Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy

by LagomorphicExpanse

First published

A crossover fic centering around Derpy training the mane six to fight super vampires. sound good?

Six powerful entities have awakened, being that are even more ancient than Equestria itself. When these beings threaten not only Ponyville but all of Equestria it's up to the Elements of harmony to stop them!
Unfortunately, they have no idea how, but one family has passed down the legends of this threat with each generation, and they alone know the secret of defeating them.
The last remaining member of the family: Derpy Hooves!


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Rainbows bizarre adventure.


Iron Sand galloped as fast as he could through the dapple wood as fast as he could, terrified as memories flowed back to him in a rush.
His friends sat around him in the university cafeteria. “Can you believe it? A completely untouched set of ruins just outside of Dappleshore! And if it hadn’t been for you we never would have found it Iron.” Carbon Date raised a glass into the air for a toast, the rest of his friends followed suit.
He winced as he felt his saddlebags catch on a low hanging branch and rip off. Gold, sheets of paper, and priceless artefacts poured out onto the forest floor. Iron didn’t miss a hoof beat.
“According to this dating spell, these carvings were made... that can’t be right.” Iron turned to look at Parchment, the white and tan unicorn looking puzzled as she levitated a crystal in front of a wall covered in surprisingly well preserved carvings.
The world tilted around him, he was falling. Had he tripped? He hadn’t seen any roots around the path.
“These marking are clearly from the ancient Azteca tribe of earth ponies, but this is Equestria! The Azteca never set hoof here.” Parchment said bewilderedly. “On top of that, this crystal clearly says that these carvings are two thousand seven hundred years! That’s over a hundred years before the earliest records of the Azteca!”
His eyes widened as he saw his attacker in mid fall. He hadn’t tripped. The pain that he had blocked out now reached his mind. His left foreleg was missing.
The entire group stared up at the mural before them. It showed six ponies with both wings and horns, five of them wore jewelled collars crafted to look like their cutie marks; the sixth wore an enormous crown.
He looked into his pursuers eyes. They were deep red, the color of the apple he had eaten that morning. The color of his friend scalpel’s mane in the biology division of the university. The exact same color as the blood pooling beneath the hole where his leg should have been.
The strangest thing about the carving was that even though each of the ponies possessed both horns and wings, only the crowned one could have been called an Alicorn. The other ponies each had strangely positioned horns, ranging from two horns on either side of the head pointing backward like an antelopes, to six horns forming a crown like shape where they sprouted from the head.
Iron sand was completely terrified by the strange creature before him. Mane like a rainbow but strangely dark with four short curved horns poking through just above the eerie slit pupiled eyes, and a dark blue coat. A coat freshly wetted with the blood of his friends and colleagues.
Dusty Tome was already translating the text beneath the image as the rest of them simply stared at it. His face grew more horrified as he worked. It was with shaky hooves that their group’s most proficient translator held his writing book for the rest of them to read. They heard hoof taps behind them.
“Beautiful, Isn’t it?”Was the last thing most of his friend heard.
The owner of that voice stood before him now. Smirking as it observed its prey. Unlike the princesses this multi-horned creature was the same height as most ponies, in fact he looked slightly short for a colt though the only thing that Iron could use to identify the creatures gender was it terrible, unnatural voice.
Iron drew what he knew would be his last breath, and asked a pointless question that he already knew the answer to.


The attacker had to hand it to the unicorn, he could run. Much better than the weak Azteca ponies that he had hunted before they had the sense to run away. Not that running was of much use against him, even among the chosen ones his aireal abilities were leagues ahead of the others. He noticed the bag, gold and tablets lay strewn about among the inferiors papers.
He shook his head. “Some ponies are just so rude. Don’t you know that it’s impolite to take things from somepony else’s home without permission?” he trotted over to the fallen bag to retrieve his belongings, but something else caught his eye. A book with a bloodstain across the cover. He turned his head towards his victim.
“HEY! You over there! This is the thing that your friends were looking at when I killed a whole bunch of them right?” No sound but the wind moving through the leaves could be heard.
He smiled. “Yeah, I thought that was what it was. Mind if I have a look?” Again, an unnatural silence hung in the air, unbroken by any kind of answer.
“Why thank you very much!” The bloodstained pony said as he lifted the book and flipped through the pages. “Ah, ponies always get so much more polite after their heads have been crushed. It’s simply incredible.”
After several minutes of scanning the book, the darkly coloured creature tossed it aside. “Nothing interesting in there. Not even very well hornwritten And I’ve only known how to read and write this language for... When did I absorb that first colt? Or was it a mare... Oh well I can’t be expected to remember every meal can I.” The creature levitated the objects taken from its home and began to trot back to it lovely temple, carved out the mountainside by his worshipers over two thousand years ago and still in picturesque condition.
He left behind the book, which lay open to a page flecked with blood. On that page were these words.

They are the chosen, elevated above all other creatures by their power.

Land, sea, air, all worlds belong to them.

The strength of but one is greater that of the largest dragon.

Their speed is greater than the wind itself.

They do not need to eat as mortals do, but hunt the unworthy as sport.

They can soar like a bird, burn like fire, flow like water, and so many other great feats.

There is but one thing the chosen are unable to do.

Their birth was deep beneath the earth, far from the sun, and so the sun shuns them.

They cannot run under its light, and that is their only weakness.

But the cunning chosen found a solution!

They created six mighty gems that after twice a thousand years and a quarter of that again will allow them to befriend the sun.

And with this power they will rule over all the world.

Chapter1: Turn on the Sound

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Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy.

Chapter 1

“Come on you lazy bums! There’s no point in clearing the sky for the Winter Star celebration if you don’t finish the job before sunset!” The Pegasi were at least good at listening, they sped up immediately after this shout from Rainbow Dash. She was flying above a team of part time weather workers, mostly untrained Ponies from Ponyville with a few pros from Cloudsdale that Princess Celestia had provided. Rainbow would have liked to be down there helping them, but unfortunately she had recently caught a cold.

“Honestly darling, if you’re sick you really should be in here with me! We wouldn’t want to exacerbate your condition.” Rainbow glanced over at Rarity. Her friend was accompanying her in the hot air balloon to make sure that the sky was completely cleared for the celebration. The princesses hoped that her keen eye for small details would pick up any clouds that were missed.

During the winter it was common for Pegasi to miss smaller clouds because they just didn’t see them due to the whiteout all around them. That would have been fine on a normal day, but Princess Celestia had insisted that tonight be perfect for her sister.

“My cold cleared up a while ago,” She replied, waving her hoof dismissively “the only thing I have left is some congestion. I’m not really sick anymore, but you can’t let a Pegasus who can’t breathe right manage any weather.”

Rarity sighed and turned back to checking for clouds. “I’m afraid I still don’t understand that my dear, what exactly does breathing have to do with your abilities?” Rainbow didn’t bother trying to answer, she just shrugged, grunted and went back to looking for things that the part timers where doing wrong.

Rarity was worried about her friend; Rainbow Dash didn’t seem herself today. To be fair, Rarity hadn’t been acting like herself today either. She usually had a wonderful eye for detail and beauty, but today every time she tried to focus on anything-

He stirs.

There it was again! A strange voice and a sensation that reminded her of how her magic dragging her to that geode as a child. Was her magic trying to warn her of something? Who stirs?

“Darling, I have been having the strangest feelings all day! I was wondering if yo-” That was as far as the white unicorn got. She fell to her side in agony; pain was bursting from her horn and coursing through the rest of her body before fading away in an instant.

“What was that Rari- RARITY? Are you alright Rare?!” Rainbow Dash was inside the balloon with her now, looking down on her with concern.
Just like the element of loyalty, always worried about her friends.
A chill ran through her body. That didn’t sound like her, it didn’t even sound like her thoughts! Who was that?

He has awakened.



The Hollow Mountains really were Impressive, even a divine being like himself had to admit that. Some legends stated that they had once housed all the dragons in the world, others say that the mountains had been completely mined out by some earth pony to build the castle of Canterlot, one legend even claimed that the mountains was a fortress built at the beginning of the world and had eroded to look like mountains. Whatever the truth was, the four horned Pegasus felt an uncanny respect for the mountains. They were likely the only thing in the entire world older than him and his comrades.

The Mountains were not really hollow, but they held immense systems of caves and tunnels that somehow twisted throughout the entire mountain range. If a pony got lost in this place they would never be able to find their way out.

“A perfect place to hide if you don’t want to be found, huh boss?” He chuckled. He was in an enormous cave beneath the very largest of the mountains. It looked the same as any other of the larger caves in the Hollow Mountains tunnels, with one exception. Those caves didn’t have five enormous pillars standing in their center that had clearly been carved by ponies. He walked toward the smallest of the pillars; this one had a design of a butterfly with three antennas on its front. It was also the only one of the pillars that had cracks on it. He smile, he had hoped that she would wake up first; she was his personal favourite out of all of his comrades. “It’s time to wake uuuuuuuuuuuuup.” The blue Multicorn said in a singsong voice. The cracks spread further across the pillar. A chunk of stone dropped out allowing the light of his horns to fall on closed eye covered in pale yellow fur that was almost white.

The eye snapped open, revealing a turquoise slit pupiled eye. The pillar exploded outward, exposing its occupant to the waiting blue pony. The pony was slightly smaller than him, with nearly white yellow fur and extremely pale pink hair that fell over one eye. She had a horn the same color as her coat protruding from the center of her forehead with two shorter horns just above on either side. Her cutie mark was the same butterfly with three antennae that had been on her pillar. She looked down at the other Multicorn and smiled. “Aurora...” she said softly.

Aurora grinned up his newly awakened comrade. “It’s time for us to get to work, Neon.”

The yellow Multicorn seemed surprised, “Work? But the rest of our friends still need to wake *back* up Aurora! Shouldn’t we wait for them just to be sure?” she said, shrinking backwards. She then jumped slightly as if she realized something. “N-not that you’re not strong enough or anything, it’s just that.... I can’t really fight.”

Aurora chuckled. Neon Trees was the only member of the chosen who still refused to kill no matter what. However, this had never made her a liability to their group. It really made perfect sense with her element and her other talents certainly made up for it. Still, for some reason he always found her timid nature endearing and somewhat hilarious coming from an immortal being.

“I would wait for them my dear, but I’m afraid that the winter solstice is nearly upon us! So, unless they awaken right now-” Aurora was cut off by an explosion of stone. One of the other pillars had shattered, revealing its occupant. Aurora frowned, “Him” he grumbled.

“Yes me, my dear Aurora. I realize that you were most likely hoping for Smash or D to awaken before me, but I assure you I will be on my best behaviour until we have achieved our goal.” The six horned Multicorn stepped out of the remains of his pillar, shaking bits of debris free from his perfectly groomed purple mane and crown shape arrangement of horns.

Unlike Aurora, Neon seemed perfectly ecstatic to see the other chosen. She made a quick flapping jump across the cave and enveloped the white and purple Multicorn in a hug. “Oh good! Now we have our strongest aerial fighter and our strongest magic user, other than our lord! This is so much better, isn’t it Aurora?”He smiled slightly, as did the newly awakened Multicorn. “Yes, I suppose this is the best arrangement we could hope for tonight. Welcome back to the land of the living, Purple Haze.” Purple Haze grinned. “It is wonderful to be back, Aurora. Now then, we must hurry if we wish to kill the sun.”

Chapter 2: Let the Music Play

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Rainbows Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy.

Chapter 2

“You’re sure you’re alright Rarity?” Asked Rainbow Dash said as she trotted alongside her friend. The Pegasus had dragged the hot air balloon down to a hospital immediately after Rarity had collapsed, albeit slightly faster than the unicorn would have liked.

“Yes Rainbow my dear, I assure you that I am quite alright. I’m really surprised; this kind of behaviour is quite unlike you.” Rarity looked at her friend strangely. Was something stressing her as well? Something like that voice?

“Well yeah, but it’s different with you. If it was Applejack or Pinkie I wouldn’t be worried because their tough and can handle it, and if it was Twilight or Fluttershy they probably know how to handle whatever’s wrong better than me, and your well... Both of those I guess.” Rarity raised an eyebrow at that. Rainbow saw this and immediately tired to clarify. “I mean, you’re a drama queen about the little things, but when something really big comes along you grin and bear it. You know how to handle stress and pain when you need to and you always try to act like you’re in control and all that. That’s why I was really worried about you; it’s just plain weird to see you show real pain.”

Rarity stopped in her tracks and stared open mouthed at the Pegasus. Rainbow Dash took notice and began flapping around her friend, looking at her as if she could glare the problem away.

“What’s wrong? Is something hurting you again?” She said this time less concerned and more frustrated, but somehow Rarity suspected that she wasn’t the source of that frustration.

“Rainbow my dear, that was positively eloquent! I had no idea that you could speak like that!” Rarity replied to the prying Pegasus.

Rainbow looked slightly offended. “What do you mean I don’t talk like that? I talk like that all the time!”

Rarity rolled her eyes still smiling and said. “Alright then Rainbow Dash, I have never heard you speak so eloquently about something that didn’t involve flying tricks, the Wonderbolts, or both. Is that more appropriate?” Rainbow gave a slightly embarrassed blush and landed back beside Rarity.

“Yeah, that seems about right.” Rarity giggled, Rainbow Dash chuckled. Rainbow Dash never giggled, even if she was a mare she said it just “didn’t work for her image.” That was one thing about Rainbow that Rarity had always respected, she had an odd sense of ascetics of her own. Even if they contradicted Rarity’s own, she always stayed consistent to her style. Slightly messy mane, clean coat, perfectly whitened teeth (granted it had taken Rarity a while to figure that out) and an odd way of moving drew attention to her. Rainbow Dash wanted to look like a hero, and that’s exactly what she looked like.

Despite their ongoing rivalry over Neon Trees, if there was one thing that Purple Haze had to respect about his comrade it was his sense of style. The colt knew exactly how he wanted to look and he stuck to it. Messy mane, dark bags under his eyes, bizarrely and unnecessarily sharpened teeth, and style of movement that looked almost choreographed to be threatening. Aurora wanted to look the villain and he was damn well going to look the villain.

My goodness, am I actually thinking about Auroras sense of style? I must be going stir crazy from all this walking. Indeed they had been walking for quite some ways. The tunnel around them didn’t offer much stimulation either, but it was preferable to the burning and petrifaction that a walk through the open fields would have brought with pegasai clearing the sky in this area for the celebration of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. No, Purple would be willing to make a much longer and more boring walk if it meant not having to stand under the sun for an extended period of time.

Of course, walking does have its benefits. He stretched his wing and laid it on Neon’s back, enticing a blush from the mare and a growl from Aurora.

“So when do you think the others will awaken?” Neon trees asked nervously. It was a thinly veiled attempt to stop them from fighting, but it worked none the less. Haze removed his wing and Aurora took step away from Neon and Haze.

“Well my dear,” Haze responded “while the pillars acted as life support systems for us after we exhausted all of our magical power, we don’t all have the same amount of magical power. We also don’t recover our magic at the same rate; I use mine most frequently and exhaust it most rapidly so my magical regeneration filled my reserves of magic at the same time as your own smaller supply. Smash Mouth and D both have larger reserves than you and use their magic even less, so their regeneration will take a while longer. Lastly, our Leader’s magical energy is so immense that even with a regeneration speed surpassing my own he will likely awaken last.”

“Oh.” Haze could tell that his friend had barely absorbed any of what he had just told her. Neon had never concerned herself with their group’s plans for conquest; she had simply enjoyed the company after a lifetime of-

No. I am not going to think about that. Purple Haze searched for anything to distract him. Unable to locate any such distraction, he went back to his usual escape from depression. Taunting Aurora.

“I say Aurora, Have your horns somehow gotten even smaller?”

“That’s it Haze! You’re a dead colt!”

Prepare the elements

Fluttershy glanced around her for the source of that voice for the third time that day. Well, truthfully only the second, the first time she heard it she had jumped into a tree. Angel had to fetch Twilight to coax her down from it.

It must just be my imagination. She thought to herself and returned to her current work.
“Now then, I understand that you’re very hungry, but we need these moonflowers for tonight’s celebration, so I uh, can’t let you eat them.” Fluttershy was currently attempting to direct a group of hungry rabbits away from the Rare Diamond Moonflowers that the princess had provided as decoration. She once again lamented that Angel had stayed at home; he hated the cold weather and had outright refused to come outside today. Angel would have been able to keep these bunnies away from the decorative flowers without even trying. Unlike the regular breed of moon flower these would not simply open while under moonlight, but also glowed a beautiful silver and most importantly of all, they grew all year round regardless of temperature. It would be such a shame if they were eaten, even if these bunnies were very hungry.

It’s going to be a shame if YOU get eaten! Prepare the elements!

That made her jump. She whipped her head in every direction to try to find the voice, but only succeed in drawing a few ponies’ curious stares. Applejack trotted up to her with a confused look on her face, “Something wrong shugacube?”
“Oh, nothing, my imagination has been acting up.” She muttered.

Applejack’s broke out into a wide grin. “Well then, I’d say that yer imagination is pretty darn good at gettin rid of those nasty critters.” Fluttershy glanced over at where the rabbits had been. Her sudden panic had scared them away, she found herself giggling as they scurried away to find some other source of food.

“Oh, well I suppose that’s one way solve that problem.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Honestly Fluttershy, if ya start being scared of nothing at all, well then I won’t know what to do with ya!” Applejack chuckled at her shy friend. “I gotta get back to work, I’ll see you and the rest of the girls at the festival so don’t go scarin yerself to death before then, ya hear?”

“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” She said returning her friends smile. Besides, she wasn’t scared of her own imagination it was just that the voice in her head had sounded so upset... Upset and familiar.

I’m sorry for being angry with you, but we’re going to get there soon so could you please gather the element’s?

Fluttershy tapped her hoof against the ground anxiously. The elements couldn’t hurt anyone, right? So what was the harm in getting them, they would look nice with her friend’s formal wear tonight anyway.
She took off, startling several nearby ponies. Normally she would have been very sorry begged them for an apology. Right now the strange sense of urgency she felt suppressed that insecurity. It took her less time to arrive at Twilight’s library than she had been expecting. She went straight in, neither Twilight nor Spike would be home anyway with the festival being so soon. She trotted up to the E section of the library. Two thick brown books sat beside each other, both with the same title: “A Guide to the Elements of Harmony.” She carefully removed the older looking one and opened it. The hollow book still contained the elements after the princess’s decision to leave them where their owners could use them more easily.

Good, not get to the festival quickly we-

“-’re already here.” Neon trees whispered.

Aurora turned to her with a grin. “The Elements will be there as well then?” Neon nodded. This was even better than they had planned.

“Everything is going accord to the master’s plan.” Purple Haze chuckled beside her. “Not only were these ponies dumb enough to give control of our greatest weakness to a single being, but they even arranged for the last thing we need to remove that weakness to be a short walk away once we dispose of her! It’s almost too easy!” He broke out into uncontrolled laughter.

“Well, that’s if you can get the elements after I’ve killed the princess. Think you can handle the responsibility of taking down six average ponies Haze?” Aurora said jokingly to the white Multicorn.
“Oh, I assure you my friend,” Purple hazes body began to change as he spoke, his mane seemed to retract into his body, his white coat turned to a deep purple and took on a liquid appearance. His cutie mark, three amethysts relocated itself to the center of his head, just below his six curved crown like horns. “NOTHING, can stop the S’Müz.” With a splash, he went to prepare for his own task.

Nothing can stop the Smooze, Part 1

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Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy

Chapter 3: Nothing can stop the S’Müz Part 1

“You have done well, my favoured student.” Princess Celestia murmured as she looked over her students preparations.

Twilight beamed at the complement. “Thank you Princess, although with the instructions you provided it was easy to get everything ready.” The Princess nodded absently as she continued to survey the surrounding area.

“Yes, quite nice. I think that Luna will like this, do you think everypony else will enjoy the celebration.” Celestia looked at Twilight with an almost pleading look. The purple Unicorn had been doing her best to keep her mentor reassured, but the ruler of Equestria wanted to make her sister’s first “official” appearance to be perfect.

“Of course their going to have a good time Princess, it’s the winter star celebration! There are very few things about staying out all night and partying that ponies can object to.” Twilight had used this argument to soothe Celestia’s worries several times.

The white Alicorn sighed. “I know twilight, but after nightmare night...” Twilight winced. She hadn’t found out the true damage to Luna’s reputation caused by that night until much later. While everything had turned out okay in Ponyville, Luna’s chariot had passed over eight other cities on the way to Ponyville and many of those cities were concerned that the Princess of Night had decided that the story of nightmare night was so amusing that she decided to perform her “duty.” A few frightened foals had been the least of the troubles that had been brought on by that ill advised trip.

“Don’t worry about nightmare night, ponies from all over Equestria are in Ponyville for tonight and we’ve made certain that Princess Luna’s first ‘official’ appearance leaves a good impression on all of them.” She held her clipboard from the planning effort up to the princess. “Besides, with all of the effort everypony has put into tonight I’m sure that nothing can go wrong.”

“Miss Sparkle!” One of the Pegasus weather crew was gesturing wildly for Twilight to come over. She trotted over to the Pegasus; it was too far away for Celestia to hear. She could still see her student’s reaction plainly though, despite the distance the looks of confusion, then concern, and finally anxiety were as clear as day. Celestia had learned to read ponies quite well, and Twilight was particularly easy to judge the reactions of.

Twilight almost galloped back to her mentor, her distress still clear on her face. “I’m sorry Princess but there has been an incident and-“

“And I am quite sure that I can manage without you for a while my favoured student, as all of the perpetrations are already underway” She said before Twilight could explain. Anything that inspired that kind of reaction from her student was worth attending to. Twilight blinked in surprise, but nodded and galloped off at an urgent pace in the direction of the Ponyville hospital.


Derpy Hooves smiled as she flew over Ponyville, pushing a cloud into place. She felt great today, for once she was working with weather ponies worse than herself, and it was a wonderful ego boost. She was constantly being compared to Rainbow Dash, a pony she was convinced had received the wrong cutie mark since she was much better at weather control than any other pony Derpy had ever met.

She giggled as she saw one of the new workers accidentally electrocute another in an attempt to make a cloud snow out its extra weight so they could move it more easily. Even SHE had never made a mistake that-

Wait, what was that? Derpy saw something moving was moving thing the corner of her eye, something that reminded her of stories that her mother used to tell her. She turned so that her good eye was facing the thing. Ice shot through her blood, the thing was a uniformly dull purple liquid. A liquid that was somehow flowing uphill and carefully making sure to stay in the shadow of trees and other objects. Out of the sun.

Images from her childhood flowed back to her, pictures of a twisted purple ocean surging across fields devouring helpless ponies, a dark rainbow that rained death upon an entire city, unnatural twisted beasts lumbering through the woods in search of their masters enemies, and her father’s scars after fighting the creature that those monsters had left behind.

“HEY DERPY!” Shouted Cloud Kicker. “Get your head out of the clouds and help us get rid of them!” The similarly coloured Pegasus sounded irritated.

“Sorry, I have to get back to my house and get some soap ready!” Derpy shouted back, and flew off before the confused Cloud Kicker could say anything.


“You’re really sure you’re alright rarity? That episode sounded odd to me, I’ve never read about anything like it! Maybe it would be best if you went back to the hospital, or home to rest.” Twilight cast a scanning spell as she spoke. Rarity was growing slightly irritated as Twilight was repeating the exact same sentiments as the rest of her friends, save for Fluttershy whom had not yet arrived. Being concerned was one thing, but this was just plain ridiculous!

“I assure you, all of you, that I am quite alright. While my episode was quite distressing it is over now, it was not anything so could you please stop talking about it!” She screamed with frustration. Her friends backed away, all looking quite bashful.

“I’m sorry Rarity, its jus that we’re worried about ya’ll.” Applejack spoke apologetically. “I can’t remember the last time ya actually showed when ya were really in pain! Ya whine like crazy about all the little thangs, but if you think something will worry anybody ya keep it hushed up! Even when ya got really sick that one time but had ta get that load of dresses done, what the hay was that disease called again? Something like explosive magical-“Applejack was interrupted by Rarity’s hoof suddenly filling her mouth.

“I would really prefer if we didn’t talk about that. As a matter of fact Applejack dear, I would appreciate it if you never, ever mentioned it again.” Rarity growled. She removed her hoof from the farmer pony’s mouth and wiped it with a handkerchief from her Vests breast pocket. She had made Clothes for the occasion for all of her friends. They were not as fancy as the gala dresses but the winter star celebration demanded functionality over fashion, as the entire night was to be spent outside. All of her friend’s vests were coordinated to her friend’s colors and decorated as they saw fit

“Sorry I’m so late!” Fluttershy landed among them, looking rather flustered and carrying-

“Fluttershy! Why do you have the elements of harmony with you!” Twilight hissed through her teeth, not exactly the kind of reaction that Rarity would have expected from the mare.

Fluttershy blushed and shied away. “Um, well I thought that they might look good with our vests so I-“

“We can’t bring out the elements here Fluttershy!” The purple unicorn chastised. “This is the first major appearance of Princess Luna since we changed her back from Nightmare Moon! What do you think everypony will think if we bring out the most powerful artefacts in Equestria right now?”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, looking confused. “Well, I suppose that they would think... OH!” Comprehension blossomed on the yellow Pegasus’s face “Oh my I’m so very sorry! I didn’t mean anything like that. I just thought that they would look nice! Please don’t be angry.”

Twilight sighed and took the book from Fluttershy, carefully setting it down. “I know that you would never think to do anything like that Fluttershy, but we still can’t risk it. At least you didn’t wear yours on you’re way here, that would have upset a lot of ponies, the princesses included.”

“I really am sorry Twilight.” Fluttershy pleaded. “I really don’t even know why I got them, I just heard a voice and... Oh my why did I do this.” She groaned, clearly humiliated.

“Oh come now, it’s not really such a bad thing dear. Just as long as no Pony sees them there’s no harm in them being here, besides I always like to see my friends taking an interest in fashion.” Rarity said to Fluttershy. They yellow mare smiled. ‘Of course,’ Rarity thought as she glanced at Twilights ‘I do feel better with the elements here’


“Hey, quite down you guys! The show is about to start.” Rainbow dash shouted from above the crowd.


Luna paced back and forth. Only a few moments remained before the opening of the winter star celebration, a holiday that not only honoured her night, but also marked the start of a new year. She was absolutely terrified. This wouldn’t just be like her token appearances at parties thrown by nobles in Canterlot; here she would be the host, the center of everyponies attention, and a very easy target. Her dear sister had done her best to make her little ponies comfortable with Luna, and she always assured Luna that the ponies had grown used to her and loved her, but it hadn’t escaped her notice that Celestia’s guard seemed to be shrinking and Luna’s own was constantly growing.

“Princess, it is time to begin the ceremony.” Said one of her one of her guards. She sighed, best to get this over with. She walked out of the small curtained chamber and out onto the stage, decorated with a crescent moon and hundreds of stars. She heard several ponies gasp; it didn’t surprise her anymore that they would. With even more of her magic returned to her she had regained the starry mane she was used to, but too many associated that mane with nightmare moon.

“Just like Nightmare Moons...” “Scary...” “Was she always so big?” She heard the whisper’s from the crowd. It hurt her to hear, but ignored it. She focused all of her concentration on her night instead. A thousand years ago she would have simply raised the moon like she would any other day of the year, but Celestia had insisted that a bit of show-mare ship was in order on special occasions like this. As she lifted the full moon into the sky, she slowly made all of her stars grow in brightness; the crowd’s murmurs over her appearance were replaced by awed silence. When she felt the moon break the horizon she rose into the air, as her sister had told her she did during her own celebration, and made her stars begin to twinkle. She almost fell out of the air suddenly the entire town seemed to erupt in cheers.

“Incredible!” “I’ve never seen anything like it!” “This is even more incredible than Celestia’s! Well, almost I mean.” She felt tears spring to her eyes, they really liked her! These little ponies really were hers as well as her sisters, she was so hap-

Her eyes widened as she saw it off in the distance, two far away for any of the ponies to hear still but coming closer every second. Approaching Ponyville was a wall of raw power ripping apart everything in its path, twisting the spectrum of light into an unnatural rainbow of dark hues. It was a mega spell. She threw herself into the air over the crowd, horn already sparking with her arcane magic. Beside her she could feel the power of her sister doing the same but she didn’t risk distracting herself by looking. He sister’s magic flowed together with her own and wrapped itself around the town into a protective shield so dense with power that it was barely transparent. Luna heard the fist ponies realising what was going on, some calling for everyone to get inside or behind something solid, some screaming in panic.

The mega spell impacted with the shield, and the world turned white. Then, all was black.


Purple Haze oozed out from his hiding place under the stage, chuckling to himself. Aurora might not be the chosen’s strongest magic user, but the dark rainbow mega spell was one thing he could do better than any other. ‘Now then, neon trees said that she had her elements new holder fetch them for us, where is- Ah, there.’ The currently liquefied Purple Haze moved towards the yellow Pegasus clutching a book, she even looked like his dear Neon! But that similarity wasn’t going save her. He extended a long tendril of his ooze towards the unconscious Pegasus.

“Stay away from her you bucking slime!” A rock passed harmlessly through his liquid body. No harm could be inflicted on him while the S’Müz spell was still in effect. However, that didn’t change the fact that NOPONY INSULTS PURPLE HAZE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! He turned to the offending party, a light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane. He almost laughed at the similarities between the mare and Aurora.

“You, you heard me! Get away, from... From her!” The mare looked like she could barely stand up, and an obvious wound to her left wing meant that this pony wouldn’t even be able to fly.

“Oh really? You want me to get away from her? Well who exactly is going to stop me?” He asked gleefully.

“I am. Don’t worry boss, I got this one.” Purple haze spun around towards the new voice, preparing tendrils of his liquid body to tear its owner apart. What he saw baffled him. ‘Soap bubbles? Why where there soap bubbles-’

One of Haze’s tendrils struck a bubble, and exploded into a brilliant flash. ‘Sunlight!’ he screamed in agony as the offensive light reached his liquid flesh, turning it to stone and shattering it in an instant.

The blue Pegasus stared at the new arrival bewilderedly. “Derpy? What are you...?”

“Relax boss, I told you I’ve got this under control.” Said the grey Pegasus as soap bubbles floated around her. She turned to Purple Haze, glaring at him with one eye as the other looked in a completely different direction. “Now then, let’s see how you like this trick. Spiral Harmonic Overdrive!” She flapped her wing and struck several of the bubbles. Rather that bursting from the impact the bubbles colors became vibrant, and as she retracted her wing they began to spin at an incredible speed, flattening into rotating disk and flying at Haze. He raised several tendrils to block the bubbles but they cut through them and exploded on his main body. He screamed in pain.

Pain. He hadn’t felt pain in eons, even before he and his fellow chosen had sealed themselves to sustain them whiled the elements matured in power. This inferior Pegasus had the gall to make him feel it TWICE!

“I’LL KILL YOU!” He screamed as the surged towards his waiting enemy.

Nothing can stop the Smooze, Part 2

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Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy.

Nothing Can Stop the S’Müz part 2

Derpy flew up above the monster dodging each and every one of its tendrils, but stayed just within their range. She didn’t want to fight this thing in Ponyville after what she had been taught about it. Even as she dodged, one of the tendrils returned to liquid and splattered to the ground. Derpy winced as she heard the acidic hiss it made when it touched hay or grass, almost able to feel the result from the distortion in the air. Still, it wasn’t as bad as if it had landed on some pony.

Derpy had stopped using her eyes a while ago. This wasn’t a situation where telling anypony apart was a problem, so Derpy was able to use her special talent to its full potential. Rather than seeing the world, she could feel it with her wings, the air currents around her allowing her to view every direction the same and know every inch of her environment. She could feel the lake was still a kilometre away and realized she was almost out of the soap bubbles she had made earlier. Unfortunately, going faster while drawing this monster away from Ponyville meant she either had to move a distance away from it that she wasn’t comfortable with, or...

“Hey ya giant runny blob of play-doh! Can’t you even hit a cross eyed Pegasus who can barely fly?” Derpy shouted in her most annoying voice. Well, Derpy didn’t find it particularly annoying, but it drove Dash over the wall whenever she talked like that. Apparently the monster felt the same. It gurgled out a noise that sounded like several swear words, though that just might have been Derpy’s imagination, and burst towards the Pegasus almost hitting her before she could accelerate. Not that anything too bad would happen if she got hit by the slime, she had harmony emanating from every part of her body. The worst that monster could do to her was get her a little sticky if it stuck to that form.

‘But if it touches somepony else...’ She shook her head at the thought. ‘No need to think about that unless it happens, everpony will be fine so long as I can get to the lake!’ She focused hard on her air map, only a few more feet...

“There!” Derpy bellowed triumphantly as she reached the lake. She shot down into the water, opening her good eye as she did. She didn’t have the luxury of goggles here, and she couldn’t use the air map underwater, but it wasn’t very deep and she already knew exactly what she was looking for. ‘There it is!’ Derpy thought as she caught sight of the white package with black text printed on the front; Uncle Don’t Drop Brand Powdered Soap: from flat water to white froth in mere seconds!

She ripped the bag as she broke the surface, and true to the label the effect was instantaneous. Hundreds of bubbles followed her as she broke the water’s surface.

“Harmonic overdrive, White rush!” She shouted, flapping her wings madly to drive the froth towards the mass of slime approaching her. The bubbles hit the slime, exploding into light. She grinned as she heard an angry hiss from behind the wall of light and soap.

“THAT IS IT!!” Came an infuriated cry from behind the wall. Derpy’s face fell, the bubbles suddenly stopped moving. One by one they fell to ground and shattered.

“But, how?” She said bewildered, as her plan literally shattered before her.

“Urg, some of you survived? I thought we were quite thorough in the elimination of your clan.” Said an unfamiliar voice from behind the mass of bubbles, a dark blue light surrounded the remaining frozen bubbles. A second later they were all flattened against the ground, revealing a large white colt with wings along with six horns. He glared at Derpy with slit pupiled blue eyes.

“So “The white Multicorn began as he reformed his mane from the goo. “I suppose that you are wondering who I-“

“I know who you are.” Derpy growled, cutting the Multicorn off. “You are Purple Haze, the sixth and most magically diverse of the Ancient ones. The ability you just used is the most powerful shape shifting spell ever to exist and is forbidden by even the earliest equine laws, the song of the S’müz.” She moved her back hoof towards the lake behind her, if she could just dip it in...

Ice? She spun around to look at the lake. The lake was frozen solid. “My my, did you expect me to allow you to use that water to harm me?” She could hear Purple Haze coming closer to her. “You do realise that I fought your kind before my long slumber. I know that without a proper liquid conductor you can’t use the harmonic wave, and that you can’t simply attack me directly without risking being absorbed. Without your precious source of liquid, you are completely at my non-existent mercy” She could hear the smug satisfaction in his voice, and could see the smug smirk on his face in her mind even before she turned around.

‘I wish someone would brain him in the head with a rock.’ She thought resentfully as the colt raised his hoof to strike the killing blow.


‘What the...’ Derpy gaped. A rock had just hit Purple Haze in the head. She turned to look at the source of the rock at the same time as the irritated Multicorn. Rainbow Dash stood defiantly at the edge of Ponyville, left wing still torn and bloodly, with a pile of large rocks at her hooves.

“I told you to STAY AWAY!” The rainbow maned Pegasus shouted as she let a second rock fly. Purple Haze simply raised his hoof to deflect the stone, but Derpy noticed something odd about the rock as it flew. It was leaving a rainbow trail as it flew.

The stone struck the Raised foreleg of Purple Haze and melted straight through it. Derpy noted that it seemed to take the Multicorn several second to realise exactly what had happened and react.

Derpy gaped. ‘No way, how can she do that, she has no training and the only contact she’s had with harmony is...’ Derpy smacked herself in the face. ‘Rainbow Dash is an element of harmony! Of course she can use harmonic energy!’

“Come on weirdo! Stop picking on Derpy and try on someone your own size!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the Multicorn. The white stallion obliged her. He spun towards her on his good foreleg; his horns alight with navy blue magic and the whole in his other leg already knitting itself back together.

“I will return for you later harmonic, this one has gone out of her way to annoy us.” Purple Haze said coldly as he moved towards Dash.

Dash grinned. “Oh really? I don’t think you will get back to her because when I’m done with you,” Rainbow lunged at Haze “you’ll be slithering back to whatever slime hole you came from!”

(-) (-) (-)

The stallion’s face contorted in anger. ‘Good’ Dash thought as she flew, well honestly it was more of a glide because of her wings condition, through the air. ‘If he’s angry he’ll be easier to predict. That’s always a good thing when I have no idea what I’m doing.’

And in this case, she truly had no idea what she was fighting; the stallion in front of her had just solidified from purple gloop for Celestia’s sake! ‘So what, you’ve fought a bloody Draconequus before! Weird is nothing.’

“Wait Dash! You can’t fight this thing, you’re not ready yet!” Derpy shouted as she Galloped towards the two of them. She was fumbling with a hip flask she had just pulled out of a tree for some reason. ‘Why on earth would Derpy grab a hip flask? She can be pretty weird sometimes, but how is cider gonna help against this monster?’

Purple Haze turned towards the grey Pegasus, completely ignoring Rainbow Dash. “Oh, so you had a backup plan did you? Too bad I’m already prepared for your foolishness!” He said with a venomous hiss. His horns lit with dark blue magic, an aura of the same colour formed around Derpy lifting her into the air and slamming her into the tree she had removed the flask from.

“DON’T YOU TOUCH HER!” Rainbow shouted as she charged towards the Multicorn, fatigue and pain seemed to leave her as she moved. She twisted and bucked Purple Haze in the chest as hard as she could, the impact felt... Squishy? She twisted her head and was horrified to see that her Hooves were stuck in Purple Haze’s elastic flesh.

“Oh, did you think that your mortal strength would fell me? Let me show you what real strength looks like!” The Multicorn shouted as he raised his hoof to strike her. Rainbow Dash struggled to free her hooves without success, she looked around desperate for something to shield herself with. She saw a small silver flask, the one that Derpy had been holding. ‘Well it’s worth a shot’ she thought. She grabbed the metal container and twisted so that it was between her and Purple's swing. The top popped off from Derpy’s efforts, spilling the contents over Rainbow Dash. ‘Vegetable oil?’

Purple Haze brought his hoof down, hard; smashing through the flask like it was cheap glass work. Dash braced for the impact, but it never came. Instead of the meaty thump of hoof hitting flesh, Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear a scream of anguish. She fell to the ground startled as Purple Haze ejected her from his body. He was holding the hoof he had tried to hit her with, it was smouldering. The Multicorn gave her one last glower before spreading his wings and soaring away.

Rainbow blinked. “Okay, I’ll bite. What just happened?