• Published 16th Apr 2013
  • 2,491 Views, 207 Comments

Building Walls, Burning Bridges - MonolithiuM

An adventure of highly insulting and callous behavior led by a small human named Mono. Whether it's crushing romances or denying amazing power, our hero strives to avoid as many cliches as possible during his less-than-fortunate adventure..

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Author's Note:

BwBb will be going on a hiatus. Not just any regular hiatus, but a SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP NUCLEAR UPDATE HIATUS. Once it comes off hiatus, the entire mini-arc will be uploaded in one shot, thus ending the Second Arc: Ponyville OP. Just so you know, the First Arc is called Beginnings in Stupid. I have no set release date for the SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP NUCLEAR UPDATE, but it may come out either at the end of the month or sometime in the first or second week of March. But not to worry, because we're talking like, four or five chapters uploaded in one sitting.

NOW, on to this deleted scene. Taken from nowhere in particular, this chapter was written separately with the same precedence of Mono being a diabetic. I scrapped this chapter because it had way too many things going on in the same chapter, and the miraculous cure I could never really explain. It only really served as a way to get over writer's block while writing Slime City.

(PS- 92 is a fantastic blood-sugar, and considered normal. Over 160 is considered too high, and under 80 is considered low).

A broom swatted at his legs, rousing him from his sleep. Th early morning sun, Celestia's sun, was risen and painfully bright. Brilliant red locks obstructed his vision, and the broom struck again.

"Get out, y'hear! Now!"

The old mare from before. The one who owned the small park here in Trottingham. She was a nice one, if difficult to swindle. She wasn't very gullible. Pity.

The broom struck again, and the lanky unicorn rose to his hooves, noticing his twin brother curled up against a tree, still deep in slumber. "He always was a heavy sleeper."

Taking a deep breath, he wore a huge smile and his eyes brightened immediately.

"My dear madame, if you would let us kindly take a few moments longer to get our bearings, we would be indebted in your favor! When our products take off you'll be bound to see-"

"Shut your mouth with that phony salesman phooey! I want you off my land NOW! You've been making yourselves right at home for three days now. Three days! It's time for you to get, and I ain't letting you slip by this time. Now OUT!"

Flam's smile dropped immediately, a worrisome, frightened look now in place. He lowered his head, practically begging. "Ma'am, please! We've nowhere to go! No family, friends, nothing! Please don-"


A quick magic barrier prevented him from being struck by a flower pot. He backed away from the glowering mare and bowed his head. "Thank you for your hospitality…"

Nudging his brother, he gathered their belongings in the creaky cart and waited for his twin.

Neither spoke during the journey onwards, simply trotting. After Ponyville their reputation was in shambles, nopony would even hear them out. They had wasted all of their father's inheritance on a machine that was bested by some hick and her friends. Disgraceful. Awful. Irresponsible. Just some of the names that their own family had called them. They were family, before they'd been disowned by their mother's side. Their father's side was gone now, it had died with him.

Now all that was left was to trot, and keep trotting they did. From town to town, house to house, sidewalk to sidewalk. They had begged, bargained, and fought for their way of life. No longer did their coats and manes shine and no longer were they dressed in their signature matching outfits.

And yet they trudged on.


Dropping from the sky at an alarming rate was a saving grace wreathed in gold armor. On white wings and powerful gusts came this miracle, bearing a message in hoof.

And unto Flim and Flam did this blessing arrive.


"Princess, the brothers you have requested have arrived," a stoic guard reported dutifully from the cracked doors.

"They may enter." Her reply was warm and affectionate, as always.

The huge ornate slabs of wood swung opened for the twins to enter. They had taken the chance they had in their rooms to clean themselves up properly and trim any unruly mane and mustache.

Taking a brief, unsure glance at each other, they pushed open the doors and stepped inside. Upon her throne was Princess Celestia, smiling and radiant as always, as if her teeth themselves lit the room with their positive sheen.

As one, they bowed to her. She nodded and ask that they rise, still keeping that warm smile. "My little ponies, I thank you for coming to Canterlot on such short notice."

The two brothers grimaced. It wasn't as if they had had anywhere to be or go. They thanked her in turn and awaited for her next word. She said nothing, but seemed to grow more impatient. She was looking around for something it seemed. The brothers dared not interfere.

She swung her head to and fro, even looking under a few of the pillows. Finally, she sighed. "Excuse me, gentlecolts."

WIth a pop and a flash of light, the regal mare disappeared from their presence. Flim and Flam stared at the throne, confused.



A small huddled form on the oversized bed grumbled and shifted, attempting in vain to escape the source of the shout.


The form launched its pillow at the noise, only for it to miss and knock a lamp off of its table. Celestia was becoming thoroughly annoyed with him now.


Mono fell out of bed from the sheer force of her shout, rivaling that of her sister's by a fair margin. His eyes were wide and shocked, and his arms stuck to his chest in an effort to slow his heartbeat.

With a groan and a glare, he got up and threw his clothes on with no effort. "I'm goin', I'm goin."

Celestia fired up her ivory horn and teleported back into the throne room, causing the twins to jump in fright.

"I apologize, I had to take care of some, er… business. I'm sure you understand, a Princess' life can be so busy sometimes. It's as if all I ever do is sign wavers, control the sun, and smile like some kind of fool. Just once I'd like to relax and not worry about-"


Celestia immediately furrowed her brows into a deadpan. "I don't even care anymore."

Flim and Flam turned to witness a small creature with a disproportionate head walking towards them briskly, a wry smile on its face. At first, they were taken off guard, but due to Celestia's calm, they waited to see what this thing had to say.

"Flim and Flam, in the flesh." It shook its head, its arms on its hips. "Can't believe it, myself! Great to make your acquaintance. I'm sure you have some questions, so go ahead and ask."

"What are you?" Flam asked cautiously.

"Human. Male. I'm from an entirely different plane of existence, and my name is Mono. I'm an extra-terrestrial, and now that you're here we can get to work."

Flim and Flam were dumbstruck. Not only were they hailed by Princess Celestia, but by a being from not only another world but another reality? It was a bit overwhelming, but they both managed to calm themselves before replying.

"And what will we be working on, per say?"

Mono looked up at them and grinned widely, his sharp canines making the fur on their necks bristle. "The future."


Walking to the courtyard with Flim and Flam felt surreal. I never imagined that I would be actually working with them. It made my chest tighten in excitement and pride.

As we walked, I had noticed something.

"When was the last time I checked my blood sugar?"

I halted immediately, and they skid to a stop so as not to trample me to death. They looked down upon me while I contemplated my thoughts.

"Are you alright, er," started Flam.

"Mono," finished his twin.

I turned around. "You two wouldn't mind accompanying me to the Royal Physician, would you?"

The looks on their faces said no.


Okay, so the Physician, whom I learned was named Sterile Hooves, was quite frustrated. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy had heard about my first checkup somehow and come to observe. Fluttershy with focus and Twilight with more focus and a plethora of notebooks and quills.

"I can't use any spells to examine your skeletal structure, musculature system, or your respiratory track. The only thing I've been able to do so far is check your hearing, breathing, and temperature. Why must this be so infuriating?!"

She breathed quickly, but calmed down to look at me propped on top of the table. "Do you have any suggestions?"

"I'm here to find out what changes my body is going through. Just yesterday did I have Diabetes, and now I haven't felt any signs of high or low blood sugar."

The ponies stared at me dumbly, I stared back incredulously. "You don't have Diabetes around here, do you?"

The ponies shook their heads. "I've never heard of such a thing in my life? Could you explain it?" Sterile Hooves eyed me curiously now instead of looking like she wanted to rip open my chest. I merely groaned.

"Let's put it like this: I can't eat too much sugar or I'll die. An organ inside of my body is deactivated and cannot dispense insulin into my bloodstream. Insulin monitors the sugar in my blood. There is no cure for the disease, and it is completely genetic."

Sympathetic looks. Urgh.

"Okay okay, look. Let's do a test." I turned to Sparkle. "Get Pinkie to fashion the sugariest, unhealthiest beast of a cupcake she can." I should have remembered Pinkie Pie's freaky abilities, because she appeared right next to me with a pink-frosted cupcake.

"Hiya Mono!" she shouted, knocking my light little body upon the floor with a noisy THUD.

A grumble and a bloodstream-poisoning pastry later, and we all sat expectantly in the quiet infirmary. I told them we had to wait about thirty minutes, and so we had begun. I checked my ipod for the time.

We were only three minutes in.

When she saw the device, Twilight immediately straightened up and gazed upon it, already beginning to sketch a picture of it. I gave her my best flat look and she stopped immediately. She seemed to be squirming. So did Fluttershy. And even Flim and Flam. Oh, and Sterile Hooves. Pinkie had to leave because I told her this was 'super serious boring waiting around and doing nothing stuff'.

I was so glad it worked.

I huffed and motioned Twilight to ask a question, slipping the mp3 player back into my coat. "What do you want to know?"



Thirty minutes. With highly inquisitive ponies. Sucks ass.

There were so many questions that they wanted answered. "Do we hunt animals? How many of you are there? Are they all your size? What are your laws like? What method of government does your country run? Do you have a special somepony? Do you have a pet? How many? Name your favorite medical procedure. You want to get some lunch, Flim? Sure, Flam."

"Sons-a-bitches left me with these chatterboxes. Thanks a lot."

After answering their questions, I opened my blood-testing kit and pricked my finger with the lancet. Twilight and Fluttershy looked most perturbed, but Sterile was even-faced, as should be expected from a doctor.

When they saw blood is when everything spiraled out of control.


"Mono, stop! You don't need to do this! You have much more to live for!"

"Mmph grrrm Mpph mmph mph!"

"Um, Mono… could you please… not… yell into my flank? …it tickles…"



After that whole debacle they actually let me test my blood, the heated blushes slowly fading from their muzzles. I watched the numbers count down.






I stared breathlessly at the result. My eyes widened in shock. I felt my heart skip a beat and my eyes water.

"Ninety-two… NINETY-FUCKIN'-TWO!" I laughed madly, tossing the small black pouch over my head and dissolving into maniacal laughter. After so many years…

Tears flowed freely from my eyes, and I clenched my fists, hopping from one foot to the other. It was like freedom.

I ran out onto the balcony and hauled myself up swiftly, my mouth opened into a massive yell. "EAT A DICK, SCIENCE! YOU CAN'T HOLD ME BACK! ALL HAIL DRAMATIC CONVENIENCE!"

Well, maybe science couldn't hold me back, but it sure did pull. Pull me right over the edge. Thanks gravity, you're a real pal.

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