• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 1,153 Views, 9 Comments

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy - LagomorphicExpanse

A crossover fic centering around Derpy training the mane six to fight super vampires. sound good?

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Chapter1: Turn on the Sound

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy.

Chapter 1

“Come on you lazy bums! There’s no point in clearing the sky for the Winter Star celebration if you don’t finish the job before sunset!” The Pegasi were at least good at listening, they sped up immediately after this shout from Rainbow Dash. She was flying above a team of part time weather workers, mostly untrained Ponies from Ponyville with a few pros from Cloudsdale that Princess Celestia had provided. Rainbow would have liked to be down there helping them, but unfortunately she had recently caught a cold.

“Honestly darling, if you’re sick you really should be in here with me! We wouldn’t want to exacerbate your condition.” Rainbow glanced over at Rarity. Her friend was accompanying her in the hot air balloon to make sure that the sky was completely cleared for the celebration. The princesses hoped that her keen eye for small details would pick up any clouds that were missed.

During the winter it was common for Pegasi to miss smaller clouds because they just didn’t see them due to the whiteout all around them. That would have been fine on a normal day, but Princess Celestia had insisted that tonight be perfect for her sister.

“My cold cleared up a while ago,” She replied, waving her hoof dismissively “the only thing I have left is some congestion. I’m not really sick anymore, but you can’t let a Pegasus who can’t breathe right manage any weather.”

Rarity sighed and turned back to checking for clouds. “I’m afraid I still don’t understand that my dear, what exactly does breathing have to do with your abilities?” Rainbow didn’t bother trying to answer, she just shrugged, grunted and went back to looking for things that the part timers where doing wrong.

Rarity was worried about her friend; Rainbow Dash didn’t seem herself today. To be fair, Rarity hadn’t been acting like herself today either. She usually had a wonderful eye for detail and beauty, but today every time she tried to focus on anything-

He stirs.

There it was again! A strange voice and a sensation that reminded her of how her magic dragging her to that geode as a child. Was her magic trying to warn her of something? Who stirs?

“Darling, I have been having the strangest feelings all day! I was wondering if yo-” That was as far as the white unicorn got. She fell to her side in agony; pain was bursting from her horn and coursing through the rest of her body before fading away in an instant.

“What was that Rari- RARITY? Are you alright Rare?!” Rainbow Dash was inside the balloon with her now, looking down on her with concern.
Just like the element of loyalty, always worried about her friends.
A chill ran through her body. That didn’t sound like her, it didn’t even sound like her thoughts! Who was that?

He has awakened.



The Hollow Mountains really were Impressive, even a divine being like himself had to admit that. Some legends stated that they had once housed all the dragons in the world, others say that the mountains had been completely mined out by some earth pony to build the castle of Canterlot, one legend even claimed that the mountains was a fortress built at the beginning of the world and had eroded to look like mountains. Whatever the truth was, the four horned Pegasus felt an uncanny respect for the mountains. They were likely the only thing in the entire world older than him and his comrades.

The Mountains were not really hollow, but they held immense systems of caves and tunnels that somehow twisted throughout the entire mountain range. If a pony got lost in this place they would never be able to find their way out.

“A perfect place to hide if you don’t want to be found, huh boss?” He chuckled. He was in an enormous cave beneath the very largest of the mountains. It looked the same as any other of the larger caves in the Hollow Mountains tunnels, with one exception. Those caves didn’t have five enormous pillars standing in their center that had clearly been carved by ponies. He walked toward the smallest of the pillars; this one had a design of a butterfly with three antennas on its front. It was also the only one of the pillars that had cracks on it. He smile, he had hoped that she would wake up first; she was his personal favourite out of all of his comrades. “It’s time to wake uuuuuuuuuuuuup.” The blue Multicorn said in a singsong voice. The cracks spread further across the pillar. A chunk of stone dropped out allowing the light of his horns to fall on closed eye covered in pale yellow fur that was almost white.

The eye snapped open, revealing a turquoise slit pupiled eye. The pillar exploded outward, exposing its occupant to the waiting blue pony. The pony was slightly smaller than him, with nearly white yellow fur and extremely pale pink hair that fell over one eye. She had a horn the same color as her coat protruding from the center of her forehead with two shorter horns just above on either side. Her cutie mark was the same butterfly with three antennae that had been on her pillar. She looked down at the other Multicorn and smiled. “Aurora...” she said softly.

Aurora grinned up his newly awakened comrade. “It’s time for us to get to work, Neon.”

The yellow Multicorn seemed surprised, “Work? But the rest of our friends still need to wake *back* up Aurora! Shouldn’t we wait for them just to be sure?” she said, shrinking backwards. She then jumped slightly as if she realized something. “N-not that you’re not strong enough or anything, it’s just that.... I can’t really fight.”

Aurora chuckled. Neon Trees was the only member of the chosen who still refused to kill no matter what. However, this had never made her a liability to their group. It really made perfect sense with her element and her other talents certainly made up for it. Still, for some reason he always found her timid nature endearing and somewhat hilarious coming from an immortal being.

“I would wait for them my dear, but I’m afraid that the winter solstice is nearly upon us! So, unless they awaken right now-” Aurora was cut off by an explosion of stone. One of the other pillars had shattered, revealing its occupant. Aurora frowned, “Him” he grumbled.

“Yes me, my dear Aurora. I realize that you were most likely hoping for Smash or D to awaken before me, but I assure you I will be on my best behaviour until we have achieved our goal.” The six horned Multicorn stepped out of the remains of his pillar, shaking bits of debris free from his perfectly groomed purple mane and crown shape arrangement of horns.

Unlike Aurora, Neon seemed perfectly ecstatic to see the other chosen. She made a quick flapping jump across the cave and enveloped the white and purple Multicorn in a hug. “Oh good! Now we have our strongest aerial fighter and our strongest magic user, other than our lord! This is so much better, isn’t it Aurora?”He smiled slightly, as did the newly awakened Multicorn. “Yes, I suppose this is the best arrangement we could hope for tonight. Welcome back to the land of the living, Purple Haze.” Purple Haze grinned. “It is wonderful to be back, Aurora. Now then, we must hurry if we wish to kill the sun.”