every sense of the word. But I did enjoy doing eating challenges, mainly to see how far my body would let me go eating wise. Kind of funny now that I think about it more.” I said lamenting on it all.

“How is eating funny?” Twilight asked in the not quite getting it tone.

“Well back on earth I ate everything that's well fat or fatty in a way. Here in Equestria I've been eating way healthier than I ever did back there. I mean look at me I'm pretty thin, okay poison joke effects aside. I'm rather then maybe a little buff I guess from all the workout I've had to do defending and fighting.” I said as I brought up both of my hooves up to my face. Well my prosthetic and left hoof, The light glinted off the burning gold materiel of my prosthetic hoof. I watches as I slowly flexed the little claws after I slide them out. Then changed my left hoof into my more draconic state as the smaller claws just lightly flexed with it. “Even with just a simple change like my diet. I can't help feel a little hollow in a way.” I muttered softly just looking at them.

“Hollow?” Twilight said and I could hear the worry. “Storm what's wrong?”

“Honestly... a lot. I'm still worried about this looming destiny, to be completely honest. I'm terrified about it all, what if I fail because I'm not fast enough, not strong enough, or smart enough to face this Dark One.” I began which was one of the many thoughts that rushed the back of my head.

“Storm, everything will be alright.” Twilight tried to reassure. I wanted to believe her and just have that hope that everything will be fine. But... I didn't. That kind of hope never worked out for me in the end. It more hurt just to pretend it did then it rarely ever doing so. I got quiet as I returned my hoof to normal and sat there looking out at everypony playing about. I saw the cutie mark crusaders playing around just for laughs. I saw Pinkie making snowmen or well snow ponies really. Applejack was talking to Fluttershy about something as Twilight just gently put a hoof on my back and rubbed lightly. “Storm, why don't we head home and read a book together?” She offered and I lightly smiled.

“Sure I suppose.” I said hopping down from the bench. It wasn't long for the two of us getting back home... my new home at least. With that the two of us went up stairs and to the loft that her bed sat on. While she went to pick out a book I began to look around a bit more. I realized not for the first time that I don't have much here. That what I have is like a little invasion onto Twilight's private world. I saw my two photos that Twilight sat out for me on the little nightstand. Right next to it was my saddlebags and my large duffel bag from Earth. I knew my now repaired armor, moon helm, and both of my swords was in her closet. Hell I even had a few books in one shelf of a book case. I couldn't help but just compare myself to an insect, just one leeching off a wonderful mare. Finally my gaze turned back to my two photos. The one of my friends and family. I began to just look at all the happy faces me and my friends have. I saw Ghost and Knives just relaxing on a sofa behind Viper and I who at the time was playing some game. It was one of those moments that my grandmother decided to capture on camera. But I had to wonder, was I a leech to them as well? Was I ever just as stupid there as I was here and how could they ever stand me? It wasn't long when I saw Twilight at the top of her stairs with a book floating next to her covered in her magical aura. She looked so sad I couldn't help but sit up and ask. “What's wrong Twilight?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing. Are you alright?” She said getting up on the bed next to me.

“I... I don't know really. I just let my mind wander a little too far.” I said to her as I laid back down with my forelegs crossed as I rested my head on them. Twilight leaned over and gently nuzzled the side of my face before she laid a hoof around my neck.

“Storm, It's alright.” She said before giving the side of my face a lick. I blinked for a moment looking at her. Did... did she just lick my face? I looked at her a little confused and slightly disgusted.

“Why did you do that?” I asked.

“Do what? Give your cheek a lick?” She asked as I saw her ears go back. “Didn't you like that?”

“It's not that, I just don't know what it would mean. It's new to me.” I asked figuring now this was something I was unaware of in Equestria.

“Oh, well it's a sign of affection like this.” She said giving my cheek a light kiss.

“Oh... oh okay. Sorry I didn't know.” I said now blushing with a bit of embarrassment. Twilight went to say something but was cut short of the sound of an energetic pink ball of energy bursting into the room with what looked like a sack of Celestia knows what, followed by miss breaking and entering herself. Then three other mares and a little purple dragon holding a bright purple suitcase with white stylized R and a set of eyes on it. Under it set in with three cutie mark resembling blue gems.

“Who's ready to Par-tay?!” Pinkie said over stating the party in that question as she opened up her bag and literally launched a table that lands squarely against the wall with snacks as well as other party related items on the table like someone just sat it on there carefully. I think right about then my mind crashed and I would say Twilight's did too because her eye gave that does not compute twitch.

“Girls what are you doing here?” Twilight asked standing up on her bed before a flash and she found herself down on the lower floor with the other girls.

“Well my pinkie sense was going off that somepony was being all sad-y so I thought I had to go cheer them up and what's the best way to do that by having a party. I mean I am Ponyville's premiere party pony after all so I rounded up the guests which I knew being who it was wanted his well technically her friends here and then it hit me. What kind of party should it be? I thought maybe a get the pony out of a droopy mood party but then I realized I didn't have the right color balloons for that since they were delayed because of a mistake at the post office. So I had to go with a get a friend out of the dumps party but then I realized I didn't have my super batch of special cheer up pink frosting. Since I used that up for the other party so I figured a slumber party should work because then all the girls could come and we could have fun like spin the bottle. Oh so many things I can do and I already set up Spike so he could stay the night over at the cakes since they want his help testing out the new gem frosting recipe. So why not just have him there bright in the morning? So now we are here and Spike can go have fun. Bye bye Spike remember don't eat the pink one.” Pinkie just blurted out before shoving a confused purple dragon down the stairs. Of course for some reason my mind followed that one. Was it because my mind was a little screwy already from the poison joke or was Pinkie rubbing of on me? “Oh twitchy tail.” She shout out which caused most of the girls to duck under something. What? I got up to go down but before I did it seemed that I was a little too close to the edge of the bed. Because with that simple motion I found myself falling off the bed rolling to the end and falling onto... where in all of Equestria did this over sized pink pillow come from? Wait... something tells me I should know this. I looked up at the girls and saw Pinkie's right hind leg already out like she... just kicked the pillow under me. I sighed quietly as I gave my wings a quick flap which brought me back up to the loft. When I landed I turned to see Rarity and Applejack looking a little amazed.

“Darling, you're flying!” Rarity said a little surprised.

“Well of course Rarity, I can't stay grounded forever with two amazing mares to help put air under my wings.” I said as I grabbed the fedora in my teeth gently and glided back down enough that I used my wings with small gentle flaps to keep me a foot off the ground as I magically put it on my head. Granted it was a little big for my current size but after tomorrow it wouldn't matter. Of course I didn't really care either, I just wanted to wear it since we are going to have fun and do a little partying.

“Heck yeah. Natural born flying this one. After getting his flank off the ground. Should have seen him flying right into the tree, it was hilarious.” Dash said as she began with a complement before shifting into an insult pretty fast. This took the wind right out of my sail as I thumped onto the ground. The fedora shifted forward to cover the dejected look on my face.

“Dash! That's not funny think about how he feels?” Twilight berated. Honestly I should have expected it in a way. I mean I wasn't the best flier, hell I was far from it. I mean it took me two days to get going straight without flying into somepony. But I think I should quail this before it gets out of hoof.

“It's fi-” Was all I got out of my mouth before Pinkie decided I suddenly needed a big pink frosted cupcake shoved down my throat along with half of her foreleg. Before I could give her a look asking what the hell she froze me with a stern look. Out of all the time's I've been in contact with Pinkie. I've never seen that look, that one look saying you have no chance to rebuttal her in any way.

“No frowny Storm.” She whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I couldn't help but gulp a little at this as my ears flatten back. I opened my mouth and I watched her eye's narrow. “No frowny.” She punctuated with a poke to my chest, luckily she missed the scar from the horn piercing I got from the statue. I gave a defeated sigh as I nodded slowly, this was followed with Pinkie giving me a hug. Not the spine breaking one but a nice gentle one that felt... nice. With a few moments I returned it just as gentle. I was still smaller then everypony there but oh well. It was a little funny when Pinkie's untamed mane began to tickle my nose a little causing me to sneeze. But somehow and I can't guess this Pinkie pressed a tissue up to my nose in time. Something about this mare made her very endearing to me but also scared the living hell out of me. She pulled me over with everypony else where Twilight had pillow's sat out for everypony. Pinkie deposited me right next to Twilight and she sat next to Rarity. To my left was miss can't respect ponies privacy herself Rainbow Dash who was giving me that devious look. This doesn't bode well for me at all.


Several hours had passed as we got into a game of bottle spinning truth or dare. Dash who tried to get me quite a few times was a little annoyed with me when I always would pick truth on her. But she tried to gear her questions to get everypony to tap out as it were. Pinkie being the party host here had a bag of punishments as it were for those that did tap out. So far that I could tell that the small bag has some pocket dimension in it. Because there is no other way she could pull out so much from that bag. So far she brought some bottles of something, with the either ash gray or sickening green looking liquids in them. I found out later that that was Sweetie Bell's cooking which outright terrified me to no end. I couldn't honestly tell which one's worse, Twilight's or Sweetie Bell's cooking. Note to self don't ever have anyone of them cook for you, it could be hazardous for your health. So far it hasn't been that bad considering all the questions and dares. The funnies thing out of all this was the bottle being a lie detector that Twilight herself enchanted for this. While we watched the others do their dares and such, I had questioned Twilight about enchantments themselves. Which I found out that there is quite a number of them from simple light spells which a lot of the flashlights they have are using a special crystal in them to power the enchantment. So it was like double A's for Equestria of sorts. Maybe I could find a way to re-power the CD player after all. I sort of worried about that after Twilight informed me that she killed it after listening through my collection of classical music so she could make comparative notes on music from earth and Equestria. I requested that she tested out the charging enchantment on the broken player first since it still got power it just couldn't read the disc completely.

But anyway, it was Dash's turn to spin and she gave one strong kick with her foreleg that sent the bottle spinning on a tight spin. It was fast enough that sent Fluttershy who was the only one of us to opt out of playing. Something about having bad memories with the game. Understandable myself because I had much of the same. Well maybe not on the same traumatizing level as it seems Fluttershy had but still, when you have “friends” who like to ask the too personal questions that I had requested not to be asked. I felt a hoof gently rub my back and I turned to see Twilight giving me a warm smile. Just that one to let you know everything is okay. Well at least how it stood. I returned the smile as best I can before laid down a bit more so I was flat on the floor. It wasn't to long when the bottle started to slow down, then finally come to a stop right at Twilight.

“Alright Twi, truth or dare?” Dash asked with a predatory grin. Twilight smile for a moment before answering the question with a simple.

“Dare.” which outright surprised me. So far throughout this she's been picking the same thing I had. My guess was because she didn't want to hide anything from her friends. Though if I had to guess she picked this one because she wanted to feel a little gutsy on this. Dash's grin didn't change as she flew over me to Twilight whispering the dare into her ears. I turned my ear to catch it but all I got was the surprised squeak from Twilight as her cheeks became a nice bright red as he gaze turned to me. I returned her look with a puzzled expression. What did Dash dare her to do? “Do I have to Rainbow?” She asked and I could hear the mixture of nervousness and embarrassment at play in her voice.

“Well you could always refuse the dare and take up another one of Pinkie's punishments.” The devious prismatic maned mare said with a knowing grin. Twilight, of course, paled a little at that, hell so would I knowing what kind of “treats” were in there. Twilight gulped but nodded as I watched her go out of my field of view. Part of me was curious on what Dash had dared her but in the same sense if this unnerved Twilight then I probably didn't want to know. I turned to see Fluttershy blushing with her hooves up to her mouth, Applejack with a lighter blush but smiling, the ball of spastic energy was just beaming a smile, and Rarity was looking away. I laid my head down a bit just to wait before. Smack! The light stinging sensation decided to appear upon my left flank as I turned bright red from that. I slowly turned to see Twilight with a just as radiated blush as I currently displayed on her face as her right foreleg was held in the air right after she had swatted me on the rump. Her gaze shot right to mine as I looked at her directly in the eyes. The stupid side of my brain fight like mouthing the words “Did you just?” as it tried to piece what had happened together, she slowly nodded that she indeed swatted me on the flank. That almost perpetual awkward moment was knocked aside from the laughing Rainbow Dash. My gaze shifted to her as she rolled on the ground laughing. My mouth just flapped for a moment as my brain just failed to send the signal to my vocal cords to talk. Though it did a great job sending it to my horn because within a split second of my failing at talking, I found myself in the bathroom embarrassed to no end.

I sat there looking at the mirror for a few minutes as I tried to will the blush away from what had happened. Part of me couldn't believe that just happened, but in the same sense I could. The worse part of it that in some weird way it felt right. I didn't know if it was because of my poison joke affected brain or just something else. But having my ass smacked like that felt good and I didn't like the fact that I did. This like many other reasons why I don't like that stuff, besides the whole making me a mare and making my resolve for which side I swing waver. I am weaker bone wise from it and it's sometimes hard to keep a coherent thought. Sometimes I wished that I could just go back to who I was before coming here. Just a normal human that had his problems to deal with. No special pony that is part dragon from a being that wasn't living anymore that only got brought here to be a pawn in some necromancer pony that wanted to live long. No just the same large over sized fat self. Just walking around in an orange shirt, blue pants, and glasses having a nice peaceful day. Hell I wouldn't mind being in Equestria while I was human but still just one day. Hell at this point I would take one hour of just something that resembled my old life. I continued to look myself over in the mirror until I hear the door to my right open. I turned to see Rarity looking a little confused for a second before coming over to me.

“There you are darling. You had us worried when you up and disappeared like that. Very unladylike of you.” She said in a light playful tone. My gaze returned to the mirror as I watched her come up behind me. “Something wrong, besides the obvious?”

“Just a bit too much thinking again, it's not important.” I said looking back noticing that my prosthetic was missing again. I sighed quietly figuring that I had another teleportation mishap with it again.

“Storm darling if it's bothering you then it's important. You know you can tell any of us what's wrong, right?” Rarity said and I looked over at her through the mirror. I just looked at her quietly before letting out a sigh.

“It's just everything in a way Rarity. Besides all the effects of poison joke. I just...” I let out a more frustrated sigh. “human.” I said bring my hoof to my head and ran it over my head before stopping at the back of my neck rubbing it.

“Human?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I miss being human in a way.” I said before turning to her. “I just miss a little of my old life. I mean yeah I am a little homesick for earth but I know I can't return there. But I guess I miss being how I was before.”

“Being human?” She asked.

“Yeah, I miss having to get up get dressed up in my normal attire having a quick bite to eat before doing what I had to. I miss just laying about reading a good book with my fingers flipping the page. Hell I miss the feeling of running my fingers over something just to feel its texture. Yeah hooves are nice and all, but I don't know anymore.” I said now sighing for the third time but this one more in defeat. “You know I just would like to be human for a day, hell I would take an hour of just a taste of just that feeling again.”

“Storm, it's alright. I can only pretend to understand how that must feel. Being something then turned into something else without being able to turn back. It must wear on you at times just remembering how you use to be. If I could I would help you with that but...” She tried to be reassuring, tried to be sympathetic but I knew where she was coming from.

“You can't, I know. I don't think there is a way for me to return to how I was anyway. Wishful thinking you know?” I said lightly with just as light as a smile as I turned back to the mirror. “Rarity I think you would love earth the most out of everypony.” I said sort of jumping topics.

“How so?” She questioned with that intrigued tone to her voice.

“A lot of earth is based in appearances. You being a fashionista, you would be right at home. Either being a big designer for the actors, actresses, and big wigs of Hollywood. That or have some well known shop in New York, Paris, or some other place.” I started to smile lightly at the nostalgic feeling I was getting thinking about earth again.

“It does sound wonderful. But not to sound rude, why bring it up?” Rarity asked.

“I guess I'm just lamenting on everything from earth again. The art, fashion, and everything else.” I spoke as I closed my eyes. Just envisioning everything in my mind. All the famous and not so famous works, down to just the simple little pieces of art in the local display.

“Firestorm, it's alright to miss your home. But isn't there something here worth staying for?” She asked.

“Of course. You girls, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining, every pony I've met since I got here.” I turned to her with a light smile. “Especially Twilight.” There was a small clang at the bathroom door as I saw my marefriend looking at me and my prosthetic on the ground as it rolled towards me slowly as if it was dropped from her magic. I gave her a questioned look as she just eyed me with a light blush. Before I could say a word about it she just hugged me. I continued to be confused for a moment but returned it. Hey it was the right thing to do and admittedly hugging Twilight is really nice.

“Storm, I'm...” She began to say before pulling back. “I'm sorry that you're feeling homesick.” I blinked at this.

“Why are you sorry? It's not your fault that I feel like that.”

“I know it's not my fault but still... I wish I could help elevate such things for you.” She said looking at me.

“Twilight you do help. You're there for me every time I start thinking the wrong way. It helps way more than you'll ever know. I know I can be rather silly at times or be rather stupid at times but you still put up with all that. No pony has really been willing to deal with all that. No offense Rarity.” I said that last one I said as I turned back to her.

“None taken darling, admittedly I have caused you some rather unladylike problems myself and I do apologize for my actions.” She said looking a little ashamed.

“Rarity I understand why, trust me I really do.” There was a reassuring smile on my face.

“Still it was very uncouth of me to do so.” She said with a undeniable nod.

“But it's in the past now. So let's leave it there.” I said with a smile.

“Indeed.” She shot back with a smile. During that time Twilight was kind enough to float my leg back into place for me before the three of us returned to the rest of the small party. Which thankfully Pinkie remembered that I wasn't a big party person. I was a more group of friends kind of person. Of course it didn't help when booze got involved but still. After I took my turn on the spin the bottle who which Twilight gave to me after this whole flank fiasco. I got miss buck your head in herself Applejack which of course being the other pony with a massive competitive ego picked dare which she regretted the instant that I dared her to kiss Dash right on the lips. I know I was going to get my skull caved in for this one but if it got Dash back for her dare. It was well worth it, hooves down. Unfortunately she bowed out of it taking up another one of Pinkie's punishments which this one was a bit comical to say the least. I found out shortly after the farm mare drank the bright pink bottle that Pinkie went to Zecora for some mundane potions with simple but funny effects. In this case turned the orange mare into a red plaid coated mare instead. I of course to my best ability tried to keep from laughing like Rainbow was as she was on the ground rolling crying laughing. Rarity was just having a fashion heart attack seeing this and Twilight was trying her best to keep from laughing with a hoof over her muzzle. Luckily for Applejack the effects only last a few hours so she should be back to her old orange self again in no time. But I did talk Pinkie into giving me the bubblegum pink potion for later. Since my little payback was foiled the first time, I was going to make sure the second one wasn't going to fail. But it went fine after some time until I noticed something off on the energetic pink mare's neck. I had to get a closer look on it, lucky for me she had the snack table behind. So using the guise of getting myself some punch which was the delicious strawberry kind. I saw that she had indeed two little wounds to her neck, almost like bite marks. The same you would see in one of those cheesy vampire movie. But who could have done that to Pinkie of all ponies? I mean she was one of the nicest and fun loving mare's I've met. I was rather angry at the thought of somepony hurting one of my friends, especially one of my best friends. Lucky for me I was able to keep my mane and tail from going nova or bursting into flames. I wanted to get answers for it, and know who could have done it. But honestly I felt rather bad too if I had just gone up to her in the middle of the party to ask her about it, plus the fact that she didn't say one word about it to anypony made it hard not to just ask her openly. My gaze must have stayed too long on Pinkie's neck as Twilight's gaze on me got me to notice that she wasn't the one staring at me. All of them where and now I felt extra awkward at the fact that I was now just standing there with my punch floating before me.

“Something wrong Stormy?” Pinkie asked and I turned so I didn't look at her or any of them as I knew I would be called out on this but I... I couldn't say it out like that.

“No, I'm fine.” I answered as I floated over a cookie and proceed to jam it in my mouth before I could be asked another question. Good thing for big mouths, when you want to jam a sock in it, you could do it with one the size of a hoof. But the worse part is that I could feel the sets of eye's drilling into the back of my head. Of course I didn't expect the hoof on my back which caused me to tense up fast. I turned to see Pinkie to my right as my gaze met her's. She motioned to the stairs that lead down to the main floor of the library. I nodded as the two of us left to have a private conversion. The rest of the girls stayed upstairs, which I could only guess as they knew this was a private matter.

“What's really bothering you Storm?” She said in a very calm way. In a way that I don't think I've ever heard Pinkie speak in since I had gotten to Equestria. I gently rubbed the back of my neck before taking a deep breath.

“It's about the wounds on your neck.” I stated. She had to have known what was really bothering me, Pinkie sense and all.

“Oh, those.” She said as I watched her rather neutral expression change into a warm smile and a light tint to her cheeks. She then turned to the stairs and yelled up. “Twilight please come down.” It wasn't long before my marefriend slowly came down with a slight confused look upon her face which complemented the one on mine. Twilight came over and stood next to me.

“Yes Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Tell Stormy about bat ponies.” She softly requested as she motioned to the bite mark on her neck. Then that look on Twilight's face when the dots finally connected.

“Oh.” Twilight said before turning to me. “Storm, Chiroptera Equus Ferus Caballus or bat pony have a unique toxin to their bite. When a bat pony bites another pony a powerful aphrodisiac is sent into the other pony. The results change depending on the mood they are in when they bite. When a bat pony bites out of love or desire in the same such there partner becomes more aroused.” Twilight started to explain which as soon as she said aphrodisiac the blush exploded on all of our faces.

“See Stormy nothing to be worried about. It was just a love bite.” Pinkie said with a bounce. Wait did Pinkie just make one of my bad jokes?

“Oh, alright so nothing to worry about?” I asked.

“Correct, the bite will go away in a few days like it was never there.” Twilight reassured.

“Oh alright. But if I may ask, and you can say no too. Who's the lucky pony?” I just had to ask honestly. My bits were on Nightling after seeing that date, well my guess was a date anyway that those two were an item. Especially after seeing the beginning of a rather intimate moment during the stay at the castle. Twilight eyed me for a moment but remained silent before Pinkie who's blush got deeper out right answered with.

“Nightling.” As I called it.

“I'm glad for you two.” I said with a very warm smile on my face. This was cut short as a sound of something rather heavy hit the floor upstairs. Which caused Twilight to fly up the stairs to find out what had happened. I was about to join her before Pinkie cleared her throat.

“Storm, can I ask you for a favor?” Pinkie said with a very nervous look to her face.

“Sure Pinkie. You know you can ask me for anything.” I said as I turned to her as she shifted slightly on her forelegs.

“Can you...” She started for a moment as I raised an eyebrow. It took her a few minutes before she finally completed her request with. “Can you make me a stuffed Nightling?” She blurted out. I blinked for a moment before I gave her a smile.

“Sure Pinkie, I can make you a stuffed Nightling, only if you do one thing for me.” I requested back.

“Of course anything Stormy, just name it.” I couldn't help but smile as I held out my forelegs with the universe sign for...

“A hug.” I requested. Pinkie blinked for a moment before she got a big grin that just warms your heart as she just out right pounced me standing on her hind legs as she picked me up in the air spinning me around while giving me a bone shattering hug. Honestly didn't mind the fact that she was trying to break me in two with that. It was just too nice. Once she was done trying to break me she zipped up the stairs with me in toe. Well more she dragged me up there before I could really realize it and I found myself dropped off on a pillow again. The rest of the night went without much incident and I was able get a few shots of some harder stuff much to Dash's idea of sneaking it in. Well sort of anyway. That's also when I found out that the whole drinking age here is much lower than it is on earth. On earth or at least where I lived most beings had to wait until they were twenty one to be able to drink. In Equestrian standards its lower as they much at least be sixteen. Which honestly didn't really bother me because I knew a lot of people that were mature enough to handle it. Hell some did anyway by having the people they knew buy it for them. Hell I enjoy it from time to time and it got a little funny when Twilight found out about it and insisted on trying it for herself. Finds out she was a bit of a light weight. Since all she's had was wines and Applejack's hard cider which was much like beer on earth. Enough to get the effects if you drink a lot of it and it wasn't the batch of cider they sell during the season. That is more a nectar of the gods like of drink as it the taste has been known to hit ponies like a ton of bricks not in the alcoholic way but in the more just senses overload kind of way.

But when it comes to the lavender unicorn that I call my marefriend. She has a natural limit to a point where her moral compass works fine. After a few hard drinks that thing just magically disappears. As well as the fact that she gets very touch hungry with me. After I think her sixth shot she was hanging on me like I was her lifeline or her support. Honestly I didn't mind this as much as you would think having to do the same for others when I became the one to make sure they got home. That and I was only half a bottle in of whiskey with some others I can't remember off the top of my head. Twilight decided to take things up a notch between us and nibbled lightly on my right ear. Which caused me to jump a little in surprise and my wings to expand rapidly with an audible pomf. Which caused Twilight to fall back onto a pile of pillows from before. I took this time to make sure she was fine and help her up. One other thing I learned quite well that Twilight can sleep like a rock. My guess from her prone form and the rhythmic snoozing that Twilight was out for the count. I sighed thankfully as I floated her up to her bed and covered her up in her blanket. With that the rest of us just talk no silly game or pranks. I gave up on the fur dye potion well for now anyway. But we talked and it was time I got questions about earth. Well besides the few from Twi and the insight I gave Rarity earlier. The rest of them asked me questions about my old world. Part of me felt good talking about it to them but the other part of me felt home sick again. Not because it was my world but for the one's I left behind again. But I was able to hide my feelings from them with a mask. Well all but Fluttershy who was giving me sorrowful looks and Applejack who was just a pony lie detector. I told Dash about some of earth's flying machines and used Pinkie's chopper as a reference point. I figured the prismatic mare could beat them hooves down. Applejack asked me about some of the crops and farms on earth. I told her about some of the more nicer ones and remained silent about the more meat sided ones. More for Fluttershy's sake then anything. Speaking of the yellow mare she asked me about the animals which got me into talking about zoos and wildlife sanctuaries that we had on earth. It wasn't until half way through my explanation about some of the more dangerous animals that everypony started getting tired. Dash was the first to crash with a snore that I could swear sounded just like a horse from earth. Kind of understandable now that I think about it. Applejack helped Dash into her sleeping bag as well as everypony else got into theirs. All but Rarity who seemed to have brought an instant four poster bed with her. One pull and boom instant bed. Sometimes magic just amazes me. I bid them all good night as I flew up to Twilight's side again. I found her hogging up about half the bed. It was kind of cute just watching her there with a wide smile on her face. I gave her a small kiss on her forehead before.

“Good night Twilight Sparkle” I whispered into her ear as her smile got bigger. I slowly lifted the covers as I slid in next to her. Instantly she pulled me into her as she slept. I couldn't help but smile and a snuggled into it a bit more lowering the covers. So far I have to say this being my last night as a mare compared to everything else that has happened has been rather nice. With that last thought I slowly drifted off to sleep hoping to have a pleasant dream.

What I didn't expect was what I really got that night...

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 24 - The end of one season and the start of another

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Nightmare... it was the only thing that really could explain what I was seeing once my normal conscious self was passed out. But this one felt too real compared to the others I had. Before me sat, like before, a decayed, ruined, Ponyville. But unlike the moss covered and watered damaged versions I had seen before this one was decayed in a much different way. The normal grime that I would have seen was replaced with a dark almost burnt ash colored smears on everything as well as dark floating bits of ash falling from the already dark skies. Only a few minutes in and I could tell that I did not like where this was going. I continued to slowly make my way through the empty town while stepping through the at least three inch high ash that covered the ground itself as if it was a dark snow.

“Hello, anypony there?” I had yelled not for the first time as I continued making my way towards the library. Even for my normally dark dreams they have something happening by now. But everything seems too quiet even for my screwed up brain. That's when I saw it. The city of Canterlot that was always visible from Ponyville all but on a really cloudy day loomed over. But this one wasn't like I use to see it. The streams of what I could tell was black smoke rose from the city as a mark to show that it was conquered by some raid or battle. It wasn't long looking at it until it decided enough was enough and collapsed into rubble as it fell off the side of the mountain. As I watched it tumble down the side of the mountain, my heart stopped. Right before me, granted miles upon miles away I saw one of my two homes fall apart into pieces. My wings spread themselves as I took flight before getting stopped by a sound behind. I turned around to something crawling out of the debris of what my guess was remnants of Sugar Cube Corner. I flew back down to see a dirt coated pink hoof slowly inch its way out of what looked like part of the roof. Without much thought I began picking up and throwing everything I could to get it off the pony only to see who it was. Without a doubt it was Pinkie Pie, but this one was all wrong. This was not the bubbly pink mare that I knew. This one's eyes held a undeniable level of sadness. Her mane as straight and was covered in bruises and cuts. It was when I noticed that both of Pinkie's hind legs were crushed under a stone support column.

“Oh my Celestia, hold on Pinkie. I'll get that off you in a-” I started to say in a panic as I got closer so I could focus my magic on it. But before I could I was back handed across my face by her. I froze as those eyes of her's held not the sorrow that was there a few minutes ago but anger. A hell risen amount of anger behind them as she glared at me.

“Get away from me, monster!” She hissed at me. I froze looking at her.

“Pinkie, it's me, Storm. I'm no monster.” I said with a level of denial going off in the back of my head. Pinkie must have hit her head a little too hard and she's seeing things a little off... right?

“Stay away from me Storm, y-you abomination! You did this, you killed everypony here.” She shot back as my heart stopped for the second time.

“But I didn't, I wouldn't.” I tried to counter.

“You could and you did. You failed to save any of us.” She said as her chest exploded spilling her guts and blood all over the ground under her. “And now you're finishing the job.” She said as I watched the last remaining wisps of life faded from her eyes as her face remained a glare. Her body went limp and with a thump laid in what was once her insides. I sat there staring before her body, the column that crushed her legs, and some other bits of wood floated up in the air covered in a deathly black aura closer to that of fire as they floated through town. I don't know why and I couldn't explain it but something in me said to follow to give Pinkie a proper burial. But I stopped when we got close to what looked like the pony version of a crucifix. It was much worse then it seemed as I got close I started to see every pony I knew. Quite a few from Ponyville and Canterlot. I saw Mayor Mare, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Both Mr. and Mrs. Cake as well as many others. I walked between them as somehow their eyes felt like they were following me as I made my way into the center of the graveyard. In the middle of it all there was the girls, both celestial sisters, Cadence and Shining Armor all done up in special crucifixes. The alicorns were pinned by their hooves as well as their wings. In their chests where the remained piece of their snapped off horns. Most of the lower bodies were destroyed in some way. Either crushed, ripped away, or something else I couldn't tell. Before them stood a pitch black pony about my normal size if I wasn't under the effects of poison joke. His mane and tail both flowed as if on an invisible wind. I slowly made my way closer, keeping myself on high alert. That was until he turned around and I saw his empty red eyes. There was no pupil or retina in those eyes. It was pure red, almost the fires from hell itself red. On top of that his mouth was open with black jagged teeth and instead of the dark void that should be there inside was nothing but pure white. The worse part of all this was he was smiling at me.

“Hello.” He said as his voice had an audible distortion to it. Almost going from a normal to graveled low tone. “It's about time you show up, monster.”

“I'm not a monster.” I shot back as my mane and fur was standing up on end.

“Oh please, I know you far better than that you abomination.” He said sounding almost happy with the turn of events. But the worse part was that the bodies of every pony I knew started to speak the same words over and over.

“Monster. Abomination. This is your fault. You had failed.” They spoke over and over again as each time more and more of them added to it until it was a form of chanting between all of them. But each time they finished it they got louder and louder. Then the black mass of a pony got close and held my head up so I was looking right at him. It was then when the darkness pulled back to show who he really was...me.

I shot awake breathing hard as the cold sweat dripped from my body. I was shaking in the dark room. I had noticed in the mirror across from the bed that my eyes where reptilian again and glowing. I blinked a few times until they returned to their normal cobalt blue. I turned to see that Twilight was still out cold from before as she held my prosthetic in her forelegs. I hadn't even noticed that my leg was missing until I saw it. I thought it was wise that I let her keep it as I slid off the bed slowly. After that I leaned over to see that everypony else was still asleep as well. I gave a small sigh of relief and made my way to the balcony. I threw a shield up as I slowly exited so the cold chill wouldn't wake anypony up. Once shut, I sat down and watched the bright full moon above. There was something about the night sky that could help keep my mind at ease. Well more of the night sky in the country of sorts. There's just a thing about it out here. Where there isn't noisy cars driving by or the hoof steps of ponies by the odd one or two going by at this late out. It's just you and the sky in a sort of a peaceful co-existence. I would have to give Luna her credit for another lovely night sky, the light sets of stars out that make little consolations in the sky. I had read once in an astrology book Twilight had about some of the consolations that Luna liked to use. Some of the more famous ponies had a set up there. I could see the hourglass with three stars to the right for Star Swirl the bearded. I can even see the ink pot and quill for Faust next to the moon. Part of me wondered about the old saying I heard about the stars and stories. The more I thought about it the more it seemed to fit here in Equestria. I felt the cold wind blow as it lightly ruffled my feathers. Which in a way felt a lot better and helped to get that dark feeling from the back of my mind.

But that darkness didn't want to dispel. In fact he wanted to come rushing forward into the forethought of my mind. Something about that dream just bothered me more than the ones before. Was that an outcome if I failed or was it something else? I started to go back through what I remembered of my previous nightmares. I already grouped the twisted versions of my friends into one group because of my Grimwand. Then there was the others. The nightmare moon, the memory of Jessica, and then the creature. Something about those memories showed a pattern. After the whole nightmare moon thing which was her attacking. Then there was the Memory which was my mind trying to recover things. Finally we have the creature memory, that one finally clicked with me. That too was a memory but it wasn't a full one at the time, if I had to give it a word for it I would say fragmented at most. Taking what I could remember at the time with the mixture of what I had when it started. It made sense that I would remember my death in a way. But what about this latest dream? It would fit in the same sense to the Grimwand dreams but it didn't quite feel that way. In those dreams I see twisted depictions of my friends. This one I saw that but I wasn't hurt like I was in the others. This one felt darker in a way, like it was a possible outcome, one that I caused because I had failed. Just that word alone caused my heart to jump up in pace. Just remembering everypony chanting that I failed over and over. That scared me the most.

“Storm is everything alright?” I heard next to me as I felt a hoof gently brush against my shoulder. Of course I wasn't expecting that and the sudden touch caused me to shoot up and latch onto one of the branches above me. I turned to see Fluttershy holding a hoof to her mouth. “Oh my, I didn't mean to scare you.” She said as I regained my composure and hovered back down to the balcony.

“It's alright Fluttershy. I didn't expect somepony to talk me right then.” I said followed by a nervous chuckle. “What are you doing awake anyway? I thought you were asleep.” I questioned.

“I was but I heard you go outside and I wanted to make sure everything was alright. You seemed like something bothered you.” I looked at her for a moment after she had said that before I turned forwards and lowered my head.

“Truth be told I do have something bothering me. I had another one of my nightmares again and this one struck a little closer to home than I expected.” I explained. Fluttershy came over and sat next to me. I remained silent as I stared out into the sky again.

“Why don't you tell me about it, if you don't mind that is.” She requested.

“Well...” I tried to get it out. I didn't have a clue how Fluttershy was going to handle a dream like this, with everything that's happened so far. I was a little surprised she haven't been avoiding me like the plague. “It was like my other dreams in a way. Ponyville was in a state of ruin and decay. There was at least a few inches of dark gray ash covering everything. But there was no pony in sight.” I started as I made sure every word was slow and clear. Mainly because I wanted to put off the real darker parts of the dream as much as I could. But I knew I had to tell somepony. I kind of wish it was Twilight I was explaining this too. Not to say Fluttershy's not a good friend I... I just don't like everypony knowings how messed up in the head I am. Granted she had also entered my mind but since then everything has been getting worse and worse for me.

“So nopony was there?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not for a while that is.” I said trying to keep from looking at her as I explained.

“What do you mean?” I wish she didn't ask me that.

“During the walk through the town I found Pinkie who's back legs...” I cut off as I started to shake a little. Just the thought that my head could even imagine that happening to Pinkie, it both enraged me but is also sadden me.

“Storm it's alright.” Fluttershy said rubbing my back lightly. “It's only a dream and it can't hurt you.”

“I... I saw her hind legs crushed. She blamed me for all of it Fluttershy. The destroyed town, her legs being crushed, and more. To her I was a monster in that dream. An abomination of ponykind. It didn't even stop there.” Once I began it all just started to spill out. There was not stopping this out pour of sadness. “I watched as she as crucified before me with every pony I knew.” I said as my vision just began to blur as the tears just rolled down my cheeks. I could feel the cold air as they continued to come over and over. Fluttershy was silent at that point even her gentle rub on my back stopped. I didn't even dare look at her, too afraid to see to look of horror that I knew was plastered on her face. There was silence between the two of us for far longer to the point I was scared that she hated me for what I was. That thought was cut short when I felt and saw two buttercup yellow forelegs wrap themselves around me in a hug as Fluttershy just held me close.

“Storm it's alright.” She said as I continued to cry there. “Your not any of those things. You want to know how I know?” She said and I just nodded as I didn't trust my voice not to crack from my crying. “Because a monster or an abomination wouldn't question if they were or not. They would have accepted it and truly acted as one. You are scared of that and fear that you are one. That's how I know.” She answered. I looked up at her as she gently smiled at me before reaching down and wiping the tears away. She then proceed to gently kiss me on the forehead under the horn. I blushed a little as I just enjoyed the embrace. We sat there quietly before I heard Fluttershy yawn lightly.

“Why don't you head back to bed Fluttershy?” I offered.

“Oh I couldn't do that and leave you out here alone.” She said with worry on her face.

“It's alright Fluttershy. I'm heading back in as well. I may as well go read since I won't be sleeping for the rest of the night.” I said.

“How come?” She asked.

“It's part of the alicorn side of me. Too much energy goes through my body that I don't have to sleep as often as everypony else. So I normally use this time to read so I can learn more about Equestria so I'm not as behind with a lot of the stuff everypony takes for common knowledge.” I explained.

“It must be rather lonely not being able to sleep next to Twilight like that.” She said and I nodded.

“It can be. There's times I wish I could just be a normal pony just so everything can just be right with the world.” I said as Fluttershy helped me back up. “But things like that are lost to a pony like me.” I hobbled in slowly with Fluttershy behind me. “Good night Fluttershy.” I said as I glided over to the door leading down to the libraries first floor. She nodded to me before going back to her yellow and pink sleeping bag. I slowly made my way to the first floor keeping an eye where I stepped, I didn't want to make a return trip to the hospital telling them I fell down some stairs. I would sound like an abuse victim. As normal the books sat uniform just like when Twilight and I reordered them. I went to the little desk she kept down here and pulled out my books to read list and found one with an appealing title, I noted this title because of how it sounded to me. “A Beautiful Swallow.” I said as I scanned over the books. “Now where did we put that one again... oh here it is.” I said pulling out the dark teal covered book. On the front of it has a image of a pony standing looking out into the night sky of what I could guess was Ponyville as a faded image of a white mare with a dark blue mane looked at the reader with a sympathetic look on her face. Honestly at first thought of the title my mind went to the feathered bird under the same name. Which would fit with just the title alone. But I could see where some of the more dirty minded minds could go. I doubt the author wanted that analogy for their story. Anyway the book was fairly good to the point that I could see some points that this was a version of events to the author if not true then very well scripted at least. I got through some of the book before my stomach wanted some food. I turned to see Celestia's sun slowly peeking over the edge of the horizon, which would mean everypony upstairs would be waking up soon. So I guess it was up to me to make some breakfast for them. I slid the book back into it's spot on the shelf and hobbled into the kitchen, it seems my magic was going to get a workout today. With that I decided that some pancakes would make a great meal to start every ponies day. So after locating the pans and ingredients I set myself to work on it, having magic for this is rather nice. I mean I could mix and pour the batter right from a shield bubble so I can have precise portions. A few hours into cooking the southern accented mare decided to pop her head in.

“Morning there Storm did ya sleep well?” She asked as she come over to see what I was cooking.

“Not really, just another set of nightmares.” I explained trying not to dwell on them again. No offense, but one breakdown per dream please.

“I'm sorry sugar cube. So what'cha cooking? It smell mighty tasty.” She asked as I pulled another stack of milk butter flat pastries over to the plates I sat out.

“Pancakes, I figured something simple and filling would be good for everypony.” I said as I poured the last of the batter into the pan. The light sizzling of the cold batter on the hot skillet could be heard.

“That does sounds like a good idea. But if you don't mind me asking. Where did you learn to cook?” She asked.

“Honestly... I'm kind of surprised I could cook here.” I cryptically said.

“What do you mean?” She asked and I could see the gears getting stuck in her head.

“Well it's just that I was never the best cook. Especially when it comes to things like this, I was always the simplistic kind of cook, like toast and frozen waffles. But since I got to Equestria I've seem to have picked up a lot more skills than I had before.” I said as I magically flipped the pancake. Who needs a spatula when you have magic?

“Isn't that a good thing?” Applejack asked as she started to get the orange juice out.

“I'm not saying it wasn't Applejack. I just wonder why I have them, I mean I know I shouldn't look a gifted horse in the mouth, ah... no offense.” I said realizing that saying may come across badly.

“None taken sugar cube, I think I get it though. I reckon with all that you've been through this is like the world's way of balancing it out.” She said after setting some glasses of juice out.

“Maybe...” I said as I felt that familiar weight on my shoulders. Yeah, all that I've been through and all that I will have to go through. A small silence filled the space as the only sound was the flickering flames and the sizzling pan. Once the last of the batter was cooked I put the last of the pancakes on the plate. With that I began cleaning up the pans as I remained silent.

“Storm, are you alright?” Applejack asked after at least a good ten minutes of silence.

“No Applejack, in the grand scheme of things. I am not alright and I won't be.” I said after a few more minutes followed. The last thing I did was start a pot of coffee as I sat down at the table to wait.

“Do you want to-” she tried to say but I cut her off with me shaking my head. “Oh...”

“Applejack I appreciate that you all want me to be happy and feel better about everything that's happened but it wasn't long when I found out a lot more of my situation.” I said as that hollow feeling swept up in me.

“I don't think I would even know how to take all that.” Applejack said.

“Even hearing it, I still don't know how I am taking it.” I replied as we fell silent once again it only took a few moments for me to say screw it to my not wanting to talk about it. “I still don't get why it has to come to me for this? I'm not a smart pony, hell I wasn't a smart human. Closer to a box of rocks really. The universe decided to hoof somepony the fate of everypony and they pick me, the dumbest human ever. To have that on my shoulders, I... I... I don't get it. Why did fate have to point to pony that's so easily manipulated into stuff?” I vented.

“Storm you're not easily manipulated.” Applejack defended.

“Bull, I am too easily manipulated and Cadence proved that to me.” I shot back as I felt angry.

“Come again?” Applejack said as her eyebrow rose.

“During the date. I know she was doing it more as an innocent joke but... it hurt to know that I could be so easily controlled like that. I didn't really say much during the date because I wanted Twi to have the perfect date. But the more I think about it the more it proves that the universe picked the wrong pony for the job. But let's not forget the other times I've been controlled: Sha and Shadow, Grimwand and Faust? They both played me, manipulated me, and worse... they both had a good reason to do so.” I said as pushed the plate of fresh baked pancakes away from me.

“No they didn't.” Applejack said. “No pony has any right to do that to another living creature.” She got up and came over to me.

“I would agree with you when it comes to Grimwand. But Faust is a different matter altogether she needed me here so I can save everypony and on top of that she saved me from Grimwand herself. Part of me agrees with her actions to save everypony. I mean what is one life compared to the lives of millions?” I said as a small chuckle leaves my throat. “Just like the saying goes. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” With that I laid my head down on the table as Applejack gently rubbed my back.

“Sugar cube, it's overwhelming how much stress you've found yourself in but you have to see the brighter side of things. You have a wonderful marefriend, you have all of us as your friend, your a prince too with both Princesses as aunts, AND you are something that hasn't been seen since before Princess Luna's banishment to the moon. Doesn't that cheer you up, even a little bit?” Applejack said and I can understand where she's getting at. Seeing a friend beat themselves up is not an easy thing to see especially when it's right in front of you.

“It does, just knowing I have such amazing friends like you girls as well as having such a great adopted family.” I said lightly smiling. “I guess I can't help but be hardwired to be a little stubborn seeing the dark side of every cloud.” I said as I looked at the still steaming sets of pancakes on the seven plates. Applejack gave me a hug before pulling back and finding a place to sit. A stray thought crossed my mind, something I could do with all of them and it wouldn't be too weird. “Hey Applejack I had an idea.”

“What's that Storm?” She asked.

“Well since I'm going to the spa to have the poison joke cure done. Why don't we all go and I treat everypony to a trip to the spa?” I asked then I saw the nervous look on her face. “What?”

“Well... um. Not to turn you down but I'm not really into all that froufrou stuff that Rare likes.” She said scratching the back of her head. Okay so the direct question isn't going to work time to play the whole puppy dog face.

“Please Applejack just for me?” I said giving the same look that Fluttershy and Twilight have used on me to get me into doing something.

“Ah darn it. Alright if it makes you feel better sugar cube.” She said pushing her stetson in front of her face. “Darn look.” she mumbled that last part. I don't think she wanted me to hear it but I couldn't help but lightly smile. I knew Rarity would jump at the chance and Twilight already said she would go with me to the spa some day. Fluttershy I think would join much because she and Rarity already do spa dates. Pinkie would most likely go anyway just because we all are going, but Rainbow Dash is a pony of another spectrum. Something told me that this mare wouldn't go get pampered as much as the rest of us would. Speak the devil, said mare decided to show up, probably because of smelling the food. What told me this was when she came down I could see the light glint off the drool on her face as she looked at the stacks of pancakes on each plate. I had made at least a stack of seven for each mare. I went a little lighter on my stack. It was seven just thinner.

“Sweet grub!” Dash said hopping into a seat picking up the fork and knife about to dive in.

“Wait for the rest of them Dash.” I said putting up a shield to stop her attack on the food. She groaned but nodded.

“Also, I had an idea to shoot past you.” I said she eyed me.

“Let me guess you want another flying lesson as we wait for the slow pokes?” She said and I rolled my eyes.

“Not what I had in mind Dash. This was something after breakfast.”

“Alright fire away.” Dash said leaning back in the chair.

“Well you know I'm going to go get cured of the poison joke right?” I said and she nodded to this. “Well I figured since I'm going to be there anyway why don't we all go at my treat?” I said giving that please come with look that came with that dog toy squeaking sound.

“I um...” Dash said and I knew this wasn't going to be easy. So I turned on the look and I could see that unease rise. “Um... well you see I have this thing.” If I didn't already know she was lying off her flank I would have called her on it.

“Please Dashie just for me?” I said in that fake child’s voice when they just want to be so adorable that you just want to make them happy. Dash gave off a frustrated sigh but nodded.

“I'll go but no hooficures. I don't like my hooves touched.” She said crossing her forelegs. I nodded in agreement as the rest of the girls decided to show up with of course Rarity being the last one already looking ready to face the day.

“Morning girls.” I said as everypony got a seat.

“Storm you didn't have to make us breakfast you know” Twilight said after she had leaned over giving me a kiss on the cheek and help me put my prosthetic on.

“I know but I was up anyway so it felt like the right thing to do, you know?” I shot back as she nodded. I explained the idea to the rest of them, as predicted Rarity was hooked in an instant. Same went for Pinkie as well as Fluttershy. We began to eat quietly having a small conversation about nothing. Well they talked and I listened. They talked about the season coming up and how Applejack was a little annoyed at the fact that estrus makes it hard for her to get any work done. Especially since Big Mac wouldn't be there, then it came to me.

“Storm what do you plan to do during estrus?” Pinkie asked and I never really thought about it.

“Honestly I don't know, I mean I could go back to the cabin in the woods during that but I think I probably find myself bored more than anything.” I said thinking out loud.

“Why don't you visit the princesses?” Rarity suggested.

“What? Wouldn't they be going through it too?” I asked then realized what I said. This was followed by me shoving my hooves into my mouth.

“Well normally I think so but I've never seen them go through it and I've been around them for years.” Twilight explained. “If you want I can send a letter asking if it's alright. It would give you time to talk to them again.” Which was true, I haven't had much time to just visit them for the sake of visiting. Each time it was because of being injured or because of something major happening.

“I suppose but I really don't want to be a bother.” I said before shoving another bite into my mouth before more stupid left it.

“I don't think the princesses would mind.”

“I guess.” Was all I could really say on the matter. I mean really would be nice to visit them for visiting sake and with estrus going on would make the perfect time to visit them. That and I don't think my normal resolve would last long around here. That and a crazy army of mares wanting a stallion all for themselves so they can get lucky to the point that there is no natural limit to the lengths they would go to for it, would be another good reason. Mainly because I rather just be with Twilight and not chased for being a stallion by every mare in town, well every single mare that is. I looked around quietly at each pony sitting at the table eating. I saw Twilight smiling as she had another bite as well as Rarity as she went over some outfit designs. Dash was in a middle of a speed eating contest with Applejack to see who could finish first. Pinkie was being Pinkie, already done after she took all of them in one bite. You would think watching the pink pony open her mouth bigger than her skull and take all the pancakes in one bite would freak me out, but at this point it. I figured it was Pinkie being Pinkie. Fluttershy slowly ate hers as she watched me light as I was just nibbling on mine. To be honest I wasn't that hungry, which was why I made myself thinner pancakes compared to them. My guess was Fluttershy was still worry about my freak out earlier with the nightmare. If only she knew of my little freak out making breakfast. The girls went on talking about the coming Winter Wrap-up that was happening later this week. But it was enough to glean some important details such as Dash's job to clear the weather and Fluttershy wakes up all the hibernating animals. Rarity helps Fluttershy by making all the nests for the birds. Applejack helps clear the snow on the fields then followed by planting crops and flowers. Which I guess would count as crops since flowers are edible to everypony. Twilight keeps everything organized so everything is done on time. Finally there was Pinkie who I was going to be working with to help melt the lakes down, I just had a little more to do by melting snow to fill the water tower. Once everypony was done eating I was set to do dishes before Applejack decided that since I cooked she would do the dishes.

“Sorry sugar cube you need to relax” As she put it. What was wrong with me doing dishes? Was it because I was still a small framed mare or because of my little freak out? I sighed quietly and gave in as I went into the main room of the library. I suppose it was just Applejack's way of saying hey you've had a hard time let me take some of the work. Of course that mare can be as stubborn as I could so I thought it was best not to fight it this time. I went and sat in one of the comfy chairs that Twilight likes to pull out for visitors. Normally these are put away to keep it nice and open which I don't blame her but I really just want to be comfy at the moment. The girls went upstairs to clean up their sleeping bags. I leaned back against the back of the chair and just looked around as the sounds of Applejack cleaning the dishes. I just went over the many titled books at least the one's I could read from this angle and distance. Just the wealth of knowledge alone here was pretty staggering compared to what I knew, which of that was about Equestria it was a very large gaps. I think you could put at least three Canterlot's side by side in that gap and had space for a few elephants. Hell there was still plenty that everypony knew as fact that I was still pretty clueless on. Now that I think about it there was stuff about myself I still didn't know.

After I removed my butt for the chair I went over to the little secret compartment behind where I had found the magical artifact section and opened it to find my hidden stash of bits. Well I hid at least some for myself but most of my “Allowance” as I had dubbed it. Went in with the library’s funds to help pay for repairs, books, and other household items. I really didn't need that much for myself, hell Twilight had more use for it then I did. So I kept a bag of about five hundred normal bits and two royal bits which were about a thousand bits each. Which I suppose does make sense to have higher value bits. I did like how they looked compared to the normal golden coin bit. They were still gold but the inside were a dark purple with a red looking gem in the center. In the dark purple held a marking of the sun on one side and the moon. The normal bit was a simple gold coin with a impression of the sun and moon on them. Even then they were standard looking suns and moons while the royal bit had a more fanciful artistic style to them. I flipped the royal bits in my hand admiring the designs on them.

“What'cha looking at partner?” Applejack said which caused me to jump up in surprise sending the two royal bits into the air. Once I came down and was able to catch both bits in my magic with Applejack snickering at my reaction, I showed her the royal bits. “Are... are these royal bits?” She asked a little amazed.

“Eeyup.” I said emulating Big Macintosh which I think it loses some of it's impact when I'm currently a mare but honestly didn't care.

“I've never got to see one of these myself.” She said as I floated her the bit to look at.

“Really?” I asked a little curious I figured she would have seen one at least. I mean I know Filthy Rich owns a bit business around here and they do business with the Apples. So I figured she would have seen one at least once that way. She took the bit in her hooves and just flipped it over a few times.

“Yeah, not a lot of ponies can get these.” She said and I smiled at a thought.

“Then go ahead and keep it.” I said which caused her to look directly at me.

“What? No, Storm I can't do that. That's way too much for a gift.” She tried to protest.

“Applejack it's fine. It's not really a big deal.” I said with a shrug.

“Not a big deal? Storm that's a thousand bits and you're just willing to hoof it over to me like it was a kid asking for a bit for a piece of candy. It's a big deal to me Storm. I... I can't take it for nothing.” She said which was followed by me rolling my eyes.

“Okay I have to ask. Why is this a big deal?” I asked.

“Why isn't it for you or are you going all princely on us.” Applejack shot back and I shot her an annoyed look.

“I'm not going all 'princely' on everypony. I just thought you would like the coin either to use it for the money or to keep it. I just saw that look you gave the bit and figured you would like it.” I answered truthfully. Really how hard was that to see, I mean I'm not the element of generosity. I just thought it was a nice gesture was all.

“Storm I just...” She said and I turned my head a little to listen. “The money would go far to help the farm for tools and such. But it doesn't feel right to have it just given to me like that, I would prefer to work for it. You know?”

“I can understand that Applejack so how about this, let's call it an investment towards Sweet Apple Acres.” I said with a light smile.

“Investment?” She asked a little confused. “What are you getting at?” She gave me that old suspicious eye after asking that.

“Very simple you keep it and use it. In return during Cider season you set a barrel away for Twi and I?” I offered. After Dash telling me the story of Flim and Flam during last cider season I figured this would work. Plus after Dash drooling over just the thought of it during the trip from Sweet Apple Acres after the whole impact issue. It sounded like a solid idea to have a barrel for just the two of us and maybe Spike depending if it wasn't hard cider. I watched Applejack mull the idea over in her head.

“Well... how about this since the girls already get a barrel I'll make sure I'll bring one for each of you instead?” She counter offered and I agreed to that.

“Works for me Applejack.” I said holding my right hoof out to shake. Which was a mistake to do. A soon as I held out the prosthetic hoof I saw Applejack look a little nervous at it. I looked down at it and saw that my little claws were out like I normally do when it comes to using that hoof. I didn't have to notice it long but that nervous look on her face told me that she didn't quite like touching that leg. I slowly brought the leg down and switched for my left with a simple. “Heh... sorry.” I said as I felt... well to be honestly I didn't quite know how I felt. It was somewhere between my own self disgust, shame, and a little anger. Something about all this rubbed me the wrong way but I just didn't feel right asking what was wrong. She shook my hoof for our deal I suppose you would call it. Applejack went upstairs to join the girls and get her sleeping bag packed up. I watched her silently before switching back and sliding the royal bit back into my little hiding spot. I placed my bit pouch under my wing and waited for them to come back down. As I waited I looked over my prosthetic again, the burning gold color of the metal down right to the square marking for the music crystal slot. Then the spot where the claws come out which were close to a griffon’s claw which meant the tips were pretty sharp. Most of the time they were blunt but there was an extra slot on each tip so they could be points otherwise they were closer to fingers. Well it was a modified griffon prosthetic so it would make sense that Celestia would have it done so I could defend myself if I have to, magic and fire breathing aside that is. It's been quite some time since the whole lost of my foreleg happened, hasn't it? A pain shot through me to the point it felt like my prosthetic was hurting me. Which couldn't be possible right? I mean it was just a prosthetic and artificial limb so it couldn't be connected where I could feel pain from it. If that was the case I would have been able to feel all the times when I lost the other prosthetic limbs I had. Maybe I should just chuck this one up to a phantom limb kind of pain. It wasn't long for the girls to come down ready to go. It wasn't long for us to leave at that point but Applejack wouldn't meet me eye to eye. Every time I glanced her way she would turn her gaze away from me. Yeah that moment with the prosthetic isn't going to be nice to deal with later. Honestly I couldn't blame her really, I would have the same problem to a point. I mentally sighed as we entered the spa, it looked pretty much the same well only less guests. The seven of us went up to the counter.

“Hello everypony how can I help you this morning?” Lotus said with a welcoming smile. I went up to the counter and had to raise up a bit so I was eye level with her.

“I would like seven of the special treatments followed by a poison cured bath.” I said.

“Don't you want to be a stallion before the treatments?” Twilight whispered into my ear after my order. I shot back with a whisper of my own.

“I was curious on how if feels different as a mare compared to a stallion so I figured this was the best time to find out.” I explained and she nodded for a moment. Lotus took us to the back to find that the Spa was completely empty which sent red flags in my head. It was just the two spa ponies and the seven of us. The level of unease just kept eating at me as the whole spa trip happened. I didn't hear anypony come in. After I got into the mud bath which it was Applejack who was the most confused about it. It was easily understandable why she would be confused I mean to her it probably was the same mud as outside on a rainy day. I was listening to the girls talk well mostly Rarity talked about her spring line that she has almost finished to release this season as well as part way through her summer line done. Pinkie was rambling about parties to plan and what color balloons to use with specific party types. Fluttershy for the most part was silent until animals got brought up then she would talk about some of the one's she took care of and looking forward to seeing again, the only part my brain was doing back flips following was a bear named Beary. Just something about that just screamed what the buck. Dash and Applejack pretty much was doing their whole rile the other up with some ridiculous challenge bit to the point I think there was a thing about bee in there. I really hope they were not serious about that. The sauna wasn't that bad, I kind of liked the heat more than I did on earth. More for my dragon side I suppose.

“Hey Storm.” Dash said getting my attention.

“Yeah Dash?” I replied.

“I know you've had it rough but why don't you tell us about some of the awesome stuff you have back on earth?” She asked. I thought about that for a moment.

“Well it depends on the context of awesome. Because to some ponies the definition is different. But let me ask this, what are you curious about finding out? Sports, speed, technology, nature, weather, or something else?” I question partly to be a smart ass but more to narrow down what she meant.

“How about speed then. I know humans can't fly or run as fast as we ponies do.” She started and I couldn't help but get the feeling of smacking Dash for that last part of that comment.

“You do remember I was once human right?” I said as I shot her a glare that probably could cause a pony to burst into flames if you apply enough magic.

“Not what I meant dude!” She defended.

“Then what did you mean Dash?” I shot back as my mane started to spark.

“Storm please relax.” Twilight said trying to defuse my short burst of anger.

“What's wrong with you?” Dash shot back.

“What's wrong with me? You go through all this and have somepony dis a race that you were. Then don't get offended by that. I...” I said followed by a sigh. “Sorry I'm being stupid again” I said gently rubbing my prosthetic again.

“Something eating at you sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Just tired of being so mixed up in my head.” I said with a frustrated sigh.

“Mixed up?”

“Yeah remember my brain goes all screwy like how I thought Big Mac looked good in the mare looking for a piece of meat kind of way, figuratively of course.” I said not even looking at her. “It just seems to keep getting worse the longer I'm under the effects of that plant. I've jumped either on a ponies case, jumping ship on my own thoughts, or worse.” I vented a bit.

“Storm we'll get you back to your old stallion self in a few moments, so everything will be alright.” Applejack said reassuringly as I felt her hoof as she had gently rubbed my back.

“I know, I know. It's just I'm not the most mentally stable of ponies and to have all this on my mind plus under the effects of that cursed plant just-” I said before ending with another annoyed sigh.

“Just a nice day with out some crazy wacky thing happening that makes me wonder too much for my own good is all I'm asking. It shouldn't be that hard right? Just a day to enjoy being with my friends and marefriend just having fun. Maybe a picnic or just playing some good of fashion board games. Hell I'll settle for just sitting around talking about normal stuff. Before you call me out on the whole what about during the mud bath stuff. If you noticed I didn't say anything and just listened, on top of that why the buck is there nopony here but us and the attendants?” I question getting to one of the big things bugging the hell out of me since we arrived.

“Well... I'm to blame for that really.” Rarity spoke up.

“What?” I said confused to the point that come out sounding closer to a confused duck then a confused dralicorn stallion stuck in a mare's body.

“I put in a special request with Aloe and Lotus so the spa was going to be empty for you turning back into a stallion. I figured you would a little privacy when it comes to something like that. I fear what the papers would say if they heard their prince had become a princess.” She said as she sounded offended for me for reasons I didn't quite care about. I mean okay yes the whole paper thing bothered me when the first time I caught a story about me depicted as a monster. But that was the point, ponies saw me as a monster but this. Buck if I cared really, honestly if they found out that poison joke turned my orange flank into a mare what's the problem with that? Hell I doubt there would be a problem with that. Of course I could see the headline now “The mare of a prince” just writes itself doesn't it?

“Probably the lines of The Mare Prince or some really cheesy pun. Honestly not really a big deal compared to those other headlines.” I said as I remembered the whole monster articles that hit the front page twice. I let out yet another one of my I fucked up sighs as I just watched the steam as I dropped another bit of water on the hot rocks. I told Aloe I would do this more for privacy between the seven of us and so she wouldn't be cramped in a room with the rest of us. I didn't look at the girls but just watched the wisps of steam just float up to join the steam at the top of the room.

“Storm can I ask you something?” Rarity said and I glanced at her for a moment.

“Sure go ahead.” I said before turning back to the steam in the room.

“Do you regret coming to Equestria?” She asked.

“Rarity!” Twilight shouted.

“What the hay Rarity?!” Dash said while Fluttershy just eeped. Applejack just looked annoyed but remained silent.

“Well we all are thinking it. I just think it's time to be asked.” Rarity said and honestly I figured that was a question they had thought about from time to time. Hell even I have questioned myself on this.

“Honestly... I don't know. I don't regret coming to know you girls, the princesses, Shining, and everypony that I've been along the line. Shadow, Vermom, Grimwand, and Chrysalis not withstanding, but everything else is a left up in the air. There are times when I wonder if being here was really worth it and others that I'm glad that I am here. If I didn't go from one event to another with all the major events that has happened I don't think I would have a problem being in Equestria.” I said, well... more rambled really. “I mean I get to enjoy being around all of you and you've brought me great joy just knowing all of you and the same goes for the princesses.”

“But you still miss things back there.” She said and the rest of the girls were silent with this.

“Of course Rarity it's as I told you in the bathroom. I just miss being human at times for just simpler days.” I replied as I looked at the steam covered window. Small little droplets of water slowly fell down the window.

“What was it like?” Dash asked.

“Well I guess compared to you ponies it was just a normal day. Get up, get cleaned up, get dressed, go about my daily life with daily problems that I would just hold in and lightly vent when I could but mostly kept it silent.” I said in a very flat tone “nothing really special I suppose. I guess that whole saying is true. You don't realize what you have until it's completely gone.” I said looking at my prosthetic hoof and my real one.

“Storm-” Twilight started before I held up a wing to stop her.

“Don't worry Twilight I'm just over thinking again.” I said more to derail where she probably would go.

“Partner I'm not going to pretend like I know how you feel but you can't just bottle things up like you've been doing. If being a human again means so much to you why don't you just ask one of us to help. I'm sure Twi here could magic something up for ya, or maybe the princesses could help.” Applejack said in a sort of stern way, all I did was turn lightly and gently smile after I folded my wing back up.

“It's nothing important, just a little pipe dream I suppose.” I said before turning towards the glass. “That and I really don't want to bother anypony with something that's relatively trivial as that.” I mean I don't really deserve anything like that anyway after what I've caused. Hell just being here pretty much signed Equestria's death sentence. There was muttering coming from a few of the other mares behind me, I couldn't really pick out the voice, of course didn't really try to either. Most of the spa trip was about the same as I had when I was a stallion well up to the full body massages. That's when the whole trip differed. Finds out that the wings on a mare are a lot more sensitive to touch then a stallions which saying that I have experienced both sides of this. I can see why mare would enjoy going to the spa so much. I had the same oil treatment and preening as my last trip which was honestly great. Of course probably didn't help but moan a little at how good it felt, also didn't detour on how awkward I felt when the spa mares were going to town on my body. Especially when I felt there hooves on my rump which brought back memories of Twilight's smack to my flank which caused me to blush like a supernova again. My hooves came up to cover my face and my shame at the moment. After I was done they laid a small warm towel on my back which I couldn't remember if they done that before, didn't change on how nice it felt. I laid there with my head on the table watching my marefriend get worked over by the two masseuses which she seemed to be enjoying it as much as I did. Of course a little fantasy day dream decided to creep itself into my head from one of those 'flicks' after the whole spa trip, the masseuses would give a happy ending so to speak. Which caused me to turn redder when I was knocked out of it as I saw Twilight looking at me. Within moments my hooves were over my face to hide yet another level of shame.

Of course I couldn't help but hear Dash laughing followed by Fluttershy with a simple “Oh my.” It took me longer than I expected but I got my wings to fold down. I had purposely refrained from looking at Twilight after my little day dream I had. Which I had the odd feeling that somepony watched in on that one too. Something I had started to notice that there was this odd magic feeling, like that prickly feeling some ponies get when there hooves fall asleep on them and it just feels like a static charged little pricks all over the still sleeping area before it wakes up. Well it was sort of like that but in a magic kind of way. I didn't know if it was some kind of auto running sensor that happens with dralicorns, or just something I've just began to pick up on. I know the Princess of the moon has been watching my dreams from time to time especially after seeing some of the horror I deal with in my own head. I was not a sane pony that I believe should go without saying but I find myself questioning how insane I have become since being turned... I guess I can't really return. Now that I think about it what would I classify how I became, what I am now? I guess I could chuck it up to reincarnation but that seems a little too broad for me and the whole lack of memories when I got here would play too close to that. Reborn would be a little closer I suppose but just seems to basic, story plot-ish. I spent what I guess was the better part of an hour trying to classify what I technically would call my appearing in Equestria as the rest of the girls when through their massages well all but Rainbow who was quite adamant about not getting her hooves touched. It seems this was a normal case for Aloe and Lotus since they've had Dash in here before. So after we got over that it was finally time for me to get cured. I walked up to the bath which more looked like someone was trying to make a big pot of Dralicorn Soup then anything else. I slowly sank my way into the tub before finally diving under. Something about this bath as for the same that could be said about the last time I had to the really odd feeling I got when I changed from one gender to the last. There is an odd sensation when it comes all this. I could feel myself losing the mares... well to put it bluntly mare bits and regain my stallion bits. To be honest this is the second time I've had to go through this and I couldn't even describe it at all. Even that there's the feeling of gaining more mass throughout my body. But once it was done I surfaced out of the tub and honestly I felt better then I had. I looked at each mare in the room as I slowly made my way out of the tub. They all smiled which this included Aloe and Lotus as I finally was back to some sense of normalcy. Well as normal as Equestria gets I suppose. I used my magic to extract the water from my fur, feathers, mane, and tail. Thank you magic you make drying off so much easier. I trotted down the little set of steps they had to lead up to the industrial sized jacuzzi tub and down to the girls. One thing I seemed to have noticed that during my stay as a mare both my mane and tail were a lot longer than they were when had been a stallion last, come to think about that is a pretty odd thought to. You would never expect a guy to have a thought like that but hell with everything that had happened here all I could really say about that was, screw it. But anyway I noticed that my tail had almost touched the ground in length I would say about a few inches off. As for my mane it was pretty long closer to when I use to let my hair grow out as a human. It use to grow partly down my back. Which honestly I kind of liked, I had enjoyed keeping that in a pony tail.

“It seems that somepony needs to get there mane cut.” Twilight commented as she walked next to me. I smiled and stepped closer just so I could drape my wing across her back. She blushed a little but didn't say much as I just smiled. Oh how I missed my large wings after being stuck with smaller ones. No offense to Twilight but if I had to go through that poison joke again it would be too soon.

“Well I could always give it a try.” Rarity commented.

“Actually I think it looks rather nice on him.” Fluttershy commented “It matches with his long tail.” Something told me that she wasn't really 'looking' at my tail when she tacked that one on. But of course that could be just my mind playing tricks on me or maybe a preemptive strike of estrus. Of course this being Fluttershy, I just let it slide. I think the mare needs to speak her mind a little bit more. Twilight gave her a curious eye at the comment as she stepped closer to me. Now it was my turn to eye Twilight. Was she jealous? My gaze went back the way we were going which seems to be the library. Kind of a short lived trip to the spa but at this point I felt refreshed and content. Not screwed in the head... well not as screwed in the head I should say just my normal levels of head screwing. We got in and everypony grabbed their respective bag or case before they left. This left just Twi and I alone. For a few minutes there was a bit of an awkward silence between the two of us. Nothing really to be said but something just floated there waiting to be dropped. Now that being what it was being the question at hoof. A few topics could come to mind such like do I still feel the way I do about the whole being human thing or about estrus coming up along side Fluttershy's tail comment. A few minutes of silence continued to accumulate around us before I decided to head upstairs. Twilight followed me as I got back up to the loft and began to dig through my bag. Within moments I floated out my hoodie and watched as the still visible parts from my shaved fur disappeared behind the orange cotton fabric. It took me a little fighting to get my large wings out and into the open. I turned to see Twilight watch me.

“Something on your mind?” I asked full well knowing there was at least something.

“Just...” She started before a sigh escaped her muzzle. “I'm worried is all.” That was true just looking at her I could tell she was.

“Twilight look I understand you're worried. With all this that has happened on so short of notice it can't be doing well for anypony. Especially you having to sit there and see all this.” I said with a frown.

“That and finding out more about the nightmares you've been having about all of us.” She said and my eyes shot wide.

“What... when... who?” Thank you brain you just upgraded from idiot to stumbling dip shit with that bit out of my mouth.

“Fluttershy told me while you were distracted and the other girls told me about the nightmare during your stay after the insanity event. I admit to being upset finding out all that. But what really got me was this.” She said pulling out what I would guess was the manuscript for a novel being ready to published. On the top of it was a white crescent moon surrounded by a mass of dark black, Luna's royal seal. “Princess Luna has been sometimes sending me little reports about your nightmares. Honestly a lot of these make sense considering all that happened. The whole seeing the past up to the whole large being with the revolver. As well as the asylum and nightmare versions of all of us.” Twilight said putting down the papers on the small end table.

“Twilight, I...” Was all I could get out.

“Storm, this can't be good for your mind to put you through such torments. Have... have you taught about seeing medical help for this?” She asked.

“Yes I have before. No medication helped and their advice didn't help either. Plus some of those nightmares aren't natural or they don't seem like they are. My guess was either they are being induced by some pony and I would put my bits on the same pony that has sent Vermom after me quite a few times.” I said.

“Grimwand?” She asked and I simply nodded.

“Like I had told you back in Canterlot he's the reason I'm here in Equestria. That stallion had me killed so I would be here just for his own purpose.” I said as I had sat down with my eyes shut. I didn't want to see anypony after I told them this. “To be honest I've had a lot on my mind both worry about the destiny looming over my head as well as how screwed everypony is because I'm not strong enough to face something that could easily kill everypony I know.” I said finally talking to Twilight about this.

“And you're worried that you may end up like those crystallized ponies.” Once again I nodded to this.

“Just the thought of going away like that, doing something like that to you Twilight. It hurts me just thinking about it.” I said before I felt a pony against my chest. I opened my eyes and looked down to see my marefriend hugging me.

“Storm, no matter what happens you will always be with me and I will never lose you. Even if you happen to be crystallized like those six. There will be no stopping me from finding a cure.” She said with a determined look on her face.

“That's my Twi.” I said before I brought up my hooves to hug her as I cover her with my wings. She blushed lightly and nuzzled into my chest. I didn't even really mind the small twinge of pain from her going right over the scar across my heart. “But why don't we go see the doctor. So I can finally get a clear bill of health and we can come back home for a little fun. I mean I can't have you ahead in wins can I?” I said with a bit of a cocky tone.

“Oh please, I'm still ten wins ahead of you. There's no way you're going to win any more if you keep up using the poison pawn strategy.” She shot back with a smirk as we both headed back downstairs.

“Hey don't dis the poison pawn. It's a classic chess maneuver, and what about your proclivity with the knights.” I shot back which earned me a glare from my marefriend before she smiled and laughed as we left the library.


“Hey watch where you put those clamps Twilight. My tail may be harder in this form doesn't change how much it hurts.” I shot back from the stool I had been sitting on for the last half hour since the visit to the doctor. It seemed that I was in good health and was fit as a fiddle so to speak. The doctor also suggested not to get that bad again. Of course my first step off the bed resulted with me going face first into the door that the nurse just happened to open right then. Thank you universe you couldn't just make it simple, had to go with the nurse door combo, you jerk. Luckily it wasn't that bad just a bloody nose for a few minutes. Once that was taken care of I stopped over at the fabric stall in the market place after Twilight pointed it out to me so I could get some fabric for Pinkie's project. Plus I got something for Twi. After spending quite a few bits I floated the fabric into my saddlebags that Twilight was kind enough to remembered to grab before we left. That's when she talked me into this experiment, well talked would be a little too nicely put. I should really say conned me, her and those damned puppy dog eyes. Of course I couldn't say no to that face, what kind of stallion you take me for? Wait... don't answer that. Anyway, it seems she wanted to experiment on my body’s ability to absorb and expel lightning or electricity to be precise. She had put what I honestly could call jumper cables clipped to the more draconic diamond tipped tail as well as two more to my wings. She had the first set to a lightning crystal which I could help but draw back to a few games I use to play before all this started and the other to yet another crystal this one more to take in the energy. I pretty much would have to sit here with all these little electrodes attached to me and this funny helmet that reminded me of a strainer with wires coming out. This was attached to machines that had printers in them. I told her that if she's going to use me as a junction point for this experiment then I wanted to read up more on her experiments. Since the energy gives me almost near photographic memory.

Honestly I would factor that more to the energy from the electricity supercharging the nerves and neurons in my head, they burned the information in my head. Plus with the prosthetic hoof I could fly through those files even faster.

“Sorry about that Storm but I have to make sure the clamps are secure.” Twilight stated before hopping over to another machine as she got more little electrodes and attached them to my wings, tail and a few on my face.

“I know but you got it clamped a little too close to the tail and not the scale.” I stated, which of course didn't even register as she went off to put on what I would guess be goggles. I went back and cued up the first entry in the list of files that I wanted to go though. “AH!” was out of my muzzle as I felt the energy lance through my spine, couldn't the mare at least give me a warning. It took a few moments to stop shaking from the lightning jolting through me before I began to read through Twilight's research note. I mainly focused on alchemy this time. I mean I do want to explain my magical repertoire at some point but I also want to learn about so many other things, potion making would be right up my alley. Especially since I'm able to cook better than I had on earth. It seems that Twilight has been working on a quite a few potions including some to lessen the strain that estrus draws on a pony without a mate. It had seemed that it causes a lot of ponies some unneeded stress as that itch is unbearable causing them to do irrational things. Which makes me glad that I won't be here for a town of stallion hungry mares. Well... sort of at least. Don't give me that damn look, every guy has that fantasy about being in a room full of women. Okay so the Equestrian equivalent is a room of mare but still... shut up. But I had made it through a few hundred files in. Most of them revisions to her theories about some of the different potions mechanics but still interesting. That's when Twilight's experiment decided to go south and what I mean by that was my body wasn't expelling the energy into the other crystal anymore. Instead my body was taking it in. The only reason I figured this out was when the small throb of an appearing headache began to set in, I had turned to see Twilight nose deep into her print out and sparks coming from my back. “Twilight.” I said which was a bad mistake. As soon as my mouth opened a spark of lightning shot out causing a fairly large hole in the wall to be made.

“What the hay was that?” Twilight had said as she turned to the wall to see what I would guess that size of a bowling ball hole in it. The worse part was you couldn't tell how deep it was. She turned to me expecting an answer but I motioned for her and pulled up a fresh screen. “Storm what's wrong?” She asked as my prosthetic claws flew across the screen.

Too much energy. Can't speak without shooting some out of my mouth. I typed on the screen.

“That doesn't make any sense. I- that- I had this... Oh... heh heh... whoops.” She said as she noticed something. I tapped her on the shoulder before replying with.

Whoops? What whoops?

It seems that the other cable got knocked off while I was reading over files. I think I may have done it while I was rushing to each device.” She said which was followed by me wincing as the pain began to spike.

Outside now.

Was all I could get out on the screen. Before I tried to hop off which resulted in me face planting on the ground. “Ow.” Was out of my mouth before I could catch myself. I watched the lightning fly out and strike one of the cabinets on the far side of the room. Causing some of her blank paper to fly out with a few on fire. Twilight watched amazed before it snapped and she help me up the stairs with her magic. Once I was outside I was able to release all that electricity from me in one powerful burst of magic that left me a little weak on my hooves. “That... that was new.” I said as I slumped against Twilight who helped me remain a bit stable on my hooves with some magic to support most of my weight.

“Storm are you alright?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, just help me upstairs. I need to rest.” I said as I barely had a voice at all. My throat felt a little raw from all that. Thankfully Twilight teleported us back to the loft where I slowly climbed onto the bed not even caring about my claws as I just draped myself across the bed. Twilight dashed out of the room only to come back with what I would call a medical kit. It had the same familiar red cross with four little hearts one in each empty spots around the cross. I simply watched as she dug into it pulling out a thermometer before she jammed it into my muzzle. I watched it slowly rise that what I would guess my normal temperature, well normal for me. She then proceeded to wrap some bandages around the diamond bit of my tail as well as some on the tips of my wings where they were still pretty scorched from the electricity that had gone through them. Twilight then came up in front of me and placed a hoof on my forehead. She pulled back the instant that she came in contact with it.

“Storm, you're burning up.” She said. Now I would point out that I just had probably the equivalent of a full thunderstorm of lightning just course throughout my body then out of my mouth which if memory serves me right. That I pretty much had a electrical current through me which at it's core was electrons moving forward which as they moved forward, they are converted into heat energy. If I remembered from science class when I went into school. I rasped out as much to explain it, in all honestly it was getting harder to speak as every time I talked I felt like somepony was using sandpaper on my throat. Twilight was kind enough to float over a glass of water. “That would explain your fever but just to be safe I want you to just relax until your body returns to it's normal core temperature.” She stated, my reply was a simple nod. Then something popped in my head as she got to the door to her loft. Before I could warn her. Wham! Dash and Applejack burst into the room flattening Twilight against the wall. I winced as I knew how that felt all too well. Dash and Applejack ran up.

“Storm you alright partner?” Applejack asked looking at me.

“We saw the light show. Is everything alright and where's Twi?” Dash asked as I rolled my eyes and pointed back to the door that was now shut and a very angry looking Twilight Sparkle sat there rubbing her head. “Oh... heh, heh. Sorry about that Twi.”

“It's fine Dash and Storm is alright just a mishap with an experiment is all. He took in too much electricity was all.” Twilight said as she finally got back to her hooves.

“Storm you need to watch out for these things. Trust me when I said you don't want to push yourself too hard.” Applejack said with a look between stern and worried.

“No Applejack this time it was on me. I knocked the prong attached to the other crystal that was meant to absorb the energy as I tried to understand how his body allows him to do so.” Twilight said coming up.

“Uh... isn't that from his all freaky dragon magic thing he is?” Dash said and I shot her an annoyed look.

“Yes it's because he's a drony but I was more curious on how his body allows him to do it. Fire resistance I can understand since his genetic makeup makes his body able to stand against temperatures up to two thousand two hundred and eighty two degrees which is the roughly the same resistance that of a dragon.” Twilight explained, followed by two dumbfounded looks from Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Lava.” I rasped out again then it clicked.

“Oh... why didn't you say that Twi?” Dash asked.

“But I did.” Twilight huffed.

“No you used all the geeky sciency talk.” Dash shot back.

“It's the same information Dash. Storm's body allows him much more resistances to elements. Such like the aquatic respiration ability he has with a set of gills on the inside set of his nostrils which allows him to breath water as well as a second set on the back of his mouth.” my marefriend continued to explain which now this caused two reactions from me. One curiosity on how the fuck can my body be so screwed up like that and secondly when the hell did she find the time to examine me that closely? I eyed her for a moment.

“Ah... Twi can you make it simpler for us ponies without one of those scientific degrees?” Applejack requested.

“He can breath underwater because of gills in his body much like a fish as well as able to take high temperatures like lava like it's a dip in the bath. What I don't get is how he is able to conduct electricity like he does when all accounts his body should fry up fast.” Twilight simplified. Gee, thanks Twilight that makes me feel all sorts of better knowing that I should be fried up more than a piece of burnt steak. Wait... did I just really think about meat at a moment like this? When was the last time I ever thought about meat in this context. I sat there and pondered this for a bit as I heard Twilight explain more about how my body works. I didn't quite catch that due to feeling rather sleepy and tired. Lucky for me the dream I had that time was rather well... weird. I was back in that void of space again. This time I was down to only five doors. Magic, Laughter, and Kindness were all faded out still leaving Honesty and Generosity. I looked at each one, nothing really jumped out at me. The more I stood there looking at each one, I couldn't help but get the feeling of somepony watching me again. I quickly looked around even behind the doors to find no pony. The feeling persisted as I searched.

“If somepony is watching me either come out or knock it off.” I said.

“I didn't expect you notice me.” Said the princess of the night as she faded into existence here. I turned and saw her look down at me. One of the more annoying aspects mind you is being smaller than Luna in real life. I mean I'm not as big as Big Mac but I'm still pretty tall. At least taller then the girls. Shining and Cadence are at least my size, but both celestial sisters still have me beat in the height department. Luna by a few inches and Celestia by a few feet. I sat down on my haunches as looked up at her.

“Well I did. I had a feeling that somepony was watching.” I said. Luna smiled and sat next to me.

“You're getting rather proficient with sensing.” She complemented.

“Thanks it's definitely different. I mean I could sense things in fire, smoke, and stuff, but when somepony is viewing my dreams, that's a whole new ball game.” I said looking up at the white ceiling that was filling with a cloud filled night sky, little stars twinkle in the endless sea of an eternal black. The dark blue clouds gently wisp across it as the ground under our hooves turns into a meadow of grass with a surrounded forest. The funny part of this that I never seen a place like this. This was purely from my own mind from a scene that had always in my head. From a place that everything is right in the world, peaceful. I watched Luna look around as the dreamscape changed, the doors that surrounded us disappeared into the ground.

“It seems you've gotten quite proficient in dream weaving as well. I haven't seen a pony this creative in over a millennium, quite refreshing really.” She whimsically as she looked around the grassy field.

“Yeah...” I said quietly as I just watched the stars in my dreams even with that, I would prefer the real night sky. I was just happy I was able to enjoy a peaceful night sky.

“Something wrong?” She asked, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

“Isn't there always something wrong, especially with me.” I said as I watched the sky even more. The small star shot across the sky as we sat there silent. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“How can I make this if I can't escape any of my nightmares?” I asked.

“Firestorm, a nightmare is many things. Sometimes it's the mind's way of telling a pony something's wrong. Sometimes it's another pony messing in the dreamscape of another. And...” Luna said before a pause. I didn't like the way she paused on this. It felt like she didn't even want to say what came after that pause.

“And?” I regrettably asked.

“Sometime it's a sign of things to come.” She solemnly answered. “I won't lie that both my sister and I have had dreams of things to come. Sombra, Discord, even the shadows of Nightmare Moon. I can't say whether or not you've had one of these dreams, these visions. If so I only hope it is a vision of what could be and not what will be.” She explained almost like she knew I would be stupid enough to ask for context.

“Between the desire and the spasm. Between the potency and the existence. Between the essence and the descent.” I began to quote.

“Falls the shadow for thine is the kingdom.” Luna finished. “Quite the quote I say. But if I may ask. How do you know it?”

“It's from a poem called The Hollow Men. It's a little interesting to find that some of the same literature is here, slightly changed but still here.” I said with a smile.

“Indeed it is.” She smiled back.

“Hey Luna, out of curiosity and more to change the subject. Is it possible to change one's appearance in a dream?” I asked.

“Very much so if you know what you're doing.” She said as I watched her body took that of a stallion. “You can do almost anything within a dream.” She and I do say she because even though she had a body of a stallion her voice remained the same.

“Could you teach me?” I asked.

“Well why don't you first try on your own?” She said with a playful smirk. I rolled my eyes and began to try. I thought of a form that I had took not too long ago. One thing about a dream like this is that I don't feel my body changing outside of a tingling feeling. Once I was done I sat there cross legged in the satyr form I was stuck with when I revisited earth.

“Quite interesting.” Luna said as she walked around me to examine this form. “Pray tell, what is this form and why did you choose it?” I smiled as my draconic tail swished back and forth in the pair of baggy jeans that I decided to give myself.

“I wanted to become something different. Don't get me wrong being a dralicorn is great and all but I just wanted something different but I was use to. Since this was the form when I went back to earth. From my appearance I could only guess this is the dralicorn equivalent of a satyr which was a mythical being from a Greek mythology on earth. Normally they would be a half goat half human hybrid of sorts. This is about the same but instead of goat this would be dralicorn in place.” I explained as I ran my claw through my... hair.

“Fascinating. What is it like being one?” She asked.

“Well besides having the wings, tail, horns, magic, and claws for the most part. I would say it's close to human as I could get at the time. I guess here I could become human again but... that just doesn't seem right.” I rambled.

“How so?” She asked returning to her normal appearance.

“Well it's just if I turned into a human here in this dream scape. It wouldn't be the same to being human again. I would always know that this was fake and that it would end any minute. Plus I would get to enjoy being around the girls or Twilight for that matter as a human.” I answered.

“So you miss being human then?” Luna asked and I could guess she had some context to this already.

“In a way yes. I miss being human, back to simpler things without craziness happening all the time.” I answered followed by a small chuckle as I laid back in the grass. I laid my wings out as I laid there.

“I suppose I can understand this. Having been one form for most your life just to have it rapidly taken from you. I think anypony would want to be themselves at least one more time.” Luna surmised.

“That would be so true Luna.” I said before taking my claw and started to draw a little crown. Nothing too extravagant, just a simple crenelated gold crown with a red ruby in the front. I then waved my hand over it as it became solid and fell with a thump onto my chest. I picked it up quietly to look at it. Luna just watched as I sat up again and placed it on my head. It was a little awkward at first with the horns on my head but after I fixed it it sat correctly on my head.

“I thought you weren't one for the fancy look of a prince?” Luna teased.

“I guess from time to time I can be a little hypocritical about something like this. Don't get me wrong I still don't feel like I deserve to be a prince here in Equestria since I literally dropped in. Doesn't mean I can't pretend that I fit for it.” I said with a smile. “Kind of a funny thing really not that I think about it more.”

“What is?”

“Well my real name, the one I had on earth was from a story.” I started as Luna gave me a confused look.

“How is that funny?” She inquired.

“Well in the book that I was named from the character in that one was a king, a ruler that is. It was part of a much larger series.” I explained.

“Was the character a wise just king?” She asked.

“Sadly I couldn't say, I was aware of the books but I couldn't really tell you about them much. When I was told I wasn't old enough to read those kind of books. I was still pretty young at the time. When I got older I became interested in reading it but when I asked my mother she couldn't remember the series that it was from.” I explained as Luna frowned slightly as her ears flattened back.

“I suppose that can't be helped. Why don't you tell me about some of the other literature that you have read on earth?” She requested.

“Well it depends on your tastes really. Earth literature touches many subjects from history to fantasy, sci-fi to swords and sorcery. There's the lighthearted to the down right dark.” I explained.

“What about mystery?” She asked.

“Ah, now that my dear princess is a subject we both quite enjoy. Now the question is are you the detective kind of pony or the more adventurous Daring Do kind of pony?” I said with a smirk.

“Daring Do is alright but I prefer a good detective one. I enjoy trying to figure out who did it before the end.” She explained.

“Oh well you're in luck then. I just so happened to have brought back just such a book with me. It's a series of cases that I think you may just enjoy.” I said and I couldn't help but watch her ears perk up.

“Really? We must see this book of yours!” She proclaimed dropping into old equestrian.

“Well how about this. Since estrus is happening soon, why don't I come and stay at the castle during it and I'll bring it with me so you can read it along with a few other books from earth.” I said with a simple smile.

“We would er... heh heh heh. I would like that greatly. I'm sure Celestia would enjoy reading some earthen books herself.” Luna said with a big smile plastered on her face before she asked. “aren't you going to be with Twilight for the season?”

“Well I honestly think Twilight isn't ready for that in our relationship. Especially after finding out in a more detailed report about my nightmare issue. Thanks for that by the way.” I said that last one a little more annoyed than I should.

“Sorry Storm but I thought it was best that she understood what was going on in your dreams as of late.” She explained and she was right that Twilight should have known about that. I just wanted to tell her under my own terms. This was a very big thing for me to admit that I was having a problem with somepony that was so close to me. That I would carry a world's worth of worry for just so she wouldn't have to.

“I understand but I just wish I could be the one to explain. I don't feel right to have you and the girls tell Twilight about my nightmares. I mean I get they are a rather big problem but so far it's been one thing after another and I just want her to enjoy some peace. Even if it's a little bit.” I said as I materialized a blanket for the two of us to sit on. The two of us sat there for a few peaceful moments. I watched as little shooting stars began to cross the night sky.

“Storm, if I may ask. What do you think about this Grimwand pony?” Luna asked. My gaze turned to her as I didn't see the princess of the night as I was use too. This time and honestly I didn't think these words would ever come to me. I saw an honest to goodness elf chick before me. My brain was back flipping from this The light skinned woman smiled as she was curled up her arms holding her knee before her. She still had the same mane- er... hair as Luna did and her long silk like dress was the same coat color as what I use to see on her. Around her neck was a silver chain with a full moon surrounded by a black stone with white specks in it.

“Luna is that you?” I asked confused.

“Well of course it is.” She said. “I figured since you were, as you ponies say, sporting a new form. I may as well, and to be said that you humans look rather different than that photo.” Luna explained as she got up to dust herself, I myself got up and took a few moments to find my voice again.

“Well, heh heh heh. That's not quite a human. Roughly the same shape but the ears are different, there normally not as pointy as that. Some humans are born like that but normally most aren't. And none of them have a set of wings like that or the horn. Most definitely not the horn.” I said trying to be respectful and keep my eyes off the very low cut dress she wore. I really hope Twilight never finds this moment, because I don't think I would like to explain that I was caught taking a peek at the cleavage of one of the rulers of Equestria and for all intents and purposes my aunt. Granted she's not my biological aunt and she does have a nice... er... damn it the one time I really need a suitable word and I'm drawing a blank. I turned to look at Luna who was giving me a knowing smirk.

“Oh is some pony thinking naughty thoughts again?” She amused.

“I um... heh heh heh. Yeah... sorry. Wait... again?” I said now nervous.

“Don't be coy with me Storm I know about that little day dream you had with Twilight and the-” was the only thing I let out of her mouth.

“AH no please keep that one to yourself.” I said now blushing hotly.

“Uh, but don't you worry Storm. Every pony has a daydream like that from time to time, even Celestia and I.” She said as she walks off into the woods. I couldn't help but follow silently taking that in. I suppose that would be true, all things considered. The woods themselves were nice and peaceful with the ambient sounds of nature surrounding us. Our little trek took us deep into the forest until a large castle could be seen coming up. The forest opened up to show us the dark obsidian black and white accented castle surrounded by a thick moat. I don't remember ever seeing a castle like that.

“Is that one of mine?” I asked.

“No, this one is all me. As the princess of the night I am able to influence dreams, I don't normally do it as it could be harmful to a pony if misused. But your mind is very unique in that it isn't directly affected by things like this.” She explained.

“Wait is that why I can feel pain in my dreams?” I asked.

“That unfortunately is so, I can't tell if it's just how your body handles dreams or the human spirit within you that allows that. Normally no pony can feel pain like that unless I will it or by some magical artifacts.” She explained as we entered the castle through a very dark blue door with a white marble crescent moon inlay in it. The inside of the castle was much like the dark side of Canterlot while most of the light was coming from a mushroom like wall sconces that gave a soft blue. What really unnerved me was the fact that unlike the castle in Canterlot this was void of other ponies. Just the elfin Luna and my satyr self. We entered what looked like a large ballroom that was dark. Luna smiled before she stopped in the middle of the room. With a flick of magic the room brighten changing everything in a shade of blue, to white. Luna looked around quietly as she turned to me. In her hands she held two fencing swords. She tossed one to me, it wasn't hard to catch it. “Why don't we have a friendly fence?” She said before taking stance. I in turn got into stance.

“If I may ask Luna how do you know how to fence in that form?” I asked.

“I may normally be a pony, that doesn't mean I don't know how to fence. That and I looked into your memories.” She said followed with a nervous chuckle.

“Okay what else did you peer into? So far it seems to be my dreams, daydreams, and memories. Speaking of which how far did you look?” I asked as I waited for Luna to make the first move.

“Only a few memories about human culture, nothing personal.” She said with a side slash as I returned it to block. We kept it respectful never going for a dishonest hits.

“It's a little surprising really. To be honest I don't really know much about fencing only from television and a few books. Never really practiced it, course the same can be said from a lot of other skills I have now.” I said before having to step back to avoid a rather fast backswing.

“Interesting, what about that fighting prowess you showed back in Canterlot when you faced my night guard captains?” She asked as I retaliated with a fury of swings myself.

“Elementary my dear Luna, humanity has one thing that always goes for it.” I said with a big grin on my face.

“What would that be?” She asked before knocking my sword up into the air with one furious up swing.

“When the chips are down we are stubborn old fools of battle.”I said as she caught my sword and I took a bow.

“Indeed you are Storm.” Luna said returning the bow and the sword.

“This has been quite fun Luna.” I said before I heard the clapping of somepony behind me towards the door. I turned to see a dark skin satyr similar to myself in the sense that his horn was on head. His brown coat could be seen in dark vest with a white undershirt, both sleeves here buttoned up. The door behind him closed with a old creak that wasn't there when both Luna and I entered. “Is he one of yours?” I asked whispering over to her.

“I thought he was yours.” Luna replied back. I looked at him a little more in detail. His black mane and tail stood out then I noticed it. On his cuffs where two symbols, a sun and a moon. I also noticed that on the handkerchief was the same well at least the top half. Without a moment I held my hand out for Luna.

“Give me one of those swords.” I said in a whisper. She eyed me before nodding and just like that she handed me one of the fencing swords. I stepped between Luna and this stallion that I had a very good idea who it was. “What are you doing here?” I asked slowly walking towards him.

“Oh well I thought I would come by and say hello to Princess Luna and Prince Firestorm. Maybe a bit of a snack then pop off for a little nap.” He said smugly. I growled before I took stance with the once fencing sword, now rapier.

“Get out of my dream.” I stated as he drew a sword. His was closer to medieval knight's long sword.

“But where would the fun be if I left when I just got here.” He replied.

“As Princess and Co-ruler of Equestria you will remove yourself from the prince's dream.” Luna said as her dress turned into a set of armor with a matching long sword. While this stallions sword was closer to the normal looking knight's long sword. Luna's blade was very simplistic while instead of normal hand guard there was a large round guard with a crescent moon on it.

“Oh Princess Luna it's been a very long time.” He said taking a bow before taking stance himself. “But I can't do that. The prince and I have business to take care of.”

“What business is this?” I asked waiting for his next move.

“Haven't you figured it out Storm or should I call you Ryhn.” He said.

“I had figured it out Grimwand, well if you want to be technical. I was told.” I said staring the bastard right in the eyes. “I was told that you wanted to out live your normal life span, that you wanted to obtain knowledge to last beyond your years. Your Knowledge of a magic so foul that it should be gone.” I stated each word I spoke angered me more and more. The room lost it's white glow replaced with an orange glow from my mane and tail.

“Necromancy.” Luna growled next to me as her main took an unearthly black color as all the stars faded from it.

“Oh please don't pull that holier than thou on me Ryhn. You were never a noble soul, I've seen humanity and I've seen it's wars. You humans do like to keep records of your bloodiest moments.” Grimwand snapped back.

“And yours are any better? You have killed young colts and fillies. You've disgraced the dead by taking their corpses just for your experiment. What about your abomination of a pet Vermom or should I call her Silver Star?” I shot back.

“Do not call her that.” He now growled.

“Oh so you expect me to call her by her name when she is a soul of a pony stuck in a Frankenstein of a body made from ponies and changelings? What did Chrysalis think of you using her changelings?” I asked and I watched his eye twitched.

“And you think a bug like that has any say in what I do?” Grimwand yelled.

“Oh, so you think you get to play god with beings you think are beneath you? Is that what you thought I was, some being beneath you? That my life was forfeit because you wanted a new body. No she's not the abomination, you are!” I roared this time, all that feeling came back in force. The feelings of being used, the feeling of being played. Finding out that I was killed just for this fucking pony.

“I'm not a god Ryhn. I am nothing more than a scholar that has gained a greater knowledge that needs to surpass the stars themselves.” He said grinning like a mad pony. I was seething in rage as the orange glow quickly turned red, as well as my stance turned from standard to something more beast like. “But it's time to get what I had come for.” He said as he took a step towards us. Sword at the ready waiting for my first strike. The rapier in my claw started to shake as I gripped it harder as my anger rose more and more. Everything that had happened to me was because of this pony, this bastard caused me to lose the life I had. “Oh something wrong Ryhn? Did I hit a raw nerve with you? I guess Jessica wasn't telling the-” Was the last thing out of his mouth before my left fist hit him squarely in the jaw sending him back.

“You don't have any right to say her name!” I roared as my voice took a draconic tone. All I was seeing was pure red. I rushed at him to make him pay for even uttering her name. He took a swing at me with his blade as I countered with my own. Unfortunately my rapier was cut in half by the blade leaving a long gash in my chest. It didn't stop me as I dropped the blade and went in with my own claws. This surprised Grimwand when I gripped his face with my claw. “Die!” With that roar I started to fly towards the door pressing Grimwand just ahead of me. I smashed him into the stone door and every pillar along the way until we were back out in the forest. But I wasn't done, every tree, every rock, even thing I could put this bastard through, I did. When we got into the clearing again I threw him into the middle of it. He stood up his outfit torn to shreds, leaving him bloody but standing. He grinned quietly as he drew another blade out, just like before this one was a long sword but instead of the iron blade this one was the purest black. My wings flared out ready to strike out at him only from a few feet away, I snarled at him like a ravaged animal as I agreed with the rage in me. Every fiber of my being wanted this thing to pay for what he done to me.

“What's the matter Ryhn? Don't you want revenge for what I did to you?” He said as he took stance again. My breathing got harder as I saw the flickers of light as fire began to come out of my mouth. Luna finally caught up to us as she stood between the two of us.

“Storm calm down.” Luna ordered as I stood there still pretty fired up. “As for you. You will vacate the prince's dreamscape and never return.” She said as her horn lit up. Within a moments Grimwand's form glowed a brilliant blue before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.” I stood there breathing deeply as I continued to stare at the spot he stood a few minutes ago expecting him to just reappear once again. “Storm you need to calm down. What would Twilight do if she saw her colt friend acting like this?” She said and it hit me. I felt to my knees silently and let my head hang there. My claws were stained red, from my own blood or his I couldn't tell, I don't think I wanted to. Luna came over and knelt down to me. “I'm so very sorry for that Storm. I know you wanted to take out your vengeance on him but-” she started before I cut in.

“But vengeance leads down a very dark road. One that you don't want to see another go down right?” I asked now looking at her.

“Very much so, I just wish I could have stopped it sooner. For what it's worth I'm sure he will think twice before reentering your dreamscape again.” She said as I felt my body heal. I looked down to see Luna's blue aura surround my wounds all of them from the cuts I didn't even realize I had took down to the nicks from smashing his face into stuff. That anger I felt was familiar, but... oh I remember now. I had that same level of anger before when I lost it in the dragon's den. I started to shake a little at the thought that I could get that angry. What if I just so happened to get angry at Twilight, or Pinkie. Hell at any of the girls, what would happen if I just went nuts on them? “Storm it will be alright.” Luna said again after she finished healing me. I just sat there feeling cold to everything around me. Luna came close and hugged me, covering me with her wings. “Storm?” She asked as I looked up at her.

“I... I...” was the only thing I could get out.

“Storm I know, I know all too well.” She said, it took me what felt like a few hours to finally get my head together. I finally got up after Luna let me go. As soon as I was a few feet away from Luna I let my wings spread out.

“Luna would you do me the honor of a flight in the dreamscape before I wake?” I said with a smile. The princess of the night gave a light chuckle before I heard her wings spread out as she took flight. She smiled back as she hovered into the air, with a quick down flap of my wings I propelled myself up into the air after Luna. The two of us flew into the air before the world around us washed away into a void of black.


I laid there quietly in bed with Twilight gently on my chest, my foreleg was around her. I remember I had fallen asleep on Twilight's bed. But that was during the previous day, this was the beginning of another day. I quickly shifted out from under Twilight, making sure she didn't stir. I quickly made it down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Spike already at work. I watched him work on a skillet before breathing emerald flames into it. Curiosity got the better of me and I got closer to see what he was cooking. I leaned over his shoulder to see he was making an omelet but instead of the vegetables you would normally find in one, this one had gemstones. I could pick out emeralds, rubies, and I think a few opals. I looked a little confused about this for a few moments. With that I pulled back silently and went over to get myself a mug of coffee. I watched the black liquid slowly pour into the mug until the mug was three fourths full. I then took it back to the table where I sat watching Spike cook. He smiled as he did so every so often giving his omelet a burns of fire. He then slide it off onto a plate to the right before he reached for a bowl. Of course it was just a few inches too short of his reach, so I floated it over to him. He took it blinking a little in confusion before turning to see me. I couldn't help but gave him a two finger wave hello before taking a sip of my black coffee.

“Storm when did you get here?” He asked as she worked on stirring the contents of the bowl, if I had to guess was more eggs.

“While you were dragon roasting your gem omelet. I'm a little surprised you didn't see me peering over your shoulder.” I said before taking another sip. “By the way if you're making breakfast for all of us please no eggs for me. Not really my thing.” Right about then the toaster popped up with four slices of bread done. I quickly took them out of the toaster before setting them down on a plate nearby. I slid four more in and pressed the lever for it.

“Thanks, I figured you would still be out with Twilight upstairs.” He said going back to work on the my guess second omelet.

“Hard to say when I should be asleep or not anymore.” I said with an annoyed sigh.

“How come?” He asked as he reached for some flowers before tossing them in.

“Well it's either I keep having a head injury that causes me to black out, nightmares that cause me to wake up early, the fact that I'm a dralicorn and don't have to sleep as often as other ponies, being all around burned out from magical overuse, magically put to sleep, or some other thing yet to be remembered or known.” I listed before another ship.

“You have like the worse luck ever.” He said sliding the second omelet onto a plate. He then hopped off his stool before bring them over setting the flower on next to seat to my left and his on the other side of the table.

“Oh yeah, Murphy has it out for me.” I said with a light smile.

“Who's Murphy?”

“Murphy's Law which is if something bad can happen will happen. Well to paraphrase it.” I said before floating over the pop for another mug full as I had empty mine.

“Ouch, kind of sounds like Murphy is out for Ponyville too.” Spike said pulling the stool over to the toaster as the next four were done in it.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well with everything that happens around here. I mean we had a dragon hibernating on the mountain that was causing black smoke to cover the air above the town, the Nightmare moon indecent happened here in town during the summer sun celebration, the Ursa Minor, Cerberus escaping.” Spike went on listing as he buttered the toast. I did a spit take right back into my mug.

“Wait, wait, wait, are you talking about the three headed hell hound that guards the gates of Tartarus?” I said my eyes widened.

“The very same.” Twilight said coming in with a yawn. “I didn't know you already knew about that.” She said before she sat down next to me as Spike came over with the buttered toast before going to get something from the fridge.

“Well here in Equestria I didn't. I know it from earth or more specific from Greek mythology. Hell, next you're going to tell me that Orthros is real too.” I said before taking a big swig. I watched Twilight give me a knowing smirk.

“Oh seriously? Don't tell you have have chimeras too?” I asked probably already knowing the answer to that.

“Indeed but they don't reside here.” Twilight explained.


“There's a four headed one at Froggy Bottom Bogg.”

“Bloody hell.” I said sitting there taking all that in. I mean I get there was some common things with Greek mythology but serious this was outright scary on how close it hit. I figured there wasn't any of the Greek gods or Celestia would have a run for her money. But still, to find that this place had a hell. I just didn't know how to take all that.

“Storm, is everything alright?” Twilight asked.

“No, I... I have a lot to take in.” I said, hell I still had to tell her about the whole dreamscape fight I had.

“Storm I'm here to help, you know that.” She said as she put her hoof on top of mine. I looked at it for a moment before I looked at her.

“Thank you Twi.” I said before I leaned over and gave her a gentle pick on the cheek. “Just knowing you're there helps a lot. But after breakfast I need to talk to you about something important.” I said.

“How bad?” She said and I gulped.

“heh... heh... Um... nightmares involving fighting the one that brought me here while the princess of the night visited said dreamscape bad.” I said before giving a while please don't shoot me level of nervous grin. She gave me a flat look.

“Really?” She said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Too early in the morning for subtlety. That and you asked.”I said before finishing off my mug floating the pot over for another. Spike came back putting some hay bacon on my plate for me. Twilight watched as she probably noticed that I didn't have any eggs on my plate.

“And why aren't you having any eggs?” She asked.

“Don't like them, never had liked them.” I stated.

“Oh really? Have you even tried them?” She countered.

“Eeyup.” I shot back.

“Really now? When was this?” She asked.

“My house when you all woke me up in surprise with a full day planned. You all made breakfast in bed and pretty much forced me to eat in front of you. Which you all made eggs.” I stated.

“Oh...” She stated. “I suppose I have to concede this one. Doesn't mean you're getting out of gemstones mister.” She stated as before digging in.

“Um... can somepony explain what are you two talking about?” Spike said looking confused.

“Would you like to fuel this one?” I said offering it to Twilight.

“I would gladly, as you know Firestorm here is a dralicorn. Which mean's he's half dragon and like you he can consume gemstones as well as his pony side does flowers. Until recently he's hadn't had a flower before.” She explained.

“Well I get the whole dralicorn part. But what does that have to do with him not wanting to eat eggs or gemstones?” He asked before taking a large bite. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh as Twilight gave an annoyed sigh.

“Twilight has an issue with me not eating eggs or gemstones. Even though I had eggs before. Honestly like I said I was never a real fan of eggs. As for gemstones, well it's a little hard to wrap my head around that part of my diet. I had the same issue with flowers until Twilight' s little intervention during our date.” I stated simply.

“Storm you very well know that-” was out of Twilight's mouth before I cut in.

“I know Twilight, I know.” I said before my bite into hay bacon. “Like I said with Dash, I will give it a try. It will take time.”

“Why do you always do that?” Twilight asked.

“Do what?” I asked.

“Always put off something like that every time. You did it with Dash when it came to flying, you did the same with flowers, and you're now doing it with gems. Magic you were pretty aggressive to learn done to shocking yourself for photographic memory to studying it.” Twilight explained.

“Excuse me, I did not shock myself just to study it. That was because of Dash shocking me to keep myself awake.” I countered.

“From somepony over exerting their magic.” Twilight said back.

“Are you saying because I was panicked at the time and wasn't thinking. That it was my fault I got shocked?” I asked as it was a little unbelievable that Twilight would blame this one me.

“No I just.” She said with a sigh. “That wasn't what I meant. I'm just a little frustrated with everything. I don't understand how you can be so cheery one moment and so upset the next.”

“I suppose that could just be a human thing. Humans can be rather teetering things. With emotions that counter and over power, that becomes harmonic and yet so chaotic.” I said before I lightly chuckled staring off in space.

“How can somepony be harmonic and chaotic?” Twilight asked even more annoyed.

“Hmm... how to explain this?” I thought out loud to myself. Twilight eyed me quietly as I thought about it more. “Think of it as a coin where harmony is one side and chaos is the other. Humans have a weird sense of balance to them, We flip on both sides of the coin because no one can be perfectly balanced. It's an impossibility if that was the case. Being perfect is always a fleeting concept because everypony strives for perfection in that sense. This is where inventiveness comes from, a way to perfect a spell or potion or whatever. You can always try to make something better. But better as a whole compared to a better for the person is something one has to depict carefully. This leads to the chaos a human deals with. It's how they balance themselves, something I don't ever think I will get right.” I said followed by a light chuckle. I finished my plate and floated it over to the sink before I got to work cleaning the dishes.

“Ah... Storm?”

“Yes Twilight?” I asked.

“If I can say. You've been handling it fairly well.” She said sitting next to me.

“As a matter of fact, I'm not.” I said before I began to chuckle. “I have a psychopathic pony after my body just for his mind and memory. Yet with all that I'm just sitting here doing the dishes like it's some kind of normal day.”

“Most other ponies would have cracked under the pressure of something like that.” She tried to console, I just smiled and looked over at her.

“I think we have it established that I'm pretty cracked in the head already. If not from all the blunt force traumas to my head then from the stress of having a whole world to save on my shoulder from something I don't even understand.” I said as I moved off to the next dish.

“Even so your handling better then I think I could.” She explained.

“Really?” I said eyeing her for a moment. “It seems that you're handling pretty well yourself.”

“What's that suppose to mean?”

“You're the personal student to Princess Celestia one of the co-rulers of Equestria, as well as being one of the most powerful ponies that is directly tuned to the element of magic which is one of the most powerful magical artifacts, the Elements of Harmony. You saved Equestria what, four times already? Then you have a coltfriend who seems to be one of the most oddball princes Equestria has ever seen that's been controlled twice and has officially snapped at least twice, probably on the verge of a third time. Then given the news that a great evil is coming without much of a clue what to expect. Seems pretty stressful for one pony to deal with.” I explained in a calm even tone, not to insinuate anything. Just to state it how it is.

“I suppose I can see what you mean but I don't see the dark side of things like that. You've got to have hope Storm and to believe in the magic of friendship. With your friends around there is nothing you can't do.” She said gently leaning into my side, out of a sense of habit my wing gently draped itself over her as she left a smile show on her face. “I love it when you do that.” She said gently nuzzling into my side. I couldn't help but smile back lightly as I continued to do the dishes with my magic. I gently brought her closer to me.

“Whenever you want me to do this just tell me and it shall happen.” I said giving her a gentle peck on the cheek. She blushed cutely as sat there with me, watching me finish the dishes. It also helped that Spike finished his plate and put those in to be cleaned as well. After that Twilight and I went upstairs while Spike went over to Rarity's to help her out, much to Twilight's suggestion. She began to go over the information she had gathered the other day again. Well I suspected again really since I fell asleep while she was explaining my body to Dash and Applejack. I sat there silently before the idea hit me to draw a bit more. So I floated over my sketchbook that I had started with a pencil and began to draw my marefriend going over her notes. She would make little notes on a piece of parchment from time to time but she mostly went over the novel's worth of data. Every so often she would glance over to me as I continued to draw. She would blush for a moment before focusing on the data again. This happened a lot as the day went on, my guess it finally came to a head when she put down all the papers and turn to look up at me directly.

“Storm what are you doing?” She asked.

“Drawing.” I answered.

“Drawing what?”



“Why not?” I countered.

“Storm please just tell me.” She asked.

“Twilight I just want to draw the most important and most beautiful mare in my life. I hope that isn't a problem, if it is then I'll stop.” I said as I set the pencil down, she blushed for a moment.

“Storm I'm no pony special, especially to warrant you doing that. I mean I'm rather plain looking to begin with.” She said looking away.

“Twilight don't doubt your own beauty.” I said looking directly at her.

“But I'm not as beautiful as Rarity or the Princesses.” She said, I got up and glided down to her before I landed with a thump. Then I gently hugged her while I wrapped her in my wings.

“Twilight you're beautiful and I won't let anypony say otherwise, even you.” I said as she blushed before she snuggled into me. I smiled quietly and kept her covered up with my forelegs and wings. That's when I noticed the data in more detailed, with my magic I floated it up and began to look over it. It seems it was one of the many scans of my body towards the end of the experiment. What it looked like was a magic levels indication sheet. Honestly I only knew it because that's what it was labeled as. It seems that most ponies have different magic levels, more the unicorns and in my case dralicorns. Since we contain another magic pool so we can cast our spells. But it seems that I had a third one that was pretty small compared to the other magic pool and the internal magic. I guess my confusion must have been apparent on my face.

“I don't quite understand it myself.” Twilight said which got me to look down to her. “This third magic pool doesn't fit with the normal pony metamagic principles. Unicorns and Alicorns have the secondary magic pools, while pegasi and earth ponies have a larger mane pool for their natural magic abilities. It's gets weirder because it seems that little pool of magic increased after the experiment yesterday and hasn't returned back to normal size.” She explained as she pulled the paper from my magic. “It's almost like it absorbed some of it.”

“Could it be some way for my body to acclimate itself to the elemental magic?” I questioned.

“It's possible in theory but no pony could successfully do it, from what I've seen that most unicorns suffer a magical overload and their horns crack from the power before they were forced to release it.” Twilight explained.

“Hmm... could it be the more draconic side of me allows me to hold it better than unicorns?” I questioned.

“I would say that but your body holds the magic not with your pool of magic. It's more contained within your cells itself sort of like photosynthesis in plants where it makes the food it requires. Your cells turns all that electrical energy into a special kind of energy sort of like adrenaline. But you can't run on it hence why you been to having a throbbing headache. You body how resilient that it is can only take so much. Which is why you have to release all that power or more precisely most of it since you do absorb a bit of it to produce the adrenaline effect.” She explained to me.

“Hmm... did you contact Celestia or Luna about it?” I asked.

“Not yet, I was planning on doing that later tonight after I had more time to go over the data. I figured you would like to know since it's your body and it's quite fascinating to study.” She said smiling, my ears flattened back when she finished that sentence. Some small part of me questioned if she just liked me because I was an odyssey. I knew better than to say something about that out loud. Hey I may be an idiot but I wasn't that stupid. I stared at the little unknown bar on the page. What was this magic if it wasn't from the lightning I had taken, like, four times, then what could it be? This told me one thing for sure, I was not a smart pony, or drony, or whatever I am. With that I put the sheet back and just continued to hold Twilight close as I just let the moments pass between the two of us. “Storm?” Twilight asked as I looked down at her.

“Yes Twilight?” I questioned.

“Do... do you trust me?” She asked, I blinked at this.

“Why wouldn't I trust you?”

“Well I did almost shock you to death with my experiment, not to count the many other times I had caused you pain in a way. I don't know, it just feels like you shouldn't trust me like you do.” She commented as she looked down.

“Twilight, truth be told yes, a lot of bad things has happened but it's the opposite. I'm the one that shouldn't be trusted, not you.” I said as I pulled my wings back.

“How can you say that Storm?” She said.

“I... I just feel that I have to try and keep myself in check. Like if I don't try to pull back from everything, my anger, my sorrow, or something worse. That I may hurt every pony I care about, that I will do something far worse than what I have already. Twilight in the dreamscape when I saw Grimwand I went off the deep end. Everything that I had gone through just came to the surface of my mind and I didn't do anything but attack. I didn't care I was cut up or bleeding, just that I made him pay.” I said slowly moving away from Twilight as I slowly made my way to the balcony. “It took Luna getting in my way to finally stop me after she had forced him out of my dreams. I... I'm not sure if I would have stopped if she didn't get him out of my sight.” I said quietly.

“Storm, I can understand about being worked up to the point you stop seeing what's right in front of you. That after it's done you question yourself about your actions and if that can happen again.” Twilight said before appearing before me cutting me off from going out to the balcony. “I've gone and went a little crazy over researching like when I tried to understand Pinkie's Pinkie sense. As well as when I went overboard with the want it need it spell when I thought I was late with my report to the princess. Storm, you're not the only one that gets worked up and loses sight of things. Every pony does the same, I'm sure even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna do as well.” Twilight said coming closer to me. “Maybe I should give you some positive reinforcement.” She almost purred as she got face to face with me which wasn't hard since I was a step closer then her. We were muzzle to muzzle before she went in and gave me one hell of a kiss. I only say that because my wings decided to pomf again while a radiant blush crossed my face. She pulled back for a moment before pouncing on me. What I didn't expect out of this was falling onto the bed instead of the stairs that I was on at the time. It took me a few seconds to realize that Twilight was laying on my chest staring down at me with a knowing smirk before she leaned in and gave me another kiss. “Look at who's the adorable one now.” She commented, I couldn't help but chuckle a little which she gave me a confused look.

“My bounty is a boundless as the sea. My love as deep; the more I give to thee. The more I have, for both are infinite.” I quoted as I looked directly into her eyes, she blushed as I spoke.

“I... um... wow.” She got out before I gave her a kiss in return.

“Oh that was gushing with so many romantic undertones.” Rarity said to our right, which caused us to jump giving out a surprised yelp with me landing on the floor with a thud and Twilight on top of me.

“Rarity!” Twilight said blushing on top of me. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh well Spike came over to help and told me that it was just you two alone. I thought maybe you wanted some help in the romantic department since to be honest darling you two are very, oh how shall we say, lacking?” Rarity stated before I could tell she was grinning as she continued with. “Well I suppose not as lacking as I thought.”

“No offense Rarity, but isn't some things suppose to be a private matter?” Twilight stated and I would completely agree.

“Well that would normally be true but Twilight darling you're a bit different. You need some example to learn from.” Rarity countered as I found myself floating into the air upside down. Thinking fast I used my hind legs to help hide my more sensitive areas. Twilight had gotten over to Rarity looking a little worried. I on the other hoof looked rather annoyed at the fact that I was once again being floated up without being asked. On top of that she was holding me upside down again. Of course I doubt she even noticed how annoyed I was.

“Do you really have to do this?” Twilight said sounding as annoyed as I felt. Serious I was enjoying a private moment with my marefriend. God this is Earth all over again, at least there I knew when to get the fuck out of the room when they wanted a private moment. But do I get that here? No, not even a single moment alone.

“Darling a lady must know how to be romantic if they want their relationship to last.” Rarity said as she had her eyes shut and her hoof in the air like she was trying to make a point. As soon as that comment left her mouth I instantly face hoofed. Why, oh why did Rarity have to say that to the one mare that has a hair trigger for over reaction worry. I watched Twilight's eyes widen as she turned to me.

“Storm can we please try.” Twilight implored, I sighed quietly as I pinched the bridge of my nose. A quote came to mind that fit better.

“Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself and especially to feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to letting a pony be what they really are.” I quoted looking directly at Rarity who was still holding me upside down. They both looked confused at my choice to words.

“Darling that is a very nice statement but what does that have to do with this?” She questioned, once again I sighed before I answered with.

“It seems a true friend should help their friends do what they need to do 'alone' to feel what they need to and be fine with it because they are being true to themselves.” I comment.

“I think I get it, Rarity what he means is that he and I should find our way to be romantic.” Twilight comment before looking back at me with confirmation.

“Exactly, Rarity I do appreciate that you want to help us with this but this is something only the two of us can do alone. One pony's outlook to love may not fit with another’s.” I said.

“I see.” Rarity deflated a bit at this before I get dropped onto the bed right on my head.

“Rarity I'm sorry.” Twilight stated as I watched Rarity leave slowly down the small set of steps. We watched her head towards the door that lead down to the library's first floor. She stopped for a moment noticing a book on the floor. I noticed what book it was since it was my sketch book. She brought it up to her to the page it was left open to, the one I had been working on before I went down to comfort Twilight.

“Twilight, you're one lucky mare.” Rarity said as she put the book down on the table with all the data on it.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“You have a stallion that truly cares for you. He may have trouble getting the words out but he does.” Rarity said as Twilight and I looked at each other before we returned to her to find that she was completely gone. Twilight went down and went over to my sketch book before she opened it herself. She brought it back with her as she hopped onto the bed with me as she flipped over a few of the pages. She went over a few of my sketches from memory that I did from time to time. But she also noticed my sketches of her that I had done a few times. Like the one of her asleep in bed that I done a few times during my bits of sleepless nights that I had to deal with. In my honest opinion they weren't that good, but it was enjoyable to do. Twilight slowly flipped through these with a look at me ever so often.

“Storm... I don't even know what to say about these.” She said then turned to a page of one of my sketches of me and her together. I drew it from my own imagination with her reading a book as I laid next to her. My left wing was draped over her like a blanket to keep her warm in the snowing late night with the fireplace in the background. As she continue to just take in every detail I drew into it I came up and did the same as I drew in that image. My left wing draped itself over Twilight as she jumped a little looking back to see the wing. She blushed as she leaned into me gently as she continued to look over the sketch.

“I think Rarity was right, you may be at a loss for words but you really do care about me, don't you?” She asked looking at the image more.

“Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar. But never doubt I love.” I said quoting once again as I stared at her.

“You're quoting something aren't you?” She said with a soft smile.

“Yes I am but as you said I may be at loss for words at times. But one thing I will never be lost for is my love for you Twilight Sparkle.” I said before I gently kissed her on the cheek. She blushed more as she stared directly into my eyes as I watched those pools of amethyst beauty glisten with the burning flames of love. She leaned in closely as I did so as our horns gently brushed against each other as little sparks shot from both our horns. We both looked up before our gazes met each other and then began to passionately kiss. As the great William Shakespeare once said, the course of true love never did run smooth. That may be true but it's the twists, turns, bumps, and dips that make that road worth traveling. It took us a few minutes before Twilight had to catch her breath. Honestly she looked quite winded as she stared at me.

“Storm, can I ask you a question?” She timidly asked.

“Of course Twilight, you know you can ask me anything.” I said as we stayed there together on her bed.

“Are you alright?” She asked.

“I'm fine Twilight.” I couldn't help but wonder why she was asking that all of a sudden after we just a few passionate minutes together.

“No Storm, I mean are you alright with everything that has gone on so far? From appearing and such, I only ask because it seems to be still bothering you even when it's been quite a while since you came to Equestria.” She asked, oh so that's what she meant.

“To be honest, I'm not completely sure if I am or not. Don't get me wrong I love it here and having little reminders of Earth is helping me cope with all this. Especially having one amazing mare to help me along the way with great friends and family too.” I said Twilight leaning in more against my side. “I suppose I'm doing as well as I can be.” My marefriend looked worried as she looked over at my prosthetic foreleg.

“It still saddens me that somepony I care about has been hurt as you have.” She said as she put her right hoof on top of my left.

“Twilight it's alright, as it's been said what's done is done and there's no changing it. No matter how much we want to, it just can't be done.” I stated as we laid there together on her bed. “Why don't we spend the day reading together, just you and me? No crazy stuff happening, no emergencies, no random ponies breaking in, or Pinkie popping in for no good reason. Just the two of us and a good book, maybe even a Daring Do novel?” I questioned and I watched her eye's light up.

“You’re into Daring Do too?” She asked and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

“Yeah you caught me. It's a good set of books, I only got through a few of them. I think I'm on Daring Do and the Golden Rings.” I said trying to remember it.

“Oh! I remember that one, let me go get that one and we can read it together.” She said as I brought my wing up so she could get out from under it. With a few flicks of magic Twilight was back with not just it but a few other books in the series. She snuggled back under my wing as we began to read. The rest of the week went by rather fast with nothing really to talk about, since most of the time Twilight was helping me learn a few more skills. I've gotten the basics down for potion making and I was able to make a simple fur dying tonic that lasted a few hours. I still don't understand how she got me to be the same shade of lavender as she was for a few hours, let alone to allow her to take a picture of it. Much to Spike's help after we got him to stop laughing. I swear I looked like an older brother to her at that point but thank god it wasn't permanent or Dash coming in finding me like that. I don't think I would ever hear the end of that, of course she wouldn't hear the end of her being pink for a week either. Twilight and I ended each day with the same thing, the two of us reading another Daring Do novel. Sometimes we would blast through a book in a night sometimes it took us a few days. But it was all good.

Winter Wrap-up came and went with Twilight organizing it all after I heard the problems they had before being late by a few days. I almost made sure I finished Pinkie's request in time and gave her the stuffed Nightling. Of course she decided I needed to be double paid as she gave me another hug knocking both of us into the snow. Well I suppose that was warranted as I had made two outfit for it, one being the knight guards uniform and the second was the suit I saw her wear during their date in the dark side of Canterlot. What I didn't tell her was I made a Pinkie plushie for Nightling so she had something to remind her of Pinkie during those lonely nights. But the real kicker was for Twilight, the worse part was trying to hide it from her. I had to resort to the hidden out cove behind the Equestrian history section. Lucky for me that I didn't need to sleep as often as Twilight did. So I had plenty of time to finish it. So after we cleaned up all of Winter and the water tower was filled. We spent the first few days of spring together, all of us. Pinkie's first week of spring party was a huge event that was Ponyville wide. Of course I had learned that I should really not let Twilight drink so much, three failed firework spells later and well some awkward moments that followed we had to put a suppression ring on her. I really hated having to do that to her but it was more for the safety of everypony. She also agreed that if she did drink again she wasn't going to go full barrel on one of Applejack's hard cider barrels.

It was two days before Estrus finally started, some of the mares in town were already started. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Dash being some of the mares. So I had Spike send a letter requesting that Celestia who had already gave me a letter earlier in the week that she was sending a carriage to come pick up me for my visit, to send it a little sooner. A few hours have past with Twilight down in the basement lab, to work on something. I took that time to get my parting gift for her out and sat it just out of sight from the doorway to the basement. I had a hard time focusing to stay off Twilight's advances during the first few days of her Estrus. Dear god why didn't any pony warn me about the hormones and pheromones that a mare can produce? I took up sleeping down in the basement lab to help alleviate the problem. But finally the carriage arrived at the door with a few pegasi stallions that I didn't recognize and one mare. Nightling sat in the carriage in her armor, not even looking at me.

“If you would come this way prince.” The light blue guard stallion said.

“One moment I want to tell my marefriend that I'm leaving. I hope that won't be a problem.” I said in a very neutral tone.

“Of course not prince, but I request you please hurry.” He said before walking over to the other guards ponies. I was rather confused by that but nodded.

“Twilight I'm leaving for Canterlot.” I said through the magical intercom she set up so I wouldn't be hit with the pheromones that were building up in her lab.

“One minute, I'll be up shortly.” She responded, I took the time and levitate the gift up higher just in case she pops in behind me. Which was exactly what she did. I turned around as she was coming in close giving me a very and I do mean VERY passionate kiss. “Are you sure you don't want to stay Storm? We can have some interesting experiments together.” She purred, I couldn't help but gulp.

“Twilight you know why I can't. But I will promise you that when you're really ready. I will stay alright?” I asked. She blushed for a moment before nodding.

“Alright, enjoy your trip and tell the princess I said hi.” She said as her hoof gently brushed the scales of my left wing. Oh damn, why does she keep doing that? She knows how good it feels when she does that all because of the nerve bundles there. She walked me to the door as I fought to get my wings back down from their upright positions. Luckily I didn't drop her gift when she did that. As her back was turned from the table I took the time to place my gift there as I continued to float my bags with me.

“Alright Twilight, take care of yourself and remember I love you.” I said before I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She returned it as she watched me walk over to the carriage, probably staring at my flanks again. “Oh and Twilight, I left you a gift on the table.” I said with a smirk as she whirled around. With that we took off to Canterlot, it was time to see my aunts again and this time without being in the hospital...

I hope.

-End Of Chapter-

Chapter 25 - Context

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The trip to Canterlot was as nerve racking as any other flying trip. Especially when I got a very hard lesson in flying in a form of a bird nailing me in the face when I wasn't looking. When the feathered animal got me good, it sent me off the chariot into the air. Here is when I got my second hard lesson about flying. There is a massive difference between flying as a mare and as a stallion, mass was not on my side since I was a small mare when I learned. I had an easier time flying, a stallion is more bulky than I was use to and it took me a few minutes to correct myself. Well a few minutes and two pegasi to help correct myself back to the chariot.

“Are you insane?” Nightling asked looking very angry with me.

“No just royally stupid at times, well most times I suppose.” I answered. Nightling just stared at me before sighing and shaking her head.

“Whatever.” She commented as she went back to her stoic stance as the flight continued. I watched her for a few moments with a frown before I just watched the approaching capital of Equestria get closer.

“What is your problem with me anyway?” I asked, to be honest I could think of a few. The shocking during my bit of insanity or.

“The attitude you gave me when I punched you, and the dead horse comment.” She answered with a snort.

“Well excuse me Nightling, I was pretty unstable at the time.” I shot back now a little aggravated myself.

“That's no excuse Prince Firestorm and you know it.” She said calling me by title.

“Well, Head Night Guard Captain Nightling Moonblade, I believe I have every right to be unstable after what I had to go through.” I growled back.

“Oh really? What ever could a 'prince' have gone through to warrant going off the deep end?” She asked with an attitude.

“Oh you really want to know?” I asked. “Well let's see, how about finding out that my marefriend was upset and ran out to the point I thought she completely forgot me.” I started with.

“Oh mare trouble typical.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

“Well excuse me that I take my relationship seriously but that's besides the point, if that's not a good reason. Then how about finding out that I was dead on Earth, a place that I had lived most of my life on, and don't even bother trying to hide the fact that you already knew. Your one of Luna's captains you would be informed so you could provide the right level of 'protection.' Then let's add that I find out that my death was a setup for some bastard of a pony could form a new body just to rip and destroy my soul Nightling. My bucking soul! Let's top all that with finding out the reactions of my friends who were destroyed to the point of fighting with themselves and a family that just laughed as soon as they were safely at home. But that’s not even the last part, I was controlled by the last remnant of Nightmare fucking moon. Does that warrant going off the deep end? Does it?!” I said roaring at her. She looked at me wide eyed for a few moments before she looked away.

“Yes... yes it does Firestorm... sorry I blew up at you.” She apologized to me. I took a few moments and sighed myself.

“No, I should be the one sorry. I didn't mean to unleash all that on you.” I said feeling like a heel now.

“Storm, if it means anything. I am sorry that you had to go through all that.” She said as she put an armored hoof on my shoulder.

“And I'm sorry about my comments that day. It was out of line regardless on how overly stressed and unstable I was.” I apologized back. Silence filled the gap between us until we landed. The group of us were greeted by both Princesses. All the guards bowed to them as well as I.

“Rise my little ponies.” Celestia said as she motioned with her head for us to follow. The inside of the castle looked just as polished and clean as it always did. I could swear I could see myself in some spots on the wall. I was a little curious to the fact that we weren't going to what I would consider my room here, but I knew better than to ask. A few more hallways and we found ourselves in front of a large set of double doors. In the center of the doors was my cutie mark. I gave Celestia a questioning glance as she and Luna both opened the door together. Inside the room looked like if I just got the captain's suite at a six star hotel in Vegas. This thing could be a house all by itself. I slowly walked in and found a large sized fireplace. Bookshelves on almost every wall filled with books already there. On top of a gorgeous view of the Canterlot gardens and the city itself. I could see right down some of the city's shopping district. The bed was a large size cloud bed and it even looked like a cloud this time. Well besides the four posters to it, wait would that mean this was a four poster cloud bed? I didn't even think they made those. I looked at the wall paper that was done in an almost burning gold color. Celestia came up and help me pick up my chin from the floor, shutting my gaping mouth. “I take it's to your liking.” Celestia said as she dismissed the guards. All but Nightling who was next to Luna at the time.

“Uh. Yes it is but... not to sound rude. It just makes me question why? Not saying I don't like this, I love it. Just my natural curiosity is getting the best of me here.” I answered back. Celestia nodded at this as the doors shut quietly behind just the four of us as she motioned us to the large table in the center of the room. Nightling sat next to Luna on my left as Celestia was across from me.

“As you probably guessed there was more than one reason why you were given this room. I know your standpoint on a grander room as you put it. But this was more out of necessity than anything else. We found this in the other room just three days ago.” Celestia said as she moved her wing to show what looked like an evidence bag. Inside it look well it looks like a little bug. I floated it over to me so I could take a better look at it. I wasn't a master of technically, hell I was far from it. When it comes to computers I was a software guy, not hardware. But this little bit of tech I could recognize from anywhere.

“What was a transmitting microphone doing in my room?” I asked.

“I see you're aware of what it is then. What can you tell me about this device?” Celestia asked, then it hit me. This wasn't Equestrian made, no this was from earth that I came from.

“If you don't mind me explaining this simplistic way.” I asked. She nodded and I took a deep breath before I began.

“It's a listening device, it's mainly used to spy on somepony.” I began before I switched over to telepathy with the both of my aunts. “It's used to pretty much how we all can use telepathy, the only difference is how we can move around to and talk, they can't. What ever room they have the bug in is the only room they can listen.” Both Celestia and Luna looked surprised, while Nightling just looked confused. I looked the device over for some kind of power supply. It seemed like somepony substituted the battery for a lightning crystal, a very small one at that. Probably to avoid overpowering the device and destroying it. I reached in and pulled out the device and placed my prosthetic claw on the crystal. With my magic I reached down my limb and pulled the little bit of electricity out before I placed the device on the table. Then I pointed my prosthetic hoof out towards the window and let out the bolt. Once that was done I made sure that the bug didn't have a second energy source, lucky for me whoever designed it didn't think about a back up power.

“What did you do Storm?” Celestia questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“I cut the power but draining the lightning gem they had attached to it. This way they think that the battery just died in it. But with the power on it was still transmitting so I took the better opinion that gave us more ability to speak freely. Which was why I also switched my explanation from verbal to telepathy.” I explained which Nightling nodded.

“Makes sense, but what do you know of this device besides its function.” Luna asked.

“To be honest not much. I know they mixed the magic here in Equestria was the technology from earth. So far I can only think of two other ponies that would have that kind of knowledge.” I said as I slide the device back into the evidence bag.

“If I may ask who would that be?” Celestia inquired.

“Sadly to say the three of us know who every well.” I said as I began to rub my temples lightly. Celestia nodded with a sad look on her face while Luna looked rather pissed off.

“He had the audacity to plant bugs in our castle?” Luna yelled.

“It would seem so Luna.” Celestia answered.

“I wouldn't think that my room would be the only one. If he is anything like I think he is from both my personal interactions with him through my dream scape and from his diary. I would figure that he would want as much knowledge about what we know. I can only guess this room would be safe from said bugs.” I said as I placed my hooves on the table.

“Yes after we found the first we made sure that room was cut off. This room was done from scratch with one of us watching to make sure as well as have been rather thorough with searching to be sure.” Celestia explained before she continued with. “But to think he would go through the whole castle.” She sighed for a moment.

“This does not sit well with me Tia. If somepony is going to these lengths to gather intel. There is no saying he may go further.” Luna commented.

“And with a necromantic changeling pony to help it would make it harder.” I tacked on.

“What?” Luna said looking surprised.

“Yeah, Vermom or Silver Star as if you prefer to call her by. Was put back together with parts from changeling and pony.” I said looking rather annoyed by that detail alone.

“That may be the case but we have been using spells to help detect changelings more often after the wedding and birthday fiasco. Also what of Chrysalis does she have some part to play in all this?” Luna asked as she through on it more.

“I doubt it since Grimwand killed the changeling that was impersonating the guard when he started.” I answered. “If anything I think she would be more on our side on this. The changeling is pretty much her family in a way and to have one killed then used for this dark work. I believe she would want just as much revenge as I would.” I explained.

“Revenge is not the best solution Storm.” Celestia commented as she looked disapproved at me.

“I know that very well Celestia, but you can't deny all the stuff he has done to me either. The stuff he's done to all of us in a way. So no matter how it comes there will always be a sense of revenge to what actions we take. The day I returned from Earth and had snapped. Vermom was already here and impersonated you Celestia.” I answered.

“Why wasn't I told of this?” Luna asked in surprise.

“Because I didn't think it was important.” Celestia explained. “As well as her disguise was easily seen through.” Celestia explained.

“But none the less she had the gall to hide herself as one of us.” Luna said as she got even more pissed. Really couldn't blame her as my mane and tail were already fire at this point.

“Please calm down you two, being rather heated right now won't solve anything.” Celestia continued.

“If I may inquire. What is to stop her from doing it again?” Nightling asked this time.

“She may be able to turn into any pony but that means she doesn't have their power, just their appearance.” Celestia commented.

“Canterlot has two of the most powerful ponies in Equestria. If she did try she would be overpowered in mere moments. So in a tactical way she would be a foolish to try that again. On top of the fact she was unable to sense the real Celestia in the room.” I said.

“That seems to be the case. But we also can't assume anything with either one of them. From what I have read they had done some rather under hoofed things while they stayed in the castle.” Celestia commented. “To have one so smart fall so far.” I could just hear the sadness in her voice.

“Celestia I agree he's brilliant far surpass me in just about every way. But not everything he's done is bad, I'm not defending him just the work he did for good. Being able to quell souls is something worth doing and you read that yourself. So while I will say necromancy is vile not all of it is dark.” I commented.

“That may be true, I suppose I am the one to blame for not keeping better tabs on him and help guide him down a brighter path.” Celestia said.

“Celestia trust me you don't want to go down that path, it leads to many dark things.” I slightly cryptically said.

“So very true Storm.” She said looking at me.

“I have to ask, what do we do now?” I asked because I was confused on what to do.

“As of right now the whole castle is being swept for more of these bugs and I had already canceled court for the both of us so we could have it done.” Celestia explained.

“So... pretty much nothing really to do but relax?” I asked.

“Seems like that.” Luna added.

“Well... we could always do something together.” I suggested.

“Like what?” Celestia asked.

“Honestly... I don't know. Very rarely it seems I get to just enjoy days with other ponies. If it's not something major happening I don't get to relax. That or I'm in the hospital in a coma of some sort. So if we can avoid either one of those that would be great.” I said with a slight awkward chuckle.

“I would very much agree with that. Why don't we visit your school Tia?” Luna suggested.

“You know that sounds like a splendid idea. I don't get enough time with them and I think it would do Storm here some good to see the little ones.” Celestia said with a warm smile to her face.

“Well it's settled then, but there is one problem.” I said.

“What would that be?” Celestia questioned.

“What school are we talking about?” I asked feeling awkward as hell. I didn't quite get my answer until we all arrived at 'Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.' Which was much like the castle build from what looks like white marble. What looks like a four tier building looked stunning with the light blues and gold accents. Over the main entry was a stain glass window of Celestia around young fillies and colts with a book in her magic before them. If it was any other pony but Celestia I may call it an ego trip for them. But honestly I didn't really see Celestia to be egotistical like that. The whole place reminded me of college, I never went to one myself but I had visited one. We walked down the halls of this school as students gave the four of us a wide berth. There was the occasional filly or colt that came up to say hi to Celestia or Luna, sometimes both. It was nice that I wasn't the center of attention here, which was something that really began to bother me. When ponies would go up and bow to me, but here it was different. No pony bowed to us but the teacher, and all the fillies and colts all just smiled when they said hi. Celestia was having a field day with just watching all the young ones going back and forth to and from class. I noticed a lot of the classes were split up into subjects like the Light Spell Class that Nightlight was the teacher of. I looked in through the window at him giving a lecture. From the magic display it was something with a neon light spell. We continued so I could see the different ranges of spell until we found the Pyrotechnic Spell Class. This one got me good, inside the instructor was a fire red mare with a burning gold mane and tail done in a fire like style. For a cutie mark she had a burning phoenix. Celestia opened the door and entered with Luna, Nightling, and myself after her. The mare turned looking rather angry but dropped the look when she noticed it was the rulers of Equestria, a night guard captain, and me. She bowed quietly.

“Oh my Princesses do I have the honor of having you visit my class?” She said with a smile as she looked up at Celestia.

“Oh well my little ponies the prince here was interested in this class. If it isn't imposing could we sit in for a little bit?” The regent of the sun asked.

“Of course not Princess, as you say anypony interested in learning is welcome here.” She answered with another bow. The four of us entered and took up the back row, finding ourselves in a nice set of comfortable seats. Hell even Celestia and Luna could sit comfortably without being squished in. “Now class as I was saying, Pyrotechnic magic can be very volatile if misused. If you drop the spell before completing it you run the risk of it blowing up in your face. Trust me when I say it's not a pretty sight.” the mare chuckled nervously. I looked at each and every pony in the class just to see how they were wrapped in attention to the teacher. “Can somepony tell me what fire means to them?” The teacher asked again. A young filly with a dark black coat that worked well with her yellow mane and tail raised her hoof up . “Yes Firefly?” We watched the little filly stood up.

“It means to me to be a guiding light to lean somepony out of the darkness.” She said with a bounce.

“Very good anypony else?” Another pony, a colt this time, with a light blue with an almost white mane and tail that had just the hint of blue in it.

“Yes Skybright?”

“It means to me a light to wow and amaze everypony.” He said this time with a nod.

“Also a good answer, anypony else?” She asked and this time I rose a wing.

“Um... yes prince?” She asked looking a little nervous.

“Firestorm Miss, may I come down?” I asked, Celestia and Luna both gave me a curious glance.

“Well of course.” She said with a bow as everypony had their eyes on me. I quickly came down to the front of the class in this auditorium like room. I looked at everypony there, my aunts, the teacher, Nightling, and finally the young ones with their minds open for learning. It was then I noticed one pony... no correction one drony. Right there third row from the back was a white colt Dracorn with an orange mane and tail. His horn was red as well as the scratch like fur discoloration on each side of his face, I couldn't help but smile at this.

“What fire itself means different things to me.” I said as I closed all the shades and turned down the light. The room was covered in pitch black darkness before I pointed my muzzle straight up letting out a stream of ruby red flames that I gathered and fueled with my magic. It swirled around me so it would light all around me. “What I find most in fire is peace, or a balance. Many of you will find that fire means something else like Firefly said she found it to light the way.” I said as I created a burning arrow that lead to the exit of the room. “or like Skybright said to wow and amaze everypony.” I said as formed a burning phoenix that I had set on my back. “But it can mean many things. It could be your tools to protect the ponies you care about.” I answer as the fire took the shape of armor and a sword. “or hide yourself from your foes in dire emergencies.” I said as I covered myself making a bobble of flames. “or it could be your way to wow a crowd and reveal something no pony has seen before.” I said as turned into my draconic form within the flames before turning it into a snake like dragon that floated above me as my mane and tail was fire itself before I snuffed out all the fire dropping the room into the black void again as well as I turned back into my normal form. “But that is what you have to find. Your spark that will light that flame within you.” I said as I held out my hoof and a fireball just floated from my prosthetic hoof to illuminate my face. Before I turned the lights back on and opened the shades. With that the fireball disappeared as I watched everypony just looked amazed at me. Well except Celestia who was smirking, Luna who was just shaking her head with a smile, and Nightling who was confused a little. Every pony but those three and myself clapped and stomped their hooves in their seat. The little dracorn just looked at me amazed.

“Ah, Thank you Prince Firestorm for your inspirational words.” The mare said before the bell went off showing the end of class. “Now everypony I want you to write a report on what fire means to you and it must be three pages at least.” She said as ponies started to rush out. Celestia, Luna, and Nightling all came down after most of the students left.

“That was a wonderful show there Storm, I didn't know you such a masterful control over fire like that.” Celestia said.

“Well I pick it up quick from messing around and all the fighting I've had to do.” I answered back.

“Prince.” I heard a young colt say behind me, I turned to see the little dracorn behind me looking at me curiously and amazed at the same time.

“Burning Scale what are you doing? You should run off to your next class.” The teacher who I have yet to get the name of said.

“I will Mrs. Firewing. If it's alright may I ask a question to the prince please?” He requested.

“Yes you may little one.” I answered for Firewing who decided to shut up right then.

“Are you... well you know?” He questioned.

“If you mean am I a dralicorn then yes my little drony.” I said coming over gently to him.

“But... I thought I was.” he said.

“The only one? No sir there are more dronies than you think Burning Scales.” I said.

“Can I see you change again?” He asked and I couldn't help but do so. Firewing watched in amazement as I turned into my draconic form again. I just watched the little dronies eyes just lit up and it just made me so warm inside. “Wow I hope I get to be as awesome as you some day.” He said bouncing up and down. I couldn't help but catch him in the air and place him on my back.

“If you excuse me I would like to make sure this one isn't late to his next class.” I said, Celestia and Luna gave me a nod as the teacher was just speechless. I watched Luna shut the gaping maw of Firewing as we left. “Now if I may ask, have you gone through your Storm yet?” I asked, this caused him to looked worried at me.

“No, I don't even know what that is.” He said as he rode on my back.

“I know how that feels, something scary like that floating over your head. But you don't have to worry Burning Scales as long as you have good friends. They will help you along the way.” I said as we continued down the hall.

“Did your friends help you with your storm prince?”

“They helped me more than they ever could know.” I answered as I thought back to that day. When they all appeared into my mind. I was scared for them but when Pinkie told me what she did. I felt this anger in me but it wasn't that that did the trick. It was wanting to protect my friends and family that gave me the will to overpower Sha like that.

“Is there anything you can tell me about it?” He asked, with a smile I brought him down before I laid down before him.

“I can't say how you're going to go into your storm, I figure it's different for every drony. But there is one thing I can tell you. As long as you keep a level mind here and a strong will here to protect those you care about. You will come out of this the victor.” I said as I gave his forehead a tap when I said level mind and then where his heart was. “Don't forget to have great friends too.” I said with a wink. He just looked up at me in amazement. “Thank you Prince.” He said with a little bow.

“Burning Scales you don't need to bow to me, and please just call me Firestorm or Storm. But we mustn't dawdle. I can't have one of my favorite dracorns late for class.” I said standing back up.

“Right this way Pri... I mean Firestorm.” he said as he ran off with me following. Well he ran I flew down the halls above him. I followed above him as he went down two halls and made a sharp left. With that we both stopped in front of his magical mathematics class. “Well here's my class, I hope the day goes well for you Firestorm.” He said with a bow before going into the room.

“Burning Scales why are you late?” The gruff stallion said.

“That would because of me sir.” I said stepping in, the stallion made one look at me as he huffed at me.

“And why is that?” He humphed at me.

“Well Sir” I said getting a little annoyed as I stepped into the class. “He wanted to ask me a question which made him late and I thought it was worth my time.” Both of my wings unfurled as I was defending my newest friend. He took one look at my wings then my face before he got down and bowed.

“My apology Prince, I didn't mean to offend. Students bow towards the prince.” He ordered as I looked at him.

“No you don't need to bow to me little ones.” I said as they stopped in mid bow. The Stallion got back onto his hooves as he looked worried at me as I stepped closer. “You will listen carefully, you will show everypony respect they deserve especially those that go to this school. They earned their right to be here and you will treat them as such.” I said clearly before I got in close and whispered in his ear so only he can hear as he glared at me. “If I hear you took your anger at me out on your students I will be back and less forgiving than I am now. Do I make myself crystal clear?” I asked staring at him with my eyes turning reptilian for a moment. He nodded quietly before I stepped away. “Now everypony I hope you have a good day.” I said waving them goodbye with my wing. With that I shut the door to find Celestia and Luna outside. “AH! um... how long were you standing there?” I asked.

“The whole time.” Celestia said and I gulped. “If I may ask why were you so angry at that stallion?” She asked as she motioned for us to leave.

“It's just something from earth, there was teachers there that always took their anger out on their students which made them feel bad. Especially when they had a bad day. So I wanted to make sure it was clear to him doing that would be a very bad idea.” I answered as we found ourselves back outside.

“To be perfectly honest I would agree with your course of action, no matter how heated he was, it would be roughly the same course I would take.” Luna said.

“The agree with Luna, it shows that you're able to show restraint and not as ponies say 'jump the gun’' on another pony.” Celestia added.

“Well to be honest I figured it was the best course of actions just to warn him. Being so close to the castle he would less likely to pull something. But all in all it was a rather nice visit.” I said turning back to look at Celestia's school again.

“I also have to say your fire display was rather grand.” Luna commented.

“Couldn't help it, the artist in me needed to get out so I figured since I'm a bit of a pyromaniac myself in the middle of a class that teaches fire. I just had to show them what they could do with fire. With the right level of control to it. Though to find a drony here was a rather nice surprise.” I said.

“I think Burning Scales will be rather grand dracorn now that's he's met with another one that's overcame so much.” Celestia said as she stood next to me and draped her wing over me.

“Me too, but I do want somepony to keep an eye on him. He's still hasn't gone through his storm yet and I want to be able to at least help another if I can with theirs.” I said looking back my warm smile dropped for a worried one.

“Don't worry I'm sure things will be fine for the young one. But I think it's time for some lunch and I'm rather starving.” Celestia said with a smile as the four of us took to the air to fly back towards Canterlot Castle.


“Checkmate.” Celestia said after beating me for roughly twentieth time. I've got give her credit, she's good, so far I have yet to win at all. After the first six I started to get a little stubborn and wanted to win at least one so every time after that I began to analyze all her tactics. Just like Emanuel Lasker said 'Truth derives its strength not so much from itself as from the brilliant contrast it makes with what is only apparently true. This applies especially to Chess, where it is often found that the profoundest moves do not much startle the imagination.' So I began to study her moves and I find that if this was a war or such I would be on the downside of it. Celestia was brilliant and got me falling for some rather simplistic traps. Even the one I like the use called the poison pawn. It baffled me how much she was paid notice to the game even when a guard came in with a stack of papers. I began to try something else after we reset the board. Every few moves I would move one piece, then another. Almost systematically getting the pieces into play.

Luna was making bets with her guard on how many more turns until I lost as the two continued to snack on some chips. I found out Celestia was a lover of cake. Seriously this mare loved cake so much that I bet she would black out the sun if somepony had the gall to take even a slice of her cake. I had strawberries and some chocolate to dip them in. You would not believe how much I love Equestrian strawberries, everypony knows the way strawberries taste. Now take that but make it so much better. That was what the natural grown strawberries tasted like here and with the chocolate, oh god it was to die for. I was so happy they brought me a large bowl of them. The game continued to go on as Celestia, between bites of her marble cake and shifting through the massive stack of papers, continued to trounce every move I made. Until I got three of my pawns into place. Her queen took out most of my power pieces early in and was narrowing its way to my king. Which was one of my seven remaining pieces on the board. I was able to get a good chunk of hers but her more powerful pieces were still in play, particularly her blasted rooks. Which had my king pinned pretty good. She just needed to get her queen over in place in two moves. I watched her eyebrow rise at something before she took her next move. Damn, just one move to save myself. I moved my first pawn over and got my queen back which put her king in check. She eyed me for a moment before she moved her king diagonally to the left. I tried to keep a straight face which this time I was doing far better than I did at poker. My next pawn came in and I got one of my bishops back, which put her king back in check. This time I was coming back with the offensive. Our two onlookers watched as I moved my queen to put the king back in check after her last move from my newly acquired piece. Celestia put her cake down and papers to return her full focus on the game again as she gave me that face that could only be described as 'it's on'. She moved her king again and this time I moved my third pawn to get a rook back. Celestia countered with putting her queen up to check me. While it took my rook, I in turn took her queen out. She didn't have any pawns left so I knew I got it for good. Her knights on the other hoof were still in play, as were her bishops since she took mine with hers.

I was down two pieces but I still had some game in it. I moved my queen in to take down her knight, followed by her other knight taking my queen. I then regained my queen with my second to last pawn. She then finished off my last pawn with a rook leaving my king a little safer.

“Check.” I said moving my knight to caddy corner her king. She eyed me for a moment before she watched the board. With only a King, Queen, and Knight in play I was really the underdog here. She moved her rook to check me.

“Check.” She said, her plan from my guess was to shift me into a corner forcing a check mate. I moved my king down and to the right closer to her closest rook. Which was lucky for me because it placed me behind her last knight. She moved one rook but couldn't get me in check. Which gave me time to put her once again in...

“Check.” I said with a smug smile. Celestia still looked rather calm as we played which honestly unnerved me quite a bit. She wasn't one to show emotions while she played. One thing was I couldn't tell what her tell was. She would sometimes give me a light smile as we played but this time it was stone cold. She moved her King again which this time I used my knight to check her again. She moved it away as my queen moved into a following check. Her next moved put her king behind a rook which protected it for now. I could only get my knight ready for it's next check this turn. She used this time to get her rook to but me in.

“Check.” Damn she was good, right now the two of us were in a war all our own and I was the underdog going against in a deity standpoint pony goddess and it was close. Well granted she had gotten me so many times but to win one. Damn it was something ponies would talk of, okay maybe not but hell I would talk about it a little. Anyway It was my turn and I had to plan out my move carefully to not trap me in a cycle which would leave me corner trapped. I could take the knight but that would put me... wait. That's it, with my thought in play I took her knight which made her move her rock the other way. Which gave me more time to play with since she had other pieces to duck behind. Her rook was my next guarding piece. This gave me free time to move my knight in place with another.

“Check.” I said as I was on the way of corning her with a knight queen combo. Which mind you is extremely hard to do. This went back and forth to the point that we were head to head on who was going to win this. With a bit of luck... okay let me change that now. With a metric fuck ton of luck and Luna trying to get a bite of Celestia's cake. “Checkmate!” I proclaimed when I got my queen in place. Celestia whirled to see the board to see that I had her King pinned in the corner with her Knight that she moved to block my last check with it. I was probably a good move away from being corner screwed by the regent of the sun herself if Luna tried to get a bite of cake which she was able to, much to Celestia annoyance. I flopped back into the beanbag seat that I had one of the guards bring me. Oh my god this thing was heaven for a pony body. So mushy but so firm at the same time, done up like a little fireball perfectly.

“I suppose you did at least win one, with a little help.” Celestia said after she gave Luna the stink eye.

“Well it's not my fault you don't share your cake.” Luna said sticking her tongue out at her sister. Nightling watched this a little un-amused while I was having a field day enjoying the show.

“You know I like my cake Miss midnight cookie snacker.” Celestia shot back as she took a rather large bite of cake, with me enjoying my strawberries.

“Well we all have to have our snack of choice, right Storm?” Luna asked while I was in mid bite of a juicy strawberry. Once I got my bite down I shook my hooves at them.

“Oh leave me out of this one.” I said, seriously why do mares or well females in general want to drag me into a fight I have no part of, well maybe the viewing part but still.

“Chicken to get in on this?” Nightling teased.

“No, I just know better than to get the middle of a fight between mares. Wise pony once said, shut mouth solves many problems.” I quoted trying my damnedest to stay the fuck out of this. That's when they played dirty and swiped my strawberries with my dipping chocolate. “Not fair.” I whined.

“Well you shouldn't have tried to op out like that.” Luna said as she held my strawberries hostage with Celestia keeping the dip from me.

“Fine, as far as snacks go sharing is nice but sometimes ponies want to just enjoy their little slice of paradise. Like for me it's those delirious strawberries, for Celestia it's her cake, and for you it's cookies. There's no shame in that is there?” I said hoping that would get me my berries back.

“See that wasn't that bad now was it?” Luna said as she floated back my strawberries as I took one and stuffed it in my mouth. They won't take my berries again, as Celestia put my chocolate dip back and they both lightly laughed. We continued to sit there and enjoy our snacks, to find out that Nightling's choice snack was lollipops. There's a joke somewhere in there and I'll let you figure it out. Anyway the four of us continued to just relax as Celestia continued looking through the papers. Luna and Nightling began to play checkers while I watched.

“Storm.” Celestia said, my head popped up.

“Huh um... yes?” I asked like an idiot.

“Take a look at this.” She said as she floated over a smaller stack of papers to me. From what I gathered on the top page it was magic readings from an area in Saddle Arabia. Curious to say the least, with it being in the middle of... wait are those pyramids? I flipped through and noticed a side by side with something else.

“Um... okay so the totally not a smart pony is about to ask the obvious dumb question. What does this mean?” I asked holding the magic readings papers.

“The area scan is from the Saddleline Pyramids. The other one is a side by side analyzed magic signature with the Infinity Torch.” Celestia explained.

“Wait... does that mean?” I began to ask.

“That most likely another artifact of harmony is there, yes.” She said.

“Well what are we waiting for let's go get it.” I said standing up on the beanbag.

“Not so fast Firestorm, we need to go through the proper channels first. As well as Luna and I can't go with you. We need to stay here to keep Equestria going.” Celestia explained.

“So I'm going alone?” I asked.

“Well no, I know a pony that is very versed in the area and will be a great help recovering the artifact. But it make take a few days to get a hold of her and I need to notify the royalty there of your coming.” Celestia said as she began to get up.

“So... I wait then?” I asked kind of confused.

“Yes, why don't you use this time to relax before your trip.”

“I suppose if I have to wait and all I may as well be fully relaxed before dropped into another adventure which most likely end up with me battered ,bruised, and bloody.” I commented.

“Geez are you always so chipper?” Nightling said with a roll of the eyes.

“Well excuse me for being realistic with it after what I had to deal with.” I commented back.

“That's besides the point. Life isn't always as dark as you portray it.”

“That is true, it's not always dark. But you have to realize that so far most things have transpired quite darkly.” I said.

“So? Don't you have a marefriend?” Nightling asked.

“Yeah, what does Twilight have to do with this?” I asked a little confused.

“I'd figured you would be a rather happy mood since you're dating the Element of Magic.” She said with a shrug.

“It doesn't matter if she's an Element of Harmony or not. I love Twilight for who she is not what she is. You make it sound like that ponies only date other ponies to get things. If that was the cause what about you and Pinkie who is the Element of Laughter?” I countered.

“Hey now, it's not what I'm saying at all. I like Pinkie because of how she is and how she can always make me smile. She knows the right thing to say when I'm feeling down. Don't ask me how she knows, she just does.” Nightling said with a light smile as she looked out the window.

“That's Pinkie being Pinkie.” I said.

“I keep hearing that a lot, why does everypony say that?” The captain said.

“You're not the only one, I've heard that all over the place. I think it's more how they explain how Pinkie does what she does. It's best to just roll with it then figure it out. Trust me it will save you on headaches in the future.” I commented with a shrug.

“I suppose.” Nightling said before she looked out the window quietly. There was a look on her face one that anypony could read.

“You miss her don't you?” I asked, both Luna and Nightling turned to look at me confused. “Pinkie, you miss her right now.” Nightling lightly smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, I don't know what it is about her, she's so energetic, so bouncy, so...” She began to list.

“Pinkie?” I inquired.

“Yeah, it's just so hard to explain it. She knows just the right thing to say to get me to just laugh, be happy, or just cheer up.” Nightling continued.

“Nightling I understand how that feels. To have somepony who is just your everything that you want to protect and hold while you make sure they get everything they want.” I retorted as it was my turn to look out the window. “You feel like when you two are apart that you spend your time thinking about them and the next time you get to hold them close to you, even if it's just a moment.”

“Exactly, how did know?” She asked as she turned to look at me.

“Because I've been there Nightling. I've been in that same spot before in life.” I said as my warm tone began to freeze in mere seconds.

“Storm do you want to talk about it?” Luna asked.

“No, I’d rather not right now. Somethings are better left unsaid, but not everything.” I said before I left my room quietly. I went around the halls mainly to roam for no other reason than to clear my head. I watched the guards watch me slowly as I went from turn to turn. Why did I always do that to me? That one thought that brought me back into the darkness that I would always dwell in. It's a little funny now that I thought about it more.

“I know you're there Shadow.” I said out loud as I got to one of the lone towers.

“About time you remember I was in here.” He answered.

“Can't really help it, too much going on.” I began to chuckle lightly.

“Oh please you're living the life right now. You got a massive upgrade in rooms and Twilight. You haven't forgotten squat.”

“Oh and you didn't feel Twilight's experiment?”

“Not one bit, that was all you.” He said, honestly I was a little disappointed. “But I have to ask, are you really planning to get that artifact?”

“I kind of have to at this point.” I looked at my reflection in the glass just to see Shadow Storm standing behind me in it.

“You don't have to, you can just let this world and every pony in it rot.” He said with a shrug.

“And let all those lives die?” I questioned as my eyes began to glow.

“What are they to you? Please even with Twilight you kept a distance emotionally from all of them. You don't let anyone in unless as you put it feel to weak. Please Ryhn you know as well as I do that you don't let everyone in all but Jessica. She was the only one and you damn well know it.” He said.

“What makes you think I won't talk more with Twilight?” I asked starting to get angry.

“Please you don't trust anyone here. It took them forcing you into trusting Dash on learning to fly which you still suck at. It's only because of this quote unquote destiny that you're really sticking around this world and not already portal jumped back to Earth.” Shadow said. Was that really the case? Did I only stick around because of that? “On top of all that haven't every one of those mares used you for something? Rarity alone for the whole royalty life.” He was right about Rarity using me, but she apologized for it right? So it was okay between us now.

“But everything between the two of us are better now.” I tried to defend.

“Better? Oh please Ryhn you know very well that mare is going to use you for every bit your worth and with you being a dralicorn, that's a lot. I mean she went as far as to use her own sister in one of her plans.” Shadow shot back as my ears flattened back.

“I already got on her about that.”

“And how much you want to bet that she has another plan cooked up for you right now when you return?” He asked.

“But how can a pony be the Element of Generosity if she would be that...” I just couldn't finish that sentence.

“Greedy, oh come on now. You should know better that ponies are just like people, they will just fake it to get what they want. Twilight's doing the same.” He hissed at me.

“No she's not.” I countered.

“Oh she is and you're too stupid to figure it out. Hell that lightning crystal was the first clue, that she wants to off you just so she can study you. 'Knocking' the cord loose was just a cover up for not even hooking it up to fry you.” He said.

“You know you don't have to listen to him.” A voice said in my head. I looked around to find Luna in the shadows.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Shadow is only trying to break you down, you don't have to listen to him.” She said again getting close.

“I... I...” was all I could get out before I lowered my head more in defeat.

“Idiot.” Shadow hissed.

“And you can shut it Shadow Storm.” Luna commented.

“Wait you can hear him?” I asked.

“Yes, I've been able to hear him this whole time. That thing is only trying to make you see the dark side of everything. His words are nothing but poison to any pony’s mind.” Luna said getting close to me. She came up next to me and placed her wing around me as we looked out the window into her night sky.

“Luna...” I said quietly before she eyed me for a moment.

“Storm, I think I would be the only one to truly understand how it feels to have a voice in your head always making you see the worse in everypony.” She commented.

“oh...” I said as I knew what she meant, she dealt with a voice much like Shadow. “It's never easy having to hear a voice like that always belittling every good moment and drag every dark thought to light. Where doubt that only edges your thoughts get made into full thoughts themselves. I had that similar voice in my head, where I thought ponies only appreciated my sister's day and shunned my nights.” She continued to say and I listened to every word.

“We get it, you were Nightmare Moon. It's not like we haven't heard the story already Miss Princess of the Night.” Shadow said annoyed.

“Silence Shadow.” Luna ordered.

“Or what? You can't hurt me without hurting him.” He countered.

“There is many ways I can hurt you.” She said with a devilish smirk as her horn began to glow. I didn't have much time to react as she pressed her horn into mine. Within a mere second I could feel a multitude of feelings press through my head. From the cold loneliness of space to a vengeful anger, the darkest of thoughts to the happiness of life, and beyond. It all pressed through my mind so fast it was hard to grab onto any of them. All but one, fear. I could sense so much fear that it in turn started to scare me. But it wasn't from Luna that this feeling emerged. No, it was from within. It was Shadow Storm's fear that I was feeling, to have my own dark side just be overcome with fear was to much to handle. When Luna's horn retracted and the magic dissipated, I was left there looking at her with me shaken to my core. What did she do to scare him and why does it scare me? She looked at me for a moment with a triumphant grin before she noticed how terror filled I was. She moved in closer while I slowly moved away. I didn't even notice the sound of the door opening up or the presence in the room. I could hear the hollow echoes of hoof steps as somepony came close.

“Luna what happened here?” The regal voice of Princess Celestia said as my brain was still panicked that I couldn't even process what had fully happened.

“I was trying to help Storm deal with the Shadow in his head.” Luna said as she turned to face her sister. My shaken gaze slowly moved from Luna up to the now worried looking Celestia. She wasn't even looking at me at the time.

“What did you do?” The regent of the sun asked in a calm tone.

“Shadow Storm was poisoning Firestorm's mind and I was trying to help suppress him. But I think I put too much power into the spell and I think some of it affected Storm as well.” Luna said as she turned to look at me, Celestia's gaze soon followed as I watched Luna take another step towards me followed by one back. My ears were flattened against my head and I couldn't stop shaking. Celestia took a step and there was a spike of intense fear through me. If Luna could cause this in me then what could Celestia do? I tried to blink out but in my panicked state I couldn't get my magic to work right. I got the glow for sure but I just couldn't build the spell in my mind. Even with her size Celestia can move quite fast. She came over and was hugging me.

“Shh... it's alright Storm.” She tried to reassure. Her wings slowly enclosed around me as everything was covered in a gray light.

“Storm I'm sorry... I didn't mean for that to happen.” Luna tried to apologize. I couldn't find my voice as I just continued to break down. For once in a very long time I felt like a kid again and not in the good way. I was just this weak little thing in a world to large and too scary to handle. Celestia sat there holding me close as I began to cry. It felt like every dark moment I had to deal with was dragged into my mind at the same time having to face the loss of Jessica, the death of close friends, the feeling of abandonment that my family made me feel after my own funeral, and so much more was forced into my conscious thoughts, they replayed over and over again on an endless loop. Without a doubt this is something I would never wish on anypony... ever. Celestia was able to get me back to my room with a little help of her magic to get my hooves stable under me. Both Luna and Nightling left so it was only Celestia and myself in the room. She didn't waste time and got me into the bed. We laid there on top of it as I was right next to Celestia's side as her wing was draped over me. She didn't say anything, honestly if she did I don't think I really paid any attention to it.

It was a minutes before my body decided that I needed to sleep with the worse fucking dream. I watched every... single... pony I knew get killed in front of me and I couldn't stop it. I was pinned to the wall with spikes through both of my wings and each one of my hooves. I was even cut from my magic with my horn being cut off, but I wasn’t in this dream alone. Shadow was along for the ride as he too was forced to watch ponies die. It didn't stop at ponies... not... at... all. I watched everyone I knew and cared about dragged before me in a bloody mess just to be slaughtered by some intangible thing. All I could really see was this big massive entity of darkness just come in and kill them all. Even... even Twilight and Jessica. Once it was done it turned towards Shadow and myself, with a stroke of luck I was able to wake up before any blows was struck. With a quickened heart rate and still on edge after everything, my eyes shot open to still being under Celestia's wing.

“Storm please calm down, I'm not here to harm you.” She said as her wing brought me a little closer to her after my initial jump from waking up.

“What... what happened?” I asked as my heart finally calmed down a bit to really process it all.

“If you mean last night, Luna used a very complex spell last night that is suppose to help those that deal with multiple personality disorder. It's suppose to help suppress the other entities that try to dominate for control until the right one is found. She put too much power into the spell and it seemed to have an adverse reaction on you. If I may inquire what did it feel like?” Celestia asked as she watched me worried. I just sat there taking that in a few moments as I tried to search for my voice.

“It... it felt like fear, but not just that. It started with Shadow being afraid then it sort of jumped onto me as well. Just the thought of him being scared just brought his wave of fear to my core. Then... then the memories came.” I said still shaking a bit.

“Memories?” She asked.

“Just... just every bad moment I had deal with all pressing to be in my fore thoughts. The lost of friends, the lost of Jessica, the nightmares, and so much more. Every bad memory I had I relived in a way that made seconds feel like a decade and not in the same way. It was like events just blurred together in a symphony of misery.” I explained as best as I could. There was so much more to it but I couldn't find the words to explain it.

“I see... I suppose when she tried to suppress Shadow who is tied to every dark moment and thought. It must have used the link you have with each other mentally and caused a relapse where all the memories he coven to fuel him was forced back onto you.” She said in a way like she was trying to figure it out herself. She pondered this for a bit more before her gaze returned to me. “Was there anything else?”

“Well... dreaming wasn't any better, it was much worse from subject matter alone.” I said shuddering from the thought of it.

“That bad?” She inquired.

“Much, much worse.” I answered.

“I may have to inquire from Luna about the context as it seems you rather not discuss it right now.” She stated with all I could do was give a simple nod. “Storm if you would like I can cancel day court and stay here to keep you in a more calm state.”

“I... I don't want to be a bother like that.” I said.

“Firestorm it's not a bother, your deeply bothered by this and it's only right to make sure you're fully well.” She countered.

“I know... I... I just feel bad if I cause you to get behind with your daily business, especially for somepony like me.” I said as I tucked my forelegs under me as we sat there on the bed. “If anything I just need something to take my mind off of want I just went through.”

“Well then maybe you should join me for it. I could always use another ponies perspective and having one that's not from here may shed some light on the proceedings.” Celestia said and I thought about it more.

“If I may inquire what happens in day court?”

“Well mostly it's two ponies that have a legal dispute about a matter either it be about work environments, or some ponies ask for more lands to expand their business. Theirs the fight once and awhile between a married couple.” Celestia listed as we laid there.

“It sounds pretty much like normal court to me. I suppose I can help give an earthen opinion on it but like most opinions it's on my own personal preference then based solely on the facts themselves.” I expressed.

“Every opinion is welcomed Storm.” Celestia said as she gave me a warm smile. The two of us left my new room to go get some breakfast with Luna. The three of us sat at the table in silence as this air of awkwardness surrounded between Luna and I. It's to be understandable why there was, after her overpowered spell on me. Even the wonderful taste of strawberry pancakes didn't help deter the thick fog between us. Luna gaze would turn to me, only to turn away when I tried to look directly at hers. Celestia looked worried as she watched this. Once breakfast was done we sat there quietly as we enjoyed our drink of choice. I got a nice cup of black coffee to help wake up, which honestly didn't need since I was already wide awake from the nightmares I had last night. I watched the dark brew in my mug just sit there as I magically stirred it a bit. The only thing came to mind was that blacken mass that did those horrible things to everypony I cared about. It so unbearable that I had to put creamer in my coffee just so I could stop seeing that void in it. I caught Celestia and Luna's respectful gazes to me.

“Storm...” Luna began to say with worry ever present in her voice.

“You're forgiven.” I preemptively spoke.

“But... how did you?” She began to say.

“Because every time I tried to look into your eyes you shift them away. I've seen it happen many times when somepony feels guilty and is trying to draw up the courage to say sorry. Which I figured I would help relieve that stress from you. I understand you wanted to help and the outcome was less than fruitful in the way you expected.” I said as I continued to stare into my coffee.

“Are you... alright?” She asked.

“No...” I simply answered.

“Oh...” She replied.

“Is there anyway I can make this up to you?” She asked and I just shook my head.

“As much as I would like to just name some silly request and everything be fine afterwards. I can't, I've tried to avoid having this favor system happen again. Where everypony dances around feeling bad for all that I've had to go through because of some comment at the wrong time or a miss cast spell. I understand accidents happen, I think I would be the first one to point that out.” I began to explain. “In the same sense I can't undo what I had seen, and what I had to experience again.”

“That's to be expected, I wish I didn't cause that pain for those nightmares last night.” Luna said and I involuntarily shivered at the thought of said nightmares.“The worst feeling is that it was I that caused them this time. To be the guardian of dreams and cause such horrific visions...” She said now shivering a little.

“Luna it wasn't your-” was all I could get out.

“It was Firestorm, if I didn't try to help then you would have been spared having to see everypony die like that.” Luna yelled at me, which caused me to shake. Celestia's eyes widened as her gaze shot to me. It was part of the reason why I didn't want to tell her, just that look of pity that she now gave me. Luna noticed her sisters look before she realized I didn't tell her sister what I had to experience.

“If you would excuse me.” I said as I left the table, the room was deathly silent as I left to go back to my room. I had ordered the guards not to let anypony other than the princesses in. The first thing I did was head directly to the shower to clean up. I started with a cold shower as I sat there letting it run over me. I slowly turned the water warmer as I began to take my left hoof and work the fur shampoo into my coat. Even the scent of strawberries one of my more favorite scents didn't help my increasingly darkened mood. Once the water temperature rose to the highest point I began rinsing my coat off before I moved onto my mane and tail.

“Firestorm?” I heard from the bathroom door.

“Yes Princess Luna.” I stated as I continued to work the soap into my mane. I gave up using my hoof to do it and went straight for my magic since I was a little handicapped on the right side.

“I want to apologize for my comment, I should have known better than to blurt something like that out.” She said, I remained silent for the longest time that only the running water of the shower as the only audible thing in the room. “Firestorm?” She asked again after a few minutes of silence.

“Yeah...” I halfheartedly said.

“Are you...” Luna tried to ask again.

“No, I'm not alright Luna. I don't think right now is even the right time to even ask that.” I said as I finished the rinsing of my fur. “I accept your apologize for what happened but it doesn't mean I'm alright with it.” I said as I brought a towel over to me. “Luna you know very well what I saw, you probably can guess how I felt seeing all that.” I said as my voice was cold and stern. Once I was dry I left the shower and looked at the princess directly. She looked at me and I could see the sorrow, the self hatred directed at herself. I know that look all too well.

“Storm I just wish there was something I could do to make up for it.” She said. I went over to get my regalia that Rarity had made me. Very rarely did I ever wear this outside of the library just to appease Twilight. She had told me I always looked so dashing in it. Honestly I didn't mind it much since it was Twilight that said it. But I would never really wear it outside. It would make me come off like a jerk being all flashy in public and because I'm not really worth being a prince. Still I was going to day court and I figured Celestia was going to wear hers. Honestly waking up from my nightmare and this mornings breakfast was the only time I think I saw Celestia and Luna without theirs. Speaking of the princess of the moon, right now she was giving me a worried look as I was slipping on my shoes. I went over to the mirror and looked at myself with my mane and tail still flattened down from my shower. With a flick of fire both my mane and tail returned into its natural style, or what I would call natural that is. Luna continued to watch me get ready for court. Just the silence between us so deafening it could drive a pony insane. Finally I couldn't take anymore and turned to her.

“Luna... look I don't know what to you could do to make up for this. Make up having to relive every painful moment, having to deal with all those nightmares, all that pain, and...” I started to say as my voice caught in my throat for a moment. My forelegs were shaking at just the thought before I was able to calm myself again. “I just need some time, alright?” I asked as I looked her directly in the face.

“I... I understand.” Luna said still as dejected and it made me feel like a heel. I went up to her and before she could inquire I gave her a hug as best as I could.

“Luna I forgave you already, so don't worry about that. I just need some time to let my mind settle.” I said as she froze there for a bit. She nodded silently as her wings came around to return the embrace. The two of us parted way with me joining Celestia and court. She had a cushion set next to the throne for me to sit next to her. I was pretty nervous by the time I got up there, I felt like a judge on his first day. Granted I wasn't going to preside over anything just pretty much watch but still. Celestia smiled at me before she motioned with her wing to let the first appointment enter.


Three hours, for three hours these two ponies argued in front of all the guards, Celestia and myself, all because of advertisements on their ice cream stands. Part of me wondered how much would decking some sense into these two be worth. The worse part of all this was I could sum up this whole fight in two words, pissing match. These two stallions had a bit of a rivalry going on between their ice cream shops. It started out with how many flavors they offered, then how many scoops in what kind of cone, followed by how many ponies they can serve, and now finally it was advertisements. It got to the point that both store owners had to have their signs taken down after a scare after the last storm Canterlot had. So they went for either bad mouthing the other in indirect ways, or, as the saying goes on earth, sex sells. It seems that Heavy Cream, a chocolate colored stallion with a lighter brown mane and tail with a streak of white in them decided to have a pony version of a pinup for an advertisement. In retaliation Frozen Treat a ice blue stallion with a blueberry blue mane and tail decided to hire show mares to be a live advertisement. Having them dress in some rather suggestive outfits. This was dragged into here when Heavy Cream began yelling at the mares before Frozen Treat came out and from there as you probably can guess became a boxing match in the middle of Canterlot. Just having to hear this was driving me nuts as the fight got so childish that it was now.

“No your stupid.” Heavy Cream said in his baritone voice.

“No your stupid.” Frozen Treat shot back with an accent that reminded me of Boston. Celestia for the most part let this go on but even I can tell she was about done with this. I on the other hoof was done two hours and fifty-five minutes ago.

“My little ponies if you two would be so kind and...” Celestia began in her motherly tone but it seemed it was a little too soft to be heard over the yelling in the middle of the throne room. I looked up at her.

“May I?” I questioned and she nodded. Now to say I was loud would be a vast understatement. Thank to Luna's little royal Canterlot voice training and my naturally loud draconic roar. Let's just say I got the two stallions to stop yelling at each other and focus directly at the throne. For added effect the two mares that Frozen Treat came in with were also paying attention.

“Thanks.” Celestia said as she shook her head. Oh... um... whoops. I gave an apologetic smile and she just smiled back.

“As I was saying my little ponies. If you two would be so kind and refrain from having your depute in the middle of the street, it would be much appreciated.” She began with a light smile.

“Of course your Majesty.” Both stallions said.

“As for this depute you two are currently having. I have to say it's a little odd that two ice cream shops would take up the same street. Prince Firestorm, what is your opinion on this matter?” Celestia said before knocking me off guard by asking me directly. I had to act quickly and with a telepathic questioned I asked.

“Do you want me to answer in my normal way or be a little more reserved with my words?”

“Reserved if you don't mind.” Celestia replied over the link, I gave a nod and glanced at both of the stallions and mares in the room.

“To be rather honest I find the situation between you two a little foalish. Two full grown stallions fighting over who have the better place. Couldn't you two compromise about it and keep it rather peaceful? If you want my honest opinion on this I would suggest that they either have to work together co-owning a place or that both shops are forced to move to different locations making it equally as far to one as to the other.” I answered, Celestia smiled at me and turned to look at the two stallions.

“What do you two say about this matter?” She questioned, both stallions looked rather confused. Probably at the point that I was asked on this matter and she didn't just outright answer. Which is a little understandable since I'm still pretty new here and having a just 'found' prince at day court seems a little odd even to me.

“Well I’d rather not work with him.” Frozen said with an annoyed huff.

“I’d rather not move after being there for five years.” Heavy stated with his own huff.

“I see my little ponies are at an impasse.” Celestia said with a smile. I continued to watch as both stallions still looking a little smug were also worried.

“What are you planning to do?” I asked over the link.

“Well to be rather honest I'm having a little fun with them before I simply make them stay with Canterlot's advertisement regulations, since my guess was they completely forgot about them.” Celestia answered over the link.

“So let me guess the mares in the suggestive outfits are against those regulations?” I asked.

“Well having mares out advertising is not, but the outfits are and are quite tacky if you ask me.” She asked and I couldn't help but crack a smile at that. I watched Celestia remind both stallions about said regulations and that guards will be coming by to make sure they were up to code. As soon as the four of them left I couldn't hold it anymore and lost it with my laugh. Celestia smiled before the next appointment came in, the two stallions came in where opposites of each other. The one on the left was a dark gray stallion with a dirty blue mane and tail. He wore what looked like an Old English dress coat with his mane styled like the old white wigs they wore back then. Next to him was well to put it blunt a farming pony, the rustic orange stallion with his brown mane and tail. If it wasn't for the color of his mane and tail I would swear he would be a spot on male version of Applejack. Just looking at this stallion made me begin to wonder what the girls were up too. Applejack probably would be on her farm getting the apple trees ready for the new season, Pinkie probably would be baking sweets and treats. Dash is most likely flying around doing tricks and Rarity is most likely working on a new outfit. Fluttershy is probably taking care of her animals and Twilight is most likely running an experiment or going over a few books. The thought of Twilight got me to start missing her more. I wonder if she was missing me at this moment. “Most likely Storm.” Celestia said over the link, my gaze turned to her as she gave me a warm smile. I nodded quietly as the two stallions continued their way up to the center of the room. “I would guess that she's trying to keep her mind off you by reading or working on an experiment.”

“Well among other things.” I said back over the link with a light smile.

“Still a little surprised she opted for you to leave during it.” Celestia commented.

“Honestly it was more my idea on this, I figured the two of us weren't ready for that leap in the relationship yet. Since the whole looming destiny, nightmares, and so forth to deal with. Doesn't seem the right time to start a family like that.” I explained.

“Very admirable of you, though she's probably chomping at the bit right now.” She said.

“At what?” I asked a little confused, that was followed by an explanation that got me to turn bright red just within a few words she said over the link. “I um... wow.” Was all I could answer back with when she finished. One then I didn't quite expect from Celestia was she had one 'hell' of a wild side to her. Both stallions gave us a curious look as Celestia continued to smirk while I blushed redder than the purest red.

“Now my little ponies what is the problem?” Celestia said turning to the two that stood before the steps that lead up to the throne, which meant they stood before us. Well if you really want to be technical they stood before Celestia with me on the sidelines. It didn't take them long to spout their case which this one was one of those company. But his help which the other stallion in the farming outfit was representing was complaining that the owner wanted to expand into the living area of his workers. Hard Work who was representing the other works had photos of the area which really looked like rickety old shacks that could fall apart with a sneeze. I had a feeling Celestia had the same thought as I did just from her expression of disapproval. Gold Raven who owned the business went with said he would pay for better places after the expansion since he would have the income from the increase in product to sell. Honestly it didn't look like he was hurting for bits at all. The well off stallion brought a series of papers with him which looked like his books for his business. As much as I can do math this seemed a little beyond my own abilities since I never had to balance the books for a business before. It had seemed like he already bought the land for the newer homes to be built at. “Hmm.” Celestia said as she looked over the work before I noticed her gaze shift to me.

“Let me guess you want my opinion on this one too?” I inquired over the link and with that smirk on her face told me I guessed the right answer. “Well I would say have him build the houses first up to equestrian standard before being allowed to expand. Since his workers look like they're working out of scrap shacks.” I suggested.

“You and I are on the same page with this.” Celestia said as she explained what I suggested to them. Gold Raven didn't look too happy about that but took Celestia's ruling as Hard Work left with a smile on his face and a bounce in his step. Once they left it was time for lunch, which I still ended up skipping from time to time out of habit. The two of us joined Luna once again in the castle's dining room as she was looking over reports as each of them were in folders with her cutie mark on them.

“Hello.” Luna said before she took another fairly large bite of her sub sandwich. Celestia and I got to our seats.

“What would the princess and prince like for lunch?” The cook who wore the traditional and stereotypical chefs outfit that you would see in cartoons.

“Why don't you surprise me today?” Celestia said with a smile. The chef turned to me as I thought about it a bit more.

“I'll just take a salad again.” I said, he nodded quietly then left. I watched Luna continued to look over file after file. I couldn't tell from where I sat of what they were of but I remained silent. Celestia on the other hand or hoof I suppose was just as silent as she drank her tea. After the moments silence between the three of us, Luna finished her sandwich as she continued to go over the paper as my curiosity was eating at me more and more. “Luna?”

“Yes Storm?” Luna said as she pulled the folder from in front of her away.

“What's all that about?” I asked as I gestured to all the files before her.

“Oh just some magical research.” She answered.

“About what?” Celestia asked.

“Just an idea I had for a spell so I had a few of the royal mages work on it.” Luna explained as she pulled all the files up and placed it back into the folder that I figured it came from.

“Interesting.” I said which I know it may come across that I wasn't interested but I was. I was still on the low side of spells, compared to both alicorns in the room even smaller. The spells that I have learned, with some help from Twilight, I got basic levitation down and I'm able to manipulate elements with ease. But I chuck those up to being basic or I'm attuned to them being a dralicorn and all. One of the papers slipped out as Luna snapped the folder close. I quickly wrapped it in my magic to bring it over to take a glimpse of it. Before it was ripped out of my magic, which feels like when you get thumped in the back of the head but more in your mind. She placed it in the folder before the whole thing just puffed away. Let's just say I took the smarter route and kept my mouth shut about that. I didn't want to really piss off equestrian royalty at this moment, or anymore for that matter. The chef returned with my salad that I have grown quite attached to, especially this one since it was a fruit salad, strawberries yay! Celestia had what looked like a soup of some sort with a few floating pieces of vegetables. Luna stayed silent, well, all of us stayed silent until after Celestia and I finished our lunch. The dishes were taken away and the three of us sat there for a few minutes.

“Storm.” Celestia said finally breaking the silence that clouded the room.

“Yes?” I asked rather neutrally.

“Can I ask you something?” She asked and I was a little confused as in why she just didn't just ask to begin with, with a nod she continued. “How are you holding up with everything?”

“Depends on what you mean, If you mean about the whole being a dragon pony then I'm rather use to it by now. Granted the customs still throw me for a loop but that's just me not knowing.” I started.

“Not quite what I meant. I've just have been noticing lately that you've been in more of a depressive mood, the incident last night aside.” She commented and I started to think about it more. Have I been that depressive? Wait... how would she know that?

“Has Twilight been sending letters about me?” I inquired.

“Only in worry Firestorm, I much agree with her worry.” Luna added this time.

“I suppose it's warranted but at least a heads up would have been nice. You know a Hey I'm telling the princesses you've been moody lately.” I said a little more sarcastic than I probably should have but now I was a little annoyed, touched with my whole unable to deal with it at the moment with her because of estrus then chuck on the mind screw with poison joke. Just been one big ball of wibbly wobbly messed up stuff.

“She didn't mean it in a mean way.” Celestia said probably to detour where she may have thought I was blaming her. Honestly shouldn't be surprised by this I mean Luna was already telling Twilight about the nightmares so why not the other way around.

“I know she means well but I guess I never did like people or in this case ponies going behind my back. But it make sense having a dralicorn who is a prince having emotional problems is probably something that should be dealt with.” I said now rubbing my temples a bit. “I understand. I'm doing as well as the situation allows.” I commented before I looked up at the stain glass windows around, I saw the window depicting the girls freeing Luna and defeating Discord. As well as Cadence and Shining Armor's defeat of Chrysalis at their wedding. Then finally of the symbol I've seen for the elements themselves.

“What do you mean as the situation allows?” Luna asked, this snapped me back to the conversation.

“Well just as I stated, I'm handling it as much as I can depending on the situation. For the whole dralicorn thing, I'm alright with it, in fact I think it's kind of cool. I do wish I was human still, of course. I definitely miss Earth. Would I give up Equestria just to go back to how things were on earth? Hell no! I love it here. Well, I would love it more if I wasn't stuck with this looming destiny, psychotic necromancer that wants to rip my soul just to replace it with his own, a just as crazy necrotic changeling pony, and the ever increasing amount of bad luck. But other then that I love it here.” I stated, in a mini monologue. Celestia and Luna both looked slightly confused which ended with them rolling their eyes before they looked at each other.

“I suppose as you said you're handling it as the situation allows it.” Celestia said, I couldn't help but nod a bit at that. My gaze after that wandered back up to the stain glass window with the elements symbol on it. I thought about how they were all created because of the artifacts. To find all of it connected just seemed odd. I mean we had six of Equestria, well hell it was even before Equestria's finding. But the six oldest and greatest heroes and heroines saved everyone. In doing so sacrificed themselves created the Elements of Harmony, the same ones that the girls are bearers of. Then there's me the one that is now connected for some reason to the artifacts that helped create the elements. This was the odd part of all this that I was connected to just about everypony in this. The girls, the princesses, the six that saved this world before it became Equestria. My gaze returned to both princesses as they looked back at me Celestia having a curious expression with her right eyebrow cocked up and Luna just looking at me. “Ah... yes?”

“Something on your mind?” Celestia asked.

“Just thinking really.”

“If I may inquire?”

“Just, how I'm connected to everypony.” I started to explain.

“Well I suppose that is understandable with the Artifacts.” Luna piped in.

“Yeah, it's honestly a little weird to me that I get placed in such a spot like that. I mean on earth I didn't really feel as connected to people as I do ponies here. Which is the odd part about all this, on earth I felt out of place to a lot of people. Not my friends who I really do consider my friends and family mind you, just in a general sense. Here in Equestria I feel... well to be rather blunt at home. But to be so connected to them both in a friends way and in the case of Twilight marefriend, then connected to them again through these artifacts that made the elements they’re the bearers of. They in a way feel like more then friends to me. They feel like family to me, let's not forget you two. Just to have a family here it feels...” I couldn't help but smile. “It feels right. For once in my life, it all feels right.” I couldn't help it, I was grinning ear to ear, figuratively of course, but still I had a large smile. For what every happiness I held at that moment got shot right in the hoof when the large doors to the dining hall swung open to show the large and mighty pain in my flank Blueblood looking as smug as ever. You know I would think a nuclear bomb could go off and it wouldn't wipe the smug from his face even if it tried to. He trotted up to Celestia.

“Hello Aunties.” He said then noticed me as his smug just magically turned into disdain. “And brother.” he stuck on with some very potent venom in his voice. Glad I could get under his skin like that.

“Good evening Blueblood, how are you today?” Celestia asked.

“I'm doing well, thank you for asking.” He comment as his gaze turned to me. One thing you pick up quite fast, especially fast for ponies, is that feeling when someone completely hates your existence. Of course he would have to placed on a very long list, how it got that long don't ask me. Still can't figure it out myself but I guess it's just a natural thing for me. Anyway he sits down and orders his lunch which was something in a different language. “So what has my fine aunties been doing this fine day?” He asked.

“Luna’s been working with the royal mages as Storm and I have been taking care of day court.” Celestia explains.

“Goes to show that even the common folk can act sophisticated.” Blueblood scoffed.

“Blueblood that is no way to speak about anypony.” Celestia said.

“I'm only speaking the truth auntie.” He whined. “It’s not like I've done anything wrong by speaking my mind.” He continued and I could just visualize him digging his own grave.

“Blueblood what do you have against Prince Firestorm?” Luna asked getting more visibly angry then her sister was.

“I'm merely saying that somepony that just shows up doesn't have a right to be a distinguishing royal.”

“That doesn't give you a right to insult him Blueblood.” Luna continued to state almost to the point of yelling.

“As much as I would like to disagree with him, he does make a point.” as I commented.

“I wouldn't expect a pony like you to wait... what? You... you agree with me?” He said completely taken off guard by that.

“Like I said I would like to but I can't fault that logic. As I have stated myself the whole prince thing doesn't sit right with me. I just showed up and was given the position. That being said, I understand why I have it since I'm technically an alicorn. Well if you really want to be technical dralicorn.” I explained.

“A dralicorn?” Blueblood ask in confusion.

“Do you want to fuel this one or should I?” I asked looking at the celestial sisters.

“Don't mind if I do.” Luna started before turning to the royal snob himself. “Prince Firestorm is what is called a drony or dragon pony. Which is a rare offspring of a magical dragon and a pony as it is. But he from the pegasi equivalent called a Dragasi which you can tell from his wings.” Luna explained which in turned I unfolded my wing so he could see it.

“The scales on the top of it is a dead give away.” I added.

“Correct, as for a pony like that to become an dragon alicorn, a dralicorn is even rarer. So I honestly think Prince Firestorm has earned his right to be accounted as a royal.” Luna said with that last one ending with an annoyed snort that sound every equine. Which shouldn't surprise me she is a pony but it just came off a little odd to me, but I kept my muzzle shut.

“I see, so he's only a prince from the rarity of his race?” Blueblood commented as it looked like he was trying to process it all. “I suppose that make sense but I still don't see why he has to be part of this-” He tried to say before Celestia cut him off.

“Blueblood, I personally set up the adoption into the royal family myself. He is as much as your brother as Princess Cadence is your sister.” She stated before taking another sip of her tea.

“But Auntie!” he whined again.

“No buts Blueblood he is as much a part of this family as you are.” She stated giving a very dangerous stare that stook me and it wasn't directed at me. Celestia was one mare not to cross... Ever! I couldn't help but gulp myself at the stare she gave him. Blueblood just looked at Celestia before he shrunk back into his spot next to the table.

“Alright Auntie.” He said before turning away. “If you would excuse me I have a matter to take care of.” He continued before passing me with a whisper under his breath as he looked directly at me. “Freak.” In that venomous tone. With that I watched as the smug prick left through the main door. I just simply shook my head before I rested my head on the table. Lovely just one more thing to deal with later.

“I still don't understand why you put up with that stallion.” Luna said as she magically brought her drink to her for a sip.

“To quote Storm here, you just put up with Family.” Celestia commented which caused both Luna and I just to give her a deadpanned stare. “It's true isn't it.”

“That is true I suppose, as they say you can't pick your family... well in this case sort of.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“Sort of?” Both Celestia and Luna asked.

“In this case you picked me to be in the family so sort of.” I commented as I had coffee brought to me that I didn't remembering ordering. I took a long drink from it before I set it back down just staring into the dark liquid. Just the thought of this all happening brought that feeling of familiarity of things from earth back again. Blueblood now must hate me more then before just because I'm not quite a pony. Being on the wiser side I kept a mental block on any telepathy as I just tried to get ready for what I could assume was going to happen again. “If you excuse me I think I'm going to go rest for a bit.” I said before I finished my drink. The sisters didn't say anything as I left just that same air of silence that could choke the life from somepony. I went to my new room and made sure I locked the door before I began to strip the attire I had on. I placed my shoes and regalia on the table next to the bed before I hopped in. I didn't get under the covers just laid on top of it and stared at the afternoon sky over Canterlot. Even from here I could hear the birds from the gardens as well as some of the ponies walking down the streets of the city. It sounded peaceful, I just watched for what felt like hours but really might have been a few minutes as the day just passed by. My depressive note that stuck in my mind after Blueblood’s comment was replaced with some boredom that I filled with reading through some of the books I had there in my new room. Most of them were just magical theories on where magic comes from. There was one that it was the planet's natural magic that each pony absorbed, another one said it was a blessing from Celestia and Luna. The first one would make sense to a point but replenished magic but if I had to toss my own theory into the ring. I would say that the body made it's own magic from the food we ate as well as some natural environmental magic that we absorbed. It a sort of photosynthesis like plants do to gain food and nutrients, course that was just a theory.

What really started to catch my eye was a book about curses and curse like spells and enchantments. This one because I found a few things that poison joke does to me right here in this book. There was also a reversing spell to it too. To be honest that my level of stupid got to me and I almost wanted to see if the castle had some poison joke hidden to see if these spell would reverse the effects, or at least make it that I can make Twilight happy without being royally screwed over. No pun intended there. I also saw a few other ones that I had made note of, like the body swap spell that would do the same thing I had gone through when I jumped universe into that other Equestria into Max's body. I gave a shudder at that thought again. No thank you, that was one experience that I rather not relive. Especially if the universe jumping was involved, sorry but I wasn't going to be lost in some other Equestria. Hell who would say I would end up in a good one? For all that I knew my luck would screw me over and stick me in a god forsaken wasteland of Equestria that had guns with far nastier things than I had faced here. Just that thought made me want to stay as far away from that spell as possible and hope that Twilight would never find it...Ever! I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to change places with one of the celestial sisters. That thought I instantly wiped from my mind. Dear god I already hate being called prince, what the fuck would I do if I was called princess? Shit I was nearly at one point, then all that responsibilities. No, but fuck no.

I slammed that book shut shivering just at all that. I placed the book on the table and got up from the bed. Maybe a flight would help clear my head, that and I could use the practice anyway. I went over to the balcony and spread out my wings before I gave myself on good flap to get in the air. Once I was hovering for a few moments I decided to glide a little towards Canterlot just to watch everypony for a little bit. Honestly this flying was getting easier after I got use to the extra weight that I had to carry as a stallion. I figured that was the case since when I learned I was a mare and all, completely different body types you know? I decided to plop myself on one of the still floating clouds as I watched ponies do their shopping. The feeling of the breeze through my coat and wings was rather nice, also not being completely afraid of being up here was refreshing in a way. Being up here still unnerved me but I wasn't as afraid, not counting the way to Canterlot when I wasn't use to flying as a stallion yet. I simply stayed there and listened to everypony go about their day, even the lapse of some of the pegasi as they flew by. Short lived sadly as time went by there was a yell that caught my attention which made me look down at the Canterlot street below me.

“Stop! Thief!” I heard a stallion yell, my gaze fell upon a young buck running with a large thing of french or prench bread in his ragged saddlebags. He turned onto the street I was sitting over on the cloud before he ducked into an alley as two of the guards ran by, once it was clear he doubled back down the street and into another alley. Something about this intrigued me. I jumped from my cloud and glided over onto one of the nearby buildings so I could keep an eye on him. Something was rather off about him, well wearing shades besides. He looked around for a bit and almost caught me as he glanced up, luckily I was about to move before being seen. He dashed off down the alley and down two side streets with me hot on his tail from above. It was then I noticed him ducking into a very rickety shack, then looked like it was being held together with just a prayer. I landed quietly before the gray cloth entry.

“Alright Dust, I was able to get us something to eat.” a young but not too young colt said.

“Really? You mean we get to eat tonight?” Said a much younger voice.

“Yes Dust we get to eat tonight, what are big brothers for?” Said the elder brother.

“Excuse me, mind coming out here for a moment?” I said very clearly to be heard.

“Buck me running.” The eldest brother said before popping his burnt brown head out with the shades on mind you to look at me. I noticed his unkempt mud brown mane was all over the place. But what really got me to notice was the little claws on his forelegs. Wow they are all coming out of the woodwork aren't they? He looked at me and I watched his eyes widen before he bowed to me.

“Prince! I, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-” He began to say.

“It's alright. Please both of you come out here, I would like a word with you two.” I said keeping a rather calm tone. I watched the young buck come out as well as an even younger colt come out. This one I could tell right away as he too had a discoloration to his yellow coat. The two streaks of orange as well as the orange scales on his horn told me right away that these two were dronies. I watched the little one bow to me too as I couldn't help but smile lightly, it was just so adorable.

“How... how can we help you?” The eldest one spoke again.

“I'm aware of what transpired earlier and I would like to know which shop you obtained the loaf of bread from so I can pay for it for you.” I began. I watched the eldest look completely dumbfounded at what I just said.

“You're not going to arrest me?” He asked.

“No! Don't take my brother!” The younger one said stepping in front of his brother.

“I'm not having any of you arrested, and you can come out now Nightling.” I said as I hear the tell tale sounds of wings as they followed me from the castle.

“How did?” She asked after she landed next to me.

“Your dark coat against the light sky was one give away and two to many ponies listen in to my conversations so it was a best bet that this one was too.” I commented before I turn to the two before me. “As for you two, I want them brought to the castle and taken to my room. Also please inform the chef to prepare a hearty meal for these two and keep an eye on them. No offense young one but I don't like my stuff taken.” I said as I gave the two a stern look on that last one. They gulped and nodded. “Good, oh and Nightling?” I said.

“Yes Storm?” She asked eying me.

“Thank you.” I said before I got the name of the store. By the time I paid for the loaf of 'high grade' prench bread, which I will state this now. That pony was completely full of himself thinking I was going to pay fifty bits for a loaf of bread. As the saying goes mama didn't raise no fool, maybe an idiot but not a fool. So after I gave him a good stare down he finally relented and brought it down to the marked price as the other breads. Really hate people that try and take advantage of somepony, well unless it was something simple like a bit or something but seriously fifty bits for a loaf of bread? Anyway by the time I got to the castle I found 'prince' Blueblood who at this point I should refer to him as Bluebitch, who was, what else, bitching at one of the guards.

“You seriously can't say that they have any right to be here!” He yelled.

“I'm sorry prince but prince Firestorm ordered it.” Quickwing said with a very annoyed look on his face.

“And you're going to listen to that thing more then me, a true noble?” Blueblood continued to whine. That's when I stepped up behind him.

“You know, insulting somepony behind their back like that isn't very noble of you.” I commented looking directly at him.

“And what do you know about- Oh... it's you.” He said growling that last bit.

“Yes it's me Blueblood.” I commented with my eyebrows punctuating the 'me' part.

“That's Prince Blueblood to you, freak.” He continued to growl as he bore his teeth at me.

“Well Blueblood remember one simple thing.” I said and got close to his to look directly into his eyes. “If you want to threaten somepony...” I began before my eyes turned red and my teeth turned to fangs. “you better be ready to bare your fangs at them.” I growled back with my sharp teeth out for all to see. He noticed them and gulped before he ran off. I sighed and turned back to normal before I went to the guard. “Sorry about that.” I apologized.

“It's alright Storm, Blueblood can be a hoofful, but in the grand scheme, he's rather harmless.” He said as he looked down the hall where Blueblood fled.

“Even the smallest annoyance can become the biggest problems Quickwing, more than anypony can know.” I commented as I too looked in that direction.

“I suppose so, but anyway your guests are waiting in your room for you with Nightling.”

“Thank you, I hope they weren't a hoofful for anypony... well mostly anypony.” I commented with a small smirk.

“Nah, they’ve both been rather well mannered for ponies their age.” He commented.

“Alright thank you again.” I said before heading towards my room. It wasn't long before I entered the room to find both ponies muzzle deep into their food with Nightling standing there as she kept her eyes on them. The three of them stared directly at me. “Nightling if you want you can leave.” I offered she nodded and without a word left as she gave the two young ones a good stare before the door shut. I watched both of them gulp at her look. “What was that about?” I asked more out of my curiosity to no pony but I guess they thought I ask them.

“She told us not to touch anything or she would make us regret it.” The eldest brother said, I nodded as I came over and sat across from them at the table. They both looked at me while they finished up their plates. It seems the chef went a little overboard when I meant hardy. These two had six plates each of different foods. I mean I use to eat a lot of plates before I became a drony but damn that was a lot of food. I let them finish eating before I got down to brass tacks.

“I hope you both got your fill.” I started as both of them nodded. “Good. Now to get down to business.” I started as I gave them a very flat stare. “I'm already aware of what you both are.” I started and that got them both to look surprised.

“But how?” The eldest said in shock.

“Besides the fact that you're both dronies. Since you're specifically and earth drony as well as your little brother a dracorn. I only know this because I am a drony as well. Currently I'm a Dralicorn hence why I have both wings and a horn.” I commented as I held my wing up. “My wings are a dead give away since the tops are scaled cover. But that is besides the point. I'm going to guess you both haven't gone through your storms yet?” I inquired.

“I have.” The eldest said.

“Alright then if I may inquire what kind of drony are you in the sense of element?” I asked.

“We're both fire dronies Prince.” He said.

“Firestorm or Storm no need to address me by my title.” I said as I looked them both over.

“Alright Firestorm, My name is Seared Wind and this is my Brother is Ember Seed.” Said the Eldest. Seared Wind was a burnt brown with a mud brown mane and tail that was long and disheveled from probably not bathing in months. Part of me wondered if that color in his coat was more dirt than his real coat color. His cutie mark was fire with what looked like wind marks coming from it. His brother Ember Seed’s cutie mark looked like a simple seed engulfed in flames.

“With introductions out of the way. I will be rather blunt if you two don't mind.” I started as both of them looked at me for a moment before Seared nodded. “You're stealing days are officially done and trust me when I say this.” I said giving them another pointed stare.

“Yes Firestorm Sir.” Seared gulped.

“Now with that said, I'm not going to have both of you jailed for the theft of the bread since now it was paid for.” I watched the relief just wash away. “But I'm not going to let you be off the hook either.” Just like that right back to being tensed up. “You will be working it off once I have a chance to talk to a friend of mine in Ponyville.”

“Ponyville?” Ember Seed asked.

“Yes Ponyville, you two will be relocated there and will have a place to live other than that shack you had before as well as schooling setup. I'm going to assume that Ember Seed hasn't been to school in the longest time?” I asked.

“Yes Firestorm Sir.” Seared said again.

“Then I'm sure I can set up schooling for him as for you. Are you familiar with apple bucking?”

“I've heard of it but I haven't done it before, why?”

“Once estrus is over in Ponyville I will be talking to my friend who owns a farm. I'm sure she could use the extra hooves with maintaining her farm. But like I said I will talk to her first, I can't make any promises along the lines of work for her. If she can't, then you will have my word that I will set you up with a way for you to work and earn bits. This does come with one big condition to it.” I said looking at both of them. “You steal even once, and you won't like the outcome.” I stated in a very commanding voice. To be honest I'm a rather nice guy about things but I wanted to scare them straight. If the case did come up that it was proven they stole. I wouldn't split them up but I would make sure they had a guardian that had to keep an eagle eye watch on them almost all the time. My left ear gave a twitch as I heard somepony listening in again. “And if somepony wants to enter they can.” I commented loudly. I heard the door swing open as both of my guests stood up just to bow. That told me one thing, it was either Celestia or Luna. “I can assume you have a comment about my actions so far?” I inquired.

“I'm take it you heard me on the other side of the door.” The regent of the moon said.

“To be fair Luna I felt you, now I'm going to guess that Blueblood complained that I brought two dronies here and you're here to figure out why.” I guessed.

“Partly, Blueblood complained to my sister. I was curious on the whole discussion you're having with them.” She said sitting to my left.

“Well that's quite simple. See Seared Wind and Ember Seed were the ones shoplifting bread earlier today.” I started and I watched the worried looks on both of there faces. “My guess is that they are homeless, and only took it to survive.” I started and I watched them both gulp as we both turned to look at them.

“Yes.” Seared answered.

“So I'm giving them a chance to turn over a new leaf as they say. Once Estrus is over in Ponyville I was planning to have a word with Applejack about Seared Wind working on her farm to help pay for necessities. While Ember Seed could go to school there.” I continued to explain.

“Its very commendable that you're wanting to help. If I may I can already get the paper going for young Ember Seed here to go to school. As for Seared Wind that is not up to me, but if I may inquire where would they be staying?” She asked.

“To be honest I was thinking of renting a room for them at the traveler's inn until I can find them a more permanent place to stay.” I answered.

“Well, allow me to take care of that as well. I know the very place to put them, and if I heard correctly on the condition they have to hold by was that they couldn't steal again.”

“That would be correct Luna.” I answered.

“Well then, I do hope you to appreciate what Firestorm is doing for you.” She said giving them both a flat stare.

“Uh... yes Princess Luna, we greatly appreciate what Prince Firestorm is doing for us. It's been a long time since somepony did something nice for us.” Seared said as he brought his brother close for a hug.

“I don't like seeing ponies suffering like that.” I commented but there was so much more to it. I never really liked to see anypony suffer like that unless they truly asked for it. Just at that moment three ponies popped into my head.

“Well then I suppose it would be best to set them up with a room in the meantime.” Luna said before she picked up the both of them into the air. “If you two don't mind.” She added on at the last moment. I didn't hear their answers as Luna whisked them off to set them up a room. I just watched with a little amusement as both of them looked completely flustered. I thought back to my first arrival and how much I thought I screwed up with Celestia after Twilight hit the wall from my magic revealing itself. Of course that thought brought me back to my marefriend, I slowly trotted over to the window and looked off to the direction of Ponyville.

“Twilight.” I gently said as I just wondered what she was up to at the moment. I couldn't help but imagine her muzzle deep into a book. Probably with a stack of them to either sides of her. She probably forgot to eat again since Spike was in the cabins with a lot of the stallions. Between Spike and I we had to remember her to eat, especially when she was giving that assignment. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought, as it took me to literally floating her away from said book to get her to eat something.

“Something amusing young Storm?” The regal voice of Celestia said behind me which caused me to jump and almost went over the baloney. Celestia couldn't help but lightly laugh at that. “It seems some ponies head was in the clouds.”

“Yeah, sorry just thinking about Twilight.” I said as my gaze returned out the balcony.

“I'm sure she's fine.” Celestia said as her wing gently rested against my back.

“I wouldn't be surprised honestly, I'm just was wondering what she was up tol. I guess I'm just missing her I suppose.” I commented.

“Understandable, you two do make a cute couple.” She commented, I couldn't help but blush a little. Celestia lightly chuckled as she sat there with me.

“Celestia.” I started as I was trying to find the words for me as she looked down at me. “I'm curious about something.”

“Oh?” She inquired as the sun dipped lower in the afternoon sky.

“Well I know both you and Luna deal with the sun and moon. But I was curious on how you do it?” I asked. Okay so sue me, when Rarity told me that the two of them controlled the raising and setting of the sun and moon. I flipped, okay so at the time I didn't. Since Rarity was giving me a bath at the time. You know the more I focused on that thought it sounded extremely creepy in a way.

“I was wondering when you were going to ask about that.” She commented completely knocking me out of my derailed thoughts. “Truth be told that I am slightly curious.”

“Curious about what?” I couldn't help but ask.

“Well the spell used to move the sun and moon was a very taxing spell. Normal unicorns couldn't do it alone, it took six very powerful unicorns to cast it. Plus after so long they would be completely drained of their magic.” She began to explain.

“Wait... What?” stupidly came out of my mouth.

“You're familiar with the history of Equestria's founding correct?” She asked.

“Yes, about Clover the Clever, Princess Platinum, and so forth.” I said.

“Well back in the day unicorns like Clover and Starswirl the Bearded were two of the unicorns that helped bring the day and night. Before them it was other unicorns that did so, the problem is normal unicorns can't really keep doing the spells for months since the magic is too taxing for them. After so long they used up all their magic.” She began to explain.

“Wait so ponies died doing the spell?” I asked.

“Technically no, but to put in a simpler term they were locked out of their magic or more correctly they never regained their magic again naturally.” She continued to explain as she looked off into the sky. “As for Luna and I were able to handle the spell, at first it was rather taxing. But after a while it became rather easy almost like it was empowering at times, to find out later that the magic itself did give an alicorn more magic in a way.” She continued until she eyed me, I was taking all this new information. I had the feeling that she was rather dumbing it down for me to understand since I have the basics of magic down but nothing beyond that. “But as I was saying I'm rather curious if a dralicorn could do the spell much like Luna and myself.” She asked.

“What about Cadence?” I questioned.

“She had tried but she couldn't really get the spell to connect.” She answered.

“Curious, was it because the shape was too complex or was it something else?” I muttered to myself.

“Shape?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, heh. Yeah like you know spells are all shapes everypony makes in their mind, the more complex the spell the more complex the shape.” I said.

“Oh, so you see spells in shapes. Quite interesting.” She commented.

“Um... what?”

“Every unicorn and alicorn see's magic differently. I know of a unicorn that sees magic as threads and another that saw it as musical scores. It seems shapes is the way your magic takes form, it's quite interesting honestly. But I digress, as I was saying before. Cadence wasn't able to cast the spell since her special talent was love. I'm curious if you could since your talent is elements themselves. Do you want to try?” She asked.

“Really?” I asked.

“Of course.” She said before she started to explain the spell to me. To simplify it a normal levitation to me was closer to a straight line with me, this spell was like making an MC Escher Stairs paintings worth of lines. Maybe a round spider web ball or something of that sort. That was from her explaining it to me, which seemed simple enough. Now casting on the other hoof was a whole different ballgame. Feeling out the sun was simple enough, reaching for it was a little taxing but I did it. An odd feeling rushed through me as I felt the ball of burning gas. It was like when I had lightning shot through my body but this burned in a good way. Unlike the lightning that was so active that almost bounced through me. This feeling just flowed through me like warm water, it felt delightful.

“Now carefully move it slowly.” Celestia instructed as her magic. I could feel Celestia's magic around mine as I slowly began to press on the sun. That's when it hit me like a tank that was thrown around by a super human and being the lone human that just so happened to be in the way. It looked like I moved it an inch before the painful pounding from the spell was too much to handle as my magic just dropped, my body dropping with it. I laid down quietly on the balcony breathing hard, and sweating. Celestia lowered the sun down with ease. Which was understandable, she had it mastered over the years of doing it. Once the day had turned to night Celestia helped me back to my hooves. I had felt like someone sent me through the ringer as my whole body just hurt. Note to self don't overtax my magic like that again... ever. It was right about then Luna decided to enter the room. She gave me curious glance before turning to Celestia.

“I take it he tried the spell?” She asked as shut the door behind her.

“Yes, admittedly I'm rather impressed he was about to cast it.” Celestia commented as I was helped back over to the table and got a glass of water.

“And it packs one hell of a punch.” I said before I downed the drink. “But before that, it was... interesting.” I watched Celestia cock an eyebrow towards me at my comment.

“Care to explain?” Luna asked probably beating Celestia to the punch.

“Well... once I had the sun in my magic, this odd feeling rushed through me. The more I think about the feeling it was like liquid fire but in the good way. It's like the familiar heat I reach before I transform into my other state. This felt... better. I know the word is rather lacking in the descriptive part, but I'm really unable to describe it accurately.” I said as I began to look at my left hoof as I changed it into draconic state. I wiggled each claw on my hoof as I thought about it more. I didn't even notice Celestia had moved to my left until she placed her wing around me. I looked up at her as she gave me a comforting smile.

“Firestorm it's quite understandable, I had much the same feeling when I first did it myself.” She commented.

“I had a similar one when I moved the moon for the first time.” Luna tacked on a moment later.

“I just can't imagine how powerful you two must have been then, hell even now it's unfathomable.” I thought out loud, if I could compare them as I can Twilight…. Like if you stacked our knowledge together, I was barely a drop of water to Twilight's ocean. With these two I was a pebble to the entirety of space.

“We don't want to think of ourselves like that Storm, we are just who we are.” Celestia said.

“I can relate, well in a way I suppose.” I said with a light smile as both rulers of Equestria looked at me confused at that. “Well from how I'm taking it that you don't see yourselves as powerful, just normal ponies doing their job.” I elaborated.

“In a sense yes.” Celestia commented.

“Still ponies put us up on pedestals then treat us any other way but royalty.” Luna commented.

“Okay that one I can definitely relate.” I said with a light laugh, followed by both Celestia and Luna doing so.

“It can be rather bothersome at times can it?” Celestia commented.

“Yeah, kind of the reason I rather just be a normal pony hell I would take being a normal drony. But as they say, everypony has their lot in life to play.” I quoted, not sure who I was quoting but I remember it.

“Quite true, quite true.” She added, this was followed by the most awkward silence I think I've been part of yet. I could tell Luna had a free floating question as well as I and it was going to be a good subject with Celestia's wing currently around me. I kind of wondered if she could kill me or at least hurt me with said wing. Honestly I knew if she really wanted to do something bad to me, she would space me in a nanosecond.

“Celestia...” I began slowly as she looked down at me slightly curious. I however held a dejected look as I tried to will the words out.


“I want to know more about... Grimwand.” As soon as the bastards name was out of my mouth I could feel Celestia stiffen in the bad way.

“I suppose it is time for me to talk about him. Since he's back again...” This time she had a tone that I couldn't quite place. It was like a mixture of anger, self-sadness, and loathing... I think. “What is it that you want to know?” She asked.

“To be honest, as much as you can tell me. Since I've only gotten a glimpse of his personality and mannerisms from the times I had to interact with him. Both in the dreams and reading his journal, I've gotten the feeling there is a lot more I'm missing. I mean I get the fact he's evil and there is no doubting it at this point.” I started with Celestia nodding as I continued. “But I get this feeling that he started with good intentions, but as the saying goes the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” I said.

“Truth is that before he really got into studying necromancy he was one of my personal students. Much like Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer before her. The point was he showed so much promise in being a great unicorn.” She started as she began to stare off into space. Well I suspect it wasn't quite space but more the past then anything else. “He was quite... is quite the smart pony. Truth be told he's one of the few that could beat me at chess regularly. It was when I had him study more of the zebra's homeland is when everything turned sideways as everypony says. When he explained it to me I was a little interested, especially helping those yet to cross over. But when he was talking about reviving the dead as he wanted to, I couldn't have that. If only I knew how far he would go for his morbid curiosity.” Celestia said and I could feel the sadness in her voice.

“The musician Dale Turner once mused 'Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future.'” I said, both princesses stared at me. “What?” Both of them gave a smile shaking their heads.

“It's just a little funny how you always have the right thing to say.” Celestia commented.

“Don't ask me, I never could figure out how I do it. It's right up there with me giving advice. Just somethings you just don't question anymore.” I explained.

“What do you mean you giving advice.” Luna inquired.

“Well it's just that. There's points where I just give great advice to anypony or anyone. But as soon as I need some bit of wisdom for myself. It's gone in an instant, it's like magic.” I said with that last night waving my hooves like I'm trying to wow a crowd of nine year olds.

“Well sometimes it's a matter of perspective.” Celestia commented.

“I suppose that's true, this whole matter is just a matter of perspective. To Grimwand he probably saw it as a new avenue of magic to explore. I won't lie by saying it was all evil or vile. The concept of talking to spirits and helping them pass on, that alone seems noble. But when you cross over into killing and defacing ponies bodies. That's... that's just sickening to me. When I was reading his journal there was a point that I had to stop and throw up because of how vile he had gotten in it.” I shivered at just the thought of that entry.

“To be rather brutal and to borrow a few of your well placed 'words' shall we say.” Luna started slowly and carefully. “When we see him again, I seriously want to fuck the bastard up.” She blurted out in a very angry, please note not royal Canterlot voice angry yell. Both Celestia and I stared at Luna, I don't think out of all the times I've been around Luna that I've heard her curse like that. Honestly it was a little funny but mostly jarring.

“Well... um...” Celestia said and it seemed to me that Luna's choice of words almost literally knocked Celestia for a loop.

“To be honest... I rather agree. After everything he's done, I don't want to play judge, jury, and executioner on this. But really there is nothing else I want to do after everything he's done to everypony and myself.” I said pretty much stating my opinion for his outcome.

“I can't deny the things he's done goes against everything, both equestrian law and against nature itself. But I don't want to see my little ponies turned to such violent actions against each other as well.” She said as I could tell she was conflicted about this.

“Celestia if I may ask... how... how connected with him were you?” I asked and this got Luna to look at her sister.

“He... he was one of my personal students, much like Twilight is now.” She finally said after a few minutes or what felt like minutes of silence from her. I knew she repeated what I had asked before and I figured she more deflected the whole truth behind their relationship. If Celestia was hiding something then it must have been more than she wants out.

“So the mission to the zebra homelands?” I asked more to change the subject before I began to ask something I shouldn't.

“For him to study their more potion based spells and tonics. I never thought he would go into necromancy.” She commented then a question popped into my head.

“For... for how long have you known about that magic?” I asked a little nervous about the possible answer she could have given me.

“Not to much before I set him to their homeland.” She commented.

“Then I'm guessing that you found out what he was dabbling in while he was there and called him back?” I asked.

“No, the ruler of that land had informed me that he was talking to one of the more vile zebra stallions that has been banished from his kingdom and lived on the outskirts of his land. Once I found out more about said zebra, I had him called back hoping he hadn't really interested him in this vile arts.” Celestia said and I could just feel the anger coming off her. “It wasn't long when I found out what he had done to the Canterlot graveyards that I finally took action. I suppose my actions came too late since he moved his work to Ponyville.”

“Hindsight is always twenty twenty Celestia. When everything seems perfect that's when the darkest days seem to strike.” I said and my gaze left the two of them as my focus was on the past once again. “Winston Churchill once said the farther backwards you can look, the farther forward you will see. Looking back on all this from just his journal alone, I can see sort of how this all came about. From my guess you figured out that he didn't drop it and made him pay a price for it.” I asked.

“Yes, it's one of the rare times I had used the death penalty, I even went to the point of doing it myself. So no pony had to have the blood on their hooves. If only I knew his works wouldn't end that day.” She commented and I could see the over guilt filled sadness in her face.

“Celestia there is no telling what a pony is able to do until it is too late.” I said as I looked at her. “I mean look at me, I've snapped and hurt those I care for. I had been beaten, bloodied, bruised, and so much more to protect those I care the most about as well as a kingdom that now houses me. Just looking at me the first time we met. Did you think I was capable of doing any of that?” I asked.

“To be rather honest with you, I was afraid of what you may be just from the magic I could sense on you. Which was why I wanted Twilight to keep an eye on you.” She commented.

“I'm not surprised. Well maybe a little but you had good reasons to have me kept under watch. From me just showing up like I did and the Nightmare Moon incident. But I do wonder what made you finally decide I wasn't a danger to Equestria?” I asked.

“The conversation with Sha when I had entered your mind with you.” She answered.

“Wait... what was that talk about? I couldn't make out what was said being stuck in that stone dome.” This was in all honesty the first time in a long time I had thought about that moment, and to finally get an answer of what happened was rather nice.

“She spoke about our mother.” Celestia began with and I just listened. “Truth be told I was a little skeptical because beings before had tried to say that their mission came straight from our mother. But it was something Sha said that made me believe it was.”

“If I may ask, what was that?” My curiosity was getting the better of me.

“She... she said our little nicknames she gave each of us when we were both foals.” She said and I could see the smallest of smiles. “She then explained that you had a much larger part to play, but didn't explain beyond.” She began before I had to ask.

“Destiny was in play?”

“Yes, it was something very vague and ominous. So I thought it was best to deem you not a threat after I had a talk with Luna. The only other thing was Sha said that I had to be punished with interfering with destiny. The more I think about it, I think this was Sha or our mother's way of alluding you to who really brought you to Equestria.” She went on to explain.

“I believe your right, Grimwand seems to have masterminded a lot of what had happened. I mean Vermom put me into shock using my non-returned memories to make me lower my guard. Once that failed it seems they went for the direct approach to get me to submit with Vermom, and indirectly through my dreams with Grimwand himself. ” I said as I thought about it more. “The more the I think about it the more something doesn't add up.”

“What would that be?” Celestia inquired.

“Well, think about it for a moment. From his journal which I would say is quite old right?” I started.

“That would be correct.” Luna answered.

“But the events in that book happened what, over two hundred years ago? But for me it all happened months ago. So it begs the question: How did something that happened two hundred years ago happen to him when it only happened to me months ago. I can give a few days, maybe a few years between the two universe being as it is, universe. But there is so much that doesn't add up to me. Then I used the very same spell and traveled to the same time. The very same time he did, wouldn't I have seen him there in some way. I mean I was a satyr which was pointed out very easily. So it would assume that the same would be for both him and Vermom, but yet nothing. If we factor in him being alive the whole time then I can sort of agree to that idea it was recent but why not sooner? I mean why strike when the irons cold like that? Well for him at least, here the odds and honestly I don't like how I am about to put it because it seems a little mean to me but, the odds are stacked in my favor.” I started to ramble out loud.

“I would agree for this to be something rather odd for him. He does make a lot of plans but most of them have a window of opportunity. But in this case he had made it difficult for himself with both Luna and I. Plus the elements of harmony bearers as well. To be rather honest this has been perplexing me as well.” Celestia said.

“I thought Starswirl was the only one to have perfected a time spell.” Luna commented.

“Wait... time spell as in-?” I asked.

“Time travel of course.” She said without a pause.

“What?” was out of my mouth sounding like a duck. My brain, oh boy my brain just flatlined hearing all that.

“There's a time travel spell and no pony told me?” I asked as I was confused, annoyed, and to be quote blunt happy about it.

“Well... to be rather honest, we don't know it either. Starswirl was the only unicorn to perfect it after months of work between the two of us. Once it was perfected he made sure that only he was about to use it.” She went on to explain.

“Wow a little selfish?” I commented.

“Not quite, he only used it to help prepare Equestria for their darker days. Much like that day...” Celestia turned her head away and looked out the window.

“Nightmare Moon right?” I asked.

“Yes.” Luna commented who was the only one to look directly at me. “It seemed Starswirl figured out what day I was going to return and set up the legend of the mare in the moon.”

“So... he pretty much created the prophecy?” I asked.

“In a way yes, most of his time, beyond the raising and lowering of the sun and moon before we took over, was used to help prepare Equestria for a lot of it's darker days. Much like Sombra, Starswirl was prepared and told us the best way to deal with it. He never did tell us everything, only the important information that wouldn't alter time in anyway.” Celestia continued this time.

“It makes sense since time isn't always just a straight line as most ponies would see it. It's subject to waiver or even split depending on the events to transpire. Like if the girls couldn't find the elements in time than right now Equestria would be under an eternal darkness. It's not to say that a Equestria isn't at this moment but that's getting into the more split timeline theory.” I said.

“Very astute of you, I take it you had begun reading a few books on timeline theories?” Celestia said as she looked back at me.

“To be rather honest... no. My information is more based from shows and movies back on earth. Which much touched in the subject of time travel, I had always believed in it in a way. Maybe not having a special blue box or a car that would allow to traverse the timeline but in the same I couldn't always deny it either. There was no telling if time travel had been invented or would be. It's the tricky nature of the subject that got me interested. The ups and downs of it was also in a lot of stories from earth. Oh that reminds me.” I said as I went over and dug through my saddlebags that I brought with me. Two thick bound books floated out one to each of the princesses. “I did say I would bring earth books with me. The detective mystery for Luna and something more adventurous based in historic facts for Celestia.” I said smiling and I watched both of their eyes light up before I had each book ripped out of my magic. Celestia dug right into her book well the one I was letting them borrow.

The rest of the day and into the night was them muzzle deep into the books. Which I didn't mind much because I was as well, but unlike them whose books was stories. I began to do more research about the artifacts from the book I found in Grimwand's lab in Ponyville. The only downside was this book had only a base description of each artifact. Like how the flames of loyalty or the Infinity Torch was to help guide ponies towards their goals in any way it seemed fit and it was selective of who it allowed to use it. This made more sense after the whole Sombra bit. It must have had selected him to help conquer the Crystal Empire. Then it decided to help me during my fight with Shadow Storm and is tied directly to me. There was a similar description to each of the artifacts. But unlike the Infinity Torch there wasn't anything worth stating in it beyond it was one of the Artifacts of Harmony. Most of the pages were blank. But I did find out what the last artifacts were called.

“The Infinity Torch, The Band of Generosity, The Honest Mask, The Cape of Kindness, Laughter's Pendent, and finally The Blade of Magic are the names of Artifacts that make up the Artifacts of Harmony. Not much is known about why there were created, or how they became said artifacts but what is known is that they are the most powerful set of artifacts. With the Elements coming a close second but much like the Elements this is no real way to know what their role is in the land of Equestria. It is said that one will come to know it's truths and save the land from the being of dark and it's pawns of shade.” it read. I thought about it more and more as I began to try to piece things together. It wasn't a big leap to piece me as the one to know it's truths. Hell that one already happened if you think about it. The being of dark is pretty much the Dark One, but what was this pawns of shade part. I turned the page to find something odd, well I say odd. But this was familiar as in I've seen this artifact before. The image of a brown leather book was placed at the top of the page. “Nightmare Journal, thought to be a weapon in the old ponies tale of Nightmare Moon. This book is said to house a sliver of Nightmare Moon's essence in it. Who ever wrote in one of these books would have what they wrote about twisted and corrupted as their dreams almost every night.” That's when I stopped for a moment.

“That book... no it couldn't be... could it?” I thought out loud in a whisper. “The journals also has the side effect, to cause emotional instability in the current owner. They even associated with emotional sensitivity that has caused some rather rash choices in life.” I sat the book down on the table and went over to my saddlebags. I pulled out my drawing book, the leather bound book that I received in the mail. The book and the image were the same, the very fucking same. So all this time I was drawing in an artifact? Wait... is this the, fuck it is isn't it?

“Storm?” Luna said which got me to look at her. “What's wrong?” I think they caught my expression of both shock and horror. My gaze went from the book on the table to the journal in my magic.

“Please talk to us Storm, what's wrong?” Celestia said as she noticed my gaze would not stop going back and forth. With a flick of magic she brought the book to her and I watched her eyes scan the page. It only took a second before they shot as wide as mine did. “Luna grab that journal, now!” She said and without a second thought the journal was ripped from my magic. I didn't even feel the thud in my magic as it was taken over. Celestia came over and held me close as I thought about every nightmare I had faced.

“I thought I got rid of all of these.” Luna said as I watched that journal disappear in a puff of smoke. There was silence before she turned to see me shaking. It... it wasn't Grimwand then... I... I caused all those nightmares. I did it to myself, but... how was I... I... no I couldn't- I mean how was I supposed to know? Luna came over and pulled my face to look at her. “Firestorm tell me where you got that journal.” She ordered.

“The... the mail. It was sent to me in Ponyville, Miss Hooves was the one that delivered it to me.” I answered as I couldn't help but remember what Dash and Rarity had to see... all because of me. I did this to myself and I made them have to see it.

“I am going to send one of my guards to find out where the package came from.” Luna said before I watched Nightling enter the room a few minutes later. They talked for a few moments, with that Nightling saluted before she departed most likely to Ponyville. “Storm everything will be alright, you don't have to worry.” She said as she came over to look at me.

“Luna, how could one of those journals survive?” Celestia asked.

“To be honest, I don't know. When I returned I thought I had been thorough finding them all. It seemed I wasn't thorough enough.” She commented before she looked back at me. When in a moment I was being hugged by both of my aunts and rulers of Equestria. “I think we found the cause of your nightmares Storm. So you should be able to get some well needed peaceful sleep.”

“But... I... I caused it.” Was all out of my muzzle.

“No, you didn't know what it was. You thought it was just a normal book, and nothing else. Take solace in the fact that it can't hurt you or anypony else again.” She said before she gave me a nuzzle. Well in truth they both nuzzled me and not for the first time I felt loved here. Not the same kind of love as Twilight but a family kind of love. Just like the first time that both Celestia and Luna has showered me with affection like this, I enjoyed it. I couldn't help but bring my forelegs around them as best as I could and hug them. It took a few moments to finally calm down. They did inquire about what got me so freaked out beyond the whole 'oh shit that journal was causing the nightmares.' So I explained the whole Dash and Rarity thought I had. “Storm it wasn't you fault that you were tricked into using that artifact.” Luna reassured.

“I know but still it's hard not to feel at fault for them having to see all that. Luna you were there, you saw my wings were cut and ripped off. You saw the blood coming from the spot as well as my muzzle. You can't sit there and say it wasn't my fault at all, it was my drawings Luna. My drawing that got twisted and corrupted into those hellish visions.” I said looking at her.

“I will admit it was your drawings but that's what it was, drawings Storm, if you knew what that journal was. Would have used it?” She asked.


“Then enough said, you wouldn't have used it if you knew.” She said and I had to concede the point.

“It's just...” I let out a small sigh before I continued. “I'm just being stupid again.” I said as I just gave up in defeat.

“Storm you're not-” Celestia tried to say.

“Stupid, I know. I say it more for a coping mechanism, just little things that help me get by.” I stated as I sat there enjoying getting hugged by Celestia. The three of us sat there with the books that each of us was reading before my freak out was on the table. The artifact book back on the Artifact of Harmony page. “Celestia... how's the prep for trip to Saddle Arabia going?” I asked. One, I was curious and the second because I wanted to derail any thought of calling me out on my coping mechanism.

“The Princess there has been informed and will be awaiting your arrival. As for the pony I want to go with you will be here in the morning before your carriage to Saddle Arabia is prepared. I have most of the things you going to need prepacked for you as well as some Arabian Riyals for spending if needed.” She answered.

“Arabian Riyals?” I asked.

“Yes, Riyals are what the bits in Saddle Arabia are called. Normally there they are called just Riyals while here they're called Arabian Riyals. It's how we call our currency Bit while they call it Equestrian Bits. It helps ponies know where the coins are from. We keep quite a bit of each nation's coins here just in case of things like this. We have Griffon Rubles as well. The only real kingdom that doesn't have their own coin or currency is the Dragon's Kingdom to the far southeast.” She went on to explain.

“It makes sense that each country has it's own currency. I mean on earth it was much the same.” I said.

“It's fascinating how many similarities there are between here and your earth.” Luna commented.

“I know, it is. But in the same sense it's a little annoying to. I mean don't get me wrong I love what everypony has here. I mean you have computers for god sake.”

“Then what is the problem?” Celestia asked.

“Well I get the point that a lot of the tech here is magic based through earth pony science and unicorn magic. It makes sense but it makes me wonder how some things are advanced beyond earth and other places not so much. Like let's take computers for starters, here they are pretty basic compared what what I use to use back on earth. While you guys have magical helicopters that can be controlled with just a simple jack of the control stick and it barely makes a sound. On earth a helicopter makes a hell of a lot of sound. It's just odd I suppose coming from a place that everything has been technology wise evened out while here it's more lopsided if you know what I mean?” I explained.

“I get why that can be jarring I suppose.” Luna commented.

“It's just one those things I've noticed from reading the Equestrian Science books and journals Twilight keeps in the library.” After a few moments I couldn't help but wonder out loud. “I... wonder how's she's doing?”

“I'm sure she's fine Storm.” Celestia commented.

“I know, I'm just being silly about this but I guess I can't help but worry. I mean with us being a week apart just...” I let out a sigh as I ran my prosthetic claws through my mane. “I'm just hot wired to worry I suppose.” That was followed by a light chuckle and that was proceeded by a yawn which I shouldn't be tired I mean I did get some sleep last night. Nightmare induced but still sleep nonetheless.

“I suppose you should get some sleep you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.” Celestia commented as she floated me over to the bed.

“Yeah I suppose you're right, I mean I'm going to be meeting this mysterious pony that you want to go with and help me find the artifact.” I commented as I slid myself into bed.

“Goodnight Firestorm and I hope your dreams are pleasant ones tonight.” Luna said as both of them gently kissed me on my forehead just below the horn.

“Thanks and Luna.” I began as I waited for her to look at me.

“Yes Storm?”

“Could you do me a small favor?” I asked.


The light of candles illuminated the high shelves of the old rustic library that I found myself in, each shelf was uniformed and orderly with a various amount of books on each one. The sight of so many books was a welcoming sight to me but I didn't have the time for that. I was here on a mission, and it was important... well at least it was to me anyway. I continued to travel down isle after isle until I found the one I was looking for. In the middle of said isle was a mountain of well stacked books. The multitude of colored covered novels lead to the various sounds of scribbling. The closer I got the more books I saw stacked on the other side. Honestly I didn't quite care about the books, the only thing I cared about was was in the fortress of books. As I suspected to find the only pony that would dream about studying.

“Hello Twilight.” I said looking down at my marefriend. I watched her ears that were flatten back shoot straight up as she looked up at me. It took a few moments to click.

“You're really here aren't you?” She asked with the most straight face as possible.

“Yeah, I had asked Luna to- Omf!” I said before Twilight tackled me onto the floor.

“I missed you so much.” She said before she just nuzzled into my chest.

“I missed you too Twilight.” I said once I got air back into my lungs... or dream lungs... or whatever you call it.

“Thank you for the gift, a little stuffed you to help deal with the loneliness.” She said as she continued to maul my chest with nuzzling. You would think I would be afraid of her grinding the fur there down to skin but hey this was a dream and frankly I didn't give a damn.

“I'm glad you like it Twilight.” I said as we just stayed there and enjoyed each others company. The rest of the dream was Twilight and I talking about what had happened. It seemed that Twilight had dealt with a few failed experiments because how the season was affecting her a little harder then normal. Me being the wise stallion on hit one shut up about my thoughts on that. She also had time to read through my books again as well as tried a few ways to power my old C.D. player. Nothing had seemed to work yet. But for the most part she's been keeping herself busy to help deal with the loneliness of no pony being around. Well besides some of the girls, Pinkie had come by with a few treats as well as Rarity to help just talk.

When it came to me explaining what happened, to be rather honest I was a little nervous. She followed my logic on the whole self blame on the nightmares but she did point out that not a lot of the more gory nightmares happened well before that book showed up. It did explain the rapid expanse on them since it's arrival. As well as my issue before Hearth’s Warming when I had to open my big muzzle. Lucky for me she kept the box that the artifact journal came in and is going to give it to Nightling in the morning. But it was finally time to explain a few things.

“Twilight.” I started as the two of us sat up in the isle of books.

“Yes Storm?” she said looking up at me from side my wings that was wrapped around her.

“I'm... I'm going to Saddle Arabia in the morning.” I said.

“Is this about an artifact?” She asked and I did a double take.

“Wait you know?”

“Princess Celestia sent me a letter while you slept after Princess Luna's mishap with the personality separation spell. To be honest, I am a little mad at her but I am also thankful she wanted to help. I just wonder what happened to cause it to misfire like that?” She went on as she began to think.

“Well I think is because Shadow Storm is just the other side of me and not a fragment of a miscellaneous personality given more structure. My guess was the spell wasn't designed to handle a connection like that and tried to do what it was suppose to do through said connection with a very harsh backlash.” I thought out loud.

“That would make sense, and I suppose you can't leave out the fact that you’re connected to both The Artifacts and Elements of Harmony. There is so much still unknown about both sets of artifacts so it's not far off that the harmonious magic in both of them altered the magics function causing the backlash like it did.” She countered.

“That would make sense. Is it just me or can magic theory get really confusing?” I asked.

“Well to somepony that isn't use to it I can see them getting confused, it was to me as well growing up, before I really started to study it.” She explained.

“I'm kind of surprised I can follow along so well with magic when I only started to really learn and use it... what a few months ago?” I said as I thought about it more. How the fuck was I so good with it now?

“There is a theory that when somepony goes through something traumatic that a part of their brains unlock to show a hidden talent of sorts. There was a pegasus that was able to fully understand metamagic theory and fundamental principals with a master’s degree from Canterlot college after a near life threatening experience with a dragon. So after having passed away on earth...” She said and I knew she was trying to sugar coat it for me, but I couldn't help but wince at that. “And showing up in Equestria like you did, to be able to tap into more of your brain. Not counting the new magic you weren't use to having could have made it easy for you to process magic at a faster level.”

“Then what about all the new skills I have now?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Well like I've stated before, I never could cook worth anything but now I can cook just fine. I mean I made pancakes almost perfect large ones. I even made daisy ones that were almost perfect circles. On earth my pancakes would be big splatted and darken pieces of what you could only guess was a pancake. Then what about the musical skills that I have now, I only knew a hoofful of little tunes for the piano but now I can play it like a grandmaster like Bach or Beethoven. Not just that with my magic alone I can play flutes, cellos, violins, and so much more. The only thing that seemed to have heightened the least was my drawings which was just silly little doodles.” I explained as I thought about it more.

“Well it could happen just the same, you've been in a lot of traumatic experiences since you got here so it's possible they helped unlock the hidden potential you had in you.” I couldn't give roll of my eyes.

“You're making me feel like a labyrinth of locked doors.” I said as I couldn't help but take my prosthetic hoof from around Twi and brought it up to her ear as I began to scratch it just like I had done to me back in that pseudo heaven. I just watched Twilight melt in my hooves as her leg gave that involuntary kick under my wing. Something I guess I will never understand how ponies feel the things they do in dreams. I mean I get Vivid dreams being able to tell what happened and recall them but this seems a bit more then normal. Well normal for me at least.

“That... that feels so...” Was all she got out before a little moan escaped her lips. I gave her a little break from it as she gave me a blush. “That was amazing, where did you learn to do that?” She asked.

“I will...” There was a few moments of pause so I could keep myself from lying to Twilight. “Jessica taught me this trick.” I answered and I watched Twilight's ears flatten back.

“Oh... sorry.” She said and I could see the look like she crossed a line.

“No Twilight, you don't need to apologize for wondering. I know it comes across a very touchy subject with me and for all standings it is. But Twilight if you want to ask about her it's fine.” I said as I held her closer.

“I don't want to impose on your personal memories like that, I already did that enough.” She said.

“Twilight it's fine.”

“How can you say that? Storm I know I've told you to open up to everypony about how you feel but I also know that somethings are meant to be left enough. I mean I doubt you would like to hear about my past loves, or well technically my past attempts to love.” I said as she looked at me worried but stern.

“Twilight, if you want to talk about them then I'm fine with listening to it. If you want to rant and rave about something, I will listen to it. If you just want somepony to listen to you talk about science, magic, or whatever. I will listen. Twilight you are important to me and I want to make sure you're happy.” I said as gave her a gentle hug.

“Storm, I want to make you happy as well. You're the only pony that at least gets what I'm talking about and for somepony that's new to this world, it's rather amazing. I've never had a pony into me that can talk to me on my level or willing to understand it. Don't get me wrong the girls try, well... some of them at least.” She said as she turned around and got up to look at me directly in the eyes. “Storm I know you want to make me happy and you've done that in spades, even at the cost of your safety. I mean you didn't need to say yes to my experiment with your draconic form, but you did anyway. Just... please let me make you happy when you get back alright?” She asked and I blinked a little confused.

“But Twilight you already do, every moment I get to spend with you makes me happy.” That got me a deadpanned stare from her.

“Okay Casanova, that was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard and I know you're happy when you're around me. But I want to do something that make you feel really happy, like when you brought me a new book from earth or when you gave me that star amethyst. I want to do something special for you and just for you.” She said as she rested her head on my chest again. “Why does it seem that no matter what I do you want me the happiest?”

“Because Twilight you are the most important mare in my life and I want that mare happy. I want everypony I care for happy but you are my top priority when it comes to that.” I said.

“And you shown that, I mean you got dunked into a poison joke bath, granted you were not happy about it. But you still let it stand just so I could have my perfect date. Of course the ending of that was less than perfect.” She commented.

“More the opposite if you ask me.” I said.

“More so. But still all I've done for you was get you a table, a shelf, and a few books. Even when I try to do something romantic for my stallion somepony blunders in.” She said the last part with annoyed huff. I couldn't help but give a light chuckle that caused her to look up at me with my gaze looking up at the star filled ceiling.

“Sometimes it's just how the cards are dealt Twilight. You sometimes just have to wait for that perfect hand and ante up.” I said one of the few card metaphors I liked.

“I hope that hand is dealt soon.”

“Me too Twilight, me too.” There was what felt like a half out of silence between the two of us. “Hey Twilight?”

“You know you can call me Twi right?” She said with small annoyed huff.

“I know but I still like calling you by your name Twilight. I mean I get why Twi seems so appealing but it's just doesn't feel right to me. I mean I know everypony calls me... well not everypony because a lot of them can't get over the whole prince thing but still you girls, the princesses, and a hoofful of ponies call me Storm which makes sense. I mean with a name like Firestorm I can see the short version be just appealing much like Dash for Rainbow Dash... and I'm getting off topic anyway. I had a thought.” I started.

“Oh?” She asked.

“How about when I get back from Saddle Arabia and estrus is over why don't we go on a date. Nothing fancy just a more... down to earth I suppose kind of date. The more I think about it would it be more down to Equestria? Anyway, how about something simple like maybe going to a carnival or something like that?” I asked.

“I think that would be wonderful. I know Canterlot's Celestial Carnival will be happening in a few weeks so why don't we have our date then?” She asked.

“Sounds like a date to me.” I said with a little cocky smile.

“Why don't we ask Pinkie and Nightling come too?” She asked.

“Another double date?” I questioned.

“Yeah! I mean it would be nice to just go somewhere simple and I did Pinkie promise that I would take Pinkie to one of Canterlot's Carnivals.” She answered and I could see that guilty smile on her muzzle.

“I don't mind it, and having a guard there wouldn't be a bad idea just in case of emergencies.” I said thinking about the incident with Purple Rain which caused me to shudder just at the thought of what that stallion wanted to do to me.

“Something wrong?” She asked.

“Not really just remembering about the incident, just gives me shivers thinking about what he wanted to do.” I said as I gave a second shiver.

“I still think he should have gotten a worse punishment.” She huffed a moment and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

“It's alright, I trust Celestia and Luna's call on this. Especially after day court today, having to put up with so many whining ponies.” I said with a smile.

“Oh? So you sat in day court with Princess Celestia?”

“Yeah, after the whole spell misfire I needed something to help take my mind off it. But I did find something out.” I said.

“What's that?” She asked as she looked up at me.

“The ponies that deal with ice cream are the most whiniest ponies I've seen... ever.” I stated and then launched into the story. She chuckled lightly at my use of the Royal Canterlot Roar as I have began to call it. I explained what happened and the case after it. Then I described what happened with Blueblood...

“I don't see what that stallion's problem is with you.” She commented.

“To be honest, besides being a few cards short of a full deck. I think he finds me a threat to his way of life. Like a big brother having to deal with having a little brother for the first time and not being the center of attention. Well that's what I'm taking away from it that is.” I surmised.

“I suppose that makes sense, especially if you add all the rumors about him. Not to really say that their true but after what Rarity has told me about her interactions after the Grand Galloping Gala and his actions during Hearth’s Warming. I'm more likely to believe them.” She said still kind of annoyed at the jerk.

“I did have a bit of a funny nickname I probably won't really use for him.” I commented.

“Oh?” Twilight inquired amusingly.

“Yeah, I thought about calling him Bluebitch at some point but thought against it. I don't think Celestia would really like me both cursing at him and insulting him in the same sentence like that.” I said with a light smile.

“I suppose it would be a fitting name.” She said with a light laugh.

“Yeah, especially after the whining after Seared Wind and Ember Seed came to the castle.” I commented.

“Seared Wind and Ember Seed?” She asked.

“Oh right, they are two dronies I came across during my little flight earlier in the day.” I commented.

“Wait there's more of them in Canterlot?” Twilight asked as she looked surprised.

“Yeah I've come across three of them. The one in Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, and the two from the marketplace.” I commented.

“Wow... I didn't... just wow.” Was all that she could say, I couldn't help but close her opened maw with a quick motion of my hoof.

“I know, I was a little surprised myself.” I said then I went on and talked about each one. She smiled when I took Burning Scale to his next class and defended him to his teacher. As well as agreed to my idea for Seared Wind and Ember Seed. She said she would talk to Applejack in the morning for me. So she had sometime to think about it more then me kind of dropping it on her. Twilight and I just mainly talked about things nothing really important, just things magical theories and the like. As the dream was ready to call itself to a close I gave Twilight one last kiss before she woke up and left me in a empty black void to explore before I woke up. All and all this wasn't that bad of a visit to Twilight's dream, and I was glad Luna let me do it. I mean I knew she most likely agreed to it to make up for the whole spell incident. But to be able to see and talk to my marefriend, it was worth going through a thousand of those. But it left one question for me.

What did tomorrow bring?

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 26 - Daring Do and The Burning Prince

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It wasn't long after I woke up that Celestia and Luna wanted to have a word with me. It was rather nice they sent one of the few guards that I knew from the night guards. The midnight blue stallion with the striped silver and blue mane and tail, Star Bright dawned in his night guard armor lead the way down the hall of Canterlot Castle.

“How have you been Star?” I asked.

“To be honest since your incident after Hearth’s Warming, it's been boring.” He commented which I couldn't help but wince when he brought it up, not one of my best moments.

“Understandable, I didn't make the best case for myself after that.” I said with unease. This was followed by a few minutes of awkward silence as we had brushed a very sore subject. Luckily for the both of us we entered the throne room to find both princesses talking with each other.

“Ah Firestorm you're just in time.” Luna said with a devious smirk. It didn’t sit well with me, but I guess I will find out soon enough what ill will is on it's way. Besides the standard day guards that sat around the throne room as well as both celestial sisters, the only other ponies in the room was a mare in a dusty purple cloak with a very light gray hat that had a egg shell white ribbon and bow on it. On her muzzle was a pair of thick red rimmed glasses. She turned to look at me and I could already tell how annoyed she was with me. I was a little confused but didn't say much as Star and I slowly trotted up to the throne itself. I could make out the dark tan of the mare's coat color as well as the bright violet of her eyes. Her mane was a multicolored gray scales with it being closer to black at the darkest point. Just the look on her face was one of those I can't believe I got talked into faces that everypony has seen at least once in their lives. I walked slowly and carefully up next to the mare that stood at the base of the steps that lead up to the throne as well as accompanying seat pillows. I couldn't help but keep glancing at the mare as something was on the edge of my recondition, just waiting for it to tip over. But I didn't want to push it just in case if it fell away metaphorically from my fore-thoughts. “This here Miss Yearling is Prince Firestorm.” Luna introduced said mare at me who turned and bowed at me.

“Please raise Miss Yearling.” I requested with a gentle smile as I noticed an old bump on either side of the cloak the mare wore.

“Thank you Prince.” She said.

“Please just Firestorm or Storm will do.” I once again requested.

“As you wish.” She commented.

“Firestorm this here is Miss A. K. Yearling.” Celestia started as she magically floated down a very large file for me. “She will be your guide as well as your traveling protection for your trip to Saddle Arabia.” I couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at this. Not to say this mare wasn't skilled, look at Nightling, she could beat my flank six ways from Sunday and be fine. But I figured if I was going to have somepony as protection, I figured she would be armored or at least wore light barding. The more I thought about this I realized I didn't see what she wore under that, the hat alone just screams normal pony to me. But I suppose with somepony like Vermom around, looks could be deserving.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Yearling.” I said offering a bow to her.

“Your welcome Firestorm.” She commented and I could note the slight annoyance in her voice.

“Your ship to Saddle Arabia will be leaving in a few hours so I would suggest making your way there.” Celestia commented before a set of dark brown saddlebags was floated down to me that was quite full. I quickly strapped them on as both Miss Yearling and I left. One thing I didn't quite know was how we were going to get to Saddle Arabia but when we got to the sky port. Besides the fact that the sky port was close to a shipping dock like you would find by the ocean but up in the air. I found out that besides helicopters that Equestria had airships closer to those you would find in a fantasy role playing game. This was almost like a nerd's wet dream well figuratively, but part of me was just having a field day seeing all this. The sight of the old water crafts being held up by large blimp sized balloons with propellers. It got me wondering about the mechanics of it but that could be more my natural curiosity. Miss Yearling lead the way to the ship we were to take. It was a rather normal looking one with a dark blue balloon holding it up. The S.S. Windsurfer was a rather impressive ship... okay so granted this was my first airship I've been on ever, and yes that does include planes from earth. The captain who later I found out held the same name as his ship. I just couldn't help but think that somepony had an ego that could probably rival Dash on her more cocky days. Captain Windsurfer was a sky blue stallion with brown mane, tail, and rather thick beard greeted the two of us himself. I suppose it was a famous pony thing. I mean having the writer of Daring Do and the latest prince of Equestria boarding your ship would probably be good bit of advertisement for him. I watched him and Yearling shake hooves which I noticed an olive green sleeve with a darker green cuff on her foreleg that she used to shake hooves with the captain.

“I hope you and Miss Yearling have a enjoyable trip Prince Firestorm.” Captain Windsurfer said giving me a bow.

“Please just Firestorm or Storm will do.” I requested.

“As you wish Firestorm, now allow me to show you to your room.” He said taking us deeper into the ship. The room was rather simplistic compared to what I would expect from somepony offering to royally and honestly... I fucking loved it. Sorry not to say being all fancy is bad but it's get a little refreshing not having to deal with the whole uptight look that I've seen a lot of the mare and stallions put on just around the castle asking Celestia and Luna favors and so forth. Mostly it's been from Blueblood but still. “This shall be your room for the remainder of the flight.” He said before he took his leave before I could even utter a thank you. While I quickly undid my saddlebags, Miss Yearling quickly went behind one of the curtained off beds in the two bed room. I suppose a mare does like to have her privacy, especially with somepony they don't know. I took the time to seat myself at the simple table in the room.

I finally was able to look at the file that Celestia gave me in the throne room. What was inside was a rather detailed report about the ways of Saddle Arabia which seemed to be rather close to Equestria in the sense of authority. What I didn't expect was their appearance compared to everypony. Aside from them having the same abilities, being a multitude of colors. They looked like the horses from earth, other than the colors, as well as their eyes which was smaller than Equestrian ponies eyes but still rather large compared to the earth equivalent. It took me a few moments to get over that detail, the second time I had to do that was the fact of their leader. I picked up the photograph to look at the stark white horned dracorn. Her horn as well as the discoloration to her fur was almost a forest green, just a few shades off like her eyes. The further I got into the file the more it made sense well to a point, much like Celestia the Queen and they did use that title. Had been rule Saddle Arabia for quite sometime, about five hundred years was the rough estimate that this file gave. She took power after a very fierce war that left the land an almost barren wasteland. Queen Gaia which out started to send little pings to my head, if my memory was serving me right Gaia was the Greek mythology name for Mother Earth. Which was pretty fitting since her cutie mark was of a fully grown tree with three thick vines wrapped around it. I sat her file down and moved to the next one that detailed more of the area which was pretty basic, desert like terrain made up at least eighty percent of Saddle Arabia.

My attention was cut short when Miss Yearling came out from the curtain with her a book and quill before she sat across from me. I watched carefully as her cloak shifted enough for me to see more of the pony under it. My eyebrow rose for a moment before I dug into my saddlebags and shifted so I could get a better look at the book contained within it. Just from the glance it finally fit into place and I couldn't help but grin. I watched Miss Yearling start to scribble something down using her mouth to hold the quill. Which shouldn't be the oddest thing but I never saw another pony besides Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Rarity, and Spike before. As the latter of them all had claws that could write it better and to be rather honest it was the same way I wrote and drew since I always used my prosthetic hoof to do it, since it too had claws. It seemed the page she was writing on was some kind of coded message. Not even a simple switched letter code or numbered code but a series of dots, dashes, and other symbols. Once she was done she lightly blew on it to let the ink dry, after more words she rolled up the paper before sliding it into a rolled case. She then got up and went to the window before she tossed the case right out. Her gaze turned directly at me before she cleared her voice.

“What is this artifact that we are locating?” She asked before she came over and sat across from me.

“It's called the Cape of Kindness, one of the artifacts of harmony.” I answered as I went back to the files.

“Is there anything you know about it?” She asked as she eyed her.

“Truth be told... no. I've got bits and pieces from what I could read or from visions I've been shown. Other then that I haven't a clue.” I answered as I pulled out the book on artifacts to show her. “This is all I have in any details.” With a flick of magic I slid it over to her as she started to look over her glasses to get a better look at the book. Her mane flicked out from under hat, as she continued to read the small passage about the cape.

“Well that's informative.” She commented in a sarcastic tone.

“At least it's something to go on.” I commented.

“Do you even know where to look for this cape?” She asked giving me a rather skeptical glance.

“Of course I do. What do you take me for, a fool?” I said then realize what I said. “On second thought don't answer. But to answer your question, the cape is in the Saddleline Pyramids.” Miss Yearling eyed me for a moment before she goes back to the book for a moment.

“Saddleline Pyramids, hmm...” She said before she got up and went over to the large bag that she had with her since we had left the castle. She pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. She returned with it and unrolled it on the table to reveal a map. It was a general map of Saddle Arabia. From my maps of Equestria I would say that Saddle Arabia is just as big as Equestria but unlike Equestria this place was mostly desert with towns and cities spread throughout the area. The Saddlehara desert took up most of the land mass between the cities and the Saddleline Pyramids. Which meant that Miss Yearling and I would be tracking through it at least a few days. The closest town to the pyramids was the capital Al Buck. It seems that we were going to be going directly from there in the matter of a day's worth of travel. From there we were to go directly to the palace and talk to the queen herself.

This left us a whole day of traveling together and honestly I didn't know much about Miss Yearling beyond that Celestia trusted this mare as well as she knew Saddle Arabia.

“So Miss Yearling if I may inquire about something.” I started.

“No you can't have an autograph.” She flatly stated.

“Huh?” I was a little caught off guard by the answer. “I wasn't going to ask about that.”

“Oh really? You of all ponies weren't going to ask me the writer of Daring Do for an autograph?” She skeptically commented.

“One I wouldn't ask the great Daring Do for an autograph, but to know about her instead.” I stated and I waited.

“Of course you would...” She stopped for a moment, like what I said caught her off guard. “You...” I nodded. “When?”

“When did I find out you were Daring Do? Simple, one your cloak does a poor job hiding the wings you have under it. The simple bulge that I can see tells me you are a pegasus. On top of that you're wearing the trademark outfit under that cloak as well as I could notice your compass rose cutie mark when you rolled out the map from your cloak opening up. Also your mane is the monotone gray that is the same from the books.” I started as I pulled out my copy of Daring Do and the Serpents Staff to point it out. “Plus your reaction to my stating your Daring Do pretty much sealed the deal on it for me.”

“So you're telling me that you pulled a bluff and got it on the first guess?” Now she was confused and annoyed with me.

“Pretty much.” I said with a smile before she finally pulled off the cloak, hat, and glasses showing that she had the trademark hat under it.

“At least it was a prince that figured it out and not somepony else.” She huffed as she placed her hat that she had under her wing on her head.

“That's very true. But it makes me wonder something.”

“What's that Princey” She commented.

“Please don't call me that, Firestorm or Storm will do.” I stated flatly “It's about the books, I'm going to guess most of this is true in some faction?”

“Yeah, I write down my accounts of the adventure but a friend of mine helps me fill in the more entertaining details from my accounts for it.” She commented blowing her mane out of her eyes as the back of it drops down from the bun she had it tied in. If it wasn't for the coat, mane, and color. I could swear I was looking at a recolored version of Rainbow Dash.

“If I may ask, who's your friend?” I asked.

“I doubt you would know her but her name is Twilight Velvet.” She answered and I stopped with my eyes widened.

“What?” She asked a few moments later after she caught my gaze.

“I... I know her.” I commented and I watched her eyebrow raise.

“Oh, were from? Don't tell me it's from her books.” She asked before she rolled her eyes.

“Well... I'm dating her daughter.” I said slowly scratching the back of my head.

“Wait... your dating Twilight Sparkle the Element of Magic?” Daring asked and I nodded.

“Yeah...” I said.

“I've got to hear this, how did it happen?” She asked with a cocky grin.

“Well depends, how much do you know of me?” I asked.

“Besides you’re not quite a pony? You’re a hybrid of magical dragon and pony as well as the fact you’re not from Equestria to begin with. Not much.” She said I let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay so that saves me so much time trying to explain it. To put it rather bluntly it just kind of happened, after I was put into a coma from an attack of a necromantic hybrid of pony and changeling. As well as having my friends help pull me out of it. It kind of just happened as a kiss really. Twilight was keeping me in the hospital room and at that point I was rather sick of being in them. Especially after the attack from timber wolves and the Nightmare Moon in the dreamscape incident. I just wanted to leave, granted recovering from a rather large sword that was stabbed into me. I can see why she wanted me to stay. She held the door with her magic and I kind of did a sneak attack and kissed her to get her to drop her magic, then high tailed it outta there. From there it just grew.” I answered giving a very simplistic version of the starting events.

“Okay the timber wolves I can buy, the Nightmare Moon to a certain extent. But you're telling me that you were stabbed and wanted to leave so you kissed the mare that held the door to leave. That just so happened to be Twilight Sparkle the personal student to Princess Celestia and the bearer of the Element of Magic just like that?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well... yeah.” I answered as I looked directly into her face.

“Geez, you've got to have a set of balls to do that. How did the Princess take it? Hell, how did her parents take it?” She asked.

“Well... Celestia was fine with it from what I could tell. As for her parents, at first her father was rather calm with me as for Velvet she wanted to rip my head off. That was before they found out I was with their daughter in a relationship. Then it kind of flipped.” I answered.

“Kind of flipped?”

“Well... Velvet got really... honestly I don't know what would best describe it beyond the feeling like she wanted me to herself. Like a cat going after their prey in a way.” I answered that was followed by a shiver.

“Geez, I know Velvet can be rather... forward but... wow.” Daring said.

“I mean she was rather forceful when she wanted to write The Adventures Guide. But from what I've read in The Storming Twilight which I can only guess is about you and her daughter.” She said.

“Oh god, you read that too?” I said as I was now red in the face with my left hoof over my face.

“Calm down Princey it's not really that bad. I mean yeah she can be rather... intense with her writing but still it's all in good fun.” Daring said trying to defuse something that I didn't even think there was to defuse.

“One don't call me princey, and two I know she can be intense.” I said with a rather light smile. “To be rather honest her daughter isn't much better. When she gets that idea in her head she can be rather... forceful at times.”

“Oh? So a little magic in the sheets then?” Daring asked with a sly smile.

“No, just no. Not going there, won't go there, and will not ever go there conversationally with any other pony but my marefriend. Thank you very much.” I said getting straight to the point.

“Oh, so somepony hasn't even made it into bed yet. Ouch, and I thought every mare wanted their prince in Shining Armor.” She said still that cocky as grin that's really starting to piss me off.

“Okay I really hope that was just a really bad pun.” I gave Daring a very flat stare at that.

“Oh of course it is, I mean not everypony can have the captain of the guard as her husband like Princesses Cadence.” She said.

“Geez if I didn't know any better I would say that you have a crush on him.” I said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Not really, I mean yeah we met before the whole wedding and he seems fun. But not really my type.” Daring commented which threw me off.

“Wait, are you telling me you've met Shining Armor?” I've asked.

“Of course, I mean who do you think the guard from my Serpent’s Silver Pendent adventure was based on?” She asked.

“Wait...” it took a few moments before I face hoofed. “Glinted Shield, Shining Armor. God why didn't I put it together like that?” I said followed by a grown.

“Relax, not a lot of ponies make it get it. Hell there's not a lot of ponies that I use there real names either. I mean besides Ahuizotl is a real... what ever he is.” She commented.

“Wait... He's real?!” I said a little surprised.

“Of course, I mean he does show up in just about every adventure.” She gave me a roll of her eyes.

“So far all but the Timekeeper's Watch but you had some other pony show up.” I said just having a field day with this. For most of the trip up until about dinner we talked about a lot of the Daring Do characters from the books. But I finally got some back story to the one character I was curious about. Turns out that Ahuizotl was a rather brilliant historian of ancient history. He's preferred study was old legends and myth, which I think now more lay in the fact if all these books are to be believed. Well maybe the Timekeeper's Watch that one is still a little iffy to say the least. I mean really Dr. Whooves? Out of all the thing's I've seen between Equestria and Earth that is the only one I will not believe, I mean great if it is true but if this Dr. Whooves is anything that's even close to what I think about when I hear it, I'll want to stay far away from that stallion. But I digress, Ahuizotl honestly wasn't evil at first it all really began with his love for history. This sent him on his first dig with Daring Do who wasn't even into the whole adventuring at the point. Much like Ahuizotl she too was in for the knowledge. That all changed when they found the old pony crypt of a very odd pony. She couldn't quite remember the exact name of it but that point was moot. It seems that the very place was quite heavily trapped which it took the two of them working together to get through them safely. But right there was the Ruby Staff from some great ruler. As she explained the legend I couldn't help but piece it together with a lot more context that I was filled in with. The Ruby Staff was Sombra of all ponies and the crypt was that of his father. But even to Sombra it was much unknown to him, even the location. The staff gave the wielder great power over the shadows themselves. That’s when Ahuizotl's shit switch flipped into evil. Much like a lot of Daring Do's novels played out as he left her in a trapped room while disappearing much like a villain.

It seems the room itself was rather simple in design, and Daring was able to escape well before Ahuizotl could completely leave the crypt. She in turned stole the staff from her former colleague and gave it to Celestia. Which made sense since Luna wasn't back from the moon at the time. Then Celestia, seeing the spark in Daring charged her to recover the artifacts. Most of the powerful artifacts are locked away and in the museums are well as had replicas made. Granted nopony really knows that as they are placed there by Celestia herself when she hands or hoofs them over. Before Daring decided to write about her adventures which was well after Twilight had joined Celestia's School as her personal student. Velvet had met Daring during one of her visits to see her daughter and just so happen to run into her after she left the throne room. Since Twilight stayed in the castle instead of the school like most of the other ponies there.

“So Princey while we wait for the grub to show up. What's got you all invested in this? I mean I can't really figure out why you have to go and deal with this.” She said.

“Well it's because I'm tied to them in a way, before you ask. No, I don't know how it happened or really why it did. But it seems that I need to locate them to help save everypony.” I commented Which was followed by a few moments, well, more like a minute. Before Daring decided to open her muzzle with.

“Well and I thought I was the only one screwed over by destiny like that.” I couldn't help but cock my eyebrow at that.

“What do you mean screwed over by destiny like that?” I asked.

“Seriously? Didn't you read all my books?” She asked as she sat up from her rather prone lying spot on her back by the table.

“Not really, I still have a good stack left to go. I really only read them with Twilight, just the two of us.” I said.

“Well, there's been quite a few times when my coming to the rescue has been foretold. So I figured it was a destiny thing and shrugged it off.” She answered.

“Honestly I've gotten rather sick of hearing destiny after all I've been through.” I started with a clear sign of annoyance in my voice.

“Oh really? What does a princey prince like you have to worry about?” She said before she pick up a rather mocking tone that sounded almost perfect for Blueblood when she continued a moment later with. “Oh dear, I forgot the crumpets and jam again. What ever shall I do? I know I must journey forth unto the kitchen to right the wrong that my butler Pennycoat has done when he brought my afternoon tea.” She mocked. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle.

“I don't know what you've heard but I'm not really prince material and for the love of god stop calling me Princey.” I said that last part rather loud.

“Geez relax Princey, I'm just teasing you a bit.” She said once again trying to defuse it. Of course I think it was more out of habit than anything to use annoying nicknames.

“Don't call me Princey.” I groaned as I reached dug into my saddlebags a bit more.

“What's the big deal?” She finally asked.

“Besides the fact that I just don't like that nickname. It's just a long story.” I said as I pulled out one of the bottles of water I saw in it earlier.

“Well we've still got plenty of time before we get to our destination.” She said and I had to concede the point. I began telling her to tell that was rather familiar to my muzzle, well sort of I suppose. I told her of my entry to Equestria since she already had been told of the unique nature of my appearance. I left out a lot of the more awkward things like Dash and Twilight running their hoof across the top of my wings. But I told her of the Timberwolves, Nightmare Moon, Vermom, Shadow Storm, and just about all the odd misadventures I had, Especially the universe hopping I did. Which made me wonder how Max and the girls there were doing. From what I was told over there things were pretty tame so he probably got drunk at some bar again. As I explained the the events so far, Daring was pretty wrapped up in it. She laughed at the few incidents with Blueblood. Turns out she has as much problems with the pissed up prancer as just about everypony else. “So... how did you get the new leg?” She asked and I looked down at it for a moment as it rested on the table.

“Are you familiar with necromancy?” I asked.

“I've heard of it, never had seen it myself.” I let out a sigh as I disconnected my leg and slowly reach up to the connection plate.

“True be told my darker side is familiar with a bit of necromancy.” I said as I slowly slid off the plate to show the flesh and bone that laid under it. As well as the crystal and wires that connected to the plate. “He tried to use one spell that could cause a part or the whole body of a pony rapidly expand and pop, leaving fleshy chunks of meat and bones where the limb or pony was. Well Twilight had learned of a spell that would redirect it. It just so happened that my darker side used the necromantic spell and Twilight only defended her and the girls by redirecting it back at him which in turn me.” I watched Daring just stare at the exposed wound.

“Did... did it... you know?” She asked.

“Hurt?” I asked which was followed by her nod. “More than you would believe. It felt like something was inside the bone pressing it every direction while the outside was being pulled in the same manner. When it finally popped it burned. Well burned wouldn't be the correct word for it. The spell felt so cold that it was like freezer burn where it felt like it was burned by fire but it was so cold.” I explained the first time to anypony how it felt. Dash would be the only other pony that would know how it sort of felt since she was hit with the same spell, just lucky enough to keep her limbs.

“Can't it be healed?” She asked.

“No, the spell made sure it can't be healed magically. So I'm stuck being without my foreleg for the rest of my life.” I slowly placed the cover plate back on my numb of a leg and the crystals that help give me motor controls in it. They weren't originally there when the doctor that first gave it to me. It was HeartShy that insisted on the little upgrade to make it more comfortable for me since the crystals help send the neurological signals that would be the brain utilizing the limb to move as well as numb the pain of it's removal and reinserting. It still stung a bit but other wise was tamer than before.

“Wow...” Daring said and I could tell the awkward tone to her voice. It's that I don't know what to say but sorry doesn't feel right tone.

“It's alright Daring Do.” I said after I reinserted my leg. “I know it's not the nicest of subjects and the thought of it can be cringing especially when you dwell on it too long.” I said as I slid my things back into my saddlebags before I brought them over to the bed closest near the wall. It wasn't large compared to the one for Daring, which was fine with me. I didn't always needed a large bed to relax on or sleep. Daring kept watching me as I decided to relax quietly in the bed. From that point on there was a lot of silence between the two of us as I just relaxed, even the salads the captain brought himself was ate in silence. I think the only talking either one of us did was more to the captain who asked if the accommodations were adequate, which they were. Once we finished our food and I had stacked them together for pick I went to sleep from help of a little crystal Celestia left in my bag for me. It had a few charges to it which was rather nice but that wasn't the point. I decided the rest of the flight was best done in a unconscious state.


The following morning had a rather crisp chill to the air as we were still several hours from Saddle Arabia since we had to make a slight detour from a storm over the sea we had to traverse to get here. I sat on the deck of the ship watching the sky silently as I left Daring to sleep a bit more in the bed.

“Worried?” Shadow said.

“More than you can ever know.” I commented.

“I suppose it can't be helped.” He replied back, then it hit me.

“I'm a little surprised you're talking after what had happened.”

“I've had some time to think about it some more.” He said and I can hear in his voice that there is a sense of defeat in his voice.

“And what's the verdict?” I asked.

“As much as I hate to admit it you and Luna were right. I may only be your darker side, a parasite or as you put it your manifest of self hatred. But that does not make a pony. I'm just a fragment of a personally.” He said and if I had to imagine him, I could see him sat against a wall.

“Shadow...” I started as I tried to search for the right words. As much as I had hated the guy for the hell he put the girls and myself through. I couldn't help but feel for him. I don't know if it's the sympathetic nice guy in me or something else but I don't like to see ponies hurt like this, well technically hearing ponies hurt like this, even though he brought it upon himself.

“Don't bother trying Fire, I will never truly be a pony.” He said.

“If I can help...” I started as I wasn't sure to really voice this.

“Help me?” He said before letting out a loud laugh. “Oh this is rich you want to help your dark side get out. I don't know what to call you for that, generous or a complete idiot.” He said through his laughing.

“Shadow, if and this is a big if... If I help you get your own body what would you do with it?” I asked.

“Honestly... I don't know. I mean before I wanted free to be my own pony but when I found out I couldn't be a real one with you still around since we shared the same life and magic. I wanted you out of the picture, it was the only real reason I worked with that Grim.” He said giving more insight than I had before.

“Is that why you checked the hidden libraries in the catacombs and so forth?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I couldn’t find anything beyond how to make an inanimate golem. The only reason I knew about the elements was from the legends and tales about Luna's transformation.” He commented.

“Makes sense, then how about this. If I help you get your own body you help keep this place safe?” I asked.

“Equestria? What about earth?” He asked and I could just hear the surprise.

“Shadow you know as well as I do that earth is no place for us anymore.” I said as I thought about my death again.

“I don't know man. It's... I doubt the princesses would want somepony that knows necromancy running around. Hell Celestia tried to kill Grimwand for his study of it alone.” He said.

“As much as I can agree with her about necromancy is a vile magic I can't say all of it is bad. I figured that a lot of it can be useful.” I added.

“Like what?”

“Well from what I can tell Grimwand used it to help souls pass on to the afterlife. That's a rather noble thing to use it for and what about helping the cops by talking to the souls of the murdered to find out who did it?” I asked.

“I suppose that does sound rather noble. But Fire you should know that I'm not rather noble. I'm a prick remember?” he commented.

“Well I am an idiot.” I said with a small smirk.

“A royal idiot.” He added and I couldn't help but laugh at that. There was a few minutes of silence between the two of us.

“I still don't know, I may have to stew on it a bit. I can't say it's not appealing but... if you can get Celestia to agree to allow me to live then I don't see why not.” Shadow commented.

“I can see if she can make you a unicorn or pegasus. I doubt she would want you to be a dralicorn or even an alicorn.” I added.

“A Dracorn or Unicorn is fine by me. Not really much for the whole flying honestly.” He said with a laugh.

“Completely agreeable.” I said with a smirk.

“Fire... sorry about the leg.” He said and I blinked for a moment.

“Seriously?” I asked.


“Shadow look...” I started as I looked at the prosthetic. “As much I wish I still had it I can't say it didn't turn out for the better. I mean I get to have fingers again after losing my original ones.” I said as I flexed them a bit. “But I can't say I wish I still had it just to hold Twilight with it.”

“And much more.” Shadow said and I could just hear the cocky grin.

“Pervert.” I said.

“Yeah you thought of it too.” He answered back and I turned a shade of red as my wings gave and audible pomf sound as they shot out to be fully extended. “Who's the pervert now?”

“Shut up Shadow.” I said with a grumble.

“I've heard of morning wood but I didn't think that applied to wings.” Daring said behind me which caught me by surprised.

“Ah!” I said as I jumped.

“Relax it's just me Princey.” She commented and I turned to here.

“Don't call me Princey!” I said.

“Calm down I'm only teasing Princey.” She said with that cocky grin as I show her an annoyed glare. That was followed by a slightly annoyed sigh. “So what are you doing out here?” She asked.

“Honestly, enjoying the view as I think about stuff. Nothing big or important just speculative thought.” I stated as I looked back at the clouds.

“You do that too much you'll drive yourself crazy.” She said.

“Been there done that, got the shirt, wore the shirt, turned it into a fad, let it fade, and brought it back as a retro fad.” I said with a small smile. I turned to look at Daring Do who was completely confused. “Never mind just a saying.” I said as the first bits of land mass in what appeared on the horizon. As much as I suspected it was mainly sand, but there was a rather small city, which we flew right over, well we were going to do that for a few cities, the one we wanted was, much like Equestria smack dab in the center of it. I just sat there lost in thought for a few hours as Daring went back inside to probably relax for a the remainder of the flight. My mind drifted from topic to topic as it just circled the drain of events but it always lingered on one thought.

“Twilight...” was always out of my mouth each time I thought of her. I had been here in Equestria or at least on the planet Equestria was on for months now and a question just popped itself in my head. Should we move further in the relationship? What was to move further into? I mean do we... well do it? Is Twilight even ready for something like that? I mean I know it wouldn't suddenly pop a bun into the oven since ponies can only get pregnant during estrus. But that's a rather big step... well to me it is. I don't know if Twilight or anypony would see it as that big of a step. Then I couldn't help but wonder about going further. I mean we already live together but what about well finally tying the knot? I couldn't help but lightly laugh as I figured Shadow was rolling his eyes in my head. The fact he didn't say anything left me for a pause as I thought about the conversation back before Daring showed up. If... if I did help him get his own body and life. Would he be technically my brother or just something of the sort? How would that even work? I was not a smart pony for this life question shit anymore. Well I can't say anymore because honestly when it came to advice for myself I was hopelessly stupid in that case.

“We will be arriving in an hour Prince.” Wind Surfer said from the wheel house.

“Alright, thanks for telling me.” I said as I already had my things together. One of the oldest habit I had since my time on earth. I wasn't always keen about keeping my stuff all over the place while I traveled. I was a more one spot unless I have to leave kind of person back then. I'm pretty much the same now but a pony in this case.

“Don't you mean Drony?” Shadow decided to add.

“Semantics.” I commented.

“Excuse me mister picky-pants, I'm not the one that goes all deep end over small details when trying to explain something on Twilight's level.” He commented.

“Well excuse me mister I'm high and mighty and not shut the fuck up so I can go over the notes Twilight and I had about dralicorn magic. It's some rather fascinating stuff.” I said.

“Oh please you wouldn't have thought about the differences between your magic and princesses if Twilight didn't talk you into another one of her experiments on you.”

“Your point?”

“Do you remember the thunder gem?”


“How about when she tried to have you charge the crystal and it exploded on you?”

“I remember it.”

“And how you barely got out of that unscathed? Serious I think that mare is going to be the death of us well before the “Dark One” is.” He commented, that left me with a pause.

“What do you know about him?” I asked.

“Honestly the same as you. I wasn't and honestly hadn't looked for anything about him. I was worried about myself if you don't remember.” He said which shot down the hopes for some clue. I let out a sigh.

“I suppose time will tell when that is going to nail us in the face.” I said.

“Who in Celestia's name are you talking two?” Daring asked behind me with both her's and my saddlebags on.

“Ah... no pony.” I said with a nervous smile on. Daring Do just gave a small annoyed huff and whispered under her breath that I could hear.

“Why do I always get stuck with the crazy ponies.” She commented as she slid off my bags. “We are about to land shortly and we have to head to the palace right away.” She said before she left.

“I wonder what stick is stuck up her flank.” Shadow commented.

“I wouldn't know.” I thought back making sure I didn't sound even more crazy than I currently do to her. We got off the ship onto the docks, the captain told us that he will be waiting for our return since Celestia had paid him well for him to be our personal transport between the two places. Al Buck was a large city, well it was about Canterlot in size if I had to compare it to something. Standing in the center of it was the palace of Saddle Arabia. From the architecture of this place, I would have sworn this was ripped right out of an old movie I saw once. I swear if there is a genie around here granting wishes I would flip. Well maybe not flip but maybe make things a little easier... like having the artifacts already. I digress, Daring Do and I made our way through what looked like a marketplace with ponies much larger than the two of us. Well most of them that was there was a few Equestrian ponies there selling their wares as well. But that was few and far in between. There was only two stands I stopped by, a book stand that had a few Saddle Arabian spell books that were both elemental as well as a few advanced spell books. I bet Twilight would love to have a look at these. The other stop was a fabric stand that I wanted to pick up a few things for Rarity. Knowing her if I didn't she would hunt me down and drag my flank all the way back here to get her some. The two things of fine Arabian silk would do. That was all I could spot at the time but if I had a few more hours to go shopping I think I could find something for all the girls, as well as Spike.

After we traveled a few miles through town we got to the palace to find what I much expected. Almost an army's worth of guards waiting for the two of us. One of the more decorated guards that stood well above the two of us looked down at us. He was a brilliant blue was an equally black mane. One of his eyes was a bright orange while his left was lighter and slightly milky. I figured he was blind in that eye and with the large scars over the eye that looked more like he was clawed over it. He wore a dark black armor with red highlights throughout, as well as a helmet with a red feather like piece that went from his forehead back to the back of his head. He stared at us for a few moments like he was sizing us up. If this was going to be a fight, I was David versus the fucking Terminator, if you compared sizes alone.

“This way Prince and honored guest.” He said in a very gruff voice. We followed him through the palace. Unlike the castle in Canterlot the floors here were tiled in a mixture of bright reds, blues, purples, golds, and many other colors. It was done in almost hypnotic pattern if you were to fly down these halls staring at it. Speaking of flying, above us two pegasi flew to the left and right of us with a spear in a rig of some sort to keep them at the ready. I knew a lot of the guards in Canterlot, especially the pegasi had a similar one to keep them on hand while they flew so if they need them at the ready. I knew one of them who had a collapsible spear of his own design for easy transport. That was a marvelous thing to behold. I may have to get in touch with him again when I return. It took a few minutes to traverse the halls until we found ourselves in what looked like a throne room.

The throne room was a very large hallway about the same size as one room that held my birthday party in Canterlot. A few feet from the wall were pillars that lined up, as a rough count I would say that each had at least ten pillars before the throne itself. Which consisted of a lot of pillows. With one very large one for a back rest. Between each pillar against the walls where guards in all three subsets of ponies. As their garb was more simple guards that fit with the theme of the air. Queen Gaia on the pillowed throne before us. The guard lead the way up to her before bowing before her.

“My Queen your guests have arrived and I brought them as I have been asked too.” He said.

“You've done well Captain. Please take your spot so I can directly greet my brother and his friend.” She said as we both stepped forward and... wait... what the fuck did she say? Brother? I watched her bring up a cloth covered hoof up to her mouth. “It seems I have blind sided him.” She said before that was followed by a small chuckle.

“No kidding Queen Gaia.” I said with a little sarcastic tone while I bowed. Hey no pony said I couldn't be polite while my brain was broken... again.

“Oh please brother, no need to be formal with me.” She said as she stood up and trotted up to the two of us. I looked up at her eyes and she down at me. Before I could say anything I was snatched up and given a bear hug that I thought only Pinkie could produce. “It's is so nice to finally meet the final one of us.” She commended before she dropped me on the floor. “You must be the one and only Daring Do.” She said as she held her hoof out. Daring bowed politely as she took it.

“Yes I am your Majesty.” She said.

“Oh please Miss Do, no need to be formal with me. You are my brother's friend so you may also address me as Gaia.” She said with a smile before she looked up. “Guards please fetch these two seats then leave us to discuss business.” She said before she held her hooves up and clapped them together twice. Within moments my rump was on a rather large red pillow that held me up at least a good few inches off the ground with the same for daring. “So I figured you have much to ask of me.” She said as she returned to her set of pillows.

“As of now yes, I'm rather confused by all.” I said.

“Much to be expected, I'm going to assume you weren't told?” She asked.

“Told that I had family beyond the adoption?” I asked, she gave a nod. “Then yeah, I wasn't aware I had family here. To be rather honest I didn't expect it either.”

“Well the great mother of elements Sha is our mother. As for the father the four of us have different ones.” She commented.

“Pause, rewind, and stop. Four of us?!” I asked rather shocked.

“Why yes, Sha had only four children. It was originally three until you came around, if I may inquire who is your father?” She asked eying.

“Truth be told I don't honestly know, I found out Sha was my mother only after the whole Storm thing. I figured it was more a fluke then anything else that I ended up as a dralicorn here in Equestria.” I answered.

“It's not surprising that you may think that. Our mother had a very weird way of doing things. But there is a good reason. Each of us holds something special about us.” She started.

“Is this about our special talents?” I asked.

“To a point yes, as I can already tell that you are the one of the elements. You're able to deal with each of the raw forms of it. As for myself I was given the power of nature in the plants and so forth. I'm able to help them grow and so forth, much like I do for my ponies here. Your brothers are a different matter.” She said with a sigh.

“Are... are they here?” I asked.

“No, Granite is the leader of the Dragon Kingdom and is rather... crude at times. He is rather forthcoming a very territorial about those he governs over.” She said.

“If I am ask, what's his talent?” I asked.

“It's a rather harder one to say really, it's not really his own like ours are. He's a rather rounded kind of pony while he's a strategist and very combat proficient compared to the rest of us. He's rather odd in his own way and honestly we never got a straight answer about his abilities. As he puts it, if my enemy knows my abilities that is one less card I can play when I need it.” She said.

“I see...” I said as I thought, technically he would be true about that. If your enemy knew what cards you held then they could plan around it. So the best hand in combat was an unknown one. “What about our the last one?” I asked.

“Honestly... I know of him. We've never met but from what I've gathered intel wise. He's rather nice and very kind. He was in the Griffon Kingdom, but I wouldn't honestly trust this information. He's been known to travel and by the time we get the details, he's already moved on to the next one. So who knows, he may come visit when the time is right.” She said.

“Do you even know his name?” I asked and she shook her head.

“Like I said I know of him but that's about it.” She said as she magically pulled a goblet to her muzzle and drained it of it's rather blue liquid. “But what of you brother? I've heard some rather conflicting stories about your misadventures in Princess Celestia's kingdom.” She said as she stared at me.

“Well... honestly I've been rather... at odds. I suppose would be the correct term here.” I said.

“If I may ask, how so?”

“Well just since I arrived in Equestria it's been rather fast paced from time to time while others its been nice to relax. But that's few and far in between.” I commented.

“I've heard about your storm as well as your mate.” She commended which caused me to turn a deep read.

“Not quite mates yet.” I said comment as I corrected her.

“Oh, so this Twilight Snarkle was it?”

“Sparkle Gaia, Twilight Sparkle.” I corrected once again.

“Forgive me, I don't really check about ponies that often.” She said.

“Understandable, I suppose being the big sister you worry about your brothers often right?” I asked.

“Well... you're the youngest out of all of us, I was that before your appearance months ago.” She said.

“So you're trying out the whole big sister role then?” I asked.

“Very much so, it's refreshing to be able to keep tabs on my little brother. From what I've seen she's a fine looking mare.” She said with a wink.

“Yes Twilight is very pretty but that's not the only appealing thing about her.” I said.

“Oh?” She asked with a grin. “Do tell.”

“Well, she just has this thing about her, when she wants to learn something she goes out and digs into it. The thirst for knowledge was something that I always liked, I mean I get curious about subjects too. But.. she was my first real friend in Equestria, she helped me get use to being a drony. She didn't have to do it, she just did. She even wanted me to stay in the hospital after I just got over a traumatic event. While at the time I had spent so much time in hospital that I was sick of it. The funny part of is all was it started as a kiss just to escape the room. From there it just kind of snowballed and I wouldn't trade it for all the gold in this universe or the next.” I said as I thought about it more.

“That's... that's has got to be the sappiest thing I've ever heard.” Daring Do commented.

“I think it's quite romantic if you ask me. It's shows his character just because of the simplest things can the greatest of loves come from.” Gaia commented.

“As much as I would love to talk about my love life which by the way I rather not get any further into then I have. There is a matter I would rather discuss with you.” I started more to shift to the true reason we were there.

“I can only assume it's about access to the Saddleline Pyramids correct?” She asked and I simply nodded. “I'm aware of the reason you want to enter there. I don't see a problem with you entering there but it will have to be tomorrow.”

“Wait... why tomorrow?” I asked.

“Currently the desert between the two has a rather nasty sandstorm going through it and I rather not send my little brother through it. So I have already prepared rooms for the both of you as you will be staying as my guest this evening. I'll have one of the workers show you to your room Miss Do.” Gaia started before she turned to me. “As for you Firestorm I would like to have a more private discussion with you in your room.” At that point I figured something was up and not in the good way. Daring left with another one of the tall ponies here as I followed my sister to a corridor that only held four doors. There was two on the left, one on the right, and finally the door directly at the end of the hall. We made past the first time and went into the third door closest to the one at the end of the hall. Inside the place heavily reminded me of my room in Canterlot. Not in the sense of space but in the style the room took. Against the far wall was a nicely stone work fireplace as well as most of the walls was covered in bookshelves with a rather large amount of books in them. The two of us completely entered as Gaia with her magic shut the door behind us. With a quick turn she did a completely one eighty and stared directly at me.

“Brother I'm already aware that you have been through your storm as well as a lot of the following events.” She started and I couldn't help but listen to this. “It pains me to know that my youngest brother had seen so many hardships even before he's hit his first hundred years. But I suppose it's your lot in life.” I could see the hurt in her eyes at this as she once again picked me up and held me against her. I couldn't help but try and get my forelegs around her as best I can. A little hard if you factor in the size difference between the two of us.

“Gaia, as much as I wish that a lot of the events didn't transpire as they did. I still wouldn't change it if I could.” That was enough to get her to let me down with a curious eye. “Look if you're about to do the whole I'm surprised at your answer thing. I can tell you it's been done several times over just by both princesses, my marefriend, as well as my best friends.” I commented with a smirk. Gaia only chuckled at this before she brought me back up and gave me a gentle nuzzle.

“I know this place has grown on you little brother but I still find it adorable how you act at times.” She said before I was placed once again back down.

“Gaia... um... can I ask you a question that's been off and on my mind. It's about dronies as a whole.” I began, she blinked for a moment before she answered with a nod. “Well, I get that our pony side is a herbivore in the dietary sense. But my question leans on the draconic side of our dietary scale. I'm aware that dragons eat gemstones. But... I know that some dragons can... you know...” I started as I nervously shifted a bit, my half-sister just eyed me for a moment. “Eat meat?” I finally got out.

“Ah, I was kind of wondering when that little question was going to come around. To be rather honest, you're not the first one to ask me that question as I had to ask our brother that very same one. As for the answer then yes, we can consume meat without any dietary backlash from our system. But it's not required for nourishment. If you're curious, nuts can give the protein that we would need that we would get from meat. Personally I do like to enjoy a steak from time to time and I know Garnet does as well since most of his kingdom is dragons and dronies.” She explained and I thought about it. “I take it you haven't had meat since before your arrival in Equestria?”

“Yeah, honestly as human I was a big meat eater but since I got here I kept with salads for the most part. I honestly not to long ago I got over my issues with flowers as a source of food.”

“I suppose these humans you were before this didn't digest them?”

“Honestly, no. Well sort of I suppose, some of the kids I've seen tried to as dares, but as a species they normally don't. Not all humans are meat eaters either as some of them take a more different route to what they eat. Some take a vegetarian diet more to avoid meats all together much like ponies do. Then there's another one that wouldn't eat anything from an animal at all like eggs or milk for example.” I explained.

“Fascinating but since I answered your original question, you'd be willing to indulge one of mine?” She inquired and I couldn't say my curiosity didn't get the better of me as I nodded. “May I see your stormed form?” She asked and I couldn't help but have my eyebrow cock at that. I reached out for the familiar heat within me as my fur turned to scales and my feathered wings changed to the equally familiar membranous wings. On the front of each of my hooves three claws formed out of them with two smaller ones on my hind legs. The red tint filled my vision as I could already tell that my other two horns had already grown out in my flickering mane. I sat there with my long reptilian tail slowly slid back and forth with the bladed diamond tip scraping across the ground. Gaia watched amazed as she walked around me taking each part of me in. I didn't turn my head to watch her but within a few moments she returned into my view. “Fascinating, besides your equine features you could easily be mistaken for a dragon.” She said as I watched her. “I see the scales on your normal form were the same for your stormed form, simply fascinating.”

“Gaia if I may inquire why my 'stormed form' as you put it intrigue you so much?” I asked.

“Well it seems that you're not aware that a dralicorn hasn't been seen for over twelve hundred years, I've never got to see a stormed one so I thought this was best way to see one myself and to have my own brother be it... ” She said.

“I see... well to be rather honest the only other stormed forms that I've seen was when I faced my own shadow of sorts as well as an earth drony named Clawshot.” I explained.

“I've been made aware of that event if you would like I can change into mine.” She commented with a smirk.

“Honestly... yes. I'm curious myself on what a dracorn's stormed form looks like. As I have said I've seen an earth drony before.” I answered as I watched her body turn a dark forest green as well as her eyes turned reptilian much like a dragon's. Her whites turned an almost lime green as her normal eye color was replaced with a more normal green. Her scales were the same color as the discoloration forest green as her horn and markings had. Just like my hooves, minus the prosthetic of course had claws on hers. But unlike mine hers was much longer, which I couldn't tell because she was much larger, older, or a different gender than me. Her body was much slimmer than mine as I had a bulkier body but she was indeed close to Celestia in body structure. Like me her hind legs also had that little claw on the back of them as for her tail which was much slimmer than mine her tip held not a diamond but a spade closer to spikes but hers was a very fancier style as it curved into the point where spikes curved outward. She sat before me with her tail swishing back and forth much like mine was.

“I take it's to your liking?” She said and I could tell the amused look to her face.

“It's interesting...” I started then pause as I took each feature in more and more to the point I can tell the pattern of her scales. “Sorry just I'm a little in awe here, just to see another one this close that I wasn't learning what a drony was or facing one in combat. It's a natural elegance to it in design.” I said as she smiled and held her left clawed hoof up so I can get a better look at it. I couldn't help but do the same as I expect her's was much larger then mine was but still... this was just too much not to pass up. I watched her gaze quickly turn to my right leg. “Your curious about it aren't you?” I asked.

“Very little was explained about what happened, I hope I'm not prying to much about it.” She said and I watched her scaled ears flatten back.

“Gaia it's alright.” I started as I grabbed my leg and with a jerk disconnected it. “The leg itself is a modified griffon prosthetic which gives me the claws that I use more often than my own magic to hold stuff.” I started then slowly removed the connection plate. “As for the spot itself it's connected through these two brain wave needles in the nerves of the leg. It allows the signal that my brain would tell it to move still to send all the way through and the leg acts like it was a real one. As for the crystals they help strengthen the signal so there's no point of non-operation. As for what caused it...” I had began to reconnect everything. “That was during a bit my darker side had taken control and attacked my best friends and not at the time marefriend with a very vile spell.” I said as I gave a jerk from the pain from reconnecting the leg.

“Necromancy?” She inquired.

“I'm assuming you're familiar with it?” I asked as I gave my leg a few quick motions to see if it still works.

“I'm very aware of it after a few incidents.” She said in a rather cryptic fashion that seemed a little too cryptic.

“Well then, my marefriend used a redirection spell and returned it back at myself which it struck my right foreleg causing it to expand beyond its threshold. It exploded into pieces but it also left the leg unable to be magically regrown. That bit of details is lost on me on how it does that but since then Celestia had this prosthetic done for me. My only guess was so I can have some semblance of a normal life but that seemed rather moot now that I look back on it.” I said as my left leg gently rubbed the prosthetic out of an old habit that I seemed I hadn't broke myself of yet. Gaia remained silent for a while. Her horn lit up as a rather black leather looking book appeared before me.

“I'm aware of such a spell, the reason the leg can't be magically regrown is because the spell makes the body sort of forget that it had a leg to begin with. As most beings bodies has a magical muscle memory of sorts that a regrow spell uses to as a template to help regrow.” She explained.

“So like a save state before the limb is destroyed? So all it does is sort up resets the body back to that point before it?” I questioned.

“From the context I can only assume you would be correct. I'm aware of the working of that spell a little too much.” She said as she brought the book before me. “The one that taught me about it said many things. If I knew what his intentions were at the time I would have done away with such a vile stallion.” That was something the clicked in a very, very bad way.

“Gaia... what was that stallion's name?” I asked and she sighed.

“Grimwand...” was out of her muzzle as I couldn't help but shake. Both in a mixture of both fear and anger.

“How long ago?”

“Over a hundred years ago why?” She asked, that sealed my guesses. Not only did Grimwand survived Celestia's exaction but he also jumped from Equestria to Saddle Arabia.

“Was there another mare with him?” I asked.

“Yes... I believe she was a dark coated pegasus, but I ask again. Why?” I began to link things up. Gaia must have noticed my look as my eyes had begun to rapid fire back and forth. Not only did he jump ship country wise he also brought her with to help. My eyes rested on the floating black leather like book before me. The more I looked at it the more the texture of the cover seemed to be more real leather to me. “Firestorm what's wrong?” She asked.

“Grimwand.” was out of my mouth as my forelegs had started to shake at my growing anger.

“What about that stallion?” She asked and I noticed her mood change even more.

“What happened to him?” I asked and I gave a very pointed stare at her. At that she began to explain that he once again picked up those vile experiments but that wasn't found out until after two strings of murders. The first one to be because of another vile pony this time a mare who seemed to have gone on a killing spree. Much like my nightmares, this mare who I was never told her name would cut up and dismember other ponies. It was only linked back to her as she kept only parts from two kinds of ponies. The horn's from unicorns and the wings from pegasi. It wasn't the ponies fault completely as her mind was devastated from some rather vile spells that turned off parts of her brain. But the second string what what Grimwand was doing for them. Only parts of ponies were found, sometimes just a leg others a head or something else. She saved the more gory details but it was enough to get the point across. At the time Grimwand was her lead detective pony to help find the killer. Which she only agreed as it was his doing that they found the first killer as she may have been crazy from the spells, but she was rather detailed with her clean up. But once again not the point, it wasn't until one of her personal guards who suspected him at the time had gone. As expected it was Grimwand luckily they were able to figure it out in time as he was still rather alive at the time. Granted the guards life was the same the game after three of his legs were removed. He was given at the time up to date prosthesis much like how mine is. Grimwand was tried and convicted of crimes against the state. He was put to death and tossed into a raging sandstorm with no food, water, or even protection. Unlike Equestria, Saddle Arabia takes its convictions a bit more seriously to help deter others from following the steps of other criminals. It wasn't until thirty years later when hints of Grimwand resurfaced as the mysterious ponies had begun to disappear again. That was short lived and stopped.

“That's as far as I know of that stallion. We were able to confiscate much of his personal belongings from his lab under the palace. This here is one of the more important artifacts of his.” She said as the book was rested in my hooves. “I probably shouldn't give you this but I want you to be better informed on how to protect yourself.” She said as I can she her glare burn into the cover. If she could burn it with her thoughts alone, I would expect this book would be beyond ash at this point. I held the book in my hooves as I could feel nothing but a coldness from it's cover.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked as my gaze once again fell on the book.

“Firestorm I know what that magic can do in the wrong hooves and I believe you will be better suited for this knowledge compared to him. There was another pony that I think could benefit from a book like this. But something just told me it wasn't the time in his life for this book.” She once again cryptically stated.

“Who if I may ask?” I questioned.

“It was something pepper, I don't quite remember it's been a rather long time since I last saw him.” She commented. “He did know how to make a great fire roasted chocolate gemstone candy.” I couldn't help but notice the wishful smile on her face at probably a memory long gone by. I let her mind continue to play back the memory as I looked over the book some more. The whole cover was almost a perfect black, I say almost besides the spine of the book. On it had a very simple rune or glyph. It looked much like an S with a diamond in the the top cover and claw or fang that stabbed through the bottom curve. I slowly flipped the book open to the cover. This book was completely unreadable as the whole page was filled with nothing but glyphs. It seems that I would have to translate this book before I could even read it. I sighed quietly and slid the book carefully into a special pocket of my bags right next to my copy of Daring Do and the Codex's Key. I turned back to Gaia to see she had watched me put the book away. “Firestorm I...” was all she could get out as the door behind us as a large stallion popped his head in.

“My Queen, lunch is ready, would you like me to set it up in your private study or the banquet hall?” He asked and I couldn't help but notice his voice sounded much younger than his mature appearance would imply.

“The banquet hall will do fine, please retrieve Miss Do from her room if you would be so kind Dragoon.” She ordered, wait... Dragoon? Said point nodded and slipped his head back out as the door shut with a soft click.

“Dragoon?” I couldn't help but voice the question.

“Yes, he's my personal assistant as he's been with me since my crowning. He's very kind and gentle when he's not performing his duties.” She began and I can tell the light red blush that crossed her scales that she thought more of him. “He's also so efficient.” She commented.

“And when did you two start dating?”

“Since before my crowning, but he was still so... Eep!” She said turning now a nice scarlet red as she looked completely embarrassed that she blurted that out after she caught on that I had tricked her into that information. “I see somepony is getting the hang of being a bratty little brother.” She said with a playful glare.

“What can I say? I'm just that good at my role.” I said with a playful shrug. That was before she picked me up and gave me a rather strong hug.

“Well little brats get dreaded big sister hugs of doom!” She stated as she continued to squeeze the life out of me.

“Ah, let me go.” I said kicking lightly before she dropped me with a thump onto the rather comfy bed. I couldn't help but blow her a raspberry before the two of us just began to laugh.


Lunch was as much as you expected, it was mostly Gaia and myself getting to know each other better. Daring Do joined us and from what I could gather was happy that it wasn't completely on her this time. In a way I could relate because of the whole prince thing but I know in scale that Daring Do was way, way above me in fan ratio. The meal was something rather simple as I had a very large tomato and daisy sandwich. It was interesting who I was rather fine with flowers after it been a month Daisies seem to have a sort of cream flavor to them sort of like white chocolate that just rolled on the taste buds. So we all ate and told stories, it was rather nice hearing some of Daring's adventures straight from the ponies mouth compared to the books counterpart. Her telling of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone was better than the book version. This made me both a little excited and scared at the same time. From what I've seen I had quite a lot of puzzle solving and traps to look forward to. Gaia decided that the two of us could use a guided tour of the capital of Saddle Arabia.

Dragoon joined us and I finally was able to get a better look at his appearance. Compared to Gaia I could tell he was a drony as well. From his rather massive wings which I figured was the main difference between the two of us since he was maybe three times at most bigger than I was. He had an almost misty gray coat that seemed to complement Gaia pure white coat. The scales on his wings were a vibrant blue compared to my red scales. His ash gray mane, tail, and light beard seemed to perfectly match him. The only other color on him besides his blue tipped spear with a red cloth tied by the blade on the brown shaft for his cutie-mark was his just as bright blue eyes. I think this was the first time I ever had met another dragasus. I noted the rather dark blue with gold trim armor that he wore with a spear that almost matched his cutie-mark under his right wing. I couldn't tell if it was attached to his armor or if he held it with his wing alone. I wonder if I could hold something like that under my own wing as they gave a flutter slightly. Gaia eyed me for a moment but didn't break from her tour as we had passed one of the great libraries in Saddle Arabia.

It seems that they value knowledge here just as much as they did in Canterlot. Even one of the palace mages came out to greet us. The old stallion was in a very velvet red robe was kind enough to give me a copy of one of their standard spell books for my connection upon Gaia's request. Part of me was rather happy for spells to study from as I like to keep my repertoire of spells growing. I mean I have a marefriend who I personally think had the fourth largest spell list known in Equestria. Just under both celestial princesses and StarSwirl the Bearded himself. I mean he was the creator of over a hundred spells by himself. So I figured he has a very impressive overall list and I still needed to inflate my spell list quite a bit. We were taken around to see where Gaia's guards train and prepare. It seems that the guards here had their own arena for fighting as we happened to come in the middle of two in the midst of combat. Which was massively impressive as the unicorn mare held up at least ten swords before her while the pegasus was there with twin spears. The mare kept a few swords close by to prevent any close range combat. But the pegasus didn't let up as his armor was equipped with a rather impressive device.

As Gaia had explained to me that some of the pegasi armors had a mouth bit that allowed them to either throw spears while in flight or just thrust them forward almost a full length before pulling back into place. The spears were easy to place back in mid-flight if needed. It wasn't the only equipment that could be attached to the armor as some of the earth ponies would have ballista attached. Just the thought of an earth pony with an anti seige weapon on it's back just screamed cool to me. But in all of that information it made sense as I didn't think ponies could handle spears and such in mid-flight or movement. I knew of my own armor that held an attachment slot for my sword but the more I thought about it. I could see me toting around some sort of battle saddle with some rather impressive firepower that I didn't even think they would have here in Equestria or Saddle Arabia. The more my mind went down this route the more it kind of scared me if that was possible to have here. Of course this got my mind reeling down a different avenue of thought for disabling weaponry, closer to tasers, or net launchers. I knew that a lot of Equestria's technology was rather lopsided on how things are done.

I was so distracted with my jumbled thoughts that I almost missed the pegasus turning the tables on the unicorn. His left spear shot down knocking her close range swords out of the way just enough that his downward speed allowed him to get up close and tight to place the tip of the spear right to the mare's throat. I was rather speechless at this as I noticed the stallion had two blades right at the back of his neck as well, leaving this as a stalemate. The three of them stomped their hooves on the ground, I followed shortly after as I began to raise mine to clap. I noticed how they did it and felt a little out of place if I did my normal clapping so I figured I may try it, a little odd for me but doable. I would have to hand it to my half-sister that her guards were well trained. I wouldn't know how well they would do to Celestia and Luna's guards, but hey a pony can wonder, right?

Our tour continued from there after the guards were relieved of duty for the evening. Once again Daring Do and I found ourselves in the main bazaar. Which this time I got to do a bit more shopping. I found the book stall again and purchased a few more books for my private collection. Mainly some Saddle Arabia mythology and lore books, a few more spells, and finally a history book of the area. I was also able to pick up a few things for those back home. I got Rarity a few pallets of fine silk as well as a rather ornate necklace. For Dash I got her a hoof-crafted Wonder Bolt figurine set, which if I didn't watch him put on the mane and tails myself I would have sworn the earth pony was conduction magic of his own. These things were beyond well crafted, it was masterfully crafted. For Pinkie I was at a toss up until I decided on Arabian party themed book with pictures, I wasn't saying Pinkie couldn't read but I knew from earth some people was able to understand visibly compared to texturally. Twilight was the easiest of them, a simple full set of Saddle Arabian literature and she was set. Of course this would mean I wouldn't be able to get her nose out of the eight book set for a week, but that's the trade off for making her happy.

Now for the timid yellow pegasus, I couldn't help but get her some animal supplies as well as a few exotic animal training tip books with animal calls. Applejack was and honestly I was stumped. Nothing here really jumped out at me for her. Of course the high duty horseshoes would work but I was a little afraid of coming around and getting nailed with them. Once was an accident, twice was karma, a third time would kill me... sort of. I finally rested on a western style vest. There wasn't much opinions for me here, that was until I found some music crystal sellers and I was sold. I got myself a few Arabian pieces as well as a few for Applejack. I picked up a few other things but after that Gaia took Daring and I back to the palace as dinner was close at hoof. I stashed my items back in my room for the time being. Gaia said she would make sure nothing would happen to them while I was at the pyramids.

Dinner was huge and I stress huge, as it wasn't just Gaia, Daring and I. In Saddle Arabia a lot of the guards have dinner with the guests as well as the Queen, even some of the other staff too. Now this was something I enjoyed as I heard battle stories like a fight against a sand serpent which I never wanted to see in my life... or second life. From what I heard this thing was massive like could wrap around the capital of Saddle Arabia twice. It was known to stay in the desert area as it like it there most of all. It also buries itself underground to travel and to hunt it's prey. Another guard and I was pretty wrapped up in the tail while a few of the others were calling him out on his story. I doubted there was a serpent that big, of course this place did like to prove me wrong, I just hoped this wasn't one of those times. Nonetheless it was a great time, Daring retreated to my room with myself so we could go over the plan as it were. Which all boiled down to, I needed to keep my muzzle shut and follow her lead. Short, simple, sweet, to the point, and very insulting to me. I, in this case only nodded for two reasons. One because she was the veteran adventurer and I was new to this, and two a wise pony once said shut the fuck up idiot.

With that done Daring retreated to her room and would return when she was ready to leave. As for me I had a full night of no sleep ahead of me since I crashed on the ship before getting here. I decided to glance at the little leather book for a few moments. My curiosity was a going to get my killed at some point. Because no pony in their right mind would look into the black leather bound book that a stallion used to study necromancy for vile things while they are still relatively new to magic. It's like giving a kid a codex of infinite wisdom and he uses it to find an Armageddon spell to doom. So yeah I was an idiot, a curious idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. Lucky for me whatever universal force that was out there thought it was wise to code this thing in what was probably a dead language. If that was the case then the irony would not be lost on me. The only thing I could gleam from this book was on the back covered a large “XIII”. It was done in the same golden style as the glyph on the spine of the book. Something was shooting off warnings in the back of my head but my guess they only shot blanks because that's what I was drawing at this point. With a sigh I slid the book back into my saddlebags that I was going to take with on my adventure. I decided to lay down and read a little before Daring came to get me up. Throughout the night I just laid there, reading a few books I purchased in the bazaar, but every so often I would glance at the book that was slightly sticking out of my saddlebags. Just something bothered me about it and it was beyond this book held necromancy spells. Just an eerie presence to the book itself. Part of me wanted to try and decode it to understand its secrets, but the better and stronger part of me wanted nothing to do with that book beyond keep it away from Grimwand and other bad ponies.


The following day was brighter than what I expected, course the day before when we arrived in Saddle Arabia it was overcast so it was a little shaded then now. Shortly after Daring woke up and to get my up as I had been up all throughout the night fighting the urge to crack the secrets of the black book. I found out two very important things. One that book does not leave ponies alone. After a little too much to drink and nature deciding to give me a nine one one call for the restroom. I found the book sitting right on the sink for me. Daring came to wake me up not knowing I was up all night reading. So we got ourselves ready to go which consisted of me being the pack mule for this excursion. At this point we currently stood at the outer gate towards the pyramids and the desert.

“I take it you're leaving early?” Gaia said behind us as we jumped. Holy hell she can sneak up on ponies.

“Yes your highness, we need to get going before it gets too late. We have a few days travel to even get close to our destination.” Daring said as she fixed her cloak. From what I gathered she wore it more to keep sand out of her face as well as shade herself. I had a similar one myself but mine was more a scarf then cloak. Gaia nodded and came over to me, she gently placed a hoof on my forehead before she gently messed with my mane.

“Be careful Firestorm.” She said and I looked up at her after she stopped. I couldn't help but smile lightly as I stepped closer and gave her a hug. She brought me up to hold me close. had begun to notice that since coming to Equestria I've been rather affectionate with family and friends. Granted most of it’s been with Twilight, Celestia, and Luna. Of course that's not counting the one time as a mare with Pinkie.

Gaia let me go and we bid ourselves goodbye. Which gave me time to think as I remained silence as we agreed on. The desert itself wasn't anything special as it was just the golden sand below us and the slightly cloudy sky above. If memory serves me right that the desert here was much like the Everfree when it comes to being dangerous and unknown. From what I saw... well to be rather honest unimpressive. Just looked like a rather normal desert much like the ones from earth.

“You should remember from the Everfree, looks can be deserving.” Shadow said.

“That seems to be the tagline for everywhere here.” I muttered under my breath.

“Yeah but the same goes for you princey.”

“Don't call me that.” I grumbled.

“Oh come on, it's a funny nickname.”

“But you know as well as I, I'm no prince.” I let out a snort of annoyance after I said that.

“Who in Celestia's name are you talking to?” Daring said after she whipped around and stared me down.

“I... um...” I said stepping back slowly.

“Well?” She asked.

“Remember when I told you about Shadow Storm?” I said.

“Yeah and that you defeated him and he's no more.” She said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Well... no I said he wasn't around to hurt anypony. He's still here though.” I said as I pointed to my own head.

“Wait... he's in your head?” She asked.

“Yeah, we can converse with each other. He's just currently using your nickname for me.” I answered.

“Oh you know you love it.” He smugly said. Daring stared at me quietly before she turned away and continued towards our path to the pyramid. I could only hear the beginnings of some muttering about crazy ponies. I figured she must think I was crazy at this point, especially when you say you have a voice in your head you’re talk to. For the next few hours we just continued to traverse the desert. Daring Do wouldn't say a word to me after a few times trying to get her attention. I didn't know what I said or did to make her want to ignore me, but I can only guess it was a good one. Once night fell Daring pulled out a tent and began to get to work on setting it up. It was much like the old Arabian tents you see in those old films. The large tan canvas tent sat on the top of the sand dune with a set of sticks in front of it surrounded by rocks. As much as I wouldn't mind setting up a tent to sleep I wasn't sleepy. I suppose it's and catch twenty two since I can't always sleep but I can stay up as well. In this case I preferred to stay up after that horror story about the serpent in the sands. Daring came out with what looked like a flint and steel.

“Darn it.” She said as she fought with it. I simply watched her until she got a little too annoyed and threw them out into the desert. I swept them back up in my bag and lit the fire for her with a small puff of flames. “Why didn't you do that to begin with?” She snapped at me.

“Well... you told me to stay out of your way.” I answered. She was the experienced adventurer here and I was, as she put it, a simple prince. She gave annoyed huff before she stepped into her tent and pulled out a cooking pot.

“Here start peeling these.” She said as she tossed me a medium sized sack of potatoes. I didn't question it as I got to work using my claws to peel. These things were rather useful when it comes to things like that plus I didn't want to try and magically peel these. I watched Daring start to pour in some water and seasonings into the pot after it had came to a boil. She started to pull out little white cubes that I could swear was tofu or at least the Equestrian equivalent to it, as well as some carrots and celery. Once I was done with the spuds I began to cube them as Daring grabbed a few to do some. I was guessing I was taking to long for her. Once all the ingredients go into the pot she began to slowly stir them. What she was cooking looked strangely like beef stew, which I knew was impossible. Pony bodies can’t take beef or meat as their digestive tracks can't handle it properly without giving them a fit. My guess was that it was tofu in place of the meat so it would fit better. “Here.” She stated as she poured some of the soup into a bowl before she mouthed it over to me.

“Thank you.” I answered then I quietly ate, Daring poured herself a bowl after she removed the pot from the fire. Once again we ate in silence as we didn't converse for the rest of the night. Daring after roughly cleaning the bowl and stored the rest of the meal in a container. She retreated to her tent as I was left there in the night's sky as the fire continued to burn into the night. I let out a sigh at Luna's night sky and wondered what everypony was doing back in Canterlot and more importantly Ponyville. I figured both my adopted aunts was dealing with royal business with their respective courts. Much to how some ponies can be; The courts weren't bad per say, just... odd in some cases.

My thoughts were slightly disrupted when I heard the light snoring coming from Daring's tent. My gaze turned to the still burning fire before me as I went back to thinking about everypony. Twilight would most likely be reading at this time or maybe studying about something, either from the book she kept under her bed or maybe going over one of the few that I brought from earth. Pinkie would probably be bouncing off the walls planning some kind of party after the season. Fluttershy was probably taking care of her nocturnal animal friends before turning in herself. Applejack is probably out cold getting enough sleep to pick up farm work in the morning since Big Mac is out of town. Rarity was either working on a new dress design or getting some beauty sleep. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle at that thought. Dash would be the only one I couldn't guess.

“Oh come on Twi you know you want another one.” I heard the drunken slurs of somepony I would never expect to hear around here. I turned around to see if somepony just suddenly popped into existence around us, even going as far as to peek into Daring's tent to see her sprawled out snoring like a horse. “Relax, no pony is going to think less of you if you drink. I mean come on Applejack brought the good stuff.” The voice of Dash said.

I couldn't help but pass the thought “Go home Rainbow, you're drunk.”

“Hey Twi how did you make yourself sound like Storm there?” Dash said and I blinked for a moment. What the fuck just happened there? “No I swear she just sounded like Firestorm for a moment.” Dash continued to say getting both confused and annoyed.

“Dash?” I thought back testing it out much like the telepathic communications I had used with the princesses before.

“There it's again, you've got to tell me somepony heard that.” Dash said and I could tell she was getting rather aggravated.

“Dash, they can't hear me.” I explained. “Don't ask how since I just found out.”

“Whoa... that's cool.” She said like she sobered up a bit. The more I thought about this, the more this felt like I just gave Rainbow Dash a call on a phone.

“Yeah... cool, how is everypony there?” I couldn't help but ask.

“They’re cool, Flutters been dealing with her animals, Rarity with her dresses, Applejack with her farm, Pinkie being Pinkie, and Twi....” She paused after that last one.

“What about Twilight?” I asked over the link in a tone.

“Do you want to truth?” She asked and the level her slurred words dropped and now sounded completely sober.

“No, lie to me.” I began to get out in a bite of sarcasm.

“Oh alright, she's perfectly fine.” She answered before I could finish my full sarcastic line.

“Okay now the truth Dash.” I said with a more stern tone.

“She chomping at the bit for your return, among other things.” She answered.

“Among other things?” I couldn't help my curiosity.

“You know what I mean, Hot Stuff.” she said in a bit of a saucy tone, I couldn't help but turn bright red.

“Dash!” I yelled over the link.

“Geez, how the buck do you two do that at the same time?” She asked in a verbal wince.

“Because you asked for it. But besides that, Twilight's fine?” I asked one last time.

“On edge with the season but yeah.” She answered, I couldn't help but sigh with relief. The rest of the night until Dash went to bed was the literally playing telephone with the Dash, Applejack, and Twilight who was the one that wanted to talk to me the most. I couldn't blame her because I really wanted to talk to her too. Sadly that my telepathic talk was with Dash only. I was told Twilight was going to figure out what caused this. I couldn't help but smile as I at least gave Twilight something to do after I was told she had been trying to get her mind off of other things with little to no success. The long distance magical call dropped as soon as Dash fell asleep, leaving me alone once again with a sleeping Daring Do in the tent. I didn't have the heart to tell Dash who I was with at the time, It was like waving a sandwich in front of a starving child or well... maybe not that mean but gloating that I was hanging with a famous pony. Now that I thought about it don't I normally hang out with one anyway? I mean the girls are all famous one way or another, as well as both princesses.

“I may be overthinking this a bit.” I said to myself as I went back to staring at the dying embers of the fire. I tossed one of the logs on the fire and gave it a boost to help warm up the cold desert air. It was then an idea sparked in my head. With a devious grin to my face I set my idea into action.


The hot dry air of the desert blasted past as I made a full gallop towards the Saddleline Pyramids. After some glass work with the sand, some jury rigging, and some outright stubbornness on my part. We cut down the travel time to a third. Daring Do held onto the bars of the sled that I made last night as she rode the way there. Lucky for the both of us that I knew the strength and speed enhancements. With the two spells in effect. I dragged the sled through the desert with the speed of a windsurfer from earth.

“Geez I still can't believe you thought of this.” Daring said as she tried to desperately hold on to her hat.

“You know what they say, ingenuity is the mother of inventions.” I said as I continued to pull the sled over a large sand dune. “Honestly I'm surprised how refine the sand was to allow me to do it.”

“Saddle Arabia is where most glass blowers get their materials from, the ambient magics keep the sands pure.” She explained as we were making our way to an oasis just up ahead.

“I may have to take some home with me.” I said as I began to slow down and dispelled the speed enchantment once we were a few feet away. I slowly walked up to the water to get a nice healthy drinks. Daring with a flap of her wings beat me to the lake with a few canteens. I greedily drank from the pool of water letting the refreshing water sooth down my throat.

“So where did you learn those tricks anyway?” Daring asked.

“From another universe.” I answered between drinks.

“Wait was that the whole Max thing you explained on the ship?” She asked as I got my fill.

“Yeah, the enchantment was from a spell book in Twilight's library in that universe. I couldn't use my normal set of spells since most of them are elemental based and humans can't handle that kind of energy.” I answered before I dunked my head in just for the cooling sensation.

“Humans?” She asked.

“It's a long story, think mostly hairless apes. The only hair they have is on their heads like a ponies mane. They also walk upright close to a minotaur. That's a rough description but it's enough to get the idea of it.” I gave my head a shake to get the excise water off.

“Ah, It's rather fascinating really.” She explained and I figured it was the scholar in her that was enjoying this information, much like Twilight would.

“By the way, not to detour the subject. Do you have any idea how much further away the pyramids are from here?” I asked as I set myself back up into the harness I crafted.

“Normally it would be a half a day's travel but most likely an hour away at the pace we got here. From there we would need to enter and make our way to the holding chamber.” She explained.

“Sounds easy in concept.” I said as I started to cast the enchantments again. I watched the runes magically appear on my hooves before they faded away leaving the slight tingle that the spells left on my hooves once done.

“There's probably death traps between us and the chambers.” She commented after she got back on the sled with full canteens.

“Wouldn't be a Daring Do adventure without one of those right?” I said in a sarcastic tone.

“Of course, then where would the fun been if there wasn't some trap of a deadly nature preventing somepony else getting to it before us?” She asked with a cocky grin that started to bug me more because it was the same level of cockiness that Rainbow Dash produced.

“Lovely...” I said as I trotted in place for a few moments. “Hold onto your hat.” I said before I took off at high speed towards the pyramids. Just like Daring had guessed we got there within the hour.

Just like the Egyptian Pyramids, the Saddleline Pyramids were large and very grand in scale. There was only two because of the two long living rulers. One a king and the other a Queen, from what I read the two had used a tonic or elixir of some sort to prolong their life. The last departed Queen lost her life in a war, which was the point Gaia took over because the war itself ended in a stalemate. It was a little sad to see that even here war was possible but as it's been said, nothing is perfect. The Pyramid we needed to enter was the late king's resting place. We got to the main entry of the pyramid to find that the door itself was opened quite... violently. There were scorch marks from where somepony or something had blown the doors wide open. The bits of smoking rubble told us that it was fairly recent too. Daring motioned for me to be silent before we entered. The inside was made of a the same tan sandstone rock that the rest of the place was built with. With a flick of her wing Daring knocked one of the torches that was in a sconce right off the wall as she reached into her saddlebags for something. Before she could pull out matches I took the torch and gave it a puff of ruby red fire. Daring stared at it a moment before she eyed me.

“How did you do that?” She asked in a whisper.

“I can breathe fire at will, I thought you would be informed of my abilities.” I commented back in the same leveled whisper.

“Like I said on the ship, not much beyond the whole hybrid pony bit and what you told me afterwards.” She said before she motioned with her wing to follow. We traveled a few empty corridors of the maze like pyramid. The sandstone yellow stones with many different pony Egyptian-like hieroglyphs filled most of the walls. The floor itself was just a patchwork set of stones of different sizes. Nothing distinguished one block from another. I floated the torch that glowed with a ruby flame that flicked against the wall. There was deception of a silver unicorn stallion with a black mane and tail. From the series of images it told of some major conflict between ponies and what looked like an eight headed cobra, as well as an army of snakes. The next one showed the stallion in the midst of combat, which was followed another one but this one showed that he was on the losing side of the fight. The multiple headed cobra was wrapped around the stallion lifting him up towards their heads. The story continued showing moment after moment of the combat. My view of the story was cut short as everything flew out of my view, I had triggered a pit trap. Lucky I found myself in a simple one with no spike. Didn't help my belly much as I landed hard on the sandstone floor.

“Ow...” I groaned.

“I told you to watch your step!” Daring yelled from the top of the hole that looked a good two floors above me. Luck for me that I had my wings because trying to climb this or blink up there would be a pain. Once I found myself back on the same level as Daring we continued on our track through the corridor, this time I kept an eye out for more traps instead of drifting off to decipher the story from the wall. Something started to eat at me as each hall we took continued on and on.

“Hey Daring Do?” I had whispered.

“Yeah?” She replied back in the same leveled whisper.

“Are you getting the same feeling as I do?”

“You mean that this seems a little too easy?” She asked as she stopped, I was able to stop myself before I bumped into her.

“That too, but no, I'm talking about how we haven't seen another living soul, and we both know that explosion happened maybe twenty minutes at the most before we arrived.” I said.

“You're not the only one that noticed that, something is not adding up and I don't like it.” She said in her normal voice. That was when things went south, two walls slammed down in front and behind, trapping us in. Then the southern wall fell back and the northern wall shoved us into the newly opened pit. Luckily the two of us had wings so we hovered over the pit to notice that at the bottom of it was several long glinting pikes that would have perforated any pony who fell in. We returned to the hallway as the wall slid back and the other one returned to its upright position.

After what another few minutes both Daring and I found ourselves in a rather large room with the stone slab coming down blocking our exit, much like the two before that rose from our entry to the hall. The room before us was close to the size of the Canterlot dining room with the floor in an indented grid pattern. Spread out through the grid on the intersecting line was a pedestal that had a curved mirror set on a forty-five degree angle. In the center of the room was a large stone form, the base of it was a large square slab about a foot or so high. On top of the had a darker sandstone cylinder that had four poles that came from the four points to hold up a round cone like topper a few feet above the three foot stone cylinder. In the middle of the stone was a square hole. Daring and I got closer to it and flew up to see that this was an elaborate designed unlit torch.

“Well this is odd.” I commented looking into it. Then I noticed the increasingly odd scripture around the top. I couldn't read it or at least not from this angle so I hopped in to see if I can get a better look at it. But to my dismay I still couldn't make it out any better than before. This could have been a recipe for some Saddle Arabian soup or the clue to longevity as far as I knew.

“This looks like an offshoot of Ponrabian sand script.” Daring said as she hopped in after me, she dug into her saddlebags to pull out a notebook and pencil. “Give me a few moments to try and decipher this.” Taking that as my cue to get out of the way I hopped out so I could look at the room a bit more. I noticed around the room that there was engraved plates with some weird symbol on them. At the bottom of each one was the same scribbled script as in the torch plate. I counted roughly twenty plates set into the walls, on the two walls that had the doors I could see four plates on each as the other walls had six plates each. I flew over to one of the plates to take a better look at them. The one I stood before had two parallel lines going vertical that curved towards the top with a line that curves towards the bottom of the line that connects the two. There was also a half circle that floated above it keeping the curve pointed away from the base. There was something that was jumping out at me about it all. On one of the plates I saw the same symbol on the black book in my saddlebags. The curved S like part with circle and slash to it just sat there pressed into the plate, just like the other plates had the same offshoot of Ponrabian script under it. “I face my path that I must travel with a naivety of a risk-taker, While on my right hoof I hold out for my spire of upheaval. All that left me was the cycles of turning destiny, while I travel from the manipulate of resourcefulness actions.” Daring stated which caused me to turn back to her.

“What?” I asked as I flew back over to her.

“It's what's written here.” She said scratching her chin.

“It sounds like a failed try at a riddle.”

“Very true but it's interesting, but what does it mean?” She asked before she went over to one of the plates, which just so happened to be the same one as the black book I own. “From the look of it these are involved but how?” She asked, during that time I looked at the torch that held the really bad riddle. The square indentations were in four different directions. Not really thinking I gave the torch a light, course that triggered something. “What in Celestia's name did you do?”

“I just lit the torch, I swear that's it.” I answered as the whole room shook, which caused me to lose my footing and fell on my back with a thud. When the shake had subsided I noticed that there was a beam of light coming from one side of the torch. That was only for a minute before a second quake before the first beam of light disappeared and a second shot out. When I could finally get back to my hooves I couldn't help but notice that light was different then the first earthquake. “Hmm...” I said out loud, well more kind of hummed it really, it still did it's job getting Daring's attention.

“What is it?” She asked flying over.

“Did you notice what I did?” I asked.

“You mean that the first beam of light disappeared and there's a second one in a different location?” She asked.

“Okay so you did notice. It looked like it struck the door before changing.” I said going over to it. Unlike the plates the door itself had a symbol but it was unrecognizable since it was worn away with time. A lot of the plates were just like that as well, save for the small script underneath that was untouched. “Hey Daring what does the script on the door say?” I asked, much to her annoyance and my own self worry. Daring went over and after a minute or two, hard to tell time when you're inside a stone pyramid.

“The Foolish Spirit.” She answered, something about that bugged me much like the one before. The more I thought about it the more it was eating at me how familiar it was. I had asked her to check out a few other ones including the same one that was on the book which turned out to be “Unable to end without resistance to change.” There was something... fuck, once is consequence, twice is conspiracy, and three times someone is jacking with you. If you counted the space between the symbol from the book and the foolish door to the right like a clock, twelve plates stood between them. Fuck this room was set up for it too. Daring was looking at another plate when I went over to the pedestal. From the look at them they wouldn't require much effort to push them. Hell it seemed like I could do it if I just reared up and pressed it with my forelegs, like I did. The stone scraped across the ground which got Daring's notice. “What are you doing?” She asked coming over as I went to move the second pedestal into place.

“I think I figured this out, but I want to make sure I'm right first.” I said after the second one was in place. Lucky for me the third stone was only a square off. Once I had the light bouncing off four plates hitting one of the plates to the left, this was followed by the room shaking once again. “I was right!” I said probably louder than I needed to.

“Care to fill me in?” She asked hovering in the air.

“Sure, let's say the door forward is the fool, to the right would be the magician and it's left the world.” I commented.

“Wait... I face my path that I must travel with a naivety of a risk-taker.” She said.

“Correct, if the fool's card is upside down. Two of its meanings are naivety and risk-taking.” I said.

“If that's the case then, while on my right hoof I hold out for my spire of upheaval. The refers to the tower card in major arcana.” She said.

“Right on the nose Daring.” I said.

“Then that would mean that the line, all that left me was the cycles of turning destiny. That would refer to the wheel of fortune.” She said looking around while I did the same. “Which just leaves the line, while I travel from the manipulate of resourcefulness actions.” She had began to move the shifting mirrored pedestals.

“Manipulate of resourcefulness actions... Wait, I know that card. That's the Magician card.” I said as I began to shift the remaining mirrors into place. Once we got everything ready, Daring shifted the last mirror into place which like the two time previous shook quite violently. But once we were done the door ahead closed, but... the door behind us was still shut. From all my time playing games, of the adventure genre that both doors normally open upon solving the puzzle. But the exit was still shut, I did not like this. Since forward was our only choice, we took it. As before the walls had some kind of story on it, what it was I couldn't tell. That was until one very important thing showed up. It was around display on one wall with twenty two smaller circles within it. Two things jumped out, one was the same symbol as the book in my saddlebags. The second was the kanji in the center of the circle, and I knew what it meant, it was the kanji for 'darkness'.

Right to the left of it was a simple roman numeral for one, which broke this down to darkness one or simpler still 'Dark one'.

“What the buck are you doing?” She asked coming back after she must have noticed I stopped following for a few minutes.

“Sorry I need a copy of this.” I said once I got my wits together. I dug through my saddlebags not giving a crap what I dug out, until I found my new sketchbook pervaded by the Luna herself. I quickly began to sketch all twenty two symbols was in the separate circles as well as the kanji and number next to it. “Huh... what's this?” I heard to the right of me. I turned in time to notice a blue spark snap Daring in the muzzle as she tried to pick it up. “Ow!” She proclaim.

“Daring you alright?” I said as I wrapped the book in my magic with everything else.

“Yeah but that hurt, what in Celestia's name was that?” She asked as she rubbed her muzzle.

“I don't know, and I don't like it.”I said as I kept that book the furthest I could while it was on me. This was the first time I saw it interact like that to anypony. Either Gaia or myself had this reaction, the more I thought about it I also remember that Gaia interacted with it in her magic and not with her hooves. I was going to have this to the growing list of shit I needed to figure out in the near future. Once everything was repacked with my sketchbook with the newly obtained piece of information. “We should probably get going, there's no telling how far ahead they are.” I said as I slid my wings back into my hoodie. Daring nodded at this before we continued down the very blank hall ahead of us. Unlike the ones before the deception of the major arcana. The walls were blank and the floor itself was different. Before that point it was a very patch work. From that point on the floor was large slabs of sandstone. This continued for a while, never changing as we went up steady inclines and down the same. But after what felt like forever we found ourselves in another room. You know for a pyramid this thing feels like it bends space the more we go into it. I gave an annoyed huff as I blew up the hanging piece of my mane as we entered. The room itself was odd, all around the floor was small round indents a few inches wider in diameter then a pony's hoof. They were laid out in a grid like pattern throughout the floor with an extra one within each box. That completely covered the floor all but a wide border that rounded the edges and one path that lead into the center of the room. In the center eight indentations where off colored with a darker shade. Twenty-nine statues surrounded us in the room, each with an indention of ponies in different poses. Under them was two roman numerals separated by a diagonal line.

“Interesting.” Daring stated as she made to step more into the room and onto one of the circles on the floor. It pressed in with a rather loud click before Daring and I jumped as four waves of arrows flew from each directions behind the statues. All but the one over what looked like the door. The both of us took deep breaths as Daring and I were against the wall like the old cartoons that I grew up with. Once we removed ourselves and was able to understand the true point of the room. One wrong step and we get the puzzles point. I looked at the arrows themselves and saw them made of a black material. I plucked a few of them and stored them in my bags for later. “It- wait, those statues look familiar.” Daring said as she took to her wings to get a better look at the statues. I reached out with my magic to get a feel of what was going on under it. But all I could feel was this odd emptiness, almost like it was nothing but air. Wait... I know this. Right from my week learning this, Twilight explained that some materials were unable to be sensed through, like how I could find a gem through stone. Here I couldn't sense anything because it was made of a magic resistant substance. Much like the suppressant rings, it would null most magics. So I couldn't tell what the fuck is going on under it.

“Shit.” I said under my breath as I tried to get a better idea. The statues all looked with a determination that began to click with me. In their eyes was another set of numbers. I looked at each one of them closely before I looked over to the darken spots on the floor. I went over to them using the clear path. On one set of four was the roman numeral one and the other the two. Then I slowly stepped towards the number one spot.

“What are you doing?!” Daring yelled at me in surprise.

“Following my gut.” I said as I slipped into the first set as the click was heard again. Daring ducked down to avoid at the oncoming arrows... but none came. I looked at the spot before things started to make sense. “Daring come over here and take the second set.” I said as I looked at the statues that I could see. Daring flew over and slowly landed before me upon the remaining spot. The second click echoed before a tune began to play. It was inaudible at first before it grew in volume to fill the room like a... that was it wasn't it?

“A ballroom, this place is an elaborate ballroom.” Daring said before she slowly moved three of her hooves in adjacent spots as they clicked as well with no arrows. This whole thing was just a dance, the puzzle master wanted to dance. Who ever he was, the maker was one clever bastard. I followed the second pose in the statue was the first one matched my current one. I moved one hoof onto the next spot while I kept one in the air to match the statue. Daring and I stared at each other before a devilish grin. And so we dance Daring and I as the music continued to play. We followed the fourteen steps over and over again. This continued as we stepped in time with the music. Press by press and step by step, we continued to dance until the music stopped. We found ourselves out of breath but grinning like hell as we stared at each other at the exit. The door slowly began to rise with the sound of grinding stone. We began to laugh as we stepped off the dance floor as they say. We slowly made our way into the next room. Before long we found ourselves in a long hall like room with a pedestal with a glowing light striking it. On the pedestal was a rolled up cloth that looked very familiar. So familiar that it was drawing me towards it, Daring had to bite my tail to pull me back into reality. I looked down to see holes before spears came out almost striking me. I began to breath deeply as I almost became a Prince-ka-bob. That fear quickly turned to anger as I shifted onto my forelegs and spun to buck the spears into pieces.

I couldn't stop breathing hard, something just wouldn't let me calm down. But I was able to take the room in fully. Throughout the walls floor and even ceiling of this hall were holes of various sizes and shapes. I wrapped the spear in my magic and fired it at the base of the pillar as more spikes fired out of the ground further up, that was followed by four large swinging blades across the path and embed themselves into the wall across from their entryway. Just as darts, spikes, and even the sudden pit of lava appeared until the spear clanged against the pedestal.

“Does everything need to be a death trap here?” I asked as I started to make my way through the already sprung traps. The spikes and spears were easy to deal with as well as jumping onto the flat bits of the axes to cross. The lava, I simply jumped over while Daring flew over. We both slowly made our way up the small set of steps up to the pedestal to see the bright red rolled up cape with a golden clasp embedded with a bright pink gem in it. Daring waved a hoof over it as I tried to sense anything within the pedestal, like the room before. I could sense the emptiness, so they really like their secrets. Daring and I looked at each other as I carefully wrapped the cape with my magic, the light orange flaming aura around it hold it gently in place. “I say ten to one as soon as this is lifted up, a trap is going to trigger and we will need to run the hell out of here.” I said.

“Par for the course Firestorm.” She said looking at me as she got herself ready. I slowly lifted up the cape in my magic as nothing seemed off... yet. Taking my time I slowly brought it off the pedestal and out of the light before I quickly placed it into my saddlebags. Of course I didn't expect the floor to drop under us into a long tubed tunnel. The two of us began to slide down it with me ahead of Daring. It twisted and turned until we reached what looked like a drop into something rather red and orange glowing room. I quickly stabbed my clawed prosthetic hoof into the ground, it dug in and began to slow me down just enough to stop me at the edge. Daring flew off the edge after me with my rapid slowing down she shot past me. I didn't have enough time to react to grab her in my magic. Of course when she flew up into my view from the tunnel exit, I remember she had wings. “Are you coming?” She asked as she crossed her forelegs before she flew out of my view. I slowly released myself from the ground to see that it was a glow of lamps surrounding what looked like a white pool of something. I couldn't tell what it was but to be safe I unhooked my saddlebags and dropped floated them next to Daring. From there I jumped down into the pool to only find myself bounced right back up. This thing was like a gel trampoline. After a few bounces it was low enough for me to bounce off it and to Daring. “You done?” I nodded as we made our way out of what seemed like the only other path. Much like the hallway before this one was bare of anything but segmented areas. We traveled this path for sometime, and as we continued a thought began to cross my mind. I thought back to the previous rooms. The first one was a mirror puzzle geared two the major arcana, while the second one was to a dance set, and finally was the last room close to an Indiana Jones style last stretch. From there was the drop into a safe bounce like room, which didn't fit with everything so far. Besides the first room everything was geared to kill the ones that entered it. But the last one after passing just... felt too...

Wham, something collided with my head before my world went back. Several hours felt like they passed as everything came back to my conscious but aching mind.

“Did anypony get the number for that truck that hit me?” I asked as I tried to rub my head, only to find that my hooves and I do mean all of them were cuffed to a large stone slab. My saddlebags were gone, as well as Daring's. It had seemed that somepony had the both of us restrained.

“Ah I have you where I want you Daring Do.” said someone trying to do a suave voice then decided to take that and guff the hell out of it. I turned to look own such a voice only to come face to face with something. It looked like someone crossed a monkey and a dog, then dye the damn thing blue. I mean he had the back paws of a dog as well as the face of one and a large overbite. He had the hands and tail of a monkey but even his tail had a hand with them all being a lighter blue, his tail and a ring around it. Around the upper arms was two bands of color, a solid red ban with a golden yellow thicker one under it that came to a few peaks. Around his neck was a golden necklace that had an Aztec style to it. In each of his large pointed ears was a golden ball earring with a piece of red fabric just flapping under it. In his tails hand was the cape that we came to get.

“Ahuizotl, what are you doing here?” Daring growled, I turned back to watch the newly revealed Ahuizotl grin.

“Oh Daring Do, I'm here to get this little artifact of you. Just so happens that you manage to get to it before us. So you saved us the trouble, and I get to take you out as a present to myself.” He said before flicking a switch and ducked out, laughing with that really bad villain laugh you expect from an old b movie bad guy. I looked around to see the room a bit better in details to see that Daring and I were in a large empty room with the only thing of note is the sand that was slowly filling the room as well as the slowly lowering ceiling. For trap room that I've read in Daring's stories this was rather on the lacking side. Hey any unicorn could get out of here so I don't see the big problem here. I tried to focus and noticed the odd but familiar sensation on my horn.

“Daring is there a suppression ring on my horn?” I asked looking over at her who was already looking around probably figuring her way out of it. She snapped her gaze to me upon my asking and nodded.

“Yeah.” She asked before she grinned at something behind me. My confusion decided to raise as it was a blank wall behind me. I turned back and watched as she flipped her adventurer style hat off her head, right into her hoof before biting it. To add to the outright what the hell that Equestria likes to toss at me at time. First few being the whole dragon in my head, a lot of mythology being real, and the biggest of them all Pinkie Pie. Watching Daring Do pull her hat with her teeth and watch it stretch like a rubber band, before she releasing it. All just for it to fly off her hoof and four ricochet shot off the wall behind me, off the ceiling, off the top of the slab we are on and finally knocking the lever right the fuck back up stopping the sand. The worse part is that part of me just wants to call bullshit on that kind of shot. But I can't, I honestly can't call it when I just saw it in person or pony or whatever. “Okay one problem down now... how to get out of these bindings.” Daring said.

“Don't worry about that one I got this.” I said as I began to focus more magic into my horn. Not on a spell per-say. But I remembered on Celestia's explanation to me about the magic suppression rings and an alicorn's magic. Daring watched as I could hear the ring itself crack. Since all I was doing was bashing my magic against the ring itself. Once the ring was completely cracked it fell to pieces around me as my horns glow shot from dim light to fucking star in a nanosecond. I dropped the magic before focusing onto another spell. With a few minutes the strength enhancement was wrapped around my hooves. With a shift of my hooves I pulled out the metal restraints. Once I was free I moved over to Daring and freed her.

“Nifty spell there princey.” She said before she flew off down the door Ahuizotl left from.

“Stop calling me princey!” I yelled as I galloped after her.


By the time we got outside, Ahuizotl was getting ready to head off on a sand sleigh being pulled by what I could best describe as Aztec earth ponies. Before he could ride off I noticed one of the larger piece of stone from the entry. I went over it with my magically enhanced strength bucked the rock right at Ahuizotl. Unfortunately the bastard got lucky and dived out of the way before the slab wrecked the sleigh into pieces. The added momentum flipped the ponies tied to sleigh as well. Ahuizotl turned to see us as I righted myself to look at him.

“I will get you for that.” He said as he dashed right at us. Daring took to the air as I took the slightly dumber idea of meeting the prick head on. He bright both of his fists up to slam them at me. I quickly reared up and stopped his smash with my own power. He looked surprised for a moment before he grinned at me. I had forgot his tail had a hand too. Within a second his tail's fist nailed me in the side of my head and knocked me to the ground. Ahuizotl grinned as he stomped on my side. “It seems pony shouldn't try and play with the big boys.” he taunted at me. My head turned to look up at him.

“Oh Ahuizotl didn't anypony tell you not to play with fire?” Daring said as she hovered in the air, both forelegs crossed and a cocky grin on her face. I couldn't help but grin as the idea crossed my mind. The big blue bastard turned to look at her before turning back at me. With a blast of flames, he got off while he fought to snuff out the fire that caught his coat. While he did this I was able to get on my hooves, only to get kicked and sent right into the side of the pyramid with massive force. I felt a sharp pain coming from right wing and it felt like something was broke. I got back up to my hooves to watch Daring buck Ahuizotl in the face. He fell back on to his back from the impact. Then the four Aztec ponies got undone and rushed in for the attack. I fought to take a breath and fired a few fireballs towards them. They scrambled away as all I did was fire suppression fireballs to keep the four of them away. I slowly used this to keep them away as I made my way to the sleigh. Since Ahuizotl didn't have the cape on him then it must be on the remains of the sleigh, I was able to keep them away from both me and the sleigh. A quick search netted me the cape as I slid it into my hoodie under my left wing. At least this should help me keep it on me, with a bit of wavering focus I was able to get my speed enchantment back on my hoof. With a whistle I got Daring's attention as she noticed the larger bulge on my left side, she nodded and turned to Ahuizotl. “Sorry big guy but this caper is capped.” She said before taking off past me. I followed her as she was a lot faster than I expected. In the distance as the pyramid began to fade from sight a loud yell could be heard all over the desert.
“Curse you Daring Do!” Ahuizotl yelled as the sun began to set behind us.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 27 - Pitfall

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Four days had passed since Daring and I had our adventure in the Saddleline Pyramids. In that time I was able to talk Gaia into sending all she had of Grimwand's research to my home in Ponyville and had her chief of medical to take a look at my wing. It seems that I indeed did break it, so I had to have it reset and bound. Unlike Equestria, Saddle Arabia didn't rely much on magical healing like those of unicorns. They more focused on the tonic and potion kind of healing. So I was given some rather strong tasting medication, the nastiest thing I have ever tasted. After that, I finished up my little shopping before I said my goodbyes to my half-sister and her coltfriend. I was told that I should expect a visit from them sometime in the future. All I could really say to that one was, it going to be rather interesting... I think. But after that I was on my way back to Equestria when Daring had to talk to me about our adventure.

“Firestorm, I need to talk to you about our little adventure.” She said as she looked up from that table to me on one of the beds.

“Let me guess, you want me to keep my mouth shut about our adventure?” I asked.

“For the most part yes, as well as the fact that you are going to show up in the next book.” She tacked on.

“I'm not surprised since Shining Armor showed up in one. I don't have much of a problem but one thing. I don't want to lie to my marefriend.” I said as my gaze went back to the file in my hooves.

“But you know that you have to keep the fact that A.K. Yearling and Daring Do is one in the same a secret.” She said eyeing me. I had to think about this for a moment then I came up with an answer to both our problems.

“How about this, I will say that I went on an adventure with a pony Celestia trusted. Namely A.K. Yearling, but I won't tell her who you really are unless we meet again with her around while your identity is revealed.” I answered, with the look on her face, she could accept that deal. I found a large golden ring wrapped up in the cape artifact. It had inscribed markings covering it. I didn't know if it was a different language or something else. Daring took one look at the thing and swiped it from my magic. Still can't get use to having something yanked out of my magic like that.

“How is one of the Rings of Scorchero here?” Daring asked and I blinked.

“What?” I asked sounding like a duck. Daring then began telling me that she's been searching for a series of rings that was used to curse a valley to unrelenting heat and Ahuizotl has been doing the same. It seems that this ring is one of the last ones needed to finish the curse. I questioned her why she didn't just destroy it, and got crash course in curses. Most cursed artifacts needed a very strong spell user with the right spell to dispel it. Other wise the cursed artifact in question is near invincible. A lot of curses or enchantments can interact and disable each other but this wasn’t the case with the ring. It seems that this curse if triggered would go on without a hitch. The pedestal how ever had the enchantment where if the last ring was removed in a set of thirteen or so, the whole temple for it would crumble. In doing so would make the ring breakable. “Then why don't you just go in and do that?” I asked.

“That's Ahuizotl main base of operations, it's heavily fortified. So entering would be Celestia near impossible.” She explained.

“Well you could always try to break in and get caught. Then break out of your trap and enter there with less resistance. Granted that would be a high risk chance of it going south, but beyond going in with an army. It's the more stealthy option.” I part suggested, part rambled to her.

“I'll have to think about.” She said before she eyed me for a moment. “Firestorm about the books.” She started and I simply said.

“I'm fine with it.” I said, she simply blinked at me. “What?”

“Do you even know what I was about to ask?” She said eying me.

“About me as a character in the story, either it being me directly or as a changed named character. Which like I said fine with it.” Once again she blinked at me. “Was I right?”

“Um... yes.” She said as she blinked at me.

“Look if you're trying to figure out how I knew what you were going to ask, then it was a pretty easy guess. Especially if you factor in the book discussion we had on the way to Saddle Arabia.” I said looking back with a very neural glance. “Fair enough.” She said.

Later on It seemed that my mind wanted me to return to the set of doors, but unlike before the door to kindness was now fully there. I decided before I had somepony enter my head for the umpteenth time, to enter one of the doors. It didn't help the feeling I got of somepony watching me. I decided since I got the kindness artifact, that door may as well be my next one to enter. As soon as I entered the world disappeared until a forest surrounded field began to fade into existence. I glanced around to see if there was anypony or anything around to get an idea of what the hell was going on. I tried to fly out of there but it seemed that I was only allowed to fly within the forest surrounded grove. Other wise it felt like I was being blown out of the sky. I landed somewhere around the center to give my wings a rest. Lucky for me dreams aren't completely impacted by my current health or inabilities. I sat there for a few minutes just taking in the rather peaceful setting this door wanted to give me. Of course as soon as I relaxed that's when shit hits the fan.

The ground began to shake before I was thrown into the air as the ground erupted from under me. A large segmented snake like creature, that seemed like a mixture of living crystal and crude iron. The only organic part that I could see was the inside of the mouth and the acid green eyes. I hovered in the air as the snake landed on the ground, then coiled up as the rather gagged spiked tail shook like a rattlesnake as I got a better look of this creature. The crystal parts of the body was in a multitude of colors while the crude iron had an almost rusty earth brown color. The head of this snake was that of the cobra where it's head was covered mostly by the crude iron, like a helmet for it. While the snakes tongue was iron as well, as for the fangs they were a ruby red crystal. The beast hissed before lunging at me. I was able to dodge the first strike but the tail was able to swat me out of the air and into the ground hard. I felt the pain but it seemed nothing had broke from it. I didn't have time to think about it as the snake was fast for it's massive size. It used it's own momentum to U-turn around one of the trees and flew right back at me. I rolled onto my back and used a strength enchantment on my hind legs. As soon as the head was right over me I bucked it up into the air. It flew up into the air and this time the tail didn't catch me like before. I used the time with it in the air to get myself some distance from it. It came down with a rather booming impact that left a sizable crater. It's tail laid out of the hole and that's when I noticed something in it's tail. I flew over quick to notice a broken off barbed black bladed spear head in the tail by the rattle snake like tail. This reminded me of an old story I heard when I was a kid.

I tried to fly closer to the spear head, but it was then it flung up and nailed me under the chin. The spikes on the tail cut into my chin just enough to get a slow trickle. The tail stopped before it reversed direction to slam and impale me. I dived back using my wings for the added momentum. The tail slid into the crater before the snake's head raised up out as the hood spread out further and hissed again. This time I was ready for the damn thing as it lunged at me again. I jumped up and landing on the back of the snake's head, I galloped down the length of the snake until I was close enough to the spear head. I quickly twisted my body so I began to slide on my side until the spear head was within my muzzle's reach. With my draconic fangs gripped it as I tried to hang on for dear life. Which is a little harder to do when you're being trashed around by a snake's tail. I was smashed into the ground and trees before the snake was able to whip me into the air. I landed safely, well as safe as it could be when you're facing a snake the size of a house coiled up. I turned around to see the snake staring directly at me, and hissing, again. It's tail thudded against the ground hard enough that it bounced me a few inches off the ground. It drew back for a moment before it turned it's head to look at it's tail. I couldn't help but grin at the snake with the spear head still in my teeth. I spit it out of my mouth and then grabbed it by the blade in my claw. The snake turned back at me and before I could react wrapped me up with it's tail. I began to panic as my hooves were pressed to my side. The spear head dropped when I was picked up so rapidly. Of course that was all a moot as the snake began to nuzzle me with it's rather large head. It was a very odd feeling having crude iron rub against you.

It was then when the whole world went back, it was a few seconds of this and I found myself launched out of the door. I ended up landing on my face, before rolling over onto my back and staring right up to an amused looking Luna. She floated me back onto my hooves, which I simply planted my rump on the white ground.

“Long time no see Luna.” I said with a smile, Luna returned the look with a smile of her own.

“It hasn't been that long Storm, how's things in Saddle Arabia?” She asked.

“There alright I suppose, pretty warm in the desert.” I answered back.

“Well it is a desert after all.” She smirked.

“Yeah... honestly besides a few moments this trip hasn't been all that bad.” I said with a smile as I began to change the dream scape into a peaceful cityscape. This was a place I knew about, and had visited many times. The night sky of Chicago covered over head as Luna and I sat on the balcony of a hotel I had stayed at before.

“This is a rather interesting place.” Luna commented as she looked around to see the cars below us a few stores under the balcony.

“This here is Chicago, a city from earth.” I said as I made a glass of lemonade appear on the table next to one of the lounge chairs that sat next to us. I took the time to get myself up into the seat and began to sip on it.

“Chicacolt?” She asked.

“No Chicago, really must every city have some kind of pony pun to it?” I asked.

“Pony pun?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Well yeah, let's compare them to the earth equivalents. How about Canterlot? On earth the city would be called Camelot. Then how about Manehattan, on earth the city would be Manhattan.” I pointed out as she got to the other seat.

“That last one has a more human pun to it.” She countered.

“Well in all fairness, I didn't name it.” I said.

“Still I can see where you're getting the idea of these puns. Honestly I never really noticed that until you said something. It is very punny isn't it?” She asked with a hoof to her chin giving it a light scratch.

“Punny indeed.” I said as I leaned back in the chair. Honestly this chair reminded me much of a chair I use to own back on earth. It was some of the stuff I got from my late grandmother. That of course sent my thoughts down a different direction.

“Storm, is there something wrong?” She asked and I turned to her.

“Not really, why do you ask?”

“The look on your face just had that distant sad memory look to it.” She said as she looked at me with worry.

“I'm just thinking about my family on earth again.” I said as the night sky began to be filled with little shooting stars.

“I don't think that I could stand being you at times Storm.” She said and I looked back over to her.

“What do you mean?”

“Just the thought that your friends and family were in a place you can't be anymore. That they are left to think that you passed away. But having to know that you can't ever return to the life you once had.” She said, and I could just hear the heartbreak in that voice of hers.

“That's the cruelty of life Luna, you never realize what you hold truly dear in your life until it's gone. I mean just coming to Equestria meant that I had lost so much, a home, friends, family, and my old world. Granted sometimes I thought it wasn't much of a life, but it was mine to do with as I pleased.” I said as my gaze returned to the sky.

“Do you miss it?” She asked.

“Of course, I'm going to miss it. I spent most of my life in that world. With those I held dear to my heart.” I answered.

“And what about here?” She asked.

“As in Chicago or Equestria?”


“Honestly if it wasn't for the whole Grimwand and Vermom trying to kill me or torture me. I honestly would think this place would be the best so far. I mean here I have a new family, new friends, hell I even have a marefriend.” I said as my forelegs spread wide in a jester to what I meant.

“What do you mean I even have a marefriend?” Luna asked.

“Well it's no secret that after Jessica passed I was devastated. But as time went on I tried to date again. But each time ending in failure mostly because I wasn't the right person for them. Some of them just because they wanted a bigger guy. The one's that stayed the longest were nice, as I spent what time I could between work and family talking to them.” I said as all happiness left my face at that.

“I have a feeling a huge but is in there.” Luna said watching me.

“Yeah... but in the end they realized stuff about me.” I said.


“That when I'm left to think that I go down very dark paths, I understand that I have a lot of self doubt to myself. That I don't see what I do as good, in the sense of quality work. I mean I get told that I do great works in the sense of art or music. But me... I don't see it. I mean I got to the point that I only faked what I thought about it in the sense that everyone saw me say it's good. When I still don't see what they see. It's like they can see the window, and see what's through it. Be me I only see myself staring back at me. I don't see the outside, the nature or wonder of it. Just the same old me, being the same old being that I always was. All the ones I was with realized that in one way or another. I mean yeah they tried but like most of them, cheated on me because of a shallow reason. Or at least that's what they told me.” I sadly said.

“I... I don't know what to say about that Storm.” She said.

“Not many do Luna, it's one of the sad things about my life.” I said as I finished my drink only to watch it fill right back up.

“But you do realize you're with Twilight Sparkle right now.” Luna said and I could tell she was trying to cheer me up from the very depressive mood I had began to take.

“I know, and I have thought about it a lot.” I said as I began to drink more of my refilled drink.

“What do you mean?”

“Well... I mean I get that this all started from a kiss. But, I suppose I wonder what she sees in me and if things are going to happen again?” I asked.

“I don't think Twilight would be that shallow.” Luna shot back.

“I... I know but it's just...” I sighed. “I can't help but worry, just as the saying goes. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.”

“That’s very...”

“I know, I know. I shouldn't think like that but it's one of my nasty habits I kept.” I said. “Luna... what do you think of omnivores?”

“Omnivores? Well I don't have any problems against those that have to eat meat to survive.” She said looking at me, I couldn't help but lightly gulp at her choice of words.

“I see.” I answered not looking at her.

“If I may inquire, what's with the odd question all of a sudden?” She asked.

“Well... um... it's just a thought that popped into my head.” I sort of lied, it was true that the question did pop into my head. But it was from the context of what we were talking about that triggered it.

“Storm what's the real reason?” She asked in a serious tone.

“Well... what would you think of a pony eating meat?” I asked, it was that long Luna gave at made me regret opening my damn mouth. There was a level of disgust in her face, if a princess couldn't handle that bit. How was I suppose to expect Twilight to feel any better about it.

“You haven't have you?” She asked and I shook my head in a negative fashion.

“No... but as a drony... I can.” I answered the other question.

“Oh.” She said which was followed by a louder. “Oh!” like it finally clicked with her.

“Yeah, honestly that's what I'm more worried about. From what I can tell, a pony eating meat is quite taboo.” I started looking back to the sky.

“To a point, as it would reflect poorly on the pony in question. It isn't against the law itself since Equestria serves more beings than just ponies.” She explained.

“Ah I see, well the problem I have and I don't know if I should bring it up is Twilight. During one of my nights out in the desert I had thought about everypony back in Equestria. Granted it triggered a rather odd moment but none the less. I had to think about our relationship, I mean what if Twilight found out that a drony is an omnivore instead of just a herbivore and a gemivore.” I began.

“I can see why this bothers you so, but I don't think Twilight would hate you for being able to eat meat without the backlash that most ponies bodies would give them.” Luna explained.

“I'm guessing if a pony has too much meat their bodies start to shake uncontrollably?” I asked.

“Well yes and no, those that have had it for years face a far worse case of the shakes in their later years. But it's more a bowels kind of problem where ponies bodies can't digest the meat correctly making it rather... oh what's the word I'm looking for?” She said.

“producing a blockage.” I offered.

“Close enough I suppose, yes producing a blockage.”

“Well... I just hope Twilight doesn't pull what she did with flowers when or if I tell her.” I said.

“What did she pull with flowers?” Luna asked as she looked at me with an inquisitive gaze. So I explained that humans don't eat flowers and the whole wanted to try it on my own, before I explained what Twilight did during the date. “I see...” She said in a very neutral tone.

“I mean, yeah I get why she did it. But there is somethings I want to try on my own.” I explained.

“That is very understandable, I suppose you have the same issues with gemstones?”

“Very much so.” I answered as I drank from my drink again.

“Storm, I would suggest speaking with young Spike about this. Since I nor my sister would have any opinion or wisdom to give about that. Other than try and do it at your own pace. If you don't mind I did have a question about earth, if you would indulge me.” Luna said.

“Sure go ahead.” I said with a wave of my left foreleg as I gently snuggled into the seat I was in.

“Well, as you know I deal with the night skies here in Equestria. Who does it on earth?” I glanced at her for a moment before looking up at the dream space's night sky.

“No one, the night is done by itself.” I answered.

“No pony does anything with the night sky?”

“Yeah, but doesn't change how beautiful they can be.” I commented.

“Care to explain?” She asked.

“Well... better yet why don't I show you.” I answered as I got out of the seat as I began to change the dream around me into a nice balcony on a log cabin surrounded by a thick forest. In the sky the stars twinkled like diamonds in the sea of black and blues. Small wisps of clouds hovered high above, just with two of them over the crescent moon. With the moon how it was, it almost looked like it was smiling down at us. Luna looked around to watch as this change took place. I had made sure to put some of my favorite constellations up in the sky. Luna and I just sat there quietly as we watched the night roll by.

“This is... this is quite beautiful Firestorm. I didn't think that your earth would have such a lovely sight like this.” Luna commented.

“Yeah... it a shame that most of them don't take the time to really look up at it.” I commented just watching as a star shot across the sky.

“That seems to be one of the things ponies and humans have in common.” Luna commented and I could see where she was going with that.

“What makes you think that?” I asked turning to her.

“I'm not naive to know that most ponies sleep through my nights and a lot of them stay indoors during them. I mean it's nice knowing that ponies are out and about during them but... I don't think many take the time to truly enjoy them as you and a few others do.” She said and I could tell from her voice that she was crying on the inside. I couldn't help myself, I went over and sat next to Luna who had some time ago during my change left her seat and just sat on the hard wooden deck of the balcony. I then placed my wing around her for comfort. She looked down at me as I did this with a curious look about her.

“Luna do you want to know what I think?” I asked as I looked up at her, she simply nodded. “I think it's not that ponies ignore your wonderful nights. I honestly think that they find comfort in them. As you say you're the princess of the night, while Celestia is that of the day. So as ponies feel safe and comfortable in Celestia's sun. They feel the same in your nights, because they know you will protect them. Both during the waking hours and in there dreams.” I said with a light smile on my face. Luna took a few moments to think about it for a moment.

“I... I never really thought of it that way.” She said as her gaze returned up to the heavens of the dream's sky. “I suppose that does make a lot of sense now that I really think about it. You know for as much as you say your not, you are a very bright pony. With wisdom that isn't seen in many.”

“Well as the saying goes. An idiot is a wisest among many, they learn the do and don't of life the hard way to save those smarter to learn them the hard way.” I said with a light smile.

“It's a rather odd saying, was that from a famous human?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Not really, it's one of my little ones that I make.” I said with a light scratch to the side of my jaw. “And since we are speaking of wisdom. Do you mind if I ask for a little in return?”

“Of course Storm.” She said with a light smile.

“Well as you know that Twilight and I have been together for most of my life here in Equestria.” I began with and Luna nodded at this. “Well I got to wondering about our relationship during my trip, like if I should try and move it along. Like progress it in a way. But I really don't know how they work here in Equestria, hell on earth I was pretty much in the dark there. Um... no pun intended.” Luna took a few seconds to catch the possible joke and just gave a smirk with a slow shake of her head.

“I can see why you question this. How far have you gotten into your relationship, if I may ask?” She said looking at me.

“Well... besides the fact that I'm living with her at her place. We've slept in the same bed together. Not in the whole 'slept together' context mind you.” I said turning a little red at this. You have no idea how much I hate having a sex talk with someone when it comes to my own sex life is involved. Granted it wouldn't stop me with the dirty joke from time to time, but still.

“What about dating?” She asked.

“Well the first one, I was dropped into a poison joke bath for. Just so I would be a mare for our first day which ended up with... why am I explaining that to you. You already know this.” I said slapping myself in the face with my hoof. “anyway, beyond that not really. We do spend time reading books together. We were working on the Daring Do series and have a good chunk of them done with. There is the whole science and magic talk we have. Of course she has that glint in her eyes when we go back and forth with magical theory. It's even cute seeing how she lights up when we talk about new spells, or new ways to use them.” I began to ramble.

“Storm I think your getting off topic there.” She said with a smirk.

“Oh right... sorry, anyway. We did agree to go to the Canterlot Caravel after estrus.” I said looking back up at the princes of the night.

“That does seem like a lovely idea, I may see you two there as I have to oversee it.” Luna tacked on.

“Oversee it?”

“Yes since my return, my sister and I take turns over seeing the caravel.” She said before she looked around like she was trying to find somepony trying to listen in. “But if you ask me, I think Celestia uses this time to be around other ponies and have fun.” She whispered holding a hoof to the side of her muzzle like she was trying hide what she was saying to some pony that could read lips.

“I wouldn't be surprised really. I'm guessing it's the same for you?” I asked.

“No I honestly enjoyed them when I was little and to go to one again is just... oh what's the words I'm looking for?” She said with a turn of her head to think.

“Guilty pleasure?”

“Ah, yes that's it. Yes, it was like my second Nightmare Night in Ponyville.” She said.

“Oh that's the Equestrian version of Halloween right?” I asked

“I believe so, I think I read something about that in one of Twilight's reports to Celestia.” She said.

“I'm not surprised, I mean to able to get information from somepony not from Equestria. I would have been surprised if she didn't send a copy of it to her.” I commented.

“Well besides the friendship reports that she and the other bearers send her. She does like to send letters about new things.” Luna said like it wasn't the weirdest thing I've ever heard.

“Wait... What?” I said looking at her confused to no end. “Friendship reports?” So Luna took the time to explain about Twilight and her friendship reports. Which this all started with Luna's return from the moon during the Summer Sun Celebration. But to add to the effect a magical window appeared next to her that showed my friends and marefriend using the Element of Harmony against Nightmare Moon for the first time. I watched the aftermath of it with the joyful reunion of the celestial sisters. The party that happened afterwards, but the main point that Luna focused on was Celestia decoration that Twilight would stay in Ponyville to study the magic of friendship. After all that Luna explained that the Elements of Harmony uses the harmony between the bearers to be able to use to full effect. She showed what something that looked like the outcome if some kid took apart the toy versions of a dear, goat, lion, snake, eagle, dragon, bat, and a pegasus pony. Then decided to play mix and match with it to create a long fur covered snake with a pony head. On its head was two large yellow eyes with two red pupils of different sizes, a deer antler, a blue goat horn, a white fang on the left of its mouth, two big bushy white eyebrows and a goat's beard. It had an eagle’s claw and a lion's paw for hands, while it had a dragon's claw and goat's cloven hoof for feet. The damn thing's tail was scaled covered like a dragon with a white tuft of fur. Finally on it's back was a bat and pegasus wing, one on each side. I just stared at this thing while the background of the video I was being shown was that of Ponyville... if it was placed on rolling hills of a checkerboard with floating houses and random floating trees on little pieces of land. On top of that bright pink clouds dribbling what I really hope was either mud or chocolate from the sky. Honestly this was like a scene ripped right from some old Saturday morning cartoon.

Luna started to explain that this was Discord, the “master of chaos”. Please this wasn't chaos, this was just some kids sugar rush fueled day dreams made real. She went on to explain the events of Discord’s “return”, in which he turned the element bearers into their polar opposite. Applejack would always lie, Rarity was selfish all the time, Pinkie was moody, and Fluttershy would be mean for just some examples. She showed me what would happen if those using the elements weren't in harmony. It would do the big flashy bit but in the end was just for show. It made sense if things weren’t in balance that they wouldn't work. So after this long explanation I finally got the whole point of the reports so Celestia can keep track of Twilight and her friends. Makes sense if you really think about, the bearers are pretty much Equestria's best defense against the greater evils. Still didn't change my opinion on Discord, but that was neither here nor there since he's in stone and everything.


The last few hours since I woke up early from the dream conversation with Luna about past events in Equestria's history. Which honestly I would love to hear more about it but I guess my body decided that it was the time to wake up. I didn't even get to hear all of the royal wedding story. I got up to where Luna had to leave to check out a report when the dreamscape disappeared on me. Daring Do had left a few minutes after I woke up, it seems that she's did not want ponies to think that Daring Do was to be seen as real pony and instead a character in a series of books. I suppose that makes some level of sense in this world. I mean you wouldn't want ponies to know who you are and recognize you, just to mess up some important mission for some artifact to save all of Equestria or world in some degree. So I was left in my room myself. After I had squared away the last of my gifts for everypony, the only thing left out was the black book. I looked at it sitting on top of my saddlebags. Not doing anything special just sitting there. I wanted to try and figure out the book, but part of me wanted to stay as far away from that book as possible. My curiosity was getting a death grip on me, while my trepidation was slowly losing a one sided fight. I suppose a peak couldn't hurt... right? I slowly reached out for the book, a little cautious from Daring getting shocked out. Of course my curiosity would have to wait as there is a sudden knocking at the door.

“Prince we will be arriving shortly.” Caption Windsurfer said.

“Thank you Windsurfer.” I said as I picked up the book in my magic. I gave a sigh as the book slid in with everything else I had. It wasn't really that long until we docked in Canterlot once again. The disembarking was nothing special or was the trip back to the castle. Honestly the only thing really of note was as soon as one of the guards saw me, I had three of them appear almost out of nowhere. They also took over floating some of my gifts, and did protest a little about it. But I got the whole 'it's part of our duty to the crown.' Honestly I just stopped fighting with them. As much as I wanted to really protest, I didn't feel all that great either. My wing was still hurting from the fight with Ahuizotl. With an sight sigh under my breath three guards as well as myself traveled to the castle. I honestly didn't like the fact that I was 'protected' like this. Once we got to the castle, I began to head back down the familiar route I took to my room here. If I really had been paying attention to the area around me I would have noticed something was off. But of course I didn't, it was as soon as I opened the door that I noticed my error. Well, maybe not as soon. No what got my attention first was the fact the Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria was standing in my old bedroom in a suggestive black and white maid outfit. Right next to her sitting in a large chair the I didn't quite remember was in there to begin with was Princess Luna laughing the whole time.

I on the other hoof couldn't help but turn bright red as Celestia's gaze turned directly at me when the door opened. There was a few minutes of silence after two sets of wings pomfed before anypony said anything.

“I'm just going to go now.” Was out of my mouth before I closed the door and took off running towards my real room. The guards followed me and dropped off my stuff before heading back to do their rounds. Well I say that but I could guess that they stopped for one hell of a cold show as I did. Dear god, that was one thing I never wanted in my mind. My aunt in a hot, skimpy, low cut... I'm going to need a second shower now.


It was after four showers, three of them were ice cold. A little interesting thing, what I could assume was ice cold to everypony is in fact rather nicely cold for me. The only reason I would guess that is because I had that water switch all the way cold, and it was almost enjoyable. Granted on the opposite side of all this the hottest for ponies is lukewarm to me. Granted it probably because I can swim in lava so it's a little understandable. But as I was saying, after four showers which the reasons I really hope don't need to be said or else I would need at least a fifth. I began to crack into a few books. Honestly it was more to drag my mind from recent events.

“Now if you would please hold still your highness.” The nurse said behind me as he worked on re-wrapping my wing. After I completely forgot about my bandage wraps on my wing, I had the guard posted outside my door fetch one of the castle medical staff after I got a clean hoodie on. This is how I met the nurse Defib, and yes just like a defibrillator. Honestly I will give the stallion credit that his voice does help put me at ease. He a sort of Morgan Freeman kind of voice. One thing I will give the medical staff here, outside their beds in the medical wing. They do rather comforting work, when they take care of you. I winced a bit as he pulled the bandage rather tight. Okay, comforting outside of bandaging. “Alright Prince Firestorm, these should do much better. But please be more careful not to get these wet.” Defib said as I turned to look.

“I will try my best.” I said with a smile as I scratched the back of my head. “It kind of skipped my mind when I hopped in. Thank you again Defib, and sorry for having to call you for something as trivial as this.” I apologized.

“It's quite alright, it's my job after all.” He said as his horn gave off an sky blue aura as well as the one wrapped around the medical bag he brought with him, it didn't take me long to see the large red plus sign on his bag with the hearts in each of the blank spots around it pointing in. Which I found a little odd since Defib's cutie mark was a Defibrillator on either side of a pink heart that had a caduceus down the center of it. I didn't say anything as he left, probably to go back to the medical wing. With my wing taken care of, it was time for me to finally take a look at the black book. I sat the book before me on the table as I sat down.

I sat there staring at this book and it felt like hours when it probably was just a few minutes. Just the thought of what this book could hold, filled me with a sense of dread. Yet, it was peaking my curiosity so much that as my prosthetic hoof reached it the door behind me swung open. It caused me to jump and turn to see who had intruded into the room.

“My apologizes Prince Firestorm, but I was sent to let you know that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had both requested your presence in the dining hall.” One of the many guards I have yet to familiarize myself with said.

“Thank you mister...” I said drawing out as to hope he would supply the missing information.

“Gilded Blade your highness.” The dark gray guard said giving me a bow.

“Thank you Gilded Blade, please inform both princesses that I will be on my way shortly.” I requested as I got back onto my hooves. It seemed that the black book was to remain unread at this time. With a sigh, I slid the book into my saddlebags and locked them shut. Then I made my way down the white walled corridors towards the dining room. During the trip, I couldn't help but think of everything that had transpired up to this point. Not for the first time I thought back to my arrival in Equestria. When the flow of my thoughts changed to how I found out that I was a drony. The fact was that all this was planned by some grand scheme still annoyed me to no end, but fighting it was a fruitless endeavor. I guess what I really wanted was some clear answers to everything, I am tired of being clueless in all this. I let out a sigh just before entering the large dining room that both princesses were seated at. They weren't alone however, with them were from first glances two unicorns. Much bigger then most, still not topping Big Mac in height. The only ponies I could think of that could top that was Celestia and Luna. My sister Gaia coming in a third but I did say ponies.

“Princesses, I'm sure you're aware of the chatter coming from the other noble houses.” The white coated stallion with a top part of a tuxedo suit on said. His waved styled slightly paled blue mane was done where only two bits of his mane remained before his ears. He also had a small same blue colored mustache closer to the french style that I haven't seen on anypony. For a cutie mark he had three golden crowns with amethyst gems in the center of each crown. Next to him was a tall thin white coated mare that almost reminded me of Luna in body structure alone. She had a long flowing light pink mane and tail with a lighter shade of pink strip running down the length of them. Her cutie mark was that of three fleur-de-lis, two smaller purple ones above a large golden one.

“We are Mr. Fancy Pants.” Luna said before taking a draw at a cup of tea before her warped in her familiar blue aura. The door shut behind me as four sets of eyes turned towards me.

“Ah I see the prince has arrived.” Celestia said as I made my way over to a seat curious to why I was requested here.

“Um... hey?” I replied back with a hoof motion and two prosthetic claws with it, as close as I could get to my old hand I would reply with at times. Without much thought I joined them in one of the free chairs.

“Prince Firestorm allow me to introduce you two fine friends. Mr Fancy Pants and Miss Fleur-de-lis.” Luna introduced. The two tried to move from their seats to bow, but I had to cut them short.

“Please no bowing, I'm just a normal pony like everypony else.” I said, this got both of them giving me a questioning glance at me.

“Of course your highness.” Fancy Pants said as the two of them returned to their seats. There was a few minutes of silence as I still didn't know why I was called.

“Mr. Fancy Pants if you would explain to the prince of the latest issue.” Celestia said with a motion with her hoof to proceed.

“Of course Princess.” He said with a bow to his head before turning towards me. “I'm not aware if you know of more well known of the nobility of Canterlot. Such of the Solarwings family or that of the Jewel family. But a lot of the nobility take strong placements in both political and sociability of ponykind. As such they have been rather alarmed at the numeral amount of gossip and rumors coming from ponyville about the attacks towards yourself prince.”

“I wasn't aware of the gossip or rumors up to this point. As I try to remove myself from things like that as they could spread out of hoof from simple events blown out of perception.” I retorted.

“Be as it may, enough of them have come to regard them with some air of truth. Much like how they show up in the Canterlot Inquirer.” He said this pulling out some papers from next to him and laid them before me on the table with his magic. On the covers showed me from time to time during my stay. All in very states of damage, some of them rather... brutal. I could pick out the scene of me before the elements were used on Shadow Storm. Another one had the attack during Vermom when she came to me after my nightmare as Fluttershy. God did I really look that bad during that time? I looked like I was sent through hell just to crawl out through a land of nightmare just to be tossed right back in, just in different ways in each of these photos. “I've tried to calm most of the nobles staying that these must be fabrications. But they are alarmed that one of the four alicorns in Equestria could be hurt this thoroughly without the culprits being brought to justice.” I noticed that Fleur looked quite worried while Fancy looked rather insulted.

“Mr. Fancy Pants, we are trying to bring said culprits to justice. But as a few of them fled before they could be apprehended. We have sent many guards to find clues to their whereabouts. Even my personal guards have been dispatched to conduct an investigations on this matter.” Luna stated with a very stern look.

“Be it as it may Princess, but the nobles may not see that this is being done. If there was some way that we could see that some precautions are being put in place to prevent another event like this to happen. I'm sure the nobles will settle down and not try to take matters in hoof.” Fancy retorted.

“I agree on this idea.” Celestia said before she turned to me. “That's why a new branch of guards will be formed for the specific purpose to protect Prince Firestorm.” She stated.

“Wait one minute.” I interjected. “As much as I understand the matters on this. I don't agree with that idea.” Celestia eyed me silently as both Fleur and Fancy looked a little surprised at this.

“Prince you must understand that the nobles are-” Fancy started.

“I'm sorry to interrupt but my answer stands. Nopony is going to get hurt just to protect me. I will not have that on my conscience.” I adamantly stated.

“Prince Firestorm.” Celestia said cutting in giving me a rather pointed stare that was as stone cold that got me to choke on my one tongue for a moment. “I'm sorry but I have already begun the proceedings for this."

“Don't I-” Was all I could get out before the shake from her head gave me the answer to that. I was cut off from saying against this. As much as I wanted to say no for very valid reasons, well I thought so at least. I leaned back down into my seat that I had rose from. The fact was that all I could was take this matter. Both Fluir-de-lee and Fancy Pants sat there watching the short interaction between both Celestia and I in silence. Moments passed without a sound beyond the chirps of Celestia's phoenix Philomena. Who in turn flew over to me and nuzzled into my right cheek. I smiled lightly as I returned it as best I could before she perched on the back of the chair I resided in. I pulled up the papers before me to get a better look at the news. Normally I wouldn't really care much about the news beyond the few articles about me. I don't know if that speaks to some sort of vanity about me or not. The articles did get most of the events correct, they linked Shadow Storm as a remnant of Nightmare Moon that took on my likeness to topple the ruling alicorns. The other one was left very vague as to who attacked me when it said that numeral accounts said it was Fluttershy, Rarity, and many others. But like it should and did get tossed away as the element bearers wouldn't do that to somepony. I sighed quietly looking over before I got enough of it and sat it down back on the large dining table before me. What I didn't notice was in that time that food was brought for the six of us. I say six because Philomena was given a small bowl of bird seed to eat. They brought me a nice tasty salad as well as Celestia. Luna had a sandwich like Fancy, while Fluir was having soup.

The meal itself was rather good as I saw that they put bits of roses in the salad this time, which gave them very sweet flavor. Which worked with the dressing they used that gave a nice accent to the roses. Don't ask me what the dressing was but it was a nice light pink hue to it. Once the meal had concluded it was back to the matter at hoof. Which was the nobles that were worried to no end, because of me. That was when the high, mighty, and completely full of himself Blueblood decided to make his presence known to everypony.

“Ah, Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna. It's lovely to see you two again, as well as for both you Mr. Fancy Pants and Miss Fleur-de-lis.” Blueblood greeted to everypony but me. Granted he shot me a glare after he joined the Fleur and Fancy across from me.

“Good evening Blueblood, I'm rather surprised you decided to join us this evening.” Luna commented with well placed tone that for those not noticing seems an air of a friendly, while to a well known tone of annoyance can be heard by an ear that can sense it.

“Well Auntie Luna, I thought I should meet my friends and fellow nobles.” Blueblood said.

“It's a pleasure to see you again Prince.” Fancy said. The conversation between the three nobles spread through many topics which most of them regarded the political matters of Canterlot mostly.

“Something bothering you?” The clear voice that could only come from a telepathic link with Luna. I glanced over to her before my eyes returned to the three nobles conversing. Her right eye was on me for a few moments.

“At the present time there is a lot that bears on my mind.” I replied over the link.

“Is this regarding the guards?”

“No. Well... partly I suppose. In the grand scheme of it all, it makes sense being a dralicorn or as everypony sees an alicorn that I would have my own guards. I mean Celestia has the Solar Guard while you have the Lunar Guards. Even Cadence has her Crystal Guard. I just don't like the thought that I have ponies trying to protect me like that. Just bothers me is all. But that is not what weighs the most on my mind.” I replied as I took another pull on the tea that was set with lunch.

“Then if I may inquire what is bothering you currently, was it the matter of what you walked in earlier?” She asked and I couldn't help but turn a little red at that thought.

“Again no, but since you brought that up. What was that about?” I asked eyeing her for a moment.

“My sister and I sometimes pass the time with little bets. Not for monetary gain since we have the treasury at our beck and call. No we more bet things of more humiliating fashions. More out of good fun then anything else. You just happened to walk in during Celestia's loss which was to wear a maid outfit for a few hours.” Luna commented and I could just feel the amusement drip for her.

“I still say you played a little under hoofed sister” Celestia chimed in.

“Oh you're just sore that I beat you are your own game.” Luna said giving a devilish smirk towards her sister. I on the other hoof remained silent taking all this in.

“Does somepony want a rematch at a higher stake?”

“Oh? What do we put on the table this time?” Luna shot back.

“Do I need to remind you that you can be heard at this moment?” I cut in which caused both of them start for a moment to glance back at me who gave them an amused smirk myself.

“My apologies, I forgot you were there for a moment.” Celestia said.

“It's alright, you're not the first to forget I was here and surely not the last.” I said as I took a long pull from my tea before the server that stayed refilled it. There was a few moments of silence over the link with Blueblood acting like he was interested in what Fancy Pants was saying about his companies. It seemed that Fancy touched into a few industries: textiles, restaurants, and others. It was still a few more moments of silence between the three of us before Luna ventured to ask again.

“What was bothering you?” She asked.

“It's a matter directly tied to me.” I vaguely answered.

“On which matter?” Celestia asked.

“The whole grand destiny one.” I said over the link before I said out loud. “If you would excuse me I still have a matter I need to deal with. It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Fancy Pants and Miss Fleur-de-lis. I hope you have a pleasant evening.”

“Likewise your highness.” Fleur-de-lis said while she and Fancy bowed their heads. I took my leave and made my way back to my room. Like when I left, the same two guards stood outside my door. They gave me a nod before I entered. When I entered I went back to my saddlebags and pulled out the black book. Then I turned to my table and noticed the new item on top of it. On top of the table was a cream colored file. In my magic I moved the file over to me as I went over to my bed to read it.

[From the Department of Constructions and Safety]
From: Iron Forge
To: Royal Mage Grimwand
This is to inform you that your requested project has been finished. The specialized lab that you requested has be built in the tunnel of A9 half way down followed by a turn at junction of G4. From there it's a straight shot to it. Please remember it's just to the left tunnel entries from the Luna Castle in the inner mountain caverns. We have built everything to your specification.

That was all I could get through as a thought struck me. If there was an untouched lab here in Canterlot. Then I may find a clue to how to combat him. I mean know your enemy right? I could even get an upper... hand. Wait... where are the tunnels anyway? I went to my door and opened it to see the same guards as before.

“Excuse me.” I started with, which caused both of them to turn at me at the same time.

“Yes your highness?” They asked at the same time.

“Could I get a map of the cavern and tunnels connected to them?” They both looked at me for a moment.

“Of course your highness.” They said before the one on my left walked to probably go get said map. Then a thought crossed my mind and I thought it was best to ask.

“Is Nightling back from Ponyville?”

“She arrived yesterday.” The remaining guard answered.

“Could you please have her come here when she isn't busy?”

“Of course.” Said the last guard before he left. With that I closed my door and went back to the table. I sat the message back in the file and set it a side. I sat there quietly for a few more minutes looking at the black book's cover before I finally opened it for the first time. The first three pages were completely blank, the four however I wish was as well. The simple passage written there made my blood turn to ice.

You have paid my price.


It was several hours before Nightling showed up and she brought both maps with her. Which honestly was probably for the best after my hour freak out with that first line from the black book. In all fairness, I kind of had every right. When you've been through enough magical hell just to have a book say that. It didn't take long to get Nightling on board with the idea I had. She was still pretty sore at Vermom's impersonations during my bout of crazy. So getting an upper hoof on both Grimwand and Vermom were selling points for her. I also found out that Nightling was very versed in those tunnels. Not the direction we are going but in general. So after heading through the giant door into to the cavern side of Canterlot. We found ourselves in the massive network of tunnels going off an outdated map. Lucky for us that they did update the map they had at the entrance. You would think that they would have an updated map on file?

“So... how's Pinkie?” I asked mostly to break up the silence that surrounded the two of us. There was a few moments of silence before she finally answered me.

“To be honest, I think she's worried.” She said.

“What about?”

“Us namely.” That I wasn't expecting.

“What do you mean us?” I stopped to look at her.

“Well between all her... well pinkie-ness. She is very worried about all her friends, a lot more then she leads everypony to know. She's known that the two of us have had issues.” She stopped for a moment. “I think she's worried that one of her friends isn't going to like me because of something between us.”

“I thought that we are good after well... the flight back to Canterlot?” I sort of asked.

“For the most part... yes we are.” She answered before we continued down the path until we took our next turn.

“Most part?” I asked.

“Well, I'm still weary of you. Just knowing you could at any moment go off like that... just unnerves me a bit.” She answered. “The more I think about it the more I'm scared that something like that could happen around Pinkie and I won't be able to keep her safe. Don't get me wrong Firestorm, I know you would never do that intentionally. But it is still a possibility that I'm afraid of happening.” As much as I would like to say against that. It was a rather big point that I had to agree with. The worse part was what if that happened and I ended up hurting Twilight? Silence filled the gap once again as we walked down the carved tunnels towards one of the labs or safe houses. I'm a little surprised how uniform these tunnels are. Not saying that it couldn't be done but straight flat walls was not what I was expecting in tunnels with wooden bracers to help hold up the wall. I noticed a yellow box connected to each bracer that had a cable attached that lead to the one further down. I doubted it was there for lights since the lamps here was lit by a crystal lamp. Well more a lamp that instead of the wick in the middle of it had a bright glowing crystal. That and the randomly placed posters saying that everypony should have their hard hats on and tunnel indicators, was all that could be seen on the tunnel walls for miles. So seeing something of interest to keep our minds away from the possibility of me going off the deep end for an encore act.

Of course the universe didn't want that to be the only thing on our mind. A warm wind blew from the tunnel ahead of us followed by a series of booms. At first I thought it was just something closer to a dragon walking down the tunnel. That idea was shortly blown out of the water or wall in this case, by the yellow boxes exploding by supports ahead of us.

“Run!” Nightling said as she about faced and high tailed it outta there. With me hot on her hooves. Of course it wasn't that simple for us. After a few minutes of me running from the explosions behind us, bits of light and another set of explosive booms ahead of us. It seemed that somepony didn't want this tunnel around anymore. We continued to out run the series of detonations behind us as we saw a t section come up.

“Left!” I yelled as we took the turn to find ourselves headed off by a dead end. It's very strong on the dead part of that as on the beam on the wall was another one of those yellow boxes. We slide to a stop as I could see that Nightling was panicking, hell so was I.

“What are we going to do?” Nightling said as she danced on her hooves. Me on the other hoof was going nuts as I could hear the explosions getting closer. Then an idea hit me, these were knocked with a wire so if I cut the wires on the side then it may save us. With that I used my claws to snap the lines and before the blasts got to the other side. I floated up the yellow case and magically flung it down the tunnel. Then tried my best to place myself between the entry and Nightling. With that I tried to raise my shield spell up in time. It was up, but I didn't have the strength to take a blast point blank like that. When it hit against my shield it applied enough force to puncture right through it and caused me to black out. It felt like I was out for a few hours but in likeliness it was more a few minutes.

“Oh no, oh no.” Was all I could hear coming from the dark area I had found myself in. The voice sounded like Nightling but was off. It could be the ringing still going in my ears that I tried to shake out of it. I tried to get to my hooves and found a strong spike of pain lance up from my hind legs to my back.

“Ah, did anypony get the license plate of that donkey cart that hit me?” I groaned as I tried to get some bearings to where I was.

“Firestorm!” Nightling sounding voice said before a pair of yellow slit eyes turned to look at me directly.

“Nightling?” I asked as I tried to get up again, just to have the repeat performance of pain.

“Don't move your trapped under some of the tunnel.” She informed me.

“What?” I said as I tried to force some magic to my horn. I could get enough to get a dim glow going to see that a third of my body was pinned by the rocks. This included both of my hind legs as well as my already damaged wing.

“Here let me get you a better light.” She said before I could hear the scraping of metal against stone and a click before the light blinded me to see that we were trapped within the tunnel. Luck for me that I could still use my forelegs. “I'm so glad that you're alright.” She said before a few moments pause then corrected herself. “Well as alright as you can be.”

“Nightling” I said trying to get myself comfortable as I could.

“Don't you dare say it's alright.” She snapped at me which caused me to jolt back.

“I wasn't going to say that.”

“Oh? What were you going to say?”

“I was going to say that I'm glad that you're alright.” I said as I was able to the rock under me away so I could lay a bit more comfortably.

“I'm not alright. I'm trapped in a tunnel where no pony knows where we are. I'm freaking out Storm, and on top of that I get saved by a pony that I was suppose to protect.” She began to go off on a tangent. “I'm stuck in the same tunnels that my mother died in, and I'm going to go out the same way. Which means I'm going to starve like she did and then all that will be left is my dad but he's not going to care. Since he's in the Ponyville Asylum because he couldn't handle Mom's disappearance and he's not going to be able to stand it and Pinkie is going to be...”

Smack! She stopped for a moment as my prosthetic hoof was sent across her muzzle. I watched her breathe hard as it began to sink in with me floating my hoof back to me.

“Better?” I asked.

“Kind of.” She replied.

“As best as I could expect.” I began to wince as the adrenaline from everything began to wear off and the pain of having my hind legs being crushed finally caught up with my body. Which made thinking rather harder.

“Storm!” She said coming over to me.

“I'm still here, just hurting.” I answered as I tried to get a better view of my predicament. As I saw before the third was covered in a mass of rocks of various sizes. My wing on the other hoof wasn't as lucky, I saw what looked like a stalactite pierced through the softer part of my wing. It didn't feel like it had struck the bone though. And all the rocks probably applied the right amount of pressure to keep me from bleeding out. I turned to look around our cavern or more likely if something isn't done our tomb. It seems that we had probably a good ten feet high roof with enough space to fit a large black bear in here. So we should have plenty of breathing air, barring that anything happened. I turned back to Nightling who at the current time wasn't wearing her armor as it was in one of the corners of our space. Next to it was her saddlebags which seemed to still be full of stuff. “By any chance do you have some bandages and water in those bags of yours?” I asked. She turned to look at them.

“I might, let me look.” She said before walking over to them. She flipped the one side open with her wing while she opened the other with her mouth. After a few minutes and much hoping on my end. She came back with some basic bandages, sealing salve, and a bottle of water. “This is going to hurt... a lot.” She said as she picked up on my idea. I bit onto my prosthetic claws as Nightling began to remove the rubble from my wing. From that I could see the stalactite wasn't as big as I first thought closer to size of a young fillies hoof. She bit into the thicker top of the stone spike and began to wiggle it out of the ground. With a wet sliding sound, the stone was removed and tossed as I could feel every bit of blood now rushing to that wound. Nightling then took the water and began to clean the wound as best she could. After pain that my mind could have swear that I felt for hours passed, and Nightling put the sealing salve on it enough to close it. At least until a medical pony could look at it. She also help me get a drink from said bottle so I could help get a few more fluids in me for the probably pint or two I just lost. We tried to keep ourselves level headed. I say tried as for me, I had my pain to keep me focused. Nightling did not, and it showed as I could see her nervousness plastered all over both her body language and face.

“Nightling.” I said before I moved and caused a lance of pain to shoot up my back.

“Don't move Storm!” She ordered.

“I will try, I can't promise anything.” groaned in pain.

“Here let me check to see what I can do.” She moved over to get a better look at my entrapment. Honestly it was a little awkward to have her face so close to my rear end. But I took the wiser side and kept my mouth shut. Several minutes passed until she pulled back. “From what I could see nothing is that bad, but I can only guess that your hind legs are broken.” She came back over to look at me directly in the face.

“What do we do now?” I asked.

“Are you able to teleport back to the castle?” She asked. I winced again as my leg twitched.

“I only know the blink spell and I don't think I could concentrate to try to do so.” I answered as my breathing got a little harder.

“Shoot, if only we could get a hold of one of the princesses.” Nightling said and I wanted to slap myself. Why the fuck didn't I think of it earlier.

“Celestia! Luna!” I yelled over the telepathic link I had. It felt like it just echoed on the wind and nothing could be hear in reply. I tried it a few more times with nothing being said back. “No luck, either I'm too far away from them or something is blocking it.” I said and I watched Nightling deflate a bit.

“So this is it for us?” She asked.

“If you asked me months ago, I would say yes.” I said and that got her to eye me.

“And now?”

“I honestly think that we will be alright.” I answered.

“How?” She asked as she gave me a heated stare.

“Simple.” I said with a light chuckle. “The universe doesn't hate me that much.”

“What?” She said in complete confusion and annoyance. I couldn't help but laugh for a few moments until a spike of pain shot through me.

“I'm sorry, I just wanted to lighten the mood a little.” I said before she got right into my face.

“Don't try that again, we are screwed right now. Really not the time to be joking.” She said staring directly into my eyes with her left eye twitching a little.

“Nightling I get that we are in a very bad spot. But panicking will not help us figure out a way out of here. So I'm going to put this as nicely as I can. Calm the fuck down.” I said the last part I broke up nice and slowly to punctuate it to her.

“Fine, what do we do mister I know what to do?” She said looking at me. I started to think quietly as I tried to figure out our way out. There was a few ideas that came to mind, but they hinged on a few major things. One of them was me being able to focus enough through the pain. On top of that was my hind legs safe to be moved. From what Nightling had said they were most likely broken.

“Do you think it would be safe to move me from this spot?” I asked looking up at her.

“Possible, but I'm not a unicorn so I can't tell if your hind legs are in fact broken. I could only see so much through the gap and that was help from my natural low light vision. If I had to guess, if we could at least sprint them before we move you. Then it would at least safe, in case you are.” She explained. I took that into account as I thought about it more.

“Second question and please don't blame me if this comes across wrong. How much can you lift?” I asked, she looked at me for a moment.


“No half way, of course total!” I shot back.

“Well... I was able to push back Shining Armor when he had his footing and you seem smaller than he is both in bulk and height so I believe I could lift you if needed. I'm going to guess that's where you were going with that question.” She said getting spot on.

“Yeah, I think I could manipulate the ground around my hooves to make a make shift sprint for my hind legs. Then have you drag me out of here. So I'm at least not pinned under there.” I said as the adrenaline was really running out, causing me to feel that pain ever so present reinsert itself even more.

“Could you use that ability to get us out?” She asked.

“It's possible in theory, but that's the problem. That's just a theory. I've used the spell in a small way before. This is going to require large levels of manipulation that I'm not even sure I could do if I was undamaged. It's going to be harder because I have to focus through the pain that's coming in since my adrenaline is running out now. This plan hangs on a lot of big if's. Most of all is focusing through pain, not counting my magical pool of energy. I'm no Shining Armor and I don't have the pool he does. So if I can do this we may have to take a lot of breaks for me to recover my magic.” I said laying my cards on the table for her, well metaphorically at least. Nightling took that in and thought about it, or at least looked like she thought about it.

“Honestly, at this point there's no other way I can see us get out without trying at least.” She commented. I nodded as I let my magic flow through my horn as I tried to focus through the pain from my hind legs into the dirt around it. I could feel the gap between the heavy dirt and stone above my legs and under them. I tried to move just enough to give myself a larger gap to work with. That worked a little too well, and I didn't think of putting the sprint on first as I was able to give myself an extra inch or so around my legs. I almost lost more space as that relieved pressure on my legs caused a spike of pain to lance through me. Lucky for me I did get the stone wedged in to stop it. But it didn't stop the painful gasp that came from my mouth. “Storm!” She said in surprise as she got closer.

“I'm alright. I believe you were right about the legs. As soon as I removed the pressure from the stone and earth around it. A pain lanced up from them, if you got some rope or something I could dig my teeth into. I know I'm going to scream in pain while I form the sprint around them.” I said, she dug through and she found a large piece of timber I could bite into. After it was firmly in my mouth I began to fight through the pain as I took a lot of the smaller rocks and pressed them lightly against my legs. After I had each covered, I focused to fuse the rocks together until I had a layer of stone around each of them up to my chaff I think it's called, if not that then my hips at least. In that time the pain got so unbearable that I screamed into the timber. Once I had it formed I spit the timber out to see a smoking spot on the inside where it was. “Give me a few minutes to recover before you can then try and slide me out.” I said. As I let myself catch my breath, I had to think. This was going to hurt... a lot. Without giving me a chance to completely recover Nightling grasped my hoof and dragged me out from under it the stone. Within a few quick motions Nightling had me on her back where I was facing the same way she was.

“Don't get any funny ideas about your placement. I swear one mounting joke and I will drop you like a rock.” She said and I couldn't help but blush at that.

“I wasn't even going to go there.” I shot back.

“Right.” She said in a very sarcastic tone.

“What do you take me for?” I asked a little annoyed.

“A stallion that thinks with his stallionhood.” She shot back without dropping a beat.

“Serious?” I asked.

“Well I could have phrased it worse. I mean your are with Twilight Sparkle. I wouldn't put it past you pounding the prize purple pupil of Princess Celestia.” She said in a matter of fact tone.

“Oh this coming from the pony pouncing the paradox perplexing pink party pony from Ponyville?” I shot back. This caused her to misstep as she turned towards where I was pinned only a few moments ago.

“Oh your a cheeky one aren't you?”

“I would be a bit more if it wasn't for the pain I'm in and the fact that we both are trapped underground at the moment.” I said.

“Well what are you waiting for let's get this plan on the road.” She said, I just looked down at you for a few moments. “Well?”

“Give me a few moments, using magic isn't as easy as it looks.” I gave myself a few more moments before I started to focus on the stones before me. I began to compress the rock to give us a small opening. Something you should know, fusing rocks are easier compared to compressing them. I felt like trying to squeeze coals into diamonds the hard way. Lucky for me that stone was the easier of the materials to compress. It felt like maybe an hour of compressing the stone to give us at least most of a ponies length tunnel before I had to stop as the headache and pain started to really get to me. “Can we go back to the larger room?” I requested as I was breathing harder.

“Spent so soon?” She asked.

“Do you want to try and compress all this rock for a tunnel?” I shot back.

“Can't, I don't have a horn.” She said as she stepped back.

“Case and point, I need to catch my breath.” She sat me down gently since she probably need a break from me on her back.

“Are you sure there isn't another option to get us out of here?” She asked, and I couldn't blame her worry.

“Well, not that I can think of at least. It's hard enough to concentrate on the spell to really make and headway beyond that every hour or so with a break. That is unless you got some way to get in contact with somepony. Otherwise this is our only option until I can get a hold of Celestia or Luna.” I shot back.

“Well what do we do until you're rested up?” She asked and I could tell she was still on edge about being trapped in here, which I couldn't blame her. I mean I doubt anypony would want to be stuck underground with somepony like me.

“We could well... talk.” I suggested.



“Okay, so how's Twilight in bed?” She shot back.

“Okay let me rephrase that. Anything, but my love life.” I shot back with a blush crossing my muzzle.

“Oh? Is somepony a little hot under the collar when it comes to their special somepony?” Nightling teased.

“One, I rather keep that talk between Twilight and myself. Two, you wouldn't want somepony nosing about your love life with Pinkie would you?” I answered getting a little annoyed.

“What's not to tell, she's pretty wild.” She said with a smirk across her muzzle. I couldn't help it as a thought crossed my mind and my blush darkened. That was before I dashed the thought to the moon itself. No, bad Storm. This is one of your best friends, and what would Pinkie say about you thinking about her and her mare friend. Okay, now I really need a fifth shower.

“Okay, different subject.” I said and went with the second choice that popped into my head, because I sure as shit wasn't going with the first one. I think Nightling, Pinkie, and especially Twilight would kill me for speaking the first. “So what did you mean that you're mother died in these tunnel?” Granted not the wisest subjects but frankly, I was in pain and my levels of caring on topics other than my love life was non-existent. Nightling was silent for a bit and I could see that her mood had changed drastically. That's when I finally got the story, well a summed up version of it. As she had blurted out before her mother did die down in these tunnels. But unlike us who were currently trapped in here. She didn't have a way out from the tunnel collapsing because of diamond dogs weakening the supports. She wasn't found for six days after she went missing. You would think that a pony going missing at the same time a tunnel falls apart would tip off somepony? Nope. So after they found the body her father which I found out was the same pony that was in the asylum that both princesses, my friends, and my marefriend stuck my body in during the whole body swap.

With nopony to watch her, Nightling was technically given to the state. So she found herself in a foster home of sorts. The stallion that fostered her was somepony that Celestia trusted. Something about an old head of security. She didn't know much about his backstory since he didn't really talk about it much. But it was from him that she learned out to handle a few choice weapons. But mostly her swordsponyship, she wasn't bad with a crossbow either. Well as she explained it at least. But it was found out that the stallion who she didn't tell me his name yet. I didn't pry into that detail as I figured she was telling me this under a little privilege for the situation. As she explained it that during her training which was done while they traveled all over Equestria, she was taught how to survive in the wild without her wings. Which made sense coming from a unicorn stallion, as she said he went without his magic to help motivate her. Apparently she sort of knew of dronies before I came around. As his sister was a dragasus, but a little different. She couldn't remember off the top of her head since it's been a few years since she saw her. So I took her word for it and let her continue. She was rather fond of this stallion, I couldn't tell in what sense. I chalked that one up to the pain radiating from my hind legs.

I did ask about everything back in Ponyville, and she explained that all the mare's were still on edge but they had overcome their strong points of estrus. Granted she didn't go into heavy details but I figured she and Pinkie had some fun alone. Since both Mr. and Mrs. Cake were not around the bakery during that. She did pop in on Twilight, more for Pinkie's suggestion and to retrieve the box for the Nightmare book I reserved. Twilight was moody, as Nightling put it. When I asked for clarification on what she meant. All I got was a cryptic reply of “You may want to let her deal with the library first before you enter it again.” She wouldn't explain it afterwards. Partly I think was to get me back for sticking her in this mess in the first place. So I suck it up. What I asked next was a bit more about her mother and in why was she down in the tunnels in the first place. I couldn't help the disjointed thinking, since pain made it hard to always focus on one solid detail. Probably missed a lot more what she said about this 'Ghost Pepper' she called him. I wasn't sure if that was a name or rank. I think more name but with Equestria, it was hard to tell at times.

She did explain that her mother who I found out was called Midnight Echo was checking on an odd sound that was coming from the tunnels. That was later found out to be said diamond dogs from before, from digging closer to some of the more sound amplifying gemstones that could be found down here. I asked her if she knew where one was and she couldn't off hand. That gave me an idea, with my magic I began to look through the rocks for any gemstones around us. It seemed that this part of the tunnels were already mined clean. While I was doing that, Nightling explained that a lot of changes happened with the night guard since her mother's death. Celestia found out what happened and wanted to prevent that ever happening again. So she had each armor set with a special enchantment. Nightling faltered there was it seemed something clicked for her. A few minutes passed as she stuck her whole head into her saddlebags to look for something. I kind of hoped it was something for the pain, it wasn't. What she pulled out was what looked like the cat eyed gem that you would see on the front of the night guard armor. Something I knew Nightling wanted to do without for this mainly because she didn't think she would need the armor for a trip into the tunnels. She did bring this gemstone that she dropped on the ground and with one swift stomp shattered the gem into dust. Part of me wondered why. That was a rather pretty gemstone; the other part was scared out of my mind that she turned solid rock into fucking dust in one attack.

“We should be saved soon.” She said and I looked at her in a mixture of confused and well... happy. I mean you get stuck underground in a cave in and be told you're about to be saved. Of course you would be happy. So she finally explained the enchantment that was in every set of armor in the chest piece. The gemstone was a rather brittle kind of stone something that one strong hit would turn to dust as I saw. Which from there would trigger a spell in the stone to send a beacon of sorts to a command center in the castle. From there they would be able to locate said pony and dispatch a help team. The dust was used as the beacon point and would last a total of two days without outside effects. Made sense to a point, the only question was what if it was windy out when they used it. She then explained that the dust also attaches itself to hooves. On her hoof, namely the bottom of it was another bit of dust but this one had a faint glow keeping it attached. This left us with time to kill before rescue to arrive. In that time Nightling helped me away from the edge so I was closer to sitting in the center of the room.

“It's kind of funny, you know?” Nightling said with a light chuckle. I turned to look at her with a confused look upon my face.

“What's kind of funny?” I asked.

“That I get stuck in here with you.” She said as she wasn't even looking at me.

“Okay, I fail to see how this is funny?”

“It's not really this but something Pinkie said.” She began as she finally turned to look at me. “She said that I just sat down and talked to you. Without me flying off, that I would see that you're not really a bad drony. That you are a byproduct of what you had to go through.” She said and I was a little confused.

“Okay, mind if I ask what brought this all on? I doubt I'm a good judge of character, especially of myself, and if it wasn't for me, we both wouldn't be down here in the first place.”

“True, but you had a reason to come down here. Don't get me wrong, I am rather angry with you sticking us in this place. But you don't just do things for the heck of it.” She said as her gaze turned away from me.

“Um... what?” I asked really confused now.

“Since the attack, I still can't get the thought out of my head of how you looked that day.” She said.

“Sorry.” I said.

“No, don't be. I get why, I mean you had a bit of Nightmare Moon in you. No pony should blame you for something out of your control. But... I did anyway.” She said and I could tell she was saying these out of regret. “When I said I was worried that you could away just snap like you did and attack. I was only half explaining it. Pinkie when we weren't having fun on her large bed, she was telling me stuff about you. A lot more then I got from reports of your first few months in Equestria. The whole Timberwolf attack with you protecting both Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. The whole being knocked out at Applejack's farm, and even the events leading up to you going into the dream realm after Nightmare Moon.” She began.

“Wait... reports?” I asked. I didn't even know there was any reports of this matter.

“Yeah, I mean a new alicorn or in your case dralicorn shows up. You think that both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wasn't going to have him under watch?” She commented. “How did you think Princess Luna knew where you were when you left Twilight's Library the same night that you went into the dream realm?” The more I thought about it the more it began to make a little more sense.

“Then Celestia's whole keeping me at the castle for a while after my recovering from Nightmare Moon?” I asked.

“I can't say for sure, but my guess was she wanted to see what you would do caged up.” She speculated.

“That...” I paused for a few moments as I tried to figure out what I wanted to say. “That honestly doesn't sit right with me. Don't get me wrong, I understand where Celestia and Luna had to stand in this case. I was an unknown factor in their kingdom, a wild card. So keeping an eye on me wouldn't be out of the question.” I said more thinking out loud. “The question I have was when did they stop suspected me of doing something against them?” She simply shrugged at this, so much for a well informed guard. A few minutes passed as we sat there in silence, something I began to really hate... awkward silence. You have no idea how much it bugs the hell out of me. That was when we felt it, a light rumble at first. Without a moment's thought Nightling had me on her back again, minus the really bad joke. As the rumbling got bigger, the more I began to tense. Was this another collapse? Nightling slowly stepped back as I tried to fight through the pain to get a shield up.

I found out that this was rather useless as a pair of claws ripped themselves through the stone and my shield like it was nothing. It only took a moment for the large hulking beast to completely tunnel in as it had slashed through the lamp. All I could make out was it's slightly glowing yellow slit eyes. Both Nightling and I remained silent as we waited for it to move. The sound of metal scraping was heard before we are blinded for a moment. When my eyes readjusted to the sudden change of light. What stood before us looked like one of the diamond dogs I saw back with Rarity when we were gathering gems. But this one looked like one of those but crossed with a doberman pinscher with it's normally black fur coat with parts of it in dark brown.

“Are you the ponies I was sent down here to find?” He asked, and he didn't sound like the one's from before. Which completely surprised me, I had never heard any diamond dog talk in a normal pattern of speech.

“I believe so.” I answered while I noticed Nightling's wings had flared up when he entered through the stone wall.

“Hello Rex.” Nightling growled.

“And Hello to you too Nighty.” He growled back.

“That's Nightling.” She shot back.

“I know, and I know you don't like being called that.” He said standing up with his arms crossed.

“Then stop calling me that!” She yelled back.

“Easy now Nighty, I'm only doing my job.” Rex said.

“If it hasn't come to anypony's attention I'm rather injured here and I would like some medical attention soon.” I interjected, both out of annoyance at the fact that these two were about to go at each other and I needed the medical help. Nightling glanced up at me before giving out a snort that sounded equine to me.

“Follow me.” Rex said before turning around and heading back through the tunnel that he made. I couldn't help but feel the pain from my wing as well as from my hind legs. It wouldn't stop throbbing to the point that it became the only thing I could focus on. I had lost focus on the conversation that Rex and Nightling were having. I could get the tone of it, and it was more that Nightling has a problem with Rex. The reason I couldn't tell, honestly at this point didn't care. Callous of me I know but when you're in pain and it began to increase in intensity, you wouldn't care much either. It felt like hours but it was probably closer to just an hour. We were able to get out to one of the normal tunnels. I noticed that there were a few guards at the entry that began to flank the group of us. Rex was leading the party while I was in the center of the group. I looked at each the guard and I noticed that they were all night guards. It made sense since this was the darker side to Canterlot. The world began to drift a little in my view, as it began to blur in and out. We finally got out I noticed that outside there was a few multicolored blurs as the pain started to spike as I was flipped over and dropped onto something. I couldn't tell what it was as I felt straps being fastened on my pierced wing to keep it straight. The only thing I could see was the glow of a sun yellow coming towards me, and for a few moments. Celestia's face came into focus before it completely disappeared as well as the world around as I drifted off into a painful sleep.


Beep... beep... beep. The familiar pattern of beeping was the only thing I could hear before the walls of my private room at the Canterlot Hospital came into focus. I looked around to see the Canterlot streets out of my windows. I couldn't help but shift up and noticed a small swing of pain coming from wing. I turned and noticed that my wing was completely bandaged up with a few splotches of blood on it. It felt like it was whole again but... still a little raw. I honestly couldn't really describe it beyond that the bandages rubbing over that spot just feels cold in a way and just didn't rub right. Beyond that I was able to look to see both my hind legs had the same treatment as my wings. They looked like they were trying to mummify me but stopped right up to my flanks. They didn't really hurt per say, just a little tight. I slid myself slowly out of my bed to see if I could. There wasn't any pain, well besides the wing. I slowly walked over to the window to get a better view of Canterlot. Beyond the simple hustle and bustle that is normal for Canterlot, I noticed a slight layer of fog covering the ground making it hard to see ponies hooves from this angle. My observations where cut a little short as the door to my room opened up to a lime green unicorn mare with a long brunette mane and tail. I couldn't see her cutie-mark with the lab coat she wore. In her magic which was a nice sunset orange color, she held a clipboard with my cutie-mark on the back of it. Her gaze shifted up and looked surprised to see me.

“So what's the verdict doc?” I asked, she looked at me a little confused.

“Verdict? Verdict for what?” She asked.

“How long do I have to live?” I said with a smile, this confused her anymore.

“What? You should have a full lifespan.” She said still completely clueless. “Why would you think otherwise?”

“Oh, well... waking up in the hospital after having part of my body crushed and a stone spike through my wing. Not counting the concussive force for the explosions could have done some major internal damage to my body. So I figured I would ask to see how long do I have to live.” I answered with a smile. She didn't look amused by my comment as she adjusted the glasses on her muzzle she looked over my chart.

“Well it is true that you've put your body through a rather tough endeavor. From what I see here, your hind legs have been repaired from several broken bones. The muscle around those bones how ever have been bruised rather thoroughly. Which would make sense for the bandages. From the notes here the bandages have been magically treated to help numb the pain as well as help heal them. You wing on the other hoof is a different story.” She explained. My gaze looked over at my already bandaged wing as she continued explaining. “Your wings have been fixed as much as we could. The only thing we couldn't do was regrow the feathers in you wing. So you'll be grounded for at least a month for them to grow back.”

“I can live with that. Anything I need to know about dealing with the bandages?” I asked as I continued to observe the doctor.

“Besides making sure the bandages remain dry as much as you can and to change the bandages at least once a day, same as before.” She said as she floated up a piece of parchment. The sun over the moon told me it was Celestia's seal. Which that was an interesting thing to learn, if you wanted to send them a letter directly through the mail. It depends on who's seal you use. While Celestia's priority seal was a large sun close to her cutie-mark with a crescent moon lying within it. Luna is a crescent moon and within the space a smaller sun barely touching the moon itself. Something about this was a little different, as I flicked open the letter in my hoof.

Dear Firestorm,
Come to the castle, we have a lot to talk about.
Signed, Celestia.

For one of her letters this was rather short, and I couldn't help but feel like something was off. The doctor who's name I didn't get at the time showed me to hospital door with a set of saddlebags from what I was told was left for me. She placed a few bandages as well as some tonics in to help. The tonics were to help keep the pain numbed. I did ask about the fog at the front desk and it seems that the weather factory was having some issues with fog in Ponyville, Manehattan, and Canterlot for a few days. Makes sense... well as much as magical ponies that control the weather can make sense to a human turn drony still trying to catch up to all this. I left the Canterlot Hospital through the now thickened fog. It felt like the gray fog just started to swallow Canterlot in seconds after I stepped out into it. Of course my thoughts where on everything but the world around. I was familiar with the way back to the castle by now with my trips I did from the hospital and back from before Hearth's Warming. I couldn't help but think about everything I had to change in my way of thinking. The way I saw everything, and the way my life is now. Honestly it was rather funny in some ways, painful in others. Hell, I still remembered Dash's first flying lesson and the many that followed. I found that heights didn't bother as much as they did before. Still scared the hell out of me when I wasn't close to something solid in a ground sense. I was still a little squeamish about being on a cloud, not counting the almost four weeks of it watching over Twilight. Honestly I have started to enjoy flying, how little I do it. Just to feel the wind in my wings... well when they aren't damaged by some outside force, is rather enjoyable when I kept close to the ground that is. My revelry came to end as I came to the large castle doors to find them slightly open. Something was wrong with this, the doors are normally kept shut until somepony comes to enter. Worse yet was the fact that there were no guards near the door. I opened the door wide enough to go in and began to make my way to the throne room. If somepony was going to be here, that would be the first choice. Especially that's where Celestia or Luna would be.

For some reason the fog continued on through the castle, not as thick as it was outside but in here it was more... eerie. This was familiar to me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. As I went things got worse, no guards anywhere, tapestries on the wall all destroyed as well as some of the windows having holes in them or just cracked. The deeper I went the more ruin I found, but I don't know either to be thankful or not that there was no pony dead. That's when I got to the large double doors that looked like they were blasted open from the outside. Even worse was who I saw just on the inside. I pressed myself against the wall while they where looking away from me. Slowly, I made my way over to the door to get a better look at the being who caused this.

“You'll never win pony.” It said in a very distorted voice. This was followed by a large explosion and then silence. Oh this was not good... not good at all. I made it to the door and slowly peeked to see who it was. Standing there with rubble completely around her was Chrysalis, but not as I remembered her. Around there was a dark mist like aura that I could see coming from both her mane and tail. Unlike the normal flat hair as before with it's many holes. This time it looked... foreboding. Both mane and tail took the same dark mist as before while it floated there just shimmering. Like a dark glitter just in a jar of zero gravity space that just bleed some of it out of the top of the jar. It would look nice if it was on any pony but that changeling. She whirled around to look in my direction. Thinking fast I pulled back so I would remain out of sight. Okay, scratch my earlier not good comment. This was fucking bad...

“Come out Storm, we have much to discuss you and I.” She said as her voice had an echo that sounded like it came before she said anything.

“And now it just got fucking worse.” I whispered in a little despair. Fucking hell, what the fuck was I going to do here? I was injured and I didn't have much in the sense of weapons. Nothing around me was large enough to work against her. A bolt of magic struck the door only inches from my head as chunks of it just disintegrated into dust and blew away. “Oh fuck me running.” I mouthed.

“If you don't come out Firestorm, the next one won't miss.” She ordered. So I had to stallion up here. What was that saying again? Fortune favors the bold, or something like that. Slowly I had made my way to the entry, I watched Chrysalis as she smiled at me with a manic grin on her face with her horn at the ready. “Long time no see.” She said coldly.

“Indeed it has.” I said as I removed my eyes from her for a second to get a better look at the husk of the room. Scattered around in littered piles was a mixture of spears, swords, helmets, and body armor of both day and night guards. But not a pony in sight. Mix within the mess of items was a fine gray dust. I turned back to her as her once green eyes were more a teal as it watched me carefully. Her horn was just as jagged as I remembered but it was curved up, near the base of it I noticed a darker acid green helmet on her head.

“I've waited long enough for this.” She said as a blast of magic flew from her horn at me. I rolled out of the way in time to avoid the blast. The spot where I was turned into a small creator with more gray dust with in it. She turned to fire at me again, this allowed me the time to make a dash towards some of the fallen weapons. She how ever had a different idea. Magic lanced them turning what I was about to grab with my magic into the same dust as before. “You won't survive this monster.” She growled as she left loose a torrent of blasts, in hope of catching me. I dived behind one of the already destroyed rubble that was once the throne. I then grabbed whatever I could in my magic. I was able to get a small collection of objects. I turned and readied myself for the next blast to come. Just as I thought the throne disappeared with her blast of magic and I sent two swords and a spear at her the second she was in sight. The swords she was able to blast to dust but wasn't fast enough to get the spear. The spear tip nailed her right in the horn causing a crack to form within it. On the inside of it crack I could see a mixture of the green that I would normally associate with changelings and the teal. She growled as she wrapped the spear in her back and launching it back at me. In a split second choice I tried to form a shield before me with my eyes clinched shut. When I chance and opening them, not feeling sharp poking death in me. I saw that I barely caught the spear in time as it was close to an inch away from my muzzle. My breath began to deepen as I tried to regain my composure. “You think you're so clever?” She growled at me. “After all you did to screw up my plan. What you did to my army, and what you did to me. I will make you pay!” She roared at me magic flared through her horn.

“Not as much as you will for what you did here” I shot back.

“Finally a back bone, so you're going to die like the monster you are?” I couldn't help but laugh.

“Die?” I said as I let magic emit from my horn. “There is something you don't know about me Chrysalis. I don't go down easily.” I said taking a wider stance. Every piece of metal within the room began to glow as my magic washed over everything. That includes the helm on this bitch's head. All the weapons were the first to fly up and pointed at her. She began to laugh as a beam of magic flew out at me. I pulled a few bits of armor in the way as a makeshift shield as I put a sword in my mouth. With the armor turned to dust I took off at a full gallop. She began to fire another bolt of magic as I intercepted it with more armor. I fired a few spears I had wrapped up in magic. She pulled up a shield that surrounded her. The spears snapped upon impact with her shield. I Used the swords in my magic to try and slash my way through. They scraped against it leaving no mark but on the sword as some of the metal chipped off.

“Stupid pony, you won't be able to break through my shield.” She laughed, after a few moments I began to laugh too. Her laugh died away after a few minutes as she first looked confused, followed by pissed. “What's so funny?” She growled, before her face turn to surprise. I continued to laugh as between that and the soft drips of the goo dropping to the ground.

“What happened to your bravado? I thought you were going to make me pay?” I said walking closer to her as her shield disappeared. “One thing you have never learned, and you never will. You've got to keep your eyes open.” I said as her gaze slowly dropped down to the spear tip from my first launch. She left it in the shield and forgot it was there. I was able to slash it upwards into the softer underbelly as most insects had. I jammed it in rather deep as I keep her mind on me. I wanted to finish this, and hope that Celestia and Luna as well as everypony left was safe. I took the spear and jammed it up further.

“I... I won't go down... so... easily.” She growled with her choking breath as her horn glowed bright to the point that crack in her horn got brighter. Oh, shit! Is she... shit! She is trying trying to take me out with her. I tried to make a mad dash for the door but she dropped a shield to contain me in here with her. The crazy bitch is doing what she can to keep my ass in here. I had to think of something. Then if flashed in my head, images of a bolder dropping down, as a horn a glow with magic, and the blast that came from it. I grinned as I turned towards Chrysalis as her horn was erupting with magic to the point that I couldn't see the horn within the aura. I grabbed the closest object and with all the force I could whipped it at her. The helmet collided with her head causing the aura to collapse within itself as the crack expanded and began to travel all over her body. Seconds until that passed as her body glowed a mixture of a bright sickly green and teal. I gathered every piece rubble, armor, weapon, and anything else I could grip within my magic. I placed it between her and I as the energy expanded to the point that it lashed out. The bright light blinded me, as the air began to blow away from the energy she's expelling from herself. In the brief seconds before she exploded there was nothing more than the eerie silence that broke as the room turned into nothing but color and a roar that left me deaf. When it finally died away, she was gone. There was a hole in the floor several feet surrounded the place she stood. I slowly made it over to the hole, as I never knew under the throne room was a massive cavern. Which was odd since normally under the castle was underground tunnels that work with the sewer system. My observations were cut short as the ground around me and the hole began to crack with massive fissure spider webbing through the whole floor. I turned towards the door as my eyes went wide. The shield was still covering the door which meant I was trapped. I didn't have my wings to fly myself out through a window to escape. The fissure began to run up the walls and through the hall pass the shield. There was no telling if I could escape by running for it. I watch the throne room begin to collapse and once the first large chunk of the ceiling smashed into the ground. It was it's resistance, and fell apart taking me with it. I was plunged into the darkness of the cavern below.

With no clue if I was going to survive, I was left to the pitfalls of destiny.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 28 - Trapped

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“Okay, not the brightest idea I had.” I said getting up on my hooves after I had came to. I don't remember how long I was out, or where I was. I pulled magic to my horn to light up the area around us. The gemstones and crystals around began to glint in a multitude of colors. Besides that the remains of the throne room around me. This was... wait, I know this place. This was the crystal caverns under the light side of Canterlot. The same place Chrysalis had tried and to imprison both Twilight and Cadence. So, if my memory was correct I just have to follow their story to get out of here. Let's see... if I ended up here that means... My gaze came across the room to find the markers that Twilight told me. One thing about Twilight is when she describes something she makes you feel like you can see it if you really take in the details. I had to account for all the new stuff around me but I could see where she had blasted the wall to free Cadence. So that means I have to walk the other direction to find an an exit. But the problem was that I was weaponless where I stood. I looked around to find a lot of the armor and weapons warped, bent, or unusable in some way. “Damn.” I said trying to find something to keep on me. Something inside told me that I need to keep something on hand.

“Wait... just maybe.” I said out loud as I looked for a spear or sword to get my hooves on that looked as best. I found a broken spear, that will work, after a bit more of searching I found a short sword that was bent in a ninety degree angle. I nodded quietly at this and began to breathe fire on it, until it began to glow bright red. I then took both my magic and hoof to press the sword down so both ends of the metal that wasn't at the bending point melted into the clasp for the spear. From there I began to magically pound the sword metal to forge myself a makeshift dagger. It wasn't pointed in the traditional way but it was a square edge style dagger. The problem with this was the metal wasn't quenched after my reforging, so I may lose this somewhere down the line. Of course that's something you pick up after watching enough videos on the internet about the damn stuff. That and probably an unhealthy fascination with it as well. I kept the blade floating in my magic while it cooled down. I continued through the crystal cavern seeing the prismatic colors that just blend and mixed through out the walls.

This reminded me much of the same kind of caverns that was under the Crystal Empire's castle. Come to think about it if I get out of here and make sure that everypony is safe I should head up there with Twilight to visit Cadence and Shining Armor. My echoed steps in the cavern was the only thing I could hear besides the sounds of the wind blowing in. The only other thing that I could describe was this overbearing chill that wouldn't leave my body. Like an odd sixth sense that things were wrong, which would be normal after facing that monstrosity that was Chrysalis. Maybe this was just Equestria's way of telling me something was wrong, or maybe after spending a lot of time being here I picked up a knack for these things.

“Shadow you there?” I asked, after a few minutes I didn't get a reply. “Shadow?” Again nothing. “Shadow!” I yelled more to try and get his attention. Of course who I got to answer me was most defiant the one I didn't want to answer.

“Shadow.” Said a very odd voice. It sounded like someone couldn't decide if a voice should be deep or high pitch. On top of that it had a weird echo that started before the words did. “Shadow.” It said again but the second time it wasn't alone, two more voices had joined it. The three quickly turned to nine then twenty seven, from there it just kept increasing as something began to emerge out of the crystals around me. They looked like ponies if their coats were the purest of blacks. Covering most of the top part of their face was a white mask with scratches and marking done in red. The only other detail was that their eyes were just red dots within a sea of black. Their mouths open to show that they had white razor sharp looking teeth as they spoke my other side’s name. I remembered something like this from too many horror flicks, so I took the better option than trying to stay and fight. I high tailed it outta there like my life depended on it, most likely it did.

As I galloped down the cavern tunnel more of those weird ponies continued to emerge from the walls, floor, and ceiling. As I ran to avoid as many as I could, I decide to glance behind me to see a stampede of them after me. All of them looking menacing and ready to attack if they got in range. Lucky for me they were all earth ponies. Of course none of that mattered, as they came out of just about everywhere. I ran throughout that cavern trying to escape the mob of creatures after me. I made it around those caves twice before I found the rail track that Cadence and Twilight had used the cart to escape. The old track looked like it was being held up by just best wishes alone. My path turned towards the rails as I was hoping to at least bottleneck them on the track to help evade most of them. Lucky for me that they may be able to chase and talk. But they are not able to use tactics to prevent my escape. My hooves struck against the wooden bracers of the track as I made my way down it. It seems that they added a metal mess for those that didn't have a cart to ride down it. I began to breath fire ahead of me with as much force as I could to help incinerate the wood under me, keeping it going for an hour. As soon as I gave myself the chance to breathe in for a second wave of flames the track began to give out by the massive weight of the herd of pony shaped creatures behind me. My long shot worked… too well as the rails behind me began to fall out. So I trade one dangerous situation for another one. I will state this as I think I have many times before.

“I am not a smart pony!” I yelled out of my own frustration as I tried to escape. As I made my way down the track I knew that I was fighting a losing battle. The track was rather long and even came to a spiral part way through. So if this continued much longer fatigue was going to set in and I was going to fall to god knows where. The track continued to race under me as the collapsing track behind me was catching up fast. I needed something to give me some time. The spiral part of the track was coming close so I tried something reckless. I jumped to my left to the track further down and tried to jump from curve to curve. I forgot that with the track so close that it began to take down the spiral as soon as I landed on the second inner ring. Two more jumps and I was back down the straight away. All this time I couldn't get this odd feeling that I had forgot something rather important. That was shortly answered when I found myself at the end of the track.

“You've got to be fucking kidding me?” I yelled as I slide to a stop right before going over. Okay, it's official the universe is a damn jerk. With the track falling out coming up fast I had to figure out a way to get myself to safety. I looked around me to find some thing but with the only usable stuff around me was the metal mesh, rail ties, and the wooden bracers there wasn't... wait a minute. I reached out with my magic and began to rip out the metal. I then began to make a makeshift roll cage around me. I used the rails as the main support for the cage and the mesh to surround it. With that done I began to press to get it rolling towards the collapsing track. As the track fell out from under me I began to use the downward slope that the falling track created to keep myself going. Since everything falls roughly at the same time and heavy things falls faster. The roll cage stayed on the track and I used the rails to keep it from jumping the track. As soon as I reached the bottom of the cavern I found myself a hard time trying to stop it. Especially when I was launched into the air from a bent set of track. The cage struck against the wall sending me into the side of the cage that bent in from the impact before it dropped to the ground and rolled back. Until it got to the dent which it stayed on. Several minutes passed as I sat there trying to get my bearings, that and the world to stop spinning.

Once that was done I was able to figure out where the hell I was. Downside was that I was in a cave somewhere under the crystal caverns. I had no idea where this was and I don't remember anything about them from Twilight's stories of her adventures. The cave walls around me looked to be uniformly dug like this was made for something. Even to the point that it looked like the walls themselves were carved to look like stone bricks. Somepony wanted this place to look like the old dungeons that you would find in old adventure games. The path behind me was blocked because of rumble so I had to travel down the only path I had. Even with having an internal furnace in me I couldn't help but feel the cold around me. I could take cool temperatures but I really didn't like the cold. Now that I think about it, I wasn't that cold during the winter. Wet maybe, but not really cold. It was even cold enough that I could see my breath as I exhaled. The tunnel walls were slick to the point that even with the glow from my light spell. The flickering showed me the sheen of light coming from it and the bits of mildew hanging on the walls. Even with the wet walls the dirt floor was oddly dry. My hooves gave a thump as I continued to walk down the tunnel. It opened up to a much larger room that honestly looked like it was ripped out of a sewer system and made massively larger. Within the still water in the middle of it the sewer tunnel a large massive skeleton of some kind of a three headed sea serpent. The bones looked like it had better days as most of them had a darker almost black like discoloration. Looking around I saw that I only had one place left I could go. So I followed the tunnel down further, I watched as waterfalls fell down and joined the larger stream.

All my normal exits were blocked by thick gating that would take me time to focus through. Even with blink I don't think I could get through them without issue. The dull throb from my wing began to set in as the painkillers were wearing off. The tunnel began to spread out in size until it was more a cavern. After a few more minutes of traversing I found a very large building sunk into the wall. Unlike the larger green cavern walls, the building itself was a pale blue. I couldn't help but get a little creeped out by the building’s design. This was almost a spot for spot asylum straight from a horror movie on earth, down to the steel bars on the windows with a Gothic motif. It even had the big imposing wooden door that screams that something is bound to happen. But of course my curiosity got the better of me and I had to check it out. As soon as I got close I saw a large plaque upon the door itself. “Athenaeum” was written on the plaque, which I had no damn clue what it meant. Silently the door opened to a darken room that had soft glowing from different sources. A pool here, a few crystals there, and some stuff I couldn't tell what they were in jars. Even with the glow from multiple sources as well as my horn it took me several minutes to find a light switch. A few minutes more for my eyes to get use to the sudden change in light. Once I was able to see I was rather surprised, well... I guess surprised would be the wrong word. Confused would be a better word as the only thing I could compare this too was a hero from fiction back home.

“Did I just find the pony version of the bat cave?” I asked out loud. To be honest it looked like something directly from it, hell it had the giant penny with a pony version of Abraham Lincoln minted into it. Not even just that, against a far cave wall I could see different tapestries that had a different design in each one. Under them house a three floor set of bookcases. Which wasn't the only bookcases in the whole place. Under the giant penny was a large fountain that had books around the outside of them in there own little shelves. Whoever owned this place would put Twilight to shame in the amount of books that they own. Hell I think this would beat the Canterlot Archives at least twice over. That's just one side of the room alone, the other side had so much stuff on them. Foremost the first thing that caught my eye was not the statue of Starswirl the bearded. But the large painting next to it of a younger Princess Celestia. If I had to stay something about size, if I was seeing the proportions right. She was closer to Luna's size when this was painted. If my memory serves me and after Twilight drilled it into my head, this would be up to or at least just after Luna's banishment when this was done. My gaze dropped to some of the miscellaneous stuff around the painting. Jars, jugs, books, and scrolls are cakes on with years of dust and cobwebs covered the space around me. Most of them closer to the large display cases one of them housed a set of jewelry and a massive gem. It was the other case that really caught my eye. Inside it was a disassembled C-96 m712 Mauser hand gun.

Slowly I blinked looking at this gun... in Equestria... from earth, Germany no less. I finally looked at the little plaque to see what they decided to call this.

A Hue Man Gun, a stronger projectile weapon.

I couldn't help but groan a little at this. Besides that fact that somepony as smart or as I was told and read so to really not be able to call a human anything but that in the correct spelling. Wait... how did they get this gun? Besides the fact that both Grimwand and I were the only ones that knew that spell. Well granted that zebra Grimwand got, the book from knew it. But still... it's a little hard to say that besides the three of us that Starswirl from roughly a thousand years ago would have the same ability. As I continue to examine the gun for a few minutes my spine began to tingle with the very loud roar just coming from the other side of the door I just entered. At first I tried to whip out the make shift knife that I didn't have. I ended up losing it during my roll cage incident.

“Shit!” I said as I tried to find something to protect myself with. My gaze returned to the gun case. Part of me wanted to avoid having to use it, but the logical side said that I really didn't have much choice in this if I really need to defend myself. With a growl I struck the case with my prosthetic hoof to smash it. I quickly got the gun together and even loaded. Which at least lucky for me that the clip was loaded. The only odd part was getting the gun strap to get it on. Since for all logical sense that putting a gun strap under my wing would be a little hard to get to without magic. That and having to feel a gun smack my hind legs just screams bad idea with them still injured as they are. So I mostly had it strapped around my neck and slightly dangled from my chest. I did make sure I had the full clip in and began to find another way out. The way I entered was clearly off limits with whatever was behind it. I saw enough horror movies growing up to tell me not to do that. Granted I did kind of walk into the whole Chrysalis fight, so note to self see if I brought my horror movie collection with me. Trotting throughout this bat pony cave place, I couldn't see some way out that didn't lead into a dead end. I mean I could find a chemistry lab, a library, a bedroom, the bathroom, and quite a few other rooms, but no way to escape this underground cavern. That of course was when I found the big shiny golden door that just so happen to have a bright light coming from under it. Of course it was the only door I haven't checked yet. I mean with the door clearly labeled mirror room, it was most likely a dead end. At this point what did I have to lose?

The door creaked open to show a fairly large round room that shouldn't really fit in the a allotted space. I stepped back out to see that the entry was maybe a few feet away from the door and yet when I reentered, the wall next to the door had more then that in spades. Somepony was playing goofy with the space in here or something. I couldn't help but feel like somepony had seen the Tardis from Doctor Who or something like that. The room inside had a polished purple stone covering each surface beyond the wooden doors that was where I entered and on the other side of the wall. The floor had a carved tile pattern and on the walls beside the doors was full length mirrors with a golden edge encrusted with amethyst gems. I watched the gems cascade in the glow from the furthest end of the room to the one closest to me. I tentatively stepped further into the room as I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew of Starswirl mostly from Twilight and my late night reading. He had pioneered a lot of the spell and magical theories that are used nowadays. But I had read nothing about his work with mirrors or anything of that matter. So to find something like this here really didn't help the whole feeling of unease and dread that just circled around me. Of course what really didn't help was, after a few steps in, the door behind me slammed shut. Radiating shield magic covered both doors making sure that I wouldn't be getting through them anytime soon. To top it all each mirror turned bright white while the gems glowed purple which caused me to be blinded for a few seconds. In which time I thought I could hear somepony calling my name.

“Twilight?” I asked as the light pierced through my closed eyes as I could have sworn that was who said my name. After the light died away and my vision cleared enough to see that nothing in the room had changed at a cursory glance. As to add to the oddity of it all that I couldn't help but feel that I wasn't alone in the room anymore. But for the life of me I could not see any pony in here. Venturing a chance I moved myself over to the other door and tried to see if the shield was nothing more than an illusion spell. Maybe somepony thought it was better to trick another pony that they were trapped. Unfortunately it was indeed shield as the small spark of pain that the shield snapped at me told me enough. “Okay, so somepony wanted to trap ponies in here. But if I was that pony I would make myself a fail safe just in case if I got trapped myself. Now the sixty four million dollar question is where is said fail safe?” I said to myself as I tried to examine each mirror’s frame as that would be my first guess to the location. A curious thing to note is that each gem didn't stop glowing after the blinding white light did as they pulsated from mirror to mirror. After I examined the third mirror, a sound rang out that caused my mane to stand on end. A laugh of not a filly or colt but that of a mare could be heard. I quickly turned around to see if somepony was there, but there wasn't one. That fact alone filled me with fear, especially after the shadow pony creatures from before.

Turning my gaze around the room, it was quickly drawn to a flash of a shadow on one of the mirrors for a split second. Looking behind me I noticed that I was up against the mirror behind me. Every fiber of my being told me to escape this room as the laugh echoed throughout the room once again. It sounded closer to me then it did last time. Just standing there like an idiot trying to find the source of that sound, which seemed to not want to be found. I moved away from the mirror to just get a better view. Oh, I got a better view as I was sent violently into the shield covered door by a mysterious force that felt like a buck to my side. A second passed as I got back to my hooves to see what attacked me, but still nothing was there. I thought about it for a moment and conjured myself a layer of fog on the ground to see if this was a grounded enemy. Nothing stood out to me as the fog remained the inch thickness I cast upon the floor. Okay, not a grounded enemy then. I took up the fog keeping it as level as possible I brought it straight up, much like I did against Shadow Storm to see if I was indeed dealing with a flying combatant, but alas nothing there as well. Was it just some spell in the room? I was sent away from the door by another burst of force sending me on to my back in the middle of the room after almost comically sending my butt up into the air as I slid. What the hell was attacking me? Rolling over to get back on my hooves towards my good wing, I tried to figure out what the hell was assaulting me. That's when my gaze fell right back to the mirrors. Circling around my reflection was a weird looking pony. From what I could tell that it's coat was a very dark purple, almost a dark violet. I could make out where it's mouth should be but it didn't have any opening I would count as one. The thing continued to circle me in the mirrors as I noticed it's tail wasn't pony like at all. Unlike a pony's tail, this one has more like a thicker monkey tail closer to my tail when I'm in my stormed form. Since my tail get's thicker closer to a dragon's tail. In the case of this creature it's tail had what looked like a large five fingered claw at the end of it reaching over the top. At the tip of each claw instead of the dark purple it had some bright yellowish orange colored tip. When I finally got an angle to see the face of this thing. I noticed it had a large red vertical eye. Much like the slit for a cat's eye, in the center of it, being vertical as well. Across the eye it had a large yellow colored cross mark that if you took the center red eye and used the ends of the cross. Make a very sharp looking butterfly like pattern as it's face. Part of me was getting an alien pony vibe from this thing and I didn't like it. It's tail flew down at me and I tried to sidestep it. But being able to make the judge of distance from a reflection is harder than it looks. I stepped into it and was slammed down by the creature’s large palm. After having myself flatten by the creature it decided that I needed to be picked up by my guess it's large clawed tail. It swung me around in a circle before I was tossed into one of the mirrors. The sound of shattering glass was heard followed by a painful screech coming from somewhere.

Shakily getting onto my hooves, I saw the faintest silhouette of the creature in the room with me. I blinked looking at this mass over dark purple as that was all I could make out of it. The main radiantly coming from my back made it a little hard for me to focus on what had changed. Doing what I could I tried to focus enough to fire a fireball at the silhouette but it seemed that this thing was still as incorporeal as before. That slightly changed when the fireball destroyed one of the mirror's opposite to the one behind me. This caused the silhouette to fill in a bit more to the point that I could see it's eye staring at me after it let out another screech of pain.

“So that's your gimmick huh?” I said with a grin. The creature only roared at me which was kind of amazing since it didn't have a mouth to do so. It tried to grab me again but this time being able to see it I was able to jump to the left and make a dash for another mirror while I sent a second fireball at a third mirror. It connected and like before caused the creature to screech and fill in. I turned and bucked the mirror I ran up to shattering it. Four of these mirrors were broken and I could count six left. Before my hind legs came down from the buck the creature was on me and had me in a choking grip with it's tail.

“You won't win.” It growled in a distorted female voice.

“Why? Because you have me in your grip?” I asked, it answered back with slamming me into the ground.

“No, because I won't lose.” It said after it had me back up in the air.

“You forget one thing sister.” I said as I sent magic through my horn.

“What's that?” It asked putting a squeeze on my throat.

“I have a gun.” I answered before I lifted up the gun still in it's holster and fired through it at another mirror shattering it. The creature dropped me as it let out a screech once again. I didn't take a chance and unloaded a round into each mirror causing this creature to fill in more and more. Once the last mirror was destroyed I looked at the thing before me. It's eye was fixed at me as it returned to its hooves, one thing I didn't notice was that it's hooves had small claws on them like my stormed state does. It dashed at me knocking me onto the ground and dropping the gun from my levitation spell. Okay, so this was phase two. It ran up to me and started to rear up to smash it's hooves into me. I was faster sending a stream of flames at it. Unlike when it was incorporeal, this was corporeal and on fire. It thrashed around trying to extinguish the flames. This thing could burn in hell as far as I cared. What I wanted the most was it gone, and I was going to get that as I moved to get my gun. It had another plan as it used its tail and grabbed my hind legs lifting me in the air. I howled in pain as the bandages weren't made to numb this. It began to swing me around in the air over it's burning body until the flung me into the air. I struck against the ceiling before I had dropped onto the ground. The fire continued to engulf the creature before me as the flames turned from the ruby red that it was to a dark purple. I fought to get back to my hooves as my pain run rapid through my body. I needed to end this now if I had a chance to survive. Sending a bit of magic through my horn I was able to point the gun in the air at the creature as it slowly moved towards me. It's eye glowed with the fires of hell that screamed 'dead meat' if it got it's claws on me. It looked up to see my horn and turned to see the gun pointed right at it's fucking head. “Checkmate” I said grinning followed by the ringing sound of a gunshot. I watched the creature fly back a bit as the back of it's head just exploded sending bits of bone, brain, and other bits against the wall. The splatter covered most of the mirrors as I just collapsed there onto my belly.

“I don't think I could handle much more of this.” I said as I brought the gun back to me along with the damaged holster. Once I was able to take what I could only guess was a half hour to breathe I finally got to work on changing out my bandages for some fresh ones. The ones I had were covered in a dark red of my dried blood. As I began to pull back the bandages I was able to really see the extensive damage from being trapped in the tunnels like I had. It seems some of my leg was cut open from the debris which made sense as I couldn't see it at the time. Around the spots there was a massive size bruises like the doctor had described to me. Once I had the old bandages off the pain began to intensify so I had to work fast. Taking the fresh wrappings from my saddlebags which I was still a little surprised I had on me. Once my hind legs were mummified once more the magic in the bandages took in again. Several seconds passed before the pain was completely gone, it seems in that time the body of the creature decided to disappear completely leaving an odd shaped key in the pool of what I could guess passed as green blood. I reached out in magic to pick it up and bring it closer. The key was a fairly simple design. It was a amethyst gem in a diamond shape as a handle bordered by gold the came down to make the two prong teeth of the key. With a few waves of the key, I removed the ichor from it and slide it into my saddlebags. Okay, so I was safe my next task was finding a way out of this room. The door that I could guess lead back was still covered in the shield was still there. The other one... well... was gone.

“That's... I don't know how to feel about that.” I said with a cocked eyebrow. Something was bugging me about it but I couldn't guess. I walked over to it and tried to open it. My hoof gently pressed against, and like nothing was blocking it swung open to show myself in a large library of sorts. Dear god, if Twilight could see this now. I think she would be jumping for joy just at the massive amount of books alone. I looked slightly closer to these books, most of them didn't have titles just symbols on them that I wasn't aware of them. Top with that the large wood stained bookcases was covered in nothing more but dust and webs. Like nopony was down here to dust this in years, correction more like centuries. Magically pulling one of the books from it spot, displaced the dust while some of it just slid down to the floor. Of course this book was rather fruitless as I couldn't even read the book, most of it was complete gibberish. Sighing at this, I snapped the book shut and placed it back into it's shelf. This was really bugging me, I have no idea where I am now. In the city of Canterlot I was fairly good with it as once I've been somewhere I was able to find it again. That and I spent a lot of time going over the map. I've never been here before and I don't know how to get back to where I do know. Really this was scaring me on the inside as I worry about everypony. I'm worried to find out what happened to both my aunts and every other pony.

Even though I hate to admit this, I am worried about Blueblood as well. After the over powered Chrysalis, the shadow pony creatures, whatever roared, and that mirror monster. The back of my mane just stood on end as I keep scanning each row and corridor of this library. Breathing rather hard as I tried to keep myself calm. I couldn't help but get the feeling if I didn't keep my eyes open, I would get attacked from somewhere I wouldn't expect it. Suddenly a sound of something being swung through the air hard, and a pain in my skull caused me to black out.


“Uh... did anypony get the number of that donkey cart?” I groaned as the world came to.

“Holy shit it talks!” I heard in a very familiar voice.

“Of course I talk? Haven't you... seen...” my voice died at that point as I looked up to see a thin man. Not a pony, not a satyr, but a human being. One that I am very familiar with as he was one of my best friends from earth. To see him here in Equestria blew my mind. I watched him as he stood there with a pipe in his hands holding it, looking at me. He was surprised to find that I can talk, not surprised. I was too when I got here, granted I had amnesia at the time but still. The two of us just stood there, well... technically I was laying there after I was struck in the head while he had a pipe in his hand.

“What are you?” He asked looking at me.

“A... pony.” was all I said.

“Bullshit, ponies don't talk.” He said ready to swing again.

“Here they do.” I shot back wincing as I put up a hoof to block another strike. One that did not come at all.

“Here? Wait... where am I exactly?” He said looking at me.


“Equestria? What kind of place is that?”

“Well... it's the place we both are. Well that's the name of the country we are in. Currently I would guess we are in a library.” I said as my head began to throb a little worse than before.

“Thank you captain obvious, now tell me something I don't know.” He growled a little.

“Besides the fact you're in a land of magical colorful talking ponies and a lot more weirder shit to be seen.” I shot back as he glared at me for my smart ass answer.“Well excuse me for having a hard time to think. Somepony just tried to cave my skull in with a pipe.”

“Did you seriously just say 'somepony'?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Yes I did, get use to the lexicon.” I said as I adjusted myself so I was sitting on my hunches. “How did you get here?”

“And why should I tell you?” He asked.

“Because I know it's not a normal occurrence that a human would show up out of nowhere here in Equestria.”

“So... I'm not on earth. Great, just great. Can something else go-”

“Trust me you don't want to finish that sentence like that.” I said cutting him off.

“And why not? Because this place likes to use that like a horror movie cliche and bite who ever said it for it.” I answered.

“Seriously?” he said skeptically

“Completely.” I answered seriously.

“Lovely, first it was falling through a mirror being cause by shadow horses.”



“The correct term is ponies.”

“Do I look like I care at this point? Seriously I'm getting bad mouthed about being politically correct by a... pony. What's the world coming too?”

“A mad house?”

“With all this, I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't already shacked up in the whack-o basket.” He said throwing both arms in the air in disbelief. If I hadn't already been in this place for months at this point, I would completely agree with him. “Are those shadow ponies... normal around here?”

“No, they are a recent.”

“Really? Geez, I'm kind of curious on what you would find normal around here.” He said looking around. I took this time to get back on my hooves. Which my hind legs gave a twinge of pain. “What's wrong?” He asked as I could only guess he noticed my wincing from it.

“I had damaged my hind legs before all this started. The spell on the bandages may be running out. Faster than I expected... come to think of, it how long was I out?” I said turning to him with a flat stare.

“Few hours.”

“I see... why did you hit me in the first place?”

“I thought you were like those shadow pony things out there.” He said with a sheepish grin.

“Well as you can see I'm not.” I said as returned to my haunches. My horn lit up with magic as I pulled out another roll to redo my wrappings like before. The whole time Ghost sat there watching me fixing them. Like before with the bandages off the pain came in fast.

“How are you doing that?” He asked watching.

“Magic.” Said as I was trying to focus more on the spell to get this done faster.

“Here, let me help.” He said grabbing the unraveled roll from my magic. He then proceeded to do the wrapping himself.

“ah, thanks.” I said as he lifted up my leg gently from the prewrapped part.

“Anytime.” He said working silently for a few minutes. “So... magic's real?” He asked.


“Is it hard to learn?”

“Not really, you just kind of need to ability to do so.” I answered.

“How so?”

“Well... here ponies need a horn to channel the spell through.”

“So is that why yours glow when you were floating this up?”

“Eeyup” I said much like Big Mac would.

“Makes sense...” He said finishing up the first leg before moving to unwrap the second one. “What can you do with it?”

“Well... just about everything.” I said a little through gritted teeth as the pain hit from the unwrapped hoof.


“Well... within reason.”

“Okay, explain.” he said looking at me.

“Everypony that has a horn can use magic which depending on their special talent. Well help determine on what kind of spells they can learn. Well that is true for unicorns.” I started with as he finished with bandaging my hind legs. “Alicorns from what I was told have a much wider range of spells. They have a more catch all when it comes to magic. The only time a unicorn can have that range of spells is when they have a special talent that is magic itself.”

“How is someone suppose to know what their 'special talent' is?” He asked putting the remaining wrapping into my saddlebag.

“That's partly determined by our cutie mark.”

“Cutie mark... seriously?” He asked.

“Trust me I can't wrap my head around it either. But it's the image one my flank here.” I said returning to my hooves and turned to show it. “As you can see mine is a fireball hitting a storm cloud. Well in my case it means elemental magic is my forte. So anything that is directly done with elements like fire, water, and so forth. I will have an easier time with compared to something other than that.”

“I think I get it. But how does it work?” He asked getting back to his feet.

“Well... fundamentally it's not hard to work out. A spell is like seeing a code and the magic helps decipher it into a way you can understand. For me it comes out to be shapes, for Twilight it's math equations, and for others it could be musical scoring.”

“Twilight? Like those sparkling vampire books?” He said.

“No relation to the books, but her name is Twilight Sparkle.” I said as we began to move slowly away from where ever Ghost had dragged me too.

“Twilight Sparkle? Don't tell me you have an equally ridiculous name.” He sort of asked.

“Firestorm, and I don't find it ridiculous.” I said.

“Okay, sounds better then Twilight Sparkle.” He mocked lightly.

“Hey! That's my marefriend you're talking about.” I said stopping and turning towards him. I noticed that I was probably a good foot and a half shorter than he was. I knew normal ponies were shorter than humans. The time in Max's body and by him help get me a good gauge to the average. So I looked up at him rather annoyed.

“Geez chill, I was just stating my personal opinion.” He said.

“Well you wouldn't want me to insult your girlfriend, would you?”

“I get it, I messed up.” He said looking ashamed.

“Sorry, I'm a little tense with everything happening.” I said before we continued on our way.

“I can believe that.” There was a few moments of silence, where the two of us continued down the rows of books. This place was annoyingly big, and almost seemed endless. It didn't help that our only source of light at the moment was the random torch and my horn with a light spell. “Look... this may sound a little weird but you remind me of someone I knew.” He said and I looked over at him.

“Oh?” I asked.

“Yeah... he was a great guy. A bit of an idiot but still a great guy.” He started and I could hear the depression in his tone of voice. “It's odd, just there is something about you reminded me of him.”

“Why don't you tell me about him?”

“Shit... where do I begin?” He said crossing his arms and gave one of his arms a rub as he thought. As I had pegged it, he began to talk about me. “Honestly, at times he's a little hard to peg down. I can't tell if he was joking just because that's how he is or just to cover up something personal. It took me years to find out about one painful thing in his past. No telling how many others he didn't tell. Don't get me wrong, I loved the guy like a brother but he was really stupid when it came to pain. Even with all that, he wasn't a pushover. The fucker could take beating after beating from those around him, verbal and physical but keep going, he was a stubborn mule like that.” Ghost said and I could see the smile on his face at all this. The fond memories that must have been going through his mind. During this I tried to keep my face neutral the whole time. It's not that I want to be cold to the guy. Guy's like a brother to me, but to him... I was dead. Which would have happened if it wasn't for a stranger fate. I wouldn't lie at how strange it was hearing things about yourself from someone else perspective that thought you were dead. Well in all fairness I am dead there. He went on to talk about some of the moments we had together, including a trip he, knives, and I had to Chicago. About the super spicy pizza that did a number on my system.

“Geez it sounds like he couldn't take the heat.” I said.

“The idiot drank a few pitchers of water before the challenge.” Ghost said with a laugh. I couldn't help but laugh remembering that day, and the month that followed. Let's just say after that pizza ran it's course I regret it for the whole month. Between the stories he told which was rather numerous, I caught him wearing a piece on his belt. Under the black coat he wore with a pair of blue jeans and white shirt, I saw the holster for the gun he had on him. “Noticed it?”

“Yeah, kind of rare finding a gun in Equestria.” I answered back as my own bounced from my chest.

“Really? How many have been found?”

“The two you and I have.” I said holding up my own in my magic while keeping it in the hostler.

“Really?” There was a note of surprise in his voice.

“You're not the only one surprised there. Hell I didn't even know that there was a gun in Equestria until... come to think of it how long was I out?” I asked looking up at Ghost.

“An hour roughly. My watch stopped working since I got here.” He said pulling back his sleeve showing a digital watch blinking four eights with a half second display between the blinks. I noticed a crack crossing from the middle like an impact did it. Much to my guess it's possible on top of magic working in weird ways.

“Okay so about an hour and a half when I found this.” I said as we continued to walk through what just seems to be the biggest or endless library I've ever seen. No matter how long we travel it seems like something was keeping us here. From when I woke up, we have traversed the same corridor. The only thing that changed besides the different books and scrolls on the shelves was the amount of dust and webbing.

“Something wrong?” Ghost asked as he most likely noticed my observing.

“Something isn't feeling right. Besides the fact that we've been walking for a while with no wall in sight.” I said finally voicing what I noticed.

“Is that normal for here?” As soon as that left his mouth I just turned and give him a deadpanned look. “What? It's an honest question, I'm not use to all this magic crap.”

“Fair point, no. It's not normal for a room to loop unless magic was in play. But-” I started as my horn lit up to sense the room around us. Something about sensing is that if the room is bigger than your range which from what I remember Twilight explaining was about three times your bodies natural pools of magic. If the room is larger than that it just fades out at the end. “I don't even sense any walls.”

“Sense walls?”

“Part of my special talent, since most walls are made from natural elements I can sense it even if I'm not looking at it. Sort of like sonar for bats.” I looked around to find anything to help.

“Let me guess not a skill a lot of ponies can learn?”

“Well... sort of. Unicorns can learn it. But if it's outside their normal skill set. It's on the harder side to learn. Alicorns are easier since like I said they can learn and do more magic than a unicorn.”

“So that's why you have a horn and wings right?”


“I guess that makes sense.”

“Yeah, trust me learning magic for the first time was not easy.”


“Indeed, it's like fire in a way. Trying to do it with sticks and leaves. Not impossible but hard if you don't know what you're doing. The more you do it the better you get with it. Well... that's how it was with me. Caught on to it like wildfire once I got telekinesis down.” I said with a light smile. I remembered back when a cup was hard to get up off the table. Now I can lift up much more. Turning to Ghost I was quickly knocked forward, slammed into a bookcase that was tipped over from the forces of what hit me. I looked around, and noticed Ghost running towards me. I noticed something behind him. “Duck!” I yelled and Ghost dropped to his knees. Moments later a mass of white something flew over him and passed me. Returning to his feet, Ghost turned and pulled out his gun. I saw what he was welding. A black rhino 60DS six inch revolver was pointed into the dark that I only could see four red eyes looking towards us. They were like if you took the four side of a die but the top two were spread further apart. Something was on the edge of my mind that it reminded me and it was massively countering the sounds of hooves as the eyes slowly got closer.

“My, my, my, and what do we have here?” Said a very alluring female voice.

“Who's there?” Ghost said as his back was towards me. I only guessed that he was keeping his eyes tracked on the four red ones that were coming closer. I tried to get myself out of what I could see now as thick webbing. Thicker than a normal spiders as it was more like string then hair thin. But that didn't deter from how strong it was. Even with the strength enchantment I was having a hard time getting myself free. All the while, what ever it was continued to get closer and closer until I saw it's foreleg come into the light. It sort of looked like a hoof but with more shaggy fur. That's beside the color of it anyway, it looked like it was mainly a brown color with orange strips that surrounded a yellow strip on it. It continued to come into the light as I watched it's forelegs come out next on it's body. The elongated body it had ending in an arachnid's abdomen. Finally it's head came in and it looked like a pony's head. Well to be honest the whole thing looked like a cross between a spider and pony. I mean it had eight legs that all ended with hooves. Granted it was using the two front forelegs as arms like some spider demon from a castlevania game. When she came fully into the light I noticed a few other things besides the whole spider bits down below. She did indeed have four eyes in sets of two. The higher two were just solid red while the other two were much like a normal ponies eyes. All four of them were still red, on top of that her mane was a bright blond that just rolled from before her horn and off the back. And she did indeed had a cutie -mark of webbing that strung into what I could only guess was purple cloth. I honestly didn't want to think about it anymore then I had to.

“Oh, it seems that a pony and whatever you are wanted to play.” She purred at us.

“Stay back.” Ghost said as I heard the telltale sound of the hammer being pulled back.

“And why would I want to do that. I haven't had anypony here to play with in ages.” She said as her horn lit up causing Ghost's gun to be smacked out of his hand by a telekinetic slap. It went flying to the left followed by him not expecting it. He sidestepped with it to keep his balance. This gave her time to bring up her second set of forelegs and bucked him towards me. He fell a little short, landing on the floor and sliding up to the book case.

“You alright?” I asked looking at him as I tried to get free.

“Yeah, but the bitch hit's like a brute.” He said rubbing the spot.

“Mind helping me get free?” I asked as Ghost looked up at me.

“Uh... yeah sure.” With that he pulled out a large knife that I didn't see on him before. He slipped the knife within the webbing and slashed up with it. Doing his best to avoid touching the stringy bindings on me. Once he got enough cut I was able to pull free with a rather sizable mass still one me. I noticed that the spider pony before us had gotten closer during that time with its forelegs up for another buck. Thinking fast I shoved Ghost to the side taking the brunt of it myself. It sent me back into another bookcase. Lucky for me this time I didn't get stuck, just took the wind out of me. Ghost got back to his feet while I tried to get back to my hooves. The pounding my back just took was enough to make me shaky on my hooves. “You alright?”

“I think so.” I said, as I took my first step. Which was a bad mistake, as soon as my hoof moved I crumpled to the floor. Ghost ran over to me avoiding another forward buck from the large spider pony.

“Oh, how touching.” Said the spider pony coming closer. Ghost pulled his gun at her again. “And what's that going to do?”

“This.” Ghost answered back pulling the trigger. His shot was off as it nailed her in one of the three right legs she stood on. It left a nicely sized hole in her leg. She let out a loud piercing scream as she brought up her leg. Quite a bit of blood was pouring out of her leg as she stepped back. I guarantee she was pissed, shit if I was in her place I would too.

“You did not just do that.” She growled moving closer.

“What this?” He asked pulling the gun up. Without a second to act, the spider pony spun around and out of her abdomen fired a large stream of web that caught Ghost in the hand holding the gun. It flung him into a bookcase rather hard.

“Ghost are you alright?” I asked running over to him.

“Yeah, I'm fine but don't take your eye off the spider.” Oh, shit... I turned around to see her up on the two of us.

“Well, well, well, and what should I do with you little pony?” She asked with a menacing glare on her face.

“How about I ask you the same question?” I said grinning.

“Oh? I seem somepony has a backbone. Okay, I will play your game. What are you going to do with me?” She said leaning down close.

“Easy.” I said getting ready, she continued to get close enough to me. Big mistake bitch. “Burn!” I roared as I let out a torrent of flames on her face. She let out a scream thrashing back, knocking over bookcase after bookcase as she tried to put herself out. This only caused some of them to catch alight. This quickly turned bad, as the room became a raging inferno. “Oh fuck me running. I said as I turned to get Ghost out. The bookcase he was pinned to by his hand was at least on the ground. So I used my fangs to cut through and without a thought wrapped him up in my magic.

“Get back here!” I heard the spider pony yell.

“Oh double fuck me.” I said making a mad dash away from the fire and spider. I glanced back to see her gaining on us by running on top of the undisturbed bookcases. A thought crossed my mind before I slid to a stop.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Ghost yelled at me from above me in my magic. Before I brought him lower as I turned and ran at the eight legged pony. Good thing the bookcases were higher than us as we ran under her. She stopped and I could only guess she looked a little confused as she probably about faced to go after us. I took that time to go down two rows and turned back the way I was going to get away. I managed to duck on by before she looked my way. So far, so good, and nothing following us. My escape slowed down until I thought I was safe from the crazy bitch. I think I got a good thirty bookcases down before I heard something rather large boom behind me. I turned to see the spider pony after me again but this time swinging around one of the bookcases like a fucking mace. “Triple fuck me.” I said as I took off at a full gallop.

“Great going genius, got any other bright ideas?” Ghost said.

“Why don't you do it since you're just floating there?” I shot back rather angry and mostly scared out of my mind.

“Maybe I will.” he said looking around for an idea.

“Hey, do you think you could give me a light?” I turned to see what looks like a Molotov cocktail in his hand. I floated up a small fire as he ran the rag in the bottle on it. “Suck on this Spider Bitch!” He yelled catching her in the chest with it after slamming the bookcase again a few feet away. She screamed again before I heard the ringing sounds of his revolver going off. I counted five shots before the sounds of metal hitting the floor. My guess was the casings for the spent rounds. So that would make his a six shooter and him currently reloading.

“Here use mine.” I said floating up my pistol from my holster. Which I am surprised that I still had the thing. He grabbed it and sent a few rounds right at the bitch. I could guess some missed hitting with a deep thud, closer to hitting the wood of the bookcases. Either his aim was off or she blocked it with her weapon. After a bit I could hear the empty clicking of the gun meaning he spent the whole twenty round clip. I needed to think of something, then it hit me like a tank. What the fuck was I thinking? Bringing Ghost closer to me I told him to hold on to me. Of course he grabbed my horn right the fuck away, not the ideal spot to grab, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With that I focused on a teleporting spell that Twilight had explained to me during my stay at the hospital before hearth's warming. I haven't used it once and especially not with a second person in the spell. I tried to think of a few places that may be safe, the first thought was back in the castle. That wasn't a smart idea as I remembered that a good chuck came down after the fight with Chrysalis. I thought maybe in the middle of the shopping district. No, because there is no telling if somepony was going to be where I was going to teleport into. Which Twilight explained that it would be bad if that happened. She didn't explain why just that it was bad. Then I thought about some place safe and I remembered the Canterlot Archives, they were fortified so they would be still standing at least if the castle wasn't. After I locked the place in my head I focused the magic into my horn.

Something I should say about teleporting when your not use to it. The feeling you get is like having your body pulled and pushed at the same time, while your whole world drops out from under you like a trap door. That's just the physical feeling you get, even though it's an instant second you go from spot A to spot B. It feels much longer than it was more like half a minute at most I would say and seeing all that magical color would be nice if your brain didn't feel like it's going through a tennis game on fast forward. That could just be me not use to it yet, compared to the blink spell which is much shorter in the whole preserved time. The feel on the brain doesn't hit during it since my run through Whitetail Woods, it's delayed and it's more like a smack to the side of your head. Other then that the feeling is the same. That being said, teleporting into a room I wasn't familiar with in hindsight was a rather bad idea. I didn't get us in the isles, more like above said isles. Which caused both of us to fall to the ground with Ghost right on top of me. So yeah... pain all around me.

“What the fuck was that?” Ghost yelled in surprise.

“Magic.” I answered as I tried to wiggle out from under him. He got the clue and rolled off, that didn't stop the pain which I found out two very painful facts. One that my bandages didn't teleport with me and two that I was on my last roll. “Fuck me running” I said trying to fight the pain as I reached for my wraps.

“Here let me get that.” Ghost said grabbing it out of my telekinetic hold. “But serious what did you do?”

“Teleported us to somewhere I thought was safe.” I said as he began with my right hind leg.

“Geez, makes me wish I could do magic.” He commented making sure they are nice and tight.

“Well it's not all that it's cracked up to be.” I said as I could feel something running from my muzzle. It wasn't a few moments later that I could taste the copper from my blood.

“What do you mean? Shit! Are you alright?” Ghost said noticing that I had blood dripping onto the tiled floor.

“One of the many downsides to magic. I over taxed my magic, a bloody nose is one of the early signs. I need to rest for a bit to regain some of my magic back.” I answered.

“Anywhere you think would be best?” I looked around to see if I can figure out where we were. Turns out I was rather close to some of the reading spots here. During that time my left leg was being wrapped.

“Yeah, that sign says that there's a reading area over there.” I pointed with my claw in the direction.

“Good, I could use a little rest after dealing with that spider thing back there.”

“You're not the only one.” Ghost finished wrapping up my leg, followed by the pain finally numbing away to move. The only downside was I was too exhausted to move.

“Coming?” Ghost asked as he got to his feet.

“I would if I wasn't too tired to move.” I answered trying to get up slowly.

“Here let me help.” Ghost answered moving so I was behind him. After a bit of awkward moving, Ghost hoisted me onto his back and held my hind legs. “You know you're a lot lighter then I would have pegged you for.”

“I blame it on the magic.” I answered back.

“So what was that back there?”

“What was what?”

“That whole burn bit you did?”

“Oh, the fire breathing bit?”

“Yeah, what the hell was that?”

“Oh... well... it's just something I can do.”

“Can all ponies do that?”

“Nope, just my sub set.”


“Technically I'm not a pony.” I started.

“Then what are you?” Ghost asked turning his head to look at me.

“I'm called a drony, which is the short version of dragon pony.” I answered.

“There's fucking dragons here too?”

“Yeah, all different types to be honest.”

“And what? Did your mother fuck a dragon or something?”

“Technically it was more father did the screwing in this case.” I answered, I didn't want to overload him with the point that my body was made magically by some way I didn't even know yet. The only fact that I knew was my mother of this body was the dragon.

“Oddly I could see that.” He said with a goofy grin to his face.

“Mind out of the gutter please.” I shot back.

“Can't help it.” I simply rolled my eyes at that. I already knew he thought in pictures so my mouth just gave his mind the right info for that.

“Anyway as I was saying, a drony can do different things compared to what the dragon's parent's element was. Like a fire dragon would have an offspring that can breath fire, while a storm dragon could take a bolt of lightning and fire it back.”

“Your a fire type then?” He asked.

“No, I'm a round robin of elements. I can do all of them.”

“Geez what did that make your mother the big boss of dragons?”

“Yes.” There was probably a good ten second pause as that got him to even stop.



“Okay, I admit that is kind of cool.”

“Yeah try taking a day in my horseshoes.” I shot back rather annoyed.

“Let me guess teased?”

“No just learning all that the hard way.” I said with a shiver. We continued to follow the signs as we made it through the maze like corridors of the archives. I had noticed that a lot of the books, scrolls, and even some of the magical lanterns were knocked down to the ground. The whole floor was mostly covered in it, lucky the lanterns use a magical crystal compared to the other kind. That was screaming fire hazard from a mile away. It made me wonder if this was from just the battle in the throne room or something else.

“Firestorm, mind if I ask you something?”

“You already did.”


“Eeyup, but go ahead.”

“Something about you feels... off to me. Like I know you but I don't know you.” He said and looked at me as he continued.

“That's not a question.”

“I know, just... you wouldn't happen have known a Ryhn right? The H spelling of it not the A spelling.”

“I'm aware of him if that's what you're asking.”




“Long story short, I'm aware of what you are and of earth. At one point I had found myself on earth by a magical means. I had met Ryhn and well that's about it.”

“You met him?”

“Yeah, sadly I was there when he passed.” As I said that I couldn't help but think about to watching myself die like I did. Ghost remained silent for a little while. My only guess was he was trying to work up the nerves for his next question.

“How... how did he die?”

“In detail?” There was another pause.


“He was at a small shop when it happened. A rather large person came into the store swinging around a revolver of his own. He held up the store trying to get all the money he could. In the middle of it all, a women started to scream her head off in fright. Ryhn intervened when the guy threatened to shoot her if she didn't shut up. Taking the moment to get close Ryhn threw the guy off by playing like he was helping him before he turned on him. There was a struggle before the guy got the upper hand and fired a round. He dropped to the floor while the guy escaped. He passed shortly after, before he could get any help.” I relayed to him. Just telling it that way left me rather cold inside as I couldn't help but remember everything I had experienced that day.

“Yeah... that sounds like what the idiot would have done.” Ghost said turning somber. “For all the faults the guy had, he was still a good man.”

“Yes he was.” The two of us remained silent until Ghost found a large opening that led into one of the reading areas. This one even had an outcove fireplace for those that want to sit by the fire to read. It seems like the logs were still good to use as well.

“Here we go.” Ghost said setting me down on the floor.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Ah, no problem. It's the least I could do for saving my ass back there.” He said using his thumb to point behind him. I began to pull the books and scrolls out of the fireplace that more than likely fell in during the shaking. After it was all clear I sent a wave of fire to light up the fireplace. Ghost came over and sat by the fire as the two of us just stayed there in silence. Sometimes when talking to someone or somepony, there is always that point that there is a question or a comment either one in the conversation wants to say. But is worried about how it would come out. In my case I wanted to tell him the truth about what happened. Tell him that I was alright, just a little banged up, but alive. After telling him how I died, just felt like I would have been kicking him in the crotch with an Applejack powered buck. Just didn't feel right at all, I should know. “Okay dumb question time, so your part dragon right?” He started, which caused me to shift my gaze from the floor to him.

“Huh? Oh, yeah.”

“Do dragons eat meat here?”

“Some do.”

“Do you?”

“Technically I could eat meat if I wanted. Most dragons however eat gems.”

“Gems? What kind of sense does that make?”

“Well... it sort of does. Seeing how every being in Equestria has a bit of magic to him. Dragon's have the ability to pull magic from gems that they eat. Sort of like adding a file to a folder on a computer. As they grow older that magic helps their development, meaning that said folder suddenly grows to be a program itself. It just takes time which dragons normally have long life spans to do that. As a drony the same sort of applies to me. But it works a bit different from how I figure. See a unicorn as a magic pool that grows with them. Well a drony can add to that pool by eating gems that has magic to them.”

“Okay, seriously I wish I was a drony know. That sounds awesome.”

“I guess.”

“You guess? Dude I mean I could eat gems all day and be super powerful in like a month.”

“Not counting belly aches from over eating and the time to find the gems.”

“Okay Mr. cynic. Seriously how can you not find that cool?”

“Because, I'm not into the whole power trip.”

“Why not?”

“Because that's not who I am. I mean I'm already royalty which I wish I wasn't.”

“The fuck?! Your royalty?”

“Yeah, I'm a prince.”

“So what your father was a king?”

“No, I'm not royalty but linage, I'm one by adoption.”

“Okay, so your adopted by a King and Queen.”

“Nope princesses.”


“There is no Kings or Queens in Equestria. The ruling government is controlled by princesses.”

“Wouldn't they be queens?”

“You would think but nope, princesses.”

“Still think it should be Queens.”

“I know, I do too.”

“You know something's bothering me”

“Which is?”

“Besides the whole ponies, dragons, and whatever. You talked about computers.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well... from what I've seen this place is more medieval times. Computers just seem way out of place for here.”

“You would be sort of right, some places still have that feel to them but ponies do have some modern day things, like blenders, toasters, and so forth. Their computers however are a little outdated compared to earth. They are still in DOS age here.” Ghost let out a whistle at that.

“That's old.”

“Tell me about it.”

“So it's like their technology is lopsided.”

“Very much so, partly because they supplement a lot of it with magic. Which is pretty advanced from what I've read.”


“Yeah, they have flying ships kind of like those old JRPG back on earth.”



“Man I wish I could see one of those.”

“Yeah, some of them are pretty massive.”

“I bet.”

“Yeah.” It wasn't long before Ghost's eyes started to droop a little.

“Hey... would you mind if I crashed a little? I haven't had any time to sleep since this craziness started.”

“Go right ahead, I'll keep watch until you get up.”

“Thanks man.”

“No problem.” With that Ghost leaned against a stack of books. Shortly after the sounds of rhythmic snoozing could be heard coming from him. That only left me awake to watch out. With hindsight the fact that an alicorn can't go to bed willingly kind of sucks at times. Honestly I probably could use the rest after the fighting, run around, and the over taxing of my magic. I suppose everypony else is lucky in that regard. I mean yeah when I first got to Equestria I had a somewhat normal sleeping pattern, blunt force trauma, serious injuries, and blood loss aside. It also made sleeping next to Twilight a little boring at times. Don't get me wrong I love laying with her in bed but being unable to sleep normally but every three days sucks. Makes me wonder how Cadence feels about it sometimes. I watched Ghost just lay there with his coat off. He gave a small shiver and I couldn't help but bring his coat back over him to use as a blanket. I wonder what his reaction would be if I told him who I was to him. Would he be happy to know I was still alive just in a different body in a different universe? No... he'd most likely think I was doing it to be mean or to make fun of the memory of me. Probably then walk off to figure his own way out if not put a round in me for good measure. Sometimes life just outright sucks. “Thanks you universe... you jerk.” I whispered to myself as I laid there. Blood continued to drip from my nose as it hitting the tiled area I was laying at. After maybe a few minutes and an ever growing puddle of blood grew. The blood finally stopped running from my nose. After that I just did a little reading... well tried to at least. I'm guessing that some of the text in the archives where from different languages because none of them were understandable. So after a few tries I just cleared an area for me to lay down a bit and rest. My thoughts returned to everypony I knew and my worry about what may have happened to them.


“Okay, so not what I was expecting.” I said as we exited the archives after what felt like a few hours. Ghost got back up and placed his coat back on. That was followed by another hour of wandering around the maze of archives until we found one of the doors out. Upon opening it, we found ourselves in Ponyville of all places. Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised after the hell trip I've gone through since I got here. So a door with an enchantment linked to another door in Ponyville, doesn't sound too strange to me. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight could enchant a door like that, or has for that matter. Both Ghost and I came out what looked like a small cottage outside of town, not the same one Fluttershy owns but close. Even from this distance that fog hadn't let up yet. Some patches were thin enough to see while some was almost as thick that I swear that I could punch it like a wall. Come to think about it, since I do have the abilities as a pegasus; shouldn't I have that ability anyway? Never mind not the point here, the point was that even Ponyville of all places looked abandoned. There was no stalls out, no doors open, even the shades were all drawn shut. This reminded me of the first time Twilight saw Zecora, which she had told me one night.

“Is it just me or is this place creepy?”

“Normally it isn't as barren as it is now.” I continued to look around trying to figure out what the hell is going on here. Canterlot is completely empty, the castle is a mess, over powered changelings, crazy shadow mask ponies, crazy labs, weird mirror monster ponies, a crazy spider bitch pony, and now completely desolate Ponyville. It's like a goddamn nightmare after fucking nightmare. Lucky for me even with this damn fog, I was able to get my bearings.

“Could have fooled me.”

“Yeah, just keep it down. I have no idea what's going to come out of the woodwork now.” I said as we make a beeline to the library. So far our luck had held out as nothing interfered with our movements. We got in and I quickly shut the door to make sure nothing came in after us. Ghost was looking around the place with a look of confusion.

“A library... in a tree?”

“So, ever heard of a tree house?”

“Well, yeah. But this is a little ridiculous.”

“So is about half the shit I've seen so far.” I shot back heading up the stairs. I wanted a melee weapon to go with my last bit of ammo in my gun. I knew I had two swords so at least Ghost would have a weapon as well. As soon as I got up to the loft things took a turn for the worse. The whole place looked like a disaster zone. Books, papers, and quills everywhere. Two free standing bookcases were toppled over, and the bed was flipped. This was like if Rainbow Dash let loose a twister in here. After a minute of searching I found my shorter sword and it's sheath. My armor was missing and I already knew the Moon Helm was gone. “Fuck, this place is going to hell and I wish it would not take me with it.” I said a little frustrated.

“Something wrong up there?” Ghost asked from the bottom of the stairs.

“Nothing important.” I answered as I tried to search in vain. My other sword was just missing and I really didn't want to chance being in the same place for too long. After being in the archives for hours, just something told me that I pressed my luck there. So after which I came down to see Ghost shoving stuff into a pair of saddlebags, mainly food and water.

“I figured that we would need some provisions to get through until our next stop.”

“Makes sense.” I answered back as I went to the door. I opened the front door so we could leave and froze. Standing out there was no less than a battalion of those shadow ponies with the white and red masks. I slowly shut the door and braced myself against it. “We may have a little tiny problem.” I said looking at Ghost.

“It can't be-”

“And when I say tiny I mean massively huge.” I said as I pulled the table and bench over to the door blocking it. Even put the wooden pony head statue Twilight likes to keep leaning against it.

“Okay, it seriously can't be that bad.” Ghost said walking over to the window and pulling the curtain back a bit. “I stand corrected.” There was an unnerving level of calm in that voice that put me on edge. He turned towards me and with a flat look. “Does this place have a back door?”

“No but it does have a balcony.” I commented, Ghost got a grin on his face which didn't help my outlooks on our future. “I got an idea.” A few moments later Ghost and I were outside on the balcony looking over carefully so we don't get spotted. Lucky for us they had their attention wrapped on the front door. From what I can see they look like they are waiting for us to go out that way.

“Okay genius, what's the idea?” I whispered.

“Well... I'm just taking a page out of my friends book on this one.” Oh god please tell me he isn't thinking what I think he's thinking. With that he lifted me off the ground onto his back once again by holding my forelegs until my hinds swung to each side. “Something insanely stupid” With that he took a running leap off the balcony and did a mad dash away. Sadly the shadow ponies heard our exit and began to gallop after us as Ghost still carrying me ran in any direction. Over fences, down alleys, and even around a few buildings. Nothing was getting us away from them until I decided to follow up with the same play. I moved my hooves from around his neck to around his chest using my prosthetic claws to hold onto my hoof to hold him in place. Then I fought against the bandages and my left wing popped out still covered in some bandage. Mostly in tatters as I gave my wings a powerful flap. The feeling of using a wing that wasn't completely healed may have been a bad idea, but I couldn't think of another idea. “What the?” Ghost said as he noticed his feet leaving the ground like he was running in the air. My wings continued to flap hard trying to get us more air born. Lucky for me Ghost had us in the same direction as the Ponyville Hospital. With a lot of pain running through me from my wing, I got us up on the balcony of one of the rooms. Our landing not the most graceful as his feet hit the floor with a loud thud. That was followed by me falling off his back onto my own.

“So that's why....” I said taking a large gulp of air to help with the pain. “She suggested I don't fly for a month.”

“Who suggested?” Ghost said turning around.

“The doctor before all this went down.” I said trying to get back to my hunches. I was able to see my wing better through the bandages. Like the doc said, a lot of my feathers were missing and I could see just the skin under it. I think I torn open a bit of it as it had a few rips in it. If I had to guess the skin in those spots are like tissue paper since they had to be regrown. The reason for the doc's suggestion must have been for the wings to act as a resistance to the displacement the wings create to generate lift. With the feathers not there I just did the stupid move to try and fly causing this.

“Oh... that does not look good, help.” Ghost said helping me onto his back. I felt my wing slightly stretched out. We entered the room through a glass sliding door. He shut it afterwards and placed me on the bed in one of the examination rooms we walked into. It wasn't like the beds I normally find myself waking up in the hospital, but it will do. Once I was settled Ghost moved to dig into my saddlebags that were still with me by luck I could only assume.

“Were out of bandages, I used the last while you slept.” I said figuring out what he was going for.

“Ah shit, what are we going to do now?” He asked stepping back. “You don't look like you're in condition enough to keep going.”

“I know I'm not. My wing is hurting like hell and slightly bleeding. On top of that I think my leg wrappings are wearing off. So I'm going to be rather useless real fast.” Ghost nodded looking around. The room itself was a whitewash wall with a faded teal area that was about a third from the floor up. On one of the walls had one of the back lit clips doctors use to look at x-rays and brain scans. There were a few cabinets both above and below, all of them white but the bottom ones had a counter-top of polished black stone. I couldn't tell what it was from my spot on the blue blanket covered bed. Ghost decided to look through the cabinets to most likely find more bandages. There was a few instruments that I could recognized from doctor's visits I've had. But no bandages. Well besides the quick slap over a cut kind but not what I needed.

“What kind of hospital doesn't keep wrapping bandages in each room.”

“Maybe you should try another one.”

“And leave you here for whatever the hell those things were back there to find you? Oh, hell no.” Ghost said turning to look at me.

“Look I know it's not ideal at this moment.”

“Sounds completely stupid if you ask me.”

“But... we don't have much choice. Right now you're the only one that can move without hurting like they've been run over but two semis and a tank.”

“What if something happens?”

“Did you forget I can breathe fire and have a gun?”

“Point.” Ghost commented as he bit his bottom lip. “Fine I will try the next two rooms. If I don't find any then I'm coming back here picking you up and carrying you until we can find some.”

“I can agree to that.” I said trying to get as comfy as I can with my legs throbbing and my wing bleeding. Ghost left and from the look at him, still didn't like the idea. I pulled my gun from my holster that I had moved a little so it wasn't swinging awkwardly as I ran. Keeping my gun at the ready I couldn't help but let my eyes wander around. It was the only thing I could do that didn't remind me of the pain. That's when I noticed the black sheet on the back light. Curiosity got the better of me and I flicked the switch on the light with my magic. The light flickered on showing that it was a scan of a right foreleg. It seems like the pony had a few of his joints removed and fixed with pins, wire, and a few plates, probably a few screws as well. Hard to tell from this angle, but that wasn't a far off guess. I remembered when I had shattered my elbow when I was still human. That thing hurt like hell when I did that just by riding in a back of a car. Just looking at it made me turn my attention to my fake leg. I know it was a modified griffon prosthetic, but it was the only thing that gave me a hand anymore. One I couldn't feel from, and sometimes that bothered me. I mean I could add pressure and not even know it. Sometimes I wondered about how it would feel to have a real griffon claw instead of this thing. That or maybe a claw much like Spike has. Just to be able to feel again with this would be nice as well.

As I looked over the leg I noticed something... odd. Under my hoof I noticed an engraved six pointed star with smaller points between each of the main points, to the top left of it was a diamond, below the star was a thunderbolt. This didn't make sense, those were never there before. It only took me a moment to realize what they were, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash's cutie marks. Or at least parts of them. But what the hell does that mean? Before I could think about it more Ghost rushed in with a few rolls in his hand.

“I didn't know which ones had it, as they have this funky writing on them.” He brought them over to me so I could take a look. “Can you make heads or tails of these?”

“Yeah, it's not funky script. It's spell script, sort of like the short hand for spells. It allows non-spell wielding ponies to use spells. These have the numbing spell script. The only reason I know that is because I remember seeing these on the one's I have on now.” I pulled the one from my wing that was still intact. The spell script was done right on the point that the bandage fastens to the rest of it. In this case it looked like it was burned in but I knew it wasn't the fact. Spell script from what I could remember from a late night read of Twilight's magic guide from under the bed, a spell imprinted this way takes a little magic to keep it on. Doing so puts a discoloration to it most times looking like it was burned on. The same case went for these, but unlike the one I pulled from my wing. The rolls Ghost had still had the magical glow to, it was faint but there. “Yeah go ahead and wrap my legs. I will take this one and do my wing.” I said focusing magic through my horn, I grabbed the roll and set to work. It wasn't long until I was back onto my hooves moving around. We took the top to do a little pilfering. Mainly more bandages and healing supplies to help us if needed. We found a few more bandages and two bottles of wound sealer, just in case of a cut or gash. Unlike the castle in Canterlot, the hospital was rather clean, almost too clean. Not a speck of dust anywhere, and this place was just as empty as every place else. Something in the back of my head was screaming at me that I should know what's going on, but I can’t for the life of me reach it. We finished looking around and went to find an exit other than the front. If this place was like any other hospital then they should have an E.R. entrance for emergencies.

As soon as we make a right turn from the stairs and past the inside lobby, a sound caught the both of our attentions. It sounded like hooves slowly trotting and something rather metallic scraping against the ground, followed by a second. I turned to Ghost as he did the same towards me. There was a fear in his eyes and there most likely one in mine. What ever that sound was it wasn't good. To our left we saw a door slightly open leading into a dark room. Without a thought the two of us quickly entered and shut the door as silently as we could. All the while those steps got closer to where we were. I noticed how the sound was slightly muffled as we entered the darkened room. So that meant that whatever it was, was not in here. Sometimes the universe gives a saving grace. Ghost and I watched the window carefully keeping ourselves in the dark as the sounds got closer. Then we saw them, two large centaurs slowly trotted past the door. In their hands as they were the traditional ones known back on earth in fantasy books. On held a large sword that it dragged while the other one had a pole. If I had to guess it was a halberd as I couldn't see the blade probably dragging on the ground from the small window at the top of the door. Both of the equine half had a soul crushing black color to their coats as well as their tails. The odd part was that on their flanks they also had cutie marks, one had a skull crushed under a white hoof, and the other had what I could guess a human on a pike with his limbs hanging. The sight of those two cutie marks sent a fear induced chill up my spine. It didn't help that the human half was scar covered tan skin with a few open wounds on them. I couldn't see how bad the wounds where but it was enough to tell that they bleed without care. On their heads was my guess steel pony heads. All rusted and blood splattered, with the eyes of the ponies done in another polished stone. One had white stone eyes while the other had it's polar opposite black, and no pupils in either of them. I couldn't help but gulp and as soon as the sound of it was made. Both centaur creatures stopped and looked at us in a split second like they had hyper hearing. All I could do was mouth the words “Fuck me”

The two of us stood there as silent as we could be. The sounds of breathing was the only thing to be heard besides the clopping of the hooves of those centaurs outside. Lucky for us that they may be able to hear a gulp but breathing seems to be outside their range of hearing. It was odd but honestly I will take what I can get in this. We didn't move one bit until the sounds of their hooves were out of earshot.

“What are we going to do?” Ghost whispered into my ear.

“My best idea is get out of here.” I whispered back.

“And how do you suppose we do that?”

“One of two ways, the front door or we wait for those centaur creatures are far enough away from the emergency doors to book it.”

“And who says that they would stop at the door.”

“No pony, just... we need to do something. If we stay here then we are sure as hell screwed.”

“I think we are already in that department.”

“Just, look. I still don't know what happened, and I'm extremely worried about everypony I know. I'm sure you are about who you care about. So let's just try to get through this one thing at a time. Escape is our biggest obstacle so how about instead of being a cynic, you help come up with an idea?”

“Well... if they have hyper acute hearing. Let's use that against them.” Ghost suggested and I thought about it.

“Maybe if I make enough sound elsewhere then they would be attracted to that.”

“Can you do that?”

“yes, but can be hard to keep focused long enough to do it while I'm trying to run.” Before I could protest I was hoisted back onto Ghost's back. “This could work.”


“That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever agreed upon.” I said as we ran for our lives from both centaurs. The plan worked only but a second, as soon as the emergency doors opened with a loud as hell ding, like those from a bell. Both creatures decided to come after us at a full gallop. Lucky for us that we were outside at that point and had a whole town to elude them with. Sadly we did forget about the other thing in Ponyville, namely the shadow ponies from before. So now we were being chased by the whole mass of them with the centaurs who was swinging their sword and halberd around knocking a few of them away trying to get to us. Granted they were doing us a small favor by dwindling their numbers. In the grand view of things, I’d rather have the shadow ponies and not the centaurs from hell. Ghost had angled us out of town while he continued to hold me on his back. While he was doing the running, I was doing what I could to deter them. Namely creating stone walls to block the path. Some of them were able to avoid it, the centaurs how ever just plowed right through them like cardboard. I was too busy looking behind us making walls that shot up from the ground to notice until it was too late, the tree canopy above us.

“Hey, not my fault that the hospital had a fucking bell on it's door.”

“Don't care, run!” I said trying to keep an eye on our trailing company. Of course, I should have remembered something rather important. Ghost made a leap over a log before he found his feet going right into a hole covered with branches. This lead the two of us into a long tunnel that Ghost slide down on his ass, I how ever had a belly burn when we stopped. “Ow.” I groaned as we stopped, then remembering I pushed Ghost away and changed the ground so who followed would go right into the pool. Just as I predicted, a whole mass of creatures had followed us and ended up right into the pool. Not even caring what that would do to them, I reached out and froze the top of the water into two foot thick ice wall. I could hear pounding coming from under it.

“Okay, I have to admit that is kind of cool.” Ghost said looking at it as he looked into the ice. From what we saw as I joined him looking. All of them were pounding on the ice from under it. That was until the centaur with the sword stabbed right through it cracking it. “Okay that's our cue to leave.”

“You don't have to tell me twice.” I said as we dashed out our only exit. Coming back into the forest once again, I had noticed we were indeed in the Everfree. “Follow me.” I said as we took off away from the direction of Ponyville and the obvious path that lead there coming from the cave with the mirror pond in it. Two places came to mind that we could be safe at. One was Zecora's and the other was the Castle of the pony sisters. I thought against Zecora's as I didn't want to go in and find her place a mess and the Castle of the pony sisters would be easier to fortify as the only room I could think of was the hold tower I where I found the moon helm. But the biggest thing in all this was time, I needed time to soak all of it in. This all screamed screwed up for sure, but it's been one hell hole after another followed by two more. So running through the forest as we wanted to put distance between us and those creatures. We found ourselves at the wooden bridge that lead to the castle.

“I'm not stepping on that.” Ghost said.

“Why not?” I asked preparing to step on it myself.

“Because one, that looks like if someone of my size steps on it. It's going to break with ease.”

“And two?”

“Two, how do we know this place is going to be safe?”

“We don't but this is the only place away from those Shadow Ponies and Centaurs that I could think of. As for your first issue.” I said with a grin wrapping him in my magic. I floated him before me as I walked behind him on the bridge.

“Okay, that's cheating.”

“Nope, that's just how things are done here it seems.”

“Still cheating.” He whined with his arms crossed.

“And you're still whining.”

“I'm not whining, I'm complaining.”

“And a rose by another name still smells sweet.” I shot back, as we arrived at the other side. I set him down gently on the ground as we made our way to the door. Just like before the castle looked odd. Like a sentry all standing watch over it's contents inside. Every time I see this place it reminds me of the old medieval castles I've seen online. This one as I've seen before was still in ruin, but that's fine. With a bit of magic, I opened the door for the two of us to enter. Just like before the stone work met us in the main entry one of the few places that didn't have it's remaining furniture left. What it did have was the pedestal that held the Elements of Harmony before Twilight and the girls had gotten them. The closer I got to the pedestal, I noticed that it was slid back and where it stood was a set of stairs that lead into the castle's basement. A place I hadn't been to yet, and with the hollow horror feeling I was getting from there I didn't want to.

“Well... let's go.” Ghost said going down the stairs.

“Wait, there's no telling what could be down there.” I shot back standing at the top of the stairs watching Ghost disappear deeper into the darkness of the hall.

“It's better than being out in the open.” He answered back, with that I bit my bottom lip thinking. He did have a point but with everything that happened I couldn't tell if this was going to be bad, or horrifying. My bits was more leading to the horrified side of the spectrum. “Come on, you know what they say. Fortune favors the bold.”

“And misery loves the stupid.” I commented as I hung my head a bit following. Something tells me that this hell isn't over. At least this couldn't get any... wait, what the fuck am I thinking? Of course this fucking thing could get worse. Hell, knowing my luck the fucking statue is going to. My thought got cut off by the sound of stone sliding on stone as the remaining light dwindled to nothing. “shut.” I said finishing my thought out loud. “Fuck me.” I growled.

“Who turned out the light?” Ghost said as I could hear him stepping carefully around.

“Stay still.” I said as I focused and formed a light using my horn. The room came back into the land of the visible with a tint of orange covered everything.

“Much better, what happened?”

“Well, someone decided it was a good idea to go down the steps that is normally hidden by a large stone pedestal. After entering said staircase the pedestal decided to return back to it's normal spot shutting us in.” I said annoyed.

“Well sorry, how was I supposed to know that was going to happen?” He said in a defensive tone as we continued down the stairs.

“Oh, I don't know. After the fucked up shit we saw, you would think that trying to avoid that would be the plan?”

“Okay, so my curiosity got the better of me. It didn't harm anyone.” He said and I could take it anymore. With a flick of magic I gave him a telekinetic smack on the back of the head rather hard. “Ow, what the hell was that?”

“That was a love tap.” I growled. “Minus the love.” As my anger grew, I decided to walk ahead growling as my mane decided to join the fray of light by turning back into it's natural fire style when I'm really angry and not trying to hold back the magic.

“What the hell did I do?” Ghost asked following me.

“Do you need a repeat tapping?”


“Not like that.” I shot back.

“Couldn't help it.” He said with a Cheshire grin on his face. I don't know what's worse at times, the shit I deal with in Equestria or the shit I had to deal with one earth? It only was a moment before I had my answer... definitely Equestria. “But on a serious note, is that magic causing your hair to do that?”



“A ponies hair is called a mane and to answer your question. Yes, it acts like fire but it's still hair. Before you ask, no it doesn't burn just looks like it. Well... depends on how angry I am.” I said followed by me grumbling at all I had to deal with. Honestly I think this was just karma getting me back for all the really bad jokes I made in my... how would I classify that anyway? Old life, or other life? I may have to ask some... pony, fuck. That reminded me that I still haven't seen anypony else that hasn't attacked us since this mess started. With that thought alone dumped a cold bucket of water on my anger and my mane went out. Lucky for us that my light spell was still running, and even more so that we got to the bottom of the stairs.

“Something wrong?”

“Just...” I gave out a sigh before I continued. “I'm worried about everypony, just through all this. I don't know what happened and the more things happen, the more sidetracked I get with finding out what happened. It worries me that I haven't seen hide nor hair of anypony.” I said as continued to move forward in the stone tunnel. Just like the front entrance this tunnel was made of large stone bricks while the floor was smaller stone much like cobblestone in texture. My guess was that they were the normal stone gray like everything else has, granted it was hard to tell with the orange tint from my light spell.

“Hey, I get it. You're worried, hell so am I.” I glanced up at him for a moment before returning it to ahead of us. “Don't give me that look, I am. I'm worried about everyone I left back on earth, especially Sammy.” He said with a frown. I had almost completely forgot that Knives at times goes by the nickname Sammy. The more I thought about it, the more I remembered that I couldn't decide which one to stay with. So more often or not, I would flip back and forth between the two.

“I'm guessing your girlfriend?”

“Yeah... wait. Didn't you say that Twilight Sparkle was your 'marefriend'?”


“Then why did you use the world girlfriend?”

“Because I know of earthen lexicon.”

“But you use words like 'somepony' and 'everypony.'”

“So? We are in Equestria.”

“That's my point, why didn't you say marefriend?”

“Because I thought I would use the earthen lexicon, anyway you're deflecting.”

“Oh right... yeah. Sammy is my girlfriend, but I'm not just worried about her.”

“Who else?”

“Everyone I know including Sammy, Viper, my brother, parents, and many others.” He said and I can see the thought of it was taking his toll on him. Which is understandable, I was kind of doing the same every time I thought of everypony I knew. I was distracted before I noticed that the stone walls and floor had changed from the gray I was use to seeing. To a very vibrant violet, with a slight rainbow discoloration to it. Almost like a rainbow of colors were being shined on it. Even more so, that the corridor itself was much larger then was we were traversing moments ago. I turned back for a moment to see that the old gray stone wasn't in sight. Ether was any light behind us which wasn't surprising since I was the one producing it. I tried to fire a fireball into the distance but after a few feet it looked like the darkness swallowed it whole. Ghost didn't notice it as he continued to walk on, most likely lost in his thoughts. I however was not feeling too safe at the moment when the darkness itself could do that to my fire, just screamed something bad this way comes. I stayed on a higher alert than I have been while I've talked to Ghost, even when I rushed to catch up. He didn't notice however, still lost in his worry. The hall around us continued to remain the vibrant violet as I noticed some details in each brick, a sort of scripture to them. I couldn't make it out as I wasn't familiar with it, or really take the time to study it. That was when I noticed that we met the end of the hall itself. Before us was a rather large door made of the same stone as the walls. The only problem was this didn't have a handle or any kind of hinges that I could see. “All this for a dead end?” Ghost asked walking up to it.

“I don’t think so.” I answered as I followed his lead. We got to the door as he put his hand on it. Before any of us could react, the rainbow sheen to it began to brighten engulfing the door. By some magical force Ghost was pulled forward through the door, this followed by me jumping in after. The light around the two of us was almost blinding, I couldn’t quite say if we were indeed moving or that we just went through a portal. Once that world decided that the saturation needed to be turned down to a reasonable level, I could finally make out where the hell we were. We were in some kind of massive, old, training room, from the high ceiling that could put even the biggest sports dome from earth to shame. This was made for ponies and maybe larger creatures. The top of the room was made of the gray bricks in a ring light pattern circling around a large domed light that most likely was the main source of illumination for the room. About half way down from there the gray brick turned to the violet stone that I saw before, in spots first before it took over completely. There was a few free swinging platforms that I could see being hung from the ceiling by chains that seemed untouched by time. Like they where completely new, the platforms I couldn't say as much. They seemed much older and made out of wood that probably wasn't safe to land on. On the bottom of the room, where Ghost and I stood was different structures. Some easy battlement towers, a few simple ramps, and walls littered the room. We couldn't really see much of the walls on the ground floor as the structures obstructed our view. It seems what ever that door did, dropped us nearly dead center of the room. Under us I noticed that the ground wasn't stone, but heavily packed dirt. Reminded me a lot of the old medieval training areas I've seen in movies. Being the first one to come to my senses after the drop off, I had tried to sense anything both in the room and outside of the room. Just like the large library before, my senses faded off meaning that nothing within my range I could tell was coming. At least for now we were safe again, I didn't trust it much as the universe was one hell of a jerk.

“Do you know where the hell that dropped us?” Ghost asked as he got up from his prone spot on the ground.

“No, but I can say we aren't in Kansas anymore.” I commented trying to figure out a way out of here. I was really tired of these magic tricks, besides the whole not knowing where the hell I am. They more often than not left us in danger. God only knows what monstrosity we are going to see next. While I scanned around what I could see, I heard Ghost get up onto his feet, and dust himself off.

“Really which I could have had a better landing.”

“Trust me, that was mild compared to some that I've had.”

“I'll take your word for that.”

“Probably for the wise.” I said, before slowly taking a stab at a direction to go. If we could get to at least the wall, then we could follow it until we find a way out. After a few minutes a sound of something else caught my attention. It was familiar to me, but I couldn't place it. Stopping so I could focus on it more. Even going as far as to reach out with my magic to sense the area around us.

“What's wrong?” He said, probably noticed my gaze as I was scanning around for any sight.

“Shh, I hear something” I said trying to listen. The sound came with a dull thudding in a set of four, and with my magic I could feel something coming. It was smaller than I was but not by much. This put me even more on guard to the point that I drew my sword out, just in case. I didn't want to fire if it was a friendly pony or something of that sort. The sound of it was getting louder and I could make it out more. It was the sounds of hooves striking the dirt as somepony was walking in our direction. Something about the sound was both calming and nerve racking to me. Motioning for Ghost to follow me I stepped back behind some cover just in case this proved to be a hostile creature. After the whole shadow ponies, super charged changeling queen, and mirror creature; I didn't want to take the chance. So I slowly peered out from behind the wall to get a glance at it.

It had a purple coat that had a few bandages on it. Some of them rather soaked crimson like some of mine was. It's mane and tail was a darker purple with an off tone pink, besides the spots where it was either covered in mud or blood. One of it's eyes was covered by a large patched bandaged while her other eye turned towards us to show it was a nice shade of purple. Wait... light purple coat, with a dark purple mane and tail with pink streak. What the fuck was I thinking? I trotted out to get closer with a smile on my face. As I fully turned into view I saw it was indeed Twilight standing there with her mane and tail caked with mud, blood, and probably other things I really didn't want to think about. As well as they both looked like they haven't had a good brushing in weeks. She was also looked she had gone through a fight with a large clawed creature of sorts as she was covered in mostly blood soaked bandages.

“Twilight?” I asked getting closer as her gaze returned towards me. She snapped towards me as I saw her eye go wide. Her worried frown turned into a smile, she moved to say something.


The sound of a bullet rang out as I watched in complete horror as a round hole appeared between my marefriend’s large purple eyes. Behind her the structure was splattered with a massive amount of blood. Her body almost in slow motion dropped to the ground before me. My world slowed down to a crawl as I tried to rush over to her. She hit the ground before I could stop it. “Twilight!” I yelled my gaze starting to blur as I held her head. Her large eyes wide looking back at me, hollow and lifelessly. She... she was dead, and she died before me. I couldn't save her, I couldn't keep her safe, and I failed at protecting her. The small padded thuds of my tears as they dripped from my cheeks onto her already blood covered coat as the entrance and exit wounds oozed her blood over her dead body, as well as my coat. I turned to see what had done that and I saw Ghost standing there his gun pointed where he had fired.

“Ghost?” I asked surprise ever present in my voice. He... he had killed my marefriend, he killed the pony I loved, without a thought, without a care, my best friend killed my marefriend in a cold heartless second, and I didn't know why. His gaze turned to me as his hand dropped down with his gaze. There was no warmth in those eyes, nothing of the person he was before. No making jokes, no friendly demeanor, and no caring heart.

“Yes?” He asked in a stone cold voice.

“W-why?” I asked as I was fighting back my tears so I could stare at him to understand why he had killed my Twilight.

“Because Ryhn” I froze right when he said my old name. I couldn't help but stare into those eyes of his when it went from the cold stare to a blazing inferno. “You left us.” He slowly moved closer to me. “Because you left us to grieve over you, while you were enjoying this happy little wonderland of yours. You left us tearing each other apart because of stupid little things, while you sat here enjoying a new life without caring about those you left behind.” Each word was a blow to my gut, in ways he was right. When I got here I was rather... well I can't say happy, but content in some ways. Having amnesia was a bit of a bitch like that.

“But I didn't have my memories because of amnesia.” I tried to defend.

“Bullshit, and you damn well know it.” He said getting closer to the point I was looking up to his hateful eyes. “But let's say that was the case. How about when you remembered? Why didn't you try and tell us you were alright?”

“I thought it was best-”

“That we remembered you as you where?” Ghost interrupted swinging his leg into the side of my head. It send me rolling a few feet away. “So you thought it was best for me to blame myself for your death. Because I had to stop a few times for small things. When we could have been there earlier?”

“How was I supposed to know what was going to happen?” I said spitting out a bit of blood while I tried to get back onto my hooves.

“You could have warned us when you came to visit.” He commented slowly walking closer.

“What do you mean?”

“I saw you at your own funeral”

“Impossible! There is no way you could have known that was me.” I shot back trying to make sense of this.

“Please, I know how you think Ryhn. You wanted to have a clear view to make sure everyone was dealing with it alright.” He said getting closer still.

“But I wasn't me anymore, I was in a different form.”

“Different form, same mind.” Ghost countered before kicking me square in the jaw. This sent me flipping backwards onto my back. He came closer putting his foot onto my chest. “For all this, you still the idiot I know you for. You really didn't think I figured it out? Did you think I was a fool to think that I wouldn't know one of my 'best friends' when I see them?” As he spoke he slowly began to put pressure on my chest causing my bones to slowly creek in pain. “Besides the fact you forgot that you called and told us about meeting yourself.”


“Oh yeah, didn't think I knew about that moment at her grave didn't you?” Ghost commented. “You called me telling me that you saw someone familiar but odd at the same time. At the time I didn't think about it until a few weeks later. When I showed up here it all clicked, you fucking bastard.”

“I get your pissed off at me, but why did you kill Twilight?”

“Why? Why did I kill your 'marefriend'?” He asked before an amused look crossed his features. “Why shouldn't I have? You killed my memories of my best friend and you killed your ex-girlfriend. So I thought it was fitting.” He said pointing his gun right at my face. “Now I think it's time for me to kill my ex-best friend.” I watched his finger slide into the trigger and brought it back. Before he had the firing pin all the way back, I used my magic to force his hand up. This caused him to miss my head only by an inch or two. By doing this, it had angered him even more where he picked up his foot and slammed it onto my chest causing me to feel a few ribs creek, probably break. My claw came up and I gripped his leg digging the claws into his leg. This caused him to flinch in pain. Enough to draw the pressure away from pinning me to the ground. With both my prosthetic hoof and magic, I had forced Ghost off me by a few feet. He toppled over onto his back, I used this chance to put get back to my hooves. Easier said than done as pain flared in my chest. If this kept going I know I was going to fall to my friends hand, something I’d rather not do. My gaze went to Ghost as he tried to get up with me slowly backing up to seeing the corpse of Twilight behind him. The way her body fell, it was like she was staring directly at me. This caused a deep seeded beating in my chest as I remembered back in the dragon's den when I had failed her, just like I did now. My... friend, had killed the only pony I cared for the most. Just to get back at me for something beyond my control. He did this for something so petty, and worse he was trying to kill me over it. Something in me twisted as if my brain had became slightly unscrewed causing my sanity to jerk to the right. Just as if someone driving the car and the passenger decided to grab the wheel and turn it towards them all the way. My gaze turned back to my 'friend' as he was dusting himself off. “Okay, I'll give you that it was a rather clever to do that. But playtime is over Ryhn.” He said pointing his gun back at me. He fired a bullet at me as my horn, mane, and tail flared to life. The latter two becoming pure flames as the bullet slowed to a complete stop a few inches from my head.

“You're right about one thing, playtime is over.” I said giving a bit of emphasis on the “is over” part of that statement. Before he could respond to that, the bullet before me turned a completely one hundred and eighty degrees around and fired right back where it came. The force I put behind it was enough to expand the barrel and lock the cylinder in place as the second round in the current chamber was set off. This caused a bit of casing to fire backwards through firing pin of the gun. This went right into Ghost's arm leaving a rather impressive wound in his arm. I had effectively turned his gun into a piece of scrap metal.

“You bastard!” He yelled as his left hand went to cover the profusely bleeding wound I inflicted upon him. The gun was still in his right hand around his trigger finger. But he wasn't holding it in a firing gesture anymore. “You want to play dirty little magic tricks? Well two can play with that kind of magic.” He said as he took his blood covered hand and reached into his pocket. He then proceeded to pull out what looked like a blue gem of some kind. From what I could see that there was a few odd places that looked like the gem was a metal of some kind. The biggest alarm was that the gem was giving off a magical aura to it that engulfed that hand that held it, tinting it a dark midnight blue.

“Don't do it!” I yelled trying to stop him, he didn't heed my warning as he jammed said orb right into the wound. A few seconds passed as it sank into his flesh. It disappeared, but the aura it gave off remained and grew to engulf the arm at first. Then it moved to his chest, legs, feet, other arm, before finally stopping after it had taking over his head.

“Now matter what Ryhn, you will not live to see tomorrow.” He growled as his body began to grow in size. Both in a general sense and in a monstrous sense. The sounds of ripped cloth echoed as his jacket, pants, and undershirt began to rip under the stress of the body under it expanding beyond what he could contain. His shoes did much the same. As I watched his body change before me, I was left with a feeling of fear and of a strong resolve. Ghost's head started to change as his skin started to turn from the normal pale peach skin he had to more an ash gray. His fingers stretched into long claws that went from the ash gray to a devious black. His feet did much the same without turning black at the tips. He grew a large tail and what I could see down his back was a set of steel looking scales that shifted much like a wave. He curled down so his back was arched as two long dark horns grew out of his head. They curved forward before taking a sharper curve back so the points where set pointing away from him. He opened his now more dragon like muzzle to show it was filled with razor sharp and darkened gray fangs. The scrap piece of metal that was once his gun that hung onto his finger began to melt down, before it was absorbed into his body. I didn't see what effect it had but with my luck, it wasn't good. My old friend eyes sat in as his mostly blacken eyes was dawned with a blue ring to mark where he was looking. Honestly I would say it looked cool if it didn't mean I was going to die. He let out a primal roar before he rushed at me with more speed then I would have given his massive almost eleven foot frame credit for. Without a thought my horn began to glow bright enough that it set off a flash that blinded myself. The sound of a crash behind me told me that Ghost was too. I needed to get out of reach of this thing but how? I weaved away trying to avoid hitting anything as my vision was taking it's sweet time to correct itself.

“Damn it where do I go?” I said trying to think of somewhere.

“Ryhn!” Ghost roared behind me, this was followed by the sounds of the structures being destroyed. Great so on top of being faster than I thought it was, it's ridiculously strong too. Fuck you too universe, fuck you right up your pretentious ass. The wall I was just ducked behind cracked and shattered sending me rolling. “There you are.” He growled slowly moving closer to me. The wind was knocked out of me as I was pinned under on of the wall fragment. Oh, I was so totally fucked. He pulled back his arm ready to strike me in the head to end it all. Think damn it, think, there has to be something I could do to safe my... is that? My gaze shot pass Ghost and above him to show me one of the loose swinging platforms that was just being held by one chain. I focused my magic on the chain itself. From what I could feel that one good strong tug was all it needed. So, I did what I could think of was. I applied the needed force which caused one of the links to bend and snap. Ghost looked up in time to see the descending platform, but he couldn't avoid it. The thing came down corner first to nail him square in between his eyes. He had curled down with both of his hands to cover the wound as he let out a cry of pain. This caused the platform to roll back and snap one of right horn which produced another cry of pain from him. I didn't give him a chance to recover as I wrapped the chains in my magic and wrapped his limbs in it. Making sure I get around his neck as well with the upper two chains. Just to make sure it was secure I magically fused the two broken chain lengths together into a makeshift collar. If this didn't stop him it should at least hinder him a bit. The last thing I did was used magic to force him onto his back so I had a chance to remove the bits of wall from me. “You think you're so clever?” He roared before the sounds of splintering word reminded me this fucker could break through walls. I had just enough time to get out from under the wall before he broke the platform into a few good size pieces. Two of which were connected to his arms, so like an idiot I gave him flails to use.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” I yelled as I tried to avoid his attacks. Slam after slam just inches behind me as I put everything I could to stay ahead of him. “You know a saving grace would be nice right about now!” I yelled out in frustration. I'm guessing something heard me because after a few minutes the sound of rumbling came from above me. It seems that out of my anger I yelled just right to cause one of the stone blocks in the roof of this room to dislodge itself right on top of my approaching doom. I turned to see a rather large and impressive stone right on top of Ghost. Okay, maybe the universe isn't a complete bastard. Right about then Ghost decided to push the stone off him with a tail I completely forgot about, right at me. I would retract my previous thought about the universe, still a complete bastard. I was able to dodge the stone barely. But this left me with a second problem. The way the stone slid and the way I dodged, put me into a dead end in one of the structures.

“Playtime is over Ryhn.” Ghost said getting up from the ground. I gulped watching him as he edged closer making sure that I was blocked in. I didn't have the ability in my wings to fly with my one still injured. I didn't want to chance teleporting with blink and end up in a wall. My brain was drawing blanks on what I could do to save myself. I watched as my doom just stepped closer and closer, his eyes glowing in the shadows that swirled around him. Something in me changed, I can't tell what it was but for a brief moment I wasn't in charge of my actions anymore. Before I knew it my muzzle was open and out came not the normal ruby red flames that my fire took, it was dark violet. The flames wrapped themselves around Ghost as he began to let out pained roars, to be honest they sounded closer to screams. I watched in horror as I couldn't stop myself letting the flames burn him. I watched as the flesh melted from his bones, or at least what looked like bones. When the fire died away all was left was ash and charred bones. I stood there frozen in horror as I had just killed one of my best friends.

“No... no.” I started off quietly as I made my way over to his remains. I couldn't feel anything in me but this load of fear, sadness, and deep regret. I couldn't get words out, all that I could do was scream out in pain. My marefriend was dead, and I had killed my best friend. I didn't know what to do anymore, and frankly I could even move anymore beyond the shaking. The image of my best friend was burned into my mind as it played over and over. How could this have happened? I was stuck against a wall then suddenly I let out a breath of fire that I've never done before. What... what did it? I don't know how long I was sitting there staring at Ghost's scorched remains. Tears continued to flow as I had to do what I could. It wouldn't put things right, but it had to be done. Focusing my magic on the velvet stone that make up the structures here. I made a collection of stone slabs to create into two coffins. Fusing the stones took a lot out of me, but I didn't care about that. The worse part was moving the remains of Ghost. It felt wrong moving them in my magic, but it was either that or try to do it with my hooves or mouth. It just felt worse to me even thinking about that. So magic was my only alternative. Once the first coffin was filled with the ash, bones, and surrounding dirt that was scarred with the flames. I sealed it tight, before floating it with me as I slowly made my way back to Twilight's body.

Twilight was right where I left her, if moving Ghost with my magic only hurt. Moving Twilight damn near killed me inside, as I laid her to rest. I made sure the stone that part of her was splattered against was with her. I didn't want to forget even one bit of her. Then I set myself to dig, not with my magic. The only thing I did with my magic to dig was make myself a spade out of a wall. With that I set myself to dig. The dirt gave way to easily to my liking as it should be hard to move. It was what I deserved after what happened and what I did. Once I had two large size holes down. I set Ghost down first to rest in the ground before I covered his hole with what I dug out. When that was done. I turned to the wall and created a headstone for him.

“There lies one of the greatest men that the world and Equestria ever knew. Ghost may you rest in peace, and watch over those you cared about the most. Because you will be missed.” I inscribed into his headstone. Under the words I put a little ball of light that would stay there to illuminate the words to anyone that would find it. I made sure the spell would never dissipate over time. I moved over to Twilight's grave as I set her to rest taking just as much care as I did with Ghost's body. Just like I had done before when I laid her coffin into the ground I had covered her as well. When I placed the headstone down, I began to inscribe it with. “Here lies one of the greatest mares anywhere. A savior of Equestria more than a hoofful of times, personal student of Princess Celestia, one of the best friends a pony could have, and a loving marefriend. You will be sadly missed Twilight Sparkle.” Under her headstone I put a small purple flame with the same enchantment I used on Ghost's ball of light. I felt bad that I had put more on Twilight's headstone then I did Ghost's. It was either that I couldn't think straight after all this or the fact that I wasn't sure I even had the right too. I felt worse that I couldn't give them a proper burial. I know that when this is all over I will have to have Celestia give these two what they truly deserved. While I was doing this, I could swear I could here old pipe organs play as if I was in a church. My ear gave a flick as I realized it wasn't in my head. For a moment I stopped myself from getting up to check out what was making the sound. With a deep breath I turned to the gravestones.

“For what it is worth, I am sorry.” I said to them before I got up slowly. Each step felt worse and worse as I wandered away from their graves. I didn't bother wiping my eyes of the tears as I trotted towards what was making the sound. With all this inside I was bitterly cold at everything. How what ever allowed this to happen, to what put me in this whole situation that make me lose one that I loved and make me kill my best friend. Even more so, I curse myself for not being able to stop it from happening. My mind just kept going in circles as I followed the music to a lone door in the middle of the ground. It was a large wooden door that even had the framing around it. It wasn't attached to anything, just like someone stuck it into the ground standing straight. Circling around it, it just looked the same on both sides, save for a doorknob on one side. All the while the music continued to project from the door as if it was muffled slightly behind it. The only left one option since I looked around the door and such. To open it, so I went to the side with the handle and gripped the doorknob with my prosthetic claws. With a turn it creaked open, as the door swung in to show a large plane of dark purple grass. Much like a field of it as the sky was in a dark tint of a matching shade. But what really drew my notice was the large massively impressive pipe organ some odd feet away and the pony that was playing it. It finally hit me, everything that I had deal with, everything that I was put though, and with everything I head learned up to this point about what happened. I couldn't help it, I just began to laugh. I laughed like everything had finally made sense to me, like the stars had aligned and showed me what was really going on. Most of all, out of all this I finally felt relieved about it for the first time in a long time as I stood there laughing like there was no tomorrow.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 29 - A Sense of Finality

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“It finally makes sense.” I said after my laughing fit had finished. I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes, there was no word in existence to express how relieved I was at knowing all that I had gone through in the last two days was not real. That it was all a dream, so the feeling of sorrow and anger for the deaths of Twilight and Ghost was for nothing.

“This wasn't what I was expecting.” Grimwand said, it was sometime after I had started laughing when he had stopped playing the large pipe organ to greet me. If I was being completely honest, I was to much in the joys of knowing that what I dealt with was fake, didn't deter how bullshit it was that he put me through this though. At the current moment he stood before me much like I expected as a pony. While I looked like I was ran through through a cement mixer full of rocks and rebar. Granted I was glad he wasn't wearing that morbid coat made to look like it was made from both Celestia and Luna's coats. This time he wore only a dark blue vest with a long sleeve white undershirt.

“Sorry.” I said still giving a light chuckle. “Just on the happier side.” Finally calming down from what most ponies would call a bit of insanity.

“It's quite alright, take the time you need.” He said with a welcome smile, well to anypony else it would be. To me that spoke of a mask one wears before they do the darkest of tasks.

“I'm guessing this is all to break me down?” I asked still a good few feet away from him.

“You could say that.” He said still smiling.

“So, if I may ask... why?” I asked as his horn became a lit with magic. A few moments passed as a white table appeared between us with tea.

“How about some tea before I explain?” He asked motioning with his hoof to the little light blue tea pot before us.

“Don't mind if I do.” I said taking myself a cup.

“To answer your question, I find it time for me to in act my plan.” He said taking his cup as well. Much like I did, he took his with his hoof instead of using magic to hold it.

“The one to kill my soul and take over my body?” I asked, to be honest I've known that was the plan for a while. Kind of gave it away when you factor in the memory I got from Celestia and his journal entries.

“Ah, yes. I figured you would be informed about me. Was it Princess Celestia's idea?” He asked taking a sip of his drink.


“If I may ask, who's?”

“Mine.” This caused him to pause for a few moments.



“How did it come to that?”

“A memory.” This got him to stop again, this time to eye me in a critical nature. I knew I could rub people the wrong way when they expected me to explain stuff. I remembered Ghost one time tried to get me to explain something to him that was bothering me. Something I should mind you that I wasn't ready to tell. So I ended up playing a short answer game with him. Much like how I am now with Grimwand. The only difference here is that Ghost wanted to help me, while Grimwand wanted to kill me. So I had no sympathy about annoying him to no end.

“Care to explain?”

“Sure, it was you as a young colt.” I answered which he gave me an annoyed look. One of those looks that just said that what I said wasn't much help.


“Celestia was there.”


“She had a sword.”

“And?” He said getting increasingly annoyed with me as he tone got angrier and angrier as I went on.

“She killed you.”


“You died again.”

“You really know how to piss off somepony don't you?”

“Possible.” This got him to get a groan of annoyance out of him.

“So, why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you kill me?”

“Isn't it obvious?”

“I mean other than to get a new body.”

“Oh, why did I choose you?”


“I suppose it was that little marefriend.”

“Girlfriend.” I corrected.

“Right, 'girlfriend' anyway as I was saying. I heard her story about her lover.” That got me to blush a little. He wasn't watching me as he was more focusing his gaze on the cup of tea he was stirring. “Well after hearing that rather heartwarming story, I thought I do a little research. I've got to say, in the grand scheme of things. You were a small fry with no point in existing.” He gave slight hoof gesture at this much like a shrug. I however listened to him go on, part of me was curious for the reason. Okay, that was a lie, a lot of me was curious to why I had to die for this fucker. “As you may or may not know, souls do contain an energy to them.”

“To a point.” I answered back.

“Yes, and this is where you did have potential, if you were in the right setting. On earth I believe it's called, you were pretty much worthless. But here in Equestria you had some rather impressive power.” He said with a smile.

“Impressive power?”

“Yes, see from my research I had found out that some souls transferred changed how they appear here in Equestria. I namely started with small things, just to see what happened. A stray dog here, a family cat there, and all the while seeing how they came out here. Rather interesting as the more powerful a soul on your earth. The more different the form here, sadly they were still souls. No body to call their own so most of them passed on.” He continued with a tone more like a professor giving a lecture to a class.

“Then how do I come in?”

“Well, seeing as you needed a body. I figured, if I could create one out of parts. Why not go further and create one almost from scratch.”

“Let me guess you mix your DNA with another to do so?”

“The first three, yes.” He answered.


“Oh, they lived for a few days. There just wasn't enough to really keep them going. The bodies I had created was either full pony, or a mixture of changeling and pony.”

“I'm guessing there just wasn't enough eternal magic to keep them alive?”

“To a point yes, but it seemed that the soul just wasn't lining up. Much like some of the test subjects I had one show up as a unicorn and even when I gave it a body. The body wasn't durable to handle the stress to it.”

“What changed?”

“Hoofguard.” My eyes widen just at hearing that. “I see you're familiar with the place. As you guessed I was familiar with it for sometime at the point. With Princess Celestia hot on my tail, I figured a place that she herself wasn't familiar with would be a rather interesting hideout. Then I found out about the dragon ponies. I spent thirty years learning all I could about them. Once I gathered enough data I set myself to figure out what I needed.”

“Raw materials?”

“Oh yes, but not just that. A new place to work, Saddle Arabia worked for sometime. Queen Gaia unfortunately figured out that I was doing thing's rather questionable.” He said only stopping to take a drink.

“So even you find what you did was questionable?” I asked and my distaste could be heard in my voice.

“Well any scientific process is always questionable to somepony.” He said with a smile, something started to really eat away at me on how he acted. I remembered how he was before, a Hannibal Lecter vibe that just oozed off him. Here... here he was telling me things much like a professor teaching his class. “And what's a few ponies long compared to finding longevity outside of being an alicorn?”

“But the lost of life to the to achieve that goal!”

“Means nothing to me.”

“Really? Then why did you bring back Silver Star?”

“Besides needing an assistant? She was an interesting test. I found out that I could mix ponies with changeling. I mean look at all she can do”

“And what do you think Chrysalis would think if she found out?” I retorted.

“That insect? You of all ponies should know that she isn't really anything big. In the grand scheme of things, she is nothing more than a stepping stone. Much like you where.” He said and I could feel my anger rising in the back of my throat.

“And what did you ‘achieve’ with me, hmm? From what I remember you were going to kill me as soon as I arrived in Equestria. Just to have me end up somewhere else.”

“Now that you bring that up, how did you do that if I may ask?” He asked locking eyes with me.

“Do what, end up somewhere else?”

“Precisely, from how I factored in. You where suppose to end up in the badlands just outside of the Equestrian outpost by fifty yards. Yet, you appear just outside of the Everfree Forest.” He said, so Faust’s intervention sent me off course by quite a lot now that I knew.

“Well, to be honest I didn't do anything. Since I was suppose to be killed, I guess providence decided to shine brightly on me.” Okay, so I was a little cocky with that statement, but no pony could blame me after what this fucker had done to me.

“I didn't take you for the fate believing type, you seemed a more down to earth kind of person.” He countered.

“Well, what can I say? I had my eyes open to the fact that somepony has killed me about four times. Speaking of which myself, something's been bugging me. How did you get my spirit here to Equestria? I doubt you were close enough to cast a spell right away, and I didn't see somepony that looked out of place.” I asked back with a harden glint in my eyes as I watched him.

“Ah a fascinating bit of spell crafting I have to say myself. As many before hoof, I needed some rather strong components to make a rather durable body for your soul. It seems any soul from 'earth' as you call it, was too strong for normal ponies. So I had to test with something stronger. Dronies, wonderful creatures they are. They made the perfect base, but I knew I needed to run a few tests before I could bring the main event. Out of my seven tests three survived, but they weren't the right kind of dronies. I got dregasus and earth dronies, but I couldn't get a dracorn or like you a dralicorn. The closest I got was this black coated drony with a white mane.” He said watching my reaction, when he described that last one I couldn't help but something biting at the edge of my mind. There was a level of familiarness to it, but that wasn't important at the moment. “Now that I had the right aspects to get what I wanted, it was time to get to the main event and that was you.” He said watching me.

“Still didn't answer my question, how did you do it?” I asked more to get to the point of it.

“The bullets.” He answered, before a standard revolver round appeared between the two of us. “The bullets in that 'human's' weapon was enchanted with spell script.”

“How? From what I know it has to be a material that can the ink can be applied too. A bullet would be too small for such a thing since it would have to be in the metal tip and not the casing itself.” I asked back.

“We had plenty of time to do so, we only replaced the bullets in the shell casing. But the biggest part was getting it to deliver the components for your new body. Unlike some of the other ones, we had to use small enough fragments from both parent subjects.” He answered.

“Wait... you're telling me that you put parts of somepony in that bullet?”

“What did it matter? They were both dead so there wasn't anything to it. Just go find the body, dig it up, take a piece, and put it in the magic bullet.” He said with a cocky grin. “You can't really be surprised by all this, you have read most of my 'journal'”


“For longevity of course, with a body that is made to outlive anypony.”

“That's it, longevity?”

“Well that and the magical well of power that came with the new body.” I couldn't help but give him a flat stare.

“Well, sad to say, your plans kind of flopped on that last part. I've seen the magical scans myself, that and from an alicorns mouth. I don't have some 'well of power' as you put it. I'm on the rather low end of the scale.”

“Because I'm suppressing your magical growth.” I blinked for a moment.

“So, this whole time I was suppose to have more magic than I had now?”

“Yes, I mean I didn't spend days finding the body of Clover the Clever for nothing. Your body not counting the alicorn well of power is suppose to have a rather staggering amount compared to most ponies. This would be true if I wasn't suppressing it myself.” He answered with a smirk.


“With those.” He pointed to two white glowing orbs several feet away.

“What are they?”

“Dream Orbs.”

“Dream Orbs?”

“Yes, very powerful objects that I created.”


“With your dream essence.” I turned back to him.

“My what?”

“Dream essence, ever wondered why your dreams always took a turn for the dark?”

“I... I thought it was just natural for me.”

“On earth that would be true, but here no. See after that little deal Nightmare Moon made with Shadowstorm, he came to me.”

“Wait... was that the reason he didn't show up when we went after Nightmare Moon?”

“Yes, the two of us made a rather interesting deal. See, he wanted his own body, and so did I. So we decided to join forces against you. After the whole elements of harmony split the two of you apart, I sent Vermom after you.”

“Which would be the second time I died.”

“Yes, she wasn't suppose to kill you. Lucky for the both of us that she only killed you for a few moments.”

“Then was the plan? Because all I can see is that I've been beaten, battered, bloodied, bashed, bruised, bludgeon, broke, thrashed, trashed, trampled, thwacked, whacked, damaged, mauled, and that's not even going into the more colorful words I could come up with. If it wasn't to kill me, then what was the point of doing all that?” I was to the point of yelling. To find out that me almost dying so much wasn't the fucking point.

“It was to break you down to the point you wouldn't resist.” He said looking at his hoof like a preppy girl would her nails.

“Resist? You seriously couldn't think that I wouldn't resist against the pony that killed me just to do it again so he can have my body?”

“I gave you that body, so I have every right to take it away.”

“Like hell you do.” I said with both of my hooves on the table after I had slammed them on it.

“I'm surprised you haven't asked the most important question.” He said and it got me to gulp.

“What question is that?”

“See that is the interesting question is.” He said setting down his cup on the table. “What happened to the bullet from before.” My eyes shot wide as I noticed that indeed the bullet disappeared between the two of us. Before I knew it, something shot through me and pinged off the table. I didn't have much time, but I saw the large splatter of blood that covered the table and felt the hole in my chest. I fell from my seat onto the purple grass that surrounded us. Grass that I knew would be stained crimson as I bled out there, what I saw last was Grimwand stepping down from his chair and over to me. His face taking up my already darkening vision. “Good-bye Ryhn, I would say it has been a pleasure to have met you. Sadly, that would be a lie.” He said before letting out a dark laugh the just sank away in the darkness.


Grimwand stood there watching the dream corpse of Firestorm lay there. The last shine of light from his eyes fading away as he laughed. It had been years in the making, years of running from place to place to avoid being killed. Years of making sure Celestia never caught him again. Now he would have his new body in mere moments. His horn lit up an acidic green as he moved the ex-prince's body into a more laying position on his back. The bullet wound that shot through his heart clear as day to be seen. It wasn't long before an orange little ball of light slowly came out of the hole. Grimwand knew what that was, it was Firestorm's soul. Even when it wasn't the normal shade of blue he was use to seeing a soul in. He didn't really care, he had been trying to break this stallion down for far too long. At least as far as he had thought about it. Over two hundred years of planning and tests was finally going to net him the body he wanted. The only thing left that was standing in his way was one little flickering soul. The soul in question gently floated around like a foal pegasus, just like the soul was in a daze. Grimwand knew that Firestorm wouldn't be able to communicate with him yet, as most souls need a few weeks to learn that. So it made destroying his soul a little easier. “In for a bit in for a pound.” He said as he charged up a spell that turned the aura of his horn black. From there a beam of matching black energy fired right at the little flaming soul.

The beam itself engulfed the little soul before it bowed out and spread the beam around it in a sphere shaped shield. Grimwand pushed more magic through his horn and in turn the spell. As the flow of magic increased the resistance that the shield gave matched it. No matter what he did, he couldn't break through the soul's shield. At most he did was push it further and further away from himself, right towards two glowing orbs. Even more so if he wasn't so focused on trying to pierce the shield he would have noticed that the soul was slowly moving itself so it would be pushed right at the orbs itself. With one final blast of magic Grimwand's spell sent the soul right into one of the two orbs causing it to engulf it and grow. Catching his breath Grimwand stared daggers at the little annoyance as he saw it.

“I did not spend hundreds of years of planning, testing, and practicing to be beaten now. Ryhn, I very well know you can hear me.” He growled as he moved closer, it seemed like the soul did much the same. “I hope you're having a field day because it ends now.” With that he put almost everything he could into one last blast, this one completely pitch black. The beam itself flew right at the orb sized flame... but it didn't connect. It wasn't because of a shield this time but because of a little blue whirlpool that appeared before the soul swallowing up the magic as if it was just a rock sinking in the ocean. “What in the almighty creator's name was that?” Grimwand said in disbelief.

“Hey Grimwand.” was heard from somewhere, in front of him.

“What?” Grimwand said as he thought he heard it come from the soul. Which he thought was impossible as Ryhn Firestorm couldn't have learned how to do that in so little time. He did have to admit that this little blasted soul was giving him more trouble than he thought was possible.

“Eat a dick!” It yelled before a large tan like fist and forearm came out of nowhere and slammed him in the face. This sent him reeling back a few feet. He watched as the large forearm just floated there before it's hand turned up and snapped it's fingers. In a split second the still dead body of Firestorm turned into black dust and flew at the arm. More precisely to the back of it where it collected and began to form a body. The mass took the form of a very large white skinned man. A man, who had a fairly bushy beard as well as a large three sectioned off ponytail. He wore a slightly dark orange shirt with a pair of blue jeans. On his hands was a pair of dark red finger-less cotton gloves and on his feet was a large pair of matching to his shirt orange combat boots with dark gray bottoms. The man because he was clearly male that even Grimwand could tell that, stared daggers with his blue eyes behind his rectangle framed glasses. Which was odd as he wore a pair of gray goggles with sky blue lens in them on his head right above his orange horn. If Grimwand could have seen it from that angle he would have also noticed two more horns that came up and bent down behind the man's head. He just looked much like Grimwand remembered he did, but if he noticed he would be wrong. As the man in front of him had bright orange wings coming out of his back with a red scaled crests on each wing, as well as a long red scale covered dragon tail that ended in a black diamond tip. That was when the man in front of Grimwand began to crack a smile showing off his razor sharp white teeth, as his small smile became to Grimwand a dark laugh.

“How is it possible that-” Grimwand began to ask getting back to his hooves.

“That I'm back to life or the fact that I couldn't be completely killed in the first place?” This man asked.

“Yes.” Grimwand asked as he kept his space from the person before him.

“Because for all your planning you didn't take into account one simple thing.” He said smiling.

“And that would be?”

“That I would get my hooves onto one of the black books.” He said smiling as Grimwand's eyes widened.


“Easy, my sister gave it to me since you left it back there.” This man said as a chair appeared behind him for him to sit down on it, which he did.

“Impossible, you wouldn't have been able to do anything with that book-” he was about to say.

“Unless I pay it's price?”

“Yes.” Grimwand hissed at him, the man only grinned more at this as he sat back even more in the seat.

“See funny thing about that, you made me pay for it already.” Grimwand's eyes went wide in shock.

“What?” was all he could say.

“See, here's the deal. Since you killed me once and brought me back. That was enough to allow me to read the thirteenth book. Not to count the many time's Silver Star or I should say Vermom had put me at the brink of death. So you could say I paid the price a few times over by now.” He commented.

“That doesn't make any sense!” Grimwand yelled as he let his anger get the better of him.

“Oh it makes perfect sense when you read the contents of the book.”

“But I have.”

“Well not well enough you see. If you did then you would have learned the little rules of the book.”

“But I did! I went through that book with a fine tooth comb.”

“Did you read the introduction?”

“Nopony reads the introduction!”

“I did, and if you did you would have known that it's price could have been forcibly paid by another. Unlike some of the other books, the thirteenth book comes with a few extra tidbits. Like who it causes and prevents death.” He said.


“How did I survive?”

“Yes.” Grimwand said keeping his eyes locked on him with his horn at the ready to fire another shot.

“A shield spell.” He said which caused Grimwand to drop the spell in disbelief.

“A what?” He said a in surprise.

“A shield spell, to be a bit more accurate a modified shield spell. See as I had gone through the book, I learned that the black books didn't just house spells. They housed spell fragments, or I should call them spell add-ons. Fragments that could be added to just about any spell, and since the thirteenth book focuses on spell surrounding death and the prevention of it. I thought I would do a little test, simple enough really. I modified a little shield spell that I learned from my other half, and I placed it around my souls. Funny thing about that, it wasn't until I began to really read that I could feel out my own soul. I should correct myself, both of my souls.”

“Both of your souls? No creature alive has two souls.” Grimwand said as the levels of surprise just stacked upon each other. “Wait... how did you even know that add-on would work to protect both souls?”

“I didn't.” He said with a smile.

“You're crazy you know that?”

“As a fox.” He said as his smile turned toothy and goofy. “But as for the two souls, I can only guess what happened. When you created a new body from scratch using two powerful beings as the donors. You in fact created new life which had a soul of it's own. At least an empty template of one.” The man said standing up, from there I can only assume that Shadowstorm was created from my negative emotions fueling it. Sort of like adding a special gas that makes the fire burn another color. Hence how he came to be. Of course this is all in theory mind you.” He said stretching a bit.

“Why didn't that happen to the others before you?” Grimwand asked trying to figure out where he went wrong.

“Because you used two strong of donor material. But I believe that's enough talk for now, seeing as I'm tried of having you in my head. I'm tired of having to deal with you and your lacky. I think it's time I put an end to your little plans.” He said picking up the chair and walking past Grimwand putting it next to the table.

“What are you going to do about it?” Grimwand asked keeping stance not sure what is to come.

“Don't worry about that.” The man said with his back to the pony with a devilish grin on his face. Before Grimwand could react the man disappeared and appeared above him with a large sword in hand. As he fell he was pointing the sword down to stab right into him. Sadly for the man as we already know it to be Storm, Grimwand had enough time after he heard the sound of something falling to roll out of the way, and to return to his hooves to give a massive double hoof buck. Storm didn't have the time to react to counter as he was sent into the table and chairs from before. Only taking a moment to recover Storm got back up to his feet. “I see somepony has moves.” He said stomping on the ground before a slab of stone popped up before him vertically, followed by him punching it with both fists. This sent the slab right at Grimwand to used a blast of magic to blow the rock into dust. Coming out of the dust much like a rampaging bull, Firestorm grabbed Grimwand by the horn and dragged him along as stone pillars began to grow out of the once grass filled plain.

In seconds of the fight starting the dreamscape that they were in changed from a grassy field into a large city block found in many large cities like Manehattan and New York. All looking like it was built on a large platform that was surrounded by a river of hot molten metal that was pouring out of large tunnels in the large steel like dome that covered the whole city. The fairly loud hiss of the steam coming out of a few of the cracked patchwork of plates in the dome as well as the sound of the molten metal pouring slightly echoed. While the dreamscape changed into this Storm was slamming Grimwand into each pillar that rose up. Pillar after pillar fell as the pony was slammed through them. He had to do something to get himself out of this, and with a flash of magic Firestorm ended up tripping at the missing weight with in his hand. Behind him the necrotic stallion popped back into existence after the quick cast of a blink spell. He wrapped the remaining bits of the pillars that was was laying completely about Storm's path of destruction in his magic bringing them close.

“What did you think that was going to do? Hurt me? You can't honestly believe-” was all he got out before being cut off by Storm’s dark laugh.

“You think it's as simple as that? Grimwand, do you honestly think so little of me? To simply hurt you?” He said as his hand was held down for a sword that was rising out of the ground itself in a ethereal form before solidifying into a matching replica of the Master sword from Legend of Zelda. “Oh, trust me, when I'm done, you'd just wish I was only going to hurt you.” He said was he turned and held his sword to the air. “You will wish that you never darkened my dreams, my life, and my very soul.” A bolt of white lightning struck the tip of the blade turning the whole blade itself a glowing energy filled white. Not giving Storm the chance to attack Grimwand sent all of the stone pillars at him. Storm countered with a swing of his sword sending a spiral slash of energy at them cutting them into pieces like they were nothing but paper to him. He turned back pointing his sword back up for another bolt to strike. Grimwand watched this as he tried a different tactic, if a stone pillar couldn't stop him. How about a whole building? He turned and blasted the building next to Storm at a forty five degree blast that sent the building to timber over on to the street above him.

“Try that on for size.” Grimwand said with a grin, if he was watching him he would have noticed Storm pulling out what looked like a gun and fired straight into the glass of the window above him. As it slammed down, dust covered Grimwand's sight. Blam! A sharp pain shot through Grimwand's right foreleg as a round hole clean through him.

“How about you try that one instead.” Storm said coming out of the dust as he was standing there sword in one hand, and a gun that looked like a modified version of the Lawbringer from Judge Dredd.

“Buck this, you aren't worth the hassle anymore.” Grimwand said as his horn came to light making a door appear next to him. He reached up with a hoof to open it before a shot of energy sent him flinging into a nearby wall. “What?” He said confused, Storm all did was tisk at this.

“You think I would let you out of this so easy? If you didn't pay attention earlier, you send my soul into one of the dream orbs. This gave me back some power over my dreams again. Especially the power to lock you in here with me.” He grinned as he send a second blade of energy at the door cutting it in half before it faded from existence.

“You bastard!”

“Really? Name calling?” Storm said folding his arms. “Have we already devolved into that already?” He simply shook his head at this. “I'm surprised at you Grimwand, I would have taken you for a fighter. With all your planning, with all your abilities, and with all that bravo you had earlier. I figured you would have a plan be at least for an escape other than through the front door.” He continued moving closer.

“Like I would tell you.” He growled

“Aw, you're going to hurt my feelings.” He said before he was a few feet away.

“And you think I care about your feelings? You failed as a person, you failed as a drony, and you failed to make anypony to really care about you.” He said and the smile on Storm's face dropped to one stone cold.

“What did you say?” He said coldly.

“I said that you have fai-” was all he got out before Storm's boot came up and collided with Grimwand's jaw. If it wasn't for the fact it was a dreamscape, Storm would have sworn he could have heard the bone in Grimwand's jaw just broke. The sent the pony back on to his back. Before he could roll to get up Storm had him pinned with his boot, and his blade pointed at his throat.

“No Grimwand, I didn't fail at having ponies care for me. I have many ponies that care for me, ponies that you tried to take me away from.” He growled as Grimwand looked up at him with a grin. Then before Storm knew it his right arm fell to the ground leaving a bloody pool around the point that it was cut off. Storm grabbed the area and began to scream in pain.

“You’re still the same, Storm.” He said getting back to his hooves. Before Storm focused back on Grimwand, he was blasted into the air. “You talk big game yourself, but you're still the weak human that knows nothing.” He said as he brought the master sword that Storm swung earlier to himself. The blood dripped from the floating blade. “You speak too much, you know that?” He said swinging the sword at Storm once again. Storm was able to step back to avoid the swing. Using his left hand he pulled out the modified Lawbringer to point it at Grimwand.

“And, what's wrong with talking?” He said before having to step back again to avoid another swing.

“You put too much value in talking, sometimes the best way is to take action. A plan can go so far, but as you’ve shown me. Taking action is best.” A third swipe smacked the gun out of Storm's hand before he could fully step out of the way again. “And now your weaponless.” He said with a predatory grin on his muzzle.

“Who said I was weaponless?” Storm said with a grin before the blood dripping out of his arm turned into a solid blade which clashed with the blade Grimwand was swinging.

“Impossible.” He growled.

“Blood is made roughly eighty percent water, so who said I couldn't turn that into ice. If this the real world, that would be the point. But...”

“But what?”

“You're in my head, I don't have to follow the laws of the world here. So my blood could be as hard as steel and as flowing as a river if I wish.” He said as the blood stayed solid against the blade before more of it turned into tendrils and wrapped around the sword pulling it from Grimwand's magic. The sword disappeared before the blood pulled back and changed into a large scaled like claw.

“You're not the only one that can do what he wishes here.” He said as his body changed to a more anthropomorphic form. Standing their in a pair of blue jeans with a tan vest and white undershirt. On top of that stood there cracking his new knuckles.

“Oh, fuck. Right you still have access to the other orb.” Was all he got out before Grimwand disappeared and reappeared before Storm slamming his fist into Storm's face. The force of this sent Storm flying into a nearby building and right through it. Grimwand walked up to the hole before ducking to the left as a ball of energy shot out of the hole.

“Come on out Storm, you can't stay in there.” He said grinning before an arm shot out of the stone wall. It wrapped around Grimwand's neck and kept him in place. Before he could move a large red blade shot out of the walk and right through the stallion.

“Why not come in.” Storm said pulling Grimwand through the wall and whipped him further into the room. The room at one point looked like an floor of cubicles using the simple slide into place to make more. Storm watched the stallion fly through all the walls, desk, and more. All until he came to a stop from the pile of the building's inners behind him. Breathing hard, Grimwand got back onto his hooves to stare at his enemy, at the human turned drony before him. He looked over the human before him as he noticed that he wasn't in the same outfit as before. He saw that the human was in a set of armor, it covered most of his body all but his head and tail. It was sectioned off much like the armor he had read about in the human's library of the medieval time. It looked like a depiction of a knight's armor but it was more body tight. Unlike a knight's armor who normally is either silver or black. This armor was done in both red and black, the main section in red while the connections in the black. On it's chest had a large triangle shaped right white light coming from it. Small lines of light came from the triangle as it pulsed of energy. The only parts the looked different was the right arm that Grimwand knew he had cut off wasn't the same as the left. It looked like one of the prosthetic that he had seen and even helped construct between bits of studying. The arm was rather slim looking much like the arm was before, but around it was blocks that just surrounded part. Much like the forearm close to the hand. Even at the shoulder joint was covered in a block. There was a third box sticking out from the one on the forearm much like it was there for something to have something attached too. The last thing he noticed was that the hand was more like claws which was much longer than the other fingers of it's normal hand. His gaze turned up to the human's face to notice that he was grinning as his horn was glowing in time with the armors pulsating, even his two hind horns. “Noticed the new suit? Yeah, I thought I would dress up for the occasion. I mean what can I say, we humans like to make an entrance.” Storm said as the hits of a drum could be heard all around them, this was followed by a cord of a electric guitar was hit.

“You think some goofy armor is going to help you?” Grimwand said standing there staggered for a bit.

“Some goofy armor, really?” He said keeping that cocky grin on his face as second and third chords struck as the drums came in more. Storm raised his left arm up to point the palm of his left hand at Grimwand. In the center of it was a round white light that began to glow brighter. Grimwand could have sworn that he heard a second voice say something but he couldn't make it out of the metallic sound. But it talked about some man of iron before the crash of a symbol crashed in time of him being blasted through the other side of the building's wall. He was sent flying until he was able to get back to his hooves after dragging his hand on the stoned floor dragging claws marks through it. “You really didn’t get enough of the media of my world did you?” He grinned as he fired a second shot at the stallion. It nailed him in the shoulder with the force of a block of cement being thrown at it. This sent the pony reeling as he fought to stay standing. Without a thought, he sent a blast of magic at the Storm who reacted by grabbing the ground and threw it up to take the brunt of the attack. It shattered through it before it forced Storm back a few feet. His armor not even dented from it.

“You will not win here Storm.” Grimwand growled as he got up a set of matching armor covering his body, unlike the red and black set that Storm had on. His was blue and silver and a star in the center piece. He watched the dust that surrounded Storm began to settle so he could see the human again. If he noticed he would have heard that the music fade away from the sound it was playing to something rather different. This felt full of energy, full of power behind the set of guitars being played after some lyric about being far away from him. He didn't really care about the music, he only cared about ending this. Storm however just grinned as he had already returned to his feet while the dust obstructed Grimwand's view of him. He could hear him as he began to laugh as he focused the energy in his gauntlet at the ground at a forty five degree angle, which sent him flying out of the dust at the stallion. In the powered flip he brought his metal clad foot right on down on Grimwand's head. This sent the stallion face first into the ground where his horn dug into it. Before the pony could recover, Storm began to slam jump up into the air using the rockets on his boots to send him high up into the air. Then cut the power and brought both boots right on the back of Grimwand's skull. The sound of the crunch could have been heard all the way back in the normal world of Equestria if this wasn't Storm's dreamscape. Storm went to try a second drop stomp as he probably would have called it. But as soon as he got to the air, Grimwand turned his own gauntlet at Storm and blasted one of the rockets on the boot. The force of it flung Storm into one of the higher floors of a building. Using the time he had, Grimwand dug his head out of the ground. The massive cracks in his skin and horn riddled them both for moments before like a trickle of water. It washed away with a flick of magic. “No more mister nice pony.” With that he focused on making himself larger then he was before. His muscles began to grow bigger and bigger as the armor changed to fit his larger bulkier form.

“What got tired of the suit already and wanted to go a little bit more meat headed?” Storm said as he made his way back to whole in the solid wall he was blasted into. “I guess it's time for the mark fourteen armor then.” He said before taking his pointer finger and thumb, and placed them both in his mouth, a sharp whistle echoed. A cannon shot was heard as a large metal box with a large fourteen painted on it flew right at Storm. This only lasted a second before the box exploded in the air and fragments of red and black few right at the waiting human turned dragon pony. Like a second armor it covered up the first armor around him until Storm looked like he tripled in size. Storm jumped down as the last bits finished locking in place and a large dome like piece snapped closed over him. It's two large slots for what could be assumed was eyes lit up as it powered up.

“Quit relying on such toys.” Grimwand said as his voice dropped a few octaves that it was more baritone than anything else.

“And give up the chance to test drive the hulkbuster? Oh please, what do you take me for a fool?”

“Do you want me to answer that?” Storm watched as Grimwand grinned at his little cheeky comment.

“No thanks, but I will be willing to dish out a can of whoop ass, followed by a side order of crushed Grimwand.” Storm said as the two large metallic hands came together and sounded with the mixture of metal and bones cracked like he was cracking his knuckles. Grimwand didn't give much time for anything else before sending out a swing with his right arm. Storm grabbed it with left as his right hand moved to look like he was yawning. “Really? Just right into the punching?” He said before he noticed that Grimwand's hand twisted pointing it towards Storm's that held it. In a second a large blue beam of power ripped through the larger robotic arm that was once there.

“Right, no playing around with psychotic necromancer pony.” He said before his right turned and slammed Grimwand back in the face. He didn't need much time to recover as Grimwand took the hit fine and dished out one of his own that put a rather good dent in the domed helmet around Storm's head. That was followed by having his arm grabbed and ripped out. Standing there, armless wasn't a very promising moment for him before he ducked down so the back of his armor could be seen. Two large metal plates opened up to show two sets of three red tipped missiles. They fired striking Grimwand on a few places. This only annoyed Grimwand as the missiles struck and exploded covering his view of Storm. Who decided to leg it to another area as he formed another set of arms. Unlike the normal fist one's from before. The right arm this time held what looked like a large cannon on it. But the point where it fired from didn't have a barrel but more a lens to it. The polished red looking lens gleamed in the molten light of the steel dome. His left arm was much like before, but had a large sword that just seemed oversized even for it. But it didn't matter, was really mattered was the red glow coming from the edge of the blade, more importantly the edge where a sword would cut through stuff. Storm looked around for an idea and noticed that one building was in perfect line with Grimwand. Grinning like a fool, Storm couldn’t help but rush over to it and cut the building much like Grimwand did before at a forty five degree angle. The building slid down the slope, cut into it, and landed right on top of Grimwand. The only difference here to before was that Grimwand was massive compared to how Storm was at the time, as well as it was a solid side of the building so there wasn't windows to crash into.

Taking the lens on the barrel and pressing it against the ceiling of the room he had cut into. He blasted the building forward causing the floor that Grimwand had sprouted into would be flying at him. It seemed that Storm had put too much power into the blast as the building itself was sent much further, right into the molten metal that surrounded the island. This was followed with Storm cracking a smile as a small laugh began to come to him.

“It's finally over.” He said between his light chuckle as he tried to find his way out of this place. The semi destroyed buildings around him riddled the island around him. “You know, I'm a little surprised my mind went here of all places.” He said looking around, he couldn't help but reflect on the same idea of a place for a game that he wanted to make. It was suppose to be this massive final boss like area and it didn't disappoint. “Okay... so... how the fuck am I going to get out of here.” He said to himself. The moment had taken a turn for the sound when the ground started to rumble making Firestorm almost lose his footing. Upon turning around to the direction of both where he sent Grimwand off the end and the vibrations was coming from, Firestorm noticed that a large mass rose up from the molten metal. He watched the liquid steel run and drip off like water running off a ball being lifted the same way. He watched as he couldn't hide his own horror as the mass began to take shape. Two large long limbs began to unfurl out from the center mass, like two long arms at the end of it was a miss match set of claws. All of them very jagged, like a serrated knife, each claw almost the length of a football field. All connected to the two arms that was nothing more than metal bones. As the mass spread out more another set of arms with matching claws unfurled leaving most of the mass out. The last bit was what sent a shiver down Storm's spine. A large pony like head raised as his mane looked like nothing but strains of corded steel rope attached to a face that more like someone removed half of the flesh from it and give the bones under it a massive chrome dip. In the socket for the eyes was a sea of black within each of them was a glowing red dot that looked directly at me.

“What's the matter Storm? I thought you wanted to finish this?” The monstrous Grimwand said as his voice.

“Oh, fuck me.” Storm said more to himself as he had to think of something. But sadly his mind was drawing a blank. A whistle could be heard behind him, this caused him to turn to see a dark figure standing at the top of a building.

“Hey did you forget about somepony?” He said before jumping down and landing on his feet. He stood at the same height as Storm without the hulkbuster suit he had on currently. He stood there in a pair of long black and baggy Tripp pants with red accents and a just as black shirt as he looked identical to Storm in everything but his colors. Where Storm had a more tan skin, Shadowstorm had dark skin and his eyes much like how he looked in his pony form were red while the whites were a crimson red. His hair of jet black while his horn and wings was the same color as his skin all but the scaled crests of his wings and tail which had a violet hue. He grinned as he made Firestorm's suit disappeared making him standing in a matching outfit with his normal orange and blue color scheme has he was known to wear on earth.

“Shadow where were you hiding?” I asked looking at him.

“You think you were the only one stuck in a hellscape? The problem was for him that I already knew it was fake. Surprised it took you so long to get through it.” He said with a smirk.

“Okay, point. But why did you remove the hulkbuster suit I had on?” Storm asked.

“Easy, for this.” He said tossing Storm what looked like a rather thick belt buckle. Storm took a moment to look at the front of the silver buckle. In the center was a large golden coin that had the pressed image of reptilian like creature. Surrounding the coin was a large red circle, and to either side of it was a swish of black. The only thing to break up the red circle and swish was a jagged line that cut into both of them. Storm couldn't help but grin as he recognized what it was right off the bat. He pulled the hand that was in the back of the thick buckle and set his hand so that he was only holding it by side handle. He turned to see that Shadow had a matching one, but on his instead of the pressed image of some kind of lizard he had what more looked like the top of a three point spear on it. All curved up like a moon being stabbed with a blade.

“Oh, I get it.” Storm said smiling.

“What are you two doing?” Grimwand roared at them. “Enough of this.” He continued before taking one of his hands and snapping his impossibly long finger. In seconds the shadows around both Storm and Shadow moved as they came to life. I few moments passed as the shadow ponies began to appear out of the walls and shadows. The same white masks with the red cracks in it, on each one of the ponies faces. The only thing that was heard from them was the sounds of laughter. They watched as they were completely surrounded by them.

“I guess now or never right?” Storm said grinning like a madman.

“Of course.” Shadow replied as they both took stance. They had their right arm across their chest until they held the silver buckle looking device at their respective chests. They swiftly turned the angle of the arm until it was fully extended with their left arms together with their right. Then this action was followed by them point their hands and device forward.

“It's morphin time!” They yelled at the same time. In a second the jagged spots on the device opened up glowed with two different colors. Storm's glowed with a bright red, while Shadow had a green.

“Tyrannosaurus!” Storm yelled as the energy enveloped him.

“Dragon zord!” Shadow followed as the same happened to him. The energy blinded all of the shadow ponies as well as Grimwand who moved two of his hands in the way to block the light. When it died away Grimwand saw the two figures standing there in different color garb. The outfits they wore was full solid color only broken up by the large white diamonds that was on the chest and patterned around the suit top so there was four total. They had long white gloves and boots that were much like his suit but the diamonds on these where the invert of the color of their respective suits. Around their waists where a white belt with the buckle like device attached to it. Attached to said belt was a holster that had what looked like a gun of some sort. Covering these features was a large helmet that looked like the mouth of a dinosaur of some sort patterned around the black visor. One was in red which was Storm. The other one as green which was Shadow, who outfit had some differences compared to Storm's. Instead of the gun in his holster, it was a dagger like device that had press-able buttons in the handle. Around his chest was a large golden chest plate that covered the top two thirds of his body roughly while in the center of it was a large diamond shape pressed into it. On the upper bicep of each arm was a gold band and on both gloves and boots was a matching thin line. As well as the red diamonds on Storm's outfit, was instead large green spikes pointing down. The only thing to really tell who was in each was the fact that two draconic tails pointed out of the back ends of the outfits, Storms red tail fit well with the outfit he wore, while the more black tail of Shadow didn't really match with his.

The both took a change of stances and if were asked they would answer that, hey couldn't resist by saying “Power Rangers!” Grimwand watched this in a mixture of confusion and bewilderment. That quickly turned to anger as he tried to take them out by topping the building behind them. The jumped and dived to the left as the building dropped down crushing many of the shadow ponies. The others turned to gallop after them. Storm grinned as he pulled from his holster the gun and opened it up to slide to a stop and take a few pot shots at the figments of ponies. A few of them disappeared as the beams of red energy struck them. The gun itself was fired upon and sent flying out of his hands as one of the unicorn variety of shadow ponies that had returned fire. It wasn't the only one as more of them took stance and fired upon the two. As they took the smarter option and booked it for the high hills. All while Grimwand continued to take slashes at the buildings around them causing them to fall towards them.

“Any more ideas?” Storm said taking a sharp corner only to take another one to avoid a wave of magic flung at them.

“Give me a moment to think.” Shadow said following Storm as they avoided the attacks. That was when he snapped his finger like he had an idea. Before Storm could comment about this Shadow grabbed the dagger in his holster and brought up the mouth piece attached to it. It wasn't just a dagger but it was a flute of some sort. Shadow played a tune through it, the sounds of bubbling could be heard on the far end of dome. The molten metal rose up much like a geyser of it shot up into air to show what could be best described as a metallic dragon appeared out of it.

“The dragonzord!” Storm said turning to see the new comer first thinking it was someone else to come in to screw this his head. “Brilliant.” After saying that an idea struck him. “Do you think you could keep Grimwand busy while I get the megazord?”

“What do you take me for?” Shadow said giving and overly charismatic shrug. Storm grin as his wings shot out the back of his suit and launched himself into the air. Shadow followed a few seconds landing on the shoulder of the zord he summoned.

“We need dinosaur power now!” Storm yelled and much like the show he use to watch as a child the different zords appeared and began to morph together into the megazord. In seconds he was in the cockpit of it as he brought it over the the dragonzord who was at this time taking massive damage as it had two of Grimwand’s arms pinned while the two remaining was left open to take slashes at it. “We need the power sword.” Storm yelled as a long bladed sword fell through the rusted metal dome and stuck the ground at the feet of the megazord. “Time to end this.” He said grabbing the sword. “Shadow get out of the way.” He said raising the blade above his head. From the same mysterious place the sword had come from the sword was struck with a bolt of energy. Shadow getting the hint stepped to the side releasing the two arms. Grimwand only had enough time to look passed the mechanized dragon to see a slash of energy coming right at him. With a growl his horn lit up with shield appearing shortly after taking the brunt of the hit. It only left a crack.

“Shadow missiles!” Storm said getting ready for a second strike.

“Hold your horses.” He said as both hands of the Dragonzord were armed with the requested missiles. “Can't you give a guy a moment to breathe. It's not like it's the end of the world.” He shot back before launching ten missiles at the shield. They stuck against the shield leaving a cloud of smoke blocking their view. Storm didn't need to see to know where to strike as he sent another blade of energy at the shield. The sounds close to shattered glass could be heard and nothing else.

“Nice try human.” A voice said behind Storm before a clawed hand punched right through the massive machine he was driving. “Your overconfidence is your downfall Ryhn.” Three more hands gripped onto the head and arms of the Megazord before it was torn into pieces around him. He took this time to fly out before Grimwand took what he ripped off and slammed it back into the remaining body. It exploded before him leaving Storm hovering in the air before him. “What are you going to do now?” Grimwand said gloating.

“Don't forget about me asshole.” Shadow said swinging his mech's tail striking Grimwand in the back of his head. Storm used this time to fly off before an idea struck him. He couldn't help but start to laugh at the idea. “Want to see what's it like screwing with a mean son of a bitch?” Shadow said before jumping out of the Dragonzord as it launched itself into the air. Grimwand watched as core left and the rest split down the center while being left connected by the hair of it. Under it a large blue box like robot began to shot out of the ground under it. It's head is a cherry red Plymouth Barracuda with a black top. While most of the body was a light metallic blue with yellow flame accents that had an orange border to them. On the left arm was a flaming eyeball, and on the right was a flaming eight ball. On the back of the mechanical behemoth was two fins much like the old classic muscle cars had. Painted on the front was a small wall of fire on the steel plate and a large yellow with orange bordered twelve. Shadow jumped into the car through the window much like the old dukes boys from dukes of hazzard. As soon as turned the key and started up the Megas from the show Megas XLR the split form of the Dragonzord laid on top of it latching on to it. Before him on the small computer display in the Megas new system options appeared. “Oh hell yeah.” Shadow said grinning like a madman as his outfit changed from the green ranger outfit back to the outfit he had on before.

“Shadow can you read me?” Storm said through the computer display.

“Loud and clear, got yourself set?” Shadow asked already having an good idea what Storm was up to.

“Yeah, do you think you can hold him off long enough?”

“In this thing? Oh fuck yeah.”

“Good, by the way great choice using the Megas.”

“Couldn't resist to be honest.”

“Can't blame you on that one, just keep him busy.”

“Can do.” Shadow said before turning Megas around to face the monstrosity before him. The world around them changed to a series of floating islands in a massive darken sky. “Well mister tall dark and ugly as sin, ready to tango?”

“I thought you would never ask.” Grimwand said as he rushed forward, claws ready to slash at his foe. The left hand of the Megas pulled back and swung like it as going to punch, in doing so launched the hand right at Grimwand who tried to turn so it would miss him. It clipped him and caused him to spin lightly into the right fist coming for a swing. The force of it sent Grimwand back onto his back. The left arm reloaded with a large barrel which was pointed right into Grimwand. A round fired, but missed as Grimwand faded into the ground. Shadow jumped into the air and hovered looking around for his target. “Looking for somepony?” Shadow dodged to the left right into Grimwands free floating arm that grabbed him and the robot and all into the mountain on one of the floating islands. Three other arms appeared out of nowhere grabbing each limb of the Megas. “What are you going to do now?” Grimwand said appearing before him limbless and his horn glowing in a venomous black.

“This!” Shadow said slamming every button that had the word missiles on it. Missiles, more missiles, extra missiles, and full payload missiles were pressed before every opening including the hands from the Dragonzord opened up and millions of missiles flew out. Wave after wave of them came out as two of the arms released the legs of the Megas, all to defend the main body of Grimwand. There was the sound of a pained roar coming from the smoke screen that was produced from every missile striking him. When the cloud dissipated enough it was shown that a lot of loads was riddled throughout his body, including most of the chrome side of his skull.

“You think you're clever, well try this one on for size.” Grimwand yelled as the two arms that floated back smacked it's hands together before an orb of swirling energy began to form between the hands. As he pulled the arms back the sphere of energy grew to almost the size of a small meteor. Shadow's eyes widen before looking for something to help him get the hell out of dodge. Right there next to a few of the blow up the world buttons that was riddled through the controls was a button simply labeled 'get the hell out of dodge.'

“Convenient.” Shadow said before punching the button. The rockets in the feet of the Megas began to ignite and send him sliding up the mountain right as Grimwand threw the ball of energy at him. Only by the mere inches was Shadow able to avoid the blast of that ball before it vaporized the whole island he was on. He was still at the mercy of the two arms holding onto him before opening up the side panels of the arm giving him enough wiggle room to get two cannons out on each arm. With a quick pull the arms released and took two rounds from point blank range destroying them. “Two down-” Shadow said before getting cut off.

“Hundreds to go.” Grimwand said as just as he said hundreds of free floating arms appeared around him.

“Ah, shit.” Shadow said grabbing a nearby controller inputting the following command. “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, and Start.” He said as he pressed it. On the display the following message appeared. “Thirty death code entered.” Just as the message left, all of the exterior ports opened around the massive robot as gun after gun appeared. Even to the point that there was gun's on top of guns. Once it was all said done it was hard to even see any of the said robot beyond the car head and parts of the Dragonzord attached to the top of it. “Fire!” Wave after wave of rounds flew out of each barrel strike any limbs with in it's line of fire. “Storm are you almost ready?” Shadow asked moving over to the monitor in the dash of the car.

“I'm almost there, be ready to boost.” Storm said as it looked like lines or orange energy was running through him like the markings of a circuit board.

“Don't worry about me, I'll be ready. I doubt my attack is going to work. This fucking is outnumbering me on limbs alone.”

“I can see that from here. In the end it won't matter, as long as this works.”

“Do you even know if it's going to work?”


“So you're putting this all on a gamble?”

“What can I say? We're only human.” Storm said grinning as something glinted around his neck. Shadow couldn't see it from the view he was being shown but what looked like a necklace was around Storm's neck that wasn't there before. Some distance away from the fight between Shadow and Grimwand. Storm was sitting on a free floating island in a new robot. This one has mostly a humanoid style frame but slender in style. The face closely looked like a skull with two large angled antenna like pieces coming to either side of the head. The closest thing someone or somepony could compare this two was that of a skeleton with out bare and mostly white it was. There was yellow spots where a lot of the joints were as well as the area around the cockpit that was literally in the in the spot the male genitalia was. Besides the white areas was the darker gray spots in the torso front and black plates as well as the robot's udder arms by the bicep. On it's back was two relative to it small protrusions that could have easily be mistaken for wings but was in fact the rockets that help make it fly. Connected to the left arm was a buckler like shield and the right arm had a blade that would flip over so it was covering the hand for close range attacks. On the knees of the robot were two extra jets to help it fly. But it wasn't moving as it was settled into place by three glowing red cables and a sword shaped back brace behind the rear end of the machine. Around the upper part of the head was two box like devices that had what could be easily mistaken as the jets on a earth jet plane with two long handles under it that the robot which was known by the name of Jehuty from one of Storm's favorite giant robot games, zone of the enders two the second runner. Before him was size rotating plates in a counterclockwise rotation, that began to glow brightly as they slowly began to pick up speed.

“Inner chamber pressure rising normally.” Came out of the console before Storm.

“Thank you Ada.” Storm said watching the series of bars before him fill. This was the only thing he didn't like about what he wanted to do. The time it would take to charge the weapon. Plus if he was to be honest with himself and Shadow. He was scared that his idea wasn't going to work. He hoped that being connected to the artifacts of harmony gave him the ability to emulate their power or at least the elements of harmony's power in his dream scape. The only thing that gave him more hope than he really felt he should have was the six hexagon shaped plates began to change into the cutie-marks of his best friends and marefriend. As they continued to rotate into place the ring itself began to change from the light pale blue into a bright vibrant prism of colors. He could see with an extra window before him that Shadow was keeping Grimwand pinned down at least for now.

“Ready to fire.” Ada said a few moments later as Storm's gaze saw that the bar was completely full.

“Ada, do you think the vector cannon will be enough to put Grimwand down for good?” Storm asked to the orbital frame he was piloting as that was what Jehuty was in the game.

“Alone negative. From observations you will need a massive amount of energy to completely destroy the target.” Ada replied.

“What if a second robot fed power into Jehuty, would that work?”

“In theory it is possible but having enough time to send the power will be an issue.”

“Shadow, do you think you can keep Grimwand covered from here?”

“Here where?” Shadow asked moving his head into view.

“I'm on the island in front of the solar eclipse.” Storm said, and Shadow moved while keeping most of his guns firing at Grimwand to see that Storm was indeed where he was. Right in front of said eclipse, with the red corona that can be seen around it.

“I think so.” Shadow said moving his hands over to the steering wheel and pulled back on it so that the boosters would fire. This allowed him to slowly move himself back towards Storm who was locked into place because of the vector cannon. Grimwand noticed that the difference in the time the round took to strike his wall of arms. Which he was using to hold the attack at bay, so he could charge up one of his own. He moved a few arms just enough to watch the Megas retreat slowly while laying on the suppressive fire. He couldn't see why from this angle as the Megas itself was blocking his few of Storm behind him. The only thing he could see was the glow from Jehuty, which was mistaken for the rockets behind Megas. That was until the Megas moved to the right enough for him to see the second robot.

“Almost there.” Storm said waiting quietly as he tried to keep an eye on what was before as it was the only thing he could really do. More the only thing he could think of at this time. Shadow had to drop a few of the guns as he didn't try and fire through Jehuty.

“Okay, I'm here what do you need?”

“I need you to pipe Megas's energy right into Jehuty.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

“Look for some convenient button that is labeled funnel energy or something of that sort. Megas is full of those kinds of button, it's probably surrounded by a bunch of destroy the dreamscape buttons.” Storm said as the hairs on the back of his neck was standing on end.

“You seriously think that this thing would have a button like... that..., well I will be damned. It's right here.” Shadow said striking the button. In seconds a few of the guns pulled back and snake like metal cables began to wiggle around until they attached themselves onto the back of Jehuty. A message appeared on Shadow's screen that simply read 'rev your engines to transfer.' Shadow just this dropping Megas into neutral and slammed his foot on the gas pedal as hard as he can. He watched as the little meter on the dash slowly climbed from 'none' and move slowly towards 'good enough.' Shadow didn't release the pedal as it continued passed 'plenty' and 'more than enough'. He didn't even blink at 'no really I'm fine' until the warning lights started to go off as soon as the game started to break out of the gauge of 'please stop!!'. Which was in big bold letters and flashing slightly out of time with the warning lights. At this time Storm watched the filled bars in Jehuty overfill changing from the pale blue to just bright red.

“Systems over charged, firing is recommended.” Ada chimed in.

“Sweet!” Storm said before flipping on the outer speakers. “Hey Grimwand!” Grimwand watched as all this was going on.

“Yes?” He asked as the his attack was ready to blast himself.

“You spent hundreds of years trying to learn the vilest of magic. You spent that time killing ponies, destroying souls, desecrating the dead, and didn't stop there.” Storm said as he growled out his words.

“What of it?” Grimwand said needing only a clear moment to fire.

“You went to earth and killed me, just to try to do it twice.”


“I think it's time for you to face your judgement.” Storm growls as to Grimwand’s view the glowing silhouettes of hundreds even thousands of ponies, changelings, and a few diamond dogs began to appear around both Jehuty and Megas. If the light show before didn't scare Grimwand, this sure as hell did.

“You tried trick me into falling for your little ploy, you even tried to get me to kill myself in a way.” Shadow tacked on. “It's time to face the end Grimwand.”

“I will not be beaten.” Grimwand roared as he put everything he had into the spell he was ready to fire. Behind Megas and Jehuty the eclipse began to shift as the hold sign of the mare in the moon and a stylized sun overlapped in dark image with searing white lines. The feet of the Dragonzord Zs changed from that to the image behind them and shot force into a ball that placed itself in front of the rotating harmonious energy before them.

“These souls of ours grow with an awesome power.” The combined voices of Shadow, Storm, and all the silhouettes said as they all began to glow brighter. “This burning force tells us to defeat you!” Grimwand watched in horror before he fired his spell at the two of them. It was now or never, and he was for sure not going out without taking both of them out with him. “Take this! Our love, our anger, and all of our sallow!” All of the silhouettes flew into the ring of energy combining with it forcing the bars on Storm's display to match the prismatic energy before him. With one final roar out of them they fired it while screaming with all of their might “Eclipse Harmony Cannon!”

The energy shot out completely swallowing the blacking beam of magic that was flying back at them. The energy didn't even stop a nanosecond as it barreled through it, like a hurricane through a small town. When the energy connected with Grimwand the dreamscape changed around them as the multitude of colors left them in a void of white. There was no Megas, Jehuty, the monstrosity form of Grimwand, the eclipse, floating islands, or even the dark sky. All that stood there was Firestorm, Shadowstorm, and the smoking barely standing form of Grimwand with his right arm completely gone, as well as good chucks removed from all over his body. The more notable part was the right half of his face was gone as well. Oozing out of each wound was a black fluid that could be mistaken for blood.

“Is that it? That was all you had?” Grimwand said before coughing up spots of blood. “You can not defeat me, you worthless insects.” He spat at them but his blood never touched them. Shadowstorm pulled out a gun aiming to finished the job. Firestorm held up his hand to stop him.

“No, this is over.” He said before slowly stepping closer.

“So you'll do it yourself? I bet you have some flashy way of doing it. Show boating prick that you are.” Grimwand said as he knew he had nothing left after putting everything of him into that last spell.

“No Grimwand.” Firestorm said stopping only a few feet before him. “I'm only going to say this and put an end to it all.”

“Then say your peace.” Grimwand said spitting a second blob of blood at Firestorm. It landed on his cheek and a drop streaked down. Firestorm didn't even care at this point.

“You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you absolutely have been found wanting.” Firestorm said before a shard of crystal formed from his right hand as he swung back and thrust it forward. The crystal pierced into Grimwand's heart sending a shock into his system. “Welcome to your new world, I hope you rot in it.” Firestorm growled as all of Grimwand's body began to glow a pale brown. In seconds the glow covered his body and was pulled into the shard leaving the once pale silver crystal the pale brown that Grimwand's body took and the image of a wand with a skull on it followed by a trailing swish of star filled magic appeared in it. Firestorm brought up the crystal to his sight line.

“What did you do?” Shadow said stepping closer to inspect it.

“I gave him what he wanted.” Firestorm said as the crystal receded into his hand. “Just not the way he wanted.” With that he turned to Shadowstorm. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Shadow asked confused.

“You could have just left me to die and take over the body for yourself, but you didn't.” Firestorm said looking back at him.

“Well... I'm more banking on a new body to be honest. This one has too many miles on it. I doubt I would get a decent trade for it.” He said flatly. A few seconds passed in silence between them before they both broke out laughing like two hyenas.

“I will do what I can, I won't make promises but I will try.” Firestorm said after he could bring his laughter down to a minimum.

“I'm not worried, just don't get us killed before then.” Shadowstorm said holding out a fist towards Firestorm.

“I will try, again no promises.” Firestorm said returning it with a fist bump as the white vale covered them both and they disappeared.


It was a few minutes before my eyes opened to show me I wasn't in the caves in the dark side of Canterlot. From what I could tell, this was my new room that I had a few days stay under my belt. The beeping of a heart monitor was playing to my right as I turned to watch it display my not slowing heartbeat. Besides that I noticed the detailing sounds of snoring around me. I slowly moved myself so I was sitting up a bit and I saw Twilight sleeping where her flank was in a chair but her upper body was laid on the bed and her hoof was on top of mine. I saw Rarity curled up on a sofa, Dash and Applejack shared a love seat. Shining was out cold on a blanket on the floor with Cadence. I don't know where Fluttershy and Pinkie were from my point of view. I turned my gaze around and came in direct eye line of a set of glowing teal eyes.

“Awake I see.” Luna said over the link.

“It seems so...” I replied back trying to move a little. My legs gave a twinge of pain as well as my wing.

“I wouldn't suggest you move much. You've been in recovery from the tunnel collapse. That was two weeks ago.” She said getting up and moving closer to me.

“So I was stuck in there for two weeks?” I asked as I tried to deal with my scrambled memories. “It felt like a few days tops.”

“The dream world can do that. Days can be weeks, and seconds could be years. What transpired in there?”

“Couldn't you see it?”

“No, something was preventing me from peering into your dreams and talking to you directly.” She asked.

“Makes sense, if you were able to pop in you would have been able to drag me out of that.” I said piecing things back together out of the dream logic I had to work with for that whole nightmare.

“Tell me what happened.” Which I did, I explained from what I could remember. I told her what I had faced from the beginning of this. I went from talking about the fog rolling in and swallowing every bit of Canterlot to the overly magical Chrysalis. Something dropped onto my chest as I shifted up more and the blanket rolled down a bit. I magically lifted it up to see a tear drop shaped pendant adorn in a golden trim that accented the silver center. The embedded smile on one side and the hysterical laughing face on the other side with one having aquamarine gems in both sets of eyes. I blinked for a moment before my eyes widen as I remembered what this was.

“The laughter artifact!” I shouted over the link not thinking about it for a moment. The soft groans of somepony waking up could be heard as I watched the tired form of Cadence slide into my view from the floor.

“Why does somepony have to yell at this hour?” She said out loud before she looked around for the source of the sound. Her gaze dropped to both Luna and I as we stared back at her. She blinked for a few moments before she gasped in surprise. “Storm you're awake!” Her voice was loud enough I bet ponies in Ponyville could hear that clear as day. Which I had noticed it was probably midnight when I woke up. At this point the sounds of other ponies getting up. Well all but Shining Armor who simply rolled over muttering something about going back to sleep. “Get up lazy, Firestorm's awake!” Cadence said using her magic to shake her husband, and I couldn't help but laugh a bit at this. Mainly because before coming to Equestria some people had to do the same to me.

“What?” Shining said and to watch him shoot straight up like that. Admittedly was a little comical with everything else. Rarity gave a little yawn as she looked around pulling the eye mask she had on up to see me looking at her. She blinked for a few moments before Dash being the gung ho mare I expect her to be. Turned on the light blinding the hell out of everypony.

“Ah!” The group of us said as I tried to move my right foreleg up to block it only to find that it wasn't attached... or even here. Finally after my eyes decided to dilate so I can see again. Dash was up in the air above me.

“Dude! You're finally awake!” She said.

“Did I miss something?” I asked as I already knew what she was referring to but the smart ass in my couldn't resist screwing with her.

“Did you miss something? Dude you have been in a magical coma for like ever! What the hey happened?!” She asked getting into my face.

“Yeah sugar cube, what happened? The princesses said you were in some kind of accident and that you injured you hind legs and wing.” Applejack said while fighting the urge to yawn. At this I was reminded about it and raised up the covers to see that both of my hind legs were indeed covered in a type of bandage. Not as thin as the one's I had to put on while my ribs healed. These looked like the heavy duty version of them. I also noticed braces on both legs, most likely there to help me move. My wing was also covered in bandages with a light cast over it. So I told them the simple version of why I went into the tunnels and my guess at what really happened. Luna seemed to agree with me that this seemed like a trap after all this.

“By the way, what happened with Nightling?” I asked.

“She's sleeping in with Pinkie and Fluttershy. She's fine beyond a few scrapes.” Luna explained which made me feel better.

“Alright, that puts my mind at ease.” Was all I got out before finally after sleeping like a rock. Twilight slowly woke up, and something I should state about this mare. Her brain when being woken up out of a sound sleep she wasn't prepared to have happen. She's rather... slow to realize things. She blinked for a few moments as her gaze turned around to see Luna, this was followed by her panning her gaze around and stopping at Cadence who was maybe a few inches away from me. Then she noticed something on the bed as her hoof was still on mine. She followed the curve of my foreleg up to my face as I watched her gently. She blinked as one of her ears where flatten down and the other one was pointing straight up giving this cute look of confusion. That with the messy bed mane she had I had to outright call her adorable right then and there. But she beat me to the punch by exclaiming.

“Storm!” She said in surprise as both ears pointed up as she leaped at me. Lucky for me Luna was fast on the draw or spell casting and caught Twilight in the air.

“Remember Twilight Sparkle your coltfriend is still injured.” She said before placing her back on her spot.

“Ah... right.” She said facing the princess before she turned to me, leaned over giving me one hell of a kiss. Let me clarify one thing for everypony. Twilight rarely uses tongue in her kisses, and in this case. It was running wild. She pulled back for a moment causing me to blink in surprise as she leaned in closer while she climbed up and placed her head on my shoulder. “I missed you Storm, you had me worried when I was told about what happened. Then to find out that you hadn't woken up after the rest of the cycle before I could come up.” Cycle? Oh right, estrus was still going on while I was in there. “I was scared Storm.” She said and I could this in her body language as well as the shake in her voice.

“I'm sorry that I scared you, Twilight, and that goes to everypony. I didn't mean for that to happen and to put anypony in danger along with me.” I said more to the fact that Nightling was there with me during all that.

“We know, she told us all about it and how you did what you could.” Twilight said before Rarity chimed in.

“Twilight you're one lucky mare to have such a heroic stallion.” I could already see the bright blush. “A prince in Shining Armor.” Okay now she was off to la la land again as everypony could see that she was daydreaming.

“Besides present company.” Shining tacked on with a smile. Cadence gave a shake of her head and shoved her husband a little for that.

“So... besides the complete worry I put everypony through, can somepony please bring me up to speed what I missed?” I asked and to simply a rather long list of events. I had received a unique package labeled with a simple returned address of D.D. and nothing else. I had already gotten a good idea of who sent that. Of course that didn't stop Celestia and Luna having the packaged scanned roughly thirty times. I couldn't blame her after the whole Nightmare artifact that I had gotten in the mail, some precaution had to be taken. Speaking of which from what I was told the return address of that lead to a very weird event. Luna sending no less than eight of her highly trained guards to the location that was literally in the middle of nowhere. It seems that either as a sick joke or a sense of miss direction. Had put a lone mailbox in a field all by itself. My guess was one of Grimwand's ideas to lead to nothing more than a dead end, no pun intended.

Other then that a few key things happened. Luna informed me that Burning Scale, who I met at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. had asked to see if I was alright. It seems that my incident was reported on by a few of the major papers, which was easily available to the young ponies of the school. So it was set up a special way for him to contact me through the mail as the ruling alicorns had ways to. For a general public had to use the equestrian seal to send a message to any of the four alicorns. There was a top priority seal that had to be placed in the bottom right corner of the letter or packaged to get through. Celestia's was a large stylized sun with a smaller crescent moon within the center of it. Luna was much the same but reversed to the point that with in the missing spot to make the crescent moon whole was to be a smaller sun. Cadence had a heart within a diamond, while Shining had much the a Shield with a star in the center of it within the diamond. Luna informed me that for me it was a fireball with three slash marks laid over it. Clever in a way and I had to give credit that did make things simple if ponies knew. So this was the method that he could get a hold of me. In return all I had to do was sent my letter to the castle with Burning Scale's name on it and the staff would make sure he got it.

Speaking of young dronies, Seared Wind and his younger brother Ember Seed was informed that Applejack was here in Canterlot. From what Luna has explained over the link that she had made the necessary arrangements for a place to live. Namely the house I use to own before my own storm caused my mother to destroy it with my own body. Oh the irony was not lost on me, but I didn't really have much to say about it. Anyway, all I had left to do was talk to Applejack about it later to see if Seared Wind will be able to work on the apple family farm. If not she had already set up a backup plan that she didn't go into details about.

This lead up to the events with Blueblood, who since my being out had done two things. One had a lot of workers fired from safety guidelines not followed. Celestia had overturned this until a full review was done, from what I have been told it is still ongoing. The second was to have both Seared Wind and Ember Seed thrown out of the castle by every guard that would listen to the whiny twit. Luna decided to supersede this one for me since I was unable to do so to the point that Blueblood was instead thrown out of the Castle and his accounts frozen for a total of two days as a means to learn a lesson. From what I was told, it didn't as he was being tailed by a few guards to make sure he kept out of trouble. On the high note of all this, to find out that a bar tending mare cleaned Blueblood's clock good and left him with a shiner that I would love to see right now that he couldn't do anything about as it would land his royal flank in jail. I learned this the easy way, watching idiots like Blueblood. Don't you ever slap a lady in the ass and not expect to get a violent reaction out of them. I digress at this point as something important was reminded to me as my right stump twitched.

“Luna.” I started over the link I had. “I'm going to need to talk to you, Celestia, and Cadence alone. That includes no Twilight.” I said watching her eye me for a moment.

“Is this pertaining to what had happened during your coma?” She replied over the link as well.

“Yes, also I will need a towel before you have everypony leave.” I requested.

“Why?” Cadence chimed in.

“Because I'm about to do something very painful and this will keep me from getting blood on the bed.” I answered which caused both mares eyes to widen.

“What's wrong Princess Luna?” Applejack asked and I decided to cut her off.

“I told her I was in need of a towel and for Fluttershy's father.” I said which was the truth... well the part with Fluttershy's father which was a little bit of an afterthought.

“What are you planning to do?” Luna asked.

“It's one of the matters I will need to discuss with all of you once we are alone.” I said as Applejack brought over a mouth full of towels from the bathroom. “Thank you Applejack.”

“It's ain't a problem Storm, what are friends for.” She commented back.

“So true”

“If everypony would be kind to please excuse us as I need to discuss something with Storm here alone.” She said to everypony but tacked on over the link so Cadence and I could hear. “Cadence would you be kind to get my sister for us?”

“Of course Auntie Luna” She said before everypony left, but Luna, Twilight and I.

“I'm sorry but this includes you Twilight.” Luna said.

“But Princess Luna, Storm just woke up. I want to make sure everything is alright.”

“Twilight I will be fine, it's Princess Luna. If anything does happen, I know I'm in safe hooves.” I said hoping to subside Twilight's worries. That and to drive the point home I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Why don't you go find us a good book to read together after Luna and I finish talking?” This was enough to get Twilight to leave, as much as I hated to cut Twilight out of the circle on this. I wanted to discuss this with all three alicorns before I even approached Twilight with what I now know. She left with only a smile, she will find the next volume of Daring Do for us to read together. This left Luna and I in the room alone together.

“What is it that you wanted to talk about?” Luna asked after a few minutes of silence. I took a deep breath and asked a question I didn't think Luna was ready for.

“Do you know where the grave of Clover the Clever is at?”

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 30 - It all comes to a head

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“Why do you need to know?” Luna asked in surprise at Firestorm's question. The look on his face already told her that he was serious about the question.

“Because I want to visit the grave of my mother.” was his only reply.

“I thought Sha was your mother?” Luna questioned as Storm's horn lit up. In the span of a few seconds the cover plate on his nub of a foreleg was slid off to show the still exposed wound. Regardless of how much time had passed the spot under it only healed over a bit but some of the more fleshed bits of muscle could be seen under it. With the wires and two crystals could be seen as if they were stabbed into the nub. Truth being that they were so they could work. She watched as an aura of magic surrounded one of the crystals. Before Luna could do anything Storm let out a howl of pain as he ripped out a pale brown crystal from the leg. “Are you insane?” Luna blurted out of her mouth instead of the link between the two of them. Storm did get the answer before two guards broke through the door.

“Is everything alright?” The one to the left a unicorn with his horn already a lit with magic.

“No, the prince is in need of medical attention. Please fetch Heartshy and have him bring a replacement crystal for the prince's prosthetic as well as his leg.” Luna ordered.

“As well as bring me a one foot square of metal.” Storm tacked on which caused Luna to glance back at him.

“Of course your highnesses” They both said giving a salute before rushing off.

“What's the metal for?” the princess of the night inquired.

“It's for this.” Storm said floating up the lightly blood covered pale brown crystal. As the blood dripped down onto part of the towel. Luna could see something within the crystal, but with the blood on it she could make it out. Storm pulled the crystal back and she noticed in it was a symbol of a wand topped with a skull with a swoosh of star filled magic. Storm pulled the crimson stained towel as the blood stopped flowing from where he had pulled out crystal. With a flick of magic all the blood that had stained the towel was pulled from it and formed into a makeshift claw in the air that was used to pick up the crystal that familiar to the dralicorn. Firestorm went to say something else but right as if on cue. Cadence had returned with both the guards who was sent off as well as Princess Celestia who at this time was glad to see that Firestorm was awake. Being the one who had put him to sleep a little over two weeks ago. She wouldn't have said it to anypony other than her sister Luna that she blamed herself for what happened. She had thought she put too much power behind her sleeping spell to allow the stallion to rest while doctors worked on his injuries.

“The piece of metal you requested your highness.” The guard said as he pulled a one foot square piece of rather thick metal.

“Thank you mister...” He paused to allow the guard to speak.

“Stoic Guard, your highness.” The guard said supplying his name to the prince.

“Thank you Stoic Guard, you may go.” Storm said keeping a very calm demeanor about him that to be rather honest was one of the few odd things that the three alicorns had noticed. The odd shift in his mood he was currently in caused much unease between Celestia and Luna as they both had feelings of much worse things to come. In those few moments as the celestial sisters glanced at each other as the two guards left. The second one not even supplying a name. They had returned to standing by the door that Celestia had ordered them to report to for the last two weeks. They watched as Storm's magic surrounded the metal and bent as if the metal was nothing more than a piece of paper to him. He bent the corners in to make a diamond like shape. This was followed by bending the metal so that the inside diamond was formed with a convex curve. That was followed by him pulling the metal back out and placed the crystal in the middle of it once again. He replaced the metal over the crystal and made a second fold to the inner corners, so that it created a small window that showed the symbol in the middle of the simple eight flat surfaced crystal. When he was done he pressed the metal down so the crystal was locked in place and couldn't move even an inch. The three alicorns watched this transpire.

“What was that about?” Celestia was the first to speak after a few moments when Firestorm had laid the metal creation down on the bed.

“I was making sure it was dealt with.” Storm replied.

“What was?” Cadence asked this time curiosity getting the better of her. She knew that Storm wasn't going like the other nobles she had to deal with both here in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire.

“That the prison was secured.” He said in a tone that caused even Celestia who had seen many dark and horrible things in her life to shudder.

“Who's prison?” She asked picking up the now newly described prison to herself. Her answer came without Storm even needing to say it. As this was one of her biggest regrets in her life, the biggest was having to send her sister Luna to the moon as banishment. “You... you didn't-” She began to asked before Firestorm cut her off.

“Yes I did Celestia.” Storm said.

“Did what?” Luna asked this time.

“I put Grimwand's soul into a soul jar.” Storm answered.

“A soul jar?” Cadence asked being the only one that wasn't familiar with necromancy magic as the other three.

“It's a item where a pony puts part of their soul into, to give them immortality with a sort of half life.” Luna explained, this caused Cadence to pale before staring directly at Firestorm in horror.

“And you did that to a pony?!” She asked as she took an involuntary step back away from her adopted brother in fear of him doing the same to her.

“No, I did it to a monster.” He said calmly that put everypony but Storm himself on edge. Even the guards who couldn't help but listen in started to fear the prince.

“What would inspire you to do something so... so horrible to another being?” Luna asked as she was the only one that didn't have the full context of Grimwand. She had only small bits that Celestia told her as well as the chance meetings in Firestorm's dreamscapes to inform her. Celestia was the only one not fully surprised. Firestorm had paled at much of what he had read and seen of the stallion did what she would expect from Grimwand.

“A monster like that deserved to be punished.” Was Storm's reply.

“Then let the justice system handle it.” Luna countered.

“The same justice system that Celestia herself had sought after him herself in the body of a young colt that he destroyed the soul of so he could occupy himself to live on. Only to be slayed himself by Celestia and hid in Saddle Arabia up until only roughly two hundred years ago? Where he was doing far worse by manipulating another pony to kill for him and in turn to get killed by him before my sister caught him. Just for him to escape once again. On yeah, I believe I let the justice run its course and it did nothing to stop him. So it was time for me to put this monster down.” Storm growled as his mane had turned into the darkest of flames that the breathes of everypony could be seen. The truth was he was seething in anger that he was being berated for his actions when he only did it to protect ponies and himself. He had taken out two of the biggest monsters he knew of. The dark one not being among them as he knew very little of it.

“Be that as it may, you didn't need to go that far... did you?” Cadence said as she was visibly shaking in both fear and in general as the room had became frigged.

“Very much so.” Storm growled.

“But-” Cadence said before Celestia cut her off.

“I believe he did right by putting an end to this, but I have to ask. Why in such a cruel way?” She said before staring Storm right in the eyes.

“Because the bastard wasn't going to win the right to have an afterlife.” Storm said as he was shaking in anger. During the fight with Grimwand he had to focus on the fight and the adrenaline did wonders to keep him going but as now he was coming out of it. The results had left him drained and running on emotions now. Anger was what was running it's course now as he didn't have the mind altering effects on him anymore. He could properly be pissed off at everything in his mind the bastard had done to him and those he cared deeply about.

“Did you forget that I have seen the afterlife twice now. I know how it works, there is no heaven or hell from what I saw. Everypony just exists and can create their perfect afterlife. If I had simply killed him, I gave him a chance to come back much like your mother did in my dreamscape. So what I did was give him what he wanted, just not the way he wanted it.” Storm did everything in his power to keep from going full rage mode as he would put it recounting all this. He didn't want to deal with another dragon's rage with those three in the room. Celestia and Luna remembered the time with their mother in Storm's dreamscape.

“How?” Celestia asked eyeing the stallion as he had laid in his bed this entire time. He just looked directly at her.

“With the thirteenth black book.” He answered which if it wasn't for the many years practice. She would have started to shake in fear. “Before you ask, I only used two spells.”

“Two spells?” She could help as her voice shook a bit.

“Yes, the soul jar spell which you can see the result. The other one was a modified shield spell that is wrapped around my souls.”

“Souls?” Cadence asked this time.

“Yes, it seems that I technically have two. One being me and the other one belongs to Shadowstorm.” There was a few moments of silence.

“How is it possible?”

“How do I have two souls. Since my body was artificially created by magical means, it left a sort of soul. If I had to name it I guess a proto-soul. When my soul was dropped into the body, since a pony's body is not made to house a human soul. It sent most of my negativity and darker feelings into the second soul, mind you this is a more shot in the dark then anything. From there the soul evolved into Shadowstorm which at that time could only interact in my dreams until Nightmare Moon interacted with him. From there I believe everypony knows what happened.” He said.

“What do plan to do with the book?” Celestia asked worried that she may have to do with a stallion that has dealt with so much in her kingdom alone and even against the stallion's own choice. Thought of him as a hero for helping defeat some rather fearsome foes.

“Honestly, beyond doing what I had already done. Nothing really but study it and see if it can lead me a clear image of the dark one.” He explained.

“Do you think this book would help?” Luna asked.

“It seems like it would be the perfect place to at least find a clue of some sort.” He said before looking off to his right and spotting one of the bags he had with him during his trip to Saddle Arabia. He brought out the paper with the twenty two symbols followed by the center one representing the dark one. “I found this in the pyramid on one of the walls, right before my guard was shocked by the book.” Storm said floating up said book. “As you can tell the symbol on the spine of this book matches the one directly at the bottom. Which if you are following that means this is book thirteen of the black books, namely the death book. From that I can assume that there is still twenty-one other floating titles out there that may house similar clues. I have no idea where to look.”

“How did you come to have this book.” Celestia asked looking over said book. Unknown to Storm, Celestia had seen a book much like this one in the old library in the her old castle. Even more so, Celestia opened the book much like she would if she wanted to read it.

“As far as I can tell only those tied to the books can read it.” Storm explained and he was correct about it, but Celestia already knew that. Simply with the first line she saw in the book.

Another has paid my price.

She closed the book with a sigh. “May I have this book examined?” She asked.

“I don't see a problem in it, but it depends what the book thinks about it.” Storm answered back which caused the three alicorns look confused by this.

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asked, without answering Storm opened his uninjured wing and right there the black book dropped. They all looked back where Celestia had been holding it in her magic and it was gone.

“These books have a connection to those they are connected to.” Celestia answered. “That they either stay where their owner has placed them or if they are taken away from them by another means they return to their owner.”

“That's what I figure at least.” Storm said picking it up with his hoof. He just looked over the book quietly for a bit before sliding it away once again. “Truth be told, I'm not a fan of necromancy. Maybe in the helpful way like the concept of helping spirits move on, I can support. If I happen to come across that ability I may use it to help ponies feel at ease. But beyond trying to figure out the dark one and what I can do to help stop him. I don't want these books anywhere near ponies. Lucky for us that only those that are linked directly to these books are the only one's that can read them.”

“Very much so.” Celestia started watching the stallion for a while and she could see the tiredness not of his body or mind. The very tiredness of his soul or specifically souls as she is also able to see the same thing that Storm was made aware of. Two bright souls could be seen within him. One bright burning orange and the other of a whispering black shadow behind it. She's only recently noticed this around the time after Shadowstorm and himself combined once again. Before then they looked as if they where just one being either the one was hiding behind the other in her sight. This was along an ability that her sister Princess Luna wasn't aware of. Truth be told she was able to see the darker parts of ponies normally being her attuning was with the night. She was able to see all those that hid within it. Cadence was able to see things within ponies in a different matter, as she was tied directly to love see can see how that could twist and turn. From love to obsessiveness, from caring to cruelty, and from much far worse things. She was also able to see other things besides love, she was able to see loneliness in others. Even in her kingdom of the Crystal Empire, she was known to help couples get together that were perfect for each other. What was the odd thing was the feeling and what was hiding within the dralicorn in the room. To each of them they saw a darkness to him, one that isn't overpowering such as that of Nightmare Moon or even that of Shadowstorm that they have interacted with before. This was almost a balanced darkness that had always been part of him, part that was always in a level of flux and calm.

“Storm, can I ask you a question?” Cadence asked stepping over and setting a hoof on her adopted brother.

“What is it Cadence?” He asked turning to her.

“Are you alright?” This wasn't the first time he was asked this and part of him wanted to reply with the fact that he was alright as the situation allows. That wouldn't be right either as part of him was alright but the other part that of his mind was always trying to really feel good about what he had to do.

“No, what I did I will admit doesn't sit right. But it was either this or two other options.” He paused for a few moments before he just took the towel and wrapped the numb of his leg so he wouldn't have to magically hold it anymore. “It was either imprison him in a way he couldn't get out. Completely remove him from this world by destroying his soul, which didn't feel right. Or just kill him for him to just come back once again which wasn't an option. I know I did the lesser of the three evils.”

“As you have said, you're only human.” Celestia commented as she came over to his other side of the bed. “We know how a choice like that can leave unease within one's soul. Should you complain to somepony no pony would truly blame you. I was worried that you may take justice into your own hooves with this magic. But now I don't think anypony had to worry of this.” Storm remained silent for a bit as she could see the gears in his mind turning from the look on his face.

“Do... do you trust me?” Storm asked to all of them.

“Yes.” Cadence said resting her head against Storm after she had joined him on the bed.

“Indeed, you have shown so much promise as a pony and that of a great leader.” Luna commented with a smile. Celestia was silence however as she watched Storm for a while, the only thing she saw was his eye turn to look at her without turning his head to do so. His gaze returned forward for a moment.

“So even after all this time you still don't, I'm not surprised.” He said slowly moving to get out of the bed and onto his hooves.

“No, it's just. After Grimwand-” She started a little surprised.

“You have a hard time trusting ponies that you can't get a feeling for and even then you don't want a repeat of him.” Storm said walking to the door, the three of them watched as Storm fought to keep on his hooves. His hind leg haven't healed completely and are very week, but even he knew that. He didn't care about his pain right now, he just wanted to leave the room. “Celestia just so you know. I do trust you, we may have had our issues like that of getting Twilight to remember me and about the guards. But that never changed that I trusted you. Not as royalty but that of a pony, nothing more and nothing less.” He turned his head to look at her. “Please put him somewhere that no pony can find him and please keep this safe.” Storm said as he magically removed the pendent from around his neck and placed it before the regent of the sun herself. She watched silently as Storm left the room not saying a word on his three hooves. When the door shut behind him, Celestia couldn't help but feel regret for not telling Storm that she trusted him.

“Sister.” Luna said coming over to her with Cadence next to her. They sat next to Celestia and each of them placed a wing around her as best as they could.

“Auntie.” Cadence said in a comforting tone.


“There you go prince, I hope next time you won't do something as foalish as rip out one of the crystals again.” Heartshy had said after having to replace the whole wiring in my numb of a leg. It seems that the crystals were made to be synced up and it was easier to replace the crystals then re-sync one crystal to a new one. So I sat in the medical wing of the castle getting fixed up. As much as I wanted to agree with him I didn't want him to be aware of the real reason. So I left it up to it being an accident when readjusting the plate that I had done it. That was all I could think of at short notice because I don't think a magical mishap would cover crystal being ripped from a limb. Of course knowing me, I was probably wrong about that.

“I still can't believe you ended up doing that around the princesses.” Twilight berated me for the, I want to say twenty eighth or was that twenty ninth time of me doing something stupid before any of them.

“I said I was sorry.” I said lowering my head at this.

“Seriously who in their right mind would...” Twilight paused for a moment catching herself a few words too late. “never mind” She let out a sigh watching as I did a few tests to make sure I had the full range of motion.

“Thank you Heartshy and sorry for this being so short notice.” I said.

“Well you're lucky I was already here taking care of your legs.” He commented.

“Again thank you for those as well.” He was rinsing the blood from his hooves from fixing my leg up.

“It wasn't a problem, I am your doctor after all. But please do me a favor and don't get yourself injured for the next month.” He said before a few moments pause. “I doubt you'll even get out of the door before that happens.”

“Probably.” I commented, then I slowly made my way off the cot and onto the floor where Twilight trotted up to me.

“Shall we get going?” She asked.


“Well, you need to get something in you after spending the two weeks getting fed by a gavage.” Twilight commented.

“Honestly wouldn't be the first time.” I commented.

“True, but no it's not really a good sight seeing your coltfriend being fed that way.” Twilight said and my ears flattened back.


“I don't blame you Storm, how was you suppose to know that it was a trap?” Twilight said pressing into my side as we trotted back to my room. Lucky for both of us that she was on the side with my good wing. With that, I laid it across her as we walked.

“I think I should have guessed it since I found the paper in a folder in my room. At first I thought that maybe one of the guards had left it by order of Celestia or Luna. But now that I think about it more it was very suspicious.” I said thinking it out loud.

“I believe it was a wise pony said that hindsight is always twenty twenty.” Twilight commented.

“I think that is most likely the case.” I said thinking about it silently.

“Hey Storm... can I ask you about something?” At this I can see a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

“Sure?” I said looking back a little confused.

“Well... I may have, while under estrus, may have tried to find something of yours.” She continued.

“Which was?” I asked not sure if I was going to like where this was going.

“Well... a mare under estrus who is with somepony tries to find something of their scent to help... elevate some of her issues. But that wasn't the point I was going to ask. Well... I may have gone through and found something that I wasn't sure what it was.” She said and I tried to think of something that she may have found that made her uneasy. Well besides her out right saying that she was trying to find something with my scent on it. Trust me that was already weird enough to have heard. Well... I found this book looking thing, The outside cover was lavender and on the inside with this black rectangle with a screen on it.” She continued to explain and I got what she meant right off the bat.

“Oh my tablet?”

“Tablet? It didn't look like a tablet, I mean it had this stick with a soft rubber end. At first I thought it was a pencil of some kind.” She continued.

“Twilight, sometimes humans call different objects the same thing or the same object multiple names. Let's take computer for instance: There's Computer, P.C, tower, the gate way of entertainment, the fancy box, and one of my personal favorites that I heard that thing ma gig that allows the inter webs.” I said giggling a little at the end. I remember where I heard that, one of my friend's mother was not that tech savvy so she had rambling names for things. Like calling a TV a pictobox of many shows.

“That's interesting, but what about this tablet I believe you called it?” She asked.

“Well, in this case it's much like a computer but not as powerful to some of the one's I've used on earth. But it would run circles around the one in the library basement.” I explained.

“But it would have to be massive to do that. I mean the one here in Canterlot takes up a room almost as big as the ballroom.” She said in surprise.

“Well that's where my observations about how lopsided the advancements here in Equestria are. I've seen computers and rotary phone, I've seen helicopters and turntables. While on earth we have that and surpassed it. Our computer takes up about the same size as Rarity's makeup kit.” I explained.

“Seriously? That's... well to Rarity she does bring a rather massive makeup kit, but compared to computers. That's rather small.” Twilight said in surprise.

“Yeah and that's a standard desktop a laptop is a whole new ball as one of those could be smaller than one of the standard books in the library in Ponyville. I've even seen a few that would maybe closer to a magazine in thickness.”

“Are you pulling my leg?” She asked.

“Too quote Big Mac, nope.” I said matching his deep tone at the end.

“Can I see one?” She asked with big wide eyes. Kind of reminded me when Rarity ships her brain of to la la land.

“Currently... not really. I think I may have an image of a desktop computer on my tablet. For anything else it would require me to go back to earth to get it.” I stated and realize my mistake a moment too soon.

“Oh, can we go?” She asked stopping and jumping in front of me like... well Pinkie pie.

“No.” I said deflating her idea.

“But, please for me?” She said giving that damn face again. It got to the point I had to jam my eyes shut to try and avoid that look.

“No Twilight.”

“But please!” She tried doing that damn adorable tone to it that she know she had that power over me. Worse was that my brain already flashed the image of that face in my head in time with it, with a sigh and lowering my head.

“We’ll see.” I said giving in just a little. This caused Twilight to start jumping around with a serious of-

“Yes, yes, yes.” She said as she made a good six laps around me before she stopped.

“Did anypony tell you that you do that look too well?” I asked watching her come down from her jumping fit.

“Shining Armor, my father, Doughnut Joe, sometimes my mother, oh Cadence once, Spike several times, and six head librarians and the stallion down at Quills and Sofas.” She answered without missing a beat and I couldn't help but stop and stare at her with my left eye twitching. “You asked.”

“You know what, I'm sorry I asked.” I said continuing to walk.

“So... I heard you went to Saddle Arabia.”


“What was it like?”

“Sandy.” I answered with a smirk. She gave me a small shove.

“Okay, now seriously how was it?”

“To be honest, the first part of it was rather nice and surprising. I got a little shopping in and got to see Al Buck.”

“You got the see the capital? Did you get to see the Pon Sabino Palace?” She asked, and I couldn't help but crack a smile at the name alone. I already guessed the Pon was being short for pony but to have the name of a breed in the palace's name. That was pretty funny to me.

“If it was the center palace then yes, I even got to meet the Queen.” I said as we took a turn to the left still on our way to the castle.

“You met with Queen Gaia herself?” She asked stopping in surprise at that.

“Yeah?” I said stopping to see what happened.

“How... how was she?” She stammered.

“She was pretty good the last I checked.” I said eyeing her.

“I bet she was just as regal as Princess Celestia, but of course not to say Princess Luna isn't regal.” Twilight said trying to overcompensate.

“Twilight I get it, relax. Yes Queen Gaia is very regal and nice.” I said not having told Twilight that she was also my sister yet. I kind of wasn't sure how she would take that news. “I”m a little surprised you haven't asked me what I got you from Saddle Arabia yet.” I said more to derail her from going off on the fan filly squee fest as Rarity had once describe Dash's love for the Wonderbolts.

“You... you got me something?” She asked a little surprised.

“Of course, I got you and the girls something. Spike as well.” I said with a smile.

“Oh, what is it?” She asked catching up and I placing my wing over it.

“Well I found this little book stand and I couldn't help myself and look around. So in the course of it I found myself a few spell books since my list of spells are on the lacking side. But while I was in there I found you a complete set of history of the area books.” Twilight then grabbed me in her back and took off at a full gallop towards my room with me in tow... literally. She almost ripped the doors off the hinges getting in there to see the girls already there. This also included Nightling who was sitting next to Pinkie her wing over her much like I did with Twilight. The girls all looked up to see me in the air with one of those dear god not again looks on my face.

“Twilight, must you always be so hasty to get into the room. Very unladylike.” Rarity teased.

“I um... sorry?” Twilight stammered as she had a bright red blush on her face.

“Give her a break ready, I talked about some books I got her and well.” I said with a sheepish grin on my face.

“Ah, enough said.” Rarity said returning the same look. “But speaking of gifts. I heard from a little birdy that somepony had gone to Saddle Arabia.”

“Was this birdy lavender, magical, and currently holding a pony against their will up in the air?” I asked teasing.

“Hey!” Twilight shot back before she set me down finally.

“You could say so.” Rarity said giving an amused look.

“So, did you bring us anything back?” Dash said floating up into my face with what could clearly be labeled as a shit eating grin.

“Nah, I wouldn't go to another country and not bring back a few gifts.” I said grinning.

“Does that mean you didn't bring us anything back?” Dash asked confused. I face hoofed at this before running my hoof down my muzzle.

“Yes Dash, I brought gifts.” I said with a sigh. “But since ponies couldn't wait, two of them will have to wait to get theirs.”

“Aww, that's not fair.”

“So is not getting sarcasm Dash.” I commented getting onto my bed and bringing over my saddlebags and large bag that I brought back. First off let's start with Pinkie Pie.” I said as I floated up the Arabian Party book I got her. “I thought a book on party ideas would be fitting since these have Arabian themed ideas.” I said and I watched in a sense of horror as Pinkie's tail extended to grab the book and whipped it back to her. I went to say something before my brain decided to file that under don't fucking ask.

“Wow!” Pinkie said already flipping through the book before getting to the other side. “Done, and there is some great ideas especially the one on page eighty-two.” She said before giggling. Both Twilight and I stared at her gaping at the insanity we both just saw. I turned to look at Twilight who was looking back.

“Don't ask?” I commented.

“Don't ask.” Twilight repeated.

“Moving on... for Applejack.” I said digging into the bag for it. “I got you this western style vest that I thought you would look good in. There is a few enchantments on it to make it very heavy duty in the protection department.” I said floating it over to her.

“Are you saying I can't protect myself?” She asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Hell no, I thought it would do that both for the durability of the vest as well as just in case if somepony blindsides you. I also got you these so the everypony at the farm could listen to them.” I said floating three music crystals over to her. Applejack already got my meaning since I kept it sounding like it wasn't just for her. She smiled.

“Thank ya, kindly Storm.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Anytime.” I answered back.

“Next up we have Fluttershy.” I said, she perked up looking at me from the chair she was sitting curled up in. “I wasn't too sure about your hobbies so I took the safer route and got you some animal supplies which Queen Gaia had already assured me would be delivered to your house as well as got you these.” I said floating up the exotic animal training tip books as well as a few animal calls. “I'm sorry if they aren't to your liking Fluttershy.” She smiled and timidly walked over and gave me a hug.

“Thank you, they’re perfect.” She said and I couldn't help but blush a little. Not that often that one of the other girls, other then Pinkie of course would hug me. Twilight not including in that since we hug all the time especially in bed. Fluttershy went back to her seat looking over the book gently.

“Now how about me?” Dash said grinning.

“No, you wait.” I said teasing her.

“Why not?”

“Because somepony needs to learn to wait for her turn.” I commented.

“What am I in school again?”

“That could be easily arranged.” I shot back and that got Dash to shut up for the moment.

“Next up is Rarity and since I'm not good with picking out jewelry I thought I would go with the next best thing.” I said bringing over a few bolts of Arabian fabric with an ornate necklace on top of it. Rarity's eyes just popped at the sight of it before she ripped the bolts and necklace out of my magic and brought them right to her.

“Are these pure Arabian silk?” She asked feeling them over with her hoof. “Oh my Celestia they are.” That's when Rarity pulled a Pinkie Pie on me and zipped right over to me kissing my hoof with a series of “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” To say it was awkward was to say what Pinkie did with the book and her tail was impossible. Both true, but still happened anyway.

“Ah... your welcome. Don't forget the necklace.” I said trying not to show how weirded out I was. Rarity smiled looking over the necklace before slipping it on. I watched as the necklace that was made of various blues and violets worked perfectly with her bright blue eyes with matching eye shadow and indigo mane.

“And now for Rainbow Dash.” I said digging into the bag.

“Finally!” Dash proclaim floating over.

“Since I know you're a little bit of a fan for the Wonderbolts...”

“A little fan?” She asked a little.

“Please don't interrupt Dash. As I was saying since I know you're a fan, I thought I would get you some hoof carved figures of them.” I said pulling each hoof sculpted to perfection of each of the Wonderbolts, including a special order one I had done of Dash as a Wonderbolt. This was followed by a fan filly stream of-

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh” at a full on rapid rate. She then swooshed on by grabbing them all and placing on the table next to Rarity's bolts of silk. “Oh my gosh, you even got one of me!” She said before she full on tackled me to the ground having me pinned under her. “Oh, if you weren’t with Twilight right now I would full on kiss you.” Okay that statement turned my face from the orange it normally was to bright red.

“Dash!” Both Twilight and Applejack yelled at the same time. This got Dash to gulp quietly and turned her head. She gave one of those please don't kill me smiles followed by that accursed squeaking I keep hearing. Seriously what the hell is with that damn sound?

“Mind getting off my hind leg?” I said wincing as my left hind leg was being stepped on by Dash. She turned back to me then looked down and I watched her eyes widen before she lifted herself up into the air.

“Oh, sorry dude. I didn't realize I was on your hoof. Are you alright?” She asked hover, it took me a few moments for the pain to subside.

“Give me a moment and I will be.”

“Dash!” Twilight said lifting me up into the air slowly before placing me on the bed.

“Do I need to get you anything?” Dash asked.

“An Ice pack please.” I requested as my leg wouldn't stop shaking from the pain.

“Got it.” She said flying out of the door. A few moments the door swung back and closed. I was breathing a little hard at the pain.

“Storm, it will be alright.” Twilight said as he horn lit up as her magic wrapped itself around my left hind leg. I stayed there as her magic began to massage the area until the pain began to fade away.

“What... what kind of spell was that?” I asked.

“It's a numbing spell, as the name implies, it numbs the area to the point that you can't move the leg.” She explained.

“Where did you learn that?” I asked.

“I did kind of have time to learn it since I didn't do much else.” She said blushing a bit.

“Oh... that time, got it.” I figured out what she meant.

“Well that was awkward.” Nightling said.

“Nah, that's just normal between the two since Stormy doesn't like talking about all the intimate stuff with anyone around. Because of his family teasing him about to the point it made him not want to talk to anypony about. Twilight has a hard time getting Storm to open up at all about it even in private.” Pinkie said dropping a second leveling grade A awkward bomb in the already awkward room.

“Pinkie!” Twilight and I yelled.

“What?” She asked innocently. I swear to god that some of these ponies were as innocent as the devil himself. Before the conversation could get any further awkward one of the night guards came in with a piece of paper in his magic.

“Your highness.” The guard said saluting.

“Uh... yes?” I asked a little awkwardly as Twilight had me on my back while she was working on my leg.

“Permission to speak freely?” He asked.

“Just spit it out Lunar Echo.” Nightling said with a flat stare.

“Yes Ma'am.” The newly named Lunar Echo said saluting to her before dropping his hoof down to the ground. “If I may ask why are you lying like that?”

“Because my marefriend is helping adjust my leg bandage and splint and I thought this position would be the best way for her to get to it to help.” I lied, but I don't think anypony was going to call me out for it. Even Applejack turned her head away which I already knew her tell for lying was trying her best not to be seen.

“Understood, we received this message for you a few moments ago.” Echo said looking at me holding the paper out.

“Would you like reading it for me?” I asked.

“Of course your highness.” He said before clearing his throat. “Hello brother, I was just informed what has transpired. I will be in Canterlot in two days time to visit you and see how you are doing. I also will be bringing something that I think you will need. I hope you and your mate Twilight Snarkle is doing alright. Looking forward to seeing you soon, signed your loving older sister Queen Gaia. P.S. Our brother has been informed as well and you may look forward to a message from him sometime in the future.” The guard finished.

“Ah... thank you. You're dismissed.” I said before gulping quietly.

“Yes your highness.” Lunar Echo said before leaving. I turned back to see everypony, correction everypony but Pinkie looking at me with one of those my brain clocked out for lunch looks. That was before all but Pinkie decided to exclaim one word.

“Sister!?” Of course right at that moment Dash came in with a rather large Ice pack in her forelegs.

“I'm back.” She said before noticing everypony's gaze. “Did I miss something?”


“Okay, so let us get this straight.” Twilight said as she sat with the others looking at me. I was on the bed laying back with my hooves under me that I've seen Twilight lay like before. “You have two other brothers and a sister you didn't know you had until just recently.”

“Technically not true, I've own I have had siblings since the dragon treaty but I wasn't aware of the details until recently.” I answered calmly.

“Fair point, but you're also saying that one of your brothers is the ruler of the Dragon Kingdom and your sister, Queen Gaia is the ruler of Saddle Arabia?”


“So, you're a prince of three countries.” Twilight said and I began to blink.

“Ah... care to run that by me one more time?” I asked.

“You're a prince of three countries. You're a prince of Equestria, the Dragon Kingdom, and of Saddle Arabia. Two biologically and one by adoption.” Twilight said and then I realized what mess I was truly in.

“Ah, shit.” I muttered face hoofing a little hard with my prosthetic hoof. “ow.”

“Just think about it girls, we all know a prince three times over.” Rarity said and I saw those eyes start to star up. Please for the love of all things holy, somepony reel Rarity in before the ship to la la land takes off. Of course that's when she was set upon me. “Oh I must design you something of these countries.” She said before I was wrapped up in magic.

“Somepony help me!” I begged, all but Twilight and Rarity gave me a straight look in the face.

“Nope.” They said in unison.

“Traitors!” I yelled as Rarity had me pulled from the room with me fighting the way. It seems that all three princesses had given high rank within the castle to a point. It seems that they were given leeway as long as they don't interfere with normal castle matters and weren't bothering any other royals besides the three princesses, and the princes which consisted of Shining, Blueblood, and myself. So the guards watched amusingly as my butt was being hauled off. Since they weren't hurting me they were ordered to stay the fuck still unless called upon. Of course I had tried to get a guard to help me, but was shot down when Rarity only stated that she was just doing a matter for royal purposes. I swear if somepony made Rarity a character sheet that had her up to date stats. She would have a skill in bluff and diplomacy marked with an infinity symbol. She could talk herself through anything without a problem, I swear.

Once in the other room Rarity had already had the bolts of silk at the ready as well as the instruments of my modeling torture. So I was stuck on one of the tables as Rarity walked around me trying to get an eye for her design. Mind you I wouldn't have minded this if it wasn't for the fact that I was still injured and that this was against my will.

“Just to think that you come from two different countries, it must be wonderful for you Storm.” Rarity said .

“Oh yeah, just peachy.” I said annoyed.

“Oh don't give us that gloomy face.” Rarity said.

“Rarity remember last time when you as Fluttershy said 'poked the bear'?” Twilight commented and Rarity stopped for a moment. She turned to look directly at Twilight with a puzzled look on her face.

“Back when Storm became a mare for the first time and you made him into your ponyquin?” Twilight pointed out which caused Rarity to whip around.

“You're not angry with me are you?” She said and I could see worry in her face.

“Angry... no. Annoyed, yes.” I simply said.

“What if I may ask, ever for?”

“Because I really just want to relax and recover. I mean I did have my hind legs crushed and a rock through my wing. Which let me put it this way for you two, it's like...” I tried to think of something and snapping my claws for a moment. “think about it as a crack in your horn, the throbbing that won't go away. Almost like pinkie dancing on railroad spikes in your brain?” I said and maybe went a little too far with that was as even I shuddered at that thought alongside Twilight and Rarity. “Look, it was by the skin of my teeth that Nightling and I got out of it alive.”

“Only for you to fall victim to another plot.” Twilight commented before sitting down. Rarity came over and sat next to her rubbing her back.

“Darling we've been over this, even if you were there. There was no way for you to stop that pony from doing whatever he did to Storm.” Rarity said.

“Trust me, you don't want to be in there when that was going on.” I said before taking a pause as my memory of the fight at the end. “Well maybe all but the end.” I said with a grin.

“I hope you showed that brute what it meant to mess with a true prince.” Rarity said.

“Well that would only count if i was a true prince.” I said turning to look outside the window and noticed a set of lights in the distance. The more I looked something slowly opened the door to a memory I had. “Is there something special happening in town?” I asked turning back to Rarity and Twilight.

“That would be the Canterlot Carnival.” Rarity said with a smile as she had a pad of paper and a pencil going to work on a drawing.

“Oh, alright.” I said before a few moments past and my unbound wing shot up while the other one tried to join it, cast be damned. “Canterlot Carnival! Twilight, how long does the Canterlot Carnival last?” I asked her and she looked a little puzzled.

“For a whole week this time.” She said and I relaxed a bit.

“Okay, that puts my mind a little at ease.” I said relaxing a bit.

“If I may inquire what's the big deal about the Canterlot Carnival?” Rarity asked.

“I told Twilight that she and I would have a double date with Pinkie and Nightling, this was to be at the Canterlot Carnival.” I said trying to hop down before Rarity brought me back up onto the table.

“Not yet Storm, I still need to get these ideas down.” She said going back to work. “But that does sound like a lovely idea. Twilight darling why don't you bring the couple here so we can make sure you have a wonderful time.” Twilight looked at Rarity after she said that.

“Sure Rarity.” Twilight said giving me one last glance before she left the room.

“You know she was worried about you?” Rarity said once Twilight had left.

“Huh?” I was a little knocked sideways but the sudden shift in topic.

“Storm, do you know how much that mare cares for you?” Rarity said giving me a flat stare. I looked at her quietly before I let my ears lower and looked down.

“Probably way more than I deserve to be honest.” I said as I had a hard time meeting Rarity's gaze.

“Darling, I didn't mean that as a negativity question. I just question if you completely understand what that little stunt we were told you pulled put on Twilight.” Rarity said after she put her pad and pencil down.

“I can probably picture it well. She most likely first sat there during the first bits while I was being sort of healed reading a book. After the extended period of time she probably started to panic a little bit getting her hooves on any book to help explain what happened. Then going around bothering doctors and nurses for anymore information until the point that she asked Luna to look into my coma dreams to get an idea of what is going on, but finding out she couldn't look in. She probably was trying to find a spell to help pull me out until Celestia calmed her and said I had to figure out a way on my own.” I taking a complete shot in the dark based off of some of the, as Spike put it, epic freak outs she was known to do when panicked.

“Okay, maybe you have a better grip on your marefriend then I originally thought.” Rarity said looking a little awkward at that.

“I'm only going by the existing data that I have about her, but I do get what you were driving at.” I said getting down from the table. “You wanted me to understand that because I went into the caves trying to get what I can about Grimwand and put myself in danger. She panicked and was ready to do whatever was needed to make sure I was safe and back to her again.”

“To a point yes, but...” Rarity stopped for a moment. “You didn't hear this from me. She's help pushing the whole guard business.”

“What, why?” I asked.

“She thinks that after being attacked so often that you really do need the protection and after everything we all have seen. We all agree.” Rarity commented.

“All as in?” I had an idea already, but I wanted it confirmed.

“The girls, the princesses, Prince Shining Armor, Nightling, a few back in Ponyville, and I think you really need these guards.” She said.

“Is everypony dead set on this?” I asked as my ears remained flattened back.

“Yes Darling. Is it really that bad that you having guards?” Rarity asked.

“Do you want the honest truth?” I asked not looking at her.

“Please Storm.”

“I get the idea why, I'm an alicorn in everypony's eyes and not only because everypony wants to make sure I'm safe, but it's to help the nobles feel safe too. I get all that, but I don't like the thought that somepony will get hurt protecting me.” I said as this has been eating at me.

“Storm there is no shame in having somepony protect you.” Rarity said putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“But...” I said shaking.

“Storm what's really the problem?” I could hear worry in her voice.

“What's the real problem?” I said as my heart began to beat faster and faster as my mouth decide right then to spew out unfiltered information that I was processing at the time. “I went from a life that was worth less than two bits, hell it worth less than point zero zero two bits. That's if I count each bit as a dollar from American currency to one that a royal, but not just a royal. Oh no, see that would be too simple. I'm now a royal of three countries and I now have to be protected like I'm some kid who has no grip on the real problems of life. Which in some context, yes that is the case with me. Oh I get the basics of Equestrian life, that comes fairly simple to the old life I had. It's all this extra stuff that I still can't get my head around. I mean look at me, I was a fat over four hundred and twenty pound man who only real goal in life was to make it through each day without much trouble. A little fun here and there but mostly to himself. All ended when I ended up getting killed which wasn't as odd until I found out that the point I just defeated in my own dreamscape was the one that took my soul just to jam it in a new body made from the most powerful fucking dragon, and one of the most well known, magically attuned, and protege of Starswirl himself mares. Just so he could try and rip my soul and completely destroy it for his own selfish goal. If not for divine intervention by the mother of Celestia and Luna. All for what? Some great fucking destiny that I have not two fucking clues about that I'm completely fucking scared about. So now after all that I still have to deal with the fact that someone who prefers to be the one to protect himself and his love ones, has to be protected because if something goes wrong it could possibly cause an international incident, that could cause even worse problems. How am I supposed to know how bad it's going to get if I stub my hoof on a gemstone, will Gem farms be blamed for it? There is so much I now have to worry about and it's going to eat me alive because I'm one of those fucking idiots that can't let things drop. Oh I can forget about them while I deal with being attacked, or some problem that I can focus my mind on. The second either one of those are done my mind zips right back to the title wave of nightmarish thoughts that just wait in the back of my mind to hit me so I can panic all over again.” I said going off a rant that my voice through out the whole course of it, began to pick up speed until I was on par with Pinkie's rapid bursts of dialogue. That's also when I noticed I had began to wear out the carpet under me as I had began to walk back and forth as I had began to rant and rave.

“Darling, I don't think it's that bad.” She said eyeing the carpet herself. “But I see why you get along with Twilight so well.”

“And what's that suppose to mean?” Twilight had said causing me to jump as I just noticed that Pinkie, Nightling, and Twilight had already entered and was next to Rarity as I was shooting my mouth off. My muzzle clamped shut as I had just at said all that out unfiltered, lucky for me I didn't even get to the really meat and potatoes of some of it. Just my building panic that had finally decided to overwhelm my thoughts.

“I'm just saying dear that you've done the very same thing as he just did.” Rarity said. I blinked quietly as they had just ignored the whole thing I said and just saw me as some ranting pony. I was a touched hurt by this to be honest.

“But I didn't wear into the floor or rug.” She said defending herself and I just sat there watching this.

“I think you're missing the point darling, all I was trying to say was that I see how you two get along so well.” She said and I can see Rarity meant well, but picked the worse time to do this.

“And I think you both are missing the point that he's rather panicked about being a confirmed royal of three countries after shortly coming out of a magical coma fighting a pony if I heard right had killed him to start this whole thing off.” Nightling interjected causing both mares to stop and shut up for a few moments. This was followed by a few blinks like to took them just that short amount of time to realize what I had said. This was followed by both Rarity and Twilight turning to look at me who was sitting there silently. I probably had the look of a wounded puppy knowing my bad habit of wearing my emotions on my sleeves.

“I...” Twilight started but quickly shut her mouth. Rarity on the other hoof just sat down and ran her hoof in a circle. She was biting her bottom lip as if she was trying to figure out what to say.

“Look, forget I said anything.” I said getting up and slowly made my way to the door. Of course the universe didn't like me much as the door swung open to nail me in the nose. It seemed that Princess Luna wanted to find me, and since I was abducted by two unicorns mares. She had to come and find me.

“Ah Firestorm, just the pony I wanted to talk to.” She said and before anypony, myself included could say anything she had me wrapped in magic and pulled right through the doorway. The door shut, well to be honest felt more slammed behind us as she continued to magically drag my flank somewhere.

“What's this about?” I asked with not really convection to my voice.

“Celestia would like a word with the both of us.” She said and I lowered my head.


“She told me she would tell us when we got to her private quarters.” She said.

“Knowing my luck, I'm probably going to have my flank tossed in jail... again.” I said with the last word muttered under my breath.

“Why would you think that?” Luna asked now floating me instead of dragging me next to her.

“Just feels right with everything going on. Between already knowing about you and Celestia watching me until after a talk you and her had down her first trip in my head. To the conversation we had about what I did to Grimwand. Not much else to go besides offing me and letting my body rot, or doing what Grimwand said he was planning to do leaving my flank as a soulless husk.” I said as I think it became apparent that my mood set sail for the negative side of the spectrum.

“I doubt my sister would do that.” Luna said.

“Doubt and does are two different things Luna.” I countered not even looking at her.

“That may be it, but even you have to see the back splash that would do with the other noble houses.” She tried to counter.

“Well you could say that I had became so tainted by vile magic that the elements of harmony reduced me to nothing. That covers things up in a nice bow.”

“Storm, what's bothering you?” She asked as we continued to make our way.

“What do you expect is bothering me?” I shot back.

“Is this about everything that has transpired so far?” She asked.

“That and then some.”

“Please explain.”

“Well let's knock this to simple points. One, I'm getting a set of guards that I didn't want all so I can be protected, which I should remind you that I went from literally a nopony to somepony over fucking night. I don't like getting protected like that, come to save me after I got the crap kicked out of me trying to save ponies. Sure, I can at least agree to that. Just not having guards to protect me all the damn time. Two, I just got out of about two weeks of going through the worse nightmare I have ever been through. I would take hellscape Ponyville then that for another minute. Three, I found out that my body was made from two very important and powerful beings. One of whom you should know well help found Equestria. Kind of hard not to be suspect about that fact that their graves were disturbed for this. Then let's kick fact number four, I still have to tell everypony that interacts with me daily at most that I can eat meat. Hell I didn't even get a chance to cover that topic in my rant. Then let's go with five that I now know that I'm a prince of two other countries which makes things worse for me because whatever I do may spark a fucking international incident that could lead up to fucking war. Then I told Twilight that I would go on a double date with her, Pinkie, and Nightling to the Canterlot Carnival, and I already know I won't be able to put my whole heart into it because all this on my mind. Seriously the universe wanted to pile this crap on a grade A moron like me. That's not even going on about Celestia not fully trusting me, let she already went of saying that she would protect me, pick me up when I needed it, and other stuff. Just... how do I process all this?” I asked looking at Luna as I felt to overwhelm to deal with this.

“Would you mind if I gave my opinion on this?” She asked.

“Please do.” I said needing some input from somepony other than myself.

“I can understand that aspect of the guards are daunting, even I had issues with it when it came to having them the first time.” She said and I eyed her with a cocked eyebrow, course this didn't stop. “Just knowing that they were there after a while became a rather good comfort. Just knowing that I was protected and those I cared about were always protected.” She assumed she couldn't help but smile as the memories flooded back.

“I suppose I can see that.” I said thinking about it. “Are they going to be like they are here?”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm meaning can I send them away so I can have sometime alone? Maybe with Twilight or the others?” I asked.

“Of course, just you may have to watch out for new recruits as they may be a little jumpy.” She said with a light laugh at the end.

“Do I even want to ask?”

“You'll see.” She said and I couldn't help feel like she was messing with me. Her smile dropped as she eyed me for a moment. “The nightmares...” she began before sighing. “I wish I knew what was going on, Celestia didn't have me check on your dreamscape while you were under in fear of losing you, much like she was afraid of losing Twilight.”

“Luna I don't blame anypony but Grimwand. He was the only one that was playing puppeteer to all this.” I said as I gritted my teeth at the mere thought of him. “Can I level with you Luna?”

“By all means.” She said with a light smile.

“I didn't like what I had to do, but I wouldn't change that I did.” I said.

“From what my sister has told me after you left, I would have agreed with you. I may have not used the same tactic you did, but I can't fault your logic behind it.” She said and it did make me feel better from her disbelieving tone from before.

“Thank you.” I said quietly.


“For understanding, I guess I was scared about what you, Celestia and Cadence thought about my actions after you had time to let it sink in.” Truth was that I was scared that I may get spaced just for that very reason. I knew that alone that not one of them could do that after Twilight had explained about Luna's banishment, but after hearing her theorize that if they all focused on it that doing the same was possible with either enough unicorns or alicorns. Not a comforting thought mind you.

“Storm after you left, my sister gave both of us as you probably would have put it the needed context. Cadence while unnerved was in agreement that you did take a just action.” She said and I nodded with a light smile. “As for your third issue, I suppose it goes without saying that you can't pick your parents.”

“Oh irony my name is Grimwand.” I commented and Luna paused at that.

“Point made.” She continued after her pause. “I still stand by it through.”

“Shakespeare wrote in twelfth night. 'In my stars I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em. Thy fates open their hand. Let thy blood and spirit embrace them.'” I quoted from memory from partly old english class and sometimes seeing that line appearing on online images. Luna blinked at me curiously.

“It's rather odd how you have these rather interesting quote when somepony least expects it.” Luna commented.

“Let me give you another one, always expect the unexpected.” I said with a smile.

“Who said that one?” She asked.

“Just about everyone I knew on earth.” I said with a smile.

“Touché” She said with a smile.

“So what about the whole... meat issue?” I asked looking at her.

“As it's true that ponies don't eat such things.” She said as we made a left down a familiar corridor.

“Because ponies are herbivorous by nature.” I said.

“Correct but we understand that some creatures can't have plants, and as it's been pointed out you're not quite a pony.” She said.

“Yeah, I'm a drony.” I said waiting for her to explain her point.

“Twilight has been around creatures like griffins who have had meat before her. If you explain to her that your diet allows you to have the very same thing as a griffon. I'm sure she will understand.” She said.

“But what about the rest of them? I mean Pinkie I can see be alright with it somewhat, but the rest not so much. Well maybe Dash too, now that I think about it. She was friends with a griffon once, you never know. My point still stands with the rest. Fluttershy is rather timid and I think knowing that one of her friends eats what could have been an animal friend of hers may put some distance between the two of us. Rarity well... I mean I can see her being rather unnerved with me being around and won't bring it up, trying to be polite about it. Applejack I really wouldn't know how she would react to something like that really. It could be an all chips in kind of thing.” I said as I had voiced some of my worries.

“You do make a point, but I am sure that they will understand. Ponies can surprise you when you least expect it.” She said with a smile.

“Yeah, just like Pinkie does all the time.” I said.

“I would agree with you on that one.”

“I will have to approach Twilight with this, since she's more familiar with the girls then either of us. She may be the best judge of character, after she has her panic of her coltfriend is a meat eater.”

“I think that's a wise choice.” She said.

“Yeah...” I said. There was a few moments of silence before we got to Celestia's private quarters. Luna decided to open the door without knocking, we entered and I found the room a little small. Well okay, small in the sense of a princess compared to everypony else would be hard to scale. I mean in the sense of my room here in the castle compared to her. It could be the dark blues and purples she picked to make the room seem more constricted than it really was. But she had a fireplace and a rug before it. She had a few bookshelves filled with books, scrolls, and a few other things. Closer to one wall was a cabinet set that had a few different bottles in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Next to it was an ornate dark oak looking desk. On top of her desk was her regalia with her crown and horseshoes. So she was either wearing something else or going around with nothing on. That's when the other door leading into another room further down showing a large round bed. I only got a quick glance at that as Celestia came into the room we were. She looked over at the two of us with only a towel wrapped around her neck. For I think the first time I saw her mane wet and not moving on any ethereal wind.

I'm not saying that Celestia couldn't let her mane down or get it wet. Just that this was the first time ever. Maybe it was the fact that I was surprised at this as Celestia looked between the both of us as she magically lifted the towel and continued to draw her mane a bit more before in a poof of magic the towel was gone.

“It's already that time?” Celestia said out loud as I looked a little confused. Luna decided right then was the best time that I could finally be on my hooves again. With a light thump of my hooves landing on the carpeted floor of the room.

“Yes, you did ask for both of us.” Luna commented coming over and gave her sister a light nuzzle as Twilight and I have to each other. I just stood there watching, not sure what to say or do. Well really I didn't really want to say anything to Celestia since she didn't trust me. Counter productive to some of her actions over my months of being in Canterlot, but I was getting to understand a little more of the behind the scenes. Maybe it was the fact that I was still under some stress from things, or maybe I was annoyed from being pulled from Twilight again. I just could feel the warm and fuzziness of the room at seeing two loving sisters having a rather heartwarming moment, just wasn't in the best of moods to enjoy it. I just wanted to get to the point of this impromptu meeting. They stopped quietly watching me as I had sat there watching this. Maybe it was just the awkward way I had sat there and watched this happen, or it was the fact that Celestia and I had parted in an unfavorable light. Celestia and I just stared at each other, all I could see in her eyes was the probably same examining gaze that I had for her.

“Storm...” She said softly before moving over to the rug by the fire. “Please come over here.” She requested and I slowly made my way over and sat down quietly next to her. Her fireplace was already lit up with an emerald flame. I didn't say anything when I moved over closer to her, I continued being silent when she draped her wing around my back. Which is saying something when she had massive sized wings compared to everypony else. Glancing over I noticed Luna had came and sat next to her sister on the other side. This was one of the few times a gesture like this wasn't comforting at all to me. Even worse when there air of awkward tension was just floating around the room. “I've been unfair to you.” She said after probably a good ten minutes of silence. I didn't say anything, just glanced up to her. “For a while now I've had you under surveillance.”

“I know, it started when I first appeared in Equestria.” I calmly said watching the flames danced. I felt the muscles in her wings tense for a moment.

“How long have you known?” She asked and I glanced up to her, before it returned to the fireplace.

“Since the cave in, it was one of the topics brought up.” I answered.

“Ah.” She said before more silence stood between us, it wasn't another ten minutes before Celestia decided to speak again. “If it means anything, I am sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” I asked, and I didn't say it in a condescending tone or if have any negative feeling what so ever. I was more generally curious on why she wanted to apologize.

“I should have been upfront with you.” She explained.

“And what tell the ponies you thought that I could still be a danger to everypony under yours and Luna's rule, because you played a trump card too soon? Celestia I don't blame you, the fact is I am an unknown to everypony. Between being shown that I can be manipulated, controlled, and do what I did to Grimwand. I would put myself high on the watch out for crazy pony list.” I said calmly.

“Be that as it may, you have shown that you do not have any ill will towards anypony other than those directly involved in your arrival in Equestria.” She said.

“To be honest... maybe Vermom now the more I think about it. Grimwand was a threat needed to be removed. If it wasn't for the way he did it, I wouldn't have much against him. But from his own notes, he told that he had killed ponies and changelings alike, not even counting digging up graves of many other ponies to take body parts. That's not even going as far as what he did elsewhere, there is no real telling how many other souls and graves he desecrated for his goals” I said as my eyes narrowed.

“I would prefer that you don't tell anypony of that matter.” Celestia commented.

“I'm guessing you already took care of it so no ponies the wiser?” I asked.

“Yes, I wasn't aware the Clover's grave was one of those desecrated.” She said narrowing her eyes.

“May I see her grave?” I asked now for the second time.

“I will have to set up a time, but I can agree to this.” Celestia said quietly and she lowered her head quietly. We sat there in the silence as we let everything finally sink in. Celestia's nightmare of the past laid to an uneasy rest within his cage of time. In turn I had laid a nightmare of my own to rest. Both within the same cage of our design. If it was so depressing for so many other ponies I would find the whole thing laughably ironic. A few hours was spent with the three of us sitting here, I told them everything I knew at this point of him, of the things he did in both Equestria and in the world of dreams. I went as far as told them of what had transpired in full of the final battle in the dream and how I was made aware of who my bodies pony parent was. Luna listened quietly the whole time as it was mainly Celestia and I doing the talking. When everything was said an air of dark memories finally passed as we can finally shine a light to things to come. For them at least, I still had a shadow to haunt me, to hide from those until it's ready to strike. I had a shadow without the strings of the puppeteer guiding it and I didn't know how it would act alone. It was that thought alone that filled with terror... and worry.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 31 - Sleepless Carnival

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“What was it that Princess Celestia needed to talk to you about?” Twilight had asked me after I had returned a few hours later. Truth was I wasn't in the best of moods, after recapping the nightmare I had had for the two weeks, and all the fear I had felt retold. It had left me in a very dark place in my mind. Even one that Shadow who was still in my head remained silent. By the time I got back Twilight had begun to panic a bit. Well... I say a bit, but Twilight had done much of what I did. She had talked herself in circles in worry about what was going on. Didn't help how depressed I looked when I reentered the room.

“Just a depressing retelling, nothing to be worried about.” I said with a warm smile. I wanted to make sure that Twilight knew that everything in the end as fine. Which that was the case, we just had a very long talk that in the end needed to be done. Probably not the best timing for it, but was probably better that happened sooner then let the feelings dwell too long.

“Are you sure?” Twilight said and I could see she was worry. Well one thing I noticed the ponies ears kind of give away feelings more then their faces do. Granted with limited range, but it was still there as Twilight was trying to put on a non-worried look on her face but her ears kind of told me otherwise.

“Yeah, I'm sure. Let's not worry about what happened between the Princesses and myself. We have a date to go on. Speaking of date, where is Pinkie and Nightling? I thought they were with you and Rarity?” I asked looking around for them.

“They went ahead and I told them I would catch up. I wanted to make sure everything was alright.” She said as she got to my side and rested her head next to mine. “Storm, are you alright?” I blinked a moment and turned to her as best as I could.

“I'm fine Twilight, I just still have to process everything that has happened.” I said with a soft smile.

“What did happen?” She asked and I lowered my gaze.

“A nightmare that I don't want to ever relive.” I said quietly.

“Was as bad as some of the others?” She asked and I couldn't help but think back to when I watched the fake her die before me. The memory caused me to shake a bit and I couldn’t help but use my wing to bring her closer to me.

“Worse, so much worse.” Was all I could say and Twilight must have sensed how the memory had affected me. Maybe not the memory itself, but just between the shaking in both voice and body. She moved her hoof over me to hug me as best as she could while being under my wing.

“You don't have to tell me if it bothers you so much.” She said in a gentle voice.

“Thank you.” I said and really I didn't know what else to say. I wasn't sure if I could really tell Twilight what I had saw in the dreamscape. I had the hardest time even telling Celestia and Luna, and even they blanched a bit at it. Even when I told them about the nightmare ghost I faced and what happened to him, they were worried if I was going to hold up well after it.

“Storm, I just want you to know that no matter what. I will always be here for you.” She said and I nodded quietly as I didn't trust my voice to crack. Of course this slightly awkward but touching moment was ruined when a guard decided to blunder in while Twilight and I were standing there. The two of us turned to see who entered, I first thought it was either Dash or Pinkie.

“My apologize prince, I was sent to inform you that Captain Nightling and Miss Pinkie will meet you at the Ferris wheel.” He said giving a salute.

“Ah, thank you. You may return to your duties if you wish.” I said trying to sort of sound like Celestia or Luna when they dismiss a guard. He took his leave shortly after that and Twilight just looked at me.

“Well... that killed the mood.” She said.

“No kidding, and the whole 'you may return to your duties' was outright weird to really say.” I said as I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

“What was with that anyway?” She said cracking a smile.

“Sorry I was trying to get use to dismissing guards. Kind of botched that one up good.” I said as my giggled just devolved into laughing.

“No, no.” She said before letting out a snort. “Okay, it was.” That's when we both just lost it and laughed a good hearty laugh. It was maybe a good few minutes before we finally could catch our breaths to finally decide to leave. It was nice being able to walk with Twilight again. To be honest it's just nice being around Twilight again. After all I had dealt with it was just being able to be around familiar ponies again was something I wouldn't pass for the world. The more I think about it the more that I never want to lose any of them. Twilight and I continued through the streets of Canterlot. Unlike the normal fair that everypony would see. The streets was strung up with various fliers, flags, lights, and magic. It reminded me of so many things it was hard to even place one solid one. I mean it was so colorful that I doubt you couldn't find one missing color in it. Between the shifting balls of magic just floating around like paper lanterns floating on the wind which was just a light breeze at the moment. “I've always loved this time of year, ever since I was a little filly.” Twilight said looking at everything.

“It's... well to say the old cliché, it's magical. There is nothing like this on earth outside of stories and movies. Just... I'm a little lost for words.” I said just seeing everything for myself.

“Movies?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, think of them like plays that play the same way. Unlike the stage they can do so much more with each different productions. There's space adventures, slice of life, and so many more that I could show you. You know if I had my tablet I could show you a few I have on there.” I said with a smile.

“The one that has books on it?” Twilight asked looking at me.

“It has more than books, it's a sort of catch all. Remember that CD player I have?” She nodded towards me. “Well it too can play music but in a different way. Besides those books, movies, and music. It's a calculator, an earth calendar, it's an entertainment device, a camera, it can do a lot of things. Even when I'm not using those features I use it to read and get lost in a good narrative. Sometimes I will play music while a read to help set the mood of what's going on in the book.” I said with a smile.

“I do that too, I know Spike likes it when I listen to a record while I'm studying or just reading.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Too bad I don't have my tablet here in Canterlot.” I said with a smile.

“Actually... you do.” She said and I turned to eye her. “I brought it with me to ask you about it, among a few other things... sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” I asked looking at her.

“For going through your things, you've kept a lot of them in that duffle bag of yours.” She said looking a little ashamed.

“Okay? And the problem is?” I asked a little confused.

“It was something of yours, and I went snooping. Doesn't that bother you?” She asked looking at me.

“Twilight, maybe a little to be honest. You know you can ask me anytime about anything. Like what my opinion is on say the interpretation of spells for everyday ponies, or what do I keep in my duffle bag. I'm not ashamed of what I own. I mean I already told you about Cubby bear. What more do I have to be ashamed from a bug of things from earth.” I said with a light smile.

“Still...” She said and if she was human, she would probably do what I do when I'm nervous and rub her right arm.

“Still?” I asked a little confused.

“Still... I just wanted to know about you. Storm you've always had this air of hiding some things about you.” She asked and I thought about it. Maybe I was hiding some of the more personal stuff I deal with.

“Then I take it you were hoping to find a journal or something from before I came to Equestria?” I asked looking at her.

“I... yes, I wanted to know how you were like before you came here. It's was wrong of me, especially after I made a big deal about you possibly reading mine. I hope you can forgive me.” She said not looking at me.

“Already done, and truth be told. You had already found it.” I said with a smile, she turned to me looking a little surprised.

“No, I didn't find any journal and how could you forgive me so easily?” She asked as eyes snapped directly to me.

“Well because it wasn't anything big to me. Twilight most of that stuff was things I grabbed and went. It's not like I grabbed something private, just stuff around my old room. The only thing I wish I could grab was my laptop so you can see the human version of the one you have at home.” I said with a smile.

“The laptop is the travel version of the computer?” She asked.

“Roughly yes, it can do more then the computer you have downstairs but in human standards there are much more powerful computers out there.” I said with a smile.

“I wish I could see them.” She said.

“Well... I can give you an idea of what they look like when I look at my tablet.” I answered.

“Speaking of that, you said that I already had your journal?” She asked with a questioning glance.

“Yeah, my journal is all on my tablet.”

“How?” She asked.

“Much like how you kept diary entries on your computer, I did the same with my tablet. Just I made sure my was secure so nopony can read them without knowing how to access them.” I answered.

“How do you access them?” She asked and I knew she was prying for an answer to read it.

“Besides having to find where I hid the folder they are contained on which you would have to know where it is exactly. You have to enter the password and decode each page.” I answered with a smile. Twilight however looked a little confused.

“Isn't that a little... over protective?” She asked.

“Not really, my friends would mess with my laptop all the time until I put a boot up password on it which would lock them out after the third try Which then if they wanted to try again, they would have to shutdown and restart. So I got a little paranoid to the point I started to make sure my things were locked. Phone, tablet, laptop, and a few other devices I own. If I didn't then I would have to either have to fix what they messed with or them using what they read as a butt of some joke.” I said as we continued.

“Did they do that a lot?”

“Every chance they got, privacy is something I hold close to the chest.” I said with a frown as I remembered the many of times I got teased for something I wrote in my own personal journal.

“And I just stomped right through that.” She said frowning.

“Twilight it's fine, I trust you. I don't think you've done anything to really make me lose trust in you.” I said looking at her.

“Not even when I asked for the whole poison joke bit?” She asked.

“Not really, most times it surprises me but doesn't mean I don't trust you. If anypony has lost it at times it was Rarity, Dash, and Pinkie. All three of them had played us at one point or another and it's the one thing I'm trying not to stand anymore. I had dealt with it for far too long. Doesn't mean I don't completely mistrust them, just I don't fully trust them.” I said being clear about my point.

“I don't understand you at times.” She said frowning.

“What's not to get?” I asked looking at her as we turned to head to the main part of the carnival.

“Well, you have a rapid mood changes by the littlest things. I've seen just by one word you go from happy to down right depressive. You've turned from calm and peaceful to furious, all at the drop of a hat. Then the whole crazy out look that you're some kind of grand idiot, when you've been rather smart with ponies. Even more so that you’re so observant that you could guess how some of us are feeling. You can even tell when somepony is listening in, including the princesses themselves. Now you're telling me that you're also paranoid to the point over over protection one files, but you don't want protection yourself. I don't understand you at all.” She said with a frown looking at me.

“I'm sorry Twilight, I didn't mean to be like that. On earth we have a saying that we are only human which is more a catch all comment, because humans don't always make sense to anyone. In a way you could see us as harmonious chaos-” I said before Twilight cuts in.

“That doesn't make any sense.” She said.

“Well that's kind of the point. Humans have this way of contradicting their own points but it's functions in a way that some ponies could see it as nothing but chaos, but to human's it's just how things are. In a way I could say Equestria is the same thing.”

“Please explain.” She said looking up at me.

“Well, look at the Everfree forest. Inside ponies would find it dangerous, wild, and chaotic. Which is nature for the area, but itself is a self contained system that works. It has it's own harmony to it.” I said. Twilight just was long in thought for a moment as the closer we go to the main area, the louder the music got. From what I could hear it sounded not what I would expect from a carnival, but it felt right at home. A little ragtime meets modern.

“I sort of see what you mean, but how does that work?” She asked.

“It's balance, pure and simple. On earth we have a symbol called yin and yang. Which if you break it down there is no good without evil, and there is no evil without good.” I said looking at her.

“How does that apply here in Equestria?” She asked.

“Well...” I had to think for a moment until I remember what I was told about... “The Canterlot Wedding.”

“What about it?”

“Well let's take your actions. From every ponies standpoint that everything was fine beyond the whole shield covering Canterlot. It was your own paranoia that caused you to do something different-” I began.

“But Chrysalis had-” Twilight said interrupting me.

“Twilight, I know. I'm not saying it was the wrong choice, it was an example of what I mean.” I said cutting her off this time. Twilight looked a little angry with me and I understood.

“Still, I think I get it. You can't have one without the other.” She said.

“Yeah, granted I should have picked another example.” I said with an awkward laugh.

“Definitely.” She shot back and the two of us got to the Ferris wheel smiling. The carnival reminded a mixture of the few I had gone to on earth and an old festival that I which I could have gone to on earth. Around us was a few rides but a lot of them were different as they used a lot of magic to run them. The largest of them was the Ferris wheel that Twilight and I stood by. The large mostly white wheel had different symbols around it that stayed in place as it turned like it countered the wheels massive turn with smaller ones, so each symbol would remain upright. The only thing that really caught my eye was the depiction of both regents of the celestial bodies counterclockwise rotating in the center. My gaze dropped to look around as I saw a few carnival games, goldfish catching, balloons for prizes, there was a makeshift shooting gallery that was using slingshots instead of the old cork pistols that I've seen. Some of them were themed differently as I saw a few of them around cloud shooting. I saw the basketball hoops game, and more that I was familiar with. Around them was a bunch of stands that had food and wares of different sorts.

“I wonder where Pinkie and Nightling are?” I asked looking around.

“Maybe you should try behind you.” Nightling said causing both Twilight and I to turn around to look at them.

“How long were you back there?” I asked blinking.

“Not long, just watched you gawk around for a few minutes.” She said with a smile.

“I was not gawking.” I said with a huff.

“You kind of were.” Twilight said.

“No I was observing, this is my first Canterlot carnival, that and I was drawing parallels to two things I know of.” I said with a smile.

“Oh? What is it?” Pinkie said bouncing right in my face with a creepy ass smile on her face.

“Pinkie can I have a little space?” I asked and she took only one step back before bouncing again. If it wasn't Pinkie, I would swear she was screwing with me now. “ A little more then that please.” I said and she took another step. Okay maybe she is screwing with me.

“Close enough I suppose.” I said taking a breath. “What this reminds me of some of the old local carnivals that I've been to myself. Granted this one here has more magic based rides. While the one's on earth are technology based.” I said looking around at all the booths around.

“What's the other thing?” Twilight asked.

“It would be the Gion festival. It's well... a festival in Kyoto.” I said with a smile.

“Kyoto?” Twilight asked.

“It's a city in Japan.” I said with a smile.


“It's country on earth, one of many.” I answered.

“How many countries are on earth?” Nightling asked.

“Good question, I think it's over two hundred roughly.” This caused both Nightling and Twilight to look at me in surprise. Pinkie just bouncing with a smile, per her normal manners.

“Seriously?” Nightling said and I could help myself.

“No abstractly, of course seriously.” I said with a smile.

“Oh, tell me!” Pinkie said bouncing around.

“How about after we have fun at the carnival. I mean you don't want to deal with me teaching you three instead of playing some games?” I offered really not wanting to go into a geology lesson right now.

“Yes please, after everything that has happened this bat pony needs some fun.” She said before wrapping her wing over Pinkie. Surprising enough this got Pinkie to stop bouncing. “So how about we go around and play a few games? I'm sure I can show the prince here a thing or two at the shooting gallery.”

“Oh really? Sounds like a challenge.” I said grinning.

“Maybe it is?” Nightling said grinning just as much back.

“Okay, you're on.” I said as the four of us found a shooting gallery booth. It was as I expected a simple shooting gallery that most would see on earth when the fair would come into town. A table on the outside holding the shooting device which this one was a simple rubber band like crossbow with little darts. On the back of the stand had a few targets of different sizes at different distances from the crossbows. Above all of it was a few stuffed animals of different sizes as well as little toys that a young child or foal would enjoy. The two stallions running the booth were twins for the most part. They were both a faded yellow with a dingy red and white mane and tail that oddly reminded me much of a cartoon's depiction of bacon. One of their manes was much longer than the other, and the one with the shorter mane had a dingy red mustache. They both had an candy apple green eyes and both of their cutie-marks were apples. The one with the shorter mane had an apple with a sixth of an apple slice missing while the other one had the missing slice has his. Both of them were wearing a vest with white and blue stripes with a few golden buttons. They also both had white undershirts and dark gray bow ties. Finally they both had boater hats on their heads with a blue strips on it. Much like from the old nineteen sixty-two movie The Music Man with Robert Preston. As we got closer I noticed Twilight's smile fading away and shifting into a frown. Her ears flattened back and a scowl on her face. “What's wrong?”

“Them.” She said using her muzzle to point to the stallions as we got up to game.

“What's wrong with them?” I asked.

“Ah, Miss Sparkle so nice to see you again.” The one with the longer mane said.

“Hello Flim and Flam.” Twilight said, even Pinkie was frowning. My mind was trying to figure out where I heard their names from. “They tried to trick Applejack out of her farm.”

“Wait, these are those ponies?” I asked remembering when Twilight was telling me about some of her adventures from before I showed up.

“Yeah, they were meany pants.” Pinkie said and even Nightling looked annoyed at the stallions. If my memory served me correctly these two had been running a scam on apple cider trying to make more of it then Applejack and her family. In the end it ran down to a compilation that they decided to go full steam and not to check the apples. In the end their own egos caused them to lose a bet they won. It was still a bullshit bet, and I'm happy they lost it in the end when they tried to sell that last fresh barrel they made with bits of branches and dirt in it. I needed to make a mental note to see if these two had either incident.

“Well I hope you two aren't doing anything like that here.” I said trying to at least give them the benefit of the doubt.

“Oh, why would we in such a pristine place?” The one with the shorter mane said.

“Just bare in mind Princess Luna is the one overseeing the Carnival this time.” Nightling warned and I could see the stallions start to sweat a little.

“So that aside how much for a few rounds?” I asked waiting to get to the fun.

“Oh four bits per two shots” The long maned one said. I floated out eight bits for both Nightling and I.

“First game is on me.” I said with a smile.

“Okay princey let's see your A game.” Nightling said with a cocky smile. Did she really have to fucking call me 'princey'? It was bad enough that Daring Do was doing it now her. Nightling and I got up to the crossbows and I saw that these were modified so ponies could shoot them with their hooves instead of the mouth fired one's I saw in the armory sometime ago. I used my prosthetic hoof to grip the trigger just hard enough to be ready to fire it as I used the iron sight on the bow. Coming up to it I saw which prize I wanted to win. It reminded me of Twilight's Smarty Pants doll back home and I thought it would be nice to win it for Twilight. So I moved it around to get a feel for the bow. Something didn't feel right to me as my right ear flops for a moment. I could have sworn that I heard something moving from under the table. It may have been the booth next to us who knows. I took aim for my first shot at a gray little target in the back. If my memory is right, these darts will ark so I need to compensate for the drop through the distances. So I took aim at the first dark gray ring from the gray dot as I heard what sounded like a small rock hitting glass before bouncing off. “Ah, come on I had a beat on that bulls-eye.” Nightling said as I glanced over and saw her reload her dart crossbow.

“My my brother, seems like the Captain is off her game.” The long maned one said.

“Indeed brother, I wonder if she is just trying to inflate the prince's image for his marefriend.” The other one said and took a huff at that, but remained silent.

“Ah can it, I am going to hit my target.” She said taking aim. With a flick of the trigger, I watched her dart fly through the air at a red target in the middle. Once again I heard that sound of a rock on glass. This time however I saw the game, they had a very non-reflecting peace of glass in front of the big prized target. So these two were up to their old games again. Okay, two can play this game. I took a closer glance at my target. I let my heat get to my eyes as they started to be slightly tinted red. I let my eyes focus on the spot. Much like a magic picture from earth, I let my eyes focus that they caught the almost impossible to notice lines holding up the glass. I turned my dart upwards and to the left and was lined up my new target. I pulled the trigger and the dart flew through the air. It nailed the string and nicked it. With such a thin line it was a matter of seconds for it to snap and cause the other string to take on the full weight of the pane of glass. With so much dangling weight it had no hope to staying. With a snap it fell to the table and shattered.

“What was that sound?” Nightling said as her left ear flopped. I didn't answer right away and returned back my original target, with a flick of the trigger my dart sank right into the cork board target. Both stallions were now sweating bullets.

“Ah... ah... good shot prince, please... p-p-pick your prize.” The long maned one said as my horn lit up and I took the medium sized Smarty Pants doll down.

“Thank you, though if you don't mind being good sports about it. I think my friends here deserve a prize since you rigged your game.” I said starting off with a friendly smile and a nice tone, then dropped it into a serious one.

“What?!” Nightling said before she turned her eyes back to the stallions with a devilish glare.

“I... I... d-d-don't know what you mean prince.” The short maned one said.

“Oh really? So you wouldn't mind placing your hoof right before the target I just nailed with the flat part of your hoof?” I said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Oh, of course see nothi- ow!” The long maned one in just doing that before pulling it back with blood slowly dripping from the spot. It didn't get into the softer part of the hoof as he laid his leg on the table. From the blood dripping on it they could finally see the non-reflective glass embedded into his leg.

“Really thought I couldn't see it?” I asked eyeing the both of them.

“How did you see that?” Twilight asked.

“To be honest, I wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for Nightling. From my anger to her I watch the dart ping of the glass. From there I used my eyes to focus at my own target as I figured the bigger prizes would have the same treatment. I saw the lines holding up the glass so if you remembered I shot way to high to hit the target. But not the two lines holding the glass.” I had started explaining as I used my magic to pull over the string over itself.

“This is magically treated thread, this was banned from carnival games!” Twilight said with Nightling growling more.

“We weren't aware of this.” They both said in unison.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed your little scam. Because now this booth is officially shut down.” Nightling ordered after she flew up and pulled out a big round elephant plushie that she gave to Pinkie. “Here this is for you.” Pinkie of course bounced so high and began to bear hug it. At that moment I felt sorry for it, as I know how one of her hugs feel. Twilight and I gave them a little respect and turned away when they kissed. Made me wonder if the others did that when Twilight and I do. So after we dealt with Flim and Flam which with Twilight's help... well more her telling me which was which. We had the guards shut down the stands and forced them to return the bits to their rightful owners, as well as make them give a prize to help make up for it. Hey I thought it was right since they cheated ponies out of a fair game. The four of us went off to try a few other games, which kind of devolved into Nightling and I having a bit of a pissing match. It was all good fun, but still I can be competitive when the fancy strikes me. I may have won the test of strength since I am part earth pony, but she had me hooves down in shooting hoops. Pinkie had both of us beat with the hoop toss, and I didn't know she was so accurate with her tail like that. Well, I didn't even know you could do that with just the tip of the tail. Twilight had me beat at the unicorn shooting gallery.

From what I could gather of this, this was much like the Gion festival from Kyoto, Japan. Many of the shops from around Equestria would set up a booth so they could sell some wares and make business at the same time. Rarity even had one that sold some of her spring attire. I couldn't fault her as most of the ponies in Canterlot like to dress up for everyday things. To be honest, I had grown fond of the same thing more for my orange hoodie. It was something I could tuck my wings into when I just wanted for a little bit to pretend I was just a normal unicorn. It seems that even the Cakes got to make a trip up here. It wasn't until later when I asked Twilight about it. When she told me that she requested Celestia to send them an invite for a booth. Of course I was suppose to keep it a secret from everypony so nopony would bug her for it next year. I couldn't fault her reasoning after the Gala tickets her first year in Ponyville. The only thing I may have to say was odd only for me was some of the food. Namely the one that I got a little hung up on was the Hay Corn-dog. Which was much like the normal corn-dog on earth but in the center was hay. I mean it looked, smelled, and even to me tasted like a normal corn-dog. It kind of freaked me out inside. I had the same thing kind of happen with the hay bacon. What's next? Am I going to find a hay steak somewhere?

The one of the best parts for me at least was who I found working the hay corn-dog stand. It seemed like when he got kicked out of the bar he had done damage for it. So now Blueblood to pay for the damage was forced to work at the stand. Of course I couldn't help but have a hard time not laughing at this. The only thing I got out of it however was my hay corn-dog and him calling me a 'freak' once again. Luckily out of earshot of the rest of the group. I don't think Twilight would stand him calling her coltfriend a freak in front of her. It's about the same thing as somepony calling Twilight something in front of me. So after getting our second meal of the night, since we kind of burned a lot of it off with the games. We decided to split up a little, Nightling and Pinkie went towards one of the dance tents. While Twilight and I went back to somewhere we haven't been in a long time, the look out. It was just as beautiful as it was that night full of flowers and the night time sky. The moon was perfectly placed so it was just visible from here. We returned to the little bench there as Twilight leaned into me. I couldn't help but place my wing around her.

“Firestorm?” Twilight asked using my full pony name.

“Yes Twilight?” I asked turning to her, she gently smiled looking out at the moon.

“Do you ever wonder what could have happened if things just went a bit differently?” She asked.

“All the time.” I said as my smile dropped a little.

“I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I just had you stay with me in Ponyville.” She said.

“Besides the fact of we would be having a completely different conversation than this or the fact is you would be scraping me off the walls of your parents place when your father finds out.” I said trying to lighten the mood. Twilight pulled away for a moment looking up at me. I saw the worry on her face before she leaned back into my side.

“Storm, I'm being serious here.” She said.

“I know Twilight. There was no way you could predict what was going to happen. You couldn't have seen me having to go to Saddle Arabia while estrus was going on or that a tunnel was going to collapse with me in it.” I said trying to help.

“Still... Storm do you think I'm a bad mare?” She asked, and I was a little surprised.

“What would make you think you're a bad mare?”

“Just... I can't help but wonder if I don't push you in harms way at times. I know you're going to say I'm just being a silly pony and I shouldn’t think like that. Just...” She began to say and I could feel her with my wing and her pressing into me that she was shaking. “I'm scared of losing you Storm. Becoming Princess Celestia's student or becoming friends with the girls, they can't top you Storm. You have been the best thing in my life and it scares me that I may lose you.” She said and this time I brought my hoof over and brought her close.

“Twilight, I'm sorry I made you feel like this.” I said holding her. “I'm scared of the same thing. I've seen all this danger on my first year here, I've had to take on one thing after the other. The dragon treaty and you comatose was my nightmares brought to life for me Twilight. I was scared of losing you and I may have lost it myself.” I said trying to keep my voice from breaking. “I don't know what the future will bring, and part of me wishes to know so I can prepare for it. Even if that was possible, it would lessen these moments Twilight.” I said looking forward into the night.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“It was said a pony is a sum of his memories. If I knew what was going to happen then those memories wouldn't be good ones. It's like picking up a new book knowing the set up, but none of the real story. Just because I went to the ends to see how it already played out.” I said quietly.

“I think I get it.” She said leaning against me. “It still scares me that you put yourself through all this.”

“I know Twilight, I know.” I said softly.

“Do you think we will ever have a peaceful life?” She asked.

“Peaceful... maybe.” I said as I just let my train of thought just float there for a little bit. “Sometimes peaceful is a little boring, I'm not saying I want danger. Just a little excitement here and there. Otherwise it's like the same record being played over and over, until it's all worn out.” I said just really thinking out loud.

“Yeah, Ponyville is pretty lively for a peaceful little town.” Twilight said leaning against us. It was moments like this that I cherish. Just these moments with Twilight and I. We sat there for a while, honestly I didn't know how long it really was. That was until Dash decided to pop up from the sky.

“So that's where you two were!” Dash said causing us both to jump. We spun around to see her standing there with Applejack.

“Dash! I told ya to be tactful about it.” Applejack chided her.

“Tactful about what? We were told to go find the lovebirds and let them know that Princess Luna was looking for them.” Dash commented throwing her hooves up in the air.

“Yes, but couldn't you see they were having a moment?” Applejack shot back.

“So were we, when the guard blundered in!” Dash shot back, course that got Applejack to blush while Twilight and I just watched completely confused. I couldn't help but wonder if they got preemptively stopped from having a intimate moment. My mind being the bastard that it was couldn't help, but picture those two in 'bed'. I quickly tried to get the thought out of my head before it decided to hop aboard the la la express.

“I told ya to lock the blasted door!” Applejack shouted back.

“I thought I did! Maybe he unlocked it!” Dash defended as she sat down and crossed her forelegs over her chest.

“Not to derail your riveting argument, but Luna wanted to see us?” I asked more to derail the fight then anything.

“Riveting?” Dash asked.

“It's an adjective that means very exciting or interesting” Twilight explained.

“Why didn't you say that? Wait... how did you know Luna was looking for you?” Dash commented looking confused.

“You just said it, no less than a few minutes ago.” I said facehoofing. Oh for the love of god, please save my sanity.

“Oh, right.” Dash said leaving it a bit awkward.

“And she's at?” I asked.

“Oh, uh... the central tent. She's enjoying the circus acts with Pinkie and Nightling.” Dash said.

“Thank, hopefully you two can get back to your quality time together.” I said as Twilight and I walked past waving good-bye.

“We'll see ya later.” Applejack said, and there was a few moments silent as Twilight and I returned to the crowded streets. I could have sworn I heard before the sound of the crowd over took us from her was. “Wait, what did he just say?”


“Okay, didn't see that one coming...” I said as soon as we entered the tent. Sunshine yellow and cherry tent housed one hell of a ring. In the middle of it there were two earth ponies lifting up two elephants on their backs, one on top of the other. They didn't even look like some muscle man kind of pony. They looked like any other earth pony I saw so far. It didn't take us long to get to the tent after we figured it out it was in one of the largest parks in Canterlot. It was a few more minutes to find the special spot for royalty. Which was pretty much like a box surrounding specialty seats. The only reason it took us so long was I got distracted by the acts.

We finally got to the box, kind of hard to miss with the six night guards stationed around it. So we entered and Pinkie as I expected was bouncing in her seat like a kid after an all you can eat sugar rave party. Nightling was doing her best to remained seated next to her. Something in her body language stood out to me and I couldn't place why. Maybe it was the fact she was biting her bottom lip or just that odd look in her eyes. Luna however was much like Pinkie in the fact that instead of the more stoic that I've seen her, she was grinning and having a ball.

“Ah, Firestorm and Twilight Sparkle. Just the ponies I was wanting to see.” Luna said as we came close. Twilight sat to my left so my wing would wrap around her.

“Yeah, so you wanted to see us?” I asked, more to get to the point before I get distracted by the acts.

“Yes, I did.” She said before her horn lit up as a folder appeared out of nowhere. I blinked quietly before gently taking it to see the contents. What I didn't expect was the file on Nightling. Twilight had leaned over to observe the same thing I did.

“Why is this Nightling's guard file?” Twilight asked.

“I thought your first captain should be somepony you can trust.” Luna explained before pulling up a soda to take a long pull from.

“But isn't she your guard captain?” I couldn't understand the reason why, well sort of at least. I get the point that if I am going to have a guard, I would feel safer with somepony I am familiar with and will trust. I get that, and Nightling has showing that in spades. At most I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

“This is true, but she requested the transfer. Both to be closer to her father as well as Pinkie.” Luna explained. Okay, so that made more sense... wait.

“Father?” I asked.

“Pony Hill Asylum.” Nightling chimed in.

“What?” Both Twilight and I asked as we leaned to get a better look at her.

“My father is hospitalized in the Pony Hill Asylum. I don't visit him enough and with both Pinkie and him in the same place. I thought it would be the perfect time for a transfer.” She said looking calmer than she had been when I saw her last.

“Wait.” I said before something finally clicked. “Oh geez sorry about my question during hearth's warming.” I felt like a complete ass, as I remembered my question about how she was during the holiday season. Being stuck in Canterlot and not being able to visit her father during that. I could see why she was rather moody about it.

“It's fine.” She said and I think she was on the same line of thought as I had. Twilight on the other hoof looked a little confused, I leaned over to her.

“I will explain later.” I whispered to her.

“Oh, alright.” She said and I could see it didn't sit right.

“Then... um... honestly I don't know what to say.” I commented.

“Yes would work.” Pinkie said bouncing.

“Gee thanks Pinkie.” I sarcastically said.

“Let me ask, how will that work? She's your captain of the guard? Is she going to be both, or is she just going to be mine? Sorry to ask the stupid questions, but I really need to know.” I asked.

“I've already started finding a replacement, so she will be your captain only. She will still have pull in the night guard as she will be the one to pick her replacement. She is also going to help you fill out the ranks for your guards.” Luna explained. “Speaking of which, have you decided on a name for your guards?”

“Wait, I get to decide that?” I asked.

“Of course, Cadence named her guards after the Crystal Empire.” Twilight said.

“Well... then how about the Wyvern Guard?” I asked, as it was the first thing that popped into my head.

“Wyvern Guard?” Luna, Twilight, and Nightling all asked at the same time.

“Yeah? Is that a problem?” I asked confused.

“If I may inquire, why?” Luna asked.

“Because it sounds a lot better than calling them Dragon Guard. That and a Wyvern is a type of dragon so it still fits.” I said with a smile.

“It does sound a lot better.” Twilight agreed.

“Alright, I will put in the paper later tonight. So you have your first guard.” Luna said with a smile. I took a long drawn out breath as this was really happening so suddenly.

“Oh, oh! I know we should throw a party as 'hooray for getting your first guard party' and at the same time I can throw a 'hooray for getting the transfer party!'” Pinkie chimed in bouncing in her seat to the point that I swear I could hear the bench she was bouncing on making the diving board sound after somepony has jumped off it. Add that Pinkie was bouncing higher than Luna sitting give or take a foot or two, it was possible.

“Pinkie, if you do that. Please a small party.” I requested.

“Yeah.” Nightling agreed a moment later.

“Aw, come on. Don't you two want everypony to know that you two are going to be working together?” She asked giving those damn puppy dog eyes. Seriously, can every female pony do that damn look? I swear if I get that look from Celestia or Luna I would be officially screwed on a biblical proportion.

“Pinkie, please you know I prefer a private party.” Nightling said.

“And I prefer smaller parties.” I added at the end.

“But. But.” Pinkie said turning on the look even more.

“Small party will be fine.” I said taking the lead.

“Yay!” Pinkie said bouncing up into the air.

“We're doomed.” Both Nightling and I said in unison. At this point Luna and Twilight just couldn't help but laugh at the two of us. To be honest it wasn't really that bad in the long run. So it was another one of Pinkie's parties. Granted the last one more ended with me being in the hospital after Shadow's attack. So maybe one where I'm not hospitalized after something happening. I Glanced over to watch Nightling for a little more as I was left in thought.

“My first guard... so it finally happened huh?” I had thought to myself.

“What's the big deal?” Shadow asked.

“Oh, long time no hear.”

“What can I say, I wanted to relax after the hell of a beat down we gave Grimwand. So I figured you wanted the peace of mind.”

“Yeah, peace of mind...” I thought in depressed.

“Are you seriously still hung up on the whole guard thing? Seriously get the fuck over it!” Shadow commented.

“Why don't you go fuck yourself too?” I shot back.

“You have your first fucking guard, let alone one that you can trust. Fuck, you were in that cave in together. Instead of some guard you have no fucking clue who or how they are. You have somepony that you can rely on. Hell, she has no problem getting in your face when it's needed. If it's about the whole make sure ponies are safe over your dumb ass. Then let Nightling do it for you, she's your captain of your guards. So she will be on you while your other guards will be able to cover other ponies. Problems fucking solved you idiot.” Shadow said getting louder.

“Well excuse me you fucking prick! You know as much as I that I have problems being protected. I mean what am I supposed to do with guards? Do I tell them 'hey go protect over there, or hey why don't you just do rounds?' It's not like I'm use to the fucking idea like some ponies. It's new to me and I still have to come to terms with it. Let alone I don't need one of them breaking into the room when I want to enjoy some time with Twilight. Hell speaking of that, how is Twilight going to deal with a guard looming about now? Fuck! Where the hell are they even going to stay? I mean I can't really have the Captain of my guard sleep at a fucking inn. If that was an idea, beside tactically if something were to happen to me and not saying it will. She would be too far away to do anything and having her close would mean she would be under hoof. I really don't get any of this!” I more yelled back in my own head. Don't ask how it's done just know that I did it.

“You seriously don't know that?” Shadow said and it sounded like he face hoofed in my head.

“If I may interject.” The voice of Luna said over the link.

“Fuck, I was broadcasting that wasn't I?” I asked facehoofing myself.

“Loudly.” Luna commented.

“Quite loudly.” Celestia tacked on.

“Very loudly.” Cadence ending the set of three. Ah, fuck me with a rusty spoon. I seriously forgot about that damn link with a voice in my head. Grade A idiot isle tent.

“Sorry...” I apologized. I've got to remember that my thoughts aren't just in my head anymore. I don't think I will ever fully come to grips with the whole broadcast-able thoughts.

“It's alright Storm, Cadence had the same issue when she came into her abilities.” Luna said.

“I did not!” Cadence commented over the link.

“Do we have to remind her about the whole dating Shining Armor thoughts she had Luna?” Celestia comment. I couldn't help but crack a smile hearing this.

“Oh, now I've got to hear this story.” I shot through the link.

“Oh no you don't. Aunt Celestia please for all thing harmonious please don't tell him!” Cadence pleaded.

“It's nothing to be ashamed off, every mare has those thought about their coltfriend.” Luna shot in.

“Not you too!” Cadence whined.

“Okay, I think the point has been made. Again I'm sorry for broadcasting my fight with Shadow.” I said trying to derail this before any of the juicy bits came out about Cadence's thoughts on Shining while she was dating him.

“Yes please! Focus on his issues with guards over my- Eep!” Cadence said before squeaking at the end.

“your eep?” I asked.

“Sorry Shining did something, pay no mind to that.” Cadence said.

“Okay, moving on before other things happen and we all get slapped with a restraining order and have to appear in court for eavesdropping.” I said now really wanting to derail this before it gets out of hoof.

“Yes... I agree.” Celestia said.

“Likewise, as I was wanting to say before that... conversation. I can understand having guards is a rather big deal for somepony who never had deal with them before. Since Nightling was the one to offer to be your first guard. We figured she would make the transition easier on you. As for places to stay, Twilight had already offered to let a pony stay there. Before you ask, she didn't know the context of why. Rest a sure that she will know soon. This is only temporary as the barracks are built in Ponyville. Mare Mayor has already set aside land for this project. As you can see we have taken every matter into hoof and dealt with it. So you have no worry about this. Since Nightling will be your captain, in moments of emergency she will be the one to protect you while the other guards will protect other ponies. But this comes with one condition on your part, you must allow her to do her job. Regardless of how you wish to act, in a tactical sense you would be a high value target to any equestrian enemies. Just as Twilight and the rest of the element bearers are as well.” Luna had explained.

“I get that, I'm royalty. But here's the kicker to this, when my friends are in danger. I don't think, I just act to protect them.” I said.

“We are aware of this Firestorm, and we just want to make sure everything is covered. We don't want another tunnel collapse or far worse to happen.” Luna said and I took a deep breath, course that breath was also laced with the smell of popcorn that Pinkie was waving in my face.

“How about some popcorn Storm? I bet you're really, really hungry after being in the coma!” Pinkie said.

“No thank you Pinkie, Twilight and I got something to eat earlier to tie us over until later.” I offered with a smile. Pinkie just nodded and bounced over to Nightling who was still quietly edgy about something. I don't see why she would, I mean this was a circus act after all. You had ponies on top of ponies, on top of elephants, and with them all on top of a large inflated beach ball. I've seen elephants on earth do about the same thing on TV all the time so I wasn't really freaked out at a hold in physics like this. That and I was familiar with magic, and I only say familiar as I was still learning all I could about it. Between all of this life in Equestria, I just couldn't help but wonder- what I was going to do with it? I mean, if and that is a big if I defeated the Dark One and didn't die. What was I going to do with my long life? “Storm, are you alright?” Twilight asked as she looked worried.

“Huh? Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Well, you looked a little... lost. I just wanted to see if everything is alright.” She said.

“Just lost in thought is all, nothing to worry about.” I answered as I went back to watching the act before us. It seems like they got another group of ponies on a second elephant before they started to hop back and forth. All while the elephants were passing a ball between them in the air. Okay, that was impressive.

“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” She said.

“I know Twilight, my mind likes to wander around at times.” I said.

“We can tell.” Luna chimed in.

“Not helping Luna!” I shot back, she just smiled at this. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Twilight. “But I was just wondering what I was going to do with my life is all. I mean I have a whole world of opinions ahead of me with no direction to go. Okay, maybe a sort of direction, but after that I've got nothing to really do. I mean yeah, there is field among field of topics I could start studying in besides magic. I just.” I said followed with a sigh.

“Hey, it's alright.” Twilight said moving a hoof to my left foreleg. “I can understand that, there are times I don't know what to really focus on next. For you, you've barely scratched the surface of life here in Equestria and with everything that's happened. I can understand that you feel lost. The guards, royalty, and just everyday life is still new to you.” She said before leaning in to me gently. “Maybe you should focus on the now, and not worry about the future so much. I learned that the hard way.” She said with a light smile before she placed a kiss on my cheek.

“Easier said than done.” I said with a smile before a thought crossed my mind. “Wait... how did you learn that the hard way?”

“Time travel spell.” She answered like it was nothing.

“Oh alright.” I said turning back to the show before us. For whatever reason my mind decided to kick that back at me a few seconds later. “Wait... time travel spell?!” I almost shouted turning back to her. There is a second one? Wait... of course there is a second one he had to try one before the finished one that Celestia had told me about. Yet seriously no pony has that under wraps?

“Yeah, it's one of Starswirl the bearded lesser known spells.” She said looking at me confused. “It's not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal? Twilight are you seriously saying that somepony has figured out a time travel spell that anypony could cast?” I asked in surprise.

“Not everypony, it does take a lot of energy to do so.” She said still giving me a confused look.

“Okay so any powerful unicorns can cast it and nothing is broken yet?” I couldn't wrap my mind around this, does anypony understand that this spell alone could cause a time paradox?

“Nothing... broken? Storm what are you talking about?” Twilight asked looking at me.

“I'm curious as well on this.” Luna commented as she decided to butt into this conversation. Of course I was probably saying it loud enough that the ponies outside the royal booth here could hear it too.

“A spell like that and no pony has caused a time paradox yet? Seriously?” I was trying to express how bad this could be.

“Why would anypony cause a time paradox?” Twilight asked.

“Because of the butterfly effect. One small change in the past could leave echos in the future.” I said.

“There is no worry of that, Starswirl made sure his spell was paradox proof.” Luna answered.

“Impossible. He's a simple one example why. Say Pony A sends Pony B back in time to tell Pony A how time travel and fails because Pony A can't cast it. Pony A understands and Pony B goes back to when she cast it. But in that time Pony A doesn't tell the Pony B in the new timeline to go back and tell her what she already knows. So Pony B doesn't do it. Who told Pony A?” I asked.

“Pony B” Luna commented.

“Wrong, because after the event that happened Pony B never cast the spell and told Pony A. Hence the paradox.” I explained.

“That... that's rather...” Twilight tried to say before failing to find the right word.

“That's what worries me that if that spell is available to anypony-” I started to say.

“It's in the Starswirl the bearded second in the royal archives, I'm sure it's safe there.” Luna said.

“Okay so any royal pony or guard could get it.” I pointed out the flaw there.

“Good... point.” Luna commented before she decided to contact Celestia who was at the castle about moving that spell somewhere 'safe' for the time being. Lucky for my sanity and the time flows integrity she did and let us know when it was done.


It was sometime after the circus act which was rather fun to see as I had never been to one growing up. The only thing I noticed was how Nightling was still on edge through the whole thing until the seven of us left. I only say seven as it was Nightling, Pinkie, Luna, Twilight, two guards, and myself. We split up after that as Nightling calmed down and suggested that Pinkie and herself had some fun playing games. Luna had to go back and make sure things were running fine. Twilight and I decided to go enjoy the sights a bit more until we found ourselves in one of the clear areas of the park. It was close to where other ponies were sitting to watch the fireworks. Which from what Twilight had explained was a mixture of unicorns using spells and traditional fireworks for the display. It wasn't long for the show to begin, unlike some of the fireworks I've seen on earth. The ponies here could make each firework house a complex design as they exploded. I saw moons, suns, a few stars, and even ponies of each race. I spotted a few cutie-marks that I knew about like an hourglass of Starswirl, Cadences heart shaped one, and that was starters. The funny thing is that if I saw this display on earth I would have been a wondrous sight. Here before I really got to know everypony, I would have said it was magical. Even though that would have been cliché, it wouldn't have been any less true. Sitting there with Twilight under my wing as we both watched the sky light up. Every so often I would glance over to Twilight and watch her stare into the display. The features of her face as they light up with each new firework going off, captivated me each time I watched. Besides that, my gaze shot up to the stars above as something floated back to my mind.

“Did you know they used to say that every star was a story just waiting to be told?” The echo of my own memory had said. I watched the sky over the fireworks for a bit and it had to be my mind playing tricks on me, but it looked like a star had went out. It couldn't be that, since Luna makes the night sky, for one of the stars to go out would mean she was taking away from what she did. It wouldn't make sense for that to be the case. So it had to be my mind with how screwy it has been lately. Which was something it has been doing. Doesn't help that it's been put through the ringer from hell. Between dealing with all the stuff before coming to Equestria, losing my memories, slowly regain them while dealing with event after event, all leading up to the nightmare dreamscape. I think it's fair to say that my mind is pretty screwed at this point. Even so, I don't know if I could really say that I wouldn't do it all again. Maybe do one or two things different, but I can't really go back in time and do anything about it. Regardless if they have a time travel spell or not.

“Prince Firestorm. Prince Firestorm!” I heard the sound of a stallion call as he flew down towards us. Wasn't really hard to see him as he had an aqua blue coat with an orange mane and tail done up in a short crop. He wore on his head an old news boy hat. Quite fitting as what I was soon to find out. Twilight turned to see the new arrival and she gave as much of a questioning look as I did. His hooves gave a light thump as he landed before us. With that he gave a quick bow, it was a good two seconds before he trotted over. “Sorry to bother you your highness. My name is Silvertongue and I work for the Canterlot Inquirer. I was hoping you would have the time for a quick interview.” I turned to look at Twilight with a cocked eyebrow. She returned my look before giving me a shrug.

“Sure, I suppose.” I said with a light smile.

“Something wicked this way comes.” Shadow decided to chime in himself.

“Oh shush it you.” I thought back.

“Thank you your highness.” Silvertongue said as he took off his hat for a moment to pull out a pad and pencil. With a quick flick he tossed his hat back onto his head. “My first question is where were you when you became an alicorn?” He said with a pencil in his mouth which was surprisingly easy to hear him through.

“Crashing into Sweet Apple Acres just outside Ponyville.” I answered.

“Crashing?” He asked a little surprised.

“Yeah... just kind of happened.” I said scratching the back of his head.

“I suppose it does. If I may ask, how has your time been as an alicorn? It must be pretty luxurious of a lifestyle.” He said smiling.

“To be honest, it's all new to me. I just had a simple life and now I was thrusted into such a life. So dealing with this new world to me has been rather hectic.” I answered.

“Hectic?” He asked.

“Well between trying to get use to everything and the duties I've had to perform. It's been quite a lot to deal with.” I answered. Twilight gave me a curious eye on that one. Okay, so in the grand scheme of things my only real big duty was the dragon treaty which besides the whole coup that ended up happening that ended with Twilight in the hospital. But I also count the whole Grimwand stuff under my duties which besides being unofficial. That's also counting the 'dark one' business as well.

“I bet that you've had to handle a lot of the large political issues.”

“You could say that.”

“If I may inquire about an incident between your highness and prince Blueblood.” He asked a left eye twitched a little.

“Sure...” I said a little hesitant.

“A few sources say that you accosted the prince at your at time residence in Ponyville. Is this true?” He asked.

“No, I may have yelled at him right after he had the gall to insult a few of my personal friends. All at a party that they had decided to throw for me after returning to Ponyville from Canterlot. All so he could take me back to Canterlot.” I said, okay more exclaim at Silvertongue.

“And what about the changeling attack during a party that the princesses and yourself were attending?” He asked.

“What about it?” I asked.

“We have reports that shortly after the queen of the changelings was captured that you were reported missing. Than shortly reported terrorizing Ponyville burning down a house in the process.” He asked and now I think I understand his game. So not only was he bringing up the more darker highlights of my time in Ponyville. He was casting me in the role of the villain.

“I think that is enough.” Twilight said interrupting before I could say anything.

“I'm sorry Miss Sparkle but this was between the prince and myself.” He said in a tone that more sounded like he just told my marefriend to piss off.

“No Silvertongue she is right. This will be enough. I will not sit here and be accused of stuff that really isn't any ponies business than my own and those I wish to be involved.” I said as Twilight and I got up to leave.

“Please your highness just one more question and I will leave you to your night.” He pleased. I was going to kick myself for this ain't I?

“Which is?” I asked.

“About the dark figure that was assumed to be you attacking guards in the Canterlot gardens, can you give my readers any information about-” was all I allowed him to get out.

“That incident is currently still being investigated and can not be discussed. If you wish to know more about it then please go through the proper channels to find out. Now good day sir.” I said turning to leave as a light throb of pain began to appear in my hind legs.

“Please your-”

“I said good day sir.” I said as I began to hobbles a little before Twilight placed herself under my good wing to help me leave.

“If I offended you your highness, I didn't mean to-” He tried to say and I really wasn't going to have any of this. I wasn't in the mood to be nice anymore, I wasn't in the best of moods because of what he decided to drag out like he did. Rather bluntly if I may say so myself. On top of that this pain that began to grow more was making it that I really didn't want to be around him if he was going to bug me about this.

“Silvertongue if you continue to plead for me to continue this interview, I'm sure the guard that is in earshot right now would 'love' that have a few words with you.” I said rather bluntly myself.

“Just one more-”

“You have the count of three to leave.” I said turning my head to stare him straight in the eyes as I knew they turned draconic as I was seeing red literally. That was enough for him as he yelped and flew off rather fast. Not Rainbow Dash fast, but fast enough.

“Somepony can't take a hint.” Twilight said as the guard I had commented about before made his way.

“Your highness is there a problem?” He asked.

“Yes, a matter of fact there is. My hind legs are starting to hurt again and I would like a little help getting back to the castle. If you don't mind escorting us there, that would be very appreciated.” I requested.

“Of course your highness.” He said before leading the way. It took a few minutes for us to get back to the castle and from there it was a few more minutes before Twilight and I got back to our room. It seems that Twilight was prepared for this and pulled out two long wraps ready for me. The only issue was the bracing that was used on my hind legs. Yeah... trying to get off something literally gripping one's legs while they start to hurt at a touching sensation. Not the best to be honest. So... it ended up with us having to get two more adjustable medical braces. I finally got to see what my hind legs looked like under the wrapping. To be honest, it wasn't that bad. The fur there was much thinner as Twilight had explained that they shaved my legs to get better access to them. More for opening them up and having Heartshy observe them fix the crushed bones. Twilight only knew of this from reading the detailed reports directly. They used a special shave to help the fur on my legs grow in faster. I had questioned why they didn't use this when my ribs were broken and I got the lamest excuse possible.

“They were out.” Twilight said while I face hoofed.

“Ow.” I said after I had nailed myself in the face with my prosthetic leg. Not to self, avoid doing that if possible.

“Storm, don't injure yourself any further. I don't want to have the medical team in here looking at your head again. It's bad enough you get injured on a ridiculous bases.” She said as she was wrapping up both of my legs at the same time.

“In my defense on this one, I wasn't expecting the tunnel to collapse on us from charges on the wall. Did anypony ever find out about that?” I asked through clenched teeth from the pain.

“The charges were planned to be blown two days later. From what the investigators have found out that the order was sent early. What I can guess was Vermom had disguised herself as the forepony and sent the order knowing you were in there. I can't say for sure, but what you explained that happened in the dreamscape. This is the only thing that makes logical sense, and there you go all wrapped up.” She said as she was sliding the medical braces on.

“Thanks Twilight, sorry about having to have you help.” I said.

“Storm you know there is no shame in asking for help. Everypony need a little help from time to time.” Twilight retorted with light smile.

“I know Twilight, but I have a hard time asking for help.”

“If I may inquire why?” She asked.

“Just I always have a problem asking. If it was something I could do myself I more than likely did it myself. From audio work and to art, I was just doing it by myself.” I answered.

“But everypony needs help from time to time.”

“I know, and I do ask, but if it's a big thing to me. I just have a hard time asking. Not a really rational, just how I've been for years.” I said looking at Twilight. She lightly smiled looking at me.

“Storm, you are an enigma wrapped in a puzzle.” She said as she came up and laid on the bed with me.

“I'm not that cryptic.” I said with a light smile.

“Oh yeah, you are one of the few ponies I can never really tell how they are going to react. From the smallest thing could set you off in a bit of depression.” Twilight said.

“It's because I have experienced a lot of depressing things in my life. I've lost friends, family, and those I hold close. None of it will ever end happy and I take that in and learn from it.”

“But I had experienced stuff like that, and none of what you've done has set me off.” She said looking over at me.

“It's because I come from a vastly different place then Equestria Twilight. I'm from a world that has seen too many wars that it's benchmarks in history. It was so bad to the point I stopped reading a paper or looking at the news, just so I avoided thinking about it.” I spoke as I turned to look at her and for a brief moment my mind flashed back to that moment Twilight was head as my ear's had flattened back as I turned to look at the ceiling again.

“Storm?” I heard Twilight say but I needed a moment.

“Sorry just a bad memory.” I said, and I felt her hoof grab my real one.

“Please tell me Storm, is it from the nightmare?” She asked and I only nodded.

“Twilight, right now I don't feel right talking about this. When there is so much I still have to deal with.” I couldn't fight my mind anymore, there was so much I had to talk to Twilight about and it needs to be done before it is too late. I had seen so many of my friends have fights because they waited too long.

“What's wrong?” Twilight said as I leaned up to sit back on my haunches. Twilight joined me a few moments later looking at me worried with her ears flattened back.

“To me, this last week-” I started.

“But it was two weeks, three if you count the beginning of estrus.” Twilight interjected.

“I know, just to me it's been like just a week. I've had so many things happen, made to light, and forced to focus on. It's not right to leave you out of it and I want to be able to talk about anything openly. If that means I have to tell you all the stuff that I wish I didn't happen or come to light, then so be it.” I started and with everything leading to this. I couldn't even bring myself to look at her, not even have her in my preferential view. So I just kept my eyes closed trying to keep myself together.

“If this is about the reporter then, you know no pony blames you for what happened. You shouldn't beat yourself up for those things in the past.” Twilight said.

“No... it's something else, but that's what sparked this more so of me wanting to wait until we were at home to tell you. With my sister coming in less than two days, I figured you needed to be aware of this more so than anypony. Celestia and Luna have been made aware. Mostly Luna, but I could assume that she has explained it to Celestia.” I started.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked.

“What do you think of omnivores?” I asked to begin with.

“I don't see any problem with any race that has to eat... meat... oh... oh! Is this about some dronies having the ability to eat meat? I already knew that.” She said and now I had to look at her.

“What, when?” I asked.

“It was a few days into estrus. I had to take my mind off of... things. So I thought I would more look into dragons and offsprings. I found two other books that had details about dronies and a few of them label them under omnivores. While most of them are also known as gemivores which much like Spike you would be able to eat gems as well. I also took some time to look into your mother Sha, one of the only few elemental dragons that was tied to all the elements. There was nothing concrete, but I was able to find some legends about her. I left them back at the library so you could look over them yourself.” Twilight explained.

“I... wow, I... um... honestly at a lost for words. Twilight you didn't need to do that.” I said.

“Storm, you should know about your parents. Everypony should know who their parents were, or are. If I knew who your father was I would do what I could to find anything about him.” She said as she moved to hug me.

“Her.” I said which got Twilight to look up at me.

“Her? Your father was another mother?”

“Yeah, and...” I paused as I didn't know how to phrase this. My mind decided to remind me of a quote that I liked.

“And?” Twilight said looking worried as she could tell this was a big thing for me. I let out a sigh before I could say anything. Of course it was the damn quote on my mind.

“Ralph Waldo Emerson said 'In order to learn the important lessons in life, one must, each day, surmount a fear.'” I quoted, Twilight looked at me questionably. “I know who both of my parents are, I still don't know much beyond a cursory bit.” I explained.

“Who is your other mother?” She asked and something in her body language said she was a little unease by my tone.

“Clover... the clever” I answered with some hesitation.

“That's impossible! There is no way you could be her foal!” She exclaimed rather loudly.

“Twilight, please calm down. It's already taking a lot for me to tell you this and I really need you to be calm for what else I have to say.” I said softly as I was having a hard time with my voice. She bit her bottom lip but nodded silently as I began to explain more what went into my body from what I could figure. She almost jumped when I talked about what I guessed to be how it worked. Much like birth I figured sources from both parents would be needed like a mixing of DNA to make the offspring. In this case would be myself. I knew she wasn't happy about hearing about Clover's grave being disturbed and I was with her on that. I told her I had requested to visit my pony mother's grave so I could visit it myself. I know it was silly in a way as I had no real attachment to her as a parent. It was just something that felt right to me.

It was finally time for me to get the biggest thing that was bothering me the most from the nightmare. The two deaths that I had to deal with in there. The monster that was my friend and... watching Twilight get shot. I know Twilight knew of most of the nightmare that I went through as I told her a very summed up version of it. It was the arena in the old castle was the only thing that I really glossed over. I started at the beginning from where I thought the nightmare had started which was the Canterlot hospital. She sat there listening as I kept staring out the windows in our room as I just couldn't stop myself until I got up to the arena itself. I paused there, more for being about to draw strength to be able to proceed. I think a few minutes passed while I was doing that while I felt Twilight's hoof gently rub my back between my wings to help me feel more relaxed. It helped a little to be honest. Her hoof stopped as soon as I told her what I had witnessed, it shook as it was still pressed against me. As I continued I couldn’t stop anymore, I told her what had happened when ghost was dead and the graves I dug. It was then I go to the fight with Grimwand.

She continued to listen as her hoof dropped to her side. I told her about finding the Artifact of Laughter. I told her that Grimwand can't bother us again. I didn't say how as I put already too much on her as it is. After I was done explaining all this to her, she remained silent for a while.

“Storm... I don't know... how or why... this had to be laid at your hooves.” Twilight said as she laid into me to comfort me. It did help a little, just enough to make me feel like I wasn't a complete bastard for dumping this on her like I did. “If I could Storm, I would have been there to help you.” Twilight gently laid me back onto the bed fully as she did her best to make me feel better.

“I know Twilight, part of it I wish I had you there. In the same sense I was glad you weren't there. Mainly because you didn't have to see what I had to. I've gotten a bit used to it and it's less jarring for me to deal with, since I'm unfortunately use to it.” I said looking over to her.

“That's the worse part of all this. That you had to get use to it, but with Grimwand gone. That means you won't have to deal with that anymore... right?” She said and I could hear the hopefulness in her voice.

“Nightmare wise, it should just be my normal nightmares from this point on. Any other outside forces pending.” I answered.

“I can't tell if that's a good thing.” She said worriedly. I could have voiced my thought about the only other real worry was now Vermom without Grimwand guiding her actions. Just, one thing at a time now. It sounded like she needed some reassurance at this point.

“It's a good thing, it just means that any other nightmares are just from my head. So I'm safe from any of that.” I said giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Twilight smiled before she moved to lay on top of me to look at me directly in the eyes. I couldn't help but blush for a little bit as she laid there. Our little moment was cut a short as a guard decided to come in unannounced.

“I'm sorry your highness, but I was ordered to make sure you got... this... oh...” The guard said looking at the two of us. Twilight had a matching blush on her face as I had on mine. “My apologizes, I will just leave this letter on the table.” He continued rather fast spoken.

“Guard.” I said quietly, as I watched the guard gulp.

“Yes, your highness?” He said nervously.

“No pony is to enter here for the rest of the night beyond Firestorm and myself.” Twilight ordered for me.

“Uh...” The guard looked a little puzzled.

“You heard her.” I said bluntly.

“O... of course, as you wish.” He said slamming the door. With a few moments a purple aura covered the door and a loud click was heard. The same was done to the balcony doors. Twilight smiled quietly as she closed all the curtains as to make it a point that it was just the two of us.

All I knew was, I wasn't the only one not sleeping tonight.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 32 - Family Matters

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It was the afternoon the following day when Twilight and I were able to really talk to the girls about a few things. First off was Applejack, I needed to talk to her about the two dronies coming to Ponyville. I had her meet the both of them before they were going to be set off ahead of time to the new house for them.

“I'll be happy to keep these two on the straight and narrow.” She said with a smile before she continued. “I warn you, it's going to be honest to Celestia hard work.”

“I understand.” Seared Wind replied, as Twilight had said over the dreamscape that they did talk about him coming to work on the farm. Since Seared was an Earth drony that meant he would feel right at home there, from what I was told. Which with that out of the way it left a few other things to deal with. Twilight said that morning that I shouldn't worry too much about the girls when it came to the whole meat issue. Seared went back to his brother who had already ate lunch earlier, just Twilight and I hadn't ate much today.

So The girls and I joined Shining, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna for lunch. It seems that Blueblood didn't and allow me to quote this, “Why would I want to eat, let alone be in the same room as that freak of nature?” To say that didn't go over well with anyone. I believe the topper to this was that Twilight literally fired off a warning shot at Blueblood. I don't know if I'm rubbing off on Twilight or not, but that was kind of funny to me. What she said just had me try to hold in laughing.

“If I ever hear you insult my coltfriend one more time Blueblood, the next one won't miss.” She said and could see that she wasn't kidding at all. Of course Celestia asked Twilight to calm down, while Luna, Cadence, and I were laughing over the link. Even Shadow got in on the laughing. Dash was already on the ground laughing. Fluttershy was quietly hiding behind her mane. Rarity was smiling, while Pinkie was oddly quiet with Nightling next to her. Applejack was smiling behind her stetson. Shining was just shaking his head with a smile across his muzzle. I think I caught some of the guards smirk a little at this as well.

So after everypony was about to regain their composer. I had giving Celestia and Luna a sign that I really needed to say something to everypony in the room. I know Twilight said everything would be fine and everyone will understand. I just can't help but feel worried for this.

“I... I want to tell everypony... something.” I started and this got everypony to look towards me. Well all but Twilight who was already busy gently leaning into me with my wing around her.

“What's up Storm?” Rainbow said wiping the last of the tears from her laughing.

“Well... I...” I started and I think they noticed how nervous I was about it.

“Sugarcube, what's wrong?” Applejack asked.

“In order to learn the important lessons in life, one must, each day, surmount a fear.” Twilight whispered into my ear. Okay, that wasn't fair. She was using a quote that I had told her last night against me, but she had a point.

“I'm...” I started then sighed. “We all know how ponies are herbivorous by nature right?” Most of everypony nodded while Dash looked a little confused.

“Herbi what?” She said confused.

“A being that feeds on plants.” Twilight answered.

“Oh, yeah... I knew that.” Dash said with a cocky smile. Most of us rolled our eyes at this.

“Anyway... I... I'm different in this case.” I started.

“Is this about the whole Gem thing?” Applejack asked.

“Gem thing?” Dash once again asked.

“She's referring to my ability to eat gems, much like Spike.” I answered before shaking my head. “That's not it in this case.” It took me a few moments to finally say it. “Compared to everypony, I'm an omnivore.” I gulped shortly after saying that. My gaze looked at each of them. The princesses looked like it didn't bother them, the same for Shining. Rarity blinked a few times a little confused, the same with Applejack next to her. Fluttershy was still behind her mane, so... pretty much herself. Pinkie still being silent from before didn't say much the same with Nightling having her wing around her, much like I was with Twilight. Dash just looked out right confused.

“Not to take away from this moment but...” She began with a long pass.

“I can eat meat as well as plants” I answered figuring that she didn't know what omnivore meant.

“Oh... what's the big deal about that?” She asked with a shrug. “I was friends with a griffon, so it's nothing new to me.”

“Likewise darling, I have had my share of formal dinners with carnivores before.” Rarity tacked on.

“It's not your fault that you're an omnivore.” Fluttershy said softly as we turned towards her. “You get to choose to really not to eat that, or at least around anypony.”

“I suppose that's true. I... I guess I was worried what everypony would have thought. Just to find out that your friend was able to eat... meat.” I said gently kind of running one of my claws in a circle on the table.

“How come?” Cadence asked.

“Just...” I started before I stopped myself with a sigh. “I have a nasty habit of worrying over stuff that I should know better. You all have been family to me since I got here, and to think that something like this could drive a wedge between us... scared me. To be honest, I have had this on my mind for a while. Well before I thought I would asked my sister about it. Back on earth we have had legends and myths about dragons, a lot of them about them being fire breathing beasts that do nothing but hoard treasure and eat those that try to take it. Since knowing that dragons are real and that I was part dragon. I had thought about it from time to time if that applied to me as well. Would I have to hoard a treasure and...” I had to stop myself there as I let my head droop a bit.

“Storm...” Twilight said and I looks over at her. She looks a little worried before she moved to give a hug a bit better. “You are who you choose to be. You don't have to follow what other dragons or ponies do. I'm sure some of this is new to you, as it's new to us.”

“Also while Dronies normally do keep hoards of treasure for themselves, many of them don't. Most importantly they protect them much like a you would your things from a theft in the night.” Came the familiar sounds of my Sister Queen Gaia. I turned to her looking surprised.

“Gaia? What are you doing here? I thought you don't arrive for another day.” I asked looking at her.

“Didn't you get my letter that my flight would be arriving a day early?” She asked looking a little curious. I thought back to the letter the guard dropped off before we give the no pony into room, I had forgot to read it that morning... whoops.

“Ah, I think I did. Just didn't get around to reading it yet.”

“It's fine, I'm glad I get to see my favorite younger brother again.” She said with a smile coming over as I slipped out of my seat to greet her.

“Ain't I your only younger brother?” I asked before I was swept up into a massive hug. That would have been nice if she wasn't squeezing my injured wing to my side.

“Of course, but that doesn't change that you're my favorite.” She said then noticed the look of pain on my face. She let me go right then. “Sorry, forgot about that for a moment.”

“It's... fine.” I said between painful breaths.

“Here why don't you let your big sister Gaia take care of you?” She said pulling me into the air.

“How about I introduce you to my friends first?”

“Oh of course.” She said setting me down as we made our way back to the table. “First is my marefriend Twilight Sparkle.” I said having my wing wrapped around her.

“I see your mate is as lovely as it's been reported.” Gaia said which caused the both of us to blush. Dash once again laughing at this. Applejack just put her hat down with a blush.

“Moving on before this gets any more awkward.” I said trying to derail the important question why we didn't deny it. “Next up is Rarity and Applejack.” They nodded in turn as I introduced them.

“It's my honor to meet you Queen Gaia.” Rarity said in a cordial fashion.

“Howdy your highness.” Applejack added.

“Please everypony Gaia will do, I'm not one for-” Gaia began before Dash interrupted with.

“for formalities. Is that like a family trait or something?” She said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Not really, but I don't let my friends call me by title, and any friend of my brother is a friend of mine.” She said with a smile.

“Rock on.” Dash said with a grin.

“Well as you can tell miss ego over there is Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus in Equestria.” I cut in , of course I think I may have inflated Dash's ego a bit more with that.

“I'll keep that in mind.” Gaia said with a smile.

“Next to her is Fluttershy.” As soon as I said that Fluttershy decided to give a small nod and hide behind her mane. “She's a little shy.”


“The two next to her are Nightling and-” was all I got out of my mouth before Pinkie zipped right over.

“Hi yeah, my names Pinkie Pie, the premiere party pony. I normally do parties for new ponies to Ponyville, but you're new to Equestria so I want to do a welcome to Equestria party and if you come to Ponyville then we can have a welcome to Equestria and Ponyville paired party and it will be even more-” She got out before Rarity stepped in. Of course that didn't stop the long stream of mumbled words that was still trying to force themselves out of the mare's mouth.

“As you can tell she's quite energetic at times.” I said which got a smile out of almost everypony. “Over here” I continued pointing down the table from Twilight and I. “We have-”

“Prince Shining Armor, and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire.” Gaia said cutting me off. “it's been too long.”

“Indeed it has Queen Gaia.” Cadence said with a smile.

“Wait... you two know each other?” Twilight and I asked in unison.

“Indeed, we had to go to Saddle Arabia to help talk trade agreements with the Crystal Empire.” Shining answered.

“Okay, so my half sister knows my adopted sister and brother-in-law... good to know.” I said before I ran my tongue in the inside of my bottom lip.

“I'm also aware of your adopted aunts too. Isn't that right Celestia?” Gaia said before giving a small smirk to the regent of the sun. Celestia only smiled at this with a nod.

“She had requested after you were known to be one of Sha's children.” She continued.

“When did you find out?” I asked.

“It was after you passed out during the dragon treaty. Razor had informed me while Luna and myself picked you up from your dragon rage.” She informed.

“Dragon rage?” Twilight asked turning to me.

“It's a point when a dragon is put in a too strenuous spot in their life. Mostly during fights for their lives where their emotions have hit a breaking point. From my reports it was right after you were knocked unconscious. My brother went through his first rage and defeated the responsible parties. I'm rather surprised he didn't go further as most dragons do, but if he is one of my brothers and we've been known to hold on to our heads during them. Dronies as you know have the same weaknesses as a lot of dragons do. We are able to be overcome by greed and become rather wild.” Gaia explained and I didn't like what I heard. Twilight had explained about Spike's birthday to me, when he had a growth spurt and tried to take all he could. Rarity being the only pony taken.

“Does that mean if I'm overcome by greed I would turn into a... monster?” I asked.

“It really depends on the drony. Some do, while some become fully grown and very protective of their things. I remember one that took all of her friends and family, and kept them with her hoard of treasure. It took me stepping in to put things to rest as no other pony or drony could step in.”

“Why is that?” Shining asked.

“A drony can be very... protective of their things.” Gaia started as I didn't like how this was going to go. “A lot of my guards were injured trying. Let's just say that you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of a drony in a state like that.” Celestia and Luna eyed me quietly that I could see out of my peripheral vision.

“I believe we've seen it.” Luna commented.

“When was this?” Gaia asked and it was then Pinkie slipped out of Rarity's hooves.

“Chapter seventeen.” Pinkie said without missing a beat. We all stopped and looked at her. Sometimes it scares me just some of the random things that comes out of that mare's mouth.

“What?” I asked confused to no end.

“They will know.” Was Pinkie's only reply.

“Who will know?”

“They will know.” She repeated.

“Pinkie, I think that's the most random thing I've ever heard.” Dash commented and Gaia leaned over to me.

“Does she do that a lot?” She asked.

“Not as bad as that, but... yeah.” I answered. “But moving on, how did you end up arriving early?”

“Mainly the matter I was dealing with at the time took less time than I thought. So I was able to board my private ship early.” She said before sitting next to Twilight and I. “So you're the mare that has my brother's eye.” She purred and I was already feeling the doom rising. If ponies were anything like humans, than Gaia was about to tease me to get a rise out of me.

“Yes.” Twilight said eyeing her already as I brought her a little closer to me with my good wing.

“He does have a good taste in mares.” Gaia said grinning devilishly.

“I would have to agree.” Twilight said as I think she was getting an idea of what's going on here.

“So I have to ask miss Element of Magic. When did you two finally decide to go all the way.” She said and now just about everypony was staring at the two of us. While Twilight and I with two massive blushes on our faces was staring at her.

“E-e-excuse me?” Twilight stammered out.

“Called it.” Luna commented over the link as my head snapped right to her.

“About time.” Cadence tacked on. That's when I saw Shining's stare right at me. Oh, if looks could kill than I would be Kentucky fried fucked right about now. Cadence gave Shining a quick jab in the side. “None of that, you knew it was going to happen.” She said under her breath.

“I know, but that's my little sister.” He countered in a whisper.

“That's my adopted brother.” She retorted. “And haven't they proven themselves enough for you? They did wait until after estrus after all.”

“I didn't need that mental image in my head.” He groaned.

“Congrats Sugarcube.” Applejack said finally after getting over her shock.

“Yeah... so how was he?” Dash bluntly asked.

“Dash!” Twilight said turning a different shade of red to look at Dash.

“Our sex life is no ponies business. Friends or family.” I said pointedly stated looking at everypony. “That includes you Gaia.”

“Aw, can't a big sister have a little fun?” She mockingly asked.

“In this case... no.” I shot back flatly.

“Aw, you're no fun.” She gave in that fake sadness kind of way.

“So... beside me being injured, what brings you to Canterlot?” I asked.

“Well I did have to talk to both Celestia and Luna about something rather important, than I set myself sometime to really be with my little brother and his mate.” She said with a smile.

“Gaia, seriously stop with the mate bit. Twilight is my marefriend, but I doubt she likes to be referred to as my mate.” I stop.

“To be honest, it's not really a problem when it's just family and friends. Outside of it, I would.” Twilight answered.

“Oooh, does that mean I get to throw you to a finally became mates party?” Pinkie asked.

“No.” Twilight and I said in unison.

“Aww.” She said deflating a bit. I couldn't help doing a very old habit of mine with my claws. I ended up rubbing the bridge of my nose in frustration.

“Look, can we please move away from Twilight and I's love life?” I asked with a light groan to my voice.

“I believe we've hard our fun. Now Queen Gaia, what was it that you needed to discuss with us about?” Celestia asked.

“Do you mind if we find somewhere more private to talk in?” Gaia asked and I just raised my eyebrow curiously.

“Of course.” Luna commented as Luna, Celestia, and Gaia left. The rest of us just looked at each other in confusion.

“So when should we expect foals?” Cadence said.

“Cadence!” I shot back.

“Sorry, couldn't resist. At least Velvet wasn’t here.” She added and I just groan.

“Don't remind me.” I said was a hoof over my face.

“What's that suppose to mean?” Twilight said a little angry.

“Nothing.” I said looking away.

“That meant something, now what's that suppose to mean?” She said.

“I um... your mom scares the hell out of me.” I said with a slight pause before just blurting it out.

“And why is that?” She question as she hauled me into the air.

“It's because she does. Just the way she acted the last time, just really unnerved me.” I answered.

“Storm, you're a prince of Equestria. I'm sure you have more backbone in you then that.” Twilight said as she began to leave with me floating behind her involuntary.

“Backbone I have, just not the will to deal with your mother.”

“Okay so when you met her for the first time she tried to pull it off like she was hitting on you, I'll admit that. This time I'm sure she will be a lot more... toned down.” She said with a pause like she was trying to force the words out herself. I really hope she was right.


She wasn't... at all.

“So... you and my little Twily finally decided to give it the good romp in the hay?” Velvet purred. Okay, so I have dealt with my own share of nosy mother well before I came to Equestria. Velvet however took that to a whole new level.

“Mother!” Twilight said in shock. Cadence snickered with Shining trying to hold in his laughter on the sofa across from us. They beat us here by twenty minutes as we got delayed with fixing my leg wrappings again, so I wouldn't start to hurt in the middle of our visit.

“What? I can't help but hope for little grandfoals from one of my babies.” She said with a pout.

“But why does it have to be us? What about Shining and Cadance?” Twilight whined. That got the two of them to stop snickering over on the other sofa.

“Don't pin this one on us.” Shining tried to defend.

“She makes a good point. Why haven't you two given me grandfoals yet?” Velvet accusingly asked.

“We... Um.” Shining tried to say as he started to turn rather red. Cadence just simply shook her head and look directly at Velvet.

“Give it time, between royal work and running the Crystal Empire. We've had very little time to ourselves to do something other than sleep.” She explained with a smile. Okay, that was a cop out answer if I haven't heard it. Between my stay there, they spent most of their time worrying about me. Than doing any work so I knew that wasn't the case.

“I suppose that makes sense, but you two should really live a little.” Velvet said with a creepy smile to her face.

“Noted.” Shining said with a gulp.

“That out of the way, since I have both of my babies here now. Why don't we have an old family dinner together.” She said and that got both Shining and Twilight's ears to pop up.

“Are we going to have your famous lasagna?” Both Shining and Twilight said at the same time. I cocked an eyebrow, mostly out of wondering how you could have that dish without meat.

“Of course, I have it in the oven now cooking.” Velvet commented.

“Oh, yes yes yes.” Twilight said as she lightly bounced in her seat. That was caught for a moment as she stopped and turned to me. “Storm... is there lasagna on earth?” This got Velvet's to look at me curiously.

“On... earth?” She asked.

“Oh, right... I never told you.” She said giving a slight nervous chuckle. “Firestorm isn't... from Equestria... or even this planet.” She said.

“Really? So where do you come from?” Velvet asked.

“Long story short, I'm from what I have gathered another universe. One that can only be accessed through magical means. I was brought over here against my will which lead me to meet Twilight in the Ponyville hospital.” I summed up.

“Really? So, if I may ask were you a drony in your universe?” She asked as everypony else watched me. Nightlight who I think was listening in from the kitchen stepped into the room.

“No, I was something called a human. Here, I have a photo of what I use to look like before I arrived.” I said as my horn flared to life and pulled out the group photo Twilight had brought from Ponyville of me and my friends. “I'm the bottom center one in the orange shirt.” I said floating over to her. Her horn flared to life as she gently pulled it from my magic.

“Is that was humans look like?” Velvet asked.

“Yeah.” I answered quietly and it was right about then when Velvet got this look in her eyes.

“So... a star crossed lover from beyond the stars?” She said as I could see that same star eyed look that Rarity would give when her mind shipped off the land of fantasy.

“You... could say-” was all I got out of my mouth.

“I must write about it, tell me what is your world like. What were you like? Please tell me you have a dark past that-” that was all I could let her say.

“Velvet stop.” I said as my stare at her got the smile on her face to drop. Even that far away look snapped in really fast. “If you're planning to make a story about my life before Equestria, then I'm not going to let you.” Every pony in the room must have felt the mood in the room shift. From something a little lighthearted to something rather hard.

“Firestorm?” Twilight asked worriedly putting a hoof on mine.

“I... um...” This was the first time I heard Velvet stumble over her words

“Look, I... I'm just going to go. Please have fun without me.” I said getting up and leaving Twilight to have fun with her family. The door shut behind me as I left before I was shortly flanked to my left and right by two guards.

“Is there a problem your highness?” Said the one to my left, I didn't know his name and with my mood I didn't really want to know either.

“No, please lead me back to the castle. I wish to retire to my room in peace.” I requested. They nodded in silence and lead the way. Unlike getting here, we took the back alleys to avoid other ponies. We entered the castle and I was taken to my room, it was empty of other ponies. I was glad for that. “I wish not the be disturbed for a while, if that's alright.”

“As you wish your highness.” Was all that they said before posting themselves to my door. Once I shut it, I moved to shut the balcony door and lock it so I don't have some sudden fliers come in. With that I moved to the bed and laid down. I knew Twilight was going to be on my case later as we only were there for less than an hour. I just thought it was safer to leave then go off on anypony. I don't know if it was the hell I went through putting a lot of strain on my head or that I wasn't under Grimwand's spell anymore. It has got me wondering the full extent of his spells on me. From what I had figured out and was told that my magical growth was stunted. Which I don't feel any more magical than before so I doubt that fixed itself right away. Which means I'm probably going to be the least powerful of the four of us. I mean yeah I know Luna and Celestia is far above both Cadence and I magically. The feeling of being the runt of the group just didn't sit right with me. Cadence had said that I have about the same magic pool of a unicorn. How do I even gauge that? Do I just judge it by the scan Twilight did of my magic? Which I don't know how to even process that bit of information. Hell it seems like I had a mysterious extra pool of magic. Do I just try to enlarge that pool? Is there a magical pill I can take that just does 'hey increase your magical pool of magic over night or your bits back' kind of thing?

“There are magical supplements that a pony could take to help increase their pools, it's not an overnight thing.” Said the regal voice of Celestia from inside the room. I jumped as I had lost focused with my eyes closed.

“Ah!” I yelled in surprise. “How did you get in here?” All I got as a response was her pointing to her horn with a smirk on her face. “Magic... right. So what brings you to my neck of the castle?” I asked.

“I wanted to check up on you after I heard you shortly returned from your trip to the Sparkle residents alone. I thought Twilight would be with you.” She asked and I could see the hint of worry there.

“Things got a little too personal for me and I decided to return to the Castle to avoid an incident.” I answered.


“Velvet from I could gather wanted details of my life before coming to Equestria for a book, which I really didn't want to supply.” I went back to laying down on the bed as I were.

“If I may ask the reason?” She asked eyeing me.

“To be honest, I don't want my past told as some story by another pony. Especially stuff I haven't shared with anypony here.” I answered.

“Ah... you’d rather do the telling because you experienced it.” She said.

“Just feels like the right thing to me.”

“Understandable, but if I may ask about your thought about magical supplements?” She asked.

“I guess I glossed over that bit when I told you about what Grimwand did to me.” I said getting up and moving off the bed to join Celestia at the table.

“I know you told me he used his magic to affect your mind.” She said.

“More then that, if you have noticed that compared to all of us. I'm the one with the weakest magic.” I started.

“I have noticed that as well as Twilight sent me the scan of your magic. I admit the third magic pool does puzzle me.” She said.

“Likewise, but the reason my pool is so much smaller is because Grimwand was magically suppressing my magical development. I just don't know what to really make of it.” I explained as I just felt mentally tired once again.

“There has been many studies about the subject. There isn't really much a pony could do to fix the missing magic you would have had, but like Luna and myself have increased our magical pool by the raising and setting of our respective celestial bodies.” She said coming over and placing one of her much larger wings around me. “The only thing I could suggest is trying to raise or set either one of them more often.” She could see the visible shudder that shot through me.

“No thanks, I don't think I could stand to another one of those headaches from the first try.” I said already getting a throb remembering it.

“Understandable, it's always an option when you need it.”

“Thank you Celestia.” There was a bit of silence between us and I question popped into my head I had to ask. “If I may ask, what are your thoughts on all this?”

“All this?”

“Well... everything pertaining to what I have done, and with Grimwand's involvement.” She sat there for a little bit, which made me worry as I knew she didn't fully trust me. So I figured she must be choosing her words wisely.

“If I were to be honest, I think you have had far more strife in your short life than anypony in a lifetime. Strife that you neither wanted or needed. You were tossed into this life with no hoof to guide you. I'm equal parts amazed and ashamed about how this all transpired. The events with Grimwand shouldn't have transpired like they did and I should have made sure he was fully dealt with.” There was a hardness to her voice that I couldn't tell if I should interject or not. She remained that way for a little bit before her features softened. “But what amazes me is you Firestorm, or would you prefer Ryhn?”

“Firestorm is fine, I think I'll keep Ryhn a secret for the time being.” I answered.

“Understandable, as I was saying that you have surprised me many times over. I've seen ponies break from the abuse you've been put through. It honestly boggles me that you have been able to survive so much.” She said as her magenta eyes slide down to look at me.

“I was always a stubborn one.” I said with a light smile.

“Be that as it may, I have been meaning to ask you something. Are you alright?” She asked looking worried.

“Alright in a general sense, or a more with me directly?” I asked.

“Are you alright with everything that has happened?” She clarified.

“To be honest... no. I'm still reeling from the nightmare and the details about my... I guess birth would be the right saying. To find out that this body was created like a sick science experiment doesn't sit well. Then finding out that my magical growth was stunted. Which I don't know if it really is a big deal in the long run. I get the whole being stunted means that for an 'all powerful alicorn' that I should be able to do many things. Which I can, I mean I can cast spells that hell I can learn after maybe a few reads of the spell. I fling them like Twilight, or you, or just about any other pony with a horn. So I don't see the big deal on that. Plus I have time on my side so I don't have to worry about development for less than a year of life. Then having my first guard and now that well... Twilight and I have... you know. I feel like I need to step up.” I started to rant.

“Step up?”

“Take responsibility and make Twilight an honest mare. I know the earth meaning for that but Equestria has had some difference from earth, so that meaning could be different here.” I explained to her as I let my hoof run in circles on the table.

“I believe it means marriage and having a family.” Celestia said and I nodded quietly.

“I hoped as much. I'm not opposed to the idea of marrying Twilight. I just know how much that would put on Twilight. Plus with her plans, I feel like it would just get in the way.”

“Storm, I do believe your a good stallion. Maybe a little... what's the word I'm looking for.”

“Stupid, short sighted, damage prone, crazy, naive, overly critical-” I began to list before cut off.

“More the third, fifth, and the last one. I was originally going to say that you over stress yourself with the smaller details.” She said putting a hoof on my shoulder. “Why don't you just take sometime to just relax. Don't worry about the guards, marriage, or your magical development. Normally I would say that last one would be important, but as I have explained that is easily fixed.”

“Easier said than done. I suppose you're right, the guard part has already started anyway.” I said with a slump of my head.

“I heard something about that from Luna, care to explain?” She asked.

“Nightling asked for a transfer into being my guard captain. Honestly I trust her a lot more then most of the guards I've seen. Both from the cave in incident as well as personal interactions with her. I know she's very skilled in combat. So a lot of my worry is put at ease.”

“How so?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I know Nightling will do her best and I can judge the skills she has from her actions. As well as I took a look at her file directly. She is a pony I can trust to protect me and those I care about. I'm not going to say all of my worry is gone. She is only one pony after all and everypony needs sleep to recover at some point. Some of us take longer to it to that point then others, but it still stands to reason. I will need more guards. The whole finding a place for them that doesn't seem intrusive to both Twilight and I, as well to those of Ponyville. Not counting the possible awkward moments that I could see happen.” Turning my head a little bit to pop it a little from a little stiffness that worked it's way in.

“I can see that be an issue. As for a place for them to stay, we will be sending ponies to build a barracks in town where the more military aspects are well hidden from the town's ponies. So it won't bother the ponies there. You will have ponies on guard at any hour of the night. If you're worried about them intruding on a private moment between you and Twilight. Trust me on this, I've already taught Twilight the way around that.” She said with a slight wink at the end and I couldn't help, but turn red at this.

“Oh god Celestia, you can be really bad at times.” I said with a light laugh as I was still pretty red in the face.

“A mare's got to have her fun somewhere.” She said.

“I can agree to that, especially a princess right miss duchess of deviousness.” I said with a smirk.

“Oh, that's a good one. I'm going to have to remember that.” She said with a laugh.

“Yeah, I have a few good ones for Twilight. Probably won't use them, but old habits die hard right?” I said as I couldn't help, but laugh as well.

“You've got to tell me at least a few.” She almost begged.

“What if Twilight gets back in the middle of them? I could be in big trouble with her.” I said as I was a little serious as I was still chuckling a bit.

“Don't worry, I'll explain it was my idea. I'm sure she won't be that upset about it.” She said with a smile using her wing to hug me.

“If you're sure.” Celestia nodded with a smile. “Alright, but if things go south it's your flank on the line.” I took a small pause for dramatic effect, probably a little uncalled for. Didn't mean I couldn't do it right? “Well let's see we have the duchess of dictionaries, the empress of the encyclopedia, the lady of the library, and a few others I could think off.” After the first one Celestia couldn't keep a straight face.

“I admit some of those are pretty good.” She said after a few moments of her laughing. We shared a few more laughs before we could compose ourselves enough to talk again. During that time a question struck me.

“Can I ask some thing that I had just remembered to ask about?” She simply nodded at this. “I told you everything that had happened during the coma. What happened on this side to me?” I had to ask. The look on Celestia's face dropped a little.

“After I had cast the sleeping spell on you. You were in surgery to fix your legs and wings. What we were told that your legs were massively damaged and a lot of magic had to be used to mend them.”

“Yeah, but I get the feeling that beyond the sensitive nerves and fixed wing more happened that wasn't expected.” I said looking at her. She simply nodded at this taking in a deep breath.

“You are correct, other issues did arise. Beyond what we have told you, you had given us quite a few scares. Especially when your pulse suddenly dropped on us. Twilight never moved from your side after that. I have never seen Twilight like that before.” She started as I could just feel the sadness in her voice.

“That must have when Grimwand tried to kill me with the bullet.” I speculated out loud.

“Bullet?” She asked.

“A smaller and much faster arrow in concept, it shot right through me in the dream.” She cringed a little at that.

“How did-”

“How did I survive? Partly from dumb luck, and from augmenting a shield spell around my soul like I said before.” I explained as I cringed a little myself. “But being just a soul for a little bit wasn't comforting.”

“Being just a soul?” She asked eyeing me.

“Yeah, I couldn't really protect my body only my soul. So I did technically die in the dream.” This got Celestia to look a little worried at me.

“What was it like?” She asked.

“At first it's painful, since mine was by bullet. That was followed by the cold washing over me as the world faded into a well of an abyssal blackness. It felt like years even though it must have been seconds to that I was lost in that void. Until this little light appeared like a star in the night or maybe I should say a lighthouse in the blanked mist. I felt myself swimming to it until I saw the dreamscape again. Just bigger as I was just a small child or foal seeing it for the first time. Beyond the whole floating feeling I just couldn't help, but be scared as I had thought my spell failed and it was my end.” Towards the end of that I couldn't help my voice from shaking a bit. Just the memory of that left me a little cold inside.

“I can't even imagine how that would feel.” She said as her wing brought me closer to her.

“I don't think anypony should really feel that. Just facing your ending twice in a row. The only saving grace was that the spell did work just not in the way I thought.” As I spoke, I couldn't help be relive those moments in my head. “Watching the magic as it flew at me, it engulfed me for only a few moments as I thought it was the end. I couldn't help but think about Twilight as it did.” Celestia had remained silent as I talked. She probably thought it was best not to interrupt me as I really talked about what happened to her. “You know they say in stories that you see your life flash before your eyes as you are seconds away from death. Either time, it didn't happen. The first was just darkness and the second all I could think about was Twilight. No memory of my lives, no second of insight of my past, and no moment to wrap it up in a nice little bow. When the magic washed around me I just was left there waiting for the end. Maybe the white void, maybe oblivion... I don't know. After it all I could just see a confused Grimwand before he tried over and over again. All until he knocked me right into one of the dream orb's he made from my nightmares. After that... it's going to sound corny, but I felt so much energy within me again. Like I was alive and could do anything. Maybe it was that sudden moment, but I just knew what I had to do.” I said with a light laugh at the end. Celestia remained silent for a while after that, as well as I. The only thing the really broke the silence was a third voice in the room.

“So Grimwand is truly no more?” the voice said as both Celestia and I turned to see Gaia at the door, with both of my guards floating in the air with their muzzles shut.

“Will you please put my little ponies down.” Celestia said.

“They told me I couldn't enter my brother's room.” She said as she sat the guards down.

“We were under orders not to let anypony in Queen Gaia.” The guard to her left said.

“It's alright, you two may stand down. Go and just watch the door. If Twilight shows up before the three of us are done talking. Please tell her to knock before she enters.” I ordered as the both nodded, saluted, and left. “As to answer your question, yes Grimwand has been dealt with and he won't but an issue anymore.” I said quietly.

“How did it happen?” Gaia asked as she trotted over to us. She sat across from Celestia and I at the table. So, I talked and explained the fight in my dreamscape. I was leading up to the final moments with him. I added in the context of Shadow and a sum up of why he's around. Shadow didn't say anything during that time as I knew he was listening in. When I finally told her what I did to him, she went silent for a few moments. Her face was a stoic mask of emotions. My gaze had dropped slowly to my prosthetic hoof as I flexed my claws on it. Watching each little finger bend and straighten.

“I'm not going to apologize for doing what I had to do to end this nightmare.” I said quietly.

“I wouldn't ask that of you.” Gaia commented quietly then paused as I looked up at her. “There is a level of understanding there that I couldn't understand myself. “If anything, I would have done the same thing in your hooves.” Celestia looked over at her as well.

“The more I think about it, the more I would have if I could.” Celestia said.

“But it is over and our demons need to rest.” I said with a light sigh.

“You are correct.” Gaia said as with a flick of magic a box appeared before us on the table. It looked like a simple long rectangular black box. “This is something we have thought you should be part of.”

“We?” I asked looking at Gaia before turning back to Celestia for a moment.

“No, our brothers and I have decided.” She explained. “After you left, our fourth brother came to me himself.”

“Really? Who is he?” I asked.

“The only thing I can tell you is that he goes by the name Hermit. He requested that he would leave the introductions to when he met you himself. We contacted our brother in the Dragon Kingdom and we have agreed to share something that was originally between the three of us. This here is from Hermit.” She said as her horn lit up and undid the box. Inside was a large knife, the scabbard of it was interesting. It was made to more look an old wizard's staff with a curved hand guard, well I suppose I should call it a more hoof or mouth guard. That being said I magically pulled it out of the box and floated before me. With a pull of the straight handle, I found out it was a Kris.

“A Kris?” I asked looking at the design on the pamer of the cobalt blue blade. It looked like some kind of old writing that I have seen somewhere before, but I couldn’t place it. The etching of the blade reminded me of moving water in a river. Just seeing as the grains bend and turn with each curve of the serpentine blade.

“Oh you're familiar with the design?” Gaia asked.

“I told you.” Celestia chimed in.

“Yes, I know quite a lot about tools like these.” I said.

“Tools?” Gaia asked.

“Tools, weapons whatever you wish to call them, but yes I am aware of it. The three parts of a Kris dagger is the blade which is called a bilah or wilah, the hulu or hilt, and finally the warangka or sheath.” I started to explain and all I can say is thank you internet searches on very boring nights. You end up learning the weirdest, but interesting things online. The two of them gave me a curious glance.

“Okay, that's news to me.” Gaia commented with a look of confusion.

“Yeah... you end up learning a lot when your bored as hell, but that's not the point of this. If I may ask, why did Hermit want me to have a Kris dagger?” I asked looking over to my sister.

“He wasn't the only one to give you something. I have a gift as well.” She said pulling out a second dagger. This one more reminded me of a dagger right out of an Arabian themed game. Instead of a blue cobalt blade like the other one, the blade of this one was a forest green. Something didn't seem right, and I was having a hard time connecting the dots. The handle of this one was golden in color but it didn't have the right feel to it. I knew gold was a metal that is easily dented, but this one felt much harder. “As you can tell these aren't made out of normal materials.”

“Yeah, its... odd.” I said looking them over I noticed something else on the Arabian dagger that besides the fang like blade that pressed into the metal was what looked like branches.

“The blades of the daggers were made with scales mixed into the metal during the forging process.” She said and it finally dinged into my head.

“You put your scales into these?” I asked.

“Yes, Hermit gave a few of his scales for his dagger. I did as well for mine for you. We have this tradition between the three of us, now four. That we would each carry a weapon made from the scales of the others. Since you're the newest member of the family you would have to be in this tradition as well.” She explained.

“Does that mean you would have to pull scales out?” I asked.

“That's not a problem.” Celestia interrupted as we both looked over to her.

“What?” I asked.

“Part way through your treatment you transformed and a lot of your scales had to be removed. Which we found out takes patches of your fur with it when you reverted back. So we have a bunch of your scales already.” She commented.

“That's oddly convenient.” I commented.

“Yeah that tends to happen a lot more often when you're a drony. Removed scales stay as scales when they are removed. Fur is much the same way, but the difference here is you can remove fur and still have scales there. Just not the other way around.” Gaia commented.

“So these are from Hermit and you. What about-” I began to ask.

“Our other brother's gift?” I nodded to this. “He plans to give it to you sometime after he has sent word to you to come visit him. I will take your scales with me unless you want them to be forged here in Canterlot.”

“I wouldn't know what you prefer as a weapon so I can agree for you to take most of my scales.” I said.

“Most?” Both Celestia and Gaia asked.

“Yes, most. I want a few left here since I now know that dragon scales can be forged with metal. I want to have something made for Twilight with my scales as a personal gift from me. I already gave her a feather from my wing, but that's something that can't really go out in public without a worry of it being blown away. But a necklace made from one of my scales is a different matter altogether.” I said.

“What did you have in mind?” Celestia asked and all I could do was smile.


Several hours have passed in which Gaia explained a little bit more behind the reason why we as Sha's kids had the tradition. Each of us are pretty well spread apart, so this was a way to keep the family together. So the items are geared to that matter. I found out that Hermit keeps the scales whole together in a necklace form, Gaia has the scales turned into short swords that she uses and had one of her scales added in so she keeps three swords near by. She even had them with her for this trip. All of them were pretty simple in design, with just closer to just the same pattern repeated all but colors. Blue, green and black blames if you added mine then she would have four swords all together. That being said I had asked about Hermit, but all I got was that he will tell me himself. Even to the point that I couldn't ask what he looks like. Great, just fucking great. I had to be 'born' into a family that likes dramatic reveals.

So after that conversation the royal blacksmith was summoned to my room so I could discuss something with him. Two of my scales was set aside for him as I drew him a rough sketch of what I wanted made. After I had put in my request, I made sure that it would be delivered directly to me. Couldn’t have Twilight find out about it ahead of time right? Speaking of the lavender mare, she finally showed up after a few more hours with Velvet in tow. I only watched in silence as they came in. Celestia and Gaia took note of the mood of the room and left under the guise of a game of chess. Twilight came and set next to me while Velvet sat across from the two of us. It seems today was going to be the soul to soul talk.

“How are you feeling Storm?” Twilight asked as she leaned into me as I placed my wing around her.

“Better, I suppose.” I answered and Twilight looked at me quietly, followed by her nodding.

“I should have guessed.” I only looked at her a little confused. “To be honest I should have gone after you when you left.”

“Twilight, it's fine. You needed time to visit your family, I get it.” I said.

“Storm, they are just as much your family.” She commented, and I knew she meant through Cadence's marriage to Shining Armor.

“She's right.” Velvet cut in. “I want to apologize for what I did.” She continued as I noticed her ears were flattened back.

“Velvet, it's alright-”

“No it wasn't.” Velvet said cutting me off. “I really wanted to know something I had no right to ask you about. I didn't realize how bad of a mistake I had made until after Twilight had explained what she knew of it. Even she kept it very vague so she wouldn't violate your trust in her.” She said and I could hear the remorse in her voice. So she was either a very good actor or she was speaking the truth. I really hoped it was the latter.

“Truth is Velvet, I don't like my history told by anypony, but myself. I trust Twilight to tell only what was needed. That being said, I shouldn't have acted like I did. That was wrong of me and I apologize for that.” The look on both of their faces said it all, 'what are you talking about?' “I shouldn't have just left like I did, I should have explained why I didn't want to tell you. In the end I just ran from it and that's what I did wrong.”

“Firestorm no pony blames you for that. Everypony has things they don't want to talk about and just want to escape from it.” Twilight said.

“That may be true Twilight, but I want to be better then the person that I was on earth. Which means I shouldn't run from things that make me uncomfortable.” I said quietly before taking a deep breath. “I am willing to tell you what I feel is the needed context, only if your not going to use it for a story. I can deal with being the subject of a romance story, just not one that has too many true facts about my past.” She looked at me quietly.

“Only if you feel comfortable with sharing.” Velvet commented, and that's what I did. I told her a very short hand version of what I have told Twilight. My telling of the history added a lot more than I probably should have said but I told Twilight at the same time some of the more details involving Grimwand and myself. I told her about why I was so short on the magical scale. Twilight was understandably surprised at this and a little worried for me, but I told her that it was fine. I didn't need to really be the strongest magically. I wasn't power hungry and I didn't want to be. After I was done, Velvet just looked at me quietly as Twilight just stayed pressed into my side with my wing covering her. With my chin gently resting on her forehead we just sat there silently. “I can understand now why you don't want this in a story told by anypony else. I'm sorry that all that has happened to you, but I'm glad you found somepony that understands you. Twilight dear you're one lucky mare to find a stallion like him.” Twilight turned to look at her mother more. “They are a rare breed Twilight.”

“I know mom, I don't know what I would do without him.” She said and I will admit it made me feel a lot better then I had been since the whole Grimwand nightmare.

“Storm, if I may ask. Is there anything I can do to make what I did up to you?” Velvet asked.

“You took the time to listen and understand, so you've done enough.” I said.

“That is the corniest thing I have ever heard, but I understand.” She said with a light smile. After a few moments I noticed her horn light up as a container was pulled out of nowhere. “You left before we could have dinner so I made sure to bring some with us. I mean I can't have my soon to be son-in-law go hungry.” She said with a light smile. That was when my belly decided to remind me I hadn't ate since lunch.

“I do believe that ends that point” Twilight said as she brought me a fork.

“I can't eat in front of you two, that would be rude.” I started to protest. Of course they had to one up me by bringing out two more containers with forks. “Okay touche and well played.”

“We thought ahead so we both didn't have our fill with dinner so we could share a meal together.” Twilight commented.

“Quite clever I have to say.” I said with a smile as I gave Twilight a kiss on the cheek. Velvet watched Twilight and I just interacted with each other. It was just nice to hold Twilight like that.

“Can I ask you two something?” Velvet asked.

“Sure.” I said with a shrug.

“So when are you two going to tie the knot?” She said out right seriously and just from the whole side swipe of topics, I just lost it. Twilight looked at her mother in shock, followed by at me for falling to the ground laughing.

“Mother!” She said when she could find her voice. “Storm this isn't the time to be laughing!”

“It's the perfect moment for it. Seriously, I needed the laugh after the nightmare I had to deal with.” I said through the tail end of my laughter.

“Be that as it may, why does it matter if I get married mother?” Twilight said as it looks like she was getting a little manic at this.

“Well Twilight dear, your brother is married and you found your own prince.” She started.

“May I interject for a moment?” I said still smiling a bit, they both looked at me a little confused. Twilight being more on the stressed side of it. “I think I get why, she wants to make sure that you have a happy and full life. Finding the one you would want to settle down with. She's only using Shining and Cadence as an example because they found it. So she just wants that for you too.”

“That was very perceptive of you. How did you know?” Velvet asked.

“Honestly, I have read my share of romance stories and it comes up a lot more than anypony thinks. I've also been around enough 'ponies' with that being the case. So you pick up a lot of things.” I answered with a smile.

“Be that as it may, he is correct. I just want the best for you Twilight. That and I want grandfoals that I could spoil.” She said with a smile and both Velvet and I gave a few chuckles.

“But mother, I still have plenty of time for things like that. We have been only dating for a few months at the most, so marriage hasn't even been a thought to either of us.” Twilight said trying to plead her case.

“Speak for yourself Twilight.” I said as I rubbed the end of my nose with my hoof.

“You've seriously thought about it?” Twilight asked as she turned to me a little surprised.

“Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't over think about everything and with our relationship being one of the thoughts that been taking high priority.” I said.

“Point made, but you haven't made any sign of proposing or anything.” She said, and I could get the feeling she was trying to understand why I would bring this up now. If the current conversation wasn't reason enough.

“Truth being told I would like to, but with everything going on. I just don't think it would be the right time. After the tunnel collapse and all the attacks. It wouldn't be right to add a wedding to the top of that. I plan to ask you at one point, but it's only when we both are ready for it. You still want to learn more about magic and I just want to get use to everything here in Equestria since I have only been here for less than a year.” I said bringing her in close with my wing. “But if you want this, then let me know. I just want to make sure your happy.”

“Firestorm, that has to be the most corniest thing I have ever heard from anypony and my mother is a romance author so I've heard some pretty bad ones.” Twilight said.

“Hey, I resent that statement.” Velvet said looking a little annoyed by that.

“Mother I've read 'The Storming Twilight.' the whole line about his scaled wings was pretty bad.” She said with a smile.

“Well excuse me Twilight, I do take pride in my work.” She said crossing her forelegs.

“As any good author should.” I commented.

“See your coltfriend gets it.” She said pointing her hooves at me.

“You're not going to take my side on this?” Twilight said a little annoyed now.

“What can I say? An artist can defend art in any form. A musician can defend painter or an author for the pride one can take.” I said standing my ground on this one.

“I take it you write then?” Velvet said.

“Short stories at most, sometimes I just write a snip it or scene that gets stuck in my head for a while. Nothing big named to be honest.” I answered.

“Wait... I never knew you wrote?” Twilight commented.

“Really? I thought I told you that?” I said turning to her.

“No, you've told me you dabble in a lot of things from drawing to fashion designs.” She said.

“Well... writing was one of the things I dabbled in.”

“What kind of writing if I may ask?” Velvet asked.

“Different subjects, I enjoy a lot of different things. I was always good with darker subjects or material. Like the nightmares I would have, some of them stuck with me so much that I had to write them down to really get through them.” I explained.

“Do... do you still have those... stories?” Twilight asked.

“Most of them to be honest. I put them on my tablet so if I needed something to look back to, I could.” I said and that got Twilight's ears to shoot up after they had remained flattened back for a while. Her horn lit up in a mere moments and a very familiar lavender covered device began to float out of her saddlebags. Honestly I haven't seen this thing in a long time. I used my claws to carefully pluck the device from Twilight's magic. With a flick of my hoof the little flap cover flipped over and I held the power button. As the screen came to life I saw my old little load screen that took me forever to figure out how to install. I watched a little tribal flame draw itself in and fill with color before my old home screen showed up. Twilight watched closely as I took the modified stylus I made for the tablet. Kind of surprised a few people when I took a rubber glove, a stick, one of my knives and made myself the stylus I prefer. All because the screen wasn't one of those dual touch layer screens so I couldn't use a hard stylus. This also meant that my hoof and claws were out when it comes to controlling it. With a few quick taps and a swipe or two, my library of books opened up. All filed by genre, author, and title. “Here you go Twilight. My complete library of books.” The look on her face was priceless, as I had over a few thousand books there from old textbooks I had in school as reference material for stories.

“Wow, how are all these books in such a small device?” She asked.

“Well humans have this habit to make sure we have so much information in a hoof’s reach. It got to the point that we could connect to something we called the internet almost anywhere if you needed to know the weather or the latest news. I mostly used it for music and stories to read.” I commented.

“Music?” Velvet and Twilight asked at the same time. With a few quick taps and swipes, I turned on my classical playlist with it starting with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata with the sounds of the ocean behind it.

“Oh wow.” Twilight exclaimed as she listened to the file I had playing. “and this is only a fraction of what humans made?”

“Eeyup. Humans have this notion of building and creating things for leisure as well as work.”

“What else can it do?” She asked with that look like she wouldn't be satisfied without knowing it all. So I decided to start simple and place the tablet between me and her with the back pointed up at her. She heard the click of what sounded like a camera as one of her ears flopped down in confusion. They both shot up when I flicked it over to show her the picture I took of her. That's how things went as I showed Twilight and Velvet all that my tablet could do, even to the point I showed them some of the art I had loaded onto it. Granted not all of it as some of it was what I would consider not safe for ponies with guns and things of that nature. Of course I also made sure to steer clear of more private things as well. Of course that didn't stop Twilight from wanting to see 'everything'. Lucky for me that I side tracked her with the movies that I had on there. I started with a good musical one to draw their attention away from other things. Also since the screen was still pretty small considering that I am smaller than I was. Twilight used a spell on the tablet without a warning to project the movie onto one of the walls. So the three of us sat there and ate while the movie played.

It was after a few movies when there was a knock at the door with Luna, Celestia, Gaia, Cadence, and Shining Armor standing there looking a little worried as it was time. Time for me to see my mother's grave...

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 33 - Visits and Revisits

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Something you wouldn't really know about Canterlot is that some of the most important ponies got a special place to rest when they passed on. Not the same as those 'important' ponies of the royal sense, but more those that either do something great or those that die in the line of duty. This place was in the mountain under the crystal mine. To make sure no pony could break into the place by mining, the walls around the royal graveyard had specially treated stone. It was close to black granite in coloration, but you could see the magic as it rippled through the stone. The only real difference between black granite and the stone used to encase this graveyard was the way the colors shifted. So it looked like a bunch of moving stars when you looked at it from afar. Celestia and Luna both lead the way down the set of stairs to the far end of the graveyard where unlike the mausoleums and larger graves with stone covers. In the back hard more statues over the grave as there tombstones. Just from the history books Twilight had shared with me, I could see who laid here.

I was made familiar with the hearths warming story that Twilight told me she played a role in. It was the very role she played was who I came to see. Each stone was made to look like the ponies were just turned to stone. Clover's tombstone was her with a book strapped to her side just barely viewable from under her stone cloak as she looked like she was ready to face anything. My mind couldn't help, but wonder if Clover would approve of having a child. I knew she never had a child in her life as she just wasn't able to give birth to one. There wasn't much said to the reason this was the case in the history books, but that didn't really matter now did it? For maybe the first time I set the flowers that I had picked out myself at her grave with my mouth instead of my magic or hoof before, I sat a few feet away from her resting spot. On the way Celestia had explained that her tomb was disturbed, but she had put it right before our visit. I sat there silently alone as the rest of them stayed back so I could have this moment to myself.

“He-” I had a hard time getting the words out of my mouth. “Hello... mother.” I said to her grave and I had been put in a very odd place that I was calling the grave of a pony I didn't even know my mother. I just sat there and asked myself what if questions the whole time. I knew Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were all listening into my personal thoughts, as I didn't care if anypony heard them at all. What was I supposed to do with the fact that I was the child of a pony that died hundreds of years ago? No pony would believe me, as I had already reported that I became a dralicorn above Ponyville. Hell I became a drony at the same time. “I... I don't know...”

“Storm?” A voice said behind me and it was Cadence who walked up. She sat down next to me and placed her wing around me. “It's alright, I didn't know my real parents either.” I turned to look at her a little surprised. “I was a foal when I was adopted into a small family. I didn't have much care growing up as I only knew my adopted parents as my real parents. It wasn't until their passing while I was still at a young age that I learned that I was adopted.” She continued sharing this insight.

“But...” was all I could will myself to say.

“It's alright.” She said as she leaned gently into me. “Even now I still wonder about who they were and what would they think of their daughter now. So I know how that feels Storm.” The heartfelt tenderness in her voice made me completely lose my composure and I just cried. Silent tears that just had been waiting to come out after all this time. Cadence gently rested her head against mine as I felt another pony lean against my other side. I glanced over to see Twilight there as she too leaned into me. I placed my wing around her as she wanted to comfort me. Times like these my mind likes to draw away from what is happening in front of me and remind me of a quote.

“Robert Kennedy once said 'Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live.'” I said as I couldn't help myself anymore. Cadence and Twilight pulled back for a moment to look at me. “Sorry, my mind decided to remind me of the quote.”

“It's alright Storm, if it helps you feel better, than by all means quote away.” Cadence said, and I shook my head.

“No, just... I don't want to. One is enough for now.” I said.

“If it's any consolation, I'm sure Clover would have been proud to have you as her son.” Celestia said from behind us. We turned to see Celestia and Luna a lot closer than they were as they moved to comfort us.

“Do you really think so?” I asked looking back at Clover's grave.

“She had always wanted a son, so he could live in the bright future she help set for everypony. You help fulfill that wish, so yes.” Celestia said.

“She spoke many times about wanting a son to help guide him down his dreams.” Luna spoke as she sat next to Twilight.

“I'm sure she would be happy to have been there to meet you Storm” Gaia added in as she came closer and sat behind me. She placed her hooves on my shoulders to give me a hug as best she could.

“Did you get to meet her Gaia?” I asked.

“No, but I have read a lot about her. Besides helping Equestria she helped many other countries as well. She gave the means for Saddle Arabia to have plants that would survive more in the harsh clement.” She explained.

“She also helped conduct peace treaties with many races like the Minotaurs and as well as the merponies.” Luna added.

“Just... how am I supposed to process this?” I asked as I looked at her grave. Out of all of us, Shining was the only one that didn't add any words of wisdom to this conversation. He just came by and sat by his wife as all of us just sat there. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such an emotional pony, to be honest this shouldn't have affected me as much as it did. An hour passed before I asked for everypony, but Twilight to give me a few minutes. Twilight tried to give me some space. It's kind of hard to do that when you have a large wing of your coltfriend wrapped around you. “Twilight can I ask you something?”

“Sure Storm, what is it?” She asked looking over at me.

“I've been doing a lot of thinking since the incident with Grimwand, to be honest I have been thinking of things since before that.” I started.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.

“Yes and no, but I don't want secrets between us. Well no major ones at least, I mean the whole private party kind of secrets are fine. Just... I guess besides the whole dark one which I've done very little research on. The only thing I could was a small piece of a much larger puzzle.” I began to explain, it was a bit odd talking about this issue in front of my mother's grave.

“What was the piece?” Twilight asked as I could already see the gears in her mind turning.

“Well that's the thing, I don't know. It was some very old markings that look incomplete.” I explained.

“Incomplete, how?”

“Well like I said, it's a piece to a much larger puzzle. In a literal way.” I explained.

“Hmm... mind if I help you with this?”

“I would welcome it, but the problem is I don't know if you can see it. The books from what I gather only translate themselves for who ever is tied to them.”

“I wonder if a translation spell would work on them.” Twilight theorized out loud.

“Possible, but let's do that once we are back in Ponyville. I just need a break from crazy for a while.” I said as I slumped a bit.

“It's alright Storm, I understand. What was the other stuff on your mind?” She asked.

“I guess at the core of everything in my thoughts is the future.” I said looking up at the statue of Clover.

“The future?” She asked.

“Yeah... through everything I talk about either it being pessimistic, cynical, or just in hopeful nature. I always wonder about what's going to happen next and I worry.” I said as I just looked into the statue’s eyes.

“What are you worried about?” She asked.

“Well... everything, I worry that I'm not doing the right thing. Am I just as closed in as I was on earth? I worry about our future together and will it be good or bad. Well this happen or will that.” I said as a solemn tone struck my voice.

“Storm, is the whole idea of marriage one of those things?” She asked.

“Yeah...” was my only answer.

“Storm...” she started and stopped for a few moments before taking a deep breath. “Truth be told I have thought about it myself. I worry that I'm not going to be good enough myself. That I won't do the right thing.” She said and I brought her closer.

“Twilight, I highly doubt you could ever do the wrong thing.” I said.

“But I already have. I intruded many times into your personal space. I've looked through your things just so I could learn more about you. More than what you've told me Storm. I feel like I've only scratched the surface of who you are. You've worn your emotions on your sleeves and I worry that I may do something that will just rip them away from you.” She said as she leaned in. Once again I brought her as close as I could and gently rested my chin on her head since I couldn't do much else to comfort her physically.

“Twilight, a lot of what I have told you is more then I tell other ponies.”

“I know, and I appreciate that. I also know that you don't like to let ponies in. You share with the princesses as well as the girls stuff that they need to know for context.” She said quietly.

“Yeah... and I know I can come across a little guarded. Like the whole being used thing being a very sore subject with me.” I said.

“Storm anypony would be in your place. Rarity hasn't really done anything lately to do that and she admits that she's worried that you hate her for her impulsive moments.” She said and I knew she was worried.

“I may look like I'm angry, but truth is. They do make things lively for us. Each one of the girls really does add to the whole picture and I don't want to mess with that.”

“Mess with that?”

“I can't help but feel like I'm intrusive myself with you and the girls.” I said gently scratching the back of my head with my claws.

“What? No, no, no. Storm you haven't intruded between the girls and I. Honestly I think we've been closer than ever.” I looked at her a little closer.

“Well... Rarity and I always had the fact that we both are unicorns in common, but not really a lot beyond that. If I am being a little bold here, I've been going to her for relationship advice. As you can tell I'm pretty new to this whole having a special somepony thing.” She said with a sheepish smile.

“I get it Twilight, I've had to go to Celestia and Luna with the same thing.” This got Twilight to blush a little.

“I can't believe you've gone to them about... us.” She said.

“I still can't believe my sister decided to drop the mate bomb on us.” I said.

“Yeah, admittedly that was very uncomfortable.” She said turning as red as I have gotten.

“Trust me, if you had to deal with my family on earth. It would have been so much worse.” I said a little jokingly.

“I remember you saying your family teased you about being...” She trailed off.

“Yeah...” I said as my little chipper mood just suddenly tanked.

“What's wrong?” She asked looking worried.

“I... I just miss them...” I said with dejection in my voice.

“I'm sorry.” She said. For a while after that the two of us sat there before I was able to will myself to do what I wanted to. Twilight supported me with this as she knew it was something I needed to do. To Clover's grave I introduced myself and told it things about me. I knew it was silly, but it was something I needed. Both Cadence, Gaia, and Shining stayed behind while Celestia and Luna had to leave. It seems Blueblood 'needed' attention again, and those weren't my words this time. So the group of the five of us left through the secret passageway and ending up in the private office behind the throne room. From there we went to relax in the garden. A place I haven't seen much of yet, beyond outside my window here. It also seemed that they had planned for a picnic here as Cadence pulled a basket and checkered blanket out of thin air. Somepony is going to have to teach me that spell or show me how. Of course that still wouldn't explain Pinkies power of doing the same thing. Once everything was set out we sat down to relax.

“So Firestorm, have you put any thoughts to what you plan to do?” Shining asked.

“What I plan to do?” I asked, more for clarification then anything else.

“Well, from what I gather your biggest issue has been dealt with. So you have more time to do what you want. You know hobbies and such.” He explained.

“I suppose that's true.” I said not really sure how to answer that scratching the back of my head.

“Come to think about it, that is a very good question. What do you plan to do with your free time?” Twilight asked.

“To be honest... I kind of had this whole idea... nothing serious mind you. Kind of like a dream goal, that I've had since I was a kid. The problem was back where I was from, there wasn't a way to do it.” I said.

“Well, quit beating around the bush and spit it out.” Shining said using his hooves to gesture, much like how I was doing it with mine.

“You need the context.” I said with a smile.

“Do we really?” Shining said with a roll of his eyes.

“Context is everything, a good villain in the story isn't one that just does it for evil sake. No, a good villain as a valid reason. His method may not be, but his reasoning is sound. A good scientist has his reasons too, some of them may be silly. It's the context that makes them have purpose. So yes, context was needed. So let me lay some more on you.” I said and this got Shining to groan a bit.

“Oh hush, I sat through all your roleplaying stories from high school. You can suffer a little monologuing for your answer.” Cadence said and I snickered a little at that.

“Thank you.” I said apparently.

“Oh don't thank me yet, I would suggest getting to the point a little faster.” She said with a smile that just all screamed 'hurry up or you will regret it'.

“Right, so as a child I was into a lot of sci-fi and fantasy stories. From a mixture of a ship exploring space to a group of heroes traveling around for the greater good. Well, these kind of things got me big into both technology and magic. Also mythology if you want to split hairs a bit. Anyway, I've always wanted to mix the both of them.” I explained.

“But technology here in Equestria does that very thing.” Twilight said.

“I know and it fascinates the living hell out of me. To the point I want to get in on it too, I want to start with things I'm familiar with that I think could help ponies. It's just I know what they are suppose to do. Just not how that will translate into making it myself.” I began to explain.

“That doesn't explain to what it is.” Shining said.

“Shush.” Cadence said giving Shining a thump on the back of his head with her wing.

“Hey!” He whined a little.

“Well... some of the things I want to invent is a portable shield. Before you call me out that we technically have that with either a literal shield or unicorns having shield spells. I'm more talking about a shield spell for non-unicorns.” I explained and they all looked at me like I was crazy.

“How would that work?” Shining said and to that I pulled out a doodle I did of a small ball like object that had a large red button on it.

“To put it simply they would activate it with a device much like how ponies could use magical script to put spells on things. Much like my bandages have a pain numbing spell on them, this would do much the same, but with a more outside effect.” I explained.

“So using an array of spell lens to do the same as a unicorn can use a spell they don't have just in case.” Twilight explained.

“Yes... well sort of. The problem is with a spell lens they still need somepony to send magic through it. So this would require to have no pony really focusing on the magic itself. The device would do it for you.” I countered.

“That may be possible, but the hazard could be large if miss used.” She countered.

“Um... could somepony help the class catch up with the lecture?” Cadence requested.

“We are talking about using the mana battery to be that source of magical energy and the last two times that I'm aware of that they have been used was when I was stuck in an alternate universe and the time before when a pony went missing only to have half of him show up. Which I get the worry she has for the project, which is why I want to do heavy testing once we get the desired effects. I don't want ponies hurt for using inventions I made.” I explained.

“So you plan to not make anything offensive in nature.” Shining asked.

“I never said that, I want to make things that can be used in an offensive nature. Just not in a lethal nature.” I explained.

“Why? From what I have heard the technology that you could give ponies could be very useful defending themselves.” Gaia asked.

“But that's the thing, I will never give a weapon in that nature. I want to help make devices that will help better ponies lives, not end them.” I growled towards the end of it.

“And that's a very admirable thing.” Twilight said gently putting a hoof over mine.

“Yes, what other technology would you want to build?” Cadence asked.

“Well besides that, I've always wanted to make something that can be used to summon armor or at least a protective coat of some kind.” I said feeling the inner nerd start to take the helm on this one.

“Oh? but-” Was all I let him get out.

“I know, unicorns can summon items if they know the spell. Just let me paint this picture for you. Let's say you have guards around you, but you don't want them to be known as guards. So normally you would allow them to keep a badge or something to show authority in a moments notice. Suddenly somepony gets it in there head that they want to start a physical fight.” I started to explain.

“You mean like the bar fight incident and the date fiasco?” Shining asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Not just those moments, but close enough. So let's say that we had other guards there, but they didn't have armor on them. What I want to make is something that allows them to summon the armor on them. Like say we had an earth pony and pegasus guards with us on the day of the bar fight. Granted it would have been over sooner, but say they wanted to make sure they were protected in their armor. This device would make a set of armor appear on them. Maybe not the full metal armor that guards normally wear, maybe a lighter but durable set.” I explained.

“I think I see what you're getting at, but how would that work?” He asked.

“Much like the portable shield. Just the armor would be made ahead of time for the user and contain it within the spell. I've seen ponies summon things from thin air. Like Twilight has made paper, quills, and ink appear out of nowhere, and Cadence did the same for the basket for this picnic. There isn't much difference between that and what I would like to make. That's just the tip of the iceberg on things I wouldn't mind making or improving on.” I explained.

“I could get behind that idea, if you need ponies to help test these out. I'm sure some of our guards would be willing to help where they can.” Shining said.

“I don't think many of them would have issues with that. I know a few off the top of my head that's been wanting a vacation. This would knock two birds with one stone.” Cadence tacked on.

“Likewise, if you're willing to share this technology with Saddle Arabia that is.” Gaia requested.

“It would good test to see different body types.” I surmised. “I'll have to send letters when we are on that stage of testing.”

“I hope you know you aren't going to be leaving me out of this.” Twilight said giving me a little nudge with her foreleg.” She said with a smile.

“Wouldn't dream of it.” I said giving her a kiss on the cheek that got her to blush a little with a smile.

“You two really make a cute couple.” Cadence said with a smile.

“That's only one pony’s opinion.” I said with a cocky grin.

“Oh, and what would you call you two?” She asked smirking back.

“That we make one fantastic couple.” I said with a little confidence in my voice.

“Oh Celestia that was corny.” Twilight said putting a hoof over her eyes. Of course that didn’t stop us from seeing the smile on her face.

“Corny but sweet.” Gaia said with a smile. “I can't wait to be an aunt.”

“Oh god not you too!” I said and Gaia blinked a little confused.

“Not me too?” She asked.

“We get enough of the whole grandfoals bit from her mother.” I said pointing to Twilight with my prosthetic thumb.

“You don't know how persistent that mare can be.” Cadence added on.

“Oh really? Well maybe if you two had some-” Gaia got out.

“I'm going to stop you right there. We aren't ready for that and I don't want to rush head first into anything we aren't ready for.” I said cutting her off.

“Why not? You two love each other, so why hold off?” She asked.

“Because we aren't ready, were you not paying attention?” Twilight asked.

“I was, but I couldn't help but tease. Trust me I get it, Storm here already knows who I have interest in. We've had... moments.” She said turning a little red in the face and hot under the collar.

“Oh, now I've got to hear this.” Cadence said giving one of those looks that Rarity should have trademarked.

“I don't want to talk-” She got out before I couldn't help myself.

“It's Dragoon.” I said and my biological sister shut her muzzle and gave me a little glare.

“Oh really? And how long have those two been dating?” She asked.

“Firestorm, do not answer that.” Gaia said.

“Why not? There's no shame in saying that you've had your eyes on him for a while to the point you two have been dating. Probably in secret.” I said being a little brat. Hey I have no shame in this when she literally have done the same thing to Twilight and I. Of course doesn't help that Twilight was giving one of those 'gotcha bitch' looks to Gaia as I spoke.

“Storm!” She said turning redder.

“What? Can't I be interested in my older sister's love life, since she's been nosy into mine?” I asked.

“There's a difference there, I'm only looking after my little brother.”

“And I'm looking after my older sister.” I countered.

“He's got you there Gaia.” Cadence said.

“I have to side with Gaia on this one. Older siblings should make sure their younger one is well protected.” Shining said cutting into this conversation.

“I'm with Storm on this one, it works both ways. I was protective of you when I found out you were getting married.” Twilight said joining my side of this fight.

“She does have a point, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be married.” Cadence said. That reminded me of Chrysalis, who as far as I knew was still in the special cell deep within the castle.

“Be that as it may, I still stand my ground on this.” Shining said with a nod. Like that was the end of the conversation on this. Shining, rule one about females. There is never an end to anything when you open up that can of worms. You've got to wait until the can is spent before it's over. I couldn't help but face hoof with my prosthetic hoof, gently this time. He just gave me a confused look.

“Oh really there dear.” Cadence said giving him an eye. Was it bad that the thought I had was 'alas poor Shining I hardly knew ye'?

“What?” He asked like deer looking at oncoming headlights.

“So you're telling me that Twilight should have stayed out of our relationship when it came to our wedding?” She asked much like a viper ready to strike.

“Whoa, hey now. How did get this get turned against me?” He asked.

“Well... let's ask the group. Raise your hoof if you think Shining stuck his hoof in his mouth.” I said as all of us, but Shining Armor raised a hoof. This was followed by an 'oh shit' kind of look.

“That's not what I meant Cadence-” Shining tried to get out.

“Shining you may want to stop digging your own ditch on this one.” I shot back.

“I would listen to him on this one dear.” Cadence said quietly with a sweet smile. Yeah I would trust that one as sweet as I would trust my luck to hold out for another five minutes from something happening to me. Thump!

“Ow!” I said as I rubbed the spot on the back of my head from the red ball nailing me there.

“Oh, sorry about that Storm. Pinkie and I were playing and I guess I hit the ball a little hard.” Said Dash flying over to retrieve said ball.

“It's fine Dash, here you go.” I said floating it up to her as she hovered above us.

“So whatcha all doing over here?” She asked.

“Just having a picnic while asking Storm a few questions.” Twilight answered.

“Oh? What kind of questions? The kind that get's Storm a little hot under the collar?” She asked giving a creepy grin.

“More like questions that got Shining in hot water with Cadence.” I said trying to derail the creepy look I was getting.

“Hey!” Shining said before Cadence decided to shut him up herself.

“Aw, that's no fun...” She said with a slight slump to her flying.

“You can ask the embarrassing questions another time.” I said trying to politely shoo her off.

“Okay...” She waiting for a few moments. “So how about now?”

“I said another time.”

“This is another time.” She said with a grin.

“She has you on that one.” Twilight chimed in.

“Who's side are you on?” I asked.

“Both.” She said with a smirk.

“Great, see what you did Dash. You turned my marefriend into a double agent.” I said throwing my hooves up in defeat.

“All part of my plan.” She said grinning.

“Hey Dashie, what's taking so... oh! Are we teasing Storm again?” Pinkie asked jumping over a large bush that was at least taller than Celestia in one bound. I swear this mare is really trying to screw with my sense of reality at times. I sat there just trying to put two and two together on that alone and all I was getting for an answer was fish.

“Not currently.” Twilight said smiling.

“So what were you talking about?” Pinkie asked.

“Simply tech talk, to relationships, and ending with Shining deciding to jam all four of his hooves into his mouth.” I said with a shrug trying to play it off a little cool. Okay, so sue me I like to at least try from time to time.

“Right... come on Pinkie, let's get back to the game. I'm sure Nightling is missing you already.” Dash said flying back over.

“Alright Dashie.” Pinkie said turning around to jump back over.

“Hey Pinkie...” I asked causing her to stop in midair... literally.

“Yes Stormy?” She asked turning to look at me, still in midair. It took me a moment to look past this hole in physics for a moment.

“How's Nightling?” I asked a little worried, Pinkie looked at me for a few moments a little confused. “Since the um... cave in?” I asked. This got Pinkie to finally land, thank god for that too. I wasn't sure I could handle anymore of that.

“She's doing alright...” She said leaving it hanging there for a bit.

“Is that what she says or how it's coming across?” I asked.

“A little of both...” Okay this was a little unsettling.

“Pinkie, what's wrong?” Twilight asked and we all turned to look at the mare. Pinkie looked back for a moment before turning to us and sat down.

“I'm worried about Nightling. Something happened down there that really got to her, but she won't tell me about it.” Pinkie said.

“Well Storm was with her, maybe he can-” Twilight said but I had to cut her off.

“No.” I said interrupting her, this was followed with me putting my hoof up. “Let me explain before I get the riot. I know or at least have a good feeling of what it is. The only thing is that it isn't my place to tell you. If it's what I think it is. Then she needs to be the one to tell you, not me.” I explained.

“Oh... alright.” Pinkie said a little dejected.

“I will tell you this, if it's what I think it is. Then it's a very personal matter to her.” Pinkie looked at me for a moment.

“I appreciate you telling me at least that much Storm.” Pinkie said before leaving by hopping over the bush again.

“Okay, now if you want to give me the riot act you may proceed.” I said turning to Twilight.

“I...” She said before stopping to sigh. “I get why you denied saying it now. It's just like keeping a secret that isn't really yours to share.”

“Very much so...” I paused shortly after that myself. “I just hope she tells her soon. I know how something like that can eat away at the soul.” After turning back to everypony as they looked at me a little curious. “What?”

“What did you mean by that?” Gaia asked.

“I know how being left in the dark feels. Having only the cursory bit of information. You are left to wonder and pray that it's not the thing you worse fear about them.” I explained.

“I haven't done that to you have I?” Twilight asked looking a bit worried.


“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.

“What's to say? I worry a lot as it's kind of hardwired for me. I've had friends go missing without a word after they said they would be around the next day to not show up for weeks. With no way to contact them it's kind of hard to find out anything.” I said with a light shrug.

“Why would anypony do that?” Cadence asked a little surprised.

“Sometimes it's a mixture of things or it's more likely that they end up forgetting. But it's more worried when some of my friends tell me that something bad may happen and then they suddenly disappear. That's when it gets the worst, because throughout the day I couldn't help but worry.” I explained.

“That must have been stressful.” Shining commented.

“Pretty much.” I said with a shrug.

“No wonder you tend to be pessimistic.” Twilight commented.

“Yeah... I've gotten to the mindset of hope for the best, plan for the worst.”

“That's not really a way to live one's life.” Gaia commented.

“Even so, it's proved to be rather helpful at times. When it came to dealing with drunk friends, I always made sure they got home safely.” I answered back.

“At the cost of you getting hurt.” Twilight answered back.

“What?” Shining, Cadence, and Gaia said at the same time.

“This is true. I've been attacked more than once protecting my inebriated friends on the way home, it's nothing big.” I said shrugging.

“Nothing big? Storm you got stabbed and they didn't have even worry about you.” Twilight said a little surprise.

“That does sound big Firestorm” Gaia said coming into this with no context.

“Look, where I was from that wasn't something as big as many other things and if you remember my other friends gave me the riot act for doing something stupid. So, in fairness the ones that was with me when it happened may not have, but the one's that weren't did.” I explained.

“That still doesn't change the fact that it happened.” Gaia commented.

“Be that as it may, I stood by my morals on that. I rather see me hurt then one of my friends or loved ones. I get it, not the smartest idea to go with, but it's who I am at my core. I rather be the shield that takes the hit, then the still sheathed sword not doing anything.”

“Storm no offense, but that is the biggest crock of ponyfeathers I've ever heard.” Gaia said giving us a flat stare. “No pony is that selfless, so what's really going on?”

“That's the thing, when it comes to those I care about. I am very protective of them. When Twilight got hurt during the dragon treaty, it was enough to trigger a dragon's rage.” I explained.

“You already have gone through your first dragon's rage?” Gaia said a little surprised.

“Yeah, I didn't find out about that until after I had recovered.” I said.

“The first time.” Twilight tacked on.

“He went through two of them?” Gaia asked a little surprised.

“No, but he did do something stupid right afterwards.” Twilight commented.

“Hey in all fairness, I wasn't allowed to go in and stay by your side. So I did the next best thing.” I said defending actions.

“Oh, that must have been before I was getting reports.” Gaia said.

“Reports?” Twilight's ears perked up at that giving my half-sister a suspicious glance.

“I had Celestia send me reports on my brother's status so I knew as much as I could about him before I was able to meet with him myself. That I got to be the big sister for once.” Gaia commented.

“Big sister for once?” Cadence asked this time.

“She is the second youngest out of the four of us, I being the youngest now.” I explained.

“Really?” Shining asked.

“He is correct. Granite is the eldest with Hermit after that.” Gaia explained with a light smile. “I'm glad that I'm not the youngest anymore and I have a younger brother to pick on.”

“When you come and visit.” I shot back with a smirk.

“Oh you're going to be cheeky about this are you?” She asked. “Your lucky I don't know any embarrassing stories about you yet.”

“You don't, but I do.” Twilight chimed in.

“Oh really?” Gaia said smirking. Cadence give a smirk as she leaned in closer.

“Indeed.” She said giving me the devious smirk as I looked at her a little worried.

“Mind sharing with the rest of the class?” Cadence asked this time.

“Nope.” Twilight said with a very cheeky smile. This caused the rest of us to blink a little confused. After a few seconds I couldn't help, but chuckle.

“Aww, why not?” Gaia whined a little annoyed.

“Storm told me that in confidence that it would stay between us and after a few events between friends. I learned that some secrets are best kept between the ponies that have them. Because when they tell you that secret they are putting trust in you, and losing a friends trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.” Twilight explained.

“Forever!” Pinkie chimed in from over the hedge looking at the two of us like some kind of conspiracy poster.

“Exactly, and Storm trusted me so I don't want to break that trust.” Twilight continued like Pinkie didn't just eavesdrop into the conversation. Granted I was surprised she didn't pop out of the potato salad or something equally odd.

“Does Pinkie do that a lot?” Gaia questioning about the paradox that is Pinkie for the first time.

“Gaia let me save you a lot of time. If you see something weird around Pinkie, then it's Pinkie being Pinkie. The least you think about it, the saner you will be.” I explained, and Gaia just blinked at me for a bit.

“I think I will just take your word for it.” she said in a very not sure kind of tone. “That being said, Storm you picked a good mare to be your mate.” She said smiling. This got the both of us to blush a bit.

“Oh come on, there is no shame in the fact that you two shared a very intimate moment.” Cadence added in with a moment.

“I don't think they want that more aired out.” Shining commented being on our side of it.

“And what's the shame in that? It's one of purest forms of love and I support that.” She said as if what Shining said had offended her.

“I completely agree with Cadence on this one.” Gaia commented.

“Oh you would, but as soon as it switches to you and Dragoon. I bet you clam up pretty fast.” I shot back returning the favor. It was Gaia's turn to turn red from this.

“Oh? So that's the mysterious drony you've been spending some 'quality time' with.” Cadence said.

“I... um... So yeah... about Storm in-” She got out before I cut in.

“Oh no, you are not dropping this back on us. You were caught red hoofed and it's time to face the music.” I said grinning like hell. Oh this was payback for all the whole mate comments and I was going to enjoy this like fine wine.

“Oh yes, tell us about this stallion of yours.” Cadence said, surprising enough Gaia did talk about her relationship. Since it was close to her start as Queen in Saddle Arabia. Before that she was the local dracorn who helped grew a lot of the plants that feeds the country today. Since she specialized in augmenting the plants to deal with harsher climates. It wasn't until a war between the griffon kingdom that she became Queen. While this was happening she and Dragoon were dating. Since he was a member of the guard that got quite limited a bit more so when she took the throne herself. It seemed that there was a large stigma about royalty dating guards that went back for hundreds. It was one of those old hidden traditions that never went away. So they had a hard time 'dating' for the first few years as it was a complete nightmare to get time alone. Even as a ruler and newly appointed royalty she had to deal with Arabian ponies coming to her at almost all hours of the day. The thing was it wasn't always having to have a special date somewhere, granted she did tell us about few of her favorite one's like when Dragoon flew her to one of the high towers to watch the sunset with some prepared food. The other one was a little oasis trip she had to take with a few of her guards. While she had the other guards patrol, she spent some quality time with Dragoon.

Honestly it wasn't bad and a lot more romantic than what Twilight and I had already done. Didn't help I was feeling a little ashamed at that after Gaia's telling. Of course Cadence didn't help when she flat out started talking about a few of her dates with Shining. All I can say is dear god those two went on a massive amount of dates, of course they started dating in the pony equivalent of high school. So I could only guess it was quite some times to accumulate the dates. The only thing I could take away from this was that sometimes it wasn't about a fancy date, or to really do anything. It’s about the time you spent with the one you cared about the most. The memories of just Twilight and I enjoying our time together. Reading books, staring out into the stars, and even the little dinners at home making idle conversation about some magical question I had or something else. I would never trade even one of them for anything.

It wasn't long afterwards that we decided to kind of go our separate ways. Partly because I needed to redo my bandages. My hind legs were starting to hurt and I didn't want to get as bad as last time. Gaia was kind enough to help float me as Twilight decided to play a numbing spell to my legs. This meant I won't be walking for at least a good hour, but I didn't feel anything either.

“So... something that I'm curious about. Twilight, what do you see in my brother?” Gaia asked on the way to the room.

“You're seriously doing this now?” I asked a little annoyed in the air.

“It's fine Storm I don't mind answering it. It's hard to really say what I see. The real thing is what I feel around him. Which in itself is also hard to say when it's not one single thing. Not that I'm avoiding the question. There are moments when I feel safe around him, like when he places his wing around me. Feels like a comfort I never want to lose. Than sometimes I get this feeling in me that makes me want to protect him as much as he protects me.” As Twilight explained this I watched her start to have that thousand mile stare when you're lost in your own world and could see for miles unhindered by space and time.

“Go on.” Gaia continued as she eyed me.

“There is something about him that makes him different than other ponies, the obvious aside that is. I've seen when him at his most caring and open moment, as well at his most vulnerable. I've seen him take beating after beating and still keep going until he can't anymore.” She continues but I watched her ears shift back as her gaze dropped. “There are also times I just want to help him with his personal problems, but I feel like I fail him time after time.” I tried to say something to interrupt, but as I began to open my mouth, it was clamped shut by Gaia's magic. She even had the gall to give me one of those 'shut up and let the mare speak' looks. Excuse me sister, but this is my marefriend and I want to help her feel better. “Just I can never fully figure him out. He acts just fine about things that would cripple a pony inside, like it was just a bumped hoof. Other times I've seen his mood shift rapidly at the smallest thing, and part of his logic I can't fault.”

At this point I think Twilight forgot I was floating behind her as she hopped into the car driving down memory lane. “And this is what you see in my brother?” Gaia asked as she probably noticed that Twilight never really answered to question.

“Like I said it's something hard to really explain.” She said with a smile on her face.

“My brother said much the same about you.” Gaia said smiling.

“He did?” Twilight asked turning her head to look at me. Gaia deciding that I could speak finally.

“Well not those exact words, but the meaning was there.” I said after shooting Gaia a glare. “Also, next time don't bind my muzzle. It really does annoy me when ponies do that.”

“He isn't lying either, he almost went explosive over at our friend Rarity's when she did it to him as a mare.” Twilight said before she noticed what she said and snapped her mouth a moment too late.

“Oh, I remember that report. So poison joke makes you a mare. Maybe we should-” Was all I could stand.

“No. If anypony gets that request sparingly is Twilight. No offense to you Gaia, since you're my sister and everything.” I began using my own magic to get right into her face while keeping me in her magic. “But next time you suggest that, I will pop you in the mouth.”

“Storm!” Twilight said.

“What? I'm tired of the teasing. I got dunked in a vat of it by Rainbow and Applejack. Cadence threatened me with doing it, and god knows my horrible luck with that stuff since it screws with an already messed up mind. You get to ask, because I care for you and I want to make you happy. This however isn't going to happen. My hoof is firm when it comes to this shit.” I said before finally being tired of being in magic. So I grabbed my hooves in my own magic to help support me and popped out of Gaia's hold. Mind you, magically I was beating my skull in. That's not counting the burning orange glow from my inflamed mane. I was reasonably pissed about this in my opinion. Gaia stopped following me, if I had noticed Twilight had stopped too. Of course I was too angry to really notice.


By the time I was finally able to get myself back to my room, my nose had already started to bleed. I knew why, as I was using my magic to help support my lower half, to keep myself moving towards my destination, and burning some of it off from my anger alone. I put myself in some really bad shape, and still having to change my bandages wasn't any better. It wasn't until I had finally calmed down from my outburst to my half sister, a question popped into my head. Why did the bandages stop working so fast? Well I had time to think about it more when I had a guard get a maid or nurse. It seems Celestia decided that some specially set aside nurses were needed when I came to visit.

Not saying that she wasn't wrong about it, but the fact that it had to be done annoyed me to no end. So I had a nurse help me change by bandages and by all accounts my question was puzzling even to her. She asked if she could take the bandage to see if there was some reason with it alone that it stopped working. I complied and asked if she could get somepony to bring me a simple sandwich and drink to help replenish the energy I spent like an idiot. She said she would pass on the message and left me be. Oddly enough Twilight hadn't shown up since the outburst and I couldn't help, but wonder. Why? I don't think it was anything I said. Okay maybe threatening to pop my sister in the mouth was too much, but I think I was entitled to being on the aggressive side for a while.

“We didn't go through a fucking two week nightmare just to be tossed into fucking poison joke as a joke.” Shadow said as he was riding the rails of my thoughts.

“I agree, it was too soon to joke about that after the mind fuck nightmare.” I answered agreeing with him.

“Storm, dumb question, but how are you holding up?” Shadow asked and I was a little surprised he even took the time to ask.

“You are in my head, shouldn't you know the answer to that already?” I asked.

“True I could check myself, but I thought you deserve the space for once.” He said once again surprising me.

“Okay, who are you and where's the jackass in my head?” I asked as a smart ass.

“Point.” He said with a pause, then followed by a sigh before he continued. “After the nightmare, I thought I would respect your privacy more. Surface thoughts not counting as you broadcast those fuckers to the point I can't ignore them.”

“Thanks I guess, but to answer your question. No, I'm not okay and really just need to do something different.”

“Something different.” Shadow asked.

“I'm just tired of some of the shit I get from ponies. I get it I can be an easy target for things. Probably some things that ponies take lightly on a normal bases. Being dragged off for something against my will being the one that is annoying me the most. I'm not helpless.” I said beginning my damn rant as the bounding in my head started to worsen.

“Storm, I get it. Remember I'm here for the ride.” Shadow said.

“That's another thing... no offense to you, but I really just need my head to myself. No ponies listening in Celestia!” I said shooting a glare at the door.

“I figured you would have noticed me listening in.” She said as she entered the door.

“Kind of hard not too when my headache started to flare for no reason.” I commented.

“As Shadow said, point.” She said calmly. It was then I noticed a mug of something in her magic. She floated over to me on the bed as this was where I had decided to place myself for comfort. Whatever the hell this was, it sure wasn't drinking about at least. It reminded me of oil by the weird shape rainbows on the surface of the dark purple liquid.

“And what is this?” I asked looking at it as by the look alone, told me it wasn't going to taste good.

“It's to help with the magic. Think of it as a regenerating magic potion.” She said with her calm tone that wasn't sitting well with me for some reason.

“Okay, now what is it really?” I asked really not wanting to do the song and dance right now.

“It's a potion that helps suppress the feeling of magical fatigue while helping to replenish your magic.” She explained.

“Okay sounds better, I'm guessing this doesn't taste any good.” I commented.

“Hard toss up from having to taste that or dealing with the backlash from using too much magic.” She said.

“I suppose you have a point.” I said looking at the liquid. There was no denying the feeling like a kid having to taste the nasty grape cough syrup for the first time. “You only live once I suppose, well... three times in my cause.” I said gripping the mug in my claws and downed it as fast as I could. She wasn't wrong about the whole hard toss up bit. The taste alone made me almost choke. If I had to guess the taste, it would be a mountain of trash turned to goop and condensed as far as it could. The worse part of how it felt like slime the whole way down. I shuddered as soon as it finally passed into my stomach.

“Oh god the taste sucks.” I said as I fought to get a little water to wash the taste out of my mouth.

“Agreeable.” Celestia said.

“Now if I may ask, why are you here? I figured you would be dealing with Blueblood's whining.” I asked before taking another swig of water.

“I wanted to come check on you.” She asked coming over to the bed to look down at me. I was able to get myself into a sitting position were I was comfortable again.

“Well... I'm about the same as I was.”

“Besides almost dropping from magical fatigue.” Celestia countered with a light smile. I gave her a flat look before letting my head droop a little with a sigh.

“Gaia decided to push a very sore button about poison joke.” I explained and Celestia just looked at me quietly with a cocked eyebrow. “I wasn't in the best of moods for that joke to be dropped again. So I snapped back, which mind you I do believe I was in the right for. I came out of a two week nightmare and having my mind fucked with since the beginning. I didn't need anymore of it at least for a very long time. Hell, I'm still recovering so that would probably make things worse.”

“I think she was making a joke Storm.” Celestia said calmly.

“It was a poorly timed joke.” I shot back with a flat look.

“Be that as it may, but she is still learning to be the bigger sister.”

“Still not an excuse for making that joke.”

“Don't you think you're being a little unfair?” Celestia said, and this caused my left eye to twitch.

“And what is that suppose to mean?” I asked before I started to grind my fangs in my mouth as they changed into said fangs.

“Gaia is still learning how you act and being from a different place. You act much differently than other ponies do.” She explained.

“You don't say?” I sarcastically said giving her a flat stare.

“I'm not your enemy Storm.”

“I know, I'm just really angry about things and I just need to calm down. That being said I did need to talk to you alone at some point.” I said looking at her with a bit of worry. Celestia eyed me quietly, like she was judging me.

“What is it that you needed to speak with me about?” She asked.

“Shadowstorm.” I answered before I took a deep breath and looked at her directly into her eyes.

“Go on.” She asked in a calm tone.

“I want to give him his own body.” I answered and she sat there looking at me. Like an the old guards in front of Buckingham palace. Unmoving, silent, and almost unresponsive for a few minutes.

“Why?” She asked as it looked like she was giving me looking down upon you stare. It could have been just me or maybe she was, but it just felt like she was putting pressure on me with her gaze alone.

“Since Luna's magical mishap Shadow's-” Was all I got out.

“Storm let me explain.” Shadow requested and I was a little surprised.

“How do I do that?” I asked.

“I can hear him just fine, proceed” Celestia commented and my guess was using the same telepathic link from before. Than I remember they heard our fight at the carnival last night.

“Since Luna tried to suppress me in Storm's mind I've had time to think. For the most part she is right that I've been a parasite in his head. Recently we've both discovered that I'm half of Storm's soul since a drony’s body wasn't meant to house a human soul at it was. We don't know if it was just how Grimwand made our body or if it was just a byproduct of the process, but it's like that none the less. Storm brought up the idea of what if I had my own body. I will admit, it is appealing, the thought of being my own pony instead of just an entity in his head.” Shadow explained.

“What would you do if you had your own body?” Celestia asked still giving us the stare down.

“If I were to be honest, I wouldn't know. When Storm and I separated the first time because of how I manipulated the magical effects of the Element's of Harmony much like using light refraction to do so. The first things I did was just explore in secret.” He explained.

“Explore where?” She asked.

“I visited a few cities using the illusion spells that I had learned while trying to figure out how to separate without leaving myself weak. Manehattan,, Trottingham, Canterlot, and Prance being some of the places. It was shortly after I left the latter when Grimwand found me and let me know that I was still connected to Storm. My life and his were still connected, which meant I wasn't my own drony.”

“Wait... if you visited these places, then why couldn't I access those memories?” I asked a little curious.

“As most of our memories are connected some of them just seem not to connect. While I have greater connection to yours as you don't suppress them naturally. I had to make sure to keep mine guarded. Grimwand had a way of... extracting memories.” Shadow explained, this caused both Celestia and I to shudder at the thought.

“If I permit you to have your own life, and I do want to stress this is a very big if. Would you promise not to hurt any of my little ponies?” Celestia asked.

“I will agree as long as I reserve the right to protect myself.” Shadow responded.

“That I could agree with, but this is a choice I can't take lightly. If you permit me to have sometime to think about this.” She asked.

“That's only fair.” Shadow answered.

“If I may ask, how do you propose to do this?” She asked.

“To answer that, I wouldn't know. I don't plan to use necromancy to do that before you start worrying.” I began and I could see her relax a little after I said that. “At most I would use necromancy is to move the soul since it's the only way to do it. Beyond that the only idea I have is an artificial birth and even that is beyond my skills.”

“Artificial birth?” She asked.

“It's much the way we were made, taking two parts of DNA to create a new life of sorts.” I explained.

“It would seem to be the cleaner idea, if you may suggest you let me work on that as well. Only if I agree to let him be loose. After what you had done during your time free, admittedly while working for Grimwand. Your chances are very slim, but every pony deserves a second chance. I will send you a letter once I have decided. Now if you excuse me, I need to go take care of something.” She said before she stood up to leave.

“Celestia.” I said before her horn lit up with magic as well as the door handle.

“Yes Storm?” She asked.

“Thank you for at least entertaining the idea.” I said.

“Your welcome Firestorm.” She said before she left. This gave me sometime to just relax, and that involved me floating my tablet over to me. With a press of the power, a few taps, and swipes I let myself relax to some Moonlight Sonata set to an ocean breaking against a sandy beach as I just laid on the bed.


“I can't believe I got talked into this.” I said as I was once again sitting in court. Granted it was night court this time as Luna asked me to join her. That was of course after a few hours explaining how my tablet worked. All after Luna deciding to barge right into my room after I was taking a nap. I mean I was in a comfy bed with nice relaxing music playing. She wasn't gentle with waking me up either. Good thing I didn't do what I normally did when somepony woke me up out of a sound sleep, come up swinging.

The other thing of note was that Twilight hadn't returned or if she did, I was still asleep. So Luna asked if I wanted to accompany her in night court. Mostly because she's been really bored during them and this was a good chance for us to talk more about human technology. What we didn't expect or at least from how Luna explained it to have a hall full of ponies worth of appointments showing up. Even Luna looked a little surprised at this. The only thing I groaned a little at was the high brow looking ponies waiting. Of course a bunch of the ponies tried to get up and talk to Luna all at once. Lucky for us the guards were able to stop the madness before it began.

So after we got up to the throne and Luna took the seat while I sat off to the left on a cushion like last time, they let in the first group consisting of six ponies. Two there looked like high brow unicorns. I only say that because how they were dressed. The cream colored stallion with the black slicked back mane wore a light blue dress shirt with a black tie. Next to him was a silver coated mare with an equally black mane done up into a two tier bun. She wore a very long lighter blue dress compared to the pony next to her. They both had amber colored eyes. From my angle I couldn’t see their cutie-marks. The other four were a pink earth pony stallion with a brown mane and tail, a violet unicorn mare with an orange mane and tail, a dusty blue pegasus stallion with a light gray mane and tail, and finally a gray mare with black and red striped mane and tail.

I didn't get a chance to catch the four other ponies names but I sure as hell got the first two. Mr and Mrs Wallet, that would be bad if it wasn't for the fact there first names were Heavy and Luxurious. Who in there right... wait... no pony in there right mind would go with that. Of course that's not to say I've heard worse. I can't tell if that is to go to Filthy Rich or Crown Royal. Of course I could go for some Crown Royal... ah, the drink not the pony. So we spent two hours listening to the proposal that the Wallets wanted to bring to Luna. To break it down simply they wanted to tear down an old theater so they could put up a opera house.

The other four ponies wanted to have this idea shut down as a lot of the young ponies use that to put on local plays. Which personally I was in more favor of, besides the fact that Canterlot already has an opera house. The thing was it wasn't owned by them, but Fancy Pants instead. So I'm guessing they were trying to get into the business themselves. I couldn't fault them for that much. I could fault them for picking a bad town to do it. Compared from what I've seen, Canterlot is smaller than Manehattan which has a street dedicated to just theaters. Not counting the four other ones in different corners of the city. Canterlot has two, the one for locals and the opera house. I think that was enough myself and I voiced this opinion to Luna through our telepathic link.

“I would agree with you about the theater, but how did you know about the ones in Manehattan?” Luna asked over the link.

“I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.” I shot back with a smile.


“Twilight.” I answered as we turned back to see the group of them fighting. Well more like yelling at each other. Sometimes I think ponies act more like children then children do. I mean really is this how court is for Luna and Celestia? Just ponies dragging in their pissing matches so somepony could side with them with some weight behind their swing? For me I would personally side with the four trying to state that they are doing it for those wanting to get into the business and for younger ponies. It sounds like a reasonable idea in my book.

The Wallet side of the argument is that they would be able to bring more class to Canterlot and allow less known shows to appear in the opera house. For the most part I could already see a hole in the argument when one there is a second theater that just needs some fixing to be suitable for it, but no pony thought of that idea now did they? It was worse when the fight continued to get louder and louder as they tried to speak over one another. I had to intervene at this point.

“Enough!” Both Luna and I said using the royal Canterlot voice. This got the point that even Luna was annoyed as well.

“You all are grown ponies, I think it's time for you to act like it for once.” I tacked on.

“I agree with Prince Firestorm on this one.” Luna commented.

“But your highnesses-” Mr. Wallet tried to say.

“No buts, I personally think the idea of tearing down a theater for another opera house is ridiculous for here in Canterlot. Maybe Manehattan it would make more sense, but here no.” I said shooting off my mouth.

“No offense your highness, but we came to ask for Princess Luna's opinion on this matter.” Mrs. Wallet said.

“And I want to hear Prince Firestorm's opinion.” Luna very firmly stated.

“If you want to 'help' the local theater, that's one thing. You can help them bring the building up to code. Maybe help with advertisements and work out some deal with them. So they can get noticed and you can make your bits back. I support artists in all manners and forms.” I said as I let my emotions take me.

“Thank you your highness.” Said the four other ponies.

“Be that as it may, it completely blows my mind that you six ponies couldn't work out a deal before having to drag this here. Make contracts, work out deals, and use the brains you were given.” I continued.

“The prince makes a point, I will appoint some of the castle's staff to help set up an agreeable contract. As long as you all can work together, and I don't have to see any of you in here for this matter again.” Luna commented and signaled for them to leave. Which they did surprisingly quietly.

“Is this what it's like for you two?” I asked turning to Luna.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Being dragged into almost literal pissing matches between ponies? I mean some that just a little thought and an agreeable solutions could be easily found?” I asked using my prosthetic hoof to help emphasize what I meant.

“More than I would like to admit openly.” She explained.

“You and Celestia must have the patience of a saint to deal with all this. Is this going to be something I'm going to have to deal with daily?” I asked looking a little worried for my already dwindling sanity.

“Only if you wish to hold court, a lot of the ponies that come are business ponies. Most times try to get advantage over another when it comes to buying a property. Others try to deal with some of the laws. A few to get them instated while others try to get them appealed. There is a few that come for general advice about something beyond their control.” She explained with a light shrug and with a few hoof motions.

“So... nine times out of ten it's business ponies wanting a leg up on another?”

“Most times yes.” She answered with a nod.

“Well don't that sound familiar.” I said groaning a bit.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Humans have a habit of doing the same just so they can either gain more money, more power, or for some piece or pawn to use later.” I explained.

“Do you do that?” She asked.

“Technically yes, as I gained more friends. Really I was pretty simple as a human compared to a lot of the others. I mean yeah was it nice that I saved up for a computer so I could talk to my friends more online, sure. Did I get enjoyment from it, of course.” I answered.

“Online?” She asked.

“Humans created a network we called the internet which was used for many things. Entertainment, communication, data storage, and more. My tablet would be a choice thing to sort of show it, if I was still connected to the internet. I could pull any bit of information I wish to know. Well within reason as some information was government secrets or just not available at the time.” I continued to explain.

“Fascinating, tell me more.” Luna said leaning over the arm to look at me.

“Well... most times I looked up videos which is like a play, but it's always the same no matter how many times you watched it. It involved more grander sets, and isn't limited by locations. Same with music as I have vast hours of songs to listen to at a whim. Books that could fill libraries all contained on a card smaller than a piece of confetti. Humans created so much for so many things.” I continued as Luna just looked wrapped into my conversation. “We could tell stories in interactive means where you could control the character him or herself. You could run dungeon after dungeon and looting grand treasure. Save a land of beings from pure destruction from many sources. Magic, technology, war, and so much more. If I could I would bring some of the technology I could here. Well... not the weapons.”

“Goes without saying of course, but tell me about these interactive stories.” She said leaning in.

“Where do I begin, they cover fast subjects. You have futuristic, sci-fi, westerns, swords and sorcery, military historic battles, romance, simulators, and so much more. Honestly no matter how much I talk about it, I could never really do it justice.” I said relaxing a bit.

“Maybe you should bring some of it over. It sounds like it could benefit Equestria greatly.” She said with a smile.

“I could I suppose, but that would mean I would have to go back to earth. After last time, I'm not sure that's a good idea.” I said.

“What if you had others go with you?” She asked.

“It's possible, but it would have to be a small number. No more than four at the maximum.” I said.

“I would like to see this ah... earth.” She said giving me a smile.

“If and this is a big if, I decide to do this. I would be the one with final say. Because earth doesn't have magic so I would limit the use.” I said.

“Of course.” She said as she began to give me that damn look like every other mare could. “So what do you say?”

“Luna, one I'm still recovering. No way in hell would I say yes right now. Two, if we go, Twilight goes too as I gave my word on that one. Three we would need things prepared before we go. This isn't one of those just jump in, loot treasure, and bale kind of trips. This would take a lot of planning. I mean I was gone for what a few days at the least? So Celestia would have to be given the heads up so she could deal with your moon as well as have Night Court postponed for a while. So let's just say the idea is on the table, but not being touched yet.” I said not looking at her as I knew I would give in if I even saw that look for longer then a second.

The rest of the court wasn't as bad as I thought from the first appointment. Some of them were charities that were asking for a little help and honestly, both Luna and I are kind of suckers for it. I'm not saying that's a bad thing as I loved supporting charities with good goals. The ones here were for the filly scouts, which were like the girl scouts on earth. The other one was a more education request and I completely agree with helping them out as well. As long as the money is being used for what they are requesting. After Luna agreed to help the Canterlot school system, I made a small request for Ponyville to get a little boost as well. I mean I did have a little home town pride after all. She said she would look into it some more, but she didn't see a problem with it. I did request that the idea didn't come from me officially. Both so I don't show favoritism even though this could be counted as that since I'm technically from Ponyville. I mean I did drop into existence right above Applejack's farm after all.

Beyond that there were a few other ponies asking for help and we tried our best to do so. One of them was relationship help and I gave the best advice I could. His problem was he wasn't sure how to propose to his mare and the whole social status was his worry. Since she was from one of the noble families in Canterlot and he was from Trottingham. So I suggest going somewhere romantic and personal for the two of them as well as a few other details. Luna just watched me with a smile as I just pretty much served this pony his proposal on a silver platter with gems encrusted in it.

Luna did question me on how did I get my romantic flare and I could only answer it the one way. “A good artist knows how to paint the right scene. Either be a writer, painter, or whose canvas is the night sky. An artist always knows when the time comes.” I said with a cheeky smile.

“That has to be the corniest thing I've heard all night.” She said and I couldn't help myself.

“Well I aim to please.” I said as we both laughed into the night, because tomorrow I was set to return home after too long a time away.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 34 - Camping

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Chapter 34 – Camping

Okay so it wasn't quite the next day. As more it was three days, one of them was a check up to see how the healing was doing as I was now awake to answer some questions. It seems my wing was still going to take the most to heal as I had to regrow skin for it since I had a large hole in it. That and a large loss of feathers which are needed to fly. From what I heard I could still glide if I had to. But it was going to be painful. I had also found out what was the issues with the bandages.

It was a side effect of the magic used on my leg, it seems some enchantments are weaker when used on my legs. The good thing was that after two more days I didn't need to use the magical bandages to numb the pain. So I could walk without hurting myself... much. I mean hey if they get hit they still hurt. That of course was the worst of my problems, no that would go to the reporters trying to get an interview with me for the last three days of my stay in Canterlot.

At first it was a formal request, but after the event's with Silvertongue. I just thought it was safer denying any and all interviews for the time being. It sounded reasonable to me. Even Celestia and Luna agreed with the idea after Twilight had told them about the interview in question. Even worse was the fact that Silvertongue as a challenge put up a reward for getting an interview with me. This lead to a lot of ponies breaking into the castle. I say break in but a lot of windows and doors were left open. So more they decided to waltz right in, and by god that's what they did. I swear if I was still human or at least a satyr I would have drop kicked a few of these ponies.

I can be very patient with a lot of ponies. Hell I could for the most part take Rarity's dress up moments and that's being put on a pedestal for display. Mind you that is something I am still very uncomfortable with being. I had always had an issue with being on stage as I was always one of those guys that preferred voice work over live action work. At least any role that didn't require me to speak in front of any group of ponies or people, but I'm getting away from my point. The fact that I draw the line when I had a pegasus mare hide in the shower for me to use the bathroom, all for a damn interview. She left pretty fast when she saw my mane on fire and a very large magical bolt ready to fire from my horn.

That wasn't even the tip of the iceberg on the complete insanity that happened. For some reason these ponies got it into their heads that bugging other ponies would work. Luna's night court was swamped for two nights asking for an interview about me. I only learned this after the second night when Luna used the royal Canterlot voice to yell at everypony that wanted an interview to get out. Than proceeded to stomp her way up to my room and ask me quite bluntly what the hell was going on. I showed her the small blurb of an advertisement offering the five hundred bit reward for the interview. Somehow Celestia was lucky enough to be spared this nightmare.

Twilight however was not. We had tried another visit to her parents with it only ending with me back in the castle from the unrelenting pestering of ponies. Not even five minutes into the wall and I was descended upon by a bunch of vultures. I found out later when Twilight returned with her parents that she too was assaulted by said ponies about me. I finally drew the line and wanted some peace from all this. The plan was that Twilight and I would hide aboard my sister's ship as it went to Ponyville. The girls also got a ride as well as we figured we would kill seven birds with one stone.

Twilight and I hid in with the baggage as it was placed on the ship. This was one of the few times both Twilight and I were thankful that Rarity decided to over pack for a trip. Granted one super packed cart was still ridiculous, but who am I to argue at this moment? The two of us listened quietly for any moment that a reporter pony would show up. I guess they were more looking for us then noticing a squad of ponies leaving the castle. We got to her ship which was one of her smaller ships. Mind you this thing reminded me of a fantasy game battle courser than a vacation ship. Besides the Arabian theme and everything all over the place.

“Storm are you alright?” Twilight asked when we got to our room.

“Honestly, no. I'm really just angry about having to jump through hoops just to get some peace from ponies.” I said as my ears were flattened back and my head slumped.

“I'm sorry.” Twilight tried to apologize.

“It's not your fault Twilight, if anything it was mine for agreeing to Silver's interview in the first place.” I said passing the blame onto me.

“Storm, Silvertongue was trying to bring up some rather-” I let her get out.

“Yes I know, but I should have been able to stand for more comments like that. I don't know if it was timing or if it was for the fact that I've just got feed with it.” I went over to the bed and decided to stretch out a bit.

“I don't blame you for being a bit snippy at him. Honestly I wanted to lay into him myself.” Twilight said pulling out a new bandage for my wing. I felt her magic wrap around the already placed wraps there. They felt a little nice getting them off my wing. The feeling of having my wings contained like that was starting to get a little uncomfortable and I know it sounds a little weird. Most times wings are closed and close to the pony's body and you would think that would be fine having one like that. It's just there are subtle movements that not a lot of non-wing having ponies don't know about. Well maybe Twilight and possible Rarity would know after what I have heard. Besides those two I'm not sure what others would think.

Everypony knows that their ears help display some of their emotions as well as some winged beings also with their wings. From what I was told and figured out that there is a lot more displayed when you know what you're looking for. Besides rapidly snapped wings could mean defensive, aroused, or aggressive in nature. Did you know that slowly rising wings are also signs of aggression as it rises in some? Others it can also mean surprise that was slightly caught? The point of all that? Well winged creatures show their emotions on their sleeve as Twilight had said before, but when you contain that against the body, It becomes rather uncomfortable at times, especially when your wing wants to snap open all of a sudden.

I watched quietly as Twilight went to work silently taking the old bandages and folded them up in a neat square as she pulled out a fresh roll. She stopped for a moment as I watched her hoof gently move up to my wing. I didn't have much time to react, as in I didn't at all. She placed her hoof gently on the spot with the missing feathers as the flesh of the wing was fixed. I just couldn't really fly with it as I needed the feathers to help make flying comfortable.

“Firestorm do you ever wonder what things would be if you did something different?” Twilight asked and I turned my head to look at her.

“Yes, why?” I asked eyeing her as I watched her trace little circles on my wing.

“I've been thinking about what has happened because of estrus.” Twilight said and I pulled my wing gently from her hoof and placed it around her.

“Twilight you don't have to worry about the what ifs. We both had a good reason to why I left to Canterlot. I mean yeah we would have had some fun, but we would also have to prepare for something we weren't ready for.” I said trying to be comforting.

“I know I'm being a silly pony, but I wonder if I should have just let you stay.” Twilight asked as she leaned in gently to me.

“Twilight now's not the time to think about such things. Now is the time to just enjoy ourselves and live life.” I said trying to cheer her up. She gently smiled as she looked up to me.

“I know, just I can't help but think at times.” She said.

“It's the bane of everypony existence, the always thinking moment.” I said with a smile. Twilight gently shoved me.

“I'm being serious.” She continued with said smile.

“I know and I think a lot too. Honestly I probably overly think about stuff.”

“You do that too?” She asked.

“All the time, I'm thinking right now if you can't tell.” I said with a smile.

“Oh? What are you thinking about if I may ask?” She asked looking at me.

“Simple, how did I get so lucky to have such an amazing mare as my marefriend and not have screwed up yet?” I answered and that earned me another shove as I rolled onto my back. She couldn't help but hop on top of me and lay there so we were nose to nose.

“You are the sweetest goofball I have ever met.” She said before poking me with her nose to mine.

“Yeah, one sweet goofball with the smartest mare I know as his marefriend.” I countered.

“Oh? I didn't know you were dating Princess Celestia” She said with a smile.

“Ouch, shots fired.” I said with a smile before I used my good wing to hold her in place long enough to flip over so I was over her. I made sure I was using my hooves to hold me up so I wouldn't put my weight on her. “I was talking about you Twilight.” I said before I gave her a gentle kiss.

“I know, but I was trying to be a... what's that word again?” She asked playfully.

“A smartass.” I said with a smile.

“That's the one. I mean I can't have my coltfriend be the only one quick with a joke.” She said and I couldn't help but smile.

“That's not the only thing I'm quick with.” I said grinning as she eyed me.

“Oh and what pray tell are you also quick with?” She asked.

“With an attack.” I said as I used my good wing to tickle her. That got her to squeal in laughter as I was getting pretty good at using my wings.

“Storm, mercy!!!” Was all she got out between breaths of laughter.

“Sorry I'm not Firestorm the merciful, I'm Firestorm the Tickle Tormentor.” I said as I continued with the tickling assault. As I took a few of my loose feathers that dropped from Twilight undoing my wing to add to my attack. I found out pretty quickly that Twilight's back hooves where ticklish. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good weak spot like any gamer would. So I decided to really turn the feathers on Twilight.

“Two can play this game.” Twilight said between her laughter as her horn lit up, with in seconds I found myself up in the air and my feathers ripped from my magic. She began to breath a little hard as she fought to catch her breath.

“Um... mercy?” I asked with a please don't kill me smile.

“Sorry Twilight the merciful is in the other room.” She said before descending my feathers on me. It took maybe a few moments to find out where I was ticklish at. Unlike how I had Twilight, she didn't give up or let me get an upper hoof on her. More for the fact that she was well versed in the ways to break my focus on trying to break out of her spell. I had forgot that a lick to the horn felt different enough to make it hard to focus. So I was at Twilight's mercy for what felt like ten minutes. That came to an end when she had me pinned to the bed and I rolled onto my damaged wing. Yeah I think the pained gasp was enough to get her to stop.

“Oh Celestia are you alright?” She asked lifting me up again.

“I...” I began between pained gasps. “rolled onto.. my wing.”

“Oh, horse apples. I forgot to make sure that was wrapped up.” She said before holding my wing just right in her magic. Something you probably wouldn't know without experiencing it yourself is that just like casting spells, everypony experiences magic differently. Especially between magic users, in this case Twilight's magic felt comforting and cool. Almost like a night breeze on my wing. Celestia is more a soothing warmth, while Luna had close to Twilight but colder I guess. Rarity I would say was more like a pillow without temperature, and Gaia had this warm field of grass feeling to it. The more you focus on the magic itself with some understanding, the more you would get a more descriptive feeling of it. It's very comforting being wrapped in a ponies magic that you trust. She slowly moved my wing so she could wrap it.

“It's alright Twilight, I forgot about it too.” I said with a light smile.

“Still... I want to take care of you. After what you went through, you deserve some peace and quiet for a long time.” She said smiling gently.

“I hope it won't be too quiet.” I said with a smile.

“If Ponyville's track record holds, probably for another week tops before something happens again.” She said with a slight annoyed sigh.

“Is it really that bad?” I asked eyeing her.

“Well... it depends mostly on what happens.” She said and began to explain a few of her adventures in Ponyville. Some of them from how she explained it was only the first month of being in Ponyville. The one I couldn't see happening was the whole dragon event with Fluttershy. I'm not saying that it's not possible, but it was more improbable than anything. Even more so when Twilight told me that she beat a dragon, something mind you that I'm half of with only a stare. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Fluttershy is strong. I mean she did help defeat Nightmare Moon twice as well as Discord. Even knowing she takes care of a lot of the animals from the local forest and Ponyville, I just couldn't see it. I even voiced my opinion on this. That's when Twilight decided to whip the whole “Don't judge a book by it's cover, you never know what hides inside.” Bit on me and no offense to Twilight. Some ponies are just how they appear to be. Of course my point would be Blueblood so... yeah. Let's just call us even on this point.

Beyond that Twilight had explained a few other events from Ponyville. The one she decided to tell me as she knew I enjoyed a good mystery was the Story about the 'Mmmm' cake. I will say this about Twilight that she does a good job weaving the story. Well... in the sense of a good Sherlock Holmes story. She had me guessing for the most part leading up to the reveal that it was her friends that ended up eating parts of the cake. Well at first, this lead into the whole they combining their desserts together to win. As she was telling the story she was making sure she finished the wrapping of my wing. It was a bit more comfortable than Heartshy's wrapping. I would chuck that one up to more between a pegasus wrapping it with their hooves and my marefriend's magic. I would lean to the magic as it was more dexterous when it comes to it. Don't get me wrong, I would trust a pegasus more when it comes to preening as they do it more often.

“Storm have you thought about preening your wings at all?” Twilight asked.

“Kind of, but I don't really know how. From what I gather you've had either Dash or Fluttershy help do it when I've been comatose.” I said as I laid my head down on my forelegs.

“Do you want me to get one of them to help you?” She asked.

“Honestly I don't really think I need it right now. Unless you think otherwise.” I said quietly.

“Well.. it is a part of daily life for a pegasus.” She said.

“How about once we are home and have relaxed for a day. We have either one that wants to help show me how. I feel kind of silly having to ask about something like this.” I said.

“Storm it's not silly. You're still new to your body, so all the standard things that everypony knows at a young age you still need to learn. Storm there is no shame in asking for help.” She said trying to comfort me.

“Even so, I just don't know how to approach this. For all I know when it comes to one's wings its a very personal thing.” I said, this got Twilight to blush a little.

“Well... yes, a ponies wings are normally consider a very personal thing. Especially when it comes to touching them, but some ponies have others help with the hard to reach spots on the wing.” She explains.

“How do you know that?”

“Pegasus customs through the ages by Valiant Wing.” She said in a matter of fact tone. I couldn't help but rub my face on that one. Of course she read it in a book, I shouldn't be surprised by this.

“Twilight let's just table this for now. If Dash or Fluttershy offers then sure I guess, but right now. I just want to have use of my wings again.” I said quietly.

“Alright...” She was a little hesitant for a few moments “I'm going to be right back, I need to talk to your sister about something.” She said moving quietly over to the door. I just watched her quietly with a bit of a level stare.

“You're about to go ask Dash or Fluttershy about preening aren't you?” I asked looking at her. This got her freeze in place. She gently smiled as she turned towards me.

“Of course not, I did say I was going to go talk to your sister.” She said as she poured the smile on a little too thick on this one. Before I could even call her out on this she slipped out of the door. All I could really do was just watch her leave and I could only sigh. Silence filled the room as I laid on the bed, with a little bit of magic I brought the pillow over to me so I could rest my head on it.


It felt like only a moment before I woke up in a field of grass on a sunny day. The light blue of the sky filled above only broken up by the white spots of clouds and the three lines in the distance. Around me was six doors with four of them faded. Only Honesty and Laughter stood solid while the other four were faded out. The only one that didn't have the colors to it was magic. I sat there for a few moments as I got up into a more sitting position.

“I must've dozed off again.” I said scratching the back of my head a bit. Something felt a little off so I pulled my hoof in front of my face to find it that it was a claw. Only second later did I find out that I was back in my satyr form again. “I see we are going with this song and dance again.” With that I finally got up fully. With a quick patting down, I dusted off my long black baggy cloth trim pants and orange hoodie.

For the most part this dream was rather peaceful and I had already suspected something was afoot here. So without much thought I summoned a sword so I wasn't unarmed as I journeyed into the forest. If it wasn't for the nightmare I fought though I would say this lush forest was downright peaceful. I kept myself silent as I walked down the dirt path. This felt too real even for me knowing this had to be a dream. I had to stop and feel the trees themselves as it felt like real bark. That could be the fact this was a lucid dream or not, but just something was off. After a few minutes of travel the normally brightly colored environment, started to turn dark. Not dark per say, but more... creepy. The dark brown wood of the tree gradually turned dull and finally turned gray. The leaves themselves started to disappear from the tree until it was left bare. Even the grass on the ground disappeared leaving only crisp snow on the ground. That was until I heard the snapping of a something stepping on a stick breaking it. Without much thought I turned pointing my sword at the being behind me.

“You can put your weapon away Storm.” Princess Luna said in her normal equine form. I pulled my sword away and placed it back on my shoulder so it wouldn't cut into it.

“What are you doing here Luna?” I asked looking at her as I turned fully to look at her.

“I thought I would check your dreamscape to see if there was any residual effects from Grimwand's magic.” She said.

“I see.” I said before turning and going down the path.

“Is something wrong Storm?” She asked as I heard her following me.

“Depends on how you see it.” I answered.

“Okay is there a problem with how you see it?” She asked.

“Honestly no, just currently dealing with this feeling of unease.” I said as I kept my eyes open for anything else.

“If it's about the reporters, I'm sure our plan has worked.” She said and I turned my head to look over my shoulder.

“Speaking of which, what was the plan besides me waiting on my sister's ship for half an hour before takeoff?” I asked.

“We reported you to attending a benefit show at the opera house. Well... we had one of our 'maids' report it so it seemed more leaked then official.” She said with a smirk.

“And here I thought all princesses were prim and proper.” I said jokingly.

“Never said a princess couldn't be devious as well.” She countered.

“Good point.” I said as we continued to walk down the path. Unlike the memories and a lot of fantasy places. This one felt out of place on all fronts as the dirt path decided to take us up the side of a mountain until we saw the snow and moss covered structure of a castle in the distance. It wasn't a traditional castle as those found on earth and it wasn't like Canterlot castle. It almost felt like a blend of the two and it didn't help put my mind at ease.

“Storm what is this place?” Luna asked as she came up next to me as we continued to traverse this dream.

“I really don't know, and I'm not liking it.” I said keeping my sword at the ready.

“Are you expecting an attack?” She asked.

“At this point it wouldn't be surprised.” I said keeping myself alert to what was around us. The only good thing was I only had to cover most of the area besides directly to my left. Which that was the side of a mountain. That was short lived as it dropped down as we found ourselves at a stone bridge ripped from a Gothic comic artist's head. I mean I've seen enough castle decor from movies and games, so I could place a lot of what I saw. It was just the aged and weathered look that just left me feeling of something crawling up my back. Even Luna was on alert as we started to step across the bridge.

We were maybe a third down the bridge that I swore I started to hear Bach's toccata and fugue in d minor play on the wind as if it was played on an old church organ. This got Luna's hair to stand up on end, that including her ethereal mane as well. When the princess of the night is scared you know some shit was about to go down. We continued as the soft sounds of fresh snow being stepped on as well as the soft clacking of hooves on the cobblestone pathway could be heard. Both Luna and I's wings were at full span as we continued.

“Are you getting this odd feeling-” Luna began as I finished her line of.

“That we are being watched. Yeah, just about the same time as we stepped onto the bridge itself.” I answered as I gripped the handle of my sword tighter. Luna even summoned herself a long moonlight silver bladed sword with a round hilt with a crescent moon set into it. The handle of it was dark blue with a silver spiral going down the length of it ending in a silver crescent moon pommel. She kept it at the ready as we made it up to the door itself. It out right looked creepy as it made it look like black iron vines took up the whole door besides the outline of the door itself. From the right angle, you could almost see the shapes of ponies in it. The worse part was the handle looked like a pony's hoof reaching out for help.

Slowly my claw reached out and gripped the handle. I didn't want to think about it being a pony's hoof so I quickly turned it and opened the door as fast as I could. Oh, inside didn't look much better as it had dark architecture down pat. Inside the floor was tiled marble in a very black with white crack and dark gray with black crack checkered pattern. All with a matted down red carpet that went up a set of stairs, much like the main entry to where the Gala was held. The only reason I know this was Twilight telling me about it.

We looked around to see more of the castle. The high ceiling of the castle was much large arched roofs that had almost a star like pattern to them. The more you would look at the ceiling, the more it looks like it was moving slightly. We looked around a few of the halls to find them completely empty.

“This is very unsettling.” Luna said as we continued to look through. Honestly if it wasn't for the dark color palette of the castle itself and the massive holes in some places. This wouldn't be too bad of a castle to own itself. It would need massive work to add some colors other than dark.

“No kidding, if this was an old school horror game from earth. We would have gotten at least two jump scares by now.” I said looking around more.

“These... horror games, what are they?” She asked looking up at me.
“Horror games, a lot of them rely on setting up a creepy atmosphere where they put the player on edge. Sort of like how nightmares do to a lot of ponies. Take this castle we are in right now.” I said using my hand in a sweeping motion. “You would say this has us on edge right?”

“Very much so.” She said eyeing me.

“Well depending on the style of game. We would end up trying to find a way out other than the front door. Because it would end up locked by some means. Which most times you would be helpless against the creatures of the castle. Armed only with your wits and a lantern. Some would be more a jump scare nightmare where it more gets you by playing with your expectations.” I explained as we continued to walk down a few corridors.

“They sound... interesting.” She said.

“Very much so, the best ones are the ones that tell pieces of a story. Through a little direct means, but with a lot of subtle hints.” I said as we turned to go down a large stain glassed hallway. This left the hall painted in many colors. The only odd thing was that on the stain glasses was the cutie-marks of Twilight and the others. It was just they were each paired with a second cutie-mark. The one I noticed and could easily recognize was the one under Twilight's. We stopped before as the two of us couldn't help but stare.

“Mother?” Luna asked placing a hoof on the glass itself. I just watched her for a little bit before I noticed something through the glass itself. It was the courtyard of the castle itself, and in the middle of it was something I couldn't quite make out. Just for a moment I thought I saw something shine through the glass from where I was looking. “Storm, where are you going?” I heard behind me as I left the hallway. I tried to say something but nothing came to my voice, just silence. Rounding the bend I found a hole big enough for me to jump through and I did, using my wings to help slow my descent into the courtyard.

The courtyard itself was pretty big, it had what would have looked like nice trees. If it wasn't for the fact that they more looked like weeping willows with how the leaves sagged on them. Even more so that the pond and little river set to go through this was filled with an off colored liquid, that sure as hell wasn't water. If it was then it would have been frozen over like most of the snow covered ground is. Even on the stone arches that circled around what caught my eye earlier had icicles formed on them.

“Storm what's wrong?” Luna asked as I couldn't help myself. Slowly I moved to the object in my view. I saw the familiar shape resting in the stone pedestal before me. The long sliver like blade leading up to the large pink star shaped cross guard. The handle that looked like it was ascribed with arcane runes down the whole length of it. All leading to a glowing stone at the end of it just pulsating like a beating heart. The world washed away from my eyes as I could only see it. That's when something shot through my head, not something physical but more a pain. “Storm!” Luna said somewhere far off.

Wait... that couldn't be right. I felt something holding me as I fell to the snow covered ground, but her voice sounded so far away. They sounded so far that I could only tell it was her voice but not see her. She looked scared as she held me in her magic. I could feel her hooves gently pressing into my arm as she tried to shake me awake a little. The world around us just disappeared slowly as they waved and dispersed, as if they were made out of ink that suddenly was in water. Luna followed suit seconds later leaving me in a black soulless void for what felt like hours.


“Oh god my head.” I groaned as I rubbed it gently. It felt like someone just let a heavyweight boxer wail on it for an hour. I looked around to see that it had become the afternoon and that we are already in the air. Well... more than we already were.

“Storm are you alright?” I heard to my left to see Twilight had laid down next to me.

“Yeah... I think. Just had a weird dream was all.” I said.

“If I may ask what happened?” She asked.

“That's the weird thing, for the most part nothing really happened. Luna decided to check my dreamscape while it was going on for any lasting signs of Grimwand, so far I could guess there was none.” I said trying to piece it all in my head.

“That was kind of her.” Twilight said resting her head against my neck gently.

“It was, but that's not the big part. After some walking the cheery atmosphere turned pretty dark, not in the same sense as before with the nightmares. Just creepy dark.” I said quietly as I looked at my hoof.

“What was it about?” She asked.

“Well... just an old castle, a very dark... old... castle.” Just the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine. Twilight looked at me quietly as I thought about it more. “The odd thing was that it felt too real, I mean besides the whole feeling of a lucid dream. Like it was some place from a memory long forgotten, but that would be impossible.”

“Maybe it was a memory, but from somewhere else. You did say Luna was there, could it have been one of hers?” She asked and I thought about it more.

“I don't think that was the case. Luna didn't seem familiar with the place beyond one stained glass window.”

“Stained glass window?” She asked quietly.

“Yeah, it had yours as well as the rest of the girl's cutie-marks on them, but they weren't alone.” I thought back.

“What else was with them?” Twilight ask now seriously looking at me.

“That's the odd thing, under the cutie-marks where other cutie-marks. Like under yours was Faust's.”

“That doesn't seem so odd, the Elements and Artifacts are connected. So maybe you put those together in your head.” Twilight suggested looking at me gently.

“That's a possibility, but I've been noticing that beyond nightmares that my dreams have served a purpose.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well... for the most part I've had relieved past memories through a filtered means. I relieved one of the worst nights of my life, then the set of nightmares that was to show me my own death on earth, and even some more odder experiences.” I commented.

“Odder?” She asked and I began to explain the doors that have shown up a few times. Even the few that I had traversed. This got Twilight to remember something that had happened during my trip in Saddle Arabia.

“Speaking of that, how were you able to talk with Dash?” She asked.

“Honestly I don't know, I was in the middle of camping when I began to hear Dash talking. I think it was a night she was heavily drunk.” I asked.

“We were having a few drinks to help ease the tension of things going on.” Twilight said with a light blush.

“I'm guessing it's something you have planned with the girls.” I asked.

“Well... kind of. Pinkie wanted to throw a slumber party and we all agreed to it. Not many can say no to Pinkie when she is being assertive about it.” Twilight said with a slight nervous smile.

“I believe you're right.” I said returning the awkward smile as I remembered the party Nightling and I had agreed to.

“If I may ask, what happened next?” She asked quietly placing a hoof on mine.

“Well from there it gets a little fuzzy.” I said trying to piece the end of it together. “I stood behind Luna and saw something in the castle courtyard. My feet decided to carry me to it, even jumping out a hole in the castle itself to do so. All I could remember that it was a sword of some kind. Then it out of nowhere a sudden pang decided to strike and everything blurred out with Luna holding me.” I said as the throb in my head worsen for a moment as I tried to remember.

“That sounds... odd.” Twilight said and I watched her mind just go to town. “Do you think you could draw this castle from your dream?”

“Possible if you get me a pad and pencil.” In a few seconds she caused them to appear before me. It took us getting to the outskirts of Ponyville for me to finish the drawing of the castle from the outside, as best as I could remember. Which remind you I was working with a throbbing headache at the time, so it was hard to remember. Twilight simply watched before getting up to make sure our stuff was ready.

So the disembarking wasn't that bad, well... until we got our first hooves on the ground. Namely my hooves to be exact. That's when they appeared, and my god did they appear. Out of the bushes and branches. Out of the logs and ground, and even behind the clouds. No place was safe from ponies popping out of them with cameras all flashing in my face and blinding me. It took my wing to stop the flashing from blinding me long enough to see some bits and pieces of pony reporters. Oh of course that didn't stop me hearing the onslaught of requests for interviews from every and any pony.

“Please let me through.” I requested as I heard my own voice getting drowned out by the others trying to yell above each other. Hell when I tried again the royal Canterlot voice was drowned out and that is suppose to be deafening to hear point blank.

“Storm hold on.” Twilight said right into my ear before I could even have a second to process what she said. My world flipped, followed by dropping out from under me. Than suddenly we found ourselves in the libraries main room.

“A little more warning on that Twi.” Applejack said before I chanced a glance around to fully see what the hell happened.

“Sorry Applejack, but I had to get Storm out of there.” Twilight said as I took the moment to shake the final bits of the world spinning out of my head.

“I know why you did it Twi. Just a warning is all I ask before you magic us away.” Applejack continued.

“But you saw those ponies trying to swamp poor old Storm.” Rarity said with slight annoyed look to her face.

“Are... are you alright?” I heard to my left, I turned to see that it was Fluttershy looking worried.

“Yeah, just a little dizzy from the sudden teleportation mixed with the ungodly amount of flashing from the cameras.” I said sitting down and rubbing my eyes with my left hoof. That's when I heard the soft thumps of somepony entering the room. We turned to see Spike staring at the group of us, including my sister, Dragoon, and Nightling with a large emerald sticking out of his mouth like some one having a sucker in there mouth. In his arms was a large bowl of gems, which as far as I knew he took the last of his with him when Estrus started.

“Spike, where did you get those gems?” Twilight asked in a very dangerous tone.

“I um... was given them.” Spike said trying to slowly step back into the kitchen.

“Who gave them to you?” Twilight said slowly stepping closer to him.

“Um... ponies.” Spike said and now it was Rarity's turn to step in close.

“Spiky Wiky, where did you get all those lovely gems?” Rarity asked in a velvety voice.

“Those ponies out there asked if I knew when Firestorm was coming back and I told them... than they gave me the gems as payment for the information.” Spike said and that got my eyes to widen for a moment. Are you fucking kidding me?

“Spike!” Twilight said in shock.

“Why?” Rarity asked quietly.

“Well... I... I thought I could...” Was all he got out.

“Okay...” I said before sighing. “Why did you tell them I was going to return today?” I asked feeling a little betrayed. It wasn't rational to the fact that, how was he suppose to know that this was meant to be kept secret?

“I...” Spike said and I watched his scales droop a little. I didn't even know scales on a dragon could droop like that. “They tempted me with so many tasty looking gems, I couldn't help myself.”

“Spike I sent you a letter explaining to keep our return secret from everypony.” Twilight said looking disappointed and now I did too.

“Twilight dear, I believe Spike has saw what he did was wrong. Didn't you darling?” Rarity interjected.

“Yes.” Spike said with a slight nod as he didn't look at any of us.

“And he is a baby dragon after all.” Gaia pointed out.

“Be that as it may, he should have at least known better than to do that.” Twilight said.

“Look.” I said cutting this off now. “I'm just not in the mood for this anymore, I'm going to the bedroom and put my stuff away. If anypony needs me I'll be there.” With that I wrapped all of Twilight and I's bags in my magic as I slowly made my way up to the bedroom. As soon as I get through the door I was blindsided by another pony with a fucking camera. With a thump of a strained hoof, I placed my bags down and wrapped the unsuspecting mare in my magic. Who looks a little scared as I knew my mane was completely ablaze. I flung the balcony door open and shot the pegasus mare out the window with a very loud roaring “Get out!” As soon as the mare cleared the balcony itself, I slammed and locked the door quite loudly. This was followed by a very angry “Spike!”


Four days, I had to deal with four days of being stuck in the library because of these fucking reporters. On top of that, I'm now not the only one getting bugged. The girls as well as my guard have been assaulted by the vulturous media. If I had to compare it to something from earth, this would be close to the show TMZ. I couldn't even stand that show as they wouldn't leave celebrates a moment of privacy when they want time alone. All to get a picture or video of someone at a moment of weakness. That's what these ponies reminded me, to the point I started to stay down in the lab in the basement. It gave me time to recover and work.

After the first day we found out that a translation spell backfired. Twilight got a backlash from the book as it left her speaking what we found out later was German. So she ended up using my tablet's text to speech function after I showed her how to use it for a few hours. Spike during these four days tried to stay on both Twilight and I's good side. Even to the point that he was getting a little annoying. Oh I did have a little fun with it as my own version of payback. He did all the drink runs for my first day back. Well after that first night where he stayed far away from me out of my anger.

The best part was when we sent him out to do the shopping. I sure as hell wasn't going to go out there with those ponies out there. That and after two failed attempts to get some fresh air. These little bastards were sneaky as all hell. So I found out that they had lens that saw through illusions. I learned this after Twilight used a teleportation spell and covered us in a spell so we could go out in public. We got maybe an hour at most before we were found out. This caused us to teleport back to the library to find Nightling fighting a few ponies who was trying to shove themselves into the library.

It seems they got it into their minds that they could camp in the library to get closer to me. This got so bad that we had to do the two ponies at a time when it comes to checking out a book. While the business hours were going on, I would either be in the lab or in the bedroom. Not bad I suppose as I took sometime to work on some idea sketches. I didn't have a lot of the technical aspect when it comes to doing it. As this was only a series of ideas to work out. The portable shield I did in a few styles. One of them was a bubble style while the other was a smaller disc that would project a larger one. Even the armor summoning items were designed based of the old morphers from an old sentai series I use to watch as a kid. Just a simple open button style.

Twilight looked over my designs and asked me about them. This got me into showing her a few clips from the old shows to kind of show what I meant by them. This launched us into a few good hours of me explaining the show and the history of it. Lucky for me I had a lot of reference material to help show off. The hardest part was explaining why I never want to make a lethal weapon. It was the fact that I knew what that kind of tool could do to a being. Even I had to deal with this myself as I was given a very powerful one. Even knowing that I with ease, could be tipped into the darker side of things. I could easily be the next Nightmare Moon, Discord, or even Sombra. This was the biggest thing I never wanted to be or bring that ability to anypony. Having to say this to Twilight made me feel pretty bad. This required me to show a bit of material I wasn't ready to show anypony other than Celestia or Luna. I had to explain what I was about to show her was fake at the core, but possible. This launched me into the very long winded speech.

I never wanted to be the cause for the end of ponykind, and the only way I could explain this was showing a few test videos I had from the internet of earth's most deadly weapons. Even some computer recreation of what they could do. It was the fact that I could easily explain how these weapons work and give this information into the wrong hooves. My simplest way I could explain this was with the revolver and the knowledge that it would punch a hole right through most armors. Even showed a few of the videos I had of some fire tests against metal and she watched in a sense of horror as some rounds punched through it. While others left large dents that would be painful to a guard in the armor. It took that series of talk for her to completely agree with my idea of supplying non-lethal tools. She even said she would reel me in if she thought an invention would touch into the lethal side. I agreed with this idea as sometimes I get too... involved with an idea and not see the limits. She also agreed that no pony beyond the princess would know of what I had told her.

Mainly she was going to send a report to Celestia. She showed me the report, after it was written and I took a quill to add to it myself. More for my own sake than really to explain. It was just a short line that I only planned to help make protective tools or at least disabling ones for offense, and hers as well as Luna's guards would have access to these as well. With that Spike sent that off and with that we sat in quiet. That night was a very long one for me as I couldn't get to sleep both for I had slept the night before and just couldn't get comfortable as I couldn't stop thinking about what I had showed her. Just thoughts of many depictions of a wasteland running through my head. It was the fact that Shadow was trying to pull me out my darker thoughts. It was funny that the darker side of my soul was trying to be the one to help pull me out of it. I'm not saying that it wasn't a good thing, just it goes to show that Shadow was trying to make good on his word. That he was trying to be a better pony at least, but this was a very large uphill battle for both of us, and we knew it.


“You want me to what?” I asked in a little surprise. It had been close to a week now of them not ever giving up. So I've been stuck inside and honestly it wouldn't be bad if I could only open a window without them flocking to it. This sadly included the girls as they avoided having to coming over to deal with them. Well... all but Rarity as I get the feeling she liked the attention. Kind of hard not to notice when she would come over in a new outfit each time, and honestly I get it. She wants to show off her work so ponies would go 'hey that outfit looks good, I have to know who made it.'

If being around me helps a friend then by all means, I don't have much issues with it. Keyword here being much, as I don't like being used, this was one of those moments it didn't bother me as I got to see the range Rarity could design. The thing was she wasn't the one here now, surprising enough it was Applejack that showed up this time.

“Just like I said, Rares, Dash, and I are all coming camping with the C.M.C. And we thought that since you've been cooped up in this library that we would invite you to join us. I mean it can't be good stuffed up here all the time without a chance to stretch those legs of yours.” She said and it made sense.

“One problem with that Applejack, how am I supposed to get out of here without being spotted by them?” I asked using my hoof to pull back the curtain for only a moment to show about seven or eight ponies with their cameras already flashing for a photo.

“Well... I reckon you could always have Twi give you a disguise so you could just waltz out of here.” Applejack suggested.

“We tried, they have magical lens that see through illusion spells.” Twilight answered.

“Darn...” She said as she looked like she was letting the gears turn in her head. “What about a normal disguise? I'm sure Rarity would could come up with something so you could do that.”

“Tried that too, it's hard to hide the cutie-mark long enough.” Twilight again answered for me.

“I may have an idea.” Shadow comment and I cocked an eyebrow listening to him explaining it.

“Storm?” Twilight asked noticing my stare off into space.

“Sorry, I was listening to Shadow's suggestion.” I apologized for not hearing what she said.

“What is it?” Applejack asked.

“Well... since you know we both share the same body right now. I would give up control long enough for us to get to the forest. Since the two of us have different cutie-marks. It should switch mine for his, but he suggests trying the disguise it further-” I said before shivering as I had to voice the idea. “With poison joke and an outfit.”

“That... that doesn't sit right with me Storm. There is no telling what that varmint will try when he is in control again.” Applejack said with scowl on his face.

“Applejack I-” Was only what I could get out.

“No, Applejack is right. That idea is insane and I can't even agree with that idea.” Twilight interjected.

“Oh, so if I just suggested hoping into poison joke and got all dressed would have been just fine?” I shot back.

“Well... um... yes?” She shrunk back as she said that.

“Now hold on there Storm, that's not fair either. It ain’t about being in poison joke or not, it's Shadow being in control. If you remember last time he was in control you lost your leg. How can you be so trusting of somepony that does that to another?” Applejack asked.

“It's because he saved my life during the nightmare where I could have died.” I shot back. “Plus neither of you know the whole story about what Luna tried to do, or it's effects. Since then Shadow has been trying to be a good pony. Doesn't a pony deserve a second chance?” I asked. This got both mares to stop and looked a little ashamed as well as conflicted.

“Storm I don't like the idea at all. This puts you in a very dangerous spot as we can't really do anything to help without it hurting you.” Applejack said.

“And mixed with the effects of poison joke, I don't know what will happen.” Twilight said.

“Look if it makes you feel better, than why don't you go to Zecora to see if she could make a potion that could give me the same effect as poison joke. Just without the whole mind effects with it.” I suggested and this got both Applejack and Twilight to look at each other. “Look if it makes you feel better he will wear a suppression ring, until we get to the forest and we switch back.”

“Storm, may I speak with them?” Shadow asked quietly and I agreed silently. Something you should know when this happens is that I lose control of where I look, as well as my mouth, but the only thing that changes on me is my eyes. The only way I know this was that Shadow and I practiced to see how it feels. Honestly the only thing that feels freaky about it was when I gave him full control as it's just me going along for the ride. If this is the only way for me to get out of the library at this point than I'm willing to take the backseat on this one. As we switched so Shadow could speak Twilight and Applejack took a long step back away from me. “Relax Firestorm only gave me control of his eyes and his mouth.”

“I still don't trust you.” Applejack said giving the two of us a scowl. I sighed inside my head as I used my magic to bring my tablet over. With a few swipes using Shadow's peripheral vision I was able to bring up my text to speech app on my tablet. Twilight watched as my little pen is tapping away. “What in tarnation are you doing?”

“I'm not doing that.” Shadow defended.

“No... I... Am... Ap...ple... Jack.” The tablet said in it's broken english. “I'm... use... ing... may... tab... let... to... talk... as... well... It's... St...orm.”

“Okay, That's mighty weird.” Applejack said eyeing it as it sat upright using the case on the tablet's little kick stand.

“Storm... why did you let Shadow take control of your eyes and mouth?” Twilight asked. With a few taps I switched the voice to something a little less broken.

“Sorry had to switch voices to sound... smoother.” It said a little less brokenly but deeper tone. “Shadow is trying to... turn over a new... leaf. Apple... jack, you're able to tell if a pony... is lying. Correct?”

“Well... yeah, but I don't see what that has to do with this?” Applejack said with a cocked eyebrow. Shadow took the actions for me as I would have rolled my eyes at this.

A few more taps later. “Ask him if he will keep his word, if he lies you will know.”

“Oh...” Applejack said, before looking at Shadow. “Alright... Shadow, if we agree to this. Are you going to give full control back to Storm when we are out of Ponyville and with no funny business?” She asked glaring at Shadow.

“You have my word that I won't try anything and give full control back to Firestorm when we get to the forest.” Shadow said. There was a few minutes of a pause as Applejack just glared at the two of us, Twilight just watched her friends look while keeping us in her peripheral.

“As far as I can tell, he's telling the truth. That doesn't change that I still don't trust you.” Applejack flatly stated.

“I don't blame you for it. In fact to honest with you, I'm surprised Firestorm trusts me as he does.” Shadow said.

“Well you were the reason he doesn't have a right foreleg anymore.” Twilight shot back.

“I know, I know. Admittedly at the time I was trying to become my own pony, and I may have gone the wrong way with that.”

“You think?” Twilight, Applejack, and I all said with only me saying it in my head.

“Bare in mind, that at the time a lot was still new to me. That and being a lot of his negative emotions given life, it's hard not to see why.” Shadow said trying to defend himself.

A few taps follows as everypony waiting for my response. “Look, be that as it may. I trust Shadow for this, plus can either of you come up with a way... other then this for me to get out of the... library for this camping... trip?” The look on both Applejack and Twilight's face just told me they tried to come up with one.

“He is right you know?” Spike said as he entered from the kitchen. This caused both Twilight and Applejack turned to see the newcomer.

“Be that as it may-” Twilight tried to say before I cut her off with my tablet.

“Trust me... please?” I asked. Twilight bit her bottom lip for a few moments and I could see the unsure in her eyes.

“Alright, I will trust you on this.” Twilight said coming over to Shadow looking at him. “Don't make me regret this Shadow.” She growled under her breath. She then rested her head gently onto my head as Shadow gave me back control of my eyes and mouth. With a gentle smile on my face I just let her stay there.

“It will be alright Twilight.” I said gently using my wing to hold her as best as I could.

“I hope so.” She said.


It was another day before Rarity showed up at the library. Surprising enough it took very little to convince her into this plan, mostly because she was and I shall quote “Dying to get her hooves on me for an outfit.” So after she was told that the main point of this was to hide my wings so I would look like a normal unicorn. I think the scariest part was how much she brought with her to make said outfit. Lucky for me I didn't have to really take the reins on this one, as Twilight observed the change for herself. I only knew how it looked as we tested it out a few times in the bathroom using the mirror to see it. After that the poison joke was applied and that left the two of us as a mare. The first thing Rarity insisted that would happen was for my mane and tail to be styled.

I will admit that being just floating in the void was a little weird the first few times. For the most part I could pay attention to what was happening with my body, or I could sort of make a place to relax. Shadow had explained to me that inside here or if you wanted to, count it as my mind. A space kind of existed for just idling would be the best way to explain it. I mean it looked like a bedroom to explain it. Well... sort of, as it had a bed, desk, and a few drawers you would normally see. Maybe a flat screen tv if you happened to have one. This one however had a sofa as well as a mini fridge. So I thought I would see what was on, what I saw I didn't expect. On the screen showed a menu like the old dvds. So I decided to click around to see what this was.

It felt like maybe a good ten minutes of clicking around and it was really starting to bother me. After a few layers of just very vague names, It just began to show up with random text. Well... not quite just random, it was more that the letters kept shifting to the point that there was no way of telling what the hell I was clicking. So after using the remote and tried to click back, the screen decided to glitch out for a few moments. This stopped with a solid screen shot of the castle from my dream on the ship. I had almost completely forgot about it until I saw it again. The more I looked at it the more I noticed that it wasn't a solid image. It was indeed moving with bits of snow and a slight breeze through it. There was a sense of loosing time as I was just trying to figure out why this was here.

Something about this castle was screaming at me in big bold letters, but it just wasn't readable to me. The more I thought on that dream the more a sudden pain flared in my head that caused me to look away. This was one thing that refused to be thought about and it was annoying me.

“Storm?” Said a voice.

“huh?” I said looking around.

“Storm!” The voice said a second time.

“Yes?” I said before the little idle spot disappears for me to find myself back in the forest. I blinked quietly looking around as I had noticed I was standing around. Applejack was looking at me a little worried.

“You there sugar cube?” She said.

“Yeah now, sorry I guess I wasn't prepared to get control back so suddenly.” I said rubbing my head a little. I noticed I was still a mare and I saw the outfit that I was in. It seems that Shadow talked Rarity into a simple set of large coal gray saddlebags with a complementary jade black trim. They laid comfortably on my wings so they weren't pinning them and with my still bad wing, this was a good thing.

“Storm you were standing there for a good half hour.” She continued looking worried. I blinked quietly as I looked around quietly with my gaze landing onto my hoof and a little pouch in it. I had lost half an hour?

“Oh... sorry.” I said opening up the pouch in my hoof. In it was a mixture of herbs that I wasn't familiar with.”

“Storm are you alright?” Applejack said coming over placing a hoof on my shoulder.

“Yeah, just... I wasn't expecting to lose so much time. Just bothers me I guess, it could be just a small side effect of Shadow being in control. It's hard to say, and I'm guessing these are the herbs I need to use to revert back?” I asked.

“Yeah, we won't be crossing a stream until the first camping spot.” She explained.

“It shouldn't be that long I suppose.” I said sitting down looking around.

“I'm guessing the rest are meeting up with us here?” I asked.

“Dash is going to meet us at the first camping spot, Applebloom went to get Scootaloo, and Rarity I think went to get her stuff after helping you.”

“Oh, alright.” I said sitting there waiting quietly. Applejack sat down too waiting as there wasn't really much to say between the two of us. To say that it was awkward would be an understatement. “So... hows things between you and Dash?” I asked more to break the ice.

“It's good.” Applejack said with a light blush. “What about you and Twi?”

“Good...” I said scratching the back of my head before I let out a sigh.

“Something wrong?”

“Kind of, it's just I've noticed I don't hang out with anypony really other than Twi. Don't get me wrong she is my marefriend and everything, but you all have been my first friends here.” I said getting to a point I've had on my mind off and on.

“Storm, don't worry about it. There is times where I just stay at home doing farm work for weeks without coming into town. So I get it, you're worried that you are just... hanging onto the ideal of it, but not the thing itself. If anything you've been a good pony to all of us. I mean yeah we all could do more stuff together, but sometimes it's just hard to do.” Applejack really just laying it out there. “With the whole reporter issues and the whole your royalty, it's kind of hard not seeing the line in the sand.”

“Applejack I don't-”

“I know you don't see yourself as royalty and you don't let it go to your head. It's just hard not to see it.” She explained.

“Truth be told if I could I wouldn't be one. It's been more a headache than anything else. Ponies bowing, or calling me prince seems like nothing big. Unfortunately it is, I'm no pony like Celestia or Luna when it comes to being regal. I'm not like Blueblood being stuck up, or any of what others may think of me. I've just always want to be me, just somepony who just lives life peacefully. No crazy destiny, no being a problem to anypony, no ponies using me for their own goals, and no ponies messing with my mind. I've been just wanting to be a normal pony, drony, or whatever. I've lived a simple life before coming to Equestria, yet here I lose that.” I said just rambling.

“Sugar cube, if it means anything you have never been a problem.” Applejack said placing a hoof on my shoulder.

“Yeah... if you say so.” I said halfheartedly.

“Storm I mean it. It's just been a lot of misfortune that's happened to ya, but that don't mean that you've been a problem.” She said and I nodded.

“I guess, it's hard not to really see it though.” I answered.

“That may be true, but you need to see things differently. Reporters aside, you've got it pretty good I have to say.” She said smiling.

“I suppose.”

“Suppose nothing and with this camping trip, I'm sure you won't have to worry about a darn thing.” She said as we heard the sounds of hooves trotting our way from around the bend. Applebloom with her white saddlebags with what looked like a light green sleeping bag on her back was here with Scootaloo in her light blue bags and shade off light blue sleeping bag had arrived. “Remember to bring the bug spray?”

“Eeyup.” Applebloom said as she jumps her rear end up just so the can of said bug spray would fly out and right back into place.

“You got the canteens?” Applebloom asked in return.

“Eyup!” Applejack said, copying Applebloom’s earlier movement flinging the canteens into the air and then right back in.“It looks like we are all set then.” Applejack said as I looked behind her with my eyes widening. Holy shit! It only took a moment for Applejack, Applebloom, and Scootaloo to noticed the mountain of luggage that was following up behind Rarity. For 'roughing it' out in the woods, that's way too much. I mean I could understand maybe three if you push it, but this was beyond ridiculous. “Gee Rarity did you remember to pack?”

“Well we will see who gets the last laugh when you're absolutely desperate to curl your eyelashes and your realize you didn't bring your eyelash curler.” Rarity said stepping away to show me that it was Sweetie Belle pulling this monstrously of a camping cart.

“Well it looks like we are set... now” Applejack tacked on while I glanced back to see Scootaloo fluttering around on her small wings in a slight panic.

“What about Rainbow Dash, isn't Rainbow Dash coming?” She asked.

“Dash is meeting us up at the first campsite Scootaloo.” I answered.

“Oh.” Scootaloo said a little dejected.

“Alright y'all, let's move 'em out.” Applejack said stepping past me. I took this time to come up to Sweetie Belle.

“Do you want me to get that Sweetie Belle?” I asked and the look on her eyes was 'oh god please yes!'

“If you don't mind miss... um.” Sweetie said a little nervous.

“It's me Firestorm, Sweetie Belle. I'm under the effects of poison joke at the moment to hide from the reporters.” I explained.

“Oh! Well um... hi.” She said undoing the buckle under as I moved to take the yoke of the cart. With a flick of magic I was strapped in and pulled this rather heavy cart up the hill before us. We only got up the hill when the nightmare of any trip started, and it had to be Rarity that began it.

“Are we there yet?” She whined a little.

“We just set off a few minutes ago. You can persevere until we get there.” I commented finally finding my stride with the cart. I think the last time I pulled one of these was Rarity's gem hunting a while ago. Of course, I was a stallion and if my guess was right based off the two frames. The stallion's body structure was stronger than the mare's. Of course, I know that wasn't always the case with most ponies. Since earth ponies had the strongest of bodies, but I was at least part earth pony since the whole dralicorn thing.

“How long will it take to get there?” She whined walking up next to me.

“Rarity we still have a good half a day's walk to get there, so tough it out girl.” Applejack said cheekily. Which I completely agreed with Applejack on this one, if I'm pulling this cart and I don't have an issue. Than miss prim and proper next to me wearing her short pink dress with a complementary white and red stripe belt, could suck it up as far as I cared.


Several hours passed and with a little bit of idle conversation between the C.M.C. and myself we were getting pretty close. As I had guessed Scootaloo had a fan crush on Dash to the point that it was close to Dash for the Wonderbolts. That being said she was really looking forward to the camping trip to spend time with her. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes at this with a smile, like this wasn't the first time they have heard things like this. Which from how Scootaloo was acting it was easy to believe.

“Are we there yet?” Rarity whined once again.

“The last thousand times you've asked that, the answers been no. This time it's accusingly yes, there's Rainbow Dash right up there right now.” Applejack commented before Dash zoomed down towards a few trees, before she twisted in the air using her momentum to chick logs out through the trees. Causing them to hang in the air like one of those old Tex Avery cartoons for a second before they dropped. She flew by dropping off the logs and dove right into the river in a second, only to fly out with her hooves full of rocks. Then she decided to fly around creating a prismatic twister dropping the rocks in a circle to create the fire pit. Than land like it was nothing, which to her it probably wasn't. I couldn't help but just think the words 'show off' as I watched this. Maybe I was a little bitter at her being able to fly, which wasn't really against her. Just envy has it's way of coming up to bite you in the flank.

That's when I noticed Scootaloo moving towards Dash with a “Hey Rainbow Da-” before she tripped over a rock and rolled on top of one of the logs that Dash kicked out from a tree. Causing her to run on it like the log rollers I've seen on TV. Before it was stopped on her by a second rock causing her to roll through the shallow part of the river, up a tree, over Dash who was in the air still and land back towards where she started on her back. I blinked for a few moments as that just seemed too odd even for me. Was the poison joke screwing with my head that badly? I shook it off as I didn't want to know and I really wanted to be back to my old self again. So I undid the cart and my saddlebags before I told everypony I would be back.

It didn't take long to walk down stream from everypony so I could take a dip in peace. Just a hop into the river with the herbs, some scrubbing, and I was back to my injured stallion self once again. Hindsight I probably should have taken off my bandages before I took my dip. So once I was out and I shook myself off like I was some wet dog. With a flick of magic I was dry again and the remaining water was dropped back into the river. The trek back to the campsite wasn't really that bad until I saw the yellow box with the purple ribbon being placed by Sweetie Belle. My curiosity got the better of me as I stopped to watch. Just like everypony but Rarity and Sweetie Belle, our jaws dropped when Rarity pulled the cord. With a sound of rushing air a two floored tent just inflated into existence in mere seconds. Okay, seriously how the fuck do these ponies come up with things like this? You know what, screw it.

“Hey Dash?” I asked getting the cyan mare's attention as she looked at me.

“‘Sup Storm?” She asked looking at me.

“Mind giving me a hoof with my wing?” I said opening said wing with the best I can to show the loose bandages hanging on them.

“Oh sure.” She said before saying something to Scootaloo in a posh tone. I heard a few giggles as I had already trotted over to my saddlebags and pulled out a fresh roll of bandages for my wing.

“Alright, let's get this going.” She said taking the bandages from my magic. She began to pull out my wing with a hoof. I couldn't help but blush a little as she quickly got my wing fully extended. “Don't get any funny idea Storm.”

“I know.” I said with an annoyed sigh.

“But that being said, your wings really need a good preening.” Dash said as she began to run the bandage around my wing.

“Has Twilight been talking to you recently?” I asked looking over my shoulder at her.

“Not recently why?” She asked as she was gently going to town on my wing.

“Well... Twilight brought up the point of my wings needing preen, but like everything else before that. I don't know how, since I've never grown up as a pony.” I said with a sigh looking forward.

“That's gotta suck.” Dash said.

“As elegant as ever Dash.” I sarcastically commented.

“Dude relax, look if you need help I'm willing to lend a hoof.” She said.

“Well um... thanks. Just, I know it's a little awkward since wings... you know.” I said not sure how to approach this.

“Relax, a lot of pegasi go to one another to help get the backs of their wings. So, I don't mind being that one for you. I help Fluttershy all the time.” Dash said with a smirk.

“Sure, I suppose. Just... how does that work anyway?” I asked as Dash finished up my wing wrapping.

“Pegasi's wings are used to fly around so keeping them preen helps have less issues while flying. As you know pegasi can feel the air currents with their wings so they know when to adjust them or to give them a good flap depending on what they need to do.” She explained.

“I didn't know that to be honest. You kept telling me that I would just feel when it's the right time to flap or adjust.” I answered.

“I did?” She asked looking at me.

“Yeah, you know as a teacher you kind of need work at it.” I said.

“Na, I'm more a flier than a teacher.” She said with a nod of pride.

“Oh really? I couldn't tell.” I said whipping out some trademark sarcasm.

“You need to pay attention more.” She said as she gave one good tug on the bandage. I just gave her a flat stare as she gave me a cheeky smile. It's official, I'm being screwed with by Rainbow Dash. She decided to fly up into the air back over to the campsite as I noticed Applejack doing the old bow method of starting a fire.

“Applejack, why don't I get that for you?” I said with an raised eyebrow.

“Are you saying I can't do it?” She said switching the bow from her mouth to her hoof.

“No, I was just offering since I breath fire with ease.” I said wondering why she was so suddenly defensive.

“Oh... thanks, but I rather do it myself.” She said and I couldn't help, but get an idea in my head of Applejack trying to breath fire. Deciding to sit my flank on one of the logs along with Scootaloo who was just watching Dash. Applejack went back to starting the fire as Rarity wheeled out a lounger before she laid on her back on it. I didn't even want to think about it and honestly probably safer that way. Finally Applejack got the fire started as Dash looked like she was raring to go about something.

“Hey Storm, why didn't you set up a tent?” Applebloom asked as she looked over to me.

“It's because I'm not going to sleep Applebloom. I slept the day before so I don't need to sleep.

“Lucky.” She said with a smile.

“If you say so Applebloom.” I said with a smile.

“But it is.” She whined a little.

“I know, I know.”

“Okay everybody get comfortable.” Dash said flying up with a grin on her face. Oh boy, what does she have planned now? As I looked up I noticed Sweetie belle come out with a cup of tea in her mouth. Which was weird, since every unicorn I've seen used magic to hold stuff, but here was Sweetie Belle using her mouth. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of ponies have to use their mouths because they just don't have horns. Hell, sometimes I don't use my magic and default to my claws to hold things. Ah screw it, I'm probably overthinking it. Rarity took the cup of tea from Sweetie Belle before she hopped over to one of the stumps. “Cause I'm going to tell you the best story you've ever heard.” Dash continued. That's a tall order there Rainbow, I've heard quite a few great ones and I have them here in Equestria too. Before anypony could say something Scootaloo decided to shoot up from her stump.

“Oh, is it about that time Rarity had wings and they got ruin and you saved her from plummeting to her doom?” Scootaloo said using one hell of a non-sequitur run on sentence. What the fuck did she say?! Did that seriously happen? The blush on Rarity's face as she scrunched her nose, as well as the guilty look on Dash's kind of said it was.

“Okay, maybe it's the second best story you've ever heard, but probably still the scariest. You do like scary stories don't you?” Dash said flying over us and Scootaloo gasp, followed by her nodding.

“You're asking for a tall order there Dash.” I said with a smile.

“Oh please, I bet I could scare you right out of your bandages.” She said with a grin.

“Don't write a check that your flank can't cash.” I said grinning with my fangs for added effect.

“Dash, I do believe he has you on that one.” Applejack said a little nervous.

“Oh please his last story wasn't that scary.” Dash defended.

“Then, let me tell the story than.” I offered grinning.

“Storm, remember we have young fillies here.” Applejack warned.

“Give me some credit Applejack. Do you expect me to use my A material when younger ponies are around?” I asked.

“Yes.” Dash, Rarity, and Applejack said at the same time.

“Oh, I'm wounded.” I said faking an arrow to the chest.

“Okay enough dramatics, if you keep it... for younger ponies go ahead and see if you can scare everypony.” Dash said grinning.

“Alright and I have the perfect one.” I said grinning as I brought my saddlebags over to me with my magic. With a little fiddling a small creepy tune started to emanate from my saddlebags. “Did you know that there is an old legend about having a pony take your photo?” I asked as the girls just stared at me.

“Oh come on, that can't be real?” Dash said interrupting me already.

“But it is Dash, it was said that if somepony took your picture. They would in fact take your soul with it. Most ponies just disregarded it as simply a myth, and they would be right.” I said smiling as I had my eyes closed.

“That doesn't sound scary.” Dash said not amused.

“Until she came into town.” I continued disregarding Dash's comment.

“Her?” Applebloom said with a light shake to her voice.

“The photo mare.” I said as the music started to pick up in effect. “It was an average night just like this when she wheeled her cart into town.” With a little magic I used Rarity's cart to produce the sound for added effect. “As the new day come everypony in town saw the new little shop that had opened up in an old vacation spot in town. The wagon opened up to show a little photo shop that offered only portraits in little time. For the first few days everything seemed normal as ponies would go in, get their photos taken.” With some magic I began to bring in the fog around the campsite. For the most part it was kept out of sight for the current point. “It was a night just like this when it began. Nothing big at first, a forgotten memory here, and an unknown face there. One by one each pony began to forget who... or what they were. But in that town it wasn't too odd of a thing. Even for a little pony known as Viable Truth. She wanted to be an investigator when she grew up. Even had the cutie-mark for it and everything.” With the fog I floated up to take the shape of an eye in a magnifying lens.

“So like most misguided youths at the time she thought something evil was afoot. So for the next three days as soon as school let out, she would watch the little photographer's stand to see if something was weird.” The fog took the shape over the fire of a little filly watching a simple stand with a wall showing all the photos that were taken of the ponies. The large figure of a pony with their mane over their left eye would continue showing ponies in and out. Each time coming out with a two photos. One that went with the pony that came and one on the little wall. For the most part it looked like any other little photographer's stand, but little Viable Truth couldn't let it be. Oh no, she thought that if it wasn't something from the outside. It had to be something on the inside.” I continued as I turned my head to the left so my bit of mane that hung between my eyes would move to hide my left one.

“So that night little Truth decided to sneak out of her house like a naughty little filly. To find out what was really going on.” The fog behind me rose up to look like little frames with fog made ponies in them. Each one with a smile on their face like they posed for a photograph. “The wind was abnormally cold that night, even against the pegasi's best tries. Cold enough that Truth would feel her blood freeze by a simple breeze.” The wind blew a little hard that left the fire to only a few small flickers of flame. Enough to have the underside of my muzzle covered in a orange glow. “Step by step little Truth made her way to the stand. Ducking into each and every alley to make sure no pony would see her. All until she got to the little stand. She slowly inched around the little stand until she was behind it to show all the lovely photographs that's been taken since the photo mare came into town. Something seemed off to her about the photos. Almost a pleading look in the eyes of each and every photograph. She was too fixated on the photo that she didn't hear the pony coming up behind her.” I continued as I smiled quietly.

“'May I help you little one?' said the mare that ran the stand. Viable Truth turned to see said mare behind her, only it wasn't her. Oh no, unlike the times before the mare always had her left eye covered.” I said moving my head up straight and my left eye uncovered itself as it glowed red. “Her eye was glowing. 'Did you come for a photo little filly?' She asked as Truth jumped back into the wall that had all of the other ponies photos in it. Some of them were knocked off before the mare was able to catch them in her magic. 'Be careful little one, you don't want all of your friends to hit the ground.' the mare continued as she turned the photos around.” With in the dark air they couldn't see me change the fake fog photos into faces of torment and fear. As each of them looked like they wanted out of there little photograph prisons. “Just then the sky cleared for the moon to bathe the photos in it's silvered light to show her the truth that she sought for.” I continued as I used magic to bring the fire back to what it was before the wind blew it low. The looks on every ponies faces was priceless. It was fear as they each were on the edge of their seats. “The mare sat the photos down gently on the stand as she wrapped Viable Truth in her magic, and a few moments later...” I began leaving a pause for dramatic effect and enough time to form the photos back to what they where as a new one joined them. “One more photograph joined the wall. So next time you may want to be weary of who gives you your next photograph.” I said as I floated up my phone high for the camera to get a good picture of everypony with the flash on. That caused Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle to scream and hold each other. Dash was shaking but not worse for ware. Applejack and Rarity were also shaken while they had a harder time to hide it then Dash did.

“Alright, I think it's time for me to hit the straw.” She said walking towards her tent, only to show Applebloom hanging on to her for dear life. I turned back to see both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gone from the log with Scootaloo. “Don't you worry little sis, there's no Photo Mare in our tent.” Applejack said gently using her hoof to playfully mess with Applebloom's mane as they walked off to their tent.

“Don't worry Rarity is here to protect you.” said Rarity commented as she nuzzled against Sweetie Belle before the two of them trotted into Rarity's two tier tent.

Scootaloo gave out a little nervous laugh. “Heh heh, that sure was funny wasn't it. How they all were afraid of the Photo Mare, bu-but not me.” She continued with a few nervous laughs. Dash flew down with a smile.

“That's because you're tough. Just like I was at your age.” Dash said as she grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it on the fire to extinguish it. This caused Scootaloo to jump with a little scream. “I'm going to hit the sack, come on in whenever you feel like it Scoots.” She continued before trotting in. Scootaloo just simply looked around as I just watched in the dark before a twig snapped somewhere in the forest.

“I-it's nothing, just my imagination.” Right about then the wind rustled through the trees causing some branches to smack with a light thump on a branch. “And that isn't the footsteps of the Photo Mare.” Right than a wolf in the woods howled as Scootaloo looked like she had enough and dove right into her tent zipping it up in a flash.

“Wow... that was odd...” I said before I reached into my saddlebags and pulled out a book that I saw in there when I was getting my phone. With a few clicks, a pair of set in the ear headphones, and a light spell from my horn. I read throughout the night enjoying the peace of the woods and a little classical music.


The trek to the second campsite wasn't that bad... sort of. I offered once again to pull Rarity's cart as Sweetie Belle was going to try push it as well as push Rarity's lounger. So like the idiot I was, I ended up doing both before we were even five minutes away from the first campsite. Lucky for me I had magic to help, but the strain of the cart as well as pushing really had me sweating pretty badly. I don't know if it was me, but Rarity just HAD to make a comment.

“Am I sweating? I think I'm sweating!” She commented in a panic and my left eye gave a twitch. Sweetie Belle joined me giving Rarity one of those looks. “Oh, but it's absolutely worth it... if it means I get to spend time with my little sister.” She said almost as if that was a second thought. This got Sweetie Belle to smile while my eye continued to twitch. “It just feels like this cart is getting heavier all the time.” She whined as I was about to open my mouth to say something, before Applejack interjected.

“I don't care if that cart is heavier than a pack of mules, if we don't get a move on it will be dark before we get to the campsite.” Speak for your damn self Applejack! This thing is heavier than a pack of mules already. Right about than a little weight lightened up on the back as Scootaloo zipped by on her scooter.

“I'll just ride ahead to see if the path is clear. We don't want to be out here after dark right?” She asked and I think I get what was going on.

“Doesn't matter to me.” Dash said with a shrug as she was flying above us.

“Well you know, it's for the scaredy ponies.” Scootaloo said before Dash nodded and she zipped ahead.

“You do know we aren't scaredy ponies right?” Applebloom said turning to me.

“I know, but there isn't anything wrong with being scared.” I said as we continued.

“How come?” she asked.

“Well... being afraid is alright. Everypony has something they fear. You, me, even Dash, Applejack, and Rarity.” I said with a smile.

“But that didn't answer that, why is it alright to be scared?” Applebloom commented.

“Well that's not really an easy answer to that one. Some ponies would see as it shows that you can feel things, some would say that it's one way to tell if you're alive, and even some would enjoy the adrenaline they get from being afraid.” I answered.

“Adrenalin?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It's a chemical the body produces which gives you a sudden burst of energy. With enough of it, you can ignore pain, and do things normal ponies couldn't. Having too much can be just as harmful.” I said as we trotted along. “Hey Rarity, I've got to ask.” I began as she turned her head from her lounger.

“Yes darling?”

“Did you really need half of this?”

“Well of course darling, who knows when you suddenly want to make sure your prim and proper for somepony that has come to rescue you. Just so you can be at your best.” She said with a matter of fact tone.

“I don't even know where to start punching holes into that logic.” I said with a sigh.

“Oh but dear, we always want to look our best.” She said with a smile.

“Speak for yourself Rarity.” I said with a sigh.

“Whatever do you mean?” She asked.

“Well... sometimes I just don't want to care about how I look. It's part of the reason why I'm out here with you all. To get me away from the reporters and paparazzi. The point was that I'm not one of the stallions that like to be at my best all the time. I prefer to be just me and no pony special.” I said quietly as I thought about that more.

“Well I think your crazy leaving them behind.” She said.

“It just isn't me Rarity, never has been and never will be.” I said as I continued my walk. A few moments passed as we continued uphill.

“Hey Storm, something's bugging me.” Dash said.

“Well we do have bug spray to deal with it.” I commented.

“What?” She asked a little confused.

“Something's bugging you, use the bug spray to remove the bug.” I said with a smile.

Applejack snorted with a smile. “That has to be the worst joke I've heard all day.” She said with a smile.

“Really? I thought it was the only joke you've heard all day?” I said.

“Which makes it by default the worst.”

“And the best.” I commented back. “So I still win by default.”

“Uh...?” Dash commented hovering above us.

“Just go on, what's bugging you?” I asked in a bit of a better mood.

“Aren't you suppose to have a guard on you at all times?” She asked.

“Technically not at all time, I would never have alone time if that was the case. That being said I get what you're getting at and no. Nightling is staying behind to give the illusion of me still in town. She's suppose to 'let' a reporter in to find out that I'm not there anymore. Give them a few days and Celestia is to report I went on a treaty and boom. No more reporters, all while the princesses are dealing with Silvertongue to remove the bounty for the interview.” I explained the plan as it was explained to me.

“What did you do to get under that pony's knickers?” Applejack asked.

“Well, Silver tried to get an interview and for the most part I wasn't against it. That was until the little pain in the flank tried to bring up my Storm and what I did to my old house, it just went downhill after that. Until Twilight decided for me that the interview was over and I agreed. Silver tried to plead to continue and at that point pain decided to set in that it was the final straw and threatened that said pony could have a long talk with a guard. Silver flew off and I thought that was that.” I answered.

“Still... couldn't you have done that a little more peacefully?”

“I could have, but lately I've been a little quick to anger. Probably because of all the side effects of having my mind messed with since I got here. So I'm getting use to being who I was on earth before Equestria. Maybe a little after that, but I can't say for sure.” I said.

“So... you may be a completely different pony?” Dash asked.

“Not really at the core, but it's more my limits with things have changed. Where some points I can be calm with, others that wouldn't normally upset me or set me off may have changed.” I explained.

“Oh...” Dash said.

“Look, I'm still me in the end. No pony is going to change that, if I have anything to say about it.” I said as the uphill climb decided to finally flatten out so I wasn't fighting with the cart the whole time. As we continued a sound came to our left, most of us turned to see a tired Scootaloo resting on top of a pile of leaves.

“Ah, don't go this way. Just stick to the path it's way better than going through the bushes.” She said with a hope they didn't catch me smile, before trotting with the rest of us. She ended up behind with Applejack, after a while it sounded like something startled her before the two of their voices fell out of earshot. It was a few seconds before Scootaloo flew up before me. “Do you need help with anything?” She asked.

“Nah, not really I have this one Scootaloo.” I said pulling her up onto my back. “Why don't you just rest here. It won't be much longer.”

“Are you sure?” She said nervously.

“Scootaloo, are you scared about something?” I asked deciding to flat out ask her.

“Me scared? Nah, I'm brave.” She said putting on the worst lie I have ever heard. All I could really do was sigh at this as I left her on my back and trotted along. It was after nightfall when we reached our second campsite.

“Alright no need for tents tonight ya'll. We'll just take shelter in that cave.” Applejack said as we came up to the little open area.

“All right, a deep dark cave. Perfect for the story I've got for tonight.” Dash commented as she flew up to the top of the mouth of the cave. “All we need is a camp fire and we're good to go.” Dash said as I was unhooking myself from the cart. I turned to see she was giving Scootaloo who looked like she was just a pin drop away from freaking out with the 'you'll get the wood for us, won't you' look.

“Uh... of course.” Scootaloo gulped as she began to stutter out her words. “I'll be right back with lots of firewood from the deep... dark... and not scary at all forest.” she said slowly stepping away from Dash scared as hell.

“Thanks.” Dash said flying back to help set up the rest of it.

“Scootaloo, do you need some help?” I asked before already knowing the answer myself.

“Nah, I can do that. Rainbow Dash is counting on me.” She said trying to put on a brave face. One that anypony can see right through. So already knowing she wasn't going to go any further into the forest. I decided to go get wood myself, mostly to speed it up. Probably a good few minutes and I was back with what would probably have been a good arm load (if I was human) of logs. As I had called it, Scootaloo only made it back with a few sticks... namely three. So after dropping two logs into the fire pit. I gave them a quick breath of flames and we had a nice warm fire going for everypony. With that I went to get my bed up as I was fatigued from pulling. For the most part it was a pretty large cave. Part of me could even see myself hold up in here for a while with the woods outside, food wouldn't be too hard. Even as a child I had a few thoughts of roughing it from time to time. Of course I was just a stupid kid at the time and even when I went to camp the few times I always enjoyed it. Well... all but the swimming the first few years. With a sigh I reached into my saddlebags and pulled out something for me to eat. As soon as I pulled out my little bar I noticed something with it. Under it was a book with a note attached to it.

I know that you didn't have much time with the reporters at our door to read through this, so I had Shadow pack it with your stuff. I also packed a few extra bits of food for you. Don't let any other ponies have them as they would hurt their teeth. They are made for dragons. Spike helped me make them. Enjoy.


Your marefriend

Twilight Sparkle.

I couldn't help but smile at that. Even when things were pretty annoying back home, she still ended up planning. The more I thought about it though this would explain why I was banned from the kitchen for the two days. One for safety after Twilight had tried to cook breakfast for us, the other I wasn't told beyond top secret... clever Twilight. With a smile I unwrapped the first bar and looked at it. For the most part it looked like the old granola bars I used to have on earth. Hmm... I wonder what it tastes like. I couldn't help myself as I bit into it with a rather large crunch. As I chewed it, I began to notice a different flavor to it. I could taste the spiciness of flowers I've had before... roses I think they were. But then a second flavor I couldn't quite place. A sort of sweet, but light sour flavor to it. Even looking on the inside I couldn't tell what it was. Whatever it was, it was damn good so with another two more bites, the thing was gone and I was content. With a smile on my face I left the cave to find Dash in the middle of her scary story about the headless horse. Which must have been the pony version of the headless horseman that I knew of. For the most part it was close all but the whole pumpkin head part, it was good enough. Of course Applejack kept poking holes in the story, but with a few shushes from the rest of us she finally gave up. I noticed that the lot of them were pretty scared, most of all Scootaloo.

It was towards the end of the story where the lost ponies disappeared that Dash decided to whip out “And they were never heard from again.” She said in a very I'm telling a spooky story voice.

“Never?” Sweetie Belle asked after she gasped.

With a shake of her head Dash only answered with a serious “Never.” After that the fire popped right than sending sparks up into the air that caused Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to jump up and scream before they let out a little giggle with a matching hug to their older sister. Scootaloo however was behind one of the logs that we used to sit on shaking like her life depended on it. I watched Rarity gently rub her sister's mane for comfort, or what I could guess was for comfort.

“Don't worry you'll be safe with me tonight.” Rarity said and I watched Sweetie Belle smile at this.

“It's not time for bed already is it?” Scootaloo asked in a little bit of a panic.

“Afraid so Scootaloo” Applejack said with a yawn.

“Yeah, some of us are rather tired.” I said as I made my way back to the cave.

“B-but we haven't sung any campfire songs yet!” She examined.

“You don't have to tell me twice.” Sweetie Belle said before rushing up to the rock Dash was telling her story on and pushed said pegasus off it. Damn that young filly can be forceful. This was followed by her starting to sing in a bit of a shrill tone ninety nine buckets of oats on the wall. Yeah right about than my sanity called enough and I trotted back into the cave telling everypony good night. As soon as my head was rested on the pillow and I was comfortable in the sleeping bag, I was out like a light.


“Okay... didn't expect to wake up here.” I said looking around finding myself in what looked like the Lon Lon Ranch from the Legend of Zelda on the N64. It wasn't a bad thing to say as I did enjoy the series myself so having a vivid dream that I could really explore in was kind of nice. Especially with the rather calm music that joined it as it was an orchestral version of the tune that would normally play here. With a smile I walked between the large block house barn that normally housed the horse that would run around during the day and the thatched cottage which seemed a little out of place from my memory, but I factored that in that I didn't quite remember the place well. With a little dreamscape work I was walking around as a satyr like I had when I went to that weird dream castle with Luna. Speaking of the Princess of the night. Said mare decide to join me in my dream once again.

“Greetings Firestorm.” She said with a smile.

“Hey Luna, not a busy night for you tonight?” I asked walking around the large open field that had surrounded a large tall wood fenced area in the middle of the grounds. In the middle of it sat a girl on a log, she wore a white shirt with a yellow scarf cloth around her neck with it ending in a brooch on her chest. She wore a belt with an iron buckle that has the triforce pressed into it that was holding up the large long light purple skirt she had one that had a blue embroidered crenelation like pattern on it at the bottom of it. She also wore what looks like brown leather boots. With a smile I waved at her as she returned it without stopping her singing.

“Not many nightmares this evening, but speaking of which. I had a question for you.” She said following me, keeping an eye at the dreamscape around us.

“Well go ahead and shoot.” I said listening as we got to the far tower against the large log wall of the ranch.

“What is this about a photo mare I heard from Scootaloo?” She asked.

“Oh, so I was right.” I said.

“Right about what?” She asked.

“I figured Scootaloo was having a hard time sleeping. During the day she looked very tired like she barely got any sleep. I figured she would have another nightmare tonight because for the last two nights Dash and I were telling scary campfire stories.” I explained.

“That would explain the Photo Mare and Headless Horse nightmares.” Luna explained.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” I said scratching the back of my head before I stretched my wings out. With a little bit of lift I found myself on top of the tower and Luna following me as I stared out on the surrounding field. A large castle could be seen from well past the entry to the ranch.

“What is this place Storm?” Luna asked as she sat down next to me on the roof.

“Oh remember those interactive stories I talked about?” Luna gave only a nod at this. “This is one of the worlds in them. This here is Lon Lon Ranch, it's a small area but very peaceful.” I explained.

“It would seem so, if I may say. Tell me about this story.” She requested, so I began to start the story. I went through the ins and outs of the story that I knew very well with my words alone I watched in silence as small group left the castle in the distance and headed towards the ranch. Luna was hanging on every word as I told of a young boy's journey. It finally lead up to the battle a top of a large floating island of stone over a pit of molten stone. As I described the clashing of blades until the point on the tail of the villain was struck. All to give the hero an opening to set his final blows upon him to save the world. As my story finished I watched the large group of fairly large bulldog faced bipedal creatures marched up into the ranch. Most of them had large tarnish gold breast plates with matching silver spiked shoulder pads. They also wore scaled mailed pants that came down to their knees, upon their feet looks like brown leather boots. Around their necks were a spike collar that matched the armors. Some of them carried spears and others long two handed maces. I couldn't help but smile as I guess even in my dreams I was a little restless.

“It would seems that we have company.” I commented before jumping off the tower to the ground. With a light flap of my wings I landed on my hooves. Luna followed me looking curiously before she saw what I had.

“Who are these... um...” Luna tried to asked before losing the right words.

“They are called Moblins. Think of them like a mixture of minotaurs and bulldogs. They are the foot soldiers of the villain of this land. They are here most likely to get a steed for their king.” I said walking up to them with Luna not far behind. With a bit of dreaming I gave myself a simple orange gentleman's vest with a white undershirt with matching orange boots. I also wore blue pants and upon my claws was red steel gauntlets. The sounds of metal grinding and knuckles cracking could be heard as we walked up.

“What do you plan to do?” Luna asked as she summoned a set of midnight blue armor only a shade darker than her natural coat color. Floating next to her was a long sword with a blade that matched her armors color. The cross guard of the sword was a crescent moon curved so the convex end was pointed up and the grip looked like it was wrapped with black leather that spiraled to a star shaped pommel.

“Well... simply defeat them and put them down. Watch out for the ones carrying the mace as they send out straight line shockwaves and the spear swinging ones like to dash forward.” I answered as I didn't give the closest one a chance to move. With a dash forward, I planted my right fist right into the junk of the closest mace one before causing him to cover his damaged manhood. With a step back I pulled my right arm back and swung for a clear head shot. With that I slammed my foot down on the end of the handle for his mace causing it to flip up which I grabbed in one motion. “The game's afoot; Follow your spirit, and upon this charge, cry god for Harry! England and Saint George!” I quoted from Shakespeare's Henry the fifth. I watched Luna fly through a wave of Moblins and past me in a blink of an eye. A second past as large slashes appeared through them and in a rapid order they all disappeared after turning completely coal black and exploded into a puff of smoke.

“Prepare foul beasts for the princess of the moon.” Luna said as she used her wings to flap back, sword at the ready. With a smile I pulled the mace into a ready position as it lightly thumped onto the ground. “If I may ask, where did you learn to fight?”

“Oh, well that's the thing. I've never had a formal training as I fight with instinct.” I said before slamming the mace down in front of me as the shockwave flew down the narrow pathway between the barns and the house.

“You fight with some rather interesting tactics.” Luna said before her sword and horn glowed. In seconds thousands of faded swords appeared around the alicorn of the night. Than they flew off piercing all the remaining moblins in seconds they disappeared in similar fashion as those before.

“Sometimes it's best to play it by ear then formulate a plan. As the fight ebbs and flows like a river you have to make sure you can continue down the river without crashing ashore.” I said as I placed the mace against my shoulder. “To be honest the most times I get maybe a moment or two to really think of a tactic mostly through. I prefer the wing it method.”

“Sometimes you don't get that much time to think.” Luna said with a nod.

“Sad but true.” I said as something come to mind. “Hey Luna sorry about what happened last time you came to my dreamscape.”

“It's not your fault, but may I be frank with you?” She asked.

“Sure, if your frank than I'll be Thomas.” I said joking and she gave me blank expression. “It's a joke but go ahead.”

“That castle looked rather odd and I couldn't place it. Also that sword-” She continued.

“What about that sword?” I asked a little curiously.

“It looks familiar.” She said.

“Yeah... oddly familiar just... every time I put serious thought to it my head suddenly has a headache. So I kind of tried to stop thinking about it.” I said as the beginning of what started to set in.

“That doesn't sound normal.” Luna said giving me a flat look.

“I know, Twilight said she would talk to Zecora to see if she has something to help that will let me think through the headache.” I explained.

“I believe I heard of this Zecora.” Luna said with some thoughts.

“Yeah, she's the zebra that's been living the Everfree forest.” I explained.

“Oh, yes Twilight Sparkle has told me about her.” Luna said.

“Yeah... Twilight said she would talk to her while I'm out camping.” For the rest of the dream Luna and I just kind of hung out in some of the more familiar settings that I enjoyed from the game.


I was the first to wake up after my long night with Luna. She had filled me in about a few things. The whole reporter issue was dealt with and I shouldn't have any more issues with Slivertongue. Even an official statement about me was released to all of the press about the 'attacks' from what I was told that an impostor was going around trying to smear my image among the ponies and that I had been attacked many times directly. This lead into the other bit of news that voluntary recruitment will start for the Wyvern Guard. Which means I will get a flood of documents that I will need to go over and pick out my starting guards. As much as I wasn't a fan of this I understand the reason behind it.

Luna even gave me a few pointers on dealing with the guards so that I will be given peace as well as some reassuring words to help fight against my natural compilations to try and protect as I have been known to do. So I had that mess to deal with down the line, but at least my main headache was over. So I decided to get another one of the bars and read a little on my dragon mother. Well after I got through a lot of the other draconic legends and myths in the book. With a smile I leaned against the wall and read. Sadly I only got through a few of them before the others woke up. Scootaloo looked much better like she slept like a filly as Dash put it when she woke up. So as soon as everypony packed up we were off and lucky for us the falls were only a few hills away.

“I call sister teams!” Sweetie Belle said before Rarity smiled impishly.

“Oh if I must.” She said with a light trot, before she took of at a full gallop. Sweetie belle was shortly after her, seconds past as Applejack and Applebloom was hot on their trail. Dash smiled before saying something to Scootaloo, with a flap of her wings she held up the young pegasus filly as they flew past me. All while I slowly walked up with Rarity's cart still attached. Yeah I wasn't going to race as normally it wasn't my thing. Maybe if I was really in the mood maybe, but not right now. I watched with a slight smile as they raced to the top of the hill. I couldn't help but look up and watch the waterfall of colors fall from the clouds themselves. It was a rainbow of water that fell from cloud to cloud, before they joined in the traditional rainbow as it finally dropped into the lake before losing it's color and turned into normal looking water. I was curious if this place had magical water much like the mirror pool under the Everfree forest. As soon as I caught up I watched the six of them already in the water. Dash was jumping from one of the clouds into the lake. So I unlatched myself from Rarity's cart and made sure I placed a few wedge of wood through the spokes in the wheels and into the ground. With that done I went over to the side of the lake and dipped my hoof into it. The water was a nice cool temperature that it would be nice to dip into it. I really didn't feel like being in it myself so I hung my left hoof into it.

I let my horn glow as I began to pull some of the water out of the lake itself. All I did was create a dragon out of the water, nothing but just a small one that didn't have it's hind legs. It more had a serpent's body past the front claws. It just flew around on it's sizable wings, which weren't that big. Especially for something that if I stretched out would be close to about three feet tops.

“Storm?” Dash asked which broke my concentration on the water and it dropped into the lake with a light splash.

“Oh, hey Dash.” I said turning to look at her. “What's up?”

“I just wanted to check up on you, and why aren't you swimming like the rest of us?” She asked pointing a hoof to the rest of them swimming in the lake. It looked like they were playing the pony version of Marco polo.

“I don't want to get my bandages wet again, that and I'm not feeling like being in the water today.” I said with a shrug.

“Are you sure that's the only thing?” She asked.

“I just want to relax is all.” I said lightly smiling.

“If you say so dude.” Dash said before jumping into the water next to me. “But you should totally join us in the water.” She continued before using her wing to splash water at me. I couldn't help but give her a flat look.

“Really? Splashing me with water is all you have? It's not like-” was all I got out before a large wave of it covered me thoroughly. “Okay... you want to play that game?”

“Yeah I do.” Dash said grinning like a mad pony. I turned my neck to the side as my joint popped a little, just loud enough to be heard. Only for me to do it on the opposite side.

“Rainbow Dash, you do remember what I can do right?” I said grinning at her.

“Uh... yeah.” She commented.

“And you do know that you're in water right now... right?” I continued with a grinned.

“Uh... yeah.” She said again as realization decided to sat in. My horn was already a light as behind her a large wave of water rose up into the air. Nothing that would hurt Dash, just enough to get the point across. With a grin all I did was point behind her with the pointer finger of my right prosthetic claw. Dash turned around to see the wave towering over her as her ears flattened back. With that I cut the magic to it as the water dropped on the mare. The others watched as the water fell on Dash covering for only a moment. She popped her head up out of the water and shook out the water in her mane like a dog.

“Is that all you got?” Dash said with a grin.

“No, I can dish it out in spades.” I said floating more water up to create three spades out of water.

“Really? You had to make that joke?” She said before facehoofing at that.

“I didn't have to, but I wanted to.” I said with a smile. The two of us just stayed there silently as the other four wadded in the water looking on. Maybe... just maybe this is what I needed after all. From everything that caused so much trouble for everypony, from all that had happened, and from my past alone. I guess this would only be an...

[End of a Chapter]

Chapter 35 - A Magical Mishap

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Chapter 35 – A Magical Mishap

A journey back from Whinsome Falls was pretty much as expected. Not a whole lot to happen besides Dash and I's little water battle. After which it was Rarity that helped me with my bandages with Dash watching. So it didn't take long for them to be redone. After that, it was more travelling back and camping. The only thing of note was the fact that Applebloom asked me about my wing a little bit more. Like if it was bothering me or that I missed flying around. I didn't really say much beyond the whole odd bits of pain. It was a few more day when I returned back to Ponyville to see it just as peaceful as I left, well sort of. Luckily for me, I did have the time to finish most of the books and the legends of my mother varied from being this old mystical being that would give fortune and fame to dragons to being the dragon version of the devil. So... I had to take a lot of it with a grain of salt.

Regardless after I had helped Rarity take her cart back to her shop. I returned to the library to find it once again a complete mess with all the books laid on the ground in even piles. My only guess it was re-shelving day again. The last one I remember was during my transformation as a mare. Twilight was once again going over a scroll wrapped in her magic as Spike ran from pile to pile trying to find said book. Slowly moving over to Twilight I gently placed a hoof around her as I tried to give her a hug. She jumped a little and turned around to look at me.

“Your back!” She exclaimed before jumping at me causing me to land on my back with her on top of me. She smiled and reached her hooves around my neck to just give me one awkward of a kiss.

“Geez, why don't you two get a room.” Spike said giving us a flat stare that I could see past Twilight. This caused the two of us to look at each other than at the room and finally back at Spike.

“Technically this is a room,” Twilight said beating me to it.

“Not what I meant,” Spike said crossing his arms with a little huff.

“Relax Spike, it's a couple thing. Trust me it could be much worse.” I said as Twilight let me up onto my hooves with a little help.

“Oh, and how's that?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“I've seen so many relationships that came with its own share of awkward moments. You this Twilight pinning me to the floor for a kiss is bad. Oh boy if I had to scale it, this would barely hit a point zero zero two on my scale.” I said with a smirk. The look on his face was kind of priceless, just that twitching left eye.

“Your kidding... right? Please tell me he's kidding.” Spike said and almost pleaded with Twilight about.

“Honestly I can't say, he has seen more thing relationship-wise than either of us,” Twilight commented.

“Comes with age.” I said as I floated my saddlebags off me and began to head upstairs back to the bedroom.

“Oh before I forget you got a message from Celestia.” Twilight said with a smile. This caused me to stop on the stair and turned around.

“Oh, what did it say?” I asked looking down at them.

“I didn't read it, as it had the Equestrian Seal on it.” Twilight said with a smile, I only blinked.

“So?” I wasn't sure why this was an issue.

“It's for royalty only.” Twilight explained.

“One, you are a princess by marriage through your brother, and Two I don't think Celestia would have issues with you reading a letter to me.” I said.

“I would have if it also says for Prince Firestorm's eyes only.” Twilight said scratching the back of her head much like I do.

“Oh... alright. I'm guessing it's on my desk upstairs?”

“Yeah its right next to a package you got that also had them for your eyes only.” Twilight said.

“Okay...” I said not sure about the said package. The last package I mysteriously got was a Nightmare moon artifact so... I had to be cautious about it. “Thank you for letting me know.” I said looking back up the stairs. Which suddenly felt like a mile long for an odd reason. With a gulp, I returned to my trek up the stairs. Once I was up to the loft I saw both the scroll as well as the package. I always kept them both in my peripheral vision as I went to unpacking the saddlebags. Which I wished took longer than it did. Just to delay having to open that box a little bit more. “Maybe I should deal with the scroll first. Yeah... that sounds like a good idea.” I said to myself.

“Who the hell are you talking to?” Shadow said causing me to jump a little. “Relax scary cat, it's just me.”

“I'm not scared.” I shot back.

“Oh yeah, sorry I couldn't see that beyond how much you're nervous over a damn package.” Shadow said snidely.

“Oh bite me the last one I had help give me some of my worst nightmares since I got to Equestria.”

“You've had much worse ones on earth. So suck the fuck up and open the damn box. The faster you do it, the faster it's over.” With a light growl, I went over to the package on my desk. Just looking at it caused my heart to beat a little harder as the thought of what it could be. I mean this could be Vermom's way of getting back at me, or maybe it's some other unseen foe ready to strike. “Your putting way too much thought into this. Open. The. Damn. Box!” This time he decided to scream the last one in my head. Just to get him to top I clenched my eyes shut and with my claws ripped the top off the box. Then nothing, well more like nothing happened. “Open your eyes moron.” I did only to see a book in the box surrounded by packing peanuts. This wasn't like the first book I got, no. A smile crossed my muzzle as I wrapped the book in my magic bringing it out of the box with a few stray packing peanuts falling to the floor.

“Well, I will be damned.” I said brushing off the stray peanuts that stuck to the book.

“Damned about what?” Twilight said causing me to jump.

“Don't do that!” I said turning to see her. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” I said as the book dropped back on top of the packing still in the box.

“Sorry, just I heard you talking to somepony up here and I wasn't sure if somepony came through the window again.” Twilight said with a slight smile.

“No, I was talking to Shadow. Sometimes I forget that I say things out loud instead of in my head.” I excused.

“It's understandable... I think.” Twilight said a little unsure before noticing the book behind me and gasp. “How did you get the new book before anypony else? It wasn't supposed to come out for another two months.” Twilight rushed past me to pull Daring Do and the Burning Prince out of the box.

“It's one of the perks of being royalty, you end up meeting a lot of famous ponies.” I said trotting up behind her.

“You met A.K. Yearling?” Twilight asked with large close to puppy dog eyes.

“Yeah, she was my guide during my trip to Saddle Arabia. She was with me when I found the Cape of Kindness.” I explained remembering my promise.

“Oh, oh, oh! You've got to tell me the whole story!” Twilight said grinning bringing herself nose to nose with me.

“Twilight, I will tell you but can I deal with my mail first? It may be important.”

“Oh, now he wants to deal with the bigger matter.” Shadow sarcastically commented.

“Hush you.” I shot back with my thoughts.

“Oh right.” She said with a light chuckle before sidestepping to the left as I pulled the scroll over to me. With a little pop, the seal was broken and I began to look over the three sheets here. It seems that Celestia and Luna had come to the idea that I probably should start taking care of some of the official business of the local area as well as some pull in Cloudsdale. Part of this was to help elevate some of the Cloudsdale requests that come to Canterlot directly. That being said, she did request that I would send her the form or document needed so they can be checked and documented correctly. This I sort of understood as this was part of my real first royal duties as a prince. So not to leave me completely stuck up in a cloud. An office was already set up for me at Ponyville city hall so I had a place to work at. The second document was just legal jargon for the do's and do not's of the office. Like no goofy decor in the office as it was a place of business. Personal effects within reason were fine, however.

The last one was something I wasn't prepared for. As my first official duty, I got to have the final say for Rainbow Dash's entry into the Wonderbolt Academy. Okay, I've got to say this was pretty big for my first duty to say the least. It was pretty hard hitting to that it got me to plop down on my rump at this.

“What is it?” Twilight asked as I re-rolled the scroll back up.

“It's a rather hefty matter, something I can't comfortably share.” I said with a light sweat forming on my brow.

“How come?” She asked curiously. Oh god, Twilight why did you have to ask that one.

“Let's just say that I think I'm being tested rather... hard on this one.” I commented.

“Tested? Oh, what is it? Can I help?” Twilight said bouncing a little. Oh fuck me, I had to say the T word around miss personal student.

“Sorry, it would be considered cheating on the test. At least to me, it would.” Still wasn't lying on that, if I had told Twilight that I got to decide on Dash's fate with the academy. Than she would put pressure on me to let her friend in. Which wouldn't be fair to Dash if I just allowed her in just because she knows the princesses and prince directly tied to it. In the same boat, it would be wrong of me not to already have seen her flying prowess and say no. Damn it, Celestia and Luna, you had to give me a hard one as my first duty.

“Oh, alright. If you change your mind, I don't mind helping if I can.” Twilight said looking a little dejected.

“Well... if you want.” That got her to zip right up to me and be nose to nose with me again.

“What it about?! Oh, is it about the Unicorn Academy newest study into the mathimagic formula?” She asked almost glowing. Correctly, completely glowing from the horn as she was bringing over a bunch of loose sheets of paper and Ink set.

“No, but let's file that mathimagic thing for later. It's more I need some context to some of the Equestrian Academies.” I had to use the more blanketed term so I followed the whole not lying rule I set for myself to Twilight, without telling her the direct reason. Plus her comment about the Unicorn Academy got me curious. So... I may as well get that context as well.

“Alright, give me a few moments,” Twilight said before she popped from existence only to pop back in with thirty books in tow. My jaw dropped at the sight of them as well as my left eye began to twitch. Could somepony please have shoved my hoof any further into my mouth with that one? Before I knew it I was popped, and I do mean popped into a school desk like I use to have when I was in high school. Right before Twilight who decided to play a little dress up in a teacher's outfit. Mind you she did look a fifty-fifty split of hot and adorkable in the outfit. Even to the point of having her mane up in a bun. So going to have to ask Twilight if I could take a picture of this for my tablet because I think I just found it's newest wallpaper.

Twilight had made a large chalkboard appeared behind her as she began to school me in the many Academies in Equestria. Besides the basic ones for each type of pony minus the drony variants of them. Which I understand as they were only brought to her attention less than a year ago. So I got the biggest information dump in my lifetime, but honestly it wasn't bad.

For the basics of it all that most of the unicorn academies mostly work towards both technology as well as perfecting spell crafting. With the new spell here or there to be sent out in the revised magical spell books using in some schools. Twilight always keeps up to date on this one it seems as she pulled out versions fifty-three all the way to sixty-seven. As that is the latest one up. Note to self, make sure I study the newest spell book later.

The academies for earth ponies mostly revolve around both earth pony technology much like Pinkie's peddle power copter as well as improving the lifestyles of earth ponies. As Twilight said that they work twice as hard as any pegasus or unicorn having to do things that hard way. Makes sense and with the strengths being in strength and constitution, the would have the bodies to really do that. Not saying that any other ponies can't have that, but you know what I mean.

As for the pegasi they had a bit of a mixed bag all their own. There were a few key academies one that would study the old effects over the Everfree to deal with as a just in case it happens kind of deal with the weather factory. The more dealing with weather and improving it so it runs smoother. Then finally the Wonderbolt Academy. That one was more training in a military aspect. The others had there academies said for that but the one I was more needing to know was this. From what I got that they had drill instructors that were or currently are Wonderbolts. Around this time it would be Spitfire who was doing the drilling. From what I have heard she can be a bit of a wild card at times pushing her troops to the highest level. So I know Dash would be tested hard.

This lead up to a history lesson on the Earth Unicorn Pegasi Guard, or E.U.P. Guard for short. This lead into the brief history of the Wonderbolts. Of course, I say brief but by the time Twilight was done talking, my stomach decided to remind me that it was dinner time. Lucky for us Spike finished the re-shelving himself as well prepared a pasta dinner for the three of us. So the three of us ate, well... more Spike and I ate while Twilight began to lecture me more about the smaller details about the E.U.P. Not saying that it was bad but I think I already had enough for one day as I had a pounding headache. It also didn't make my choice any easier. I was still left to decide Dash's fate when it comes to the Wonderbolts.

Maybe tomorrow I will be able to decide on what to do while I check out my office for the first time...


“This doesn't help.” I said about two hours while I sat in my own office which was a few doors down from Mayor Mare's office. I placed the letter on the desk so I could try and forget about it for now. I took another look around 'my office'. Honestly, it wasn't much to say I had three filing cabinets as well as a whiteboard on the wall to the left of me. My desk which was a pretty nice piece of cedar apple wood, made from some of the threes that had to be uprooted from Sweet Apple Acres. It was well carved and everything down to the little tree branch carved legs on it. It had three drawers with the bottom one being the largest of the three. On my door which looks like any office you would find in a government building read 'Prince Firestorm'. Beyond the word prince, it didn't seem I warranted a title. Even Mayor Mare had the subtext of mayor under her name. All and all it wasn't that bad, of course I say that now.

It was about two hours into my day when I got my first 'appointment'. It was a beige coated earth pony mare, whose mane was a two-tone blue and pink. All done up in swirls as well as her tail as well. On her flank was three wrapped up pieces of candy in yellow and blue.

“Hello Prince Firestorm.” The mare said with a bow and I waved her in.

“Please no titles, I'm just a pony like anypony else.” I said trying to keep things less formal. I get that this is an official office for me, doesn't mean I can't try to keep things nice an relax.

“Of course... Firestorm.” She said still bowing lightly.

“Please have a seat.” I said offering a chair that I floated over so she could sit in front of the desk. She hopped up and sat down looking at me a little nervous.

“What can I do for you miss...” I said drawing a blink.

“Bonbon. She filled in for me.

“Oh Lyra's friend right?” I asked to make sure.

“Yeah, I hope Lyra hasn't done anything crazy to you.” She said as her ears flattened back a bit.

“Not really, honestly I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen her recently. Of course with the reporter mess, I didn't get a chance to get out much.” I said scratching the back of my head.

“What was with that if I may ask?”

“Nothing big, just a newspaper offered a bounty for an interview with me and ponies just kind of flocked to it.” I said before I sighed. “But that is dealt with, so what can I do for you?”

“Oh... right.” She said with an awkward cough before she reached into her brown saddlebags and pulled out a folder. “I was wondering if I could get this approved.” She said after setting it on my desk. With a cocked eyebrow, I opened the folder with my right hoof to see just a few bits of paper in it. From what I gathered she was looking for permission to build a speciality basement to her home.

“If I may inquire the reason for this addition?” I asked looking up from the top of the folder.

“Well... Lyra had taken up most of my already present basement with her studies and I need a place to create the candies that I sell. So this is to have her move her studies so I can have my confiscatory spot back.” She explained with a nervous smile.

“Bonbon relax, I personally don't see an issue. I just need to run this past Princess Celestia first. As I'm new to this whole thing, she asked to make sure I am doing it by the book. If you can give me a few days to get word form her. I can give you your answer. I hope that's not inconvenient at all.” I asked trying to be calm while I was probably more nervous than she was.

“Oh... oh, of course, I wouldn't think to rush such a trivial matter on you, your highness.” She said getting down from her seat.

“Please Bonbon, no titles here.” I said already pulling out a fresh sheet from my stock in one of my drawers. “I will get this going as soon as I can. If I may ask how many ponies are out there waiting?”

“About six... last I checked.” She said and I could already tell this was going to be a long day.

“Thank you, I will see you in a few days?” I asked.

“Of course, have a good day pri-” she stopped what she was about to said before giving a slightly nervous chuckle “I mean Firestorm.”

“Have a good day as well Bonbon, tell Lyra I said hi and if she wants to come around I'm more than willing to put some time aside for a friend.” She left and I took a deep breath. For my first matter, I think I handled that well... I hope. After a few moments, there was a light knocking coming from the door. “Enter,” I said as I looked over Bonbon's papers again. It didn't take me long to notice four sets of hooves walking in. I glanced up to see the Cutie-mark Crusaders as well as Nightling enter. “Oh hello you all, what can I do for you?” I asked as Nightling walked around the desk to stand next to me. I noticed she was wearing her Night Guards armour.

“Hey, Storm.” Scootaloo said as she entered first.

“Is there anything we could do to help?” Applebloom asked and I cocked an eyebrow.

“Well... nothing currently.” I answered back.

“Are you sure?” Sweetie Belle asked and I thought about it a little.

“I suppose I could always go for a drink or something, but you girls don't need to worry about it. So what have you three been up to?” I asked.

“We've been crusading trying to find our cutie-marks. We thought we could try helping out you so we could try for our royal helper cutie-marks.” Scootaloo explained.

“Ah, alright. Well if you want you could run something to Spike for me.” I said pulling out a fresh sheet of paper and began to write out my message for Celestia with the quill that was sitting on my desk. I would have sent the message myself, but Spike hasn't shown me how to do it yet. So I was just a more inbound travelling mailbox.

“Really?” Applebloom said with a smile. With a few more quick scratches of my quill, I finished the message.

“Eeyup,” I said wrapping it with a ribbon. “Tell him that I need him to send this directly to Princess Celestia.” I said floating it down into Applebloom Saddlebags that she had on. I noticed she had a pair of green bags with an apple buckle on them.

“Anything else?” Scootaloo asked probably hoping for something more exciting besides delivering a message.

“Well...” I said thinking as I rubbing my chin with my claws. With a snap of my claws, I pulled out some bits that I had brought with me. “I could use a treat from Sugar Cube Corner. Why don't you girls get something on me while you're at it?” I offered floating the bit bag over to them. “Nightling would you like anything?”

“Na, I had my fill before coming here.” She said with a wave of her hoof.

“Alright,” I said with a smile as the girls thanked me and galloped off. After the cost was clear I shut the door they left wide open and turned to Nightling. “Mind if I ask you something?”

“You just did.” she shot back.

“Oh haha. Very funny, I'm being serious.” I said after I had rolled my eyes.

“Go ahead.” She offered as she turned to gaze to look at me as she stood next to me.

“How much do you know about the Wonderbolts Academy?” I asked.

“Plenty as I have gone there to train as well.” That got me to look at her.


“Of course, most of the pegasi in the guard goes there for the speciality training. It makes sense since the Wonderbolts are part of the guards.” She explained.

“I figured that much from the E.U.P. Lecture I got from Twilight.” I answered.

“What is it that you want to know?” She asked.

“Let me apply some context before I launch into this, and this is something that has to stay between the two of us.” I said looking at her seriously.

“Of course your highness.” She said giving me a salute.

“Please don't do that.” I said giving her a flat look.

“I know, but it's a force of habit.” She said with a cheeky smile.

“Right...” I said before rolling my eyes. “Anyway, as you probably have heard Rainbow Dash is wanting to be a Wonderbolt which means she would have to go through the Academy as well.” I said pulling out the letter I got earlier in the morning.

“Makes sense, but what's the problem?” She asked looking at me like she doesn't understand the issue.

“I'm the one that is stuck with the choice of allowing her to do so. Which leaves me to question is if I'm doing it because this is a logical idea in the longer run, or am I doing it because she's my friend.” I said handing her the paper. She sat down to read over the paper.

“Ah, that makes more sense.” She said after she had looked over the letter.

“I want to make it where she did it on her own merits and not because she knows somepony who can give her a leg up.” I explained.

“Prince Shining Armor had a similar issue.” Nightling explained.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes, I'm not sure if you're familiar with the pony, but Flash Sentry went back for years since school.” She began as she handed me back the letter. “Flash Sentry went training with Shining to the point they had a pretty good friendly rivalry going for the longest time. Leading up to Shining's promotion as captain.” She said before finding a seat against the wall. She explained that after Shining got promoted by almost killing himself saving a few ponies from attack a few years back that Shining to on a more serious attitude with his work.

She said that the attack itself was from a few creatures that were being transported from the Everfree for study. A, for the most part, they were subdued beside a manticore that held itself in a business. She couldn't remember the business itself but it had trapped a few ponies on the far end of the building. In the course of trying to drop the creature, Shining ended up being stung with the manticore's tail. From what I remember the poison in the stinger as the ability to cause a pony to lock up and be cut off from their magic only seconds after it hits the bloodstream. Somehow Shining had the will to push through it and protect the ponies trapped by keeping the creature in a shield bubble. Which wasn't an easy feat, I should know. Chrysalis used manticore venom on me a few days before my birthday.

That was beside the main point, Shining got a promotion shortly after recovering from the venom in him. After that, he was a lot harder on the ponies under him. This included Flash Sentry who joined as part of Shining's squad. Which you would think would be like the good old days, but it wasn't. From the what Nightling explained that Shining pushed he's ponies hard, which included herself as she was waiting for her transfer to the night guards during that time. It only got worse when Shining passed Flash over multiple times for promotions to higher ranks. Even when Flash had earned them several times over.

This lead into a challenge from Flash to Shining. It was pretty much like my fight with the three-night guard captains, unlike my bout. Flash wasn't playing around or holding back as it broke down in the end to an outright slug-fest as they come to blows. Which is kind of amazing to hear it as I know Shining has me outclassed in magic alone. To drain him low enough where he can't use all of his magic, it must have had to be some. Which all of that could have been avoided if Shining just gave him a promotion that he had worked for.

Which I admit is what I'm worried about here. I know Dash is a good flier, hell I saw it myself. She could fly circles around me, in all fairness so can Fluttershy. That just wasn't the point, I wanted it to be fair and not because she knows the prince that decides her fate. Do I keep this from Dash because it could have persevered as a handout, or do I give it to her? There was no way for me to know which one was right or wrong. Was Dash going to hate me if I said no or will she blame me if she found out that I was the one that gave it to her? Just looking over the letter again I couldn't help but try to decide.

“Firestorm?” Nightling asked eyeing me.

“Huh? Oh sorry, I guess I was to lost in thought.” I said snapping to look at her.

“That's obvious, look there isn't much I can say on this as it's your choice. Just know whatever you decide you had a good reason to decide.” She tried to sound reassuring. God, I wish I was that confident on this matter.

“Well... what's your take on this?” I asked thinking maybe a more outside opinion may help. Unlike asking one of the girls who would have a biased on saying yes to giving Dash the go ahead. I more wanted a military aspect who can see this more logically.

“I can see Dash has skills for flying beside being able to pull off a sonic rainboom and all. She could be quite an asset if needed. The only downside is her ego. It would be the biggest thing that needs to be nipped in the bud. Other than that, I don't see much of an issue outside the whole possibly being taken as a friend in high places.” She explained and it made sense. It's just if it did come out that I was the one that made this choice for her. If anything I would prefer that bit never came out. Both for my sake and hers, it wasn't something as selfish as wanting credit for this or anything like that. I mean if you can't be proud of who you are in the dark than your just doing it for the short term glory. It's more I didn't want that to be something to hang over Dash.

I knew how that felt having that thought always in the back of your head thinking that 'was it really mean that earned this or was it because somepony just gave it to me.' I've had things like that happen that made me question myself and my abilities and it made me a wreak at times. The fact was if I knew it would never come out to be known that I would have signed it probably after the first five minutes.

“Thank you Nightling, I just needed an unbiased opinion.”

“Anytime your highness.” She said giving me a royal jab with that one.

“Not funny.” I said shooting her a flat stare.

“Relax, I was only kidding. You need to just chill and let things flow.” She said.

“Okay who are you and wheres the Nightling I knew before? Because you were never that relaxed unless you were heavily drunk.” I shot back.

“Oh... let's just say a pink pony has found me a way to find a calm within the storm.” She said.

“Okay...” I said a little hesitant about that. “No offence but it's kind of hard to see how Pinkie of all ponies can be peaceful or relaxing outside of being completely out cold. She's like a supercharge ball of energy that probably bouncing off the walls at Sugar Cube Corner right about now.” I said trying to wrap my head around.

“No that was this morning, I think she called it her morning exercising,” Nightling said scratching her head like she was trying to figure that one out. I raised up a finger to come up with a reply before I really thought about it.

“You know, I could see that. We are talking about Pinkie of all ponies after all.” I said before I slide the letter back into my drawer. “I just kind of wish things were a little bit simpler like before coming to Equestria.”

“What do you mean?” Nightling asked eyeing me.

“So you know that I wasn't a drony before coming here right?” I asked.

“Yeah, Pinkie said something about being on two legs?” Nightling asked and I could see she was having a hard time piecing it together.

“Bipedal yes, I have a photo back at the library. I'll show you later so you get a better idea of this but I was something called a human. Think diamond dog but less leaning forward, less fur like barely any with only a mane. Also less canine in nature, like a smaller nose and eyes. Also not a gemivore, but still an omnivore. Following along so far?” I asked trying to break it down a little for her.

“I think so, how do humans keep warm in the colder temperatures?”

“Clothing, very thick clothing. Also, we wear it almost all the time. It's just I kind of miss those days as in all I had to do was my job and my life. No especially stressing duties I had to take care of like having to decide another pony's fate. Just going around doing my business and that's about it.” I said just leaning back in the chair. Just the thought of those times was kind of nice in the whole you don't realize you miss it till it's gone kind of way. That's when I noticed the knocking at the door. “Come in,” I said as the door opened up to show Spike coming in.

“Oh hey Spike what's up?” I asked as he came over.

“You got a response from Princess Celestia.” He explained.

“Oh, thanks.” I said taking the scroll in his hands. With a claw, I unrolled and read over the contents. That was followed by blanking for a moment and rereading what I thought I read. To my surprise, it was what I saw. “Ah... thanks, Spike.” I said as my brain just shut down for repairs for a moment.

“Ah, no problem.” He said turning towards the door only to stop a few feet from it. “Oh, before I forget Twilight said she was going to Zecora's for something to help the spot on your wing. She may not be home when you get back.”

“Thanks for letting me know and Spike if you see the C.M.C. while you're out, could you send them my way?” I said.

“So soon?” He asked.

“What do you mean 'so soon'?”

“I just saw them run off as I turned down the corridor to come to your office. I thought they just left here.” He said.

“Not for at least a good half an hour or so.” I said a little curious on to what they were doing back here. I mean Spike had to have gotten my letter to Princess Celestia so they did leave to give him said letter. Only to come back and run off before even coming back here. Something odd was a hoof and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it, but that was going to have to wait on the back burner. I had to deal with more pressing matters.

“Well, you know how those three can get,” Spike said. “Later Storm.” He continued before walking off with what looked like a bag on his shoulder that I didn't notice when he came in. May as well get the next one going.

“Next!” I said before the door shut.


“Okay let me see if I got this. Besides having a captain I now have to pick seven more to at least start with?” I asked as Nightling had for I believe the first time that I need more guards. Hell, I haven't even gotten used to my first guard, now I have to pick seven more?

“Correct.” She said with a smirk as she sat a little behind me.

“Do I even want to know how that works?” I asked looking at her.

“Fairly simple, I go through all the recommended guard files that both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia have sent. From there I go through and pick out a hoof full of candidates, then we go over it in more detail. You can say yes or no to them, sometimes an interview is necessary” She explained.

“But what about beyond that. Let's say I say yes to somepony, what happens after that?” I asked.

“They are transferred here where I will oversee their training to suit your purposes. Which you seem pretty relaxed about that.” She explained.

“That's the thing, I came from a military family. Namely through my father who was a hard ass through and through when it came to a lot of things. I get how that can effect somepony, and I get the reason why. It's just I don't like causing issues, but I also want to make sure ponies are safe. Besides disregarding the obvious to the whole you can't have one without the other. So if having to be a hard ass to them is what is needed so they can protect the ponies I care about, and those here in Ponyville. Then so be it.” I said.

“That is the most confusing statement I've heard in a while.” She looking at me.

“Ever heard the saying 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?'” I asked looking at her.

“Princess Luna has said something along those lines, why?” She asked this time.

“Well, I have to play that card even when I don't want to. I want my guards well trained in many aspects. So when somepony is faulting in that part for whatever reason, then another can help pick up the slack. You understand?” I asked.

“I think so, you want each guard versed in the skills of all of them, physical difficulties notwithstanding. So that when one guard fails another can hold up so the whole troop doesn't fall.” She explained.

“To the point, but I want my guards to know that I appreciate what they do and the hard training they are put through is worth it. Kind of like positive reinforcement without it getting to the point they put themselves too far into danger for unneeded reasons.” I explained.

“You mean like you do all the time?” Nightling said with a smirk.

“Excuse me Nightling, I do not do it for needless reasons. I have a very good reason, I do it to protect those I care about.” I said with a little snort.

“Well, you don't have to do that now. You have guards to do that for you.” She said looking at me flatly.

“Which still doesn't feel right to me.” I said.

“Save the sepal, I've heard it enough.” She rolled her eyes at that.

“Well sorry, it's a hard thing to get over for me.”

“Says everypony that is made royal by marriage.” She shot back.

“Okay, Touche. My point still stands, however.”

“And I will refer to my previous statement.” She said now smirking.

“I'm not going to win this one am I?”


“Fair enough, but let me ask you this. How hard would it be for me to set up a meeting with Spitfire of the Wonderbolts?” I asked looking at her.

“Well... depends are you going to try and do the run around yourself, or are you going to take the smarter route and send a letter down the proper channels to have her come to you?” She asked.

“I would prefer the latter to be honest.” I said.

“Than give it a day or two after you give me a request on paper to send in.” She explained.

“It's really that easy?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow, not sure if she was screwing with me again or not.

“Firestorm, you are an alicorn and one of the highest ranking princes in Equestria with Shining Armor above you in scale. That's also not counting the princesses which outrank all of you. So yeah, it's that easy.” She said grabbing a piece of parchment out and sliding it over to me.

“Point made,” I said as I scribbled a quick request for her to meet me in my office in Ponyville. That and I also made it a point that she didn't need to be in her uniform to meet me. This was a very simple meeting so I can ask a few simple questions. With that, I pulled out a ribbon with my seal set. With a quick wrap and pressed wax seal, I hoofed over the scroll to Nightling who slid it into a pouch in her armour.

“I will have this sent out in the morning.” She said with a nod like I had made the right choice. With that, I thought I may as well call it a day, for my first day it wasn't too bad. I pulled out the letter about Dash as well as the one I got from Celestia today and slid them into my saddlebags. With that Nightling and I left heading back to the library only to find it empty. Not in the sense of everything is gone, but no pony but the two of us there. I wasn't really surprised on Twilight's part as she was probably still at Zecroa's about the medication for my wing. Spike is probably at Rarity's helping her with something. Which just left Nightling and I, well... more myself really. As I knew Nightling would return to Pinkie's since she's staying with her.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow,” I said with a slight smile. Nightling nodded quietly and with a salute flew off into the sky. Leaving me to my own devices. There was no real reason behind the odd feeling I was having as I went back upstairs and sat at my desk. With a few moments of silence, which to be honest was surprised that Shadow didn't decide to say anything about. I just began to pull out some parchment and write. Nothing really big just more I wrote about things and ideas that decided to pop around my head. With the only sound for me to listen to was just the sounds of a quill scratching on parchment till I couldn't take it anymore. In a few moments, I magically pulled my tablet over to me and started to play a little music. Probably not the best choice starting with Bastille's Pompeii. I think I was partly through my need to listen to something list when I heard the front door to the library open followed by a few sets of hooves. I paused in the middle of some remix of the song of storms I had on the thing only to look over to the doorway that leads to the room. It wasn't long of a wait to see Applejack and Pinkie coming into the room. The latter bouncing the whole time, don't ask me how she does that because I stopped trying to process things like that.

“Howdy sugar cube, how was your first day?” Applejack asked walking over.

“Hello Applejack and Pinkie. It was alright I suppose.” I said as I looked over the seven or so pages I could currently see spread out before me from my ramble of thoughts.

“Something wrong?” She asked.

“Technically speaking nothing is wrong per say. It's just a lot I have to think about as of late.” I said pulling all the papers together and just flipped them upside down for the time being.

“Well, we're here to listen. If you need to talk-” Applejack began to say.

“That's part of the problem, I can't talk about this. This is something I can't really talk to many ponies about, it's nothing bad before you asked. It's just...” I gave a sigh quietly running my claws through my mane. “I had a choice dropped into my lap, a very big one. One that I can't really tell anypony but a small group and even then I feel like it's not going to really help. All because it's wrapped up in a nice little bow of royal duties. Plus added my already mess of a head when it comes to random thoughts and well... I'm left with a lot of self-pressure with no way out of it at least today and maybe tomorrow. Just... it's part of the reason I didn't want to be royalty.” I vented a bit not even looking at either of them.

“Firestorm look, I can't say I understand how you feel on this. Celestia knows that none of us can really get how you think or how you even come up with the things you do. What I do understand is the pressure a pony can put on themselves over a rather big matter to them. When Big Mac hurt himself a few apple bucking seasons ago, I took it up upon myself to do his work and mine to get all the apples done. Just so the farm could make a profit and fix what was needed to be fixed. In the end, it left me tired and drained that it affected the ponies around me.” Applejack explained and I remembered a bit of this story from Twilight.

“Yeah, with the whole baked bads, the shooting Dashie into the library, and the bunny stampede. Oh, oh, don't forget-” was what Pinkie got out before Applejack inserted her hoof into her mouth.

“I think he gets it Pinkie.” Applejack said with a slightly annoyed stare.

“I do, it's just and please don't take this the wrong way. My choices have a lot more weight behind them than trying to take care of family and a business. Not to say that isn't important, just the choice I have to make puts a future course of events into play. It's a fine line that I have to make sure if I want to cross with each one. Don't get me wrong if it's for the greater good I want to go for that, but I'm only one pony to decide this. Not a council of peers to help give me insight or advice. Especially those I'm friends with as they would tip things in the wrong light for the right reasons.” I tried to explain as I tried to find a way to bring this a little home. “Let me put it this way, when I wanted to just give you a royal bit, you said you couldn't accept that because of how much money that was. That it didn't feel right to you. Well, this is kind of that line I have to make sure I don't cross. Do I help said pony because they worked for it or is it more I'm trying to help a pony that didn't rightly earn something, all because they know me.” Applejack turned her head to the side a little as it looked like she gave it a serious thought.

“I believe I get what you're saying, but just know that if you ever need advice or anything. You have ponies that are willing to lend a hoof when needed.” She said with a smile.

“Yeah, especially if it's an all you can eat sweets problem and you need a pony that can taste all of them and tell you which one is the best flavoured one. I would totally go with bubblegum because you can crew on it and blow big pop-able bubbles with them. Till the flavour runs out and you take a second bite that just renews the flavour. Just to repeat it over and over again till you have to order a new one because you went through it like it was a piece of frosting and... frosting.” Pinkie said almost going to a dead stop with the word frosting. Her tongue rolled out and began to drip a little on the floor.

“I'll keep that in mind Pinkie.” I said blinking at her with a mixture of confusion and slight worry of thoughts I probably should never know that may just have popped into Pinkie's head.

“Well, this is mighty awkward.” Applejack said looking at Pinkie a little worried, while I was just feeling unease, to begin with.

“I would completely agree.”


Twilight was on her way with Spike next to her on the way to meet the rest of her friends. The look on her face told novels of something serious on her mind. On Spike's face however, was gem dust from the ruby he was bribed with to come alone. He really didn't want to go to this outside of seeing Rarity again, but he wouldn't say that to Twilight. Especially with a tasty ruby being offered as it was.

“Twilight I think you're just overreacting.” Spike for about the third time again.

“I don't overreact, there is something going on and I want to get to the bottom of it.” Twilight said looking a little focused as they turned the corner and saw the Carousel Boutique in the distance.

“And what was it that you were doing when you 'forgot' to send Princess Celestia a friendship report?” Spike asked doing air quotes with his claws before licking a little of the ruby off them.

“That wasn't overreacting.” She tried to defend, even though she knew that she did have a habit of doing so.

“Right...” Spike said drawing it out as the look on the little dragon's face could tell that he didn't believe that for one second. They stopped before the door and knocked only to be allowed to enter a few moments later. In the main foray of the store sat the rest of Twilight's friend. Spike seeing the pony that he had been crushing on for a while, zipped right over to her. “Hello, Rarity.” He said as he began to float a little of the ground.

“Hello, Spiky-Wiky.” Rarity said gently patting him on the head as she helped lower him back to the floor gently.

“Thank you for meeting me, girls.” Twilight said as she came over to the table before she sat down.

“Anytime Twi.” Applejack said before taking a drink of her tea. “So whats got you riled up?”

“Let me guess.” Dash interrupted as she crossed her hooves a bit. “It's Firestorm again?”

“Yeah... how did you know?” She asked.

“Because Pinkie was worried too.” She said pointing her hoof over to her. Said pony didn't look all too happy about it. Her mane was still fluffy as always, it just the look in her eyes told something different.

“I see,” Twilight said sitting next to Pinkie.

“So what's been happening this time?” Applejack asked looking over at them.

“Something's just been off with Storm since he's gotten that letter from Princess Celestia.” Twilight explained.

“What was the letter about dear?” Rarity asked as Spike was now fanning her with a large fan.

“One of them was about new responsibilities he was getting. Like a new office for him at city hall and the other, I don't know. He told me it was royal business and kind of left it at that.” She explained.

“Well... after he got back and I checked on him like you asked. He seemed a little down as it explained that he had a to make some very important choice as of late.” Applejack commented with a hoof to her chin.

“Yeah, I've seen Storm walking through town. He seems like something eating at the buck.”She said hovering in the air.

“I get that feeling too, then there is the matter of these,” Twilight said pulling out a large stack of almost thirty sheets of parchments. On each one showed a list of numbers, dashes, and dots that filled both sides of the sheets. The group of them looked a sheet each over and couldn't make heads or tails of any of it.

“I don't reakin I get what this had to do with Storm.” Applejack commented looking at the unicorn over the page.

“Storm's been writing these pages since he started going to his office.” Twilight explained. “The most I've gotten out of them is this.” She said showing a list of chemicals such as sodium, boron, sulphur, and titanium just to name a few. “They seem to be a list of chemicals, but I still can't get much out of why.”

“Have you thought about asking Storm Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“I have and he said they were just idea's he had and nothing really important about them. Even to the point, he said I could burn them if I wanted to.” Twilight replied.

“Well, why didn't you?” Dash asked landing next to Pinkie.

“It's just, Storm doesn't do things like this at complete random. Between this here and the nights, he hasn't been sleeping. Just... I'm worried for him.” She said.

“Why? He's not having nightmares again is he?” Applejack asked.

“No, it's more he just doesn't sleep. I've woken up a few times to see him just stare out the window into the sky. Like he's looking past the sky itself and onto something far beyond. If that makes any sense.” Twilight said with a sigh before laying her head on the table before her.

“I think I get it Twi, but doesn't he sleep like everypony else? I mean he is a dralicorn and like the princesses, he doesn't need as much sleep as the everypony.” Applejack suggested.

“Well true, but he's been asking me to help him sleep so we can wake up together. Well... before he started going to city hall that is. Has Nightling said anything to you about this Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“No, She's been pretty tight-lipped about it as well. It's a guard thing she keeps telling me and she tells me a lot. This could something Stormy has asked her not to say to anypony.” Pinkie said dejectedly from all this. “Even when I've popped in on Storm a few times, he just gives a warm smile that doesn't feel right. I know smiles and that isn't a good smile.”

“I've been seeing it too, and even with the music, he's been playing lately. Just seems wrong on many levels.” Twilight said.

“What kind of music dear?” Rarity asked.

“Here let me play some of it for you.” With a flick of magic Twilight pulled out what looked like a long rectangle like object that was rounded on the corners as well as a pen with a rubber tip on it. She magically pressed the button on the side for the screen to light up. A few swipes of the pen on the screen later, she began to navigate through the menus.

“What's that?” Dash asked.

“Storm said it's called a cellphone. It seems like a mobile phone of some kind. He explained that it uses a wireless single much like how magic does to a point to connect two ponies together so they can talk. Much like how Equestrian phone's use magical relays to allow us to communicate faster than the mail. From what he has said just about every human there has one, even the young colts and fillies have them.” Twilight said finding the song that Firestorm had shown her.

“All of them... humans really have these things?” Applejack asked before a very eerie tune starts to come from the device in Twilight's magic. If it wasn't for the sombre tone of the talk they had the music would have sounded outright peaceful in some places. Here, however, it sounds to add to the depressive air that filled the room. Each pony listened for the whole length of the song. Pinkie was oddly quiet during it just looking much the same. Dash looking mostly confused by it as the mood of the music just seemed to wash past here like the waves of water passing a boat at sea. Rarity and Fluttershy's ears flattened back as they both could feel the mood a lot more clearly. Applejack just only looked like she was being uncomfortable with the song itself. After the song ended and Twilight stopped it from play another song along the same lines. She looked over her friends in both hope and worry.

“What... what is that song?” Fluttershy asked timidly as she wasn't sure she wanted to voice her question.

“It's called Mad World, or at least that's what it says here.” Twilight answered as she looked at the song title on the phone. For being an instrumental version of the song, it has as much of an impact on the group of them, minus Spike as he didn't find an issue with the song, to begin with. “This isn't the only song he's been listening too and many of them feel... worse than this one. I don't know what to do girls, I've tried going over every physiology book I have to try and understand this.”

“And?” Dash asked.

“The closest I got was a major depressive disorder, the problem with that is that Firestorm hasn't really shown this levels of depression before. Well without due cause to say the least.” Twilight explained.

“Maybe he's just processing a lot. He just started all his royal duties for the real first time. Maybe they are weighing a little heavy on him right now.” Applejack suggested.

“It's possible, just... something feels wrong and I want to help.” Twilight said.

“We know sugar cube, how about we go over to his-” The rest of Applejack's comment was cut off by the sound of an explosion in the distance. This caused all of them to jump. “What in tarnations was that?”

“I don't know, but I'm going to find out.” Twilight said flying towards the door. With a flick of magic, the door flew open to show a cloud of black smoke coming from the demolitions training.

“It came from there.” Twilight said before galloping off towards it. This was followed by the rest of them including Spike who hopped onto Pinkie as she dashed past. As soon as they get out to said field what they saw was Firestorm who's horn just stopped glowing staring at a second explosion happening at the further end of the training fields. He then pulled over a clipboard and scribbled something on it. All while Nightling flew out for a few moments to swing back.

“Seems like your aim is improving, you only missed the target by a few yards.” Nightling said landing.

“Hmm... maybe it's the wind throwing it off.” Storm said.

“Okay, what in Celestia's name is going on here?” Twilight asked as she was staring at her coltfriend in disbelief for the last few seconds.

“Huh?” Storm said turning to look at the group of arriving ponies and dragon. “Oh hey everypony... what are you all doing out here?”

“What are we doing? What are you doing out here?” Twilight said as the look on her face said it all. She was a little broke from this.

“I'm doing a serious of experiments and wanted to be safe. I doubt you would want me to detonate anything in the library right?” He asked as he sat the clipboard down and reach to his left foreleg. Which secured to it looked like a little box attached to a band. Within it was white cards with odd markings on it. With a flick of his prosthetic hoof the card was sent spinning down the field. As soon as it landed his horn flashed for a moment. This was followed by a third explosion. This was enough to cause Fluttershy to duck behind Dash who was staring in a mixture of confusion and enjoyment.

“Well... no, but what are you doing?” Twilight asked still a little manic.

“I've been studying spell script and I wanted to test out an idea.” He explained.

“And what idea is that?” Rarity asked this time a little curious.

“Well, the biggest part of spell script is a special kind of ink used that absorbs magic to trigger the spell. Much like my bandages do. So I had a thought of if I would try to write it afterwards and then flick it with magic. Which is different than the progress before as the ink is magically charged beforehand. As you can see this is the outcome. This has a small explosive script to them. Enough to create the smoke so I can see if the heavier ink will weigh down the card in flight or if I could put a lighter coat of ink. All to see if I can get the same amount of power out of the spell. These were as a delay written into the scripts to help prevent of a missed casting.”

“Than what was with all the depressive looks and notes you've written?” Twilight asked getting into his face.

“Depressive looks and notes?” Everypony heard the levels of confusion in his voice when he asked that.

“You've been staring off into the distance since that letter from Princess Celestia showed up.” She said which was closer to a shout than anything.


“It seems like something has been eating at you since then.” Twilight said trying to get the answer out of the stallion who is just looking completely confused.

“Again, so?”

“So? Storm you've been quieter than normal, even going as far as keeping these scribbles. What in the whole of Equestria do these even mean?” Twilight asked waving the stack she still had on her from talking about it in Storm's face.

“Ideas mostly, and random thoughts.” He said flatly. “A better question was why did you keep them? You told me you were going to throw them out after you asked me about it last time.”

“But nobody writes like this without reason!” She shouted.

“Okay, did you forget that I'm not from Equestria Twilight?” He pointed out a little more on the angry side.

“I know! That doesn't change why you wrote all these chemicals down.” Twilight as really into his face. The long on his face went from confusion to understanding for a moment.

“You tried to decipher my notes didn't you.” There was a hard tone to his voice that stopped Twilight. The once angry unicorn was not a little scared.

“Well... yes, but-” She tried to defend her reason.

“But nothing, Twilight.” He said a little coldly. “Twilight, I just...” He was having a hard time finding the words. “If you must know, these notes where idea's I was fighting with myself about. Thoughts that I don't want to be out in the air. So I coded them, both for my own safety as well as those around me.” He said pulling one of the sheets over. He scanned over the page quietly as his mind went to work. “Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be the royal that Equestria needs. Would it even be worth it in the end? Looking at Celestia and Luna I see two ponies who spent most of there lives stuck up on a pedestal that they can't come down from. Will I be in that position and do I really deserve to be.” He read out loud and even Dash could see it.

“I... Storm...” Twilight began to say, but this didn't stop Firestorm from reading another bit.

“There is time's I've wondered what would have happened if I didn't come to Equestria or if I had stayed on earth after I found out what had really happened to me. Was there anything left of my life really there and the more that I think about it, was there anything there before I came to Equestria? Did my world come to a close thereafter Jessica's death? Part of me wants to say yes, even Shadow could see the logic behind the thought. The me here now on the other hoof says no.” He read before burning the sheet with his magic. “These are thoughts left to my own head Twilight. Sometimes I need to write them down and get them out so I can focus on other things.”

“I'm sorry,” Twilight said lowering her head a bit as she sat down.

“I know you are Twilight. I am depressive in nature Twilight and even when I don't fall in line with major depressive disorder, but-” He got out.

“How did you know about that?” She asked.

“You silently talk as you read, it's not hard to pick it up when the room is quiet outside of quill on parchment. If you had to label it Twilight than the word is melancholy. With the choices, I've had to make that I can't really share with anypony, because of their nature. I had to find another outlet to let me vent.” He sighed quietly.

“What about Spitfire showing up at city hall?” Dash asked and this got the other element bearers to look at her.

“What are you on about?” Applejack asked.

“I saw Spitfire fly in a few days back to visit city hall. Since Storm here is there, it must have been him she came to see.” Dash explained.

“Dash my reach power wise is Ponyville and Cloudsdale. So they have to come to my office here in Ponyville to talk to me about stuff. Which since your a fan their main office is in...” He said leaving it open for her to the asker.

“Couldsdale, wait doesn't that mean I can see more of Spitfire of the Wonderbolts?” The look on Dash's face would have been priceless if the others were in a better mood.

“Yes Dash, now if you all don't mind. I would like to finish testing these out.” Storm said with a slight huff pulling out another card. Just like before he flung, his horn flickered with magic, and it exploded. This last one was pretty loud that some of the earth almost collided with his hoof. “Hmm... interesting.” The rest of them left all but Nightling who was standing by her charge and Twilight who was at a little lost for words. Firestorm noticed this but didn't say anything as he repeated the progress three more times. That's when he had enough and turned to look at his marefriend. “I'm not angry at you Twilight.”


“I'm disappointed, not angry. I get you were worried and I've shown signs of depression before, but nothing on this level. It's just I have a lot of stuff that I now have to worry about and sadly it bothers me. Regardless I am going to perform my duties as best as I can, and that is all I can ever do.” He said quietly before going over to her and placing his horn gently against hers. “I just wish you came to me directly about this more than involving the others.” He gently kissed her on the forehead as he moved his wing around to gently cover her in an embrace as best he could. There was silence between the three of them for a while.


The rest of the day was alright in the long run. Twilight and I after dismissing Nightling for the day went home to have a long talk about what happened. Which boiled down to me showing her how I encrypted my messages which were pretty simple if you wanting to break it down. It was changing each letter into a number, then taking that number and making it the element with that number. Finally, it was to take those letters and turn them into numbers. Twilight only got part way from the decryption of my notes which I took the time to burn myself. After that Twilight an I would come to each other if there was a major problem like today. I was told about the worries that the others had as much as her own.

The worst part was I felt bad as I put Pinkie in a very depressive state. Not on the levels of what the nightmares did to here, but it was enough to affect her. So I had decided that I would do something to cheer her up, I just didn't know what. From that point on I spent some time with Twilight before I began what I had started the last few nights. Twilight returned with an ointment that was supposed to be gently rubbed into the spot to help with feather growth. Twilight was kind enough to help me get the back of the wing while I got the inside part. After that, I opened up a potion that the crusaders had brought me from Zecora. It was supposed to increase the effects of the ointment by helping the spots inside my body to grow.

The downside of it was the taste of the damn thing. It was like a mixture of sand and the flavourless medicine that had to be taken at times. I say flavourless but it was just there was no flavour to hide the disgusting taste it had. With a shutter, I downed the small vial and set it aside. With that Twilight and I laid down to bed together. I have begun wearing my prosthetic to bed per Twilight's request. She wanted to get used to being touched with it as it seems to creep out most ponies when they feel it against there coats. I guess that would explain Applejack's reaction when we made that deal all that time ago. I kind of wonder what she had put that royal bit to anyway.

Anyway, that night sleep wasn't completely restful as I felt completely on fire. Like hotter than the dip in lava I had to do during the treaty. Just my body wouldn't stop feeling like I was burning. Nothing pain wise mind you just very hot that I had kicked the blankets off me, so they mostly stayed on Twilight as I even opened the window with my magic to let the cool night breeze in. It sort of worked for the most part. The following morning, however, was when things take a turn for the sideways. Like my normal routine when I sleep I got up and jumped down out of the loft. Even with my injured wing I can still glade fairly well. It's more trying to really flap with my wings is when I have issues, and that is when I'm trying to get a good take off. So I landed onto the floor with a gentle set of thumps. If I was more awake than I was I would have found it odd that I only heard two sets of them. So after that, I went into the bathroom a little slumped over and scratching the back of my neck with my right claw. With a flick of magic, I pulled out my toothbrush and match paste to get to work on brushing my teeth. It seems like I needed to use the special kind of toothbrush that Spike use as my teeth rips through the pony kind. So as I was working on the left side with the toothbrush bring magically set to work. I finally decided to open my eyes for the first time today.

Something was wrong, that's for damn sure. The sad part was that it took me a few moments to put two and two together without the outcome being fish. Staring me in the mirror wasn't a pony or even a drony for that matter. It was a god damn satyr staring straight back at me with the same semi-freaking outlook that was on my face. I lifted up my right leg and noticed that it wasn't a leg. It was a fucking dragon's claw, scales and everything. I waved it in front of my face as well as I watched the reflection do that same. That was followed by me opening my mouth and my toothbrush losing it's magical hold as it dropped from my mouth, bounced off the sink, and dropped right onto the floor. All ending with me yelling in a panic three little words as I had fell back and scooted away from the mirror. “What the fuck!?”

“Storm what's wrong?” Twilight said before popping into the doorway looking at me. She finally set eyes on me as my head jerked over to her from my spot on the floor. This was followed by a scream and my... hands over my still pony ears. As soon as she stopped screaming I saw her horn began to glow brightly.

“Hold on a-” was all I got out before I had to roll to the left to avoid Twilight's bolt of magic.

“Who are you and where is Firestorm?” Twilight growled.

“Twilight, calm down,” I said and in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have told my marefriend who was on edge already to calm down. It's like telling an angry bull to calm down. There are some things that just shouldn't be done, that being one of them. Before I had time to react Twilight fired a few more shots. Luck for me I knew the shield spell off the top of my head and had it up in a flash. Twilight whoever was just as quick on the draw and blinked into the space between my shield and me. Without a missed beat she had her forelegs around me and the two of us teleported right into another bedroom. This one was fairly large from a lot of those I have seen. Still didn't beat the Canterlot castle one's but this was Ponyville... I think. I was face first on the floor with the only thing preventing me from having my face against the floor was my horn holding my head up.

“What the hey is going on?” The familiar sounds of Nightling said. I turned my head a little to get a better look of the room as I saw. Well, the most I could see anyway, Twilight had me pinned magically to the floor with a large almost solid block of magic. Above me was the footboard of a bed with the part of a ponies head sticking past it looking at the mare standing on the block of magic.

“This one was in my bathroom and won't tell me where Storm is.” Twilight said before thumping the block of magic.

“Well, it would help if you allowed me to get two words out of my mouth before trying to bombard your coltfriend with magic. Seriously like I don't have so much on my plate trying to figure out why I am a god damn satyr all of a sudden. Only to be assaulted by the pony I love. Thank you universe, you jerk!” I ranted with it ending me yelling that last line out.

“You can't seriously think we will believe that story.” Nightling growled down at me.

“Oh coming from you, that's rich.” I said was a growl.

“Woh, everypony calm down. I mean it's not like it's every day that something happens to Storm where he becomes something different. Especially after the whole body swap incident with Max, or turning into a dragon pony, or anything like that.” Pinkie tried to deflect as I realized where the hell we were. We were in Pinkie and Nightling's bedroom.

“But Pinkie that's... oh,” Twilight said before I think she got Pinkie's point. “Heh heh, sorry Storm,” Twilight said before releasing me finally from her magic. With that, I sat up and noticed a few things. Besides the fact that Pinkie has a two-story bedroom with a walkway leading out to a deck. She has a massive bed, that is done up like every other bed I've seen.

“Okay, now that I'm not pinned to the floor like somepony about to be arrested. Can we please figure out why am I a satyr right now?” I said sitting in an odd fashion. I sat down with both of my legs in front of me, which I haven't done since... I think the return trip to earth. I could be wrong on that one. Before much else could be said, I was bombarded with that scanner light that the doctors have used on me before. “Geez Twilight warning next time.” I said as I put my right hand up. That's when I noticed that my prosthetic once again changed. Okay, can somepony please tell me how this thing knows to change to fit whatever form I'm in? I can let the time I went through the mirror pass as it was a spell, but this? I'm going to have to seriously ask the ones that make these on how does that work.

“Sorry, but this would give us the best clue right now.” She said before she finished the spell and displayed the scan on a nearby wall. One thing that even when I was human I could really stand seeing was my own skeleton structure in an x-ray. That point still stands as I have seen my newest scan. As it seems that as I expected that my three horns were part of my skull. As well as the extra joints for both of my wings, then the tail which was more dragon-like than equine. It kind of reminded me of a monkey's tail just going from larger bones to smaller ones in this case. “I don't get it if this was a spell then there should have been some kind of byproduct picked up by the scan spell.”

“But it looks like this has to be done a different way. What if it was magical of a different nature.” I asked standing up.

“What do you mean?” Nightling asked.

“Well, we are familiar that each pony had a different kind of magic. That's not even counting magical artifacts, spell script, or even potions. Which are all magical as far as I know, so would any of those show up?”

“Magic form and artifact is hard to tell as depending on the effect could lean either way. Spell script would show up as the ink would still display in the scan. Potions are the only thing I'm not a hundred percent on.” Twilight explained looking at the scan again.

“I doubt it would be a potion as the only thing I've had was the ointment that kept being placed on my wings and that tonic from Zecora.” I said.

“Tonic, what tonic?” Twilight asked looking at me.

“It was suppose to help the growing effect of the ointment, Zecora had the crusaders...” That's when it clicked. Why didn't I see this sooner? “Of course it had to be the three of them.”

“You don't think they would-” Twilight said.

“After the stories, I've heard about the trouble those three get into. Yeah, I would, especially after the whole cutie pox accident.” I explained.

“But why?”

“It could be from when Storm talked about being human.” Nightling interjected.

“What? Oh!” I said facepalming.

“When was this?” Twilight asked.

“It was during my first day doing my official duties. Nightling and I got to talking about wanting things to be a little simpler before Spike came in. He told me he just saw the crusaders running out of city hall just before coming to deliver a letter from Celestia. I can only guess they overheard us talking about it and got an idea in their heads.” I said walking back and forth as I took a pretty good wild guess on this.

“So we just have to hunt them down and find out what was that tonic. Then go to Zecora's and get it fixed.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Two problems with that Twilight.” I said as Twilight deflated a bit. “One we are supposed to have a picnic with the others, waiting for Dash to get her letter from the Wonderbolts today.”

“Fair point, but what was the other problem.” I scratched the back of my head a little without looking her straight in the face.

“I kind of want to stay like this for a little while.” I said sheepishly.

“What, why!?” She said shouting in surprise.

“Okay, bear with me on this. This is the closest thing I'm going to get to being human again. Granted it's not ideal as a lot of ponies are going to freak out seeing me. With a little announcement calling it either a potion effect or unique case of poison joke. That way we can avoid the other ponies here in Ponyville from freaking out. It's just, something I kind of want to experience again without going... back.” I said ending in a sigh as I remembered my previous trip a little too much.

“But Firestorm... I...” Twilight paused quietly biting her bottom lip. “Does them mean a lot to you?”

“A lot is a strong statement Twilight. It's more... it's hard to explain without having the right context.” I said looking at the group of them. “Let's say you are as you are now ponies in a general term than you suddenly find yourself as something else. Like I don't know, a bear, or a dragon.”

“Oh, what about a bugbear?” Pinkie said with a waving hoof in the air.

“Sure, and let's say you were stuck like that for about the same time I have as a drony. Than suddenly fate decides to smile a little at you and give you something close to a pony. Wouldn't you want to keep it for a little bit longer before turning back?” I asked as I closed my right hand a little as my gaze slowly dropped down.

“I... I suppose that... makes sense.” Twilight said coming over to me. She then sat down between my legs looking up at me. I returned her gaze as I looked down at her with a small gulp coming from me. “Can... can I ask you a question?” I could only nod slowly. “What is it like?”

“What being me or being in this form?” I asked.

“The latter.”

“It's odd, to be honest, I have most of my movement and dexterity of a human.” I said sliding back a bit before standing up. That's when I noticed how much taller I was than the rest of them. While I would say a pony would be close to four feet maybe more depending on who. I was closer to my six feet give or take a few inches. “but I have all of my abilities of a drony. Magic, flight, and so forth.”

“What else?” Twilight asked looking up at me as she stood up as well and stepped back a bit.

“I mean I feel normal I guess. I have both my normal orange fur in places while most of my body is either scales or flesh.” I said giving my wings a test flap.

“And scars,” Nightling added on, and with that, I felt across my chest. The large x shaped scare was there from when I had to my ribs fixed, as well as the large circle scar where my heart was. Even my eyes had the claw-shaped scar from when I lost the eye.

“Yeah...” I said looking down at Twilight. Before she could react, I picked her up. She gave a small surprised gasp as I held her gently in my arms. She looked a little confused and concerned by all this until she reached her hooves around my neck and gently nuzzled against my face.

“Alright, let's get going then. We have a few things to take care of.” Twilight commented.

“Yeah, but can we... um, head home first?” I asked.

“Why?” She looked at me a little curiously.

“Let's just say I would like to get a little dressed before heading out.” d She blinked for a few moments.


“Human thing,” I answered as I really didn't want to explain that the way I was standing, that some parts of me were on full display. Especially not with my guard and one of my best friends in the same room. There was already a way too much out in the open right now that I was comfortable with.

“A... alright.” Twilight said as her horn began to glow. I quickly turned to Nightling.

“Meet us at home.” I ordered which felt weird to do, she only nodded before we found ourselves back at the library. With that, I sat Twilight back down who blushed a little. With that, I went over to my duffle bag, which I haven't really gotten into in a while now. A few bits of searching later, I found an old pair of dark grey sweatpants that I used my claw to cut open a hole for my long draconic tail. With a bit of fighting for the legs since my hooves had claws on them. I got through most of it with little damage. At least nothing but a few minutes and a sewing kit couldn't fix. With that I thought about a shirt, but with how bit my wings were as they almost reached down past my rear end when folded. I didn't think a shirt would be wise.

While I was getting ready, Twilight had already gone down and got what she was going to bring for the picnic. Which was the basket, blanket, a few bits of food for what looked like daisy sandwiches, and two cases of Dr. Colt. She turned to see me in the doorway ready to go.

“Why are you bringing one of your swords to a picnic?” She asked giving me a confused gaze adorn with a cocked eyebrow.

“Well since we are going to Zecora's in the Everfree forest, I thought it would be safe to have something to help protect ourselves with.” I said with my arms folded.

“Storm nothing is going to attack us in there.” She tried to defend.

“Right, and if my memory serves me, we were attacked what twice by Timberwolves?” I shot back.

“That was a fluke, the odd of a third attack are-” She began to say before I cut her off.

“Three thousand six hundred forty-seven to one” I answered for her.

“How did-” She began to question.

“Curiosity one night as I was attacked three times. Two in this universe and a third in the other one during the whole body swap fiasco.” I answered.

“Still, it's not likely it will happen a fourth time for you.” She tried to counter.

“That depends if the universe really hates me today.” I said as I kept my sword tied to my pants with a makeshift belt and buckle set up.

“The universe can't conspire against anypony. The idea of that is as ridiculous as-” Once again I had to cut her off.

“With Pinkie being right one hundred percent of the time when it comes to her Pinkie Sense.”

“Okay now you're doing it on purpose.” She said giving me a slightly annoyed glare.

“Doing what?” I asked a little confused.

“you're trying to find an issue, when there isn't any. No being is that mean-spirited.”

“Discord, Chrysalis, Grimwand, Vermom, the Universe, Sombra-” I began to list of using my fingers to count it.

“Firestorm!” Twilight said, well more yelled really.

“Fine, fine. I just reserve the right to say I told you so if we get attacked.” I said throwing my hands up in defeat.

“It's not going to happen, trust me.” Twilight said as she yelled from the doorway.

“Time will tell Twilight, time will tell.” Was my only answer.


“I still can't believe you would hit him Dash.” Twilight said as I was recovering from being nailed in the head by Dash. Seriously all we did was teleport close and I simply cared Twilight the rest of the way, by her request mind you. As soon as Dash saw me, she decided to beeline it for my head.

“In my defence I didn't know that was Storm.” Dash said folding her forelegs across her chest.

“But I told you to stop.” Twilight growled back.

“I didn't hear it.”

“But-” Twilight began before I cut her off.

“Just let it drop Twilight, it's not the first time I've been nailed by a pony. Ah!” I said before a sharp pain decided to seer my head.

“Oh sorry.” Fluttershy said as she was added some kind of chemical mix to help prevent the open cut on my head from Dash nailing me.

“It's fine, just please continue.” I said waving off Fluttershy's worry.

“Fine.” Twilight said before coming over to watch Fluttershy work, a little too closely for my comfort. Seriously it was like Twilight wanted to be on top of Fluttershy as she worked. Oh god, I just had to have that thought didn't I. The heat rushing to my face was evidence of that. “Something wrong?”

“Eep, sorry, sorry.” Fluttershy apologized.

“No it's fine, just a thought crossing my mind is all,” I said waving them off as I reached over and grabbed the bandage Fluttershy pulled out for the gash on my forehead. Lucky for me she didn't decide to go straight for the horn. Which from what I have been told, hurts getting struck on.

“So... um darling, what's with the outfit?” Rarity commented seeing me in just a pair of raggedy sweatpants.

“Truth be told I wanted to wear something I use to wear on earth. Besides some of the newer tears from my claws, the only thing I had to change was a hole for my tail.” I explained.

“But really Storm, couldn't you have picked something a bit more fashionable?” She whined a little.

“Rarity I don't have that many clothes from earth. So I picked something that I could easily put on with the least amount of discomfort.”

“I still don't see why you're wearing it in the first place.” Dash commented.

“Human thing.” I answered not wanting to get into an awkward conversation.

“That's a cop-out answer.” Dash huffed.

“Be it as it may, I don't think anypony here would want to hear the explanation.” I shot back.

“I would,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Okay, anypony other than Twilight.” I corrected myself.

“Ooh, ooh, I want to know!” Pinkie said and all I could do was facepalm into that.

“Okay I wanted into that one didn't I?”

“Yeah, you kind of did sugar cube.” Applejack said smirking.

“Fine, but bare this in mind. I'm going to compare it to a pony thing as far as I know it. Human's have this taboo on nudity outside of intimate moments with there special somepony. That's also needing to wear something to help deal with the weather itself. Going without it would be like a mare walking down a street full of ponies with her tail out of the way.” I explained as bluntly as I could. That got everypony to blush. Even myself, as I was trying to hide it with my right hand.

“Ooh...” They all said as drawn out as they could without it sounding ridiculous.

“But why are you wearing something now when you've been going without anything on?” Applejack points out.

“Because I'm close to being as human as I can so the old habits kick in. That's also not counting when I wear something like my hoodie.” I answered with a shrug.

“So... how does it feel?” Dash asked.

“It feels... normal and yet abnormal at the same time. Like it's everything I've known as a human, but it is also different because I've gotten used to being a drony.” I said as I floated over a bottle of soda to me. “I mean I can fly, sort of like before.” With that, I popped the lid of the bottle with a test of my left hand.

“Magic seems to be working well for you.” Rarity commented.

“Yeah, and I'm probably as strong as before.” I tacked on thinking about it. “Kind of makes me wonder if I could just kick a tree like Applejack apple bucks on.”

“We could find out.” Applejack tacked on.

“No harm in it after we find out if Dash gets in or not.”

“I'm not worried.” Dash said with a smirk.

“Oh but I'm so- nervous.” Pinkie said hoping around.

“Pinkie relax.” I said with a smirk.

“Yeah, you're more nervous than Dash is.” Twilight commented.

“I'm not nervous at all, when I get into the Wonderbolt academy-” Dash said before appearing right into Dash's face.

“If you get in, if you get in! Don't jinx it” Pinkie said as it looked like she was about to strangle Dash.

“I'm telling you it's in the bag.” Dash said after removing Pinkie's hooves from her neck. More than you ever know Dashie, more than you ever know.

“Don't jinx it!”

“She is the best flier in Ponyville.” Applejack said before taking a bit of her apple. Only to have the other half fly off and almost her hat too when Dash zipped by.

“In Ponyville?” Dash asked giving a cocky shrug before zipping around a cloud so fast that it looked like rainbow ribbons were trying to strangle that damn thing. Until with a poof, the cloud had a slide second carved into it. “I'm probably the best flier in all of Equestria.” Okay, somepony needs to deflate miss ego a bit or there won't by any other trainees at the academy. “I wouldn't be surprised if they just went ahead and made me a Wonderbolt on the first day.” She continued to boost as she glided past us with a gentle flap of her wings right into the mixture of peach and tan coloured mail pony.

“Got a letter here for Rainbow Dash.” He said hoofing over the letter. We watched as Dash grabbed the letter and ripped the envelope off it in one motion while keeping the letter in her hoof. I just watched as this was now getting a little ridiculous when ponies do that. I can understand Twilight and Rarity being able to do that with magic. But Dash? Hell, I could excuse Pinkie doing it, because that's Pinkie for you. I watched as my left eye twitched from trying to process this as Dash read over the letter. As seconds past, I watched her smile fade little by little.

“I didn't get in.” She said with a depressed look on her face. Which I call bullshit on, I already knew she got in. I was the one that signed off it myself. I heard the rest of the ponies gasp at this, Pinkie really overreacting on this one. All before Dash whipped out a smile with “Gotcha” and a light chuckle. The rest of them smirked and only I facepalmed at this. “Man you guys are so gullible like I wasn't going to get in.” She said before she was pounced upon by a pink propelled rocket that is Pinkie so fast and hard that the letter hung in the air for a few seconds before slowly floating down.

The two mares rolled for a few feet before it ended up with Pinkie standing on her hind legs, giving Dash one of her trademark squeeze the life out of you hugs. “Oh, I am so- happy for you.”

“Uh... thanks?” Dash got out before Pinkie increased the squeeze on her. “Pinkie Pie, I kind of need to get going.” Pinkie increased the squeeze one last time before letting her go with a bouncy trot.

“Okay, I'm done,” She said smiling. I watched Dash gently rub her wing at the spot Pinkie had a death grip on.

“Sooner I get there, the sooner I get to show them my stuff.” Dash said taking off into the air with her ego going at full blast before she flew between Applejack and Rarity who was holding up Dash's saddlebags. In a second she slipped them on and flew off.

“Good luck.” Applejack said waving, like the rest of us.

“Won't need it.” Dash could barely be heard as she poured on the speed. It wasn't but a second before Pinkie ran past us and pulled out a large megaphone.

“Don't forget to write!” She yelled in that damn thing. It was so loud and powerful that I think I saw the mountains lead to get away from the sound. Speaking of said noise, it got to the point that I had to cover my ears to keep from hearing her voice echo. It was short lived as my ears had began to ring with a solid tone. She turned to say something towards us, but I couldn't make it out as all I saw was her mouth move. So I said the only thing that could have been said at the time.


-End of Chapter-

Chapter 36 - Opportunity

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Chapter 36 - Opportunity

“What were you three thinking?” Twilight said laying into the Crusaders. Applejack and Rarity stood by me, while I leaned against the wall watching this. After I was able to get my hearing back, Twilight remembered that we needed to talk to the Crusaders about the whole potion deal they caused.

“We wanted to help Storm.” Sweetie Belle said looking worried.

“Help him how?”

“He...” Applebloom started before losing the strength in her voice.

“I'm guessing you heard Nightling and I talking in my office?” I asked walking over, as the three of them nodded.

“What did you two talk about?” Twilight shifting her gaze to me.

“It was that I was sort of missing the feeling of being human, or at least close to it to paraphrase.” I sat knelled so I was closer to there height. Which didn't work as I was still over Twilight's head doing so. “look, my only real question is. Why didn't you tell me instead of lying about it? Don't get me wrong as I'm glad you wanted to do something nice, but the way you did it was wrong.” I said looking at the three of them with a slight warm smile.

“We just wanted to do something special for you, but we weren't sure how you would take it,” Sweetie said with a lowered head.

“So we thought that we could surprise you with it,” Applebloom said with a slight nervous chuckle.

“Kind of blew up in our faces didn't it?” Scootaloo said looking at us with a little hope.

“Not really blew up,” I answered scratching the back of my head. “It's more fizzled a bit really. That being said.” I began before picking the three of them up in a gentle hug. “Thank you, I get to have something back for a little while.”

“Uh... Storm, mind putting my sister down.” Applejack said and I stopped noticing I was turning a bit.

“Oh... sorry.” I floated the Crusaders out of my arms as I failed to notice me being up in the air when I hugged them.

“It's alright,” Applebloom said.

“That still doesn't change how much trouble you three are you. Didn't last time teach you three not to use potions on ponies without them knowing?” Applejack said in a harsh tone.

“Last time?” I asked.

“They used a love poison on Cheerilee and Big Mac.” Twilight informed.

“Love poison, don't you mean a love potion?”

“No poison, it's much stronger than a potion. If they didn't do something about it than those two would have been so in love that they couldn't see anything but the other, forever.”

“Geez, so no teaching and no Big Mac at the farm?”


“Note made,” I said rubbing the back of my neck gently. Just thinking about that happening left a cold chill up my spine. Being so infatuated with another pony that you couldn't do anything but be with the other one. What if one of them had to... no, Storm no don't even start thinking about the details of that. I shook my head back and forth trying to get that thought out of my head. “Look, I get they messed up doing this. But why don't we let these three off with a warning this time.”

“Storm are you nuts?” Applejack said giving me a look like I was crazy.

“It's yet to be proven, why?” I asked.

“They could have poisoned you or worse!” Rarity commented.

“Not any worse than what Vermom has done. Plus these three were trying to do something nice for me, admittedly with mixed results. If anything, they need a little praising that they were able to create a potion that did this.” I said flexing the fingers of my left hand.

“It is amazing how they did,” Twilight said coming over and looking at my hand.

“I know, I mean with some training they would make great alchemist... wait. They do exist here right?” I asked turning to my marefriend.

“Yes, there are alchemists as most of them are earth ponies here in Equestria.” She said before she tried to open her mouth only to be cut off by Applebloom.

“Really? Do you think we could get our cutie-marks in it?” She asked with all three of them giving that puppy dog look of hope.

“I don't see the harm in it,” I said with a shrug. “It would require you to be trained in it.”

“Trained?” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo cringed a bit at that.

“Well yeah, you can't really become skilled in a task without training. Natural abilities can take you so far. I mean look at me, I know how to do a lot of art. I had to train and learn things on my own to hone my skills to what they are.” I said with a smile, before turning to Twilight. “How much do you know about alchemy Twilight?”

“I've gone through the advanced lessons at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns and Princess Celestia has taught me a lot more in private lessons,” Twilight said and if didn't know better, that sounded like a bit of boosting to me.

“Want to help expand a young mind?” I asked more trying to nudge this a bit. It was well worth the try as Twilight's eyes lit up like two violet suns.

“Oh, yes!” Twilight said bouncing a bit.

“Um...” Scootaloo said sounding a little unsure.

“Oh, I could teach them so many other things,” Twilight said bouncing around happily.

“Can you teach me magic?!” Sweetie asked now getting into the idea.

“Of course! I would have to sit down and make a lesson plan than check the list and make a list of the supplies I would need and-” Twilight said beginning to ramble.

“Twilight I think they get it,” I interjected.

“Right... sorry,” Twilight said after she reeled it back in.

“It's fine, but why don't we approach this idea later down the road. Twilight and I need to visit Zecora.” I said getting back up onto my hooves.

“How come?” Applebloom asked looking up at me.

“Well, we need to make sure this isn't permanent. Great as it is that I get a bit of my old body back, I can't stay like this forever. I still have my duties to take care of and I don't want ponies to be scared of me. Even you three tried to run when you saw me and Dash thought I was a creature attacking Twilight.” I said with the comment about Dash had me point my thumb over my shoulder. “If that's anything to judge by, I can't really stay like this. Once in a while is one thing, forever is a different game altogether.”

“Would you want to stay like that... forever?” Twilight asked and I could hear the worry in her voice. The pause afterward was just and worrying.

“If I'm, to be honest, I really don't know. Part of me wants to say yes just so I can have the old familiarity of my life back. The rest of me understands the risks that would involve doing so. So asking me that question becomes a little unbalanced with me.” Granted I could have boiled it down to a simple I don't know, but that didn't feel right to say. Since I've taken up this whole royal business more than I have with pretty much holding a sort of court myself. I've grown to see larger pictures in a different light. Henry Selick once said 'I think that one of the things that I can do is I seem to have the ability to zoom in super tight for very small details, but then jump back for sort of the big picture perspective. And I think that ultimately, that's one of my strengths because you have every detail matters.' Granted he was talking about his artwork at the time, but in this case, it fits in a different context. The zooming in would be more isolating myself and my feelings for that. Even if I zoomed out a bit and just limited to my circle of friends, the cause and event alone could be jarring to some. My case and point here would have been Twilight.

“But if you didn't have to worry about anypony else.” She was trying to see if I wanted to stay like this.

“Twilight I'm not going to answer that. There is no way for me to really be able to, regardless of what you try to work around it so it's only my opinion on this. I can't hold myself to it, I've got to always think about the whole of Equestria when it comes to this. I won't say that sometimes I won't be selfish and enjoy this when I can, I'm only me after all. Just, I have to look beyond me is all.” I said as I moved and hold Twilight close. “If your worried that I will prefer to be this over being the drony that I have been. Then don't worry, I will be that drony. I just want a little fun is all.” She looked at me as all I could do was see the worry and fear in her eyes. Only took a moment before she closed them and nodded.

“I can accept that, I just don't want you to throw everything away for something that could only be temporary.” She said.

“I know Twilight, I know,” I said as I gently gave her a kiss on the cheek. She looked at me quietly before she returned it herself.

“Get a room,” Scootaloo commented with a grown. Twilight and I looked at her before turning to each other. With a smirk on her face as well as one on mine, we turned to look around the room in a few different angles. “Not this room!” The little filly said in annoyance.

“Sorry can't help it Scootaloo. That said, why don't well all head out. I'm sure you two have things to take care of and I'm sure these three want to go out to play for a while.” I said with a smile.


“Don't say it,” Twilight growled as we ran through the Everfree forest.

“But Twilight I-” Was all I got out.

“I don't care, running first gloating later.” She said as she keeping up with me fairly well, spite the fact that we were running from a pack of Timberwolves. Seriously where the fuck does these things keep coming from.

“I have a better idea,” I said reaching into my pants pocket and pulled out a red card from a box of cards in my pocket.

“What the buck are you doing?” Twilight said as I turned in the air and used my wings to propel me back. Flicking my wrist, the card was flung at the Timberwolf that was starting to close in fast. My horn lit up as well as the aura around the card.

“Fire!” I yelled in time with the card to explode into flames engulfing the wolf. It slid down and began to trash to extinguish the flames. With a wild swing caught the third wolf out of the pack of six that was behind us.

“What the buck was that?!” She said turning her head to see the four still chasing us.

“Tell you later,” I said before dropped onto my feet as the wolf that passed the one on fire caught up to me rapidly. “Oh no, you don't” With both my claws I gripped the top and bottom jaws of the timberwolf. Oh got the smell, it was like taking your worst nightmares and made them a fragrance. The force of the wolf slid me back as my hoofs were dug into the ground. “Boy someone needs a breath mint.” As my magic flowed down to my arms, I began to pull the wolfs jaws apart to left no room for imagination as the vines, wood, and branches that made the creature snapped and splintered till I had ripped the thing in two. My victory short lived as one of the other wolves jumped throw the split reminds of his friend and had bitten into my right shoulder, this caused me to roar in pain.

“Storm!” Twilight said before she rounded a tree and galloped back with her horn lit up. The world that had a good grip on me suddenly found itself forcibly pulled off with enough ease that I had no wooden spikes left it and compressed with a satisfying crunch. She cut the magic and dropped the mass of woods and vines at my feet. With a grin and idea crossed my mind as I took a few good steps back. The other two wolves had made it past its now smoldering ashes of its comrades and were heading for us. “Storm let's go, if we can lose them we can make it to Zecora's before sunset.” Twilight tried to suggest.

“One moment Twilight, I have an idea.” With some magic like I had with my arms. My right leg began to glow from it as with a three-step run-up. I launched the makeshift ball art the last two. Honestly launched was the best way to describe it as it had enough power behind it that both Twilight and I manes began to blow wildly from that thing rocketing off. If I didn't know better, it sounded like I had struck some bowling pins when the other two wolves suddenly became nothing more thing bits and bobbles of trees on the ground.

“How... how did you do that?” Twilight asked looking at me.

“Do you want the quick answer or the legitimate answer?” I asked turning to her as I began to feel the slow flow of a familiar liquid from my nose.

“Storm just tell me.” She said with a face hoof.

“Well, I used the strength enchantment on my leg and put a lot into it. Think of it like a crack of the whip, where the handle of the whip was only going maybe thirty miles an hour only for the end of it suddenly go a hundred and twenty. Now I would say about the same here but add to the effect that impact was closer to a cannon fire of dense material. When it landed there was so much force that it just continued through till it hit both targets.” I had explained.

“But with that much force, your leg should have been broken from it, not counting that the force acted upon it should have sent that thing halfway into Ponyville,” Twilight said looking at me as she was already doing the math in her head.

“That would be true if it wasn't angled for the trees, look,” I said pointing it out. A few feet away from the last wolf you could see the chunk of a tree that was clipped. “With enough forces acting on it like it is. It would fall-” Right about than the sound of four trees hitting the ground a few miles away echoed to us. “Okay, I guess I was off by two.” I didn't even get my hand to my head before Twilight magically thumped me on the back of the head.

“Storm that isn't funny, you could have seriously hurt somepony with a stunt like that. Not counting that your nose is bleeding from magical fatigue. Here let me float you to Zecora's.” She offered, and when I mean offered she didn't give me a say as I was floated up into the air and behind Twilight. “Now what the buck was that fire trick you used? I didn't see you use your fire breath like normal.”

“Oh well like I tested in the field the other day, I was testing a few other cards. That was a fireball spell with a voice trigger. Don't worry I only had the one, it takes a lot of fine scripting to make those, and compared to the quick flick of magic ones. Not even worth doing again, unless for a show.” I said.

“How many different cards have you made?” She asked looking at me over her shoulder.

“Besides the impact one, and fire one. I have about four others. One is a set for one spell as it was too complex for one card, the other one is a simple spark spell for a quick juice of energy.” I explained.

“What about your no weapons rule?” She asked.

“That would be true if I wasn't using existing script spells. It's only putting the right trigger runes, frankly, anypony can make them. I just condensed for combat, that's not counting the few defensive cards I want to make. It's just hard to find a script strong enough to negate a spell after it's already fired.”

“Have you thought of an equivalence rune?” She asked with a smirk.

“Equivalence rune?”

“I thought you were studying up on these runes before you tried them?”

“I was, but we only have the advanced guide to runes back home,” I said with my arms in the air.

“Advance, Storm what about the Equestrian Guide to Rune magic?” She asked after we were outside Zecora's hut.

“Wait... there's other rune magic outside of script runes?”

“Of course, there is even a few that are forbidden.” She said with a smirk.

“Let me guess, Celestia taught them to you,” I asked with my arms folded.

“Of course not, they are forbidden for a reason.” She defended.

“Still, you would think she would teach you at least to look out for when it comes to them,” I said as I reached up to my should and felt a sting of pain as I still had a set of fresh wounds. “That being said we may as well get to the point of our-” I said before was cut off by the door opening to Zecora's hunt. “Oh hey, Zecora.” I gave a wave to said zebra as she looked at me both confused and a bit wary.

“Hello Twilight and strange creature, yet you have familiar features,” Zecora said and I had completely forgotten she did that strange rhyming skit.

“Hello Zecora, before you ask this is Firestorm.” Twilight introduced for the second time, I believe.

“Firestorm what happened to you, my friend? You look like the best of fiends end.”

“The crusaders happened,” I answered.

“Sweetie, scootaloo, and Applebloom must have let loose some doom and gloom,” Zecora observed.

“Honestly, out of what could have happened. This wasn't bad, maybe a little weird being bipedal again. But all in all, not bad.” I answered with a shrug before I winced from my wound. “What's really bothering me now is my shoulder as those Timberwolves got a good bite in.”

“Bring him in so I can see, I may just have the remedy.”

“I hope for both, just not at once. I would like to stay in this form for a little while longer.” I said as Twilight floated me in.

“We also wanted to see if there are any other side effects that we should be wary of,” Twilight commented. Zecora didn't answer at first as she grabbed something and trotted behind me. With a tug and the sound of something being cut. She came back with a bit of my mane in her mouth as well as a knife in her hoof. She went over to what looked like an old witches cauldron as she began to mix a few things. Just watching how rapidly the potion when from orange to black, followed by blue, silver, and an old sickly green. Just before ending in a crimson red when she tossed my hairs in.

“This will revert the changes that have caused by a brew, I warn you that it may taste worse than glue,” Zecora said as she put the bottle into my palm. I looked it over as it was a solid red that wasn't translucent at all. As I looked up to her to see in her mouth a familiar medical box she had. In moments I felt the familiar cold feeling as she filled the wounds. While she did that she took a few samples to test. Which lead us being here for another few hours all to find out that I was fine being like this for a while. Nothing magical to worry about, which part of me wondered how would Zecora know about magic, let alone dralicorn magic. That's not even counting to the fact that as far as I knew and I could be wrong she was closer to an earth pony with some kind of shaman magic. She had a lot of books on the subject however so, it could be see did enough study on the subject that she has a good understanding of the subject.

It's funny that I didn't feel the pain from the ointment like last time. Granted it could have been the fact that last time I had spikes still in my leg. So I would take that as a plus in my book right now. As soon as we got everything we needed from Zecora we began to head back only to notice how dark it was.

“Oh, Celestia this isn't good,” Twilight said as she stepped back looking a little frightened.

“What's wrong?” I asked a little curious.

“We have to traverse the Everfree at night. It's not safe to do so.” She commented.

“And that changes anything from daylight when we've been attacked by a six-pack of wolves on the way here,” I commented using my left hand to point behind me into the forest.

“That was different, we could see them clear enough.” She said trying to press why this was any more of an issue. With a cock of my left eyebrow, my horn began to glow. “Fair point, it's still dangerous. The last time I traveled through the Everfree at night, I was turned into stone by a cockatrice”

“The same one that turns ponies to stone?” She nods. “The same one that looks like a chicken if below the neck of it is make of scales and has a long snake-like tail that ends with a rattler?” Once again she nods. “And it has piercing red eyes like it would look right through you into your soul?” That got Twilight to freak out a bit more.

“Do you see one?” She asked looking around as I facepalmed.

“One if I did, I would be hard as a rock right now. Two, no I only just making sure we were on the same page. Finally three, we have a way out safely.” I said using my claws to make my point with each digit going up as I counted.

“And how is... oh,” She said as I cut her off with my wings giving a gentle flap. “Sorry I forgot.”

“You forgot that I had wings? These things are about half as tall as I am!” I said a little annoyed before she blushed a bit in embarrassment. Walking around her I gently reached down and grabbed Twilight like I was giving a teddy bear a bear hug. Not too tight so Twilight can breathe, but not too loose where she could slip out. With that, I gave myself a powerful up thrust into the air with my wings. Only to pop through a cloud to see a large mass of them over the forest. “Well hell, that works,” I said before shifting Twilight so she was sitting on my arm with her hooves around my neck for support. I began to walk across the clouds all the way back to Ponyville.

“Hey Storm... can I ask you something? And please don't be a smart ass as you call it about it,” she asked and I rolled my eyes for a moment.

“Go ahead Twilight.” I said as we had a good trek to go.

“You've never called me Twi as the others do.” She observed.

“So?” I asked.

“How come?”

“Honestly, I just it doesn't feel right to me. Don't get me wrong, I see why shorting Twilight to Twi can be appealing. It's just that when we decide to do the whole pet names thing. I just want it to be something with meaning I guess.” I explained.

“Pet names?” She asked.

“It's like a stallion calling his mare baby, or vice versa. It's something special to them that comes at the right moment. It's like how Dash calls Applejack AJ, or Pinkie calls Dash Dashie. It's a pet name in a way.” I tried to explain.

“So... it's like a nickname that has a special meaning behind it?” She asked.

“Well yeah,” I answered as I smiled leaning my head a little closer to Twilight's as she did the same.

“What kind of name do you think it should be.”

“Just give it time Twilight, give it time,” I said before I turned and gave my marefriend a gentle kiss on the cheek that got her to blush. “If anything it makes the wait worth it.” As we continued down the clouded path I had to make small jumps from cloud to cloud so we would avoid the forest below.

“Mind if I ask another question?”

“You just did.” Whap. “What, you did?!.”

“I said not to be a smart ass about it.”

“No, you said not to be a smart ass about the first question. Not any of the following ones.” Whap. “Fine point made, continue.”

“Have you thought about a herd?” She asked almost like it was a common thing. This caused me to stumble for a moment.

“Are you serious Twilight?” I asked having to stop after I had found my footing on the cloud.

“It's an honest question.” She said.

“Honest?! Twilight we've only done 'it' a few times. Now you're asking about adding more ponies. I'm sorry it's a little hard to see the honesty in a question like that, where I come from.”

“How?” She asked getting a little loud.

“Well, it could go one of many ways. You swing both ways and you want another mare into more fun. Your thinking of another stallion with the same outcome. Your thinking that I would want another mare so suddenly after what you found out because you're overcompensating for something I have yet to understand. The list goes on Twilight.” I said and that caused her to blush besides the rapid one already on its way to consume my face.

“No, I mean it's not like I haven't fanta- I mean I just wanted to gauge your opinion on the idea.” She said trying to detour herself from almost saying she fantasies about that. Which I can't fault anypony or anyone for having a fantasy.

“Twilight, if you're trying to gauge something like that out of left field. Then I'm sorry to say that you broke the what the fuck o' meter, bent the pointer of the what the hell odometer, and is currently on the way of spinning the needle of the sanity gauge with a question like that. Twilight there is a time and a place for a question like that. I mean after some fun in the bedroom maybe, but now of all places? I feel like you cold-cocked me with that one Twilight.” I said maybe a little too exasperated with the sudden question like that. I watched her ears flatten back as she winced at my comment.

“Sorry... forget I said anything.” She tried to derail.

“Oh no,” I said before letting out a sigh I continued to walk with Twilight on my arm. “Sorry, it was just not expecting that question from you of all ponies. Dash and Applejack maybe, Rarity possibly, and maybe Pinkie and Nightling. I could see them suddenly drop that question, but not really you Twilight.” We continued for a few moments as I began to think. “If I had to answer the question then, no I haven't thought about a herd in any context. I just want to make sure you are happy and safe. That's the most important things to me right now. Just if we did add another pony, besides the whos being the biggest question of all. It's more can I share my feelings of you with them?” I asked.

“What do you mean share your feelings of me?” Twilight asked not condescending, just curiously is all.

“Well... could I love them, as much as I love you?” I said looking at her and nodded quietly.

“I think I understand. You're worried that if we did do this, could we be equal in it with everypony or would it be lopsided. Am I correct?” She asked.

“On the nose. Are you serious about this whole herd thing?” I asked. She looked up quietly thinking about it a bit more in silence.

“I don't know. I enjoy the time we have had so far. I just want it left as an opinion down the road.” She said.

“Fair enough, so how about this. If and this is a big 'If' another pony has a genuine interest in us. Then we can talk about it seriously then. So let's just enjoy our time together.” I said with another kiss to Twilight's cheek.

“Alright, I can agree to that. Only if you can agree to one thing.”

“And what's that?”

“That I can have a request of my own later down the line.” She said with a smirk.

“Am I going to regret agreeing to this?” I asked looking at her.

“It depends, am I going to regret agreeing to yours?”

“In all fairness, you were the one to drop this one, but I see your point. I will agree as long as the time's right. Otherwise, it's held off till a more free moment.” I said already feeling the kick in the ass I'm going to get when I regret what she decides to request. It was oddly peaceful walking on the clouds with Twilight as I looked up at the sky.

“I can agree to that.” She said as she gently rested her head against mine. It was a few moments at the sound of my hooves gently patting against the clouds as I walked as a tune came to my mind. As the song came more to my mind it started to hum from my mouth. Twilight listened in quietly as she began to join in silently at first before she fully picked it up. When we got the edge of the forest and in turn the cloud. I just jumped from the cloud and used my wings to glide down the path. As soon we landed, I let Twilight down so we could walk together. “Storm what is that song we were humming?”

“It's called 'Johnny I hardly knew ya'” I answered as I continued to hum it.

“Do you know the lyrics to it?” She asked looking up at me.

“Of course, I've sung it quite a few times,” I said with a slight smile on my face at the memory of me and a few friends decided to have a bit of drunken singing.

“Could you sing it?” She asked.

“I could,” I answered with a smirk.

“Storm!” She groaned. I couldn't help myself as I chuckled before I began to hum it again from the beginning.

♫♪ We're going the road to sweet Athy, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ We're going the road to sweet Athy, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ We're going the road to sweet Athy. ♪♫

♫♪ A stick in me hand and a drop in me eye. ♪♫

♫♪ A doleful damsel I heard cry, Johnny I hardly knew ye. ♪♫

I began to sing as we walked down the path with the bridge into town coming up fast. It didn't stop me from singing.

♫♪ We hear your drums and guns and drums and guns, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ We hear your drums and guns and drums and guns, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ We hear your drums and guns and drums and guns, the enemy nearly slew ye. ♪♫

♫♪ Oh my darling dear, Ye look so queer. Johnny I hardly knew ye. ♪♫

I continued with the chorus as we ended up passing a few stands going through the market street. I do have to admit that this street would be a great setting for a horror scene.

♫♪ Where are your eyes that look so mild, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ Where are your eyes that look so mild, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ Where are your eyes that look so mild. ♪♫

♫♪ When my poor heart you first beguiled, why did ye run from me and the child. ♪♫

♫♪ Oh Johnny, I hardly knew ye. ♪♫

Twilight looked up at me as I had sung. She may get the idea what this song was about, or maybe she was just waiting for the chorus as she began to take over the song.

♫♪ We hear your drums and guns and drums and guns, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ We hear your drums and guns and drums and guns, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ We hear your drums and guns and drums and guns, the enemy nearly slew ye. ♪♫

♫♪ Oh my darling dear, Ye look so queer. Johnny I hardly knew ye. ♪♫

I've got to give the mare some credit she can really lay out a tune when she wants to. We turned as we could see the library in the distance.

♫♪ Where are your legs with which ye run, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

I picked back up after Twilight who joined me afterwards.

♫♪ Where are your legs with which ye run, hurroo, hurroo. ♪♫

♫♪ Where are your legs with... which ye... run ♪♫

Our song died out on our voices as we saw Pinkie sitting in front of the mailbox. Every so often she would stand up from sitting on her haunches and check the mail. Twilight and I slowly came up to check on her. Nightling was in the doorway watching her.

“Pinkie what are you doing?” Twilight asked as we came closer.

“Waiting for Dashie's letter.” Pinkie said as she once again got up to check to see if said letter arrived, only for her to look disappointed and sat down again.

“She's been doing it all day. Applejack tried to talk her into taking a break.” Nightling said before she took a bite of an apple she had in her hoof.

“Pinkie it's dark out, why don't you get some sleep inside?” I said coming over to her.

“No, I have to wait for Dashie's letter. Otherwise, she may think we don't care for her, and if she thinks that. She will be distracted and mess up just to be sent home with a note that she can't ever be a Wonderbolt, which means I have to wait here for her letter so I can answer it right away and then she will know she still has her friends and which means she can focus on her training and make it into the Wonderbolts in no time. Unless she forgets about us internally and-” That was all I could let Pinkie get out of her mouth.

“Pinkie I think we get it. Look, you need to relax, she hasn't even been gone a day. She needs a little time to get used to being there. Plus it's only a week.” Pinkie slid my hand down.

“But what if-”

“No buts Pinkie.” I said before turning to Twilight, I then proceeded to shift my head so I was using it to point to Pinkie hoping Twilight got my point. She just looked at me confused. Gee thanks there Twilight. “Mind lending me a spell here Twilight?”

“Oh, right.” With a flick of her horn Pinkie began to droop a bit. With that, I slide my arms under her and picked her up gently. Normally I would be against forcing a pony to sleep as it has been done to me many times, this however needed to be done. More for Pinkie than anything, I knew how it was when it was waiting for word to get to you. Your mind would go in circles wondering how long it would take, why didn't it show up already, or why the hell hasn't said being written yet. Just after a good few minutes. Nightling showed us the way to their bedroom as they were sharing it. Honestly, I was kind of surprised at how big their room really was. Pinkie ended up getting roof access from her room by a walkway that wrapped around her room twice. In the middle of the room was rather sizable for even pony standards. Made me wonder if she saved up for it or called in a favor for something that big. I didn't think she made that much as a baker. I pulled back the blanket with my magic before I laid her in bed. She gave a gentle snore as I tucked her in and turned off the light.

“She's been really worried about Dash not writing back,” Nightling explained when we had quietly left the room.

“Understandable, I just think she's going about it the wrong way,” I said looking at the door for a few moments.

“I hope she gets some good sleep,” Twilight commented as her ears were flattened back like the rest of ours.

“Well if you used a strong spell than I suppose she would. Those things will knock out a dragon.” I said before I noticed the look on both mare's faces. “What?”

“Storm you are part dragon.” Twilight flatly said.

“You know what I mean Twilight,” I said with a facepalm. “Nightling we will see you tomorrow.” With that, the three of us went downstairs. Nightling showing Twilight and I out only for us to stop in the doorway leading outside. Standing by the mailbox was Pinkie Pie looking a little refreshed. We looked back at the stairs we just came down a few moments ago, me taking it a bit further as I trekked back upstairs to find the light on in her room and her not in bed. Okay, somepony is going to have to explain how the fuck she did that. Her windows were too small for her to climb out of, and we would have heard her go up the stairs from outside the door. Even if she was taking it to not making any noise, there wasn't enough time to elapse for her to make it back there. I came back down the stairs as I was trying to figure out the math on that alone. No matter how many times I tried to swing it, it was mathematically impossible for this. Yet, here she was. I swear I'm going to have to check under that mane or something as I think she's hiding a unicorn horn or something.

“Pinkie,” I said as I slowly stepped past Twilight and Nightling.

“Hiya Storm. Thanks, Twilight for the sleeping spell, it's just what I needed.” She said bouncing around the mailbox.

“How did you beat us down here?” Twilight asked as my left eye was having a twitching fit.

“Oh, I hopped out of the window silly.” Pinkie said with a smile and I think right about than my brain just broke. Well not broke more like powered down if anything.

“Okay, that's enough for one day,” I said picking up Twilight and walking off.

“Storm what are you- put me down Storm!” She said as I had Twilight under my arm as I headed home.

“Night you two,” I said ignoring Twilight for a moment. She ended up kicked and screaming the whole way there to have me let her go. Even getting a little sneaky with it by blinking out of my arms. Only for me to pick her up and taking her the rest of the way home about four times before we finally did get home.

“What did you do that for?” She asked after I sat her down in our room.

“Because Twilight after that display, I don't think I had the sanity for continuing the losing battle,” I answered as I went to get my table.

“What are you talking about?”

“Twilight when a pony set's their minds to something. There is only two opinion, get out of the way or get ran over. In this case, I decided the first one for us both. It's too late in the day to deal with Pinkie being herself.” I answered as I placed my tablet on its cases kickstand. With a few flicks of my stylist pen, I sat up a list for what I had planned on the way home.

“But she can't stay out there all night.” She tried to defend.

“You mean like no pony can stop you from doing an all-night cram-fest if Celestia wanted you to read through a new book?” I countered.

“But that's completely different.” She said trying to stress her point.

“I don't see it, but enlighten me how,” I said with my arms crossed looking at her.

“If the princess wanted me to learn a new book, I'm not harming anypony. Pinkie is only harming herself and her relationship with Nightling.”

“Let me counter with this. Say the book you had to learn was a three thousand page book that is going to take you a few days at the least to read through it if you do it solidly. Which knowing you, you would try to do till you passed out. Which in this case would be doing the same thing outside the two facts of different location and reason. The other factors are still the same in the other points.” She gave me a frustrated.

“But they are completely different Storm.”

“Twilight how about we let this drop for tonight and I teach you something from earth.” I offered and I could see the conflicting thoughts. Don't get me wrong I know it was a big issue that Pinkie was obsessing over Dash's letter not arriving. I was worried too, but after today with the potion, getting attacked twice, and Pinkie trying to break my brain again right after Twilight dropped a bomb of a topic as she did. I really needed to shut my brain off of all this.

“Really?” She asked biting her bottom lip and I will admit she looked absolutely adorable with that look.

“Of course,” I said with a smile before she just sighed and nodded. “Alright,” I said before slowly moving to my knees and motion for Twilight to come over. She looked a little curious and trotted over. “Stand up on your hind legs Twilight.”

“Why?” She asked.

“To help demonstrate my lesson.” Okay, I will admit I'm being very cheeky about this, but there was a point to this. Twilight nodded for a moment and reared up as I gently reached over with a few steps on my knees and grabbed her hooves. I held her left hoof in my right claw while I placed her right one on my back. With a flick of magic, my stylist tapped the screen of my tablet. The soft music began to come out into the room through the speakers.

“Storm isn't this a-”

“A waltz yes,” I said as she watched me move my knees and followed step. With a slow step and quarter turn, we began to just slow dance. Part of me just wanted to do this and the fact that we never really got a chance to do this in the right moment. The other part wanted me to take things slow when it came to teaching Twilight of Earth. So besides the whole things I had with me, a dance seemed like the right thing. Time just blurred for a while as we danced in our room. Step, turn, step, turn, step-

“What are you two doing?” Came the voice of Spike from the stairs.

“Oh hey, Spike,” I said with a smile.

“Storm is teaching me how humans waltz,” Twilight said with a smile and light blush.

“uh,” Spike said with a groan. “More of that mushy stuff.” It's things like this that remind me that Spike is just a kid in the grand scheme.

“Spike, sometimes it's things like this that makes moments worth it. Wouldn't you want to have a dance like this with Rarity?” I asked as Twilight and I still danced.

“I... um... yes.” He said with a light blush.

“Spike there is no shame about being mushy. Even a crush is mushy in that department so why fight it?” I asked as the music came to an end and I let Twilight down softly.

“It's just... Rarity...” Spike tried to say.

“You want Rarity to notice you for something other than a kid. To see something more out of you right?” I asked coming over after I had gotten to my hoofs and crouched down to see him as eye level as I could. I was still taller than him as he was about half as tall as Twilight with me twice as tall as her now.

“How... how did you know?” He asks.

“Because love translates over different universes and cultures. I know how it feels having feelings for another person or pony. That you look forward to every moment to get to spend with them even when they don't fully know how much you care.” I explained as Twilight came over to me.


“Spike regardless of how much waiting, or how much you do. It's always worth the work and sweat for that moment. Just that one moment that made the whole work worth it.” As I said that I placed my arm gently around Twilight to hold her close. She smiled and rested her head on mine. “It's those moments that help build something great.”

“I... I know.” Spike said gently swirling his leg a little. “Could... could I ask for a small... favor?”

“Sure Spike,” I said with a curious look on my face.

“Well... I know you and Twilight don't date much.”

“Ouch...” I said with my ears flattening back.

“I don't mean it that way.” He panicked holding his hands out worried he offended.

“It's a joke, please continue.”

“Well... could I go on a double date with you two and Rarity?” He asked looking down a little worried.


“Fuck!” I yelled after a had a whole hoard of apples land on my head after I feel through the doors to the apple cellar. The worst part was that I couldn't have seen it because my gaze was behind me after I had helped move some of the apple barrels that I help kick down.

“You all right there partner?” Applejack asked as she leaned over and looked down.

“Yeah... nothing broken, just my pride... ow,” I said as I tried to get myself out of my awkward angle with my ass up in the air and tail flopping around. With a flick of magic, I was able to pick up the apples that didn't find themselves the consistency of paste. They flew over to the wall along with the bucket that also had landed on me.

“At least it couldn't have been worse,” Spike said and my eye twitched. That was before the feeling of something trying to force itself out of my throat. With a belch, a bag appeared above me with a scroll before gravity decided to reinsert itself.

“Ah, fuck,” I said before the bag of bits landed on my face. “Ow.” Was all I got out while it was muffled by the bag on my face.

“Storm are you alright?” Twilight said as I reached up and grabbed the end of the bag.

“Yeah, just seems my pride wants to take a beating today.” This thing was pretty hefty today, something seems odd about that. I got up with the bag and notice Twilight was already scanning through the letter. I watched as her eyes went back and forth on the page and her mouth gently flap as she read.

“Princess Celestia wishes to see you and Spike today,” Twilight commented looking up at me.

“Are you kidding me? With me like this?” I asked sitting down on the edge. “And what's with the bits?”

“Those seem to be your monthly spending.” She answered.

“They are a week early.” I shot out.

“I know, it could be a payment oversight.” Twilight surmised.

“Possible, does it say why she needs to see the both of us?” I asked rubbing my head.

“No, just that it's an important matter,” Twilight said and I pulled it over to scan the scroll myself. Just like she said that she only alluded to something vague going on.

“I suppose we should write back,” I commented getting back onto my hooves. I pulled out a few bits from the bag. “Mind if I get a few apples for the road?”

“Of course sugar cube.” Applejack said grabbing a few apples and slid them into a bag. “Five bits.”

“Here's six, keep the change,” I said with a smile. With that Twilight and I left.

“Storm why did you do that?” Twilight asked before taking one of the apples out of the bag in her magic.

“Do what?” I said before taking a bite into the juicy apple in my hand.

“Pay a bit more than what she asked for?” She asked before she split the apple in two and took a bite.

“Well... I'm always one to help a friend so if it's giving them a bit more than they ask or lending a hoof. I do what I can and I know Applejack could use the extra bits. She has to help maintain a farm which if it's anything like on earth, costs a lot of money. Look I know I could just hand her a lot of bits to her.” I said before taking another bite.

“But she would refuse on the fact that it may be persevered as a hoof out.” Twilight finishes for me.

“Yeah, I mean it took me being a silent partner for her to take the royal bit I gave her.” That got Twilight to do a spit take.

“You gave her a royal bit?” She asked.

“Yeah, quite some time ago. I figured she could use it for repairs and costs at the farm.” I explained.

“How did you talk her into that?”

“Well... it's more for an extra barrel of cider during cider season.” I answered before taking a bite.

“Still for a royal bit?” She asked looking up at me.

“I don't see the big deal. I don't do much with the bits I get as I really don't need much. I mean yeah the book here and there is one thing, but what else would I use the bits for?” I asked looking at her after finishing my apple off.

“Why not something big? A lot of ponies in Canterlot have there own airship.” Twilight suggested.

“And I have wings.” I countered.

“But what if you want to suddenly go see your sister?” She asked.

“Than I would book a ship than. Twilight the only thing I could ever think about doing with the bits is helping the library. It's our home and I want to do whatever I can to help keep it our home.” I explained.

“Storm nothing is going to happen to it. I get what you mean, after having to do so much for your bits and suddenly find yourself in a place where you have so much. What can you really do?” She commented.

“Yeah, don't get me wrong if this was earth than yes I would get a few things that I would enjoy. It's just not earth so I'm at a little of a loss on what to get.” I explained.

“Why don't you and Spike check out a few stores up in Canterlot? I'm sure you two could find something to spend some bits on.” She offered.

“Maybe, it's just... I don't know.” It didn't take us long to get back with Spike sweeping up the main floor. “Well Spike looks like we are off to Canterlot.”

“How come?” He asked holding the broom up.

“Celestia has asked for both of us. I'm going to write a letter given her a heads up about me before we pack. I would suggest for a few days worth of what you would take.” I said heading to our room. With some magic, I pulled over a fresh sheet of parchment as I grabbed the inkwell and quill.

Dear Princess Celestia

We will be there as soon as we can. We will be taking the next available train up, have guards posted by the train. Spike will be coming out with a creature on two legs. It has three horns one of them like a unicorn horn and wings. It's called a satyr and it isn't a threat, but I rather have it look like the ponies there are safe. Instead of it looks like an unknown creature is walking free and could be attacked. It will have my regalia with it as a sign that it's from me. Don't worry I will be there, but he will explain in person.

Prince Firestorm.

Once I had my awkwardly written letter written and rolled up. I went over to pack a back for a few nights. Nothing big as I mostly didn't wear anything. With a few things like my tablet and phone in the bag as well as few other supplies, I went to find Spike waiting by the door already packed. Come to think about it what did the little guy have after all? I mean I had what I brought back from earth as well as a few books and a table. You know I'm over thinking this.

“Alright mind sending this?” I said holding up the scroll.

“Right away,” Spike said with a smirk sending a puff of fire while it was still in my hand. It turned into a cloud of magical smoke before it flew off. I just watched it for a moment before turning to Twilight who was looking at the both of us.

“Are you going to be alright without us around?” I asked moving over to her, I got down gently onto my knees so we could be more eye level with each other.

“Of course, I do have a few things to do around here.” She said with a smile.

“If you're sure, then Spike and I will get going. I'm sure we will only be there for a few days.” I moved to give my marefriend a hug. She leaned in to give me a gentle kiss as I returned it.

“Don't do anything dangerous.” She said with a smile.

“I will try my best.” I said before gently letter her go and left with Spike. The trip to the train station wasn't long or eventful until we got there. I stood up to the window and crouched down so I could look at the cyan stallion behind the window. “Two for Canterlot.” He looked at me with his indigo eyes. I knew he was trying to size me up as it looked up and down me.

“Sorry Sir but the train can't allow somepony like you on board.” He said with a bored tone. I sucked in my cheek for a moment before I released it with a wet pop.

“Somepony like me... what do you mean by that?” I asked with a slight twitch of my left eye.

“Somepony of your stature sure, the train cars aren't meant to house you.” He said eyeing me.

“One moment.” I began to dig into my bag into my bag and pulled out my regalia which looked like a slightly misshapen necklace to me right now. “Do you see this?” I asked looking at him flatly.

“Yes sir, but what does that...” That's when he looked at it directly.

“This is Prince Firestorm's Regalia that he gave to me as a sign of authority. As he asked me to go to Canterlot on royal business.” I said as a bit of angry began to tint my voice. Besides the point that I had to talk about myself in the second person was a little annoying. “Spike is it illegal to impend royal business?”

“It is.” He commented looking at me a little confused.

“Thank you.” I turned back to the stallion in the window as he looked a little scared. “So let me ask you this. Do you want to be the one to explain to the prince why you impeded his business with Princess Celestia because you didn't want his messenger to get on the train that a Minotaur could ride with ease?”

“N-n-no Sir.” He said before pulling out two tickets. “Here you g-g-go sir. I-i-i hope you have a good-d-d day.” I allowed him to take the bits I had placed on the counter as we waiting for the train. I placed my regalia back into my bag as Spike and I found a seat.

“What was that about?” Spike asked.

“Taking care of business,” I commented as I got back up with a few bits to buy the two of us a drink at the pop machine on the train platform.

“Did you have to scare that stallion?” Spike asked as I handed him his drink.

“I didn't have to, but he was trying to impend royal business after all,” I said taking a seat again.

“Still... I don't think Ticket Taker needed to be scared for doing that.”

“You know that pony?” I asked.

“Not personally, but I've seen him around town a few times.”

“Than how do you know his name? I only got a few ponies names down.” I asked as I cracked my drink open.

“It was during the first Winter Wrap-up, Twilight made a list of all the ponies in town so she could assign them a job. Take a guess who wrote down all the names?” He asked with a smirk.

“Right... that's one of those holidays that ponies here don't use magic right?” I asked after I took a swig of my drink.

“Yeah, I still don't really understand why. It's something about the earth ponies that founded Ponyville.” He said.

“Well, it's a tradition Spike, kind of like...” I started to think. “like... what do you do for say Hearth's Warming?”

“Well, the year before that, Twilight and I would go up to see her parents and spend the whole holiday with them.” He explained.

“Well, what did you do while you're there?”

“Well... Velvet and I would cook the Hearth's Warming meal together since we don't let Twilight do any cooking.”

“Well, that's a tradition. You and Velvet doing the cooking.” I explained.

“That's not a tradition, that's just for safety,” Spike said with a smirk.

“Oh, that's cold Spike,” I said before giving my can a light breath to the side as a layer of frost appeared over the can. “I should know about cold.”

“How do you do that?” Spike asked looking at me.

“It's one of the abilities I have since I'm part elemental dragon. Fire and frost breath, I can absorb and discharge lightning, and other things.” I answered. “Why do you need me to cool your drink too?”

“If you don't mind?” He asked holding up the drink. I took it and repeated what I did before.

“There you go buddy,” I said handing it back.

“You know I wish I had a brother who was like you,” Spike said before taking a drink.

“What do you mean?” I looked over at him with a cocked eyebrow a little curious. “Don't you see Shining as a brother?”

“Well... yeah, it's just... having you noticed that there are no other dragons in Ponyville?”

“I've noticed,” I said taking a drink. “Still don't see your point.”

“It's just... the last time I was around dragons it didn't turn out so well. Garble was a jerk as well as his other buddies.”

“Tell me about it,” I said with a light growl.

“Did you end up running into him?” Spike asked.

“Oh yeah, during the whole Dragon Treaty mishap. It seems he and his father wanted to stage a coup against their grandfather for dominance of the den.” I explained as most of that day flashed in my mind.

“What happened?” Spike asked looking up at me as I finished off my drink.

“Well during the treaty one of Garble's buddies showed up a rather large dragon with a sort of a long bowl cut hairstyle. We found out what was going on before the whole den became an all-out brawl. In the mayhem that in-sued Twilight and Nightling got captured by Garble and his friend.” I began to growl through clenched teeth as my grip on my can tightened. “They...” I was fighting to keep calm as what happened next flashed in my mind. “They hurt Twilight and... I snapped.” I said as I ended up crashing the can into a small woad of metal.

“Was that when Twilight was in-” Spike asked pensively.

“Yes, it was because of them Twilight was in a magical coma,” I said as my right arm was shaking for my anger.

“I... I heard from the princess that you... you went through what I think they called a Dragon's Rage?” Spike asked, and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm down enough.

“Yes... it's when a dragon gets angry enough their body reacts to it in a violent way. I was lucky enough I didn't seriously hurt anyone. I did knock out Garble and his friend before all of my strength was spent.” I explained.

“It kind of sounds like what happened on my birthday,” Spike said twitting his thumbs a little.

“I don't think I'm familiar with this story?” I asked looking at him. That's when he went on to explain what had happened to him. When he let his greed get the best of him and turned into a rampaging dragon that did nothing but takes everything to make a hoard of 'treasures' for himself. I knew that dragons have a habit of owning a hoard of treasures that they would more concise perfect for it. Gaia had explained that some dronies do the same thing. I listened to him explaining that he ponynapped Rarity as well as three members of the Wonderbolts before he was reminded of a selfless act he did. He gave up a fire ruby to rarity that he had saved up so it would be perfect for his birthday since he was way younger. I had to hand it to Spike, willing to give up something like that to the pony he cared about. He looked worried after he had told his story to me. “These things happen, I mean look what happened to me. I get taken controlled of more than twice and cause havoc, so I get what it feels like. Plus it was a biological thing that happened much like a Dragon's Rage. I mean you haven't been that greedy since right?”

“No... but I always worry that it could happen again.” Spike said.

“Look if it does, I'll be there to knock some sense into you,” I said gently patting him on the head to comfort him.

“That's... kind of the point I wanted to ask you.” He asked looking forward into his can as he gently spun it in his claws.

“Ask me what?”

“Could... could you be my sort of big dragon brother?” He asked and I could see it in his body language that he was scared that I may say no. Just how tense he was, it was like a steel cable ready to snap.

“Sure, I've always wanted a little brother at times,” I said with a smirk as I finished balling up my can and floated it over to the trash can.

“Really?” He asked a little surprised as he looked up at me.

“Is this a face of someone pulling your leg?” I said with a smile.

“Sweet!” He said jumping up and giving a fist pump.

“Cool it, Spike, we haven't even gotten on the train yet,” I said getting up to grab another soda. As I did that the sounds of the train pulling off could be heard in the distance. We watched as the train pulled up and quite a bit of Ponies came off before they allowed other to board, including Spike and I. We found ourselves a relatively empty car with the only other pony there was gray coated mare with a long black mane and tail. Around her neck was a pink bow tie and with a cutie-mark of a trouble-clef, it only took me a moment to recognize who it was. “Hello, again Miss Melody,” I said with a warm smile. She turned from her magazine in her hooves to look over, then up at me.

“Hello, sir... do I um... know you?” She asked looking a little curious as I watched her gaze run up and down me. I turned around to look to see if any other ponies were around. I give a quiet shush before I answered her.

“It's me Firestorm, I'm in disguise,” I said with a smile. She the look on her face told me everything, she thought I was bull shitting her on this.

“I highly doubt you're the prince sir, but if you are then I must be a unicorn disguised as an earth pony.” She said as Spike and I took a seat across from her.

“Well I doubt your mane would have a full-length horn, I mean if you had a diminished horn than maybe. It is I Miss Melody.”

“Prove it.”

“Well how would you like me to prove it that the fact that you came to the castle to ask me which songs I would like to be played for my birthday and the one I wanted to hear was your rendition of Bach and Tobbena in D Minor, than the time after that was in the hospital that I was recovering in to play for me till the gem appeared and you gracefully exited the room,” I answered with a smile as she looked at me with wide eyes.

“How... did-”

“Did I know? Because I am Firestorm, I'm under a potion effect right now which has me looking like this. If you still don't believe me then ask Spike here, Twilight Sparkle's number one assistant.” I said as Spike nodded.

“It's true, that's Firestorm alright.” He said with a smile as I reached over with my claw in a fist as Spike bumped it.

“I... I... I apologize for-” She tried to backpedal.

“It's fine Miss Melody, I don't hold any ill will towards you. I would be skeptical too if I were you.” I said as the ticket taker came by asking four our tickets. We all showed ours as he took them up in his magic, punched a hole in them and gave them back.

“Was it... painful?” She asked.

“If you mean changing than not really. It was really hot, however. So take that as you will. If you don't mind me asking, what did you have to do in Ponyville?” I asked.

“Oh, I stay in Ponyville when I need some time away from Canterlot. It's rather relaxing as long as my roommate remembers to put her headphones on.” She comments ending that with a slightly annoyed sigh.

“Roommate?” I asked.

“Oh Vinyl Scratch, most ponies know her by her stage handle of DJ Pon3. Don't ask me why she insists on putting the number three in the name instead of the letter E.” She said.

“Don't take this the wrong way but I didn't picture you two as roommates,” I said as I sat back in the seat a bit more.

“I get that a lot, we both are pretty famous in our respective fields of music. So we understand needing some down time away from the crowd. Ponyville is kind of the perfect place for that.” She commented.

“That's it's very peaceful outside any influence trying some shenanigans,” I said.

“Yeah like the whole mob of reporters. I still don't know what they wanted in town.” Octavia said.

“Yeah... I do.” I said rubbing the back of my neck.

“Oh do tell.” She was looking at me curiously.

“There was an advertisement saying that if a pony could get an interview with me that they would be paid handsomely for it.”

“Let me guess, Silvertongue?”

“How did you know?” I asked looking at her a little confused.

“He's tried it before with Vinyl and I. They finally gave up after a few months of us gone.” She answered.

“Well, hopefully, he learned his lesson this time after reporters bugged Luna during Night Court. I didn't think ponies could get that crazy over something as trivial as this.” I said rubbing my face a bit.

“Why didn't you just do the interview?” She asked.

“Why didn't you?” I countered, she raised her hoof up to make a point before the look on her face said everything. She didn't have one.

“Touche” She conceded.

“So what do you plan to do when you get to Canterlot?” I asked.

“Probably practice for my ensembles performance in the Canterlot Opera house.” She answered.

“Oh, I saw you during one of the plays there,” I said remembering.

“Which one?” She asked.

“I think it was The Fairy Queen or something along those lines,” I said trying to remember the name.

“Ah, that was a very lovely play.” She said with a smile.

“Indeed it was, I may attend another one while Spike and I are there,” I said.

“Oh, I hear they are performing Phantom of the Opera this week.” She said.

“That's one I haven't seen before,” I said with a smile. I was only vaguely familiar with that story, but I could always enjoy a new story. The rest of the trip to Canterlot was us mostly talking about our plans in Canterlot. As Octavia had stated that she was going to mostly practice so she was ready for her performance. She had also planned to do dinners and rehearsals. For the most part, it was what I expected of her from the few interactions I had with her. Spike, for the most part, listened from behind the comic book that he brought with. By the time the train arrived Octavia said she would write next time she was in Ponyville for Twilight and I to meet up with her. Nothing fancy, just a day to go dine together. As the three of us exited the train we found a squad of six guards waiting for Spike and I. Three night guards and three days all trotted over to us. One of the day guards in the captains uniform that I had only seen once on Shining stepped up to me.

“Are you the 'satyr' we are supposed to escort to the castle?” He asked looking at a scroll he had held in his lemon yellow aura.

“Yes, that would be me. If you would lead the way?” I offered with a sweeping gesture.

“Of course.” They all turned in one swift motion that told years of training to pull off in unison like that. With that, they formed a hexagonal circle around Spike and I as we head down the streets to the Castle.

“I will talk to you next time Miss Melody,” I said with a smile as we took off. She simply waved back as we moved towards the castle. I couldn't help but smile as I watched the ponies just stop and watch the eight of us moved down the street. Spike kept his nose in his comic book as I was more enjoying the sights around us. It kind of shows the diverse crowd around Canterlot. While most of them were unicorns, but they looked like from different social structures. Some of them were they high and fancy kind of ponies that would be the different article of clothing. Some of them had suits while other had saddles. There was a few that would only wear a hat and things like that. The others would only wear nothing at all like most ponies I would see. Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you decide if you wear clothes or not. Hell, I prefer my hoodie more than something like my regalia. It's just here its more a sign of social status here in Canterlot. I could pick out a few ponies that I had interacted with from time to time here. I didn't really have a chance to say hi as we got the front steps of the castle.

“So what do you think the Princess wanted with us?” Spike asked as we walked down the halls.

“I don't have a clue. Frankly, it could be anything under the sun.” I said with a shrug as we reached up to the doors to the throne room.

“Presenting Spike the Dragon and Mr. Satyr.” The guard introduced, I couldn't help but grin as I pulled my bag to the side and pull out my regalia to have it ready. The doors opened to show Celestia sitting on her throne with Luna next to with a scroll floating in front of them.

“Hello, again Spike,” Celestia said with a warming smile before she turned to me with a cocked eyebrow. “And it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Satyr.” She said and I couldn't help but smile.

“It's a pleasure to see you again Celestia and Luna,” I said over the link we shared. They looked at me for a moment as I know at least Celestia noticed I didn't move my mouth. Luna was the next one to say something.

“Where is Prince Firestorm?” She asked looking up from her scroll.

“I believe that the being before us is the prince,” Celestia said. Luna blinked and Celestia smirked, I too was smirking as I doubted I could get it fully passed them on the joke. At least I had a little fun.

“How did this happen?” Luna asked looking in disbelief.

“I believe it was a potion effect,” Celestia commented.

“I'm guessing Twilight already sent you a letter asking about what possibly have caused this right?” I asked with a shag in my stance.

“I was informed. We looked into it and couldn't find a reason outside of potions that could cause it.” Celestia informed.

“That's what we came to as well. It seems the Cutie-mark Crusaders got it into their heads to help me have a glance of what I use to have. I'm not complaining about the outcome, just the timing is all.” I said with a smile and a shrug. “But I have to ask, why did you want Spike and I in Canterlot.”

“For a few reasons, please follow us,” Celestia commented before getting down off the throne with Luna behind her. The four of us exited the throne room and took a few halls away from the main halls. I was familiar with a few of them as I had requested a map of all the armories. It only showed the guard armories however as I only know of the one royal armory. This was where we were going as Celestia and Luna opened up the hidden door to it. Just like last time I noticed the now four armors sitting in the middle of the room. The difference here now was that some of the tools of war with my cutie-mark on them.

“Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like where this is going to go?” I asked turning back to both regents of the celestial beings.

“It depends, where do you think is going to go?” Celestia asked.

“You want me to spar with somepony,” I answered looking at them.

“Your half correct, we want to spar with you,” Luna asked.

“Spike cover your ears,” I said looking down at him. He just rolled his eyes and did it. I turned back to both princess as I cleared my voice. “Are you both fucking nuts?! Okay, let's start with the obvious downside to this. What do you think ponies are going to think when something they haven't seen before attacking the both of you? Trust me if they are anything like I've seen or can guess. They are going to up in hooves, wanting to see the monster be taken down. What about if I do manage to harm you? Try to explain the whole sudden wound there Princess.” I began on my tangent before my mouth was magically sealed. “You forgot I can do this over the link.” I finished over said link.

“Storm, we've taken care of all of it already. There is a private training ground so no pony outside of castle staff will see you, they all know who you really are, and we can cast illusion spells to cover wounds. We've done this many times when we spar with each out and our guards.” Celestia explained. I pointed with my figure to the golden yellow aura over my mouth, after a few moments it was gone. “You could have continued over the link.”

“Well excuse me, Princess.” I stretching out the second two words in that as sarcastically as possible. “I don't like being magically silenced like that. Happens way to often, to the point its a pet peeve for me.” I rubbed my mouth a little after that. “Than let me ask this, why against me? No offense to either of you but I'm outclassed here. Both magically, and experienced.”

“That is true, so we decided to level the playing field for this,” Luna said pulling out what looks like two necklaces that looked like simple colored chain leading down to a pale silver gemstone. The chains matched the respective princesses. Celestia with gold and Luna with silver. “These amulets will temporary dampen our powers enough to be close to equal hoofing with you.”

“That sounds dangerous, what if somepony attacks in that time while you're handicapped like that?”

“The enchantment only lasts two hours after we energize them. After the time expires the amulet is nothing more than jewelry at that point.” Celestia explains.

“Still... pretty risky, still leaves the question to why.”

“Simply we've been told of your combat skills. We want to test them for ourselves in a semi-natural form for you. With this change, it seemed the timing was perfect.” Luna said with a smile. I simply face-palmed at this.

“So your whole plan would have been a bust if I drank the antidote before I got on the train.” I couldn't believe this. This whole plan had so many holes that it beats Swiss cheese by wholes per inch.

“We had a backup plan for this as we had a fast-acting potion ready in case,” Luna commented.

“Okay, touche on that. Still, I don't get the why. Luna, you've seen me fight, hell I ended up shocking you.”

“You were under the influence of Nightmare Moon, you weren't fully in control.” She countered.

“Fine, that what about you Celestia you saw me fight against Sombra and Shadow.”

“I only saw the tail end of that, not during.” Celestia countered.

“Fuck, fine,” I said a little annoyed my own game was played against me like this. “There are a few conditions I want to set I agree to this completely insane idea.”

“What may they be?” Luna asked with her curious gaze on me.

“One, I want medical staff at the ready. I already see my ass handed to me so I'm ready to be told how stupid this whole idea was by a doctor. You know it will happen and so do I. Two, I want at least the rest of the day to prepare for this. You've had at least a day to be ready and you literally dropped this one me. Three, I want a tailor here so I can have at least a set of light armor that can fit my current frame, and maybe something to wear afterwards as I don't plan to change back unless I have to. Finally four, I want four royal mages to come to my room. I have some magical questions and if I ask either of you that gives away a trump card. You know what let's add one more. Five, no prying into how or what I'm preparing for this battle.” I said laying down my rules for this. Celestia and Luna looked at each other as I knew they were blocking me out of the link to hear their thoughts on this. They both nodded after what felt like a minute.

“We can agree to those conditions. Would you like the royal blacksmith to come to your room as well?” Celestia commented.

“No, I will be going there myself. I have a few inquiries I wanted to make while I was in Canterlot. When will this match be?” I folded my arms looking at them.

“After sunset and right as the moon has risen. We will send a guard to retrieve you when it's time.” Luna answered this time.

“Fair enough.” I said, “Until then.” With that Spike and I left them as he looked at me like I was completely insane. I wasn't completely insane, I mean I had to be at least three fifths insane to agree to this completely balls deep crazy idea of the princesses.

“Are you seriously going to battle both of them?” Spike said.


“Do you even have a plan?”


“Do you even think you have a chance of winning.”


“Than why do this?”

“Because they made a convincing argument... well convincing as a rock being talked into being a bird.” I sarcastically stated.

“Than what do you plan to do?” Spike said as he was doing a good job keeping up with me. Kind of surprising with the leg length difference we have.

“Well, I plan to do what I do best,” I answered with a smirk.

“Something insanely stupid?”

“Bingo,” I said with a snap of my claws. “Speaking of something insanely stupid. Up for watching a movie tonight?” I asked.

“Movie?” Spike asked.

“Think of a play but grander and without the whole theater to house it. I have my tablet and Twilight showed me the enlarged image spell. So I can show you some human superheroes, Mr. Power Ponies.” I teased.

“Hey don't knock The Power Ponies, they kick some major flank!” He said pointing up at me.

“Oh just wait, I've got something good to show you,” I said grinning as we made our way to the Royal Blacksmith. I had a long night to prepare and I wasn't going to waste a minute of it.

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 37 - Pure Chaos

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Chapter 37 – Pure Chaos

The last half of the day was just a complete pain in my ass at times. One thing about the Canterlot Mages are they can not agree on anything, but one thing. That they believe they are the wises and most powerful unicorns and they damn near know everything. I mean it's obvious bullshit, and I really wanted to call them out on it. I didn't however as with a little push in the right direction I did get the tidbits of knowledge I was looking for. After that, I gave them an idea, nothing too big. More like a paradox question, is there ever a point when something can't be improved upon? You would think the answer is no, more for the fact of that in someponies eyes that everything could be improved for what they need. Which more or less is true, that's when two of the four began to argue with the thought that yes there is. This was enough to get them to leave and argue among themselves. More because the fighting gave me a headache and I wanted to return the favor. You can call me a dick on this if you want, but you weren't there.

That being said I sat Spike down with the tablet and showed him some superheroes movies I had. I didn't let him get into the more live action ones as that was a bag of worms I didn't want to open. So I played one of the cartoon ones and the guy was completely hooked. Kind of reminded me of myself when I got a new game to play. Couldn't get me out of my zone for hours on end. As he watched with me glancing from time to time, I had laid out my tools and got to work.

With help from the Blacksmith I was able to get my gift for Twilight packed away in my bag, the dagger made with my scales alloyed in, a shield modified for my more tall structure, and two old-school police batons the more tee shaped ones out of metal poles. I thanked him for his craftponyship on the items and the look on his face was completely worth the wait for them. Finds out Coldsteel the name of the copper dust-colored stallion with short silver mane and tail by the way, didn't get enough compliments as most of the guards place their orders, pick up, and went on their way. So to get a compliment from one of them as he saw it alicorns was something special. Honestly, I was just being my normal self. I also stated that if any of my guards fail to at least say thank you for whatever gear. He has full promotion to write me about it. Don't get me wrong, I know guards have a lot on their minds and stuff, but there is still room to at least be polite.

After I left the stallion to get back to his other works, I met up with the tailor. Oh dear god was the most awkward mess of the day. Rarity I can handle when it comes to... stripping for the most part. She doesn't comment about the equipment, but dear god this mare couldn't shut the fuck up about it. Not even kidding about this, after the whole drop the pants bit. Pristine Robes a royal blue coated mare with a faded pink mane done up in a two tear bun with a long silk-like tail had to comment that my mare friend. If I may paraphrase this 'must enjoy the mileage she gets'. There were not enough groans in an echo chamber from a church choir throughout time whole time with her. So after four hours of these really bad innuendos from this mare. I finally got a set of pseudo leather that was dyed to what I had wished. I mean normally I would go for orange but this time I wanted mostly black with red highlights. It had straps for my chosen weapons and everything. The outfit afterward was something I wanted for a while. To put it simply it was long blue dress pants with an orange vest and white long sleeve undershirt. Around my neck was a red ascot, on the back of the vest was a golden shield-like shape as aesthetics with the matching gold buttons on the first. I even got a nice maroon belt with golden buckle to help keep my pants up.

That was for later, however, right now I was already dawned my gear for my match. More to get a full feel for my range of motions in it. That I wanted to see how fast I could run with my gear on so I had one of the Castle guards lead me to the training arena that I sparred again the night guard captains in, so I could run around and fly. For the most part, I was pretty weighed down, but not too much that it would completely impair my movements. Even with the modified pony tower shield which was closer to a more wide shield to me. If I balled up I could hide completely behind it, but standing up it was more traditional shielding that I came to expect. Only two things I had to fix for me to hand it. The grips on it were more rounded for a pony to be able to hold it outside of magic. So I had a long flat bar placed in to for my build as well as I special compartment welded into it.

As I jumped around and practiced against a few of the training dummies left in the arena. One of the Day Guard Captains, a Mystic Blade I think his name came up to me to tell me that both Celestia and Luna were ready. With a nod, I followed the stallion through a lot of the side corridors in the castle. Not a lot of ponies realize that the castle is a lot bigger on the inside compared to what is preserved on the outside. It's hard to tell what kind of magic is doing it and the only reason I figured it out was curiosity. I had asked for the general size of the castle and matched it to the armory location prints I got. Which I knew a lot wasn't on those. So they didn't match with the inside being bigger. I digress, I was lead down similar corridors of those to Chrysalis' cell. The old stonework was slick a little as the Guards horn glowed. I followed silently as I was more observing the tunnels as these looked like some of them from the ruins in the Everfree. Dark stone tiled floors with arching support on both sides of the wall. All leading up to a large set of iron doors that looks like they aren't used much. The two guards in heavy looking armor lit their horns with bright magic as the matching aqua blue and mint green auras, that appeared on the handles. The sound of steel being scrapped against the stone was a little annoying as it could be compared to nails on a chalkboard. Just very cringing and ear piercing alone.

“Wait for me!” I heard echoing from the corridor behind us. Both Mystic and I turned to watch emerald green flame bouncing in the distance. As it got closer we noticed who it was running up with a sack slung on his back.

“Ah, I take it you found what I was looking for?” I asked kneeling down as he got up to me.

“Yeah, you would think finding a sack like this would be easy to find,” Spike said as he held the sack up to me.

“Thank you, Spike,” I said taking it and held it in my hand. “Does it have what I wanted in it?”

“What do you think?” He said giving me a deadpan gaze as he folded his arms across his chest.

“Okay, okay, I was just checking,” I said holding up hands out palms towards him in means of showing no offense. After a few moments, I looked at him then back at the door, followed by returning my gaze back to him. “Want to watch?” I asked.

“You mean it?” He asked a little surprised.

“I don't think Celestia and Luna would mind. It's only a sparring matching after all.” I said standing back up.

“Oh, this is going to be awesome!” Spike said excitedly.

“For at least one of us,” I said taking a deep breath as Spike, Mystic, and I entered the arena before us. It was built similarly to the one I faced the night captains in. The only difference was this one was encased and had a roof. As well as a rough count of twelve pillars in a circle around the arena, most likely for support. Around the room had a lot of sconces made out of what looks like raw iron that supplied the light that filled the room. It worked for the aesthetics to the old stonework and the packed dirt ground with bits of loose stones throughout it.

“The Princesses will be here in a few moments,” Mystic said.

“Thank you, you are relieved,” I said sending him off.

“Of course your highness.” Was the last thing he said before exiting. This left me with Spike.

“Hey Spike, mind helping me with something?” I asked turning to him.

“I'm not helping you fight.” He flatly said.

“It's nothing like that, I just need you to hold something for me and push play when I ask you too,” I said pulling out my old phone with a playlist cued up and ready to go.

“Sure I guess,” Spike said looking at me confused.

“Thanks, and just for safety if any of us ask you to close your eyes. Please do so.” I ask picking him up. With a flap of my wings, I take him up to the royal box where most royalty would sit to watch. If it was anything like the Roman coliseum than this would have the best acoustics and perfect vantage point.

“Why?” Spike said eyeing me.

“This is still fighting and sometimes it's best not to see things. Trust me you will see things that no pony and no one should see.” I warned looking at him dead in the eyes.

“Than why do it?” He asks.

“Because sometimes I will act without a thought in the spur of the moment. So please...” Spike looked at me quietly before sighing.

“Fine, but I get a big gem for doing it.” He huffed.

“I'm sure I can swing that one,” I said with a smile as I rubbed my hand on his head like I would if he had hair to ruffle. With that I turned and jumped off the balcony onto the arena floor, the show was about to begin.


Both princesses slowly made their way to the hidden arena. They both wore their armors on the way down this hall.

“What do you think he has planned?” Luna asked as she checked her sword once again. She had spent most of the day making sure it was sharpened just right. The large midnight blue concave blade comes down to the box-shaped centerpiece guard that had had two silver spikes that curved up making the whole cross guard look like a pair of horns on a bull with a silver moon in the center of it. The handle spiraled down in pseudo midnight blue leather with a navy blue line following it. All ending in a crescent moon pommel.

“I do not know Luna. From what I saw of his combat experience during his bout with your night captains as well as reports I've gotten. He's a very quick thinker when he needs to be. That is all in his pony form, this time we are facing him closer to his natural shape. With the time to prepare unlike his previous fights, it's hard to say what he has come up with. I don't know if he is going to be more brutal or tactful than before.” Celestia commented as she looked forward. Wrapped in her magic was a large bladed ax halberd that had a stylized sun on it with runic marking in the open space before the blade. The pole of it looked like magically treated wood with two places that had wrapped gold. That would have made up as holding places if Celestia didn't use her magic to hold it.

“That is true, I have witnessed a little of his style from his dreamscape. It seems to favor a wide range style when outnumbered. That can't be same here as it is only by one.” Luna said as she gave her blade a test swipe in the air.

“It does pose an interesting match at the least. Most of his tactics seemed unknown, so we need to stay on our hooves for anything.” Celestia said as they reached the door that just had started to be opened for the both of them. Standing in the center of the room was their sparring partner as he was jumping up and down a little. More to losing himself up before the match. “Hello Storm, I presume you are ready?”

“Well ready as I am going to be.” He said stopping to look at them. “If I may ask for a small request before we start.”

“Of course.”

“A hug.” He said with a warm and reassuring smile. They both looked a little confused but consented to this. He came over and gave them both a comforting hug that they returned with a hoof and wing. Much like his reach, they reached behind him while Storm's could only go as far as putting a hand through both of their manes. He smiled before walking back to place some distance between himself and the two of them. “I'm going to assume this is going to be like the match with the captains. Till either unable to battle or forfeits?”

“Of course,” Celestia said as the three of them all took a wide stance.

“Let the best pony win,” Luna commented.

“Of course.” He said before glancing up to Spike in the royal box. “Spike hit it.” With that Spike used the little stylus and clicked play on the phone as a long extended version of Star Wars' Duel of the fates.

“What is this?” Luna asked as she tensed up.

“A little battle music. I figured we could make this a little bit livelier.” Storm said as he drew his sword and pulled his shield from his back. He widened his stance as the soft flutes played waiting for the build up. Celestia didn't wait for it as she was the first one to make a move. She thrust her halberd forward giving Storm only enough time to turn and deflect with his shield. Luna was the next to move as she teleported behind Storm as the ax slid against the shield. She turned to slash at him. Storm flipped the long sword in his hand and used his arm to take the brunt of the blow when Luna's blade struck across it.

Storm flapped his wings to push him in a diagonal so he would be going towards a pillar. He flipped and placed his feet on it so he could jump from. His sword pointed down towards Luna as his angle placed him coming down on her rear end. Her wings flapped as she flew to her right to avoid the attack. This left him open from both princesses as they both fired blasts of magic at him, that forced him forward and onto the ground.

“Ow.” He said getting to his feet as he made a dash forward away from them. Leaving his back open to another blast. This time, however, he kept his ears open to the sound of the magic as he was too familiar with the song to make note of odd sounds. Just before the magic would have struck him. He used his wings to flip around and ball up behind his shield. The impact threw him further back as he uncurled and slid to a stop against the far wall. He smirked as he opened his mouth and let out a torrent of flames at both alicorns, who in turn took to the air. Storm grinned as his horn began to glow around the ground they were only moments ago. The stones that littered the ground began to shoot up at both of them. A few would dink of their armors while a few blows against wings, hooves, and a few in the neck. Celestia wrapped herself in a shield bubble to avoid the attack. Luna, however, took to using her blade's flat side to deflect the stones. Storm smiled as she ducked behind a pillar to move out of Luna's sight as most of it was taken up by the rocks flying at her.

Celestia followed him from a distance as soon as she moved to be able to see him. He disappeared, she looked around to see if she could spot him. The rocks continued to pelt against her shield and Luna's sword before she felt a tapping on her shoulder. She turned to see Storm standing within her bubble. His right hand pulled back when she looked, in a swift action he swung at her. Quickly dropping the shield, Celestia was about to avoid Storm's fist as he wasn't ready for the recovery. She turned her weapon on him and brought it down towards him. Storm only had enough time to bring up his sword, but with Celestia's blow being too hard for him to keep a hold of it in his hand. It dropped and landed blade embedded into the ground. Storm looked back at Celestia before he moved his hand under his shield. He closed his eyes as with a flick of magic the white card he pulled out flashed in a bright light. This blinded Celestia for a moment as Storm dropped to the ground. A loud thump could be heard from Storm's hooves hitting the dirt. His claw reached for the sword before he was blasted it the back by Luna.

“You should keep your eyes on your opponents,” Luna commented with a smirk.

“And you shouldn't underestimate yours.” Storm returned as his horn glowed out of sight as the ground behind Luna began to rise up into the form of a large hand. It was blasted before Celestia dropped behind her sister. They didn't see the grin on Storm's face as his hand shifted under his shield to pull out a bright yellow card. With a smirk magic lightly washed over the card before he threw it at Celestia. She noticed something sparking towards her and reacted with a redirection spell that caused the card to be swallowed up by a whirlpool of magic, only to come out again at Storm. Who smirked as lightning struck him from the card. Both sister's looked in surprise before Luna was body checked by Storm who almost appeared in a flash up to her. She collided with her sister that sent both of them to the ground.

“Clever,” Celestia said being the first to recover, to see Storm pulling out a second card. This time he held it as she watched his magic wash over it.

“You could say I had a spark of inspiration.” Storm said before his arm spasms from the energy washing through him from the second card.

“That was a bad... pun,” Luna said shaking her head from her two impacts. She recovered enough to focus magic into her horn and created copies of her sword. All of them looked like they were made out of pure shadows. She smirked before little round circles of magic appeared the pommel of each one. As soon as they shrunk to pinpricks in size, they flew at Firestorm in the speed close to a bullet. He grinned as he brought up the shield in time for each blow. With his reaction time being sped up. He was about to focus on the torches around the arena. One by one they turned from bright orange flames to ice blue. The shift in color wasn't noticeable at first but when a fourth was changed Celestia noticed. She tried to focus to fight Storm's magic but as she got one changed three more had turned blue. Storm grinned as his magic was working overtime as his right hand remained free and pointed outwards from either princesses view. Storm grinned as with the rapid change in temperature caused his breath to be seen. He smiled as he focused on the moisture in the air. He pulled it towards him, any and all he could grab which was enough that he needed. With a light breath, he pushed forwards against Luna's barrage of shadows. Until he was close enough he deflected a few more before going in for a stab with a large shard of ice. Luna almost didn't have enough time to dodge causing it to scrape off her armor. She growled as she focused magic into her horn and released it as a block of solid shadows.

Storm was pushed back by the shadows as it rapidly approached the wall behind him. He smiled as he crouched down for a moment before putting a lot of force into his legs and his wings to fling himself into the air. The block slammed against the wall unimpeded a moment later. Storm grinned as he dropped and dashed to the left as fast as he could. With the energy in him was quite fast, with each pass the dirt got kicked up more and more. Luna and Celestia tried to impede his path but he only jumped or dived under it to keep it up. With each pass, he got closer to them as they had moved to the center of the arena. The only large gap in it was Storm going around the pillars. The closer he got to them the faster and tighter the laps were. He smirked as he pulled out two more cards and picked up speed that the wind was whipping at both celestial sisters. In a flash, Storm started letting out a torrent of fire that the wind began to pick up and send it up towards the ceiling trapping the both of them within a twister of flames.

They took the air trying to avoid the wider width of flames at the bottom. They feel right into Storm's trap as soon as they got halfway through Storm jumped through the fire with both claws interlocked with each other and slammed down on Celestia's back. Unable to correct herself from the blow to the nerve bundles their she plummeted to the ground with a heavy thud. Luna's eyes widened before Storm disappeared into the fire again.

“You can't keep hiding from me,” Luna said as she focused her magic around her to create a sphere of magic around her. With a push, she forcibly pushed it outwards that Storm slammed into between jumps from the pillars. His impact was explosive as he was still engulfed in flames when he collided with the ground. He began to chuckle as rose from the ground, echoing around the instrumental track of 'His World' began to play. He grabbed his bent out of shape shield that curved into itself from the impact. He pulled what looked like a hand-sized box from it and attached it to his belt. He then picked it up and with a spin, whipped it at Luna who in her magic grabbed to return it. Storm smiled as he wrapped his right leg in magic as he weaved a spell into it. With a smirk, he stepped a few feet back before giving him a run-up in time to collide the broken shield with his hoof sending it back at Luna with much more force that slammed against her and sent her into a pillar. She fell down on top of her sister who was at that time struggling to get up. She landed back down spread out when Luna dropped on her.

“You're a lot more... powerful than you let on.” Celestia said after using her magic to get her sister off her.

“Not really.” Storm said breathing hard. It was hard to tell from their angle but Storm was nursing a broken rip from his impact and some large bruises being pressed upon by the armor he had on. That and his left arm was throbbing from taking the brunt of Luna's attacks.

“Still...” Celestia said getting to her hooves with her weapon in her magic. “You prove that you can improve in combat.”

“I kind of have to. You never know what's going to be thrown at you.” Storm said smiling as his broken shield landed next to him. With a flick of magic, he forced the shield to bend enough to give him some cover. He pulled out a card this one being lavender as he charged at Celestia. She stood her ground as Storm threw the card that erupted into a magical ball of energy. Celestia smirked as she cast another redirection spell. As the whirlpool formed Storm grinned throwing his broken shield forward. As the ball of energy and shield got swallowed by it. Storm dove in after it causing it to consume him as well. Celestia looked surprised that Storm disappeared in that split second as the ball of magic and shield flew out. This was compounded when Storm appeared out of the whirlpool with his hooves landing against the shield that forced both of them forward until it hit the ball of energy. The explosion sent Storm forward towards Celestia who didn't have enough time to dodge when Storm slammed into her in a tackle that caused her to slide back almost clipping a wing on a pillar she slid past. Storm got up grinning as he held his side that his rib was broken on. At this point, he thought it must be broken for sure.

“How...” Celestia began to say breathing just as hard. “How did you know-” She gasped for air as she took a step. “that was going to work?”

“I didn't, I wasn't sure if the spell would pick up physical matter like that.” Storm commented as he released his sides and pulled out the two-nightsticks. He held them where the longest parts were pointed outwards from his claws. Celestia smiled quietly as she teleported her weapon to her. With a swing, she flew towards her opponent who flipped his weapon around and brought up both arms and blocked the blade against the pole. “Getting a little ballsy their Celestia?” She smirked.

“Enope, just playing the distraction.” She commented before Storm was sent sideways by a blast of midnight blue magic. The blow sends Storm against his other side that if he didn't know better was close to joining his right side in the broken rip department.

“Clever girl.” Storm said slowly rising to his feet.

“Yield Storm, you can't keep this up,” Luna commented holding her sword out towards Storm as she slowly trotted up to him. Without either princess noticing, the music shifted from 'His World' to a remix of 'Real Faction's Simple Sight'. Storm grinned as he dropped one of his batons reaching for the box. He frowned to see he only had eight cards left and three of them needed to work together. But he found the one he wanted then. With a smirk, he grabbed and shut the box.

“H.P. Lovecraft once said 'the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.'” Storm quoted as his horn began to glow. In seconds the arena began to darken as each flame started to die out. Storm stood up as each one went out slow enough that both princesses could see what was clearly visible on the card Storm held. In the middle of the dark blue card was a black silhouette of the mare in the moon. The aura of his horn started to engulf the card as the eyes on the card began to glow white. Celestia and Luna's eyes widened as both of their ear's flattened back.

“You wouldn't think he would do something so foolish?” Luna asked over the link to her sister.

“With this stallion, there is no telling what he would or wouldn't do,” Celestia replied. The darkness engulfed the arena leaving those in it unable to see except for Spike in a small degree and Storm. Both sisters horn's lit up casting light around them and the arena enough like a touch a top their heads.

“Come out Storm,” Luna said keeping her sword at the ready.

“Na, I'm having too much fun in the darkness.” The voice of Storm echoed in the room. Both princesses noticed the music suddenly cut off and switch tracks to a song that started with pipe organs that soon was joined but dumps and a deep baritone choir. They turned towards the box to see a figure being silhouetted by the glow coming from the phone in Spike's claws. It looked tall and imposing wearing heavy and spiked armor. It's mane and tail sparked like little bolts of electricity that would add to the effect of his form, what made both sister's blood run cold was the eyes, teal eyes that looked in the dark looking at both of them. The figured jumped towards them with a sword that magically appeared in the hand. They split up flying to the left and right to avoid that black great sword that seemed to appear out of nowhere and the figure wielding it. They watched as the figure stood fully up and turned to look at Celestia and Luna.

“Fire... storm,” Luna said as her voice shaken.

“Some would call me that.” He grinned to show his teeth where sharp fangs as he gave a devilish grin.

“You... you didn't...” Celestia said as her eyes focused with determination at her new appoint.

“Maybe.” The figure said grinning as he pulled up his sword and that's when Luna noticed his sword was made out shadows much like here swords from before. The figure grinned as his large wings gave a large flap down and caused him to fly into the air with ease. Luna began to shake as he rushed after it.

“You fool!” Luna yelled in the royal Canterlot voice. She began to swing uncontrollably at her target over and over again. The figure grinned and blocked it with little effort while Luna was wearing herself out. As soon as her blows slowed down enough. The figure disappeared and reappeared behind and used his right elbow to nail her in the back of the head sending her to the ground. She tried to get up one last time before she passed out from the strain. Celestia, however, growled differently as she focused in range with magical bolts that would light up the area's they traveled to. The figure grinned as he swung his sword against the first bolt and it shattered into pieces causing the rest to knock the being from the air into the stands. He smiled walking back to the lip.

“Smart move there Celestia.” He said before the being snapped his fingers and the sounds of chains could be heard rattling through the orchestrated instrumental of the sonic two boss theme. Celestia looked around her as the sound was coming from all around her. The first one flew out past her as it was chains covered in magic. A second one came out above her. As each passing second more and more chains would come out nowhere close to the princess. The would go between pillars and themselves but not close to her.

“What is this?” She said looking up at the figure.

“A trap.” He said as the chains pulled tight as they slid closer to her creating a chain cage around her that pinned her to the ground. She grinned as her horn glowed and she appeared above the chains.

“You're going to have to try better than that.” She said as her wings extended. The figure smiled and pointed down to the ground and Celestia's eyes followed it to a yellow card on top of the chains that began to spark lightly. She only had a moment and she took it to take to the air as lightning arced through the chains that she was standing on. She growled as she flew at the figure with her halberd too fast to stop herself in the heat of the moment run it through the figure. The figure looked surprised as Celestia grinned at it, that shortly turned to shock as blood began to come out of its mouth. She turned down to see that she had run him through. “No... I...” Her gaze returned to the figure as its hand began to glow. She failed to notice in her shock turned into another tune that matched what was about to happen.

“This... this hand of mine-” The figure tried to speak through the blood coming out. “glows with an” the next word couldn't be heard out of the gush of blood. “power, it's loud roar tells me to grasp-” He took a deep breath that looked like it was very painful to do. “Victory.” He got out in an almost slight scream. Celestia's eyes widen as she tried to fly back. The being grabbed her by her armor as its eyes began to glow red. “Erupting burning.” He said with a grin as his glowing hand began to dissolve into what looked like a golden looking card with a stylized red lined tribal fireball on it “Blast!” With that, it and the figure exploded sending Celestia what could be mistaken as a bone-crushing thud to the ground. She breathed quietly to look up where the figure was to see nothing there.

“Firestorm!” Celestia said between the pain and tears on her face.

“What?” Came from to her left she turned to see nothing but darkness. That was corrected when she lit her horn to see Firestorm standing there with his sword back in his hand more used as a crutch to help him stand.

“What did-, never mind I'm putting an end to this now,” Celestia said.

“But I still have one last trump card to play.” Storm said pulling out what looked like a pure black card.

“No... no more.” She said stepping closer.

“Let him, Sister,” Luna commented as she came out of the darkness behind her sister.

“Luna?! Are you alright?” She asked.

“I'm fine, this match isn't over till either side is unable to battle or yields.” Luna remaindered her sister.

“But, after.” Celestia tried to argue.

“Doesn't matter, you've used far worse before. So what's one more attack?” Luna reminded.

“Fine, but this is the last one. The match will be decided in one more blow.” Celestia said with Firestorm and Luna nodding in agreement. Storm used his wings to put some distance between them as his horn began to light up. Luna and Celestia began to do the same as they were going to put a lot into their next attack. Storm grinned as he shifted his hand to show that the one black card was accompanied by two different colored cards.

“The spell card triad for you has been chosen.” He said as a large orchestrated piece of music started to play that echoed throughout the room. Both sisters looked confused and on guard for what he had up his sleeve. He held the black card up while the other two were held at an angle away. “The origin of all things, mother black,” He said before tossing the card from him to the ground a few feet away. Instead of the card hitting the ground, it floated a few inches from the ground before it righted itself and spun till it was nothing but a ball of blackening energy. He turned to his side was viewable to the two as he held a second card up that was the purest red. “A heat that will scorch all creation, fire red.” Just like the first one, he tossed this one in a different direction. Like that one, it righted itself into the air and became a ball of red energy.

“I don't like where this is going sister,” Luna commented over the link.

“Neither do I,” Celestia replied.

“And finally the critical point of everything, burning gold.” He continued with his back turned to him with the last card that match, only visible over his left shoulder. Like the first two, he threw this card placing him in the middle of a triangle between the three energies. He raised his hand above him as he started to yell out the final part. “Burn up, I summon you. Phoenix!” He roared the last word as the three balls of energy shot to his hand before shooting above him. In a second a flash blinded everyone theirs. Once both princesses could see they saw hovering behind him was a massively large phoenix that would put a few dragons to shame by sheer size. They didn't have much time to react as Storm dashed forward his hands sparking. “Go!” he yelled as the bird behind him flew after him as it engulfed itself in fire. It flew over Firestorm as they rushed them. The sisters looked at each other and nodded before they retaliated with a blast of combined magic that slammed into the Phoenix and Firestorm. This caused both of them to fly back. Once the bird of flames hit the ground it disappeared leaving only three burnt scraps of paper where it was and Storm laid out flat on the ground.

“Do you yield?” Celestia said slowly walking over.

Storm raised what looked up a little napkin tied to a stick in his right hand. “I yield.” He said before his hand flopped to the ground. Both princesses let out a heavy sigh of relief at that. That was followed by a light chuckle from Storm who was fighting to get up.

“Here let me help you,” Luna commented coming over shakily to help him into a sitting position.

“Thanks.” He said with a smile and a bit of blood coming from his mouth. “God you two know how to kick the shit out of someone.” He continued wiping the blood from his lip.

“You put up a good fight,” Luna commented.

“Not good enough when it comes to you two, I wasn't sure if I was going to last long.” He said before wincing from taking a breath. “Oh, yeah more definitely broken.” He said holding his right side.

“You had us a few times yourself,” Celestia commented.

“Not really after being slammed the ground like that, it took a lot out of me.” He said trying to get to his feet.

“If I may ask-” Luna asked eyeing him.

“About the moon card?” He asked.

“Yeah, what were you thinking?” Luna asked smacking him on the back of the head with her wing. “Using that kind of power could have corrupted you.”

“I didn't.” He said rubbing the spot she smacked him. She went to say something before Storm held his hand up. “I will explain.” He said pulling out a copy of the card. “Read the back of it.” Luna took it in her hoof not wanting to taint herself with that kind of magic. She eyed it quietly noticing how small the script was. She blinked for a moment and reread the script again.

“A puppet spell wrapped within an illusion spell?” She asked looking up at her.

“Yeah.” Storm said using his magic to pull Spike down from the royal box.

“That was awesome!” Spike said running over before lightly punching him on the leg. However, that was enough to knock him off his feet from the pain that lanced up it.

“Oh god, the pain.” He said hitting the ground on his right side.

“Oh, sorry,” Spike said trying to help him up. Celestia had a better idea and wrapped Storm in his magic and placed him on her back as she left.

“I was familiar with how the nightmare magic worked that it was easy to replicate it as an illusion.” Storm said after a few moments to catch his breath. “Thanks, Celestia.”

“No thank you, we haven't had a match like that in a long time. It was nice to see that even we could be surprised by tactics like this.” She commented.

“Yeah... and I didn't even get to use my biggest trump cards.” He said that caused the three of them to look over at him. Celestia doing it from over her shoulder.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Check each other's mane.” He cryptically stated. With a bit of magic, both sisters were able to find the white cards that were placed in the mane. The pulled it over it over and read the back.

“Check?” Luna commented reading hers.

“Mate?” Celestia followed before the two of them looked at each other then back at Storm.

“Gotcha.” He said with a light chuckle.


It was a few hours after our sparring match that I got to lay down to relax a bit. While Celestia and Luna were able to heal most of my wounds, I still had quite a few bruises that needed to heal naturally. Plus my ribs were a little tender from them being magically fixed.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Celestia asked as we sat down to eat dinner.

“It's adapted from several things. I've been in a lot of fight when I was on earth and you pick up a lot of things from them. Most of my bladed fighting comes from always keeping a blade on me or when I had to pick up something like a pole or stick to even the odds. It didn't when a lot, but I didn't let it get one sided when I could help it.” I explained as we waiting for our food to be served.

“What about those tactics in our match?” Luna asked.

“Oh that, adapting is human nature. I'm can to absorb lightning and use it as a speed boost. So I used that to create the twister that I know some pegasi can do. Adding fire gave me the cover because no sane pony would go into that inferno, at least without protection. So I used my ability to go into it and gave myself cover. Only leaping out to strike when I saw an opening.” They both looked at me quietly. “That's unless you're talking about tactics with the last five cards.” They both nodded to that. “Let's start with the nightmare card.” Luna winced a little at that. “Fear has a powerful effect in battle. It can cause a fight or flight response that can be used quietly effectively. If I may be blunt here?” I more asked them.

“You may proceed,” Celestia commented.

“I played to both of your biggest fear, Nightmare Moon. I was familiar with the entity from the nightmare event in the dreamscape and from being controlled by it. It was enough to base a card around it to effectively use in battle. With the added safety of not being the one in direct line of fire in this case. I used it to manipulate both of you. Luna's case she rushed in with anger taking the fight option while you Celestia stood back. It was enough deterrent to keep me safe.” I explained.

“How did you make the figure solid?” Luna asked looking at me. I smiled quietly as I place my hand over the table to case a little shadow. My horn glowed as the shadow under my hand began to rise slightly like blacken ooze before it took the form of a little shadow pony that danced around.

“I can to some extent control shadows or in the case darkness. So I made a basic figure and used it to deal with the physical stuff.”

“How did you learn of this spell?” Luna asked.

“I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.” They both looked at me.

“Shadow?” Celestia asked.

“That's one.”

“A book from the archive?” Luna asked.

“That's two.”

“One of the royal mages?” It was Celestia asking again.

“Nope, you were correct with the first answer, however,” I answered with a smirk.

“But...oh, first two don't count,” Luna said before face hoofing.

“Bingo,” I said pointing to her with my pointer finger extended as well as my thumb to make a fake gun with my hand. Celestia chuckled at the relaxed nature of my joking.

“What about that oh what was it called... Erupting Burning Blast I think it was?” Celestia asked turning to me.

“It was adapted from a show I know of,” I said as I watched four ponies come and serve us our dinners. I asked for the cook to surprise me this evening as a more try to open up to pony cuisine. In this case, I got what looks like a stew of some sort. I could see some of the ingredients like carrots, and potatoes. The others not so much in the rather thick tomato red broth. “To be honest the whole sepal that was said wasn't need. Like most of the cards, I just need to wash it with magic and it would work. The only thing that needs a verbal component is the summon cards at the end.”

“Those were curious cards. Could you tell us more about them?” Celestia said as she took a spoon full of her soup to her mouth. I took a bite of the rather spicy broth to find it that it had an impactful heat with a sweet undertone to it. My god was it delicious! I reached into the pocket in the more dress wear pants. With a pull, I opened the card case I had with me to pull out three matching cards to the ones I used. These, however, didn't have the scripture on them and I placed them on the table.

“Once again this was adapted from another show. Besides what these were based on was the music that the show had. It's set for a summoning of sorts.” I explained before I took another bite.

“A summoning of sorts?” The both of regents asked.

“It's not really a summoning like making a quill and pen to appear before you. In this case much like the Nightmare card is for show. One summons the image, the other creates the sound, and the last one gives it the elemental base. For the Phoenix set here, you can easily assume that it was-”

“Fire.” Celestia finished for me. “Which you can shape at will.”

“Precisely, I have a set for water and stone summons. Lightning is still a bit tricky to get down.” I explained as I slid the cards back into my case for them.

“Are your guards going to have cards like these?” Luna asked.

“To a point, I have a few cards I'm still working the spell scripts out on and I need to test a lot of them. So once I got a lot of them finished my guards are going to have a few to use, but those are more defensive in nature.” I explained.

“Understandable, what are some of these other cards suppose to do?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I'm working my head around a magic nullifying card. More to use to counter magical based attacks.” I said as I took a few more bites.

“He's been really working on that one.” Spike piped in on.

“How much work?” Celestia asked.

“I've gone through every book in the library and broke down each rune into a short guide that I can refer to when making cards. From there I have tested over and over again in the practice field firing spell after spell at each card. I got most small blasts, but they can be easily overpowered and some of it still gets through. From what I heard that there are a lot more books on these runes here in Canterlot.” I explained.

“That we do and I think I know a few runes that you may be interested in. If you don't mind if I come to your room after my duties.” Luna said taking a bit inter her large sandwich she had requested.

“I don't mind,” I said with a smile.

“If I may switch topics for a moment,” Celestia asked and I turned to give her a simple hand gesture to proceed. “What do you have planned for Hearts and Hooves day?”

“What and what day?” I asked since I believe this is the first time I heard it.

“Hearts and Hooves day, when you show your special somepony how much you care about them.” She clarified. I slumped a bit at that.

“Of course there would be an equivalent to valentines day here,” I said rubbing my face a bit.

“Valentine's day?” Celestia, Luna, and Spike asked at once. The latter of the three with a mouth full of gems.

“Well bear in mind that it's been a while since I learned about it so my facts could be a little off, but from where I'm from around February fourteenth, we would show our affection for those that we love. Through either candy flowers and gifts, all in the game of saint valentines. As the legend goes the Roman emperor Claudius the second decided that single men made better soldiers. Since they didn't have wives and families to hold them back.” I began to explain.

“That's ridiculous,” Spike said with a roll of his eyes.

“Welcome to human history Spike, where some of our more historic moments are made by complete idiots. Back to what I was saying, Claudius deciding he knew better, outlawed marriage to preventable body men to marry and be held back-” I tried to continue only to be interrupted by Luna.

“That's just... just-”

“Monsterous, immoral, or downright stupid, take your pick. As I was saying, Valentine of the Catholic Church realized the injustice in that decree and defied the emperor by continued to perform the marriages of young lovers in secret. We all know how that song and dance went, because down the line Valentine's actions were discovered and Claudius had it ordered that he would be put to death. Some versions of the story said that Valentine had been killed for attempting to help people escape the harsh Roman prisons. Especially those that would often been beaten and tortured. According to one legend, while imprisoned, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself after he had fallen in love with a young girl. More than likely being his jailer's daughter, who would visit his confines. Allegedly before his death, he wrote her a letter signed 'From your Valentine.' An expression that was still being used before I came here. That's just a few legends that the holiday came around by celebrating the death or burial of Saint Valentine. The pagans at the time had a much different viewpoint to it.” I continued before I finished off my meal. I turned up to watch the three of them look at me in surprise. “What?”

“Are humans always so... chaotic?” Spike asked and this got the princesses to look at him before they turned back to me wanting the answer.

“Do you want the blunt version?”

“If you don't mind,” Luna answered.

“This is rather tame compared to a lot of things that have happened in human history. If you had to boil everything that has happened on earth, it would end up being harmonious chaos.” I explained with a hand gesture to show it as a whole.

“That's impossible, there is no way that chaos can be harmonious!” Luna said being the one to have an issue with this.

“Well, that's the kicker in all this. Here, I could see that... it's just we are talking about earth. A place that I spent my first life on. Unlike Equestria where everything is relatively peaceful, besides one of the villains getting too big for his britches. Where murder isn't even commonplace. On earth, I could name more things off the top of my head that had happened that would make Sombra's actions look outright mild compared too. That things are so chaotic that we end up coming up with that topple Discord who is supposedly the 'lord of chaos.' Please, I've seen more chaotic things in a Saturday morning cartoon compared to what he had done here.” I said with a smirk as I ran a claw through my mane. The three of them just outright gawk at me after that. With a glance I saw a few of the guards doing the same thing, it was like I just defiled a monument in front of them.

“You've got to be kidding,” Spike said looking at me with the emerald forgotten in his right claw.

“Well... let's test it then,” I said with a smile before turning to Luna. “Luna, would you like to explain some of my nightmares to them?” That got her to pale a bit.

“I would prefer not to scar poor Spike with just a retelling of them.” She said with a shiver.

“How would you describe them?” I asked as Celestia looked back and forth between her sister and myself.

“Horrid, one of the blackest nightmares I've ever seen, a blight on pony kind, completely and undoubtedly-” Was all I let you get out before I cut in with.

“Chaotic?” That got her to shut her mouth as she looked at me her eyes widened. “I will take that as a yes. That point was on the same levels of nightmares that I dealt with on earth. I understand chaos a lot better than anypony. Don't get me wrong, I will make a point that Discord knows a fraction of chaos and he has the power to show it.” I answered with a smile leaning back. “Be glad that he will never understand what real chaos is and the order that it brings.”

“Order within chaos?” Celestia asked.

“Carl Jung said once 'in all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.' It boils down to this. You can't have chaos without order as you can't have order without chaos. Earth at its core works with this principle in mind. There is always the laws of the universe, the laws of a government, and the laws of one being. All that wrapped within a layer of chaos, and no matter how much you try, no matter how much you want. You can't escape that fact.” I said smiling quietly as I let it sink in. I picked up my cup of tea and took a look drink from it as I watched the gears turn.

“Than... Discord is working with an order in mind?” Celestia asked eyeing me.

“Yes, from what I have seen it's trying to bring chaos into the world, but in fact, he's just trying to bring a new order is all. A to a point vastly different order than what everypony is used to, but an order none the less. Don't get me wrong I can see to a point what he's trying to do. It's just flawed, to begin with, and I don't think he's noticed.”

“Than let me pose this question to you.” Celestia started before taking a drink.

“Go right ahead.”

“If you had to pick a pony that could curve Discord to a more agreeable nature, who would it be?” Celestia asked.

“Fluttershy,” I answered without missing a heartbeat.

“Isn't that a hasty answer,” Luna commented looking between the two of us as she floated a few bits towards Spike who was outright smirking.

“Not really, Twilight, Rarity, Dash, and Applejack still holds a grudge against Discord. I only know from Twilight's stores of her adventures. She always gives a huff when talking about Discord.” I answered.

“Ain't that the truth.” Spike chimed in as he slides what looks like five bits into his bit bag.

“What about Pinkie?” Celestia asked.

“She would be more interested in the cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk and possible other sweet food based Chaos. So she wouldn't be able to curve him as you want. Fluttershy would be the only one to do it. More for the fact that Discord from what I've been told and scene haven't really found something in another pony. Other than a plaything for his amusement. So if anypony would do it, it would be Fluttershy who is literally the Element of Kindness.” I explained.

“That is surprisingly thought out.”

“Oh you wound me, Celestia, do you really think so little of me.” I sarcastically said as I placed the back of my right hand against my forehead and my leftover my chest lightly.

“Haha, very funny.” She said with a smile and I couldn't help, but chuckle a bit. “What about you?”

“I wouldn't work as I would more be interested in besting him at his own game. Nothing on how to let's take over mind you. More a game of one up.” I explained.

“A game of one up?” Luna asked.

“Think of it as a magic duel. Where opponents would try to one-up each other to see who's the best. In this case, it would be me against Discord.” I said with a smile.

“Are you nuts?” Luna asked looking at me like I said the craziest thing in Equestria. Come to think of it, I probably just did.

“Hasn't been completely proven yet,” I answered.

“We could easily fix that.” She shot back.

“Followed by the backlash and possible tabloids using it as fire to give a pony like Blueblood who would use it to try and usurper your thrones from you.” I countered.

“You don't think he would do that?” Celestia asked with both Spike and I looking at her with a flat stare.

“Yes, I do.” Both of us said at the same time. I smirked and used my hand to motion to Spike after that.

“Point made,” Celestia said with a sigh.

“It's alright, at least he's not... here.” I said before I noticed the door opening with said pony coming in. Following him was a tray cart being pushed by one of the griffon chefs.

“Please Prince Blueblood, I need to get back to the kitchen, I have much left to do.” The griffon pleaded.

“I don't care, you need to see this to understand what kind of-” He stopped in his tracks to look at me. “What in Tartarus is that thing?!” He shouted pointing to me.

“Blueblood it's rude to point at anypony like that.” Luna chided.

“It's alright Luna, I am pretty weird looking,” I said getting up and dusting off. “If you three would excuse me I would like to retire for the evening.”

“Of course, I wish to talk to you later.” Celestia comment.

“Than I shall wait for your arrival. Now if you excuse me I wish to get a few books to read.” I said slowly walking towards the door. With a flick of magic, I shut Blueblood's gaping mouth as I passed him. “Good day to you sir, the food was excellent as always.” I complimented the chief. He puffed out his chest with a smile.

“Thank you, sir, I hope you have a good evening.”

“Thank you,” I said before I walked past them and through the still open door. As I made a turn towards the library a song come to my head that I couldn't help but sing to. “We must be swift as the coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon!” Some of the guards watched me as some of the night guards smirked at the lyrics I sang.


It had been a few hours since dinner and my trip to the archives to find every book they had on magical script. Frankly, it wasn't much more than I already knew, I did pick up a few more than I did, but it still wasn't a whole lot. After that, I decided my brain needed a break from studying and went to take a relaxing shower. Well, semi-relaxing as I was still pretty bruised. I stood there and let the warm water wash over me as my mane flattened out behind me, where my horns could be more easily seen. My two back ones were harder to be seen as they curved back before they pointed out. The sensation of water gently patting my main horn felt rather nice. I get why when horns are a little sensitive to a feeling sensation.

If my memory served me right that was because of the magical veins or thaumaturgy lines that run through everypony. It was to help explain why wings didn't need to be almost three times the size for pegasi and alicorns. The magic in them was enough to gain lift. Twilight explained that some ponies have thicker or more condensed lines that allow them to do more things. In Dash's case, it gives her heightened speed and resistance to being pushed back by air currents. For Twilight and most unicorns that excel in magic, they can push more magic through their horns for bigger effects. It was like normal lines would be closer to a garden hose. While the line's like Twilight's was closer to a firefighters fire hose. Much bigger and able to pump out much more through it. Twilight had tested my lines, which are stronger in my wings compared to my horn. I figured that was more from starting as a dragasus than a dracorn. It's pretty cool seeing the scans myself as a lot of the thaumaturgy lines look a lot like veins, closer to blood vessels in a way. Just unlike normal scans of blood vessels that turn out to be either blue or black depending on the device doing it. The magical scan shows them as the middle ground of purple and violet with a thin white line running down each strain.

As you would expect the lines are cut off at the plate on my right foreleg at the time. I couldn't help but sigh a little looking over at the complete lack of a limb there. Now would have been the perfect time to have it back as it would feel right in some ways. I went as far as to create an arm of ice to help me lean up. Which I will admit not the best idea, but it helped numb some of the bruises I had before the hot water helped soothed them away. After I finished getting cleaned up and dried off I stepped out into my room only to find both Luna and Celestia standing just inside my door. They looked at me for a moment as I looked back at them with the towel draped on my head to help get the last of the water out of it. One of the many downsides of having a thick mane. I watched their gaze suddenly lower as my eyes matched them only to widen. I shot back up to look at them to watch them both with a bright blush on their muzzles before I stepped back into the bathroom so I could get one of the larger towels to wrap my lower half up with.

“Sorry about that,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

“It's quite... alright,” Luna said still blushing quite brightly.

“So what did you two want to talk about?” I asked after I left once again as I walked over to my clothes and decided to put my sweatpants back on using both towels as my curtains to block any more unneeded awkwardness.

“Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to company me back to Ponyville in two days time,” Celestia asked having the dignity to at least not look in my direction. Unlike Luna who was watching me, probably to get another very unneeded eyeful.

“If I may ask, why are you heading to Ponyville?” I asked after I had slipped my tail through the hole in my pants that I made. After that, I folded up the towels in my magic and set them off to the side so they could be picked up.

“It's about Discord,” Celestia asked and I eyed her quietly for a few moments.

“Fluttershy?” I asked getting a feeling I knew where this was going to go.

“Fluttershy.” She answered back.

“Sure, I would love to join you. Are we going by train or by-”


“Lovely...” I sarcastically said.

“Storm you need to get over this fear of heights someday.” She commented.

“I am working towards it, doesn't mean I'm thrilled about being that high up.” I shot back with a flat look.


“What's the other thing you wanted to talk about?” I asked sitting down at the table as I pulled the call rope they installed into the room.

“This is a rather personal matter,” Luna commented.

“How personal are we talking?”

“Herd personal.” Celestia tacked on.

“Okay, let me guess Twilight asked you two to talk to me about it?” I asked as a cerulean blue mare with a wild orchid purple mane and tale, both rather long and curled. She came in with a maid outfit on.

“What could I get for you, your highness?” She asked in a voice that reminded me of Jodi Benson's Arial voice from the little mermaid.

“Some green tea if you don't mind.” I requested.

“I will take the same,” Celestia answered.

“I will take dandelion tea,” Luna said before the mare bowed and left us in silence.

“To answer your question no, she didn't. I had asked her if she had brought it up with you before.” Luna answered as I run my left hand over my face. I was not serious about to be asked if they could join a herd with Twilight and I? Besides the fact that Twilight only brought it up the day before I came to Canterlot, and I'm still processing that she wants a herd. Now I have to factor in that I may have the ruling parties of Equestria in this? I just motioned with my left have for them to proceed, I may as well hear this insanity now. It's not like I could avoid this, besides the fact that they could literally send ponies to hunt my butt down. All to address this issue in the fullest.

“I'm aware you have the basics of herds down and the fact that your herd-” Celestia started before I raised my hand to stop her for a moment.

“Can we not call Twilight and I together a herd just yet? I'm not comfortable about that... yet.” I requested.

“Alright, well since you and Twilight are together that counts it as a royal... couple.”

“And I'm guessing that's going to have one hell of a stipulation to it.”

“To a degree, it's not often that a royal would join another's herd,” Celestia said using her hoof to make gestures.

“Outside of Blueblood's herd of course.” Luna tacked on.

“Oh, boy,” I said not liking this already.

“After the whole Silvertongue debacle, we thought it would be wise to inform you of the possibility that you may have a repeat performance,” Luna commented.

“Damn it,” I said with a sigh as I hung my head. “Is this how it's going to be? Just if something 'big' happens it's going to be paraded all about Equestria?” I said while using air quotations with the word big.

“Why do you say that?” Celestia asked looking curious. I couldn't believe she asked me that, I got up quietly and walked over to the end table where I sat the paper that was left for me when I reentered my room. Just by the cover page, I didn't really want to read the story, because it was just outright celebrity gossip and I honestly didn't care much for it. It was part of the reason why I ignored shows like TMZ when I was on earth. I flopped it down on the table before both royal sisters showing the rather large black and white photo of Celestia enjoying a rather large piece of cake. They both looked down at the photo on the front page of the paper and then back at me as I was giving them my trademark cocked eyebrow adorned flat stare. “Point.” Luna at this point picked up the paper and started to read it over. “To a degree, you still will have to deal with them as well as your other royal duties.”

“Great.” I groaned. “I thought it was bad enough with some of the 'issues' that came up from Cloudsdale.”

“Issues?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, out of my few days starting. I've had a total of eight 'meetings' that was nothing but a waste of time. Most of them from the weather factory.”

“They wanting an expanded budget again?” Celestia commented.

“How did... you pawned it off on me didn't you?” I said stopping as it clicked.

“I... may have,” Celestia said not looking me straight in the face.

“Not cool Celestia, not cool,” I said staring back at her with my left eye twitching.

“Be that as it may, back to the matter at hoof,” Luna said putting the paper down again folding it up into a neat rectangle. “Whatever pony that decides to approach you about this matter, I would suggest taking a lot of it with a grain of salt.”

“Let me guess, I should expect ponies to try and bribe me so they can get their hooves on political power or at least to reserve the princess or prince title for their own means?” I said flatly.

“How did you know?” Luna asked a little surprised.

“It's not unheard of on earth. Some humans try to do whatever they can to get the upper hand in things. It seems this is something ponies and humans share.” I explained.

“That's a little comforting...” Celestia tacked on.

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, when we were talking earlier you had made out that humans are rather... brutish,” Celestia commented. “Like they don't have much... oh what's the word I'm looking for?”

“Love in their hearts?” I supplied.

“For lack of a better wording, yes.” She said.

“Well... to a point you would be right. They can be very brutish as you put it, but not all of them. Regardless of the saying that history is written by the victories. Humans have done things both peacefully as well as brutally. We've had cold wars which are nothing more than conversations that could have lead to another hostel war. We've had historical figures that did what they could peacefully to meet their ends. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought equality between different human races by speeches, by sit-ins, and much more. 'The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.' He wasn't the only one. Another figure Mahatma Gandhi was a predominant figure in an independence movement. He gave inspiring quotes that historic figured down the road of history idolized and followed. 'Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will' and, 'happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” I could go on and on about those that I know. Not personally but historically know from earth. Abraham Lincoln, 'nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.' Ulysses S. Grant, 'although a soldier by profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace.' Theodore Roosevelt, 'the only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.' Franklin D. Roosevelt 'it is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.' Let's not forget John F. Kennedy 'if we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.' That's just from one nation, the earth has over 7 billions of people, last I check from a multitude of races, cultures, and so forth. Not all of them are violent, but not all of them are peaceful.” I said in a complete tangent. Both princesses stared at me quietly for a few moments blanking.

“Um... wow.” Luna said by the sound of it she wasn't sure what to make of it. Which caused me to shrink back a bit and slump a little.

“Sorry, I sometimes run into a tangent if not stopped at times,” I explained.

“We can tell,” Celestia said with a smirk.

“And I think once again we got off subject.” I wanted us to look past the whole me running at the mouth moment I just had. Just felt awkward for me to sit there with the two of them staring at me.

“Right... “ Luna commented eyeing me. “Ponies will try to join your herd for personal gain. We've had a lot of issues with that problem before.”

“Blueblood or personal experience?” I asked.

“Both.” They said in unison, my left eye twitched at that.

“You know what, screw it,” I said wanting to face plant the table only to be stopped by my horn. That was followed by me frustratingly messing up my already messed up mane. “Why can't things just be simple?”

“How so?” Luna asked.

“I get the whole royal bit, I get the guard bit, but now I have to worry about being used... again,” I said sighing, it was a few moments before I sat back up. “It's been less than a year since I came to Equestria. You would think I would be used to the twists and turns here. I mean yeah, I'm used to being around ponies that has the same levels of intellect as humans. Some more than others, and the whole flight and magic. I'm use to the whole standards of being a pony. It's the whole royalty bit, I just can't wrap my head around at times. It's just...” I sighed again. “When it comes to the whole herd thing. Twilight and I said we would cross that bridge when it came together. So... if you don't mind can we just drop this for now?” They looked at each for a moment and something didn't feel right about it. I would expect it to a non-physical movement on this but it was Luna that lightly nodded. It was a small hard to tell nod, but a nod none the least. At this point, I just didn't want to deal with it.

“We can agree to that,” Celestia said with a smile.

“So besides that, what did you all want to talk about?” I asked looking up.

“I did have a question.” Celestia started and I eyed her for a moment.


“Luna has informed me about some of the human technology that you're familiar with. I was wondering if you could explain it to me as well. I don't think Luna had fully told me everything.” She said and I smiled getting up.

“Do either one of you know the image projecting spell?” I asked going over to my bag to grab my tablet.

“I do,” Luna answered.

“Good, please case it on my tablet here,” I said using my hands to point where to project it. With a flick of her horn, the screen appeared and I already set to work to cue up a few videos. I had quite a bit of videos besides movies saved on this thing. Like a series of satisfying videos of technology at work. Mostly assembling lines for various things. I started the videos up to show quite a bit as I began to go into a lecture of what I knew which mostly lasted the night till even past Spike returning from the comic shop.


The last day and a half weren't pretty eventful in the side of paperwork. For the most part, it was predictable. I was given a rather sizable stack of files that are now traveling with us in the carriage with Discord. Celestia, Spike, and I were in the leading carriage being pulled but four royal guards. Lucky enough Spike and I got a free hour to deal with some personal business. I took a sip of my tea that I got to go before we took off.

“Hopefully this is going to work out,” I commented over the link to Celestia.

“Do you have faith in Fluttershy?” She countered.

“Having faith is one thing, but you never want to place all your chips on just one pony. If anything I would place it on a group. If what I have been told is true. The rest of them are going to help in one way or another, but actions speak louder than words.” I said taking a long drink.

“Spoken like a true prince.” She countered.

“No, spoken like someone who has been burned before and learned for it.” I said emptying my drink. “But, I plan to keep an eye out. If things look like it has gone south after a few days. I will let you know or Shadow will let you know.”

“That I can agree to.” She said as we began our descent to Ponyville. In the distance, I could see Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and Dash all talking with each other as we came down. They turned to notice the twelve us come to a stop. Since we had eight guards with us in total. Celestia, Spike, and I all stepped out of the carriage and over to the group. It was Twilight being the first one to come up to us.

“With all due respect Princess Celestia.” She said before yelling close to the top of her lungs. “How could you bring discord here?!” She cleared her through after that. “Your magistracy.” I simply watched as Celestia just smiled with a light chuckle.

“I'm fully aware that last time Discord was here, he caused serious havoc.” She said comfortingly as two guards pulled the petrified Discord from the other carriage. Two of the other guards were on order by me to deliver the files to the library.

“If you mean serious havoc as turning Ponyville into the Chaos capital of the world,” Dash commented before Rarity chimed in with.

“And tricking us all into being the opposite of our true selves.”

“And making yummy, delicious chocolate rain all over the places without a single dollop of whip cream to go along with it anywhere in sight. Not a single dollop!” Pinkie added sounding increasingly more angry as she continued.

“Yes I understand, but I have a use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to be used for good instead of evil. This is why I brought Discord here because I believe you are the ponies that can help him to do just that.” Celestia calmly stated.

“This will never work, this is a disaster. How will we ever control him? Were doomed!” Spike said losing his little mind.

“Need I remind you that you are the ponies that turned him back into stone in the first places?” Celestia cheeky added.

“I suppose we could just use the Elements of Harmony on him again if he gets out of hand,” Twilight commented with a nervous smile on her face. That's when I noticed Spike slowly walk away from the group.

“Um, we probably need a volunteer to run away right away to go get them. I'll do it.” Spike said trying to bail from this. There is only one problem with his plan.

“Small problem with that Spike, we brought them with us,” I commented with two stallions bring up the blue chest that had golden ironwork. On the front side with the lock, two golden vine leafs placed to either side of the lock. Celestia magically opened up the box after the stallions set it down to show the Elements of Harmony resting onto of a cushion that was a mixture of pink and lavender.

“And I cast a spell on them so Discord can't take and hide them again,” Celestia added before sure looked over to the group and noticed two ponies that have been missing to the whole group. With one that we would admittedly need. “Now where is Fluttershy? I believe she will know best at beginning to reform Discord.”

“Fluttershy, really?” Dash said flying up to Celestia.

“Yes, really Dash,” I said after I came up next to Twilight. “She deals with animals all the time so she has the best handle on dealing with the unpredictable nature of Discord.”

“Oh... I guess that makes sense.” She said scratching the back of her head with her hoof.

“Does anypony know where she and Applejack are?” I asked.

“They are over at Sweet Apple Aches dealing with some beaver problem.” Pinkie answered.

“Makes sense, hey Dash could you zip over there and see if they are almost done?” I asked looking up at her.

“Can do.” She said before she flew off leaving a prismatic contrail in her wake.

“Storm?” I heard Twilight said and turned to her with a warm smile.

“Yes, Twilight?” I asked before Twilight disappeared and reappeared trying to tackle me. Small problem with that, I had much more weight on me and better footing so it was more I caught her and held her in my arms.

“I missed you.” She said giving me a kiss, which I happily returned.

“I missed you too.” She reached around and placed her forelegs around my neck and gently pressed into a still bit of a tender bruise I had. I couldn't help but flinch at that.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked looking at me which got the rest of them to look at me.

“It's nothing to worry about, just that spot is a little tender.”

“Tender? Tender from what?” She asked eyeing me.

“A friendly sparring match.”

“With who?” I shifted my gaze over to Celestia.

“With Luna and myself.” She answered for me.

“But why?” Twilight asked.

“I wanted to test his combat prowess in this form.” She answered.

“Let's just say I got put through the wringer by the both of them,” I answered with a smile.

“Don't downplay your actions. The tactics you used had caught both of us by surprise.” The princess said coming over to the two of us.

“I just played to my strength.”

“And what was that?” Both Rarity and Twilight asked.

“Doing something stupid of course,” I said before I got a telekinetic slap to the back of the head. “Ow, what was that for?”

“That's for getting yourself hurt again and for doubting yourself,” Twilight said giving me a flat stare.

“Okay, in all fairness the sparring wasn't even my idea,” I said rubbing the spot.

“He is correct, it was ours. We wanted to know the first hoof what he was capable of when given enough time to prepare, and he didn't disappoint us.” Celestia cryptically said.

“Really?” Twilight asked looking between the two of us.

“Yes, Twilight. Your coltfriend has a knack for thinking on his hooves and is very adaptable when given enough time to think.”

“Well, I can't say it wasn't fun as we went at it,” I said before setting Twilight down. “Just wish those healing spells worked better on bruises.”

“I wasn't as good as Luna was with those kinds of spells,” Celestia admitted.

“It's fine, I've healed from much worse,” I said with a smile.

“Like being stabbed by a stone horn through the heart, broken ribs, a chunk of wood through a hind leg, oh-oh-oh don't forget losing an eye.” Pinkie started listing off.

“Thank you Pinkie, I think we get it.”

“Don't forget when he had part of his coat burned away from being used as a floor sander, the snapped wing.” She continued.

“Pinkie, that's enough,” I said with a light growl.

“Than there was a-” She got cut off by her hoof being shoved into her mouth by Rarity's magic. Course that didn't stop her from continuing to talk through said hoof.

“Pinkie darling, I do believe we get it.” Rarity tried to say as I found a nearby stump to sit down on. I had been standing for most of the trip, mostly due to the little space there was for me to sit down at all.

“Okay.” She squeaked through her hoof a little too clearly for it, but this was Pinkie after all so I didn't want to quest it. It wasn't long for Dash to fly back with Applejack and Fluttershy in tow. Celestia had explained to Fluttershy what was going on with Applejack mouth laying wide open after seeing Discord's stature standing them. Well... more she left it open after she gave us a good 'what in tar-nations is he doing here?' and we explained. I could tell from Fluttershy's body language that she wasn't sure about this was mostly on her.

“And you think I know best what to do?” Fluttershy asked not looking Celestia right in the eyes. Celestia only smiled and gently used her hoof to raise Fluttershy's gaze up to her.

“I do.” She said comfortingly before she took to her wings to fly over to her ride back. “Now I must return to Canterlot for Equestria's royal summit. You may release Discord when ready.” She said before taking off. I knew I wasn't to be at the said summit because one of the topics that were going to be brought up was me. The only reason I know this was part of the paperwork I did yesterday more for formalities than anything else. It seems that my sudden royal status needed some paperwork done so show that I was from Equestria. Which with my mother being Clover the clever it was hard to deny this. There were a few other things about me that needed to be gone over, both Celestia and Luna had informed me that they would be speaking on my behalf. So I felt reassured in this as it was a lot of technical royal jargon that I had no idea about. I would have to join one of the summits down the line but that wasn't for some time now. After Celestia was well out of sight I turned to the girls to watch them.

“Okay ponies, I guess it's time to get started,” Twilight said floating the box next to her before she opened it again. “Let's just open this releasing spell works.”

“Or let's not.” Spike tacked on from behind Twilight.

“Let's keep our elements on till further notice,” Twilight added as she magically attached them to each of them.

“Check.” The rest of them said, minus Spike who ran over to me to hide. It was a few moments before Twilight's horn began to glow brighter than I've seen it glow washing the area in a pink light. That's when the other elements began to react. It started with Fluttershy who's element began to send out a yellow outline of her pendent's gem. Dash and Pinkie followed suit with red and sky blue outlines. Finally, it was Rarity's with purple and Applejack's with orange that all fired towards Discord. That continued till a rainbow ribbon of magic began to seep out of Pinkie's gem on her pendant. It daisy-chained off the other elements either side of her before they all swirled around Twilight keeping them all a few feet off the ground. When both sides of the ribbon touched the Element of Magic on Twilight's crown. It began to send out a prismatic beam of light directly at the statue. It began to send spiderweb cracks throughout the whole of the statue. With each crack having a bright light shine from under it. First, it was his lion and eagle arms that broke free. Followed by the rest of him as he stood straight up in a groan, and with that Discord was free... once again.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 38 - Chaos Versus Chaos

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Chapter 38 – Chaos Versus Chaos

“Well, it's about time somepony got me out of that prison block.” He said after bending back to the point that if he had a spine it would have snapped in half. After he straightened out he stretched his lion's paw and snapped his fingers causing a nearby squirrel to suddenly look like it was ripped out of the stone age for squirrels. I couldn't help but snort a little at this. I remembering seeing something like this from old Saturday morning cartoons. Of course, the girls decided to gasp at this.

“What do you think you're doing?” Twilight asked in a mixture of surprise and anger. Of course, Discord didn't give a care as he decided to float up in the air with his stretching now moving on to his cloven hoof.

“I'm stretching of course, when you're a creature of chaos. Stone bodysuits aren't your typical go-to fashion choice.” He said with a wave of his arms. He then proceeds to continue to stretch and snap his figures causing a bunny to join the stone age squirrel in appearance.

“Make that bunny cute again, now!” Pinkie said after she gasped at that. Honestly, you would think I would be flipping my shit at all this. Frankly, I was finding it a little amusing, to say the least. This was completely ripped from old Hanna Barbara and Tex Avery cartoons.

“Oh, please he's adorable the way he is.” Discord said rubbing the bunny under its chin before it decided to snap at his lion's paw. This caused Discord to recoil back and stick out his forked tongue at it. “You know what else is adorable, that you ponies truly think you can reform me and your putting your faith in this one here to make it happen.” He continued floating over Fluttershy with a magnifying glass stretching it beyond the lens to show massive yellow eyes with red dot pupils. That was before he disappeared and reappeared next to Fluttershy who tried to step back only to have her cheeks pinched by a granny garbed Discord. “It makes me want to pinch your horsey little cheeks.”

“How did you know about that?” Twilight asked stepping forward. The more that I watched this the more I noticed just how angry everypony was. That also didn't stop Discord getting into Twilight's face with a look of annoyance.

“Being turned to stone doesn't stop me from hearing every word Celestia says, although I will admit, it makes rolling my eyes a challenge.” He continued after pulling his eyes out of his sockets like it was a pair of dice. Even shook them in his paw that added to the effects. With a flick, he threw them and disappeared as the eye found themselves in two dark match holes that his head materialized out of with a big grin on his face.

“Well unless you want us to be turned back into stone. You will zap those animals back the way they were pronto.” Twilight commented using her hoof to point at said animals.

“Oh, you wouldn't dare turn me back to stone and risk disappointing your precious princess.” Discord shot back with the last two sound very sarcastically.

“Try us Dip cord,” Dash commented using a very lame pun for an insult.

“You think you could treat poor defenseless animals like that and get away with it?” Fluttershy commented showing a little backbone.

“You go Fluttershy!” Dash cheered as I was a little surprised that Fluttershy had that in her. She flew right up to Discord's face and tapped him on the nose.

“You best watch your step buster, or I will give you... the stare.” She said using a pause for dramatic effect. I blinked for a few moments. Did she just threaten the cartoon king of Saturday morning chaos with a stare of all things? I'm sorry did my brain check out without leaving a note or something? This was made worst by Discord's reaction as he reeled back in surprise.

“The stare! Oh no please, not that. Anything but your disapproving eyeballs.” He said coward-ling in fear which was an act as I could tell he was being a grade A sarcastic dick. Before he sprung up and hovered in a circle laughing. That didn't go too well with Fluttershy as she began to unleash 'the stare' on him. I simply facepalmed at this insanity. There is no way in hell this was supposed to be Fluttershy's secret weapon that makes animals submit. Even Discord played it up for laughs as he acted like it was choking it before it completely lost it and began to laugh. “Oh, you're hilarious.” Discord said in the middle of his laughing.

“If it turns out we have to use our elements against you, I'm sure we can convince Princess Celestia it was for a good reason.” Twilight tacked on to try and shut his tomfoolery down.

“I suppose that's correct.” He said using both his paw and his tail to snap causing both stone age animals to return back to normal.

“It's not like he's a real threat anyway.” I finally tapped into the conversation. This caused the girls to look at me like I was crazy. Finally, Discord turned to look directly at me.

“Oh my my my, what in all chaos are you?” Discord commented as he coiled himself around me.

“Well depends on who you ask. You could call me an ex-human, some would call me Ryhn, most know me as Firestorm. Some would say I'm under them and in this case, you can call me your better Discord.” I answered with a smirk.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked after the girls gasped at my comment. Oh, I was laying on the cocky card thick here, but I couldn't help myself.

“My better? Do you even know who I am? I'm Discord the lord of-” He continued to say sound more and more like Q from Star Trek before I cut him off.

“Of Saturday morning slapstick.” I finished before he paused to look at me. “Don't give me that look, you know just as much as I do that you are no lord of chaos.” I think I broke all of them as they looked at me with their mouths agape.

“Oh really? Then you know 'true chaos'?” Discord asked using his hands to air quote at me.

“Far better than you.”

“Prove it?” Discord asked smirking.

“See that's the kicker in all this. Knowing true chaos over your little cartoon antics and showing it are two different things. I mean I don't have the powers to show you it and I doubt you would just give me some. Out of fear of being proven wrong, of course.” I said before I reached up and patted him on the should. “Don't worry I understand you're afraid.” Oh, I was playing a dangerous game here and I fucking knew it. Teasing a guy that could literally turn me into stone to spite me, isn't a bright idea. I was just playing to my strength of doing something extremely stupid.

“Do I Discord, Lord of chaos look scared to you?” He asked appearing before me in an odd set of Spartan armor.

“Yeah, your even shaking in your little boots,” I said pointing down to them as they indeed shaking from being filled with ice.

“Why I never, fine you think you can out chaos the Lord of Chaos. Then let us see if you can handle the big boy britches.” He said as I looked down to find myself in a pair of overalls.

“Cheeky,” I commented taking them off with a claw snapping the suspenders on them. That was before Discord pulled out one of his eyes and ran his talons over it to turn it into a ball of weird colors and shapes. This must be chaos magic in it's purest form. He blinked the empty socket to have a new eye appear and than thrust-ed the ball of magic into my chest causing me to slide back a few feet. That's when I felt the magic course through me and for a moment, only a moment the world disappeared for me.


The element bearers and Discord watch as a blast of energy exploded from Firestorm's body that was a mixture of plaids, stripes, and zigzags clouds of smoke only to show Firestorm barely standing there.

“Firestorm?” Twilight said trying to take a step forward. She was dealing with a mixture of anger, confusion, and most importantly at this moment worry for Storm. Randomly colored sparks continued to arch over him as his body jerked a little with each one.

“Oh please, any chaos user could withstand that.” Discord said throwing his hands up into the air literally as they popped off his wrists before two more popped out.

“Firestorm?” Twilight tried again getting a little closer before she was only six or so feet away. Storm's hand made a gesture to have her stop. “Firestorm are you alri-” Was all Twilight could get out before his head shot up and the long in his eyes was enough to cause her to step back in a gasp. Instead of the red dragon-like eyes, he had before. His whole eyes were a pitch black beyond diamond-like red pupils one larger than the other floated in them.

“It's showtime.” He said as his head slowly turned sideways. In a split second, an odd track began to play. The only ones that would have been close to knowing what the track was, it would have been Twilight and Spike. However either one of them never gotten themselves familiar with a lot of movie themes and in this case, a metal version of the Beetlejuice theme began to play out of nowhere. As the music began to really kick it, the ground around Firestorm began to break apart and an almost perfect circle of ground that he was standing began to sink down beyond the side of any of them. All while he was grinning like a bad man having a field day with what was going on. Soon the area around him filled with an inky black mass that could be mistaken for water if it was solid.

“What did you do?” Twilight said as she turned and stared daggers at the tall figure looking at the void with interests.

“I would love to take credit for this if it was me. It's rather interesting, to say the least, but I don't see the chaos-” was what he got out before a hand began to appear out of the blackened mass. It looked like a massive golden metallic claw. That was followed by a large-scaled dragon claw a second later. Just like before two more hands appear and than another, leaving three gold claws and three red scaled claws holding onto the edge. With the movement of the hands, it could be told that it was preparing to come out, a massive orange and red mass flew out of the hole before it spread it's massive wings show a blacken upper half of a human body that had six limbs attached to it. Three of them red scaled that faded into blackness and the same for three golden mechanical arms that faded as well. In the center of it's chest had a massive symbol that looked like a very sharp stylized dark red M with matching color a diamonds atop and below the middle point of the M. To the left and right of the bottom diamond was two curved triangles that made the symbol look like a three toe claw with a back point to it. Its head looked like a solid black mass like a very geometry shaped draconic head. The only difference was that the area where the mouth was looked like it was torn open leaving a dripping read grin and the eyes where much like the two miss-sized diamonds from before. Its frontal horn was more like a tall pyramid that suddenly bent at a ninety-degree angle. The back horns curved down to match the angle of the skull before curving away to look like handlebars as horns shifted from the natural color to different darken hues at the tips. Where it's legs where was a blacken tail the faded into bright red scales with a black diamond tip with an extra curved up bit at the far end to make it look like a hook. Its massive wings that were almost three times the bodies size in full wingspan was a mixture of a red scale topped orange feathered wing and a membranous red scaled draconic wing.

It grinned as it hovered in the air above them massively before it's grin turned to surprise as the chest of the creature began to crack lightly with a heavy thud against it. It tried to hold the spot as more and more thuds rang against in a metallic tone. All heading up to a black metallic fist punching it's a way through the chest. In those seconds the cracks spread and riddled the creature's body till a figure broke out of it shattering the monstrosity into oddly shaped fragments as a figure landing on the ground. It looked like Firestorm if it wasn't for the now massive wings that matched the shattered creature. His horns, as well as his long tail, matched that of the creature as well. His right arm instead of being the metallic gold from before was blacken for only a moment before it began to shift hues much like the horns in the back of Firestorm's head. His tail was much longer than before as it gently whipped against the ground. His right arm was more draconic than before with an elbow spike. His teeth were much like fangs still as they curved to match his very Cheshire grin he was now sporting. He instead of wearing the garb from before he was now wearing an orange vest over a white shirt. Around his neck was a dark red tie that was tucked under the vest. He also had a rich blue set of dress pants that had a stylized maroon belt with golden buckle. If they saw on his back between his wings on the fest was a large golden crest that had the symbol that was one the shattered figure.

“Sorry about that everypony, sometimes my imagination runs a little wild.” He said fixing the rolled up cuffs on his white shirt.

“Oh darling if it wasn't for the garish display a moment ago, I would say that look is very fetching on you.” Rarity said looking over the outfit with a critical eye.

“Why thank you Rarity, one must be fashionable if he is to make a point. Can't go around in a clowns getup if you mean to school somepony.” Storm said as he grinned over to Discord who was currently in a full nine-yard clown costume with matching face paint.

“Oh, I see somepony has a sense of humor.” Discord said with a grin before snapping his fingers for the getup to disappear on him.

“Well, somepony has to bring the laughs. I can't expect somepony who thinks they know chaos to do it.” he shot back.

“All I've seen what your little 'display', what makes you think you know better than I the lord of chaos?” Discord said floating over to him. Storm grinned as his tail curved into a seat that he sat down on.

♫♪ Nightmares and Bloodshed and drug-induced horrors. ♪♫

♫♪ Carnage and soldiers with mental disorders. ♪♫

♫♪ Full on riots, stockers, and massive shootings. ♪♫

♫♪ These are a few chaotic things. ♪♫

He began to sing in the jazzy tune of 'my favorite things.' As he brought it up a magical window would show up around all of them a few at a time showing different things. Most of them being either old news or war time footage.

♫♪ Necromancer ponies with Frankenstein madness. ♪♫

♫♪ Rulers and soldiers marching on the land masses. ♪♫

♫♪ While machines crank out items for shopping, these are a few chaotic things. ♪♫

He continued as more screens surrounded them all as his already wild mane began to move like it was being blown by an ethereal wind. All while he stood up and began to move slowly closer to the group of them.

“Stop!” Twilight said standing between Firestorm and Discord. Storm stood there looking at her in a matter that sent chills down her spine. He remained silent for a moment before snapping his fingers to make the music stop. As the music slowed down the screens disappeared in puffs of smoke leaving one. It flew over past Storm and enlarged so everypony could see what was clearly on the screen.

“I'm not going to sugar coat the next bits that I say. So in laymen terms 'viewer desertion is advised.'” He said slowly kneeling down to Twilight and gently whispers into her ear. “I'm sorry what you are about to see.”

“So this is your chaos?” Discord said as he snaked around Firestorm. “While interesting and very delicious chaos, I don't see how it makes you my bet-” He was cut off as the screen showed an atomic explosion from old footage.

“About one hundred forty thousand...” He said grinning as Discord turned to look at the screen.

“One hundred forty thousand what?” Twilight asked as she slowly stepped away from her perspective the silhouette of Firestorm who looked like was staring directly into her soul or at least in her perspective. Most of the rest of them had looked away from the screen. Dash and Rarity being a few that continued to stare in shock. Applejack put her stetson down to cover her view when she was some of the most horrid things she thought she would ever saw. Pinkie's mane deflated as she hugged into the orange earth pony. Fluttershy, in this case, fainted after the first nightmare induced image appeared when Storm appeared from the hole.

“Estimated dead from one attack.” Storm said as the screen changed into a world map of earth before it zoomed in. “It was also a turning point in human history. Our first ever use of an atomic weapon call 'little boy'. With a payload the equivalent of eighteen thousand tons of dynamite, Little boy detonated in Hiroshima. Over half of the estimated dead was from the blast itself. Some leaving only scorch marks of where they were before it went off. The rest of them were from the fallout or radiation that was left in the blast's aftermath.”

“But... why?” Twilight asked as it was hard to come to terms with this information. Even with the evidence being shown to her of clips and news articles that were appearing on the screen behind Storm.

“War, more specifically World War Two. It was used as a measure to either end or shorten the at the time ongoing war and that wasn't the worst as of yet. I can go on and on about war after war. Far worse than anything any pony in Equestria had seen.” His cold nature was really getting to those watching and even Discord would say that some of the things were getting to him. If his pride wasn't a factor in this. He was about having fun, pain at another's expense is one thing, but death is never fun. “As I said, Little boy was a turning point as we learned to make worse and deadlier weapons. Shortly following Little boy the second use of an atomic bomb was used. 'Fat man', while not as deadly mostly due to the location to was detonated and being off target it helps cement the change. Both for the benefit of humans as well as a tool for war.” He explained as he snapped his fingers as to the left of them stood soldiers, tanks, weapons, and many other tools of war with clearly marked 'do not touch, especially you Pinkie'. To the right of him showed many different technologies from laptops from the beginning to modern, the same with computers, medications, cars, forms of entertainments from VCRs to DVDs. “We create and that's the biggest bit of chaos humans have on our side. We create weapons and recreate stories. Fiction and non-fiction alike, fantasy to science fiction. We never stopped their we take simple concepts and changed it. For the better-” He said starting with a fully grown bear before it turned into a stuffed teddy bear. “and for the worst.”

He said snapping his fingers as the bear began to morph into a towering figure who's claws ripped through the soft fabric with long blacken blades with hinged joins. The mouth of it ripped to show mangled steel fangs that were rusted at the tips and reached up to open up the right eye. All that could be seen as a glowing red dot as its feet got the same treatment as its hands. The last part was the torso of it ripped from the previous of it showing a twisted metal rib cage under it and a metallic spin with slight drips of ooze coming from inside of it. “This is where my expertise is, the chaotic nightmares. I'm aware of so many ways of how something innocent can be twisted by greed, lust, and wraith.”

“That is rather unsettling.” Rarity said as Storm waved his right arm and they all disappeared into smoke.

“That's the human race for you. We are unsettling in many aspects but not all of them. Just like how there is a dark side of everything. The truth can be said for the light.” He said snapping his finger as screen after screen showed up showing different cartoons that he grew up with, that was matched with news stories of acts of kindness, of people standing up for what they believe in, and much much more. “I can never fully express how humans work as we ourselves can answer that. Hell many of us spend lives trying to find that answer alone. Even to the point, we try to understand everything, how humans work, how nature works, how the fabric of reality dictates what has come and what's too come. With are imaginative and curious to a fault. That's not even going into beliefs which is a completely different can of worms.” He pulled the screens to his hand before flipping them over with all of them turning into playing cards. “But I believe the point has escaped me, so allow me to put it this way. Do you want to play a game?” With that question, he gave a grin to Discord, a grin that could silence angels.

“What kind of game?” Discord asked with a quizzed look upon his face as his talon scratched his chin.

“A game of One-up.” Storm said grinning as he pulled out a piece of chalk from one of the cards. With a flick behind him, the chalk landed on the grass and began to draw out what looked like a large rectangle evenly placed where Discord and Firestorm were in the direct center of it. It continued to draw as it placed a line down the center starting off the short side. Crossing that line was a circle where it looked like each square that center line made had a half circle in it.


“Rules are simple enough we each take a turn to one-up the other in feats of chaos. All things we create must be made from the ether and not from something changed from already exciting items.” Storm said grinning up at the being towering over him.

“Sounds like fun, here let me get the judges.” Discord said as a box bouncing from the ground and three clones of himself popped up. One of them dressed like a clown, another like a scientist with a lab coat, and the last one wearing a butler's uniform.

“Nice try Discord, no the girls here will be the judges. Which means no mind effects Discord, this is going to be a fair and chaotic fight.” Storm said turned to walk into his square. “And since your the visitor, in this case, you may start this show.” Discord eyed him before grinning as his tail snapped like it was a hand and a buffalo in a tutu doing the dance from Swan Lake as it began to step into the air sideways.

“Top that Stormy.” Discord said as Storm just simply yawned and pulled out a toaster. With a flick, the Toaster landed so the slights to insert the toaster was pointed to the ground. “A toaster, really?” Discord said as he moved to snap his finger.

“It's not over yet.” Storm said as the Toaster began to shake before panels began to break apart till the whole thing turned into what was best described as a mechanical spider and it pointed it's abdomen at Firestorm before it fired a toasty warm blueberry bagel at him. Who caught it with ease and began to munch giving a gesture for Discord to proceed. He cocked an eyebrow at this. “What? I was hungry.” This only earned Storm a roll of Discords eyes as they fell out of his eye into his palms as pink smoke began to flow out of them into a fairly sized cloud that began to rain chocolate milk.

With a smirk, Discord turned to look at Storm as his eyes popped back in like two black balloons being popped. He noticed Storm having a top hat on his head before he removed it with his claw and shook it a bit. In a matter of seconds, a torrential downpour of marshmallows came out of the had as they all rolled off and fused together behind him. They came together in a large towering figure of a marshmallow man in a sailor's outfit with matching blue beret that had the worlds 'stay puff' on the brim of it.

Discord looked up the massive being before him before he snapped his fingers causing the stay puff creature to shrink down to a mouse-size a hole gulped the marshmallow man up with an audible 'ah.' He grabbed the ground around him and like pulling a tablecloth all the ground under the grass turned into a vibrant checkerboard pattern of purples and pinks. The sky followed turning the sky an off lavender. Some of the nearby trees were changed into large candy cane swirls of peppermint with playing card leaves. Floating in the sky were bits of land masses.

Storm yawned a little bit before pulling the top hat off his head again and reached into it. For a moment it looked like he was struggling with something as it pulled him closer up to his shoulder before he pulled out a large stylized paint brush with rapidly changing colored paint already slathered at the end. With a two-handed spinning toss, he threw it as it began to paint the landscape behind him in vibrant cartoonish colors. Popping out of the ground was a massive amount of building in various hues and colors each with a goofy face depicted on them as the land around him began nothing more than a cartoon town. That was before the inhabitants began to show up in masses. Twilight could pick out a few that she knew from Storm showing her some of the materials he grew up with. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Donald Duck, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Road Runner, and many more began to bouncing about the streets as they went on like nothing was wrong. Added to the complete chaos of the landscape behind Storm was cars stretching and contorting to turn around the corners of the road. All leading up to the brush flying back at Storm as it spun through the air. He grinned holding out his right metallic hand to catch it. Of course, he didn't as it collided with his head before it flipped into the air and landed in the overturned top hat that was sitting on the grass. In a flash of colors, the hand grew two large arms and flipped itself over to show a rather imposing face before it used it's arm to throw itself on top of Storm's head. Storm held out his hand as the hat gave him a high five.

Discord growled at this before snapping his fingers with Storm matching his snap with his hand behind his back. The three landscapes around them as the girls were standing on the only oval bit of untouched land began to glitch out. Bits of pixelated distortion and discolored squares littered everything around them. “What in Tartarus just happened?” Discord asked looking around.

“It looks like you broke the game.” Storm asked calmly with a smirk on his face and his eyes closed.

“Enough games.” Discord said as he was visibly turning red from anger.

“Oh yeah?” Storm answered as he continued to smirk and opened his eyes. With a step forward the world around them turned into a cosmos of stars in various colors as Storm and Discord stood on a free-floating piece of glass with the same markings as there area. The only other bit was the floating isle the girls all sat on watching this complete madness transpire. “I believe the stage is still yours.”

Discord looking angrier at Storm's little jabs as he pulled out a bright pink balloon and began to mold it. With a few more balloons of white and black, Discord turning it into a balloon pick with wings that he popped creating a literally flying pig. Storm only at there floating in what looked like a lazy boy style posture. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a sphere that was colored red, dark gray, and white with most of it taken up with the former and latter two colors. A flick of his wrist later the ball bounced on the field and broke open showing a large forming that looked like if someone took a steel ball and split it in half to add a darker metal with seven red circles groups in a two, three, two pattern like a set of eyes. Before they sat two more half spheres on each convex points of the first split sphere. From there two large dark metal arms come out with three red triangles on the knuckles before changing back into the steel metal with three fingers on each hand. The lower half of the being looks like the metal was melted down so it sat flat on top of a metal plate, till it was smoothed out to look like one piece and again on the other side to connect to two stump legs. The being bouncing up and down in a fluid motion all while gave out a cry of its name in a distorted computerized fashion.

Storm smiled as he dropped to the ground with his clothes changing in a flash. Upon his body, he was wearing a black shirt with a red overshirt wide open that had a trip of white at the caller and bottom of the shirt. Upon his legs were lighter blue pants than before and dawned upon his head was a large red cap with a white bit in the front like a panel compared to the rest of the hat with a pin showing his cutie mark on the bottom right corner.

“Registeel use Thunderbolt!” Storm ordered as the being now told to be the Pokemon Registeel's eyes began to flash before its hands came together to form lightning, only for it to leave its hands in a second striking the flying pig making it pop from existence in a cloud of smoke. This was followed by the words 'level up' appear above the Registeel's head. “That's enough of that.” Storm said throwing the ball back at Registeel as it disappears in a flash of energy.

“Are you done playing around?” Discord said snapping his fingers as he began to summon a timber wolf before pulling out giving it the old chrome dip. As the metal coating began to flow over it a second layer giving the metallic beast a hot rod paint job.

“I'm only getting started.” He said jumping up with a backflip showing that he is now in a large black trench coat with the same black undershirt. On his head setting above his angled horn was a pair of goggles that were mostly black except the sky blue lens. Around him, streams of zeros and ones began to appear from the arena as they swirl around him. They then force themselves into his body as a large blacken mass begins to form his back. It didn't take long for it to take shape as red lines began to spread over it in a circlet board like pattern. Behind him stood a massive cyberize werewolf with glowing red claws and eyes. Its long tail began to spark from the energy rushing through it.

Discord smirked as he snapped again as decided to go with the imposing route and darkened his fur, scales, and the rest of him as his mouth began to open wider. His body elongated till it looked like his body was straight out of a horror film Storm would have seen on earth. Storm looked unamused as some of the ponies watch stepped back in a small level of fear.

“Sorry Discord you have no chance now.” Storm said as he was bringing his arm across his chest. With a sweep of his hands, the cosmos around them all shattered into odd shapes as they fell and faded from existence. This was followed by Storm rising into the air now wearing a long sleeve blue karategi or gi for short with a large darker blue juttoku jacket from the Edo period in Japan over it. Out of the sleeves, a torrent of cards flew out behind him and sank into the ground. Spell circles began to litter the ground behind Storm as every creature from just about every game and movie Firestorm knew from earth appeared behind him. From the Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Silent Hill, Final Fantasies, Phantasy Star, and countless other game series joined in before a void of black ink appeared in the distance as two large imposing green tentacles hands appeared with a silhouette of a massive indescribable creature appeared from it. The most they could see of its green slimy face was the tentacles where it's mouth would be and the large madness inducing white orbs that called its eyes. Above it, the moon appeared before a large blacken crack began to spread from the north pole to the southern. Until it shattered leaving another well of black in appearing in the moon itself. A large vertical eye appeared with a violet and red pupil in it. Storm just stood there as not only were the girls looking at the massive set of chaotic creatures behind him and the two larger monsters behind that towered above. Discord was in almost in complete shock as someone had bested him in his own game. Something he wouldn't admit too even if he was threatened with being turned to stone for the rest of his unnaturally long life. “Well, I believe that ends our little game.” Storm said with a smirk as he walked over to Discord and help him pick up his jaw that had literally hit the ground. “So girls, who won?” This was enough to shake Discord out of his shock. He turned to see that all of them but Fluttershy who was still out cold from before were all pointing at Storm. “Thank you thank you.” Storm said as he walked over to a stage appeared to the right of them. Now wearing a tuxedo with a black bow tie. All the creatures that Storm began to clap and applaud Storm as different color roses began to fall onto the stage. “You are all too kind. I would like to thank my mother, my father, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, my lovely marefriend Twilight Sparkle, and-”

“Enough!” Discord said as he wiped it all away leaving them back in the field just like before the game of one up began. “Fine I will admit you know chaos, have you experienced it yourself?”

“Yes.” Storm answered as he crossed his arms looking at Discord.

“Prove it.” Discord shot back with a grin. Storm went silent for a moment as his smirk slowly dipped into a frown as he snapped his fingers. With a flash of light everypony and Discord saw Storm how he was before coming to Equestria with a bright orange shirt, blue jeans, and orange solid shoes with a dark gray bottom. In his hand was an acoustic guitar and with a few steps, moved over to a stump in clear view of all of them. Behind him, a screen appeared as if it was mist. He began to play a few notes as the screen behind him began to show an almost average street from earth. It would have been completely average to all of them but one. Twilight was painfully familiar with this street as two figures walked on the screen. The camera panned with them as the two of them walked. One of them was Firestorm just as he was sitting on the stomp. The other one was a tall fair skinned woman with black hair, she wore a deep purple shirt with blue jeans and saddles. Firestorm began to sing that resonated with all of them including the now conscious Fluttershy, who only woke up right when the music started.

♫♪ Their love were proud, like a love burning without regret. ♪♫

♫♪ They held their hearts, with moments they won't ever forget. ♪♫

♫♪ They watched her take his pain away with every moment in time, but he could never forget the sorrow that swallowed him alive. ♪♫

♫♪ Until that night... ♪♫

♫♪ He walked out into the street and a car blared it's horn, and he froze in sight of it coming. ♪♫

♫♪ It was fast, but this time she was faster. ♪♫

♫♪ With the strength to him right knock off his feet. ♪♫

♫♪ He watched her as the life faded from her eyes. ♪♫

♫♪ With his love gone to the light beyond, and when they buried her beneath the willow. ♪♫

♫♪ The angels sang a lovely lullaby. ♪♫

The song continued as the screen showed that faithful night that never left Storm's memories. He continued to sing the lullaby part of the song. Storm's eyes where completely grayed out as if the life was drained from. He slowly opened his mouth to continue the song before a new female voice picked up the song.

♫♪ His darkness grew but nobody knew how much he blamed himself. ♪♫

♫♪ For years and years, he tried to hide the darkness on his mind. ♪♫

♫♪ He tried to do the right thing every single time, but he never could forgive himself for that one time. ♪♫

♫♪ Until that night... ♪♫

♫♪ He walked between the man before he pulled the trigger, and it sank right into his heart. ♪♫

♫♪ Life is short but this time it was bigger. ♪♫

♫♪ As the strength left had dropped him off his knees. ♪♫

♫♪ They found him with his face down on the concrete, clinging onto his heart for dear life. ♪♫

♫♪ They laid him next to her beneath the willow. ♪♫

♫♪ While the angels sang a lovely lullaby. ♪♫

The new voice made sure she was known as she had walked out of the screen herself wearing what she had on that fateful night. The only difference here was she had two large ethereal white wings. Storm got up and looked at her as the color returned to his eyes. All while she sang the screen showed the very day Storm died on earth. Some of them could only pay attention to the two of them before the screen. It was Twilight, Applejack, Dash, and Pinkie that noticed the events on the screen. Fluttershy and Rarity were too caught up with Jessica and Firestorm looking at each other. Storm let the guitar fade as the song did. His left hand was shaking a bit as she slowly stepped closer to Jessica. It was only a moment as she gently smiled to him that he rushed over and hugged her with all his might. She did the best she could to return it, but being picked up by a person several times bigger than you makes that a bit hard.

“I miss you Jessica” Storm said with tears in his eyes as she gently placed her forehead against his.

“I know Ryhn, so do I.” She said as faded away gently leaving Storm only a few moments before he fell to his knees. Twilight didn't stop a moment as she rushed over to hug her coltfriend as best she could.

“My, my, my, that is rather marvelous use of chaos.” Discord said walking over to the two of them. “Shame it was all for show and nothing else.”

“What do you mean Discord?!” Twilight said with a growl as her eyes showed daggers at the draconequus.

“He means that she wasn't really here Twilight.” Storm said as he looked over to her. “It was a little wish fulfillment on my part. If I wanted too I could have really brought her back, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.” He continued as he slowly got up before he turned to Discord. “You have your proof Discord.”

“Why yes I do, course I wouldn't have been all sappy about some mare for no reason.” Discord side with a shrug. He didn't watch Storm as his right claw began to clench into a ball.

“Hey, Discord?” Storm said as his form returned to the chaotic one from before.

“Yes Stormy?” Discord said as he had his back turned to him so he bent his spine ninety degrees to look at him in the face.

“Watch out for bats.” Storm said grinning as a shadow covered his face leaving it looking a Cheshire grin in a sea of black.

“What?” Was all Discord got out before Storm spun into a twister in a matter of seconds before coming out of it with a large metallic red baseball bat with hot rod flames painted on it, in a batters stances with the sound of a shotgun getting cocked. In only a second later his red eyes flashed and he nailed Discord right in the face with the bat as it sent him right into a tree. Unfortunately for the draconequus, he didn't have enough time to counter the attack that had now rendered him unconscious.

“Don't... piss off... the dragon.” Storm said breathing hard as his eyes looked like there was literal fire behind them.


“Storm!” Twilight yelled for not the first time as after all of us deposited Discord at Fluttershy's cottage.

“Yes, Twilight?” I said as the two of us walked down the street of Ponyville. She still had her element Tiara on her head while I was now sporting a full cloak that had most of my body hidden under it. The only thing that was visible was my tail that swished back and forth as I walked and my wings that were sticking out the back of the cloak.

“We really need to talk about what happened back there.” She said as she was trying to keep up with me. Which is the bad part of having shorter legs than I did currently.

“Why? Discord was hoisted by his own petard.” I answered as everypony else didn't really react to me walking around. Part of it must have been from them knowing who I was or they were jaded from everything that happens in this town.

“Why did you taught Discord like that?” She asked before she gave a huff. “And will you please slow down.” I gave only a sigh and took slower steps.

“For a few reasons.” I began as I kneeled down to be closer to her eye level. “One I needed to know how far Discord's level of knowledge went. Two, I wanted to see if I could goat him into lending me a bit of his magic. Oddly enough that worked a bit too well.” I said taking a moment to scratch the back of my head. “None the less, and three I have use of his magic after I had a quick study of it.”

“But what if Princess Celestia find out you did this?” She asked looking nerves at that thought alone.

“She already knows,” I answered and that got Twilight to look up at me in horror. “Let me explain, Celestia, Luna, and I talked about this. I wanted to see if I could do this and lucky enough it worked. I'm supposed to write a report about Chaotic magic and how it works. In turn, I'm allowed to use this to do a few things, one of them is to find some of the other books. The fact of the matter is that Chaotic magic is rather easy to understand once you can wrap your head.” I said as I held out my left hand creating a flame of chaos. Unlike normal fire and dragon fire, this fire changes from different patterns and colors at its own whim. With a flick of my harmonious magic, a magical flame appears in an equivalent size. “I have full control over both styles of magic, which granted it puts me in a unique position.”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked looking up at me.

“Has any pony outside of Starswirl and Discord ever use Chaotic magic?” I asked.

“Not without destructive results.” She asked.

“Yet right here I'm showing you that I have a clam control of it.” I moved both flames together till they touched. As soon as they did they sucked into each other creating a unique ball of flames. They swirled around each other keeping them equal distance apart, but never completely either. “I've learned to balance the two, I can't say that I will still retain this balance once I give up the chaotic magic.”

“Than why give up the magic?” Twilight asked.

“Because I don't want it after I use it for what I need,” I answered as we continue on our way back to the library.

“That doesn't answer the question, why do you want to give up that power? From what I've seen of you, you would keep whatever power you could to keep those you care about safe. Why is this chaotic magic any different?” She asked.

“I would be too tempted to rely on it. Which would mean it could have the upper hand on me.” I answered as the ball of flames disappear into smoke.

“Explain.” She requested.

“Ever heard the saying 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'?” I asked as we made it to the door, I moved over to open the door for Twilight.

“Thank you, and yes I have. Are you afraid that if you may be corrupted by it?” She asked as she walked past me.

“There is no may about it, I know it will,” I answered with a matter of fact tone.

“How do you know?” She asked after I ducked to walk in.

“Besides human nature and history, I do have the personified version of my own self-hatred as an entity in my body. Gee, I wonder if someone who has shown no restraint trying to get what he wants is suddenly corrupted by chaotic magic. Kind of screams bad idea. No offense to you Shadow.” I said.

“None taken, I would worry about the same thing in your hooves,” Shadow answered.

“I see your point...” Twilight said as I snapped my fingers and my cloak disappeared.

“Mind if I use the lab downstairs?” I asked.

“Can... can I help?” She asked.

“I wouldn't mind but what about Discord?” I asked.

“Well... I can bring all the books with the reform spell and you can help me figure out which one you think may help.” She said with a small nervous smile. I could help but lean down and pick up Twilight gently.

“I would love too,” I said as her horn lit up. Quite a number of books floated out of the shelves and followed the two of us down into the lab. Twilight helped me clear off her center table so the both of us could work. The report was rather simple enough. Breaking chaotic magic down while seems rather hard to do with the unpredictable nature of it. That's the thing, there is no such thing as random and with that idea in mind I began to feel out the magic itself. Funny thing about how the two different magics work. Normal unicorn and alicorn magic are based on formulas and patterns. It was taking the spell and translating it into a form you could understand. Twilight has it in mathematical formulas, while I see them in shapes. Chaos magic at its core is like a random number generator and those I found how it works.

Well... it was more like a random shape generator for the most part but those shapes could be broken down into a number. Much like how Pluto theorized that the world was made with intelligence and purpose so everything could be broken down into numbers. Which while many believe that I hold part of that to be true. Magic from what I've seen of both sides of this scale can be broken down into base numbers. Which is how I can understand and balance the two. In the same way, I could make them cancel out the other, much like how Celestia prevented Discord from taking the Elements of Harmony she pretty much made the spell that would cancel out Discord's spell to take them. In my case, I could easily do what Discord can't, but I won't. More so because I have a moral ground on this and they aren't really mine, or I don't have a reason to really do it that I agree with. I'm getting a little off topic, as I was saying about chaotic magic. Once you understand that the magic itself is number based you can easily see how to manipulate it. In my case, I can change the numbers into shapes and colors that I want. Even to the point, I can do it to others. I mean right now I could turn Twilight a different color or into... a different... species... that's a thought.

“Storm why are you looking at me like that?” Twilight asked and I didn't notice I was staring at her as she was looking at me over from above the book that was floating in front of her face.

“Sorry... rouge thought popped into my head,” I said looking back down to my fifteen-page break down of chaotic magic.

“What is it?” She asked floating the books away from her for a moment.

“It's nothing important, just a silly thought.”

“It can't be that silly for you to give me that thousand-millimeter stare.” She said with her eyebrow-raising.

“Just... I guess I wondered what you would look like as a different species...” I said the end of that a timidly. She blinked for a moment before she magically set the books down into an ordered pile.

“Explain.” She requested, well it more sounded like an order if anything.

“Well... I mean look at me right now. I'm a chaotic satyr with drony as a base. I'm technically a different species than just a drony or human. I never thought I would be an orange dralicorn with a brunette mane and tail. I mean it's just a thought of what would myself or others look like in a different species. It's like an art idea where some artist would take an object or an animal and see what they would look differently. Some would anthropomorphic, others would make them living or another species. Some would blend the two of object and animal. Sometimes the idea leads off into other things. Like, say a human suddenly being turned into data. That launched into the Tron series and others just like that.” I explained.

“Tron?” Twilight asked.

“It was a movie, then it became two games and another movie. Not counting a television show and I think there were a few books. I'm not completely sure on that last part.” I explained.

“Books... like one's from... earth?” She asked.

“Eeyup,” I answered going back to finishing my report to Celestia. No offense to the regent of the sun, but I really never thought I would have to do another homework assignment as long as I lived. Okay granted, this is now my second life and I had died. So maybe this was the universes way of biting me for that comment... that jerk. “Honestly if I told you roughly how many different books we had and versions of the same book. You probably go into shock.” Once I had it done I magically placed it into a folder and with a clear label on it. With that, I began to go with one of my side projects before the main ones.

“Please tell me.” She begged.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked as the magic began to go to work.

“Because there is so much I could learn from them.”

“Even when you don't have access to any beyond what is on my tablet.” I shot back.

“You have some on your tablet!” She said with the biggest set of dawning notice eyes I've ever seen. Frankly, it was a little creepy to see this coming from my marefriend. How short-lived as it was before she popped from existence and popped back with my tablet in her magically grip. I reached over and grabbing it out of her magic.

“Twilight, remember you have to deal with Discord first,” I answered back returning the Tablet back into my bag with a flick of magic.

“But... the books.”

“Later,” I said feeling like I was scolding a child or something. This is going to be one of those days, isn't it?

“Alright...” Twilight said sounding a little dejected. Now I feel like a complete heel now, fuck...

“Twilight listen... I didn't mean to sound like I was scolding you. Just... look. I know you're worried about all this going on. Between Discord, Celestia, the worry about things getting out of hoof, and so forth. I get you need a distraction from those thoughts bouncing around into you reach madness.” I said sitting down on the floor so I could be closer to Twilight. She came over to me and sat down looking directly at me.

“I am worried about all this, and I admit I may have overdone it with the distractions. I just... if I don't. I get too absorbed into what I'm trying to do that I lose sight of important things. That and seeing what I did...” She let out a sigh. “Was... was that when you... died?” She asked.

“Oh... when I sang the second time?” I asked as I began to rub the prosthetic elbow with my left hand. It was something I use to do when I only had injured elbow as a human.

“Yeah...” She was rather lugubrious about this.

“Sorry, you saw that,” I said.

“What... what happened?”

“That day?” She only nodded this time as she looked up to me. “Not much to say really, I was just walking around waiting for my friends to come into town as it took them a few days to get there. So I ended up going to this store I normally did. Mostly because I knew the owner at the time and we were pretty good. That and he would pay me to help fix his computer when I could. Anyway, that day I went to pick up a pop from the back and right than someone decided to hold up the store.”

“Hold up?” She asked a little confused.



“Yeah, anyway. The guy was rather built compared to me and he was threatening people with a gun. It was that thing he was holding. Think crossbow but a lot more powerful.” That got Twilight to shiver at the thought. “Well one woman or mare to scream in fear. He didn't like to hear that so he threatened her that he would fire if she didn't stop. I stepped in and said I would try to help. Mostly I did it as a rouse for him to drop his guard. When I thought it was dropped enough I went in to disarm him. As you can tell... didn't go as planned.”

“Than he...”

“Shot me... yeah. The truth was I only had maybe a few moments to feel the pain before the cold set in. I didn't see my life flash before my eyes or anything besides that. Just pain followed by crushing cold numbness.” I said remembering that day.

“I...” She was beginning to tear up a little. I gently brought her closer and held her as best I could.

“I know your sorry Twilight, and think about it this way. If that didn't happen... we would have never met.” I said as I gently rubbed her back.

“But... why did it have to be like that?” She asked looking up at me.

“Because that's just how the universe decided it to be,” I said gently smiled trying to help lighten the mood a little.

“Well, the universe is a jerk.” She said as she leaned up so we were eye to eye.

“I know,” I said gently resting my head against hers.

“That jerk.” We said at the same time and I couldn't help it. I began to giggle, and Twilight followed soon after.


“Do you this is wise?” Twilight asked.

“Honestly... that is a good question,” I said going over the floating form before us.

“That doesn't answer my question.” She shot back.

“I know, and I can't say if it was wise or not. I'm kind of fifty-fifty on it. I mean yeah it's made with both harmonious and chaotic magic. So... I can't really say.” I said looking over it.

“I still can't believe it worked.” She said looking up at it form the large green chair.

“Tell me about it, especially with all of the things we put into it. The spell lenses, the power supply-”

“That scanners and data storage drives-”

“Don't forget the sound system and displays. It's a work of art.” I said grinning up at it.

“What do we call it?” She asked looking over at me.

“Hmm... it can't be something tacky.”

“But it can't be verge either.” She said rubbing her chin with her hoof. “How about Pha?”


“Personal Hovering Assistant?”

“Oh god no.”

“What's wrong with that?”

“Do you know how that sounds? Hey, Pha can you get me that book? Hey, Pha take a note. It sounds odd... What about Hermes?”


“Yeah, if my memory serves me. Hermes in Greek mythology was the god of commerce. Mostly known as the messenger of the gods to the mortal realm. So it kind of makes sense.” I said.

“While interesting, I don't see why we should call this Hermes?”

“Well... I thought it sounded cool having my assistant called Hermes.”

“Storm this is a breakthrough in magical technology. Not some toy.” She said scolding me now.

“But Twilight, I mean look at this face,” I said bring it down to look at her. “It's sleek round body with to matching chrome rectangular stabilizers that open up to a multiple of tools. Not counting the simplistic screen so it can show how it feels. I mean look it's giving you the puppy dog eyes.” I said and indeed it was given two white puppy dog eyes on its green screen. Twilight looked at the thing and I could tell she was losing to it. She tried to look away by looking up past at me. Only for me to return the favor with my own set of puppy dog eyes. She winced a little and tried to turn another way.

“Fine, we can all um... him Hermes.” She said and I couldn't help but act like a kid.

“Yay!” I said which was followed by a little victory tune from the newly named Hermes. “He even likes it, double yay.”

“What am I going to do with the two of you?” Twilight asked.

“Well... love me and enjoy Hermes' company?” I asked.

“Outside of the obvious” She commented with a smirk.

“Hmm... good question,” I said before snapping my finger. “I know, science!” I gave one of that little showmanship kind of stances as a neon sign appeared with the word 'science' above me. Twilight snorted a bit at that and then began to chuckle.

“You are a goofball, you know that?”

“That's lovable goofball,” I said with a smirk.

“Okay, I think somepony is pushing it.” She said and I couldn't help but smile. I sat back down quietly against the wall as that took a lot out of me blending two types of magic with a lot of techs. Honestly, I wasn't a hardware kind of pony, so I just let the chaotic magic take the rains on how its suppose to work. Lucky for both of us we made schematics of Hermes in case of being broken or needs general repairs. With a flick of magic, a napkin appeared out of the ether so I could wipe my brow. “Storm are you alright?” Twilight asked trotting over to me.

“Yeah, mixing three different mediums like that took a lot out of me magically. Especially to get it as perfect as we could get it.” I answered with a slight smile.

“Do you need me to get anything?”

“Not really, I just need a breather before I go about my main goal,” I said leaning my head against the cool wood behind me.

“What was your main goal?” She asked.

“It's those black books.” That got Twilight's ears to shot up before they flattened back.

“What do you plan to do with those?” She asked.

“I have to study them and I only have access to one of them,” I said looking at her as she gave a shiver.

“I don't like those books Storm.” She said.

“I know, after the translation spell mishap you didn't want to go near that book.”

“Yeah...” She said gently rubbing her right foreleg with her left.

“Something the matter Twilight?”

“Its... nothing big.” She said nervously.

“It is otherwise you wouldn't do what I normally do when I'm nervous.” I pointed out with my right claw. She noticed and placed her leg back down.

“That book... doesn't feel right.” She said.

“Honestly I would be surprised if you said otherwise,” I commented with a shrug.

“I'm serious Storm, something about those books done feels right.” She said looking at me seriously.

“Twilight are you familiar with the major arcana?” I asked.

“Do you mean the book Major Arcana and spells for the advance?” She asked.

“No, I mean the tarot cards set of major arcana,” I asked.

“No...” She asked looking at me.

“Well to give you a very basic version of this. They are part of a set of tarot cards from earth that was used to tells one future. It was split off into the major and minor sets. The minor having the Swords, Cups, Wands, and one other I'm blanking on. That is not important, the major arcana is the kicker here. They were the major tellers of what was going on. Depending on how the card was displayed. As upright and upside down had two different meanings.” I started to explain.

“I'm failing to see what this had to do with that book.” She asked looking at me.

“The black books are based off the major arcana set.”

“How do you know this?” She asked eyeing me as I snapped my finger. In a flash, both Twilight and I were back in the pyramid in Saddle Arabia. Specifically in front of the drawing showing the major arcana from the puzzle chamber surrounding a symbol that could roughly translate into The Dark One.

“This here is how I know. These twenty-two symbols all correspond with the major arcana. This one here.” I said pointing to the same one as the book I owned. “Is my book.”

“What does it mean?” She asked looking over it like she was trying to study it.

“My book?” I asked more to clarify and she nodded. “My book is the thirteenth book, Death.” She shivered at that.

“How do you know it's that book?”

“Mostly from context and content. The book itself mostly houses spells and spell fragments around death and the preventing of it. As the right side up death card means 'change, transformation, and transition.' The reverse means 'inertia, resistance to change, unable to move on.' Makes sense when you consider that I used a spell fragment to keep myself alive.” I said.

“What do you mean to keep yourself alive?” She asked looking at me.

“Remember when I was in a coma after the tunnel collapse?” She nodded as her ears flattened back again. “Grimwand was trying to kill me in my dreams, literally. It was only because I used the fragment to augment my shield spell into a soul shield spell. I was able to stay alive.”

“But what happened to Grimwand?” She asked.

“Captured and detained where he can't hurt anypony again,” I answered coldly as my right claw began to the creek a little from how hard I was gripping it

“I... does the princesses know?” She asked.

“Yes... all of them.” I took a few moments to calm down. “But as I was saying” I continued before with another snap brought us back to the library basement. “The other books are still out there and I'm going to try and bring them to me.”

“How?” She asked.

“I'm familiar with one book, so using both magics. I'm going to try and bring the books to me. I may fail, but there is no harm in trying right?” I asked with shrug.

“Well there could be a magical backlash and you've been speaking to Celestia knows what for weeks on end. Not counting that it is chaotic magic and is very unpredictable in nature, combined with a book that doesn't let any but those connected to them read it. It could lead to a completely massive creator where our home once was.” She counted.

“It's possible but unlikely. If it makes it feel better I will try it while you and Spike are out checking on Discord. Which speaking of that, he probably will be waking up soon since we've been here for a few hours at least.” I said pulling back my sleeve to show a Firestorm watch which has my right prosthetic claw as an hour hand and my hoof as a minute hand.

“Your right, and when we get back. I want to try and look for a reforming spell just in case. I rather have a fail-safe.” She said looking up at me.

“Hope for the best-”

“And plan for the worst.” She finished with a smirk.

“That's my smart unicorn,” I said gently reaching over and scratching behind her ear. She blushed for a moment before she melted in my claws at my scratching.

“I can't get enough of this.” She almost purred out.

“Well if you hurry up, I'll give you more,” I said stopping and slowly getting up.

“Aw, no fair.” She pouted.

“All's fair in love and war Twilight,” I said as I cracked my neck.

“I'll remember that.” She said with a smirk.

“I hope you do, but enough stalling. You have a 'lord of chaos' to check on. It wasn't much longer after that, for Twilight and Spike to leave. Mostly it took magically pulling Spike out of his bed to get him to leave. Seems he was pretty scared of Discord. Surprising enough that he wasn't freaked out at me or about the things I did. Maybe it's that whole brother aspect that I agreed too, or maybe he understands that I'm way too protective to go full on ham when showboating against Discord. Finally having the basement to myself, Hermes not counting of course as he floated in and out with books. It seems that some of Twilight's organization got into his programming. Which is fine with me, I watched him magically pick up books and such with the spell lenses we equipped him with. Only to set them in shelves or on tables where they go. With a flap of my wing, my book appeared out of the ether as it always did when I wanted it too. Much to Twilight's annoyance at the time.

I let my magic wash over it so I could get a feel of the books magic. More like trying to find a root word or phrase to do a search for on a computer. It took maybe a few minutes to find what I would count for it. That's when the fireworks began to go off. Not in the pyrotechnics kind of way, the more like the bells and whistles kind of way. While they all were annoying as all hell to hear, they did do what was needed. A sizable stack of black identical books appeared before me on the desk. The only noticeable difference from the cover was the symbol on the spine. It took a bit of focus to cut all sounds in the room so that damn annoying orchestra of noise in the room would stop.


Later that night in Canterlot, Princess Celestia slowly made her way to her private bedroom. From dealing with the now reformed Discord in Ponyville. All thanks to Fluttershy who used the aspects of his only friend against him, in a unique power play. Down to the nobles whining about safety in Canterlot for the hundredth time since the last noted Firestorm attacked event. She was rather tired of the day and wanted to let her mane down. She slowly entered the door that was embossed with her cutie-mark, into her rather spacious bedroom. The large purple walls the surrounded her reminded her of Luna, especially during that time when her sister was gone. With a flick of magic, the room began to glow with an orange hue as the fireplace began to light. Her door shut behind her as the guards posted at the entrance did for her every time. She gave a relaxed sigh as she began to float off her regalia and crown. She stopped with them in mid-air.

“Come out Discord.” She said with a serious tone.

“Not Discord Celestia.” A familiar voice said from the shadows in the far end of the room. She turned to see two red diamonds float in the darkness. One larger than the other.

“Who's there?” She asked as she let her crown and regalia drop to the float with a light thump against the velvet carpet.

“I will give you three guesses-” it began to say.

“Hello, Firestorm.” She said relaxing with a comforted sigh. “Don't scare me like that.” Silence followed that statement as the two diamonds didn't move, and almost looked like it didn't blink either. “What are you doing in my chambers at this hour?”

“I figured what I needed to say was something you rather have in a private setting.” He said as a snap could be heard and a ripple ran a crossed the room covering it in a thin layer of magic.

“What is that?” She asked as Firestorm still in his more chaotic form stepped out. Just like before Storm was in the long sleeve blue karategi with the large darker blue juttoku jacket again. She watched quietly as she tried to hide the tense shift in her body language. She saw the look on Storm's face and it told her that he was less than pleased at the moment.

“The black books.” He growled a bit.

“What about the... wait... books?” She asked in a cold shiver.

“Yes, as in multiple. As in the ones you've had for a while now.” He said as his wings seem a little tense.

“I do not know what you mean.” She said trying to stand the rapidly disappearing ground she had. He bore his teeth a little as they were more like fangs at this point. With a snap of his finger, fourteen books appeared, check as black bound as the last. All for them to open up to see a familiar marking to Celestia. The stylized sun and moon symbol of the Canterlot Private Archives. The very same ones that only a few have access too, either being the ruling alicorns or the highest ranking castle mages.

“Don't play dumb with me Celestia. You knew about these books for years. You had to have figured out about the black books while Grimwand was still in his original body. Which I could understand you tried to keep them hidden to the public. I would if I was in your hooves.” He said as the books floated over to him.

“Yes, I did do that.” She said eyeing him. “But why do you have them now?”

“Oh see since I have some of Discord's power after I had goat-ed him into giving it to me.” He said calming and that got Celestia's eyes to widen a bit. Truth be told she never thought that he would be able to get Discord to willingly give another his magic. It was the only reason she agreed to his idea in the first place. Storm pulled out a stack of twenty papers that he sat on her desk that laid against the far wall. “The report as I promised. As I was saying after I did it, I used it's power to find these books, the unattached books. Since the ones that are attached to another can't be summoned like that. They make a rather loud sound when you try to do that.”

She knew about that as she had tried to do the same thing hundreds of years before. “What have you found out.”

“Oh, plenty, especially a very interesting tidbit that I wasn't aware of.” He commented as he walked over to a very blank wall in the room. Which is in itself isn't strange, Celestia didn't want too many things on her walls as she kept most of her photos on shelves. With a flick of his wrist, the wall opened up to show an interesting little out cove. “Namely the fact that you are connected to a book as well.”

“How did you-”

“Another has paid my price.” He growled looking at the regent of the sun with a bit of anger.


“This whole fucking time, you had these books. You played off the fact that you knew nothing about these books until I said something to you, Luna, and Cadence. All while you had theses fucking hidden from me.” His wings slightly flared from his anger as he had grabbed the black book that was sitting in the out cove. “I told you about what I found in Saddle Arabia. I told you what I suspected about their connection to 'The Dark One'. All the while you fucking had these things under my nose and didn't have the gall to fucking tell me you had them.”

“I forgot I had them.” She said trying to defend herself.

“Lying isn't going to save you on this one.” He said before turning towards the shadows again. “Come out.” He ordered and in a few moments, two unicorns came out of the shadows dawned in the crimson and gold accented robes of the Canterlot Mages.

“We're sorry Princess.” the elder of the two, one that was in the latter years of his life with his now dusty brown coat and graying mane said with a scared look upon his face.

“It's not your fault Wavered Cane.” She said looking at them before she turned to look at Firestorm.

“I already know that after Vermon's first attack you had them study the books.” He growled.

“Yes... yes I did. How did you get them to talk?” She asked.

“He showed us some unspeakable things.” the other one a mare with a cherry red coat with a velvet mane and tail done up into buns.

“I showed them The Dark One as it looked on that day.” He said growling.

“You didn't need to show my little-”

“Our little ponies Celestia.” Storm corrected. “They aren't just yours. While you may have the age on the rest of us. You don't get to play the almighty card here.”

“I wanted to protect my... our little ponies.” She said stopping to correct herself.

“By leaving the one whose destiny is to the fact this thing in the dark? Excuse me 'princess', but how's that going to save them?” He asked being rather sarcastic using her title.

“I...” She said before signing and dropping down to where she was sitting on the floor. “I just wanted to help.”

“Help? You wanted to fucking help by leaving me in the fucking dark?” He said as his fists were shaking as his anger began to rise. “Are you fucking stupid Celestia?! You could have avoided this by saying that you had a few of the books after the events with Grimwand. That would have been the end of this as I would have asked if I could look over them, but no. You had to think you knew what the fuck you were doing. You've had over a thousand years to rule, and what did you do? You fucking toyed with ponies. You did it to me, you did it with some of those under you, and you fucking did it to Twilight.” That got Celestia to look a little more surprised.

“I never-” She tried to say.

“Bullshit, the stars will aid her in her escape.” That got her to shut her mouth with a snap. “Oh didn't think I would have figured that out. It wasn't talking about star metal and Nightmare Moon. It was all about Twilight and Luna.”

“I... I never had.”

“Bullshit again Celestia. You fucking knew it, as you had known about that from Starswirl's little time travel prophesy. You know that Nightmare moon was coming back so you sent Twilight to free your sister as you knew she would. Kind of hard to miss the dots when they stare right at you in the face. Especially when you were there when she got her cutie-mark and everything. You may think your cleaver Celestia, but you aren't when you're pitted against someone who can make the same leaps in logic.” He turned to the two other ponies in the room who was both scared and confused. “You two can leave now. Speak nothing of this.” Storm ordered as the two nodded in fear and left in haste.

“What now?” Celestia asked as she stood back up.

“That's easy, I'm going to go back to Ponyville and I'm going to finish studying these books. Since I can't take yours with me I'm going to leave it here.” He said tossing it at her hooves.

“And as for... us.” She asked a little nervous.

“As for us.” He said with a pause staring directly into her eyes. “Don't try to contact me for a while. I'm rather pissed at this and if you wish to finally play ball. I will be with Twilight but don't expect me to forgive you easily, if at all. I may have forgiving you if I was on earth, but since I've gotten here. I'm not the same being as I was there.” He said with a growl as with a snap he was gone with the other books. Leaving the regent of the sun alone in her room. With a heavy sigh, she magically pulled up her black book from the ground and looked at it for a long time. Her thoughts weighed heavily on her mind before she went to set the book back in silence in its out cove. She was afraid of him figuring out that she help that from him, and what his reaction would be to it.

She never had expected the level of controlled anger that he presented to her. Even when he would have yelled at her, which she knew she deserved. She just wished that he had struck her for what she did wrong, even when she knew he wouldn't do that to her. Outside of sparing or self-defense, of course. She sat there lost in thought looking at the book before she closed the out cove and went to bed. She had stuff she needed to do now. To help protect her... their little ponies and to make amends for what she had done.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 39 - Distractions

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Chapter 39 – Distractions

It had been a few days from the visit to Celestia. I had left Twilight a note through Hermes that I was going to Canterlot to meet with her and that it was royal business. Which was enough for Twilight not to ask. From what I could guess was that Celestia used the same set of words with her before and she knew not to ask. After that, I got further into my study of the black books. For a special set of protection, I had magically created a safe that only I could open. I had Rarity and Twilight both try to open it magically and Applejack with brute force. No luck on any front, and even Discord tried his talon at it. No luck, and he couldn't even peek into it much to my own amusement.

That amusement slowly turned into annoyance when Discord started to bug me about what was in the safe. So much so that only my book was about to be out at any time for me to work on. That being said after a few swings of my chaos bat, it got the message across not to piss with me. Granted Fluttershy wasn't too happy when I brought Discord back over to her cottage out cold for the third time, but he needed to be taught a lesson. Don't piss with me when I'm working. I don't think that is too hard of a thing to remember, right?

Regardless, once I was left alone to work I had found out a few things. While I can see the text in an understandable language. My phone can not and neither can I when I'm looking over it through it. The reason this was interesting was when I found out that this book was a lot craftier than I gave it credit. It seems the image that seemed out of place I found during my first day of looking through it. Was only half of it. With both my phone and a quill, ink, and a piece of parchment. I was able to recreate the image in a whole. Sadly it didn't help much expect it showed part of the symbol to what I could guess is the dark one. So not only did somepony have to have someone who can read it, they needed somepony who can't. This gave me an idea that I had to dismiss as even if I did have all of the books, trying to piece it together would take way longer.

“God I miss computers from earth,” I said sagging in my chair as the notes I've made fly into the folder I put together. I ran my right prosthetic through my mane as I tried to figure out what to do next. I needed to step away from this for a little bit and I didn't want to resort back to chaos magic to entertain myself again. After the first time trying to get a better understanding beyond my bare bone basic understanding of it. Twilight had put her hoof down and said no more chaos in the library. I nodded in agreement and popped into the branches of the library. Technically it wasn't in the library, I was just on top of the library. I digress, even I got bored of chaos and wanted to go back to normal. With a few snaps of chaos, I was able to do a few key things. One I changed out my prosthetic was, namely that I used a few of my scales and infused the metal with it. So now my prosthetic could withstand the same temperatures as I could. I gave it an MP3 player with headphone port, and I gave myself a hidden blade that I could use if left unarmed. After that, I had a prosthetic sent to me and with a bit of pushing and pulling. I trapped all of the chaotic magic Discord gave me in the second prosthetic that I also kept in the safe.

I wasn't going to give up a trump card like that if it means protecting those I care about the most. Just even I have my limits when it comes to things. With that, I gave Twilight one last night with me as a satyr that she enjoyed to her and my fullest. After that night I drank the antidote and I returned to my draconic equine form. I have to admit, I missed walking around on my hooves. Don't get me wrong walking on two legs was great and everything, but after almost a year of being a quadruped. You get used to being it all the time and you end up missing it when you aren't it anymore. That and I didn't have to worry about smacking my head on the doors anymore. I stretched out on the bed a little as I wanted to relax my mind from the puzzle at my hooves figuratively. All while Hermes floated around scanning through books to put into his database. My ear twitched a little as I learn the sound of hooves come up the stairs.

“Storm?” Twilight asked from my guessing was the doorway.

“Up here Twilight,” I answered trying to relax.

“Ah, there you are.” She said before I felt the bed shift to the side a little as she joined me on the bed. “I thought you were in the basement still.”

“I had to take a break or I was going to drive myself nuts,” I said before moving the pillow from my eyes. “This mystery is just so aggravating,” I said turning to look at Twilight.

“I know the feeling. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in a problem that you try to stretch what can and can't be done about it. Until you get into the realms of the impossible because you're obsessed with it.”

“Yeah, it's just each time I think I get closer to an answer. Five more questions pop up in its place and it's hard to understand it all. Between trying to translate the text by hoof and getting a better understanding of the bigger picture. It's just...” I let out a sigh.

“It's hard to see the finish line right?” She asked as she moved to lay down next to me.

“Yeah,” I said as I brought her closer to me. She smiled as I placed my foreleg around her. “The problem is this is leading me into doing something I'm not sure I'm prepared for.”

“Oh?” She asked moving to get a better look at me.

“Yeah because I get that it will be a great boon to me, but I'm worried about what could happen.”

“What is it?”

“Returning to earth,” I said and she sat up to look directly at me.



“What's the problem?”

“Well... I'm a little scared of what will happen. Because I promised you that I would take you, Luna wants to go and see it for herself, and well... Lyra's Lyra.” I said moving to sit up as well.

“Why would Lyra be going?”

“It's well... Remember when I talked about how it feels to have your dream within your reach only to be taken from you. This kind of feels like I'm the one doing it. So I had decided that if I did have to go back to earth that she could come as long as she could behave herself. Which much like asking Pinkie to not be Pinkie. It's kind of hard to wrap your head around.”

“I can see that, but Lyra can be a very calm pony.” Twilight tried to defend.

“At times,” I answered.

“Remember when she broke in here after my transformation into a satyr because it was as close to human as she could see,” I answered remembering that night. Having that mare stand over you while you're trying to sleep was outright creepy.

“Yeah, I was kind of surprised how far you threw her,” Twilight said as leaned against me gently.

“Well, it was four in the morning and after a long day. I think I was a little entitled to be shortly fused.”

“I'm not saying you were wrong, but she landed in the Founder's Fountain. That's by Sugar Cube Corner and even for a pony, that is some distance. I don't think even Big Mac and throw a pony that far.” Twilight said.

“Honestly, I could see him being able to. From I was told he was able to drag a house through town.” I said running my claw through my mane.

“But he was under the effects of a love poison,” Twilight said.


“We've kind of devolved from our original conversation.” She said turning to look up at me.

“I know... just. I need to think this through and plan ahead.”

“A stallion after my own heart.” I gently leaned over and kissed Twilight on the cheek. “So what would you like to do to-” Twilight began to say before a knock at our door downstairs cut her off. “I wonder who that could be?” The three of us went downstairs to find Spike had already opened the door for Luna.

“Luna? What brings you all the way down to Ponyville?” I asked.

“A few matters I would like to discuss with Twilight Sparkle and yourself.” She said stepping in.

“Spike if you don't mind getting us some tea,” Twilight asked.

“Can do Twilight.” He said running off into the kitchen. We went over to the sofa and chairs that we set up.

“So... what's up, Luna?” I asked as I wrapped my wing around Twilight.

“First, I wanted to ask what did you and my Sister talk about a few nights ago?” She asked.

“I'm guessing she didn't tell you?”

“She said it was a rather private matter.”

“Than I will have to respect her wish on this. I'm sorry Luna.” I answered a little coldly as I was still pretty sore about that night. Honestly, I wouldn't have been so angry about it if she told me she had the books. I will admit that I didn't think about asking her.

“I figured as much,” Luna said with a sigh.

“Is... everything alright?” Twilight asked.

“My sister has been a little down in the dumps I believe the saying is.”

“It is,” I answered.

“Storm... can you please?” Twilight asked looking up at me with a please say something.

“I'm sorry Twilight, I can't. Both at the fact that it's a rather sore subject that the two of us discussed that night. I won't say more beyond that.” I said giving only a little context. “What were the other matters you wish to talk about?”

“It's about this year's Grand Galloping Gala,” Luna said floating a folder over to me.

“Grand what-what?” I asked a little confused.

“The Grand Galloping Gala is the premier event in Canterlot where a lot of the nobles gather.” Twilight began to explain.

“Sounds like something I would like to avoid,” I said quietly.

“Why?” Twilight said a little surprised.

“Because if the nobles are anything like those I've seen during day and night courts. Then I would lose my mind.” I said.

“While I agree with Storm on this matter. They don't come to us for proposals. Well... business ones have ever.” Luna said and I only face hoofed.

“I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what about the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“My sister and I wish for you to host it this year.”

“Why?!” I asked in shock.

“It was a means as your coming out.” Please don't finish that with 'out of the closet'.

“Coming out?”

“In the royal sense.” I could help but sigh quietly.

“Can I please have context,” I said rubbing the bridge of my muzzle with my claws trying to not lose my shit over being stuck in a place I rather not be.

“A lot of the nobility in Canterlot have parties and gatherings so they come out. More for those that aren't used to the limelight.” Twilight explained.

“So all this for me to be front and center? I'm sorry but I don't get how this all screams a good idea.” I said not really like this.

“A lot of the nobility is worried after all they have heard,” Luna said.

“What have they heard?” I asked maybe a little colder than I should have.

“While some of them worry that you won't be a strong leader after the many attacks you've suffered through. Others think that you are too hard on businesses. Also, some rather nasty rumors that I'm afraid to say Blueblood had started from your confrontations with him.” Luna said with the last one more filled with shame than anything.

“So because I've had the shit kicked out of me, pretty much tell were some of the business owners during my two times during court where to shove it, and Blueblood being petty. I now have to put up with a predicament that I would rather avoid, to begin with. On top of it that I'm supposed to hold it this year, when I don't know thing one about the Gaia to begin with outside it's a big fancy party?” I asked a bit more on the annoyed to the panicked side of things.

“Most of the set up is already done. The only thing left is this year's theme and some of the guests. We have allotted you twenty tickets. Outside yours, the rest of the element bearer, your captain, and Spike of course.” Luna explained.

“Is Hermes going to need a ticket?” I asked.

“Hermes?” Luna asked a little confused. I looked around to find Hermes floating by the stairs hiding behind one of the walls.

“Hermes come here,” I ordered as the little guy gave a scared set of beeps. Before he floated over to us and landed next to me. Which I took my other wing and gently set it against him as I had taken to identify it as a male. “This here is Hermes. He's my personal assistant.”

“What is it... I mean he?” Luna asked looking a little confused.

“He's a byproduct of both harmonious and chaotic magic with a mechanical base for the framework. For a simplified explanation.” I answered gently rubbing my hoof on Hermes casing. Don't ask me why but the little guy enjoys the feeling when either Twilight or I do that. He gave a happy set of beeps as his little monitored had the cartoonish happy face displayed.

“Rather interesting, how does he work?” Luna asked eyes Hermes with interests.

“Well, for the most part, he uses the same technology that is used in most royal sky carriages to keep them afloat. In this case, he's able to use directional turning to fly around. He's able to think and process everything he sees and hears. He's also able to repeat it.” I explained.

“He's also able to repeat it,” Hermes said using my voice just a few moments ago. Luna was taken back at this.

“How did he-?” Luna began to ask.

“He records everything that goes on around him. He's able to take clips and play it back. He also has many other features.” I continued to explain before I turned to Hermes. “Why don't you go help Spike with the tea?”

“Roger Roger,” Hermes said using an old clip from the droids in Star Wars. That was before he flew off into the kitchen.

“He's very... um... interesting, how is he able to think for himself?” Luna asked looking back at me.

“He has a proto-soul as it's guiding C.P.U,” I answered.

“Proto-soul? You didn't use the black book again did you?” Luna asked as she eyes me with supposition.

“Yes I did, but it was only to build what at its core is a fake soul. Twilight, Shadow, and I created it out of pure magic. So no souls were harmed in the making of it. I did use the snapshot spell to create the personality of the proto-soul. Which is like taking a picture of the soul. I used the same three and mixed them together so Hermes would have a unique soul.” I explained as Spike and Hermes came out with two trays. Spike held the tray with what looks like biscuits and Hermes used his spell lenses to hold the Tea and cups in place.

“Is he using spell lenses?” Luna asked noticing the little ports on the sides shining with blue magic.

“Eeyup, we decided on a few simple spells that he could have access too. Telekinesis, light, and a little shield spell just to name a few. Hermes show Luna here some of this spells you can do.” I ordered.

“Roger Roger,” Hermes said before a few of his spell ports began to slide open. He began to give Luna a little light show against the wall to our left. One of them being a projector to show a night sky that he had taken from last night. That was followed by him cutting off the feed and wrapping himself in a blue sphere of magic to protect himself. He continues to float there wrapped within his little bubble.

“Is that all he can do?” Luna asked.

“Not even close,” Twilight said with a smirk. “Hermes combat mode.” Just by Twilight saying that something clicks with Hermes. In a moment his green screen turned red as a spell weaved over the shield. In seconds a dark purple ball was all that could be seen before two red eyes appeared and a blacken jagged mouth appeared on the surface of Hermes' shield. As two other limbs began to appear floating around Hermes. They began to be covered in red as they took the same of some cartoonish boxing gloves.

“That's rather unsettling,” Luna commented.

“Well, it's kind of the point. Hermes is able to shape shields anyway he wants to make a multitude of bodies and weapons he needs. He wraps them in illusions to help give the effect of something otherworldly.” I explained.

“Rather impressive. How strong are his attacks?”

“Enough to dent a standard set of guard armor,” Twilight answered.

“Impressive. What other features doe he has?” Luna said almost a little giddy with it.

“Nothing much well but some medical supplies and a numbing spell lens. Other than that nothing much else. I didn't want to go too complex and most of these happened after the first build.” I explained.

“How did you two ever come up with something like this?” Luna asked and turned to Twilight.

“Mind fielding this one?”

“I will be glad too. This comes about from the talk Storm and I had with Cadence, Shinning, and Gaia. Storm was talking about some of the things he wanted to invent to help pony kind. This here is the first byproduct.” Twilight explained.

“The body idea mostly came from media from earth that I was familiar with. We worked together while Discord was unconscious after our first meeting with him during his rehabilitation process.” I tacked on.

“I heard about that, I wasn't given the details but from what I had heard. It was rather... interesting to say the least.” Luna said.

“That's putting it mildly,” Twilight commented.

“Hermes standby mode,” I ordered as Hermes dropped both all of his spells and floated next to me. “Now back onto what we were talking about before derailing. Am I to assume I have free range on deciding the 'theme' of the Gaia?”

“Yes,” Luna answered.

“Than I want to enlist Rarity's help,” I said as I began to smirk.

“I can agree with that idea,” Luna said.

“Now, what do I need to get done before the Gala. Also, when is the Gala itself?”

“The list of what is left to be done is in the folder there. As for the Gala itself, it is the twenty-second.” She answered.

“That's in two weeks!” I said surprised. “How the fuck am I suppose to...” I stopped for a moment pulling the file over to me to read it over. “I'm supposed to pick out the décor, food, music, staff outfits, and...” I took a moment. “I have to seriously pick out outfits for both you and Celestia? Seriously what the fuck Luna?!” Okay, I had fully stepped into panic mode now. Having this all dropped into my fucking lap with a two-week deadline was seriously way past fucked up.

“We had always done it that way since before my banishment and when I returned. We continued it and last year Cadence hosted it so we had her pick it out. This year it's yours and we wish for you to continue this tradition with us.” Luna said giving that whole puppy dog look that I'm really starting to hate so much.

“Fine, just stop it with that look. Fuck that look should be illegal to use on royalty” I said rubbing the bridge of my muzzle again. “Spike can you go get Rarity. Tell her this is a royal problem that needs her expertise.”

“I, I,” Spike said before zipping off.

“She's getting one hell of a commission for this,” I said sighing.

“We will make sure that Miss Rarity gets it in full,” Luna commented.

“Thank you,” I said running my claws through my mane again before I reached and picked up tea for Twilight and myself. “Before I get myself drowned in gala work. Was there anything else you wanted to talk to both of us about?” You would think red flags would have gone off when I noticed Luna blushing from behind her teacup.

“Yes, there is one other matter I wish to talk about to both of you.” She said before she sat her cup down on the saucer on the table. She got up quietly and walked over until she was in front of the both of us. Before either of us had time to react, Luna leaned forward and kissed Twilight directly on the lips. My eye's shot wide as well as Twilight's. My brain was having a hard time processing this and was kicking back page not found errors to me. What really kicked it for me was after Luna finish kissing Twilight, she leaned over and kissed me.

“Woh,” Shadow said in surprise.

“Your fucking telling me!” I shot back in a mixture of surprise and anger. I don't know which one was winning out. Shadow's comment or Luna kissing me, I will let you figure out which is which. As soon as she pulled back she looked at the both of us with a blush on her face. I know sure as hell both Twilight and I had one blazing across our faces. It was about than Hermes decided to add to this by playing a wolf whistle like the stereotypical hot chick passing some guys who decide to whistle at her.

“I wish to court the both of you.” Luna finally commented.

“What?” I asked as I was trying to process the fact that Luna of all ponies kissed me.

“Are you sure Luna?” Twilight asked still blushing as I notice her hoof reach up to her lips.

“Yes, I'm very sure,” Luna answered.

“I... I don't have a problem with this. What do you think Storm?” Twilight asked and my brain being the titanic idiot that it was just spat out a repeat response.

“What?” I said as my left eye Twitched.

“Storm, Luna wants to court us. As in da-” Twilight tried to explain.

“I know what courting is Twilight. I'm just... kind of in shock here. Don't get me wrong, but why?” I asked.

“I found so many similarities in the both of you that I've been thinking about for a while now.” Luna started looking a little nervous and honestly, she has every right to be. “After my return, I've felt out of place in my own land.”

“That wasn't your fault Luna,” Twilight interjected.

“I know Twilight, but since then I've always felt out of place with no pony to really understand how that felt. When Storm came to Equestria and I had met him for the first time. I found that we both had a lot in common and not just him, but you as well Twilight.”

“With me?” Twilight said with a blush.

“Can I try to field this one for a moment, Luna?” I asked after I could collect myself enough. She looked over to me and nodded after a moment. “From what I can gather and please correct me if I'm wrong. The two of us would know how Luna feels in most regards. We both love the nights' sky that she creates for everypony, we both have seen her dark side and doesn't fear her for it. I've been tainted by it myself so I have a bit more understanding on what it felt for her. We all love magic in one form or another, the thrust for knowledge is ever present in all of us. Plus the fact that we do like to be night owls at times. Especially you Twilight when you go one a study marathon. This leading to the fact that she has a kindred soul with us in one matter or another.”

“That and you two have saved me in one way or another.” She Luna commented.

“Ah... what to run that one by me one more time?” I asked.

“You've both saved me more than once.” She repeated herself.

“Okay, Twilight I understand. That only leaves one question, how the hell did I save you?” I asked.

“It's not on the same level as Twilight Sparkle, you saved me another way.” She started before it looked like her body language deflated a bit. “It was when I tried to separate Shadow from you.” That got me to gulp a bit as I remembered all that followed that attempt. The panic, the fear, and the nightmare. Even though it was a prosthetic, my right foreleg began to shake from the memory of that night. “I'm still very sorry for what I had caused you, but it saved me from doing that to another. It made me want to reexamination before I put anything into action.”

“Luna, look...” I said trying to calm myself. “You don't need to be any more sorry that you had shown. I forgave you for what you did and I appreciate that you were trying to help at the time, I really do. I just don't see it as 'saving' at most its help.” I tried to counter.

“Regardless,” Luna said lightly blushing. “I've been having what I believe ponies know a days call... a crush on the both of you.”

“Why haven't we've noticed it till now?” Twilight asked.

“She's good at hiding it.” I countered.

“I don't see an issue with you trying to court us, Luna.”

“That's where I differ in this, while on a personal level I don't have that much of an issue with it. I just have a more... theological issue. Let me explain, while I don't have an issue with polygamy, I just have a hard time seeing myself in a polygamist relationship.” I began to explain, I watched Luna deflate as I said that.

“How come?” Twilight asked looking at me.

“Well... besides that it's a very frowned upon topic on earth. I could never see it realistically that more than one mare would want to be with me. Most times on earth it was hard to see even one would want to spend time with me. So most times when I was with somepony, I would put my whole heart into that relationship. In most cases, it would end up with my heart broken. Now to be placed in a position that two mares want to be in a relationship with me. Just... kind of hard to wrap my head around, you know?” I said scratching my cheek with a claw.

“But Storm, your not on earth. So you don't have to think as you use too back there.” Twilight tried to defend.

“Twilight... yes I do.” I sighed after that as I placed my hoof back down. “I always will think like I use to because that's how I am. Don't get me wrong, my realm of thinking has expanded from what it used to. It's just at the core everything will always be the same. It's like a rubber band ball. In the center is always going to be this twisted mess of thoughts and feels that make up a being. In this case a human spirit within a drony body. No matter what color, shape, if you use the large bands or even the small ones. I will still be the same mass in the inside. It's comforting in a way really. With every new memory, with every new experience; it's just another band placed on it. Everypony and everyone are just like that.”

“It's an interesting analogy but can you back it up?” Luna asked.

“Yes, if you don't mind me using you as an example?” I asked and she only nodded as she went back to her seat. “From the day you where born and the day now you have a sum of all those experiences. I will admit that overtimes, whys of think may adapt to be more acceptable, but it won't change how you think. You still go by the same base guidelines you always accept from. You go with this over going with that. Generosity over greed, loyalty over selfishness, night over day, and so forth. That is all who you were before being controlled by Nightmare Moon. A being that tried to use what bothered you the most against you. Unfortunately, it won out then, and you had to suffer for what she did. As time passed more layers and layers of memories and experiences continue to wrap around your ball.” As I explained I could see Luna was feeling uncomfortable. Part of me wish I didn't do this to Luna but it was the best example to use. There was still too much missing context to use myself in it. “After Twilight and the rest of the girls released you from Nightmare Moon's grasp. You fell back onto those old ways of thinking. Needing time to adapt to the more modern age of Equestria. Even now you end up falling back on those thoughts because they comfort you in familiarity. I do that myself, I've grown up with depression more than anything in my life. Before Jessica and even after her, as it was part of who I was then-”

“And who you are now.” Luna finished for me.


“If anypony knows how I feel, it's you Firestorm. It's part of the reason I wanted to do this. Since I returned I've had to have this feeling of being out of place. This is still Equestria as I had left it in a sense.”

“But not the same as it was when you left.”

“Yeah.” Just hearing how dejected Luna sounded just hit me hard in the heartstrings.

“I wouldn't be the first,” I said looking away.

“huh?” Both Luna and Twilight said.

“I'm not the first one that... Grimwand brought over.” They both looked at me surprised. “He tried before, I was just the first complete one that came in the form he wanted. I only know of one other and I haven't seen him in quite some time.”

“Who?” Twilight asked.

“Clawshot, the earth drony I met,” I said as I began to zone out a bit visible. “I don't know how long he was here for. It could be months or years if anypony knows the feeling Luna he does as well.”

“I've met him myself,” Luna commented.

“If it's the pony I think it is then we all have met him,” Twilight added.

“What?” I turned to look in surprise.

“During your storm, he came to us in Canterlot. He was the one that gave us the information we needed to help you.” I took a moment to rub my face as I tried to understand this.

“So he just appeared, no rhyme or reason and he just gave you the details you needed without prompting?” I asked.

“Yeah...” Twilight answered and I simply just eyed her.


“Yes...” Twilight answered again a little curious why I was giving her a scrutinizing glance. “Is that a problem?”

“Technically not in the already happen since. It just kind of screams alliterative motive to me. Just willing to give out that information like it was nothing? Not counting that a drony that no pony had seen before then. Waltz right into the castle, right up to the guests or even the princesses rooms, and not one guard stops him or reports an intruder? I'm sorry, but in this case, two plus two is equaling fish here.” I explained.

“But two plus two equals-” Luna started looking confused.

“Four, I know. It's more for an example of how wrong this all screams to me. Look when it comes to Clawshot, something just doesn't add up. Even when I first met him something wasn't right. Knowing that he was a human fill in some of the blanks, but not all of them.” I cut in before my frustration started to get the best of me. “Why does this shit always end up as a big mystery that is going to drive me nuts?”

“Because the plot demands it.” Came the familiar high pitch voice of the pink party pony. I looked around to figure out where the hell she was going to pop out of this time. What I didn't expect was being landed upon from above by her.

“Pinkie where the hell did you come from?” I asked after said pink mare decides to bounce off me and land on all four hooves at once. At this point I have stopped asking how she does the things she does, it's more a why now.

“I came from the ceiling silly.” She said like it was a common occurrence.

“I mean... you know what, screw it. At this point, it's more mood whiplash than anything.” I said rubbing my temple with my left hoof.

“Excuse me everypony, I heard it was an emergency?” Came Rarity's voice from the doorway.

“In here Rarity,” Twilight commented as both Rarity and Spike waltzed right into the room.

“And yeah it's a bit of an emergency as I just had the Gala dropped into my lap,” I said shooting Luna a slightly annoyed look.

“the Gala, you mean the Grand Galloping Gala?” She asked and I only nodded. “Oh my darling, this is going to be your first Gala, isn't it. Oh dear, I see what you mean by an emergency. We must get you a suit ready.” She continued as I felt lifted up into the air magically and almost whisked out of the door. Lucky for me my reaction time was getting better as I stopped myself by extending my legs out to catch them on the frame of the door. Which was enough to pop Rarity's magic and with a plop, I landed on my flank.

“Rarity you need some details as this is going to be more than just a suit.” I got out after rubbing the spot where I landed.

“Oh?” She asked inquisitively.

“Yeah, I get to pick this year's gala theme and-”

“You get to pick the theme, oh darling I know now why you asked for my help.” She said wrapping me in magic again. “We have much to plan, the décor, the guests, the dresses, the suits, food, and so much more. Come darling there isn't a moment to wait!” She said trying to rush me out the door once again. Thinking fast I was able to grab the sigh to the library.

“Rarity wait!” I yelled as I felt the strain from my prosthetic connection plate being almost pulled off.

“But Storm we have so much to do and so little time!” She whined.

“I know but there are a few things of matter to address. Like what about Twilight, Luna, Pinkie, and Spike?” I asked as she continued to try to pry me from the sign.

“Oh dear, I completely forgot.” Rarity said as she continued to yank me. “Would you four be a dear and follow me?” She asked the four inside. That's when my grip lost and I went flying through the air. Unfortunately for Rarity, he didn't have as firm of a grip on me after I went flying. So with a few flaps, I was able to get myself hovering in the air. As I've come to expect that anything pulling me or suddenly hitting me. My right foreleg was back at the library door. Gliding over to the door I was able to pull my embedded leg from the door and reattach it. Not surprisingly Twilight pulled me out of the air and floated me with her as the whole group of us made our way to Rarity's shop. This was going to be a long day, I just know it.


It was several hours later when the whole group of us found ourselves on the way back to Canterlot. After playing dress up for two hours, mostly picking out Luna's dress. Honestly, who would have thought coming up with a good dress outfit for that mare could be annoying? Don't get me wrong, each choice looked amazing on her. It's just... that mare is picky as hell at times! Seriously, it was this dress doesn't really go well with my eyes, or maybe something in a darker blue. For fuck sake, I thought I was the one to fucking pick these things. How did Celestia stand to go through all this with the gala before? Me, on the other hoof pretty much sat down with Rarity and designed it. I was going with a blue vest with a white undershirt combo. All brought together with a red tie. Honestly, I think I looked pretty dapper in it. Well... after Rarity had most of it magicked together by the time we moved onto Luna.

Speaking of said fussy mare of the night. She was sitting to my right as Twilight was leaning against me from my left with my wing gently wrapped around her. This gave Luna the idea of wrapping the two of us in her wing. Which was much larger than mine. Rarity was on the seat on the other side of the royal train car. It seems that each train must have on royal train car attached to it at all times. Finds out that my many trips to Canterlot, I could be sitting in a private train car made for Cadence, Celestia, Luna, and myself. Honestly, it reminded me much of a small apartment, minus the oven and stuff like that. It had a large bed for overnight trips, the seats sat towards the entry with large windows to see out. My only real issue was that it had a very crystal blue pastel color scheme to the whole place. I'm not saying that it was wrong, just didn't appeal to me with the more muted colors.

As I was saying before Rarity was sitting in the booth across from us with Spike gently fanning her with a large leaf, Pinkie was being the same ball of energy she's normally and bouncing on the bed. Nightling who was now on duty was in her night guard uniform sitting to the other side of Twilight looking like a statue. Seriously it's hard to tell she's even bringing and I was watching for a good twenty minutes before the train started to move, still not even a twitch of a muscle. That mare is too damn good at her job. Just sitting here I was a little lost in thought. Besides the whole mess with the gala, I had to figure out Luna. More if I see myself with two mares, without it becoming a big mess. Truth be told if this was my hand in poker, I'd probably fold before finding out. Which honestly I don't really play enough of it to be any good at it other than playing the bull shitting card all the time. Honestly, if things played out different I could see myself with Luna..., but they didn't. I was with Twilight and that was the most important thing to me. My gaze wondered to Hermes flying around with Pinkie now bouncing about the cabin trying to catch him. It was a little amusing, to say the least as it was a welcome distraction to my thoughts.

“Bit for your thoughts?” Luna asked as it felt like she was looking over to me.

“Can't you already read them?” I asked not really looking at her.

“No, you've been either blocking them or not thinking at all. The former being more likely than the latter.”

“I'm just trying to figure out... us, I suppose would the correct way to state it.” I answered as my gaze slowly shifted to the mountainside as we began to climb it.

“Have you come to a verdict yet?”

“You make it sound like I'm the judge in all this,” I said finally turning so she was in my vision slightly.

“You are for the most part. Twilight gets some say in it as you do since she would be the head mare in the herd.” She commented.

“Yeah, I'm just not sure about it all. It's a lot to take it and not even going into the whole royal aspect to it. I get herds are a thing and royal ones make big news. Just after the whole Silver bit, I just don't want to relive that or have Twilight suffer through that again.” I answered.

“Is that the only reasons?” Luna asked already guessing I wasn't revealing it all.

“No...” I answered with a sigh. “Look I get the reasons why which funny enough is also the problem.”

“I fail to see the humor in it.” She answered as the room seemed to be unusually quiet all of a sudden.

“Remember that my spirit and mind are from a world that has issues with this sort of thing. So I have to go against everything I thought was right from my old world. Which if anypony understands this it's you, Luna.” I said lowering my head as I closed my eyes for a moment.

“I believe you right, being out of place with ways that just seem so familiar and right, just to find out that they are wrong. So you have to break yourself of the habits that you use to find comfort in. It can leave a pony feeling lost and out of place.” Luna said before taking a deep gentle breath. “But it does come to a time that everypony needs change. For good or bad, I was no different and the same goes for you.”

“I know...” I answered quietly as I just... sat there for what felt like ten minutes. “Luna let me ask you something. If and mind you right now it is an if, I agree to try this out. What happens?”

“Well... it's much like dating for anypony else. I try to woe you to the point we get to a more intimate feeling among us and try to take it a step further.” She simply answered.

“And if it successful?”

“We fill out the papers and have an official royal herd. Probably a ball or something to announce it to Equestria and from there, probably marriage.” She answered.

“What if it fails?” I asked not having looked at her since I started this line of questions.

“Than we say we had tried and that is the best anypony can ask of us. Things get a little awkward until the feeling blows over and life goes back to the way they were.” She answers like it was just that simple.

“If I say yes, will you promise not to go overboard with the wooing?”

“I can try my best.” She answered calmly.

“I see...” I said and I think her wing gently twitched as I left my mind to wonder for a while. Part of me wanted to say let's try, which I get it. She's interested in both of us and she is a pretty mare. I won't lie about that fact, even though she is my adopted aunt. Both Celestia and Luna do look good in that male line of thinking kind of way. Which I'm probably not the only one that had that thought, especially for some of the stallions from Equestria. I on the other hoof had to work myself into the whole 'I'm okay with looking at mares that way without freaking out.' It was totally sensible why it took me time. Okay, that thought came out weird... I need to really reel in my thoughts a bit more. Silently I just looked out the window as Hermes came over and floated around us a little beeping a happy little tune. “Truth be told I just don't know.”

“It is a rather big step for you,” Luna commented.

“Among everything else.”

“It will be alright Firestorm.”

“If you say so,” I said as I just closed my eyes and let the motion of the train just give me some peace of mind.

“We will be arriving in a few minutes your highnesses.” Came the voice of I think the conductor.

“Thank you.” Both Luna and I said at the same time. Just as the conductor had told us, we arrived and met with a squad of rough count sixteen guards. Most of the night guards as it was getting later on during the day, that and it was Princess Luna so it made sense. We didn't have any issues trotting through the main streets of Canterlot, a side of a few ponies bowing which at this point was more a side note than anything big. I still didn't like it to be honest, but I could at least pretend that they did it more for Luna than myself. Once at the castle Twilight, Spike, and I went to my room while Rarity went to her guest room. I didn't find out till later that each of the girls has an assigned room set up for them. Since they come to Canterlot rather often for either a special event or something close. As soon as we walked in I was set upon by eight guards. Not in the 'get him for trespassing' kind of way, as in the 'I must speak to you it's rather important' kind of way.

Finds out among the other duties I have to take care of before the Gala. It seems that I need to decide more of my guards. Namely, I need to start with a group of them other than my captain. One thing that I did pick up from my dad who was a military person was some old habits he would push on both my sister and I. “Attention!” I barked out like an old drill instructor. I watched as all at this time I could tell fifteen guards line up in three rows of five. All of them at attention saluting like was the captain. Granted I was a higher rank, but my point still stands. “Now I want one of you to step forward and explain why you all decided to swamp me in my private room about this matter. Instead of going through Captain Nightling, because right now I'm rather annoyed.” I continued rubbing the bridge of my muzzle with my claws. Right about than a very armor clad pony came up, and I want to stress the armor here. I've seen a lot of armors designs, from games to movies. Just dear god this guy was like the pony version of the hulk if made into armor. Even kind of funny that it was painted in the night guard colors with some patina tossed in for good measure. With a snap to his hooves before saluting again.

“Sir, First Lieutenant Iron Clad Swift Blade.” He said giving his name and rank to me. Pretty standard issue from what I remember from the armed forces from earth.

“Good to know, now please get to the point,” I said flatly as Twilight was watching this exchange.

“I'm part of Princess Luna's Royal guard, more specifically the Heavy Hoof Unit.” He continued to talk and not getting to the point.

“The point... please.”

“Right, some of our special unit guards don't see action and after hearing that the Wyvern Guard is now accepting ponies. We have put in an official transfer to join your guard, your highness.” He continued to say and just by his gruff voice, I could see he was getting a little nervous talking to me.

“Okay, I get the official channel bit of this. I just have to ask, when did that suddenly jump to having fifteen guards in my private room to maul me when I first enter my room? Be sure to get to he 'fucking' point.” I said as my eye began to glow red as my patents with everything had damn near broke.

“We thought we would get the official word straight from the... um, ponies mouth?” He said and I almost went off on him.

“So let me get this straight, instead of waiting for me to review the files of the transfers, which mind you I wasn't made aware of until you just told me. You fifteen ponies decide to ambush me with this sudden bit of information and demand a fucking answer out of me?” I said almost too calmly, that when my mane and tail began to light up in flames. “Are you fucking out of your ever loving minds?!” I yelled to the point it was damn near a roar.

“I um... no?” He said stepping back.

“Are you asking me no, or are you telling me that's your answer. Because right now it more feels like your regretting these actions very much and should have waited for this.” I said stepping closer as now all the guards step back.

“We are... not out of our minds.” Iron Clad answered with a gulp at the end.

“Good, now I want all of you out of my private room unless it is really important like the end of Equestria levels of importance. Otherwise, I'm not afraid to make your lives a living hell and no pony Celestia, Luna or divine presence is going to overturn it.” I barked at them before eight of them disappeared thought magic. The four flew out off my balcony, and the last remnants of them, Iron Clad included high tailed it out of my door like the world was about to end. If they continued to push me, it may have for them. “Seriously the nerve of some ponies,” I said after I took a few moments to calm down as well as my mane and tail to revert back.

“Storm... are you alright?” Twilight asked.

“I'm fine Twilight, just a bit angry and annoyed to no end. I just wish-” I was cut off by a knocking at the door. “Oh for fuck sake who is it this time?” I asked swinging the doors wide open to find Nightling standing there at attention. “Oh, hey Nightling,” I said noticing the saddlebags she had on, the armored saddlebags. She snapped a salute and came in before shutting the door behind her.

“We need to talk.” She said coming over to the table in the middle of the room.

“Let me guess, it's involving roughly fifteen ponies wanting to transfer from special units all over the guard into the Wyvern guard who ended up being impatient that they jammed the files down your throat.” I guessed. She looked at me with her mouth opening wide.

“How did you-”

“They were here about a minute before you arrived.” Twilight explained.

“They thought they could just skip directly to me, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred bits. You know the whole deal.” I said coming over to sit down at the table. Twilight joined me on the other side as Nightling flipped open the top of her armored bags and pulled out the files. With a flick of her muzzle, she slid them over to me as I began to look through it. While I was a military child growing up and had picked up quite a few bits of military protocols growing up. I wasn't use to reading military records, and this being the Equestrian equivalent. It was a little off-putting how many of them had over ten pages per file. Don't get me wrong I could see the metals and achievements they did, but it doesn't tell me about the pony themselves. What they believe or what they would do if they had to go against everything they believed in.

They were told to serve and protect royalty. At the core that is understandable, but what if the ones they have to serve turns to be the villains. Do they still hold the same ground or does there morals fight against that. I couldn't help, but be a little twisted in my thoughts. I've had a fascination with twisted thinking. Especially in stories where you always see the hero like the hero till you find out that he was really the villain as the matter of perspective.


“Huh?” I looked around and noticed I was staring at the cover a file.

“You spaced off for a few minutes. I was getting a little worried.” Twilight said looking at me and I could see the worry painted on her face.

“Sorry, I got caught up by a stray thought.”

“It's happening a little too often, ever since Discord got reformed. You've been spacing off every so often. Are you sure that you're alright?” Twilight asked already putting her hoof on my forehead.

“I'm fine Twilight, I just space off because of my thoughts. I've had this problem since I was a kid.” I explained.

“But you never showed since of this before.” She counted.

“Well most of my time here I was under a mind-altering effect, it goes without saying that I will act a little different than I was before.” I shot back.

“Still... I'm worried Storm.” Twilight said.

“Would it make you feel better if I have Heartshy and a few of the castle doctors do a scan of my brain again?”

“Yes.” She shot back without hesitating.

“Fine, Nightling can you put it through the official channel?” I asked rubbing my face with my hoof.

“Already on it,” Nightling said before she grabbed the pencil and scribbled something. A moment later she got up and went to do the door. “Hey, Sureshot get your flank over here. Official order from the prince.”

“Which one?” Said a male voice from the other side of the door.

“The one that doesn't have a stick up his flank, now get over here.” I could help but snort at that. Twilight was covering her mouth with a hoof. God, did I just get lumped in as the one who isn't stuck up? I don't know if I should sound offended or if I should just lose it and laugh. Ah screw it, I couldn't hold it in any longer.


“Let me get this straight, you've got both princesses dresses ready?” I asked Rarity after four hours of dealing with paperwork, questioning, and getting a medical checkup. As I expected my brain was working even after Twilight insisted on having three unicorns as well as she does the scans. Heartshy looked over all of the scans and from what he gathered I was fine. A little overstressed but fine health wise. I have ten candidates that I have picked through.

“They are fabulous, are you sure you don't want to see them?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, I trust your work. I mean your doing my suit right now.”

“And it looks quite dashing on him,” Twilight said watching me from the sidelines.

“Okay, okay, I get it. Twilight did you put in the request for the music?” I asked as Rarity was making sure the white suit wouldn't clash with my golden prosthetic or my orange coat.

“I put the request through Princess Celestia. She said that all the arrangements will be dealt with.” She said smiling. I remained silent as I was still pretty sore at Celestia. Through all this, the two of us have remained apart. I think it was both a choice on each other's part. I wasn't sure I was ready to forgive her for how much she restricted information or how much she played those I cared about, but I'm not as so short-sighted about all this. I didn't know Twilight back then, hell I wasn't even around till a few years later. It's just... I never liked to see those I cared about playing in the past, present, and future. That and I may have gone a little overboard with my anger that night, but it was just too much piled on at one time. Stress and emotions are a very strong thing, regardless of who anyone or anypony is. They will still fall to it, princess or otherwise.

My only guess was Celestia wasn't ready to face me as I may have struck a very tender cord with her. With me throwing her choices right into her face like that. It had to sting hard when I involved Luna in as well as Twilight. Two ponies that were very close to her. Don't get me wrong, I know it was a dick move on my part and hindsight of it all. Just... too much, it was just too much at the time, or at least that's what I keep telling myself. I suppose I'm lucky that this stayed between the two of us and that Celestia isn't a spiteful mare. If she was, I probably would have been locked up somewhere and probably knocked out.

“Storm you really should talk to her.” Twilight's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


“You should talk to Princess Celestia.” She said and I can see the seniority in her eyes. I could only sigh and look out the window at the dipping sunset.

“I know I should, but I'm just not ready.”

“But...” I knew Twilight was just trying to smooth things over. The kicker in all this is she doesn't know or for that fact not really anypony what we talked about. Outside of the two mages that I had to interrogate.

“I agree with Twilight Sparkle.” Said Luna who walked in with two of her night guards behind her.

“Be that as it may, this is between the two of us.” I countered.

“You haven't seen how my sister has been.” Luna began to plead.

“And you didn't see her that night. You didn't hear what was said.” I was taking some heavy breaths trying to keep calm.

“Firestorm, please just-” Luna began before another visitor cut her off.

“Luna please leave it be.” The rest of them turned to Celestia as I was staring out the window myself. “He is correct, you didn't see or hear what was said that night.”

“Than tell me what you talked about!” Luna demanded.

“Storm...” Celestia said ignoring the request, I only remained silent. “I... I kept Firestorm in the dark about a very important matter.”

“Is this about the black books?” Twilight asked and that was followed by a bit of silence.


“What about those books?” Luna asked with a slight growl to her voice.

“Do you want to tell them Storm?” Celestia asked.

“She had quite a few books,” I answered.

“How... many?” Twilight asked.

“Close to half,” Celestia answered.

“Close to half!” Twilight and Luna exclaimed.

“And that I'm linked with one.” That got both of them to look wide-eyed at her. I was staring back as I was pretty surprised she openly admit that. She openly admits that she was in the same pot of stew as me. That she was tied to one of these cursed books.

“Why would you get yourself attached to such a vile book?” Luna said in a tone between disgust and anger.

“At the time, I wanted a better understanding of what he was getting into.” She answered.

“As soon as you got into it. It left you with this sense of fear, this feeling of wanting to know more and not even wanting to be anywhere near it.” I said looking at Celestia.

“And knowing that power... that knowledge was in somepony else hooves.” She continued.

“The oldest and strongest emotion of pony kind is fear-” I began.

“And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” Celestia finished.

“If I may ask, what are you two talking about?” Rarity asked looking at little confused.

“That is a quote from an author from earth named H.P. Lovecraft. He was into horror, things behind one's mind to understand. Much like his tales, those books touch in very dark subjects. Things that ponies who don't understand the true horrors in things.” I began to explain.

“I never want to see a pony see the same thing that I had seen.” Celestia continued.

“The problem is that Grimwand had already been head deep in it. I came in with a different understanding, my world while not as magic based like this. Still housed horrors that I wouldn't wish on anypony. I understand these in a different light than most other ponies. Rarity, Luna you saw the things in my head when you all pulled me out of that nightmare, right?” I asked turning to them as I began to slide my suit off me.

“Those... ghastly...” was all Rarity got out before she shuttered.

“It was like something right out of Tartarus,” Luna added in.

“That's honestly not the worst I've had before. If anypony understands how screwed up a pony could get, it's me. If I wanted to, if I really had the drive to it. I know of ways that even both you and Celestia would be traumatized for at least a lifetime. All while staying into the realm of history from earth.” I said looking directly at Luna. The look on her face told me she could read something in my eyes.

“If... if they are as bad as 'little boy' I don't think I want to know,” Twilight said slowly backing away from me.

“Little boy?” Celestia asked.

“To give you the short version of this. It was a massive turning point in a war, one that caused over one hundred and forty thousand dead in one single strike. One so top secret that even those that flew the bomb itself above the city didn't know until they took it.” As I explained, I watched both Luna and Celestia stare at me. While Luna was still pretty readable as just the thought alone didn't sit well. Celestia was better at holding back the disdained in her look. Her eyes, however, told me enough as I pushed images through our link. Something I more tried to do, as I wasn't sure it worked.

“Is all humans like this?” Celestia asked.

“No, some of us are rather good-natured. Cynical for the most part, but good-natured.”

“How were you so... restrained that night?” Celestia asking a more pointed question. I just looked at her quietly for a few moments, before I tore my gaze from her.

“Honestly... I don't know. While I was so angry with you that I could have punched you or something. I just couldn't bring myself to do that. Either because of your family, or that you could imprison me, or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I am still rather pissed off about what you did and I don't know if I will forgive you any time soon.”

“That's fair.” She said before turning to everypony. “Can you all give us some time alone. I need to speak with him on a personal matter.”

“Of course Princess Celestia.” Rarity said before leaving, Twilight joined her not saying a word with Spike who was watching this whole thing on her back. Luna just looked back and forth between her sister and I. With a nod she left quietly leaving only the two of us in the room. I moved over to the balcony and sat looking out onto Canterlot.

“Storm...” Celestia said slowly coming over to the left of me and sat down with a few feet between us. “I... I'm sorry.”

“Sorry, you hide it from me or sorry you got caught?” I asked with a bit of venom in my voice. If it wasn't noticeable that I kept my tone civil while everypony else was in the room. With it being the two of us, I didn't hold back before. She gave a small sigh and glanced away from me.

“Both.” We sat in silence for a bit longer before a question that was itching the back of my mind came out.

“Why did you tell them?” I asked still not looking at her.

“Why did I tell them about having the books or that I was linked to one?”

“Both.” Once again silence filled the space between the two of us. Okay, is this going to be what we talked going to lead to, more fucking silence? “After you threw what I did to both my sister and Twilight... I've been thinking about everything. It wasn't fair what I did, regardless of the reasons or who told me. As a ruler, I needed to be able to trust my ponies and them to trust me.”

“Tit for tat Celestia, tit or tat.”

“Yes... I'm not perfect-”

“Nothing is.”

“Be that as it may, I hold Twilight close to me in a personal fashion.”

“Well, she is your personal student, from what I understand you don't have many of those.”

“With a few being less than good outcomes.”

“Kind of happens...”

“More than you know.”

“Just... Twilight's different, she was a very special filly growing up.” Please don't tell me you are crushing on Twilight now! I already have to deal with Luna trying to 'court' Twilight and me, and I really don't need Celestia trying to jump on the bandwagon. “I... I always felt like a second mother to her, watching her grow and learn. It just filled my heart seeing her grow up into the mare she is now.”

“I fail to see the point here.”

“I've done stuff I'm not proud of.”

“So has everypony else.”

“Are you going to be snarky the whole time?” She asked turning to look at me.

“And what if I am?”

“Storm, I'm trying to be sincere with my apology.”

“I know.”

“You're not going to accept it are you?”


“What can I do to make up for this?”



“Yes, no. You are going getting off of me being pissed at you Celestia.” I said finally get up and looking her dead in the eyes. “You don't get to do the whole 'I rule the nation and I can give you anything to make up for this' bit. You don't get to pay for me to not be angry. You withhold information that could be useful. Not only that it's information that I need to know so I can be prepared. The dark one is still out there and will be coming here. I don't know when and it scares me not knowing that. Topped with now that I can finally think as I use too and for you to pull this shit? I'm sorry but fuck you.” I said getting up into her face waving the bird right at the end.

“You think I don't know this Storm! You think it was easy for me to withhold this from you?”

“Yes! You've been doing it for years. It's part of being a ruler, withhold information because the masses may freak out. All for the 'greater good'. Lies and desperation are tools on your belt Celestia. You don't think I knew about this?” I was breathing hard trying to keep my calm as best I could, which isn't going well.

“Your right.” She said with her eyes closed. “Even with ponies, I consider close to me. I've kept them at hooves length with the tools of being a leader. I've done the same with my sister, after a thousand years it just...”

“Became second nature. Just like putting on a mask really.” I finished off as I slowly landed and went back to my spot to the right of her.


“Look... I get it, I really do. You were too wrapped up in the whole protect everypony by doing it yourself. All while moving piece where you can to intercept the opponent's pieces. It's just this time you where playing a game that wasn't made for you. One that you didn't have a right to be a player and that bothered you.” I continued quietly.

“After so many years, you just begin to think that you have to do something.” She said in a somber tone.

“And that's the problem. You tried to do everything yourself in your way, but with this game, it wasn't yours so it blew up in your face. Which is why I am angry, the whole reason I'm here was to do something about 'the dark one' and you were forcing me to be handicapped at the beginning. You withheld information that I should have known.” I said as my prosthetic began to grow as my claws were clenched tight making a fist with them.

“Your right, and that's why I want to make it up to you. I've allowed you access to stuff that barely anypony before has. Not even Grimwand had access to a lot of the sealed documents kept away.” Celestia said before floating over a key to me. “This key works on any door and allows you direct access. However, no pony other than you can gain enter the passage. A barrier is in place for just that reason.”

“I can accept that, and I will inform you that I may have to return to earth sooner than I expected,” I said taking it and hiding it within my bags.

“And why is that?”

“Equestria just doesn't have the level of technology that I need. So I'm wanting to go back to earth and bring back what I need. I get that this is going to be a tit for tat bit since both Luna and Twilight want to accompany me on this trip.”

“Luna has been talking about exploring another world, I can only assume this is what she was going on about? Be careful about assuming things Celestia, they can make an ass out of you and me.” I said with a smirk.

“Cheeky.” She commented.

“Yeah, that aside I could only guess. I will also be bringing a four as her name is Lyra Heartstrings from Ponyville.”

“Why her?”

“Wish fulfillment mainly, she-”

“is absent with humans, I know.”

“A few run-ins with the said mare?”

“Five or six times before she tried to break into the archives to find more information. She's still banned, however. If this tones her down then I can agree to this, but in exchange for this. I want access to the technology you plan to bring back.” She counted quietly as her horn began to light up. The two of us watched as she lowered the sun gently as somewhere Luna was raising the moon.

“I can agree to this with one condition.”

“And what is that?”

“That whatever I bring back is to never be used as a weapon or for weapon development.”

“I can agree to that, but I don't have full control of what my... our little ponies decide to do with this technology.” She said catching herself.

“I know, but on a royal side, I don't want any weapons made. Means for defense I can agree with like new armors and devices to help. Just... I don't like death...” I began to rub my prosthetic quietly after that.

“I understand. Are we... good?”

“Were okay, not good... not yet. Look... just give me time, I'm stressed about everything and with this whole Gala thing in my lap. I'm just... overtaxed.”

“I apologize, it was my idea to have you host it. Both as a means to distract you before you burned yourself out with studying those... books and as a means to help quell rumors that have been going around.” She explained.

“Those that I'm too hard on businesses when it came to my two sit-ins during court and that I'm not very protected?”

“Among others, it's more to help put your face out there for everypony to know. You've been on the more hushed side of things royally. Which I wish I could keep you from further, it's just timing has played against us in this.” She explained.

“I figured that being the case, between everything has happened. I more worry the outcome of coming out, no offense that is probably the weirdest thing that has come out of my mouth in a long time.”

“Cadence said the same thing when she had her first coming out party.”

“Your kidding?”

“It was an interesting night and I will admit the most gala can be rather dull. Save for a hoofful I could remember.”

“I heard about Twilight and the girl's first gala together.” From what I could remember it was a train wreck of a night for everypony. Between the animals running wild from Fluttershy, Dash trying to impress the Wonderbolts, Applejack's failed stand outside of a pie I think, and... Blueblood. It just was a mess.

“Good times,” Celestia said with a smile.

“I suppose if you had to go through so many of them you would try to find a way to liven them up.”

“More than you would know, there was this one time when I 'accidentally' ordered the guards to another spot and a few towns ponies got in. It was pretty entertaining to watch some of the 'royals' of Canterlot interact with those from Manehattan and Van Hoover.” She had that devilish smirk on her face as she remembered good times.

“Was this the reason I got a hoofful of tickets to give ponies?”

“... maybe” She smiled.


“Speaking of 'clever' has Luna talked to you about the-”

“Herd thing... yes.”


“Before I think about answering that, why does it matter to you? Outside the whole 'it's my sister bit'?”

“I'm just being cautious about this.” She answered.

“And why are you being cautious about Luna's wanting to date both Twilight and me?” I asked glancing at her.

“It's a big step for all three of you. My sister hasn't tried to form a relationship with anypony since before her banishment. Twilight's only experience with this was just some of the couples around Canterlot, and finally you. I don't know how well you react to these things.” She said calmly.

“If it makes you feel better, I'm not sure about it myself. I worry that I can't give her the same feelings as I do for Twilight and that it only becomes strained between the two of us. Not even going into the fact that it feels weird to me. A guy like me being in a relationship with two mares. If this was earth, that besides the legal ramifications if it got to the point of marriage. I just can't see it happening to me there.” I sat there quietly after my little worry fest.

“If I may be honest?” She asked and I bit back my retort of 'a little late for that', for simply nodding. “I'm a little mixed about her choice.”

“How come?”

“She is her own pony and I respect that, but I worry she may get hurt or make a mistake down the road.”

“So the whole, I'm the overprotective big sister and I don't want to see my little sister defense.”

“To simplify it yes.”

“I get that, but everypony has to learn. Mistake get made and everypony learns from it. So just let Luna be Luna. Be there to catch her when she falls and give comforting words when she needs them. It's all you can really do.” I answer.

“I suppose you are right.”

“Yeah...” I said before went back to staring out into the sky.

“I... I did have one other matter I wish to talk to you about.” I turned to her looking a little curious but a motioned with my hoof to go on. “I have come to a decision about Shadow Storm.”

“And that is?” She took a few moments to compose herself before she told me her answer. One that I wasn't sure I was ready to hear.

-End Of Chapter-

Chapter 40 - The Grand Galloping... ah fuck

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Chapter 40 – The Grand Galloping... ah fuck.

Time flew relatively fast after that talk with Celestia. While we weren't fully on good terms, we were on agreeable terms at the very least. With that, the rest of the set up was done. Rarity and I went through the guest lists, who I thought was enjoy the gala, we got the décor ready, and everything beyond that. With the Gala later that I had to sit in my room trying to not freak out. This was my 'big' moment to be revealed to everypony in Canterlot. Mind you normally I wouldn't give two bits about this, but I had to put on a face tonight to show that the rumors were baseless. Which that's what got me, I used to put on a face for people. Just not to so many ponies, who's eyes were going to be on me... all night.

I was pacing back and forth as Twilight, Hermes, and Luna all watched me. The former and latter of the three from the table. Hermes on the other hoof was hovering overhead.

“Storm you need to relax,” Twilight said looking at me with worry.

“Relax? Twilight, I'm about to go out there and have to play nice with a bunch of ponies who already think little of me. How can I relax with that?”

“Easily, just breath.” She said before putting a hoof to her chest and taking a deep breath. She then extended her hoof and breathed out. I took a few moments to do the same thing and it didn't work

“See I took a breath,” I said going back and forth.

“I don't see what the big deal is,” Luna commented.

“Really?” I asked as I stopped in place. “You don't see I have to be the whole 'I'm the one being protected' pony out there because of the rumors floating about?”

“In all fairness, the rumors are based on fact,” Twilight interjected.

“I'm sorry I was the target of a mad pony who just couldn't get over his own mortality and a revived Frankenstein monster of a sadistic mare.” I sarcastically snapped back.

“Frankenstein monster?” Both Luna and Twilight asked at the same time.

“It's a long story, but the short of it is. A mad scientist went to a grave hard, dug up body parts, put them together, and brought to life this creature that he couldn't control. It's a rather classic story from earth literature.” That was enough to give both mares a shiver.

“That sounds-” Twilight began to say.

“Vile.” Luna finished.

“Yeah, how could anypony be so...” Twilight said before cutting herself off with another shiver.

“Mind you, on earth, it was just a story. Which is why it was possible there, within the pages of a book. Here on Equestria, that's a different ball game altogether. After finding out about the black books, I'm honestly about to just write off all the unbelievable things from earth as possible here. Course that's not going to help me unless you both know a whole 'don't lose my shit' spell perchance?” I asked trying to keep calm.

“There are a few spells that come to mind that would help you calm down, but none of them would be a 'don't lose your shit' spell as you call it,” Luna commented using her hooves to do air quotes. Which I think it was the first time I've ever seen a pony do that.

“It was sarcasm, Luna.” I shot back in a flat tone.

“I know, but you don't need to be acidulous about the evening. I get that you're worried about this affair.”

“Understatement of a lifetime, just I'm never good at being careful with my words like this. Just one wrong word could have all this blow up in our faces.” I said as I was fighting the urge to smack my head against the wall.

“Storm come over here,” Twilight ordered and I did so after a long sigh. After a few moments, she used her magic to push me done onto the floor. She then moved behind me and gently used her hooves to rub my back and especially between my wings. After that, I was pretty much putty in her hooves.

“Where did you learn that Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked as I was too into Twilight rubbing my back to formulate a question let alone a few word response outside of 'that feels good.'

“I've been getting lessons from Aloe and Lotus, who run the Ponyville spa. I thought this would help Storm relax a bit more.” Twilight explained as she began to rub the right spots on my back. “Hermes would you be so kind to play Twilight Relax playlist, track four?”

Hermes nodded within the air giving his standard 'roger roger' confirmation clip before the sounds of a bubbling broke and nicely played piano accompanied it. I was lost in the sensations of having the nerve bundles between my wings gently rubbed. It was something I had found out about that area on a pegasi and alicorn, that since the wings join there. A lot of the nerves were bundled up, so any pleasurable or painful sensations that would affect that area would be a lot more effective. Which is why striking somepony between the wings is be the best way to ground them. Both as the pain would almost be unbearable, it would prevent them from taking off right away. Giving you another opening to strike. It was one of the things I picked up after Twilight helped try to understand my body a bit more when I was just first coming to grips with being in Equestria. I continued to lay there as Twilight helped me relax all the way until somepony knocked on the door. I didn't really care much on who it was at the time when I said they could enter. After a few moments, I noticed the subtle steps of a pony in armor.

“What can we do for you, Vaulted Spear?” Luna asked as Twilight moved her hooves off me. I sat up to see another one of the white-coated guards that patrolled around the castle. One of the downsides the guards is that when they are wearing the enchanted armor, it's hard to tell them apart. I can't for the life of me figure out how Celestia, Luna, and Cadence does it. Said pony guard just simply bowed to the group of us.

“Your magistrates, we've gotten reports that we've had a prison escape!” The guard said in a panic.

“Who?!” I asked, and with a momentary hesitation, he finally answered.


“Fucking Chrysalis, of all being,” I growled as the group of us descended into the secret cells of Canterlot castle.

“How did this even happen?” Twilight commented.

“First comes to mind is another changeling,” I answered.

“Why not somepony like Vermon?” Luna asked this time.

“Simple from my talk with Grimwand, it showed that he had no respect for Chrysalis and part of her changelings went into Vermon's body. So it goes to reason she would see her more as a blight to her kind. The only second that comes to mind is a bewitched pony. Much like how Shining Armor was during the wedding.” I explained.

“How would you know of that, it was before your arrival?” Luna asked.

“I've been telling him about some of the adventures...” She said followed by a light awkward chuckle.

“Regardless this leads into a number of issues that is really disconcerting, especially with the Grand Galloping Gala tonight,” I said as we made it into the prison corridor. We looked around Chrysalis's cell was completely clean, to a ridiculous level. Not even a bit of dirt or grime to leave a hoof print or something. They took the chains and cuffs that held the changeling in place. Not even counting they broke out the changeling that survived my birthday party. Three guards were doing waves of scans over the cells to try to find something. From the look of confusion, I could only guess that nothing showed up. Watching them I noticed a few things. “I need the three of you to focus the scan against the floor there.” The three lights overlapped in the spot to show a white splotch on the ground near where Chrysalis was chained up.

“How the buck did we miss that?” The guard to the left of me said.

“I barely noticed it myself, I'm guessing you three are each using a different scan spell?” I asked.

“Yes, it's proper procedure.” The one to the right of me answered this time.

“Well, it's the overlapped that showed this. It reminds me of a black light.” I said walking over to get a closer eye at it. It looked much like a dripping pattern as it just made small pools around where she was chained by the leg. We had made sure the cuffs went through a few of the holes in her leg so she couldn't transform to trick somepony.

“What's a black light?” Twilight asked.

“It's ultraviolet or infrared radiation, harmless really. What it does do is make some substances visible to the naked eye. Just like this here. I need you three to widen the scan spells. I need these cells covered in it.” I said barking an order. With a flick of magic, the whole corridor and cells were bathed in magic. Which painted a whole new picture. Around where her hooves where chained had a lot of directional drips. Mostly pooled but with a small tail at the end to show direction. A lot of them was too small of a tail to really pick it out, but it was enough to show that the cuffs had dug in and made a wound. As we all backed out, a trail of drips lead out into the corridor and stopped a few feet from door to her cell. No doubt they wanted to bandage the queen to prevent a trail and made clean up easier. Even with a cleaning spell, which pretty much wipes away things magically. The 'blood' as it were still showed up. From what I could gather from this, other changelings came and rescue the queen and their captured brothers. They tried to hide it and... wait. “Who was responsible for watching the captives?” I asked looking up.

“It was private Golden Bracer, your highness.” One of the guards answered.

“And where is Bracer?” The guards looked at each other for a moment with three of the five guards just shrugged. “Okay, let me rephrase it this way. Find Golden Bracer and bring them to me. I don't care if you have to drag them by the tail.” I looked at all of them as they looked worried before I tacked on “Now!” With that, all of them dashed passed Twilight, Luna, and I.

“That was... odd,” Twilight commented.

“Which part?” I asked.

“I believe I know what he was getting out. If Golden Bracer was a changeling than it leaves a hole in the castle's security. If it was Golden Bracer's failure in doing her duties then it's less of an issue-” Luna answered before I cut in.

“With a big possible outcome and security breach. That's not even counting the big issue for the Gala tonight.” I said rubbing the bridge of my muzzle.

“What big issue?” Twilight asked.

“We have a massive amount of ponies coming, most who are of the rich variety. What if a changeling takes place of one of them?” I asked and it finally clicked.

“Oh, that's bad...” Twilight.

“Oh yeah, that's bad. I'm more hoping these Changelings aren't like Chrysalis who had a big revenge boner for Canterlot.”

“Revenge boner?” Luna asked looking a mixture of confused and slightly put off.

“It's when somepony is too obsessive about something. You call it a 'something' boner, replacing the word something with the subject. In this case, Chrysalis had a 'revenge boner' for getting back at all of you during my birthday party. It's a saying from earth.” I explained.

“Oh, so you could say my sister as a cake boner?” Luna said with a small snicker.

“I'm not going to even touch that one with a ten-foot pole,” I said giving her a flat look.

“What about a nine-foot pole?” Luna countered and all I could do was face hoof.

“Let's just move on before anything else happens,” I said offering them to take the lead. They went before me as I followed silently. The only thing that makes sense that there are some changelings left in the castle. As far as I knew that there was no pony sympathizing with the changelings, so it couldn't be a willing agent as far I knew. So they had to do this from the inside. Tunneling would be out of the question as both castles would be in the way and the waterways that would prevent that. As well as the foundation of the castle is made of the near impossible stone to tunnel through as it was magically treated. It does leave the question of how did they get Chrysalis and the other Changelings out. There is no way they would be stupid enough to stay around to recover. The castle staff would have found them... unless. “Hey Luna, quick question. How often does the castle staff do sweeps of all the rooms?” She turned to look at me questioningly.

“At least four times a day in pairs of two, why?”

“I'm just trying to figure out based on the information we have now, where would be the best place to hide. Especially if escape is currently out of the question.” I explained.

“Well, a lot of the royal quarters normally don't get the security sweep, much like mine and my sister's room. However, after the bugs that appeared in your old room, we've upped the security as I believe most ponies would say.” Luna said tilting her head to the side.

“Make sense, but you know as I do. No security is perfect, and there have to be holes in it somewhere.”

“What about the taller towers?” Twilight commented.

“That is a possibility, as a lot of them are used for the aviaries.” She explained.

“Than I suggest we send guards up there to check. If changelings are in the castle than I want to know where.” I said we continued to the throne room, where Celestia had just finished with the last pony of day court.

“Hello, Luna, Twilight, and Storm. I hope the day has been treating... you. You found out haven't you?” Celestia said with a smile before she looked at the look on our faces. Luna was more stoic, Twilight looked worried, and I was on the more angry side of things.

“I will give you three guesses and the first two don't count,” I commented.

“We did come across a clue, however,” Luna commented.

“Tell me,” Celestia said as she motioned us over as she stepped down from the throne.

“While the guards were using the standard scan spell, we found out that an overlap of the spells allows some cleaned substances reappear.”

“Interesting, what came of it?” She asked looking us down.

“To put it bluntly, nothing yet. Which is why I suggested we up the game here.” I said looking at the guards in the room with us.

“Up the game?” Celestia asked following my eyes.

“As of right now, the only thing we know is that Chrysalis and the other changelings aren't in the cell. We don't know much beyond they were broken out as they didn't have the strength to do it themselves. Without feeding the body would weaken and from the encounter before that, they were already starving. The one during the party only a hoofful was there. Which means after at least eight months without feeding, means they are malnourished of their greatest food. So magically they are in a big hole and what magic they have must be used with caution.” I explained as all three mares look at me.

“I see,” Celestia commented before making a hoof gesture causing all the guards to leave. “You can speak freely now.”

“I did,” I said quietly as she eyed me.

“You just laid an idea in case one of them was in the room, didn't you?” Twilight commented.

“To a point, as far as we know any guard could be one of them. Technically so could any pony, unlike changelings. Celestia, Luna, and I could communicate mentally so we can always make sure who we are. As well as you've been with us the whole time we've been here since this happened. So you are safe to assume your, you. Right now we are playing a game where we are short handed by numbers alone.” I answered as my mind was already weaving together the larger scale game of chess.

“He's right, with the Gala only a few hours away. We have to err on the side of caution here.” Celestia tacked one.

“Right now we are waiting on Golden Bracer,” I said before rubbing the side of my head as the beginning of a headache became to set in. So not only do I have to fucking worry about a possible third bout of changelings wreaking havoc, I now have to worry about them while trying to play nice with the up their own flanks nobles. Please, somepony stick a fork in me, I'm done. It was about than two guards came in. One of them the standard white unicorn stallion guard, next to him however was a red earth pony mare with a golden mane and in a set of armor minus the helmet. They came in and bowed before us.

“Golden Bracer as you have ordered, your highness.” The unicorn guard said.

“Where have you been?” I asked bluntly.

“In the barracks as I was ordered too.” She answered.

“And who ordered you?” I asked.

“You did... your highness.” She answered and that got my eye to twitch. The fucking bastards used my likeness to pull this shit off. No, but hell fucking no.

“Celestia by any chance is there a spell that reveals a changeling?” I asked over the link.

“After the last time, the archmage has been working on such a spell. Only three ponies have cast the trial version of the spell, myself included.” She answered back.

“Is there a downside to the spell?”

“Not that I have noticed, why?”

“Can you scan the two that just entered?” I asked over the link and she nodded. After a few moments, her horn shot out and I watched the guard next to Golden sudden be engulfed in a golden flame before showing it was really a changeling. All of the ponies and the changeling looked surprised as I just grinned and jumped at the pest. In a moment I had it subdued as I had it pinned and with my claw close to it. “One move and you will know how it feels getting up close and personal with a bug zapper,” I said as my claws sparking. Its eyes looked at my claw and gulped.

“Firestorm...” Celestia said in a warning tone. I just eyed her as she returned my gaze. “Golden take this changeling to the interrogation room.” She ordered a moment later. Golden nodded as I watched them leave.

“What's going to prevent it from changing into Golden or another guard?” I asked looking back at her like she's crazy.

“That spell prevents them from changeling for three hours. So it won't be able to hide.” She answered.

“And what if another changeling comes by and helps it?” I answered she moved to open her mouth before realizing I got her on that one.

“Good point.” She said before following after as I did too.

“I want to be the one to interrogate him,” I said over the link.

“Absolutely not.” Celestia shot back over the same link.

“Why not?”

“Storm you're already too as some ponies would say 'zap-happy'. What makes you think you could hold restraint in there when you're not out here.” She countered.

“Well because I only warned him that I would if he moved. If I wasn't showing restraint, it would already be dead and we would be back to square one.” I said with a growl.

“Regardless, I don't want you in there alone. Regardless if we have the one-way glass or not.”

“Sister, I think we should at least let him try with a guard posted outside the door. To prevent him from doing something... drastic.” Luna added in over the link.

“Give me a good reason why?” Celestia countered.

“Besides the fact that I'm their worst Nightmare as I had snapped the horn off their queen. Not counting that I could end him in seconds with just a spark. With fear as a powerful motivator, I know a fair bit about how their magic works.” I answered for Luna who only smirked as Celestia looked back at us.

“Fair point... fine, I will allow this, but we don't torture ponies here Storm.” She said as we watched Golden Bracer put the changeling into the room.

“Alright,” I said with a smirk as I transformed into my stormed state. “I need to do this more often,” I said as I started to enjoy the feeling of my tail brushing against the carpeted floor. I watched as Celestia, Luna, and Twilight enter the room one door down with Golden sitting outside my door. As soon as they entered I gave them a few moments before I entered the interrogation room. The changeling took one look at me and I watched its ears flattened back, it's sort of pupils shrink as it began to step away from me. As I trotted in, I locked the door behind me and sat at the table with my back turned towards the mirror behind me. “Have a seat,” I said using my claw to point at the stool across the wooden table from me. The changeling just stared at me for a few moments before my normal look turned to a slightly annoyed look. I think it got the point across as the changeling gulped and slowly made it's way over to it. There was no way I couldn't see he was scared out of his buggy little mind.

“Wha... what do you plan to do to me?” He asked and by his voice, I could only say he.

“That mostly depends on you,” I said crossing my hooves as I lightly leaned on the table. “See depending on what you tell me, will depend on what happens.”

“I... I won't t-t-tell you anything.” I just rolled my eyes at this.

“Really? Not even your name?” I said giving a slight smile, that caught the changeling off guard.

“My... n-n-name?” I simply nodded to this. “It's um... Xenis”

“Xenis, interesting name,” I said keeping rather calm and I watched as Xenis who was calming down. “So here's the deal, tell me why you are here and if there are any other changelings with no issue; and I promise I will let them leave without any conflict.”

“And... if I refuse?” Xenis said quietly.

“Well...” I said with a smile on my face as my sharp fangs could be scene. It didn't take long, as I had known the spell for long enough. The changeling froze up for only a little bit as a small ball of green magic slowly came out of his chest and floated into my claw. “See this?”

“Yeah,” I said as the changeling was breathing pretty hard feeling up his chest. “What did you do?”

“Oh, nothing much, just a little spell I know,” I said with a bit of a condescending tone to my voice. “It makes a mirror of your little soul.” I was keeping my voice down low so Celestia couldn't hear me and I was holding the mirrored soul in front of me.

“M-m-my-” was all I let him get out.

“Oh yes, your soul. See the funny thing about this spell, anything that happens to this.” I said giving it a light squeeze, this caused the Xenis to jerk just slightly and shiver as if he was just out in the frozen tundra without a coat. “happens to be yours, and as you can see I'm not above using it on you. So here's the deal, you're going to tell me what I want to know or we are going to see how much endurance your soul has.”

“Y-y-you'll never get me to-” Xenis said trying to fake confidence, only for me to squeeze the soul again. That got him to shut up as he was grabbing his chest.

“Or let's say I use this on your queen. It wouldn't be too hard, I already snapped her horn off.” I said grinning again.

“Leave my queen alone!” Xenis said slamming his hooves on the table.

“Well then, tell me what I want to know and that won't happen,” I said calmly, as he only growled at me baring his fang. I only smiled as motioned to squeeze at the soul with a few sparks coming off my claws. “Don't tempt me,” I said just hoping for it... just a little.


It was a few hours after that once all the changelings got it through their collective heads that trying anything will end with a very dead queen on their hooves. This was more pressed upon them by Xenis who I was still holding his soul over his head. Much to his annoyance, I had placed the mirrored soul it in a squeeze toy so it wouldn't look odd with me squeezing it. What can I say, I like to get my point across quite thoroughly.

Celestia, however, didn't look convinced as every glance I had towards her, I could tell that critical eye from a mile away. Mainly from the fact that I had a grandmother who for the most part that could spot a lie on anyone from a mile away. From what I could tell Celestia was trying to see if I was lying. All I did was get the right answers, and that's what I did. Luna was fine with the results, so why wasn't Celestia?

It was about lunch when we got joined by both Shining and Cadence. It seems they too were invited to the gala and Cadence was already smiling at the fact that I got to deal with it this year, much to my chagrin. Shining, however, was surprised to find out about the changelings in the castle. That and finding out their queen had escape didn't go over well with either of them. Well, Shining was pissed and Cadence was worried.

“Look, as much as I don't like it myself. I did get the point across, that if anything like that or this happens. I would personally hunt her down.” I explained to them.

“Good,” Shining said before stabbing into his food.

“Shining, Storm!” Cadence said in surprise.

“What, she kidnapped you and Twilight. As far as I'm concern that 'She' is not forgivable.” I said looking at her.

“Everypony deserves a second chance.” Cadence shot back.

“Shot that down after she took Twilight in my book,” I said pointing over at said mare with my thumb.

“Storm, I'm with Cadence on this one. As much as I don't like saying it, Chrysalis does deserve another chance.” Twilight said.

“It does make me question, how did you get Xenis to talk?” Celestia asked.

“Well, pretty simple. I know how to be intimidating when I need to be.” I said with a smile.

“How.” She asked.

“I talked about a lot of famous murder cases from earth. I talked about the things done to victims, especially what was done with them. Then I ended with saying that I would make it look like a little paper cut in comparison.” I explained before taking a bite.

“How bad were they?” Twilight asked and I could see the worry in her face.

“I rather not make everyone lose their lunch,” I explained before taking a bite of my pasta in a basil sauce. “Personally I hope nothing of those caliber shows up here.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

“It's harder to explain without going into details.” I took another bite of the delicious pasta. “If you need a ballpark, the one that comes to mind as about one hundred and forty confirmed kills. I will admit, some people can be outright monsters without a moments notice. Some can be the same monsters for different reasons. A loved one hurt, a woman's scorn, even for a little money. Most, I will not condone.”

“Most?” Cadence asked.

“Let me pose this hypothetical question. What would you do, if somepony hurt Shining? I mean seriously hurt him, unable to move, bedridden for life, whatever? What would you do?” This gave Cadence pause, one that you could see the fear in her eyes. The worry of if that or will that will happen, and the sadness... the anger that would follow it.

“I... I would do what I could, to bring justice.” She said.

“That's the thing, to a point I could agree with those acts. You do what you can to protect those you care the most about. Friends, family, and those you love. The law, is the law, however. Regardless of how anypony feels or the reason why. You still have to stay within the rules. With the changeling, I stayed within those lines and told him what I would do to her if I could. Can't say that I will, and I can't say that I won't. The emotions and actions are only understandable by the person and the time they happen.” I said before finishing my plate. I watched all of them just look at me.

“That has to be the creepiest thing I have ever heard from you,” Shining said with a look that was either surprised fear or overprotective worry.

“Sadly enough, it's a true fact.” I took a long drink of my tea before I continued. “With my years on earth, I've heard just about everything that can be done and has been done. There is enough blackness in some peoples hearts that would make any ponies have nightmares for years.” I leaned back quietly in the chair for a few moments. In those silent moments, no pony said a word or thought that I could hear from them. “Luna has seen a sample of my nightmares. Nightmares that I've had for years, the demons that haunt me, that drive me. No pony can hold a candle to it. I may not have been in battles like Celestia and Luna, I may have not seen war personally, but I have seen what it's like on the streets. I've been in fights that I was outnumbered, that I couldn't win. You learn fast that the perfect world was nothing more than a pipe dream, it kills innocence... fast.”

“How could any pony live like that?” Twilight said.

“It's because he wasn't a pony,” Shining said. “He was human at the time and from another world. Regardless of what he tells us, we won't be able to fully understand him and what's drives him.”

“He's right,” Celestia said with her eyes closed. “As much as he looks like a pony, he's not in soul.” Part of me wanted to shot back with the whole 'what gave you the first hint?', but I didn't. My curiously got a hold on me to find out. “It is commendable on how he's held together up to this point.”

“It is, to adapt so well to pony culture,” Twilight said.

“And to a pony way of life.” Luna tacked on.

“While staying true for the most part to who he was,” Shining added.

“I... I really don't know what to say.” I said rubbing the back of my head.

“Sometimes, you really don't have to say anything. You've shown us all wonders beyond what we thought possible, that just to be every day things to you.” Celestia said. “Without bringing any of the tools of war that follow.”

“Doesn't change how much of a freak he is.” Said another voice, we all turned to see that Blueblood had entered the room with a stack of papers wrapped in his magic.

“Blueblood...” Twilight said with a growl. I just put my hoof on her shoulder, she just turned to see me shaking my head.

“What did you want nephew?” Luna asked not looking happy to see the collective pain in the flank given form.

“Oh, I just wanted to have you look over these documents Aunty Luna,” Blueblood said before setting the papers next to her. Celestia cocked an eyebrow looking over at him before turning to watch Luna hover over the first sheet. We ate as Luna was looking over the files before her. From what I gather this was a bit of personal business between Luna and Blueblood. I was almost finished when Luna growled a bit. Finds out that Luna has been funding a few charities around Equestria, and it finds out that some of the business ponies that she went through have been skimming from her. Well be more accurate they were skimming from the royal treasury as both Celestia and Luna donate from it to help ponies.

“Mind if I look over them?” I asked as Luna looked up at me.

“And what would you know about business?” Blueblood asked looking rather annoyed.

“Knowing business is one thing, but in this case, it's following the numbers. Which that is something I'm strong in.” Luna placed the file in front of me. I looked it over and if it wasn't for the fact that I had an eye for numbers. It would have been very easy to get lost in all of the data before me. I was watching all the ins and outs of the charities. It was thousands of bits going in and out on average. That's when you notice the small amounts coming out compared to coming in. “Interesting.”

“What is it?” Luna asked as I continued looking over the call.

“He saw the similar pattern of numbers going in and out of the accounts,” Blueblood explained.

“Especially the pattern. Thirty-eight, twenty-two, eighteen, and twenty-two in that pattern.” I said looking it over.

“How did you figure that one out so fast?” Blueblood asked looking surprised.

“Numbers is my thing and doing the math in my head is pretty easy. Especially when I drop the first few digits since they are all the same. It's the smaller hundreds, tens, and one I just had to do. I find it even more interesting is that the ones always go eight, two, eight, two. Just by pattern recognition just screams out this wasn't by happenstance.” I said placing the files down. “How many ponies have access to this account?”

“Besides Aunty Luna and myself, three others. Gilded Spoon, Fancy Pants, and Polished Silver.” Blueblood explained.

“Do you have financial records for them?”

“No, there is a lot of red tape to go through to get them.”

“Hmm...” I said quietly thinking this over. “Which ones do you think would have pulled this off?”

“Gilded Spoon and Polished Silver, the two would be the only ones to do something like this.”

“How do you know about that?” Celestia asked this time.

“I've had business deals with them, but before that, I was trying to complete the same deals with other companies.”

“But they got to them first and had them drop the deal,” I said.

“Exactly.” Blueblood.

“Are they on the invite list for the Gala?” They all looked at me for a moment.

“I believe so... why?” Luna asked.

“Does Equestria have laws about underhoof deals?” I asked as the gears were turning and picking up speed every second.

“There are many... why are...” Blueblood said before it clicked. “You want to catch them in an underhoof deal. Which means they would have to be removed from the charity and then the skimming would stop.”

“Bingo,” I said with a snap of my claws.

“But how?” Twilight asked.

“That's the easy part,” I said with a grin.


“Now introducing Prince Firestorm.” Said one of the royal guards who was picked due to the announcements. It was something done during the early hours of the Gala. After the twilight turns to night, it's dropped because it's mostly an everypony knows everypony so why bother talking about it. The beginning is more a who shows up first gossip bit. Since I'm the one hosting it, I can't show up late to the Gala. If it wasn't for what I have to do and why then I honestly wouldn't give a crap about this whole thing.

But... that wasn't the point currently. I had a plan and I was going to follow through... with a little help. After I was 'introduced' I made my way to the main dance room. Which was more done up like an old noir era club. The floor had a velvet-like carpet expect the dance area as it was left clear of it. We had three bar ponies giving out drinks from punch all the way to the harder stuff. All but Moonshine at my request, not that I didn't need a little liquid courage to pull this nightmare off.

Rarity on the other hoof was just having a field day with this theme. She went completely to town with this. She designed me a white suit much like Humphrey Bogart's in the movie Casablanca. Which honestly I couldn't tell if it clashed with my orange coat or if it worked with it. I mean there is the whole white-hot flame after all. Twilight said I looked good and that's enough for me. You could say it was a little on the egotistical of me to agree to that, but honestly, it's those you care about that matters the most to you. Speaking of the mare in question, Twilight was wearing a slimming black flowing dress with a light sparkle to it. She was wearing small black star earrings to go with them. The only downside to it was she was going to be hard to keep my eyes off her.

“Do you think is going to work?” Twilight asked as she was next to me with a glass already in her magic.

“As long as we all keep our heads in the game, everything will be fine,” I answered scanning the room for my targets.

“I hope your right about this,” Blueblood said coming to my right. “What makes you think they are going to fall for this?”

“Let's say this was you and your money train suddenly got derailed by a newly appointed prince? Wouldn't you try in your power to persuade if not by money, by power?” I answered, and he gave a few moments of thought.

“Fair enough.” He said before pointing out Gilded Spoon and Polished Silver. The former was an older stallion with a dull gold coat with an aging black mane and tail. At this point, they look more like a silver-gray than fully black. They also had both done in a long pompadour mane with a long slick tail. He was wearing a blue vest with a handkerchief in the front pocket. He was talking with the ladder of the two, who has had just like his namesake a silver coat. Unlike the other one his mane we almost a snow white who had a slick back mane of a pure business pony. His tail was short just like his mane and he was wearing a tux to this evening.

“Do you remember the plan?” I asked as we made our way to a table.

“Yeah, I drop the rumor that you will be taking care of the royal finances and charities to make sure everything is up to code. Which means that anypony involved will have to be hoof off.” Blueblood commented.

“Meanwhile Rarity and I give off the hints of some of the 'attacks' that hasn't been told yet,” Twilight commented.

“Does the others know not to interfere when it's showtime?” I asked.

“The girls know and Pinkie is willing to be another distraction like before.”

“Good, hopefully, this night won't be a bust,” I said before drowning my slightly laced punch. “As a wise man said, 'the game is afoot.'” After that, I went around and did the meet and greet. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I expected for the first three hours. Oh, but when the other guests began to fill in the room, that's when things decided to go sideways. Namely the fact of playing twenty questions with almost six hundred questions instead. To say that I was not happy would be a vast understatement, especially when I had to cover to rumors that I was dating mares I didn't even know. For fuck sake, these ponies come up with the wildest bullshit. Of course the same could be said about humans, so it's give or take I suppose.

What really started to annoy me was when the mares and few stations started to hit on me. The worst part was that I figured most of them were power plays. Funny thing about the nobles here, as a lot of them, have lower titles. Like Duchess, dukes, earls, barons, and much more. The ones that hold the highest ranking here in Equestria is prince and princess. So they were trying to get in bed with me so they can go from whatever rank or social standing to the near highest they could. I can't fault the logic behind it but the reason is what I detest. Don't get me wrong, there are points where doing a power grab are a good thing. It's just doing it for doing it sake is what I draw that line quite thickly.

Anyway, while all this chit-chatting was going one. Celestia and Luna who was in dresses in complementing color schemes made their appearances. They both had sleeveless dresses on and that's where the similarities end. Celestia had a snow white dress on with golden accents and Luna had a midnight blue dress with silver accents on. They both wore their crowns which Rarity and I made sure would work with it. I'm just glad Celestia wasn't a fussy dresser like Luna can be. They smiled and interacted with the ponies in the room. All while keeping a trained eye out for trouble.

“Welcome to the party,” I commented over the link while I was talking with one of the guests about his lavishing winter home in the griffon kingdom. Dear god can this station talk about all the 'rare' paintings he owns.

“I see you are already getting to known the local nobles,” Luna commented in a teasing tone.

“Oh bite me, Luna, I still can't figure out how you all stand to deal with this.” I shot back.

“Years of practice,” Celestia answered with a matter of fact tone.

“Besides that, I swear if I have to deal with one more mare hitting on me or another stallion talk about his property, I'm going to scream,” I said annoyed.

“That would liven up the party,” Celestia said with a little mirth in her voice.

“Not funny Celestia.” I shot back. “On other pressing matters, is everything in place?”

“Yes, the guards have been made aware to stay back,” Luna answered.

“Good, I'm going to give it about two more hours before making my 'leave'.”

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Celestia asked.

“Honestly... that's a good question. If these two are as egotistical as I expect them to be, they are going to do something stupid.”

“You would know that one too well.” Celestia shot back.

“Oh ha, ha, ha. Your a laughing riot Celestia, I will remember that when it comes to delivering back payback.” I said before excusing myself away from the stallion to get myself another drink. Which at this point in the night was close to my fifteenth. I could always guess the rumor of me being an alcoholic is floating around by now. So after ordering my drink, I decided to find Twilight and go for a little dance. Lucky for me, she was with the other girls. Who were all having... fun sort of speak. Applejack and Dash we're talking about some kind of companion between them. Pinkie was well being Pinkie and bouncing around. Rarity was talking to some of the closer nobles, most likely trying to talk business. Since she had a hoofful of designs on hoof to show off. Twilight was just sitting down drinking a drink. Fluttershy was closer to the garden so she could be close to the animals. I saw Cadence and Shining were dancing on the floor as they were having fun.

“May I have this dance?” I asked Twilight coming over to her and offering my hoof. She gave me a blush before nodding. Ponies made way for the two of us, probably not wanting to interfere with a personal moment for a royal. This was one of the perks about my new lot in life. They know when to give me a wide birth... mostly. The good thing is that Twilight and I took the time to learn how to dance and not between a pony and a... satyr, but between two ponies. Surprising enough this didn't take either of us long. Apparently Twilight has a near photographic memory, I only say nearly because during times of stress, she becomes a little forgetful about things. Me on the other hoof, I had my speed learning trick. So after a few awkward nights and a few orders to not to be disturbed, Twilight and I learned to dance... sort of. Okay, so it wasn't perfect and we could use some serious work beyond four days of it, but it will do for tonight. As the next slow jazz number began to play Twilight and I did a slow dance.

Something to make note of here is for ponies with wings, it's a custom to places a wing on your partner. While we gently dance neck to next with each other. It was kind of awkward at first laying my wing out like that but after a few hours of getting used to the feeling. It stopped being so weird for me.

“How are you enjoy your first gala?” Twilight had asked by whispering in my ear.

“It could be a little better, some of these 'royals' are too full of themselves,” I whispered back.

“They can't be that bad.”

“Oh? Then let's take Baron Butterscotch over by the refreshment bar. He spend close to a half an hour talking about his antique tasting spoon collection from the fifth hundred years of Celestia's rain. All imported from the dragon kingdom that was part of a trade agreement for spices?” I said with a slight annoyance in my whisper.

“Not all of these ponies like this.” Twilight shot back trying to defend.

“Than how about the Duchess Copper Tale of the Canterlot Tales, who was begging for me to allow her daughter Pristine Tale to be part of my 'Royal Harem.' She was seriously setting up her own daughter as a bargaining chip.” I shot back.

“Seriously?” Twilight asked a little surprised.

“Seriously, and you don't want to know the worst part of that conversation,” I said giving a shutter at the memory.

“Okay, few of these aren't that bad.” Twilight corrected sounding a little annoyed.

“See why I don't like having to deal with them?”

“I know, but you can't deny how useful it's been being royalty Storm.”

“I'm not, I just don't like interacting with ponies like this. I never did with humans either, but having been thrust-ed into the limelight here is not what I call fun.”

“Well just think after tonight you have almost a full year of time away from functions like this.” She said with a slight smile.

“Hopefully, how's the rumor dropping going?”

“For the most part, it has been spreading like wildfire. Almost like it's taking a life of its own.” She said.

“Good,” I said with a grin.

“Storm, I don't like this plan.” She said.

“I know, but I'm not willing to put any pony in direct harm's way. Plus this is the only move that makes sense for the plan.” I answered.

“I know, but Storm you could be seriously injured with this plan.”

“I've had worse.”

“Storm this isn't a time to be joking.” She shot back looking at me.

“I'm not kidding,” I said before our dance finished with both Twilight and I pulling back. Before we left the dance Twilight and I shared a kiss. “Twilight just please trust me on this. I've taken care of everything.” She just looked into my eyes quietly before nodding with a sigh.

“Fine, but I reserve the right to call you an idiot after this is all done.” She said leaving back to talk to the girls.

“I know,” I said as I began to worry that I may be overplaying my hand at this point. I went to sit at one of the table quietly with a fresh drink. Celestia eyed me from across the room, I just gave her a nod which she returned. After that, it was some nicer talks. Namely Fancy Pants and his marefriend Fleur-de-lis, which so far is the blessing in this storm of shit.

“So Prince Firestorm I heard that you will be taking over on the royal accounts?” Fancy asked.

“Yeah, also just Firestorm or Storm will do. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted me to have a few more royal responsibilities. So I get to go through all the books to make sure things are on the up and up.” I explained before taking a pull of my drink.

“I'm glad to see, a prince taking a bit of a more active role,” Fleur said.

“I thought I could do more than just what I have,” I explained.

“If I may ask, what have you done so far?” Fancy asked.

“Treaty talk with dragons, dealing with a lot of the business up in Cloudsdale,” I answered.

“That does sound like a hoofful to deal with.”

“They can be.”

“What about the rumors of the attacks?”

“Which ones?” I asked before taking another pull. “Honestly, doesn't really matter. They are probably true in some capacity.” They both looked at me a little surprised.

“Even the one during the 'treaty'?” Fleur asked.

“Depends on what you think happened during it, but to make a long story short. There was a lot of infighting between the dragons in the den. All because some dragon got a little too big for their britches.” I said finishing my drink.

“Oh my, were you alright?” Fancy asked.

“A little wear and tear,” I said as I knew I was playing down the events, but even I didn't want to go through those events again.

“Well, I'm glad the newest prince wasn't clawed down,” Fleur commented.

“Your not the only one, if you excuse me I need to get myself a refill.” The nodded and I stepped back to the bar. It didn't take long as I watched both Spoon and Silver come over to Fancy to make 'ideal chat'. The mirror backing to the bar was a clever move on Twilight's part. Made sure I could see all behind me without showing that I was watching. The interesting part of it that is was Polished Silver that gave the best reaction. When it comes to poker faces Silver was the only one that couldn't hide his. The worried shift in his eyes, the uneasy shake in his magic. I took finished my drink quietly, in my magic and made my way back to the table. I watched Silver step away from Spoon and Fancy, he didn't walk too far away as he moved to a group of ponies. Three stallions and a mare all of them not looking like the normal noble kind.

“I need somepony to keep an eye on the four ponies Silver is talking to. Something doesn't feel right about them.” I said over the link.

“Alright, I will let the guards in the room know,” Luna commented.

“Tell them they are part of the third file,” Celestia said.

“Third file?” Cadence, Luna, and I asked.

“It's a group of mercenaries outside of the Griffon Kingdom,” Celestia answered.

“Oh great, when it rains it pours,” I growled over the link.

“What do we do about the plan?” Luna asked.

“Easy, we keep to the original plan, we just have a wider target. Do you have enough on the merc's as it stands?”

“Enough to keep them away for a long, long time,” Celestia said.

“Good to hear,” I said smiling as I made it back to the table. “Just get the special ops in the game. Luna, make sure they are prepared for anything. There is a backup deck in the stain glass wing's armory, behind the swords on the left side.”

“Why did you put it there?” Cadence in a surprised tone.

“Because I didn't have enough time to make a few more decks for backups,” I answered back before I took my seat.

“Welcome back Firestorm, I would like to meet a good friend Gilded Spoon. He works in furniture and housewares.” Fancy said.

“It's a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness.” Spoon said with a rather smooth tone to his voice.

“It's also a pleasure,” I said with a smile as she shook hooves favoring my left hoof.

“So I hear you're taking over the charity books from Fancy Pants here.” He said joining us at the table.

“Yeah, I've got to help out where I can,” I said with a smile before taking a drink.

“It sounds like a noble cause, helping out the nation.” Spoon said.

“Yeah, every little bit helps,” I said with a smile as I glanced over watching the group of mercs look at me. I only glanced at them, the glares on their face were enough to tell me that I was in their crosshairs. I continued the conversation between the four of us for a little while. Mostly to by sometime before later tonight as I wanted it closer to midnight. At this point, the mercs are going to want to make on move on me, and silver is going to end up going with. From what I heard from Blueblood, Silver is a bit of a gloat-er. As soon as it to midnight, I made an excuse to take my leave as I wanted to go the restroom. It didn't take long for me to lose the main crowd of ponies and found myself alone in the castle corridors. Namely the lunar wing with the large windows showing out to the courtyard and the moon high in the sky. I took a few moments to watch the moon in the night sky. Granted I was a little envy that Luna got to create such a great sky, the downside to being an artist I suppose.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” Said a rather greasy medium range voice behind me. I turned to see Silver looking at me from down the hall.

“You know this part of the castle is off limits to everypony,” I said calmly.

“I wouldn't worry about that, now... prince.” He said with a smirk. Slowly turning towards him more I saw two figure come out of the shadow from the windowless corridor further down. My ear flapped a little as I noticed the sound of two sets of hooves behind me. I turned to see the mare and other stallions from the group of mercenaries come from a turn further down the hall. So far the count was five unicorns to one dralicorn. I've had worse odds stacked against me, granted this is probably the first time it was against trained ponies and an upstart noble. So... I may as well check that one of the 'shit I didn't expect' list, Twilight would be so proud.

“Oh, and why is that Polished Silver?” I said staring straight at him.

“I see you already knew of me, let me guess. That log up the flank Blueblood told you about me?” Silver said.

“He may have said a few things, but since we all can be business ponies here. Let's get down to the brass tacks.” I offered.

“I can agree to that, so... here's the deal. You make sure that my little... slice of the fund continues to come out and these four won't have to do something... drastic.” Silver said with a grin.

“And what if I say no?” I didn't have to wait much after that comment before I felt my leg get struck by something hard. With a thump, I landed pretty hard on my side as I saw what looks like a trench club floating in violet magic.

“Let's say... they made the point.” Silver said with a grin. They started to step in closer to me as I began to smile and chuckle. That gave Silver pause as the mercenaries continued, I reached into my inside pocket to the jacket and pulled out a small vial. Before they could react, I popped it open with my magic and downed it. “What in Tartarus did you just drink, and why do you keep laughing?”

“Don't worry about the drink, it's a little something whipped up for me. As for the laughing, you will see.” I said quietly as I began to undo my tie. Once it was off I moved to remove the jacket and undershirt. It didn't take long for me to strip down and the heat to begin kicking in. All I could do was grin as the fire in me raged out of control. My fur began to brighten up a bit before a whoosh of magic flowed around and in seconds, instead of the drony that stood there before Silver was the Satyr grinning.

“What the buck is that?!” Silver said as I stood at my full height. With a crack of my neck and a flexing of my claws. The mercenaries watched as they changed from an intimidating stance into a more offensive stance.

“Well boys and girls, let me ask you a question. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” I said snapping my fingers and in a second six night guards appeared from the ceiling including my guard champion Nightling in her new armor. “Well I have, but the devil stopped taking my calls because he thinks I'm creepy,” I said ending with a dark chuckle. The mercenaries took a headcount and just nodded to the others as I grinned. “Remember those specialty gala tickets that went out two days before the gala?” I asked looking at them. Oh, I couldn't get enough of those curious looks as four of the unicorn night guards washed the room in magic.

Funny thing about non-enchanted spell ink. If the mixture is done just write, any magic washing over triggers them. Two days before the gala specialty tickets were sent out to everypony coming. All but the girls and the guards, mostly because I was paranoid. As soon as the room washed through, the paralyzing spell on the gala tickets triggered. Watching five ponies drop because they have no control over there bodies were pretty funny to watch.

“The targets are secured sir,” Nightling said coming up to me after the ponies were cuffed and placed in a special pony wagon for the private cells.

“Good work, was the Gala interrupted?” I asked looking over the captives.

“No sir, we were far enough that no pony was the wiser.”

“Good, give me one moment with Silver before they can be taken off,” I said before walking over to silver. “You were wondering why I was laughing earlier.” I bent down so I could talk to him face to face. One thing about being paralyzed, for a normal spell the old body would have been shut down much like I was back during the changeling sneak attack. In his can, I wrote it that he kept his heads mostly.

“Bastard.” Silver spat in my face, I rose a hand when Nightling moved to thump the prick hard.

“It's fine, its only spit,” I said wiping it off. “Hermes come down here.” Hermes gave his roger roger comment before hovering down. “Silver meet Hermes, Hermes meet the pony you about to screw over.”

“You have nothing on me, it's my word against yours.” Silver growled.


“so... here's the deal. You make sure that my little... slice of the fund continues to come out and these four won't have to do something... drastic.” Hermes played back in Silver voice with a matching little display showing the whole scene, Including were I got hit.

“It's your word against yours.” The look on his face was priceless. “It's called a hustle bitch,” I said grinning as the color came out of his face. “Didn't know a pony could get that pale.” They took the five ponies off as I stood there grinning.

“Sir, what do you want us to do now?” Said one of the night guards.

“Get a message to Twilight that I will be in our room for the rest of the night. I don't have an antidote on me and I wanted to make sure we had everything covered.” I said before looking out at the moon high in the sky. The stars twinkled like a sea of gems, each one like a speck of light in a blanket that just covered it all. “Have the castle kitchen send up my regular dinner and a bottle of wine.”

“Yes, your highness.” The guards said as we parted way.

“They have been dealt with,” I said over the link on my way back to the room.

“Thank the almighty” Celestia said sounding relieved.

“I hope there wasn't much trouble with this?” Luna commented.

“Nothing too bad, by my hind leg is going to hurt in the morning,” I answered.

“They dare strike you?” Luna seethed over the link.

“Relax, I factored taking a head. Just didn't expect it to be a trench club that they would use.”

“Trench club?” Cadence asked.

“It's for trench warfare, some soldiers would have something like that for silent strikes when either infiltrating or to protect themselves from infiltrators,” I explained.

“Ah, makes sense. Also Twilight just got your message and she asked me to let you know that you better not think about heading to bed before her.” Cadence said with an amused sounding tone to her voice towards the end.


“But I think that is enough excitement for me for one evening, so I will be heading to my room for the rest of the night. Have fun at the Gala, and tell Fancy that something came up, so I couldn't meet back up with him this evening.” I said before opening the door to my room.

“I believe we can do that. I will have one of the medical ponies come by to check that leg.” Celestia answered.

“Alright, have a fun night.” Was the last thing I said before went over to the saddlebags I brought with me and pulled out a journal that I was going to finally get around to read.

Max's Journal.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 41 - Brother

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Chapter 41 – Brother

“One more time,” I said walking behind Twilight as she focused her magic on the training dummy. It has been a week since the Grand Galloping Gala and the full arrest of Polished Silver. The mercenaries were left under the radar to keep the rest of the group in the dark. The didn't help my sense of paranoia so I began to go over some combat spells with Twilight. Funny thing about this, it seems Twilight wasn't really versed in combat magic beyond some basic self-defense. So I showed her some of my spells that I had gathered, especially the fire spells.

She was working to destroy the dummy with some of the new spells. The ground shaping one crushed the first one, but fire seems to be her sticking point. She can create the magical fire, just not the force behind it. I continued to walk behind her watching her gather to fire together.

“Treat the fire like water,” I said as I stood behind her watching her get a second over glow to her horn.

“Fire is fire Storm.” Twilight said rather annoyed.

“But fire is water. It can be shaped, it can be formed, it can be a flicker of light, or it could wildfire. You put magical fire in a bottle it becomes the bottle, you put it teacup, it becomes the teacup. Just like water, it can flow or it can crash.” I explained before coming over to her and kneeling down next to her. “Just focus on the magic, just like the stone before. Think of it like a block of stone hard that doesn't give. Let your emotions float into it, think about protecting the ones you care about, about what you would do to protect them and those that would harm them. Treat that dummy as you would treat those that hurt the ones you care about.”

That did it, with the little push she sent that fire right at the dummy. Man, that was the best explosion I've seen in a long time. As Dash would say 'so awesome.'

“And you do this regularly?” Twilight said after she dropped to her haunches.

“Magic wise yes, once you get used to it. You would understand it.” I said coming over and picking her up.

“The same goes for all magic,” Celestia said coming up behind us. “Each different magic has its own strengths and weaknesses.”

“Starswirl's law of equivalent magic,” Twilight said looking at Celestia. “But I don't get why your both insistent I learn offensive magic?”

“Self defense Twilight, as much as I don't like it. I rather have you know how to defend yourself with whatever means necessary.” I answered looking at her before I rested my head against hers with our horns touching. “Your too important to me, and I want to make sure you're safe.”

“Storm, you're important to me too and I don't want to see you hurt,” Twilight said quietly as we looked each other in the eyes.

“Twilight, as long as I have you. Nothing can hurt me.”

“Touching, but that is the biggest pile of manure that I've ever heard,” Blueblood said rolling his eyes as he stepped through the doors of the training field.

“Blueblood, what are you doing here?” I asked looking at him.

“Besides making this training ground brighter with my presence.” Oh god, gag me with a rusty spork. “I'm here to say that a diplomat request just came in, for you.” This surprised all of us but Blueblood.

“By who?”

“From the Dragon Kingdom.” He asked.

“So my brother-”

“No, it seems some of his cabinet wants to put you through a test.”

“What kind of test?”

“A combat test.”

“A combat test?!” Twilight said in surprise.

“That's what the request was.”

“Okay, so a diplomat requested to fight me? Do I have that correct?” Blueblood nodded and floated over the request form. As for the reason, it seems that they wanted to test my draconic instinct. I took the paper with me back to the room with both Twilight and Luna following me. At this point the guards where use to me walking around like a satyr. It's not that much different to how a minotaur walks, so it's not a far leap in logic. From what I get from the request is that my Brother was involved in this. It made me wonder how long it would be to meet one of my brothers.

From what Gaia had told me Granite was the ruler of the Dragon Kingdom, in the opposite direction from Saddle Arabia. The kingdom itself was a sort of melting pot of a country, where a lot of different races would travel to and live. Granite from what I was told was a pretty stand up kind of drony. One of those he would protect his kingdom with everything he could. Unfortunately, I wasn't told much on his personality or anything like that, but at least this was the first step.

“Your not seriously thinking about going through with this, are you Storm?” Twilight asked.

“I am,” I said as we entered our room.

“Are you crazy? You would be facing a dragon!”

“Twilight, he's also part dragon.” Luna reminded.

“I know that, but after...” Twilight gave a shudder after cutting herself off. “After the dragon treaty fiasco, I just don't think it's smart for him to face another dragon.”

“In all fairness, that fiasco was brought on by infighting within the den itself. It had nothing to do with me directly.” I said dropping the paper onto the table, before going over to the bookcase.

“And in all fairness, you went into a dragon's rage during it too. What happens if you do that again against the representative from the Dragon Kingdom?” Twilight asked.

“A dragon's what?” Spike asked from the table. It seems the little guy was watching stuff on my tablet again.

“A dragon's rage, it happens in moments where his anger is at an uncontrollable level. It's like fully following your instincts regardless of what happens. Afterward you're left weaken for a few days.” I explained before Luna cut in.

“And Firestorm had experienced it during the dragon treaty after Twilight was hurt.”

“Was that why you were in the hospital in a coma?” Spike asked.

“Yes...” Twilight said as her ears flattened back.

“It was my fault that it happened,” I said not looking at anyone in the room.

“Storm there was no way you could have known that was going to happen.” Luna tried to defend.

“I don't care about the symptomatic of it. Somepony I care for was hurt because I wasn't strong enough or fast enough or whatever.” I said gripping my claws.

“Storm you don't have-” Twilight said slowly moving closer.

“But I do,” I said as I began to shake. “I always have to...”

“Storm...” Twilight said coming up next to me and leaned her head against my side. She looked worried and it wasn't helping that I was having a hard time. Once I sat down Twilight joined me placing her head against my shoulder. Luna came up next to Twilight rested her wing against both of us. Admittedly if somepony came into the room it would look a bit awkward but it's the sentiment that counts.

“Sometimes it's those feelings that drive us Twilight. Those moments of weakness to drive us to be better.” Luna explained.

“Everypony has something they strive for, that guides them,” I added one.

“Like a cutie-mark?” Twilight asked.

“Kind of like a cutie-mark, but one that isn't seen. A virtue or at least an ideals that they hold on to.” I said taking a few deep breaths.

“Whats... yours?” She asked a little hesitantly.

“I protect,” I said slowly standing up.

“You protect?” Twilight asked watching me.

“I protect those I care for,” I said grabbing a book from the shelf.

“A noble cause for sure,” Luna said.

“There is no nobility in it Luna. Because if I fail to protect... than I hunt.” I said before taking my book elsewhere.


The two mares watched as the Firestorm left the room with the book in claw. Silence filled the room as he left as the two mares just looked at the door for a few moments. It was cut when Luna began to sigh.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight asked.

“I'm fine Twilight, I worry for Firestorm.” She said closing her eyes.

“I do too, but I don't know what to do.”

“Sometimes there isn't anything too do. Storm has many demons in his closet and he has to fight them every day.”


“You told me Storm has told you about things from his past. Thanks that would... break another pony.” Twilight only nodded at this. “Those very same things haunt him. Somethings he and I share is that we would do anything to protect those we care about. We both failed at doing that very same thing. It leaves a scar on the soul Twilight Sparkle. One that regardless the powerful magic in play, can't ever be removed.”

“But what can we do?”

“We were there for him. My sister was always there for me when you all helped me to return from Nightmare Moon. She helped show me that ponies aren't what I thought they were, that I let my own envy get the better of me. She's only there because she saw what became of me, and she understands it. Storm while looking like a pony naturally, he's anything. He will always be alone in a sense of the word.” Luna said giving a faraway look.

“But there has to be something we can do to help. Please tell me there is!” She pleaded as she looked desperate.

“There is Twilight, we have to be there to help him. We can't fight his battles for him, but we can show that we are with him every step of the way.” Luna said placing a wing around Twilight.

“I wish there was more we could do,” Twilight said.

“Me too Twilight... me too.” Luna looked back at the door silently.

“Princess Luna?”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Do you think he meant by hunt?”

“I believe that is something you probably don't want to know Twilight because I don't think I want to know either.” She said with a shudder. “Why don't we go do something to help cheer all of us up?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Twilight said with a smile.


Silence filled the room where Firestorm was standing. He was in the middle of the arena he not too long ago faced both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in. He only wore a pair of his modified pants as he stood in the middle of a ring of large stand candles. The only thing to be heard was his breathing and the light flickers of the candles. He stood there with his eyes closed as his horn which was normally a bright orange, was now black and a lit with magic.

It was a moment as the flamed moved from an invisible gust of wind. Storm's eyes opened as he stepped to the side and pushed the side of the blacken mass that flew from the darkness outside the ring of light. The mass flew back into the well of darkness. Only to come back out from a different direction. Storm jumped up to dodge the mass only to have another one nail him to the ground. He snorted a puff of smoke getting back up onto his hooves. He reached his hand out as an over the glow of orange flame like magic covered the wisp-like black aura as the light began to gather from the flames into Storms' hand. In seconds he was holding a long sword made of fire and light. In time to black the strike coming from his left.

“Come on Shadow, you need to be faster than that.” Storm said as the retreating mass.

“Don't think you have won yet,” Shadow said from his head. Shortly a few spears like masses flew at Storm and he used his sword to knock them out of the air. This was only a diversion as a large mass pushed Storm against the wall of the arena. The figure before him was too big that the glow from Storm's blade didn't show everything. Only that its body was made out of the darkness that flowed off it as if it was tattered cloth before it became nothing but smoke and dissipated. The one thing for sure Storm could see in the well of the dark was two small red glowing eyes that were staring down at him.

“I'm only just starting.” He said as he spread his wings. With one powerful flap, he flew right up to the creatures face and planted both clawed hooves on his face with an improved buck. The mass reached up as it was falling back, grabbing Storm by the legs. “Shit!” Storm said as he was forced to the ground with a heavy thud. As soon as the mass fully hit the ground it disappeared leaving the room silent again. “Come on, let's go another room Shadow.”

“I think you've had enough for a little while,” Shadow said.

“The hell I have, I have to make sure I'm ready.”

“You've been at this for three hours.”


“Your tapping your reserves on magic. You already had a bloody nose twice and I'm not going to drag you flank back to the medical wing. Go take a soak or something and recharge.” Shadow demanded.

“And what if I don't?”

“I will get Celestia and Luna involved.”

“You wouldn't dare!”

“Do you want to try me?”

“Fuck you.” Storm said spitting to the ground.

“Oh, Celes-”

“Fine, you win. I will go soak and relax for a few moments. And only that, then it's back to practicing.” Storm said picking up his gear and teleporting out of the door. Outside of the door stood two of the Night Guards pegasi.

“I still can't believe that he has mares falling for him. I don't get what makes him so special.” The guard to his left started with a huff. He had a dusk blue coat with pale yellow eyes and a silver tail.

“Have you heard some of the guards in the barrack. To hear how some of them pine to be in his guard.” Said the other one with a dark pink coat. She also had paler blue eyes and just an off red tail.

“I'm sure Nightling is living it up as his guard. Especially being a captain and everything.”

“Yeah, I know. I mean I hear some of the special unit guards are asking for transfers so they can see some action.”

“I hear he's a bit of a hardass when it comes to ponies knowing better.” Storm commented behind him.

“Oh, where did you hear that?” The left one said looking over.

“I thought you said that?” The right one said before Storm cleared my throat.

“I believe I said that,” I growled annoyingly.

“Yo-you-your highness, how... how long were you standing there?” The right asked as they both shook in there armored hooves.

“Long enough.” He said staring them down. They both stared up to him as he looked rather intimidating to the two of them. His mane was rather unkempt and covering part of his face so only one of his red reptilian eyes was staring at them. Both guards gulped as they backed up slowly. “Now, I'm going to need one of you to escort me to one of the bathing chambers.”

“Of course your highness.” The right guard said before trotting off with Storm shortly following. The way to the bathing chamber was surprisingly a long way from the hidden arena. Firestorm continued to watch the guard almost mechanically walk like he was worried about making a miss step. Just by his body language, that was pretty easy to tell. His wings continued to quiver lightly and his tail hung low. Something in Storm was enjoying the little power trip, and after the short trip to the large oak doors with a golden vine and leaf pattern that went around the edge of it. The guard was dismissed.

“Oh, one small thing.” Storm started with a small pause. “Don't talk behind a ponies back when you're one room way. You never know when they are listening.”

“Yes... sir.” the guard said as his ears flatten back waiting for punishment.

“You're dismissed.” Storm said before entering the room. Inside was a rather extravagant bathing room, this was closer to a public bathing house like those found in Japan. Unlike those, however, this one took up most of the center of the large room and was deep enough that after second step most tall humans would have the water up to their necks. In the middle of the room housed a statue of four mares. One of them was an earth pony with a vase that had water flow out of it as if she was pouring it in a more standing pose close to a human. The pegasus was more pressing a cloud that had it raining into the water to make a sort of shower in the middle of it all. The unicorn had water coming out of its horn in an arc. The only one was the alicorn which more reminded Storm of Faust. On the wall was a tiled in dark blues be for lighting up into the red, orange and yellow ranges till it got to the top with white marble tiles with a stylized sun with an overlapping moon. The floor tiles were a mixture of white marble and black marble tiles. Mainly with white but in the corner was a forty-five degree turned smaller black tiles.

Firestorm looked around for a few moments to find that no pony else was in the room with him. With a few deft movements, he was undressed and slowly sinking into the warm body of water. His body was riddled with bruises from the hours of training. While some remained hidden in the lower after of his body due to the fur. It stunk all the same as he let the water wash over him.


“This is nice,” I said while I was lost in the nice hot water. It took a bit of time for all the bruises to stop hurting as they had. Honestly, this was the first time being in one of the large bathhouses like rooms in both of my lives, and to say it was relaxing was a vast understatement. To feel to water surround my body like it did, coursing through my fur covered lower half, it swirling around my slowly moving tail, and to feel it gently on my wings. It was almost indescribably outside of otherworldly. Even when I played with the water a bit by having little figures just ponies, dragons, and other things just surface before diving back. I felt like a kid again and it just want the doctor ordered, just to get my mind off of things.

“I see somepony is having fun.” I heard behind me as I jumped at the sudden voice. I whirled around as best as I could to see Celestia standing there without her regalia on. Matter of fact she didn't have any of her normal dressing on. She did wear a smile on her face and had a large towel wrapped up in her magic floating next to her.

“Geez, Celestia you're going to give somepony a heart attack if you continue to sneak up on them like that,” I said before I realized how much of me was above the water. Let's just it was enough to cause me to blush and dive back under the water to just my shoulders and head was above the water line.

“I see somepony is in a better mood.” She said coming to the left of the pool before stepping into it and slowly sinking down so she was close to how I was currently. “I'm surprised to see you using the royal bathing pool.”

“Why?” I asked letting my curiosity get the better of me.

“Well, the only ponies that dare come in here is Luna, Cadence, and myself. Everypony else just seem to think this is still a worshiping chamber.” She said relaxing more into the water. I watched her wings fan out a little before they swayed lightly into the water. It seemed very relaxing, I was more playing my wings out behind me lightly dipped into the water.

“Not even Blueblood?”

“No, he's banned.” I couldn't help it, I snorted a little at that.

“Do I even want to know?”

“Let's just say that I found one too many mares in his company while in here.” She said with a smirk.

“I may not like the guy, but I have to say he does have a set of big ones for a move like that. Especially in your house.” I said with a light chuckle at the end.

“Speaking of which, I was pretty surprised that you two worked well together during the gala,” Celestia said as she floated up a bubble of water before she let it splash down and cover her.

“Well we had common ground, just don't let him know that,” I said pointing my thumb out of the door in a gesture.

“Oh?” She asked sounding a little intrigued.

“Well yeah, we both wanted to protect Equestria for different reasons. He probably saw as a 'don't mess with where you lay your head' kind of way. In my case, I just don't like ponies that think they can be underhoof like that. At least not without a good reason other than greed.” I answered.

“Is that why you've been spending time in the hidden arena?” She asked eyeing me.

“How did you know I was in there?” I asked being generally curious about it.

“Storm, it's not hard to miss the bruises you have over your body. Plus I've been feeling the vibrations throughout the castle. It's not hard to put the facts together.” She answered.

“Okay, valid point,” I said as I was using my left claw to rub the back of my neck. I had taken off my prosthetic and was using my water shaping and frost breath to make a temporary arm and hand. Which I was using to numb some of the bruised areas on my back. “I just want to be prepared for another attack or for this 'requested combat',” I explained using air quotes towards the end.

“Storm you can't prepare for everything.” She said.

“I know, but I always like to have a backup plan when I can.”

“The best-laid plans of mares and stallions,” Celestia said sounding like she was quoting something. I couldn't help but smirk at that.

“Dwight D. Eisenhower said 'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.'” I shot back.

“This Eisenhower is a very knowledgeable pony.”

“Man, Celestia. A very knowledgeable man. For a five star general, I would say so.” I corrected and explained.

“Five-star general?” She asked questioningly.

“The country I was from had its military split up into different units. Much like how Equestria has the Day, Night, Crystal, and Wyvern guards. The ones back where I use to live was the Army, Navy, Air Force, and I'm drawing a blank on the last one. A Five-star general was the highest rank if my memory serves me right. But it's been almost a year so I could have a few things off.” I said as I floated some of the water around me in loose bubbles that rotated around each other. Recently I find myself doing something of that sort to help relax my mind a little bit. You could call this the magical way to twiddle your thumbs.

“Interesting, I can see the parallels to both militaries.” Celestia eyeing my little magic trick float around.

“You're not the only one. I've been seeing these things since I got here.” I commented as I began to add a few more layers of rotating orbs of water.

“Really?” She asked a little surprised. “Could you give me a few examples of this?”

“Let's take the easier one first. Daring Do, on earth we have a fictional character that has a length of the same motifs in both character and themes. On earth the character is called Indiana Jones, for the most part, they are both college professor of archaeology, before being thrown into the world of ancient treasure seeker. Mostly to save the world and so forth. The only difference here is that Daring Do is a real pony while 'Indy' as the character was most commonly known as is a fictional character.”

“That's rather interesting, to say the least,” Celestia commented.

“And that's just the tip. Unicorns, Pegasi, Dragons, Minotaurs, Griffons, and many other races that are commonplace here are all mythological beings from the pages in a book on earth. Even magic, what most ponies here take as commonplace isn't real on earth. Instead of the arcane people on earth heavily rely on science to do everything. From moving great distances to flying. Not just that we've passed a few things here on Equestria.”

“Like what if I may ask?” Celestia commented as I could fully see she was enthralled into my talk about comparing the two different worlds.

“Let's take computers here. Now the only thing that I could compare the two worlds is the operating system or o.s., for short. Is for Pos, earth had Dos. Which that broke down to 'disk operating system.' Which is heavily outdated to those during the twentieth century. Humans got it down to three main operating systems; Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. They all have there positives and negatives as an o.s. Which would put a lot of what can be done here to shame.” I continued as I just couldn't really stop myself.

“What kind of stuff can the computers do on earth?” She asked.

“Well... just about anything. Mostly it depends on what is needed, they can design stuff in a three-dimensional space without even taking up more than it needs. You can run simulations base on numbers alone to find out possible outcomes. You can create art, music, and many other forms of entertainment.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Celestia said with a smile.

“Well... on paper,” I said as my tone went from happy to a bit more melancholy.

“I take it there is a downside.” She asked.

“Well, everything comes with a downside. The very same tools can lead to further destruction, and death. It comes down to the simple fact of what are they used for. Myself I'm more of an artistic sense because I enjoy art in many forms. From the visible to the audible. I also use it to gather information for research and so forth. I just worry that if I supply the knowledge I have at my claws and hooves that I may lead Equestria down a dark path.” I said leaning back looking up at the ceiling. To be honest I was looking at the possible outcomes for a very real choice I have to make.

“The truth can be said about every discovery ever made. It's weighing the options and making the best choice based on the information you have at the time.” She said giving me some wise advice.

“But those choices can come back and bite you.” I retorted out of habit.

“Yes, they can.” She said matching my now melancholy tone. Silence filled the space between us as the only sounds that could be heard is the water running from the multiple sources in the statue, and the drips of water hitting the floor from condensation. It was maybe ten minutes, but it felt like hours as we sat there me looking up at the ceiling mostly with the occasional glance at Celestia. “Storm... do you trust me?” The weight of that question would bowl over anypony. Especially when it's one of the co-rulers of Equestria. The fact was that more than anything, I didn't see Celestia as 'Princess Celestia'. I saw her as a pony like anypony else, especially one that had faults just like anypony else.

“I trust you as one of the co-rulers,” I said quietly.

“And as a pony?” She asked and I could tell she was worried about my answer on this.

“No,” I said after a few moments of silence. “I don't trust you yet. I'm still pretty sore about what we talked about that night.”

“You have every right to be, but I did it to protect our little ponies.” She said using the purl surprisingly.

“Do you really want to get into this now Celestia?” I asked sitting up and placing myself on the higher step. Enough to keep my lower half in the water, but kept my bruises visible as well as my two scars. The one over my heart as well as the cross one on my chest. Luck enough the scars on my face when I lost my eye was only faint and if you really looked for them you could find them.

“I... I made I mistake, I regret that I didn't show you the same level of... respect that you had shown me up to that point.” I could tell she was trying to pick her words wisely, and frankly, I couldn't blame her.

“Respect is one thing Celestia, but it wasn't that you didn't show me that. Frankly, it was the blatant lie of something important. Something that was about the safety of everypony. You lied about it to my face. That's what the problem is Celestia, and that's why I don't trust you beyond being the ruler. I will trust your knowledge when it comes to things, but your wisdom is what is in question.” I said, well, to be honest, I growled it at her. I was starting to get worked up over this shit again.

“Your right, I thought that I was wiser than anypony else. My hubris got the better of me, all because I thought I knew better equipped to make that choice.” She said not looking me in the eye.

“But, you weren't.” I tacked on guessing where she was going to go next.

“Your right, Starswirl gave use warning for things in the future, but we had to figure out his clues.”

“Much like 'The stars will aid in her escape'?” I asked.

“Yes, I knew Nightmare Moon was going to reappear and it gave me another chance to free my sister from the shackles of that shadow.” She said looking down in the water like a scrying pool showing her the past.

“Then you found Twilight, you thought of his words and placed all of your chips on that?” I asked a little surprised.

“No, if needed I would have picked up the elements and banished my sister for another thousand years.” She said looking off to the side.

“Kind of hard when you aren't tied to them anymore,” I commented.

“I would have figured out a way to do so regardless.” She said as I knew that tone all too well. It was the tone of somepony doing what was needed of them.

“Regardless, the words came to pass and Luna is free from that beast.”

“One that wasn't completely defeated,” Celestia commented with a slight dejected sigh.

“Sometimes our weakest moments come back to haunt us in different ways.”

“Regardless of how true that is. Is there anything I could do to... help restore your trust in me?” She asked and I could see this was an earnest request.

“Stop hiding the truth from me, especially when it pertains to me,” I said clenching my left claw.

“It's only fair.” She said silently. “You will have it, since our talk that night. I've been having the royal archmage compile all of the gathered information.”

“How much headway has been made?” I asked looking at her.

“Not a whole lot. The ever-changing text makes it hard to translate the book for those that can't tack down.”

“That's not even the half of it,” I commented.

“What do you mean?” She asked and then I started to explain that the book is in two halves. Which from my research that both sides need to be translated. The normal book is more context and story than a spell book. Which most of the translated text for those linked to the book see. My book the death book as it pertained to story and lore based around death. The only reason I was able to figure that out was using my tablet to take a picture. Then followed by translating it by hoof, it wasn't a fun day for me to be honest. Then it got to the picture in it, which was also split in two. While I was explaining this Celestia was piecing things together.

“That makes sense, to prevent those that aren't connected to one of the books. They hide there work through a shifting text of stories of the spell.” She said as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. I don't get why you were able to take a picture of it when our attempts failed.” She commented.

“Because of the newer technology. Unlike the photo's done with flash photography, digital camera's don't need to be as bright. Plus, you can time the picture a bit more accurately. Honestly, I took maybe four or five shots per page to get a clear image.”

“That does sound useful,” Celestia said as she turned her head a little to think.

“But, it's a very thin line to balance on.”

“Be that as it may, from what I've heard from both you and my sister. The technology that you could share with Equestria could greatly benefit it.” Celestia said as she uses her magic to splash water on herself.

“That may be true, but without a middle...” That's when an idea decided to sideswipe me that got me to smile. “A middle ground.”

“Hmm?” Celestia looked a little curious.

“Why not set up a middle ground, or in this case a product testing,” I said as the idea made more sense to me.

“Product testing?”

“Well, it's more a thought of setting up a special lab or research facility that all the technology is reverse engineered to make them safer for Equestria. Plus it would allow me to monitor it making sure that nothing lethal would be made of it. At least from the start.”

“That does sound like the best compromise. Would Ponyville be the location for this facility?” Celestia asked.

“Not really in it, but I was more thinking... under it.”

“Under it?”

“Well, I figure it would be wiser keeping it hidden so no pony tries undermine the whole reason for it.”

“Makes sense, how do you plan to do this?” Celestia asked with a slight smirk. All I could do was open my mouth to say something with a claw pointed up before I realize... I didn't have an answer for that.

“I don't... know.” I commented.

“Maybe give it a little thought.” She said with a smirk.

“You've already had an answer to that idea for it?” I said with a smirk.

“Possible...” She said now out right smirking.

“Sneaky mare.” After I said with both of us enjoying a good laugh.


“God I can't believe I let you two talk me into this,” I said fighting to get my wings through the tux.

“Oh quit whining, it's only a suit,” Twilight said as she used her magic to help shove my wings through the wing flaps made in the tux.

“It's not whining, just complaining,” I said as I began to fix the tux so it sits right.

“Whine, verb, complain in a feeble or petulant way.” Twilight began to re-sight from memory.

“Here we go,” I said under my breath before Twilight continued.

“Complain, verb, express dissatisfaction or annoyance about a state of affairs or an event. Both with the synonym grouse.”

“Okay so they have similar linking words, but there is a difference in how they are defined.” I shot back as worked on trying to my bow tie. Even with magic, I still can't figure out how to tie one of this damn things. Come to think about it, I've never had to wear one before... I don't know how to feel about that. Twilight took the lead and used her magic to tie up my bow tie.

“What would you do without me?” She asked with a smile.

“Probably be stuck in the loony bin, freaking out that I'm a pony,” I said with a cheeky smirk.

“You would have probably come to terms with that in a month tops.” She countered my smart ass salvo.

“Possible, but convincing a doctor that I wasn't seven flavors of tutti fruit crazy is another matter.” I smiled.

“I don't think it would be that hard. As your a pretty high functioning stallion.” She said using her magic to help preen my wings. It seems Luna taught her how to magically preen wings. Which is a good thing, even with the blush now on my face from the feeling of having my wings magically played with. “There, now you're ready for our date.”

“I still can't wrap my head around all this,” I said doing one last check of my outfit. Surprisingly it was nice and comfortable without any undue pressure in places. It made me wonder if whoever made it had ever worked with a bipedal being before.

“Whats to wrap your head around. Princess Luna wanted to woo us on a date.” Twilight said as she put on clip-on earrings in her ears that were a shade darker than natural coat color. She was also wearing a thin black dress that just hugged in the right places. I couldn't help but stare a little bit as her tail swished under the dress. She smirked in the mirror as she was looking at me through it. “See something you like?”

“Yes, oh god yes,” I said bluntly.

“Settle down Storm, don't want to have too much fun before the main event.” She said as she knew she was teasing me with the sway in her hips when she got up.

“Ah, but Twilight.” I play whined.

“No buts Storm.” She said with a smirk as she worked the brush through her mane to get the final few loose strains in place. I couldn't help but chuckle at this. I had too much of a perfect come back, but I knew better than to use it. Of course, I probably wouldn't enough to use it as there was a knock at the door.

“Enter” both Twilight and I said in unison. This was followed by one of the guards opening the door.

“Your Highness and Miss Sparkle” he began with a bow. “I was told to inform you that Princess Luna is ready for you at the main entry.”

“Thank you,” I said as I got up grabbing a few things from the dresser. “Your dismissed” The guard shortly left after that as Twilight had finished getting ready. She smiled up at me as I returned the smile. This gave my marefriend a shiver as she looked forward. It was one of those things that I keep forgetting. Ponies are unnerved by my sharp teeth when I have them out, which included Twilight. The corridors of the castle were rather empty compared to the normal daily workings of the castle. I wonder if we caught them in the middle of a shift change between the day to night guards. Between the few day guards that we could see. It just seemed a little odd that there wasn't more patrolling the halls. Especially in the bedroom wings, like this one. Maybe it's just me being paranoid after a long period of nothing big happening or that I'm still a little on edge after the nightmare and Vermom being out there. Still... something doesn't feel quite right. “Hey, Shadow... is it just me or is something off?” I thought towards him.

“Nothing is off, just relax and have fun. We both know you need it.” He said.

“Maybe your right,” I said quietly.

“Who's right?” Twilight asked turning to look at me as we continue down the halls.

“Oh... I was talking to Shadow.” I said awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

“About what?”

“Just... about an odd feeling. I'm guessing that I'm just being overly paranoid.” I said feeling a bit odd having to explain it.

“Sometimes a healthy bit of paranoia is what's needed.” She said a little on the cryptic side.

“Be it as it may, I just... I'm tired of being on edge.” I said followed by a sorrowed sigh.

“You're not the only one Storm.” She said and it gave a pause to both of us. Enough so that we both stopped and watched her for a few moments. “I'm tired of having to worry that somepony is going to do something to hurt you or cause something strenuous to happen. Grimwand, Vermom, Silvertongue, and even this 'dark one'.”

“Your not alone Twilight,” I said moving closer as I kneel down to hold her as best as I could. “I just want us to be safe and happy Twilight. I know it's asking much, especially how the cards were dealt.” I said as I felt Twilight nuzzle into me a bit. “But we all have our parts to play. Me as a prince of three land and a dralicorn; and you as the element of magic.”

“I... I know Storm, but isn't there something I can to do to help?”

“As of right now, I don't know,” I said as I watched Twilight's ears flatten back and I moved to hold her gently. “Twilight I don't have the answer to any of this. So right now, why don't we just not worry about it.” The look the crossed Twilight's face told me that she was struggling with an internal conflict. It was a fair few minutes before she nodded quietly to herself.

“Your right...” She said before I gently put Twilight down. After that, we walked the rest of the way to the front of the castle to find a royal carriage ready for us with Princess Luna waiting inside. The large carriage was dressed up with silvers and dark blues. Most of it was a midnight blue with lunar silver accents. Much like the cloth drapes that just flow from the top like a river of silver in an endless mass of blue. Like a dream floating on the ether of the mind and beyond.

The doors themselves were covered in the same cloth cover surrounded in a silver trim. The window itself was a full circle with a crescent moon cut into the left of it like a waning moon. It made me wonder if the other side mirrored this to be a waxing moon or not. The glass of the moon was a frosted white glass, while the rest of it was a dark blue tinted frosted glass in the same spiral pattern to match the white glass. The door slowly opened up to show the inside had a slightly dark blue carpet, with a wispy silver blue seat cushion covering to the seats. Twilight was the first one with me following after. Stepping in I saw the dress Luna decided to wear for the evening. The dress was a coal black with an almost chalk white highlights. The main part of it was stripped towards a silver gem on her chest with the sides of her dress more cross over her barrel. The back portions of the dress were absent of the trips. Draped down her back, flanks, and the tail was a five section with the left, right, and center filled with an off shadow of the coal dress to have a hint of violet and light specs to it, to make it look like a star-filled sky. The only difference one was the center that ended with a large full moon at the end of it. The other two had a lighter shade from the coal black and had a slight sheen to it as she moved to it. Her mane was done up so that her normal star filled main was curled up and restrained lightly by a set of earrings that had a small band behind her head to make it look likes a stream of pearls. Almost like a light of stars in the night sky. She had silver eyeshadow on with a small violet tint to the edges of it. To be honest, her outfit blew both Twilight and I's outfits out of the water.

“Good evening Twilight Sparkle and Prince Firestorm,” Luna said using a very regal tone to her voice. I couldn't help myself.

“And a good evening to you Princess Luna,” I answered back. It was a little odd exchanging greeting with royal titles. After a few moments of slightly awkward silence, the group of us began to lightly chuckle, with me being the first one to snort. “Sorry, that was just too out of place.”

“Indeed,” Luna answered between her chuckles. “I thought I would try the royal dating welcome, but I think it fell out of date.”

“Um... maybe if this was a more open-aired greeting, it would work. Just between the three of us, I would prefer the casual greeting.”

“I agree with Storm, Luna.” Twilight chimed in.

“I'll make a note of that for next time. I hope you both enjoy this evening.” Luna said with a smile and a light blush.

“What do you have planned for us?” Twilight asked wiping a tear from her eye with her hoof.

“I thought we would catch a special performance as the Windyrook Theater.”

“The Windyrook?” Twilight said sounding a little surprised. “The same one named after the legendary classical stage actor Nightgale Windyrook?”

“The very same, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said and I could hear the pride in her voice. As soon as that Twilight just looked like a kid giddy that she's going to Disney land for the first time in the next hour. I think she would be jumping around with her normal 'yes, yes, yes' style if it wasn't for the fact we where in a moving chariot.

“Can I ask a small side question?” I interjected for a moment as a curious thought popped into my head.

“Of course Firestorm,” Luna said.

“I noticed a lot of ponies don't normally have last names or at least a secondary name. I'm curious why is that?”

“It was an older tradition that any pony with a regal title or at least a title given to them would use it as part of their sir name. The royal guard gets them as part of their specialty much like how Nightling has hers of Moonblade.” Twilight started to explain.

“Yes, between knightings, and houses getting titles. A lot of ponies back in the day use to take pride in their sir names. It's something not a lot of ponies realize today. Much like the house of blood, which is one of the more dominate regal houses.” Luna explained.

“Let me guess, the same house that Blueblood is part of?” I had to ask as it was too easy not to be right.

“Correct, the title was originally given to Emeraldblood, Blueblood's long ago decedent. For her discovery in the alchemical uses of blood.”

“The very same discovery that allowed the now perfected processes for blood transfusion.” Twilight explained.

“Interesting,” I said with a smile. “I find it interesting a little funny that the two works are so vastly different yet the same.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, both earth and Equestria has blood transfusions. Just done at different time periods.”

“Care to elaborate?” Twilight asked.

“I'll start with the time periods or how time is measured. Take hours, days, minutes, and seconds. Both worlds have the same naming conventions to time. The months are close as well. Its when it comes to how we tell years is the different point. See on earth we set are years by B.C. And A.D.” I started.

“What does those stand for?” Luna asked this time.

“B.C. Stands for Before Christ. I figure from Christianity which is a different subject altogether. A.D. Stands for Anno Domini, a medieval Latin for 'in the year of the lord'. Another reference to Christianity.” I continued to explain how earth does it's time periods. Going as far as to explain some of my favorite time periods, especially the medieval times. While I did that, the chariot continued done the Canterlot roads till we stopped in front of a large building, that was done up more like an Arabian palace. Well... if it was maybe a sixteenth or maybe an eighth in size, give or take. The door was opened up from the outside by a pair of unicorn guards, leading to a large red carpet with golden floral patterns bordering it that was all the way to the door. The building itself gave the looks like it was made of sandstone, at least in color. With the sheen that was coming off it, I could only guess that if sandstone was used for this. It's just a covering layer.

The inside was rather nice. Unlike a lot of the other restaurants in Canterlot which have chairs and booths. This one had lower tables and pillows for seats, which normally wouldn't be too much of a problem. However the only one that sits close to my height between the three of us is Luna. Even then, I still sit a head or two higher than her. Looking around the Arabian themed restaurants to see that other than the servers, guards, and the three of us. There was no pony about at any of the other tables.

“Where is everypony?” Twilight asked beating me to the punch.

“The Pon Arabia isn't officially opened yet.” Said a sandstone coat colored unicorn mare coming out from the kitchen with a dark brunette mane and tail. She was dressed much like some of the servers I saw during my time in Saddle Arabia. Wrapped in her violet aura was three plates with plate covers on them. I couldn't tell her eye color at the time as she had her eyes closed with a warm smile on her face. She placed our food on the table as she bowed to the three of us.

“I had been invited previously while here was still under construction for a private pre-opening dinner,” Luna explained. That made sense to me at least, I mean if you wanted to show that you where the top notch in a place like Canterlot, you may as well invite one of the highest authorities in the place to dine at your place. On the flip side of this dangerous gambit is that if the one you invited had a bad experience, could color your place as a disaster.

“It's a pleasure to have both Princess Luna, Prince Firestorm, and Miss Twilight Sparkle at our restaurant.” The mare said again with a humble bow. She placed the three plates in front of us and slowly lifted the cover. The steam that was caught under it wafted up and blinded me for a moment. As soon as the steam blew away, my mouth hung open. Before I was a thick slab of meat. I will admit my mouth began to water a little seeing that slab of meat before me. Looking up I saw Luna giving me an amused look like she knew what I was going to get served.

“Indeed I did,” Luna answered over our link.

“You seriously set up...” I had a hard time getting the words out of my mouth.

“Yes, I made sure your plate would contain meat.” She said with a smile. I turned to look at Twilight as she looking rather fine with this.

“I knew,” Twilight answered giving me a smirk.

“Okay, serious time. You're both alright with me... eating...” They nodded quietly with a smile. All while the mare that I have let to get her name of stood there watching.

“Firestorm, as much as-” was all Luna got out before a gasp coming from the door leading into the kitchen. We all turned to see an aquamarine scaled dragoness with a tan underbelly looking surprised at us. Her fins were a dark orange, just a few shades off of brown. Her horns were pointed back with a sight cane cover to her horns. Wrapped around her was a chef's apron, she came rushing over and bowed before me which caused me to blink in surprise. I slightly used to having ponies bow to me, but having a dragoness was completely new to me. Both Twilight and Luna looked just surprised at this.

“Son of Shafifner,” She said in an almost inaudible whisper. She then rushed over and took a knee before me looking at me like I was a ruler of some sort. Well... a more over the top on than most ponies did here in Canterlot. “It is an honor to have one of the great son's of Shafifner here, dining on my food.” Just watching this dragoness knee before me was really uncomfortable.

“Please, rise,” I asked politely.

“Of course Son of Shafifner.” She said slowly getting back to her feet.

“Scarlet, what are you doing?” Said our server.

“I'm showing my respect to one of the son's of Shafifner.” the now named Scarlet said as she still bowed towards us. “You should show your respect Meadow.”

“I am, this is Princess Luna, Prince Firestorm and Miss Twilight Sparkle,” Meadow exclaimed.

“It's an honor to have you dine here,” Scarlet said as she eyes the dishes quietly.

“Thank you, Scarlet,” Twilight said, and it sounded like she was trying to break up the awkwardness that was just dropped on us. I slowly moved my silverware to cut up my steak as I watched Scarlet just stare. The knife slowly sunk into the meat as a light dribble of juices slowly oozed out. The smell was almost overpowering alone as I hadn't had meat in almost a year. The fork speared the succulent piece of steak and brought it ever close to my mouth. As soon as the steak hit my tongue I was just in flavor heaven. Seriously, this was the best steak I've ever had. Nothing on earth or anywhere else could compare... well that I've had so far. I mean I have to keep a taste bud open to new ideas after all. I couldn't help but smile as I slowly chewed. It made me wonder what kind of seasonings were used on this. Even more, so that it got to the point the meat almost shreds itself with barely a bit. I glanced over to watch Scarlet eye me with a sense of worry. The only problem I had with this steak was that as soon as I swallowed it the taste was gone.

“My compliments to the chef. That is the finest steak I've had... ever.” I said ready to tear into the rest of it like a hungry dragon, which... I was.

“You-your welcome Son of Shafifner!” She said smiling a big toothy grin. We all watched as she began to dance around in what I could only call a 'happy dance.' “I got praise from a son of Shafifner.”

“Now that you've said it a few times. Who is Shafifner?” Twilight asked as she was watching this very odd display.

“You haven't heard of Shafifner?” Scarlet said stopping in mid-dance to look at my marefriend in a look that screamed 'are you kidding me'.

“Shafifner is my mother Sha.” I answered as I had figured that out after naming me 'Son of' as she was the only other being that was used to make me. Well... besides Clover the Cleaver. The process of elimination is a lovely thing.

“He is correct Twilight Sparkle.” Luna chimed in as she took a bite of her soup. which looked mighty tasty itself.

“But how did you know who he was? By all accounts, he shouldn't be able to be recognized as he looks like a different species then he normally does.” Twilight countered.

“Ouch,” I said framing pain. “But she does make a good point. How did you know?” We all turned to Scarlet who bowed quietly.

“Much like Dragon Lord Torch, the offspring of Shafifner has this air to their presence that every dragon will know of them by sight.” The dragoness explained.

“Tell that to Garble,” I growled still a little sore about that set of events.

“I heard about the fiasco Razor's Den.” Said Meadow.

“I rather not go over those events... if you don't mind,” I said more to ebb the conversation away from one of my least proud moments. Besides the fact as I'm not very proud of that moment. Both in the sense of how jerked to the left that that treaty went and how much I let my anger get a hold of me. Both Luna and Twilight looked at me after I had said that. Even worse was the fact that both of their ears were flattened back.

“Of... of course Son of Shafifner,” Scarlet said reading the room.

“Please Storm or Firestorm will do.” I offered.

“Of course Son of... I mean Firestorm.” Scarlet said. I would have said something before our short meal was interrupted with Nightling coming in with another guard both decked out in the Night Guard armor. Course I wasn't surprised they showed up, but it was the look on their faces that told me something was wrong. That was quickly followed by the feeling of something trying to work it's way up my throat, that was a letter with two words on it.

It Starts.

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 42 - Trails

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Chapter 42 – Trails

“Deep breath in, deep breath out, deep breath in, and deep breath out.” I was slowly chanting this to myself under my breath as all of us walked out of the restaurant. We had our meal prepared to go as now I had to prepare for my combat test. More for the fact that I didn't know anything of my opponent. Well... outside of the whole, it involves a dragon or a dragon offspring at the very least. We walked up to the carriage that now had a second smaller one behind it.

“We brought your armor, your highness,” Nightling said as she handles with the other guard on a litter much like the ones used in ancient Egypt. Just without all the fancy décor to it and a chest between the two of them. With a flick of magic I began to open the box to see the armor I wore during my bout with both celestial princesses. I turned to Luna who only uses her head and nodded towards the carriage, all I did was nod and entered it. This was way too weird for me and it just wasn't sitting right with me.

“Okay, what's the details of this 'test'?” I asked over the link to Luna.

“From what I read here. You're supposed to meet both the challenger as well as the cabinet member in the middle of town.” She began.

“Wait, so the cabinet member isn't fighting me directly?”

“No, the cabinet member issued the challenge. They aren't the one challenging you, they have a representative to fight in their stead.”

“Okay... go on.”

“That's about it, you meet up with them.” She said as it sounded like she was confused. Frankly so was I just hearing this.

“That sounds completely asinine, you can't seriously think that I'm going to fight them in the middle of fucking Canterlot?” I said out loud as I fought to slip my tail through the whole in pains. This thing I swear has a mind of its own at times. When I don't want it to droop, it does it. When I want to shift it left, it goes right and almost trips me. Seriously how do dragons walk around with these things? Kind of wish Spike was old enough to deal with it so I could ask him. Sadly his tail is on the short side, but I more chuck that up to him still on the young side. From what I read, dragons don't really start to grow out until closer to the teen years. The problem with that is that depending on the dragon in question that could very.

“That's all?” Twilight asked, bringing back to the topic at hand. “Are they seriously expecting to fight here in Canterlot?”

“It seems like that,” I said using my magic to slide my wings into the slots in the back. “But I'm not going to have that,” I growled as I fought. The tips of my wings were being a bit of a pain. The downside of having large wings is trying to get them through smaller holes. “Nightling, report.”

“We already have visible contact of both of them, your highness,” Nightling said followed by a slight dink of metal hitting metal. I could only assume that she snapped to a salute after I ordered a report.

“And?” I asked as I finally got my wings through and was sliding my arms into the sleeves.

“From what we can tell that the larger blue scaled dragon with black fins is the cabinet member. Roughly thirty-two hooves high.” Nightling explained. With a quick bit of mental math, I could tell that the height was roughly sixteen feet. Since every two hooves are equivalent to one foot that I used to measure in. Which put the cabinet member the rough size of a standard small house. Not counting any extra floors or a basement from the ground to roof. “The other dragon with him was white scales with matching black fins. He was about half size which puts him to sixteen hooves.” So about eight feet which were very tall compared to my roughly six-foot-four-inch height. Even to Celestia, this dragon was about eye level with her horn.

“Anything else you can tell me about them?” I asked.

“Besides they look really pissed off.” Nightling shot back.

“I don't think this is the right time for any snarkiness Captain,” Luna interjected.

“Yes, your highness.” My captain said with another salute just from the sound of it. It wasn't much longer for me to get the rest of my barding on. Opening the door my sight was treated with a 'what the fuck' moment as I saw both Twilight and Luna in armor. The former wearing a set of night guard armor, minus the helmet. The ladder of the two was in a set of her royal armor that I saw in the royal armory. Which was the place both sets of my armor was set at. Besides the special set, I have back in Ponyville.

“Okay, two questions,” I said using my claws to hold up two fingers. “One, why are you two in armor and Two, where did you two change at?”

“Let me answer the ladder first.” Twilight began as her horn lit up and in a flash, she was back in her dress. That was followed by a second flash returning her back to the armor.

“Okay, touche.”

“As for your first question, we are about to meet two dragons in a combat test. Do you really think we were not going to meet them in armor?” She tacked on.

“Yeah... no,” I said flatly.

“No?” Both Luna and Twilight questioned at the same time.

“I'm not going to put you in harm's way Twilight,” I said crossing my arms.

“So you'll let Luna go out there and face dragons, but not me?” Twilight huffed.

“No, I'm letting Luna tag along in a royal aspect. Mainly because I don't trust them not to pull something sneaky. Mainly because they are new to me and while I would like to hold them at face value. I can't, this is playing the political game and nothing is at face value.” I explained.

“He is correct Twilight. While I don't agree with him not wanting you there, at least for moral support. I can't fault his reasoning.” Luna tacked on before turning to me. “But I do have to question why don't you want her there?”

“Two words. Dragon Treaty.” I said as my left eye twitched a little form the memory. This was enough to get both mares to sigh a defeated sigh and have both of their ears flatten back. The guards, however, were stoic, well all but Nightling.

“That isn't fair your highness. You can't always call back to one moment like that and justify hundred of turns.” Nightling tried to counter.

“I would beg to differ. The thing about failing is that you learn from your mistakes. As far as dragons go, there is only three I trust and one of those is a baby dragon and the other is only a half dragon. Outside of that, I don't trust dragons until I see what they do. Actions speak louder than words right now when it comes to them. Till then I walk with caution around them. Than and out of all of us, I'm the only one that is fireproof.” I said stating my counterpoint. Twilight looked at me and I could see the mixture of anger and hurt. Something that I wish I didn't cause, I never like hurting anyone. Especially those close to me and it hurts that I had to do this, but it had to be done. After the treaty, I was never going to put Twilight in harm's way again, if I could help it. Getting down to my knee, I placed my left claw on her face and gently ran my thumb over her coat. “Twilight, I don't do this to be mean. This is just...” It took a few moments to get the right words that I wanted to us. “I don't want to see you hurt, not like last time and I don't think I could give this all the attention that it needs to have. If I have to worry about you being safe there.”

“I agree with Storm on this Twilight. He has to see this in a royal aspect and as much as I don't agree with some of his choices. I can't fault them either.” Luna said walking up next to me.

“Nightling, please escort Twilight back to the castle,” I asked standing back up to my full height. She looked at me a bit annoyed.

“Permission to speak freely?”

“Sure,” I said with a cocked eyebrow.

“I would like to respectfully deny that order. As your captain, I would like to guard you.” She said now verging on the more pissed side of things.

“And I would, but I trust you making sure Twilight gets back to the castle safely.”

“With all due respect, I think-”

“Let me put it this way,” I said interrupting Nightling with a clear bluntness to my tone. “It's an order, Captain.”

“As you wish your highness,” Nightling growled before turning around with a snap and matched off, Twilight shortly following. The other guard that was with her following with the now empty latter on his back. With that, I snapped around and began walking towards the meeting place in the center of Canterlot.

“Don't you think that was a little harsh of you?” Luna commented walking up next to me.

“I'm aware,” I said a little blunt as an anger began to fill my mind. Besides the fact that I was now facing a full blooded dragon on my own. I was having my captain giving me lip. Don't get me wrong, I know it's her job to protect me. It's just there wasn't anything she could do about it this time. It was a combat test. Meaning I had to fight and I wasn't going to let anypony take my stead in this. Let alone against a dragon. I would just have to be out of my god damn mind to allow something like that. Especially one that could easily flash fry anypony if they wished. The thought of all this brought back another one... one that I hadn't thought about in a long time.

“Storm why are you acting so-” Luna began to ask as we continued down the main street to the city center.

“My father...” I answered cutting her off.

“Your father?”

“Yeah... my father was... a military man. I wouldn't say he was a good man, hell I wouldn't say I was either. The thing about my family is that we have some wicked tempers. Especially my father and I.” I began to talk, I don't now what really compelled me to really speak. I just did... I told her about a lot of my father and some of the more harsher things he did. How much pain he had put me through, all because of his anger. I wasn't much better, especially during my younger years. I don't hold myself to be perfect, far from it. If anything, I've seen myself the source for a lot of peoples pain. Just by being there, family, friends, even complete strangers. It was a silly ideal that I held on for so long. Even to the point, it scared me. As I talked I couldn't help but gently rub my right arm, right where an old scar use to be on my old body. Luna listened to every word I said, and out of everypony I met... she was the only one I thought would understand. She was right, we've both seen what darkness can do t someone and somepony. There was a few moments pause after I finished before Luna spoke up once again.

“Sometimes in life... events will scar you in places other than the flesh. They will try to change you... warp your sense of self.” She said sagely.

“How do you recover?” I asked as an old anger began to burn within me.

“You fight it... to fight them... by learning how to be yourself again.” She said before turning to look at me. “If I had to say, you may not have fully healed yet, your much better now, than you were then.”

“I can only hope,” I said as we reached the center of Canterlot. Before us was the two dragons that the intel had spoke of. Luna stepped in front of me and respectfully bowed in front of the larger of the two dragons. Just the look on his face, he was enjoying it immensely. That rubbed me the wrong way, all adding to my already growing fowl mood.

“It's an honor to meet you.” She said not looking him in the face. That didn't stop me from folding my arms looking up at him as his eyes shift over to me.

“You must be Firestorm, the youngest son of Shafifner.” The cabinet dragon said eyeing me.

“Sup,” I said flatly which caused Luna to snap her head to me in surprise.

“I've heard quite a lot about you.” He said smirking.

“Oh really?” I said continuing my flat tone, this time accompanied by a cocked eyebrow.

“The youngest son to date of Shafifner. The one that has been making a name for himself by defeated the bringer of death. The one that blows a flame that burns hotter than the Tartarus itself.” He said beginning to boost a little. I will have to admit, I haven't heard any of these before. Course I wasn't really in the mood for him trying to stoke my ego at the moment, so it was time for a little dickery to come into play.

“Oh you dirty bitch, work the shaft,” I said with a smirk. This had at least three responses. Luna looked at me with pure horror, which then snapped to both dragons. The smaller one looked down right surprised at me, with a sense of anger behind it. The funniest was the largest dragons response, which was down right confusion.

“Excuse you?” He said in his gruff voice.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I like to dirty talk when someone... Is. Sucking. My. Dick.” I said punctuating the last four words to get my point semi across.

“Maybe, I should skip to my point. My name is Attor.” He said with a slight bow.

“And I'm Carmen Sandiego, guess where I am.”

“I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you.”

“Oh, so am I, and I'm failing, and I'm sorry about that. It's just that I'm so agitated because of this blue shit stain of a dragon. Strolled right into town, ruin a very lovely evening with my marefriend and possible herd member, and is trying to impress me like I'm his alcoholic father.” That was enough for the smaller of the two dragons to fly at me and grab me by the throat with his claws dug in enough to draw a little blood. I, however, had my claws an inch deep, really to right through his heart. “Be a sport and grab daddy another beer, would you?” Before either one of us could continue Attor grabbed the smaller dragon and Luna magically pulled me back. This left light scratches in my neck while the dragon and small wounds from some of my claws.

“Enough of this, there will be time for either of you to finish the other off,” Attor said as he placed the dragon back down.

“I would like to respectfully request that this 'combat test' take place somewhere other than a crowded city,” Luna said as she shut me up with magic.

“And where would you suggest this, test happen at?” Attor said with a predatory grin on his face.

“How about the Everfree forest?” The other dragon said with a sense of assertiveness. Something about these two rubs me extremely the wrong way and its absolutely annoying. That was only confirmed when I watched light begin to illuminate from under their scales in what I could only call runes. With a wave of their claw over the wound I left it, my eyes widen as they disappeared. The only tale tells sign that there was even any was the small trails of blood from the now healed room. That cheeky asshole! My eyes narrowed as I took a more critical look over the dragon before me. Just from the body structure, I could easily tell he was male. I couldn't tell what kind of dragon he was, especially with that little magic trick of his. As far as I have read, there isn't a magic only dragon. Many that I know are elemental base, some having two.

“I can agree to that,” Luna said as I was too busy spacing out on my pondering about this dragon before me.

“Then it's settled, we will have a combat test to see if you are really are Son of Shafifner. As the rumors say” Attor said, and before anything else was said the other dragon took to the air in a heart beat and began to fly toward the cliff side. Luna and I walked as I was fiddling with my prosthetic arm, trying to cue up a track.

“Something about this doesn't sit right with me,” Luna stated.

“What gave you the first clue? The grin on both of them as the smaller dragon said Everfree forest, or was it the fact that they are planning something like a trap for me?” I asked as I had finally got it ready to play.

“You don't think they would-”

“Of course I think they are,” I said interrupting Luna as I clenched my claws. “After the last time, I faced a dragon. They went for dirty tactics, and I'm expecting no difference here.” I watched Luna's ears flattened back at this.

“Isn't that a little unfair against dragons?” Luna countered.

“In general yes, I would agree with you. It's just that body language here is just speaks volumes of underhoofed tactics ahead. Especially in the Everfree forest.” I said reaching into a special pocket. “Even I am holding a trump card,” I said sliding out a few of my spell script cards to show Luna.

“Why hide them?” She asked.

“Like any good game of cards, you never want to show your hand before you're ready,” I said with a grin as I slid them back into place. We reached the edge of the city by one of the lookouts. Luna looked down as we saw the dragon reach the forest below. I stood on the rail, looking down quietly.

“Be careful Firestorm,” Luna said looking up at me, I glanced down at her for a moment as I took a deep breath. While I could still deal with flying well enough. Heights was still my Achilles heel here and I was about to glide down from the top of a mountain.

“I will try,” I said as I tapped the play button on my prosthetic and the beginning riff of the theme song to Swat Kats starts to play as I leaned forward. Just in seconds, I continued forward until I spread my wings and began to glide down.


Firestorm landed in the middle of one of the few clearings that could be spotted from above. Standing before him was the younger dragon with his wings out wide and his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“About time you got here.” Said the dragon with an air of contempt in his voice.

“I thought I would take in the sights.” Storm said as he rolled his shoulder, preparing for the fight.

“You can cut the snark.”

“Aw, but I'm so good at it.” That got the dragon's left eye to twitch. “None the less, I suppose we should start. So, shall we begin...” Firestorm blinked for a moment. “Come to think of it, what is your name?” This caused the dragon to look at him a little confused before he facepalmed.

“Drakon,” He said bluntly, this was followed by Firestorm face palming.

“Of course he has to be called that.” He said under his breath. “Alright, let's get this started.” He continued a moment later taking a stance with his left claw out, slightly loose from a fist. His right claw was only slightly behind as took a wide stance. His tail whipped against the ground and his wing flapped lightly before resting back on his back.

Drakon in turned cracked his knuckles before taking a wider stance. Both of his claws were outreached at each side, and his wings were widespread. He matched Firestorm's tail whipping as if it was a set timer for the fight to begin. There they stood, looking at each other as if the other was waiting for them to make the first move. All the while a light thump was heard as each tail struck the ground. Thump... thump... thump... minutes past as they just stayed there. Till Firestorm slightly slide his clawed hoof a bit. They both took off at each other and swung. With a large boom at the impact of both of their fists connecting. Storm grinned as he jumped with a twist as his tail was brought up high enough to strike Drakon in the face. Forcing him to be flung of deep into the woods. Firestorm turns his head causing his neck to pop as a grin began to adorn his face.

Drakon using his wings turns and began to slide against the ground. His feet slowing down his momentum, just enough for him to take a large intake of air. He looked up to see Firestorm slowly walking towards him with his horn glowing. The dragon growled as the runs on his arms began to glow and with a massive punch to the ground. Cracks began to appear in the ground causing them to riddle the ground him and shoot off towards Firestorm. Right then Firestorm raised his head as a slab of stone rose out of the ground. This was followed by him punching it with both fists. Like a gunshot, it took off right at his scaled opponent who barely had enough time to jump out of the way. The slab bashed its way through the tree behind Drakon. Breaking it down to nothing, but splinters.

“That was close,” Drakon said as he turned back to watch Firestorm flying towards him. His eyes widen and his wings flapped just fast enough to let him jump over him. Only to be grabbed by the leg with a grinning Firestorm.

“Too slow.” He said before slamming Drakon back onto the ground. The force of the impact made a small crater around them and sent Drakon back into the air. Who used that moment to fly back up into the air and take a second intake of air. Releasing a vibrant violent flame down to the forest below and all over Firestorm. Where a normal person or pony would have been fried to a crisp. Firestorm grinned as he began to intake himself. However, with the lack of air in the area, this left him to take in Drakon's flames.

“Did you seriously just eat my flames?” Drakon said in surprise when he noticed his fire wasn't spreading as it should have and engulfing the full forest. Storm grinned as the vibrant flames became and frost blue when he returned them back to sender. Drakon didn't have enough time to fly out of the way as the flames engulfed him. Unlike normal fire, the flames here had an adverse effect. Instead of heat, this released a hellish cold upon Drakon. Enough that his wings and body became covered in frost that didn't allow him to fly anymore, he dropped like a stone in water, back into the forest. “I thought you were a flame dragon?” He growled as the ice on him cracked and fell off him.

“Shafifner was an elemental dragon. Not just 'a' element.” Firestorm said grinning as he held his hand out. His horn began to glow with a blacken aura as the shadows under him began to go up against his body. When it reached his outstretched hand. It began to form around it until it turned into the shape of a large bastard sword. Drakon grinned as he got back onto his feet and then took off deeper into the forest. Storm followed with sword in hand, into the darker parts of the forest. Unable to have the natural low light vision like a dracorn would have. His horn lit with a flaming orange over glow as three balls of fire appeared around him. Lighting up the area of the forest. The eeriness of the forest gave off the vibe of something wicked hidden within it.

The moss covered trees, and the untamed flora was the only thing that could be seen within only a few feet of the light. Otherwise, everything else was swallowed in a thick darkness that would unnerve anyone or anypony. Firestorm slowly walked deeper into the forest keeping his ears open for sound, but there wasn't any. It was deathly silent, that not even the crickets dared to chirp. As Storm scanned the forest he slowly reached into a hidden pocket in his chest armor and pulled out a small vial. With a pop, the cork in it came out and he downed it in a single gulp. This left a shutter run down his spine.

“God I wish these things tasted better.” He said before attempting to slide it back in place. How ever as soon as he moved his hand close to his chest armor again. A spear of ice flew fast towards him causing him to drop the vial. He stepped to the side barely dodging the spear. That was followed by hundreds of spears flying from all sides towards him. Taking the smarter route, he jumped into the branches. Unfortunately for him, that's what Drakon was wanting.

“Surprise!” He said from the branch above as he swung down with his fist. Enough force that causes Firestorm to drop like a rock and get nailed by a few of the spears. Nothing pierced him but there were enough blows that quite many bruises were going to form. After finally hitting the ground with the barrage of spears still flying above, he growled before focusing his magic and his breath to create a wall of fire from his natural fire breath. As soon as the spears would hit the wall, they would be turned into nothing but steam. All until the spears stopped and the area around Firestorm was nothing but a cloud of pea soup thick steam. Storm grinned as he got back onto his feet and held his prosthetic claw up. To match in time his horn began to glow.

Around the Everfree forest, the roaming clouds began to converge on one spot above the battlefield that Drakon and Firestorm fought. The clouds began to turn back and unleashed a large torrent of thunderbolts down into the forest below. Just like a lightning rod, Storm's prosthetic began to get struck with bolt after bolt. Each on coming faster than the last. All while Storm held his tongue as best he can from screaming in pain from the shocks running through his system. It was after the seventh or eight bolt that Storm's mane began to take the form of active lightning and after the almost twentieth bolt. The clouds above had unleashed it's last.

“So the little drony thinks he can play with Lightning?” Drakon said from the shadows as it echoed around Storm.

“Who's playing?” He said grinning as some of the energy radiated from his hoof before he struck the ground. Energy began to shoot through the ground causing cracks in the earth as it was sent in a multitude of directions. Lighting up the area around him as he saw for a moment his target's? Storm for a moment looked confused as shook his head. That couldn't be right, could it? In his moment of distraction, Drakon got behind him and nailed him in the back, sending him into a near by tree. “I see someone is cheeky, thinking he can attack from-” Was all Storm got out before he was struck again from a different direction sending him tumbling back. Until he dug his claws into the ground to stop himself. “Okay, that's it!” Storm yelled as he focused all of the energy into his horn. With a resounding boom, that echoed all the way to Canterlot. Storm let off a large blast of lightning in all directions.

The ground around him was scourced to a crisp, that even some of the remaining grass was still on fire. Most of the trees were charred or burnt to ash. In the center of it was Firestorm breathing hard as he looked around. With a lot of the tree cover burned away, the battlefield was seen in a new light. One that angered him, as it shows that there wasn't one Drakon. No, there was five of them and all of them, but one was on the ground in a daze. The only one standing was grinning as sparks of energy sparked off him.

“Bad move there Prince.” The standing Drakon said.

“Wouldn't be my first one.” Firestorm said popping his shoulder for a moment. “Won't be my last.” He continued after taking a stance. He shifted his hand and waved his opponent to come towards him with a grin. The standing Drakon growled as he flew towards Storm in a flash of speed. Storm grinned as something sparked within his right sleeve, this caused his right arm to jerk for a moment. Before dodging into Drakon's attack and planted it right into his face. The force of the blow sent that Drakon back.

“Ready to try it?” Shadow said from inside Firestorm's head.

“May as well.” Storm said out loud as he reached into his chest armor. He pulled out what looks like a full deck of cards. Each and every single one of them was a bright violet. He smiled as his horn began to glow with a layer of a dark aura with an over glow of a flaming orange. Behind him, a whirlpool of magic appeared, much like the one from the redirection spell. Right then the cards began to glow as Firestorm threw them into the whirlpool. Then both of his claws began to glow with a matching aura to his over glow. He grabbed both sides of the whirlpool from within and began to push. Stretching the whirlpool. It looks like he was trying to tear it a part.

In fact, that's what he was doing. With the strain he was putting on the whirlpool, it began to split much like mitosis. Both Storms yelled as they forced more magic and power into the magic in their claws. With one final push, they split the whirlpool into hundreds of smaller whirlpool. Drakon flew towards Firestorm, not realizing what was about to come. He began to laugh as he turned to Drakon, who used his wings to stop himself.

“Smart move.” He said with a smile. Drakon landed and began to stake a small step back at the sight of Firestorm. It wasn't his body, which hadn't changed. It wasn't his mannerisms that changed. No, it was his eyes. The once normally blue eyes were now gradient with red as the normal whites had begun to turn into a pool of blackness. “Sadly its too late. You see, it takes quite a bit of magic to pull this off.”

“Wha-what's this?” This Drakon said sounding different than the one that began the fight. This one had a lighter voice that rang out with a sense of fear.

“You could call it a trap card.” Firestorm said in a calm but creepy tone. With a raise of his right claw, and with a grin. Snapped his right fingers as balls of magic flew out of the whirlpools. Drakon's eye widens before he used his wings to fly off in the other direction. Dodging ball of magic after ball of magic, all in an attempt to avoid the full barrage. He focused on the ones chasing him, he didn't watch where he was going. He didn't see Firestorm appear in a blast of magic with a large mallet made of shadows. Firestorm gave off a whistle as he swung back, that got Drakon's attention. “Miss me?” He said before swinging and nailing Drakon squarely, with enough force to send him flying back. Right into Firestorm's attack, as soon as he touched the first sphere of magic.

It exploded, that was followed by a chain reaction that every other ball of magic around it followed suit. This, in turn, caused the other to explode till a good few miles of forest was reduced to ash and burnt soil. In the center of it all, laid one of the Drakons. Firestorm's face dropped from the smile to a flat look. One that didn't show pleasure, nor pain. He slowly walked over to the Drakon in the creator the was left by the blast. With to fingers from his left hand, he could tell that Drakon was only knocked out and not dead. He let out a heavy breath.

“Good, he's not dead.” He said as his right ear flopped lightly. With a turn, he saw the other four Drakons standing around the edge of the creator. “He's alive.” All of the Drakons jumped into the air before flying down and stopping a few feet away from Firestorm.

“Why should we trust you?” The orignal Drakon said scowling at Firestorm.

“Well, you could always observe seeing his chest is rising and falling. So you know he's breathing and it's a little hard to do that if your, dead!” Storm said snapping back.

“I should break you right now.” Said one of the other Drakons.

“Well, I should call your asses out for cheating.”

“Like hell we did.” Said another Drakon. “We were told to face you from Elder Attor.”

“Oh, so this was his idea.” Storm said as his left eye twitched.

“And our bout is not over yet.” Said the original Drakon. “I need to put you down, especially for insulting Elder Attor.”

“What hope do you have to defeat me? He was the only storm dragon from the lot of you.” Firestorm said pointing at the unconscious dragon on the ground.

“Don't count us out yet you bastard.” Growled the last of the four Drakon.

“I believe that's my line.” Firestorm said before he was rushed but the same Drakon. Firestorm was caught off guard as he was impaled off center from this Drakon's horn. Digging his feet in Firestorm slid to a stop with Drakon continuing to try and push him further. “I don't think so.” He said before reaching down pinning the arms and wings of the Drakon. Then pulled him out by pulling back. Enough to point Drakon down in a front facelock and delivered a DDT by slamming his head into the harden burnt ground. With the force of the blow, Drakon's head was stuck in the ground much like an ostrich. “Two down, three to go.”

“You bastard!” Said the original Drakon as the last three took off towards Firestorm. In turn, Firestorm jumped up into the air and began to fly up towards the gathering of clouds high above. With the bleeding wound, slowed him too far down that the three dragons caught up with him. One of the dragons unleashed a torrent of frost onto Storm's wings causing them to show down. This made them unable to keep him airborn.

“Son of a bi-” Was all he got out as one of the other Drakons were able to grab him by the throat. Then proceed to fly towards the ground, with the other two hot on his tail. Storm growled as best he can as he tried to get his wings to work again. With the heavy frost on his wings, that was harder than it looked. His fire breath was out too with his throat being held tight. Which left him little options. With a flick of magic, four more sparks came off the rest of his armor as he pressed his prosthetic claw against the one holding him. He than mouth the words 'Surprise bitch!' as he released the electrical energy within him. This caused the one holding him to scream and release him.

“Brother!” Said the remaining two as they flew to catch their brother. This left Storm to plummet to the ground with a resounding thud hit the ground with the sound of something breaking to be heard for miles.

“I'm fine Scales, and Jewels,” Drakon said to the now named brothers as he hung in their arms. Since his wings were fighting his mind to work. Storm, on the other hand, was now having a hard time getting back to his feet as the wound in his stomach wouldn't stop bleeding and the feeling of a possible few broken ribs. Made it increasingly hard for him to get moving.

“Shadow, do you think you can keep them off me?” Firestorm asked as he reached into his chest armor for a different vial.

“I think so but, are we going to be alright?” Shadow asked, all while Firestorm uncorked the vial and began to pour the contents into the wounds. It began to smoke and sizzle as the wound started to rapidly shrink and scar over.

“Yeah, luckily Zecora knows her potions.” Firestorm said with a small chuckle.

“Tell me about it, what are you planning to do?”

“I plan to do a summon set.” Firestorm said with a grin.

“Clever,” Shadow said with a tone that sounded like a smirk on his non-existing face. Right then the shadows around Firestorm began to grow out. They spread out as if it was a bottle of ink that was turned over and poured out. It began to float up and surround him in a large dome. Spawning from that a large blacken figure in similar build to Firestorm. “Alright, you sorry excuse for dragons. Come get some if you think you're hard enough.” Shadow said coming out of the mouth of the shadowed figure. This caused them to look down at the figure.

“Who in the name of Shafifner are you?” Asked Jewel as Drakon was able to fly again.

“You can call me Shadowstorm. As every flame likes to cast a big shadow.” He said as he took flight and began to hover at the same height as them. All at the same time as Firestorm reached into his armor and pulled out three cards. Unnoticed by any of them was the once brighten cards began to darken. Right as the shadows around Firestorm began to creep up his legs.

“The spell card triad for you has been decided!” Firestorm said as he grabbed the first card. Right then a massive tremor of raw energy rushed through him and in turn threw Shadowstorm. This caused Shadow to turn and look at the dome.

“What the fuck was that?” Shadow asked as he looked slightly unnerved by what he felt.

“The power of unyielding might, eerie black.” Firestorm continued to say as the shadows crawled up to his chest.

“That's not a card set he's made!” Shadow said before flying down and tried to merge back into the dome. Before it flung him away as his link with Firestorm was disrupted somehow. “Stop it Firestorm!” He said as he tried to yell through the dome.

“The millennium prison, lunar white!” He continued as he threw the second card. Right as the shadows had swallowed his arms, tail, and wings.

“Stop it!” Shadow said as he continued to pound on the dome before he turned to the sky. “Get out of here. It's dangerous!” All while Jewel, Scales, and Drakon all few above.

“You must think we are idiots.” Scales said before he was cut off by Drakon.

“Something isn't right here,” Drakon said as he watched as weird magic began to spark from the dome. “Get our brothers out of here. Elder Attor didn't say anything about this.”

“But Drakon we still ha-” Jewel said looking nervous.

“Now is not the time to argue,” Drakon said snapping at them. “We will address this later, go now!” The other two siblings looked at each other before flying down to their downed brothers.

“And finally the unrelentless sleep, nightmare blue!” Firestorm continued as it was now only his face unswallowed by the shadows. He threw the last card, followed by his face being devoured by the shadows. Shadow continued to try and break through the dome. Till a crack formed in it.

“Finally!” Shadow said before focusing with both his hands on the spot. It was a few moments more as he broke through enough to barely get his head and forearm in. “Stop it you, idiot!” His words, however, fell on deaf ears.

“Arise, I summon you! Nightmare Moon!” He yelled as the three balls of energy flew right into the shadowed mass of Firestorm. Right then all of the shadows began to pull from him as if it was goo being pulled away. It impacted the dome as it began to melt away and go with it. In seconds the whole mass flew up into the air and into the cloud. All leaving Firestorm unconscious and on the ground. Shadow flew down to catch him.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Shadow said as he had melted back into a shadow and reformed back into Firestorm's shadow. After a few moments, Firestorm's natural body colors changed to that of Shadows as he began to take control and stand up. “Great, the guy is completely out of it. Fuck, Twilight's going to kill me.” He said before looking up as the clouds began to darken. All while the clouds began to funnel down. Creating a large wall of clouds began to form around the creator made from before. Leaving a darken mass from above that began to form into a semi-familiar shape. Shadow watched as the mass slowly lowered to the ground and took its final shape. Massive pitch black wings, long slender but powerful legs, teal serpent-like eyes and a massive grin filled with razor-sharp teeth. She slowly landed letting her wings spread, and all Shadow could do was facepalm.

“Will you put on some clothes damn it?!” He yelled in annoyance as his hand covered his face.

“And cover this beauty,” She said waving her hand over her newly acquired anthropomorphic form with a devious grin on her face.

“And doing the equivalent of lifting your tail for a stallion.” Shadow shot back with a flat look on his face as his arms crossed. That got Nightmare Moon to stop for a moment blushing red.

“On second thought, something tasteful would do.” She said with a flick of her horn and the shadows began to flow up her body as if it was nothing more than a waterfall of shadows. When they dispersed like smoke, to show her wearing a cloth that wrapped around her neck before it slowed down her shoulders and crossed above her ample bosom in a lunar violet fabric. Her lower half was covered in a long draping loan cloth that was held up by a lunar blue tassel belt. With the center of it has a sharp spade with two large circles cute out just a few inches from the point on the left and right side. In the center of that was the same crescent moon that adorns her flanks as a cutie-mark in a violet splotch. Which complimented her midnight black coat. Around her two hooves, she had large boots the same collar as her tasset belt, that matched with the large claw-like gantlets she had on with the crescent moon on the back of each hand. Upon her head was the similar moon helm as Firestorm would wear from time to time. She stood there admiring her new appearance. “Not bad for being a full pony.” She commented with a smirk.

“Well anthropomorphic pony,” Shadow commented looking here over with a cocked eyebrow. “How did you swing that one?”

“Wouldn't you like to know Shadow.” She said with a smirk.

“I could take a stab in the dark.” He said returning the smirk. “Since Firestorm was under a potion that changed his form. Since you re-spawned from him like that, it changed your form.”

“Clever little pony.” Nightmare Moon said slowly walking up to Shadow, almost eye level with him. She was a few inches taller than he was. “So I see that my 'sister' has you under a leash.”

“Do you mean Luna's sister?” He said giving her a verbal jab.

“Do not speak of my weaker half!” She growled.

“Why not? I mean, you are the dark side of the moon.” He said with his arms still crossed looking at her.

“Still cheeky as always, aren't you.”

“You better believe it, sister,” Shadow said eyeing her a bit more. He wouldn't be afraid to admit it, but he found appeal in Nightmare Moon's new form. Especially with his current form, it was easy to see why as some things stayed with the two of them regardless of form. “So what's your plan this time?”

“What makes you believe I have a plan?” She asked with her hand on her hips looking at Shadow with a smile across her muzzle.

“I'm not stupid,” Shadow said with a flat look. “You escape by draining Fire of his magic leaving him out cold. You wouldn't try to escape that bad unless you had a plan. So spill it.”

“Fine, I guess even 'ponies' like you can read between the line.” She said before she leaned down slightly and smirked. “I plan to rule Equestria as it's queen, and every queen needs a King.” She said leaning down showing off her body a bit more.

“Tempting,” Shadow said with a smile. “But I'm tired being on the losing side.” This caused Nightmare Moon to jerk back in a bit of surprise.

“How dare you imply I would lose.” She said growling at Shadow who raised his hand up to her sight line.

“Banished to the moon, When the girls found the elements, In the dreamscape being duped by my other half, When you tried to completely take over Storm when he snapped, and do you really think you don't have the best track record.” He said as he couldn't help but smile.

“How dare you! I will not be insulted by some upstart that thinks he my better.” She said as moved her hand in a motion like she was holding a weapon. When she swung down a scythe appeared in her hands. Shadow Storm jumped back lightly and used his wings to gently float.

“Something wrong Nightmare?” She growled at him with a look of murder in her eyes.

“Enough games Shadow.” Nightmare said as her wings flared out to look intimidating. Shadow only smiled as he held his right hand out, plum up. Within his plum, a black orb appeared and grew to the size of a baseball. He smirked as his fingers closed around the orb as dark purple sparks of energy rippled across it from time to time.

“Than I suppose we should get the game started.” He said before he slammed the orb into the ground. In seconds a large black dome grew out of the spot that the orb was slammed into swallowing everything in its path. Shadow Storm and Nightmare Moon included, with the ladder trying to fly away but wasn't fast enough. Once everything was swallowed up to them. They both noticed they were in a world of complete black. No color, no sounds outside of the flapping of wings and their breaths, and nothing else. The only out of place thing was the lighter shadows that were more a gray to them.

“A Shadow Realm spell?” Nightmare moon asked as she landed still with a scythe in hand. It glinted with an invisible light to show off the pale blue blade that curved like a waxing crescent moon. All being held in place by the more crystal-like tang and ring that had the crescent moon almost floating in it. The Snaith or staff of the weapon was a midnight blue with two blacken grips for easy handling coming off the middle and bottom of the staff.

“You could call it that luv,” Shadow said using a British slang to taunt her. “But I prefer to say that you're in my world now, not your world.” He said with a large sweeping gesture before he continued. “and I've got friends on the other side.”

That was followed by an echo of five or more voices that surrounded the two of them saying “He's got friends on the other side.” In an ominous tone. This gave Nightmare Moon a small shiver up her spine that she wouldn't tell anyone about.

“So is this all your going to do tonight, play games?” She asked as she held her weapon in her magic as she crossed her arms and gave her wings a small flap.

“Wouldn't dream of it love. I just like having the home field advantage.” He said finally standing up as the gray shadow under him faded away.

“Where do you think the shadows go to hide from the precious light?” She asked as she slowly walked towards Shadow.

“In the one place, they feel at home.” He said smirking.

“You think you have found an ally in darkness?” She said as she grabbed the upper handle and spun the scythe with a well-tone grace. “Do you even comprehend the powers you were gifted with?” She asked as she disappeared in a split second, only to appear behind Shadow as she tried to slash at him. With a flick of his own magic he sunk into the ground an appeared a few feet away from her with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face still. “The same powers I was born into.” She said as her eyes widened for a second before they returned to their normal size. “Who do you think stands against them?” Shadow shrugged wondering where this spiel of hers was going to go. “What you hold is only a fraction of their might. The same might I stand unyielding against each and every night.” She grinned as the blade of her scythe lit up in a luminous lunar white before she swung her weapon sending a wave of energy at Shadow. He stepped to the right and let it pass him. She used that time to fly up and pin Shadow against a blacken mass as she held the blade of her scythe to his neck. “You are nothing compared to them and your nothing compared to me. I know true terror.” She said grinning.

“You claim to know fear,” Shadow said not even blinking as she stared back at her.

“What?” She asked surprised and confused.

“I can show you, true terror.” He said as the once gold prosthetic was swallowed up in shadows. “Terrors unlike any you've seen.” He said as his arm to began to warp and twist into a massive draconic skull with only strips of flesh and muscles holding it together. He reached up and grabbed the scythe before it shattered like glass. “You've not seen anything like me.” With a flick of magic, the blackened world began to fill with buildings right out of the human world. Tall towering skyscrapers that could find at home in New Your, Chicago, or any other big city. It filled the space around them. Nightmare Moon stepped back to watch the once black empty world fill. Something she didn't even think was possible with a spell like this. She turned back to watch Shadow just disappear into the wall as if it was made of water. She tried to follow but found it to be solid like stone again. “What's wrong, luv?” Said the voice of Shadow as it echoed around her.

“Show yourself, coward!” She demanded as her horn lit up.

“As you wish 'princess'.” He said in a sarcastic tone. The buildings around her began to ripple as one of them began to break and crumble. Instead of falling down, however, the piece floated up and became a face. The face of Shadow Storm grinning from high above. “Is this more to your liking?” He teased.

“Show your real self coward!” She demanded once again as a torrent of magic fired up to the face looking down upon her.

“Ow!” He said as the ground around her began to form a large hand and closed itself around her. Thinking fast she took to the sky to avoid the hand, only to be struck with a bolt of magic coming from Shadow Storm's skyscraper face's eyes. It sent her into one of the builds, which turned to be a call floor. Around her stations of computers and phones sat on desks with chairs at each little cubical. “You know Moony, that wasn't very nice,” Shadow said as he looked at her from across the gap in the buildings. “But if I must come down to your level so be it.” He said as the face stopped. Nightmare Moon watched waiting for another trick. However, she didn't watch around herself as two hooves bucked her from behind, sending her into one of the supporting pillars. “I guess my aim was a little off.”

Nightmare Moon got up and turned to see Shadow Storm or well half of him. The top half was that of what she remembered, the bottom half was that closely resembled a spider if it was missing its head. That and if it's legs ended in hooves. “Enough of these tricks!” She said before flying at Shadow. With a flash of magic, she had created a blade of magic that she tried to slash Shadow with. She had managed to connect somewhat. She turned to see that he cut she had made, that would have split a normal pony in two. Was healing up, like it was just a paper cut.

“Really?” Shadow said slowly crawling towards her. “You should know better than that Moony.” He said as he held his right hand out. To have the blacken claw reform into a blade. “But if we must play with swords, then let's get on with it.” He rushed towards her using his eight legs to speed faster than the Duchess of the night expected. She only had enough time to bring her ethereal blade up to block the assault. “What's wrong? I thought I only held a fraction of their might?” He said before his front two legs raised up and bucked her knees, sending her to the floor.

“This is impossible!” She growled as she tried to get up only to have her legs buckle from under her. “What are you?” She asked as her horn lit up sending a wave of magic at Shadow. When it connected, he disappeared as if he was dust in the wind.

“Your worst nightmare.” He said from behind her, she turned to see Shadow with his arm pulled back about to strike. Before he could, Nightmare Moon's horn lit up and she disappeared with a wisp of magic that flew out of the building and out of the dome of shadows. The spider formed shadow stared quietly as it disappeared, along with the buildings and dome. Leaving him standing there as he was before the dome appeared. He took to the air a few seconds left after the wisp of magic left his sight. He flew back to Canterlot to see that the dragon siblings had all returned relatively safely. Luna on the other hoof looked a mixture of pissed and worried. She ran up to Shadow only to stop when she noticed it wasn't Firestorm's normal color scheme.

“What happened?!” Luna demanded to know.

“Before you get ahead of your self. Fire is only knocked out from mostly the fight. Speaking of which.” He said moving over to Attor. With a flick of magic, a massive hand of shadows flew up and grabbed the dragon by the neck and mouth, before he was slammed into the ground and pinned to it. “Listen to me you overgrown gecko. You ever pull that shit again and have a one on one battle be a five against one again. You will wish I end your life here an now!” Shadow growled into Attor's eyes after he had planted his hoof quite hardly on Attor's snout. “Do I make myself clear?” Attor tried to say something but with his mouth held shut, the best he could do was a small nod with his limited movement. “Good, now you don't ever show your face in front of me again or next time. I'm going to have dragon scale siding for my home.” He said before using the shadows to literally throw the two-story dragon out of Canterlot. Shadow then moved over to the five dragons that looked at him quietly. “Are you all alright?” He asked, with no hint of the anger from before.

“We are fine, what happened out there?” The original Drakon asked.

“Something that needs to be taken care of. If you need time to rest then do so and return home. I think you deserve that much.” Shadow said before he turned to walk home. Luna galloped to catch up with him.

“What happened?” Luna asked and Shadow growled as his claws curled into fists.

“Something bad, we need to talk to Celestia and let her know.” He said walking up to the castle and not even giving the night guards a chance to open it for the two of them. Magically flung the doors open and continued all the way to the main throne room where Celestia was watching over the night court for her Sister.

“Hel-” She got out before noticing who was in control. Her once smile faded before she gave Shadow a flat look. “Hello Shadow, what do I own your pleasured company?” She asked in an easy to tell 'I really don't want to deal with you' tone.

“Oh, nothing much just dark side of moon butt deciding to rear it's only head,” Shadow said using his left hand's thumb to point over to Luna.

“Dark side of moon butt?” Luna asked with a blink.

“You don't mean?” Celestia said with her eyes widening.

“No, I'm talking about the dreaded cake killer Celestia. Of course, I'm talking about Nightmare fucking Moon!” He said being a bit snide with the regent of the sun. Luna on the other hoof couldn't help but snicker a little at that.

“If it's that serious then we need to do something about it,” Celestia said as she got up from the throne and trotted down.

“The problem is she flew off into the night after I had scared her.” Shadow said before turning towards the door to yell, “Guard!” It took only a few seconds for the door to open.

“Your highnesses?” Asked a charcoal coated stallion in night armor.

“Go get Twilight Sparkle and tell her she needs to go back to Ponyville and get the other element bearers. As well as getting the elements themselves, something important has happened and we need them as of twenty minutes ago.” Shadow ordered, the guard saluted and galloped off to do so. He then turned back towards the regents of the solar and lunar bodies. “Now in the meantime, Luna and I need to go back to your old castle.”

“Why there?” Both Celestia and Luna asked at the same time.

“Because since Moon Butt forgot to pick up her toys. It left us in this mess.” Shadow said crossing his arms.

“My toys?” Luna asked.

“Your old armor.”

“Why would that be important?”

“Oh, well it depends if someone decided to completely check to see that any of the nightmare influence was still stuck to the armor,” Shadow said with a cocked eyebrow towards the Duchess of dreams. She looked confused for a moment before turning towards her sister.

“I'm confused here, how could the elements not have removed all negative influence from Luna and her armor?” Celestia asked as she came up to them.

“The same reason why I was able to break away from Firestorm for a while. The elements may be a refined version of the artifacts, but they aren't perfect. I was able to trick them by making them blunt. As for the armor, if it was made with the intent of that power to be in it. Then they are already in balance with it. Much like it wouldn't have worked on the Alicorn Amulet that Sombra made.” Shadow said rubbing the bridge of his nose between his claws. “The Elements find what's out of place and fixes it. With Luna, it was the corruption of Nightmare Moon. Same goes for Storm when he went crazy.”

“And how do you know so much about the elements?” Celestia asked giving Shadow the flat stare.

“Because I spent time reading, and since during the time between Luna's banishment and her reappearance you had ponies study the elements. The elements themselves are just tools, it's the intent of the ponies behind them that could really bring out their power. When it was you and your sister, you had a balance between you two. With Discord, you both wanted to put a stop to him. Hence the stone prison. The girls, however, the balance was split six ways. While some would see that as unfocused, the elements did not. It took into account parts of each girl. Much like the Artifacts did that created them. With their mindset in mind, we ended up with a freed Luna instead of another thousand years.” Shadow explained that had both Princesses looked with a mixture of confused and contemplative.

“If that's true then, if we blast Luna's old armor. It should get rid of the remnants of Nightmare Moon?” Celestia asked looking at Shadow Storm.

“I see somepony had figured out the hitch.” Shadow said with both of his eyebrows raising for a moment to punctuate the world hitch. “When did you figure it out?”

“A few minutes ago, but it makes sense. The Moon Helm as Storm keeps calling it still has a bit of Nightmare Moon in it. Which the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. What I don't get is why didn't she show up sooner?”

“Because of me.” Both Princesses looked at the standing dragon satyr confused.

“Mind explaining, because I'm not following.” Luna commented looking completely confused.

“Storm and I share this body. If you had to picture us as a ball. Both him and I take up the whole inside of the ball.” Shadow said using a light drawing spell to draw a circle in the air with His and Firestorm's names floating in it with a line splitting it in half.

“Then how did she influence Storm then?” Celestia asked this time.

“It's through my shadow simulations. See when I create a figure out of shadows like a copy of this body, a pony, or whatever. I have to push a bit of myself out.” Shadow explained as he drew a small section in the inside cutting off part of his half and placed it on the other side. “During that time, there is a small gap which Nightmare Moon used to get free.” He continued writing the mare's name in question in the opened section. “It's just when she freed herself. She took all the extra magic Firestorm had on hand. Which knocked him out, hence the case we are now standing in.”

“That makes some sense, but how do you know that was the case?” Luna asked.

“To put it simply, you can't possess somepony twice.” He said as his wing gave a light flap. “But now with all happening we have a wild anthropomorphic Nightmare Moon doing god knows what out there.” He continued with him pointing behind him in a general sense of the word.

“Anthropomorphic?” Celestia asked?

“Think Luna but with the body structure of me currently but still with a pony head,” Shadow said bluntly. This got both of them to look a bit worried.

“How did-”

“Potion effects extended to her through Storm.” Shadow explained cutting of Celestia. “Look, regardless of how much 'fun' it is playing twenty question with you two. We need to get this problem dealt with.” Shadow said turning to exit. “Luna come on.”

“Why me?” Luna asked before magic wrapped around her and floated her out of the room. “Hey! Let me go this instant!” This got Shadow to stop walking and turned back towards her. With a few steps, he was face to face with the moon princess herself.

“So it's fine that you all do this to Fire, but when it comes to you. It's not allowed?” Shadow commented with his left eye giving off a few ticks off annoyance.

“Yes... I mean no.” Luna said trying to back peddle a bit before she was lifted off the floor.

“You have five seconds to follow me now, or you will not like the outcome,” Shadow said flatly before dropping her to her hooves out of his magic. With a turn, he continued off down the hall. “Five,” he said as he disappeared around the corner. It was a few moments before Luna took off after him.


Shadow Storm gave a light sigh as he touched down outside of the olden castle of the royal pony sisters. The tall oak doors stood high above him as Luna touched down behind him. Her eyes looked over the ruins of the castle she had once shared with her sister before her darker side had taken control. Her eyes switched over the Shadow Storm and wondered if what he said was true. Even with the little time she had spent with him, she hesitated to deal with him. She watched as Shadow raised up one of his hooves and kicked the door open before walking in.

“Was that necessary?” Luna commented looking at shadow who ignored the question and walked on. “Hey, I'm talking to you!” She ran off to catch up with the towering figure. He didn't say anything as they pasted a few rooms leading up to the fateful tower that Nightmare Moon had fallen to the Elements the second time. The first time being when Luna was trapped on the moon for a thousand years. His horn began to glow as the pale blue shards of metal that was spread across the floor floated up into the air. With a flick of magic, the once broken shards fused back together to make the elegant regalia. In the center of the upside down flair-de-lis was the waning crescent moon. It floated over the Shadow as he grabbed it from his own magic.

“The old moon,” Shadow said as his claw ran across the pale silver moon in the center.

“The old moon?” Luna asked walking over.

“It's one of the many things the waning moon is called on earth. Different locations on earth have a different meaning. Like for one place the old moon is what winter is called when the yield of crops have been gathered and there isn't much left to do but wait.” Shadow explained as he as he made his way back towards the door.

“Is that something you and Firestorm share?”

“Depends on what you mean.”

“Both you and he explain this sense of lore from your world.”

“Well we were one when we were on earth, so it's not that far of a stretch to say that we share commonalities,” Shadow said as they walked through the large room where the pedestal that held the elements at one time was placed. Luna walked passed him as he had stopped for a moment to look over the pedestal before him.

“Something wrong Shadow?” Luna said walking back when she noticed the satyr not following.

“Is this-” Was all he got out.

“That held the elements yes, why?” Luna asked as she stopped right next to him. She watched as his hand slowly raised and began to move his fingers as if he was playing a piano. Somewhere in the castle, a large pipe organ had its large imposing keys began to be covered in shadows. Soft clicking could be heard from the keys before the large booming tones of the organ drowned them out. Luna jumped at the sound of the organ as she looked around. Shadow slowly walked towards the elements pedestal before them. He opened his mouth and began to sing.

♪♫ Can you hear, ♪♫
♪♫ a song is born, ♪♫
♪♫ It's the Ballad of the storm. ♪♫
♪♫ Thunder, Heavy Wind ♪♫
♪♫ My Song of Storms Begins ♪♫

♪♫ So be brave, ♪♫
♪♫ Play the Song ♪♫
♪♫ And a heavy storm will come ♪♫
♪♫ To Sings across the land ♪♫

The way he sang stricken a chord with Luna, as she could feel the fur on the back of her neck begin to stand on end. The once clear night sky around the castle began to slowly cover as small patches of gray clouds formed and clump together. Luna watched as Shadow Storm slowly made his way over to the pedestal all while his fingers continued to play invisible keys that rang out.

♪♫ Look at me... ♪♫
♪♫ Don't you see... ♪♫
♪♫ All the pain that's brought to me ♪♫
♪♫ Tears from my own eye... ♪♫
♪♫ Words from many cries... ♪♫

♪♫ Soon you'll see... ♪♫
♪♫ What they've done... ♪♫
♪♫ For my song has just begun... ♪♫
♪♫ Listen to my Song of Storms ♪♫

Luna's left ear twitched a little as the sounds of dissident thunder began to rumble in as a small baseline to the song that was now playing around her. The wind began to blow hard through the broken windows and hole-riddled walls. Almost to the tone of howling winds that made the princess want to stop what was happening. “Shadow please put an end to this.” She begged as she didn't like what was happening. It didn't stop him, at this point nothing was going to stop him outside of the divine.

♪♫ First some wind... ♪♫
♪♫ Then Some rain... ♪♫
♪♫ Then Lightning will strike the plain. ♪♫
♪♫ Let the thunder roar. ♪♫
♪♫ Let the lightning soar. ♪♫

♪♫ Thunderclaps... ♪♫
♪♫ You will hear... ♪♫
♪♫ Feel the raining of my fears... ♪♫
♪♫ As I play my Song of Storms. ♪♫

Just as Shadow had sung, the once far off Thunder sounded as if it was striking behind the walls themselves. High above the small groups of clouds began to gather around the castle covering the sky in a thick gray blanket, where no light could escape other than the bright flashes of lightning that rippled across it. Shadow's wings gave a flap as he flew up and stood above the pedestal that housed the elements. All while the rain-drenched him and his close. Pools of water began to spill into the castle.

♪♫ Heaven's Gray, ♪♫
♪♫ Full of clouds,♪♫
♪♫ The rain is pouring on me now.♪♫
♪♫ A thunderstorm has come,♪♫
♪♫ The Lightning has begun. ♪♫

♪♫ I succeed to ♪♫
♪♫ make it rain,♪♫
♪♫ As the light will hide away.♪♫
♪♫ As I play my song of storms♪♫

Shadow voice began to rise and almost belt out the song as his hands stopped playing the keys, but that didn't stop the music as it got louder and louder. The storm began to rage on, growing in power as if the storm had come from the belly of the wild and dangerous Everfree itself. Shadow looked up at the storm as he continued.

♪♫ Feel the rain... ♪♫
♪♫ Trickle down... ♪♫
♪♫ See it raining all around. ♪♫
♪♫ Thousand years of tears. ♪♫
♪♫ Thousand worlds of fears. ♪♫

♪♫ Thunder tears... ♪♫
♪♫ The Sky apart... ♪♫
♪♫ That's the anger of my heart. ♪♫
♪♫ This is my song of storms. ♪♫

Luna watched on in fear as Shadow didn't stop as the angered look upon his face told her that he wasn't to be stopped. Luna began to slowly step back as something in this storm had strike a primal fear in her, one that she wouldn't be sure where it came from. She watched As Shadow raised a fist into the air, almost threatening the storm itself.

♪♫ Hear me winds ♪♫
♪♫ Hear me Clouds ♪♫
♪♫ Lend your power to me now♪♫
♪♫ Roar loud with your might ♪♫
♪♫ Strike fear with your sight ♪♫

♪♫ Scream out loud ♪♫
♪♫ Make a shroud ♪♫
♪♫ Spread my anger all around ♪♫
♪♫ Share your fearsome Strength ♪♫

Her eyes flashed up to see all of the lightning that had once rippled the now monstrous storm was converging over Shadow. With a resonating boom that even some of the ponies in Ponyville could hear, an eldritch bolt struck Shadow's Fist before he looked down and pulled back. Her eyes widened past the already dinner plate size they were as she watched almost in slow motion, Shadow's fist slowly swung down and connected with the pedestal. The energy in a split second transferred to the pedestal riddling it with cracks. With a second powerful boom, this time echoed all the way to Canterlot itself. The pedestal exploded covering the room in dust, making it too hard to see. She did hear as the music began to slow down, followed by Shadow continuing to sing.

♪♫ Now you see... ♪♫
♪♫ What they brought... ♪♫
♪♫ Learn the lesson they have taught.♪♫
♪♫ I am like the storm. ♪♫
♪♫ lightning I can form. ♪♫

♪♫ The skies are calm...♪♫
♪♫ The rainbow shows...♪♫
♪♫ They forgive my actions now.♪♫
♪♫ As I end my song...of storms.♪♫

The organ held on the last word before the dust, as well as the note, faded back into the ether it had once come from. Standing before her, still drenched head to hoof was Shadow holding in his arm a rather large crystal. Once that Luna wasn't familiar with. She looked past him to see the pedestal was reduced to nothing more than rubble.

“Are you out of your mind?” Luna yelled almost going as far as to use the royal Canterlot voice on Shadow.

“It's been brought up, but never proven.” Shadow shot back with a cheeky smirk.

“What was that even for?!” She said continuing to yell as her wings flared out.

“For this,” Shadow said holding up a large midnight blue egg-shaped crystal with sparkles that looked like the night sky. All except that it looked like it was broken open to show milky white and pale blue clouds in it, but it wasn't broke at all. Turning it showed that the effect was smooth as if painted on, without it being so. “Fire is going to need this.”

“For what?” Luna asked still glaring at Shadow before her gaze dropped to the egg to give her a look of confusion.

“For the artifact of magic, come on Luna. Get with the picture, it's the only artifact that hasn't been found.” Shadow said walking past her towards the door.

“And how in my sister's name do you know about that?” Luna said appearing right before Shadow cutting him off.

“Because I've known for quite some time how to find the sword,” Shadow said flatly.

“Why did you keep something like that from Storm?"

"Why are you keeping what Celestia wants to ask Fire for from him?" Shadow countered coldly, this got the princess of the night start in shock. Her mouth moved for a few moments before words could even form.

"How... how did you know about that?" Luna asked slowly backing away from the satyr before her.

"I've known about it for quite some time, I know for a fact that you and your sister had the little talk before you sparred with him. All in the 'privacy' of your room, while you were getting ready." Shadow said walking up on her slowly. "Just like I said about how Nightmare got to Fire, I'm able to push part of myself out." He continued as Luna continued till she bumped into something. She turned around to see what looked like a dragon's head made out of shadows with two vibrant red eyes. All on a long snake-like head that spoke in the same voice as shadow. "And I'm able to interact outside of Fire's body and you think I wasn't going to use that chance to get stuff done?"

Luna looked at the head before turning around to glare at Shadow. Her mane to darken as she slowly walked towards him. Her horn a little dangerously close to piercing a sensitive spot on him. "So what? You decided to snoop around because you can't get enough feeding off of Storm?" She said as the anger had returned to her voice. "You really are nothing more than a parasite." She growled. She didn't expect to be grabbed by the neck and placed against the wall a few feet off the ground. All to be eye level with Shadow as his mane began to turn into blacken flames.

"Don't you dare call me that ever again!" He growled at her.

"And what are you going to do if I don't stop?" She said with a smirk.

"Oh, something far worse than your lack of tack. Since you've already failed at your job." He said before releasing Luna causing her to drop rather hard on her tail.

"And what do you know of my job?" She countered as she got up with her flank stinging from the hard stone and her own tail that she landed on.

"Well for some pony who is supposed to 'protect' ponies from nightmare. You've failed pretty hard since Fire has been having Nightmare for most of the time since he's gotten out from under Grimwand's hoof." Shadow growled as he was eyeing the princess with daggers in his eyes.

"Impossible, if he was then I would have sensed it." Luna shot back with a huff.

"Impossible, you mean the same level of impossible that you were locked out of Fire's dreams till you brute force your way in. So excuse me if I don't quite believe you that they are impossible. You know for the 'princess of the night' you pretty inept at it." Shadow shot back.

"If I'm inept as you say then what are you doing to help?" Luna countered.

"I'm doing what I can. Who do you think filed the guard requests for the Wyvern Guard? It sure it wasn't Storm, he was having a hard time fucking deciding without having to drag half the staff in for a sit-down." Shadow said giving her the same look.

"Why?" Luna asked in confusion. "Why go through all that to 'protect' Storm or is this your way of protecting yourself since you leech of him?" She continued as her look returned to a scowl.

"It's because I am protecting Fire. As much as you don't like to see it. Fire and I are like brothers, much like you and Celestia are sisters." He said crossing his arm as his magic held the egg-shaped gem. "And I protect family."

"Then why are you so against us then? Storm is part of our family through adoption and-" was all she got out before Shadow interrupted her.

"And the both of you have done enough shit to make me mistrust either of you. Especially Celestia." Shadow shot back as his mane flared sucking in the light left in the room.

"What did I do to make you mistrust me?" Luna shot back.

"Oh besides the whole trying to split Fire and I apart like you did, that made him have a nervous breakdown? Or how about the fact that you did nothing to really help Fire when Grimwand was messing with him for months? Maybe the fact that you lead him directly into a trap just for a fucking sword. I'm sorry Nightmare Moon, I would have to be suicidal to fucking-" Was all shadow got out before Luna blasted him with magic, causing him to fly across the room and into the wall. The resonating thud he made as he had hit the wall, cracked the wall bad enough that it went from the floor to the ceiling. Her mane was flaring out wildly as her eyes had turn ethereal white growling at him. "You just proved my point," Shadow said shaking a little as he tried to get up. The once whole piece of chest armor was now blown apart leaving a massive smoking hole as well as in the undershirt. The showing the slightly burnt flesh underneath from the smoking wound. Luna's eyes and mane had returned to normal as realized what she had done. Her hooves shot up to her mouth as she gasped at it.

"Sha- Shadow I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-" She said as she tried to move closer only to be stopped and interrupted by Shadow's hand. She stopped for a moment before her horn began to glow again. "Let me heal you." She said tentatively stepping closer.

"I will allow you to heal the wound, but I'm not accepting the apology," Shadow said rather calmly. She nods quietly as her magic begins to wash over the wound slowly and carefully as to not irritate the skin any further from the magic burn already inflicted upon it. Shadow watched her quietly for a while before turning his gaze out to the sky, the tale tells signs of the night giving way to the day was setting in fast. The light blues began to fade in from the darkening night. "I won't tell Firestorm that this happened." Luna looked up at him surprised.

"Why?" She asks looking up at him for a few more moments before she returned to healing the wounds.

"Because Fire still trusts you and wants to give you a far shot for the herd," Shadow said still not looking at her.

"But... why? I mean you told me that you don't trust me." She asked eyeing him quietly.

"As I said Fire is willing to try for you and Twilight, that's all I can really say," Shadow said and any further attempts were left to silence from the satyr.

"Thank you," Luna said after a few minutes of silence between them when she finished healing the wound.

"Don't thank me, just do better," Shadow said standing up slowly.


"The relationship you want with Fire has to be built on trust." He said heading towards the door quietly. Luna watched him silently for a few moments before she nods quietly. With that, she followed him out of the door and into the air with an idea in her head.


The castle was oddly quiet as Twilight and the rest of the element bearers had returned. None of the normal staff could have been seen. The guards missing from their stations from the front door to the halls. Not a single pony to be scene castle wide. The fur on the back of Twilight's neck, as well as some of the other girls, stood on end.

"Twi, I'm not liking this one bit." Applejack said right next to her as she slowly trotted closer.

"Me neither Applejack. It was bad enough that I didn't get to see Storm after his fight, then just to go get you girls and the elements. I'm not liking this more and more." Twilight said adjusting the crown on her head with a flick of magic.

"I'm sure Storm kicked that whatever he fought's butt, no problem." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk as she flew in front of them with her element around her neck.

"If that was the case Dash, why did we need to get the elements?" Twilight countered.

"Maybe the Princess wants to bring them back to make sure they are safe," Dash said shrugging.

"RD and the reason all of us were dragged out of bed?" Applejack countered this time giving her a skeptical eye.

"Because we're awesome," Dash said with a smirk.

"I hope this isn't too serious." Rarity said slowly walking past the group. "A lady has to get her beauty sleep." Rarity continued down the darkened halls of the castle with the rest of the girls. Next to her Pinkie bounced on all four of her hooves much as she would normally do walking without a care in Ponyville. Dash was flying above looking around. Applejack was on edge much like Twilight as they scanned the calls and any open doors that saw along the way, which were very few. Fluttershy was just scared behind all of them and even with a few stops. Caused her to fly behind a nearby pillar in fear. When they finally got to the door leading into the throne room. They saw the door was lightly cracked up flooding the corridor with a ray of light that faded into the darkened hall. Inside a faint tune could be heard being hummed from a male voice, almost like an odd marry go round tune that Twilight recognized from Storm's music.

"Careful girls," Twilight whispered as they got closer. They couldn't see the throne through the gap. With a flick of magic, the door flew open before them surprising most of them and causing Fluttershy to faint in fright. Upon the throne, they saw Storm, but it didn't look like Storm. Instead of the bright colors that Storm normally had as a satyr. There sat the opposite, black and dark colors outside the vibrant purple that his scales shined with. "Shadow," Twilight growled as they all saw him lay across the seat, both feet up on one of the arms of the chair. His head on the other end with Princess Luna's crown on his head and Celestia's twirling in his black aura. On either side of the throne sat the princesses of the sun and moon in a quiet way. Either from being oppressed or something other of the sort. They all turned to see who entered as Shadow turned to sit correctly in the chair. He slowly leaned forward with a grin showing off his razor sharp fang.

"Hello, Girls." He said joyful tone.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 43 - A Walk Down The Lane

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Chapter 43 – A Walk Down The Lane

"Ugh," I said as I set the white marker down with my claw. I had felt miserable from the lack of magic. From what I was told, I had been goat-ed once again to play as one of Nightmare Moon's pawns. This time, however, she was able to escape with a magical boost thanks to me. This pissed me off to no end, especially when even trying to levitate something caused me to go weak in the knees. Top of that, it seems that Shadow decided to take my body on a bit of a joy ride. Well if the princesses were anypony to go by.

But to top all that I now found out that because of my own stupidity that I let the bitch into my head. All because of Luna's fucking old helmet. Seriously how the fuck was I suppose to know that Nightmare tainted the Moon Helm like that? It was about four days after my little bout with Drakon and his brothers that I woke up. I had found out that Twilight and the rest of the girls had to use their elements on the armor to remove any trace of Nightmare left on it.

Course that didn't stop the princesses and Shadow playing a small prank on the girls. Celestia told me that they made it look like Shadow had taken over the castle by himself. With everything else that happened, I honestly thought this was a bit cruel to do at a time like that. I had said as much to the Duchess of the sun and all I got for it was.

"Shadow could be very convincing when it came to that." She had said with a shrug.

"Still didn't make it right." I had shot back. After that, I had been giving a few magical tonics to help restore my magic enough that I was about to do something other than grown about even being up. It had help with a massive headache that had radiated throughout my whole head. That and the pain in my chest from what Twilight had blasted Shadow, even with Luna's healing spell. It still felt a little off, she must have put a lot of force behind it. Lucky enough she didn't frag me good with that shot.

Other then that, I had spent time with both Heartshy as well as the castle Alchemist trying to help get me back on my hooves. Since they figured it was safer to have me back as a pony instead of the satyr. Which I was honestly fine with, well for the most part. I just wish I could at least levitate something other than dust mites. So I was pretty much doing it the griffin way with my prosthetic claw. My right ear twitched slightly at the sound of the door to room I had commandeered to work on my little mystery. I turned to see Luna slowly trotting in with the next tonic fix that I had to drink. Honestly, I would drink more of these if it wasn't two unfunny facts of them. One, that I had to pace myself otherwise I would get what I was told called 'Mana Sickness'. Which pretty much was too much magic trying to work its way through my system at one time and in my weakened state. It could induce a magical coma, which wouldn't be fun and two. They tasted completely and utterly nasty. Just one small smell of it almost induces vomiting and after the first time. Lucky for me that Luna was there with the save sliding the basket in front of me. So I had asked the alchemist to work on a way to make it taste a little better without diminishing the effects. That was after the third one. Currently, I'm on number twenty-three of these potions since I had to take them regularly.

"I was told this one should be more palatable than the last," Luna said floating over the mug to me. I reached up with my claw and saw that normally acidic green goop was not a pale blue. This didn't fill me with confidence about the taste, as it reminded me of one of my old friends from earth's concoction of Barbecue Soda. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine as I could still remember the slimy chunks that took a few minutes to slide down my throat. Never again.

"What flavor is it suppose to be this time?" I asked as I tried to slosh it in the cup to no avail. It just slowly oozed to the left and the right may be a centimeter at most.

"I believe its suppose to be blueberry." She said not even sounding convinced herself. "Regardless of taste, you still need to drink it."

"I know, how else am I going to get any of my magic in a timely manner," I said as I felt like I was in front of a firing squad with hoses of pure garbage slush. Honestly, I would rather take that and have to spend a day in the special baths getting clean then drink this... gunk. "In for a penny, in for a pound" With that I tried to drink it, honestly it was more I choked the damn thing down and dear god, that didn't taste anything like blueberries. Unless the thing was seven months old, squeezed with a bunch of other rotten fruits after mold had grown on it to make penicillin and I got the remainder. Luna winced as I began to gag on it pretty hard.

"Still bad?" She asked tentatively as I had rushed over to the trash can just in case I had to vomit in it.

"You have no idea!" I said with a slight echo from the can. "That was supposed to be fucking blueberry?" I got my head out of the about a few minutes later. I turned to see Luna looking at the remaining gunk in the cup with disgust. Lucky for her she didn't have to drink it.

"I'll let the alchemist know to work on it." She said setting the cup off to the side as she turned to look at the whiteboards I had set up. For the last two days I had gotten fourteen different files with traces of Nightmare Moon, but nothing more. So I was trying to profile her so I could possibly figure out where she would go in her new form. Which was not fun to find out happened because of the potion I drink just to be a satyr. "Nothing definite yet?" Luna asked as she saw my interlaced information with theories and possible locations base off of her history.

"Nothing yet, seriously how hard is it to find one Anthropomorphic pony in Equestria? I mean she stand out literally among ponies." I said as I trotted back to look over the files again.

"Nightmare Moon had time to perfect her craft at hiding. So there is no shame in somepony not being able to find her right away. It's only been four days Storm, you need to rest." She said as I left my head droop with my ears.

"I know, I know. But I can't really just lazy about when that monstrosity is out and about. I have to do something otherwise, I'm going to lose my mind all over again." I said as I used my hooves to run through my mane in frustration.

Luna came over and gently placed a wing on me. “Storm sometimes there isn't anything we can do about things. It's right now out of our hooves.” I just lowered my head slightly in defeat. As much as I didn't want to admit it, she was right. I didn't have the power or strength to really do anything about it right now. With my magic pool on the near-empty side of things. Just added insult to injury.

“I get that Luna, I'm just tired of being so... useless right now.” I said a little dejected.

“Storm your not useless.” She said trying to comfort me.

“But, I can't do anything I use to. I had to ask a guard to get me a book from one of the high shelves because I can't even fly right now. The most I can do is walk and times, not even that.” Luna looked at me with worry before she gently nuzzled next to me.

“We will get through this Storm... together,” Luna said as she continued, and I just let her. I wasn't really feeling so comforted, to be honest. Twilight and the rest of the girls had to go to the Crystal Empire to help with something about the Equestrian Games. From what I was told it was Equestria's version of the Olympics. So I was without Twilight the whole time, she had to get back to Ponyville after that for something for Celestia. So I didn't have my marefriend to help me through most of this self-doubt that I had been pledge with. I think Luna sensed that her words weren't really comforting me for the fact that I wasn't really feeling right. She let out a sigh and I turned to look at her. “Storm, can I ask you a question?”


“Why didn't you tell me you were still having nightmares?” She asked and I looked at her confused.

“How did-”

“Shadow told me.”

“Oh...” I said a little dejected. “I just... deal with them.”

“Storm,” Luna said a little disappointed. “No pony should have to deal with nightmares, especially you.” She was looking at me with more worry.

“Sorry, just... I've been used to having bouts of repeating nightmares since I was a kid. It's just something that I don't think about really.”

“How do you not think about it, if they keep waking you up?” She asked looking at me.

“Because they don't, they are repeating nightmares. It just repeats over again and I just sleep through it. My body when I do sleep gets its natural Rem sleep. Even if it is a little mentally tiring.” I said with a shrug.

“That's not healthy, from what I have seen and from what you're telling me. Then a pony subjected to this should have a damaged psyche and... oh.” She said shutting up when I gave her the best 'no shit' look I could muster at the time. I knew I wasn't in my right mind, something that I had to deal with since birth. “You know that does explain a lot.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence there Luna, really helps,” I said giving her a sarcastic thumbs up.

“Storm, that's not what I meant. It just goes to show how different you are from everypony else.”

“Besides not being a pony but a drony, or the fact that I have a split human soul, or is it the fact that I'm missing a hoof. I mean it can't be just my broken fractured mind to show how different I am.” I shot back a little annoyed, I may be a little salty with everything that's been going on.

“That's not what I meant either. I'm just saying that we've all questioned your leaps in logic at times.” She said as she tried to back peddle a bit. Honestly, I wasn't as angry as I had appeared to be. With everything going on, I just felt a little defensive at the time. It was worse than I didn't have Twilight here with me while I recouped. “But right now, I have something of more pressing matters to talk to you.”

“And what's that?”

“Twilight.” That got my brain to jump to red alert.

“Is she alright?” I asked as I felt my heart start to jump in tempo.

“She's fine, but I want to come clean with you about what's going to happen in the near future.” She said before a folder popped into existence next to her. She set it down on the table and I walked over to it and opened it with my claws. “A few minutes before I came here, we sent this book to Twilight.” It looked like a brown leather bound book with Starswirl's cutie-mark on top of it. The binding of the edge of it reminded of me old string bound journals I had saw once.

“What about it?” I asked a little confused.

“The last page of the book held a spell that Starswirl abandoned and never finished. From what we hope Twilight will be able to finish it, but...” She said biting her bottom lip.

“But?” I asked not liking where this was going.

“But... we know it's going to affect the elements of harmony.” She said and my eyes widen as my brain figured out Luna's trepidation.

“Your worried since I'm tied to the artifacts that made them, that the spell will affect me.” I finished her thought and she confirmed with a nod. “Then what's the plan?”

“We are going to place you in a special room with your Captain to watch over you till we know for sure what's to transpire. We hope that you come out of this unscathed” Luna said and I could see the worry on her face.

“And what about Twilight or the others?”

“The effects on them are minor since they are all connected to a single element,” Luna explained. Which I guess it makes sense.

“So because I'm connected to all six artifacts that it may or may not even affect me,” I asked and Luna nodded at this.

“Which is why we are taking the precaution and have you in a secure location.” I couldn't help but sigh and nod at this.

“Alright, let's go.” I said using my right hoof in a 'may as well' gesture. The two of us left with and walked down a serious of halls all the way into the door the left to the dark side of Canterlot. Upon passing through the door my captain joined us silently in her uniform. Luna looked focused while I was a little on the worried side, as I wasn't sure what to expect. Even more so where we were going, that last one to be answered rather quickly. The door itself was made out of a black stone with silver runes laid into the stone all creating a sort of tribal moon in the center. Luna's horn lit with the runes following suit in a wave-like pattern starting at the top. Then the door opened to show a very dark room that matched the door in stonework alone. Unlike the door, this one didn't have silver runes all over it. Just carved in lines that spider web the room. "What is this room?"

"This was one of the large channeling chambers that unicorns use to use to move the moon before my sister and I took over. The stone that made up this room is used to help focus the magic itself. We are hoping if there is an effect that the room will help contain it inside." Luna explains as we walked in to see a pillow was set down for what I could assume was me to sit in the middle of it. So without much thought, I did just that.

"So how long do I have to wait to find out if I get affected or not?" I asked as I wiggled a bit to get comfortable. Lucky for me they got one of the really poofy cloud pillows that I began to enjoy when I visited Canterlot. I needed to have somepony remind me to order one of twelve of these for the library.

"We will know by the morrow." She commented before turning to Nightling. "Captain, please inform my sister and I if anything happens."

"Of course your highness," Nightling said with a bow before Luna left with a flick of magic. I watched as my captain turned her gaze towards me.

"So... um... how's things?" I asked a little awkwardly.

"Fine." She commented flatly.

"Still angry with me after denying you about the dragon fight?" I ask as my ears flattened back.

"Eeyup." She commented just as flat as before.

"Look, you understand that I had a good-" I said before she cut me off with a very flat.

"I know."

"I can't be the only pony that's given you orders you didn't like before." I shot back now a little annoyed myself.

"You aren't"

"Then what's the real reason your angry?"

"Because you don't trust me."

"Excuse me?"

"You don't trust me to do my job." She shot back with a bit of anger in her voice.

"I do trust-"

"Bull, if you trusted me then I should have been out there with you instead of taking Twilight back to the castle." She said as she got up into my face.

"Let me explain something to you captain," I said as I poked her in her chest with my claw. "I trusted you to protect the one thing I care about the most in this world and to put it on a short list. Number one is Twilight, Two is my family which includes three princesses, two princes, and the girls. Number three is my friends, and four is my life. So take a guess the pony I trusted to guard them hmm?" I shot back as Nightling jerked back.

"Do you seriously put yourself that low?" She asked.

"I'm not Blueblood damn it!" I shot back as I'm getting a little sick of being compared to him at times. I get it, he has a bad rep when it comes to a prince but to put all of us on the same pedestal was just insulting at this point.

"I never said you where!" She shouted back.

"But you're comparing me to him!"

"Only because you both have your heads up your flanks most of the time."

"Excuse me? When the fuck do I have-"

"Do you want them in alphabetical or chronological?" She said with a smirk.

"Fuck you too Nightling. If you're so up with everything. Then hows the whole picking out the guards going?" I shot back.

"Paperwork is already in transit as we are waiting for the heads to reassign them since you got the files to me." She said that caused me to pause.

"I never-" was all I got out.

"That was me, I got tired of the nitpicking" Shadow said interrupting.

"Never mind," I said annoyed with a small snort. "Just... how long before I have to deal with them?"

"Once the barracks are set up, they will be officially transferred. The Royal Blacksmith is already working on their armors now." She said going back to her open.

"Thanks," I said with a sigh and ran my claws through my mane.

"Your welcome your highness." She said with a smirk.

"Nightling I said-"

"I know, but I still have to respect titles."

"And your doing it to screw with me aren't you?"


"I hate you," I said in a huff. There were a few moments of silence, where nothing could be heard in the room other then Nightling shifting in her armor as she made rounds around the room that was probably close to the side of a small auditorium.

"From one to another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone. Fulfilled." Could be heard echoing around the room. I glanced about not sure where it was coming from, but it sounds a lot like Twilight.

"Did you hear that?" I asked as Nightling stopped in stop and turned towards me.

"Hear what?" She asked now on guard.

"It sounded like Twi-" was out of my muzzle before the door swung open and six beams of magic prismatic magic struck me. The world turned white as I think I may have screamed in pain.


"Did anypony get the number of that donkey cart?" I groaned out as I felt like somepony had tossed me out a window, down a cliffside, over two miles of terrain and back over the same two miles before they dropped me in the middle of some carpeted floor.

It didn't take look for me to get my bearing and see I was in one of the few places I really wish I was. I was back in an old church, not like a Notre Dame kind of church. This was an old church from my time on earth, namely one that held a few painful memories. Part of the reason this one always stuck in my mind was that this was one of those diagonal styled churches that felt like an auditorium to me with the main pulpit being in the corner instead of it being against one wall. The large red carpet covered the floor and the old wooden setting was just as I remembered it. Even the little choir back off to the right was just as I had seen it before. Granted I never sung up there, but I had played hide and seek as a kid in here after church the few times my great-grandmother had taken me. The more I look at it, things weren't as one for one as I had originally thought they were. The stained glass was different, namely instead of the more mundane random pattern that the church had. These held images, namely images of the element bearers from Equestria.

Something in me told to make my way to the pulpit as I couldn't shake this odd feeling that I needed to be here. The feeling was confirmed by the time I reached it to find that sitting on a table was a casket that wasn't there a few moments before. My heart stopped for a second as a white flash blinded me. I turned trying to avoid a source that was more around me than anything. When I was able to see, I saw the once empty room filled with twenty or so people. All of the family and friends that I had known when I was a kid.

“He's not taking this well.” Said a voice that sounded like my mother. I turned to watch her talking to my grandmother. One that I was still on good terms with before I died on earth. She both turned to see a young kid maybe in his early teens. But I remember that outfit, the dark blue shirt with jeans. One of the few outfits I had that looked nice that I could fit into without having put off my gut not stick out from under it. But I knew what they this was, and its one that I never wanted to relive. The distant look in my eyes, that left this emotionless color to them. The slump in body language as he leaned forwards slightly. I knew that look and it was a problem I had for most of my life on earth. I was just dead to emotions or just that they were shut off. It was hard to see myself like that as I knew both sides to this now.

It was something that only happens when I took to much of an emotional hit. In this case, it was when my great grandmother had died and at this point, it had been less than a week since it happened. She went peacefully in her sleep thing those above, but I was the one that found her. And for a kid who was at the time not emotionally ready for something like that. It was like taking a cannon to the heart and mind at a point blank range. I remember hearing those around me talking about me, and at the time I didn't care. The few weeks that past it held a lot more pain. One of my friends at the time got sick and tired of my 'moping' and tried to beat it out of me. When I came home that night I was covered in bruises and had a bloody nose. But that didn't matter at this moment. I slowly walked passed the adults there at the time as I made my way to my younger self. When something I didn't remember happening, my younger self got up and left to go outside. Slowly I followed as I saw the outside was just a small bit of sidewalk and grass but it faded into a purple haze, like a spotlights edge. Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk was my younger side facing away from the church.

“Who are you?” My younger self said which surprised me.

“Ah, I'm Firestorm. But you can call me Storm.” I offered not sure if I should use my full name as I made my way slowly up to him. He hadn't looked at me when I walked out. He was just slumped at the end of the stoop. He turned to look at me and jump in surprise. “Trust me, your not the first one to jump like that.”

“What the fuck are you?” He said and I jolted back in surprise. I had forgotten that I was cursing back then.

“Drony.” I said with a rolled eyes when I saw his still surprised look. Even more so when his left eye twitch watching me talk.

“Da fuck is a drony?”

“Dragon pony.” He looked at me like I was fucking with him. With my internal heat radiating around me, my bright orange fur quickly turned into my vibrant red scales. That was followed by a snort of smoke coming out of my nose. My younger self just raised up a finger with his mouth open like he was going to say something, before nodding.

“Alright, that's pretty cool.”

“Yeah, I thought so myself,” I said with a light chuckle. He reached over carefully before I felt his hand on my face. Just watching a younger version of myself reach over, was extremely weird and to feel his hand being right there. Just a level of surreal that I never thought I would experience was happening right there. After a few moments, both of us turned at the sudden tune that started to play off in the distance. At first, I thought it was one of the memories cell phones going off, but I was extremely wrong by that. We both turned to see an old carnival that reminded me of the local one that would show up from time to time around the mall. “Want to go?” I said turning back to my younger self.

“Do you think they would allow you there?”

“I don't think it would be a problem, I mean they allowed me here.” I said with a shrug. “Do you want a ride?”

“Can I?” He asked a little nervous.

“As long as you don't mind me picking you up.”

“Pick me up?” I couldn't help but smirk as my horn lit up and he began to float a few inches off the ground. “Woh!” He pulled his legs up looking down in surprise. “Cool!” I slowly put him on my back and I realize he was a little bit bigger than I thought. Nothing too big just I forgot I had such long legs. He pulled his legs up as I slowly trotted over to the carnival. For it is in sight, it was rather far away. Like every step, it would have normally taken, it was more like ten for me. Between the two areas was just this massive expanse that was void of purple haze with a small patch of light under us. “Hey Storm... can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” I said turning my head to look up at him.

“How do you handle... things like that?” He asked motioning his head behind him. I looked at him for a moment before turning my gaze away from him to watch where I was going a bit more.

“Every... one handle a loss like that differently. Some let all the feelings out of the sadness and anger out. Others hold it in and bury it deep inside just so no one can see them hurt from it.” I sighed quietly. “Some just shut down because they are unable to process the emotions right away, and when it does hit they are just a mess afterward.”

“Is that what you do?”

“Most times, yes.” We continued as the walk felt so much longer then it should have taken us. “I know a few that prefer to think of the brighter side of things. To remember the good times instead of the bad. Just to remember them for who they were and not what has happened. Tell stories or crack jokes, maybe even a pun or two.”

“How could you make a joke out of something like this?”

“Depends on what your joking about. I mean the person was into gardening then you could be rooted to planting puns, but I be leaf that could be hard.” I said cracking a small smile turning to look at my younger self.

“Did you just-?” He turned down to look at me and groaned. “Those were some bad ones.”

“Well, I may need to branch out into some new jokes, but I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree aren't I?” After that one he thumped me on the back of the head. “Ow”

“Bad pony!” He said crossing his arms and looking away from me.

“What? At least they weren't bear puns. I mean some of them are of good koalaity. It's quite pawsible that some of them are unbearable.” I said grinning now before I felt another thump to the back of my head, but at least my younger self was smiling only a little. So I couldn't help myself, the rest of the way to the carnival I was just making really bad puns. This after a while got my younger self to smile and enjoy himself a little. Which in a way made me feel a lot better about being stuck somewhere weird.

The carnival itself was pretty tame considering this was just a few rides and mostly games. Which we tried most of them, the first one we tried was the strength game. Which watching my younger self trying to lift the hammer was pretty amusing. To watch him finally get it off the ground on his shoulder, for it almost make him land on his ass. Lucky for the both of us, magic seemed to still work here. So I kept him from toppling over. With all of his might and a look of determination, my younger self managed a three on the game. I couldn't help but chuckle watching my younger self, who in turn crossed his arms.

“I want to see you do better!” He huffed out looking away annoyed. I couldn't help but lift it up in my magic with ease. With a slam, the bell rang at the top of the game. “Without magic, cheater.”

“Alright, alright.” I said using my right prosthetic to wave him off as I brought the hammer over to me and then grabbed with my claws. I then slammed it down rather hard, granted it wasn't as strong as I did with my horn. I only scored a seven without using momentum to add more force to my slam.

"Ugh, seriously?" My younger self groaned, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, explain to me how a pony is able to do that?"

"You think that is crazy. I know a mare that if she wanted to, could but a tree miles away. Roots and all." I said as I watched my younger self just look at me like I was feeding him nothing but bullshit.

"Prove it?"

"Can't take the words straight from the-"

"Horse's mouth, haha. Very funny, now tell me something original?" He shot back cutting me off.

"Okay, then how about this. I can breath fire." I shot back with a smirk and I watched him own his mouth before I pointed my muzzle up and let out a gout of flames higher then the strength testing game.

"Point made." He said with widening eyes.

"Don't feel bad, I had about the same reaction when I saw my first Phoenix," I said with a chuckle as we walked down the row of games, with us ending up at a shooting gallery.

"Seriously? Next, you're going to tell me you live with a dragon."

"Baby Dragon, but yeah."

"And he hasn't torched your home how?"

"He's a baby in dragon standards but he's closer to well, your age give or take a few years," I said before reaching up and using my claws to grip the familiar pellet pistol. I watched my younger self join me on the next gun over. We watched the little ducklings scroll down the little conveyor belt. Man, Fluttershy would have a heart attack if she saw this game. One thing I still had from my youth was my really good shot when it came to games. With a few rounds between the two of us, I think we only missed two or three ducklings. Enough to score a medium prize. So with a flick, I pulled down one of the knock-off dragon plushies that was hanging. Something about this was just eating away at the back of my mind like something wasn't adding up.

"Hey, how about we try some of the attractions?" My younger self said before running off heading towards that rather large funhouse. While myself just slowly trotted behind him as I couldn't help but feel like a kid myself. The two of us entered it and to be honest, the rather plain looking outside didn't give enough away about the rather wild inside. The outside was large box blue building with bright red and yellow sign that said 'Fun House'. While the after the first door it looked like Pinkie Pie had loaded up her party cannon with paintballs of every color and fired non-stop covering the wall and the spinning tube we were trying to walk through. Yeah, trying to walk straight when the walkway was trying to spin to the right wasn't easy. Well till I cheated a little and used my wings to glide through it.

Next up was a bit of a ball pit, with those wobbling punching dolls set up throughout it. It was pretty interesting to see the standard clowns, fake monsters like the Wolfman, Frankenstein's monster and mummy, not to say a few crash dummies. After that, we found ourselves in the hall of mirrors, and that's when things took a sharper turn for the strange. Normally most mirrors were distorted so who ever looks into them seems funny looking. Which was true for most of these, as some of them made look I had a big head, some had me extremely short, and others had me wide to no end. Which was fine, as I watched my younger self shoot forwards and after a few turns. I had lost sight of him completely.

"H-hey, you still there?" as I asked. For some odd reason, I began to feel really nervous. Like this thick blanket of unease began to cover me and with each turn. It felt like someone covered me with another similar blanket. It was enough that I stopped looking at the mirrors directly that for a moment, I thought I saw something other than me in a refection. I turned back to look at the mirror to see an almost normal looking me. This place was really screwing with me, and I need to get out of here fast. It was a few more turns and twists that I found my younger self standing in front of a mirror looking at his own reflection. "Oh thank god, I found you. Hey, let's get out of-"

"Tick tock goes the clock." My younger self said turning his head to look at me with a childish grin on his face.

"Huh?" I said a little confused before alarm bells began to go off in my head. The younger me stepped forward into the fucking mirror itself as if he was some Alice in fucking wonderland. He turned around grinning at me like he had a secret waiting to be shared. Slowly I stepped forwards into the larger icosagon room. Each of the nineteen mirrors filled up with a different version of me. Some of me older then my younger self if I was still human. Some of them younger, I saw the same but if I was aways a pony, and one of my as a satyr. I turned around thinking it was time for me to leave to see that my path was blocked by another mirror completing the twenty-sided room with an image of me as if I was always was a dragon in the rough younger years, like garble but maybe off by a few inches give or take and not such a big mouth.

"I see the coward finally decided to show himself." The dragon version said from his mirror cell.

"Shame he hasn't learned his place yet." The satyr version of me said next.

"It would be funny if it wasn't so sad." The younger me from before said in a taunting tone.

"Stop it!" I said back, not wanting to hear this.

"Or what?" Said a larger drony version of me from another mirror. He was close to Celestia's size but was a lot bulkier then she was.

"No wait don't tell me you're going to cry?" Said a mare version of me next as I turned to see her with a venomous smirk on her face.

"No!" I shot back.

"I bet he can't wait for it all to be over." Said three of the youngest versions of me said in unison.

"N-no!" I said as I felt fear grip me.

"Not like he had much of a chance here." A female satyr me said as she leaned against the side of the mirror as her tail flicked back and forth. "He just going to do what he did with his old friend. Leave them all behind for new friends."

"It wasn't my fault!" I shot back trying to find a leg to stand on.

"Oh, of course, blame Grimwand for your crappy luck." The male satyr said this time before he began to do a fake child's voice. "Oh woe is me, I was taken away from my family and friends because of some pony when I decided to stand up to a gunman like a moron!" He mocked before growling towards the end as I flinched at that. They continued one after another mocked and belittled me for every choice I made. Each one felt like a blow to my inside that I began to drop to the ground with my wings tightly pressed to my side.

"Regardless of what has been said or done, Firestorm I will always love you." A voice said that was almost hard to hear out of the symphony of belittlement. "You are a lot stronger and brave then you give yourself credit for. Don't listen to those thoughts and listen to me." The voice continued to say as the sound of those in the mirror began to fade away as the voice got louder to the point I could tell it was Twilight's voice. "Everypony deserves to be happy Storm, even you."

"She's right," I said softly as I began to pick myself up off the ground. "I deserve to be happy." I felt a warmth in me as it began to show outside. My fur slowly turned into scales as a felt my tail get longer till I slammed the ground with it causing it to crack. "I shouldn't listen to ponies like you. You may know what I did, but you don't know one important thing." I continued as I was now on my hoofs and spread out before I roared out my next words ending in a real draconic roar. "You don't know who the hell I am!"

I watched one by one as the mirrors began to shatter and fall to the ground in a pile of glass before I watched the whole funhouse begin to crack as it too was made of glass. As shards began to fall, out of habit my wing swung forwards to cover my head from the debris. However, nothing struck me.

When I pulled my wing back, I found myself back in Canterlot castle only different. This looked like the stain glass hallway that normally has key points of history depicted in the windows. This time it had moments of my life, both human and drony. I looked around to see the hall ended with large walls of white light at either end about a good ten to fifteen yards away. My attention was taken when I heard the voice of somepony clearing his voice, and I swear I almost had a heart attack when I turned to see the human depiction of the grim fucking reaper behind me. The only thing I couldn't see was his face. But he stood almost taller than Celestia as he held his scythe in his skeleton grip. His eyes or I should say the glowing red orbs that were the only thing that could be seen in the dark shadowed hood of his cloak.

"You have two choices before you. Return home, to a time before that fateful day." He said as I watched his breath come out as if it was for anyone or anypony else on a whole day, as he pointed to the left. I turned to see all of my old friend and family standing there. My grandmother, mom, dad, sister, Ghost, Viper, and Knives just to name a few. "Or" The reaper continued as his arm dropped and his right one with his weapon in hand pointed the other direction. "You can return to Equestria. To those that you now know and will forever know." To the right stood Twilight, Spike, The girls, the Princesses, Shining Armor, Gaia, Lyra, and even Derpy. I looked back and forth at both groups and I felt torn. For the longest time, I had wished I to return to the easier time. To when I had my leg again and felt whole for the most part. Even with the spell from Grimwand's journal, I knew I could never go back to the way I was before.

Even had dreamed about it from time to time about going back before it turned into a nightmare with my being stuck as either a drony or satyr their. It was one of the few reasons why I was so scared of going back with Luna, Twilight, and Lyra. Them having to deal with the same things I dreamt about. Here, I had a choice to go back to how it all was... before. I looked over the faces of my old friends... and family. All I saw there was the pain, with a few moments of fun and joy. The nights of being in my room alone to read or to isolate myself between fights with my parents. Even at the times my friends and I were at odds.

Then I looked at my new friends and family. Ones that I have grown to love during my almost year of being here. I had found love again with Twilight, and a sense of home that had felt lost to me since I arrived. Out of everything with Celestia, I still enjoyed our time together. Even if at times she would either get under my skin or push the wrong buttons. The awkward moments between the girls and I were even enjoying looking back on it. Even if I wasn't in the right mind.

I nodded to myself before I turned to my old friends and family. "I miss you guys with all my heart, even when we were at odds at times. I wouldn't trade a moment of it for the world." I began with a smile before it slides down to a frown. "But that time had come to an end with the sound of the reaper's bell. No offense." I said turning to the reaper as he held up his hand.

"None taken."

"I want you all to continue living your life, and enjoy the time you had with me in your memories. While you may never really hear this, I just want you to know." I said before turning my head back to look at all of them. "I still love and care for each and every one of you, and nothing is going to change that." When I finished I turned to the reaper. "I want to return to Equestria and it's my final answer," I smirked lightly when I said that as I felt something ignite in my heart as I turned for a few moments to look at Twilight who was smiling at me.

"Very well." The reaper said as he reached up to pull it back. I had never seen what was under it, as soon as it was started to be pulled back. A blinding light engulfed it to blind me when the spots cleared. I found myself in a star-filled void. The whole area reminded me of being in a space in films from earth. Even to the point that the pathway I was standing on was just a star road. The weird part is that the road itself felt... off. As in there wasn't a feeling, to begin with. I lifted up my left hoof and tried to bring it down to make some sound, but nothing. It didn't even feel like a floor. Like there wasn't even a floor there, just like something was pressing back on my hoof to act as a floor. Looking around I could say this would be very relaxing if I wasn't already done with everything. The wisps of colors around this place in tones of the blue ranging from midnight blue all the way to a few shades darker than sky blue.

It felt like maybe an hour before something different happened. Different windows began to appear around me of points in my life. From the time I first appeared and faced a timberwolf to the point of facing shadow after my small party in Ponyville. When I was facing Grimwand in the dreamscape to when Dash was trying to teach me how to fly. That one time with Twilight when we would just lay together reading the same book, to when Twilight was teaching me in that rather sexy teacher outfit of hers. Just moment after moment in my life, but they were all in the third perspective. Even the fight with Drakon leading up to Nightmare moon's re-release. That one I couldn't help but focus on for a little while till a noise behind me caught my attention.

Turning my head, I noticed Luna fading into existence behind me. She was looking like she was trying to find somepony. When she fully materialized and her gaze caught me. She ran up and gave me a rather strong hug. Which I was a little surprised but I welcomed it after this weird day.

“Storm, I'm so glad you're alright. When Captain Nightling said you disappeared, we began to worry.” Luna said before she pulled herself away slowly.

“Disappeared? Is that what happened?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Well... yes and no. At first, it was reported that you were engulfed in a sphere of prismatic magic. It wasn't till early this morning that it and yourself disappeared.”

“Wait this morning? How long have I been in here?” I asked as my eyes widened looking at her.

“About a week.” She said not looking me in the eyes.

“A week!” I exclaimed with my left eye twitched. “You are seriously tell me that one little spell knocked me out for a fucking week?”

“Storm, we weren't sure how the spell was going to affect you,” Luna said trying to calm me down.

“Magic here seems to have the same principals as science. So a spell like that shouldn't have kept me indisposed for so fucking long.” I said before something got caught in the throat as I began to cough to dislodge it. As I did, a ruby red fireball landed on the ground that began to float up. “Oh what the fuck now?!” I said a little annoyed as Luna and I watch it began to swirl around me and split off till it was enough to piece that it engulfed me in its flames. I felt hot, like warmer then I did before when I first changed into my stormed state. I felt places all over my body burn hotter than before. My hooves, my wings, even my back, flanks, and my horns. It was all over, but not everywhere. The fire around me grew brighter before in a flash everything was gone. Luna, the windows of my past, the stars, whips, and the following seconds myself.


Can somepony or someone, hell I would take anyone at this point to not make everything do the sudden disappearing act... please? That would be great. Where was I? Oh right...


“God... why does my head feel like someone detonated a two-ton bomb in it?” I said rubbing after I noticed I was somewhere... different. Well not different as it was the lookout where Twilight and I held our dance quite some time ago. I get I wasn't going to show up in the castle because I disappeared from there, from what Luna told me. Out of all the places I could have appeared at, I preferred here or Ponyville. Looking around, I could tell I was being stared at from the windows around. That was short lived by getting tackle hugged by my marefriend.

“Firestorm!” She yelled as she flew at me and pinned me to the ground as she nuzzled into my chest.

“Ah... hi?” I said blinking in confusion, partly from what was going on and the fact that my marefriend had wings. Not even butterfly wings that she had made appear on night when I tried calling her out on the best young flier story. I mean pegasi wings, or I should be more precise Alicorn wings.

“I was so worried after I was told.” She said pulling back and looking at me directly in the eyes.

“Sorry, I didn't plan to worry you like that.” That's when I noticed an odd tint over things. Not overpowering but something I more noticed on the edge of my vision. Adding to it, the tint was a bright ocean blue close to the same color as my natural eye color.

“It was my fault, I didn't know the spell would have affected you too.” She said as her eyes welled with tears.

“Twilight, I'm alright. This isn't the worst to happen, so I was whisked away and brought here.” I said with a shrug for a moment, before a grin crossed my muzzle. “But my question is, what's a princess doing out at this time of night.” Twilight looked at me a little confused, even going as far as blinking a few time.

“Oh no, not you too.” She groaned as her ears flattened back. “I keep getting it from everypony-”

“Especially Rarity” We both said at the same time, which we couldn't help but laugh a little at that.

“Are you going to be calling that too?” She asked looking worriedly.

“Depends, did you rib me a few times with my title?” I said with a smirk looking down at her. Her eye widened for a moment before her head sank and she dropped down on me.

“I'm doomed.” She said in a muffle as she had her face pressed into my chest, and I couldn't help but chuckle at this.

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 44 - A Royal By Another Name

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Chapter 44 – A Royal By Another Name

It had been about three days since my re-appearing at the overhang. Since then, Twilight and the girls have been in Canterlot getting ready for Twilight's coronation to alicorn-hood. There have been a few hiccups since then. One of them was getting the word out, it seems that Cloudsdale had set up a little windstorm for the day and getting that one kicked off a little early wasn't the best kind of tasks. Lucky for us, an order directly from Celestia habits to get the ball rolling fast. The other thing is Twilight hasn't had full control of her wings yet. Namely when she tried to lay down, sometimes they don't mess with her, but times like this about four in the morning.

“Ow...” I groaned as I hit the floor from Twilight's wings pushed me out of bed. Leaning up to look at her, she began to toss and turn before she sat up for a few moments, before turning towards me.

“Again?” Twilight asked leaning over to check on me.

“Yeah, not as bad as the first time,” I said rubbing the side of my muzzle before yawning. Twilight slipped down and walked over to me to check my wing again. The first time she kind of spring-boarded me out of bed and I landed wrong on the wing. Nothing broke, but having a wing bent the wrong way too fair... hurt... a lot. Regardless, she did a quick check of them. After a few minutes, she looked over at me with a worried smile. “Twilight, your getting use to new appendages. They aren't easy to use right off the bat.”

“I know... just... how am I suppose to be a 'princess' but I can't even control my own wings?” She said looking worried and I just smiled carefully. With that, I made a motion with my claw for her to turn around. Twilight just turned her head a little confused as she did as she was told. Before she could do anything else, I gently rubbed the tip of my hoof between her wings. Which caused them to shoot out and for her to “Eep” at the sensation. I then began to preen her wings for her. Which was something Twilight had failed to do a few times. “What are you doing?” She said trying to escape but I stopped her by pinning her tail with one of my hind legs. With that out of the way, I could continue preening.

“Come on Twilight, just enjoy your coltfriend doing this.” Twilight thought over the link, as she hasn't figured out about it yet and... I may have been using that to my advantage. For nothing big, just for a more sense of having a little fun. Especially when she thinks she's being sneaky, like that one time she thought she was going to sneak up on me to surprise me.

It was rather fun with all I said was “You don't want to do that.” and she asked me how that I knew and I couldn't help it. “I have my ways.” But, I already knew the game Twilight was trying to play, more with herself then with me.

“Is this how it feels for you when I do it?” She asked as I was using a bottle of special lotion for pegasi. Something I had found out a little while down the line after asking Lotus about it during one of the few spa visits that I did with Twilight. It boils down to this, that pegasi have natural chemicals in their saliva that they use on their wings to help them preen them. Which was something I had myself since I was a pegasi equivalent of a drony, but I digress. The reason for the lotion for pegasi with non-pegasi special someponies or close friends to help them with the preening. This way the wings can be protected from some of the harsher elements and keep them straighten longer. Twilight had found a spell that did the same thing which she used on me a few times when I trusted her to do it. The reason I wasn't using the spell myself was that I didn't know it so I was using telekinesis with the lotion to work around it. I didn't need to spell since I could do it myself, but since Twilight now has a set of wings herself. It's about time I learned it.

“It can, if in the right hooves. Dash and Fluttershy helped me learn how to do this myself. Since well... you know.” I finally answer after a few moments pause focusing on making my marefriend feel great.

“Come on Twilight, just ask him. Then you won't have to think about the coronation.” Twilight said over the link as this was a common thing for her. She was a little on the obsessive side when it came to her coronation soon. The royal sisters, Cadence, and I had a pretty good chuckle listening to Twilight's thoughts when she would go on full-blown rant mood when she fantasizes on how many ways this could turn out bad. The one I found humorous to the point I almost lost it in front of her was the Pinkie Pie made cake monster.

As Celestia had stated that day “That would be the tastiest defeat she would have had.” Luna shot back with a comment about it going to her flanks and to watch the regent of the sun blush was just perfect and... I may have a picture of it on my old phone.

Anyway... when Twilight went to say something I couldn't help but jump the gun a little. “You're going to ask to take your mind of the coronation, right?” I asked and to watch her head whirl around looks at me in surprise.

“How did you know?” She asked and I could help but smile.

“I have my ways.” I cryptically said and I watched Twilight go red in the face and huff.

“Was I that obvious?”


“I... can't help it. I'm just worried about how this is going to turn out. I'm a princess now, what if I trip on the way up to the stage. What if everypony laughs at me?”

“Then I will be there to catch you, and every princess is just a pony too,” I said, not for the first time. It was kind of hard to remind Twilight that Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were just ponies. They had faults just like everypony else. But, I don't fault her for thinking this. From what I could see, everypony other then Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and I thought that the four of us should be put on a pedestal and admired from afar. I knew the irony of it, probably better than anyone or anypony.

“Still... I mean what did you do for...” Twilight said and caught herself with a thought. “You never did have a formal coronation did you?” She asked pulling away to look at me.

“Nope,” I said. That was something I was happy about, now having to go through this shit with me in the limelight. Well... sort of, I was supposed to be up on the stage with the other three regents of the sun, moon, and love as the regent of the elements. Regardless, that was a small role compared to Twilight's. Who was this whole thing was for?

“We've got to get you in this.” She said taking off towards the door.

“Twilight, I don't need to be in your coronation any more than I already am,” I said following her as she swung the door open and galloped down the hall. It didn't take long after running after her to find her. She apparently smacked into Cadence after turning down a hall.

“I'm so sorry about that,” Twilight said helping her old foalsitter back onto her hooves.

“It's fine Twilight, what has you in such a rush?” She asked as she brushed herself off a little.

“I was trying to find one of you so we could have Storm be part of the coronation too.” She blurted out.

“He's already part of it. He's up on the stage with Aunt Celestia, Luna, and myself.” Cadence said a little confused.

“He never had a coronation of his own, so I thought he could be there with me,” Twilight said as I watched her ears flatten back.

“It's because he didn't want one,” Celestia commented as she walked up behind Cadence with Luna following next to her.

“But why?” Twilight asked as she turned to me.

“Remember, I came to Equestria as a dralicorn. I didn't earn the right to be royalty and to have a coronation would have spat into the. Regardless of how I felt about it, I was still made a royal, but that was because of what I am. Not who I am or what I had done to earn it. You Twilight, you earned your wings and title. You created a new magic that wasn't ever known to Equestria till then. In doing so you earned this Twilight.” I explained as I walked up and placed my wing around her.

“He's right Twilight, you earned this,” Celestia said coming over as we had a group hug.

“But if it makes you feel better, I will walk up to the stage with you.” I offered with a smile and gently nuzzling into her.

“I... I would like that... a lot.” Twilight said with a blush.

“I think that is a lovely idea,” Luna said with a smile after we broke up the hug.

“We still have much to do everypony, the coronation is tomorrow.” Celestia reminded us, and I could help but smile. While each of us had a list, mine was rather manageable with my limited magic. We all nodded and left, Twilight walked with me for a little bit under my wing before we had to go our separate ways.


“Just a little more to the left Hermes,” I yelled up to Hermes who was helping me get all the royal purple curtains in place.

“Roger Roger” Hermes replied still using the confirmation clip from star wars. For some reason, Hermes as of late had been using more clips from the films and shows. I couldn't help and chuckle as I watched Hermes grab a side of the curtain and pull it left. Looking down at my list of things to do. I noticed after this I had to do some of the halls leading up to the main hall.

“One down... many more to go,” I said with a light puff of hair that caused my little swoop to swing up before returning to the spot between my eyes. “I may need a haircut.”

“Why?” I heard behind me which caused me to jump. Whipping around, I saw Cadence there with a smirk.

“Geez, Cadence don't sneak up on me like that,” I said taking a deep breath. She just lightly chuckled while I heard Hermes join in with a clip of Muttley from Wacky Races doing his laugh. “Oh haha you too.”

“Relax Storm, just having a bit of fun.” She said as she turned her head, that's when I noticed she had a pair of saddlebags on. Her saddlebags were mostly a lighter pink with a gold trim and two aquamarine gems on it. One to work as a clasp and the other for larger decoration, both in the shape of the crystal heart. “Mind if I get a word with you in private?”

“Sure,” I said before turning to the group of ponies helping me with the décor, mostly castle staff, and a few contract designers. “Take five everypony, you are doing a great job.” Some of them nodded before heading out of the room. For the most part, I was trying to help get everything in place. But some of them weren't having it from me magically lifting the curtains and tapestries. So mostly I was playing was foreman or manager for them all. Hermes flew down next to me and slid himself under my right wing, something he had enjoyed doing a lot. We watched as everypony left and I looked down at Hermes. “Why don't you go help Twilight for a little bit?” I watched his displayed eyes turn up towards me with two question marks. “I just need a private talk for a few moments. It won't be long, plus I think Twilight could use the moral support.” Hermes continued to look at me before he made a smiley face on his display and sounded like R2D2 before flying off.

“I am still not used to... him.” Cadence commented.

“You get used to having Hermes around, he's still learning after all.” I watched as I saw him zip down the halls over everyponies heads. Looking back I saw Cadence magically holding a small box as I took it over with my magic. Flicking the lid open, I could help but smile. “That was fast.”

“I had them do an express job on it.” She said with a smirk.

“I'm betting they were rather happy to do that for a princess.” I shot back with a smirk.

“As much as if any other princess asked.” She shot back.

“Can't blame them, I mean they get to brag they got to do a custom job for royalty,” I said shrugging looking over the list for a moment.

“So I have to ask, when did you plan to do it?”

“Well... I had an idea, but I was wondering if you would be willing to lend a hoof.”

“Oh?” Cadence said and I could see the glint in her eyes, and oddly enough it reminded me of Rarity when she ships her mind off to la la land. “What did you have in mind?”

“I just need you to hold onto this till I'm ready,” I answered with a smirk.

“Until when?” She asked as she took the box back in her magic and placed it back into her saddlebags. All I could do was smirk at her as I already knew when. “You're just going to be dramatic with it aren't you?”

“Maybe,” I said in a light sing-song voice.

“Well you have my support on this, and remember if you need some help. I'm the mare to call.” Cadence said coming over giving me a gentle call.

“Well maybe not before, but I will most likely need more help with the after,” I said rubbing the back of my head a little nervously.

“And you'll have it Storm.” She said before leaning in close and using her wing to give me a hug. I did my best trying to return that gesture. Something I haven't fully gotten used to doing yet, as I'm still not used to the range of motion on these wings of mine. “Just don't forget about the Princess Summit at the Crystal Empire.” She said sounding like she was trying to remind me of something I had no clue about.

“Princess Summit?”

“Its a meeting of all of the royalties from different countries around the globe.” She explained the first thing that came to mind was the United Nations from earth. “We mostly discuss trade agreements, treaties, and other important businesses between nations.”

“So... since I'm not a princess, I don't have to go... right?” I asked really hoping I didn't have to deal with this shit. She just gave me one of those 'you aren't going to win' looks.

“Nice Try.” She said with a smirk and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

“It was worth a try,” I said before I noticed her eyeing me a little. “Is there something on my face?” I asked.

“I just noticed... you're taller than me now,” she said and blinked for a moment. I hadn't noticed it before, but I was. Not by a whole lot, maybe a few inches than before as her horn always was a little higher than mine. Well if you use the tip of the horn as the top height.

“I may have hit a small growth spurt,” I said with a shrug, as I honestly wasn't too sure and with how weird Equestria could get. A random growth spurt for a dralicorn didn't seem so far fetched.

“I suppose that makes sense.” She said eyeing me for a little bit. “I should probably check on Twilight.”

“Probably for the best, I believe she is with Rarity more than likely on the way to a mental meltdown over the coronation.”

“That would be Twilight for you,” Cadence said with a small chuckle. “She was always like that over big events as a little filly.” I couldn't help but join her in her chuckle.


Cadence walked into one of the special room that was set aside for the element bearers to see Twilight standing on a small plate form. The room had looked much like Rarity's design room back in Ponyville. A mixture of fabrics and designs laid about the room in a chaotic mess that Discord would have been proud of.

“Darling, you need to relax.” Rarity said not for the first time as Twilight's new wings fidgeted for not the first time.

“I know, but I'm so worried about this. What if everypony doesn't trust me to lead them like Princess Celestia, or Cadence?” Twilight said nervously as she had been running worse cast scenarios since this morning after her talk to both regents of the celestial bodies.

"Twilight you'll do fine." Cadence came over to one of the lounging sofas and laid upon it. She smiled as she floated her bags off her and set them on the floor next to her. "Don't worry about what everypony thinks."

"But what if I do something wrong? I'm not as wise as Princess Celestia, Luna, Storm, or you Cadence." She said as her wings gave a nervous flap almost knocking the floating needle in Rarity's magic out of the air.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. It's not about being wise Twilight, it's doing what you think is right. I'm sure that Aunt Celestia or Aunt Luna would tell you that sometimes things that go even above their heads." Cadence reassured. "I'm sure even Storm would tell you that and he's been doing this a lot shorter than the rest of us. Well... you notwithstanding." She continued with a small awkward chuckle.

"But Storm seems like he has a good handle on this royal duties. I mean he had that test from Princess Celestia and everything."

"Test?" Both Rarity and Cadence said out of curiosity.

"It was one of his first royal duties outside of that... dragon treaty." Twilight answered with a slight shudder, as she had recovered her memory almost fully of that day. All except the spell that she had backfired on her. "He said it was royal business and I kind of left it to that, it was before Dash got her letter about joining the Wonderbolts." At that Cadence, eyes spark recognized what she was talking about. It was the fact that it was her idea to test Firestorm to see if he could handle something like that.

"Well from what I had heard, he did a remarkable job with that 'test.'" she said with a slight smile, to be honest, she was expecting him to sign on it right away and be done with it. He had instead took it seriously and did the research, something Luna had thought he would do. "Speaking of Firestorm, hows things been going for you two as of late?" She asked hoping to take the younger alicorn's mind away from her worry.

"Things have been... fine... sort of," Twilight said a little nervously.

"Sort of?"

"Well... with the whole Gala issue and the combat with the dragons. Things were a little strained, as Storm has had a lot on his plate. Then with the whole Elements thing, I'm a little surprised he hasn't been even more stressed out then I am."

"Well, that stallion has been good at hiding his stress at times." Rarity commented as she focused on her needlework as she began to add layer after layer to the dress.

"That may be true in public, but in private... he's been a little on the worn out. The dinner date with Luna-" Was all Twilight got out before Rarity interrupted her.

"With Princess Luna?!" She said in surprise.

"Yeah..." Twilight said a little hesitant.

"You must tell me everything." Rarity demanded.

"There isn't really much to tell. Princess Luna took both Storm and I out to the Pon Arabia-" Twilight tried to continue before getting interrupted again.

"The Pon Arabia?! But that place isn't even open yet." Rarity said already getting stars in her eyes that would probably freak out anypony else, other than her friends or Cadence.

"Luna had gotten an early invite to try it and she set it up as a private dinner between the three of us. We sat down and had our food served, the food looked rather good... well maybe not Storm's but regard-"

"What was wrong with Storm's food?" Cadence decided to interrupt this time.

"It was well... meat," Twilight said gently rubbing her left foreleg nervously. Just speaking that word got all three mares to shiver lightly at just the thought of seeing or smelling cooked meat.

“I don't blame the dear having to... eat that kind of stuff... but couldn't he be tactful about it?” Rarity commented trying to get the image out of his mind.

“It's not that Rarity we were trying to cheer him up.” She said with a sigh. “He's just been...” Twilight gave a gentle sigh. “There is something about him that just scream to me that I should protect him, I don't know what it is.”

“You feel like that as long as he's with you that everything feels right. Even now being only rooms away you wonder what he's thinking about and if he's alright.-” Cadence picked up with a smirk.

“And somewhere in the back of your mind, you are always thinking about him. That every time you look at him or even gently brush against him, your heart beats a little faster. That you can lose yourself just in his jeweled eyes and those nights were it's just you and him in each other's hooves. You just have a passionate night of-” Rarity began getting lost in her daydream.

“Rarity!” Twilight said interrupting her with a blazing blush across her muzzle.

“Twilight it's normal to have feelings like that for your special somepony. Even Shining and I-” Cadence began to tack in.

“Cadence, I don't need to know what my brother and you are doing during that time.” Twilight interrupted now blushing more deeply. “Just... Don't think you want to know what Storm and I do.”

“To be honest, Firestorm is a rather handsome stallion,” Cadence said a little slyly.

“Cadence!” Twilight said with her wings spread out.

“Oh relax darling, any mare can see how handsome Storm is.” Rarity said with a small smile and a wave of her hoof.

“Still... I feel weird hearing another mare talk about my stallion like that.” Twilight commented

“Then what about another mare wanting to date him?” Cadence asked with a curious look.


“So are you alright with this?” I asked Luna after she had found me after I had finished with all the hanging décor and on the way towards the kitchen. She had been doing her runs around the Castle getting the guards and staff ready for the coronation. We ended up talking on the way to the kitchen as I was pretty peckish and I just wanted to get something to snack on before I continue. I still have a few smaller things left. For the most part, Luna is looking forward to the coronation like everypony else. I'm kind of half and half about the whole thing. Mostly for the large social event and my plans during it.

“It's quite alright Storm, I welcome the challenge,” Luna said sounding prideful, and it sounded a little unnerving. Mostly for the fact that Luna sometimes doesn't do subtle with a damn. “By the way, how have you been feeling lately?”

“Huh? Oh, I'm feeling surprisingly fine.”

“Surprisingly?” She asked looking me over curiously. “What do you mean?”

“Well... Outside of the weaken magic. I've felt better then I have been lately just... in a way that feels hard to explain.” All I could do was shrug at this.

“Well... if you want I could do a scan to see if I can notice something is off.” She offered and I thought about it. After the whole Nightmare Moon and the whole Starswirl spell fragment, I've been a little on the worried side about things.

“Sure, if it's not too much of a problem,” I answered as I watched her horn lit up before I felt the small cold sensations that normally come from a scan spell. After a few of them during the week, you learn to know the tell-tale signs of it. After a few moments, Luna looked puzzled as her eyes continued to look me over. “Something about your magic feels... different.”

“Different, as in how?”

“I've always got this feeling of warmth when I've scanned you before.”

“That doesn't sound creepy at all,” I said sarcastically.

“Anyway, just now it felt... way hotter. I would suggest we go to Celestia about this.” She said looking a little worried.

“Um... sure, but do you mind if we-” was all I got out before Luna's horn relighted and we found ourselves in Celestia's office. “get some food...” I groaned out as Celestia looked a little confused.

“May I help you?” She asked a little confused.

“Sister, would you mind scanning Firestorm?” Luna asked an I just watch it play out. After a few seconds of being scanned again. She looked a little perplexed as if she eyed me like I was one of the Millennium Prize Problems set by the Clay Mathematics Institute... also sue me I'm a math nerd.

“Firestorm, what happened during the spell incident?” Celestia asked giving me a very serious look. One that could rival Twilight's serious study face, which I find adorable.

“Not really much to say outside the weird trip down memory lane, having an odd conversation with a younger version of myself before I came to Equestria, playing carnival games with him, have an almost mental breakdown because of a freaky verbal beat down with different versions of me in the hall of mirrors, having to pick whether to stay or go with the choice giving by a personification of the grim reaper, all leading up to having a talk with Luna in some kind of Astral Plane,” I said with a slight shrug before ending it with my clawed thumb pointing to Luna.

“What did the 'astral plane' look like?”

“A whole lot of stars, like if the world was made of nothing but stars and stardust. That and windows of different points in my life since I've been in Equestria. Oddly enough I don't think there was even one moment of my life before coming here... hmm.” I explained as I began to think out loud. It makes me wonder because of being technically only part of a soul of the human I was once was, or the fact that my body was artificially made.

“It sounds just like how Twilight explained it,” Celestia said as she looked complacent.

“What about you two?” I asked.

“No, for everypony it's supposed to be different. For me, the astral plane reflected my magical nature.”

“So it's more solar winds and flares?” I asked curiously, I mean it makes sense. Celestia is the regent of the sun and if I had to think of a plane that wasn't straight out of hell. Just having to put my claw on it, I would say that her astral plane would be warm colors that spread around like a colorized shot of the galaxy that makes up the larger walkways with different sizes and kinds of stars nearby. Luna's would be closer to what I had to seen. It makes me wonder what mine would look like...

“Almost, but the one you described sounded closer to Luna's,” She said turning towards her sister.

“It was, which was odd that I had found you there. Normally when a pony ascends to an alicorn the astral plane would take the shame that would most likely fit them.” Luna explains.

“That makes sense.”

“Has anything been different as of late?”

“Not much really, just my sight has been sharper then it ever has and I can see better in the dark.”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked and I just smirked as I used my limited magic to snuff out the fire and blacken out the windows, plunging the room into complete darkness. For any pony other than me, I, however, was about to make out quite a lot of things as most of everything was covered in a light blue tint and the outlines of ponies and objects were a bit brighter. I walked over to Celestia's deck where she was still sitting at and looked at the document on top of it.

“There was a slight delay in the construction due to the large cavern found underneath the sight. Right now we are having a team examine the spot to see if space is usable or if the project will have to be moved to another location.” I read before walking back to the fireplace and shot a bit of flame to relight it. Both princesses were looking at me in surprise. “Something wrong?”

“Your eyes were-” Luna was the first one to say before I interrupted her.

“Glowing, yeah I know. Twilight had told me that when I had gotten back that night. It could be that I'm growing as a dralicorn. With me being a bit of each race, then this would be something from an earth drony as they have natural dark vision.”

“That sounds possible, it could also be a side effect from Starswirls unfinished spell. Since your tied to the artifacts of harmony and by extinction the element. They helped Twilight create new magic, so the same could be said for you. Especially since you were created by Grimwand.” Celestia surmises.

“That would make some sense,” I said rubbing the back of my neck as I glanced at the two royal regents before me. There was something that was chewing at the back of my mind that I would let bug me. With everything happening, I never really did ask them about it directly, mostly because of being afraid of what the answer would be.

“Something wrong Storm?”

“Not really...” I was a little hesitant and I think that's what really gave it away.

“You know you can come to us about anything,” Celestia said.

“We understand about being hesitant with bringing stuff up,” Luna added on.

“It's about the whole... Nightmare moon thing...” I nervously said as I watched both princesses look at each other with a slightly worried look on their face.

“We haven't gotten any new reports about her actions yet. As soon as we know something we will inform you.” Celestia answered assuming that was my inquiry on the subject.

“That's good to know, but... that's not quite what's been on my mind.” I answered not meeting their gazes directly. “I... I was wondering... do you blame me for what happened?” There were a few moments of awkward silence that I began to think about the worse case scenarios that could happen. On the top of the list was the false sense of security before being berated about it. That's when I felt something brush against my cheek, it was enough to get me to look at them. Celestia was gently nuzzling next to me given a comforting sensation.

"We don't blame you Storm for what had happened." She said giving me a gentle smile.

"That... mare." Luna started as she was biting back a bit of venom when she said 'mare'. "She knows how to manipulate ponies to fall for her traps. There was nothing more you could do to prevent it as you weren't aware she was still there."

"and right now you shouldn't worry about her till we have more news."

"If you're sure," I said feeling a little awkward at all this.

"We do, now on to other matters. How are the preparations going?" She asked looking at me. With a flick of magic, a small notepad appeared before me that I flipped open to read the small little checklist that I wrote up.

"So far we are rather ahead of schedule as the castle decor is mostly done not counting the front entrance by that is being held off till the day of. Other than that, Luna your next for Rarity followed by you, Celestia." I answered looking at them who were looking a little curious at the notepad I was reading from, that appeared out of nowhere. "Twilight's been helping me learn a few minor spells that I can handle with my weaker magic at the moment. It helps take her mind off the coronation and the panic that would follow.

"Well Twilight was always one easily distracted when she was a little filly with learning," Celestia said with a look of fond remembrance on her face.

"I will admit I'm a little glad that Twilight is about to get tossed into the deep end."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"Well much like myself, Twilight is now royal herself. Which means all the added guff of having guards and dealing with royal business doesn't just rest at my hooves."

"Well, I'm sure Twilight will do fine, as she has some pony to lean on to help her," Celestia said with a smirk.

"We all have to play the hands that we are dealt," I said with a smirk.


Both princesses looked at each other in a little bit of confusion before turning back to the dralicorn in the room. Only to find him missing from the room and where he was laid a playing card, the jack of spades. Princess Luna with a whisk of magic pulled the playing card towards her.

"Sister is it just me or is Firestorm a little off since the other night?" Luna asked as she looked over the card.

"I don't know for sure, maybe this is the way he's processing everything that has happened," Celestia said as she got up and went over to her desk. "Between the events with Grimwand, Nightmare Moon, Starswirls Spell and Twilight's ascension to alicorn-hood. He may need the take a break of his normal mental balance before he can refocus." With her horn lit with the sunshine yellow aura, a bottle of fine wine and two goblets were whisked into being before them. She pours about a third of the goblet of the wine before magically sending it over to Luna who took it up in her magic. She then repeated the pour for herself as she came over and sat down a few feet away from her. Taking note of this, the younger celestial regent popped into being a chess set with matching pieces between them.

"But is that health sister?" She asked before taking a small swig of the fine wine.

"I don't know..." She said as she started with her first move of them as one of her pawns that was carved up to look like a pony guard ready for battle. "We can only hope and see."


"That was a long day," Twilight said as she plopped onto the bed with a heavy thud. Surprising enough that a cloud bed could even make that sound. After my little disappearing act on the sister's which I was surprised I could pull off being both quick and silent. I digress, after that, I went around and found Hermes floating around the royal library with Spike who was reading comics in the corner. He got tired after running around with Pinkie all day working on the festivities, and I couldn't blame him. Pinkie while I enjoy her company at times, can be rather taxing on the mind and body. It seems that Hermes had been 'reading' through a lot of the history book on the shelves to pass the time. Leaving the two of them to their prosecutes, I went to check on Twilight who I found was alone in one of the rooms in her dress. Which looked stunning on her, walking back and forth working herself in a tizzy about the event. So I spent most of that time working on getting her mind off it, by doing a double check of my checklist.

After that, we went to go have dinner with everypony and we found most of them in the dining room already talking about the event. Rarity was gushing about the event on how her work was going to be on display, Pinkie was being Pinkie. Namely, she was bouncing on her seat about how much of a good time everypony was going to have. Applejack was going over some of the food she had in the works with Fluttershy who was listening behind her mane. Dash was being her normal self and talking to Shining about the Wonderbolts much to Shining annoyance. Well from what I could tell as he had that tired look of hearing the same topic for hours that didn't amuse him. A few hours with Rarity about royal life, made me an expert on that feeling all too well. The other royal princesses were keeping quiet by having a telepathic conversation over the link that they were blocking both Twilight and I out of it. Blueblood was being well Blueblood and sat as far as he could away from Twilight and I to eat his meal.

Once dinner we retired to our room which was our private room at the castle. Which was enough to finally get off my hooves for the night. As I had said Twilight took the time to plop on the bed with her wings spread up to take as much space as possible.

"Arg." She groaned as she pulled her muzzle out from the comforter to look at me. "Is it bad that I'm looking forward to when this is all done?"

"I know that feeling all too well," I said with a smirk as I was taking off the saddlebags that I had on throughout the day as well as my regalia. The princesses had asked me to keep it one during my time here as I have to look the part for the staff. "But how are you holding up in the long run?"

"I'm worried," She said as she nuzzles her head into a pillow she brought over to herself as she looks at me.

"About?" I asked, mostly because I like her voicing her problems out. That way I can help her without having to point it out that she has a problem... with mixed results.

"It's just all this Princess business after I had my dress fitting for tomorrow. Two of the guards came up to me and asked what to do about a reporter sneaking in. And I just froze because I didn't know what to tell them." She said and I could see the worried plaguing her. "How am I suppose to lead anypony if I can't tell a guard to just toss a pony out?"

"Because I know you will."


"It's because you've gone toe to toe with bigger and badder things. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, and more. Each time you have gone through it, you did it with a cool head... for the most part. But out of all this, there is only one important thing to keep in mind about it."

"What?" She asked raising her head looking at me with a confused look as her one of her ears had flopped down while the other is straight up.

"I have faith in you, and I always well." She sat there looking at me for a few minutes, or what felt like it as she blinked a good few times. All before she gave a small snort and smirk.

"That has to be the corniest thing I have ever heard."

"Regardless, It true," I said coming over and hopping on to the bed with her. All while she was lightly chuckling at all this.

"You're just being a goofball." She said as she gently leaned against me as I placed my wing around her.

"I'm your goofball," I said before gently kissing her on the cheek as she blushed a bit. After a few moments, she turned to look out of the nearby window as the twilight gives way to the allure of the night.

"Storm..." Twilight said and I could hear the hesitant in her voice as I turned looking at her. "Do you think that since I became a princess is going to change things between the girls and I?" She turned to look at me and I could see the worry on her face. All I could do was look forward and gave a small sigh.

"From my experience... your dealing with a bit of a mixed bag. While I could see that for the most part that you would get more protected then what your use too. That and you more than likely be used for advertising." I said with a light shrug.


"Rarity," I said with a nod. "But that said, I don't think you will have to worry about them doing anything outside of that. You grew with them with your time in Ponyville. Which means they are not facing the whole book cover compared to the contents of the book."

"What about you?" She asked eyeing me.

"Well I would probably give you a few barbs about it, but I would always be there for when you need me. In any way, any shape, and anyhow." She smiles and gently kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're going to be there tomorrow." She said with a smile. After that, we decided we should get some sleep for the next day. I gently leaned in and put my hoof around Twilight to hold her close. She smiled and turned the lamp off bathing the room in the dark night. It was a few minutes into trying to fall asleep before I was launched out of the bed by Twilight's wings snapping open.

"Ow..." I groaned lightly.


It was the day of the coronation, Twilight was standing outside shaking a little bit in her dress. Behind her was four earth pony mares all with a white coat and blonde manes that curved around to act like drapes to accent the face. Each of them had a saddle that sat a stand to hold a drape with Twilight's Cutie-mark on the darker purple fabric with Golden accented trim. draped behind that was a cloth that went to the floor a dark purple much like the drape with lighter accented moons in the fabric. Behind them was for dark gray unicorn stations wearing the garb of the day guards.

"Come on Twilight, it's going to be alright. Just have to slowly go up there and get crowned." Twilight said walking back and forth nervously as the rest of us just watched.

"Twilight it's going to be fine," I said as I sat there waiting quietly as the crowd starts to file in through a side entrance. I was dressed in a rather finely pressed dress suit of a dark red with golden accents. On the right breast of it, was the crest for the house of Storm. Something I wasn't aware of till hours before. It seems Celestia and Luna had gone through and retroactively inserted a linage to Clover the Clever so I would have a more royal standing with a lot of the nobles. So my suit was placed with the newly designed by Rarity mind your crest. It was much like the old mid-evil coat of arms of knights from earth. It had Clover's four-leaf clover wand in the top left corner of it with a storm cloud with three bolts of lightning coming out of it in the top right. The bottom left of it had a small fireball like the sun and a snowflake in the bottom right. From the left shoulder to the belly of it had a golden sash.

Twilight whirled around to me and I could see the worry eating at her. Even with her large almost a mixture of pink and violet that covered most of it. Up to about two inches down the front hooves and about a foot off the back hooves. On the back that as an extra length that trailed behind by a few feet of accenting white almost see-through fabric. And around the end on the forelegs was a small band of buttercup yellow. which also went around the next in a slightly plunging neckline with an amethyst round cut gem hold it with a pearl drop tone attached to that. Behind the neck of the buttercup, the cloth is a small bow about four inches across and the yellow accented around the side just under the wing and behind the flanks with two small white bows, one on each side. "Storm, I'm about to be crowned. This is a big event Storm, what if I trip?"

"Then we all trip with you," I said with a small smile.

"Storm this isn't a time for jokes." She said with a blush.

"I was more stating that if you trip thing the domino effect would mean that we all trip. One after the other as we, for the most part, are following you. What did you learn from the time loop event?" I asked as I remembered that story from the carnival not too long ago.

"Not to worry about the future?" She asked with a curious thing.

"Exactly, and you have me here the whole way. Nothing will go, wrong dear, we have double checked, and I even triple checked with Spike and Hermes." I said as I gently placed my left hoof against her cheek, and made sure not to mess up the makeup. Dear god Rarity would kill me if I screwed this up for Twilight and her work. No offense but that mare could strike the fear of god into some pony if she really wanted to. "Plus it won't just be me there. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Spike, Hermes, and the girls will be right up there with you. Don't forget that your parents and brother will be in the front row. You're not alone in all this and you have all of us to draw strength from." I continued as I gently placed my forehead against hers as best I could with a horn on each of our heads.

She blushed quietly looking at me before she nodded quietly giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. "your right." she said with a small pause. "It just feels like this is happening too fast."

"I know the feeling all too well. But you've done so much more under pressure Twilight. This is just like that, and I know you will overcome it with ease."

“Thank you.”

“Anytime Twilight.”

“Your highnesses we are about to start.” One of the guards said with a slight bow. We both nodded and Twilight took the lead. I was slightly behind her to the right about half a pony's length. Behind us was the four mares with the stallion guards behind them. We listened in quietly as it was almost our cue to enter.

“She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present being accompanied by Prince Firestorm. For the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia announced as the doors opened before us to show a full room of ponies at either side of the aisle. Before using all three princesses stood on the stage with both the girls as well as Spike. The latter was in a nicely pressed black suit and bright red bow tie. Princess Luna was wearing a twilight purple dress that had different hues of purple to make up the clouds on the lower half of the dress and a few stars on the skirt part of the dress as it covers the flank. Which worked well with the gold accents that came out of the back of the skirt, around the barrel, ruffling at the end of the sleeves, and around her neck much like her normal regalia. Even with a matching twilight purple crescent on her chest. Instead of her normal midnight blue crown, she had a gold and purple crown with a golden crescent moon with a splash of purple.

Princess Celestia was wearing was close to Twilight's if only in the main color. Unlike Twilight, Celestia's skirt had swirls of gold to make it look like magic swirling. She also had a white sash around her barrel. She also had small puffs of golden on the shoulder and golden trims on her short sleeves. The only differences between the other princesses are that Celestia was still wearing her regalia. And upon on her head was a larger crown with a white padded trim with purple patches around the rim of it. While each spike of the crown was golden with a smaller center amethyst gem and a purple bobble at the top of each peak.

Then lastly Cadence who was wearing a mostly blue and purple dress. Much like her kingdom, her dress was a crystal motif like the crystal skirt she had one that reminds me of a chandelier. Which the main body of it is sky blue of different hues, while the skirt trim had blue diamonds with a violet purple ends. The same could be said about the sleeves which was mostly purple with sapphires gems. Around the chest had a blue sash that covered up an aquamarine gem were her regalia would be. Her main was styled up one other time which was during the Grand Galloping Gala with matching amethysts and sapphires throughout her main with a crown with purple bobbles.

We slowly made our way to the stage with the mares behind us singing some of the laziest lyrics I've heard. “ ♫ The Princess Twilight cometh, behold, behold ♫ “ Internally Shadow was groaning at the lyrics and I was right their with him. Seriously, who the hell wrote this? Regardless we got up to the rest of them and I took my place next to Luna. Spike slowly stepped forward, with the Element of Magic on a pillow in his hands. It had seemed that the Element had reshaped itself from the tall prom tiara to a more royal crown with the element front and center. We watched as Celestia magically left up the element and gently placed it on Twilight's head. Everypony in the hall including the girls began to stomp their hooves. Speaking of the later going in order Applejack, Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie looked like a southern belle straight out of a Disney flick, a cloud themed Robin Hood, a female detective, a nature elf, and finally, a candy themed dress straight out of eighteen ninety-seven England. After that, the Princesses, the girls, and I all went to the balcony to address the ponies that couldn't fit in the hall. Which mind you is, and I shall quote 'a massive fuck-ton' of ponies.

“Seriously how the hell can Canterlot hold this many ponies?” Shadow asked.

“A lot of support and many, many, anchoring to the mountainside.” Cadence commented over the link directly to me. There was an awkward silence that lasted a few moments as Twilight took front and center.

"Touche" I couldn't help but smirk at this as Celestia leaned over to Twilight.

"Say something, Princess," Celestia whispered, this got Twilight to blush for a moment as she cleared her throat.

"A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about." Twilight began I looked over at Cadence giving her a subtle wink. She eyed me for a moment as she floated over the small box that I took up in my limited magic and placed behind my left wing. "But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about Friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful." Twilight turned to each of us with a big smile on her face and a small tear of joy in her eye before she turned back to address the crowd below. "Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends, Thank you Everypony! I just don't know what could make this day better!" That was my cue as I slowly stepped forward keeping the box firmly hidden in my wing.

"I can think of something," I said as I stepped up next to my marefiend. Celestia taking the hint, stepped back towards her sister as she watched what was about to unfold. "Since the day I came to Equestria, I had nothing to my name. Not even a name itself that I could remember." I began as a lot of the ponies down below looked a little confused. I really didn't care about them at the moment, as there was only one pony that I truly cared for. "From the time I sat in a room at Ponyville Hospital lost and clueless about anything really. I was confused and misplaced, and that all ended when you walked in with a smile, and a will to help somepony you had never met before. You opened your home to that very same pony." Twilight looked a little confused at where this was going and I couldn't blame her. "Since then we grew to know each other. I didn't really know it then but a spark happened between us. A spark that over the time together grew into a raging inferno. An inferno that was fed through troubles and strife, through everyday life. You were always there. Even when I had clouded sight and judgment, you stood there and tried to help." My right claw began to creek a little as I was trying to make my emotions in check as I continued with the memories flooding my mind "I regret what I did that day, but even after all that. You stood by me. Just as I will always stand by you. There is no mountain high enough and no valley low enough to keep me from being there for you. I know that the future is largely unknown, but I do know this. I love you with every fiber of my being and that I have four very impotent words for you."

Twilight's eyes widen as I slowly dipped down on my knee as I reached under my left wing. Pulling the dusk blue box and opened up to show the lavender violet padding within it to her. "Princess Twilight Sparkle of the house of Twilight, I Prince Ryhn Firestorm of the house of Storm, ask you this." I continued as I held up the box for everypony to see, as my heart was pounding a mile a minute. Within the box was a dual banded ring that twisted around like flowing ribbons. One of a vibrant red, and the other of a deep gold. In the center of the stone was two stones, a fire ruby cut down to have the radius of a penny and the other was a star amethyst cut to be a star laid in the center of the fire ruby. I had this done to show that I will always be with her regardless of where and when. "Will you marry me?"

The girls' jaws dropped when those words left my mouth. Well, for the most part, Fluttershy had a hoof to her muzzle in surprise as everypony waited. Rarity was mouthing 'say yes' over and over again. Pinkie was bouncing in spot with the largest set of eyes I've seen on her. This being her, that's saying a whole lot. Applejack brought her hat down and was holding it over her chest. Dash was the one with her mouth open looking in surprise. The Princesses were not surprised as they already knew of my plan beforehand. Since the idea popped into my head, they were on board. Especially Cadence. We all waiting on bated breath as we waiting for Twilight to answer. She stared at the ring that I've had in the work for months now since before my sister had visited Canterlot. The crowd was murmuring and I couldn't make out what anypony was saying as I watch a tear fall from Twilight's eye. Slowly her eyes went up from the ring box to my eyes as something broke and she couldn't hold it back anymore. Within a swift motion, she had flew at me hugging me deeply, and right then I know...

She said yes.

-End of Chapter-

Chapter 45 - Mirror Mirror

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Chapter 45 – Mirror Mirror

It had been a few days since Twilight's coronation and Equestria was abuzz with the news. Both of the new princess as well as the bride to be. Oh dear god, did I get an ear full from everyone. Which most of it boiled down to 'why didn't you tell me?' Well besides Fluttershy saying congrats and Pinkie doing the whole 'who is going to plan it' barrage. Which was short lived as we still had the coronation party to go through. Which was fine, with everything considered. I had already done a little planning ahead of time and asked a few of the girls if they would be willing to help out with this wedding. As you can expect I got a very loud set of yes's from them. Especially Rarity who 'offered' to make the wedding dress. I say offer more like jumped down our throats with it as Twilight said she would expect no pony else. That left only one this that needed to be figured out.

Where are we going to have the wedding? Honestly, we didn't know, and that was part of the reason why we came to the Crystal Empire early. We wanted to window shop for a location. We were supposed to be back at the castle in a few hours so Twilight and I went to see the city, which is something we haven't really done. Unlike Canterlot, the Crystal Empire didn't have a main shopping district so we decided to browse around. We spend maybe a fourth of the day at a few of the bookstores getting ourselves some new reading material, as it was hard to draw Twilight out of the history section. Admittedly Twilight had to lift me up magically out of the magic section. We also had a few of the guards with us to 'protect' us. Which was fine as most of them had gone through the retraining, but some of them are real chatty about Spike.

It was maybe a few hours into the trip we came across Spike's statue holding up the Crystal Heart. When I inquired about it, I got a better rundown of the Sombra event from Twilight. The reason why Spike was hailed as the hero was that he was the one that got the Crystal Heart to Cadence. Which was kind of cool to hear, I mean I would have preferred for all of them get equal parts of the credit. But I can understand why he got it. Course that wasn't going to stop me giving the little guy some guff about it when he came up with the girls.

Regardless, we were in the middle of our lunch with Twilight having a rather tasty looking pasta. While I decided to go with a rather superb soup. As it was made with a dragon in mind, and the decor of the place was rather nice. The Crystal Cauldron as the place was called was done up to look like an alchemy lab with each table designed to be a table made from crystal cauldrons. The table itself was a rather translucent glass and the cauldron would have a special liquid that would change every so often causing the delusion in the glass to light up the place. Which I have to admit was a rather clever way to design the place. Especially when they had little alchemy books as the menus. We had sat there eating for the most part, as Twilight went over the pros and cons of Canterlot and the Crystal Empire.

To be honest, I really didn't have much say on this one. Mainly as I don't really have that many fond memories of either place and I don't have the history with them, unlike Twilight. That and I was letting Twilight do all of the picking as I wanted to be the way she dreamed her wedding to be. Part of the reason I was doing this was that if mares are anything like some of the women from earth, I don't want to cross that line... ever.

"I just don't know where would be a good place." She said groaning as she looked over her organized chaos.

"Twilight, it's alright to be unsure. We aren't getting married within a week. So we have the time to decide, and you never know. The perfect place may just pop up when you least expect it." I said before I finished off my soup.

"I know, but there is so much left to do. I mean we need to send the invites for a place we haven't decided yet. Pick out the food for the reception that we haven't pick the location for either. Then the dress itself and the bridesmare dresses, don't forget your tux. Then pick the best mare for either one of us-" She went on as I could see her mane begin to frizz out a bit.

"Well, I was thinking of asking Shining to be my best man," I said as I reached for my drink.

"Best man?" Twilight asked.

"I think the closest here for the groom is the 'best mare'? He has quite a few jobs where he leads the groomsmen or groomstallions, help shop for the formalwear and coordinates the purchases, serves as counselor and confidant, coordinate travel and accommodations and-" I began to explain before Twilight cut me off with.

"And help set up the bachelor party, help the guests, and attend pre-wedding events and so forth. Yeah, that sounds like the best mare. It's interesting that stallions or 'men' on earth were set to do that job." Twilight said rolling up her list.

"Well I mean it was within the name, and honestly I'm not sure how the tradition started."

"Then if I may ask, not ask somepony like Cadence, Princess Celestia-"

"You know you don't have to use her title right?"

"But calling the princess anything other than her title is just... rude." She said looking a little worried.

"Whatever you say Princess Twilight." I shot back with a smirk.

"None of... that. Oh..." She said realizing what I was doing. "That was a little mean." She said with a huff as she crossed her forelegs over her chest.

"I was just doing to prove a point. Twilight, Celestia, and Luna are just ponies like every pony else. Even if you take title into account then Celestia, Luna, Cadence, you and I are on the same tier." I said calmly.

"I know but... I've always seen Celestia on a-"

"Pedestal?" I said already guessing her thoughts on this.


"Sounds familiar isn't it?" I comment knowing full well she did know where I was going with this.

"But that's an entirely different thing Storm."

"Is it?" I asked. "Because where I stand you girls have saved Equestria countless time, have been invited to countless big events not limited to the grand galloping gala, a royal wedding, and more. Not counting that you became an alicorn by discovering new magic. Seems like a pretty high pedestal to me."

"Still... I don't want to be treated like any pony special." She said looking worried as I watched her bite her bottom lip as she laid her hooves back onto the table. I gently rested my left hoof on her right, she just looked at it for a few moments as a sigh escaped her lips. "I get it. Then pri... I mean Celestia wants to be treated like a normal mare."

"That's what anyone in her position ever wants. Why do you think I avoid using her title as much as possible. Even my sister isn't a fan of hearing queen all day." I commented.

"I know..." After that, the two of us paid our bill and left to pick up the girls from the train station. This including Spike who was wearing a trench coat, an afro wig, black sunglasses, and was holding a newspaper in front of himself. "Okay, I have to ask. What's with the getup Spik-"

"Shh, don't say my name out loud!" He exclaimed in a whisper as he jumped up onto my back. "If the ponies here see me, then I'm going to be swamped by ponies wanting autographs from 'Spike the brave'." He said and I couldn't help but try and I want to stress 'try' to hide my snort. Spike the brave, seriously?

"Seriously?" I asked as I magically lifted Spike onto my back. Normally Twilight would be the one letting Spike ride on her. But I figured I would give her a little break.

"Yeah, after the whole saving the Crystal Empire they worship me, even made a giant statue of me." He said sounding quite proud of that. I couldn't take the piss out of him for that one. After seeing him taking the hit like a man when he screwed up with sending back the gem. I just didn't have the heart to tease him about it right now, course that's not saying I won't another time. "So how's the Crystal Empire?" Spike asked.

"It's rather nice, and found this rather nice restaurant that you may like."


"Yeah, it's called the Crystal Cauldron, they have some gemstone seasoned dishes." After I said that I could hear Spike's stomach growl behind me. "It sounds like someone didn't eat."

"Na just didn't have my fill." He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well good thing that we all are staying in the castle," I said as we made our way to the castle. The walk to the castle itself wasn't anything special, just a bit of site seeing. That was till we got close to where the crystal heart normally floated at.

“Hoo-wee! Your very first princess summit. You must be over the moon, Twilight.” Applejack said with a smile on her face.

“ Oh, I am excited. But, to be honest.” Twilight began looking rather happy before the look of worry began to fill her face. “I'm a little nervous, too.” That's right about when Pinkie decided to chime in.

“You're 'nervicited'! It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell 'YAY ME!!'” she said bouncing higher then I've seen anypony bounce. Come to think about it, I don't think I see a lot of ponies bouncing other than Pinkie. With how high she was jumping, I could swear she was part pegasi. “But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time!” She continued rolling into a ball rocking back and forth like a bassinet. That was before she awkwardly unballed herself making a sound I never expected to come from her before she went over and ruffled Twilight's mane saying. “We've all been there!”

“Did... did she just make the-” Shadow began to say in my head.

“The transformer sound? Yeah... I think she did.” I replied over the link as I lost track of the conversation for a few moments as I couldn't help but worry for Shadow and I's sanity... or lack of at this point. That was until I hear Rarity shout loud enough to knock us back into paying attention for a moment.

“TWILIGHT! Oh, sorry, darling, but I just realized you're not wearing your crown. You haven't forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you?” She said looking completely worried.

“It's in my bag in our room. I just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it.” Twilight said looking a little awkward as she spread her wings for a moment. “And I haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet, either.” We watched Twilight try and take off using her wings. The one thing Twilight just can't seem to wrap her head around is her form.

“You are a princess now, Twilight. Embrace it!” Rarity exclaimed with a smile. “I'm telling you, if I had a crown like that, I would never take it off. Why I'd sleep in the thing.”

“I wouldn't recommend that,” I commented.

“But why not darling?” Rarity asked looking confused.

“Besides the fact that it would come off your head as you move. It's not comfortable to sleep on gems and metal as it's poking you. That and some ponies don't like always wearing their royal gear.”

“Is that why we rarely see you wearing your regalia?” Fluttershy asked.

“Eeyup. Don't get me wrong, when I'm dealing with royal duties is one thing.” I continued as we made our way to the throne room. “But when I'm not on call, it's nice to let your mane down. If you catch my drift.” As soon as we got to the door and it opened from the other side. Six of the crystal guards began to play trumpets, all with a float with Celestia's cutie mark on them sounded off. It seems somepony is having a bit of an ego trip. Twilight was the first one to enter looking rather surprised as she looked at the guards, and not where she was going. This lead into her walking right into a seventh guard, an orange pegasus with a shortcut blue mane and tail named Flash Sentry. He had his Equestrian guard uniform on compared to the other stallions wearing the Crystal Empire uniform. Celestia had informed me that we were allowed to bring our own guards for our own safety. Which I brought Nightling, who was right now doing security sweeps in our rooms.

“Their Highnesses, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Prince Ryhn Firestorm!” Flash Sentry pronounced.

“Ryhn?” The girls behind us all exclaimed.

“Yeah?” I asked turning towards them a little confused.

“Where did that come from?” Dash asked floating in the air.

“It's my name,” I said with a smirk.

“I thought your name was Firestorm?” Fluttershy asked.

“It is.” Oh, I was having a bit of fun with them.

“Storm's name before coming to Equestria was Ryhn. So he only uses it for special accusations.” Twilight explained for the girls.

“Aw, I was having fun,” I said with a fake pout.

“Oh hush, it's not nice to tease them,” Twilight said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

“I suppose.” I couldn't help but smile. We turned to see Cadence, Luna, and Celestia walk up smiling.

“Greetings everypony,” Celestia said with a warm smile.

“Hello, Celestia,” I answered back as the rest of the girls followed suit.

“We have a big day tomorrow. So I would recommend that everypony turn in early tonight.” Luna recommended.

“Yeah... a lot of very... royal duties... yay...” I said sarcastically.

“Oh buck up, Storm it can't be that bad.” Applejack said as she shouldered me in the side. She had no idea, I only do because I asked for the details from Cadence while we were here. It's like dealing with stuff in Ponyville, but on a grander scale.


It was later that night after we all ate. Twilight and I had broccoli and Alfredo for dinner that night, Spike had fire roasted gems after the crystal ponies there figure out who he was. Which wasn't hard after he caught his rainbow afro on a guard's spear. The guy was not kidding when they say they saw him as a hero. Damn near bowled my ass over trying to get to him.

When we got to our room which was now one of the personal bedrooms. Something that Cadence had begun to do like Gaia did, have personal rooms for family. Which meant that Twilight and I had always a personal room in the Crystal Empire. Which was done up to look like it was ripped out of Sherlock Holmes study, even with a matching Victorian era four poster bed. Which was extremely comfortable. I was in the middle of going over some last minute paperwork that was supposed to be done before the summit. Twilight and I had to triple check it, but something about it was bugging me so I was doing a quadruple check. All while Twilight was at the vanity looking herself over with her Element of Magic Tiara on her head. It seems that her element had changed shape to be closer to a normal crown. So I guess I should call it the Element of Magic Crown for now on. Anyway, she was looking worried at herself.

“Storm?” Twilight asked as I looked up from the paperwork.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Do you think I will do a good job as a Princess?” I could hear the worry in her voice as she voiced the question.

“You will do fine Twilight,” I said trying to reassure her as I placed the paperwork back in the folder I got it from. She turned to look at me.

“How do you know?”

“Because you have a good head on your shoulders, and you'll make well-informed choices,” I said trotting over to her to help comfort my wife to be.

“Have you dealt with anything like this?” She asked as she sat down and I was behind her, gently wrapping my hooves around her to hug her.

“The closest I had to deal with is the business in Ponyville and Cloudsdale. I was the only royal there to have the final say. Before me, they had to send each request to Canterlot for Celestia to review.”

“That's not very comforting...” She said as I felt her hoof over my real hoof. “What if I mess up? What if a choice I make or something I say, sparks a major incident?”

“It won't, and you won't have to make those choices alone. You have Cadence, Luna, Shining, Celestia and I all there to back you up. So if you're unsure about anything allow us to help.” I said gently nuzzling Twilight by the side of her head. “Everything isn't on your shoulder's dear.”

“I know but... I guess I'm just worried about everything. Since I got these wings, it just feels like everything is moving so fast.”

“Change does that dear, it doesn't need to be scary.”

“I know... I'm just glad I have you here with me.”

“And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else without you,” I said with a comforting smile. “Well maybe the bathroom, but other than that nowhere.” I had to make the joke, it was to set up for me.

“Jerk,” Twilight said before pushing me off her with her wings. She crossed her hooves and puffed out her cheeks in that adorable look of annoyance. All I could really do was chuckle a bit as I scooted closer to her and wrapped her up in my hooves again.

“Yeah, but I'm your jerk,” I said before giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Twilight was about to say something before there was a knock at the door to our right. “Enter.” Spike opened the door with a bucket of gems in his claws. Seriously these crystal ponies were spoiling the kid with them. Granted I may have had a gem or two, and found both rubies and emeralds to so far by my favorite. The former was spicier while the later had this mint vanilla taste to it.

Anyway, Spike came into the room looking at both of us. “Seriously can't you two get a room or something?” Twilight and I looked at each other before looking around the room. “You know what I meant.” He said already beating us to the punch.

“Well, you were walking into that one,” I commented. “Was there something you needed?”

“Not really, I was just checking to see if you two needed something before I headed off to bed.”

“Not really, we were about to clunk out ourselves after one last check.”

“Alright, Then I'm heading to bed.” He said with a grin before putting a claw full of gems into his mouth.

“Are you sure it's not read a bunch of comics before you pass out?” I shot back with a smirk as I watch him almost choke on his gems.

“H-how did you-”

“Know?” I couldn't help but smirk. “Spike I don't sleep as often as normal ponies. So I've caught you read under your blanket.”

“Again?” Twilight said sounding annoyed. “Spike you know you need your sleep.”

“Uh... Got to go.” He said running off leaving a few gems in his wake. I couldn't help but laugh at the just priceless moment.

“I can't believe that baby dragon.” Twilight huffed for a few moments before her expression dropped back to worry. “Storm... did you really think it was for his own good to have his own room?”

“Of course, Spike needs his own private space. To think, relax, and have fun.” I answered.

“What would he even do by himself for 'fun'?”

“What did you do when you were his age?”

“I studied and read a lot.” She said turning her head to think before turning to look at me as her brush floated over to her and began to fix her mane for bed. “What did you do?”

“Most of the time I played games, drew, read, and played around.”

“Played around?”

“Yeah, when I was younger I had action figures and other toys to play with.”

“So my big strong stallion had dolls?” Twilight said smirking at me.

“Action figures, thank you very much,” I said crossing my forelegs and giving her one of my trademarked not amused look.

“Sure, keep telling yourself that.” She giggled at me, and I knew she was teasing me. “But regardless, I know Spike really loves his comics.”

“Oh completely understandable, I was more a graphic novels kind of guy myself,” I said with a chuckle as I got up and walked over making sure all of the papers were ready for the summit.

“What's the difference between comics and those graphic novels?”

“Mostly length and the size of the book, depending on which series and so forth. Course, that really didn't take into account trades and compilation books.” I said making sure everything was nicely set together in stacks for Twilight and I. “Before you ask, those are mainly a book that has a few issues of a comic or a set theme between comics in them.”

“How do you know so much about comics?” Twilight asked after she put her brush down.

“I'm a nerd dear, it's kind of one of the tropes of them. Granted I only was into a series or two about comics. But, it's easy to pick up to rule of thumb for them. That and it was easy to pick a lot more up when everything went digital.”

“Digital comics?” Twilight asked sounding completely confused.

“It's just like how I have thousands of books on my tablet, just they are comics instead,” I explained.


“Eeyup, but regardless. We should really think about getting Spike his own.”

“Is this more for Spike's sake or more for alone time for us?” Twilight said smirking, and I already know where that was going. When we wanted to have some alone time back at the library, we would see if Spike would like to spend the night over at one of the girls' house.

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at all this. “Well it would be an added bonus, but the guy really needs his own space.” Twilight couldn't help shake her head.

“Storm, your bad.” She said as we walked over to the bed as I lifted up the covers for us. She slid in first while I followed after I had removed my hoof.

“You can't say it's a bad time having more time to ourselves. Especially when I do that one thing.” I said with a sultry whisper into her ear, which shot straight before her face could even flash red from the blazing blush on her face.

“We um... need to get some sleep.” She said clicking the lamps off. “Yeah, sleep sounds good.” She said laying her head down before having to fidget a little because of her new wings. She was still having a hard time getting comfortable with the new limbs. She, of course, had made the comment on how pegasus could get used to sleeping on their wings. I couldn't help but laugh the first time watching her get comfortable. Course I was stuck on the 'sofa' for that one, well... technically I used that to get some work done so half win-win and half win-lose. We eventually got to sleep, well as best we can. I had been woken up twice from Twilight's new wings which were something that's been happening lately when she turns over. We've been sleeping more face to face so we could try and avoid this till she can get them under control. Not with much luck since the coronation.

However this last time, I ended up being completely different. On top of my sudden thump to the ground, a softer dink could be heard coming from the side table. I got up slowly to look over Twilight's sleeping form to see a cloaked pony.

“Excuse me, what are you-” Was all I got out when I finally woke up. Within her saddlebag was Twilight's Element of Harmony. “Guards!” I roared, which was loud enough for Twilight to jump out of her bed and for I to dash around the bed. The pony in question took off down the hall at a full gallop with me hot on her trail. Twilight was right behind me, yelling that said pony had stolen her crown. She made a turn down a corridor to the left with me hot behind her. Shadow dove from my shadow and shot down the floor trying to catch the thief. She, however, jumped away from each shadow tentacle that Shadow reached out with. That was till she slid to a stop and Shadow had her wrapped up tightly. Slowing down Twilight dashed passed me and went for a tackle. With a flash, the pony disappeared and appeared in front of a door.

The now newly discovered mare stood there with her set of saddle bags. She had a sunset orange coat and her mane was done up to look like wildfire in its two-tone yellow and red style. She glared and smirk at the both of us with her piercing teal eyes as she dove into the room. Twilight jumping out of Shadow's tentacles tackling her. In a move that was straight out of loony toons. Her crown shot out of her bag and bouncing off a wall, followed by the ceiling, a display case, and finally the floor before flying through a mirror. Now don't get me wrong here, I don't mean like shattered through a mirror. I mean it flew through the mirror like it was water as it shined for a second.

“What did you do with my crown?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Sorry it had to be this way-” She said before teleporting in front of the mirror. “Princess.” She finished before diving into it. The girls gasped as my eyes narrowed at the mirror. Right about then, Nightling followed by eight other guards came sliding into the room.

“Nightling reporting for duty.” She said using her wing to salute.

“Go get the princess,” I ordered and she nodded before taking off. “You eight guard this mirror and if anypony comes through it, detain them for questioning.”

“Storm, what are we going to do?” Twilight asked.

“First ask Cadence about this mirror,” I said as I walked past the girls and towards the throne room. Shining was taking care of the nighttime duties since Cadence needed to be up for the summit. Twilight and the girls followed us as we entered the throne.

“What's everypony doing up?” Shining asked before taking a sip from a cup of coffee.

“Somepony stole my crown!” Twilight exclaimed which got Shining to jump up.

“What!” He said before barking for the guards.

“They are getting the other princesses already,” I explained as I slowly made my way to the throne itself. “But my question is more what is that mirror?”

“I don't know. Celestia had us store the mirror here when we took over.” Shining said and I groaned. Of course, it was one of Celestia's magical artifacts. As soon as Celestia entered with the rest of them I turned towards her and bluntly ask about the mirror. That's when we all got one hell of an info dump from the dutchess of the sun. The mare's name was Sunset Shimmer, and before Twilight. She was Celestia protege, but unlike my wife to be. She was power hungry and impatient like to other, all Sunset had looked for was way to gain power quickly and be like the other Princesses. However, Celestia tried to nip this in the bud and watched as her ex-protege left through the mirror into another world. Much like how I did to return to earth, but unlike my means of travel. This was magical beforehand and only opens up roughly ever thirty moons. Which translate for every two and third years. Not too bad, but a lot could happen within that time. It seems that Sunset's plan was to switch Twilight's crown for a rather poorly made fake and hoped we wouldn't notice.

That would have been nipped in the bud, but I can see where the plan would have gone if that was the case. Following Orkam's Razor, we would have searched around the castle and by that time the small gap of time the portal would be open, would have closed. Meaning we wouldn't find it for another two and third years. By that time Sunset would have had free reign to use the Element to her own means.

“Why would she want Twilight's element?” Rarity asked.

“Simple” I began to explain, cutting Celestia off. “If a world void of magic is introduced to it by somepony craving power, that is asking for the worst possible outcome.” This got all of them to look at me.

“How do you know this?” Cadence asked a little surprised.

“Because absolute power corrupts absolutely,” I answered with a matter of fact tone to my voice. “We need to get the element back. Otherwise, that leaves Equestria without one of its major trump cards.”

“Storm is right,” Celestia answered. “Twilight we are going to need you to go through and retrieve your element.”

“You can count on me,” Twilight said as she slowly made her way to the mirror. That was before our blue blur decided to get between her and the mirror.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's going, we're going with her.” Dash said with a smirk as the other girls lined up with her. “Right, girls?”

This was followed by a loud squee from Pinkie who was smiling like a maniac as she said “Oooh! I'm so 'nervicited'!”

“You do realize that's not a real word, right?” Applejack asked Pinkie.

“I'm afraid you all can't go,” Celestia said.

“Why not?” Dash said looking ready to get in the regent's face. One this I would have loved to see.

“It's because of a power balance.” I began to explain. “Bear in mind this is a different world to this one. Which means it has a completely different set of rules that govern it. It's already dangerous sending one pony without knowing how to handle to power shift. But sending six or more could send the world into a tailspin. Topped with the time restraints that are in play, no offense to any of you. But it's safer sending maybe two ponies at most, able to focus on the prize.”

“Storm, Darling. What are you talking about?” Rarity asked confused.

“Let me put it this way. How good are any of you playing chess?” That got everypony to look confused.

“I think I get what Firestorm is getting at,” Cadence spoke up. “This against Sunset Shimmer a pony who already knows that world, against a pony who doesn't understand how the world works. Add in five more players that could end up having all of you fall into Sunset's trap.”

“Which is why I think Storm should go with. Out of everypony else, he's familiar with going to other worlds. As he himself is from a different one.” Celestia said as Twilight as the princess set our saddlebags on our bags and latched them. “The fate of Equestria falls on you two.” I turned to Twilight who looked worried as I offered my hoof to her.

“It's alright Twilight. I will be there with you.” I said as she placed her hoof into mine as we made our way into the mirror.

The feeling of transporting through this 'mirror' was much like the same from the last time. Whoever, there was a few key difference between them. While most of it felt like I was being pulled in odd directions like I was made out of toffee. I felt parts of me get pushed in as well, like my horn, wings, and tail to name a few. That didn't help my landing either, much like the spell I used to go to earth. The portal thought it would be funny to launch, just this time I landed on my flanks... well... sort of? I had predicted that I was going to be changed in some way, and I was right. I was human... ish. Unlike my normal self on earth, I had a bright orange skin tone like I was one of those bodybuilders with way too much suntan lotion on them. Just without the tan lines luckily. Much like my satyr form, my right arm was replaced with the prosthetic that looked like a large golden arm. Kind of reminded me of the auto-mail from Full Metal Alchemist.

My clothes were rather different, or for the fact that I know found myself with clothes on. Which I have to say was a welcome change for me. I had on a rather plain orange shirt and blue pants. Just embroidered on my pants was my cutie mark and I had shoes on. Not like horseshoes, but human shoes and they were orange too. Around me was a gray strap leading to a rather large messenger bag that also had my Cutie mark embroidered on it. Finally getting to my feet, I saw Twilight fall out of the portal in clump.

Oh, of course, my wife to gets the easier entry and just plops into the world, while I get flung like yesterdays trash. Screw you Universe, you jerk! Speaking of Twilight, it wasn't hard to figure out who it was. Mostly because she came out after me and her outfit was a dead give away. Like me, her skin was close to her coat color, but in her case. She was paler then I was. She had a pale sky blue button up shirt that with padding around the shoulder and a dark pink bow at the center collar. She also had a deep violet skirt that had her cutie-mark on her left side split up between the small opened seconds to a lighter violet piece. Around her... feet, were tall boots that were black on the bottom covering her feet while the upper part was a matching violet to her skirt. That had a think dark pink band around the top, while white laces crossed over two light violet diamonds.

What I didn't expect was for a third being coming through and it took me a few moments to connect the dots. Mostly because my brain was rejecting it for a bit. What came out was a purple... dog... On top of that, he had light green fluffy ears, and darker green fluff on his head and from his bottom jaw to his underbelly was a light green. Not counting the spiked blue collar with metal studs. Didn't help were the gold tag and pink heart in the center of it. Finally, it clicked who it was and I will admit, I fell over laughing hard. Spike the dragon was now Spike the dog, I guess I now have to worry about him hounding me about keeping this quiet from Rarity. Course he will be barking up the wrong tree with that one.

It was a few moments later when Twilight began to steer with a groan. That when Spike finally spoke with “Uh, Twilight?” Oh my god, Spike was a talking dog on top of that. That was fucking priceless, and it may have added to my giggle fit. So much so that I missed what Twilight said before Spike said “I... think so. But I have no idea what you are!” Things turned a little south when Twilight began to scream and by then I gathered myself up to put my hand around her mouth.

“Relax Twilight. You're only... Human-ish.” I said between my heavy breaths. “Now are you going to scream when I remove my hand?” She shook her head no and I slowly pulled away.

“Storm?” She asked in surprise.

“Well, the one and only that you said yes too,” I said with a smirk before she looked down at her hands.

“What happened to us?” She asked.

“We changed to fit the world. Spike became a dog.” I said before snorting a little. “And we became human-ish.”

“Human... -ish?” Twilight asked. “That doesn't make any sense. You look nothing like you did in that photo.

“Okay, one,” I said using my prosthetic hand to count off with. “That was before dying and gaining a new body. Two, I did say ish as so far as I can see that a lot of the same rules apply here from earth. Except for body structure, color, and hair color.” I began to explain as looking at Twilight I noticed that heads were slightly bigger in proportion to the rest of the body, that and the larger eyes. Were kind of dead giveaways of this. “I can only guess some of the same rules applies here like on my earth. Which means no magic.”

“No magic!” She said before hyperventilating a bit. I reached into my messenger bag and pulled out a paper sack and held it up for her. She began to breathe pretty hard into the bag as I gently patted her back.

“Yes no magic, I mean we don't even have horns or wings.” I pointed out and that caused Twilight to reach up and feel the space her horn would have been. She then took the bag out of my hands and was breathing harder into it enough to rip a hole in the bottom.

“Where are we?” Spike asked.

“If I had to guess 'an' earth.”

“An earth?”

“Yeah, I'm guessing this is more playing to the alternate universe concept. As the easiest and basic version of this is say you had a choice. Eat a cookie and not eat a cookie, and you decide to eat it. Well, then a new universe was created that has a you that didn't eat the cookie and so forth. From what I can see here this may be a universe based off of my earth. Not one for one as this doesn't look familiar.” I began to explain looking around and noticing the gate away back to our Equestria was a side of a large bucking horse statue. I put my right hand through it and I could faintly see my prosthetic hoof through it. “This explains why Sunset needed your element. Because this world doesn't have magic then a magical artifact would tip this world's balance.”

“What do you- woah... mean?” Twilight asked as she tried to stand up for the first time on two legs. Well outside of dancing with me in satyr form, but who's counting? Anyway, I stepped over and helped her to her legs.

“Well if she's still like how Celestia explained. She wants power.” I said as I helped dust of my... girlfriend. Shit, I'm going to have to go back to my old lexicon again, aren't I? “She took the Element of Magic which is one of the most powerful artifacts in Equestria to do it.” Looking around, something didn't feel right. If Sunset had the... oh... Oh! She didn't have the artifact, did she? I couldn't help but have the slightly goofy smile on my face. I had worried that when we got here that she would have already started her plan. But everything looks normal, which has to mean she doesn't have it. That or something is preventing her from using it here. I'm hoping for the former, but my chips are more on the latter.

“We should start looking for Sunset,” Twilight said before crouching down and began to walk on all fours with Spike on her back.

“Twilight stop,” I said helping her back up and Spike down. “Human's walk on two feet, not four like ponies.”

“Oh...” She said as we watched a gray-skinned guy with mauve hair walk past us walking a light blue dog... Did I just see huckleberry hound? Okay... If I start seeing a big red dog, I'm out. Just the fuck right out, because I don't need to see Clifford and I don't think my mind could handle it. I turned to Twilight who was sort of walking away from me with a few wonky test steps. Until she got up to the railing. “How do you walk on these things?” She asked.

“How do you walk on hooves?” I answered back with a smirk, course that didn't stop Spike and I said at the same time.

“At least you don't have to worry about your wings anymore.” That got us a glare from her, so totally worth it. She continued forwards in a small huff before she waved her head a bit like she was modeling. That was followed by her slamming her face into the door.

“Uh... dear, you need to open the door before entering. Building one, you zero.” I said opening the door for Spike and her.

“Very funny.” She growled as she continued to walk into what was clearly a school. Bringing up the rear, Twilight went over to one of the two display cases that housed trophies and group photos.

“What do ya think, Spike? Other artifacts she's stolen from Equestria?” She asked eyeing them.

“Not really,” I answered only to be ignored for Twilight looking at herself in the mirror. Now that I was able to get a better look at myself. I had a set of large blue eyes, not as big as Twilight's but they were pretty close and my... hair was pretty close to my normal style as a satyr. She stepped back slowly before the bell in the hall began to ring and the torrent of students began to mill about. One nailing Twilight in the face and causing her to fall down. “Here let me help you,” I said walkthrough but she already crawled off through a thicker bit of the crowd. I just know it was going to be one of those days. When I was able to get through I saw Twilight being helped up by a lightly tanned kid in a black jacket that had a white and red stripe going around it. Underneath he had a white shirt with a two-tone blue shield and yellow thunderbolt. He also had pale blue pants that were a few shades off his blazing blue hair. It looked like he asked Twilight something, but I didn't catch it. She only nodded her head before the kid walked off. “You alright Twilight?”

“I'm fine... It's just this place is rather different.” She said looking around as she picked Spike up.

“That happens when you go to a different world,” I answered as I was trying to shake this familiar feeling I was getting it. It was sort of like deja vu, and I couldn't shake it. The next ten minutes was taken up by us walking around. Mostly to get a lay of the land and any clues to Sunset Shimmer's location. Nothing of real note here, but it finally clicked why this was bugging me so. Much like how I had seen a version of Twilight, Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom on earth. This here was like an earth version of Equestria. Seeing the CMC running down the halls with Scootaloo on her scooter, pretty much gave it away to me. Course, I made the mistake of taking my eyes of Twilight for a second. “Damn it, now where did that mare get off to?”

The scream that followed gave it away, as it was coming from the guy's bathroom. Twilight had waltzed right into the guy's bathroom. I couldn't help it, I laughed as she came out running and blushing like a red tomato. After I caught up to her she just gave me that look and any guy knows that look. The 'not a single word about this... ever' look. But that's when we heard something down the hall. The three of us got a little closer and leaned over to see. Good thing I was still taller then Twilight otherwise I would probably lean too far out.

“I didn't know you had dropped it.” Sounded a very shy voiced girl who had large pink hair. She had a white tank top on with a light green skirt that had three butterflies on it in a pink, white, pink pattern with the middle one being the flipped color. The skirt itself had a small light pink trim. She also had light green boots that worked well with her light yellow skin. Almost a shade or two off of buttercup yellow.

“Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you.” Said the other girl and all we could tell from this angle was she had just a big amount of hair as the other one except it was done in strips of yellow and red. She also had a black jacket and an orange skirt. She wore large black boots that had a fire purple bottom to them. We didn't catch what the first girl said but we did see the second one slam both hands into the lockers behind her exclaiming “Excuse me?!”

“N-n-nothing...” Said the first one and the more I looked at her the more I couldn't shake the feeling this was this worlds Fluttershy.

“That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals.” The second girl said and her voice was just rubbing me the wrong way. It must have been doing the same to Spike as he was growling at her. She turned away from her with a self-centered smirk on her face. I think we just found the 'queen' bitch of the high school. That's when Twilight stepped out looking just as angry. Granted in my case, I wasn't to slap the smug off her face.

“How dare you speak to her that way!” Twilight growled at her causing the girl to look at us. I was a few steps away from Twilight trying to keep my anger in check. Now is not the time to lose it, as we need to find Sunset...

“What did you say?” The second girl said and I could see more of her outfit. Her collar had studs in them and had a purple undershirt with a sun in the style of yin and yang but in fire tone. The orange skirt seemed to have a purple and cream yellow strip to them and it clicked. This was the bitch that stole Twilight's crown. Both of them began to walk up to each other as Twilight was next to speak.

“I said, 'How dare you speak to her that way!'” Spike and I watched as both of them were giving each other the venomous stare down. That shortly stopped as Sunset's face turned to a smirk as she took a more relaxed posture.

“You must be new here. I can speak to anyone anyway I want.” Sunset said before flicking Twilight's nose which made it harder for me to stay my hand. Seriously, you have no idea how much I wanted to deck this bitch. She walked past Twilight as the two other students in the same hall looked worried. The one she stopped before was a guy who had his locker open and she did the sudden move. Causing the kid to jump into his locker and shut it. This bitch had these kids terrorized that much? No wonder Celestia failed with her, it's like walking ego that really needed a reality check and fast. She walked past me with that same smirk as she 'sized' me up. “I hope you don't get any idea's big boy.” That caused my eye to slightly twitch.

“Tick tock.” Was all I said as she stopped a few feet away and turned to look at me.

“What did you say?” I could see that I bothered her so instead of answering all I did was darkly chuckle and walk down towards Twilight who was staring in the direction Sunset left. I know she is going to be put off a little by this, she's all ego and if anything gets in her way. She will make a miss step.

“I can't believe you did that!” Fluttershy said as she looked on in disbelief.

“Well, I couldn't just stand there,” Twilight answered turning back to Fluttershy in confusion.

“I'm guessing because no one stands up to Sunset?” I asked as I reached them.

“Sunset? Like Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight asked looking back down the hall as the other two students left to more than likely to get to class.

“Yeah, how did you know?” Fluttershy asked.

“I took a guess from the attitude she had. The name's Firestorm.” I said offering my hand in a friendly gesture. Fluttershy slowly shrank away from it like it was cursed, and if this was anything like our Fluttershy. Then I have a feeling she was going to squeak.

“I'm Fluttershy.” She said in an almost inaudible tone.”

“Sorry, what was that?” Twilight asked which only got her in an even more inaudible tone.

“I'm Fluttershy”

“It sounds like you're saying Fluttershy, but how can that-” was all Twilight got out before Fluttershy almost bowled us over to get to Spike in a squee.

“Oh, my goodness! Who's this sweet little guy?” She said in an energetic tone. Eeyup, that was our Fluttershy alright.

“That's Spike! My, uh... dog!” Twilight said sounding more confused towards the end.

“Oh, he's so cute! Go on, eat up, little pup!” Fluttershy said reaching into her backpack and pulled out a dog treat. Oh god, please tell me he isn't... he is. Spike slowly took a small bite before going to town on the treat. I guess since he was a dog now, he had a dog's taste buds to go with it. “Oh, wouldn't ya just give anything to know what they're really thinking?”

“He usually just tells me.” Twilight said and that got both Spike and I to give her the 'don't talk about the talking dog looks.' Especially me when I was doing that hand under the chin no speech gesture. Before Spike barked, and I mean barked like a dog.

“Oh, w-what do you mean?”Fluttershy looked completely clueless and thank god for that. Because we really didn't have the time for news reporters to get wind of a talking dog. That would be one hell of a shit show if that happened.

“Oh, uh, nothing, never mind,” Twilight said chuckling nervously before she shook her head to refocus. “Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?”

“How did you know?”

“Uh, lucky guess? Do you still have it?” We watched as Fluttershy shook her head in the negative. “But you know what happened to it.” She nodded to this. That's when we got the load down on what happened on this side when the crown launched through the mirror. It seems that it nailed Fluttershy in the head while she was handing out fliers for an animal shelter she supported. This being Fluttershy, I could totally see that. When she saw what it was, she took it to Principal Celestia. It seems the Duchess of daytime was just a principal here in this world. My guess was that Luna was more than likely the vice principal. What would that make Cadence I wonder? Hell, what about Shining Armor? Regardless of that, we got directions to the office and began to head that direction.

Though I did find out something rather interesting. Overall this time, I had completely forgotten my prosthetic arm itself was a magical artifact. Well, not on the same level as say an Element of Harmony, more like a lesser artifact. What did that mean? Well, from what Shadow had told me. I was able to access a limited amount of my magical pool, which transferred over to our new bodies. The problem with accessing the whole thing was that a lot of it turned dormant without a means to use it. My arm, in this case, acted as a conduit or as if it was my horn. We experimented a little by having Shadow create an eye like he does when he comes out of my shadow or off my body. I will admit, it was extremely creepy seeing an eye looking up at me from my palm. But the benefits outweighed the uncomfortableness that happened. After the short walk, we got ourselves to the main office and in turn the principal's office. With a few knocks, we were allowed in.

Twilight, being the adorkable being she is. Decided to go in the pony way by using her head to open the door. Which I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that, which in turn earned me a glare from her. Principal Celestia was a rather slender woman that looked like she was in her thirties, maybe forties if you push it. She had the same multi-colored hair like her Equestrian counterpart. Just without the flowing on an ethereal wind. Oddly enough she wasn't straight out mat white as I expected. She was more a pale pink, closer to human skin form like my earth. She did have the larger eyes and what looked like natural purple eyes that I expected. She also had a pale yellow suit on with what looks like a purple and white striped tee-shirt underneath it. She also had matching purple pants on. On her left wrist was a purple bracelet much like her pants and on her right was a gold watch on a purple band. While I was looking her over I had failed to see Twilight looking nervous till Principal Celestia lowered the file she was reading to look at us directly.

“How may I help you two?” She said giving a look of can you please get on with it.

“Um, uh... Whew. My name's Twilight Sparkle and he's Firestorm. W-we are new here, and... Well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you.” Twilight explained almost doing the verbal version of tripping over yourself.

“Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn.” Celestia said as she got up taking the file with her and put it away in a file cabinet across the room. Which had a lot of pale yellows used on it. Like from the floorboards to the trip. It was just everywhere, just different hues of the same color.

“I could think of a reason,” I mumbled under my breath just soft enough where no one could hear be other than Twilight.

“Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?” She continued uninterruptedly

“Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually... Princess of the Fall Formal?” Twilight said completely being derailed. I think the shock of seeing another Celestia is getting to her. Okay, granted the shock of seeing a blue dog and being human again kind of got me. But seriously, we are here to get the crown and bail.

“It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance.”

“Like the Grand Galloping Gala,” Twilight said and I couldn't help but facepalm. That was something only her, Spike, and I was going to get.

“Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?” Celestia said a little confused as I expected.

“It was one of our special events at our old school.” I covered for Twilight.

“And was there a princess?”

“Sort of,” I said as I couldn't help a slight smirk.

“Well, here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them and she receives a crown at the Fall Formal,” Celestia explained and I could help but groan inwardly. It was a fucking prom, it had to be a fucking prom of all things. The one thing I never went to because back then I just one of those kids that could never find a date, well one that would say yes without it being a joke. Let's just say I was burned more than once by that 'joke'. That's when I noticed the look on Twilight's face. The look that screams 'I have a plan that I just thought up that may work.”

“Hmm. You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?” She asked and I couldn't help but facepalm. Was she seriously thinking of running for Princess?

“You asked her to marry you,” Shadow said with snark in her voice.

“I know I did!” I shot back mentally.

“Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot.” Celestia said helping Twilight and I to the door. “Was there anything else?”

“Nope! That was it!” Twilight said before I could get a word in edgewise.

“Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open,” Celestia said before shutting her door.

“Hey, Twilight?” I said looking back at the door.

“Yes, Storm?” She answered looking at me curiously.

“I'll catch up with you later. I need to ask Principal Celestia something first.” I said pointing behind me at the door.

“I can stay if you want.” She offered.

“True, but I think you should try to find the Fall Formal planning committee. While I handle this.” I offered, but because what I was about to do probably wouldn't sit well with Twilight and Twilight had already 'formed' a plan.

“Good thinking, I'll catch up with you at lunch,” Twilight said walking off.

“Till then,” I said turning back towards the door.

“Twilight, why didn't ya just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back?” Spike said as Twilight walked away and Spike riding in her backpack as Fluttershy suggested. With a few knocks, Celestia asked me to enter.

“Firestorm was it? Was there something else you need?” She asked putting another file down to look at me directly.

“There are a few things actually,” I said grabbing one of the chairs in the room and sat it across from her desk. She looked at me with a cocked eyebrow it that same 'get one with it look' she gave Twilight earlier. “Let's start with a question. Do you believe in magic?”

“In a young girls heart?” She countered with a smirk.

“How the music can free her whenever it starts?” I shot back knowing what she was quoting, The Loving Spoonfuls nineteen sixty-five hit of the same name. “But no, I mean real magic.”

“I believe there are things that aren't so easily understandable.” She said resting her arms on her desk giving me her full attention.

“What would you say if I could prove magic was a real thing?” That got her other eyebrow to join its twin for a few moments.

“I would be extremely skeptical without said proof.” She said and I could help but smirk as I held my hand out with my palm out to show that it was empty. I then began to focus on a familiar spell. Namely the light drawing spell. My pointer finger began to glow and I began to write in the air the words 'Ta-da!' The look on her face was priceless as her eyes widen as she reached over her desk to pass her hands through it a few times. “How is that even possible?”

“Magic,” I said dispelling the writing with a wave of my hand. “It's not the only thing I can do.” With that said I put my right hand over my left as a blacken mass began to form out of my palm. Taking the form of a little blob with two large red eyes.

“Is... is it dangerous?” She asked looking a little unnerved.

“In the wrong hands, it can be.” With that, the little blob when back into my arm.

“Why show me?”

“Because I need to talk to you about Sunset Shimmer.”

“What Shimmer got to do with this?”

“She's very goal orientated and often blinded by getting it. Very power hungry and holds it over everyone, to the point that when one opposes her without not knowing about her ahead of time. She tried time and time again underhanded tactics to get what she wants.” Most of this was gleaned from Equestria's Princess Celestia and noticing the three photos of 'human' Sunset Shimmer. I can easily guess that a lot of that is the game. “I'm betting she has come to you or Vice Principal Luna about other students doing something against the rules. Often leading into her getting what she wants if not directly, indirectly. Most importantly she's the only one running to be this year's Princess of the Fall Formal unopposed.” Celestia remained silent for a while looking me over, almost sizing me up.

“What did she do?” She asked pointedly.

“The crown that was found by Fluttershy wasn't the real crown for the Fall Formal. That for a matter of fact is right here.” I said reaching into my messenger bag and pulling out the really cheaply made crown. With a soft tap, I set it on her desk as she looks it over then back up at me. “The one you have is a magical artifact that she stole.”

“Let's say I believe you and the crown that was brought in to me this morning is a magical artifact stolen by Sunset Shimmer of all people. What was her plan?” She asked leaning back in her chair.

“Most likely to take over this world.”

“This world?” That got Celestia to raise her eyebrow again.

“Before we continue this line of questions. Where is the crown right now?”

“Vice pri-”

“You can just call her Luna.” I interrupted.

“Okay... Luna has put it in the schools safe for safe keeping.”

“How secure is this safe?”

“It can only be opened at a specific time each day.” She said and I couldn't help but whistle.

“Must be a costly safe.”

“Quite a lot, but regardless. You said this world, you make it sound like there are others.”

“Because there are. I can at least count four off the top of my head, but I wouldn't doubt there are more.”

“Why should I believe any of this?” She asked leaning back in her chair.

“Do you know what happens when you bring a magical artifact into a world without magic?” I said with a smirk on my face as I watch the look of worry appear on Celestia's.


It has been several hours since my talk with Celestia. After a rather app showing of how dangerous magic could be in the wrong hands, and the magical portal in the front lawn. She finally believed me fully, well maybe not fully as she couldn't wrap her head around the whole dragons and other mythical creatures were real bit. But some battles you can't win, oh well.

I tried hunting down Twilight after my meeting to find that she had already eaten and ran off to find the Fall Formal planning committee member. It's only member mind you and to not my surprise, it was this world's Pinkie Pie. So I figured I would let Twilight go with that. I, however, decided to do a little research, and the best place to do that was the school library. Which that was where I have been, and thank god I learned programming code. With a bit of writing, I was having the computer doing most of the work for me. Well, the searching for the most part, I still have to skim through most of it, but with highlighted passages. It helps narrow down a lot of the work for me.

“I have to believe it's got a... library!” Twilight said as she walked up to the door.

“Storm!” Twilight said running over. It was nice to see that she was at least getting more used to being on two legs. “What are you doing?”

“A little research,” I said as I watch windows flash up before they disappear.

“How are you reading through those that fast?” She asked looking over my shoulder.

“Well, I'm just gleaming the important bits,” I said as another popped up. “But for the most part, I'm not doing the searching itself.” That got Twilight to look at me confused. “The computer is.”

“How?” She asked looking confused as she tried pushing a few keys on the keyboard.

“Well I wrote a program that gave the computer search perimeters and it's pulling up the information based on that.”

“You know how to do-” Was all she got out before I leaned back my head to look up at her. “Right... child of the information age.”

“You're cute when you're flustered,” I said smirking as I watched my fiance blush at me.

“Storm this isn't the time to do that.”

“Well, right now I'm waiting for-” Right then the computer gave a beep to tell me it was done. “Speak the devil's name.”

“And she shall appear.” Twilight finished and I couldn't help but smirk looking at her. That's when I noticed two young men peeking at us from behind the bookshelves. Something I wasn't really happy with, but so far they weren't doing anything... yet. Turning back I saw Twilight reading the screen as I began to read it myself. What I could find out here that a lot of both my earth and Equestria's history happened here. Nothing as big as the world wars but, a lot of the corruption and greed aspect still happened. The only things missing are events like Sombra, Discord, Nightmare Moon, and things like that.

“Is there anything about Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie?” She asked.

“I can find out. Why?” I asked pulling open a new window and began my search.

“The girls here aren't friends, and I was wondering if there is a reason why?” It wasn't long to find there social media accounts and dear god the venom between not just those three but the whole five of them. Now mind you I've seen people get out right nasty online, compared to them. This was tame, but still just every time one of them is brought up. It's the snark was real my friends. From what I gather that each of them were slighted by the other.

“Well... hate to tell you. They seem to be at each other every time. Even Dash and Rarity are in on it.” I commented.

“There's a Rarity here?” Spike commented from Twilight's back.

“Shh Spike, we don't want people to hear you,” I comment and he slid back into Twilight's bag for the time being. “But yes, there is a Rarity here.” With that I decided to pull up a tab and look for this worlds version of Twilight and I. Twilight was rather fast to find, as it seems that she was a rather well-known prodigy here and going to one of the biggest schools in the city. From what I could gather Crystal Prep was like this worlds Crystal Empire. The other version of me was harder to find, as I barely could find an online presence and even that didn't tell much. From what I got he was a jack of all trades kind of guy, but other than that... nothing.

“Is there any way to tell what sparked them not being friends?” Twilight asked after I closed quite a few of the windows.

“Hard to say, it seems to be a lot of jumbled messages and mix-ups,” I said reading a few of their feeds going back almost a few years.

“That doesn't make much sense...” Twilight said standing up and crossing her arm across her chest and had her hand on her chin thinking. “I'm going to go look around and see if I can find a few other things. I need to know how to appeal to all the groups.”


“It seems if I want to be the Fall Formal Princess I need everypo-” She was interrupted by Spike leaning out and thumping her in the back of the head. Okay, not fair. I get in trouble doing that to Dash, but Spike can do it to Twilight? “Every... one to vote for me. So I have to find a way to get everyone to like me.” She said nervously chuckling. With that, she turned around walked towards the books. I couldn't help but turn and watch her leave. Even as a human she definitely gives a great view, and don't give me that look. This is my fiance after all.

With that out of the way, I decided to try and help her out through social media by creating an account and began to send mass messages to everyone giving them some food for thought. While avoiding those that seem to have more direct ties to Sunset. With that out of the way, I decided to get up and stretch my legs. That's when I found my fiance was trying to pick up books with her mouth, and I found the two young men from earlier snickering with their phones out. I found out when I was sending those messages that these two were Snips and Snails, and of most importance that these where Sunset's cronies.

Snips was a short pudgy young man with orange hair and a light grayish-blue skin. He had a black shirt one with a pair of scissors, and blue jeans on. Snails, on the other hand, was more a tanned peach colored kid with faded green hair. He had a green hoodie with a snail on the left breast, over a red undershirt and tan pants. They both snickered more as they moved to follow Twilight as she moved to the copier. My left eye twitched as I began to follow them as my right prosthetic arm began to creek as it cried out in stress from the fist I was making with it. These two were doing something to Twilight and I was having none of it. So as soon as Twilight jumped from the photocopier I grabbed the both of them and pulled them off to an abandoned section of the library.

“Okay, what the hell are you two doing?” I said standing over them after I dropped them rather hard on their rear ends.

“It's none of your business.” Snips said crossing his arms.

“When it involves Twilight, it becomes my business,” I growled at them.

“Well we aren't telling yo-” Was all they got before I had both of them picked up by the shirt with a death grip and a few feet off the air.

“Oh, you will tell me.” I continued to growl as I was starting to see red in an almost literal fashion. Like the edge of my vision began to tint red as I had slammed them against the bookshelves that were lining the wall.

“S-s-sunset wanted u-us to get p-p-pictures of T-t-twilight doing weird things.” Snails said shaking in my grip.

“T-t-to make sure s-s-she doesn't w-w-win Fall Formal.” Snips finished.

“Phones. Now.” I growled dropping them before holding my hand out for them. They shakily handed me both of their cell phones. Then I went to town clearing every photo and video of Twilight they had. Making sure they didn't try to be cheeky and send it to a cloud or online storage. After that, I took the time to password lock their phones so they could only use them as phones and nothing more. I was completely pissed off at them and I feel like it was justified. After that I pointed for them to leave and not even needing a second after that, they left probably needing a new change of pants. When I came back I found Twilight trying to type on the computer with her fist and I couldn't help but cringe a little. Poor keyboard, just being punched like that can't be good for it.

“Twilight, what are you trying to do?” I asked walking up and putting my hand on the back of her chair.

“I was trying to make a list and well this thing is harder to type in than the one in the lab.” She said sounding frustrated.

“Well that keyboard was made with ponies in mind, this one requires fingers. Here let me show you.” It was probably a good two hours getting her to get the home row typing going. She asked why she couldn't just hunt and peck. Well, she said something different but to paraphrase it. That home row typing was much faster and when you get the hang of it, it's so much better. So after she finally was set off to type up her 'list' of points she wanted to talk about. I sat down and pulled out my old cellphone. Something I have been using other then it's attended purpose.

I wanted to fix that for when I was here. Mostly because if this was like my earth then having a cell would be beneficial. So as Twilight clacked away on the keys I found what I was looking for and began to gel break my phone. Which took longer then I expected mostly because finding companionable software. But, it was done for the most part. Just waiting for the installing to get done.

“The library will be closing in five minutes.” Said a voice over the P.A. System. Which got Twilight to jump as she looked at me.

“I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight!” She exclaimed.

“Way ahead of you.” Spike and I said as we looked at her.

“The Janitor has a cot in his office he uses when he's stuck cleaning after one of Pinkie's Parties but since he's out for the next two weeks. We can use it.” I explained.

“How did you know about that?” Twilight asked.

“I checked around,” I explained which I did. The janitor had a big social presence online mostly thanks to Pinkie and found out about both of them. It seems he sprang for a comfortable bed and he was out because of visiting family. I had also made a copy of the key using a bit of my magic with Shadow's help. He can form up to be the key from my finger, it was pretty cool. Sadly Equestria doesn't really use those kinds of locks since most of them are magical base. With enough magical force, you can just brute force yourself through most of them. Regardless, we found ourselves in on the janitor's cot laying there and he sprang for a good one indeed. Soft and easily sunk into, just the way I like it. Twilight laid next to me looking at a yearbook. She had it open to a picture of the girls when they were younger.

“Things will be alright Twilight,” I said gently snaking my arms around her to hold her.

“How do you always know what to say?” She said as Spike jumped up and began to lay next to Twilight in a ball like I've seen most dogs do. Funny thing is even while a dragon, he still balls up in his small bed.

“I just have that kind of sense about it, like a Storm Sense if you will,” I commented with a smirk.

“Oh Celestia, not you too. It's bad enough with Pinkie and her Pinkie Sense.” She said sounding a little frustrated.

“I'm just playing with you Twilight. It's not hard to tell you're worried, but everything will be fine. You'll go out there and win everyone over.”

“Still... how can you tell?” She asked putting the book down and turned to look at me directly.

“It's in your body language, kind of like how you can tell mine. It's the other way here.” I explained.

“Well you were human, so it makes sense.” She said already going into her analyzing mode. Something I know helps put herself at ease when she's super stressed about something. Well unless she's doing it involving Pinkie then it becomes a war of attrition. Regardless the night was mostly spent her asking questions about humans and I answered them to the best of my abilities as I finished breaking my phone's protections. By about one, I had a fully working phone again with a few more apps to help be a little sneaky.


It was in the morning after Twilight and I got something to eat. Mostly with me reaching into a vending machine and swiping a few things to eat. Mostly after Shadow picked the locked and I just made sure not to pick anything with meat in it for Spike or Twilight. Oh, but I did get me some jerky to snack on. God, I missed non-guilt meat. Seriously after the whole talking to cow's things, I couldn't really bring myself to eat a lot of meat without importing it from the dragon lands. Even then, it's pork and not really that much when I can get it. Well outside of restaurants and Canterlot castle which cook for griffons.

But, I digress.

We all had something to eat before we left the janitor's closet before school started. Twilight still needed to print her list out so, our first stop was the library. Honestly, I'm a little surprised how open these computers are. No login passwords, no safe searching, none of what you would expect from a school system on my earth. Kind of refreshing really, and easy to get stuff done. I do have to make note that Twilight's 'list' was almost a novel in itself by page count. Fifty-eight pages, and that's not double spaced or anything of the sort. Course that wasn't the strangest thing for her, I mean I've seen some of her scrawling scrolls with her normal organizing, fucking massive.

But, no. The strangest thing was what happened after we left the library. All of the snickering and giggles of the student body. Especially pointed towards Twilight and myself was the biggest tip-off that something was afoot. That and suddenly being pulled into an empty classroom was the other one. Both Twilight and I almost slammed into the table in the far end of the room, closes to the window, by what I could only guess was this world's Rarity. Hard not to guess besides seeing her profile picture last night. Her pale white skin and large over the top purple hair with her trademark three diamond hair clip. That and the pale light sky blue eye shadow. It seems she decided to go with a rather plan pale sky blue shirt, black belt, and purple skirt with an embroidered three diamonds on it. As well as two golden bracelets and her large purple boots that matched her skirt. The reason I know about her 'average' look is that girl seriously takes way too many selfies that it should be outlawed. I lost count in the triple digits for a day alone. A. Single. Day!

“Rarity?” Both Twilight and I asked at the same time in surprise. Well, Twilight was more a shocking surprise and I in a more 'okay, what's happening here' surprise. Right about then Spike decided to pop his head out of Twilight's book bag. Which he's taken to riding in as it's more comfortable than my messenger bag. His words, not mine. Regardless, we watched Rarity run over with a measuring ribbon and began to take odd measurements of both Twilight and I. I mean seriously what was she expecting to get from the bottom of Twilight's shoe, let alone mine? The point I began to dread was the look of 'eureka' appeared on her face. Followed by Rarity bending over and digging through one of her bags. Every so often she would toss a piece of fabric before she opened her mouth.

“Perfect.” She said before whipping around and in a move that shouldn't be possible. Covered us in clothes and as soon as I could see I found Twilight and I in a different outfit. In Twilight's case, she was in a lot of green. From a light green and pale green top, with a light green skirt and shoes. Not to mention the blonde wig on top of it. I had a more biker look with my red undershirt, black 'leather' jacket with studs, and maroon fingerless. Not counting my blue jeans, black wig, and a red bandanna with matching black shades. Someone explain to me how the living hell she changed our close that fast. I do mean changed because I don't feel like I'm in another layer here, it's terrifying, to say the least. “Perfect! Oh, yes. This is good! No one will recognize you two!”

“Why wouldn't we wanna be-” Twilight tried to get out before Rarity interrupted again with.

“And we'll need a disguise for your dog, which is too bad. He really is so adorable! Y'know, with a little work, I think I could make him look like a rabbit instead.” She said as Spike leaned over enjoying the scratch under his chin with literal heart-shaped eyes, before falling out of Twilight's bag. Seriously what the flying fuck is up with this place, I thought Equestria was nuts at times, but to see this in a human-ish world. Complete mind fuck, and it wasn't sitting well with me. So much so I kind of lost a little time, till the door slammed open.

“There you are, Twilight.” Said a girl that sounded a lot like Applejack and with her western themed outfit. I wouldn't be surprised since she was wearing a buttoned-up flannel shirt with the top half at chest height green. A belt with an apple buckle holding up blue denim skirt, and matching cowboy boots. Seriously she oozed country girl from almost every pour.

“So much for the disguise.” Rarity said behind us in a huff.

“I've been lookin' all over for ya.” Applejack said walking more into the room.

“Me too,” Fluttershy added peeking around the corner before she entered.

“Me three!” A girl that looked a lot like a human Pinkie said from atop the door. I don't mean she was hanging from the door frame. I mean she popped her head down from the top of the door. So it had to be this world's Pinkie Pie, and I refuse to hear otherwise. That was before she zipped in and looked Twilight up and down with a massive smile on her face. “I like your new look!”

“I do have an eye for these sorts of things.” Rarity commented behind use before crossing her arms and gave Pinkie a pointed look. “Not that you seem to care.”

“What?!” Pinkie said looking insulted.

“Why do you think she doesn't care?” Twilight said taking the wig off looking completely confused while the girls gave the hand signs of 'don't ask'. She finally asked the more pointed question of. “No, never mind. Why were you all looking for me? What's going on?”

“Oh, she hasn't seen it yet,” Fluttershy said looking worried.

“Seen what?” I said which got Pinkie to shove Twilight and I over to one of the desks as she opened up a bright pink laptop with a balloon on the top to a webpage. On the page had an embedded video that just began to make my blood boil.

From what I could figure Snips and Snails must have found us in the janitor's closet and took videos of us. Because the video defamed Twilight mostly of being a homeless outcast, and a weird do. It seems they had a chance to upload a few of the videos before I caught them.

“I am going to kill those two,” I growled as I get up and threw the wig across the room.

“Kill who?” Twilight asked.

“Snips and Snails, those little bastards were taking videos of you yesterday,” I said as my right arm began to give protest to the pressure I was forcing through it.

“Well I'm not surprised, them two do all the dirty work for Sunset.” Applejack commented as she walked over to the desk.

“Has everyone in the school seen this? Is that why they were all looking at us that way?” Twilight commented as both Applejack and Pinkie nodded.

“What am I gonna do? No one is gonna vote for me after seeing this!” Twilight exclaimed before thumping her head against the hollow desk.

“Not that it'll make any difference, but I'll still vote for you,” Fluttershy commented with a small smile as she placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. “You were so nice to stand up for me when Sunset Shimmer was picking on me yesterday.”

“If ya still wanna run, maybe there's something I can do to help!” Pinkie exclaimed jumping in excitement.

“Word of advice? Don't accept her help. She doesn't take anything seriously!” Fluttershy warned pulling Twilight out of the desk and away from Pinkie. Holy shit, Fluttershy has claws.

“Ugh! Why do you have to be so awful to me?” Pinkie shot back sounded annoyed more than hurt.

“Don't play innocent, Pinkie Pie! You are no better than she is!” Rarity tacked on.

“And what is that supposed to mean?!”

I am happy to offer up my assistance as well.” Rarity said to Twilight holding her hands in a sign of friendship before giving Pinkie a venomous look. “To someone who would appreciate what I have to offer!” She continued yelling at said Pinkie. That's before it turned into an all-out arrangement between Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity. Double holy shit, these three were out for blood today. I didn't think the little feud was that bad, but maybe I was wrong.

“Listen to Y'all carryin' on! Get over it and move on!” Applejack yelled in over everyone else fighting.

“You mean like how you've gotten over what happened with Rainbow Dash?” Rarity shot back pointedly.

“She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at my bake sale. I tell everybody they're comin', and then not one of 'em shows up! She made a liar outta me! That's different!” Applejack defended. It really wasn't that different at all.

“Is not!” Both Pinkie and Rarity yelled back.

“Is too!” And now we had round two of the yelling. That was I got sick and tired of it. With two fingers, I let out an ear piercing whistle that caused everyone to cringe.

“Oi!” I yelled. “Knock it off you four.”

“And why should we... Um?” Applejack started before she lost a little steam towards the end looking at me confused. “Who are you anyway?”

“Firestorm, but just call me Storm for short.”

“Why are you even here?” Applejack said getting into my face.

“Besides being Twilight's boyfriend?” I shot back returning the venom in my voice that Applejack was giving me. “Maybe you failed to notice that she wasn't the only one that shots were fired at in that 'smear' campaign there.”

“And why should we believe you? You could have been the one that set Twili-” was all she got out before sick and tired of it and grabbed the first of her shirt.

“Listen here and listen good Applejack. No one fucks with my Twilight.” I said as my anger flared hard. Lucky for me my hair here didn't erupt into flames like it normally does at this point in Equestria.

“Storm, that's enough. Put Applejack down!” Twilight said pushing the two of us apart. “I want to show you all something.” She continued as she grabbed the yearbook she was looking at last night out of her bag. She opened it to the picture of the girls when they were freshman. “You were friends once.” Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all walked over to look at it.

“Hmm. The Freshman Fair. Y'all remember?” Applejack commented as all of them gave a sign of confirmation.

“But something happened. I think that something was Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight said looking up at all of them.

“Well, it's a nice theory, darling, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it.” Rarity said walking away with her arms crossed and had that look of uncomfortableness across her face.

“She's right. Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter by bringing fireworks and noisemakers! It was supposed to be a serious event, and Pinkie Pie ruined it!” Fluttershy pointedly said next giving Pinkie a stare down.

“What are you talking about? I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a silent auction. You wanted a big party!” Pinkie exclaimed as I listened in more.

“Uh? I never sent you a text.”

“You didn't?”

“You don't think she's the one who's been sending me those e-mails, do you? Every time I volunteer to help with the decorations at a school function, I get an e-mail from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers! And then I find out she's done everything herself.” Rarity turned herself into the conversation.

“I never sent you any e-mails!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“I don't see how she could have done any of that.” Applejack said.

“I believe I can answer the how-to that one,” I said pulling out my phone.

“Alright partner, how?” Applejack said giving me a dare and I smirked. With a few clicks of my phone, I had spoofed their phones.

“Huh?” Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie said as she pulled out their phones. The latter of them all pulling it out of her wild unkempt hair.

“How did you send me a message Rarity? Didn't even see you with your phone out.” Applejack commented before I sent her another one from Pinkie. “Pinks what do you mean 'I'll give you three guess and the first two don't count'?”

“Storm, stop playing around.” Twilight groaned.

“What do you mean Storm?” Applejack said before eyeing me as I hold out my phone showing the texts I just sent.

“With the right technical know-how, I tricked your phones into thinking that it was from another number,” I commented before putting my phone away.

“You know that explains so much.” Applejack said before getting a look of confusion. “Maybe that's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale!”

“Did you try asking her?” Twilight and I both said at the same time.

“Heh, I guess I kind of stopped talkin' to her at all after that.” Applejack admitted with a sheepish look on her face.

“Well, it's time to fix that,” I said leading the way. With a small search, I knew Dash was on the soccer field practicing. I thought Rarity was bad with her selfie's. Dash is way worse with her bragging regardless of the world. Rainbow Dash is always Rainbow Dash.

It was about twenty minutes to get to the field as I kind of got lost which side of the school it was on. That was followed by another twenty minutes of Dash and Applejack 'talking'. Well, to be honest, it was more shouting for about half of it as both of those two are just as stubborn as their Equestrian counterparts. While that was happening the girls were giving commentary about what's going on. Especially the hug as Pinkie exclaimed it almost into my ear.

“Somebody, and I think we can all guess who told Rainbow Dash that my bake sale had been moved to a different day. Dash showed up with all the softball team and thought I'd canceled on her!” Applejack explained as they walked up. Looking over Dash she still had her trademark prismatic hair. Just a lot more of it, including her cyan skin. However, this dash also how a white undershirt with her cutie-mark over the chest of it and a blue jacket over it. She also had an off pinkish purple and white striped skirt with black shorts on under it. She also was kicking around a soccer ball around for a little bit of fun, before she kicked it up and caught it.

“So you're lookin' to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal, huh?” Dash asked with Twilight nodding to answer her. “Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen. I'll totally help you out! All you gotta do is beat me in a game of one-on-one.”

“What?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Hold up.” I cut in.

“What's the problem?” Dash said spinning the ball around on her finger.

“You've got to be a little fairer than that. At least have someone else help her out.”

“Well, it looks like you volunteered. First to five goals wins.” She said before overhead kicking the ball into the goal. “One-zip!”

The next five minutes was an almost utter trouncing of Twilight and I. While soccer was one of the few sports I use to play. It had been several years and a different body since I've played it. Course Twilight was worse off as she wasn't really the athletic type. So the beginning plan had Twilight cover the goal, while I was the one out on the field. That's when I found out that this Dash was faster then I was. I mean I gave her a run for her money at times, getting the ball away from her and towards her goal. She, however, was trickery-er then I was. Dash was able to score against Twilight who was shaking at in her knees in fear. Like she was in front of a firing squad.

Twilight ducked under a move I wasn't even sure was physically possible. She kicked up the ball and roundhoused it into the goal, it was like that ball had slowed down a little to give Dash her second point. Shortly followed by her third point by putting the ball in front of Twilight. Right as Twilight was about to kick it, Dash used her foot to pull the ball back, kick it into the air, and stomped it by bending her leg behind her back as she leaned forward, right into the goal. Fuck, how limber is this chick?

Lucky for us, I was able to score us a point after using an old fake out trick I picked up playing. Running up with Dash behind me to the left. I moved my leg so the ball would fall behind me right when Dash went for a slide in. I turned around with a sweep and reclaimed the ball getting enough time from Dash picking herself up. With a kick, we had our first score. At that point, Twilight wanted to try the field so we switched places. Dash was nice enough to toss the ball out into the field where Twilight was able to have it.

For about a few yards. That's when Dash zipped by getting the ball and with a massive kick, launched that sucker right at me. The blasted thing beamed me in the head knocking me flat on my back and rolled in getting her point. Twilight was able to score one point after I gave her a little direction. She was able to slide in behind Dash and nailed the ball while it was still on her side into the goal, give us our second point. However, Dash scored the last one when Twilight was able to stop the ball with her face. Not as hard as it hit me since it was close range as Dash tried to do an overhead kick again. Twilight monopolizing on the chance began to run with the ball. Dash ran past her and to her goal as Twilight tried to go for the big kick. Something no soccer player would go for, it leaves you to open for someone to slide in and in Twilight's case. Barely kicks the ball and causes them to hit the ground hard.

We all watched the ball roll up to Dash. She looked down at it and smirked before punting that little bastard all the way towards me. I tried to catch it, but my timing was a little off and it sunk home giving Dash the winning point. We all walked over to Twilight, well Dash did a few moments later as she was too busy doing her victory Dash. Eeyup, just as cocky as our Dash is.

“That's game!” Dash said right in Twilight's face before noticing her panting like she just ran for her life. In all fairness she was but, they didn't know that.

“I... really thought you were gonna... pull it off there in the end.” Rarity tried to encourage, but seriously. There was no way in hell we were going to win this. Twilight isn't a sports pony, and I was so rusty that I'm surprised the field isn't covered in it.

“So what's the plan? How can I help you be princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?” Dash said helping Twilight up to her feet. We got over to the benches and I grabbed Twilight a bottle of water, that she gulped down in seconds.

“But... I... lost!” Twilight gasped.

“Of course you lost. I'm awesome! But I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You've proved that you've got 'em both! Even if you had help.” Little Miss Ego said poking me in the ribs with her elbow.

“Oh, haha Dash.” I shot back. We decided since lunch was about to happen that we'd get something off campus. So the girls treated us to this world's Sugar Cube Corner which reminded me more of a cafe than anything. We each got something, I ended up with a strawberry sundae. Twilight was the last one to get her drink as we all sat down at this little out cove. Spike was predictably in Rarity's lap soaking up all the attention she was giving him. We all turned when we heard a cup drop.

Twilight had accidentally bumped into... the same guy that helped her up. We watched as the two of them gave each other that awkward 'I'm smitten with you' look before she came back to us. I was trying my best not to lose my cool at some 'kid' hitting on my Twilight. When she got back she had a large blush on her face before Rarity decided to nip that in the bud.

“Don't even think about it! You're already trying to get her crown. Who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too?” She said not even looking at Twilight.

“Ex-boyfriend?” We both said.

“Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago. I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet.” Fluttershy commented. Ha! Queen bitch got her little love boat sail snipped. Hey, it's the little victories that count at times.

“Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful,” Twilight commented under her breath.

“All right, girls.” Applejack said before I 'cleared' my throat. “Uh, and guy. The dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named princess. Right now, folks only know the Twilight from the video Sunset Shimmer posted online. We need to help 'em see her differently.”

“Easier said than done,” I commented taking a bite of my sundae. We began to brainstorm a few ideas. Pinkie's was a massive party, Applejack was close with a hoe down, Fluttershy wanted to do a petting zoo, and Dash wanted a sport's tournament. All 'ideas' but not really any good ones, that wasn't till our resident fashionista jumped up.

“I'VE GOT IT!” She exclaimed loud enough that everyone in the place looked at her. “Ahem. I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution. Now, this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but what if we all wore these as a sign of unity?” She explained pulling out some rather tacky set of face pony ears and tail in a gold and blue color scheme. We all looked at her completely confused, even Spike. “Freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? 'Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!'” She continuing making another scene in the cafe as she 'cheered'. “Ahem. I haven't sold any in ages.” She began pulling out six of the ears and passed them out, including me as I just looked it over. “I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts! Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us. And we're gonna let everyone know it! What do you think?” The girls all nodded, Spike just had goo-goo eyes for Rarity.

“Next you're going to tell me you're going to have a musical number to help sell this idea?” I commented still holding onto the idea. We all watched Pinkie pull out a few sheets of music as I couldn't help it, my left eye twitched.


“Me and my big fucking mouth,” I mumbled from the cafeteria door. They seriously pulled a high school musical here and sung to get everyone on the same page. I mean down to the goofy ears and tails. Everyone and I do mean everyone, had both the ears and tails on, lunch lady included. I couldn't help but facepalm the whole time. I will admit I've seen my share of musical numbers in Equestria, most of them from Pinkie but still. This was ridiculous, granted the song was super catchy. When the number was over and we left, we saw Snips, Snails, and queen bitch herself walking past us giving that 'we've got our eyes on you look' with Snips giving the little hand sign with it.

I did not like where this was going, and even more so when I saw them walk up to a door. They knocked on it and a woman that I could only guess was Vice Principal Luna come out. She had a long light purple shirt with a white collar that had a crescent moon on it and a midnight blue belt around her waist, held in place but a lunar white buckle. She also had matching midnight blue pants that worked well with her outfit. Her skin was a pale blue that fit in with her two-tone blue and pale blue hair. From what we could see Sunset began to whole pity me act as she said something to Luna, that was before they run off.

“Was anyone else getting that foreboding feeling just now?” I said as the girls agreed. I did not like where this was going and only trouble could come from this. Sadly I was right when both Twilight and I were called into her office. We sat down in the rather dark room only illuminated by the almost completely covered window. Got to live Luna credit, she knows how to set a foreboding atmosphere. It seems Twilight and I were both being accused of vandalizing the gym.

“I don't understand,” Twilight said just as confused as I felt. We were with the girls almost the whole time.

“This is clearly you two in the photographs, is it not.” Looking down, I could see that we were set up. Someone and impressively so had put pictures of Twilight and I 'destroying' the gym. If I had to guess these photos were taken while we played soccer the other day.

“Yes, but-” Twilight tried to defend before being cut off by Luna.

“I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let someone who would do something like this compete for the Fall Formal crown,” Luna said turning to look at the both of use with pointed stares as she leaned over us on the table.

“How do you know these photos weren't doctored?” I asked standing up. “Anyone with even a bit of editing prowess could make it look like Twilight and I.”

“While that is true, we have no proof that these aren't the originals.” Luna shot back.

“In the same turn, you can't prove these aren't.” I slowly walked towards her. “Innocent till proven guilty, isn't it how it is? And what of our accuser? Don't we have fair right to defend ourselves from accusations like these.” I continue pointing to the photos. The only reasons I knew we had a leg to stand upon was that I know Twilight and I didn't do it and that I've done the same thing before. Edit photos to make it look like I was somewhere I wasn't. Rather easy if you take the time to do it.

“That is true as well, but in good-” Was all she got out before she was interrupted by her door being knocked one. When it opened it was the kid from before, Flash Sentry I believe his name was.

“Vice Principal Luna. I found these in a trash can in the library. Thought you should see them.” Flash Sentry said as he walked over holding a vanilla folder. “Someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight was the one who trashed the gym.” I gave Luna a pointed look as Flash proved my point.

“I appreciate you bringing these to my attention, Flash,” Luna said lining up the cut out photos with the pictures she had as she went back to her desk. “In light of this new evidence, you may, of course, continue your bid to be crowned the Princess of the Fall Formal.” The ecstatic look on Twilight's face was priceless. The aftermath not so much, She ran up and gave Flash a massive hug.

“Thank you! You have no idea how important this is to me!” Exclaimed with a massive smile on her face.

Flash only chuckled giving that awkward scratch at the back of the head when he replied with “What was I gonna do? Not prove your innocence? Wouldn't be much of a Canterlot Wondercolt, would I?” I was about to cut in before Luna beat me to it.

“I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development.” She said before departing. That's not good, with the moon as close as it is. We may be stuck here even if we did get the crown.

“So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren't already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?” Flush tried to ask as my gaze shot to him. He did not just ask my Twilight out to the fucking prom!

“I think he did,” Shadow commented to me.

“That would be-” Twilight began to say something before it clicked what I had already noticed. “Tomorrow night!?” That was followed by a long stream of 'no's in rapid secession before she ran out the door. “I can't! The portal! That'll be too late!”

Both Flush and I exited the room after her, with him saying. “One 'no' would have been fine!” That's when I picked him up and put him against the lockers. “Hey, buddy what's your problem?”

“My problem is that some 'kid' is asking out my fiance to the dance,” I said holding up my ring Twilight got me. It was a rather simple band that was a lot smaller her on this universe.

“Fiance? How you're like what sixteen?” He asked surprised.

“Try older by at least two years for both of us,” I growled through clenched teeth, I know I was lying through my teeth, but he didn't need to know I was closer to thirty than twenty.

“Geez man, I'm sorry I didn't know.” He said as I dropped him a little hard.

“Well next time, I suggest you check before you get wrecked,” I growled before I went off to find Twilight. Found out she ran all the way to where the girls were trying on clothes for the dance. So I headed there right when Twilight opened up the curtains to one of the dressing booths.

“You okay?” Applejack said sounding worried as all of the looks were on Twilight.

“The Fall Formal isn't happening tonight.” Twilight explained and I came around to help comfort her. I gently wrapped my arms around her as she placed her hand on mine.

“What?!” Pinkie exclaimed in shock.

“It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had someone ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations.”

“What?!” Pinkie said again louder than last time.

“But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight.”

“Wha-” Was all Pinkie got out a third time even louder before Applejack covered her mouth and gave her a look that said 'go ahead' with her cocked unamused eyebrow.

“You see-” Twilight started before being cut off by.

“You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess and he's a pony-dragon prince there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in 'this' world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!” Pinkie said after taking Applejack's hand away from her mouth looking cheeky as hell with her oversized grin. Twilight looked completely shocked I was trying not to laugh. Why am I not surprised that Pinkie of all people here knew? Oh right, it's Pinkie of all people!

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure that 'isn't' the reason,” Dash said as she rolled her eyes at Pinkie.

“Nope, she's pretty much spot-on,” Both Spike and I said at the same time. That got everyone but Twilight, Spike, and I to do a double take.

“He can talk!?” Rarity said in shock.

“Oh, yeah! And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog!” Spike started before stand on his back legs like fucking Huckleberry Hound. “I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!” Right about then Fluttershy pushed Rarity and Pinkie aside before getting down to Spike's level.

“This is so amazing! Tell me, what are you thinking right now?” She asked in amazement. Which I could understand, we did kind of give her her biggest wish. As she gave Spike a diabetes level of a sweet smile. He just turned to look at a still shocked Rarity.

“Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears!” Spike said walking next to Rarity. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn he was trying to look up her skirt. Course Spike doesn't know that context and thank god I don't have to explain it to the baby dragon. I will admit Rarity making a sound and face that just screamed 'four o' four brain not found' almost made me lose it right there. “Uh, maybe later.”

“How did you 'know' all that?” Twilight asked. No, bad Twilight, you know better than to ask Pinkie how she knows stuff. Because all your going to get from her is a-

“Just a hunch.” She said. See, fucking called it.

“Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight. You're a 'pony'?” Applejack asked trying and I think failing to put two and two together.

“You're a princess?” Rarity asked completely skipping me being a prince, but whatever. Thankfully someone didn't drop that on me.

“You're from another world?” Fluttershy added this time. Twilight only nodded looking worried, and I started too because I was not ready for that bomb to be dropped. That, and what came next from Dash.

“That... is... awesome!” She exclaimed before Twilight got swamped by the girls.

“Oi, girls!” I exclaimed. “I think you're forgetting something?” They all stopped and looked at me. “Destroyed gym ring a bell?” I said motioning my hands towards the door.

“Yeah!” Pinkie said zipping past me faster then I think Dash could fly in Equestria. It was probably a good twenty minutes when we finally had our first sits of the carnage that was the gym. This place was 'fucked', and I don't mean in a good way. I mean like a twelve car pile up after a tornado came through a parking garage at a mall during Black Friday.

“I simply cannot believe they did all this!” Rarity exclaimed looking over this nightmare of a mess.

“If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate everything super fast!” Pinkie exclaimed as Spike and I shared a look.

“I know it seems impossible, but, maybe if we all work together?” Twilight said turning like she was hoping for the help.

“Now that's the kinda can-do spirit I'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess! Let's do it, Y'all!” Applejack exclaimed as she went to get some of the broken tables.

“Absolutely!” Rarity exclaimed running off to grab what I could only guess brooms.

“Rock on!” Dash said going to help Applejack.

“Yes, Indeedily!” Pinkie said sticking her head to the floor and began to... 'sweep' I think? Fluttershy just smiled and got to work with Rarity.

“I'll go check the lights to see none of them are busted,” I said making a start towards the stage. That's when I felt a tug on my head, I turned to see Twilight giving me a look.

“Storm I appreciate you being here with me. I know this can't really be easy on you.” She said looking at me.

“What makes you say that?” I asked a little confused.

“Being in a world like your earth. It must feel weird to you.” She said looking down at my hands.

“I will admit it takes a little getting use too,” I said before bringing one of my hands up to her cheek and gently brushed my thumb against it. “But as long as I have you, I can deal with a little weirdness.” With that, I gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Well maybe not just a kiss, I watched as she slowly raised her left back.

“You two make a perfect couple.” Rarity said leaning on a broom as she swooned lightly. Please tell me she isn't going to materialize a lounging sofa out of nowhere to fall upon!

“Well, he is my fiance after all,” Twilight said pulling out her ring. Which had shrank in size too that she had on a chain.

“Fiance!” Rarity proclaimed.

“He asked me to marry him during my coronation.” Twilight explained.

“So when you got your title?” Rarity said giving me the stink eye.

“Don't give me that look, I was a prince long before Twilight was,” I said holding my hands up.

“That's right, Pinkie did say you're a prince.” Rarity said going back to her swooning, instead of sweeping. I just rolled my eyes as we got to work. Surprising enough that while we were getting things cleaned up, part of the student body decided to help out. Within an hour I had a crew I was giving orders to as we fixed the lights. It seems that someone decided to smash a lot of the lights and unhook everything from the sound system. Not a hard thing to fix just time-consuming. When it was all said and done, we got everything ready and looking way better.

“This... looks... so... GOOD!” Pinkie exclaimed on the stage as the girls joined her.

“Well, that's what you get when you put a lot of hard work and effort in,” I commented as I sat on the edge. Our attention was pulled over to the door were both Celestia and Luna were standing, the latter with a ballot box in her hands.

“All right, everyone! Fall Formal is back on for this evening.” That announcement got everyone there to cheer, including Twilight and I. “So you'd better get out of here and start getting ready. Oh, and don't forget to cast your ballots for the Fall Formal Princess on your way out!” With that, most of the students dropped there ballots in the box and left. Twilight and the girls as well, I stayed behind for a little bit as I wanted to check on something.


It's been a few hours since I left school. The girls were busy deciding what to wear in the store Rarity lives above. Rarity helped me pick out a tux for me to wear, which honestly I never wore one before. It was rather nice until the fun began to fade. Mostly because the girls were having a hard time deciding, Especially Pinkie who was in the middle of her eighteenth change. So I decided to step outside for some fresh air, more literally because of Rarity and the damn hairspray. Lucky for me the outside had a bench that I could relax upon.

So to kill time I decided to create a ball of light that I was playing with. Mostly just tossing up into the air and when it comes down. I just smack it back up with the back of my hand before flipping my hand over to catch it and repeat the cycle. When I was on earth, I would do this from time to time to kill time. That or I would twiddle my thumbs, but I fell out of that when I went to Equestria. Little hard to twiddle thumbs when you only have one claw to do it. After what felt like a few minutes, I heard the door to the shoe open up.

Waltzing right out was Rainbow Dash in her Fall Formal dress. Which was rather nice for a prismatic sleeveless dress. The top part of it was red, orange, yellow, and green, with indigo straps over her shoulder that matched her sash around her waist. The skirt part of the dress was mostly blue with a red trip, and covering her arms was purple finger-less sleeves. All to go with her rose-red heel boots with a tint off wings by the white laces. She came out looking around before spotting me.

“That's where you went.” She said as I caught the ball of light in my right hand and shifted my messenger bag so it sat better against me on the bench.

“Eeyup.” was all I really wanted to say.

“So...” Dash said and I could see from her posture that she wanted to ask me something, but she was going to try and beat around the best. Something I should tell you that the Equestrian version isn't really good at doing.

“Just ask the question,” I said as I began to play with the ball of light again.

“What question?” She said crossing her arms defensively.

“Because 'Dash' your not good with beating around the bush. So ask the question you really want to ask.” I said not even looking at her as I was more focused on the ball of magic.

“Fine, what's your story?” She asked eyeing me.

“Pre or post-Equestria?”

“What?” Dash said looking at me completely confused.

“Before I came to Equestria or after I came to Equestria?” I rephrased for her.

“Equestria?” She asked.

“Where Twilight and I came from before we arrived here.”

“Okay... before Equestria? I thought you came from Equestria?” She asked even more confused.

“Technically I'm from a different universe completely,” I said keeping her in my vision.

“Wait there's different universe?” She asked with her eyes widening. “That's... So... Awesome!”

“It can be, depending on where you end up,” I said with a shrug.

“You make it sound like you've done it multipl-”

“Six times at this point.” That got Dash to look at me like I was some superhero or something, far from the truth. “But it's nothing really special.”

“Not really special?! Are you nuts? You've hopped six-time into different universes. How can you not be like some kind of hero or traveler?”

“I guess you could call me the Doctor.”

“Doctor who?” She asked looking a little confused, and I will admit I got a little kick out of that. Mostly because I've always wanted to use that line at some point and Dash here set me up perfectly.

“Regardless, my question still stands. Pre Equestria or post?”

“Pre.” She asked looking me over now with wonderment.

“Well before I went to Equestria, I was nothing that special. Just a normal human with a normal name, living out a normal life. Strife and Discord, Chaos and Harmony, and all the things that come with it.” I said with a shrug. “That all ended when I took a bullet.”

“Wait, you've been shot?” She asked looking skeptical, hell I would be too if it wasn't the fact that... I lived it!

“I got better... sort of.” That got Dash to cock her eyebrow. “Okay, I died on my earth and because of 'magic', I was teleported to Equestria.

“Teleported? Wouldn't you have still been dead?”

“Well spiritually teleported that is, because of Necromancy.”

“Surely you're pulling my leg.” She commented crossing her arms giving me a flat look that just screams 'I don't believe a fucking word your speaking mate.'

“Names, not Surly, it's Ryhn,” I said with a smirk.

“I thought your name was Firestorm?” She asked confused.

“Oh, it is,” I said getting up before holding my hand out. “Firestorm, Ryhn Firestorm,” I said trying to sound like Sean Connery during his run as Bond.

“Really?” She asked giving me that flat look again. “That was just outright corny. Next, you're going to tell me that your really a dragon like Spike.”

“I'm not a dragon,” I said giving her that one.

“See I knew you were-”

“I'm only half dragon,” I said cutting her off.

“Okay, now I'm calling you out on this.” She said getting in my face.

“You can ask Twilight, she would tell you,” I said with a grin showing some of my sharp teeth. It was one of the other few things that stayed the same during the transfer, my back teeth were just as sharp as they were on Equestria.

“You know what, I will.” She said going back in.

“Don't take too long,” I called after her as I watched a stretch limo pull up to the shop. Right then I caught the ball of magic in my hand one last time before crushing it and it's fragments fading away. It seems Rarity had ordered a limo for all of us to ride into the Fall Formal. Which I have to admit, I've never really been in one. It was rather nice, but it didn't compare to how my Twilight looked. While her hair was still the same, more brushed out and all. She did look good in her mostly dark pink dress, that was a few shades off the pink strip in her hair. Around her waist was three band, the center one was purple and the other two white, with a matching bow attached. The frilly skirt part of the dress was twice layered with the top on having three white stars to it. The middle one hand an off dark pink band with a white line going along it. Her shoes were a matching pink to her dress that had a white tongue that was crossed with matching pink laces. The tip of the shoe was also while and the bottoms of it were purple having the curve for a heel without on present. Around her neck was the chain that had her ring on it that was tucked a little into her cleavage to hide it. I had my ring on as well just under the shirt of my tux.

When the Girls and I entered the Tux, most of us gathered toward the back. Twilight and I were more on the side with her leaning against my left side with a smile on her face. I couldn't help but gently placing my arm around her. Something I hadn't really done when I was human in a very long time and even now I kind of wish I was at least in a satyr form. So I could put my wing around her, as much as I know she loves the feeling of them there. As we rode in the limo, I couldn't help but watch the city around us as it passed us. Times like this just felt weird to me, like a glimpse of the past in the present and the feeling of loss that follow.

“Those two make a cute couple.” I heard one of the girls say and I think it was Fluttershy at how soft it was spoken. I turned to look at them as most of them were watching Twilight and I. Well all but Dash who was relaxing like she didn't have a care in the world. For the most part, we ignored them as they were talking more and more about the dance itself. That lead up till we arrived and when the door opened. Each girl leaped out with excitement with me slowly following until it was only Twilight and I left outside. That's when we saw a black car pull out that I wasn't sure on the make or model of. Cars were never really my cup of tea. What I did know that it was Flash Sentry's car since it had two lightning bolts on the side and his cutie-mark on the hood. He stepped out and spotted the two of us. He beelined for the door after he grabbed a guitar case out of his car.

I knew his band was playing tonight as part of the entertainment between him and Vinyl Scratch as a DJ. So we had a pretty good mix of music with no one getting tired of one genre of music. For the most time Twilight and I spent a large bit of the dance against the wall enjoying watching everyone dancing. I saw this world of the Cutie-Mark Crusaders dancing with Scootaloo doing the chicken dance. Even saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon doing their little dance like a secret handshake. Twilight and I decided after watching the girls for a little bit to dance. Let's say we decided to go with the waltz for a little bit as the music was a more rock version of one. No offense to the dancing crowd or a professional, but I think we did the equivalent of dancing on the grave of dance itself. It was that bad, mostly because Twilight hadn't had the practice to dance on two legs than four. During this whole time, one question began to really bug me, and it seems it wasn't just me.

“Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight asked voicing my lingering question. She was nowhere to be seen and I had been scanning the crowd for her. No luck, hell I didn't even see Snips or Snails and that allow was sending off warning signals in my head.

“Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!” Dash shouted over the music.

“Maybe...” Twilight said hesitantly. As the music faded we turned to see that Principal Celestia was walking towards the center of the stage. Shortly after getting to center stage the colored lights faded away and six spotlights that I helped get up turned on.

“First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown” She announced to everyone as Vice Principal Luna began to walk on stage with a decorated wooden box in her arms. About halfway to center stage, Luna opened the box to show the golden crown was in it, as it glinted off the light. When she arrived she handed Celestia an envelope. “The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is...” We heard the muttering of a crowd and the girls as they all had their hopes up. Well, it was founded hopes as Celestia proudly announced “Twilight Sparkle!”

The whole crowd went wild as the girls hugged each other and Twilight and I shared a kiss before she ran up to the stage. She smiled receiving her crown upon her head. Her moment in the limelight was cut short as we heard in the silent room. “Twilight! Storm! Help!” We turned to see Snips and Snails had grabbed Spike and were fighting to get out the door. Without missing a beat, I took off towards them as now I was pissed.

“They got Spike!” Twilight said running after us. The turned down one of the halls with me hot on their trail. They turned back to see who was chasing them and I don't think they expected me going after them like a linebacker going after the guy with the ball. I knew the girls were behind me just from the number of footsteps I heard. We turned a few corners and out of the side door. Snips and Snails legged it to the front and past the statue. I slid to a stop when I saw Sunset step out with a sledgehammer in her hand.

“That's close enough!” Sunset growled at us as she handled the hammer ready to swing.

“Twilight! Sto-” Spike got out before Snips held his muzzle shut which only added to my boiling anger.

“Don't hurt him!” Twilight yelled out.

“Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight.” Sunset said with a smirk and all I could think was.

“That's debatable,” Shadow said echoing my own thoughts.

“You two don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home.” She said taking aim with her hammer ready to smash the marble statue to bits. “Tick-tock, you two. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your ans-” was all she got out before the hammer was shot out of her hands.

“Wha?” Sunset said in shock looking at the handle that was still in her hands, then at the head of the hammer a few feet behind her.

“I don't think so Sunset,” I said as my right arm was still smoking from the magic I used.

“How did you do that?” Sunset growled looking at me with such venom in her look. I will admit it, I rumbled in it.

“What happens when you take a magical artifact into a world that doesn't have magic?” I asked and that got her eyes to widen.

“But you don't have-”

“My arm is a magical construct,” I answered crossing my arms with a smug grin.

“That's right!” Twilight said looking at me in surprise. “Wait, you had magic this whole time?!”

“Eeyup,” I said before Twilight thumped me in the back of the head. “Ow!”

“You should have told me, then we that would have-”

“Not saved us time. You still needed to get your crown before Sunset could.” I said smirking turning to her. “But that's not really the point now. I already knew Sunset wouldn't destroy the portal anyway. You have a use for it, don't you?” All she did was growl at me.

“What do you mean?” Applejack commented.

“She was going to use your crown here and gather a force before marching on Equestria.” That got Sunset eye's to widen.

“How did...” She asked taking a step back.

“I know? A genius you are not Sunset. Honestly, you had all the tropes there. High school bully wanting nothing more than power, a magical artifact to give said power but have to do underhanded tricks to get it, and a spiteful past that you wanted to have under the thumb to forget about it. Your game has always been one of power, sadly for you.” I said smirking. “You weren't ready for a new player.” This got Sunset to growl at me.

“But why didn't you tell us?” Rarity asked.

“Because I had to make sure she still thought she had the upper hand and like every high school bully story. She dropped the ball in the third act, nothing really 'special' about it.” I said adding a pointed look at her with that last line.

“I will show you special.” She growled before rushing past me swinging the hammer handle at me. Forcing me to step out of the swing. She then dropped it and jumped for Twilight's crown, knocking them both over in the process. I tried rushing to help before Snips and Snails grabbed both of my arms to try and hold me back. However, a small problem with that. They were close to five foot five to five foot seven. I, however, was closer to six foot four and had enough training in street fights to flip this. I quickly jerked my right arm so my arm would disconnect from the socket which gave me enough wiggle room to get out of Snips' hold. Using my left foot, I stomped down hard on Snails foot forcing him to let me go as Snips tossed my arm away from him. With a smirk, I turned around and roundhouse kicked him onto the ground. Then picked up my arm and put it back in its socket. Turning the girls, I saw Sunset almost grabbing the tiara before Spike jumped onto her head and bite it. He ran from them as she turned back to the recovering Snips and Snails.

“Grab him, you fools!” She barked at them. They ran after Spike as I followed suit, only manages to get my hands on Snails. Spike ran up to the front of the school probably thinking the door was still unlocked. It sadly wasn't as Sunset slowly stepped up to him.

“Spike over here,” Dash said catching up. Spike nodded and threw it to her, who in turn threw it to Fluttershy after Snips tried to tackle her. Sunset and Snips dashed at Fluttershy as Snails broke free from my grasp, by sliding out of his jacket. Before they grabbed her, Applejack was able to rope Fluttershy to her. But sadly Fluttershy tossed up the tiara in the air in shock. As Snips caught it.

Pinkie being Pinkie appeared behind Snips grabbing it out of his hand and tossed it to Applejack, who tossed it to Rarity. Just as Snips and Snails ran closer, tossed it to Twilight who in fright tossed it behind her... right into Sunset's hands.

“I'll take that!” She said grinning like a mad woman as she raised the tiara to her head. “At last! More power than I could ever imagine!” Setting the tiara on her head, the girls watched with batted breath... as nothing happened. “What?” I, however, was on the ground laughing. Oh my god, that was priceless. The look of victory being a hair away only for nothing to happen, just fucking priceless. The girls were all confused, so was Snips and Snails. Hell, even Spike was just lost at what was going on as they all turned to me. “What did you do?” Sunset growled at me with the tiara on her head.

“Take the smarter route,” I said between my giggle fit. “You thought that was- and you put it on thinking- and the look, oh my god the look was priceless.” I couldn't help myself as I laughed at the look of pure boiling anger on her face.

“Is anyone else confused.” Applejack commented as the rest of the girls gave confirmed comments.

“I-I will explain,” I said catching my eye and adjusting my messenger bag again. “When Twilight and I got here I had already taken the idea to the more direct route. Which at the beginning I didn't know what that was. It was either Sunset had it, but didn't know how to use it or something happened to the crown before Sunset could enact her plan. In the case of the former, all I had to do was take it. The latter was the case was, was down to this. Where was the crown? Fluttershy gave that answer as she gave it to Principal Celestia so then it was to get it from her. After Twilight and I talked to her the first time, I stayed behind to talk to her privately.”

“Wait, that's what you were doing?” Twilight asked confused.

“Eeyup,” I said with a smirk. “After getting Celestia to understand magic was real.” I continued pointing my thumb back at the portal. “I had to get it from her, sadly she and Luna put the tiara in a time-locked safe to be open a few hours before the dance. So there wasn't much to do but wait as I don't have the strength I normally would have used.”

“So you had the crown the whole time?” Pinkie asked.

“Not the whole time, only about an hour before Celestia announced Twilight as the winner. It was the whole reason I went to use the restroom with my bag with me.”

“But if you have the crown, what's that on Sunset's head,” Dash asked this time.

“The original tiara that she brought from here to Equestria. Just done up to look more like Twilight's crown. Took a bit to get it done but was well worth the effort.”

“And the real crown?” Twilight asked as I reached over to pat my bag. Only to feel it emptier than normal.

“Righ-” was all I said before turning to see Snips had slipped in behind me and grabbed the crown tossing it to Sunset who without missing a beat put it on her head. I turned around and cold-cocked the little bastard, before watching with horror as Sunset began to transform in a beam of blue and black light. As this light show was going on a lot of the students began to come out looking at the spectacle.

When the light faded we saw the new form of Sunset, and it looked like something from hell. Like a mixture of a traditional demon with some stylized succubus tossed in for flare. The dress she had one was yellow and red and ripped up to look like flames with a matching black band around her waist. Her already fire colored hair took a more upturn fire spout look with a matching tail she seemed to grow. She also had large wings, red on the inside while it was black on the outside of it. Her boots got the same treatment as her dress is black and red with a fire like pattern at the top. The big noticeable difference was that her skin color turned a pale red, she had grown longer pointed ears and claws. Her eyes were now the same teal but the whites were now all blackened. I did not like this one bit. Not even the sharp set of fangs now in her mouth.

She revealed with glee as her change as the girls and I looked on with anger. Well most of us did, I think a few of them gasped in shock. Before we had enough time to realize the whole change she produced two balls of magic and shot them down at Snips and Snails. They changed close to Sunset's change more just being a solid color compared to sunset's multi-colored style. Snails was orange and Snips a pale blue. With turned to see the change as Snips opened his mouth saying “This is going to be so cool!” The girls stepped back as I moved to step forward towards them. I was not going to let bulk and skull here mess with my friends here.

“I wouldn't move any-” was all I got out before they rushed past me and kicked me towards the statue.

“Who's the scary one now?” Snips said with a smirk.

“Yeah!” Snails followed as I tried to get back to my feet. Lucky for me the portal was closer to me then they were. Sliding my hand in, I was able to do something Shadow had helped me learn to do before. With a smirk, I pulled my hand back to show a large white mask that covers the top half of wearers face. Around its eyes where a border of red and most important was the eye on the forehead. With a smirk, I placed it on my head.

“You don't know what scary is.” I grinned as I felt the magic flow through me. Much like how Sunset transformed, I did the same. But mine was closer to my Satyr form. The difference here was that my legs were not hooves but more like a dragon's claws. My tail was longer as well as my wings, and horns. Well minus my main unicorn horn, that wasn't there. In my mouth, I could feel my fang had grown in. The other noticeable change was that I was still orange, just brighter in color on my scales. The only different color was the tip of my tail was a long black diamond and my hair which was flickering fire like it normally does when I'm pissed.

Snips and Snails looked on in fear as I got back up to my feet, and cracked my neck lightly just by turning it. “Wha- what just happened?” Snips said stepping away from me.

“Your worse nightmare,” I growled as cracked my knuckles in both my claw and prosthetic one. The latter being much larger claws then normal. With a boost in speed, I had both of them by their shirts and in the air. “Scared?” They both nodded and I could tell they were telling the truth. “Good,” I said throwing them past the girls and towards Sunset. Who at this time had destroyed the front of the school and had the student that was trying to get away. Standing there in a mesmerized state.

“Spoiler alert, he was right when he said I wasn't planning to destroy the portal,” Sunset said with a smirk as the girls looked on at her with anger. “I plan to take over Equestria.” She said with a devious grin on her face.

“No, you're not!” Twilight said in defiance.

“Oh, please! What exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have 'nothing'!” Sunset growled as her hair began to glow bright and wild for a moment.

“She has us!” Dash said as they all stepped up next to Twilight. The look on Sunset's face was a snark as her left eye twitched for a second.

“Gee, the gang really is all back together again. Now step aside! Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! She needs to be dealt with!” Sunset said forming a ball of fire out of her magic and set it right at Twilight. I stepped in front of it kicking it up into the air. Right as the girls crowded around Twilight protecting her from the attack. “What?” Sunset said looking at this in shock.

“Pop quiz Sunset, what happens when you clash an Artifact of Harmony with an Element of Harmony?” I asked as I stood between the girls and Sunset.

“What?” She asked.

“I don't know, let's find out.” With that, I flew at Sunset headbutting her. This sent her into the wall of the school.

“You bastard!” She growled before sending another ball of magic at me. This one that I spun in the air and nailed it with my tail, right back at her.

“Please Sunset, I thought you were going to be a challenge for me,” I said in a cocky tone.

“You want a challenge.” She growled at me. “Fine!” She roared before flying at me at full speed. With a smirk I had a lot more air training then she did, so while her movements were direct. I could outmaneuver her as I had the more training. Not by much, but I did have the basics down. All this was, however, a plan to get the element away from her. What I didn't expect to happen when grabbed her to redirect her downwards.

Something flashed in my mind, a memory of sorts. It looked like Sunset if she was a young filly, scared. I couldn't really get a place or a time really. Just this overwhelming sadness in her. As we fought I was getting more and more of the feeling and it clicked. This was the truth about Sunset, while outside she was power hungry, and venomous. Inside she was nothing but a scared filly who is completely lost. When she tried to grab me, I met her claws with mine just to keep her in one place. Both of our attention snapped from each other to the crown on her head as pink magic began to flow out of it, and towards the girls.

“The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!” Twilight said as the girls raised up into the air and began to transform. Each one of them grew a set of pony ears, and their hair got longer forming a ponytail. Even Applejack who's hair was already in a ponytail, got a second one. That and each one of their outfits was sparkling like it was made of glitter or something. The only difference was Fluttershy, Dash, and Twilight who all got sets of pony wings with their transformation. Each of them happened in turn as Twilight called out their elements. “Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all. The magic of friendship!” She finished as the girls raised into the sky. Sunset looking up in fear tried to get away before I flew up behind her.

“It's time to taste the rainbow!” I said holding her as both she and I got engulfed in the blast. What happened after that was a bit of a blur. I came too a little while later when Twilight began to nudge me.

“Storm?” She asked sounding worried.

“Five more minutes.” I groaned as I was oddly comfortable where I was... where ever that was.

“Storm we need to go.” She said before I felt her lips on mine.

“Alright,” I said yawning as I woke to me leaning against the portal. “Did we win?”

“We won, thank you Storm.” She said as she and Applejack helped me back to my feet.

“What happened to Sunset?” I asked shaking the cobwebs out of my head.

“She learned that The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. That all she had to do was find it.” Twilight said pointing me towards the gaping hole in the front of the school that Sunset, Snips, and Snails were all working on fixing. “And with some help from our friends. Hopefully, she will find it too.”

“We really need to get going,” Spike said and I couldn't agree more. Well watched as Twilight turned to the other girls.

“I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much.” She said before the three of us turned towards the portal.

“That crown really does suit you, 'Princess' Twilight,” Spike said with a smirk.

“You know what, Spike? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it.”

“And the wings?” I asked.

“I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these fingers! Wings? I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria!” She said before we all decided to go through the taffy pulling portal again. After a few moments, we found ourselves back in the artifact room in the Crystal Empire with the girls all waiting. Minus Shining Armor and Cadence, as I figured they were taking care of their empire.

“Twilight, Storm your back!” The group said.

“And you got your crown back!” Rarity tacked on.

“I knew you could do it!” Pinkie said jumping the both of use giving the two of us a hug.

“Oh, we were so worried.” Applejack said getting a little misty-eyed.

“What of Sunset Shimmer, is she alright?” Celestia asked looking worried.

“I think she's gonna be fine. We left her in good 'hands.'” She said with a smirk that I could help but chuckle a bit. Out of all the puns she could have made, she had to go with a bad one. Before any pony else could comment Spike came out of the portal behind us it looked like the glass dimmed a little. Our time was up for another two and a half years. When decided we all could get something to eat, as most of the girls waiting by the mirror till we had returned. Spike was on my back to give Twilight a little break. She was a little lost in thought when she ran into our version of Flash Sentry.

“Excuse me, your highness.” He said with a bow and walked past most of us. Twilight couldn't help but stare at him.

“Does somepony have a crush?” Cadence asked with a smirk on her face. Twilight blushed and shook her head before Pinkie decided to open her mouth as she bounced around everypony with-

“Just totally reminds you of a guy you met in the other world who played guitar, was in a band, and helped prove you didn't destroy all the decorations for a big dance, so you could still run for princess of the big dance, and then asked you to dance.” Before she had to inhale. “Right?”

“How did you know that?” Twilight asked completely confused, at this point I got the feeling it was-

“Just a hunch.” Pinkie said giving the biggest smile. I fucking knew it! When we got to the dining hall, we found out that food was already prepared.

“Twily, Storm, your back!” Shining said from the other side of the table, before coming around giving Twilight a rather big hug.

“It's good to see you again B.B.B.F.F,” Twilight said using her wings to wrap around her brother.

“Cadence were back,” I said over our link with a smirk.

“Storm!” Cadence said before after a few moments popping into existence giving me a tackled hug. I thought Lyra and Pinkie were the only ones that would do that. Come to think about it Dash does that too, but that's more a crash than a tackle. I will admit, it was nice to finally be home. Well... more in the sense of my home universe and not in the back at the library home. We all sat down and began to eat, well most of us. Twilight began to go over everything that happened followed by the slack I was about to get for my actions. Oh, boy...

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 46 - Truths and Summits

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Chapter 46 – Truths and Summits

It was about a few hours later into Twilight's story when my machinations came to light. Well... more the slightly underhandedness I went with about getting the job done. Currently, I was stuck in one of the side rooms in the Crystal Castle as Celestia and Luna were 'talking' about what I did. To be honest with everypony, I'm not sorry that I did it. The job had to get done and I had the tools to do it. I was sitting in one of the swivel chairs looking out the window at the Crystal Ponies below for about an hour at this point. That was when the door opened with a large boom as it slammed into the wall it was connected to. I already knew who was coming in as Celestia had clearly made it known that she wasn't happy with what I did. Luna, on the other hand, understood my standpoint on this as she could be just as blunt as I was.

“So what's the verdict judge?” I commented not looking at her.

“What you did was a misuse of your mission,” Celestia growled at me.

“And what would you have me do? Sit back and let your student take over a school and invade Equestria?” I asked turning to look at the fuming princess before me.

“I should have sent Twilight alone.” She spat at me.

“Hindsight is twenty, twenty after all.” I shot back with a calm tone to my voice. “But the job got done did it not?”

“By using magic in a world that had none.” She said getting closer as she stared daggers at me.


“Limitedly!” She yelled at me. “You took one of the artifacts into a magicless world!”

“To go after an Element of Harmony. It's retrieval tactics one o' one. If you go after something of power, have something of equal or greater power in case of said power is used.” I continued remaining calm.

“And risk the world getting corrupt in the process! As you said it yourself 'absolute power corrupts absolutely!'”

“And there is a difference here.”

“And what's that?!” She asked now completely in my face as her mane was a raging inferno.

“I don't want power,” I said calmly which caused her mane to poof out in smoke for a moment.

“What?” She said in disbelief. That's when I snapped my fingers and changed into my satyr form. Since I had my chaos leg in just in case. I stood at eye level with Celestia.

“I've never wanted power,” I said stepping closer causing her to step back. “The reason I had it because out of everypony here, I know the games far better than anyone. Your blinded by your position of power for over a thousand years. Twilight is new to the game not to know the rules fully. Luna hasn't learned the changes in the rules because of her banishment. Cadence is just starting to really understand it herself being in an active role as the same goes for Shining. I'm the only one that's never wanted this leading role, but the universe as thrust me upon it from a world that war is almost an everyday thing. I've been jaded to conflict because of years of street fights, of having to play the intimidation card every day of my life. So when Sunset wanted to play Queen Bitch.” I continued till Celestia was against the wall in shock. “I knew how to knock her off her throne. Don't think for a moment that I don't know how to do it to anyone of you. If I really wanted power, I would have had it long ago.”

“Prove it.” She shot back using a spell to push me back.

“You don't want that,” I stated flatly.

“You just talked like you know how to topple Equestria, but when the cards are on the table can you do it?” She shot a glare at me.

“If I had to,” I growled.

“Oh? So there is a point where your 'hand' would be forced.” She said pushing me again magically.

“You don't want to go there, Celestia,” I warned.

“Why not, you-”

“Because I don't want that kind of blood on my hands,” I said giving her a venomous glare.

“You would really kill if yo-”

“Your not stupid Celestia, no nation raises without one falling behind it.” I shot back already knowing more to Equestria's History then even Twilight does. I spent hours in the hidden archives in the Canterlot library. Seriously who hides a hidden passage behind a bookcase using a sun and moon books as switches. It's just asking for somepony to find it. “You destroyed thousands of griffons and dragons alone during your first hundred years of ruling. Just to protect our little ponies.” That got her eyes to widen.

“How did-”

“I know of the hidden section in the library, Celestia.” I turned around and walked to the window. “Unlike you, I don't hide the fact that countries are always built upon bloodshed. And any political game is played with lies or half-truths. I'm betting even Twilight doesn't know what you hide in Tartarus.”

“You don't mean-”

“That I know about the little skeletons in your closet? Not all of them but at least a good chunk, like Cerberus was your hand at necromancy. Being back a long lost pet, it's just you didn't have a full grasp on the magic.” That got her to look scared, and I mean like her whole world could come crashing down scared.

“Please don't tell any-”

“I won't, I don't see any real point in it. You have to use the magic to understand it. Like with any other subject you have to study cause and effect.” I sat down in the window sill. “You want to keep this world a perfectly peaceful as you can.”

“Is it really that bad of a want?” She asked slowly walking up.

“No, and I can understand it. Wanting a world without strife, without large scale issues to muck things up. But there is one thing people and ponies forget.”


“Nothing can be perfect.” There was truth behind those simple four words. The most ambitious people always think that they could make the perfect world. That there won't be any strife or conflict, nothing to hurt anyone. But what it does is throws the check and balances off kilter. Without strife, there isn't stress and stress comes with the chemicals in one's brain to help them adapt and get better. If you really wanted to boil it down, evolution comes from strife that better makes the bodies of those that come next stronger then the ones before. “Look, the reason I used the Mask was I needed something in case of Sunset used the Element. Which she did. Outside of that I only used minor magic.” I sat there for a few moments as the shadow I was casting because to form into a serpent dragon. Shadow looked over at Celestia who's horn glowed quietly before resting his head on my lap. My hand idly went down and began to pet him. It seemed Shadow enjoys the sensation as a dragon more than a pony. “If you really want to punish me then do it, but I'm not sorry I did it. I didn't kill anyone and I even saw the truth with my own eyes. Sunset was scared and alone.”

“Scared?” Celestia asked.

“She's been scared for a very long time. When you picked her of all ponies to be your student she was happy and ecstatic about it. But when it comes to seeing the other ponies playing she ended up feeling alone. Even with you there she had to always be the student.” I began to explain.

“She could have-” Celestia tried to defend.

“Skipped out on her studies with the 'princess' of Equestria. Even you have to see the pedestal that your up upon. You put the same kind of pedestal under her and that weight began to dig into her. She wasn't able to ignore it or coop with the stress that came with it. Her whole power game was just a simple act to impress you and gain praise. She wanted you proud of her.”

“But, I was already impressed with-”

“Did you tell her where she understood?” I asked as both Shadow and I looked at her.

“I thought I did,” Celestia said slumping down to her haunches.

“She didn't and when you began to go against the ideals she thought you wanted. She lost herself to the game and became a victim to her own petard.” I explained with a sigh as I stood up. Shadow shifted himself so he was coming out of the shadow of my wing and rested his head on my shoulder. “But regardless of that. Sunset has finally been put on a better path, but you already knew that.” She nodded quietly for a moment.

“I suspected that world had different versions of all our little ponies.” She said.

“Most of the history is the same, at least most of the political events at least, it also has some from my world. The names may be different but the timelines are mixed there.”

“Wait... does that mean that-”

“Yes, there's a version of me there as well. I did some research on the computers there and checked. That world is much like my earth, just as peaceful as Equestria tends to be without the major powers in play. No Discord or Sombra.”I continued as I walked passed her. “But that's not our world and we shouldn't get involved.” There were a few moments of silence between us as I turned back into my pony self with Shadow still coming out from under my wing.

“Storm...” Celestia said looking at the place I was still standing.

“Yes, Celestia?” I asked.

“I'm sorry.”

“I know Celestia, I know. Just don't think you always know what's best.” I said before I left the room and went back to Twilight and I's room. Inside it, I saw Twilight reading a few of the files that were set aside for us. It seems that a lot of us didn't expect the number of people showing up tomorrow. We were getting a lot more princesses from the smaller countries as well, instead of just larger countries. Even my Sister was coming to this summit.

“How did the... talk go?” Twilight said finally looking up at me after I was standing there for a while.

“As well as it could have been,” I said walking over to her.

“Sorry I got-” She tried to say before I nuzzled her a little.

“You've got nothing to be sorry for. All you were doing was telling them what happened.” I said sitting down next to her and placed my wing around her.

“Still... Celestia was pretty upset.” She commented as her ears were flattened back.

“That tends to happen,” I said leaning back.

“What do you mean?” She asked looking at me.

“She's had over a thousand years of ruling Equestria. She's had a status quo, then along comes me. Someone who cuts the middle pony, and gets things done.” I pulled over a few of the files to look over them.

“But isn't that a good thing?” She looked at me confused.

“Twilight, it depends on the political game that's going. Sometimes having somepony do the job that you can't do yourself comes in handy. A way to skirt around rules without directly breaking them.”

“That doesn't sound like fun.” She said looking worried.

“It's what happens when you're in a position of power. You've got to play a very elaborate game of chess.” With a sigh, I set all the files down. As much as I didn't want to spoil this for her, Twilight needed to know.

“It sounds like a game you have a good handle on.” She said leaning against me.

“Barely, I never wanted to be in this position.” Twilight looked at me quietly before she nuzzled against me as we decided tonight was enough. We laid in bed quietly as Twilight laid slid in closer and placed her head on my chest.

“Storm... can I ask you something?”

“Sure Twilight.”

“Do you think I'll be able to handle being a princess?” She asked looking up at me.


“No, I expect you to lie to me.” She answered with a bit of snark.

“Oh well, then I believe Equestria is completely doom.” I shot back with a smirk.

“That's not funny Storm.” She said crossing her hooves.

“Well, you did say you expected me to lie.” She gave me that long that said 'quit being an idiot.'

“But, if I was to be straight with you. Given time, I'm sure you will be able to know the ins and outs of the job. Given the time, even the weight every choice you make impacts everypony.” I answered her looking at the ceiling and the crystal pattern running across it.

“I want to be a good princess.” She said laying on me.

“I'm sure you will be Twilight,” I said as we drifted off to sleep.


After breakfast Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Shining, Celestia, and I all were in the meeting room waiting for the other delegate to show up. I'm a little surprised to find that the table was round, closer to King Arthur's table. Each of us had our own chair, all of them large throne with our cutie-marks on the top. Twilight at to my right with Cadence and Shining to her right. Luna was to my left, while Celestia at next to her. Twilight would glance over at Celestia and I looking worried. I can't blame her as she knows that things between the two of us are rocky at best. Out of everypony here, I have no qualms calling her out of her shit.

Celestia, for the most part, was calm looking, mind you the inside she was worried. Twilight hadn't picked up on the mental link between all of us yet, but Shining and herself. Well, she may have and just hasn't told anypony yet, which I highly doubt. Regardless Celestia was trying to keep herself calm repeating that 'she has this' over and over again. Luna and I shared a look of worry for a little bit before the first guest arrived.

“Now introducing Queen Thelxiope and her daughter Princess Maia of the northern griffon territories.” We all watched as four of griffons walked in. The outside two were guards decked out in armor that fit their body type. The griffon that I assumed was the Queen was a raven black griffon with a short beak. Her eyes were a piercing yellow that could stare daggers into anyone and they would feel it. Her wings and fur were an off black and her lioness tail had the same black as her feathers on her head, her talons were just as black as well. She oddly enough was wearing a suit of armor, minus the helmet that looked like a mixture of traditional and fantasy. Mostly a dark silver with a dark gold border around each piece, the under armor looked like leather to me. Which would fit as I had found out that griffons were meat eaters. Her daughter was much the same as her mother besides her wings and fur being a tombstone gray instead of a shade off of black. Her eyes were an emerald green with a look that wasn't as pointed as her mother.

The two guards with her were one male who looked more like an eagle with its white feathers and a dark brown coat. His talons were a yellow-orange color, and his eyes were a blazing red. His armor was much like the royals minus the dark gold trim. Oddly enough the other guard was almost a twin to the male guard, only female and with soft blue eyes. They moved over to two seats across from us with the two guards on either side of them.

“Hello Thelxiope,” Celestia said giving a slight nod to her. “It's been a while.”

“You can cut the pleasantries, Celestia.” She said and no offense, but she was giving me the evil step-mother vibe. “The only reason I agree to these things was to keep our kingdoms at peace. Now, who are those two?” She said pointing at Twilight and I.

“Those are the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Firestorm,” Luna said with a level tone. All the while she was growling over the link with venomous thoughts.

“So you're the newest royals I've heard about.” Thelxiope comment with disdain clearly in her voice. If she wasn't already giving me the evil step-mother vibe before she sure as hell would be now.

“It's a pleasure to meet you,” Twilight said trying to be nice.

“Hi,” I said simply, mostly because I didn't like the rude tone she was force feeding to everyone. Which got everyone to look at me with at least most of them in shock. Well, all but Thelxiope and Maia who didn't look amused, and the guards just looked angry.

“I see the newest royals doesn't know how to show proper respect,” Thelxiope commented.

“Hard to show it if it isn't supplied first.” I shot back and a smirk. That got her feathers ruffled a bit, and I do mean that literally as her wings puffed out a bit.

“I see this one has a mouth on him.”

“Yes, he does,” Celestia commented shooting me a look while all she could say over the link was. “Storm would you kindly please not anger Queen Thelxiope.”

“I make no promises.” I shot back over the link.

“Oh, this summit is going to be fun,” Luna said with glee in her tone over the link.

“Luna don't encourage him.” Celestia shot back, and all I could do was lightly chuckle over the link. “My apologies Thelxi-” she got out before the next being was introduced.

“Now introducing Queen Gaia of Saddle Arabia.” We all watched as my sister walked over and sat at about a ninety-degree angle from where I was.

“Hello, Brother.” She said with a pleasant tone.

“Hey, Sis,” I answered with a returned smile.

“So I see where he gets his attitude from,” Thelxiope commented drily.

“Storm, why didn't you tell me you had the same snarky attitude,” Gaia said smiling.

“What can I say, it runs in the family.” That got both of us to laugh while everyone else was looking at us like we were crazy. I would say I'm probably sixty percent crazy at the moment.

“I repeat, this summit is going to be fun.” Luna shot over the link again.

“So how are things between Dragoon?” I asked with my sister shooting things back.

“Going well, how about you and 'the princess'?” She shot back.

“Well, you can ask my fiance.” That got Twilight to squeak.

“Storm!” Twilight said looking at me slightly annoyed.

“What? It's not like it's a secret, I mean we told everypony in Equestria at your coronation.” I said with a smirk.

“Definitely one of Sha's kids,” Gaia said with a light laugh. “Always making big waves.”

“Like your one to talk.” Said a rather rougher sounding voice. We all turned to see a coal black bat dregasus stallion with a light grayscaled wings walk towards us. His main was a matching gray to his scales and his eyes were a piercing yellow.

“Introducing King Granite of the Drony Kingdoms in the dragon lands.” My eyes widen as I watched him trot over to the opposite to Gaia putting him at the other ninety degrees from me. Strapped to his side is a large hammer closer to a sledgehammer just in an ornate. He set it off to the side of the chair. “Hello, Sister.” He said bowing to her before turning to me. “Hello, Brother.”

“Um... hi?” I said not completely sure how to respond. He looked at me like he was analyzing everything from me. It was like he was cold and calculating down to the minor details. Watching, I could tell he was focused on my right foreleg or lack there off a natural one. I will admit it was making me rather uncomfortable with his unblinking glaze that I began to rub my prosthetic leg like I use to do with my arm. Twilight watched this and pulled a me and placed her wing against my back.

“Granite knock it off, can't you tell you're making him uncomfortable with your gaze.” Gaia said while shaking her head.

“I'm only studying our newest 'brother'.” He said very coldly.

“I see he's just as cold as ever.” Celestia commented over the link.

“I'm surprised we can't see our breath with him around,” Luna added giving the latest newcomer a flat look.

“Hello, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.” He said and that got my eyebrow to raise. Is he this cold to everyone?

“Hello King Granite, how are things in your kingdom?” Celestia was the one to ask.

“They are as well as they can be.” He said resting his hoof on the arm of the chair.

“Any luck with those rebels?” Luna asked as I blinked quietly in confusion. Rebels?

“Not as of yet, we have been getting reports of more attacks in the outskirts.” He said flatly.

“I'm surprised you haven't gotten then dealt with by now.” Gaia being the one to chime in.

“They have been alluding our attempts to detain them.”

“It seems the Cold King Granite can't keep his subjects in line.” Thelxiope chimed in.

“Mother.” Her daughter commented with a slight growl.

“Hush Maia.” That's caused my eyebrow to twitch a little. That was enough for me to get my head out of my flank. Suddenly I sat up and gave my wings a quick shift to sit more comfortably.

“Now introducing Princess Ember, daughter of Dragon Lord Torch.” Said the pony at the door. Right then entering was a slight blue dragoness with a teal underbelly. Her spine was a darker blue compared to her main colors and unlike Spike, she had large wings for her frame. The membrane of them was a matching blue to her scales and her tail spine was more like a curved leaf with a nick taking out of it. Her horns curve from the sides of her head and down towards the front. She walked forward with her arms crossed until she got to her seat far from the others. Her eyes open looking directly at me with a scowl and it didn't help her eyes were a fire red with a hint of orange around the edges. She quickly stood back up.

“There's four of you now!” She said yelling.

“Calm down Princess Ember,” Gaia said waving her hoof gently. “Meet our youngest brother Firestorm.”

“Great,” Ember growled sitting back down. Lovely, just fucking lovely. On top of all this, I now have to deal with another hot head.

“It's a pleasure to meet you too,” I said with a twitching left eye. It was about an hour later that we found out that a lot of the other royals weren't going to make it, for one reason or another. So it was just the six kingdoms.

“Shall we begin?” I asked rubbing my hooves together.

“If we must,” Thelxiope said as she snapped her talons and one of the guards placed a folder on the table. “We've had issues on the Equestrian border.” Sliding out of the folders were documents and photos of what looks like destroyed goods. Either by train or by cart. Each of us pulled up a file, I took a few of the witness reports. Just by skimming it, told me a lot of the good that were either destroyed or gone missing. Each time it was a different assailant. There were things I could understand stolen like gold, silver, copper, nickel, and lead. But then there were things I didn't even know a lot about. Much like gallium, beryllium, and scandium. For a group of thieves, a lot of this didn't add up. As chemistry wasn't my strong suit out of some cursory things of interest, mostly explosives, and a few small pet projects. But looking it over something was eating at me about it like it was familiar somehow.

“Storm?” Twilight said poking me in the side.

“Huh?” I asked looking up a bit confused.

“Is something wrong?” She asked looking worried.

“No, just something about this report is bugging me,” I commented as I placed it down.

“Well, you zoned out a bit.”

“Sorry,” I commented looking as Celestia was talking to Thelxiope a little more in private. Her daughter Maia was shooting daggers at me with her arms crossed.

“Brother, what are your thoughts on this?” Granite asked looking over at me.

“From what I have gathered about all this is that either a group of mercenary working for a chemist. It's either that or a changeling using different forms to gather everything.” I commented thinking out loud. “But it's the list of elements that has me the most curious.”

“What about it?”

“Over sixty different elements ranging from Tin to Zinc, Gold to Bismuth, and many others. Just from a cursory glance, most anyone would say that this was a chemist refilling his stocks. However, I prefer to follow rule thirty-six.” I said looking over the list again.

“Rule thirty-six?” Gaia and Twilight asked at the same time.

“If it feels like you're being played, you probably are,” I said remember that rule from a tv show that I use to watch.

“It's a good rule to follow.” Granite commented picking up the file in his wing.

“For the life of me, I can't figure out the reason.”

“Then what good are you?” Maia commented.

“Excuse me?” I asked turning my gaze over to her.

“What are you good for?” Maia said standing up from her seat finally. “I've heard reports that you're the most commonly attacked royal out of all of them.” She asked pulling out a file that she threw onto the table. It slid open showing the many attacks I've had over my time here as well as many other reports. Opening it up I couldn't help but feel a cold chill run through my body like someone was walking on my grave. Even the report of my ribs and eye was in there.

“What are you playing at Maia?” Gaia commented looking aggregated.

“Why is this stallion even at this table? All he does is get hurt all of the time, and from I've been reported. That the only royal duty he's performed ended in disaster. None of his opinions aren't even worth it.” Maia commented.

“Lay off the guy, he's done enough for Equestria,” Shining growled back.

“and what is that?” She shot back getting in Shining's face.

“Shining stop,” I said getting up slowly. “Maia let me ask this. Why do I need to prove anything to you?”

“Don't you dare talk to the princess like that.” The male guard growled.

“Thelxiope tell your guard to stand down.” Luna bluntly ordered.

“Why should I?” The queen asked looking back with a look of not caring. “He has a point, I'm betting that any guard could beat him.”

“Do you want to test that theory?” I asked with a smirk.

“Storm you can't be serious?” Celestia comment looking surprised.

“I don't see why he shouldn't prove himself if his role is in question.” Granite commented.

“Now this is something I can get behind,” Ember said smirking, as I turned towards Cadence.

“Does the Crystal Empire have a fighting arena?” I asked with a smirk.

“Uh... yeah... it's the sport's Colosseum, I had it converted after the Sombra event.” She said looking confused.

“Well then let's take care of business,” I said with a smirk on my face.

“This is going to be fun.” Shadow and Luna said over the link at the same time.


The group of royal stood in the royal box looking down at the field below. Celestia was looked worried as one of Thelxiope's strongest guards stood across from Firestorm. Twilight watched closely as she was worried about her stallion. She knew that Storm was a capable fighter, but he's never faced anyone that has real combat training like this.

“Thelxiope put an end to this.” Celestia pleaded to her griffon counterpart.

“I will not if the stallion wants to prove he's worth then I don't see why I should tell Lily to stand down.”

“He's already gone through enough as it is.” Cadence tacked on.

“This is what he wants Cadence, and I think we should respect that,” Shining said watching as he's gotten a few glimpses of his combat prowess. Truth be told he's wanted to see him really let loose himself, just not this way.

“I will say I am curious about how well my brother fights.” Granite said voicing his thought.

“I will admit, so am I,” Gaia said stepping to the window. “But he shouldn't have to fight if we can do our jobs correctly.”

“We can't stop some fights.”

“And Storm has shown time and time again that he knows how to get the job done,” Luna commented.

“As much as I wish Storm didn't do this, Luna is right.” Twilight comment with her ears flattened back. “Storm has an odd way of doing things compared to everypony and gets results. Regardless of all the pain and heartache, he's already gone through.”

“Storm isn't just a pony,” Celestia added in.

“Well duh, he's also part dragon,” Ember said leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

“Besides that, he has a weird set of rules that he always goes by.” Celestia tried to explain as she gazed down to Storm who was stretching out a little before his fight with the female griffon. The only difference here was the griffon was in her armor while Storm wasn't. The most he wanted on his deck of cards. Which Celestia fully knows how they work, but against someone who had military combat training. Was that even enough of an advantage, or was this a doomed fight from the start.

“Is that why he hasn't changed into his Stormed form?” Gaia asked curiously.

“Stormed form?” Ember, Thelxiope, Maia, and even their guard asked. All of the ponies and two dronies turned to look at them.

“It's the more scaled form us dronies can take. It gives us the same defenses as most dragons. The only differences here is that my sister and brother have the elemental defenses as well.” Granite answered. “Right now he has some of the elemental defenses but mostly has the equine defense of a pony. I wonder why is the question.”

“And I wonder if he's going to take his other form?” Luna commented that got both Gaia and Granite to look confused.

“Other form?” Granite and Gaia asked.

“Storm calls it a Satyr it's when he takes a more bipedal form. Normally he would have to use a potion to do so, but as of late he had rework a spell that allows him to change as long as he has the magic to do so.” Twilight explained leaving out the fact that Storm uses a little chaos magic to do so. Mostly explaining under the metamorphic principal.

“Interesting.” Granite commented as he looked down at his brother. Who looked at the griffon who was all ready for battle.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Storm asked flexing his claws.

“My Queen has ordered me to be your opponent. So I must do it for my griffon honor.” She said with her sword at the ready. “So I won't let some upstart prince win against, I Lily Frostquill of the house of Frostquill.”

“Great, I always face the crazy ones.” Storm muttered under his breath as he face-palmed.

“What was that?” Lily growled.

“Forget about it, so your dead set on this?” He asked not looking amused by all of it. Frankly, he was hoping Maia wasn't going to call his bluff, but poker wasn't one of his strong suits.

“You'll be dead when I'm done with you.” She said as she took the first swing. She flew right at him with the speed of a cheetah as Storm had only a moment to dodge. In the ground where he was a red card sticking out of the ground. Storm grinned as he washed the card in magic. In seconds the card exploded causing Lily to fly up to avoid being caught in the brunt of the blast. “Oh, I see somepony thinks their cute.”

“Bitch I'm adorable.” Storm said with a flick of his hoof sent a purple card flying at her. She grabbed it out of the air and flung it back at Storm in one fluid motion. Like before Storm washed the card in magic as it turned into a ball of magical energy. With a smirk, a whirlpool of magic appeared before him swallowing the projectile.

“Redirection spell really?” Lily said with a smirk as markings under her coat began to glow. With a flick of her claw, the spell collapsed into itself causing a magical explosion that tossed Storm back.

“I wasn't aware griffons knew rune magic.” Granite commented looking over to Thelxiope.

“All of the elite guards are trained and marked to use it,” Thelxiope said with a smirk.

“This just got interesting,” Maia commented watching the show down below. In that time Storm was able to pull out two yellow cards and slid them into his mane.

“So any other tricks up your sleeves?” Lily asked as she drew her sword.

“Oh, I've got plenty. But how about this one.” He said pulling out a gray card. With a wash of magic, the card began to emit smoke filling up the area for a good five feet around them. Lily using her wings began to spread the smoke away. Then she saw it for a moment, a glint of light flashing off of something before it lunged at her. She flew back as the smoke began to dissipate showing Storm had changed into his Stormed state. He turned back around so his tail was swishing behind him as he smirked. “If you want to turn tail and run, I won't blame you.”

“Oh, now this is going to be fun. I've always wanted to take on a dragon.” She said as she flew at him. With a swipe, she scrapped her claws against his hard scales. He growled at her as he opened up his mouth and unleashed a barrage of fireballs the soared through the sky at her. Almost as if it was choreographed, she expertly dodged each one. He grinned quietly as each fireball began to double back towards Lily. “You've got to be shitting me.” She said before dodging out of the way again.

They stopped in midair before flying back towards Lily. This continued on for a little while as Storm kept Lily busy as well as those watching the match. They all but Storm failed to notice a blacken mass began to creep towards the tunnels. It shot down the tunnels and towards the announcing booth. After it slipped under the door a figure began to come out of the tunnel. It was a large shadowy claw that began to play with the settings. Before it dived back and came out with Storm's old cell phone. Storm grinned as he turned half of the fireballs an ice blue and made all of them collide with each other. The impact caused them to explode into hot steam that clouded Lily's sight of Storm. In turn, Storm pulled out another gray card, that exploded in smoke.

“Damn that pony,” Lily growled as more runes lit up and out of thin air a steel long sword appeared with a standard cross guard. “You want to play game, then we will play them.” With that, she used her wings to fly herself through the steam fast enough that it didn't harm her. “Play with smoke again?” She said before summoning another long sword and in a swift motion, she flung it right at the smoke where she thought Storm was. All that could be heard was the sound of steel on the crystal as the smoke began to clear. Everyone looked in surprised at the figure standing there was Storm encased in crystal armor. From his horn to his tail, everything was covered in dense silver crystal. If it wasn't for the fact that Storm was standing there before the smoke appeared, it would have looked like a statue. On the ground laid the Sword that must have hit the armor.

“Cleaver.” Granite commented looking down.

“Using the Crystal Empires thick crystals to make a set of armor. I will have to hoof him this, our brother has interesting tricks.” Gaia said watching the battle closely. Twilight was the only one feeling a little relieved as she almost leaped out of her fur seeing the sword fly towards Storm. It's just she couldn't shake an odd feeling as she watched like something wasn't quite right. She looked down to see how much dirt was dug up to make the armor. She watched as Storm opened his now larger wings and flew up into the air towards Lily. Unlike before, Storm flew faster and almost impaled the griffon with his horn. Luckily she dodged out of the way and tried to slash at his back. Much like with his scales, her sword only bounced off the armor.

“Enough games,” Lily growled as her claws began to glow as almost all of the runes began to glow. She grabbed Storm's armored tail and began to swing around in a circle before throwing him towards the ground. Storm used his wings to flip around and land on his hooves creating a crater in the center of the field. Storm then lowered his head and with a sudden jerk up, seven columns of dense crystals shot up with the largest of the seven directly under him. With the sudden up thrust, Storm used it and launched himself at Lily who tried to turn left. She took the turn, but storm returned the favor as grabbed her tail and dragged her higher in the sky. “Let go of me!” She roared as she took her sword and tried to jam it in between the plates. With much luck, she sunk it in but it ended up wedged with the wing plate, forcing it to remain open. Storm being unable to fly, began to take a dive with Lily still in his grip.

“Storm!” Twilight yelled in fear as she watched her fiance fall to the ground.

“I'm fine.” Storm said over the link to Twilight directly. “The show is just starting.” Her gazed focused on the cloud of dust as it blew away. In the middle showed Storm standing there with the sword stuck in the joint of his wing and a rather annoyed looking Lily. Twilight was curious about how she was able to hear Storm so clearly, but her worry took precedent over her thirst of knowledge. She watched as Storm leaned over and bit the sword out of his wing.

“What are you planning?” Luna asked herself as she watched, something about this was feeling off and she couldn't place why.

“Sister, are you feeling what I am?” Celestia asked over the link to her sister.

“That it feels like Storm is everywhere, yet nowhere?” Luna replied over the link.

“Exactly,” Celestia said as her horn glowed trying to sense Storm more directly. “I didn't know Storm was able to stretch his magic this far. Especially after the Combat incident.”

“He has been drinking those magic boosters since then. Could they be a factor in this?”

“It's a possibility, the other thing we have to factor is that Grimwand was prosperously stunting his magical growth. This could be the way his body compensates that.” Celestia hypothesized as the speakers in the stadium came to live with rock music.

“Where is that music coming from?” Cadence asked looking around confused as she turned to Shining.

“I don't know but I will find out,” Shining said leaving having both his personal guard as well as Nightling follow. At the same time, Granite watched as Storm began to slowly step back away from Lily who was aloft in the air a few inches with her swords back in her claws.

“I'm done playing games with you pony.” She growled with her runes glowing. In one motion her two long swords turned into one great sword. “I'm going to break you out of the chunk of rock if it's the last thing I do.” She said taking a swing at him. Wordlessly he jumped up and landed on the blade of the sword and stayed on it as she completed said swing. She blinked for a moment a little confused as Storm had disappeared till she turned behind to see him on her sword. The thing turned on his forelegs and bucked her right in the jaw, hard enough that it cracked her beak lightly. “You bastard!” She growled as she recovered and flew towards him this time with her sword pointed in front of her. With a sound of steel connecting with crystal, Storm was thrown back into one of the smaller pillars.

He didn't impact it, as the crystal rippled as he sunk into it. The ripple spread through the pillar and back towards the point he entered. What Celestia saw next made her blood freeze. Coming out of it was a large crystal armored centaur with two large wings that went from the back of the equine part of it to the bottom half of the humanoid half. In its claw as a massive spear that it began to twirl before pointing it at Lily. The centaur that could easily be guessed to be Storm had the upper half of the armor looking like those of a medieval knight with a more fantasy style helmet with three spikes protruding from it in the same place as his horns. His lower half was much like fantasy style horse to match his more draconic side. Lily looked confused and slightly worried.

Over her time protecting and fighting for her queen, she had fought many different creatures. A few diamond dogs, minotaurs, ponies, other griffons, a young dragoness and even a changeling once. The only difference is that during those fights, her opponents were straight forward brawlers. Now she was fighting someone who was acting like a brawler but wasn't. This fact alone was putting her off, besides the fact she had never faced someone that can change their shape effectively. Changeling notwithstanding, as that one could only change into a pony and a griffon. Now she was facing something she's never seen before and that was giving her predator instincts a run for her money.

She was breathing hard as she readied herself for his next attack. Storm was slowly stepping while with his left foreleg while he held his spear at the ready. “What is with this guy?” Lily thought as she tried to get in his head. “No quip, no witty retort, he's been silent since he dawned the armor. Speaking of which, it's made out of the same crystals he raised from the ground.” Her gaze turned to the crystals behind him. It was only a second but that seemed to be it. Storm took it and galloped at her with his spear in his hand much like a jousting lance. She flew to the left before slamming her blade down towards him. Swiftly Storm spun his spear back and used the hook of the arrow like tip to block Lily's great sword without turning his head.

“Fight smarter.” Storm said from under the armor as he turned his head towards her. He pulled on the spear and jerked Lily's sword out of her claws. He then turned fully towards her. “Where is your fighting spirit?”

“Don't speak to me about fighting spirit!” She growled as her runes began to glow as sparks of magic began to dance up and down her claws. “I am one of Queen The-” was all she got out before the point of the spear was at the back of her neck.

“You are no one.” The pointedness of his comment could only be rivaled by the spear he held.

“How the hell did you move that fast?” She growled looking back at him over her shoulder.

“Because I can.” He said before stepping back and back to a more neutral stance.

“Bullshit!” She growled as her runes continued to glow. “No one is that fast.”

“She doesn't know him very well, does she?” Luna said with a bit of snark. She turned to look at her sister. She's the only that see the fear on her sisters face when she was putting on her poker face. Something had scared her, and Luna would have asked if it wasn't the change of music to have her follow suit.

♪♫ Can't you hear, ♪♫
♪♫ The song is born, ♪♫
♪♫ It's my ballad of the storm. ♪♫
♪♫ Thunder, Heavy Wind ♪♫
♪♫ The Song of Storms begin♪♫

♪♫ The forming clouds, ♪♫
♪♫ Come Around ♪♫
♪♫ See the lightning the soars ♪♫
♪♫ To sing the song its roars ♪♫

Luna turned down to see Storm at the ready again. Her mind flashed back to her old castle in the Everfree forest. “He can't be...” she began to say as the Song of Storms began to play over the sound system.

♪♫ Look at me... ♪♫
♪♫ Don't you see... ♪♫
♪♫ All the pain that's brought to me ♪♫
♪♫ Fears from my own mind... ♪♫
♪♫ The shadows that will bind... ♪♫

♪♫ Soon you'll see... ♪♫
♪♫ What they've done... ♪♫
♪♫ For my song has just begun... ♪♫
♪♫ Listen to the Song of Storms ♪♫

The sky around the arena began to fill with clouds. As they gathered closer and closer together, they began to swirl around with the center directly over Storm himself. Lily looked up at the sky watching the clouds act on their own. “Who am I fighting?” She said looking down at Storm. That's when the first boom of thunder was heard as the wind began to whip around the stadium. Hard enough that even the glass in the private booth that almost all of them were watching from.

♪♫ First some wind... ♪♫
♪♫ Then the rain... ♪♫
♪♫ Then comes the hurricane... ♪♫
♪♫ Let the thunder roar. ♪♫
♪♫ Let the lightning soar. ♪♫

♪♫ Thunderclaps... ♪♫
♪♫ You will hear... ♪♫
♪♫ Feel the raining of my fears... ♪♫
♪♫ As you hear my Song of Storms. ♪♫

“What's going on?” Cadence asked stepping back from the window.

“It's the Oncoming Storm,” Twilight answered watching below.

“What do you mean?”

“She means that unlike anypony, Ryhn has the one thing only a few have.” Said a familiar voice coming from the wall. In a few seconds, a large black spot began to form in the wall. In a few seconds, a large dragon snake came out of it.

“What in Shafifner's name is that?” Ember said.

“I am Shadow Storm, Ryhn's darker half,” Shadow answered as Shining, Nightling, and the third guard fell out of the shadow Shadow was appearing from.

“Who the fuck is Ryhn?” Ember asked looking even more pissed off.

“Ryhn is Firestorm's first name,” Gaia explained.

♪♫ Heaven's Gray, ♪♫
♪♫ Full of clouds,♪♫
♪♫ The rain is pouring all around.♪♫
♪♫ A thunderstorm has come,♪♫
♪♫ The lightning has begun. ♪♫

♪♫ I succeed♪♫
♪♫ To make it rain,♪♫
♪♫ As the sky will hide away.♪♫
♪♫ As I play my song of storms♪♫

“Storm has the soul of a human,” Twilight said turning around to look at everyone in the room. “A soul that regardless of the hardships or the strife. He doesn't break, and he doesn't yield.” Right then a bolt of lightning flashed that silhouette her.

“And a soul like that is nothing more than a storm that is always growing,” Shadow commented as he moved over to be by Twilight. Out on the field, the rain was coming down in sheets as the clouds had turned from coal black, to even darker.

♪♫ Feel the rain... ♪♫
♪♫ thunder down... ♪♫
♪♫ See the water all around. ♪♫
♪♫ Thousand years of tears. ♪♫
♪♫ Thousand strikes to fears. ♪♫

♪♫ Thunder tears... ♪♫
♪♫ The Sky apart... ♪♫
♪♫ Hear the anger of my heart. ♪♫
♪♫ This is my song of storms. ♪♫

Lily turned down to see Storm had disappeared from where he was, only to appear to her right swinging his spear at her. She didn't have the time to dodge as it sent her flying into the ring of pillars. She was slammed into her side of the center pillar hard enough that it snapped her wing. She looked up at the towering figure as he moved closer. Looking as a hunter coming to claim his prey before he yelled out the next verse.

♪♫ Hear me winds ♪♫
♪♫ Hear me Clouds ♪♫
♪♫ Lend your power to me now♪♫
♪♫ Roar loud with your might ♪♫
♪♫ Strike fear with your sight ♪♫

♪♫ Scream out loud ♪♫
♪♫ Make a shroud ♪♫
♪♫ Spread my anger all around ♪♫
♪♫ Share your fearsome Might ♪♫

As he yelled the final work of the verse, an extremely large bolt of lightning came down striking the middle column. At the same time, Lily rolled to the left dodging Storm's stab of his spear that pierced the dense crystal. She crawled away before turning back to see the same thing that everyone except Shining Armor and the two guards who were passed out. The column began to glow bright yellow as all that energy was absorbed within it. It went through the whole thing as well as the spear and armor as they were connected to it. Then suddenly the glow began to pull away into the bottom center. Once the light had disappeared, cracks began to form throughout all of it. First, it was small before they rapidly spread like a gunshot and covered it like spider webs. This wasn't to just the column but the spear and armor as well. Then it fell silent for a few moments where no one said anything till it was Twilight that finally broke the silence.

“He's in there isn't he?” She asked with Shadow grinning.

“I see somepony figured it out.” He said before chuckling. Then when the column began to crumble along with the armor to show that it was empty the whole time.

“What in the grand griffon's name is going on? Where is he?” The Thelxiope asked as her wings flared out.

“Where's he's been the whole time,” Twilight answered smirking. She had figured out why she was sensing him all over the field. It was because he was extending his magic the whole time. When the last of the pillar crumbling away, standing there was a bipedal satyr Firestorm. Instead of fire like mane he normally had. His mane was engulfed in electricity as well as well as the tip of his scaled tail. He stood there with a wide stance with his claws at the ready. Unlike normally around his claws where larger claws made out of the dense crystals that had sparks coming off it. Finally, the music came back but slower this time as he finished his song in a low beastly tone.

♪♫ Now you see... ♪♫
♪♫ What I've brought... ♪♫
♪♫ Learn the lesson I have taught.♪♫
♪♫ I am like the storm. ♪♫
♪♫ The lightning is my form. ♪♫

♪♫ The beast is formed...♪♫
♪♫ A shadow scorned...♪♫
♪♫ With this battle, you are warned.♪♫
♪♫ As I end the song...of storms.♪♫

“Wh-what are you?” Lily asked getting back to her paws and claws.

“The one being you never want to piss off.” He growled as he slowly walked closer as his wings flared out. She was backing away the whole time, but with Storm's longer legs and wider strides he got to Lily faster then she could retreat. With an upward swing, he caught the griffon by the throat. “Answer me this, do you think your 'princess or queen' will doubt my reason for being here?”

“N-no.” She got out as she was looking directly into the eyes of a predator that she fears. That fear heightened when she saw his grin with his razor-sharp teeth.

“Good.” He said before setting her down and reached to his side where he kept his box of cards. He pulled out a lime green card and placed it on her broken wing. “This is going to hurt for a moment.” He said as he washed the card in magic before giving the wing a jerk. With a sharp pain, Lily let out a loud eagle like scream as Storm realigned the bone. After that, the magic began to take effect and started to stitch the bone back together. It was a few minutes before she was able to move her wing on her own.

“W-why did you-”

“Heal you?” Storm interrupted.


“I know how it feels to have a broken wing, and it's one of the worst. Right next to being punched in the horn.” He said pulling the card off and replacing it with a darker green card to help numb the lasting pain. “Keep this on till you can get it fully looked at.”

“Okay...” She said as she was being helped back up to her feet. With that, he turned around and began to walk back in. She slowly walked behind quietly keeping her eyes on him the whole time. It didn't take him long to get to the private box that.

“Did you enjoy the show?” He asked with a smirk. Twilight was the first one to run up to him. She got up onto her back hooves as he kneeled down to pick her up. Everyone they're watched as the two of them nuzzled each other quietly.

“You had me worried there for a moment,” Twilight said when she pulled back to look him in the eye.

“Only a moment? Man, I must be getting rusty if it was for a moment.” He said before Twilight reached behind him and thumped him hard. “Ow!”

“Storm this isn't the time for that,” Twilight said with a huff as she crossed her forelegs and puffed out her cheeks. A few of them laughed at the display. Twilight, Cadence, and Luna being the main ones. Celestia was the only one out of all of them that was staring at Firestorm and if no one was able to tell, she was fearing what he may know. All while this was happening Lily was walking over to Queen Thelxiope and bowed too her.

“I'm sorry my-” was all she get out before she was backhanded across the face.

“I'm not your queen anymore.” Said Queen Thelxiope with her piercing gaze. “You know the law Lily Frostquill. Get out of my face.” With that everyone there noticed what was going on.

“Your right,” Lily said as her head drooped before she came over to Firestorm who was still holding on to Twilight Sparkle. Lowering her head and taking a kneeling stance, she summoned a long sword and held it out to Firestorm. “I am yours to do with as you please... Master.”

Those words were left hanging in the air for a few minutes, then it was when everything that connected. Twilight, Firestorm, Shadow Storm, Cadence, Celestia, Luna, Ember, and even Nightling who woke up a few minutes before Firestorm walked in commented at the same time. “Master?!”


“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I said after an hour we got back to the castle and our rooms. Twilight was watching me as I was punching a punching bag I had brought in. Mostly because I needed to work off my frustration. Twilight watched from the bed mostly curious on how I did a few of my tricks during the fight. The truth was, I was running close to empty at this point and a lot of my tricks took a lot more magic then I expected. Even with the extra boost from the lightning and the hidden potion, I kept on me. I was maybe running on an eight of my magic left. Which I will admit is impressive when you factor in that I hadn't fully recovered from Nightmare Moon taking most of my pool in one shot.

“I don't like it as much as you do, but it is their laws,” Twilight said with a sigh as she laid her head on her forelegs. “Is this the complicated life of a royal?”

“At this point, I won't be surprised if I get tossed under the bus pretty hard,” I said with growling as I punched the bag again hard enough to break it off the pedestal.

“Bus?” Twilight asked confused.

“Think carriage that holds a lot of ponies.”

“Oh...” She said with a nodding understanding. “What do you plan to do with her?” Twilight said looking to her left to see Lily who has been sitting there the whole time as one of the Canterlot guards.

“Fuck if I know,” I said in frustration as I began to wildly run my claws through my mane. As much as I like this form, I know that I need to turn back. However, with my lack of magic at the moment, I can't even change back. “Fucking Griffon laws,” I growled before kicking the bag hard enough that it slammed into the wall. Seriously this is fucked up, it seems that for griffons it's a sort of keep what you defeat. Only true if you're the opposite gender. So when I mopped the floor with Lily, I pretty much staked my claim and on top of that. She was mine to do with however I pleased, like a slave. The thought alone pissed me off because I fell for it, and if Equestria's politics was much like earth. Then I'm going to get raked across the coals. Slowly walking over to Lily and eyed her quietly as she turned to look at me before she bowed her head. “Till I know what to do with you. You'll be acting as one of my guards.”

“Yes, mas-” She began to say.

“It's sir or your highness,” I growled as my claws clinched.

“Yes... sir.” She said respectively.

“Nightling,” Twilight said as she raised her voice to be heard in the hall. After a few moments, my captain opened the door.

“Yes, your highness.” She said bowing.

“Take Lily Frostquill and get her trained. She will be acting as one of my guards.” I ordered giving her a pointed look.

“Of course.” She said as I motioned with my head for Lily to follow.

“Yes, sir.” She said following Nightling out of the room.

“Do you think that was wise,” Twilight asked looking at me worried.

“Right now, I don't know,” I said coming over to her before I sat down next to her. She moved so her forelegs were draped over my leg. My claw slowly moved behind her ears and began to scratch as she let out a relaxed moan. She had taken a liking to this a lot more lately. “I wish things weren't so complicated.”

“Me too Twilight, me too.” We sat in silence for a little while before a knock on the door broke it. “Enter,” I said out of habit. After a few moments, the door opened to show Celestia walking in and I could already tell she wanted to talk about something. “Twilight could you give Celestia and I a moment?” Twilight turned to look at me before she looked at her old mentor, she nodded and got up to leave.

“I'll go see about dinner.” She said giving Celestia a nod before she left. Celestia on the other hoof watched in silence before the door closed. She turned to say something but my hand was up to stop her.

“Stop.” Was all I said, which confused her. “I want a very simple answer. Which one was it, my comment during the summit, the fight, the aftermath...” I continued as I got up to grab a drink from the small water jug in the room. “or was it the crystal centaur?” I finished pouring my drink.

“You know?” She asked eyeing me.

“About him?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow and she nods her head slowly. “Then yes, I'm aware of Tirak. Not fully, but enough to know about him.”

“When?” She asked.

“Last time I was in Canterlot,” I answered as Shadow decided to make himself be known.


“If I'm going to be one of the ruling party, I rather have the information when I don't need it. Instead of not knowing when I do.” Shadow slid across the ground in a small black pool before reentering my shadow. He then shot up my lag and upon my back before appearing behind my wing and rested on my shoulder. “Why do we play this game?”

“What game?” She asked looking confused. Slowly walking over to the window I looked out and watched ponies run home as the rain continued to come down from the storm I summoned.

“It seems that everything I do ends up unnerving you in some way. Are you worried about?” With that last statement, I turned to look at her. She stared at me as I was of her, her furrowed brow as she takes the question with serious thought. She sighed quietly before sitting down.

“I'm worried for our little ponies. It feels like every one of my mistakes have reared its head once again. Grimwand, Discord, Nightmare Moon, and more. With each one, your right their within the fray of each event, one way or another.” That was enough to get me to cock my eyebrow.

“And?” Shadow commented this time looking at her.

“I don't want to sit idly by while another shadow of my past comes again. Present company excluded.” She said watching Shadow cock his eyebrow this time.

“We all have to deal with our past at one point or another,” I said looking at her.

“But that still doesn't answer the question, what worries you that we know about Equestria's dark secrets?” Shadow asked. That got her to look worried at us as she tried to put on her poker face, but she had already given up her gambit.

“Your worried that I will become an opposing force to Equestria.”

“Yes... and I worry that it will be my fault for that to happen.” She said finally being fully honest with me, or at least feels like it.

“You can't be serious!” a voice from behind Celestia said. We turned to see Cadence looking at her in shock. “Out of all the ponies, you're worried about Storm to double cross you?”

“It's not like that Cadence, I... just...”

“But nothing,” Cadence said began to walk towards the regent of the sun. Celestia backed away from her and more towards me. “After everything, he's done for you, for Twilight, and most important for Equestria. And you're scared he's going to turn against it? Why?!” She yelled as I sat back using my tail as a makeshift chair.

“I... I...” Celestia stammered as I crossed my arms listening to this. She turned to look at me like I was going to be her lifeline in all this.

“Don't look at me, I'm just as curious to the reason as her,” I said as I gestured with my hand. She looked at me then back at Cadence before her head drooped.

“It's because of Grimwand.” She answered. “Much like how I had failed Sunset, he was another big failure.” Cadence, Shadow, and I shared a curious look as we listened. “I had hoped that when I killed him when he took the body of a young colt named Vibrant Tempest, that it would be the last time I had dealt with him. But after Storm had imprisoned him... I began to worry about many other skeletons still left in the closet. On top of that, there is Storm. A wild card in all this.”

“Of course we are a wild card,” Shadow commented as he curled around to my other wing and stretched closer to Celestia. “We aren't from Equestria.”

“I know and that's what scares me the most. From the stories you've told and that I've heard, it just adds to the fear.”

“Because I've shown no restraint when it comes to doing what has to be done, right?” I guessed.

“Yes... and I fear that what if that mentality gets turned on Equestria.” She said before sighing in frustration. “You told me that I didn't want to force your hand. But I must know how, so within a weeks time. I want you to try and take the throne.”

“Your can't be serious!?” Cadence yelled in shock.

“She is,” Shadow commented before looking at me.

“Fine, I will play this game if I must.” Walking over to a side table I picked up my deck box and pulled out one of my gray cards. “But I won't take you off your throne for this game.”

“You sure your kidding, right?” Cadence said looking at me like I slapped her in the middle of a speech.

“I'm not kidding, and my name isn't Shirley.” I handed the card to Celestia and she took it with her hoof. “We will play a game called Dye, like coloring fabric. I will make a card that will dye your coat another color for one hour as proof of victory.”

“I can agree to that,” Celestia said with a nod.

“Then within the next month, the game will start,” I said with a smirk. Regardless of how this all turned out, with its ups and downs. I am left to say this.

The game is afoot...

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 47 - Upon this Charge

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Chapter 47 – Upon This Charge

It had been two weeks since the summit and a few things in our life had changed. Since Lily was added to my guards. The days getting used to having her around hasn't been easy. The second day we found her waiting next to the bed waiting like a statue. Freaked me the right out to have someone hovering over me as I slept. Seriously Pinkie did it once and I had to ban her from showing up while we slept. Course that doesn't stop her, but I had to try at least. Lucky for us however, we had taken the time to get ourselves a larger bed. Mostly so we had a second bed now for those staying over. Namely, in this case, our old bed became Lily's bed. Which was on the main floor of the loft.

On top of that, I hadn't changed back yet. As my magic takes longer to recover than most ponies. Twilight and I figured it was because of Nightmare Moon taking a lot in one go. It played havoc on my arcane nerves system, or at least I think that's what they were called. It was hard to hear Twilight as she rapid fire on me doing her scans. To simplify it, what takes a normal pony a nights sleep takes me a few days to recover. So I went about my duties in my satyr form which Ponyville was used to by now. Besides the fire breath, wings, and tail. It was like being human again, well that and the lack of toes, but that's splitting hairs.

The office work as I've come to call was pretty much the same, well except having to sit on the floor because of desk height for ponies is smaller. The only pony that may have flipped out a bit was Spitfire when she came to drop off her monthly reports to me. Which I will admit having the Wonderbolts as part of my charges was a little weird at first, but I get why. The Bolts were stationed in Cloudsdale which is part of my jurisdictions even if the cloud city moves around. Mostly, I think this was Celestia's way of cutting down her own paperwork as she had to do this before me.

Speaking of the paperwork, the construction team showed up to build the barracks showed up on the second day. God that was a mountain of paperwork, lucky for me Nightling was able to handle some of the smaller dealings. Well most of it, till the head contractor almost ran out screaming at the look of me. I will admit, that was a new one that I would have thought would happen sooner. Regardless that lead into learning Lily is high strung to no end. She had magically summoned a sword and threaten to cut the contractor's head off for and I shall quote here. “Disrespecting her Master.” God, am I going to have to deal with this from all of my guards? Lucky for me that after Hardhat finally stopped freaking out, got to work after I had to agree to a pay increase.

That got much worse when she met Pinkie Pie for the first time. Lucky or unlucky for me she ended up missing her at the tail end of the summit. Twilight and the girls left a day early because Luna requested for her and I to stay back. Later I found out that it was mostly Cadence that had asked it for it, to rat Celestia and I out. There was a lot of yelling at me for agreeing to the 'ridiculous' idea. On both ends, which is odd since I know Luna and Celestia have a little prank war going on since her return. I finally got them to shut up after using the Canterlot Roar to be heard. Seriously it's bad enough that Cadence is loud but an angry Canterlot voice Luna is much, much worse.

Once I was able to get a word in edgewise, I explained that all I was going to do was prove a point. Celestia had wanted me to go for the throne. Which isn't a hard thing, but she was expecting force. While I know how to be forceful, I rather be sneaky. Why fight harder, when you can fight smarter? Well, that was why I was hiding in the crystal block for most of the fight anyway. Regardless I had explained what I had planned, which only came down to a prank. Well, that and what I had figured was going on. That Celestia is a control freak and I was taking more and more of that away from her. Well as she saw it, over a thousand years of not having somepony to count on it leaves someone with this whole 'I've got to do it' mentality. Which I could understand, I had the same thought process when it came to audio work. If I needed a line recorded for whatever reason, I would try to do it myself.

As it stands, they understand what I'm doing even though I really don't want to. She needs a reality check before serious damage could be done. As the saying goes 'sometimes you have to be the villain of the peace, to maintain it.' In this case, I was being Celestia's villain.

But this brings us to the present as I have been writing the spell script for the dye cards. All while Twilight was literally hovering over my shoulder. Mostly because I asked for her help figuring out the script I need.

“So what do you plan to do with these cards?” She asked switching over to my other side.

“They are the prep for a test I have to complete.” I cryptically stated.

“A test?! What kind of test?” She asked putting her hoof to her mouth in worry. “We need to make sure you're ready.” That's when she tried to fly off, but I was a little shift on the upkeep and had her by the tail.

“Twilight dear, relax. I'm preparing now, all I need are these cards and I will be ready.” she turned and looked at me.

“It can't be as simple as a few spell script cards,” Twilight said sounding annoyed.

“Then how about sixty cards?” I said with a smirk pulling out the purple card stock I had set up for these.

“Sixty?” She asked eyeing the stack. The only downside to all this was the cards were larger than my normal ones to fit the complex scripts being used. Honestly, they were closer to talismans then cards at this point.

“Eeyup, ain't no kill like overkill,” I said using a very old line that I use to use when I decided to give someone in a game the fully Monty. Turning towards Twilight I saw the worry on her face and ears as they were flattened back. “Dear, I'm not going to kill anypony. It's just an expression from earth.”

“I figured, I'm just worried is all. This is Celestia who is giving this test, correct?” She asked eyeing me as I nodded to her question. “Then this must be important enough to warrant it. I'm just scared of what will happen if you fail it.”

“Probably nothing too big,” I said with a shrug.

“What if you have to go back to magical kindergarten.” She said looking worried.

“Okay, one I don't even know what that is. Two, I doubt she would do that to a grown stallion. Three, I think you're letting your imagination run away with your common sense.” I had put the quill down to look at her directly with a whole skeptical look.

“Your barking up the wrong tree,” Spike said as he was sweeping away at the floor. “I've been saying that for years.”

“Spike!” Twilight groaned as she turned to look at him.

“Look, Twilight,” I said taking her hoof in my claw. “Let me worry about the test and the aftermath.”

“Then what am I suppose to do?” She asked worriedly.

“Be my support dear. Root for me and hope I pass.” I said before getting up and picking my mare out of the air to hold her in a warm embrace. “Nothing bad will happen dear, I promise.” She looked up at me after that.

“Pinkie Promise?” She asked and I scratched the side of my face on that one.


“Storm!” She said puffing her cheeks out at that before she crossed her hoofs.

“Twilight, You know I don't like making those promises, ” I said looking a little worried. Especially if miss hole in physics starts to show up, I was going to be seven layers of screwed.

“If you can't make one simple Pinkie Promise, how am I going to rest assure that you'll be safe.” She countered.

“No guilt trips dear.” I flatly said giving her a pointed look.

“But Storm!” She whined.

“No But Storm.”

“Twilight this is Storm we are talking about. The guy can handle whatever Princess Celestia can throw at him. I mean he could handle being bucked in the head by Applejack, so he's made of sterner stuff.” Spike said leaning on the broom.

“Don't remind me.” Twilight groaned as she leaned on me.

“It's in the past, so it's alright,” I said as I moved to head downstairs to the kitchen. “Hermes, can you finish these cards for me?”

“Roger, Roger.” He said floating past us.

“Can you use something other than imperial drones?” I asked a little tired of hearing that clip. Course just to spite me, he decided to play R2D2 clips. “Okay, now you're being cheeky.” I shot back which was responded too with another bit from R2D2. “Oh don't give me that tone of voice Hermes.”

“How do you understand what he said?” Twilight asked looking confused.

“Think of it as another language, just one that I'm familiar with,” I explained before turning to Spike. “Mind helping Hermes?”

“No problem,” Spike said putting the broom away.

“Alright, hey Hermes.” That was followed by more beeps, creeps, and boops. “Mind helping Spike after you two are done with the cards?” That was followed by a confirmation sound. With that Twilight and I head downstairs to the kitchen, with me mostly ducking through doorways. The kitchen had gotten a makeover since Twilight had tried to make breakfast in bed. It turned into a fireball that ended up burning up everything but the sink and the fridge. So having a rush job getting everything fixed was not the kind of use of royal power I wanted to do. Especially when we ended up getting the high-end stuff. Though the sales mare did try to get us to take it for free. But seriously that kind of drain would have been a major it to profit. So I used a lot of my bits to pay for it. It wasn't like I was using them for much then living expenses.

Regardless, I decided to pull out one of the cookbooks I had bought so I could learn to make different dishes. In this case, I was making a vegetation stir-fry. With the wok out, I began to dig out the vegetables. Twilight watched me as I began to pile the items in my arms. Probably out of curiosity.

“Storm, I know your low on magic. But-” She began before I cut her off.

“Your wondering why I don't use magic as most unicorns do in my daily life?”

“Yeah... I mean, I remember that you told me that your use to doing things like an earth pony. But that was quite some time ago.” She said looking a little confused.

“Some habits are hard to break and it's nice doing things this way again. Granted maybe not one for one.” I said flexing my prosthetic claws.

“Does it still bother you?” She asked eyeing my claws.

“Kind of, but I've been used to having metal in my arm when I was still human.”

“How come?” She asked.

“I was in an accident while I was in school that caused me to shatter my elbow into five pieces. They fixed it with nine screws, two plates, two pins, and a wire in a figure eight.” I explained as I grabbed a knife. It didn't take long for me to chop through everything as Twilight gawked at me.

“How did-”

“I went through surgery like everyone else. Kind of like Granny Smith when she got that hip replacement.” I said with a smile as I twirled the knife in my hand. “Just minus the magic or unicorns doing it.”

“Oh... so the earth pony way?”

“Sort of, but fine enough base to go on.”

“When did you learn to do that with a knife?” She asked watching me twirling a little bit more.

“I've always been comfortable around knives and blades. I've cleaned, fixed, sharpened my own blades since I was ten. Remember that flip knife of mine that has the broken piece off the one side?”

“Yeah, you told me not to try and open it without knowing what I'm doing first.”

“Correct. That is my very first blade.”

“Your first one?”

“It was the one that got me into bladed weapons. I learned on my own how to do all that.” I couldn't help but lightly chuckle at that.

“Well, learning is a great benefit to every pony,” Twilight said with a slight smile as I began to light the stove.

“I can agree with that, it's the matter of how some pony learns. I'm a more watch and do kind of learner.” I said as I flipped the food in the wok.

“Oh?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Yeah, it's like muscle memory. I learned how to clean and sharpen by just doing it. Somethings are best learned by doing in my opinion.” I explained with a smile as I continued.

“Is that how you learned to cook?”

“Well yes and no,” I said as I flipped the meal again. “Cooking is a sort of feeling, to know when things are done or not. Well... sort of.” It was a few moments before I slid the food on to the plates for everyone. “If you break it down cooking is chemistry with different kind of chemicals.”

“Well... I can understand that.” She said watching me.

“If you want I can teach you how to cook,” I said with a smile as I sat the plate down on the table before her. I slide my plate down as well as Spike's.

“I would like that...” She said with a slight smile.

“When I get back from Canterlot, well start,” I said with a smile.

“You sure I can't come with you?” Twilight asked trying to use the puppy dog eyes. Which doesn't work with I give her my I really feel comfortable face, which has me close my eyes. Can't work on me if I can't see it. Score one for Firestorm.

“And eighty-four for Twilight, still have a lot of catching up to beat her score fire,” Shadow commented.

“Ah!” Twilight yelled as she jumped looking around confused.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“I heard Shadow's voice, but...” she said looking around. “But I don't see him.”

“It's over the link dear,” I said slightly laughing.

“Link?” She said confused for a moment.

“That's right, you're just developing into the link. Alicorns have a telepathic link between us that we can use to talk to each other.” I started to explain.

“How does it work?” She asked looking me as she summoned a pad and pencil from thin air.

“Well it's not too different from a telepathic spell, but it's more passive than active,” I said waving my claw lightly.

“So it's always on?” She thought curiously.

“Eeyup, always active.” She eeped at that.

“You heard my thought?” she asked.

“I've been hearing all of your thoughts for a while now. You kind of have the same problem as I do when it comes to the link. I forget to block it out and just let my thoughts just broadcast out.” That got herself to go red.

“Then you heard...”

“Those thoughts you had last night, oh yeah. I heard them loud and clear miss pin me to the shelves.” I said with a smirk as Twilight got redder and redder. Surprising enough she was almost the same shade of red as a red bell pepper. Kind of impressive to say the least, and a whole lot of fun.

“Storm!” She whined.

“It's alright Twilight, everypony has those kinds of thoughts.” I will admit, I'm having a hard time not laughing at this. For the first time in a long time, I'm not the one flustered.

“But I'm a princess Storm!” She tried to defend.

“So is Cadence and trust me, she has them.” That got Twilight to gasp.

“What?!” Twilight almost shrieked.

“It's nothing surprising Twilight. She's a mare too. I can guarantee that everypony thinks about it.” I said a little surprised that I'm the one giving my marefriend this talk.

“I highly doubt that!” Twilight tried to counter. “Princess Celes-”

“Celestia most diffidently thinks about it, and Luna too.” I interrupted with.

“She does not!” She said standing up slamming her hoof down.

“Want to bet?” I said with a curved almost devious grin to my face.

“What do you mean?” She gave me the look of 'what are you planning' and I was enjoying every minute of it.

“Let's have a bet,” I said leaning back against the counter. With me being so tall, a chair doesn't really fit me like they do in Canterlot. So more often I sit on the floor at the table. “If you win, then I will go to Zecora and get a gender-swapping potion. I'll be a mare for a month.”

“And if you win?” She asked gulping.

“a 'favor' to call in at a later time,” I said with a predatory grin. She eyed me biting her lip as I know I laid that on pretty thick. After hearing that thought the other night I knew she was thinking about the whole poison joke effect again. “If you're too scared it's fine.”

“Ah... No, I'm not s-scared. You're on.” She said gulping as she pulled out a quill and parchment. Reaching over I pulled both of them out of her magical grip and began to scribble down the message.

Dear Celestia,

Please for the love of all that is holy, explain to Twilight that everypony has sexual thoughts and includes You, Luna, and Cadence. That and there's no shame in them.

Signed Firestorm.

With a puff of fire, the messaged turned into magical ash and flew off. Spike had finally explained to me how it's done and seriously it was rather simple. As long as you've seen the person or in this case pony. You can send to them a message as long as you have the breath to do it and if you don't have one, it just magically defaults to the last person you sent a message too. Don't ask me how it knows how to do that for fucking fire breath. But at this point, I have seriously stopped trying to over analyze things, especially with Pinkie.

“Storm!” Twilight yelled panicking, as she saw my message.

“What? I was just getting to the point.” I said as she began to bat her hooves at me.

“You don't have to be blunt about it! She's going to think I'm a pervert and that I shouldn't be a princess.” She said looking worried.

“Twilight you've more than earned your title first off. Second, I can tell you she's not going to think your some kind of pervert. Maybe a prude, but not a pervert.” That was followed by a thump to the back of my head. “Hey!” I yelled. “What was that for?!”

“Calling me a prude.” She said with a huff.

“You're worried to be called a pervert, but outside of the bedroom. You've been tight-lipped, well maybe a little in the bedroom too now that I think about it.” I said thinking before I felt something worm it's way up my throat as I let out a large bleach of flames. Lucky for me I had enough warming to it that I turned my head away from Twilight as I letter appear. Grabbing it out of the air, I quickly popped the seal on it. “Seriously she has to seal everything single one of these?” I groaned a little as I looked it over. That was followed by me losing my shit as I began to double over in laughter.

“What did the princess say?” Twilight asked pulling the letter from my grip.

“To my faithful Student.” Twilight began to read out loud. “Of course everypony has intimate thoughts from time to time. Even I, as I remember one time when I was a young mare in Luna and I's castle. There was this stallion that I couldn't help but daydream about him taking in the mid- Princess Celestia!” She shrieked at the end of it. Which only got me to laugh harder. “That is not appropriate to write in a royal letter! And will you stop laughing?!” I couldn't, it was too priceless. Just my quick skimming of the letter and I knew Twilight was going to have a meltdown over this.

“I can't help it! It's too funny!” I said between gasping breaths.

“It's not that funny!” She said shaking me rather hard as she floats me in the air.

“Alright, alright, alright,” I said waving my hand as I tried to catch my breath. “Speaking of which, I believe our bet has been settled,” I said taking the letter into the main library and hid it into the special out cove.

“Don't remind me.” She said groaning.

“It's alright, I wasn't being serious.” Twilight looked at me as I watched her ears flattened back and a bit hurt.

“No, we made a bet and I need to honor it.”

“Twilight, I can tell your uncomfortable. Why don't we let it drop?”

“But Storm, I'm a prince-” Was all I was going to let her get out.

“Twilight, when it's between us. We don't need titles, especially at home.”

Twilight's ears flattened back as she looked a little down. “Your right, it's just with all this being princess stuff is something to get used too.”

“Preaching to the choir,” I commented before walking over to the door and yelled up for Spike for lunch. “I get that you're worried you won't do a good job. But you have to remember, your just starting this. Even I had a bit of a handicap when it came to royal business.”

“Not counting a hell of a first time.” Twilight snarked.

“Ouch,” I said fawning a wound. “But your right. Just don't gauge your royal duties by what I've had to do.”

“I'm just worried,” Twilight said as Spike ran in with Hermes after him.

“We finished the cards. I left them in the box for you.” He said hopping onto his seat.

“Thanks, Sorry to ask you two to finish it for me.”

“It's alright Bro.” He said before digging into his plate. He began to call me Bro after I had become like his big brother. Much like how Twilight was his big sister, you would think it would be closer to mother, seeing as she helped hatch him. I guess that's just not how things are done here. It doesn't really bother me being called bro all the time. Some of my friends would say that so, oh well. Spike has been oddly hanging around me more and more. Even during my runs for food. Which is fine, just he has to move a little faster because of my longer stride than his. I haven't gotten around to getting us a cart yet for the shopping trips. Regardless, he hopped up onto his chair and dug in. “This is so good! You have to tell me your secret!” He said looking up. I could help but ruffle his fin scales a bit.

“It's nothing special, it's just paying attention to the flavors,” I said before digging into my own plate. Twilight watched the two of us while she dug into her own plate.

“You two have gotten really close lately,” Twilight commented.

“Well, of course, he's like my big brother I've never really had,” Spike said between mouthfuls. “Not counting Shining Armor of course.” He caught himself a moment later.

“That and it probably helps I'm the closest thing to a dragon around here.” I tacked on.

“That's true,” Twilight said. “And after the whole dragon migration incident, I'm glad Spike has someone he can relate to.”

“Dragon Migration?” I asked a little curious about this. That's when I got the low down when Spike was trying to find out more about himself as a Dragon. At least what it meant to be one. So on the day that dragons would fly a field to the west of Ponyville. He decided after a bit of ribbing from the girls to follow the dragons. Twilight, Dash, and Rarity all followed him to make sure he was safe. Even after meeting other dragons like Garble. Just hearing the pricks name got me to clinch my prosthetic claws to the groaning protest of it. Well him and a bunch of his 'friends' decided to pick on Spike by playing pranks on him in the air of 'well a real dragon would do it'. “What pricks,” I growled annoyed at this.

“Well, he did get what's coming to him when Peewee burned him,” Spike commented after finishing off his plate.


“My phoenix friend that I saved from those jerks.” That's when I got a lowdown on this. It seems that towards the end of the events Garble talked Spike into going with him to smash phoenix eggs. Something I detest very heavily, I understand that eggs are used as food. But if it's a living being, then I draw the line then. All this just makes me wish I punched Garble's skull in more. I took a deep breath and calmed down a bit more. Well, the girls helped get Spike out of there as he kept the egg from the scaly bastard Garble, all while Peewee's parents went after Garble and his friends burning them. Something not a lot of beings knows that while dragons do have a very high heat tolerance to the point of lava. Phoenix fire burns differently as it's more of a magical fire. So the properties don't match up with normal fire or dragon fire. That only when the Phoenix in question wants it too. Otherwise, it's more like normal fire. Kind of like how I can change my fire from normal dragon fire to what I like to call frost fire. It comes down to intent which one I use just like a phoenix.

“Yeah, a course that's not even counting the whole Dragon Code mess that happened later,” Twilight commented.

“You said you wouldn't bring that up.” Spike groaned.

“I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess this has something to do with a set of rules that Spike was going by?” I asked.

“How did you know?” Twilight asked.

“I think I heard about this from Dash when she was talking about some of the adventures you all have gone on,” I said thinking back. Was it? “Regardless, I can empathize with the idea of a set of rules. But it's convection and the means to bend around it is what is important.”

“Bend around it?” Spike and Twilight both asked at the same time.

“Rules have to adapt and change as time goes on. They have to be the solid pillars for which they stand, but able to bend and change with the new experiences and situations. Take one of my rules, protect those I care about. I know I can't always keep a watchful eye on everyone so the bend is that it can't protect them. I will hurt those that hurt them.” I explained.

“Was that what you mean when you say you would hunt?” Twilight asked.

“When did I say that?”

“Back in Canterlot before Luna, you and I went off to our date.” She said looking a little nervous.

“Oh. Well to a point. I strongly believe in an eye for an eye in a different way.”

“But doesn't make Equestria go blind?” Spike asked.

“It's the world, but you are in the right ballpark. But that's where the whole in a different way comes in. But the details of that kind of changes from day to day and event to event.” I said before finishing my own plate.

“But what does it mean in a different way?” Twilight asked staring at me.

“Well just as it says. But if you need it a little bit more bluntly. Revenge is a wonderful friend if you are on agreeable terms.” I said grinning as Twilight shivered lightly in her seat.

“So I have to get revenge?” Spike asked looking a little confused.

“No! Storm don't put ideas in his head.” Twilight said jumping the gun a bit.

“I'm not. I'm just telling him about the idea's in my head.” I said with a smirk as Twilight scowled at me.

“That's what scares me.”

“Scares you?”

“Well... you have to fight and you get hurt. It's bad enough that you've gotten me to agree to earn more combat spells. But I don't like the idea of having to hurt anypony.” Twilight said looking scared up at me.

“Even if it's to protect everyone or yourself?” I asked.

“Yes! It's bad enough that we've had to fight before. But I shouldn't-” was all I got out.

“It doesn't matter if your a princess or a popper, everyone learns to fight proper,” I said.

“Even me?” Spike asked.

“No!” Twilight shouted.

“Why not?” Both Spike and I asked.

“Because your just a baby dragon-” Twilight got out before I interrupted.

“Who has already faced other dragons, diamond dogs, ponies, and god knows what else. Personal I think he should learn how to fight.” I started causing her mouth to snap close.

“He's right.” Spike tacked on.

“But that doesn't mean fighting should be your first option,” I commented.

“Look who's talking.” Twilight thought over the link.

“I heard that.” Shot back over the link, which caused her to jump and look directly at me. “I will have you know I don't always jump directly to fighting, and honestly prefer not to.” I continued as I began to wash the dishes with my claws.

“Then was that at the Summit?” Twilight asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Do you mean my little bluff?”

“Bluff? You called out Princess Maia and fought Lily.” She asked and this caused Spike to look at me surprised.

“Is that why she's here?” He said shivering a bit. Which I understood, mostly because of the first time meeting him. She held the little guy at sword point to protect her 'master'.

“Yeah, it's a long story. Truth being, it was a bluff to see how far their resolve went. That one ended up biting me in the tail.” I commented as I put the last plate in the strainer to dry. “But, regardless. What happened has happened and there's no changing that now. But speaking of Lily, you can come out now.” I commented turning towards the main room. Right as both Twilight and Spike turned around looking surprised as Lily walked in.

“How did you know she was in there?” Twilight asked turning back towards me.

“She's been hovering about ten minutes now. She came in from the bedroom, which I told you not to do anymore. Unless it was an emergency.” I said giving her a stare down.

“Sorry mas-” She got out before she cut her self off when my glare intensified. “Sorry, sir.”

“To answer your question,” I said pulling my sleeve back to show the little screen on it with a warning on it. “I've had trackers on both Lily and Nightling. So I know where they are and each window has a security set up on them.”

“Is the whole library set up with it?” Twilight asked looking a little freaked out.

“Well, I rather error on the side of caution.”

“Next you're going to tell me that you have Spike and I bugged,” Twilight said and I scratched the back of my head because I kind of did that already. “Where?” That wasn't a request, that was more a demand. I pointed to her regalia that I've been pushing her to wear more and more. If I have to wear the damn thing, I was sure as hell going to make sure Twilight joins me. It may be a little payback when she was pushing me to do the same. As they say, Karma's a bitch, and trust me I know.

“It's just... after everything. I've been worried about someone pulling a birthday fiasco again.” I said rubbing the back of my neck more.

“No pony is going to try something with a princess.” Twilight tried to reassure.

“Chrysalis, Vermom, and don't forget Discord,” I said holding up claws to count them off.

“Did somepony say my name?” Said the joker of disharmony himself as he decided to bend his neck around my back and step out full.

“Hello, Discord,” I said a bit annoyed.

“Oh don't be like that Stormy, I'm just want to see my brother in chaos before his 'big test' with sunbutt herself.” He said grinning like a mad man while I just sighed heavily.

“Discord, can you please wait in the library for a moment,” I said pointing to the main room.

“Oh, fine.” He said sliding into the room literally.

“Lily go get Nightling and meet me at the train station in about thirty minutes,” I ordered as she saluted and left. “In for a penny, in for a pound.” With that Twilight and Spike watched me head into the main room. “Okay Discord, what do you really want?” I asked with my crossed arms.

“I told you, I'm here to see my-” Discord began before being cut off.

“We both know you aren't that straight forward,” I said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Fine, ruin the fun why don't you. I want in on your little game.”


“Because watching Celestia have a massive bee in her bonnet, and after your little display. I am oh so curious on what your planning to do.” He said after making a bonnet appear on his head and lifting it up to show a beehive before it disappeared with a snap of his claws.

“Then how about this. You can keep track of the score, but you have to be honest. No cheekiness, no cheating, and no bullshitting.” I said holding my hand out to shake it as I was about to make a deal with the devil... in a way. “And don't even think about having your tail do the crossed finger shtick.”

“See that's why I like you. Out of all of this boring ponies. You know how to play the game.” He said grinning as he gripped my hand as he pulled on it pulling it out of my socket.

“Well, I have to hand it to you,” I said grinning as I had twisted my arm to unlatch it for the joke. This got both of us to laugh a little.

“Out of all these ponies. So far your the funnest one yet.” He said as my hand began to jump up and dance on its fingers. “And you're still using chaos magic too.” That got him to grin again as my arm jumped over to me to catch it. With a quick click, I set my arm back in.

“I don't have all of it. Just enough for emergencies. But do I have your word Discord?”

“Fine, I won't mess with the game. But you have to tell me. How do you plan to do this? Come on whisper it in my ear.” He said reaching out with his ear like it was on a pull cord.

“Sorry Discord, you'll just have to wait and see,” I said grinning going towards the kitchen. “I will see you in Canterlot.” With that, I joined both Spike and Twilight back in the kitchen as they were looking a little worried. “Is there something on my face?”

“No... surprisingly.” Twilight commented. “It's just... you and Discord got along... it's... odd.”

“No odder then the fact that I beat him at his own game, I've used chaotic magic, and top of that I'm a human soul from a different universe that was void of magic taking into a world filling past the brim of it. If I can't find common ground, I don't know who can.” I shot back with my arms crossed. “Regardless, I'm not heartless.”

“But this is Discord. The 'lord of chaos'-”

“and I'm a bio-engineered creature made from the DNA of one of the strongest unicorns in Equestrian history and one of the highest tiered dragons.”

“Why are you suddenly okay with this?” She asked.

“Because I'm not okay. Twilight I am far from okay as I can be, but I'm just trying to keep floating as best I can. Just...” I said sighing before sitting down in a chair. “Between the whole thing with Celestia, the Lily incident, knowing Vermom is still out there. I'm reeling still.” Twilight began to gently hug me.

“Storm... sadly to say some things can't be helped.” She said before gently nuzzling against me.

“I know, I know. Which is why I'm just trying to get ahead. I'm trying to make sure everything I do is to help Equestria. The tech I've been working on is to help the guards do their jobs well and help protect everyone.” I said as I ran my claws through my mane.

“Is that why you've been staying in the basement every few nights?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I've been trying to adapt earth tech with magic with... mixed results. Wait... how did you know? I've been going down there after you went to bed.”

“I've been having a hard time sleeping some nights.”

“Ah... makes sense.”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked eyeing me.

“Alicorns can stay up longer because the amount of magic going through us. So you're getting insomnia because of the magic coursing through you.”

“That's right, you said something about that when I asked about those nights you stayed up to read.”


“This is going to take some getting use too.” She said and a comeover gently picked her up from her chair before sitting down on the floor with her.

“So does everything else new.” I shot back with a smile. “But you don't have to do it alone.” As I said that I gently rested my head on top of hers. She looked up at me quietly for a few moments.

“Don't you have a train to catch?” Spike said rolling his eyes.

“Hey, don't knock it till you try it, Spike,” I said before giving Twilight a light kiss on the top of her head. “But he's right. I did give Lily a thirty-minute window.”

“Yeah, and I want to see you past the test.” She said looking up before kissing me on the cheek. I couldn't help but chuckle.

“You won't have to worry about that, I'll make sure to get an A-plus.” With that, I got up after helping Twilight back down to the floor as I had to grab my bag.

“You better.” Twilight shot back as I grabbed my messenger bag that I had Rarity make for me. This was pretty much my saddlebags for when I was in my satyr form, plus with the easy access that I prefer compared to a backpack which is more for the sake of travel with many other bags for camping and so forth. But I will say, I love my blue bag. Mostly because it's comfortable and Rarity went as far as to put my new family crest on it. As she put it 'to proudly show your lineage', which was fine with me. I opened it to make sure I had everything in it, which was mostly my daggers, card boxes, and a few odds and ends. “You have everything?”

“I got my daggers, decks, a few sets of clothes and...” I said thinking as something I must have missed.

“Sword?” She as she was floating one of my swords up. Preferably one of my more favorite swords.

“Where would I be without you dear?” I said grabbing the sword from her magic gently, while I give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Probably in the insane asylum.”

“You're not wrong,” I said with a smirk. With that, I gave Twilight one last kiss and head towards the train station in town. For being in the middle of the day, I expected there to be a few ponies milling about waiting for a ride. Oddly enough there wasn't anyone outside the station staff. Lily and Nightling haven't shown up yet so I must have been early. So, I had time to sit and think. Which mostly I did was think about everything that had happened so far. That was short lived by my bodily roommate deciding to chime in.

“Hey... Fire... can I ask you something? Please don't be a smartass about it.” Shadow said.

“Um... sure?”


It had been about two hours since my little chat with Shadow. Within that time both Nightling and Lily showed up, both dawned in their new combat armors. I had the armor designed after a dragon skeleton structure. The helmet of the armor was made like the skull, including the horns leading back. I went with a dark red and gold color scheme for the armor. So around each plate, a magically treated gold trim went around it. This was done so if they had to enchant the armor further then the lightweight enchantment already on it. From my own experiment, a lightweight but durable armor was the preferred style to with. There were some differences between the different raced armors. Take both Nightling's and Lily's armors in this case. Their armors also come with a specialized wing guard that's made to help nullify the impacts to them if they had to. Mostly on the crest of the wing as they had spikes placed on them. Closer to my own satyr wings did. For a Unicorn, their horns would be encased in the same metal as the armor but it had the gold trim around so they wouldn't have any interference with their spell casting. Then earth ponies had a thicker armor around their hooves since they mostly rely on them to fight as well as spiked hoof plates much like those on spiked knuckle dusters from earth. Lily's armor is the only different once from all the sets as her talons have covers on hers to extend hers closer to the length of mine in my current form.

Shortly after that, the train itself showed up with the special royal car attached. Something I didn't quite know that if a royal decides they want it, they have to send word ahead to the train station to have the car attached at the end. On top of that, there are three royal cars. Cadence has one made out of the same crystals as the houses in the Crystal Empire. The second one is made for Celestia and Luna directly as it as a mixture of their colors. The final one and the one I'm taking just has the standard royal colors on them. Which turns out to be soft purples and violets with gold and white accents to it. From what I hear, a specialty car is being designed for Twilight and I using our colors. But regardless, Lily, Nightling, and I board the train to Canterlot. Which wasn't much that could be said about it. The three of us talked... well more I talked giving them at least a heads up on what was about to go down the main reason why we were here. It went as well as you expected, Lily accepted the fact and Nightling while not liking the fact that I was against one of the Princesses. She understood this wasn't by my choice.

With that brought us finally up to the front door of Canterlot castle. “Hello, your Highness.” Said one of the door guards as they began to magically open the massive front door.

“The Princesses are waiting for you in the dining hall.” Said the other guard.

“Thank you.” I said walking past the threshold of the door and into the rather busy halls of the castle. Just walking the main halls, I saw nothing but maids and guards going about normal business. Which honestly, you would think wouldn't be odd. It's just that was this weird sense about it as a lot of them were keeping an eye on me. Don't get me wrong, funny looks come with being in this form. But a lot of them already knew and had seen me before. Especially the guards, but the fact that a lot of them stopped to watch us walk down the hall.

“Somethings up.” Shadow said sounding like I was feeling.

“You noticed it too?” I asked back over the link, making sure to keep it blocked to just Shadow and I. “She must really be on edge about this 'game'.”

“Well, you are trying to 'dethrone' her.” I couldn't help but sigh at this.

“All because she's up her own flank with worry.”

“Is there a problem Sir?” Lily asked to my left. I gazed down at her as I saw her eye was looking up at me.

“Not at the moment,” I answered as he took a turn to the dining hall. The large redden doors sat before us with two guards waiting at either side of them. Which again isn't out of the normal, but judging from the uniforms of the guards. These were the seasoned and elite guards which weren't hard to tell as they had a lot more dressing on their armors compared the standard gold trim white armor. This one had more of the purple to their color scheme. From what can tell, Celestia is not taking any chances with this game. To be honest, I'm a little happy she's brought on the A game for this. Inside I saw both Celestia and Luna enjoying their lunch.

Celestia uncovered eye slightly cracked open as the three of us entered. Without having to focus on it, I could tell she was staring directly at me. Like sizing up an opponent seconds before the match. To be honest, it's not without warrant as this is a match of wits between Celestia and I.

“Ah, Storm it's been far too long,” Luna said hopping out of her seat and trotting over to us.

“Well, it was only two weeks,” I said with a warm smile. “So how are things here?”

“You know, nobles being nobles.”

“So a pain in the flank?” I said with a smirk on my face as she nodded. “What can you do?” Giving her an overly playful shrug.

“I think we can dispatch with the pleasantries this time,” Celestia said setting her teacup down on its saucer, as her eye fully opens and stares at me.

“And wheres the fun in that?” I asked with a smirk. There was a thick feeling in the air as Celestia and I stared at each other.

“Do you really need to do this sister?” Luna asked as her ears flattened back.

“Luna, you know what's at-” Celestia began to say before I cut her off.

“Don't even think about going there.” I shot back as my lighthearted demeanor shift to a serious one. Stepping over to the table, I sat down so I was just to the right of Celestia. “But we should start with the rules and how it works.” Pulling out the purple deck box I had to make special for these cards. I pulled out three cards, there was one that was a shade off the rest of them. “These are the cards you have to worry about, don't pick them up with magic,” I said sliding one over to Celestia and the other to Luna, while I kept the darker one for myself.

“What do they do?” Celestia asked sliding the card off the table and flipping it over in her hoof.

“They just dye the fur for half an hour. The pattern and color are randomized. These cards also keep track of the score so we can make sure we know who is winning.” I answered with a smirk.

“And how do you we know you're not going to cheat?” Celestia said as Luna looked between us.

“The same thing that's going to keep you from the same thing.” With a grin, I snapped my fingers, it echoed within the hall for a few moments.

“I suppose that's my cue.” Said the voice of Discord as he erupted out of the stained glass windows before us with three round looking mirrors following him. He bounced onto the table and in a flash, he stood there with a show host suit and microphone. “Looks like it's time for another household game of dye!.” He continued as bleachers filled with different outfit covered versions of him applauding. This guy was hamming it up and I will admit I was kind of enjoying it, especially with Celestia's look of annoyance. “Why don't we hear the rules Firestorm?” Discord said as a mic appeared in my hand.

“Why thank you Discord,” I said doing my over the top announcer voice. “The game is simple. Player one will place one of these lovely dye cards all over the castle. Then player two must remove the card and destroy it. But hears the catch. She can't use magic to do so.”

“Then how do you do it?” Discord asked joining me in the hamming it up.

“Oh, that's easy,” I said picking up the darker card. “See these lovely cards have spell script on it, with one bit of magic.” With that my horn lit up and washed the card in magic. With a loud poof in sound, Celesta was colored in red and blue zig zag, Luna was done in a bright purple, and I was a lavender-like Twilight. This got both princesses to look at each other in surprise. “But don't worry, this doesn't last forever. Because after thirty minutes the spell disappears.”

“And how do you destroy it safely?” Discord continues after flipping the mic over to his other hand.

“Glad that you asked. All you have to do is light it on fire and poof. Card destroyed.” With that, I placed the card over the flame on one of the candles on the table. In a flash, the card was engulfed and the furs on the three of us returned back to our normal colors.

“And how do you plan to keep score?” Celestia asked before taking another sip of her tea.

“The cards are all marked with a special script that sends a magical signal. Which Discord will catch as he's going to be the scorekeeper. Before you ask, he's promised without any hiccups to honestly score each one. That won't mean he won't rub in the fact to you.” I answered looking at her.

“When do you two begin?” Luna asked.

“After he spreads out the cards,” Celestia answered after putting her empty cup down. In a few moments, a blackened mass oozed up the table leg and under the boxed deck. Within seconds it sank into it and disappeared. Then the mass shot out and after a good five minutes it comes back and disappears within my shadow.

“The game is set,” I answered with a smirk as Celestia eyed me.

“The only thing left is the price for winning.” She said looking at me directly. “So what are the stakes you willing to play for?”

“The better question what are you willing to lose?” I asked with a grin and a dark chuckle.

“Do you really think you'll win this battle of wits?” That only got me to laugh that even Luna looked a little unnerved.

“It's not a battle of wits. It's a battle of persecution. But I suppose your right, this game should have some stakes.” Giving a grin that could silence even the devil. Slowly getting up I stood before both of them. “How about this? The prize for me is a favor that I can call in at any time with no questions asked and you have to spend one week in a form close to mine.” That got all three powerhouses to look surprised, with Discord grinning like a mad man per normal.

“Now those are stakes I can get behind.” Discord said before disappearing and slithering next to Celestia. “The question is, will the sun princess put her pride on the line and take such a bet?” That got her eye to lightly twitch. Something that only those that can appear the chinks in her armor can see. Both Lily and Nightling noticed it as they both looked at her. The former looking a little smug and the latter looking worried.

“Do we have a deal?” I said bowing forward and holding my left claw out, to make sure it is my real hand. Celestia slowly raised a hoof and shook it.

“If I win, then you will follow my order to a T.” She said giving me a calculated stare.

“Deal,” I said still grinning. “But if you excuse me, I have some guards to deal with.” With that, I left both princesses and the lord of chaos to play the game as my part has been played. The best part of the game is that all I had to do is sit back and relax. The guards all watched looking nervous as I walked past with a grin on my face. It probably didn't help that my wings were flaring out as Shadow decided to slither out of the shadows under my wing in his snake-like form.

“This is going to be fun,” Shadow said grinning along with me.


It was a few moments after their meeting Firestorm, Lily Frostquill, and Nightling entered the arena Firestorm and the Princesses had spared in sometime ago. Standing in the room was a mixture of ponies standing in rows of five. The first row has earth ponies, the second followed by fours unicorns and a dracorn, and the last one as three pegasi and two bat ponies. So far the only ones that aren't wearing the standard garb are one earth pony second from the right from Firestorm's point of view.

The pony's name is Ironclad, like his name he wears a full set of heavy armor covering him from his head to his tail. The dracorn in the line of unicorns looks odd as there isn't any discoloration to his scales compared to those like Firestorm. Who's crest of his wings would have told his alternate color. The only difference here for the dracorn is his horn which is curved. The dracorn named Solar Spike stared up at the towering figure as he walked in. The last two of note was the twin bat pony mares call Roaring Wind, and Silent Wind who both had a dark midnight purple armor close to a special unit compared to the Night Guard's garb.

“I see you all got the message.” Firestorm said walking stretching his neck lightly as he was wearing his armor from back when he sparred with both princesses after it had been fixed up of course. “So your the fifteen that was selected.” They watched as he walked back and forth between each of them as they watched back. He then stopped in front of Ironclad as he looked directly at the fulling armored pony almost staring him directly into his soul. It enough even made this harden soldiers stare at him in fear. The worse was the fact that his normal ocean blue eyes were bright and deadly red. So bright that they would be the only thing that could be seen in the darkest of rooms. And each one of their souls was that dark room, as far as they saw. “Alright, here's what's going to on. We are going to have a bit of a combat test. To see how you all deal with a change of combat tactics.”

That got all of them to snap up and stare at him in surprise. “You can't be serious your highness. You're going to face fifteen trained soldiers.” That got him to grin which sent a shiver down his spine.

“Why not?” He said reaching down to his side as each one of them watched in slow motion as he went for the handle of his sword. They watch as his hand twitched before a sharp sound coming from his mouth. They all turned up to blood slowly trickling out of his mouth as a blacken spike coming out of his chest. That was followed by both Lily and Nightling having matching wounds.

“Your Highness?” The group said as the all taken stance. Some of the ponies began to growl as each one of them got ready to attack. They watched as each body fill and hit the ground to show a large figure standing behind them. It floated on a blacken mist that makes it clear that the figure had no legs. Which leaving only a torso, arms and legs as it which was all black and flesh like but the dark violet claws that faded up to the forearms and the large dark red horns adorn the beast like face. Its faces had the angler like the face of a reptile but covered in darken fur and the mouth looked like ripped flesh showing sharp shark-like fangs. It's body looked nothing more a mass of exposed muscles as they pulsed with what could be guessed as blood. Coming from its chest was three long spikes as they pull back from the three bodies.

“What did you do?” Solar growled as his horn began to flare with an over glow. It only grinned as it raised up its right claw and snapped. In seconds blacken mass covered the three bodies before they sank in and disappeared as they rejoined its body. Before another second could pass, two of the pegasi flew forward with blades in hoof. While one of the unicorns began to fire point blank energy blasts of magic. The creature began to grin more as a mass of spikes shot out making a katar attached to its wrists. With a large swipe, he kept the pegasi at bay while his other hand would deflect each shot with the palm of its claw.

“You two, go get reinforce-” was all Ironclad got out before another snap was heard as blacken chains shot up blocking the door, then began to wave it's finger as if it was taunting them. This got each of them to take notice that they were being played with. In that second it disappeared and reappeared behind all of them. Sweeping each of them aside with a wave of magic from its claw. It was enough to knock a lot of them to the far side of the room. All but Ironclad who's legs were staked to the ground.

He stood there like a sentinel in the storm as he cracked his neck much like he's seen Firestorm did a few times. He then reached over and grabbed his sword as he held it in his mouth. Lowing himself down taking stance waiting for a moment. The creature began to crack his knuckles and took a stance waiting for the next attack.

“Soldiers, form up.” Ironclad barked as eight of the guards formed up behind him. Mostly magical users as two of them started casting a shield around them as the monstrous creature flew up ready to punch at them. Lucky for them the shield got up in time and it took the full force of the impact. They grinned as the shield dropped and the other unicorns fired beams of magic at the figure, causing it to fly back against the wall. Right then all of the pegasi and bat ponies grabbed some nearby rope. With a flap of their wings, they began to entangle it, to capture it.

“Nice try.” The figure said flexing as all of the rope snapped into pieces as if it was twine being cut with a knife. He grinned before digging his hands into the ground as two black pools began to spread out. From the pool little blobs of with two glowing dots for eyes formed and swarmed towards the group of ponies.

A lot of them began to jump up and stomp down on them as they would just turn into mist. All the while the figure would float there with his large rippling arms crossed with a grin on his ripped jawline. His eyes glanced over to the stands for a moment before coming back down. It was a moment but enough for the bat twins to take it and beeline it straight at the figure. Who bent backward to avoid the two and with a grin. It reached up and grabbed their hind legs before throwing them back. When it leaned back forward, it saw Ironclad galloping at full speed before slamming right into it. Forcing it to hit the wall as if bowled over by a semi-truck.

It grinned as he grabs into the wall and pulled out a large chunk of rock before throwing the group of guards. Which a large chunk of them dodge but one of the earth ponies who was slammed by it and set flying into the stands. That was followed by three of the other earth ponies who dash past as one pegasus fly back to check out their comrade. The first one jumped up with a spear attached to his armor and went to stab him. The second jumped up and off the back of the first guard before using his overly armored hooves and slammed down on the creature's head. The third slide around the back and went for a slash across the back.

Before the stallion could connect with the creature's back as it's right arm swung back slamming the stallion into the wall. It was a second as it seems a third arm formed out of the creatures back to reach for the slammed stallion. Before it was an inch away from the stallions face a snap was heard and the creature stopped.

“That's enough.” Said a voice coming out of the stands. The figure began dropping to the ground like a pile of ooze that slopped all over the ground. Before it starting to slink off towards the source of the voice and the sounds of hooves against the stone bleachers. In a second Firestorm stepped into the light and jumped down into the arena.

“Your Highness!” All of the still standing guards turned towards him. Before Ironclad and Solar began to run up.

“What happened!” Ironclad said worriedly.

“I did say I was going to test you guys.” That being said as he raised up his claws and snapped as the goo shot into his shadow. Within a second Shadow reformed himself behind Firestorm's wing. “What's the best way to tell if your combat ready then a surprise attack?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Solar said lowering his head.

“Nope.” He said grinning as he grabbed a card out of his deck and tossed it up into the air. Then focused magic in both of his claws and slammed them into the card after it came back down. Upon impact a massive burst of magic filled the room and all of the wounded guards' wounds began to heal and mend themselves.

“What was that?” Solar said looking confused.

“It's called a crushed card.” He said with a grin as he turned back. “Are you two going to step out of the shadows?”

“Of course sir,” Lily said flying over and standing next to her master. Nightling followed a few moments later.

“Line up!” Firestorm barked out as all of the soldiers lined up back in rows of five. “You all did well against Shadow. But a real opponent may not be as nice as he was.” He said slowly walking in front of them.

“Your Highness, but he sent a lot of us flying. How can anyone be considered nice after that?” Solar asked.

“Because if I wanted to kill you,” Shadow said after oozing out of Solar's shadow in his snake-like form and hissed into his air. “I would have done it already.” That got everypony to jump in surprise and turn away from him.

“He's right.” Firestorm said grinning darkly. “But enough goofing around. That small bout gave me enough to see where you all need to be trained.”

“That was maybe about ten minutes at most. How was that enough to get even that much?” One of the other unicorns a red coat with a silver mane and tail named Blazing Wand.

“Something not a whole lot of ponies knows about Shadow and I. We can share our senses.” Firestorm said as his right eye's whites turned red much like how it is when Shadow takes over as well as the snake-like shadows right eye's whites turned white.

“How is that even possible?” Ironclad asked looking in disbelief.

“Has anypony even decided to look into who your going to be working for?” Firestorm said grinning as his eye returned back to normal, as his grin widens.

“Yeah... he's a bit crazy,” Nightling commented with a shake of her head. “But he does make his point very well. I had informed each of you to read the dossier on the prince and his abilities. While a lot of the files are missing some of the more recent information. You all should be well informed.”

“I took the time to memorize each one of your files.” Firestorm commented before standing in front of Ironclad. “Let's take Ironclad here, the first pony who serves with complete prosthetic limbs, each modified by him directly. He was born in Trottingham, in Rose Well Hospital at 2238 on the fifth of November.” This got the stallion to look at him in surprise as Firestorm reached over and with a click undid the helmet. All why Storm continued to grin as he set the helmet down. “I even know how it happened.” That got Ironclad to look at him in fear.

“How?” He said stepping back.

“The devil is in the details and the abilities to read between the lines.” He said turning to each of the other guards joining his branch. “However, me knowing the details really doesn't let me know who you are. This is always a difference between the reports and reality. So I expect you all to behave on duty but be relaxed enough to be real with everyone. That includes me.”

“What do you mean to be real?” Solar asked raising a hoof as if he was in school again.

“It means, we can talk as if we are friends. Regardless if I'm royal or not, I expect each and every one of you to call me out on my shit if you think I'm in the wrong. But I need a good reason. None of this 'because that's not how it's done' shit here. Do I make myself clear?”

“Sir, yes sir!” They are barked with a salute.

“I'll take that over the prince and your highness any day.” Storm said grinning. “So first rule, Don't call me prince or your highness unless otherwise ordered. It will be either Sir or Storm.”

“That doesn't make any sense.” Said a black coated pegasus stallion with a dusty purple mane and tail names Shade Step. “Why can't we address you by your title?”

“Good question Shade, the answer to that is...” He said holding his pointer finger up like he's about to give a big speech before lately saying. “I just don't like the title.” That got all of them to blink for a moment before looking completely confused other then Nightling who has dealt with him the longest and Lily who was under orders to do so. “I'm not one for titles unless I am that pissed off. Speaking of which. The second rule, you won't use your position as one of my guards for anything other than doing your job. If I find out you're abusing your rank, I give no quarter who you are you will be punished for it.”

“And trust me on this, he's one stallion you don't want to piss off,” Nightling commented with Lily nodded.

“While your one of my guards, you will be trained hard to do your job. Nightling and Lily have worked together to make a basic training that you all will be doing when you're on the clock and not guarding. Do I make myself clear?” Storm said looking each of them over.

“Yes, Sir!” They all ordered.

“Now the questions have you noticed?” He continued as all of them looked confused, including both Nightling and Lily. “Shadow if you would do the honors?” After a few moments a pool of shadows slowly oozed out of Firestorm's shadow and as it began to rise up and a figure began to form into a stallion wearing the garb of Celestia's guards before the shadow shot back into Firestorm's shadow. “We had somepony spying on us the whole time.” All of the other guards stepped back in surprise.

“How do you keep doing that?” Nightling asked looking annoyed.

“Because I'm just that good.” He said grinning before turning around and heading towards the door. “Nightling, Lily, I want you two to go over the training with them.” With that, he snapped his fingers as the chains upon on the door disappeared. With that, he opened the door and left.


“Seriously, she can't really think I wasn't going to not notice her sending spies. Course, never said that was against the roles.” I said smirking with a light giggle.

“Speaking of which, what's the score at?” Shadow said as he snaked himself from under my wing.

“Good question.” With a click, I opened up the panel on my arm and pulled up the score between us. Only by a glance got me to look in surprised. The screen said the score was thirty-seven to Celestia's three. “Already two-thirds of the way through the deck and she's that much behind.”

“That's just sad,” Shadow said shaking his head. “No wonder she started to send a guard to spy on you.”

“Great,” I said with a groan before heading towards my room. All while the staff in the halls watched as I walked past. To be honest, I began to wonder if this was even a good idea anymore. Mostly because I was going to end up taking something Celestia had for almost a thousand years away.

The feeling of safety.

“Your Highness?” Came a voice behind me as I was walking towards my room. Turning around I saw it was an older stallion that just oozed the look of an older butler. Didn't help he had a matching black and white suit that went well with his gray coat that went well with his short cut silver mane and tail.

“Oh, ah... hey um...” I was totally drawing a blank on his name. “Sorry, what was your name again?”

“It's quite alright your highness, we've never formally met. The name is Silver Task, and Princess Luna has asked me to relay the message that she wishes to speak with you in your private quarters Prince Firestorm.” He answered.

“Oh thank you Mr. Task,” I said with a warm smile.

“Please just call me Silver.” He said giving the kindest of smiles as he gave a small bow.

“Alright Silver, if you don't mind could I make a small request?” I asked returning the warm smile.

“Of course your highness.”

“Could you get a cup of Celestia's favorite tea ready for her? Preferably in her favorite teacup.” He gave me a look with a nod.

“Of course your highness. I will make sure it's done right away.” Silver said before bowing and turning to leave. With that, I head toward my room with a smirk on my face.

“Cheeky bastard,” Shadow said.

“You know it.” with that I made the final turn towards the wing with my room on it. Even here has more staff going around all keeping an eye on me as I entered my room. Standing in the room by one of my bookshelves was Luna going over one of the many books I have. “Alright, so what's on your mind, Luna?” I asked was I used my tail to close the door behind me. She turned to look at me looking worried.

“Please stop this game between you and Celestia,” Luna asked rather bluntly.

“Why?” She looked a little surprised that I would even ask that question.

“I... she...” She said trying to find her words. “I'm worried about Celestia.”


“Just after this game started, She's been... on edge.”

“To be fair, she's been on edge a lot, between me dragging skeletons out of her closet. The fact that her nightmares have been coming back to haunt her, and so forth. That's not really a good reason to stop this 'game' of ours.” I said leaning against the wall.

“But this is the first one that's been hit home.”

“Well besides the fact that she's been through about two-thirds of the deck. I can see why.” I said with a shrug. That got Luna to snap her look directly at me instead of the floor.

“Two thirds in less than an hour?” She said in shock.

“Eeyup, ”I said with a smirk.

“Please put in end to this. Forfeit or something, please!” Luna begged giving me those puppy dog eyes.

“No,” I said rather coldly.

“Why?” She asked now trying to play my game.

“The stakes are too high for me to lose,” I said with my arm crossed.

“What do you mean too high?” She asked.

“Don't play dumb Luna, you know the stakes. If I lost, I would be nothing more then Celestia's puppet.” That last part I growled out.

“My sister would never do that-”

“I'm not that stupid,” I said interrupting her. “I know that game far better than anyone as I've been played as the puppet before. To be used and tossed till I need to be used again. All for her little Status Quo.” I know my temper was starting to flare, mostly at the memories tied to this.

“But my sister wouldn't do that to you!” She tried to defend.

“Then why make that the stakes if she wins?” That got her to stop for a moment and really think about it. “Because remember, all I asked was a favor to call in as well as a week being bipedal. Nothing big, for the long run.”

“But you could as for anything.” She countered.

“True, but remember. I don't want power, I'm not the same as Blueblood or the other 'nobles' of Canterlot. Those who would love nothing more to lord their status above anypony as they saw underneath them.” That's got her to really think it over.

“You make a point...” She said thinking as I watched her bit her bottom lip. “Then I want you to do the same to me.”

“Come again?” I asked a little confused.

“I want you to do the same thing you plan to do to Celestia, to me.” She asked.


“Because then my sister doesn't have to though it alone, and I want to know how it is to really be bipedal.” She said staring directly at me.

“Are you sure?” I asked as my claws cracked a little as I felt my right prosthetic.

“Yes.” She said with a nod looking a little proud.

“Alright, but I warn you. It's a little hard to get used to.” I continued as I reached for the magic. She nodded and watched as the Infinity Torch appeared floating above my hand. That got her eyes to widen and look up at me. “This stays between us.”

“How long have you been able to do that?” She asked.

“Since a few days after waking up from the tunnel collapse,” I said as some of the fire began to float out of the top of the torch and into my arm as I could feel the magic wash through me. In a few seconds, I snapped my prosthetic claws and before stood a bipedal, anthropomorphic alicorn mare. Her wings were bigger than mine, but not by much. She also stood a hair smaller then I did, with her horn close to my eye level. She had a pair of long black pants, closer to pajama pants but not long enough to cover her hooves. She also had a light blue short sleeve shirt a few shades lighter than her normal coat color with a large white crescent moon upon the front. Speaking about the front, it looks like in this form she had an E cup breasts that was smaller than her darker counterpart. It took her a few moments to blink a few times to get the flash of magic out of her eyes as she brought up her hands and began to wipe them out. That was followed by her noticing she had hands. Something that got her to jump.

One thing about going from pony to anthropomorphic is that you don't have the extra legs to land on. In this case, caused her to suddenly shift back because her wings flapped out. Using my magic I was able to catch her before she fell over. This got her to overcorrect and fall forward against me. Which I wasn't quite ready for and we both landed on the ground. Her on top of me.

“This is going to take a bit getting use too.” She said looking a little bit in a daze. I, however, was trying to avert my gaze. Mostly because of the cleavage she was showing off and the fact that her breasts where pressed into my chest. “Something wrong?”

“Ah... nothing of note... Why?” I said trying to help her up magically as I slowly slide out from under her.

“You're not looking at me... is this form displeasing?” She asked sounding worried.

“Not really... it's more... the opposite.” I answer as I finally get back onto my hooves and dust myself off.

“Oh? How does this form please you?” She asked taking a careful step.

“Well... it's very much close to those of my old race. So the old likes and dislikes are still ingrained in my head.” I said with a light awkward chuckle trying not to be dragged into the trappings.

“Oh?” She said almost with a purr. Oh, no she caught it. “Maybe I should take advantage of this.” She said taking a few more steps as I think she finally got a feeling for it. Before she was only about a foot away. “I may have to have you teach me the spell.”

“And why's that?” I asked taking a small step back.

“Oh... nothing special.” She said getting closer again. “But I am trying to woo you and Twilight Sparkle.” After she said that I saw the glint in her eye and the grin on her face. Oh, no... Just... Oh, no.

“You are fucked.” Shadow said directly to me.

“That's the idea.” Luna chimed in, as it seems she heard him.

“And how do you plan to do that?” I asked as I was now pinned against the door on a little edge.

“Oh, if your just like any Stallion, then I have a few ideas.” She said before she slowly turned in a very alluring way and walked back towards the fireplace. Now, this would be the point where she would probably try to draw me into a very romantic mood, and get my approval for the herd.

However... something or I should say someone decided that wasn't going to happen. How? Well... by blasting the door to my room wide open. The same doors that I was before it happened were pressed against trying to keep my head on straight and not do something stupid. Which sent me flying into the middle of the room, course after being about the third time it's happened. The first time was with a very angry Twilight and the second by Dash. You learn to catch yourself rather fast. In this case, I used my wings to catch myself in the air as my ears were bombarded by the shouts of.

“This has gone on long enough Storm!” Said a very angry and neon pink Princess Celestia who's mane at the time was a raging inferno that would put mine to shame if I was in my normal drony form. “I've put up with being red, blue, purple, and many other colors in front of many of the ponies during Day Court. But for you to have Silver Take deliver my favorite tea in my favorite cup. Just to have it dye me bright pink. Not counting that other places I have 'found' these cards so rapidly. The only thing I can...” That's when she looked past me as I had landed and my wings folded up enough to see how her sister looked behind me. I don't know what scared me more. The first look of anger, or the second when she was radiating heat and it looked like her eyes had turned red. “You dared...” She growled as her horn began to glow brightly.

I had maybe a split second to jump out of the way as Celestia blasted me and took a large chunk out of the wall separating the bathroom from the rest of the room. Besides that there wasn't any rubble left it was just like a clean sphere of the magic chunk was just missing from the spot was enough to tell me she had murder in her eyes. “Fuck this,” I said as I dove out for the balcony as Celestia fired a second round doing the same to the floor. With a leap, I cleared the balcony door and the railing as the third shot obliterated the whole balcony like a giant monster had taken a huge bite out of it. Not sticking around to have the raging sun find me. I had Shadow allow me to use his trick and shadow step somewhere safe.

I hope...

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 48 - Limit Broke

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Well, I wasn't expecting this outcome, well... sort of. To be honest, I had expected Celestia to snap at some point at me. More yelling and not murderous intent as of right now. After shadow stepping, I found myself down in the crystal caverns that Twilight had told me about when she was teleported away from the wedding. Lucky for me, this gave me something to work with. So using some of the time, I made myself makeshift shields and a few crystal throwing daggers.

That's when I heard the sound of someone teleporting in. Without even taking the moment, I go behind the closest crystal that I could keep low. Using the reflection from one of the newly made daggers. I saw it was the angry Celestia who ported in. Oh fuck me running, she was going to find me. Shadow grabbed one of the daggers and shot past Celestia by going from shadow to shadow and suddenly threw it further away from us. She sharply turned and fired that direction. The explosion lit up the cavern and almost blinded me like a flashbang.

This is bad... after using the extra magic to turn Luna bipedal, it really drained a lot out of me. Even if I did re-summon the torch, it would leave Celestia directly to me. Damn it Storm think... wait. Picking up both of my shields, I began to curl up keeping them close till I could feel Celestia walk away. Which felt like it took hours but I'm only sure it was a few minutes. Once the light from her mane faded away, I began to slide out and head away from the faint lights. As I walked down the path, I saw quite a few blasted crystals. Even a large out cove as my mind began to click. This was where Twilight found Cadence during the wedding. This means, if my nightmare was true all I had to do was head further past and I will find the spiral track that leads me to Starswirl's lab.

Taking a chunk of crystal, I began to chew on it. Granted that it wasn't as flavorful as a full gem, but it was filling enough for me as I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast. It's useful since I can cause the crystals to grow rapidly. So bland or not, at least I won't grow hungry. It wasn't long till I arrived at the track spiral. Which looked a lot sturdier in my nightmare then it does here. Even so... I know I was going to have to traverse. With my wings spread I began to hop from rail to rail as I went closer down to the center.

“Storm.” Said a very sing-song voice of Celestia as I began to turn my head behind me as I saw her grinning darkly.

“Oh fuck me running,” I said as I pulled my wings in and suddenly drop like a rock to avoid a ball of magic from the Murder Princess. That was followed by my wings snapping back open to catch my fall before I grabbed the under support to the rails. Seriously, what's got Celestia to suddenly have a murder boner for me. Before she could fly over and go after me. I decided to jump down from support to support until I finally found purchase on the ground. Then I took a full sprint before jumping down the rest of the way until I found my way to the old sewer system.

If memory serves me, Celestia had these decommissioned when the newest ones were built for the larger city came into being. It made me wonder how much of the nightmare was created off of real life. Course I didn't have much time to think, because I did have a princess on my ass. With that thought back in my head, I began to dash down the sewer making random turns. Mostly in case, I was still being followed. That was till I found myself at a dead end. Oh, this is not my day... at all.

“Got you.” That got me to freeze up before turning around to see Celestia with her horn glowing almost blindingly. “I'm done with these games.”

“What is your problem?” I growled as I kept my shields at the ready.

“You...” She said between heavy breaths. The more I looked the more I can see that she's burning herself out at both heads. Was I really stressing her out that much? Before I could say something she fired another ball of magic at me. Using one of my knives hidden in my hand behind the shields. It connected with the ball and it was enough to cause the ball to explode between the two of us. So, that's how the spell works, it only blasts upon contact with something. That's good to know. Looking down at the hole made, I saw more caverns below. “I know what you used.” My gaze snapped back up to her before sending another ball of energy. Using another dagger to deflect the blast.

“Enough of this Celestia. Seriously what the fuck is your problem? Is winning mean that much to you that you're willing to kill your student's fiance.” That's got her to faultier enough as her eyes turned back before I took the chance to come closer. “Did you even ask your sister what happened after I jumped off the balcony?”

“Ah... No...” She said stepping back.

“So let me guess. You just assumed I did something wicked to your sister because I make her look different?” I stepped closer, as I was not starting to really get pissed off.

“I... may have...” She said continuing to step back as I used my wings to jump over the whole.

“Then you decided to chase me to try and kill me just because you couldn't take the time to find out what happened? All because of what?” I said getting right into her face as it was my turn for my hair to be engulfed in flames. Unlike Celestia's who has turned back to normal now, mine was turning black causing the room to freeze. “Because you were a little stressed at a game, that you demanded that I play.” she just stared at me before turning her gaze away. “You know what, I'm done,” I said dropping my shields, my daggers, and the only thing left was the hunk of crystal I keep on me as I walked past her.

“Storm I-”

“No.” I interrupted as continued past her.


“No,” I said as I summoned the torch in front of me and drew in enough magic. With my mane like it was, the normal bright rainbow glow didn't even engulf the room like normal. It was barely even noticeable before me, so there was no way for Celestia to see it.

“Please let-” Was all she got out before I snapped my fingers and with that teleported away. I found myself outside of Canterlot on the rail tracks with my bag again. From there I jumped off and began to glide towards Ponyville as I wanted nothing to do with the place. Even the hour it took me to fly glide back didn't quench my anger one bit. So instead of going straight home, I went and landed in a cloud high enough above the town. The only one I knew would ever find me was Rainbow but she's probably lying about in a cloud herself.

Fluttershy wouldn't fly this high unless it was for one of her animals, and Twilight was still learning how to fly. That and most of the other pegasi don't fly up here unless they are on the way to Cloudsdale when it's on the route. So I sat down and laid back as I tried to come down. Something I didn't quite take into account was I rapidly cooled down the cloud making it suddenly turn into a snow cloud. The only reason I found that out was when the cyan blur decides to descend upon the cloud. Well... not directly, she decided to fly around till she found me laying on the cloud. It seems that my tail was poking out the bottom as she came to check to see if it was really me or Discord playing trying.

“I thought you were up in Canterlot?” Dash said hovering over me.

“I was.” Was all I said as I used my magic to bring over another cloud for her. She took it and sat down.

“When did you get back?”

“Not too long ago.”

“Why are you up here? I thought you were afraid of heights.”

“I am, but my mind is elsewhere so it doesn't matter,” I said turning to look up at the sky.

“Okay... so what happened?” She asked eyeing me.

“What makes you think something happened?”

“Besides the fact that your mane is black fire, the cloud your on is snowing under you.” She said pointing with her hoof. I turned over to that it was indeed snowing under me.

“So it is,” I said as I went back to laying down. “But what does it matter?”

“Dude, seriously if something is bothering you. I want to help out.” She said floating over on her cloud and began to poke me.

“Look, Dash, there is something that no one can really deal with but me. But if you want to help. Do you mind dropping off a message for me to Nightling in Canterlot?” I said sitting up and conjuring myself a quill and parchment. It didn't talk long to scribble out a note for Nightling and Lily to return with the new guards.

“No problem, I will be there and back in a snap.” She said with a smirk as I handed her the scroll. She took it in her mouth and flew off with a loud whoosh. With that, I laid back down taking a few deep breaths. Seriously, why does my life have to be this screwed up? It was supposed to be a harmless game, but it had to be blown out of proportion because Celestia couldn't get out of her own head. This was just getting frustrating to deal with, I think at this point I'm just done dealing with her. It would be irreconcilable of me to avoid Canterlot completely. But... the Castle is now out of the question... mostly because not it's official, I can't trust Celestia.

“Oh... um... hi Storm.” I leaned my head back and saw Fluttershy floating looking at me.

“I take it, it's still snowing?” I asked leaning overseeing that it wasn't snowing.

“N... no. It's just... I saw you all the way up here and I got worried.” She said and with that, I scooted over and patted the cloud next to me. She took the hint and landed next to me.

“So, what's up?” I asked as I stretched my legs out so they hang over the side a bit.

“Well... it's just... I saw the look on your face. Like something was really bothering you, and I wanted to help. If you don't mind.” Fluttershy said from behind her mane.

“It's nothing important right now. Just... a lot on my mind.”

“I... I won't pretend to understand. Especially with all the weight on your shoulder. But... your not alone in all this. You have all of use to help carry some of the burdens along with you.” She said to give me a warmhearted smile.

“I know I have the support of all of you. That you girls want to try and help carry the weight of each other. I know Twilight worries because of all that's happened and I get the feeling Spike is right in the same boat for another reason. But even now, there is this level of separation between everyone and me. Even Discord can't really understand how it feels.” I said holding out my right claw as the metal clacked together as I flex them. That was followed by my left hand joining it as I interlaced the two.

“What do you mean?” She asked eyeing me.

“Well... how did you feel when you were suddenly thrown into the limelight for being an element bearer?” I asked.

“It was scary, that now my quiet little life changed into something more... public. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to take care of my animals.” She said shifting a little on the cloud.

“Well... it's sort of like that, but with the added weight that my choices carry. I mean with a flick of a word, make things better or make things worse. Then I have to make sure I keep myself in check for the public eye.” I felt Fluttershy's hoof against my shoulder.

“It's not fair to you.”

“I know Fluttershy, and Twilight is going to be right there in it. But it's just... I'm so tired of it all.” Slowly crossing my legs as I leaned back gently. “Tired of being up on a pedestal with enemies all around.”

“It's not really that bad... is it?” Fluttershy asked looking at me worriedly. I remained silent as all I could think about was that Celestia and I were now enemies, not in the direct sense anymore, but we won't see eye to eye. Even with over a thousand years of experiences and she still jumps to conclusions without checking the facts.

“I'll talk to you later Fluttershy, I'm going to go for a fly to clear my head some,” I said as I slipped off the cloud and used my wings to hover a bit. “We'll have to talk again soon.” With a smile, I turned and flew off towards the everfree forest. Namely to the castle within the woods, since it's easily spotted from the sky. It didn't take me long to get there and entered to find a destroyed pedestal, that once housed the elements. Slowly walking up to it, I began to spread my sense around and it confirmed a thought I had. Grabbing the base of it, I began casing a strength enchantment to move the base to show a hidden set of stairs under it.

“Well that's unsettling,” Shadow said as I summoned a ball of light that hovered over my head by good food. Slowly descending into the stairwell, I had noticed a few differences from the nightmare and real life. Mostly in the color of the stone which in this case was more like chiseled marble with black tiled flooring.

“How many secrets does this place have?” I said before reaching into my bag and pulling out my tablet. With a few swipes I began to take photos, so I can layer them into one large image later. That's when I noticed something to kick this into something bigger. Towards the end of the hall which leads into another room was a few carving of what looked like a sword in some kind of aura.

“You don't think that's what I think you're thinking it is?”

“It's very possible,” I said gently putting my left claw on it. I turned and looked into the new room and it was definitely not the arena like the nightmare. While that room was massive, this one was relatively big almost as big as the throne room. Just lacking the ornate nature like the one in Canterlot. It still had the white walls that were cleared with only handles that hold up something. Even the thrones were different. Besides the fact that there were two of them. Both of them were made out of black stone and large enough for a being of my size. With each set, a light clack was heard as my hoof struck the stone that echoed throughout the room. “I doubt both of them would have a hidden throne just sitting under the castle like this.”

“Maybe it isn't theirs.” Shadow countered.

“It's more than likely, but just something doesn't feel right. First was the script and now a second throne room. Something is not sitting right.” I commented as I turned and decided to sit in one of the thrones. Nothing happened, and I wasn't sure if I had expected something to happen. Maybe it was just my jadedness after absorbing too much fantasy and science fiction that made me expect something to happen. “What am I going to do?” My mind had finally decided to jump back to what was really bothering me.

“She dug her own grave with that one,” Shadow said before coming out of my shadow to look at me directly in my face.

“I know, but Twilight's not going to like what happened.”

“And Twilight will understand. She knows you don't do stuff without a reason, and to be honest. You know as much as I, that Celestia needs to be knocked off that pedestal. Especially in her eyes.” Shadow said getting right up in Storm's face.

“I suppose your right,” I said getting back up. “You know how odd it is getting a pep talk from yourself?”

“Well, we are an odd pair,” Shadow said and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at that.

“That's true.”

“But I think we should keep some distance between Celestia, her guards and us.”

“At least outside of official business,” I said as I began to move back towards the hallway. It didn't take me long to get back into the main castle before I noticed it was night time. My guards should be back by now, and instead of having them panicking that I'm missing in action. With a flap of my wings, I flew up to the clouds above the Everfree forest and walked, jump, and glided my way back to the main streets of Ponyville. I watched a few ponies going around lighting up the lanterns throughout the streets magically. Which left the town to have this peaceful nighttime air to it. Which helped my already stressed mind relax a bit. Not by much, but it was enough to help me keep going without a mental breakdown.

That was short-lived as outside the library was the royal chariot of the royal sisters. The only thing that helps me be at ease was that it was the nightguards that were stationed by it. Slowly walking up, I opened the door after ducking under the from to see both bipedal royal princesses standing in the main lobby. That got me annoyed since this was not a headache I wanted to deal with at the moment. Especially after seeing the changes in Celestia's body compared to her sisters. As she also had a very womanly body and a larger bosom almost by a full letter size. Not even counting the fact that she was at least half to a full foot taller than me. She was wearing a full draping white dress with golden trim.

“What do you want?” I said very bluntly.

“Storm!” Twilight said rushing over to me. “This is the prin-”

“I know who they really are.” I bluntly said not taking my eyes off of Celestia. “But my question was directed directly to her.” I continued before I growled the word “Princess.” Luna looked worried as she turned her gaze back and forth between the two of us.

“How did you know?”

“Who do you think did this?” I said very bluntly.

“You did this?!” Twilight yelled in surprise.

“Yes, but that doesn't change my question,” I said almost growling at the princess.

“I wanted to apologize for my-” She began to say.

“Not accepted.” I bluntly said cutting her off.


“Twilight, knock it off.” I angrily said that caused her to back up. “I'm not accepting any apology from you, Princess Celestia.” I continued using her title. “Especially after what you almost did. For a ruler of Equestria, you let your emotions get in the way. Especially when you've gotten on me because I decided to play the political game my way.”

“I know.” She said as her head lowered. Twilight looked back and forth between the two of us. I know at this point my mane was glowing white with how angry I was with the regent of the sun. “I shouldn't have attacked you like that.”

“You think?” I snapped back.

“Wait attacked?!” Twilight yelled in surprise snapping her gaze to her mentor.

“Shamefully, I have to admit. I did attack Firestorm after I very stressful misunderstood. I had thought he may have been taken over again and was using chaos magic to corrupt my sister.” Hearing the reason from her own mouth did not help my anger, in fact, it got worse as my blazing white mane began to turn pure black and suck in all of the heat. To the point that everyone there could see their breath.

“Why would you think that?” Twilight asked taking a step closer to the princess.

“It was because of a bet between us that had gotten out of hoof.”

“A bet?”

“Storm and my sister was playing a game where Storm hid cards that would dye her fur if it was touched with magic. After only two hours she had gone through two-thirds of the number of cards with her having triggered them.” Luna answered the floating question.

“That was forty cards!” Twilight said looking in disbelief at her mentor.

“I wanted to have him stop this game, but which I will admit my mind came up with the worse conclusions to this game. What was worse was when I saw that Storm had changed how Luna looked into something closer to him. After it was part of the bet that I would suffer that fate. I may have let-”

“You had. Don't fucking lie.” I interrupted preventing her bullshit.

“I had snapped and let the stress get the better of me. I had attacked Storm magically.” She said not meeting Twilight's or I's gaze.

“But you should know Storm isn't even up to his full strength magically. That was... cruel of you to attack him in a way he couldn't fully defend against.” Twilight said now getting angry.

“I know, and as one of the rulers of Equestria. I am sorry for what I did.”

“And as a pony?” Twilight asked beating me to the punch.

“I regret it.” She said almost crying.

“Do you regret doing it or the fact that you didn't finish the job?” I growled as my right claw began to creak from the strain I was putting into my metallic fist.

“I regret everything, that I let my anger and the stress to get to me. I'm willing to accept any punishment either one of you wants to give me.” She said getting onto her knees and bowed her head.

“Why should I?” Is all I asked.

“What?” She asked looking up at me.

“Why should I punish you? That would be the easy way out for you and still having to make up for all of the other mistakes you made.” I continued before shaking my head. “That would be letting you off with a warning and you will have to make up for this in the right way.”

“How do I do that?” She asked.

“Figure it out, until then. The only time we will speak is 'only' official business. That means, I will only visit the castle when I need to do something officially, and your guards aren't allowed around me unless it's official business. Do I make myself clear?” I said with a stone-cold edge tone to my voice.

“I understand Storm.”

“That's either Prince or Mr. Firestorm from now on, Princess Celestia.” I pointedly stated and that got her to look scared at me. Before she lowered her head with a nod.

“I understand Mr. Firestorm.” She said turning to look at Twilight who looked like she was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I know this wasn't fair to her, being stuck between a fight with her mentor she knew as a filly as well as the ruler of Equestria, and her soon to be husband.

“Sister, I think it would be best if you returned to Canterlot,” Luna said looking worried as she was observing my attitude in all this.

“I believe your right,” Celestia said getting up. “I will see you at home.” With that, she went to the door.

“Princess Celestia,” I said, having not taken my eyes off her.

“Yes, Mr. Firestorm?” She asked facing me.

“Just so you know, if I was going to go for your crown. Those cards would have been lethal in more than one ways.” That got her to shake from that as both Luna and Twilight's gaze snapped at me both of them in surprise, then back at the regent of the sun who looks shaken to her core as she left. There were a few moments of silence after she left and we saw through the window as the chariot was pulled away towards the capital. In that time, I sat down in one of the chairs with Twilight in the one next to me.

“Was that necessary?” Luna asked not in anger but worry.

“Yes.” I bluntly stated still seething in rage.

“What did you mean by 'go for her crown'?” Twilight asked and I looked to Luna.

“What he meant was that, after the Princess Summit. My sister had asked him to try and go for the throne after she had talked to him shortly after you got back from the other world. He turned it down and instead of going with this 'game' of theirs so there wasn't any harm. It looks like this backfired rather harshly for my sister.” She answered.

“But why?”

“She had come to worry that Storm may want to go for the throne of Equestria meaning that he would have to go through both her and I.”

“That's crazy! Storm wouldn't do anything like that.”

“I know, he wasn't one for power.” She said folding her arms under her bosom. “And I still think that's the case. But my sister had it in her head that he was just another villain waiting to happen after a lot of her skeletons were dragged to light by him.”

“There is a difference between what one thinks and what one does,” I said with a sigh before running my claws through my mane before pulling it back as there is a bit of frost on it. I watched the room get some of its light back as my mane dropped back into place. “I'm just tired of this game.”

“Game?” Both Twilight and Luna asked.

“Just... “ I began as I rubbed over my eyes and down over my mouth for a moment. “I'm just tired of playing this double standard game with her.” Slowly dragging out my phone and pulling up the images from the little hallway. With a snap, copies of them appears in eight by eleven sheets appeared in front of me that I grabbed. “Especially when I have more important things to worry about.” Then I tossed them on the table before me.

“What are those?” Twilight asked picking up a few in her magic while Luna got the rest in hers.

“These are carvings under the statue that housed the Elements of harmony, in the old castle,” I said snapping myself up another copy of one photo in particular.

“Wait, under the stature? How did you move something so huge?” Twilight asked surprised.

“I am part Earth Drony,” I commented with a smirk.

“True, but not every Earth Pony can move something that massive and so far the only one that I've seen pull something that close was Big Mac dragging a house.”

“I'm honestly not surprised by how big he is,” I commented. “But I used the strength enchantment to be able to move it completely.”

“But with your limited magic, you shouldn't have had the power to even cast it,” Twilight asked before I hold up my left hand and in a flash of prismatic magic, The Infinity Torch appeared.

“I've been using it very sparingly only when I needed it. So far today, I've used it twice. One to change Luna into this form. The second time was just after the Celestia chase. I'm pretty low on magic at the moment after that.” I said as a few drops of blood came out of my nostrils and dripped onto the photo in my other hand.

“When did you figure that out?” Twilight asked rubbing her temple with her hoof.

“A few days after waking up from the tunnel collapse,” I answered as I took enough to get my nose to stop bleeding before making it disappear. “So far, I've used it maybe three times. But regardless, this is much more important.” I answered holding up the photo to show the carving of the sword that looked like the Sword of Magic the last artifact of harmony.

“Is that what I think it is?” Twilight asking pulling the photo over to her.

“I believe so Twilight Sparkle,” Luna commented leaning over her to look at it. “But why is there a carving of it there of all places?”

“My guess was that there were ruins there well before the castle was there. But was buried over time so they didn't notice it when they built the castle on top of it.” I said leaning back shaking off the sudden headache that was trying to set itself in. “But the problem right now is I need to sit and translate this wall.” Moving the photos so all of the walls were visible as I had taken a lot of photos making sure that I could line them up to keep it a solid image.

“That is a possibility, but I don't think that's the case,” Luna commented as we both look at her.

“Well, the artifacts of harmony disappeared shortly after the events with the Dark One. Which the castle wasn't even a thing at that point. But by the look of these images, these aren't older than the castle.” Luna says as I took a better look at the image. Then's when used the photos and enlarge them.

“These look like they were magically molded to the shape,” I said having to notice that there wasn't any scraping or chipping on the stone. Something I was familiar with as I had used it quite a few times. Since the hallway wasn't wet or at least damp, I could rule out eroding. So it had to be magically made, the problem with that is figuring out when it happened.

“It surprises me anyone knows Old Ponish.” Luna tacked ongoing over the images.

“Wait... Old Ponish? By any chance do we have a translating guide for it?” I said turning to Twilight.

“We might let me go see,” Twilight said heading back upstairs while I leaned back in my chair again lost in thought for what felt like hours, but was probably twenty minutes at most. Before I was talked to again.

“Do you think you'll ever forgive my sister?” Luna asked as I lifted my head from the back of the chair.

“I don't know, I really don't. She attacked and was out to kill. That's something very hard to forgive.”

“She forgave me for it.”

“After a thousand years, and it wasn't you directly. Just Nightmare Moon using your body.” I said with a frown. “And remember, I'm not from here and I have a different set of morals I play by. While I would like to think I wasn't an eye for an eye. I'm not foolish enough to know that I can stand by it.”

“Does that mean your-” She began to question.

“No, I'm not going to attack her. But that also means I'm not going to forgive her. At least not anytime soon. So let's drop the subject.” I said going through the photos again and tried to decode it myself. That's when I noticed a word popping up. “Egg?”

“Egg?” Luna asked looking confused.

“Yeah, the word 'egg' keeps showing up over and over again.”

“It could be referring to the gem and stone egg from the pedestal,” Shadow said coming out from the shadow of my wing.

“Wait, when was this?” I asked completely confused.

“It... was after the Nightmare Moon incident,” Luna answered looking awkwardly.

“Why am I just hearing about this now?” I asked annoyed.

“To be honest, I had forgotten about it in loo of trying to find her. But... didn't you say he was going to need it to find the Artifact of Magic?”

“I did,” Shadow said smirking.

“When were you going to tell me this?” I shot at Shadow looking annoyed. “On top of that how the fuck did you even know, I was going to need that egg thing.”

“Oh, that's easy, when I was 'working' with Grimwand. I got a chance to go through his old books and it had mentioned something about an egg-shaped keystone. So I figured it was important enough to keep away from him.” Shadow said with a smirk.

“And the ties to the Artifact?”

“Just... something about it jumped out at me, that felt needed. Especially after finding the Artifact of Honesty.”

“So, let me get this straight. You found out information about a possible lead to an artifact of harmony and you've had found said 'keystone' while in control. Why didn't you tell me after I had woken up?” I asked now quite annoyed.

“Forgot.” He said with a shrug.

“I hate you.” I shot back with a flat look.

“I love you too, brother.” He said grinning before nuzzling into my cheek.

“Well, now we know where some of my snark went too,” I said rubbing my face annoyingly. That's when I noticed Luna coming over and sat on the arm of the chair.

“Storm” Luna said putting her hand on my shoulder.

“You know you've been in that form for a few hours, and yet you've picked up a lot of human mannerisms,” I commented noticing how natural she started to act in that form.

“Well, I've seen how you act.” She said, “And I sort of... copied them.”

“Give it time,” I said with a smile. “You'll get use to it... well until the week is over.”

“Maybe we can do this again. After everything is said and done.” She said smirking before she began to play with my mane.

“Time will tell... Time will tell.” I said with a sigh.

“You sure you don't want her in the herd?” Twilight asked causing both of us to jump. Unfortunately for Luna, she wasn't ready for the sudden jolt which caused her to fall into my lap with her rather soft rump. That caused me to have a bit of sharp pain, namely in my crotch that Luna suddenly landed on it.

“Storm?” Luna asked turning towards me after hearing me suck in air through my teeth. All I could do was whimper a little at the pain. “Are you alright?”

“No...” I groaned as Luna finally got up as my hands decided to descend upon the spot. “Why there?” I asked more to myself. Then both tried to help but I used my claw to hold up a finger and after the pain feel away. “Fuck you universe, you jerk.” Slowly standing up I took a much-needed breath.

“I'm so sorry Storm, are you going to be okay?” Luna tried to apologize.

“Yeah, just give me a moment,” I said leaning against the wall. “Granted, not the worst one but still... ouch.”

“What was the worst one?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Applejack from the other world,” I said remembering getting bucked by those legs in Max's body, fucking hell did that one hurt. Bad enough that I was taken to a hospital for it. “But back to the point, before the blow to my stallionhood. Let me ask this, why are the two of you so... gun-ho about a herd?” They both looked at me questioningly like I just said the dumbest question in the world. “Don't get me wrong, I'm not against it. But it's just I get why Luna is for it.” Walking across the side of the room. “What I don't understand you Twilight.”

“It's just... I've never had somepony fall for me let alone two... I just don't want to hurt any pony's feelings.” She said looking ashamed.

“Are you forcing yourself into this?” I asked worriedly.

“No...” She said a little hesitantly. Both Luna and I looked at each other.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Luna piped up and walked over. “Tell me the truth, does it really bother you that I find both of you attractive?”

“N-no...” Twilight answered as her left ear flops a little, and I could tell that little tick was a sign of her being a little nervous.

“I know ways of making you talk Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said grinning.

“Correction, we have ways of making you talk, Twilight Sparkle,” I said as my fingers began to wiggle.

“That's not fair, you both are bipedal!” Twilight whined, which was short-lived as I snapped my fingers and Twilight too joined the bipedal club. At a cost of my extra magic, I got from the torch but, it was well worth the headache setting in. She eep'd at the sudden change as I rushed over and picked her up. After flipping her over my shoulder, I began to climb the stairs with her. “Storm let me go!” She screamed as Luna trailed shortly behind. Course out of the three of us, I didn't bother giving Twilight clothes as not to be overly changing her. That didn't stop her from pounding my back to get me to put her down, without stopping to realize she was anthropomorphic just like Luna.

“This is going to be fun,” Luna said grinning behind me as we entered the loft.


It had been several hours since I had left Luna and Twilight in the loft, to have some fun. Well... sort of at the very least. It seems that Twilight and Luna talked me into a 'trial run' of sorts. Let's just say, I was not expecting how my second life has gone so far. Can't say that I could complain about some of it. Okay, maybe I can complain about some of it. Especially the parts where I've damn near died, but that comes with living. Right now I've spent that last ten minutes hard translating the book from old ponish, and dear god I thought decoding English was a nightmare. This was closer to decoding Japanese for the first time, as some of their words have more than one meaning. Regardless, I have a few lines decoded and let's say it's a complete mess. I have it written all over the lab on boards, sheets, and even using the computer to try and speed it up. Sadly, the hardware is not fast enough to my liking to get the job done fast enough. God, this must be how Twilight feels when she tries to understand how Pinkie works. It's fucking maddening to look at.

So far I got out of it was that I needed my hand on the egg and to speak a spell. One that I haven't found yet, and it's supposed to take me to the world with the sword. Which left me to wonder if this meant closer to a pocket dimension or something closer to universe hopping as I did with Max. Then it begs the question that if it's the latter, will I have a way back? I mean I have the plans still that was sketched in Max's journal which I had gotten to read the few passages that were written in it. Course if I had to use that, there is no way to be sure I would have everything.

“God this is fucking annoying,” I said running my claws through my mane. “No it can't be just 'Magic' and it's done.”

“Course, nothing is ever that easy,” Shadow said as he appeared out of my shadow looking just like my equine form.

“Fucking tell me about it,” I growled. “Seriously, all this for a fucking sword.”

“Magical Sword.”

“I know!” I said standing up and pacing about the room. “I mean look at it. The Infinity Torch was under the Crystal Empire in this world, Canterlot had the Bands of Generosity. Still in this world.”

“Grimwand had Honesty's Mask.”

“In this world.” I pointed out.

“How did we get the Pendent of Laughter?” Shadow asked looking at me as I returned his gaze trying to figure it out. Before we both snapped our fingers and pointed at each other.

“Dreamscape battle with Grimwand.” We both said at the same time.

“In this world-ish,” I said.

“Saddle Arabia had the Cape of Kindness.”

“In this world,” I said quietly. “So out of all of these, why is the sword the only one not in this world?” I think finally asking the important question that's been wailing at me for a while now.

“Well from what I've seen some of these ponies like to offload their problems on other worlds. I mean look at Sunset. She went to another world because of the pressure. Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon. Hell Starswirl threw creature after creature into other worlds. Why not a large magical sword?”

“But why though? I mean out of that list, the sword is the one that doesn't make sense. It's a tool to be used to save Equestria.” I asked slamming my palms onto the table. “It doesn't add up.”

“What if he did it because of Sombra?” That gave me pause.

“Was Starswirl around during that time?” I asked.

“Had to be, it was a little over a thousand years ago that the Crystal Empire was banished and it's back. He was around for Nightmare Moon and she's back. So he had to be around during that time because he was Sunbutt's teacher after all.” Shadow said looking over the sheets on the table.

“Sunbutt. I'm going to have to remember that one.” I said with a smirk. “But, let's say it was because of Sombra. Was he afraid of him getting it with the Infinity Torch?” I asked summoning all of the Artifacts I was tied to so they hovered just a foot under the ceiling. “I mean he had unlimited magic.”

“At the cost of not regaining his own. Which I know you're already feeling since you drained from it three times now.” He was right, the downside of it was that I felt drained more than before after casting the spell on Twilight.

“I know, but each one of these comes with a drawback. The Torch makes it that you take longer to recover your own magic. The Bands give everyone in the area a magic boost indescribably meaning even foes get it.”

“The mask makes it that no one can lie around people and the wearer can't lie.”

“We don't know the side effects of Laughter or Kindness,” I said looking up at them.

“That's true,” Shadow said looking at them with me.

“What about those doors?” Shadow asked.


“In your dreams, you had gone through most of them. Kindness had that whole metal snake thing.” Shadow commented and I snapped my fingers remembering now.

“Your right and Loyalty had the whole flying out of body experience,” I said shaking my hand with the pointer out. “Then Honest was that whole trial. God the prosecutor being your own mother, that is nuts.”

“And to have the judge be a giant dragon mom and having a pony defendant is also your mother. Fuck we got screwed hard on that one.” Shadow said laughing.

“I know right? I just worry what the hell the magic door is going to be like.” I said running my hand through my mane.

“Can't be as bad as laughter, having to do stand up without being prepared,” Shadow said with a smirk.

“Oh haha, I couldn't use some of my A material from earth. Thank god I'm a better bard then I am a stand-up comedian.”

“Well, they are rather entertaining stores, especially the one about the painful pizza. That was fucking golden.” Shadow said with a smirk.

“Fuck, and there's no telling what would happen if you failed one of those fucking things. Seriously five doors, all in one shot. The fucking odds of that.” I said rubbing stretching my neck a little.

“Well, you have the strangest set of luck I've ever seen,” Shadow commented with an overplayed shrug.

“Just wish it was all the time, then I wouldn't have to deal with shit like this,” I said holding up the images I was transcribing. “Like seriously this place has magic and I can't wave it around and poof...” That's when an idea popped into my head and almost stupidly brilliant idea.

“What are you thinking?” Shadow said eyeing me like he knows something popped into my head.

“Something extremely stupid,” I said before rushing off to grab something from my safe. After grabbing the blacken prosthetic and slotting it in. I gave it a test snap as I dropped through the floor and found myself back into the basement. “Chaos magic gotta love it.”

“You sure that's a good idea?” Shadow said picking up the photos.

“Am I ever sure when I do something extremely stupid?” With a grin on my face. I picked up the forty-first edition guide to old ponish and then waved it through the images of the scripture. With a flash of light, the words flew up into the air before it flew right into my skull. That was followed by everything turning black... and a thump.


“You really are an idiot you know that right?” Shadow said looking down at me as I come too and it looks like I'm not in the basement anymore.

“Where the hell am... I'm in the kitchen. Okay, what happened?” I asked rubbing my forehead from the feeling of a thousand spikes being jammed into my frontal lobe.

“Well as you said, you did something stupid. I'm not sure what but it was something that laid your ass out flat. After that, I had to drag you up to the kitchen so I could get a better look at you. From what I can tell, you're fine bodily. But sadly...” He said letting hang in the air for a few moments.

“But sadly?”

“I can't find a count for your stupidity.” He said with a smirk before I reached over and slapped him on the back of the head.

“Not funny!” I growled. “Do you still have those photos?”

“Well... the backup ones. Makes sense now why you wanted them.” He said as they slide out of his hand.

“Okay, that is like two thirds creepy with a forth cool,” I said pointing at it.

“I know right?” Shadow said handing them over to me.

“Crystal touched where I must be, through the air, overland, and Sea. I tear a hole into the skies, so I can see this world with my eyes.” I began to read out loud.

“Holy shit...” He said with his mouth dropped. “You seriously know old ponish now?” He asked.

“Yeah... sort off. It's one of those I can read it if it's in front of me. But I can't remember any of it otherwise. Like a subconscious ability.”

“That's got to suck.”

“Right? I mean seriously it blows Twilight's mind if I suddenly walk in and boom, old ponish greeting.”

“She may have a mental meltdown. You heard the story of her trying to figure out Pinkie, think about how much she would try to get you to do it to her if she knew you could do that.” Shadow said and I had to take a moment with my finger up like I was about to say something.

“You make a good point... shit...” I said before grabbing the photos and the sheets of paper so I can finish my translation. “Well, at least now we have what we need. But that leaves a question.”

“What's that?”

“Are you coming with me or am I going alone?” I asked as I look over my prosthetic claws.

“Do you really think I'm going to leave your sorry ass alone in another world?” He asked as the blackened tint began to pull back to show the golden color my claws used to have to leave it so that just the claws themselves was their normal golden color but the rest of it remained black.

“Well, it wouldn't be my first time in another world.”

“True, luckily Vermom doesn't know dick about soul magic,” Shadow said before laughing. “Though I will admit that Max guy was odd.”

“Fucking tell me about it.” Using my claw I drew a circle in the air and put my hand through it as space there rippled as I pulled out Max's Journal.

“That's new.”

“It's a personal pocket in space I can have access to.”

“Well yeah, but you never did explain how you made it.”

“Remember the Tardis?”

“The one from that old British show?”

“That's the one.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out what looks like a small cube attached to a chain. “The spell itself expands the area within here.”

“Okay, and the hole in space?”

“Oh, that's just a little gate like a spell that I can reach into to put or grab something.” Just like before I reached in and pulled out one of my knives. “I use it to keep a few things hidden that come in handy to have. And with the chaotic magic, I don't have to worry too much about not having access to it.”

“Let me guess, it's protected from Mr. Saturday Morning Cartoon?” With a sharp pain in my right arm slide out of the sleeve and I tossed it into the portal.

“Even Celestia and Luna can't access it. No magic but my own can affect it.”

“How did you swing that one?”

“With Nullerite”

“Nullerite?” Shadow said looking confused.

“It's a special kind of stone that once processed blocks out any kind of magic but that of the one who processed it. Twilight had tried to break into the box one time when I said I hid her book in it.”

“Was that why you got sent out the window?” He said sounding curious.

“Yeah... she got a little... over-energetic trying to break into it,” I said rubbing the back of my head. God, I remember that day especially when she sent me flying over Sweet Apple Acres. “Twilight was a little nuts that day.”

“I heard that.” I heard Twilight said behind me causing me to whip around and all I saw was one of Shadow's Dragon heads coming out of the ground with a smirk.

“Okay, that was a dick move Shadow,” I said giving him the death glare. “When did you learn to mimic Twilight's voice?”

“I've been doing that for a while,” Shadow said before causing two dragon heads to snake out behind his back.

“Course they aren't the only ones I can mimic.” Said the left dragon head sounding like Celestia.

“But that's only the tip of the iceberg.” Said the right head sounding like Luna.

“I thought I did a good job, but you blow me right out of the water.” Slowly going over to the table I sat down as best I could in one of the chairs. “But all joking aside. We need to plan.”

“You know how well plans go with us,” Shadow said as the two extra heads disappeared into Shadow's back. “But I get what you're getting at. So what's the idea's on the table.”

“First I'm thinking about augmenting my prosthetic some more.”

“With what?”

“Chrysalis' horn” There was a few moments of silence between Shadow and I. He only stared at me with a mixture of a critical eye and a glare. As if everything decided to lay upon us like a heavy blanket.

“Why?” He asked and I only held up my right arm.

“Because it may be the only way I can feel whole.”

“You know you'll never be whole,” Shadow said leaning against the fridge eyeing me.

“You think I don't know that?” I said running my right claw through my hair. “After that spell you used. Any chance to reconstruct it disappeared and this was my only option.”

“You think I don't know that?”

“Oh, I know you know that. But you can change your appearance where you fit in. I don't really have that much of an option. Satyr or Drony, I always stand out. It's...” I simply sighed.

“You never really did get grow out of that introvert-ness did you?” He sighed too. “I get that you can act extroverted around everypony. Even when those girls like to drag your ass around.”

“Fucking tell me about it.” getting back into my seat. “Like Rarity, Dash, and Pinkie are like the biggest offenders there. Just Pinkie always wanting to do large parties or pesters me when I mainly chill in the corner.”

“Dash isn't much better. It seems she's been hunting my ass down when I decide to split off for a little bit.”

“When the fuck have you done that?” I asked not realizing it.

“I've been doing it off and on. I keep enough of me here just in case of an emergency. Enough that I can create a shadow weapon.” Shadow said before his shape morphed into a unicorn. Almost as big as big mac.

“Compensating for something?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Na, just thought I would try out a bigger build. Your form is too thin for my liking.”

“Please tell me you're not turning into those meat heads that use to beat me up in school.”

“Oh shut up. Unlike you, I prefer having the strength to do what needs to be done. Especially if Sun-ass tries to go on a murder mission.” That sent a chill down my spine.

“God that shit was scary.” Just thinking about someone hunting me like a wild animal like that. I don't know which was worse that horror of my nightmare trip with Grimwand or Celestia trying to kill me.

“That bitch is lucky I couldn't kill her,” Shadow said before taking a more centaur form.

“Please don't talk about my sister like that.” Shadow and I turned to see Princess Luna in the doorway wearing only one of the orange robes that I had Rarity make for me.

“And why not? That bitch decided to go gun-ho without seeing what was really going on.” Shadow countered.

“I'm not saying what she did was right. But I get where she was coming from. She had just got me back from Nightmare moon after being stuck on the moon for a thousand years. On top of that, having my form changed may have just been a tipping point. Since she's been worried that you two would take Equestria's throne from her.” Luna explained.

“She can't seriously think either one of us wants that mess?” I asked waving my hand a passing gesture.

“What one says and what one does are two different things. I mean you've unearthed a lot of Equestria's darkest secrets.” Luna countered.

“Only because I'm tired of being blindsided. Especially from you and her.”

“That is true, we have been rather unfair to you. As it's only been about a year since you arrived and you've had things thrust-ed upon you.”

“You think?” Both Shadow and I said at the same time looking annoyed.

“That and having ponies eavesdrop on use has not been the greatest either. Speaking of which, how long have you been standing there?” Shadow asked.

“Since a little after Storm woke up from some kind of magical mishap,” Luna answered.

“What tipped you off?” I asked.

“I felt a magical disturbance after Twilight had fallen asleep and I wanted to check,” Luna answered.

“Yeah, numbnuts over here decided to mix a translation spell with chaotic magic,” Shadow said thrusting his thumb at me.

“Admittedly with mix results. I can read Old Ponish but only while it's in front of me.” I explained.

“Then you figured out what that writing was on the wall?” Luna said coming into the kitchen more.

“Yeah, its a set of instructions to use the egg to hop into the same dimension as the last artifact of harmony,” I explained.

“Same dimension?”

“Starswirl decided that having the sword remain here was dangerous. So he decided to do the same thing as everything else dangerous and chuck the sucker into a different dimension. Just like he did with the Sirens.”

“Then when do you plan to-” Luna tried to ask.

“When I have my magic back at full without the infinity torch. Plus I plan to have back up magic. So probably within a few months.” I cut here off.

“Backup magic?” She asked curiously.

“Your talking about those Mana Batteries, aren't you?” Shadow asked curiously.

“Yeah, I've been playing around with the method and I found out that I can create the batteries in different shapes. While it's harder to focus on it. It does open up possibilities for me.” using my storage spell I reached in and pulled out a test tube tray but instead of test tubes in it. There were eight different solid Mana Batteries fully charged. “These are the test batch I was able to form. So far they have kept their charge the longest out of the other batch.”

“How do you pull the magic from them?” Luna asked as I pull one of the tubes out opened up a slot in my prosthetic before sliding it in.

“They were made with me in mind. After the whole Nightmare Moon ripping off my magic. I thought of having backup power. The problem with it is that after they are used.” I said holding up my arm. The glow from the rod disappeared and the once solid rod turned back into normal water and splashed out. “It loses all of their property so they are one-shot wonders.”

“So they are only good for a quick boost but worthless afterward?” Shadow asked.

“Yeah, Gem's are about the same as the only way they are useful is by eating them. While filling, it does pose the problem having to keep thousands of them on hand and having to force myself to eat when full could also be a problem.”

“I can see the problem,” Luna said before looking at me. “Why didn't you use that instead of using the torch from before?”

“I forgot about them to be honest. Just...” I sighed quietly. “By the way what was done with Chrysalis' horn?”

“More then likely the royal archmage has it for study, why?” She asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“I was wondering if I could get it or at least a large fragment of it.”

“Why?” She said almost defensively.

“Because I want to add it to my prosthetic.”

“Again, why?”

“He wants to be able to change his prosthetic so it looks like a normal limb.” Shadow cut to the chase.

“Then I think I can get you a piece of it later today.” She said as it more than likely was past midnight.

“Alright. Would you mind if I sent one of my guards with you to retrieve it?” I asked getting up with a yawn.

“That's fine.”

“Good. I think I'm going to go lay down. This dragon has been up too long and he needs his sleep.” With that, I headed up to the loft to see a sprawled out Twilight Sparkle on top of a very messy bed. “What the hell did I miss?” I asked before saying screw it and slide in as best I could. As soon as Twilight felt someone there she latched on to me as if I was a lifeline or a stuffed bear... to be honest... not half bad.


“And why am I going again?” I asked Dash after she had dragged my flank out of bed. Miss Prismatic Missile decided that I needed to go on a fly with her to the Wonderbolts training field.

“I told you, Spitfire asked me to make sure you come up here yesterday and I forgot with all that mopping you did,” Dash said as I was gliding along. Mostly because I was still trying to wake up after being dragged out of bed.

“Did she say why?”


“Great, just fucking great,” I mumbled as I saw the platform in the distance. “So I have to ask... why are you in uniform?”

“Well, we are going to the training field.” She said flying literal circles around me. There was a bit of silence before my prosthetic began to vibrate lightly. Pulling it in front of me I pulled up the screen I upgraded it with.

“You know that we-” Shadow began to say in my mind before I interrupted.

“That we aren't alone. Yeah, I noticed I can't three.” I shot back.

“There's seven. Some of them are hiding in the clouds to keep out of sight. But why then move to catch up, I spot them.”

“Dash, I need you to do me a favor,” I said looking at her.

“What's that?” She said gliding up to me.

“I need you to fly ahead and get some backup,” I said drawing a circle in the air and reached into it.

“Back up for what?”

“Dash, this isn't the time to question me. We aren't alone and if I have to fight. I rather not have you in the crosshairs.” I said pulling out a mana bar and my red bladed sword.

“Relax, you've got the coolish-” was all I let her get out.

“Dash, this is an order,” I said very bluntly. “Even a trainee understands that.”

“Are you sure, because I can take on a few ponies.”

“Dash, I don't know if they are ponies or worse. That's why I rather have back up and I can bet I'm the target here.” She looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. “Royalty with a rumor that I'm attacked a lot sounds like an easy target to me doesn't it.”

“I'm not going to leave you to deal with them alone.” She countered.

“Dash, your faster than I am and you can be there and back in a blink of an eye. So do me a favor and 'follow the damn order Dash.'” I growled as I was not starting to see red almost literally. The red was starting to creep around the edges of my vision.

“Fine. Don't get your flank handed to you or I will do it myself.” She said and took off like a bullet. With that, I flipped back and began to hover in the air before turning to those following me.

“You can come out now, I know all seven of you are there,” I said loud enough as I keep my sword at the ready.

“I see some of the rumors weren't true.” Said a very gruff voice as seven figures began to fly out from behind the clouds and both Shadow and I had the same thought as we both said at the same time.

“Ah, shit.”

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 49 – A Moment of Weakness

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“So you're the new son of Shafifner. Shame really.” Said a rather arrogant copper scaled young dragon. Almost the same size of Garble from the dragon den. His black horns were curled up much like a ram's horn. Hovering next to him was not seven that Shadow and I had thought. But closer to seventeen, but that's not what had me nervous. Now it was the fact that six of them were close to Razor's size and behind all them was the mother of all dragons in size.

It looked like this pitch-black dragon with a green underbelly much like a changeling green in color was big enough that he was on par with Canterlot Castle, and that's not counting his wingspan. This didn't look good and even if I had all of the Wonderbolts, I was clearly outnumbered. I had to send Lily with Luna, didn't I?

“Shit,” I said under my breath before I spoke out loud. “What do you want with me?” As I continued I began sliding out an emergency deck of spell cards. As they were only trump cards, even if I have to use them to escape.

“Oh, nothing much. We were given a set of orders to deal with you.” He said grinning.

“Deal with me how?”

“Oh, you know hunt you down and make sure you stop being a thorn in other dragon's side.” As he said this, I slide my sword back into my pocket space. As much as I wanted to use it, sadly in a fight like this. It becomes too much of a hindrance than a boon. Since dragon scales are harder to damage than anyone else. So this was going to be more of a fistfight than anything.

“Let me guess because some dragon got burnt out of shape. Now he wants me dead?” I asked cracking my knuckles one at a time.

“Well, at least your smarter then you look.” Said one of the other dragons, as this one was a sapphire blue with a teal underbelly and fin.

“So are you going to make it easy for us?” Said the first dragon.

“Or the fun way?” Said the large black one. I couldn't help but grin.

“Shadow are you thinking, what I'm thinking?” I asked over the link.

“Drop and knock out?” He shot back.

“Drop and knock out.” With that, I folded up my wings and began to drop like a rock. Looking up as I watched as a lot of the dragons began to fly after me. After close to twelve seconds I knew I hit terminal velocity with a smirk and breathed in and shot back frost flames. With the thrust, I flipped around and spread my wings using my momentum to glide, as I went into the forest. After playing Dodge the Pony with Dash. I learned how to dodge oncoming objects, flying towards trees were a cakewalk to me even at this speed. The other dragons, not so much. With sharp thuds and whams being heard behind me, I could tell they didn't have the same practice as I did. That didn't stop a few of the others to keep up. So grabbing onto a branch I was able to take a quick right turn to throw them off. A few back flaps and I was up in the branches completely out of sight.

“Where did he go?” Said one of the dragons below me.

“I don't know, you go over there, and you over there. I want his ass found now!” barked orders from a smaller black dragon, almost Princess Ember's size. Grinning, I slowly moved out of the branches behind her and tapped him on the shoulder. “What do you wha-” He said before looking up to me in surprise.

“I'm going to plant myself a dumb ass tree.” With one quick shove of his head. I had him buried up to his feet in the dirt. With that Shadow pulled me into the shadows as we went off to hunt. Oh, I was not letting this go unanswered. My first targets were the ones that ended up hitting trees. Which wasn't hard to find as they had embedded themselves into the trunks. Appearing behind all of them I let shadow form twenty claws attached to my back by chains. They flew out and grabbed each one of them and planted them deep into the dirt up to their heads. With that, I walked on to find myself some dragons. All while I used my switchable eyes with Shadow to keep an eye on the large one hovering above the forest looking rather pissed.

“Where is that bastard?” Said my next target before he growled and began to breath violet flames around him. This turned the tree's around him to be engulfed in flames. With a snap of my claws, his flames snuffed themselves out as I slowly got closer. “What the?” He said before doing it again. Just like before they were snuffed out.

“Oh, is the little firefly having issues with his flames?” I said as I gave my head a light turn grinning rather psychotically as I knew my eyes where glow quite crimson. The reaction I got was what I wanted. He stepped back a few times as I let my clank lightly as I flexed them a little.

“Wha- what are you?” He said as I could hear the fear in his voice.

“Oh, what happened? You and your mates were so confident a few moments ago.” I said as Shadow began to slide his chained claws out as I swear the dragons was about to piss himself in fear.

“Ple-please don't hurt me.” He begged.

“And why should I do that, when you were just as bloodthirsty as the rest of them?” I asked as he jumped for a moment from one of the claws gently brush his cheek.

“I-I-I was only follo-o-owing orders. Please don't kill me!” He said before screaming the last bit.

“Oh, your fun,” I said getting closer as I was face to face with him. “How about this. Take an oath to me and me alone. One that you must follow any order I give, without fail.” I grinned at him showing my razor-sharp fangs, which I had Shadow take control so I had the tombstone gray fangs.

“O-o-of course. A-a-anything.” He said as I picked him up by my own magic as I formed a mark on his scales.

“That mark will keep you from crossing me.”

“I-I-I wouldn't d-d-dream of it.”

“Good, now you will fly south from here and when you see the ruins of a castle. You will wait in the main lobby. Do I make myself clear?” My demeanor changed as I gave him a stone-cold look. As he began to shake in complete fear.

“Yes... sir.” With that Shadow let him go and he took off like the wind.

“Surprised you played that card,” Shadow said forming one of the chains into a makeshift mouth.

“In the game of war, every piece removed from the enemy is either an obstacle removed or an ally to use.” Turning around I looked into the dark forest. “I count at least thirteen in the ground, one turned, and the one in the air. That should leave two left in the forest.”

“They seem to be a little lost, but are sticking close together,” Shadow said.

“Anything you can tell me about them?”

“They are close to Garble in sense of build for one of them and the other seems to be a dragoness of a closer build. They may be together and that's why they were close.” I couldn't help but grin at this. Locating the two wasn't as hard as Shadow lead me straight to them. Slowly making my way to them I kept my sound profile to a minimum as I watched them from a distance. They looking on edge as they kept each other close.

“Tick-tock,” I said as I using magic to echo it around them got to love the ghost sound spell.

“Where are you?!” The male one roared into the forest.

“Tick tock”

“You like games? Well here's one for you, I call it 'Burn!'” He continued to roar before engulfing the woods around him in purple flames. With a snap of my claws, all his flames snuffed themselves out. “What the?” He said looking confused and went for another round of burn. Just like the first time, with a snap of my fingers, and the flames went out.

“Is someone having a hard time kindling the fire?” I asked coming out of the shadows. All while Shadow was going around and entering their shadows.

“Bastard!” The male dragon growled and tried to jump at me. Sadly for him, Shadow is much faster and wrapped him up as well as the dragoness.

“I wouldn't do that if you want your mate to stay alive.” This got him to turn and notices about her.

“Leave her out of this.”

“I will only do that if you listen.” With a smirk on my face, I summoned up a large rock to sit on.

“What do you want then?” Said the dragoness.

“Answers and your word.” With that, I began to dig into the motives here. It seems my brother needs to keep his kingdom in check. He's cabinet members, found out about me and after the combat trail. Word got back that I was a loose cannon, and something had to be done. Or at least that's what they were told. I'm guessing I'm the wrench in someone's plan. That left the big boy up in the air, which I found out is a cabinet member. One that goes by the name of Thorn Razortalon. “Alright, here's the deal. I will let you both go, But...” I said pausing for dramatic effect. “You both go back and talk to my brother directly. Tell him the Firestorm sent you and he will take it. If he questions about it, tell him that I was the crystal centaur. He will understand after that, and you will explain to him what you told me. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes...” Said the dragoness and I could see the fear in her eyes.

“Good, because trust me. You don't want to know what will happen if you don't do it.” With that Shadow released them as they ran off into the forest. Now it was time to deal with the Thorn in my side. Jumping up, into the nearby tree before poking my head up to see him flapping up there, looking around. “Any thought on how to deal with him?”

“Well, you do have chaotic magic on you,” Shadow commented.

“But I run the risk of falling into the chaos.”

“True, but you don't have a lot of magic, to begin with. Even with me in your corner, your still not powerful enough to take on a dragon that big.”

“Yeah, and I can't rely on the Torch otherwise, it's going to screw me in the long run.” I rubbed my chin and began to think.

“Right now, chaotic magic is your best bet.”

“I know.” Looking up at him I could just see the anger radiate off him. “If I do fall into chaos, I need you to get Twilight and let her know what happened.”

“You have my word.”

“Good, because the only thing I can think may fix it is the elements and I don't know how well that one is going to play out.” With that said I jumped down and grabbed the branch, I was standing on. I used it to fling myself up into the air like a bullet. Then I flew a few feet in front of Thorn's face. “So... here we are.”

“What have you done with the others?” He growled as he fixed himself so he standing in the air.

“Planted, and knocked out.” Watching him clinch his claws as he scowled at me. Is it bad that I took a bit of enjoyment out of pissing him off? “So here's the real question. How is why my being around is a pain for my brother's cabinet members?”

“Smarter then I took you for, course that's not going to-” Was all I let him get out before I jabbed my claw to the right. It broke through the fabric of reality and a giant version of it was gripping Thorn by the throat.

“Save you? A little cliche isn't it?” With that said I swung back my left arm and punched through reality again, just to punch Thorn with a massive fist. He flew back from the impact as I pulled my fist back.

“You cocky bastard. Had to rely on tricks to defeat me, can't take me on, one on one.” He said with a smirk as he spread his wings out. Something that I know a lot of winged creatures would do to act imposing to ongoing attackers.

“You really want a one on one fight? On equal footing?” I said grinning like the devil himself.

“If you think you have the guts for it.” He said readying his claws.

“You play the fool's gambit,” I said with a grin as I raised up a claw looking at him. He looked confused before I snapped.



It was just a moment, a sharp loud sound that signed a pinpoint in the fight. At first, it was quite as almost nothing happened. Then Firestorm opened his mouth as jet black ink began to flow out of his mouth. Swirling around him forming a sphere that covered his form completely. The whole time Storm kept his eyes on his opponent. Shortly after the ink began to harden till it was as smooth as jade.

“Don't think that's going to save you,” Thorn said before unleashing a torrent of green flames upon sphere engulfing it, but it didn't even leave a scorch mark. What it did do was cause the sphere of black ink to pulse and grow almost three times its size, till it was bigger then Thorn himself. This was matched with a pulse of energy that rippled through it. Then in the center of it, it appeared. A crack, one that began to spread out at each ripple. Until a blacken metallic claw punched through and sunk back into the inner of it. Then snaking around it was the return of metallic claws with a matching set of red claws. They began to pull part the shell encasing them, sending spider web cracks that glowed with orange lights. As the whole widen two more sets of claws came out and helped it the rest of the way. This shattered the shell into black fragments that began to swirl around the revealed body of the chaotic creature of Firestorm. Much like his first change into this creature. He lacked the lower half that he once hand in place for a long snake-like body closer to those of the Naga or snake person. Which had the upper torso of a human. In this cause, it was much of the same but unlike the snake, the counterpart was covered in fire red scales with a darker red underbelly.

His chest which use to be adorned by a symbol was in place a rather scaled covered chest. The three sets of arms were much of its original appearance with the right armed claws were all black metallic claws, while the lefts where red draconic claws. On his back instead of the three sets of wings, this version of him had two massive wings. One a normal feathered orange wing, while the other was the normal draconic red wing. His head was where the difference was, instead of the sharp black crystal-like maw that had glowing red eyes. His head was much like any other dragon, the elongate mouth, and nose ending in a horn tip as well as the maw of razor-sharp teeth. However, his head also had a top layer of what looks like obsidian black steel fused to it like a helm as two sharply focused red eyes peered through what would have been the matching opening in a helm. His horns looked like they were fused with it as the angled one that started at a forty-five-degree angle curved up to a straight vertical point. Two matching ones shot out of the back of his head each one of the bright oranges in color that went will with his fire red scales. The fragments that created the shell began to shot towards the wingtips making a set of armor that covered the crest of the wings. Before the shell fully disappeared the tail was curled up so it looked like the figure was floating on a ball made of a large corded snake.

Shortly after this last change the creature opened his mouth and roared so loud that forced Thorn to cover where his ear would have been as the air pressure from the roar itself forced him back. It didn't take him long to recover as he flew right at the creature who flew up before it's tail uncoiled and wrapped itself around Thorn crushing his wing against his body.

“Is this fair enough for you Thorn?” The creature said sounding like a gravel version of Firestorm as his tail tightened around him.

“No, your fighting dirty,” Thorn said trying to struggle to break free.

“But theirs no such thing as fighting dirty in a real fight.” He said grinning as he coiled himself more to bring Thorn up to his face. “Now I would stop struggling or I won't have any issue crushing you.” This didn't stop him as he was able to get enough leverage to bite his massive tail and sink his fangs in. However, this had the opposite of the desired effect as this caused his tail to tightened and bones could be heard snapping. Both of his wings had a crushed the bone in the crest of it making it impossible for him to keep flying. As retaliation Firestorm rapidly uncoiled his tail whipping Thorn through the air as he tried to recover in the air. This caused him to fall through the air into the dense forest below. Storm flew after before heavily landing where he towered over the forest. Slowly slithering through the trees he got closer but was at the ready.

Take the moment Thorn opened his mouth and let out a large torrent of blackening flames. Storm opened his as he returned fire causing the two flames to crash into each other forcing it to spread out into a fall of flames. This clash of fire lasted a few seconds, only enough for both of them to catch their breaths. Thorn fires back with another deluge of flames while Firestorm opens his mouth as a stream of lightning cutting through the fire and hits Thorn right in the mouth forcing it down his throat. While elemental dragons do have a natural resistance to elements. But that doesn't always count for the inside of them. When the lightning traveled down the normal resistance lining that dragons have for breathing fire, this ended up searing his throat and struck through his stomach lining frying him from the inside. Firestorm watched as Thorn fell back and died. Storm just stands there looking down at the newly fried corpse. Taking a few moments Storm turns to fly up into the air before something turned and grabbed his tail. Turning around he saw Thorn looking up at him with a grin on his face.

“Didn't think it would be that easy, did you?” Thorn said swinging his arm flinging Storm onto the forest. The trees snapped and the remains where thrown about. Pulling his tail Storm curled his tail and got back up to see Thorn standing up at the ready.

“Surprised you're alive after taking a bolt through the gullet like that.” Storm said as he was ready to fight and had his wings were flared out.

“You would be surprised what I can do,” Thorn said breathing in and sending out a blacken liquid that Storm shifted back as the goo landing before him and sizzled on the ground. Looking down at it and back up at him. Storm didn't look amused as his horns began to glow as the earth and trees around him began to rise up into two large boulders. With a flick they threw at Thorn who swung back and punched them breaking them. Taking that moment Storm focused on the clouds above him as he took to the air. In seconds the clouds began to compress and turn back into the water that made them. With a flash of magic, the water was formed into a javelin of ice. As soon as the boulders broke, Storm threw it at him. Not having enough time the javelin pierced through his hide, making his roar in pain.

“You bastard!” Thorn said before unleashing a set of black flames at him as Storm fired back with torrent ice blue flames causing the clash to make steam in the air. This was followed by a large flap of wings that sent the piping hot steam at Thorn. But by the time it reached Thorn it had cooled off and wasn't as fast.

“You call me a bastard but you were the one ready to ambush me.” Storm said focusing magic into his middle right claw. After flattening his claw to a flat palm before diving down and thrusting it into Thorn's chest. Letting out a large roar of pain, Thorn reached down to grab it with both hands. Which was fruitless as Storm's other claws came down to grab him and pull them back. The upper set of arms reached up to keep Thorn's head turned away. “But if I must be a bastard, I rather be a winning one.” He said before his horns began to glow with a blackened aura. “I call upon the heartless void to wither and decay my enemy. Break their earthly chains that bind the spirit and erode it away.” He began to chant as a blacken mass began to form on his metallic claw that was embedded within Thorn's chest. As soon as it touched Thorn it spread like wildfire over his complete body and in seconds the body began to rapidly decay.

To Thorn, this felt like his body was burning worse then phoenix fire. As he felt every cell in his body would decay and die on him. That was till his heart completely decayed leaving nothing more than thick blacken slug that was once his body. Standing over the remains Firestorm slowly pulled his claws back seeing that all that remind of Thorn was the mostly decaying corpse where most of his body was intact but his eyes had turn milky white and that his torso looked like it was acid burned away showing the blacking slug covered broken ribs.

Firestorm slithered back a bit and began to flick the remains of his claws. "I didn't think I would have to use that."

"I didn't think you had it in you, to be honest," Shadow said as Firestorm raised a claw up and snapped his fingers. In seconds his body turned into an inky black mass before it shattered and fell to make floor before it got sucked up into his shadow. As soon as it was done Firestorm doubled over and grabbed a tree.

"Didn't expect that to take so much out of me." He said as he was almost completely drained of magic leaving him in a rather weakened state. His legs began to shake as he hobbled over to a rock and began to sit down out on his own. Looking at the remains Firestorm left. "Do you think Granite is going to be pissed off at me for killing his cabinet member?"

"If he's how I think he is. He may be annoyed that you took care of it instead of him." Shadow said as he snaked himself out of Firestorm's wing. “Do you want me to take over so you can recover?”

“To be honest, that's not a ba-” was all he got out before a sharp pain was felt before looking down to see a pitch-black sword blade sticking out of his gut. Luckily it wasn't directly in the center but off to the right. Turning back as soon as he could to see Nightmare Moon behind him with a grin on her face.

“Miss me Luv?” She said before Shadow formed a claw and grabbed her by her throat and forced her into a tree trunk.

“You're going to regret doing that bitch.” He said as his upper body began to form as his arm shrank down till he was right up to her.

“Not before you.” She said before turning into mist a flew off. Turning around Shadow saw Firestorm laying on the ground with the blade still in him looking like it was broken off. Shadow flew over and slowly moved his shirt to see that around the wound, the vanes began to show through the scales as they blackened.

“Shit. Firestorm hold on!” Shadow said pulling back into Firestorm's body as most of it began to darken till it reached around the wound. Just as it began to touch it, Shadow Storm began to scream out in pain. “Not good.” Shadow said as he began to try and get up as he didn't have full control over Firestorm's body. Something was preventing it as he almost looked like a walking corpse. “Where are those fucking ponies.” Just as that came out of his mouth a full squad of ponies flew over being lead by a rainbow contrail. With a blast of magic from his horn, Shadow sat down on a log not to make the wound worse. It didn't take long for her to fly down.

“What are you doing in control?” Dash said not looking happy.

“Not the time Dash,” Shadow said between a coughing fit as pointed to the blade. Right as six other pegasi landed including Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Soarin, and three others that weren't familiar to either Shadow or Firestorm.

“Oh, Celestia. Medic!” Dash said turning to a powder white pegasus mare with a strawberry pink mane and tail came up and saw the wound.

“Lay back.” Said mare told Shadow.

“I would love too but the blade is all the way through,” Shadow said as even he was now having a hard time breathing. “Go ahead and get some clouds we need to head to a hospital now.”

“You heard him. Get a cloud stretcher now!” Spitfire barked as Both Fleetfoot and Soarin flew up.

“Dash go let Twilight, Nightling, Lily, Luna, and everyone else know.” Dash only nodded and took off like a gunshot off to Ponyville as Shadow laid in the cloud that was brought down. “I'm going to get that bitch for this,” Shadow said as the remaining pegasi began to carefully fly him towards Canterlot.


“I am going to kill that bitch.” I said as sat in my private room in the hospital. From what I was told after I had came too that Nightmare Moon had poisoned me with a crystallized venom that is especially lethal for ponies. Lucky for me being part dragon my resistance to some poisons are higher. So it couldn't have been as fast-acting as it normally is. From what I am to understand, the poison normally causing a pony to have their internal magic burn which in turn causes massive damage that could end up taking the ponies' lives, like a sort of flash fry.

The worst yet was that I was now stuck in the hospital for at least six days to make sure that I didn't have any lasting effects. Much to my protests, but too much of annoyance they pulled the whole I am royal card and they need to make sure. The only good thing is that this gives me time to recover from both my fight with Thorn as well as my three uses of the Infinity Torch. Shadow is taking some downtime after using all his power just to get me to the hospital. After I woke up from being out myself and told from one of the doctors, I had to wait for either princess to show up to talk to me about what happened. Dash, as I had ordered, went and told every pony. Sadly that including Celestia, but at least that bitch was last on the list.

From what I was told, Twilight hasn't arrived yet. Nightling has as well as Lily and they are waiting outside my door at the moment. Per Luna's order on my behalf, which I can't blame her. Since I was out of commission and all. Luna right now is going over the crystallized poison to make sure there aren't any other nasty surprises. Granted the spot still hurts like hell, and the vanes are still blackened. Walking over to the mirror in the room since my hospital room looks more like a private room as a hotel or something. Well minus a kitchen or something. I could see at least six dominantly blackened vanes.

“She had to wait when my guard was down and when I was drained from my fight.” Moving over to a glass of water sitting out for me. With a sip of it, I began to think about the fight more. That's when I heard the door open behind me and I jumped at the sound. Whirling around I had my claws at the ready before I saw it was Luna.

“I see some pony is on edge.” She said with a sigh coming over to the bed. “It's understandable after what happened. Speaking of which, are you feeling up for explaining in more detail.”

“Yeah, the short version it was a complete clusterfuck.” Walking over to the bed and sitting back down. “On the way to the Wonderbolt Dash and I got ambushed by seventeen dragons. Speaking of which, I believe there is one or two of them waiting in your old castle waiting for me.”

“I will go and gather them for you.” Luna said with a nod. “But please continue.”

“I ended putting down all of them except the last one Thorn.”

“Did you say, Thorn, as in Thorn Razortalon?”

“Yeah?” I said not liking the fact that Luna knows about that. “Is he a friend of yours?”

“No!” She shouted which got me to lean back.

“Okay, so how do you know him?” That's when I noticed her fists where clinching rather hard.

“I don't wish to speak about it.” She said almost in a growling tone. This must have been some bad blood between them and I would hedge a bet that it was close to over a thousand years ago.

“Well, you won't have to worry about him.” I said as I placed my claw on my wound.

“What do you mean?” She asked eyeing me.

“I killed him after he attacked me.” That got her to jump and look at me surprised.

“You killed Thorn the Black Dragon?”

“The Black Dragon?” Now I was confused. “Seriously? Calling a dragon by his scale color. Isn't that a little racist? It would be calling Spike, Spike the purple or me Firestorm the Red.” I gave her a flat look with a cocked eyebrow.

“No, I didn't mean it that way. But Thorn was known as one of the few dragons who can... I mean could use the black flames.” Luna said taking a small step back.

“What's so bad about black fire?” That got me curious.

“It's known as the cursed flame. Which is said that it doesn't burn like normal fire but causing intense pain that won't go away ever.” That got me to thinking, with a small puff of flames I was able to hold in my prosthetic claw.

“Hmm... It's not impossible. Especially if you think of the flame as energy instead of burning itself. Kind of like how it's possible for me to change my flame into frost fire.” I said as focused on the fire as this doesn't require me to expend a lot of magic. In seconds the flame turned from my ruby red into a gray. Not quite black but it's getting there.”

“I didn't know you were able to change fire like that.” Luna said hovering around the fire.

“Yeah, I'm guessing it's an ability since I'm an elemental dragon and since I can use magic. It's more second nature for me. Fire is more familiar to me, but Ice isn't too different.” I said dispersing my flame. “But we are getting off-topic. I ended up fighting Thorn and I killed him.”

“How?” She asked and I couldn't help but clench my prosthetic claw.

“I had to use Chaotic magic.” Luna jumped back at that. “Don't worry I have at a good hand on it. As long as I don't rely on it too long, and I don't have a lot of it on hand.”

“What do you mean you don't have a lot of it?” Luna asked defensively.

“I have the equivalent of a young filly's worth of chaotic magic and not Twilight levels more like on the average. Most of the time I use it for small things, mostly to help fill in the gaps that magic can't get.” I explained as I snapped my fingers to create a small chaotic flame. “Plus it's an extra pool that doesn't drain me when I use most of it. Plus out of all of my pools, I can adjust how much chaotic magic I have.”

“How did you get it?”

“I'll give you three guesses-”

“Discord.” She said rather flatly.

“Ah, you beat me to the punch.” I said dispersing the flame again as my normally golden claws on my prosthetic were blackened much like my other prosthetic. “But yeah, when I tricked Discord into giving me chaotic magic and one-upped him in a game of one up.”

“Ah... I believe Celestia said something about this game.”

“Yeah... Did you so happen to bring the piece of Chrysalis' horn with you?” I asked and she eyed me before her horn lit up and in a poof of magic. A blue box appeared on the bed next to her. Flipping it open, I could see the black shard of her horn that was rather jagged.

“What do you plan to do with it?” Luna asked looking over my shoulder as best she can, which honestly was a little hard as she was shorter then I was.

“I plan to use it like this.” With that I began to focus, we both saw the fragment began to sink into my gauntlet as the rest of the golden materiel began to turn black with only golden accent. Luna's eyes began to widen as she saw this.

“What did you do?”

“I infused my prosthetic with her horn.”

“Why?” She asked worried and confused.

“This.” With that, an orange flame shot up from the connecting plate up to my claw and in seconds it looked like if I had two normal claws.

“Oh my!” Luna said reaching down and rubbed her hand against my forearm. “It feels like flesh.”

“That's kind of the idea.”


“Well utility for the most part. Because how am I suppose to fit in when I need to when my right arm is mostly metal?” That got her to look at me confused.

“You do realize that you're a dralicorn prince with a human soul?” She said looking at me flatly.

“No, I didn't realize that.” I sarcastically replied. “Look I know I stick out like a sore thumb but sometimes... I just want to feel like I use too. Don't get me wrong I know that's an impossibility, but it's the small thing. Like how I spend a lot of time in a bipedal form because I'm comfortable with it. Not saying that I won't take my normal drony when it needs it. But personally I prefer this. So when I have a chance to feel more whole, I'm going to take it.” Slowly raising my right arm as it changed back to the now blacken metal limb. “I know that I will never have this arm truly back and the only way I can live like I use to up to that point is with this prosthetic. Now it's just one step further and able to change the look of it. That's all it is, a magical coat of paint where I can change it so I can feel like I hadn't lost it in the first place.” Reaching over I slowly undid my prosthetic and sat it down on the bed. “Every so often I think about that day. The day I was just a passenger in my own body that ended up attacking Twilight and she did the only thing she could, protect herself. In the end, it cost me my right arm slash foreleg. Do I blame her? No. I'll never blame her for what happened, and I won't blame Shadow either. He wanted the same freedom's that everyone else has. The freedom of self.” I looked up and saw myself in the mirror against the wall as I sat there seeing my form as you can make out the darkened veins, the missing limb, the scar on my chest either being the cross and the scar over my heart.

“I won't say I understand how it feels in a lot of this. I get the whole being a passenger in your own body, the whole being out of place. But the lack of being whole, I can't. There is no way I can completely understand that as it's something personal to you.” She said as she picked up my prosthetic in her magic as she helped slot it into place. “If this helps you move on, then I can support that. I just don't want to see you go down the same path I did when Nightmare Moon took over.”

“I get that. You could see me going down the same path and in a way be the villain of the peace. But that's not who I am. If I could, I would just spend my day going through the library and read books, maybe try to make some tech from my old world and not worry about the bigger picture.”

“But you can't, your royalty”

“Exactly, But I don't want to see Equestria go down the same path Earth did. Don't get me wrong, a lot of what they did was for the betterment of everyone. Just not everything was for good.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, some laws were put into place for greed and the lining of pockets. That's just something I don't want to go down as I've seen how that plays out and trust me you don't want to know.” I answered as I turned my prosthetic back into a matching claw. “But anyway, were you able to gleam any clues from the shard?” Luna stood up and went to the window quietly as I watched.

“It looks like Nightmare Moon magically hardens the poison into the shard using some of the magic she stole from you as it has traces of your magic in it.” She said leaning against the window sill. Thinking about this for a moment as something was eating at me.

“Is that a normal thing? When some pony uses another ponies magic. Are there still traces of the original owners' magic?”

“In most cases yes but it's much weaker when it comes to traces. But in this case, yours was the dominant magic.”

“Well, she wasn't back to full when that happened.”

“That's what I was thinking but there should have been at least some traces of her magic, but there wasn't any.”

“Wait...” Something clicked finally. “Is it possible to scry the location of some ponies magic?” I asked standing up going over to the door.

“There is a way too, but what are you getting at?” She asked confused.

“If she's using my magic, then we can follow it back to her in locations I haven't been since she took it.” That's when her eyes widened as I opened the door to see Lily standing at attention at the door with Ironclad, who I didn't even know was there. “Lily, go get me a copy of a map of Equestria” She nodded and rushed off out a window.

“Why didn't I think of this before?” Luna said running her fingers through her mane.

“To be honest, I should have thought of it myself.” it didn't take Lily long to come back with the map and I watched to see how this worked. Luna took a crystal and had me charge it with my magic. Not a whole lot of magic but enough to use it as a focus point. Then Luna magically held the crystal and began to focus on the map. After what felt like minutes, the crystal began to zip out of her hand and began to slide around the map. It stopped over Canterlot. That was followed by it slipping away towards the Ghastly Gorge. “Ghastly Gorge?”

“Why would she go through all places?”

“She may be using the creatures as a line of defense and any pony outside of Dash would be too scared of the place to venture in.”

“That may be the case,” I said getting up to grab a fresh shirt. “On top of that. Nightmare Moon is being more tactful, then I expected.”

“What are you doing?”

“Besides getting dressed? I'm planning to go with you, as out of all of us. You and I are the only ones that could face her equally.”

“And your injured.”

“That's beside the point, I can still fight.” I will admit, not to my fullest. With the massive pain radiating from the wound. It makes moving rather uncomfortable and having my shirt brush against only flared the pain more. It seems the poison causes the flesh to becomes sensitive to pain.

“Storm, you can not fight in your condition. Even my sister and I know when to back down from a fight.” She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

“Maybe you, but I doubt Princess Celestia knows how to let go,” I said looking out the window. Luna looks at me with a look like she wants to say something, but she doesn't. “But I can't just let this chance to get away from us.”

“I can not in good conscience let you go.” She said as she got in front of me. Looking her directly into the eye told me that she was being adamant about it. Looking away I began to think if she wouldn't let me go then... that's it!

“Then will you permit me to send another in my place. Someone I trust to follow my needs?” I watched as Luna's right eyebrow shot up in that curious way that it does as one of her ears flopped down.

“It depends who is this pony?” She asked.

“No a pony, but more a being,” I said forming a circle in the air and reached through it into my pocket space. Pulling out a pearl white mask with three distinct markings. Two crescent moon markings much like happy looking eyes and a third to make a large creepy grin. All three of them a bright almost glowing red. As soon as I pulled it out, I tossed it into the shadow from a nearby end table. It sank in as if it was water, in seconds the shadow began to ripple as a figure began to slide out of the shadow. The figure stood tall, about six feet at the very least. It's covered in a dark brown cloak, wearing the mask that was dropped into the shadow itself. The figure once out of the shadow walked over to me and kneeled down before me as a knight would to his lord. “Stand.”

“Who is that?” Luna said taking a defensive posture as the figure stood up.

“His name is Nerada, not to be confused with his brother Vashta Nerada.” The figure remained silent as he moved back without making a sound.

“What are they?”

“They are a special kind of mass. They can change their shape, only Limitedly. He is the only one I would trust to do what needs to be done. Will you let him go in my stead?”

“Will he follow instructions?” Luna said as I can see her stance lax a bit from she is still on guard.

“Unless it goes against my orders for him. He will follow what you say, but if you stop him from getting Nightmare Moon. He then will get you out of his way and go after his target. So I suggest always expect him to have a hair-trigger.” I said before walking over to Nerada. “You will not harm her if she gets in the way, do I make myself clear?” Nerada only nodded at this.

“Then by the end of the day, we will head to the Ghastly Gorge, I will keep you informed,” Luna said walking out with Nerada following her. After a few moments, I took a deep breath as I looked into the mirror as my right eye turned red as I began to grin.


It had been almost six hours. During that time Storm has gone through another treatment of the cure in hopes to reverse some of the damage the poison had done, sadly not to any effect. As well as Luna has got a transport of troops ready and on the way. She stood there in her chariot with Nerada standing next to her. During this whole time, Nerada hadn't said a word or made a sound. The only thing that did happen was the mask he wore began to glow and only where the red markings were. The trip itself was silent almost eerily so as Luna stood there wearing a set of identical armor to Storm's from when she sparred with him.

It didn't fit the same as it had to be adjusted for her figure, but it was the best they could do with the limited time. She had it dyed a matching blue to her armor as she had her sword attached to her hip. As soon as they touched down just a few feet to the main entrance of the Ghastly Gorge. They could see the massive holes the snake-like creatures create. In seconds they saw some of them lay by the entry of said holes.

“Great... how do we get past them?” Before she could say anything else she watched Nerada fly from creature to creature as they jolted for a second before they laid back down looking like they were asleep just like before. Luna's eyes widened as she slowly made here way leaving the troops to stay at there chariot to keep it secured. “What did you do?” She almost demanded. All he did was raised up a black metallic claw in a hushing motion, before pointing into a massive cave entrance that looks more magically made instead of made by one of the creatures. “Her base?” She watched Nerada nod before it turned to slowly go into the base.

The cave itself looked like it was magically molded to look like those of a dungeon, including brickwork. As they traversed down further and further the walls began to shine with some kind of wetness and a pungent smell that emanates from the walls themselves. Not enough to gag from it alone but enough to displease the senses. After a few moments, the entry opens up to a large room much like the main entrance like the one in the castle of the pony sisters.

“This is just like the old castle,” Luna said before Nerada placed an arm in Luna's way to stop her before pointing down to some of the raised tiles throughout the floor. “She trapped it?” Nerada nodded again before pulling out his right hand before it shot out followed by a chain as it latched into the stone high above. After a few seconds, he was pulled up and hung a few feet from the ceiling. In seconds the claw released before it was fired out at the corner of the doorway across from the entry Luna was standing at. Luna taking the hint, took to the air and hovered in the air.

“Your rather agile.” She said as Nerada gave her a thumbs up, before shooting to another spot. After doing this for a while they make it into what looks like the main hall with the floor being covered by some kind of carpet. Nerada taking a few moments to look around before lowering himself by extending the chain till it looks like he's standing on it. Luna watched before softly landing next to him. “This doesn't make any sense. It looks like she designed her base much like my old castle.”

“Why mess with perfection?” Said the voice behind them. They both turned to see Nightmare Moon standing in the same garb as she was last spotted in with a familiar sword in her hand.

“Why do you have my Moon Cleaver?” Luna said taking a very aggressive tone as she held her sword at the ready.

“Oh, this old thing?” Nightmare Moon said as she held out what looks like a rather enlarged style cleaver. The blade itself was a lunar sliver while the rest of the blade was a pale blue. The hilt and counterweight was a pale yellow crescent moon. But unlike the normal hilt of a sword, laid like a moon would as it was held vertical. The counterweight was laid across like a frown. The handle itself was a midnight blue with a silver lining that spiral down the length. All this was pointed at both of Luna and Nerada. In turn, Luna was holding her sword at the ready and Nerada was standing oddly straight up as if relaxed. “I've had this thing since I was able to reform my body. All thanks to that stallion.”

“After you ripped magic out of him,” Luna growled as her wings flared out.

“Well I had to do what I had to do, any good ruler would have done the same.” Nightmare Moon said with a grin. “So who is this?”

“None of your business.”

“Oh don't be like that.” She said walking around them as she kept her sword trained on the pair. “Maybe you're a little sore at me for attacking that stallion, and killing him.”

“He's still alive,” Luna said now smirking herself. That got Nightmare Moon to stop and glare at her.

“He survived, how?!” She roared at them.

“You don't know him very well,” Luna smirked as this time she moved away from Nerada. “That stallion as you put it has a lot more fortitude then you give him credit for.”

“I will have to correct my 'mistake.'” She said scowling at Luna as they began to do this dance of sorts. In seconds Nightmare Moon's hand holding the cleaver was flung back with the rest of her as it was pinned to the wall by a large claw that dug into the stone. “Bastard!” She growled before a beam of magic shot from her horn towards Nerada. Who in turn just shifted to the left to dodge the blast. With a jerk, he pulled back bringing both Nightmare Moon and her weapon. With a flare of her wings, she tried to stop herself, but the pull was too strong as she was overpowered. As soon as she was in reach, Nerada swung his left fist and punched her in her side. She roared out in pain as her grip loosens on her weapon. In seconds the weapon was taken from her by what looks like a third claw. Before a forth reaches up and grabs the other arm.

“Don't like the surprise attack do you?” Said Nerada in a familiar voice. That got Nightmare Moon to look in surprise. “How's it going, luv?”

“You.” She growled as one of the claws reached up and pulled off the face mask to show Shadow with a smirk on his face. Unlike his normal form, this one didn't have his horns. “Why are you here?”

“Well you did hurt my brother, and we make sure we get even,” Shadow said with a smirk as the cloak flared out as his form grown as his lower half turned into that of a spider as he shifts her hands so she was being held by his upper arms. “But now's the question of what do we do with you?”

“Does it matter?” Nightmare Moon said with an almost sound of defeat in her voice.

“Don't trust her Shadow, she will try to trick you,” Luna said as she held her sword towards Nightmare Moon as she magically pulled the Moon Cleaver towards her.

“Oh, don't worry. I know all of her tricks.” He said hissing at her like a snake, including a forked tongue coming out between his teeth. “But I think you just had a moment of weakness. Because you saw someone stronger than the 'mighty' Nightmare Moon and know your better.” This got said mare to growl in anger.

“It is not wise to push her buttons like that,” Luna said as she put her sword away and began to wield her Moon Cleaver.

“Not after what she did. I don't care if she doesn't like it. She's going to pay for what she did. Now come here.” Shadow said as one of his claws motioned for her to come over. Taking the hint she came over and he held on to her before the three of them sank into the shadows. In seconds they found themselves back at the chariot. The squad of thirty guards turned with their weapons at the ready.

“At ease,” Luna ordered as all of the soldiers eased up.

“We need to head back to Canterlot now,” Shadow said as he magically pulled cuffs over and began to restrain her as he kept his claws at her throat.

“He is correct, let's get going now,” Luna ordered as She, Nightmare Moon, and Shadow boarded her chariot. With Shadow keeping a firm grasp on Nightmare's throat.

“One move and I snap your neck like a twig.” Shadow hissed in Nightmare's ear as he grinned darkly.


Most of the day had gone by as I watched events transpire through Shadow's eye. We had come up with a plan to have Shadow stay outside of my body for a little while. With a mixture of chaotic magic and some of our shared abilities. We were able to give him a temporary body with about a day's time limit before he has to rejoin a shadow. So we called the plan Nerada, based on a show from earth.

While I watched a few things happened on my end. Twilight had finally shown up, comically in one of my oversized shirts. The only reason it was oversized was because of my larger build. Which the reason why she took her so long was trying to find a way to get to Canterlot in her new form. Instead of taking the smarter route and say Discord is messing around she tried to pull it off in the whole 'magic experiment gone wrong' kind of deal.

Regardless, Twilight showed up and after giving her a more detailed account. She did a few magical scans herself over the wound. She has some theories on why the wound is so sensitive. The leading one is that because of the poison's means of effecting a pony. Part of it is that it bunches the nerves while it tries to expand the blood vessels. This causing every pulse of blood to feel like a thousand knives racking across the skin. While my body has a lot more resistance due to being part dragon. It doesn't mean that it's across my whole body. So the spot where I was stabbed that the most concentrated spot. After a few scans, she found a few other spots that are sensitive but not as bad as the wound and manageable. She did say that she would like me to heed the doctors words and stay in the hospital for observation. I agreed with her for the most part unless I had to deal with royal business, just like I was doing now.

I was standing at the guard dock waiting for the parties' return. Twilight was helping the doctors go over the shard more as I waited. Watching them descend onto the landing platform, I could see Shadow holding Nightmare Moon by her throat.

“So the mission was a success I see.” I said with a smirk. That was followed by Luna walking up to me and slapping me hard in the face.

“What you did was uncalled for.” She growled staring at me.

“In your opinion.” I countered.

“You could have told me that it was Shadow going in your stead.”

“And you would have countered with my having Lily or Nightling in his place. But as you can tell the job got done.” I said before turning to Shadow and Nightmare Moon. “So we finally meet again Nightmare Moon.”

“Your lucky your little Shadow caught me off guard dealing with my weaker half.” She growled.

“Well, you won't have to worry about it soon,” Shadow said as he helped her out of the chariot. She growled but took the point. We lead her to the same room I was locked in when Twilight used her spell that turned her into an alicorn. I had Lily grab the Moon Helm as I was about to do what I do best, something stupid. Shadow put Nightmare on her knees as he held her in place with a hand on her horn, gripping it tight. Luna was watching as I walked over with the helm in hand as I motioned for Shadow to move his claws from her horn. Sliding it on place, the helm with a bit of fight slid on.

“What are you planning to do?” Luna asked as she motioned for if I had to count sixteen Night Guard unicorns.

“I'm tired of her showing up over and over again. I'm putting an end to this now, once and for all.” With that, I placed my right claw around her horn. I then began to focus hard as I could feel my own magic within her, deep within her. With a bit more probing, I was able to feel her magic as well. After a few moments I began, and that's when things decided to go sideways... sort of.

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 50 – A Cover Opened

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As I focused on her magic, my senses began to fade too fast for me to react. Just as soon as they faded, they returned or so I could piece together. When my sight returned, I saw I wasn't in Nightmare Moon's temporary cell. Where I stood reminded me of the dreamscape within my first few nights I was in Equestria. The difference was that the massive dreamscape looked like it was also jumbled with different locations. I could see parts of Canterlot, Ponyville, what looks like some kind of western town, and many more. Almost like a jigsaw with pieces from other puzzles. That's when other pieces jumped out at me. The mall I use to visit when I was a kid, the school hall in an old high school I use to go to, and even my old room on earth.

Standing in the middle of it is some kind of being. It sort of looked like a patchwork alicorn, I can at least tell it's female. Stepping closer I could see tale-tell signs of who it is or more who they are. I saw pieces of myself, Luna, and Nightmare Moon all pieced together. Well sort of pieced together, while two-thirds of the parts are normally female. It seems like the parts of them that are me was changed to be female.

As I got closer and past a mirror that seems to be in one of the guest rooms belonging to Canterlot Castle. It seems that even I have been jumbled up. Unlike the mare before me, I was made of mostly different forms of me. My wings were one of my fully draconic wings, and the other one was my normal feather-covered with the scaled crest much like Discord's. My right arm from the plate up was Shadow's shoulder, but my chest was mostly my satyr with the scaled bits of a draconic form. My left arm from the shoulder down to the elbow was equine with the elbow to the forearm that was rather flesh, and my hand was a dragon's claw. My tail was a mixture of draconic with bits of chaotic. My legs while covered with pants felt mostly furred with seconds of scale. My eyes were mixed, my left was like my draconic eyes but blue with a blacken white of the eye. While the right eye had its normal whites, the eye was the same diamond as when I was running on chaotic magic. Slowly making it closer to the figure, I kept myself at the ready.

“So it's time to end this.” Said the figure as if the figure wasn't obvious who it was. Nightmare Moon turned around as I saw that she didn't show any emotion, like a poker player.

“Depends,” I said grabbing two chairs as I got closer. “Is there a way we can co-exist?” Placing the chair down for her, I moved the other one a few feet away and sat down.

“Why would I co-exist with you?”

“Because you are tired of this as much as I.” Which was the truth, mentally I spent days on what I would do to her. But it mainly came down to two things, either kill her or imprison her.

“You do not know what I feel like.” She said getting up into my face.

“Nightmare Moon, think it out for a moment. Out of everything that's happened and the times we've butted head. You can't say that you're tired of being on the losing side. So what's the harm in talking it out?” Gesturing with my hand a offered the seat again. She growled for a moment before taking it. Glaring me down with one of my own eyes, I will admit was kind of freaky.

“What did you have in mind?” She asked crossing her leg with her arms crossed under her bosom.

“A... sort of a new game plus.”

“A new game plus?” She asked confused.

“Are you familiar with the concept of reincarnation?”

“You want to reborn me?” She asked standing up almost knocking over her chair in the progress.

“In a way. Not from a foal, but something close to it.” I asked looking up at her.

“And why should I give up this body?” She asked.

“Because it's not a complete body, after your defeat when the girls found the elements and the one in the dreamscape. You stopped being whole, I mean look at you. You have parts of both I and Luna.”

“Look at yourself. Your just as much a mashup as I am.” She said angry as she got up into my face.

“But if you noticed, every part of me is still me. Either being dragon, pony, satyr, chaotic, shadow, or human. It is just in different states of being.”

“So what, your just going to suck out all of your magic and put me in another body?” She asked.

“Well... more make you another body.” That got her to look at me a little confused and wary of me.


“It's a mixture of harmony and chaotic magic. To break it down, I would be taking two ponies DNA to create you a new body and speed up it's growth to a point. Then put you into the body. The only downside to it is the possible Proto-soul that the process will create.” She looked at me.

“Explain.” She asked... well more command.

“Shadow was created out of the Proto-soul that remained in my body when Grimwand created my body. Since a pony body wasn't meant to house a human soul. So it, sort of split in a way. If not split, maybe close to expanding in a way. Shadow and I are able to share feelings and memories between us. So if the same case would happen. You wouldn't be alone, and have someone to share your memories and feelings with.” Making sure my gaze didn't leave her eyes as I spoke.

“What about her?”


“Celestia. Do you really think she would let me walk around Equestria?” She said leaning down and glared more into my eyes.

“She wouldn't have a say. Ponyville and Cloudsdale are my jurisdictions. So while we do it and till your use to your new body. You will have to stay in either location and if you do have to go somewhere. You will be escorted by someone I trust.” I answered as I got up.

“If it's any of your guards they wouldn't put up a fight against either one of the princesses.” She said walking back to a section of a Ponyville bed.

“No, I would have Shadow Guard you.” That got her to shiver.

“You want that abomination to 'guard' me? What are you nuts?” She said getting up before she deflated a moment. “Look at who am I talking to, your nuts as all Tartarus.”

“Look, Shadow will mellow out around you. But that's if you don't double-cross us, and all I ask is one simple thing.”


“Just follow the rules and live your life. I'll help you get comfortable as best I can.” She looked at me a little conflicted and that was followed by a lot of silence. “Look, I get it. Your scared because this is giving up everything you are to be someone else. Take it from someone who was forced the choice. It's not the worst outcome, to be honest. You're around ponies that will help you and you will be free to be who you want to be.”

“But you're asking me to stop being me!”

“Do you think I changed much from who I was on earth?”

“I've seen you change. You've never been as confident there as you are here in Equestria.”

“Confidence can be easily faked, I will admit that there are times I am afraid. When you stabbed me, it scared me to no end that I was going to die.”

“You've been stabbed before.”

“Doesn't change that I have been scared here in Equestria, that's the thing. Even when I was scared I still fought on. Between you, Vermon, Grimwand, and anyone else.” That got her to sit back down and lean forward. “How about this, I will house you within me along with Shadow.”

“You can't house both of us, you'll burn yourself out.”

“Not completely, Shadow and I have been working on expanding ourselves.”

“Why? Being completely full was your trump card against ponies like me. Why give that up?” She asked eyeing me with suspicion.

“Because of this something like this.” I watched her right eyebrow raised. “Are you familiar with the black books?”

“I'm familiar with them.” She said rather coldly.

“I'm tied to the thirteenth book.”

“The death book?” She said moving away from me.

“Yeah.” That got her to look at me in fear.

“Of course, I would have to have been fighting with the owner of the death book. For the creator's sake, my luck is non-existent.” That got me to laugh, and laugh hard. Seriously, after all this time the one person truly scared of me was after the fact. It was completely comical to me. “Stop laughing, this is not funny!”

“Are you kidding, this is fucking hilarious. Seriously, out of everyone I faced to have Nightmare Moon afraid of me. I thought to have Chrysalis afraid of me was the top of it, but now I've seen everything.” That got me laughing even harder to the point I fell back in laughter.

“Wait Chrysalis is afraid of you? What did you do to her?” She said smirking.

“Besides flash fry, a few of her changelings snapped off her horn, and gave her a shock to her system that would say that caused her to drop like a rock while she still was smoking from the lightning.”

“Wait, the big bad changeling queen got electrocuted?” I nodded at this. “Oh, that's funny.” She said as she began to laugh. So far we have at least broke the ice.


It felt like a day in the scape before things faded out and back into the room in Canterlot Castle. Where Nightmare Moon was when I started this, I just saw the Moon Helm as it sat on the stone. Standing up I was felt light-headed for a moment, that it caused me to fall back onto the floor.

“Storm are you alright?” Luna asked worriedly.

“Just... getting used to the full well of magic again, it's a little bit of a rush,” I said getting back onto my retaliative feet. “Let's get out of here.” Walking towards the door I saw both Lily and Nightling nod at me before following in step behind Luna and I. The castle was in its normal top form as the four of us headed towards the main entry. That was before three of Princess Celestia's guards stopped us a few halls away.

“Your highnesses, Princess Celestia requests both of you presence in the throne room.” Said the guard in the center.

“Regarding what?” I asked as I was rather annoyed.

“I do not know Prince Firestorm, sir.” He said as I became rather agitated as I clenched my right fist.

“Fine,” I growled a bit. “Lily, Nightling go ahead and head to Twilight and find out if she's learned anything else.” They both slapped a salute before they went past Celestia's guards. “Lead the way.” I watched the guards do the same as mine before they walked past us the other way. Luna walked beside me as we followed as I saw her gaze at me with worry. As I was fighting hard to keep my raging thoughts silent, especially so I don't broadcast them. We got to the throne room door which was already open and I could see Celestia sitting on her throne with her legs tucked to the side. Luna and I entered as the door behind us were closed.

“Hello Sister and Mr. Firestorm,” Celestia said sliding her hoofed feet out and stood up.

“What do you want Princess Celestia?” That got her to wince a little before walking towards us.

“I have just received reports that Nightmare Moon was captured.”

“And dealt with Sister,” Luna commented, Celestia paused again at this.

“Dealt with how?”

“Firestorm was the one to do it,” Luna answered without meeting her eyes, all while I stared her down just as much as she began to do the same.

“What did you do?”

“Returned my magic back and removed Nightmare Moon from the Moon Helm,” I answered in a tone that I knew she didn't like hearing, cold and precise. I could see she wants to yell at me because of my choice, but she knows that I know that she's done much worse. Especially with war's, she fought in herself.

“Did she suffer?”

“No,” I said just as coldly. “I may be angry, but I'm not a monster.” There was a bit of silence as I know she was trying to hold back her link to me. I do say, try because I could see Luna's look to her sister like the two of them were in the middle of a conversation over the link. “If there isn't anything else, then I have business to get to.” Turning around, I began to step away.

“There is one last thing.” Stopping, I turned back to see her hand me an ornate golden key with a carved ruby handle. “This key allows you direct access to the Canterlot Archives from any door and if you use it inside the archive you can return back through any door you've gone through.” Carefully, I eyed the key silently before I looked up at her. “It's not a trap.”


“Because I want this to be an olive branch between us.” Magically I picked up the key and floated it over to me before I drew a circle under. Once done, I dropped it into my magical storage box.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia,” I said with a slight nod before I turn to leave again. Walking down the hall I could see the Castle staff watch me. Some mixed with worry, some of them with fear, some with admiration, and some with a sense of curiosity from what I could tell. Part of me wondered if Celestia was spreading some kind of rumor, and if was the case. Why give me a magical means for me to enter and exit under her nose. Something was not adding up to me. Celestia was trying to play nice as a front, but it seems like she was playing me to be something to worry about to others. After I made it outside, I began to make my way down to the shopping district. As I worked to piece this very large puzzle together. Which I couldn't keep really focused on as I was dealing with the odd looks I was getting by every pony I passed. They were giving me a rather wide birth as I walked down till I took a side street. Till I found the familiar outlook overlooking the mountain edge. Leaning on the rail I looked down at the Everfree Forest down below as I could see some of the damaged I caused during my fight during the combat trail.

“She has an underlining motive.” Said Moon's voice.

“So I wasn't the only one that caught it,” I said back.

“That makes three,” Shadow commented next. “I would suggest we don't use that key unless we have too.”

“I agree until we have more information. I'm going to keep with my plan to avoid the castle as much as possible.”

“A wise choice,” Moon said as I held my right arm out and saw the change upon the base. The last time it was mainly black with old trim. But with my newest guest as well as her pool of magic, I had to offload a lot of it into my prosthetic which changed it to have a more stardust texture to it. Using the piece of Changeling horn in it, I started to keep it looking like my previous prosthetic to hid the fact that I have Nightmare Moon in my head. Not even Luna knows about her at the moment and I wasn't sure if I should say anything. She and Moon don't really agree with each of us and for her to know I have her in me may sway her to see me as an enemy as well. “I know you're putting a lot on the line for me.”

“I gave my word, as long as you keep yours.”

“I know, so what's your plan.”

“Are you familiar with the artifacts of-”

“Harmony, yes. I'm familiar with the legends about them. Why?” With a flick of magic Laughter's Pendant appeared in my hand. “Their real?!”

“Very much so and I'm tied to each of them, but I'm missing one.”

“Which one?”

“Magic.” Letting out a sigh, I stared out into the sky. “The problem is thanks to Starswirl the sword was tossed into another world.”

“Of course he did. If it's not the sirens, it's something else.”

“Sirens?” That caught my attention. “So the legends about them were true.”

“Yeah, they caused a lot of problems.” She said with a tone that I could swear she was smirking.

“Regardless, I have the means to go where the artifact is.”

“Why haven't you gone to get it?”

“I've had to rely on one of the other artifacts for magic, and I haven't had a chance to recover from it. Plus with my latest game of 'who is going to attack me today', I just haven't had to for strength to do so yet.” I explained with a bit of snark.

“Well, it's not my fault you got in my way,” Moon commented as I could just feel her crossing her arms at that.

“Well fuck you too,” I said running my claw through my mane. “Look, I'm going to lay it out for you. We will be making this trip soon since I've gotten a lot of my magic back.”

“So what should I expect on this trip?”

“Not a clue, it could be like earth, it could be another Equestria, and could be a completely different world altogether.”

“It wouldn't be your first rodeo,” Shadow commented.

“What?” Moon commented sounding completely confused.

“It's complicated. I ended up visiting another Equestria in a human body, and I've revisited my earth.” It makes me wonder how Max was doing. Man, it has been quite some time since I thought about him, that or anyone really from my old life. After the whole Nightmare from Grimwand it just kind of hurt to think about them. Leaning on my elbows I placed the thumbs of my claws against my head as I just continue to think about those I haven't in a long while. So much so I kind of lost track of time and where I was as I just closed my eyes to just zone out.

“A bit for your thoughts?” I heard from behind me. Almost out of habit, I flew up in the air and turned around to see Twilight looking up at me with worry.

“Holy shit, Twilight don't scare me like that.” Landing back down I slowly walked over and began to gently hug her.

“Sorry, just you looked worried and I didn't know how to help.” She gently nuzzled her head in gently into my chest.

“It's alright, just a lot on my mind.”

“You can say that again.” Shadow snarked.

“Shut up Shadow.” Twilight shot back and I couldn't help but smile.

“That's my mare,” I said.

“And your my stallion.” She said smirk up at me. Before I knew it, we began to kiss rather deeply.

“Gag me with a spoon.” said a voice above up. Twilight and I looked up to see Dash hovering over us.

“And what's wrong with us kissing Dash, Jealous?” Dash blush and puffed out her cheeks at my comment.

“I'm not Jealous.”

“What do you need Dash.” Sitting down on the rail with Twilight doing her best to sit in my lap. Something I hadn't noticed till they were in front of me. Twilight's wings aren't as large as mine, even smaller than Luna's. I don't know if that's because of the magic I used or that she's just the newest Alicorn or not.

“Spitfire asked me to deliver this.” Dash reached into the set of saddlebags she had one to pull out a scroll. That's when I noticed she had her Wonderbolt garb on. As soon as she pulled it out I gently took it from her magically. Skimming through it I could see the point she wanted to get across.

“She wants me to come and inspect the troops, sort of speak,” I said rolling it up and with a flip-up and teleported it onto my desk back in Ponyville. Twilight has been helping me with my summoning and returning of objects at well. So far this was the longest I could send it without having to do a dragon to dragon sending. I don't think Spike would have enjoyed that feeling, I should know.

“Why all of a sudden?” Twilight asked.

“It makes sense since Cloudsdale is one of my cities that I have jurisdiction over. So I would have to do regular inspections.” I answered.

“This would be one of them.” Twilight tacked on.

“Correct. Tell Spitfire I will come to the academy in a few days, but to expect two of my guards with me.”

“Is one of them Lily?” Dash said sounding annoyed.

“Lily will be one of them, Yes.”

“Fine,” Dash said before zipping off.

“What's got her tail in a twist?” Twilight commented.

“From what I hear, Lily has been rubbing ponies the wrong way. Just like another griffon I had from what I heard.”

“Gilda, She was one of Dash's friends from flight school. She didn't agree with ponies and it ended up putting a sour taste in every ponies mouth.”

“That makes sense, I mean first impressions and all,” I said with a light smile. “Now where were we?” I asked as Twilight turned back around with a smile on her face. We gently leaned in with our noses touching before we went in for the kiss.

“Excuse me your highnesses.” Said a voice behind Twilight, and I could see it plastered on her face as well as mine. We turned to see Ironclad in his new set of armor. He used to wear a modified day guard. But since he's joined mine, we had to do a rather extensive rework to factor in his prosthetic limbs. We decided to darken his prosthetics especially when he decided to forgo his armor if need be. So we decided to make his armor the second level of sorts. More attachments than a full suit. With that, we modified it so he could slide it on and off at his choice. We also gave him two different sets of helmets. One for heavy-duty and a lighter one for everyday use.

“Yes, Ironclad.” I made it no secret I was slightly annoyed.

“I thought you would like our weekly report.” He said before handing over a scroll. Opening it up it looked like business as normal as this was my second report from them.

“Thank you Ironclad.”

“Your welcome Sir.” He said with a salute before walking off.

“With that out of the way. Shall we try this again?” Twilight said leaning in again as we went for another kiss. We gently pressed our noses together making sure not to have our horns to get in the way. Slowly leaning in our lips slowly began to press into each other as-

“Your Highnesses.” said a voice behind Twilight.

“Oh for Celestia's sake,” Twilight growled before turning back. “Can't you see we are a little busy at the moment.” We turned to see one of Celestia's guards stand there looking a little scared.

“Sorry Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia requested your presence in the throne room.” Said the guard.

“Go ahead Twilight, I'm going to look around a little bit more before heading. Maybe do a little window shopping, I'll meet you at Donut Joe's when your done talking to the Princess.” I said with a warm smile on my face.

“If you're sure,” Twilight said with a little worry. She knows how angry I am with Celestia and how much the two of use are at odds. She's not happy with her either but she still had that familiar feeling as she was her teacher and almost second mother to her. Which hasn't made any of this easy for her.

“I'm sure.” Twilight nodded and followed the guard as I watched her go. “Hate to watch her go-”

“But love to watch her leave.” Shadow finished for me.

“ug, Stallions,” Moon commented.

“Oh don't lie, you know you enjoy the view too.” Shadow comment and I could just hear the smarmy smirk on his face.

“Fuck off Shadow.”

“Oh, she is,” I commented with a smirk.

“Fuck off Firestorm”

“Oh don't hate the player, hate the game.” I couldn't help but lightly laugh as I turned back to look over the rail again. With a smile on my face, I used my wings to raise myself onto one of the nearby roofs and I touched down to walk across it. As soon as I got to the edge of that roof I used my wings to hop onto the next one, then the one after that, and the one after that. “You know Canterlot isn't too bad of a place to stay.”

“Outside the castle,” Shadow commented.

“What would you think Twilight might say if we decide to get ourselves a sort of away home up here?”

“Probably mixed.”


“I do see some appeal to it. A home here, away from Celestia's prying eyes.” Moon tacked on.

“That's part of my thinking.”

“And this would give you a place for your guards away from the others,” Shadow commented.

“That's a plus too. Maybe, I should look into a place. If not home, maybe a base of operations up here.” That got me thinking more about it. Just like Ponyville was getting a bunker so why not Canterlot? It would give the guards I send on missions up here a place to stay.

“Having a few in different cities would be a rather tactical idea,” Moon commented.

“I would have to start small as I only have sixteen guards,” I commented till I turn and descended onto the street. Looking around I could see the tiered structure of Canterlot. It starts with the train station, before its the lower quarter, the shopping, dining, and entertainment, followed by the higher quarters, then the manors, and finally the castle itself. “Wait...” Taking to the air again I hovered over the city as I looked back towards the castle. “Shadow are you thinking what I'm thinking?”

“I don't know Fire, how would you fit three different clouds in a bottle?” Shadow commented.

“Okay, Pinky,” I said with a smirk as I flew towards Donut Joe's as I had an idea and I couldn't wait to share it with Twilight.


Sitting in the room got rather boring rather fast but since I was to be observed over the next few days. Twilight went back to Ponyville because she needed to take care of stuff there. She was picking up some of my duties because of me being unable to do so. Even though I told her all she needed to do was said one of the guards up with the paperwork. But as she puts it “I'm going to need the practice for when I have duties myself.” I couldn't blame her to be honest. It's nice to get a trial period of what to do.

Something I kind of wish I still had, but sadly that really didn't come to pass. Regardless I was still in my private hotel room looking over some files as I realize that I'm going to need medics for my future plans. I had set a special request for Heartshy in that if not in an official capacity then in a teaching role to newer guards. So far, nothing from him yet and honestly I hope he does. This would give us at least a standard squad. A unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, and a medic. Truth be told I want at least each of them to have some on hoof medical knowledge to help in case. With Moon's help, she's been helping me formulate my future plan and back up plans. Surprisingly enough that she rather forthcoming with all her combat and military experiences.

On top of that, it seems that Moon has gotten along with Shadow and I rather well. Out of a lot of the ponies I've come across. Nightmare Moon or Moon as I've been calling her as of late is more combat and on the fly tactical. We've been even going as far as seeing if she could take over a part of my body. She's able to take over small bits my horn or an eye. This leads us to a discovery that means the most to us. Something we found out is that my three horns all conduct magic just like a unicorn horn. So we decided to make a plan where both Moon and Shadow will take one of my back horns and cast from them. Which we did try, mainly with a simple light spell. Hovering over me were three orbs of magic, a black, orange, and blue all spinning around each other like an atom.

We were waiting for the next check-up, as the doctors wanted to check the integration of my magic with my weakened magical veins. Which I hope is good news as I will need to use a lot of magic relatively soon. Because I could really use some good news after everything that's happened.

“Hey... Uh... Firestorm?” Moon said sounding apprehensive.

“What's up, Moon?”

“I... I just want to say sorry for what I have done to you.” That got me to sit up from the bed that I have been laying on.

“What brought this on?”

“Just... been thinking... you're dealing with a major risk with me being in here and with everything I've done to you... I just wanted to say sorry.”

“Okay?” That was followed by a few moments of silence after that.

“Just... okay?” Moon asked.

“What did you expect me to say?”

“I don't know, just something more than okay.” She said sounding a little annoyed.

“Look, Moon, I will level with you. Honestly, I get it. You want to make sure your in the good graces of the 'pony' that is supposed to help you but with our history that is a rather hard thing to do. Top that with the fact that it's been only a few days and I know It feels like I'm lax with it. That's furthest from the truth. Frankly, I only trust you so far and if you do fuck up. I will put an end to you.” That was followed by silence for a bit.

“That is... fair. I wouldn't expect any less than any pony with power.”

“Honestly Storm is probably the easiest of beings to get along with,” Shadow commented.

“If you say so.” I shot back, I would have said more before the doctor opened the door and gave it a light knock.

“Your Highness?” Heartshy said stepping into my surprise.

“Did not expect to see you here, I thought you were in Cloudsdale.”

“Princess Luna requested that I would come down to deal with this as I was just told a few hours ago about what happened.”

“So much for getting messages out in a timely matter,” I said scratching my chin.

“I did get your letter.” He said reaching into his saddlebags and pulled it out. “I can not enlist like that. But I will help train some of your guards. If they know how to do a decent job then maybe I wouldn't have to patch you up all the time.” He said with a smirk.

“Am I getting a hint of a joke there,” I said smirking back.

“Well, one of my colleges said some levity may help with my demeanor.”

“Couldn't hurt, so what's the prognoses doc?” I said getting up to my hooves.

“It's a bit of an oddity, to say the least,” Heartshy said holding up the clipboard in his wing. Something I found interesting that some pegasi would use their wings as a set of hands. Only those that have very strong wings. Even Dash has used them as fingers to count. Which it took a bit but even I can do it now, but I don't do it that often.

“What's so odd?”

“Your thaumic lines are almost tripled in strength. Which never has happened before in Equestrian history.”

“Well to be fair, I don't think having your magic ripped and taken back as that has happened either.” He looks at me for a moment before using a hoof to adjust his glasses.

“That is true, but it seems that your system has over-compensated for the returned magic. Which so make it being taken again harder to do... hopefully. From this, it seems your magical recovery has returned to normal which is good. I recommend staying here for a few more days to make sure.” He said making a few notes with a quill in his teeth.

“I can do that, but if I may ask. Will the strengthening of my thaumic lines cause any problems down the line?” That was the question.

“From what I can gather, the only problem is when you have to use a lot of magic that it may forcibly constrict and cut off the flow.”

“That could be a problem.”

“I plan to have a few scans done to check to see if these are accurate these scans are.”

“Keep me posted, and I will let you know when I have the troops ready for training.” Heartshy nodded and headed off as I laid down for a bit of rest. Staring at the ceiling I thought about everything that has happened so far. So far it has been a rough ride, but one I don't think I could ever give up. Especially Twilight, I will admit that our relationship has been rocky at points. Honestly, no relationship is perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way. The thing I worry about is how long I may have to be until I see her again when I make the jump.

“You'll survive,” Shadow said my eyes began to close as the embrace of sleep as for the first time in a long time. I fell into a dreamless sleep, and it was nice.


After the few days of scans and so forth a few things had been confirmed. My magical veins sort of speak had indeed strengthened, as they were able to hold stronger magics. Here's the kicker to this, we had identified my mysterious third well of magic, draconic magic. This brought my magic well count up to five. Unicorn, Shadow's, Moon's, Draconic, and Chaotic magic. Which with my strengthened veins, that's a lot of power to push through if I had too. It still leaves the question of what would be the outcome if all that magic was used at once? Regardless, I was at the point of preparing for my trip and I will admit.

I am scared.

Not scared of coming back and I have the means to do so thanks to Discord who was 'kind' enough to teach me about universal jumping. Which most time to find a desired universe I had to make a waypoint of sorts. In this case more a beacon of the sort that I have already placed in the Castle of the Pony Sisters in the Everfree. This way if my re-entry to this universe is violent then no one would be harmed. Luna has promised me that she will have guards to keep track and give her reports as well as Twilight through my guards. Lily was given orders that while I was gone that she and Nightling is to work together to train the other guards and protect Twilight. Lily has been verbally against this, but as her 'master' she has to follow my orders. Which is still a very weird feeling about all this.

What scares me is what I could find there. One thing I have always submitted to the multi-universe theory. Which has been proven to me so it's more multi-universe fact than anything else. With that in mind, the possibility of me running into horror after horror is a very real thing. That has left me wondering what horrors to come, is it a wasteland like from the Fallout games or will it be something straight out of H.P. Lovecraft. Thinking of that, I have had things brought to me to prepare. Between weapons, jewels, coins, military rations, and many other things. I think I have most of it prepared. Finally was my disguise that I will be using for this travel to help cover my form. We plan to go with the Nerada disguise to help keep things hidden. Just, in this case, it will be me wearing it. The mask has been fitted with a special pocket that allows me to hide my horn. My other two horns will be covered with my cloak and my mane. That leaves my wings as the last problem and so far I had to use some chaotic magic to cause the cape to let my wings pass through. The side effect is that it causes the light to wrap around them and hide them. They aren't noticeable unless you look for the light shift in the area where my wings would be. Almost like a bit of an image shifted by a pixel in a massive image. It's not really noticeable unless you are looking for it directly.

That leaves a means to defend myself, outside of magic. A knife would be easy to hide, but against a sword, I wouldn't stand much of a chance. That's not even counting if this place has firearms. Which I'm already at a disadvantage with, as I don't know if a shield spell would have enough stopping power. The most I could do in that case is avoid getting hit. Which with my track record was not looking promising. This is the problem with the unknown, you don't know what to prepare for and even so, you can't prepare for everything. There are just too many factors that leave this so up in the air that it terrifies me to no end.

I've been sitting in the loft back in Ponyville as I have been trying to calm my mind for sleep. Twilight was laying next to me in one of my shirts as she only had a few more hours in her anthropomorphic form. I gently played with her mane as I was lost in thought thinking about what was to happen tomorrow. Just... I'm lost wondering what Twilight will have to go through while I'm gone. Hell, there's no telling how long I am going to be gone since there is no telling how time flows between universes. Max's was from an earlier year then mine if that's anything to go by.

Slowly getting up from the bed, I made my way over to the edge and glided down to the floor. With a soft thump, I landed then made my way to the kitchen. As I walked in I saw Spike sitting at the table with a small plate of gemstones and a glass of milk. His gaze shot to me in surprise.

“Storm?” He said with a mouth full of gems, that was followed by a gulp. “What are you doing up so late?”

“Couldn't sleep,” I said going over to the fridge to get myself a glass of milk. “Just thinking about tomorrow has me worried.”

“That's when you are going off on your trip?” He asked looking a little confused.

“Yeah.” Sliding the chair back, I sat on down across from him.

“Where are you going?”

“Didn't Twilight tell you?”

“Twilight said you were going too far away, something like when we were in that other world,” Spike said before taking a drink of his milk.

“Something like that, the difference is that I have to travel there a harder way and I don't know how long I will be gone.”

“How come?”

“I just don't know how long it will take me to finish my mission.” I didn't want to scare Spike with the aspect of different times in different universes.

“I'm sure you can do it. Nothing really has ever stopped you.” Spike said with a smile.

“I can only try my best,” I said with a smirk. “So what's got you up? Besides the case of the munchies.”

“Just... couldn't sleep either.”

“How come?”

“Well... I've been having Nightmares and they've been keeping me up.”

“Tell me about them.” There were a few moments of silence.

“They... start with me waking up here... alone. Like no one was ever here, but just me. When I go outside I see everypony just look at me in fear. Just like when I grew out of control.” This sounded very familiar to me.

“And you feel like the world is against you like your just one in a vast sea of ponies?” That got him to look up at me before looking away.

“Trust me, Spike, I know how it feels.” That got him to look back up at me. “Being the only one of your kind here always makes you feel out of place. Like an extra puzzle piece to a finished puzzle.”

“Kind of like that. Is there any kind of advice you can give to help?”

“To be honest... there are a few things. Don't really think about it like that. It leads to a very depressing swirl that a dragon your age shouldn't have to deal with and you are not really alone here Spike. While I am going to be gone, I will need some dragon to be the dragon of the house and help defend it if something happens. Do you think you can do that for me?” Spike nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I think I can do that.”

“You think?”

“I... I can do it.” That got me to smile as I gently patted him on the head.

“Spike,” I said drawing a circle and reached through it into my little pocket space.

“Yeah?” He asked as I pulled out a small knife with a holster I had made.

“Here.” Placing the knife in front of him. “I am going to trust you to hold this and to only use it to defend yourself.” Spike looked at it before gently taking it. Sliding it out of the holster to show a redden steel blade. I had the guard's blacksmith make a few scaled alloy ingots from my scales. With that I had them craft me a few weapons including a gauntlet for my left arm, as well as a knife. But in the case of this knife, I have had this one made for him. This was supposed to be a gift after I had trained him, but with my timing, I didn't want to leave him like this.

“Storm... are you sure?”

“I'm sure Spike and if you ever think you're in danger. Go to Nightling or Lily, alright?” I said giving him a serious look.

“I will,” Spike said putting the knife back in the holster and held it close. “Why don't we get back into bed, we have a long day ahead of us.” With that, I picked up our dishes and placed them into the sink before we headed back up to the left. I helped Spike into his bed and showed him where I put the knife so he could find it in the morning. With that, I went back up to the loft and slid into bed next to Twilight. Slowly sliding my arms around her and held her as sleep began to finally take me. Because I am going to need every bit of it...

As tomorrow is a new page in my journey.

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 51 – Codex - The Page of a New World

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This... this was not what I expected. The morning was alright, after Twilight and I got up. Which was funny as she fought to try to get out of the shirt she slept in. Course that was harder with her wings kept flaring out on her as I made jumps. Once she was out of it and we got cleaned up. Which took longer than expected but to be fair I was about to head out on a possible long trip. So some personal needs had to be met. That being said, Twilight had helped to go over my checklist and her back up checklist.

So far, so good.

Once we were done, she helped me get equipped for my mission. This makes me feel like I was getting ready for a boss fight in an old school game. Which I couldn't help to make jokes, much to Twilight's annoyance. Mostly because she didn't get the reference as much as Spike did. Regardless after I got myself cloaked up and masked, we made our way to the Everfree. As we get to the entrance we are met by Luna and at least twelve of her guards as well as my guards. Floating next to her is the egg-shaped stone that I will be using. The guards all watched me ready to jump into action. Reaching up I slide up the mask to show it was me under it.

“So we ready to get this show on the road?” I asked with a smirk.

“Yes, let's begin.” We all nodded and headed into the forest itself. Oddly enough this trip was uneventful, which is out of the norm for the Everfree. Honestly, it's gotten to the point I started to expect an attack from timberwolves. Which is I think at this point annoying to no end. We were able to get to the castle which is just as it was last time I was here. Entering it we see the massive staircase that leads to the scriptures in the wall. As soon as I got past the threshold of the door, the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up on end. I knew what this was, it was my fear coming back to bite me. I always had this feeling when I was about to make a big leap in life. It was the same when I've had to move, and this was no different. Well unless you count the fact that I was about to jump universes of my own will.

“Storm are you sure you want to do this?” Twilight asked standing next to me as I bet every one of them could see the fear running through me like a river.

“Want and having too are two different things Twilight. I have to go through to get the last artifact of harmony.” I leaned down to be eye to eye with Twilight as we looked into each other's eyes.

“Storm, are you scared?” I could see the worry in her eyes.

“More then you can ever know Twilight, more then you can ever know. Just... I've got to do this and I don't have a choice.”

“But why?”

“Because this is what destiny call from me.”

“But why of you?” Twilight said getting close putting a hoof on my chest as she reared up enough to put her nose against mine.

“It's about the same as you miss Princess of Magic. Sometimes it's beyond our control.” It was tearing at my heart seeing Twilight so upset about this.

“Destiny is a jerk,” Twilight said puffing out her cheeks in annoyance, which she looks adorable when she does that.

“You can say that again. But I've got to do what I've got to do.” With that, I held Twilight gently as I just needed the hug.

“We are ready, your highness.” One of Luna's guards said.

“Alright,” I said looking up. “Twilight I will be back as soon as I can, I pinkie promise.” She looked up at me before nodding.

“I will keep you to it, even if I have to hop over and drag you back myself.” She said with a smirk.

“That's my mare,” I said with a smirk, with that I get up and see that the egg was in the center of the room as well as some of the unicorn guards were putting every safety spell in place. I went over to the beacon that I placed in the remains of the pedestal that housed the Elements of Harmony. I just felt like a fitting place to put it to make my way back. From what I could feel it was still there and strong since I used all five of my pools of magic to make sure I could find it again. Slowly making my way to the center I placed my right claw on the egg as I was trying will my own fear down. “In for a penny, in for a pound.” That's when I began to speak the spell.

Crystal touched where I must be, Through the air, overland, and Sea.

I tear a hole into the skies, so I can see this world with my eyes.

As I began to speak the spell. First, it was the wind as it began to whip around. It was soft but as I continued, it was getting to the point of gale force or at least what felt like it. All while the egg itself set out a soft blue glow.

Reveal to me which I have bidden. The world that was once hidden.

Pass me through the void of worlds. Sought the portal, let the view unfurled.

The sky over me began to fill with dark gray clouds. They swirled around and around making a spiral in the sky, it's a center point right over me. Each second I could feel the egg began to get warm. Which is surprising as this was my prosthetic limb. It could be a phantom limb kind of deal, or just how this magic works. The egg began to glow brighter and brighter as the pattern on it started to swirl. The weirdest part of it was this odd sinking feeling. Not in the sense of depression or like that, but more a physically sinking feeling. As the world around me was like quicksand. Just every second of as I continued to focus my magic on the spell, it was I sinking faster.

Watch my steps, and keep them straight, Keep my travels lined with fate.

Passed the vial in worlds through air. My destination, take me there!

Once the last word left my mouth the world sank completely away. It felt like forever as I just stood there my hand on the egg as my world was washed with colors. It wasn't prismatic but more muted if anything. Nothing like reds, yellows, or greens. More like grays, blues, and browns. As soon as the sinking feeling subsided I found myself in a different location. Going from castle ruins, to what I could only guess was the slums of some kind of city. Oddly it felt... familiar in a way, not like I've been there but something about it was eating at me. Setting the mask back into place and my hood up, I began to slowly make my way out of what looks like an alleyway. That's when it hit me the hardest, this was the slums. Old pieced together buildings, made of bricks, wood, and some other kind of stone. Looking around, I saw something out that stood out to me. Unlike when I turned Twilight, Luna, and Celestia into anthropomorphic, the 'ponies' of this world were closer to human in style. The difference here was that they house muzzles but not as pronounced. Just more in the nose region. I also noticed unlike the 'ponies' from my Equestria. Their horns are also not as pronounced either, in length. The pegasi also had differences that I can tell. As the wings were not as massive as mine in my satyr form. Where my wings are large enough that they go down to my tail, the pegasi are only large enough that they go to about the middle of their backs and a lot longer to compensate that.

Otherwise, a lot of them were much the same. Their ears where on the top of their heads as well as their tails were about the same as I expected, and all of them were covered in fur, just instead of hooves, they have feet as well as hands. Pulling the front down I began to walk within the crowd as a lot of them have the same garbs as those from earth. Normal shirts, pants, skirts, and so forth. But some of them looked ragged and even a few in cloaks. Like a fifty-fifty mixture of modern and western fantasy. I followed the main crowd as I could see more of this universe.

The street itself looked pieced together like the buildings. It was like it was built on to it like a shantytown. After a few more streets I was able to see two major things. One was Canterlot and it was on the same level as I, the second was the fucking massive ocean itself. Moving closer to it, it was as far as the eye can see. Leaning over the side, it's given me pause as I saw floats. Not small ones either, as these were structure supporting floats. The problem with using these is that they can't last forever and with buildings like these. As soon as one of them goes, the building weight will be too much for them. The ground began to shake as I turned to see a building just sink into the water. Rushing over I saw other ponies lean over with sad looks.

“Shame that's the third one this week.” Said a mare nearby.

“Third one?” I asked looking towards here.

“Building this week. I take it your new to the Canterlot Slums.” She said as I turned to see a rose-red mare with a white mane with blue stripes, wearing a blue shirt with tan pants.

“Yeah, just arrived from out of town.”

“Where from?” She asked with a smile.

“I'm from the Rock Islands.”

“Where's that?”

“Somewhere pretty far from here down south.” Lucky for me I learned most of my Equestria's map so I can always bullshit a location that would be up high enough. As long as these both were the same in build. Which is hard to tell seeing as it's covered with ocean.

“You'll have to tell me about it stranger. What's your name?” She asked with a smirk.

“My friends call me Nerada,” I said holding out my left hand. She looked down and gently took it.

“A dragon, I haven't seen one of you in a long time.” She said with a smirk as she leads the way to what looks like a small cafe. She sat me down and I followed suit across from her.

“How did you know I was a dragon?” I had to ask.

“Your claws are scaled, no other race has that. That and my neighbor use to be a dragon so I'm familiar with them.” She said with a smirk.

“Oh? Who was your neighbor?”

“Ah, just some dragon that worked in the castle.” It makes me wonder, who she was talking about. But that leads me to a question.

“If I may ask, what's with the buildings sinking?” I asked.

“It's been happening over the years, none of the supports was supposed to hold up this long. But to get someone from the castle to come out and replace them is a nightmare. So a lot of us just kind of explain it.” She said pointing off to a side street. That's when I saw something that just broke my heart. I saw a mother and her two young ones huddled in a makeshift shelter. “Most of the buildings are apartment complexes which left a lot of ponies homeless.”

“And the castle does nothing? What about the princess?” That got the mare to look at me with a critical eye.

“Princess? Don't you mean Queen?” Okay, that's interesting, to say the least.


“Yes, Queen Daybreaker?”

“Daybreaker? What happened to Celestia?” I asked curiously.

“You don't get any new out in the Rock Islands do you?” She asked curiously.

“Not really, we are pretty cut off from everypony. To be honest, this is the first I'm hearing of it.”

“You are really out of touch then. After Princess Luna's disappearance, Princess Celestia lost it and became Queen Daybreaker.”

“Princess Luna's disappearance?” That had me worried. Partly because of what that could mean.

“We don't know what happened. One day she was walking down the main streets of Canterlot, and the next day she was gone.” Interesting.

“No clue as to the reason?”

“Nope, it's just odd. There should have been something but there's nothing.”

“You sound like you've looked into it.”

“I am a reporter.” She said with a smirk as she made a flick with her hand as a card appeared. Reaching out I picked it up to read it over.

“Velvet Note, ace reporter. Freelancer?”

“How did you know?” She asked looking surprised.

“Elementary if you were with a newspaper it would have said it on the card. As most reporters make sure to state what paper they are with as a sense of pride.” With a flick, I slide the card into my little space pocket.

“Clever. So do you want to tell me where you're really from?” That got me to smirk under my mask.

“It's hard to explain, but let's just say that I come from a very far away place.”

“Some secrets are hard to get at ey?” She said smirking.

“You can say that, but I will be fair with you on one thing.” With a smirk, I slowly removed my mask and gave her a look of my face. “Some things are stranger than fiction.” With a wink, I slide the mask back into place as she looked at me with surprise.

“No kidding, you are not from around here for sure. What do you plan to do?”

“To gather some information about an artifact I'm looking for.” It was a few moments before a waiter came up and we placed our orders. Velvet orders a full meal while I only ordered some tea as I wasn't that hungry.

“Is the artifact dangerous?” She asked as curious as I noticed that an aura appeared in her mane. She hid her horn in her rather large mane. Not as big as pinkie's but it was enough to hide her horn out of sight. In seconds a pad of paper appeared before her with a pencil.

“Only in the wrong hands,” I said with a smirk. “Of course you can say that about any artifact.”

“What is it?”

“A sword,” I said with a smirk. “A very old sword.”

“Interesting, any clues where to find it?” She asked as she began to scribble.

“No clue, but I figured if any place would have an idea it would be the Archives.” That got her to stop writing.

“You're going to have a hard time getting in there. So far no pony has been able to enter the Archives since Princess Luna's disappearance.”

“Hmm... let me ask you this. How hard would it be to get into the castle itself?”

“Almost impossible if you don't work there yourself, without a pass you can't even get into the high end of Canterlot.” When I inquired about this, that's when I had this dropped on me. Canterlot got split off into three sections. The castle and what would have been the normal areas of the city were now the High Quarters. After the flooding as Velvet told me which was after Luna's disappearance as well. Canterlot was expanded to make room for the refugees that came up from the towns down below, like the once Ponyville before they were washed away. That sent a chill up my spine. Since then Canterlot has kept things very tight to keep ponies from getting out of hand. Most of the guards keep to the wall but from what I've been told that if somepony tries to hop the wall without a pass they were captured at best... shot down at worst. This put a second spike of fear through me. They had guns, a lot of guns that could do a lot of damage.

This means I have to be careful, more than useful. Not even my normal improvising is going to help if I fly by the seat of my pants. The thing that eats at me is that this all started with Luna's disappearance. When I asked Velvet about Nightmare Moon, something the Moon in my head was annoyed with. She said she had never heard of her. Much to all three of us surprise. If this was a world where Nightmare Moon didn't come into being then... what if it was flipped? That would explain a few things. Nightmare Moon's plan was to cover everything in eternal night. The problem with that is most of the food requires sunlight for food. Meaning that they would have to switch to a more dark based food or make artificial light.

I asked her about how long does the sun keep up and she said that out of a full day sixteen of it regardless of the season is always day. This means that if my hypothesis is correct, she used that unrelenting sun to melt the poles. From there it would have flooded the world. That much ice and snow, just like a tidal wave covers everything. So anything high enough much like the mountain Canterlot is attached to would have been a safe spot. This was a lot of food for thought to think about and to be honest, I needed to do a little recon. After Velvet and I finished our little 'chat' I gave her a gem to make up for my tea. After that, I went over to the mother and her children and gave them three of my largest gems on hand with instructions to help others. She nodded and thanked me with a smile as she went off. Probably to break it down into bits to help pay for things. Taking my chance I decided to sneak inside one of the buildings and get to the roof.

“Why didn't you fly to the roof?” Moon asked.

“Because I rather keep that ace in the hole for later,” I commented.

Upon the room, I could see how far I was from the High Quarter, and I was a few rooftops away. Stepping to the edge I saw that the distance between buildings was rather short besides main roads. With a jump, I was able to clear the distance, with a little gliding help with my hidden wings. Since these buildings were on the balloons, I didn't want to tempt fate per se. Till I got to the last building I could. From here the gap between the last building was a lot more massive. On top of that, I got a look at this universes guards and boy I was in the screwed department.

Which each guard had armor like those from western medieval times. Mainly that of the chest plate, with its normal white with gold trim. The difference is the rest of it. From what I could tell they wore tactical pants. Possibly made thick to or out of resistant materiel. The kicker in all this was that each of them was armed with rather large rifles. They look close to Ak-47s but modified in some way, it was hard to tell. I sat there watching the guards move back and forth, it comes to at least six different guards. They really are going back and forth in time. Making sure that no one pony was left alone. But what I did notice that the guards on this side, out of the six only two were pegasi. So if I could do it while they were the furthest away. Then that leaves me doing my best to avoid getting shot by at least two of them. Watching them go back and forth I saw my chance and gave myself a running start with help from a strength enchantment to push myself. With a few flaps, I was up and over the wall as I saw the first two take aim. Praying, I pulled up a shield to at least defuse the impact of the bullets.

Which semi-worked, the first few rounds did strike and fall. After close the third round the shield began to crack like glass. The only thing saving me was that I was getting further and further away from the six guards firing at me. Which left the two that flew after me. With a smirk, I formed an escape plan. Grabbing the clasp with my right claw, I undid it and focused my magic at the same time. My cloak went flying the same second as I teleported to the alley below. The two guards flew up grabbing the cloak in the air and looked around for a target that wasn't there. From what I could tell they were talking with each other as the on that grabbed the cloak, let go of it and it dropped down to the alley below. Where I grabbed it from the air and put it back on. That's one problem down, and many more to go. Walking the main street from the gate, I saw the crowd was rather thick so I was able to slip in and continue my way towards the castle.

Unlike the slums of Canterlot, the High Quarter was just like my version of Canterlot. Just not all of the high-end stores here. This version had a lot more clothing stores then the main street back home. Ranging from dresses to everyday wear and even some tech stores that had things like TVs and radios. Which surprised the hell out of me. If it wasn't for the fact that I was on a mission and from a different universe, I would have done a little shopping. Well... maybe more then what I was about to do. Sliding into one of the stores I began to look around. Honestly, this looked like more a resale shop than a higher-end store. As things were just haphazardly placed around, with a resale sticker. I found what I wanted which was a small portable radio and a pair of clip-on headphones. Sliding up I was able to slide a few bits onto the counter and slip out of the door before the owner noticed as I made sure to pay a few extra bits.

After a few more streets I began to slide a headphone into my ear, as I started to tune the radio. Surprisingly enough that there was quite a few different radio station just in the High Quarter. Including a classical, rock, techno, country, and drama as in radio drama stations. The one I was looking for was the news, which I only found two. One of them 'endorsed' by the castle and then a rebel radio. Listening to a few minutes of each I got some rather interesting intel. The castle wasn't to promote the good that they are doing, that was giving me propaganda flashbacks. Including something about closing in on some 'pirates' raiding a lot of Solar Guarded Ships.

On the flip side, the rebel radio more puts out what they suspect is the 'real' news. From what I can tell that the Celestia here is very 'squish the rebels' mentality by any means. That's if you take the rebel's side of it with a grain of salt. Which without seeing her for myself I can't say for sure. I will admit that with the 'disappearance' of Luna, it is suspicious, to say the least. With that out of the way, I began to plan my entry into the castle. As I made my way to the castle wall. I noticed more and more about the High Quarter. Namely the back dealings, it seems that this Canterlot has a seedy background or at least seedy alleys. I few ponies in the throws of passion here, a few drug deals there. It didn't surprise me one bit, as I expected the same of my Canterlot. Each pony I passed either stopped to watch me or ignore me like I wasn't even there. That was until I got closer to the wall that overlooks the hedge maze. As I got close I began to feel the radiant magic that was just rushing through the wall. Focusing on it showed me a very complex spell weaved into every inch of the wall. Looking around I found a fire escape that I began to climb till I could see over a short wall before I found out that there was a second taller wall that ended up looking over the hedge maze.

Okay, so they are protective. Rubbing the side of neck thinking on what to do. Floating up a rock from the street below. With a flick of magic, I sent it over the walls. As soon as it got close, magic shot up from the wall and zapped the rock into oblivion. “Clever bastards,” I said thinking out loud.

“How are we going to get in there?” Shadow asked.

“That is a good question.”

“Why don't we just use the hidden tunnels?” Moon asked.

“Hidden tunnels?” Both Shadow and I asked at the same time.

“If this Canterlot is built like ours, then they should have hidden escape tunnels. If my memory serves me then it should be a few streets down.” Moon continued, as I hopped down back to the alley.

“Okay, that leaves so many questions.” I started before Moon cut me off.

“Yes, I have used them before to spy. Little help that it did.” She groaned.

“Do I even want to ask?” Slowly I kept going down the alley.

“Stop, turn to the wall.” Following Moon's instructions, I did just that, and that's when I noticed the discoloration in the wall and slowly reached out for it. With a light touch, the spot began to glow till it engulfed the spot. Which was round at the size of a soccerball give or take. Within seconds the ground around me gave way so fast I was almost unable to catch the edge. Slowly I began to hop my way down just falling and grabbing the ladder till I got down to the bottom. The tunnel itself reminded me of the tunnels from the nightmare. Like it was carved out of the rock to make it look like bricks. The walkway looked closer to the sewers but unlike most of them, the water here ran clear. “If my memory serves me here, this should take you to my old room.” Walking down it I found it rather eerie for the most part. Just the sounds of rushing water and the flicking of magic flames. All of them, gave the tunnel an eerie glow as they crackled and popped.

“What were these tunnels used for?” I asked mostly to distract myself from the eerie feeling creeping their way right up my spine.

“Most of them were put in if we got invaded. This allowed the staff and us to escape if we had to abandon the castle for whatever reason.”

“Let me guess, you didn't use that for them,” I said with a smirk.

“Well... I may have used it to have a little fun out on the town before things 'happened'.” She said and I could tell she was smirking by her tone of voice. After a few minutes, we found ourselves at a second ladder. “This should take you directly into my room.” Climbing up we found ourselves in a rather duct and cobweb-covered room. Moon taking the initiative cast a light sleep to show that it looked much like Luna's room on my Universe. The difference here was that everything was covered in a thick layer of dust at least a few years old. That includes the spiders crawling around the massive sets of webs. Walking up to the door I noticed the door, I unlocked the door and slowly began to open it. Looking through the small crack to show me a rather empty hallway. Shadow even confirmed it for me as she formed an eye in the shadow of my claw. This got me wondering why not to set up guards here. Even if there isn't a princess here, it's still an empty part of the wing. I mean I get the room but why not the hall.

Taking a lot of side halls, I got to the Royal Archives and found it empty. Not missing books or the sort, but empty of ponies. Which is odd as there should at least be one pony keeping an eye out encase of intruders. Taking advantage of this I slide into the room and began to search. If I were to hide information about a magical sword that appeared out of nowhere. Where would I hide it? Me, I would put it in plain sight but out of the sightline. Walking around down the aisle, I found myself in the 'forbidden section'. My right ear twitched as something sounded off.

Taking a few odd steps I could make out the second set of steps in that missing step. I knew it was too easy, so with a flick of magic, I began to snuff out the magical flames that were placed throughout the room. One by one the room began to darken till it was left in pitch blackness. I fired my claw up and dug it into the ceiling and pulled myself up slowly. All the while I could hear the steps get closer, and it wasn't just one set. It was multiple as they must be the castle guard. So they may have used a different tactic to cover the halls. With a smirk, I pulled out my radio, and with a flick of magic slowly turned it on with the volume down low. Then flung the sucker the furthest away, going down the way I came. Sliding to a top, I could hear the guards turn and head the way I threw it. Slowly lowing myself to the floor, I began to take a different means to walk. Namely softly sliding my hooves down the aisle, with a few seconds between steps waiting to hear if I was being followed.

The good thing about my eyes that I have a sort of dark vision of a sense. The downside is that it causes my eyes to glow. With my mask, it covers most of it, but it still leaves a faint glow. So every few seconds I would turn it on and off. Mostly to keep my self hidden as much as possible, since I know that I am not alone in here. With a few more flashes of my dark vision, I found something that stuck out. Magically lifting I pulled it from the shelf and with a quick flash of magic, tossed it into my magical pocket. That's when I heard the click of a gun being cocked right behind my head.

“Got you asshole.” Said a rather gruff voice, that was before the room was flooded in a new set of magical flames. Turning around I saw a unicorn guard stallion with a cream coat with a dark dust gray mane. “Did you really think that the radio trick was going to work?”


“Turn around.” He said as I did. All he could see was the creepy smiling mask. “Take the mask off.”

“I can't.”

“Bull.” He said reaching up to grab the mask, but every attempt to pull it off was met with failure.

“The mask is cursed, I can't remove it.” I will admit he was rather stubborn about trying to pull it off. Even going as far as to magically try to pull it. That didn't end well as I used chaotic magic to make sure it stayed where I wanted it. The downside of trying to force chaotic magic with unicorn magic is the massive feedback and spike of pain that comes from it.

“Fine, I seems it was cursed. But you should know that no pony is allowed in the forbidden section let alone the archives by the law of Queen Daybreaker.” He said as I noticed a few other ponies coming up with matching guns in their hands. “Put your hands up.” He said as I had Shadow hide my arm within the shadow.

“Can't if I don't have any arms.” The guard reached down and began patting my sides to confirm that I didn't have arms there. It's a little hard when they were being hidden within the shadows of my cloak.

“Hand me a chain.” Said the guard as I hard the rattling from my side as it began to wrap around me. “Move.” Said the guard moving his gun to indicate which way to go. Turning, I began to walk as I felt someone grab the back of the chains. They walked me out of the archives into the main halls. Which now that I was really looking at it, I saw the differences in the décor. Unlike my universes Canterlot, which was normally white, gold, and purple. This one had more fire tones of white, red, orange, and yellows. Very 'fitting' for a 'day breaker' of sorts. The walk was rather short from where I was as I saw many different changes. One being the stained glass windows in the main hall. Namely, a few caught my eye, like the 'destruction' of Discord. This being depicted of the statue itself being shattered into pieces. The other is the elements of harmony being 'shattered' themselves. That did worry me as the Elements were the biggest weapon Equestria has on hand. If this Celestia shattered them then that would leave them without a leg to stand on against larger big bads.

As soon as we reached the main doors to the throne room I saw why they were shattered. The door open and I saw this world's Celestia. The first thing I noticed was that Celestia's mane was engulfed in flames. The second was that she was wearing what I could best describe as a combat dress. The chest was a dress that was designed two suns on the left and right that was a vibrant red. That showed a small chain set of chain mail that was either gold or at least tinted gold. The main part of the dress was dark orange. That lead up to a golden collar that ended with a round fire ruby as a centerpiece. The palanquins or shoulder guards were a matching orange with a fire red trim done up like fire. The arms were covered in sectioned plates of dark red till it reached a full forearm covering gauntlets that left the hand itself uncovered that had either a Kevlar or thick clothed gloves. On her head was a crown that was set that had her horn that would set through it. The skirt of it is where the more dress part of it comes in. As it left the legs open enough to move enough as the leggings looked like it's made of the same scaled style as the upper arms leading down to knee-high armored boots. Each piece having the same style as the palanquins. The last part of the outfit is the armored tops of her wings. That had a dark red metal with a golden spiral flourish.

The way she sat had a very dictator feel to it. As she sat back with her wings spread enough to show the armor, but not flared out in a combative stance. She had her right leg crossed over the light of her left. As they both were angled where the knee was pointed towards her right hand. As both her hands were on the armrests of her throne. The look on her face was rather stoned walled angry in a very 'how dare you interrupt my day.'

“Your highness, we caught this one breaking into the forbidden section of the archives.” Said the same guard that was holding me at gunpoint. Honestly, I'm a little surprised with myself that I wasn't freaking out that I was being held at gunpoint again. She stood up and slowly made her way down the set of red-carpeted steps that lead down to the main floor of the throne room. I noticed that the room had several fire dishes that had large magical flames burning in them in a raging inferno. She came up to me to look me directly in the face.

“What were you doing in there?” She asked with a stern look.

“Trying to deal with a cursed object,” I said with a smirk.

“He said the mask he's wearing is cursed and won't come off.” Said the guard.

“Won't come off you say?” She said as her fingers began to engulf in her golden aura as she reached to grab the mask. She began to pull hard which forced me forward. I will admit she has a lot of strength behind her. She growled as each time she pulled that it didn't remove the mask. Going as far as blasting the mask directly with the magic only caused her more frustration. “Where did you get this mask?”

“Floating out on the water,” I answered still smirking. “I figured the great Celestia would be able to have a book on the subject.” As soon as that left I say her demeanor quickly shift as each guard began to stiffen.

“What did you call me?” She growled as she grabbed the front of my chains and began to lift me up.

“I called you Celestia, Princess Celestia.” She turns and threw me towards her throne as I flipped in the air and landed on my feet on the steps to her throne.

“My name is Queen Daybreaker, you little whelp.” She growled as she reached into a pocket of space and pulled her a very familiar poleaxe that she pointed at me while it's held in one hand. “Give me one good reason not to spit roast you here and now.”

“Luna.” Her eyes widened for a moment before it returned to a picture of rage as her flame gold eyes turned completely white with magic. Surprising feet when the whites of her eyes where bright red beforehand. With the thrust of her weapon, the point of poleaxe fired a beam right at me as I jumped up into the air to avoid it.

“You will never speak that name in front of me.” She said as he flew right at me with her wings flared trying to stab me. With another jump, I landed on the tip of her weapon smirking.

“Something wrong? I figured you would love hearing the name of your sister that 'disappeared.'” She growled at me swinging up her weapon causing me to go with it as it threw me towards the wall.

“She is no sister of mine!” She roared at me as threw her poleaxe at me. I jumped up but she caught me in midair as she grabbed the chains that still bound me. She then proceeded to punch me directly in the face over and over again. This brought a nasty habit of mine of getting me pissed and it was a war inside to force myself to go slack. “So much for the big bad pony.” She said throwing me to the ground and rolled a few feet. “Get my ship ready, my 'sister' is about to have some company.”

The next few hours were had to play out as I had to remain limp the whole time as they began to plant my hooves in cement. Well, not directly my hooves, but the boots I had on. As well as she chained me up a lot more including my legs. Then I was placed into a large wooden crate and placed on a ship. I couldn't tell the full size, but from what I could hear. Six stallions lifted the box I was in onto a ship that took roughly twenty minutes from an internal count. If I was placed on the dock of a ship. That means the ship was medium at best. Especially if these are earth pony stallions. The next what felt like two hours but I could only guess was thirty minutes was felt being on the sea. From the up and down feeling, I was getting as the boat flew through the water.

“I hope you enjoy your time with her.” I heard said through the crate. That was followed by the sound of wood being scraped against wood and metal. My guess was the deck of the ship. With a flick of magic, I began to prepare myself.


The water began to rush into the box rather quickly. As I worked on picking the locks to the chains binding me. Shadow was working on some of the other locks as he could form himself out of the darkness in the box. A few soft clicks the chains fell the side of the box as I think the box began to flip while it sank. Sliding my hooves out of the boots I stood on the clement slab, feeling around. I gave the box a few test punches, but the water resistance slowed down them.

“Shit,” I said as I had to figure out a way. I can't superheat the water around me as the force of the explosion could bruise my organs at best. Pierce them at worst, as shock wave wouldn't have the air to dissipate the shock-wave from the blast. Not counting the close nature of it. If I tried to escape within a shield by expanding it, I would have to worry about the water pressure, as well as the water, rushing back into the void. As the shields I can form is either a flat wall or a sphere. That's when an idea popped into my head. Placing my back against one wall, and my hooves against the wall across from me. With a flash of a strength enchantment, I began to push. Water has this nasty habit of muting tones, which would sound like a large crack. It would sound like bits of wood strain. After a few minutes, I got aboard loose. “One down, a lot more to go.”

“Relax,” Shadow said, trying to ease my nerves.

“I am.” Placing my hooves on the next board. Repeating again and again, I was able to make an opening wide enough for me to get out. Once out, I held onto the box till it sank all the way to the bottom.

“What are you doing?” Moon asked.

“I'm finding what happened to Luna,” I answered as I focused to make a rather large light in the deep water. Since the deeper you go into the water, the harder for light to pierce through it. Even down here it was a challenge. I had to make some rather massive light so I could see for miles. With this depth, the light shouldn't be visible from the surface.

“How do you plan to figure that out?”

“Haven't you been watching?” Shadow commented.

“Besides being dropped into the middle of the ocean, I think we are on the same page. Since he decided to piss off Celestia for some odd reason.”

“That was the plan. He pushed Celestia's button so she would be so angry that she would have to put him away as he would have been the only pony to know what happened to her.” All while they talked I began to look around taking on the ocean floor. Most of it was still covered in the blades of grass and the odd bits of trees. Taking a few steps, I fought against the was resistance as I head towards a nearby hill.

“How would he know she wouldn't just kill him?” She asked.

“By making sure Luna was in the forethought of her mind. So he makes sure she was linked to him. So for someone who has an ego like that, a repeat preference in the same location wouldn't be too far off.” Looking around I saw something that caught my eye, or I should say the lack of something.

“As I expected,” I said as I continued on my way.

“What did you expect?” Moon asked as I could tell she was confused.

“When she sank she didn't go straight down. Between the currents of the water itself and the nature of the wood wanting to float. The box began to drift and in doing so, she ended up further away.” I explained as I found myself at a wall of water. Reaching out with my left hand, I tested the barrier to find it rather easy to pass through. Sliding into it, I found a rather breathable air, and in the middle of it was a wooden crate. Stepping closer, I could see that the box was covered in mildew from a piece of wood that was dunk into the ocean and kept in a damp environment. If I had to guess, at least a few years worth. Reaching in, I slid my claws around the edge and found that because of the mildew. It weakened the wood, and with a bit of strength, the wood gave way to show me a mare breathing slowly. Silhouetted by a soft glow coming from her horn. Inside I saw a soft midnight blue mare with an ethereal star filled mane, the same as the night sky. She was wearing a black dress shirt with white-dressed pants. Both covered in dirt and grim and very heavily bound. Turning to my left, I saw the bubble of water surrounding us slowly shirt by a good foot.

“Oh that's not good,” Shadow commented.

“What is?” Moon asked confused to no end by the sound of it.

“If the shrinking of the wall of water is anything to go by. That means that Luna is on the last strings of her magic. Me going through her barrier may have tipped that a bit faster then I expected.” I answered as I began to get to work breaking down the crate around her for access. Once I was able to see, I started on the locks. With the rust on it, it makes it harder to even pick. “These locks are just trashed, shit.” Grabbing the edge of the lock I began to focus my breath into a small stream to melt the lock. Even with the grim on it. It shouldn't take much to break through the small bit of metal that holds the chains. Tossing it to the side, I got the chains off her. Luckily I didn't cause her to have any burns, but to be safe I had to magically remove them. My hand was too hot to do so. With that out the of the way, that left the biggest challenge. The slab of clement shoes on her. “Shit. If I shake her, it could cause her to lose her hold on her remaining magic.”

“Couldn't you lift it as a whole?” Moon suggested.

“With the water, it would make it too heavy on her legs and could end up breaking them,” Shadow commented.

“But... Unlike my crate. We are already in an air pocket.” I said shaking my right hand with a pointer finger as I stepped close. Wrapping both her and I in a shield bubble, I focused a second spell into my right hand and snapped my finger. In seconds the clement rock began to fall away like sand. Chaotic magic got to love it at times. My heart skipped a bit when she fell into my arms, not from her beauty. Even if she is rather good looking. No, it was the wall of water rushing towards us. For a second I thought I was going to see Jessica again, till it hit my shield. I watched the water settle in place as I watched the walls shudder from the impact. The bubbles raised slowly to the surface. As if they are a swarm dancing in the fluid dance floor called the ocean.

“Are you alive?” Moon asked, my guess was that she closed her metaphoric eyes as the water came towards us.

“Well if we weren't we would be in a pretty white room right about now,” I commented as I could feel my heart trying to escape my chest.

“Did not expect to see my short life flash like that,” Shadow commented. With a flick of magic, I formed the sand into a makeshift seat. Pressing it together with hard enough to keep it solid as I took a seat to catch my breath.

“God, that would have been a way to go. Crushed under an ocean in a different universe. Fuck...” I said shaking my head a bit before I looked down at Luna in my arms. She was breathing lightly and looking feverish. Sliding the back of my left claw against her forehead as I could feel her burning up. “Shit...”

“What?” Both Shadow and Moon asked.

“She's running a fever. Running on such low magic must have shot her immune system, and I can't jump start it here.” With that, I began to focus on the ground under the shield. With a massive shove, I sent the four of us up with a massive thump. We were sent up through the water, up and up. With a splash, we hit the surface. To see that by the time we got up there, the sun was setting. Looking around, It was the middle of the ocean. “Double shit.” I can see Canterlot in the distance but if I go back there with Luna in my arms. She would be killed for sure, so that's out. “Triple Shit,” I said looking at one of the nearby ships. Taking to my wings I flew towards the nearest ship. From the look of it, it was a rather small cargo ship. Hopefully, their hold is full. Grabbing onto the side we were dragged along, and with a small jump-started to climb up. Looking around the edge of it, I didn't see anyone.

So for so go.

Climbing up, I got to the deck and slid to the side to avoid any window. With any luck, I can get to the hold to stash Luna then go get some medical supplies. A ship like this should have that at the very least. Sadly, my knowledge of ships are very lacking.

“Do you think you can find me a way to the hold?” I asked.

“I think so,” Shadow said as I watched a little blacken blob shoot out of my shadow.

“I didn't know he could do that,” Moon commented.

“Well, we have had time to expand our skills. So we used it.” I shot back as I turn to look to make sure I wouldn't be spotted. Sliding into the hall I extended my senses through the wall. Metal was rather easy to sense through, as I tried to keep track of the vibrations. So far the rooms seem empty, and I slide into a small room. From what I could tell it was empty, sliding in. The room looked like some kind of meeting room. With a large table in the center with at least ten chairs surrounding it. Two on two sides, and three on the other two sides. From the sign on the wall, it looks like the ship is either called 'The Royal Blue' or is owned by a company of that name. Locking the door behind me, I slid Luna into a chair. So I can have my arms free as I can at least transfuse a little bit of magic to try and keep her going. Slowly I placed my right claw onto her head, keeping her horn in the natural hook between my thumb and pointer finger. Focusing my magic through my prosthetic I began to feel a little light-headed as I forced my magic into her.

Something a found out is that with my now strengthen magical veins is that if I need to focus my magic, that I need to be careful. I have to regulate my magic pouring out of me unless it comes out in one massive shot. If I did something like that right with Luna. I could do massive damage to her. Not something that I would want to do. After a few seconds, I could see some of the colors come back into her fur as well as a light tint to her cheeks on top of that.

“So far I haven't seen anyone, but I found both a medic room and the way to the hold. The problem is that you'll have to go through a few different halls.” Shadow said suddenly that caused me to jump.

“Ah, fuck. Alright, let's go.” Sliding my arms back under Luna, I stepped towards the door. Unlocking it, caused it to make a loud metallic thump as it opened. Stepping out I found myself face to face with a barrel of a gun.

“Why who do we have here?” Looking past the barrel I saw a semi-familiar looking mare who was holding a nine-millimeter handgun pointed at me. Wearing what just screams punk rocker, with a torn-up black dragon shirt. She also was wearing ripped blue jean shorts, and a set of combat black boots done up with metal studs. Sadly that didn't help the fact that her rose-colored eyes were locked on me. “So... who are you and why are you here?” Said the mare as all I could do was mouth two words.

Rainbow Dash...

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 52 – Codex - The Table of Context

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Ah, shit. Out of every pony I could have run in, I had to run into the Rainbow fucking Dash of this universe. The worst of it all is that she was pointing a gun at me while my arms were full with Luna in them. She didn't take her eyes off me as I watched her adjust her grips on her gun. Taking a closer look I noticed she had a second gun in a holster as well as a knife slipped into her right combat boot.

“I will ask again. Who... are... you and why are you here?” She asked before she finally glanced down at the mare in my hands. “And why do you have Princess Luna?” Slowly watching her click the safety off.

“Nerada,” I answer.

“Excuse me?” She said looking both confused and angry.

“My name is Nerada,” I answered as Shadow began slowly creep up my tail.

“Nice to meet you. Now, why are you here?” She asked slowly moving to the right as I could see that her trigger finger shifted just a little. Great... she has an itchy trigger finger too. Fuck, I've got to deal with her too.

“I'm here for a ride,” I answered as I could feel Shadow slide up my side, and down my left arm.

“Sorry, this is a private ship. So I would suggest you put down the pony unless you want to have a... problem.”

“I can't do that.”

“This is not up for a debate.”

“I still can't do that.” Part of me wanted to trust her, I really did. But there were too many factors that I couldn't trust anyone. Celestia was a dictator in this universe as a Nightmare Moon figure. If that could happen then the 'element of loyalty' could be a backstabber. With Luna in my arms, I couldn't take the chance.

“Sorry to hear that.” She said as she straightened her arm. In a blink of an eye, Shadow shot out from shadow being created by under Luna. In that movement, Shadow reached up to point her gun up as I ducked down.


The shot rang out striking the metal walls of the ship. That followed by a snap and a scream of pain from Dash. Shadow crushed down on her forearm and shattered it. He then grabbed her by the mouth and dragged her into the room. Setting Luna back down into a chair, I began to set Dash's arm with a splint while Shadow disarmed Dash of all weapons. The amount she had on her was a little surprising. I missed two brass knuckles, four throwing knives, three clips of bullets, and a pair of spring triggered boot knives, which left Dash in a pair of socks. Don't ask me where she hid them and I frankly didn't want to think about it. Regardless, after I had her arm set. I went to work inbounding and gagging her to another one of the chairs as well as chain her to the table itself. Lucky for me the latter of them were bolted to the floor.

“Shadow check the hall,” I said as Dash watched my shadow stretch to the door and under the small gap at the bottom. In seconds it snapped back as my left ear twitched a bit.

“Bad news, we have company and she's built like a brick.” As soon as Shadow said that there was a pounding at the door.

“Open this cotton-picking door.” Said a familiar southern drawl. Oh great, that's what I fucking need right now. God damn, Applejack of all ponies. Don't tell me I found the one god damn ship that had two familiar ponies on it. Grabbing Luna I began to sink into my shadow. Dash with her eyes wide watched as my world turned into an inky black. After a few seconds, Shadow spits the two of us out in what looks like a large shipping container. We came out in the back of it away from the door. We sat Luna down one of the largest creates in there as I began to focus on giving her more magic. This time however was enough time for her to get at least in the best condition as best as I could. I'm sadly not a medical expert, but after flash studying medical and first aid books. Gave me a one-up on dealing with this. As I began to give her a small physical to try and figure out the extent of the damage.

From what I could figure out, she didn't have any broken bones other than in her joint of her wings. Most likely a measure to keep her grounded and harder for her to escape. Otherwise, all I could see is a lot of bruises. Mostly in the ribs as well as the back between the wings. Very painful spots, especially the latter with the nerve cluster between them. One good strike could cause so much pain that it could drop any winged creature. It seems that 'Daybreaker' beat the crap out of her in ways to disable but not kill. Something like that comes from either a very sadistic being that wanted to cause as much pain as possible and to do that to one's own sister. If I didn't hate 'Daybreaker' before, I sure as hell now. As I pulled out a few healing cards, I placed them around the worst part. With a small bit of magic, the cards began to glow green for a few seconds. The wounds began to heal, as the spots looked like black oil on top of the water spreading out, but only in reverse.

It was at least a good ten minutes before Luna began to stir even a little. The only reason I have a good idea of this was that I used the clock in my prosthetic while I checked her pulse as she healed. She slowly began to move as I tried to help her get back up. Shaking the whole time, she began to look around. With a finger, I held up over where my lips were for her to remain silent. She looked scared, almost terrified as she found herself in a new box.

“Who... who are you?” She asked as she shifted back against the rather cold walls of the container.

“A friend,” I answered is a very soft whisper voice. “But right now I can't say we are safe. So please stay quiet.”

“Where are we?” Luna replied as she took the hint and began to whisper.

“A ship leaving Canterlot called The Royal Blue,” I answered.

“The Royal Blue... Royal Blue...” There were a few moments before something looked like it clicked as her eyes widened. “The Royal Blue. Sir...” She said and realized I never gave her a name.

“Nerada,” I answered.

“Sir Nerada,” Luna said and I could see the wherry in her eyes. “What happened?”

“What was the last thing you remember?” She began to think for a moment as she slid off the box onto the floor. In seconds her leg began to give way. Acting fast, I caught her and help her down to one of the later creates. “My sister asked to see me after I had gone out to do my daily rounds. She... didn't look happy about something.” She continued. Taking a spot next to her I continued to listen. “She looked rather worn out from something. From there, stuff becomes a blur.” She held her hand to her head as shook her head a little. The gesture that reminded me like someone in a fog trying to wade through it. “Just a lot of pain, then something around my feet and water... then nothing. Just all a blank after that.”

“I'm not surprised,” I said standing up.

“What do you mean?”

“Just, from the wounds, you had on you and the state you were in at the bottom of the ocean.”

“Bottom of the ocean?”

“Your sister dropped you into the ocean to 'deal' with you.” That got her to look at me in shock. “It's much worse, you were severely beaten. Nothing was broken or at least not that I could tell that wasn't already healed up magically other than your wing. Most of them were around the ribs, and the middle of your back.” She began to shake as she held herself. “The question is, what do we do now?”

“Don't you have a plan?” She asked as I can tell she's not in the best of mindsets for the time being.

“Right now it's mainly finding a safe place.”

“What about here?” She asked as she tried to get back up to her feet.

“Too many factors and I highly doubt any pony here would work with us,” I answered as I moved towards the door. Shadow taking the hint slipped through the crack to check the surroundings.

“Doesn't help you broke the arm of one of them.” Moon decided to snark in.

“That too.” I shot back over the link. Sliding one of the knives into my hand and two held magically.

“Then why this ship?” Luna asked as she with a shaken step moved towards me. Holding up a hand to make her stop, as she did. Shadow slid back in and told me the coast was clear. “Just so happened to be leaving port that I could easily hop on.”

“And what about the captain?” She asked.

“Haven't seen them.”


“Okay, I haven't seen her... yet.” There was a small pause before I finally ask. “Why?” She looked at me as she turned her head for a few moments. If I had to put my bits on it, she was sizing me up and down.

“I know the captain.” She answered slowly.

“How?” I asked slowly as I was not liking how this was lining up. Too many things were lining up, and if I was a betting stallion then the captain would be none other then Rarity. With both Dash and Applejack here, then I can bet that rest of them are here too. The odds of that alone just were mass to think about.

“From reports of a dear friend of mine.” She answered as I ran my tongue in the inside of my right cheek.

“And you want me to find her after we stowed away on her ship?” I asked and I watched her nod. “What's to say she's not on the same side as your sister?”

“If Twilight Sparkle trusts her then so do I.” She stated, and I so wanted to scream in frustration at hearing that. Seriously this universe is just as much of a jerk as my own, you bastard!

“I will leave this up to you then,” I answered as I walked back towards her. At that moment the door opened behind me and without even a thought I pulled one of the guns I took of Dash. Standing there in the doorway was a rather petite looking mare with an alabaster white coat. Both her mane and tail were very full and lushes purple as they both have a curled style. Her bright baby blue eyes stared at me as she stood there in a snow-white frilled shirt that was low cut, but in the cleavage area had strings to have obscure the look while still drawing a little attention to it. She wore black dress pants and with a rather functional royal purple dress shoes with a one-inch heel. In her hand was a small-caliber pistol that I wasn't sure about the ammo size. It was something that could easily hide up a sleeve at the very least.

“Ah, that's were you two of gotten too.” The very regal sounding voice of who I could assume was Rarity. “Luna it's so nice to finally meet you.” She said slowly moving into the container as the other door open to show a rather tall orange mare that was taller than me. Wearing a granny apple green shirt with a tan open vest with matching cowboy boots. Her jeans were rather straight forward with a stylized apple on the hip being covered by a set of holsters with a set of revolvers in them. In her hand was a long barrel twelve gauge shotgun with a stained wooden handle. She stared daggers at me through her bright blond mane done up like a ponytail as well as her tail too. On her head, as I had expected was a tan stetson hat, slightly pressed back as she kept her gun trained on me. Behind her was a rather angry looking Rainbow Dash with another gun in her hand as well as her broken arm in a sling.

“If ya'll smart, I would put that gun down now.” Applejack said as she cocked her shotgun. Taking the hint I dropped the gun on the spot as Shadow caught it. “Good, Now move.” She motioned with her gun as I took the hint and slowly walked past her. Followed by her she lead me to a makeshift brig. “Now I would suggest you don't move partner.” With a shove and the lock of the barred door, I found myself in a rather sparse room with only a bed in the corner. Slowly I sat on the bed as I waited.

“Why didn't you fight?” Moon asked.

“Because even I know that I am outgunned,” I answered. “The fact of the matter is that I'm a wild card in this universe. Even more so than my own.”


“It's about this way, I've already placed myself in a position that I don't need to be in. I'm only looking for a magical sword.”

“Then why did you?”

“Because that's who he is,” Shadow answered for me. “Storm has this nasty habit to try and fix some wrongs. Especially when they are so morally wrong.”

“Morally wrong?” Moon asked.

“Celestia tried to kill her sister for no good reason. Going as far as to cause as much pain as possible that could easily be explained or hidden. This, this is something we are very familiar with.”

“So what does that have to do with allowing yourself to be locked up leaving a mare you just saved in the hands of some pony who pointed a gun at you.” The more she talked the angrier she got. I will admit, part of me was asking that very same question.

“Storm didn't want to put Luna in danger. If Applejack fired then she could be hit from the spread. Right now this is the smart option and if we had to, I can shadow step us outside and we can take to the air.”

“You do have a point,” Moon said as I began to look out the porthole to see the ocean for miles. Out in the distance, I could see islands, possibly one of them be Canterlot. I continued to watch for a few hours before I heard footsteps behind me. Turning around I saw Luna standing there.

“Hello, Nerada.” She said as she opened the door with a tray of food in her hand.

“I see you are doing better,” I replied back as I continue to watch the ocean as we go by.

“Fluttershy looked me over.” She answered as I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

“That's good to hear.” I heard the footsteps of Luna getting closer and the sounds of the tray being placed on the bed. “Why do you wear that mask?”

“Because I rather keep my face hidden.”

“Will you please show me?” Luna asked as I turned around. She was only a few feet away from me, giving me a pleading look.


“Because I want to look into the face of the pony that saved me.” She said as I could see by the look in her eyes that she was being honest with me. Taking a deep breath I reached up and slowly slid the mask off. If she was taken by surprise, she hid it well. “You're not like any pony else.”

“You can say that again,” I said with a smirk before I replaced the mask.

“Where do you come from?”

“Let's just say, I'm from a far far off land,” I answered as she gave me a serious look. “You wouldn't believe me if I told you.”

“Be that as it may, Rarity would like to have a word with you after you get something to eat.” She explained as I went over to the bed.

“If I may ask, what about?” With a wave of my hand, the bottom half of my mask disappeared so I could eat what looks like a mixture of oatmeal, strawberries, and a heart attack worth of sugar means I have a pretty good guess who the ships cook is.

“About what happened between you and Dash.”

“She got in the way and pointed a gun at us.”

“Well, we did board her captain's ship.”

“Regardless, I will stand by my actions. So how was Pinkie Pie?” That got her to look surprised.

“How did you know she was on the ship?” I took a bit of a harder bite as I was cursing this universe.

“A gut feeling,” I growled annoyingly. “But I will meet with her.” With a few more bites I finished the almost sickeningly sweet meal that was made for me. God, I could kill for a good burger right about now. Luna nodded and turned around with me following her. Something I didn't notice my first time through here was that the walls had maps all over them. They looked like sea charts with different routes leading back and forth between at least a good twenty count of islands. But these weren't papers on the wall, but literally on the wall themselves. This leads us back up the stairs into the meeting room where I saw Rarity, Dash, Applejack, and a fourth mare that I already knew who it was.

The lavender unicorn mare with the purple mane with the pink strip done up in a ponytail at the back of her head. She was standing there in a lab coat with a purple shirt underneath with a black dress skirt. She was staring at me with a critical eye as her horn was aglow with magic. Luna moved to lean against the wall as I stood at the other end of the table.

“So... Luna tells me that you 'saved' her.” Rarity commented as she eyed me as all I did was give a small nod. “To that we are grateful, but you did assault Rainbow Dash here when she found you. Given that she has the tendency of being a little trigger happy, I can understand that you had to take action.”

“Excuse me Rarity, this bastard broke my arm!” Dash said angrily. “We should break his arm in return.”

“You'd find that a little hard to do,” I spoke.

“Why's that?” Dash said getting into my face and was holding me by the cloak, while she hovered in front of me. With a shift of my right arm to show off the prosthetic.

“Can't break what's not there.” Dash looked at it for a moment before I lowered it back under the cloak.

“Dash darling please step back.” Rarity said grabbing said mare in her magic and brought her back over to her side of the table. Kind of funny to be honest, and with the mask, it made it hard for them to see the smirk on my face. “Why are you wearing a mask?”

“For my own protection,” I answered and it was honest. Well partly honest, as I also wanted to keep my identity mostly a secret from Celestia.

“I see.” She said and I know that tone. That is the tone of a calculated move on her part. “What is it that you want?”

“Safe passage while I search.”

“To where and for what?” Said Twilight now butting in.

“So any place where I can get special information and for an artifact,” I answered.

“What kind of special information?” Rarity cut in.

“For the location of said artifact.” I could see the increasing annoyance on Applejack and Dash's face.

“What is this artifact your looking for?” Twilight asked.

“Something not from this universe.”

“I see.” Rarity once again stated. “Will you attack any more of my crew?”

“Only if they attack me or get in my way.”

“Applejack?” Rarity asked turning to her.

“He's not lying, but he's also keeping something hidden. I still say we lock'm in the brig till we get to port.” Said the mare who was at this point, still holding a shotgun at me.

“I agree with her,” Dash commented.

“I partly agree, but he hasn't done anything since we put him there.” Rarity said.

“That and the fact that he hasn't used any magic since he's been here,” Twilight commented, of course, she would be keeping an eye on any magical uses. If some pony has shown he's able to escape easily then keeping an eye on any magic used would be rather important to know if I had escaped.

“I think we should give him a little leeway, if you would Twilight.” Twilight nodded before walking over.

“Your left arm please.” She said and I complied. She then placed a silver bracelet on me, with a click of a button in her hand. The band changed from silver to gold as I could feel an odd sensation wash over me. The last time I felt something like this was when I was in surgery to regrow my eye. If I had to guess, this bracelet blocks my magic from being used.

“Magic Nullifier I assume?” I asked.

“Yeah, this should prevent you from using any magic while it's active,” Twilight answered as I nodded.

“Fair enough.”

“While you're on my ship, you will have that on and active.” Rarity commented standing up. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Understandable.” I answered as Luna looked worried as Rarity stepped closer to me.

“What other limitations do I have?” That got her to stop for a moment.

“None that I can think off, but we will be keeping an eye on you the whole time.”

“Understood.” With that, I turned and headed to the deck. I jumped to the top of the ship so I can enjoy a bit of fresh air without and to enjoy the sunset that was starting to come. This was going to be a long trip. Truth be told, it's been a very long time since I was on any kind of watercraft like this. Seeing the sun reflect off the water in ripples. Just gave the sea the look that it was covered in jewels laid upon satin waves of orange and gold. Something I haven't seen in a long time, even during my trip to Saddle Arabia, I didn't take the time to watch the ocean we had to fly over. Since I had time, I thought I would take in the sights a little before I get to work.


“Can I ask you something?” Luna asked walking into my room in the brig. The last few hours I spent reading over the book I got from the 'Forbidden Section.'

“Go right ahead.” I said as I was intrigued by what I was reading.

“From what I was told, my sister went and melted the snow to the north and flooded Equestria. Then tried to drown me in some stunt of jealousy. Since then my sister had turned into a tyrant and started calling herself 'queen'. So that leaves you. What do you get out of it?” She asked at the door leaning against it. Slowly setting up I turned to look at her.

“If you must know, it just so happened I turned up and thought I could figure out a mystery while I was on my own mission,” I answered.

“There's more to it, isn't there?” She asks walking in a bit more.

“If you must know, honestly there isn't. While I am willing to help you if I can, I am still on my own mission and that will take priority over whatever happens here.” I answered as I slide the book under my cloak and into my special pocket.

“What is this artifact that you're looking for?” She asked going over to the table and chair in the room. Sliding it out she sat down in a very business way with her right leg crossed over her left only in the front.

“It's a special magical sword.” I answered moving to sit on the edge of the bed facing her.

“What's so special about it?”

“It's hard to explain but it's a sword that came out of nowhere.”


“Like it popped into existence here and I need that sword.”


“To save every pony I care about.”

“I see.” She said standing up. “This sword wouldn't be this one would it?” She asked as her horn began to glow. In seconds a small whirlpool of blue magic appeared before her. Reaching in she pulled out a rather familiar sword.

“It's not the Moon Cleaver Luna,” I answered as she gave the sword a rather impressive flourishing twirl, before she flipped the hold where she was holding it by the handle with the blade pointed down back and the hilt up and forwards.

“How do you know the name of my sword?” She asked looking a little surprised.

“Let's just say I'm just familiar with the rumors of it.” I answered, mostly not to flat out hint that I'm from a different universe.

“I see...” She said walking over to me and she hands me it to me by the handle. Cocking my eyebrow as I reached out to grab it. As soon as my prosthetic touched it, Luna's horn lit up. The wind began to kick up around me as waves of magic wash around me. In seconds all the waves stopped and beamed towards me and slammed me into the chest. That much force threw me into the far wall that leads to the outside of the ship. Bouncing off it, I fell to the floor while the sword remained in my hand.

“The hell just happened?” I asked as I was completely winded from the force of the blow and was on my hands and knees. It felt like I was just gut-punched by a full-sized elder dragon about Razors size. Fuck, did it hurt like hell. Rushing over Luna helped me back up to my feet.

“She just bound the sword to you,” Moon answered the standing question.

“I didn't expect it to so violent.” Luna said looking worried.

“Wouldn't be the first time something like has happened.” I commented with a light-dark chuckle at the end of it. “So why did you bound the Moon Cleaver to me?”

“How did?” She asked before shaking it off. “Never mind. I wanted to give you something important for saving my life.”

“But why your sword?”

“It's the only thing I could truly give. I doubt my sister would welcome me back without killing me. So out of my options this seems like the only one I had to repay you for saving me.” She sat down next to me. “All of it was a lot to take in, to find out that my own sister tried to kill me.”

“I'm not surprised.” There was a few moments of silence. “It doesn't surprise that me that it could come to that. I mean who's to say in another life, in another time that you were the one on the attack. So many factors can lead to what has happened. I'm not saying that it makes it right, but that it could happen.” Looking down at the sword that was still in my hands as I wonder where I was going to put the damn thing. Right as that thought crossed my mind, a orange whirlpool of magic appeared before me. “That's new...” Picking up the sword, I placed it into the whirlpool. Like water down the drain, it sunk right in and disappeared.

“The sword tends to react to the wants of its owner. I'm guessing you were thinking about putting it away.” Luna asked and I only nod. “Moon Cleaver has been a trusted sword, so please treat her well.”

“I will, thank you.” I said sitting there awkwardly for what felt like hours, but I could guess was minutes. In that time I just sat there looking her over. Not directly, I did it out of the side of my view. Honestly, she was rather attractive and if wasn't already to be wed to the Twilight of my universe. I could see me trying to date this Luna. Not counting the fact that I wouldn't stoop so low as to try and date a mare who I had just saved from her sister trying to kill her. Just doesn't seem right, you know?

“Ah, that's where you two went off to. Mr. Nerada, why don't we get you set up in one of the spare room.” Rarity said as she walked in without a warning. She stood there with a look that is very familiar to my own Rarity. The look that screams 'this is not up for a debate.' Taking the hint, I stood up and followed. She leads us into another room that looks a lot more spacious. Unlike the last one, the window was wider and had shades. The bed itself had covered on it other than just a normal white sheet. This one had a nice royal blue blanket it on it with a pillow with a few sides brighter pillowcase. “I hope this one is to your liking.”

“It works.” I said stepping in to see a small bookcase of assorted books ranging from romance novels, to a few manuals. Probably to give the one's using it something to read during the trip too and from port. Looking into it, I saw a wood-carved dresser and a door that was slightly open to a bathroom or sort. Looking at it more reminded me that I could use a good shower after spending some time in the ocean.

“Lovely.” She said happily almost what I could label as giddy. She then turned towards the door. “We will be having dinner in a few hours so I would make sure your prepared. Our chef said she is going to have a welcoming meal ready for our guests.” She continues before walking out the door. Luna and I just stood there for a few moments before she left too. As soon she left I closed the door and bee-lined it for the bathroom. After everything, a good shower was what I needed.


“Rare's I don't see why you're giving the stallion free reign of the ship.” Sounding a very familiar sounding Applejack voice as I was busy drying off my mane as I walked back into my room with my mask back on.

“Darling don't be rude, he did save Princess Luna after all.” Rarity commented as I was squeezing the water into the towel. Seriously how the hell does my mane soak up so much water?

“While I'm grateful for that, I still think he has ulterior motives.” Gee thanks Applejack, I can't do something out of the kindness of my heart.

“Applejack Dear, you're overthinking it. From what I heard he's not that kind of stallion.” She said and before I knew it. They opened the door to my room to see me standing there staring back at them. I watched their gaze went to my face and slowly lowered as I could see the blush on their face began to appear and expand. That's when I followed their gaze and realized I didn't have myself covered... again. With a quick motion, I wrapped my towel around me.

“Didn't anyone teach you to knock first?” I yelled back as mares began turn redder and turn away.

“I'm sorry Darling. I came by to remind you of dinner and I must have forgotten to knock. Since I have done what I came here to do if you would excuse me.” She said almost bolting out the door before I could even form a response.

“I... um... should go... bye.” Applejack stammered out before following suit. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these ponies that they can't have proper manners. Especially not to burst in or eavesdrop. After a bit I got myself dressed after magically cleaning my cloak and armor. Stepping out of the room into the hall and started walking around. Mainly because I didn't know where the mess hall was. So I just walked and walked, and in doing so I found a few things. One being a science lab and not a full-sized one, just one to fit in the small room. The other was what looks like a doctor's office or at least a medical room. After a few more open doors which looked like private rooms till I found the mess hall. Stepping in I saw for the most part standard fair. A few tables including a large on. Each of them having four and more chairs for each one of them. On one wall was a set of counters with what looks like a coffee maker, a french press, a teapot, and a rack with an assortment of mugs and cups.

To the right looks like a serving line that is like those in a school cafeteria that leads into what I could guess is a kitchen. The problem was that I couldn't see much as there was too much steam to even see into it. Finding myself a seat in the corner I sat down and waiting as I pull out the book again. What I could tell that this universe Celestia had been gathering and storing magical artifacts that she's found or 'obtained'. She then began storing them in a vault of such. The book I grabbed had catalog every artifact that she's found. Sadly not any full description of it or the location of the said vault. From what I can gather the vault itself is on the move as well. So finding the location of it is going to be a rather big headache itself. As I looked over a few more pages, something caught my eye. Looking up I saw a rather large dragon-like figure. Unlike those from my universe, this one took a more anthropomorphic in form. He stood there in a dark purple zip-up vest with a green strip horizontally across it. Under it was a white shirt that went all the way up to his claws. He was wearing Darker purple dress pants with a set of black shoes. All to cover up his light purple scales with green fin-like scales. He turned to look at me with his emerald green eyes that looked very pissed off. He started to head towards me as I groaned in annoyance. Sliding the book away, I prepared for whatever hot mess was about to be dropped into my lap.

“You.” The dragon said as he slammed his claws on the table with a loud thump. Watching him I could see how angry he was as his tail which lead up into a match light purple spade was curved up. If you don't know about the bodily signals that one gives you can mentally fight against it.

“Spike I'm not after Rarity so you can calm down,” I said rather bluntly. That got him to step back in surprised blushing rather red.

“I... what... how did... I... I...” He began to stammer at my sudden derailment of his anger.

“Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.” I said turning my right claw over in an 'its okay' gesture. He eyed me for a moment before sitting down across from me.

“Who are you?”


“Let me rephrase that. Why is there another dragon on this ship?” He asked and I groaned a little.

“Half dragon.” I answered.


“I'm what is called a Drony. Half pony, and half dragon.”

“Bullshit, prove it.” Giving him an annoyed sigh, I waved a hand over my mask and the lower half disappeared. With a deep breath I shot out a deep ruby red flame only a few feet. After a burn of a few seconds I stopped and let out a little bit of smoke.

“Is that proof enough of it?” I asked as the bottom half of the mask reappeared. The look on his face was fucking priceless. He just stood there wide-eyed and mouth open wide, like he was trying to catch flies. “I'll take that as a yes.” There was a few moments of silence between the two of us.

“Spike, may I ask you a question?”

“Um... sure?” He said shaking his head in surprise.

“Something's been bugging me, what's the whole deal here?” I asked intertwining my claws together on the table.

“What do you mean the whole deal here?”

“How did a fashionista, a farm mare, a student of knowledge, an animal lover, a party pony, stunt flying punk, and a dragon assistant all work on the same ship transporting goods?” I asked as I know I was playing a very dangerous hand with my knowledge.

“How did you know I use to be an assistant?” He asked looking angry.

“Because somethings never leave us. I see the pack of pens you have in your vest pocket as well as the small pad of paper. For quick notes, if need be. If I had to guess, your a more claw fighter but you keep a knife just in case that you keep in your left pocket. The same kind of knife that could easily break the seal or envelopes for official business. Just to name a few things.” I watched as Spike reached into said pockets pulling out the items I had listed. Setting them on the table.

“How did you know these were in my pockets?”

“Observations Spike. Your approach gave me enough time to view it to know you. The reason I figured your a more claw fighter is because you keep your claws rather sharp. Which can be hard to do if you don't have at least an enchanted file to help get through the scale covering.” I raised my left claw up to show them be rather sharp. Mostly because Twilight likes how deep my claws can dig into her fur to get the right spot. That and the fact that a sharp claw makes a good wine bottle opener, but I digress. “So my question?”

That's when this bomb got dropped on me. Up to a point, my universe and this one had the same set of events. The only difference was the fact that Nightmare Moon didn't happen so while Twilight was training with Celestia. Luna was also helping as well as deal with her duties. While still, young Twilight moved to Ponyville when it was still a place but Spike stayed at the castle. Mostly because he was too young at the time. He helped with day to day dealings till one point when he saw the darker side of Celestia. Not going into details of how he said he was too scared to stay there. So moving in with Twilight's parents who didn't move with her for reasons. He continued to help around till he was old enough to find work himself.

During that time the events that lead into the flooding and Luna's foalnapping happened. From there he helped with the construction of the slums. Hence why he was rather muscular then I had expected. After it was built he found a place and moved out. Since he worked in the High Quarter he was able to work back and forth between the two quarters. That was till one day when his employer sent him off on a job that required him to travel. In the course of that trip, the ship he was on was struck by pirates. He and most of the crew was sent overboard before the ship itself was raided then blown up. Leaving them stranded and alone at sea. Around that time Rarity came up with her ship helping those in need. What wasn't said at the time that the remainder of the ship was hers to salvage for parts.

In that time Twilight and Spike reconnected, this lead to him offering his services to Rarity and that's how they met up. What he was told me, Twilight had explained that when the first waves hit. Rarity a friend she made while in Ponyville offered her boat to every pony she could. Most of Ponyville took up the offer including the crew that was currently on the ship. They worked as a mostly salvage crew as well as a cargo ship. The contents of that cargo could be questionable at times, but it still worked. At this point, this left us to now, as he had thanked me for saving Luna. Someone who he also had a connection with before her disappearance. Sitting there Spike and I continued to talk about it when the door leading into the kitchen burst opened to show a bright bubblegum pink mare with a very bushy while very untamed. Standing there in only an apron pushing a massive tray of food. The problem with the apron is that it really doesn't leave anything to the imagination and with how large her um... assets were. Let's just say full-size watermelons would be jealous. Regardless Spike and I had the same reaction, a massive bright blush.

“Pinkie will you put on some clothes!” Spike said as he was bright red. I was at a loss for words as I couldn't take my eyes off of Pinkie as she 'bounced' around as she did. Oh god, if my Twilight was here, I know she would have pulled my ear for this.

“What is with you stallions?” Moon commented.

“What can I say, we are stallions.” Shadow shot back.

“Oh come on Spiky. I can't properly move around if I was bound by such restrictive clothing if I'm to cook a fantasta-wasta meal!” Pinkie said as she set the larger table with what looked like a buffet, all of it pony safe from the look of it. From what I could see that salad was the appetizer, next was to follow by some kind of soup. If I had to guess it was probably a vegetable broth-based one. The mane course looks like pasta, with a different verity of sauces.

“Pinkie Darling that is not how a lady is supposed to dress in front of a gentle stallion and drakes.” Rarity coming in with an outfit before she picked up said mare. She then pulled her into the kitchen and thank god, I didn't know how much longer I could last if Pinkie in this world was a nudist. I think I would be in mental danger. Shortly after Rarity entered and left with Pinkie, Applejack came in with Dash shortly after. Dash, in this case, had her arm in a sling. As soon as her eyes fell on me, her rather happy smile turned into a glare with such venom it would have killed me right there.

She went over to the table, and Spike joined them. After a few minutes, I decided to sit down and waited. Rarity and Pinkie came back after a few minutes right when Twilight stepped in. The latter of the three came in wearing her lab coat still. So that's Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight, Dash, Applejack, and Spike all here, that only leaves Luna and Fluttershy to join the party. As if on mental cue, Luna came in followed by Fluttershy and oh god if Pinkie had assents. Fluttershy had a freaking monopoly in the chest department. All contained within a very baggy blue knitted sweater that was closer to a knitted dress. Complete with long sleeves that one could easily hide one's hands in. Her mane covered her face much as I see in my universe Fluttershy. Stepping in she went to a seat closer to Dash as she looked like she was fretting over Dash's arm. Waving her off with her off-hand looked annoyed at her friend.

“I'm fine Fluttershy.” Dash groaned.

“But Dash it could get worse if you aren't careful,” Fluttershy said.

“Sugarcube, you know Dash is too hard-headed to let a broken arm keep her grounded. So why don't you give it a rest before you twist yourself up like a lasso knot.” Applejack said leaning on the back to legs of her chair as she used her hat to fan herself.

“Let us enjoy this meal before it gets cold,” Twilight said before digging into her salad with a rather swift stab of her fork. Dash started right after she made sure I was looking at her as she pieced a cherry tomato-like she pictured that tomato was my heart. Waving my hand over the bottom of the mask, it disappeared as if I had just wiped the mask away. The salad itself wasn't too bad, just something about it seemed off. It could be that my taste buds aren't compatible with the food here, and so that it leaves everything muted in a way. The same with the soup and the pasta. All the while, I listened to all of them talk with each other. Dash and Applejack were talking about the Wonderbolts, which seems to be a mixture of stunt fliers and erotic dancers. Twilight was talking to Rarity about Luna and the ship. Pinkie was being Pinkie talking about anything and everything, which her current topic was about oatmeal. Fluttershy was remaining silent as well as Spike who was just watching everyone talk as heat. Luna was looking me up and down curiously as I just ate. Which went on for a while, as I was digging into pasta when things changed.

“Nerada was it?” Twilight started eyeing me. “What's with the mask?”

“Depends on what you're inquiring about regarding it Twilight Sparkle.” I answered before getting up to refill my drink.

“The bottom half of your mask is currently missing even when I saw it earlier that mask was whole. Not counting that it's clearly magical but I'm unable to sense any kind of magic from it.” She pointed out.

“Ah, that,” I said coming back with my cup of tea after I poured a little lemon into it. “The answer to that is rather simple, it's an untraceable kind of magic if you're not looking for it.” Sitting back down I took a sip of my drink.


“How is anything done? Someone invented it.” I answered with a smirk before sipping my steaming cup of tea. “Before you ask, I'm not divulging that secret as it's not mine to share.”

“Then how can we trust some pony like you?” She asked and I could tell she was angry. Something this Twilight shared with mine is that if they didn't get their answer when they aggressive about it. My Twilight did that when things didn't add up with Chrysalis changed into Cadence for her wedding. If this is going to go the way I think it is then I'm about to deal with a raging Twi-storm coming.

“If you must have the truth, then the mask itself uses Chaotic magic. Something that even Celestia can't stop when in place.” That got all of them to stop and look at me, that's before I saw a few of Twilight's hairs start to spring out of place.

“That's impossible!” She yelled.

“You mean like how it's impossible for me to remove your magical device that is supposed to suppress my magic without you knowing?” I asked with a smirk on my face she could see.

“Exactly tha-” She got out before she saw my tail come up with her device on it.

“Nothing is impossible,” I answered, but I did say I would keep this one me. “As a friend told me, regardless of how big you think you are. There is always someone bigger, smarter, or more magical then you.”


“Magic.” I couldn't help but give a smug smirk and I could see a few more hairs start to spring out of place.

“Twilight Darling, you need to calm down. We don't need another meltdown on board.” Rarity commented.

“Yeah, sugar-cube. He's just trying to rial you up and by the look of it, doing a good job of it.” Applejack tacked on giving me the stink eye.

“I want to know how,” Twilight said getting up and tries to magically lift me.

“If you were smart, I wouldn't try that,” I commented as I began to take a defensive stance.

“Your not going to do anything, your in a room full of ponies and I can tell you at least four of us are armed,” Twilight said walking over to me.

“Would you bet their lives on that?” I asked not losing my smirk. That got her to stop for a moment before she pulled out a pistol. It looked like a laser pistol straight out of a Fallout game. She pointed it at me.

“I wouldn't move a muscle.” She said with as her grin started to turn manic. Oh, I know that look. She just flipped into crazy Twi mode.

“Hate to burst your bubble, but Shadow,” I said as the bottom of the mask faded in as the smile and eyes began to glow red. In seconds my shadow spread out and shot up and formed claws above everyone's head but Luna's. “Now I would suggest you drop the gun.” She turned and saw what happened.

“How?” She asked as I could see all of the vinegar just leave her. Her gun dropped to the floor with a clang. Shadow picked up the gun and brought it to me.

“Because like I said, there is always someone better than you.” Shadow pulled back into my shadow as I sat down. “As for everyone else, I'm a simple being. Don't threaten me, and I won't return the favor.” Everyone stared at me and Twilight as she stood there as I could see the fear on her face. As well as the fear in just about everyone eases eyes. Well... all but Pinkie who I guess figured out already that I wouldn't hurt anyone unless I was attacked. “Now, in the sense of fairness.” Reaching up I pulled off the mask and slide it into a portal. They all continue to stare at me as this confirmed that I didn't look like them. “I know, I don't look like a normal pony. I'm what's called a drony. Part pony, and part dragon.”

“I've never heard of some... one like that.” Rarity said and I could see she's trying to be tactful, while still scared.

“Because we like to keep ourselves hidden. In my case, I wear a mask so I can go about it.”

“And that strange magic?”

“Dronies have a different kind of magic. Depending on the type they are will depend on what kind of magic. I'm a special kind as I am an elemental drony. I specialize in all kinds of magic and that includes chaotic and shadow magic.”

“How were you able to know that your this specialty?” Twilight asked sitting down.

“Dumb luck to be honest and a lot of trial and error,” I answered with a shrug.

“That's dangerous.”

“You have no idea how true that is.” I said pulling out my prosthetic from my cloak. “This was from a spell backfired and now there is no way to regrow it magically. So now I have a reminder of how dangerous magic is if you don't know. But I also have got a new understanding of it.”

“That's just insane!” Twilight said standing back up before anything else can be said a voice range out.

“This is the Celestia Guard, prepare to be boarded for a surprise inspection.” Said a rather gruff voice that boomed throughout the ship. Kind of reminded me of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Oh, hay baskets.” Applejack said getting up.

“Keep calm everypony, we know the drill.” Rarity said also getting up as the rest of them did. “Luna, Nerada.” She continued looking around. “Follow Dash down to the hold. She will point out a special compartment that both of you can hide in.”

“Do I have to Rarity?” Dash whined.

“Dash this is not the time.” Rarity said running out of the room with most of them. Pinkie went around and picked up the dishes as Fluttershy helped.

Dash groaned a bit before looking at Luna and I. “Come on you two, I'll show you the way.” She said leading us out of the room. Back down to the haul and into the back corner. She then pulled out a crowbar and then with a jammed it into a small hole that was around the support bar that went a few feet from the wall. At that moment a small door slid open to show a small panic room that both Luna and I entered. Dash motioned for both of us to remain silent as she shut the door.

The room itself was rather simple. The room had shelves with a mixture of drinks and simple foods. Looking around the gray-blue painted wall I saw a set of monitors that showed a lot of the ship as we saw what happened. A large heavy cruiser pulled up and dwarfed 'The Royal Blue' as I could see the 'ESS Sunshot' painted on the side. Rarity walked up on deck to great the four pegasi and two unicorns that descended onto the ship. Sadly I couldn't tell the colors as the screen was grayscaled. They descended into the halls as I watched them do a methodical search, that reminds me of a military standard pattern. Making sure that each room was done in a two or three pony teams leaving the other two in the hall. One was looking over a clipboard that I could only guess was a manifest. Room by room Luna and I watched them get closer and closer. Pulling out the mask, I slide it back on as a means to prepare myself. When they got back down to the cargo hold, they began to open and search each one of the creates and shipping containers. When one of them began to knock on the walls of the cargo hall, that got the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. Every so often, all I could hear was a knock-knock. It started from the far end of the room, as it just got closer and closer. Just knock, knock. Foot by foot I could hear the solid wall reverberating back till it hit the corner of the safe room as the first hallow hit can be heard.

“What's behind this wall?” Said a voice on the other side of the wall. Luna looked ready to fight as I had to began to prepare myself.

“Just some mechanical things, I wouldn't know as I'm not the ship's mechanic.” Rarity said and I will give her this, it was a well-constructed lie that she believed or at least she portrayed that she believed.

“We are going to have to check for ourselves.” The voice said as on guard went with Rarity to talk to whoever was the mechanic. Two of the other guards stayed behind and a few feet away from the wall.

“Think we should try opening it ourselves?” Said one of the other guards the unicorn. The other one nodded as he turned around and I could see them look for the seem of the door itself. Which would be hard to do, as even I couldn't see it. Either it's hidden magically or an expert in his craft did too good of a job. Don't know what was going to get to me first, the worry about what they may try to do when they see both Luna and I in here or what I may do. From the groan of the metal as we watched an aura appeared around the door. They were going to brute force it opens, fucking lovely. I put Luna behind me as I prepared. First, it was a soft groan of metal as they started with minimal force. Then I could tell from the heavy groan that almost echoed in the room as they applied as much force as they can. Even the pegasus guard was grabbing the edge that had began to buckle to pull. Taking a slow deep breath I whispered one thing.

“Here... We... Go...”

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 53 – Codex - Itemized Index

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The door open as both Sniper and Swift Shots worked together to do so. The metal warped and caved as it crumpled, then fell to the floor. Stepping in they saw the empty room, void of anything. “Looks like this is just a safe room.” Said Sniper said as his horn lit up and sent a wide beam of magic across the walls. “It looks like no pony was here.”

“Then I wonder why that mare was so sure,” Swift said looking puzzled. Both of them turned around towards the door to see a blackened mass standing there as it's red curved eyes and a match red curved smile looked at them. It just stood there as six thin and almost stick-like limbs protruded from its body all ending in large sharp claws that looked on earthly long.

“Swift,” Sniper said as he slowly reached for his pistol.

“Yeah, Snips?”

“Be rea-” Was all Sniper Shot got out before the creature flew forward slamming both of them into the wall pinning them. With only a hand by their throats. The other four claws began to pick through their pockets and gear to disarm them. They watched as the figure held up their weapons. In horror they watched them sink into the body. The figured opened it's large grin as it showed rows of blackened teeth in a sea of red. The fingers began to tightened to prevent them from speaking as the free arms came down and crushed the limbs of both Sniper and Swift before the pain was too unbearable for them to stay conscious. The figure placed the bodies in the corner after ripping off the bottoms of their shirts to make a makeshift gag. It then turned and headed to the door as a mare walked in front of it.

“Was that necessary?” Said the mare that turned out to be Princess Luna.

“Yes, it was. Rather have a monster hiding attack them, then Rarity housing fugitives.” The figure said as I the mass began to pull back to show Storm standing there with his mask back on. “Plus fear is a wonderful friend.”

“While that is true, what is going to happen when they notice that their 'friends' was attacked?” Luna said crossing her arms.

“She has you on that,” Moon commented through the link.

“The thing about monsters are that they are 'easily' provoked.” Storm said grinning as they went over to a door. “Hide in this container till I come back for you.” Luna looked at him before nodding. Storm reached into his cloak and pulled out a knife and a nine-millimeter gun. “Use these just in case.” Taking the weapons from him, she went into the storage container. Shutting the door, Storm turned around with a grin under his mask. “Time to drum up the band.” With a snap of his fingers, a spark was shot through the ship and into the other.

“Moon, you thinking what I'm thinking?” Shadow commented.

“It depends on Shadow, how much of a Nightmare shall we give them?” Moon shot back.

“I'm thinking one hell of a nightmare.” Storm said as he sunk into his own shadow as it shot across to the wall, up it and through the window. The shadow disappeared into the water under the ship right as Rarity came up on deck with the captain of the ESS Sunshot. Captain Solar Sail was a rather tall vibrant yellow coat with brunette mane and tail. Both cut short in a military-style, as he followed behind her as kept himself at the ready for any pony to attack.

“Now Miss Rarity, from what I can see that everything is in order.” He said looking over a clipboard in his hand.

“I completely understand Mr. Solar Sail.”

“With that said, I do have to question why were you close to Canterlot when your manifest said you were heading from the Southern Isles of Dust City to the Crystal Islands,” Solar asked as he gave Rarity one of his personal trademark inquiring stares. A stare that normally gets any pony that it's used on to talk. However, Rarity was not one to fall victim to it as she had been detained and questioned by ponies and even griffons who have used worse tactics on her. But in this case, that wasn't why this didn't work. No, it was the fact that surrounding both ships was a large wall of water.

“What is the meaning of this Mr. Sail?” Rarity asked looking angry.

“This isn't our doing.” Sail said as he pulls out his firearm as eight sets of eyes surround them from the wall of water. One of the sets of eyes came closer as a largely crystallized snakehead began to come out of the water. “What in the creators' name is that?!”

“I don't know. Applejack get the big guns!” Rarity yelled.

“Already on it sugar-cube.” Applejack said running out with a twelve-gauge gun. Then her eyes fell on the large snake peering down at them. “I think we need bigger guns.”

“Captain to the ship, fire at the snake.” Sail said into a radio that he pulled from his belt. The large barreled cannons turned slowly towards the head of the snake. Much to Solar Sail's horror, the snake turned its attention towards his ship. It hissed at it before shot out a liquid that landed on the barrels. In seconds the liquid began to expand and crystallize covering the gun in ice. “Belay that order!” Sail yelled into his radio. But sadly it was too late. The cannon exploded sending shards of metal and ice everywhere. Rarity, Applejack, and Solar Sail took cover behind the side of the ship as it rained down.

“Applejack dear, does Pinkie still have her party cannon on board?” Rarity asked turning to said mare.

“I think so Rare. I'll go get her.” She said before dashing down into the halls of the ship.

“Party Cannon?” Solar Sail asked confused as leaned over to check on the snake, who was at the time spitting more freezing liquid on his ship covering it. The worst part is that the snake was keeping to one side of the ship. But the other cannons on the rear of the ship couldn't hit it without taking the command bridge out with it. He also didn't watch to chance using the silo's to have the play load on the ship detonated. Which would just split his ship in two. In seconds a second of The Royal Blue opened up and a platform raised up to show Pinkie holding what looks like a Navel cannon set up to be held by hand. The main barrel was painted bright pink with blue and yellow balloons on the back of it. The handle and rig of it were bright sky blue with yellow accents ribbons. Rarity and Solar Sail watched as Pinkie cocked the cannon as it sounded like a shotgun as she turned the snake.

“Party Time!” Pinkie yelled as she fired her cannon. What shot out was a mixture of party confetti and what looks like a comical styled bomb with a cartoon smile on it. The snake turned in time to be nailed in the nose. The explosion wasn't a typical one as it blasted in blues and pinks cracking the ice like crystal. The snake hissed but Pinkie was quicker on the draw and had fired a second round. Timed right, it landed in the snakes mouth as it swallowed. It looked surprised as it looked down and back up as Pinkie grinned like a mad mare. “Parties Over.”


The snake's neck exploded in the same pink and blue colors that forced the snake's head flew off. The rest of the body fell down against the larger ship before it slid down and sank into the water. Much to everyone's horror, a second snakehead came out and before Pinkie could react. It spat its liquid at her, she, however, remained unharmed but her cannon was hit freezing it in place.

“Aw party pooper!” She frowned before she felt her tail began to twitch. She ran over grabbing both Solar and Rarity, then dived into the helm of the ship. There were a few moments of silence before a sound began to fade in rather quickly. In the space above both ships, a magical display appeared with the words 'playing Blues Saraceno – Devils Got You Beat: Nightcore Mix' high above them. That was also followed by the sound of something falling from the sky right in time with the song. The impact nailed the head of the snake almost if it was in slow motion, a figure landed on the head as the cracks formed in it. It jumped off as the shards began to split off it as he landed on top of the helm of Solar's ship. Turning towards the third snake that came out of the wall and before it was ready. Solar, Rarity, and Pinkie looking out one of the windows, saw a large bipedal figure covered in a black mass. With two oversized claws that were too large for its frame. It matched its large legs and clawed feet. It jumped up and landed a large punch into the snake shattering it.

“What is that?” Solar said before reaching for his radio. “Captian to the ship, fire at the snakes and that figure. I want both of them shot down!”

“Captain, that thing is saving our flanks!” Rarity commented.

“Those things are monstrosities that need to be put down!” The captain said before Rarity pulled her gun on him.

“Captain, retract that order.” She said in a dangerous tone.

“I will not.” He said as he is a quick motion disarmed Rarity. “And I will be taking you and your crew back to Canterlot.” As he said that pointing her gun back at Rarity. That was followed by a second large boom coming from the outside as cannons fired at the fourth snake that appeared. The watched the figure grab a large chunk of the snakes head and slammed it down on the cannon barrels. They crumpled as if they were made of tin foil. The figured turn towards The Royal Blue as they could see two round red dots one on top of the other vertically. It then crouched down before it jumped down towards The Royal Blue and landed in front of the window leading to the helm. Solar taking the chance shot at the blackened figure, shattering the glass. It bent and curved itself to avoid the rounds. It then stretched its arm forward towards Solar Soil and grabbed him. Then a bolt of lightning shot down its arm and shocked Solar. Who screamed out in pain before he slumped against the arm. Releasing Solar who dropped like a corpse, the figure turned towards Rarity and Pinkie as it blinked at them. He then turned back to the ship as it jumped back to the ship.

“Pinkie, go check on the two stallions in the hold and on Princess Luna.” Rarity said as she reached down to a fashionable pouch and pulled out a set of zip ties. She began to bound Solar Sail and relieved him off any and all gear to the point she disrobed his down to his pants. Solar had a rather sizable amount of gear on him. She then slid them into a hidden compartment in the wall as Pinkie disappeared within seconds. After that Rarity went back to watch the figure began to rip off the rear cannons. Just as fast as the figure crushed it, it was able to pull it off the ship with ease. His arms reached into the newly made holes as it pulled out four fresh unspent rounds. It then jumped up into the air and threw it at the ship. That was followed by four matching booms that sent off a cascade effect that forced the ship itself to explode and slowly sank. The figure jumped from the wreckage back onto The Royal Blue.

The shadow melted away, to show Storm standing there with a large duffle bag in his hand. Stretching his neck a bit, “Never can get used to the stiffness after that.” Storm said before heading in.

“Not much I can do that, having to make such a large shadow figure always feels like I'm pulling a muscle afterward,” Shadow commented before a large glob of a shady mass shot down the stairs to the hold.

“Are you sure it was wise to do that?” Moon asked as she watched Storm walk into the meeting room. Tossing the duffle bag onto the table and opened it to show it full of hard drives and files.

“I wanted to know what they know,” I said as I pulled out one of the hard drives, and with a little bit of technical wizardry, I hooked it up to my prosthetic interface. A lot of these files were nothing more than progress and repair reports. “Huh... nothing so far.” He said scrolling through pages and pages of intel. “What do we have here?”

“What is it?” Moon commented as the sound of a few foot's steps could be heard. The door was thrown open and to show Rarity, Applejack, and Dash all at the door. They were met with Storm pointing one of the pistols he had taken off of Solar's ship.

“Oh sorry.” He said flipping the gun and it disappears.

“Where have you been?” Dash said getting up in his face.

“Doing what I do best.” He said walking over to the duffle bag and opened it. “I got every piece of intel they had on the ship before I blew it up.”

“Wait, you blew it up?” Applejack asked looking surprised.

“Eeyup.” He grinned. “I'm also good with parlor tricks too.” With a flick of his wrist, the ace of spades appeared in his right hand.

“I don't trust you.” Applejack said after she stepped up in front of him with Dash stepping to the side.

“You don't have to trust me, to work with me.”

“And how can work with someone who could turn on us at a moment's notice?” Applejack growled at him.

“Because if I was going to do something like that.” Storm said before his mask began to cover in complete darkness leaving only the face on it glowing. It began to blink as the mouth of it began to move. “I would have done so already.” The walls began to flicker and cover in static as each one of them stepped back in a mixture of fear and worry. In seconds everything stopped and went back to normal as he turned away. “Celestia knows Luna is here.”

“How?” Rarity commented walking over as one of the files raised up into the air.

“She had a boat always watching the location Luna was sunk at. It seems that Celestia had me a few miles away from her. From what I could glean from the file. She expected me to be her survival. Which I walked right into, regardless it seems you were on her radar for a while now. Mostly delivering guns and supplies to groups that have been a thorn in her side.” Storm answered with a smile. “I will give her this. She's a lot smarter then I gave her credit for.” Rarity at that time was looking over the file.

“She's been watching us for a while since before the flood.”

“I think that is because of Twilight.”

“What's Twilight go to do with all this?” Dash asked.

“It was because she was her student at one point.” Said another voice from outside the door. Stepping in, it showed it was Spike looking very annoyed.

“And she has been keeping track of her as much as she can.” He said walking over and pulled out another. “If I was in her place, I would do the same.”

“What do we do?” Rarity asked.

“The only thing we can do, continue on our way.” Storm said with a smirk.

“Isn't Daybreaker going to realize something off when they don't report in?” Spike commented.

“I took care of that, while the snakes disabled the ship. I was already in their communication system and I sent a message.”

“How in tarnation did you know how to do that?” Applejack commented with a smirk. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a binder.

“I read the instructions.” All Applejack could do was place her hand on her face.

“I should have seen that one coming.”

“Yeah, you should have,” Dash commented with a smirk.


“How in all creation did you manage to do it?” Luna yelled for not the first time as she walked back and forth in my temporary room.

“Do what?” I asked mostly already knowing what she was about to say.

“How did you save everypony on that ship?” She asked stepping in front of me directly.

“That's the easy part.” using a bit of shadow step, I placed my arm through the darkness in my cloak and appeared out of the shadows of her wings. Gently tapping on her shoulder, she whirled her head around to see my hand waving back at her. “Miss direction.”

“What?!” She almost yelled in frustration and surprise as I pulled my hand back.

“While the snake did its first rounds of attack. I was in the ship clearing out all of them. When I decided to jump into the show Shadow was the one pulling all of the strings on the ship.”

“Shadow?” Luna asked before Shadow himself appeared out from my own shadow under me. He was taking his snake-like dragon form as he coiled up around me and over my shoulder.

“That would be I, Luna,” Shadow said with a bow.

“Shadow and I can work together and apart. So while I was putting on a show, he was getting the crew out.” I explained before taking a seat on my bed.

“Then you must be very powerful,” Luna said crossing her arms as she moved over to the window.

“Depends on which side you stand.”

“Which side?” She turned to look at him puzzled.

“As I have said, there is always someone more powerful. It depends on who I am being compared too.” I said rolling my prosthetic wrist in a 'so forth' gesture. “If you compared me to someone like Shining Armor, then yes I'm powerful. But if you're talking about someone like Celestia then it's a harder one too compared.”

“How do you know of Shining Armor?” Luna asked.

“Let's just say I am informed about ponies.”

“You know your verge answers are starting to get a little old.”

“Sorry, some answers can not be directly given, just... let's just say I have reasons I don't answer directly.” Walking to the small little bathroom, I poured myself a drink of water and took a rather large gulp. “But I think you should prepare for that kind of meeting you may get.”

“What do you mean?” She asked watching me.

“Your meeting with Cadence. Somepony who thought you were dead or at least imprisoned.” I explained as Luna looked at me.

“What are you going to do when we get there?” Luna asked.

“Look what I came to find.”

“The artifact sword?”



“If the Crystal Empire is anything like Canterlot, then they have an archive which would be my best bet to find a clue. From there if I find something, then I will go to where it leads me. If not, then I just move on to another town for another clue.” I explained as that was my only real plan.

“Then allow me to help you, let me talk to Cadence and see if she would be willing to let you into the Crystal Empire's Archives.”

“Only, if you don't mind,” I said with a slight bow.

“But I guess I will take my leave, good day.” She said leaving, as she passed the threshold of the door itself shut and locked with a flick of my magic. Running a claw through my mane, I just sat back down on the bed.

“The multiverse does not make things easy, does it?” I said more to myself than anything.

“With your track record, I'm surprised we don't have to swim there ourselves,” Shadow commented.

“Don't joke, there still time for that to happen.”

“What is with you and your luck?” Moon asked.

“You'd have to take that question up with the multiverse, it likes to kick me when I'm down.” I shot back with a smile. “Let's go get some fresh air.” With that, I left to go stare at the stars. After I got up to the deck itself. I jumped up to the top of the ship and sat down to look up at the night sky. Making me wonder about many things but the main thing that was on my mind, my Twilight Sparkle. I was worried about Twilight and what she was going through. Was my time here only seconds to her, maybe weeks, or even months. As my mind slowly drifted away from the sight of the start to the pain of spending a night away from my Twilight and unable to contact her through the dreamscape. It almost made me forget where I was before I heard the click behind me.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out right now,” Dash said behind me.

“Besides shooting the being that saved Princess Luna,” I said not turning around. “The fact that if you even flinch in the wrong way. I won't be the only one shot.” That said was followed by a second click. “Rainbow Dash, meet Shadow Storm.”

“Hello Dashie,” Shadow said standing behind her in a matching form to hers. Slowly standing up and turning to see the same thing. “I suggest you drop the gun or a broken arm will be the least of your worries.” Dash looked angry before she flipped the gun and held it out for me. Gently taking it from her I slide it into my pocket space.

“I get that you don't like me, but this is low even for you Dash. Go inside, and I will leave your gun in the meeting room.” Dash stared at me before sliding down the front of the ship and headed inside. With that, I went back to staring at the stars and getting lost in thought. With a flick of magic, I focused up into the stars as I gently began moving a few of the smaller ones towards a larger one. In seconds something close to Twilight's cutie-mark was up there in the sky.

“I didn't know you knew how to use celestial magic,” Moon said.

“They tried to teach me some of it. The first time it sent a massive pain in my horn and a matching headache.”

“That happens for the first time.”

“Well, it was a spell that took six unicorns to use.”

“There was more to it. The spell itself would drain the magic from them completely where they were only running on the magic the body needed to survive after they stay as one of them.”

“If I remember correctly it was because of the magical strain from the overuse of the spell.”

“You've read a lot about it haven't you?” Moon asked sounding a little surprised.

“Well, I did find the secret section in the library.”

“Wait, you found the secret section?”

“Not hard to find since the switch is pulling two books at the same time. Both with the sun and moon on them. Seriously I could hide the switch better.” That was followed by the sound of a facepalm in my head.



“How stupid can they be?”

“You'd be surprised.” With that Moon, Shadow, and I just talked about Equestrian history long into the night. It didn't take long for me to relax finally before I decided to head to bed. All to end up continuing our conversation in the dreamscape. Which wasn't bad, to be honest, but it did make me miss my Twilight more.


It took a few days but we finally found ourselves at the Crystal Empire Port. From what I was told, both Shining Armor and Cadence to magically grow the crystals under the city to bring it up enough to the surface of the water. From there they would expand out in size till it was bigger then Canterlot. From the look of it, they grew crystals to chisel out more buildings. Looking from the deck of the ship, I saw that a group of guards where stationed on the dock as we made our approach. Luna was standing next to me looking over the edge a little. Next to her was Rarity and Twilight. The rest of them were still under the deck doing their respective jobs, well all but Dash who has been avoiding me as much as she can after our little standoff on the deck. When the ship finally docked, the guards all stood at the ready as Luna, Rarity and Twilight went off first with me following behind. At the end of the line of guards stood a white stallion wearing the garb of the Crystal guards. Which was enough for his blue and light blue striped mane to poke out the top.

He stood there at the ready as he gave a bow to Luna. “It's been a long time Princess Luna.”

“Yes, it has been Shining Armor.” Luna said as Armor got back up from his bow. As soon as I got close to the group the guards behind them stuck out their spears to block my path. They turned to see that I was being barred. “What's the meaning of this?”

“We've gotten reports that a stallion wearing a cape with a white and red mask attacking innocent ponies.” Shining said walking past them and up to me. “So I have to ask, why are you here with Princess Luna and my sister?”

“Interesting way to treat someone who has saved said princess,” I answered as I had to keep myself lax so I didn't put on an error of hostility. Course I couldn't help my mouth at times.

“And who said you didn't have ulterior motives.”

“Oh, I do. I'm looking for information.” That got Shining to put his guard up.

“Information about what?”

“A magical sword.”

“What's so special about this sword?”

“I need it to complete my mission.”

“And what is your mission.”

“To save everypony I care about.” That got him to stare me down. In all fairness, I was staring him down as well.

“Shining Armor is this really necessary to grill the stallion that saved my life?” Luna asked as she came by and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“I don't trust this stallion.” He said as his eye's narrowed at me. “Bring him along.” He barked at the other guards as they formed around me with their spears at the ready. Slowly we made our way down the streets of the Empire as the large castle in the center came closer and closer. The more I looked at it the more the castle reminded me of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France. As we walked up, many of the ponies watched us. To be honest, I wasn't surprised that there were many different types of ponies here besides the crystal ponies. Granted they made a large number of the crowd. This wasn't the first time I was escorted by a large number of ponies, but with everyone being anthropomorphic. It did make it feel a bit weirder to me. We reached the underneath of the castle where the Crystal Heart would normally be in my universe. This got me to wonder if this universe had the reappearance of Sombra as mine did. Shining lead us into the main rotunda of the castle before he told his guards to stay with me as Luna, Twilight, Rarity, and him went off towards the throne room. I took the time to look around to note a few differences. Nothing substantial but it was more just small details. Like instead of a crystal flower here, there's a statue and so forth. Looking at each guard I noticed a few different things about their armor. Unlike the more quadruped style armor, they have more like those from Canterlot here. Mostly stylized Kevlar armor that is in the style of short sleeve shirts. Their pants were close to tactical jeans with enough pockets to hold most of what they need as well as keep them padded either with similar Kevlar or at least some kind of lightweight padding.

After what felt like an hour, the sounds of a door opening up and three ponies coming out. Shining Armor, Luna, and a third that if I had to guess was Cadence. The third of the group was walking around in a rather simplistic outfit. Mainly a sunset yellow dress with a dark pink dress coat that leads down to light pink cuffs. Around her neck had a golden necklace in the shame of a stylized heart. She slowly walked up to the group of guards and myself. With a wave of her hand, the guards moved to the side till she was directly in front of me. She stared at me for a little bit, more than likely to size me up. What she did next surprised me, and probably everyone else. She hugged me, and I mean a serious hug.

“Thank you for returning my aunt alive.” She said as I could tell she was crying. A cry of joy and relief. It's one of those things that when your not given an answer to the reason why someone close disappeared. Your left wondering what happened and more importantly if they are alive. To have that weight being held for years to suddenly be lifted. Just all that emotion had to come out, and I suspected this wasn't her first cry today as I suspected she did the same when she saw Luna again after a long while.

“Your welcome Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” I replied back as I looked down at her. It seems in this universe I was also taller than her, by probably a foot to a foot and a half. She stood up looking at me in surprise. At that same moment, Shining looked alarmed as his hand went straight to the saber on his belt.

“How do you know my full name?” She asked taking a step back.

“Let's just say I am well informed.”

“Niece, he said the same with similar questions. At this point, I doubt you will get him to give up his secrets candidly.” Luna commented.

“I still do not like this stallion.” Shining commented.

“Outside of fighting him yourself, I doubt you would like anything about him B.B.B.F.F.” Twilight commented as she stepped out from behind them. You have no idea how much I wanted to grow at that little nickname she has for Shining. He turned to me and I saw a glint in his eyes. Oh, did I know that glint. It was the same one I probably had when I got a stupid idea in my head.

“I think I will.” He said stepping closer to me.

“Shining Armor, you will not fight the stallion who saved my aunt!” Cadence said stepping in his way.

“There's no stopping him once he's gotten an idea in his head. Because if he doesn't do it now, then he will try to either imprison me or blitz attack me when I least expect it.” I said that got all of them to look at me.

“And what makes you think I would do that?” Shining growled as he got into my face.

“Am I wrong?” I shot back calmly.

“I don't need to answer you. Take him to the sports arena.” Shining ordered as the guards formed up around me and lead me away. Well more showed me the way to a place I already had been too. We stood there for a while before Shining stepped out onto the field wearing a lot heavier armor. Unlike the armor, the guards were wearing now.

Shining was wearing what looks like a mixture of heavy tactical armor and a knights armor. Most likely done as a more modern version of knights armor. Watching him walk up, I could tell that the armor didn't hinder his movements. Probably through enchantments which means it's either a lightweight enchantment, mixed with strength and speed to help balance out the use of it. So I should expect him to hit a lot harder than a normal stallion.

“I would expect him to have enchanted weapons too,” Moon commented.

“I wouldn't be surprised. I should expect him to fight with calm anger at first.” Shadow tacked on.

“So I should prepare for the long haul.” I said over the link.

“It's been a while since I've had to bring out this armor.” Shining said walking up to me and his guards. The rest of his guards walked away to the entries to the stadium field. Most likely as a means to prevent me from 'escaping'. Sadly for them, they don't know everything.

“So, how are we doing this? Fist to fist, or are we drawing weapons?” I asked.

“Well, that's the easy part. I'm going to beat the snark out of you.” He said cracking the knuckles under his gauntlets.

“It's going to be a bit hard to do that.” I said as I prepared for his first strike.

“Not how I see it.” He said as I could see the faint glow coming off his armored horn. I will admit the armored horn piece of the helmet is a clever idea. Because one good strike there could cause the spell to drop and depends on the spell could lead to disaster for the spell caster.

“Looks can be deceiving Shining Armor.” He dashed at me, and I will admit his speed is was caught me off guard at first. It was like a blink and you'll miss it kind of dash. With luck, I was able to jump up and over him as he turned to face me again.

“Don't tell me that you're just going to jump over every attack. From what I heard you took on a warship by yourself.” With a smirk, I jumped up into the air and with my invisible wings, dived down with a stomp. He rolled out of the way to avoid my attack before slamming into me, sending me sliding down the field. God, he hits like a freight train going at full speed. Okay, so I can't go pound for pound without casting my own enchantments. Digging my claws into the ground, I was able to stop myself before I flicked a purple card into my hand. Flinging it at him, I washed it with magic turning the card into a bolt of magic that just pinged off his armor. So he's magically resistant too, fucking lovely. “That can't be all you have, where your big guns at?”

“You don't want my big guns.” I said with a smirk as I cracked my neck by turning it to each side.

“Try me.” He said in a tone that sounds like he's grinning under that shielded helmet. Holding out his hand and in a flash of magic, he held a large steel-gray war hammer with gems in the head in one hand and a tower shield in the other. Both of them glowing with the magic coming off them. Oh, god this just got more interesting. Stomping on the ground a large chunk of hard earth popped up into the air. With a punt kick, I sent it flying towards Shining as I dashed after it. He raised his shield up to take the hit, and I used that time to jump up and stomp down on his horn. He fell back from the blow as I landed back on my feet. Taking the time I focused on the ground around us. Shining got back up rather quickly and Dashed at me. Focusing on the magic, I forced up a column of crystal that sent him flying into the air. Summoning the Moon Cleaver, I cut through the crystal-like hot butter at a forty-five-degree angle. Forcing the crystal to slide down where, using my own strength enchantment spell. I picked up with one hand and threw it at Shining who was able to correct himself in the air. He swung his hammer at it, which sent it back at me. With a swing of my sword, I cut the large chunk of crystal in two as they crashed to either side of me. Landing with a large thump, Shining didn't take a moment to stop as he charged at me with a swing. Flipping the sword to the flat side, to take the brunt of the swing. I pressed my hand against the flat of the blade with his hammer collided with the sword giving a deep clang of metal striking metal.

The blow itself was so strong that the Moon Cleaver slammed into my chest and sent me flying again. This time I used my wings to stop myself and land. Sadly Shining wasn't going to let me have a moment's peace in this fight. Lucky for me, I have a flight compared to him. So flying up into the air I finally at a moment to breathe as I waved my hand over the mouth of the mask. In a second the mouth part disappeared and gave me access to my breath weapon.

“Get down here!” Shining growled before he walked over to one of the chunks of crystal and whipped it at me. Using my magic, I grabbed it in the air and sent it back at him. He, in turn, slammed it with his hammer shattering it into fine pieces close to a shotgun blast. Summoning a shield I covered myself, they plunked off it and fell to the ground. With a smirk, I flew towards Shining but stopped myself, just out of his reach before I sent a wave of frost fire at him. This covered him in a layer of ice as he tried to hold his shield up to block the brunt of it. “Cheap shot.”

“Don't hate the player, hate the game,” I said as I flipped my sword and swung it hard enough that it shattered the ice formed around Shining and sent him flying. It dislodged the shield from his hand as it fell to the ground. Kicking down on the edge of it, it sent it up into the air where I caught it. “Man this thing is hefty,” I said before throwing it hard away from Shining. Walking up towards him as he was getting up. I could feel the anger coming off him as he shook the blow-off. He took a wide stance as he switched from a one-handed stance with his war hammer to a two-handed. “Stand down Shining.”

“You first.” He growled before dashing at me again. Flicking my magic underneath me, I sent myself up into the air as he slammed into the crystal with so much ease that it may as well have been paper to him. As I dived back down I covered the ground with my frost fire making it a sheet of ice between me and him. Turning around Shining looked around for me while I stood there giving him the hold palm version of 'come and get it.' Growling he dashed at me till he stepped onto the ice and as anyone knows that if you don't have firm footing, one false step, and woosh. Just like what Shining did, as he slipped past. I reached down and grabbed the horn on his helmet. Which lucky for me, the helmet had a breakaway aspect as his helmet came off. Leaving his head exposed. One down, a whole lot more to go.

Speaking of said stallion, he rolled over and got back up to his feet with murder in his eyes. He got up and began to run at me as readied myself as he wasn't moving as fast as he did a bit ago. This means that a lot of his heft was lost when I removed his helmet. He swung his left fist at me, which I leaned away from it and used my claw to push this fist away. Something to throw off his balance. He in turned quickly spun around and slammed the handle of his hammer into my face. It knocked me back hard and sent the wind right out of my sails. Shining walked up with the hammer in his hand as he raised it high into the air.

“Time to end thi-” was all he got out before a large blacken mass flew from the shadows and sent Shining flying back.

“I don't fucking think so,” Shadow said forming into a copy of Shining as he helped me back onto my feet.

“What in the creators' name is this?” Shining asked as he got back to his feet, using his hammer as a bit of a crutch.

“Did you think I don't come with tricks up my sleeve?” I said grinning at him. “And he is one mean trick.” As I said that Shadow grinned while he pounded his fists.

“Is this how you beat the warship?” He asked.

“No, I thew a large chunk of ice at it.” I said grinning. Stopping down, another large chunk of earth popped up. Stepping back I let it fall to the ground as I focused the strength enchantment in my leg. With a two-step count, I kicked that sucker right at Shining as he held his arm up to take the brunt of the hit.

“You tried that befo-” He said before he got slammed by Shadow who used the rock's shadow for speed and cover. This laid Shining on the ground where Shadow climbed on top and his fists enlarged. In a swift motion he slammed them down onto the chest plate of his armor. When the first impact hit, I could see Shining's eyes widened in surprise as I could hear the wheeze of the air leaving his lungs.

“Don't like it when the shoe is on the other hoof.” I said with a grin as I walked up. “Word to the wise, don't let your anger get the better of you.” Reaching my right claw down, I placed the pointer and pinkie against his neck. With a flick of magic, I sent a shock through his system that forced him to blackout. Then I removed his armor leaving him down to a set of pants he had on under the armor. With a bit of checking, I was able to heal up the bruise on his horn and his ribs. With that, I summoned a block of crystal to sit down on. “You can come and take your prince,” I yelled as I waved a hand over my mask, making it reappeared fully. Shadow disappeared back into my shadow as I watched the guards slowly make their way towards us. “He's alive, but I do not envy the splitting headache he's going to wake up with.” Fuck if Shining Armor is this much of a bitch to put down, then Celestia is going to be an outright nightmare.

“But there is one thing different between Shining and Celestia,” Moon commented.

“What's that?” I asked over the link.

“You were holding back with Shining, you can't with Celestia.” She said, and she was right. As much as I hated to admit it. I'm going to have to go at her like I was trying to kill her. Because even my Celestia is a heavy hitter and I doubt I could go at her one on one if she is going at me seriously. Four of the guards picked up Shining Armor and took him to the medical wing. As the other four stayed with me using their spears to 'keep me at bay'. Which is laughable at this point as they just saw me take down their big boss. When I was able to get my wind back, I watched Cadence, Luna, and Twilight walk onto the field and towards me. The latter of the three looking increasingly angry at me as I did kind of KO'd her brother pretty hard.

“I hope you're proud of yourself,” Luna commented with a frown.

“Depending on the reason. If you mean for Shining, not really as it was going to be inevitable.” I answered.

“How bad did you hurt him?” Cadence asked in that royal tone that screams 'depending on the answer will depend on the punishment.'

“Right now he's knocked out and will wake up with a splitting headache. Other then a sore body, he's going to be alright. I healed up the wounds as best I could.” I explained as I slid off the slab of crystal and looked at her.

“Fine, I expect you to be in the throne room in an hour,” Cadence said turning around and to leave. Twilight stared at me for a moment before following her.

“What is with stallions and thinking they had to answer everything with their fists?” Luna asked shaking her head.

“Blame the ego,” I answered as I was lead back to the castle. As soon as we got to the castle I was lead directly into the throne room where Cadence sat on the throne itself. She stared at me again in silence, a calculating silence at that. We sat there for a while until she finally spoke.

“So I hear you're looking for a special sword.”

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 54 – Codex – Epigraphs and Epitaphs

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The multiverse loves throwing curveballs, and god don't I hate them. So after a long talk with Cadence, I got pretty much scowled for fighting with her husband. I finally got to the point of all this, a solid clue about the whereabouts of the sword. Something I really did not like finding out. After the sword appeared here, this universes Starswirl decide to lock it within a magical tome. One that was then split in half. One half was given to the crystal ponies and the other half kept in the archives in Canterlot. Which was the rub, I had to go back and avoid getting captured. On top of that, it seems that Cadence watched the fight and had asked me for a very serious favor.

“Does she really expect you to take Celestia down when she's hopped up on a power trip?” Moon asked angrily.

“I wouldn't be surprised,” I said looking at another book in the archives. As I have been looking for their half of the book. “I mean look at it from their perspective. It's clear that Celestia has gone off the deep end.”

“Obviously.” Shadow shot back.

“And I've shown that I can handle myself in a stacked against the odds kind of fight.”

“Again obviously.”

“This pretty much makes me the wildcard and I don't have an affiliate to any ruling party. So if anyone could do it without a political dumpster fire, it would be me.” I said.

“You do make a pretty good wildcard,” Shadow said.

“Tell me about it,” Moon commented and I could just hear the eyes rolling on that one.

“We just did.” Shadow shot back.

“Oh bite me Shadow.”

“Where at?”

“I'm I going to have to put a wall between you two?” I shot back because I did not need where that was going to go in my head right now.

“No...” Both of them said as I continued to look over another book.

“That being said, I need to figure out how to get into the castle again,” I said with a sigh as I put the book back as I didn't even really look at it.

“What about the key you got from our universe Celestia,” Moon commented and I blinked for a few moments.

“I don't know if it will work here.” With a wave of my hand, I reached into the pocket space and pulled out the golden key I got. Walking to the closest door, I slipped the key into the lock and with a click, the door opened into a vastly different room. Namely the archives, instead of the Crystal Empire hallway. That leaves one other question. “Shadow go check to see who is around.”

“Roger Roger.” He said before a small black blob shot from my shadow and darted from shadow to shadow. Staying by the door I began to form a plan. Part of the problem last time was that the other guards were around and they caught me. Granted I didn't put up a resistance and if the guards remember. They may be hard to con into leaving their posts. Which makes sense to me. Daybreaker as she likes to call herself so far as shown to be the big bad here. So I would have to make it where I was a worse pony then her. That didn't leave me many options and all of them were not good. I would have to go with someone high up, that way a lot of the underlings will follow orders. But that doesn't account for a hothead hot shot that could be hiding in the ranks. “This is Canterlot and by the look of it, they upped the number of guards.”

“Ah, shit. Well, at least this gives me something to go off of.” With that, I shut a door and reopened it back to the Crystal Empire hall. Slowly making my way to the Empires war room. A room that Shining and I had used one time for planning. Looking at the guard I had asked one of them to get Cadence for a talk and that I would meet her in here. Stepping into the room I saw the room was more used as a war room. Unlike the Equestria I'm used too, this one had monitors and screens with maps and data. A good chunk of it was about Canterlot and I took some time as I waited to look over them. They had a lot of intel, including the placement of the guards and high-level targets. With a grin, I began to form a plan in my head. Losing track of time, I almost failed to notice the door was opening. Standing there in what looked like casual clothes stood Cadence. Instead of her dress, she had blue jeans and a pink shirt on. She did keep her crown on as the one in my universe did. “Hello, Princess Cadence,” I said with a bow.

“That's Princess Mi Amore Cadenza to you Nerada.” She growled.

“Fair enough. I will help you deal with Celestia, but it won't be for free.” I answered.

“Very rarely do mercenaries do it for free. So what's the prices?” She asked crossing her arms under her chest.

“I want your half of the book.” That got her to look at me in surprise.

“Why do you want it?” She asked as her gaze secularize me.

“Because it houses an artifact I need to save my home.” That got her stance to loosen up.

“I will consider it.” She said coming over to the table. “Only if you tell me the truth. Who are you really?”

“Why do you want to know?” I asked taking a seat across from her.

“Because if I am going to trust my half of a supposed powerful artifact, I don't want it to fall into the hands of somepony worse then Celestia.” That was a fair point. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I would have asked for the same thing. Never put your faith into someone you've never met without knowing about their character.

“I will, but what I say never leaves this room.” She stared at me for a few moments as the gears in her head turned.

“Agreed.” She said and I just nodded. Slowly reaching up, I slide the mask off completely and placed it on the table. Cadence gave a look as she expected it, then I reached up to the clasp on the cloak. With a click, the cloak itself slid down to show my massive wings. That's when her eyes shot wide and she stood up knocking the chair back. Right then the door began to swing open, but before anyone could stop me. I forced the door shut magically.

“Princess are you alright in there?!” Yelled one of the guards through the door.

“I-I'm fine. Stand down.” She ordered as the door stopped being raddled from the guards trying to force it open through my magic.

“W-who are you?” She asked as I could tell she was unnerved at the sight of me. Which I don't blame her. Outside of Celestia, Luna, and herself, there weren't any other alicorns.

“My name is Ryhn Firestorm. I am a dralicorn from a different universe.”


“Dragon Alicorn, I'm a hybrid of a dragon and alicorn.”

“That would explain the ice breath when you fought my husband.”

“He was a tough fight, I will admit.” She slowly picked up her seat and sat back down.

“Is this how you know our names?”

“Yes, I've met your counterparts in my universe, and in fact, we are related there.” She eyed me.


“A technical adoption, the Celestia and Luna in my universe are my aunts which makes us cousins there and before you ask. Yes, that is why I know the layout of your castle. For the most part, the castles are one for one. The rest of Equestria not so much since this version of it is underwater.”

“Did your Celestia never turned into Daybreaker?” She asked.

“No, it was our Luna and she became Nightmare Moon. I suspect the same version of events happened here. Celestia got jealous of Luna so in turn she became Daybreaker and tried to put an end to her. But still being her sister she put her in the ocean because she couldn't kill her, herself. She still loved her. But since that day everything went belly up. Celestia kept the sun out longer which melted the ice around the Crystal Empire, you and Shining Armor used your magic to grow the Crystals under it so you could save the empire. Since then you've been trying to find a way to deal with Daybreaker.”

“For someone who isn't from this universe as they say. You know a hell of a lot of what happened here.” She said eyeing me.

“It comes from reading between the lines and making some broad guesses.”

“Then why do you want this artifact?”

“As I said, to save my home. From what I can tell there is a lot of prophecies that say the 'Dark one' will come and destroy my universe. I've seen a memory of the first time the 'Dark one' attacked and it was during the time of Starswirl and both Celestia and Luna's mother. From there the artifact was part of a set called the Artifacts of Harmony which created the Elements of Harmony. I have found all of them but one.”

“And that's one in the book?”


“Then why did you get involved in our fight with Daybreaker?”

“That ended up by accident, when I arrived which was in the slums. I ended up talking to a mare there who gave me a lowdown of the area. She explained the disappearance of Luna and if Celestia was close to the one I know of. If I was caught I would have to play a card and lucky for me it panned out.”

“What card?”

“I brought up Luna and it was so she would link her feelings for her to me. So she had me 'drowned' near her and I will admit part of me wanted to know what happened. I just didn't expect to find her alive. From there I had to save her and you know how that song and dance goes.” She nodded with as she took both hands together and placed it on her forehead as she leaned down, with her elbows on the table.

“So it was all by chance?”

“The universe works in weird ways,” I said with a smirk.

“Tell me about it.” She said looking at me in disbelief.

“So do we have a deal?” I asked standing up and walking around to hold out my left hand. She looked at me for a moment before standing up and grabbing it.

“Yes. So what's your plan?” She asked looking me in the face.

“Well Princess Mi Amore Cadenza-”

“Cadence, you can call me Princess Cadence.” She said interrupting me.

“Alright Princess Cadence, I plan to con one of the higher guards of Canterlot to persuade the lower staff to abandon their posts.” That got her to look at me in surprise.

“How do you plan to do that?”

“To become much scarier then Daybreaker.”


“Let's just say, the devil is in the details.” With that, my eyes turned red as I could see the look in Cadence's eye.

“W-what do you need?” I heard the shake in her voice.

“I just need a room and two guards,” I said grinning like the devil himself.


The halls of Canterlot were quiet, especially in the wake of the stranger that can stir up trouble. After breaking into the castle and the archives themselves, just to anger their queen it left echos throughout the halls of the castle. They had finally died down after Queen Daybreaker sent one of her fleet after The Royal Blue. But so far nothing was heard from the ship after the three days. This had angered the Queen and every guard was on edge because this wasn't her normal kind of anger. This was silent and the last time she had gone quite was the day she went from the radiant Celestia to the tyrannical Daybreaker. At this time the guards in the hall had been doubled to the point that there was always one guard almost every five yards and a few extra walking up and down the halls. At this very moment, a guard named Southern Wing was making his rounds. His brown mane and tail bobbed as he took his time checking each room. For the most part, he was trying to just make it through his day. For the most part, it was rather tame considering that they were on red alert from Storm's infiltration of the castle. Walking into the next empty guest room, that's when everything turned pear-shaped. As Southern Wing did his sweep of the room. A small tap could be heard coming from the bathroom. Making sure he took slow steps to quiet them approaching the door. He reached the handle with his AK-47 at the ready.

Suddenly from his own shadow, a blackened mass shot up and grabbed the gun from his grip holding it out of his reach. A second hand shot up and grabbed the stallion. Suddenly a third arm reached up and grabbed Southern Wing by the muzzle. In seconds the stallion began to sink into his own shadow. Inside fear was raising as he was doing his best to not show it as he was swallowed up leaving him in complete inkiness. His senses swam and blurred as he lost track of where he was. After what felt like minutes he found himself in a blackened room in a solo wooden chair. Coming to his senses, he looked around to see a glowing creepy smile floating in the blackened room.

"Hello, Southern Wing." Said the dark creepy voice as it moved like it was floating on an invisible ethereal wind.

"Depends on who's asking." Wing said giving a flat look.

"Let's just say someone who rathers have a helpful hand deal with a problem." The face said as it floated around more.

"And why would I do that?" Southern said standing up as he used his hands to feel around for one of his weapons.

"Because Daybreaker needs to go."

"And why should I go against the Queen?” He said taking a defensive stance against the floating face.

“Because some dogs need to be put down before they do more harm than good and you know what I mean.” Said the figure as he formed into a full-body figure in a blackened cloak. “Don't bother looking for your weapons I have removed them from you.”

Southern Wing rushed the figure to deliver a blow to the sternum in hopes of cracking it. This, however, wasn't the outcome he got. The figure reached up its rather massive claw to catch the fist and applied pressure to it almost breaking the bones in Southern's hand. He then pulled his hand back still holding onto Southern's and then forced it forward smashing into his face. Sending him flying back and over the chair. The figured stood there watching Southern's dazed look as his word was sent spinning from the massive blow to his head. Once the world stopped spinning, Southern got to his hooves and with a kick, sent the wooden chair flying at the figure. With a flick of his head, the chair stopped in midair covered in a burning orange aura before it was sent to the left. The sounds of snapping and splintering wood were heard as the chair broke into pieces upon impact with the wall. Taking the distraction of the chair Southern ducked down and tried to go for a tackle. The figure jumped up and as Southern was right under him, the figure stomped down upon his head crushing his head into the ground. Not enough to do permanent damage, but left Southern Wing unconscious.

What happened next was a surprise to the figure. As soon as any awareness left Southern Wing, his body began to be engulfed in a red magical flame. In seconds it died away to show that the once brown maned pegasus stallion was now a red-maned changeling.

“Did not see that one coming.” Said the figure it reached down and picked up the figure. With a snap of his other hands claw, the chair reformed and Southern was placed upon it.

“So they have Changelings here too.” said a second male voice.

“It seems so, disgusting little things.” said a third female voice. “but why is it red? Aren't changelings greener to blue colored?”

“Could be this universes Changelings are red.” Said the figure looking over the body as chains began to form through the holes in Southern's arm that attached to the chair itself. He looked over the body as it flipped his wrist and a green card appeared in its hand. Setting it upon Southern's head, he focused magic into it as Southern begins to stir again. Fading back into the darkness so only his face was showing the figure waited for Southern to fully wake up that only took a few minutes. “Did anyone get the number of that pony cart?”

“I believe it was 'sore ass'” The figured said with mirth in its voice.

“You...” Southern said eyeing the figure. “What did you need me to do?”

“A little forthcoming this time Changeling.” Said the figure as it stepped back out. “What I need you to do is get every castle staff out of the castle within the next two hours without alerting Daybreaker.” Southern looked the figure over slowly before nodding.

“I can do that.” The figure stood there quietly.

“Make sure you do, because any pony left in the castle, they will be killed if they get in my way.”

“Noted.” The figure snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared like they were made of smoke.

“I will return you back to where I grabbed you.” The figured say before a blackened mass spread out from the figure's shadow before both Southern and itself sank into it. Seconds later they reappeared within the empty guest room in Canterlot Castle. “Your guns are in the bathroom, and remember two hours.”

“Understood.” He said with a bow as the figure sunk back into the shadow before it slipped away out of the room. “Time to get to work,” Southern said as his body was engulfed in flames taking back his normal form.


“Do you think he did it?” Shadow asked as Storm made his way to a door.

“I can only hope.” Storm said adjusting the mask on his face before pulling out the magical gate key. Sliding the key into the nearby door forming to fit the door's lock. Turning the handle the door opened up into the archive once again. Stepping through, Storm looked around to see if anypony was nearby. “So far, so good.” Storm said walking towards the main door of the archives. Getting to it, Storm slowly turned the knob and slowly peered out into the castles interior hallway.


It was completely and utterly empty of any staff. Not a guard, maid, or normal staff that would be running around at this time. Either being the mages doing spell research, or the standard guards doing their patrol rounds. His gaze looked around the other direction and more of the same. With a nod of his head, shadow shot out of Storm's shadow and shot down the hall. Stepping out, Storm slowly moved towards one of the many armories throughout the castle to grab some supplies. Almost completely emptying it into his pocket space he stepped back out with a new set of armor and loaded to the teeth. In his hand was a short sword as he made his way towards the throne room.

“Are you ready for this?” Nightmare Moon asked sounding worried.

“Ready as I'm going to be.” Storm answered as he was scanning the halls as he walked down them. Each one empty as the last. Pulling out a yellow card he placed it onto the blade and waiting till he got to the main hall. Each step echoing throughout the castle as if the hallowed nature of it sounded like the ticking of a clock. Each step leading up to the moment where two beings are about to clash. With a wash of magic, the card began to spark up and down the blade turning the steel gray blade into a bright red. Right there in front of him stood the door to the throne room. Three quick slashes through the air sent swipes of magic towards and through the door and slams around the throne where Daybreaker sat by herself. The doors to the throne room fell in pieces from the magical slashes that sliced through it like a hot knife through butter. Firestorm slowly walked in completely concealed in his cloak and white and red smiley face mask while leaving a small pile of melted slag from the once short sword. Daybreaker watched from her throne as he did feeling the rage and contempt coming from her.

“I see you survived your water burial,” Daybreaker said as she took a lax position on her throne.

“What can I say, I'm a survivor.” He said with a shrug. Daybreaker didn't look amused by his comment before sitting back up straight.

“Well sadly for you, that won't happen twice.” She said before raising her voice yelling “Guards!” with her voice echoed throughout the castle. In a few seconds, a black box with a white outline appeared next to Firestorm with the words 'But no one came.' “Guards!” she repeated only for a second box to appear before the first. She repeated it one last time and as the third box appeared. She summoned her large golden poleaxe with a spear tip and used it to focus magic into a beam, shattered all three text windows. “Enough!”

“Something wrong Celestia?”

“Do not call me that you cur!” She said firing a second beam at him with him only jumping above the attack and floats down back.

“Something wrong?” Firestorm grinned behind his mask as he touched down gently. “I thought you liked to be called by your name.”

“My name is Daybreaker!”

“More like Daybroken.”

“You dare think you can defeat me.” She growled pointing her blade towards him. Storm just stood there before sliding his arm out of the cloak. With a swipe of his hand to the right, a small flat transparent screen appeared looking like an over futuristic media player.

“Here's the thing Celes-” was all he got out before she tried blasting him again only for the screen to move and intercept it. “As I was saying, here's the thing...” He said before pressing play as a version of 'Megalo Strikes Back' begins to play. “You're not dealing with a normal pony.” He said reaching up to the clasp that held his cloak in place. With a quick flip on it, the whole thing began to slide down to show the full covering armor underneath it that seemed heavier then any normal pony could wear as he spread his large orange feathered wings with their red-scaled crest. He then raised his hand up and grabbed the mask. Gently and slowly he pulled the mask forwards as the music grew to a crescendo. All before shattering it into pieces that fell and disappeared to show his horn. “It's alright to be scared, Celestia.” He continued as Daybreaker took a small step back in shock at seeing what looked like to her another alicorn. “I have done this countless times.” Raising his left hand to his right, a small pool of magic appeared and within it a handle of a sword. With a swift motion, he drew the blade leaving the sound of metal scraping metal as Daybreaker saw the Moon Cleaver once again. This time in the hands of Storm. “I will make this quick.” He finished before giving a dark chuckle.

“How did you get that sword?” Daybreaker growled.

“Sorry, Classified.” He said grinning as this was the breaking point for Daybreaker, who flew forward stabbing at Firestorm. Who in turn jumped up and landed on her polearm as if he was lightweight. She growled more as she pulled back her weapon and ready to swing it. He on the other hand jumped and landed a few feet away. “I guess you lost your little pranking mood.” With a snap of his fingers, a ripple of magic shot throughout the castle.

“What did you do?” She asked as a flick of magic readied a shield spell.

“Took control of the space.” He said as he waved his arm and the already spacious throne room began to morph into an arena-sized space. “Don't want to fight in such a confined area after all.” With another snap, the music began to change into a metal version of Axel F from Beverly hill cops. He grinned as readied himself taking a familiar one-handed stance. Daybreaker however rushed Storm using her wings to propel herself forward with tremendous speed. Within a few feet, she pulled her arms back and swung at Storm, who in turn jumped back. She predicted this and with a flip her ax around to swing back for a second swipe. Storm grinned as he flatted the blade against his right arm to take the brunt of the force. Then he raised his palm towards Daybreaker as a blast of magic shot out, and set her back.

“Your tricks aren't going to save you.” She growled as her horn lit up and she sent a beam of magic at Storm. He smirked and turned the sword on the flat side like a cricket bat. With a powerful swing, he met her beam head-on and returned it back to sender. She sidestepped it to avoid it as focused on her magic again and in a flash disappeared. Storm smirked as Daybreaker appeared behind him to find the tip of his sword already trusted at her. In the seconds to react, she bent back to avoid. What she didn't see was his draconic tail slithering around her leg before it constructed. Storm began to turn and took the now unprepared Daybreaker a ride. Flicking his tail, she was released and flung right into one of the standing pillars.

“Did you really think I didn't expect the whole pop up behind trick?” He said smirking. “I guess the saying is true. Can't teach an old bitch, new tricks.” Daybreaker growled as she pulled herself off the pillar.

“You think your funny huh?” She said as her snare turned into a smirk. “Here's a question, do you think you can keep up that snark under fire?” With a flick of magic, a pillar of fire erupted underneath Storm. She then began to laugh at the defeat of her foe. Suddenly she felt a tap behind her, she turned to see Storm standing there.

“Surprise bitch!” He said before punching the regent in the back, right into the sensitive spot right between her wings. The force of the blow sent her flying with no way to aerially recover. A blow like that sent ripples of pain through her wings. Storm grinned as he faded into the ground before appearing a few feet in front of her. Swinging back his right leg, he waiting for her to get close enough before planting it squarely into Daybreaker's chin with enough force that sent her flying straight into the mile-high ceiling. She then began to full after the impact.

“Enough of these games.” She said regaining control of her wings. Turning to see Firestorm grinning up at her with his arms crossed. She held her hand out to the right as her horn began to over glow twice. Within her palm what looked like a miniature sun began to form. “I hope you can enjoy this. It's not often I get to get serious with my prayers.” With that, she threw the burning ball of energy at him. He just stood there as a shield formed around him of orange magic. What he didn't expect was for the ball of magic stopping a few feet before him. “It's not that simple.” She snapped her fingers as the ball rapidly enlarged engulfing Storm and his shield within itself. Landing with a soft thump, she watched the ball of fire char the once pristine white marble to a now charred and soot black. Letting a deep and throaty laugh at her victory.

Truth was she hadn't faced anyone that could really hurt her since she had defeated her sister. This was enough to get her blood pumping again, enough that she was tempted to finally deal with her niece's kingdom to the north. Something that has been a rather annoying torn in her side. She turned to try and take the space back over.

“It's not going to be that easy.” She heard coming from the burning orb. Daybreaker turned to see the orb began to rise up with Storm holding it from the bottom. “Sorry to say, this wasn't hot enough.” With that his own magic began to wrap around it as the large red ball of fire began to turn yellow, then white before the air around it began to spark. “Funny thing about fire or I should say what comes from it.”

“And what's that?” She said taking a stance waiting for his throw of the ball of flames.

“The fourth state of matter.” He said as the ball began to shrink and condense as space was taken up with sparks. “And all I have to do is turn up the heat.” He said as he reached forward with his right hand and grabbed the ball as the air around it heated up. In mere seconds, the air turned into plasma or as most ponies and people know it as... Lightning. Spark began to run through his body as it began to smoke.

“No pony can take that much lightning and survive,” Daybreaker commented with a smirk as her stance relaxed. What she didn't see coming was Storm moving in a flash, nailing her in the face with his fist. Right as Ron Wasserman's Go Green Ranger Go instrumental began to play. Daybreaker tried to recover using her wings but was too slow as Storm flew up behind her and sent her flying forward with a well-placed kick. Flipping into the air, she landed on a pillar and jumped off trying to avoid his next strike. With a little luck, she did, as the pillar shattered from the impact of his kick. She was able to catch a glimpse of him, and what shook her was his eyes. The once whites of his eyes turned black leaving only the piercing red eyes to stab into her soul. It was a moment before he flew at her, tackling her in the air. With a resonating crash, she hit the floor tearing up the stone as she slid across the room. She shook to get up onto her feet as Storm landing at the beginning of her trail of destruction.

“What's wrong Celestia?” He said with a slight tilt to his head. She turned to see that his mane was nothing more than lightning sparking in every direction and the spine of his tail was arcing bolts down the length. “What happened to that bravado you had a few seconds ago?” Daybreaker growled and sent a bolt of magic at him, and he swatted it away with the back of his hand like it was nothing.

“What do you want?” She said as she was trying to formulate a plan.

“What I want is you to stand down.” He said slowly walking closer. “You spent years turning a wonderful land into nothing more than a giant ocean. Where people have to scrounge by to live, where every day that remaining land dwindles down to nothing. Where in your very own city, ponies have homes one moment and a watery grave the next. All because you couldn't handle being second best.”

“You know nothing about me!” She yelled as her temper raised and her mane began to burn brighter.

“I know well enough Celestia. You let your own jealousy turn you into a monster.” He said stopping only a few feet away as the once energetic music began to turn into the music box version of Broken Promise, from the Dark Cloud soundtrack.

“Then what does that make you?” She growled. “You came here, disrupted my capital-” She continued before Storm interrupted.

“I'm a monster of a different sort. One that's seen this play out too many times to count. I saw what happened when a sister couldn't be in the spotlight anymore. I saw a teacher get rid of her student in hopes to learn a lesson without that least tether to her own well being.” He said before taking a long breath. Daybreaker taking that moment to teleport behind him with a hidden knife in her hand. What she didn't count on was that he already was turned around when she appeared with two guns in hand. “Checkmate.” He said before firing sending each round into her wings, effectively grounding her. She let out a scream of pain as her once pristine white wings were now covered in crimson. Before she was sent flying again with another kick to her gut. She slid across the floor leaving a trail of blood in her wake. Storm only shook his head as he began walking towards her.

“What do you plan to do now?” She asked as she tried to slide back away from him.

“You should have picked a different host.” Storm said confusing Daybreaker.

“What do you mean?” She asked confused.

“You picked someone who you could control, not someone to would know you better.” He said before darkly chuckling. “It's funny, the very same thing happened to her sister and look where that got her. Destroyed, because she took control and played her hand. What you need is someone that you can agree with. Someone with real power in their hands.” He said as his eyes focused directly on her eyes. “So Daybreaker, do you want to make a deal?” Standing before her, he grabbed her collar and began dragging her up to his eye level.

“You do make a convincing argument, and it seems that this body is no longer of use to me as you easily bested her.” She continued as a red aura began to form around her body. It flickered and wavered as if it was a flame itself as it began to rise off her body. In those moments Daybreakers mane began to turn back into the pastel four tone mane of Celestia and her horn began to look less sharp then it before. The rising aura began to turn into the upper body of Daybreaker. “I think I will take you up on that- Ugch” Was all she got out before a large blacken shadow shot out from Storm's shadow and pinned Daybreaker to the wall behind her. “What's the meaning of this?”

“This would be the end of Daybreaker.” Storm said with a grin.

“What, why? I thought you wanted to work with me?!” Daybreaker said panicking as she tried to thrash herself out of the claws hold.

“Oh, I was lying through my teeth. I knew you would jump at the chance to take control of someone stronger then Celestia and all I had to do was pin you outside of her body.”

“You can't keep me trapped here, sooner or later your grip is going to wane. As soon as I'm free, I'm going to just take over again.” She said with a grin on her face like she will one regardless.

“That would be the case if it wasn't one thing.” Storm said returning her grin with one of his own as she saw her sharp teeth. “When you're like that, your just a soul using it's remaining magic to sustain yourself. But souls have a limit to the amount of magic he can hold. While the bigger the soul the more magic it can hold.” His horn began to glow black as he placed his prosthetic claws into the arm of the black arm holding Daybreaker in place. “The only thing that can disrupt that is a special school of magic.” As soon as those words left his mouth Daybreaker's look turned from over confident to worried almost into the realm of scared.

“Necromancy.” She said with a slight quiver to her voice.

“Precisely, and out of all the beings that came to face you. Take a guess who has knowledge of the said school.” Right then her face turned into one of manic.

“Can we talk about this? I mean if you let me go I can assure you that you will have anything your hearts desire.”

“And why would I do that? Please you would double-cross me any chance you get. Na, it's easier to just deal with you now.” He said as the aura slowly slides down the side of his face and up his arm and into the blackened limb.

“Please just let me live!” She began to beg.

“Nope, it's time to for this Day to turn tonight for the last time.” He said as he blinked and his blood-red eyes turned teal as Daybreaker wailed in pain as the aura reached up to her. Slowly her body began to dissolve as if she was nothing but a film reel melting till there was nothing left. Storm pulled his arm back as the blackened arm retreated back into the shadows. “Shadow go send word to Cadence.”

“Alright,” Shadow said shooting out of his shadow and down the hall. Reaching into his pocket space he pulled out a large medical bag with a large red cross on it.

“I did a number here.” He said as he opened up and set himself to fixing this mess.


Several hours have passed since the fight as the castle itself had a different feel about it. It was abuzz with activity. From the maids running around cleaning up the mess, the guards making sure everything was secure, and the medical staff rushing in and out of the throne room. In that time Princess Cadence made her way form the archives, accompanied by her husband Shining Armor, Princess Luna, and the crew of The Royal Blue. Slowly making their way they watched the guards stop and salute to both Cadence and Shining Armor.

“This feels weird,” Shining said as he was adjusted his dress armor while keeping his hand on the small saber attached to his belt.

“It is, but Nerada told me that everything will be alright,” Cadence said back as she was in her royal garb. Unlike her normal dress, this one was much more slimming and trimmed with golden lace.

“I can't believe you trust that stallion.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“I'm with Dash on this one,” Shining commented as he kept his guard up the whole way to the throne room. “There is something around that stallion that just rubs me the wrong way.”

“Nerada has shown he has a good head on his shoulders given the circumstances,” Luna said as they get to the throne room where they see a bandaged Celestia sitting on the steps to the throne with Nerada standing next to her back in his cloak and mask. They both turned to look at the newcomers. Celestia seeing her sister she turned her head down in shame. Luna slowly made here way over to her sister and stood before her. Seconds past that turned into minutes as the two sisters stood there. The moment broke when Luna hugged her sister as Nerada stepped back and leaned against a nearby column. “Sister it's been too long,” Luna said in her embrace of her sister.

“Luna, I am so sorry for what I did to you,” Celestia said as she began to cry. A set of tears that talked about years of pent up pain being an observer in her own body. She saw everything Daybreaker was making her do. Even both times she saw Nerada, and she was praying that he would be the one to finally put her down. She never imagined that he would be the one to save her from the entity that was born from her own jealousy of her sister.

“I don't blame you, one-bit sister, you weren't you at the time.”

“Auntie Celestia?” Cadence said slowly walked up and joined in with the hug. Nerada watching this only nodded and left leaving the group of them to have their emotional reunion.

“Where do you think you're going?” Shining and Dash both commented at the same time.

“Leave him alone,” Celestia commented looking up at both of them.

“And why should we listen to you?” Dash commented with a flat look.

“Lay off her Dash, she wasn't in control here,” Nerada said walking up to her and hands back her gun. “Let them have their moment.” With that, he left again.

“What does he mean that you weren't in control here?” Shining asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“I was possessed by a being called Daybreaker. It... fed on my jealousy and when it was strong enough, it took over. First, it dealt with my sister and then changed everything.” Celestia said slowly sitting back down.

“How is that even possible?” Cadence inquired.

“Sometimes there are magics in plays that are beyond our understanding,” Luna explained as she sat next to her sister.

“Especially when it comes to fear,” Nerada said appearing behind Shining. This caused all of them to jump at the sudden appearance of Nerada.

“How in Tartarus did you appear like that after just leaving?” Dash said pointing her gun at him.

“All I was doing was returning the weapons I grabbed so I dropped them off and came back.” He said with a grin behind his mask. “Plus that gun doesn't have any ammo.” With a click from Dash pulling the trigger. She growled and put the gun back in her holster. At that moment Shining drew his saber and had it pointed at Nerada's neck. “I would put down the sharp toy before somepony gets hurt again.”

“No more games. Who are you really and what did you do to my wife to get her to go along with all this?” He growled.

“Shining Armor!” Cadence said stepping forward only to stop at Nerada's hand raising to stop her.

“If you must know.” He said as magic began to spark off him. In seconds Shining Armor found himself on the ground with his saber pointed at him with Nerada's hoof planted on his chest. “All you have to do is ask nicely. So let's hear it correctly this time.”

“Can you... please... tell us who you are?” Shining said with a shake to his voice. He never expected to be so outdone in seconds that it threw him off. He watched as Nerada reached up and undo the clasp on his cloak. Dropping to the floor like a river of cloth, it showed his large orange wings. In turn, he waved a hand over the mask as it disappeared as if it was turned to dust showing the large orange horn on his head.

“Does this answer your question?” That got everyone but Cadence, Celestia, and Luna to look at him in surprise.

“How is this possible?” Twilight said in shock.

“Because out of everypony here, I keep myself hidden.” He said with a snap of his fingers and his cloak and mask reappeared on him. Stepping off Shining, Nerada reached down with his left hand and offered to help him up. Shining not taking it got back up to his hooves as he stared at Nerada the whole time. With a flip, Nerada held out his sword by the blade itself. Taking the blade and returning it to its sheave, Shining turned around and left leaving everypony else to watch.

“Nerada, what do you plan to do next?” Luna asked.

“After I get both halves of the book, I will be returning home barring anything else happening.” He answered.

“Could I make one request?” Celestia asked looking at him.

“Within reason.” He shot back.

“I would like you to accompany me into a diplomatic meeting.” He looked at her for a few moments before signing.

“Fine but, I get both halves of the book directly afterward. Anything beyond that and I will find it myself. Am I clear?” He said in a way where no one would refuse him.

“Crystal,” Celestia said standing up slowly.


I fucking hate this... I seriously fucking hate this. I thought this would be closer to the whole royal submit, but without me in one of the seats. Course it is like that but what I didn't expect that the other seats would be taken up by six different fucking changeling Queens. Including the queen bitch herself Chrysalis as she is standing there in a mixture of elegant and a bit ratty. Most of the queens are wearing about the same thing. A very slim dress of their main color. Chrysalis in her green, as well as Chiton the Queen of the red changelings. Next to her is Caprica in purple, and her sister Lucana in white. There is the last two Costa in orange, and finally Scara in Blue. Now the latter five I don't know anything about, but Chrysalis is a beast of another story. If she is anything like the one in my world, she is one I have to keep my eye on.

“Thank you for meeting me,” Celestia said standing before them on one side of the round table. She started with a sweeping hand gesture to welcome it. Now all but Chrysalis gave a welcoming nod. The queen bitch bug herself just gave Celestia a shooing wave of her hand as all of them sat down in the chairs.

“Shall we skip the pleasantries and get to the heart of the matter?” Said Scara who had this whole Egyptian vibe coming from her as her main heavily reminded me of a scarab beetle.

“I agree with my sister,” Costa commented as she had a more modern look to her as she held herself in a business sense. “Because of the flooding, most of our hives had to abandon our homes and had to scramble together to survive.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. Is there any way I can help?” Celestia started.

“How about dealing with the water that you caused,” Chrysalis stated.

“Sister, we agreed to be civil about this.” Said Chiton with an annoyed tone to her voice. Out of the six, this one took a more regal stance. As her legs weren't crossed like Chrysalis' was as she had her legs closed and slightly angled almost as if she was going to sit on her knees if it wasn't for the seat in the way.

“And why should we? From the reports, I'm getting Canterlot is currently at it's weakest. Why should we just take it over and- ark!” Was all I let her get out before I appeared before her and was holding her by her throat a few feet in the air. She was trying to use her wings to keep herself aloft so gravity wasn't adding to it.

“Say that one more time and I will make sure there are only five queens left. Am I clear?” I growled at her. The look of anger in her eyes.

“You bast- ahk!” I gave her throat a little squeeze. “I get it, please stop!” She said finally as I let her go and she dropped to the table.

“I believe you got your answer to why. They may be at their weakest but, even that is overpowering.” Said Scara with a smirk.

“I will make you regret that,” Chrysalis commented as she slid back into her seat.

“Not likely.” He said with a smug in his voice.

“I apologize for our sister. She has issues that we are trying to deal with. Chiton commented giving her sister the stink eye.

“It's quite alright. I want to apologize for my friend here. He's very... blunt and has a hair-trigger.” She said with a wave of her hand. She did not just toss my ass under the bus like that.

“I think she did,” Shadow commented sounding just as annoyed as me.

“But back to the topic, is there anything I can do to help?” Celestia said as I fumed in anger.

“At this point, a bit of a merger of sorts would be the best way,” Caprica answered as she sat there in a more cross-legged style.

“How would we do something like that.” Celestia inquired.

“Rather easily, have them help with the rebuild project of the low quarter to help reinforce it to last longer. In doing so will help set things right and help ponies getting used to them being around. Moving on from there have them help businesses and expand to the point that they are intermingled into everyday life. Going even further have them also help deal with trade between the Crystal Empire.” I said butting in at this point.

“That would do it the fastest,” Scara commented.

“But coming from the Daybreaker empire, I could see a lot of hesitation in a new group coming into everyday life like that,” Caprica commented.

“Right now would be a perfect time, as Daybreaker is now not in power. Since Canterlot is in the middle of a power shift back to the old guard. This would be the perfect time for adding a new element to help prevent the last guard from being in power again. Since Canterlot will be under two rulers so there will be a balance to it all. Plus if you all agree to have monthly meetings barring major events going on. Then you can keep this all in check. As a means to help things in line while always expanding each nation. But do limit yourselves to just those in the room. Have Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire and those in the Dragon Empire.” I once again tacked in. “The fact of the matter here is that if you want this world to turn for the better, you all need to work together. No power struggle, or ways to rule them all. Work together and everyone wins.” They all looked at each other and then back to me. All of them slowly nodded at this. “Alright, I would say take the next few days to explore the city and think about what your hive needs the most to get its footing. Then come back here and discuss what your willing to put on the table in return for the help.”

With that, the meeting was done, which I don't understand why none of them could think of this themselves. Like most of the political bullshit would be cut if most of the beings would use the brains they had. Like seriously, if that did happen then Celestia and Luna in my universe would have less bullshit to deal with in their respective courts if the ponies coming for 'advice' would think for once. They wouldn't have so busy days dealing with the stupid. It seems to be something multi-universal. That being said, I was so glad that this was a short meeting. Now I can finally leave and get back to my universe. We watched the other queens left as their respective guards waiting for them just outside of the door. One of them included Southern Wing who looked at me and gave a bow before the door closed behind them.

“Now that is out of the way. Shall we get our business done?” I asked as I waved my hand over my face so the mask would disappear.

“Yes, but first,” Celestia said holding her hand out as I watched her pull her polearm from a magical portal, much as I had with The Moon Cleaver. “This here is my Piercing Sun.” She said handing it to me. Gently taking it I watched as her horn began to glow brightly. That was followed by the wind around me started to kick up. In seconds it felt like a whirlwind around me that could pull me from the ground but didn't. That was stopped for a second before I was slammed in the chest that sent me flying onto the table. Did she just...

“Why did you bind Piercing Sun to me?” I asked bringing my feet up into the air where I brought it close to my head. Before using the momentum of kicking to bring myself up to my feet.

“It was the only way I could think of thanking you for saving me. Even though you did it so you could get these.” Celestia said as her horn glowed brighter as two halves of a massive book appeared in her hands. Magically lifting it up into the air and over to me. Using my own magic, I took it from her and placed them both in my spacial storage.

“You know what, I'm done questioning it. Well as this was all I was here for. I'm out.” I said clapping my hands and turned away from Celestia.

“Will, I ever see you again?” That got me to stop for a moment. “You may see A me,” I said turning around. “But not the me.”

“What do you mean by that?” She asked.

“I'm from a different universe completely. So there stands to reason that there is a version of me here. But it won't be the same one as me. If I were you, I would try to find him but with caution. As I don't know his life here was like.” I said as I focused chaotic magic into my right claw.

“I will take that into advisement. But thank you again for saving my sister and I and it has been a pleasure knowing you Nevada.” She said with a bow.

“Storm, Firestorm,” I said as she looked up at me. “My name is Firestorm. Don't forget it.” With that, I turned and slashed through the air creating a tear through space and time. On the other side looked like the Castle of the two pony sisters.”

“Alright, I wish you luck with your travels.” She said as I waved goodbye and stepped through my portal. Once I was through I turned around to see the water world Celestia watching me as I gave her a two-finger send off and snapped my fingers. With that, my portal disappeared in a shine. Leaving me to stand alone on the main floor of the castle ruins. Looking around I found my little beacon that I made out of a ruby. Picking it up, I began to draw the magic I placed in it back into myself. With that, I opened my mouth and began to bite into the apple-sized gem. Almost as if it was the fruit it was the size of, my teeth sank through it with the same ease as the real thing.

“I know your there Nightling, you can come out,” I said before taking another bite. In seconds I felt a figure drop down behind me. Turning around I saw Nightling in her Wyvern armor bowing to me.

“It's nice seeing you again your highness, it's been a while.” She said before standing back up looking at me.

“How long has it been since I disappeared?”

“It's been almost five months.” She said looking up at me. That left me to say two words.

“Well... shit.”

[End of Chapter]

Chapter 55 - Raiders of the Last Ring

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“Almost five-month,” I said taking a seat on a nearby piece of rubble. “What happened in that time?” Here is when the bomb was dropped on me. It seems back in the day of Discord's first appearance against Princess Celestia and Luna he ended up laying seeds of disharmony. That should have sprouted a long time ago. But it seems that in that time the tree of harmony which housed the Elements before the royal regents of the celestial bodies took them to use against Discord. There was enough magic there that prevented them from taking root. But after all this time, the tree was weak enough for them to spread out of the Everfree forest that it crawled it's way to Canterlot and ponynapped both regents of the sun and moon. So this left both the sun and moon in the sky at the same time. Throughout the course of events, the girls had to give up their elements of harmony back to the tree itself. From there the tree spawned a magical box that Twilight's been trying to figure out how to open.

That was followed by the girls trying to clean up the castle of the pony sisters. Which ended up in complete madness. As it ended up with the girls running around freaking each other out. All but Twilight, Nightling, and Lily who was in a special relaxing spot reading over Celestia's journal. That got me interested but I didn't want to read it as the information would be outdated to the ponies they are now. Other than that the only other event is that the Ponyville barracks were finished being built and the guards have already been moved. Also, Luna's guards were recalled which is why they weren't at the castle for my arrival. On top of that there as been talks around the castle of things being in motion out of sight. It seems there have been accounts of ponies losing their magic and cutie marks. This is worrying as so far each account has been of earth ponies only. Getting up I dusted myself off and we made our way towards Ponyville.

“Nightling go to Canterlot and get Luna. I need to speak with her as soon as possible.” I ordered.

“Roger Sir,” Nightling said before taking to the air. With that, I headed through the forest for the first time in a while by myself... relatively. Kind of hard to be by yourself when you have two more beings in your head. For the most part, it was rather silent, well silent as a forest could be. There were the sounds of birds and little animals running about. It stayed silent for a moment before I stopped and waited for a second. Slowly taking a breath in I just let the sounds wash over me as my left ear flapped a little at the sounds of a twig being snapped. Seconds later was followed by a light growl. Turning my head I stared right at the eyes of the timber wolf through the darkness of the woods. He continued to look at me as I watched it ready to pounce. In a flash, I moved above it leaving it to look confused. Dropping down I landed on its back.

“Did you miss me?” I said as it turned its head to look at me. “Not smart hunting someone more powerful than you buddy.” Reaching up with my right claw, I slammed it down hard on its back splintering the wood body it had. The fear in its face was priceless. With another slam I as down to its core. Reaching in, I grabbed the glowing core that housed it. “I'm going to give you only one chance. If I let you go, will you tell the others in your pack that I and any other pony that wonders in is off limits from now on?” I said giving the wolf the look. I watched it rapidly nod at this. “Good,” I said with a smirk as I used my wings to hop off of it. “Go, and I don't want to hear anything about another Timber wolf attack, or I'm going to hunt down each and every one of you. Do I make myself clear?” It nodded before running off with its wooden tail between its legs.

“Well, that's one problem down,” Shadow said as I continued my way back to Ponyville.

“And many more to go,” I said with a smile. The next thirty minutes or so was spent walking through the forest till I was at the edge where I could see Ponyville in the distance. Just seeing it again after all that time in the other universe was a sight for sore eyes. With a snap of my fingers, my body shifted that into my normal drony form. Something I haven't had been in for a while. Magically putting my cloak and mask back into my pocket space as I slowly walked into town. At the time I saw what looked like Fluttershy was flapping her wings around baby birds. As if she was helping them learn how to fly. This got me wondering if ponies do all of the teachings like this or if was this a special case. Regardless, I continued my way into Ponyville to see ponies walking to and from with their normal friendly demeanor.

Lyra and Bon Bon were walking through some of the stalls doing some shopping. From what I could tell, besides the business section of Ponyville. There were also street stalls going down the main street of Ponyville which lead to the founder's fountain. From how I heard it, the Apple family included Granny Smith who helped found Ponyville. Used this spot for a well which at the time was on the unusable ground for farming. Which is why their farm was currently out of town, don't ask me why they didn't take a closer well at the time. Other ponies from the Apple family made their way here and a small town began to form. Much like how old shanty towns would startup before they would be built up to a town. Just like it happened here, they turned the well after a few years when plumbing became a thing outside of the richer ponies could afford. They turned the old well into a fountain in memory of the Apples that helped found the town. At that point, it was just down to Granny Smith and her foal at the time.

Regardless of that, I walked the fountain and to some of the stalls, mostly to window shop. Which ended up with me at the little bookstall and I picked up a few books to add to my little collection at home. With a smile, I paid for it and headed towards home. Something I haven't been for at least a week to me and almost half a year for her. Honestly, it was nice to see that not a whole lot has changed in that time. Which is really nice, compared to everything else in my life. Just the stableness of it all was perfect at this point. Well, the general sense of perfect, not the fact that nothing can be perfect. You get the idea.

Slowly making it home I noticed that the lights were off. Odd... normally the Library is open around this time of day. Makes me wonder if she is in Ponyville or up in Canterlot. I'll just have to send her a letter later. Grabbing the knob with my magic, I found that the door was unlocked. I did not like that fact.

“Shadow could you-” I began to say over the link before Shadow interrupted me.

“Already on it.” He said shooting from my shadow under the door. There were a few moments of silence before Shadow shot back. “You're not going to believe this.”


“They have a surprise party waiting for you,” Shadow said and I could hear the grin on his face. With a smirk, I slowly stepped back and began flying up to the balcony. Slowly opening it and sliding it. I made my way back down the stairs to see the girls, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, and a few other ponies I couldn't tell right off the bat who as I wasn't using my draconic eyes to see them. As that would give me away right away. Slowly, I slid over to Twilight who was staring at the door, right next to her was Pinkie who already had her eye on me. Moving my claw up and did the shushing gesture, she nodded with a big smile on her face.

“What's taking him so long to come into the door,” Twilight said sounding a little annoyed. “You said he coming back today right?” Turning her head towards Pinkie.

“Yup! He's already back!” She said sounding excited.

“Shush Pinkie, you don't want to give the surprise away.”

“It would be a shame if that happened. Especially if he figured out that you all were going to surprise him so he slid in through the balcony, crept down the stairs, and has been standing next to you for at least two minutes.” I whispered with a grin on my face as I went with a more feminine voice to mess with her.

“But the odds of that-” She said turning towards me as I just grinned at her. That got her to jump with a start. “Storm!”

“That's me,” I said with a smirk as I flicked on the light. Everypony turned to look at me in surprise. “Surprise.” Couldn't help myself but smile.

“How did you even know?” Twilight said turning to look at me.

“Well... let's just say magic and move on from there.” That got most of the ponies to nod in agreement. I say most as Twilight just gave me a look that said 'I don't believe that for a second.' Of course, the second pony was Applejack who was also giving me the stink eye. “I'll explain it later. Let's just have some fun.” With that, the party began as Pinkie bounced over to a record player and start playing some kind of party music. The next few hours were fairly nice. I had quite a few that were invited go up to me and ask how things were and where I was for the last few months. I told them I was on an important mission and left it at that. Mostly because they didn't need to know. After that, things were fine. Twilight during that whole time stayed by my side and most of the time I laid my wing around her.

Things felt... normal, and honestly, that was the greatest thing I need at that moment. Just after spending close to a week for me in another universe being fired upon, and trying not to be killed. Especially no straight hostel intent from those I'm familiar with. On top of that, being able not to be on edge around the girls is nice. Which is both an upside and downside of being quadrupeds, but who am I to judge. The party went on for a few hours till a lot of the other ponies left till it was only the girls and Spike. Around that time Applejack brought out a small barrel of cider. From what I am to understand this is from the Apple's private cellar of it. So this was fermented cider, while not the premium stuff it's still some of the good stuff. Taking the smarter route, Applejack also brought the non-alcoholic cider for Spike. Taking a sip I find the familiar burn as it goes down my throat as I lean back in my seat.

“So how did you really know we were throwing a surprise party?” Applejack asked as she refilled my drink after I had downed the whole mug.

“I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.” Holding my mug off to the side, Shadow slowly raised himself up out of my shadow. Taking his normal serpent form. He opened his mouth as I gently poured some of it into his mouth. With a few gulps, he drank some of the cider.

“That is some stuff.” He said with a shake of his head.

“I didn't know Shadow could drink in that form,” Twilight commented looking over my left.

“I can drink and all that. They just end up in the same space as him. I just have to teleport it in.” Shadow answered.

“We are connected after all,” I explained.

“That still doesn't answer my question, how did you figure it out,” Applejack asked and all I did was point at Shadow.

“He slid into the darkroom and looked around. After being ambushed enough I got paranoid and checked.” I explained.

“That is fair.” Applejack commented with a nod.

“That way I don't have to go into a room blind. Especially after this last adventure.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, to be honest, I was expecting what I had encountered in the other universe. Going from the land all over the place to-” was all I got out before Dash came flying through the door. Being quicker on the cast, I cast the redirection spell right as Dash flew into it. She came out a few moments later looking completely confused for a moment as she came to a halt. “Next time don't come flying in here like a bat out of hell.”

“Your back?! Why didn't anypony tell me?” Dash said looking annoyed.

“We tried to tell you, darling.” Rarity said looking annoyed. “But you ignored us because you were too hyped for the new Daring Do book.” I wonder if I had missed a book in my time gone.

“Oh... Alright, that makes sense.” Dash said before giving a light nervous chuckle. “Sorry about that, but I just found out that the latest book is being delayed.” She said flying back in.

“Yeah by two months.” Twilight tacked on.

“Wait how did you know it was that long before I did, I'm her biggest fan?!” Dash said giving Twilight the stink eye.

“Didn't she get you into the books?” I commented.

“Oh, right,” Dash said with a slightly nervous laugh.

“I mean A.K. Yearling is one of my favorite authors. I know everything about her, where she grew up, where she went to school, where she wrote her first book.” Twilight began to list off and I began to feel like I was getting married to a super fan in that creepy way.

“Where she lives?” Dash asked.

“Ah... no, but I could probably find out... somehow. Why?” Twilight said and I already was getting a bad feeling about this.

“Don't you get it, the new book is obviously delayed because she needs help dealing with whatever everyday non-sense is distracting her spending every living, breath second writing. So I-” Dash said catching herself as I was giving her a flat look. “I mean, fans like me can get to read the next book asap.” I watched Twilight roll her eyes at that. “Think about it, we can help her with her laundry, buying her groceries, cooking her meals, whatever. Now, who wouldn't appreciate that?”

“Hmm, I don't know. What she probably wants most of all is respect for her privacy.” Twilight said looking uneasy about this.

“She can always just say no,” Dash said getting into Twilight's face. The girls took a few moments to look at each other and nodded.

“Ah... I suppose your right.”

“Of course I am,” Dash said flying towards the door before turning back. “So about getting that address?”

“I'll get it, you'll just have to give me a bit. I will let you know when I have it.” Twilight said going off towards the loft. Looking towards the girls and give them a nod.

“Give us a moment,” I said following Twilight up the stairs. I will admit I missed this view, but something about how Twilight just acted was chewing at me. So when we got up to the bedroom and closed the door behind us. She then whipped around and before I could process it, she jumped and pounced on me.

“I missed you so much.” She said nuzzling into my cheek.

“I missed you too.” I returned the favor. “With everything that happened, I missed this,” I said as I moved to hold her as best I could.

“What did happen?” I spend the next hour or so giving her a very streamlined version of the events including the fight with Daybreaker. I left out how I dealt with Daybreaker, well more how I killed her soul than anything. She listened and I could tell she wanted to visit it herself. With a flick of magic, I pulled out the nullifying ring her bipedal version of herself had tried to use on me. But much like how the horn rings doesn't work well on alicorns. This nullifying ring had the same limitation, beside it was supposed to deal only pony magic and not chaotic. They had a limited dampener that could be overpowered if need be. Regardless Twilight pulled the ring over to a new desk that I found new schematics for some kind of box. From what I could see the thing had six keyholes on it. Walking over it as Twilight poured over the ring as I was more fascinated by what she was working on in my five-month laps. From what I can tell Twilight's been trying to unlock this box. It looks like she took over my little desk with this project. The only thing missing from the table is the box itself.

“Where's the box?” I asked turning to her.

“Huh?” She said looking up at me from her scans. “Oh, it's still at the tree of harmony. Wait... how do you know about it?” I pointed my prosthetic thumb at the schematics behind me. “Right. After having to give up the elements of harmony back to the tree. This box appeared and I've been trying to figure out how to open it.”

“Wait back to the tree?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow. “This tree wouldn't happen to be made of an almost crystal white like wood?”

“Yeah... wait, you've seen it?” She asked.

“Not directly, it was more a vision slash memory of the past kind of deal. Blame my ties to the artifacts, it's been doing a number to my dreams.” I said with a smile.

“Do I need to get a hold of Luna?” Twilight asked coming up to me looking worried.

“It's nothing serious, just glimpses into the past between doors.”

“Doors?” She turned her head in confusion.

“When I come into contact with an artifact a door fully appears in my dreamscape. Each one holds a task behind them that I think I complete. Mind you a lot of this is just a hypothesis based on observation. But since my destiny, as it was tied to the artifacts it makes sense they would want to test me to make sure I'm worthy.”

“That does sound like a reasonable hypothesis.” She said with a nod.

“But regardless, do you think a trip to A.K. Yearling's home would be a good idea?”

“Dash make a point that, if she didn't want us to be there she can send us home.” While she did have a point. As far as I know, none of the girls knew of A.K. Yearling's true identity as Daring Do. This could cause an issue if she's in the middle of an adventure to secure a magical artifact. If we drop in the middle of that, could cause a lot of issues.

“Be that as it may, you wouldn't want one of the girls dropping in on you if you were in the middle of something important to you?”

“That doesn't stop them from doing it.”


“Pinkie.” I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my muzzle. “Be that as it may, it still feels wrong invading A.K. Yearling's privacy like this.”

“What's the worst that could happen?” Twilight said and I already felt the shiver run up my spine at the very utterance of those words.

“You had to say it didn't you?” I muttered under my breath as I held up my prosthetic and counted down from three. Before stepping back as soon as I hit one, the room was beseeched from all sides by my guards including Lily of all beings. From the doorway, window, balcony door, and even four unicorns popping into existence. “Really?!” I said completely annoyed.

“Your highness, we were just made aware of your arrival.” Said Ironside.

“So you had to rush in and surround us in our bedroom?” Twilight said just as annoyed as I am.

“Sorry, your highnesses. We were just trying to do our duty.” Said one of the other guards. I didn't catch who as they were behind me at the time.

“I appreciate you were trying to do your job, but there wasn't an emergency that called for my full army to run in like they were raiding the place. Now I want all of you to return to the barracks but you Lily. You are to go on normal patrol till I call for anypony else. Is that clear?” I said stomping down with my right foreleg.

“Sir, yes sir!” They all said in unison before they left leaving only Twilight, Lily, and I.

“As for you. Status Report.” Lily snapped into a salute.

“Everything peaceful on the home front after the vine incident, Sir,” Lily said matter of factly.

“And their training?”

“While some are having issues. The training is going as planned.”

“Good, now Twilight and I will be expecting Princess Luna anytime now. After that, Twilight, the girls, and I will be leaving for a short trip. I need you all to keep everything save on the home front. Is that clear?”

“Permission to speak freely sir?”


“I think it would be wise for one of your guards to accompany you on your travels.” She said keeping the very soldier like stance.

“I will have my captain with us. Which is why I need you here to keep the training going. When we return I will be inspecting the barracks. I want everything to be at the ready. Am I clear?”

“Sir, Yes Sir.”

“Good, you are now dismissed.” With that Lily left and I took a deep breath. “It's going to be like that a lot isn't it?” I said running my claw down my face in a wiping motion. “Universe why do you do me so?”

“What's this about a visit from Luna?” Twilight asked eyeing me.

“Think of it as a debrief about everything that has happened.” Moving over to her, to see what she had been working on. “So what is it about this box?” I asked looking it over more.

“That's the question, I have no idea what's in here but the tree gave it to us.” Looking over the box drawings as my mind began to go to work.

“I'm going to guess that you already magically scanned it.”

“Multiple times using four different spells.”

“Did you overlap them?”

“In every combination, I could think of.”

“Physically probing it?”

“Shield at each keyhole.” That got me interested in this little mystery. So all normal methods of normal investigations are out of the question. It makes me wonder if I try to sense through it could work. My right ear flicked as I turned to see Luna popping into existence behind me.

“Hello Luna, long time no see.” See her she was just like I left and honestly I missed it. She came over and before I could even react she gave me a rather overly affectionate hug. “Okay, need to breathe Luna.”

“Oh... he he, sorry.” She said with an awkward chuckle before stepping away. “It's been five months since we last heard of you. “What happened?”

“In a moment, first I need you to bring out the Moon Cleaver.” That got both Twilight and Luna to look at me in surprise.

“How do you know my sword's name?” She asked in surprise.

“It was documented in the archives,” I answered as I watched a whirlpool of blue magic appeared before Luna as she wrapped her magic around the handle of her blade. She held it with the blade pointed away from Twilight and me.

“Why do you need to see my sword?”

“To compare it,” I said as a matching orange whirlpool of magic appeared before me as I reached in and pulled out a sort of magic sword. The only difference was that my sword was larger made for a larger being. Luna's eyes widened and reach out for it magically before an orange spark shot off it and struck her in the horn. Causing her to wince back and drop her own sword with a clang.

“Ow.” She said rubbing her horn.

“Luna are you okay?” Twilight said rushing over to her.

“I'm fine Twilight Sparkle. Just didn't expect the sword to lash back like that.” She said as I set the sword down against the wall.

“I didn't expect it to do that,” I said coming over making sure to step over her version of it.

“Where did you get that?”

“From the other you.” Helping Luna sit, I began to run a few scans to check on her. From what I could tell all she suffered was a magical feedback spark. “I ended up saving her from the bottom of the Equestrian ocean.”

“The Equestrian ocean?” Both Luna and Twilight asked.

“It's a bit of a long story and a lot of it you're not going to like,” I said before going back to my sword and picked it up. With a wash of magic, I dropped it back into the whirlpool. In the next few hours, I go over a very summarized set of events. Granted I left out things like breaking Dash's arm, the guns, and the means of how I destroyed Daybreaker. As I went through it I could see the horror in their faces at my retelling. Especially the events of Daybreaker, especially my fight with her. That lead me to pull out her spear. But this leads me to this one point. “Princess Celestia is not to know.” That got both of them to look surprised.

“Why leave her in the dark?” Twilight asked looking surprised.

“Because it's none of her damn business.” That got both of them to look at me in surprise.

“Why do you still hold this grudge against my sister?” Luna asked in surprise.

“Did you forget that she tried to fucking kill me?”

“Oh... right.” That got both of them to look a bit ashamed by that.

“Look, I get it you want me to get along with her. But everything has shown me that she and I are like water and oil. We don't mix and so far nothing has shown me differently.” I said turning around pulling out a book. “The point is, it's going to take a lot for me to forgive her for that and the cards are stacked against her. Because I know everything she tries to do will always be tinted by her wanting to buy my forgiveness.”

“Then how would she even be able to?” Twilight asked.

“I don't know,” I answered pulling out the scrap of parchment that had an address on it. “But that's not the point. Right now till I can trust her. Anything I decide to do doesn't need to be reported to her outside of official business and what I do or get in another universe falls under my business and not official.”

“How can you say that?!” Twilight exclaimed in shock.

“Because out of everyone here. I'm the one she's been against time and time again.” I said as my magic flared and out of habit, my form changed back to my bipedal form. “All because I'm the odd piece out of her perfect little puzzle.”

“You're not the odd piece Storm,” Luna commented with a cocked eyebrow.

“Then explain to me how I fit in when Celestia and I have been at odds. Between me knowing a good chunk of her skeletons in her closet and my actions 'rubbing' her the wrong way.” I gave her a staredown. She looked at me as I could see her try and piece it together. I stood at my full height with my arms crossed.

“Storm that isn't fair to put Luna on the spot like that,” Twilight said as she put a hoof on my leg.

“You mean like how I was put on the spot to forgive her sister? But if she can't answer the question on where I fit in, then my point stands.” I answered as Luna sighed.

“He is right. As much as I dislike saying so, he and my sister have been at odds. I will keep your ownership of copies of our weapons.” I simply nodded. “Is there something else I need to be aware of?”

“One thing.” I pulled out a scroll and scribbled down a few names. “I need every file pertaining to these names.” She eyed it before eyeing me. “Why go to me and not through your captain?”

“Convenience to be honest. After this meeting Twilight and the girls have a bit of a trip on our hooves.”

“A trip where?” Luna asked looking confused. With a smirk on my face, I held up the paper.

“A meeting with an author.”


The next few days were just filled with travel. Mostly to the middle of freaking nowhere and I'm not even taking that out of context. We are literally in the Nowhere Forest. Which is funny to no end to me as I can say I was in the middle of nowhere and mean it. Regardless, after our meeting with Luna, I started to plan things out in advance. Mostly because I have begun to not trust many of the royals outside so far maybe a claw full. Anyway, after pointing out that I had Daring Do's address from the copy of the book she sent me. Twilight had asked how I managed this and I reminded her that I was with A.K. Yearling when I found the Cape of Kindness. That got her into a tizzy about asking me about said mare and I said I didn't ask much about her as it would have been rude. Mostly because I was focused on the mission I had to do at that time. The whole time Pinkie behind us was painting a large red line. Almost like those cartoon traveling lines you would see as they would transition locations.

“You see what I mean? Why would she live in this remote part of Equestria except to keep folks from intruding on her privacy? We should-” Twilight began to question again, this time however Dash interrupted her popping out of the bushes surprising some of us.

“I think I spotted the house, we are super close. This way!” Dash said zipping forward.

“Wait!” Twilight said trying to get the girls who had followed Dash to stop. Following the rest of them we came up to a white cottage with a hay thatched roof looking like a mini-tornado had gone off inside it. As the windows were blown out as well as books, boards, and even a recliner were thrown out of the windows in the process.

“Oh no, what happened?” Twilight said sounding worried.

“It looks like somepony intruded in her privacy pretty hard already.”

“We should go see if there is somepony that needs help,” I said already moving past the girls. My horn lit up as I began to focus on any signs of danger, at least towards us. Dash flew past me and knocked on the barely hanging front door. As soon as the third knock struck the door said it was done and dropped to the ground showing the torn up dwellings of Daring's home.

“Who-wee somepony really trashed the place.” Applejack said after we all were able to get a good look at the insides. This place looked like the before mentioned tornado had struck or that the messes pony in all Equestria lived here. Pinkie hopping in looked around putting her hoof under her chin.

“Maybe... or-” She began stretching out the or. “A.K. Yearling is a terrible, horrible, unbelievable slob!”

“I hope A.K. Yearling is alright.” Rarity said looking over a cracked mirror with worry clearly planted on her face.

“Oh no, what if something terrible happened to her” Twilight commented looking around with worry before Dash popped up like a jack in the box.

“I know, there might be no more books!” Dash exclaimed while Twilight and I gave her a flat look. Well that shows where your priorities lie Dash. Getting the hit Dash at least looked remorseful. “But of course I'd be worried about her too.”

“What are you all doing here?” Said a voice from the door. Walking in from the shadow was A.K. Yearling herself.

“Ah... A. K. Year-ling?” Dash said getting star struck before making the weirdest face I think I've ever seen on a pony. Course with Pinkie in the room, that was an accomplishment. I couldn't help but shudder at the memory of some of the weird faces Pinkie has made over my time in Equestria. So I kind of lost track of things for a moment.

“What have you done to my house?” Yearling said coming in and over to Applejack before biting onto the rug under her.

“We didn't do this I swear Miss Yearling.” Applejack said before the rug was literally pulled out from under her flinging her back. Not finding what she was looking for Yearling went over to an overturned table to look around.

“I'm glad to see your alright,” Twilight said but it was clear that Yearling wasn't paying attention as she walked past her to a desk with one of the earth pony-type writers on it. As the way they worked was you had to turn the knob to the key you wanted and pressed down. Which their keyboards split the letters evenly between the two knobs. Regardless she walked over as Dash stood on top of a book whistling trying to pull the 'I look cool please notice me sempai' shtick.

“Okay, clearly this isn't the best time. I just got to say how much we all really love your books.” Dash nervously said before ending it with a just as nervous chuckle. Which that level of cringe went unnoticed by Yearling as she looked at the book under dash. Just like Applejack, Yearling sent Dash flying back with a thump into a nearby stack of books. Placing it down we all watched Yearling began to turn the gold binding on the book. Which means this book wasn't a book but a hidden compartment. That was followed by turning the gold plate cover. The three binding popped away like a lock opening to show one of those fucking gold rings we recovered from the pyramids. Oh for fuck sake, this was because of those damn rings again?

“Ah, it's safe.” Yearling said looking relieved and slide it back into her cloak. Dash not missing a chance on getting what she wanted. Decided to strike right then.

“Great, Maybe now would be a great time for me to ask how we could help move the new book along faster. Chop Chop.” All while Yearling was picking up the mess that was her home. When Dash tried to shove her typewriter in front of her. This was met with Yearling rolling her eyes a bit.

“Rainbow Dash, a minute please,” Twilight said already wrapping the mare in magic and dragging her out like a mother cat picking up one of her kittens. The girls taken the hint followed her while I magically began to pick up the books for her.

“It's been a while hasn't it 'Yearling'” I will admit I had a bit of a smug smile.

“It has been 'Princey'” She said firing back.

“I'm guessing you're being chased for the rings this time?”

“You know it.” She said moving over to the same mirror Rarity was looking through but a few moments before as my right ear began to twitch. Turning around I saw three stallions looking at Yearling. The first one was a tan with a bit of stubble on his face. His mane and tell was short and swept back while around his neck was one of those collared scarfs that I've seen up in Canterlot. For when a pony wants to wear something but it not be a full shirt. On top of that, he had an honest to goodness black fedora with a white stripe on his head. His cutie-mark was one of those cartoon punch arts with a light blue exclamation and yellow question mark. The second stallion was light gray wearing one of those wise guy haircuts swept to both sides. On his face was a pair of white-framed shades. He had a white tie, black collar with a purple accent like the first guy and his cutie-mark was the same as the first but minus the two marks and a second punch in the center. The third guy just screamed Irishmen to me as he had a real muddled blue-gray coat and bright orange hair that came down to sideburns. On his was a tan vest and his cutie-mark was a star, spiral, asterisk, and what looks like a pound symbol from a phone. All three of them formed around Yearling like I was fucking invisible. Which was a little odd to me as normally I'm the one targeted, but whatever.

Taking a moment Yearling threw her cloak in the face of the first pony, her hat at the third, and her shade at the second. Who had his shades knocked off and replaced with hers. She then stood there in her normal Daring Do garb. With the ring around her right-wing as she lowered down ready to fight. Right about then, I heard from outside the window, “A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!” Right then the three of them jumped onto Daring Do. Not missing a beat, I rushed forward and slammed my side into the gray one sending him off. Before turning and bucking at the head of the Irish looking one only missing him by a hair. He turned and slammed his head into my side sending me rolling into the wall. What I had missed was Dash coming into the room and grabbed Daring Do's hat.

“Daring Do!” She proclaimed which got both of us to look to see her wave her hat. The three goons taking their chance they jumped on Daring Do and kicked the ring out of her wing sending it towards the door. Right into the hooves of the pony standing there.

“Many thanks, Daring Do. As you've Probably surmised, our earlier search for this treasure was... unsuccessful. So kind of you to find it for us.” The dirty tan stallion wearing an eggshell shirt with a polka dot neckerchief. He had a five o'clock shadow around his muzzle that matches the combed back black mane with a gray streak through it. On his flank was a stylized golden skull with a ruby eye in the right socket.

“Give it back, Caballeron!” Daring said to the newly named stallion.

“That's Doctor Caballeron to you,” Caballeron said sounding royally annoyed.

“So let me guess. Ahulzotl has put you up to this?” Daring said stepping forward as it looked for she wrenched her hoof pretty good. “You're stealing the ring to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talacon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by prophecy!” She said growling that last bit probably through the pain.

“Close, but... no.” Caballeron gloated with a smirk as he placed it around his neck that just felt slimy to no end. “I'm going to sell this to him, make a bundle, and retired from archaeology in splendor.”

“Caballeron, you fool! You're dooming the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat!” She said trying to stand up as I began to move closer.

“To market, henchponies!” Caballeron said as the four of them dashed off. Moving over I helped Daring onto her hooves. Right then Dash came over and grabbed her bad hoof.

“Are you okay?” She said sounding annoyed.

“I got this,” Daring said swatting Dash away. Right then Fluttershy slowly came up looking shy and worried.

“Um, she was just trying to help, Ms. Do.” She said and if it was any other time I would understand. But right now after distracting us in the middle of a fight like that. I was just as pissed as Daring was.

“Daring Do doesn't need help. She handles her business herself.” She said flying off over the trees. Taking off I flew after her in worry.

“Let's get that leg looked at,” I said catching up with her.

“I said I can handle business myself.” She growled looking at me.

“And I said let's get that leg looked at,” I growled back.

“Fine, but after that, I will go deal with this mess alone.”

“We will see,” I said with a smirk as we landed. Reaching into my saddlebags I pulled out my first aid kit that I started carrying with me as I began to put her leg into a splint.

“So how did you find me?” She asked as I began to magically clean her leg enough with some sanitizer before I placed the splint together.

“The address you sent the book from.” I began to answer. “Then asked the ponies there which way you normally fly in from. From there we just walked through the forest to the only house within.”

“Fair enough Princey.” She said with a smirk.

“I told you not to call me that Do. Before you ask, I haven't told anyone your secret.”

“No, you just lead six annoying mares to my doorstep and put the valley in danger.” She growled.

“In all fairness, I thought you had the rings dealt with and was on a different adventure,” I answered as I finished up tying up her splint. “Regardless their hearts were in the right place as they expect you to just be a writer and not an adventurer.”

“Regardless that light blue one couldn't keep her nose out of it.” She angrily huffed.

“Yeah... Dash has a nasty habit of getting an idea in her head and sticking to it.” I said before laughing a bit hard. “But let me ask this. Is it just the rings we have to out for?”

“Yeah, Ahulzotl has gotten all of the other rings.”

“Wait, even the ring from the Saddleline Pyramids.”

“That's the one Caballeron has.”

“Of course.” I sighed in annoyance. “Then let's go get it back.”

“Daring Do works-”

“With me this time,” I answered giving her a pointed look. “If I have to make it a royal order you know I will.”

“Your not one to pull rank like that, Princey.” She shot back.

“A lot can happen in over five months, and let's just say,” I said before I focused the magic around me and changed into my bipedal form. “I've gotten a few new tricks.” She looked up at me in surprise.

“I didn't see that one coming.” She said stepping back as I magically changed back.

“Not many will see the other tricks coming either,” I said with a grin on my face. “But I need you to give the girls a chance.” With a flick of magic, I opened up a portal to my pocket space to pull out a healing card so I could put it on Daring's leg.

“Fine, I will give them 'A' chance.” She growled at me.

“That's all I can ask. So what's the plan?” I asked.

“I plan to trick Caballeron for the ring back.” She said with a smirk as I applied the magic to her leg.

“And how do you plan to do it?” That's when she pulled out a rather large bag of bits.

“Pay for it.” I couldn't help but chuckle.

“Well for somepony greedy as him. I would be surprised if it didn't work.” With her leg healed up as best I could. We continued on our way and for the most part, it was silent outside of the birds and animals around the forest till we heard some whispering. Some rather familiar whispering if that. Before I could say anything Daring Do jumped towards the voice and I could hear a small scuffle happen. Following after her, I saw Daring Do had jumped on Dash, using her explorers' helmet as her weapons of choice.

“Oh, it's just you,” Daring said sounding annoyed and honestly I couldn't blame her.

“Wait, don't go!” Dash said as Daring stared at her with a sideways glance as Dash kind of bounced in place for a moment. Daring and I began to walk off a bit annoyed as Dash began to talk with herself. We got maybe a good ten feet away from her before Dash popped up in a bush. Which got me to jump in surprise. Geez and I thought Pinkie was the one that pops in out of nowhere. Well, there is Discord and that one time with Twilight. With Dash here, I'm starting to think that everypony has that power. “I am such- a huge fan,” Dash said with a nervous chuckle. Ignoring her Daring continue to walk off and Dash zipped in front of her. “Wait, wait, wait, let me help you. I promise I can be a huge, huge help if you give me a chance.”

“I. Work. Alone.” Daring said giving her an increasing glare.

“Why won't you let me team up with you just this once?” Dash said groveling towards her to the point that I didn't even know ponies could crawl like that. It was a little weird to see, to say the least.

“My work always involves secrets. And since you never know who you can trust, it's best never to trust anypony.” Daring said leaving Dash in the dust.

“Wait then why is Storm here?” She said and I just gave her a flat look.

“Royal Order.” Daring and I said at the same time.

“Wait, that doesn't make sense. It would mean Storm would have known that you were really Daring Do all this time.” Dash said putting two and two together.

“To quote Big Mac, Eeyup,” I said walking with Daring.

“How long have you known?” Dash said getting into my face.

“Long enough,” I said walking past her.

“And he leads you all to me,” Daring growled.

“Not by choice Dash couldn't leave things well enough 'alone' that I was hoping to persuade them to give this up.” I shot back giving said prismatic mare a glare. Who in turn, just turned her head and whistled like she did nothing wrong.

“Regardless, just because you can't trust some, doesn't mean nopony can be trusted! I mean Storm kept your secret!” Dash said getting in front of Daring blocking her path.

“Look, I don't have time to argue-” Daring said before the prismatic pain in our flank interrupted her with.

“Neither do I. Let's go!” She then flew off into the air.

“Does she do that-” Daring tried to say.

“All the time?” Daring nodded. “Yes, just yes.” I sighed as we both walked after her. The rest of the day was quiet as we kept our eyes out for Caballeron. Which ended up after nightfall they stopped for an early dinner. From what we can see they were huddled around a barrow of hay within their makeshift camp, most likely for dinner.

Shadow slide through the shadows of the brush around us to keep an eye on them as Dash, Daring, and I prepared. Correction, Daring and I prepared as Dash would not shut the fuck up gushing over Daring's plan. Daring was covering her muzzle with mud and leaves to make a really fake beard. On top of crushing her hat to look closer to a boat hat. So far the plan was for Daring and me to go out with me wearing my regalia to have her broker the buy for the ring. Granted I was the eye candy here outside of the bag of gold. Once she was ready Daring and I stepped out, with her a few feet in front of me. She dropped the bag of bits before her.

“I am lead to believe that you have an item of importance, that my employer would be willing to pay handsomely for,” Daring said as Caballeron and his three goons zipped up to the bag of bits drooling for.

“Well I did already have another buyer lined up for it, but since they aren't already here. I suppose I could sell it to-” was all Caballeron got out before we heard the rumble followed by the sight of a few trees being tippled over as all of us saw the large fuzzy blue monstrosity that is Ahuizotl.

“Caballeron!” He roared.

“Ahuizotl.” Both Daring and I whispered as our eyes narrowed towards him. Pulling his tail hand around holding it open.

“The Ring!” Caballeron gasping, ran off after Ahuizotl roared at him. Dropping the ring as he dashed off with the bag of bits. Daring and Ahuizotl looked at the ring, then each other before Daring jumped grabbing the ring removing her disguise. “The ring, Daring Do! Give it to me!”

Daring grinned as she placed the ring around her neck. “Now Ahuizotl, you know I love you, but I can't give you the right 'til I've properly proposed.” She said with a smirk on her face.

“Oh, that cheeky bitch.” I said grinning as slowly moved closer, all while Ahuizotl lightly chuckled.

“Interesting, because my friends here have a proposal for their owns,” Ahuizotl said before his tail snapped and four large cats jumped out followed by a little white kitten. All of them growling and the latter most hissing at Daring.

“It's a shame that their proposal is going to have to be rejected,” I commented behind them. That got all five cats and Ahuizotl.

“You!” He growled before stopped for a moment. “Do I know you from somewhere?”

“Let's just say the last time you saw me, we were in the world's largest litter box,” I said with a smirk as I reached up with my own claw. “But since then I've gotten a few new tricks.” With a snap, Shadow sent all five cats flying with five matching shadow fists that flung up from their shadows. Ahuizotl growled before leaving at me. With a smirk, I rolled back and as he almost landed on me. I used my hooves to carry his momentum past me into a nearby tree. “Guess the tree's bark was worse than its bite... or was it.” With another snap. The tree itself came to life and bit down dark on Ahuizotl's tail as he had slid to the ground. Turning I saw Daring was fighting off the cats. I was about to help before I heard Dash, turning towards her I saw that she was waving Daring Hat around asking if she wanted her hat back. That's when I made my biggest mistake that evening. I felt something hit the side of my neck. Reaching up I pulled out what looked like a dart. With my adrenaline pumping as it was the dart rushed through my veins rather quickly. Which didn't leave me much time but to say. “Son of a bi-” before the world faded from view with a thump.


When everything decided to come back into focus or when I was woken up. I found myself laid off to the side with Twilight standing over me as she ran a hoof over my forehead as her horn was aglow. The worst part of getting darted like that was the impact to the head from falling to the ground was the pounding headache. With a little help, Twilight helped me up to a sitting position.

“Can somepony explain what I missed after I blacked out?” I said holding a hoof to my forehead just under my horn. From what I was told after I was knocked out, Dash was captured which put Daring in the position of getting captured. Instead of going after her, Dash sulked over Daring being captured because of her. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I growled.

“Storm, calm down,” Twilight said as I was staring daggers at Dash.

“Not this time,” I said slowly getting to my hooves. “What were you thinking Dash?”

“I... I just wanted to make my hero proud.” She said backing up from me.

“Proud! So acting like a completely goofball like you were drunk on fermented cider is how you act proud?!” Dash stared at me in fear and shame as I was rounding on her.

“No, I just... I was.” She tried to say.

“Storm, leave her alone sugar cube.” Applejack said getting between Dash and me.

“It's because it's Daring Do!” Dash blurted out. I stared at her for a moment before I face hoofed.

“Are you kidding me?” I said before snapping my fingers and I took my bipedal form. Getting up on my hooves I eyed her. “Regardless of how high on a pedestal you put someone you've got to be able to keep it together.”

“How did you do it?” Dash snapped at me.

“Because regardless of how high you all were with me. When the chips were down, I knew I had to get my head in the game. Just like when we went through the dream realm and I had to go through each one of your nightmares. I got beaten, battered, and bloody but I was there in the fray with the rest of you. So it's time to get your head out of your flank and get the job down.” I said cracking my clawed knuckles.

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked.

“We've got a pony to recuse and a curse to stop.”

“How do you plan to do that?” Dash asked and all I could do is grin.

“Well, Daring Do normally does things alone. This time, she's going to have a bit of help.” That got all of them to smile. Well outside of Fluttershy who continued to look worried. We all headed towards the temple. The jungle around us was much like any other tropical jungle the closer we got to the temple. As we descended into the valley that housed the temple we found some of the trees broken in half. Either by a large blow or pushed out of the way by something much larger. My guess was Ahuizotl shoving his way through. Twilight trotted up closer to me.

“So what is the plan?” She asked.

“Play keep away from with one of the rings. As long as one ring is missing they can't complete the curse. I will fight Ahuizotl myself as I'm one of the few that can hold him off.” I said as we continued to move forward.

“But last time you were knocked out.”

“I think I was darted.” I shot back with a grin. “There was a sharp pain and the last time that happened I was paralyzed.” She eyed me.

“You were, lucky I kept a medkit in our supplies.”

“Well, we did make sure everything was triple checked. But regardless the question left is what should we do with the rings after this?” I asked.

“If they are as dangerous as they say. Then I think we should take them back to Canterlot.” She said.

“And give them to the regent of the sun? No thank you.” I said with a growl.

“What is your problem between you and Princess Celestia?” She asked.

“I don't trust her. Time after time, she's just made it clear that I can't trust her. Especially when I blunder into one of her little secrets and she flips out about it. Then there was the whole bet between her and me. If she won she want me to follow every order to a T. Does that sound like someone who wants to be treated as an equal?” I asked and that got her to stop and think. After a bit, she continued walking up next to me again.

“What do you plan to do?”

“I plan to have a backup plan, as I fear things between us are going to grow more before it can get better.” That got Twilight to look worried.

“What was that thing I saw in some of those doomsday stories about leaving?” She asked.

“An exit plan and I may have to start planning one. But that is a question to deal with after this.” I said as we get to the bottom of the large set of steps. The temple itself looked much like an Aztec or maybe an equally old-style temple. “Dash, you try to find Daring and this time. Keep your head out of your flank.”

“You got it,” Dash said flying off around the side of the temple.

“Alright, if I had to guess right about now big blue and tri-handed in there is probably setting up a ceremony to put the final ring on. I think you five should play keep away with it and I will take on the boss himself.”

“And why should you take on the big fella?” Applejack said giving me the stink eye.

“Well I don't like getting cheap shot-ed and I think it's time for some old fashion payback with interest.” Grinning like a mad man as I clinched my right claw so much you can hear the metal creek from it.

“Fair enough.” She said as we all moved up the stairs towards the entrance. You know for a 'temple' the layout was surprising forward much like the pyramids back in Saddle Arabia. We could hear the rhythmic pounding of wood on stone. Most likely spears or staffs from the sound since it was more a light thump compared to a heavier thud. The closer we got the louder it did till we leaned into a lit room to see warrior like earth ponies against the walls pounding their spears in some kind of ceremony. We watched as Ahuizotl moved towards this spire that had the other rings on it. Meaning this was the last ring and we would need to stop him here. “Drop the ring, Ahui... whatever your name is!” As Applejack said that I slid back and decided to have Shadow move me to above the room. Where I slowly stuck my face out enough to see. In that time the girls had gotten the ring away from Ahuizotl's guards for a game of keep away. All while Dash and Daring do begin to take rings off the spire. As soon his back was turned away, I landed behind him and grabbed his tail. With one powerful tug, I threw Ahuizotl out of the room and far enough out of the temple onto the steps. Running after I stopped at the time of the stairs as Ahuizotl was able to stop his descent.

“Surprise,” I said grinning as I crossed my arms and stood with my legs wide enough to look imposing to him.

“Who are you?” Ahuizotl growled which only had me laughing. I raised my hand up and swiped it over my face as Shadow began to from cover.

“Your worst nightmare,” I growled as the mask didn't block my gaze or hinder it as my eyes began to glow. Shadow formed a gauntlet over my left arm as a flash of orange went through my right claws extended over twice their length and just as sharp. “Do you think you have what it takes to take me on?”

“You think you have some laughter jokes, well let me sho-” was all I let him get out before rushed forward planting my left fist into his chest and sent him flying. Then focused magic into my right claw I slashed through the air sending blades of magic towards him. He recovered faster than I expected as he looked up and saw the magic flying at him. Using his tail he grabbed a nearby tree and pulled himself away from the attack. He then grabbed a branch and swung around and launched himself up. Then jumped from it towards me, with a swish of magic through my claw I shot a pillar of rock up to catch him. He was able to adjust his landing and jumped off it. Inhaling, I fired two fireballs out of my mouth at him. Connecting they sent him flying back onto the rock and patted his fur down that was lightly singed. “Too hot for you?” I said grinning as I readied myself. Jumping down behind the pillar, I watched as the base of it cracked before it came down towards me. Shadow shot out from my shadow and formed a giant hand and pushed back. With a grin, an orange flame engulfed my right arm as it turned into Samus Aran's arm cannon as if it was attached to my prosthetic. Focusing magic into it, I watched as the end of it looked like it was charging. Pointing it at the stone I fired as I felt a mass of magic leave me in one shot and fired forward in a yellow ball of energy. Shadow moved in time as it struck the chunk of rock and shattered it. The blast sent the remains of it towards Ahuizotl pegging him. It looked like the hit took a bit out of him as the ground began to rumble. We turned to see the temple began to shake rather hard as I watched guards and the girls leave the temple before it fell to pieces. “Looks like we will have to have this dance another time with that I will have to bid thee adu.” I gave a bow as I sunk into my own shadow.

“Curse you Daring Do!” I heard Ahuizotl bellow as I reappeared over the rubble on a cliff. With a snap of my fingers, I used my chaotic magic all of the buried rings began flying out of the rumble. With a swish of my hands in a circle. Each ring flew into the invisible portal including the shards of the last ring that I believe Daring Do broke.

“Why did you want them?” Moon asked.

“I want to see if I can either reforge the metal and magic into a different form. If not that, then drain the magic into my arm to use for later.” I answered as my prosthetic returned back to normal as I rejoined the girls in the forest. “So did we have fun on our Daring Adventure?”

“It was a hoot.” Applejack said as Pinkie was just bouncing around repeating fun over and over again.

“It wasn't what I expected but Daring wasn't my cup of tea.” Rarity said.

“I can not believe it, we just had a Daring Do Adventure.” Twilight was squeeing as she was ready to bounce around like Pinkie. Fluttershy was just smiling, probably scared to comment.

“Dash should be here shortly and then we will head home,” I said looking up towards the sky as I saw Daring fly away. It took a bit of time to get Twilight and Dash moving. The way home was filled with the girls going over the adventure while we followed Pinkie's painted line back all the way to the nearby sky docks where we had a ship waiting for us. The whole time I was silent for the most part and even as we were sailing through the sky back towards Canterlot. I was rethinking a few things, mainly my backup plan. With some input from both Shadow and Moon, we began to hash it out. So far we had at least a few hurdles to overcome. Which we were going to need help with. Lucky for us, we were on our way to Canterlot and I had a princess of the moon I needed to have a word with. With a grin on my face and the first few steps to iron out on the way. This was going to be interesting, to say the least.

-End of Chapter.-