• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 1,153 Views, 9 Comments

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy - LagomorphicExpanse

A crossover fic centering around Derpy training the mane six to fight super vampires. sound good?

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Chapter 2: Let the Music Play

Rainbows Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy.

Chapter 2

“You’re sure you’re alright Rarity?” Asked Rainbow Dash said as she trotted alongside her friend. The Pegasus had dragged the hot air balloon down to a hospital immediately after Rarity had collapsed, albeit slightly faster than the unicorn would have liked.

“Yes Rainbow my dear, I assure you that I am quite alright. I’m really surprised; this kind of behaviour is quite unlike you.” Rarity looked at her friend strangely. Was something stressing her as well? Something like that voice?

“Well yeah, but it’s different with you. If it was Applejack or Pinkie I wouldn’t be worried because their tough and can handle it, and if it was Twilight or Fluttershy they probably know how to handle whatever’s wrong better than me, and your well... Both of those I guess.” Rarity raised an eyebrow at that. Rainbow saw this and immediately tired to clarify. “I mean, you’re a drama queen about the little things, but when something really big comes along you grin and bear it. You know how to handle stress and pain when you need to and you always try to act like you’re in control and all that. That’s why I was really worried about you; it’s just plain weird to see you show real pain.”

Rarity stopped in her tracks and stared open mouthed at the Pegasus. Rainbow Dash took notice and began flapping around her friend, looking at her as if she could glare the problem away.

“What’s wrong? Is something hurting you again?” She said this time less concerned and more frustrated, but somehow Rarity suspected that she wasn’t the source of that frustration.

“Rainbow my dear, that was positively eloquent! I had no idea that you could speak like that!” Rarity replied to the prying Pegasus.

Rainbow looked slightly offended. “What do you mean I don’t talk like that? I talk like that all the time!”

Rarity rolled her eyes still smiling and said. “Alright then Rainbow Dash, I have never heard you speak so eloquently about something that didn’t involve flying tricks, the Wonderbolts, or both. Is that more appropriate?” Rainbow gave a slightly embarrassed blush and landed back beside Rarity.

“Yeah, that seems about right.” Rarity giggled, Rainbow Dash chuckled. Rainbow Dash never giggled, even if she was a mare she said it just “didn’t work for her image.” That was one thing about Rainbow that Rarity had always respected, she had an odd sense of ascetics of her own. Even if they contradicted Rarity’s own, she always stayed consistent to her style. Slightly messy mane, clean coat, perfectly whitened teeth (granted it had taken Rarity a while to figure that out) and an odd way of moving drew attention to her. Rainbow Dash wanted to look like a hero, and that’s exactly what she looked like.

Despite their ongoing rivalry over Neon Trees, if there was one thing that Purple Haze had to respect about his comrade it was his sense of style. The colt knew exactly how he wanted to look and he stuck to it. Messy mane, dark bags under his eyes, bizarrely and unnecessarily sharpened teeth, and style of movement that looked almost choreographed to be threatening. Aurora wanted to look the villain and he was damn well going to look the villain.

My goodness, am I actually thinking about Auroras sense of style? I must be going stir crazy from all this walking. Indeed they had been walking for quite some ways. The tunnel around them didn’t offer much stimulation either, but it was preferable to the burning and petrifaction that a walk through the open fields would have brought with pegasai clearing the sky in this area for the celebration of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. No, Purple would be willing to make a much longer and more boring walk if it meant not having to stand under the sun for an extended period of time.

Of course, walking does have its benefits. He stretched his wing and laid it on Neon’s back, enticing a blush from the mare and a growl from Aurora.

“So when do you think the others will awaken?” Neon trees asked nervously. It was a thinly veiled attempt to stop them from fighting, but it worked none the less. Haze removed his wing and Aurora took step away from Neon and Haze.

“Well my dear,” Haze responded “while the pillars acted as life support systems for us after we exhausted all of our magical power, we don’t all have the same amount of magical power. We also don’t recover our magic at the same rate; I use mine most frequently and exhaust it most rapidly so my magical regeneration filled my reserves of magic at the same time as your own smaller supply. Smash Mouth and D both have larger reserves than you and use their magic even less, so their regeneration will take a while longer. Lastly, our Leader’s magical energy is so immense that even with a regeneration speed surpassing my own he will likely awaken last.”

“Oh.” Haze could tell that his friend had barely absorbed any of what he had just told her. Neon had never concerned herself with their group’s plans for conquest; she had simply enjoyed the company after a lifetime of-

No. I am not going to think about that. Purple Haze searched for anything to distract him. Unable to locate any such distraction, he went back to his usual escape from depression. Taunting Aurora.

“I say Aurora, Have your horns somehow gotten even smaller?”

“That’s it Haze! You’re a dead colt!”

Prepare the elements

Fluttershy glanced around her for the source of that voice for the third time that day. Well, truthfully only the second, the first time she heard it she had jumped into a tree. Angel had to fetch Twilight to coax her down from it.

It must just be my imagination. She thought to herself and returned to her current work.
“Now then, I understand that you’re very hungry, but we need these moonflowers for tonight’s celebration, so I uh, can’t let you eat them.” Fluttershy was currently attempting to direct a group of hungry rabbits away from the Rare Diamond Moonflowers that the princess had provided as decoration. She once again lamented that Angel had stayed at home; he hated the cold weather and had outright refused to come outside today. Angel would have been able to keep these bunnies away from the decorative flowers without even trying. Unlike the regular breed of moon flower these would not simply open while under moonlight, but also glowed a beautiful silver and most importantly of all, they grew all year round regardless of temperature. It would be such a shame if they were eaten, even if these bunnies were very hungry.

It’s going to be a shame if YOU get eaten! Prepare the elements!

That made her jump. She whipped her head in every direction to try to find the voice, but only succeed in drawing a few ponies’ curious stares. Applejack trotted up to her with a confused look on her face, “Something wrong shugacube?”
“Oh, nothing, my imagination has been acting up.” She muttered.

Applejack’s broke out into a wide grin. “Well then, I’d say that yer imagination is pretty darn good at gettin rid of those nasty critters.” Fluttershy glanced over at where the rabbits had been. Her sudden panic had scared them away, she found herself giggling as they scurried away to find some other source of food.

“Oh, well I suppose that’s one way solve that problem.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Honestly Fluttershy, if ya start being scared of nothing at all, well then I won’t know what to do with ya!” Applejack chuckled at her shy friend. “I gotta get back to work, I’ll see you and the rest of the girls at the festival so don’t go scarin yerself to death before then, ya hear?”

“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” She said returning her friends smile. Besides, she wasn’t scared of her own imagination it was just that the voice in her head had sounded so upset... Upset and familiar.

I’m sorry for being angry with you, but we’re going to get there soon so could you please gather the element’s?

Fluttershy tapped her hoof against the ground anxiously. The elements couldn’t hurt anyone, right? So what was the harm in getting them, they would look nice with her friend’s formal wear tonight anyway.
She took off, startling several nearby ponies. Normally she would have been very sorry begged them for an apology. Right now the strange sense of urgency she felt suppressed that insecurity. It took her less time to arrive at Twilight’s library than she had been expecting. She went straight in, neither Twilight nor Spike would be home anyway with the festival being so soon. She trotted up to the E section of the library. Two thick brown books sat beside each other, both with the same title: “A Guide to the Elements of Harmony.” She carefully removed the older looking one and opened it. The hollow book still contained the elements after the princess’s decision to leave them where their owners could use them more easily.

Good, not get to the festival quickly we-

“-’re already here.” Neon trees whispered.

Aurora turned to her with a grin. “The Elements will be there as well then?” Neon nodded. This was even better than they had planned.

“Everything is going accord to the master’s plan.” Purple Haze chuckled beside her. “Not only were these ponies dumb enough to give control of our greatest weakness to a single being, but they even arranged for the last thing we need to remove that weakness to be a short walk away once we dispose of her! It’s almost too easy!” He broke out into uncontrolled laughter.

“Well, that’s if you can get the elements after I’ve killed the princess. Think you can handle the responsibility of taking down six average ponies Haze?” Aurora said jokingly to the white Multicorn.
“Oh, I assure you my friend,” Purple hazes body began to change as he spoke, his mane seemed to retract into his body, his white coat turned to a deep purple and took on a liquid appearance. His cutie mark, three amethysts relocated itself to the center of his head, just below his six curved crown like horns. “NOTHING, can stop the S’Müz.” With a splash, he went to prepare for his own task.