• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 1,153 Views, 9 Comments

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy - LagomorphicExpanse

A crossover fic centering around Derpy training the mane six to fight super vampires. sound good?

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Nothing can stop the Smooze, Part 2

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy.

Nothing Can Stop the S’Müz part 2

Derpy flew up above the monster dodging each and every one of its tendrils, but stayed just within their range. She didn’t want to fight this thing in Ponyville after what she had been taught about it. Even as she dodged, one of the tendrils returned to liquid and splattered to the ground. Derpy winced as she heard the acidic hiss it made when it touched hay or grass, almost able to feel the result from the distortion in the air. Still, it wasn’t as bad as if it had landed on some pony.

Derpy had stopped using her eyes a while ago. This wasn’t a situation where telling anypony apart was a problem, so Derpy was able to use her special talent to its full potential. Rather than seeing the world, she could feel it with her wings, the air currents around her allowing her to view every direction the same and know every inch of her environment. She could feel the lake was still a kilometre away and realized she was almost out of the soap bubbles she had made earlier. Unfortunately, going faster while drawing this monster away from Ponyville meant she either had to move a distance away from it that she wasn’t comfortable with, or...

“Hey ya giant runny blob of play-doh! Can’t you even hit a cross eyed Pegasus who can barely fly?” Derpy shouted in her most annoying voice. Well, Derpy didn’t find it particularly annoying, but it drove Dash over the wall whenever she talked like that. Apparently the monster felt the same. It gurgled out a noise that sounded like several swear words, though that just might have been Derpy’s imagination, and burst towards the Pegasus almost hitting her before she could accelerate. Not that anything too bad would happen if she got hit by the slime, she had harmony emanating from every part of her body. The worst that monster could do to her was get her a little sticky if it stuck to that form.

‘But if it touches somepony else...’ She shook her head at the thought. ‘No need to think about that unless it happens, everpony will be fine so long as I can get to the lake!’ She focused hard on her air map, only a few more feet...

“There!” Derpy bellowed triumphantly as she reached the lake. She shot down into the water, opening her good eye as she did. She didn’t have the luxury of goggles here, and she couldn’t use the air map underwater, but it wasn’t very deep and she already knew exactly what she was looking for. ‘There it is!’ Derpy thought as she caught sight of the white package with black text printed on the front; Uncle Don’t Drop Brand Powdered Soap: from flat water to white froth in mere seconds!

She ripped the bag as she broke the surface, and true to the label the effect was instantaneous. Hundreds of bubbles followed her as she broke the water’s surface.

“Harmonic overdrive, White rush!” She shouted, flapping her wings madly to drive the froth towards the mass of slime approaching her. The bubbles hit the slime, exploding into light. She grinned as she heard an angry hiss from behind the wall of light and soap.

“THAT IS IT!!” Came an infuriated cry from behind the wall. Derpy’s face fell, the bubbles suddenly stopped moving. One by one they fell to ground and shattered.

“But, how?” She said bewildered, as her plan literally shattered before her.

“Urg, some of you survived? I thought we were quite thorough in the elimination of your clan.” Said an unfamiliar voice from behind the mass of bubbles, a dark blue light surrounded the remaining frozen bubbles. A second later they were all flattened against the ground, revealing a large white colt with wings along with six horns. He glared at Derpy with slit pupiled blue eyes.

“So “The white Multicorn began as he reformed his mane from the goo. “I suppose that you are wondering who I-“

“I know who you are.” Derpy growled, cutting the Multicorn off. “You are Purple Haze, the sixth and most magically diverse of the Ancient ones. The ability you just used is the most powerful shape shifting spell ever to exist and is forbidden by even the earliest equine laws, the song of the S’müz.” She moved her back hoof towards the lake behind her, if she could just dip it in...

Ice? She spun around to look at the lake. The lake was frozen solid. “My my, did you expect me to allow you to use that water to harm me?” She could hear Purple Haze coming closer to her. “You do realise that I fought your kind before my long slumber. I know that without a proper liquid conductor you can’t use the harmonic wave, and that you can’t simply attack me directly without risking being absorbed. Without your precious source of liquid, you are completely at my non-existent mercy” She could hear the smug satisfaction in his voice, and could see the smug smirk on his face in her mind even before she turned around.

‘I wish someone would brain him in the head with a rock.’ She thought resentfully as the colt raised his hoof to strike the killing blow.


‘What the...’ Derpy gaped. A rock had just hit Purple Haze in the head. She turned to look at the source of the rock at the same time as the irritated Multicorn. Rainbow Dash stood defiantly at the edge of Ponyville, left wing still torn and bloodly, with a pile of large rocks at her hooves.

“I told you to STAY AWAY!” The rainbow maned Pegasus shouted as she let a second rock fly. Purple Haze simply raised his hoof to deflect the stone, but Derpy noticed something odd about the rock as it flew. It was leaving a rainbow trail as it flew.

The stone struck the Raised foreleg of Purple Haze and melted straight through it. Derpy noted that it seemed to take the Multicorn several second to realise exactly what had happened and react.

Derpy gaped. ‘No way, how can she do that, she has no training and the only contact she’s had with harmony is...’ Derpy smacked herself in the face. ‘Rainbow Dash is an element of harmony! Of course she can use harmonic energy!’

“Come on weirdo! Stop picking on Derpy and try on someone your own size!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the Multicorn. The white stallion obliged her. He spun towards her on his good foreleg; his horns alight with navy blue magic and the whole in his other leg already knitting itself back together.

“I will return for you later harmonic, this one has gone out of her way to annoy us.” Purple Haze said coldly as he moved towards Dash.

Dash grinned. “Oh really? I don’t think you will get back to her because when I’m done with you,” Rainbow lunged at Haze “you’ll be slithering back to whatever slime hole you came from!”

(-) (-) (-)

The stallion’s face contorted in anger. ‘Good’ Dash thought as she flew, well honestly it was more of a glide because of her wings condition, through the air. ‘If he’s angry he’ll be easier to predict. That’s always a good thing when I have no idea what I’m doing.’

And in this case, she truly had no idea what she was fighting; the stallion in front of her had just solidified from purple gloop for Celestia’s sake! ‘So what, you’ve fought a bloody Draconequus before! Weird is nothing.’

“Wait Dash! You can’t fight this thing, you’re not ready yet!” Derpy shouted as she Galloped towards the two of them. She was fumbling with a hip flask she had just pulled out of a tree for some reason. ‘Why on earth would Derpy grab a hip flask? She can be pretty weird sometimes, but how is cider gonna help against this monster?’

Purple Haze turned towards the grey Pegasus, completely ignoring Rainbow Dash. “Oh, so you had a backup plan did you? Too bad I’m already prepared for your foolishness!” He said with a venomous hiss. His horns lit with dark blue magic, an aura of the same colour formed around Derpy lifting her into the air and slamming her into the tree she had removed the flask from.

“DON’T YOU TOUCH HER!” Rainbow shouted as she charged towards the Multicorn, fatigue and pain seemed to leave her as she moved. She twisted and bucked Purple Haze in the chest as hard as she could, the impact felt... Squishy? She twisted her head and was horrified to see that her Hooves were stuck in Purple Haze’s elastic flesh.

“Oh, did you think that your mortal strength would fell me? Let me show you what real strength looks like!” The Multicorn shouted as he raised his hoof to strike her. Rainbow Dash struggled to free her hooves without success, she looked around desperate for something to shield herself with. She saw a small silver flask, the one that Derpy had been holding. ‘Well it’s worth a shot’ she thought. She grabbed the metal container and twisted so that it was between her and Purple's swing. The top popped off from Derpy’s efforts, spilling the contents over Rainbow Dash. ‘Vegetable oil?’

Purple Haze brought his hoof down, hard; smashing through the flask like it was cheap glass work. Dash braced for the impact, but it never came. Instead of the meaty thump of hoof hitting flesh, Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear a scream of anguish. She fell to the ground startled as Purple Haze ejected her from his body. He was holding the hoof he had tried to hit her with, it was smouldering. The Multicorn gave her one last glower before spreading his wings and soaring away.

Rainbow blinked. “Okay, I’ll bite. What just happened?

Comments ( 1 )

This is really cool! Wish you'd continue to update this, even if no one else realizes its greatness!

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